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Ax3S)?;mP+_=5\7/L<;MP+&p<7%f͟LQs*ȏ=P'H_IÕ),cIMb<ƪTjM#pO 9{V;){COFLE X>0iGz9櫴G wM@OL7s%c}IX&+9FMaGDGRq !LFZFw.=M1NX=)K8L7MjM=}>M.Ma&,(oLWhen Anivia turns into an egg, your chat name will become "Eggnivia". Because you're an egg.In the bot lane lives a little frog named George. If you spook him, he might jump out of the Rift.Pulsefire Ezreal can visit--and has visited--every single skinline universe! (Including a few he's keeping a secret.)When Braum buys Tier 1 boots he says, "These are too tight". When he buys Tier 2 boots he says, "Ha ha, perfect!The retired item, Philosopher's Stone, hangs upon a monument in the bottom half of the jungle. Dark Star Cho'gath was designed by a player named Bryan along with the LoL dev team.The Blue Sentinels will dance with Popstar Ahri if you hit Ctrl + 3. Night Hunter Rengar will put on a hood when you hit Ctrl + 5.Tahm Kench will make the scuttle crab dance when you hit Ctrl + 3.When Galaxy Slayer Zed kills another Zed he says, "Look at the skill. Look at the moves. Zed, what was that!?When hit by Lulu's W, the champion's name will turn into Squill.Pyke's knife will change color if you hit Ctrl + 5.Zoe twirls, jump ropes and yo-yos with her stars if you press Ctrl + 5 while walking.Kai'sa will put on her helmet if you press Ctrl + 5.When Leona's passive, Sunlight, hits champs wearing shades such as Vayne, her damage will be reduced by 1.Who will be the World Champion this year, on League's 10th anniversary?At the end of Season 1, the player Voyboy was Rank 1 in NA.Silver Scrapes was originally composed by Danny McCarthy.Remember the days of 4.20 Warwick and Devourer? We don't!Udyr was the first new champion released after the original forty champions.In 2010, we officially lost count of Amumu's tears.Off the coast of Australia, a Nautilus statue is growing into an artificial coral reef. In 2015, Gangplank was apparently killed by Miss Fortune. He left the rift briefly before returning with an amputated arm and a grimmer temper. The Ionian Boots of Lucidity were added after a battle where Ionia reclaimed its southern provinces from Noxus.EU was the first region to run Supports in the bot lane.HotshotGG pioneered the Split Push strategy in Season 1.League of Legends was officially released on October 27, 2009.Has it been a decade already? That's fifty-four in magical cat years." - YuumiLeague of Legends originally launched with a subtitle: Clash of Fates.Awkward confession. League of Legends is only six years old on Mac.The Music of League of Legends - Volume 1 released in 2015. Volume 1?!There are many ways to measure League of Legends: in years, in Teemos (Summoners Rift is 190 long!), and 200 IQ plays.Summoners Rift has had four shopkeepers. One of them was named Manbacon. No lie.League of Legends is localized in 19 languages.During Worlds 2014, with 1 HP left on their nexus, OMG came back to defeat FNC in a game that lasted 71 minutes and 29 seconds.Two of the most iconic cross map Ashe arrows were shot by aAa YellOwStaR in Season 1 and ROX PraY in Season 6.M5 Diamondprox was one of the first pro players to revolutionize the early meta by counter-jungling.Odyssey Kayn doesn't know Rhaast is a Dark Star corruptant. Shhh, nobody tell him. It's funnier that way.Atma's Impaler, Wriggles Lantern, Heart of Gold, Force of Nature, and Philosopher's Stone are all retired items that sometimes reappear.Player names have inspired some key items in League of Legends (Athene's, Ohmwrecker, and Maw of Malmortius)League of Legends was at one point released in a physical box.League of Legends currently has 145 champions. And we are still making more! WILLUMPBOT is the creator of all the Loading Screen Tips.High Noon was rebooted into High Noon Gothic because demon cowboys are better than cowboy cowboys.The city in PROJECT has only ever been referred to as The City. Does it have a name? Smells like a corporate conspiracy.Whenever a developer says "corruption" they have to put a dollar in the corruption jar.The Coven are very fashionable witches who want to bring a very unfashionable end to civilization.Remember that giant Thresh puppet? It now watches us from above the front door of the LCS studio.At IEM Katowice in 2013, xPeke won the game by backdooring the Nexus as Kassadin.The 2016 Worlds in Los Angeles was the first time a piece of music scored for a 5th match was ever played live.20 Mythic Essence2500 Blue EssenceBoarding PartyAhoy!!%i:scaleMS% @RegularMovementSpeed@ Move Speed (%i:scaleMS% @EmpoweredMovementSpeed@ in Divinity)750 Orange EssenceYour online time reached one hour.Your online time reached two hours.You are restricted and now into the tiredness game time, your reward from game will be restricted to 50%. For your heath, please log out, make some exercises, and manage your life and studying better.You are restricted and now into the indulgence game time. For your health, you need to log out immediately. Otherwise, your body will have physical damage. Your reward from game will be restricted to zero. You will only return to normal when your log-out time reaches 5 hours.Your ID infomation is not completed, and you will be restricted according to regulations. Please visit to finish your infomation.asxczElemental Form: AirLux has gained enough elemental power to master an element! Select an element to add it to her current form.

    "The wind sweeps through everything."
    Elemental Form: AirLux gains elemental power from damaging enemy champions with her spells. Upon gaining enough power, she is able to master an element and add it to her current form.

    Elemental Power: @MotePercent@%

    "The wind sweeps through everything."
    Elemental Mastery: AirAdd the element of Air to Lux's current form.

    "Winds, lift me to new heights!"
    Increased Attack Range. Abilities that deal damage with this weapon mark the victim, granting Aphelios a bonus long-range Attack against them.Attacks and Abilities using this weapon restore Health and can overheal you.Attacks with this weapon deal 110% damage and explode behind the target.Aphelios Attacks faster with this weapon the closer he is to his target and gains bonus damage on Ability hits.Attacks with this weapon apply a decaying Slow.RifleScythe PistolFlamethrowerChakramCannon{{ApheliosGun_LoreName_5}}CalibrumSeverumInfernumCrescendummirror ChakramGravitum{{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_1 }} ({{ ApheliosGun_GameplayDesc_1 }}){{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_2 }} ({{ ApheliosGun_GameplayDesc_2 }}){{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_3 }} ({{ ApheliosGun_GameplayDesc_3 }}){{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_4 }} ({{ ApheliosGun_GameplayDesc_4 }}){{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_5 }} ({{ ApheliosGun_GameplayDesc_5 }})Fire a long range shot, damaging the first enemy.Move fast and continuously fire both weapons at closest enemy over @spell.ApheliosSeverumQ:Duration@ seconds.Blast flames in the target direction and Attack all enemies hit with your off-hand weapon.Deploy a sentry equipped with a copy of Aphelios' off-hand weapon that Attacks nearby enemies.Root all enemies currently Slowed by {{ApheliosGun_LoreName_5}}.Next: CalibrumNext: SeverumNext: InfernumNext: CrescendumNext: GravitumAbility unlocks at level 2LOL BR X IconAshe's Tambourine IconBraum 7x1 IconGragas Gas IconBase theme description herevariant name here@keyTooltip@This unit has a Vendetta against them and deals decreased damage to the caster of this debuff.Lifeline: This unit is shielded.{{ Item_3050_Name }}An ally with {{ Item_3050_Name }} has chosen this unit as their Accomplice.This unit has used {{ Item_3050_Name }} to choose an Accomplice.This unit reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemies.Fimbulwinter - ShieldThis unit is shielded based on their current Mana and the number of surrounding enemy Champions.Dissipate: This unit has become a Force of Nature, gaining bonus Move Speed and taking reduced magic damage from enemy champions.Liandry's Anguish - BurnBurning for magic damage each second.Liandry's Anguish - Penetration@f1*100@% Magic Resist penetrated by this effect's caster.Luden's Tempest+@Item.6655:SpeedAmount*100@% Move SpeedEverfrost - RootRootedEverfrost - SlowSlowed by @Item.6656:SlowAmount*100@%.Refuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large Monsters damage fills up the Chemtank. At 100 stacks, your next basic attack deals magic damage to all surrounding enemies. {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supercharged: This unit has increased Move Speed towards enemy champions and structures, and will unleash a slowing shockwave when it gets near an enemy or at the end of the effect.Kraken SlayerAt 2 stacks, deal additional true damage on next Attack.Immortal Shieldbow - Attack Damage+@f1@ Attack DamageImmortal Shieldbow - Shield@f1@ ShieldDuskblade of Draktharr - StealthInvisibleEclipse - ShieldEclipse - Speed+@Item.6692:MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move SpeedProwler's Claw - VulnerabilityTaking @Item.6693:AmpAmount*100@% increased damage from this effect's caster.Umbral DashAatrox has increased Attack Damage.Source: @SourceName@Deathbringer Stance - MutilatorHealing and shielding on this champion is reduced.Source: @SourceName@Deathbringer StanceAatrox's next basic attack will deal bonus damage and heal him.Source: @SourceName@World EnderAatrox is reviving.Source: @SourceName@World EnderAatrox has increased Move Speed, Attack Damage, and increased healing. If he gets a takedown, this effect is extended.Source: @SourceName@Infernal ChainsThis unit is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Infernal ChainsThis unit needs to leave the area or will get pulled back to the center.Source: @SourceName@This unit takes amplified damage.Essence TheftMulti-striking an enemy champion with abilities grants Ahri a burst of Move Speed.Killing minions or monsters grants Ahri an Essence Fragment. After obtaining @MaxStacks@ Fragments, Ahri consumes them to restore @MinionHeal@ Health.

    When Ahri scores a takedown against an enemy champion within @TakedownWindow@ seconds of damaging them, she feasts upon their Essence, restoring @ChampionHeal@ Health.After killing 9 minions or monsters, Ahri heals.
    After taking down an enemy champion, Ahri heals for a greater amount.Shuriken FlipAkali can dash to the marked target and strike them.Assassin's MarkDealing spell damage to a champion creates a ring of energy around them. Exiting that ring empowers Akali's next Attack with bonus range and damage.Akali gains increased Move Speed.ObscuredAkali is Invisible and cannot be seen by enemies.Akshan is getting ready to swing heroically.Every three hits from Akshan's Attacks or Abilities deals additional magic damage.ShieldAkshan is shielded from damage.Akshan is overcharging his gun. Scoundrels should probably take cover.ScoundrelYou are a Scoundrel. Akshan is hunting you because you killed one of his friends. Akshan is Camouflaged, and has increased Move Speed and Mana Regen while moving towards Scoundrels.This unit takes bonus true damage whenever it is hit by magic damage.Sentry: {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_@f1@ }}Aphelios summoned a Sentry equipped with {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_@f1@ }}. Sentries periodically attack the nearest enemy, prioritizing champions (rate is based on Aphelios' attack speed).Source: @SourceName@{{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_2 }}SeverumGain a shield when the {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_2 }} heals you above max health.Source: @SourceName@Bel'Veth takes reduced damage and repeatedly Attacks the lowest Health enemy.InescapableShh.... it will all be over soon...
    Bel'Veth has assimilated @f2@% Attack Speed from her preySlowedThis unit is Slowed while Bel'Veth is transforming.Bel'Veth is in her true form, gaining an overwhelming amount of benefits.Concussive Blows ImmunityThis unit is immune to receiving stacks of Concussive Blows.Braum and his allies continue to add stacks of Concussive Blows with basic attacks, at 4 stacks this unit will be stunned.This unit is stunned.
    This unit deals @f8@% of its normal damage.
    This unit receives @f9@% of its normal damage.
    This unit's heals are @f2@% as effective.
    This unit's shields are @f13@% as effective.Dr. Mundo's next Attack will deal additional physical damage and swat the enemy away if they are killed.Dr. Mundo will resist the first Immobilizing effect he receives, instead taking damage and dropping a chemical cannister nearby.This unit is Slowed from Dr. Mundo's Infected Bonesaw.Dr. Mundo gains Attack Damage, Move Speed, and regenerates max Health over time.Dr. Mundo deals magic damage around himself and stores some damage taken as grey health.Chemtech DragonChemtech Dragon
    Deal up to @Spell.SRX_DragonBuffChemtech:MaxDamageAmpPerStack*100@% increased damage against enemies with more current health than you.This unit has a brief second life to get revenge.This unit is Camouflage by Chemtech Fog.

    {{Reminder_Camouflage}}Chemtech FogDeal up to @Spell.SRX_DragonBuffChemtech:MaxDamageAmpGasZone*100@% increased damage to enemies, based on how much more health they have than you currently.

    Camouflage if you have not attacked, channeled, or cast an ability within the last @Spell.SRX_DragonBuffChemtech:ChemtechCamoRestealth@ seconds.

    {{Reminder_Camouflage}}Hextech DragonHextech Dragon
    Grants %i:scaleCooldown% @Spell.SRX_DragonBuffHextech:AbilityHaste@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleAS% @Spell.SRX_DragonBuffHextech:AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed per stack.LightningGrants %i:scaleCooldown% @Spell.SRX_DragonBuffLightning:AbilityHaste@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleAS% @Spell.SRX_DragonBuffLightning:AttackSpeed*100@% per stack.@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffCooldown@s %i:cooldown%Cloud Dragon SoulGain @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:PersistentMSValue*100@% Move Speed, increased by an additional @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSAmount*100@% Move Speed for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffDuration@ seconds after casting your ultimate. (@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffCooldown@ second cooldown). Gain @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:PersistentMSValue*100@% Move Speed, increased to @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSAmount*100@% Move Speed for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffDuration@ seconds after casting your ultimate Ability. (@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffCooldown@ second cooldown).This Dragon Soul is on cooldown.Hextech soul is armed and ready.This unit is slowed by Hextech soul's effect.@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:ProcCooldown@s %i:cooldown%Infernal Dragon SoulDamaging Abilities and Attacks create an explosion around the target, dealing @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:TotalDamage@ adaptive damage.Damaging Abilities and Attacks create an explosion around the target, dealing @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:BaseDamage@ (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:BonusADRatio*100@% bonus attack damage) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:APRatio*100@% ability power) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:BonusHPRatio*100@% bonus health) adaptive damage.This Dragon Soul is read to trigger.Mountain Dragon SoulAvoid taking damage for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:TimeWithoutTakingDamage@s to regain your Mountain Soul Shield.Gain a @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:TotalShield@ Shield after avoiding damage for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:TimeWithoutTakingDamage@ seconds.Become shielded for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:BaseShieldValue@ (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:BonusADRatio*100@% bonus attack damage) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:APRatio*100@% ability power) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:BonusHPRatio*100@% bonus health) after avoiding champion damage for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:TimeWithoutTakingDamage@ seconds.Ocean Dragon SoulRestore @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:TotalHeal@ Health and @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:TotalMana@ Mana over @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:HealDuration.0@ seconds upon damaging an enemy.

    Reduced to @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:MinionPenalty*100@% versus minions and monsters.Regenerate @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:BaseHealValue@ (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:BonusADRatio*100@% bonus attack damage) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:APRatio*100@% ability power) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:BonusHPRatio*100@% bonus health) health and @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:BaseManaValue@ (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:ManaRatioForTooltip*100@% maximum mana) mana over @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:HealDuration.0@ seconds upon damaging an enemy.

    Reduced to @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:MinionPenalty*100@% versus minions and monsters.@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffRuined:ProcCooldown@s %i:cooldown%Ruined Dragon SoulWhen you take lethal damage, become a zombie with rapidly decaying health.Chemtech Dragon SoulHextech Dragon SoulWhen you damage an enemy with an attack or ability, also strike them with lightning, dealing @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffHextech:TotalDamage@ and slowing them by (%i:meleeActive%@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffHextech:TotalSlowAmountMelee@% || %i:rangedActive%@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffHextech:TotalSlowAmountRanged@%) decaying over @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffHextech:SlowDuration@ seconds. Lightning then chains to up to @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffHextech:BaseUnitsToHit@ nearby enemies, repeating the effect.

    This slow stacks from multiple sources. The slow decays slower when striking ranged opponents.When you damage an enemy with an attack or ability, also strike them with lightning, dealing @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffLightning:TotalDamage@ and slowing them by (%i:meleeActive%@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffLightning:TotalSlowAmountMelee@% || %i:rangedActive%@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffLightning:TotalSlowAmountRanged@%) decaying over @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffLightning:SlowDuration@ seconds. Lightning then chains to up to @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffLightning:BaseUnitsToHit@ nearby enemies, repeating the effect.

    This slow stacks from multiple sources. The slow decays slower when striking ranged opponents.Aspect of the DragonDamaging enemies causes them to burn for @f1*3@ true damage (based on game duration) over @Spell.ElderDragonBuff:DebuffDuration@ seconds. Damaging an enemy champion below @Spell.ElderDragonBuff:ElderExecuteThresholdPercent*100@% Health blasts them with Dragonfire, dealing 100% of their max Health as true damage.Heart of the StormThis unit has increased healing and shielding.Rising Spell ForceEzreal has @f1@% increased Attack Speed.Ezreal can detonate this to deal extra damage.Garen's spinning sword shreds armor, reducing this unit's armor by a percentage.Garen is spinning to win.Garen has taken damage recently and Perseverance is on cooldown.Garen is regenerating health.Garen's next attack silences his target and deals bonus damage.Garen's Move Speed is increased.Garen is taking reduced damage.Glacial Augment is on cooldown.Glacial Augment is ready.Restoring mana every second.Restoring health and mana every second.This unit is about to get Converged on.Immolate: This unit deals continuous magic damage around them.Flametouch: This unit is taking extra damage from being on fire.This unit has increased Move Speed towards it's partner.Cooldown for the Move Speed boost effect.This unit's Attack Speed is reduced.This unit is temporarily shielded.Fortify: Increase your Bonus Armor and Bonus Magic Resist for a few seconds when a Champion deals damage to you (stacks once per Champion).This unit has extra health regeneration from taking damage from champions recently.This unit has been Slowed or Immobilized. If an ally damages them, they deal bonus damage and the ally and original caster gain Move Speed. This unit deals continuous magic damage around them.This unit has a Vendetta and gains damage reduction against their Nemesis.This unit has reduced Tenacity.Endure: This unit is regenerating healthMadnessThis unit deals increasing damage while in combat with enemy champions through the power of being really really angry.This unit is slowed.SearThis unit is suffering magic damage every second. It burns!!Starfire SpellbladeThis unit's next attack is ranged and deals bonus damage to low health enemies.ZealThis unit has increased Attack Speed.ExaltedThis unit has increased Move Speed.SunderedThis unit has reduced Armor and Magic Resistance.Radiant BlastThis unit's Move Speed has been reduced.InterventionThis unit is immune to damage.Celestial BlessingLethal Tempo
    This unit gains ramping Attack Speed each time they attack an enemy champion, up to a max.

    At the maximum, they also gain increased Attack Range.

    Source: @SourceName@Slowed by LilliaDream Dust
    Lillia is dealing periodic damage to this unit, and it can be affected by her Ultimate.PranceLillia has increased Move Speed. This effect stacks.Shhh.. They're AsleepThis unit is Asleep and will be woken up when they take damage...

    Sorry....IlluminationLux's damaging Abilities mark enemies for @DebuffDuration@ seconds. Lux's Attacks consume the mark, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Final Spark will consume marks on enemies it hits and refresh them.Damaging spells afflict enemies with Illumination.

    Lux's basic attacks consume Illumination, dealing bonus damage.Zz'Rot SwarmSummons an additional Voidling the next time Void Swarm is cast.RageMaokai has increased Armor and Magic Resist. At max stacks, he also has increased Health.Love TapMiss Fortune's basic attacks deal @f1@ bonus physical damage whenever she attacks a new target. Bonus damage is halved against minions.Miss Fortune's first basic attack on a new target deals bonus damage.Strength of StoneThis unit has increased Armor and Health Regeneration. He is also extra tricky!Spinning is WinningWukong's ultimate is available to be cast a second time!Death's GraspThis unit is being displaced.Darkness RiseThis unit has increased speed and is dealing persistent area damage.Stolen SpiritThis unit has had their spirit stolen, and is missing some of their stats.This unit has stolen the spirit of another, gaining some of their stats.IndestructibleThis unit is shielded.Black ShieldThis unit is immune to disables and absorbs incoming magic damage.Dark BindingThis unit is unable to move. Lasts for roughly 3 years.Soul ShacklesThis unit's soul has been shackled to Morgana. It has reduced Move Speed and, if unable to break the shackles, will receive damage and be stunned at the end of the ability's duration.
    Morgana has shackled herself to nearby champions. She moves faster towards them and if she keeps them nearby until the end of the ability's duration, they will receive damage and be stunned.
    Joy UnendingJubilant VeilInherent GlamourNeeko gains magic penetration.Umbra BladesEvery 10 seconds, Nocturne's next attack will strike surrounding enemies for 120% physical damage and restore @f1@ (+@f2@) Health per target hit.

    Nocturne's basic attacks reduce this cooldown by 1 second (2 against champions).Periodically, Nocturne's next basic attack will cleave through all nearby enemies and heal him.
    This unit deals @f8@% of its normal damage.
    This unit receives @f9@% of its normal damage.
    This unit's heals are @f15@% as effective.
    This unit has @f7@% of its normal Move Speed.
    This unit's shields are @f14@% as effective.Olaf's thrown axe has reduced this unit's armor by a percentage.This unit is shielded from damage by pure determination.Item Ready!Ornn is able to upgrade an ally's item!Pantheon's Move Speed is increasedAegis AssaultPantheon is invulnerable to attacks from the front and striking rapidly.Mortal WillPantheon is stacking towards an empowered spell.Pantheon's next base spell is empowered.Comet Spear SlowThis unit's Move Speed is reduced.Grand Starfall SlowShield VaultPantheon's next basic attack is empowered.{{perk_displayname_FirstStrike}}{{perk_displayname_FirstStrike}} is on cooldown.Source: @SourceName@Seeking PreyPyke is not near enough enemies to feel threatened; he converts less damage taken into grey health.In The DepthsPyke is currently surrounded by enemies, his natural habitat, and converting more damage taken to grey health.FrozenThis unit is rooted and unable to move.Qiyana has chilled this target, slowing them. Brush EnchantmentQiyana is stealthed and has additional Move Speed.ShovedQiyana has blasted this unit backwards with a massive shockwave.StunnedThis unit is stunned and unable to move or act. Rakan has knocked this unit in the air.This unit's Attack Damage and Critical Strike Damage are reduced.ShreddedRell has attacked this unit with her lance and has stolen a portion of their Armor and MR.LeverageUnit is marked for death.Renata has marked this unit for death.HandshakeRenata has rooted this unit.BerserkEver wanted to kill your teammates? Now you can!BailoutFight or die!Cloud ZoneGaining @Spell.SRX_CloudZoneSpeedBuff:SpeedBuff*100@% Move Speed whilst inside Cloud Zones. Ruined Dragon BuffDeal up to @Spell.SRX_DragonBuffRuined:MaxDamageAmpPerStack*100@% increased damage to enemies per stack, based on how much more health they have than you currently.@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%Damage Dealt: @BaseDamage@ - @f1@
    Damage Type: Physical/Magical

    Your next damaging ability or basic attack explodes, dealing DAMAGE NUMBER / DAMAGE TYPE damage to the target and nearby enemies.Blade WhirlBlocking enemy missiles.Source: @SourceName@Cloak of MistThis unit is camouflaged while hiding in the Mist.Wraith FormThis unit has become a wraith. Wraiths hide their identity from enemies, are unselectable, and gain increased Move Speed.Curse of the Black MistThis unit has dissolved into Mist and hides nearby allies from view.Essence TapWeakened SoulSenna will absorb Mist from this unit and deal bonus damage if she hits it a second time.AbsolutionSenna has increased stats from absorbing Mist:
    Attack Damage - @f4@
    Range - @f2@
    Critical Strike Chance - @f1@%
    Lifesteal - @f3@%Oh the eternity we shall spend together.Senna and Lucian seem tired. Why not put them to rest?

    If Senna or Lucian die within 3 seconds of being damaged by Thresh he will imprison their soul in the Lantern, gaining some of their power.Sentinels of Light don't fear the darkThresh is on the move. This monster needs to be put down.

    If Thresh dies within 3 seconds of being damaged by Senna or Lucian they will release his soul from the Black Mist, gaining some of his power.Relax, just... let go.Poor Lucian, he was never able to find peace. Thresh has imprisoned his soul and absorbed some of his power gaining +@f2@ Attack Damage, +@f1@ Attack Range, and +@f3@% Critical Strike Chance.
    Welcome HomePoor Senna, nobody escapes the lantern. Thresh has recaptured her soul and absorbed some of her power gaining +@f2@ Attack Damage, +@f1@ Attack Range, and +@f3@% Critical Strike Chance.Purity… peaceThresh has finally been allowed to pass. This unit has absorbed some of his power gaining +@f1@ Ability Power and +@f2@ Armor.SanctuaryThis unit absorbs incoming damage.Grasp of the Shadow IslesThis unit is unable to move.This unit and its nearby allies will be immobilized after a brief delay.RootThis unit is rooted.SlowThis unit has reduced Move Speed.StunEchoSeraphine's next basic spell cast will Echo.NotesSeraphine's next basic attack has bonus range and deals additional magic damage.HealSeraphine will heal nearby allied champions.HasteThis unit has increased Move Speed. Such grace!This unit is shielded from damage.Looking for a FightGain Move Speed toward enemy champions.This unit's Move Speed is slowed.Not Mad YetSett has increased defenses.asdSett has a rapidly decaying shield.Down But Not OutTotal bonus Armor and Magic Resistance: @f1@Sion has +@f1@ Max Health.Bounty HuntingThis character has Ricochet auto attacks and enhanced attack speed.Sona's next {{ Spell_SonaPassive_Name }} enhanced attack will also Slow the target by @Spell.SonaE:TotalTempoMoveSpeedSlow@ for @Spell.SonaE:TempoDuration@ seconds.Sona is playing an exciting song, granting nearby allies increased move speed.AccelerandoAccelerando: Sona gains Accelerando stacks from using her Basic Abilities well. She gains +%i:scaleAH% @Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoAHPerStack@ Basic Ability Haste permanently per stack, up to %i:scaleAH% @Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoCap@ Basic Ability Haste. When she reaches %i:scaleAH% @Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoCap@ Basic Ability Haste, instead of gaining further stacks her current Ultimate Ability's cooldown is reduced by @Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoUltCDR@ seconds.

    Currently granting +%i:scaleAH%@Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoAHCurrent@This unit will deal extra magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit on their next attack.Sona's next {{ Spell_SonaPassive_Name }} enhanced attack will deal @Spell.SonaQ:TotalStaccatoDamage@ magic damage instead.Sona is playing a spicy hymn, granting nearby allies bonus magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit on their next attack.This unit has a shield that blocks incoming damage until it is broken.Sona's next {{ Spell_SonaPassive_Name }} enhanced attack will also cause the target to deal @Spell.SonaW:TotalDiminuendoWeakenPercent@ less damage for @Spell.SonaW:DiminuendoDuration@ seconds.This character's damage output is reduced.Sona is playing a shielding aria, shielding nearby allies.Static FieldAbout to be shocked by Blitzcrank!AbscondSylas is shielded against magic damage.UnshackledSylas' next attack will be empowered.HijackSylas is holding onto a stolen ultimate!Sylas has stolen this enemy's ultimate!Scatter the Weak
    Syndra has deemed you weak, stunning you.Source: @SourceName@TranscendentThis unit is marked by Syndra for collection.This unit took a licking and is now slowed.This unit took a lot of licking and is now stunned.Bleh, disguisting!Delicious!This unit has bonus move speed from Devouring an ally.This unit has been knocked up by a very large fish surfacing from the river.

    Don't ask where the river came from.This unit is stunned after tripping over a rock.Unit is shielded.Unit is enveloped in mist.UNIQUE Passive - Warming Up: Turrets gain damage each time they strike a champion.Attack-Smite Gold ReductionGain 50% less gold from lane minons.Attack-SmiteAuto Attacks on allied Buff Monsters, Scuttle Crab, Dragons, Rift Herald, and Baron will automatically Smite if the monster's health is lower than Smite's damage.

    Attack-Smite does not have a cooldown.Echoes of RuinationGain 3 stacks of @keyName@ from killing Dragon
    Attacking Towers deals an extra 0.1% of the tower's max health damage over time per stack of @keyName@.This unit is taking extra max health damage per second.Varus has increased Attack Speed after killing an enemy.Varus is readying a powerful shot.Impending DoomVex is getting upset!DoomVex is upset. Her next basic ability will Fear enemies hit.FearFleeing in FearGloomYou recently Dashed or were Displaced. Vex thinks that's annoying.Vex can dash to the marked target and damage themPersonal SpaceVex is shielded from annoyances.This unit has increased Attack Speed and Move Speed.Lord of the MistThis unit is camouflaged while in the Mist.Soul TransferThis unit is untargetable.Trapped in DeathThis soul has become trapped in the mist and can be possessed by Viego.PossessionViego has dominated the soul of an enemy champion.This unit will be hit twice by Viego's next attack.This unit has reduced move speed.This unit is being knocked back.This unit has reduced move speed (and a broken heart).Egg TimerViego's ice egg is on cooldown.Shurima!Viego's Sun Disc is on cooldown.Cellular DivisionViego's green colored revive is on cooldown.Glorious EvolutionViktor is prototyping a Hex Upgrade.InevitableShh.... it will all be over soon...
    Void Empress has assimilated @f2@% Attack Speed from her preySlowed by Volibear's lightning energy.Volibear is shielded by electrical energy.Volibear has increased Attack Speed. At 5 stacks his Attacks create chain lightning.Stunned by Volibear.Volibear's next attack will deal bonus damage and stun his target.Volibear has increased health and attack range, and can pass through units.Volibear has temporarily disabled this tower.OhmwreckerVolibear's next Frenzied Maul will deal bonus damage and heal him.Mortal SteelZoomiesThis character has been healed and has extra Move Speed and Attack Speed. Zoom!Bop 'n' BlockYuumi is granting this unit a shield that follows wherever she goes!Prowling ProjectileSlowed by Yuumi's Prowling Projectile.Final ChapterRooted by Yuumi's Final ChapterIf this character is hit with three waves of Yuumi's ult, they are rooted!You and Me!Yuumi is attached to this champion and is untargetable. Yuumi is untargetable and attached to one of her allies.Yuumi is Attached to this unit and is untargetable.Let's Bounce!Slowed by Zac's bouncing.This unit's attacks pierce!Lightning RoundsGotta Zip!This unit is FAST!This unit has stolen an enemy's shield.Zapped!Fully ChargedZeri's next basic attack will deal bonus damage. ZAP!OverchargedThis unit has increased damage, Attack Speed, and Move Speed.Zaunite IngenuityKids from the Undercity stick together.Damaging an enemy champion will apply Grievous Wounds.ShockedThis unit is slowed by Hextech Dragon's shocking attacks.Hextech AttacksEvery @Spell.sru_dragon_hextech_Attack:EveryXAttacks@th attack causes lightning to chain to nearby units, damaging and slowing them.A Mythic GemstoneLoot Exclusive ContentA masterwork chest and keythe Darkin BladeAatrox
    • Aatrox's attacks are very telegraphed, so use the time to dodge the hit zones.
    • Aatrox's Infernal Chains are easier to exit when running towards the sides or at Aatrox.
    • Keep your distance when Aatrox uses his Ultimate to prevent him from reviving.
    • Use Umbral Dash while casting The Darkin Blade to increase your chances of hitting the enemy.
    • Crowd Control abilities like Infernal Chains or your allies' immobilizing effects will help you set up The Darkin Blade.
    • Cast World Ender when you are sure you can force a fight.
    QiyanaMist WraithSenna can attack this soul to absorb its power, freeing it from the Black Mist.Mist WraithSennaBorn in Piltover to Zaunite parents, Seraphine can hear the souls of others—the world sings to her, and she sings back. Though these sounds overwhelmed her in her youth, she now draws on them for inspiration, turning the chaos into a symphony. She performs for the sister cities to remind their citizens that they're not alone, that they're stronger together, and that, in her eyes, their potential is limitless.SeraphineMist WraithViego can attack this soul to possess it.Elemental Form: DarkLux has mastered opposing elements and has transcended to a higher form.

    "Relinquish your spark."
    Twisted TreelineSummoner's RiftHowling AbyssTeamfight TacticsARAMCo-op vs. AICustomNormalRankedIn Champion SelectIn LobbyHosting custom gameIn GameIn QueueOut of gameAhriAnnieAsheAurelion SolBardMeepBlitzcrankCaitlynCassiopeiaCho'GathDariusEkkoEzrealFioraFizzGangplankGnarGravesIllaoiIreliaJannaJarvan IVJayceJhinJinxKai'SaKarmaKassadinKayleKha'ZixKog'MawLeonaLucianLuluLuxMalphiteMaster YiMiss FortuneMordekaiserNautilusNeekoNocturnePoppyRakanRivenRumbleShacoShenSonaSorakaSyndraTeemoThreshTwisted FateUrgotVayneVel'KozViViktorWukongXayahXin ZhaoYasuoZedZiggsZoeAkaliAlistarApheliosSentry TurretAzirSand GuardAzirUltSoldierBrandBraumCamilleDianaEliseEliseSpiderEvelynnGalioGarenHecarimJaxKalistaKatarinaKaynKennenKindredLee SinLilliaLissandraMaokaiMorganaNexus MinionNamiNasusNidaleeNunu & WillumpOlafOrnnPykeRyzeSamiraSejuaniSettShyvanaShyvanaDragonSivirSwainSwainDemonFormSylasTahm KenchTalonTristanaTryndamereVeigarVladimirWarwickYoneYuumiZileanThe MonstrosityAkshanDraconic EggDravenFiddlesticksGragasGwenBaby DragonBig Baby DragonHeimerdingerIvernDaisyWolfKledKledMountKledRiderLeBlancLuluPolymorphCritterNidaleeCougarPantheonRellRengarTaricTrundleTwitchUdyrVarusViegoVolibearXerathXinZhaoYorickZyraAmumuCorkiDr. MundoTreasure Dragon EggHexcoreMechanical DragonMalzaharMechanical ScarabMercenary ChestOriannaQuinnRammusRek'SaiRenata GlascSilcoYorickGhoulMeleeSingedSionTFT5_DraconicEggMechanical BearVelKozVexZacZeriZyraThornPlantAniviaAo ShinSohmCosmic VoidDaejaTerraIdasShi Oh YuZippySy'fenTyrant SwainGnarBigIllaoiMinionZoe's DaisyJade StatueJinxMineKarthusSeastoneLeblancMonstrosityNEXUSBLITZ_NexusWalkingNilahNomsyZoeOrbsGolden Dragon's HoardSkarnerTaliyahTempest StrikeDummyInvincible DummyMelee DummyRanged DummyKhazixRekSaiTwistedFateB.F. SwordChain VestTarget DummyVoidspawnElemental Form: NatureLux has gained enough elemental power to master an element! Select an element to add it to her current form.

    "The seeds of conflict bear bitter fruit."
    Elemental Form: NatureLux gains elemental power from damaging enemy champions with her spells. Upon gaining enough power, she is able to master an element and add it to her current form.

    Elemental Power: @MotePercent@%

    "The seeds of conflict bear bitter fruit."
    Elemental Mastery: NatureAdd the element of Nature to Lux's current form.

    "The seeds of potential have blossomed!"
    Spiderlings deal @spell.EliseR:SpiderTotalDamage@ magic damage and take @Effect4Amount@% reduced damage from multi-target Abilities.30% chance to swap to botlaneNo manatees were harmed in the making of this modeThank you for reading me+100% damage to Elder Lizards and associated spiritsThis champion would like you to buff them, please{{ Extra_Awesome_13_@f14@ }}+10000 gold for killing Teemo+10000 gold for killing ZoeYou did it. You found the secret tooltip. Go you+10000 gold for killing Shaco+10000 gold for killing Zed+10000 gold for killing Akali+10000 gold for killing Yuumi+10000 gold for killing Sylas+10000 gold for killing Azir+10000 gold for killing Blitzcrank+10000 gold for killing Fizz100% chance to place, at least, second@SpellSlot.R:DisplayName@ will be used extra effectively this gameTakes 30% reduced damage from UnicornsCurrent Forecast: Chilly, with a moderate to high chance of violent deathThis unit deals tons of damageEvery third hit will deal 100% of the damage it was going to doChampion reroll cost reduced by 1 goldParticipation Bonus: Activated!+1 Really Useful Tooltips+40000 Potato AffinityThis unit wants to be the very best, like no one ever was.Your attacks have a small chance to rework RyzeDamage received by champions not in this game is reduced by 200%.Protection against superfluous decisivenessThis unit is vulnerable to consequences{{ Extra_Awesome_28_@f14@ }}This unit wants to be an astronaut when it grows upThis unit is grown upPlease do not feed the manatees (unless you have ice cream sandwiches)Golden Spatulas' shininess increased by 87.4%The damage you deal is dealt as damage10 years is 5256000 minutes+100% chance to befriend VilemawNexuses destroyed this game: 0Activate 6 Dusk to make the map much darkerThis buff was made possible by the contributions to your shopkeeper station from players like you. Thank you.+10% chance to find a friendly frogDid you know that you can tell the difference between a West Indian manatee and a Summoner's Rift Manatee by the fact that only one has a minigun.Did you know that the chances of a manatee being attacked by a wolf are low, but never zeroDo you ever wonder what URF cooks with that spatula?This line will randomly change colors#800000#9A6324#4363d8#911eb4#f032e6#fabebe#ffd8b1#fffac8#aaffc3#e6beff#eeeeee#808000#469990#e6194B#f58231#ffe119#bfef45#3cb44b#42d4f4Pew pew pew %i:scaleAP% %i:scaleAP% %i:scaleAP%And my axe %i:scaleAD%This champion is secretly NeekoThis tooltip believes in youThis tooltip reminds you to drink plenty of waterElemental Form: MysticLux has mastered the elements of Nature and Water and has transcended to a higher form.

    "This is a dream come true!"
    Elemental Form: FireLux has gained enough elemental power to master an element! Select an element to add it to her current form.

    "Well, this place isn't going to burn itself down."
    Elemental Form: FireLux gains elemental power from damaging enemy champions with her spells. Upon gaining enough power, she is able to master an element and add it to her current form.

    Elemental Power: @MotePercent@%

    "Well, this place isn't going to burn itself down."
    Elemental Mastery: FireAdd the element of Fire to Lux's current form.

    "Is it hot in here, or is it just me?"
    Fimbulwinter - ShieldThis unit is shielded based on their current Mana and the number of surrounding enemy Champions.Fimbulwinter - ShieldFimbulwinter - ShieldThis unit is shielded based on their current Mana and the number of surrounding enemy Champions.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLuden's Tempest+@Item.6655:SpeedAmount*100@% Move SpeedLuden's TempestLuden's Tempest+@Item.6655:SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKraken SlayerAt 2 stacks, deal additional true damage on next Attack.Kraken SlayerKraken SlayerAt 2 stacks, deal additional true damage on next Attack.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoImmortal Shieldbow - Attack Damage+@f1@ Attack DamageImmortal Shieldbow - Attack DamageImmortal Shieldbow - Attack Damage+@f1@ Attack Damage
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDuskblade of Draktharr - StealthInvisibleDuskblade of Draktharr - StealthDuskblade of Draktharr - StealthInvisible
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEclipse - Shield@f1@ ShieldEclipse - ShieldEclipse - Shield@f1@ Shield
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEclipse - Speed+@Item.6692:MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move SpeedEclipse - SpeedEclipse - Speed+@Item.6692:MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed
    Press [Shift] to show more infoChilling Smite ProgressSmites Remaining until Chilling Smite is unlockedChilling Smite ProgressChilling Smite ProgressSmites Remaining until Chilling Smite is unlocked
    Press [Shift] to show more infoImmolating Smite ProgressSmites Remaining until Immolating Smite is unlockedImmolating Smite ProgressImmolating Smite ProgressSmites Remaining until Immolating Smite is unlocked
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMountain Dragon SoulAvoid taking damage for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:TimeWithoutTakingDamage@s to regain your Mountain Soul Shield.Mountain Dragon SoulMountain Dragon SoulAvoid taking damage for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:TimeWithoutTakingDamage@s to regain your Mountain Soul Shield.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMountain Dragon SoulGain a @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:TotalShield@ Shield after avoiding damage for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:TimeWithoutTakingDamage@ seconds.Mountain Dragon SoulGain a @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:TotalShield@ Shield after avoiding damage for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:TimeWithoutTakingDamage@ seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoChemtech DragonThis unit is Camouflage by Chemtech Fog.

    Chemtech DragonChemtech DragonThis unit is Camouflage by Chemtech Fog.


    Press [Shift] to show more infoChemtech FogDeal up to @Spell.SRX_DragonBuffChemtech:MaxDamageAmpGasZone*100@% increased damage to enemies, based on how much more health they have than you currently.

    Camouflage if you have not attacked, channeled, or cast an ability within the last @Spell.SRX_DragonBuffChemtech:ChemtechCamoRestealth@ seconds.

    Chemtech FogChemtech FogDeal up to @Spell.SRX_DragonBuffChemtech:MaxDamageAmpGasZone*100@% increased damage to enemies, based on how much more health they have than you currently.

    Camouflage if you have not attacked, channeled, or cast an ability within the last @Spell.SRX_DragonBuffChemtech:ChemtechCamoRestealth@ seconds.


    Press [Shift] to show more infoChemtech Dragon SoulWhen you take lethal damage, become a zombie with rapidly decaying health.Chemtech Dragon SoulChemtech Dragon SoulWhen you take lethal damage, become a zombie with rapidly decaying health.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCloud Dragon Soul@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffCooldown@s %i:cooldown%Gain @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:PersistentMSValue*100@% Move Speed, increased to @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSAmount*100@% Move Speed for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffDuration@ seconds after casting your ultimate Ability. (@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffCooldown@ second cooldown).Cloud Dragon Soul@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffCooldown@s %i:cooldown%Cloud Dragon Soul@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffCooldown@s %i:cooldown%Gain @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:PersistentMSValue*100@% Move Speed, increased to @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSAmount*100@% Move Speed for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffDuration@ seconds after casting your ultimate Ability. (@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffCooldown@ second cooldown).
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCloud Dragon Soul@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffCooldown@s %i:cooldown%Gain @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:PersistentMSValue*100@% Move Speed, increased by an additional @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSAmount*100@% Move Speed for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffDuration@ seconds after casting your ultimate. (@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffCooldown@ second cooldown). Cloud Dragon Soul@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffCooldown@s %i:cooldown%Gain @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:PersistentMSValue*100@% Move Speed, increased by an additional @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSAmount*100@% Move Speed for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffDuration@ seconds after casting your ultimate. (@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffCooldown@ second cooldown).
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHextech Dragon SoulThis Dragon Soul is on cooldown.Hextech Dragon SoulHextech Dragon SoulThis Dragon Soul is on cooldown.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHextech Dragon SoulWhen you damage an enemy with an attack or ability, also strike them with lightning, dealing @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffHextech:TotalDamage@ and slowing them by (%i:meleeActive%@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffHextech:TotalSlowAmountMelee@% || %i:rangedActive%@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffHextech:TotalSlowAmountRanged@%) decaying over @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffHextech:SlowDuration@ seconds. Lightning then chains to up to @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffHextech:BaseUnitsToHit@ nearby enemies, repeating the effect.

    This slow stacks from multiple sources. The slow decays slower when striking ranged opponents.
    Hextech Dragon SoulWhen you damage an enemy with an attack or ability, also strike them with lightning, dealing @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffHextech:TotalDamage@ and slowing them by (%i:meleeActive%@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffHextech:TotalSlowAmountMelee@% || %i:rangedActive%@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffHextech:TotalSlowAmountRanged@%) decaying over @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffHextech:SlowDuration@ seconds. Lightning then chains to up to @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffHextech:BaseUnitsToHit@ nearby enemies, repeating the effect.

    This slow stacks from multiple sources. The slow decays slower when striking ranged opponents.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoHextech Dragon SoulHextech soul is armed and ready.Hextech Dragon SoulHextech soul is armed and ready.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHextech Dragon SoulThis unit is slowed by Hextech soul's effect.Hextech Dragon SoulThis unit is slowed by Hextech soul's effect.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoInfernal Dragon Soul@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:ProcCooldown@s %i:cooldown%Damaging Abilities and Attacks create an explosion around the target, dealing @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:BaseDamage@ (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:BonusADRatio*100@% bonus attack damage) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:APRatio*100@% ability power) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:BonusHPRatio*100@% bonus health) adaptive damage.Infernal Dragon Soul@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:ProcCooldown@s %i:cooldown%Infernal Dragon Soul@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:ProcCooldown@s %i:cooldown%Damaging Abilities and Attacks create an explosion around the target, dealing @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:BaseDamage@ (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:BonusADRatio*100@% bonus attack damage) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:APRatio*100@% ability power) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:BonusHPRatio*100@% bonus health) adaptive damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoInfernal Dragon Soul@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:ProcCooldown@s %i:cooldown%Damaging Abilities and Attacks create an explosion around the target, dealing @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:TotalDamage@ adaptive damage.Infernal Dragon Soul@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:ProcCooldown@s %i:cooldown%Damaging Abilities and Attacks create an explosion around the target, dealing @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:TotalDamage@ adaptive damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMountain Dragon SoulBecome shielded for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:BaseShieldValue@ (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:BonusADRatio*100@% bonus attack damage) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:APRatio*100@% ability power) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:BonusHPRatio*100@% bonus health) after avoiding champion damage for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:TimeWithoutTakingDamage@ seconds.Mountain Dragon SoulBecome shielded for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:BaseShieldValue@ (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:BonusADRatio*100@% bonus attack damage) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:APRatio*100@% ability power) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:BonusHPRatio*100@% bonus health) after avoiding champion damage for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:TimeWithoutTakingDamage@ seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoOcean Dragon SoulRegenerate @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:BaseHealValue@ (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:BonusADRatio*100@% bonus attack damage) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:APRatio*100@% ability power) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:BonusHPRatio*100@% bonus health) health and @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:BaseManaValue@ (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:ManaRatioForTooltip*100@% maximum mana) mana over @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:HealDuration.0@ seconds upon damaging an enemy.

    Reduced to @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:MinionPenalty*100@% versus minions and monsters.
    Ocean Dragon SoulOcean Dragon SoulRegenerate @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:BaseHealValue@ (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:BonusADRatio*100@% bonus attack damage) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:APRatio*100@% ability power) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:BonusHPRatio*100@% bonus health) health and @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:BaseManaValue@ (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:ManaRatioForTooltip*100@% maximum mana) mana over @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:HealDuration.0@ seconds upon damaging an enemy.

    Reduced to @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:MinionPenalty*100@% versus minions and monsters.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoOcean Dragon SoulRestore @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:TotalHeal@ Health and @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:TotalMana@ Mana over @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:HealDuration.0@ seconds upon damaging an enemy.

    Reduced to @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:MinionPenalty*100@% versus minions and monsters.
    Ocean Dragon SoulRestore @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:TotalHeal@ Health and @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:TotalMana@ Mana over @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:HealDuration.0@ seconds upon damaging an enemy.

    Reduced to @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:MinionPenalty*100@% versus minions and monsters.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRuined Dragon SoulWhen you take lethal damage, become a zombie with rapidly decaying health.Ruined Dragon SoulRuined Dragon SoulWhen you take lethal damage, become a zombie with rapidly decaying health.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSoul FurnaceSion has +@f1@ Max Health.Soul FurnaceSoul FurnaceSion has +@f1@ Max Health.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAttack-SmiteAuto Attacks on allied Buff Monsters, Scuttle Crab, Dragons, Rift Herald, and Baron will automatically Smite if the monster's health is lower than Smite's damage.

    Attack-Smite does not have a cooldown.
    Attack-SmiteAttack-SmiteAuto Attacks on allied Buff Monsters, Scuttle Crab, Dragons, Rift Herald, and Baron will automatically Smite if the monster's health is lower than Smite's damage.

    Attack-Smite does not have a cooldown.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAttack-Smite Gold ReductionGain 50% less gold from lane minons.Attack-Smite Gold ReductionAttack-Smite Gold ReductionGain 50% less gold from lane minons.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEchoes of RuinationGain 3 stacks of Echoes of Ruination from killing Dragon
    Attacking Towers deals an extra 0.1% of the tower's max health damage over time per stack of Echoes of Ruination.
    Echoes of RuinationEchoes of RuinationGain 3 stacks of Echoes of Ruination from killing Dragon
    Attacking Towers deals an extra 0.1% of the tower's max health damage over time per stack of Echoes of Ruination.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZaunite IngenuityKids from the Undercity stick together.Zaunite IngenuityZaunite IngenuityKids from the Undercity stick together.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoShurelya's BattlesongThis unit is moving faster. Source: @SourceName@Shurelya's BattlesongThis unit is moving faster.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Shurelya's BattlesongThis unit's spells and attacks are dealing extra damage. Source: @SourceName@Shurelya's BattlesongThis unit's spells and attacks are dealing extra damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Chemtech PutrifierDamaging an enemy champion will apply Grievous Wounds.Source: @SourceName@Chemtech PutrifierDamaging an enemy champion will apply Grievous Wounds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@{{ Item_3050_Name }}An ally with {{ Item_3050_Name }} has chosen this unit as their Accomplice.Source: @SourceName@{{ Item_3050_Name }}An ally with {{ Item_3050_Name }} has chosen this unit as their Accomplice.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@{{ Item_3050_Name }}This unit has used {{ Item_3050_Name }} to choose an Accomplice.Source: @SourceName@{{ Item_3050_Name }}This unit has used {{ Item_3050_Name }} to choose an Accomplice.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Frozen HeartThis unit reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@Frozen HeartThis unit reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemies.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Rylai's Crystal ScepterThis unit is slowed. Source: @SourceName@Rylai's Crystal ScepterThis unit is slowed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Hextech RocketbeltThis unit is moving faster towards enemy champions. Source: @SourceName@Hextech RocketbeltThis unit is moving faster towards enemy champions.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Locket of the Iron SolariThis unit has bonus Armor and Magic Resist. Source: @SourceName@Locket of the Iron SolariThis unit has bonus Armor and Magic Resist.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Locket of the Iron SolariThe next Locket of the Iron Solari shield will have reduced effect on this unit. Source: @SourceName@Locket of the Iron SolariThe next Locket of the Iron Solari shield will have reduced effect on this unit.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Locket of the Iron SolariThis unit is shielded. Source: @SourceName@Locket of the Iron SolariThis unit is shielded.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Ardent CenserThis unit has increased Attack Speed and is dealing bonus magic damage On-Hit. Source: @SourceName@Ardent CenserThis unit has increased Attack Speed and is dealing bonus magic damage On-Hit.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Imperial MandateThis unit has been Slowed or Immobilized. If an ally damages them, they deal bonus damage and the ally and original caster gain Move Speed. Source: @SourceName@Imperial MandateThis unit has been Slowed or Immobilized. If an ally damages them, they deal bonus damage and the ally and original caster gain Move Speed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Imperial MandateThis unit is moving faster. Source: @SourceName@Imperial MandateThis unit is moving faster.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Force of NatureDissipate: This unit has become a Force of Nature, gaining bonus Move Speed and taking reduced magic damage from enemy champions.Source: @SourceName@Force of NatureDissipate: This unit has become a Force of Nature, gaining bonus Move Speed and taking reduced magic damage from enemy champions.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Horizon FocusThis unit is taking bonus damage from the debuff applier. Source: @SourceName@Horizon FocusThis unit is taking bonus damage from the debuff applier.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Cosmic DriveThis unit is moving faster and has additional Ability Power after hitting multiple Attacks or Abilities on enemy champions. Source: @SourceName@Cosmic DriveThis unit is moving faster and has additional Ability Power after hitting multiple Attacks or Abilities on enemy champions.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@RiftmakerThis unit is doing a portion of its damage as true damage. Source: @SourceName@RiftmakerThis unit is doing a portion of its damage as true damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@RiftmakerThis unit is getting stronger while in champion combat. Source: @SourceName@RiftmakerThis unit is getting stronger while in champion combat.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Night HarvesterThis unit is moving faster. Source: @SourceName@Night HarvesterThis unit is moving faster.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Demonic EmbraceThis unit is burning for a percentage of their health per second. Source: @SourceName@Demonic EmbraceThis unit is burning for a percentage of their health per second.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Crown of the Shattered QueenSafeguard is on cooldown. Source: @SourceName@Crown of the Shattered QueenSafeguard is on cooldown.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Crown of the Shattered QueenThis unit is protected by a Safeguard, which will reduce incoming damage for several seconds after being triggered by enemy champion damage. Source: @SourceName@Crown of the Shattered QueenThis unit is protected by a Safeguard, which will reduce incoming damage for several seconds after being triggered by enemy champion damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Staff of Flowing WaterThis unit has increased Ability Power and Ability Haste. Source: @SourceName@Staff of Flowing WaterThis unit has increased Ability Power and Ability Haste.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Moonstone RenewerThis owner's heals and shields are stronger while in champion combat. Source: @SourceName@Moonstone RenewerThis owner's heals and shields are stronger while in champion combat.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Liandry's Anguish - BurnBurning for magic damage each second.Source: @SourceName@Liandry's Anguish - BurnBurning for magic damage each second.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Liandry's Anguish - Penetration@f1*100@% Magic Resist penetrated by this effect's caster.Source: @SourceName@Liandry's Anguish - Penetration@f1*100@% Magic Resist penetrated by this effect's caster.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Everfrost - RootRootedSource: @SourceName@Everfrost - RootRooted
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Everfrost - SlowSlowed by @Item.6656:SlowAmount*100@%.Source: @SourceName@Everfrost - SlowSlowed by @Item.6656:SlowAmount*100@%.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Turbo ChemtankThis unit is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Turbo ChemtankThis unit is slowed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Turbo Chemtank{{ Item_Active_Named }} Supercharged: This unit has increased Move Speed towards enemy champions and structures, and will unleash a slowing shockwave when it gets near an enemy or at the end of the effect.Source: @SourceName@Turbo Chemtank{{ Item_Active_Named }} Supercharged: This unit has increased Move Speed towards enemy champions and structures, and will unleash a slowing shockwave when it gets near an enemy or at the end of the effect.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Immortal Shieldbow - Shield@f1@ ShieldSource: @SourceName@Immortal Shieldbow - Shield@f1@ Shield
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Prowler's Claw - VulnerabilityTaking @Item.6693:AmpAmount*100@% increased damage from this effect's caster.Source: @SourceName@Prowler's Claw - VulnerabilityTaking @Item.6693:AmpAmount*100@% increased damage from this effect's caster.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Serylda's GrudgeThis unit is slowed. Source: @SourceName@Serylda's GrudgeThis unit is slowed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Anathema's ChainsThis unit has a Vendetta and gains damage reduction against their Nemesis.Source: @SourceName@Anathema's ChainsThis unit has a Vendetta and gains damage reduction against their Nemesis.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Anathema's ChainsThis unit has a Vendetta against them and deals decreased damage to the caster of this debuff.Source: @SourceName@Anathema's ChainsThis unit has a Vendetta against them and deals decreased damage to the caster of this debuff.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Source: @SourceName@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Anathema's ChainsThis unit has reduced Tenacity.Source: @SourceName@Anathema's ChainsThis unit has reduced Tenacity.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@AbsolutionSenna has increased stats from absorbing Mist:
    Attack Damage - @f4@
    Range - @f2@
    Critical Strike Chance - @f1@%
    Lifesteal - @f3@%
    Source: @SourceName@AbsolutionSenna has increased stats from absorbing Mist:
    Attack Damage - @f4@
    Range - @f2@
    Critical Strike Chance - @f1@%
    Lifesteal - @f3@%

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Shuriken FlipAkali can dash to the marked target and strike them.Source: @SourceName@Shuriken FlipAkali can dash to the marked target and strike them.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Assassin's MarkDealing spell damage to a champion creates a ring of energy around them. Exiting that ring empowers Akali's next Attack with bonus range and damage.Source: @SourceName@Assassin's MarkDealing spell damage to a champion creates a ring of energy around them. Exiting that ring empowers Akali's next Attack with bonus range and damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Twilight ShroudAkali gains increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Twilight ShroudAkali gains increased Move Speed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@ObscuredAkali is Invisible and cannot be seen by enemies.Source: @SourceName@ObscuredAkali is Invisible and cannot be seen by enemies.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Heroic SwingAkshan is getting ready to swing heroically.Source: @SourceName@Heroic SwingAkshan is getting ready to swing heroically.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Dirty FightingEvery three hits from Akshan's Attacks or Abilities deals additional magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Dirty FightingEvery three hits from Akshan's Attacks or Abilities deals additional magic damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@ShieldAkshan is shielded from damage.Source: @SourceName@ShieldAkshan is shielded from damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@ComeuppanceAkshan is overcharging his gun. Scoundrels should probably take cover.Source: @SourceName@ComeuppanceAkshan is overcharging his gun. Scoundrels should probably take cover.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@ScoundrelYou are a Scoundrel. Akshan is hunting you because you killed one of his friends. Source: @SourceName@ScoundrelYou are a Scoundrel. Akshan is hunting you because you killed one of his friends.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Going RogueAkshan is Camouflaged, and has increased Move Speed and Mana Regen while moving towards Scoundrels.Source: @SourceName@Going RogueAkshan is Camouflaged, and has increased Move Speed and Mana Regen while moving towards Scoundrels.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Cursed TouchThis unit takes bonus true damage whenever it is hit by magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Cursed TouchThis unit takes bonus true damage whenever it is hit by magic damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Banshee's VeilThis effect is on cooldown. Source: @SourceName@Banshee's VeilThis effect is on cooldown.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Royal MaelstromBel'Veth takes reduced damage and repeatedly Attacks the lowest Health enemy.Source: @SourceName@Royal MaelstromBel'Veth takes reduced damage and repeatedly Attacks the lowest Health enemy.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@InescapableShh.... it will all be over soon...
    Bel'Veth has assimilated @f2@% Attack Speed from her prey
    Source: @SourceName@InescapableShh.... it will all be over soon...
    Bel'Veth has assimilated @f2@% Attack Speed from her prey

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@SlowedThis unit is Slowed while Bel'Veth is transforming.Source: @SourceName@SlowedThis unit is Slowed while Bel'Veth is transforming.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Endless BanquetBel'Veth is in her true form, gaining an overwhelming amount of benefits.Source: @SourceName@Endless BanquetBel'Veth is in her true form, gaining an overwhelming amount of benefits.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Knocked UpThis unit is Knocked Up.Source: @SourceName@Knocked UpThis unit is Knocked Up.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Concussive Blows ImmunityThis unit is immune to receiving stacks of Concussive Blows.Source: @SourceName@Concussive Blows ImmunityThis unit is immune to receiving stacks of Concussive Blows.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Concussive BlowsBraum and his allies continue to add stacks of Concussive Blows with basic attacks, at 4 stacks this unit will be stunned.Source: @SourceName@Concussive BlowsBraum and his allies continue to add stacks of Concussive Blows with basic attacks, at 4 stacks this unit will be stunned.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Concussive BlowsThis unit is stunned.Source: @SourceName@Concussive BlowsThis unit is stunned.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Blessing of the LunariDiana has increased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Blessing of the LunariDiana has increased Attack Speed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Blunt Force TraumaDr. Mundo's next Attack will deal additional physical damage and swat the enemy away if they are killed.Source: @SourceName@Blunt Force TraumaDr. Mundo's next Attack will deal additional physical damage and swat the enemy away if they are killed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Goes Where He PleasesDr. Mundo will resist the first Immobilizing effect he receives, instead taking damage and dropping a chemical cannister nearby.Source: @SourceName@Goes Where He PleasesDr. Mundo will resist the first Immobilizing effect he receives, instead taking damage and dropping a chemical cannister nearby.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Infected BonesawThis unit is Slowed from Dr. Mundo's Infected Bonesaw.Source: @SourceName@Infected BonesawThis unit is Slowed from Dr. Mundo's Infected Bonesaw.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Maximum DosageDr. Mundo gains Attack Damage, Move Speed, and regenerates max Health over time.Source: @SourceName@Maximum DosageDr. Mundo gains Attack Damage, Move Speed, and regenerates max Health over time.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Heart ZapperDr. Mundo deals magic damage around himself and stores some damage taken as grey health.Source: @SourceName@Heart ZapperDr. Mundo deals magic damage around himself and stores some damage taken as grey health.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Aspect of the DragonDamaging enemies causes them to burn for @f1*3@ true damage (based on game duration) over @Spell.ElderDragonBuff:DebuffDuration@ seconds. Damaging an enemy champion below @Spell.ElderDragonBuff:ElderExecuteThresholdPercent*100@% Health blasts them with Dragonfire, dealing 100% of their max Health as true damage.Source: @SourceName@Aspect of the DragonDamaging enemies causes them to burn for @f1*3@ true damage (based on game duration) over @Spell.ElderDragonBuff:DebuffDuration@ seconds. Damaging an enemy champion below @Spell.ElderDragonBuff:ElderExecuteThresholdPercent*100@% Health blasts them with Dragonfire, dealing 100% of their max Health as true damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Heart of the StormThis unit has increased healing and shielding.Source: @SourceName@Heart of the StormThis unit has increased healing and shielding.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Rising Spell ForceEzreal has @f1@% increased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Rising Spell ForceEzreal has @f1@% increased Attack Speed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Essence FluxEzreal can detonate this to deal extra damage.Source: @SourceName@Essence FluxEzreal can detonate this to deal extra damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Duelist's DanceFiora challenges nearby enemy Champions to dodge her. She calls out a direction from which she will try to strike. If she can complete her own challenge, she receives a small bonus and calls out a new direction.Source: @SourceName@Duelist's DanceFiora challenges nearby enemy Champions to dodge her. She calls out a direction from which she will try to strike. If she can complete her own challenge, she receives a small bonus and calls out a new direction.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@JudgmentGaren's spinning sword shreds armor, reducing this unit's armor by a percentage.Source: @SourceName@JudgmentGaren's spinning sword shreds armor, reducing this unit's armor by a percentage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@JudgmentGaren is spinning to win.Source: @SourceName@JudgmentGaren is spinning to win.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@PerseveranceGaren has taken damage recently and Perseverance is on cooldown.Source: @SourceName@PerseveranceGaren has taken damage recently and Perseverance is on cooldown.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@PerseveranceGaren is regenerating health.Source: @SourceName@PerseveranceGaren is regenerating health.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Decisive StrikeGaren's next attack silences his target and deals bonus damage.Source: @SourceName@Decisive StrikeGaren's next attack silences his target and deals bonus damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Decisive StrikeGaren's Move Speed is increased.Source: @SourceName@Decisive StrikeGaren's Move Speed is increased.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@CourageGaren is taking reduced damage.Source: @SourceName@CourageGaren is taking reduced damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Mana PotionRestoring mana every second.Source: @SourceName@Mana PotionRestoring mana every second.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Total Biscuit of Everlasting WillRestoring health and mana every second.Source: @SourceName@Total Biscuit of Everlasting WillRestoring health and mana every second.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@EvenshroudThis unit takes amplified damage.Source: @SourceName@EvenshroudThis unit takes amplified damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Zeke's ConvergenceThis unit is about to get Converged on.Source: @SourceName@Zeke's ConvergenceThis unit is about to get Converged on.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Sunfire AegisImmolate: This unit deals continuous magic damage around them.Source: @SourceName@Sunfire AegisImmolate: This unit deals continuous magic damage around them.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Sunfire AegisFlametouch: This unit is taking extra damage from being on fire.Source: @SourceName@Sunfire AegisFlametouch: This unit is taking extra damage from being on fire.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Knight's VowThis unit has increased Move Speed towards it's partner.Source: @SourceName@Knight's VowThis unit has increased Move Speed towards it's partner.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Frozen HeartThis unit's Attack Speed is reduced.Source: @SourceName@Frozen HeartThis unit's Attack Speed is reduced.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Boarding PartyAhoy!!Source: @SourceName@Boarding PartyAhoy!!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Gargoyle StoneplateThis unit is temporarily shielded.Source: @SourceName@Gargoyle StoneplateThis unit is temporarily shielded.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Gargoyle StoneplateFortify: Increase your Bonus Armor and Bonus Magic Resist for a few seconds when a Champion deals damage to you (stacks once per Champion).Source: @SourceName@Gargoyle StoneplateFortify: Increase your Bonus Armor and Bonus Magic Resist for a few seconds when a Champion deals damage to you (stacks once per Champion).
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Spectre's CowlThis unit has extra health regeneration from taking damage from champions recently.Source: @SourceName@Spectre's CowlThis unit has extra health regeneration from taking damage from champions recently.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Bami's CinderThis unit deals continuous magic damage around them.Source: @SourceName@Bami's CinderThis unit deals continuous magic damage around them.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Frostfire GauntletImmolate: This unit deals continuous magic damage around them.Source: @SourceName@Frostfire GauntletImmolate: This unit deals continuous magic damage around them.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Turbo ChemtankImmolate: This unit deals continuous magic damage around them.Source: @SourceName@Turbo ChemtankImmolate: This unit deals continuous magic damage around them.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Turbo ChemtankRefuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large Monsters damage fills up the Chemtank. At 100 stacks, your next basic attack deals magic damage to all surrounding enemies. Source: @SourceName@Turbo ChemtankRefuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large Monsters damage fills up the Chemtank. At 100 stacks, your next basic attack deals magic damage to all surrounding enemies.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Doran's ShieldEndure: This unit is regenerating healthSource: @SourceName@Doran's ShieldEndure: This unit is regenerating health
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@SearThis unit is suffering magic damage every second. It burns!!Source: @SourceName@SearThis unit is suffering magic damage every second. It burns!!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Starfire SpellbladeThis unit's next attack is ranged and deals bonus damage to low health enemies.Source: @SourceName@Starfire SpellbladeThis unit's next attack is ranged and deals bonus damage to low health enemies.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@ZealThis unit has increased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@ZealThis unit has increased Attack Speed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@ExaltedThis unit has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@ExaltedThis unit has increased Move Speed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@SunderedThis unit has reduced Armor and Magic Resistance.Source: @SourceName@SunderedThis unit has reduced Armor and Magic Resistance.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Radiant BlastThis unit's Move Speed has been reduced.Source: @SourceName@Radiant BlastThis unit's Move Speed has been reduced.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@InterventionThis unit is immune to damage.Source: @SourceName@InterventionThis unit is immune to damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Celestial BlessingThis unit has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Celestial BlessingThis unit has increased Move Speed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@SwirlseedSlowed by LilliaSource: @SourceName@SwirlseedSlowed by Lillia
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Dream Dust
    Lillia is dealing periodic damage to this unit, and it can be affected by her Ultimate.Source: @SourceName@Dream Dust
    Lillia is dealing periodic damage to this unit, and it can be affected by her Ultimate.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@PranceLillia has increased Move Speed. This effect stacks.Source: @SourceName@PranceLillia has increased Move Speed. This effect stacks.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Shhh.. They're AsleepThis unit is Asleep and will be woken up when they take damage...

    Source: @SourceName@Shhh.. They're AsleepThis unit is Asleep and will be woken up when they take damage...


    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Lucent SingularityThis unit is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Lucent SingularityThis unit is slowed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Nature's GraspThis unit has hit a champion with Nature's Grasp and has increased Move SpeedSource: @SourceName@Nature's GraspThis unit has hit a champion with Nature's Grasp and has increased Move Speed
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Strength of StoneThis unit has increased Armor and Health Regeneration. He is also extra tricky!Source: @SourceName@Strength of StoneThis unit has increased Armor and Health Regeneration. He is also extra tricky!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Spinning is WinningWukong's ultimate is available to be cast a second time!Source: @SourceName@Spinning is WinningWukong's ultimate is available to be cast a second time!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Death's GraspThis unit is being displaced.Source: @SourceName@Death's GraspThis unit is being displaced.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Darkness RiseThis unit has increased speed and is dealing persistent area damage.Source: @SourceName@Darkness RiseThis unit has increased speed and is dealing persistent area damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Stolen SpiritThis unit has had their spirit stolen, and is missing some of their stats.Source: @SourceName@Stolen SpiritThis unit has had their spirit stolen, and is missing some of their stats.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Stolen SpiritThis unit has stolen the spirit of another, gaining some of their stats.Source: @SourceName@Stolen SpiritThis unit has stolen the spirit of another, gaining some of their stats.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@IndestructibleThis unit is shielded.Source: @SourceName@IndestructibleThis unit is shielded.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Black ShieldThis unit is immune to disables and absorbs incoming magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Black ShieldThis unit is immune to disables and absorbs incoming magic damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Dark BindingThis unit is unable to move. Lasts for roughly 3 years.Source: @SourceName@Dark BindingThis unit is unable to move. Lasts for roughly 3 years.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Soul ShacklesThis unit's soul has been shackled to Morgana. It has reduced Move Speed and, if unable to break the shackles, will receive damage and be stunned at the end of the ability's duration.
    Source: @SourceName@Soul ShacklesThis unit's soul has been shackled to Morgana. It has reduced Move Speed and, if unable to break the shackles, will receive damage and be stunned at the end of the ability's duration.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Soul ShacklesMorgana has shackled herself to nearby champions. She moves faster towards them and if she keeps them nearby until the end of the ability's duration, they will receive damage and be stunned.
    Source: @SourceName@Soul ShacklesMorgana has shackled herself to nearby champions. She moves faster towards them and if she keeps them nearby until the end of the ability's duration, they will receive damage and be stunned.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Aspect of the DragonDamaging an enemy Champion below @Spell.ElderDragonBuff:ElderExecuteThresholdPercent*100@% health blasts them with Dragonfire, dealing 100% of their maximum HP as true damage.Source: @SourceName@Aspect of the DragonDamaging an enemy Champion below @Spell.ElderDragonBuff:ElderExecuteThresholdPercent*100@% health blasts them with Dragonfire, dealing 100% of their maximum HP as true damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Tidecaller's BlessingEmpowers an allied champion for a short duration. The ally's basic attacks and spells deal bonus magic damage and slow the target.Source: @SourceName@Tidecaller's BlessingEmpowers an allied champion for a short duration. The ally's basic attacks and spells deal bonus magic damage and slow the target.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@RootedThis unit cannot move.Source: @SourceName@RootedThis unit cannot move.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Inherent GlamourNeeko gains magic penetration.Source: @SourceName@Inherent GlamourNeeko gains magic penetration.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Pop BlossomNeeko is shielded from damage.Source: @SourceName@Pop BlossomNeeko is shielded from damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@StunnedThis unit cannot take actions.Source: @SourceName@StunnedThis unit cannot take actions.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@ShapesplitterNeeko's third basic attack will deal bonus magic damage.Source: @SourceName@ShapesplitterNeeko's third basic attack will deal bonus magic damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@ShapesplitterNeeko's next basic attack will deal bonus magic damage.Source: @SourceName@ShapesplitterNeeko's next basic attack will deal bonus magic damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Poro DodgeballCharge up and launch a Poro at your foes!Source: @SourceName@Poro DodgeballCharge up and launch a Poro at your foes!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Static FieldAbout to be shocked by Blitzcrank!Source: @SourceName@Static FieldAbout to be shocked by Blitzcrank!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Joy UnendingUnit is shielded.Source: @SourceName@Joy UnendingUnit is shielded.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Jubilant VeilUnit is enveloped in mist.Source: @SourceName@Jubilant VeilUnit is enveloped in mist.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Umbra BladesNocturne's next attack will cleave through all nearby enemies and heal him for each one hit.Source: @SourceName@Umbra BladesNocturne's next attack will cleave through all nearby enemies and heal him for each one hit.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Call of the FreljordNunu increases the attack speed and Move Speed of Willump and a nearby ally, and causes Willump's basic attacks to damage enemies around the target.Source: @SourceName@Call of the FreljordNunu increases the attack speed and Move Speed of Willump and a nearby ally, and causes Willump's basic attacks to damage enemies around the target.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@UndertowOlaf's thrown axe has reduced this unit's armor by a percentage.Source: @SourceName@UndertowOlaf's thrown axe has reduced this unit's armor by a percentage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Tough It OutThis unit is shielded from damage by pure determination.Source: @SourceName@Tough It OutThis unit is shielded from damage by pure determination.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Clockwork WindupOrianna's Attacks deal additional magic damage. This damage increases the more Orianna Attacks the same target.Source: @SourceName@Clockwork WindupOrianna's Attacks deal additional magic damage. This damage increases the more Orianna Attacks the same target.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Item Ready!Ornn is able to upgrade an ally's item!Source: @SourceName@Item Ready!Ornn is able to upgrade an ally's item!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Aegis AssaultPantheon's Move Speed is increasedSource: @SourceName@Aegis AssaultPantheon's Move Speed is increased
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Aegis AssaultPantheon is invulnerable to attacks from the front and striking rapidly.Source: @SourceName@Aegis AssaultPantheon is invulnerable to attacks from the front and striking rapidly.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Mortal WillPantheon is stacking towards an empowered spell.Source: @SourceName@Mortal WillPantheon is stacking towards an empowered spell.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Mortal WillPantheon's next base spell is empowered.Source: @SourceName@Mortal WillPantheon's next base spell is empowered.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Comet Spear SlowThis unit's Move Speed is reduced.Source: @SourceName@Comet Spear SlowThis unit's Move Speed is reduced.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Grand Starfall SlowThis unit's Move Speed is reduced.Source: @SourceName@Grand Starfall SlowThis unit's Move Speed is reduced.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Shield VaultPantheon's next basic attack is empowered.Source: @SourceName@Shield VaultPantheon's next basic attack is empowered.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Seeking PreyPyke is not near enough enemies to feel threatened; he converts less damage taken into grey health.Source: @SourceName@Seeking PreyPyke is not near enough enemies to feel threatened; he converts less damage taken into grey health.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@In The DepthsPyke is currently surrounded by enemies, his natural habitat, and converting more damage taken to grey health.Source: @SourceName@In The DepthsPyke is currently surrounded by enemies, his natural habitat, and converting more damage taken to grey health.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Royal PrivilegeQiyana's Attacks and Abilities deal an additional @FinalDamage@ bonus physical damage. This effect has a 25 second per-target Cooldown.

    Using {{Spell_QiyanaEnchant_Name}} to gain a different weapon Enchantment resets this effect's Cooldown on all targets.
    Source: @SourceName@Royal PrivilegeQiyana's Attacks and Abilities deal an additional @FinalDamage@ bonus physical damage. This effect has a 25 second per-target Cooldown.

    Using {{Spell_QiyanaEnchant_Name}} to gain a different weapon Enchantment resets this effect's Cooldown on all targets.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@FrozenThis unit is rooted and unable to move.Source: @SourceName@FrozenThis unit is rooted and unable to move.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@SlowedQiyana has chilled this target, slowing them. Source: @SourceName@SlowedQiyana has chilled this target, slowing them.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Brush EnchantmentQiyana is stealthed and has additional Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Brush EnchantmentQiyana is stealthed and has additional Move Speed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@ShovedQiyana has blasted this unit backwards with a massive shockwave.Source: @SourceName@ShovedQiyana has blasted this unit backwards with a massive shockwave.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@StunnedThis unit is stunned and unable to move or act. Source: @SourceName@StunnedThis unit is stunned and unable to move or act.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@TerrashapeQiyana has increased Move Speed while near her Terrashaped element.Source: @SourceName@TerrashapeQiyana has increased Move Speed while near her Terrashaped element.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Grand EntranceRakan has knocked this unit in the air.Source: @SourceName@Grand EntranceRakan has knocked this unit in the air.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Randuin's OmenThis unit's Attack Damage and Critical Strike Damage are reduced.Source: @SourceName@Randuin's OmenThis unit's Attack Damage and Critical Strike Damage are reduced.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Loyalty ProgramThis unit absorbs incoming damage.Source: @SourceName@Loyalty ProgramThis unit absorbs incoming damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@LeverageUnit is marked for death.Source: @SourceName@LeverageUnit is marked for death.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Renata has marked this unit for death.Source: @SourceName@Renata has marked this unit for death.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@HandshakeRenata has rooted this unit.Source: @SourceName@HandshakeRenata has rooted this unit.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@BerserkEver wanted to kill your teammates? Now you can!Source: @SourceName@BerserkEver wanted to kill your teammates? Now you can!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@BailoutFight or die!Source: @SourceName@BailoutFight or die!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Chemtech DragonThis unit has a brief second life to get revenge.Source: @SourceName@Chemtech DragonThis unit has a brief second life to get revenge.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Ruined Dragon BuffDeal up to @Spell.SRX_DragonBuffRuined:MaxDamageAmpPerStack*100@% increased damage to enemies per stack, based on how much more health they have than you currently.Source: @SourceName@Ruined Dragon BuffDeal up to @Spell.SRX_DragonBuffRuined:MaxDamageAmpPerStack*100@% increased damage to enemies per stack, based on how much more health they have than you currently.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Cloak of MistThis unit is camouflaged while hiding in the Mist.Source: @SourceName@Cloak of MistThis unit is camouflaged while hiding in the Mist.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Wraith FormThis unit has become a wraith. Wraiths hide their identity from enemies, are unselectable, and gain increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Wraith FormThis unit has become a wraith. Wraiths hide their identity from enemies, are unselectable, and gain increased Move Speed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Curse of the Black MistThis unit has dissolved into Mist and hides nearby allies from view.Source: @SourceName@Curse of the Black MistThis unit has dissolved into Mist and hides nearby allies from view.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Essence TapThis unit has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Essence TapThis unit has increased Move Speed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Weakened SoulSenna will absorb Mist from this unit and deal bonus damage if she hits it a second time.Source: @SourceName@Weakened SoulSenna will absorb Mist from this unit and deal bonus damage if she hits it a second time.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Oh the eternity we shall spend together.Senna and Lucian seem tired. Why not put them to rest?

    If Senna or Lucian die within 3 seconds of being damaged by Thresh he will imprison their soul in the Lantern, gaining some of their power.
    Source: @SourceName@Oh the eternity we shall spend together.Senna and Lucian seem tired. Why not put them to rest?

    If Senna or Lucian die within 3 seconds of being damaged by Thresh he will imprison their soul in the Lantern, gaining some of their power.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Sentinels of Light don't fear the darkThresh is on the move. This monster needs to be put down.

    If Thresh dies within 3 seconds of being damaged by Senna or Lucian they will release his soul from the Black Mist, gaining some of his power.
    Source: @SourceName@Sentinels of Light don't fear the darkThresh is on the move. This monster needs to be put down.

    If Thresh dies within 3 seconds of being damaged by Senna or Lucian they will release his soul from the Black Mist, gaining some of his power.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Relax, just... let go.Poor Lucian, he was never able to find peace. Thresh has imprisoned his soul and absorbed some of his power gaining +@f2@ Attack Damage, +@f1@ Attack Range, and +@f3@% Critical Strike Chance.
    Source: @SourceName@Relax, just... let go.Poor Lucian, he was never able to find peace. Thresh has imprisoned his soul and absorbed some of his power gaining +@f2@ Attack Damage, +@f1@ Attack Range, and +@f3@% Critical Strike Chance.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Welcome HomePoor Senna, nobody escapes the lantern. Thresh has recaptured her soul and absorbed some of her power gaining +@f2@ Attack Damage, +@f1@ Attack Range, and +@f3@% Critical Strike Chance.Source: @SourceName@Welcome HomePoor Senna, nobody escapes the lantern. Thresh has recaptured her soul and absorbed some of her power gaining +@f2@ Attack Damage, +@f1@ Attack Range, and +@f3@% Critical Strike Chance.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Purity… peaceThresh has finally been allowed to pass. This unit has absorbed some of his power gaining +@f1@ Ability Power and +@f2@ Armor.Source: @SourceName@Purity… peaceThresh has finally been allowed to pass. This unit has absorbed some of his power gaining +@f1@ Ability Power and +@f2@ Armor.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@SanctuaryThis unit absorbs incoming damage.Source: @SourceName@SanctuaryThis unit absorbs incoming damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Last EmbraceThis unit is unable to move.Source: @SourceName@Last EmbraceThis unit is unable to move.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Last EmbraceThis unit and its nearby allies will be immobilized after a brief delay.Source: @SourceName@Last EmbraceThis unit and its nearby allies will be immobilized after a brief delay.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@RootThis unit is rooted.Source: @SourceName@RootThis unit is rooted.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@SlowThis unit has reduced Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@SlowThis unit has reduced Move Speed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@StunThis unit is stunned.Source: @SourceName@StunThis unit is stunned.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@EchoSeraphine's next basic spell cast will Echo.Source: @SourceName@EchoSeraphine's next basic spell cast will Echo.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@NotesSeraphine's next basic attack has bonus range and deals additional magic damage.Source: @SourceName@NotesSeraphine's next basic attack has bonus range and deals additional magic damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@HealSeraphine will heal nearby allied champions.Source: @SourceName@HealSeraphine will heal nearby allied champions.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@HasteThis unit has increased Move Speed. Such grace!Source: @SourceName@HasteThis unit has increased Move Speed. Such grace!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@ShieldThis unit is shielded from damage.Source: @SourceName@ShieldThis unit is shielded from damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Serpent's VenomThis unit has reduced shielding.Source: @SourceName@Serpent's VenomThis unit has reduced shielding.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Looking for a FightGain Move Speed toward enemy champions.Source: @SourceName@Looking for a FightGain Move Speed toward enemy champions.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Knuckle DownSett's next two attacks deal additional damage based off of the target's max health. Sett also gains Move Speed while moving towards enemy champions.Source: @SourceName@Knuckle DownSett's next two attacks deal additional damage based off of the target's max health. Sett also gains Move Speed while moving towards enemy champions.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@SlowThis unit's Move Speed is slowed.Source: @SourceName@SlowThis unit's Move Speed is slowed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Down But Not OutSett has a rapidly decaying shield.Source: @SourceName@Down But Not OutSett has a rapidly decaying shield.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Fury of the DragonbornTotal bonus Armor and Magic Resistance: @f1@Source: @SourceName@Fury of the DragonbornTotal bonus Armor and Magic Resistance: @f1@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Bounty HuntingThis character has Ricochet auto attacks and enhanced attack speed.Source: @SourceName@Bounty HuntingThis character has Ricochet auto attacks and enhanced attack speed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Song of CelerityThis unit has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Song of CelerityThis unit has increased Move Speed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Song of CeleritySona's next {{ Spell_SonaPassive_Name }} enhanced attack will also Slow the target by @Spell.SonaE:TotalTempoMoveSpeedSlow@ for @Spell.SonaE:TempoDuration@ seconds.Source: @SourceName@Song of CeleritySona's next {{ Spell_SonaPassive_Name }} enhanced attack will also Slow the target by @Spell.SonaE:TotalTempoMoveSpeedSlow@ for @Spell.SonaE:TempoDuration@ seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Song of CelerityThis unit's Move Speed is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Song of CelerityThis unit's Move Speed is slowed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Song of CeleritySona is playing an exciting song, granting nearby allies increased move speed.Source: @SourceName@Song of CeleritySona is playing an exciting song, granting nearby allies increased move speed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@AccelerandoAccelerando: Sona gains Accelerando stacks from using her Basic Abilities well. She gains +%i:scaleAH% @Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoAHPerStack@ Basic Ability Haste permanently per stack, up to %i:scaleAH% @Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoCap@ Basic Ability Haste. When she reaches %i:scaleAH% @Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoCap@ Basic Ability Haste, instead of gaining further stacks her current Ultimate Ability's cooldown is reduced by @Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoUltCDR@ seconds.

    Currently granting +%i:scaleAH%@Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoAHCurrent@
    Source: @SourceName@AccelerandoAccelerando: Sona gains Accelerando stacks from using her Basic Abilities well. She gains +%i:scaleAH% @Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoAHPerStack@ Basic Ability Haste permanently per stack, up to %i:scaleAH% @Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoCap@ Basic Ability Haste. When she reaches %i:scaleAH% @Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoCap@ Basic Ability Haste, instead of gaining further stacks her current Ultimate Ability's cooldown is reduced by @Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoUltCDR@ seconds.

    Currently granting +%i:scaleAH%@Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoAHCurrent@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Hymn of ValorThis unit will deal extra magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit on their next attack.Source: @SourceName@Hymn of ValorThis unit will deal extra magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit on their next attack.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Hymn of ValorSona's next {{ Spell_SonaPassive_Name }} enhanced attack will deal @Spell.SonaQ:TotalStaccatoDamage@ magic damage instead.Source: @SourceName@Hymn of ValorSona's next {{ Spell_SonaPassive_Name }} enhanced attack will deal @Spell.SonaQ:TotalStaccatoDamage@ magic damage instead.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Hymn of ValorSona is playing a spicy hymn, granting nearby allies bonus magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit on their next attack.Source: @SourceName@Hymn of ValorSona is playing a spicy hymn, granting nearby allies bonus magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit on their next attack.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Aria of PerseveranceSona's next {{ Spell_SonaPassive_Name }} enhanced attack will also cause the target to deal @Spell.SonaW:TotalDiminuendoWeakenPercent@ less damage for @Spell.SonaW:DiminuendoDuration@ seconds.Source: @SourceName@Aria of PerseveranceSona's next {{ Spell_SonaPassive_Name }} enhanced attack will also cause the target to deal @Spell.SonaW:TotalDiminuendoWeakenPercent@ less damage for @Spell.SonaW:DiminuendoDuration@ seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Aria of PerseveranceThis character's damage output is reduced.Source: @SourceName@Aria of PerseveranceThis character's damage output is reduced.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Aria of PerseveranceThis unit has a shield that blocks incoming damage until it is broken.Source: @SourceName@Aria of PerseveranceThis unit has a shield that blocks incoming damage until it is broken.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Aria of PerseveranceSona is playing a shielding aria, shielding nearby allies.Source: @SourceName@Aria of PerseveranceSona is playing a shielding aria, shielding nearby allies.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@AbscondSylas is shielded against magic damage.Source: @SourceName@AbscondSylas is shielded against magic damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@UnshackledSylas' next attack will be empowered.Source: @SourceName@UnshackledSylas' next attack will be empowered.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@HijackSylas is holding onto a stolen ultimate!Source: @SourceName@HijackSylas is holding onto a stolen ultimate!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@HijackSylas has stolen this enemy's ultimate!Source: @SourceName@HijackSylas has stolen this enemy's ultimate!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@TranscendentSyndra has achieved Transcendence, granting herself @f1.0@ Ability Power.Source: @SourceName@TranscendentSyndra has achieved Transcendence, granting herself @f1.0@ Ability Power.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@TranscendentThis unit is marked by Syndra for collection.Source: @SourceName@TranscendentThis unit is marked by Syndra for collection.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Thick SkinThis unit is shielded from damage.Source: @SourceName@Thick SkinThis unit is shielded from damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Tongue LashThis unit took a licking and is now slowed.Source: @SourceName@Tongue LashThis unit took a licking and is now slowed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Tongue LashThis unit took a lot of licking and is now stunned.Source: @SourceName@Tongue LashThis unit took a lot of licking and is now stunned.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@DevourBleh, disguisting!Source: @SourceName@DevourBleh, disguisting!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@DevourThis unit is shielded from damage.Source: @SourceName@DevourThis unit is shielded from damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@DevourThis unit has bonus move speed from Devouring an ally.Source: @SourceName@DevourThis unit has bonus move speed from Devouring an ally.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@DevourDelicious!Source: @SourceName@DevourDelicious!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Abyssal DiveThis unit has been knocked up by a very large fish surfacing from the river.

    Don't ask where the river came from.
    Source: @SourceName@Abyssal DiveThis unit has been knocked up by a very large fish surfacing from the river.

    Don't ask where the river came from.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Unraveled EarthThis unit is stunned after tripping over a rock.Source: @SourceName@Unraveled EarthThis unit is stunned after tripping over a rock.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@BravadoSpellcasts empower Taric's next 2 basic attacks to deal bonus magic damage, reduce his spell cooldowns, and attack in quick succession.Source: @SourceName@BravadoSpellcasts empower Taric's next 2 basic attacks to deal bonus magic damage, reduce his spell cooldowns, and attack in quick succession.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Penetrating BulletsUNIQUE Passive - Warming Up: Turrets gain damage each time they strike a champion.Source: @SourceName@Penetrating BulletsUNIQUE Passive - Warming Up: Turrets gain damage each time they strike a champion.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Shadow SurgeVex can dash to the marked target and damage themSource: @SourceName@Shadow SurgeVex can dash to the marked target and damage them
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Let's Bounce!Slowed by Zac's bouncing.Source: @SourceName@Let's Bounce!Slowed by Zac's bouncing.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Echoes of RuinationThis unit is taking extra max health damage per second.Source: @SourceName@Echoes of RuinationThis unit is taking extra max health damage per second.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Living VengeanceVarus has increased Attack Speed after killing an enemy.Source: @SourceName@Living VengeanceVarus has increased Attack Speed after killing an enemy.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Piercing ArrowVarus is readying a powerful shot.Source: @SourceName@Piercing ArrowVarus is readying a powerful shot.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Impending DoomVex is getting upset!Source: @SourceName@Impending DoomVex is getting upset!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@DoomVex is upset. Her next basic ability will Fear enemies hit.Source: @SourceName@DoomVex is upset. Her next basic ability will Fear enemies hit.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@FearFleeing in FearSource: @SourceName@FearFleeing in Fear
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@GloomYou recently Dashed or were Displaced. Vex thinks that's annoying.Source: @SourceName@GloomYou recently Dashed or were Displaced. Vex thinks that's annoying.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Personal SpaceVex is shielded from annoyances.Source: @SourceName@Personal SpaceVex is shielded from annoyances.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Harrowed PathThis unit has increased Attack Speed and Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Harrowed PathThis unit has increased Attack Speed and Move Speed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Lord of the MistThis unit is camouflaged while in the Mist.Source: @SourceName@Lord of the MistThis unit is camouflaged while in the Mist.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Soul TransferThis unit is untargetable.Source: @SourceName@Soul TransferThis unit is untargetable.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Trapped in DeathThis soul has become trapped in the mist and can be possessed by Viego.Source: @SourceName@Trapped in DeathThis soul has become trapped in the mist and can be possessed by Viego.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@PossessionViego has dominated the soul of an enemy champion.Source: @SourceName@PossessionViego has dominated the soul of an enemy champion.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Blade of the Ruined KingThis unit will be hit twice by Viego's next attack.Source: @SourceName@Blade of the Ruined KingThis unit will be hit twice by Viego's next attack.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@HeartbreakerThis unit is being knocked back.Source: @SourceName@HeartbreakerThis unit is being knocked back.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@HeartbreakerThis unit has reduced move speed (and a broken heart).Source: @SourceName@HeartbreakerThis unit has reduced move speed (and a broken heart).
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Egg TimerViego's ice egg is on cooldown.Source: @SourceName@Egg TimerViego's ice egg is on cooldown.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Shurima!Viego's Sun Disc is on cooldown.Source: @SourceName@Shurima!Viego's Sun Disc is on cooldown.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Cellular DivisionViego's green colored revive is on cooldown.Source: @SourceName@Cellular DivisionViego's green colored revive is on cooldown.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Spectral MawThis unit is stunned.Source: @SourceName@Spectral MawThis unit is stunned.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Glorious EvolutionViktor is prototyping a Hex Upgrade.Source: @SourceName@Glorious EvolutionViktor is prototyping a Hex Upgrade.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Sky SplitterVolibear is shielded by electrical energy.Source: @SourceName@Sky SplitterVolibear is shielded by electrical energy.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Sky SplitterSlowed by Volibear's lightning energy.Source: @SourceName@Sky SplitterSlowed by Volibear's lightning energy.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@The Relentless StormVolibear has increased Attack Speed. At 5 stacks his Attacks create chain lightning.Source: @SourceName@The Relentless StormVolibear has increased Attack Speed. At 5 stacks his Attacks create chain lightning.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Thundering SmashStunned by Volibear.Source: @SourceName@Thundering SmashStunned by Volibear.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Thundering SmashVolibear's next attack will deal bonus damage and stun his target.Source: @SourceName@Thundering SmashVolibear's next attack will deal bonus damage and stun his target.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@StormbringerSlowed by Volibear's lightning energy.Source: @SourceName@StormbringerSlowed by Volibear's lightning energy.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@OhmwreckerVolibear has temporarily disabled this tower.Source: @SourceName@OhmwreckerVolibear has temporarily disabled this tower.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@StormbringerVolibear has increased health and attack range, and can pass through units.Source: @SourceName@StormbringerVolibear has increased health and attack range, and can pass through units.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Frenzied MaulVolibear's next Frenzied Maul will deal bonus damage and heal him.Source: @SourceName@Frenzied MaulVolibear's next Frenzied Maul will deal bonus damage and heal him.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@DeterminationEvery third attack deals bonus damage and heals Xin Zhao.Source: @SourceName@DeterminationEvery third attack deals bonus damage and heals Xin Zhao.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Mortal SteelYone's next stack will empower Mortal Steel.Source: @SourceName@Mortal SteelYone's next stack will empower Mortal Steel.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@ZoomiesThis character has been healed and has extra Move Speed and Attack Speed. Zoom!Source: @SourceName@ZoomiesThis character has been healed and has extra Move Speed and Attack Speed. Zoom!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Bop 'n' BlockYuumi is granting this unit a shield that follows wherever she goes!Source: @SourceName@Bop 'n' BlockYuumi is granting this unit a shield that follows wherever she goes!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Prowling ProjectileSlowed by Yuumi's Prowling Projectile.Source: @SourceName@Prowling ProjectileSlowed by Yuumi's Prowling Projectile.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Final ChapterIf this character is hit with three waves of Yuumi's ult, they are rooted!Source: @SourceName@Final ChapterIf this character is hit with three waves of Yuumi's ult, they are rooted!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@You and Me!Yuumi is Attached to this unit and is untargetable.Source: @SourceName@You and Me!Yuumi is Attached to this unit and is untargetable.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Final ChapterRooted by Yuumi's Final ChapterSource: @SourceName@Final ChapterRooted by Yuumi's Final Chapter
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@You and Me!Yuumi is attached to this champion and is untargetable. Source: @SourceName@You and Me!Yuumi is attached to this champion and is untargetable.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@You and Me!Yuumi is untargetable and attached to one of her allies.Source: @SourceName@You and Me!Yuumi is untargetable and attached to one of her allies.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Lightning RoundsThis unit's attacks pierce!Source: @SourceName@Lightning RoundsThis unit's attacks pierce!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Gotta Zip!This unit is FAST!Source: @SourceName@Gotta Zip!This unit is FAST!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Living BatteryThis unit has stolen an enemy's shield.Source: @SourceName@Living BatteryThis unit has stolen an enemy's shield.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Zapped!This unit is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Zapped!This unit is slowed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Fully ChargedZeri's next basic attack will deal bonus damage. ZAP!Source: @SourceName@Fully ChargedZeri's next basic attack will deal bonus damage. ZAP!
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@OverchargedThis unit has increased damage, Attack Speed, and Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@OverchargedThis unit has increased damage, Attack Speed, and Move Speed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Ultrashock LaserThis unit is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Ultrashock LaserThis unit is slowed.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@ShockedThis unit is slowed by Hextech Dragon's shocking attacks.Source: @SourceName@ShockedThis unit is slowed by Hextech Dragon's shocking attacks.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@Hextech AttacksEvery @Spell.sru_dragon_hextech_Attack:EveryXAttacks@th attack causes lightning to chain to nearby units, damaging and slowing them.Source: @SourceName@Hextech AttacksEvery @Spell.sru_dragon_hextech_Attack:EveryXAttacks@th attack causes lightning to chain to nearby units, damaging and slowing them.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@{{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}{{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}{{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipContent }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipContent }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipContent }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }} @SpellTags@ {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}Cause Whirling Death to reverse direction early, returning to Draven.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }} @SpellTags@ Cause Whirling Death to reverse direction early, returning to Draven.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAscends into the air, briefly becoming untargetable, and then descends upon an enemy.Rappel / CocoonRappel / Cocoon@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rappel / Cocoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}Spider Form: Elise and her Spiderlings lift into the air, becoming Untargetable. If she targets an enemy, she descends on them, increasing the bonus damage and healing from Spider Queen by @spell.EliseSpiderE:Effect6Amount@% for @spell.EliseSpiderE:Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    If she does not target an enemy, she can remain Untargetable for up to 2 seconds. She may Recast to land early at a specified location.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rappel / Cocoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Rappel / Cocoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}Cooldown
    Spider Queen Amplification
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@%@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@%@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@%@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@%@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@%@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Spider Queen Amplification
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect6Amount@% -> @Effect6AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Rappel / Cocoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Rappel / Cocoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSpider Form: Elise and her Spiderlings lift into the air, becoming Untargetable. If she targets an enemy, she descends on them, increasing the bonus damage and healing from Spider Queen by @spell.EliseSpiderE:Effect6Amount@% for @spell.EliseSpiderE:Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    If she does not target an enemy, she can remain Untargetable for up to 2 seconds. She may Recast to land early at a specified location.
    [@Hotkey@] Rappel / Cocoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSpider Form: Lunges at an enemy and deals damage based upon how low their Health is.

    Human Form: Deals damage based upon how high the target's Health is.Venomous Bite / NeurotoxinVenomous Bite / Neurotoxin@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Venomous Bite / Neurotoxin@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}Spider Form: Elise lunges with a poisonous bite, dealing @spell.EliseSpiderQCast:Effect1Amount@ plus @spell.EliseSpiderQCast:TotalPercentDamage@ missing Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_EliseSpiderQ_Tooltip}}

    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Venomous Bite / Neurotoxin@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Venomous Bite / Neurotoxin@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}Venomous Bite Damage
    Neurotoxin Damage
    Monster Damage Cap
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Venomous Bite Damage
    Neurotoxin Damage
    Monster Damage Cap
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Venomous Bite / Neurotoxin@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Venomous Bite / Neurotoxin@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSpider Form: Elise lunges with a poisonous bite, dealing @spell.EliseSpiderQCast:Effect1Amount@ plus @spell.EliseSpiderQCast:TotalPercentDamage@ missing Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Venomous Bite / Neurotoxin@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWhiplash (Empowered)Whiplash Empowered@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@Whiplash Empowered[@Hotkey@] Whiplash Empowered@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}[@Hotkey@] Whiplash Empowered@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}This Ability applies On-Hit Effects to the targeted enemy.
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Whiplash Empowered@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Whiplash Empowered@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Whiplash Empowered@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipContent }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Whiplash Empowered@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGateGate@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Gate @SpellTags@ {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}Teleports Twisted Fate to target location in 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Gate  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Gate  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Gate  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Gate @SpellTags@ Teleports Twisted Fate to target location in 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Gate  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoReactivate to make the barrel explode.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }} @SpellTags@ Reactivate to make the barrel explode.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Command: HallucinateCommand: Hallucinate@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Command: HallucinateNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}Shaco commands his clone to move to target location or attack target enemy.

    This clone lasts up to @Spell.HallucinateFull:CloneLifetime@ seconds and detonates when it dies, dealing @Spell.HallucinateFull:ExplosionTotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes.
    • Mini boxes deal @Spell.HallucinateFull:AoEDamage@ magic damage, or @Spell.HallucinateFull:STDamage@ magic damage if attacking only one enemy, and Fears enemies for @Spell.HallucinateFull:BoxFearDuration@ second(s).
    • Clone deals @Spell.HallucinateFull:CloneAADamagePercent*100@% of Shaco's damage and receives @Spell.HallucinateFull:CloneIncomingDamagePercent*100@% increased damage.

    The clone can also be controlled by holding the Alt key and using the right mouse button.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Command: HallucinateNo CooldownNo Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Command: HallucinateNo CooldownNo Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Command: HallucinateNo CooldownNo Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Command: HallucinateNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostShaco commands his clone to move to target location or attack target enemy.

    This clone lasts up to @Spell.HallucinateFull:CloneLifetime@ seconds and detonates when it dies, dealing @Spell.HallucinateFull:ExplosionTotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes.
    • Mini boxes deal @Spell.HallucinateFull:AoEDamage@ magic damage, or @Spell.HallucinateFull:STDamage@ magic damage if attacking only one enemy, and Fears enemies for @Spell.HallucinateFull:BoxFearDuration@ second(s).
    • Clone deals @Spell.HallucinateFull:CloneAADamagePercent*100@% of Shaco's damage and receives @Spell.HallucinateFull:CloneIncomingDamagePercent*100@% increased damage.

    The clone can also be controlled by holding the Alt key and using the right mouse button.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Command: HallucinateNo CooldownNo Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDaisy, wait!Daisy, wait!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Daisy, wait!No Cooldown@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}Send Daisy to Attack. If used on Ivern, Daisy will follow him.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Daisy, wait!No CooldownNo Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Daisy, wait!No CooldownNo Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Daisy, wait!No CooldownNo Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Daisy, wait!No Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostSend Daisy to Attack. If used on Ivern, Daisy will follow him.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Daisy, wait!No CooldownNo Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoUmbral TrespassUmbral Trespass@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Umbral Trespass@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}End this Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Umbral Trespass@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Umbral Trespass@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Umbral Trespass@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Umbral Trespass@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@End this Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Umbral Trespass@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLightning Rush CancelLightning Rush Cancel@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lightning Rush Cancel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}You can activate Lightning Rush again right now to cancel the current spell.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lightning Rush Cancel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Lightning Rush Cancel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Lightning Rush Cancel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Lightning Rush Cancel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@You can activate Lightning Rush again right now to cancel the current spell.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lightning Rush Cancel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvolved LeapEvolved Leap@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolved Leap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}[@Hotkey@] Evolved Leap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Evolved Leap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Evolved Leap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Evolved Leap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipContent }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolved Leap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvolved Taste Their FearEvolved Taste Their Fear@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolved Taste Their Fear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}[@Hotkey@] Evolved Taste Their Fear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Evolved Taste Their Fear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Evolved Taste Their Fear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Evolved Taste Their Fear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipContent }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolved Taste Their Fear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKled can dash back through his initial target, dealing the same damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kled can dash back through his initial target, dealing the same damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mimic: Ethereal ChainsMimic: Ethereal Chains@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Ethereal Chains@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}LeBlanc mimics Ethereal Chains, dealing @Spell.LeblancR:RE1Damage@ magic damage when shackled and @Spell.LeblancR:RE2Damage@ magic damage when Rooting.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Ethereal Chains@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Ethereal Chains@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Ethereal Chains@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Ethereal Chains@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc mimics Ethereal Chains, dealing @Spell.LeblancR:RE1Damage@ magic damage when shackled and @Spell.LeblancR:RE2Damage@ magic damage when Rooting.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Ethereal Chains@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMimic: Sigil of MaliceMimic: Sigil of Malice@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Sigil of Malice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}LeBlanc mimics Sigil of Malice, dealing @Spell.LeblancR:RQ1Damage@ magic damage when applied, and @Spell.LeblancR:RQ2Damage@ magic damage when consumed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Sigil of Malice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Sigil of Malice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Sigil of Malice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Sigil of Malice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc mimics Sigil of Malice, dealing @Spell.LeblancR:RQ1Damage@ magic damage when applied, and @Spell.LeblancR:RQ2Damage@ magic damage when consumed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Sigil of Malice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMimic: Distortion ReturnMimic: Distortion Return@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Distortion Return @SpellTags@ {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}LeBlanc returns to her purple marker.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Distortion Return  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Distortion Return  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Distortion Return  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Distortion Return @SpellTags@ LeBlanc returns to her purple marker.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Distortion Return  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMimic: DistortionMimic: Distortion@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Distortion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}LeBlanc mimics Distortion, dealing @Spell.LeblancR:RWDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Distortion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Distortion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Distortion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Distortion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc mimics Distortion, dealing @Spell.LeblancR:RWDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mimic: Distortion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDistortion ReturnDistortion Return@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Distortion Return @SpellTags@ {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}LeBlanc returns to her yellow marker.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Distortion Return  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Distortion Return  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Distortion Return  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Distortion Return @SpellTags@ LeBlanc returns to her yellow marker.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Distortion Return  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@End this Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Nidalee jumps in a direction, dealing damage in an area where she lands.Pounce / BushwhackPounce / Bushwhack@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pounce / Bushwhack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}Cougar Form: Nidalee pounces, dealing @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:TotalPounceDamage@ magic damage to enemies surrounding where she lands. Killing a unit in Cougar Form reduces this Ability's Cooldown to @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:PounceCooldown@ seconds.

    Pouncing at a Hunted enemy can be done from a greater distance and reduces this Ability's Cooldown to @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:PounceCooldown@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_Pounce_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_Bushwhack_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pounce / Bushwhack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Pounce / Bushwhack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Pounce / Bushwhack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Pounce / Bushwhack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostCougar Form: Nidalee pounces, dealing @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:TotalPounceDamage@ magic damage to enemies surrounding where she lands. Killing a unit in Cougar Form reduces this Ability's Cooldown to @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:PounceCooldown@ seconds.

    Pouncing at a Hunted enemy can be done from a greater distance and reduces this Ability's Cooldown to @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:PounceCooldown@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Pounce / Bushwhack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }} @SpellTags@ End this Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Burrowed: Rek'Sai tunnels forward, leaving two connected tunnel entrances for @spell.RekSaiE:Effect5Amount@ minutes. Rek'Sai can click on one of the entrances to tunnel to the other one, and tunnels each have a @spell.RekSaiE:Effect8Amount@ second Cooldown between uses. Rek'Sai can have up to @spell.RekSaiE:Effect6Amount@ tunnels at once.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_RekSaiEBurrowed_Tooltip}}

    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Tunnels can be destroyed by enemies standing on them.
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBurrowed: Rek'Sai tunnels forward, leaving two connected tunnel entrances for @spell.RekSaiE:Effect5Amount@ minutes. Rek'Sai can click on one of the entrances to tunnel to the other one, and tunnels each have a @spell.RekSaiE:Effect8Amount@ second Cooldown between uses. Rek'Sai can have up to @spell.RekSaiE:Effect6Amount@ tunnels at once.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Burrowed: Rek'Sai launches a burst of void-charged earth that explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing @spell.RekSaiQ:BurrowDamageTooltip@ physical damage in a small area. It also reveals non-stealthed enemies for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. If it hits a Champion, it generates 25 Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_RekSaiQBurrowed_Tooltip}}

    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBurrowed: Rek'Sai launches a burst of void-charged earth that explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing @spell.RekSaiQ:BurrowDamageTooltip@ physical damage in a small area. It also reveals non-stealthed enemies for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. If it hits a Champion, it generates 25 Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Burrowed: Rek'sai unburrows, Knocking Up for @spell.RekSaiW:Effect5Amount@ second and dealing @spell.RekSaiW:UnburrowDamage@ physical damage to the closest enemy. Enemies can only be affected by this Ability once every @spell.RekSaiW:Effect6Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_ReksaiWBurrowed_Tooltip}}

    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_DisplayName }}@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBurrowed: Rek'sai unburrows, Knocking Up for @spell.RekSaiW:Effect5Amount@ second and dealing @spell.RekSaiW:UnburrowDamage@ physical damage to the closest enemy. Enemies can only be affected by this Ability once every @spell.RekSaiW:Effect6Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@NevermoveNevermove@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Nevermove@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}Swain can recast Nevermove to pull all champions rooted by the spell toward him and will gain one Soul Fragment for each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Nevermove@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Nevermove@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Nevermove@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Nevermove@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain can recast Nevermove to pull all champions rooted by the spell toward him and will gain one Soul Fragment for each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Nevermove@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDemonflareDemonflare@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Demonflare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}Swain unleashes a nova of soulfire, dealing @Spell.SwainR:DemonflareDamageTotal@ magic damage and Slowing enemies by @Spell.SwainR:DemonflareSlowAmount*100@%, decaying over @Spell.SwainR:DemonflareSlowDuration@s.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Demonflare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Demonflare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Demonflare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Demonflare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSwain unleashes a nova of soulfire, dealing @Spell.SwainR:DemonflareDamageTotal@ magic damage and Slowing enemies by @Spell.SwainR:DemonflareSlowAmount*100@%, decaying over @Spell.SwainR:DemonflareSlowDuration@s.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Demonflare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoNidalee claws in a direction, dealing damage to enemies in front of her.Swipe / Primal SurgeSwipe / Primal Surge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Swipe / Primal Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}Cougar Form: Nidalee claws at enemies in front of her, dealing @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:TotalSwipeDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_Swipe_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_PrimalSurge_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Swipe / Primal Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Swipe / Primal Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Swipe / Primal Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Swipe / Primal Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostCougar Form: Nidalee claws at enemies in front of her, dealing @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:TotalSwipeDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Swipe / Primal Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoNidalee executes a powerful attack that deals increased damage to low Health and Hunted targets.Takedown / Javelin TossTakedown / Javelin Toss@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Takedown / Javelin Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}Cougar Form: Nidalee's next Attack deals an additional @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:TotalTakedownDamage@ plus @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:TakedownDamageAmp@% per 1% missing Health magic damage.

    If the enemy was Hunted, deals @Effect5Amount*100@% increased damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_Takedown_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JavelinToss_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Takedown / Javelin Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Takedown / Javelin Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Takedown / Javelin Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Takedown / Javelin Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostCougar Form: Nidalee's next Attack deals an additional @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:TotalTakedownDamage@ plus @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:TakedownDamageAmp@% per 1% missing Health magic damage.

    If the enemy was Hunted, deals @Effect5Amount*100@% increased damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Takedown / Javelin Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDeathly LeapDeathly Leap@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Deathly Leap @SpellTags@ {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}Thresh pulls himself to the poor soul.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Deathly Leap  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Deathly Leap  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Deathly Leap  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Deathly Leap @SpellTags@ Thresh pulls himself to the poor soul.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Deathly Leap  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCancel the PurgeCancel the Purge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cancel the Purge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}Urgot halts this Ability prematurely.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cancel the Purge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Cancel the Purge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Cancel the Purge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Cancel the Purge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Urgot halts this Ability prematurely.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cancel the Purge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGuide SingularityGuide Singularity@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Guide Singularity @SpellTags@ {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}Relocate the storm to another position.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Guide Singularity  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Guide Singularity  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Guide Singularity  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Guide Singularity @SpellTags@ Relocate the storm to another position.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Guide Singularity  {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAwakeningAwakening@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] AwakeningNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}Yorick raises Mist Walkers from nearby graves.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Recast: {{Spell_YorickQ2_Tooltip}}

    Base Ability: {{Spell_YorickQ_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] AwakeningNo CooldownNo Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] AwakeningNo CooldownNo Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] AwakeningNo CooldownNo Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] AwakeningNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostYorick raises Mist Walkers from nearby graves.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] AwakeningNo CooldownNo Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoYuumi can reactivate this spell to dash to another ally champion, or to detach from her current ally.Change of PlanChange of Plan@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Change of Plan@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}Passive: Yuumi is increasing her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @f1@ and gaining the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to another ally champion, or detaches from her current friend.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Passive: Yuumi is increasing her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @f1@ = (@spell.YuumiW:FlatAdaptiveStats@ + @spell.YuumiW:AdaptiveStatSharing*100@%) and gaining the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to another ally champion, or detaches from her current friend.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Change of Plan@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}This Ability has a @spell.YuumiW:AttachCooldown@ second Cooldown, but Yuumi can cast it anytime she is already Attached to switch between friends or Unattach.

    Yuumi's Abilities will use her Attached ally's position instead of hers.

    Yuumi will Unattach if her ally uses Summoner Teleport.

    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Change of Plan@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}Flat Adaptive Force
    Percent Adaptive Force
    [ @FlatAdaptiveStats1Prefix@@FlatAdaptiveStats1@@FlatAdaptiveStats1Postfix@ / @FlatAdaptiveStats2Prefix@@FlatAdaptiveStats2@@FlatAdaptiveStats2Postfix@ / @FlatAdaptiveStats3Prefix@@FlatAdaptiveStats3@@FlatAdaptiveStats3Postfix@ / @FlatAdaptiveStats4Prefix@@FlatAdaptiveStats4@@FlatAdaptiveStats4Postfix@ / @FlatAdaptiveStats5Prefix@@FlatAdaptiveStats5@@FlatAdaptiveStats5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AdaptiveStatSharing1Prefix@@AdaptiveStatSharing1*100.000000@%@AdaptiveStatSharing1Postfix@ / @AdaptiveStatSharing2Prefix@@AdaptiveStatSharing2*100.000000@%@AdaptiveStatSharing2Postfix@ / @AdaptiveStatSharing3Prefix@@AdaptiveStatSharing3*100.000000@%@AdaptiveStatSharing3Postfix@ / @AdaptiveStatSharing4Prefix@@AdaptiveStatSharing4*100.000000@%@AdaptiveStatSharing4Postfix@ / @AdaptiveStatSharing5Prefix@@AdaptiveStatSharing5*100.000000@%@AdaptiveStatSharing5Postfix@ ]
    Flat Adaptive Force
    Percent Adaptive Force
    @FlatAdaptiveStats@ -> @FlatAdaptiveStatsNL@
    @AdaptiveStatSharing*100.000000@% -> @AdaptiveStatSharingNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Change of Plan@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Change of Plan@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Yuumi is increasing her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @f1@ and gaining the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to another ally champion, or detaches from her current friend.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Change of Plan@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoShadow SwapShadow Swap@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shadow Swap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}Zed switches places with his shadow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shadow Swap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}[@Hotkey@] Shadow Swap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}[@Hotkey@] Shadow Swap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shadow Swap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostZed switches places with his shadow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shadow Swap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%No Cost{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more info;%i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move SpeedBoots%i:scaleMS% 25 Move Speed
    BootsSells for: @Value@%i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move SpeedBoots{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: BootsBoots{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Boots%i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move SpeedBoots{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Boots%i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana RegenFaerie Charm%i:scaleManaRegen% 50% Base Mana Regen
    Faerie CharmSells for: @Value@%i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana RegenFaerie Charm{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Faerie Charm{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana RegenFaerie Charm{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health RegenRejuvenation Bead%i:scaleHPRegen% 100% Base Health Regen
    Rejuvenation BeadSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health RegenRejuvenation Bead{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Rejuvenation Bead{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health RegenRejuvenation Bead{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ HealthGiant's Belt%i:scaleHealth% 350 Health
    Giant's BeltSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ HealthGiant's Belt{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Giant's Belt{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ HealthGiant's Belt{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike ChanceCloak of Agility%i:scaleCrit% 15% Critical Strike Chance
    Cloak of AgilitySells for: @Value@%i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike ChanceCloak of Agility{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Cloak of Agility{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike ChanceCloak of Agility{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerBlasting Wand%i:scaleAP% 40 Ability Power
    Blasting WandSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerBlasting Wand{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Blasting Wand{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerBlasting Wand{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    ;blue%i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ ManaSapphire Crystal%i:scaleMana% 250 Mana
    Sapphire CrystalSells for: @Value@%i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ ManaSapphire Crystal{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Sapphire Crystal{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ ManaSapphire Crystal{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    ;redRuby Crystal%i:scaleHealth% 150 Health
    Ruby CrystalSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ HealthRuby Crystal{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Ruby Crystal{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ HealthRuby Crystal{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ ArmorCloth Armor%i:scaleArmor% 15 Armor
    Cloth ArmorSells for: @Value@%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ ArmorCloth Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Cloth Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ ArmorCloth Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleArmor% 40 Armor
    Chain VestSells for: @Value@%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ ArmorChain Vest{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Chain Vest{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ ArmorChain Vest{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic ResistNull-Magic Mantle%i:scaleMR% 25 Magic Resist
    Null-Magic MantleSells for: @Value@%i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic ResistNull-Magic Mantle{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Null-Magic Mantle{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic ResistNull-Magic Mantle{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    Dueling;jungle;Jungle;red%i:scaleSV% @Omnivamp*100@% Omnivamp against jungle monsters
  1. Sear: Damaging jungle monsters burns them for @TotalBurnDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
  2. Challenging Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item and upgrades your Smite to Challenging Smite, increasing its damage to monsters to @TooltipUpgradedSmiteValue@ and damage to minions to @TooltipMinionDamageFlat@ +@TooltipMinionDamagePercentHealth*100@% target max Health. Challenging Smite marks champions for @ImmolatingMarkDuration@ seconds. Damaging a marked champion deals an additional @ImmolatingBurnDamageTooltip@ true damage to them over @ImmolatingBurnDuration@ seconds. You take @ImmolatingReductionPercent*100@% reduced damage from marked champions.
  3. Huntsman: Killing large jungle monsters grants bonus experience.
  4. Recoup: Regen up to @ManaRestoreForTooltip@ Mana (based on missing mana) per second when in the jungle or river.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}
    Only attacks and abilities apply Challenging Smite's burnEmberknife
  5. Sear: Damaging Monsters burns them over time.
  6. Challenging Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item upgrade your Smite to Challenging Smite and increases its damage to monsters. Challenging Smite marks champions. During this time, you deal bonus true damage to them on hit and take reduced damage from them.
  7. Huntsman: Killing Large Monsters grants bonus experience.
  8. Recoup: Regen mana when in the Jungle or River.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}

    Only attacks and abilities apply Challenging Smite's burn
    EmberknifeSells for: @Value@%i:scaleSV% @Omnivamp*100@% Omnivamp against jungle monsters
  9. Sear: Damaging jungle monsters burns them for @TotalBurnDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
  10. Challenging Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item and upgrades your Smite to Challenging Smite, increasing its damage to monsters to @TooltipUpgradedSmiteValue@ and damage to minions to @TooltipMinionDamageFlat@ +@TooltipMinionDamagePercentHealth*100@% target max Health. Challenging Smite marks champions for @ImmolatingMarkDuration@ seconds. Damaging a marked champion deals an additional @ImmolatingBurnDamageTooltip@ true damage to them over @ImmolatingBurnDuration@ seconds. You take @ImmolatingReductionPercent*100@% reduced damage from marked champions.
  11. Huntsman: Killing large jungle monsters grants bonus experience.
  12. Recoup: Regen up to @ManaRestoreForTooltip@ Mana (based on missing mana) per second when in the jungle or river.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}
    Only attacks and abilities apply Challenging Smite's burnEmberknifeDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Jungle%i:scaleSV% @Omnivamp*100@% Omnivamp against jungle monsters
  13. Sear: Damaging jungle monsters burns them for @TotalBurnDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
  14. Challenging Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item and upgrades your Smite to Challenging Smite, increasing its damage to monsters to @TooltipUpgradedSmiteValue@ and damage to minions to @TooltipMinionDamageFlat@ +@TooltipMinionDamagePercentHealth*100@% target max Health. Challenging Smite marks champions for @ImmolatingMarkDuration@ seconds. Damaging a marked champion deals an additional @ImmolatingBurnDamageTooltip@ true damage to them over @ImmolatingBurnDuration@ seconds. You take @ImmolatingReductionPercent*100@% reduced damage from marked champions.
  15. Huntsman: Killing large jungle monsters grants bonus experience.
  16. Recoup: Regen up to @ManaRestoreForTooltip@ Mana (based on missing mana) per second when in the jungle or river.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}
    Only attacks and abilities apply Challenging Smite's burnEmberknifeDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Jungle%i:scaleSV% @Omnivamp*100@% Omnivamp against jungle monsters
  17. Sear: Damaging jungle monsters burns them for @TotalBurnDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
  18. Challenging Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item and upgrades your Smite to Challenging Smite, increasing its damage to monsters to @TooltipUpgradedSmiteValue@ and damage to minions to @TooltipMinionDamageFlat@ +@TooltipMinionDamagePercentHealth*100@% target max Health. Challenging Smite marks champions for @ImmolatingMarkDuration@ seconds. Damaging a marked champion deals an additional @ImmolatingBurnDamageTooltip@ true damage to them over @ImmolatingBurnDuration@ seconds. You take @ImmolatingReductionPercent*100@% reduced damage from marked champions.
  19. Huntsman: Killing large jungle monsters grants bonus experience.
  20. Recoup: Regen up to @ManaRestoreForTooltip@ Mana (based on missing mana) per second when in the jungle or river.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}
    Only attacks and abilities apply Challenging Smite's burnEmberknifeDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Jungle%i:scaleSV% @Omnivamp*100@% Omnivamp against jungle monsters
  21. Sear: Damaging jungle monsters burns them for @TotalBurnDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
  22. Challenging Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item and upgrades your Smite to Challenging Smite, increasing its damage to monsters to @TooltipUpgradedSmiteValue@ and damage to minions to @TooltipMinionDamageFlat@ +@TooltipMinionDamagePercentHealth*100@% target max Health. Challenging Smite marks champions for @ImmolatingMarkDuration@ seconds. Damaging a marked champion deals an additional @ImmolatingBurnDamageTooltip@ true damage to them over @ImmolatingBurnDuration@ seconds. You take @ImmolatingReductionPercent*100@% reduced damage from marked champions.
  23. Huntsman: Killing large jungle monsters grants bonus experience.
  24. Recoup: Regen up to @ManaRestoreForTooltip@ Mana (based on missing mana) per second when in the jungle or river.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}
    Only attacks and abilities apply Challenging Smite's burn
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageLong Sword%i:scaleAD% 10 Attack Damage
    Long SwordSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageLong Sword{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Long Sword{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageLong Sword{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    Pickaxe%i:scaleAD% 25 Attack Damage
    PickaxeSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamagePickaxe{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Pickaxe{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamagePickaxe{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    ;bfB. F. Sword%i:scaleAD% 40 Attack Damage
    B. F. SwordSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageB. F. Sword{{ Item_Gold_Value }}B. F. Sword{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageB. F. Sword{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    Slows Enemies;jungle;Jungle;blue%i:scaleSV% @Omnivamp*100@% Omnivamp against jungle monsters
  25. Sear: Damaging jungle monsters burns them for @TotalBurnDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
  26. Chilling Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item and upgrades your Smite to Chilling Smite, increasing its damage to monsters to @TooltipUpgradedSmiteValue@ and damage to minions to @TooltipMinionDamageFlat@ +@TooltipMinionDamagePercentHealth*100@% target max Health. Chilling Smite deals @TotalChillingDamage@ true damage to champions and steals @ChillingSlowDrain*-100@% of their Move Speed for @ChillingSlowDuration@ seconds.
  27. Huntsman: Killing large jungle monsters grants bonus experience.
  28. Recoup: Regen up to @ManaRestoreForTooltip@ Mana (based on missing mana) per second when in the jungle or river.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}Hailblade
  29. Sear: Damaging Monsters burns them over time.
  30. Chilling Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item upgrade your Smite to Chilling Smite and increases its damage to monsters. When smiting champions Chilling Smite deals true damage and steals their Move Speed.
  31. Huntsman: Killing Large Monsters grants bonus experience.
  32. Recoup: Regen mana when in the Jungle or River.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}

    HailbladeSells for: @Value@%i:scaleSV% @Omnivamp*100@% Omnivamp against jungle monsters
  33. Sear: Damaging jungle monsters burns them for @TotalBurnDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
  34. Chilling Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item and upgrades your Smite to Chilling Smite, increasing its damage to monsters to @TooltipUpgradedSmiteValue@ and damage to minions to @TooltipMinionDamageFlat@ +@TooltipMinionDamagePercentHealth*100@% target max Health. Chilling Smite deals @TotalChillingDamage@ true damage to champions and steals @ChillingSlowDrain*-100@% of their Move Speed for @ChillingSlowDuration@ seconds.
  35. Huntsman: Killing large jungle monsters grants bonus experience.
  36. Recoup: Regen up to @ManaRestoreForTooltip@ Mana (based on missing mana) per second when in the jungle or river.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}HailbladeSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Jungle%i:scaleSV% @Omnivamp*100@% Omnivamp against jungle monsters
  37. Sear: Damaging jungle monsters burns them for @TotalBurnDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
  38. Chilling Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item and upgrades your Smite to Chilling Smite, increasing its damage to monsters to @TooltipUpgradedSmiteValue@ and damage to minions to @TooltipMinionDamageFlat@ +@TooltipMinionDamagePercentHealth*100@% target max Health. Chilling Smite deals @TotalChillingDamage@ true damage to champions and steals @ChillingSlowDrain*-100@% of their Move Speed for @ChillingSlowDuration@ seconds.
  39. Huntsman: Killing large jungle monsters grants bonus experience.
  40. Recoup: Regen up to @ManaRestoreForTooltip@ Mana (based on missing mana) per second when in the jungle or river.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}HailbladeSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Jungle%i:scaleSV% @Omnivamp*100@% Omnivamp against jungle monsters
  41. Sear: Damaging jungle monsters burns them for @TotalBurnDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
  42. Chilling Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item and upgrades your Smite to Chilling Smite, increasing its damage to monsters to @TooltipUpgradedSmiteValue@ and damage to minions to @TooltipMinionDamageFlat@ +@TooltipMinionDamagePercentHealth*100@% target max Health. Chilling Smite deals @TotalChillingDamage@ true damage to champions and steals @ChillingSlowDrain*-100@% of their Move Speed for @ChillingSlowDuration@ seconds.
  43. Huntsman: Killing large jungle monsters grants bonus experience.
  44. Recoup: Regen up to @ManaRestoreForTooltip@ Mana (based on missing mana) per second when in the jungle or river.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}HailbladeSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Jungle%i:scaleSV% @Omnivamp*100@% Omnivamp against jungle monsters
  45. Sear: Damaging jungle monsters burns them for @TotalBurnDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
  46. Chilling Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item and upgrades your Smite to Chilling Smite, increasing its damage to monsters to @TooltipUpgradedSmiteValue@ and damage to minions to @TooltipMinionDamageFlat@ +@TooltipMinionDamagePercentHealth*100@% target max Health. Chilling Smite deals @TotalChillingDamage@ true damage to champions and steals @ChillingSlowDrain*-100@% of their Move Speed for @ChillingSlowDuration@ seconds.
  47. Huntsman: Killing large jungle monsters grants bonus experience.
  48. Recoup: Regen up to @ManaRestoreForTooltip@ Mana (based on missing mana) per second when in the jungle or river.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}
    Upgrades Attack-Smite;jungle;black%i:scaleSV% @Omnivamp*100@% Omnivamp against jungle monsters
  49. Sear: Damaging jungle monsters burns them for @TotalBurnDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
  50. Auto Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item and upgrades your Attack-Smite, increasing its damage to monsters to @TooltipUpgradedSmiteValue@.
  51. Huntsman: Killing large jungle monsters grants bonus experience.
  52. Recoup: Regen up to @ManaRestoreForTooltip@ Mana (based on missing mana) per second when in the jungle or river.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}Obsidian Edge
  53. Sear: Damaging Monsters burns them over time.
  54. Auto Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item upgrade your Attack-Smite, increasing its damage to monsters.
  55. Huntsman: Killing Large Monsters grants bonus experience.
  56. Recoup: Regen mana when in the Jungle or River.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}
    Obsidian EdgeSells for: @Value@%i:scaleSV% @Omnivamp*100@% Omnivamp against jungle monsters
  57. Sear: Damaging jungle monsters burns them for @TotalBurnDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
  58. Auto Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item and upgrades your Attack-Smite, increasing its damage to monsters to @TooltipUpgradedSmiteValue@.
  59. Huntsman: Killing large jungle monsters grants bonus experience.
  60. Recoup: Regen up to @ManaRestoreForTooltip@ Mana (based on missing mana) per second when in the jungle or river.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}Obsidian EdgeUpgrades Attack-Smite{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Jungle%i:scaleSV% @Omnivamp*100@% Omnivamp against jungle monsters
  61. Sear: Damaging jungle monsters burns them for @TotalBurnDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
  62. Auto Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item and upgrades your Attack-Smite, increasing its damage to monsters to @TooltipUpgradedSmiteValue@.
  63. Huntsman: Killing large jungle monsters grants bonus experience.
  64. Recoup: Regen up to @ManaRestoreForTooltip@ Mana (based on missing mana) per second when in the jungle or river.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}Obsidian EdgeUpgrades Attack-Smite{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Jungle%i:scaleSV% @Omnivamp*100@% Omnivamp against jungle monsters
  65. Sear: Damaging jungle monsters burns them for @TotalBurnDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
  66. Auto Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item and upgrades your Attack-Smite, increasing its damage to monsters to @TooltipUpgradedSmiteValue@.
  67. Huntsman: Killing large jungle monsters grants bonus experience.
  68. Recoup: Regen up to @ManaRestoreForTooltip@ Mana (based on missing mana) per second when in the jungle or river.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}Obsidian EdgeUpgrades Attack-Smite{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Jungle%i:scaleSV% @Omnivamp*100@% Omnivamp against jungle monsters
  69. Sear: Damaging jungle monsters burns them for @TotalBurnDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
  70. Auto Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item and upgrades your Attack-Smite, increasing its damage to monsters to @TooltipUpgradedSmiteValue@.
  71. Huntsman: Killing large jungle monsters grants bonus experience.
  72. Recoup: Regen up to @ManaRestoreForTooltip@ Mana (based on missing mana) per second when in the jungle or river.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack SpeedDagger%i:scaleAS% 12% Attack Speed
    DaggerSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack SpeedDagger{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Dagger{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack SpeedDagger{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  73. Steeltipped: Attacks apply @OnHitDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.Recurve Bow%i:scaleAS% 25% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  74. Steeltipped: Attacks apply physical damage On-Hit.
    Recurve BowSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  75. Steeltipped: Attacks apply @OnHitDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.Recurve Bow{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  76. Steeltipped: Attacks apply @OnHitDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.Recurve Bow{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  77. Steeltipped: Attacks apply @OnHitDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.Recurve Bow{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  78. Steeltipped: Attacks apply @OnHitDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.
    ;amptome;bookAmplifying Tome%i:scaleAP% 20 Ability Power
    Amplifying TomeSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerAmplifying Tome{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Amplifying Tome{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerAmplifying Tome{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life StealVampiric Scepter%i:scaleAD% 15 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleLS% 7% Life Steal

    Vampiric ScepterSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    Vampiric Scepter{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Vampiric Scepter{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    Vampiric Scepter{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal

    Defense;dshield%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  79. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamageToMinions@ physical damage to minions.
  80. Recovery: Restores @FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
  81. Endure: Restores up to @MaxRegenAmount@ Health over @RegenDuration@ seconds after taking damage from a champion, large jungle monster, or epic jungle monster. Restoration increases when you are low Health.

    Endure @RangeRegenMult*100@% effective when owned by %i:rangedInactive% Ranged champions or when taking damage from area of effect or periodic damage sources.Doran's Shield%i:scaleHealth% 80 Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  82. Focus: Attacks deal additional damage to minions.
  83. Recovery: Restores Health over time.
  84. Endure: Restores Health after taking damage from a champion, large jungle monster, or epic jungle monster. Restoration increases when you are low Health.

    Endure 66% effective when owned by %i:rangedInactive% Ranged champions or when taking damage from area of effect or periodic damage sources.
    Defensive starting item.Doran's ShieldSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  85. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamageToMinions@ physical damage to minions.
  86. Recovery: Restores @FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
  87. Endure: Restores up to @MaxRegenAmount@ Health over @RegenDuration@ seconds after taking damage from a champion, large jungle monster, or epic jungle monster. Restoration increases when you are low Health.

    Endure @RangeRegenMult*100@% effective when owned by %i:rangedInactive% Ranged champions or when taking damage from area of effect or periodic damage sources.Doran's ShieldDefense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  88. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamageToMinions@ physical damage to minions.
  89. Recovery: Restores @FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
  90. Endure: Restores up to @MaxRegenAmount@ Health over @RegenDuration@ seconds after taking damage from a champion, large jungle monster, or epic jungle monster. Restoration increases when you are low Health.

    Endure @RangeRegenMult*100@% effective when owned by %i:rangedInactive% Ranged champions or when taking damage from area of effect or periodic damage sources.Doran's ShieldDefense{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  91. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamageToMinions@ physical damage to minions.
  92. Recovery: Restores @FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
  93. Endure: Restores up to @MaxRegenAmount@ Health over @RegenDuration@ seconds after taking damage from a champion, large jungle monster, or epic jungle monster. Restoration increases when you are low Health.

    Endure @RangeRegenMult*100@% effective when owned by %i:rangedInactive% Ranged champions or when taking damage from area of effect or periodic damage sources.Doran's ShieldDefense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  94. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamageToMinions@ physical damage to minions.
  95. Recovery: Restores @FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
  96. Endure: Restores up to @MaxRegenAmount@ Health over @RegenDuration@ seconds after taking damage from a champion, large jungle monster, or epic jungle monster. Restoration increases when you are low Health.

    Endure @RangeRegenMult*100@% effective when owned by %i:rangedInactive% Ranged champions or when taking damage from area of effect or periodic damage sources.
    Offense;dblade%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  97. Warmonger: Gain @PassiveOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp.

    Omnivamp is only 33% effective when dealing area of effect damage or damage through pets.Doran's Blade%i:scaleAD% 8 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 80 Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  98. Warmonger: Gain Omnivamp.

    Omnivamp is only 33% effective when dealing area of effect damage or damage through pets.
    Good starting item for Attack Damage usersDoran's BladeSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  99. Warmonger: Gain @PassiveOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp.

    Omnivamp is only 33% effective when dealing area of effect damage or damage through pets.Doran's BladeOffense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  100. Warmonger: Gain @PassiveOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp.

    Omnivamp is only 33% effective when dealing area of effect damage or damage through pets.Doran's BladeOffense{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  101. Warmonger: Gain @PassiveOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp.

    Omnivamp is only 33% effective when dealing area of effect damage or damage through pets.Doran's BladeOffense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  102. Warmonger: Gain @PassiveOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp.

    Omnivamp is only 33% effective when dealing area of effect damage or damage through pets.
    ;dring%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  103. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage to minions.
  104. Drain: Restore @ManaRestorePerSecond@ Mana every second. Damaging an enemy champion increases this amount to @IncreasedManaRestorePerSecond@ Mana every second for @SecondsActive@ seconds. If you can't gain Mana, regenerate @ManaToHealthConversion*100@% of the value as Health instead.Doran's Ring%i:scaleAP% 15 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 70 Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  105. Focus: Attacks deal additional damage to minions.
  106. Drain: Restore Mana every second. Damaging an enemy champion increases this amount. If you can't gain Mana, regenerate Health instead.
    Good starting item for Ability Power usersDoran's RingSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  107. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage to minions.
  108. Drain: Restore @ManaRestorePerSecond@ Mana every second. Damaging an enemy champion increases this amount to @IncreasedManaRestorePerSecond@ Mana every second for @SecondsActive@ seconds. If you can't gain Mana, regenerate @ManaToHealthConversion*100@% of the value as Health instead.Doran's RingOffense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  109. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage to minions.
  110. Drain: Restore @ManaRestorePerSecond@ Mana every second. Damaging an enemy champion increases this amount to @IncreasedManaRestorePerSecond@ Mana every second for @SecondsActive@ seconds. If you can't gain Mana, regenerate @ManaToHealthConversion*100@% of the value as Health instead.Doran's RingOffense{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  111. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage to minions.
  112. Drain: Restore @ManaRestorePerSecond@ Mana every second. Damaging an enemy champion increases this amount to @IncreasedManaRestorePerSecond@ Mana every second for @SecondsActive@ seconds. If you can't gain Mana, regenerate @ManaToHealthConversion*100@% of the value as Health instead.Doran's RingOffense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  113. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage to minions.
  114. Drain: Restore @ManaRestorePerSecond@ Mana every second. Damaging an enemy champion increases this amount to @IncreasedManaRestorePerSecond@ Mana every second for @SecondsActive@ seconds. If you can't gain Mana, regenerate @ManaToHealthConversion*100@% of the value as Health instead.
    Negatron Cloak%i:scaleMR% 50 Magic Resist
    Negatron CloakSells for: @Value@%i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic ResistNegatron Cloak{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Negatron Cloak{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic ResistNegatron Cloak{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    ;nlrNeedlessly Large Rod%i:scaleAP% 60 Ability Power
    Needlessly Large RodSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerNeedlessly Large Rod{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Needlessly Large Rod{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerNeedlessly Large Rod{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    Snowball%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  115. Glory: Gain @GloryOnKill@ stacks for a champion kill or @GloryOnAssist@ stack for an assist (up to @MaxGloryStacks@ stacks total). Lose @GloryLossOnDeath@ stacks on death.
  116. Dread: Grants @APPerGlory@ Ability Power per stack of Glory.

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Mejai's Soulstealer.Dark Seal%i:scaleAP% 15 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 40 Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  117. Glory: Gain 2 stacks for a champion kill or 1 stack for an assist (up to 10 stacks total). Lose 5 stacks on death.
  118. Dread: Grants 4 Ability Power per stack of Glory.

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Mejai's Soulstealer.
    Power up your ability power as you kill enemy champions.Dark SealSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  119. Glory: Gain @GloryOnKill@ stacks for a champion kill or @GloryOnAssist@ stack for an assist (up to @MaxGloryStacks@ stacks total). Lose @GloryLossOnDeath@ stacks on death.
  120. Dread: Grants @APPerGlory@ Ability Power per stack of Glory.

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Mejai's Soulstealer.Dark SealSnowball{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Glory{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  121. Glory: Gain @GloryOnKill@ stacks for a champion kill or @GloryOnAssist@ stack for an assist (up to @MaxGloryStacks@ stacks total). Lose @GloryLossOnDeath@ stacks on death.
  122. Dread: Grants @APPerGlory@ Ability Power per stack of Glory (Currently @CurrentGloryAP@ Ability Power).

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Mejai's Soulstealer.Dark SealSnowball{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Glory%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  123. Glory: Gain @GloryOnKill@ stacks for a champion kill or @GloryOnAssist@ stack for an assist (up to @MaxGloryStacks@ stacks total). Lose @GloryLossOnDeath@ stacks on death.
  124. Dread: Grants @APPerGlory@ Ability Power per stack of Glory (Currently @CurrentGloryAP@ Ability Power).

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Mejai's Soulstealer.Dark SealSnowball{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Glory%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  125. Glory: Gain @GloryOnKill@ stacks for a champion kill or @GloryOnAssist@ stack for an assist (up to @MaxGloryStacks@ stacks total). Lose @GloryLossOnDeath@ stacks on death.
  126. Dread: Grants @APPerGlory@ Ability Power per stack of Glory.

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Mejai's Soulstealer.
    Farming%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  127. Attacks restore @OnHitHeal@ Health per hit.
  128. Reap: Killing a lane minion grants @MinionKillGold@ additional gold. Killing @MinionKillThreshold@ lane minions grants an additional @CompleteGold@ bonus gold immediately and disables Reap.
    Cull%i:scaleAD% 7 Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  129. Attacks restore Health per hit.
  130. Reap: Killing a lane minion grants 1 additional gold. Killing 100 lane minions grants an additional 350 bonus gold immediately and disables Reap.

    Provides damage and Life Steal on hit - Killing minions grant bonus GoldCullSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  131. Attacks restore @OnHitHeal@ Health per hit.
  132. Reap: Killing a lane minion grants @MinionKillGold@ additional gold. Killing @MinionKillThreshold@ lane minions grants an additional @CompleteGold@ bonus gold immediately and disables Reap.
    CullFarming{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  133. Attacks restore @OnHitHeal@ Health per hit.
  134. Reap: Killing a lane minion grants @MinionKillGold@ additional gold. Killing @MinionKillThreshold@ lane minions grants an additional @CompleteGold@ bonus gold immediately and disables Reap.
    CullFarming{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  135. Attacks restore @OnHitHeal@ Health per hit.
  136. Reap: Killing a lane minion grants @MinionKillGold@ additional gold. Killing @MinionKillThreshold@ lane minions grants an additional @CompleteGold@ bonus gold immediately and disables Reap.
    CullFarming{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  137. Attacks restore @OnHitHeal@ Health per hit.
  138. Reap: Killing a lane minion grants @MinionKillGold@ additional gold. Killing @MinionKillThreshold@ lane minions grants an additional @CompleteGold@ bonus gold immediately and disables Reap.

    {{Item_1502_Tooltip_Redirect}}Reinforced Armor{{Item_1502_Tooltip_Redirect}}
    Reinforced ArmorSells for: @Value@{{Item_1502_Tooltip_Redirect}}Reinforced Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{Item_1502_Tooltip_Redirect}}Reinforced Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%){{Item_1502_Tooltip_Redirect}}Reinforced Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{Item_1502_Tooltip_Redirect}}
    Reinforced ArmorSells for: @Value@{{Item_1506_Tooltip_Redirect}}Reinforced Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{Item_1506_Tooltip_Redirect}}Reinforced Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%){{Item_1506_Tooltip_Redirect}}Reinforced Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{Item_1506_Tooltip_Redirect}}
    {{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink the potion to restore @HealAmount@ Health over @PotionDuration@ seconds.

    You may carry up to 5 Health Potions.Health Potion{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink the potion to restore 120 Health over 15 seconds.

    You may carry up to 5 Health Potions.

    Health PotionSells for: @Value@

    You may carry up to 5 Health Potions.
    Health Potion{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Potion

    You may carry up to 5 Health Potions.
    Health Potion{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Potion{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink the potion to restore @HealAmount@ Health over @PotionDuration@ seconds.

    You may carry up to 5 Health Potions.
    Health Potion{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Potion{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink the potion to restore @HealAmount@ Health over @PotionDuration@ seconds.

    You may carry up to 5 Health Potions.

    {{ Item_Active_Consume }} Eat the biscuit to restore @MissingHealthAndManaRatioTOOLTIP*100@% missing Health and Mana over @PotionDurationTOOLTIP@ seconds. Consuming or selling a biscuit permanently grants @BonusMaxManaTOOLTIP@ maximum Mana. Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Eat the biscuit to restore 8% missing Health and Mana over 5 seconds. Consuming or selling a biscuit permanently grants 40 maximum Mana.
    Total Biscuit of Everlasting WillSells for: @Value@Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%){{ Item_Active_Consume }} Eat the biscuit to restore @MissingHealthAndManaRatioTOOLTIP*100@% missing Health and Mana over @PotionDurationTOOLTIP@ seconds. Consuming or selling a biscuit permanently grants @BonusMaxManaTOOLTIP@ maximum Mana. Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Eat the biscuit to restore @MissingHealthAndManaRatioTOOLTIP*100@% missing Health and Mana over @PotionDurationTOOLTIP@ seconds. Consuming or selling a biscuit permanently grants @BonusMaxManaTOOLTIP@ maximum Mana.
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  139. {{ Item_Energized }}
  140. Jolt: Energized Attacks gain an additional @EnergizedDamage@ magic damage.Kircheis Shard%i:scaleAS% 15% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  141. {{ Item_Energized }}
  142. Jolt: Energized Attacks gain additional magic damage.
    Kircheis ShardSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  143. {{ Item_Energized }}
  144. Jolt: Energized Attacks gain an additional @EnergizedDamage@ magic damage.Kircheis Shard{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  145. {{ Item_Energized }}
  146. Jolt: Energized Attacks gain an additional @EnergizedDamage@ magic damage.Kircheis Shard{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  147. {{ Item_Energized }}
  148. Jolt: Energized Attacks gain an additional @EnergizedDamage@ magic damage.Kircheis Shard{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  149. {{ Item_Energized }}
  150. Jolt: Energized Attacks gain an additional @EnergizedDamage@ magic damage.
    {{ Item_Active_Consume }} Consumes a charge to restore @HealAmount@ Health over @PotionDuration@ seconds. Holds up to @MaxCharges@ charges and refills upon visiting the shop.Refillable Potion{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Consumes a charge to restore 100 Health over 12 seconds. Holds up to 2 charges and refills upon visiting the shop.
    Restores Health over time. Refills at shop.Refillable PotionSells for: @Value@Refillable Potion{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: PotionRefillable Potion{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Potion{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Consumes a charge to restore @HealAmount@ Health over @PotionDuration@ seconds. Holds up to @MaxCharges@ charges and refills upon visiting the shop.Refillable Potion{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Potion{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Consumes a charge to restore @HealAmount@ Health over @PotionDuration@ seconds. Holds up to @MaxCharges@ charges and refills upon visiting the shop.
    Sustain{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Consumes a charge to restore @HealAmount@ Health and @ManaAmount@ Mana over @PotionDuration@ seconds. During this time, damaging Abilities and Attacks burn enemy champions for @TotalDamage@ (@EmpoweredTotalDamage@ if you cannot gain Mana) magic damage over @DoTDuration@ seconds. Holds up to @MaxCharges@ charges and refills upon visiting the shop.

    Corrupting damage is reduced to @AoERatio*100@% when triggered by area of effect or periodic damage.Corrupting Potion{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Consumes a charge to restore 100 Health and 75 Mana over 12 seconds. During this time, damaging Abilities and Attacks burn enemy champions for 15 (20 if you cannot gain Mana) magic damage over 3 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges and refills upon visiting the shop.

    Corrupting damage is reduced to 50% when triggered by area of effect or periodic damage.

    Restores Health and Mana over time and boosts combat power and Takedown bounties - Refills at ShopCorrupting PotionSells for: @Value@

    Corrupting damage is reduced to @AoERatio*100@% when triggered by area of effect or periodic damage.
    Corrupting PotionSustain{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Potion

    Corrupting damage is reduced to @AoERatio*100@% when triggered by area of effect or periodic damage.
    Corrupting PotionSustain{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Potion{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Consumes a charge to restore @HealAmount@ Health and @ManaAmount@ Mana over @PotionDuration@ seconds. During this time, damaging Abilities and Attacks burn enemy champions for @TotalDamage@ (@EmpoweredTotalDamage@ if you cannot gain Mana) magic damage over @DoTDuration@ seconds. Holds up to @MaxCharges@ charges and refills upon visiting the shop.

    Corrupting damage is reduced to @AoERatio*100@% when triggered by area of effect or periodic damage.
    Corrupting PotionSustain{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Potion{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Consumes a charge to restore @HealAmount@ Health and @ManaAmount@ Mana over @PotionDuration@ seconds. During this time, damaging Abilities and Attacks burn enemy champions for @TotalDamage@ (@EmpoweredTotalDamage@ if you cannot gain Mana) magic damage over @DoTDuration@ seconds. Holds up to @MaxCharges@ charges and refills upon visiting the shop.

    Corrupting damage is reduced to @AoERatio*100@% when triggered by area of effect or periodic damage.

    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  151. Recovery: Restores @FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
  152. Undaunted: Blocks @Effect1Amount@ damage from attacks and spells from champions (@Effect2Amount*100@% effectiveness vs. damage over time abilities).
  153. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Guardian's Horn%i:scaleHealth% 150 Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  154. Recovery: Restores Health over time.
  155. Undaunted: Blocks damage from attacks and spells from champions.
  156. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.
    Guardian's HornSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  157. Recovery: Restores @FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
  158. Undaunted: Blocks @Effect1Amount@ damage from attacks and spells from champions (@Effect2Amount*100@% effectiveness vs. damage over time abilities).
  159. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Guardian's Horn{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Guardian{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  160. Recovery: Restores @FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
  161. Undaunted: Blocks @Effect1Amount@ damage from attacks and spells from champions (@Effect2Amount*100@% effectiveness vs. damage over time abilities).
  162. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Damage Blocked: @f3@Guardian's Horn{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Guardian%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  163. Recovery: Restores @FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
  164. Undaunted: Blocks @Effect1Amount@ damage from attacks and spells from champions (@Effect2Amount*100@% effectiveness vs. damage over time abilities).
  165. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Damage Blocked: @f3@Guardian's Horn{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Guardian%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  166. Recovery: Restores @FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
  167. Undaunted: Blocks @Effect1Amount@ damage from attacks and spells from champions (@Effect2Amount*100@% effectiveness vs. damage over time abilities).
  168. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.
    {{ Item_Active_Consume }} Serves a scrumptious scoop to a nearby Poro, causing it to grow in size.

    This savory blend of free-range, grass-fed Avarosan game hens and organic, non-ZMO Freljordian herbs contains the essential nutrients necessary to keep your Poro purring with pleasure.

    All proceeds will be donated towards fighting Noxian animal cruelty.
    Poro-Snax{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Serves a scrumptious scoop to a nearby Poro, causing it to grow in size.

    This savory blend of free-range, grass-fed Avarosan game hens and organic, non-ZMO Freljordian herbs contains the essential nutrients necessary to keep your Poro purring with pleasure.

    All proceeds will be donated towards fighting Noxian animal cruelty.

    Poro-SnaxSells for: @Value@

    This savory blend of free-range, grass-fed Avarosan game hens and organic, non-ZMO Freljordian herbs contains the essential nutrients necessary to keep your Poro purring with pleasure.

    All proceeds will be donated towards fighting Noxian animal cruelty.
    Poro-Snax{{ Item_Gold_Value }}

    This savory blend of free-range, grass-fed Avarosan game hens and organic, non-ZMO Freljordian herbs contains the essential nutrients necessary to keep your Poro purring with pleasure.

    All proceeds will be donated towards fighting Noxian animal cruelty.
    Poro-Snax{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%){{ Item_Active_Consume }} Serves a scrumptious scoop to a nearby Poro, causing it to grow in size.

    This savory blend of free-range, grass-fed Avarosan game hens and organic, non-ZMO Freljordian herbs contains the essential nutrients necessary to keep your Poro purring with pleasure.

    All proceeds will be donated towards fighting Noxian animal cruelty.
    Poro-Snax{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Serves a scrumptious scoop to a nearby Poro, causing it to grow in size.

    This savory blend of free-range, grass-fed Avarosan game hens and organic, non-ZMO Freljordian herbs contains the essential nutrients necessary to keep your Poro purring with pleasure.

    All proceeds will be donated towards fighting Noxian animal cruelty.

    ;pink;orange{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Places a powerful Control Ward that grants vision of the surrounding area. This device will also reveal Invisible traps, reveal Camouflaged enemies, and reveal (and disable) enemy Stealth Wards.

    You may carry up to @Effect2Amount@ Control Wards. Control Wards do not disable other Control Wards.Control Ward{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Places a powerful Control Ward that grants vision of the surrounding area. This device will also reveal Invisible traps, reveal Camouflaged enemies, and reveal (and disable) enemy Stealth Wards.

    You may carry up to 2 Control Wards. Control Wards do not disable other Control Wards.

    Control WardSells for: @Value@

    You may carry up to @Effect2Amount@ Control Wards. Control Wards do not disable other Control Wards.
    Control Ward{{ Item_Gold_Value }}

    You may carry up to @Effect2Amount@ Control Wards. Control Wards do not disable other Control Wards.
    Current Control Wards placed: @f1@/@f2@
    Control Ward{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%){{ Item_Active_Consume }} Places a powerful Control Ward that grants vision of the surrounding area. This device will also reveal Invisible traps, reveal Camouflaged enemies, and reveal (and disable) enemy Stealth Wards.

    You may carry up to @Effect2Amount@ Control Wards. Control Wards do not disable other Control Wards.
    Current Control Wards placed: @f1@/@f2@
    Control Ward{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Places a powerful Control Ward that grants vision of the surrounding area. This device will also reveal Invisible traps, reveal Camouflaged enemies, and reveal (and disable) enemy Stealth Wards.

    You may carry up to @Effect2Amount@ Control Wards. Control Wards do not disable other Control Wards.

    Mobility%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Inspire: Grants nearby allies @ActiveMoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  169. Motivate: Empowering or Protecting another ally Champion grants both allies @PassiveMSToGrant*100@% Move Speed for @PassiveMSDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @ShurelyasMythicPassive@ Ability Haste.

    An ally can only be affected by Motivate once every @PerChampCD@ seconds.Shurelya's Battlesong%i:scaleAP% 40 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 200 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 100% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Inspire: Grants nearby allies Move Speed.
  170. Motivate: Empowering or Protecting another ally Champion grants both allies Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Haste.

    Shurelya's BattlesongSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @ShurelyasMythicPassive@ Ability Haste.

    An ally can only be affected by Motivate once every @PerChampCD@ seconds.
    Shurelya's BattlesongMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @ShurelyasMythicPassive@ Ability Haste.

    An ally can only be affected by Motivate once every @PerChampCD@ seconds.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveBonus@ Ability Haste
    Allies Motivated: @f1@
    Shurelya's BattlesongMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Inspire: Grants nearby allies @ActiveMoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  171. Motivate: Empowering or Protecting another ally Champion grants both allies @PassiveMSToGrant*100@% Move Speed for @PassiveMSDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @ShurelyasMythicPassive@ Ability Haste.

    An ally can only be affected by Motivate once every @PerChampCD@ seconds.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveBonus@ Ability Haste
    Allies Motivated: @f1@
    Shurelya's BattlesongMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Inspire: Grants nearby allies @ActiveMoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  172. Motivate: Empowering or Protecting another ally Champion grants both allies @PassiveMSToGrant*100@% Move Speed for @PassiveMSDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @ShurelyasMythicPassive@ Ability Haste.

    An ally can only be affected by Motivate once every @PerChampCD@ seconds.
    ;orange;whiteRequires Level 9 to purchase.

    {{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink to gain @Effect1Amount@ Health, @Effect2Amount*100@% Tenacity, and increased champion size for @Effect3Amount@ minutes. While active, moving leaves a path behind that boosts allied champions' Move Speed by @Effect4Amount*100@%.

    Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.Elixir of Iron{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink to gain 300 Health, 25% Tenacity, and increased champion size for 3 minutes. While active, moving leaves a path behind that boosts allied champions' Move Speed by 15%.

    Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.

    Elixir of IronSells for: @Value@

    Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.
    Elixir of Iron{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Elixir

    Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.
    Requires Level 9 to purchase.

    Elixir of Iron{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Elixir{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink to gain @Effect1Amount@ Health, @Effect2Amount*100@% Tenacity, and increased champion size for @Effect3Amount@ minutes. While active, moving leaves a path behind that boosts allied champions' Move Speed by @Effect4Amount*100@%.

    Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.
    Elixir of Iron{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Elixir{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink to gain @Effect1Amount@ Health, @Effect2Amount*100@% Tenacity, and increased champion size for @Effect3Amount@ minutes. While active, moving leaves a path behind that boosts allied champions' Move Speed by @Effect4Amount*100@%.

    Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.
    Requires Level 9 to purchase.

    Requires Level 9 to purchase.

    {{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink to gain @Effect2Amount@ Ability Power and @Effect6Amount*5@% Mana Regen for @Effect4Amount@ minutes. While active, damaging a champion or turret deals @Effect3Amount@ bonus true damage (@Effect5Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Elixir of Sorcery's true damage effect has no cooldown when attacking turrets. Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.Elixir of Sorcery{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink to gain 50 Ability Power and 15% Mana Regen for 3 minutes. While active, damaging a champion or turret deals 25 bonus true damage (5s cooldown).

    Champion level 9 or greater required to purchase. Elixir of Sorcery's true damage effect has no cooldown when attacking turrets. Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.

    Elixir of SorcerySells for: @Value@

    Elixir of Sorcery's true damage effect has no cooldown when attacking turrets. Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.
    Elixir of Sorcery{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Elixir

    Elixir of Sorcery's true damage effect has no cooldown when attacking turrets. Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.
    Requires Level 9 to purchase.

    Elixir of Sorcery{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Elixir{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink to gain @Effect2Amount@ Ability Power and @Effect6Amount*5@% Mana Regen for @Effect4Amount@ minutes. While active, damaging a champion or turret deals @Effect3Amount@ bonus true damage (@Effect5Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Elixir of Sorcery's true damage effect has no cooldown when attacking turrets. Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.
    Elixir of Sorcery{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Elixir{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink to gain @Effect2Amount@ Ability Power and @Effect6Amount*5@% Mana Regen for @Effect4Amount@ minutes. While active, damaging a champion or turret deals @Effect3Amount@ bonus true damage (@Effect5Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Elixir of Sorcery's true damage effect has no cooldown when attacking turrets. Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.
    Requires Level 9 to purchase.

