SESSION 4.798 ...TRIPLE-LAYER ENCRYPTION… *VERIFIED* ...CHANNEL PRIVILEGES: MESSAGE ONLY ...CONNECTING ...CONNECTED [03:45:02]DR> ;) [03:45:22]TE> What do you want? [03:45:24]DR> Heard PSYOPS lost its SONGBIRD. Little shakeup at a compound off the northern coast? [03:45:32]TE> Can’t believe everything you hear, DR. ...RECEIVING COORDINATES ...RECEIVING IMAGE [03:47:04]DR> You might wanna check the second floor basement. [03:47:07]TE> How did you get this? [03:47:08]DR> It’s rude to ask a girl her secrets, TE. [03:47:17]TE> Why are you getting involved? Finally choosing a side? [03:47:30]DR> Just felt like watching some fireworks. [03:47:33]TE> You’ll get them. [03:47:37]DR> Don’t forget my tip. ...CHANNEL PRIVILEGES: MESSAGES DISABLED ...DISCONNECTING ...DISCONNECTED END SESSION