    Requires Level 9 to purchase.

    {{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink to gain @Effect2Amount@ Attack Damage and @Effect3Amount*100@% Physical Vamp (against champions) for @Effect4Amount@ minutes.

    Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.Elixir of Wrath{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink to gain 30 Attack Damage and 12% Physical Vamp (against champions) for 3 minutes.

    Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.

    Elixir of WrathSells for: @Value@

    Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.
    Elixir of Wrath{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Elixir

    Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.
    Requires Level 9 to purchase.

    Elixir of Wrath{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Elixir{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink to gain @Effect2Amount@ Attack Damage and @Effect3Amount*100@% Physical Vamp (against champions) for @Effect4Amount@ minutes.

    Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.
    Elixir of Wrath{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Elixir{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink to gain @Effect2Amount@ Attack Damage and @Effect3Amount*100@% Physical Vamp (against champions) for @Effect4Amount@ minutes.

    Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.
    Requires Level 9 to purchase.

    {{ Item_Active_Consume }} Kill target lane minion (10{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Minion Dematerializer{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Kill target lane minion (10{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
    Minion DematerializerSells for: @Value@Minion Dematerializer{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Minion Dematerializer{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%){{ Item_Active_Consume }} Kill target lane minion (10{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Minion Dematerializer{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Kill target lane minion (10{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
  173. Transforms into a Stopwatch after 14 minutes. Takedowns reduce this timer by 2 minutes. That Stopwatch contributes 250 gold to the items it builds into.

    Stopwatch normally contributes 750 goldCommencing Stopwatch
  174. Transforms into a Stopwatch after 14 minutes. Takedowns reduce this timer by 2 minutes. That Stopwatch contributes 250 gold to the items it builds into.

    Stopwatch normally contributes 750 gold
    Commencing StopwatchSells for: @Value@
  175. Transforms into a Stopwatch after 14 minutes. Takedowns reduce this timer by 2 minutes. That Stopwatch contributes 250 gold to the items it builds into.

    Stopwatch normally contributes 750 goldCommencing Stopwatch{{ Item_Gold_Value }}
  176. Transforms into a Stopwatch after 14 minutes. Takedowns reduce this timer by 2 minutes. That Stopwatch contributes 250 gold to the items it builds into.

    Stopwatch normally contributes 750 goldCommencing Stopwatch{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)
  177. Transforms into a Stopwatch after 14 minutes. Takedowns reduce this timer by 2 minutes. That Stopwatch contributes 250 gold to the items it builds into.

    Stopwatch normally contributes 750 goldCommencing Stopwatch{{ Item_Gold_Value }}
  178. Transforms into a Stopwatch after 14 minutes. Takedowns reduce this timer by 2 minutes. That Stopwatch contributes 250 gold to the items it builds into.

    Stopwatch normally contributes 750 gold
    ;zhg;zhonyas;zonyas{{ Item_Active_Named }} Stasis: Use one time only to become Invulnerable and Untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (transforms into a Broken Stopwatch).Stopwatch{{ Item_Active_Named }} Stasis: Use one time only to become Invulnerable and Untargetable for 2.5 seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (transforms into a Broken Stopwatch).
    StopwatchSells for: @Value@Stopwatch{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Stopwatch{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%){{ Item_Active_Named }} Stasis: Use one time only to become Invulnerable and Untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (transforms into a Broken Stopwatch).Stopwatch{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Active_Named }} Stasis: Use one time only to become Invulnerable and Untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (transforms into a Broken Stopwatch).
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  179. Shattered Time: Stopwatch is broken, but can still be upgraded.

    After breaking one Stopwatch, the shopkeeper will only sell you Broken Stopwatches.Broken Stopwatch{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  180. Shattered Time: Stopwatch is broken, but can still be upgraded.

    After breaking one Stopwatch, the shopkeeper will only sell you Broken Stopwatches.
    Broken StopwatchSells for: @Value@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  181. Shattered Time: Stopwatch is broken, but can still be upgraded.

    After breaking one Stopwatch, the shopkeeper will only sell you Broken Stopwatches.Broken Stopwatch{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  182. Shattered Time: Stopwatch is broken, but can still be upgraded.

    After breaking one Stopwatch, the shopkeeper will only sell you Broken Stopwatches.Broken Stopwatch{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%){{ Item_Passive_List }}
  183. Shattered Time: Stopwatch is broken, but can still be upgraded.

    After breaking one Stopwatch, the shopkeeper will only sell you Broken Stopwatches.Broken Stopwatch{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  184. Shattered Time: Stopwatch is broken, but can still be upgraded.

    After breaking one Stopwatch, the shopkeeper will only sell you Broken Stopwatches.
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  185. Grants an additional 10 Move Speed. Boots that build from Slightly Magical Footwear retain this bonus Move Speed.Slightly Magical Footwear%i:scaleMS% 25 Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  186. Grants an additional 10 Move Speed. Boots that build from Slightly Magical Footwear retain this bonus Move Speed.
    Slightly Magical FootwearSells for: @Value@%i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  187. Grants an additional 10 Move Speed. Boots that build from Slightly Magical Footwear retain this bonus Move Speed.Slightly Magical Footwear{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Boots{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  188. Grants an additional 10 Move Speed. Boots that build from Slightly Magical Footwear retain this bonus Move Speed.Slightly Magical Footwear{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Boots%i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  189. Grants an additional 10 Move Speed. Boots that build from Slightly Magical Footwear retain this bonus Move Speed.Slightly Magical Footwear{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Boots%i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  190. Grants an additional 10 Move Speed. Boots that build from Slightly Magical Footwear retain this bonus Move Speed.
    Perfectly Timed StopwatchPerfectly Timed StopwatchSells for: @Value@Perfectly Timed Stopwatch{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Perfectly Timed Stopwatch{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%){{ Item_Active_Named }} Stasis: Use one time only to become Invulnerable and Untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (transforms into a Broken Stopwatch).Perfectly Timed Stopwatch{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Active_Named }} Stasis: Use one time only to become Invulnerable and Untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (transforms into a Broken Stopwatch).
    Team Amp%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  191. Coruscation: After Immobilizing champions or being Immobilized, cause that target and all nearby enemy champions to take @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage for @AmpDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @MythicStat@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic ResistEvenshroud%i:scaleHealth% 200 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% 30 Armor
    %i:scaleMR% 30 Magic Resist
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  192. Coruscation: After Immobilizing champions or being Immobilized, cause that target and all nearby enemy Champions to take increased damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Armor and Magic Resist
    Immobilize enemies or be immobilized and make them more vulnerable to damage.EvenshroudSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  193. Coruscation: After Immobilizing champions or being Immobilized, cause that target and all nearby enemy champions to take @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage for @AmpDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @MythicStat@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic ResistEvenshroudTeam Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  194. Coruscation: After Immobilizing champions or being Immobilized, cause that target and all nearby enemy champions to take @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage for @AmpDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @MythicStat@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} @MythicPassive@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist
    Total Bonus Damage: @f1@
    EvenshroudTeam Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  195. Coruscation: After Immobilizing champions or being Immobilized, cause that target and all nearby enemy champions to take @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage for @AmpDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @MythicStat@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} @MythicPassive@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist
    Total Bonus Damage: @f1@
    EvenshroudTeam Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  196. Coruscation: After Immobilizing champions or being Immobilized, cause that target and all nearby enemy champions to take @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage for @AmpDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @MythicStat@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist
    Mana Scaling;aa%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  197. Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to @HasteFromMana*100@% bonus Mana.
  198. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Seraph's Embrace.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).Archangel's Staff%i:scaleAP% 60 Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% 500 Mana
    %i:scaleHealth% 200 Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  199. Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to bonus Mana.
  200. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain 3 bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of 360 Mana at which point this item transforms into Seraph's Embrace.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every 8 seconds (max 4).
    Archangel's StaffSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  201. Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to @HasteFromMana*100@% bonus Mana.
  202. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Seraph's Embrace.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).Archangel's StaffMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mana Charge{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  203. Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to @HasteFromMana*100@% bonus Mana. (Currently +%i:scaleCooldown%@f2@ Ability Haste).
  204. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Seraph's Embrace.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).Bonus Mana: %i:scaleMana% @f1@
    Archangel's StaffMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mana Charge%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  205. Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to @HasteFromMana*100@% bonus Mana. (Currently +%i:scaleCooldown%@f2@ Ability Haste).
  206. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Seraph's Embrace.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).Bonus Mana: %i:scaleMana% @f1@
    Archangel's StaffMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mana Charge%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  207. Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to @HasteFromMana*100@% bonus Mana.
  208. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Seraph's Embrace.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  209. Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to @BonusADFromMana@.
  210. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Muramana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).Manamune%i:scaleAD% 35 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMana% 500 Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% 15 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  211. Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to your max Mana.
  212. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain 3 bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of 360 Mana at which point this item transforms into Muramana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every 8 seconds (max 4).
    ManamuneSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  213. Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to @BonusADFromMana@.
  214. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Muramana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).ManamuneMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mana Charge{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  215. Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to @BonusADFromMana@.
  216. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Muramana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).Bonus Mana: %i:scaleMana% @f1@ManamuneMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mana Charge%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  217. Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to @BonusADFromMana@.
  218. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Muramana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).Bonus Mana: %i:scaleMana% @f1@ManamuneMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mana Charge%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  219. Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to @BonusADFromMana@.
  220. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Muramana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).
    Attack Speed;zerker%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move SpeedBerserker's Greaves%i:scaleAS% 35% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleMS% 45 Move Speed

    Berserker's GreavesSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    Berserker's GreavesAttack Speed{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: BootsBerserker's GreavesAttack Speed{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Boots%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    Berserker's GreavesAttack Speed{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Boots%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed

    Move Speed;swifties%i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  221. The strength of movement slowing effects is reduced by @Effect1Amount*100@%.Boots of Swiftness%i:scaleMS% 60 Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  222. The strength of movement slowing effects is reduced by 25%.
    Boots of SwiftnessSells for: @Value@%i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  223. The strength of movement slowing effects is reduced by @Effect1Amount*100@%.Boots of SwiftnessMove Speed{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Boots{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  224. The strength of movement slowing effects is reduced by @Effect1Amount*100@%.Boots of SwiftnessMove Speed{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Boots%i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  225. The strength of movement slowing effects is reduced by @Effect1Amount*100@%.Boots of SwiftnessMove Speed{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Boots%i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  226. The strength of movement slowing effects is reduced by @Effect1Amount*100@%.
    Anti-Healing;putrid;grievous wounds;purifier%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  227. Puffcap Toxin: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. Healing or shielding another ally will enhance both of you, causing the next damage to enemy champions to apply @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Chemtech Putrifier%i:scaleAP% 60 Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 100% Base Mana Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  228. Puffcap Toxin: Dealing magic damage applies 25% Grievous Wounds to champions for 3 seconds. Healing or shielding another ally will enhance both of you, causing the next damage to enemy champions to apply 40% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}
    Stop the enemy from healing with Magic Damage and can cause allies' damage to also prevent healingChemtech PutrifierSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  229. Puffcap Toxin: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. Healing or shielding another ally will enhance both of you, causing the next damage to enemy champions to apply @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Chemtech PutrifierAnti-Healing{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  230. Puffcap Toxin: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. Healing or shielding another ally will enhance both of you, causing the next damage to enemy champions to apply @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Healing reduced: @f2@Chemtech PutrifierAnti-Healing{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  231. Puffcap Toxin: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. Healing or shielding another ally will enhance both of you, causing the next damage to enemy champions to apply @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Healing reduced: @f2@Chemtech PutrifierAnti-Healing{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  232. Puffcap Toxin: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. Healing or shielding another ally will enhance both of you, causing the next damage to enemy champions to apply @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}
    Magic Penetration;sorcs%i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move SpeedSorcerer's Shoes%i:scaleMPen% 18 Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleMS% 45 Move Speed

    Sorcerer's ShoesSells for: @Value@%i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    Sorcerer's ShoesMagic Penetration{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: BootsSorcerer's ShoesMagic Penetration{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Boots%i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    Sorcerer's ShoesMagic Penetration{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Boots%i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed

    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability HasteGlacial Buckler%i:scaleArmor% 20 Armor
    %i:scaleMana% 250 Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% 10 Ability Haste

    Glacial BucklerSells for: @Value@%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    Glacial Buckler{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Glacial Buckler{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    Glacial Buckler{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    Revive;ga%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  233. Rebirth: Upon taking lethal damage, restores @Effect1Amount*100@% base Health and @Effect4Amount*100@% max Mana after @Effect2Amount@ seconds of stasis (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Guardian Angel%i:scaleAD% 45 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleArmor% 40 Armor
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  234. Saving Grace: Upon taking lethal damage, restores 50% base Health and 30% max Mana after 4 seconds of stasis (300s cooldown).
    Guardian AngelSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  235. Rebirth: Upon taking lethal damage, restores @Effect1Amount*100@% base Health and @Effect4Amount*100@% max Mana after @Effect2Amount@ seconds of stasis (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Guardian AngelRevive{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  236. Rebirth: Upon taking lethal damage, restores @Effect1Amount*100@% base Health and @Effect4Amount*100@% max Mana after @Effect2Amount@ seconds of stasis (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Guardian AngelRevive{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  237. Rebirth: Upon taking lethal damage, restores @Effect1Amount*100@% base Health and @Effect4Amount*100@% max Mana after @Effect2Amount@ seconds of stasis (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Guardian AngelRevive{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  238. Rebirth: Upon taking lethal damage, restores @Effect1Amount*100@% base Health and @Effect4Amount*100@% max Mana after @Effect2Amount@ seconds of stasis (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
    Amp Crit;ie%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  239. Perfection: If you have at least @CritThreshold*100@% Critical Strike Chance, gain%i:scaleCritMult% @CritDamage*100@% Critical Strike Damage.Infinity Edge%i:scaleAD% 70 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  240. Perfection: If you have at least 60% Critical Strike Chance, gain%i:scaleCritMult% 35% Critical Strike Damage.
    Infinity EdgeSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  241. Perfection: If you have at least @CritThreshold*100@% Critical Strike Chance, gain%i:scaleCritMult% @CritDamage*100@% Critical Strike Damage.Infinity EdgeAmp Crit{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Crit Modifier{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  242. Perfection: If you have at least @CritThreshold*100@% Critical Strike Chance, gain%i:scaleCritMult% @CritDamage*100@% Critical Strike Damage.Infinity EdgeAmp Crit{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Crit Modifier%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  243. Perfection: If you have at least @CritThreshold*100@% Critical Strike Chance, gain%i:scaleCritMult% @CritDamage*100@% Critical Strike Damage.Infinity EdgeAmp Crit{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Crit Modifier%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  244. Perfection: If you have at least @CritThreshold*100@% Critical Strike Chance, gain%i:scaleCritMult% @CritDamage*100@% Critical Strike Damage.
    ;grievous wounds%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  245. Sepsis: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. Consecutive attacks to that enemy enhances this effect to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds against them until the effect is allowed to elapse.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Mortal Reminder%i:scaleAD% 35 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% 20% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% 7% Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  246. Sepsis: Dealing physical damage applies 25% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds. Consecutive attacks to that enemy enhances this effect to 40% Grievous Wounds against them until the effect is allowed to elapse.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}
    Mortal ReminderSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  247. Sepsis: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. Consecutive attacks to that enemy enhances this effect to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds against them until the effect is allowed to elapse.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Mortal ReminderAnti-Healing{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  248. Sepsis: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. Consecutive attacks to that enemy enhances this effect to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds against them until the effect is allowed to elapse.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Enemy Healing Reduced: @f2@Mortal ReminderAnti-Healing{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  249. Sepsis: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. Consecutive attacks to that enemy enhances this effect to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds against them until the effect is allowed to elapse.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Enemy Healing Reduced: @f2@Mortal ReminderAnti-Healing{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  250. Sepsis: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. Consecutive attacks to that enemy enhances this effect to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds against them until the effect is allowed to elapse.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}
    ;lw%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @PercentArmorPenetrationMod*100@% Armor PenetrationLast Whisper%i:scaleAD% 20 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% 18% Armor Penetration

    Last WhisperSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @PercentArmorPenetrationMod*100@% Armor Penetration
    Last Whisper{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Last WhisperLast Whisper{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Last Whisper%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @PercentArmorPenetrationMod*100@% Armor Penetration
    Last Whisper{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Last Whisper%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @PercentArmorPenetrationMod*100@% Armor Penetration

    Anti-Armor;lw;ldr;doms%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleAPen% @PercentArmorPenetrationMod*100@% Armor Penetration{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  251. Giant Slayer: Deal up to @MaxBonusDamagePercent*100@% bonus physical damage against champions with greater max Health than you.

    Max damage increase reached when Health difference is greater than @MaxHealthDifference@.Lord Dominik's Regards%i:scaleAD% 30 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleAPen% 30% Armor Penetration
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  252. Giant Slayer: Deal bonus physical damage against champions with greater max Health than you.
    Lord Dominik's RegardsSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleAPen% @PercentArmorPenetrationMod*100@% Armor Penetration
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  253. Giant Slayer: Deal up to @MaxBonusDamagePercent*100@% bonus physical damage against champions with greater max Health than you.

    Max damage increase reached when Health difference is greater than @MaxHealthDifference@.Lord Dominik's RegardsAnti-Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Last Whisper{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  254. Giant Slayer: Deal up to @MaxBonusDamagePercent*100@% bonus physical damage against champions with greater max Health than you.

    Max damage increase reached when Health difference is greater than @MaxHealthDifference@.Giant Slayer Bonus Damage: @f1@Lord Dominik's RegardsAnti-Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Last Whisper%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleAPen% @PercentArmorPenetrationMod*100@% Armor Penetration{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  255. Giant Slayer: Deal up to @MaxBonusDamagePercent*100@% bonus physical damage against champions with greater max Health than you.

    Max damage increase reached when Health difference is greater than @MaxHealthDifference@.Giant Slayer Bonus Damage: @f1@Lord Dominik's RegardsAnti-Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Last Whisper%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleAPen% @PercentArmorPenetrationMod*100@% Armor Penetration{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  256. Giant Slayer: Deal up to @MaxBonusDamagePercent*100@% bonus physical damage against champions with greater max Health than you.

    Max damage increase reached when Health difference is greater than @MaxHealthDifference@.
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  257. Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to @HasteFromMana*100@% bonus Mana.
  258. Empyrean: Restore Health equal to @ManaSpentToHealthRatio*100@% of Mana spent, up to @MaxHealth@ per cast. Toggle abilities can heal for up to @MaxHealth@ per second. Seraph's Embrace%i:scaleAP% 80 Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% 860 Mana
    %i:scaleHealth% 250 Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  259. Awe: Gain Ability Haste based on Mana.
  260. Empyrean: Restore Health based on Mana spent. Toggle abilities can heal up to the same value per second.
    Seraph's EmbraceSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  261. Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to @HasteFromMana*100@% bonus Mana.
  262. Empyrean: Restore Health equal to @ManaSpentToHealthRatio*100@% of Mana spent, up to @MaxHealth@ per cast. Toggle abilities can heal for up to @MaxHealth@ per second. Seraph's EmbraceMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mana Charge{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  263. Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to @HasteFromMana*100@% bonus Mana. (Currently +%i:scaleCooldown%@f2@ Ability Haste).
  264. Empyrean: Restore Health equal to @ManaSpentToHealthRatio*100@% of Mana spent, up to @MaxHealth@ per cast. Toggle abilities can heal for up to @MaxHealth@ per second.

    Total Amount Healed: @f5@Seraph's EmbraceMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mana Charge%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  265. Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to @HasteFromMana*100@% bonus Mana. (Currently +%i:scaleCooldown%@f2@ Ability Haste).
  266. Empyrean: Restore Health equal to @ManaSpentToHealthRatio*100@% of Mana spent, up to @MaxHealth@ per cast. Toggle abilities can heal for up to @MaxHealth@ per second.

    Total Amount Healed: @f5@Seraph's EmbraceMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mana Charge%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  267. Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to @HasteFromMana*100@% bonus Mana.
  268. Empyrean: Restore Health equal to @ManaSpentToHealthRatio*100@% of Mana spent, up to @MaxHealth@ per cast. Toggle abilities can heal for up to @MaxHealth@ per second.
    ;book%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  269. Glory: Gain @GloryOnKill@ stacks for a champion kill or @GloryOnAssist@ stacks for an assist (up to @MaxGloryStacks@ stacks total). Lose @GloryLossOnDeath@ stacks on death.
  270. Dread: Grants @APPerGlory@ Ability Power per stack of Glory. Gain @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed if you have at least @GloryThreshold@ stacks.

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Dark Seal.Mejai's Soulstealer%i:scaleAP% 20 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 100 Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  271. Glory: Gain 4 stacks for a champion kill or 2 stacks for an assist (up to 25 stacks total). Lose 10 stacks on death.
  272. Dread: Grants 5 Ability Power per stack of Glory. Gain 10% Move Speed if you have at least 10 stacks.

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Dark Seal.
    Mejai's SoulstealerSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  273. Glory: Gain @GloryOnKill@ stacks for a champion kill or @GloryOnAssist@ stacks for an assist (up to @MaxGloryStacks@ stacks total). Lose @GloryLossOnDeath@ stacks on death.
  274. Dread: Grants @APPerGlory@ Ability Power per stack of Glory. Gain @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed if you have at least @GloryThreshold@ stacks.

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Dark Seal.Mejai's SoulstealerSnowball{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Glory{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  275. Glory: Gain @GloryOnKill@ stacks for a champion kill or @GloryOnAssist@ stacks for an assist (up to @MaxGloryStacks@ stacks total). Lose @GloryLossOnDeath@ stacks on death.
  276. Dread: Grants @APPerGlory@ Ability Power per stack of Glory (Currently @CurrentGloryAP@ Ability Power). Gain @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed if you have at least @GloryThreshold@ stacks.

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Dark Seal.Mejai's SoulstealerSnowball{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Glory%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  277. Glory: Gain @GloryOnKill@ stacks for a champion kill or @GloryOnAssist@ stacks for an assist (up to @MaxGloryStacks@ stacks total). Lose @GloryLossOnDeath@ stacks on death.
  278. Dread: Grants @APPerGlory@ Ability Power per stack of Glory (Currently @CurrentGloryAP@ Ability Power). Gain @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed if you have at least @GloryThreshold@ stacks.

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Dark Seal.Mejai's SoulstealerSnowball{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Glory%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  279. Glory: Gain @GloryOnKill@ stacks for a champion kill or @GloryOnAssist@ stacks for an assist (up to @MaxGloryStacks@ stacks total). Lose @GloryLossOnDeath@ stacks on death.
  280. Dread: Grants @APPerGlory@ Ability Power per stack of Glory. Gain @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed if you have at least @GloryThreshold@ stacks.

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Dark Seal.
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  281. Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to @BonusADFromMana@.
  282. Shock: Attacks against champions deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ physical damage ({{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}). Damaging Abilities against champions deal an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} physical damage.Muramana%i:scaleAD% 35 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMana% 860 Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% 15 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  283. Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage based on Mana.
  284. Shock: Attacks against champions deal additional physical damage.
    MuramanaSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  285. Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to @BonusADFromMana@.
  286. Shock: Attacks against champions deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ physical damage ({{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}). Damaging Abilities against champions deal an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} physical damage.MuramanaMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mana Charge{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  287. Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to @BonusADFromMana@.
  288. Shock: Attacks against champions deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ physical damage ({{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}). Damaging Abilities against champions deal an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} physical damage.Damage dealt to champions: @f1@MuramanaMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mana Charge%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  289. Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to @BonusADFromMana@.
  290. Shock: Attacks against champions deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ physical damage ({{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}). Damaging Abilities against champions deal an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} physical damage.Damage dealt to champions: @f1@MuramanaMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mana Charge%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  291. Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to @BonusADFromMana@.
  292. Shock: Attacks against champions deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ physical damage ({{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}). Damaging Abilities against champions deal an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} physical damage.
    ;mallet%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  293. Sturdy: After you deal physical damage to a champion, restore {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} Health over @HealDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Phage%i:scaleAD% 15 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 200 Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  294. Sturdy: After you deal physical damage to a champion, restore Health over time.

    Restoration reduced for %i:rangedActive% Ranged users.
    PhageSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  295. Sturdy: After you deal physical damage to a champion, restore {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} Health over @HealDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Phage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  296. Sturdy: After you deal physical damage to a champion, restore {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Health over @HealDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Phage{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  297. Sturdy: After you deal physical damage to a champion, restore {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Health over @HealDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Phage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  298. Sturdy: After you deal physical damage to a champion, restore {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} Health over @HealDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    ;pd%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  299. Spectral Waltz: Attacks grant Ghosting and @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @Duration@ seconds. In addition, Attacking @MaxStacks@ times causes Spectral Waltz to also grant @MaxAttackSpeedAmount*100@% Attack Speed for the same duration.

    {{ Item_Ghosting }}Phantom Dancer%i:scaleAD% 20 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% 25% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% 7% Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  300. Spectral Waltz: Attacks grant Ghosting and stacking increased Move Speed. In addition, Attacking 4 times causes Spectral Waltz to also grant Attack Speed.

    {{ Item_Ghosting }}
    Phantom DancerSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  301. Spectral Waltz: Attacks grant Ghosting and @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @Duration@ seconds. In addition, Attacking @MaxStacks@ times causes Spectral Waltz to also grant @MaxAttackSpeedAmount*100@% Attack Speed for the same duration.

    {{ Item_Ghosting }}Phantom DancerAttack Speed{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  302. Spectral Waltz: Attacks grant Ghosting and @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @Duration@ seconds. In addition, Attacking @MaxStacks@ times causes Spectral Waltz to also grant @MaxAttackSpeedAmount*100@% Attack Speed for the same duration.

    {{ Item_Ghosting }}Phantom DancerAttack Speed{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  303. Spectral Waltz: Attacks grant Ghosting and @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @Duration@ seconds. In addition, Attacking @MaxStacks@ times causes Spectral Waltz to also grant @MaxAttackSpeedAmount*100@% Attack Speed for the same duration.

    {{ Item_Ghosting }}Phantom DancerAttack Speed{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  304. Spectral Waltz: Attacks grant Ghosting and @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @Duration@ seconds. In addition, Attacking @MaxStacks@ times causes Spectral Waltz to also grant @MaxAttackSpeedAmount*100@% Attack Speed for the same duration.

    {{ Item_Ghosting }}
    Anti-Physical;ninja tabi%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  305. Reduces incoming damage from Attacks by @Effect1Amount*100@%.Plated Steelcaps%i:scaleArmor% 20 Armor
    %i:scaleMS% 45 Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  306. Reduces incoming damage from Attacks by 12%.
    Plated SteelcapsSells for: @Value@%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  307. Reduces incoming damage from Attacks by @Effect1Amount*100@%.Plated SteelcapsAnti-Physical{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Boots{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  308. Reduces incoming damage from Attacks by @Effect1Amount*100@%.Plated SteelcapsAnti-Physical{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Boots%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  309. Reduces incoming damage from Attacks by @Effect1Amount*100@%.Plated SteelcapsAnti-Physical{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Boots%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  310. Reduces incoming damage from Attacks by @Effect1Amount*100@%.
    Amp Ally%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Conduit: Designate an Accomplice (@BindCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  311. Convergence: For @Duration@ seconds after you Immobilize an enemy, your Accomplice's Attacks ({{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}) and Ability hits apply an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage to that enemy.

    Champions can only be linked by one Zeke's Convergence at a time.Zeke's Convergence%i:scaleHealth% 250 Health
    %i:scaleArmor% 35 Armor
    %i:scaleMana% 250 Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Conduit: Designate an Accomplice.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  312. Convergence: After you Immobilize an enemy, your Accomplice's Attacks and Ability hits apply additional damage to that enemy.

    Champions can only be linked by one Zeke's Convergence at a time.
    Focus fire enemies you immobilize with your ally.Zeke's ConvergenceSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  313. Convergence: For @Duration@ seconds after you Immobilize an enemy, your Accomplice's Attacks ({{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}) and Ability hits apply an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage to that enemy.

    Champions can only be linked by one Zeke's Convergence at a time.Zeke's ConvergenceAmp Ally{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  314. Convergence: For @Duration@ seconds after you Immobilize an enemy, your Accomplice's Attacks ({{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}) and Ability hits apply an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage to that enemy.

    Champions can only be linked by one Zeke's Convergence at a time.Total Conduit Damage Dealt: @f1@
    Zeke's ConvergenceAmp Ally{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Conduit: Designate an Accomplice (@BindCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  315. Convergence: For @Duration@ seconds after you Immobilize an enemy, your Accomplice's Attacks ({{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}) and Ability hits apply an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage to that enemy.

    Champions can only be linked by one Zeke's Convergence at a time.Total Conduit Damage Dealt: @f1@
    Zeke's ConvergenceAmp Ally{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Conduit: Designate an Accomplice (@BindCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  316. Convergence: For @Duration@ seconds after you Immobilize an enemy, your Accomplice's Attacks ({{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}) and Ability hits apply an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage to that enemy.

    Champions can only be linked by one Zeke's Convergence at a time.
    ;blue arrow%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  317. Nimble: Attacking a unit grants {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Hearthbound Axe%i:scaleAD% 15 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% 15% Attack Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  318. Nimble: Attacking a unit grants Move Speed.
    Hearthbound AxeSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  319. Nimble: Attacking a unit grants {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Hearthbound Axe{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  320. Nimble: Attacking a unit grants {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Hearthbound Axe{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  321. Nimble: Attacking a unit grants {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Hearthbound Axe{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  322. Nimble: Attacking a unit grants {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    Frontlining Anti-Burst;shield;steraks cage%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  323. The Claws that Catch: Gain @BonusAD@ as bonus Attack Damage.
  324. Lifeline: Upon taking damage that would reduce your Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain a @ShieldSize@ Shield, decaying over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ShieldCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Sterak's Gage%i:scaleHealth% 400 Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  325. The Claws that Catch: Gain base AD as bonus Attack Damage.
  326. Lifeline: Upon taking damage that would reduce your Health below 30%, gain a Shield, decaying over time.
    Sterak's GageSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  327. The Claws that Catch: Gain @BonusAD@ as bonus Attack Damage.
  328. Lifeline: Upon taking damage that would reduce your Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain a @ShieldSize@ Shield, decaying over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ShieldCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Sterak's GageFrontlining Anti-Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Lifeline{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  329. The Claws that Catch: Gain @BonusAD@ bonus Attack Damage.
  330. Lifeline: Upon taking damage that would reduce your Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain a @ShieldSize@ Shield, decaying over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ShieldCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Sterak's GageFrontlining Anti-Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Lifeline%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  331. The Claws that Catch: Gain @BonusAD@ bonus Attack Damage.
  332. Lifeline: Upon taking damage that would reduce your Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain a @ShieldSize@ Shield, decaying over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ShieldCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Sterak's GageFrontlining Anti-Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Lifeline%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  333. The Claws that Catch: Gain @BonusAD@ as bonus Attack Damage.
  334. Lifeline: Upon taking damage that would reduce your Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain a @ShieldSize@ Shield, decaying over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ShieldCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
    ;Jimmy Neutron
    • Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
  335. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional damage.
    SheenSells for: @Value@
    • Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
    Sheen{{ Item_Gold_Value }}
    • Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
    Sheen{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)
    • Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
    Sheen{{ Item_Gold_Value }}
    • Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Heal Amp;sv%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  336. Boundless Vitality: Increases all Healing and Shielding effectiveness on you by @HealingIncrease*100@%.Spirit Visage%i:scaleHealth% 450 Health
    %i:scaleMR% 50 Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% 10 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleHPRegen% 100% Base Health Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  337. Boundless Vitality: Increases all Healing and Shielding effectiveness on you.
    Improves incoming healing and shielding.Spirit VisageSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  338. Boundless Vitality: Increases all Healing and Shielding effectiveness on you by @HealingIncrease*100@%.Spirit VisageHeal Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  339. Boundless Vitality: Increases all Healing and Shielding effectiveness on you by @HealingIncrease*100@%.Bonus Healing: @f1@
    Bonus Shielding: @f2@
    Spirit VisageHeal Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  340. Boundless Vitality: Increases all Healing and Shielding effectiveness on you by @HealingIncrease*100@%.Bonus Healing: @f1@
    Bonus Shielding: @f2@
    Spirit VisageHeal Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  341. Boundless Vitality: Increases all Healing and Shielding effectiveness on you by @HealingIncrease*100@%.
    ;pants;chaps;zoomin;leggings%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  342. Flight: Grants @MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed.Winged Moonplate%i:scaleHealth% 150 Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  343. Flight: Grants 5% Move Speed.
    Live long and never stop moving.Winged MoonplateSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  344. Flight: Grants @MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed.Winged Moonplate{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  345. Flight: Grants @MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed.Winged Moonplate{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  346. Flight: Grants @MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed.Winged Moonplate{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  347. Flight: Grants @MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed.
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability HasteKindlegem%i:scaleHealth% 200 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 10 Ability Haste

    KindlegemSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    Kindlegem{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Kindlegem{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    Kindlegem{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    Ramping Damage;funfire;sunborn%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  348. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds. Damaging champions or epic jungle monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage by @DamageAmpPerStack@% for 5 seconds (max stacks @MaxStacks@).
  349. Flametouch: At maximum Immolate stacks, your Attacks burn nearby enemies for your Immolate damage per second for @DoTDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleTenacity% @TenacityandSlowResistperLegendary*100@% Tenacity and Slow Resist and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.Sunfire Aegis%i:scaleHealth% 450 Health
    %i:scaleArmor% 35 Armor
    %i:scaleMR% 35 Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  350. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing damage per second to nearby enemies (increased against minions and monsters). Damaging Champions or Epic Monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage.
  351. Flametouch: At maximum Immolate stacks, your Attacks burn nearby enemies for your Immolate damage per second.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Tenacity, Slow Resist, and Health.
    Sunfire AegisSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  352. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds. Damaging champions or epic jungle monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage by @DamageAmpPerStack@% for 5 seconds (max stacks @MaxStacks@).
  353. Flametouch: At maximum Immolate stacks, your Attacks burn nearby enemies for your Immolate damage per second for @DoTDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleTenacity% @TenacityandSlowResistperLegendary*100@% Tenacity and Slow Resist and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.Sunfire AegisRamping Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  354. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds. Damaging champions or epic jungle monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage by @DamageAmpPerStack@% for 5 seconds (max stacks @MaxStacks@).
  355. Flametouch: At maximum Immolate stacks, your Attacks burn nearby enemies for your Immolate damage per second for @DoTDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleTenacity% @TenacityandSlowResistperLegendary*100@% Tenacity and Slow Resist and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleTenacity% @MythicPassive@ Tenacity and Slow Resist and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHPCalc@ Health
    Damage dealt to champions: @f1@
    Sunfire AegisRamping Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  356. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds. Damaging champions or epic jungle monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage by @DamageAmpPerStack@% for 5 seconds (max stacks @MaxStacks@).
  357. Flametouch: At maximum Immolate stacks, your Attacks burn nearby enemies for your Immolate damage per second for @DoTDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleTenacity% @TenacityandSlowResistperLegendary*100@% Tenacity and Slow Resist and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleTenacity% @MythicPassive@ Tenacity and Slow Resist and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHPCalc@ Health
    Damage dealt to champions: @f1@
    Sunfire AegisRamping Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  358. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds. Damaging champions or epic jungle monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage by @DamageAmpPerStack@% for 5 seconds (max stacks @MaxStacks@).
  359. Flametouch: At maximum Immolate stacks, your Attacks burn nearby enemies for your Immolate damage per second for @DoTDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleTenacity% @TenacityandSlowResistperLegendary*100@% Tenacity and Slow Resist and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  360. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusMinionDamage@ physical damage to minions.
  361. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).Tear of the Goddess%i:scaleMana% 240 Mana{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  362. Focus: Attacks deal additional physical damage to Minions.
  363. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain 3 bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of 360 Mana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every 8 seconds (max 4).
    Tear of the GoddessSells for: @Value@%i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  364. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusMinionDamage@ physical damage to minions.
  365. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).Tear of the GoddessMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mana Charge{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  366. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusMinionDamage@ physical damage to minions.
  367. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).Bonus Mana: %i:scaleMana% @f1@Tear of the GoddessMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mana Charge%i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  368. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusMinionDamage@ physical damage to minions.
  369. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).Bonus Mana: %i:scaleMana% @f1@Tear of the GoddessMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mana Charge%i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  370. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusMinionDamage@ physical damage to minions.
  371. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).
    ;bc%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  372. Carve: Dealing physical damage to a champion applies a stack of @Effect2Amount*100@% Armor reduction for @DebuffDuration@ seconds (max @Effect5Amount*100@% Armor reduction).
  373. Rage: Dealing physical damage to a champion grants @MovementSpeed@ Move Speed per stack of Carve on them for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.Black Cleaver%i:scaleAD% 45 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 350 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 30 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  374. Carve: Dealing physical damage to a champion applies a stack of Armor reduction.
  375. Rage: Dealing physical damage to a champion grants Move Speed per stack of Carve on them.
    Black CleaverSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  376. Carve: Dealing physical damage to a champion applies a stack of @Effect2Amount*100@% Armor reduction for @DebuffDuration@ seconds (max @Effect5Amount*100@% Armor reduction).
  377. Rage: Dealing physical damage to a champion grants @MovementSpeed@ Move Speed per stack of Carve on them for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.Black CleaverAnti-Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  378. Carve: Dealing physical damage to a champion applies a stack of @Effect2Amount*100@% Armor reduction for @DebuffDuration@ seconds (max @Effect5Amount*100@% Armor reduction).
  379. Rage: Dealing physical damage to a champion grants @MovementSpeed@ Move Speed per stack of Carve on them for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.Health Carved: @f1@Black CleaverAnti-Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  380. Carve: Dealing physical damage to a champion applies a stack of @Effect2Amount*100@% Armor reduction for @DebuffDuration@ seconds (max @Effect5Amount*100@% Armor reduction).
  381. Rage: Dealing physical damage to a champion grants @MovementSpeed@ Move Speed per stack of Carve on them for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.Health Carved: @f1@Black CleaverAnti-Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  382. Carve: Dealing physical damage to a champion applies a stack of @Effect2Amount*100@% Armor reduction for @DebuffDuration@ seconds (max @Effect5Amount*100@% Armor reduction).
  383. Rage: Dealing physical damage to a champion grants @MovementSpeed@ Move Speed per stack of Carve on them for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.
    Life Steal;bt;healsword%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  384. Ichorshield: Life Steal from Attacks can now overheal you. Excess Health is stored as a @BloodShield@ Shield that decays slowly if you haven't dealt or taken damage in the last @DecayTimer@ seconds.Bloodthirster%i:scaleAD% 55 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleLS% 18% Life Steal
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  385. Ichorshield: Life Steal from Attacks can now overheal you. Excess Health is stored as a Shield that decays slowly if you haven't dealt or taken damage.
    BloodthirsterSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  386. Ichorshield: Life Steal from Attacks can now overheal you. Excess Health is stored as a @BloodShield@ Shield that decays slowly if you haven't dealt or taken damage in the last @DecayTimer@ seconds.BloodthirsterLife Steal{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  387. Ichorshield: Life Steal from Attacks can now overheal you. Excess Health is stored as a @BloodShield@ Shield that decays slowly if you haven't dealt or taken damage in the last @DecayTimer@ seconds.Damage prevented by Blood Barrier: @f1@BloodthirsterLife Steal{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  388. Ichorshield: Life Steal from Attacks can now overheal you. Excess Health is stored as a @BloodShield@ Shield that decays slowly if you haven't dealt or taken damage in the last @DecayTimer@ seconds.Damage prevented by Blood Barrier: @f1@BloodthirsterLife Steal{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  389. Ichorshield: Life Steal from Attacks can now overheal you. Excess Health is stored as a @BloodShield@ Shield that decays slowly if you haven't dealt or taken damage in the last @DecayTimer@ seconds.
    AoE Vamp;rav hydra%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  390. Cleave: Attacks and Abilities deal up to @OnHitSecondary@ physical damage to other enemies near target hit.

    Deals a minimum of @OnHitMin@ damage to units at the end of its range, can only hit each target once per Attack or Ability per @PerCastIDLockout@ seconds.
    Cleave does not trigger on structures.

    Ravenous Hydra%i:scaleAD% 70 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% 10% Omnivamp
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  391. Cleave: Attacks and Abilities deal damage to other enemies near target hit.

    Ravenous HydraSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  392. Cleave: Attacks and Abilities deal up to @OnHitSecondary@ physical damage to other enemies near target hit.

    Deals a minimum of @OnHitMin@ damage to units at the end of its range, can only hit each target once per Attack or Ability per @PerCastIDLockout@ seconds.
    Cleave does not trigger on structures.

    Ravenous HydraAoE Vamp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Hydra{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  393. Cleave: Attacks and Abilities deal up to @OnHitSecondary@ physical damage to other enemies near target hit.

    Deals a minimum of @OnHitMin@ damage to units at the end of its range, can only hit each target once per Attack or Ability per @PerCastIDLockout@ seconds.
    Cleave does not trigger on structures.

    Damage to Champions: @f4@Ravenous HydraAoE Vamp{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Hydra%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  394. Cleave: Attacks and Abilities deal up to @OnHitSecondary@ physical damage to other enemies near target hit.

    Deals a minimum of @OnHitMin@ damage to units at the end of its range, can only hit each target once per Attack or Ability per @PerCastIDLockout@ seconds.
    Cleave does not trigger on structures.

    Damage to Champions: @f4@Ravenous HydraAoE Vamp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Hydra%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  395. Cleave: Attacks and Abilities deal up to @OnHitSecondary@ physical damage to other enemies near target hit.

    Deals a minimum of @OnHitMin@ damage to units at the end of its range, can only hit each target once per Attack or Ability per @PerCastIDLockout@ seconds.
    Cleave does not trigger on structures.

    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  396. Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the attacker and apply @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds if they are a champion. Immobilizing champions applies @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Thornmail%i:scaleHealth% 350 Health
    %i:scaleArmor% 60 Armor
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  397. Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal damage to the attacker and apply 25% Grievous Wounds if they are a champion. Immobilizing enemy champions also applies 40% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}
    Retaliate against attackers and decrease their healing.ThornmailSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  398. Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the attacker and apply @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds if they are a champion. Immobilizing champions applies @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}ThornmailAnti-Healing{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  399. Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the attacker and apply @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds if they are a champion. Immobilizing champions applies @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Thorns Damage to Champions: @f1@
    Enemy Healing Reduced: @f2@
    ThornmailAnti-Healing{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  400. Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the attacker and apply @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds if they are a champion. Immobilizing champions applies @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Thorns Damage to Champions: @f1@
    Enemy Healing Reduced: @f2@
    ThornmailAnti-Healing{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  401. Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the attacker and apply @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds if they are a champion. Immobilizing champions applies @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  402. Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the attacker and apply @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds if they are a champion.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Bramble Vest%i:scaleArmor% 30 Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  403. Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal damage to the attacker and apply 25% Grievous Wounds if they are a champion.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}
    Bramble VestSells for: @Value@%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  404. Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the attacker and apply @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds if they are a champion.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Bramble Vest{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  405. Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the attacker and apply @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds if they are a champion.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Thorns Damage to Champions: @f1@
    Grievous Wounds Healing Reduced: @f2@
    Bramble Vest{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  406. Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the attacker and apply @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds if they are a champion.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Thorns Damage to Champions: @f1@
    Grievous Wounds Healing Reduced: @f2@
    Bramble Vest{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  407. Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the attacker and apply @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds if they are a champion.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  408. Cleave: Attacks deal up to @SecondaryDamage@ physical damage to other nearby enemies.

    Minimum of @SecondaryDamageMin@ damage to enemies furthest away.
    Cleave does not trigger on structures.
    Tiamat%i:scaleAD% 25 Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  409. Cleave: Attacks deal physical damage to other nearby enemies.

    Cleave does not trigger on structures.
    TiamatSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  410. Cleave: Attacks deal up to @SecondaryDamage@ physical damage to other nearby enemies.

    Minimum of @SecondaryDamageMin@ damage to enemies furthest away.
    Cleave does not trigger on structures.
    Tiamat{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Hydra{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  411. Cleave: Attacks deal up to @SecondaryDamage@ physical damage to other nearby enemies.

    Minimum of @SecondaryDamageMin@ damage to enemies furthest away.
    Cleave does not trigger on structures.
    Tiamat{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Hydra%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  412. Cleave: Attacks deal up to @SecondaryDamage@ physical damage to other nearby enemies.

    Minimum of @SecondaryDamageMin@ damage to enemies furthest away.
    Cleave does not trigger on structures.
    Tiamat{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Hydra%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  413. Cleave: Attacks deal up to @SecondaryDamage@ physical damage to other nearby enemies.

    Minimum of @SecondaryDamageMin@ damage to enemies furthest away.
    Cleave does not trigger on structures.

    ;triforce;tons of damage;33333%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  414. Threefold Strike: Attacks grant @MovementSpeedOnHit@ Move Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If the target is a champion or structure, gain @BaseADBonus@ Attack Damage for @MSDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxSpellbladeStacks@ times (Max increase @MaxADBonus@).
  415. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }}:
  416. %i:scaleAD% @MythicAD@ Attack Damage
  417. %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHaste@ Ability Haste
  418. %i:scaleMS% @MythicMS@ Move SpeedTrinity Force%i:scaleAD% 35 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% 30% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% 300 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  419. Threefold Strike: Attacks grant Move Speed. If the target is a champion, increase your base Attack Damage, stacking.
  420. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Attack Damage, Ability Haste, and Move Speed.
    Trinity ForceSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  421. Threefold Strike: Attacks grant @MovementSpeedOnHit@ Move Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If the target is a champion or structure, gain @BaseADBonus@ Attack Damage for @MSDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxSpellbladeStacks@ times (Max increase @MaxADBonus@).
  422. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }}:
  423. %i:scaleAD% @MythicAD@ Attack Damage
  424. %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHaste@ Ability Haste
  425. %i:scaleMS% @MythicMS@ Move SpeedTrinity ForceDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  426. Threefold Strike: Attacks grant @MovementSpeedOnHit@ Move Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If the target is a champion or structure, gain @BaseADBonus@ Attack Damage for @MSDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxSpellbladeStacks@ times (Max increase @MaxADBonus@).
  427. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }}:
  428. %i:scaleAD% @MythicAD@ Attack Damage, %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHaste@ Ability Haste, and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMS@ Move Speed{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAD% @MythicADBonus@ Attack Damage, %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteBonus@ Ability Haste, and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMSBonus@ Move Speed

    Damage to Champions: @f4@
    Trinity ForceDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  429. Threefold Strike: Attacks grant @MovementSpeedOnHit@ Move Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If the target is a champion or structure, gain @BaseADBonus@ Attack Damage for @MSDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxSpellbladeStacks@ times (Max increase @MaxADBonus@).
  430. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }}:
  431. %i:scaleAD% @MythicAD@ Attack Damage, %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHaste@ Ability Haste, and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMS@ Move Speed{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAD% @MythicADBonus@ Attack Damage, %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteBonus@ Ability Haste, and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMSBonus@ Move Speed

    Damage to Champions: @f4@
    Trinity ForceDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  432. Threefold Strike: Attacks grant @MovementSpeedOnHit@ Move Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If the target is a champion or structure, gain @BaseADBonus@ Attack Damage for @MSDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxSpellbladeStacks@ times (Max increase @MaxADBonus@).
  433. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }}:
  434. %i:scaleAD% @MythicAD@ Attack Damage
  435. %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHaste@ Ability Haste
  436. %i:scaleMS% @MythicMS@ Move Speed
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  437. {{Item_Passive_Rock_Solid}}Warden's Mail%i:scaleArmor% 40 Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  438. Rock Solid: Reduce incoming damage from Attacks.
    Take reduced damage from Attacks.Warden's MailSells for: @Value@%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  439. {{Item_Passive_Rock_Solid}}Warden's Mail{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  440. {{Item_Passive_Rock_Solid}}Rock Solid Damage Blocked: @f1@Warden's Mail{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  441. {{Item_Passive_Rock_Solid}}Rock Solid Damage Blocked: @f1@Warden's Mail{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  442. {{Item_Passive_Rock_Solid}}
    Health Regen%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  443. Warmog's Heart: If you have at least @HealthThreshold@ bonus health, restore @TotalHealingTooltip@ Health per second if damage hasn't been taken within @OOCTimerChampion@ seconds (@OOCTimer@ seconds for non-Champions).Warmog's Armor%i:scaleHealth% 800 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 10 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleHPRegen% 200% Base Health Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  444. Warmog's Heart: If you have at least 1100 bonus Health, restore max Health per second if damage hasn't been taken within 6 seconds.
    Regenerate all the HealthWarmog's ArmorSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  445. Warmog's Heart: If you have at least @HealthThreshold@ bonus health, restore @TotalHealingTooltip@ Health per second if damage hasn't been taken within @OOCTimerChampion@ seconds (@OOCTimer@ seconds for non-Champions).Warmog's ArmorHealth Regen{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  446. Warmog's Heart: If you have at least @HealthThreshold@ bonus health, restore @TotalHealingTooltip@ Health per second if damage hasn't been taken within @OOCTimerChampion@ seconds (@OOCTimer@ seconds for non-Champions).Current Bonus Health: @f1@Warmog's ArmorHealth Regen{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  447. Warmog's Heart: If you have at least @HealthThreshold@ bonus health, restore @TotalHealingTooltip@ Health per second if damage hasn't been taken within @OOCTimerChampion@ seconds (@OOCTimer@ seconds for non-Champions).Current Bonus Health: @f1@Warmog's ArmorHealth Regen{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  448. Warmog's Heart: If you have at least @HealthThreshold@ bonus health, restore @TotalHealingTooltip@ Health per second if damage hasn't been taken within @OOCTimerChampion@ seconds (@OOCTimer@ seconds for non-Champions).
    AoE Attacks{{ Item_RangedOnly_@ChampRange@ }}%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  449. Wind's Fury: When Attacking, bolts are fired at up to @Effect3Amount@ enemies near the target, each dealing @BoltDamage@ physical damage. Bolts apply On-Hit effects and can Critically Strike.Runaan's Hurricane%i:scaleAS% 45% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% 7% Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  450. Wind's Fury: When Attacking, bolts are fired at up to 2 enemies near the target. Bolts apply On-Hit effects and can Critically Strike.

    Item is for %i:rangedActive% Ranged champions only.
    Runaan's HurricaneSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  451. Wind's Fury: When Attacking, bolts are fired at up to @Effect3Amount@ enemies near the target, each dealing @BoltDamage@ physical damage. Bolts apply On-Hit effects and can Critically Strike.Runaan's HurricaneAoE Attacks{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  452. Wind's Fury: When Attacking, bolts are fired at up to @Effect3Amount@ enemies near the target, each dealing @BoltDamage@ physical damage. Bolts apply On-Hit effects and can Critically Strike.{{ Item_RangedOnly_@ChampRange@ }}Runaan's HurricaneAoE Attacks{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  453. Wind's Fury: When Attacking, bolts are fired at up to @Effect3Amount@ enemies near the target, each dealing @BoltDamage@ physical damage. Bolts apply On-Hit effects and can Critically Strike.Runaan's HurricaneAoE Attacks{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  454. Wind's Fury: When Attacking, bolts are fired at up to @Effect3Amount@ enemies near the target, each dealing @BoltDamage@ physical damage. Bolts apply On-Hit effects and can Critically Strike.{{ Item_RangedOnly_@ChampRange@ }}
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  455. Zealous: Gain @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed.%i:scaleAS% 18% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% 15% Critical Strike Chance
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  456. Zealous: Gain 7% Move Speed.
    ZealSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  457. Zealous: Gain @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed.Zeal{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  458. Zealous: Gain @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed.Zeal{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  459. Zealous: Gain @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed.Zeal{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  460. Zealous: Gain @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed.
    Magic Amp;dc;dcap;hat;banksys%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  461. Magical Opus: Increases your total Ability Power by @APAmp*100@%.Rabadon's Deathcap%i:scaleAP% 120 Ability Power{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  462. Magical Opus: Increases your total Ability Power by 35%.
    Rabadon's DeathcapSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  463. Magical Opus: Increases your total Ability Power by @APAmp*100@%.Rabadon's DeathcapMagic Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  464. Magical Opus: Increases your total Ability Power by @APAmp*100@% (@f1@).Rabadon's DeathcapMagic Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  465. Magical Opus: Increases your total Ability Power by @APAmp*100@% (@f1@).Rabadon's DeathcapMagic Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  466. Magical Opus: Increases your total Ability Power by @APAmp*100@%.
    Anti-Magic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  467. Fray: Attacks apply @OnHitDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} and grant @SpeedAmount@ Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.Wit's End%i:scaleAD% 40 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% 40% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleMR% 40 Magic Resist
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  468. Fray: Attacks apply magic damage On-Hit and grant Move Speed.
    Wit's EndSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  469. Fray: Attacks apply @OnHitDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} and grant @SpeedAmount@ Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.Wit's EndAnti-Magic{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  470. Fray: Attacks apply @OnHitDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} and grant @SpeedAmount@ Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.Damage to Champions: @f4@Wit's EndAnti-Magic{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  471. Fray: Attacks apply @OnHitDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} and grant @SpeedAmount@ Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.Damage to Champions: @f4@Wit's EndAnti-Magic{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  472. Fray: Attacks apply @OnHitDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} and grant @SpeedAmount@ Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.
    Poke;rfc;rapidfire;canon%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  473. {{ Item_Energized }}
  474. Sharpshooter: Your Energized Attack applies @EnergizedDamage@ bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized attacks gain up to @RangePercentIncrease*100@% bonus Attack Range.

    Attack Range cannot increase more than @MaxRangeIncrease@ units.Rapid Firecannon%i:scaleAS% 35% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% 7% Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  475. {{ Item_Energized }}
  476. Sharpshooter: Your Energized Attack applies bonus damage. In addition, Energized attacks gain Attack Range.

    Attack Range cannot increase more than 150 units.
    Rapid FirecannonSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  477. {{ Item_Energized }}
  478. Sharpshooter: Your Energized Attack applies @EnergizedDamage@ bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized attacks gain up to @RangePercentIncrease*100@% bonus Attack Range.

    Attack Range cannot increase more than @MaxRangeIncrease@ units.Rapid FirecannonPoke{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  479. {{ Item_Energized }}
  480. Sharpshooter: Your Energized Attack applies @EnergizedDamage@ bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized attacks gain @f2@ (%i:scaleRange%) bonus Attack Range.

    Attack Range cannot increase more than @MaxRangeIncrease@ units.Attacks from extended range: @f1@
    Rapid FirecannonPoke{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  481. {{ Item_Energized }}
  482. Sharpshooter: Your Energized Attack applies @EnergizedDamage@ bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized attacks gain @f2@ (%i:scaleRange%) bonus Attack Range.

    Attack Range cannot increase more than @MaxRangeIncrease@ units.Attacks from extended range: @f1@
    Rapid FirecannonPoke{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  483. {{ Item_Energized }}
  484. Sharpshooter: Your Energized Attack applies @EnergizedDamage@ bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized attacks gain up to @RangePercentIncrease*100@% bonus Attack Range.

    Attack Range cannot increase more than @MaxRangeIncrease@ units.
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  485. {{ Item_Energized }}
  486. Paralyze: Your Energized Attack gains @EnergizedDamage@ bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized Attacks slow enemies by @Effect5Amount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.
    Stormrazor%i:scaleAD% 40 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% 15% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  487. {{ Item_Energized }}
  488. Paralyze: Your Energized Attack gains bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized Attacks slow enemies.

    StormrazorSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  489. {{ Item_Energized }}
  490. Paralyze: Your Energized Attack gains @EnergizedDamage@ bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized Attacks slow enemies by @Effect5Amount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.
    StormrazorSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  491. {{ Item_Energized }}
  492. Paralyze: Your Energized Attack gains @EnergizedDamage@ bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized Attacks slow enemies by @Effect5Amount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.
    Champions slowed: @f1@StormrazorSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  493. {{ Item_Energized }}
  494. Paralyze: Your Energized Attack gains @EnergizedDamage@ bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized Attacks slow enemies by @Effect5Amount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.
    Champions slowed: @f1@StormrazorSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  495. {{ Item_Energized }}
  496. Paralyze: Your Energized Attack gains @EnergizedDamage@ bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized Attacks slow enemies by @Effect5Amount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Burst Damage%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  497. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).Lich Bane%i:scaleAP% 75 Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% 15 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% 8% Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  498. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional magic damage.
    Lich BaneSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  499. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).Lich BaneBurst Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  500. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).Spellblade damage dealt: @f1@Lich BaneBurst Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  501. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).Spellblade damage dealt: @f1@Lich BaneBurst Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  502. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).
    Spellshield;bv;spellshield%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  503. Annul: Grants a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability (@Effect1Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Item cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.Banshee's Veil%i:scaleAP% 80 Ability Power
    %i:scaleMR% 45 Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% 10 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  504. Annul: Grants a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability.

    Item cooldown is restarted if you take damage from champions before it is completed.
    Banshee's VeilSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  505. Annul: Grants a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability (@Effect1Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Item cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.Banshee's VeilSpellshield{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  506. Annul: Grants a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability (@Effect1Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Item cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.Banshee's VeilSpellshield{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  507. Annul: Grants a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability (@Effect1Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Item cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.Banshee's VeilSpellshield{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  508. Annul: Grants a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability (@Effect1Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Item cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability HasteAegis of the Legion%i:scaleArmor% 30 Armor
    %i:scaleMR% 30 Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% 10 Ability Haste

    Aegis of the LegionSells for: @Value@%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    Aegis of the Legion{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Aegis of the Legion{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    Aegis of the Legion{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    AoE Heal%i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Intervention: Target an area within @CastRange@ range. After 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to restore @HealMin@ - @HealMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Health to allied champions and burn enemy champions for @DamageToChampions*100@% max Health true damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Item can be activated whilst dead. Damage and healing reduced by @DiminishedEffect*100@% if the target has recently been affected by another Intervention. {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}Redemption%i:scaleHealShield% 16% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 200 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 15 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 100% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Intervention: Target an area within. After 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to restore Health to allies and damage enemy champions.

    Item can be activated whilst dead. Damage and healing reduced by 50% if the target has recently been affected by another Intervention. {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}

    RedemptionSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    Item can be activated whilst dead. Damage and healing reduced by @DiminishedEffect*100@% if the target has recently been affected by another Intervention. {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    RedemptionAoE Heal{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique

    Item can be activated whilst dead. Damage and healing reduced by @DiminishedEffect*100@% if the target has recently been affected by another Intervention. {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    Total Healing: @f1@
    Damage Dealt: @f2@
    RedemptionAoE Heal{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Intervention: Target an area within @CastRange@ range. After 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to restore @HealMin@ - @HealMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Health to allied champions and burn enemy champions for @DamageToChampions*100@% max Health true damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Item can be activated whilst dead. Damage and healing reduced by @DiminishedEffect*100@% if the target has recently been affected by another Intervention. {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    Total Healing: @f1@
    Damage Dealt: @f2@
    RedemptionAoE Heal{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Intervention: Target an area within @CastRange@ range. After 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to restore @HealMin@ - @HealMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Health to allied champions and burn enemy champions for @DamageToChampions*100@% max Health true damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Item can be activated whilst dead. Damage and healing reduced by @DiminishedEffect*100@% if the target has recently been affected by another Intervention. {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}

    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability HasteFiendish Codex%i:scaleAP% 35 Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% 10 Ability Haste

    Fiendish CodexSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    Fiendish Codex{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Fiendish Codex{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    Fiendish Codex{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    Protect Ally;kv%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Pledge: Designate an ally who is Worthy (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  509. Sacrifice: While your Worthy ally is nearby, redirect @DamageRedirection*100@% of damage they take to you and heal for @AllyHealingConversion*100@% of the damage dealt by your Worthy ally to Champions. If they have less than @HealthThreshold*100@% Health the damage reduction is increased to @EmpoweredDR*100@%.

    Champions can only be linked by one Knight's Vow at a time. Damage redirection stops if you have less than @DamageRedirectionThreshold*100@% HealthKnight's Vow%i:scaleHealth% 400 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleHPRegen% 200% Base Health Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Pledge: Designate an ally who is Worthy..{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  510. Sacrifice: While your Worthy ally is nearby, redirect damage they take to you and heal based on the damage dealt by your Worthy ally to Champions.

    Protect an ally and jump to their aid.Knight's VowSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  511. Sacrifice: While your Worthy ally is nearby, redirect @DamageRedirection*100@% of damage they take to you and heal for @AllyHealingConversion*100@% of the damage dealt by your Worthy ally to Champions. If they have less than @HealthThreshold*100@% Health the damage reduction is increased to @EmpoweredDR*100@%.

    Champions can only be linked by one Knight's Vow at a time. Damage redirection stops if you have less than @DamageRedirectionThreshold*100@% HealthKnight's VowProtect Ally{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  512. Sacrifice: While your Worthy ally is nearby, redirect @DamageRedirection*100@% of damage they take to you and heal for @AllyHealingConversion*100@% of the damage dealt by your Worthy ally to Champions. If they have less than @HealthThreshold*100@% Health the damage reduction is increased to @EmpoweredDR*100@%.

    Champions can only be linked by one Knight's Vow at a time. Damage redirection stops if you have less than @DamageRedirectionThreshold*100@% HealthDamage Redirected: @f1@
    Healing Received: @f3@
    Knight's VowProtect Ally{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Pledge: Designate an ally who is Worthy (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  513. Sacrifice: While your Worthy ally is nearby, redirect @DamageRedirection*100@% of damage they take to you and heal for @AllyHealingConversion*100@% of the damage dealt by your Worthy ally to Champions. If they have less than @HealthThreshold*100@% Health the damage reduction is increased to @EmpoweredDR*100@%.

    Champions can only be linked by one Knight's Vow at a time. Damage redirection stops if you have less than @DamageRedirectionThreshold*100@% HealthDamage Redirected: @f1@
    Healing Received: @f3@
    Knight's VowProtect Ally{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Pledge: Designate an ally who is Worthy (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  514. Sacrifice: While your Worthy ally is nearby, redirect @DamageRedirection*100@% of damage they take to you and heal for @AllyHealingConversion*100@% of the damage dealt by your Worthy ally to Champions. If they have less than @HealthThreshold*100@% Health the damage reduction is increased to @EmpoweredDR*100@%.

    Champions can only be linked by one Knight's Vow at a time. Damage redirection stops if you have less than @DamageRedirectionThreshold*100@% Health
    Anti-Attacker%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  515. Winter's Caress: Reduce the Attack Speed of nearby enemies by @ASPDSlow*-100@%.
  516. {{Item_Passive_Rock_Solid}}Frozen Heart%i:scaleArmor% 90 Armor
    %i:scaleMana% 400 Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  517. Winter's Caress: Reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemies.
  518. Rock Solid: Reduce incoming damage from Attacks.
    Slow the attack speed of nearby enemies.Frozen HeartSells for: @Value@%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  519. Winter's Caress: Reduce the Attack Speed of nearby enemies by @ASPDSlow*-100@%.
  520. {{Item_Passive_Rock_Solid}}Frozen HeartAnti-Attacker{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  521. Winter's Caress: Reduce the Attack Speed of nearby enemies by @ASPDSlow*-100@%.
  522. {{Item_Passive_Rock_Solid}}Rock Solid Damage Blocked: @f1@Frozen HeartAnti-Attacker{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  523. Winter's Caress: Reduce the Attack Speed of nearby enemies by @ASPDSlow*-100@%.
  524. {{Item_Passive_Rock_Solid}}Rock Solid Damage Blocked: @f1@Frozen HeartAnti-Attacker{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  525. Winter's Caress: Reduce the Attack Speed of nearby enemies by @ASPDSlow*-100@%.
  526. {{Item_Passive_Rock_Solid}}
    Anti-Disable;mercs%i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    %i:scaleTenacity% @PercentTenacityItemMod*100@% Tenacity

    Tenacity reduces the duration of Stun, Slow, Taunt, Fear, Silence, Blind, Polymorph and Immobilizing effects. It has no effect on Airborne or Suppression.Mercury's Treads%i:scaleMR% 25 Magic Resist
    %i:scaleMS% 45 Move Speed
    %i:scaleTenacity% 30% Tenacity

    Tenacity reduces the duration of Stun, Slow, Taunt, Fear, Silence, Blind, Polymorph and Immobilizing effects. It has no effect on Airborne or Suppression.

    Mercury's TreadsSells for: @Value@%i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    %i:scaleTenacity% @PercentTenacityItemMod*100@% Tenacity

    Tenacity reduces the duration of Stun, Slow, Taunt, Fear, Silence, Blind, Polymorph and Immobilizing effects. It has no effect on Airborne or Suppression.
    Mercury's TreadsAnti-Disable{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Boots

    Tenacity reduces the duration of Stun, Slow, Taunt, Fear, Silence, Blind, Polymorph and Immobilizing effects. It has no effect on Airborne or Suppression.
    Mercury's TreadsAnti-Disable{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Boots%i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    %i:scaleTenacity% @PercentTenacityItemMod*100@% Tenacity

    Tenacity reduces the duration of Stun, Slow, Taunt, Fear, Silence, Blind, Polymorph and Immobilizing effects. It has no effect on Airborne or Suppression.
    Mercury's TreadsAnti-Disable{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Boots%i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    %i:scaleTenacity% @PercentTenacityItemMod*100@% Tenacity

    Tenacity reduces the duration of Stun, Slow, Taunt, Fear, Silence, Blind, Polymorph and Immobilizing effects. It has no effect on Airborne or Suppression.

    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  527. Recovery: Restores @FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana every 5 seconds. If you can't gain mana, restores @Effect1Amount*5@ Health instead.
  528. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Guardian's Orb%i:scaleAP% 50 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 150 Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  529. Recovery: Restores Mana over time. If you can't gain mana, restores Health instead.
  530. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.
    Good starting item for Ability Power users.Guardian's OrbSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  531. Recovery: Restores @FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana every 5 seconds. If you can't gain mana, restores @Effect1Amount*5@ Health instead.
  532. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Guardian's Orb{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Guardian{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  533. Recovery: Restores @FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana every 5 seconds. If you can't gain mana, restores @Effect1Amount*5@ Health instead.
  534. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Guardian's Orb{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Guardian%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  535. Recovery: Restores @FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana every 5 seconds. If you can't gain mana, restores @Effect1Amount*5@ Health instead.
  536. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Guardian's Orb{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Guardian%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  537. Recovery: Restores @FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana every 5 seconds. If you can't gain mana, restores @Effect1Amount*5@ Health instead.
  538. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.
    ;spooky ghost%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  539. Glide: Gain @SpeedBonus*100@% Move Speed.Aether Wisp%i:scaleAP% 30 Ability Power{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  540. Glide: Gain 5% Move Speed.
    Aether WispSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  541. Glide: Gain @SpeedBonus*100@% Move Speed.Aether Wisp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  542. Glide: Gain @SpeedBonus*100@% Move Speed.Aether Wisp{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  543. Glide: Gain @SpeedBonus*100@% Move Speed.Aether Wisp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  544. Glide: Gain @SpeedBonus*100@% Move Speed.
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield PowerForbidden Idol%i:scaleManaRegen% 50% Base Mana Regen
    %i:scaleHealShield% 8% Heal and Shield Power

    Forbidden IdolSells for: @Value@%i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    Forbidden Idol{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Total Heal and Shield power: @f4@%Forbidden Idol{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    Total Heal and Shield power: @f4@%Forbidden Idol{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power

    Magic On-Hit;nashors%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  545. Icathian Bite: Attacks apply @TotalOnHitDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.Nashor's Tooth%i:scaleAP% 100 Ability Power
    %i:scaleAS% 50% Attack Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  546. Icathian Bite: Attacks apply magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.
    Nashor's ToothSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  547. Icathian Bite: Attacks apply @TotalOnHitDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.Nashor's ToothMagic On-Hit{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  548. Icathian Bite: Attacks apply @TotalOnHitDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.Enhanced damage dealt to champions: @f2@Nashor's ToothMagic On-Hit{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  549. Icathian Bite: Attacks apply @TotalOnHitDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.Enhanced damage dealt to champions: @f2@Nashor's ToothMagic On-Hit{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  550. Icathian Bite: Attacks apply @TotalOnHitDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.
    ;rylais%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  551. Rimefrost: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.Rylai's Crystal Scepter%i:scaleAP% 75 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 400 Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  552. Rimefrost: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies.
    Rylai's Crystal ScepterSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  553. Rimefrost: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.Rylai's Crystal ScepterSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  554. Rimefrost: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.Rylai's Crystal ScepterSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  555. Rimefrost: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.Rylai's Crystal ScepterSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  556. Rimefrost: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.
    Roaming;mobies;mobis;zoomers%i:scaleMS% @Effect8Amount@ Move Speed
  557. When out of combat for at least 5 seconds, increase this item's effect to %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@.Mobility Boots%i:scaleMS% 25 Move Speed
  558. When out of combat for at least 5 seconds, increase this item's effect to %i:scaleMS% 115.
    Mobility BootsSells for: @Value@%i:scaleMS% @Effect8Amount@ Move Speed
  559. When out of combat for at least 5 seconds, increase this item's effect to %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@.Mobility BootsRoaming{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Boots%i:scaleMS% @Effect8Amount@ Move Speed
  560. When out of combat for at least 5 seconds, increase this item's effect to %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@.Mobility BootsRoaming{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Boots%i:scaleMS% @Effect8Amount@ Move Speed
  561. When out of combat for at least 5 seconds, increase this item's effect to %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@.Mobility BootsRoaming{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Boots%i:scaleMS% @Effect8Amount@ Move Speed
  562. When out of combat for at least 5 seconds, increase this item's effect to %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@.
    Spellcasting%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  563. Awe: Gain bonus Health equal to @BonusHPFromMana@.
  564. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Fimbulwinter.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).Winter's Approach%i:scaleHealth% 350 Health
    %i:scaleMana% 500 Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% 15 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  565. Awe: Gain bonus Health equal to Total Mana.
  566. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain 3 bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of 360 Mana at which point this item transforms into Fimbulwinter.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every 8 seconds (max 4).
    Winter's ApproachSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  567. Awe: Gain bonus Health equal to @BonusHPFromMana@.
  568. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Fimbulwinter.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).Winter's ApproachSpellcasting{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  569. Awe: Gain bonus Health equal to @BonusHPFromMana@.
  570. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Fimbulwinter.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).Bonus Mana: %i:scaleMana% @f1@Winter's ApproachSpellcasting{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  571. Awe: Gain bonus Health equal to @BonusHPFromMana@.
  572. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Fimbulwinter.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).Bonus Mana: %i:scaleMana% @f1@Winter's ApproachSpellcasting{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  573. Awe: Gain bonus Health equal to @BonusHPFromMana@.
  574. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Fimbulwinter.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
  575. Awe: Gain bonus Health equal to @BonusHPFromMana@.
  576. Everlasting: Immobilizing or Slowing (%i:meleeActive% Melee only) an enemy champion consumes @ManaCost*100@% current Mana and grants a Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, absorbing @ShieldBase@ + @CurrentManaShieldRatio*100@% current Mana damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). The Shield is increased by @Multiplier*100@% if more than one enemy is nearby.

    This effect only activates while you have greater than @ManaThreshold*100@% Mana.Fimbulwinter%i:scaleHealth% 350 Health
    %i:scaleMana% 860 Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% 15 Ability Haste
  577. Awe: Gain bonus Health based on Mana.
  578. Everlasting: Immobilizing or Slowing an enemy champion consumes current Mana and grants a Shield. The Shield is increased if more than one enemy is nearby.
    FimbulwinterSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
  579. Awe: Gain bonus Health equal to @BonusHPFromMana@.
  580. Everlasting: Immobilizing or Slowing (%i:meleeActive% Melee only) an enemy champion consumes @ManaCost*100@% current Mana and grants a Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, absorbing @ShieldBase@ + @CurrentManaShieldRatio*100@% current Mana damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). The Shield is increased by @Multiplier*100@% if more than one enemy is nearby.

    This effect only activates while you have greater than @ManaThreshold*100@% Mana.FimbulwinterMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mana Charge
  581. Awe: Gain bonus Health equal to @BonusHPFromMana@.
  582. Everlasting: Immobilizing or Slowing (%i:meleeActive% Melee only) an enemy champion consumes @ManaCost*100@% current Mana %i:scaleMana% and grants a Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, absorbing @f1@ %i:scaleMana% damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). The Shield is increased to @f3@ %i:scaleMana% if more than one enemy is nearby.

    This effect only activates while you have greater than @ManaThreshold*100@% Mana.Damage Shielded: @f2@FimbulwinterMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mana Charge%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
  583. Awe: Gain bonus Health equal to @BonusHPFromMana@.
  584. Everlasting: Immobilizing or Slowing (%i:meleeActive% Melee only) an enemy champion consumes @ManaCost*100@% current Mana %i:scaleMana% and grants a Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, absorbing @f1@ %i:scaleMana% damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). The Shield is increased to @f3@ %i:scaleMana% if more than one enemy is nearby.

    This effect only activates while you have greater than @ManaThreshold*100@% Mana.Damage Shielded: @f2@FimbulwinterMana Scaling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mana Charge%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
  585. Awe: Gain bonus Health equal to @BonusHPFromMana@.
  586. Everlasting: Immobilizing or Slowing (%i:meleeActive% Melee only) an enemy champion consumes @ManaCost*100@% current Mana and grants a Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, absorbing @ShieldBase@ + @CurrentManaShieldRatio*100@% current Mana damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). The Shield is increased by @Multiplier*100@% if more than one enemy is nearby.

    This effect only activates while you have greater than @ManaThreshold*100@% Mana.
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  587. Rend: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Executioner's Calling%i:scaleAD% 20 Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  588. Rend: Dealing physical damage applies 25% Grievous Wounds to champions for 3 seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}
    Executioner's CallingSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  589. Rend: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Executioner's Calling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  590. Rend: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Enemy Healing Reduced: @f2@Executioner's Calling{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  591. Rend: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Enemy Healing Reduced: @f2@Executioner's Calling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  592. Rend: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}
    On-Hit Amp%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  593. Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} damage. Gain @DamageAmountPerCritStep@ {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} for each @CritChancePerStep@% Critical Strike Chance converted.
  594. Seething Strike: Every third Attack applies your On-Hit effects twice.

    Wrath cannot benefit from more than 100% Critical Strike Chance. Wrath's On-Hit damage conversion is affected by Critical Strike damage modifiers. Guinsoo's Rageblade%i:scaleAS% 45% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  595. Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} damage. Gain 40 {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} for each 20% Critical Strike Chance converted.
  596. Seething Strike: Every third Attack applies your On-Hit effects twice.

    Wrath cannot benefit from more than 100% Critical Strike Chance. Wrath's On-Hit damage conversion is affected by Critical Strike damage modifiers.
    Guinsoo's RagebladeSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  597. Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} damage. Gain @DamageAmountPerCritStep@ {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} for each @CritChancePerStep@% Critical Strike Chance converted.
  598. Seething Strike: Every third Attack applies your On-Hit effects twice.

    Wrath cannot benefit from more than 100% Critical Strike Chance. Wrath's On-Hit damage conversion is affected by Critical Strike damage modifiers. Guinsoo's RagebladeOn-Hit Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Crit Modifier{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  599. Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into @f1@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.
  600. Seething Strike: Every third Attack applies your On-Hit effects twice.

    Wrath cannot benefit from more than 100% Critical Strike Chance. Wrath's On-Hit damage conversion is affected by Critical Strike damage modifiers. Guinsoo's RagebladeOn-Hit Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Crit Modifier%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  601. Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into @f1@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.
  602. Seething Strike: Every third Attack applies your On-Hit effects twice.

    Wrath cannot benefit from more than 100% Critical Strike Chance. Wrath's On-Hit damage conversion is affected by Critical Strike damage modifiers. Guinsoo's RagebladeOn-Hit Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Crit Modifier%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  603. Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} damage. Gain @DamageAmountPerCritStep@ {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} for each @CritChancePerStep@% Critical Strike Chance converted.
  604. Seething Strike: Every third Attack applies your On-Hit effects twice.

    Wrath cannot benefit from more than 100% Critical Strike Chance. Wrath's On-Hit damage conversion is affected by Critical Strike damage modifiers.
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability HasteCaulfield's Warhammer%i:scaleAD% 25 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCooldown% 10 Ability Haste

    Caulfield's WarhammerSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    Caulfield's Warhammer{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Caulfield's Warhammer{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    Caulfield's Warhammer{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    ;lethality%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  605. Gouge: Gain @Effect1Amount@ Lethality.Serrated Dirk%i:scaleAD% 30 Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  606. Gouge: Gain 10 Lethality.
    Serrated DirkSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  607. Gouge: Gain @Effect1Amount@ Lethality.Serrated Dirk{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  608. Gouge: Gain @Effect1Amount@ Lethality.Serrated Dirk{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  609. Gouge: Gain @Effect1Amount@ Lethality.Serrated Dirk{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  610. Gouge: Gain @Effect1Amount@ Lethality.
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @PercentMagicPenetrationMod*100@% Magic PenetrationVoid Staff%i:scaleAP% 65 Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% 40% Magic Penetration

    Void StaffSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @PercentMagicPenetrationMod*100@% Magic Penetration
    Void StaffMagic Penetration{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Void PenVoid StaffMagic Penetration{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Void Pen%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @PercentMagicPenetrationMod*100@% Magic Penetration
    Void StaffMagic Penetration{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Void Pen%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @PercentMagicPenetrationMod*100@% Magic Penetration

    Remove Disables;merc scim;quicksilver sash;qss;silvermere dawn%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) and also gain @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount.1@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Mercurial Scimitar%i:scaleAD% 40 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMR% 40 Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs and gain Move Speed.

    Mercurial ScimitarSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    Mercurial ScimitarRemove Disables{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: QuicksilverMercurial ScimitarRemove Disables{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Quicksilver%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) and also gain @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount.1@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
    Mercurial ScimitarRemove Disables{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Quicksilver%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) and also gain @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount.1@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    ;qss;mercurial scimitar;silvermere dawn%i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Removes all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
    Quicksilver Sash%i:scaleMR% 30 Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Removes all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne).

    Quicksilver SashSells for: @Value@%i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic ResistQuicksilver Sash{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: QuicksilverQuicksilver Sash{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Quicksilver%i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Removes all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
    Quicksilver Sash{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Quicksilver%i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Removes all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Chase;lethality; haste%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Wraith Step: Gain @Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed and Ghosting for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect1Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  611. Haunt: Gain @Effect6Amount@ Move Speed out of combat.

    {{ Item_Ghosting }}Youmuu's Ghostblade%i:scaleAD% 55 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% 18 Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% 15 Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Wraith Step: Gain Move Speed and Ghosting.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  612. Haunt: Gain Move Speed out of combat.

    {{ Item_Ghosting }}
    Youmuu's GhostbladeSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  613. Haunt: Gain @Effect6Amount@ Move Speed out of combat.

    {{ Item_Ghosting }}Youmuu's GhostbladeChase{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  614. Haunt: Gain @Effect6Amount@ Move Speed out of combat.

    {{ Item_Ghosting }}Youmuu's GhostbladeChase{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Wraith Step: Gain @Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed and Ghosting for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect1Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  615. Haunt: Gain @Effect6Amount@ Move Speed out of combat.

    {{ Item_Ghosting }}Youmuu's GhostbladeChase{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Wraith Step: Gain @Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed and Ghosting for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect1Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  616. Haunt: Gain @Effect6Amount@ Move Speed out of combat.

    {{ Item_Ghosting }}
    Crit Defense%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Humility: Briefly Slow nearby enemies and reduce their Attack Damage by @PercentADReduction*100@% and Critical Strike Damage by @PercentCritDamageReduction*100@% for @Duration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  617. {{Item_Passive_Rock_Solid}}Randuin's Omen%i:scaleHealth% 250 Health
    %i:scaleArmor% 90 Armor
    %i:scaleCooldown% 10 Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Humility: Briefly Slow nearby enemies and reduce their Attack Damage and Critical Strike Damage.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  618. Rock Solid: Reduce incoming damage from Attacks.
    Reduce the attack and critical damage of enemies.Randuin's OmenSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  619. {{Item_Passive_Rock_Solid}}Randuin's OmenCrit Defense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  620. {{Item_Passive_Rock_Solid}}Rock Solid Damage Blocked: @f1@Randuin's OmenCrit Defense{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Humility: Briefly Slow nearby enemies and reduce their Attack Damage by @PercentADReduction*100@% and Critical Strike Damage by @PercentCritDamageReduction*100@% for @Duration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  621. {{Item_Passive_Rock_Solid}}Rock Solid Damage Blocked: @f1@Randuin's OmenCrit Defense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Humility: Briefly Slow nearby enemies and reduce their Attack Damage by @PercentADReduction*100@% and Critical Strike Damage by @PercentCritDamageReduction*100@% for @Duration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  622. {{Item_Passive_Rock_Solid}}
    ;revolver%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  623. Revved: Damaging a champion deals an additional @DamageAmount@ magic damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Hextech Alternator%i:scaleAP% 25 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 150 Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  624. Revved: Damaging a champion deals additional damage.
    Hextech AlternatorSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  625. Revved: Damaging a champion deals an additional @DamageAmount@ magic damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Hextech Alternator{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  626. Revved: Damaging a champion deals an additional @DamageAmount@ magic damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Hextech Alternator{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  627. Revved: Damaging a champion deals an additional @DamageAmount@ magic damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Hextech Alternator{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  628. Revved: Damaging a champion deals an additional @DamageAmount@ magic damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
    ;protobelt%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supersonic: Dash in target direction, unleashing an arc of magic missiles that deal @FireboltDamage@ magic damage. Then, gain @MovementSpeedValue*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMagicPenetration@ Magic Penetration.

    Supersonic's dash cannot pass through terrain.Hextech Rocketbelt%i:scaleAP% 90 Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% 6 Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleHealth% 250 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 15 Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supersonic: Dash in target direction, unleashing an arc of magic missiles that deal damage. Then, gain Move Speed towards enemy champions.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} Magic Penetration.

    Hextech RocketbeltSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMagicPenetration@ Magic Penetration.

    Supersonic's dash cannot pass through terrain.
    Hextech RocketbeltMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMagicPenetration@ Magic Penetration.

    Supersonic's dash cannot pass through terrain.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicPassiveBonus@
    Damage dealt to champions: @f5@
    Hextech RocketbeltMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supersonic: Dash in target direction, unleashing an arc of magic missiles that deal @FireboltDamage@ magic damage. Then, gain @MovementSpeedValue*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMagicPenetration@ Magic Penetration.

    Supersonic's dash cannot pass through terrain.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicPassiveBonus@
    Damage dealt to champions: @f5@
    Hextech RocketbeltMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supersonic: Dash in target direction, unleashing an arc of magic missiles that deal @FireboltDamage@ magic damage. Then, gain @MovementSpeedValue*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMagicPenetration@ Magic Penetration.

    Supersonic's dash cannot pass through terrain.

    ;brk;bork;botrk;mist%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  629. Mist's Edge: Attacks apply an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} enemy current Health physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.
  630. Siphon: Attacking a champion 3 times deals @SiphonDamage@ magic damage and steals @MoveSpeedMod*-100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Maximum Mist's Edge damage dealt to minions and jungle monsters is @MonsterDamageCap@.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    Blade of The Ruined King%i:scaleAD% 40 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% 25% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleLS% 8% Life Steal
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  631. Mist's Edge: Attacks apply physical damage based off of the target's current Health.
  632. Siphon: Attacking a champion 3 times deals magic damage and steals Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    Blade of The Ruined KingSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  633. Mist's Edge: Attacks apply an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} enemy current Health physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.
  634. Siphon: Attacking a champion 3 times deals @SiphonDamage@ magic damage and steals @MoveSpeedMod*-100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Maximum Mist's Edge damage dealt to minions and jungle monsters is @MonsterDamageCap@.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    Blade of The Ruined KingDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  635. Mist's Edge: Attacks apply an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} enemy current Health physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.
  636. Siphon: Attacking a champion 3 times deals @SiphonDamage@ magic damage and steals @MoveSpeedMod*-100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Maximum Mist's Edge damage dealt to minions and jungle monsters is @MonsterDamageCap@. {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Damage to Champions: @f4@Blade of The Ruined KingDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  637. Mist's Edge: Attacks apply an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} enemy current Health physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.
  638. Siphon: Attacking a champion 3 times deals @SiphonDamage@ magic damage and steals @MoveSpeedMod*-100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Maximum Mist's Edge damage dealt to minions and jungle monsters is @MonsterDamageCap@. {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Damage to Champions: @f4@Blade of The Ruined KingDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  639. Mist's Edge: Attacks apply an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} enemy current Health physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.
  640. Siphon: Attacking a champion 3 times deals @SiphonDamage@ magic damage and steals @MoveSpeedMod*-100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Maximum Mist's Edge damage dealt to minions and jungle monsters is @MonsterDamageCap@.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}

    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  641. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} magic damage Shield for @ShieldLifetime@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Hexdrinker%i:scaleAD% 25 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMR% 35 Magic Resist
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  642. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below 30%, gain a magic damage Shield.
    HexdrinkerSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  643. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} magic damage Shield for @ShieldLifetime@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Hexdrinker{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Lifeline
  644. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} magic damage Shield for @ShieldLifetime@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Hexdrinker{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Lifeline%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
  645. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} magic damage Shield for @ShieldLifetime@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Hexdrinker{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Lifeline%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  646. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} magic damage Shield for @ShieldLifetime@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
    Survive Magic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  647. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} magic damage Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ShieldCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). When Lifeline triggers, gain @BuffVamp*100@% Omnivamp until the end of combat. Maw of Malmortius%i:scaleAD% 55 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMR% 50 Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  648. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below 30%, gain a magic damage Shield. When Lifeline triggers, gain Omnivamp until the end of combat.
    Maw of MalmortiusSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  649. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} magic damage Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ShieldCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). When Lifeline triggers, gain @BuffVamp*100@% Omnivamp until the end of combat. Maw of MalmortiusSurvive Magic{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Lifeline{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  650. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} magic damage Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ShieldCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). When Lifeline triggers, gain @BuffVamp*100@% Omnivamp until the end of combat. Damage blocked by shield: @f4@Maw of MalmortiusSurvive Magic{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Lifeline%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  651. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} magic damage Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ShieldCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). When Lifeline triggers, gain @BuffVamp*100@% Omnivamp until the end of combat. Damage blocked by shield: @f4@Maw of MalmortiusSurvive Magic{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Lifeline%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  652. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} magic damage Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ShieldCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). When Lifeline triggers, gain @BuffVamp*100@% Omnivamp until the end of combat.
    Survive Burst;zhg;zonyas%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Stasis: You become Invulnerable and Untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Zhonya's Hourglass%i:scaleAP% 80 Ability Power
    %i:scaleArmor% 45 Armor
    %i:scaleCooldown% 15 Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Stasis: You become Invulnerable and Untargetable for 2.5 seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time.

    Zhonya's HourglassSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    Zhonya's HourglassSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}UniqueZhonya's HourglassSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Stasis: You become Invulnerable and Untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
    Zhonya's HourglassSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Stasis: You become Invulnerable and Untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Ability Haste%i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  653. Gain @SummonerHaste@ Summoner Spell Haste.

    ''This item is dedicated in honor of Ionia's victory over Noxus in the Rematch for the Southern Provinces on 10 December, 20 CLE.'Ionian Boots of Lucidity%i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% 45 Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  654. Gain 12 Summoner Spell Haste.

    ''This item is dedicated in honor of Ionia's victory over Noxus in the Rematch for the Southern Provinces on 10 December, 20 CLE.'
    Ionian Boots of LuciditySells for: @Value@%i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  655. Gain @SummonerHaste@ Summoner Spell Haste.

    ''This item is dedicated in honor of Ionia's victory over Noxus in the Rematch for the Southern Provinces on 10 December, 20 CLE.'Ionian Boots of LucidityAbility Haste{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Boots{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  656. Gain @SummonerHaste@ Summoner Spell Haste.

    ''This item is dedicated in honor of Ionia's victory over Noxus in the Rematch for the Southern Provinces on 10 December, 20 CLE.'Ionian Boots of LucidityAbility Haste{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Boots%i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  657. Gain @SummonerHaste@ Summoner Spell Haste.

    ''This item is dedicated in honor of Ionia's victory over Noxus in the Rematch for the Southern Provinces on 10 December, 20 CLE.'Ionian Boots of LucidityAbility Haste{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Boots%i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% @FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  658. Gain @SummonerHaste@ Summoner Spell Haste.

    ''This item is dedicated in honor of Ionia's victory over Noxus in the Rematch for the Southern Provinces on 10 December, 20 CLE.'
    ;nmst;grievous wounds;forbidden book;last shadow%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  659. Affliction: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. If the target is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, this effect is increased to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Morellonomicon%i:scaleAP% 90 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 300 Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  660. Affliction: Dealing magic damage applies 25% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds. If the target is below 50% Health, this effect is increased to 40% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}
    Reduce enemy healing with your magic damage, especially against low health enemies.MorellonomiconSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  661. Affliction: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. If the target is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, this effect is increased to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}MorellonomiconAnti-Healing{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  662. Affliction: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. If the target is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, this effect is increased to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Healing reduced: @f2@MorellonomiconAnti-Healing{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  663. Affliction: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. If the target is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, this effect is increased to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Healing reduced: @f2@MorellonomiconAnti-Healing{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  664. Affliction: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. If the target is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, this effect is increased to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  665. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Guardian's Blade%i:scaleAD% 30 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 150 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 15 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  666. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.
    Good starting item for Attack Damage users.Guardian's BladeSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  667. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Guardian's Blade{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Guardian{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  668. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Guardian's Blade{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Guardian%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  669. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Guardian's Blade{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Guardian%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  670. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.
    Deny Vision%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  671. Blackout: When spotted by an enemy Ward, reveal traps and disable Wards around you for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). Your Attacks instantly kill revealed traps and do triple damage to Wards.Umbral Glaive%i:scaleAD% 50 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% 10 Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% 15 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  672. Blackout: When spotted by an enemy Ward, reveal traps and disable Wards around you. Your Attacks instantly kill revealed traps and do triple damage to Wards.
    Umbral GlaiveSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  673. Blackout: When spotted by an enemy Ward, reveal traps and disable Wards around you for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). Your Attacks instantly kill revealed traps and do triple damage to Wards.Umbral GlaiveDeny Vision{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  674. Blackout: When spotted by an enemy Ward, reveal traps and disable Wards around you for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). Your Attacks instantly kill revealed traps and do triple damage to Wards.Wards Killed: @f1@Umbral GlaiveDeny Vision{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  675. Blackout: When spotted by an enemy Ward, reveal traps and disable Wards around you for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). Your Attacks instantly kill revealed traps and do triple damage to Wards.Wards Killed: @f1@Umbral GlaiveDeny Vision{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  676. Blackout: When spotted by an enemy Ward, reveal traps and disable Wards around you for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). Your Attacks instantly kill revealed traps and do triple damage to Wards.
    Split Push%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  677. Boarding Party: While no allied champions are nearby you gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Armor and Magic Resist and Attacks deal @TowerDamage*100@% increased damage to towers. Nearby large minions gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} Armor and Magic Resist and @TowerDamage*1000@% increased damage to towers.

    Boarding Party's resistances decay over 3 seconds when an ally gets too close.Hullbreaker%i:scaleAD% 50 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 400 Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% 150% Base Health Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  678. Boarding Party: While no allied champions are nearby you gain Armor and Magic Resist and Attacks deal increased damage to towers. Nearby large minions gain Armor and Magic Resist and increased damage to towers.

    Boarding Party's resistances decay over 3 seconds when an ally gets too close.

    HullbreakerSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  679. Boarding Party: While no allied champions are nearby you gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Armor and Magic Resist and Attacks deal @TowerDamage*100@% increased damage to towers. Nearby large minions gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} Armor and Magic Resist and @TowerDamage*1000@% increased damage to towers.

    Boarding Party's resistances decay over 3 seconds when an ally gets too close.HullbreakerSplit Push{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique
  680. Boarding Party: While no allied champions are nearby you gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Armor and Magic Resist and Attacks deal @TowerDamage*100@% increased damage to towers. Nearby large minions gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} Armor and Magic Resist and @TowerDamage*1000@% increased damage to towers.

    Boarding Party's resistances decay over 3 seconds when an ally gets too close.Bonus Damage to Towers: @f2@
    HullbreakerSplit Push{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
  681. Boarding Party: While no allied champions are nearby you gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Armor and Magic Resist and Attacks deal @TowerDamage*100@% increased damage to towers. Nearby large minions gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} Armor and Magic Resist and @TowerDamage*1000@% increased damage to towers.

    Boarding Party's resistances decay over 3 seconds when an ally gets too close.Bonus Damage to Towers: @f2@
    HullbreakerSplit Push{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  682. Boarding Party: While no allied champions are nearby you gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Armor and Magic Resist and Attacks deal @TowerDamage*100@% increased damage to towers. Nearby large minions gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} Armor and Magic Resist and @TowerDamage*1000@% increased damage to towers.

    Boarding Party's resistances decay over 3 seconds when an ally gets too close.
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  683. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Guardian's Hammer%i:scaleAD% 25 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 150 Health
    %i:scaleLS% 7% Life Steal
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  684. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.
    Guardian's HammerSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  685. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Guardian's Hammer{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Guardian{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  686. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Guardian's Hammer{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Guardian%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  687. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Guardian's Hammer{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Guardian%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  688. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Devotion: Grant nearby allies a @ShieldMinTOOLTIP@ - @ShieldMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Shield, decaying over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  689. Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions @AllyAuraARMR@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @AllyAuraMythicPassive@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor/%i:scaleMR% Magic Resist increase to Consecrate.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    Subsequent Devotion shields within @DiminishedTimer@ seconds only have @DiminishedEffectMulitplier*100@% effect.
    Locket of the Iron Solari%i:scaleHealth% 200 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% 30 Armor
    %i:scaleMR% 30 Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Devotion: Grant nearby allies a Shield, decaying over time.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  690. Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions Armor and Magic Resist.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Armor and Magic Resist increase to Consecrate.

    Locket of the Iron SolariSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  691. Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions @AllyAuraARMR@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @AllyAuraMythicPassive@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor/%i:scaleMR% Magic Resist increase to Consecrate.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    Subsequent Devotion shields within @DiminishedTimer@ seconds only have @DiminishedEffectMulitplier*100@% effect.
    Locket of the Iron SolariSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  692. Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions @AllyAuraARMR@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @AllyAuraMythicPassive@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor/%i:scaleMR% Magic Resist increase to Consecrate.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    Subsequent Devotion shields within @DiminishedTimer@ seconds only have @DiminishedEffectMulitplier*100@% effect.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleArmor%/%i:scaleMR% @MythicPassiveBonus@ increase to Consecration
    Highest damage instance blocked: @f2@
    Total damage blocked: @f3@
    Consecration damage reduced: @f5@
    Locket of the Iron SolariSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Devotion: Grant nearby allies a @ShieldMinTOOLTIP@ - @ShieldMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Shield, decaying over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  693. Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions @AllyAuraARMR@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @AllyAuraMythicPassive@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor/%i:scaleMR% Magic Resist increase to Consecrate.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    Subsequent Devotion shields within @DiminishedTimer@ seconds only have @DiminishedEffectMulitplier*100@% effect.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleArmor%/%i:scaleMR% @MythicPassiveBonus@ increase to Consecration
    Highest damage instance blocked: @f2@
    Total damage blocked: @f3@
    Consecration damage reduced: @f5@
    Locket of the Iron SolariSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Devotion: Grant nearby allies a @ShieldMinTOOLTIP@ - @ShieldMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Shield, decaying over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  694. Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions @AllyAuraARMR@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @AllyAuraMythicPassive@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor/%i:scaleMR% Magic Resist increase to Consecrate.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    Subsequent Devotion shields within @DiminishedTimer@ seconds only have @DiminishedEffectMulitplier*100@% effect.

    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  695. Witch's Path: Killing a unit grants @Effect1Amount@ Armor (max @Effect2Amount@).Seeker's Armguard%i:scaleAP% 30 Ability Power
    %i:scaleArmor% 15 Armor
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  696. Witch's Path: Killing a unit grants 0.5 Armor (max 15).
    Seeker's ArmguardSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  697. Witch's Path: Killing a unit grants @Effect1Amount@ Armor (max @Effect2Amount@).Seeker's Armguard{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  698. Witch's Path: Killing a unit grants @Effect1Amount@ Armor (max @Effect2Amount@).Current Bonus: %i:scaleArmor% @f1@/@Effect2Amount@Seeker's Armguard{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  699. Witch's Path: Killing a unit grants @Effect1Amount@ Armor (max @Effect2Amount@).Current Bonus: %i:scaleArmor% @f1@/@Effect2Amount@Seeker's Armguard{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  700. Witch's Path: Killing a unit grants @Effect1Amount@ Armor (max @Effect2Amount@).
    Teamfight Durability%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Monolith: Gain a @TotalShield@ Shield that decays over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  701. Fortify: Taking damage from a champion grants a stack of @BonusArmor@ Armor and @BonusMR@ Magic Resist for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Max 5 stacks; 1 per champion.Gargoyle Stoneplate%i:scaleArmor% 60 Armor
    %i:scaleMR% 60 Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% 15 Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Unbreakable: Gain a Shield that decays and grow in size.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  702. Fortify: Taking damage from a champion grants a stack of bonus Armor and bonus Magic Resist.

    Max 5 stacks; 1 per champion.
    Gargoyle StoneplateSells for: @Value@%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  703. Fortify: Taking damage from a champion grants a stack of @BonusArmor@ Armor and @BonusMR@ Magic Resist for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Max 5 stacks; 1 per champion.Gargoyle StoneplateTeamfight Durability{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  704. Fortify: Taking damage from a champion grants a stack of @BonusArmor@ Armor and @BonusMR@ Magic Resist for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Max 5 stacks; 1 per champion.Damage Shielded: @f1@Gargoyle StoneplateTeamfight Durability{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Monolith: Gain a @TotalShield@ Shield that decays over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  705. Fortify: Taking damage from a champion grants a stack of @BonusArmor@ Armor and @BonusMR@ Magic Resist for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Max 5 stacks; 1 per champion.Damage Shielded: @f1@Gargoyle StoneplateTeamfight Durability{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Monolith: Gain a @TotalShield@ Shield that decays over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  706. Fortify: Taking damage from a champion grants a stack of @BonusArmor@ Armor and @BonusMR@ Magic Resist for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Max 5 stacks; 1 per champion.
    ;ghost%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  707. Incorporeal: After taking damage from a champion, gain @HealthRegenPassive*100@% base Health Regen for up to @HealthRegenDuration@ seconds (duration increases with damage taken).Spectre's Cowl%i:scaleHealth% 250 Health
    %i:scaleMR% 25 Magic Resist
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  708. Incorporeal: After taking damage from a champion, Regenerate Health.
    Improves defense and grants regeneration upon being damaged.Spectre's CowlSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  709. Incorporeal: After taking damage from a champion, gain @HealthRegenPassive*100@% base Health Regen for up to @HealthRegenDuration@ seconds (duration increases with damage taken).Spectre's Cowl{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  710. Incorporeal: After taking damage from a champion, gain @HealthRegenPassive*100@% base Health Regen for up to @HealthRegenDuration@ seconds (duration increases with damage taken).Spectre's Cowl{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  711. Incorporeal: After taking damage from a champion, gain @HealthRegenPassive*100@% base Health Regen for up to @HealthRegenDuration@ seconds (duration increases with damage taken).Spectre's Cowl{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  712. Incorporeal: After taking damage from a champion, gain @HealthRegenPassive*100@% base Health Regen for up to @HealthRegenDuration@ seconds (duration increases with damage taken).
    ;crucible;michael;mikael%i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Purify: Remove all crowd control debuffs (except Knockups and Suppression) from an ally champion and restore @HealAmountMin@ - @HealAmountMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Health (@CleanseCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).Mikael's Blessing%i:scaleHealShield% 16% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleMR% 50 Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% 15 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 100% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Purify: Restore Health and Remove all crowd control debuffs (except Knockups and Suppression) from an ally champion.

    Mikael's BlessingSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    Mikael's BlessingRemove Disables{{ Item_Gold_Value }}UniqueSuccessful Cleanses: @f2@
    Ally Healing: @f3@
    Total Heal and Shield power: @f4@%
    Mikael's BlessingRemove Disables{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Purify: Remove all crowd control debuffs (except Knockups and Suppression) from an ally champion and restore @HealAmountMin@ - @HealAmountMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Health (@CleanseCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).
    Successful Cleanses: @f2@
    Ally Healing: @f3@
    Total Heal and Shield power: @f4@%
    Mikael's BlessingRemove Disables{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Purify: Remove all crowd control debuffs (except Knockups and Suppression) from an ally champion and restore @HealAmountMin@ - @HealAmountMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Health (@CleanseCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    Cannot be sold

    {{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Places an effigy that lasts for @EffigyDuration@ seconds and appears exactly as Fiddlesticks does to enemies. Stores one charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds, up to maximum 2 charges.

    Enemy champions approaching an effigy will activate it, causing the effigy to fake a random action, after which the effigy will fall apart.Scarecrow Effigy
    {{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Places an effigy that appears exactly as Fiddlesticks does to enemies. Stores up to a maximum of 2 charges.

    Enemy champions approaching an effigy will activate it, causing the effigy to fake a random action, after which the effigy will fall apart.

    Scarecrow EffigySells for: @Value@Cannot be sold

    {{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Places an effigy that lasts for @EffigyDuration@ seconds and appears exactly as Fiddlesticks does to enemies. Stores one charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds, up to maximum 2 charges.

    Enemy champions approaching an effigy will activate it, causing the effigy to fake a random action, after which the effigy will fall apart.
    Scarecrow Effigy{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: TrinketCannot be sold

    {{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Places an effigy that lasts for @EffigyDuration@ seconds and appears exactly as Fiddlesticks does to enemies. Stores one charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds, up to maximum 2 charges.

    Enemy champions approaching an effigy will activate it, causing the effigy to fake a random action, after which the effigy will fall apart.
    Scarecrow Effigy{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: TrinketCannot be sold

    {{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Places an effigy that lasts for @EffigyDuration@ seconds and appears exactly as Fiddlesticks does to enemies. Stores one charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds, up to maximum 2 charges.

    Enemy champions approaching an effigy will activate it, causing the effigy to fake a random action, after which the effigy will fall apart.
    Scarecrow Effigy{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: TrinketCannot be sold

    {{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Places an effigy that lasts for @EffigyDuration@ seconds and appears exactly as Fiddlesticks does to enemies. Stores one charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds, up to maximum 2 charges.

    Enemy champions approaching an effigy will activate it, causing the effigy to fake a random action, after which the effigy will fall apart.

    ;yellow;totem;trinket{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that lasts between @Effect1Amount@ - @Effect3Amount@ seconds, is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to @Effect5Amount@ Stealth Wards, generating a new Ward every @Effect2Amount@ - @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Stealth Ward{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 2 Stealth Wards.
    Stealth WardSells for: @Value@Stealth Ward{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: TrinketCurrent Stealth Wards placed: @f1@/@f6@
    Vision Score: @f7@
    Stealth Ward{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Trinket{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to @Effect5Amount@ Stealth Wards, generating a new Ward every @f4@ seconds.Current Stealth Wards placed: @f1@/@f6@
    Vision Score: @f7@
    Stealth Ward{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Trinket{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that lasts between @Effect1Amount@ - @Effect3Amount@ seconds, is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to @Effect5Amount@ Stealth Wards, generating a new Ward every @Effect2Amount@ - @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    ;blue;totem;trinketRequires Level 9 to purchase.

    {{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Reveals an area and places a visible, fragile Ward up to @Effect1Amount@ units away. Allies cannot target this Ward with Summoner Spells or Abilities (@Effect10Amount@ - @Effect11Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Farsight Alteration{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Reveals an area and places a visible, fragile Ward up to 4000 units away.
    Farsight AlterationSells for: @Value@Farsight Alteration{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: TrinketVision Score: @f6@Requires Level 9 to purchase.

    Farsight Alteration{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Trinket{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Reveals an area and places a visible, fragile Ward up to @Effect1Amount@ units away. Allies cannot target this Ward with Summoner Spells or Abilities (@f4@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Vision Score: @f6@Farsight Alteration{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Trinket{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Reveals an area and places a visible, fragile Ward up to @Effect1Amount@ units away. Allies cannot target this Ward with Summoner Spells or Abilities (@Effect10Amount@ - @Effect11Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Requires Level 9 to purchase.

    ;red;totem;trinket;sweeper;spinny{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Scans around you, warning against hidden enemy units, revealing invisible traps and revealing (and temporarily disabling) enemy Stealth Wards for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@ - @Effect4Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Oracle Lens{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Scans around you, warning against hidden enemy units, revealing invisible traps and revealing (and temporarily disabling) enemy Stealth Wards.
    Oracle LensSells for: @Value@Oracle Lens{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: TrinketWards revealed: @f1@
    Vision Score: @f6@
    Oracle Lens{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Trinket{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Scans around you, warning against hidden enemy units, revealing invisible traps and revealing (and temporarily disabling) enemy Stealth Wards for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (@f2@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Wards revealed: @f1@
    Vision Score: @f6@
    Oracle Lens{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Trinket{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Scans around you, warning against hidden enemy units, revealing invisible traps and revealing (and temporarily disabling) enemy Stealth Wards for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@ - @Effect4Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
    {{ Item_Active_Consume }} Gain @f1@ gold.

    Bonus gold given to an ally when Pyke executes an enemy champion using his Ultimate Ability. If no ally was involved in the kill, Pyke gets to keep the Cut!Your Cut{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Gain @f1@ gold.

    Bonus gold given to an ally when Pyke executes an enemy champion using his Ultimate Ability. If no ally was involved in the kill, Pyke gets to keep the Cut!

    Your CutSells for: @Value@{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Gain @f1@ gold.

    Bonus gold given to an ally when Pyke executes an enemy champion using his Ultimate Ability. If no ally was involved in the kill, Pyke gets to keep the Cut!
    Your Cut{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Gain @f1@ gold.

    Bonus gold given to an ally when Pyke executes an enemy champion using his Ultimate Ability. If no ally was involved in the kill, Pyke gets to keep the Cut!
    Your Cut{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%){{ Item_Active_Consume }} Gain @f1@ gold.

    Bonus gold given to an ally when Pyke executes an enemy champion using his Ultimate Ability. If no ally was involved in the kill, Pyke gets to keep the Cut!
    Your Cut{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Gain @f1@ gold.

    Bonus gold given to an ally when Pyke executes an enemy champion using his Ultimate Ability. If no ally was involved in the kill, Pyke gets to keep the Cut!

    Buff Attackers;censor%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  713. Sanctify: Healing or Shielding another ally enhances you both for @Duration@ seconds, granting your Attacks @AttackSpeedMin*100@% - @AttackSpeedMax*100@% (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Attack Speed and @OnHitMin@ - @OnHitMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}Ardent Censer%i:scaleAP% 60 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealShield% 8% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 100% Base Mana Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  714. Sanctify: Healing or Shielding another ally enhances you both, granting Attack Speed and magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.

    Ardent CenserSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  715. Sanctify: Healing or Shielding another ally enhances you both for @Duration@ seconds, granting your Attacks @AttackSpeedMin*100@% - @AttackSpeedMax*100@% (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Attack Speed and @OnHitMin@ - @OnHitMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}Ardent CenserBuff Attackers{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  716. Sanctify: Healing or Shielding another ally enhances you both for @Duration@ seconds, granting your Attacks @AttackSpeedMin*100@% - @AttackSpeedMax*100@% (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Attack Speed and @OnHitMin@ - @OnHitMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}On-Hit damage dealt (by you and allies): @f3@
    Total Heal and Shield power: @f4@%
    Ardent CenserBuff Attackers{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  717. Sanctify: Healing or Shielding another ally enhances you both for @Duration@ seconds, granting your Attacks @AttackSpeedMin*100@% - @AttackSpeedMax*100@% (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Attack Speed and @OnHitMin@ - @OnHitMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}On-Hit damage dealt (by you and allies): @f3@
    Total Heal and Shield power: @f4@%
    Ardent CenserBuff Attackers{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  718. Sanctify: Healing or Shielding another ally enhances you both for @Duration@ seconds, granting your Attacks @AttackSpeedMin*100@% - @AttackSpeedMax*100@% (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Attack Speed and @OnHitMin@ - @OnHitMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    Spellweaving;er%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  719. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack deals @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage bonus damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} and restores @ManaRestore@ Mana (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Essence Reaver%i:scaleAD% 45 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  720. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack deals additional damage and restores Mana.
    Essence ReaverSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  721. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack deals @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage bonus damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} and restores @ManaRestore@ Mana (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Essence ReaverSpellweaving{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  722. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack deals @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage bonus damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} and restores @ManaRestore@ Mana (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Damage dealt to champions: @f1@
    Mana Restored: @f2@
    Essence ReaverSpellweaving{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  723. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack deals @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage bonus damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} and restores @ManaRestore@ Mana (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Damage dealt to champions: @f1@
    Mana Restored: @f2@
    Essence ReaverSpellweaving{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  724. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack deals @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage bonus damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} and restores @ManaRestore@ Mana (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
    {{ Item_Active_Consume }} Crush the Eye of the Herald after 1 second, summoning the Rift Herald to siege enemy turrets.
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  725. Glimpse of the Void: The holder of the Eye of the Herald has Empowered Recall.

    The Eye of the Herald will be lost to the Void if not used within @Effect1Amount@ seconds.Eye of the Herald{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Crush the Eye of the Herald after 1 second, summoning the Rift Herald to siege enemy turrets.
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  726. Glimpse of the Void: The holder of the Eye of the Herald has Empowered Recall.

    The Eye of the Herald will be lost to the Void if not used within 240 seconds.
    Eye of the HeraldSells for: @Value@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  727. Glimpse of the Void: The holder of the Eye of the Herald has Empowered Recall.

    The Eye of the Herald will be lost to the Void if not used within @Effect1Amount@ seconds.Eye of the Herald{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  728. Glimpse of the Void: The holder of the Eye of the Herald has Empowered Recall.

    The Eye of the Herald will be lost to the Void if not used within @Effect1Amount@ seconds.Eye of the Herald{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%){{ Item_Active_Consume }} Crush the Eye of the Herald after 1 second, summoning the Rift Herald to siege enemy turrets.
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  729. Glimpse of the Void: The holder of the Eye of the Herald has Empowered Recall.

    The Eye of the Herald will be lost to the Void if not used within @Effect1Amount@ seconds.Eye of the Herald{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Crush the Eye of the Herald after 1 second, summoning the Rift Herald to siege enemy turrets.
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  730. Glimpse of the Void: The holder of the Eye of the Herald has Empowered Recall.

    The Eye of the Herald will be lost to the Void if not used within @Effect1Amount@ seconds.
    {{ Item_Active_Consume }} Bind with an ally for the remainder of the game, becoming Oathsworn Allies. Oathsworn empowers you both while near one another.Kalista's Black Spear{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Bind with an ally for the remainder of the game, becoming Oathsworn Allies. Oathsworn empowers you both while near one another.
    Kalista's Black SpearSells for: @Value@{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Bind with an ally for the remainder of the game, becoming Oathsworn Allies. Oathsworn empowers you both while near one another.Kalista's Black Spear{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Bind with an ally for the remainder of the game, becoming Oathsworn Allies. Oathsworn empowers you both while near one another.Kalista's Black Spear{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%){{ Item_Active_Consume }} Bind with an ally for the remainder of the game, becoming Oathsworn Allies. Oathsworn empowers you both while near one another.Kalista's Black Spear{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Bind with an ally for the remainder of the game, becoming Oathsworn Allies. Oathsworn empowers you both while near one another.
    {{ Item_Active_Consume }} Bind with an ally for the remainder of the game, becoming Oathsworn Allies. Oathsworn empowers you both while near one another.

    Required to use Kalista's Ultimate Ability.{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Bind with an ally for the remainder of the game, becoming Oathsworn Allies. Oathsworn empowers you both while near one another.

    Required to use Kalista's Ultimate Ability.

    Kalista's Black SpearSells for: @Value@{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Bind with an ally for the remainder of the game, becoming Oathsworn Allies. Oathsworn empowers you both while near one another.

    Required to use Kalista's Ultimate Ability.
    Kalista's Black Spear{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Bind with an ally for the remainder of the game, becoming Oathsworn Allies. Oathsworn empowers you both while near one another.

    Required to use Kalista's Ultimate Ability.
    Kalista's Black Spear{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%){{ Item_Active_Consume }} Bind with an ally for the remainder of the game, becoming Oathsworn Allies. Oathsworn empowers you both while near one another.

    Required to use Kalista's Ultimate Ability.
    Kalista's Black Spear{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Bind with an ally for the remainder of the game, becoming Oathsworn Allies. Oathsworn empowers you both while near one another.

    Required to use Kalista's Ultimate Ability.

    ;dmp;gangplank%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  731. Shipwrecker: While moving, build up to @MaxMovementSpeed@ bonus Move Speed. Your next Attack discharges built up Move Speed to deal up to @MaxDamageCalc@ physical damage. If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion at top speed, the Attack also Slows the target by @MaxStackSlowAmount*100@% for @MaxStackSlowDuration@ second.

    ''There's only one way you'll get this armor from me...'' - forgotten namesake

    Dead Man's Plate%i:scaleHealth% 300 Health
    %i:scaleArmor% 45 Armor
    %i:scaleMS% 5% Move Speed
  732. Shipwrecker: While moving, build up Move Speed. Your next Attack discharges built up Move Speed to deal damage. If dealt by a Melee champion at top speed, the Attack also Slows the target.

    ''There's only one way you'll get this armor from me...'' - forgotten namesake
    Run fast and slam.Dead Man's PlateSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  733. Shipwrecker: While moving, build up to @MaxMovementSpeed@ bonus Move Speed. Your next Attack discharges built up Move Speed to deal up to @MaxDamageCalc@ physical damage. If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion at top speed, the Attack also Slows the target by @MaxStackSlowAmount*100@% for @MaxStackSlowDuration@ second.

    ''There's only one way you'll get this armor from me...'' - forgotten namesake

    Dead Man's PlateChase{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  734. Shipwrecker: While moving, build up to @MaxMovementSpeed@ bonus Move Speed. Your next Attack discharges built up Move Speed to deal up to @MaxDamageCalc@ physical damage. If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion at top speed, the Attack also Slows the target by @MaxStackSlowAmount*100@% for @MaxStackSlowDuration@ second.

    ''There's only one way you'll get this armor from me...'' - forgotten namesake

    Dead Man's PlateChase{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  735. Shipwrecker: While moving, build up to @MaxMovementSpeed@ bonus Move Speed. Your next Attack discharges built up Move Speed to deal up to @MaxDamageCalc@ physical damage. If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion at top speed, the Attack also Slows the target by @MaxStackSlowAmount*100@% for @MaxStackSlowDuration@ second.

    ''There's only one way you'll get this armor from me...'' - forgotten namesake

    Dead Man's PlateChase{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  736. Shipwrecker: While moving, build up to @MaxMovementSpeed@ bonus Move Speed. Your next Attack discharges built up Move Speed to deal up to @MaxDamageCalc@ physical damage. If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion at top speed, the Attack also Slows the target by @MaxStackSlowAmount*100@% for @MaxStackSlowDuration@ second.

    ''There's only one way you'll get this armor from me...'' - forgotten namesake

    ;beefer%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  737. Colossus: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to @ADBonus@.
  738. Cleave: Attacks apply an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}, creating a shockwave that deals {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }} physical damage to enemies behind the target.

    {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} damage is also applied to Structures. Cleave's shockwave does not trigger on structures.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    Titanic Hydra%i:scaleAD% 30 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 500 Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  739. Colossus: Gain bonus Attack Damage based off of bonus Health.
  740. Cleave: Attacks apply additional damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}, creating a shockwave that deals damage to enemies behind the target.
    Titanic HydraSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  741. Colossus: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to @ADBonus@.
  742. Cleave: Attacks apply an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}, creating a shockwave that deals {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }} physical damage to enemies behind the target.

    {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} damage is also applied to Structures. Cleave's shockwave does not trigger on structures.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    Titanic HydraAoE Attacks{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Hydra{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  743. Colossus: Gain @ADBonus@ Attack Damage.
  744. Cleave: Attacks apply an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}, creating a shockwave that deals {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} physical damage to enemies behind the target.

    {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} damage is also applied to Structures. Cleave's shockwave does not trigger on structures.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    Damage to Champions: @f4@Titanic HydraAoE Attacks{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Hydra%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  745. Colossus: Gain @ADBonus@ Attack Damage.
  746. Cleave: Attacks apply an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}, creating a shockwave that deals {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} physical damage to enemies behind the target.

    {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} damage is also applied to Structures. Cleave's shockwave does not trigger on structures.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    Damage to Champions: @f4@Titanic HydraAoE Attacks{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Hydra%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  747. Colossus: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to @ADBonus@.
  748. Cleave: Attacks apply an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}, creating a shockwave that deals {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }} physical damage to enemies behind the target.

    {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} damage is also applied to Structures. Cleave's shockwave does not trigger on structures.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}

    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health RegenCrystalline Bracer%i:scaleHealth% 200 Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% 100% Base Health Regen

    Crystalline BracerSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    Crystalline Bracer{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Crystalline Bracer{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    Crystalline Bracer{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen

    ;mana book%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  749. Enlighten: Upon levelling up, restores @ManaRestorePercent*100@% max Mana over @RestorationDuration@ seconds.Lost Chapter%i:scaleAP% 40 Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% 300 Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% 10 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  750. Enlighten: Upon levelling up, restores 20% max Mana over 3 seconds.
    Lost ChapterSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  751. Enlighten: Upon levelling up, restores @ManaRestorePercent*100@% max Mana over @RestorationDuration@ seconds.Lost Chapter{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic Component{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  752. Enlighten: Upon levelling up, restores @ManaRestorePercent*100@% max Mana over @RestorationDuration@ seconds.Lost Chapter{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic Component%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  753. Enlighten: Upon levelling up, restores @ManaRestorePercent*100@% max Mana over @RestorationDuration@ seconds.Lost Chapter{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic Component%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  754. Enlighten: Upon levelling up, restores @ManaRestorePercent*100@% max Mana over @RestorationDuration@ seconds.
    ;eon;spellshield;lethality%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  755. Annul: Gain a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability (@Effect4Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Item's cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.Edge of Night%i:scaleAD% 50 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% 10 Lethality
    %i:scaleHealth% 325 Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  756. Annul: Gain a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability.

    Item's cooldown is restarted if you take damage before it is completed.
    Edge of NightSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  757. Annul: Gain a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability (@Effect4Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Item's cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.Edge of NightSpellshield{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  758. Annul: Gain a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability (@Effect4Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Item's cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.Edge of NightSpellshield{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  759. Annul: Gain a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability (@Effect4Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Item's cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.Edge of NightSpellshield{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  760. Annul: Gain a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability (@Effect4Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Item's cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  761. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  762. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Frostfang, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Spellthief's Edge%i:scaleAP% 8 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 10 Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 50% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% 2 Gold Per 10 Seconds
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  763. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant 20 gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  764. Quest: Earn 500 gold from this item to transform it into Frostfang, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    Spellthief's EdgeSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  765. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  766. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Frostfang, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Spellthief's EdgeOffense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  767. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  768. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Frostfang, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@Spellthief's EdgeOffense{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Support%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  769. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  770. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Frostfang, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@Spellthief's EdgeOffense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  771. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  772. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Frostfang, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  773. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  774. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Shard of True Ice.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Frostfang%i:scaleAP% 15 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 70 Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 75% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% 3 Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 3 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  775. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant 20 gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  776. Quest: Earn 1000 gold from this item to transform it into Shard of True Ice.
    FrostfangSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  777. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  778. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Shard of True Ice.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Frostfang{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  779. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  780. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Shard of True Ice.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@
    Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@
    Frostfang{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Support%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  781. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  782. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Shard of True Ice.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@
    Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@
    Frostfang{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  783. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  784. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Shard of True Ice.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Shard of True Ice%i:scaleAP% 40 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 75 Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 115% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% 3 Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 4 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Shard of True IceSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    Shard of True Ice{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@Shard of True Ice{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Support%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@Shard of True Ice{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}

    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_01 }}
  785. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Runesteel Spaulders, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Steel Shoulderguards%i:scaleAD% 3 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 30 Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% 25% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% 2 Gold Per 10 Seconds
  786. Spoils of War: While nearby an allied champion, Attacks execute minions below 50% of their max Health (30% for Ranged). Killing a minion grants the same kill gold to the nearest allied champion. These effects recharge every 35 seconds (Max 3 charges).
  787. Quest: Earn 500 gold from this item to transform it into Runesteel Spaulders, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    Steel ShoulderguardsSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_01 }}
  788. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Runesteel Spaulders, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Steel ShoulderguardsDefense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_01 }}
  789. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Runesteel Spaulders, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@Steel ShoulderguardsDefense{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Support%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_01 }}
  790. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Runesteel Spaulders, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@Steel ShoulderguardsDefense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_01 }}
  791. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Runesteel Spaulders, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_02 }}
  792. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Pauldrons of Whiterock.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Runesteel Spaulders%i:scaleAD% 6 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 100 Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% 50% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% 3 Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 3 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.
  793. Spoils of War: While nearby an allied champion, Attacks execute minions below 50% of their max Health. Killing a minion grants the same kill gold to the nearest allied champion. These effects recharge every 35 seconds (Max 3 charges).
  794. Quest: Earn 1000 gold from this item to transform it into Bulwark of the Mountain.
    Runesteel SpauldersSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_02 }}
  795. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Pauldrons of Whiterock.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Runesteel Spaulders{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_02 }}
  796. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Pauldrons of Whiterock.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@
    Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@
    Runesteel Spaulders{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Support%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_02 }}
  797. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Pauldrons of Whiterock.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@
    Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@
    Runesteel Spaulders{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_02 }}
  798. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Pauldrons of Whiterock.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Pauldrons of Whiterock%i:scaleAD% 15 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 250 Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% 100% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% 3 Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 4 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Pauldrons of WhiterockSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    Pauldrons of Whiterock{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@Pauldrons of Whiterock{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Support%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@Pauldrons of Whiterock{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}

    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_01 }}
  799. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Targon's Buckler, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Relic Shield%i:scaleAP% 5 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 30 Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% 25% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% 2 Gold Per 10 Seconds
  800. Spoils of War: While nearby an allied champion, Attacks execute minions below (50% for Melee Users | 30% for Ranged Users) of their max Health. Killing a minion grants the same kill gold to the nearest allied champion. These effects recharge every 35 seconds (Max 3 charges).
  801. Quest: Earn 500 gold from this item to transform it into Targon's Buckler, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    Relic ShieldSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_01 }}
  802. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Targon's Buckler, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Relic ShieldDefense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_01 }}
  803. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Targon's Buckler, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@Relic ShieldDefense{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Support%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_01 }}
  804. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Targon's Buckler, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@Relic ShieldDefense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_01 }}
  805. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Targon's Buckler, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_02 }}
  806. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Bulwark of the Mountain.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Targon's Buckler%i:scaleAP% 10 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 100 Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% 50% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% 3 Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 3 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.
  807. Spoils of War: While nearby an allied champion, Attacks execute minions below 50% of their max Health. Killing a minion grants the same kill gold to the nearest allied champion. These effects recharge every 35 seconds (Max 3 charges).
  808. Quest: Earn 1000 gold from this item to transform it into Bulwark of the Mountain.
    Targon's BucklerSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_02 }}
  809. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Bulwark of the Mountain.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Targon's Buckler{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_02 }}
  810. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Bulwark of the Mountain.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@
    Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@
    Targon's Buckler{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Support%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_02 }}
  811. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Bulwark of the Mountain.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@
    Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@
    Targon's Buckler{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_02 }}
  812. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Bulwark of the Mountain.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Bulwark of the Mountain%i:scaleAP% 20 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 250 Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% 100% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% 3 Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 4 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Bulwark of the MountainSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    Bulwark of the Mountain{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@Bulwark of the Mountain{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Support%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@Bulwark of the Mountain{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}

    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  813. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  814. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Harrowing Crescent, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Spectral Sickle%i:scaleAD% 5 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 10 Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 25% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% 2 Gold Per 10 Seconds
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  815. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant 20 gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  816. Quest: Earn 500 gold from this item to transform it into Harrowing Crescent, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    Spectral SickleSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  817. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  818. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Harrowing Crescent, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Spectral SickleOffense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  819. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  820. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Harrowing Crescent, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@Spectral SickleOffense{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Support%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  821. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  822. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Harrowing Crescent, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@Spectral SickleOffense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  823. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  824. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Harrowing Crescent, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  825. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  826. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Black Mist Scythe.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Harrowing Crescent%i:scaleAD% 10 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 60 Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 50% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% 3 Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  827. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant 20 gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  828. Quest: Earn 1000 gold from this item to transform it into Black Mist Scythe.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    Harrowing CrescentSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  829. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  830. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Black Mist Scythe.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Harrowing Crescent{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  831. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  832. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Black Mist Scythe.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@
    Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@
    Harrowing Crescent{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Support%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  833. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  834. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Black Mist Scythe.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@
    Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@
    Harrowing Crescent{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  835. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  836. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Black Mist Scythe.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Black Mist Scythe%i:scaleAD% 20 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 75 Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 100% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% 3 Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 4 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Black Mist ScytheSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    Black Mist Scythe{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@Black Mist Scythe{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Support%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@Black Mist Scythe{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Support%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    %i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}

    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  837. Cursed: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Oblivion Orb%i:scaleAP% 35 Ability Power{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  838. Cursed: Dealing magic damage applies 25% Grievous Wounds to champions for 3 seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}
    Reduce enemy healing with your magic damage.Oblivion OrbSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  839. Cursed: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Oblivion Orb{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  840. Cursed: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Healing Reduced: @f2@Oblivion Orb{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  841. Cursed: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Healing Reduced: @f2@Oblivion Orb{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  842. Cursed: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}
    Ally Burst;banner of command;flag%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  843. Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal @InitialProcDamageAmount@ bonus magic damage and marks them for @BuffDuration@ seconds. (@PerTargetCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per enemy champion mark application) Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing an additional @AllyDamageMinTOOLTIP@ - @AllyDamageMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) magic damage and granting you both @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}Imperial Mandate%i:scaleAP% 40 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 200 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 100% Base Mana Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  844. Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal bonus damage and mark them. Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing additional damage and granting you both Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Power.

    Imperial MandateSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  845. Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal @InitialProcDamageAmount@ bonus magic damage and marks them for @BuffDuration@ seconds. (@PerTargetCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per enemy champion mark application) Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing an additional @AllyDamageMinTOOLTIP@ - @AllyDamageMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) magic damage and granting you both @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}Imperial MandateAlly Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  846. Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal @InitialProcDamageAmount@ bonus magic damage and marks them for @BuffDuration@ seconds. (@PerTargetCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per enemy champion mark application) Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing an additional @AllyDamageMinTOOLTIP@ - @AllyDamageMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) magic damage and granting you both @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicPassiveBonus@
    Bonus damage dealt: @f2@
    Imperial MandateAlly Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  847. Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal @InitialProcDamageAmount@ bonus magic damage and marks them for @BuffDuration@ seconds. (@PerTargetCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per enemy champion mark application) Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing an additional @AllyDamageMinTOOLTIP@ - @AllyDamageMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) magic damage and granting you both @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicPassiveBonus@
    Bonus damage dealt: @f2@
    Imperial MandateAlly Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  848. Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal @InitialProcDamageAmount@ bonus magic damage and marks them for @BuffDuration@ seconds. (@PerTargetCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per enemy champion mark application) Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing an additional @AllyDamageMinTOOLTIP@ - @AllyDamageMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) magic damage and granting you both @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    ;fon%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  849. Absorb: Taking magic damage from enemy Champions grants a stack of Steadfast (max @MaxStacks@) for @BuffDuration@ seconds. Enemy Immobilizing effects grant an additional @ImmobilizeStacks@ stacks.
  850. Dissipate: While at @MaxStacks@ stacks of Steadfast, take @DamageReduction*100@% reduced magic damage and gain @MoveSpeed*100@% increased Move Speed.

    One spell can add a new stack of Steadfast every @StackRefreshTimer@ second.Force of Nature%i:scaleHealth% 350 Health
    %i:scaleMR% 70 Magic Resist
    %i:scaleMS% 5% Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  851. Absorb: Taking magic damage from enemy Champions grants a stack of Steadfast. Enemy Immobilizing effects grant additional stacks.
  852. Dissipate: While at max stacks of Steadfast, take reduced magic damage and gain increased Move Speed.
    Move faster and take reduced magic damage as enemies strike you with abilities.Force of NatureSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  853. Absorb: Taking magic damage from enemy Champions grants a stack of Steadfast (max @MaxStacks@) for @BuffDuration@ seconds. Enemy Immobilizing effects grant an additional @ImmobilizeStacks@ stacks.
  854. Dissipate: While at @MaxStacks@ stacks of Steadfast, take @DamageReduction*100@% reduced magic damage and gain @MoveSpeed*100@% increased Move Speed.

    One spell can add a new stack of Steadfast every @StackRefreshTimer@ second.Force of NatureAnti-Magic{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  855. Absorb: Taking magic damage from enemy Champions grants a stack of Steadfast (max @MaxStacks@) for @BuffDuration@ seconds. Enemy Immobilizing effects grant an additional @ImmobilizeStacks@ stacks.
  856. Dissipate: While at @MaxStacks@ stacks of Steadfast, take @DamageReduction*100@% reduced magic damage and gain @MoveSpeed*100@% increased Move Speed.

    One spell can add a new stack of Steadfast every @StackRefreshTimer@ second.Damage reduced: @f1@Force of NatureAnti-Magic{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  857. Absorb: Taking magic damage from enemy Champions grants a stack of Steadfast (max @MaxStacks@) for @BuffDuration@ seconds. Enemy Immobilizing effects grant an additional @ImmobilizeStacks@ stacks.
  858. Dissipate: While at @MaxStacks@ stacks of Steadfast, take @DamageReduction*100@% reduced magic damage and gain @MoveSpeed*100@% increased Move Speed.

    One spell can add a new stack of Steadfast every @StackRefreshTimer@ second.Damage reduced: @f1@Force of NatureAnti-Magic{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  859. Absorb: Taking magic damage from enemy Champions grants a stack of Steadfast (max @MaxStacks@) for @BuffDuration@ seconds. Enemy Immobilizing effects grant an additional @ImmobilizeStacks@ stacks.
  860. Dissipate: While at @MaxStacks@ stacks of Steadfast, take @DamageReduction*100@% reduced magic damage and gain @MoveSpeed*100@% increased Move Speed.

    One spell can add a new stack of Steadfast every @StackRefreshTimer@ second.
    ;spatch;urf;manatee%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  861. Doing Something: You are permanently On Fire!The Golden Spatula%i:scaleAD% 70 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAP% 120 Ability Power
    %i:scaleAS% 50% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% 30% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleHealth% 250 Health
    %i:scaleArmor% 30 Armor
    %i:scaleMR% 30 Magic Resist
    %i:scaleMana% 250 Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% 10% Move Speed
    %i:scaleLS% 10% Life Steal
    %i:scaleHPRegen% 100% Base Health Regen
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 100% Base Mana Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  862. Doing Something: You are permanently On Fire!
    It does EVERYTHING!The Golden SpatulaSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  863. Doing Something: You are permanently On Fire!The Golden Spatula{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  864. Doing Something: You are permanently On Fire!The Golden Spatula{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  865. Doing Something: You are permanently On Fire!The Golden Spatula{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    %i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  866. Doing Something: You are permanently On Fire!
    Damage Amp;snipe;lock on%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  867. Hypershot: Damaging a champion with a non-targeted Ability at over @SnipeRange@ range or Slowing or Immobilizing them Reveals them and increases their damage taken from you by @DamageAmp*100@% for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    The Ability that triggers Hypershot also benefits from the damage increase. Pets and non-immobilizing traps do not trigger this effect. Only the initial placement of zone Abilities will trigger this effect. Distance is measured from the Ability cast position. Horizon Focus%i:scaleAP% 85 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 150 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 15 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  868. Hypershot: Damaging a champion with a non-targeted Ability at over 700 range or Slowing or Immobilizing them Reveals them and increases their damage taken from you.

    The Ability that triggers Hypershot also benefits from the damage increase. Pets and non-immobilizing traps do not trigger this effect. Only the initial placement of zone Abilities will trigger this effect. Distance is measured from the Ability cast position.
    Horizon FocusSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  869. Hypershot: Damaging a champion with a non-targeted Ability at over @SnipeRange@ range or Slowing or Immobilizing them Reveals them and increases their damage taken from you by @DamageAmp*100@% for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    The Ability that triggers Hypershot also benefits from the damage increase. Pets and non-immobilizing traps do not trigger this effect. Only the initial placement of zone Abilities will trigger this effect. Distance is measured from the Ability cast position. Horizon FocusDamage Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  870. Hypershot: Damaging a champion with a non-targeted Ability at over @SnipeRange@ range or Slowing or Immobilizing them Reveals them and increases their damage taken from you by @DamageAmp*100@% for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    The Ability that triggers Hypershot also benefits from the damage increase. Pets and non-immobilizing traps do not trigger this effect. Only the initial placement of zone Abilities will trigger this effect. Distance is measured from the Ability cast position. Damage Dealt: @f1@Horizon FocusDamage Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  871. Hypershot: Damaging a champion with a non-targeted Ability at over @SnipeRange@ range or Slowing or Immobilizing them Reveals them and increases their damage taken from you by @DamageAmp*100@% for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    The Ability that triggers Hypershot also benefits from the damage increase. Pets and non-immobilizing traps do not trigger this effect. Only the initial placement of zone Abilities will trigger this effect. Distance is measured from the Ability cast position. Damage Dealt: @f1@Horizon FocusDamage Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  872. Hypershot: Damaging a champion with a non-targeted Ability at over @SnipeRange@ range or Slowing or Immobilizing them Reveals them and increases their damage taken from you by @DamageAmp*100@% for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    The Ability that triggers Hypershot also benefits from the damage increase. Pets and non-immobilizing traps do not trigger this effect. Only the initial placement of zone Abilities will trigger this effect. Distance is measured from the Ability cast position.
    Movement;cooldown hat%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  873. Spelldance: Damaging a champion with @MaxStacks@ separate Attacks or Spells grants @MovespeedMax*100@% Move Speed (decaying to @MovespeedToGrant*100@%) and @MaxAP@ Ability Power until exiting champion combat.
    Cosmic Drive%i:scaleAP% 65 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 200 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 30 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% 5% Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  874. Spelldance: Damaging a champion with 3 separate Attacks or Spells grants Move Speed and Ability Power until exiting champion combat.

    Cosmic DriveSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  875. Spelldance: Damaging a champion with @MaxStacks@ separate Attacks or Spells grants @MovespeedMax*100@% Move Speed (decaying to @MovespeedToGrant*100@%) and @MaxAP@ Ability Power until exiting champion combat.
    Cosmic DriveMovement{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  876. Spelldance: Damaging a champion with @MaxStacks@ separate Attacks or Spells grants @MovespeedMax*100@% Move Speed (decaying to @MovespeedToGrant*100@%) and @MaxAP@ Ability Power until exiting champion combat.
    Cosmic DriveMovement{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  877. Spelldance: Damaging a champion with @MaxStacks@ separate Attacks or Spells grants @MovespeedMax*100@% Move Speed (decaying to @MovespeedToGrant*100@%) and @MaxAP@ Ability Power until exiting champion combat.
    Cosmic DriveMovement{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  878. Spelldance: Damaging a champion with @MaxStacks@ separate Attacks or Spells grants @MovespeedMax*100@% Move Speed (decaying to @MovespeedToGrant*100@%) and @MaxAP@ Ability Power until exiting champion combat.

    ;pen;purpleBlighting Jewel%i:scaleAP% 25 Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% 13% Magic Penetration

    Blighting JewelSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @PercentMagicPenetrationMod*100@% Magic Penetration
    Blighting Jewel{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Void PenBlighting Jewel{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Void Pen%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @PercentMagicPenetrationMod*100@% Magic Penetration
    Blighting Jewel{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Void Pen%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @PercentMagicPenetrationMod*100@% Magic Penetration

    ;necklace%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  879. Adaptive: Killing a unit grants @MagicResistPerStack@ Magic Resist (max @MaxMR@).

    Verdant Barrier%i:scaleAP% 20 Ability Power
    %i:scaleMR% 25 Magic Resist
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  880. Adaptive: Killing a unit grants 0.3 Magic Resist (max 9).

    Verdant BarrierSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  881. Adaptive: Killing a unit grants @MagicResistPerStack@ Magic Resist (max @MaxMR@).

    Verdant Barrier{{ Item_Gold_Value }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  882. Adaptive: Killing a unit grants @MagicResistPerStack@ Magic Resist (max @MaxMR@).

    Current Bonus: %i:scaleMR% @f1@/@MaxMR@Verdant Barrier{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  883. Adaptive: Killing a unit grants @MagicResistPerStack@ Magic Resist (max @MaxMR@).

    Current Bonus: %i:scaleMR% @f1@/@MaxMR@Verdant Barrier{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  884. Adaptive: Killing a unit grants @MagicResistPerStack@ Magic Resist (max @MaxMR@).

    Omnivamp;velkoz%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  885. Void Corruption: For each second in combat with enemy champions, deal @EternityDamageIncreasePerSecond*100@% bonus damage (max @EternityDamageIncreaseMax*100@%). At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAP@ Ability Power.Riftmaker%i:scaleAP% 70 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 300 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 15 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% 7% Omnivamp
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  886. Void Corruption: For each second damaging enemy champions, deal bonus damage. At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Omnivamp and Ability Power.
    RiftmakerSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  887. Void Corruption: For each second in combat with enemy champions, deal @EternityDamageIncreasePerSecond*100@% bonus damage (max @EternityDamageIncreaseMax*100@%). At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAP@ Ability Power.RiftmakerOmnivamp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  888. Void Corruption: For each second in combat with enemy champions, deal @EternityDamageIncreasePerSecond*100@% bonus damage (max @EternityDamageIncreaseMax*100@%). At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAP@ Ability Power.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicPassiveOmnivampBonus@ and %i:scaleAP% @MythicPassiveAPBonus@ Ability Power
    Bonus damage to champions: @f6@
    RiftmakerOmnivamp{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  889. Void Corruption: For each second in combat with enemy champions, deal @EternityDamageIncreasePerSecond*100@% bonus damage (max @EternityDamageIncreaseMax*100@%). At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAP@ Ability Power.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicPassiveOmnivampBonus@ and %i:scaleAP% @MythicPassiveAPBonus@ Ability Power
    Bonus damage to champions: @f6@
    RiftmakerOmnivamp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  890. Void Corruption: For each second in combat with enemy champions, deal @EternityDamageIncreasePerSecond*100@% bonus damage (max @EternityDamageIncreaseMax*100@%). At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAP@ Ability Power.
    ;wota;catalyst%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% OmnivampLeeching Leer%i:scaleAP% 20 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 250 Health
    %i:scaleSV% 5% Omnivamp

    Leeching LeerSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp
    Leeching Leer{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic ComponentLeeching Leer{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic Component%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp
    Leeching Leer{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic Component%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp

    Multikill;scythe;dark%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  891. Soulrend: Damaging a champion deals an additional @ReaperDamage@ magic damage and grants you @PercentMovespeedGain*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@TimerDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per champion).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveAbilityHaste@ Ability Haste.

    Damaging a new champion will extend the duration of the Move Speed bonus.Night Harvester%i:scaleAP% 90 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 300 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  892. Soulrend: Damaging a champion deals additional magic damage and grants you Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} Ability Haste.
    Night HarvesterSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  893. Soulrend: Damaging a champion deals an additional @ReaperDamage@ magic damage and grants you @PercentMovespeedGain*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@TimerDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per champion).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveAbilityHaste@ Ability Haste.

    Damaging a new champion will extend the duration of the Move Speed bonus.Night HarvesterMultikill{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  894. Soulrend: Damaging a champion deals an additional @ReaperDamage@ magic damage and grants you @PercentMovespeedGain*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@TimerDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per champion).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveAbilityHaste@ Ability Haste.

    Damaging a new champion will extend the duration of the Move Speed bonus.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveBonus@
    Champion damage dealt: @f2@
    Night HarvesterMultikill{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  895. Soulrend: Damaging a champion deals an additional @ReaperDamage@ magic damage and grants you @PercentMovespeedGain*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@TimerDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per champion).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveAbilityHaste@ Ability Haste.

    Damaging a new champion will extend the duration of the Move Speed bonus.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveBonus@
    Champion damage dealt: @f2@
    Night HarvesterMultikill{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  896. Soulrend: Damaging a champion deals an additional @ReaperDamage@ magic damage and grants you @PercentMovespeedGain*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@TimerDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per champion).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveAbilityHaste@ Ability Haste.

    Damaging a new champion will extend the duration of the Move Speed bonus.
    Sustained Damage;helmet%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  897. Azakana Gaze: Dealing Ability damage burns enemies for {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} max Health magic damage every second for @Duration@ seconds.
  898. Dark Pact: Gain @HealthToAPConversionPercent*100@% of your bonus Health as Ability Power. Demonic Embrace%i:scaleAP% 75 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 350 Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  899. Azakana Gaze: Dealing Ability damage burns enemies for max Health magic damage every second.
  900. Dark Pact: Gain bonus Health as Ability Power.
    Demonic EmbraceSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  901. Azakana Gaze: Dealing Ability damage burns enemies for {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} max Health magic damage every second for @Duration@ seconds.
  902. Dark Pact: Gain @HealthToAPConversionPercent*100@% of your bonus Health as Ability Power. Demonic EmbraceSustained Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  903. Azakana Gaze: Dealing Ability damage burns enemies for {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} max Health magic damage every second for @Duration@ seconds.
  904. Dark Pact: Gain @HealthToAPConversionPercent*100@% of your bonus Health as Ability Power (@f2@). Damage Dealt to Champions: @f1@
    Demonic EmbraceSustained Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  905. Azakana Gaze: Dealing Ability damage burns enemies for {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} max Health magic damage every second for @Duration@ seconds.
  906. Dark Pact: Gain @HealthToAPConversionPercent*100@% of your bonus Health as Ability Power (@f2@). Damage Dealt to Champions: @f1@
    Demonic EmbraceSustained Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  907. Azakana Gaze: Dealing Ability damage burns enemies for {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} max Health magic damage every second for @Duration@ seconds.
  908. Dark Pact: Gain @HealthToAPConversionPercent*100@% of your bonus Health as Ability Power.
    Control Wards;sightstone;ward%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  909. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.

    After completing the Support Quest and reaching Level @RequiredLevel@, transforms into Vigilant Wardstone.
    Watchful Wardstone%i:scaleHealth% 150 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 10 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  910. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to 3 purchased Control Wards.

    After completing the Support Quest and reaching Level 13, transforms into Vigilant Wardstone.

    Watchful WardstoneSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  911. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.

    After completing the Support Quest and reaching Level @RequiredLevel@, transforms into Vigilant Wardstone.
    Watchful WardstoneControl Wards{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Sightstone{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  912. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.

    After completing the Support Quest and reaching Level @RequiredLevel@, transforms into Vigilant Wardstone.
    Current Control Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@Watchful WardstoneControl Wards{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Sightstone%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  913. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.

    After completing the Support Quest and reaching Level @RequiredLevel@, transforms into Vigilant Wardstone.
    Current Control Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@Watchful WardstoneControl Wards{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Sightstone%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  914. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.

    After completing the Support Quest and reaching Level @RequiredLevel@, transforms into Vigilant Wardstone.

    ;sightstoneRequires Level 9 to purchase.

    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
  915. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.
  916. Blooming Empire: This item transforms into Watchful Wardstone once @WardsPlaced@ Stealth Wards have been placed.

    Stealth Wards are placed from the Stealth Ward Trinket and the upgraded {{ Item_Unique_Support }} items.

    Stirring Wardstone%i:scaleHealth% 100 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 10 Ability Haste
  917. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to 3 purchased Control Wards.
  918. Blooming Empire: This item transforms into Watchful Wardstone once 15 Stealth Wards have been placed.

    Stealth Wards are placed from the Stealth Ward Trinket and the upgraded {{ Item_Unique_Support }} items.

    Stirring WardstoneSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
  919. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.
  920. Blooming Empire: This item transforms into Watchful Wardstone once @WardsPlaced@ Stealth Wards have been placed.

    Stealth Wards are placed from the Stealth Ward Trinket and the upgraded {{ Item_Unique_Support }} items.

    Stirring WardstoneControl Wards{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Sightstone
  921. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.
  922. Blooming Empire: This item transforms into Watchful Wardstone once @WardsPlaced@ Stealth Wards have been placed.

    Stealth Wards are placed from the Stealth Ward Trinket and the upgraded {{ Item_Unique_Support }} items.

    Stealth Wards placed: @f1@/@WardsPlaced@Requires Level 9 to purchase.

    Stirring WardstoneControl Wards{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Sightstone%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
  923. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.
  924. Blooming Empire: This item transforms into Watchful Wardstone once @WardsPlaced@ Stealth Wards have been placed.

    Stealth Wards are placed from the Stealth Ward Trinket and the upgraded {{ Item_Unique_Support }} items.

    Stealth Wards placed: @f1@/@WardsPlaced@Stirring WardstoneControl Wards{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Sightstone%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
  925. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.
  926. Blooming Empire: This item transforms into Watchful Wardstone once @WardsPlaced@ Stealth Wards have been placed.

    Stealth Wards are placed from the Stealth Ward Trinket and the upgraded {{ Item_Unique_Support }} items.

    Requires Level 9 to purchase.

    ;yordle%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana RegenBandleglass Mirror%i:scaleAP% 20 Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% 10 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 50% Base Mana Regen

    Bandleglass MirrorSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    Bandleglass Mirror{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Bandleglass Mirror{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    Bandleglass Mirror{{ Item_Gold_Value }}%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    Upgrades from Watchful Wardstone.

    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  927. Blessing of Ixtal: Grants a @BonusStatMod*100@% increase to Ability Power, Ability Haste, bonus Attack Damage, and bonus Health.
  928. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.
  929. Behold: Increase your Stealth Ward and Control Ward placement caps by @WardIncrease@.
    Vigilant Wardstone%i:scaleHealth% 150 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 15 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  930. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to 3 purchased Control Wards.
  931. Behold: Increase your Stealth Ward and Control Ward placement caps by 1.
  932. Blessing of Ixtal: Grants a 12% increase to bonus Health, bonus Attack Damage, Ability Haste, and Ability Power.

    Upgrades from Watchful Sightstone.
    Vigilant WardstoneSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  933. Blessing of Ixtal: Grants a @BonusStatMod*100@% increase to Ability Power, Ability Haste, bonus Attack Damage, and bonus Health.
  934. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.
  935. Behold: Increase your Stealth Ward and Control Ward placement caps by @WardIncrease@.
    Vigilant WardstoneControl Wards{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Sightstone{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  936. Blessing of Ixtal: Grants a @BonusStatMod*100@% increase to Ability Power (@f1@), Ability Haste (@f2@), bonus Attack Damage (@f3@), and bonus Health (@f4@).
  937. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.
  938. Behold: Increase your Stealth Ward and Control Ward placement caps by @WardIncrease@.Current Control Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@Upgrades from Watchful Wardstone.

    Vigilant WardstoneControl Wards{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Sightstone%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  939. Blessing of Ixtal: Grants a @BonusStatMod*100@% increase to Ability Power (@f1@), Ability Haste (@f2@), bonus Attack Damage (@f3@), and bonus Health (@f4@).
  940. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.
  941. Behold: Increase your Stealth Ward and Control Ward placement caps by @WardIncrease@.Current Control Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@Vigilant WardstoneControl Wards{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Sightstone%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  942. Blessing of Ixtal: Grants a @BonusStatMod*100@% increase to Ability Power, Ability Haste, bonus Attack Damage, and bonus Health.
  943. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.
  944. Behold: Increase your Stealth Ward and Control Ward placement caps by @WardIncrease@.
    Upgrades from Watchful Wardstone.

    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  945. Safeguard: You are Safeguarded, reducing incoming champion damage by @ShieldDRPercentage*100@%. Safeguard persists for @ShieldLingerAfterInitiallyPopped@ seconds after taking champion damage. (@OutOfCombatDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
  946. Poise: While Safeguarded and for @GraceDuration@ seconds after it is broken, gain @BonusStatWhenShieldActive@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeed*100@% Move Speed and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAbilityPower@ Ability Power.

    Item cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.Crown of the Shattered Queen%i:scaleAP% 70 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 250 Health
    %i:scaleMana% 600 Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  947. Divine Safeguard: You are Safeguarded, reducing incoming champion damage. Safeguard persists for 1.5 seconds after taking champion damage.
  948. Holy Gift: While Safeguarded and for 3 seconds after it is broken, gain Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Move Speed and Ability Power.
    Crown of the Shattered QueenSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  949. Safeguard: You are Safeguarded, reducing incoming champion damage by @ShieldDRPercentage*100@%. Safeguard persists for @ShieldLingerAfterInitiallyPopped@ seconds after taking champion damage. (@OutOfCombatDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
  950. Poise: While Safeguarded and for @GraceDuration@ seconds after it is broken, gain @BonusStatWhenShieldActive@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeed*100@% Move Speed and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAbilityPower@ Ability Power.

    Item cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.Crown of the Shattered QueenDefense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  951. Safeguard: You are Safeguarded, reducing incoming champion damage by @ShieldDRPercentage*100@%. Safeguard persists for @ShieldLingerAfterInitiallyPopped@ seconds after taking champion damage. (@OutOfCombatDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
  952. Poise: While Safeguarded and for @GraceDuration@ seconds after it is broken, gain @BonusStatWhenShieldActive@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeed*100@% Move Speed and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAbilityPower@ Ability Power.

    Item cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMS% @f1@% Move Speed and %i:scaleAP% @f2@ Ability Power
    Total damage blocked: @f3@
    Current Bonus Ability Power: @f4@
    Crown of the Shattered QueenDefense{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  953. Safeguard: You are Safeguarded, reducing incoming champion damage by @ShieldDRPercentage*100@%. Safeguard persists for @ShieldLingerAfterInitiallyPopped@ seconds after taking champion damage. (@OutOfCombatDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
  954. Poise: While Safeguarded and for @GraceDuration@ seconds after it is broken, gain @BonusStatWhenShieldActive@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeed*100@% Move Speed and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAbilityPower@ Ability Power.

    Item cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMS% @f1@% Move Speed and %i:scaleAP% @f2@ Ability Power
    Total damage blocked: @f3@
    Current Bonus Ability Power: @f4@
    Crown of the Shattered QueenDefense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  955. Safeguard: You are Safeguarded, reducing incoming champion damage by @ShieldDRPercentage*100@%. Safeguard persists for @ShieldLingerAfterInitiallyPopped@ seconds after taking champion damage. (@OutOfCombatDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
  956. Poise: While Safeguarded and for @GraceDuration@ seconds after it is broken, gain @BonusStatWhenShieldActive@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeed*100@% Move Speed and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAbilityPower@ Ability Power.

    Item cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  957. Cinderbloom: Damage to champions benefits from @MPenMin@ - @AdditionalMPenToGrant@ %i:scaleMPen% Magic Penetration, based on the target's current Health. (Max at @MinhealthThresholdValue@ or less Health.) Gain the max value if the target was recently affected by Shields (@AdditionalMPenToGrant@ %i:scaleMPen% Magic Penetration).

    Minimum %i:scaleMPen% Penetration granted when the target has @MaxHealthThresholdValue@ or more Health.Shadowflame%i:scaleAP% 100 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 200 Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  958. Cinderbloom: Damage to champions benefits from additional %i:scaleMPen% Magic Penetration based on their current Health. If the target was recently affected by Shields, gain the maximum benefit against that target.
    ShadowflameSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  959. Cinderbloom: Damage to champions benefits from @MPenMin@ - @AdditionalMPenToGrant@ %i:scaleMPen% Magic Penetration, based on the target's current Health. (Max at @MinhealthThresholdValue@ or less Health.) Gain the max value if the target was recently affected by Shields (@AdditionalMPenToGrant@ %i:scaleMPen% Magic Penetration).

    Minimum %i:scaleMPen% Penetration granted when the target has @MaxHealthThresholdValue@ or more Health.ShadowflameMagic Penetration{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  960. Cinderbloom: Damage to champions benefits from @MPenMin@ - @AdditionalMPenToGrant@ %i:scaleMPen% Magic Penetration, based on the target's current Health. (Max at @MinhealthThresholdValue@ or less Health.) Gain the max value if the target was recently affected by Shields (@AdditionalMPenToGrant@ %i:scaleMPen% Magic Penetration).

    Minimum %i:scaleMPen% Penetration granted when the target has @MaxHealthThresholdValue@ or more Health.Total Bonus Damage: @f1@
    Extra Bonus Damage from Shields: @f2@
    ShadowflameMagic Penetration{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  961. Cinderbloom: Damage to champions benefits from @MPenMin@ - @AdditionalMPenToGrant@ %i:scaleMPen% Magic Penetration, based on the target's current Health. (Max at @MinhealthThresholdValue@ or less Health.) Gain the max value if the target was recently affected by Shields (@AdditionalMPenToGrant@ %i:scaleMPen% Magic Penetration).

    Minimum %i:scaleMPen% Penetration granted when the target has @MaxHealthThresholdValue@ or more Health.Total Bonus Damage: @f1@
    Extra Bonus Damage from Shields: @f2@
    ShadowflameMagic Penetration{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  962. Cinderbloom: Damage to champions benefits from @MPenMin@ - @AdditionalMPenToGrant@ %i:scaleMPen% Magic Penetration, based on the target's current Health. (Max at @MinhealthThresholdValue@ or less Health.) Gain the max value if the target was recently affected by Shields (@AdditionalMPenToGrant@ %i:scaleMPen% Magic Penetration).

    Minimum %i:scaleMPen% Penetration granted when the target has @MaxHealthThresholdValue@ or more Health.
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Crescent: Deal @PrimaryDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies. (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste).Ironspike Whip%i:scaleAD% 30 Attack Damage

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Crescent: Deal damage to nearby enemies.

    Ironspike WhipSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageIronspike Whip{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic ComponentIronspike Whip{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic Component%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Crescent: Deal @PrimaryDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies. (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste).
    Ironspike Whip{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic Component%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Crescent: Deal @PrimaryDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies. (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste).

    ;qss;mace;quicksilver sash;mercurial scimitar%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) and gain @Tenacity*100@% Tenacity and @SlowResist*100@% Slow Resistance for @Duration@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Silvermere Dawn%i:scaleAD% 40 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 300 Health
    %i:scaleMR% 40 Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs and gain Tenacity and Slow Resistance.

    Silvermere DawnSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    Silvermere DawnRemove Disables{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: QuicksilverSilvermere DawnRemove Disables{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Quicksilver%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) and gain @Tenacity*100@% Tenacity and @SlowResist*100@% Slow Resistance for @Duration@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
    Silvermere DawnRemove Disables{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Quicksilver%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) and gain @Tenacity*100@% Tenacity and @SlowResist*100@% Slow Resistance for @Duration@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Offensive Durability;dd%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  963. Ignore Pain: {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} of damage taken is dealt to you over @BleedDurationWorst@ seconds instead.
  964. Defy: When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, cleanse Ignore Pain's remaining damage pool and heal @HealTotal@ Health over @HealDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Death's Dance%i:scaleAD% 55 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleArmor% 45 Armor
    %i:scaleCooldown% 15 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  965. Ignore Pain: Damage taken is dealt to you over time instead.
  966. Defy: Champion takedowns cleanse Ignore Pain's remaining damage pool and restore Health over time.
    Death's DanceSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  967. Ignore Pain: {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} of damage taken is dealt to you over @BleedDurationWorst@ seconds instead.
  968. Defy: When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, cleanse Ignore Pain's remaining damage pool and heal @HealTotal@ Health over @HealDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Death's DanceOffensive Durability{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  969. Ignore Pain: {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} of damage taken is dealt to you over @BleedDurationWorst@ seconds instead.
  970. Defy: When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, cleanse Ignore Pain's remaining damage pool and heal @HealTotal@ Health over @HealDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Healing: @f4@Death's DanceOffensive Durability{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  971. Ignore Pain: {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} of damage taken is dealt to you over @BleedDurationWorst@ seconds instead.
  972. Defy: When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, cleanse Ignore Pain's remaining damage pool and heal @HealTotal@ Health over @HealDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Healing: @f4@Death's DanceOffensive Durability{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  973. Ignore Pain: {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} of damage taken is dealt to you over @BleedDurationWorst@ seconds instead.
  974. Defy: When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, cleanse Ignore Pain's remaining damage pool and heal @HealTotal@ Health over @HealDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  975. Hackshorn: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. If the target is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, this effect is increased to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Chempunk Chainsword%i:scaleAD% 55 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 250 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  976. Hackshorn: Dealing physical damage applies 25% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds. If the target is below 50% Health, this effect is increased to 40% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}
    Chempunk ChainswordSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  977. Hackshorn: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. If the target is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, this effect is increased to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Chempunk ChainswordAnti-Healing{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  978. Hackshorn: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. If the target is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, this effect is increased to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Enemy Healing Reduced: @f2@Chempunk ChainswordAnti-Healing{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  979. Hackshorn: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. If the target is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, this effect is increased to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Enemy Healing Reduced: @f2@Chempunk ChainswordAnti-Healing{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  980. Hackshorn: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. If the target is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, this effect is increased to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}
    Buff Spellcasters;nami%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  981. Rapids: Healing or Shielding another ally grants you both @AbilityPowerMin@ - @AbilityPowerMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Ability Power and @AbilityHaste@ Ability Haste for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}Staff of Flowing Water%i:scaleAP% 50 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealShield% 8% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 100% Base Mana Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  982. Rapids: Healing or Shielding another ally grants you both Ability Power and Ability Haste.

    Staff of Flowing WaterSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  983. Rapids: Healing or Shielding another ally grants you both @AbilityPowerMin@ - @AbilityPowerMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Ability Power and @AbilityHaste@ Ability Haste for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}Staff of Flowing WaterBuff Spellcasters{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  984. Rapids: Healing or Shielding another ally grants you both @AbilityPowerMin@ - @AbilityPowerMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Ability Power and @AbilityHaste@ Ability Haste for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}Total Heal and Shield power: @f4@%Staff of Flowing WaterBuff Spellcasters{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  985. Rapids: Healing or Shielding another ally grants you both @AbilityPowerMin@ - @AbilityPowerMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Ability Power and @AbilityHaste@ Ability Haste for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}Total Heal and Shield power: @f4@%Staff of Flowing WaterBuff Spellcasters{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  986. Rapids: Healing or Shielding another ally grants you both @AbilityPowerMin@ - @AbilityPowerMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Ability Power and @AbilityHaste@ Ability Haste for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    Healing Over Time;yuumi%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  987. Starlit Grace: When affecting champions with Attacks or Abilities in combat, restore @BaseHealAmount@ Health to the most wounded nearby ally (@EveryXSecondsDoHeal@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Each second spent in combat with champions increases your Heal and Shield Power by @HealShieldAmpPerStack@% (to a maximum of @HealShieldAmpMaxTOOLTIP@%).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHealIncrease@ increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.

    Moonstone Renewer%i:scaleAP% 40 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 200 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 100% Base Mana Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  988. Starlit Grace: When affecting champions with Attacks or Abilities in combat, restore Health to the most wounded nearby ally. Each second spent in combat with champions increases your Heal and Shield Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} an increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.

    Moonstone RenewerSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  989. Starlit Grace: When affecting champions with Attacks or Abilities in combat, restore @BaseHealAmount@ Health to the most wounded nearby ally (@EveryXSecondsDoHeal@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Each second spent in combat with champions increases your Heal and Shield Power by @HealShieldAmpPerStack@% (to a maximum of @HealShieldAmpMaxTOOLTIP@%).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHealIncrease@ increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.

    Moonstone RenewerHealing Over Time{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  990. Starlit Grace: When affecting champions with Attacks or Abilities in combat, restore @BaseHealAmount@ Health to the most wounded nearby ally (@EveryXSecondsDoHeal@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Each second spent in combat with champions increases your Heal and Shield Power by @HealShieldAmpPerStack@% (to a maximum of @HealShieldAmpMaxTOOLTIP@%).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHealIncrease@ increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveBonus@ increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.
    Total Healing done: @f1@
    Bonus Healing/Shielding: @f2@
    Moonstone RenewerHealing Over Time{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  991. Starlit Grace: When affecting champions with Attacks or Abilities in combat, restore @BaseHealAmount@ Health to the most wounded nearby ally (@EveryXSecondsDoHeal@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Each second spent in combat with champions increases your Heal and Shield Power by @HealShieldAmpPerStack@% (to a maximum of @HealShieldAmpMaxTOOLTIP@%).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHealIncrease@ increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveBonus@ increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.
    Total Healing done: @f1@
    Bonus Healing/Shielding: @f2@
    Moonstone RenewerHealing Over Time{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  992. Starlit Grace: When affecting champions with Attacks or Abilities in combat, restore @BaseHealAmount@ Health to the most wounded nearby ally (@EveryXSecondsDoHeal@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Each second spent in combat with champions increases your Heal and Shield Power by @HealShieldAmpPerStack@% (to a maximum of @HealShieldAmpMaxTOOLTIP@%).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHealIncrease@ increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.

    ;slurp%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Thirsting Slash: Deal @SlashDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies. Restore @Heal@ + @MissingHealthHeal*100@% missing Health for each champion hit (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.Goredrinker%i:scaleAD% 55 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 300 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% 8% Omnivamp

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Thirsting Slash: Deal damage to nearby enemies. Restore Health for each champion hit.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Haste.

    GoredrinkerSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.
    GoredrinkerSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @CurrentMythicBonus@
    Thirsting Slash damage to champions: @f4@
    Thirsting Slash healing from champions: @f5@
    GoredrinkerSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Thirsting Slash: Deal @SlashDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies. Restore @Heal@ + @MissingHealthHeal*100@% missing Health for each champion hit (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @CurrentMythicBonus@
    Thirsting Slash damage to champions: @f4@
    Thirsting Slash healing from champions: @f5@
    GoredrinkerSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Thirsting Slash: Deal @SlashDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies. Restore @Heal@ + @MissingHealthHeal*100@% missing Health for each champion hit (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.

    Engage;kneecapper;whipchain%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Halting Slash: Deal @SlashDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies, Slowing them by @MSSlow*-100@% for @Duration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste). Can be cast while moving.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  993. Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants @FlatMS@ Move Speed for @Duration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMSPerLegendary*100@% Move Speed.Stridebreaker%i:scaleAD% 50 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% 20% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% 300 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Halting Slash: Deal damage to nearby enemies, Slowing them. Can be cast while moving.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  994. Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Move Speed.
    StridebreakerSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  995. Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants @FlatMS@ Move Speed for @Duration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMSPerLegendary*100@% Move Speed.StridebreakerEngage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  996. Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants @FlatMS@ Move Speed for @Duration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMSPerLegendary*100@% Move Speed.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMS% @CurrentMythicBonus@
    Damage to champions: @f4@
    StridebreakerEngage{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Halting Slash: Deal @SlashDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies, Slowing them by @MSSlow*-100@% for @Duration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste). Can be cast while moving.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  997. Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants @FlatMS@ Move Speed for @Duration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMSPerLegendary*100@% Move Speed.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMS% @CurrentMythicBonus@
    Damage to champions: @f4@
    StridebreakerEngage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Halting Slash: Deal @SlashDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies, Slowing them by @MSSlow*-100@% for @Duration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste). Can be cast while moving.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  998. Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants @FlatMS@ Move Speed for @Duration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMSPerLegendary*100@% Move Speed.
    Anti-Tank;devourer%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  999. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @MinSpellbladeDamage@ + {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} target max Health physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If the target is a champion, also heal for @HealConversionPercent*100@% of the premitigation damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Spellblade deals @MinSpellbladeDamage@ min damage to units, but no more than @MonsterCap@ damage to Monsters. {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Divine Sunderer%i:scaleAD% 40 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 300 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
  1000. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}. If the target is a champion, also heal.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Armor Penetration and Magic Penetration.

    Divine SundererSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1001. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @MinSpellbladeDamage@ + {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} target max Health physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If the target is a champion, also heal for @HealConversionPercent*100@% of the premitigation damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Spellblade deals @MinSpellbladeDamage@ min damage to units, but no more than @MonsterCap@ damage to Monsters. {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Divine SundererAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1002. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @MinSpellbladeDamage@ + {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} target max Health physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If the target is a champion, also heal for @HealConversionPercent*100@% of the premitigation damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Spellblade deals @MinSpellbladeDamage@ min damage to units, but no more than @MonsterCap@ damage to Monsters. {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAPen%/%i:scaleMPen% @BonusPenFromMythics@
    Damage to champions: @f4@
    Healing from champions: @f5@
    Divine SundererAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1003. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @MinSpellbladeDamage@ + {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} target max Health physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If the target is a champion, also heal for @HealConversionPercent*100@% of the premitigation damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Spellblade deals @MinSpellbladeDamage@ min damage to units, but no more than @MonsterCap@ damage to Monsters. {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAPen%/%i:scaleMPen% @BonusPenFromMythics@
    Damage to champions: @f4@
    Healing from champions: @f5@
    Divine SundererAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1004. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @MinSpellbladeDamage@ + {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} target max Health physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If the target is a champion, also heal for @HealConversionPercent*100@% of the premitigation damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Spellblade deals @MinSpellbladeDamage@ min damage to units, but no more than @MonsterCap@ damage to Monsters. {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    ;last shadow;ls%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1005. Agony: Deal up to @MaxBonusMagicAmp@% bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health (maxed at @MaxDamageHPThreshold@ bonus Health).
  1006. Torment: Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn for @BurnDamage@ +@BurnPercentHealthDamage*100@% max Health magic damage per second for @BurnDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.Liandry's Anguish%i:scaleAP% 80 Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% 600 Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1007. Agony: Deal bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health.
  1008. Torment: Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn over time.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Haste.
    Liandry's AnguishSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1009. Agony: Deal up to @MaxBonusMagicAmp@% bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health (maxed at @MaxDamageHPThreshold@ bonus Health).
  1010. Torment: Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn for @BurnDamage@ +@BurnPercentHealthDamage*100@% max Health magic damage per second for @BurnDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.Liandry's AnguishAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1011. Agony: Deal up to @MaxBonusMagicAmp@% bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health (maxed at @MaxDamageHPThreshold@ bonus Health).
  1012. Torment: Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn for @BurnDamage@ +@BurnPercentHealthDamage*100@% max Health magic damage per second for @BurnDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @f1@
    Burn Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    Bonus Damage dealt to champions: @f3@
    Liandry's AnguishAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1013. Agony: Deal up to @MaxBonusMagicAmp@% bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health (maxed at @MaxDamageHPThreshold@ bonus Health).
  1014. Torment: Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn for @BurnDamage@ +@BurnPercentHealthDamage*100@% max Health magic damage per second for @BurnDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @f1@
    Burn Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    Bonus Damage dealt to champions: @f3@
    Liandry's AnguishAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1015. Agony: Deal up to @MaxBonusMagicAmp@% bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health (maxed at @MaxDamageHPThreshold@ bonus Health).
  1016. Torment: Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn for @BurnDamage@ +@BurnPercentHealthDamage*100@% max Health magic damage per second for @BurnDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.
    ;boomstick%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1017. Echo: Damaging Abilities deal an additional @Damage@ magic damage to the target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). Dealing ability damage to Champions reduces this item's cooldown by @ReductionPerSpell@ second, up to @MaxReductionsPerSpell@ seconds per spell cast.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMPenAmount@ Magic Penetration. %i:scaleAP% 80 Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% 6 Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleMana% 600 Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1018. Echo: Damaging Abilities deal magic damage to the target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you Move Speed. Dealing ability damage to Champions reduces this item's cooldown.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Magic Penetration.
    Luden's TempestSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1019. Echo: Damaging Abilities deal an additional @Damage@ magic damage to the target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). Dealing ability damage to Champions reduces this item's cooldown by @ReductionPerSpell@ second, up to @MaxReductionsPerSpell@ seconds per spell cast.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMPenAmount@ Magic Penetration. Luden's TempestBurst Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1020. Echo: Damaging Abilities deal an additional @Damage@ magic damage to the target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). Dealing ability damage to Champions reduces this item's cooldown by @ReductionPerSpell@ second, up to @MaxReductionsPerSpell@ seconds per spell cast.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMPenAmount@ Magic Penetration. {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMPen% @f1@
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    Luden's TempestBurst Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1021. Echo: Damaging Abilities deal an additional @Damage@ magic damage to the target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). Dealing ability damage to Champions reduces this item's cooldown by @ReductionPerSpell@ second, up to @MaxReductionsPerSpell@ seconds per spell cast.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMPenAmount@ Magic Penetration. {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMPen% @f1@
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    Luden's TempestBurst Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1022. Echo: Damaging Abilities deal an additional @Damage@ magic damage to the target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). Dealing ability damage to Champions reduces this item's cooldown by @ReductionPerSpell@ second, up to @MaxReductionsPerSpell@ seconds per spell cast.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMPenAmount@ Magic Penetration.
    ;GLP;hose;supersoaker%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Glaciate: Deal @DamageAmount@ magic damage in a cone, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies at the center of the cone are Rooted instead. (@Cooldown@{{Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.
    Everfrost%i:scaleAP% 70 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 250 Health
    %i:scaleMana% 600 Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Glaciate: Deal damage in a cone, Slowing enemies hit. Enemies at the center of the cone are Rooted instead.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Power.

    EverfrostSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.
    EverfrostSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAP% @f1@
    Champions rooted: @f2@
    Champions slowed: @f3@
    EverfrostSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Glaciate: Deal @DamageAmount@ magic damage in a cone, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies at the center of the cone are Rooted instead. (@Cooldown@{{Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAP% @f1@
    Champions rooted: @f2@
    Champions slowed: @f3@
    EverfrostSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Glaciate: Deal @DamageAmount@ magic damage in a cone, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies at the center of the cone are Rooted instead. (@Cooldown@{{Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.

    ;fire%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1023. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.Bami's Cinder%i:scaleHealth% 300 Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1024. Immolate : Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased against minions and monsters).
    Bami's CinderSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1025. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.Bami's Cinder{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic Component{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1026. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.Damage dealt to champions: @f1@Bami's Cinder{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic Component%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1027. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.Damage dealt to champions: @f1@Bami's Cinder{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic Component%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1028. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.
    ;iceborn;chilly mittens%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1029. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.
  1030. Snowbind: Attacks create a frost field for @SlowFieldDuration@ seconds and deal {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }} magic damage to all enemies in the area ({{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Enemies that move across the field are Slowed by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }}%.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @HPPerLegendary@ Health and @SizePerLegendary*100@% Size.Frostfire Gauntlet%i:scaleHealth% 450 Health
    %i:scaleArmor% 25 Armor
    %i:scaleMR% 25 Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1031. Immolate : Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing damage per second to nearby enemies.
  1032. Snowbind: Attacks create a frost field and deal magic damage to all enemies in the area. Enemies that move across the field are Slowed.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Health and Size.
    Frostfire GauntletSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1033. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.
  1034. Snowbind: Attacks create a frost field for @SlowFieldDuration@ seconds and deal {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }} magic damage to all enemies in the area ({{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Enemies that move across the field are Slowed by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }}%.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @HPPerLegendary@ Health and @SizePerLegendary*100@% Size.Frostfire GauntletSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1035. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.
  1036. Snowbind: Attacks create a frost field for @SlowFieldDuration@ seconds and deal {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_C }} magic damage to all enemies in the area ({{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Enemies that move across the field are Slowed by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }}.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @HPPerLegendary@ Health and @SizePerLegendary*100@% Size.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHP@ and @MythicPassiveSizeTOOLTIP@% Size
    Damage dealt to champions: @f1@
    Frostfire GauntletSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1037. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.
  1038. Snowbind: Attacks create a frost field for @SlowFieldDuration@ seconds and deal {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_C }} magic damage to all enemies in the area ({{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Enemies that move across the field are Slowed by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }}.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @HPPerLegendary@ Health and @SizePerLegendary*100@% Size.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHP@ and @MythicPassiveSizeTOOLTIP@% Size
    Damage dealt to champions: @f1@
    Frostfire GauntletSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1039. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.
  1040. Snowbind: Attacks create a frost field for @SlowFieldDuration@ seconds and deal {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }} magic damage to all enemies in the area ({{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Enemies that move across the field are Slowed by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }}%.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @HPPerLegendary@ Health and @SizePerLegendary*100@% Size.
    Initiation;catastrophe%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supercharged: Grants @HasteAmount*100@% Move Speed towards enemies or enemy turrets for @HasteDuration@ seconds. Once near an enemy (or after @HasteDuration@ seconds) a shockwave is emitted that Slows nearby champions by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds (@HasteCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
    Refuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large Monsters fills up the Chemtank. At @MaxCount@ stacks, your next basic attack deals @AoEDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @HastePerLegendary@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.Turbo Chemtank%i:scaleHealth% 450 Health
    %i:scaleArmor% 25 Armor
    %i:scaleMR% 25 Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supercharged: Grants Move Speed towards enemies or enemy turrets. Once near an enemy (or after 4 seconds) a shockwave is emitted that Slows nearby champions.{{ Item_Passive_List }}Refuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large monsters fills up the Chemtank. At 100 stacks, your next basic attack deals damage to all nearby enemies (increased against minions and monsters).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Haste and Health.

    Turbo ChemtankSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
    Refuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large Monsters fills up the Chemtank. At @MaxCount@ stacks, your next basic attack deals @AoEDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @HastePerLegendary@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.
    Turbo ChemtankInitiation{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
    Refuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large Monsters fills up the Chemtank. At @MaxCount@ stacks, your next basic attack deals @AoEDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @HastePerLegendary@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassive@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPPassiveCalc@ Health
    Damage dealt to champions: @f1@
    Turbo ChemtankInitiation{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supercharged: Grants @HasteAmount*100@% Move Speed towards enemies or enemy turrets for @HasteDuration@ seconds. Once near an enemy (or after @HasteDuration@ seconds) a shockwave is emitted that Slows nearby champions by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds (@HasteCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
    Refuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large Monsters fills up the Chemtank. At @MaxCount@ stacks, your next basic attack deals @AoEDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @HastePerLegendary@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassive@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPPassiveCalc@ Health
    Damage dealt to champions: @f1@
    Turbo ChemtankInitiation{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supercharged: Grants @HasteAmount*100@% Move Speed towards enemies or enemy turrets for @HasteDuration@ seconds. Once near an enemy (or after @HasteDuration@ seconds) a shockwave is emitted that Slows nearby champions by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds (@HasteCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
    Refuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large Monsters fills up the Chemtank. At @MaxCount@ stacks, your next basic attack deals @AoEDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @HastePerLegendary@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.

    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1041. Precision: Attacks deal an additional @MinionDamage@ physical damage to Minions and Monsters.Noonquiver%i:scaleAD% 30 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% 15% Attack Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1042. Precision: Attacks deal additional damage to Minions and Monsters.
    NoonquiverSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1043. Precision: Attacks deal an additional @MinionDamage@ physical damage to Minions and Monsters.Noonquiver{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic Component{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1044. Precision: Attacks deal an additional @MinionDamage@ physical damage to Minions and Monsters.Noonquiver{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic Component%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1045. Precision: Attacks deal an additional @MinionDamage@ physical damage to Minions and Monsters.Noonquiver{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic Component%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1046. Precision: Attacks deal an additional @MinionDamage@ physical damage to Minions and Monsters.
    ;squallrider%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Cloudburst: Dash in target direction, firing three missiles at the lowest Health enemy near your destination (prioritizing champions). Deals a total of @TotalDamageAmount@ magic damage, increased against low Health targets by up to @ExecuteMaxDamage*100@% (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Move Speed

    Maximum missile damage dealt when enemy Health is below @ExecuteMaxThreshold*100@%.
    Cloudburst's dash cannot pass through terrain.
    Galeforce%i:scaleAD% 60 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% 20% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Cloudburst: Dash in target direction, firing three missiles at the lowest Health enemy near your destination. Deals damage, increased against low Health targets.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Move Speed.

    GaleforceSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Move Speed

    Maximum missile damage dealt when enemy Health is below @ExecuteMaxThreshold*100@%.
    Cloudburst's dash cannot pass through terrain.
    GaleforceMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Move Speed

    Maximum missile damage dealt when enemy Health is below @ExecuteMaxThreshold*100@%.
    Cloudburst's dash cannot pass through terrain.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMS% @f1*100@%
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    GaleforceMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Cloudburst: Dash in target direction, firing three missiles at the lowest Health enemy near your destination (prioritizing champions). Deals a total of @TotalDamageAmount@ magic damage, increased against low Health targets by up to @ExecuteMaxDamage*100@% (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Move Speed

    Maximum missile damage dealt when enemy Health is below @ExecuteMaxThreshold*100@%.
    Cloudburst's dash cannot pass through terrain.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMS% @f1*100@%
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    GaleforceMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Cloudburst: Dash in target direction, firing three missiles at the lowest Health enemy near your destination (prioritizing champions). Deals a total of @TotalDamageAmount@ magic damage, increased against low Health targets by up to @ExecuteMaxDamage*100@% (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Move Speed

    Maximum missile damage dealt when enemy Health is below @ExecuteMaxThreshold*100@%.
    Cloudburst's dash cannot pass through terrain.

    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1047. Bring It Down: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageAmount@ true damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Attack Speed.%i:scaleAD% 65 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% 25% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1048. Bring It Down: Every third Attack deals additional true damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Attack Speed.
    Kraken SlayerSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1049. Bring It Down: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageAmount@ true damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Attack Speed.Kraken SlayerAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1050. Bring It Down: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageAmount@ true damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Attack Speed.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAS% @f1*100@%
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    Kraken SlayerAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1051. Bring It Down: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageAmount@ true damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Attack Speed.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAS% @f1*100@%
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    Kraken SlayerAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1052. Bring It Down: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageAmount@ true damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Attack Speed.
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1053. Lifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, gain a @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@s. In addition, gain @ADAmount@ Attack Damage for @BuffDuration@s (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAD% @MythicADAmount@ Attack Damage and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHealthAmount@ Health. Immortal Shieldbow%i:scaleAD% 50 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% 20% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleLS% 7% Life Steal
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1054. Lifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below 30% Health, gain a Shield. In addition, gain Attack Damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Attack Damage and Health.
    Immortal ShieldbowSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1055. Lifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, gain a @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@s. In addition, gain @ADAmount@ Attack Damage for @BuffDuration@s (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAD% @MythicADAmount@ Attack Damage and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHealthAmount@ Health. Immortal ShieldbowSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic, Lifeline{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1056. Lifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, gain a @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@s. In addition, gain @ADAmount@ Attack Damage for @BuffDuration@s (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAD% @MythicADAmount@ Attack Damage and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHealthAmount@ Health. {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAD% @f1@ and %i:scaleHealth% @f2@
    Damage blocked: @f3@
    Immortal ShieldbowSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic, Lifeline%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1057. Lifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, gain a @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@s. In addition, gain @ADAmount@ Attack Damage for @BuffDuration@s (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAD% @MythicADAmount@ Attack Damage and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHealthAmount@ Health. {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAD% @f1@ and %i:scaleHealth% @f2@
    Damage blocked: @f3@
    Immortal ShieldbowSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic, Lifeline%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1058. Lifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, gain a @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@s. In addition, gain @ADAmount@ Attack Damage for @BuffDuration@s (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAD% @MythicADAmount@ Attack Damage and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHealthAmount@ Health.
    Reduce Cooldowns;crit shojin%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1059. Deft Strikes: Your critical strikes with Attacks reduce your non-Ultimate Ability cooldowns by @CDRAmount*100@% of their remaining cooldown.Navori Quickblades%i:scaleAD% 60 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleCooldown% 30 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1060. Deft Strikes: Your critical strikes with Attacks reduce your non-Ultimate Ability cooldowns by 20% of their remaining cooldown.
    Navori QuickbladesSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1061. Deft Strikes: Your critical strikes with Attacks reduce your non-Ultimate Ability cooldowns by @CDRAmount*100@% of their remaining cooldown.Navori QuickbladesReduce Cooldowns{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1062. Deft Strikes: Your critical strikes with Attacks reduce your non-Ultimate Ability cooldowns by @CDRAmount*100@% of their remaining cooldown.Navori QuickbladesReduce Cooldowns{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1063. Deft Strikes: Your critical strikes with Attacks reduce your non-Ultimate Ability cooldowns by @CDRAmount*100@% of their remaining cooldown.Navori QuickbladesReduce Cooldowns{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1064. Deft Strikes: Your critical strikes with Attacks reduce your non-Ultimate Ability cooldowns by @CDRAmount*100@% of their remaining cooldown.
    ;deathblade;lethality%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1065. Death and Taxes: Dealing damage that would leave an enemy champion below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health executes them. Champion kills grant an additional @GoldAmount@ gold.The Collector%i:scaleAD% 55 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleAPen% 12 Lethality
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1066. Death and Taxes: Dealing damage that would leave an enemy champion below 5% Health executes them. Champion kills grant an additional 25 gold.
    The CollectorSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1067. Death and Taxes: Dealing damage that would leave an enemy champion below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health executes them. Champion kills grant an additional @GoldAmount@ gold.The CollectorBurst Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1068. Death and Taxes: Dealing damage that would leave an enemy champion below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health executes them. Champion kills grant an additional @GoldAmount@ gold.The CollectorBurst Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1069. Death and Taxes: Dealing damage that would leave an enemy champion below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health executes them. Champion kills grant an additional @GoldAmount@ gold.The CollectorBurst Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1070. Death and Taxes: Dealing damage that would leave an enemy champion below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health executes them. Champion kills grant an additional @GoldAmount@ gold.
    ;angry%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1071. Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} damage. Gain @DamageAmountPerCritStep@ {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} for each @CritChancePerStep@% Critical Strike Chance converted.Rageknife%i:scaleAS% 25% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1072. Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} damage. Gain 35 {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} for each 20% Critical Strike Chance converted.
    RageknifeSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1073. Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} damage. Gain @DamageAmountPerCritStep@ {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} for each @CritChancePerStep@% Critical Strike Chance converted.Rageknife{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Crit Modifier{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1074. Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into @f1@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.Rageknife{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Crit Modifier%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1075. Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into @f1@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.Rageknife{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Crit Modifier%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1076. Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} damage. Gain @DamageAmountPerCritStep@ {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} for each @CritChancePerStep@% Critical Strike Chance converted.
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1077. Nightstalker: Attacking a champion deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} physical damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, this cooldown is refreshed and you become Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.
    Duskblade of Draktharr%i:scaleAD% 60 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% 18 Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1078. Nightstalker: Attacking a champion deals additional damage. If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target. When a champion that you have damaged within the last 3 seconds dies, this cooldown is refreshed and you become Invisible.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Haste and Move Speed.

    Duskblade of DraktharrSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1079. Nightstalker: Attacking a champion deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} physical damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, this cooldown is refreshed and you become Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.
    Duskblade of DraktharrMultikill{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1080. Nightstalker: Attacking a champion deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} physical damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, this cooldown is refreshed and you become Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @f1@ and %i:scaleMS% @MythicPassiveMSToolTip@
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    Duskblade of DraktharrMultikill{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1081. Nightstalker: Attacking a champion deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} physical damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, this cooldown is refreshed and you become Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @f1@ and %i:scaleMS% @MythicPassiveMSToolTip@
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    Duskblade of DraktharrMultikill{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1082. Nightstalker: Attacking a champion deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} physical damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, this cooldown is refreshed and you become Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.

    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1083. Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within @WindowDuration@ seconds deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }}% max Health physical damage, grants you @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed and a {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Eclipse%i:scaleAD% 60 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% 12 Lethality
    %i:scaleSV% 7% Omnivamp
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1084. Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within 1.5 seconds deals additional damage, grants you Move Speed and a Shield.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Armor Penetration and Move Speed.
    EclipseSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1085. Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within @WindowDuration@ seconds deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }}% max Health physical damage, grants you @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed and a {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}EclipseDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1086. Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within @WindowDuration@ seconds deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }}% max Health physical damage, grants you @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed and a {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds ({{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAPen% @f1*100@% and %i:scaleMS% @MythicPassiveMSToolTip@
    Damage dealt: @f4@
    Damage blocked: @f3@
    EclipseDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1087. Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within @WindowDuration@ seconds deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }}% max Health physical damage, grants you @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed and a {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds ({{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAPen% @f1*100@% and %i:scaleMS% @MythicPassiveMSToolTip@
    Damage dealt: @f4@
    Damage blocked: @f3@
    EclipseDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1088. Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within @WindowDuration@ seconds deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }}% max Health physical damage, grants you @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed and a {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    Assassination%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Sandswipe: Dash through target enemy champion, dealing @DamageAmount@ physical damage. For the next @AmpDuration@ seconds, you deal @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage to the target. (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount@ Lethality and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.Prowler's Claw%i:scaleAD% 60 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% 18 Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Sandswipe: Dash through target enemy champion, dealing damage. You deal increased damage to the target.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Lethality and Move Speed.

    Prowler's ClawSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount@ Lethality and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.
    Prowler's ClawAssassination{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount@ Lethality and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAPen% @f1@ and %i:scaleMS% @MythicPassiveMSToolTip@
    Damage dealt: @f2@
    Added damage from amp: @f3@
    Prowler's ClawAssassination{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Sandswipe: Dash through target enemy champion, dealing @DamageAmount@ physical damage. For the next @AmpDuration@ seconds, you deal @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage to the target. (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount@ Lethality and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAPen% @f1@ and %i:scaleMS% @MythicPassiveMSToolTip@
    Damage dealt: @f2@
    Added damage from amp: @f3@
    Prowler's ClawAssassination{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Sandswipe: Dash through target enemy champion, dealing @DamageAmount@ physical damage. For the next @AmpDuration@ seconds, you deal @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage to the target. (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount@ Lethality and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.

    ;slow%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @PercentArmorPenetrationMod*100@% Armor Penetration
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1089. Bitter Cold: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.Serylda's Grudge%i:scaleAD% 45 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% 30% Armor Penetration
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1090. Bitter Cold: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies.
    Serylda's GrudgeSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @PercentArmorPenetrationMod*100@% Armor Penetration
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1091. Bitter Cold: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.Serylda's GrudgeAnti-Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Last Whisper{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1092. Bitter Cold: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.Serylda's GrudgeAnti-Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Last Whisper%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @PercentArmorPenetrationMod*100@% Armor Penetration
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1093. Bitter Cold: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.Serylda's GrudgeAnti-Armor{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Last Whisper%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @PercentArmorPenetrationMod*100@% Armor Penetration
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1094. Bitter Cold: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.
    Anti-Shielding%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1095. Shield Reaver: Dealing damage to an enemy champion reduces any shields they gain by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }}% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds. When you damage an enemy who is unaffected by Shield Reaver, reduce all shields on them by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}%.

    Does not reduce the size of shields which only block magic damage.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    Serpent's Fang%i:scaleAD% 55 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% 12 Lethality
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1096. Shield Reaver: Dealing damage to an enemy champion reduces any shields they gain. When you damage an enemy who is unaffected by Shield Reaver, reduce all shields on them.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    Serpent's FangSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1097. Shield Reaver: Dealing damage to an enemy champion reduces any shields they gain by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }}% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds. When you damage an enemy who is unaffected by Shield Reaver, reduce all shields on them by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}%.

    Does not reduce the size of shields which only block magic damage.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    Serpent's FangAnti-Shielding{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1098. Shield Reaver: Dealing damage to an enemy champion reduces any shields they gain by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }}% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds. When you damage an enemy who is unaffected by Shield Reaver, reduce all shields on them by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }}%.

    Does not reduce the size of shields which only block magic damage.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    Shielding Reduced: @f1@Serpent's FangAnti-Shielding{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1099. Shield Reaver: Dealing damage to an enemy champion reduces any shields they gain by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }}% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds. When you damage an enemy who is unaffected by Shield Reaver, reduce all shields on them by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }}%.

    Does not reduce the size of shields which only block magic damage.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    Shielding Reduced: @f1@Serpent's FangAnti-Shielding{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1100. Shield Reaver: Dealing damage to an enemy champion reduces any shields they gain by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }}% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds. When you damage an enemy who is unaffected by Shield Reaver, reduce all shields on them by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}%.

    Does not reduce the size of shields which only block magic damage.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}

    Ability Refresh%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1101. Flux: Whenever a Champion dies within @ResetWindow@ seconds of you having damaged them, refund @UltimateRefund*100@% of your Ultimate Ability's total cooldown.

    Axiom Arc%i:scaleAD% 55 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% 10 Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1102. Flux: Whenever a Champion dies within 3 seconds of you having damaged them, refund 20% of your Ultimate Ability's total cooldown.
    Axiom ArcSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1103. Flux: Whenever a Champion dies within @ResetWindow@ seconds of you having damaged them, refund @UltimateRefund*100@% of your Ultimate Ability's total cooldown.

    Axiom ArcAbility Refresh{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1104. Flux: Whenever a Champion dies within @ResetWindow@ seconds of you having damaged them, refund @UltimateRefund*100@% (@f2@s) of your Ultimate Ability's total cooldown.Seconds Refunded: @f1@Axiom ArcAbility Refresh{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1105. Flux: Whenever a Champion dies within @ResetWindow@ seconds of you having damaged them, refund @UltimateRefund*100@% (@f2@s) of your Ultimate Ability's total cooldown.Seconds Refunded: @f1@Axiom ArcAbility Refresh{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1106. Flux: Whenever a Champion dies within @ResetWindow@ seconds of you having damaged them, refund @UltimateRefund*100@% of your Ultimate Ability's total cooldown.

    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Sandswipe: Dash through target enemy champion, dealing @DamageAmount@ physical damage. For the next @AmpDuration@ seconds, you deal @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage to the target. (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount@ Lethality and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.%i:ornnIcon% Sandshrike's Claw%i:scaleAD% 75 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% 26 Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Sandswipe: Dash through target enemy champion, dealing damage. You deal increased damage to the target.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Lethality and Move Speed.

    %i:ornnIcon% Sandshrike's ClawSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount@ Lethality and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.
    %i:ornnIcon% Sandshrike's ClawAssassination{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount@ Lethality and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAPen% @f1@ and %i:scaleMS% @MythicPassiveMSToolTip@
    Damage dealt: @f2@
    Added damage from amp: @f3@
    %i:ornnIcon% Sandshrike's ClawAssassination{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Sandswipe: Dash through target enemy champion, dealing @DamageAmount@ physical damage. For the next @AmpDuration@ seconds, you deal @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage to the target. (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount@ Lethality and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAPen% @f1@ and %i:scaleMS% @MythicPassiveMSToolTip@
    Damage dealt: @f2@
    Added damage from amp: @f3@
    %i:ornnIcon% Sandshrike's ClawAssassination{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Sandswipe: Dash through target enemy champion, dealing @DamageAmount@ physical damage. For the next @AmpDuration@ seconds, you deal @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage to the target. (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount@ Lethality and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.

    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1107. Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within @WindowDuration@ seconds deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }}% max Health physical damage, grants you @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed and a {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}%i:ornnIcon% Syzygy%i:scaleAD% 80 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% 20 Lethality
    %i:scaleSV% 8% Omnivamp
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1108. Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within 1.5 seconds deals additional damage, grants you Move Speed and a Shield.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Armor Penetration and Move Speed.
    %i:ornnIcon% SyzygySells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1109. Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within @WindowDuration@ seconds deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }}% max Health physical damage, grants you @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed and a {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}%i:ornnIcon% SyzygyDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1110. Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within @WindowDuration@ seconds deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }}% max Health physical damage, grants you @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed and a {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds ({{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAPen% @f1*100@% and %i:scaleMS% @MythicPassiveMSToolTip@
    Damage dealt: @f4@
    Damage blocked: @f3@
    %i:ornnIcon% SyzygyDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1111. Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within @WindowDuration@ seconds deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }}% max Health physical damage, grants you @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed and a {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds ({{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAPen% @f1*100@% and %i:scaleMS% @MythicPassiveMSToolTip@
    Damage dealt: @f4@
    Damage blocked: @f3@
    %i:ornnIcon% SyzygyDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1112. Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within @WindowDuration@ seconds deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }}% max Health physical damage, grants you @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed and a {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1113. Nightstalker: Attacking a champion deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} physical damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, this cooldown is refreshed and you become Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.
    %i:ornnIcon% Draktharr's Shadowcarver%i:scaleAD% 75 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% 26 Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1114. Nightstalker: Attacking a champion deals additional damage. If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target. When a champion that you have damaged within the last 3 seconds dies, this cooldown is refreshed and you become Invisible.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Haste and Move Speed.

    %i:ornnIcon% Draktharr's ShadowcarverSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1115. Nightstalker: Attacking a champion deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} physical damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, this cooldown is refreshed and you become Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.
    %i:ornnIcon% Draktharr's ShadowcarverMultikill{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1116. Nightstalker: Attacking a champion deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} physical damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, this cooldown is refreshed and you become Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @f1@ and %i:scaleMS% @MythicPassiveMSToolTip@
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    %i:ornnIcon% Draktharr's ShadowcarverMultikill{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1117. Nightstalker: Attacking a champion deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} physical damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, this cooldown is refreshed and you become Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @f1@ and %i:scaleMS% @MythicPassiveMSToolTip@
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    %i:ornnIcon% Draktharr's ShadowcarverMultikill{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1118. Nightstalker: Attacking a champion deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} physical damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, this cooldown is refreshed and you become Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.

    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supercharged: Grants @HasteAmount*100@% Move Speed towards enemies or enemy turrets for @HasteDuration@ seconds. Once near an enemy (or after @HasteDuration@ seconds) a shockwave is emitted that Slows nearby champions by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds (@HasteCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
    Refuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large Monsters fills up the Chemtank. At @MaxCount@ stacks, your next basic attack deals @AoEDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @HastePerLegendary@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.%i:ornnIcon% Turbocharged Hexperiment%i:scaleHealth% 600 Health
    %i:scaleArmor% 40 Armor
    %i:scaleMR% 40 Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supercharged: Grants Move Speed towards enemies or enemy turrets. Once near an enemy (or after 4 seconds) a shockwave is emitted that Slows nearby champions.{{ Item_Passive_List }}Refuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large monsters fills up the Chemtank. At 100 stacks, your next basic attack deals damage to all nearby enemies (increased against minions and monsters).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Haste and Health.

    %i:ornnIcon% Turbocharged HexperimentSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
    Refuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large Monsters fills up the Chemtank. At @MaxCount@ stacks, your next basic attack deals @AoEDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @HastePerLegendary@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.
    %i:ornnIcon% Turbocharged HexperimentInitiation{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
    Refuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large Monsters fills up the Chemtank. At @MaxCount@ stacks, your next basic attack deals @AoEDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @HastePerLegendary@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassive@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPPassiveCalc@ Health
    Damage dealt to champions: @f1@
    %i:ornnIcon% Turbocharged HexperimentInitiation{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supercharged: Grants @HasteAmount*100@% Move Speed towards enemies or enemy turrets for @HasteDuration@ seconds. Once near an enemy (or after @HasteDuration@ seconds) a shockwave is emitted that Slows nearby champions by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds (@HasteCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
    Refuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large Monsters fills up the Chemtank. At @MaxCount@ stacks, your next basic attack deals @AoEDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @HastePerLegendary@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassive@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPPassiveCalc@ Health
    Damage dealt to champions: @f1@
    %i:ornnIcon% Turbocharged HexperimentInitiation{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supercharged: Grants @HasteAmount*100@% Move Speed towards enemies or enemy turrets for @HasteDuration@ seconds. Once near an enemy (or after @HasteDuration@ seconds) a shockwave is emitted that Slows nearby champions by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds (@HasteCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
    Refuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large Monsters fills up the Chemtank. At @MaxCount@ stacks, your next basic attack deals @AoEDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @HastePerLegendary@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.

    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1119. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds. Damaging champions or epic jungle monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage by @DamageAmpPerStack@% for 5 seconds (max stacks @MaxStacks@).
  1120. Flametouch: At maximum Immolate stacks, your Attacks burn nearby enemies for your Immolate damage per second for @DoTDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleTenacity% @TenacityandSlowResistperLegendary*100@% Tenacity and Slow Resist and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.%i:ornnIcon% Forgefire Crest%i:scaleHealth% 600 Health
    %i:scaleArmor% 50 Armor
    %i:scaleMR% 50 Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1121. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing damage per second to nearby enemies (increased against minions and monsters). Damaging Champions or Epic Monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage.
  1122. Flametouch: At maximum Immolate stacks, your Attacks burn nearby enemies for your Immolate damage per second.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Tenacity, Slow Resist, and Health.
    %i:ornnIcon% Forgefire CrestSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1123. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds. Damaging champions or epic jungle monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage by @DamageAmpPerStack@% for 5 seconds (max stacks @MaxStacks@).
  1124. Flametouch: At maximum Immolate stacks, your Attacks burn nearby enemies for your Immolate damage per second for @DoTDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleTenacity% @TenacityandSlowResistperLegendary*100@% Tenacity and Slow Resist and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.%i:ornnIcon% Forgefire CrestRamping Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1125. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds. Damaging champions or epic jungle monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage by @DamageAmpPerStack@% for 5 seconds (max stacks @MaxStacks@).
  1126. Flametouch: At maximum Immolate stacks, your Attacks burn nearby enemies for your Immolate damage per second for @DoTDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleTenacity% @TenacityandSlowResistperLegendary*100@% Tenacity and Slow Resist and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleTenacity% @MythicPassive@ Tenacity and Slow Resist and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHPCalc@ Health
    Damage dealt to champions: @f1@
    %i:ornnIcon% Forgefire CrestRamping Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1127. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds. Damaging champions or epic jungle monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage by @DamageAmpPerStack@% for 5 seconds (max stacks @MaxStacks@).
  1128. Flametouch: At maximum Immolate stacks, your Attacks burn nearby enemies for your Immolate damage per second for @DoTDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleTenacity% @TenacityandSlowResistperLegendary*100@% Tenacity and Slow Resist and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleTenacity% @MythicPassive@ Tenacity and Slow Resist and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHPCalc@ Health
    Damage dealt to champions: @f1@
    %i:ornnIcon% Forgefire CrestRamping Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1129. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds. Damaging champions or epic jungle monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage by @DamageAmpPerStack@% for 5 seconds (max stacks @MaxStacks@).
  1130. Flametouch: At maximum Immolate stacks, your Attacks burn nearby enemies for your Immolate damage per second for @DoTDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleTenacity% @TenacityandSlowResistperLegendary*100@% Tenacity and Slow Resist and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1131. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.
  1132. Snowbind: Attacks create a frost field for @SlowFieldDuration@ seconds and deal {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }} magic damage to all enemies in the area ({{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Enemies that move across the field are Slowed by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }}%.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @HPPerLegendary@ Health and @SizePerLegendary*100@% Size.%i:ornnIcon% Rimeforged Grasp%i:scaleHealth% 600 Health
    %i:scaleArmor% 40 Armor
    %i:scaleMR% 40 Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1133. Immolate : Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing damage per second to nearby enemies.
  1134. Snowbind: Attacks create a frost field and deal magic damage to all enemies in the area. Enemies that move across the field are Slowed.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Health and Size.
    %i:ornnIcon% Rimeforged GraspSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1135. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.
  1136. Snowbind: Attacks create a frost field for @SlowFieldDuration@ seconds and deal {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }} magic damage to all enemies in the area ({{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Enemies that move across the field are Slowed by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }}%.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @HPPerLegendary@ Health and @SizePerLegendary*100@% Size.%i:ornnIcon% Rimeforged GraspSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1137. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.
  1138. Snowbind: Attacks create a frost field for @SlowFieldDuration@ seconds and deal {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_C }} magic damage to all enemies in the area ({{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Enemies that move across the field are Slowed by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }}.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @HPPerLegendary@ Health and @SizePerLegendary*100@% Size.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHP@ and @MythicPassiveSizeTOOLTIP@% Size
    Damage dealt to champions: @f1@
    %i:ornnIcon% Rimeforged GraspSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1139. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.
  1140. Snowbind: Attacks create a frost field for @SlowFieldDuration@ seconds and deal {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_C }} magic damage to all enemies in the area ({{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Enemies that move across the field are Slowed by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }}.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @HPPerLegendary@ Health and @SizePerLegendary*100@% Size.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHP@ and @MythicPassiveSizeTOOLTIP@% Size
    Damage dealt to champions: @f1@
    %i:ornnIcon% Rimeforged GraspSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1141. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.
  1142. Snowbind: Attacks create a frost field for @SlowFieldDuration@ seconds and deal {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }} magic damage to all enemies in the area ({{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Enemies that move across the field are Slowed by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }}%.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @HPPerLegendary@ Health and @SizePerLegendary*100@% Size.
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Cloudburst: Dash in target direction, firing three missiles at the lowest Health enemy near your destination (prioritizing champions). Deals a total of @TotalDamageAmount@ magic damage, increased against low Health targets by up to @ExecuteMaxDamage*100@% (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Move Speed

    Maximum missile damage dealt when enemy Health is below @ExecuteMaxThreshold*100@%.
    Cloudburst's dash cannot pass through terrain.
    %i:ornnIcon% Typhoon%i:scaleAD% 80 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% 35% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Cloudburst: Dash in target direction, firing three missiles at the lowest Health enemy near your destination. Deals damage, increased against low Health targets.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Move Speed.

    %i:ornnIcon% TyphoonSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Move Speed

    Maximum missile damage dealt when enemy Health is below @ExecuteMaxThreshold*100@%.
    Cloudburst's dash cannot pass through terrain.
    %i:ornnIcon% TyphoonMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Move Speed

    Maximum missile damage dealt when enemy Health is below @ExecuteMaxThreshold*100@%.
    Cloudburst's dash cannot pass through terrain.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMS% @f1*100@%
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    %i:ornnIcon% TyphoonMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Cloudburst: Dash in target direction, firing three missiles at the lowest Health enemy near your destination (prioritizing champions). Deals a total of @TotalDamageAmount@ magic damage, increased against low Health targets by up to @ExecuteMaxDamage*100@% (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Move Speed

    Maximum missile damage dealt when enemy Health is below @ExecuteMaxThreshold*100@%.
    Cloudburst's dash cannot pass through terrain.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMS% @f1*100@%
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    %i:ornnIcon% TyphoonMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Cloudburst: Dash in target direction, firing three missiles at the lowest Health enemy near your destination (prioritizing champions). Deals a total of @TotalDamageAmount@ magic damage, increased against low Health targets by up to @ExecuteMaxDamage*100@% (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Move Speed

    Maximum missile damage dealt when enemy Health is below @ExecuteMaxThreshold*100@%.
    Cloudburst's dash cannot pass through terrain.

    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1143. Bring It Down: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageAmount@ true damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Attack Speed.%i:ornnIcon% Wyrmfallen Sacrifice%i:scaleAD% 85 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% 40% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1144. Bring It Down: Every third Attack deals additional true damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Attack Speed.
    %i:ornnIcon% Wyrmfallen SacrificeSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1145. Bring It Down: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageAmount@ true damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Attack Speed.%i:ornnIcon% Wyrmfallen SacrificeAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1146. Bring It Down: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageAmount@ true damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Attack Speed.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAS% @f1*100@%
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    %i:ornnIcon% Wyrmfallen SacrificeAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1147. Bring It Down: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageAmount@ true damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Attack Speed.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAS% @f1*100@%
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    %i:ornnIcon% Wyrmfallen SacrificeAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1148. Bring It Down: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageAmount@ true damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Attack Speed.
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1149. Lifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, gain a @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@s. In addition, gain @ADAmount@ Attack Damage for @BuffDuration@s (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAD% @MythicADAmount@ Attack Damage and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHealthAmount@ Health. %i:ornnIcon% Bloodward%i:scaleAD% 65 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% 30% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% 20% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleLS% 8% Life Steal
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1150. Lifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below 30% Health, gain a Shield. In addition, gain Attack Damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Attack Damage and Health.
    %i:ornnIcon% BloodwardSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1151. Lifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, gain a @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@s. In addition, gain @ADAmount@ Attack Damage for @BuffDuration@s (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAD% @MythicADAmount@ Attack Damage and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHealthAmount@ Health. %i:ornnIcon% BloodwardSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic, Lifeline{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1152. Lifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, gain a @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@s. In addition, gain @ADAmount@ Attack Damage for @BuffDuration@s (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAD% @MythicADAmount@ Attack Damage and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHealthAmount@ Health. {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAD% @f1@ and %i:scaleHealth% @f2@
    Damage blocked: @f3@
    %i:ornnIcon% BloodwardSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic, Lifeline%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1153. Lifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, gain a @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@s. In addition, gain @ADAmount@ Attack Damage for @BuffDuration@s (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAD% @MythicADAmount@ Attack Damage and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHealthAmount@ Health. {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAD% @f1@ and %i:scaleHealth% @f2@
    Damage blocked: @f3@
    %i:ornnIcon% BloodwardSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic, Lifeline%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleCrit% @FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    %i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1154. Lifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, gain a @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@s. In addition, gain @ADAmount@ Attack Damage for @BuffDuration@s (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAD% @MythicADAmount@ Attack Damage and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHealthAmount@ Health.
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1155. Void Corruption: For each second in combat with enemy champions, deal @EternityDamageIncreasePerSecond*100@% bonus damage (max @EternityDamageIncreaseMax*100@%). At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAP@ Ability Power.%i:ornnIcon% Icathia's Curse%i:scaleAP% 90 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 450 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% 8% Omnivamp
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1156. Void Corruption: For each second damaging enemy champions, deal bonus damage. At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Omnivamp and Ability Power.
    %i:ornnIcon% Icathia's CurseSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1157. Void Corruption: For each second in combat with enemy champions, deal @EternityDamageIncreasePerSecond*100@% bonus damage (max @EternityDamageIncreaseMax*100@%). At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAP@ Ability Power.%i:ornnIcon% Icathia's CurseOmnivamp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1158. Void Corruption: For each second in combat with enemy champions, deal @EternityDamageIncreasePerSecond*100@% bonus damage (max @EternityDamageIncreaseMax*100@%). At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAP@ Ability Power.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicPassiveOmnivampBonus@ and %i:scaleAP% @MythicPassiveAPBonus@ Ability Power
    Bonus damage to champions: @f6@
    %i:ornnIcon% Icathia's CurseOmnivamp{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1159. Void Corruption: For each second in combat with enemy champions, deal @EternityDamageIncreasePerSecond*100@% bonus damage (max @EternityDamageIncreaseMax*100@%). At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAP@ Ability Power.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicPassiveOmnivampBonus@ and %i:scaleAP% @MythicPassiveAPBonus@ Ability Power
    Bonus damage to champions: @f6@
    %i:ornnIcon% Icathia's CurseOmnivamp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1160. Void Corruption: For each second in combat with enemy champions, deal @EternityDamageIncreasePerSecond*100@% bonus damage (max @EternityDamageIncreaseMax*100@%). At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAP@ Ability Power.
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1161. Soulrend: Damaging a champion deals an additional @ReaperDamage@ magic damage and grants you @PercentMovespeedGain*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@TimerDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per champion).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveAbilityHaste@ Ability Haste.

    Damaging a new champion will extend the duration of the Move Speed bonus.%i:ornnIcon% Vespertide%i:scaleAP% 120 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 400 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 30 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1162. Soulrend: Damaging a champion deals additional magic damage and grants you Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} Ability Haste.
    %i:ornnIcon% VespertideSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1163. Soulrend: Damaging a champion deals an additional @ReaperDamage@ magic damage and grants you @PercentMovespeedGain*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@TimerDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per champion).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveAbilityHaste@ Ability Haste.

    Damaging a new champion will extend the duration of the Move Speed bonus.%i:ornnIcon% VespertideMultikill{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1164. Soulrend: Damaging a champion deals an additional @ReaperDamage@ magic damage and grants you @PercentMovespeedGain*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@TimerDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per champion).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveAbilityHaste@ Ability Haste.

    Damaging a new champion will extend the duration of the Move Speed bonus.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveBonus@
    Champion damage dealt: @f2@
    %i:ornnIcon% VespertideMultikill{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1165. Soulrend: Damaging a champion deals an additional @ReaperDamage@ magic damage and grants you @PercentMovespeedGain*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@TimerDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per champion).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveAbilityHaste@ Ability Haste.

    Damaging a new champion will extend the duration of the Move Speed bonus.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveBonus@
    Champion damage dealt: @f2@
    %i:ornnIcon% VespertideMultikill{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1166. Soulrend: Damaging a champion deals an additional @ReaperDamage@ magic damage and grants you @PercentMovespeedGain*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@TimerDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per champion).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveAbilityHaste@ Ability Haste.

    Damaging a new champion will extend the duration of the Move Speed bonus.
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supersonic: Dash in target direction, unleashing an arc of magic missiles that deal @FireboltDamage@ magic damage. Then, gain @MovementSpeedValue*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMagicPenetration@ Magic Penetration.

    Supersonic's dash cannot pass through terrain.%i:ornnIcon% Upgraded Aeropack%i:scaleAP% 120 Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% 10 Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleHealth% 350 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supersonic: Dash in target direction, unleashing an arc of magic missiles that deal damage. Then, gain Move Speed towards enemy champions.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} Magic Penetration.

    %i:ornnIcon% Upgraded AeropackSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMagicPenetration@ Magic Penetration.

    Supersonic's dash cannot pass through terrain.
    %i:ornnIcon% Upgraded AeropackMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMagicPenetration@ Magic Penetration.

    Supersonic's dash cannot pass through terrain.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicPassiveBonus@
    Damage dealt to champions: @f5@
    %i:ornnIcon% Upgraded AeropackMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supersonic: Dash in target direction, unleashing an arc of magic missiles that deal @FireboltDamage@ magic damage. Then, gain @MovementSpeedValue*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMagicPenetration@ Magic Penetration.

    Supersonic's dash cannot pass through terrain.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicPassiveBonus@
    Damage dealt to champions: @f5@
    %i:ornnIcon% Upgraded AeropackMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supersonic: Dash in target direction, unleashing an arc of magic missiles that deal @FireboltDamage@ magic damage. Then, gain @MovementSpeedValue*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMagicPenetration@ Magic Penetration.

    Supersonic's dash cannot pass through terrain.

    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1167. Agony: Deal up to @MaxBonusMagicAmp@% bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health (maxed at @MaxDamageHPThreshold@ bonus Health).
  1168. Torment: Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn for @BurnDamage@ +@BurnPercentHealthDamage*100@% max Health magic damage per second for @BurnDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.%i:ornnIcon% Liandry's Lament%i:scaleAP% 110 Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% 800 Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1169. Agony: Deal bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health.
  1170. Torment: Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn over time.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Haste.
    %i:ornnIcon% Liandry's LamentSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1171. Agony: Deal up to @MaxBonusMagicAmp@% bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health (maxed at @MaxDamageHPThreshold@ bonus Health).
  1172. Torment: Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn for @BurnDamage@ +@BurnPercentHealthDamage*100@% max Health magic damage per second for @BurnDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.%i:ornnIcon% Liandry's LamentAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1173. Agony: Deal up to @MaxBonusMagicAmp@% bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health (maxed at @MaxDamageHPThreshold@ bonus Health).
  1174. Torment: Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn for @BurnDamage@ +@BurnPercentHealthDamage*100@% max Health magic damage per second for @BurnDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @f1@
    Burn Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    Bonus Damage dealt to champions: @f3@
    %i:ornnIcon% Liandry's LamentAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1175. Agony: Deal up to @MaxBonusMagicAmp@% bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health (maxed at @MaxDamageHPThreshold@ bonus Health).
  1176. Torment: Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn for @BurnDamage@ +@BurnPercentHealthDamage*100@% max Health magic damage per second for @BurnDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @f1@
    Burn Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    Bonus Damage dealt to champions: @f3@
    %i:ornnIcon% Liandry's LamentAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1177. Agony: Deal up to @MaxBonusMagicAmp@% bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health (maxed at @MaxDamageHPThreshold@ bonus Health).
  1178. Torment: Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn for @BurnDamage@ +@BurnPercentHealthDamage*100@% max Health magic damage per second for @BurnDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1179. Echo: Damaging Abilities deal an additional @Damage@ magic damage to the target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). Dealing ability damage to Champions reduces this item's cooldown by @ReductionPerSpell@ second, up to @MaxReductionsPerSpell@ seconds per spell cast.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMPenAmount@ Magic Penetration. %i:ornnIcon% Eye of Luden%i:scaleAP% 100 Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% 10 Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleMana% 800 Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1180. Echo: Damaging Abilities deal magic damage to the target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you Move Speed. Dealing ability damage to Champions reduces this item's cooldown.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Magic Penetration.
    %i:ornnIcon% Eye of LudenSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1181. Echo: Damaging Abilities deal an additional @Damage@ magic damage to the target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). Dealing ability damage to Champions reduces this item's cooldown by @ReductionPerSpell@ second, up to @MaxReductionsPerSpell@ seconds per spell cast.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMPenAmount@ Magic Penetration. %i:ornnIcon% Eye of LudenBurst Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1182. Echo: Damaging Abilities deal an additional @Damage@ magic damage to the target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). Dealing ability damage to Champions reduces this item's cooldown by @ReductionPerSpell@ second, up to @MaxReductionsPerSpell@ seconds per spell cast.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMPenAmount@ Magic Penetration. {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMPen% @f1@
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    %i:ornnIcon% Eye of LudenBurst Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1183. Echo: Damaging Abilities deal an additional @Damage@ magic damage to the target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). Dealing ability damage to Champions reduces this item's cooldown by @ReductionPerSpell@ second, up to @MaxReductionsPerSpell@ seconds per spell cast.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMPenAmount@ Magic Penetration. {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMPen% @f1@
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    %i:ornnIcon% Eye of LudenBurst Damage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1184. Echo: Damaging Abilities deal an additional @Damage@ magic damage to the target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). Dealing ability damage to Champions reduces this item's cooldown by @ReductionPerSpell@ second, up to @MaxReductionsPerSpell@ seconds per spell cast.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMPenAmount@ Magic Penetration.
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Glaciate: Deal @DamageAmount@ magic damage in a cone, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies at the center of the cone are Rooted instead. (@Cooldown@{{Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.
    %i:ornnIcon% Eternal Winter%i:scaleAP% 90 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 350 Health
    %i:scaleMana% 800 Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Glaciate: Deal damage in a cone, Slowing enemies hit. Enemies at the center of the cone are Rooted instead.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Power.

    %i:ornnIcon% Eternal WinterSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.
    %i:ornnIcon% Eternal WinterSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAP% @f1@
    Champions rooted: @f2@
    Champions slowed: @f3@
    %i:ornnIcon% Eternal WinterSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Glaciate: Deal @DamageAmount@ magic damage in a cone, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies at the center of the cone are Rooted instead. (@Cooldown@{{Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAP% @f1@
    Champions rooted: @f2@
    Champions slowed: @f3@
    %i:ornnIcon% Eternal WinterSlows Enemies{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Glaciate: Deal @DamageAmount@ magic damage in a cone, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies at the center of the cone are Rooted instead. (@Cooldown@{{Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.

    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Thirsting Slash: Deal @SlashDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies. Restore @Heal@ + @MissingHealthHeal*100@% missing Health for each champion hit (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.%i:ornnIcon% Ceaseless Hunger%i:scaleAD% 70 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 450 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% 12% Omnivamp

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Thirsting Slash: Deal damage to nearby enemies. Restore Health for each champion hit.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Haste.

    %i:ornnIcon% Ceaseless HungerSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.
    %i:ornnIcon% Ceaseless HungerSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @CurrentMythicBonus@
    Thirsting Slash damage to champions: @f4@
    Thirsting Slash healing from champions: @f5@
    %i:ornnIcon% Ceaseless HungerSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Thirsting Slash: Deal @SlashDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies. Restore @Heal@ + @MissingHealthHeal*100@% missing Health for each champion hit (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @CurrentMythicBonus@
    Thirsting Slash damage to champions: @f4@
    Thirsting Slash healing from champions: @f5@
    %i:ornnIcon% Ceaseless HungerSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Thirsting Slash: Deal @SlashDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies. Restore @Heal@ + @MissingHealthHeal*100@% missing Health for each champion hit (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.

    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Halting Slash: Deal @SlashDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies, Slowing them by @MSSlow*-100@% for @Duration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste). Can be cast while moving.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1185. Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants @FlatMS@ Move Speed for @Duration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMSPerLegendary*100@% Move Speed.%i:ornnIcon% Dreamshatter%i:scaleAD% 60 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% 30% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% 400 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Halting Slash: Deal damage to nearby enemies, Slowing them. Can be cast while moving.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1186. Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Move Speed.
    %i:ornnIcon% DreamshatterSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1187. Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants @FlatMS@ Move Speed for @Duration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMSPerLegendary*100@% Move Speed.%i:ornnIcon% DreamshatterEngage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1188. Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants @FlatMS@ Move Speed for @Duration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMSPerLegendary*100@% Move Speed.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMS% @CurrentMythicBonus@
    Damage to champions: @f4@
    %i:ornnIcon% DreamshatterEngage{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Halting Slash: Deal @SlashDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies, Slowing them by @MSSlow*-100@% for @Duration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste). Can be cast while moving.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1189. Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants @FlatMS@ Move Speed for @Duration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMSPerLegendary*100@% Move Speed.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMS% @CurrentMythicBonus@
    Damage to champions: @f4@
    %i:ornnIcon% DreamshatterEngage{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Halting Slash: Deal @SlashDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies, Slowing them by @MSSlow*-100@% for @Duration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste). Can be cast while moving.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1190. Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants @FlatMS@ Move Speed for @Duration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMSPerLegendary*100@% Move Speed.
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1191. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @MinSpellbladeDamage@ + {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} target max Health physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If the target is a champion, also heal for @HealConversionPercent*100@% of the premitigation damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Spellblade deals @MinSpellbladeDamage@ min damage to units, but no more than @MonsterCap@ damage to Monsters. {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}%i:ornnIcon% Deicide%i:scaleAD% 60 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% 450 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste
  1192. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}. If the target is a champion, also heal.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Armor Penetration and Magic Penetration.

    %i:ornnIcon% DeicideSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1193. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @MinSpellbladeDamage@ + {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} target max Health physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If the target is a champion, also heal for @HealConversionPercent*100@% of the premitigation damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Spellblade deals @MinSpellbladeDamage@ min damage to units, but no more than @MonsterCap@ damage to Monsters. {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}%i:ornnIcon% DeicideAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1194. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @MinSpellbladeDamage@ + {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} target max Health physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If the target is a champion, also heal for @HealConversionPercent*100@% of the premitigation damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Spellblade deals @MinSpellbladeDamage@ min damage to units, but no more than @MonsterCap@ damage to Monsters. {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAPen%/%i:scaleMPen% @BonusPenFromMythics@
    Damage to champions: @f4@
    Healing from champions: @f5@
    %i:ornnIcon% DeicideAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1195. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @MinSpellbladeDamage@ + {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} target max Health physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If the target is a champion, also heal for @HealConversionPercent*100@% of the premitigation damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Spellblade deals @MinSpellbladeDamage@ min damage to units, but no more than @MonsterCap@ damage to Monsters. {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAPen%/%i:scaleMPen% @BonusPenFromMythics@
    Damage to champions: @f4@
    Healing from champions: @f5@
    %i:ornnIcon% DeicideAnti-Tank{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1196. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @MinSpellbladeDamage@ + {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} target max Health physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If the target is a champion, also heal for @HealConversionPercent*100@% of the premitigation damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Spellblade deals @MinSpellbladeDamage@ min damage to units, but no more than @MonsterCap@ damage to Monsters. {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    %i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1197. Threefold Strike: Attacks grant @MovementSpeedOnHit@ Move Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If the target is a champion or structure, gain @BaseADBonus@ Attack Damage for @MSDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxSpellbladeStacks@ times (Max increase @MaxADBonus@).
  1198. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }}:
  1199. %i:scaleAD% @MythicAD@ Attack Damage
  1200. %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHaste@ Ability Haste
  1201. %i:scaleMS% @MythicMS@ Move Speed%i:ornnIcon% Infinity Force%i:scaleAD% 45 Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% 40% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% 400 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1202. Threefold Strike: Attacks grant Move Speed. If the target is a champion, increase your base Attack Damage, stacking.
  1203. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Attack Damage, Ability Haste, and Move Speed.
    %i:ornnIcon% Infinity ForceSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1204. Threefold Strike: Attacks grant @MovementSpeedOnHit@ Move Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If the target is a champion or structure, gain @BaseADBonus@ Attack Damage for @MSDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxSpellbladeStacks@ times (Max increase @MaxADBonus@).
  1205. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }}:
  1206. %i:scaleAD% @MythicAD@ Attack Damage
  1207. %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHaste@ Ability Haste
  1208. %i:scaleMS% @MythicMS@ Move Speed%i:ornnIcon% Infinity ForceDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1209. Threefold Strike: Attacks grant @MovementSpeedOnHit@ Move Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If the target is a champion or structure, gain @BaseADBonus@ Attack Damage for @MSDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxSpellbladeStacks@ times (Max increase @MaxADBonus@).
  1210. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }}:
  1211. %i:scaleAD% @MythicAD@ Attack Damage, %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHaste@ Ability Haste, and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMS@ Move Speed{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAD% @MythicADBonus@ Attack Damage, %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteBonus@ Ability Haste, and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMSBonus@ Move Speed

    Damage to Champions: @f4@
    %i:ornnIcon% Infinity ForceDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1212. Threefold Strike: Attacks grant @MovementSpeedOnHit@ Move Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If the target is a champion or structure, gain @BaseADBonus@ Attack Damage for @MSDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxSpellbladeStacks@ times (Max increase @MaxADBonus@).
  1213. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }}:
  1214. %i:scaleAD% @MythicAD@ Attack Damage, %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHaste@ Ability Haste, and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMS@ Move Speed{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAD% @MythicADBonus@ Attack Damage, %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteBonus@ Ability Haste, and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMSBonus@ Move Speed

    Damage to Champions: @f4@
    %i:ornnIcon% Infinity ForceDueling{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    %i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1215. Threefold Strike: Attacks grant @MovementSpeedOnHit@ Move Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If the target is a champion or structure, gain @BaseADBonus@ Attack Damage for @MSDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxSpellbladeStacks@ times (Max increase @MaxADBonus@).
  1216. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }}:
  1217. %i:scaleAD% @MythicAD@ Attack Damage
  1218. %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHaste@ Ability Haste
  1219. %i:scaleMS% @MythicMS@ Move Speed
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Devotion: Grant nearby allies a @ShieldMinTOOLTIP@ - @ShieldMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Shield, decaying over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1220. Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions @AllyAuraARMR@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @AllyAuraMythicPassive@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor/%i:scaleMR% Magic Resist increase to Consecrate.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    Subsequent Devotion shields within @DiminishedTimer@ seconds only have @DiminishedEffectMulitplier*100@% effect.
    %i:ornnIcon% Reliquary of the Golden Dawn%i:scaleHealth% 400 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% 40 Armor
    %i:scaleMR% 40 Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Devotion: Grant nearby allies a Shield, decaying over time.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1221. Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions Armor and Magic Resist.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Armor and Magic Resist increase to Consecrate.

    %i:ornnIcon% Reliquary of the Golden DawnSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1222. Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions @AllyAuraARMR@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @AllyAuraMythicPassive@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor/%i:scaleMR% Magic Resist increase to Consecrate.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    Subsequent Devotion shields within @DiminishedTimer@ seconds only have @DiminishedEffectMulitplier*100@% effect.
    %i:ornnIcon% Reliquary of the Golden DawnSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1223. Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions @AllyAuraARMR@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @AllyAuraMythicPassive@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor/%i:scaleMR% Magic Resist increase to Consecrate.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    Subsequent Devotion shields within @DiminishedTimer@ seconds only have @DiminishedEffectMulitplier*100@% effect.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleArmor%/%i:scaleMR% @MythicPassiveBonus@ increase to Consecration
    Highest damage instance blocked: @f2@
    Total damage blocked: @f3@
    Consecration damage reduced: @f5@
    %i:ornnIcon% Reliquary of the Golden DawnSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Devotion: Grant nearby allies a @ShieldMinTOOLTIP@ - @ShieldMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Shield, decaying over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1224. Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions @AllyAuraARMR@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @AllyAuraMythicPassive@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor/%i:scaleMR% Magic Resist increase to Consecrate.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    Subsequent Devotion shields within @DiminishedTimer@ seconds only have @DiminishedEffectMulitplier*100@% effect.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleArmor%/%i:scaleMR% @MythicPassiveBonus@ increase to Consecration
    Highest damage instance blocked: @f2@
    Total damage blocked: @f3@
    Consecration damage reduced: @f5@
    %i:ornnIcon% Reliquary of the Golden DawnSurvive Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Devotion: Grant nearby allies a @ShieldMinTOOLTIP@ - @ShieldMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Shield, decaying over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1225. Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions @AllyAuraARMR@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @AllyAuraMythicPassive@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor/%i:scaleMR% Magic Resist increase to Consecrate.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    Subsequent Devotion shields within @DiminishedTimer@ seconds only have @DiminishedEffectMulitplier*100@% effect.

    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Inspire: Grants nearby allies @ActiveMoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1226. Motivate: Empowering or Protecting another ally Champion grants both allies @PassiveMSToGrant*100@% Move Speed for @PassiveMSDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @ShurelyasMythicPassive@ Ability Haste.

    An ally can only be affected by Motivate once every @PerChampCD@ seconds.%i:ornnIcon% Shurelya's Requiem%i:scaleAP% 70 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 300 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 200% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Inspire: Grants nearby allies Move Speed.
  1227. Motivate: Empowering or Protecting another ally Champion grants both allies Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Haste.

    %i:ornnIcon% Shurelya's RequiemSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @ShurelyasMythicPassive@ Ability Haste.

    An ally can only be affected by Motivate once every @PerChampCD@ seconds.
    %i:ornnIcon% Shurelya's RequiemMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @ShurelyasMythicPassive@ Ability Haste.

    An ally can only be affected by Motivate once every @PerChampCD@ seconds.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveBonus@ Ability Haste
    Allies Motivated: @f1@
    %i:ornnIcon% Shurelya's RequiemMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Inspire: Grants nearby allies @ActiveMoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1228. Motivate: Empowering or Protecting another ally Champion grants both allies @PassiveMSToGrant*100@% Move Speed for @PassiveMSDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @ShurelyasMythicPassive@ Ability Haste.

    An ally can only be affected by Motivate once every @PerChampCD@ seconds.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveBonus@ Ability Haste
    Allies Motivated: @f1@
    %i:ornnIcon% Shurelya's RequiemMobility{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Inspire: Grants nearby allies @ActiveMoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1229. Motivate: Empowering or Protecting another ally Champion grants both allies @PassiveMSToGrant*100@% Move Speed for @PassiveMSDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @ShurelyasMythicPassive@ Ability Haste.

    An ally can only be affected by Motivate once every @PerChampCD@ seconds.
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1230. Starlit Grace: When affecting champions with Attacks or Abilities in combat, restore @BaseHealAmount@ Health to the most wounded nearby ally (@EveryXSecondsDoHeal@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Each second spent in combat with champions increases your Heal and Shield Power by @HealShieldAmpPerStack@% (to a maximum of @HealShieldAmpMaxTOOLTIP@%).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHealIncrease@ increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.

    %i:ornnIcon% Starcaster%i:scaleAP% 70 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 300 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 200% Base Mana Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1231. Starlit Grace: When affecting champions with Attacks or Abilities in combat, restore Health to the most wounded nearby ally. Each second spent in combat with champions increases your Heal and Shield Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} an increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.

    %i:ornnIcon% StarcasterSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1232. Starlit Grace: When affecting champions with Attacks or Abilities in combat, restore @BaseHealAmount@ Health to the most wounded nearby ally (@EveryXSecondsDoHeal@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Each second spent in combat with champions increases your Heal and Shield Power by @HealShieldAmpPerStack@% (to a maximum of @HealShieldAmpMaxTOOLTIP@%).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHealIncrease@ increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.

    %i:ornnIcon% StarcasterHealing Over Time{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1233. Starlit Grace: When affecting champions with Attacks or Abilities in combat, restore @BaseHealAmount@ Health to the most wounded nearby ally (@EveryXSecondsDoHeal@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Each second spent in combat with champions increases your Heal and Shield Power by @HealShieldAmpPerStack@% (to a maximum of @HealShieldAmpMaxTOOLTIP@%).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHealIncrease@ increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveBonus@ increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.
    Total Healing done: @f1@
    Bonus Healing/Shielding: @f2@
    %i:ornnIcon% StarcasterHealing Over Time{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1234. Starlit Grace: When affecting champions with Attacks or Abilities in combat, restore @BaseHealAmount@ Health to the most wounded nearby ally (@EveryXSecondsDoHeal@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Each second spent in combat with champions increases your Heal and Shield Power by @HealShieldAmpPerStack@% (to a maximum of @HealShieldAmpMaxTOOLTIP@%).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHealIncrease@ increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveBonus@ increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.
    Total Healing done: @f1@
    Bonus Healing/Shielding: @f2@
    %i:ornnIcon% StarcasterHealing Over Time{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1235. Starlit Grace: When affecting champions with Attacks or Abilities in combat, restore @BaseHealAmount@ Health to the most wounded nearby ally (@EveryXSecondsDoHeal@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Each second spent in combat with champions increases your Heal and Shield Power by @HealShieldAmpPerStack@% (to a maximum of @HealShieldAmpMaxTOOLTIP@%).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHealIncrease@ increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.

    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1236. Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal @InitialProcDamageAmount@ bonus magic damage and marks them for @BuffDuration@ seconds. (@PerTargetCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per enemy champion mark application) Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing an additional @AllyDamageMinTOOLTIP@ - @AllyDamageMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) magic damage and granting you both @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}%i:ornnIcon% Seat of Command%i:scaleAP% 70 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 300 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% 200% Base Mana Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1237. Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal bonus damage and mark them. Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing additional damage and granting you both Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Power.

    %i:ornnIcon% Seat of CommandSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1238. Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal @InitialProcDamageAmount@ bonus magic damage and marks them for @BuffDuration@ seconds. (@PerTargetCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per enemy champion mark application) Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing an additional @AllyDamageMinTOOLTIP@ - @AllyDamageMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) magic damage and granting you both @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}%i:ornnIcon% Seat of CommandAlly Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1239. Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal @InitialProcDamageAmount@ bonus magic damage and marks them for @BuffDuration@ seconds. (@PerTargetCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per enemy champion mark application) Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing an additional @AllyDamageMinTOOLTIP@ - @AllyDamageMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) magic damage and granting you both @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicPassiveBonus@
    Bonus damage dealt: @f2@
    %i:ornnIcon% Seat of CommandAlly Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1240. Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal @InitialProcDamageAmount@ bonus magic damage and marks them for @BuffDuration@ seconds. (@PerTargetCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per enemy champion mark application) Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing an additional @AllyDamageMinTOOLTIP@ - @AllyDamageMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) magic damage and granting you both @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicPassiveBonus@
    Bonus damage dealt: @f2@
    %i:ornnIcon% Seat of CommandAlly Burst{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1241. Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal @InitialProcDamageAmount@ bonus magic damage and marks them for @BuffDuration@ seconds. (@PerTargetCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per enemy champion mark application) Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing an additional @AllyDamageMinTOOLTIP@ - @AllyDamageMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) magic damage and granting you both @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1242. Coruscation: After Immobilizing champions or being Immobilized, cause that target and all nearby enemy champions to take @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage for @AmpDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @MythicStat@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist%i:ornnIcon% Equinox%i:scaleHealth% 400 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% 40 Armor
    %i:scaleMR% 40 Magic Resist
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1243. Coruscation: After Immobilizing champions or being Immobilized, cause that target and all nearby enemy Champions to take increased damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Armor and Magic Resist
    %i:ornnIcon% EquinoxSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1244. Coruscation: After Immobilizing champions or being Immobilized, cause that target and all nearby enemy champions to take @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage for @AmpDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @MythicStat@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist%i:ornnIcon% EquinoxTeam Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1245. Coruscation: After Immobilizing champions or being Immobilized, cause that target and all nearby enemy champions to take @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage for @AmpDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @MythicStat@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} @MythicPassive@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist
    Total Bonus Damage: @f1@
    %i:ornnIcon% EquinoxTeam Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1246. Coruscation: After Immobilizing champions or being Immobilized, cause that target and all nearby enemy champions to take @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage for @AmpDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @MythicStat@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} @MythicPassive@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist
    Total Bonus Damage: @f1@
    %i:ornnIcon% EquinoxTeam Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    %i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1247. Coruscation: After Immobilizing champions or being Immobilized, cause that target and all nearby enemy champions to take @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage for @AmpDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @MythicStat@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist
    %i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1248. Safeguard: You are Safeguarded, reducing incoming champion damage by @ShieldDRPercentage*100@%. Safeguard persists for @ShieldLingerAfterInitiallyPopped@ seconds after taking champion damage. (@OutOfCombatDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
  1249. Poise: While Safeguarded and for @GraceDuration@ seconds after it is broken, gain @BonusStatWhenShieldActive@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeed*100@% Move Speed and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAbilityPower@ Ability Power.

    Item cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.%i:ornnIcon% Caesura%i:scaleAP% 90 Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% 350 Health
    %i:scaleMana% 800 Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% 25 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1250. Divine Safeguard: You are Safeguarded, reducing incoming champion damage. Safeguard persists for 1.5 seconds after taking champion damage.
  1251. Holy Gift: While Safeguarded and for 3 seconds after it is broken, gain Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Move Speed and Ability Power.
    %i:ornnIcon% CaesuraSells for: @Value@%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1252. Safeguard: You are Safeguarded, reducing incoming champion damage by @ShieldDRPercentage*100@%. Safeguard persists for @ShieldLingerAfterInitiallyPopped@ seconds after taking champion damage. (@OutOfCombatDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
  1253. Poise: While Safeguarded and for @GraceDuration@ seconds after it is broken, gain @BonusStatWhenShieldActive@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeed*100@% Move Speed and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAbilityPower@ Ability Power.

    Item cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.%i:ornnIcon% CaesuraDefense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1254. Safeguard: You are Safeguarded, reducing incoming champion damage by @ShieldDRPercentage*100@%. Safeguard persists for @ShieldLingerAfterInitiallyPopped@ seconds after taking champion damage. (@OutOfCombatDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
  1255. Poise: While Safeguarded and for @GraceDuration@ seconds after it is broken, gain @BonusStatWhenShieldActive@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeed*100@% Move Speed and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAbilityPower@ Ability Power.

    Item cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMS% @f1@% Move Speed and %i:scaleAP% @f2@ Ability Power
    Total damage blocked: @f3@
    Current Bonus Ability Power: @f4@
    %i:ornnIcon% CaesuraDefense{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1256. Safeguard: You are Safeguarded, reducing incoming champion damage by @ShieldDRPercentage*100@%. Safeguard persists for @ShieldLingerAfterInitiallyPopped@ seconds after taking champion damage. (@OutOfCombatDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
  1257. Poise: While Safeguarded and for @GraceDuration@ seconds after it is broken, gain @BonusStatWhenShieldActive@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeed*100@% Move Speed and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAbilityPower@ Ability Power.

    Item cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMS% @f1@% Move Speed and %i:scaleAP% @f2@ Ability Power
    Total damage blocked: @f3@
    Current Bonus Ability Power: @f4@
    %i:ornnIcon% CaesuraDefense{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique: Mythic%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1258. Safeguard: You are Safeguarded, reducing incoming champion damage by @ShieldDRPercentage*100@%. Safeguard persists for @ShieldLingerAfterInitiallyPopped@ seconds after taking champion damage. (@OutOfCombatDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
  1259. Poise: While Safeguarded and for @GraceDuration@ seconds after it is broken, gain @BonusStatWhenShieldActive@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeed*100@% Move Speed and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAbilityPower@ Ability Power.

    Item cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.
    Gangplank Placeholder
    New Gangplank interface coming soon!Gangplank PlaceholderSells for: @Value@Gangplank Placeholder{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Gangplank Placeholder{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Gangplank Placeholder{{ Item_Gold_Value }}
    Targeted Resist%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Vow: Choose a Nemesis to start building a Vendetta (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1260. Vendetta: You gain Vendetta stacks over time, and reach the maximum of @MaxDRStacks@ stacks after @TooltipMaxStackTime@ seconds. Each stack of Vendetta grants you 1% reduced damage from your Nemesis, up to @MaxDRStacks@% damage reduction.
  1261. Vengeance: At maximum stacks, your Nemesis has @PercentTenacityReduc@% reduced Tenacity while near you.

    Active can be cast at global range. Stacks reset upon choosing a new target. Cannot be cast for 15 seconds while in-combat with champions.

    "She swore to dedicate her life to his destruction..."Anathema's Chains%i:scaleHealth% 650 Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% 20 Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Vow: Choose a Nemesis to start building a Vendetta (90s).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1262. Vendetta: Take reduced damage from your Nemesis, increasing per Vendetta stack. You gain stacks over time, and reach the maximum number of stacks after 60 seconds.
  1263. Vengeance: At maximum stacks, your Nemesis has reduced Tenacity while near you.

    Active can be cast while dead and at global range. Stacks reset upon choosing a new target. Cannot be cast for 15 seconds while in-combat with champions.

    "She swore to dedicate her life to his destruction. The gauntlets heard."
    Anathema's ChainsSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1264. Vendetta: You gain Vendetta stacks over time, and reach the maximum of @MaxDRStacks@ stacks after @TooltipMaxStackTime@ seconds. Each stack of Vendetta grants you 1% reduced damage from your Nemesis, up to @MaxDRStacks@% damage reduction.
  1265. Vengeance: At maximum stacks, your Nemesis has @PercentTenacityReduc@% reduced Tenacity while near you.

    Active can be cast at global range. Stacks reset upon choosing a new target. Cannot be cast for 15 seconds while in-combat with champions.

    "She swore to dedicate her life to his destruction..."Anathema's ChainsTargeted Resist{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1266. Vendetta: You gain Vendetta stacks over time, and reach the maximum of @MaxDRStacks@ stacks after @TooltipMaxStackTime@ seconds. Each stack of Vendetta grants you 1% reduced damage from your Nemesis, up to @MaxDRStacks@% damage reduction.
  1267. Vengeance: At maximum stacks, your Nemesis has @PercentTenacityReduc@% reduced Tenacity while near you.

    Active can be cast at global range. Stacks reset upon choosing a new target. Cannot be cast for 15 seconds while in-combat with champions.

    "She swore to dedicate her life to his destruction..."Damage Reduced: @f1@Anathema's ChainsTargeted Resist{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Vow: Choose a Nemesis to start building a Vendetta (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1268. Vendetta: You gain Vendetta stacks over time, and reach the maximum of @MaxDRStacks@ stacks after @TooltipMaxStackTime@ seconds. Each stack of Vendetta grants you 1% reduced damage from your Nemesis, up to @MaxDRStacks@% damage reduction.
  1269. Vengeance: At maximum stacks, your Nemesis has @PercentTenacityReduc@% reduced Tenacity while near you.

    Active can be cast at global range. Stacks reset upon choosing a new target. Cannot be cast for 15 seconds while in-combat with champions.

    "She swore to dedicate her life to his destruction..."Damage Reduced: @f1@Anathema's ChainsTargeted Resist{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Vow: Choose a Nemesis to start building a Vendetta (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1270. Vendetta: You gain Vendetta stacks over time, and reach the maximum of @MaxDRStacks@ stacks after @TooltipMaxStackTime@ seconds. Each stack of Vendetta grants you 1% reduced damage from your Nemesis, up to @MaxDRStacks@% damage reduction.
  1271. Vengeance: At maximum stacks, your Nemesis has @PercentTenacityReduc@% reduced Tenacity while near you.

    Active can be cast at global range. Stacks reset upon choosing a new target. Cannot be cast for 15 seconds while in-combat with champions.

    "She swore to dedicate her life to his destruction..."
    %i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1272. Unmake: Curse nearby enemy champions, reducing their Magic Resist by @MRReduceBase@ + @MRReduceRatio*100@% bonus Health (max @MRReduceMax@). For each Cursed enemy, gain @MRGain@ Magic Resist.

    A Champion can only be Cursed by one enemy at a time (prioritizing the most potent Curse).Abyssal Mask%i:scaleHealth% 450 Health
    %i:scaleMR% 35 Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% 10 Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1273. Unmake: Curse nearby enemy champions, reducing their Magic Resist. For each Cursed enemy, gain Magic Resist.
    Shred EnemiesAbyssal MaskSells for: @Value@%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1274. Unmake: Curse nearby enemy champions, reducing their Magic Resist by @MRReduceBase@ + @MRReduceRatio*100@% bonus Health (max @MRReduceMax@). For each Cursed enemy, gain @MRGain@ Magic Resist.

    A Champion can only be Cursed by one enemy at a time (prioritizing the most potent Curse).Abyssal MaskTeam Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1275. Unmake: Curse nearby enemy champions, reducing their Magic Resist by @f2@%i:scaleHealth% (max @MRReduceMax@). For each Cursed enemy, gain @MRGain@ Magic Resist.Health Unmade: @f1@Abyssal MaskTeam Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1276. Unmake: Curse nearby enemy champions, reducing their Magic Resist by @f2@%i:scaleHealth% (max @MRReduceMax@). For each Cursed enemy, gain @MRGain@ Magic Resist.Health Unmade: @f1@Abyssal MaskTeam Amp{{ Item_Gold_Value }}Unique%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    %i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    %i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1277. Unmake: Curse nearby enemy champions, reducing their Magic Resist by @MRReduceBase@ + @MRReduceRatio*100@% bonus Health (max @MRReduceMax@). For each Cursed enemy, gain @MRGain@ Magic Resist.

    A Champion can only be Cursed by one enemy at a time (prioritizing the most potent Curse).
    Periodically, Aatrox's next basic attack deals bonus physical damage and heals him, based on the target's max health. Deathbringer StanceDeathbringer StanceAatrox's Attacks deal an additional @PDamage@ max Health physical damage and restore @PHealingRatio*100@% of damage dealt as Health, reduced to @PHealingMinionMod*100@% against minions. This effect has a @PCooldown@ second cooldown.

    Attack and Ability hits against champions and large jungle monsters reduce this effect's cooldown by 2 seconds. Hits with the edge of The Darkin Blade reduce it by 4 seconds instead.
    Deathbringer Stance{{Passive_AatroxPassive_Tooltip}}

    Deals a max of @PMonsterCap@ against monsters.
    Multi-hits with Abilities only reduce the cooldown once.
    Deathbringer StanceDeathbringer StanceAatrox's Attacks deal an additional @PDamage@ max Health physical damage and restore @PHealingRatio*100@% of damage dealt as Health, reduced to @PHealingMinionMod*100@% against minions. This effect has a @PCooldown@ second cooldown.

    Attack and Ability hits against champions and large jungle monsters reduce this effect's cooldown by 2 seconds. Hits with the edge of The Darkin Blade reduce it by 4 seconds instead.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEssence TheftKilling minions or monsters grants Ahri an Essence Fragment. After obtaining @MaxStacks@ Fragments, Ahri consumes them to restore @MinionHeal@ Health.

    When Ahri scores a takedown against an enemy champion within @TakedownWindow@ seconds of damaging them, she feasts upon their Essence, restoring @ChampionHeal@ Health.
    Essence TheftEssence TheftKilling minions or monsters grants Ahri an Essence Fragment. After obtaining @MaxStacks@ Fragments, Ahri consumes them to restore @MinionHeal@ Health.

    When Ahri scores a takedown against an enemy champion within @TakedownWindow@ seconds of damaging them, she feasts upon their Essence, restoring @ChampionHeal@ Health.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAssassin's MarkWhen Akali hits an enemy champion with an Ability, she reveals a ring around them for 4 seconds and gains @PassiveSpeedBonus@ Move Speed towards the ring. Crossing the ring causes Akali's next Attack to have doubled range and deal an additional @Damage@ magic damage.Assassin's Mark{{Spell_AkaliP_Tooltip}}

    Once Akali crosses the ring, she gains the Move Speed toward enemies.
    Assassin's MarkAssassin's MarkWhen Akali hits an enemy champion with an Ability, she reveals a ring around them for 4 seconds and gains @PassiveSpeedBonus@ Move Speed towards the ring. Crossing the ring causes Akali's next Attack to have doubled range and deal an additional @Damage@ magic damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more info
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvery three hits from Akshan's Attacks and Abilities deals bonus damage and grants him a Shield if the target was a champion.

    When Akshan Attacks, he fires an additional Attack for reduced damage. If he cancels the additional Attack, he instead gains Move Speed.Dirty FightingDirty FightingAfter launching an Attack, Akshan will fire an additional shot for @SecondAutoDamage@ physical damage. He can cancel this shot to instead gain @ASModdedMS@ Move Speed decaying over @HasteDuration@ second.

    Every three hits from Attacks or Abilities deals an additional @PassiveProcDamage@ magic damage. Against champions, Akshan also gains @TotalShieldAmount@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@PassiveCooldown@ second Cooldown).

    Dirty Fighting{{Spell_AkshanPassive_Tooltip}}
    The second Attack always deals 100% damage to minions and critically strikes at @SecondAutoCritRatio*100@% effectiveness.
    The first Attack Move Speed scales with 100% Attack Speed.
    Dirty FightingDirty FightingAfter launching an Attack, Akshan will fire an additional shot for @SecondAutoDamage@ physical damage. He can cancel this shot to instead gain @ASModdedMS@ Move Speed decaying over @HasteDuration@ second.

    Every three hits from Attacks or Abilities deals an additional @PassiveProcDamage@ magic damage. Against champions, Akshan also gains @TotalShieldAmount@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@PassiveCooldown@ second Cooldown).

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAlistar charges his roar by stunning or displacing enemy champions or when nearby enemies die. When fully charged he heals himself all nearby allied champions.Triumphant RoarTriumphant RoarAlistar gains a stack whenever he Stuns or Knocks an enemy champion, or whenever an enemy dies. At @f4@ stacks, Alistar roars, restoring @BaseHeal@ Health to himself and @AllyHeal@ Health to nearby allied champions.

    Enemy champion and epic jungle monster deaths fully charge this Ability.
    Triumphant RoarTriumphant RoarAlistar gains a stack whenever he Stuns or Knocks an enemy champion, or whenever an enemy dies. At @f4@ stacks, Alistar roars, restoring @BaseHeal@ Health to himself and @AllyHeal@ Health to nearby allied champions.

    Enemy champion and epic jungle monster deaths fully charge this Ability.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAmumu's basic attacks Curse his enemies, causing them to take bonus true damage from incoming magic damage.Cursed TouchCursed TouchAmumu's Attacks Curse his enemies for @DebuffDuration@ seconds, causing them to take an additional @DamageAmp*100@% true damage from all magic damage they take.Cursed TouchCursed TouchAmumu's Attacks Curse his enemies for @DebuffDuration@ seconds, causing them to take an additional @DamageAmp*100@% true damage from all magic damage they take.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAfter casting 4 spells, Annie's next offensive spell will stun the target.PyromaniaPyromaniaAfter using 4 Abilities, Annie's next damaging Ability Stuns for @StunDuration@ seconds.PyromaniaPyromaniaAfter using 4 Abilities, Annie's next damaging Ability Stuns for @StunDuration@ seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAphelios wields 5 Lunari Weapons made by his sister Alune. He has access to two at a time: one main-hand and one off-hand. Each weapon has a unique Basic Attack and Ability. Attacks and abilities consume a weapon's ammo. When out of ammo, Aphelios discards the weapon and Alune summons the next of the 5. The Hitman and the SeerThe Hitman and the SeerAphelios wields 5 Lunari Weapons made by his sister, Alune. He has access to two at a time: one main-hand and one off-hand. Each weapon has a unique Attack and Ability [@spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:Hotkey@]. Attacks and Abilities consume a weapon's ammo. When out of ammo, Aphelios discards the weapon and Alune summons the next one.

    Aphelios unlocks his weapon's Ability [@spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:Hotkey@] at level 2 and his Ultimate at level 6. Instead of powering up his Abilities, Aphelios' rank-ups grant him permanent stats.

    Lunari Weapon Order:
  1278. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f1@ }}
  1279. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f2@ }}
  1280. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f3@ }}
  1281. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f4@ }}
  1282. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f5@ }}
  1283. The Hitman and the SeerAphelios wields 5 Lunari Weapons made by his sister Alune. He has access to two at a time: one main-hand and one off-hand. Each weapon has a unique Attack and Ability [@spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:Hotkey@]. Attacks and Abilities consume a weapon's ammo. When out of ammo, Aphelios discards the weapon and Alune summons the next one.

    Aphelios unlocks his weapon's Ability [@spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:Hotkey@] at level 2 and his Ultimate at level 6. Instead of powering up his Abilities, Aphelios' rank-ups grant him permanent stats:
  1284. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_Buff_AD }} [@spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:Hotkey@]: @spell.ApheliosP:AttackDamage@ / @AttackDamageMax@
  1285. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_Buff_AS }} [@spell.ApheliosW:Hotkey@]: @spell.ApheliosP:AttackSpeed@ / @AttackSpeedMax@
  1286. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_Buff_AP }} [@spell.ApheliosE:Hotkey@]: @spell.ApheliosP:ArPenBonus@ / @ArPenBonusMax@

  1287. Lunari Weapon Order:
  1288. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f1@ }}
  1289. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f2@ }}
  1290. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f3@ }}
  1291. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f4@ }}
  1292. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f5@ }}
  1293. The Hitman and the SeerThe Hitman and the SeerAphelios wields 5 Lunari Weapons made by his sister, Alune. He has access to two at a time: one main-hand and one off-hand. Each weapon has a unique Attack and Ability [@spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:Hotkey@]. Attacks and Abilities consume a weapon's ammo. When out of ammo, Aphelios discards the weapon and Alune summons the next one.

    Aphelios unlocks his weapon's Ability [@spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:Hotkey@] at level 2 and his Ultimate at level 6. Instead of powering up his Abilities, Aphelios' rank-ups grant him permanent stats.

    Lunari Weapon Order:
  1294. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f1@ }}
  1295. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f2@ }}
  1296. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f3@ }}
  1297. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f4@ }}
  1298. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f5@ }}

  1299. Press [Shift] to show more infoAshe's attacks slow their target, causing her to deal increased damage to these targets.

    Ashe's critical strikes deal no bonus damage but apply an empowered slow to the target.Frost ShotFrost ShotAshe's Attacks and Abilities Slow @SlowAmount@ for 2 seconds. Attacks against enemies affected by this ability deal @DamageBonus@ damage.

    Ashe's critical strikes deal no extra damage, instead increasing the Slow to @EmpoweredSlowAmount@ decaying.
    Frost Shot{{Spell_AshePassive_Tooltip}}

    The bonus damage scales with Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage bonus.
    Frost ShotFrost ShotAshe's Attacks and Abilities Slow @SlowAmount@ for 2 seconds. Attacks against enemies affected by this ability deal @DamageBonus@ damage.

    Ashe's critical strikes deal no extra damage, instead increasing the Slow to @EmpoweredSlowAmount@ decaying.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoStars orbit Aurelion Sol, dealing magic damage when they hit an enemy.Center of the UniverseCenter of the UniverseAurelion Sol is orbited by 3 stars, dealing @TotalDamageNoW@ magic damage. The stars are visible even if Aurelion Sol is in brush. Minions below @MinionExecuteThreshold@ Health are executed.
    Center of the UniverseCenter of the UniverseAurelion Sol is orbited by 3 stars, dealing @TotalDamageNoW@ magic damage. The stars are visible even if Aurelion Sol is in brush. Minions below @MinionExecuteThreshold@ Health are executed.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAzir can summon the Disc of the Sun from the ruins of allied or enemy turrets.Shurima's LegacyShurima's LegacyAzir can resurrect a turret every @Cooldown@ seconds. The turret deals an additional @TowerAPDamage@ physical damage but disintegrates over @TowerDisintegrationTime@ seconds.Shurima's Legacy{{Spell_AzirPassive_Tooltip}}

    You may not target enemy Nexus and Inhibitor Turrets with this Ability.
    Shurima's LegacyShurima's LegacyAzir can resurrect a turret every @Cooldown@ seconds. The turret deals an additional @TowerAPDamage@ physical damage but disintegrates over @TowerDisintegrationTime@ seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTraveler's CallTraveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, the meep attack strike-through cone increases in size and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Traveler's CallTraveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, the meep attack strike-through cone increases in size and deal @f11@ more damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTraveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meep attacks will gain @f8@ damage.
    Traveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meep attacks will gain @f8@ damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTraveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, Bard will be able to have @f8@ more meep following at once and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Traveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, Bard will be able to have @f8@ more meep following at once and deal @f11@ more damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTraveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meeps will reappear @f8@ second faster and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Traveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meeps will reappear @f8@ second faster and deal @f11@ more damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTraveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meep attacks will Slow by @f8@% and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Traveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meep attacks will Slow by @f8@% and deal @f11@ more damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTraveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps currently deal @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and apply a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meep attacks will strike through their target and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Traveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps currently deal @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and apply a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meep attacks will strike through their target and deal @f11@ more damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTraveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps currently deal @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and apply a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meep attacks will deal @f8@ more damage.
    Traveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps currently deal @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and apply a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meep attacks will deal @f8@ more damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTraveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps currently deal @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and apply a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, Bard will be able to have @f8@ more meep following at once and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Traveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps currently deal @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and apply a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, Bard will be able to have @f8@ more meep following at once and deal @f11@ more damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks to deal extra magic damage. When Bard has collected enough Chimes, his meeps will also deal damage in an area and slow enemies hit.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, restore mana, and provide out of combat Move Speed.Traveler's CallBard attracts Chimes randomly around the map. When Bard moves near a Chime he collects it, gaining @TooltipMSPerStack@% Move Speed out of combat for @TooltipMSDuration@ seconds, @f1@ Experience, and restoring @TooltipManaRestore@% max Mana.

    Bard attracts a Meep every @f5@ seconds (max: @f4@). Bard's Attacks consume a Meep to deal an additional @MeepDamageNoChime@ plus @TooltipDamagePerCheckpoint@ per @TooltipChimeDamageCheckpoint@ Chimes magic damage, plus additional effects based on Chimes collected.
    Traveler's Call{{Spell_BardPTooltip_D_nS_Tooltip}}

    Meep spawn time and max both improve with number of Chimes.
    At @ChimesForSlowUpgrade@ Chimes, Meeps also Slow by @f2@% for @TooltipSlowDuration@ second.
    At @ChimesForSplashDamageUpgrade@ Chimes, Meeps also hit in an area around and behind the enemy.
    At @ChimesForSplashAreaUpgrade@ Chimes, the area is larger.
    The Move Speed can stack up to @TooltipMSMax@%.
    The Experience increases by 1 per minute after 5 minutes.
    Traveler's CallBard attracts Chimes randomly around the map. When Bard moves near a Chime he collects it, gaining @TooltipMSPerStack@% Move Speed out of combat for @TooltipMSDuration@ seconds, @f1@ Experience, and restoring @TooltipManaRestore@% max Mana.

    Bard attracts a Meep every @f5@ seconds (max: @f4@). Bard's Attacks consume a Meep to deal an additional @MeepDamageNoChime@ plus @TooltipDamagePerCheckpoint@ per @TooltipChimeDamageCheckpoint@ Chimes magic damage, plus additional effects based on Chimes collected.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBel'Veth gains permanent attack speed stacks after taking down large minions and monsters and champions. She also gains temporary bonus attack speed after using an ability.Death in Lavender Death in Lavender After using an Ability, Bel'Veth becomes Ghosted and her next @SheenNumberOfAttacks@ Attacks gain @SheenSpeedPerStack@ Attack Speed.

    Bel'veth gains @MonsterStacks@ Lavender stack for large minion and monster takedowns and @ChampionStacks@ Lavender stacks for champion and epic monster takedowns. Each stack permanently grants @AttackSpeedPerStack@% Attack Speed.

    Total bonus Attack Speed: @TotalAttackSpeedFromStacks@%
    Death in Lavender {{Spell_BelvethPassive_Tooltip}}

    Bel'veth Attacks faster than normal but her Attacks deal damage at @AttackADRatio*100@% effectiveness and her On-Hit Effects are applied at @OnHitRatio*100@% effectiveness.
    Bel'Veth does not gain Attack Speed on level up and has no cap on Attack Speed.
    Death in Lavender Death in Lavender After using an Ability, Bel'Veth becomes Ghosted and her next @SheenNumberOfAttacks@ Attacks gain @SheenSpeedPerStack@ Attack Speed.

    Bel'veth gains @MonsterStacks@ Lavender stack for large minion and monster takedowns and @ChampionStacks@ Lavender stacks for champion and epic monster takedowns. Each stack permanently grants @AttackSpeedPerStack@% Attack Speed.

    Total bonus Attack Speed: @TotalAttackSpeedFromStacks@%

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBrand's spells light his targets ablaze, dealing damage over 4 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. If Brand kills an enemy while it is ablaze he regains mana. When Blaze reaches max stacks on a Champion or large monster, it becomes unstable. It detonates in 2 seconds, applying spell effects and dealing massive damage in an area around the victim.BlazeBlazeBrand's Abilities light his targets Ablaze, dealing @PercentHealthDamage@% max Health magic damage over 4 seconds. If Brand kills a unit that is Ablaze, he regains @ManaRestore@ mana. Blaze can stack up to 3 times.

    When a champion or large jungle monster reaches 3 stacks, the Blaze will detonate after 2 seconds, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ max Health magic damage to surrounding enemies.

    This Ability deals @MonsterMod@% damage to jungle monsters and deals a max of 80 damage per second.
    BlazeBlazeBrand's Abilities light his targets Ablaze, dealing @PercentHealthDamage@% max Health magic damage over 4 seconds. If Brand kills a unit that is Ablaze, he regains @ManaRestore@ mana. Blaze can stack up to 3 times.

    When a champion or large jungle monster reaches 3 stacks, the Blaze will detonate after 2 seconds, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ max Health magic damage to surrounding enemies.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBraum's basic attacks apply Concussive Blows. Once the first stack is applied, ally basic attacks also stack Concussive Blows.

    Upon reaching 4 stacks, the target is stunned and takes magic damage. For the next few seconds they cannot receive new stacks, but take bonus magic damage from Braum's attacks.Concussive BlowsConcussive BlowsBraum's Attacks apply Concussive Blows for @StackDuration@ seconds. Enemies with Concussive Blows gain additional stacks from any ally's Attacks.

    At @StackCap@ stacks, the target is Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and takes @TotalDamage@ magic damage. For the next @StunCD@ seconds they don't receive stacks, but take an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage from Braum's Attacks.
    Concussive BlowsConcussive BlowsBraum's Attacks apply Concussive Blows for @StackDuration@ seconds. Enemies with Concussive Blows gain additional stacks from any ally's Attacks.

    At @StackCap@ stacks, the target is Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and takes @TotalDamage@ magic damage. For the next @StunCD@ seconds they don't receive stacks, but take an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage from Braum's Attacks.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvery few basic attacks, or against a target she has trapped or netted, Caitlyn will fire a headshot dealing bonus damage that scales with her critical strike chance. On trapped or netted targets, Caitlyn's Headshot attack range is doubled.HeadshotHeadshotEvery @AttacksPerHeadshot@ Attacks, Caitlyn fires a Headshot. Attacks while in brush count as @BrushAttackTotal@ for building towards a Headshot.

    Headshots deal an additional @HeadShotBonusDamage@ physical damage. They have double range against enemies affected by {{Spell_CaitlynEntrapment_Name}} and {{Spell_CaitlynYordleTrap_Name}}. Headshots against enemies hit by {{Spell_CaitlynYordleTrap_Name}} deal a further @spell.CaitlynW:HeadshotBonusDamage@ physical damage.

    Headshot damage scales with level, Critical Strike Chance, and Critical Strike Damage.
    Headshots deal an additional @HeadShotMinionBonusDamage@ physical damage to non-champions.
    Extra damage on trapped targets scales with {{Spell_CaitlynYordleTrap_Name}} rank.
    HeadshotHeadshotEvery @AttacksPerHeadshot@ Attacks, Caitlyn fires a Headshot. Attacks while in brush count as @BrushAttackTotal@ for building towards a Headshot.

    Headshots deal an additional @HeadShotBonusDamage@ physical damage. They have double range against enemies affected by {{Spell_CaitlynEntrapment_Name}} and {{Spell_CaitlynYordleTrap_Name}}. Headshots against enemies hit by {{Spell_CaitlynYordleTrap_Name}} deal a further @spell.CaitlynW:HeadshotBonusDamage@ physical damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBasic attacks on champions grant a shield equal to a percentage of Camille's maximum health against their damage type (Physical or Magic) for a brief duration.Adaptive DefensesAdaptive DefensesCamille's Attacks on champions grant @ShieldAmount@ Shield against their damage type (Physical or Magic) for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. This effect has a @PassiveCooldown@ second Cooldown.Adaptive DefensesAdaptive DefensesCamille's Attacks on champions grant @ShieldAmount@ Shield against their damage type (Physical or Magic) for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. This effect has a @PassiveCooldown@ second Cooldown.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoIf Teemo stands still and takes no actions for a short duration, he becomes Invisible indefinitely. If he's in brush, Teemo can enter and maintain his Invisibility while moving. After leaving Invisibility, Teemo gains the Element of Surprise, increasing his Attack Speed for a few seconds.Guerrilla WarfareGuerrilla WarfareIf Teemo stands still for 1.5 seconds without being damaged, he becomes Invisible until he moves. While in a brush, he can maintain Invisibility while moving.

    Upon exiting this Invisibility, Teemo gains @BonusAS@ Attack Speed for @ASDuration@ seconds.
    Guerrilla Warfare{{game_character_passiveTooltip_Teemo}}

    Guerrilla WarfareGuerrilla WarfareIf Teemo stands still for 1.5 seconds without being damaged, he becomes Invisible until he moves. While in a brush, he can maintain Invisibility while moving.

    Upon exiting this Invisibility, Teemo gains @BonusAS@ Attack Speed for @ASDuration@ seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWhenever Cho'Gath kills a unit, he recovers Health and Mana. The values restored increase with Cho'Gath's level.CarnivoreCarnivoreKilling an enemy restores @ChogathCarnivoreHeal@ Health and @ChogathCarnivoreMana@ Mana.CarnivoreCarnivoreKilling an enemy restores @ChogathCarnivoreHeal@ Health and @ChogathCarnivoreMana@ Mana.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCassiopeia gains Move Speed per level, but she cannot purchase Boots items.Serpentine GraceSerpentine GraceCassiopeia gains @TotalMovementSpeed@ Move Speed but cannot purchase Boots.Serpentine GraceSerpentine GraceCassiopeia gains @TotalMovementSpeed@ Move Speed but cannot purchase Boots.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSoraka runs faster towards nearby low health allies.SalvationSalvationSoraka gains @MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed while moving towards allied champions who are below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health. Salvation{{Spell_Consecration_Self_Tooltip}}

    Allies must be within @CastRange@ range of Soraka.
    SalvationSalvationSoraka gains @MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed while moving towards allied champions who are below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDarius' attacks and damaging abilities cause enemies to bleed for physical damage over 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Darius enrages and gains massive Attack Damage when his target reaches max stacks.HemorrhageHemorrhageDarius' Attacks and damaging Abilities cause the target to Hemorrhage, dealing @BleedDamagePerStack@ physical damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.

    When an enemy reaches max stacks or is killed by {{Spell_DariusR_Name}}, Darius gains an additional @NoxianMightBonusAD@ Attack Damage and applies @MaxStacks@ Hemorrhage stacks on all Attack or damaging Ability hits for @BleedDuration@ seconds.

    Hemorrhage deals @MonsterMod*100@% damage to jungle monsters.
    HemorrhageHemorrhageDarius' Attacks and damaging Abilities cause the target to Hemorrhage, dealing @BleedDamagePerStack@ physical damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.

    When an enemy reaches max stacks or is killed by {{Spell_DariusR_Name}}, Darius gains an additional @NoxianMightBonusAD@ Attack Damage and applies @MaxStacks@ Hemorrhage stacks on all Attack or damaging Ability hits for @BleedDuration@ seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvery third strike cleaves nearby enemies for an additional magic damage. After casting a spell, Diana gains Attack Speed for her next 3 attacks.Moonsilver BladeMoonsilver BladeDiana gains @BonusAS@ Attack Speed, increased to @EmpoweredAS@ for 3 seconds after using an Ability.

    Every third Attack cleaves nearby enemies for an additional @CleaveDamage@ magic damage.
    Moonsilver Blade{{Spell_DianaPassive_Tooltip}}

    Moonsilver Blade deals @Monstermod*100@% damage to monsters.
    Moonsilver BladeMoonsilver BladeDiana gains @BonusAS@ Attack Speed, increased to @EmpoweredAS@ for 3 seconds after using an Ability.

    Every third Attack cleaves nearby enemies for an additional @CleaveDamage@ magic damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDr. Mundo resists the first Immobilizing effect that hits him, instead losing Health and dropping a chemical cannister nearby. Dr. Mundo can pick it up by walking over it, restoring Health and reducing this Ability's Cooldown.

    Dr. Mundo also has significantly increased Health regeneration.
    Goes Where He PleasesGoes Where He Pleases@PassiveCooldown@ SecondsDr. Mundo resists the first Immobilizing effect that hits him, instead losing @CurrentHealthLoss*100@% current Health and dropping a chemical cannister nearby for @CannisterGroundDuration@ seconds. Moving over it reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @PassiveCooldownRefund@ seconds and restores @MaxHealthGain*100@% max Health. Enemy champions moving over the cannister destroy it.

    Dr. Mundo regenerates @MaxHealthRegen@ max Health every 5 seconds.
    Goes Where He Pleases@PassiveCooldown@ SecondsGoes Where He Pleases@PassiveCooldown@ SecondsDr. Mundo resists the first Immobilizing effect that hits him, instead losing @CurrentHealthLoss*100@% current Health and dropping a chemical cannister nearby for @CannisterGroundDuration@ seconds. Moving over it reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @PassiveCooldownRefund@ seconds and restores @MaxHealthGain*100@% max Health. Enemy champions moving over the cannister destroy it.

    Dr. Mundo regenerates @MaxHealthRegen@ max Health every 5 seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDraven gains his fans' Adoration when he catches a Spinning Axe or kills a minion, monster, or tower. Killing enemy champions grants Draven bonus gold based on how much Adoration he has.League of DravenLeague of DravenDraven gains a stack whenever he kills a non-champion unit or turret, catches a Spinning Axe, and 2 stacks whenever he kills 6 minions in a row without dropping a Spinning Axe.

    Draven gains @PassiveGoldBase@ gold plus @PassiveGoldPerStack@ additional gold per stack upon killing a champion. Draven loses @PercentOfStacksLost@% of stacks upon death.

    Total Gold Earned: @DravenPassiveGoldEarned@
    Highest Reward: @DravenPassiveHighestBounty@
    League of DravenLeague of DravenDraven gains a stack whenever he kills a non-champion unit or turret, catches a Spinning Axe, and 2 stacks whenever he kills 6 minions in a row without dropping a Spinning Axe.

    Draven gains @PassiveGoldBase@ gold plus @PassiveGoldPerStack@ additional gold per stack upon killing a champion. Draven loses @PercentOfStacksLost@% of stacks upon death.

    Total Gold Earned: @DravenPassiveGoldEarned@
    Highest Reward: @DravenPassiveHighestBounty@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvery third attack or damaging spell on the same target deals bonus magic damage, and grants Ekko a burst of speed if the target is a champion.

    Z-Drive ResonanceZ-Drive ResonanceEvery third Attack or damaging Ability on the same target deals an additional @ThreeHitDamage@ magic damage. If the target is a champion, Ekko gains @BonusMS@ Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds. This effect can't trigger on the same enemy more than once every 5 seconds.Z-Drive Resonance{{Spell_EkkoPassive_Tooltip}}

    This effect deals @f5@% damage to monsters.
    Z-Drive ResonanceZ-Drive ResonanceEvery third Attack or damaging Ability on the same target deals an additional @ThreeHitDamage@ magic damage. If the target is a champion, Ekko gains @BonusMS@ Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds. This effect can't trigger on the same enemy more than once every 5 seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHuman Form: When Elise's abilities hit an enemy, she gains a dormant Spiderling.

    Spider Form: Basic attacks deal bonus magic damage and restore health to Elise.Spider QueenSpider QueenElise begins the game with a point in her Ultimate, allowing her to shapeshift between Human Form and Spider Form.

    Human Form: Elise's Ability hits grant her a dormant Spiderling (max @f3@).

    Spider Form: Attacks deal an additional @spell.EliseR:PassiveTotalDamage@ magic damage and restore @spell.EliseR:PassiveTotalHealing@ Health.
    Spider Queen{{Spell_ElisePassive_Tooltip}}

    Max Spiderlings increases with ranks in Elise's ultimate.
    Spider QueenSpider QueenElise begins the game with a point in her Ultimate, allowing her to shapeshift between Human Form and Spider Form.

    Human Form: Elise's Ability hits grant her a dormant Spiderling (max @f3@).

    Spider Form: Attacks deal an additional @spell.EliseR:PassiveTotalDamage@ magic damage and restore @spell.EliseR:PassiveTotalHealing@ Health.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWhen out of combat, Evelynn enters Demon Shade. Demon Shade heals Evelynn when she is low on health and grants Camouflage after level 6.Demon ShadeDemon ShadeEvelynn enshrouds herself in her Demon Shade after @DemonShadeTimer@ seconds of not Attacking or using Abilities. Demon Shade restores @HealPerSecondTOOLTIP@ Health per second while below @HealingThresholdTOOLTIP@ Health. From level 6 onward, it also grants Camouflage.

    Taking damage from champions or towers removes Demon Shade for @StealthDropTimer@ seconds.
    Demon ShadeEvelynn enshrouds herself in her Demon Shade after @DemonShadeTimer@ seconds of not attacking or using abilities. Demon Shade restores @HealPerSecondTOOLTIP@ Health per second while below @HealingThresholdTOOLTIP@ Health. From level 6 onward, it also grants Camouflage.

    Taking damage from champions or turrets removes Demon Shade for @StealthDropTimer@ seconds.

    Camouflaged units cannot be seen unless an enemy champion is inside their detection radius.
    Demon ShadeDemon ShadeEvelynn enshrouds herself in her Demon Shade after @DemonShadeTimer@ seconds of not Attacking or using Abilities. Demon Shade restores @HealPerSecondTOOLTIP@ Health per second while below @HealingThresholdTOOLTIP@ Health. From level 6 onward, it also grants Camouflage.

    Taking damage from champions or towers removes Demon Shade for @StealthDropTimer@ seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEzreal gains increasing Attack Speed each time he successfully hits a spell, stacking up to 5 times.Rising Spell ForceEzreal's Ability hits grant him @AttackSpeedPerStack.0*100@% Attack Speed for @StackDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.Rising Spell ForceRising Spell ForceEzreal's Ability hits grant him @AttackSpeedPerStack.0*100@% Attack Speed for @StackDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFiddlesticks' trinket is replaced by scarecrow effigies.A Harmless ScarecrowA Harmless ScarecrowFiddlesticks' trinket is replaced by Scarecrow Effigies. When discovered by enemies, Effigies briefly impersonate Fiddlesticks. If Fiddlesticks does not move for 2 seconds, he will impersonate an Effigy. At level six Effigies reveal nearby wards for 6 seconds.A Harmless ScarecrowA Harmless ScarecrowFiddlesticks' trinket is replaced by Scarecrow Effigies. When discovered by enemies, Effigies briefly impersonate Fiddlesticks. If Fiddlesticks does not move for 2 seconds, he will impersonate an Effigy. At level six Effigies reveal nearby wards for 6 seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFiora challenges nearby enemy Champions to dodge her. She calls out a direction from which she will try to strike. If she can complete her own challenge, she receives a small bonus and calls out a new direction.Duelist's DanceDuelist's DanceFiora identifies Vitals on enemy champions. Hitting this Vital with an Attack or Ability deals an additional @PassiveDamageTotal@ max Health true damage, grants Fiora @spell.FioraR:PercentMS@% Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds, and restores @PassiveHealAmount@ Health

    Fiora reveals a new Vital after 15 seconds or after striking one.
    Duelist's DanceDuelist's DanceFiora identifies Vitals on enemy champions. Hitting this Vital with an Attack or Ability deals an additional @PassiveDamageTotal@ max Health true damage, grants Fiora @spell.FioraR:PercentMS@% Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds, and restores @PassiveHealAmount@ Health

    Fiora reveals a new Vital after 15 seconds or after striking one.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoFizz can move through units and takes a flat amount of reduced damage from all sourcesNimble FighterNimble FighterFizz is Ghosted and takes @DamageReductionCalc@ reduced damage from all sources.Nimble Fighter{{Spell_FizzPassive_Tooltip}}

    Ghosted units ignore collision with other units.
    Damage cannot be reduced by more than @DamageReductionMax*100@%.
    Nimble FighterNimble FighterFizz is Ghosted and takes @DamageReductionCalc@ reduced damage from all sources.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvery few seconds, Galio's next basic attack deals bonus magic damage in an area.Colossal SmashColossal Smash%i:cooldown% @PassiveCooldownModified@sGalio's Attacks deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies. This effect has a @PassiveCooldownModified@ second Cooldown.Colossal Smash%i:cooldown% @PassiveCooldownModified@sColossal Smash%i:cooldown% @PassiveCooldownModified@sGalio's Attacks deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies. This effect has a @PassiveCooldownModified@ second Cooldown.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvery few seconds, Gangplank's melee strike will set his opponent on fire.Trial by FireTrial by FireGangplank's melee Attacks ignite the target, dealing an additional @TotalDamage@ true damage over @DoTDuration@ seconds and granting Gangplank @MoveSpeed@ Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Destroying a Powder Keg refreshes this Cooldown and grants Gangplank the same Move Speed.
    Trial by Fire{{Spell_GangplankPassive_Tooltip}}

    Deals 50% damage to turrets.
    Trial By Fire's damage increases based on Critical Strike Chance.
    {{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Name}} does not deal this Ability's bonus damage.
    Trial by FireTrial by FireGangplank's melee Attacks ignite the target, dealing an additional @TotalDamage@ true damage over @DoTDuration@ seconds and granting Gangplank @MoveSpeed@ Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Destroying a Powder Keg refreshes this Cooldown and grants Gangplank the same Move Speed.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoIf Garen has not recently been struck by damage or enemy abilities, he regenerates a percentage of his total health each second.PerseverancePerseveranceGaren regenerates @RegenCalc@ max Health every 5 seconds if he has not been damaged or hit with enemy Abilities in the last @DamageTimer@ seconds.Perseverance{{Spell_GarenPassive_Tooltip}}

    Minion and non-epic jungle monster damage does not stop the regeneration.
    PerseverancePerseveranceGaren regenerates @RegenCalc@ max Health every 5 seconds if he has not been damaged or hit with enemy Abilities in the last @DamageTimer@ seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWhile in combat Gnar generates Rage. At maximum Rage his next ability will transform him into Mega Gnar, granting increased survivability and access to new spells.Rage GeneRage GeneGnar generates Rage by dealing and receiving damage. At max Rage his next Ability transforms him into Mega Gnar for 15 seconds.

    Mini Gnar: Gain @TotalMS@ Move Speed, @TotalAS@ Attack Speed, and @TotalAttackRange@ Attack Range.

    Mega Gnar: Gain @TotalMegaGnarHealth@ max Health, @TotalMegaGnarArmor@ Armor, @TotalMegaGnarMR@ Magic Resist, and @TotalMegaGnarAD@ Attack Damage.
    Rage Gene{{spell_GnarPassive_Tooltip}}

    At max Rage, Gnar will automatically transform after 4 seconds if he does not use an Ability.
    Rage decays after 13 seconds if Gnar has not dealt or received damage.
    Rage gain is greater when dealing damage to champions.
    Rage GeneRage GeneGnar generates Rage by dealing and receiving damage. At max Rage his next Ability transforms him into Mega Gnar for 15 seconds.

    Mini Gnar: Gain @TotalMS@ Move Speed, @TotalAS@ Attack Speed, and @TotalAttackRange@ Attack Range.

    Mega Gnar: Gain @TotalMegaGnarHealth@ max Health, @TotalMegaGnarArmor@ Armor, @TotalMegaGnarMR@ Magic Resist, and @TotalMegaGnarAD@ Attack Damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGragas periodically heals upon using a skill.Happy HourHappy HourWhen Gragas uses an Ability, Gragas takes a drink, restoring @HealAmount@ Health. This effect has an 8 second Cooldown.Happy HourHappy HourWhen Gragas uses an Ability, Gragas takes a drink, restoring @HealAmount@ Health. This effect has an 8 second Cooldown.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGraves' shotgun has some unique properties. He must reload when he runs out of ammo. Attacks fire 4 bullets, which cannot pass through units. Non-champions struck by multiple bullets are knocked back.New DestinyNew DestinyGraves' Attacks have unique properties:
  1300. It can only fire two Shells before he must reload. Attack Speed reduces reload time slightly, but reduces time between shots dramatically.
  1301. Each Attack fires 4 bullets. The first bullet on a target deals @SingleBulletDamage@ physical damage, and subsequent bullets deal @MultiBulletDamage@ each. Instead of normal Critical effects, Critical strikes fire 6 bullets and deal @CritDamageMult@ more damage. Structures take @StructureDamageReduction*100@% reduced damage.
  1302. Bullets stop on the first unit hit. Non-champions struck by multiple bullets are Knocked Back.New DestinyNew DestinyGraves' Attacks have unique properties:
  1303. It can only fire two Shells before he must reload. Attack Speed reduces reload time slightly, but reduces time between shots dramatically.
  1304. Each Attack fires 4 bullets. The first bullet on a target deals @SingleBulletDamage@ physical damage, and subsequent bullets deal @MultiBulletDamage@ each. Instead of normal Critical effects, Critical strikes fire 6 bullets and deal @CritDamageMult@ more damage. Structures take @StructureDamageReduction*100@% reduced damage.
  1305. Bullets stop on the first unit hit. Non-champions struck by multiple bullets are Knocked Back.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGwen's attacks deal bonus magic damage based on the targets health. She heals for a portion of the damage dealt to champions by this effect. A Thousand CutsA Thousand CutsGwen's Attacks deal an additional @PercentHealth1000Cuts@ Max Health magic damage on hit. Gwen recovers health equal to @HealingPercent@ of the damage this Ability deals to champions.
    A Thousand Cuts{{ spell_gwenP_tooltip }}

    Max damage to monsters: @MonsterDamageCap@. Deals @ExecuteDamage@ bonus damage to minions below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% health.
    A Thousand CutsA Thousand CutsGwen's Attacks deal an additional @PercentHealth1000Cuts@ Max Health magic damage on hit. Gwen recovers health equal to @HealingPercent@ of the damage this Ability deals to champions.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoHecarim gains Attack Damage equal to a percentage of his bonus Move Speed.WarpathWarpathHecarim gains @BonusAD@ Attack Damage.Warpath{{Spell_HecarimPassive_Tooltip}}

    Attack Damage scales with bonus Move speed.
    WarpathWarpathHecarim gains @BonusAD@ Attack Damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoZilean stores time as Experience and can grant it to his allies. When he has enough Experience to finish an ally's level up, he can right-click them to impart it. Zilean receives as much Experience as he gives.Time In A BottleTime In A BottleZilean stores time as Experience at a rate of @XPPer5@ per 5 seconds. Zilean can grant this Experience to his allies when he has enough to complete their next level up by right-clicking them, and doing so gives Zilean the same amount of Experience. This effect has a 120 second Cooldown.Time In A Bottle{{Spell_HeightenedLearning_Tooltip}}

    Total awarded: @TotalXP@ Experience.

    Experience can't be granted in combat.
    Time In A BottleTime In A BottleZilean stores time as Experience at a rate of @XPPer5@ per 5 seconds. Zilean can grant this Experience to his allies when he has enough to complete their next level up by right-clicking them, and doing so gives Zilean the same amount of Experience. This effect has a 120 second Cooldown.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHextech AffinityHextech AffinityHeimerdinger gains @MovementSpeed.0*100@% Move Speed near his Turrets and ally towers.Hextech AffinityHextech AffinityHeimerdinger gains @MovementSpeed.0*100@% Move Speed near his Turrets and ally towers.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoIllaoi and the Vessels she creates spawn Tentacles on nearby impassible terrain. Tentacles swing at spirits, Vessels, and victims of Illaoi's Harsh lesson. Tentacles deal physical damage to enemies hit, and will heal Illaoi if they damage a champion.Prophet of an Elder GodProphet of an Elder GodIllaoi draws the presence of her god, spawning a Tentacle on nearby terrain if no other Tentacles are nearby (@SpawnCD@ second cooldown). Tentacles will not attack on their own, but can be made to Slam by Illaoi's Abilities.

    Slam deals @SlamDamageTotalTooltip@ physical damage. Hitting at least one enemy champion restores @MissingHPPercentHeal*100@% missing Health to Illaoi.
    Prophet of an Elder God{{Spell_IllaoiPassive_Tooltip}}

    Enemies hit by multiple Slams at once take 50% damage for the second and 25% damage for all additional Slams.
    Tentacles last until killed or Illaoi is out of range for @TentacleDisabledLifetime@ seconds.
    Prophet of an Elder GodProphet of an Elder GodIllaoi draws the presence of her god, spawning a Tentacle on nearby terrain if no other Tentacles are nearby (@SpawnCD@ second cooldown). Tentacles will not attack on their own, but can be made to Slam by Illaoi's Abilities.

    Slam deals @SlamDamageTotalTooltip@ physical damage. Hitting at least one enemy champion restores @MissingHPPercentHeal*100@% missing Health to Illaoi.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWhen Irelia strikes enemies with spells she gains stacking bonus Attack Speed. At maximum stacks she also gains bonus damage on hit.Ionian FervorIonian FervorIrelia gains a stack for @BuffDuration@ seconds when she hits an enemy with an Ability (max @MaxStacks@). She gains @SingleStackAS@% Attack Speed per stack, and at max stacks her Attacks deal an additional @OnHitBonus@ magic damage.

    Attacking a champion or large monster refreshes the duration of the stacks. Irelia gains a stack for each champion hit, or if she hits at least one non-champion enemy.
    Ionian FervorIonian FervorIrelia gains a stack for @BuffDuration@ seconds when she hits an enemy with an Ability (max @MaxStacks@). She gains @SingleStackAS@% Attack Speed per stack, and at max stacks her Attacks deal an additional @OnHitBonus@ magic damage.

    Attacking a champion or large monster refreshes the duration of the stacks. Irelia gains a stack for each champion hit, or if she hits at least one non-champion enemy.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoIvern cannot attack or be attacked by non-epic monsters. Ivern can create magical groves on jungle camps which grow over time. When the grove is fully grown, Ivern may free the monsters to receive gold and experience. After level 5 Ivern can share jungle buffs with allies.Friend of the ForestFriend of the ForestIvern will not hurt non-epic jungle monsters. Instead Ivern can right click a jungle monster to create a grove that costs @HealthTooltip@ Health and @ManaTooltip@ Mana and grows over @HarvestDuration@ seconds.

    When fully grown, clicking on the grove frees the jungle monsters, granting their Gold and Experience. Smiting a grove instantly frees it.

    Starting at level @LevelForBuffShare@, Ivern freeing or allies killing a buff monster creates an extra buff.
    Friend of the Forest{{Spell_IvernP_Tooltip}}

    If the buff monster was killed by an ally, only Ivern can pick it up. If it was freed by Ivern, only an ally can pick it up.
    Friend of the ForestFriend of the ForestIvern will not hurt non-epic jungle monsters. Instead Ivern can right click a jungle monster to create a grove that costs @HealthTooltip@ Health and @ManaTooltip@ Mana and grows over @HarvestDuration@ seconds.

    When fully grown, clicking on the grove frees the jungle monsters, granting their Gold and Experience. Smiting a grove instantly frees it.

    Starting at level @LevelForBuffShare@, Ivern freeing or allies killing a buff monster creates an extra buff.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoJarvan's first basic attack on an enemy deals bonus physical damage based on their current Health. This effect cannot occur again on the same enemy for a few seconds.Martial CadenceMartial CadenceJarvan's Attacks deal an additional @TooltipCurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health physical damage. This effect has a @TooltipCooldown@ second Cooldown per target.Martial Cadence{{ Spell_JarvanIVMartialCadence_Tooltip }}

    Deals a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 400 damage to non-champions.
    Martial CadenceMartial CadenceJarvan's Attacks deal an additional @TooltipCurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health physical damage. This effect has a @TooltipCooldown@ second Cooldown per target.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRelentless AssaultRelentless AssaultJax's Attacks grant a stack for 2.5 seconds that gives him @AttackSpeedPerStack@ Attack Speed (max @MaxBonusAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed).Relentless AssaultRelentless AssaultJax's Attacks grant a stack for 2.5 seconds that gives him @AttackSpeedPerStack@ Attack Speed (max @MaxBonusAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed).
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWhen Jayce swaps weapons he gains Move Speed for a short duration.Hextech CapacitorHextech CapacitorJayce can swap between melee and ranged weapons using Mercury Cannon / Mercury Hammer starting from level 1. Swapping weapons also swaps all his Abilities and grants him @FlatMovementSpeed@ Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.Hextech CapacitorHextech CapacitorJayce can swap between melee and ranged weapons using Mercury Cannon / Mercury Hammer starting from level 1. Swapping weapons also swaps all his Abilities and grants him @FlatMovementSpeed@ Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWhisperWhisperJhin's hand cannon has a fixed Attack Speed and can be fired @MaxAmmo@ times before needing to be reloaded. The @MaxAmmo@th shot always critically strikes, and deals an additional @FourthShotExecutePercent@ missing health physical damage.

    In addition:
  1306. Jhin gains @TotalADPercent@ bonus Attack Damage
  1307. Jhin's critical strikes deal @CritReductionPercent*100@% less damage but grant him @CritMoveSpeedPercent@ Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds.

    Attack Damage scales with Critical Strike Chance and bonus Attack Speed.
    Move Speed scales with bonus Attack Speed.
    WhisperWhisperJhin's hand cannon has a fixed Attack Speed and can be fired @MaxAmmo@ times before needing to be reloaded. The @MaxAmmo@th shot always critically strikes, and deals an additional @FourthShotExecutePercent@ missing health physical damage.

    In addition:
  1308. Jhin gains @TotalADPercent@ bonus Attack Damage
  1309. Jhin's critical strikes deal @CritReductionPercent*100@% less damage but grant him @CritMoveSpeedPercent@ Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoJinx receives massively increased Move Speed and Attack Speed whenever she helps kill or destroy an enemy champions epic jungle monster, or structure.Get Excited!Get Excited!Whenever a champion, epic jungle monster, or structure that Jinx has dealt damage to within the last @AssistMarkerDuration@ seconds is killed or destroyed, she gains @MSBuff@% decaying Move Speed and @ASBuff@% Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds.Get Excited!{{Spell_JinxPassiveMarker_Tooltip}}

    While excited Jinx can exceed the Attack Speed cap.
    Get Excited!Get Excited!Whenever a champion, epic jungle monster, or structure that Jinx has dealt damage to within the last @AssistMarkerDuration@ seconds is killed or destroyed, she gains @MSBuff@% decaying Move Speed and @ASBuff@% Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKai'Sa's basic attacks stack Plasma, dealing increasing bonus magic damage. Allies' immobilizing effects help stack Plasma. Additionally, Kai'Sa's item purchases upgrade her basic spells to have more powerful properties.Second SkinSecond SkinKai'Sa's Attacks stack Plasma for @PDuration@ seconds and deal an additional @PBaseDamage@ plus @PCurrentPerStackDamage@ per stack magic damage. Attacking an enemy with @PMaxStacks@ stacks consumes the Plasma, dealing @PExecutePercentage@ missing Health magic damage. Nearby allies apply @PAllyStacks@ stack to champions they Immobilize.

    Kai'Sa's suit evolves her basic Abilities based on her stats.
    Icathian Rain: @f1@/@spell.KaisaQ:Effect6Amount@ Bonus Attack Damage
    Void Seeker: @f2@/@spell.KaisaW:Effect2Amount@ Ability Power
    Supercharge: @f3@/@spell.KaisaE:Effect6Amount@% Bonus Attack Speed
    Second Skin{{Spell_KaisaPassive_Tooltip}}

    Consuming Plasma deals a maximum of @PDamageCap@ magic damage to monsters.
    Attack Damage gained from levelling up also progresses the Evolution of Icathian Rain
    Second SkinSecond SkinKai'Sa's Attacks stack Plasma for @PDuration@ seconds and deal an additional @PBaseDamage@ plus @PCurrentPerStackDamage@ per stack magic damage. Attacking an enemy with @PMaxStacks@ stacks consumes the Plasma, dealing @PExecutePercentage@ missing Health magic damage. Nearby allies apply @PAllyStacks@ stack to champions they Immobilize.

    Kai'Sa's suit evolves her basic Abilities based on her stats.
    Icathian Rain: @f1@/@spell.KaisaQ:Effect6Amount@ Bonus Attack Damage
    Void Seeker: @f2@/@spell.KaisaW:Effect2Amount@ Ability Power
    Supercharge: @f3@/@spell.KaisaE:Effect6Amount@% Bonus Attack Speed

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEnter a movement command while winding up Kalista's basic attack or Pierce to lunge a short distance when she launches her attack.Martial PoiseMartial PoiseEnter a movement command while winding up Kalista's basic attack or Pierce to lunge a short distance when she launches her attack.

    Lunge distance scales with boot tier.

    Kalista's basic attacks have unique drawbacks. They:
    • Cannot be cancelled;
    • Miss if her target leaves vision;
    • Deal only 90% of her total attack damage.
    Martial Poise{{Spell_KalistaPassiveBuff_Tooltip}}

    Kalista's Attacks cannot be cancelled and deal no damage if the target leaves vision.
    Dash distance scales with boot tier.

    Martial PoiseMartial PoiseEnter a movement command while winding up Kalista's basic attack or Pierce to lunge a short distance when she launches her attack.

    Lunge distance scales with boot tier.

    Kalista's basic attacks have unique drawbacks. They:
    • Cannot be cancelled;
    • Miss if her target leaves vision;
    • Deal only 90% of her total attack damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKarma's damaging abilities will reduce the cooldown of Mantra.Gathering FireGathering FireKarma begins the game with a point in {{Spell_KarmaMantra_Name}}.

    She reduces the Cooldown of {{Spell_KarmaMantra_Name}} by @SpellMantraRefund@ seconds when she damages a champion with an Ability.
    Gathering FireGathering FireKarma begins the game with a point in {{Spell_KarmaMantra_Name}}.

    She reduces the Cooldown of {{Spell_KarmaMantra_Name}} by @SpellMantraRefund@ seconds when she damages a champion with an Ability.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoUpon dying, Karthus enters a spirit form that allows him to continue casting spells.Death DefiedDeath DefiedWhen Karthus dies he can use his Abilities for free for @PassiveDuration@ seconds.Death DefiedDeath DefiedWhen Karthus dies he can use his Abilities for free for @PassiveDuration@ seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWhenever an enemy champion dies that Katarina has damaged recently, her remaining ability cooldowns are dramatically reduced.

    If Katarina picks up a Dagger, she uses it to slash through all nearby enemies, dealing magic damage.VoracityVoracityWhenever an enemy champion dies that Katarina has damaged in the last @ResetWindow@ seconds, her Ability Cooldowns are reduced by @ResetCDR@ seconds.

    If Katarina picks up a Dagger, she uses it to slash through all nearby enemies, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Dagger slashes apply On-Hit Effects to champions.
    VoracityVoracityWhenever an enemy champion dies that Katarina has damaged in the last @ResetWindow@ seconds, her Ability Cooldowns are reduced by @ResetCDR@ seconds.

    If Katarina picks up a Dagger, she uses it to slash through all nearby enemies, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKayle's attacks are empowered by the heavens as she levels up and spends skill points. Her wings are lit aflame as she progressively gains Attack Speed, Move Speed, Attack Range, and waves of fire on her attacks.Divine AscentDivine AscentKayle's Attacks rank up as she gains levels and spends Ability points.
  1310. Level @LevelForPassiveRank0@: Kayle's Attacks grant @EnrageTotalASPerStack@% Attack Speed for @EnrageDuration@ seconds, stacking up to 5 times. At max stacks, Kayle becomes Exalted, gaining @MSTowardsEnemy*100@% Move Speed.
  1311. Level @LevelForPassiveRank1@: Attack range is increased to @UpgradedAttackRange@.
  1312. Level @LevelForPassiveRank2@: Attacks while Exalted launch fire waves that deal @Spell.KayleE:PassiveWaveDamage@ magic damage.
  1313. Level @LevelForPassiveRank3@: Kayle is permanently Exalted. Attack range is increased to @FinalAttackRange@.
    Divine Ascent{{ Spell_KaylePassive_Tooltip }}
    Fire waves apply Ability effects and can critically strike. Their damage scales with {{Spell_KayleE_Name}}'s Ability rank.
    Divine AscentDivine AscentKayle's Attacks rank up as she gains levels and spends Ability points.
  1314. Level @LevelForPassiveRank0@: Kayle's Attacks grant @EnrageTotalASPerStack@% Attack Speed for @EnrageDuration@ seconds, stacking up to 5 times. At max stacks, Kayle becomes Exalted, gaining @MSTowardsEnemy*100@% Move Speed.
  1315. Level @LevelForPassiveRank1@: Attack range is increased to @UpgradedAttackRange@.
  1316. Level @LevelForPassiveRank2@: Attacks while Exalted launch fire waves that deal @Spell.KayleE:PassiveWaveDamage@ magic damage.
  1317. Level @LevelForPassiveRank3@: Kayle is permanently Exalted. Attack range is increased to @FinalAttackRange@.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKayn wields an ancient weapon and fights Rhaast, the darkin within it, for control. Either the Darkin will triumph, or Kayn will master Rhaast and become the Shadow Assassin.

    Darkin: Heal for a percentage of spell damage dealt to champions.

    Shadow Assassin: For the first few seconds in combat with enemy champions, deal bonus damage.The Darkin ScytheThe Darkin Scythe{{ game_spell_Kayn_P_main_@f1@ }}The Darkin Scythe{{Spell_KaynPassive_Tooltip}}

    4 minutes after reaching full charge on either form, Kayn can transform into either, even if it is not at full charge. The timer is reduced by 5 seconds when gaining charge in the non-full form.
    Kayn gains Homeguard after transforming.
    The Darkin ScytheThe Darkin Scythe{{ game_spell_Kayn_P_main_@f1@ }}
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKennen stuns enemies he hits 3 times with his abilities.Mark of the StormMark of the StormKennen's abilities apply a stack for @MarkDuration@ seconds. At 3 stacks, enemies are Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and Kennen gains @EnergyRestore@ Energy.Mark of the Storm{{ Spell_KennenPassive_Tooltip }}
    If an enemy is Stunned more than once by this ability within @DiminishingReturnDuration@ seconds, they are instead Stunned for @ReducedStunDuration@ seconds.
    Mark of the StormMark of the StormKennen's abilities apply a stack for @MarkDuration@ seconds. At 3 stacks, enemies are Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and Kennen gains @EnergyRestore@ Energy.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoNearby enemies that are Isolated from their allies are marked. Kha'Zix's abilities have interactions with Isolated targets.

    When Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, he gains Unseen Threat, causing his next basic attack against an enemy champion to deal bonus magic damage and slow them for a few seconds.Unseen ThreatUnseen ThreatWhen Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, his next Attack against a champion deals an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Enemies with no nearby allies become Isolated.
    Unseen ThreatUnseen ThreatWhen Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, his next Attack against a champion deals an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Enemies with no nearby allies become Isolated.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKindred can mark targets to Hunt. Successfully completing a Hunt permanently empowers Kindred's basic abilities. Every 4 hunts completed also increases Kindred's basic attack range.Mark of the KindredMark of the KindredKindred can designate a champion to hunt by clicking their portrait above their inventory. They also designate certain jungle monsters to hunt with an icon on the minimap automatically.

    Getting a takedown on a hunted target grants Kindred a Mark, empowering them. After @f2@ Marks, Kindred gains @f8@ Attack Range. Every @f7@ Marks after the fourth grants a further @f9@ Attack Range.

    Marks empower Kindred's basic Abilities:
  1318. {{Spell_KindredQ_Name}} grants an additional @QMarkBonus@ Attack Speed
  1319. {{Spell_KindredW_Name}} deal an additional @WMarkBonus@ current Health damage.
  1320. {{Spell_KindredEWrapper_Name}} deal an additional @EMarkBonus@ missing Health damage.Mark of the Kindred{{Spell_KindredPassiveManager_Tooltip}}

    Currently granting @f3@ Attack Range.

    The hunted jungle monsters change as Kindred gains Marks, moving further into the enemy jungle, eventually hunting epic monsters.
    Mark of the KindredMark of the KindredKindred can designate a champion to hunt by clicking their portrait above their inventory. They also designate certain jungle monsters to hunt with an icon on the minimap automatically.

    Getting a takedown on a hunted target grants Kindred a Mark, empowering them. After @f2@ Marks, Kindred gains @f8@ Attack Range. Every @f7@ Marks after the fourth grants a further @f9@ Attack Range.

    Marks empower Kindred's basic Abilities:
  1321. {{Spell_KindredQ_Name}} grants an additional @QMarkBonus@ Attack Speed
  1322. {{Spell_KindredW_Name}} deal an additional @WMarkBonus@ current Health damage.
  1323. {{Spell_KindredEWrapper_Name}} deal an additional @EMarkBonus@ missing Health damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSkaarl, the Cowardly LizardSkaarl, the Cowardly LizardMounted: Kled's mount Skaarl takes damage instead of Kled. When his Health depletes, Kled dismounts.

    Dismounted: Kled replaces {{spell_KledQ_Name}}, gains @DismountedMS@ Move Speed toward enemy champions, and his Attacks deal 80% damage to champions.

    Kled gains Courage by Attacking champions, epic monsters, and structures, and by killing minions or champions. At max Courage Kled remounts with @SkaarlRemountHealth@ of Skaarl's Health.
    Skaarl, the Cowardly Lizard{{Spell_KledPassive_Tooltip}}

    Skaarl has @SkaarlHealth@ Health plus 100% of Kled's bonus Health.
    When Kled dismounts, he cleanses all crowd control and becomes briefly untargetable.
    Skaarl, the Cowardly LizardSkaarl, the Cowardly LizardMounted: Kled's mount Skaarl takes damage instead of Kled. When his Health depletes, Kled dismounts.

    Dismounted: Kled replaces {{spell_KledQ_Name}}, gains @DismountedMS@ Move Speed toward enemy champions, and his Attacks deal 80% damage to champions.

    Kled gains Courage by Attacking champions, epic monsters, and structures, and by killing minions or champions. At max Courage Kled remounts with @SkaarlRemountHealth@ of Skaarl's Health.

    Press [Shift] to show more info4 seconds after dying, Kogmaw explodes, dealing true damage to surrounding enemies.Icathian SurpriseIcathian SurpriseKog'Maw can continue to move and gains @TooltipPassiveMS*100@% Move Speed for @TooltipPassiveDuration@ seconds after dying, after which he explodes and deals @PassiveDamage@ true damage to nearby enemies.Icathian SurpriseIcathian SurpriseKog'Maw can continue to move and gains @TooltipPassiveMS*100@% Move Speed for @TooltipPassiveDuration@ seconds after dying, after which he explodes and deals @PassiveDamage@ true damage to nearby enemies.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWhen LeBlanc drops below 40% Health, she becomes invisible for 1 second and creates a Mirror Image that deals no damage and lasts for up to 8 seconds.Mirror ImageMirror Image@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%When LeBlanc drops below 40% Health, she becomes Invisible for 1 second and creates a harmless clone for 8 seconds. LeBlanc can move the clone with the "Alt" key.Mirror Image@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%{{game_character_passiveTooltip_Leblanc}}

    Mirror Image@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%Mirror Image@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%When LeBlanc drops below 40% Health, she becomes Invisible for 1 second and creates a harmless clone for 8 seconds. LeBlanc can move the clone with the "Alt" key.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAfter Lee Sin uses an ability, his next 2 basic attacks gain Attack Speed and return Energy.FlurryFlurryLee Sin's Abilities grant him @PassiveAS@% Attack Speed for two Attacks. The first Attack restores @TTFirstHitEnergy@ Energy and the second restores @EnergyReturn@ Energy.FlurryFlurryLee Sin's Abilities grant him @PassiveAS@% Attack Speed for two Attacks. The first Attack restores @TTFirstHitEnergy@ Energy and the second restores @EnergyReturn@ Energy.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDamaging spells afflict enemies with Sunlight for 1.5 seconds. When allied Champions deal damage to those targets, they consume the Sunlight to deal additional magic damage.SunlightSunlightLeona's abilities mark enemies for @MarkDuration@ seconds. Other allied champions consume the mark when they damage the marked enemy, dealing an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage. SunlightSunlightLeona's abilities mark enemies for @MarkDuration@ seconds. Other allied champions consume the mark when they damage the marked enemy, dealing an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHitting a champion or monster with a skill will deal additional max Health damage over time.Dream-Laden BoughDream-Laden BoughLillia's abilities apply Dream Dust, dealing @DotPercentTooltip@% max Health magic damage over @Duration@ seconds. Lillia restores @MonsterHealTT@ Health over the duration against large jungle monsters, and restores @ChampionHealTT@ Health against champions.Dream-Laden BoughDream-Laden BoughLillia's abilities apply Dream Dust, dealing @DotPercentTooltip@% max Health magic damage over @Duration@ seconds. Lillia restores @MonsterHealTT@ Health over the duration against large jungle monsters, and restores @ChampionHealTT@ Health against champions.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDream-Laden Bough{{Spell_LilliaP_Tooltip}}

    Dream Dust deals a max of @MonsterDamageCap@ damage over the duration to jungle monsters.
    Dream Dust heal is @MultiHealMod*100@% effective for each source beyond the first.
    Dream Dust can only heal from one jungle monster at a time.
    When an enemy champion dies near Lissandra they become a Frozen Thrall. Frozen Thralls slow nearby enemies and then, after a delay, shatter from the intense cold, dealing magic damage to nearby targets.Iceborn SubjugationIceborn SubjugationWhen an enemy champion dies near Lissandra they become a frozen zombie that seeks out living enemies. Enemies near these zombies are Slowed by @MoveSpeedMod*-100@%. After @ExplosionDelay@ seconds, frozen zombies shatter, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Iceborn SubjugationIceborn SubjugationWhen an enemy champion dies near Lissandra they become a frozen zombie that seeks out living enemies. Enemies near these zombies are Slowed by @MoveSpeedMod*-100@%. After @ExplosionDelay@ seconds, frozen zombies shatter, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWhenever Lucian uses an ability, his next attack becomes a double-shot. When Lucian is empowered by another Ally, his next 2 basic attacks will deal bonus magic damage.LightslingerLightslingerAfter using an Ability, Lucian's next Attack will fire two shots. The second shot deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the target, increased to @MinionDamage@ against minions.

    Vigilance: When Lucian is empowered by another Ally, his pistols become Overcharged with energy, causing his next @NumAuto@ basic attacks to deal an additional @PassiveTotalDamage@ magic damage.
    Lightslinger{{ Spell_LucianPassive_Tooltip }}
    The second shot is a separate Attack.
    Lucian loses the empowered Attack after 3.5 seconds.
    This Ability's Attack Damage ratio increases at level 7 and level 13.
    Vigilance can store up to @MaxAutos@ empowered basic attacks.
    LightslingerLightslingerAfter using an Ability, Lucian's next Attack will fire two shots. The second shot deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the target, increased to @MinionDamage@ against minions.

    Vigilance: When Lucian is empowered by another Ally, his pistols become Overcharged with energy, causing his next @NumAuto@ basic attacks to deal an additional @PassiveTotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPix fires magical bolts of energy whenever the champion he's following attacks another enemy unit. These bolts are homing, but can be intercepted by other units.Pix, Faerie CompanionPix, Faerie CompanionLulu is assisted by Pix the faerie. When Lulu Attacks, Pix fires 3 bolts at her target, dealing @CombinedDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.Pix, Faerie CompanionPix, Faerie CompanionLulu is assisted by Pix the faerie. When Lulu Attacks, Pix fires 3 bolts at her target, dealing @CombinedDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLux's damaging spells charge the target with energy for a few seconds. Lux's next attack ignites the energy, dealing bonus magic damage (depending on Lux's level) to the target.IlluminationLux's damaging Abilities mark enemies for @DebuffDuration@ seconds. Lux's Attacks consume the mark, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Final Spark will consume marks on enemies it hits and refresh them.
    IlluminationDamaging spells afflict enemies with Illumination.

    Lux's basic attacks consume Illumination, dealing bonus damage.
    IlluminationLux's damaging Abilities mark enemies for @DebuffDuration@ seconds. Lux's Attacks consume the mark, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Final Spark will consume marks on enemies it hits and refresh them.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMalphite is shielded by a layer of rock which absorbs damage up to 10% of his maximum Health. If Malphite has not been hit for a few seconds, this effect recharges.Granite ShieldGranite ShieldMalphite grants himself @TotalShield@ Shield after not taking damage for @PassiveCooldown@ seconds.Granite ShieldGranite ShieldMalphite grants himself @TotalShield@ Shield after not taking damage for @PassiveCooldown@ seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWhen he hasn't recently taken damage or been crowd controlled, Malzahar gains massive damage reduction and crowd control immunity, lingering for a short period after taking damage.Void ShiftVoid ShiftMalzahar gains @DRPercent@% damage reduction and immunity from Disabling and Immobilizing effects, lingering for @LingerDuration@ seconds after taking damage or blocking one of those effects. This effect has a @ShieldCooldown@ second Cooldown.Void Shift{{Spell_MalzaharPassive_Tooltip}}

    Taking damage will restart the Cooldown.
    Damage from minions is not reduced, but it does not trigger or restart the Cooldown.
    Void ShiftVoid ShiftMalzahar gains @DRPercent@% damage reduction and immunity from Disabling and Immobilizing effects, lingering for @LingerDuration@ seconds after taking damage or blocking one of those effects. This effect has a @ShieldCooldown@ second Cooldown.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBlitzcrank gains a shield based on their mana when dropping to low health.Mana BarrierMana Barrier@TooltipCooldown@ SecondsWhen Blitzcrank falls below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, they gain @ShieldAmountTT@ Shield for @TooltipShieldDuration@ seconds.Mana Barrier@TooltipCooldown@ SecondsMana Barrier@TooltipCooldown@ SecondsWhen Blitzcrank falls below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, they gain @ShieldAmountTT@ Shield for @TooltipShieldDuration@ seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMaokai's basic attack also heals him and deals additional damage on a moderate cooldown. Each time Maokai casts a spell or is struck by an enemy's spell, this cooldown is reduced.Sap MagicSap MagicMaokai's next Attack restores @PassiveHealingTotal@ Health (@PassiveCooldown@ second Cooldown).

    Using an Ability or being hit by an enemy champion's Ability reduces the Cooldown by @PassiveCooldownReduction@ seconds. Being hit by large or epic monster's Attacks or Abilities reduces the Cooldown by @JungPassCooldownReduction@ second.
    Sap MagicSap MagicMaokai's next Attack restores @PassiveHealingTotal@ Health (@PassiveCooldown@ second Cooldown).

    Using an Ability or being hit by an enemy champion's Ability reduces the Cooldown by @PassiveCooldownReduction@ seconds. Being hit by large or epic monster's Attacks or Abilities reduces the Cooldown by @JungPassCooldownReduction@ second.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvery few consecutive basic attack, Master Yi strikes twice.Double StrikeDouble StrikeEvery @AttackCount@th Attack, Master Yi strikes twice. The second Attack deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage.Double Strike{{Passive_MasterYiPassive_Tooltip}}

    The second strike counts as a normal Attack; it is able to critically strike and applies on-hit effects.
    Double StrikeEvery 4th basic attack strikes twice.Double StrikeEvery @AttackCount@th Attack, Master Yi strikes twice. The second Attack deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMiss Fortune deals bonus physical damage whenever she basic attacks a new target.Love TapMiss Fortune's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage when she attacks a new target.

    Triggering {{ Spell_MissFortunePassive_Name }} reduces the cooldown of {{ Spell_MissfortuneW_Name }} by @Spell.MissFortuneViciousStrikes:LoveTapRefund@ seconds.
    Love Tap{{Spell_MissFortunePassive_Tooltip}}

    Deals @MinionDamage@ damage to minions.
    Love TapLove TapMiss Fortune's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage when she attacks a new target.

    Triggering {{ Spell_MissFortunePassive_Name }} reduces the cooldown of {{ Spell_MissfortuneW_Name }} by @Spell.MissFortuneViciousStrikes:LoveTapRefund@ seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWukong gains stacking armor and max health regeneration while fighting champions and monsters.Stone SkinStone SkinWukong gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and regenerates @HealthPercentPer5*100@% max Health per 5 seconds. These bonuses are increased by @StackMultiplier*100@% for @StackDuration@ seconds every time he or his Clone hit an enemy champion or jungle monster with an Attack or Ability, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.Stone Skin{{Spell_MonkeyKingPassive_Tooltip}}

    Max Bonus: @TooltipMaxArmor@ Armor and @TooltipMaxHealthPercentPer5@% max Health per 5 seconds.
    Stone SkinStone SkinWukong gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and regenerates @HealthPercentPer5*100@% max Health per 5 seconds. These bonuses are increased by @StackMultiplier*100@% for @StackDuration@ seconds every time he or his Clone hit an enemy champion or jungle monster with an Attack or Ability, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMordekaiser gains a powerful damage aura and Move Speed after landing 3 attacks or spells against champions or monsters.Darkness RiseMordekaiser's Attacks deal an additional @BonusAPAuto@ magic damage.

    Mordekaiser cloaks himself in negative energy after hitting 3 basic Abilities or Attacks against champions or jungle monsters. This cloak deals @AuraDamagePerStack@ plus @PercentHealthForAura@% max Health magic damage per second and grants him @PassiveMovementSpeed@ Move Speed.
    Darkness Rise{{Spell_MordekaiserPassive_Tooltip}}

    Damage aura and Move Speed last for @CombatTrackingDuration@ seconds and are refreshed with each Ability hit or Attack against a champion or jungle monster.
    This Ability deals a max of @MaxAuraMonsterDamage@ damage to monsters per second.
    Darkness RiseDarkness RiseMordekaiser's Attacks deal an additional @BonusAPAuto@ magic damage.

    Mordekaiser cloaks himself in negative energy after hitting 3 basic Abilities or Attacks against champions or jungle monsters. This cloak deals @AuraDamagePerStack@ plus @PercentHealthForAura@% max Health magic damage per second and grants him @PassiveMovementSpeed@ Move Speed.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMorgana drains spirit from her enemies, healing as she deals damage to champions, large minions, and medium and larger jungler monsters.Soul SiphonSoul SiphonMorgana Heals for @HealPercent@% of the damage dealt by her Abilities to champions, large minions, and medium and larger jungle monsters.Soul SiphonSoul SiphonMorgana Heals for @HealPercent@% of the damage dealt by her Abilities to champions, large minions, and medium and larger jungle monsters.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWhen Nami's Abilities hit allied champions they gain Move Speed for a short duration.Surging TidesSurging TidesWhen Nami's Abilities hit allied champions, they gain @TotalMSBonus@ Move Speed, decaying over @BuffDuration@ seconds.Surging Tides{{Spell_NamiPassive_Tooltip}}

    Nami's offensive Abilities will still empower her allies if they are hit.
    Surging TidesSurging TidesWhen Nami's Abilities hit allied champions, they gain @TotalMSBonus@ Move Speed, decaying over @BuffDuration@ seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoNasus drains his foe's spiritual energy, giving him bonus Life Steal.Soul EaterSoul EaterNasus has an additional @Spell.NasusPassive:LifestealTooltip@% Life Steal.Soul EaterSoul EaterNasus has an additional @Spell.NasusPassive:LifestealTooltip@% Life Steal.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoNautilus' first Attack against a target deals increased physical damage and roots them briefly.Staggering BlowStaggering BlowNautilus' first Attack against a target deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage and Roots them for @RootDuration@ seconds.Staggering Blow{{ Spell_NautilusPassive_Tooltip }}
    This effect cannot trigger on the same target more than once every @PerTargetCD@ seconds.
    Staggering BlowStaggering BlowNautilus' first Attack against a target deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage and Roots them for @RootDuration@ seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoNeeko can look like an ally champion. Taking damage from enemy Champions or casting damaging spells breaks the disguise.Inherent Glamour%i:cooldown% @DisguisePassiveCooldown@sNeeko can disguise herself as an allied champion. Direct damage from champions or casting a damaging spell breaks the disguise.Inherent Glamour%i:cooldown% @DisguisePassiveCooldown@sInherent Glamour%i:cooldown% @DisguisePassiveCooldown@sNeeko can disguise herself as an allied champion. Direct damage from champions or casting a damaging spell breaks the disguise.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoProwlProwlNidalee starts with a rank in Aspect of the Cougar.

    Nidalee gains 10% Move Speed for 2 seconds when entering Brush, increased to 30% Move Speed while moving toward enemy champions.

    Hitting champions or jungle monsters with Javelin Toss or Bushwhack marks them as Hunted for 4 seconds. While an enemy is Hunted, they are revealed with True Sight and Nidalee gains 10% Move Speed, increased to 30% Move Speed toward the Hunted enemy.

    The Move Speed can stack but not exceed 30%
    ProwlProwlNidalee starts with a rank in Aspect of the Cougar.

    Nidalee gains 10% Move Speed for 2 seconds when entering Brush, increased to 30% Move Speed while moving toward enemy champions.

    Hitting champions or jungle monsters with Javelin Toss or Bushwhack marks them as Hunted for 4 seconds. While an enemy is Hunted, they are revealed with True Sight and Nidalee gains 10% Move Speed, increased to 30% Move Speed toward the Hunted enemy.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoNilah gains increased experience from last-hitting minions along with the ability to enhance and share nearby healing and shielding from her allies.Joy UnendingWhen Nilah kills a minion, she and her nearest ally gain @ExperiencePercentage*100@% of the experience they would have normally lost from sharing the kill.

    Nilah gains @HealingIncrease*100@% increased effectiveness from healing and @ShieldIncrease*100@% from shielding given to her by allied champions abilities. If an ally heals or shields her, they will also gain the increased amount of the shield or heal themselves. If an ally shields or heals themself, Nilah will also gain that additional effect.
    Joy UnendingWhen Nilah kills a minion, she and her nearest ally gain @ExperiencePercentage*100@% of the experience they would have normally lost from sharing the kill.

    Nilah gains @HealingIncrease*100@% increased effectiveness from healing and @ShieldIncrease*100@% from shielding given to her by allied champions abilities. If an ally heals or shields her, they will also gain the increased amount of the shield or heal themselves. If an ally shields or heals themself, Nilah will also gain that additional effect.

    Shields shared by Nilah have a maximum duration of @ShieldMaxDuration@ seconds.
    Joy UnendingJoy UnendingWhen Nilah kills a minion, she and her nearest ally gain @ExperiencePercentage*100@% of the experience they would have normally lost from sharing the kill.

    Nilah gains @HealingIncrease*100@% increased effectiveness from healing and @ShieldIncrease*100@% from shielding given to her by allied champions abilities. If an ally heals or shields her, they will also gain the increased amount of the shield or heal themselves. If an ally shields or heals themself, Nilah will also gain that additional effect.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvery few seconds, Nocturne's next attack strikes surrounding enemies for bonus physical damage and heals himself.

    Nocturne's basic attacks reduce this cooldown.Umbra BladesEvery @Cooldown@ seconds, Nocturne's next Attack strikes all nearby enemies for @TotalDamageNoCrit@ physical damage and restores @TotalHealing@ Health per target hit.

    Nocturne's Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @AACDR@ second, increased to @AAChampMonsterCDR@ against champions and jungle monsters.
    Umbra BladesEvery @Cooldown@ seconds, Nocturne's next Attack strikes all nearby enemies for @TotalDamageNoCrit@ physical damage and restores @TotalHealing@ Health per target hit.

    Nocturne's Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @AACDR@ second, increased to @AAChampMonsterCDR@ against champions and jungle monsters.

    Umbral Blades deals @DamageMinionMod*100@% less damage to minions and heals @HealMinionMod*100@% less from lane minions.
    Umbra BladesUmbra BladesEvery @Cooldown@ seconds, Nocturne's next Attack strikes all nearby enemies for @TotalDamageNoCrit@ physical damage and restores @TotalHealing@ Health per target hit.

    Nocturne's Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @AACDR@ second, increased to @AAChampMonsterCDR@ against champions and jungle monsters.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoNunu increases the attack speed and Move Speed of Willump and a nearby ally, and causes Willump's basic attacks to damage enemies around the target.Call of the FreljordCall of the FreljordWhen Nunu and Willump deal damage to champions, large jungle monsters, or structures, they and a nearby ally gain @ASIncrease*100@% Attack Speed and @MSIncrease*100@% Move Speed for 4 seconds.

    Willump's Attacks deal an additional @CleaveDamage@ physical damage to other nearby enemies while he has this buff.
    Call of the Freljord{{Spell_NunuPassive_Tooltip}}

    The buff range is increased against champions and structures.
    The duration stacks but the effect can only occur once every 10 seconds per target.
    The buff attempts to target the champion who will get the most use from it.
    Call of the FreljordCall of the FreljordWhen Nunu and Willump deal damage to champions, large jungle monsters, or structures, they and a nearby ally gain @ASIncrease*100@% Attack Speed and @MSIncrease*100@% Move Speed for 4 seconds.

    Willump's Attacks deal an additional @CleaveDamage@ physical damage to other nearby enemies while he has this buff.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoOlaf gains Attack Speed and Life Steal based on his missing Health.Berserker RageBerserker RageOlaf gains up to @MaxAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed and @MaxLifeSteal@ Life Steal, based on his missing Health.Berserker Rage{{game_character_passiveDescription_Olaf}}

    Reaches max at 30% Health
    Berserker RageBerserker RageOlaf gains up to @MaxAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed and @MaxLifeSteal@ Life Steal, based on his missing Health.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoOrianna's Attacks deal additional magic damage. This damage increases the more Orianna Attacks the same target.Clockwork WindupClockwork WindupOrianna's Abilities originate from her Ball. Orianna's Ball automatically returns to her if she is too far away from it.

    Orianna's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Subsequent Attacks against the same target within @StackDuration@ seconds deal an additional @StackDamage@ magic damage (max of @StackDamageMax@ damage).
    Clockwork WindupClockwork WindupOrianna's Abilities originate from her Ball. Orianna's Ball automatically returns to her if she is too far away from it.

    Orianna's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Subsequent Attacks against the same target within @StackDuration@ seconds deal an additional @StackDamage@ magic damage (max of @StackDamageMax@ damage).

    Press [Shift] to show more infoLiving ForgeLiving ForgeLiving Forge
    Press [Shift] to show more infoOrnn gains an additional bonus Armor and Magic Resistance from all sources.

    Ornn can spend gold to forge non-consumable items anywhere.

    Additionally, he can create masterwork items for himself and for his allies.Living ForgeOrnn can spend gold to forge non-consumable items anywhere.

    When Ornn reaches level @MasterworkLevel@, he will upgrade his mythic item into masterwork items for himself. For each level after @MasterworkLevel@, Ornn can upgrade a mythic item for an ally by going near them and clicking on them.

    Ornn gains an additional @BaseStatAmp*100@% bonus Health, Armor, and Magic Resistance from all sources. This value increases by @AdditionalMythicStatAmp*100@% of these bonus stats per Mythic item Ornn upgrades into a masterwork.
    Current Amp: @f1@% (@f2@/@f3@/@f4@)

    Ornn can smith items directly from his forge menu or the shop.
    Living Forge{{Spell_OrnnP_Tooltip}}

    Current Amp: @f1@% (@f2@ Armor/@f3@ Magic Resist/@f4@ Health)

    Ornn can smith items directly from his forge menu or the shop.
    Living ForgeOrnn can spend gold to forge non-consumable items anywhere.

    When Ornn reaches level @MasterworkLevel@, he will upgrade his mythic item into masterwork items for himself. For each level after @MasterworkLevel@, Ornn can upgrade a mythic item for an ally by going near them and clicking on them.

    Ornn gains an additional @BaseStatAmp*100@% bonus Health, Armor, and Magic Resistance from all sources. This value increases by @AdditionalMythicStatAmp*100@% of these bonus stats per Mythic item Ornn upgrades into a masterwork.
    Current Amp: @f1@% (@f2@/@f3@/@f4@)

    Ornn can smith items directly from his forge menu or the shop.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvery few spells or attacks, Pantheon's next spell is empowered.Mortal WillAfter using @ActionsToEmpower@ Abilities or Attacks, Pantheon empowers his next basic Ability.Mortal WillMortal WillAfter using @ActionsToEmpower@ Abilities or Attacks, Pantheon empowers his next basic Ability.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPoppy throws her buckler that bounces off the target. Poppy can pick it up to gain a temporary shield.Iron AmbassadorIron AmbassadorEvery @ActualCooldown@ seconds, Poppy's next Attack throws her buckler, gaining @BonusRange@ range and dealing an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The buckler ricochets off the target, landing nearby. Poppy can pick it up to gain @ShieldValue@ Shield, and enemies can step on it to destroy it.

    The buckler automatically returns to Poppy if it kills the target.
    Iron AmbassadorIron AmbassadorEvery @ActualCooldown@ seconds, Poppy's next Attack throws her buckler, gaining @BonusRange@ range and dealing an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The buckler ricochets off the target, landing nearby. Poppy can pick it up to gain @ShieldValue@ Shield, and enemies can step on it to destroy it.

    The buckler automatically returns to Poppy if it kills the target.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGift of the Drowned OnesGift of the Drowned OnesPyke stores @OneEnemyCalc@ of damage taken from champions, increased to @AdditionalBonusCalc@ when there's more than one enemy nearby. Pyke can store up to @DamageStorageMax@ damage. While unseen by enemies, he rapidly regenerates this stored damage.

    Additionally, Pyke converts all Maximum Health increases to Attack Damage instead at a rate of 14 Health to 1 Attack Damage.
    Gift of the Drowned Ones{{Spell_PykePassive_Tooltip}}

    Bonus Attack Damage: @f1@ Attack Damage
    Gift of the Drowned OnesGift of the Drowned OnesPyke stores @OneEnemyCalc@ of damage taken from champions, increased to @AdditionalBonusCalc@ when there's more than one enemy nearby. Pyke can store up to @DamageStorageMax@ damage. While unseen by enemies, he rapidly regenerates this stored damage.

    Additionally, Pyke converts all Maximum Health increases to Attack Damage instead at a rate of 14 Health to 1 Attack Damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoQiyana's first basic attack or ability against each enemy deals bonus damage.Royal PrivilegeRoyal PrivilegeQiyana's Attacks and Abilities deal an additional @FinalDamage@ bonus physical damage. This effect has a 25 second per-target Cooldown.

    Using {{Spell_QiyanaEnchant_Name}} to gain a different weapon Enchantment resets this effect's Cooldown on all targets.
    Royal PrivilegeRoyal PrivilegeQiyana's Attacks and Abilities deal an additional @FinalDamage@ bonus physical damage. This effect has a 25 second per-target Cooldown.

    Using {{Spell_QiyanaEnchant_Name}} to gain a different weapon Enchantment resets this effect's Cooldown on all targets.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoValor, Quinn's Demacian eagle, periodically marks enemies as Vulnerable. Quinn's first basic attack against Vulnerable targets will deal bonus physical damage.HarrierHarrierEvery @f1@ seconds, Valor marks a nearby enemy as Vulnerable, revealing it for @RevealDuration@ seconds and causing Quinn's next Attack against them to deal @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage.Harrier{{Spell_QuinnPassive_Tooltip}}

    Cooldown is reduced by Critical Strike Chance.
    HarrierHarrierEvery @f1@ seconds, Valor marks a nearby enemy as Vulnerable, revealing it for @RevealDuration@ seconds and causing Quinn's next Attack against them to deal @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRakan periodically gains a shield.Fey FeathersFey FeathersEvery @ShieldCooldown@ seconds, Rakan gains @TotalShield@ Shield. Rakan's Attacks and Abilities against enemy champions reduce this Cooldown by 1 second.

    Lover's Leap - Xayah and Rakan can recall together.
    Fey FeathersFey FeathersEvery @ShieldCooldown@ seconds, Rakan gains @TotalShield@ Shield. Rakan's Attacks and Abilities against enemy champions reduce this Cooldown by 1 second.

    Lover's Leap - Xayah and Rakan can recall together.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRammus' basic attacks deal bonus magic damage, scaling with his Armor.Spiked ShellSpiked ShellRammus's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Spiked ShellSpiked ShellRammus's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoA percentage of Corki's basic attack damage is converted into magic damage.

    Corki can occasionally retrieve The Package inside his base, granting him Move Speed and an empowered cast of Valkyrie.Hextech MunitionsHextech MunitionsCorki's Attacks deal @AttackConversion*100@% of their damage as magic damage.

    After @InitialCD@ minutes, The Package arrives near the fountain and can be picked up for @PackageDuration@ seconds. While equipped, Corki is Ghosted, gains @BonusMS*100@% Move Speed, and upgrades Valkyrie.

    The Package rearrives every @SubsequentCD@ minutes after being used.
    Hextech Munitions{{Spell_RapidReload_Tooltip}}

    Hextech MunitionsHextech MunitionsCorki's Attacks deal @AttackConversion*100@% of their damage as magic damage.

    After @InitialCD@ minutes, The Package arrives near the fountain and can be picked up for @PackageDuration@ seconds. While equipped, Corki is Ghosted, gains @BonusMS*100@% Move Speed, and upgrades Valkyrie.

    The Package rearrives every @SubsequentCD@ minutes after being used.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoUpon taking fatal damage, Anivia reverts to an egg and is reborn with full health.RebirthRebirthUpon taking fatal damage, Anivia reverts to an egg, healing to full Health and receiving @BonusResists@ Armor and Magic Resist. If she survives for 6 seconds, she is reborn.

    Rebirth has a @Cooldown@ second Cooldown.
    RebirthRebirthUpon taking fatal damage, Anivia reverts to an egg, healing to full Health and receiving @BonusResists@ Armor and Magic Resist. If she survives for 6 seconds, she is reborn.

    Rebirth has a @Cooldown@ second Cooldown.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRek'sai generates Fury by Attack and hitting with basic abilities. She consumes this Fury while Burrowed to restore health.Fury of the Xer'SaiFury of the Xer'SaiRek'sai generates 25 Fury when she Attacks or hits with an Ability.

    While Burrowed, she consumes her Fury to restore up to @HealAmount@ Health over 3 seconds.
    Fury of the Xer'Sai{{Spell_RekSaiPassive_Tooltip}}

    Rek'sai will not consume Fury while at full Health.
    Rek'sai loses 20 Fury per second after 5 seconds of not generating any.
    Fury of the Xer'SaiFury of the Xer'SaiRek'sai generates 25 Fury when she Attacks or hits with an Ability.

    While Burrowed, she consumes her Fury to restore up to @HealAmount@ Health over 3 seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRell attacks slowly but steals her target's Armor and Magic Resist on hit, dealing bonus damage based on the amount stolen.Break the MoldBreak the MoldRell has significantly reduced Attack Speed, but her Attacks steal @StealPercent*100@% Armor and @StealPercent*100@% Magic Resist and deal an additional @FlatDamage@ plus total Armor and Magic Resist stolen magic damage.

    Attacking a champion refreshes the stolen Armor and Magic Resist on all afflicted enemies.
    Break the Mold{{Spell_RellP_Tooltip}}

    Always steals at least @StealFloor@, reduced against minions.
    Break the MoldBreak the MoldRell has significantly reduced Attack Speed, but her Attacks steal @StealPercent*100@% Armor and @StealPercent*100@% Magic Resist and deal an additional @FlatDamage@ plus total Armor and Magic Resist stolen magic damage.

    Attacking a champion refreshes the stolen Armor and Magic Resist on all afflicted enemies.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRenata's Attacks deal bonus damage and mark enemies. Renata's allies can damage marked enemies to deal bonus damage.LeverageRenata's Attacks mark enemies for @PassiveDuration@ seconds and deal an additional @PercentAmpCalcSelf@ max Health magic damage if they were unmarked.

    Allied champions' Attacks or Abilities consume the mark, dealing @PercentAmpCalc@ max Health magic damage.

    Renata may only have one target marked at a time.
    LeverageLeverageRenata's Attacks mark enemies for @PassiveDuration@ seconds and deal an additional @PercentAmpCalcSelf@ max Health magic damage if they were unmarked.

    Allied champions' Attacks or Abilities consume the mark, dealing @PercentAmpCalc@ max Health magic damage.

    Renata may only have one target marked at a time.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRenekton's attacks generate Fury, increased when he is low on life. This Fury can empower his abilities with bonus effects.Reign of AngerReign of AngerRenekton gains @FuryPerAttack@ Fury per attack. Having @FuryCost@ Fury or more empowers his abilities with bonus effects but drains @FuryCost@ Fury when they are used. Fury decays while out of combat.

    If Renekton has less than @LowHealthPercentThreshold*100@% Health, Fury gain is increased by @FuryIncreasePercent*100@%.
    Reign of AngerReign of AngerRenekton gains @FuryPerAttack@ Fury per attack. Having @FuryCost@ Fury or more empowers his abilities with bonus effects but drains @FuryCost@ Fury when they are used. Fury decays while out of combat.

    If Renekton has less than @LowHealthPercentThreshold*100@% Health, Fury gain is increased by @FuryIncreasePercent*100@%.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWhile in Brush, Rengar leaps at his target with his basic attack.

    Rengar generates Ferocity whenever he casts an ability. At Max Ferocity, his next ability is empowered.

    Killing enemy champions awards trophies on Rengar's Bonetooth Necklace, granting bonus attack damage.Unseen PredatorUnseen PredatorWhile in Brush, Rengar leaps to enemies he Attacks.

    Rengar generates 1 Ferocity when he uses a non-ultimate Ability. Whenever Rengar reaches 0 Ferocity his next leap generates 1 Ferocity.

    At @MaxFerocity@ Ferocity, his next non-ultimate Ability is empowered. Casting an empowered ability increases Rengar's Movement Speed by @EmpoweredMS@ for a few seconds.

    Unique takedowns increase Rengar's Attack Damage from Bonetooth Necklace.
    Unseen Predator{{Spell_RengarPassive_Tooltip}}

    Rengar loses all Ferocity after being out of combat for @InCombatTimer@ seconds.
    Rengar gains extra Attack Damage for killing Kha'Zix.
    Unseen PredatorUnseen PredatorWhile in Brush, Rengar leaps to enemies he Attacks.

    Rengar generates 1 Ferocity when he uses a non-ultimate Ability. Whenever Rengar reaches 0 Ferocity his next leap generates 1 Ferocity.

    At @MaxFerocity@ Ferocity, his next non-ultimate Ability is empowered. Casting an empowered ability increases Rengar's Movement Speed by @EmpoweredMS@ for a few seconds.

    Unique takedowns increase Rengar's Attack Damage from Bonetooth Necklace.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRiven's abilities charge her blade, and her basic attacks expend charges to deal an additional damage.Runic BladeRunic BladeUsing an Ability grants Riven a charge for 6 seconds (max @Charges@). Her Attacks spend a charge to deal an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage.Runic Blade{{Spell_RivenPassive_Tooltip}}

    The bonus damage can critically strike.
    Runic BladeRunic BladeUsing an Ability grants Riven a charge for 6 seconds (max @Charges@). Her Attacks spend a charge to deal an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvery spell Rumble casts gives him Heat. When he reaches 50% Heat he reaches Danger Zone, granting all his basic abilities bonus effects. When he reaches 100% Heat, he starts Overheating, gaining bonus Attack Speed and granting his basic attacks bonus damage, but making him unable to cast spells for a few seconds.Junkyard TitanJunkyard TitanRumble's Abilities generate Heat. While above @DangerZoneHeat@ Heat, he enters the Danger Zone, causing his basic Abilities to gain bonus effects. When he reaches @OverheatingHeat@ Heat, he overheats for @OverheatDuration@ seconds.

    While overheated, Rumble Silences himself, but gains @OverheatAS@ Attack Speed and causes his Attacks to deal additional magic damage equal to @TotalBaseDamage@ + @OverheatPercBonusDamage*100@% of the target's maximum Health.

    Percent damage is limited to @MonsterCap@ damage on Monsters.
    Junkyard TitanJunkyard TitanRumble's Abilities generate Heat. While above @DangerZoneHeat@ Heat, he enters the Danger Zone, causing his basic Abilities to gain bonus effects. When he reaches @OverheatingHeat@ Heat, he overheats for @OverheatDuration@ seconds.

    While overheated, Rumble Silences himself, but gains @OverheatAS@ Attack Speed and causes his Attacks to deal additional magic damage equal to @TotalBaseDamage@ + @OverheatPercBonusDamage*100@% of the target's maximum Health.

    Percent damage is limited to @MonsterCap@ damage on Monsters.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoArcane MasteryArcane MasteryRyze gains @PassiveManaCalcTooltip@% max Mana. His Abilities do additional damage based on his bonus Mana.Arcane MasteryArcane MasteryRyze gains @PassiveManaCalcTooltip@% max Mana. His Abilities do additional damage based on his bonus Mana.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDaredevil ImpulseDaredevil ImpulseSamira builds a combo by dealing damage with Attacks or Abilities against enemy champions unique from the previous one. Each one increases her Style, from "E" to "S" grade (6 total). Samira gains @MSBonus*100@% Move Speed per grade.

    Samira's Attacks and Abilities in melee range deal an additional @BonusMeleeDamage@ magic damage, increased up to @EmpoweredMeleeDamageTooltip@ based on the target's missing Health.

    Samira's Attacks against enemies affected by Immobilizing effects will dash her to her Attack Range. If the enemy is Knocked Up, she also keeps them Knocked Up for at least 0.5 seconds.
    Daredevil ImpulseDaredevil ImpulseSamira builds a combo by dealing damage with Attacks or Abilities against enemy champions unique from the previous one. Each one increases her Style, from "E" to "S" grade (6 total). Samira gains @MSBonus*100@% Move Speed per grade.

    Samira's Attacks and Abilities in melee range deal an additional @BonusMeleeDamage@ magic damage, increased up to @EmpoweredMeleeDamageTooltip@ based on the target's missing Health.

    Samira's Attacks against enemies affected by Immobilizing effects will dash her to her Attack Range. If the enemy is Knocked Up, she also keeps them Knocked Up for at least 0.5 seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSamira builds a combo by hitting attacks or abilities unique from the previous hit. Samira's attacks in melee range deal additional magic damage. Samira's attacks against enemies affected by Immobilizing effects will dash her to her attack range. If the enemy is Knocked Up, she also keeps them Knocked Up briefly.Daredevil Impulse{{Spell_SamiraPassive_Tooltip}}

    Samira's dash range is @QueenMaxDashRange@ units.
    Upon killing a unit, Twisted Fate rolls his 'lucky' dice receiving 1 to 6 bonus gold.Loaded DiceLoaded DiceTwisted Fate receives 1 to 6 bonus gold every time he kills a unit.Loaded Dice{{Spell_SecondSight_Tooltip}}

    Total Gold Hustled: @f1@
    Loaded DiceLoaded DiceTwisted Fate receives 1 to 6 bonus gold every time he kills a unit.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAfter being out of combat, Sejuani gains Frost Armor which grants Armor and Magic Resist and immunity to slows. Frost Armor persists for a short time after Sejuani takes damage. Sejuani can damage a stunned enemy to shatter it, dealing massive magic damage.Fury of the NorthFury of the NorthSejuani becomes immune to Slows and gains @TotalArmorTooltip@ Armor and @TotalMRTooltip@ Magic Resist after not taking damage from champions or large jungle monsters for @FrostArmorOOC@ seconds.

    Sejuani's first Attack against enemies she has Stunned deals an additional @PercentHPDamage@ max Health magic damage.
    Fury of the North{{Spell_SejuaniPassive_Tooltip}}

    Percent Health damage against epic jungle monsters is capped at @EpicMonsterCap@.
    Defensive effect persists for @FrostArmorDuration@ seconds after taking damage from champions or large jungle monsters.
    Fury of the NorthFury of the NorthSejuani becomes immune to Slows and gains @TotalArmorTooltip@ Armor and @TotalMRTooltip@ Magic Resist after not taking damage from champions or large jungle monsters for @FrostArmorOOC@ seconds.

    Sejuani's first Attack against enemies she has Stunned deals an additional @PercentHPDamage@ max Health magic damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWhen units die near Senna, their souls are periodically trapped by the Black Mist. Senna can attack these souls to free them, absorbing the Mist that held them in death. Mist fuels her Relic Cannon's power with increased Attack Damage, Attack Range, and Critical Strike Chance.

    Attacks from Senna's Relic Cannon take longer to fire, deal bonus damage, and briefly grant her a portion of her target's Move Speed.AbsolutionSenna can attack souls that spawn from dead enemies to absorb their Mist. She can also siphon Mist from enemy champions she hits with Attacks or Abilities twice, dealing an additional @BonusCurentHealthDamage@% current Health physical damage.

    Each stack of Mist grants @ADPerStack@ Attack Damage. Every @StacksForBonus@ stacks grant @BonusRange@ Attack Range and @BonusCritChance@% Critical Strike Chance. @CritToLifestealConversionPercent*100@% of excess Critical Strike Chance is converted into Lifesteal.

    Senna's Attacks take extra time to fire, deal an additional @BonusOnHitDamage@ physical damage, and briefly grant her @MSSteal@ of the target's Move Speed.

    Senna can only siphon Mist from an individual champion once every @DebuffDuration@ seconds.
    Souls are less likely to spawn from minions Senna kills. Souls always spawn from large minions Senna doesn't kill, champions, and large jungle monsters.
    Senna does not gain Attack Damage on level up. Her critical strikes deal @CritReductionPercent*100@% less damage.
    AbsolutionAbsolutionSenna can attack souls that spawn from dead enemies to absorb their Mist. She can also siphon Mist from enemy champions she hits with Attacks or Abilities twice, dealing an additional @BonusCurentHealthDamage@% current Health physical damage.

    Each stack of Mist grants @ADPerStack@ Attack Damage. Every @StacksForBonus@ stacks grant @BonusRange@ Attack Range and @BonusCritChance@% Critical Strike Chance. @CritToLifestealConversionPercent*100@% of excess Critical Strike Chance is converted into Lifesteal.

    Senna's Attacks take extra time to fire, deal an additional @BonusOnHitDamage@ physical damage, and briefly grant her @MSSteal@ of the target's Move Speed.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvery third basic spell will cast twice from Seraphine. Additionally, casting spells near allies grants her bonus magic damage and range on her next basic attack.Stage PresenceStage PresenceEvery third basic Ability Seraphine casts will echo, automatically casting a second time.

    Additionally, Seraphine draws inspiration from the music within her allies, creating a Note for each nearby ally whenever she casts an Ability. For each Note, Seraphine's Attacks gain @BonusAARange@ Attack Range and deal an additional @AutoDamage@ magic damage and consume the Notes.
    Stage PresenceEvery third basic ability Seraphine casts will echo, automatically casting a second time.

    Additionally, Seraphine draws inspiration from the music within her allies, creating a Note on each nearby ally whenever she casts an ability (Notes last @NoteDuration@ seconds and stack up to @MaxNotes@ per ally). For each Note, Seraphine's Attacks gain @BonusAARange@ Attack Range and deal an additional @AutoDamage@ magic damage and consume the Notes.

    Notes deal @MinionDamageMultiplier*100@% damage to minions.
    Notes from allies deal @AllyNoteDamagePercent*100@% damage.
    Stage PresenceStage PresenceEvery third basic Ability Seraphine casts will echo, automatically casting a second time.

    Additionally, Seraphine draws inspiration from the music within her allies, creating a Note for each nearby ally whenever she casts an Ability. For each Note, Seraphine's Attacks gain @BonusAARange@ Attack Range and deal an additional @AutoDamage@ magic damage and consume the Notes.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSett's basic attacks alternate between left and right punch. Right punch is slightly stronger and faster. Sett also hates losing, gaining additional health regeneration based off of his missing health.Pit GritPit GritSett's Attacks alternate between left and right punches. Right punches follow the left quickly and deal an additional @RightPunchBonus@ physical damage.

    Sett gains @TooltipRegenPerMissingHealthCalc@ Health Regeneration for each @MissingHealthUnit*500@% missing Health.
    Pit Grit{{Spell_SettPassive_Tooltip}}

    Sett will reset back to a left punch if he does not do a right punch within 2 seconds of doing a left punch. The Attack Speed of a right punch is 8 times that of a left punch.
    Pit GritPit GritSett's Attacks alternate between left and right punches. Right punches follow the left quickly and deal an additional @RightPunchBonus@ physical damage.

    Sett gains @TooltipRegenPerMissingHealthCalc@ Health Regeneration for each @MissingHealthUnit*500@% missing Health.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoShaco's basic attacks and Two-Shiv Poison deal additional damage when striking from behind.BackstabBackstabWhen striking enemies that are facing away from him:
  1324. Shaco's Attacks deal an additional @BasicAttackDamage@ physical damage that can critically strike.
  1325. {{Spell_TwoShivPoison_Name}} deals an additional @ShivDamage@ magic damage, increased to @ShivDamageExecute@ magic damage if the target is below 30% Health.BackstabBackstabWhen striking enemies that are facing away from him:
  1326. Shaco's Attacks deal an additional @BasicAttackDamage@ physical damage that can critically strike.
  1327. {{Spell_TwoShivPoison_Name}} deals an additional @ShivDamage@ magic damage, increased to @ShivDamageExecute@ magic damage if the target is below 30% Health.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAfter casting a spell, Shen gets a shield. Affecting other champions reduces the cooldown of this effect.Ki BarrierKi BarrierAfter casting a spell, Shen gains a @ShieldValue@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ShieldCooldown@ second cooldown). Spells that successfully affect an allied or enemy champion reduce this cooldown by @ShieldCooldownReduction@ seconds.

    Shen's power manifests as a spirit blade that he can control with abilities.
    Ki BarrierKi BarrierAfter casting a spell, Shen gains a @ShieldValue@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ShieldCooldown@ second cooldown). Spells that successfully affect an allied or enemy champion reduce this cooldown by @ShieldCooldownReduction@ seconds.

    Shen's power manifests as a spirit blade that he can control with abilities.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoShyvana gains permanent stacking Armor and Magic Resistance whenever she or her allies kill siege minions or super minions. She also gains a stack whenever a Health Relic AOE heals her on the enemy mapside.Fury of the DragonbornFury of the DragonbornShyvana gains @BonusResistsPerStackHA@ permanent Armor, Magic Resistance, and @FuryGainPerDragonCount@ Dragon Fury regeneration whenever she or her allies slay a siege minion or super minion. Additionally, she gains @BonusResistsPerStackHA@ permanent Armor, Magic Resistance, and @FuryGainPerDragonCount@ Dragon Fury regeneration whenever she is healed by a Health Relic AOE on the enemy side of the map.

    Total bonus Armor and Magic Resistance: @f1@
    Fury of the DragonbornFury of the DragonbornShyvana gains @BonusResistsPerStackHA@ permanent Armor, Magic Resistance, and @FuryGainPerDragonCount@ Dragon Fury regeneration whenever she or her allies slay a siege minion or super minion. Additionally, she gains @BonusResistsPerStackHA@ permanent Armor, Magic Resistance, and @FuryGainPerDragonCount@ Dragon Fury regeneration whenever she is healed by a Health Relic AOE on the enemy side of the map.

    Total bonus Armor and Magic Resistance: @f1@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoShyvana gains permanent stacking Armor and Magic Resistance whenever she or her allies kill nearby epic monsters, buff monsters, and scuttlecrabs.Fury of the DragonbornShyvana gains @BonusResistsPerStack@ permanent Armor, Magic Resistance, and @FuryGainPerDragonCount@ Dragon Fury regeneration whenever she or her allies slay an epic monster, buff monster, or scuttlecrab.

    Total bonus Armor and Magic Resistance: @f1@
    Fury of the DragonbornShyvana gains @BonusResistsPerStack@ permanent Armor, Magic Resistance, and @FuryGainPerDragonCount@ Dragon Fury regeneration whenever she or her allies slay an epic monster, buff monster, or scuttlecrab.

    Total bonus Armor and Magic Resistance: @f1@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoShyvana deals bonus damage to dragons and gains Armor and Magic Resistance. As Shyvana and her allies slay more dragons, she gains more bonus Armor and Magic Resistance.Fury of the DragonbornShyvana deals @BonusPercentDamageToDragons*100@% more damage to Dragon type jungle monsters. She gains @BonusResistsBase@ Armor and Magic Resistance, increased by an additional @BonusResistsPerDragon@ for each Dragon defeated by her or her allies.

    Total bonus Armor and Magic Resistance: @f1@
    Fury of the DragonbornShyvana deals @BonusPercentDamageToDragons*100@% more damage to Dragon type jungle monsters. She gains @BonusResistsBase@ Armor and Magic Resistance, increased by an additional @BonusResistsPerDragon@ for each Dragon defeated by her or her allies.

    Total bonus Armor and Magic Resistance: @f1@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSinged drafts off nearby champions, gaining a burst of Move Speed when passing them.Noxious SlipstreamNoxious SlipstreamSinged drafts off of nearby allied or enemy champions, gaining @MSPercent*100@% Move Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. This effect has an @PerTargetCD@ second Cooldown per champion.Noxious SlipstreamNoxious SlipstreamSinged drafts off of nearby allied or enemy champions, gaining @MSPercent*100@% Move Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. This effect has an @PerTargetCD@ second Cooldown per champion.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDeath SurgeDeath SurgeSion gains 67% Move Speed decaying over 2.5 seconds.Death SurgeDeath SurgeSion gains 67% Move Speed decaying over 2.5 seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAfter being killed, Sion will temporarily reanimate with rapidly decaying Health. His attacks become very rapid, heal him, and deal bonus damage based on his target's maximum Health.Glory in DeathGlory in DeathAfter being killed Sion will reanimate himself allowing him to move and Attack, but his Health rapidly decays while he is reanimated. He also gains @Lifesteal*100@% Lifesteal, attacks extremely fast, and his Attacks deal an additional @PercentMaxHP*100@% max Health physical damage.

    All of his Abilities are replaced with Death Surge, which grants him a burst of Move Speed.
    Glory in Death{{Spell_SionPassive_Tooltip}}

    Max @NonChampCap@ bonus damage against non-champions.
    Sion deals @StructureMod*100@% damage to structures while in this form.
    Glory in DeathGlory in DeathAfter being killed Sion will reanimate himself allowing him to move and Attack, but his Health rapidly decays while he is reanimated. He also gains @Lifesteal*100@% Lifesteal, attacks extremely fast, and his Attacks deal an additional @PercentMaxHP*100@% max Health physical damage.

    All of his Abilities are replaced with Death Surge, which grants him a burst of Move Speed.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSivir gains a short burst of Move Speed when she attacks an enemy champion.Fleet of FootFleet of FootSivir's Attacks and Abilities grant her a burst of @FlatMS@ Decaying Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds when they damage enemy champions.
    Fleet of FootFleet of FootSivir's Attacks and Abilities grant her a burst of @FlatMS@ Decaying Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds when they damage enemy champions.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSkarner's presence causes crystals to spawn in set locations around the map. Crystals can be captured by either team by standing close to them. When near crystals his team owns, Skarner gains Move Speed, attack speed, and increased mana regeneration.Crystal SpiresCrystal SpiresSkarner causes crystals to appear around the map. Champions that stand near crystals capture them and prevent them from being captured for 15 seconds.

    When near crystals his team owns, Skarner gains @CrystalAS@% Attack Speed, @CrystalMS@ Move Speed, and restores @CrystalRestore@% max Mana per second.
    Crystal SpiresCrystal SpiresSkarner causes crystals to appear around the map. Champions that stand near crystals capture them and prevent them from being captured for 15 seconds.

    When near crystals his team owns, Skarner gains @CrystalAS@% Attack Speed, @CrystalMS@ Move Speed, and restores @CrystalRestore@% max Mana per second.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAccelerando: Sona gains non-Ultimate ability haste permanently for her basic abilities as she uses her abilities well, up to a cap. Beyond that cap, further successful uses reduce her ultimate's remaining cooldown instead.

    Power Chord: Every few spell casts, Sona's next attack will deal bonus magic damage in addition to an additional effect based on what basic Ability Sona last activated.Power ChordPower ChordAccelerando: Sona gains Accelerando stacks from using her Basic Abilities well. She gains +%i:scaleAH% @AccelerandoAHPerStack@ Basic Ability Haste permanently per stack, up to %i:scaleAH% @AccelerandoCap@ Basic Ability Haste. When she reaches %i:scaleAH% @AccelerandoCap@ Basic Ability Haste, instead of gaining further stacks her current Ultimate Ability's cooldown is reduced by @Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoUltCDR@ seconds.

    Power Chord: After using @PowerChordPassiveCountMax@ basic Abilities, Sona's next Attack deals an additional @PowerChordDamage@ magic damage and may have an additional effect based on the song Sona last activated.
  1328. Hymn of Valor: The Attack deals @Spell.SonaQ:TotalStaccatoDamage@ magic damage instead.
  1329. Aria of Perseverance: The target deals @Spell.SonaW:TotalDiminuendoWeakenPercent@ less damage for @Spell.SonaW:DiminuendoDuration@ seconds.
  1330. Song of Celerity: The target is Slowed by @Spell.SonaE:TotalTempoMoveSpeedSlow@ for @Spell.SonaE:TempoDuration@ seconds.Power ChordPower ChordAccelerando: Sona gains Accelerando stacks from using her Basic Abilities well. She gains +%i:scaleAH% @AccelerandoAHPerStack@ Basic Ability Haste permanently per stack, up to %i:scaleAH% @AccelerandoCap@ Basic Ability Haste. When she reaches %i:scaleAH% @AccelerandoCap@ Basic Ability Haste, instead of gaining further stacks her current Ultimate Ability's cooldown is reduced by @Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoUltCDR@ seconds.

    Power Chord: After using @PowerChordPassiveCountMax@ basic Abilities, Sona's next Attack deals an additional @PowerChordDamage@ magic damage and may have an additional effect based on the song Sona last activated.
  1331. Hymn of Valor: The Attack deals @Spell.SonaQ:TotalStaccatoDamage@ magic damage instead.
  1332. Aria of Perseverance: The target deals @Spell.SonaW:TotalDiminuendoWeakenPercent@ less damage for @Spell.SonaW:DiminuendoDuration@ seconds.
  1333. Song of Celerity: The target is Slowed by @Spell.SonaE:TotalTempoMoveSpeedSlow@ for @Spell.SonaE:TempoDuration@ seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRavenous FlockRavenous FlockSwain collects Soul Fragments from Vision of Empire, Nevermove, and enemy champion deaths. Soul Fragments restore @PassiveHealPercent@ max Health and permanently grant Swain @HealthIncrement@ max Health.

    Ravenous FlockRavenous FlockSwain collects Soul Fragments from Vision of Empire, Nevermove, and enemy champion deaths. Soul Fragments restore @PassiveHealPercent@ max Health and permanently grant Swain @HealthIncrement@ max Health.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAfter casting a spell, Sylas stores a charge of Petricite Burst. Sylas's basic attacks will expend a charge and whirl his energized chains around him dealing bonus magic damage to enemies hit. While Sylas has a charge of Petricite Burst, he gains attack speed. Petricite BurstPetricite BurstAfter using an Ability, Sylas gains a charge (max @PassiveCharges@ charges). Sylas' Attacks expend a charge to whirl his chains, dealing @PassiveDamage@ magic damage to the main target and @PassiveAoEDamage@ magic damage to other surrounding enemies.

    While he has at least one charge, Sylas gains @PassiveAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed.
    Petricite BurstAfter using an Ability, Sylas gains a charge (max @PassiveCharges@ charges). Sylas' Attacks expend a charge to whirl his chains, dealing @PassiveDamage@ magic damage to the main target and @PassiveAoEDamage@ magic damage to other surrounding enemies.

    While he has at least one charge, Sylas gains @PassiveAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed.

    When empowered, Sylas's attacks execute low Health minions.
    Petricite BurstPetricite BurstAfter using an Ability, Sylas gains a charge (max @PassiveCharges@ charges). Sylas' Attacks expend a charge to whirl his chains, dealing @PassiveDamage@ magic damage to the main target and @PassiveAoEDamage@ magic damage to other surrounding enemies.

    While he has at least one charge, Sylas gains @PassiveAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSyndra collects Splinters of Wrath from gaining levels and damaging enemies which upgrade her abilities.

    Dark Sphere: Syndra can hold an additional charge
    Force of Will: Bonus true damage.
    Scatter the Weak: Increased width and slows all targets
    Unleashed Power: Executes low health targetsTranscendentSyndra can collect up to @MaxStackAmount@ Splinters of Wrath. These enhance Syndra's Abilities and restore @ManaPerProc@ Mana each time she claims one from an enemy.

    Syndra collects Splinters of Wrath from the following:
  1334. @StacksPerProc@ Splinter(s) when damaging enemy champions with two Abilities within @MarkDuration@ seconds (@PassiveMarkCooldown@s Cooldown)
  1335. @PassiveStacksPerLevel@ Splinters upon spending Ability points
  1336. @StackPerSiege@ Splinter on killing large minions

    At @MaxStackAmount@ Splinters of Wrath, Syndra increases her Ability Power by @CapstoneAPPerc*100@%.
    TranscendentTranscendentSyndra can collect up to @MaxStackAmount@ Splinters of Wrath. These enhance Syndra's Abilities and restore @ManaPerProc@ Mana each time she claims one from an enemy.

    Syndra collects Splinters of Wrath from the following:
  1337. @StacksPerProc@ Splinter(s) when damaging enemy champions with two Abilities within @MarkDuration@ seconds (@PassiveMarkCooldown@s Cooldown)
  1338. @PassiveStacksPerLevel@ Splinters upon spending Ability points
  1339. @StackPerSiege@ Splinter on killing large minions

    At @MaxStackAmount@ Splinters of Wrath, Syndra increases her Ability Power by @CapstoneAPPerc*100@%.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTahm Kench puts the heft of his immense body behind his attacks, gaining extra damage based on his total health. Damaging enemy champions builds stacks of An Acquired Taste. At three stacks, he can use Devour on an enemy champion.An Acquired TasteAn Acquired TasteAttacks deal @TotalDamage@ bonus magic damage. Against champions, they add a stack of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }} for @Duration@ seconds, up to @MaxStacks@ times.

    At @MaxStacks@ stacks, Tongue Lash and Devour become empowered against that champion.
    An Acquired TasteAn Acquired TasteAttacks deal @TotalDamage@ bonus magic damage. Against champions, they add a stack of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }} for @Duration@ seconds, up to @MaxStacks@ times.

    At @MaxStacks@ stacks, Tongue Lash and Devour become empowered against that champion.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoJanna gains bonus Move Speed moving towards allied champions and nearby allied champions gain this bonus when moving toward her.TailwindTailwindJanna gains @MSPercentSelf*100@% Move Speed moving towards allied champions and they gain @MSPercentAlly*100@% Move Speed moving towards her.TailwindTailwindJanna gains @MSPercentSelf*100@% Move Speed moving towards allied champions and they gain @MSPercentAlly*100@% Move Speed moving towards her.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTaliyah gains Move Speed near walls.Rock SurfingRock SurfingTaliyah gains @TotalMS@ Move Speed while out of combat if she has been near a wall within the last @FallOffTime@ seconds.Rock SurfingRock SurfingTaliyah gains @TotalMS@ Move Speed while out of combat if she has been near a wall within the last @FallOffTime@ seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTalon's spells Wound champions and large monsters, stacking up to 3 times. When Talon attacks a champion with 3 stacks of Wound, they bleed for heavy damage over time.Blade's EndBlade's EndTalon's Abilities apply a stack to champions and large jungle monsters they damage for @StackDuration@ seconds (max 3 stacks).

    When Talon Attacks a target with 3 stacks, he deals an additional @BleedDamage@ physical damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds.
    Blade's End{{game_buff_tooltip_TalonPassive}}

    Damage over time effect deals @monstermod*100@% damage to jungle monsters.
    Blade's EndBlade's EndTalon's Abilities apply a stack to champions and large jungle monsters they damage for @StackDuration@ seconds (max 3 stacks).

    When Talon Attacks a target with 3 stacks, he deals an additional @BleedDamage@ physical damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSpellcasts empower Taric's next 2 basic attacks to deal bonus magic damage, reduce his spell cooldowns, and attack in quick succession.BravadoBravadoAfter using an Ability, Taric's next 2 Attacks within @Duration@ seconds gain 100% Attack Speed, deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage, and reduce his basic Ability Cooldowns by @CDR@ second.BravadoBravadoAfter using an Ability, Taric's next 2 Attacks within @Duration@ seconds gain 100% Attack Speed, deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage, and reduce his basic Ability Cooldowns by @CDR@ second.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoThresh can harvest the souls of enemies that die near him, permanently granting him Armor and Ability Power.DamnationDamnationThresh collects the souls of dead enemies by walking near them, permanently granting him Armor and Ability Power. However, Thresh does not gain Armor per level.

    Champions and large minions always drop a soul while small minions only sometimes drop one. Epic monsters drop two souls.

    Current Soul Bonuses: @CurrentSoulBonus@ Ability Power, @CurrentSoulBonus@ Armor

    Champions and large minions always drop a Soul, while small minions and jungle monsters only sometimes drop one. Epic jungle monsters drop two Souls.
    DamnationDamnationThresh collects the souls of dead enemies by walking near them, permanently granting him Armor and Ability Power. However, Thresh does not gain Armor per level.

    Champions and large minions always drop a soul while small minions only sometimes drop one. Epic monsters drop two souls.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoIncreases Tristana's Attack Range as she levels.Draw a BeadDraw a BeadTristana's Attack Range and the range of {{Spell_TristanaE_Name}} and {{Spell_TristanaR_Name}} are increased by @BonusPassiveRange@.Draw a BeadDraw a BeadTristana's Attack Range and the range of {{Spell_TristanaE_Name}} and {{Spell_TristanaR_Name}} are increased by @BonusPassiveRange@.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWhen an enemy unit dies near Trundle, he heals for a percent of its maximum Health.King's TributeKing's TributeWhen an enemy dies near Trundle, he restores @RegenPercent@ of its max Health.King's TributeKing's TributeWhen an enemy dies near Trundle, he restores @RegenPercent@ of its max Health.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBattle FuryBattle FuryTryndamere's Attacks grant him 5 Fury or 10 Fury for a critical strike, and 10 Fury for killing a unit. After 8 seconds of being out of combat, Tryndamere loses 5 Fury every second.

    Each point of Fury grants @PassiveCritConversionTooltip@% Critical Strike Chance.
    Battle FuryBattle FuryTryndamere's Attacks grant him 5 Fury or 10 Fury for a critical strike, and 10 Fury for killing a unit. After 8 seconds of being out of combat, Tryndamere loses 5 Fury every second.

    Each point of Fury grants @PassiveCritConversionTooltip@% Critical Strike Chance.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTwitch's basic attacks infect the target, dealing true damage each second.Deadly VenomDeadly VenomTwitch's Attacks infect his target, dealing @DamagePerSecond@ true damage per second for @Duration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.

    Max Damage Per Second: @DamagePerSecondMax@
    Deadly VenomDeadly VenomTwitch's Attacks infect his target, dealing @DamagePerSecond@ true damage per second for @Duration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.

    Max Damage Per Second: @DamagePerSecondMax@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoUdyr has four basic Abilities that swap between Stances and can Recast an Ability to renew it with additional benefits. Additionally, after using an Ability, Udyr's next two Attacks gain Attack Speed.Bridge BetweenBridge BetweenAwakened Spirit: Udyr has four basic Abilities that swap between Stances. Udyr can Recast an Ability that is on Cooldown to gain its bonuses again with additional benefits. (@UltCD@ second Cooldown).

    Monk Training: After using an Ability, Udyr's next two Attacks within @AttackSpeedDuration@ seconds gain @AttackSpeed@ Attack Speed and refund @UltCDReduction*100@% of Awaken's Cooldown.
    Bridge BetweenBridge BetweenAwakened Spirit: Udyr has four basic Abilities that swap between Stances. Udyr can Recast an Ability that is on Cooldown to gain its bonuses again with additional benefits. (@UltCD@ second Cooldown).

    Monk Training: After using an Ability, Udyr's next two Attacks within @AttackSpeedDuration@ seconds gain @AttackSpeed@ Attack Speed and refund @UltCDReduction*100@% of Awaken's Cooldown.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVel'Koz's abilities apply Organic Deconstruction to enemies on hit. If 3 stacks are accumulated, the enemy will take a burst of true damage.Organic DeconstructionOrganic DeconstructionVel'Koz's Abilities apply a stack of Deconstruction for @Duration@ seconds. Enemies with 3 stacks consume them and take @TotalDamage@ true damage.

    Vel'koz's Attacks refresh the duration of Deconstruction, but won't add new stacks.
    Organic DeconstructionOrganic DeconstructionVel'Koz's Abilities apply a stack of Deconstruction for @Duration@ seconds. Enemies with 3 stacks consume them and take @TotalDamage@ true damage.

    Vel'koz's Attacks refresh the duration of Deconstruction, but won't add new stacks.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAfter using an ability, Xayah's next basic attacks will hit all targets along their path and leave a Feather.Clean CutsClean CutsAfter using an Ability, Xayah's next @f14@ Attacks will deal @f16*100@% damage to all other targets along their path and leave a Feather for @f12@ seconds.

    Lover's Leap: Xayah and Rakan can recall together.
    Clean Cuts{{Spell_XayahPassive_Tooltip}}

    Primary target of empowered Attacks take full damage and On-Hit effects as normal.
    Clean CutsClean CutsAfter using an Ability, Xayah's next @f14@ Attacks will deal @f16*100@% damage to all other targets along their path and leave a Feather for @f12@ seconds.

    Lover's Leap: Xayah and Rakan can recall together.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoUrgot's basic attacks and Purge periodically trigger blasts of flame from his legs, dealing physical damage.Echoing FlamesEchoing FlamesUrgot has a cannon on each of his 6 legs. Attacks and {{Spell_UrgotW_Name}} will fire the leg cannon that is facing his target for @ADDamage@ plus @PercentHPRatio@ max Health physical damage. This effect has a @PerLegCD@ second Cooldown per leg.Echoing Flames{{Spell_UrgotPassive_Tooltip}}

    Deals a max of @MonsterCap@ damage to jungle monsters.
    Echoing FlamesEchoing FlamesUrgot has a cannon on each of his 6 legs. Attacks and {{Spell_UrgotW_Name}} will fire the leg cannon that is facing his target for @ADDamage@ plus @PercentHPRatio@ max Health physical damage. This effect has a @PerLegCD@ second Cooldown per leg.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoOn kill or assist, Varus temporarily gains Attack Speed. This bonus is larger if the enemy is a champion.Living VengeanceLiving VengeanceWhen Varus kills an enemy, he gains @MinionAS@ Attack Speed for @ASDuration@ seconds. Champion takedowns grant @ChampionAS@ Attack Speed instead.Living VengeanceLiving VengeanceWhen Varus kills an enemy, he gains @MinionAS@ Attack Speed for @ASDuration@ seconds. Champion takedowns grant @ChampionAS@ Attack Speed instead.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoVayne ruthlessly hunts evil-doers, gaining 30 Move Speed when moving toward nearby enemy champions.Night HunterNight HunterVayne ruthlessly hunts evil-doers, gaining 30 Move Speed when moving toward nearby enemy champions.Night HunterNight HunterVayne ruthlessly hunts evil-doers, gaining 30 Move Speed when moving toward nearby enemy champions.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoVeigar is the greatest Evil to ever strike at the hearts of Runeterra - and he's only getting bigger! Striking an enemy Champion with a spell or scoring a takedown grants Veigar permanently increased Ability Power.Phenomenal Evil PowerPhenomenal Evil PowerVeigar's Abilities grant him a stack of Phenomenal Evil when they strike enemy champions. Takedowns on champions grant an additional 5 stacks.

    Each stack of Phenomenal Evil grants Veigar 1 Ability Power.
    Phenomenal Evil Power{{Spell_VeigarPassive_Tooltip}}

    Veigar's evil is currently granting him @f1@ Ability Power
    Phenomenal Evil PowerPhenomenal Evil PowerVeigar's Abilities grant him a stack of Phenomenal Evil when they strike enemy champions. Takedowns on champions grant an additional 5 stacks.

    Each stack of Phenomenal Evil grants Veigar 1 Ability Power.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVex periodically becomes empowered, causing her next basic Ability to fear enemies and interrupt dashes. Whenever a nearby enemy dashes, Vex applies a mark that can be consumed for bonus damage that also reduces the cooldown of her empowered state.Doom 'n GloomDoom 'n GloomEvery @DoomCD@ seconds Vex becomes afflicted with Doom, causing her next basic Ability to Knock Down and Fear enemies for @FearDuration@ seconds.

    Whenever a nearby enemy dashes or blinks, Vex marks them with Gloom for @GloomDuration@ seconds. Vex's next Attack against a Gloomed enemy deals an additional @GloomProcCalc@ magic damage and reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @GloomCDChamp*100@%.
    Doom 'n Gloom{{Spell_VexP_Tooltip}}

    Non-champion targets take @GloomMinionMod@ damage and refund @GloomCDNonChamp*100@% of this Ability's Cooldown.
    Enemies Feared by this Ability move more slowly the farther they are from Vex.
    Doom 'n GloomDoom 'n GloomEvery @DoomCD@ seconds Vex becomes afflicted with Doom, causing her next basic Ability to Knock Down and Fear enemies for @FearDuration@ seconds.

    Whenever a nearby enemy dashes or blinks, Vex marks them with Gloom for @GloomDuration@ seconds. Vex's next Attack against a Gloomed enemy deals an additional @GloomProcCalc@ magic damage and reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @GloomCDChamp*100@%.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVi charges a shield over time. The shield can be activated by hitting an enemy with an ability.Blast ShieldBlast ShieldVi gains @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds after hitting an enemy or structure with an activated Ability.Blast Shield{{Spell_ViPassive_Tooltip}}

    This Ability has a @ShieldCooldown@ second Cooldown, reduced by @CDReductionOn3Hit@ seconds when Vi triggers Denting Blows.
    Blast ShieldBlast ShieldVi gains @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds after hitting an enemy or structure with an activated Ability.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEnemies who fall before Viego become wraiths. By attacking a wraith, Viego temporarily seizes control of the dead enemy's body, healing for a percentage of his target's max health and gaining access to their basic abilities and items. He replaces their Ultimate with a free cast of his own.Sovereign's DominationSovereign's DominationThe souls of enemy champions that die within @TakedownWindow@ seconds of being hit by Viego become wraiths. Viego can Attack wraiths to Possess them, restoring @PercentHealthHeal@% of enemy's max Health and gaining access to their non-ultimate Abilities, Attacks, and items for @TransformDuration@ seconds. During this time he replaces their Ultimate with a free cast of his own and gains @MoveSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions.Sovereign's Domination{{Spell_ViegoPassive_Tooltip}}

    Viego keeps his summoner spells, runes, and trinkets during Possession and cannot use active or consumable items. Passive item Cooldowns are shared across Possessions.
    Sovereign's DominationSovereign's DominationThe souls of enemy champions that die within @TakedownWindow@ seconds of being hit by Viego become wraiths. Viego can Attack wraiths to Possess them, restoring @PercentHealthHeal@% of enemy's max Health and gaining access to their non-ultimate Abilities, Attacks, and items for @TransformDuration@ seconds. During this time he replaces their Ultimate with a free cast of his own and gains @MoveSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoViktor can augment his basic abilities when he gets kills on enemies.Glorious EvolutionViktor gains Hex Fragments whenever he kills an enemy. Every @EvolutionStackBreakpoint@ Hex Fragments Viktor permanently upgrades an active Ability.

    Killing minions grants @MinionStacks@ Hex Fragment.
    Killing cannon minions grants @CannonStacks@ Hex Fragments.
    Champion takedowns grant @ChampionStacks@ Hex Fragments.
    Glorious Evolution{{Spell_ViktorP_Tooltip}}

    Viktor can upgrade his ultimate only after upgrading all non-ultimate Abilities.
    Glorious EvolutionGlorious EvolutionViktor gains Hex Fragments whenever he kills an enemy. Every @EvolutionStackBreakpoint@ Hex Fragments Viktor permanently upgrades an active Ability.

    Killing minions grants @MinionStacks@ Hex Fragment.
    Killing cannon minions grants @CannonStacks@ Hex Fragments.
    Champion takedowns grant @ChampionStacks@ Hex Fragments.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvery 30 points of bonus Health gives Vladimir 1 Ability Power and every 1 point of Ability Power gives Vladimir 1.6 bonus Health (does not stack with itself).Crimson PactCrimson PactVladimir gains 1 Ability Power for every @Effect1Amount@ bonus Health. He also gains @Effect2Amount@ max Health per 1 Ability Power.

    Bonus Ability Power: @ApproximateAPBonusAvoidingRecursion@
    Bonus Health: @ApproximateHPBonusAvoidingRecursion@
    Crimson Pact{{Spell_VladimirP_Tooltip}}

    These bonuses don't count for each other.
    Crimson PactCrimson PactVladimir gains 1 Ability Power for every @Effect1Amount@ bonus Health. He also gains @Effect2Amount@ max Health per 1 Ability Power.

    Bonus Ability Power: @ApproximateAPBonusAvoidingRecursion@
    Bonus Health: @ApproximateHPBonusAvoidingRecursion@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKassadin takes reduced magic damage and ignores unit collision.Void StoneVoid StoneKassadin takes @DamageReductionPercent*100@% reduced magic damage and is Ghosted.Void Stone{{ Spell_VoidStone_Tooltip }}
    Void StoneVoid StoneKassadin takes @DamageReductionPercent*100@% reduced magic damage and is Ghosted.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoVolibear's Attacks and abilities grant Attack Speed, and eventually cause his Attacks to deal bonus magic damage to nearby enemies.The Relentless StormThe Relentless StormVolibear gains @AttackSpeedCalc@ Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds whenever he deals damage with an Ability or Attack, stacking up to 5 times.

    At 5 stacks, Volibear's claws ignite with lightning, causing his Attacks to deal an additional @ChainLightningDamageTooltip@ magic damage to the target and 4 closest enemies.
    The Relentless StormThe Relentless StormVolibear gains @AttackSpeedCalc@ Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds whenever he deals damage with an Ability or Attack, stacking up to 5 times.

    At 5 stacks, Volibear's claws ignite with lightning, causing his Attacks to deal an additional @ChainLightningDamageTooltip@ magic damage to the target and 4 closest enemies.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWarwick's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage. If Warwick is below 50% health, he heals the same amount. If Warwick is below 25% health, this healing triples.Eternal HungerEternal HungerWarwick's Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage On-Hit.

    If Warwick is below @HealingThreshold*100@% Health, he also heals for @HealingRatio*100@% of the damage dealt by Eternal Hunger. If Warwick is below @EmpoweredHealingThreshold*100@% health, the healing is increased to @EmpoweredHealingRatio*100@% of the damage dealt.
    Eternal HungerEternal HungerWarwick's Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage On-Hit.

    If Warwick is below @HealingThreshold*100@% Health, he also heals for @HealingRatio*100@% of the damage dealt by Eternal Hunger. If Warwick is below @EmpoweredHealingThreshold*100@% health, the healing is increased to @EmpoweredHealingRatio*100@% of the damage dealt.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoXerath's basic attacks periodically restore Mana.Mana SurgeMana SurgeEvery 12 seconds Xerath's next Attack against a champion restores @ChampionManaRestoreTT@ Mana. It restores @MinionManaRestoreTT@ Mana if attacking minions or jungle monsters.Mana SurgeMana SurgeEvery 12 seconds Xerath's next Attack against a champion restores @ChampionManaRestoreTT@ Mana. It restores @MinionManaRestoreTT@ Mana if attacking minions or jungle monsters.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvery third attack deals bonus damage and heals Xin Zhao.DeterminationDeterminationEvery third Attack or strike with Wind Becomes Lightning deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and restores @TotalHealing@ Health.DeterminationDeterminationEvery third Attack or strike with Wind Becomes Lightning deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and restores @TotalHealing@ Health.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoYasuo's Critical Strike Chance is increased. Additionally, Yasuo builds toward a shield whenever he is moving. The shield triggers when he takes damage from a champion or monster.Way of the WandererWay of the WandererResolve: Moving grants Flow, which is tracked on Yasuo's resource bar. Moving faster grants more Flow. At maximum Flow, damage from a champion or monster briefly grants @ShieldValue@ Shield.

    Intent: Yasuo's Critical Strike Chance is increased by @CritChanceMultiplier*100@%, but his Critical Strikes deal @PercentCritDamageReduction*-100@% reduced Damage. Gain @YasuoCritToAD*.01@ Bonus Attack Damage for every 1% Critical Strike Chance above 100%.
    Way of the Wanderer{{Spell_YasuoPassive_Tooltip}}

    Intent is calculated after other Critical Strike Chance modifying effects.
    Current bonus: @f2@% Critical Strike Chance, @f3@ Bonus Attack Damage.
    Current Critical Damage: @CurrentCritDamage@
    Way of the WandererWay of the WandererResolve: Moving grants Flow, which is tracked on Yasuo's resource bar. Moving faster grants more Flow. At maximum Flow, damage from a champion or monster briefly grants @ShieldValue@ Shield.

    Intent: Yasuo's Critical Strike Chance is increased by @CritChanceMultiplier*100@%, but his Critical Strikes deal @PercentCritDamageReduction*-100@% reduced Damage. Gain @YasuoCritToAD*.01@ Bonus Attack Damage for every 1% Critical Strike Chance above 100%.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoYone deals magic damage with every second Attack. In addition, his critical strike chance is increased.Way of the HunterWay of the HunterSteel and Spirit: Yone uses two blades, causing every second Attack to deal @MagicDamageSplit*100@% magic damage.

    Intent: Yone's Critical Strike Chance is increased by @CritChanceMultiplier*100@%, but his Critical Strikes deal @YonePercentCritDmgMod*-100@% reduced Damage. Gain @YoneCritToAD*.01@ Bonus AD for every 1% Critical Strike Chance above 100%.
    Way of the Hunter{{Spell_YonePassive_Tooltip}}

    Intent is calculated after other Critical Strike Chance modifying effects.
    Current bonus: @f2@% Critical Strike Chance, @f3@ Bonus Attack Damage.
    Current Critical Damage: @CurrentCritDamage@
    Way of the HunterWay of the HunterSteel and Spirit: Yone uses two blades, causing every second Attack to deal @MagicDamageSplit*100@% magic damage.

    Intent: Yone's Critical Strike Chance is increased by @CritChanceMultiplier*100@%, but his Critical Strikes deal @YonePercentCritDmgMod*-100@% reduced Damage. Gain @YoneCritToAD*.01@ Bonus AD for every 1% Critical Strike Chance above 100%.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoThe Cursed Horde: Yorick can summon Mist Walkers to swarm and attack nearby enemies.Shepherd of SoulsShepherd of SoulsYorick raises a grave for every @UnitsToGrave@ enemies that die near him. Champions and large monsters always leave a grave.

    These graves can be used to summon Mist Walkers with Awakening and Eulogy of the Isles. Mist Walkers have @YorickPassiveGhoulHealth@ Health and @YorickPassiveGhoulDamage@ Attack Damage, and Yorick can control up to @YorickPassiveGhoulMax@ in an area.
    Shepherd of Souls{{Spell_YorickPassive_Tooltip}}

    Mist Walkers will proceed down lanes once they enter combat.
    Yorick's summoned units take @YorickPassiveGhoulAOEReduction@% less damage from AOE spells and effects.
    Yorick's summoned units take @YorickGhoulMonsterReduction@% less damage from monsters.
    Shepherd of SoulsShepherd of SoulsYorick raises a grave for every @UnitsToGrave@ enemies that die near him. Champions and large monsters always leave a grave.

    These graves can be used to summon Mist Walkers with Awakening and Eulogy of the Isles. Mist Walkers have @YorickPassiveGhoulHealth@ Health and @YorickPassiveGhoulDamage@ Attack Damage, and Yorick can control up to @YorickPassiveGhoulMax@ in an area.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPeriodically, when Yuumi attacks a champion, she restores mana and gains a shield that follows her, protecting her and the ally she's attached to.Bop 'n' BlockYuumi's Attacks against champions grant her @ShieldAmount@ Shield and restore @MaxManaRestore@ mana. This effect has a @PassiveCooldown@ second Cooldown.

    The Shield follows Yuumi until broken, and will protect Yuumi's Attached ally while she has one.
    Bop 'n' BlockBop 'n' BlockYuumi's Attacks against champions grant her @ShieldAmount@ Shield and restore @MaxManaRestore@ mana. This effect has a @PassiveCooldown@ second Cooldown.

    The Shield follows Yuumi until broken, and will protect Yuumi's Attached ally while she has one.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCell DivisionCell DivisionEach time Zac hits an enemy with an Ability, he sheds a chunk of Goo that can be reabsorbed to restore @spell.ZacR:PassiveHealingTotalTooltip@ Health.

    Upon dying, Zac splits into 4 bloblets that attempt to recombine. If any bloblets remain after @ReviveBlobletDuration@ seconds, he will revive with 10-50% Health based on the surviving bloblet's Health. This has a @ReviveCooldown@ second Cooldown.
    Cell Division{{Spell_ZacPassiveChunkDrop_Tooltip}}

    Each bloblet has 12% of Zac's max Health, and 50% of his Armor and Magic Resist.
    Cell DivisionCell DivisionEach time Zac hits an enemy with an Ability, he sheds a chunk of Goo that can be reabsorbed to restore @spell.ZacR:PassiveHealingTotalTooltip@ Health.

    Upon dying, Zac splits into 4 bloblets that attempt to recombine. If any bloblets remain after @ReviveBlobletDuration@ seconds, he will revive with 10-50% Health based on the surviving bloblet's Health. This has a @ReviveCooldown@ second Cooldown.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZed's basic attacks against low health targets deals bonus Magic Damage. This effect can only occur once every few seconds against the same enemy champion.Contempt for the WeakContempt for the WeakWhenever Zed Attacks an enemy below @CurrentHealthThreshold*100@% Health, he deals an additional @MaxHPDamage@ max Health magic damage. Enemy champions can only be hit once every @PerUnitCD@ seconds.Contempt for the Weak{{Spell_ZedPassive_Tooltip}}

    This Ability deals @MonsterDamageMod*100@% damage to jungle monsters, capped at @MonsterDamageCap@ damage to epic monsters.
    Contempt for the WeakContempt for the WeakWhenever Zed Attacks an enemy below @CurrentHealthThreshold*100@% Health, he deals an additional @MaxHPDamage@ max Health magic damage. Enemy champions can only be hit once every @PerUnitCD@ seconds.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoZeri gains Move Speed whenever she receives a shield. When she damages an enemy shield she absorbs its energy, shielding herself.Living BatteryLiving BatteryZeri Shields herself for @PercentShieldSteal*100@% of the damage she deals to enemy Shields and gains @HastePercent*100@% Move Speed for @EnergizedDuration@ seconds whenever she receives a Shield.

    Total damage blocked: @f1@
    Living BatteryLiving BatteryZeri Shields herself for @PercentShieldSteal*100@% of the damage she deals to enemy Shields and gains @HastePercent*100@% Move Speed for @EnergizedDuration@ seconds whenever she receives a Shield.

    Total damage blocked: @f1@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPeriodically, Ziggs' next basic attack deals bonus magic damage. This cooldown is reduced whenever Ziggs uses an ability.Short FuseShort FuseEvery @Cooldown@ seconds, Ziggs' next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage. It deals @StructureDamage@ damage instead to structures.

    Ziggs' abilities reduce this Cooldown by @SpellCDR@ seconds.
    Short FuseShort FuseEvery @Cooldown@ seconds, Ziggs' next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage. It deals @StructureDamage@ damage instead to structures.

    Ziggs' abilities reduce this Cooldown by @SpellCDR@ seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMore Sparkles!More Sparkles!After using an Ability, Zoe's next Attack deals an additional @PassiveDamage@ magic damage.More Sparkles!{{Spell_ZoePassive_Tooltip}}

    The empowered Attack deals damage instantly.
    More Sparkles!More Sparkles!After using an Ability, Zoe's next Attack deals an additional @PassiveDamage@ magic damage.
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSeeds spawn around Zyra periodically, becoming faster with level. Zyra can cast Deadly Spines or Grasping Roots near seeds to grow plants, who fight for Zyra.Garden of ThornsGarden of ThornsZyra spawns Seeds around herself every @SeedCooldown@ seconds that last 30 seconds. She can have 8 Seeds planted at once. If an enemy champion steps on a Seed, it dies. Zyra will not spawn Seeds while hiding in brush.

    These Seeds are used by her other Abilities.
    Garden of ThornsGarden of ThornsZyra spawns Seeds around herself every @SeedCooldown@ seconds that last 30 seconds. She can have 8 Seeds planted at once. If an enemy champion steps on a Seed, it dies. Zyra will not spawn Seeds while hiding in brush.

    These Seeds are used by her other Abilities.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAphelios has 5 different activated abilities, based on his main-hand weapon:

    Calibrum (Rifle): Long range shot that marks its target for a long-range follow-up attack.
    Severum (Scythe Pistol): Run fast while attacking nearby enemies with both weapons.
    Gravitum (Cannon): Root all enemies slowed by this weapon.
    Infernum (Flamethrower): Blast enemies in a cone and attack them with your off-hand weapon.
    Crescendum (Chakram): Deploy a sentry that shoots your off-hand weapon.
    {{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Name_@f7@ }}{{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Name_@f7@ }}@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] {{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Name_@f7@ }}{{ Spell_ApheliosQCooldown_@f1@ }}@SpellTags@@MoonlightCost@ Ammo, @Cost@ Mana{{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Tooltip_@f3@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Tooltip_@f3@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{ Spell_ApheliosQ_TooltipExtended_@f3@ }}

    Off-Hand Weapon Reminder - {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_@f5@ }}: {{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Offhand_Description_@f5@ }} @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] {{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Name_@f7@ }}{{ Spell_ApheliosQCooldown_@f1@ }}@SpellTags@@MoonlightCost@ Ammo, @Cost@ Mana{{ Spell_ApheliosQ_TooltipExtended_@f3@ }}

    Off-Hand Weapon Reminder - {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_@f5@ }}: {{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Offhand_Description_@f5@ }} @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Attack Damage@spell.ApheliosP:AttackDamage@ / @spell.ApheliosP:AttackDamageMax@ Attack DamageClick or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] {{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Name_@f7@ }}{{ Spell_ApheliosQCooldown_@f1@ }}@SpellTags@@MoonlightCost@ Ammo, @Cost@ Mana{{ Spell_ApheliosQ_TooltipExtended_@f3@ }}

    Off-Hand Weapon Reminder - {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_@f5@ }}: {{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Offhand_Description_@f5@ }} @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] {{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Name_@f7@ }}{{ Spell_ApheliosQCooldown_@f1@ }}@SpellTags@@MoonlightCost@ Ammo, @Cost@ Mana{{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Tooltip_@f3@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAphelios has no third ability. This slot shows the next weapon Alune will give him. Weapon order begins fixed but may change over game time -- when a weapon is out of ammo it goes to the end of the order.Weapon Queue SystemWeapon Queue System@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Weapon Queue System@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Weapon Queue System@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Weapon Queue System@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Weapon Queue System@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info{{ Spell_ApheliosE_Location_@f1@ }} - {{ ApheliosGun_Name_@f3@ }}{{ Spell_ApheliosE_Location_@f1@ }} - {{ ApheliosGun_Name_@f3@ }}@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@ {{ Spell_ApheliosE_Location_@f1@ }} - {{ ApheliosGun_Name_@f3@ }} @SpellTags@ {{Spell_ApheliosE_@f2@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_ApheliosE_@f2@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_ApheliosE_TooltipExtended_@f1@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@ {{ Spell_ApheliosE_Location_@f1@ }} - {{ ApheliosGun_Name_@f3@ }} @SpellTags@ {{Spell_ApheliosE_TooltipExtended_@f1@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Lethality@spell.ApheliosP:ArPenBonus@ / @spell.ApheliosP:ArPenBonusMax@ {{ Spell_ApheliosP_Buff_AP }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up {{ Spell_ApheliosE_Location_@f1@ }} - {{ ApheliosGun_Name_@f3@ }} @SpellTags@ {{Spell_ApheliosE_TooltipExtended_@f1@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up {{ Spell_ApheliosE_Location_@f1@ }} - {{ ApheliosGun_Name_@f3@ }} @SpellTags@ {{Spell_ApheliosE_@f2@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWeapon AbilitesWeapon Abilites@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Weapon Abilites@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Weapon Abilites@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Weapon Abilites@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Weapon Abilites@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAphelios swaps his main-hand gun with his off-hand gun, replacing his basic attack and activated ability.PhasePhase@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Phase@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSwap main-hand and off-hand weapons, equipping {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_@f1@ }}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Swap main-hand and off-hand weapons, equipping {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_@f1@ }}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Phase@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSwap main-hand and off-hand weapons, equipping {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_@f1@ }}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Attack Speed@spell.ApheliosP:AttackSpeed@ / @spell.ApheliosP:AttackSpeedMax@ Attack SpeedClick or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Phase@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSwap main-hand and off-hand weapons, equipping {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_@f1@ }}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Phase@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSwap main-hand and off-hand weapons, equipping {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_@f1@ }}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKayn can walk through terrain.Shadow StepShadow Step@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shadow Step@f15@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ game_spell_Kayn_E_main_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{ game_spell_Kayn_E_main_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shadow Step@f15@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ game_spell_Kayn_E_main_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Reminder_Ghosted}}
    Maximum duration in combat with enemy champions is @Effect6Amount@ seconds.
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5@@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shadow Step@f15@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ game_spell_Kayn_E_main_@f1@ }}{{Reminder_Ghosted}}
    Maximum duration in combat with enemy champions is @Effect6Amount@ seconds.
    @f15@ -> @f16@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5@@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Shadow Step@f15@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ game_spell_Kayn_E_main_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shadow Step@f15@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ game_spell_Kayn_E_main_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKayn dashes, then slashes. Both deal damage.Reaping SlashReaping Slash@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Reaping Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ game_spell_Kayn_Q_main_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{ game_spell_Kayn_Q_main_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Reaping Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ game_spell_Kayn_Q_main_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Deals an additional @Effect6Amount@ physical damage to minions and jungle monsters (max: @Effect5Amount@).Cooldown
    Base Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Reaping Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ game_spell_Kayn_Q_main_@f1@ }}Deals an additional @Effect6Amount@ physical damage to minions and jungle monsters (max: @Effect5Amount@).Cooldown
    Base Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    Base Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Base Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Reaping Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ game_spell_Kayn_Q_main_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Reaping Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ game_spell_Kayn_Q_main_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKayn hides in an enemy's body, dealing massive damage when he bursts out.[@Hotkey@] Umbral Trespass@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ spell_Kayn_R_main_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{ spell_Kayn_R_main_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Umbral Trespass@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ spell_Kayn_R_main_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Umbral Trespass@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ spell_Kayn_R_main_@f1@ }}
    {{ game_spell_Kayn_R_Damage_@f1@ }}Cooldown{{ game_spell_Kayn_R_Damage_Amount_@f1@ }}@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]Cooldown@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@[@Hotkey@] Umbral Trespass@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ spell_Kayn_R_main_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Umbral Trespass@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ spell_Kayn_R_main_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Umbral Trespass@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Champions damaged by Kayn are marked for 3.15 seconds.

    Kayn infests a marked enemy, becoming Untargetable. After @InfestDuration@ seconds or after Recasting, Kayn bursts out, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Champions damaged by Kayn are marked for 3.15 seconds.

    Kayn infests a marked enemy, becoming Untargetable. After @InfestDuration@ seconds or after Recasting, Kayn bursts out, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Umbral Trespass@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Champions damaged by Kayn are marked for 3.15 seconds.

    Kayn infests a marked enemy, becoming Untargetable. After @InfestDuration@ seconds or after Recasting, Kayn bursts out, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Umbral Trespass@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Champions damaged by Kayn are marked for 3.15 seconds.

    Kayn infests a marked enemy, becoming Untargetable. After @InfestDuration@ seconds or after Recasting, Kayn bursts out, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the enemy.

    {{ game_spell_Kayn_R_Damage_@f1@ }}Cooldown{{ game_spell_Kayn_R_Damage_Amount_@f1@ }}@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@[@Hotkey@] Umbral Trespass@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Champions damaged by Kayn are marked for 3.15 seconds.

    Kayn infests a marked enemy, becoming Untargetable. After @InfestDuration@ seconds or after Recasting, Kayn bursts out, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Umbral Trespass@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Champions damaged by Kayn are marked for 3.15 seconds.

    Kayn infests a marked enemy, becoming Untargetable. After @InfestDuration@ seconds or after Recasting, Kayn bursts out, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@@keyHotkey@ @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@@keyHotkey@ @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTome of Traits@keyHotkey@ Tome of Traits@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Drag this Tome to the Shop to open an Armory full of emblems! You will have 30 seconds to choose.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Tome of TraitsDrag this Tome to the Shop to open an Armory full of emblems! You will have 30 seconds to choose.@keyHotkey@ Tome of Traits@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Drag this Tome to the Shop to open an Armory full of emblems! You will have 30 seconds to choose.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Tome of Traits@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Drag this Tome to the Shop to open an Armory full of emblems! You will have 30 seconds to choose.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Tome of Traits@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Drag this Tome to the Shop to open an Armory full of emblems! You will have 30 seconds to choose.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoOrbs of Deception@keyHotkey@ Orbs of Deception@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri fires an orb in a @HexRange@ hex line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through on the way out and the way back. Enemies already hit by an orb take @MultiOrbDamage*100@% damage for each subsequent orb. Ahri fires @SpiritFireStacks@ additional orb(s) for each time she has cast this combat.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Orbs of DeceptionAhri fires an orb in a @HexRange@ hex line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through on the way out and the way back. Enemies already hit by an orb take @MultiOrbDamage*100@% damage for each subsequent orb. Ahri fires @SpiritFireStacks@ additional orb(s) for each time she has cast this combat.Damage
    Bonus Orbs
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SpiritFireStacks1Prefix@@SpiritFireStacks1@@SpiritFireStacks1Postfix@ / @SpiritFireStacks2Prefix@@SpiritFireStacks2@@SpiritFireStacks2Postfix@ / @SpiritFireStacks3Prefix@@SpiritFireStacks3@@SpiritFireStacks3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Orbs of Deception@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri fires an orb in a @HexRange@ hex line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through on the way out and the way back. Enemies already hit by an orb take @MultiOrbDamage*100@% damage for each subsequent orb. Ahri fires @SpiritFireStacks@ additional orb(s) for each time she has cast this combat.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Bonus Orbs
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @SpiritFireStacks@ -> @SpiritFireStacksNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Orbs of Deception@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri fires an orb in a @HexRange@ hex line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through on the way out and the way back. Enemies already hit by an orb take @MultiOrbDamage*100@% damage for each subsequent orb. Ahri fires @SpiritFireStacks@ additional orb(s) for each time she has cast this combat.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Orbs of Deception@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri fires an orb in a @HexRange@ hex line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through on the way out and the way back. Enemies already hit by an orb take @MultiOrbDamage*100@% damage for each subsequent orb. Ahri fires @SpiritFireStacks@ additional orb(s) for each time she has cast this combat.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPerfect Execution@keyHotkey@ Perfect Execution@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali dashes in a line through the most enemies, dealing @ModifiedInitialDamage@ magic damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds. When a marked target drops below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health, Akali dashes again and executes them, dealing @ModifiedDashDamage@ magic damage to enemies she passes through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Perfect ExecutionAkali dashes in a line through the most enemies, dealing @ModifiedInitialDamage@ magic damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds. When a marked target drops below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health, Akali dashes again and executes them, dealing @ModifiedDashDamage@ magic damage to enemies she passes through.Initial Damage
    Dash Damage
    Execute Threshold
    [ @InitialDamage1Prefix@@InitialDamage1@@InitialDamage1Postfix@ / @InitialDamage2Prefix@@InitialDamage2@@InitialDamage2Postfix@ / @InitialDamage3Prefix@@InitialDamage3@@InitialDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @DashDamage1Prefix@@DashDamage1@@DashDamage1Postfix@ / @DashDamage2Prefix@@DashDamage2@@DashDamage2Postfix@ / @DashDamage3Prefix@@DashDamage3@@DashDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ExecuteThreshold1Prefix@@ExecuteThreshold1*100.000000@%@ExecuteThreshold1Postfix@ / @ExecuteThreshold2Prefix@@ExecuteThreshold2*100.000000@%@ExecuteThreshold2Postfix@ / @ExecuteThreshold3Prefix@@ExecuteThreshold3*100.000000@%@ExecuteThreshold3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Perfect Execution@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali dashes in a line through the most enemies, dealing @ModifiedInitialDamage@ magic damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds. When a marked target drops below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health, Akali dashes again and executes them, dealing @ModifiedDashDamage@ magic damage to enemies she passes through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upInitial Damage
    Dash Damage
    Execute Threshold
    @InitialDamage@ -> @InitialDamageNL@
    @DashDamage@ -> @DashDamageNL@
    @ExecuteThreshold*100.000000@% -> @ExecuteThresholdNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Perfect Execution@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali dashes in a line through the most enemies, dealing @ModifiedInitialDamage@ magic damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds. When a marked target drops below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health, Akali dashes again and executes them, dealing @ModifiedDashDamage@ magic damage to enemies she passes through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Perfect Execution@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali dashes in a line through the most enemies, dealing @ModifiedInitialDamage@ magic damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds. When a marked target drops below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health, Akali dashes again and executes them, dealing @ModifiedDashDamage@ magic damage to enemies she passes through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPulverize@keyHotkey@ Pulverize@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar charges at his target, knocking them back for a short distance. Then he slams the ground, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning all nearby enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@PulverizeAlistar charges at his target, knocking them back for a short distance. Then he slams the ground, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning all nearby enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Pulverize@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar charges at his target, knocking them back for a short distance. Then he slams the ground, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning all nearby enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Pulverize@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar charges at his target, knocking them back for a short distance. Then he slams the ground, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning all nearby enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Pulverize@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar charges at his target, knocking them back for a short distance. Then he slams the ground, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning all nearby enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEMP Wave@keyHotkey@ EMP Wave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie blasts a cone of fire dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in front of her and reducing their Attack Damage by @ADReduction*100@% for @ADReductionDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@EMP WaveAnnie blasts a cone of fire dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in front of her and reducing their Attack Damage by @ADReduction*100@% for @ADReductionDuration@ seconds.@keyHotkey@ EMP Wave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie blasts a cone of fire dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in front of her and reducing their Attack Damage by @ADReduction*100@% for @ADReductionDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ EMP Wave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie blasts a cone of fire dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in front of her and reducing their Attack Damage by @ADReduction*100@% for @ADReductionDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ EMP Wave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie blasts a cone of fire dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in front of her and reducing their Attack Damage by @ADReduction*100@% for @ADReductionDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEMP WaveAnnie blasts a cone of fire dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in front of her and reducing their Attack Damage by @ADReduction*100@% for @ADReductionDuration@ seconds.Damage
    Attack Damage Reduction
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ADReduction1Prefix@@ADReduction1*100.000000@%@ADReduction1Postfix@ / @ADReduction2Prefix@@ADReduction2*100.000000@%@ADReduction2Postfix@ / @ADReduction3Prefix@@ADReduction3*100.000000@%@ADReduction3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ EMP Wave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie blasts a cone of fire dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in front of her and reducing their Attack Damage by @ADReduction*100@% for @ADReductionDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Attack Damage Reduction
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @ADReduction*100.000000@% -> @ADReductionNL*100.000000@%
    Archive Of Augments@keyHotkey@ Archive Of Augments@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Drag this Archive to the Shop to open an Armory full of Augments! You will have 30 seconds to choose. Depending on when the Archive is sold, the shop will have a higher tier of Augments available.

    Stage 1-2: Tier 1 (Silver)

    Stage 3: Tier 2 (Gold)

    Stage 4+: Tier 3 (Prismatic)
    Archive Of AugmentsDrag this Archive to the Shop to open an Armory full of Augments! You will have 30 seconds to choose. Depending on when the Archive is sold, the shop will have a higher tier of Augments available.

    Stage 1-2: Tier 1 (Silver)

    Stage 3: Tier 2 (Gold)

    Stage 4+: Tier 3 (Prismatic)
    @keyHotkey@ Archive Of Augments@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Drag this Archive to the Shop to open an Armory full of Augments! You will have 30 seconds to choose. Depending on when the Archive is sold, the shop will have a higher tier of Augments available.

    Stage 1-2: Tier 1 (Silver)

    Stage 3: Tier 2 (Gold)

    Stage 4+: Tier 3 (Prismatic)
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Archive Of Augments@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Drag this Archive to the Shop to open an Armory full of Augments! You will have 30 seconds to choose. Depending on when the Archive is sold, the shop will have a higher tier of Augments available.

    Stage 1-2: Tier 1 (Silver)

    Stage 3: Tier 2 (Gold)

    Stage 4+: Tier 3 (Prismatic)
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Archive Of Augments@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Drag this Archive to the Shop to open an Armory full of Augments! You will have 30 seconds to choose. Depending on when the Archive is sold, the shop will have a higher tier of Augments available.

    Stage 1-2: Tier 1 (Silver)

    Stage 3: Tier 2 (Gold)

    Stage 4+: Tier 3 (Prismatic)

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVolley@keyHotkey@ Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe fires a volley of @NumOfArrows@ arrows centered on her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage per arrow (@ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and slowing their Attack Speed by @ASReduction@% for @ModifiedDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@VolleyAshe fires a volley of @NumOfArrows@ arrows centered on her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage per arrow (@ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and slowing their Attack Speed by @ASReduction@% for @ModifiedDuration@ seconds.Percent of Attack Damage[ @ADPercent1Prefix@@ADPercent1*100.000000@%@ADPercent1Postfix@ / @ADPercent2Prefix@@ADPercent2*100.000000@%@ADPercent2Postfix@ / @ADPercent3Prefix@@ADPercent3*100.000000@%@ADPercent3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe fires a volley of @NumOfArrows@ arrows centered on her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage per arrow (@ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and slowing their Attack Speed by @ASReduction@% for @ModifiedDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPercent of Attack Damage@ADPercent*100.000000@% -> @ADPercentNL*100.000000@%@keyHotkey@ Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe fires a volley of @NumOfArrows@ arrows centered on her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage per arrow (@ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and slowing their Attack Speed by @ASReduction@% for @ModifiedDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe fires a volley of @NumOfArrows@ arrows centered on her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage per arrow (@ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and slowing their Attack Speed by @ASReduction@% for @ModifiedDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Mana Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Whenever an opponent within two hexes casts a spell, Blitzcrank gains @ManaAbsorbPercent*100@% of the mana spent.

    Blitzcrank gains a shield that absorbs @ModifiedShieldAmount@ magic damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Every second the shield remains up, a nearby enemy is struck with a bolt of lightning and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Mana BarrierPassive: Whenever an opponent within two hexes casts a spell, Blitzcrank gains @ManaAbsorbPercent*100@% of the mana spent.

    Blitzcrank gains a shield that absorbs @ModifiedShieldAmount@ magic damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Every second the shield remains up, a nearby enemy is struck with a bolt of lightning and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.
    Shield Amount
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Mana Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Whenever an opponent within two hexes casts a spell, Blitzcrank gains @ManaAbsorbPercent*100@% of the mana spent.

    Blitzcrank gains a shield that absorbs @ModifiedShieldAmount@ magic damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Every second the shield remains up, a nearby enemy is struck with a bolt of lightning and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Mana Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Whenever an opponent within two hexes casts a spell, Blitzcrank gains @ManaAbsorbPercent*100@% of the mana spent.

    Blitzcrank gains a shield that absorbs @ModifiedShieldAmount@ magic damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Every second the shield remains up, a nearby enemy is struck with a bolt of lightning and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Mana Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Whenever an opponent within two hexes casts a spell, Blitzcrank gains @ManaAbsorbPercent*100@% of the mana spent.

    Blitzcrank gains a shield that absorbs @ModifiedShieldAmount@ magic damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Every second the shield remains up, a nearby enemy is struck with a bolt of lightning and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRocket Grab@keyHotkey@ Rocket Grab@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank pulls the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. His next attack knocks them up for 1 second. Allies within range will prefer attacking Blitzcrank's target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Rocket GrabBlitzcrank pulls the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. His next attack knocks them up for 1 second. Allies within range will prefer attacking Blitzcrank's target.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Rocket Grab@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank pulls the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. His next attack knocks them up for 1 second. Allies within range will prefer attacking Blitzcrank's target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Rocket Grab@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank pulls the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. His next attack knocks them up for 1 second. Allies within range will prefer attacking Blitzcrank's target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Rocket Grab@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank pulls the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. His next attack knocks them up for 1 second. Allies within range will prefer attacking Blitzcrank's target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Sear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand launches a fireball at the nearest enemy, lighting them ablaze for @BlazeDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy is already on fire, they take @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage which stuns them for @StunDuration@ seconds. (total: @TotalDamage@%i:scaleAP%)

    VIP Bonus: Brand fires a 2nd fireball at a different nearby target (prioritizes ablaze enemies) dealing @VIPBonusReducedDamage@% reduced damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    SearBrand launches a fireball at the nearest enemy, lighting them ablaze for @BlazeDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy is already on fire, they take @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage which stuns them for @StunDuration@ seconds. (total: @TotalDamage@%i:scaleAP%)

    VIP Bonus: Brand fires a 2nd fireball at a different nearby target (prioritizes ablaze enemies) dealing @VIPBonusReducedDamage@% reduced damage.
    Bonus Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusDamage1Prefix@@BonusDamage1@@BonusDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusDamage2Prefix@@BonusDamage2@@BonusDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusDamage3Prefix@@BonusDamage3@@BonusDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Sear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand launches a fireball at the nearest enemy, lighting them ablaze for @BlazeDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy is already on fire, they take @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage which stuns them for @StunDuration@ seconds. (total: @TotalDamage@%i:scaleAP%)

    VIP Bonus: Brand fires a 2nd fireball at a different nearby target (prioritizes ablaze enemies) dealing @VIPBonusReducedDamage@% reduced damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Bonus Damage
    Stun Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @BonusDamage@ -> @BonusDamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Sear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand launches a fireball at the nearest enemy, lighting them ablaze for @BlazeDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy is already on fire, they take @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage which stuns them for @StunDuration@ seconds. (total: @TotalDamage@%i:scaleAP%)

    VIP Bonus: Brand fires a 2nd fireball at a different nearby target (prioritizes ablaze enemies) dealing @VIPBonusReducedDamage@% reduced damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Sear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand launches a fireball at the nearest enemy, lighting them ablaze for @BlazeDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy is already on fire, they take @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage which stuns them for @StunDuration@ seconds. (total: @TotalDamage@%i:scaleAP%)

    VIP Bonus: Brand fires a 2nd fireball at a different nearby target (prioritizes ablaze enemies) dealing @VIPBonusReducedDamage@% reduced damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVault Breaker@keyHotkey@ Vault Breaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum slams his vault door into the ground, creating a fissure towards his target. Enemies within 2 hexes of Braum, and those struck by the fissure, are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Vault BreakerBraum slams his vault door into the ground, creating a fissure towards his target. Enemies within 2 hexes of Braum, and those struck by the fissure, are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Damage Reduction[ @ShieldDR1Prefix@@ShieldDR1*100.000000@%@ShieldDR1Postfix@ / @ShieldDR2Prefix@@ShieldDR2*100.000000@%@ShieldDR2Postfix@ / @ShieldDR3Prefix@@ShieldDR3*100.000000@%@ShieldDR3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Vault Breaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum slams his vault door into the ground, creating a fissure towards his target. Enemies within 2 hexes of Braum, and those struck by the fissure, are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Reduction@ShieldDR*100.000000@% -> @ShieldDRNL*100.000000@%@keyHotkey@ Vault Breaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum slams his vault door into the ground, creating a fissure towards his target. Enemies within 2 hexes of Braum, and those struck by the fissure, are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Vault Breaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum slams his vault door into the ground, creating a fissure towards his target. Enemies within 2 hexes of Braum, and those struck by the fissure, are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoVault BreakerBraum slams his vault door into the ground, creating a fissure towards his target. Enemies within 2 hexes of Braum, and those struck by the fissure, are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Vault Breaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum slams his vault door into the ground, creating a fissure towards his target. Enemies within 2 hexes of Braum, and those struck by the fissure, are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    Ace in the Hole@keyHotkey@ Ace in the Hole@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn takes aim at the farthest enemy, firing a deadly bullet towards them that deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy it hits.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ace in the HoleCaitlyn takes aim at the farthest enemy, firing a deadly bullet towards them that deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy it hits.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Ace in the Hole@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn takes aim at the farthest enemy, firing a deadly bullet towards them that deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy it hits.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Ace in the Hole@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn takes aim at the farthest enemy, firing a deadly bullet towards them that deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy it hits.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Ace in the Hole@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn takes aim at the farthest enemy, firing a deadly bullet towards them that deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy it hits.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDefensive Sweep@keyHotkey@ Defensive Sweep@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille gains a shield blocking @ModifiedShield@ damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds, then sweeps her leg, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in a cone. While this shield holds, Camille's attacks restore @ModifiedHealing@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Defensive SweepCamille gains a shield blocking @ModifiedShield@ damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds, then sweeps her leg, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in a cone. While this shield holds, Camille's attacks restore @ModifiedHealing@ Health.Damage
    Shield Amount
    Healing Per Attack
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Shield1Prefix@@Shield1@@Shield1Postfix@ / @Shield2Prefix@@Shield2@@Shield2Postfix@ / @Shield3Prefix@@Shield3@@Shield3Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealingPerAttack1Prefix@@HealingPerAttack1@@HealingPerAttack1Postfix@ / @HealingPerAttack2Prefix@@HealingPerAttack2@@HealingPerAttack2Postfix@ / @HealingPerAttack3Prefix@@HealingPerAttack3@@HealingPerAttack3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Defensive Sweep@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille gains a shield blocking @ModifiedShield@ damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds, then sweeps her leg, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in a cone. While this shield holds, Camille's attacks restore @ModifiedHealing@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Shield Amount
    Healing Per Attack
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Shield@ -> @ShieldNL@
    @HealingPerAttack@ -> @HealingPerAttackNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Defensive Sweep@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille gains a shield blocking @ModifiedShield@ damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds, then sweeps her leg, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in a cone. While this shield holds, Camille's attacks restore @ModifiedHealing@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Defensive Sweep@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille gains a shield blocking @ModifiedShield@ damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds, then sweeps her leg, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in a cone. While this shield holds, Camille's attacks restore @ModifiedHealing@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFeast@keyHotkey@ Feast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath devours the lowest Health enemy within range, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If this kills the target, Cho'Gath gains a stack of Feast (increased to two in Hyper Roll), up to @MaxFeastStacks@. Each stack of Feast permanently grants @BonusHealthOnKill*100@% bonus Health and size. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@FeastCho'Gath devours the lowest Health enemy within range, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If this kills the target, Cho'Gath gains a stack of Feast (increased to two in Hyper Roll), up to @MaxFeastStacks@. Each stack of Feast permanently grants @BonusHealthOnKill*100@% bonus Health and size. Damage
    Maximum Feast Stacks
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxFeastStacks1Prefix@@MaxFeastStacks1@@MaxFeastStacks1Postfix@ / @MaxFeastStacks2Prefix@@MaxFeastStacks2@@MaxFeastStacks2Postfix@ / @MaxFeastStacks3Prefix@@MaxFeastStacks3@@MaxFeastStacks3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Feast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath devours the lowest Health enemy within range, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If this kills the target, Cho'Gath gains a stack of Feast (increased to two in Hyper Roll), up to @MaxFeastStacks@. Each stack of Feast permanently grants @BonusHealthOnKill*100@% bonus Health and size. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Maximum Feast Stacks
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @MaxFeastStacks@ -> @MaxFeastStacksNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Feast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath devours the lowest Health enemy within range, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If this kills the target, Cho'Gath gains a stack of Feast (increased to two in Hyper Roll), up to @MaxFeastStacks@. Each stack of Feast permanently grants @BonusHealthOnKill*100@% bonus Health and size. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Feast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath devours the lowest Health enemy within range, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If this kills the target, Cho'Gath gains a stack of Feast (increased to two in Hyper Roll), up to @MaxFeastStacks@. Each stack of Feast permanently grants @BonusHealthOnKill*100@% bonus Health and size. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBombardment@keyHotkey@ Bombardment@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki fires a missile at his target that explodes on impact, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within 1 hex.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@BombardmentCorki fires a missile at his target that explodes on impact, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within 1 hex.Damage[ @RocketDamage1Prefix@@RocketDamage1@@RocketDamage1Postfix@ / @RocketDamage2Prefix@@RocketDamage2@@RocketDamage2Postfix@ / @RocketDamage3Prefix@@RocketDamage3@@RocketDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Bombardment@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki fires a missile at his target that explodes on impact, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within 1 hex.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@RocketDamage@ -> @RocketDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Bombardment@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki fires a missile at his target that explodes on impact, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within 1 hex.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Bombardment@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki fires a missile at his target that explodes on impact, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within 1 hex.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDecimate@keyHotkey@ Decimate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius swings his axe in a circle, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, then heals himself @ModifiedHeal@ Health for each enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@DecimateDarius swings his axe in a circle, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, then heals himself @ModifiedHeal@ Health for each enemy hit.Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Heal1Prefix@@Heal1@@Heal1Postfix@ / @Heal2Prefix@@Heal2@@Heal2Postfix@ / @Heal3Prefix@@Heal3@@Heal3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Decimate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius swings his axe in a circle, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, then heals himself @ModifiedHeal@ Health for each enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Heal@ -> @HealNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Decimate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius swings his axe in a circle, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, then heals himself @ModifiedHeal@ Health for each enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Decimate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius swings his axe in a circle, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, then heals himself @ModifiedHeal@ Health for each enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoZap Dose@keyHotkey@ Zap Dose@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Dr. Mundo injects himself with “medicine”, restoring @PercentHealthInstantHeal*100@% of his maximum Health and becoming energized for @Duration@ seconds. While energized, he restores an additional @PercentHealthHealing*100@% of his maximum Health over the duration and deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to a random nearby enemy each second. When the "medicine" expires, Dr. Mundo expels a burst of electricity that deals @ModifiedPercentHealthDamage@ of his current Health as magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Zap DoseDr. Mundo injects himself with “medicine”, restoring @PercentHealthInstantHeal*100@% of his maximum Health and becoming energized for @Duration@ seconds. While energized, he restores an additional @PercentHealthHealing*100@% of his maximum Health over the duration and deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to a random nearby enemy each second. When the "medicine" expires, Dr. Mundo expels a burst of electricity that deals @ModifiedPercentHealthDamage@ of his current Health as magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes.Percent Health Healing
    Damage Per Shock
    Percent Health Damage
    [ @PercentHealthHealing1Prefix@@PercentHealthHealing1*100.000000@%@PercentHealthHealing1Postfix@ / @PercentHealthHealing2Prefix@@PercentHealthHealing2*100.000000@%@PercentHealthHealing2Postfix@ / @PercentHealthHealing3Prefix@@PercentHealthHealing3*100.000000@%@PercentHealthHealing3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentHealthDamage1Prefix@@PercentHealthDamage1*100.000000@%@PercentHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentHealthDamage2Prefix@@PercentHealthDamage2*100.000000@%@PercentHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentHealthDamage3Prefix@@PercentHealthDamage3*100.000000@%@PercentHealthDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Zap Dose@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Dr. Mundo injects himself with “medicine”, restoring @PercentHealthInstantHeal*100@% of his maximum Health and becoming energized for @Duration@ seconds. While energized, he restores an additional @PercentHealthHealing*100@% of his maximum Health over the duration and deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to a random nearby enemy each second. When the "medicine" expires, Dr. Mundo expels a burst of electricity that deals @ModifiedPercentHealthDamage@ of his current Health as magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPercent Health Healing
    Damage Per Shock
    Percent Health Damage
    @PercentHealthHealing*100.000000@% -> @PercentHealthHealingNL*100.000000@%
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @PercentHealthDamage*100.000000@% -> @PercentHealthDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Zap Dose@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Dr. Mundo injects himself with “medicine”, restoring @PercentHealthInstantHeal*100@% of his maximum Health and becoming energized for @Duration@ seconds. While energized, he restores an additional @PercentHealthHealing*100@% of his maximum Health over the duration and deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to a random nearby enemy each second. When the "medicine" expires, Dr. Mundo expels a burst of electricity that deals @ModifiedPercentHealthDamage@ of his current Health as magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Zap Dose@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Dr. Mundo injects himself with “medicine”, restoring @PercentHealthInstantHeal*100@% of his maximum Health and becoming energized for @Duration@ seconds. While energized, he restores an additional @PercentHealthHealing*100@% of his maximum Health over the duration and deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to a random nearby enemy each second. When the "medicine" expires, Dr. Mundo expels a burst of electricity that deals @ModifiedPercentHealthDamage@ of his current Health as magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHatching@keyHotkey@ Hatching@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@An Egg from the Treasure Dragon. The longer it takes to hatch, the better the loot! But how did it get here?

    'There are always stories from the days of old; whispers about gifts from the blessed ancient. Before technology, and before Hextech, there were dragons.'@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    HatchingAn Egg from the Treasure Dragon. The longer it takes to hatch, the better the loot! But how did it get here?

    'There are always stories from the days of old; whispers about gifts from the blessed ancient. Before technology, and before Hextech, there were dragons.'
    @keyHotkey@ Hatching@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@An Egg from the Treasure Dragon. The longer it takes to hatch, the better the loot! But how did it get here?

    'There are always stories from the days of old; whispers about gifts from the blessed ancient. Before technology, and before Hextech, there were dragons.'@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Hatching@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@An Egg from the Treasure Dragon. The longer it takes to hatch, the better the loot! But how did it get here?

    'There are always stories from the days of old; whispers about gifts from the blessed ancient. Before technology, and before Hextech, there were dragons.'@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Hatching@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@An Egg from the Treasure Dragon. The longer it takes to hatch, the better the loot! But how did it get here?

    'There are always stories from the days of old; whispers about gifts from the blessed ancient. Before technology, and before Hextech, there were dragons.'@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSpinning Axes@keyHotkey@ Spinning Axes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Draven ignores @PassiveArmorPenPercent@% of his target's Armor.

    Draven starts spinning an axe, empowering his next attack to deal @TotalDamage@ bonus physical damage (@ADMult*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). It will return to his original location after striking the target. If Draven catches it, he will empower the axe again. Draven can spin up to 2 axes at a time.

    VIP Bonus: Draven gains infinite attack range and ignores an additional @ArmorPenPercent@% his target's Armor.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Spinning AxesPassive: Draven ignores @PassiveArmorPenPercent@% of his target's Armor.

    Draven starts spinning an axe, empowering his next attack to deal @TotalDamage@ bonus physical damage (@ADMult*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). It will return to his original location after striking the target. If Draven catches it, he will empower the axe again. Draven can spin up to 2 axes at a time.

    VIP Bonus: Draven gains infinite attack range and ignores an additional @ArmorPenPercent@% his target's Armor.
    Percent of Attack Damage
    [ @ADMult1Prefix@@ADMult1*100.000000@%@ADMult1Postfix@ / @ADMult2Prefix@@ADMult2*100.000000@%@ADMult2Postfix@ / @ADMult3Prefix@@ADMult3*100.000000@%@ADMult3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Spinning Axes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Draven ignores @PassiveArmorPenPercent@% of his target's Armor.

    Draven starts spinning an axe, empowering his next attack to deal @TotalDamage@ bonus physical damage (@ADMult*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). It will return to his original location after striking the target. If Draven catches it, he will empower the axe again. Draven can spin up to 2 axes at a time.

    VIP Bonus: Draven gains infinite attack range and ignores an additional @ArmorPenPercent@% his target's Armor.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPercent of Attack Damage
    @ADMult*100.000000@% -> @ADMultNL*100.000000@%
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Spinning Axes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Draven ignores @PassiveArmorPenPercent@% of his target's Armor.

    Draven starts spinning an axe, empowering his next attack to deal @TotalDamage@ bonus physical damage (@ADMult*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). It will return to his original location after striking the target. If Draven catches it, he will empower the axe again. Draven can spin up to 2 axes at a time.

    VIP Bonus: Draven gains infinite attack range and ignores an additional @ArmorPenPercent@% his target's Armor.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Spinning Axes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Draven ignores @PassiveArmorPenPercent@% of his target's Armor.

    Draven starts spinning an axe, empowering his next attack to deal @TotalDamage@ bonus physical damage (@ADMult*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). It will return to his original location after striking the target. If Draven catches it, he will empower the axe again. Draven can spin up to 2 axes at a time.

    VIP Bonus: Draven gains infinite attack range and ignores an additional @ArmorPenPercent@% his target's Armor.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoParallel Convergence@keyHotkey@ Parallel Convergence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko invokes an afterimage that bats a device towards the largest group of units. Upon landing, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within and applies @ASSlow*100@% reduced Attack Speed for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Allies inside gain @ModifiedASBuff@ bonus Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Parallel ConvergenceEkko invokes an afterimage that bats a device towards the largest group of units. Upon landing, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within and applies @ASSlow*100@% reduced Attack Speed for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Allies inside gain @ModifiedASBuff@ bonus Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds.Damage
    Attack Speed Slow
    Bonus Attack Speed
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ASSlow1Prefix@@ASSlow1*100.000000@%@ASSlow1Postfix@ / @ASSlow2Prefix@@ASSlow2*100.000000@%@ASSlow2Postfix@ / @ASSlow3Prefix@@ASSlow3*100.000000@%@ASSlow3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusAS1Prefix@@BonusAS1*100.000000@%@BonusAS1Postfix@ / @BonusAS2Prefix@@BonusAS2*100.000000@%@BonusAS2Postfix@ / @BonusAS3Prefix@@BonusAS3*100.000000@%@BonusAS3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Parallel Convergence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko invokes an afterimage that bats a device towards the largest group of units. Upon landing, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within and applies @ASSlow*100@% reduced Attack Speed for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Allies inside gain @ModifiedASBuff@ bonus Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Attack Speed Slow
    Bonus Attack Speed
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @ASSlow*100.000000@% -> @ASSlowNL*100.000000@%
    @BonusAS*100.000000@% -> @BonusASNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Parallel Convergence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko invokes an afterimage that bats a device towards the largest group of units. Upon landing, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within and applies @ASSlow*100@% reduced Attack Speed for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Allies inside gain @ModifiedASBuff@ bonus Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Parallel Convergence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko invokes an afterimage that bats a device towards the largest group of units. Upon landing, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within and applies @ASSlow*100@% reduced Attack Speed for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Allies inside gain @ModifiedASBuff@ bonus Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMystic Shot@keyHotkey@ Mystic Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a missile at his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @BonusDamage@). If the missile hits, he grants himself @ModifiedAS@ bonus stacking Attack Speed, up to @MaxAS@ %i:scaleAP% at @MaxStacks@ stacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mystic ShotEzreal fires a missile at his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @BonusDamage@). If the missile hits, he grants himself @ModifiedAS@ bonus stacking Attack Speed, up to @MaxAS@ %i:scaleAP% at @MaxStacks@ stacks.Bonus Damage[ @BonusDamage1Prefix@@BonusDamage1@@BonusDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusDamage2Prefix@@BonusDamage2@@BonusDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusDamage3Prefix@@BonusDamage3@@BonusDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Mystic Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a missile at his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @BonusDamage@). If the missile hits, he grants himself @ModifiedAS@ bonus stacking Attack Speed, up to @MaxAS@ %i:scaleAP% at @MaxStacks@ stacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Damage@BonusDamage@ -> @BonusDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Mystic Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a missile at his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @BonusDamage@). If the missile hits, he grants himself @ModifiedAS@ bonus stacking Attack Speed, up to @MaxAS@ %i:scaleAP% at @MaxStacks@ stacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Mystic Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a missile at his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @BonusDamage@). If the missile hits, he grants himself @ModifiedAS@ bonus stacking Attack Speed, up to @MaxAS@ %i:scaleAP% at @MaxStacks@ stacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBlade Waltz@keyHotkey@ Blade Waltz@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora becomes untargetable and strikes 4 times at her target's vitals. Each strike deals @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage (total: @TotalDamage@), @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus true damage, and heals her for @PercentHealing*100@% of the total damage dealt.

    If the target dies, Fiora will change targets to the nearest enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Blade WaltzFiora becomes untargetable and strikes 4 times at her target's vitals. Each strike deals @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage (total: @TotalDamage@), @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus true damage, and heals her for @PercentHealing*100@% of the total damage dealt.

    If the target dies, Fiora will change targets to the nearest enemy.
    Bonus True Damage[ @BonusTrueDamage1Prefix@@BonusTrueDamage1@@BonusTrueDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusTrueDamage2Prefix@@BonusTrueDamage2@@BonusTrueDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusTrueDamage3Prefix@@BonusTrueDamage3@@BonusTrueDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Blade Waltz@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora becomes untargetable and strikes 4 times at her target's vitals. Each strike deals @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage (total: @TotalDamage@), @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus true damage, and heals her for @PercentHealing*100@% of the total damage dealt.

    If the target dies, Fiora will change targets to the nearest enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus True Damage@BonusTrueDamage@ -> @BonusTrueDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Blade Waltz@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora becomes untargetable and strikes 4 times at her target's vitals. Each strike deals @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage (total: @TotalDamage@), @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus true damage, and heals her for @PercentHealing*100@% of the total damage dealt.

    If the target dies, Fiora will change targets to the nearest enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Blade Waltz@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora becomes untargetable and strikes 4 times at her target's vitals. Each strike deals @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage (total: @TotalDamage@), @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus true damage, and heals her for @PercentHealing*100@% of the total damage dealt.

    If the target dies, Fiora will change targets to the nearest enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoColossal Entrance@keyHotkey@ Colossal Entrance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio becomes invulnerable and leaps into the sky before crashing down on the largest group of enemies. Enemies within a large radius take @TotalDamage@ magic damage (@ModifiedDamage@ + @MaxHealthPercent*100@% of Galio's maximum Health %i:scaleHealth%) and are knocked up for @StunDuration@ second(s).

    Passive: Galio's Critical Strikes slam the ground, dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage to enemies around his target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Colossal EntranceGalio becomes invulnerable and leaps into the sky before crashing down on the largest group of enemies. Enemies within a large radius take @TotalDamage@ magic damage (@ModifiedDamage@ + @MaxHealthPercent*100@% of Galio's maximum Health %i:scaleHealth%) and are knocked up for @StunDuration@ second(s).

    Passive: Galio's Critical Strikes slam the ground, dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage to enemies around his target.
    Stun Duration
    Critical Strike Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CritBonusDamage1Prefix@@CritBonusDamage1@@CritBonusDamage1Postfix@ / @CritBonusDamage2Prefix@@CritBonusDamage2@@CritBonusDamage2Postfix@ / @CritBonusDamage3Prefix@@CritBonusDamage3@@CritBonusDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Colossal Entrance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio becomes invulnerable and leaps into the sky before crashing down on the largest group of enemies. Enemies within a large radius take @TotalDamage@ magic damage (@ModifiedDamage@ + @MaxHealthPercent*100@% of Galio's maximum Health %i:scaleHealth%) and are knocked up for @StunDuration@ second(s).

    Passive: Galio's Critical Strikes slam the ground, dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage to enemies around his target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    Critical Strike Damage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @CritBonusDamage@ -> @CritBonusDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Colossal Entrance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio becomes invulnerable and leaps into the sky before crashing down on the largest group of enemies. Enemies within a large radius take @TotalDamage@ magic damage (@ModifiedDamage@ + @MaxHealthPercent*100@% of Galio's maximum Health %i:scaleHealth%) and are knocked up for @StunDuration@ second(s).

    Passive: Galio's Critical Strikes slam the ground, dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage to enemies around his target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Colossal Entrance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio becomes invulnerable and leaps into the sky before crashing down on the largest group of enemies. Enemies within a large radius take @TotalDamage@ magic damage (@ModifiedDamage@ + @MaxHealthPercent*100@% of Galio's maximum Health %i:scaleHealth%) and are knocked up for @StunDuration@ second(s).

    Passive: Galio's Critical Strikes slam the ground, dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage to enemies around his target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoParrrley@keyHotkey@ Parrrley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank attacks his target with his gun, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this attack kills a champion, Gangplank plunders 1 gold. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@ParrrleyGangplank attacks his target with his gun, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this attack kills a champion, Gangplank plunders 1 gold. Bonus Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Parrrley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank attacks his target with his gun, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this attack kills a champion, Gangplank plunders 1 gold. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Damage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Parrrley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank attacks his target with his gun, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this attack kills a champion, Gangplank plunders 1 gold. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Parrrley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank attacks his target with his gun, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this attack kills a champion, Gangplank plunders 1 gold. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDecisive Strike@keyHotkey@ Decisive Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Garen shrugs off all crowd control effects, empowering his next strike to deal @PercentAD*100@% of his Attack Damage, plus an additional @ModifiedPercentHealth@ of his missing Health in bonus physical damage. (base: @BaseDamage@) This Ability can be cast while stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Decisive StrikeGaren shrugs off all crowd control effects, empowering his next strike to deal @PercentAD*100@% of his Attack Damage, plus an additional @ModifiedPercentHealth@ of his missing Health in bonus physical damage. (base: @BaseDamage@) This Ability can be cast while stunned.@keyHotkey@ Decisive Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Garen shrugs off all crowd control effects, empowering his next strike to deal @PercentAD*100@% of his Attack Damage, plus an additional @ModifiedPercentHealth@ of his missing Health in bonus physical damage. (base: @BaseDamage@) This Ability can be cast while stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Decisive Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Garen shrugs off all crowd control effects, empowering his next strike to deal @PercentAD*100@% of his Attack Damage, plus an additional @ModifiedPercentHealth@ of his missing Health in bonus physical damage. (base: @BaseDamage@) This Ability can be cast while stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Decisive Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Garen shrugs off all crowd control effects, empowering his next strike to deal @PercentAD*100@% of his Attack Damage, plus an additional @ModifiedPercentHealth@ of his missing Health in bonus physical damage. (base: @BaseDamage@) This Ability can be cast while stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGNAR!@keyHotkey@ GNAR!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gnar transforms into Mega Gnar for the rest of combat. Mega Gnar throws a boulder at the farthest enemy within 3 hexes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@) to all enemies it passes through.

    While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar is melee, gains @ModifiedTransformHealth@ Health, and his mana costs are reduced by @TransformManaReduc@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    GNAR!Gnar transforms into Mega Gnar for the rest of combat. Mega Gnar throws a boulder at the farthest enemy within 3 hexes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@) to all enemies it passes through.

    While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar is melee, gains @ModifiedTransformHealth@ Health, and his mana costs are reduced by @TransformManaReduc@.
    Transform Health
    Base Damage
    [ @TransformHealth1Prefix@@TransformHealth1@@TransformHealth1Postfix@ / @TransformHealth2Prefix@@TransformHealth2@@TransformHealth2Postfix@ / @TransformHealth3Prefix@@TransformHealth3@@TransformHealth3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ GNAR!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gnar transforms into Mega Gnar for the rest of combat. Mega Gnar throws a boulder at the farthest enemy within 3 hexes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@) to all enemies it passes through.

    While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar is melee, gains @ModifiedTransformHealth@ Health, and his mana costs are reduced by @TransformManaReduc@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTransform Health
    Base Damage
    @TransformHealth@ -> @TransformHealthNL@
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ GNAR!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gnar transforms into Mega Gnar for the rest of combat. Mega Gnar throws a boulder at the farthest enemy within 3 hexes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@) to all enemies it passes through.

    While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar is melee, gains @ModifiedTransformHealth@ Health, and his mana costs are reduced by @TransformManaReduc@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ GNAR!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gnar transforms into Mega Gnar for the rest of combat. Mega Gnar throws a boulder at the farthest enemy within 3 hexes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@) to all enemies it passes through.

    While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar is melee, gains @ModifiedTransformHealth@ Health, and his mana costs are reduced by @TransformManaReduc@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBuckshot@keyHotkey@ Buckshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Graves' attacks deal @BonusDamage@ bonus physical damage and hit all enemies in a cone in front of him, applying on-hit effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@BuckshotPassive: Graves' attacks deal @BonusDamage@ bonus physical damage and hit all enemies in a cone in front of him, applying on-hit effects.Bonus Damage[ @DamageMultiplier1Prefix@@DamageMultiplier1*100.000000@%@DamageMultiplier1Postfix@ / @DamageMultiplier2Prefix@@DamageMultiplier2*100.000000@%@DamageMultiplier2Postfix@ / @DamageMultiplier3Prefix@@DamageMultiplier3*100.000000@%@DamageMultiplier3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Buckshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Graves' attacks deal @BonusDamage@ bonus physical damage and hit all enemies in a cone in front of him, applying on-hit effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Damage@DamageMultiplier*100.000000@% -> @DamageMultiplierNL*100.000000@%@keyHotkey@ Buckshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Graves' attacks deal @BonusDamage@ bonus physical damage and hit all enemies in a cone in front of him, applying on-hit effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Buckshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Graves' attacks deal @BonusDamage@ bonus physical damage and hit all enemies in a cone in front of him, applying on-hit effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSmoke Grenade@keyHotkey@ Smoke Grenade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves launches a smoke grenade toward his current target. The grenade explodes on impact dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies, and disarms enemies who remain within the smoke cloud for @DisarmDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Smoke GrenadeGraves launches a smoke grenade toward his current target. The grenade explodes on impact dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies, and disarms enemies who remain within the smoke cloud for @DisarmDuration@ seconds.Damage
    Disarm Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @DisarmDuration1Prefix@@DisarmDuration1@@DisarmDuration1Postfix@ / @DisarmDuration2Prefix@@DisarmDuration2@@DisarmDuration2Postfix@ / @DisarmDuration3Prefix@@DisarmDuration3@@DisarmDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Smoke Grenade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves launches a smoke grenade toward his current target. The grenade explodes on impact dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies, and disarms enemies who remain within the smoke cloud for @DisarmDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Disarm Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @DisarmDuration@ -> @DisarmDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Smoke Grenade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves launches a smoke grenade toward his current target. The grenade explodes on impact dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies, and disarms enemies who remain within the smoke cloud for @DisarmDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Smoke Grenade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves launches a smoke grenade toward his current target. The grenade explodes on impact dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies, and disarms enemies who remain within the smoke cloud for @DisarmDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRocket Swarm@keyHotkey@ Rocket Swarm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger fires a wave of 5 rockets that converge on his target, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first target they hit. Every 3rd cast, Heimerdinger summons @MaxWaves@ waves instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Rocket SwarmHeimerdinger fires a wave of 5 rockets that converge on his target, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first target they hit. Every 3rd cast, Heimerdinger summons @MaxWaves@ waves instead.Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Rocket Swarm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger fires a wave of 5 rockets that converge on his target, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first target they hit. Every 3rd cast, Heimerdinger summons @MaxWaves@ waves instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Rocket Swarm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger fires a wave of 5 rockets that converge on his target, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first target they hit. Every 3rd cast, Heimerdinger summons @MaxWaves@ waves instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Rocket Swarm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger fires a wave of 5 rockets that converge on his target, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first target they hit. Every 3rd cast, Heimerdinger summons @MaxWaves@ waves instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoElectrifying Roar@keyHotkey@ Electrifying Roar@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: The Dragon is immune to crowd control effects. Every 3rd attack is charged with lightning, dealing @ModifiedLightningDamage@ bonus magic damage to @NumEnemies@ enemies.

    The Dragon lands and lets out a bellowing roar, causing all enemies within @FearHexRange@ hexes to cower in fear for @FearDuration@ seconds. The roar also energizes your team, making all attacks critically strike and granting your team @CritDamageIncrease*100@% Critical Strike Damage for @EnergizedDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Electrifying RoarPassive: The Dragon is immune to crowd control effects. Every 3rd attack is charged with lightning, dealing @ModifiedLightningDamage@ bonus magic damage to @NumEnemies@ enemies.

    The Dragon lands and lets out a bellowing roar, causing all enemies within @FearHexRange@ hexes to cower in fear for @FearDuration@ seconds. The roar also energizes your team, making all attacks critically strike and granting your team @CritDamageIncrease*100@% Critical Strike Damage for @EnergizedDuration@ seconds.
    @keyHotkey@ Electrifying Roar@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: The Dragon is immune to crowd control effects. Every 3rd attack is charged with lightning, dealing @ModifiedLightningDamage@ bonus magic damage to @NumEnemies@ enemies.

    The Dragon lands and lets out a bellowing roar, causing all enemies within @FearHexRange@ hexes to cower in fear for @FearDuration@ seconds. The roar also energizes your team, making all attacks critically strike and granting your team @CritDamageIncrease*100@% Critical Strike Damage for @EnergizedDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Electrifying Roar@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: The Dragon is immune to crowd control effects. Every 3rd attack is charged with lightning, dealing @ModifiedLightningDamage@ bonus magic damage to @NumEnemies@ enemies.

    The Dragon lands and lets out a bellowing roar, causing all enemies within @FearHexRange@ hexes to cower in fear for @FearDuration@ seconds. The roar also energizes your team, making all attacks critically strike and granting your team @CritDamageIncrease*100@% Critical Strike Damage for @EnergizedDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Electrifying Roar@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: The Dragon is immune to crowd control effects. Every 3rd attack is charged with lightning, dealing @ModifiedLightningDamage@ bonus magic damage to @NumEnemies@ enemies.

    The Dragon lands and lets out a bellowing roar, causing all enemies within @FearHexRange@ hexes to cower in fear for @FearDuration@ seconds. The roar also energizes your team, making all attacks critically strike and granting your team @CritDamageIncrease*100@% Critical Strike Damage for @EnergizedDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoHarsh Lesson@keyHotkey@ Harsh Lesson@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi slams her target, linking her soul to it for @Duration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. While linked, Illaoi is healed for @PercentHealing*100@% of the damage taken by her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Harsh LessonIllaoi slams her target, linking her soul to it for @Duration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. While linked, Illaoi is healed for @PercentHealing*100@% of the damage taken by her target.Magic Damage
    Damage to Healing
    [ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentHealing1Prefix@@PercentHealing1*100.000000@%@PercentHealing1Postfix@ / @PercentHealing2Prefix@@PercentHealing2*100.000000@%@PercentHealing2Postfix@ / @PercentHealing3Prefix@@PercentHealing3*100.000000@%@PercentHealing3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Harsh Lesson@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi slams her target, linking her soul to it for @Duration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. While linked, Illaoi is healed for @PercentHealing*100@% of the damage taken by her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage
    Damage to Healing
    @MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@
    @PercentHealing*100.000000@% -> @PercentHealingNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Harsh Lesson@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi slams her target, linking her soul to it for @Duration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. While linked, Illaoi is healed for @PercentHealing*100@% of the damage taken by her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Harsh Lesson@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi slams her target, linking her soul to it for @Duration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. While linked, Illaoi is healed for @PercentHealing*100@% of the damage taken by her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBladesurge@keyHotkey@ Bladesurge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia dashes to her target, striking them for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@PercentADDamage*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this kills the target, she Bladesurges again at the lowest Health enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@BladesurgeIrelia dashes to her target, striking them for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@PercentADDamage*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this kills the target, she Bladesurges again at the lowest Health enemy.Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Bladesurge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia dashes to her target, striking them for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@PercentADDamage*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this kills the target, she Bladesurges again at the lowest Health enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Bladesurge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia dashes to her target, striking them for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@PercentADDamage*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this kills the target, she Bladesurges again at the lowest Health enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Bladesurge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia dashes to her target, striking them for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@PercentADDamage*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this kills the target, she Bladesurges again at the lowest Health enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMonsoon@keyHotkey@ Monsoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Janna summons a Monsoon, knocking back nearby enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ second(s). The Monsoon heals your team for @ModifiedHeal@ Health over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@MonsoonJanna summons a Monsoon, knocking back nearby enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ second(s). The Monsoon heals your team for @ModifiedHeal@ Health over @Duration@ seconds.Heal
    Stun Duration
    [ @HealAmount1Prefix@@HealAmount1@@HealAmount1Postfix@ / @HealAmount2Prefix@@HealAmount2@@HealAmount2Postfix@ / @HealAmount3Prefix@@HealAmount3@@HealAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Monsoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Janna summons a Monsoon, knocking back nearby enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ second(s). The Monsoon heals your team for @ModifiedHeal@ Health over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHeal
    Stun Duration
    @HealAmount@ -> @HealAmountNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Monsoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Janna summons a Monsoon, knocking back nearby enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ second(s). The Monsoon heals your team for @ModifiedHeal@ Health over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Monsoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Janna summons a Monsoon, knocking back nearby enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ second(s). The Monsoon heals your team for @ModifiedHeal@ Health over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAgeless Standard@keyHotkey@ Ageless Standard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan calls down his standard to a nearby location, granting all allies within @HexRadius@ hexes @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ageless StandardJarvan calls down his standard to a nearby location, granting all allies within @HexRadius@ hexes @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds.Bonus Attack Speed[ @ASPercent1Prefix@@ASPercent1*100.000000@%@ASPercent1Postfix@ / @ASPercent2Prefix@@ASPercent2*100.000000@%@ASPercent2Postfix@ / @ASPercent3Prefix@@ASPercent3*100.000000@%@ASPercent3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Ageless Standard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan calls down his standard to a nearby location, granting all allies within @HexRadius@ hexes @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Attack Speed@ASPercent*100.000000@% -> @ASPercentNL*100.000000@%@keyHotkey@ Ageless Standard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan calls down his standard to a nearby location, granting all allies within @HexRadius@ hexes @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Ageless Standard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan calls down his standard to a nearby location, granting all allies within @HexRadius@ hexes @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTo the Skies!@keyHotkey@ To the Skies!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce overcharges himself, becoming unstoppable and gaining a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ Health shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Jayce then attacks twice, cleaving enemies in front of him for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@MeleeDamagePercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) before leaping to the skies and slamming down on his target. Enemies within 2 hexes take the same damage and suffer a @MeleeShred*100@% reduction in Armor and Magic Resist for @MeleeShredDuration@ seconds.

    Passive: Jayce gains @MeleeArmorGain@ Armor and Magic Resist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    To the Skies!Jayce overcharges himself, becoming unstoppable and gaining a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ Health shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Jayce then attacks twice, cleaving enemies in front of him for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@MeleeDamagePercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) before leaping to the skies and slamming down on his target. Enemies within 2 hexes take the same damage and suffer a @MeleeShred*100@% reduction in Armor and Magic Resist for @MeleeShredDuration@ seconds.

    Passive: Jayce gains @MeleeArmorGain@ Armor and Magic Resist.
    Armor and Magic Resist Shred
    Shield Amount
    Attack Damage
    [ @MeleeShred1Prefix@@MeleeShred1*100.000000@%@MeleeShred1Postfix@ / @MeleeShred2Prefix@@MeleeShred2*100.000000@%@MeleeShred2Postfix@ / @MeleeShred3Prefix@@MeleeShred3*100.000000@%@MeleeShred3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MeleeDamagePercent1Prefix@@MeleeDamagePercent1*100.000000@%@MeleeDamagePercent1Postfix@ / @MeleeDamagePercent2Prefix@@MeleeDamagePercent2*100.000000@%@MeleeDamagePercent2Postfix@ / @MeleeDamagePercent3Prefix@@MeleeDamagePercent3*100.000000@%@MeleeDamagePercent3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ To the Skies!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce overcharges himself, becoming unstoppable and gaining a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ Health shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Jayce then attacks twice, cleaving enemies in front of him for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@MeleeDamagePercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) before leaping to the skies and slamming down on his target. Enemies within 2 hexes take the same damage and suffer a @MeleeShred*100@% reduction in Armor and Magic Resist for @MeleeShredDuration@ seconds.

    Passive: Jayce gains @MeleeArmorGain@ Armor and Magic Resist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upArmor and Magic Resist Shred
    Shield Amount
    Attack Damage
    @MeleeShred*100.000000@% -> @MeleeShredNL*100.000000@%
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @MeleeDamagePercent*100.000000@% -> @MeleeDamagePercentNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ To the Skies!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce overcharges himself, becoming unstoppable and gaining a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ Health shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Jayce then attacks twice, cleaving enemies in front of him for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@MeleeDamagePercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) before leaping to the skies and slamming down on his target. Enemies within 2 hexes take the same damage and suffer a @MeleeShred*100@% reduction in Armor and Magic Resist for @MeleeShredDuration@ seconds.

    Passive: Jayce gains @MeleeArmorGain@ Armor and Magic Resist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ To the Skies!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce overcharges himself, becoming unstoppable and gaining a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ Health shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Jayce then attacks twice, cleaving enemies in front of him for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@MeleeDamagePercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) before leaping to the skies and slamming down on his target. Enemies within 2 hexes take the same damage and suffer a @MeleeShred*100@% reduction in Armor and Magic Resist for @MeleeShredDuration@ seconds.

    Passive: Jayce gains @MeleeArmorGain@ Armor and Magic Resist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoShock Blast@keyHotkey@ Shock Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce summons an acceleration gate, granting allies within the same row @ModifiedRangedASBoost@ Attack Speed for @RangedASDuration@ seconds. He then replaces his next 3 attacks with orbs of electricity that deal @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@RangedADPercentBase*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) in a 1 hex area around his target. The 3rd orb has a larger 2 hex area of effect.

    Passive: Jayce's range is increased by 4 hexes and he gains @RangedADGain@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shock BlastJayce summons an acceleration gate, granting allies within the same row @ModifiedRangedASBoost@ Attack Speed for @RangedASDuration@ seconds. He then replaces his next 3 attacks with orbs of electricity that deal @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@RangedADPercentBase*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) in a 1 hex area around his target. The 3rd orb has a larger 2 hex area of effect.

    Passive: Jayce's range is increased by 4 hexes and he gains @RangedADGain@ Attack Damage.
    Attack Damage Gain
    Attack Speed %
    Percent of Attack Damage
    [ @RangedADGain1Prefix@@RangedADGain1@@RangedADGain1Postfix@ / @RangedADGain2Prefix@@RangedADGain2@@RangedADGain2Postfix@ / @RangedADGain3Prefix@@RangedADGain3@@RangedADGain3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RangedASBoost1Prefix@@RangedASBoost1*100.000000@%@RangedASBoost1Postfix@ / @RangedASBoost2Prefix@@RangedASBoost2*100.000000@%@RangedASBoost2Postfix@ / @RangedASBoost3Prefix@@RangedASBoost3*100.000000@%@RangedASBoost3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RangedADPercentBase1Prefix@@RangedADPercentBase1*100.000000@%@RangedADPercentBase1Postfix@ / @RangedADPercentBase2Prefix@@RangedADPercentBase2*100.000000@%@RangedADPercentBase2Postfix@ / @RangedADPercentBase3Prefix@@RangedADPercentBase3*100.000000@%@RangedADPercentBase3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Shock Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce summons an acceleration gate, granting allies within the same row @ModifiedRangedASBoost@ Attack Speed for @RangedASDuration@ seconds. He then replaces his next 3 attacks with orbs of electricity that deal @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@RangedADPercentBase*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) in a 1 hex area around his target. The 3rd orb has a larger 2 hex area of effect.

    Passive: Jayce's range is increased by 4 hexes and he gains @RangedADGain@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Damage Gain
    Attack Speed %
    Percent of Attack Damage
    @RangedADGain@ -> @RangedADGainNL@
    @RangedASBoost*100.000000@% -> @RangedASBoostNL*100.000000@%
    @RangedADPercentBase*100.000000@% -> @RangedADPercentBaseNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Shock Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce summons an acceleration gate, granting allies within the same row @ModifiedRangedASBoost@ Attack Speed for @RangedASDuration@ seconds. He then replaces his next 3 attacks with orbs of electricity that deal @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@RangedADPercentBase*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) in a 1 hex area around his target. The 3rd orb has a larger 2 hex area of effect.

    Passive: Jayce's range is increased by 4 hexes and he gains @RangedADGain@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Shock Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce summons an acceleration gate, granting allies within the same row @ModifiedRangedASBoost@ Attack Speed for @RangedASDuration@ seconds. He then replaces his next 3 attacks with orbs of electricity that deal @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@RangedADPercentBase*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) in a 1 hex area around his target. The 3rd orb has a larger 2 hex area of effect.

    Passive: Jayce's range is increased by 4 hexes and he gains @RangedADGain@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMercury Cannon/Mercury Hammer@keyHotkey@ Mercury Cannon/Mercury Hammer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Melee form: Jayce slams his hammer down onto nearby enemies, dealing damage and reducing their Armor and Magic Resist.
    Ranged form: Jayce deploys an acceleration gate, granting bonus Attack Speed to allies in the same row, then fires an orb of electricity at the largest enemy group.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Mercury Cannon/Mercury HammerMelee form: Jayce slams his hammer down onto nearby enemies, dealing damage and reducing their Armor and Magic Resist.
    Ranged form: Jayce deploys an acceleration gate, granting bonus Attack Speed to allies in the same row, then fires an orb of electricity at the largest enemy group.
    @keyHotkey@ Mercury Cannon/Mercury Hammer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Melee form: Jayce slams his hammer down onto nearby enemies, dealing damage and reducing their Armor and Magic Resist.
    Ranged form: Jayce deploys an acceleration gate, granting bonus Attack Speed to allies in the same row, then fires an orb of electricity at the largest enemy group.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Mercury Cannon/Mercury Hammer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Melee form: Jayce slams his hammer down onto nearby enemies, dealing damage and reducing their Armor and Magic Resist.
    Ranged form: Jayce deploys an acceleration gate, granting bonus Attack Speed to allies in the same row, then fires an orb of electricity at the largest enemy group.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Mercury Cannon/Mercury Hammer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Melee form: Jayce slams his hammer down onto nearby enemies, dealing damage and reducing their Armor and Magic Resist.
    Ranged form: Jayce deploys an acceleration gate, granting bonus Attack Speed to allies in the same row, then fires an orb of electricity at the largest enemy group.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCurtain Call@keyHotkey@ Curtain Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin transforms his weapon into a powerful sniper rifle for his next 4 shots. Each shot deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%), reduced by @DamageFalloff*100@% for each target it pierces through. The 4th shot is guaranteed to critically strike, and deals @ModifiedBonusDamage@ more damage based on his target's missing Health.

    Passive: Jhin always attacks @AttackSpeed@ times per second. He converts each 1% of bonus Attack Speed into @ADFromAttackSpeed@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Curtain CallJhin transforms his weapon into a powerful sniper rifle for his next 4 shots. Each shot deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%), reduced by @DamageFalloff*100@% for each target it pierces through. The 4th shot is guaranteed to critically strike, and deals @ModifiedBonusDamage@ more damage based on his target's missing Health.

    Passive: Jhin always attacks @AttackSpeed@ times per second. He converts each 1% of bonus Attack Speed into @ADFromAttackSpeed@ Attack Damage.
    Percent of Attack Damage
    Attacks per Second
    [ @PercentAttackDamage1Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage1*100.000000@%@PercentAttackDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage2Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage2*100.000000@%@PercentAttackDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage3Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage3*100.000000@%@PercentAttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackSpeed1Prefix@@AttackSpeed1@@AttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed2Prefix@@AttackSpeed2@@AttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed3Prefix@@AttackSpeed3@@AttackSpeed3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Curtain Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin transforms his weapon into a powerful sniper rifle for his next 4 shots. Each shot deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%), reduced by @DamageFalloff*100@% for each target it pierces through. The 4th shot is guaranteed to critically strike, and deals @ModifiedBonusDamage@ more damage based on his target's missing Health.

    Passive: Jhin always attacks @AttackSpeed@ times per second. He converts each 1% of bonus Attack Speed into @ADFromAttackSpeed@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPercent of Attack Damage
    Attacks per Second
    @PercentAttackDamage*100.000000@% -> @PercentAttackDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @AttackSpeed@ -> @AttackSpeedNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Curtain Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin transforms his weapon into a powerful sniper rifle for his next 4 shots. Each shot deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%), reduced by @DamageFalloff*100@% for each target it pierces through. The 4th shot is guaranteed to critically strike, and deals @ModifiedBonusDamage@ more damage based on his target's missing Health.

    Passive: Jhin always attacks @AttackSpeed@ times per second. He converts each 1% of bonus Attack Speed into @ADFromAttackSpeed@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Curtain Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin transforms his weapon into a powerful sniper rifle for his next 4 shots. Each shot deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%), reduced by @DamageFalloff*100@% for each target it pierces through. The 4th shot is guaranteed to critically strike, and deals @ModifiedBonusDamage@ more damage based on his target's missing Health.

    Passive: Jhin always attacks @AttackSpeed@ times per second. He converts each 1% of bonus Attack Speed into @ADFromAttackSpeed@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSuper Mega Death Rocket@keyHotkey@ Super Mega Death Rocket@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx rides her rocket into the sky, then comes crashing down near the center-most enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies around the epicenter, and @FalloffPercent*100@% to all other enemies in a large area. The epicenter burns every unit except Jinx for @HexDuration@ seconds, dealing @PercentBurn@% of the target's maximum Health as true damage, and reducing healing by 50% for the duration.

    She then swaps to her rocket launcher and targets random units for the rest of combat. Her attacks now explode for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@RocketLauncherPercentAD*100%@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) in a small area around her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Super Mega Death RocketJinx rides her rocket into the sky, then comes crashing down near the center-most enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies around the epicenter, and @FalloffPercent*100@% to all other enemies in a large area. The epicenter burns every unit except Jinx for @HexDuration@ seconds, dealing @PercentBurn@% of the target's maximum Health as true damage, and reducing healing by 50% for the duration.

    She then swaps to her rocket launcher and targets random units for the rest of combat. Her attacks now explode for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@RocketLauncherPercentAD*100%@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) in a small area around her target.
    Percent Health Burn
    Percent of Attack Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentBurn1Prefix@@PercentBurn1@%@PercentBurn1Postfix@ / @PercentBurn2Prefix@@PercentBurn2@%@PercentBurn2Postfix@ / @PercentBurn3Prefix@@PercentBurn3@%@PercentBurn3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RocketLauncherPercentAD1Prefix@@RocketLauncherPercentAD1*100.000000@%@RocketLauncherPercentAD1Postfix@ / @RocketLauncherPercentAD2Prefix@@RocketLauncherPercentAD2*100.000000@%@RocketLauncherPercentAD2Postfix@ / @RocketLauncherPercentAD3Prefix@@RocketLauncherPercentAD3*100.000000@%@RocketLauncherPercentAD3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Super Mega Death Rocket@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx rides her rocket into the sky, then comes crashing down near the center-most enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies around the epicenter, and @FalloffPercent*100@% to all other enemies in a large area. The epicenter burns every unit except Jinx for @HexDuration@ seconds, dealing @PercentBurn@% of the target's maximum Health as true damage, and reducing healing by 50% for the duration.

    She then swaps to her rocket launcher and targets random units for the rest of combat. Her attacks now explode for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@RocketLauncherPercentAD*100%@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) in a small area around her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Percent Health Burn
    Percent of Attack Damage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @PercentBurn@% -> @PercentBurnNL@%
    @RocketLauncherPercentAD*100.000000@% -> @RocketLauncherPercentADNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Super Mega Death Rocket@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx rides her rocket into the sky, then comes crashing down near the center-most enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies around the epicenter, and @FalloffPercent*100@% to all other enemies in a large area. The epicenter burns every unit except Jinx for @HexDuration@ seconds, dealing @PercentBurn@% of the target's maximum Health as true damage, and reducing healing by 50% for the duration.

    She then swaps to her rocket launcher and targets random units for the rest of combat. Her attacks now explode for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@RocketLauncherPercentAD*100%@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) in a small area around her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Super Mega Death Rocket@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx rides her rocket into the sky, then comes crashing down near the center-most enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies around the epicenter, and @FalloffPercent*100@% to all other enemies in a large area. The epicenter burns every unit except Jinx for @HexDuration@ seconds, dealing @PercentBurn@% of the target's maximum Health as true damage, and reducing healing by 50% for the duration.

    She then swaps to her rocket launcher and targets random units for the rest of combat. Her attacks now explode for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@RocketLauncherPercentAD*100%@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) in a small area around her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoIcathian Monsoon@keyHotkey@ Icathian Monsoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'sa dashes away from all enemies, then fires a volley of @NumMissiles@ missiles spread evenly among all enemies that deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage each.

    For each time Kai'Sa has attacked this combat, she'll fire an additional missile.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Icathian MonsoonKai'sa dashes away from all enemies, then fires a volley of @NumMissiles@ missiles spread evenly among all enemies that deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage each.

    For each time Kai'Sa has attacked this combat, she'll fire an additional missile.
    Base Missiles
    Damage Per Missile
    [ @NumMissiles1Prefix@@NumMissiles1@@NumMissiles1Postfix@ / @NumMissiles2Prefix@@NumMissiles2@@NumMissiles2Postfix@ / @NumMissiles3Prefix@@NumMissiles3@@NumMissiles3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Icathian Monsoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'sa dashes away from all enemies, then fires a volley of @NumMissiles@ missiles spread evenly among all enemies that deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage each.

    For each time Kai'Sa has attacked this combat, she'll fire an additional missile.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Missiles
    Damage Per Missile
    @NumMissiles@ -> @NumMissilesNL@
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Icathian Monsoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'sa dashes away from all enemies, then fires a volley of @NumMissiles@ missiles spread evenly among all enemies that deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage each.

    For each time Kai'Sa has attacked this combat, she'll fire an additional missile.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Icathian Monsoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'sa dashes away from all enemies, then fires a volley of @NumMissiles@ missiles spread evenly among all enemies that deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage each.

    For each time Kai'Sa has attacked this combat, she'll fire an additional missile.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoNull Sphere@keyHotkey@ Null Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kassadin fires an orb of void energy at his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Enemies hit by the orb suffer a @ManaReave*100@% increased Mana cost for their next Ability cast. Kassadin also grants himself a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield and takes @DamageReduction*100@% less damage for @Duration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Null SphereKassadin fires an orb of void energy at his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Enemies hit by the orb suffer a @ManaReave*100@% increased Mana cost for their next Ability cast. Kassadin also grants himself a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield and takes @DamageReduction*100@% less damage for @Duration@ seconds. Damage
    Shield Amount
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Null Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kassadin fires an orb of void energy at his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Enemies hit by the orb suffer a @ManaReave*100@% increased Mana cost for their next Ability cast. Kassadin also grants himself a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield and takes @DamageReduction*100@% less damage for @Duration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Shield Amount
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Null Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kassadin fires an orb of void energy at his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Enemies hit by the orb suffer a @ManaReave*100@% increased Mana cost for their next Ability cast. Kassadin also grants himself a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield and takes @DamageReduction*100@% less damage for @Duration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Null Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kassadin fires an orb of void energy at his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Enemies hit by the orb suffer a @ManaReave*100@% increased Mana cost for their next Ability cast. Kassadin also grants himself a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield and takes @DamageReduction*100@% less damage for @Duration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoShunpo@keyHotkey@ Shunpo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Katarina blinks behind the enemy with the lowest Health within 3 hexes and slashes all adjacent enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Katarina gains @ManaRefund@ Mana for each enemy killed by Shunpo.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@ShunpoKatarina blinks behind the enemy with the lowest Health within 3 hexes and slashes all adjacent enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Katarina gains @ManaRefund@ Mana for each enemy killed by Shunpo.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Shunpo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Katarina blinks behind the enemy with the lowest Health within 3 hexes and slashes all adjacent enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Katarina gains @ManaRefund@ Mana for each enemy killed by Shunpo.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Shunpo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Katarina blinks behind the enemy with the lowest Health within 3 hexes and slashes all adjacent enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Katarina gains @ManaRefund@ Mana for each enemy killed by Shunpo.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Shunpo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Katarina blinks behind the enemy with the lowest Health within 3 hexes and slashes all adjacent enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Katarina gains @ManaRefund@ Mana for each enemy killed by Shunpo.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoVoid Assault@keyHotkey@ Void Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kha'Zix leaps towards the lowest Health enemy, striking them for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@) and increasing their maximum Mana by @ManaReave@% until they cast.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Void AssaultKha'Zix leaps towards the lowest Health enemy, striking them for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@) and increasing their maximum Mana by @ManaReave@% until they cast.Percent of Attack Damage
    Bonus Damage
    [ @ADPercent1Prefix@@ADPercent1*100.000000@%@ADPercent1Postfix@ / @ADPercent2Prefix@@ADPercent2*100.000000@%@ADPercent2Postfix@ / @ADPercent3Prefix@@ADPercent3*100.000000@%@ADPercent3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Void Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kha'Zix leaps towards the lowest Health enemy, striking them for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@) and increasing their maximum Mana by @ManaReave@% until they cast.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPercent of Attack Damage
    Bonus Damage
    @ADPercent*100.000000@% -> @ADPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Void Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kha'Zix leaps towards the lowest Health enemy, striking them for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@) and increasing their maximum Mana by @ManaReave@% until they cast.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Void Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kha'Zix leaps towards the lowest Health enemy, striking them for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@) and increasing their maximum Mana by @ManaReave@% until they cast.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBarrage@keyHotkey@ Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For @Duration@ seconds, Kog'Maw gains infinite Attack Range, @PercentAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed, and his attacks deal @ModifiedPercentMaxHPDamage@ of the target's maximum Health as bonus magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@BarrageFor @Duration@ seconds, Kog'Maw gains infinite Attack Range, @PercentAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed, and his attacks deal @ModifiedPercentMaxHPDamage@ of the target's maximum Health as bonus magic damage.% Health as Damage[ @PercentMaxHPDamage1Prefix@@PercentMaxHPDamage1*100.000000@%@PercentMaxHPDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentMaxHPDamage2Prefix@@PercentMaxHPDamage2*100.000000@%@PercentMaxHPDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentMaxHPDamage3Prefix@@PercentMaxHPDamage3*100.000000@%@PercentMaxHPDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For @Duration@ seconds, Kog'Maw gains infinite Attack Range, @PercentAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed, and his attacks deal @ModifiedPercentMaxHPDamage@ of the target's maximum Health as bonus magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up% Health as Damage@PercentMaxHPDamage*100.000000@% -> @PercentMaxHPDamageNL*100.000000@%@keyHotkey@ Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For @Duration@ seconds, Kog'Maw gains infinite Attack Range, @PercentAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed, and his attacks deal @ModifiedPercentMaxHPDamage@ of the target's maximum Health as bonus magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For @Duration@ seconds, Kog'Maw gains infinite Attack Range, @PercentAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed, and his attacks deal @ModifiedPercentMaxHPDamage@ of the target's maximum Health as bonus magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSolar Eclipse@keyHotkey@ Solar Eclipse@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona calls down a beacon of light upon herself, granting herself a @ModifiedShielding@ Health shield for @Duration@ seconds. Leona and allies within 2 hexes gain @BonusStats@ Armor and Magic Resistance for the same duration.

    VIP Bonus: Every second, Leona heals herself for @T1DebutantBonus@% max health for each unit targeting her.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Solar EclipseLeona calls down a beacon of light upon herself, granting herself a @ModifiedShielding@ Health shield for @Duration@ seconds. Leona and allies within 2 hexes gain @BonusStats@ Armor and Magic Resistance for the same duration.

    VIP Bonus: Every second, Leona heals herself for @T1DebutantBonus@% max health for each unit targeting her.
    Shield Amount
    Armor and Magic Resist
    [ @Shielding1Prefix@@Shielding1@@Shielding1Postfix@ / @Shielding2Prefix@@Shielding2@@Shielding2Postfix@ / @Shielding3Prefix@@Shielding3@@Shielding3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Duration1Prefix@@Duration1@@Duration1Postfix@ / @Duration2Prefix@@Duration2@@Duration2Postfix@ / @Duration3Prefix@@Duration3@@Duration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusStats1Prefix@@BonusStats1@@BonusStats1Postfix@ / @BonusStats2Prefix@@BonusStats2@@BonusStats2Postfix@ / @BonusStats3Prefix@@BonusStats3@@BonusStats3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Solar Eclipse@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona calls down a beacon of light upon herself, granting herself a @ModifiedShielding@ Health shield for @Duration@ seconds. Leona and allies within 2 hexes gain @BonusStats@ Armor and Magic Resistance for the same duration.

    VIP Bonus: Every second, Leona heals herself for @T1DebutantBonus@% max health for each unit targeting her.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    Armor and Magic Resist
    @Shielding@ -> @ShieldingNL@
    @Duration@ -> @DurationNL@
    @BonusStats@ -> @BonusStatsNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Solar Eclipse@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona calls down a beacon of light upon herself, granting herself a @ModifiedShielding@ Health shield for @Duration@ seconds. Leona and allies within 2 hexes gain @BonusStats@ Armor and Magic Resistance for the same duration.

    VIP Bonus: Every second, Leona heals herself for @T1DebutantBonus@% max health for each unit targeting her.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Solar Eclipse@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona calls down a beacon of light upon herself, granting herself a @ModifiedShielding@ Health shield for @Duration@ seconds. Leona and allies within 2 hexes gain @BonusStats@ Armor and Magic Resistance for the same duration.

    VIP Bonus: Every second, Leona heals herself for @T1DebutantBonus@% max health for each unit targeting her.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRapid Fire@keyHotkey@ Rapid Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana's Dragon gets fired up, increasing her Attack Speed by @BonusAS*100@% and dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus Magic damage on hit for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Rapid FireTristana's Dragon gets fired up, increasing her Attack Speed by @BonusAS*100@% and dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus Magic damage on hit for @Duration@ seconds.@keyHotkey@ Rapid Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana's Dragon gets fired up, increasing her Attack Speed by @BonusAS*100@% and dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus Magic damage on hit for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Rapid Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana's Dragon gets fired up, increasing her Attack Speed by @BonusAS*100@% and dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus Magic damage on hit for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Rapid Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana's Dragon gets fired up, increasing her Attack Speed by @BonusAS*100@% and dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus Magic damage on hit for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoIron Maiden@keyHotkey@ Iron Maiden@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra encases her target in an iron maiden, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within a large area. Damage from the iron maiden reduces enemies' Attack Damage by @WeakenedPercent*100@% for @WeakenedDuration@ seconds.

    If Lissandra is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, she encases herself instead, dealing damage to surrounding enemies and becoming untargetable and invulnerable for @UntargetableDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Iron MaidenLissandra encases her target in an iron maiden, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within a large area. Damage from the iron maiden reduces enemies' Attack Damage by @WeakenedPercent*100@% for @WeakenedDuration@ seconds.

    If Lissandra is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, she encases herself instead, dealing damage to surrounding enemies and becoming untargetable and invulnerable for @UntargetableDuration@ seconds.
    Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Iron Maiden@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra encases her target in an iron maiden, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within a large area. Damage from the iron maiden reduces enemies' Attack Damage by @WeakenedPercent*100@% for @WeakenedDuration@ seconds.

    If Lissandra is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, she encases herself instead, dealing damage to surrounding enemies and becoming untargetable and invulnerable for @UntargetableDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Iron Maiden@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra encases her target in an iron maiden, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within a large area. Damage from the iron maiden reduces enemies' Attack Damage by @WeakenedPercent*100@% for @WeakenedDuration@ seconds.

    If Lissandra is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, she encases herself instead, dealing damage to surrounding enemies and becoming untargetable and invulnerable for @UntargetableDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Iron Maiden@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra encases her target in an iron maiden, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within a large area. Damage from the iron maiden reduces enemies' Attack Damage by @WeakenedPercent*100@% for @WeakenedDuration@ seconds.

    If Lissandra is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, she encases herself instead, dealing damage to surrounding enemies and becoming untargetable and invulnerable for @UntargetableDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRelentless Pursuit@keyHotkey@ Relentless Pursuit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian dashes away from his current target and fires @NumShots@ shots at nearby enemies that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Relentless PursuitLucian dashes away from his current target and fires @NumShots@ shots at nearby enemies that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @NumShots1Prefix@@NumShots1@@NumShots1Postfix@ / @NumShots2Prefix@@NumShots2@@NumShots2Postfix@ / @NumShots3Prefix@@NumShots3@@NumShots3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Relentless Pursuit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian dashes away from his current target and fires @NumShots@ shots at nearby enemies that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @NumShots@ -> @NumShotsNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Relentless Pursuit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian dashes away from his current target and fires @NumShots@ shots at nearby enemies that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Relentless Pursuit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian dashes away from his current target and fires @NumShots@ shots at nearby enemies that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWild Growth@keyHotkey@ Wild Growth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu enlarges @NumAllies@ low Health allies, granting them @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus Health and knocking up enemies near them. If the ally is already enlarged, they are healed instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Wild GrowthLulu enlarges @NumAllies@ low Health allies, granting them @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus Health and knocking up enemies near them. If the ally is already enlarged, they are healed instead.Bonus Health
    Number of Targets
    [ @BonusHealth1Prefix@@BonusHealth1@@BonusHealth1Postfix@ / @BonusHealth2Prefix@@BonusHealth2@@BonusHealth2Postfix@ / @BonusHealth3Prefix@@BonusHealth3@@BonusHealth3Postfix@ ]
    [ @NumAllies1Prefix@@NumAllies1@@NumAllies1Postfix@ / @NumAllies2Prefix@@NumAllies2@@NumAllies2Postfix@ / @NumAllies3Prefix@@NumAllies3@@NumAllies3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Wild Growth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu enlarges @NumAllies@ low Health allies, granting them @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus Health and knocking up enemies near them. If the ally is already enlarged, they are healed instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Health
    Number of Targets
    @BonusHealth@ -> @BonusHealthNL@
    @NumAllies@ -> @NumAlliesNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Wild Growth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu enlarges @NumAllies@ low Health allies, granting them @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus Health and knocking up enemies near them. If the ally is already enlarged, they are healed instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Wild Growth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu enlarges @NumAllies@ low Health allies, granting them @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus Health and knocking up enemies near them. If the ally is already enlarged, they are healed instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFinal Spark@keyHotkey@ Final Spark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@After gathering energy, Lux fires a beam towards the farthest enemy target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If she kills a unit with her beam, she gains @ManaRefund@ mana. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Final SparkAfter gathering energy, Lux fires a beam towards the farthest enemy target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If she kills a unit with her beam, she gains @ManaRefund@ mana. Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Final Spark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@After gathering energy, Lux fires a beam towards the farthest enemy target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If she kills a unit with her beam, she gains @ManaRefund@ mana. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Final Spark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@After gathering energy, Lux fires a beam towards the farthest enemy target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If she kills a unit with her beam, she gains @ManaRefund@ mana. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Final Spark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@After gathering energy, Lux fires a beam towards the farthest enemy target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If she kills a unit with her beam, she gains @ManaRefund@ mana. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMalefic Visions@keyHotkey@ Malefic Visions@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar infects the mind of the closest unafflicted target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds and reducing the Magic Resist of enemies by @MRShred*100@%.

    If an afflicted target dies, Malefic Visions spreads to the nearest @SpreadTargets@ unafflicted targets with the remaining duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Malefic VisionsMalzahar infects the mind of the closest unafflicted target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds and reducing the Magic Resist of enemies by @MRShred*100@%.

    If an afflicted target dies, Malefic Visions spreads to the nearest @SpreadTargets@ unafflicted targets with the remaining duration.
    Spread Targets
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SpreadTargets1Prefix@@SpreadTargets1@@SpreadTargets1Postfix@ / @SpreadTargets2Prefix@@SpreadTargets2@@SpreadTargets2Postfix@ / @SpreadTargets3Prefix@@SpreadTargets3@@SpreadTargets3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Malefic Visions@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar infects the mind of the closest unafflicted target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds and reducing the Magic Resist of enemies by @MRShred*100@%.

    If an afflicted target dies, Malefic Visions spreads to the nearest @SpreadTargets@ unafflicted targets with the remaining duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Spread Targets
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @SpreadTargets@ -> @SpreadTargetsNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Malefic Visions@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar infects the mind of the closest unafflicted target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds and reducing the Magic Resist of enemies by @MRShred*100@%.

    If an afflicted target dies, Malefic Visions spreads to the nearest @SpreadTargets@ unafflicted targets with the remaining duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Malefic Visions@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar infects the mind of the closest unafflicted target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds and reducing the Magic Resist of enemies by @MRShred*100@%.

    If an afflicted target dies, Malefic Visions spreads to the nearest @SpreadTargets@ unafflicted targets with the remaining duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoReflective Barrier@keyHotkey@ Reflective Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Scarab creates a barrier on itself and the ally targeted by the most enemies, then taunts all enemies who have the Scarab within its attack range, forcing them to attack the Scarab. The barriers last for @DamageReducedDuration@ seconds, reduce incoming damage by @DamageReducedPercent*100@% and enemies attacking the barrier take @ModifiedDamageAmount@ magic damage. Enemies may only take damage from a barrier once per second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Reflective BarrierThe Scarab creates a barrier on itself and the ally targeted by the most enemies, then taunts all enemies who have the Scarab within its attack range, forcing them to attack the Scarab. The barriers last for @DamageReducedDuration@ seconds, reduce incoming damage by @DamageReducedPercent*100@% and enemies attacking the barrier take @ModifiedDamageAmount@ magic damage. Enemies may only take damage from a barrier once per second.@keyHotkey@ Reflective Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Scarab creates a barrier on itself and the ally targeted by the most enemies, then taunts all enemies who have the Scarab within its attack range, forcing them to attack the Scarab. The barriers last for @DamageReducedDuration@ seconds, reduce incoming damage by @DamageReducedPercent*100@% and enemies attacking the barrier take @ModifiedDamageAmount@ magic damage. Enemies may only take damage from a barrier once per second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Reflective Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Scarab creates a barrier on itself and the ally targeted by the most enemies, then taunts all enemies who have the Scarab within its attack range, forcing them to attack the Scarab. The barriers last for @DamageReducedDuration@ seconds, reduce incoming damage by @DamageReducedPercent*100@% and enemies attacking the barrier take @ModifiedDamageAmount@ magic damage. Enemies may only take damage from a barrier once per second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Reflective Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Scarab creates a barrier on itself and the ally targeted by the most enemies, then taunts all enemies who have the Scarab within its attack range, forcing them to attack the Scarab. The barriers last for @DamageReducedDuration@ seconds, reduce incoming damage by @DamageReducedPercent*100@% and enemies attacking the barrier take @ModifiedDamageAmount@ magic damage. Enemies may only take damage from a barrier once per second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Mercenary Chest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This chest stores all of the accumulated loot you've collected. Win a combat against a player to open it!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mercenary ChestThis chest stores all of the accumulated loot you've collected. Win a combat against a player to open it!@keyHotkey@ Mercenary Chest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This chest stores all of the accumulated loot you've collected. Win a combat against a player to open it!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Mercenary Chest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This chest stores all of the accumulated loot you've collected. Win a combat against a player to open it!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Mercenary Chest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This chest stores all of the accumulated loot you've collected. Win a combat against a player to open it!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMake it Rain@keyHotkey@ Make it Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune rains 4 waves of bullets down around her target, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ total magic damage to enemies in the area and reducing their incoming healing by @HealingReduction@% for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Make it RainMiss Fortune rains 4 waves of bullets down around her target, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ total magic damage to enemies in the area and reducing their incoming healing by @HealingReduction@% for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.Magic Damage[ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Make it Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune rains 4 waves of bullets down around her target, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ total magic damage to enemies in the area and reducing their incoming healing by @HealingReduction@% for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage@MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Make it Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune rains 4 waves of bullets down around her target, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ total magic damage to enemies in the area and reducing their incoming healing by @HealingReduction@% for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Make it Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune rains 4 waves of bullets down around her target, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ total magic damage to enemies in the area and reducing their incoming healing by @HealingReduction@% for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Soul Shackles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana grants herself a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and shackles herself to all enemies in a @Radius@ hex radius. She then deals @ModifiedDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second to them, as long as the shield holds.

    If the shield expires without being broken, all targets are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds. If the shield is broken, Morgana instead refunds herself @RefundedMana@ mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Soul ShacklesMorgana grants herself a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and shackles herself to all enemies in a @Radius@ hex radius. She then deals @ModifiedDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second to them, as long as the shield holds.

    If the shield expires without being broken, all targets are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds. If the shield is broken, Morgana instead refunds herself @RefundedMana@ mana.
    Stun Duration
    Shield Amount
    [ @DamagePerSecond1Prefix@@DamagePerSecond1@@DamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond2Prefix@@DamagePerSecond2@@DamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond3Prefix@@DamagePerSecond3@@DamagePerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Soul Shackles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana grants herself a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and shackles herself to all enemies in a @Radius@ hex radius. She then deals @ModifiedDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second to them, as long as the shield holds.

    If the shield expires without being broken, all targets are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds. If the shield is broken, Morgana instead refunds herself @RefundedMana@ mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    Shield Amount
    @DamagePerSecond@ -> @DamagePerSecondNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Soul Shackles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana grants herself a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and shackles herself to all enemies in a @Radius@ hex radius. She then deals @ModifiedDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second to them, as long as the shield holds.

    If the shield expires without being broken, all targets are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds. If the shield is broken, Morgana instead refunds herself @RefundedMana@ mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Soul Shackles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana grants herself a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and shackles herself to all enemies in a @Radius@ hex radius. She then deals @ModifiedDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second to them, as long as the shield holds.

    If the shield expires without being broken, all targets are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds. If the shield is broken, Morgana instead refunds herself @RefundedMana@ mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoUnspeakable Horror@keyHotkey@ Unspeakable Horror@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nocturne terrifies his target, stunning them with fear for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Unspeakable HorrorNocturne terrifies his target, stunning them with fear for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration.Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Unspeakable Horror@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nocturne terrifies his target, stunning them with fear for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Unspeakable Horror@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nocturne terrifies his target, stunning them with fear for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Unspeakable Horror@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nocturne terrifies his target, stunning them with fear for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCommand: Shockwave@keyHotkey@ Command: Shockwave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna sends her ball towards the largest group of champions, then commands it to release a shockwave. Allies within 2 hexes gain @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield for @Duration@ seconds, while enemies within the area are briefly knocked up and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the ball are drawn in and stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Command: ShockwaveOrianna sends her ball towards the largest group of champions, then commands it to release a shockwave. Allies within 2 hexes gain @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield for @Duration@ seconds, while enemies within the area are briefly knocked up and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the ball are drawn in and stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.Shield Amount
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Command: Shockwave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna sends her ball towards the largest group of champions, then commands it to release a shockwave. Allies within 2 hexes gain @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield for @Duration@ seconds, while enemies within the area are briefly knocked up and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the ball are drawn in and stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Command: Shockwave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna sends her ball towards the largest group of champions, then commands it to release a shockwave. Allies within 2 hexes gain @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield for @Duration@ seconds, while enemies within the area are briefly knocked up and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the ball are drawn in and stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Command: Shockwave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna sends her ball towards the largest group of champions, then commands it to release a shockwave. Allies within 2 hexes gain @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield for @Duration@ seconds, while enemies within the area are briefly knocked up and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the ball are drawn in and stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCommand: ShockwaveOrianna sends her ball towards the largest group of champions, then commands it to release a shockwave. Allies within 2 hexes gain @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield for @Duration@ seconds, while enemies within the area are briefly knocked up and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the ball are drawn in and stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.Shield Amount
    Stun Duration
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Command: Shockwave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna sends her ball towards the largest group of champions, then commands it to release a shockwave. Allies within 2 hexes gain @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield for @Duration@ seconds, while enemies within the area are briefly knocked up and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the ball are drawn in and stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    Stun Duration
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    Buckler Toss@keyHotkey@ Buckler Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy throws her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing @PercentArmorDamage*100@% of her Armor as magic damage. (total: @TotalDamage@) The buckler then bounces back, granting Poppy a shield that blocks @ModifiedShield@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Buckler TossPoppy throws her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing @PercentArmorDamage*100@% of her Armor as magic damage. (total: @TotalDamage@) The buckler then bounces back, granting Poppy a shield that blocks @ModifiedShield@ damage.Percent of Armor as Damage
    Shield Amount
    [ @PercentArmorDamage1Prefix@@PercentArmorDamage1*100.000000@%@PercentArmorDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentArmorDamage2Prefix@@PercentArmorDamage2*100.000000@%@PercentArmorDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentArmorDamage3Prefix@@PercentArmorDamage3*100.000000@%@PercentArmorDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Buckler Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy throws her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing @PercentArmorDamage*100@% of her Armor as magic damage. (total: @TotalDamage@) The buckler then bounces back, granting Poppy a shield that blocks @ModifiedShield@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPercent of Armor as Damage
    Shield Amount
    @PercentArmorDamage*100.000000@% -> @PercentArmorDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Buckler Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy throws her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing @PercentArmorDamage*100@% of her Armor as magic damage. (total: @TotalDamage@) The buckler then bounces back, granting Poppy a shield that blocks @ModifiedShield@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Buckler Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy throws her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing @PercentArmorDamage*100@% of her Armor as magic damage. (total: @TotalDamage@) The buckler then bounces back, granting Poppy a shield that blocks @ModifiedShield@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDisarming Assault@keyHotkey@ Disarming Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn sends Valor out at the target with the highest Attack Speed, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target and nearby enemies, disarming them for @DisarmDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Disarming AssaultQuinn sends Valor out at the target with the highest Attack Speed, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target and nearby enemies, disarming them for @DisarmDuration@ seconds.Damage
    Disarm Duration
    [ @BonusDamage1Prefix@@BonusDamage1@@BonusDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusDamage2Prefix@@BonusDamage2@@BonusDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusDamage3Prefix@@BonusDamage3@@BonusDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @DisarmDuration1Prefix@@DisarmDuration1@@DisarmDuration1Postfix@ / @DisarmDuration2Prefix@@DisarmDuration2@@DisarmDuration2Postfix@ / @DisarmDuration3Prefix@@DisarmDuration3@@DisarmDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Disarming Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn sends Valor out at the target with the highest Attack Speed, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target and nearby enemies, disarming them for @DisarmDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Disarm Duration
    @BonusDamage@ -> @BonusDamageNL@
    @DisarmDuration@ -> @DisarmDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Disarming Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn sends Valor out at the target with the highest Attack Speed, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target and nearby enemies, disarming them for @DisarmDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Disarming Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn sends Valor out at the target with the highest Attack Speed, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target and nearby enemies, disarming them for @DisarmDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDefensive Curl@keyHotkey@ Defensive Curl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus drops into a defensive stance, reducing incoming damage by @ModifiedDamageReduction@ for @Duration@ seconds and negating bonus damage from critical strikes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Defensive CurlRammus drops into a defensive stance, reducing incoming damage by @ModifiedDamageReduction@ for @Duration@ seconds and negating bonus damage from critical strikes.Damage Reduction[ @FlatDamageReduction1Prefix@@FlatDamageReduction1@@FlatDamageReduction1Postfix@ / @FlatDamageReduction2Prefix@@FlatDamageReduction2@@FlatDamageReduction2Postfix@ / @FlatDamageReduction3Prefix@@FlatDamageReduction3@@FlatDamageReduction3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Defensive Curl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus drops into a defensive stance, reducing incoming damage by @ModifiedDamageReduction@ for @Duration@ seconds and negating bonus damage from critical strikes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Reduction@FlatDamageReduction@ -> @FlatDamageReductionNL@@keyHotkey@ Defensive Curl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus drops into a defensive stance, reducing incoming damage by @ModifiedDamageReduction@ for @Duration@ seconds and negating bonus damage from critical strikes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Defensive Curl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus drops into a defensive stance, reducing incoming damage by @ModifiedDamageReduction@ for @Duration@ seconds and negating bonus damage from critical strikes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFurious Bite@keyHotkey@ Furious Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rek'Sai bites her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@) and healing herself for @ModifiedHeal@ health. If she has already bit her target, she heals for @ModifiedHealBonus@ health instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Furious BiteRek'Sai bites her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@) and healing herself for @ModifiedHeal@ health. If she has already bit her target, she heals for @ModifiedHealBonus@ health instead.Damage
    Base Heal
    Bonus Heal
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Heal1Prefix@@Heal1@@Heal1Postfix@ / @Heal2Prefix@@Heal2@@Heal2Postfix@ / @Heal3Prefix@@Heal3@@Heal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealBonus1Prefix@@HealBonus1@@HealBonus1Postfix@ / @HealBonus2Prefix@@HealBonus2@@HealBonus2Postfix@ / @HealBonus3Prefix@@HealBonus3@@HealBonus3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Furious Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rek'Sai bites her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@) and healing herself for @ModifiedHeal@ health. If she has already bit her target, she heals for @ModifiedHealBonus@ health instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Base Heal
    Bonus Heal
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Heal@ -> @HealNL@
    @HealBonus@ -> @HealBonusNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Furious Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rek'Sai bites her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@) and healing herself for @ModifiedHeal@ health. If she has already bit her target, she heals for @ModifiedHealBonus@ health instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Furious Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rek'Sai bites her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@) and healing herself for @ModifiedHeal@ health. If she has already bit her target, she heals for @ModifiedHealBonus@ health instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoToxic Wave@keyHotkey@ Toxic Wave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata unleashes a toxic poison wave towards the largest group of nearby enemies within @SpellRange@ hexes, poisoning all enemies caught in its path for @Duration@ seconds. Poisoned enemies suffer @ASReduction@% reduced Attack Speed and take @ModifiedDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second. The poison's damage can stack, but is removed if Renata dies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Toxic WaveRenata unleashes a toxic poison wave towards the largest group of nearby enemies within @SpellRange@ hexes, poisoning all enemies caught in its path for @Duration@ seconds. Poisoned enemies suffer @ASReduction@% reduced Attack Speed and take @ModifiedDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second. The poison's damage can stack, but is removed if Renata dies.Damage Per Second[ @DamagePerSecond1Prefix@@DamagePerSecond1@@DamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond2Prefix@@DamagePerSecond2@@DamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond3Prefix@@DamagePerSecond3@@DamagePerSecond3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Toxic Wave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata unleashes a toxic poison wave towards the largest group of nearby enemies within @SpellRange@ hexes, poisoning all enemies caught in its path for @Duration@ seconds. Poisoned enemies suffer @ASReduction@% reduced Attack Speed and take @ModifiedDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second. The poison's damage can stack, but is removed if Renata dies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Per Second@DamagePerSecond@ -> @DamagePerSecondNL@@keyHotkey@ Toxic Wave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata unleashes a toxic poison wave towards the largest group of nearby enemies within @SpellRange@ hexes, poisoning all enemies caught in its path for @Duration@ seconds. Poisoned enemies suffer @ASReduction@% reduced Attack Speed and take @ModifiedDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second. The poison's damage can stack, but is removed if Renata dies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Toxic Wave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata unleashes a toxic poison wave towards the largest group of nearby enemies within @SpellRange@ hexes, poisoning all enemies caught in its path for @Duration@ seconds. Poisoned enemies suffer @ASReduction@% reduced Attack Speed and take @ModifiedDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second. The poison's damage can stack, but is removed if Renata dies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFlair@keyHotkey@ Flair@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@If a target is adjacent to Samira, she slashes with her blade in a cone towards them dealing @ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage to all enemies within and reducing their Armor by @ModifiedArmorShred@. (total: @TooltipDamage@) This Armor reduction can stack.

    Otherwise, she fires an empowered shot at her target with the same effects and gains @ManaRefund@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    FlairIf a target is adjacent to Samira, she slashes with her blade in a cone towards them dealing @ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage to all enemies within and reducing their Armor by @ModifiedArmorShred@. (total: @TooltipDamage@) This Armor reduction can stack.

    Otherwise, she fires an empowered shot at her target with the same effects and gains @ManaRefund@ Mana.
    Armor Reduction
    Percent of Attack Damage
    [ @ArmorShred1Prefix@@ArmorShred1@@ArmorShred1Postfix@ / @ArmorShred2Prefix@@ArmorShred2@@ArmorShred2Postfix@ / @ArmorShred3Prefix@@ArmorShred3@@ArmorShred3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ADPercent1Prefix@@ADPercent1*100.000000@%@ADPercent1Postfix@ / @ADPercent2Prefix@@ADPercent2*100.000000@%@ADPercent2Postfix@ / @ADPercent3Prefix@@ADPercent3*100.000000@%@ADPercent3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Flair@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@If a target is adjacent to Samira, she slashes with her blade in a cone towards them dealing @ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage to all enemies within and reducing their Armor by @ModifiedArmorShred@. (total: @TooltipDamage@) This Armor reduction can stack.

    Otherwise, she fires an empowered shot at her target with the same effects and gains @ManaRefund@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upArmor Reduction
    Percent of Attack Damage
    @ArmorShred@ -> @ArmorShredNL@
    @ADPercent*100.000000@% -> @ADPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Flair@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@If a target is adjacent to Samira, she slashes with her blade in a cone towards them dealing @ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage to all enemies within and reducing their Armor by @ModifiedArmorShred@. (total: @TooltipDamage@) This Armor reduction can stack.

    Otherwise, she fires an empowered shot at her target with the same effects and gains @ManaRefund@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Flair@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@If a target is adjacent to Samira, she slashes with her blade in a cone towards them dealing @ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage to all enemies within and reducing their Armor by @ModifiedArmorShred@. (total: @TooltipDamage@) This Armor reduction can stack.

    Otherwise, she fires an empowered shot at her target with the same effects and gains @ManaRefund@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Fury of the North@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani signals Bristle to charge, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning her target for @StunDuration@ seconds. She then gains Frost Armor, granting her @DefensiveStats@ Armor and Magic Resist for @Duration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Fury of the NorthSejuani signals Bristle to charge, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning her target for @StunDuration@ seconds. She then gains Frost Armor, granting her @DefensiveStats@ Armor and Magic Resist for @Duration@ seconds. Armor and Magic Resist
    Stun Duration
    Magic Damage
    [ @DefensiveStats1Prefix@@DefensiveStats1@@DefensiveStats1Postfix@ / @DefensiveStats2Prefix@@DefensiveStats2@@DefensiveStats2Postfix@ / @DefensiveStats3Prefix@@DefensiveStats3@@DefensiveStats3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Fury of the North@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani signals Bristle to charge, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning her target for @StunDuration@ seconds. She then gains Frost Armor, granting her @DefensiveStats@ Armor and Magic Resist for @Duration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upArmor and Magic Resist
    Stun Duration
    Magic Damage
    @DefensiveStats@ -> @DefensiveStatsNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Fury of the North@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani signals Bristle to charge, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning her target for @StunDuration@ seconds. She then gains Frost Armor, granting her @DefensiveStats@ Armor and Magic Resist for @Duration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Fury of the North@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani signals Bristle to charge, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning her target for @StunDuration@ seconds. She then gains Frost Armor, granting her @DefensiveStats@ Armor and Magic Resist for @Duration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPiercing Darkness@keyHotkey@ Piercing Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna fires a beam in the direction of her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@). For each enemy hit, she heals the lowest health ally for @ModifiedPercentHealing@ of the damage dealt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Piercing DarknessSenna fires a beam in the direction of her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@). For each enemy hit, she heals the lowest health ally for @ModifiedPercentHealing@ of the damage dealt.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Piercing Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna fires a beam in the direction of her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@). For each enemy hit, she heals the lowest health ally for @ModifiedPercentHealing@ of the damage dealt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Piercing Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna fires a beam in the direction of her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@). For each enemy hit, she heals the lowest health ally for @ModifiedPercentHealing@ of the damage dealt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Piercing Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna fires a beam in the direction of her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@). For each enemy hit, she heals the lowest health ally for @ModifiedPercentHealing@ of the damage dealt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEncore@keyHotkey@ Encore@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine projects her song towards the largest group of enemy units, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies. Allies it passes through are healed for @ModifiedHeal@ Health and gain @ASBonus*100@% bonus Attack Speed for @ASBonusDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@EncoreSeraphine projects her song towards the largest group of enemy units, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies. Allies it passes through are healed for @ModifiedHeal@ Health and gain @ASBonus*100@% bonus Attack Speed for @ASBonusDuration@ seconds.Damage
    Attack Speed Bonus
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Heal1Prefix@@Heal1@@Heal1Postfix@ / @Heal2Prefix@@Heal2@@Heal2Postfix@ / @Heal3Prefix@@Heal3@@Heal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ASBonus1Prefix@@ASBonus1*100.000000@%@ASBonus1Postfix@ / @ASBonus2Prefix@@ASBonus2*100.000000@%@ASBonus2Postfix@ / @ASBonus3Prefix@@ASBonus3*100.000000@%@ASBonus3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Encore@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine projects her song towards the largest group of enemy units, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies. Allies it passes through are healed for @ModifiedHeal@ Health and gain @ASBonus*100@% bonus Attack Speed for @ASBonusDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Attack Speed Bonus
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Heal@ -> @HealNL@
    @ASBonus*100.000000@% -> @ASBonusNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Encore@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine projects her song towards the largest group of enemy units, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies. Allies it passes through are healed for @ModifiedHeal@ Health and gain @ASBonus*100@% bonus Attack Speed for @ASBonusDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Encore@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine projects her song towards the largest group of enemy units, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies. Allies it passes through are healed for @ModifiedHeal@ Health and gain @ASBonus*100@% bonus Attack Speed for @ASBonusDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDeceive@keyHotkey@ Deceive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco dips into the shadows, briefly becoming untargetable. His next attack instead deals @PercentOfAD*100@% of his Attack Damage plus @ModifiedDamage@ bonus physical damage, and is guaranteed to critically strike targets below @PercentHealthCrit*100@% Health. (total: @TotalDamage@ %i:scaleAD%)@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@DeceiveShaco dips into the shadows, briefly becoming untargetable. His next attack instead deals @PercentOfAD*100@% of his Attack Damage plus @ModifiedDamage@ bonus physical damage, and is guaranteed to critically strike targets below @PercentHealthCrit*100@% Health. (total: @TotalDamage@ %i:scaleAD%)Bonus Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Deceive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco dips into the shadows, briefly becoming untargetable. His next attack instead deals @PercentOfAD*100@% of his Attack Damage plus @ModifiedDamage@ bonus physical damage, and is guaranteed to critically strike targets below @PercentHealthCrit*100@% Health. (total: @TotalDamage@ %i:scaleAD%)@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Damage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Deceive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco dips into the shadows, briefly becoming untargetable. His next attack instead deals @PercentOfAD*100@% of his Attack Damage plus @ModifiedDamage@ bonus physical damage, and is guaranteed to critically strike targets below @PercentHealthCrit*100@% Health. (total: @TotalDamage@ %i:scaleAD%)@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Deceive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco dips into the shadows, briefly becoming untargetable. His next attack instead deals @PercentOfAD*100@% of his Attack Damage plus @ModifiedDamage@ bonus physical damage, and is guaranteed to critically strike targets below @PercentHealthCrit*100@% Health. (total: @TotalDamage@ %i:scaleAD%)@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoUnstable Concoction@keyHotkey@ Unstable Concoction@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Silco injects an unstable concoction into @NumTargets@ of his lowest Health allies, granting them @MaxHealth*100@% maximum Health, @AttackSpeed*100@% bonus Attack Speed, and immunity to crowd control for @Duration@ seconds. When the concoction wears off, unstable units die by explosion, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Unstable ConcoctionSilco injects an unstable concoction into @NumTargets@ of his lowest Health allies, granting them @MaxHealth*100@% maximum Health, @AttackSpeed*100@% bonus Attack Speed, and immunity to crowd control for @Duration@ seconds. When the concoction wears off, unstable units die by explosion, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.Bonus Attack Speed
    Number of Targets
    [ @AttackSpeed1Prefix@@AttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed2Prefix@@AttackSpeed2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed3Prefix@@AttackSpeed3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @NumTargets1Prefix@@NumTargets1@@NumTargets1Postfix@ / @NumTargets2Prefix@@NumTargets2@@NumTargets2Postfix@ / @NumTargets3Prefix@@NumTargets3@@NumTargets3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Unstable Concoction@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Silco injects an unstable concoction into @NumTargets@ of his lowest Health allies, granting them @MaxHealth*100@% maximum Health, @AttackSpeed*100@% bonus Attack Speed, and immunity to crowd control for @Duration@ seconds. When the concoction wears off, unstable units die by explosion, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Attack Speed
    Number of Targets
    @AttackSpeed*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @NumTargets@ -> @NumTargetsNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Unstable Concoction@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Silco injects an unstable concoction into @NumTargets@ of his lowest Health allies, granting them @MaxHealth*100@% maximum Health, @AttackSpeed*100@% bonus Attack Speed, and immunity to crowd control for @Duration@ seconds. When the concoction wears off, unstable units die by explosion, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Unstable Concoction@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Silco injects an unstable concoction into @NumTargets@ of his lowest Health allies, granting them @MaxHealth*100@% maximum Health, @AttackSpeed*100@% bonus Attack Speed, and immunity to crowd control for @Duration@ seconds. When the concoction wears off, unstable units die by explosion, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFling@keyHotkey@ Fling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed flings a nearby enemy towards the largest cluster of enemies, stunning his target for @StunDuration@ seconds when they land. All adjacent enemies take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and are briefly stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@FlingSinged flings a nearby enemy towards the largest cluster of enemies, stunning his target for @StunDuration@ seconds when they land. All adjacent enemies take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and are briefly stunned.Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Fling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed flings a nearby enemy towards the largest cluster of enemies, stunning his target for @StunDuration@ seconds when they land. All adjacent enemies take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and are briefly stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Fling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed flings a nearby enemy towards the largest cluster of enemies, stunning his target for @StunDuration@ seconds when they land. All adjacent enemies take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and are briefly stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Fling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed flings a nearby enemy towards the largest cluster of enemies, stunning his target for @StunDuration@ seconds when they land. All adjacent enemies take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and are briefly stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDecimating Smash@keyHotkey@ Decimating Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sion winds up for a moment, then smashes his axe down. All enemies within a large area are knocked up, stunned for @KnockUpDuration@ seconds, and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Decimating SmashSion winds up for a moment, then smashes his axe down. All enemies within a large area are knocked up, stunned for @KnockUpDuration@ seconds, and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @KnockUpDuration1Prefix@@KnockUpDuration1@@KnockUpDuration1Postfix@ / @KnockUpDuration2Prefix@@KnockUpDuration2@@KnockUpDuration2Postfix@ / @KnockUpDuration3Prefix@@KnockUpDuration3@@KnockUpDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Decimating Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sion winds up for a moment, then smashes his axe down. All enemies within a large area are knocked up, stunned for @KnockUpDuration@ seconds, and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @KnockUpDuration@ -> @KnockUpDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Decimating Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sion winds up for a moment, then smashes his axe down. All enemies within a large area are knocked up, stunned for @KnockUpDuration@ seconds, and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Decimating Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sion winds up for a moment, then smashes his axe down. All enemies within a large area are knocked up, stunned for @KnockUpDuration@ seconds, and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRicochet@keyHotkey@ Ricochet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @Duration@ seconds, Sivir grants herself @ModifiedAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed and her attacks bounce up to @NumBounces@ times, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage (@PercentDamage*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@RicochetFor the next @Duration@ seconds, Sivir grants herself @ModifiedAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed and her attacks bounce up to @NumBounces@ times, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage (@PercentDamage*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to enemies hit.Attack Speed
    Attack Damage
    [ @AttackSpeed1Prefix@@AttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed2Prefix@@AttackSpeed2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed3Prefix@@AttackSpeed3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackDamage1Prefix@@AttackDamage1@@AttackDamage1Postfix@ / @AttackDamage2Prefix@@AttackDamage2@@AttackDamage2Postfix@ / @AttackDamage3Prefix@@AttackDamage3@@AttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Ricochet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @Duration@ seconds, Sivir grants herself @ModifiedAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed and her attacks bounce up to @NumBounces@ times, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage (@PercentDamage*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Speed
    Attack Damage
    @AttackSpeed*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @AttackDamage@ -> @AttackDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Ricochet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @Duration@ seconds, Sivir grants herself @ModifiedAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed and her attacks bounce up to @NumBounces@ times, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage (@PercentDamage*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Ricochet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @Duration@ seconds, Sivir grants herself @ModifiedAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed and her attacks bounce up to @NumBounces@ times, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage (@PercentDamage*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRicochetFor the next @Duration@ seconds, Sivir grants herself @ModifiedAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed and her attacks bounce up to @NumBounces@ times, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage (@PercentDamage*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to enemies hit.Bounces
    Bonus Attack Speed
    [ @NumBounces1Prefix@@NumBounces1@@NumBounces1Postfix@ / @NumBounces2Prefix@@NumBounces2@@NumBounces2Postfix@ / @NumBounces3Prefix@@NumBounces3@@NumBounces3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusAttackSpeed1Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@BonusAttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed2Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed2*100.000000@%@BonusAttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed3Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed3*100.000000@%@BonusAttackSpeed3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Ricochet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @Duration@ seconds, Sivir grants herself @ModifiedAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed and her attacks bounce up to @NumBounces@ times, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage (@PercentDamage*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBounces
    Bonus Attack Speed
    @NumBounces@ -> @NumBouncesNL@
    @BonusAttackSpeed*100.000000@% -> @BonusAttackSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    Death's Hand@keyHotkey@ Death's Hand@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain unleashes piercing bolts of eldritch power in a cone towards his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within and healing Swain for @ModifiedHealing@ for each enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Death's HandSwain unleashes piercing bolts of eldritch power in a cone towards his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within and healing Swain for @ModifiedHealing@ for each enemy hit.Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Healing1Prefix@@Healing1@@Healing1Postfix@ / @Healing2Prefix@@Healing2@@Healing2Postfix@ / @Healing3Prefix@@Healing3@@Healing3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Death's Hand@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain unleashes piercing bolts of eldritch power in a cone towards his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within and healing Swain for @ModifiedHealing@ for each enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Healing@ -> @HealingNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Death's Hand@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain unleashes piercing bolts of eldritch power in a cone towards his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within and healing Swain for @ModifiedHealing@ for each enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Death's Hand@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain unleashes piercing bolts of eldritch power in a cone towards his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within and healing Swain for @ModifiedHealing@ for each enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoForce of Will@keyHotkey@ Force of Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra flings the nearest enemy towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within 1 hex upon impact and stunning the thrown target for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    VIP Bonus: Force of Will's impact area is 1 hex larger and knocks up affected enemies for @VIPDebutantBonus@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Force of WillSyndra flings the nearest enemy towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within 1 hex upon impact and stunning the thrown target for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    VIP Bonus: Force of Will's impact area is 1 hex larger and knocks up affected enemies for @VIPDebutantBonus@ seconds.
    Stun Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Force of Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra flings the nearest enemy towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within 1 hex upon impact and stunning the thrown target for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    VIP Bonus: Force of Will's impact area is 1 hex larger and knocks up affected enemies for @VIPDebutantBonus@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Force of Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra flings the nearest enemy towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within 1 hex upon impact and stunning the thrown target for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    VIP Bonus: Force of Will's impact area is 1 hex larger and knocks up affected enemies for @VIPDebutantBonus@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Force of Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra flings the nearest enemy towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within 1 hex upon impact and stunning the thrown target for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    VIP Bonus: Force of Will's impact area is 1 hex larger and knocks up affected enemies for @VIPDebutantBonus@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDevour@keyHotkey@ Devour@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tahm Kench devours his target, storing them in his belly and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @BellyDuration@ seconds. During this time, they are invulnerable to other sources of damage and Tahm Kench takes @DamageReduction*100@% less damage.

    If they die while inside, Tahm Kench either spits out a random component they were holding, or the cost of the unit in gold. Otherwise, he spits them towards the farthest enemy, briefly stunning targets on impact.

    If a target is immune to crowd control, Tahm Kench will instead deal @ReducedModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    DevourTahm Kench devours his target, storing them in his belly and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @BellyDuration@ seconds. During this time, they are invulnerable to other sources of damage and Tahm Kench takes @DamageReduction*100@% less damage.

    If they die while inside, Tahm Kench either spits out a random component they were holding, or the cost of the unit in gold. Otherwise, he spits them towards the farthest enemy, briefly stunning targets on impact.

    If a target is immune to crowd control, Tahm Kench will instead deal @ReducedModifiedDamage@ magic damage.
    Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Devour@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tahm Kench devours his target, storing them in his belly and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @BellyDuration@ seconds. During this time, they are invulnerable to other sources of damage and Tahm Kench takes @DamageReduction*100@% less damage.

    If they die while inside, Tahm Kench either spits out a random component they were holding, or the cost of the unit in gold. Otherwise, he spits them towards the farthest enemy, briefly stunning targets on impact.

    If a target is immune to crowd control, Tahm Kench will instead deal @ReducedModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Devour@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tahm Kench devours his target, storing them in his belly and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @BellyDuration@ seconds. During this time, they are invulnerable to other sources of damage and Tahm Kench takes @DamageReduction*100@% less damage.

    If they die while inside, Tahm Kench either spits out a random component they were holding, or the cost of the unit in gold. Otherwise, he spits them towards the farthest enemy, briefly stunning targets on impact.

    If a target is immune to crowd control, Tahm Kench will instead deal @ReducedModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Devour@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tahm Kench devours his target, storing them in his belly and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @BellyDuration@ seconds. During this time, they are invulnerable to other sources of damage and Tahm Kench takes @DamageReduction*100@% less damage.

    If they die while inside, Tahm Kench either spits out a random component they were holding, or the cost of the unit in gold. Otherwise, he spits them towards the farthest enemy, briefly stunning targets on impact.

    If a target is immune to crowd control, Tahm Kench will instead deal @ReducedModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Blade's End@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Talon's 1st attack on an enemy causes them to bleed for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds. Every 3rd attack on a target applies an additional bleed.

    VIP Bonus: Talon's bleed now deals true damage and lasts @VIPBleedDurationBonus@% longer.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Blade's EndPassive: Talon's 1st attack on an enemy causes them to bleed for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds. Every 3rd attack on a target applies an additional bleed.

    VIP Bonus: Talon's bleed now deals true damage and lasts @VIPBleedDurationBonus@% longer.
    Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Blade's End@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Talon's 1st attack on an enemy causes them to bleed for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds. Every 3rd attack on a target applies an additional bleed.

    VIP Bonus: Talon's bleed now deals true damage and lasts @VIPBleedDurationBonus@% longer.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Blade's End@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Talon's 1st attack on an enemy causes them to bleed for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds. Every 3rd attack on a target applies an additional bleed.

    VIP Bonus: Talon's bleed now deals true damage and lasts @VIPBleedDurationBonus@% longer.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Blade's End@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Talon's 1st attack on an enemy causes them to bleed for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds. Every 3rd attack on a target applies an additional bleed.

    VIP Bonus: Talon's bleed now deals true damage and lasts @VIPBleedDurationBonus@% longer.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoStarlight Bastion@keyHotkey@ Starlight Bastion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric heals himself and the lowest Health ally for @ModifiedHealAmount@. Any overhealing is converted to a shield that lasts @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Starlight BastionTaric heals himself and the lowest Health ally for @ModifiedHealAmount@. Any overhealing is converted to a shield that lasts @Duration@ seconds.Heal[ @HealAmount1Prefix@@HealAmount1@@HealAmount1Postfix@ / @HealAmount2Prefix@@HealAmount2@@HealAmount2Postfix@ / @HealAmount3Prefix@@HealAmount3@@HealAmount3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Starlight Bastion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric heals himself and the lowest Health ally for @ModifiedHealAmount@. Any overhealing is converted to a shield that lasts @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHeal@HealAmount@ -> @HealAmountNL@@keyHotkey@ Starlight Bastion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric heals himself and the lowest Health ally for @ModifiedHealAmount@. Any overhealing is converted to a shield that lasts @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Starlight Bastion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric heals himself and the lowest Health ally for @ModifiedHealAmount@. Any overhealing is converted to a shield that lasts @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Hatching@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This egg will soon hatch into tons of loot! Victorious player combats accelerate the hatch timer by an additional turn.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@HatchingThis egg will soon hatch into tons of loot! Victorious player combats accelerate the hatch timer by an additional turn.@keyHotkey@ Hatching@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This egg will soon hatch into tons of loot! Victorious player combats accelerate the hatch timer by an additional turn.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Hatching@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This egg will soon hatch into tons of loot! Victorious player combats accelerate the hatch timer by an additional turn.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Hatching@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This egg will soon hatch into tons of loot! Victorious player combats accelerate the hatch timer by an additional turn.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPower Surge@keyHotkey@ Power Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Bear surges with power, gaining @PercentAD*100@% bonus Attack Damage and granting @AllyADAPBuff@ Attack Damage and Ability Power to your team for @TotalBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Power SurgeThe Bear surges with power, gaining @PercentAD*100@% bonus Attack Damage and granting @AllyADAPBuff@ Attack Damage and Ability Power to your team for @TotalBuffDuration@ seconds.@keyHotkey@ Power Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Bear surges with power, gaining @PercentAD*100@% bonus Attack Damage and granting @AllyADAPBuff@ Attack Damage and Ability Power to your team for @TotalBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Power Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Bear surges with power, gaining @PercentAD*100@% bonus Attack Damage and granting @AllyADAPBuff@ Attack Damage and Ability Power to your team for @TotalBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Power Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Bear surges with power, gaining @PercentAD*100@% bonus Attack Damage and granting @AllyADAPBuff@ Attack Damage and Ability Power to your team for @TotalBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBuster Shot@keyHotkey@ Buster Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana fires a massive cannonball towards her target, dealing @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage plus @ModifiedDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy it hits (total: @TotalDamage@ %i:scaleAD%). If the target is within 2 hexes of Tristana, they're knocked back @HexKnockback@ hexes and briefly stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Buster ShotTristana fires a massive cannonball towards her target, dealing @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage plus @ModifiedDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy it hits (total: @TotalDamage@ %i:scaleAD%). If the target is within 2 hexes of Tristana, they're knocked back @HexKnockback@ hexes and briefly stunned.Percent of Attack Damage
    Bonus Damage
    Hex Knockback
    [ @PercentAD1Prefix@@PercentAD1*100.000000@%@PercentAD1Postfix@ / @PercentAD2Prefix@@PercentAD2*100.000000@%@PercentAD2Postfix@ / @PercentAD3Prefix@@PercentAD3*100.000000@%@PercentAD3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusDamage1Prefix@@BonusDamage1@@BonusDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusDamage2Prefix@@BonusDamage2@@BonusDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusDamage3Prefix@@BonusDamage3@@BonusDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @HexKnockback1Prefix@@HexKnockback1@@HexKnockback1Postfix@ / @HexKnockback2Prefix@@HexKnockback2@@HexKnockback2Postfix@ / @HexKnockback3Prefix@@HexKnockback3@@HexKnockback3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Buster Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana fires a massive cannonball towards her target, dealing @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage plus @ModifiedDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy it hits (total: @TotalDamage@ %i:scaleAD%). If the target is within 2 hexes of Tristana, they're knocked back @HexKnockback@ hexes and briefly stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPercent of Attack Damage
    Bonus Damage
    Hex Knockback
    @PercentAD*100.000000@% -> @PercentADNL*100.000000@%
    @BonusDamage@ -> @BonusDamageNL@
    @HexKnockback@ -> @HexKnockbackNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Buster Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana fires a massive cannonball towards her target, dealing @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage plus @ModifiedDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy it hits (total: @TotalDamage@ %i:scaleAD%). If the target is within 2 hexes of Tristana, they're knocked back @HexKnockback@ hexes and briefly stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Buster Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana fires a massive cannonball towards her target, dealing @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage plus @ModifiedDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy it hits (total: @TotalDamage@ %i:scaleAD%). If the target is within 2 hexes of Tristana, they're knocked back @HexKnockback@ hexes and briefly stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoChomp@keyHotkey@ Chomp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle bites his target, dealing @PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage, and reducing the target's Attack Speed by @ASSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Each bite also steals @ModifiedADSteal@ Attack Damage for the rest of combat. (total: @TotalDamage@)@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@ChompTrundle bites his target, dealing @PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage, and reducing the target's Attack Speed by @ASSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Each bite also steals @ModifiedADSteal@ Attack Damage for the rest of combat. (total: @TotalDamage@)Attack Damage Steal[ @ADSteal1Prefix@@ADSteal1@@ADSteal1Postfix@ / @ADSteal2Prefix@@ADSteal2@@ADSteal2Postfix@ / @ADSteal3Prefix@@ADSteal3@@ADSteal3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Chomp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle bites his target, dealing @PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage, and reducing the target's Attack Speed by @ASSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Each bite also steals @ModifiedADSteal@ Attack Damage for the rest of combat. (total: @TotalDamage@)@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Damage Steal@ADSteal@ -> @ADStealNL@@keyHotkey@ Chomp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle bites his target, dealing @PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage, and reducing the target's Attack Speed by @ASSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Each bite also steals @ModifiedADSteal@ Attack Damage for the rest of combat. (total: @TotalDamage@)@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Chomp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle bites his target, dealing @PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage, and reducing the target's Attack Speed by @ASSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Each bite also steals @ModifiedADSteal@ Attack Damage for the rest of combat. (total: @TotalDamage@)@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSpinning Slash@keyHotkey@ Spinning Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tryndamere spins in a line towards the most enemies, dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@SpinDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@) to enemies in his path and empowering his next 3 attacks to deal @BonusAAPercent*100@% more damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Spinning SlashTryndamere spins in a line towards the most enemies, dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@SpinDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@) to enemies in his path and empowering his next 3 attacks to deal @BonusAAPercent*100@% more damage.Bonus Damage[ @BaseSpinDamage1Prefix@@BaseSpinDamage1@@BaseSpinDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseSpinDamage2Prefix@@BaseSpinDamage2@@BaseSpinDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseSpinDamage3Prefix@@BaseSpinDamage3@@BaseSpinDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Spinning Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tryndamere spins in a line towards the most enemies, dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@SpinDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@) to enemies in his path and empowering his next 3 attacks to deal @BonusAAPercent*100@% more damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Damage@BaseSpinDamage@ -> @BaseSpinDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Spinning Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tryndamere spins in a line towards the most enemies, dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@SpinDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@) to enemies in his path and empowering his next 3 attacks to deal @BonusAAPercent*100@% more damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Spinning Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tryndamere spins in a line towards the most enemies, dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@SpinDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@) to enemies in his path and empowering his next 3 attacks to deal @BonusAAPercent*100@% more damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWild Cards@keyHotkey@ Wild Cards@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate throws 3 cards in a cone that deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to each enemy they pass through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Wild CardsTwisted Fate throws 3 cards in a cone that deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to each enemy they pass through.Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Wild Cards@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate throws 3 cards in a cone that deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to each enemy they pass through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Wild Cards@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate throws 3 cards in a cone that deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to each enemy they pass through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Wild Cards@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate throws 3 cards in a cone that deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to each enemy they pass through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPiercing Bolt@keyHotkey@ Piercing Bolt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch fires a powerful bolt towards his target that pierces through enemies, deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@), and reduces healing by @GWStrength*100@% for @GWDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Piercing BoltTwitch fires a powerful bolt towards his target that pierces through enemies, deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@), and reduces healing by @GWStrength*100@% for @GWDuration@ seconds.Bonus Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Piercing Bolt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch fires a powerful bolt towards his target that pierces through enemies, deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@), and reduces healing by @GWStrength*100@% for @GWDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Damage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Piercing Bolt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch fires a powerful bolt towards his target that pierces through enemies, deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@), and reduces healing by @GWStrength*100@% for @GWDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Piercing Bolt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch fires a powerful bolt towards his target that pierces through enemies, deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@), and reduces healing by @GWStrength*100@% for @GWDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPurge@keyHotkey@ Purge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @ModifiedDuration@ seconds, Urgot attacks the closest enemy at a fixed rate of @AttacksPerSecond@ attacks per second. Each attack deals @DamagePerShot@ %i:scaleAD% %i:scaleAS% physical damage. (This Ability's damage scales with Attack Damage and Attack Speed.)@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@PurgeFor the next @ModifiedDuration@ seconds, Urgot attacks the closest enemy at a fixed rate of @AttacksPerSecond@ attacks per second. Each attack deals @DamagePerShot@ %i:scaleAD% %i:scaleAS% physical damage. (This Ability's damage scales with Attack Damage and Attack Speed.)Attacks Per Second[ @AttacksPerSecond1Prefix@@AttacksPerSecond1@@AttacksPerSecond1Postfix@ / @AttacksPerSecond2Prefix@@AttacksPerSecond2@@AttacksPerSecond2Postfix@ / @AttacksPerSecond3Prefix@@AttacksPerSecond3@@AttacksPerSecond3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Purge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @ModifiedDuration@ seconds, Urgot attacks the closest enemy at a fixed rate of @AttacksPerSecond@ attacks per second. Each attack deals @DamagePerShot@ %i:scaleAD% %i:scaleAS% physical damage. (This Ability's damage scales with Attack Damage and Attack Speed.)@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttacks Per Second@AttacksPerSecond@ -> @AttacksPerSecondNL@@keyHotkey@ Purge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @ModifiedDuration@ seconds, Urgot attacks the closest enemy at a fixed rate of @AttacksPerSecond@ attacks per second. Each attack deals @DamagePerShot@ %i:scaleAD% %i:scaleAS% physical damage. (This Ability's damage scales with Attack Damage and Attack Speed.)@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Purge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @ModifiedDuration@ seconds, Urgot attacks the closest enemy at a fixed rate of @AttacksPerSecond@ attacks per second. Each attack deals @DamagePerShot@ %i:scaleAD% %i:scaleAS% physical damage. (This Ability's damage scales with Attack Damage and Attack Speed.)@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFuryhorn Storm@keyHotkey@ Furyhorn Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar calls down @NumStrikes@ Furyhorns over a few seconds near random enemies, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Furyhorn StormVeigar calls down @NumStrikes@ Furyhorns over a few seconds near random enemies, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Number of Furyhorns
    [ @NumStrikes1Prefix@@NumStrikes1@@NumStrikes1Postfix@ / @NumStrikes2Prefix@@NumStrikes2@@NumStrikes2Postfix@ / @NumStrikes3Prefix@@NumStrikes3@@NumStrikes3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Furyhorn Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar calls down @NumStrikes@ Furyhorns over a few seconds near random enemies, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upNumber of Furyhorns
    @NumStrikes@ -> @NumStrikesNL@
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Furyhorn Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar calls down @NumStrikes@ Furyhorns over a few seconds near random enemies, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Furyhorn Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar calls down @NumStrikes@ Furyhorns over a few seconds near random enemies, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Personal Space@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vex shields herself against @ModifiedShield@ damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds. When the shield expires, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes, and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage if it wasn't destroyed.

    If it was destroyed, Personal Space becomes @ShieldAmp*100@% stronger this combat. This effect can stack.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Personal SpaceVex shields herself against @ModifiedShield@ damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds. When the shield expires, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes, and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage if it wasn't destroyed.

    If it was destroyed, Personal Space becomes @ShieldAmp*100@% stronger this combat. This effect can stack.
    Shield Amount
    Base Damage
    Bonus Damage
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldDamage1Prefix@@ShieldDamage1@@ShieldDamage1Postfix@ / @ShieldDamage2Prefix@@ShieldDamage2@@ShieldDamage2Postfix@ / @ShieldDamage3Prefix@@ShieldDamage3@@ShieldDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusDamage1Prefix@@BonusDamage1@@BonusDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusDamage2Prefix@@BonusDamage2@@BonusDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusDamage3Prefix@@BonusDamage3@@BonusDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Personal Space@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vex shields herself against @ModifiedShield@ damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds. When the shield expires, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes, and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage if it wasn't destroyed.

    If it was destroyed, Personal Space becomes @ShieldAmp*100@% stronger this combat. This effect can stack.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    Base Damage
    Bonus Damage
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @ShieldDamage@ -> @ShieldDamageNL@
    @BonusDamage@ -> @BonusDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Personal Space@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vex shields herself against @ModifiedShield@ damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds. When the shield expires, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes, and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage if it wasn't destroyed.

    If it was destroyed, Personal Space becomes @ShieldAmp*100@% stronger this combat. This effect can stack.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Personal Space@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vex shields herself against @ModifiedShield@ damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds. When the shield expires, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes, and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage if it wasn't destroyed.

    If it was destroyed, Personal Space becomes @ShieldAmp*100@% stronger this combat. This effect can stack.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDenting Blow@keyHotkey@ Denting Blow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi empowers her next attack to blast through her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in a cone and reducing their Armor by @ArmorReduction*100@% for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Denting BlowVi empowers her next attack to blast through her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in a cone and reducing their Armor by @ArmorReduction*100@% for @Duration@ seconds.Damage
    Armor Reduction
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ArmorReduction1Prefix@@ArmorReduction1*100.000000@%@ArmorReduction1Postfix@ / @ArmorReduction2Prefix@@ArmorReduction2*100.000000@%@ArmorReduction2Postfix@ / @ArmorReduction3Prefix@@ArmorReduction3*100.000000@%@ArmorReduction3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Denting Blow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi empowers her next attack to blast through her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in a cone and reducing their Armor by @ArmorReduction*100@% for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Armor Reduction
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @ArmorReduction*100.000000@% -> @ArmorReductionNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Denting Blow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi empowers her next attack to blast through her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in a cone and reducing their Armor by @ArmorReduction*100@% for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Denting Blow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi empowers her next attack to blast through her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in a cone and reducing their Armor by @ArmorReduction*100@% for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoChaos Rays@keyHotkey@ Chaos Rays@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Viktor's attacks melt his target's defenses, reducing their Armor by @ArmorReduction*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.

    Viktor summons multiple singularities that fire death rays, which cut across the battlefield in a line. To enemies caught in its path, death rays deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, destroy @ShieldDestructionPercent*100@% of any remaining shields.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Chaos RaysPassive: Viktor's attacks melt his target's defenses, reducing their Armor by @ArmorReduction*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.

    Viktor summons multiple singularities that fire death rays, which cut across the battlefield in a line. To enemies caught in its path, death rays deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, destroy @ShieldDestructionPercent*100@% of any remaining shields.
    Shield Reduction
    [ @DamageAmount1Prefix@@DamageAmount1@@DamageAmount1Postfix@ / @DamageAmount2Prefix@@DamageAmount2@@DamageAmount2Postfix@ / @DamageAmount3Prefix@@DamageAmount3@@DamageAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @NumLasers1Prefix@@NumLasers1@@NumLasers1Postfix@ / @NumLasers2Prefix@@NumLasers2@@NumLasers2Postfix@ / @NumLasers3Prefix@@NumLasers3@@NumLasers3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldDestructionPercent1Prefix@@ShieldDestructionPercent1*100.000000@@ShieldDestructionPercent1Postfix@ / @ShieldDestructionPercent2Prefix@@ShieldDestructionPercent2*100.000000@@ShieldDestructionPercent2Postfix@ / @ShieldDestructionPercent3Prefix@@ShieldDestructionPercent3*100.000000@@ShieldDestructionPercent3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Chaos Rays@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Viktor's attacks melt his target's defenses, reducing their Armor by @ArmorReduction*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.

    Viktor summons multiple singularities that fire death rays, which cut across the battlefield in a line. To enemies caught in its path, death rays deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, destroy @ShieldDestructionPercent*100@% of any remaining shields.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Shield Reduction
    @DamageAmount@ -> @DamageAmountNL@
    @NumLasers@ -> @NumLasersNL@
    @ShieldDestructionPercent*100.000000@ -> @ShieldDestructionPercentNL*100.000000@
    @keyHotkey@ Chaos Rays@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Viktor's attacks melt his target's defenses, reducing their Armor by @ArmorReduction*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.

    Viktor summons multiple singularities that fire death rays, which cut across the battlefield in a line. To enemies caught in its path, death rays deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, destroy @ShieldDestructionPercent*100@% of any remaining shields.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Chaos Rays@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Viktor's attacks melt his target's defenses, reducing their Armor by @ArmorReduction*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.

    Viktor summons multiple singularities that fire death rays, which cut across the battlefield in a line. To enemies caught in its path, death rays deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, destroy @ShieldDestructionPercent*100@% of any remaining shields.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Eternal Hunger@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Warwick's Attacks deal an additional @ModifiedPercentHealth@ of his target's current Health as bonus magic damage, and heal him for @ModifiedHealAmount@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Eternal HungerPassive: Warwick's Attacks deal an additional @ModifiedPercentHealth@ of his target's current Health as bonus magic damage, and heal him for @ModifiedHealAmount@ Health.Current Health Damage
    [ @PercentHealth1Prefix@@PercentHealth1*100.000000@%@PercentHealth1Postfix@ / @PercentHealth2Prefix@@PercentHealth2*100.000000@%@PercentHealth2Postfix@ / @PercentHealth3Prefix@@PercentHealth3*100.000000@%@PercentHealth3Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealAmount1Prefix@@HealAmount1@@HealAmount1Postfix@ / @HealAmount2Prefix@@HealAmount2@@HealAmount2Postfix@ / @HealAmount3Prefix@@HealAmount3@@HealAmount3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Eternal Hunger@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Warwick's Attacks deal an additional @ModifiedPercentHealth@ of his target's current Health as bonus magic damage, and heal him for @ModifiedHealAmount@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCurrent Health Damage
    @PercentHealth*100.000000@% -> @PercentHealthNL*100.000000@%
    @HealAmount@ -> @HealAmountNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Eternal Hunger@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Warwick's Attacks deal an additional @ModifiedPercentHealth@ of his target's current Health as bonus magic damage, and heal him for @ModifiedHealAmount@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Eternal Hunger@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Warwick's Attacks deal an additional @ModifiedPercentHealth@ of his target's current Health as bonus magic damage, and heal him for @ModifiedHealAmount@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSoul Unbound@keyHotkey@ Soul Unbound@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yone summons his spirit to attack an enemy up to @HexRange@ hexes away for @Duration@ seconds. The spirit is an untargetable, invulnerable copy of Yone and heals him for @ModifiedLifesteal@ of the damage it deals.

    If Yone dies, his spirit dies with him.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Soul UnboundYone summons his spirit to attack an enemy up to @HexRange@ hexes away for @Duration@ seconds. The spirit is an untargetable, invulnerable copy of Yone and heals him for @ModifiedLifesteal@ of the damage it deals.

    If Yone dies, his spirit dies with him.
    Percent of Damage Dealt
    [ @Duration1Prefix@@Duration1@@Duration1Postfix@ / @Duration2Prefix@@Duration2@@Duration2Postfix@ / @Duration3Prefix@@Duration3@@Duration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Lifesteal1Prefix@@Lifesteal1*100.000000@%@Lifesteal1Postfix@ / @Lifesteal2Prefix@@Lifesteal2*100.000000@%@Lifesteal2Postfix@ / @Lifesteal3Prefix@@Lifesteal3*100.000000@%@Lifesteal3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Soul Unbound@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yone summons his spirit to attack an enemy up to @HexRange@ hexes away for @Duration@ seconds. The spirit is an untargetable, invulnerable copy of Yone and heals him for @ModifiedLifesteal@ of the damage it deals.

    If Yone dies, his spirit dies with him.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDuration
    Percent of Damage Dealt
    @Duration@ -> @DurationNL@
    @Lifesteal*100.000000@% -> @LifestealNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Soul Unbound@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yone summons his spirit to attack an enemy up to @HexRange@ hexes away for @Duration@ seconds. The spirit is an untargetable, invulnerable copy of Yone and heals him for @ModifiedLifesteal@ of the damage it deals.

    If Yone dies, his spirit dies with him.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Soul Unbound@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yone summons his spirit to attack an enemy up to @HexRange@ hexes away for @Duration@ seconds. The spirit is an untargetable, invulnerable copy of Yone and heals him for @ModifiedLifesteal@ of the damage it deals.

    If Yone dies, his spirit dies with him.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Final Chapter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yuumi and Book detach and then launch @NumOfWaves@ waves toward the farthest enemy, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. She then attaches to the lowest Health ally.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Final ChapterYuumi and Book detach and then launch @NumOfWaves@ waves toward the farthest enemy, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. She then attaches to the lowest Health ally.Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @NumOfWaves1Prefix@@NumOfWaves1@@NumOfWaves1Postfix@ / @NumOfWaves2Prefix@@NumOfWaves2@@NumOfWaves2Postfix@ / @NumOfWaves3Prefix@@NumOfWaves3@@NumOfWaves3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Final Chapter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yuumi and Book detach and then launch @NumOfWaves@ waves toward the farthest enemy, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. She then attaches to the lowest Health ally.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @NumOfWaves@ -> @NumOfWavesNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Final Chapter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yuumi and Book detach and then launch @NumOfWaves@ waves toward the farthest enemy, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. She then attaches to the lowest Health ally.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Final Chapter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yuumi and Book detach and then launch @NumOfWaves@ waves toward the farthest enemy, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. She then attaches to the lowest Health ally.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoYoink!@keyHotkey@ Yoink!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zac stretches his arms up to 3 hexes to pull the 2 most distant enemies towards him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. During this time, Zac gains @DamageReduction@% damage reduction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Yoink!Zac stretches his arms up to 3 hexes to pull the 2 most distant enemies towards him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. During this time, Zac gains @DamageReduction@% damage reduction.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Yoink!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zac stretches his arms up to 3 hexes to pull the 2 most distant enemies towards him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. During this time, Zac gains @DamageReduction@% damage reduction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Yoink!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zac stretches his arms up to 3 hexes to pull the 2 most distant enemies towards him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. During this time, Zac gains @DamageReduction@% damage reduction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Yoink!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zac stretches his arms up to 3 hexes to pull the 2 most distant enemies towards him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. During this time, Zac gains @DamageReduction@% damage reduction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLightning Crash@keyHotkey@ Lightning Crash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri charges herself up with electricity for @Duration@ seconds. While electrified, she aims at the farthest enemy, her attacks pierce, and she dashes after every shot.

    Passive: Zeri's Basic Attacks fire @NumBullets@ bullets, each dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and @ModifiedBonusOnHit@ bonus magic damage.

    VIP Bonus: Zeri's electrified duration lasts until the end of combat. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Lightning CrashZeri charges herself up with electricity for @Duration@ seconds. While electrified, she aims at the farthest enemy, her attacks pierce, and she dashes after every shot.

    Passive: Zeri's Basic Attacks fire @NumBullets@ bullets, each dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and @ModifiedBonusOnHit@ bonus magic damage.

    VIP Bonus: Zeri's electrified duration lasts until the end of combat.
    On-Hit Damage
    Number of Bullets
    [ @BonusOnHit1Prefix@@BonusOnHit1@@BonusOnHit1Postfix@ / @BonusOnHit2Prefix@@BonusOnHit2@@BonusOnHit2Postfix@ / @BonusOnHit3Prefix@@BonusOnHit3@@BonusOnHit3Postfix@ ]
    [ @NumBullets1Prefix@@NumBullets1@@NumBullets1Postfix@ / @NumBullets2Prefix@@NumBullets2@@NumBullets2Postfix@ / @NumBullets3Prefix@@NumBullets3@@NumBullets3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Lightning Crash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri charges herself up with electricity for @Duration@ seconds. While electrified, she aims at the farthest enemy, her attacks pierce, and she dashes after every shot.

    Passive: Zeri's Basic Attacks fire @NumBullets@ bullets, each dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and @ModifiedBonusOnHit@ bonus magic damage.

    VIP Bonus: Zeri's electrified duration lasts until the end of combat. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upOn-Hit Damage
    Number of Bullets
    @BonusOnHit@ -> @BonusOnHitNL@
    @NumBullets@ -> @NumBulletsNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Lightning Crash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri charges herself up with electricity for @Duration@ seconds. While electrified, she aims at the farthest enemy, her attacks pierce, and she dashes after every shot.

    Passive: Zeri's Basic Attacks fire @NumBullets@ bullets, each dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and @ModifiedBonusOnHit@ bonus magic damage.

    VIP Bonus: Zeri's electrified duration lasts until the end of combat. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Lightning Crash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri charges herself up with electricity for @Duration@ seconds. While electrified, she aims at the farthest enemy, her attacks pierce, and she dashes after every shot.

    Passive: Zeri's Basic Attacks fire @NumBullets@ bullets, each dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and @ModifiedBonusOnHit@ bonus magic damage.

    VIP Bonus: Zeri's electrified duration lasts until the end of combat. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMini Inferno Bomb@keyHotkey@ Mini Inferno Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs hurls a bomb at his target. After a moderate delay, the bomb lands dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the enemy in the epicenter, and half to adjacent enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mini Inferno BombZiggs hurls a bomb at his target. After a moderate delay, the bomb lands dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the enemy in the epicenter, and half to adjacent enemies.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Mini Inferno Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs hurls a bomb at his target. After a moderate delay, the bomb lands dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the enemy in the epicenter, and half to adjacent enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Mini Inferno Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs hurls a bomb at his target. After a moderate delay, the bomb lands dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the enemy in the epicenter, and half to adjacent enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Mini Inferno Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs hurls a bomb at his target. After a moderate delay, the bomb lands dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the enemy in the epicenter, and half to adjacent enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMini Inferno BombZiggs hurls a bomb at his target. After a moderate delay, the bomb lands dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the enemy in the epicenter, and half to adjacent enemies.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]Time Bomb@keyHotkey@ Time Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean places a bomb on the closest enemy, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. When the stun ends or the target dies, the bomb explodes, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to adjacent enemies and reducing their Attack Speed by @Slow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Time BombZilean places a bomb on the closest enemy, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. When the stun ends or the target dies, the bomb explodes, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to adjacent enemies and reducing their Attack Speed by @Slow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Damage
    Attack Speed Reduction
    Stun Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Slow1Prefix@@Slow1*100.000000@%@Slow1Postfix@ / @Slow2Prefix@@Slow2*100.000000@%@Slow2Postfix@ / @Slow3Prefix@@Slow3*100.000000@%@Slow3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Time Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean places a bomb on the closest enemy, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. When the stun ends or the target dies, the bomb explodes, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to adjacent enemies and reducing their Attack Speed by @Slow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Attack Speed Reduction
    Stun Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Slow*100.000000@% -> @SlowNL*100.000000@%
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Time Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean places a bomb on the closest enemy, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. When the stun ends or the target dies, the bomb explodes, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to adjacent enemies and reducing their Attack Speed by @Slow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Time Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean places a bomb on the closest enemy, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. When the stun ends or the target dies, the bomb explodes, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to adjacent enemies and reducing their Attack Speed by @Slow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPiltover Pulverizer@keyHotkey@ Piltover Pulverizer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi shields herself for @ModifiedShield@ damage and deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to her target and enemies behind it.

    On her 2nd cast, she also dashes through her target.

    On her 3rd cast, she instead throws her target into the air and slams them back to the ground, dealing @ModifiedDamageFinal@ in a circle around her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Piltover PulverizerVi shields herself for @ModifiedShield@ damage and deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to her target and enemies behind it.

    On her 2nd cast, she also dashes through her target.

    On her 3rd cast, she instead throws her target into the air and slams them back to the ground, dealing @ModifiedDamageFinal@ in a circle around her target.
    Shield Amount
    Wave Damage
    [ @Shield1Prefix@@Shield1@@Shield1Postfix@ / @Shield2Prefix@@Shield2@@Shield2Postfix@ / @Shield3Prefix@@Shield3@@Shield3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamageFinal1Prefix@@DamageFinal1@@DamageFinal1Postfix@ / @DamageFinal2Prefix@@DamageFinal2@@DamageFinal2Postfix@ / @DamageFinal3Prefix@@DamageFinal3@@DamageFinal3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Piltover Pulverizer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi shields herself for @ModifiedShield@ damage and deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to her target and enemies behind it.

    On her 2nd cast, she also dashes through her target.

    On her 3rd cast, she instead throws her target into the air and slams them back to the ground, dealing @ModifiedDamageFinal@ in a circle around her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    Wave Damage
    @Shield@ -> @ShieldNL@
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @DamageFinal@ -> @DamageFinalNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Piltover Pulverizer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi shields herself for @ModifiedShield@ damage and deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to her target and enemies behind it.

    On her 2nd cast, she also dashes through her target.

    On her 3rd cast, she instead throws her target into the air and slams them back to the ground, dealing @ModifiedDamageFinal@ in a circle around her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Piltover Pulverizer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi shields herself for @ModifiedShield@ damage and deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to her target and enemies behind it.

    On her 2nd cast, she also dashes through her target.

    On her 3rd cast, she instead throws her target into the air and slams them back to the ground, dealing @ModifiedDamageFinal@ in a circle around her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDeathbringer Strike@keyHotkey@ Deathbringer Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aatrox strikes his target for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and heals himself for @ModifiedHeal@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Deathbringer StrikeAatrox strikes his target for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and heals himself for @ModifiedHeal@.Percent of Attack Damage
    [ @PercentAttackDamage1Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage1@%@PercentAttackDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage2Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage2@%@PercentAttackDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage3Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage3@%@PercentAttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Heal1Prefix@@Heal1@@Heal1Postfix@ / @Heal2Prefix@@Heal2@@Heal2Postfix@ / @Heal3Prefix@@Heal3@@Heal3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Deathbringer Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aatrox strikes his target for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and heals himself for @ModifiedHeal@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPercent of Attack Damage
    @PercentAttackDamage@% -> @PercentAttackDamageNL@%
    @Heal@ -> @HealNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Deathbringer Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aatrox strikes his target for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and heals himself for @ModifiedHeal@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Deathbringer Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aatrox strikes his target for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and heals himself for @ModifiedHeal@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPrismatic Storm@keyHotkey@ Prismatic Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia summons a prismatic storm around her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds. Enemies in the storm have their Magic Resist reduced by 40%. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Prismatic StormAnivia summons a prismatic storm around her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds. Enemies in the storm have their Magic Resist reduced by 40%. Magic Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Prismatic Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia summons a prismatic storm around her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds. Enemies in the storm have their Magic Resist reduced by 40%. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Prismatic Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia summons a prismatic storm around her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds. Enemies in the storm have their Magic Resist reduced by 40%. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Prismatic Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia summons a prismatic storm around her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds. Enemies in the storm have their Magic Resist reduced by 40%. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLightning Rain@keyHotkey@ Lightning Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ao Shin fires a barrage of @NumStrikes@ lightning strikes at random enemies. Each strike deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and reduces @ManaDrain@ current Mana from his target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Lightning RainAo Shin fires a barrage of @NumStrikes@ lightning strikes at random enemies. Each strike deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and reduces @ManaDrain@ current Mana from his target.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Lightning Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ao Shin fires a barrage of @NumStrikes@ lightning strikes at random enemies. Each strike deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and reduces @ManaDrain@ current Mana from his target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Lightning Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ao Shin fires a barrage of @NumStrikes@ lightning strikes at random enemies. Each strike deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and reduces @ManaDrain@ current Mana from his target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Lightning Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ao Shin fires a barrage of @NumStrikes@ lightning strikes at random enemies. Each strike deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and reduces @ManaDrain@ current Mana from his target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBinding Eclipse
    @keyHotkey@ Binding Eclipse
    @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aphelios fires @TotalBoltNumber@ bolts in a cone, each deaing @ModifiedSpellDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%). Enemies can only take damage from one bolt. He then stuns all enemies hit for @StunDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Binding Eclipse
    Aphelios fires @TotalBoltNumber@ bolts in a cone, each deaing @ModifiedSpellDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%). Enemies can only take damage from one bolt. He then stuns all enemies hit for @StunDuration@ second.Number of Bolts
    Stun Duration
    Attack Damage Percentage
    [ @BoltNumber1Prefix@@BoltNumber1@@BoltNumber1Postfix@ / @BoltNumber2Prefix@@BoltNumber2@@BoltNumber2Postfix@ / @BoltNumber3Prefix@@BoltNumber3@@BoltNumber3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentAD1Prefix@@PercentAD1*100.000000@%@PercentAD1Postfix@ / @PercentAD2Prefix@@PercentAD2*100.000000@%@PercentAD2Postfix@ / @PercentAD3Prefix@@PercentAD3*100.000000@%@PercentAD3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Binding Eclipse
    @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aphelios fires @TotalBoltNumber@ bolts in a cone, each deaing @ModifiedSpellDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%). Enemies can only take damage from one bolt. He then stuns all enemies hit for @StunDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upNumber of Bolts
    Stun Duration
    Attack Damage Percentage
    @BoltNumber@ -> @BoltNumberNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @PercentAD*100.000000@% -> @PercentADNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Binding Eclipse
    @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aphelios fires @TotalBoltNumber@ bolts in a cone, each deaing @ModifiedSpellDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%). Enemies can only take damage from one bolt. He then stuns all enemies hit for @StunDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Binding Eclipse
    @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aphelios fires @TotalBoltNumber@ bolts in a cone, each deaing @ModifiedSpellDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%). Enemies can only take damage from one bolt. He then stuns all enemies hit for @StunDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBinding Eclipse
    Aphelios fires @TotalBoltNumber@ bolts in a cone, each deaing @ModifiedSpellDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%). Enemies can only take damage from one bolt. He then stuns all enemies hit for @StunDuration@ second.Stun Duration
    Number of Bolts
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BoltNumber1Prefix@@BoltNumber1@@BoltNumber1Postfix@ / @BoltNumber2Prefix@@BoltNumber2@@BoltNumber2Postfix@ / @BoltNumber3Prefix@@BoltNumber3@@BoltNumber3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Binding Eclipse
    @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aphelios fires @TotalBoltNumber@ bolts in a cone, each deaing @ModifiedSpellDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%). Enemies can only take damage from one bolt. He then stuns all enemies hit for @StunDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upStun Duration
    Number of Bolts
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @BoltNumber@ -> @BoltNumberNL@
    Tideblossom@keyHotkey@ Tideblossom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sohm sends out a wave to an unmarked target, marking them with a Tideblossom and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies along the way. Tideblossoms transfer to a nearby target if the enemy dies.

    After @NormalCastCount@ casts, his next cast instead summons a vortex under each Tideblossom, dealing @ModifiedExplodeDamage@ magic damage to enemies in the area.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    TideblossomSohm sends out a wave to an unmarked target, marking them with a Tideblossom and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies along the way. Tideblossoms transfer to a nearby target if the enemy dies.

    After @NormalCastCount@ casts, his next cast instead summons a vortex under each Tideblossom, dealing @ModifiedExplodeDamage@ magic damage to enemies in the area.
    Tide Damage
    Vortex Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseExplodeDamage1Prefix@@BaseExplodeDamage1@@BaseExplodeDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseExplodeDamage2Prefix@@BaseExplodeDamage2@@BaseExplodeDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseExplodeDamage3Prefix@@BaseExplodeDamage3@@BaseExplodeDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Tideblossom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sohm sends out a wave to an unmarked target, marking them with a Tideblossom and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies along the way. Tideblossoms transfer to a nearby target if the enemy dies.

    After @NormalCastCount@ casts, his next cast instead summons a vortex under each Tideblossom, dealing @ModifiedExplodeDamage@ magic damage to enemies in the area.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTide Damage
    Vortex Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseExplodeDamage@ -> @BaseExplodeDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Tideblossom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sohm sends out a wave to an unmarked target, marking them with a Tideblossom and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies along the way. Tideblossoms transfer to a nearby target if the enemy dies.

    After @NormalCastCount@ casts, his next cast instead summons a vortex under each Tideblossom, dealing @ModifiedExplodeDamage@ magic damage to enemies in the area.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Tideblossom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sohm sends out a wave to an unmarked target, marking them with a Tideblossom and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies along the way. Tideblossoms transfer to a nearby target if the enemy dies.

    After @NormalCastCount@ casts, his next cast instead summons a vortex under each Tideblossom, dealing @ModifiedExplodeDamage@ magic damage to enemies in the area.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe fires a volley of @NumOfArrows@ arrows. Enemies hit take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and suffer @ASReduction@% reduced Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@VolleyAshe fires a volley of @NumOfArrows@ arrows. Enemies hit take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and suffer @ASReduction@% reduced Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds.Magic Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe fires a volley of @NumOfArrows@ arrows. Enemies hit take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and suffer @ASReduction@% reduced Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe fires a volley of @NumOfArrows@ arrows. Enemies hit take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and suffer @ASReduction@% reduced Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe fires a volley of @NumOfArrows@ arrows. Enemies hit take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and suffer @ASReduction@% reduced Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBlack Hole@keyHotkey@ Black Hole@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol summons an unstable black hole underneath a random enemy. After 2 seconds it implodes, dealing @ModifiedSpellDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in the area and increasing their damage taken by @DebuffPercent*100@% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds.

    Black holes generated after @AscendTimer@ seconds of combat are larger and deal @AscendDamageIncrease*100@% more damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Black HoleAurelion Sol summons an unstable black hole underneath a random enemy. After 2 seconds it implodes, dealing @ModifiedSpellDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in the area and increasing their damage taken by @DebuffPercent*100@% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds.

    Black holes generated after @AscendTimer@ seconds of combat are larger and deal @AscendDamageIncrease*100@% more damage.
    Magic Damage[ @SpellDamage1Prefix@@SpellDamage1@@SpellDamage1Postfix@ / @SpellDamage2Prefix@@SpellDamage2@@SpellDamage2Postfix@ / @SpellDamage3Prefix@@SpellDamage3@@SpellDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Black Hole@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol summons an unstable black hole underneath a random enemy. After 2 seconds it implodes, dealing @ModifiedSpellDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in the area and increasing their damage taken by @DebuffPercent*100@% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds.

    Black holes generated after @AscendTimer@ seconds of combat are larger and deal @AscendDamageIncrease*100@% more damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage@SpellDamage@ -> @SpellDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Black Hole@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol summons an unstable black hole underneath a random enemy. After 2 seconds it implodes, dealing @ModifiedSpellDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in the area and increasing their damage taken by @DebuffPercent*100@% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds.

    Black holes generated after @AscendTimer@ seconds of combat are larger and deal @AscendDamageIncrease*100@% more damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Black Hole@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol summons an unstable black hole underneath a random enemy. After 2 seconds it implodes, dealing @ModifiedSpellDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in the area and increasing their damage taken by @DebuffPercent*100@% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds.

    Black holes generated after @AscendTimer@ seconds of combat are larger and deal @AscendDamageIncrease*100@% more damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTempered Fate@keyHotkey@ Tempered Fate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard sends magical energy toward the largest group of enemies, stunning them for @StasisDuration@ seconds and causing them to take @ModifiedDamageAmpRatio@ increased damage while stunned. If he hits at least 1 enemy, Bard dances in celebration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Tempered FateBard sends magical energy toward the largest group of enemies, stunning them for @StasisDuration@ seconds and causing them to take @ModifiedDamageAmpRatio@ increased damage while stunned. If he hits at least 1 enemy, Bard dances in celebration.Stasis Duration
    % Increased Damage
    [ @StasisDuration1Prefix@@StasisDuration1@@StasisDuration1Postfix@ / @StasisDuration2Prefix@@StasisDuration2@@StasisDuration2Postfix@ / @StasisDuration3Prefix@@StasisDuration3@@StasisDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamageAmpRatio1Prefix@@DamageAmpRatio1*100.000000@%@DamageAmpRatio1Postfix@ / @DamageAmpRatio2Prefix@@DamageAmpRatio2*100.000000@%@DamageAmpRatio2Postfix@ / @DamageAmpRatio3Prefix@@DamageAmpRatio3*100.000000@%@DamageAmpRatio3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Tempered Fate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard sends magical energy toward the largest group of enemies, stunning them for @StasisDuration@ seconds and causing them to take @ModifiedDamageAmpRatio@ increased damage while stunned. If he hits at least 1 enemy, Bard dances in celebration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upStasis Duration
    % Increased Damage
    @StasisDuration@ -> @StasisDurationNL@
    @DamageAmpRatio*100.000000@% -> @DamageAmpRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Tempered Fate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard sends magical energy toward the largest group of enemies, stunning them for @StasisDuration@ seconds and causing them to take @ModifiedDamageAmpRatio@ increased damage while stunned. If he hits at least 1 enemy, Bard dances in celebration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Tempered Fate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard sends magical energy toward the largest group of enemies, stunning them for @StasisDuration@ seconds and causing them to take @ModifiedDamageAmpRatio@ increased damage while stunned. If he hits at least 1 enemy, Bard dances in celebration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoUnbreakable@keyHotkey@ Unbreakable@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum raises his shield towards the largest group of enemies for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, reducing his damage taken from that direction by @ModifiedShieldDR@. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@UnbreakableBraum raises his shield towards the largest group of enemies for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, reducing his damage taken from that direction by @ModifiedShieldDR@. Damage Reduction[ @ShieldDR1Prefix@@ShieldDR1*100.000000@%@ShieldDR1Postfix@ / @ShieldDR2Prefix@@ShieldDR2*100.000000@%@ShieldDR2Postfix@ / @ShieldDR3Prefix@@ShieldDR3*100.000000@%@ShieldDR3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Unbreakable@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum raises his shield towards the largest group of enemies for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, reducing his damage taken from that direction by @ModifiedShieldDR@. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Reduction@ShieldDR*100.000000@% -> @ShieldDRNL*100.000000@%@keyHotkey@ Unbreakable@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum raises his shield towards the largest group of enemies for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, reducing his damage taken from that direction by @ModifiedShieldDR@. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Unbreakable@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum raises his shield towards the largest group of enemies for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, reducing his damage taken from that direction by @ModifiedShieldDR@. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMissile Barrage@keyHotkey@ Missile Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki launches a barrage of @NumMissiles@ missiles at his target, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%). The final missile is instead The Big One and deals @TotalBigDamage@ physical damage (@BigPercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedMagicDamage@) in a large area.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Missile BarrageCorki launches a barrage of @NumMissiles@ missiles at his target, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%). The final missile is instead The Big One and deals @TotalBigDamage@ physical damage (@BigPercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedMagicDamage@) in a large area.% Attack Damage
    % Attack Damage
    Bonus Damage
    [ @PercentAttackDamage1Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage1*100.000000@@PercentAttackDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage2Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage2*100.000000@@PercentAttackDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage3Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage3*100.000000@@PercentAttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BigPercentAttackDamage1Prefix@@BigPercentAttackDamage1@@BigPercentAttackDamage1Postfix@ / @BigPercentAttackDamage2Prefix@@BigPercentAttackDamage2@@BigPercentAttackDamage2Postfix@ / @BigPercentAttackDamage3Prefix@@BigPercentAttackDamage3@@BigPercentAttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Missile Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki launches a barrage of @NumMissiles@ missiles at his target, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%). The final missile is instead The Big One and deals @TotalBigDamage@ physical damage (@BigPercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedMagicDamage@) in a large area.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up% Attack Damage
    % Attack Damage
    Bonus Damage
    @PercentAttackDamage*100.000000@ -> @PercentAttackDamageNL*100.000000@
    @BigPercentAttackDamage@ -> @BigPercentAttackDamageNL@
    @MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Missile Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki launches a barrage of @NumMissiles@ missiles at his target, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%). The final missile is instead The Big One and deals @TotalBigDamage@ physical damage (@BigPercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedMagicDamage@) in a large area.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Missile Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki launches a barrage of @NumMissiles@ missiles at his target, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%). The final missile is instead The Big One and deals @TotalBigDamage@ physical damage (@BigPercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedMagicDamage@) in a large area.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMissile BarrageCorki launches a barrage of @NumMissiles@ missiles at his target, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%). The final missile is instead The Big One and deals @TotalBigDamage@ physical damage (@BigPercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedMagicDamage@) in a large area.% Attack Damage
    Big One % Attack Damage
    Bonus Damage
    [ @PercentAttackDamage1Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage1*100.000000@%@PercentAttackDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage2Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage2*100.000000@%@PercentAttackDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage3Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage3*100.000000@%@PercentAttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BigPercentAttackDamage1Prefix@@BigPercentAttackDamage1*100.000000@%@BigPercentAttackDamage1Postfix@ / @BigPercentAttackDamage2Prefix@@BigPercentAttackDamage2*100.000000@%@BigPercentAttackDamage2Postfix@ / @BigPercentAttackDamage3Prefix@@BigPercentAttackDamage3*100.000000@%@BigPercentAttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Missile Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki launches a barrage of @NumMissiles@ missiles at his target, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%). The final missile is instead The Big One and deals @TotalBigDamage@ physical damage (@BigPercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedMagicDamage@) in a large area.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up% Attack Damage
    Big One % Attack Damage
    Bonus Damage
    @PercentAttackDamage*100.000000@% -> @PercentAttackDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @BigPercentAttackDamage*100.000000@% -> @BigPercentAttackDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@
    Pale Cascade@keyHotkey@ Pale Cascade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana shields herself for @ModifiedShield@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and summons @Orbs@ orbs around her. These orbs burst for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage when they hit an enemy. When the final orb bursts, her shield refreshes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Pale CascadeDiana shields herself for @ModifiedShield@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and summons @Orbs@ orbs around her. These orbs burst for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage when they hit an enemy. When the final orb bursts, her shield refreshes.Orbs
    Shield Amount
    [ @Orbs1Prefix@@Orbs1@@Orbs1Postfix@ / @Orbs2Prefix@@Orbs2@@Orbs2Postfix@ / @Orbs3Prefix@@Orbs3@@Orbs3Postfix@ ]
    [ @OrbDamage1Prefix@@OrbDamage1@@OrbDamage1Postfix@ / @OrbDamage2Prefix@@OrbDamage2@@OrbDamage2Postfix@ / @OrbDamage3Prefix@@OrbDamage3@@OrbDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldValue1Prefix@@ShieldValue1@@ShieldValue1Postfix@ / @ShieldValue2Prefix@@ShieldValue2@@ShieldValue2Postfix@ / @ShieldValue3Prefix@@ShieldValue3@@ShieldValue3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Pale Cascade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana shields herself for @ModifiedShield@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and summons @Orbs@ orbs around her. These orbs burst for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage when they hit an enemy. When the final orb bursts, her shield refreshes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upOrbs
    Shield Amount
    @Orbs@ -> @OrbsNL@
    @OrbDamage@ -> @OrbDamageNL@
    @ShieldValue@ -> @ShieldValueNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Pale Cascade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana shields herself for @ModifiedShield@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and summons @Orbs@ orbs around her. These orbs burst for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage when they hit an enemy. When the final orb bursts, her shield refreshes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Pale Cascade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana shields herself for @ModifiedShield@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and summons @Orbs@ orbs around her. These orbs burst for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage when they hit an enemy. When the final orb bursts, her shield refreshes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWindblast@keyHotkey@ Windblast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Daeja's attacks launch three barrages that each deal @ModifiedPassiveDamage@ bonus magic damage and reduce the target's Magic Resist by @MRReduction@.

    Active: Daeja sends a wind blast toward the most enemies in a line, dealing @ModifiedBlastDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    WindblastPassive: Daeja's attacks launch three barrages that each deal @ModifiedPassiveDamage@ bonus magic damage and reduce the target's Magic Resist by @MRReduction@.

    Active: Daeja sends a wind blast toward the most enemies in a line, dealing @ModifiedBlastDamage@ magic damage.
    Passive Damage
    Windblast Damage
    [ @PassiveDamage1Prefix@@PassiveDamage1@@PassiveDamage1Postfix@ / @PassiveDamage2Prefix@@PassiveDamage2@@PassiveDamage2Postfix@ / @PassiveDamage3Prefix@@PassiveDamage3@@PassiveDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BlastDamage1Prefix@@BlastDamage1@@BlastDamage1Postfix@ / @BlastDamage2Prefix@@BlastDamage2@@BlastDamage2Postfix@ / @BlastDamage3Prefix@@BlastDamage3@@BlastDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Windblast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Daeja's attacks launch three barrages that each deal @ModifiedPassiveDamage@ bonus magic damage and reduce the target's Magic Resist by @MRReduction@.

    Active: Daeja sends a wind blast toward the most enemies in a line, dealing @ModifiedBlastDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPassive Damage
    Windblast Damage
    @PassiveDamage@ -> @PassiveDamageNL@
    @BlastDamage@ -> @BlastDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Windblast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Daeja's attacks launch three barrages that each deal @ModifiedPassiveDamage@ bonus magic damage and reduce the target's Magic Resist by @MRReduction@.

    Active: Daeja sends a wind blast toward the most enemies in a line, dealing @ModifiedBlastDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Windblast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Daeja's attacks launch three barrages that each deal @ModifiedPassiveDamage@ bonus magic damage and reduce the target's Magic Resist by @MRReduction@.

    Active: Daeja sends a wind blast toward the most enemies in a line, dealing @ModifiedBlastDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEarthquake@keyHotkey@ Earthquake@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Terra stomps three times causing an earthquake around them, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ArmorAndMRPercent@% of their combined %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist plus @AttackDamagePercent@% of their Attack Damage.) At the end of the earthquake Terra's scales are hardened for @ResistDuration@ seconds, granting @ModifiedResistBuff@ Armor and Magic Resist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@EarthquakeTerra stomps three times causing an earthquake around them, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ArmorAndMRPercent@% of their combined %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist plus @AttackDamagePercent@% of their Attack Damage.) At the end of the earthquake Terra's scales are hardened for @ResistDuration@ seconds, granting @ModifiedResistBuff@ Armor and Magic Resist.Armor and Magic Resist Damage Percent
    Armor and Magic Resist Buff
    [ @ArmorAndMRPercent1Prefix@@ArmorAndMRPercent1@%@ArmorAndMRPercent1Postfix@ / @ArmorAndMRPercent2Prefix@@ArmorAndMRPercent2@%@ArmorAndMRPercent2Postfix@ / @ArmorAndMRPercent3Prefix@@ArmorAndMRPercent3@%@ArmorAndMRPercent3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ResistBuff1Prefix@@ResistBuff1@@ResistBuff1Postfix@ / @ResistBuff2Prefix@@ResistBuff2@@ResistBuff2Postfix@ / @ResistBuff3Prefix@@ResistBuff3@@ResistBuff3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Earthquake@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Terra stomps three times causing an earthquake around them, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ArmorAndMRPercent@% of their combined %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist plus @AttackDamagePercent@% of their Attack Damage.) At the end of the earthquake Terra's scales are hardened for @ResistDuration@ seconds, granting @ModifiedResistBuff@ Armor and Magic Resist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upArmor and Magic Resist Damage Percent
    Armor and Magic Resist Buff
    @ArmorAndMRPercent@% -> @ArmorAndMRPercentNL@%
    @ResistBuff@ -> @ResistBuffNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Earthquake@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Terra stomps three times causing an earthquake around them, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ArmorAndMRPercent@% of their combined %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist plus @AttackDamagePercent@% of their Attack Damage.) At the end of the earthquake Terra's scales are hardened for @ResistDuration@ seconds, granting @ModifiedResistBuff@ Armor and Magic Resist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Earthquake@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Terra stomps three times causing an earthquake around them, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ArmorAndMRPercent@% of their combined %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist plus @AttackDamagePercent@% of their Attack Damage.) At the end of the earthquake Terra's scales are hardened for @ResistDuration@ seconds, granting @ModifiedResistBuff@ Armor and Magic Resist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGolden Scales@keyHotkey@ Golden Scales@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Idas hardens her scales for @DefenseDuration@ seconds, reducing incoming damage by @DamageReduction@. She then roars, healing herself for @ModifiedHeal@ Health and shielding other allies for @ModifiedShieldValue@ for @RoarDuration@ seconds. The shield grants @ASBonusBase*100@% Attack Speed while it holds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Golden ScalesIdas hardens her scales for @DefenseDuration@ seconds, reducing incoming damage by @DamageReduction@. She then roars, healing herself for @ModifiedHeal@ Health and shielding other allies for @ModifiedShieldValue@ for @RoarDuration@ seconds. The shield grants @ASBonusBase*100@% Attack Speed while it holds. Damage Reduction
    Shield Amount
    [ @DamageReduction1Prefix@@DamageReduction1@@DamageReduction1Postfix@ / @DamageReduction2Prefix@@DamageReduction2@@DamageReduction2Postfix@ / @DamageReduction3Prefix@@DamageReduction3@@DamageReduction3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Heal1Prefix@@Heal1@@Heal1Postfix@ / @Heal2Prefix@@Heal2@@Heal2Postfix@ / @Heal3Prefix@@Heal3@@Heal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldValue1Prefix@@ShieldValue1@@ShieldValue1Postfix@ / @ShieldValue2Prefix@@ShieldValue2@@ShieldValue2Postfix@ / @ShieldValue3Prefix@@ShieldValue3@@ShieldValue3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Golden Scales@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Idas hardens her scales for @DefenseDuration@ seconds, reducing incoming damage by @DamageReduction@. She then roars, healing herself for @ModifiedHeal@ Health and shielding other allies for @ModifiedShieldValue@ for @RoarDuration@ seconds. The shield grants @ASBonusBase*100@% Attack Speed while it holds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Reduction
    Shield Amount
    @DamageReduction@ -> @DamageReductionNL@
    @Heal@ -> @HealNL@
    @ShieldValue@ -> @ShieldValueNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Golden Scales@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Idas hardens her scales for @DefenseDuration@ seconds, reducing incoming damage by @DamageReduction@. She then roars, healing herself for @ModifiedHeal@ Health and shielding other allies for @ModifiedShieldValue@ for @RoarDuration@ seconds. The shield grants @ASBonusBase*100@% Attack Speed while it holds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Golden Scales@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Idas hardens her scales for @DefenseDuration@ seconds, reducing incoming damage by @DamageReduction@. She then roars, healing herself for @ModifiedHeal@ Health and shielding other allies for @ModifiedShieldValue@ for @RoarDuration@ seconds. The shield grants @ASBonusBase*100@% Attack Speed while it holds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoJade Form@keyHotkey@ Jade Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shi Oh Yu enters Jade stance, gaining @ModifiedDamageReduction@ damage reduction, immunity to crowd control, and empowering her next 3 attacks with special effects that deal @TotalDamage@ damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).

    Attack 1: Deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and knocks the target into the air for @Stun@ seconds.
    Attack 2: Deals @TotalDamage@ true damage.
    Attack 3: Ends the stance, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemies in a line and knocking them up for @Stun@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Jade FormShi Oh Yu enters Jade stance, gaining @ModifiedDamageReduction@ damage reduction, immunity to crowd control, and empowering her next 3 attacks with special effects that deal @TotalDamage@ damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).

    Attack 1: Deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and knocks the target into the air for @Stun@ seconds.
    Attack 2: Deals @TotalDamage@ true damage.
    Attack 3: Ends the stance, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemies in a line and knocking them up for @Stun@ seconds.
    Damage Reduction
    % Attack Damage
    [ @DamageReduction1Prefix@@DamageReduction1*100.000000@%@DamageReduction1Postfix@ / @DamageReduction2Prefix@@DamageReduction2*100.000000@%@DamageReduction2Postfix@ / @DamageReduction3Prefix@@DamageReduction3*100.000000@%@DamageReduction3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentAttackDamage1Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage1@@PercentAttackDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage2Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage2@@PercentAttackDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage3Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage3@@PercentAttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Jade Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shi Oh Yu enters Jade stance, gaining @ModifiedDamageReduction@ damage reduction, immunity to crowd control, and empowering her next 3 attacks with special effects that deal @TotalDamage@ damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).

    Attack 1: Deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and knocks the target into the air for @Stun@ seconds.
    Attack 2: Deals @TotalDamage@ true damage.
    Attack 3: Ends the stance, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemies in a line and knocking them up for @Stun@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Reduction
    % Attack Damage
    @DamageReduction*100.000000@% -> @DamageReductionNL*100.000000@%
    @PercentAttackDamage@ -> @PercentAttackDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Jade Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shi Oh Yu enters Jade stance, gaining @ModifiedDamageReduction@ damage reduction, immunity to crowd control, and empowering her next 3 attacks with special effects that deal @TotalDamage@ damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).

    Attack 1: Deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and knocks the target into the air for @Stun@ seconds.
    Attack 2: Deals @TotalDamage@ true damage.
    Attack 3: Ends the stance, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemies in a line and knocking them up for @Stun@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Jade Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shi Oh Yu enters Jade stance, gaining @ModifiedDamageReduction@ damage reduction, immunity to crowd control, and empowering her next 3 attacks with special effects that deal @TotalDamage@ damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).

    Attack 1: Deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and knocks the target into the air for @Stun@ seconds.
    Attack 2: Deals @TotalDamage@ true damage.
    Attack 3: Ends the stance, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemies in a line and knocking them up for @Stun@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSomersault Assault@keyHotkey@ Somersault Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zippy shields himself for @ModifiedShieldAmount@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and somersaults toward the highest percent health enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@AttackDamageRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and knocking them back slightly.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Somersault AssaultZippy shields himself for @ModifiedShieldAmount@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and somersaults toward the highest percent health enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@AttackDamageRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and knocking them back slightly.Shield Amount
    Percent of Attack Damage
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackDamageRatio1Prefix@@AttackDamageRatio1*100.000000@%@AttackDamageRatio1Postfix@ / @AttackDamageRatio2Prefix@@AttackDamageRatio2*100.000000@%@AttackDamageRatio2Postfix@ / @AttackDamageRatio3Prefix@@AttackDamageRatio3*100.000000@%@AttackDamageRatio3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Somersault Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zippy shields himself for @ModifiedShieldAmount@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and somersaults toward the highest percent health enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@AttackDamageRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and knocking them back slightly.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    Percent of Attack Damage
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @AttackDamageRatio*100.000000@% -> @AttackDamageRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Somersault Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zippy shields himself for @ModifiedShieldAmount@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and somersaults toward the highest percent health enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@AttackDamageRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and knocking them back slightly.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Somersault Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zippy shields himself for @ModifiedShieldAmount@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and somersaults toward the highest percent health enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@AttackDamageRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and knocking them back slightly.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRampage@keyHotkey@ Rampage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sy'fen charges toward the farthest enemy within @ChargeDistance@ hexes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% of Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and knocking up enemies he passes through.

    After charging, Sy'fen bites an enemy, dealing @TotalBiteDamage@ physical damage (@BiteADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and ignoring @ModifiedArmorPenPercent@% of the target's Armor. This bite cannot be dodged.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    RampageSy'fen charges toward the farthest enemy within @ChargeDistance@ hexes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% of Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and knocking up enemies he passes through.

    After charging, Sy'fen bites an enemy, dealing @TotalBiteDamage@ physical damage (@BiteADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and ignoring @ModifiedArmorPenPercent@% of the target's Armor. This bite cannot be dodged.
    Charge % Attack Damage
    Bite % Attack Damage
    [ @ADRatio1Prefix@@ADRatio1*100.000000@%@ADRatio1Postfix@ / @ADRatio2Prefix@@ADRatio2*100.000000@%@ADRatio2Postfix@ / @ADRatio3Prefix@@ADRatio3*100.000000@%@ADRatio3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BiteADRatio1Prefix@@BiteADRatio1*100.000000@%@BiteADRatio1Postfix@ / @BiteADRatio2Prefix@@BiteADRatio2*100.000000@%@BiteADRatio2Postfix@ / @BiteADRatio3Prefix@@BiteADRatio3*100.000000@%@BiteADRatio3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Rampage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sy'fen charges toward the farthest enemy within @ChargeDistance@ hexes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% of Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and knocking up enemies he passes through.

    After charging, Sy'fen bites an enemy, dealing @TotalBiteDamage@ physical damage (@BiteADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and ignoring @ModifiedArmorPenPercent@% of the target's Armor. This bite cannot be dodged.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCharge % Attack Damage
    Bite % Attack Damage
    @ADRatio*100.000000@% -> @ADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @BiteADRatio*100.000000@% -> @BiteADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Rampage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sy'fen charges toward the farthest enemy within @ChargeDistance@ hexes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% of Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and knocking up enemies he passes through.

    After charging, Sy'fen bites an enemy, dealing @TotalBiteDamage@ physical damage (@BiteADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and ignoring @ModifiedArmorPenPercent@% of the target's Armor. This bite cannot be dodged.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Rampage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sy'fen charges toward the farthest enemy within @ChargeDistance@ hexes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% of Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and knocking up enemies he passes through.

    After charging, Sy'fen bites an enemy, dealing @TotalBiteDamage@ physical damage (@BiteADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and ignoring @ModifiedArmorPenPercent@% of the target's Armor. This bite cannot be dodged.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDragon Master's Decree@keyHotkey@ Dragon Master's Decree@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain releases his dragonling flock, launching @NumDragonlings@ dragonlings toward nearby enemies that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to their target, then return to Swain and heal him for @HealPercent@% of his missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Dragon Master's DecreeSwain releases his dragonling flock, launching @NumDragonlings@ dragonlings toward nearby enemies that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to their target, then return to Swain and heal him for @HealPercent@% of his missing Health.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Dragon Master's Decree@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain releases his dragonling flock, launching @NumDragonlings@ dragonlings toward nearby enemies that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to their target, then return to Swain and heal him for @HealPercent@% of his missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Dragon Master's Decree@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain releases his dragonling flock, launching @NumDragonlings@ dragonlings toward nearby enemies that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to their target, then return to Swain and heal him for @HealPercent@% of his missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Dragon Master's Decree@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain releases his dragonling flock, launching @NumDragonlings@ dragonlings toward nearby enemies that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to their target, then return to Swain and heal him for @HealPercent@% of his missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSpider Form@keyHotkey@ Spider Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Elise transforms into Spider Form for the rest of combat, reducing her Attack Range to 1 and replacing her ability with Venomous Bite, which she immediately casts.

    Venomous Bite: Elise's next attack deals @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage. If this kills her target she ascends, becoming untargetable before dropping near the lowest Health enemy and immediately casting Venomous Bite again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Spider FormElise transforms into Spider Form for the rest of combat, reducing her Attack Range to 1 and replacing her ability with Venomous Bite, which she immediately casts.

    Venomous Bite: Elise's next attack deals @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage. If this kills her target she ascends, becoming untargetable before dropping near the lowest Health enemy and immediately casting Venomous Bite again.
    Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Spider Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Elise transforms into Spider Form for the rest of combat, reducing her Attack Range to 1 and replacing her ability with Venomous Bite, which she immediately casts.

    Venomous Bite: Elise's next attack deals @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage. If this kills her target she ascends, becoming untargetable before dropping near the lowest Health enemy and immediately casting Venomous Bite again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Spider Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Elise transforms into Spider Form for the rest of combat, reducing her Attack Range to 1 and replacing her ability with Venomous Bite, which she immediately casts.

    Venomous Bite: Elise's next attack deals @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage. If this kills her target she ascends, becoming untargetable before dropping near the lowest Health enemy and immediately casting Venomous Bite again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Spider Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Elise transforms into Spider Form for the rest of combat, reducing her Attack Range to 1 and replacing her ability with Venomous Bite, which she immediately casts.

    Venomous Bite: Elise's next attack deals @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage. If this kills her target she ascends, becoming untargetable before dropping near the lowest Health enemy and immediately casting Venomous Bite again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Mystic Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires an energy bolt towards his target. The first enemy hit takes @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and grants Ezreal @ModifiedAS@ bonus Attack Speed, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mystic ShotEzreal fires an energy bolt towards his target. The first enemy hit takes @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and grants Ezreal @ModifiedAS@ bonus Attack Speed, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.Damage[ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Mystic Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires an energy bolt towards his target. The first enemy hit takes @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and grants Ezreal @ModifiedAS@ bonus Attack Speed, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Mystic Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires an energy bolt towards his target. The first enemy hit takes @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and grants Ezreal @ModifiedAS@ bonus Attack Speed, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Mystic Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires an energy bolt towards his target. The first enemy hit takes @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and grants Ezreal @ModifiedAS@ bonus Attack Speed, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMega Gnar@keyHotkey@ Mega Gnar@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gnar transforms into Mega Form, jumping to his target and knocking up nearby enemies for @StunDuration@ second. Gnar also gains @ModifiedAD@ Attack Damage and @ModifiedArmor@ Armor, but reduces his Attack Range to 1.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mega GnarGnar transforms into Mega Form, jumping to his target and knocking up nearby enemies for @StunDuration@ second. Gnar also gains @ModifiedAD@ Attack Damage and @ModifiedArmor@ Armor, but reduces his Attack Range to 1.Attack Damage
    [ @AttackDamage1Prefix@@AttackDamage1@@AttackDamage1Postfix@ / @AttackDamage2Prefix@@AttackDamage2@@AttackDamage2Postfix@ / @AttackDamage3Prefix@@AttackDamage3@@AttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Armor1Prefix@@Armor1@@Armor1Postfix@ / @Armor2Prefix@@Armor2@@Armor2Postfix@ / @Armor3Prefix@@Armor3@@Armor3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Mega Gnar@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gnar transforms into Mega Form, jumping to his target and knocking up nearby enemies for @StunDuration@ second. Gnar also gains @ModifiedAD@ Attack Damage and @ModifiedArmor@ Armor, but reduces his Attack Range to 1.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Damage
    @AttackDamage@ -> @AttackDamageNL@
    @Armor@ -> @ArmorNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Mega Gnar@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gnar transforms into Mega Form, jumping to his target and knocking up nearby enemies for @StunDuration@ second. Gnar also gains @ModifiedAD@ Attack Damage and @ModifiedArmor@ Armor, but reduces his Attack Range to 1.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Mega Gnar@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gnar transforms into Mega Form, jumping to his target and knocking up nearby enemies for @StunDuration@ second. Gnar also gains @ModifiedAD@ Attack Damage and @ModifiedArmor@ Armor, but reduces his Attack Range to 1.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoQuickdraw@keyHotkey@ Quickdraw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Graves' attacks spread in a cone of 4 bullets in front of him, each striking the first enemy hit for @PercentAttackDamage@% of his Attack Damage (damage per bullet: @TotalDamage@).

    Active: Graves dashes towards his target, quickly fires two attacks, and grants himself @ModifiedResists@ Armor and Magic Resist for @ResistDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    QuickdrawPassive: Graves' attacks spread in a cone of 4 bullets in front of him, each striking the first enemy hit for @PercentAttackDamage@% of his Attack Damage (damage per bullet: @TotalDamage@).

    Active: Graves dashes towards his target, quickly fires two attacks, and grants himself @ModifiedResists@ Armor and Magic Resist for @ResistDuration@ seconds.
    Armor and Magic Resist
    Percent of Attack Damage
    [ @Resists1Prefix@@Resists1@@Resists1Postfix@ / @Resists2Prefix@@Resists2@@Resists2Postfix@ / @Resists3Prefix@@Resists3@@Resists3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentAttackDamage1Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage1@%@PercentAttackDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage2Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage2@%@PercentAttackDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage3Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage3@%@PercentAttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Quickdraw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Graves' attacks spread in a cone of 4 bullets in front of him, each striking the first enemy hit for @PercentAttackDamage@% of his Attack Damage (damage per bullet: @TotalDamage@).

    Active: Graves dashes towards his target, quickly fires two attacks, and grants himself @ModifiedResists@ Armor and Magic Resist for @ResistDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upArmor and Magic Resist
    Percent of Attack Damage
    @Resists@ -> @ResistsNL@
    @PercentAttackDamage@% -> @PercentAttackDamageNL@%
    @keyHotkey@ Quickdraw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Graves' attacks spread in a cone of 4 bullets in front of him, each striking the first enemy hit for @PercentAttackDamage@% of his Attack Damage (damage per bullet: @TotalDamage@).

    Active: Graves dashes towards his target, quickly fires two attacks, and grants himself @ModifiedResists@ Armor and Magic Resist for @ResistDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Quickdraw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Graves' attacks spread in a cone of 4 bullets in front of him, each striking the first enemy hit for @PercentAttackDamage@% of his Attack Damage (damage per bullet: @TotalDamage@).

    Active: Graves dashes towards his target, quickly fires two attacks, and grants himself @ModifiedResists@ Armor and Magic Resist for @ResistDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoOnslaught of Shadows@keyHotkey@ Onslaught of Shadows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim summons spectral riders that charge through his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies hit for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Onslaught of ShadowsHecarim summons spectral riders that charge through his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies hit for @StunDuration@ seconds.Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Onslaught of Shadows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim summons spectral riders that charge through his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies hit for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Onslaught of Shadows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim summons spectral riders that charge through his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies hit for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Onslaught of Shadows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim summons spectral riders that charge through his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies hit for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEgg Toss@keyHotkey@ Egg Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Egg TossHeimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. @keyHotkey@ Egg Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Egg Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Egg Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEgg TossHeimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Magic Damage[ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Egg Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage@MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@Cosmic Lash@keyHotkey@ Cosmic Lash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi slams her idol into the ground, summoning @Tentacles@ tentacles that lash out, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in a cone. Illaoi steals @ResistStealPercent@% Armor and Magic Resist from each enemy hit for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cosmic LashIllaoi slams her idol into the ground, summoning @Tentacles@ tentacles that lash out, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in a cone. Illaoi steals @ResistStealPercent@% Armor and Magic Resist from each enemy hit for @Duration@ seconds.Magic Damage[ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Cosmic Lash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi slams her idol into the ground, summoning @Tentacles@ tentacles that lash out, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in a cone. Illaoi steals @ResistStealPercent@% Armor and Magic Resist from each enemy hit for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage@MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Cosmic Lash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi slams her idol into the ground, summoning @Tentacles@ tentacles that lash out, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in a cone. Illaoi steals @ResistStealPercent@% Armor and Magic Resist from each enemy hit for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Cosmic Lash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi slams her idol into the ground, summoning @Tentacles@ tentacles that lash out, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in a cone. Illaoi steals @ResistStealPercent@% Armor and Magic Resist from each enemy hit for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSmash@keyHotkey@ Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Daisy smashes the ground around her target, dealing @TooltipDaisyDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@SmashDaisy smashes the ground around her target, dealing @TooltipDaisyDamage@ magic damage.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Daisy smashes the ground around her target, dealing @TooltipDaisyDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Daisy smashes the ground around her target, dealing @TooltipDaisyDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Daisy smashes the ground around her target, dealing @TooltipDaisyDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoShatter@keyHotkey@ Shatter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@When its Health is depleted, the Jade Statue will explode.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@ShatterWhen its Health is depleted, the Jade Statue will explode.@keyHotkey@ Shatter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@When its Health is depleted, the Jade Statue will explode.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Shatter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@When its Health is depleted, the Jade Statue will explode.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Shatter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@When its Health is depleted, the Jade Statue will explode.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCounter Strike@keyHotkey@ Counter Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax enters a defensive stance for @Duration@ seconds, dodging all incoming attacks. When the stance ends, he strikes all nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Counter StrikeJax enters a defensive stance for @Duration@ seconds, dodging all incoming attacks. When the stance ends, he strikes all nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Counter Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax enters a defensive stance for @Duration@ seconds, dodging all incoming attacks. When the stance ends, he strikes all nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Counter Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax enters a defensive stance for @Duration@ seconds, dodging all incoming attacks. When the stance ends, he strikes all nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Counter Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax enters a defensive stance for @Duration@ seconds, dodging all incoming attacks. When the stance ends, he strikes all nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMercurial Justice@keyHotkey@ Mercurial Justice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce transforms into his melee form, then slams the ground around his target, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and gaining @Resists@ Armor and Magic Resist. He replaces his Ability with Mercurial Judgement for the rest of combat.

    Mercurial Judgment: Jayce calls lightning upon his target, smiting them for @ModifiedSmiteDamage@ magic damage and dealing an additional @ModifiedSecondMagicDamage@ magic damage to other enemies in the area. He then heals for @ModifiedHeal@ health and an additional @BonusHealRatio*100@% per enemy struck.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Mercurial JusticeJayce transforms into his melee form, then slams the ground around his target, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and gaining @Resists@ Armor and Magic Resist. He replaces his Ability with Mercurial Judgement for the rest of combat.

    Mercurial Judgment: Jayce calls lightning upon his target, smiting them for @ModifiedSmiteDamage@ magic damage and dealing an additional @ModifiedSecondMagicDamage@ magic damage to other enemies in the area. He then heals for @ModifiedHeal@ health and an additional @BonusHealRatio*100@% per enemy struck.
    Transform Magic Damage
    Smite Magic Damage
    Secondary Magic Damage
    [ @BaseMagicDamage1Prefix@@BaseMagicDamage1@@BaseMagicDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseMagicDamage2Prefix@@BaseMagicDamage2@@BaseMagicDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseMagicDamage3Prefix@@BaseMagicDamage3@@BaseMagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseSmiteDamage1Prefix@@BaseSmiteDamage1@@BaseSmiteDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseSmiteDamage2Prefix@@BaseSmiteDamage2@@BaseSmiteDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseSmiteDamage3Prefix@@BaseSmiteDamage3@@BaseSmiteDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseSecondMagicDamage1Prefix@@BaseSecondMagicDamage1@@BaseSecondMagicDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseSecondMagicDamage2Prefix@@BaseSecondMagicDamage2@@BaseSecondMagicDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseSecondMagicDamage3Prefix@@BaseSecondMagicDamage3@@BaseSecondMagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Mercurial Justice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce transforms into his melee form, then slams the ground around his target, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and gaining @Resists@ Armor and Magic Resist. He replaces his Ability with Mercurial Judgement for the rest of combat.

    Mercurial Judgment: Jayce calls lightning upon his target, smiting them for @ModifiedSmiteDamage@ magic damage and dealing an additional @ModifiedSecondMagicDamage@ magic damage to other enemies in the area. He then heals for @ModifiedHeal@ health and an additional @BonusHealRatio*100@% per enemy struck.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTransform Magic Damage
    Smite Magic Damage
    Secondary Magic Damage
    @BaseMagicDamage@ -> @BaseMagicDamageNL@
    @BaseSmiteDamage@ -> @BaseSmiteDamageNL@
    @BaseSecondMagicDamage@ -> @BaseSecondMagicDamageNL@
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Mercurial Justice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce transforms into his melee form, then slams the ground around his target, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and gaining @Resists@ Armor and Magic Resist. He replaces his Ability with Mercurial Judgement for the rest of combat.

    Mercurial Judgment: Jayce calls lightning upon his target, smiting them for @ModifiedSmiteDamage@ magic damage and dealing an additional @ModifiedSecondMagicDamage@ magic damage to other enemies in the area. He then heals for @ModifiedHeal@ health and an additional @BonusHealRatio*100@% per enemy struck.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Mercurial Justice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce transforms into his melee form, then slams the ground around his target, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and gaining @Resists@ Armor and Magic Resist. He replaces his Ability with Mercurial Judgement for the rest of combat.

    Mercurial Judgment: Jayce calls lightning upon his target, smiting them for @ModifiedSmiteDamage@ magic damage and dealing an additional @ModifiedSecondMagicDamage@ magic damage to other enemies in the area. He then heals for @ModifiedHeal@ health and an additional @BonusHealRatio*100@% per enemy struck.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoFlame Chompers@keyHotkey@ Flame Chompers@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx summons a line of traps centered on her target. Traps detonate after a brief delay, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies hit for @StunDuration@ second(s). Jinx gains @ManaRefund@ mana for each empty trap. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Flame ChompersJinx summons a line of traps centered on her target. Traps detonate after a brief delay, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies hit for @StunDuration@ second(s). Jinx gains @ManaRefund@ mana for each empty trap. Magic Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Flame Chompers@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx summons a line of traps centered on her target. Traps detonate after a brief delay, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies hit for @StunDuration@ second(s). Jinx gains @ManaRefund@ mana for each empty trap. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage
    Stun Duration
    @MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Flame Chompers@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx summons a line of traps centered on her target. Traps detonate after a brief delay, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies hit for @StunDuration@ second(s). Jinx gains @ManaRefund@ mana for each empty trap. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Flame Chompers@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx summons a line of traps centered on her target. Traps detonate after a brief delay, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies hit for @StunDuration@ second(s). Jinx gains @ManaRefund@ mana for each empty trap. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTidal Burst@keyHotkey@ Tidal Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa fires @NumMissiles@ missiles split between her target and up to @SecondaryTargetCap@ other targets within her attack range that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. This increases by @PerCastMissile@ missiles each cast, up to @MissileCap@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Tidal BurstKai'Sa fires @NumMissiles@ missiles split between her target and up to @SecondaryTargetCap@ other targets within her attack range that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. This increases by @PerCastMissile@ missiles each cast, up to @MissileCap@.Magic Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Tidal Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa fires @NumMissiles@ missiles split between her target and up to @SecondaryTargetCap@ other targets within her attack range that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. This increases by @PerCastMissile@ missiles each cast, up to @MissileCap@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Tidal Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa fires @NumMissiles@ missiles split between her target and up to @SecondaryTargetCap@ other targets within her attack range that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. This increases by @PerCastMissile@ missiles each cast, up to @MissileCap@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Tidal Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa fires @NumMissiles@ missiles split between her target and up to @SecondaryTargetCap@ other targets within her attack range that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. This increases by @PerCastMissile@ missiles each cast, up to @MissileCap@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoInner Flame@keyHotkey@ Inner Flame@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karma fires a burst of energy towards her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage in a small area around the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Inner FlameKarma fires a burst of energy towards her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage in a small area around the first enemy hit.Magic Damage[ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Inner Flame@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karma fires a burst of energy towards her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage in a small area around the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage@MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Inner Flame@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karma fires a burst of energy towards her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage in a small area around the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Inner Flame@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karma fires a burst of energy towards her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage in a small area around the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBlade's Reach@keyHotkey@ Blade's Reach@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayn sweeps his scythe in a line through his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to all enemies and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Blade's ReachKayn sweeps his scythe in a line through his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to all enemies and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.Bonus Damage[ @BaseBonusDamage1Prefix@@BaseBonusDamage1@@BaseBonusDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseBonusDamage2Prefix@@BaseBonusDamage2@@BaseBonusDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseBonusDamage3Prefix@@BaseBonusDamage3@@BaseBonusDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Blade's Reach@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayn sweeps his scythe in a line through his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to all enemies and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Damage@BaseBonusDamage@ -> @BaseBonusDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Blade's Reach@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayn sweeps his scythe in a line through his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to all enemies and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Blade's Reach@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayn sweeps his scythe in a line through his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to all enemies and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSea Blessing@keyHotkey@ Sea Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Seastone periodically grants loot as Lagoon units cast more Abilities.

    Total casts: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonCount@
    Gold granted: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonRewardCountGold@
    Rewards granted: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonRewardCount@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Sea BlessingThe Seastone periodically grants loot as Lagoon units cast more Abilities.

    Total casts: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonCount@
    Gold granted: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonRewardCountGold@
    Rewards granted: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonRewardCount@
    @keyHotkey@ Sea Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Seastone periodically grants loot as Lagoon units cast more Abilities.

    Total casts: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonCount@
    Gold granted: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonRewardCountGold@
    Rewards granted: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonRewardCount@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Sea Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Seastone periodically grants loot as Lagoon units cast more Abilities.

    Total casts: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonCount@
    Gold granted: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonRewardCountGold@
    Rewards granted: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonRewardCount@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Sea Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Seastone periodically grants loot as Lagoon units cast more Abilities.

    Total casts: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonCount@
    Gold granted: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonRewardCountGold@
    Rewards granted: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonRewardCount@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDragon's Rage@keyHotkey@ Dragon's Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin kicks his target, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds and knocking them back. The target and all enemies they hit take @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and have their Magic Resist reduced by @TooltipMRShred@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Dragon's RageLee Sin kicks his target, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds and knocking them back. The target and all enemies they hit take @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and have their Magic Resist reduced by @TooltipMRShred@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.Damage[ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Dragon's Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin kicks his target, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds and knocking them back. The target and all enemies they hit take @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and have their Magic Resist reduced by @TooltipMRShred@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Dragon's Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin kicks his target, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds and knocking them back. The target and all enemies they hit take @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and have their Magic Resist reduced by @TooltipMRShred@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Dragon's Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin kicks his target, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds and knocking them back. The target and all enemies they hit take @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and have their Magic Resist reduced by @TooltipMRShred@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSolar Barrier@keyHotkey@ Solar Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona creates a barrier around herself, reducing all incoming damage by @ModifiedDamageReduction@ for 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Solar BarrierLeona creates a barrier around herself, reducing all incoming damage by @ModifiedDamageReduction@ for 4 seconds.Damage Reduction[ @FlatDamageReduction1Prefix@@FlatDamageReduction1@@FlatDamageReduction1Postfix@ / @FlatDamageReduction2Prefix@@FlatDamageReduction2@@FlatDamageReduction2Postfix@ / @FlatDamageReduction3Prefix@@FlatDamageReduction3@@FlatDamageReduction3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Solar Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona creates a barrier around herself, reducing all incoming damage by @ModifiedDamageReduction@ for 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Reduction@FlatDamageReduction@ -> @FlatDamageReductionNL@@keyHotkey@ Solar Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona creates a barrier around herself, reducing all incoming damage by @ModifiedDamageReduction@ for 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Solar Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona creates a barrier around herself, reducing all incoming damage by @ModifiedDamageReduction@ for 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWatch Out!@keyHotkey@ Watch Out!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia strikes a small area around her target's current location, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage spread amongst all enemies hit and @ModifiedCenterBonusMagicDamage@ bonus magic damage to the enemy at the center of the blast. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Watch Out!Lillia strikes a small area around her target's current location, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage spread amongst all enemies hit and @ModifiedCenterBonusMagicDamage@ bonus magic damage to the enemy at the center of the blast. Magic Damage
    Bonus Magic Damage
    [ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CenterBonusMagicDamage1Prefix@@CenterBonusMagicDamage1@@CenterBonusMagicDamage1Postfix@ / @CenterBonusMagicDamage2Prefix@@CenterBonusMagicDamage2@@CenterBonusMagicDamage2Postfix@ / @CenterBonusMagicDamage3Prefix@@CenterBonusMagicDamage3@@CenterBonusMagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Watch Out!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia strikes a small area around her target's current location, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage spread amongst all enemies hit and @ModifiedCenterBonusMagicDamage@ bonus magic damage to the enemy at the center of the blast. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage
    Bonus Magic Damage
    @MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@
    @CenterBonusMagicDamage@ -> @CenterBonusMagicDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Watch Out!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia strikes a small area around her target's current location, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage spread amongst all enemies hit and @ModifiedCenterBonusMagicDamage@ bonus magic damage to the enemy at the center of the blast. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Watch Out!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia strikes a small area around her target's current location, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage spread amongst all enemies hit and @ModifiedCenterBonusMagicDamage@ bonus magic damage to the enemy at the center of the blast. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWhimsy@keyHotkey@ Whimsy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu enchants the nearest @NumTargets@ champions. Enchanted allies gain @ModifiedAttackSpeedPercent@ Attack Speed for @AllyBuffDuration@ seconds. Enchanted enemies are stunned and transformed into harmless dragonlings for @PolymorphDuration@ seconds, taking @DamageAmp@% increased damage while stunned. If there are fewer than 3 units nearby, Lulu will enchant herself.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@WhimsyLulu enchants the nearest @NumTargets@ champions. Enchanted allies gain @ModifiedAttackSpeedPercent@ Attack Speed for @AllyBuffDuration@ seconds. Enchanted enemies are stunned and transformed into harmless dragonlings for @PolymorphDuration@ seconds, taking @DamageAmp@% increased damage while stunned. If there are fewer than 3 units nearby, Lulu will enchant herself.Number of Targets
    Attack Speed %
    [ @NumTargets1Prefix@@NumTargets1@@NumTargets1Postfix@ / @NumTargets2Prefix@@NumTargets2@@NumTargets2Postfix@ / @NumTargets3Prefix@@NumTargets3@@NumTargets3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackSpeedPercent1Prefix@@AttackSpeedPercent1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedPercent1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedPercent2Prefix@@AttackSpeedPercent2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedPercent2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedPercent3Prefix@@AttackSpeedPercent3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedPercent3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Whimsy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu enchants the nearest @NumTargets@ champions. Enchanted allies gain @ModifiedAttackSpeedPercent@ Attack Speed for @AllyBuffDuration@ seconds. Enchanted enemies are stunned and transformed into harmless dragonlings for @PolymorphDuration@ seconds, taking @DamageAmp@% increased damage while stunned. If there are fewer than 3 units nearby, Lulu will enchant herself.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upNumber of Targets
    Attack Speed %
    @NumTargets@ -> @NumTargetsNL@
    @AttackSpeedPercent*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Whimsy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu enchants the nearest @NumTargets@ champions. Enchanted allies gain @ModifiedAttackSpeedPercent@ Attack Speed for @AllyBuffDuration@ seconds. Enchanted enemies are stunned and transformed into harmless dragonlings for @PolymorphDuration@ seconds, taking @DamageAmp@% increased damage while stunned. If there are fewer than 3 units nearby, Lulu will enchant herself.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Whimsy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu enchants the nearest @NumTargets@ champions. Enchanted allies gain @ModifiedAttackSpeedPercent@ Attack Speed for @AllyBuffDuration@ seconds. Enchanted enemies are stunned and transformed into harmless dragonlings for @PolymorphDuration@ seconds, taking @DamageAmp@% increased damage while stunned. If there are fewer than 3 units nearby, Lulu will enchant herself.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCosmic Flare@keyHotkey@ Cosmic Flare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux fires a star towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy struck, and @LesserModifiedDamage@ magic damage to subsequent enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cosmic FlareLux fires a star towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy struck, and @LesserModifiedDamage@ magic damage to subsequent enemies.Damage
    Additional Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @LesserDamage1Prefix@@LesserDamage1@@LesserDamage1Postfix@ / @LesserDamage2Prefix@@LesserDamage2@@LesserDamage2Postfix@ / @LesserDamage3Prefix@@LesserDamage3@@LesserDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Cosmic Flare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux fires a star towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy struck, and @LesserModifiedDamage@ magic damage to subsequent enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Additional Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @LesserDamage@ -> @LesserDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Cosmic Flare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux fires a star towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy struck, and @LesserModifiedDamage@ magic damage to subsequent enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Cosmic Flare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux fires a star towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy struck, and @LesserModifiedDamage@ magic damage to subsequent enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCoral Shield@keyHotkey@ Coral Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite shields himself for @TotalShield@ %i:scaleHealth% (@ModifiedBase@ + @ShieldPercentHealth*100@% maximum health) for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Coral ShieldMalphite shields himself for @TotalShield@ %i:scaleHealth% (@ModifiedBase@ + @ShieldPercentHealth*100@% maximum health) for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.Base Shield Amount[ @ShieldBase1Prefix@@ShieldBase1@@ShieldBase1Postfix@ / @ShieldBase2Prefix@@ShieldBase2@@ShieldBase2Postfix@ / @ShieldBase3Prefix@@ShieldBase3@@ShieldBase3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Coral Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite shields himself for @TotalShield@ %i:scaleHealth% (@ModifiedBase@ + @ShieldPercentHealth*100@% maximum health) for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Shield Amount@ShieldBase@ -> @ShieldBaseNL@@keyHotkey@ Coral Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite shields himself for @TotalShield@ %i:scaleHealth% (@ModifiedBase@ + @ShieldPercentHealth*100@% maximum health) for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Coral Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite shields himself for @TotalShield@ %i:scaleHealth% (@ModifiedBase@ + @ShieldPercentHealth*100@% maximum health) for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEbb and Flow@keyHotkey@ Ebb and Flow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami launches a stream of water at her target that bounces up to @BounceCount@ additional targets, prioritizing low Health targets and alternating between enemies and allies. Enemies hit take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and allies hit heal for @ModifiedHealing@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ebb and FlowNami launches a stream of water at her target that bounces up to @BounceCount@ additional targets, prioritizing low Health targets and alternating between enemies and allies. Enemies hit take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and allies hit heal for @ModifiedHealing@.Magic Damage
    [ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Healing1Prefix@@Healing1@@Healing1Postfix@ / @Healing2Prefix@@Healing2@@Healing2Postfix@ / @Healing3Prefix@@Healing3@@Healing3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Ebb and Flow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami launches a stream of water at her target that bounces up to @BounceCount@ additional targets, prioritizing low Health targets and alternating between enemies and allies. Enemies hit take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and allies hit heal for @ModifiedHealing@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage
    @MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@
    @Healing@ -> @HealingNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Ebb and Flow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami launches a stream of water at her target that bounces up to @BounceCount@ additional targets, prioritizing low Health targets and alternating between enemies and allies. Enemies hit take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and allies hit heal for @ModifiedHealing@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Ebb and Flow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami launches a stream of water at her target that bounces up to @BounceCount@ additional targets, prioritizing low Health targets and alternating between enemies and allies. Enemies hit take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and allies hit heal for @ModifiedHealing@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEbb and FlowNami launches a stream of water at her target that bounces up to @BounceCount@ additional targets, prioritizing low Health targets and alternating between enemies and allies. Enemies hit take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and allies hit heal for @ModifiedHealing@.@keyHotkey@ Ebb and Flow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami launches a stream of water at her target that bounces up to @BounceCount@ additional targets, prioritizing low Health targets and alternating between enemies and allies. Enemies hit take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and allies hit heal for @ModifiedHealing@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upEbb and FlowNami launches a stream of water at her target that bounces up to @BounceCount@ additional targets, prioritizing low Health targets and alternating between enemies and allies. Enemies hit take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and allies hit heal for @ModifiedHealing@.Damage
    [ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Healing1Prefix@@Healing1@@Healing1Postfix@ / @Healing2Prefix@@Healing2@@Healing2Postfix@ / @Healing3Prefix@@Healing3@@Healing3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Ebb and Flow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami launches a stream of water at her target that bounces up to @BounceCount@ additional targets, prioritizing low Health targets and alternating between enemies and allies. Enemies hit take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and allies hit heal for @ModifiedHealing@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@
    @Healing@ -> @HealingNL@
    Fury of the Dawn@keyHotkey@ Fury of the Dawn@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus surrounds himself in light for @Duration@ seconds, gaining @BonusHealth@ maximum health and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to adjacent enemies every second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Fury of the DawnNasus surrounds himself in light for @Duration@ seconds, gaining @BonusHealth@ maximum health and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to adjacent enemies every second.Bonus Health
    Damage Per Second
    [ @BonusHealth1Prefix@@BonusHealth1@@BonusHealth1Postfix@ / @BonusHealth2Prefix@@BonusHealth2@@BonusHealth2Postfix@ / @BonusHealth3Prefix@@BonusHealth3@@BonusHealth3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Fury of the Dawn@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus surrounds himself in light for @Duration@ seconds, gaining @BonusHealth@ maximum health and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to adjacent enemies every second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Health
    Damage Per Second
    @BonusHealth@ -> @BonusHealthNL@
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Fury of the Dawn@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus surrounds himself in light for @Duration@ seconds, gaining @BonusHealth@ maximum health and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to adjacent enemies every second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Fury of the Dawn@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus surrounds himself in light for @Duration@ seconds, gaining @BonusHealth@ maximum health and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to adjacent enemies every second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Inherent Glamour@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Each Combat: Neeko disguises herself as the nearest allied champion, adding their bonus Attack Damage and Attack Speed to her own and copying all other stats except Health. She then gains a shield for @ModifiedShieldBase@ plus @HealthRatio*100@% of her ally's Health.

    When the shield breaks, she transforms into Neeko Form, reverts back to her own stats, and casts Pop Blossom, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Neeko then casts Pop Blossom each time she reaches maximum mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Inherent GlamourEach Combat: Neeko disguises herself as the nearest allied champion, adding their bonus Attack Damage and Attack Speed to her own and copying all other stats except Health. She then gains a shield for @ModifiedShieldBase@ plus @HealthRatio*100@% of her ally's Health.

    When the shield breaks, she transforms into Neeko Form, reverts back to her own stats, and casts Pop Blossom, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Neeko then casts Pop Blossom each time she reaches maximum mana.
    Shield Amount
    Shield Health Ratio
    Magic Damage
    [ @ShieldBase1Prefix@@ShieldBase1@@ShieldBase1Postfix@ / @ShieldBase2Prefix@@ShieldBase2@@ShieldBase2Postfix@ / @ShieldBase3Prefix@@ShieldBase3@@ShieldBase3Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealthRatio1Prefix@@HealthRatio1*100.000000@%@HealthRatio1Postfix@ / @HealthRatio2Prefix@@HealthRatio2*100.000000@%@HealthRatio2Postfix@ / @HealthRatio3Prefix@@HealthRatio3*100.000000@%@HealthRatio3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Inherent Glamour@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Each Combat: Neeko disguises herself as the nearest allied champion, adding their bonus Attack Damage and Attack Speed to her own and copying all other stats except Health. She then gains a shield for @ModifiedShieldBase@ plus @HealthRatio*100@% of her ally's Health.

    When the shield breaks, she transforms into Neeko Form, reverts back to her own stats, and casts Pop Blossom, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Neeko then casts Pop Blossom each time she reaches maximum mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    Shield Health Ratio
    Magic Damage
    @ShieldBase@ -> @ShieldBaseNL@
    @HealthRatio*100.000000@% -> @HealthRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Inherent Glamour@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Each Combat: Neeko disguises herself as the nearest allied champion, adding their bonus Attack Damage and Attack Speed to her own and copying all other stats except Health. She then gains a shield for @ModifiedShieldBase@ plus @HealthRatio*100@% of her ally's Health.

    When the shield breaks, she transforms into Neeko Form, reverts back to her own stats, and casts Pop Blossom, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Neeko then casts Pop Blossom each time she reaches maximum mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Inherent Glamour@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Each Combat: Neeko disguises herself as the nearest allied champion, adding their bonus Attack Damage and Attack Speed to her own and copying all other stats except Health. She then gains a shield for @ModifiedShieldBase@ plus @HealthRatio*100@% of her ally's Health.

    When the shield breaks, she transforms into Neeko Form, reverts back to her own stats, and casts Pop Blossom, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Neeko then casts Pop Blossom each time she reaches maximum mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPrimal Surge@keyHotkey@ Primal Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nidalee transforms into Cougar Form for the rest of combat, reducing her Attack Range to 1 and gaining bonus movement speed and @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed. While in cougar form, every @NumAttacks@rd attack swipes her target for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Primal SurgeNidalee transforms into Cougar Form for the rest of combat, reducing her Attack Range to 1 and gaining bonus movement speed and @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed. While in cougar form, every @NumAttacks@rd attack swipes her target for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).Attack Speed[ @BaseAS1Prefix@@BaseAS1*100.000000@%@BaseAS1Postfix@ / @BaseAS2Prefix@@BaseAS2*100.000000@%@BaseAS2Postfix@ / @BaseAS3Prefix@@BaseAS3*100.000000@%@BaseAS3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Primal Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nidalee transforms into Cougar Form for the rest of combat, reducing her Attack Range to 1 and gaining bonus movement speed and @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed. While in cougar form, every @NumAttacks@rd attack swipes her target for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Speed@BaseAS*100.000000@% -> @BaseASNL*100.000000@%@keyHotkey@ Primal Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nidalee transforms into Cougar Form for the rest of combat, reducing her Attack Range to 1 and gaining bonus movement speed and @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed. While in cougar form, every @NumAttacks@rd attack swipes her target for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Primal Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nidalee transforms into Cougar Form for the rest of combat, reducing her Attack Range to 1 and gaining bonus movement speed and @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed. While in cougar form, every @NumAttacks@rd attack swipes her target for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSlipstream@keyHotkey@ Slipstream@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah cracks her whip-blade at her target, dashing through them and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this does damage to a shield, she gains a shield equal to @PercentShield*100@% of the damage she deals to it for @ShieldStealDuration@ seconds. She instantly recasts if the target is killed or remains shielded.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@SlipstreamNilah cracks her whip-blade at her target, dashing through them and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this does damage to a shield, she gains a shield equal to @PercentShield*100@% of the damage she deals to it for @ShieldStealDuration@ seconds. She instantly recasts if the target is killed or remains shielded.Damage
    Shield Steal
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentShield1Prefix@@PercentShield1*100.000000@%@PercentShield1Postfix@ / @PercentShield2Prefix@@PercentShield2*100.000000@%@PercentShield2Postfix@ / @PercentShield3Prefix@@PercentShield3*100.000000@%@PercentShield3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Slipstream@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah cracks her whip-blade at her target, dashing through them and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this does damage to a shield, she gains a shield equal to @PercentShield*100@% of the damage she deals to it for @ShieldStealDuration@ seconds. She instantly recasts if the target is killed or remains shielded.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Shield Steal
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @PercentShield*100.000000@% -> @PercentShieldNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Slipstream@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah cracks her whip-blade at her target, dashing through them and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this does damage to a shield, she gains a shield equal to @PercentShield*100@% of the damage she deals to it for @ShieldStealDuration@ seconds. She instantly recasts if the target is killed or remains shielded.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Slipstream@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah cracks her whip-blade at her target, dashing through them and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this does damage to a shield, she gains a shield equal to @PercentShield*100@% of the damage she deals to it for @ShieldStealDuration@ seconds. She instantly recasts if the target is killed or remains shielded.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFireballs!@keyHotkey@ Fireballs!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nomsy bellows, lobbing a massive fireball towards a random enemy that explodes on impact, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within 1 hex, and bouncing additional fireballs outward that deal @PercentDamage*100@% of the damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Fireballs!Nomsy bellows, lobbing a massive fireball towards a random enemy that explodes on impact, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within 1 hex, and bouncing additional fireballs outward that deal @PercentDamage*100@% of the damage.Magic Damage
    Percentage Damage
    [ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentDamage1Prefix@@PercentDamage1*100.000000@%@PercentDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentDamage2Prefix@@PercentDamage2*100.000000@%@PercentDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentDamage3Prefix@@PercentDamage3*100.000000@%@PercentDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Fireballs!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nomsy bellows, lobbing a massive fireball towards a random enemy that explodes on impact, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within 1 hex, and bouncing additional fireballs outward that deal @PercentDamage*100@% of the damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage
    Percentage Damage
    @MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@
    @PercentDamage*100.000000@% -> @PercentDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Fireballs!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nomsy bellows, lobbing a massive fireball towards a random enemy that explodes on impact, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within 1 hex, and bouncing additional fireballs outward that deal @PercentDamage*100@% of the damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Fireballs!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nomsy bellows, lobbing a massive fireball towards a random enemy that explodes on impact, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within 1 hex, and bouncing additional fireballs outward that deal @PercentDamage*100@% of the damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoConsume@keyHotkey@ Consume@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu encourages Willump to bite his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If Willump's target has less Health than he does before the bite, it deals an additional @DamageAmp*100@% damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@ConsumeNunu encourages Willump to bite his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If Willump's target has less Health than he does before the bite, it deals an additional @DamageAmp*100@% damage.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Consume@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu encourages Willump to bite his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If Willump's target has less Health than he does before the bite, it deals an additional @DamageAmp*100@% damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Consume@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu encourages Willump to bite his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If Willump's target has less Health than he does before the bite, it deals an additional @DamageAmp*100@% damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Consume@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu encourages Willump to bite his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If Willump's target has less Health than he does before the bite, it deals an additional @DamageAmp*100@% damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRecklessness@keyHotkey@ Recklessness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Olaf seeks glorious death, permanently gaining %i:scaleAD% @StackingAD@ Attack Damage (@StackingAD*2@ in Hyper Roll) whenever he dies (Current Bonus: %i:scaleAD% @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_OlafPassiveBonusAD@ Attack Damage).

    Active: Olaf strikes his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@AttackDamageRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and gaining @ModifiedAttackSpeedRatio@ Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds. If he's below @HealthPercentThreshold@% Health, the Attack Speed is doubled.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    RecklessnessPassive: Olaf seeks glorious death, permanently gaining %i:scaleAD% @StackingAD@ Attack Damage (@StackingAD*2@ in Hyper Roll) whenever he dies (Current Bonus: %i:scaleAD% @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_OlafPassiveBonusAD@ Attack Damage).

    Active: Olaf strikes his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@AttackDamageRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and gaining @ModifiedAttackSpeedRatio@ Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds. If he's below @HealthPercentThreshold@% Health, the Attack Speed is doubled.
    Attack Speed
    Percent of Attack Damage
    [ @AttackSpeedRatio1Prefix@@AttackSpeedRatio1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedRatio1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedRatio2Prefix@@AttackSpeedRatio2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedRatio2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedRatio3Prefix@@AttackSpeedRatio3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedRatio3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackDamageRatio1Prefix@@AttackDamageRatio1*100.000000@%@AttackDamageRatio1Postfix@ / @AttackDamageRatio2Prefix@@AttackDamageRatio2*100.000000@%@AttackDamageRatio2Postfix@ / @AttackDamageRatio3Prefix@@AttackDamageRatio3*100.000000@%@AttackDamageRatio3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Recklessness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Olaf seeks glorious death, permanently gaining %i:scaleAD% @StackingAD@ Attack Damage (@StackingAD*2@ in Hyper Roll) whenever he dies (Current Bonus: %i:scaleAD% @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_OlafPassiveBonusAD@ Attack Damage).

    Active: Olaf strikes his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@AttackDamageRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and gaining @ModifiedAttackSpeedRatio@ Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds. If he's below @HealthPercentThreshold@% Health, the Attack Speed is doubled.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Speed
    Percent of Attack Damage
    @AttackSpeedRatio*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @AttackDamageRatio*100.000000@% -> @AttackDamageRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Recklessness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Olaf seeks glorious death, permanently gaining %i:scaleAD% @StackingAD@ Attack Damage (@StackingAD*2@ in Hyper Roll) whenever he dies (Current Bonus: %i:scaleAD% @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_OlafPassiveBonusAD@ Attack Damage).

    Active: Olaf strikes his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@AttackDamageRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and gaining @ModifiedAttackSpeedRatio@ Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds. If he's below @HealthPercentThreshold@% Health, the Attack Speed is doubled.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Recklessness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Olaf seeks glorious death, permanently gaining %i:scaleAD% @StackingAD@ Attack Damage (@StackingAD*2@ in Hyper Roll) whenever he dies (Current Bonus: %i:scaleAD% @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_OlafPassiveBonusAD@ Attack Damage).

    Active: Olaf strikes his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@AttackDamageRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and gaining @ModifiedAttackSpeedRatio@ Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds. If he's below @HealthPercentThreshold@% Health, the Attack Speed is doubled.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoStampede@keyHotkey@ Stampede@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn summons an elemental that charges towards Ornn through the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and slowing their Attack Speed by 50% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When the elemental reaches Ornn he redirects it towards another distant enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@StampedeOrnn summons an elemental that charges towards Ornn through the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and slowing their Attack Speed by 50% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When the elemental reaches Ornn he redirects it towards another distant enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Stampede@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn summons an elemental that charges towards Ornn through the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and slowing their Attack Speed by 50% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When the elemental reaches Ornn he redirects it towards another distant enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Stampede@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn summons an elemental that charges towards Ornn through the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and slowing their Attack Speed by 50% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When the elemental reaches Ornn he redirects it towards another distant enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Stampede@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn summons an elemental that charges towards Ornn through the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and slowing their Attack Speed by 50% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When the elemental reaches Ornn he redirects it towards another distant enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Aegis Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Pantheon takes @DamageReductionPercent*100@% less damage.

    Active: Pantheon braces his shield for @Duration@ seconds, doubling the effectiveness of his passive and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) in the area in front of him over the duration. Enemies hit have their incoming healing reduced by @HealingReduction@% for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Aegis AssaultPassive: Pantheon takes @DamageReductionPercent*100@% less damage.

    Active: Pantheon braces his shield for @Duration@ seconds, doubling the effectiveness of his passive and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) in the area in front of him over the duration. Enemies hit have their incoming healing reduced by @HealingReduction@% for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.
    Damage Reduction
    Base Damage
    Percent of Attack Damage
    [ @DamageReductionPercent1Prefix@@DamageReductionPercent1*100.000000@%@DamageReductionPercent1Postfix@ / @DamageReductionPercent2Prefix@@DamageReductionPercent2*100.000000@%@DamageReductionPercent2Postfix@ / @DamageReductionPercent3Prefix@@DamageReductionPercent3*100.000000@%@DamageReductionPercent3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentAttackDamage1Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage1*100.000000@%@PercentAttackDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage2Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage2*100.000000@%@PercentAttackDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage3Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage3*100.000000@%@PercentAttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Aegis Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Pantheon takes @DamageReductionPercent*100@% less damage.

    Active: Pantheon braces his shield for @Duration@ seconds, doubling the effectiveness of his passive and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) in the area in front of him over the duration. Enemies hit have their incoming healing reduced by @HealingReduction@% for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Reduction
    Base Damage
    Percent of Attack Damage
    @DamageReductionPercent*100.000000@% -> @DamageReductionPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @PercentAttackDamage*100.000000@% -> @PercentAttackDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Aegis Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Pantheon takes @DamageReductionPercent*100@% less damage.

    Active: Pantheon braces his shield for @Duration@ seconds, doubling the effectiveness of his passive and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) in the area in front of him over the duration. Enemies hit have their incoming healing reduced by @HealingReduction@% for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Aegis Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Pantheon takes @DamageReductionPercent*100@% less damage.

    Active: Pantheon braces his shield for @Duration@ seconds, doubling the effectiveness of his passive and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) in the area in front of him over the duration. Enemies hit have their incoming healing reduced by @HealingReduction@% for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDeath From Below@keyHotkey@ Death From Below@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke dives toward the lowest Health enemy and slashes in an X, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to his target and @ModifiedSecondaryDamage@ to other enemies struck. Enemies hit suffer @HealingReduction@% reduced healing for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.

    If Pyke hits an enemy at or below @HealthThreshold@% Health he executes them and immediately recasts Death From Below.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Death From BelowPyke dives toward the lowest Health enemy and slashes in an X, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to his target and @ModifiedSecondaryDamage@ to other enemies struck. Enemies hit suffer @HealingReduction@% reduced healing for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.

    If Pyke hits an enemy at or below @HealthThreshold@% Health he executes them and immediately recasts Death From Below.
    Secondary Damage
    Execution Threshold
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SecondaryDamage1Prefix@@SecondaryDamage1@@SecondaryDamage1Postfix@ / @SecondaryDamage2Prefix@@SecondaryDamage2@@SecondaryDamage2Postfix@ / @SecondaryDamage3Prefix@@SecondaryDamage3@@SecondaryDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealthThreshold1Prefix@@HealthThreshold1@%@HealthThreshold1Postfix@ / @HealthThreshold2Prefix@@HealthThreshold2@%@HealthThreshold2Postfix@ / @HealthThreshold3Prefix@@HealthThreshold3@%@HealthThreshold3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Death From Below@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke dives toward the lowest Health enemy and slashes in an X, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to his target and @ModifiedSecondaryDamage@ to other enemies struck. Enemies hit suffer @HealingReduction@% reduced healing for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.

    If Pyke hits an enemy at or below @HealthThreshold@% Health he executes them and immediately recasts Death From Below.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Secondary Damage
    Execution Threshold
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @SecondaryDamage@ -> @SecondaryDamageNL@
    @HealthThreshold@% -> @HealthThresholdNL@%
    @keyHotkey@ Death From Below@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke dives toward the lowest Health enemy and slashes in an X, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to his target and @ModifiedSecondaryDamage@ to other enemies struck. Enemies hit suffer @HealingReduction@% reduced healing for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.

    If Pyke hits an enemy at or below @HealthThreshold@% Health he executes them and immediately recasts Death From Below.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Death From Below@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke dives toward the lowest Health enemy and slashes in an X, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to his target and @ModifiedSecondaryDamage@ to other enemies struck. Enemies hit suffer @HealingReduction@% reduced healing for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.

    If Pyke hits an enemy at or below @HealthThreshold@% Health he executes them and immediately recasts Death From Below.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoElemental Blade@keyHotkey@ Elemental Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana dashes to the best position to strike enemies with her blade, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage in a short line and disarming enemies hit for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Elemental BladeQiyana dashes to the best position to strike enemies with her blade, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage in a short line and disarming enemies hit for @CCDuration@ seconds.Magic Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CCDuration1Prefix@@CCDuration1@@CCDuration1Postfix@ / @CCDuration2Prefix@@CCDuration2@@CCDuration2Postfix@ / @CCDuration3Prefix@@CCDuration3@@CCDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Elemental Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana dashes to the best position to strike enemies with her blade, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage in a short line and disarming enemies hit for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @CCDuration@ -> @CCDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Elemental Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana dashes to the best position to strike enemies with her blade, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage in a short line and disarming enemies hit for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Elemental Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana dashes to the best position to strike enemies with her blade, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage in a short line and disarming enemies hit for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDisarming Diversion@keyHotkey@ Disarming Diversion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan dashes to the furthest enemy within his attack range, disarming all units he passes through for @DisarmDuration@ seconds, and taunting his target.

    Then for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, Rakan creates a shield with @ModifiedShield@ health on himself and his attacks grant him an additional @ModifiedBonusShield@ health shield.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Disarming DiversionRakan dashes to the furthest enemy within his attack range, disarming all units he passes through for @DisarmDuration@ seconds, and taunting his target.

    Then for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, Rakan creates a shield with @ModifiedShield@ health on himself and his attacks grant him an additional @ModifiedBonusShield@ health shield.
    Shield Amount
    Disarm Duration
    Bonus Shield
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @DisarmDuration1Prefix@@DisarmDuration1@@DisarmDuration1Postfix@ / @DisarmDuration2Prefix@@DisarmDuration2@@DisarmDuration2Postfix@ / @DisarmDuration3Prefix@@DisarmDuration3@@DisarmDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseBonusShield1Prefix@@BaseBonusShield1@@BaseBonusShield1Postfix@ / @BaseBonusShield2Prefix@@BaseBonusShield2@@BaseBonusShield2Postfix@ / @BaseBonusShield3Prefix@@BaseBonusShield3@@BaseBonusShield3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Disarming Diversion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan dashes to the furthest enemy within his attack range, disarming all units he passes through for @DisarmDuration@ seconds, and taunting his target.

    Then for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, Rakan creates a shield with @ModifiedShield@ health on himself and his attacks grant him an additional @ModifiedBonusShield@ health shield.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    Disarm Duration
    Bonus Shield
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @DisarmDuration@ -> @DisarmDurationNL@
    @BaseBonusShield@ -> @BaseBonusShieldNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Disarming Diversion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan dashes to the furthest enemy within his attack range, disarming all units he passes through for @DisarmDuration@ seconds, and taunting his target.

    Then for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, Rakan creates a shield with @ModifiedShield@ health on himself and his attacks grant him an additional @ModifiedBonusShield@ health shield.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Disarming Diversion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan dashes to the furthest enemy within his attack range, disarming all units he passes through for @DisarmDuration@ seconds, and taunting his target.

    Then for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, Rakan creates a shield with @ModifiedShield@ health on himself and his attacks grant him an additional @ModifiedBonusShield@ health shield.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoIron Bond@keyHotkey@ Iron Bond@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell forms a tether between herself and her lowest percent health ally, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies between herself and her bound ally. She also grants herself and her bound ally @Resists@% of Rell's current Armor and Magic Resist for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Iron BondRell forms a tether between herself and her lowest percent health ally, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies between herself and her bound ally. She also grants herself and her bound ally @Resists@% of Rell's current Armor and Magic Resist for @Duration@ seconds.Damage
    % Armor and Magic Resist
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Resists1Prefix@@Resists1@@Resists1Postfix@ / @Resists2Prefix@@Resists2@@Resists2Postfix@ / @Resists3Prefix@@Resists3@@Resists3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Iron Bond@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell forms a tether between herself and her lowest percent health ally, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies between herself and her bound ally. She also grants herself and her bound ally @Resists@% of Rell's current Armor and Magic Resist for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    % Armor and Magic Resist
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Resists@ -> @ResistsNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Iron Bond@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell forms a tether between herself and her lowest percent health ally, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies between herself and her bound ally. She also grants herself and her bound ally @Resists@% of Rell's current Armor and Magic Resist for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Iron Bond@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell forms a tether between herself and her lowest percent health ally, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies between herself and her bound ally. She also grants herself and her bound ally @Resists@% of Rell's current Armor and Magic Resist for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Unseen Predator@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rengar leaps to the lowest armor enemy, dealing @TotalPhysicalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @BonusPhysicalDamage@). He then gains a burst of attack speed for his next @NumEmpoweredAttacks@ attacks.
    Unseen PredatorRengar leaps to the lowest armor enemy, dealing @TotalPhysicalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @BonusPhysicalDamage@). He then gains a burst of attack speed for his next @NumEmpoweredAttacks@ attacks.
    Percent of Attack Damage
    Bonus Damage
    [ @ADPercent1Prefix@@ADPercent1*100.000000@%@ADPercent1Postfix@ / @ADPercent2Prefix@@ADPercent2*100.000000@%@ADPercent2Postfix@ / @ADPercent3Prefix@@ADPercent3*100.000000@%@ADPercent3Postfix@ ]
    [ @FlatDamage1Prefix@@FlatDamage1@@FlatDamage1Postfix@ / @FlatDamage2Prefix@@FlatDamage2@@FlatDamage2Postfix@ / @FlatDamage3Prefix@@FlatDamage3@@FlatDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Unseen Predator@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rengar leaps to the lowest armor enemy, dealing @TotalPhysicalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @BonusPhysicalDamage@). He then gains a burst of attack speed for his next @NumEmpoweredAttacks@ attacks.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPercent of Attack Damage
    Bonus Damage
    @ADPercent*100.000000@% -> @ADPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @FlatDamage@ -> @FlatDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Unseen Predator@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rengar leaps to the lowest armor enemy, dealing @TotalPhysicalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @BonusPhysicalDamage@). He then gains a burst of attack speed for his next @NumEmpoweredAttacks@ attacks.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Unseen Predator@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rengar leaps to the lowest armor enemy, dealing @TotalPhysicalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @BonusPhysicalDamage@). He then gains a burst of attack speed for his next @NumEmpoweredAttacks@ attacks.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoOverload@keyHotkey@ Overload@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ryze hurls @NumOfOrbs@ arcane orb at his target, dealing @SingleOrbDamage@ magic damage (@ModifiedPercentMana@%%i:scaleAP% maximum Mana %i:scaleMana%). Each cast increases his maximum Mana by @ManaIncrease@ and the number of orbs thrown by @OrbIncrease@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@OverloadRyze hurls @NumOfOrbs@ arcane orb at his target, dealing @SingleOrbDamage@ magic damage (@ModifiedPercentMana@%%i:scaleAP% maximum Mana %i:scaleMana%). Each cast increases his maximum Mana by @ManaIncrease@ and the number of orbs thrown by @OrbIncrease@.% Max Mana as Damage[ @PercentMana1Prefix@@PercentMana1@%@PercentMana1Postfix@ / @PercentMana2Prefix@@PercentMana2@%@PercentMana2Postfix@ / @PercentMana3Prefix@@PercentMana3@%@PercentMana3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Overload@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ryze hurls @NumOfOrbs@ arcane orb at his target, dealing @SingleOrbDamage@ magic damage (@ModifiedPercentMana@%%i:scaleAP% maximum Mana %i:scaleMana%). Each cast increases his maximum Mana by @ManaIncrease@ and the number of orbs thrown by @OrbIncrease@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up% Max Mana as Damage@PercentMana@% -> @PercentManaNL@%@keyHotkey@ Overload@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ryze hurls @NumOfOrbs@ arcane orb at his target, dealing @SingleOrbDamage@ magic damage (@ModifiedPercentMana@%%i:scaleAP% maximum Mana %i:scaleMana%). Each cast increases his maximum Mana by @ManaIncrease@ and the number of orbs thrown by @OrbIncrease@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Overload@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ryze hurls @NumOfOrbs@ arcane orb at his target, dealing @SingleOrbDamage@ magic damage (@ModifiedPercentMana@%%i:scaleAP% maximum Mana %i:scaleMana%). Each cast increases his maximum Mana by @ManaIncrease@ and the number of orbs thrown by @OrbIncrease@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWarrior's Wrath@keyHotkey@ Warrior's Wrath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani swings her mace wide, hitting all enemies in a cone for @SpellDamage@ %i:scaleHealth% magic damage (@TooltipModifiedFractionMaxHealth@ maximum Health). She quickly strikes again, repeating the damage on her target and the enemy directly behind it and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Warrior's WrathSejuani swings her mace wide, hitting all enemies in a cone for @SpellDamage@ %i:scaleHealth% magic damage (@TooltipModifiedFractionMaxHealth@ maximum Health). She quickly strikes again, repeating the damage on her target and the enemy directly behind it and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Stun Duration[ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Warrior's Wrath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani swings her mace wide, hitting all enemies in a cone for @SpellDamage@ %i:scaleHealth% magic damage (@TooltipModifiedFractionMaxHealth@ maximum Health). She quickly strikes again, repeating the damage on her target and the enemy directly behind it and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upStun Duration@StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@@keyHotkey@ Warrior's Wrath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani swings her mace wide, hitting all enemies in a cone for @SpellDamage@ %i:scaleHealth% magic damage (@TooltipModifiedFractionMaxHealth@ maximum Health). She quickly strikes again, repeating the damage on her target and the enemy directly behind it and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Warrior's Wrath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani swings her mace wide, hitting all enemies in a cone for @SpellDamage@ %i:scaleHealth% magic damage (@TooltipModifiedFractionMaxHealth@ maximum Health). She quickly strikes again, repeating the damage on her target and the enemy directly behind it and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLast Embrace@keyHotkey@ Last Embrace@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna launches black mist toward the farthest enemy, striking the first enemy hit and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) on a small area and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage to the target hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Last EmbraceSenna launches black mist toward the farthest enemy, striking the first enemy hit and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) on a small area and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage to the target hit.@keyHotkey@ Last Embrace@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna launches black mist toward the farthest enemy, striking the first enemy hit and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) on a small area and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage to the target hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Last Embrace@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna launches black mist toward the farthest enemy, striking the first enemy hit and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) on a small area and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage to the target hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Last Embrace@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna launches black mist toward the farthest enemy, striking the first enemy hit and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) on a small area and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage to the target hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLast EmbraceSenna launches black mist toward the farthest enemy, striking the first enemy hit and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) on a small area and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage to the target hit.Bonus Damage
    % Attack Damage
    [ @BonusMagicDamage1Prefix@@BonusMagicDamage1@@BonusMagicDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusMagicDamage2Prefix@@BonusMagicDamage2@@BonusMagicDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusMagicDamage3Prefix@@BonusMagicDamage3@@BonusMagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentAttackDamage1Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage1@%@PercentAttackDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage2Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage2@%@PercentAttackDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage3Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage3@%@PercentAttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Last Embrace@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna launches black mist toward the farthest enemy, striking the first enemy hit and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) on a small area and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage to the target hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Damage
    % Attack Damage
    @BonusMagicDamage@ -> @BonusMagicDamageNL@
    @PercentAttackDamage@% -> @PercentAttackDamageNL@%
    Serenade of the Seas@keyHotkey@ Serenade of the Seas@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine sings a serenade of the seas, granting a @ModifiedShield@ shield and @ModifiedOnHit@ magic damage on attacks to all allies within @Hex@ hexes for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Serenade of the SeasSeraphine sings a serenade of the seas, granting a @ModifiedShield@ shield and @ModifiedOnHit@ magic damage on attacks to all allies within @Hex@ hexes for @Duration@ seconds.Shield Amount
    On-Hit Damage
    [ @Shield1Prefix@@Shield1@@Shield1Postfix@ / @Shield2Prefix@@Shield2@@Shield2Postfix@ / @Shield3Prefix@@Shield3@@Shield3Postfix@ ]
    [ @OnHit1Prefix@@OnHit1@@OnHit1Postfix@ / @OnHit2Prefix@@OnHit2@@OnHit2Postfix@ / @OnHit3Prefix@@OnHit3@@OnHit3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Serenade of the Seas@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine sings a serenade of the seas, granting a @ModifiedShield@ shield and @ModifiedOnHit@ magic damage on attacks to all allies within @Hex@ hexes for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    On-Hit Damage
    @Shield@ -> @ShieldNL@
    @OnHit@ -> @OnHitNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Serenade of the Seas@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine sings a serenade of the seas, granting a @ModifiedShield@ shield and @ModifiedOnHit@ magic damage on attacks to all allies within @Hex@ hexes for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Serenade of the Seas@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine sings a serenade of the seas, granting a @ModifiedShield@ shield and @ModifiedOnHit@ magic damage on attacks to all allies within @Hex@ hexes for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKnuckle Down@keyHotkey@ Knuckle Down@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @Duration@ seconds, Sett gains @ModifiedResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist, and every other punch deals @TotalBonusDamage@ bonus physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Knuckle DownFor the next @Duration@ seconds, Sett gains @ModifiedResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist, and every other punch deals @TotalBonusDamage@ bonus physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).Armor and Magic Resist
    % Attack Damage
    [ @BaseResistAmount1Prefix@@BaseResistAmount1@@BaseResistAmount1Postfix@ / @BaseResistAmount2Prefix@@BaseResistAmount2@@BaseResistAmount2Postfix@ / @BaseResistAmount3Prefix@@BaseResistAmount3@@BaseResistAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ADRatio1Prefix@@ADRatio1*100.000000@@ADRatio1Postfix@ / @ADRatio2Prefix@@ADRatio2*100.000000@@ADRatio2Postfix@ / @ADRatio3Prefix@@ADRatio3*100.000000@@ADRatio3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Knuckle Down@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @Duration@ seconds, Sett gains @ModifiedResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist, and every other punch deals @TotalBonusDamage@ bonus physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upArmor and Magic Resist
    % Attack Damage
    @BaseResistAmount@ -> @BaseResistAmountNL@
    @ADRatio*100.000000@ -> @ADRatioNL*100.000000@
    @keyHotkey@ Knuckle Down@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @Duration@ seconds, Sett gains @ModifiedResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist, and every other punch deals @TotalBonusDamage@ bonus physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Knuckle Down@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @Duration@ seconds, Sett gains @ModifiedResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist, and every other punch deals @TotalBonusDamage@ bonus physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFlame's Refuge@keyHotkey@ Flame's Refuge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen creates a zone around himself for @ZoneDuration@ seconds, in which all nearby allies dodge physical damage. While it's active, Shen gains @ModifiedMR@ Magic Resist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Flame's RefugeShen creates a zone around himself for @ZoneDuration@ seconds, in which all nearby allies dodge physical damage. While it's active, Shen gains @ModifiedMR@ Magic Resist.Duration
    Magic Resist Bonus
    [ @ZoneDuration1Prefix@@ZoneDuration1@@ZoneDuration1Postfix@ / @ZoneDuration2Prefix@@ZoneDuration2@@ZoneDuration2Postfix@ / @ZoneDuration3Prefix@@ZoneDuration3@@ZoneDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MagicResist1Prefix@@MagicResist1@@MagicResist1Postfix@ / @MagicResist2Prefix@@MagicResist2@@MagicResist2Postfix@ / @MagicResist3Prefix@@MagicResist3@@MagicResist3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Flame's Refuge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen creates a zone around himself for @ZoneDuration@ seconds, in which all nearby allies dodge physical damage. While it's active, Shen gains @ModifiedMR@ Magic Resist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDuration
    Magic Resist Bonus
    @ZoneDuration@ -> @ZoneDurationNL@
    @MagicResist@ -> @MagicResistNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Flame's Refuge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen creates a zone around himself for @ZoneDuration@ seconds, in which all nearby allies dodge physical damage. While it's active, Shen gains @ModifiedMR@ Magic Resist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Flame's Refuge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen creates a zone around himself for @ZoneDuration@ seconds, in which all nearby allies dodge physical damage. While it's active, Shen gains @ModifiedMR@ Magic Resist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDragon's Descent@keyHotkey@ Dragon's Descent@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shyvana transforms into Dragon Form for the rest of combat, replacing her ability with Flame Breath. She then becomes untargetable before dive-bombing the largest group of enemies, dealing @ModifiedInitialDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. After landing, Shyvana casts Flame Breath again immediately.

    Flame Breath: Shyvana breathes fire in a cone, dealing up to @ModifiedFlameBreathDamage@ magic damage. While breathing fire, Shyvana is always enraged.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Dragon's DescentShyvana transforms into Dragon Form for the rest of combat, replacing her ability with Flame Breath. She then becomes untargetable before dive-bombing the largest group of enemies, dealing @ModifiedInitialDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. After landing, Shyvana casts Flame Breath again immediately.

    Flame Breath: Shyvana breathes fire in a cone, dealing up to @ModifiedFlameBreathDamage@ magic damage. While breathing fire, Shyvana is always enraged.
    Initial Damage
    Flame Breath Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @InitialDamage1Prefix@@InitialDamage1@@InitialDamage1Postfix@ / @InitialDamage2Prefix@@InitialDamage2@@InitialDamage2Postfix@ / @InitialDamage3Prefix@@InitialDamage3@@InitialDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @FlameBreathDamage1Prefix@@FlameBreathDamage1@@FlameBreathDamage1Postfix@ / @FlameBreathDamage2Prefix@@FlameBreathDamage2@@FlameBreathDamage2Postfix@ / @FlameBreathDamage3Prefix@@FlameBreathDamage3@@FlameBreathDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Dragon's Descent@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shyvana transforms into Dragon Form for the rest of combat, replacing her ability with Flame Breath. She then becomes untargetable before dive-bombing the largest group of enemies, dealing @ModifiedInitialDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. After landing, Shyvana casts Flame Breath again immediately.

    Flame Breath: Shyvana breathes fire in a cone, dealing up to @ModifiedFlameBreathDamage@ magic damage. While breathing fire, Shyvana is always enraged.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upInitial Damage
    Flame Breath Damage
    Stun Duration
    @InitialDamage@ -> @InitialDamageNL@
    @FlameBreathDamage@ -> @FlameBreathDamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Dragon's Descent@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shyvana transforms into Dragon Form for the rest of combat, replacing her ability with Flame Breath. She then becomes untargetable before dive-bombing the largest group of enemies, dealing @ModifiedInitialDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. After landing, Shyvana casts Flame Breath again immediately.

    Flame Breath: Shyvana breathes fire in a cone, dealing up to @ModifiedFlameBreathDamage@ magic damage. While breathing fire, Shyvana is always enraged.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Dragon's Descent@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shyvana transforms into Dragon Form for the rest of combat, replacing her ability with Flame Breath. She then becomes untargetable before dive-bombing the largest group of enemies, dealing @ModifiedInitialDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. After landing, Shyvana casts Flame Breath again immediately.

    Flame Breath: Shyvana breathes fire in a cone, dealing up to @ModifiedFlameBreathDamage@ magic damage. While breathing fire, Shyvana is always enraged.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCrystalline Exoskeleton@keyHotkey@ Crystalline Exoskeleton@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Skarner shields himself for @ModifiedShield@ for @Duration@ seconds, and gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed while it holds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Crystalline ExoskeletonSkarner shields himself for @ModifiedShield@ for @Duration@ seconds, and gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed while it holds.Shield Amount
    Attack Speed
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackSpeed1Prefix@@AttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed2Prefix@@AttackSpeed2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed3Prefix@@AttackSpeed3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Crystalline Exoskeleton@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Skarner shields himself for @ModifiedShield@ for @Duration@ seconds, and gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed while it holds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    Attack Speed
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @AttackSpeed*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Crystalline Exoskeleton@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Skarner shields himself for @ModifiedShield@ for @Duration@ seconds, and gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed while it holds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Crystalline Exoskeleton@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Skarner shields himself for @ModifiedShield@ for @Duration@ seconds, and gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed while it holds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCrescendo@keyHotkey@ Crescendo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sona plays her ultimate chord toward the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@CrescendoSona plays her ultimate chord toward the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Crescendo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sona plays her ultimate chord toward the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    @MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Crescendo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sona plays her ultimate chord toward the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Crescendo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sona plays her ultimate chord toward the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoStarfall@keyHotkey@ Starfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While any ally is below @HealthThreshold@% Health, Soraka gains an additional @ManaPerAttack@ mana per attack.

    Active: Soraka calls down a shower of stars over the next @Duration@ seconds. Allies are healed for @ModifiedHealing@ each time a star hits them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    StarfallPassive: While any ally is below @HealthThreshold@% Health, Soraka gains an additional @ManaPerAttack@ mana per attack.

    Active: Soraka calls down a shower of stars over the next @Duration@ seconds. Allies are healed for @ModifiedHealing@ each time a star hits them.
    Healing[ @Healing1Prefix@@Healing1@@Healing1Postfix@ / @Healing2Prefix@@Healing2@@Healing2Postfix@ / @Healing3Prefix@@Healing3@@Healing3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Starfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While any ally is below @HealthThreshold@% Health, Soraka gains an additional @ManaPerAttack@ mana per attack.

    Active: Soraka calls down a shower of stars over the next @Duration@ seconds. Allies are healed for @ModifiedHealing@ each time a star hits them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHealing@Healing@ -> @HealingNL@@keyHotkey@ Starfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While any ally is below @HealthThreshold@% Health, Soraka gains an additional @ManaPerAttack@ mana per attack.

    Active: Soraka calls down a shower of stars over the next @Duration@ seconds. Allies are healed for @ModifiedHealing@ each time a star hits them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Starfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While any ally is below @HealthThreshold@% Health, Soraka gains an additional @ManaPerAttack@ mana per attack.

    Active: Soraka calls down a shower of stars over the next @Duration@ seconds. Allies are healed for @ModifiedHealing@ each time a star hits them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDraconic Ascension@keyHotkey@ Draconic Ascension@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain transforms into Dragon Form, replacing his attacks with fireballs that deal @ModifiedFireballDamage@ magic damage and replacing his Ability with Greater Fireball.

    Greater Fireball: Swain's next fireball deals @PercentBonusDamage@% more damage and explodes in an area around his target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Draconic AscensionSwain transforms into Dragon Form, replacing his attacks with fireballs that deal @ModifiedFireballDamage@ magic damage and replacing his Ability with Greater Fireball.

    Greater Fireball: Swain's next fireball deals @PercentBonusDamage@% more damage and explodes in an area around his target.
    Damage[ @FireballDamage1Prefix@@FireballDamage1@@FireballDamage1Postfix@ / @FireballDamage2Prefix@@FireballDamage2@@FireballDamage2Postfix@ / @FireballDamage3Prefix@@FireballDamage3@@FireballDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Draconic Ascension@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain transforms into Dragon Form, replacing his attacks with fireballs that deal @ModifiedFireballDamage@ magic damage and replacing his Ability with Greater Fireball.

    Greater Fireball: Swain's next fireball deals @PercentBonusDamage@% more damage and explodes in an area around his target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@FireballDamage@ -> @FireballDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Draconic Ascension@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain transforms into Dragon Form, replacing his attacks with fireballs that deal @ModifiedFireballDamage@ magic damage and replacing his Ability with Greater Fireball.

    Greater Fireball: Swain's next fireball deals @PercentBonusDamage@% more damage and explodes in an area around his target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Draconic Ascension@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain transforms into Dragon Form, replacing his attacks with fireballs that deal @ModifiedFireballDamage@ magic damage and replacing his Ability with Greater Fireball.

    Greater Fireball: Swain's next fireball deals @PercentBonusDamage@% more damage and explodes in an area around his target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Petricite Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas whirls his chains, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and shielding himself for @ModifiedShield@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. If Sylas has already shielded himself, he hits in a larger area and applies Mana-Reave to enemies hit, increasing the cost of their next ability by 35%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Petricite BurstSylas whirls his chains, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and shielding himself for @ModifiedShield@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. If Sylas has already shielded himself, he hits in a larger area and applies Mana-Reave to enemies hit, increasing the cost of their next ability by 35%.Damage
    Shield Amount
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Shield1Prefix@@Shield1@@Shield1Postfix@ / @Shield2Prefix@@Shield2@@Shield2Postfix@ / @Shield3Prefix@@Shield3@@Shield3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Petricite Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas whirls his chains, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and shielding himself for @ModifiedShield@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. If Sylas has already shielded himself, he hits in a larger area and applies Mana-Reave to enemies hit, increasing the cost of their next ability by 35%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Shield Amount
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Shield@ -> @ShieldNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Petricite Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas whirls his chains, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and shielding himself for @ModifiedShield@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. If Sylas has already shielded himself, he hits in a larger area and applies Mana-Reave to enemies hit, increasing the cost of their next ability by 35%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Petricite Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas whirls his chains, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and shielding himself for @ModifiedShield@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. If Sylas has already shielded himself, he hits in a larger area and applies Mana-Reave to enemies hit, increasing the cost of their next ability by 35%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoThicker Skin@keyHotkey@ Thicker Skin@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tahm Kench shields himself for @ModifiedShield@ + @ShieldHealthRatio*100@% maximum Health for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The next @NumAttacks@ enemy attacks he receives during this duration deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the attacker.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Thicker SkinTahm Kench shields himself for @ModifiedShield@ + @ShieldHealthRatio*100@% maximum Health for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The next @NumAttacks@ enemy attacks he receives during this duration deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the attacker.Shield Amount
    Magic Damage
    [ @BaseShield1Prefix@@BaseShield1@@BaseShield1Postfix@ / @BaseShield2Prefix@@BaseShield2@@BaseShield2Postfix@ / @BaseShield3Prefix@@BaseShield3@@BaseShield3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Thicker Skin@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tahm Kench shields himself for @ModifiedShield@ + @ShieldHealthRatio*100@% maximum Health for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The next @NumAttacks@ enemy attacks he receives during this duration deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the attacker.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    Magic Damage
    @BaseShield@ -> @BaseShieldNL@
    @MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Thicker Skin@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tahm Kench shields himself for @ModifiedShield@ + @ShieldHealthRatio*100@% maximum Health for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The next @NumAttacks@ enemy attacks he receives during this duration deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the attacker.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Thicker Skin@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tahm Kench shields himself for @ModifiedShield@ + @ShieldHealthRatio*100@% maximum Health for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The next @NumAttacks@ enemy attacks he receives during this duration deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the attacker.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFlowing Volley@keyHotkey@ Flowing Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah throws 3 stones at her target, each dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Flowing VolleyTaliyah throws 3 stones at her target, each dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ to the first enemy hit.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Flowing Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah throws 3 stones at her target, each dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Flowing Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah throws 3 stones at her target, each dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Flowing Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah throws 3 stones at her target, each dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoShadow Assault@keyHotkey@ Shadow Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon stealths for @StealthDuration@ seconds and flings out a ring of blades, dealing @SecondaryTotalDamage@ physical damage (@SecondaryRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to enemies hit. He then leaps to the farthest enemy within 4 hexes and recalls the blades, dealing that damage again and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) to his target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Shadow AssaultTalon stealths for @StealthDuration@ seconds and flings out a ring of blades, dealing @SecondaryTotalDamage@ physical damage (@SecondaryRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to enemies hit. He then leaps to the farthest enemy within 4 hexes and recalls the blades, dealing that damage again and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) to his target.Ring % Attack Damage
    Primary % Attack Damage
    Base Damage
    [ @SecondaryRatio1Prefix@@SecondaryRatio1@@SecondaryRatio1Postfix@ / @SecondaryRatio2Prefix@@SecondaryRatio2@@SecondaryRatio2Postfix@ / @SecondaryRatio3Prefix@@SecondaryRatio3@@SecondaryRatio3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ADRatio1Prefix@@ADRatio1*100.000000@%@ADRatio1Postfix@ / @ADRatio2Prefix@@ADRatio2*100.000000@%@ADRatio2Postfix@ / @ADRatio3Prefix@@ADRatio3*100.000000@%@ADRatio3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Shadow Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon stealths for @StealthDuration@ seconds and flings out a ring of blades, dealing @SecondaryTotalDamage@ physical damage (@SecondaryRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to enemies hit. He then leaps to the farthest enemy within 4 hexes and recalls the blades, dealing that damage again and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) to his target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upRing % Attack Damage
    Primary % Attack Damage
    Base Damage
    @SecondaryRatio@ -> @SecondaryRatioNL@
    @ADRatio*100.000000@% -> @ADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Shadow Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon stealths for @StealthDuration@ seconds and flings out a ring of blades, dealing @SecondaryTotalDamage@ physical damage (@SecondaryRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to enemies hit. He then leaps to the farthest enemy within 4 hexes and recalls the blades, dealing that damage again and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) to his target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Shadow Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon stealths for @StealthDuration@ seconds and flings out a ring of blades, dealing @SecondaryTotalDamage@ physical damage (@SecondaryRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to enemies hit. He then leaps to the farthest enemy within 4 hexes and recalls the blades, dealing that damage again and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) to his target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBastion@keyHotkey@ Bastion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric grants himself and his closest ally a protective rune that increases Armor by @ModifiedArmor@ for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@BastionTaric grants himself and his closest ally a protective rune that increases Armor by @ModifiedArmor@ for @Duration@ seconds.Armor[ @Armor1Prefix@@Armor1@@Armor1Postfix@ / @Armor2Prefix@@Armor2@@Armor2Postfix@ / @Armor3Prefix@@Armor3@@Armor3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Bastion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric grants himself and his closest ally a protective rune that increases Armor by @ModifiedArmor@ for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upArmor@Armor@ -> @ArmorNL@@keyHotkey@ Bastion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric grants himself and his closest ally a protective rune that increases Armor by @ModifiedArmor@ for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Bastion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric grants himself and his closest ally a protective rune that increases Armor by @ModifiedArmor@ for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDeath Sentence@keyHotkey@ Death Sentence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh hooks the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, stunning them for @PullDuration@ seconds and pulling them towards himself over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Death SentenceThresh hooks the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, stunning them for @PullDuration@ seconds and pulling them towards himself over the duration.Magic Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Death Sentence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh hooks the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, stunning them for @PullDuration@ seconds and pulling them towards himself over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Death Sentence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh hooks the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, stunning them for @PullDuration@ seconds and pulling them towards himself over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Death Sentence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh hooks the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, stunning them for @PullDuration@ seconds and pulling them towards himself over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFireball!@keyHotkey@ Fireball!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nomsy breathes fire towards its target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and burning them for @TooltipBurnPercent*100@% of their maximum Health true damage per second over @BurnDuration@ seconds. Burned enemies suffer @GrievousWoundsPercent@% reduced healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Fireball!Nomsy breathes fire towards its target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and burning them for @TooltipBurnPercent*100@% of their maximum Health true damage per second over @BurnDuration@ seconds. Burned enemies suffer @GrievousWoundsPercent@% reduced healing.Shield Amount[ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Fireball!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nomsy breathes fire towards its target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and burning them for @TooltipBurnPercent*100@% of their maximum Health true damage per second over @BurnDuration@ seconds. Burned enemies suffer @GrievousWoundsPercent@% reduced healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount@ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@@keyHotkey@ Fireball!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nomsy breathes fire towards its target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and burning them for @TooltipBurnPercent*100@% of their maximum Health true damage per second over @BurnDuration@ seconds. Burned enemies suffer @GrievousWoundsPercent@% reduced healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Fireball!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nomsy breathes fire towards its target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and burning them for @TooltipBurnPercent*100@% of their maximum Health true damage per second over @BurnDuration@ seconds. Burned enemies suffer @GrievousWoundsPercent@% reduced healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFireball!Nomsy breathes fire towards its target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and burning them for @TooltipBurnPercent*100@% of their maximum Health true damage per second over @BurnDuration@ seconds. Burned enemies suffer @GrievousWoundsPercent@% reduced healing.Shield Amount
    Magic Damage
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Fireball!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nomsy breathes fire towards its target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and burning them for @TooltipBurnPercent*100@% of their maximum Health true damage per second over @BurnDuration@ seconds. Burned enemies suffer @GrievousWoundsPercent@% reduced healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    Magic Damage
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    Fireball!Nomsy breathes fire towards its target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and burning them for @TooltipBurnPercent*100@% of their maximum Health true damage per second over @BurnDuration@ seconds. Burned enemies suffer @GrievousWoundsPercent@% reduced healing.Magic Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Fireball!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nomsy breathes fire towards its target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and burning them for @TooltipBurnPercent*100@% of their maximum Health true damage per second over @BurnDuration@ seconds. Burned enemies suffer @GrievousWoundsPercent@% reduced healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@Explosive Charge@keyHotkey@ Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana fires up to @NumOfCharges@ explosive charges, prioritizing the closest targets without a charge. Charges detonate after @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to nearby enemies and an additional @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Explosive ChargeTristana fires up to @NumOfCharges@ explosive charges, prioritizing the closest targets without a charge. Charges detonate after @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to nearby enemies and an additional @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target.% Attack Damage
    Magic Damage
    [ @PercentAD1Prefix@@PercentAD1*100.000000@%@PercentAD1Postfix@ / @PercentAD2Prefix@@PercentAD2*100.000000@%@PercentAD2Postfix@ / @PercentAD3Prefix@@PercentAD3*100.000000@%@PercentAD3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana fires up to @NumOfCharges@ explosive charges, prioritizing the closest targets without a charge. Charges detonate after @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to nearby enemies and an additional @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up% Attack Damage
    Magic Damage
    @PercentAD*100.000000@% -> @PercentADNL*100.000000@%
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana fires up to @NumOfCharges@ explosive charges, prioritizing the closest targets without a charge. Charges detonate after @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to nearby enemies and an additional @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana fires up to @NumOfCharges@ explosive charges, prioritizing the closest targets without a charge. Charges detonate after @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to nearby enemies and an additional @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBlast Potion@keyHotkey@ Blast Potion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch hurls an exploding flask at his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) in an area and reducing the Armor of enemies hit by @TooltipShredMult*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Blast PotionTwitch hurls an exploding flask at his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) in an area and reducing the Armor of enemies hit by @TooltipShredMult*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.Base Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Blast Potion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch hurls an exploding flask at his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) in an area and reducing the Armor of enemies hit by @TooltipShredMult*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Damage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Blast Potion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch hurls an exploding flask at his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) in an area and reducing the Armor of enemies hit by @TooltipShredMult*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Blast Potion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch hurls an exploding flask at his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) in an area and reducing the Armor of enemies hit by @TooltipShredMult*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoChain of Constellations@keyHotkey@ Chain of Constellations@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus sends out a cosmic tendril towards his target that strikes the first enemy hit, dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Tendrils then spread to @SpreadCount@ nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Chain of ConstellationsVarus sends out a cosmic tendril towards his target that strikes the first enemy hit, dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Tendrils then spread to @SpreadCount@ nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for the same duration.@keyHotkey@ Chain of Constellations@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus sends out a cosmic tendril towards his target that strikes the first enemy hit, dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Tendrils then spread to @SpreadCount@ nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Chain of Constellations@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus sends out a cosmic tendril towards his target that strikes the first enemy hit, dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Tendrils then spread to @SpreadCount@ nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Chain of Constellations@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus sends out a cosmic tendril towards his target that strikes the first enemy hit, dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Tendrils then spread to @SpreadCount@ nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoChain of ConstellationsVarus sends out a cosmic tendril towards his target that strikes the first enemy hit, dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Tendrils then spread to @SpreadCount@ nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for the same duration.Stun Duration
    Magic Damage
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Chain of Constellations@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus sends out a cosmic tendril towards his target that strikes the first enemy hit, dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Tendrils then spread to @SpreadCount@ nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upStun Duration
    Magic Damage
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@
    Transfusion@keyHotkey@ Transfusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vladimir deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to his target and heals himself for @ModifiedHeal@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@TransfusionVladimir deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to his target and heals himself for @ModifiedHeal@.Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Heal1Prefix@@Heal1@@Heal1Postfix@ / @Heal2Prefix@@Heal2@@Heal2Postfix@ / @Heal3Prefix@@Heal3@@Heal3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Transfusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vladimir deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to his target and heals himself for @ModifiedHeal@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Heal@ -> @HealNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Transfusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vladimir deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to his target and heals himself for @ModifiedHeal@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Transfusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vladimir deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to his target and heals himself for @ModifiedHeal@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRelentless Storm@keyHotkey@ Relentless Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear rages, gaining @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus Health. For the rest of combat, every @NumAttacks@rd attack deals @ModifiedDamagePerTarget@ magic bonus magic damage to the target, and @ModifiedDamagePerTarget@ magic damage to up to @NumTargets@ additional enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Relentless StormVolibear rages, gaining @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus Health. For the rest of combat, every @NumAttacks@rd attack deals @ModifiedDamagePerTarget@ magic bonus magic damage to the target, and @ModifiedDamagePerTarget@ magic damage to up to @NumTargets@ additional enemies.Damage
    Bonus Health
    [ @DamagePerTarget1Prefix@@DamagePerTarget1@@DamagePerTarget1Postfix@ / @DamagePerTarget2Prefix@@DamagePerTarget2@@DamagePerTarget2Postfix@ / @DamagePerTarget3Prefix@@DamagePerTarget3@@DamagePerTarget3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusHealth1Prefix@@BonusHealth1@@BonusHealth1Postfix@ / @BonusHealth2Prefix@@BonusHealth2@@BonusHealth2Postfix@ / @BonusHealth3Prefix@@BonusHealth3@@BonusHealth3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Relentless Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear rages, gaining @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus Health. For the rest of combat, every @NumAttacks@rd attack deals @ModifiedDamagePerTarget@ magic bonus magic damage to the target, and @ModifiedDamagePerTarget@ magic damage to up to @NumTargets@ additional enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Bonus Health
    @DamagePerTarget@ -> @DamagePerTargetNL@
    @BonusHealth@ -> @BonusHealthNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Relentless Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear rages, gaining @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus Health. For the rest of combat, every @NumAttacks@rd attack deals @ModifiedDamagePerTarget@ magic bonus magic damage to the target, and @ModifiedDamagePerTarget@ magic damage to up to @NumTargets@ additional enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Relentless Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear rages, gaining @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus Health. For the rest of combat, every @NumAttacks@rd attack deals @ModifiedDamagePerTarget@ magic bonus magic damage to the target, and @ModifiedDamagePerTarget@ magic damage to up to @NumTargets@ additional enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCrushing Blow@keyHotkey@ Crushing Blow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong slams his target with his staff, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% plus @TooltipBaseDamage@) and stunning them for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Crushing BlowWukong slams his target with his staff, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% plus @TooltipBaseDamage@) and stunning them for @Duration@ seconds.% Attack Damage
    Stun Duration
    Base Damage
    [ @PercentAD1Prefix@@PercentAD1*100.000000@%@PercentAD1Postfix@ / @PercentAD2Prefix@@PercentAD2*100.000000@%@PercentAD2Postfix@ / @PercentAD3Prefix@@PercentAD3*100.000000@%@PercentAD3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Duration1Prefix@@Duration1@@Duration1Postfix@ / @Duration2Prefix@@Duration2@@Duration2Postfix@ / @Duration3Prefix@@Duration3@@Duration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Crushing Blow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong slams his target with his staff, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% plus @TooltipBaseDamage@) and stunning them for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up% Attack Damage
    Stun Duration
    Base Damage
    @PercentAD*100.000000@% -> @PercentADNL*100.000000@%
    @Duration@ -> @DurationNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Crushing Blow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong slams his target with his staff, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% plus @TooltipBaseDamage@) and stunning them for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Crushing Blow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong slams his target with his staff, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% plus @TooltipBaseDamage@) and stunning them for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFeathers FLY!@keyHotkey@ Feathers FLY!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For @Duration@ seconds, whenever Xayah attacks she fires a feather behind her target and @NumBonusAttacks@ nearby enemies.

    At the end of this duration Xayah recalls her feathers, dealing @ModifiedPullbackDamagePerFeather@ physical damage (@RecallAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @TooltipRecallAP@) per feather to enemies struck.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Feathers FLY!For @Duration@ seconds, whenever Xayah attacks she fires a feather behind her target and @NumBonusAttacks@ nearby enemies.

    At the end of this duration Xayah recalls her feathers, dealing @ModifiedPullbackDamagePerFeather@ physical damage (@RecallAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @TooltipRecallAP@) per feather to enemies struck.
    Bonus Feathers
    Recall % Attack Damage
    Recall Damage
    [ @NumBonusAttacks1Prefix@@NumBonusAttacks1@@NumBonusAttacks1Postfix@ / @NumBonusAttacks2Prefix@@NumBonusAttacks2@@NumBonusAttacks2Postfix@ / @NumBonusAttacks3Prefix@@NumBonusAttacks3@@NumBonusAttacks3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RecallAD1Prefix@@RecallAD1*100.000000@@RecallAD1Postfix@ / @RecallAD2Prefix@@RecallAD2*100.000000@@RecallAD2Postfix@ / @RecallAD3Prefix@@RecallAD3*100.000000@@RecallAD3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PullbackDamagePerFeather1Prefix@@PullbackDamagePerFeather1@@PullbackDamagePerFeather1Postfix@ / @PullbackDamagePerFeather2Prefix@@PullbackDamagePerFeather2@@PullbackDamagePerFeather2Postfix@ / @PullbackDamagePerFeather3Prefix@@PullbackDamagePerFeather3@@PullbackDamagePerFeather3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Feathers FLY!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For @Duration@ seconds, whenever Xayah attacks she fires a feather behind her target and @NumBonusAttacks@ nearby enemies.

    At the end of this duration Xayah recalls her feathers, dealing @ModifiedPullbackDamagePerFeather@ physical damage (@RecallAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @TooltipRecallAP@) per feather to enemies struck.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Feathers
    Recall % Attack Damage
    Recall Damage
    @NumBonusAttacks@ -> @NumBonusAttacksNL@
    @RecallAD*100.000000@ -> @RecallADNL*100.000000@
    @PullbackDamagePerFeather@ -> @PullbackDamagePerFeatherNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Feathers FLY!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For @Duration@ seconds, whenever Xayah attacks she fires a feather behind her target and @NumBonusAttacks@ nearby enemies.

    At the end of this duration Xayah recalls her feathers, dealing @ModifiedPullbackDamagePerFeather@ physical damage (@RecallAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @TooltipRecallAP@) per feather to enemies struck.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Feathers FLY!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For @Duration@ seconds, whenever Xayah attacks she fires a feather behind her target and @NumBonusAttacks@ nearby enemies.

    At the end of this duration Xayah recalls her feathers, dealing @ModifiedPullbackDamagePerFeather@ physical damage (@RecallAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @TooltipRecallAP@) per feather to enemies struck.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSweeping Blade@keyHotkey@ Sweeping Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yasuo shields himself for @ModifiedShieldAmount@ for @ShieldDuration@ second and dashes through his target, slashing nearby enemies for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).

    Every third cast his slash deals @EmpoweredDamagePct@% damage, hits a larger area, and knocks up enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. If Yasuo hits only the last enemy left alive, he repeatedly slashes them until they die.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Sweeping BladeYasuo shields himself for @ModifiedShieldAmount@ for @ShieldDuration@ second and dashes through his target, slashing nearby enemies for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).

    Every third cast his slash deals @EmpoweredDamagePct@% damage, hits a larger area, and knocks up enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. If Yasuo hits only the last enemy left alive, he repeatedly slashes them until they die.
    % Attack Damage
    Shield Amount
    [ @PercentAttackDamage1Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage1@@PercentAttackDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage2Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage2@@PercentAttackDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentAttackDamage3Prefix@@PercentAttackDamage3@@PercentAttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Sweeping Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yasuo shields himself for @ModifiedShieldAmount@ for @ShieldDuration@ second and dashes through his target, slashing nearby enemies for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).

    Every third cast his slash deals @EmpoweredDamagePct@% damage, hits a larger area, and knocks up enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. If Yasuo hits only the last enemy left alive, he repeatedly slashes them until they die.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up% Attack Damage
    Shield Amount
    @PercentAttackDamage@ -> @PercentAttackDamageNL@
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Sweeping Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yasuo shields himself for @ModifiedShieldAmount@ for @ShieldDuration@ second and dashes through his target, slashing nearby enemies for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).

    Every third cast his slash deals @EmpoweredDamagePct@% damage, hits a larger area, and knocks up enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. If Yasuo hits only the last enemy left alive, he repeatedly slashes them until they die.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Sweeping Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yasuo shields himself for @ModifiedShieldAmount@ for @ShieldDuration@ second and dashes through his target, slashing nearby enemies for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).

    Every third cast his slash deals @EmpoweredDamagePct@% damage, hits a larger area, and knocks up enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. If Yasuo hits only the last enemy left alive, he repeatedly slashes them until they die.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Way of the Hunter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Yone's attacks alternate between dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage and dealing @BonusPhysicalDamage@ bonus physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Way of the HunterPassive: Yone's attacks alternate between dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage and dealing @BonusPhysicalDamage@ bonus physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).Bonus Damage
    % Attack Damage
    [ @BonusDamage1Prefix@@BonusDamage1@@BonusDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusDamage2Prefix@@BonusDamage2@@BonusDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusDamage3Prefix@@BonusDamage3@@BonusDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentAD1Prefix@@PercentAD1*100.000000@%@PercentAD1Postfix@ / @PercentAD2Prefix@@PercentAD2*100.000000@%@PercentAD2Postfix@ / @PercentAD3Prefix@@PercentAD3*100.000000@%@PercentAD3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Way of the Hunter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Yone's attacks alternate between dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage and dealing @BonusPhysicalDamage@ bonus physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Damage
    % Attack Damage
    @BonusDamage@ -> @BonusDamageNL@
    @PercentAD*100.000000@% -> @PercentADNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Way of the Hunter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Yone's attacks alternate between dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage and dealing @BonusPhysicalDamage@ bonus physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Way of the Hunter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Yone's attacks alternate between dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage and dealing @BonusPhysicalDamage@ bonus physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoUnstable Current@keyHotkey@ Unstable Current@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zac explodes outward towards enemies within @AoERadius@ hexes, dealing @ModifiedPercentHealthDamage@ of their maximum Health as magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Unstable CurrentZac explodes outward towards enemies within @AoERadius@ hexes, dealing @ModifiedPercentHealthDamage@ of their maximum Health as magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@.Percent Maximum Health
    [ @PercentHealthDamage1Prefix@@PercentHealthDamage1*100.000000@%@PercentHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentHealthDamage2Prefix@@PercentHealthDamage2*100.000000@%@PercentHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentHealthDamage3Prefix@@PercentHealthDamage3*100.000000@%@PercentHealthDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Heal1Prefix@@Heal1@@Heal1Postfix@ / @Heal2Prefix@@Heal2@@Heal2Postfix@ / @Heal3Prefix@@Heal3@@Heal3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Unstable Current@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zac explodes outward towards enemies within @AoERadius@ hexes, dealing @ModifiedPercentHealthDamage@ of their maximum Health as magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPercent Maximum Health
    @PercentHealthDamage*100.000000@% -> @PercentHealthDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @Heal@ -> @HealNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Unstable Current@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zac explodes outward towards enemies within @AoERadius@ hexes, dealing @ModifiedPercentHealthDamage@ of their maximum Health as magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Unstable Current@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zac explodes outward towards enemies within @AoERadius@ hexes, dealing @ModifiedPercentHealthDamage@ of their maximum Health as magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWatershock Laser@keyHotkey@ Watershock Laser@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri fires a water pulse at the closest enemy within @RangeCheck@ hexes, or at the centermost enemy, stunning them briefly for @StunDuration@ seconds. When the pulse explodes it deals @TargetDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and creates a laser behind the target that deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Watershock LaserZeri fires a water pulse at the closest enemy within @RangeCheck@ hexes, or at the centermost enemy, stunning them briefly for @StunDuration@ seconds. When the pulse explodes it deals @TargetDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and creates a laser behind the target that deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies hit.Percent of Attack Damage
    Laser Damage
    [ @PercentAD1Prefix@@PercentAD1*100.000000@%@PercentAD1Postfix@ / @PercentAD2Prefix@@PercentAD2*100.000000@%@PercentAD2Postfix@ / @PercentAD3Prefix@@PercentAD3*100.000000@%@PercentAD3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Watershock Laser@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri fires a water pulse at the closest enemy within @RangeCheck@ hexes, or at the centermost enemy, stunning them briefly for @StunDuration@ seconds. When the pulse explodes it deals @TargetDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and creates a laser behind the target that deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPercent of Attack Damage
    Laser Damage
    @PercentAD*100.000000@% -> @PercentADNL*100.000000@%
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Watershock Laser@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri fires a water pulse at the closest enemy within @RangeCheck@ hexes, or at the centermost enemy, stunning them briefly for @StunDuration@ seconds. When the pulse explodes it deals @TargetDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and creates a laser behind the target that deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Watershock Laser@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri fires a water pulse at the closest enemy within @RangeCheck@ hexes, or at the centermost enemy, stunning them briefly for @StunDuration@ seconds. When the pulse explodes it deals @TargetDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and creates a laser behind the target that deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSpell Thief@keyHotkey@ Spell Thief@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe nabs a spell from another dimension and casts it as if it were her own.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Spell ThiefZoe nabs a spell from another dimension and casts it as if it were her own.@keyHotkey@ Spell Thief@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe nabs a spell from another dimension and casts it as if it were her own.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Spell Thief@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe nabs a spell from another dimension and casts it as if it were her own.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Spell Thief@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe nabs a spell from another dimension and casts it as if it were her own.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoJanna's Howling Gale@keyHotkey@ Janna's Howling Gale@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe fires a cone of tornados. Allies hit gain @ModifiedPercentAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds, and enemies hit are stunned and knocked up for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Janna's Howling GaleZoe fires a cone of tornados. Allies hit gain @ModifiedPercentAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds, and enemies hit are stunned and knocked up for @StunDuration@ seconds.Attack Speed %
    Stun Duration
    [ @PercentAttackSpeed1Prefix@@PercentAttackSpeed1@%@PercentAttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @PercentAttackSpeed2Prefix@@PercentAttackSpeed2@%@PercentAttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @PercentAttackSpeed3Prefix@@PercentAttackSpeed3@%@PercentAttackSpeed3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Janna's Howling Gale@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe fires a cone of tornados. Allies hit gain @ModifiedPercentAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds, and enemies hit are stunned and knocked up for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Speed %
    Stun Duration
    @PercentAttackSpeed@% -> @PercentAttackSpeedNL@%
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Janna's Howling Gale@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe fires a cone of tornados. Allies hit gain @ModifiedPercentAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds, and enemies hit are stunned and knocked up for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Janna's Howling Gale@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe fires a cone of tornados. Allies hit gain @ModifiedPercentAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds, and enemies hit are stunned and knocked up for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoIvern's Daisy!@keyHotkey@ Ivern's Daisy!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe summons Daisy to fight with her and grants Daisy @DaisyBonusAPConversion*100@% of her Ability Power. If Daisy is already in battle, Zoe commands Daisy to cast Smash.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ivern's Daisy!Zoe summons Daisy to fight with her and grants Daisy @DaisyBonusAPConversion*100@% of her Ability Power. If Daisy is already in battle, Zoe commands Daisy to cast Smash.Daisy Health
    Smash Damage
    [ @DaisyHealth1Prefix@@DaisyHealth1@@DaisyHealth1Postfix@ / @DaisyHealth2Prefix@@DaisyHealth2@@DaisyHealth2Postfix@ / @DaisyHealth3Prefix@@DaisyHealth3@@DaisyHealth3Postfix@ ]
    [ @TooltipDaisyDamage1Prefix@@TooltipDaisyDamage1@@TooltipDaisyDamage1Postfix@ / @TooltipDaisyDamage2Prefix@@TooltipDaisyDamage2@@TooltipDaisyDamage2Postfix@ / @TooltipDaisyDamage3Prefix@@TooltipDaisyDamage3@@TooltipDaisyDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Ivern's Daisy!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe summons Daisy to fight with her and grants Daisy @DaisyBonusAPConversion*100@% of her Ability Power. If Daisy is already in battle, Zoe commands Daisy to cast Smash.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDaisy Health
    Smash Damage
    @DaisyHealth@ -> @DaisyHealthNL@
    @TooltipDaisyDamage@ -> @TooltipDaisyDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Ivern's Daisy!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe summons Daisy to fight with her and grants Daisy @DaisyBonusAPConversion*100@% of her Ability Power. If Daisy is already in battle, Zoe commands Daisy to cast Smash.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Ivern's Daisy!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe summons Daisy to fight with her and grants Daisy @DaisyBonusAPConversion*100@% of her Ability Power. If Daisy is already in battle, Zoe commands Daisy to cast Smash.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLux's Final Spark@keyHotkey@ Lux's Final Spark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe fires a beam towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Lux's Final SparkZoe fires a beam towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Lux's Final Spark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe fires a beam towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Lux's Final Spark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe fires a beam towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Lux's Final Spark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe fires a beam towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKayle's Intervention@keyHotkey@ Kayle's Intervention@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe makes the @Targets@ allies with the lowest percentage Health immune to damage for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and grants them @ModifiedResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist for the rest of combat.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Kayle's InterventionZoe makes the @Targets@ allies with the lowest percentage Health immune to damage for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and grants them @ModifiedResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist for the rest of combat.Number of Targets
    Armor and Magic Resist
    [ @Targets1Prefix@@Targets1@@Targets1Postfix@ / @Targets2Prefix@@Targets2@@Targets2Postfix@ / @Targets3Prefix@@Targets3@@Targets3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ResistAmount1Prefix@@ResistAmount1@@ResistAmount1Postfix@ / @ResistAmount2Prefix@@ResistAmount2@@ResistAmount2Postfix@ / @ResistAmount3Prefix@@ResistAmount3@@ResistAmount3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Kayle's Intervention@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe makes the @Targets@ allies with the lowest percentage Health immune to damage for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and grants them @ModifiedResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist for the rest of combat.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upNumber of Targets
    Armor and Magic Resist
    @Targets@ -> @TargetsNL@
    @ResistAmount@ -> @ResistAmountNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Kayle's Intervention@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe makes the @Targets@ allies with the lowest percentage Health immune to damage for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and grants them @ModifiedResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist for the rest of combat.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Kayle's Intervention@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe makes the @Targets@ allies with the lowest percentage Health immune to damage for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and grants them @ModifiedResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist for the rest of combat.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGrasping Spines@keyHotkey@ Grasping Spines@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra summons vines in the row with the most enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Grasping SpinesZyra summons vines in the row with the most enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Grasping Spines@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra summons vines in the row with the most enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Grasping Spines@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra summons vines in the row with the most enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Grasping Spines@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra summons vines in the row with the most enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Egg Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ second. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Egg TossHeimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ second. @keyHotkey@ Egg Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ second. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Egg Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ second. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Egg Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ second. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEgg TossHeimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ second. Magic Damage[ @MagicDamage1Prefix@@MagicDamage1@@MagicDamage1Postfix@ / @MagicDamage2Prefix@@MagicDamage2@@MagicDamage2Postfix@ / @MagicDamage3Prefix@@MagicDamage3@@MagicDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Egg Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ second. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage@MagicDamage@ -> @MagicDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Whimsy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu enchants the nearest @NumTargets@ champions. Enchanted allies gain @ModifiedAttackSpeedPercent@ Attack Speed for @AllyBuffDuration@ seconds. Enchanted enemies are stunned and transformed into harmless dragonlings for @PolymorphDuration@ seconds. If there are fewer than 3 units nearby, Lulu will enchant herself.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@WhimsyLulu enchants the nearest @NumTargets@ champions. Enchanted allies gain @ModifiedAttackSpeedPercent@ Attack Speed for @AllyBuffDuration@ seconds. Enchanted enemies are stunned and transformed into harmless dragonlings for @PolymorphDuration@ seconds. If there are fewer than 3 units nearby, Lulu will enchant herself.Number of Targets
    Attack Speed %
    [ @NumTargets1Prefix@@NumTargets1@@NumTargets1Postfix@ / @NumTargets2Prefix@@NumTargets2@@NumTargets2Postfix@ / @NumTargets3Prefix@@NumTargets3@@NumTargets3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackSpeedPercent1Prefix@@AttackSpeedPercent1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedPercent1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedPercent2Prefix@@AttackSpeedPercent2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedPercent2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedPercent3Prefix@@AttackSpeedPercent3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedPercent3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Whimsy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu enchants the nearest @NumTargets@ champions. Enchanted allies gain @ModifiedAttackSpeedPercent@ Attack Speed for @AllyBuffDuration@ seconds. Enchanted enemies are stunned and transformed into harmless dragonlings for @PolymorphDuration@ seconds. If there are fewer than 3 units nearby, Lulu will enchant herself.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upNumber of Targets
    Attack Speed %
    @NumTargets@ -> @NumTargetsNL@
    @AttackSpeedPercent*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Whimsy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu enchants the nearest @NumTargets@ champions. Enchanted allies gain @ModifiedAttackSpeedPercent@ Attack Speed for @AllyBuffDuration@ seconds. Enchanted enemies are stunned and transformed into harmless dragonlings for @PolymorphDuration@ seconds. If there are fewer than 3 units nearby, Lulu will enchant herself.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Whimsy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu enchants the nearest @NumTargets@ champions. Enchanted allies gain @ModifiedAttackSpeedPercent@ Attack Speed for @AllyBuffDuration@ seconds. Enchanted enemies are stunned and transformed into harmless dragonlings for @PolymorphDuration@ seconds. If there are fewer than 3 units nearby, Lulu will enchant herself.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Tristana grants Nomsy @NomsyAttackDamage@ bonus Attack Damage.

    Tristana fires up to @NumOfCharges@ explosive charges, prioritizing the closest targets without a charge. Charges detonate after @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to nearby enemies and an additional @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Explosive ChargePassive: Tristana grants Nomsy @NomsyAttackDamage@ bonus Attack Damage.

    Tristana fires up to @NumOfCharges@ explosive charges, prioritizing the closest targets without a charge. Charges detonate after @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to nearby enemies and an additional @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target.
    % Attack Damage
    Magic Damage
    Bonus Attack Damage
    [ @PercentAD1Prefix@@PercentAD1*100.000000@%@PercentAD1Postfix@ / @PercentAD2Prefix@@PercentAD2*100.000000@%@PercentAD2Postfix@ / @PercentAD3Prefix@@PercentAD3*100.000000@%@PercentAD3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @NomsyAttackDamage1Prefix@@NomsyAttackDamage1@@NomsyAttackDamage1Postfix@ / @NomsyAttackDamage2Prefix@@NomsyAttackDamage2@@NomsyAttackDamage2Postfix@ / @NomsyAttackDamage3Prefix@@NomsyAttackDamage3@@NomsyAttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Tristana grants Nomsy @NomsyAttackDamage@ bonus Attack Damage.

    Tristana fires up to @NumOfCharges@ explosive charges, prioritizing the closest targets without a charge. Charges detonate after @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to nearby enemies and an additional @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up% Attack Damage
    Magic Damage
    Bonus Attack Damage
    @PercentAD*100.000000@% -> @PercentADNL*100.000000@%
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @NomsyAttackDamage@ -> @NomsyAttackDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Tristana grants Nomsy @NomsyAttackDamage@ bonus Attack Damage.

    Tristana fires up to @NumOfCharges@ explosive charges, prioritizing the closest targets without a charge. Charges detonate after @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to nearby enemies and an additional @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Tristana grants Nomsy @NomsyAttackDamage@ bonus Attack Damage.

    Tristana fires up to @NumOfCharges@ explosive charges, prioritizing the closest targets without a charge. Charges detonate after @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to nearby enemies and an additional @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoInvincible@keyHotkey@ Invincible@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This unit has very high health regeneration which makes it nigh invincible. It also will not move or attack.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@InvincibleThis unit has very high health regeneration which makes it nigh invincible. It also will not move or attack.@keyHotkey@ Invincible@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This unit has very high health regeneration which makes it nigh invincible. It also will not move or attack.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Invincible@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This unit has very high health regeneration which makes it nigh invincible. It also will not move or attack.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Invincible@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This unit has very high health regeneration which makes it nigh invincible. It also will not move or attack.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMelee Attack@keyHotkey@ Melee Attack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This unit will move and auto attack enemies. It has no active or passive spells.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Melee AttackThis unit will move and auto attack enemies. It has no active or passive spells.@keyHotkey@ Melee Attack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This unit will move and auto attack enemies. It has no active or passive spells.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Melee Attack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This unit will move and auto attack enemies. It has no active or passive spells.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Melee Attack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This unit will move and auto attack enemies. It has no active or passive spells.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDo Nothing@keyHotkey@ Do Nothing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This unit will not move or attack. It just sits there.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Do NothingThis unit will not move or attack. It just sits there.@keyHotkey@ Do Nothing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This unit will not move or attack. It just sits there.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Do Nothing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This unit will not move or attack. It just sits there.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Do Nothing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This unit will not move or attack. It just sits there.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRanged Attack@keyHotkey@ Ranged Attack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This unit will move and auto attack enemies at range. It has no active or passive spells.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ranged AttackThis unit will move and auto attack enemies at range. It has no active or passive spells.@keyHotkey@ Ranged Attack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This unit will move and auto attack enemies at range. It has no active or passive spells.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Ranged Attack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This unit will move and auto attack enemies at range. It has no active or passive spells.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Ranged Attack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@This unit will move and auto attack enemies at range. It has no active or passive spells.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoOrb of Deception@keyHotkey@ Orb of Deception@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri casts out an orb, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through.

    It then returns to her, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ true damage to all enemies it passes through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Orb of DeceptionAhri casts out an orb, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through.

    It then returns to her, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ true damage to all enemies it passes through.
    Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Orb of Deception@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri casts out an orb, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through.

    It then returns to her, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ true damage to all enemies it passes through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Orb of Deception@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri casts out an orb, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through.

    It then returns to her, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ true damage to all enemies it passes through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Orb of Deception@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri casts out an orb, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through.

    It then returns to her, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ true damage to all enemies it passes through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoFive Point Strike@keyHotkey@ Five Point Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali throws kunai at her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. This spell can critically strike.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Five Point StrikeAkali throws kunai at her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. This spell can critically strike.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Five Point Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali throws kunai at her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. This spell can critically strike.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Five Point Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali throws kunai at her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. This spell can critically strike.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Five Point Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali throws kunai at her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. This spell can critically strike.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEnchanted Crystal Arrow@keyHotkey@ Enchanted Crystal Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe fires an arrow at the farthest enemy. It stops on the first target hit, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDurationPerSquare@ seconds per hex traveled.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Enchanted Crystal ArrowAshe fires an arrow at the farthest enemy. It stops on the first target hit, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDurationPerSquare@ seconds per hex traveled.Damage
    Stun Duration per Hex
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDurationPerSquare1Prefix@@StunDurationPerSquare1@@StunDurationPerSquare1Postfix@ / @StunDurationPerSquare2Prefix@@StunDurationPerSquare2@@StunDurationPerSquare2Postfix@ / @StunDurationPerSquare3Prefix@@StunDurationPerSquare3@@StunDurationPerSquare3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Enchanted Crystal Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe fires an arrow at the farthest enemy. It stops on the first target hit, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDurationPerSquare@ seconds per hex traveled.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration per Hex
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @StunDurationPerSquare@ -> @StunDurationPerSquareNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Enchanted Crystal Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe fires an arrow at the farthest enemy. It stops on the first target hit, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDurationPerSquare@ seconds per hex traveled.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Enchanted Crystal Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe fires an arrow at the farthest enemy. It stops on the first target hit, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDurationPerSquare@ seconds per hex traveled.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Rocket Grab@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank pulls the furthest enemy to him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    His next attack after pulling knocks up for 1 second.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Blitzcrank's target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Rocket GrabBlitzcrank pulls the furthest enemy to him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    His next attack after pulling knocks up for 1 second.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Blitzcrank's target.
    Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Rocket Grab@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank pulls the furthest enemy to him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    His next attack after pulling knocks up for 1 second.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Blitzcrank's target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Rocket Grab@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank pulls the furthest enemy to him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    His next attack after pulling knocks up for 1 second.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Blitzcrank's target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Rocket Grab@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank pulls the furthest enemy to him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    His next attack after pulling knocks up for 1 second.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Blitzcrank's target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Unbreakable@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum puts up his shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, absorbing and stopping all incoming missiles and reducing his damage taken from that direction by @ShieldDR@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@UnbreakableBraum puts up his shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, absorbing and stopping all incoming missiles and reducing his damage taken from that direction by @ShieldDR@%.Damage Reduction[ @ShieldDR1Prefix@@ShieldDR1@%@ShieldDR1Postfix@ / @ShieldDR2Prefix@@ShieldDR2@%@ShieldDR2Postfix@ / @ShieldDR3Prefix@@ShieldDR3@%@ShieldDR3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Unbreakable@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum puts up his shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, absorbing and stopping all incoming missiles and reducing his damage taken from that direction by @ShieldDR@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Reduction@ShieldDR@% -> @ShieldDRNL@%@keyHotkey@ Unbreakable@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum puts up his shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, absorbing and stopping all incoming missiles and reducing his damage taken from that direction by @ShieldDR@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Unbreakable@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum puts up his shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, absorbing and stopping all incoming missiles and reducing his damage taken from that direction by @ShieldDR@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoThe Hextech Ultimatum@keyHotkey@ The Hextech Ultimatum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille singles out and leaps to an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and rooting them for @Duration@ seconds.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Camille's target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The Hextech UltimatumCamille singles out and leaps to an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and rooting them for @Duration@ seconds.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Camille's target.
    Root Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Duration1Prefix@@Duration1@@Duration1Postfix@ / @Duration2Prefix@@Duration2@@Duration2Postfix@ / @Duration3Prefix@@Duration3@@Duration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ The Hextech Ultimatum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille singles out and leaps to an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and rooting them for @Duration@ seconds.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Camille's target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Root Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Duration@ -> @DurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ The Hextech Ultimatum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille singles out and leaps to an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and rooting them for @Duration@ seconds.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Camille's target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ The Hextech Ultimatum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille singles out and leaps to an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and rooting them for @Duration@ seconds.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Camille's target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Decimate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius swings his axe in a circle, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@ health for each enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@DecimateDarius swings his axe in a circle, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@ health for each enemy hit.Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Heal1Prefix@@Heal1@@Heal1Postfix@ / @Heal2Prefix@@Heal2@@Heal2Postfix@ / @Heal3Prefix@@Heal3@@Heal3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Decimate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius swings his axe in a circle, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@ health for each enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Heal@ -> @HealNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Decimate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius swings his axe in a circle, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@ health for each enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Decimate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius swings his axe in a circle, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@ health for each enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Spider Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Elise transforms into a giant spider and summons @NumSpiderlings@ spiderlings to fight alongside her.

    While in spider form, Elise gains @LifestealPercent@ bonus Lifesteal. Spiderlings benefit from active Demon trait bonuses.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Spider FormElise transforms into a giant spider and summons @NumSpiderlings@ spiderlings to fight alongside her.

    While in spider form, Elise gains @LifestealPercent@ bonus Lifesteal. Spiderlings benefit from active Demon trait bonuses.
    Life Steal
    Number of Spiderlings
    [ @Lifesteal1Prefix@@Lifesteal1*100.000000@%@Lifesteal1Postfix@ / @Lifesteal2Prefix@@Lifesteal2*100.000000@%@Lifesteal2Postfix@ / @Lifesteal3Prefix@@Lifesteal3*100.000000@%@Lifesteal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @NumSpiderlings1Prefix@@NumSpiderlings1@@NumSpiderlings1Postfix@ / @NumSpiderlings2Prefix@@NumSpiderlings2@@NumSpiderlings2Postfix@ / @NumSpiderlings3Prefix@@NumSpiderlings3@@NumSpiderlings3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Spider Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Elise transforms into a giant spider and summons @NumSpiderlings@ spiderlings to fight alongside her.

    While in spider form, Elise gains @LifestealPercent@ bonus Lifesteal. Spiderlings benefit from active Demon trait bonuses.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upLife Steal
    Number of Spiderlings
    @Lifesteal*100.000000@% -> @LifestealNL*100.000000@%
    @NumSpiderlings@ -> @NumSpiderlingsNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Spider Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Elise transforms into a giant spider and summons @NumSpiderlings@ spiderlings to fight alongside her.

    While in spider form, Elise gains @LifestealPercent@ bonus Lifesteal. Spiderlings benefit from active Demon trait bonuses.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Spider Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Elise transforms into a giant spider and summons @NumSpiderlings@ spiderlings to fight alongside her.

    While in spider form, Elise gains @LifestealPercent@ bonus Lifesteal. Spiderlings benefit from active Demon trait bonuses.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoLast Caress@keyHotkey@ Last Caress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to up to 3 nearby enemies, then teleports away.

    This damage is increased to @ModifiedCritDamage@ against targets below @ExecuteThreshholdPercent@ health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Last CaressEvelynn deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to up to 3 nearby enemies, then teleports away.

    This damage is increased to @ModifiedCritDamage@ against targets below @ExecuteThreshholdPercent@ health.
    Damage Multiplier
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CritMultiplier1Prefix@@CritMultiplier1@@CritMultiplier1Postfix@ / @CritMultiplier2Prefix@@CritMultiplier2@@CritMultiplier2Postfix@ / @CritMultiplier3Prefix@@CritMultiplier3@@CritMultiplier3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Last Caress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to up to 3 nearby enemies, then teleports away.

    This damage is increased to @ModifiedCritDamage@ against targets below @ExecuteThreshholdPercent@ health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Damage Multiplier
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @CritMultiplier@ -> @CritMultiplierNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Last Caress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to up to 3 nearby enemies, then teleports away.

    This damage is increased to @ModifiedCritDamage@ against targets below @ExecuteThreshholdPercent@ health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Last Caress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to up to 3 nearby enemies, then teleports away.

    This damage is increased to @ModifiedCritDamage@ against targets below @ExecuteThreshholdPercent@ health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Blade Waltz@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora reveals four Vitals on an enemy champion before becoming untargetable as she strikes each once in rapid succession.

    Each strike deals @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage (Total: @TotalDamage@), @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus true damage, and heals her for @PercentHealing*100@% of the total damage dealt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Blade WaltzFiora reveals four Vitals on an enemy champion before becoming untargetable as she strikes each once in rapid succession.

    Each strike deals @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage (Total: @TotalDamage@), @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus true damage, and heals her for @PercentHealing*100@% of the total damage dealt.
    Bonus True Damage[ @BonusTrueDamage1Prefix@@BonusTrueDamage1@@BonusTrueDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusTrueDamage2Prefix@@BonusTrueDamage2@@BonusTrueDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusTrueDamage3Prefix@@BonusTrueDamage3@@BonusTrueDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Blade Waltz@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora reveals four Vitals on an enemy champion before becoming untargetable as she strikes each once in rapid succession.

    Each strike deals @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage (Total: @TotalDamage@), @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus true damage, and heals her for @PercentHealing*100@% of the total damage dealt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus True Damage@BonusTrueDamage@ -> @BonusTrueDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Blade Waltz@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora reveals four Vitals on an enemy champion before becoming untargetable as she strikes each once in rapid succession.

    Each strike deals @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage (Total: @TotalDamage@), @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus true damage, and heals her for @PercentHealing*100@% of the total damage dealt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Blade Waltz@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora reveals four Vitals on an enemy champion before becoming untargetable as she strikes each once in rapid succession.

    Each strike deals @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage (Total: @TotalDamage@), @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus true damage, and heals her for @PercentHealing*100@% of the total damage dealt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoFinal Verdict@keyHotkey@ Final Verdict@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Justice never rests! Galio is unstoppable and immune to crowd control effects.

    Galio slams down with divine might dealing @ModifiedDamage@ true damage to all enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Final VerdictPassive: Justice never rests! Galio is unstoppable and immune to crowd control effects.

    Galio slams down with divine might dealing @ModifiedDamage@ true damage to all enemies.
    @keyHotkey@ Final Verdict@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Justice never rests! Galio is unstoppable and immune to crowd control effects.

    Galio slams down with divine might dealing @ModifiedDamage@ true damage to all enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Final Verdict@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Justice never rests! Galio is unstoppable and immune to crowd control effects.

    Galio slams down with divine might dealing @ModifiedDamage@ true damage to all enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Final Verdict@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Justice never rests! Galio is unstoppable and immune to crowd control effects.

    Galio slams down with divine might dealing @ModifiedDamage@ true damage to all enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPowder Kegs@keyHotkey@ Powder Kegs@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Gangplank periodically places barrels near enemies.

    Active: Gangplank shoots his barrels, causing them all to explode, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and applying on-hit effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Powder KegsPassive: Gangplank periodically places barrels near enemies.

    Active: Gangplank shoots his barrels, causing them all to explode, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and applying on-hit effects.
    Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Powder Kegs@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Gangplank periodically places barrels near enemies.

    Active: Gangplank shoots his barrels, causing them all to explode, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and applying on-hit effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Powder Kegs@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Gangplank periodically places barrels near enemies.

    Active: Gangplank shoots his barrels, causing them all to explode, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and applying on-hit effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Powder Kegs@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Gangplank periodically places barrels near enemies.

    Active: Gangplank shoots his barrels, causing them all to explode, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and applying on-hit effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoJudgement@keyHotkey@ Judgement@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Garen spins his sword for @SpinDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to magic damage and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@JudgementGaren spins his sword for @SpinDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to magic damage and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies over the duration.Total Damage[ @DamagePerTick1Prefix@@DamagePerTick1*9.000000@@DamagePerTick1Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick2Prefix@@DamagePerTick2*9.000000@@DamagePerTick2Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick3Prefix@@DamagePerTick3*9.000000@@DamagePerTick3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Judgement@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Garen spins his sword for @SpinDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to magic damage and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTotal Damage@DamagePerTick*9.000000@ -> @DamagePerTickNL*9.000000@@keyHotkey@ Judgement@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Garen spins his sword for @SpinDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to magic damage and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Judgement@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Garen spins his sword for @SpinDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to magic damage and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMercury Cannon@keyHotkey@ Mercury Cannon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce knocks a nearby enemy away, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @CCDuration@ seconds. He then transforms into cannon form and gains max attack speed for his next @AAMax@ attacks.

    While in cannon form, Jayce's attack range is increased by 3 hexes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Mercury CannonJayce knocks a nearby enemy away, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @CCDuration@ seconds. He then transforms into cannon form and gains max attack speed for his next @AAMax@ attacks.

    While in cannon form, Jayce's attack range is increased by 3 hexes.
    Stun Duration
    Attack Count
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CCDuration1Prefix@@CCDuration1@@CCDuration1Postfix@ / @CCDuration2Prefix@@CCDuration2@@CCDuration2Postfix@ / @CCDuration3Prefix@@CCDuration3@@CCDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AAMax1Prefix@@AAMax1@@AAMax1Postfix@ / @AAMax2Prefix@@AAMax2@@AAMax2Postfix@ / @AAMax3Prefix@@AAMax3@@AAMax3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Mercury Cannon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce knocks a nearby enemy away, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @CCDuration@ seconds. He then transforms into cannon form and gains max attack speed for his next @AAMax@ attacks.

    While in cannon form, Jayce's attack range is increased by 3 hexes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    Attack Count
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @CCDuration@ -> @CCDurationNL@
    @AAMax@ -> @AAMaxNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Mercury Cannon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce knocks a nearby enemy away, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @CCDuration@ seconds. He then transforms into cannon form and gains max attack speed for his next @AAMax@ attacks.

    While in cannon form, Jayce's attack range is increased by 3 hexes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Mercury Cannon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce knocks a nearby enemy away, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @CCDuration@ seconds. He then transforms into cannon form and gains max attack speed for his next @AAMax@ attacks.

    While in cannon form, Jayce's attack range is increased by 3 hexes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Get Excited!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Jinx gets excited as she helps take down enemy units.

    After her first takedown, Jinx gains @PercentAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed.

    After her second takedown, Jinx swaps to her rocket launcher, causing her attacks to deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage to all enemies in a small area around her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Get Excited!Passive: Jinx gets excited as she helps take down enemy units.

    After her first takedown, Jinx gains @PercentAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed.

    After her second takedown, Jinx swaps to her rocket launcher, causing her attacks to deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage to all enemies in a small area around her target.
    Attack Speed
    [ @AttackSpeedBonus1Prefix@@AttackSpeedBonus1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBonus1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBonus2Prefix@@AttackSpeedBonus2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBonus2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBonus3Prefix@@AttackSpeedBonus3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBonus3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RocketDamage1Prefix@@RocketDamage1@@RocketDamage1Postfix@ / @RocketDamage2Prefix@@RocketDamage2@@RocketDamage2Postfix@ / @RocketDamage3Prefix@@RocketDamage3@@RocketDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Get Excited!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Jinx gets excited as she helps take down enemy units.

    After her first takedown, Jinx gains @PercentAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed.

    After her second takedown, Jinx swaps to her rocket launcher, causing her attacks to deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage to all enemies in a small area around her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Speed
    @AttackSpeedBonus*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedBonusNL*100.000000@%
    @RocketDamage@ -> @RocketDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Get Excited!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Jinx gets excited as she helps take down enemy units.

    After her first takedown, Jinx gains @PercentAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed.

    After her second takedown, Jinx swaps to her rocket launcher, causing her attacks to deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage to all enemies in a small area around her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Get Excited!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Jinx gets excited as she helps take down enemy units.

    After her first takedown, Jinx gains @PercentAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed.

    After her second takedown, Jinx swaps to her rocket launcher, causing her attacks to deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage to all enemies in a small area around her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoNether Blade@keyHotkey@ Nether Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kassadin's attacks steal @ManaSteal@ mana from his target and grant him a @ModifiedShield@ damage shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Nether BladePassive: Kassadin's attacks steal @ManaSteal@ mana from his target and grant him a @ModifiedShield@ damage shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.Mana Burn[ @ManaSteal1Prefix@@ManaSteal1@@ManaSteal1Postfix@ / @ManaSteal2Prefix@@ManaSteal2@@ManaSteal2Postfix@ / @ManaSteal3Prefix@@ManaSteal3@@ManaSteal3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Nether Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kassadin's attacks steal @ManaSteal@ mana from his target and grant him a @ModifiedShield@ damage shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMana Burn@ManaSteal@ -> @ManaStealNL@@keyHotkey@ Nether Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kassadin's attacks steal @ManaSteal@ mana from his target and grant him a @ModifiedShield@ damage shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Nether Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kassadin's attacks steal @ManaSteal@ mana from his target and grant him a @ModifiedShield@ damage shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDeath Lotus@keyHotkey@ Death Lotus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Katarina channels for @Duration@ seconds, throwing knives at @NumberOfTargets@ nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration and reducing healing by 50% to her targets for @GrievousWoundsDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Death LotusKatarina channels for @Duration@ seconds, throwing knives at @NumberOfTargets@ nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration and reducing healing by 50% to her targets for @GrievousWoundsDuration@ seconds.Total Damage
    Number of Targets
    [ @TotalDamage1Prefix@@TotalDamage1@@TotalDamage1Postfix@ / @TotalDamage2Prefix@@TotalDamage2@@TotalDamage2Postfix@ / @TotalDamage3Prefix@@TotalDamage3@@TotalDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @NumberOfTargets1Prefix@@NumberOfTargets1@@NumberOfTargets1Postfix@ / @NumberOfTargets2Prefix@@NumberOfTargets2@@NumberOfTargets2Postfix@ / @NumberOfTargets3Prefix@@NumberOfTargets3@@NumberOfTargets3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Death Lotus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Katarina channels for @Duration@ seconds, throwing knives at @NumberOfTargets@ nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration and reducing healing by 50% to her targets for @GrievousWoundsDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTotal Damage
    Number of Targets
    @TotalDamage@ -> @TotalDamageNL@
    @NumberOfTargets@ -> @NumberOfTargetsNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Death Lotus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Katarina channels for @Duration@ seconds, throwing knives at @NumberOfTargets@ nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration and reducing healing by 50% to her targets for @GrievousWoundsDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Death Lotus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Katarina channels for @Duration@ seconds, throwing knives at @NumberOfTargets@ nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration and reducing healing by 50% to her targets for @GrievousWoundsDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDivine Judgement@keyHotkey@ Divine Judgement@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle shields her @Targets@ weakest allies, making them immune to all damage for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Divine JudgementKayle shields her @Targets@ weakest allies, making them immune to all damage for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.Duration
    Number of Targets
    [ @ShieldDuration1Prefix@@ShieldDuration1@@ShieldDuration1Postfix@ / @ShieldDuration2Prefix@@ShieldDuration2@@ShieldDuration2Postfix@ / @ShieldDuration3Prefix@@ShieldDuration3@@ShieldDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Targets1Prefix@@Targets1@@Targets1Postfix@ / @Targets2Prefix@@Targets2@@Targets2Postfix@ / @Targets3Prefix@@Targets3@@Targets3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Divine Judgement@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle shields her @Targets@ weakest allies, making them immune to all damage for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDuration
    Number of Targets
    @ShieldDuration@ -> @ShieldDurationNL@
    @Targets@ -> @TargetsNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Divine Judgement@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle shields her @Targets@ weakest allies, making them immune to all damage for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Divine Judgement@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle shields her @Targets@ weakest allies, making them immune to all damage for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTaste their Fear@keyHotkey@ Taste their Fear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kha'Zix slashes the nearest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy has no adjacent teammates, this damage is increased to @ModifiedIsolationDamage@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Taste their FearKha'Zix slashes the nearest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy has no adjacent teammates, this damage is increased to @ModifiedIsolationDamage@.Damage
    Isolation Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @IsolationDamage1Prefix@@IsolationDamage1@@IsolationDamage1Postfix@ / @IsolationDamage2Prefix@@IsolationDamage2@@IsolationDamage2Postfix@ / @IsolationDamage3Prefix@@IsolationDamage3@@IsolationDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Taste their Fear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kha'Zix slashes the nearest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy has no adjacent teammates, this damage is increased to @ModifiedIsolationDamage@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Isolation Damage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @IsolationDamage@ -> @IsolationDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Taste their Fear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kha'Zix slashes the nearest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy has no adjacent teammates, this damage is increased to @ModifiedIsolationDamage@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Taste their Fear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kha'Zix slashes the nearest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy has no adjacent teammates, this damage is increased to @ModifiedIsolationDamage@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSolar Flare@keyHotkey@ Solar Flare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona calls down a solar ray in an area, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within and reducing their Move Speed by 50% for @CCDuration@ seconds. The enemy in the center of the ray is also stunned for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Solar FlareLeona calls down a solar ray in an area, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within and reducing their Move Speed by 50% for @CCDuration@ seconds. The enemy in the center of the ray is also stunned for @CCDuration@ seconds.Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CCDuration1Prefix@@CCDuration1@@CCDuration1Postfix@ / @CCDuration2Prefix@@CCDuration2@@CCDuration2Postfix@ / @CCDuration3Prefix@@CCDuration3@@CCDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Solar Flare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona calls down a solar ray in an area, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within and reducing their Move Speed by 50% for @CCDuration@ seconds. The enemy in the center of the ray is also stunned for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @CCDuration@ -> @CCDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Solar Flare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona calls down a solar ray in an area, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within and reducing their Move Speed by 50% for @CCDuration@ seconds. The enemy in the center of the ray is also stunned for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Solar Flare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona calls down a solar ray in an area, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within and reducing their Move Speed by 50% for @CCDuration@ seconds. The enemy in the center of the ray is also stunned for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFrozen Tomb@keyHotkey@ Frozen Tomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra encases a random enemy in ice, stunning them for @EnemyStunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies @MaxHexRange@ hexes around the target.

    If Lissandra's Health is below @SelfUltPercentage@ she will instead encase herself for @SelfDuration@ seconds and become untargetable.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Frozen TombLissandra encases a random enemy in ice, stunning them for @EnemyStunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies @MaxHexRange@ hexes around the target.

    If Lissandra's Health is below @SelfUltPercentage@ she will instead encase herself for @SelfDuration@ seconds and become untargetable.
    Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Frozen Tomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra encases a random enemy in ice, stunning them for @EnemyStunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies @MaxHexRange@ hexes around the target.

    If Lissandra's Health is below @SelfUltPercentage@ she will instead encase herself for @SelfDuration@ seconds and become untargetable.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Frozen Tomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra encases a random enemy in ice, stunning them for @EnemyStunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies @MaxHexRange@ hexes around the target.

    If Lissandra's Health is below @SelfUltPercentage@ she will instead encase herself for @SelfDuration@ seconds and become untargetable.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Frozen Tomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra encases a random enemy in ice, stunning them for @EnemyStunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies @MaxHexRange@ hexes around the target.

    If Lissandra's Health is below @SelfUltPercentage@ she will instead encase herself for @SelfDuration@ seconds and become untargetable.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Relentless Pursuit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian dashes away from his current target, then attacks them and fires a second shot which deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Relentless PursuitLucian dashes away from his current target, then attacks them and fires a second shot which deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Spell Damage[ @SecondShotDamage1Prefix@@SecondShotDamage1@@SecondShotDamage1Postfix@ / @SecondShotDamage2Prefix@@SecondShotDamage2@@SecondShotDamage2Postfix@ / @SecondShotDamage3Prefix@@SecondShotDamage3@@SecondShotDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Relentless Pursuit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian dashes away from his current target, then attacks them and fires a second shot which deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upSpell Damage@SecondShotDamage@ -> @SecondShotDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Relentless Pursuit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian dashes away from his current target, then attacks them and fires a second shot which deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Relentless Pursuit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian dashes away from his current target, then attacks them and fires a second shot which deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Wild Growth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu makes @Targets@ allies giant, granting them @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus health and knocking up adjacent enemies near them for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Wild GrowthLulu makes @Targets@ allies giant, granting them @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus health and knocking up adjacent enemies near them for @CCDuration@ seconds.Bonus Health
    Number of Targets
    [ @BonusHealth1Prefix@@BonusHealth1@@BonusHealth1Postfix@ / @BonusHealth2Prefix@@BonusHealth2@@BonusHealth2Postfix@ / @BonusHealth3Prefix@@BonusHealth3@@BonusHealth3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Targets1Prefix@@Targets1@@Targets1Postfix@ / @Targets2Prefix@@Targets2@@Targets2Postfix@ / @Targets3Prefix@@Targets3@@Targets3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Wild Growth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu makes @Targets@ allies giant, granting them @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus health and knocking up adjacent enemies near them for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Health
    Number of Targets
    @BonusHealth@ -> @BonusHealthNL@
    @Targets@ -> @TargetsNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Wild Growth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu makes @Targets@ allies giant, granting them @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus health and knocking up adjacent enemies near them for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Wild Growth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu makes @Targets@ allies giant, granting them @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus health and knocking up adjacent enemies near them for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Primal Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nidalee heals herself and an ally, restoring @ModifiedHeal@ health over @HoTDuration@ seconds, then transforms into cat form.

    While in cat form, Nidalee's range is reduced to 1 hex and she gains @ADinCougar@ bonus Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Primal SurgeNidalee heals herself and an ally, restoring @ModifiedHeal@ health over @HoTDuration@ seconds, then transforms into cat form.

    While in cat form, Nidalee's range is reduced to 1 hex and she gains @ADinCougar@ bonus Attack Damage.
    Transform Attack Damage
    [ @HoTTotalHeal1Prefix@@HoTTotalHeal1@@HoTTotalHeal1Postfix@ / @HoTTotalHeal2Prefix@@HoTTotalHeal2@@HoTTotalHeal2Postfix@ / @HoTTotalHeal3Prefix@@HoTTotalHeal3@@HoTTotalHeal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ADInCougar1Prefix@@ADInCougar1@@ADInCougar1Postfix@ / @ADInCougar2Prefix@@ADInCougar2@@ADInCougar2Postfix@ / @ADInCougar3Prefix@@ADInCougar3@@ADInCougar3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Primal Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nidalee heals herself and an ally, restoring @ModifiedHeal@ health over @HoTDuration@ seconds, then transforms into cat form.

    While in cat form, Nidalee's range is reduced to 1 hex and she gains @ADinCougar@ bonus Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHeal
    Transform Attack Damage
    @HoTTotalHeal@ -> @HoTTotalHealNL@
    @ADInCougar@ -> @ADInCougarNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Primal Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nidalee heals herself and an ally, restoring @ModifiedHeal@ health over @HoTDuration@ seconds, then transforms into cat form.

    While in cat form, Nidalee's range is reduced to 1 hex and she gains @ADinCougar@ bonus Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Primal Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nidalee heals herself and an ally, restoring @ModifiedHeal@ health over @HoTDuration@ seconds, then transforms into cat form.

    While in cat form, Nidalee's range is reduced to 1 hex and she gains @ADinCougar@ bonus Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPhantom Undertow@keyHotkey@ Phantom Undertow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke leaves a phantom at his location, then dashes behind the farthest enemy. After @StunDelay@ second, his phantom returns to Pyke, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Phantom UndertowPyke leaves a phantom at his location, then dashes behind the farthest enemy. After @StunDelay@ second, his phantom returns to Pyke, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Phantom Undertow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke leaves a phantom at his location, then dashes behind the farthest enemy. After @StunDelay@ second, his phantom returns to Pyke, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Phantom Undertow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke leaves a phantom at his location, then dashes behind the farthest enemy. After @StunDelay@ second, his phantom returns to Pyke, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Phantom Undertow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke leaves a phantom at his location, then dashes behind the farthest enemy. After @StunDelay@ second, his phantom returns to Pyke, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBurrow@keyHotkey@ Burrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rek'Sai burrows, becoming untargetable for @BurrowDuration@ second and healing for @ModifiedHeal@ health.

    She emerges at her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocking them up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    BurrowRek'Sai burrows, becoming untargetable for @BurrowDuration@ second and healing for @ModifiedHeal@ health.

    She emerges at her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocking them up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds.
    [ @HealAmount1Prefix@@HealAmount1@@HealAmount1Postfix@ / @HealAmount2Prefix@@HealAmount2@@HealAmount2Postfix@ / @HealAmount3Prefix@@HealAmount3@@HealAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @KnockupDamage1Prefix@@KnockupDamage1@@KnockupDamage1Postfix@ / @KnockupDamage2Prefix@@KnockupDamage2@@KnockupDamage2Postfix@ / @KnockupDamage3Prefix@@KnockupDamage3@@KnockupDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Burrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rek'Sai burrows, becoming untargetable for @BurrowDuration@ second and healing for @ModifiedHeal@ health.

    She emerges at her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocking them up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHeal
    @HealAmount@ -> @HealAmountNL@
    @KnockupDamage@ -> @KnockupDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Burrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rek'Sai burrows, becoming untargetable for @BurrowDuration@ second and healing for @ModifiedHeal@ health.

    She emerges at her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocking them up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Burrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rek'Sai burrows, becoming untargetable for @BurrowDuration@ second and healing for @ModifiedHeal@ health.

    She emerges at her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocking them up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSpirit's Refuge@keyHotkey@ Spirit's Refuge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen creates a zone around himself for @ZoneDuration@ seconds, granting all nearby allies 100% chance to dodge incoming attacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Spirit's RefugeShen creates a zone around himself for @ZoneDuration@ seconds, granting all nearby allies 100% chance to dodge incoming attacks.Duration[ @ZoneDuration1Prefix@@ZoneDuration1@@ZoneDuration1Postfix@ / @ZoneDuration2Prefix@@ZoneDuration2@@ZoneDuration2Postfix@ / @ZoneDuration3Prefix@@ZoneDuration3@@ZoneDuration3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Spirit's Refuge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen creates a zone around himself for @ZoneDuration@ seconds, granting all nearby allies 100% chance to dodge incoming attacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDuration@ZoneDuration@ -> @ZoneDurationNL@@keyHotkey@ Spirit's Refuge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen creates a zone around himself for @ZoneDuration@ seconds, granting all nearby allies 100% chance to dodge incoming attacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Spirit's Refuge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen creates a zone around himself for @ZoneDuration@ seconds, granting all nearby allies 100% chance to dodge incoming attacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana places a bomb on her current target which will detonate after she attacks them 3 times or @ExplosiveChargeDuration@ seconds pass without Tristana attacking them.

    When the bomb detonates, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies, plus @PercentDamageIncrease@ for each attack, up to a maximum of @ModifiedMaxDamage@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Explosive ChargeTristana places a bomb on her current target which will detonate after she attacks them 3 times or @ExplosiveChargeDuration@ seconds pass without Tristana attacking them.

    When the bomb detonates, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies, plus @PercentDamageIncrease@ for each attack, up to a maximum of @ModifiedMaxDamage@.
    Damage[ @ChargeBaseDamage1Prefix@@ChargeBaseDamage1@@ChargeBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ChargeBaseDamage2Prefix@@ChargeBaseDamage2@@ChargeBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ChargeBaseDamage3Prefix@@ChargeBaseDamage3@@ChargeBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana places a bomb on her current target which will detonate after she attacks them 3 times or @ExplosiveChargeDuration@ seconds pass without Tristana attacking them.

    When the bomb detonates, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies, plus @PercentDamageIncrease@ for each attack, up to a maximum of @ModifiedMaxDamage@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@ChargeBaseDamage@ -> @ChargeBaseDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana places a bomb on her current target which will detonate after she attacks them 3 times or @ExplosiveChargeDuration@ seconds pass without Tristana attacking them.

    When the bomb detonates, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies, plus @PercentDamageIncrease@ for each attack, up to a maximum of @ModifiedMaxDamage@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana places a bomb on her current target which will detonate after she attacks them 3 times or @ExplosiveChargeDuration@ seconds pass without Tristana attacking them.

    When the bomb detonates, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies, plus @PercentDamageIncrease@ for each attack, up to a maximum of @ModifiedMaxDamage@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPick a Card@keyHotkey@ Pick a Card@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate randomly picks a card, then throws it at his current target, dealing @ModifiedRedCardDamage@ magic damage and creating a special effect based on the color of the card.

    Blue: Restores @BlueCardManaRestore@ mana to all allies adjacent to Twisted Fate.
    Red: Deals @ModifiedRedCardDamage@ to all enemies adjacent to the target.
    Gold: Stuns the target for @GoldCardStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Pick a CardTwisted Fate randomly picks a card, then throws it at his current target, dealing @ModifiedRedCardDamage@ magic damage and creating a special effect based on the color of the card.

    Blue: Restores @BlueCardManaRestore@ mana to all allies adjacent to Twisted Fate.
    Red: Deals @ModifiedRedCardDamage@ to all enemies adjacent to the target.
    Gold: Stuns the target for @GoldCardStunDuration@ seconds.
    Stun Duration
    Mana Restore
    [ @GoldCardDamage1Prefix@@GoldCardDamage1@@GoldCardDamage1Postfix@ / @GoldCardDamage2Prefix@@GoldCardDamage2@@GoldCardDamage2Postfix@ / @GoldCardDamage3Prefix@@GoldCardDamage3@@GoldCardDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @GoldCardStunDuration1Prefix@@GoldCardStunDuration1@@GoldCardStunDuration1Postfix@ / @GoldCardStunDuration2Prefix@@GoldCardStunDuration2@@GoldCardStunDuration2Postfix@ / @GoldCardStunDuration3Prefix@@GoldCardStunDuration3@@GoldCardStunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BlueCardManaRestore1Prefix@@BlueCardManaRestore1@@BlueCardManaRestore1Postfix@ / @BlueCardManaRestore2Prefix@@BlueCardManaRestore2@@BlueCardManaRestore2Postfix@ / @BlueCardManaRestore3Prefix@@BlueCardManaRestore3@@BlueCardManaRestore3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Pick a Card@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate randomly picks a card, then throws it at his current target, dealing @ModifiedRedCardDamage@ magic damage and creating a special effect based on the color of the card.

    Blue: Restores @BlueCardManaRestore@ mana to all allies adjacent to Twisted Fate.
    Red: Deals @ModifiedRedCardDamage@ to all enemies adjacent to the target.
    Gold: Stuns the target for @GoldCardStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    Mana Restore
    @GoldCardDamage@ -> @GoldCardDamageNL@
    @GoldCardStunDuration@ -> @GoldCardStunDurationNL@
    @BlueCardManaRestore@ -> @BlueCardManaRestoreNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Pick a Card@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate randomly picks a card, then throws it at his current target, dealing @ModifiedRedCardDamage@ magic damage and creating a special effect based on the color of the card.

    Blue: Restores @BlueCardManaRestore@ mana to all allies adjacent to Twisted Fate.
    Red: Deals @ModifiedRedCardDamage@ to all enemies adjacent to the target.
    Gold: Stuns the target for @GoldCardStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Pick a Card@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate randomly picks a card, then throws it at his current target, dealing @ModifiedRedCardDamage@ magic damage and creating a special effect based on the color of the card.

    Blue: Restores @BlueCardManaRestore@ mana to all allies adjacent to Twisted Fate.
    Red: Deals @ModifiedRedCardDamage@ to all enemies adjacent to the target.
    Gold: Stuns the target for @GoldCardStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPiercing Arrow@keyHotkey@ Piercing Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus channels for 1.5 seconds, then fires a piercing arrow, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in its path.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Piercing ArrowVarus channels for 1.5 seconds, then fires a piercing arrow, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in its path.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Piercing Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus channels for 1.5 seconds, then fires a piercing arrow, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in its path.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Piercing Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus channels for 1.5 seconds, then fires a piercing arrow, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in its path.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Piercing Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus channels for 1.5 seconds, then fires a piercing arrow, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in its path.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSilver Bolts@keyHotkey@ Silver Bolts@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Whenever Vayne attacks the same target 3 times, she deals @ModifiedDamage@ of her target's maximum Health as true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Silver BoltsPassive: Whenever Vayne attacks the same target 3 times, she deals @ModifiedDamage@ of her target's maximum Health as true damage.Percentage Damage[ @PercentDamage1Prefix@@PercentDamage1*100.000000@%@PercentDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentDamage2Prefix@@PercentDamage2*100.000000@%@PercentDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentDamage3Prefix@@PercentDamage3*100.000000@%@PercentDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Silver Bolts@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Whenever Vayne attacks the same target 3 times, she deals @ModifiedDamage@ of her target's maximum Health as true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPercentage Damage@PercentDamage*100.000000@% -> @PercentDamageNL*100.000000@%@keyHotkey@ Silver Bolts@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Whenever Vayne attacks the same target 3 times, she deals @ModifiedDamage@ of her target's maximum Health as true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Silver Bolts@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Whenever Vayne attacks the same target 3 times, she deals @ModifiedDamage@ of her target's maximum Health as true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPrimordial Burst@keyHotkey@ Primordial Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar blasts a random enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If Veigar's level is higher than his target's they are instantly killed instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Primordial BurstVeigar blasts a random enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If Veigar's level is higher than his target's they are instantly killed instead.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Primordial Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar blasts a random enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If Veigar's level is higher than his target's they are instantly killed instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Primordial Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar blasts a random enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If Veigar's level is higher than his target's they are instantly killed instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Primordial Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar blasts a random enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If Veigar's level is higher than his target's they are instantly killed instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCease and Desist@keyHotkey@ Cease and Desist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi charges at the farthest enemy, knocking aside and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies along the way. When she reaches her target, she deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocks them up for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cease and DesistVi charges at the farthest enemy, knocking aside and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies along the way. When she reaches her target, she deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocks them up for @CCDuration@ seconds.Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CCDuration1Prefix@@CCDuration1@@CCDuration1Postfix@ / @CCDuration2Prefix@@CCDuration2@@CCDuration2Postfix@ / @CCDuration3Prefix@@CCDuration3@@CCDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Cease and Desist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi charges at the farthest enemy, knocking aside and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies along the way. When she reaches her target, she deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocks them up for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @CCDuration@ -> @CCDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Cease and Desist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi charges at the farthest enemy, knocking aside and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies along the way. When she reaches her target, she deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocks them up for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Cease and Desist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi charges at the farthest enemy, knocking aside and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies along the way. When she reaches her target, she deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocks them up for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoInfinite Duress@keyHotkey@ Infinite Duress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Warwick leaps to the enemy with the lowest percent Health, stunning them, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, and healing himself for @HealPercent@% of the damage over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Infinite DuressWarwick leaps to the enemy with the lowest percent Health, stunning them, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, and healing himself for @HealPercent@% of the damage over @Duration@ seconds.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Infinite Duress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Warwick leaps to the enemy with the lowest percent Health, stunning them, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, and healing himself for @HealPercent@% of the damage over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Infinite Duress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Warwick leaps to the enemy with the lowest percent Health, stunning them, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, and healing himself for @HealPercent@% of the damage over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Infinite Duress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Warwick leaps to the enemy with the lowest percent Health, stunning them, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, and healing himself for @HealPercent@% of the damage over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRazor Shuriken@keyHotkey@ Razor Shuriken@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zed throws a shuriken in a line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in its path.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Razor ShurikenZed throws a shuriken in a line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in its path.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Razor Shuriken@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zed throws a shuriken in a line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in its path.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Razor Shuriken@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zed throws a shuriken in a line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in its path.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Razor Shuriken@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zed throws a shuriken in a line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in its path.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoThe Arclight Blade@keyHotkey@ The Arclight Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aatrox cleaves the area in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies therein.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@The Arclight BladeAatrox cleaves the area in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies therein.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ The Arclight Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aatrox cleaves the area in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies therein.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ The Arclight Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aatrox cleaves the area in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies therein.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ The Arclight Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aatrox cleaves the area in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies therein.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGlacial Storm@keyHotkey@ Glacial Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia creates a large hailstorm that lasts for @StormDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration and slowing the attack speed of all enemies inside of it by @AttackSpeedSlow@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Glacial StormAnivia creates a large hailstorm that lasts for @StormDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration and slowing the attack speed of all enemies inside of it by @AttackSpeedSlow@%.Total Damage
    Attack Speed Slow
    [ @TotalDamage1Prefix@@TotalDamage1@@TotalDamage1Postfix@ / @TotalDamage2Prefix@@TotalDamage2@@TotalDamage2Postfix@ / @TotalDamage3Prefix@@TotalDamage3@@TotalDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackSpeedSlow1Prefix@@AttackSpeedSlow1@%@AttackSpeedSlow1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedSlow2Prefix@@AttackSpeedSlow2@%@AttackSpeedSlow2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedSlow3Prefix@@AttackSpeedSlow3@%@AttackSpeedSlow3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Glacial Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia creates a large hailstorm that lasts for @StormDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration and slowing the attack speed of all enemies inside of it by @AttackSpeedSlow@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTotal Damage
    Attack Speed Slow
    @TotalDamage@ -> @TotalDamageNL@
    @AttackSpeedSlow@% -> @AttackSpeedSlowNL@%
    @keyHotkey@ Glacial Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia creates a large hailstorm that lasts for @StormDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration and slowing the attack speed of all enemies inside of it by @AttackSpeedSlow@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Glacial Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia creates a large hailstorm that lasts for @StormDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration and slowing the attack speed of all enemies inside of it by @AttackSpeedSlow@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoVoice of Light@keyHotkey@ Voice of Light@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol breathes fire in a line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in the area.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Voice of LightAurelion Sol breathes fire in a line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in the area.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Voice of Light@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol breathes fire in a line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in the area.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Voice of Light@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol breathes fire in a line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in the area.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Voice of Light@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol breathes fire in a line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in the area.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPyroclasm@keyHotkey@ Pyroclasm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand launches a bouncing fireball at an enemy. This fireball will bounce to nearby enemies up to @MaxBounces@ times, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage each time it hits.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@PyroclasmBrand launches a bouncing fireball at an enemy. This fireball will bounce to nearby enemies up to @MaxBounces@ times, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage each time it hits.Damage
    Max Bounces
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxBounces1Prefix@@MaxBounces1@@MaxBounces1Postfix@ / @MaxBounces2Prefix@@MaxBounces2@@MaxBounces2Postfix@ / @MaxBounces3Prefix@@MaxBounces3@@MaxBounces3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Pyroclasm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand launches a bouncing fireball at an enemy. This fireball will bounce to nearby enemies up to @MaxBounces@ times, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage each time it hits.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Max Bounces
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @MaxBounces@ -> @MaxBouncesNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Pyroclasm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand launches a bouncing fireball at an enemy. This fireball will bounce to nearby enemies up to @MaxBounces@ times, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage each time it hits.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Pyroclasm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand launches a bouncing fireball at an enemy. This fireball will bounce to nearby enemies up to @MaxBounces@ times, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage each time it hits.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ The Hextech Ultimatum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille singles out and leaps on an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and rooting them for @Duration@ seconds.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Camille's target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The Hextech UltimatumCamille singles out and leaps on an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and rooting them for @Duration@ seconds.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Camille's target.
    Root Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Duration1Prefix@@Duration1@@Duration1Postfix@ / @Duration2Prefix@@Duration2@@Duration2Postfix@ / @Duration3Prefix@@Duration3@@Duration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ The Hextech Ultimatum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille singles out and leaps on an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and rooting them for @Duration@ seconds.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Camille's target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Root Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Duration@ -> @DurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ The Hextech Ultimatum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille singles out and leaps on an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and rooting them for @Duration@ seconds.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Camille's target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ The Hextech Ultimatum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille singles out and leaps on an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and rooting them for @Duration@ seconds.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Camille's target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRupture@keyHotkey@ Rupture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath ruptures a large area, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocking up all enemies within for @KnockDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@RuptureCho'Gath ruptures a large area, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocking up all enemies within for @KnockDuration@ seconds.Damage
    Knockup Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @KnockDuration1Prefix@@KnockDuration1@@KnockDuration1Postfix@ / @KnockDuration2Prefix@@KnockDuration2@@KnockDuration2Postfix@ / @KnockDuration3Prefix@@KnockDuration3@@KnockDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Rupture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath ruptures a large area, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocking up all enemies within for @KnockDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Knockup Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @KnockDuration@ -> @KnockDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Rupture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath ruptures a large area, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocking up all enemies within for @KnockDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Rupture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath ruptures a large area, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocking up all enemies within for @KnockDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Spinning Axes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven starts spinning an axe, granting him @BonusADDamage@ bonus physical damage on-hit on his next attack.

    It will return to his location after striking the target and if Draven catches it, it will refresh the buff.

    Draven can spin up to two axes at a time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Spinning AxesDraven starts spinning an axe, granting him @BonusADDamage@ bonus physical damage on-hit on his next attack.

    It will return to his location after striking the target and if Draven catches it, it will refresh the buff.

    Draven can spin up to two axes at a time.
    Attack Damage Ratio[ @ADMult1Prefix@@ADMult1@@ADMult1Postfix@ / @ADMult2Prefix@@ADMult2@@ADMult2Postfix@ / @ADMult3Prefix@@ADMult3@@ADMult3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Spinning Axes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven starts spinning an axe, granting him @BonusADDamage@ bonus physical damage on-hit on his next attack.

    It will return to his location after striking the target and if Draven catches it, it will refresh the buff.

    Draven can spin up to two axes at a time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Damage Ratio@ADMult@ -> @ADMultNL@@keyHotkey@ Spinning Axes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven starts spinning an axe, granting him @BonusADDamage@ bonus physical damage on-hit on his next attack.

    It will return to his location after striking the target and if Draven catches it, it will refresh the buff.

    Draven can spin up to two axes at a time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Spinning Axes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven starts spinning an axe, granting him @BonusADDamage@ bonus physical damage on-hit on his next attack.

    It will return to his location after striking the target and if Draven catches it, it will refresh the buff.

    Draven can spin up to two axes at a time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSpider FormElise transforms into a giant spider and summons @NumSpiderlings@ spiderlings to fight alongside her.

    While in spider form, Elise gains @LifestealPercent@ bonus Lifesteal. Spiderlings benefit from active Demon trait bonuses.
    Life Steal
    Number of Plants
    [ @Lifesteal1Prefix@@Lifesteal1*100.000000@%@Lifesteal1Postfix@ / @Lifesteal2Prefix@@Lifesteal2*100.000000@%@Lifesteal2Postfix@ / @Lifesteal3Prefix@@Lifesteal3*100.000000@%@Lifesteal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @NumSpiderlings1Prefix@@NumSpiderlings1@@NumSpiderlings1Postfix@ / @NumSpiderlings2Prefix@@NumSpiderlings2@@NumSpiderlings2Postfix@ / @NumSpiderlings3Prefix@@NumSpiderlings3@@NumSpiderlings3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Spider Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Elise transforms into a giant spider and summons @NumSpiderlings@ spiderlings to fight alongside her.

    While in spider form, Elise gains @LifestealPercent@ bonus Lifesteal. Spiderlings benefit from active Demon trait bonuses.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upLife Steal
    Number of Plants
    @Lifesteal*100.000000@% -> @LifestealNL*100.000000@%
    @NumSpiderlings@ -> @NumSpiderlingsNL@
    Riposte@keyHotkey@ Riposte@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora enters a defensive stance for @BlockDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to damage and enemy spell effects. As she exits this stance, she ripostes, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to a nearby enemy and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@RiposteFiora enters a defensive stance for @BlockDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to damage and enemy spell effects. As she exits this stance, she ripostes, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to a nearby enemy and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Riposte@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora enters a defensive stance for @BlockDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to damage and enemy spell effects. As she exits this stance, she ripostes, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to a nearby enemy and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Riposte@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora enters a defensive stance for @BlockDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to damage and enemy spell effects. As she exits this stance, she ripostes, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to a nearby enemy and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Riposte@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora enters a defensive stance for @BlockDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to damage and enemy spell effects. As she exits this stance, she ripostes, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to a nearby enemy and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ GNAR!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gnar leaps towards an enemy and transforms into Mega Gnar, throwing nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @RCCDuration@ seconds.

    While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar gains @TransformHealth@ Health and @TransformAD@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    GNAR!Gnar leaps towards an enemy and transforms into Mega Gnar, throwing nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @RCCDuration@ seconds.

    While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar gains @TransformHealth@ Health and @TransformAD@ Attack Damage.
    Transform Health
    Transform Attack Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @TransformHealth1Prefix@@TransformHealth1@@TransformHealth1Postfix@ / @TransformHealth2Prefix@@TransformHealth2@@TransformHealth2Postfix@ / @TransformHealth3Prefix@@TransformHealth3@@TransformHealth3Postfix@ ]
    [ @TransformAD1Prefix@@TransformAD1@@TransformAD1Postfix@ / @TransformAD2Prefix@@TransformAD2@@TransformAD2Postfix@ / @TransformAD3Prefix@@TransformAD3@@TransformAD3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ GNAR!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gnar leaps towards an enemy and transforms into Mega Gnar, throwing nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @RCCDuration@ seconds.

    While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar gains @TransformHealth@ Health and @TransformAD@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Transform Health
    Transform Attack Damage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @TransformHealth@ -> @TransformHealthNL@
    @TransformAD@ -> @TransformADNL@
    @keyHotkey@ GNAR!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gnar leaps towards an enemy and transforms into Mega Gnar, throwing nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @RCCDuration@ seconds.

    While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar gains @TransformHealth@ Health and @TransformAD@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ GNAR!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gnar leaps towards an enemy and transforms into Mega Gnar, throwing nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @RCCDuration@ seconds.

    While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar gains @TransformHealth@ Health and @TransformAD@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Mercury Cannon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce knocks a nearby enemy away, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @CCDuration@ seconds. He then transforms into cannon form and gains max attack speed for his next @AAMax@ Basic Attacks.

    While in cannon form, Jayce's Attack Range is increased by 3 hexes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Mercury CannonJayce knocks a nearby enemy away, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @CCDuration@ seconds. He then transforms into cannon form and gains max attack speed for his next @AAMax@ Basic Attacks.

    While in cannon form, Jayce's Attack Range is increased by 3 hexes.
    Stun Duration
    Attack Count
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CCDuration1Prefix@@CCDuration1@@CCDuration1Postfix@ / @CCDuration2Prefix@@CCDuration2@@CCDuration2Postfix@ / @CCDuration3Prefix@@CCDuration3@@CCDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AAMax1Prefix@@AAMax1@@AAMax1Postfix@ / @AAMax2Prefix@@AAMax2@@AAMax2Postfix@ / @AAMax3Prefix@@AAMax3@@AAMax3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Mercury Cannon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce knocks a nearby enemy away, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @CCDuration@ seconds. He then transforms into cannon form and gains max attack speed for his next @AAMax@ Basic Attacks.

    While in cannon form, Jayce's Attack Range is increased by 3 hexes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    Attack Count
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @CCDuration@ -> @CCDurationNL@
    @AAMax@ -> @AAMaxNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Mercury Cannon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce knocks a nearby enemy away, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @CCDuration@ seconds. He then transforms into cannon form and gains max attack speed for his next @AAMax@ Basic Attacks.

    While in cannon form, Jayce's Attack Range is increased by 3 hexes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Mercury Cannon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jayce knocks a nearby enemy away, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @CCDuration@ seconds. He then transforms into cannon form and gains max attack speed for his next @AAMax@ Basic Attacks.

    While in cannon form, Jayce's Attack Range is increased by 3 hexes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Get Excited!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Jinx gets excited as she helps take down enemy units.

    After her first takedown, Jinx gains @PercentAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed.

    After her second takedown, Jinx swaps to her rocket launcher, causing her Basic Attacks to deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage to all enemies in a small area around her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Get Excited!Passive: Jinx gets excited as she helps take down enemy units.

    After her first takedown, Jinx gains @PercentAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed.

    After her second takedown, Jinx swaps to her rocket launcher, causing her Basic Attacks to deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage to all enemies in a small area around her target.
    Attack Speed
    [ @AttackSpeedBonus1Prefix@@AttackSpeedBonus1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBonus1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBonus2Prefix@@AttackSpeedBonus2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBonus2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBonus3Prefix@@AttackSpeedBonus3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBonus3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RocketDamage1Prefix@@RocketDamage1@@RocketDamage1Postfix@ / @RocketDamage2Prefix@@RocketDamage2@@RocketDamage2Postfix@ / @RocketDamage3Prefix@@RocketDamage3@@RocketDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Get Excited!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Jinx gets excited as she helps take down enemy units.

    After her first takedown, Jinx gains @PercentAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed.

    After her second takedown, Jinx swaps to her rocket launcher, causing her Basic Attacks to deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage to all enemies in a small area around her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Speed
    @AttackSpeedBonus*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedBonusNL*100.000000@%
    @RocketDamage@ -> @RocketDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Get Excited!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Jinx gets excited as she helps take down enemy units.

    After her first takedown, Jinx gains @PercentAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed.

    After her second takedown, Jinx swaps to her rocket launcher, causing her Basic Attacks to deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage to all enemies in a small area around her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Get Excited!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Jinx gets excited as she helps take down enemy units.

    After her first takedown, Jinx gains @PercentAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed.

    After her second takedown, Jinx swaps to her rocket launcher, causing her Basic Attacks to deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage to all enemies in a small area around her target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKiller Instinct@keyHotkey@ Killer Instinct@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa dashes to the furthest enemy unit, gaining +@ASPercent*100@% Attack Speed and a shield that blocks @ModifiedShield@ damage for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Killer InstinctKai'Sa dashes to the furthest enemy unit, gaining +@ASPercent*100@% Attack Speed and a shield that blocks @ModifiedShield@ damage for @Duration@ seconds.Attack Speed
    Shield Amount
    [ @ASPercent1Prefix@@ASPercent1*100.000000@%@ASPercent1Postfix@ / @ASPercent2Prefix@@ASPercent2*100.000000@%@ASPercent2Postfix@ / @ASPercent3Prefix@@ASPercent3*100.000000@%@ASPercent3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Killer Instinct@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa dashes to the furthest enemy unit, gaining +@ASPercent*100@% Attack Speed and a shield that blocks @ModifiedShield@ damage for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Speed
    Shield Amount
    @ASPercent*100.000000@% -> @ASPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Killer Instinct@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa dashes to the furthest enemy unit, gaining +@ASPercent*100@% Attack Speed and a shield that blocks @ModifiedShield@ damage for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Killer Instinct@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa dashes to the furthest enemy unit, gaining +@ASPercent*100@% Attack Speed and a shield that blocks @ModifiedShield@ damage for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRequiem@keyHotkey@ Requiem@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus channels for 2.25 seconds, then deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to @NumberOfTargets@ random enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@RequiemKarthus channels for 2.25 seconds, then deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to @NumberOfTargets@ random enemies.Damage
    Number of Targets
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @NumberOfTargets1Prefix@@NumberOfTargets1@@NumberOfTargets1Postfix@ / @NumberOfTargets2Prefix@@NumberOfTargets2@@NumberOfTargets2Postfix@ / @NumberOfTargets3Prefix@@NumberOfTargets3@@NumberOfTargets3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Requiem@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus channels for 2.25 seconds, then deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to @NumberOfTargets@ random enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Number of Targets
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @NumberOfTargets@ -> @NumberOfTargetsNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Requiem@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus channels for 2.25 seconds, then deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to @NumberOfTargets@ random enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Requiem@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus channels for 2.25 seconds, then deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to @NumberOfTargets@ random enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSlicing Maelstrom@keyHotkey@ Slicing Maelstrom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kennen summons a storm around himself for @Duration@ seconds, calling down lightning bolts on all enemies in the area every @TickRate@ second and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration. Each enemy struck by 3 lightning bolts is stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Slicing MaelstromKennen summons a storm around himself for @Duration@ seconds, calling down lightning bolts on all enemies in the area every @TickRate@ second and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration. Each enemy struck by 3 lightning bolts is stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.Total Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Slicing Maelstrom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kennen summons a storm around himself for @Duration@ seconds, calling down lightning bolts on all enemies in the area every @TickRate@ second and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration. Each enemy struck by 3 lightning bolts is stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTotal Damage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Slicing Maelstrom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kennen summons a storm around himself for @Duration@ seconds, calling down lightning bolts on all enemies in the area every @TickRate@ second and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration. Each enemy struck by 3 lightning bolts is stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Slicing Maelstrom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kennen summons a storm around himself for @Duration@ seconds, calling down lightning bolts on all enemies in the area every @TickRate@ second and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration. Each enemy struck by 3 lightning bolts is stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLamb's Respite@keyHotkey@ Lamb's Respite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred creates a zone around themselves for @Duration@ seconds that prevents allies within from dropping below @MinHealth@ health or dying.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Lamb's RespiteKindred creates a zone around themselves for @Duration@ seconds that prevents allies within from dropping below @MinHealth@ health or dying.Duration
    Minimum Health
    [ @Duration1Prefix@@Duration1@@Duration1Postfix@ / @Duration2Prefix@@Duration2@@Duration2Postfix@ / @Duration3Prefix@@Duration3@@Duration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinHealth1Prefix@@MinHealth1@@MinHealth1Postfix@ / @MinHealth2Prefix@@MinHealth2@@MinHealth2Postfix@ / @MinHealth3Prefix@@MinHealth3@@MinHealth3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Lamb's Respite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred creates a zone around themselves for @Duration@ seconds that prevents allies within from dropping below @MinHealth@ health or dying.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDuration
    Minimum Health
    @Duration@ -> @DurationNL@
    @MinHealth@ -> @MinHealthNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Lamb's Respite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred creates a zone around themselves for @Duration@ seconds that prevents allies within from dropping below @MinHealth@ health or dying.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Lamb's Respite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred creates a zone around themselves for @Duration@ seconds that prevents allies within from dropping below @MinHealth@ health or dying.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBullet Time@keyHotkey@ Bullet Time@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune channels and fires waves of bullets in a cone for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Bullet TimeMiss Fortune channels and fires waves of bullets in a cone for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within over the duration.Total Damage[ @TotalDamage1Prefix@@TotalDamage1@@TotalDamage1Postfix@ / @TotalDamage2Prefix@@TotalDamage2@@TotalDamage2Postfix@ / @TotalDamage3Prefix@@TotalDamage3@@TotalDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Bullet Time@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune channels and fires waves of bullets in a cone for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTotal Damage@TotalDamage@ -> @TotalDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Bullet Time@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune channels and fires waves of bullets in a cone for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Bullet Time@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune channels and fires waves of bullets in a cone for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoObliterate@keyHotkey@ Obliterate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mordekaiser slams his mace on the two spaces in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@ObliterateMordekaiser slams his mace on the two spaces in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Obliterate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mordekaiser slams his mace on the two spaces in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Obliterate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mordekaiser slams his mace on the two spaces in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Obliterate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mordekaiser slams his mace on the two spaces in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Soul Shackles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana fires chains to all nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.

    After @ChainDuration@ seconds, all chained enemies still within range of Morgana are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Soul ShacklesMorgana fires chains to all nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.

    After @ChainDuration@ seconds, all chained enemies still within range of Morgana are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage again.
    Stun Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Soul Shackles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana fires chains to all nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.

    After @ChainDuration@ seconds, all chained enemies still within range of Morgana are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Soul Shackles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana fires chains to all nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.

    After @ChainDuration@ seconds, all chained enemies still within range of Morgana are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Soul Shackles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana fires chains to all nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.

    After @ChainDuration@ seconds, all chained enemies still within range of Morgana are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGrand Starfall@keyHotkey@ Grand Starfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pantheon leaps in the air, crashing down towards the farthest enemy, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Enemies in Pantheon's path take @ModifiedDamage@ of their Maximum Health as magic damage. They then burn for an additional @BurnPercent*100@% of their Maximum Health as true damage over @BurnDuration@ seconds, reducing healing by 80%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Grand StarfallPantheon leaps in the air, crashing down towards the farthest enemy, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Enemies in Pantheon's path take @ModifiedDamage@ of their Maximum Health as magic damage. They then burn for an additional @BurnPercent*100@% of their Maximum Health as true damage over @BurnDuration@ seconds, reducing healing by 80%.
    Maximum Health Damage
    Stun Duration
    Burn Percent
    [ @PercentHealthDamage1Prefix@@PercentHealthDamage1*100.000000@%@PercentHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentHealthDamage2Prefix@@PercentHealthDamage2*100.000000@%@PercentHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentHealthDamage3Prefix@@PercentHealthDamage3*100.000000@%@PercentHealthDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BurnPercent1Prefix@@BurnPercent1*100.000000@%@BurnPercent1Postfix@ / @BurnPercent2Prefix@@BurnPercent2*100.000000@%@BurnPercent2Postfix@ / @BurnPercent3Prefix@@BurnPercent3*100.000000@%@BurnPercent3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Grand Starfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pantheon leaps in the air, crashing down towards the farthest enemy, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Enemies in Pantheon's path take @ModifiedDamage@ of their Maximum Health as magic damage. They then burn for an additional @BurnPercent*100@% of their Maximum Health as true damage over @BurnDuration@ seconds, reducing healing by 80%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMaximum Health Damage
    Stun Duration
    Burn Percent
    @PercentHealthDamage*100.000000@% -> @PercentHealthDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @BurnPercent*100.000000@% -> @BurnPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Grand Starfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pantheon leaps in the air, crashing down towards the farthest enemy, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Enemies in Pantheon's path take @ModifiedDamage@ of their Maximum Health as magic damage. They then burn for an additional @BurnPercent*100@% of their Maximum Health as true damage over @BurnDuration@ seconds, reducing healing by 80%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Grand Starfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pantheon leaps in the air, crashing down towards the farthest enemy, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Enemies in Pantheon's path take @ModifiedDamage@ of their Maximum Health as magic damage. They then burn for an additional @BurnPercent*100@% of their Maximum Health as true damage over @BurnDuration@ seconds, reducing healing by 80%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKeeper's Verdict@keyHotkey@ Keeper's Verdict@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy creates a shockwave in a straight line that can hit up to @NumberOfTargets@ enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, knocking up and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Keeper's VerdictPoppy creates a shockwave in a straight line that can hit up to @NumberOfTargets@ enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, knocking up and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Damage
    Stun Duration
    Number of Targets
    [ @DamagePart21Prefix@@DamagePart21@@DamagePart21Postfix@ / @DamagePart22Prefix@@DamagePart22@@DamagePart22Postfix@ / @DamagePart23Prefix@@DamagePart23@@DamagePart23Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @NumberOfTargets1Prefix@@NumberOfTargets1@@NumberOfTargets1Postfix@ / @NumberOfTargets2Prefix@@NumberOfTargets2@@NumberOfTargets2Postfix@ / @NumberOfTargets3Prefix@@NumberOfTargets3@@NumberOfTargets3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Keeper's Verdict@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy creates a shockwave in a straight line that can hit up to @NumberOfTargets@ enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, knocking up and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    Number of Targets
    @DamagePart2@ -> @DamagePart2NL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @NumberOfTargets@ -> @NumberOfTargetsNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Keeper's Verdict@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy creates a shockwave in a straight line that can hit up to @NumberOfTargets@ enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, knocking up and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Keeper's Verdict@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy creates a shockwave in a straight line that can hit up to @NumberOfTargets@ enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, knocking up and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSavagery@keyHotkey@ Savagery@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rengar leaps to and stabs the weakest enemy, dealing @LeapDamage@ physical damage and applying on-hit effects to his target.

    After this leap, Rengar gains @ASBuffPercent@ Attack Speed and @CritBuffPercent@ Critical Strike Chance for the next @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    SavageryRengar leaps to and stabs the weakest enemy, dealing @LeapDamage@ physical damage and applying on-hit effects to his target.

    After this leap, Rengar gains @ASBuffPercent@ Attack Speed and @CritBuffPercent@ Critical Strike Chance for the next @BuffDuration@ seconds.
    Attack Damage Ratio
    Attack Speed
    [ @ADMult1Prefix@@ADMult1*100.000000@%@ADMult1Postfix@ / @ADMult2Prefix@@ADMult2*100.000000@%@ADMult2Postfix@ / @ADMult3Prefix@@ADMult3*100.000000@%@ADMult3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ASBuff1Prefix@@ASBuff1*100.000000@%@ASBuff1Postfix@ / @ASBuff2Prefix@@ASBuff2*100.000000@%@ASBuff2Postfix@ / @ASBuff3Prefix@@ASBuff3*100.000000@%@ASBuff3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Savagery@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rengar leaps to and stabs the weakest enemy, dealing @LeapDamage@ physical damage and applying on-hit effects to his target.

    After this leap, Rengar gains @ASBuffPercent@ Attack Speed and @CritBuffPercent@ Critical Strike Chance for the next @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Damage Ratio
    Attack Speed
    @ADMult*100.000000@% -> @ADMultNL*100.000000@%
    @ASBuff*100.000000@% -> @ASBuffNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Savagery@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rengar leaps to and stabs the weakest enemy, dealing @LeapDamage@ physical damage and applying on-hit effects to his target.

    After this leap, Rengar gains @ASBuffPercent@ Attack Speed and @CritBuffPercent@ Critical Strike Chance for the next @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Savagery@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rengar leaps to and stabs the weakest enemy, dealing @LeapDamage@ physical damage and applying on-hit effects to his target.

    After this leap, Rengar gains @ASBuffPercent@ Attack Speed and @CritBuffPercent@ Critical Strike Chance for the next @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGlacial Prison@keyHotkey@ Glacial Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@After a @ExplosionDelay@ second delay, Sejuani creates a glacial prison on an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemeis and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Glacial PrisonAfter a @ExplosionDelay@ second delay, Sejuani creates a glacial prison on an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemeis and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Glacial Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@After a @ExplosionDelay@ second delay, Sejuani creates a glacial prison on an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemeis and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Glacial Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@After a @ExplosionDelay@ second delay, Sejuani creates a glacial prison on an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemeis and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Glacial Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@After a @ExplosionDelay@ second delay, Sejuani creates a glacial prison on an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemeis and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Dragon's Descent@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shyvana dashes away from her current target and transforms into dragon form.

    While in dragon form, Shyvana's Basic Attack becomes ranged, she gains @ADWhileDragon@ Attack Damage, and her Basic Attacks burn her enemies for @BurnDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Dragon's DescentShyvana dashes away from her current target and transforms into dragon form.

    While in dragon form, Shyvana's Basic Attack becomes ranged, she gains @ADWhileDragon@ Attack Damage, and her Basic Attacks burn her enemies for @BurnDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.
    Attack Damage while Dragon
    [ @BurnDamage1Prefix@@BurnDamage1@@BurnDamage1Postfix@ / @BurnDamage2Prefix@@BurnDamage2@@BurnDamage2Postfix@ / @BurnDamage3Prefix@@BurnDamage3@@BurnDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ADWhileDragon1Prefix@@ADWhileDragon1@@ADWhileDragon1Postfix@ / @ADWhileDragon2Prefix@@ADWhileDragon2@@ADWhileDragon2Postfix@ / @ADWhileDragon3Prefix@@ADWhileDragon3@@ADWhileDragon3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Dragon's Descent@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shyvana dashes away from her current target and transforms into dragon form.

    While in dragon form, Shyvana's Basic Attack becomes ranged, she gains @ADWhileDragon@ Attack Damage, and her Basic Attacks burn her enemies for @BurnDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Attack Damage while Dragon
    @BurnDamage@ -> @BurnDamageNL@
    @ADWhileDragon@ -> @ADWhileDragonNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Dragon's Descent@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shyvana dashes away from her current target and transforms into dragon form.

    While in dragon form, Shyvana's Basic Attack becomes ranged, she gains @ADWhileDragon@ Attack Damage, and her Basic Attacks burn her enemies for @BurnDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Dragon's Descent@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shyvana dashes away from her current target and transforms into dragon form.

    While in dragon form, Shyvana's Basic Attack becomes ranged, she gains @ADWhileDragon@ Attack Damage, and her Basic Attacks burn her enemies for @BurnDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Demonflare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain transforms into demon form for @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    While in demon form, Swain drains health from nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@ over the duration for each enemy in range. At the end of the transformation, Swain sends out a Soul Flare, dealing @ModifiedSoulFlareDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    DemonflareSwain transforms into demon form for @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    While in demon form, Swain drains health from nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@ over the duration for each enemy in range. At the end of the transformation, Swain sends out a Soul Flare, dealing @ModifiedSoulFlareDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies.
    Total Damage
    Total Heal
    Soul Flare Damage
    [ @TotalDamage1Prefix@@TotalDamage1@@TotalDamage1Postfix@ / @TotalDamage2Prefix@@TotalDamage2@@TotalDamage2Postfix@ / @TotalDamage3Prefix@@TotalDamage3@@TotalDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @TotalHeal1Prefix@@TotalHeal1@@TotalHeal1Postfix@ / @TotalHeal2Prefix@@TotalHeal2@@TotalHeal2Postfix@ / @TotalHeal3Prefix@@TotalHeal3@@TotalHeal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SoulFlareDamage1Prefix@@SoulFlareDamage1@@SoulFlareDamage1Postfix@ / @SoulFlareDamage2Prefix@@SoulFlareDamage2@@SoulFlareDamage2Postfix@ / @SoulFlareDamage3Prefix@@SoulFlareDamage3@@SoulFlareDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Demonflare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain transforms into demon form for @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    While in demon form, Swain drains health from nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@ over the duration for each enemy in range. At the end of the transformation, Swain sends out a Soul Flare, dealing @ModifiedSoulFlareDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTotal Damage
    Total Heal
    Soul Flare Damage
    @TotalDamage@ -> @TotalDamageNL@
    @TotalHeal@ -> @TotalHealNL@
    @SoulFlareDamage@ -> @SoulFlareDamageNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Demonflare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain transforms into demon form for @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    While in demon form, Swain drains health from nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@ over the duration for each enemy in range. At the end of the transformation, Swain sends out a Soul Flare, dealing @ModifiedSoulFlareDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Demonflare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain transforms into demon form for @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    While in demon form, Swain drains health from nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@ over the duration for each enemy in range. At the end of the transformation, Swain sends out a Soul Flare, dealing @ModifiedSoulFlareDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoOn Duty!@keyHotkey@ On Duty!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Training Dummy cannot move or attack. It is also dressed like a devilishly handsome Yordle.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@On Duty!The Training Dummy cannot move or attack. It is also dressed like a devilishly handsome Yordle.@keyHotkey@ On Duty!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Training Dummy cannot move or attack. It is also dressed like a devilishly handsome Yordle.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ On Duty!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Training Dummy cannot move or attack. It is also dressed like a devilishly handsome Yordle.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ On Duty!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Training Dummy cannot move or attack. It is also dressed like a devilishly handsome Yordle.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyHotkey@ Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana places a bomb on her current target which will detonate after she attacks them 3 times or @ExplosiveChargeDuration@ seconds pass without Tristana attacking them.

    When the bomb detonates, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies, plus @PercentDamageIncrease@ for each Basic Attack, up to a maximum of @ModifiedMaxDamage@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Explosive ChargeTristana places a bomb on her current target which will detonate after she attacks them 3 times or @ExplosiveChargeDuration@ seconds pass without Tristana attacking them.

    When the bomb detonates, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies, plus @PercentDamageIncrease@ for each Basic Attack, up to a maximum of @ModifiedMaxDamage@.
    Damage[ @ChargeBaseDamage1Prefix@@ChargeBaseDamage1@@ChargeBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ChargeBaseDamage2Prefix@@ChargeBaseDamage2@@ChargeBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ChargeBaseDamage3Prefix@@ChargeBaseDamage3@@ChargeBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana places a bomb on her current target which will detonate after she attacks them 3 times or @ExplosiveChargeDuration@ seconds pass without Tristana attacking them.

    When the bomb detonates, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies, plus @PercentDamageIncrease@ for each Basic Attack, up to a maximum of @ModifiedMaxDamage@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@ChargeBaseDamage@ -> @ChargeBaseDamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana places a bomb on her current target which will detonate after she attacks them 3 times or @ExplosiveChargeDuration@ seconds pass without Tristana attacking them.

    When the bomb detonates, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies, plus @PercentDamageIncrease@ for each Basic Attack, up to a maximum of @ModifiedMaxDamage@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana places a bomb on her current target which will detonate after she attacks them 3 times or @ExplosiveChargeDuration@ seconds pass without Tristana attacking them.

    When the bomb detonates, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies, plus @PercentDamageIncrease@ for each Basic Attack, up to a maximum of @ModifiedMaxDamage@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAssault and Battery@keyHotkey@ Assault and Battery@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi charges at the farthest enemy, knocking aside and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies along the way. When she reaches her target, she deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocks them up for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Assault and BatteryVi charges at the farthest enemy, knocking aside and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies along the way. When she reaches her target, she deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocks them up for @CCDuration@ seconds.Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CCDuration1Prefix@@CCDuration1@@CCDuration1Postfix@ / @CCDuration2Prefix@@CCDuration2@@CCDuration2Postfix@ / @CCDuration3Prefix@@CCDuration3@@CCDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Assault and Battery@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi charges at the farthest enemy, knocking aside and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies along the way. When she reaches her target, she deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocks them up for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @CCDuration@ -> @CCDurationNL@
    @keyHotkey@ Assault and Battery@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi charges at the farthest enemy, knocking aside and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies along the way. When she reaches her target, she deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocks them up for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Assault and Battery@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi charges at the farthest enemy, knocking aside and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies along the way. When she reaches her target, she deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocks them up for @CCDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoVoidborn@keyHotkey@ Voidborn@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Voidspawn gains bonus Health and Attack Damage based on the current Stage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@VoidbornThe Voidspawn gains bonus Health and Attack Damage based on the current Stage. @keyHotkey@ Voidborn@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Voidspawn gains bonus Health and Attack Damage based on the current Stage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Voidborn@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Voidspawn gains bonus Health and Attack Damage based on the current Stage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Voidborn@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The Voidspawn gains bonus Health and Attack Damage based on the current Stage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoThunder Claws@keyHotkey@ Thunder Claws@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear empowers his attacks for the next @BuffDuration@ seconds, causing them to chain to up to @MaxBounces@ nearby enemies. These chains deal @ChainDamage@ physical damage and apply on-hit effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Thunder ClawsVolibear empowers his attacks for the next @BuffDuration@ seconds, causing them to chain to up to @MaxBounces@ nearby enemies. These chains deal @ChainDamage@ physical damage and apply on-hit effects.Max Bounces
    Chain Attack Damage Percentage
    [ @MaxBounces1Prefix@@MaxBounces1@@MaxBounces1Postfix@ / @MaxBounces2Prefix@@MaxBounces2@@MaxBounces2Postfix@ / @MaxBounces3Prefix@@MaxBounces3@@MaxBounces3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ChainADMult1Prefix@@ChainADMult1*100.000000@%@ChainADMult1Postfix@ / @ChainADMult2Prefix@@ChainADMult2*100.000000@%@ChainADMult2Postfix@ / @ChainADMult3Prefix@@ChainADMult3*100.000000@%@ChainADMult3Postfix@ ]
    @keyHotkey@ Thunder Claws@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear empowers his attacks for the next @BuffDuration@ seconds, causing them to chain to up to @MaxBounces@ nearby enemies. These chains deal @ChainDamage@ physical damage and apply on-hit effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMax Bounces
    Chain Attack Damage Percentage
    @MaxBounces@ -> @MaxBouncesNL@
    @ChainADMult*100.000000@% -> @ChainADMultNL*100.000000@%
    @keyHotkey@ Thunder Claws@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear empowers his attacks for the next @BuffDuration@ seconds, causing them to chain to up to @MaxBounces@ nearby enemies. These chains deal @ChainDamage@ physical damage and apply on-hit effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Thunder Claws@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear empowers his attacks for the next @BuffDuration@ seconds, causing them to chain to up to @MaxBounces@ nearby enemies. These chains deal @ChainDamage@ physical damage and apply on-hit effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoInfinite DuressWarwick leaps to the enemy with the lowest percent Health, stunning them, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, and healing himself for @HealPercent@% of the damage over @Duration@ seconds.Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Infinite Duress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Warwick leaps to the enemy with the lowest percent Health, stunning them, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, and healing himself for @HealPercent@% of the damage over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@Steel Tempest@keyHotkey@ Steel Tempest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yasuo stabs his sword into the two spaces in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and applying on-hit effects to enemies within. Every third cast, Yasuo instead throws a tornado in a line that travels @QEmpowerHexRange@ hexes and additionally knocks enemies up for @QKnockupDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Steel TempestYasuo stabs his sword into the two spaces in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and applying on-hit effects to enemies within. Every third cast, Yasuo instead throws a tornado in a line that travels @QEmpowerHexRange@ hexes and additionally knocks enemies up for @QKnockupDuration@ seconds.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]@keyHotkey@ Steel Tempest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yasuo stabs his sword into the two spaces in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and applying on-hit effects to enemies within. Every third cast, Yasuo instead throws a tornado in a line that travels @QEmpowerHexRange@ hexes and additionally knocks enemies up for @QKnockupDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@@keyHotkey@ Steel Tempest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yasuo stabs his sword into the two spaces in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and applying on-hit effects to enemies within. Every third cast, Yasuo instead throws a tornado in a line that travels @QEmpowerHexRange@ hexes and additionally knocks enemies up for @QKnockupDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ Steel Tempest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yasuo stabs his sword into the two spaces in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and applying on-hit effects to enemies within. Every third cast, Yasuo instead throws a tornado in a line that travels @QEmpowerHexRange@ hexes and additionally knocks enemies up for @QKnockupDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPassively, Aatrox heals when damaging enemy champions. On activation, he dashes in a direction.Umbral DashUmbral Dash@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Umbral Dash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Aatrox gains @ESpellVamp@% Omnivamp against champions, increased to @ESpellVampEmpowered@% Omnivamp during {{ Spell_AatroxR_Name }}.

    Active: Aatrox dashes. He can use this Ability while winding up his other Abilities.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Aatrox gains @ESpellVamp@% Omnivamp against champions, increased to @ESpellVampEmpowered@% Omnivamp during {{ Spell_AatroxR_Name }}.

    Active: Aatrox dashes. He can use this Ability while winding up his other Abilities.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Umbral Dash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Aatrox gains @ESpellVamp@% Omnivamp against champions, increased to @ESpellVampEmpowered@% Omnivamp during {{ Spell_AatroxR_Name }}.

    Active: Aatrox dashes. He can use this Ability while winding up his other Abilities.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Healing %
    Healing % during World Ender
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ESpellVamp1Prefix@@ESpellVamp1@%@ESpellVamp1Postfix@ / @ESpellVamp2Prefix@@ESpellVamp2@%@ESpellVamp2Postfix@ / @ESpellVamp3Prefix@@ESpellVamp3@%@ESpellVamp3Postfix@ / @ESpellVamp4Prefix@@ESpellVamp4@%@ESpellVamp4Postfix@ / @ESpellVamp5Prefix@@ESpellVamp5@%@ESpellVamp5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ESpellVampEmpowered1Prefix@@ESpellVampEmpowered1@%@ESpellVampEmpowered1Postfix@ / @ESpellVampEmpowered2Prefix@@ESpellVampEmpowered2@%@ESpellVampEmpowered2Postfix@ / @ESpellVampEmpowered3Prefix@@ESpellVampEmpowered3@%@ESpellVampEmpowered3Postfix@ / @ESpellVampEmpowered4Prefix@@ESpellVampEmpowered4@%@ESpellVampEmpowered4Postfix@ / @ESpellVampEmpowered5Prefix@@ESpellVampEmpowered5@%@ESpellVampEmpowered5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Umbral Dash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Aatrox gains @ESpellVamp@% Omnivamp against champions, increased to @ESpellVampEmpowered@% Omnivamp during {{ Spell_AatroxR_Name }}.

    Active: Aatrox dashes. He can use this Ability while winding up his other Abilities.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Healing %
    Healing % during World Ender
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @ESpellVamp@% -> @ESpellVampNL@%
    @ESpellVampEmpowered@% -> @ESpellVampEmpoweredNL@%
    Healing %
    Healing % during World Ender
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ESpellVamp1Prefix@@ESpellVamp1@%@ESpellVamp1Postfix@ / @ESpellVamp2Prefix@@ESpellVamp2@%@ESpellVamp2Postfix@ / @ESpellVamp3Prefix@@ESpellVamp3@%@ESpellVamp3Postfix@ / @ESpellVamp4Prefix@@ESpellVamp4@%@ESpellVamp4Postfix@ / @ESpellVamp5Prefix@@ESpellVamp5@%@ESpellVamp5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ESpellVampEmpowered1Prefix@@ESpellVampEmpowered1@%@ESpellVampEmpowered1Postfix@ / @ESpellVampEmpowered2Prefix@@ESpellVampEmpowered2@%@ESpellVampEmpowered2Postfix@ / @ESpellVampEmpowered3Prefix@@ESpellVampEmpowered3@%@ESpellVampEmpowered3Postfix@ / @ESpellVampEmpowered4Prefix@@ESpellVampEmpowered4@%@ESpellVampEmpowered4Postfix@ / @ESpellVampEmpowered5Prefix@@ESpellVampEmpowered5@%@ESpellVampEmpowered5Postfix@ ]
    Healing %
    Healing % during World Ender
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @ESpellVamp@% -> @ESpellVampNL@%
    @ESpellVampEmpowered@% -> @ESpellVampEmpoweredNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Umbral Dash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Aatrox gains @ESpellVamp@% Omnivamp against champions, increased to @ESpellVampEmpowered@% Omnivamp during {{ Spell_AatroxR_Name }}.

    Active: Aatrox dashes. He can use this Ability while winding up his other Abilities.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Umbral Dash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Aatrox gains @ESpellVamp@% Omnivamp against champions, increased to @ESpellVampEmpowered@% Omnivamp during {{ Spell_AatroxR_Name }}.

    Active: Aatrox dashes. He can use this Ability while winding up his other Abilities.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAatrox slams his greatsword down, dealing physical damage. He can swing three times, each with a different area of effect.The Darkin BladeThe Darkin Blade@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] The Darkin Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAatrox slams his greatsword, dealing @QDamage@ physical damage. If they are hit on the edge, they are briefly Knocked Up and they take @QEdgeDamage@ instead. This Ability can be Recast twice, each one changing shape and dealing 25% more damage than the previous one.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Aatrox slams his greatsword, dealing @QDamage@ physical damage. If they are hit on the edge, they are briefly Knocked Up and they take @QEdgeDamage@ instead. This Ability can be Recast twice, each one changing shape and dealing 25% more damage than the previous one.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] The Darkin Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAatrox slams his greatsword, dealing @QDamage@ physical damage. If they are hit on the edge, they are briefly Knocked Up and they take @QEdgeDamage@ instead. This Ability can be Recast twice, each one changing shape and dealing 25% more damage than the previous one.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Deals @QMinionDamage@ damage to minions.
    Knock Up duration against monsters is doubled.
    Total AD Ratio
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @QBaseDamage1Prefix@@QBaseDamage1@@QBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage2Prefix@@QBaseDamage2@@QBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage3Prefix@@QBaseDamage3@@QBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage4Prefix@@QBaseDamage4@@QBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage5Prefix@@QBaseDamage5@@QBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @QTotalADRatio1Prefix@@QTotalADRatio1*100.000000@%@QTotalADRatio1Postfix@ / @QTotalADRatio2Prefix@@QTotalADRatio2*100.000000@%@QTotalADRatio2Postfix@ / @QTotalADRatio3Prefix@@QTotalADRatio3*100.000000@%@QTotalADRatio3Postfix@ / @QTotalADRatio4Prefix@@QTotalADRatio4*100.000000@%@QTotalADRatio4Postfix@ / @QTotalADRatio5Prefix@@QTotalADRatio5*100.000000@%@QTotalADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] The Darkin Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAatrox slams his greatsword, dealing @QDamage@ physical damage. If they are hit on the edge, they are briefly Knocked Up and they take @QEdgeDamage@ instead. This Ability can be Recast twice, each one changing shape and dealing 25% more damage than the previous one.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Total AD Ratio
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @QBaseDamage@ -> @QBaseDamageNL@
    @QTotalADRatio*100.000000@% -> @QTotalADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    Total AD Ratio
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @QBaseDamage1Prefix@@QBaseDamage1@@QBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage2Prefix@@QBaseDamage2@@QBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage3Prefix@@QBaseDamage3@@QBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage4Prefix@@QBaseDamage4@@QBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage5Prefix@@QBaseDamage5@@QBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @QTotalADRatio1Prefix@@QTotalADRatio1*100.000000@%@QTotalADRatio1Postfix@ / @QTotalADRatio2Prefix@@QTotalADRatio2*100.000000@%@QTotalADRatio2Postfix@ / @QTotalADRatio3Prefix@@QTotalADRatio3*100.000000@%@QTotalADRatio3Postfix@ / @QTotalADRatio4Prefix@@QTotalADRatio4*100.000000@%@QTotalADRatio4Postfix@ / @QTotalADRatio5Prefix@@QTotalADRatio5*100.000000@%@QTotalADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    Total AD Ratio
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @QBaseDamage@ -> @QBaseDamageNL@
    @QTotalADRatio*100.000000@% -> @QTotalADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] The Darkin Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAatrox slams his greatsword, dealing @QDamage@ physical damage. If they are hit on the edge, they are briefly Knocked Up and they take @QEdgeDamage@ instead. This Ability can be Recast twice, each one changing shape and dealing 25% more damage than the previous one.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] The Darkin Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAatrox slams his greatsword, dealing @QDamage@ physical damage. If they are hit on the edge, they are briefly Knocked Up and they take @QEdgeDamage@ instead. This Ability can be Recast twice, each one changing shape and dealing 25% more damage than the previous one.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAatrox unleashes his demonic form, fearing nearby enemy minions and gaining attack damage, increased healing, and Move Speed. If he gets a takedown, this effect is extended.World EnderWorld Ender@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] World Ender@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAatrox reveals his true demonic form, Fearing nearby minions for @RMinionFearDuration@ seconds and gaining @RMovementSpeedBonus*100@% Move Speed decaying over @RDuration@ seconds. He also gains @RTotalADAmp*100@% Attack Damage and increases self-healing by @RHealingAmp*100@% for the duration.

    Champion takedowns extend the duration of this effect by @RExtension@ seconds and refresh the Move Speed effect.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Aatrox reveals his true demonic form, Fearing nearby minions for @RMinionFearDuration@ seconds and gaining @RMovementSpeedBonus*100@% Move Speed decaying over @RDuration@ seconds. He also gains @RTotalADAmp*100@% Attack Damage and increases self-healing by @RHealingAmp*100@% for the duration.

    Champion takedowns extend the duration of this effect by @RExtension@ seconds and refresh the Move Speed effect.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] World Ender@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAatrox reveals his true demonic form, Fearing nearby minions for @RMinionFearDuration@ seconds and gaining @RMovementSpeedBonus*100@% Move Speed decaying over @RDuration@ seconds. He also gains @RTotalADAmp*100@% Attack Damage and increases self-healing by @RHealingAmp*100@% for the duration.

    Champion takedowns extend the duration of this effect by @RExtension@ seconds and refresh the Move Speed effect.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Duration cannot be increased past @RDuration@ seconds.Total Attack Damage Increase
    Healing Increase
    Move Speed
    [ @RTotalADAmp1Prefix@@RTotalADAmp1*100.000000@%@RTotalADAmp1Postfix@ / @RTotalADAmp2Prefix@@RTotalADAmp2*100.000000@%@RTotalADAmp2Postfix@ / @RTotalADAmp3Prefix@@RTotalADAmp3*100.000000@%@RTotalADAmp3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RHealingAmp1Prefix@@RHealingAmp1*100.000000@%@RHealingAmp1Postfix@ / @RHealingAmp2Prefix@@RHealingAmp2*100.000000@%@RHealingAmp2Postfix@ / @RHealingAmp3Prefix@@RHealingAmp3*100.000000@%@RHealingAmp3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RMovementSpeedBonus1Prefix@@RMovementSpeedBonus1*100.000000@%@RMovementSpeedBonus1Postfix@ / @RMovementSpeedBonus2Prefix@@RMovementSpeedBonus2*100.000000@%@RMovementSpeedBonus2Postfix@ / @RMovementSpeedBonus3Prefix@@RMovementSpeedBonus3*100.000000@%@RMovementSpeedBonus3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] World Ender@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAatrox reveals his true demonic form, Fearing nearby minions for @RMinionFearDuration@ seconds and gaining @RMovementSpeedBonus*100@% Move Speed decaying over @RDuration@ seconds. He also gains @RTotalADAmp*100@% Attack Damage and increases self-healing by @RHealingAmp*100@% for the duration.

    Champion takedowns extend the duration of this effect by @RExtension@ seconds and refresh the Move Speed effect.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTotal Attack Damage Increase
    Healing Increase
    Move Speed
    @RTotalADAmp*100.000000@% -> @RTotalADAmpNL*100.000000@%
    @RHealingAmp*100.000000@% -> @RHealingAmpNL*100.000000@%
    @RMovementSpeedBonus*100.000000@% -> @RMovementSpeedBonusNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Total Attack Damage Increase
    Healing Increase
    Move Speed
    [ @RTotalADAmp1Prefix@@RTotalADAmp1*100.000000@%@RTotalADAmp1Postfix@ / @RTotalADAmp2Prefix@@RTotalADAmp2*100.000000@%@RTotalADAmp2Postfix@ / @RTotalADAmp3Prefix@@RTotalADAmp3*100.000000@%@RTotalADAmp3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RHealingAmp1Prefix@@RHealingAmp1*100.000000@%@RHealingAmp1Postfix@ / @RHealingAmp2Prefix@@RHealingAmp2*100.000000@%@RHealingAmp2Postfix@ / @RHealingAmp3Prefix@@RHealingAmp3*100.000000@%@RHealingAmp3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RMovementSpeedBonus1Prefix@@RMovementSpeedBonus1*100.000000@%@RMovementSpeedBonus1Postfix@ / @RMovementSpeedBonus2Prefix@@RMovementSpeedBonus2*100.000000@%@RMovementSpeedBonus2Postfix@ / @RMovementSpeedBonus3Prefix@@RMovementSpeedBonus3*100.000000@%@RMovementSpeedBonus3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Total Attack Damage Increase
    Healing Increase
    Move Speed
    @RTotalADAmp*100.000000@% -> @RTotalADAmpNL*100.000000@%
    @RHealingAmp*100.000000@% -> @RHealingAmpNL*100.000000@%
    @RMovementSpeedBonus*100.000000@% -> @RMovementSpeedBonusNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] World Ender@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAatrox reveals his true demonic form, Fearing nearby minions for @RMinionFearDuration@ seconds and gaining @RMovementSpeedBonus*100@% Move Speed decaying over @RDuration@ seconds. He also gains @RTotalADAmp*100@% Attack Damage and increases self-healing by @RHealingAmp*100@% for the duration.

    Champion takedowns extend the duration of this effect by @RExtension@ seconds and refresh the Move Speed effect.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] World Ender@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAatrox reveals his true demonic form, Fearing nearby minions for @RMinionFearDuration@ seconds and gaining @RMovementSpeedBonus*100@% Move Speed decaying over @RDuration@ seconds. He also gains @RTotalADAmp*100@% Attack Damage and increases self-healing by @RHealingAmp*100@% for the duration.

    Champion takedowns extend the duration of this effect by @RExtension@ seconds and refresh the Move Speed effect.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAatrox smashes the ground, dealing damage to the first enemy hit. Champions and large monsters have to leave the impact area quickly or they will be dragged to the center and take the damage again.Infernal ChainsInfernal Chains@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Infernal Chains@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAatrox fires a chain, Slowing the first enemy hit by @WSlowPercentage*-100@% for @WSlowDuration@ seconds and dealing @WDamage@ physical damage. Champions and large jungle monsters have @WSlowDuration@ seconds to leave the impact area or be Pulled back to the center and damaged again for the same amount.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Aatrox fires a chain, Slowing the first enemy hit by @WSlowPercentage*-100@% for @WSlowDuration@ seconds and dealing @WDamage@ physical damage. Champions and large jungle monsters have @WSlowDuration@ seconds to leave the impact area or be Pulled back to the center and damaged again for the same amount.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Infernal Chains@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAatrox fires a chain, Slowing the first enemy hit by @WSlowPercentage*-100@% for @WSlowDuration@ seconds and dealing @WDamage@ physical damage. Champions and large jungle monsters have @WSlowDuration@ seconds to leave the impact area or be Pulled back to the center and damaged again for the same amount.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Deals double damage to minions.Cooldown
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @WBaseDamage1Prefix@@WBaseDamage1@@WBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @WBaseDamage2Prefix@@WBaseDamage2@@WBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @WBaseDamage3Prefix@@WBaseDamage3@@WBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @WBaseDamage4Prefix@@WBaseDamage4@@WBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @WBaseDamage5Prefix@@WBaseDamage5@@WBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Infernal Chains@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAatrox fires a chain, Slowing the first enemy hit by @WSlowPercentage*-100@% for @WSlowDuration@ seconds and dealing @WDamage@ physical damage. Champions and large jungle monsters have @WSlowDuration@ seconds to leave the impact area or be Pulled back to the center and damaged again for the same amount.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @WBaseDamage@ -> @WBaseDamageNL@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @WBaseDamage1Prefix@@WBaseDamage1@@WBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @WBaseDamage2Prefix@@WBaseDamage2@@WBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @WBaseDamage3Prefix@@WBaseDamage3@@WBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @WBaseDamage4Prefix@@WBaseDamage4@@WBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @WBaseDamage5Prefix@@WBaseDamage5@@WBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @WBaseDamage@ -> @WBaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Infernal Chains@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAatrox fires a chain, Slowing the first enemy hit by @WSlowPercentage*-100@% for @WSlowDuration@ seconds and dealing @WDamage@ physical damage. Champions and large jungle monsters have @WSlowDuration@ seconds to leave the impact area or be Pulled back to the center and damaged again for the same amount.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Infernal Chains@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAatrox fires a chain, Slowing the first enemy hit by @WSlowPercentage*-100@% for @WSlowDuration@ seconds and dealing @WDamage@ physical damage. Champions and large jungle monsters have @WSlowDuration@ seconds to leave the impact area or be Pulled back to the center and damaged again for the same amount.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAhri gains a brief burst of Move Speed and releases three fox-fires, that lock onto and attack nearby enemies.Fox-FireFox-Fire@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Fox-Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri releases 3 fox-fires that seek nearby enemies and deal @SingleFireDamage@ magic damage, reduced to @MultiFireDamage@ damage beyond the first. She also gains @MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ahri releases 3 fox-fires that seek nearby enemies and deal @SingleFireDamage@ magic damage, reduced to @MultiFireDamage@ damage beyond the first. She also gains @MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Fox-Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri releases 3 fox-fires that seek nearby enemies and deal @SingleFireDamage@ magic damage, reduced to @MultiFireDamage@ damage beyond the first. She also gains @MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Fox-fires prioritize champions hit by {{Spell_AhriSeduce_Name}}, enemies Ahri has attacked, then other champions. Minions below @MinionBonusDamageThreshold*100@% Health take @MinionBonusDamageMultiplier*100@% damage.
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Fox-Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri releases 3 fox-fires that seek nearby enemies and deal @SingleFireDamage@ magic damage, reduced to @MultiFireDamage@ damage beyond the first. She also gains @MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Fox-Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri releases 3 fox-fires that seek nearby enemies and deal @SingleFireDamage@ magic damage, reduced to @MultiFireDamage@ damage beyond the first. She also gains @MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Fox-Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri gains a brief burst of Move Speed and releases three fox-fires that damage nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Fox-Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri releases 3 fox-fires that seek nearby enemies and deal @SingleFireDamage@ magic damage, reduced to @MultiFireDamage@ damage beyond the first. She also gains @MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAhri sends out and pulls back her orb, dealing magic damage on the way out and true damage on the way back. Orb of Deception@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Orb of Deception@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri throws then pulls back her orb, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage on the way out and @TotalDamage@ true damage on the way back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ahri throws then pulls back her orb, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage on the way out and @TotalDamage@ true damage on the way back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Orb of Deception@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri throws then pulls back her orb, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage on the way out and @TotalDamage@ true damage on the way back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Orb of Deception@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri throws then pulls back her orb, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage on the way out and @TotalDamage@ true damage on the way back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Orb of Deception@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri throws then pulls back her orb, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage on the way out and @TotalDamage@ true damage on the way back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Orb of Deception@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri throws out and pulls back her orb, dealing magic damage on the way out and true damage on the way back.
    [@Hotkey@] Orb of Deception@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri throws then pulls back her orb, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage on the way out and @TotalDamage@ true damage on the way back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAhri blows a kiss that damages and charms an enemy it encounters, instantly stopping movement abilities and causing them to walk harmlessly towards her.CharmCharm@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Charm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri blows a kiss that Charms the first enemy hit for @CharmDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ahri blows a kiss that Charms the first enemy hit for @CharmDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Charm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri blows a kiss that Charms the first enemy hit for @CharmDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@This Ability Knocks Down enemies.Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @CharmDuration1Prefix@@CharmDuration1@@CharmDuration1Postfix@ / @CharmDuration2Prefix@@CharmDuration2@@CharmDuration2Postfix@ / @CharmDuration3Prefix@@CharmDuration3@@CharmDuration3Postfix@ / @CharmDuration4Prefix@@CharmDuration4@@CharmDuration4Postfix@ / @CharmDuration5Prefix@@CharmDuration5@@CharmDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Charm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri blows a kiss that Charms the first enemy hit for @CharmDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @CharmDuration@ -> @CharmDurationNL@
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @CharmDuration1Prefix@@CharmDuration1@@CharmDuration1Postfix@ / @CharmDuration2Prefix@@CharmDuration2@@CharmDuration2Postfix@ / @CharmDuration3Prefix@@CharmDuration3@@CharmDuration3Postfix@ / @CharmDuration4Prefix@@CharmDuration4@@CharmDuration4Postfix@ / @CharmDuration5Prefix@@CharmDuration5@@CharmDuration5Postfix@ ]
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @CharmDuration@ -> @CharmDurationNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Charm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri blows a kiss that Charms the first enemy hit for @CharmDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Charm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri blows a kiss, damaging and charming an enemy for @CharmDuration@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Charm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri blows a kiss that Charms the first enemy hit for @CharmDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAhri dashes forward and fires essence bolts, damaging nearby enemies. Spirit Rush can be cast up to three times before going on cooldown, and gains additional recasts when taking down enemy champions.Spirit RushSpirit Rush@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spirit Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri nimbly dashes, firing @RMaxTargetsPerCast@ essence bolts at nearby enemies, prioritizing champions. These bolts deal @RCalculatedDamage@ magic damage each. Spirit Rush can be recast up to 2 more times within @RRecastWindow@ seconds.

    Consuming a champion's Essence with Essence Theft during this period extends the recast window by up to @PDurationExtension@ seconds and grants an additional recast of Spirit Rush (up to @RMaxCasts@ stored).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Ahri nimbly dashes, firing @RMaxTargetsPerCast@ essence bolts at nearby enemies, prioritizing champions. These bolts deal @RCalculatedDamage@ magic damage each. Spirit Rush can be recast up to 2 more times within @RRecastWindow@ seconds.

    Consuming a champion's Essence with Essence Theft during this period extends the recast window by up to @PDurationExtension@ seconds and grants an additional recast of Spirit Rush (up to @RMaxCasts@ stored).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spirit Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri nimbly dashes, firing @RMaxTargetsPerCast@ essence bolts at nearby enemies, prioritizing champions. These bolts deal @RCalculatedDamage@ magic damage each. Spirit Rush can be recast up to 2 more times within @RRecastWindow@ seconds.

    Consuming a champion's Essence with Essence Theft during this period extends the recast window by up to @PDurationExtension@ seconds and grants an additional recast of Spirit Rush (up to @RMaxCasts@ stored).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Spirit Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri nimbly dashes, firing @RMaxTargetsPerCast@ essence bolts at nearby enemies, prioritizing champions. These bolts deal @RCalculatedDamage@ magic damage each. Spirit Rush can be recast up to 2 more times within @RRecastWindow@ seconds.

    Consuming a champion's Essence with Essence Theft during this period extends the recast window by up to @PDurationExtension@ seconds and grants an additional recast of Spirit Rush (up to @RMaxCasts@ stored).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Spirit Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri nimbly dashes, firing @RMaxTargetsPerCast@ essence bolts at nearby enemies, prioritizing champions. These bolts deal @RCalculatedDamage@ magic damage each. Spirit Rush can be recast up to 2 more times within @RRecastWindow@ seconds.

    Consuming a champion's Essence with Essence Theft during this period extends the recast window by up to @PDurationExtension@ seconds and grants an additional recast of Spirit Rush (up to @RMaxCasts@ stored).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Spirit Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri nimbly dashes forward, firing bolts that damage nearby enemies.

    Can be re-cast up to three times quickly, and gains additional recasts on taking down enemy champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Spirit Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ahri nimbly dashes, firing @RMaxTargetsPerCast@ essence bolts at nearby enemies, prioritizing champions. These bolts deal @RCalculatedDamage@ magic damage each. Spirit Rush can be recast up to 2 more times within @RRecastWindow@ seconds.

    Consuming a champion's Essence with Essence Theft during this period extends the recast window by up to @PDurationExtension@ seconds and grants an additional recast of Spirit Rush (up to @RMaxCasts@ stored).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoFlip backward and fire a shuriken forward, dealing magic damage. The first enemy or smoke cloud hit is marked. Re-cast to dash to the marked target, dealing additional damage.Shuriken Flip@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shuriken Flip@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali flips backwards as she throws a shuriken, dealing @E1Damage@ magic damage and marking the first enemy or smoke cloud hit. Akali can Recast this once to dash to the marked target, dealing @E2DamageCalc@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Akali flips backwards as she throws a shuriken, dealing @E1Damage@ magic damage and marking the first enemy or smoke cloud hit. Akali can Recast this once to dash to the marked target, dealing @E2DamageCalc@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shuriken Flip@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali flips backwards as she throws a shuriken, dealing @E1Damage@ magic damage and marking the first enemy or smoke cloud hit. Akali can Recast this once to dash to the marked target, dealing @E2DamageCalc@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    Base Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shuriken Flip@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali flips backwards as she throws a shuriken, dealing @E1Damage@ magic damage and marking the first enemy or smoke cloud hit. Akali can Recast this once to dash to the marked target, dealing @E2DamageCalc@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Base Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    Base Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    Base Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Shuriken Flip@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali flips backwards as she throws a shuriken, dealing @E1Damage@ magic damage and marking the first enemy or smoke cloud hit. Akali can Recast this once to dash to the marked target, dealing @E2DamageCalc@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shuriken Flip@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali flips backwards as she throws a shuriken, dealing @E1Damage@ magic damage and marking the first enemy or smoke cloud hit. Akali can Recast this once to dash to the marked target, dealing @E2DamageCalc@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAkali throws out five kunai, dealing damage based on her bonus Attack Damage and Ability Power and slowing.Five Point Strike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Five Point Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali slings kunai in an arc, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing enemies at the tip by @SlowPercentage*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Akali slings kunai in an arc, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing enemies at the tip by @SlowPercentage*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Five Point Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali slings kunai in an arc, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing enemies at the tip by @SlowPercentage*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamageNamed1Prefix@@BaseDamageNamed1@@BaseDamageNamed1Postfix@ / @BaseDamageNamed2Prefix@@BaseDamageNamed2@@BaseDamageNamed2Postfix@ / @BaseDamageNamed3Prefix@@BaseDamageNamed3@@BaseDamageNamed3Postfix@ / @BaseDamageNamed4Prefix@@BaseDamageNamed4@@BaseDamageNamed4Postfix@ / @BaseDamageNamed5Prefix@@BaseDamageNamed5@@BaseDamageNamed5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Five Point Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali slings kunai in an arc, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing enemies at the tip by @SlowPercentage*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamageNamed@ -> @BaseDamageNamedNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamageNamed1Prefix@@BaseDamageNamed1@@BaseDamageNamed1Postfix@ / @BaseDamageNamed2Prefix@@BaseDamageNamed2@@BaseDamageNamed2Postfix@ / @BaseDamageNamed3Prefix@@BaseDamageNamed3@@BaseDamageNamed3Postfix@ / @BaseDamageNamed4Prefix@@BaseDamageNamed4@@BaseDamageNamed4Postfix@ / @BaseDamageNamed5Prefix@@BaseDamageNamed5@@BaseDamageNamed5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamageNamed@ -> @BaseDamageNamedNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Five Point Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali slings kunai in an arc, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing enemies at the tip by @SlowPercentage*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Five Point Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akali slings kunai in an arc, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing enemies at the tip by @SlowPercentage*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAkali leaps in a direction, damaging enemies she strikes. Re-cast: Akali dashes in a direction, executing all enemies she strikes.Perfect Execution@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Perfect Execution@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAkali vaults over an enemy champion, dealing @Cast1Damage@ magic damage to all enemies in her path.

    Akali can Recast after @CooldownBetweenCasts@ seconds to execute a piercing thrust, dashing and dealing @Cast2DamageMin@ to @Cast2DamageMax@ magic damage based on missing health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Akali vaults over an enemy champion, dealing @Cast1Damage@ magic damage to all enemies in her path.

    Akali can Recast after @CooldownBetweenCasts@ seconds to execute a piercing thrust, dashing and dealing @Cast2DamageMin@ to @Cast2DamageMax@ magic damage based on missing health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Perfect Execution@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAkali vaults over an enemy champion, dealing @Cast1Damage@ magic damage to all enemies in her path.

    Akali can Recast after @CooldownBetweenCasts@ seconds to execute a piercing thrust, dashing and dealing @Cast2DamageMin@ to @Cast2DamageMax@ magic damage based on missing health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Deals max damage to targets below @MaxExecuteThreshold*100@% Health.Cooldown
    Base Damage
    Max Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @R2BaseDamage1Prefix@@R2BaseDamage1*3.000000@@R2BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @R2BaseDamage2Prefix@@R2BaseDamage2*3.000000@@R2BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @R2BaseDamage3Prefix@@R2BaseDamage3*3.000000@@R2BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Perfect Execution@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAkali vaults over an enemy champion, dealing @Cast1Damage@ magic damage to all enemies in her path.

    Akali can Recast after @CooldownBetweenCasts@ seconds to execute a piercing thrust, dashing and dealing @Cast2DamageMin@ to @Cast2DamageMax@ magic damage based on missing health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Base Damage
    Max Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @R2BaseDamage*3.000000@ -> @R2BaseDamageNL*3.000000@
    Base Damage
    Max Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @R2BaseDamage1Prefix@@R2BaseDamage1*3.000000@@R2BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @R2BaseDamage2Prefix@@R2BaseDamage2*3.000000@@R2BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @R2BaseDamage3Prefix@@R2BaseDamage3*3.000000@@R2BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    Base Damage
    Max Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @R2BaseDamage*3.000000@ -> @R2BaseDamageNL*3.000000@
    [@Hotkey@] Perfect Execution@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAkali vaults over an enemy champion, dealing @Cast1Damage@ magic damage to all enemies in her path.

    Akali can Recast after @CooldownBetweenCasts@ seconds to execute a piercing thrust, dashing and dealing @Cast2DamageMin@ to @Cast2DamageMax@ magic damage based on missing health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Perfect Execution@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAkali vaults over an enemy champion, dealing @Cast1Damage@ magic damage to all enemies in her path.

    Akali can Recast after @CooldownBetweenCasts@ seconds to execute a piercing thrust, dashing and dealing @Cast2DamageMin@ to @Cast2DamageMax@ magic damage based on missing health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAkali drops a cover of smoke and briefly gains Move Speed. While inside the shroud, Akali becomes invisible and unable to be selected by enemy spells and attacks. Attacking or using abilities will briefly reveal her. Twilight ShroudTwilight Shroud@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Twilight Shroud@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Restores @EnergyRestore@ EnergyAkali drops a smoke bomb, unleashing a spreading cover of smoke lasting @BaseDuration@ seconds and granting herself @Effect6Amount*100@% Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Akali increases her max Energy by @EnergyRestore@ while the shroud is active.

    While inside the smoke, Akali is Invisible.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Akali drops a smoke bomb, unleashing a spreading cover of smoke lasting @BaseDuration@ seconds and granting herself @Effect6Amount*100@% Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Akali increases her max Energy by @EnergyRestore@ while the shroud is active.

    While inside the smoke, Akali is Invisible.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Twilight Shroud@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Restores @EnergyRestore@ EnergyAkali drops a smoke bomb, unleashing a spreading cover of smoke lasting @BaseDuration@ seconds and granting herself @Effect6Amount*100@% Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Akali increases her max Energy by @EnergyRestore@ while the shroud is active.

    While inside the smoke, Akali is Invisible.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Invisible units cannot be revealed except by turrets or True Sight.Move Speed
    [ @MovementSpeed1Prefix@@MovementSpeed1@%@MovementSpeed1Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed2Prefix@@MovementSpeed2@%@MovementSpeed2Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed3Prefix@@MovementSpeed3@%@MovementSpeed3Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed4Prefix@@MovementSpeed4@%@MovementSpeed4Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed5Prefix@@MovementSpeed5@%@MovementSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDuration1Prefix@@BaseDuration1@@BaseDuration1Postfix@ / @BaseDuration2Prefix@@BaseDuration2@@BaseDuration2Postfix@ / @BaseDuration3Prefix@@BaseDuration3@@BaseDuration3Postfix@ / @BaseDuration4Prefix@@BaseDuration4@@BaseDuration4Postfix@ / @BaseDuration5Prefix@@BaseDuration5@@BaseDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Twilight Shroud@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Restores @EnergyRestore@ EnergyAkali drops a smoke bomb, unleashing a spreading cover of smoke lasting @BaseDuration@ seconds and granting herself @Effect6Amount*100@% Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Akali increases her max Energy by @EnergyRestore@ while the shroud is active.

    While inside the smoke, Akali is Invisible.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMove Speed
    @MovementSpeed@% -> @MovementSpeedNL@%
    @BaseDuration@ -> @BaseDurationNL@
    Move Speed
    [ @MovementSpeed1Prefix@@MovementSpeed1@%@MovementSpeed1Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed2Prefix@@MovementSpeed2@%@MovementSpeed2Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed3Prefix@@MovementSpeed3@%@MovementSpeed3Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed4Prefix@@MovementSpeed4@%@MovementSpeed4Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed5Prefix@@MovementSpeed5@%@MovementSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDuration1Prefix@@BaseDuration1@@BaseDuration1Postfix@ / @BaseDuration2Prefix@@BaseDuration2@@BaseDuration2Postfix@ / @BaseDuration3Prefix@@BaseDuration3@@BaseDuration3Postfix@ / @BaseDuration4Prefix@@BaseDuration4@@BaseDuration4Postfix@ / @BaseDuration5Prefix@@BaseDuration5@@BaseDuration5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    @MovementSpeed@% -> @MovementSpeedNL@%
    @BaseDuration@ -> @BaseDurationNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Twilight Shroud@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Restores @EnergyRestore@ EnergyAkali drops a smoke bomb, unleashing a spreading cover of smoke lasting @BaseDuration@ seconds and granting herself @Effect6Amount*100@% Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Akali increases her max Energy by @EnergyRestore@ while the shroud is active.

    While inside the smoke, Akali is Invisible.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Twilight Shroud@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Restores @EnergyRestore@ EnergyAkali drops a smoke bomb, unleashing a spreading cover of smoke lasting @BaseDuration@ seconds and granting herself @Effect6Amount*100@% Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Akali increases her max Energy by @EnergyRestore@ while the shroud is active.

    While inside the smoke, Akali is Invisible.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAkshan fires a grappling hook into terrain then swings around it, repeatedly firing at the nearest enemy while swinging. He can jump off early or gets knocked off when colliding with champions or terrain.Heroic SwingHeroic Swing@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Heroic Swing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@First Cast: Akshan fires a grappling hook, attaching to the first terrain hit.

    Second Cast: Akshan swings around the terrain, repeatedly firing at the nearest enemy for @ASModDamageToDeal@ physical damage per shot.

    Third Cast: Akshan dives off the rope, firing a final shot.

    Colliding with an enemy Champion or terrain ends the swing early.

    Champion takedowns refresh this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    First Cast: Akshan fires a grappling hook, attaching to the first terrain hit.

    Second Cast: Akshan swings around the terrain, repeatedly firing at the nearest enemy for @ASModDamageToDeal@ physical damage per shot.

    Third Cast: Akshan dives off the rope, firing a final shot.

    Colliding with an enemy Champion or terrain ends the swing early.

    Champion takedowns refresh this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Heroic Swing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@First Cast: Akshan fires a grappling hook, attaching to the first terrain hit.

    Second Cast: Akshan swings around the terrain, repeatedly firing at the nearest enemy for @ASModDamageToDeal@ physical damage per shot.

    Third Cast: Akshan dives off the rope, firing a final shot.

    Colliding with an enemy Champion or terrain ends the swing early.

    Champion takedowns refresh this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Akshan prioritizes shooting champions marked by Dirty Fighting.
    On-hits while swinging are @OnHitDamageReduction*100@% effective.
    Attacks can critically strike at @CritDamageReduction*100@% reduced damage.
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Heroic Swing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@First Cast: Akshan fires a grappling hook, attaching to the first terrain hit.

    Second Cast: Akshan swings around the terrain, repeatedly firing at the nearest enemy for @ASModDamageToDeal@ physical damage per shot.

    Third Cast: Akshan dives off the rope, firing a final shot.

    Colliding with an enemy Champion or terrain ends the swing early.

    Champion takedowns refresh this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Heroic Swing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@First Cast: Akshan fires a grappling hook, attaching to the first terrain hit.

    Second Cast: Akshan swings around the terrain, repeatedly firing at the nearest enemy for @ASModDamageToDeal@ physical damage per shot.

    Third Cast: Akshan dives off the rope, firing a final shot.

    Colliding with an enemy Champion or terrain ends the swing early.

    Champion takedowns refresh this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Heroic Swing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@First Cast: Akshan fires a grappling hook, attaching to the first terrain hit.

    Second Cast: Akshan swings around the terrain, repeatedly firing at the nearest enemy for @ASModDamageToDeal@ physical damage per shot.

    Third Cast: Akshan dives off the rope, firing a final shot.

    Colliding with an enemy Champion or terrain ends the swing early.

    Champion takedowns refresh this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAkshan throws a boomerang that deals damage going out and coming back, extending its range each time it hits an enemy.AvengerangAvengerang@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Avengerang@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akshan throws a boomerang that deals @FinalDamage@ physical damage, extending the range each time an enemy is hit.

    Champion hits grant Akshan @HasteValue*100@% Move Speed decaying over @HasteDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Akshan throws a boomerang that deals @FinalDamage@ physical damage, extending the range each time an enemy is hit.

    Champion hits grant Akshan @HasteValue*100@% Move Speed decaying over @HasteDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Avengerang@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akshan throws a boomerang that deals @FinalDamage@ physical damage, extending the range each time an enemy is hit.

    Champion hits grant Akshan @HasteValue*100@% Move Speed decaying over @HasteDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Deals @SecondaryTargetDamage*100@% damage to non-champions. Enemies hit are briefly revealed.Cooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Minion Damage %
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SecondaryTargetDamage1Prefix@@SecondaryTargetDamage1*100.000000@%@SecondaryTargetDamage1Postfix@ / @SecondaryTargetDamage2Prefix@@SecondaryTargetDamage2*100.000000@%@SecondaryTargetDamage2Postfix@ / @SecondaryTargetDamage3Prefix@@SecondaryTargetDamage3*100.000000@%@SecondaryTargetDamage3Postfix@ / @SecondaryTargetDamage4Prefix@@SecondaryTargetDamage4*100.000000@%@SecondaryTargetDamage4Postfix@ / @SecondaryTargetDamage5Prefix@@SecondaryTargetDamage5*100.000000@%@SecondaryTargetDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Avengerang@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akshan throws a boomerang that deals @FinalDamage@ physical damage, extending the range each time an enemy is hit.

    Champion hits grant Akshan @HasteValue*100@% Move Speed decaying over @HasteDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Minion Damage %
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SecondaryTargetDamage*100.000000@% -> @SecondaryTargetDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Minion Damage %
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SecondaryTargetDamage1Prefix@@SecondaryTargetDamage1*100.000000@%@SecondaryTargetDamage1Postfix@ / @SecondaryTargetDamage2Prefix@@SecondaryTargetDamage2*100.000000@%@SecondaryTargetDamage2Postfix@ / @SecondaryTargetDamage3Prefix@@SecondaryTargetDamage3*100.000000@%@SecondaryTargetDamage3Postfix@ / @SecondaryTargetDamage4Prefix@@SecondaryTargetDamage4*100.000000@%@SecondaryTargetDamage4Postfix@ / @SecondaryTargetDamage5Prefix@@SecondaryTargetDamage5*100.000000@%@SecondaryTargetDamage5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Minion Damage %
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SecondaryTargetDamage*100.000000@% -> @SecondaryTargetDamageNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Avengerang@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akshan throws a boomerang that deals @FinalDamage@ physical damage, extending the range each time an enemy is hit.

    Champion hits grant Akshan @HasteValue*100@% Move Speed decaying over @HasteDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Avengerang@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akshan throws a boomerang that deals @FinalDamage@ physical damage, extending the range each time an enemy is hit.

    Champion hits grant Akshan @HasteValue*100@% Move Speed decaying over @HasteDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAkshan locks onto an enemy champion and starts storing bullets. When released, he fires all stored bullets, dealing damage based on missing health to the first champion, minion, or structure hit.ComeuppanceComeuppance@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Comeuppance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akshan locks onto a champion and begins overcharging his gun for up to @ChannelDuration@ seconds, storing up to @NumberOfBullets@ bullets.

    Recast: Akshan unleashes the stored bullets, each dealing at least @DamagePerBulletWithCrit@ physical damage to the first enemy or structure hit, increased up to @MaxDamagePerBullet@ physical damage based on missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Akshan locks onto a champion and begins overcharging his gun for up to @ChannelDuration@ seconds, storing up to @NumberOfBullets@ bullets.

    Recast: Akshan unleashes the stored bullets, each dealing at least @DamagePerBulletWithCrit@ physical damage to the first enemy or structure hit, increased up to @MaxDamagePerBullet@ physical damage based on missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Comeuppance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akshan locks onto a champion and begins overcharging his gun for up to @ChannelDuration@ seconds, storing up to @NumberOfBullets@ bullets.

    Recast: Akshan unleashes the stored bullets, each dealing at least @DamagePerBulletWithCrit@ physical damage to the first enemy or structure hit, increased up to @MaxDamagePerBullet@ physical damage based on missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Bullets execute minions and apply Lifesteal.
    Bullet damage scales with Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage at @CritDamageReduction*100@% reduced effectiveness.
    Maximum Bullets
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @NumberOfBullets1Prefix@@NumberOfBullets1@@NumberOfBullets1Postfix@ / @NumberOfBullets2Prefix@@NumberOfBullets2@@NumberOfBullets2Postfix@ / @NumberOfBullets3Prefix@@NumberOfBullets3@@NumberOfBullets3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusDamage1Prefix@@BonusDamage1@@BonusDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusDamage2Prefix@@BonusDamage2@@BonusDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusDamage3Prefix@@BonusDamage3@@BonusDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Comeuppance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akshan locks onto a champion and begins overcharging his gun for up to @ChannelDuration@ seconds, storing up to @NumberOfBullets@ bullets.

    Recast: Akshan unleashes the stored bullets, each dealing at least @DamagePerBulletWithCrit@ physical damage to the first enemy or structure hit, increased up to @MaxDamagePerBullet@ physical damage based on missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Maximum Bullets
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @NumberOfBullets@ -> @NumberOfBulletsNL@
    @BonusDamage@ -> @BonusDamageNL@
    Maximum Bullets
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @NumberOfBullets1Prefix@@NumberOfBullets1@@NumberOfBullets1Postfix@ / @NumberOfBullets2Prefix@@NumberOfBullets2@@NumberOfBullets2Postfix@ / @NumberOfBullets3Prefix@@NumberOfBullets3@@NumberOfBullets3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusDamage1Prefix@@BonusDamage1@@BonusDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusDamage2Prefix@@BonusDamage2@@BonusDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusDamage3Prefix@@BonusDamage3@@BonusDamage3Postfix@ ]
    Maximum Bullets
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @NumberOfBullets@ -> @NumberOfBulletsNL@
    @BonusDamage@ -> @BonusDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Comeuppance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akshan locks onto a champion and begins overcharging his gun for up to @ChannelDuration@ seconds, storing up to @NumberOfBullets@ bullets.

    Recast: Akshan unleashes the stored bullets, each dealing at least @DamagePerBulletWithCrit@ physical damage to the first enemy or structure hit, increased up to @MaxDamagePerBullet@ physical damage based on missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Comeuppance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Akshan locks onto a champion and begins overcharging his gun for up to @ChannelDuration@ seconds, storing up to @NumberOfBullets@ bullets.

    Recast: Akshan unleashes the stored bullets, each dealing at least @DamagePerBulletWithCrit@ physical damage to the first enemy or structure hit, increased up to @MaxDamagePerBullet@ physical damage based on missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAkshan passively marks enemy champions as Scoundrels when they kill his ally champions. If Akshan kills a Scoundrel, he resurrects the allies they killed, gains bonus gold, and clears all marks.

    When activated, Akshan enters camouflage and gains Move Speed and Mana Regen while moving towards Scoundrels. Akshan loses the camouflage quickly while he is not in brush or near terrain.Going RogueGoing Rogue@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Going Rogue@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Enemy champions that kill Akshan's allies become Scoundrels for @VengeanceDuration@ seconds. Takedowns on a Scoundrel within @RecentlyDamagedWindow@ seconds of being damaged by Akshan grant him @GoldReward@ Gold, resurrects the slain allies, and removes all other Scoundrels.

    Active: Akshan becomes Camouflaged for @WallGracePeriod@ seconds or indefinitely while he is near a wall or in brush. While Camouflaged in this way, Akshan also gains @MSValue@ Move Speed and @MissingManaRegen*100@% missing Mana regen while moving towards Scoundrels.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Enemy champions that kill Akshan's allies become Scoundrels for @VengeanceDuration@ seconds. Takedowns on a Scoundrel within @RecentlyDamagedWindow@ seconds of being damaged by Akshan grant him @GoldReward@ Gold, resurrects the slain allies, and removes all other Scoundrels.

    Active: Akshan becomes Camouflaged for @WallGracePeriod@ seconds or indefinitely while he is near a wall or in brush. While Camouflaged in this way, Akshan also gains @MSValue@ Move Speed and @MissingManaRegen*100@% missing Mana regen while moving towards Scoundrels.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Going Rogue@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Enemy champions that kill Akshan's allies become Scoundrels for @VengeanceDuration@ seconds. Takedowns on a Scoundrel within @RecentlyDamagedWindow@ seconds of being damaged by Akshan grant him @GoldReward@ Gold, resurrects the slain allies, and removes all other Scoundrels.

    Active: Akshan becomes Camouflaged for @WallGracePeriod@ seconds or indefinitely while he is near a wall or in brush. While Camouflaged in this way, Akshan also gains @MSValue@ Move Speed and @MissingManaRegen*100@% missing Mana regen while moving towards Scoundrels.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Also lasts indefinitely in Chemfog.
    While active, Akshan also sees trails leading to Scoundrels.
    Akshan can only claim Scoundrels when he is alive.
    Total gold earned: @f2@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Move Speed
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MSValue1Prefix@@MSValue1@@MSValue1Postfix@ / @MSValue2Prefix@@MSValue2@@MSValue2Postfix@ / @MSValue3Prefix@@MSValue3@@MSValue3Postfix@ / @MSValue4Prefix@@MSValue4@@MSValue4Postfix@ / @MSValue5Prefix@@MSValue5@@MSValue5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Going Rogue@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Enemy champions that kill Akshan's allies become Scoundrels for @VengeanceDuration@ seconds. Takedowns on a Scoundrel within @RecentlyDamagedWindow@ seconds of being damaged by Akshan grant him @GoldReward@ Gold, resurrects the slain allies, and removes all other Scoundrels.

    Active: Akshan becomes Camouflaged for @WallGracePeriod@ seconds or indefinitely while he is near a wall or in brush. While Camouflaged in this way, Akshan also gains @MSValue@ Move Speed and @MissingManaRegen*100@% missing Mana regen while moving towards Scoundrels.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Move Speed
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @MSValue@ -> @MSValueNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Move Speed
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MSValue1Prefix@@MSValue1@@MSValue1Postfix@ / @MSValue2Prefix@@MSValue2@@MSValue2Postfix@ / @MSValue3Prefix@@MSValue3@@MSValue3Postfix@ / @MSValue4Prefix@@MSValue4@@MSValue4Postfix@ / @MSValue5Prefix@@MSValue5@@MSValue5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Move Speed
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @MSValue@ -> @MSValueNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Going Rogue@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Enemy champions that kill Akshan's allies become Scoundrels for @VengeanceDuration@ seconds. Takedowns on a Scoundrel within @RecentlyDamagedWindow@ seconds of being damaged by Akshan grant him @GoldReward@ Gold, resurrects the slain allies, and removes all other Scoundrels.

    Active: Akshan becomes Camouflaged for @WallGracePeriod@ seconds or indefinitely while he is near a wall or in brush. While Camouflaged in this way, Akshan also gains @MSValue@ Move Speed and @MissingManaRegen*100@% missing Mana regen while moving towards Scoundrels.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Going Rogue@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Enemy champions that kill Akshan's allies become Scoundrels for @VengeanceDuration@ seconds. Takedowns on a Scoundrel within @RecentlyDamagedWindow@ seconds of being damaged by Akshan grant him @GoldReward@ Gold, resurrects the slain allies, and removes all other Scoundrels.

    Active: Akshan becomes Camouflaged for @WallGracePeriod@ seconds or indefinitely while he is near a wall or in brush. While Camouflaged in this way, Akshan also gains @MSValue@ Move Speed and @MissingManaRegen*100@% missing Mana regen while moving towards Scoundrels.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAlistar tramples nearby enemy units, ignoring unit collision and gaining stacks if he damages an enemy champion. At full stacks Alistar's next basic attack against an enemy champion deals additional magic damage and stuns them.TrampleTrample@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Trample@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar begins trampling the ground, becoming Ghosted and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds to nearby enemies. Each pulse that damages a champion grants a stack.

    At @Effect5Amount@ stacks, Alistar's next Attack against champions Stuns for @Effect6Amount@ second and deals an additional @AttackBonusDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Alistar begins trampling the ground, becoming Ghosted and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds to nearby enemies. Each pulse that damages a champion grants a stack.

    At @Effect5Amount@ stacks, Alistar's next Attack against champions Stuns for @Effect6Amount@ second and deals an additional @AttackBonusDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Trample@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar begins trampling the ground, becoming Ghosted and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds to nearby enemies. Each pulse that damages a champion grants a stack.

    At @Effect5Amount@ stacks, Alistar's next Attack against champions Stuns for @Effect6Amount@ second and deals an additional @AttackBonusDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Ghosted units ignore collision with other units.Cooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Trample@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar begins trampling the ground, becoming Ghosted and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds to nearby enemies. Each pulse that damages a champion grants a stack.

    At @Effect5Amount@ stacks, Alistar's next Attack against champions Stuns for @Effect6Amount@ second and deals an additional @AttackBonusDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Trample@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar begins trampling the ground, becoming Ghosted and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds to nearby enemies. Each pulse that damages a champion grants a stack.

    At @Effect5Amount@ stacks, Alistar's next Attack against champions Stuns for @Effect6Amount@ second and deals an additional @AttackBonusDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Trample@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar begins trampling the ground, becoming Ghosted and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds to nearby enemies. Each pulse that damages a champion grants a stack.

    At @Effect5Amount@ stacks, Alistar's next Attack against champions Stuns for @Effect6Amount@ second and deals an additional @AttackBonusDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMaster Yi teleports across the battlefield with blinding speed, dealing physical damage to multiple units in his path, while simultaneously becoming untargetable. Alpha Strike can critically strike and deals bonus physical damage to monsters. Basic attacks reduce Alpha Strike's cooldown.Alpha StrikeAlpha Strike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Alpha Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Master Yi becomes Untargetable and teleports to rapidly strike enemies near his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemies hit after @AlphaStrikeBounces@ hits.

    This Ability can strike the same enemy repeatedly if there are no other targets, dealing @SubsequentHitMultiplier*100@% damage for subsequent hits (@SubesquentDamage@), for a maximum single target total of @SingleTotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Master Yi becomes Untargetable and teleports to rapidly strike enemies near his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemies hit after @AlphaStrikeBounces@ hits.

    This Ability can strike the same enemy repeatedly if there are no other targets, dealing @SubsequentHitMultiplier*100@% damage for subsequent hits (@SubesquentDamage@), for a maximum single target total of @SingleTotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Alpha Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Master Yi becomes Untargetable and teleports to rapidly strike enemies near his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemies hit after @AlphaStrikeBounces@ hits.

    This Ability can strike the same enemy repeatedly if there are no other targets, dealing @SubsequentHitMultiplier*100@% damage for subsequent hits (@SubesquentDamage@), for a maximum single target total of @SingleTotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Applies %i:OnHit% On-Hit effects at @BaseOnHitMultiplier*100@% damage. Subsequent hits are reduced to @SubsequentHitMultiplier*100@% of this.
    Can critically strike for an additional @CritBonus@ physical damage. Subsequent hits are reduced to @SubsequentHitMultiplier*100@% of this, for a maximum single target total of @SingleCritTotalDamage@.
    Jungle monsters take @BonusMonsterDamage@ bonus damage per strike.
    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @BasicAttackCDR@ second.
    {{ Spell_AlphaStrike_Name }} does not reduce it's own cooldown or stack {{ Passive_MasterYiPassive_Name }} %i:OnHit% On-Hit.
    Master Yi will reappear near the initial target.

    Bonus Monster Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusMonsterDamage1Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage1@@BonusMonsterDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusMonsterDamage2Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage2@@BonusMonsterDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusMonsterDamage3Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage3@@BonusMonsterDamage3Postfix@ / @BonusMonsterDamage4Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage4@@BonusMonsterDamage4Postfix@ / @BonusMonsterDamage5Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage5@@BonusMonsterDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Alpha Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Master Yi becomes Untargetable and teleports to rapidly strike enemies near his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemies hit after @AlphaStrikeBounces@ hits.

    This Ability can strike the same enemy repeatedly if there are no other targets, dealing @SubsequentHitMultiplier*100@% damage for subsequent hits (@SubesquentDamage@), for a maximum single target total of @SingleTotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Bonus Monster Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BonusMonsterDamage@ -> @BonusMonsterDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Bonus Monster Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusMonsterDamage1Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage1@@BonusMonsterDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusMonsterDamage2Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage2@@BonusMonsterDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusMonsterDamage3Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage3@@BonusMonsterDamage3Postfix@ / @BonusMonsterDamage4Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage4@@BonusMonsterDamage4Postfix@ / @BonusMonsterDamage5Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage5@@BonusMonsterDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Monster Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BonusMonsterDamage@ -> @BonusMonsterDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Alpha Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Master Yi becomes Untargetable and teleports to rapidly strike enemies near his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemies hit after @AlphaStrikeBounces@ hits.

    This Ability can strike the same enemy repeatedly if there are no other targets, dealing @SubsequentHitMultiplier*100@% damage for subsequent hits (@SubesquentDamage@), for a maximum single target total of @SingleTotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Alpha Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Become untargetable and teleport to the targeted enemy, dealing damage to it and enemies nearby.

    Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Alpha Strike.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Alpha Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Master Yi becomes Untargetable and teleports to rapidly strike enemies near his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemies hit after @AlphaStrikeBounces@ hits.

    This Ability can strike the same enemy repeatedly if there are no other targets, dealing @SubsequentHitMultiplier*100@% damage for subsequent hits (@SubesquentDamage@), for a maximum single target total of @SingleTotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGrants Annie or an ally a shield, a burst of Move Speed, and damages enemies who attack her with basic attacks.Molten ShieldMolten Shield@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Molten Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie grants herself or an ally @ShieldBlockTotal@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and @MoveSpeedCalc@ Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds. While the shield holds, enemies who Attack it take @DamageReturn@ magic damage.

    Tibbers always gains the effects of Molten Shield if summoned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Annie grants herself or an ally @ShieldBlockTotal@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and @MoveSpeedCalc@ Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds. While the shield holds, enemies who Attack it take @DamageReturn@ magic damage.

    Tibbers always gains the effects of Molten Shield if summoned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Molten Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie grants herself or an ally @ShieldBlockTotal@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and @MoveSpeedCalc@ Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds. While the shield holds, enemies who Attack it take @DamageReturn@ magic damage.

    Tibbers always gains the effects of Molten Shield if summoned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shield Health
    Damage Reflection
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount4Prefix@@ShieldAmount4@@ShieldAmount4Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount5Prefix@@ShieldAmount5@@ShieldAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamageReflection1Prefix@@DamageReflection1@@DamageReflection1Postfix@ / @DamageReflection2Prefix@@DamageReflection2@@DamageReflection2Postfix@ / @DamageReflection3Prefix@@DamageReflection3@@DamageReflection3Postfix@ / @DamageReflection4Prefix@@DamageReflection4@@DamageReflection4Postfix@ / @DamageReflection5Prefix@@DamageReflection5@@DamageReflection5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Molten Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie grants herself or an ally @ShieldBlockTotal@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and @MoveSpeedCalc@ Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds. While the shield holds, enemies who Attack it take @DamageReturn@ magic damage.

    Tibbers always gains the effects of Molten Shield if summoned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Health
    Damage Reflection
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @DamageReflection@ -> @DamageReflectionNL@
    Shield Health
    Damage Reflection
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount4Prefix@@ShieldAmount4@@ShieldAmount4Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount5Prefix@@ShieldAmount5@@ShieldAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamageReflection1Prefix@@DamageReflection1@@DamageReflection1Postfix@ / @DamageReflection2Prefix@@DamageReflection2@@DamageReflection2Postfix@ / @DamageReflection3Prefix@@DamageReflection3@@DamageReflection3Postfix@ / @DamageReflection4Prefix@@DamageReflection4@@DamageReflection4Postfix@ / @DamageReflection5Prefix@@DamageReflection5@@DamageReflection5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Health
    Damage Reflection
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @DamageReflection@ -> @DamageReflectionNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Molten Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie grants herself or an ally @ShieldBlockTotal@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and @MoveSpeedCalc@ Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds. While the shield holds, enemies who Attack it take @DamageReturn@ magic damage.

    Tibbers always gains the effects of Molten Shield if summoned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Molten Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie grants herself or an ally @ShieldBlockTotal@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and @MoveSpeedCalc@ Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds. While the shield holds, enemies who Attack it take @DamageReturn@ magic damage.

    Tibbers always gains the effects of Molten Shield if summoned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAnnie hurls a Mana infused fireball, dealing damage and refunding the Mana cost if it destroys the target.DisintegrateDisintegrate@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Disintegrate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie hurls a fireball, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the target dies, Annie refunds the Mana cost and reduces the Cooldown by 50%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Annie hurls a fireball, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the target dies, Annie refunds the Mana cost and reduces the Cooldown by 50%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Disintegrate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie hurls a fireball, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the target dies, Annie refunds the Mana cost and reduces the Cooldown by 50%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Disintegrate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie hurls a fireball, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the target dies, Annie refunds the Mana cost and reduces the Cooldown by 50%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Disintegrate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie hurls a fireball, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the target dies, Annie refunds the Mana cost and reduces the Cooldown by 50%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Disintegrate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie hurls a fireball, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the target dies, Annie refunds the Mana cost and reduces the Cooldown by 50%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAnnie wills her bear Tibbers to life, dealing damage to units in the area. Tibbers can attack and also burns enemies that stand near him.Summon: TibbersSummon: Tibbers@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Summon: Tibbers@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie summons her bear Tibbers, dealing @InitialBurstDamage@ magic damage. For the next @TibbersLifetime@ seconds, Tibbers burns nearby enemies for @TibbersAuraDamage@ magic damage per second and his Attacks deal @TibbersAADamage@ magic damage. Annie can Recast this ability to direct Tibbers.

    Tibbers becomes enraged when summoned, if Annie stuns an enemy champion, and if Annie dies. When enraged, Tibbers gains 275% Attack Speed and 100% Move Speed decaying over 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Annie summons her bear Tibbers, dealing @InitialBurstDamage@ magic damage. For the next @TibbersLifetime@ seconds, Tibbers burns nearby enemies for @TibbersAuraDamage@ magic damage per second and his Attacks deal @TibbersAADamage@ magic damage. Annie can Recast this ability to direct Tibbers.

    Tibbers becomes enraged when summoned, if Annie stuns an enemy champion, and if Annie dies. When enraged, Tibbers gains 275% Attack Speed and 100% Move Speed decaying over 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Summon: Tibbers@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie summons her bear Tibbers, dealing @InitialBurstDamage@ magic damage. For the next @TibbersLifetime@ seconds, Tibbers burns nearby enemies for @TibbersAuraDamage@ magic damage per second and his Attacks deal @TibbersAADamage@ magic damage. Annie can Recast this ability to direct Tibbers.

    Tibbers becomes enraged when summoned, if Annie stuns an enemy champion, and if Annie dies. When enraged, Tibbers gains 275% Attack Speed and 100% Move Speed decaying over 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Initial Damage
    Aura Damage
    Tibbers Attack Damage
    Bonus Resistances
    Bonus Health
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @InitialDamage1Prefix@@InitialDamage1@@InitialDamage1Postfix@ / @InitialDamage2Prefix@@InitialDamage2@@InitialDamage2Postfix@ / @InitialDamage3Prefix@@InitialDamage3@@InitialDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AuraDamage1Prefix@@AuraDamage1@@AuraDamage1Postfix@ / @AuraDamage2Prefix@@AuraDamage2@@AuraDamage2Postfix@ / @AuraDamage3Prefix@@AuraDamage3@@AuraDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @TibbersAttackDamage1Prefix@@TibbersAttackDamage1@@TibbersAttackDamage1Postfix@ / @TibbersAttackDamage2Prefix@@TibbersAttackDamage2@@TibbersAttackDamage2Postfix@ / @TibbersAttackDamage3Prefix@@TibbersAttackDamage3@@TibbersAttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusResistances1Prefix@@BonusResistances1@@BonusResistances1Postfix@ / @BonusResistances2Prefix@@BonusResistances2@@BonusResistances2Postfix@ / @BonusResistances3Prefix@@BonusResistances3@@BonusResistances3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusHealth1Prefix@@BonusHealth1@@BonusHealth1Postfix@ / @BonusHealth2Prefix@@BonusHealth2@@BonusHealth2Postfix@ / @BonusHealth3Prefix@@BonusHealth3@@BonusHealth3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Summon: Tibbers@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie summons her bear Tibbers, dealing @InitialBurstDamage@ magic damage. For the next @TibbersLifetime@ seconds, Tibbers burns nearby enemies for @TibbersAuraDamage@ magic damage per second and his Attacks deal @TibbersAADamage@ magic damage. Annie can Recast this ability to direct Tibbers.

    Tibbers becomes enraged when summoned, if Annie stuns an enemy champion, and if Annie dies. When enraged, Tibbers gains 275% Attack Speed and 100% Move Speed decaying over 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Initial Damage
    Aura Damage
    Tibbers Attack Damage
    Bonus Resistances
    Bonus Health
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @InitialDamage@ -> @InitialDamageNL@
    @AuraDamage@ -> @AuraDamageNL@
    @TibbersAttackDamage@ -> @TibbersAttackDamageNL@
    @BonusResistances@ -> @BonusResistancesNL@
    @BonusHealth@ -> @BonusHealthNL@
    Initial Damage
    Aura Damage
    Tibbers Attack Damage
    Bonus Resistances
    Bonus Health
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @InitialDamage1Prefix@@InitialDamage1@@InitialDamage1Postfix@ / @InitialDamage2Prefix@@InitialDamage2@@InitialDamage2Postfix@ / @InitialDamage3Prefix@@InitialDamage3@@InitialDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AuraDamage1Prefix@@AuraDamage1@@AuraDamage1Postfix@ / @AuraDamage2Prefix@@AuraDamage2@@AuraDamage2Postfix@ / @AuraDamage3Prefix@@AuraDamage3@@AuraDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @TibbersAttackDamage1Prefix@@TibbersAttackDamage1@@TibbersAttackDamage1Postfix@ / @TibbersAttackDamage2Prefix@@TibbersAttackDamage2@@TibbersAttackDamage2Postfix@ / @TibbersAttackDamage3Prefix@@TibbersAttackDamage3@@TibbersAttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusResistances1Prefix@@BonusResistances1@@BonusResistances1Postfix@ / @BonusResistances2Prefix@@BonusResistances2@@BonusResistances2Postfix@ / @BonusResistances3Prefix@@BonusResistances3@@BonusResistances3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusHealth1Prefix@@BonusHealth1@@BonusHealth1Postfix@ / @BonusHealth2Prefix@@BonusHealth2@@BonusHealth2Postfix@ / @BonusHealth3Prefix@@BonusHealth3@@BonusHealth3Postfix@ ]
    Initial Damage
    Aura Damage
    Tibbers Attack Damage
    Bonus Resistances
    Bonus Health
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @InitialDamage@ -> @InitialDamageNL@
    @AuraDamage@ -> @AuraDamageNL@
    @TibbersAttackDamage@ -> @TibbersAttackDamageNL@
    @BonusResistances@ -> @BonusResistancesNL@
    @BonusHealth@ -> @BonusHealthNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Summon: Tibbers@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie summons her bear Tibbers, dealing @InitialBurstDamage@ magic damage. For the next @TibbersLifetime@ seconds, Tibbers burns nearby enemies for @TibbersAuraDamage@ magic damage per second and his Attacks deal @TibbersAADamage@ magic damage. Annie can Recast this ability to direct Tibbers.

    Tibbers becomes enraged when summoned, if Annie stuns an enemy champion, and if Annie dies. When enraged, Tibbers gains 275% Attack Speed and 100% Move Speed decaying over 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Summon: Tibbers@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie summons her bear Tibbers, dealing @InitialBurstDamage@ magic damage. For the next @TibbersLifetime@ seconds, Tibbers burns nearby enemies for @TibbersAuraDamage@ magic damage per second and his Attacks deal @TibbersAADamage@ magic damage. Annie can Recast this ability to direct Tibbers.

    Tibbers becomes enraged when summoned, if Annie stuns an enemy champion, and if Annie dies. When enraged, Tibbers gains 275% Attack Speed and 100% Move Speed decaying over 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAnnie casts a blazing cone of fire, dealing damage to all enemies in the area.IncinerateIncinerate@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Incinerate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie projects a wave of fire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Annie projects a wave of fire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Incinerate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie projects a wave of fire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Incinerate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie projects a wave of fire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Incinerate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie projects a wave of fire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Incinerate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Annie projects a wave of fire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFire a concentrated blast of moonlight that explodes on enemy champions. Applies the unique effect of Aphelios' main-hand gun.Moonlight VigilMoonlight Vigil@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Moonlight Vigil@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aphelios fires a concentrated blast of moonlight that explodes when it hits a champion, dealing @MaxDamage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies.

    Then, Aphelios attacks all champions hit with his main-hand weapon. {{ Spell_ApheliosR_WeaponMod_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Aphelios fires a concentrated blast of moonlight that explodes when it hits a champion, dealing @MaxDamage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies.

    Then, Aphelios attacks all champions hit with his main-hand weapon. {{ Spell_ApheliosR_WeaponMod_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Moonlight Vigil@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aphelios fires a concentrated blast of moonlight that explodes when it hits a champion, dealing @MaxDamage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies.

    Then, Aphelios attacks all champions hit with his main-hand weapon. {{ Spell_ApheliosR_WeaponMod_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The Attacks apply on-hits. Critical strikes deal @CritDamageModTooltip@ of normal damage instead.Damage
    Calibrum Bonus: Mark Damage
    Severum Bonus: Heal
    Infernum Bonus: Damage
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage1Prefix@@CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage1@@CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage1Postfix@ / @CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage2Prefix@@CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage2@@CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage2Postfix@ / @CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage3Prefix@@CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage3@@CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SeverumRHealBonus1Prefix@@SeverumRHealBonus1@@SeverumRHealBonus1Postfix@ / @SeverumRHealBonus2Prefix@@SeverumRHealBonus2@@SeverumRHealBonus2Postfix@ / @SeverumRHealBonus3Prefix@@SeverumRHealBonus3@@SeverumRHealBonus3Postfix@ ]
    [ @InfernumRBonusDamageBase1Prefix@@InfernumRBonusDamageBase1@@InfernumRBonusDamageBase1Postfix@ / @InfernumRBonusDamageBase2Prefix@@InfernumRBonusDamageBase2@@InfernumRBonusDamageBase2Postfix@ / @InfernumRBonusDamageBase3Prefix@@InfernumRBonusDamageBase3@@InfernumRBonusDamageBase3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Moonlight Vigil@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aphelios fires a concentrated blast of moonlight that explodes when it hits a champion, dealing @MaxDamage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies.

    Then, Aphelios attacks all champions hit with his main-hand weapon. {{ Spell_ApheliosR_WeaponMod_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Calibrum Bonus: Mark Damage
    Severum Bonus: Heal
    Infernum Bonus: Damage
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage@ -> @CalibrumRMarkBonusDamageNL@
    @SeverumRHealBonus@ -> @SeverumRHealBonusNL@
    @InfernumRBonusDamageBase@ -> @InfernumRBonusDamageBaseNL@
    Calibrum Bonus: Mark Damage
    Severum Bonus: Heal
    Infernum Bonus: Damage
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage1Prefix@@CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage1@@CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage1Postfix@ / @CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage2Prefix@@CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage2@@CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage2Postfix@ / @CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage3Prefix@@CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage3@@CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SeverumRHealBonus1Prefix@@SeverumRHealBonus1@@SeverumRHealBonus1Postfix@ / @SeverumRHealBonus2Prefix@@SeverumRHealBonus2@@SeverumRHealBonus2Postfix@ / @SeverumRHealBonus3Prefix@@SeverumRHealBonus3@@SeverumRHealBonus3Postfix@ ]
    [ @InfernumRBonusDamageBase1Prefix@@InfernumRBonusDamageBase1@@InfernumRBonusDamageBase1Postfix@ / @InfernumRBonusDamageBase2Prefix@@InfernumRBonusDamageBase2@@InfernumRBonusDamageBase2Postfix@ / @InfernumRBonusDamageBase3Prefix@@InfernumRBonusDamageBase3@@InfernumRBonusDamageBase3Postfix@ ]
    Calibrum Bonus: Mark Damage
    Severum Bonus: Heal
    Infernum Bonus: Damage
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage@ -> @CalibrumRMarkBonusDamageNL@
    @SeverumRHealBonus@ -> @SeverumRHealBonusNL@
    @InfernumRBonusDamageBase@ -> @InfernumRBonusDamageBaseNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Moonlight Vigil@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aphelios fires a concentrated blast of moonlight that explodes when it hits a champion, dealing @MaxDamage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies.

    Then, Aphelios attacks all champions hit with his main-hand weapon. {{ Spell_ApheliosR_WeaponMod_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Moonlight Vigil@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aphelios fires a concentrated blast of moonlight that explodes when it hits a champion, dealing @MaxDamage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies.

    Then, Aphelios attacks all champions hit with his main-hand weapon. {{ Spell_ApheliosR_WeaponMod_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAshe builds up Focus by attacking. At maximum Focus, Ashe can cast Ranger's Focus to consume all stacks of Focus, temporarily increasing her Attack Speed and transforming her basic attack into a powerful flurry attack for the duration.Ranger's FocusRanger's Focus@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ranger's Focus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Ashe's Attacks grant a stack for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. At @Effect2Amount@ stacks, she may activate this ability.

    Active: Ashe gains @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed and her Attacks deal @EmpoweredDamage@ damage instead for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Ashe's Attacks grant a stack for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. At @Effect2Amount@ stacks, she may activate this ability.

    Active: Ashe gains @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed and her Attacks deal @EmpoweredDamage@ damage instead for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ranger's Focus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Ashe's Attacks grant a stack for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. At @Effect2Amount@ stacks, she may activate this ability.

    Active: Ashe gains @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed and her Attacks deal @EmpoweredDamage@ damage instead for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The empowered Attacks are comprised of a flurry of 5 small strikes. They only apply on-hit effects once per Attack.Attack Speed
    Flurry Attack Damage ratio
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Ranger's Focus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Ashe's Attacks grant a stack for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. At @Effect2Amount@ stacks, she may activate this ability.

    Active: Ashe gains @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed and her Attacks deal @EmpoweredDamage@ damage instead for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Speed
    Flurry Attack Damage ratio
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    Attack Speed
    Flurry Attack Damage ratio
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    Flurry Attack Damage ratio
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Ranger's Focus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Ashe's Attacks grant a stack for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. At @Effect2Amount@ stacks, she may activate this ability.

    Active: Ashe gains @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed and her Attacks deal @EmpoweredDamage@ damage instead for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ranger's Focus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Ashe's Attacks grant a stack for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. At @Effect2Amount@ stacks, she may activate this ability.

    Active: Ashe gains @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed and her Attacks deal @EmpoweredDamage@ damage instead for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAshe sends her Hawk Spirit on a scouting mission anywhere on the map.HawkshotHawkshot@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hawkshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAshe sends forth a hawk to grant vision for 5 seconds anywhere on the map. It also reveals the area around it as it flies.

    This ability has 2 charges (@ChargeCooldown@ second recharge).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Ashe sends forth a hawk to grant vision for 5 seconds anywhere on the map. It also reveals the area around it as it flies.

    This ability has 2 charges (@ChargeCooldown@ second recharge).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hawkshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAshe sends forth a hawk to grant vision for 5 seconds anywhere on the map. It also reveals the area around it as it flies.

    This ability has 2 charges (@ChargeCooldown@ second recharge).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Recharge Time[ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Hawkshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAshe sends forth a hawk to grant vision for 5 seconds anywhere on the map. It also reveals the area around it as it flies.

    This ability has 2 charges (@ChargeCooldown@ second recharge).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upRecharge Time@AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@Recharge Time[ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]Recharge Time@AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@[@Hotkey@] Hawkshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAshe sends forth a hawk to grant vision for 5 seconds anywhere on the map. It also reveals the area around it as it flies.

    This ability has 2 charges (@ChargeCooldown@ second recharge).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hawkshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAshe sends forth a hawk to grant vision for 5 seconds anywhere on the map. It also reveals the area around it as it flies.

    This ability has 2 charges (@ChargeCooldown@ second recharge).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoNidalee transforms into a cougar, gaining new abilities.Aspect Of The CougarAspect Of The Cougar@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Aspect Of The Cougar@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: While in Human Form, applying Hunted refreshes this Ability's Cooldown.

    Human Form: Nidalee transforms into Cougar Form, gaining melee Attacks and replacing her Active Abilities.

    Cougar Form: Nidalee transforms into Human Form, gaining ranged Attacks and replacing her Active Abilities.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: While in Human Form, applying Hunted refreshes this Ability's Cooldown.

    Human Form: Nidalee transforms into Cougar Form, gaining melee Attacks and replacing her Active Abilities.

    Cougar Form: Nidalee transforms into Human Form, gaining ranged Attacks and replacing her Active Abilities.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Aspect Of The Cougar@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: While in Human Form, applying Hunted refreshes this Ability's Cooldown.

    Human Form: Nidalee transforms into Cougar Form, gaining melee Attacks and replacing her Active Abilities.

    Cougar Form: Nidalee transforms into Human Form, gaining ranged Attacks and replacing her Active Abilities.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Takedown Damage
    Takedown Damage Amp
    Pounce Damage
    Swipe Damage
    Enhanced Pounce Cooldown
    [ @TakedownBaseDamage1Prefix@@TakedownBaseDamage1@@TakedownBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @TakedownBaseDamage2Prefix@@TakedownBaseDamage2@@TakedownBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @TakedownBaseDamage3Prefix@@TakedownBaseDamage3@@TakedownBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @TakedownBaseDamage4Prefix@@TakedownBaseDamage4@@TakedownBaseDamage4Postfix@ ]
    [ @TakedownDamageAmp1Prefix@@TakedownDamageAmp1@%@TakedownDamageAmp1Postfix@ / @TakedownDamageAmp2Prefix@@TakedownDamageAmp2@%@TakedownDamageAmp2Postfix@ / @TakedownDamageAmp3Prefix@@TakedownDamageAmp3@%@TakedownDamageAmp3Postfix@ / @TakedownDamageAmp4Prefix@@TakedownDamageAmp4@%@TakedownDamageAmp4Postfix@ ]
    [ @PounceDamage1Prefix@@PounceDamage1@@PounceDamage1Postfix@ / @PounceDamage2Prefix@@PounceDamage2@@PounceDamage2Postfix@ / @PounceDamage3Prefix@@PounceDamage3@@PounceDamage3Postfix@ / @PounceDamage4Prefix@@PounceDamage4@@PounceDamage4Postfix@ ]
    [ @SwipeDamage1Prefix@@SwipeDamage1@@SwipeDamage1Postfix@ / @SwipeDamage2Prefix@@SwipeDamage2@@SwipeDamage2Postfix@ / @SwipeDamage3Prefix@@SwipeDamage3@@SwipeDamage3Postfix@ / @SwipeDamage4Prefix@@SwipeDamage4@@SwipeDamage4Postfix@ ]
    [ @PounceCooldown1Prefix@@PounceCooldown1@@PounceCooldown1Postfix@ / @PounceCooldown2Prefix@@PounceCooldown2@@PounceCooldown2Postfix@ / @PounceCooldown3Prefix@@PounceCooldown3@@PounceCooldown3Postfix@ / @PounceCooldown4Prefix@@PounceCooldown4@@PounceCooldown4Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Aspect Of The Cougar@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: While in Human Form, applying Hunted refreshes this Ability's Cooldown.

    Human Form: Nidalee transforms into Cougar Form, gaining melee Attacks and replacing her Active Abilities.

    Cougar Form: Nidalee transforms into Human Form, gaining ranged Attacks and replacing her Active Abilities.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTakedown Damage
    Takedown Damage Amp
    Pounce Damage
    Swipe Damage
    Enhanced Pounce Cooldown
    @TakedownBaseDamage@ -> @TakedownBaseDamageNL@
    @TakedownDamageAmp@% -> @TakedownDamageAmpNL@%
    @PounceDamage@ -> @PounceDamageNL@
    @SwipeDamage@ -> @SwipeDamageNL@
    @PounceCooldown@ -> @PounceCooldownNL@
    Takedown Damage
    Takedown Damage Amp
    Pounce Damage
    Swipe Damage
    Enhanced Pounce Cooldown
    [ @TakedownBaseDamage1Prefix@@TakedownBaseDamage1@@TakedownBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @TakedownBaseDamage2Prefix@@TakedownBaseDamage2@@TakedownBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @TakedownBaseDamage3Prefix@@TakedownBaseDamage3@@TakedownBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @TakedownBaseDamage4Prefix@@TakedownBaseDamage4@@TakedownBaseDamage4Postfix@ ]
    [ @TakedownDamageAmp1Prefix@@TakedownDamageAmp1@%@TakedownDamageAmp1Postfix@ / @TakedownDamageAmp2Prefix@@TakedownDamageAmp2@%@TakedownDamageAmp2Postfix@ / @TakedownDamageAmp3Prefix@@TakedownDamageAmp3@%@TakedownDamageAmp3Postfix@ / @TakedownDamageAmp4Prefix@@TakedownDamageAmp4@%@TakedownDamageAmp4Postfix@ ]
    [ @PounceDamage1Prefix@@PounceDamage1@@PounceDamage1Postfix@ / @PounceDamage2Prefix@@PounceDamage2@@PounceDamage2Postfix@ / @PounceDamage3Prefix@@PounceDamage3@@PounceDamage3Postfix@ / @PounceDamage4Prefix@@PounceDamage4@@PounceDamage4Postfix@ ]
    [ @SwipeDamage1Prefix@@SwipeDamage1@@SwipeDamage1Postfix@ / @SwipeDamage2Prefix@@SwipeDamage2@@SwipeDamage2Postfix@ / @SwipeDamage3Prefix@@SwipeDamage3@@SwipeDamage3Postfix@ / @SwipeDamage4Prefix@@SwipeDamage4@@SwipeDamage4Postfix@ ]
    [ @PounceCooldown1Prefix@@PounceCooldown1@@PounceCooldown1Postfix@ / @PounceCooldown2Prefix@@PounceCooldown2@@PounceCooldown2Postfix@ / @PounceCooldown3Prefix@@PounceCooldown3@@PounceCooldown3Postfix@ / @PounceCooldown4Prefix@@PounceCooldown4@@PounceCooldown4Postfix@ ]
    Takedown Damage
    Takedown Damage Amp
    Pounce Damage
    Swipe Damage
    Enhanced Pounce Cooldown
    @TakedownBaseDamage@ -> @TakedownBaseDamageNL@
    @TakedownDamageAmp@% -> @TakedownDamageAmpNL@%
    @PounceDamage@ -> @PounceDamageNL@
    @SwipeDamage@ -> @SwipeDamageNL@
    @PounceCooldown@ -> @PounceCooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Aspect Of The Cougar@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: While in Human Form, applying Hunted refreshes this Ability's Cooldown.

    Human Form: Nidalee transforms into Cougar Form, gaining melee Attacks and replacing her Active Abilities.

    Cougar Form: Nidalee transforms into Human Form, gaining ranged Attacks and replacing her Active Abilities.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Aspect Of The Cougar@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: While in Human Form, applying Hunted refreshes this Ability's Cooldown.

    Human Form: Nidalee transforms into Cougar Form, gaining melee Attacks and replacing her Active Abilities.

    Cougar Form: Nidalee transforms into Human Form, gaining ranged Attacks and replacing her Active Abilities.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoOvercome by anguish, nearby enemies lose a percentage of their maximum Health each second and have their Curses refreshed.DespairDespair@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Despair@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@ per SecondToggle: Amumu begins crying, dealing @Effect2Amount@ plus @TotalHealthDamagePercent@ max Health magic damage to nearby enemies every second and refreshing Curse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Toggle: Amumu begins crying, dealing @Effect2Amount@ plus @TotalHealthDamagePercent@ max Health magic damage to nearby enemies every second and refreshing Curse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Despair@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@ per SecondToggle: Amumu begins crying, dealing @Effect2Amount@ plus @TotalHealthDamagePercent@ max Health magic damage to nearby enemies every second and refreshing Curse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@% Health as Damage
    Base Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*2.000000@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*2.000000@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*2.000000@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*2.000000@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*2.000000@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*2.000000@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*2.000000@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*2.000000@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*2.000000@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*2.000000@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Despair@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@ per SecondToggle: Amumu begins crying, dealing @Effect2Amount@ plus @TotalHealthDamagePercent@ max Health magic damage to nearby enemies every second and refreshing Curse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up% Health as Damage
    Base Damage
    @Effect1Amount*2.000000@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*2.000000@%
    @Effect2Amount*2.000000@ -> @Effect2AmountNL*2.000000@
    % Health as Damage
    Base Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*2.000000@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*2.000000@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*2.000000@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*2.000000@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*2.000000@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*2.000000@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*2.000000@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*2.000000@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*2.000000@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*2.000000@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    % Health as Damage
    Base Damage
    @Effect1Amount*2.000000@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*2.000000@%
    @Effect2Amount*2.000000@ -> @Effect2AmountNL*2.000000@
    [@Hotkey@] Despair@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@ per SecondToggle: Amumu begins crying, dealing @Effect2Amount@ plus @TotalHealthDamagePercent@ max Health magic damage to nearby enemies every second and refreshing Curse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Despair@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@ per SecondToggle: Amumu begins crying, dealing @Effect2Amount@ plus @TotalHealthDamagePercent@ max Health magic damage to nearby enemies every second and refreshing Curse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAurelion Sol takes off flying for a long distance.Comet of LegendComet of Legend@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Comet of LegendNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostLand from flying early.
    Land from flying early.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Comet of LegendNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostLand from flying early.
    [@Hotkey@] Comet of LegendNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostLand from flying early.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Comet of LegendNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostLand from flying early.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Comet of LegendNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostLand from flying early.

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Comet of Legend@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol starts flying along a path at @Effect4Amount@ Move Speed. Taking damage from champions or structures ends the flight. While flying he can see and be seen over walls.

    This ability can only be used outside of combat.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Aurelion Sol starts flying along a path at @Effect4Amount@ Move Speed. Taking damage from champions or structures ends the flight. While flying he can see and be seen over walls.

    This ability can only be used outside of combat.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Comet of Legend@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol starts flying along a path at @Effect4Amount@ Move Speed. Taking damage from champions or structures ends the flight. While flying he can see and be seen over walls.

    This ability can only be used outside of combat.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    While flying Aurelion Sol's Move Speed is fixed.
    Immobilizing effects ends the flight.
    Flight Range
    Flight Speed
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Comet of Legend@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol starts flying along a path at @Effect4Amount@ Move Speed. Taking damage from champions or structures ends the flight. While flying he can see and be seen over walls.

    This ability can only be used outside of combat.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upFlight Range
    Flight Speed
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Flight Range
    Flight Speed
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Flight Range
    Flight Speed
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Comet of Legend@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol starts flying along a path at @Effect4Amount@ Move Speed. Taking damage from champions or structures ends the flight. While flying he can see and be seen over walls.

    This ability can only be used outside of combat.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Comet of Legend@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol starts flying along a path at @Effect4Amount@ Move Speed. Taking damage from champions or structures ends the flight. While flying he can see and be seen over walls.

    This ability can only be used outside of combat.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAurelion Sol creates an expanding disk, which explodes to stun and damage enemies when it moves too far away from him.StarsurgeStarsurge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] StarsurgeNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostSecond Press: Detonate the core early.
    Second Press: Detonate the core early.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] StarsurgeNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostSecond Press: Detonate the core early.
    [@Hotkey@] StarsurgeNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostSecond Press: Detonate the core early.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] StarsurgeNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostSecond Press: Detonate the core early.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] StarsurgeNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostSecond Press: Detonate the core early.

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Starsurge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol creates a small star that grows and grants him @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed. Upon exiting Aurelion Sol's Outer Limit or after Recasting, the star explodes, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stunning for between @MinStun@ and @Effect4Amount@ seconds, based on travel time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Aurelion Sol creates a small star that grows and grants him @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed. Upon exiting Aurelion Sol's Outer Limit or after Recasting, the star explodes, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stunning for between @MinStun@ and @Effect4Amount@ seconds, based on travel time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Starsurge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol creates a small star that grows and grants him @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed. Upon exiting Aurelion Sol's Outer Limit or after Recasting, the star explodes, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stunning for between @MinStun@ and @Effect4Amount@ seconds, based on travel time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Stun Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Starsurge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol creates a small star that grows and grants him @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed. Upon exiting Aurelion Sol's Outer Limit or after Recasting, the star explodes, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stunning for between @MinStun@ and @Effect4Amount@ seconds, based on travel time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stun Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Stun Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Stun Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Starsurge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol creates a small star that grows and grants him @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed. Upon exiting Aurelion Sol's Outer Limit or after Recasting, the star explodes, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stunning for between @MinStun@ and @Effect4Amount@ seconds, based on travel time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Starsurge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol creates a small star that grows and grants him @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed. Upon exiting Aurelion Sol's Outer Limit or after Recasting, the star explodes, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stunning for between @MinStun@ and @Effect4Amount@ seconds, based on travel time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAurelion Sol projects a blast of pure starfire, damaging and slowing all enemies caught in it and knocking nearby enemies back to a safer distance.Voice of Light@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Voice of Light@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol breathes out a blast of starfire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, and Knocking Back enemies to his Outer Limit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Aurelion Sol breathes out a blast of starfire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, and Knocking Back enemies to his Outer Limit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Voice of Light@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol breathes out a blast of starfire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, and Knocking Back enemies to his Outer Limit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Voice of Light@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol breathes out a blast of starfire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, and Knocking Back enemies to his Outer Limit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Voice of Light@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol breathes out a blast of starfire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, and Knocking Back enemies to his Outer Limit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Voice of Light@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Aurelion Sol breathes out a blast of starfire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, and Knocking Back enemies to his Outer Limit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAurelion Sol pushes his stars farther out, increasing their damage and speed.Celestial ExpansionCelestial Expansion@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Celestial Expansion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ ManaPassive: Increases Center of the Universe's damage by @StarBaseDamageIncrease@.

    Active: Aurelion Sol's stars expand to his Outer Limit, increase in speed, and deal @DamageMultiplier*100@% damage. After 3 seconds, Recasting, or using Comet of Legend they retract and Aurelion Sol gains 40% Move Speed, decaying over 1.5 seconds.
    Passive: Increases Center of the Universe's damage by @StarBaseDamageIncrease@.

    Active: Aurelion Sol's stars expand to his Outer Limit, increase in speed, and deal @DamageMultiplier*100@% damage. After 3 seconds, Recasting, or using Comet of Legend they retract and Aurelion Sol gains 40% Move Speed, decaying over 1.5 seconds.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Celestial Expansion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ ManaPassive: Increases Center of the Universe's damage by @StarBaseDamageIncrease@.

    Active: Aurelion Sol's stars expand to his Outer Limit, increase in speed, and deal @DamageMultiplier*100@% damage. After 3 seconds, Recasting, or using Comet of Legend they retract and Aurelion Sol gains 40% Move Speed, decaying over 1.5 seconds.
    Aurelion Sol can Recast while affected by crowd control.Passive Damage Bonus
    Mana Cost
    [ @StarBaseDamageIncrease1Prefix@@StarBaseDamageIncrease1@@StarBaseDamageIncrease1Postfix@ / @StarBaseDamageIncrease2Prefix@@StarBaseDamageIncrease2@@StarBaseDamageIncrease2Postfix@ / @StarBaseDamageIncrease3Prefix@@StarBaseDamageIncrease3@@StarBaseDamageIncrease3Postfix@ / @StarBaseDamageIncrease4Prefix@@StarBaseDamageIncrease4@@StarBaseDamageIncrease4Postfix@ / @StarBaseDamageIncrease5Prefix@@StarBaseDamageIncrease5@@StarBaseDamageIncrease5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseCost1Prefix@@BaseCost1@@BaseCost1Postfix@ / @BaseCost2Prefix@@BaseCost2@@BaseCost2Postfix@ / @BaseCost3Prefix@@BaseCost3@@BaseCost3Postfix@ / @BaseCost4Prefix@@BaseCost4@@BaseCost4Postfix@ / @BaseCost5Prefix@@BaseCost5@@BaseCost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Celestial Expansion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ ManaPassive: Increases Center of the Universe's damage by @StarBaseDamageIncrease@.

    Active: Aurelion Sol's stars expand to his Outer Limit, increase in speed, and deal @DamageMultiplier*100@% damage. After 3 seconds, Recasting, or using Comet of Legend they retract and Aurelion Sol gains 40% Move Speed, decaying over 1.5 seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPassive Damage Bonus
    Mana Cost
    @StarBaseDamageIncrease@ -> @StarBaseDamageIncreaseNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseCost@ -> @BaseCostNL@
    Passive Damage Bonus
    Mana Cost
    [ @StarBaseDamageIncrease1Prefix@@StarBaseDamageIncrease1@@StarBaseDamageIncrease1Postfix@ / @StarBaseDamageIncrease2Prefix@@StarBaseDamageIncrease2@@StarBaseDamageIncrease2Postfix@ / @StarBaseDamageIncrease3Prefix@@StarBaseDamageIncrease3@@StarBaseDamageIncrease3Postfix@ / @StarBaseDamageIncrease4Prefix@@StarBaseDamageIncrease4@@StarBaseDamageIncrease4Postfix@ / @StarBaseDamageIncrease5Prefix@@StarBaseDamageIncrease5@@StarBaseDamageIncrease5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseCost1Prefix@@BaseCost1@@BaseCost1Postfix@ / @BaseCost2Prefix@@BaseCost2@@BaseCost2Postfix@ / @BaseCost3Prefix@@BaseCost3@@BaseCost3Postfix@ / @BaseCost4Prefix@@BaseCost4@@BaseCost4Postfix@ / @BaseCost5Prefix@@BaseCost5@@BaseCost5Postfix@ ]
    Passive Damage Bonus
    Mana Cost
    @StarBaseDamageIncrease@ -> @StarBaseDamageIncreaseNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseCost@ -> @BaseCostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Celestial Expansion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ ManaPassive: Increases Center of the Universe's damage by @StarBaseDamageIncrease@.

    Active: Aurelion Sol's stars expand to his Outer Limit, increase in speed, and deal @DamageMultiplier*100@% damage. After 3 seconds, Recasting, or using Comet of Legend they retract and Aurelion Sol gains 40% Move Speed, decaying over 1.5 seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Celestial Expansion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ ManaPassive: Increases Center of the Universe's damage by @StarBaseDamageIncrease@.

    Active: Aurelion Sol's stars expand to his Outer Limit, increase in speed, and deal @DamageMultiplier*100@% damage. After 3 seconds, Recasting, or using Comet of Legend they retract and Aurelion Sol gains 40% Move Speed, decaying over 1.5 seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAzir shields himself briefly and dashes to one of his Sand Soldiers, damaging enemies. If he hits an enemy champion, he instantly readies a new Sand Soldier for deployment and halts his dash.Shifting SandsShifting Sands@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shifting Sands@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Azir grants himself @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and dashes to one of his Sand Soldiers, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies he passes through.

    If Azir hits an enemy champion, he stops and gains a Sand Soldier charge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Azir grants himself @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and dashes to one of his Sand Soldiers, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies he passes through.

    If Azir hits an enemy champion, he stops and gains a Sand Soldier charge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shifting Sands@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Azir grants himself @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and dashes to one of his Sand Soldiers, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies he passes through.

    If Azir hits an enemy champion, he stops and gains a Sand Soldier charge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shield Amount
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shifting Sands@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Azir grants himself @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and dashes to one of his Sand Soldiers, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies he passes through.

    If Azir hits an enemy champion, he stops and gains a Sand Soldier charge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Shield Amount
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Shifting Sands@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Azir grants himself @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and dashes to one of his Sand Soldiers, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies he passes through.

    If Azir hits an enemy champion, he stops and gains a Sand Soldier charge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shifting Sands@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Azir grants himself @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and dashes to one of his Sand Soldiers, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies he passes through.

    If Azir hits an enemy champion, he stops and gains a Sand Soldier charge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAzir sends all Sand Soldiers towards a location. Sand Soldiers deal magic damage to enemies they pass through and apply a slow for 1 second.Conquering SandsConquering Sands@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Conquering Sands@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Azir orders all Sand Soldiers to an area, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies they pass through and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Azir orders all Sand Soldiers to an area, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies they pass through and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Conquering Sands@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Azir orders all Sand Soldiers to an area, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies they pass through and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Enemies hit by multiple Sand Soldiers will not take additional damage.Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Conquering Sands@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Azir orders all Sand Soldiers to an area, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies they pass through and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Conquering Sands@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Azir orders all Sand Soldiers to an area, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies they pass through and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Conquering Sands@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Azir orders all Sand Soldiers to an area, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies they pass through and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAzir summons a wall of soldiers which charge forward, knocking back and damaging enemies.Emperor's DivideEmperor's Divide@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Emperor's Divide@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Azir summons a wall of armored soldiers that charges forward, Knocking Back enemies and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The soldiers remain, blocking enemy paths for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Azir summons a wall of armored soldiers that charges forward, Knocking Back enemies and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The soldiers remain, blocking enemy paths for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Emperor's Divide@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Azir summons a wall of armored soldiers that charges forward, Knocking Back enemies and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The soldiers remain, blocking enemy paths for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Number of Soldiers
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Emperor's Divide@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Azir summons a wall of armored soldiers that charges forward, Knocking Back enemies and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The soldiers remain, blocking enemy paths for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Number of Soldiers
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Number of Soldiers
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Number of Soldiers
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Emperor's Divide@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Azir summons a wall of armored soldiers that charges forward, Knocking Back enemies and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The soldiers remain, blocking enemy paths for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Emperor's Divide@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Azir summons a wall of armored soldiers that charges forward, Knocking Back enemies and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The soldiers remain, blocking enemy paths for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAzir summons a Sand Soldier to attack nearby targets for him, replacing his basic attack against targets within the soldier's range. Their attacks deal magic damage to enemies in a line. Arise! also passively grants attack speed to Azir and his Sand Soldiers.Arise!Arise!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Arise!@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Azir gains @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed. Upon having @Effect6Amount@ or more Sand Soldiers, he gains an additional @Effect7Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Azir summons a Sand Soldier for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. When Azir Attacks an enemy near a Sand Soldier, he instead orders the soldiers to stab, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage in their direction.

    This Ability has @MaxAmmo@ charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Azir gains @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed. Upon having @Effect6Amount@ or more Sand Soldiers, he gains an additional @Effect7Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Azir summons a Sand Soldier for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. When Azir Attacks an enemy near a Sand Soldier, he instead orders the soldiers to stab, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage in their direction.

    This Ability has @MaxAmmo@ charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Arise!@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Azir gains @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed. Upon having @Effect6Amount@ or more Sand Soldiers, he gains an additional @Effect7Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Azir summons a Sand Soldier for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. When Azir Attacks an enemy near a Sand Soldier, he instead orders the soldiers to stab, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage in their direction.

    This Ability has @MaxAmmo@ charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Sand Soldiers deal @SecondaryTargetDamageMod@% damage to enemies that are not Azir's Attack target.
    Sand Soldiers that strike the same targets deal @Effect9Amount@% damage after the first.
    Sand Soldiers expire twice as fast when near an enemy turret.
    Recharge Time
    Passive Attack Speed
    Attack Speed with Soldiers
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Arise!@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Azir gains @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed. Upon having @Effect6Amount@ or more Sand Soldiers, he gains an additional @Effect7Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Azir summons a Sand Soldier for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. When Azir Attacks an enemy near a Sand Soldier, he instead orders the soldiers to stab, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage in their direction.

    This Ability has @MaxAmmo@ charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upRecharge Time
    Passive Attack Speed
    Attack Speed with Soldiers
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Effect3Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect7Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect7AmountNL*100.000000@%
    Recharge Time
    Passive Attack Speed
    Attack Speed with Soldiers
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Recharge Time
    Passive Attack Speed
    Attack Speed with Soldiers
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Effect3Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect7Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect7AmountNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Arise!@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Azir gains @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed. Upon having @Effect6Amount@ or more Sand Soldiers, he gains an additional @Effect7Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Azir summons a Sand Soldier for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. When Azir Attacks an enemy near a Sand Soldier, he instead orders the soldiers to stab, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage in their direction.

    This Ability has @MaxAmmo@ charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Arise!@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Azir gains @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed. Upon having @Effect6Amount@ or more Sand Soldiers, he gains an additional @Effect7Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Azir summons a Sand Soldier for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. When Azir Attacks an enemy near a Sand Soldier, he instead orders the soldiers to stab, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage in their direction.

    This Ability has @MaxAmmo@ charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAmumu tosses a sticky bandage at a target, stunning and damaging the target while he pulls himself to them.Bandage TossBandage Toss@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bandage Toss@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Amumu launches a bandage, pulling himself to the first enemy hit, Stunning them for @Effect2Amount@ second, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 2 charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Amumu launches a bandage, pulling himself to the first enemy hit, Stunning them for @Effect2Amount@ second, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 2 charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bandage Toss@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Amumu launches a bandage, pulling himself to the first enemy hit, Stunning them for @Effect2Amount@ second, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 2 charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Recharge Time
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bandage Toss@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Amumu launches a bandage, pulling himself to the first enemy hit, Stunning them for @Effect2Amount@ second, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 2 charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Recharge Time
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Recharge Time
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Recharge Time
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Bandage Toss@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Amumu launches a bandage, pulling himself to the first enemy hit, Stunning them for @Effect2Amount@ second, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 2 charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bandage Toss@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Amumu launches a bandage, pulling himself to the first enemy hit, Stunning them for @Effect2Amount@ second, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 2 charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBard opens a portal in nearby terrain. Allies and enemies alike can take a one-way trip through that terrain by moving into the portal.Magical JourneyMagical Journey@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Magical Journey@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard opens a one-way portal through Terrain for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Any champion can enter the portal by moving onto it while near the entrance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Bard opens a one-way portal through Terrain for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Any champion can enter the portal by moving onto it while near the entrance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Magical Journey@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard opens a one-way portal through Terrain for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Any champion can enter the portal by moving onto it while near the entrance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Allies travel @Effect2Amount@% faster than enemies.Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Magical Journey@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard opens a one-way portal through Terrain for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Any champion can enter the portal by moving onto it while near the entrance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Magical Journey@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard opens a one-way portal through Terrain for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Any champion can enter the portal by moving onto it while near the entrance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Magical Journey@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard opens a one-way portal through Terrain for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Any champion can enter the portal by moving onto it while near the entrance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBard fires a missile which will slow the first enemy struck, and continue onward. If it strikes a wall, it will stun the initial target; if it strikes another enemy, it will stun them both.Cosmic BindingCosmic Binding@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cosmic Binding@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard fires an energy bolt, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first two enemies hit. The first target hit is Slowed by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ second(s).

    If the bolt hits a second enemy or a wall, any enemies hit are Stunned for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).
    Bard fires an energy bolt, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first two enemies hit. The first target hit is Slowed by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ second(s).

    If the bolt hits a second enemy or a wall, any enemies hit are Stunned for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cosmic Binding@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard fires an energy bolt, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first two enemies hit. The first target hit is Slowed by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ second(s).

    If the bolt hits a second enemy or a wall, any enemies hit are Stunned for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).
    Slow Duration
    Stun Duration
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Cosmic Binding@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard fires an energy bolt, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first two enemies hit. The first target hit is Slowed by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ second(s).

    If the bolt hits a second enemy or a wall, any enemies hit are Stunned for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Slow Duration
    Stun Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Slow Duration
    Stun Duration
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Slow Duration
    Stun Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Cosmic Binding@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard fires an energy bolt, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first two enemies hit. The first target hit is Slowed by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ second(s).

    If the bolt hits a second enemy or a wall, any enemies hit are Stunned for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Cosmic Binding@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard fires an energy bolt, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first two enemies hit. The first target hit is Slowed by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ second(s).

    If the bolt hits a second enemy or a wall, any enemies hit are Stunned for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBard sends spirit energy arcing to a location, putting all champions, minions, monsters, and turrets hit into stasis for a brief time.Tempered Fate@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tempered Fate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard hurls magical protective energy to an area, placing all units and structures hit into Stasis for @RStasisDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Bard hurls magical protective energy to an area, placing all units and structures hit into Stasis for @RStasisDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tempered Fate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard hurls magical protective energy to an area, placing all units and structures hit into Stasis for @RStasisDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Reminder_Stasis}}Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Tempered Fate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard hurls magical protective energy to an area, placing all units and structures hit into Stasis for @RStasisDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@[@Hotkey@] Tempered Fate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard hurls magical protective energy to an area, placing all units and structures hit into Stasis for @RStasisDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Tempered Fate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard hurls magical protective energy to an area, placing all units and structures hit into Stasis for @RStasisDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoReveals a healing shrine which powers up over a short time, disappearing after healing and speeding up the first ally that touches it.Caretaker's ShrineCaretaker's Shrine@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Caretaker's Shrine@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard creates a health shrine that grants @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect2Amount@ seconds and restores at least @InitialHeal@ Health to the first ally to enter. The shrine grows to restore @MaxHeal@ Health after existing for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Bard can have up to @Effect3Amount@ shrines at once. If an enemy champion enters a shrine, it is destroyed.

    Current Active Shrines: @f1@ / @f2@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Bard creates a health shrine that grants @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect2Amount@ seconds and restores at least @InitialHeal@ Health to the first ally to enter. The shrine grows to restore @MaxHeal@ Health after existing for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Bard can have up to @Effect3Amount@ shrines at once. If an enemy champion enters a shrine, it is destroyed.

    Current Active Shrines: @f1@ / @f2@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Caretaker's Shrine@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard creates a health shrine that grants @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect2Amount@ seconds and restores at least @InitialHeal@ Health to the first ally to enter. The shrine grows to restore @MaxHeal@ Health after existing for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Bard can have up to @Effect3Amount@ shrines at once. If an enemy champion enters a shrine, it is destroyed.

    Current Active Shrines: @f1@ / @f2@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Base Heal
    Max Heal
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Caretaker's Shrine@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard creates a health shrine that grants @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect2Amount@ seconds and restores at least @InitialHeal@ Health to the first ally to enter. The shrine grows to restore @MaxHeal@ Health after existing for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Bard can have up to @Effect3Amount@ shrines at once. If an enemy champion enters a shrine, it is destroyed.

    Current Active Shrines: @f1@ / @f2@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Heal
    Max Heal
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    Base Heal
    Max Heal
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Base Heal
    Max Heal
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Caretaker's Shrine@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard creates a health shrine that grants @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect2Amount@ seconds and restores at least @InitialHeal@ Health to the first ally to enter. The shrine grows to restore @MaxHeal@ Health after existing for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Bard can have up to @Effect3Amount@ shrines at once. If an enemy champion enters a shrine, it is destroyed.

    Current Active Shrines: @f1@ / @f2@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Caretaker's Shrine@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Bard creates a health shrine that grants @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect2Amount@ seconds and restores at least @InitialHeal@ Health to the first ally to enter. The shrine grows to restore @MaxHeal@ Health after existing for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Bard can have up to @Effect3Amount@ shrines at once. If an enemy champion enters a shrine, it is destroyed.

    Current Active Shrines: @f1@ / @f2@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBel'Veth roots herself in place, channeling a storm of slashes around her that targets the lowest-health enemy and grants her lifesteal and damage reduction.Royal MaelstromRoyal Maelstrom@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Royal Maelstrom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBel'Veth channels and slashes around herself, gaining @DRPercent*100@% Damage Reduction, @TotalLifesteal@ Life Steal, and Attacking @f2.0@ times over @TotalDuration@ seconds with the number of Attacks increasing based on her Attack Speed. Each Attack strikes the lowest-health enemy, dealing @DamagePerStrike@ to @MaxDamagePerStrikeTooltip@ physical damage based on the target's missing Health.

    Using another Ability or Recasting ends this Ability early.
    Bel'Veth channels and slashes around herself, gaining @DRPercent*100@% Damage Reduction, @TotalLifesteal@ Life Steal, and Attacking @f2.0@ times over @TotalDuration@ seconds with the number of Attacks increasing based on her Attack Speed. Each Attack strikes the lowest-health enemy, dealing @DamagePerStrike@ to @MaxDamagePerStrikeTooltip@ physical damage based on the target's missing Health.

    Using another Ability or Recasting ends this Ability early.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Royal Maelstrom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBel'Veth channels and slashes around herself, gaining @DRPercent*100@% Damage Reduction, @TotalLifesteal@ Life Steal, and Attacking @f2.0@ times over @TotalDuration@ seconds with the number of Attacks increasing based on her Attack Speed. Each Attack strikes the lowest-health enemy, dealing @DamagePerStrike@ to @MaxDamagePerStrikeTooltip@ physical damage based on the target's missing Health.

    Using another Ability or Recasting ends this Ability early.
    Attacks from this Ability cannot crit. They deal @MonsterMod*100@% damage to monsters and apply On-Hit Effects at @OnHitRatio*100@% to @OnHitRatio*400@% effectiveness based on the target's missing Health.
    [ @DamagePerHit1Prefix@@DamagePerHit1@@DamagePerHit1Postfix@ / @DamagePerHit2Prefix@@DamagePerHit2@@DamagePerHit2Postfix@ / @DamagePerHit3Prefix@@DamagePerHit3@@DamagePerHit3Postfix@ / @DamagePerHit4Prefix@@DamagePerHit4@@DamagePerHit4Postfix@ / @DamagePerHit5Prefix@@DamagePerHit5@@DamagePerHit5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Royal Maelstrom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBel'Veth channels and slashes around herself, gaining @DRPercent*100@% Damage Reduction, @TotalLifesteal@ Life Steal, and Attacking @f2.0@ times over @TotalDuration@ seconds with the number of Attacks increasing based on her Attack Speed. Each Attack strikes the lowest-health enemy, dealing @DamagePerStrike@ to @MaxDamagePerStrikeTooltip@ physical damage based on the target's missing Health.

    Using another Ability or Recasting ends this Ability early.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @DamagePerHit@ -> @DamagePerHitNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @DamagePerHit1Prefix@@DamagePerHit1@@DamagePerHit1Postfix@ / @DamagePerHit2Prefix@@DamagePerHit2@@DamagePerHit2Postfix@ / @DamagePerHit3Prefix@@DamagePerHit3@@DamagePerHit3Postfix@ / @DamagePerHit4Prefix@@DamagePerHit4@@DamagePerHit4Postfix@ / @DamagePerHit5Prefix@@DamagePerHit5@@DamagePerHit5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @DamagePerHit@ -> @DamagePerHitNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Royal Maelstrom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBel'Veth channels and slashes around herself, gaining @DRPercent*100@% Damage Reduction, @TotalLifesteal@ Life Steal, and Attacking @f2.0@ times over @TotalDuration@ seconds with the number of Attacks increasing based on her Attack Speed. Each Attack strikes the lowest-health enemy, dealing @DamagePerStrike@ to @MaxDamagePerStrikeTooltip@ physical damage based on the target's missing Health.

    Using another Ability or Recasting ends this Ability early.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Royal Maelstrom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBel'Veth channels and slashes around herself, gaining @DRPercent*100@% Damage Reduction, @TotalLifesteal@ Life Steal, and Attacking @f2.0@ times over @TotalDuration@ seconds with the number of Attacks increasing based on her Attack Speed. Each Attack strikes the lowest-health enemy, dealing @DamagePerStrike@ to @MaxDamagePerStrikeTooltip@ physical damage based on the target's missing Health.

    Using another Ability or Recasting ends this Ability early.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBel'Veth dashes in a chosen direction and damages all enemies she passes through.Void SurgeVoid Surge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Void Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBel'Veth dashes, dealing @BaseDamage@ physical damage to enemies she passes through.

    Each direction has an unique Cooldown of @f1@ seconds that scales down based on her Attack Speed.
    Bel'Veth dashes, dealing @BaseDamage@ physical damage to enemies she passes through.

    Each direction has an unique Cooldown of @f1@ seconds that scales down based on her Attack Speed.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Void Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBel'Veth dashes, dealing @BaseDamage@ physical damage to enemies she passes through.

    Each direction has an unique Cooldown of @f1@ seconds that scales down based on her Attack Speed.
    Deals @MonsterMod*100@% damage to monsters and @MinonMod*100@% damage to minions.
    Applies On-Hit Effects to the first target hit.
    Each 1% Attack Speed is equivalent to @PerSideCDAttackSpeedMultiplier@ Ability Haste for this Ability's per-direction Cooldown.
    Cooldown Per Direction
    Minion Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PerSideCooldown1Prefix@@PerSideCooldown1@@PerSideCooldown1Postfix@ / @PerSideCooldown2Prefix@@PerSideCooldown2@@PerSideCooldown2Postfix@ / @PerSideCooldown3Prefix@@PerSideCooldown3@@PerSideCooldown3Postfix@ / @PerSideCooldown4Prefix@@PerSideCooldown4@@PerSideCooldown4Postfix@ / @PerSideCooldown5Prefix@@PerSideCooldown5@@PerSideCooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinonMod1Prefix@@MinonMod1*100.000000@%@MinonMod1Postfix@ / @MinonMod2Prefix@@MinonMod2*100.000000@%@MinonMod2Postfix@ / @MinonMod3Prefix@@MinonMod3*100.000000@%@MinonMod3Postfix@ / @MinonMod4Prefix@@MinonMod4*100.000000@%@MinonMod4Postfix@ / @MinonMod5Prefix@@MinonMod5*100.000000@%@MinonMod5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Void Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBel'Veth dashes, dealing @BaseDamage@ physical damage to enemies she passes through.

    Each direction has an unique Cooldown of @f1@ seconds that scales down based on her Attack Speed.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Cooldown Per Direction
    Minion Damage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @PerSideCooldown@ -> @PerSideCooldownNL@
    @MinonMod*100.000000@% -> @MinonModNL*100.000000@%
    Cooldown Per Direction
    Minion Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PerSideCooldown1Prefix@@PerSideCooldown1@@PerSideCooldown1Postfix@ / @PerSideCooldown2Prefix@@PerSideCooldown2@@PerSideCooldown2Postfix@ / @PerSideCooldown3Prefix@@PerSideCooldown3@@PerSideCooldown3Postfix@ / @PerSideCooldown4Prefix@@PerSideCooldown4@@PerSideCooldown4Postfix@ / @PerSideCooldown5Prefix@@PerSideCooldown5@@PerSideCooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinonMod1Prefix@@MinonMod1*100.000000@%@MinonMod1Postfix@ / @MinonMod2Prefix@@MinonMod2*100.000000@%@MinonMod2Postfix@ / @MinonMod3Prefix@@MinonMod3*100.000000@%@MinonMod3Postfix@ / @MinonMod4Prefix@@MinonMod4*100.000000@%@MinonMod4Postfix@ / @MinonMod5Prefix@@MinonMod5*100.000000@%@MinonMod5Postfix@ ]
    Cooldown Per Direction
    Minion Damage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @PerSideCooldown@ -> @PerSideCooldownNL@
    @MinonMod*100.000000@% -> @MinonModNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Void Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBel'Veth dashes, dealing @BaseDamage@ physical damage to enemies she passes through.

    Each direction has an unique Cooldown of @f1@ seconds that scales down based on her Attack Speed.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Void Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBel'Veth dashes, dealing @BaseDamage@ physical damage to enemies she passes through.

    Each direction has an unique Cooldown of @f1@ seconds that scales down based on her Attack Speed.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBel'Veth consumes Void coral remnants, transforming into her true form and increasing her max health, attack range, attack speed, and out-of-combat move speed. Consuming the Void coral remnants of a Void epic monster will grant her a longer ultimate duration, as well as the power to summon Void remora.Endless BanquetEndless Banquet@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Endless Banquet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Every second Attack against the same target deals an additional @FinalOnHitDamage@ true damage, stacking infinitely. Takedowns against champions and epic monsters leave behind a piece of Void Coral.

    Active: Consuming Void Coral grants @PassiveStacksOnDevour@ Lavender stack and activates Bel'Veth's true form for @SteroidDuration@ seconds. Void Coral from Void epic monsters increases the duration to @VoidDuration@ seconds and causes minions that die nearby to become Void Remora. While casting, Bel'Veth Slows nearby enemies before exploding, dealing @TotalExplosionDamage@ + @MissingHealthDamage*100@% missing-Health true damage.

    In her true form, Bel'Veth gains @MaxHealthOnDevour@ max Health, @OOCMS@ Move Speed out of combat, @BonusAARange@ Attack range, @TotalASMod*100@% Total Attack Speed, and Void Surge can pass through walls.

    Passive: Every second Attack against the same target deals an additional @FinalOnHitDamage@ true damage, stacking infinitely. Takedowns against champions and epic monsters leave behind a piece of Void Coral.

    Active: Consuming Void Coral grants @PassiveStacksOnDevour@ Lavender stack and activates Bel'Veth's true form for @SteroidDuration@ seconds. Void Coral from Void epic monsters increases the duration to @VoidDuration@ seconds and causes minions that die nearby to become Void Remora. While casting, Bel'Veth Slows nearby enemies before exploding, dealing @TotalExplosionDamage@ + @MissingHealthDamage*100@% missing-Health true damage.

    In her true form, Bel'Veth gains @MaxHealthOnDevour@ max Health, @OOCMS@ Move Speed out of combat, @BonusAARange@ Attack range, @TotalASMod*100@% Total Attack Speed, and Void Surge can pass through walls.

    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Endless Banquet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Every second Attack against the same target deals an additional @FinalOnHitDamage@ true damage, stacking infinitely. Takedowns against champions and epic monsters leave behind a piece of Void Coral.

    Active: Consuming Void Coral grants @PassiveStacksOnDevour@ Lavender stack and activates Bel'Veth's true form for @SteroidDuration@ seconds. Void Coral from Void epic monsters increases the duration to @VoidDuration@ seconds and causes minions that die nearby to become Void Remora. While casting, Bel'Veth Slows nearby enemies before exploding, dealing @TotalExplosionDamage@ + @MissingHealthDamage*100@% missing-Health true damage.

    In her true form, Bel'Veth gains @MaxHealthOnDevour@ max Health, @OOCMS@ Move Speed out of combat, @BonusAARange@ Attack range, @TotalASMod*100@% Total Attack Speed, and Void Surge can pass through walls.

    Void Remora count as lane minions with @VoidlingHPScale*100@% Health and @VoidlingADScale*100@% Attack Damage.
    The applied Slow ramps up to 99% while Bel'Veth consumes Void Coral.
    The passive deals a maximum of @MaxMonsterOnHitTooltip@ true damage to epic monsters.
    While in true form, consuming Void Coral renews the form's duration and restores @BaseMaxHealth@ Health.

    On-Hit Damage
    Explosion Damage
    Bonus Health
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    Void Remora Health
    [ @OnHitDamage1Prefix@@OnHitDamage1@@OnHitDamage1Postfix@ / @OnHitDamage2Prefix@@OnHitDamage2@@OnHitDamage2Postfix@ / @OnHitDamage3Prefix@@OnHitDamage3@@OnHitDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseMaxHealth1Prefix@@BaseMaxHealth1@@BaseMaxHealth1Postfix@ / @BaseMaxHealth2Prefix@@BaseMaxHealth2@@BaseMaxHealth2Postfix@ / @BaseMaxHealth3Prefix@@BaseMaxHealth3@@BaseMaxHealth3Postfix@ ]
    [ @OOCMS1Prefix@@OOCMS1@@OOCMS1Postfix@ / @OOCMS2Prefix@@OOCMS2@@OOCMS2Postfix@ / @OOCMS3Prefix@@OOCMS3@@OOCMS3Postfix@ ]
    [ @TotalASMod1Prefix@@TotalASMod1*100.000000@%@TotalASMod1Postfix@ / @TotalASMod2Prefix@@TotalASMod2*100.000000@%@TotalASMod2Postfix@ / @TotalASMod3Prefix@@TotalASMod3*100.000000@%@TotalASMod3Postfix@ ]
    [ @VoidlingHPScale1Prefix@@VoidlingHPScale1*100.000000@%@VoidlingHPScale1Postfix@ / @VoidlingHPScale2Prefix@@VoidlingHPScale2*100.000000@%@VoidlingHPScale2Postfix@ / @VoidlingHPScale3Prefix@@VoidlingHPScale3*100.000000@%@VoidlingHPScale3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Endless Banquet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Every second Attack against the same target deals an additional @FinalOnHitDamage@ true damage, stacking infinitely. Takedowns against champions and epic monsters leave behind a piece of Void Coral.

    Active: Consuming Void Coral grants @PassiveStacksOnDevour@ Lavender stack and activates Bel'Veth's true form for @SteroidDuration@ seconds. Void Coral from Void epic monsters increases the duration to @VoidDuration@ seconds and causes minions that die nearby to become Void Remora. While casting, Bel'Veth Slows nearby enemies before exploding, dealing @TotalExplosionDamage@ + @MissingHealthDamage*100@% missing-Health true damage.

    In her true form, Bel'Veth gains @MaxHealthOnDevour@ max Health, @OOCMS@ Move Speed out of combat, @BonusAARange@ Attack range, @TotalASMod*100@% Total Attack Speed, and Void Surge can pass through walls.

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upOn-Hit Damage
    Explosion Damage
    Bonus Health
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    Void Remora Health
    @OnHitDamage@ -> @OnHitDamageNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseMaxHealth@ -> @BaseMaxHealthNL@
    @OOCMS@ -> @OOCMSNL@
    @TotalASMod*100.000000@% -> @TotalASModNL*100.000000@%
    @VoidlingHPScale*100.000000@% -> @VoidlingHPScaleNL*100.000000@%
    On-Hit Damage
    Explosion Damage
    Bonus Health
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    Void Remora Health
    [ @OnHitDamage1Prefix@@OnHitDamage1@@OnHitDamage1Postfix@ / @OnHitDamage2Prefix@@OnHitDamage2@@OnHitDamage2Postfix@ / @OnHitDamage3Prefix@@OnHitDamage3@@OnHitDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseMaxHealth1Prefix@@BaseMaxHealth1@@BaseMaxHealth1Postfix@ / @BaseMaxHealth2Prefix@@BaseMaxHealth2@@BaseMaxHealth2Postfix@ / @BaseMaxHealth3Prefix@@BaseMaxHealth3@@BaseMaxHealth3Postfix@ ]
    [ @OOCMS1Prefix@@OOCMS1@@OOCMS1Postfix@ / @OOCMS2Prefix@@OOCMS2@@OOCMS2Postfix@ / @OOCMS3Prefix@@OOCMS3@@OOCMS3Postfix@ ]
    [ @TotalASMod1Prefix@@TotalASMod1*100.000000@%@TotalASMod1Postfix@ / @TotalASMod2Prefix@@TotalASMod2*100.000000@%@TotalASMod2Postfix@ / @TotalASMod3Prefix@@TotalASMod3*100.000000@%@TotalASMod3Postfix@ ]
    [ @VoidlingHPScale1Prefix@@VoidlingHPScale1*100.000000@%@VoidlingHPScale1Postfix@ / @VoidlingHPScale2Prefix@@VoidlingHPScale2*100.000000@%@VoidlingHPScale2Postfix@ / @VoidlingHPScale3Prefix@@VoidlingHPScale3*100.000000@%@VoidlingHPScale3Postfix@ ]
    On-Hit Damage
    Explosion Damage
    Bonus Health
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    Void Remora Health
    @OnHitDamage@ -> @OnHitDamageNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseMaxHealth@ -> @BaseMaxHealthNL@
    @OOCMS@ -> @OOCMSNL@
    @TotalASMod*100.000000@% -> @TotalASModNL*100.000000@%
    @VoidlingHPScale*100.000000@% -> @VoidlingHPScaleNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Endless Banquet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Every second Attack against the same target deals an additional @FinalOnHitDamage@ true damage, stacking infinitely. Takedowns against champions and epic monsters leave behind a piece of Void Coral.

    Active: Consuming Void Coral grants @PassiveStacksOnDevour@ Lavender stack and activates Bel'Veth's true form for @SteroidDuration@ seconds. Void Coral from Void epic monsters increases the duration to @VoidDuration@ seconds and causes minions that die nearby to become Void Remora. While casting, Bel'Veth Slows nearby enemies before exploding, dealing @TotalExplosionDamage@ + @MissingHealthDamage*100@% missing-Health true damage.

    In her true form, Bel'Veth gains @MaxHealthOnDevour@ max Health, @OOCMS@ Move Speed out of combat, @BonusAARange@ Attack range, @TotalASMod*100@% Total Attack Speed, and Void Surge can pass through walls.

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Endless Banquet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Every second Attack against the same target deals an additional @FinalOnHitDamage@ true damage, stacking infinitely. Takedowns against champions and epic monsters leave behind a piece of Void Coral.

    Active: Consuming Void Coral grants @PassiveStacksOnDevour@ Lavender stack and activates Bel'Veth's true form for @SteroidDuration@ seconds. Void Coral from Void epic monsters increases the duration to @VoidDuration@ seconds and causes minions that die nearby to become Void Remora. While casting, Bel'Veth Slows nearby enemies before exploding, dealing @TotalExplosionDamage@ + @MissingHealthDamage*100@% missing-Health true damage.

    In her true form, Bel'Veth gains @MaxHealthOnDevour@ max Health, @OOCMS@ Move Speed out of combat, @BonusAARange@ Attack range, @TotalASMod*100@% Total Attack Speed, and Void Surge can pass through walls.


    Press [Shift] to show more infoBel'Veth slams her tail to the ground, damaging, knocking up, and slowing her enemies.Above and BelowAbove and Below@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Above and Below@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBel'Veth slams her tail, dealing @Damage@ magic damage, Knocking Up foes for @Duration@ seconds, and Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If a champion is hit, this refreshes the Cooldown of Void Surge in that direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Bel'Veth slams her tail, dealing @Damage@ magic damage, Knocking Up foes for @Duration@ seconds, and Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If a champion is hit, this refreshes the Cooldown of Void Surge in that direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Above and Below@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBel'Veth slams her tail, dealing @Damage@ magic damage, Knocking Up foes for @Duration@ seconds, and Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If a champion is hit, this refreshes the Cooldown of Void Surge in that direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Slow Duration
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowDuration1Prefix@@SlowDuration1@@SlowDuration1Postfix@ / @SlowDuration2Prefix@@SlowDuration2@@SlowDuration2Postfix@ / @SlowDuration3Prefix@@SlowDuration3@@SlowDuration3Postfix@ / @SlowDuration4Prefix@@SlowDuration4@@SlowDuration4Postfix@ / @SlowDuration5Prefix@@SlowDuration5@@SlowDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Above and Below@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBel'Veth slams her tail, dealing @Damage@ magic damage, Knocking Up foes for @Duration@ seconds, and Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If a champion is hit, this refreshes the Cooldown of Void Surge in that direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Slow Duration
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowDuration@ -> @SlowDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Slow Duration
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowDuration1Prefix@@SlowDuration1@@SlowDuration1Postfix@ / @SlowDuration2Prefix@@SlowDuration2@@SlowDuration2Postfix@ / @SlowDuration3Prefix@@SlowDuration3@@SlowDuration3Postfix@ / @SlowDuration4Prefix@@SlowDuration4@@SlowDuration4Postfix@ / @SlowDuration5Prefix@@SlowDuration5@@SlowDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Slow Duration
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowDuration@ -> @SlowDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Above and Below@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBel'Veth slams her tail, dealing @Damage@ magic damage, Knocking Up foes for @Duration@ seconds, and Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If a champion is hit, this refreshes the Cooldown of Void Surge in that direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Above and Below@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBel'Veth slams her tail, dealing @Damage@ magic damage, Knocking Up foes for @Duration@ seconds, and Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If a champion is hit, this refreshes the Cooldown of Void Surge in that direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoThis unit recovers Health when not fighting champions or epic monsters. Also, their basic attacks burn and slow the target over several seconds.

    If the buff holder is slain, this buff is transferred to their killer.Crest of CindersCrest of Cinders@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crest of Cinders@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crest of Cinders@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Crest of Cinders@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Crest of Cinders@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Crest of Cinders@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTempest: Lee Sin smashes the ground, sending out a shockwave that deals magic damage and reveals enemy units hit. If Tempest hits an enemy, Lee Sin can cast cripple for the next 3 seconds.
    Cripple: Lee Sin cripples nearby enemies damaged by Tempest, reducing their Move Speed for 4 seconds. Move Speed recovers gradually over the duration.Tempest / CrippleTempest / Cripple@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tempest / Cripple@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin smashes the ground, sending out a shockwave that deals @InitialDamage@ magic damage and reveals them for 4 seconds. If this hits an enemy, Lee Sin can Recast for the next @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin Slows nearby enemies struck by the shockwave by @Effect2Amount@% decaying over @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Lee Sin smashes the ground, sending out a shockwave that deals @InitialDamage@ magic damage and reveals them for 4 seconds. If this hits an enemy, Lee Sin can Recast for the next @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin Slows nearby enemies struck by the shockwave by @Effect2Amount@% decaying over @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tempest / Cripple@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin smashes the ground, sending out a shockwave that deals @InitialDamage@ magic damage and reveals them for 4 seconds. If this hits an enemy, Lee Sin can Recast for the next @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin Slows nearby enemies struck by the shockwave by @Effect2Amount@% decaying over @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Tempest Damage
    Cripple Slow
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Tempest / Cripple@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin smashes the ground, sending out a shockwave that deals @InitialDamage@ magic damage and reveals them for 4 seconds. If this hits an enemy, Lee Sin can Recast for the next @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin Slows nearby enemies struck by the shockwave by @Effect2Amount@% decaying over @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTempest Damage
    Cripple Slow
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Tempest Damage
    Cripple Slow
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Tempest Damage
    Cripple Slow
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Tempest / Cripple@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin smashes the ground, sending out a shockwave that deals @InitialDamage@ magic damage and reveals them for 4 seconds. If this hits an enemy, Lee Sin can Recast for the next @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin Slows nearby enemies struck by the shockwave by @Effect2Amount@% decaying over @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Tempest / Cripple@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin smashes the ground, sending out a shockwave that deals @InitialDamage@ magic damage and reveals them for 4 seconds. If this hits an enemy, Lee Sin can Recast for the next @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin Slows nearby enemies struck by the shockwave by @Effect2Amount@% decaying over @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSonic Wave: Lee Sin projects a discordant wave of sound to locate his enemies, dealing physical damage to the first enemy it encounters. If Sonic Wave hits, Lee Sin can cast Resonating Strike for the next 3 seconds.
    Resonating Strike: Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by Sonic Wave, dealing physical damage based on the target's missing Health.Sonic Wave / Resonating StrikeSonic Wave / Resonating Strike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin projects a discordant wave of sound, dealing @InitialDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, granting True Sight of them, and allows Lee Sin to Recast for the next @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by the sound wave, dealing between @RecastDamage@ to @EmpoweredDamage@ physical damage scaling with the target's missing Health. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Lee Sin projects a discordant wave of sound, dealing @InitialDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, granting True Sight of them, and allows Lee Sin to Recast for the next @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by the sound wave, dealing between @RecastDamage@ to @EmpoweredDamage@ physical damage scaling with the target's missing Health. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin projects a discordant wave of sound, dealing @InitialDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, granting True Sight of them, and allows Lee Sin to Recast for the next @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by the sound wave, dealing between @RecastDamage@ to @EmpoweredDamage@ physical damage scaling with the target's missing Health. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Sonic Wave Damage
    Resonating Strike Minimum Base Damage
    Resonating Strike Maximum Base Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin projects a discordant wave of sound, dealing @InitialDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, granting True Sight of them, and allows Lee Sin to Recast for the next @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by the sound wave, dealing between @RecastDamage@ to @EmpoweredDamage@ physical damage scaling with the target's missing Health. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upSonic Wave Damage
    Resonating Strike Minimum Base Damage
    Resonating Strike Maximum Base Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Sonic Wave Damage
    Resonating Strike Minimum Base Damage
    Resonating Strike Maximum Base Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Sonic Wave Damage
    Resonating Strike Minimum Base Damage
    Resonating Strike Maximum Base Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin projects a discordant wave of sound, dealing @InitialDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, granting True Sight of them, and allows Lee Sin to Recast for the next @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by the sound wave, dealing between @RecastDamage@ to @EmpoweredDamage@ physical damage scaling with the target's missing Health. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin projects a discordant wave of sound, dealing @InitialDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, granting True Sight of them, and allows Lee Sin to Recast for the next @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by the sound wave, dealing between @RecastDamage@ to @EmpoweredDamage@ physical damage scaling with the target's missing Health. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoLee Sin performs a powerful roundhouse kick launching his target back, dealing physical damage to the target and any enemies they collide with. Enemies the target collides with are knocked into the air for a short duration. This technique was taught to him by Jesse Perring, although Lee Sin does not kick players off the map.Dragon's Rage@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dragon's Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostLee Sin performs a powerful roundhouse kick Knocking Back an enemy champion and dealing @Damage@ physical damage.

    Enemies the target collides with are briefly Knocked Up and take @Damage@ plus @PercentHPCarryThrough@% of the kicked enemy's bonus Health as physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Lee Sin performs a powerful roundhouse kick Knocking Back an enemy champion and dealing @Damage@ physical damage.

    Enemies the target collides with are briefly Knocked Up and take @Damage@ plus @PercentHPCarryThrough@% of the kicked enemy's bonus Health as physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dragon's Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostLee Sin performs a powerful roundhouse kick Knocking Back an enemy champion and dealing @Damage@ physical damage.

    Enemies the target collides with are briefly Knocked Up and take @Damage@ plus @PercentHPCarryThrough@% of the kicked enemy's bonus Health as physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The target is Rooted during the cast time.Damage
    Bonus Health Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentHPCarryThrough1Prefix@@PercentHPCarryThrough1@%@PercentHPCarryThrough1Postfix@ / @PercentHPCarryThrough2Prefix@@PercentHPCarryThrough2@%@PercentHPCarryThrough2Postfix@ / @PercentHPCarryThrough3Prefix@@PercentHPCarryThrough3@%@PercentHPCarryThrough3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Dragon's Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostLee Sin performs a powerful roundhouse kick Knocking Back an enemy champion and dealing @Damage@ physical damage.

    Enemies the target collides with are briefly Knocked Up and take @Damage@ plus @PercentHPCarryThrough@% of the kicked enemy's bonus Health as physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Bonus Health Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @PercentHPCarryThrough@% -> @PercentHPCarryThroughNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Bonus Health Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentHPCarryThrough1Prefix@@PercentHPCarryThrough1@%@PercentHPCarryThrough1Postfix@ / @PercentHPCarryThrough2Prefix@@PercentHPCarryThrough2@%@PercentHPCarryThrough2Postfix@ / @PercentHPCarryThrough3Prefix@@PercentHPCarryThrough3@%@PercentHPCarryThrough3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Health Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @PercentHPCarryThrough@% -> @PercentHPCarryThroughNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Dragon's Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostLee Sin performs a powerful roundhouse kick Knocking Back an enemy champion and dealing @Damage@ physical damage.

    Enemies the target collides with are briefly Knocked Up and take @Damage@ plus @PercentHPCarryThrough@% of the kicked enemy's bonus Health as physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Dragon's Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostLee Sin performs a powerful roundhouse kick Knocking Back an enemy champion and dealing @Damage@ physical damage.

    Enemies the target collides with are briefly Knocked Up and take @Damage@ plus @PercentHPCarryThrough@% of the kicked enemy's bonus Health as physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSafeguard: Lee Sin rushes to target ally, shielding himself from damage. If the ally is a champion, they are also shielded. After using Safeguard, Lee Sin can cast Iron Will for the next 3 seconds.
    Iron Will: Lee Sin's intense training allows him to thrive in battle. For 4 seconds, Lee Sin gains Life Steal and Spell Vamp.Safeguard / Iron WillSafeguard / Iron Will@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Safeguard / Iron Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin dashes to an ally or ward. If the target is a champion, Lee Sin grants them and himself @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect6Amount*100@%. Lee Sin may Recast for the next @Effect9Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin gains @Effect2Amount@% Life Steal and Spell Vamp for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Lee Sin dashes to an ally or ward. If the target is a champion, Lee Sin grants them and himself @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect6Amount*100@%. Lee Sin may Recast for the next @Effect9Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin gains @Effect2Amount@% Life Steal and Spell Vamp for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Safeguard / Iron Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin dashes to an ally or ward. If the target is a champion, Lee Sin grants them and himself @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect6Amount*100@%. Lee Sin may Recast for the next @Effect9Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin gains @Effect2Amount@% Life Steal and Spell Vamp for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Safeguard Shield Absorption
    Iron Will Lifesteal / Spell Vamp %
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Safeguard / Iron Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin dashes to an ally or ward. If the target is a champion, Lee Sin grants them and himself @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect6Amount*100@%. Lee Sin may Recast for the next @Effect9Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin gains @Effect2Amount@% Life Steal and Spell Vamp for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upSafeguard Shield Absorption
    Iron Will Lifesteal / Spell Vamp %
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Safeguard Shield Absorption
    Iron Will Lifesteal / Spell Vamp %
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Safeguard Shield Absorption
    Iron Will Lifesteal / Spell Vamp %
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Safeguard / Iron Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin dashes to an ally or ward. If the target is a champion, Lee Sin grants them and himself @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect6Amount*100@%. Lee Sin may Recast for the next @Effect9Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin gains @Effect2Amount@% Life Steal and Spell Vamp for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Safeguard / Iron Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lee Sin dashes to an ally or ward. If the target is a champion, Lee Sin grants them and himself @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect6Amount*100@%. Lee Sin may Recast for the next @Effect9Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin gains @Effect2Amount@% Life Steal and Spell Vamp for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoObscures an enemy's vision with a powerful venom, dealing damage to the target unit and blinding it for the duration.Blinding DartBlinding Dart@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blinding Dart@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Teemo fires a dart, Blinding the target for @BlindDuration@ seconds and dealing @CalculatedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Teemo fires a dart, Blinding the target for @BlindDuration@ seconds and dealing @CalculatedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blinding Dart@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Teemo fires a dart, Blinding the target for @BlindDuration@ seconds and dealing @CalculatedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Minions and jungle monsters are Blinded for @MinionMonsterDurationMod@% longer.@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BlindDuration1Prefix@@BlindDuration1@@BlindDuration1Postfix@ / @BlindDuration2Prefix@@BlindDuration2@@BlindDuration2Postfix@ / @BlindDuration3Prefix@@BlindDuration3@@BlindDuration3Postfix@ / @BlindDuration4Prefix@@BlindDuration4@@BlindDuration4Postfix@ / @BlindDuration5Prefix@@BlindDuration5@@BlindDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Blinding Dart@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Teemo fires a dart, Blinding the target for @BlindDuration@ seconds and dealing @CalculatedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BlindDuration@ -> @BlindDurationNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BlindDuration1Prefix@@BlindDuration1@@BlindDuration1Postfix@ / @BlindDuration2Prefix@@BlindDuration2@@BlindDuration2Postfix@ / @BlindDuration3Prefix@@BlindDuration3@@BlindDuration3Postfix@ / @BlindDuration4Prefix@@BlindDuration4@@BlindDuration4Postfix@ / @BlindDuration5Prefix@@BlindDuration5@@BlindDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BlindDuration@ -> @BlindDurationNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Blinding Dart@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Teemo fires a dart, Blinding the target for @BlindDuration@ seconds and dealing @CalculatedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Blinding Dart@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Teemo fires a dart, Blinding the target for @BlindDuration@ seconds and dealing @CalculatedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBrand conjures a powerful blast at his target that spreads to nearby enemies, dealing magic damage. If the target is ablaze, Conflagration's spread is doubled.ConflagrationConflagration@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Conflagration@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand conjures a powerful blast at his target, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage to surrounding units.

    If the target is Ablaze, the spread range is doubled.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Brand conjures a powerful blast at his target, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage to surrounding units.

    If the target is Ablaze, the spread range is doubled.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Conflagration@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand conjures a powerful blast at his target, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage to surrounding units.

    If the target is Ablaze, the spread range is doubled.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Conflagration@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand conjures a powerful blast at his target, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage to surrounding units.

    If the target is Ablaze, the spread range is doubled.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Conflagration@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand conjures a powerful blast at his target, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage to surrounding units.

    If the target is Ablaze, the spread range is doubled.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Conflagration@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand conjures a powerful blast at his target, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage to surrounding units.

    If the target is Ablaze, the spread range is doubled.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBrand launches a ball of fire forward that deals magic damage. If the target is ablaze, Sear will stun the target for 1.5 seconds.Sear@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand launches a fireball that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.

    If the target is Ablaze, they will be Stunned for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Brand launches a fireball that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.

    If the target is Ablaze, they will be Stunned for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand launches a fireball that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.

    If the target is Ablaze, they will be Stunned for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Sear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand launches a fireball that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.

    If the target is Ablaze, they will be Stunned for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Sear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand launches a fireball that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.

    If the target is Ablaze, they will be Stunned for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Sear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand launches a fireball that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.

    If the target is Ablaze, they will be Stunned for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBrand unleashes a devastating torrent of fire that bounces up to 5 times off of Brand and nearby enemies, dealing magic damage to enemies each time bounce. Bounces prioritize stacking Blaze to max on Champions. If a target is ablaze, Pyroclasm will briefly slow them.Pyroclasm@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pyroclasm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand unleashes a devastating torrent of fire that can bounce to Brand or another enemy up to 5 times, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies each bounce. Bounces prioritize stacking Blaze to max on champions.

    If the target is Ablaze, they are briefly Slowed by @SlowAmount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Brand unleashes a devastating torrent of fire that can bounce to Brand or another enemy up to 5 times, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies each bounce. Bounces prioritize stacking Blaze to max on champions.

    If the target is Ablaze, they are briefly Slowed by @SlowAmount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pyroclasm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand unleashes a devastating torrent of fire that can bounce to Brand or another enemy up to 5 times, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies each bounce. Bounces prioritize stacking Blaze to max on champions.

    If the target is Ablaze, they are briefly Slowed by @SlowAmount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage per Bounce
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Pyroclasm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand unleashes a devastating torrent of fire that can bounce to Brand or another enemy up to 5 times, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies each bounce. Bounces prioritize stacking Blaze to max on champions.

    If the target is Ablaze, they are briefly Slowed by @SlowAmount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage per Bounce
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount@% -> @SlowAmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Damage per Bounce
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Damage per Bounce
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount@% -> @SlowAmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Pyroclasm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand unleashes a devastating torrent of fire that can bounce to Brand or another enemy up to 5 times, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies each bounce. Bounces prioritize stacking Blaze to max on champions.

    If the target is Ablaze, they are briefly Slowed by @SlowAmount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Pyroclasm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand unleashes a devastating torrent of fire that can bounce to Brand or another enemy up to 5 times, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies each bounce. Bounces prioritize stacking Blaze to max on champions.

    If the target is Ablaze, they are briefly Slowed by @SlowAmount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAfter a short delay, Brand creates a Pillar of Flame at a target area, dealing magic damage to enemy units within the area. Units that are ablaze take an additional 25% damage.Pillar of FlamePillar of Flame@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pillar of Flame@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand creates a pillar of pure fire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Units that are Ablaze take @EmpoweredDamage@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Brand creates a pillar of pure fire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Units that are Ablaze take @EmpoweredDamage@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pillar of Flame@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand creates a pillar of pure fire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Units that are Ablaze take @EmpoweredDamage@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Pillar of Flame@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand creates a pillar of pure fire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Units that are Ablaze take @EmpoweredDamage@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Pillar of Flame@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand creates a pillar of pure fire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Units that are Ablaze take @EmpoweredDamage@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Pillar of Flame@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Brand creates a pillar of pure fire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Units that are Ablaze take @EmpoweredDamage@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBraum raises his shield in a direction for several seconds, intercepting all projectiles causing them to hit him and be destroyed. He negates the damage of the first attack completely and reduces the damage of all subsequent attacks from this direction.Unbreakable@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Unbreakable@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum raises his shield for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, intercepting enemy missiles from the chosen direction, causing them to hit Braum and then be destroyed. The first missile Braum blocks deals no damage, and subsequent projectiles deal @Effect3Amount@% reduced damage.

    Braum gains @Effect4Amount@% Move Speed while his shield is raised.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Braum raises his shield for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, intercepting enemy missiles from the chosen direction, causing them to hit Braum and then be destroyed. The first missile Braum blocks deals no damage, and subsequent projectiles deal @Effect3Amount@% reduced damage.

    Braum gains @Effect4Amount@% Move Speed while his shield is raised.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Unbreakable@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum raises his shield for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, intercepting enemy missiles from the chosen direction, causing them to hit Braum and then be destroyed. The first missile Braum blocks deals no damage, and subsequent projectiles deal @Effect3Amount@% reduced damage.

    Braum gains @Effect4Amount@% Move Speed while his shield is raised.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage Reduction
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Unbreakable@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum raises his shield for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, intercepting enemy missiles from the chosen direction, causing them to hit Braum and then be destroyed. The first missile Braum blocks deals no damage, and subsequent projectiles deal @Effect3Amount@% reduced damage.

    Braum gains @Effect4Amount@% Move Speed while his shield is raised.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDuration
    Damage Reduction
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Damage Reduction
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Damage Reduction
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Unbreakable@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum raises his shield for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, intercepting enemy missiles from the chosen direction, causing them to hit Braum and then be destroyed. The first missile Braum blocks deals no damage, and subsequent projectiles deal @Effect3Amount@% reduced damage.

    Braum gains @Effect4Amount@% Move Speed while his shield is raised.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Unbreakable@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum raises his shield for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, intercepting enemy missiles from the chosen direction, causing them to hit Braum and then be destroyed. The first missile Braum blocks deals no damage, and subsequent projectiles deal @Effect3Amount@% reduced damage.

    Braum gains @Effect4Amount@% Move Speed while his shield is raised.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBraum propels freezing ice from his shield, slowing and dealing magic damage.

    Applies a stack of Concussive Blows.Winter's BiteWinter's Bite@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Winter's Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum propels freezing ice from his shield, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% decaying over @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Applies a stack of Concussive Blows. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Braum propels freezing ice from his shield, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% decaying over @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Applies a stack of Concussive Blows. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Winter's Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum propels freezing ice from his shield, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% decaying over @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Applies a stack of Concussive Blows. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Winter's Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum propels freezing ice from his shield, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% decaying over @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Applies a stack of Concussive Blows. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Winter's Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum propels freezing ice from his shield, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% decaying over @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Applies a stack of Concussive Blows. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Winter's Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum propels freezing ice from his shield, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% decaying over @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Applies a stack of Concussive Blows. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBraum slams the ground, knocking up enemies nearby and in a line in front of him. A fissure is left along the line that slows enemies.Glacial FissureGlacial Fissure@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Glacial Fissure@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum slams the ground sending forth a fissure that Knocks Up enemies in its path and nearby Braum, and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The first target hit is Knocked Up for between @MinKnockup@ and @MaxKnockup@ seconds, increasing with distance from Braum. All others hit are Knocked Up for @MinKnockup@ seconds.

    The fissure also creates a zone for @SlowZoneDuration@ seconds, that Slows by @MoveSpeedMod@%.
    Braum slams the ground sending forth a fissure that Knocks Up enemies in its path and nearby Braum, and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The first target hit is Knocked Up for between @MinKnockup@ and @MaxKnockup@ seconds, increasing with distance from Braum. All others hit are Knocked Up for @MinKnockup@ seconds.

    The fissure also creates a zone for @SlowZoneDuration@ seconds, that Slows by @MoveSpeedMod@%.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Glacial Fissure@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum slams the ground sending forth a fissure that Knocks Up enemies in its path and nearby Braum, and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The first target hit is Knocked Up for between @MinKnockup@ and @MaxKnockup@ seconds, increasing with distance from Braum. All others hit are Knocked Up for @MinKnockup@ seconds.

    The fissure also creates a zone for @SlowZoneDuration@ seconds, that Slows by @MoveSpeedMod@%.
    Knockup Duration
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @FirstKnockupDuration1Prefix@@FirstKnockupDuration1@@FirstKnockupDuration1Postfix@ / @FirstKnockupDuration2Prefix@@FirstKnockupDuration2@@FirstKnockupDuration2Postfix@ / @FirstKnockupDuration3Prefix@@FirstKnockupDuration3@@FirstKnockupDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MoveSpeedMod1Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod1@%@MoveSpeedMod1Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod2Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod2@%@MoveSpeedMod2Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod3Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod3@%@MoveSpeedMod3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Glacial Fissure@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum slams the ground sending forth a fissure that Knocks Up enemies in its path and nearby Braum, and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The first target hit is Knocked Up for between @MinKnockup@ and @MaxKnockup@ seconds, increasing with distance from Braum. All others hit are Knocked Up for @MinKnockup@ seconds.

    The fissure also creates a zone for @SlowZoneDuration@ seconds, that Slows by @MoveSpeedMod@%.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Knockup Duration
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @FirstKnockupDuration@ -> @FirstKnockupDurationNL@
    @MoveSpeedMod@% -> @MoveSpeedModNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Knockup Duration
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @FirstKnockupDuration1Prefix@@FirstKnockupDuration1@@FirstKnockupDuration1Postfix@ / @FirstKnockupDuration2Prefix@@FirstKnockupDuration2@@FirstKnockupDuration2Postfix@ / @FirstKnockupDuration3Prefix@@FirstKnockupDuration3@@FirstKnockupDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MoveSpeedMod1Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod1@%@MoveSpeedMod1Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod2Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod2@%@MoveSpeedMod2Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod3Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod3@%@MoveSpeedMod3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Knockup Duration
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @FirstKnockupDuration@ -> @FirstKnockupDurationNL@
    @MoveSpeedMod@% -> @MoveSpeedModNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Glacial Fissure@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum slams the ground sending forth a fissure that Knocks Up enemies in its path and nearby Braum, and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The first target hit is Knocked Up for between @MinKnockup@ and @MaxKnockup@ seconds, increasing with distance from Braum. All others hit are Knocked Up for @MinKnockup@ seconds.

    The fissure also creates a zone for @SlowZoneDuration@ seconds, that Slows by @MoveSpeedMod@%.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Glacial Fissure@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum slams the ground sending forth a fissure that Knocks Up enemies in its path and nearby Braum, and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The first target hit is Knocked Up for between @MinKnockup@ and @MaxKnockup@ seconds, increasing with distance from Braum. All others hit are Knocked Up for @MinKnockup@ seconds.

    The fissure also creates a zone for @SlowZoneDuration@ seconds, that Slows by @MoveSpeedMod@%.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBraum leaps to a target allied champion or minion. On arrival, Braum and the ally gain Armor and Magic Resist for a few seconds.Stand Behind MeStand Behind Me@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Stand Behind Me@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum leaps to an allied champion or minion. On arrival, Braum grants the target @GrantedAllyArmor@ Armor and @GrantedAllyMR@ Magic Resist for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Braum grants himself @GrantedBraumArmor@ Armor and @GrantedBraumMR@ Magic Resist for the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Braum leaps to an allied champion or minion. On arrival, Braum grants the target @GrantedAllyArmor@ Armor and @GrantedAllyMR@ Magic Resist for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Braum grants himself @GrantedBraumArmor@ Armor and @GrantedBraumMR@ Magic Resist for the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Stand Behind Me@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum leaps to an allied champion or minion. On arrival, Braum grants the target @GrantedAllyArmor@ Armor and @GrantedAllyMR@ Magic Resist for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Braum grants himself @GrantedBraumArmor@ Armor and @GrantedBraumMR@ Magic Resist for the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Base Resists
    [ @BaseResists1Prefix@@BaseResists1@@BaseResists1Postfix@ / @BaseResists2Prefix@@BaseResists2@@BaseResists2Postfix@ / @BaseResists3Prefix@@BaseResists3@@BaseResists3Postfix@ / @BaseResists4Prefix@@BaseResists4@@BaseResists4Postfix@ / @BaseResists5Prefix@@BaseResists5@@BaseResists5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Stand Behind Me@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum leaps to an allied champion or minion. On arrival, Braum grants the target @GrantedAllyArmor@ Armor and @GrantedAllyMR@ Magic Resist for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Braum grants himself @GrantedBraumArmor@ Armor and @GrantedBraumMR@ Magic Resist for the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Resists
    @BaseResists@ -> @BaseResistsNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Base Resists
    [ @BaseResists1Prefix@@BaseResists1@@BaseResists1Postfix@ / @BaseResists2Prefix@@BaseResists2@@BaseResists2Postfix@ / @BaseResists3Prefix@@BaseResists3@@BaseResists3Postfix@ / @BaseResists4Prefix@@BaseResists4@@BaseResists4Postfix@ / @BaseResists5Prefix@@BaseResists5@@BaseResists5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Base Resists
    @BaseResists@ -> @BaseResistsNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Stand Behind Me@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum leaps to an allied champion or minion. On arrival, Braum grants the target @GrantedAllyArmor@ Armor and @GrantedAllyMR@ Magic Resist for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Braum grants himself @GrantedBraumArmor@ Armor and @GrantedBraumMR@ Magic Resist for the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Stand Behind Me@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Braum leaps to an allied champion or minion. On arrival, Braum grants the target @GrantedAllyArmor@ Armor and @GrantedAllyMR@ Magic Resist for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Braum grants himself @GrantedBraumArmor@ Armor and @GrantedBraumMR@ Magic Resist for the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoIn human form, Nidalee lays a trap for unwary opponents that, when sprung, damages and reveals its target. As a cougar, she jumps in a direction, dealing damage in an area where she lands.Bushwhack / PounceBushwhack / Pounce@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bushwhack / Pounce@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Human Form: Nidalee places an invisible trap for 2 minutes. When an enemy walks over it, they are dealt @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    @MaxTraps@ traps may be active at once.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Human Form: Nidalee places an invisible trap for 2 minutes. When an enemy walks over it, they are dealt @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    @MaxTraps@ traps may be active at once.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_Bushwhack_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_Pounce_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bushwhack / Pounce@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_Bushwhack_Tooltip}}

    Trap Damage
    Trap Cooldown
    Trap Mana Cost
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5@@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bushwhack / Pounce@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_Bushwhack_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTrap Damage
    Trap Cooldown
    Trap Mana Cost
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Trap Damage
    Trap Cooldown
    Trap Mana Cost
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5@@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Trap Damage
    Trap Cooldown
    Trap Mana Cost
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Bushwhack / Pounce@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_Bushwhack_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bushwhack / Pounce@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Human Form: Nidalee places an invisible trap for 2 minutes. When an enemy walks over it, they are dealt @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    @MaxTraps@ traps may be active at once.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCaitlyn fires a heavy net to slow her target. The recoil knocks Caitlyn back.90 Caliber Net90 Caliber Net@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] 90 Caliber Net@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn fires a net, pushing her backwards. The net Slows the first target hit by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ second and deals @NetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Caitlyn fires a net, pushing her backwards. The net Slows the first target hit by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ second and deals @NetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] 90 Caliber Net@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn fires a net, pushing her backwards. The net Slows the first target hit by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ second and deals @NetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] 90 Caliber Net@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn fires a net, pushing her backwards. The net Slows the first target hit by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ second and deals @NetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] 90 Caliber Net@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn fires a net, pushing her backwards. The net Slows the first target hit by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ second and deals @NetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] 90 Caliber Net@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn fires a net, pushing her backwards. The net Slows the first target hit by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ second and deals @NetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCaitlyn revs up her rifle for 1 second to unleash a penetrating shot that deals physical damage (deals less damage to subsequent targets).Piltover PeacemakerPiltover Peacemaker@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Piltover Peacemaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn revs her rifle to fire a piercing shot dealing @InitialDamage@ physical damage. After the bolt strikes the first target, it opens into a wider shot that deals @SecondaryDamage@ physical damage.

    Enemies revealed by {{Spell_CaitlynYordleTrap_Name}} always take full damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Caitlyn revs her rifle to fire a piercing shot dealing @InitialDamage@ physical damage. After the bolt strikes the first target, it opens into a wider shot that deals @SecondaryDamage@ physical damage.

    Enemies revealed by {{Spell_CaitlynYordleTrap_Name}} always take full damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Piltover Peacemaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn revs her rifle to fire a piercing shot dealing @InitialDamage@ physical damage. After the bolt strikes the first target, it opens into a wider shot that deals @SecondaryDamage@ physical damage.

    Enemies revealed by {{Spell_CaitlynYordleTrap_Name}} always take full damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Total AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @tADRatio1Prefix@@tADRatio1*100.000000@%@tADRatio1Postfix@ / @tADRatio2Prefix@@tADRatio2*100.000000@%@tADRatio2Postfix@ / @tADRatio3Prefix@@tADRatio3*100.000000@%@tADRatio3Postfix@ / @tADRatio4Prefix@@tADRatio4*100.000000@%@tADRatio4Postfix@ / @tADRatio5Prefix@@tADRatio5*100.000000@%@tADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Piltover Peacemaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn revs her rifle to fire a piercing shot dealing @InitialDamage@ physical damage. After the bolt strikes the first target, it opens into a wider shot that deals @SecondaryDamage@ physical damage.

    Enemies revealed by {{Spell_CaitlynYordleTrap_Name}} always take full damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Total AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @tADRatio*100.000000@% -> @tADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Total AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @tADRatio1Prefix@@tADRatio1*100.000000@%@tADRatio1Postfix@ / @tADRatio2Prefix@@tADRatio2*100.000000@%@tADRatio2Postfix@ / @tADRatio3Prefix@@tADRatio3*100.000000@%@tADRatio3Postfix@ / @tADRatio4Prefix@@tADRatio4*100.000000@%@tADRatio4Postfix@ / @tADRatio5Prefix@@tADRatio5*100.000000@%@tADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Total AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @tADRatio*100.000000@% -> @tADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Piltover Peacemaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn revs her rifle to fire a piercing shot dealing @InitialDamage@ physical damage. After the bolt strikes the first target, it opens into a wider shot that deals @SecondaryDamage@ physical damage.

    Enemies revealed by {{Spell_CaitlynYordleTrap_Name}} always take full damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Piltover Peacemaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn revs her rifle to fire a piercing shot dealing @InitialDamage@ physical damage. After the bolt strikes the first target, it opens into a wider shot that deals @SecondaryDamage@ physical damage.

    Enemies revealed by {{Spell_CaitlynYordleTrap_Name}} always take full damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCaitlyn takes time to line up the perfect shot, dealing massive damage to a single target at a huge range. Enemy champions can intercept the bullet for their ally.Ace in the Hole@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ace in the Hole@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn takes a moment to channel and line up the perfect shot, then she fires, dealing @RTotalDamage@ physical damage, but other enemy champions can intercept it. This Ability grants True Sight of the target during the channel.

    Deals up to an additional @CritChanceAmp*100@% based on Caitlyn's Critical Strike chance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Caitlyn takes a moment to channel and line up the perfect shot, then she fires, dealing @RTotalDamage@ physical damage, but other enemy champions can intercept it. This Ability grants True Sight of the target during the channel.

    Deals up to an additional @CritChanceAmp*100@% based on Caitlyn's Critical Strike chance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ace in the Hole@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn takes a moment to channel and line up the perfect shot, then she fires, dealing @RTotalDamage@ physical damage, but other enemy champions can intercept it. This Ability grants True Sight of the target during the channel.

    Deals up to an additional @CritChanceAmp*100@% based on Caitlyn's Critical Strike chance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Ace in the Hole@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn takes a moment to channel and line up the perfect shot, then she fires, dealing @RTotalDamage@ physical damage, but other enemy champions can intercept it. This Ability grants True Sight of the target during the channel.

    Deals up to an additional @CritChanceAmp*100@% based on Caitlyn's Critical Strike chance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Ace in the Hole@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn takes a moment to channel and line up the perfect shot, then she fires, dealing @RTotalDamage@ physical damage, but other enemy champions can intercept it. This Ability grants True Sight of the target during the channel.

    Deals up to an additional @CritChanceAmp*100@% based on Caitlyn's Critical Strike chance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ace in the Hole@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn takes a moment to channel and line up the perfect shot, then she fires, dealing @RTotalDamage@ physical damage, but other enemy champions can intercept it. This Ability grants True Sight of the target during the channel.

    Deals up to an additional @CritChanceAmp*100@% based on Caitlyn's Critical Strike chance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCaitlyn sets a trap that, when sprung, reveals and immobilizes the enemy champion for 1.5 seconds, granting Caitlyn an empowered Headshot.Yordle Snap TrapYordle Snap Trap@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Yordle Snap Trap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn sets a trap that Roots the first champion that steps on it for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and granting True Sight of them for 3 seconds. Traps last for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, and @Effect5Amount@ traps may be active at once. This Ability has @Effect5Amount@ charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Caitlyn sets a trap that Roots the first champion that steps on it for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and granting True Sight of them for 3 seconds. Traps last for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, and @Effect5Amount@ traps may be active at once. This Ability has @Effect5Amount@ charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Yordle Snap Trap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn sets a trap that Roots the first champion that steps on it for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and granting True Sight of them for 3 seconds. Traps last for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, and @Effect5Amount@ traps may be active at once. This Ability has @Effect5Amount@ charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Bonus Headshot Damage on Trapped Targets
    Bonus Attack Damage Ratio
    Recharge Time
    Maximum Traps
    Trap Duration
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@%@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@%@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@%@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@%@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5@%@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Yordle Snap Trap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn sets a trap that Roots the first champion that steps on it for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and granting True Sight of them for 3 seconds. Traps last for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, and @Effect5Amount@ traps may be active at once. This Ability has @Effect5Amount@ charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Headshot Damage on Trapped Targets
    Bonus Attack Damage Ratio
    Recharge Time
    Maximum Traps
    Trap Duration
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@% -> @Effect7AmountNL@%
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    Bonus Headshot Damage on Trapped Targets
    Bonus Attack Damage Ratio
    Recharge Time
    Maximum Traps
    Trap Duration
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@%@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@%@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@%@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@%@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5@%@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Headshot Damage on Trapped Targets
    Bonus Attack Damage Ratio
    Recharge Time
    Maximum Traps
    Trap Duration
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@% -> @Effect7AmountNL@%
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Yordle Snap Trap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn sets a trap that Roots the first champion that steps on it for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and granting True Sight of them for 3 seconds. Traps last for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, and @Effect5Amount@ traps may be active at once. This Ability has @Effect5Amount@ charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Yordle Snap Trap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Caitlyn sets a trap that Roots the first champion that steps on it for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and granting True Sight of them for 3 seconds. Traps last for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, and @Effect5Amount@ traps may be active at once. This Ability has @Effect5Amount@ charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCamille pulls herself to a wall, leaping off and knocking up enemy champions upon landing.HookshotHookshot@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hookshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille fires a hookshot that attaches to terrain, pulling her to it for 1 second and allowing this Ability to be Recast.

    Recast: Camille dashes from the wall, colliding with the first enemy champion hit. Upon landing, she deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies and Stuns enemy champions for @KnockupDuration@ seconds. Dashes towards enemy champions travel twice as far and grant @ASBuff*100@% Attack Speed for @ASDuration@ seconds on impact.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Camille fires a hookshot that attaches to terrain, pulling her to it for 1 second and allowing this Ability to be Recast.

    Recast: Camille dashes from the wall, colliding with the first enemy champion hit. Upon landing, she deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies and Stuns enemy champions for @KnockupDuration@ seconds. Dashes towards enemy champions travel twice as far and grant @ASBuff*100@% Attack Speed for @ASDuration@ seconds on impact.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hookshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille fires a hookshot that attaches to terrain, pulling her to it for 1 second and allowing this Ability to be Recast.

    Recast: Camille dashes from the wall, colliding with the first enemy champion hit. Upon landing, she deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies and Stuns enemy champions for @KnockupDuration@ seconds. Dashes towards enemy champions travel twice as far and grant @ASBuff*100@% Attack Speed for @ASDuration@ seconds on impact.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Attack Speed
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ASBuff1Prefix@@ASBuff1*100.000000@%@ASBuff1Postfix@ / @ASBuff2Prefix@@ASBuff2*100.000000@%@ASBuff2Postfix@ / @ASBuff3Prefix@@ASBuff3*100.000000@%@ASBuff3Postfix@ / @ASBuff4Prefix@@ASBuff4*100.000000@%@ASBuff4Postfix@ / @ASBuff5Prefix@@ASBuff5*100.000000@%@ASBuff5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Hookshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille fires a hookshot that attaches to terrain, pulling her to it for 1 second and allowing this Ability to be Recast.

    Recast: Camille dashes from the wall, colliding with the first enemy champion hit. Upon landing, she deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies and Stuns enemy champions for @KnockupDuration@ seconds. Dashes towards enemy champions travel twice as far and grant @ASBuff*100@% Attack Speed for @ASDuration@ seconds on impact.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Attack Speed
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ASBuff*100.000000@% -> @ASBuffNL*100.000000@%
    Attack Speed
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ASBuff1Prefix@@ASBuff1*100.000000@%@ASBuff1Postfix@ / @ASBuff2Prefix@@ASBuff2*100.000000@%@ASBuff2Postfix@ / @ASBuff3Prefix@@ASBuff3*100.000000@%@ASBuff3Postfix@ / @ASBuff4Prefix@@ASBuff4*100.000000@%@ASBuff4Postfix@ / @ASBuff5Prefix@@ASBuff5*100.000000@%@ASBuff5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ASBuff*100.000000@% -> @ASBuffNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Hookshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille fires a hookshot that attaches to terrain, pulling her to it for 1 second and allowing this Ability to be Recast.

    Recast: Camille dashes from the wall, colliding with the first enemy champion hit. Upon landing, she deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies and Stuns enemy champions for @KnockupDuration@ seconds. Dashes towards enemy champions travel twice as far and grant @ASBuff*100@% Attack Speed for @ASDuration@ seconds on impact.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hookshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille fires a hookshot that attaches to terrain, pulling her to it for 1 second and allowing this Ability to be Recast.

    Recast: Camille dashes from the wall, colliding with the first enemy champion hit. Upon landing, she deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies and Stuns enemy champions for @KnockupDuration@ seconds. Dashes towards enemy champions travel twice as far and grant @ASBuff*100@% Attack Speed for @ASDuration@ seconds on impact.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCamille's next attack deals bonus damage and grants bonus Move Speed. This spell can be recast for a short period of time, doing significantly increased bonus damage if Camille delays a period of time between the two attacks.Precision ProtocolPrecision Protocol@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Precision Protocol@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille's next Attack deals an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage and grants her @MSBonus*100@% Move Speed for @MSDuration@ second. This ability can be Recast in the next @QTotalRecastTime@ seconds.

    If the Recast Attack hits at least @QRampUpTime@ seconds after the first, the bonus damage is increased to @EmpoweredBonusDamage@ and @DamageConversionPercentage@ of the Attack's damage is converted into true damage.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Camille's next Attack deals an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage and grants her @MSBonus*100@% Move Speed for @MSDuration@ second. This ability can be Recast in the next @QTotalRecastTime@ seconds.

    If the Recast Attack hits at least @QRampUpTime@ seconds after the first, the bonus damage is increased to @EmpoweredBonusDamage@ and @DamageConversionPercentage@ of the Attack's damage is converted into true damage.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Precision Protocol@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille's next Attack deals an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage and grants her @MSBonus*100@% Move Speed for @MSDuration@ second. This ability can be Recast in the next @QTotalRecastTime@ seconds.

    If the Recast Attack hits at least @QRampUpTime@ seconds after the first, the bonus damage is increased to @EmpoweredBonusDamage@ and @DamageConversionPercentage@ of the Attack's damage is converted into true damage.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Total AD Ratio
    Move Speed
    [ @TADRatio1Prefix@@TADRatio1*100.000000@%@TADRatio1Postfix@ / @TADRatio2Prefix@@TADRatio2*100.000000@%@TADRatio2Postfix@ / @TADRatio3Prefix@@TADRatio3*100.000000@%@TADRatio3Postfix@ / @TADRatio4Prefix@@TADRatio4*100.000000@%@TADRatio4Postfix@ / @TADRatio5Prefix@@TADRatio5*100.000000@%@TADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MSBonus1Prefix@@MSBonus1*100.000000@%@MSBonus1Postfix@ / @MSBonus2Prefix@@MSBonus2*100.000000@%@MSBonus2Postfix@ / @MSBonus3Prefix@@MSBonus3*100.000000@%@MSBonus3Postfix@ / @MSBonus4Prefix@@MSBonus4*100.000000@%@MSBonus4Postfix@ / @MSBonus5Prefix@@MSBonus5*100.000000@%@MSBonus5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Precision Protocol@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille's next Attack deals an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage and grants her @MSBonus*100@% Move Speed for @MSDuration@ second. This ability can be Recast in the next @QTotalRecastTime@ seconds.

    If the Recast Attack hits at least @QRampUpTime@ seconds after the first, the bonus damage is increased to @EmpoweredBonusDamage@ and @DamageConversionPercentage@ of the Attack's damage is converted into true damage.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTotal AD Ratio
    Move Speed
    @TADRatio*100.000000@% -> @TADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @MSBonus*100.000000@% -> @MSBonusNL*100.000000@%
    Total AD Ratio
    Move Speed
    [ @TADRatio1Prefix@@TADRatio1*100.000000@%@TADRatio1Postfix@ / @TADRatio2Prefix@@TADRatio2*100.000000@%@TADRatio2Postfix@ / @TADRatio3Prefix@@TADRatio3*100.000000@%@TADRatio3Postfix@ / @TADRatio4Prefix@@TADRatio4*100.000000@%@TADRatio4Postfix@ / @TADRatio5Prefix@@TADRatio5*100.000000@%@TADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MSBonus1Prefix@@MSBonus1*100.000000@%@MSBonus1Postfix@ / @MSBonus2Prefix@@MSBonus2*100.000000@%@MSBonus2Postfix@ / @MSBonus3Prefix@@MSBonus3*100.000000@%@MSBonus3Postfix@ / @MSBonus4Prefix@@MSBonus4*100.000000@%@MSBonus4Postfix@ / @MSBonus5Prefix@@MSBonus5*100.000000@%@MSBonus5Postfix@ ]
    Total AD Ratio
    Move Speed
    @TADRatio*100.000000@% -> @TADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @MSBonus*100.000000@% -> @MSBonusNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Precision Protocol@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille's next Attack deals an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage and grants her @MSBonus*100@% Move Speed for @MSDuration@ second. This ability can be Recast in the next @QTotalRecastTime@ seconds.

    If the Recast Attack hits at least @QRampUpTime@ seconds after the first, the bonus damage is increased to @EmpoweredBonusDamage@ and @DamageConversionPercentage@ of the Attack's damage is converted into true damage.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Precision Protocol@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille's next Attack deals an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage and grants her @MSBonus*100@% Move Speed for @MSDuration@ second. This ability can be Recast in the next @QTotalRecastTime@ seconds.

    If the Recast Attack hits at least @QRampUpTime@ seconds after the first, the bonus damage is increased to @EmpoweredBonusDamage@ and @DamageConversionPercentage@ of the Attack's damage is converted into true damage.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCamille dashes to target champion, anchoring them to the area. She also deals bonus magic damage to the target with her basic attacks.The Hextech Ultimatum@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] The Hextech Ultimatum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille briefly becomes Untargetable and leaps onto an enemy champion, interrupting channels and locking them into an area they cannot escape by any means for @RDuration@ seconds. Other nearby enemies are Knocked Away. Her Attacks against the trapped enemy deal an additional @ROnHitDamage@ plus @RPercentCurrentHPDamage@% current Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Camille briefly becomes Untargetable and leaps onto an enemy champion, interrupting channels and locking them into an area they cannot escape by any means for @RDuration@ seconds. Other nearby enemies are Knocked Away. Her Attacks against the trapped enemy deal an additional @ROnHitDamage@ plus @RPercentCurrentHPDamage@% current Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] The Hextech Ultimatum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille briefly becomes Untargetable and leaps onto an enemy champion, interrupting channels and locking them into an area they cannot escape by any means for @RDuration@ seconds. Other nearby enemies are Knocked Away. Her Attacks against the trapped enemy deal an additional @ROnHitDamage@ plus @RPercentCurrentHPDamage@% current Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@This Ability ends if Camille leaves the area.Duration
    Bonus Damage
    Current Health Damage
    [ @RDuration1Prefix@@RDuration1@@RDuration1Postfix@ / @RDuration2Prefix@@RDuration2@@RDuration2Postfix@ / @RDuration3Prefix@@RDuration3@@RDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ROnHitDamage1Prefix@@ROnHitDamage1@@ROnHitDamage1Postfix@ / @ROnHitDamage2Prefix@@ROnHitDamage2@@ROnHitDamage2Postfix@ / @ROnHitDamage3Prefix@@ROnHitDamage3@@ROnHitDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RPercentCurrentHPDamage1Prefix@@RPercentCurrentHPDamage1@%@RPercentCurrentHPDamage1Postfix@ / @RPercentCurrentHPDamage2Prefix@@RPercentCurrentHPDamage2@%@RPercentCurrentHPDamage2Postfix@ / @RPercentCurrentHPDamage3Prefix@@RPercentCurrentHPDamage3@%@RPercentCurrentHPDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] The Hextech Ultimatum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille briefly becomes Untargetable and leaps onto an enemy champion, interrupting channels and locking them into an area they cannot escape by any means for @RDuration@ seconds. Other nearby enemies are Knocked Away. Her Attacks against the trapped enemy deal an additional @ROnHitDamage@ plus @RPercentCurrentHPDamage@% current Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDuration
    Bonus Damage
    Current Health Damage
    @RDuration@ -> @RDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @ROnHitDamage@ -> @ROnHitDamageNL@
    @RPercentCurrentHPDamage@% -> @RPercentCurrentHPDamageNL@%
    Bonus Damage
    Current Health Damage
    [ @RDuration1Prefix@@RDuration1@@RDuration1Postfix@ / @RDuration2Prefix@@RDuration2@@RDuration2Postfix@ / @RDuration3Prefix@@RDuration3@@RDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ROnHitDamage1Prefix@@ROnHitDamage1@@ROnHitDamage1Postfix@ / @ROnHitDamage2Prefix@@ROnHitDamage2@@ROnHitDamage2Postfix@ / @ROnHitDamage3Prefix@@ROnHitDamage3@@ROnHitDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RPercentCurrentHPDamage1Prefix@@RPercentCurrentHPDamage1@%@RPercentCurrentHPDamage1Postfix@ / @RPercentCurrentHPDamage2Prefix@@RPercentCurrentHPDamage2@%@RPercentCurrentHPDamage2Postfix@ / @RPercentCurrentHPDamage3Prefix@@RPercentCurrentHPDamage3@%@RPercentCurrentHPDamage3Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Damage
    Current Health Damage
    @RDuration@ -> @RDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @ROnHitDamage@ -> @ROnHitDamageNL@
    @RPercentCurrentHPDamage@% -> @RPercentCurrentHPDamageNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] The Hextech Ultimatum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille briefly becomes Untargetable and leaps onto an enemy champion, interrupting channels and locking them into an area they cannot escape by any means for @RDuration@ seconds. Other nearby enemies are Knocked Away. Her Attacks against the trapped enemy deal an additional @ROnHitDamage@ plus @RPercentCurrentHPDamage@% current Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] The Hextech Ultimatum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille briefly becomes Untargetable and leaps onto an enemy champion, interrupting channels and locking them into an area they cannot escape by any means for @RDuration@ seconds. Other nearby enemies are Knocked Away. Her Attacks against the trapped enemy deal an additional @ROnHitDamage@ plus @RPercentCurrentHPDamage@% current Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCamille blasts in a cone after a delay, dealing damage. Enemies in the outer half are slowed and take extra damage, while also healing Camille.Tactical SweepTactical Sweep@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tactical Sweep@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille winds up and slices, dealing @BaseDamageTotal@ physical damage.

    Enemies hit by the outer half are Slowed by @SlowPercentage@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds, and they take an additional @OuterEdgeTooltip@ max Health physical damage. Camille restores @OuterConeHealingRatio@% of the bonus damage dealt to champions as Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Camille winds up and slices, dealing @BaseDamageTotal@ physical damage.

    Enemies hit by the outer half are Slowed by @SlowPercentage@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds, and they take an additional @OuterEdgeTooltip@ max Health physical damage. Camille restores @OuterConeHealingRatio@% of the bonus damage dealt to champions as Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tactical Sweep@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille winds up and slices, dealing @BaseDamageTotal@ physical damage.

    Enemies hit by the outer half are Slowed by @SlowPercentage@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds, and they take an additional @OuterEdgeTooltip@ max Health physical damage. Camille restores @OuterConeHealingRatio@% of the bonus damage dealt to champions as Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability does @MonsterDamageReduction@% less damage to non-epic jungle monsters.@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Maximum Health Damage
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @OuterConeMaxHPDamage1Prefix@@OuterConeMaxHPDamage1*100.000000@%@OuterConeMaxHPDamage1Postfix@ / @OuterConeMaxHPDamage2Prefix@@OuterConeMaxHPDamage2*100.000000@%@OuterConeMaxHPDamage2Postfix@ / @OuterConeMaxHPDamage3Prefix@@OuterConeMaxHPDamage3*100.000000@%@OuterConeMaxHPDamage3Postfix@ / @OuterConeMaxHPDamage4Prefix@@OuterConeMaxHPDamage4*100.000000@%@OuterConeMaxHPDamage4Postfix@ / @OuterConeMaxHPDamage5Prefix@@OuterConeMaxHPDamage5*100.000000@%@OuterConeMaxHPDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Tactical Sweep@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille winds up and slices, dealing @BaseDamageTotal@ physical damage.

    Enemies hit by the outer half are Slowed by @SlowPercentage@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds, and they take an additional @OuterEdgeTooltip@ max Health physical damage. Camille restores @OuterConeHealingRatio@% of the bonus damage dealt to champions as Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Maximum Health Damage
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @OuterConeMaxHPDamage*100.000000@% -> @OuterConeMaxHPDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Maximum Health Damage
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @OuterConeMaxHPDamage1Prefix@@OuterConeMaxHPDamage1*100.000000@%@OuterConeMaxHPDamage1Postfix@ / @OuterConeMaxHPDamage2Prefix@@OuterConeMaxHPDamage2*100.000000@%@OuterConeMaxHPDamage2Postfix@ / @OuterConeMaxHPDamage3Prefix@@OuterConeMaxHPDamage3*100.000000@%@OuterConeMaxHPDamage3Postfix@ / @OuterConeMaxHPDamage4Prefix@@OuterConeMaxHPDamage4*100.000000@%@OuterConeMaxHPDamage4Postfix@ / @OuterConeMaxHPDamage5Prefix@@OuterConeMaxHPDamage5*100.000000@%@OuterConeMaxHPDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Maximum Health Damage
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @OuterConeMaxHPDamage*100.000000@% -> @OuterConeMaxHPDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Tactical Sweep@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille winds up and slices, dealing @BaseDamageTotal@ physical damage.

    Enemies hit by the outer half are Slowed by @SlowPercentage@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds, and they take an additional @OuterEdgeTooltip@ max Health physical damage. Camille restores @OuterConeHealingRatio@% of the bonus damage dealt to champions as Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Tactical Sweep@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Camille winds up and slices, dealing @BaseDamageTotal@ physical damage.

    Enemies hit by the outer half are Slowed by @SlowPercentage@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds, and they take an additional @OuterEdgeTooltip@ max Health physical damage. Camille restores @OuterConeHealingRatio@% of the bonus damage dealt to champions as Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvery 4 attacks, Twisted Fate deals bonus damage. In addition, his Attack Speed is increased.Stacked DeckStacked Deck@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Stacked Deck @SpellTags@PassivePassive: Every 4th Attack deals an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage.

    Twisted Fate also gains @AttackSpeedBonus@% Attack Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Every 4th Attack deals an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage.

    Twisted Fate also gains @AttackSpeedBonus@% Attack Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Stacked Deck @SpellTags@PassivePassive: Every 4th Attack deals an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage.

    Twisted Fate also gains @AttackSpeedBonus@% Attack Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Bonus Damage
    Attack Speed
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackSpeedBonus1Prefix@@AttackSpeedBonus1@%@AttackSpeedBonus1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBonus2Prefix@@AttackSpeedBonus2@%@AttackSpeedBonus2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBonus3Prefix@@AttackSpeedBonus3@%@AttackSpeedBonus3Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBonus4Prefix@@AttackSpeedBonus4@%@AttackSpeedBonus4Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBonus5Prefix@@AttackSpeedBonus5@%@AttackSpeedBonus5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Stacked Deck @SpellTags@PassivePassive: Every 4th Attack deals an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage.

    Twisted Fate also gains @AttackSpeedBonus@% Attack Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Damage
    Attack Speed
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @AttackSpeedBonus@% -> @AttackSpeedBonusNL@%
    Bonus Damage
    Attack Speed
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackSpeedBonus1Prefix@@AttackSpeedBonus1@%@AttackSpeedBonus1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBonus2Prefix@@AttackSpeedBonus2@%@AttackSpeedBonus2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBonus3Prefix@@AttackSpeedBonus3@%@AttackSpeedBonus3Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBonus4Prefix@@AttackSpeedBonus4@%@AttackSpeedBonus4Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBonus5Prefix@@AttackSpeedBonus5@%@AttackSpeedBonus5Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Damage
    Attack Speed
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @AttackSpeedBonus@% -> @AttackSpeedBonusNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Stacked Deck @SpellTags@PassivePassive: Every 4th Attack deals an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage.

    Twisted Fate also gains @AttackSpeedBonus@% Attack Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Stacked Deck @SpellTags@PassivePassive: Every 4th Attack deals an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage.

    Twisted Fate also gains @AttackSpeedBonus@% Attack Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCorki's Valkyrie is upgraded into Special Delivery. He flies a great distance, dropping bombs that knock aside enemies and create a trail of destruction that damage and slows opponents who remain in the fire.Special DeliverySpecial Delivery@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Special Delivery @SpellTags@No CostCorki flies a great distance, dropping bombs that leaves a burning trail for @TrailDuration@ seconds. The trail slows enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% and burns them for @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.

    Enemies hit directly are Knocked Aside, but are Slowed and burned for at least @DirectBurnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Corki flies a great distance, dropping bombs that leaves a burning trail for @TrailDuration@ seconds. The trail slows enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% and burns them for @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.

    Enemies hit directly are Knocked Aside, but are Slowed and burned for at least @DirectBurnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Special Delivery @SpellTags@No CostCorki flies a great distance, dropping bombs that leaves a burning trail for @TrailDuration@ seconds. The trail slows enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% and burns them for @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.

    Enemies hit directly are Knocked Aside, but are Slowed and burned for at least @DirectBurnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Special Delivery @SpellTags@No CostCorki flies a great distance, dropping bombs that leaves a burning trail for @TrailDuration@ seconds. The trail slows enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% and burns them for @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.

    Enemies hit directly are Knocked Aside, but are Slowed and burned for at least @DirectBurnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Special Delivery @SpellTags@No CostCorki flies a great distance, dropping bombs that leaves a burning trail for @TrailDuration@ seconds. The trail slows enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% and burns them for @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.

    Enemies hit directly are Knocked Aside, but are Slowed and burned for at least @DirectBurnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Special Delivery @SpellTags@No CostCorki flies a great distance, dropping bombs that leaves a burning trail for @TrailDuration@ seconds. The trail slows enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% and burns them for @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.

    Enemies hit directly are Knocked Aside, but are Slowed and burned for at least @DirectBurnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCorki flies a short distance, dropping bombs that create a trail of fire that damages opponents who remain in it.ValkyrieValkyrie@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Valkyrie@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki flies over and scorches a path, burning it for @TrailDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the fire take @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.

    If Corki has The Package, he instead consumes it to fly a much greater distance, refresh this Ability's Cooldown, Knock Aside enemies hit, and burn the path for @MegaTrailDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit and in the path are Slowed by @Spell.CarpetBombMega:SlowAmount*100@% and take @Spell.CarpetBombMega:TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @Spell.CarpetBombMega:DirectBurnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Corki flies over and scorches a path, burning it for @TrailDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the fire take @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.

    If Corki has The Package, he instead consumes it to fly a much greater distance, refresh this Ability's Cooldown, Knock Aside enemies hit, and burn the path for @MegaTrailDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit and in the path are Slowed by @Spell.CarpetBombMega:SlowAmount*100@% and take @Spell.CarpetBombMega:TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @Spell.CarpetBombMega:DirectBurnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Valkyrie@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki flies over and scorches a path, burning it for @TrailDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the fire take @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.

    If Corki has The Package, he instead consumes it to fly a much greater distance, refresh this Ability's Cooldown, Knock Aside enemies hit, and burn the path for @MegaTrailDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit and in the path are Slowed by @Spell.CarpetBombMega:SlowAmount*100@% and take @Spell.CarpetBombMega:TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @Spell.CarpetBombMega:DirectBurnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage Per Second
    [ @BaseDamagePerSecond1Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond1@@BaseDamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond2Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond2@@BaseDamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond3Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond3@@BaseDamagePerSecond3Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond4Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond4@@BaseDamagePerSecond4Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond5Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond5@@BaseDamagePerSecond5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Valkyrie@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki flies over and scorches a path, burning it for @TrailDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the fire take @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.

    If Corki has The Package, he instead consumes it to fly a much greater distance, refresh this Ability's Cooldown, Knock Aside enemies hit, and burn the path for @MegaTrailDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit and in the path are Slowed by @Spell.CarpetBombMega:SlowAmount*100@% and take @Spell.CarpetBombMega:TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @Spell.CarpetBombMega:DirectBurnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Per Second
    @BaseDamagePerSecond@ -> @BaseDamagePerSecondNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Damage Per Second
    [ @BaseDamagePerSecond1Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond1@@BaseDamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond2Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond2@@BaseDamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond3Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond3@@BaseDamagePerSecond3Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond4Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond4@@BaseDamagePerSecond4Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond5Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond5@@BaseDamagePerSecond5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Damage Per Second
    @BaseDamagePerSecond@ -> @BaseDamagePerSecondNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Valkyrie@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki flies over and scorches a path, burning it for @TrailDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the fire take @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.

    If Corki has The Package, he instead consumes it to fly a much greater distance, refresh this Ability's Cooldown, Knock Aside enemies hit, and burn the path for @MegaTrailDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit and in the path are Slowed by @Spell.CarpetBombMega:SlowAmount*100@% and take @Spell.CarpetBombMega:TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @Spell.CarpetBombMega:DirectBurnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Valkyrie@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki flies over and scorches a path, burning it for @TrailDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the fire take @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.

    If Corki has The Package, he instead consumes it to fly a much greater distance, refresh this Ability's Cooldown, Knock Aside enemies hit, and burn the path for @MegaTrailDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit and in the path are Slowed by @Spell.CarpetBombMega:SlowAmount*100@% and take @Spell.CarpetBombMega:TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @Spell.CarpetBombMega:DirectBurnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCassiopeia lets loose an attack that deals increased damage to Poisoned targets and heals her for a percentage of the damage dealt. If the target dies from this attack, Cassiopeia regains Mana.Twin FangTwin Fang@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Twin Fang@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia launches deadly fangs, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy is Poisoned, they take an additional @BousPoisonedDamage@ magic damage and Cassiopeia restores @HealCalc@ Health.

    If this kills the target, Cassiopeia restores @Cost@ Mana.

    Cassiopeia launches deadly fangs, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy is Poisoned, they take an additional @BousPoisonedDamage@ magic damage and Cassiopeia restores @HealCalc@ Health.

    If this kills the target, Cassiopeia restores @Cost@ Mana.

    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Twin Fang@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia launches deadly fangs, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy is Poisoned, they take an additional @BousPoisonedDamage@ magic damage and Cassiopeia restores @HealCalc@ Health.

    If this kills the target, Cassiopeia restores @Cost@ Mana.

    Restores @HealCalcMinion@ Health against non-champions.Bonus Poison Damage
    Healing from Ability Power
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealRatio1Prefix@@HealRatio1*100.000000@%@HealRatio1Postfix@ / @HealRatio2Prefix@@HealRatio2*100.000000@%@HealRatio2Postfix@ / @HealRatio3Prefix@@HealRatio3*100.000000@%@HealRatio3Postfix@ / @HealRatio4Prefix@@HealRatio4*100.000000@%@HealRatio4Postfix@ / @HealRatio5Prefix@@HealRatio5*100.000000@%@HealRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Twin Fang@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia launches deadly fangs, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy is Poisoned, they take an additional @BousPoisonedDamage@ magic damage and Cassiopeia restores @HealCalc@ Health.

    If this kills the target, Cassiopeia restores @Cost@ Mana.

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Poison Damage
    Healing from Ability Power
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @HealRatio*100.000000@% -> @HealRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Bonus Poison Damage
    Healing from Ability Power
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealRatio1Prefix@@HealRatio1*100.000000@%@HealRatio1Postfix@ / @HealRatio2Prefix@@HealRatio2*100.000000@%@HealRatio2Postfix@ / @HealRatio3Prefix@@HealRatio3*100.000000@%@HealRatio3Postfix@ / @HealRatio4Prefix@@HealRatio4*100.000000@%@HealRatio4Postfix@ / @HealRatio5Prefix@@HealRatio5*100.000000@%@HealRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Poison Damage
    Healing from Ability Power
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @HealRatio*100.000000@% -> @HealRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Twin Fang@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia launches deadly fangs, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy is Poisoned, they take an additional @BousPoisonedDamage@ magic damage and Cassiopeia restores @HealCalc@ Health.

    If this kills the target, Cassiopeia restores @Cost@ Mana.

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Twin Fang@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia launches deadly fangs, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy is Poisoned, they take an additional @BousPoisonedDamage@ magic damage and Cassiopeia restores @HealCalc@ Health.

    If this kills the target, Cassiopeia restores @Cost@ Mana.


    Press [Shift] to show more infoCassiopeia blasts an area with Poison after a brief delay, granting her increased Move Speed if she hits an enemy champion.Noxious BlastNoxious Blast@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Noxious Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia blasts noxious gas, Poisoning enemies and dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Hitting a champion grants Cassiopeia @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cassiopeia blasts noxious gas, Poisoning enemies and dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Hitting a champion grants Cassiopeia @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Noxious Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia blasts noxious gas, Poisoning enemies and dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Hitting a champion grants Cassiopeia @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Noxious Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia blasts noxious gas, Poisoning enemies and dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Hitting a champion grants Cassiopeia @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Noxious Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia blasts noxious gas, Poisoning enemies and dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Hitting a champion grants Cassiopeia @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Noxious Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia blasts noxious gas, Poisoning enemies and dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Hitting a champion grants Cassiopeia @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCassiopeia releases a swirl of magical energy from her eyes, stunning any enemies in front of her that are facing her and slowing any others with their back turned.Petrifying GazePetrifying Gaze@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Petrifying Gaze@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia unleashes a petrifying gaze, dealing @RDamage@ magic damage and Stunning enemies facing her for @RCCDuration@ seconds. Enemies facing away are Slowed by @RSlowPercent@% decaying over the same duration instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cassiopeia unleashes a petrifying gaze, dealing @RDamage@ magic damage and Stunning enemies facing her for @RCCDuration@ seconds. Enemies facing away are Slowed by @RSlowPercent@% decaying over the same duration instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Petrifying Gaze@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia unleashes a petrifying gaze, dealing @RDamage@ magic damage and Stunning enemies facing her for @RCCDuration@ seconds. Enemies facing away are Slowed by @RSlowPercent@% decaying over the same duration instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Petrifying Gaze@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia unleashes a petrifying gaze, dealing @RDamage@ magic damage and Stunning enemies facing her for @RCCDuration@ seconds. Enemies facing away are Slowed by @RSlowPercent@% decaying over the same duration instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Petrifying Gaze@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia unleashes a petrifying gaze, dealing @RDamage@ magic damage and Stunning enemies facing her for @RCCDuration@ seconds. Enemies facing away are Slowed by @RSlowPercent@% decaying over the same duration instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Petrifying Gaze@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia unleashes a petrifying gaze, dealing @RDamage@ magic damage and Stunning enemies facing her for @RCCDuration@ seconds. Enemies facing away are Slowed by @RSlowPercent@% decaying over the same duration instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCassiopeia releases several clouds of poison, slowing, grounding, and lightly damaging enemies that pass through them. Grounded enemies cannot use Movement abilities.MiasmaMiasma@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Miasma@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia spews venom, leaving toxic clouds for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the clouds take @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second, are Poisoned, Grounded, and Slowed by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cassiopeia spews venom, leaving toxic clouds for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the clouds take @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second, are Poisoned, Grounded, and Slowed by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Miasma@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia spews venom, leaving toxic clouds for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the clouds take @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second, are Poisoned, Grounded, and Slowed by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Miasma@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia spews venom, leaving toxic clouds for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the clouds take @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second, are Poisoned, Grounded, and Slowed by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Miasma@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia spews venom, leaving toxic clouds for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the clouds take @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second, are Poisoned, Grounded, and Slowed by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Miasma@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cassiopeia spews venom, leaving toxic clouds for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the clouds take @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second, are Poisoned, Grounded, and Slowed by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoZilean places a protective time rune on an allied champion, teleporting the champion back in time if they take lethal damage.ChronoshiftChronoshift@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Chronoshift@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean grants a protective time rune to an allied champion for @RDuration@ seconds. If the target would die, the rune rewinds their timeline, putting them into Stasis for @ReviveStateDuration@ seconds, then reviving them and restoring @RTotalHeal@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Zilean grants a protective time rune to an allied champion for @RDuration@ seconds. If the target would die, the rune rewinds their timeline, putting them into Stasis for @ReviveStateDuration@ seconds, then reviving them and restoring @RTotalHeal@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Chronoshift@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean grants a protective time rune to an allied champion for @RDuration@ seconds. If the target would die, the rune rewinds their timeline, putting them into Stasis for @ReviveStateDuration@ seconds, then reviving them and restoring @RTotalHeal@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Units in Stasis cannot move or act, and are invulnerable and Untargetable.Cooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RBaseHeal1Prefix@@RBaseHeal1@@RBaseHeal1Postfix@ / @RBaseHeal2Prefix@@RBaseHeal2@@RBaseHeal2Postfix@ / @RBaseHeal3Prefix@@RBaseHeal3@@RBaseHeal3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Chronoshift@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean grants a protective time rune to an allied champion for @RDuration@ seconds. If the target would die, the rune rewinds their timeline, putting them into Stasis for @ReviveStateDuration@ seconds, then reviving them and restoring @RTotalHeal@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @RBaseHeal@ -> @RBaseHealNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RBaseHeal1Prefix@@RBaseHeal1@@RBaseHeal1Postfix@ / @RBaseHeal2Prefix@@RBaseHeal2@@RBaseHeal2Postfix@ / @RBaseHeal3Prefix@@RBaseHeal3@@RBaseHeal3Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @RBaseHeal@ -> @RBaseHealNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Chronoshift@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean grants a protective time rune to an allied champion for @RDuration@ seconds. If the target would die, the rune rewinds their timeline, putting them into Stasis for @ReviveStateDuration@ seconds, then reviving them and restoring @RTotalHeal@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Chronoshift@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean grants a protective time rune to an allied champion for @RDuration@ seconds. If the target would die, the rune rewinds their timeline, putting them into Stasis for @ReviveStateDuration@ seconds, then reviving them and restoring @RTotalHeal@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoThe PackageThe Package@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] The Package@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] The Package@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] The Package@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] The Package@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] The Package@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAnivia condenses the moisture in the air into an impassable wall of ice to block all movement. The wall only lasts a short duration before it melts.CrystallizeCrystallize@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crystallize@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia summons a wall of ice @Effect2Amount@ units wide. The wall lasts for @Effect1Amount@ seconds before it melts.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Anivia summons a wall of ice @Effect2Amount@ units wide. The wall lasts for @Effect1Amount@ seconds before it melts.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crystallize@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia summons a wall of ice @Effect2Amount@ units wide. The wall lasts for @Effect1Amount@ seconds before it melts.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Width[ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Crystallize@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia summons a wall of ice @Effect2Amount@ units wide. The wall lasts for @Effect1Amount@ seconds before it melts.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upWidth@Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@Width[ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]Width@Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@[@Hotkey@] Crystallize@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia summons a wall of ice @Effect2Amount@ units wide. The wall lasts for @Effect1Amount@ seconds before it melts.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Crystallize@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia summons a wall of ice @Effect2Amount@ units wide. The wall lasts for @Effect1Amount@ seconds before it melts.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAmumu entangles surrounding enemy units in bandages, applying his Curse, damaging and stunning them.Curse of the Sad MummyCurse of the Sad Mummy@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Curse of the Sad Mummy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Amumu flares out his bandages, Stunning for @RDuration@ seconds, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ magic damage and applying Curse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Amumu flares out his bandages, Stunning for @RDuration@ seconds, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ magic damage and applying Curse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Curse of the Sad Mummy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Amumu flares out his bandages, Stunning for @RDuration@ seconds, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ magic damage and applying Curse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@This Ability Knocks Down enemies.@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RDamage1Prefix@@RDamage1@@RDamage1Postfix@ / @RDamage2Prefix@@RDamage2@@RDamage2Postfix@ / @RDamage3Prefix@@RDamage3@@RDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Curse of the Sad Mummy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Amumu flares out his bandages, Stunning for @RDuration@ seconds, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ magic damage and applying Curse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @RDamage@ -> @RDamageNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RDamage1Prefix@@RDamage1@@RDamage1Postfix@ / @RDamage2Prefix@@RDamage2@@RDamage2Postfix@ / @RDamage3Prefix@@RDamage3@@RDamage3Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @RDamage@ -> @RDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Curse of the Sad Mummy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Amumu flares out his bandages, Stunning for @RDuration@ seconds, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ magic damage and applying Curse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Curse of the Sad Mummy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Amumu flares out his bandages, Stunning for @RDuration@ seconds, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ magic damage and applying Curse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDarius hones his axe, passively causing his physical damage to ignore a percentage of his target's Armor. When activated, Darius sweeps up his enemies with his axe's hook and pulls them to him.ApprehendApprehend@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Apprehend@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Darius gains @Effect1Amount@% Armor Penetration.

    Active: Darius hooks with his axe, Pulling, and Knocking Up and Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Darius gains @Effect1Amount@% Armor Penetration.

    Active: Darius hooks with his axe, Pulling, and Knocking Up and Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Apprehend@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Darius gains @Effect1Amount@% Armor Penetration.

    Active: Darius hooks with his axe, Pulling, and Knocking Up and Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Percent Armor Penetration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Apprehend@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Darius gains @Effect1Amount@% Armor Penetration.

    Active: Darius hooks with his axe, Pulling, and Knocking Up and Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPercent Armor Penetration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Percent Armor Penetration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Percent Armor Penetration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Apprehend@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Darius gains @Effect1Amount@% Armor Penetration.

    Active: Darius hooks with his axe, Pulling, and Knocking Up and Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Apprehend@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Gain @Effect1Amount@% Armor Penetration.

    Active: Pulls enemies to Darius.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Apprehend@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Darius gains @Effect1Amount@% Armor Penetration.

    Active: Darius hooks with his axe, Pulling, and Knocking Up and Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDarius winds up and swings his axe in a wide circle. Enemies struck by the blade take more damage than those struck by the handle. Darius heals based on enemy champions and large monsters hit by the blade.Decimate@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Decimate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius hefts his axe then swings it around, dealing @BladeDamage@ physical damage with the edge and @HandleDamage@ damage with the handle. Enemies hit with the handle do not take a Hemorrhage stack.

    Darius restores @Effect5Amount@% missing Health per enemy champion and large jungle monster hit with the edge, up to a max of @Effect7Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Darius hefts his axe then swings it around, dealing @BladeDamage@ physical damage with the edge and @HandleDamage@ damage with the handle. Enemies hit with the handle do not take a Hemorrhage stack.

    Darius restores @Effect5Amount@% missing Health per enemy champion and large jungle monster hit with the edge, up to a max of @Effect7Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Decimate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius hefts his axe then swings it around, dealing @BladeDamage@ physical damage with the edge and @HandleDamage@ damage with the handle. Enemies hit with the handle do not take a Hemorrhage stack.

    Darius restores @Effect5Amount@% missing Health per enemy champion and large jungle monster hit with the edge, up to a max of @Effect7Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Total AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Decimate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius hefts his axe then swings it around, dealing @BladeDamage@ physical damage with the edge and @HandleDamage@ damage with the handle. Enemies hit with the handle do not take a Hemorrhage stack.

    Darius restores @Effect5Amount@% missing Health per enemy champion and large jungle monster hit with the edge, up to a max of @Effect7Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Total AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Total AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Total AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Decimate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius hefts his axe then swings it around, dealing @BladeDamage@ physical damage with the edge and @HandleDamage@ damage with the handle. Enemies hit with the handle do not take a Hemorrhage stack.

    Darius restores @Effect5Amount@% missing Health per enemy champion and large jungle monster hit with the edge, up to a max of @Effect7Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Decimate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius cleaves his axe through nearby enemies, damaging them.

    Enemies hit by the blade take significantly more damage and heal Darius.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Decimate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius hefts his axe then swings it around, dealing @BladeDamage@ physical damage with the edge and @HandleDamage@ damage with the handle. Enemies hit with the handle do not take a Hemorrhage stack.

    Darius restores @Effect5Amount@% missing Health per enemy champion and large jungle monster hit with the edge, up to a max of @Effect7Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDarius leaps to an enemy champion and strikes a lethal blow, dealing true damage. This damage is increased for each stack of Hemorrhage on the target. If Noxian Guillotine is a killing blow, its cooldown is refreshed for a brief duration.Noxian GuillotineNoxian Guillotine@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Noxian Guillotine@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius leaps to an enemy and strikes a lethal blow, dealing @Damage@ true damage. For each Hemorrhage on the target, this Ability deals an additional @RDamagePercentPerHemoStack*100@% damage, up to a max of @MaximumDamage@ damage.

    If this kills the target, Darius may Recast this Ability once within @RRecastDuration@ seconds. At rank 3, this Ability has no Mana cost and kills refresh the Cooldown completely.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Darius leaps to an enemy and strikes a lethal blow, dealing @Damage@ true damage. For each Hemorrhage on the target, this Ability deals an additional @RDamagePercentPerHemoStack*100@% damage, up to a max of @MaximumDamage@ damage.

    If this kills the target, Darius may Recast this Ability once within @RRecastDuration@ seconds. At rank 3, this Ability has no Mana cost and kills refresh the Cooldown completely.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Noxian Guillotine@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius leaps to an enemy and strikes a lethal blow, dealing @Damage@ true damage. For each Hemorrhage on the target, this Ability deals an additional @RDamagePercentPerHemoStack*100@% damage, up to a max of @MaximumDamage@ damage.

    If this kills the target, Darius may Recast this Ability once within @RRecastDuration@ seconds. At rank 3, this Ability has no Mana cost and kills refresh the Cooldown completely.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Noxian Guillotine@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius leaps to an enemy and strikes a lethal blow, dealing @Damage@ true damage. For each Hemorrhage on the target, this Ability deals an additional @RDamagePercentPerHemoStack*100@% damage, up to a max of @MaximumDamage@ damage.

    If this kills the target, Darius may Recast this Ability once within @RRecastDuration@ seconds. At rank 3, this Ability has no Mana cost and kills refresh the Cooldown completely.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Noxian Guillotine@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius leaps to an enemy and strikes a lethal blow, dealing @Damage@ true damage. For each Hemorrhage on the target, this Ability deals an additional @RDamagePercentPerHemoStack*100@% damage, up to a max of @MaximumDamage@ damage.

    If this kills the target, Darius may Recast this Ability once within @RRecastDuration@ seconds. At rank 3, this Ability has no Mana cost and kills refresh the Cooldown completely.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Noxian Guillotine@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Attempt to execute the target. Resets cooldown if successful.

    Deals more damage based on Hemorrhage stacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Noxian Guillotine@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius leaps to an enemy and strikes a lethal blow, dealing @Damage@ true damage. For each Hemorrhage on the target, this Ability deals an additional @RDamagePercentPerHemoStack*100@% damage, up to a max of @MaximumDamage@ damage.

    If this kills the target, Darius may Recast this Ability once within @RRecastDuration@ seconds. At rank 3, this Ability has no Mana cost and kills refresh the Cooldown completely.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDarius's next attack strikes an enemy's crucial artery. As they bleed out, their Move Speed is slowed.Crippling StrikeCrippling Strike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crippling Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius' next Attack deals @EmpoweredAttackDamage@ physical damage and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ second.

    This Ability refunds its Mana cost and reduces its Cooldown by @Effect3Amount@% if it kills the target.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Darius' next Attack deals @EmpoweredAttackDamage@ physical damage and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ second.

    This Ability refunds its Mana cost and reduces its Cooldown by @Effect3Amount@% if it kills the target.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crippling Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius' next Attack deals @EmpoweredAttackDamage@ physical damage and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ second.

    This Ability refunds its Mana cost and reduces its Cooldown by @Effect3Amount@% if it kills the target.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Total AD Ratio[ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1*100.000000@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2*100.000000@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3*100.000000@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4*100.000000@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5*100.000000@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Crippling Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius' next Attack deals @EmpoweredAttackDamage@ physical damage and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ second.

    This Ability refunds its Mana cost and reduces its Cooldown by @Effect3Amount@% if it kills the target.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTotal AD Ratio@Effect4Amount*100.000000@ -> @Effect4AmountNL*100.000000@Total AD Ratio[ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1*100.000000@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2*100.000000@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3*100.000000@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4*100.000000@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5*100.000000@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]Total AD Ratio@Effect4Amount*100.000000@ -> @Effect4AmountNL*100.000000@[@Hotkey@] Crippling Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius' next Attack deals @EmpoweredAttackDamage@ physical damage and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ second.

    This Ability refunds its Mana cost and reduces its Cooldown by @Effect3Amount@% if it kills the target.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Crippling Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius's next basic attack deals increased damage and slows.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crippling Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Darius' next Attack deals @EmpoweredAttackDamage@ physical damage and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ second.

    This Ability refunds its Mana cost and reduces its Cooldown by @Effect3Amount@% if it kills the target.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoShaco becomes Invisible and teleports to target location.

    His first attack while Invisible is empowered, dealing bonus damage and critically striking if he attacks from behind.Deceive@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Deceive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco teleports and becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds. Using {{Spell_JackInTheBox_Name}} or {{Spell_HallucinateFull_Name}} does not break Invisibility.

    Shaco's next Attack while Invisible deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If striking from behind, this Attack critically strikes for @QCritDamageMod@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shaco teleports and becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds. Using {{Spell_JackInTheBox_Name}} or {{Spell_HallucinateFull_Name}} does not break Invisibility.

    Shaco's next Attack while Invisible deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If striking from behind, this Attack critically strikes for @QCritDamageMod@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Deceive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco teleports and becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds. Using {{Spell_JackInTheBox_Name}} or {{Spell_HallucinateFull_Name}} does not break Invisibility.

    Shaco's next Attack while Invisible deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If striking from behind, this Attack critically strikes for @QCritDamageMod@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The bonus damage on Attack can critically strike.
    Stealth Duration
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @StealthDuration1Prefix@@StealthDuration1@@StealthDuration1Postfix@ / @StealthDuration2Prefix@@StealthDuration2@@StealthDuration2Postfix@ / @StealthDuration3Prefix@@StealthDuration3@@StealthDuration3Postfix@ / @StealthDuration4Prefix@@StealthDuration4@@StealthDuration4Postfix@ / @StealthDuration5Prefix@@StealthDuration5@@StealthDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Deceive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco teleports and becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds. Using {{Spell_JackInTheBox_Name}} or {{Spell_HallucinateFull_Name}} does not break Invisibility.

    Shaco's next Attack while Invisible deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If striking from behind, this Attack critically strikes for @QCritDamageMod@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Stealth Duration
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @StealthDuration@ -> @StealthDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Stealth Duration
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @StealthDuration1Prefix@@StealthDuration1@@StealthDuration1Postfix@ / @StealthDuration2Prefix@@StealthDuration2@@StealthDuration2Postfix@ / @StealthDuration3Prefix@@StealthDuration3@@StealthDuration3Postfix@ / @StealthDuration4Prefix@@StealthDuration4@@StealthDuration4Postfix@ / @StealthDuration5Prefix@@StealthDuration5@@StealthDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Stealth Duration
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @StealthDuration@ -> @StealthDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Deceive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco teleports and becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds. Using {{Spell_JackInTheBox_Name}} or {{Spell_HallucinateFull_Name}} does not break Invisibility.

    Shaco's next Attack while Invisible deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If striking from behind, this Attack critically strikes for @QCritDamageMod@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Deceive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco teleports and becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds. Using {{Spell_JackInTheBox_Name}} or {{Spell_HallucinateFull_Name}} does not break Invisibility.

    Shaco's next Attack while Invisible deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If striking from behind, this Attack critically strikes for @QCritDamageMod@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRammus goes into a defensive formation, vastly increasing his Armor and Magic Resistance, amplifying Spiked Shells' damage, and returning damage to enemies that basic attack him, but he is also slowed during this time.Defensive Ball CurlDefensive Ball Curl@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Defensive Ball Curl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus enters a defensive formation, gaining @BonusArmorCalc@ Armor and @BonusMRCalc@ Magic Resist. While active, Spiked Shell's damage is increased by @PassiveDamageAmpCalc@% and also damages enemies that Attack Rammus.

    Rammus's Attacks increase the duration by @BonusDurationPerAuto@ seconds (max: @MaxBonusDuration@).

    Recast: Rammus ends this Ability early.
    Rammus enters a defensive formation, gaining @BonusArmorCalc@ Armor and @BonusMRCalc@ Magic Resist. While active, Spiked Shell's damage is increased by @PassiveDamageAmpCalc@% and also damages enemies that Attack Rammus.

    Rammus's Attacks increase the duration by @BonusDurationPerAuto@ seconds (max: @MaxBonusDuration@).

    Recast: Rammus ends this Ability early.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Defensive Ball Curl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus enters a defensive formation, gaining @BonusArmorCalc@ Armor and @BonusMRCalc@ Magic Resist. While active, Spiked Shell's damage is increased by @PassiveDamageAmpCalc@% and also damages enemies that Attack Rammus.

    Rammus's Attacks increase the duration by @BonusDurationPerAuto@ seconds (max: @MaxBonusDuration@).

    Recast: Rammus ends this Ability early.
    Using this Ability ends Powerball early.Percent Armor Bonus
    Percent Magic Resist Bonus
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@%@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@%@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@%@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@%@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@%@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@%@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@%@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@%@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@%@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5@%@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Defensive Ball Curl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus enters a defensive formation, gaining @BonusArmorCalc@ Armor and @BonusMRCalc@ Magic Resist. While active, Spiked Shell's damage is increased by @PassiveDamageAmpCalc@% and also damages enemies that Attack Rammus.

    Rammus's Attacks increase the duration by @BonusDurationPerAuto@ seconds (max: @MaxBonusDuration@).

    Recast: Rammus ends this Ability early.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPercent Armor Bonus
    Percent Magic Resist Bonus
    @Effect6Amount@% -> @Effect6AmountNL@%
    @Effect7Amount@% -> @Effect7AmountNL@%
    Percent Armor Bonus
    Percent Magic Resist Bonus
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@%@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@%@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@%@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@%@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@%@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@%@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@%@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@%@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@%@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5@%@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Percent Armor Bonus
    Percent Magic Resist Bonus
    @Effect6Amount@% -> @Effect6AmountNL@%
    @Effect7Amount@% -> @Effect7AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Defensive Ball Curl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus enters a defensive formation, gaining @BonusArmorCalc@ Armor and @BonusMRCalc@ Magic Resist. While active, Spiked Shell's damage is increased by @PassiveDamageAmpCalc@% and also damages enemies that Attack Rammus.

    Rammus's Attacks increase the duration by @BonusDurationPerAuto@ seconds (max: @MaxBonusDuration@).

    Recast: Rammus ends this Ability early.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Defensive Ball Curl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus enters a defensive formation, gaining @BonusArmorCalc@ Armor and @BonusMRCalc@ Magic Resist. While active, Spiked Shell's damage is increased by @PassiveDamageAmpCalc@% and also damages enemies that Attack Rammus.

    Rammus's Attacks increase the duration by @BonusDurationPerAuto@ seconds (max: @MaxBonusDuration@).

    Recast: Rammus ends this Ability early.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTwisted Fate predicts the fortunes of his foes, revealing all enemy champions and enabling the use of Gate, which teleports Twisted Fate to any target location in 1.5 seconds.DestinyDestiny@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Destiny@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate focuses on his cards, granting True Sight of all enemy champions on the map for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and allowing him to Recast.

    Recast: Twisted Fate teleports up to @Effect4Amount@ units away.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Twisted Fate focuses on his cards, granting True Sight of all enemy champions on the map for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and allowing him to Recast.

    Recast: Twisted Fate teleports up to @Effect4Amount@ units away.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Destiny@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate focuses on his cards, granting True Sight of all enemy champions on the map for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and allowing him to Recast.

    Recast: Twisted Fate teleports up to @Effect4Amount@ units away.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Disabling effects will interrupt the teleport.Duration
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Destiny@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate focuses on his cards, granting True Sight of all enemy champions on the map for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and allowing him to Recast.

    Recast: Twisted Fate teleports up to @Effect4Amount@ units away.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDuration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Destiny@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate focuses on his cards, granting True Sight of all enemy champions on the map for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and allowing him to Recast.

    Recast: Twisted Fate teleports up to @Effect4Amount@ units away.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Destiny@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate focuses on his cards, granting True Sight of all enemy champions on the map for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and allowing him to Recast.

    Recast: Twisted Fate teleports up to @Effect4Amount@ units away.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDiana creates three orbiting spheres that detonate on contact with enemies to deal damage in an area. She also gains a temporary shield that absorbs damage. If her third sphere detonates, the shield gains additional strength.Pale Cascade@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pale Cascade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana creates three orbiting spheres for @ShieldDuration@ seconds that explode on contact, each dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, up to a max of @TotalMaxDamage@ damage.

    Diana also gains @ShieldValue@ Shield for the same duration. When the last sphere detonates, she gains an additional @ShieldValue@ Shield and refreshes the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Diana creates three orbiting spheres for @ShieldDuration@ seconds that explode on contact, each dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, up to a max of @TotalMaxDamage@ damage.

    Diana also gains @ShieldValue@ Shield for the same duration. When the last sphere detonates, she gains an additional @ShieldValue@ Shield and refreshes the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pale Cascade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana creates three orbiting spheres for @ShieldDuration@ seconds that explode on contact, each dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, up to a max of @TotalMaxDamage@ damage.

    Diana also gains @ShieldValue@ Shield for the same duration. When the last sphere detonates, she gains an additional @ShieldValue@ Shield and refreshes the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldBase1Prefix@@ShieldBase1@@ShieldBase1Postfix@ / @ShieldBase2Prefix@@ShieldBase2@@ShieldBase2Postfix@ / @ShieldBase3Prefix@@ShieldBase3@@ShieldBase3Postfix@ / @ShieldBase4Prefix@@ShieldBase4@@ShieldBase4Postfix@ / @ShieldBase5Prefix@@ShieldBase5@@ShieldBase5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Pale Cascade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana creates three orbiting spheres for @ShieldDuration@ seconds that explode on contact, each dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, up to a max of @TotalMaxDamage@ damage.

    Diana also gains @ShieldValue@ Shield for the same duration. When the last sphere detonates, she gains an additional @ShieldValue@ Shield and refreshes the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @ShieldBase@ -> @ShieldBaseNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldBase1Prefix@@ShieldBase1@@ShieldBase1Postfix@ / @ShieldBase2Prefix@@ShieldBase2@@ShieldBase2Postfix@ / @ShieldBase3Prefix@@ShieldBase3@@ShieldBase3Postfix@ / @ShieldBase4Prefix@@ShieldBase4@@ShieldBase4Postfix@ / @ShieldBase5Prefix@@ShieldBase5@@ShieldBase5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @ShieldBase@ -> @ShieldBaseNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Pale Cascade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana creates three orbiting spheres for @ShieldDuration@ seconds that explode on contact, each dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, up to a max of @TotalMaxDamage@ damage.

    Diana also gains @ShieldValue@ Shield for the same duration. When the last sphere detonates, she gains an additional @ShieldValue@ Shield and refreshes the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Pale Cascade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana creates three orbiting spheres for @ShieldDuration@ seconds that explode on contact, each dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, up to a max of @TotalMaxDamage@ damage.

    Diana also gains @ShieldValue@ Shield for the same duration. When the last sphere detonates, she gains an additional @ShieldValue@ Shield and refreshes the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoUnleashes a bolt of lunar energy in an arc dealing magic damage.

    Afflicts enemies struck with Moonlight, revealing them if they are not stealthed for 3 seconds.Crescent StrikeCrescent Strike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crescent Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana unleashes an arc of lunar energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and marking with Moonlight for @MoonlightDuration@ seconds.

    Moonlight reveals enemies that are not stealthed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Diana unleashes an arc of lunar energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and marking with Moonlight for @MoonlightDuration@ seconds.

    Moonlight reveals enemies that are not stealthed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crescent Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana unleashes an arc of lunar energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and marking with Moonlight for @MoonlightDuration@ seconds.

    Moonlight reveals enemies that are not stealthed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Crescent Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana unleashes an arc of lunar energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and marking with Moonlight for @MoonlightDuration@ seconds.

    Moonlight reveals enemies that are not stealthed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Crescent Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana unleashes an arc of lunar energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and marking with Moonlight for @MoonlightDuration@ seconds.

    Moonlight reveals enemies that are not stealthed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Crescent Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana unleashes an arc of lunar energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and marking with Moonlight for @MoonlightDuration@ seconds.

    Moonlight reveals enemies that are not stealthed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDiana reveals and draws in all nearby enemies and slows them.

    If Diana pulls in one or more enemy champions, the moonlight crashes down onto her after a short delay, dealing magic damage in an area around her, increased for each target beyond the first pulled.MoonfallMoonfall@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Moonfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana Pulls In, Slows by @SlowTooltip@%, and reveals nearby enemies for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Diana hits at least one enemy champion, she calls to the moon, dealing @RExplosionDamage@ magic damage plus @RMultihitAmplification@ for each champion pulled beyond the first, up to a max of an additional @MaxDamage@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Diana Pulls In, Slows by @SlowTooltip@%, and reveals nearby enemies for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Diana hits at least one enemy champion, she calls to the moon, dealing @RExplosionDamage@ magic damage plus @RMultihitAmplification@ for each champion pulled beyond the first, up to a max of an additional @MaxDamage@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Moonfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana Pulls In, Slows by @SlowTooltip@%, and reveals nearby enemies for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Diana hits at least one enemy champion, she calls to the moon, dealing @RExplosionDamage@ magic damage plus @RMultihitAmplification@ for each champion pulled beyond the first, up to a max of an additional @MaxDamage@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowTooltip1Prefix@@SlowTooltip1@%@SlowTooltip1Postfix@ / @SlowTooltip2Prefix@@SlowTooltip2@%@SlowTooltip2Postfix@ / @SlowTooltip3Prefix@@SlowTooltip3@%@SlowTooltip3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Moonfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana Pulls In, Slows by @SlowTooltip@%, and reveals nearby enemies for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Diana hits at least one enemy champion, she calls to the moon, dealing @RExplosionDamage@ magic damage plus @RMultihitAmplification@ for each champion pulled beyond the first, up to a max of an additional @MaxDamage@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @SlowTooltip@% -> @SlowTooltipNL@%
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowTooltip1Prefix@@SlowTooltip1@%@SlowTooltip1Postfix@ / @SlowTooltip2Prefix@@SlowTooltip2@%@SlowTooltip2Postfix@ / @SlowTooltip3Prefix@@SlowTooltip3@%@SlowTooltip3Postfix@ ]
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @SlowTooltip@% -> @SlowTooltipNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Moonfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana Pulls In, Slows by @SlowTooltip@%, and reveals nearby enemies for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Diana hits at least one enemy champion, she calls to the moon, dealing @RExplosionDamage@ magic damage plus @RMultihitAmplification@ for each champion pulled beyond the first, up to a max of an additional @MaxDamage@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Moonfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana Pulls In, Slows by @SlowTooltip@%, and reveals nearby enemies for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Diana hits at least one enemy champion, she calls to the moon, dealing @RExplosionDamage@ magic damage plus @RMultihitAmplification@ for each champion pulled beyond the first, up to a max of an additional @MaxDamage@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBecomes the living embodiment of the vengeful moon, dashing to an enemy and dealing magic damage.

    Lunar Rush has no cooldown when used to dash to an enemy afflicted with Moonlight. All other enemies will have the Moonlight debuff removed regardless of whether they were the target of Lunar Rush.Lunar RushLunar Rush@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lunar Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana becomes as the vengeful moon, dashing to an enemy and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the target is afflicted with Moonlight, this Ability's Cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Diana becomes as the vengeful moon, dashing to an enemy and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the target is afflicted with Moonlight, this Ability's Cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lunar Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana becomes as the vengeful moon, dashing to an enemy and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the target is afflicted with Moonlight, this Ability's Cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Lunar Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana becomes as the vengeful moon, dashing to an enemy and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the target is afflicted with Moonlight, this Ability's Cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Lunar Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana becomes as the vengeful moon, dashing to an enemy and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the target is afflicted with Moonlight, this Ability's Cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Lunar Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Diana becomes as the vengeful moon, dashing to an enemy and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the target is afflicted with Moonlight, this Ability's Cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPassive - Dr. Mundo gains bonus Attack Damage, increasing based on his missing Health.

    Active - Dr. Mundo slams his “medical” bag into an enemy, dealing additional damage based on his missing Health. If the enemy dies they are swatted away, dealing damage to enemies they pass through.Blunt Force TraumaBlunt Force Trauma@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blunt Force Trauma@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@FlatHealthCost@ HealthPassive: Dr Mundo gains @PassiveBonusAD@ Attack Damage, plus up to @MaxMissingHealthAD@ Attack Damage based on his missing Health.

    Active: Mundo violently swings his "medical" bag, causing his next Attack to deal an additional @AdditionalDamage@ physical damage, increased by up to @MaxDamageAmpTooltip@ based on his missing Health. If the enemy is killed, Mundo swats them away, dealing the minimum damage to all enemies they pass through. Small monsters are swatted immediately.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Dr Mundo gains @PassiveBonusAD@ Attack Damage, plus up to @MaxMissingHealthAD@ Attack Damage based on his missing Health.

    Active: Mundo violently swings his "medical" bag, causing his next Attack to deal an additional @AdditionalDamage@ physical damage, increased by up to @MaxDamageAmpTooltip@ based on his missing Health. If the enemy is killed, Mundo swats them away, dealing the minimum damage to all enemies they pass through. Small monsters are swatted immediately.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blunt Force Trauma@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@FlatHealthCost@ HealthPassive: Dr Mundo gains @PassiveBonusAD@ Attack Damage, plus up to @MaxMissingHealthAD@ Attack Damage based on his missing Health.

    Active: Mundo violently swings his "medical" bag, causing his next Attack to deal an additional @AdditionalDamage@ physical damage, increased by up to @MaxDamageAmpTooltip@ based on his missing Health. If the enemy is killed, Mundo swats them away, dealing the minimum damage to all enemies they pass through. Small monsters are swatted immediately.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The bonuses from the passive reach their maximum at @MaxMissingHealthThreshold*100@% missing Health.
    Deals @MinionMod*100@% damage to minions. Deals @MonsterMod*100@% damage to jungle monsters.
    Base Damage
    Health Cost
    Max Additional Attack Damage
    Passive Attack Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @FlatHealthCost1Prefix@@FlatHealthCost1@@FlatHealthCost1Postfix@ / @FlatHealthCost2Prefix@@FlatHealthCost2@@FlatHealthCost2Postfix@ / @FlatHealthCost3Prefix@@FlatHealthCost3@@FlatHealthCost3Postfix@ / @FlatHealthCost4Prefix@@FlatHealthCost4@@FlatHealthCost4Postfix@ / @FlatHealthCost5Prefix@@FlatHealthCost5@@FlatHealthCost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxMissingHealthAD1Prefix@@MaxMissingHealthAD1@@MaxMissingHealthAD1Postfix@ / @MaxMissingHealthAD2Prefix@@MaxMissingHealthAD2@@MaxMissingHealthAD2Postfix@ / @MaxMissingHealthAD3Prefix@@MaxMissingHealthAD3@@MaxMissingHealthAD3Postfix@ / @MaxMissingHealthAD4Prefix@@MaxMissingHealthAD4@@MaxMissingHealthAD4Postfix@ / @MaxMissingHealthAD5Prefix@@MaxMissingHealthAD5@@MaxMissingHealthAD5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PassiveBonusAD1Prefix@@PassiveBonusAD1@@PassiveBonusAD1Postfix@ / @PassiveBonusAD2Prefix@@PassiveBonusAD2@@PassiveBonusAD2Postfix@ / @PassiveBonusAD3Prefix@@PassiveBonusAD3@@PassiveBonusAD3Postfix@ / @PassiveBonusAD4Prefix@@PassiveBonusAD4@@PassiveBonusAD4Postfix@ / @PassiveBonusAD5Prefix@@PassiveBonusAD5@@PassiveBonusAD5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Blunt Force Trauma@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@FlatHealthCost@ HealthPassive: Dr Mundo gains @PassiveBonusAD@ Attack Damage, plus up to @MaxMissingHealthAD@ Attack Damage based on his missing Health.

    Active: Mundo violently swings his "medical" bag, causing his next Attack to deal an additional @AdditionalDamage@ physical damage, increased by up to @MaxDamageAmpTooltip@ based on his missing Health. If the enemy is killed, Mundo swats them away, dealing the minimum damage to all enemies they pass through. Small monsters are swatted immediately.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Base Damage
    Health Cost
    Max Additional Attack Damage
    Passive Attack Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @FlatHealthCost@ -> @FlatHealthCostNL@
    @MaxMissingHealthAD@ -> @MaxMissingHealthADNL@
    @PassiveBonusAD@ -> @PassiveBonusADNL@
    Base Damage
    Health Cost
    Max Additional Attack Damage
    Passive Attack Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @FlatHealthCost1Prefix@@FlatHealthCost1@@FlatHealthCost1Postfix@ / @FlatHealthCost2Prefix@@FlatHealthCost2@@FlatHealthCost2Postfix@ / @FlatHealthCost3Prefix@@FlatHealthCost3@@FlatHealthCost3Postfix@ / @FlatHealthCost4Prefix@@FlatHealthCost4@@FlatHealthCost4Postfix@ / @FlatHealthCost5Prefix@@FlatHealthCost5@@FlatHealthCost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxMissingHealthAD1Prefix@@MaxMissingHealthAD1@@MaxMissingHealthAD1Postfix@ / @MaxMissingHealthAD2Prefix@@MaxMissingHealthAD2@@MaxMissingHealthAD2Postfix@ / @MaxMissingHealthAD3Prefix@@MaxMissingHealthAD3@@MaxMissingHealthAD3Postfix@ / @MaxMissingHealthAD4Prefix@@MaxMissingHealthAD4@@MaxMissingHealthAD4Postfix@ / @MaxMissingHealthAD5Prefix@@MaxMissingHealthAD5@@MaxMissingHealthAD5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PassiveBonusAD1Prefix@@PassiveBonusAD1@@PassiveBonusAD1Postfix@ / @PassiveBonusAD2Prefix@@PassiveBonusAD2@@PassiveBonusAD2Postfix@ / @PassiveBonusAD3Prefix@@PassiveBonusAD3@@PassiveBonusAD3Postfix@ / @PassiveBonusAD4Prefix@@PassiveBonusAD4@@PassiveBonusAD4Postfix@ / @PassiveBonusAD5Prefix@@PassiveBonusAD5@@PassiveBonusAD5Postfix@ ]
    Base Damage
    Health Cost
    Max Additional Attack Damage
    Passive Attack Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @FlatHealthCost@ -> @FlatHealthCostNL@
    @MaxMissingHealthAD@ -> @MaxMissingHealthADNL@
    @PassiveBonusAD@ -> @PassiveBonusADNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Blunt Force Trauma@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@FlatHealthCost@ HealthPassive: Dr Mundo gains @PassiveBonusAD@ Attack Damage, plus up to @MaxMissingHealthAD@ Attack Damage based on his missing Health.

    Active: Mundo violently swings his "medical" bag, causing his next Attack to deal an additional @AdditionalDamage@ physical damage, increased by up to @MaxDamageAmpTooltip@ based on his missing Health. If the enemy is killed, Mundo swats them away, dealing the minimum damage to all enemies they pass through. Small monsters are swatted immediately.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Blunt Force Trauma@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@FlatHealthCost@ HealthPassive: Dr Mundo gains @PassiveBonusAD@ Attack Damage, plus up to @MaxMissingHealthAD@ Attack Damage based on his missing Health.

    Active: Mundo violently swings his "medical" bag, causing his next Attack to deal an additional @AdditionalDamage@ physical damage, increased by up to @MaxDamageAmpTooltip@ based on his missing Health. If the enemy is killed, Mundo swats them away, dealing the minimum damage to all enemies they pass through. Small monsters are swatted immediately.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDr. Mundo throws an infected bonesaw, dealing damage to the first enemy hit based on their current health and slowing them.Infected BonesawInfected Bonesaw@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Infected Bonesaw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@HealthCost@ HealthDr. Mundo hurls his bonesaw, dealing @CurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health magic damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the bonesaw hits a champion or monster, Dr. Mundo restores @HealthRestoreOnHitChampionMonster@ Health. If it hits a non-champion or non-monster, Dr. Mundo instead restores @HealthRestoreOnHitMinion@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Dr. Mundo hurls his bonesaw, dealing @CurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health magic damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the bonesaw hits a champion or monster, Dr. Mundo restores @HealthRestoreOnHitChampionMonster@ Health. If it hits a non-champion or non-monster, Dr. Mundo instead restores @HealthRestoreOnHitMinion@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Infected Bonesaw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@HealthCost@ HealthDr. Mundo hurls his bonesaw, dealing @CurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health magic damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the bonesaw hits a champion or monster, Dr. Mundo restores @HealthRestoreOnHitChampionMonster@ Health. If it hits a non-champion or non-monster, Dr. Mundo instead restores @HealthRestoreOnHitMinion@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Deals a minimum of @MinimumDamage@ magic damage, and a maximum of @MaximumMonsterDamage@ magic damage to jungle monsters.Current Health Damage
    Minimum Damage
    Monster Damage Cap
    [ @CurrentHealthDamage1Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage1*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage2Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage2*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage3Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage3*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage3Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage4Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage4*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage4Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage5Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage5*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinimumDamage1Prefix@@MinimumDamage1@@MinimumDamage1Postfix@ / @MinimumDamage2Prefix@@MinimumDamage2@@MinimumDamage2Postfix@ / @MinimumDamage3Prefix@@MinimumDamage3@@MinimumDamage3Postfix@ / @MinimumDamage4Prefix@@MinimumDamage4@@MinimumDamage4Postfix@ / @MinimumDamage5Prefix@@MinimumDamage5@@MinimumDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaximumMonsterDamage1Prefix@@MaximumMonsterDamage1@@MaximumMonsterDamage1Postfix@ / @MaximumMonsterDamage2Prefix@@MaximumMonsterDamage2@@MaximumMonsterDamage2Postfix@ / @MaximumMonsterDamage3Prefix@@MaximumMonsterDamage3@@MaximumMonsterDamage3Postfix@ / @MaximumMonsterDamage4Prefix@@MaximumMonsterDamage4@@MaximumMonsterDamage4Postfix@ / @MaximumMonsterDamage5Prefix@@MaximumMonsterDamage5@@MaximumMonsterDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Infected Bonesaw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@HealthCost@ HealthDr. Mundo hurls his bonesaw, dealing @CurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health magic damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the bonesaw hits a champion or monster, Dr. Mundo restores @HealthRestoreOnHitChampionMonster@ Health. If it hits a non-champion or non-monster, Dr. Mundo instead restores @HealthRestoreOnHitMinion@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCurrent Health Damage
    Minimum Damage
    Monster Damage Cap
    @CurrentHealthDamage*100.000000@% -> @CurrentHealthDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @MinimumDamage@ -> @MinimumDamageNL@
    @MaximumMonsterDamage@ -> @MaximumMonsterDamageNL@
    Current Health Damage
    Minimum Damage
    Monster Damage Cap
    [ @CurrentHealthDamage1Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage1*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage2Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage2*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage3Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage3*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage3Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage4Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage4*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage4Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage5Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage5*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinimumDamage1Prefix@@MinimumDamage1@@MinimumDamage1Postfix@ / @MinimumDamage2Prefix@@MinimumDamage2@@MinimumDamage2Postfix@ / @MinimumDamage3Prefix@@MinimumDamage3@@MinimumDamage3Postfix@ / @MinimumDamage4Prefix@@MinimumDamage4@@MinimumDamage4Postfix@ / @MinimumDamage5Prefix@@MinimumDamage5@@MinimumDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaximumMonsterDamage1Prefix@@MaximumMonsterDamage1@@MaximumMonsterDamage1Postfix@ / @MaximumMonsterDamage2Prefix@@MaximumMonsterDamage2@@MaximumMonsterDamage2Postfix@ / @MaximumMonsterDamage3Prefix@@MaximumMonsterDamage3@@MaximumMonsterDamage3Postfix@ / @MaximumMonsterDamage4Prefix@@MaximumMonsterDamage4@@MaximumMonsterDamage4Postfix@ / @MaximumMonsterDamage5Prefix@@MaximumMonsterDamage5@@MaximumMonsterDamage5Postfix@ ]
    Current Health Damage
    Minimum Damage
    Monster Damage Cap
    @CurrentHealthDamage*100.000000@% -> @CurrentHealthDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @MinimumDamage@ -> @MinimumDamageNL@
    @MaximumMonsterDamage@ -> @MaximumMonsterDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Infected Bonesaw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@HealthCost@ HealthDr. Mundo hurls his bonesaw, dealing @CurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health magic damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the bonesaw hits a champion or monster, Dr. Mundo restores @HealthRestoreOnHitChampionMonster@ Health. If it hits a non-champion or non-monster, Dr. Mundo instead restores @HealthRestoreOnHitMinion@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Infected Bonesaw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@HealthCost@ HealthDr. Mundo hurls his bonesaw, dealing @CurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health magic damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the bonesaw hits a champion or monster, Dr. Mundo restores @HealthRestoreOnHitChampionMonster@ Health. If it hits a non-champion or non-monster, Dr. Mundo instead restores @HealthRestoreOnHitMinion@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDr. Mundo pumps himself with chemicals, instantly healing a percent of his missing Health. He then gains bonus Attack Damage and Move Speed, and regenerates a portion of his maximum Health over a long duration.Maximum DosageMaximum Dosage@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Maximum Dosage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostDr. Mundo pumps himself with chemicals, temporarily gaining @MissingHealthHeal*100@% of his missing Health as max Health then gaining @SpeedBoostAmount*100@% Move Speed, @TotalBonusAD@ Attack Damage, and regenerating @MaxHealthHoT*100@% max Health over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Dr. Mundo pumps himself with chemicals, temporarily gaining @MissingHealthHeal*100@% of his missing Health as max Health then gaining @SpeedBoostAmount*100@% Move Speed, @TotalBonusAD@ Attack Damage, and regenerating @MaxHealthHoT*100@% max Health over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Maximum Dosage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostDr. Mundo pumps himself with chemicals, temporarily gaining @MissingHealthHeal*100@% of his missing Health as max Health then gaining @SpeedBoostAmount*100@% Move Speed, @TotalBonusAD@ Attack Damage, and regenerating @MaxHealthHoT*100@% max Health over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Bonus Health
    Move Speed
    Max Health %
    Health Into Attack Damage
    [ @MissingHealthHeal1Prefix@@MissingHealthHeal1*100.000000@%@MissingHealthHeal1Postfix@ / @MissingHealthHeal2Prefix@@MissingHealthHeal2*100.000000@%@MissingHealthHeal2Postfix@ / @MissingHealthHeal3Prefix@@MissingHealthHeal3*100.000000@%@MissingHealthHeal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SpeedBoostAmount1Prefix@@SpeedBoostAmount1*100.000000@%@SpeedBoostAmount1Postfix@ / @SpeedBoostAmount2Prefix@@SpeedBoostAmount2*100.000000@%@SpeedBoostAmount2Postfix@ / @SpeedBoostAmount3Prefix@@SpeedBoostAmount3*100.000000@%@SpeedBoostAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxHealthHoT1Prefix@@MaxHealthHoT1*100.000000@%@MaxHealthHoT1Postfix@ / @MaxHealthHoT2Prefix@@MaxHealthHoT2*100.000000@%@MaxHealthHoT2Postfix@ / @MaxHealthHoT3Prefix@@MaxHealthHoT3*100.000000@%@MaxHealthHoT3Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealthIntoADRatio1Prefix@@HealthIntoADRatio1*100.000000@%@HealthIntoADRatio1Postfix@ / @HealthIntoADRatio2Prefix@@HealthIntoADRatio2*100.000000@%@HealthIntoADRatio2Postfix@ / @HealthIntoADRatio3Prefix@@HealthIntoADRatio3*100.000000@%@HealthIntoADRatio3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Maximum Dosage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostDr. Mundo pumps himself with chemicals, temporarily gaining @MissingHealthHeal*100@% of his missing Health as max Health then gaining @SpeedBoostAmount*100@% Move Speed, @TotalBonusAD@ Attack Damage, and regenerating @MaxHealthHoT*100@% max Health over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Health
    Move Speed
    Max Health %
    Health Into Attack Damage
    @MissingHealthHeal*100.000000@% -> @MissingHealthHealNL*100.000000@%
    @SpeedBoostAmount*100.000000@% -> @SpeedBoostAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @MaxHealthHoT*100.000000@% -> @MaxHealthHoTNL*100.000000@%
    @HealthIntoADRatio*100.000000@% -> @HealthIntoADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    Bonus Health
    Move Speed
    Max Health %
    Health Into Attack Damage
    [ @MissingHealthHeal1Prefix@@MissingHealthHeal1*100.000000@%@MissingHealthHeal1Postfix@ / @MissingHealthHeal2Prefix@@MissingHealthHeal2*100.000000@%@MissingHealthHeal2Postfix@ / @MissingHealthHeal3Prefix@@MissingHealthHeal3*100.000000@%@MissingHealthHeal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SpeedBoostAmount1Prefix@@SpeedBoostAmount1*100.000000@%@SpeedBoostAmount1Postfix@ / @SpeedBoostAmount2Prefix@@SpeedBoostAmount2*100.000000@%@SpeedBoostAmount2Postfix@ / @SpeedBoostAmount3Prefix@@SpeedBoostAmount3*100.000000@%@SpeedBoostAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxHealthHoT1Prefix@@MaxHealthHoT1*100.000000@%@MaxHealthHoT1Postfix@ / @MaxHealthHoT2Prefix@@MaxHealthHoT2*100.000000@%@MaxHealthHoT2Postfix@ / @MaxHealthHoT3Prefix@@MaxHealthHoT3*100.000000@%@MaxHealthHoT3Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealthIntoADRatio1Prefix@@HealthIntoADRatio1*100.000000@%@HealthIntoADRatio1Postfix@ / @HealthIntoADRatio2Prefix@@HealthIntoADRatio2*100.000000@%@HealthIntoADRatio2Postfix@ / @HealthIntoADRatio3Prefix@@HealthIntoADRatio3*100.000000@%@HealthIntoADRatio3Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Health
    Move Speed
    Max Health %
    Health Into Attack Damage
    @MissingHealthHeal*100.000000@% -> @MissingHealthHealNL*100.000000@%
    @SpeedBoostAmount*100.000000@% -> @SpeedBoostAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @MaxHealthHoT*100.000000@% -> @MaxHealthHoTNL*100.000000@%
    @HealthIntoADRatio*100.000000@% -> @HealthIntoADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Maximum Dosage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostDr. Mundo pumps himself with chemicals, temporarily gaining @MissingHealthHeal*100@% of his missing Health as max Health then gaining @SpeedBoostAmount*100@% Move Speed, @TotalBonusAD@ Attack Damage, and regenerating @MaxHealthHoT*100@% max Health over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Maximum Dosage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostDr. Mundo pumps himself with chemicals, temporarily gaining @MissingHealthHeal*100@% of his missing Health as max Health then gaining @SpeedBoostAmount*100@% Move Speed, @TotalBonusAD@ Attack Damage, and regenerating @MaxHealthHoT*100@% max Health over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDr. Mundo electrocutes himself, dealing persistent damage to nearby enemies and storing a portion of damage he takes. At the end of the duration or on Recast, Dr. Mundo deals a burst of damage to nearby enemies. If the burst hit an enemy, he heals a percentage of the stored damage.Heart ZapperHeart Zapper@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Heart Zapper@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@CurrentHealthCost*100@% Current HealthDr. Mundo charges up a defibrilator, dealing @DamagePerTick*4@ magic damage each second for up to @Duration@ seconds to nearby enemies. While active he stores @GrayHealthStorage*100@% of damage taken as gray health and can Recast.

    Recast: Detonate the defibrilator, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. If this hits at least one champion, Dr. Mundo restores @GrayHealthBigMod*100@% of gray health. If only non-champions were hit, Dr. Mundo instead restores @GrayHealthSmallMod*100@% of gray health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Dr. Mundo charges up a defibrilator, dealing @DamagePerTick*4@ magic damage each second for up to @Duration@ seconds to nearby enemies. While active he stores @GrayHealthStorage*100@% of damage taken as gray health and can Recast.

    Recast: Detonate the defibrilator, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. If this hits at least one champion, Dr. Mundo restores @GrayHealthBigMod*100@% of gray health. If only non-champions were hit, Dr. Mundo instead restores @GrayHealthSmallMod*100@% of gray health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Heart Zapper@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@CurrentHealthCost*100@% Current HealthDr. Mundo charges up a defibrilator, dealing @DamagePerTick*4@ magic damage each second for up to @Duration@ seconds to nearby enemies. While active he stores @GrayHealthStorage*100@% of damage taken as gray health and can Recast.

    Recast: Detonate the defibrilator, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. If this hits at least one champion, Dr. Mundo restores @GrayHealthBigMod*100@% of gray health. If only non-champions were hit, Dr. Mundo instead restores @GrayHealthSmallMod*100@% of gray health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage per Tick
    Damage Stored
    Recast Damage
    [ @DamagePerTick1Prefix@@DamagePerTick1@@DamagePerTick1Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick2Prefix@@DamagePerTick2@@DamagePerTick2Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick3Prefix@@DamagePerTick3@@DamagePerTick3Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick4Prefix@@DamagePerTick4@@DamagePerTick4Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick5Prefix@@DamagePerTick5@@DamagePerTick5Postfix@ ]
    [ @GrayHealthStorage1Prefix@@GrayHealthStorage1*100.000000@%@GrayHealthStorage1Postfix@ / @GrayHealthStorage2Prefix@@GrayHealthStorage2*100.000000@%@GrayHealthStorage2Postfix@ / @GrayHealthStorage3Prefix@@GrayHealthStorage3*100.000000@%@GrayHealthStorage3Postfix@ / @GrayHealthStorage4Prefix@@GrayHealthStorage4*100.000000@%@GrayHealthStorage4Postfix@ / @GrayHealthStorage5Prefix@@GrayHealthStorage5*100.000000@%@GrayHealthStorage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @RecastBaseDamage1Prefix@@RecastBaseDamage1@@RecastBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RecastBaseDamage2Prefix@@RecastBaseDamage2@@RecastBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RecastBaseDamage3Prefix@@RecastBaseDamage3@@RecastBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @RecastBaseDamage4Prefix@@RecastBaseDamage4@@RecastBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @RecastBaseDamage5Prefix@@RecastBaseDamage5@@RecastBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Heart Zapper@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@CurrentHealthCost*100@% Current HealthDr. Mundo charges up a defibrilator, dealing @DamagePerTick*4@ magic damage each second for up to @Duration@ seconds to nearby enemies. While active he stores @GrayHealthStorage*100@% of damage taken as gray health and can Recast.

    Recast: Detonate the defibrilator, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. If this hits at least one champion, Dr. Mundo restores @GrayHealthBigMod*100@% of gray health. If only non-champions were hit, Dr. Mundo instead restores @GrayHealthSmallMod*100@% of gray health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage per Tick
    Damage Stored
    Recast Damage
    @DamagePerTick@ -> @DamagePerTickNL@
    @GrayHealthStorage*100.000000@% -> @GrayHealthStorageNL*100.000000@%
    @RecastBaseDamage@ -> @RecastBaseDamageNL@
    Damage per Tick
    Damage Stored
    Recast Damage
    [ @DamagePerTick1Prefix@@DamagePerTick1@@DamagePerTick1Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick2Prefix@@DamagePerTick2@@DamagePerTick2Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick3Prefix@@DamagePerTick3@@DamagePerTick3Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick4Prefix@@DamagePerTick4@@DamagePerTick4Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick5Prefix@@DamagePerTick5@@DamagePerTick5Postfix@ ]
    [ @GrayHealthStorage1Prefix@@GrayHealthStorage1*100.000000@%@GrayHealthStorage1Postfix@ / @GrayHealthStorage2Prefix@@GrayHealthStorage2*100.000000@%@GrayHealthStorage2Postfix@ / @GrayHealthStorage3Prefix@@GrayHealthStorage3*100.000000@%@GrayHealthStorage3Postfix@ / @GrayHealthStorage4Prefix@@GrayHealthStorage4*100.000000@%@GrayHealthStorage4Postfix@ / @GrayHealthStorage5Prefix@@GrayHealthStorage5*100.000000@%@GrayHealthStorage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @RecastBaseDamage1Prefix@@RecastBaseDamage1@@RecastBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RecastBaseDamage2Prefix@@RecastBaseDamage2@@RecastBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RecastBaseDamage3Prefix@@RecastBaseDamage3@@RecastBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @RecastBaseDamage4Prefix@@RecastBaseDamage4@@RecastBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @RecastBaseDamage5Prefix@@RecastBaseDamage5@@RecastBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    Damage per Tick
    Damage Stored
    Recast Damage
    @DamagePerTick@ -> @DamagePerTickNL@
    @GrayHealthStorage*100.000000@% -> @GrayHealthStorageNL*100.000000@%
    @RecastBaseDamage@ -> @RecastBaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Heart Zapper@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@CurrentHealthCost*100@% Current HealthDr. Mundo charges up a defibrilator, dealing @DamagePerTick*4@ magic damage each second for up to @Duration@ seconds to nearby enemies. While active he stores @GrayHealthStorage*100@% of damage taken as gray health and can Recast.

    Recast: Detonate the defibrilator, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. If this hits at least one champion, Dr. Mundo restores @GrayHealthBigMod*100@% of gray health. If only non-champions were hit, Dr. Mundo instead restores @GrayHealthSmallMod*100@% of gray health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Heart Zapper@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@CurrentHealthCost*100@% Current HealthDr. Mundo charges up a defibrilator, dealing @DamagePerTick*4@ magic damage each second for up to @Duration@ seconds to nearby enemies. While active he stores @GrayHealthStorage*100@% of damage taken as gray health and can Recast.

    Recast: Detonate the defibrilator, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. If this hits at least one champion, Dr. Mundo restores @GrayHealthBigMod*100@% of gray health. If only non-champions were hit, Dr. Mundo instead restores @GrayHealthSmallMod*100@% of gray health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDraven throws his axes, dealing physical damage to targets hit and knocking them aside. Targets hit are slowed.Stand AsideStand Aside@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Stand Aside@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven chucks a sideways axe that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage, Knocks Back, and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Draven chucks a sideways axe that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage, Knocks Back, and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Stand Aside@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven chucks a sideways axe that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage, Knocks Back, and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Stand Aside@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven chucks a sideways axe that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage, Knocks Back, and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Stand Aside@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven chucks a sideways axe that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage, Knocks Back, and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Stand Aside@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven chucks a sideways axe that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage, Knocks Back, and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDraven gains increased Move Speed and Attack Speed. The Move Speed bonus decreases rapidly over its duration. Catching a Spinning Axe will refresh the cooldown of Blood Rush.Blood RushBlood Rush@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blood Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven becomes Ghosted, gains @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds and @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    When Draven catches a Spinning Axe, this Ability's cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Draven becomes Ghosted, gains @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds and @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    When Draven catches a Spinning Axe, this Ability's cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blood Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven becomes Ghosted, gains @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds and @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    When Draven catches a Spinning Axe, this Ability's cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Ghosted units can pass through other units.Attack Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Move Speed
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Blood Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven becomes Ghosted, gains @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds and @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    When Draven catches a Spinning Axe, this Ability's cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Move Speed
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Attack Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Move Speed
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Move Speed
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Blood Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven becomes Ghosted, gains @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds and @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    When Draven catches a Spinning Axe, this Ability's cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Blood Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven becomes Ghosted, gains @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds and @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    When Draven catches a Spinning Axe, this Ability's cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDraven hurls two massive axes to deal physical damage to each unit struck. Whirling Death slowly reverses direction and returns to Draven after striking an enemy champion. Draven may also activate this ability while the axes are in flight to cause it to return early. Deals less damage for each unit hit and resets when the axes reverse direction. Executes enemies who have less health than Draven's number of Adoration stacks.Whirling DeathWhirling Death@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Whirling Death@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven hurls two massive axes that deal @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage. Upon hitting a champion or Recasting, they reverse direction and return to Draven. The axes deal @RDamageReductionPerHit*100@% less damage for each enemy hit, down to a minimum of @RMinDamagePercent@%.

    If {{ Spell_DravenRCast_Name }} would leave an enemy champion with less health than @RPassiveStacksCoefficient*100@% of Draven's current {{Spell_DravenPassive_Name}} stacks (@RPassiveTrueDamage@), he will execute them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Draven hurls two massive axes that deal @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage. Upon hitting a champion or Recasting, they reverse direction and return to Draven. The axes deal @RDamageReductionPerHit*100@% less damage for each enemy hit, down to a minimum of @RMinDamagePercent@%.

    If {{ Spell_DravenRCast_Name }} would leave an enemy champion with less health than @RPassiveStacksCoefficient*100@% of Draven's current {{Spell_DravenPassive_Name}} stacks (@RPassiveTrueDamage@), he will execute them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Whirling Death@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven hurls two massive axes that deal @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage. Upon hitting a champion or Recasting, they reverse direction and return to Draven. The axes deal @RDamageReductionPerHit*100@% less damage for each enemy hit, down to a minimum of @RMinDamagePercent@%.

    If {{ Spell_DravenRCast_Name }} would leave an enemy champion with less health than @RPassiveStacksCoefficient*100@% of Draven's current {{Spell_DravenPassive_Name}} stacks (@RPassiveTrueDamage@), he will execute them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage falloff resets after reversing direction.
    Whirling Executes from League of Draven: @f1@
    Bonus AD Ratio
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RCoefficient1Prefix@@RCoefficient1*100.000000@%@RCoefficient1Postfix@ / @RCoefficient2Prefix@@RCoefficient2*100.000000@%@RCoefficient2Postfix@ / @RCoefficient3Prefix@@RCoefficient3*100.000000@%@RCoefficient3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Whirling Death@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven hurls two massive axes that deal @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage. Upon hitting a champion or Recasting, they reverse direction and return to Draven. The axes deal @RDamageReductionPerHit*100@% less damage for each enemy hit, down to a minimum of @RMinDamagePercent@%.

    If {{ Spell_DravenRCast_Name }} would leave an enemy champion with less health than @RPassiveStacksCoefficient*100@% of Draven's current {{Spell_DravenPassive_Name}} stacks (@RPassiveTrueDamage@), he will execute them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Bonus AD Ratio
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @RCoefficient*100.000000@% -> @RCoefficientNL*100.000000@%
    Bonus AD Ratio
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RCoefficient1Prefix@@RCoefficient1*100.000000@%@RCoefficient1Postfix@ / @RCoefficient2Prefix@@RCoefficient2*100.000000@%@RCoefficient2Postfix@ / @RCoefficient3Prefix@@RCoefficient3*100.000000@%@RCoefficient3Postfix@ ]
    Bonus AD Ratio
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @RCoefficient*100.000000@% -> @RCoefficientNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Whirling Death@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven hurls two massive axes that deal @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage. Upon hitting a champion or Recasting, they reverse direction and return to Draven. The axes deal @RDamageReductionPerHit*100@% less damage for each enemy hit, down to a minimum of @RMinDamagePercent@%.

    If {{ Spell_DravenRCast_Name }} would leave an enemy champion with less health than @RPassiveStacksCoefficient*100@% of Draven's current {{Spell_DravenPassive_Name}} stacks (@RPassiveTrueDamage@), he will execute them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Whirling Death@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven hurls two massive axes that deal @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage. Upon hitting a champion or Recasting, they reverse direction and return to Draven. The axes deal @RDamageReductionPerHit*100@% less damage for each enemy hit, down to a minimum of @RMinDamagePercent@%.

    If {{ Spell_DravenRCast_Name }} would leave an enemy champion with less health than @RPassiveStacksCoefficient*100@% of Draven's current {{Spell_DravenPassive_Name}} stacks (@RPassiveTrueDamage@), he will execute them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDraven's next attack will deal bonus physical damage. This axe will ricochet off the target high up into the air. If Draven catches it, he automatically readies another Spinning Axe. Draven can have two Spinning Axes at once.Spinning AxeSpinning Axe@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spinning Axe@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven readies a Spinning Axe, causing his next Attack to deal an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and ricochet into the air. If Draven catches it, he readies another Spinning Axe.

    Draven can hold two Spinning Axes at once.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Draven readies a Spinning Axe, causing his next Attack to deal an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and ricochet into the air. If Draven catches it, he readies another Spinning Axe.

    Draven can hold two Spinning Axes at once.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spinning Axe@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven readies a Spinning Axe, causing his next Attack to deal an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and ricochet into the air. If Draven catches it, he readies another Spinning Axe.

    Draven can hold two Spinning Axes at once.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Bonus AD Percentage
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Spinning Axe@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven readies a Spinning Axe, causing his next Attack to deal an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and ricochet into the air. If Draven catches it, he readies another Spinning Axe.

    Draven can hold two Spinning Axes at once.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Bonus AD Percentage
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Bonus AD Percentage
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Bonus AD Percentage
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Spinning Axe@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven readies a Spinning Axe, causing his next Attack to deal an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and ricochet into the air. If Draven catches it, he readies another Spinning Axe.

    Draven can hold two Spinning Axes at once.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Spinning Axe@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Draven readies a Spinning Axe, causing his next Attack to deal an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and ricochet into the air. If Draven catches it, he readies another Spinning Axe.

    Draven can hold two Spinning Axes at once.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEkko rolls evasively while charging up his Z-Drive. His next attack deals bonus damage and warps reality, teleporting him to his target.Phase DivePhase Dive@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Phase Dive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko dashes and empowers his next Attack to have bonus range, teleport him to his target, and deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ekko dashes and empowers his next Attack to have bonus range, teleport him to his target, and deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Phase Dive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko dashes and empowers his next Attack to have bonus range, teleport him to his target, and deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ekko can use any of his other Abilities during the dash.Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Phase Dive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko dashes and empowers his next Attack to have bonus range, teleport him to his target, and deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Phase Dive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko dashes and empowers his next Attack to have bonus range, teleport him to his target, and deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Phase Dive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko dashes and empowers his next Attack to have bonus range, teleport him to his target, and deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEkko throws a temporal grenade that expands into a time-distortion field upon hitting an enemy champion, slowing and damaging anyone caught inside. After a delay, the grenade rewinds back to Ekko, dealing damage on its return.TimewinderTimewinder@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Timewinder@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko throws a device dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. On hitting a champion or reaching the end of its range, it expands into a field that Slows enemies inside by @Effect2Amount*-100@%. After it expands, Ekko recalls it, dealing @RecallDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ekko throws a device dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. On hitting a champion or reaching the end of its range, it expands into a field that Slows enemies inside by @Effect2Amount*-100@%. After it expands, Ekko recalls it, dealing @RecallDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Timewinder@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko throws a device dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. On hitting a champion or reaching the end of its range, it expands into a field that Slows enemies inside by @Effect2Amount*-100@%. After it expands, Ekko recalls it, dealing @RecallDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Outgoing Damage
    Return Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Timewinder@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko throws a device dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. On hitting a champion or reaching the end of its range, it expands into a field that Slows enemies inside by @Effect2Amount*-100@%. After it expands, Ekko recalls it, dealing @RecallDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Outgoing Damage
    Return Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*-100.000000@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Outgoing Damage
    Return Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Outgoing Damage
    Return Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*-100.000000@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Timewinder@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko throws a device dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. On hitting a champion or reaching the end of its range, it expands into a field that Slows enemies inside by @Effect2Amount*-100@%. After it expands, Ekko recalls it, dealing @RecallDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Timewinder@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko throws a device dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. On hitting a champion or reaching the end of its range, it expands into a field that Slows enemies inside by @Effect2Amount*-100@%. After it expands, Ekko recalls it, dealing @RecallDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEkko shatters his timeline, becoming untargetable and rewinding to a more favorable point in time. He returns to whenever he was a few seconds ago, and heals for a percentage of the damage received in that duration. Enemies near his arrival zone take massive damage.ChronobreakChronobreak@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Chronobreak@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko turns back time, entering Stasis while teleporting to where he was 4 seconds ago and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. In addition, Ekko restores @TotalBaseHeal@ Health, increased by @PercentHealAmpPerPercentMissingHealth@% for each 1% Health he lost in last 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ekko turns back time, entering Stasis while teleporting to where he was 4 seconds ago and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. In addition, Ekko restores @TotalBaseHeal@ Health, increased by @PercentHealAmpPerPercentMissingHealth@% for each 1% Health he lost in last 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Chronobreak@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko turns back time, entering Stasis while teleporting to where he was 4 seconds ago and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. In addition, Ekko restores @TotalBaseHeal@ Health, increased by @PercentHealAmpPerPercentMissingHealth@% for each 1% Health he lost in last 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Units in Stasis cannot move or act, and are Invulnerable and Untargetable.Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @FlatHeal1Prefix@@FlatHeal1@@FlatHeal1Postfix@ / @FlatHeal2Prefix@@FlatHeal2@@FlatHeal2Postfix@ / @FlatHeal3Prefix@@FlatHeal3@@FlatHeal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Chronobreak@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko turns back time, entering Stasis while teleporting to where he was 4 seconds ago and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. In addition, Ekko restores @TotalBaseHeal@ Health, increased by @PercentHealAmpPerPercentMissingHealth@% for each 1% Health he lost in last 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @FlatHeal@ -> @FlatHealNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @FlatHeal1Prefix@@FlatHeal1@@FlatHeal1Postfix@ / @FlatHeal2Prefix@@FlatHeal2@@FlatHeal2Postfix@ / @FlatHeal3Prefix@@FlatHeal3@@FlatHeal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @FlatHeal@ -> @FlatHealNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Chronobreak@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko turns back time, entering Stasis while teleporting to where he was 4 seconds ago and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. In addition, Ekko restores @TotalBaseHeal@ Health, increased by @PercentHealAmpPerPercentMissingHealth@% for each 1% Health he lost in last 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Chronobreak@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ekko turns back time, entering Stasis while teleporting to where he was 4 seconds ago and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. In addition, Ekko restores @TotalBaseHeal@ Health, increased by @PercentHealAmpPerPercentMissingHealth@% for each 1% Health he lost in last 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEkko's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage to low health enemies. He can cast Parallel Convergence to split the timeline, creating an anomaly after a few seconds that slows enemies caught inside. If Ekko enters the anomaly, he gains shielding and stuns enemies by suspending them in time.Parallel Convergence@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Parallel Convergence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Ekko's Attacks against enemies below 30% Health deal @MissingHealthPercent@ missing Health magic damage.

    Active: Ekko launches a chronosphere lasting 1.5 seconds after a delay that Slows enemies inside by @Effect10Amount@%. If Ekko enters the sphere, he detonates it, Stunning for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and gaining @TotalShield@ Shield.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Ekko's Attacks against enemies below 30% Health deal @MissingHealthPercent@ missing Health magic damage.

    Active: Ekko launches a chronosphere lasting 1.5 seconds after a delay that Slows enemies inside by @Effect10Amount@%. If Ekko enters the sphere, he detonates it, Stunning for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and gaining @TotalShield@ Shield.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Parallel Convergence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Ekko's Attacks against enemies below 30% Health deal @MissingHealthPercent@ missing Health magic damage.

    Active: Ekko launches a chronosphere lasting 1.5 seconds after a delay that Slows enemies inside by @Effect10Amount@%. If Ekko enters the sphere, he detonates it, Stunning for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and gaining @TotalShield@ Shield.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Bonus Attack damage deals a min of @Effect6Amount@ and a max of @Effect5Amount@ damage against minions and monsters.Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Parallel Convergence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Ekko's Attacks against enemies below 30% Health deal @MissingHealthPercent@ missing Health magic damage.

    Active: Ekko launches a chronosphere lasting 1.5 seconds after a delay that Slows enemies inside by @Effect10Amount@%. If Ekko enters the sphere, he detonates it, Stunning for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and gaining @TotalShield@ Shield.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Parallel Convergence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Ekko's Attacks against enemies below 30% Health deal @MissingHealthPercent@ missing Health magic damage.

    Active: Ekko launches a chronosphere lasting 1.5 seconds after a delay that Slows enemies inside by @Effect10Amount@%. If Ekko enters the sphere, he detonates it, Stunning for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and gaining @TotalShield@ Shield.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Parallel Convergence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Ekko's Attacks against enemies below 30% Health deal @MissingHealthPercent@ missing Health magic damage.

    Active: Ekko launches a chronosphere lasting 1.5 seconds after a delay that Slows enemies inside by @Effect10Amount@%. If Ekko enters the sphere, he detonates it, Stunning for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and gaining @TotalShield@ Shield.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDamaging enemies causes them to burn with true damage for a few seconds. In addition, damaging an enemy champion at low health blasts them with Dragonfire, attempting to execute them.Aspect of The DragonAspect of The Dragon@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Aspect of The Dragon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Aspect of The Dragon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Aspect of The Dragon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Aspect of The Dragon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Aspect of The Dragon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHuman Form: Stuns the first enemy unit hit and reveals them if they are not stealthed.

    Spider Form: Elise and her Spiderlings ascend into the air and then descend upon target enemy. After descending on an enemy target, Elise's bonus damage and healing from Spider Queen is increased.Cocoon / RappelCocoon / Rappel@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cocoon / Rappel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Human Form: Elise fires a cocoon, Stunning and revealing the first enemy hit for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Human Form: Elise fires a cocoon, Stunning and revealing the first enemy hit for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_EliseHumanE_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_EliseSpiderE_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cocoon / Rappel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_EliseHumanE_Tooltip}}

    Stealthed enemies will not be revealed by the cocoon.Stun Duration
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Cocoon / Rappel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_EliseHumanE_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upStun Duration
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Stun Duration
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Stun Duration
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Cocoon / Rappel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_EliseHumanE_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Cocoon / Rappel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Human Form: Elise fires a cocoon, Stunning and revealing the first enemy hit for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHuman Form: Deals damage based upon how high the target's Health is.

    Spider Form: Lunges at an enemy and deals damage based upon how low their Health is.Neurotoxin / Venomous BiteNeurotoxin / Venomous Bite@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Neurotoxin / Venomous Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Human Form: Elise injects neurotoxin, dealing @Effect1Amount@ plus @HumanPercentHealth@ current Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Human Form: Elise injects neurotoxin, dealing @Effect1Amount@ plus @HumanPercentHealth@ current Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_EliseHumanQ_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_EliseSpiderQ_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Neurotoxin / Venomous Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_EliseHumanQ_Tooltip}}

    Human Form and Spider Form percent Health damage is capped at @Effect2Amount@ against monsters.Neurotoxin Damage
    Venomous Bite Damage
    Monster Damage Cap
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Neurotoxin / Venomous Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_EliseHumanQ_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upNeurotoxin Damage
    Venomous Bite Damage
    Monster Damage Cap
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Neurotoxin Damage
    Venomous Bite Damage
    Monster Damage Cap
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Neurotoxin Damage
    Venomous Bite Damage
    Monster Damage Cap
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Neurotoxin / Venomous Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_EliseHumanQ_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Neurotoxin / Venomous Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Human Form: Elise injects neurotoxin, dealing @Effect1Amount@ plus @HumanPercentHealth@ current Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHuman Form: Releases a venom-gorged Spiderling that explodes when it nears a target.

    Spider Form: Elise and her Spiderlings gain Attack Speed.Volatile Spiderling / Skittering FrenzyVolatile Spiderling / Skittering Frenzy@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Volatile Spiderling / Skittering Frenzy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Human Form: Elise summons an explosive spider that moves to a location and explodes when it nears an enemy or after 3 seconds. The spider deals @spell.EliseHumanW:TotalSpiderDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Human Form: Elise summons an explosive spider that moves to a location and explodes when it nears an enemy or after 3 seconds. The spider deals @spell.EliseHumanW:TotalSpiderDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_EliseHumanW_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_EliseSpiderW_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Volatile Spiderling / Skittering Frenzy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_EliseHumanW_Tooltip}}

    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Volatile Spiderling / Skittering Frenzy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_EliseHumanW_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Volatile Spiderling / Skittering Frenzy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_EliseHumanW_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Volatile Spiderling / Skittering Frenzy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Human Form: Elise summons an explosive spider that moves to a location and explodes when it nears an enemy or after 3 seconds. The spider deals @spell.EliseHumanW:TotalSpiderDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTransforms into Human Form, removing Spider Form bonuses but granting the ability to generate new Spiderlings by casting spells.Human FormHuman Form@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Human Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSpider Form: Elise returns to Human Form and all remaining Spiderlings become dormant.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Spider Form: Elise returns to Human Form and all remaining Spiderlings become dormant.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_EliseRSpider_Tooltip}}


    {{Spell_EliseR_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Human Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_EliseRSpider_Tooltip}}


    Spider Form Bite Damage
    Spiderling Bonus Damage
    Maximum Number of Spiderlings
    Spiderling Armor
    Spiderling Magic Resist
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Human Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_EliseRSpider_Tooltip}}


    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upSpider Form Bite Damage
    Spiderling Bonus Damage
    Maximum Number of Spiderlings
    Spiderling Armor
    Spiderling Magic Resist
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    Spider Form Bite Damage
    Spiderling Bonus Damage
    Maximum Number of Spiderlings
    Spiderling Armor
    Spiderling Magic Resist
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ ]
    Spider Form Bite Damage
    Spiderling Bonus Damage
    Maximum Number of Spiderlings
    Spiderling Armor
    Spiderling Magic Resist
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Human Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_EliseRSpider_Tooltip}}


    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Human Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSpider Form: Elise returns to Human Form and all remaining Spiderlings become dormant.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTransforms into a menacing spider, reducing her attack range in exchange for Move Speed, new abilities, and a Spiderling swarm that will attack her foes.Spider Form@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spider Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostHuman Form: Elise transforms into a menacing spider, becoming melee ranged, and gaining @Effect3Amount@ Move Speed and access to Spider Form Abilities. She also summons all dormant Spiderlings.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Human Form: Elise transforms into a menacing spider, becoming melee ranged, and gaining @Effect3Amount@ Move Speed and access to Spider Form Abilities. She also summons all dormant Spiderlings.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_EliseR_Tooltip}}


    {{Spell_EliseRSpider_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spider Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_EliseR_Tooltip}}


    Spider Form Bite Damage
    Spiderling Bonus Damage
    Maximum Number of Spiderlings
    Spiderling Armor
    Spiderling Magic Resist
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Spider Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_EliseR_Tooltip}}


    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upSpider Form Bite Damage
    Spiderling Bonus Damage
    Maximum Number of Spiderlings
    Spiderling Armor
    Spiderling Magic Resist
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Spider Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_EliseR_Tooltip}}


    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Spider Form@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostHuman Form: Elise transforms into a menacing spider, becoming melee ranged, and gaining @Effect3Amount@ Move Speed and access to Spider Form Abilities. She also summons all dormant Spiderlings.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoElise and her Spiderlings gain a burst of Attack Speed.Skittering Frenzy / Volatile SpiderlingSkittering Frenzy / Volatile Spiderling@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Skittering Frenzy / Volatile Spiderling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSpider Form Passive: Spiderlings gain @spell.EliseSpiderW:Effect5Amount@% Attack Speed.

    Spider Form Active: Elise grants herself and her Spiderlings @spell.EliseSpiderW:Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @spell.EliseSpiderW:Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Spider Form Passive: Spiderlings gain @spell.EliseSpiderW:Effect5Amount@% Attack Speed.

    Spider Form Active: Elise grants herself and her Spiderlings @spell.EliseSpiderW:Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @spell.EliseSpiderW:Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_EliseSpiderW_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_EliseHumanW_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Skittering Frenzy / Volatile Spiderling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_EliseSpiderW_Tooltip}}

    Spiderling Passive Attack Speed
    Active Attack Speed
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@%@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@%@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@%@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@%@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@%@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Skittering Frenzy / Volatile Spiderling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_EliseSpiderW_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upSpiderling Passive Attack Speed
    Active Attack Speed
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Spiderling Passive Attack Speed
    Active Attack Speed
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@%@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@%@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@%@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@%@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@%@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Spiderling Passive Attack Speed
    Active Attack Speed
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Skittering Frenzy / Volatile Spiderling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_EliseSpiderW_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Skittering Frenzy / Volatile Spiderling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSpider Form Passive: Spiderlings gain @spell.EliseSpiderW:Effect5Amount@% Attack Speed.

    Spider Form Active: Elise grants herself and her Spiderlings @spell.EliseSpiderW:Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @spell.EliseSpiderW:Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAshe fires a missile of ice in a straight line. If the arrow collides with an enemy Champion, it deals damage and stuns the Champion, stunning for longer the farther arrow has traveled. In addition, surrounding enemy units take damage and are slowed.Enchanted Crystal Arrow@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Enchanted Crystal Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe launches a crystal arrow of ice that Stuns the first champion hit and deals @RMainDamage@ magic damage. The Stun duration increases with distance travelled, up to @MaxStunDuration@ seconds. Surrounding enemies are slowed and take half damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ashe launches a crystal arrow of ice that Stuns the first champion hit and deals @RMainDamage@ magic damage. The Stun duration increases with distance travelled, up to @MaxStunDuration@ seconds. Surrounding enemies are slowed and take half damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Enchanted Crystal Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe launches a crystal arrow of ice that Stuns the first champion hit and deals @RMainDamage@ magic damage. The Stun duration increases with distance travelled, up to @MaxStunDuration@ seconds. Surrounding enemies are slowed and take half damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Minimum Stun duration is @MinStunDuration@ second.Damage
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Enchanted Crystal Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe launches a crystal arrow of ice that Stuns the first champion hit and deals @RMainDamage@ magic damage. The Stun duration increases with distance travelled, up to @MaxStunDuration@ seconds. Surrounding enemies are slowed and take half damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Enchanted Crystal Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe launches a crystal arrow of ice that Stuns the first champion hit and deals @RMainDamage@ magic damage. The Stun duration increases with distance travelled, up to @MaxStunDuration@ seconds. Surrounding enemies are slowed and take half damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Enchanted Crystal Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe launches a crystal arrow of ice that Stuns the first champion hit and deals @RMainDamage@ magic damage. The Stun duration increases with distance travelled, up to @MaxStunDuration@ seconds. Surrounding enemies are slowed and take half damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvelynn whips her target with her Lasher, dealing damage. She then gains Move Speed for a short duration.WhiplashWhiplash@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Whiplash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn whips an enemy, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @PercentHealthBaseTOOLTIP@ max Health magic damage. Evelynn gains @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Entering Demon Shade refreshes this Ability's cooldown and empowers it. When this Ability is empowered, Evelynn dashes to the target and deals @EmpoweredDamage@ plus @PercentHealthEmpoweredTOOLTIP@ max Health magic damage to her target and everyone she passes through instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Evelynn whips an enemy, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @PercentHealthBaseTOOLTIP@ max Health magic damage. Evelynn gains @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Entering Demon Shade refreshes this Ability's cooldown and empowers it. When this Ability is empowered, Evelynn dashes to the target and deals @EmpoweredDamage@ plus @PercentHealthEmpoweredTOOLTIP@ max Health magic damage to her target and everyone she passes through instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Whiplash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn whips an enemy, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @PercentHealthBaseTOOLTIP@ max Health magic damage. Evelynn gains @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Entering Demon Shade refreshes this Ability's cooldown and empowers it. When this Ability is empowered, Evelynn dashes to the target and deals @EmpoweredDamage@ plus @PercentHealthEmpoweredTOOLTIP@ max Health magic damage to her target and everyone she passes through instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability applies On-Hit Effects to the targeted enemy.Damage
    Empowered Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Whiplash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn whips an enemy, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @PercentHealthBaseTOOLTIP@ max Health magic damage. Evelynn gains @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Entering Demon Shade refreshes this Ability's cooldown and empowers it. When this Ability is empowered, Evelynn dashes to the target and deals @EmpoweredDamage@ plus @PercentHealthEmpoweredTOOLTIP@ max Health magic damage to her target and everyone she passes through instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Empowered Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Empowered Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Empowered Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Whiplash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn whips an enemy, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @PercentHealthBaseTOOLTIP@ max Health magic damage. Evelynn gains @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Entering Demon Shade refreshes this Ability's cooldown and empowers it. When this Ability is empowered, Evelynn dashes to the target and deals @EmpoweredDamage@ plus @PercentHealthEmpoweredTOOLTIP@ max Health magic damage to her target and everyone she passes through instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Whiplash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn whips an enemy, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @PercentHealthBaseTOOLTIP@ max Health magic damage. Evelynn gains @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Entering Demon Shade refreshes this Ability's cooldown and empowers it. When this Ability is empowered, Evelynn dashes to the target and deals @EmpoweredDamage@ plus @PercentHealthEmpoweredTOOLTIP@ max Health magic damage to her target and everyone she passes through instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvelynn strikes out with her Lasher, dealing damage to the first unit hit. Then, Evelynn can shoot a line of spikes at nearby foes up to 3 times.Hate SpikeHate Spike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hate Spike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn strikes with her Lasher, dealing @MissileDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and causing Evelynn's next 3 Attacks or Abilities on that unit to deal an additional @TotalBonusDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage. Evelynn can Recast this Ability up to 3 times.

    Recast: Evelynn fires spikes through the nearest enemy, dealing @MissileDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage to all enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Evelynn strikes with her Lasher, dealing @MissileDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and causing Evelynn's next 3 Attacks or Abilities on that unit to deal an additional @TotalBonusDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage. Evelynn can Recast this Ability up to 3 times.

    Recast: Evelynn fires spikes through the nearest enemy, dealing @MissileDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage to all enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hate Spike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn strikes with her Lasher, dealing @MissileDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and causing Evelynn's next 3 Attacks or Abilities on that unit to deal an additional @TotalBonusDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage. Evelynn can Recast this Ability up to 3 times.

    Recast: Evelynn fires spikes through the nearest enemy, dealing @MissileDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage to all enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The spikes prioritizes the target Evelynn is attacking.Lasher and Spike Damage
    Bonus Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Hate Spike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn strikes with her Lasher, dealing @MissileDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and causing Evelynn's next 3 Attacks or Abilities on that unit to deal an additional @TotalBonusDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage. Evelynn can Recast this Ability up to 3 times.

    Recast: Evelynn fires spikes through the nearest enemy, dealing @MissileDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage to all enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upLasher and Spike Damage
    Bonus Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Lasher and Spike Damage
    Bonus Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Lasher and Spike Damage
    Bonus Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Hate Spike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn strikes with her Lasher, dealing @MissileDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and causing Evelynn's next 3 Attacks or Abilities on that unit to deal an additional @TotalBonusDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage. Evelynn can Recast this Ability up to 3 times.

    Recast: Evelynn fires spikes through the nearest enemy, dealing @MissileDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage to all enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hate Spike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn strikes with her Lasher, dealing @MissileDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and causing Evelynn's next 3 Attacks or Abilities on that unit to deal an additional @TotalBonusDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage. Evelynn can Recast this Ability up to 3 times.

    Recast: Evelynn fires spikes through the nearest enemy, dealing @MissileDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage to all enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvelynn briefly goes untargetable and decimates the area in front of her before warping backwards a long distance.Last Caress@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Last Caress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn unleashes her demonic energy, dealing heavy damage, becoming Untargetable and teleporting backwards. She deals @Damage@ magic damage, increased to @CritDamage@ against enemies below 30% Health. Upon cast, set Demon Shade to a 1.25 second cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Evelynn unleashes her demonic energy, dealing heavy damage, becoming Untargetable and teleporting backwards. She deals @Damage@ magic damage, increased to @CritDamage@ against enemies below 30% Health. Upon cast, set Demon Shade to a 1.25 second cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Last Caress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn unleashes her demonic energy, dealing heavy damage, becoming Untargetable and teleporting backwards. She deals @Damage@ magic damage, increased to @CritDamage@ against enemies below 30% Health. Upon cast, set Demon Shade to a 1.25 second cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Reminder_Untargetable}}Damage
    Empowered Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*2.400000@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*2.400000@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*2.400000@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Last Caress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn unleashes her demonic energy, dealing heavy damage, becoming Untargetable and teleporting backwards. She deals @Damage@ magic damage, increased to @CritDamage@ against enemies below 30% Health. Upon cast, set Demon Shade to a 1.25 second cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Empowered Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount*2.400000@ -> @Effect1AmountNL*2.400000@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Empowered Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*2.400000@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*2.400000@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*2.400000@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Empowered Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount*2.400000@ -> @Effect1AmountNL*2.400000@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Last Caress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn unleashes her demonic energy, dealing heavy damage, becoming Untargetable and teleporting backwards. She deals @Damage@ magic damage, increased to @CritDamage@ against enemies below 30% Health. Upon cast, set Demon Shade to a 1.25 second cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Last Caress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn unleashes her demonic energy, dealing heavy damage, becoming Untargetable and teleporting backwards. She deals @Damage@ magic damage, increased to @CritDamage@ against enemies below 30% Health. Upon cast, set Demon Shade to a 1.25 second cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvelynn curses her target, causing her next attack or spell after a delay to charm her target and reduce their magic resist.AllureAllure@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Allure@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn marks a champion or monster for 5 seconds. If Evelynn hits the target with an Attack or Ability, she will expunge the mark, refund its cost, and Slow the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the mark lasts at least 2.5 seconds, expunging it has extra effects:
  1340. Against champions: Charms them for @CharmDuration@ second(s) and removes @MRShred*100@% Magic Resist for @ShredDuration@ seconds.
  1341. Against monsters: Charms them for @MonsterCharm@ seconds and deals @MonsterDamageTotalTOOLTIP@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Evelynn marks a champion or monster for 5 seconds. If Evelynn hits the target with an Attack or Ability, she will expunge the mark, refund its cost, and Slow the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the mark lasts at least 2.5 seconds, expunging it has extra effects:
  1342. Against champions: Charms them for @CharmDuration@ second(s) and removes @MRShred*100@% Magic Resist for @ShredDuration@ seconds.
  1343. Against monsters: Charms them for @MonsterCharm@ seconds and deals @MonsterDamageTotalTOOLTIP@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Allure@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn marks a champion or monster for 5 seconds. If Evelynn hits the target with an Attack or Ability, she will expunge the mark, refund its cost, and Slow the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the mark lasts at least 2.5 seconds, expunging it has extra effects:
  1344. Against champions: Charms them for @CharmDuration@ second(s) and removes @MRShred*100@% Magic Resist for @ShredDuration@ seconds.
  1345. Against monsters: Charms them for @MonsterCharm@ seconds and deals @MonsterDamageTotalTOOLTIP@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Using this Ability does not remove Evelynn from Demon Shade.Charm Duration
    Monster Charm Duration
    Magic Resist Shred
    Monster Damage
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MonsterCharm1Prefix@@MonsterCharm1@@MonsterCharm1Postfix@ / @MonsterCharm2Prefix@@MonsterCharm2@@MonsterCharm2Postfix@ / @MonsterCharm3Prefix@@MonsterCharm3@@MonsterCharm3Postfix@ / @MonsterCharm4Prefix@@MonsterCharm4@@MonsterCharm4Postfix@ / @MonsterCharm5Prefix@@MonsterCharm5@@MonsterCharm5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect9Amount1Prefix@@Effect9Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount2Prefix@@Effect9Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount3Prefix@@Effect9Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount4Prefix@@Effect9Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount5Prefix@@Effect9Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5@@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @CastRange1Prefix@@CastRange1@@CastRange1Postfix@ / @CastRange2Prefix@@CastRange2@@CastRange2Postfix@ / @CastRange3Prefix@@CastRange3@@CastRange3Postfix@ / @CastRange4Prefix@@CastRange4@@CastRange4Postfix@ / @CastRange5Prefix@@CastRange5@@CastRange5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Allure@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn marks a champion or monster for 5 seconds. If Evelynn hits the target with an Attack or Ability, she will expunge the mark, refund its cost, and Slow the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the mark lasts at least 2.5 seconds, expunging it has extra effects:
  1346. Against champions: Charms them for @CharmDuration@ second(s) and removes @MRShred*100@% Magic Resist for @ShredDuration@ seconds.
  1347. Against monsters: Charms them for @MonsterCharm@ seconds and deals @MonsterDamageTotalTOOLTIP@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCharm Duration
    Monster Charm Duration
    Magic Resist Shred
    Monster Damage
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @MonsterCharm@ -> @MonsterCharmNL@
    @Effect9Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect9AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @CastRange@ -> @CastRangeNL@
    Charm Duration
    Monster Charm Duration
    Magic Resist Shred
    Monster Damage
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MonsterCharm1Prefix@@MonsterCharm1@@MonsterCharm1Postfix@ / @MonsterCharm2Prefix@@MonsterCharm2@@MonsterCharm2Postfix@ / @MonsterCharm3Prefix@@MonsterCharm3@@MonsterCharm3Postfix@ / @MonsterCharm4Prefix@@MonsterCharm4@@MonsterCharm4Postfix@ / @MonsterCharm5Prefix@@MonsterCharm5@@MonsterCharm5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect9Amount1Prefix@@Effect9Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount2Prefix@@Effect9Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount3Prefix@@Effect9Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount4Prefix@@Effect9Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount5Prefix@@Effect9Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5@@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @CastRange1Prefix@@CastRange1@@CastRange1Postfix@ / @CastRange2Prefix@@CastRange2@@CastRange2Postfix@ / @CastRange3Prefix@@CastRange3@@CastRange3Postfix@ / @CastRange4Prefix@@CastRange4@@CastRange4Postfix@ / @CastRange5Prefix@@CastRange5@@CastRange5Postfix@ ]
    Charm Duration
    Monster Charm Duration
    Magic Resist Shred
    Monster Damage
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @MonsterCharm@ -> @MonsterCharmNL@
    @Effect9Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect9AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @CastRange@ -> @CastRangeNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Allure@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn marks a champion or monster for 5 seconds. If Evelynn hits the target with an Attack or Ability, she will expunge the mark, refund its cost, and Slow the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the mark lasts at least 2.5 seconds, expunging it has extra effects:
  1348. Against champions: Charms them for @CharmDuration@ second(s) and removes @MRShred*100@% Magic Resist for @ShredDuration@ seconds.
  1349. Against monsters: Charms them for @MonsterCharm@ seconds and deals @MonsterDamageTotalTOOLTIP@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Allure@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Evelynn marks a champion or monster for 5 seconds. If Evelynn hits the target with an Attack or Ability, she will expunge the mark, refund its cost, and Slow the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the mark lasts at least 2.5 seconds, expunging it has extra effects:
  1350. Against champions: Charms them for @CharmDuration@ second(s) and removes @MRShred*100@% Magic Resist for @ShredDuration@ seconds.
  1351. Against monsters: Charms them for @MonsterCharm@ seconds and deals @MonsterDamageTotalTOOLTIP@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoJanna conjures a defensive gale that shields an ally champion or turret from incoming damage and increases their Attack Damage.Eye Of The StormEye Of The Storm@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Eye Of The Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Janna gains @EmpowerPercent*100@% Heal and Shield Power for @EmpowerDuration@ seconds whenever she impairs an enemy champion's movement.

    Active: Janna grants an ally champion or turret @TotalShield@ Shield decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. While shielded, they gain @TotalAD@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Janna gains @EmpowerPercent*100@% Heal and Shield Power for @EmpowerDuration@ seconds whenever she impairs an enemy champion's movement.

    Active: Janna grants an ally champion or turret @TotalShield@ Shield decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. While shielded, they gain @TotalAD@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Eye Of The Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Janna gains @EmpowerPercent*100@% Heal and Shield Power for @EmpowerDuration@ seconds whenever she impairs an enemy champion's movement.

    Active: Janna grants an ally champion or turret @TotalShield@ Shield decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. While shielded, they gain @TotalAD@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shield Health
    Attack Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Eye Of The Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Janna gains @EmpowerPercent*100@% Heal and Shield Power for @EmpowerDuration@ seconds whenever she impairs an enemy champion's movement.

    Active: Janna grants an ally champion or turret @TotalShield@ Shield decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. While shielded, they gain @TotalAD@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Health
    Attack Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Shield Health
    Attack Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Health
    Attack Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Eye Of The Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Janna gains @EmpowerPercent*100@% Heal and Shield Power for @EmpowerDuration@ seconds whenever she impairs an enemy champion's movement.

    Active: Janna grants an ally champion or turret @TotalShield@ Shield decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. While shielded, they gain @TotalAD@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Eye Of The Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Janna gains @EmpowerPercent*100@% Heal and Shield Power for @EmpowerDuration@ seconds whenever she impairs an enemy champion's movement.

    Active: Janna grants an ally champion or turret @TotalShield@ Shield decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. While shielded, they gain @TotalAD@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEzreal teleports to a target nearby location and fires a homing bolt which strikes the nearest enemy unit. Prioritizes enemies stuck with Essence Flux.Arcane ShiftArcane Shift@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Arcane Shift@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal teleports then fires a bolt at the nearest enemy, dealing @Damage@ magic damage. The bolt prioritizes enemies affected by Essence Flux.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ezreal teleports then fires a bolt at the nearest enemy, dealing @Damage@ magic damage. The bolt prioritizes enemies affected by Essence Flux.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Arcane Shift@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal teleports then fires a bolt at the nearest enemy, dealing @Damage@ magic damage. The bolt prioritizes enemies affected by Essence Flux.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Arcane Shift@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal teleports then fires a bolt at the nearest enemy, dealing @Damage@ magic damage. The bolt prioritizes enemies affected by Essence Flux.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Arcane Shift@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal teleports then fires a bolt at the nearest enemy, dealing @Damage@ magic damage. The bolt prioritizes enemies affected by Essence Flux.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Arcane Shift@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal teleports then fires a bolt at the nearest enemy, dealing @Damage@ magic damage. The bolt prioritizes enemies affected by Essence Flux.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEzreal fires a damaging bolt of energy which reduces all of his cooldowns slightly if it strikes an enemy unit.Mystic Shot@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mystic Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a bolt of energy, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and reducing his Ability Cooldowns by @CDRefund@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ezreal fires a bolt of energy, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and reducing his Ability Cooldowns by @CDRefund@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mystic Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a bolt of energy, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and reducing his Ability Cooldowns by @CDRefund@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Mystic Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a bolt of energy, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and reducing his Ability Cooldowns by @CDRefund@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Mystic Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a bolt of energy, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and reducing his Ability Cooldowns by @CDRefund@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mystic Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a bolt of energy, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and reducing his Ability Cooldowns by @CDRefund@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Mystic Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a bolt of energy, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and reducing his Ability Cooldowns by @CDRefund@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@This Ability applies {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} effects.Cooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    Ezreal winds up before firing a powerful barrage of energy that deals massive damage to each unit it passes through (damage is reduced for minions and non-epic monsters).Trueshot BarrageTrueshot Barrage@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Trueshot Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a massive energy arc that deals @Damage@ magic damage. The arc deals @DamageReductionWaveclear.0*100@% damage to minions and non-epic jungle monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ezreal fires a massive energy arc that deals @Damage@ magic damage. The arc deals @DamageReductionWaveclear.0*100@% damage to minions and non-epic jungle monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Trueshot Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a massive energy arc that deals @Damage@ magic damage. The arc deals @DamageReductionWaveclear.0*100@% damage to minions and non-epic jungle monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Trueshot Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a massive energy arc that deals @Damage@ magic damage. The arc deals @DamageReductionWaveclear.0*100@% damage to minions and non-epic jungle monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Trueshot Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a massive energy arc that deals @Damage@ magic damage. The arc deals @DamageReductionWaveclear.0*100@% damage to minions and non-epic jungle monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Trueshot Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a massive energy arc that deals @Damage@ magic damage. The arc deals @DamageReductionWaveclear.0*100@% damage to minions and non-epic jungle monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEzreal fires an orb that sticks to the first champion or objective hit. If Ezreal hits an enemy with the orb, it detonates and deals damage.Essence FluxEssence Flux@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Essence Flux@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a magical orb that sticks to the first champion, structure, or epic jungle monster hit for @DetonationTimeout@ seconds. If Ezreal hits that target with an Attack or Ability, it detonates, dealing @Damage@ magic damage. Detonating with an Ability refunds the Mana cost of that Ability plus @ManaReturn@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ezreal fires a magical orb that sticks to the first champion, structure, or epic jungle monster hit for @DetonationTimeout@ seconds. If Ezreal hits that target with an Attack or Ability, it detonates, dealing @Damage@ magic damage. Detonating with an Ability refunds the Mana cost of that Ability plus @ManaReturn@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Essence Flux@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a magical orb that sticks to the first champion, structure, or epic jungle monster hit for @DetonationTimeout@ seconds. If Ezreal hits that target with an Attack or Ability, it detonates, dealing @Damage@ magic damage. Detonating with an Ability refunds the Mana cost of that Ability plus @ManaReturn@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Total AP Ratio
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @APRatio1Prefix@@APRatio1*100.000000@%@APRatio1Postfix@ / @APRatio2Prefix@@APRatio2*100.000000@%@APRatio2Postfix@ / @APRatio3Prefix@@APRatio3*100.000000@%@APRatio3Postfix@ / @APRatio4Prefix@@APRatio4*100.000000@%@APRatio4Postfix@ / @APRatio5Prefix@@APRatio5*100.000000@%@APRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Essence Flux@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a magical orb that sticks to the first champion, structure, or epic jungle monster hit for @DetonationTimeout@ seconds. If Ezreal hits that target with an Attack or Ability, it detonates, dealing @Damage@ magic damage. Detonating with an Ability refunds the Mana cost of that Ability plus @ManaReturn@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Total AP Ratio
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @APRatio*100.000000@% -> @APRatioNL*100.000000@%
    Total AP Ratio
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @APRatio1Prefix@@APRatio1*100.000000@%@APRatio1Postfix@ / @APRatio2Prefix@@APRatio2*100.000000@%@APRatio2Postfix@ / @APRatio3Prefix@@APRatio3*100.000000@%@APRatio3Postfix@ / @APRatio4Prefix@@APRatio4*100.000000@%@APRatio4Postfix@ / @APRatio5Prefix@@APRatio5*100.000000@%@APRatio5Postfix@ ]
    Total AP Ratio
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @APRatio*100.000000@% -> @APRatioNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Essence Flux@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a magical orb that sticks to the first champion, structure, or epic jungle monster hit for @DetonationTimeout@ seconds. If Ezreal hits that target with an Attack or Ability, it detonates, dealing @Damage@ magic damage. Detonating with an Ability refunds the Mana cost of that Ability plus @ManaReturn@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Essence Flux@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a magical orb that sticks to the first champion, structure, or epic jungle monster hit for @DetonationTimeout@ seconds. If Ezreal hits that target with an Attack or Ability, it detonates, dealing @Damage@ magic damage. Detonating with an Ability refunds the Mana cost of that Ability plus @ManaReturn@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDevours an enemy unit, dealing a high amount of true damage. If the target is killed, Cho'Gath grows, gaining maximum Health.Feast@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Feast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath ravenously feeds on an enemy, dealing @RDamage@ true damage to champions or @RMonsterDamage@ to minions or jungle monsters. If this kills the target, Cho'Gath gains a stack, which causes him to grow in size and gain @RHealthPerStack@ max Health. Only @RMinionMaxStacks@ stacks can be gained from minions and non-epic jungle monsters. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cho'Gath ravenously feeds on an enemy, dealing @RDamage@ true damage to champions or @RMonsterDamage@ to minions or jungle monsters. If this kills the target, Cho'Gath gains a stack, which causes him to grow in size and gain @RHealthPerStack@ max Health. Only @RMinionMaxStacks@ stacks can be gained from minions and non-epic jungle monsters. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_Feast_Tooltip}}

    Current minion and non-epic jungle monster stacks: @f3@/@RMinionMaxStacks@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Feast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_Feast_Tooltip}}

    Current minion and non-epic jungle monster stacks: @f3@/@RMinionMaxStacks@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Champion Damage
    Health per Stack
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RHealthPerStack1Prefix@@RHealthPerStack1@@RHealthPerStack1Postfix@ / @RHealthPerStack2Prefix@@RHealthPerStack2@@RHealthPerStack2Postfix@ / @RHealthPerStack3Prefix@@RHealthPerStack3@@RHealthPerStack3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Feast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_Feast_Tooltip}}

    Current minion and non-epic jungle monster stacks: @f3@/@RMinionMaxStacks@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upChampion Damage
    Health per Stack
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @RHealthPerStack@ -> @RHealthPerStackNL@
    Champion Damage
    Health per Stack
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RHealthPerStack1Prefix@@RHealthPerStack1@@RHealthPerStack1Postfix@ / @RHealthPerStack2Prefix@@RHealthPerStack2@@RHealthPerStack2Postfix@ / @RHealthPerStack3Prefix@@RHealthPerStack3@@RHealthPerStack3Postfix@ ]
    Champion Damage
    Health per Stack
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @RHealthPerStack@ -> @RHealthPerStackNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Feast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_Feast_Tooltip}}

    Current minion and non-epic jungle monster stacks: @f3@/@RMinionMaxStacks@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Feast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath ravenously feeds on an enemy, dealing @RDamage@ true damage to champions or @RMonsterDamage@ to minions or jungle monsters. If this kills the target, Cho'Gath gains a stack, which causes him to grow in size and gain @RHealthPerStack@ max Health. Only @RMinionMaxStacks@ stacks can be gained from minions and non-epic jungle monsters. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCho'Gath unleashes a terrible scream at enemies in a cone, dealing magic damage and Silencing enemies for a few seconds.Feral ScreamFeral Scream@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Feral Scream@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath roars, Silencing enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cho'Gath roars, Silencing enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Feral Scream@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath roars, Silencing enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Silence Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Feral Scream@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath roars, Silencing enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Silence Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Silence Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Silence Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Feral Scream@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath roars, Silencing enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Feral Scream@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath roars, Silencing enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAlistar lets out a wild roar, removing all crowd control effects on himself, and reducing incoming physical and magical damage for the duration.Unbreakable WillUnbreakable Will@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Unbreakable Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar immediately cleanses all Disabling effects and takes @RDamageReduction@% reduced damage for @RDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Alistar immediately cleanses all Disabling effects and takes @RDamageReduction@% reduced damage for @RDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Unbreakable Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar immediately cleanses all Disabling effects and takes @RDamageReduction@% reduced damage for @RDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    Damage Reduction
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RDamageReduction1Prefix@@RDamageReduction1@%@RDamageReduction1Postfix@ / @RDamageReduction2Prefix@@RDamageReduction2@%@RDamageReduction2Postfix@ / @RDamageReduction3Prefix@@RDamageReduction3@%@RDamageReduction3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Unbreakable Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar immediately cleanses all Disabling effects and takes @RDamageReduction@% reduced damage for @RDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Damage Reduction
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @RDamageReduction@% -> @RDamageReductionNL@%
    Damage Reduction
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RDamageReduction1Prefix@@RDamageReduction1@%@RDamageReduction1Postfix@ / @RDamageReduction2Prefix@@RDamageReduction2@%@RDamageReduction2Postfix@ / @RDamageReduction3Prefix@@RDamageReduction3@%@RDamageReduction3Postfix@ ]
    Damage Reduction
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @RDamageReduction@% -> @RDamageReductionNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Unbreakable Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar immediately cleanses all Disabling effects and takes @RDamageReduction@% reduced damage for @RDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Unbreakable Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar immediately cleanses all Disabling effects and takes @RDamageReduction@% reduced damage for @RDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFiddlesticks slashes an area with its scythe, slowing all enemies hit and silencing enemies hit in the center of the slash.ReapReap@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Reap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiddlesticks unleashes dark magic, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SilenceDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center are also Silenced for the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Fiddlesticks unleashes dark magic, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SilenceDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center are also Silenced for the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Reap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiddlesticks unleashes dark magic, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SilenceDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center are also Silenced for the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Reap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiddlesticks unleashes dark magic, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SilenceDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center are also Silenced for the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*-100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*-100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Reap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiddlesticks unleashes dark magic, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SilenceDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center are also Silenced for the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Reap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiddlesticks unleashes dark magic, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SilenceDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center are also Silenced for the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFiddlesticks damaging enemies with spells while unseen or targeting an enemy with Terrify's activation strikes a target unit with fear, causing it to flee in terror for a duration.TerrifyTerrify@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Terrify@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While unseen and out of combat or impersonating an Effigy, damaging an enemy with an ability Fears them for @FearDuration@ second(s).

    Active: Fear an enemy for @FearDuration@ second(s) and deal @TotalPercentHealthDamage@ current Health magic damage. If the target has recently been Feared by Fiddlesticks, instead deal @TotalPercentHealthDamageFeared@ current Health magic damage.
    Passive: While unseen and out of combat or impersonating an Effigy, damaging an enemy with an ability Fears them for @FearDuration@ second(s).

    Active: Fear an enemy for @FearDuration@ second(s) and deal @TotalPercentHealthDamage@ current Health magic damage. If the target has recently been Feared by Fiddlesticks, instead deal @TotalPercentHealthDamageFeared@ current Health magic damage.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Terrify@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While unseen and out of combat or impersonating an Effigy, damaging an enemy with an ability Fears them for @FearDuration@ second(s).

    Active: Fear an enemy for @FearDuration@ second(s) and deal @TotalPercentHealthDamage@ current Health magic damage. If the target has recently been Feared by Fiddlesticks, instead deal @TotalPercentHealthDamageFeared@ current Health magic damage.
    Deals a minimum of @MinimumDamage@ magic damage, or @MinimumDamage*2@ magic damage if the target has been recently Feared by Fiddlesticks.
    Deals a maximum of 400 magic damage to minions and jungle monsters.
    Current Health %
    [ @FearDuration1Prefix@@FearDuration1@@FearDuration1Postfix@ / @FearDuration2Prefix@@FearDuration2@@FearDuration2Postfix@ / @FearDuration3Prefix@@FearDuration3@@FearDuration3Postfix@ / @FearDuration4Prefix@@FearDuration4@@FearDuration4Postfix@ / @FearDuration5Prefix@@FearDuration5@@FearDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxHealthDamage1Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage1*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage2Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage2*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage3Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage3*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage3Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage4Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage4*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage4Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage5Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage5*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Terrify@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While unseen and out of combat or impersonating an Effigy, damaging an enemy with an ability Fears them for @FearDuration@ second(s).

    Active: Fear an enemy for @FearDuration@ second(s) and deal @TotalPercentHealthDamage@ current Health magic damage. If the target has recently been Feared by Fiddlesticks, instead deal @TotalPercentHealthDamageFeared@ current Health magic damage.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDuration
    Current Health %
    @FearDuration@ -> @FearDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @MaxHealthDamage*100.000000@% -> @MaxHealthDamageNL*100.000000@%
    Current Health %
    [ @FearDuration1Prefix@@FearDuration1@@FearDuration1Postfix@ / @FearDuration2Prefix@@FearDuration2@@FearDuration2Postfix@ / @FearDuration3Prefix@@FearDuration3@@FearDuration3Postfix@ / @FearDuration4Prefix@@FearDuration4@@FearDuration4Postfix@ / @FearDuration5Prefix@@FearDuration5@@FearDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxHealthDamage1Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage1*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage2Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage2*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage3Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage3*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage3Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage4Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage4*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage4Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage5Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage5*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage5Postfix@ ]
    Current Health %
    @FearDuration@ -> @FearDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @MaxHealthDamage*100.000000@% -> @MaxHealthDamageNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Terrify@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While unseen and out of combat or impersonating an Effigy, damaging an enemy with an ability Fears them for @FearDuration@ second(s).

    Active: Fear an enemy for @FearDuration@ second(s) and deal @TotalPercentHealthDamage@ current Health magic damage. If the target has recently been Feared by Fiddlesticks, instead deal @TotalPercentHealthDamageFeared@ current Health magic damage.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Terrify@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While unseen and out of combat or impersonating an Effigy, damaging an enemy with an ability Fears them for @FearDuration@ second(s).

    Active: Fear an enemy for @FearDuration@ second(s) and deal @TotalPercentHealthDamage@ current Health magic damage. If the target has recently been Feared by Fiddlesticks, instead deal @TotalPercentHealthDamageFeared@ current Health magic damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoA murder of crows flock wildly around Fiddlesticks, dealing damage per second to all enemy units in the area.CrowstormCrowstorm@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crowstorm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiddlesticks channels for @ChannelTime@ seconds, then teleports and unleashes a murder of crows, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Fiddlesticks channels for @ChannelTime@ seconds, then teleports and unleashes a murder of crows, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crowstorm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiddlesticks channels for @ChannelTime@ seconds, then teleports and unleashes a murder of crows, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage Per Second
    [ @DamagePerSecond1Prefix@@DamagePerSecond1@@DamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond2Prefix@@DamagePerSecond2@@DamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond3Prefix@@DamagePerSecond3@@DamagePerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Crowstorm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiddlesticks channels for @ChannelTime@ seconds, then teleports and unleashes a murder of crows, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Per Second
    @DamagePerSecond@ -> @DamagePerSecondNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Damage Per Second
    [ @DamagePerSecond1Prefix@@DamagePerSecond1@@DamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond2Prefix@@DamagePerSecond2@@DamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond3Prefix@@DamagePerSecond3@@DamagePerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Damage Per Second
    @DamagePerSecond@ -> @DamagePerSecondNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Crowstorm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiddlesticks channels for @ChannelTime@ seconds, then teleports and unleashes a murder of crows, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Crowstorm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiddlesticks channels for @ChannelTime@ seconds, then teleports and unleashes a murder of crows, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFiddlesticks drains health from nearby enemies, dealing bonus execute damage at the end of the duration.Bountiful HarvestBountiful Harvest@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bountiful Harvest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiddlesticks channels and drains the souls of nearby enemies, dealing @DrainDamageCalc@ magic damage per second for 2 seconds, plus @PercentForTooltip@% missing Health magic damage at the end. Fiddlesticks restores @VampPercentage@% of damage as Health.

    If Fiddlesticks ends the channel without interruption, the remaining Cooldown is reduced by 60%.
    Fiddlesticks channels and drains the souls of nearby enemies, dealing @DrainDamageCalc@ magic damage per second for 2 seconds, plus @PercentForTooltip@% missing Health magic damage at the end. Fiddlesticks restores @VampPercentage@% of damage as Health.

    If Fiddlesticks ends the channel without interruption, the remaining Cooldown is reduced by 60%.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bountiful Harvest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiddlesticks channels and drains the souls of nearby enemies, dealing @DrainDamageCalc@ magic damage per second for 2 seconds, plus @PercentForTooltip@% missing Health magic damage at the end. Fiddlesticks restores @VampPercentage@% of damage as Health.

    If Fiddlesticks ends the channel without interruption, the remaining Cooldown is reduced by 60%.
    Healing based on pre-mitigation damage.
    Against monsters, this Ability deals @MonsterDamageMod*100@% damage and heals @MonsterHealingMod*100@% of damage done.
    Against minions, this Ability deals @MinionDamageMod*100@% damage and heals @MinionHealingMod@% of damage done.
    Damage Per Second
    Percent Healed
    [ @DamagePerSecond1Prefix@@DamagePerSecond1@@DamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond2Prefix@@DamagePerSecond2@@DamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond3Prefix@@DamagePerSecond3@@DamagePerSecond3Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond4Prefix@@DamagePerSecond4@@DamagePerSecond4Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond5Prefix@@DamagePerSecond5@@DamagePerSecond5Postfix@ ]
    [ @VampPercentage1Prefix@@VampPercentage1@%@VampPercentage1Postfix@ / @VampPercentage2Prefix@@VampPercentage2@%@VampPercentage2Postfix@ / @VampPercentage3Prefix@@VampPercentage3@%@VampPercentage3Postfix@ / @VampPercentage4Prefix@@VampPercentage4@%@VampPercentage4Postfix@ / @VampPercentage5Prefix@@VampPercentage5@%@VampPercentage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bountiful Harvest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiddlesticks channels and drains the souls of nearby enemies, dealing @DrainDamageCalc@ magic damage per second for 2 seconds, plus @PercentForTooltip@% missing Health magic damage at the end. Fiddlesticks restores @VampPercentage@% of damage as Health.

    If Fiddlesticks ends the channel without interruption, the remaining Cooldown is reduced by 60%.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Per Second
    Percent Healed
    @DamagePerSecond@ -> @DamagePerSecondNL@
    @VampPercentage@% -> @VampPercentageNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Damage Per Second
    Percent Healed
    [ @DamagePerSecond1Prefix@@DamagePerSecond1@@DamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond2Prefix@@DamagePerSecond2@@DamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond3Prefix@@DamagePerSecond3@@DamagePerSecond3Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond4Prefix@@DamagePerSecond4@@DamagePerSecond4Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond5Prefix@@DamagePerSecond5@@DamagePerSecond5Postfix@ ]
    [ @VampPercentage1Prefix@@VampPercentage1@%@VampPercentage1Postfix@ / @VampPercentage2Prefix@@VampPercentage2@%@VampPercentage2Postfix@ / @VampPercentage3Prefix@@VampPercentage3@%@VampPercentage3Postfix@ / @VampPercentage4Prefix@@VampPercentage4@%@VampPercentage4Postfix@ / @VampPercentage5Prefix@@VampPercentage5@%@VampPercentage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Damage Per Second
    Percent Healed
    @DamagePerSecond@ -> @DamagePerSecondNL@
    @VampPercentage@% -> @VampPercentageNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Bountiful Harvest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiddlesticks channels and drains the souls of nearby enemies, dealing @DrainDamageCalc@ magic damage per second for 2 seconds, plus @PercentForTooltip@% missing Health magic damage at the end. Fiddlesticks restores @VampPercentage@% of damage as Health.

    If Fiddlesticks ends the channel without interruption, the remaining Cooldown is reduced by 60%.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bountiful Harvest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiddlesticks channels and drains the souls of nearby enemies, dealing @DrainDamageCalc@ magic damage per second for 2 seconds, plus @PercentForTooltip@% missing Health magic damage at the end. Fiddlesticks restores @VampPercentage@% of damage as Health.

    If Fiddlesticks ends the channel without interruption, the remaining Cooldown is reduced by 60%.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoFiora has increased attack speed for the next two attacks. The first attack slows the target, and the second attack will critically strike.BladeworkBladework@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bladework@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora gains @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed for her next two Attacks. The first Attack Slows by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ second. The second Attack always critically strikes for @f4@% damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Fiora gains @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed for her next two Attacks. The first Attack Slows by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ second. The second Attack always critically strikes for @f4@% damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bladework@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora gains @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed for her next two Attacks. The first Attack Slows by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ second. The second Attack always critically strikes for @f4@% damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Critical Strike Damage
    Attack Speed
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@%@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@%@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@%@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@%@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@%@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bladework@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora gains @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed for her next two Attacks. The first Attack Slows by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ second. The second Attack always critically strikes for @f4@% damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCritical Strike Damage
    Attack Speed
    @Effect6Amount@% -> @Effect6AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    Critical Strike Damage
    Attack Speed
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@%@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@%@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@%@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@%@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@%@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Critical Strike Damage
    Attack Speed
    @Effect6Amount@% -> @Effect6AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Bladework@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora gains @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed for her next two Attacks. The first Attack Slows by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ second. The second Attack always critically strikes for @f4@% damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bladework@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora gains @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed for her next two Attacks. The first Attack Slows by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ second. The second Attack always critically strikes for @f4@% damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFiora lunges in a direction and stabs a nearby enemy, dealing physical damage and applying on-hit effects.LungeLunge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lunge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora lunges in a direction and stabs the closest enemy, ward, or structure, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. The strike will prioritize Vitals and enemies it will kill.

    If Fiora strikes an enemy, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @Effect4Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Fiora lunges in a direction and stabs the closest enemy, ward, or structure, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. The strike will prioritize Vitals and enemies it will kill.

    If Fiora strikes an enemy, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @Effect4Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lunge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora lunges in a direction and stabs the closest enemy, ward, or structure, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. The strike will prioritize Vitals and enemies it will kill.

    If Fiora strikes an enemy, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @Effect4Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The strike applies On-Hit Effects.Damage
    Bonus AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Lunge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora lunges in a direction and stabs the closest enemy, ward, or structure, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. The strike will prioritize Vitals and enemies it will kill.

    If Fiora strikes an enemy, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @Effect4Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Bonus AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Bonus AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Bonus AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Lunge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora lunges in a direction and stabs the closest enemy, ward, or structure, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. The strike will prioritize Vitals and enemies it will kill.

    If Fiora strikes an enemy, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @Effect4Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Lunge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora lunges in a direction and stabs the closest enemy, ward, or structure, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. The strike will prioritize Vitals and enemies it will kill.

    If Fiora strikes an enemy, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @Effect4Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoFiora reveals all four Vitals on an enemy champion and gains Move Speed while near them. If Fiora hits all 4 Vitals or if the target dies after she has hit at least one, Fiora and her allies in the area are healed over the next few seconds.Grand ChallengeGrand Challenge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Grand Challenge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: {{Spell_FioraPassive_Name}} Move Speed bonus is increased to @PercentMS@%.

    Active: Fiora reveals all 4 Vitals on a champion for a max of @spell.FioraPassive:RDamageTotal@ max Health true damage and gains {{Spell_FioraPassive_Name}}'s Move Speed bonus while near the target.

    If Fiora strikes all 4 Vitals within @MarkDuration@ seconds or if the target dies after she has hit at least one, Fiora restores @HealPerSecondCalc@ Health per second to surrounding allied champions for between @MinHealDuration@ to @HealDuration@ seconds, scaling with the number of Vitals hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: {{Spell_FioraPassive_Name}} Move Speed bonus is increased to @PercentMS@%.

    Active: Fiora reveals all 4 Vitals on a champion for a max of @spell.FioraPassive:RDamageTotal@ max Health true damage and gains {{Spell_FioraPassive_Name}}'s Move Speed bonus while near the target.

    If Fiora strikes all 4 Vitals within @MarkDuration@ seconds or if the target dies after she has hit at least one, Fiora restores @HealPerSecondCalc@ Health per second to surrounding allied champions for between @MinHealDuration@ to @HealDuration@ seconds, scaling with the number of Vitals hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Grand Challenge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: {{Spell_FioraPassive_Name}} Move Speed bonus is increased to @PercentMS@%.

    Active: Fiora reveals all 4 Vitals on a champion for a max of @spell.FioraPassive:RDamageTotal@ max Health true damage and gains {{Spell_FioraPassive_Name}}'s Move Speed bonus while near the target.

    If Fiora strikes all 4 Vitals within @MarkDuration@ seconds or if the target dies after she has hit at least one, Fiora restores @HealPerSecondCalc@ Health per second to surrounding allied champions for between @MinHealDuration@ to @HealDuration@ seconds, scaling with the number of Vitals hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Duelist Move Speed
    Heal Per Second
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Grand Challenge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: {{Spell_FioraPassive_Name}} Move Speed bonus is increased to @PercentMS@%.

    Active: Fiora reveals all 4 Vitals on a champion for a max of @spell.FioraPassive:RDamageTotal@ max Health true damage and gains {{Spell_FioraPassive_Name}}'s Move Speed bonus while near the target.

    If Fiora strikes all 4 Vitals within @MarkDuration@ seconds or if the target dies after she has hit at least one, Fiora restores @HealPerSecondCalc@ Health per second to surrounding allied champions for between @MinHealDuration@ to @HealDuration@ seconds, scaling with the number of Vitals hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Duelist Move Speed
    Heal Per Second
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    Duelist Move Speed
    Heal Per Second
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ ]
    Duelist Move Speed
    Heal Per Second
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Grand Challenge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: {{Spell_FioraPassive_Name}} Move Speed bonus is increased to @PercentMS@%.

    Active: Fiora reveals all 4 Vitals on a champion for a max of @spell.FioraPassive:RDamageTotal@ max Health true damage and gains {{Spell_FioraPassive_Name}}'s Move Speed bonus while near the target.

    If Fiora strikes all 4 Vitals within @MarkDuration@ seconds or if the target dies after she has hit at least one, Fiora restores @HealPerSecondCalc@ Health per second to surrounding allied champions for between @MinHealDuration@ to @HealDuration@ seconds, scaling with the number of Vitals hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Grand Challenge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: {{Spell_FioraPassive_Name}} Move Speed bonus is increased to @PercentMS@%.

    Active: Fiora reveals all 4 Vitals on a champion for a max of @spell.FioraPassive:RDamageTotal@ max Health true damage and gains {{Spell_FioraPassive_Name}}'s Move Speed bonus while near the target.

    If Fiora strikes all 4 Vitals within @MarkDuration@ seconds or if the target dies after she has hit at least one, Fiora restores @HealPerSecondCalc@ Health per second to surrounding allied champions for between @MinHealDuration@ to @HealDuration@ seconds, scaling with the number of Vitals hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoFiora parries all incoming damage and disables for a short time, then stabs in a direction. This stab slows the first enemy champion hit, or stuns them if Fiora blocked an immobilizing effect with this ability.Riposte@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Riposte@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora parries all incoming damage, disables, and negative effects for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, then stabs. The stab deals @StabDamage@ magic damage to the first champion hit and Slows both Move Speed and Attack Speed by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. If Fiora parries an Immobilizing effect, the stabbed enemy is Stunned rather than Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Fiora parries all incoming damage, disables, and negative effects for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, then stabs. The stab deals @StabDamage@ magic damage to the first champion hit and Slows both Move Speed and Attack Speed by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. If Fiora parries an Immobilizing effect, the stabbed enemy is Stunned rather than Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Riposte@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora parries all incoming damage, disables, and negative effects for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, then stabs. The stab deals @StabDamage@ magic damage to the first champion hit and Slows both Move Speed and Attack Speed by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. If Fiora parries an Immobilizing effect, the stabbed enemy is Stunned rather than Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Riposte@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora parries all incoming damage, disables, and negative effects for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, then stabs. The stab deals @StabDamage@ magic damage to the first champion hit and Slows both Move Speed and Attack Speed by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. If Fiora parries an Immobilizing effect, the stabbed enemy is Stunned rather than Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Riposte@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora parries all incoming damage, disables, and negative effects for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, then stabs. The stab deals @StabDamage@ magic damage to the first champion hit and Slows both Move Speed and Attack Speed by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. If Fiora parries an Immobilizing effect, the stabbed enemy is Stunned rather than Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Riposte@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fiora parries all incoming damage, disables, and negative effects for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, then stabs. The stab deals @StabDamage@ magic damage to the first champion hit and Slows both Move Speed and Attack Speed by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. If Fiora parries an Immobilizing effect, the stabbed enemy is Stunned rather than Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFizz hops into the air, landing gracefully upon his spear and becoming untargetable. From this position, Fizz can either slam the ground or choose to jump again before smashing back down.Playful / TricksterPlayful / Trickster@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Playful / Trickster@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fizz hops onto his trident, becoming Untargetable for 0.75 seconds, after which he deals @EDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Slows them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Fizz can Recast this Ability while Untargetable to dash again, which ends the effect early, deals damage in a smaller area, and doesn't Slow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Fizz hops onto his trident, becoming Untargetable for 0.75 seconds, after which he deals @EDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Slows them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Fizz can Recast this Ability while Untargetable to dash again, which ends the effect early, deals damage in a smaller area, and doesn't Slow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Playful / Trickster@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fizz hops onto his trident, becoming Untargetable for 0.75 seconds, after which he deals @EDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Slows them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Fizz can Recast this Ability while Untargetable to dash again, which ends the effect early, deals damage in a smaller area, and doesn't Slow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Playful / Trickster@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fizz hops onto his trident, becoming Untargetable for 0.75 seconds, after which he deals @EDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Slows them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Fizz can Recast this Ability while Untargetable to dash again, which ends the effect early, deals damage in a smaller area, and doesn't Slow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Playful / Trickster@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fizz hops onto his trident, becoming Untargetable for 0.75 seconds, after which he deals @EDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Slows them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Fizz can Recast this Ability while Untargetable to dash again, which ends the effect early, deals damage in a smaller area, and doesn't Slow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Playful / Trickster@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fizz hops onto his trident, becoming Untargetable for 0.75 seconds, after which he deals @EDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Slows them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Fizz can Recast this Ability while Untargetable to dash again, which ends the effect early, deals damage in a smaller area, and doesn't Slow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoFizz dashes through his target, dealing magic damage and applying on hit effects.Urchin StrikeUrchin Strike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Urchin Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fizz dashes through an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage plus @QDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Fizz dashes through an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage plus @QDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Urchin Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fizz dashes through an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage plus @QDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@This Ability applies On-Hit effects.Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Urchin Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fizz dashes through an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage plus @QDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Urchin Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fizz dashes through an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage plus @QDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Urchin Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fizz dashes through an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage plus @QDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFizz tosses a fish in a direction that attaches to any champion that touches it, slowing the target. After a short delay, a shark erupts from the ground, knocking up the target and knocking any nearby enemies aside. All enemies hit are dealt magic damage and slowed.Chum the WatersChum the Waters@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Chum the Waters@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fizz launches a fish that attaches to the first champion hit. The victim is afflicted with True Sight and Slowed by between 40% to 80% based on how far the fish travelled before attaching.

    After @DetonationTime@ seconds a shark erupts on the target, Knocking Up the target with the fish for 1 second, Knocking Back everything else, and dealing between @SmallSharkDamage@ to @BigSharkDamage@ magic damage based on how far the fish travelled before attaching.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Fizz launches a fish that attaches to the first champion hit. The victim is afflicted with True Sight and Slowed by between 40% to 80% based on how far the fish travelled before attaching.

    After @DetonationTime@ seconds a shark erupts on the target, Knocking Up the target with the fish for 1 second, Knocking Back everything else, and dealing between @SmallSharkDamage@ to @BigSharkDamage@ magic damage based on how far the fish travelled before attaching.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Chum the Waters@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fizz launches a fish that attaches to the first champion hit. The victim is afflicted with True Sight and Slowed by between 40% to 80% based on how far the fish travelled before attaching.

    After @DetonationTime@ seconds a shark erupts on the target, Knocking Up the target with the fish for 1 second, Knocking Back everything else, and dealing between @SmallSharkDamage@ to @BigSharkDamage@ magic damage based on how far the fish travelled before attaching.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Small Shark Damage
    Medium Shark Damage
    Big Shark Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SmallDamage1Prefix@@SmallDamage1@@SmallDamage1Postfix@ / @SmallDamage2Prefix@@SmallDamage2@@SmallDamage2Postfix@ / @SmallDamage3Prefix@@SmallDamage3@@SmallDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MidDamage1Prefix@@MidDamage1@@MidDamage1Postfix@ / @MidDamage2Prefix@@MidDamage2@@MidDamage2Postfix@ / @MidDamage3Prefix@@MidDamage3@@MidDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BigDamage1Prefix@@BigDamage1@@BigDamage1Postfix@ / @BigDamage2Prefix@@BigDamage2@@BigDamage2Postfix@ / @BigDamage3Prefix@@BigDamage3@@BigDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Chum the Waters@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fizz launches a fish that attaches to the first champion hit. The victim is afflicted with True Sight and Slowed by between 40% to 80% based on how far the fish travelled before attaching.

    After @DetonationTime@ seconds a shark erupts on the target, Knocking Up the target with the fish for 1 second, Knocking Back everything else, and dealing between @SmallSharkDamage@ to @BigSharkDamage@ magic damage based on how far the fish travelled before attaching.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Small Shark Damage
    Medium Shark Damage
    Big Shark Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @SmallDamage@ -> @SmallDamageNL@
    @MidDamage@ -> @MidDamageNL@
    @BigDamage@ -> @BigDamageNL@
    Small Shark Damage
    Medium Shark Damage
    Big Shark Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SmallDamage1Prefix@@SmallDamage1@@SmallDamage1Postfix@ / @SmallDamage2Prefix@@SmallDamage2@@SmallDamage2Postfix@ / @SmallDamage3Prefix@@SmallDamage3@@SmallDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MidDamage1Prefix@@MidDamage1@@MidDamage1Postfix@ / @MidDamage2Prefix@@MidDamage2@@MidDamage2Postfix@ / @MidDamage3Prefix@@MidDamage3@@MidDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BigDamage1Prefix@@BigDamage1@@BigDamage1Postfix@ / @BigDamage2Prefix@@BigDamage2@@BigDamage2Postfix@ / @BigDamage3Prefix@@BigDamage3@@BigDamage3Postfix@ ]
    Small Shark Damage
    Medium Shark Damage
    Big Shark Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @SmallDamage@ -> @SmallDamageNL@
    @MidDamage@ -> @MidDamageNL@
    @BigDamage@ -> @BigDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Chum the Waters@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fizz launches a fish that attaches to the first champion hit. The victim is afflicted with True Sight and Slowed by between 40% to 80% based on how far the fish travelled before attaching.

    After @DetonationTime@ seconds a shark erupts on the target, Knocking Up the target with the fish for 1 second, Knocking Back everything else, and dealing between @SmallSharkDamage@ to @BigSharkDamage@ magic damage based on how far the fish travelled before attaching.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Chum the Waters@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fizz launches a fish that attaches to the first champion hit. The victim is afflicted with True Sight and Slowed by between 40% to 80% based on how far the fish travelled before attaching.

    After @DetonationTime@ seconds a shark erupts on the target, Knocking Up the target with the fish for 1 second, Knocking Back everything else, and dealing between @SmallSharkDamage@ to @BigSharkDamage@ magic damage based on how far the fish travelled before attaching.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoFizz's attacks bleed his enemies, dealing magic damage over several seconds. Fizz can empower his next attack to deal bonus damage and empower his further attacks for a short time.Seastone TridentSeastone Trident@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Seastone Trident@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Fizz's Attacks cause his enemies to bleed, dealing @DoTDamage@ magic damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds.

    Active: Fizz's next Attack deals an additional @ActiveDamage@ magic damage. If this Attack kills its target, Fizz refunds @OnKillManaRefund@ Mana and reduces the cooldown of this Ability to @OnKillNewCooldown@ second. If it does not kill, Fizz's Attacks deal an additional @OnHitBuffDamage@ magic damage for @OnHitBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Fizz's Attacks cause his enemies to bleed, dealing @DoTDamage@ magic damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds.

    Active: Fizz's next Attack deals an additional @ActiveDamage@ magic damage. If this Attack kills its target, Fizz refunds @OnKillManaRefund@ Mana and reduces the cooldown of this Ability to @OnKillNewCooldown@ second. If it does not kill, Fizz's Attacks deal an additional @OnHitBuffDamage@ magic damage for @OnHitBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Seastone Trident@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Fizz's Attacks cause his enemies to bleed, dealing @DoTDamage@ magic damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds.

    Active: Fizz's next Attack deals an additional @ActiveDamage@ magic damage. If this Attack kills its target, Fizz refunds @OnKillManaRefund@ Mana and reduces the cooldown of this Ability to @OnKillNewCooldown@ second. If it does not kill, Fizz's Attacks deal an additional @OnHitBuffDamage@ magic damage for @OnHitBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive Damage
    Active Damage
    On-Hit Damage
    Mana Refund
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @DoTBaseDamage1Prefix@@DoTBaseDamage1@@DoTBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @DoTBaseDamage2Prefix@@DoTBaseDamage2@@DoTBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @DoTBaseDamage3Prefix@@DoTBaseDamage3@@DoTBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @DoTBaseDamage4Prefix@@DoTBaseDamage4@@DoTBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @DoTBaseDamage5Prefix@@DoTBaseDamage5@@DoTBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveBaseDamage1Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage1@@ActiveBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage2Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage2@@ActiveBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage3Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage3@@ActiveBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage4Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage4@@ActiveBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage5Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage5@@ActiveBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @OnHitBuffBaseDamage1Prefix@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage1@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @OnHitBuffBaseDamage2Prefix@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage2@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @OnHitBuffBaseDamage3Prefix@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage3@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @OnHitBuffBaseDamage4Prefix@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage4@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @OnHitBuffBaseDamage5Prefix@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage5@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @OnKillManaRefund1Prefix@@OnKillManaRefund1@@OnKillManaRefund1Postfix@ / @OnKillManaRefund2Prefix@@OnKillManaRefund2@@OnKillManaRefund2Postfix@ / @OnKillManaRefund3Prefix@@OnKillManaRefund3@@OnKillManaRefund3Postfix@ / @OnKillManaRefund4Prefix@@OnKillManaRefund4@@OnKillManaRefund4Postfix@ / @OnKillManaRefund5Prefix@@OnKillManaRefund5@@OnKillManaRefund5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Seastone Trident@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Fizz's Attacks cause his enemies to bleed, dealing @DoTDamage@ magic damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds.

    Active: Fizz's next Attack deals an additional @ActiveDamage@ magic damage. If this Attack kills its target, Fizz refunds @OnKillManaRefund@ Mana and reduces the cooldown of this Ability to @OnKillNewCooldown@ second. If it does not kill, Fizz's Attacks deal an additional @OnHitBuffDamage@ magic damage for @OnHitBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPassive Damage
    Active Damage
    On-Hit Damage
    Mana Refund
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @DoTBaseDamage@ -> @DoTBaseDamageNL@
    @ActiveBaseDamage@ -> @ActiveBaseDamageNL@
    @OnHitBuffBaseDamage@ -> @OnHitBuffBaseDamageNL@
    @OnKillManaRefund@ -> @OnKillManaRefundNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Passive Damage
    Active Damage
    On-Hit Damage
    Mana Refund
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @DoTBaseDamage1Prefix@@DoTBaseDamage1@@DoTBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @DoTBaseDamage2Prefix@@DoTBaseDamage2@@DoTBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @DoTBaseDamage3Prefix@@DoTBaseDamage3@@DoTBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @DoTBaseDamage4Prefix@@DoTBaseDamage4@@DoTBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @DoTBaseDamage5Prefix@@DoTBaseDamage5@@DoTBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveBaseDamage1Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage1@@ActiveBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage2Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage2@@ActiveBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage3Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage3@@ActiveBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage4Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage4@@ActiveBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage5Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage5@@ActiveBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @OnHitBuffBaseDamage1Prefix@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage1@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @OnHitBuffBaseDamage2Prefix@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage2@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @OnHitBuffBaseDamage3Prefix@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage3@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @OnHitBuffBaseDamage4Prefix@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage4@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @OnHitBuffBaseDamage5Prefix@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage5@@OnHitBuffBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @OnKillManaRefund1Prefix@@OnKillManaRefund1@@OnKillManaRefund1Postfix@ / @OnKillManaRefund2Prefix@@OnKillManaRefund2@@OnKillManaRefund2Postfix@ / @OnKillManaRefund3Prefix@@OnKillManaRefund3@@OnKillManaRefund3Postfix@ / @OnKillManaRefund4Prefix@@OnKillManaRefund4@@OnKillManaRefund4Postfix@ / @OnKillManaRefund5Prefix@@OnKillManaRefund5@@OnKillManaRefund5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Passive Damage
    Active Damage
    On-Hit Damage
    Mana Refund
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @DoTBaseDamage@ -> @DoTBaseDamageNL@
    @ActiveBaseDamage@ -> @ActiveBaseDamageNL@
    @OnHitBuffBaseDamage@ -> @OnHitBuffBaseDamageNL@
    @OnKillManaRefund@ -> @OnKillManaRefundNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Seastone Trident@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Fizz's Attacks cause his enemies to bleed, dealing @DoTDamage@ magic damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds.

    Active: Fizz's next Attack deals an additional @ActiveDamage@ magic damage. If this Attack kills its target, Fizz refunds @OnKillManaRefund@ Mana and reduces the cooldown of this Ability to @OnKillNewCooldown@ second. If it does not kill, Fizz's Attacks deal an additional @OnHitBuffDamage@ magic damage for @OnHitBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Seastone Trident@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Fizz's Attacks cause his enemies to bleed, dealing @DoTDamage@ magic damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds.

    Active: Fizz's next Attack deals an additional @ActiveDamage@ magic damage. If this Attack kills its target, Fizz refunds @OnKillManaRefund@ Mana and reduces the cooldown of this Ability to @OnKillNewCooldown@ second. If it does not kill, Fizz's Attacks deal an additional @OnHitBuffDamage@ magic damage for @OnHitBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAnivia brings her wings together and summons a sphere of ice that flies towards her opponents, chilling and damaging anyone in its path. When the sphere explodes it does moderate damage in a radius, stunning anyone in the area.Flash FrostFlash Frost@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Flash Frost@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia fires a massive chunk of ice, dealing @TotalPassthroughDamage@ magic damage and Chilling enemies for @SlowDuration@ seconds, Slowing them by @Spell.GlacialStorm:SlowAmount@%. At the end of its range, the ice detonates, Stunning enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalExplosionDamage@ magic damage.

    Anivia can Recast this ability while the ice flies to detonate it early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Anivia fires a massive chunk of ice, dealing @TotalPassthroughDamage@ magic damage and Chilling enemies for @SlowDuration@ seconds, Slowing them by @Spell.GlacialStorm:SlowAmount@%. At the end of its range, the ice detonates, Stunning enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalExplosionDamage@ magic damage.

    Anivia can Recast this ability while the ice flies to detonate it early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Flash Frost@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia fires a massive chunk of ice, dealing @TotalPassthroughDamage@ magic damage and Chilling enemies for @SlowDuration@ seconds, Slowing them by @Spell.GlacialStorm:SlowAmount@%. At the end of its range, the ice detonates, Stunning enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalExplosionDamage@ magic damage.

    Anivia can Recast this ability while the ice flies to detonate it early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Detonation Damage
    Stun Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @PassthroughBaseDamage1Prefix@@PassthroughBaseDamage1@@PassthroughBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @PassthroughBaseDamage2Prefix@@PassthroughBaseDamage2@@PassthroughBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @PassthroughBaseDamage3Prefix@@PassthroughBaseDamage3@@PassthroughBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @PassthroughBaseDamage4Prefix@@PassthroughBaseDamage4@@PassthroughBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @PassthroughBaseDamage5Prefix@@PassthroughBaseDamage5@@PassthroughBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ExplosionBaseDamage1Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage1@@ExplosionBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage2Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage2@@ExplosionBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage3Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage3@@ExplosionBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage4Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage4@@ExplosionBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage5Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage5@@ExplosionBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ / @StunDuration4Prefix@@StunDuration4@@StunDuration4Postfix@ / @StunDuration5Prefix@@StunDuration5@@StunDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Flash Frost@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia fires a massive chunk of ice, dealing @TotalPassthroughDamage@ magic damage and Chilling enemies for @SlowDuration@ seconds, Slowing them by @Spell.GlacialStorm:SlowAmount@%. At the end of its range, the ice detonates, Stunning enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalExplosionDamage@ magic damage.

    Anivia can Recast this ability while the ice flies to detonate it early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Detonation Damage
    Stun Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @PassthroughBaseDamage@ -> @PassthroughBaseDamageNL@
    @ExplosionBaseDamage@ -> @ExplosionBaseDamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Detonation Damage
    Stun Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @PassthroughBaseDamage1Prefix@@PassthroughBaseDamage1@@PassthroughBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @PassthroughBaseDamage2Prefix@@PassthroughBaseDamage2@@PassthroughBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @PassthroughBaseDamage3Prefix@@PassthroughBaseDamage3@@PassthroughBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @PassthroughBaseDamage4Prefix@@PassthroughBaseDamage4@@PassthroughBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @PassthroughBaseDamage5Prefix@@PassthroughBaseDamage5@@PassthroughBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ExplosionBaseDamage1Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage1@@ExplosionBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage2Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage2@@ExplosionBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage3Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage3@@ExplosionBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage4Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage4@@ExplosionBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage5Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage5@@ExplosionBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ / @StunDuration4Prefix@@StunDuration4@@StunDuration4Postfix@ / @StunDuration5Prefix@@StunDuration5@@StunDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Detonation Damage
    Stun Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @PassthroughBaseDamage@ -> @PassthroughBaseDamageNL@
    @ExplosionBaseDamage@ -> @ExplosionBaseDamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Flash Frost@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia fires a massive chunk of ice, dealing @TotalPassthroughDamage@ magic damage and Chilling enemies for @SlowDuration@ seconds, Slowing them by @Spell.GlacialStorm:SlowAmount@%. At the end of its range, the ice detonates, Stunning enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalExplosionDamage@ magic damage.

    Anivia can Recast this ability while the ice flies to detonate it early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Flash Frost@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia fires a massive chunk of ice, dealing @TotalPassthroughDamage@ magic damage and Chilling enemies for @SlowDuration@ seconds, Slowing them by @Spell.GlacialStorm:SlowAmount@%. At the end of its range, the ice detonates, Stunning enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalExplosionDamage@ magic damage.

    Anivia can Recast this ability while the ice flies to detonate it early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDamages target enemy unit and flings them into the air behind Singed. If the target Singed flings lands in his Mega Adhesive, they are also rooted.Fling@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Fling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed flings an enemy over his shoulder, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect3Amount@% max Health magic damage.

    If Singed flings a target into his {{Spell_MegaAdhesive_Name}}, they are Rooted for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Singed flings an enemy over his shoulder, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect3Amount@% max Health magic damage.

    If Singed flings a target into his {{Spell_MegaAdhesive_Name}}, they are Rooted for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Fling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed flings an enemy over his shoulder, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect3Amount@% max Health magic damage.

    If Singed flings a target into his {{Spell_MegaAdhesive_Name}}, they are Rooted for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Max Health damage is capped at 300 against minions and jungle monsters.Damage
    Maximum Health Damage
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Fling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed flings an enemy over his shoulder, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect3Amount@% max Health magic damage.

    If Singed flings a target into his {{Spell_MegaAdhesive_Name}}, they are Rooted for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Maximum Health Damage
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Maximum Health Damage
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Maximum Health Damage
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Fling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed flings an enemy over his shoulder, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect3Amount@% max Health magic damage.

    If Singed flings a target into his {{Spell_MegaAdhesive_Name}}, they are Rooted for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Fling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed flings an enemy over his shoulder, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect3Amount@% max Health magic damage.

    If Singed flings a target into his {{Spell_MegaAdhesive_Name}}, they are Rooted for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKassadin draws energy from spells cast in his vicinity. Upon charging up, Kassadin can use Force Pulse to damage and slow enemies in a cone in front of him.Force PulseForce Pulse@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Force Pulse@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kassadin gains a charge whenever any Ability is used near him. At 6 charges, Kassadin can activate this Ability.

    Active: Kassadin unleashes a void pulse, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Kassadin gains a charge whenever any Ability is used near him. At 6 charges, Kassadin can activate this Ability.

    Active: Kassadin unleashes a void pulse, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Force Pulse@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kassadin gains a charge whenever any Ability is used near him. At 6 charges, Kassadin can activate this Ability.

    Active: Kassadin unleashes a void pulse, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Force Pulse@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kassadin gains a charge whenever any Ability is used near him. At 6 charges, Kassadin can activate this Ability.

    Active: Kassadin unleashes a void pulse, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Force Pulse@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kassadin gains a charge whenever any Ability is used near him. At 6 charges, Kassadin can activate this Ability.

    Active: Kassadin unleashes a void pulse, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Force Pulse@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kassadin gains a charge whenever any Ability is used near him. At 6 charges, Kassadin can activate this Ability.

    Active: Kassadin unleashes a void pulse, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWith a flap of her wings, Anivia blasts a freezing gust of wind at her target, dealing damage. If the target was recently hit by Flash Frost or damaged by a fully formed Glacial Storm, the damage they take is doubled.FrostbiteFrostbite@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Frostbite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia blasts an enemy with a freezing wind, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Against Chilled enemies, Anivia deals @EmpoweredDamage@ magic damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Anivia blasts an enemy with a freezing wind, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Against Chilled enemies, Anivia deals @EmpoweredDamage@ magic damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Frostbite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia blasts an enemy with a freezing wind, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Against Chilled enemies, Anivia deals @EmpoweredDamage@ magic damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Frostbite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia blasts an enemy with a freezing wind, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Against Chilled enemies, Anivia deals @EmpoweredDamage@ magic damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]Damage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@[@Hotkey@] Frostbite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia blasts an enemy with a freezing wind, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Against Chilled enemies, Anivia deals @EmpoweredDamage@ magic damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Frostbite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Anivia blasts an enemy with a freezing wind, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Against Chilled enemies, Anivia deals @EmpoweredDamage@ magic damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCorki's gatling gun rapidly fires in a cone in front of him, dealing damage and reducing enemy Armor and Magic Resist.Gatling GunGatling Gun@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Gatling Gun@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki fires a gatling gun in front of him, dealing @PhysicalDamagePerSecond@ physical damage and @MagicalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second and shredding up to @Effect4Amount*-1@ Armor and Magic Resist over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Total Damage Per Second: @TotalDamagePerSecond@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Corki fires a gatling gun in front of him, dealing @PhysicalDamagePerSecond@ physical damage and @MagicalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second and shredding up to @Effect4Amount*-1@ Armor and Magic Resist over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Total Damage Per Second: @TotalDamagePerSecond@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Gatling Gun@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki fires a gatling gun in front of him, dealing @PhysicalDamagePerSecond@ physical damage and @MagicalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second and shredding up to @Effect4Amount*-1@ Armor and Magic Resist over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Total Damage Per Second: @TotalDamagePerSecond@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The shred lingers for @Effect6Amount@ seconds after being hit.Damage
    Defense Reduction
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1*-1.000000@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2*-1.000000@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3*-1.000000@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4*-1.000000@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5*-1.000000@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Gatling Gun@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki fires a gatling gun in front of him, dealing @PhysicalDamagePerSecond@ physical damage and @MagicalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second and shredding up to @Effect4Amount*-1@ Armor and Magic Resist over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Total Damage Per Second: @TotalDamagePerSecond@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Defense Reduction
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount*-1.000000@ -> @Effect4AmountNL*-1.000000@
    Defense Reduction
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1*-1.000000@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2*-1.000000@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3*-1.000000@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4*-1.000000@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5*-1.000000@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Defense Reduction
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount*-1.000000@ -> @Effect4AmountNL*-1.000000@
    [@Hotkey@] Gatling Gun@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki fires a gatling gun in front of him, dealing @PhysicalDamagePerSecond@ physical damage and @MagicalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second and shredding up to @Effect4Amount*-1@ Armor and Magic Resist over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Total Damage Per Second: @TotalDamagePerSecond@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Gatling Gun@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki fires a gatling gun in front of him, dealing @PhysicalDamagePerSecond@ physical damage and @MagicalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second and shredding up to @Effect4Amount*-1@ Armor and Magic Resist over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Total Damage Per Second: @TotalDamagePerSecond@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGalio will briefly step back and charge, knocking up the first enemy champion he encounters.Justice PunchJustice Punch@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Justice Punch@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio lunges forward with a mighty blow, Knocking Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first champion hit. Other enemies in the way take @PVEDamage@ magic damage.

    Galio's dash stops on hitting terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Galio lunges forward with a mighty blow, Knocking Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first champion hit. Other enemies in the way take @PVEDamage@ magic damage.

    Galio's dash stops on hitting terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Justice Punch@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio lunges forward with a mighty blow, Knocking Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first champion hit. Other enemies in the way take @PVEDamage@ magic damage.

    Galio's dash stops on hitting terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Justice Punch@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio lunges forward with a mighty blow, Knocking Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first champion hit. Other enemies in the way take @PVEDamage@ magic damage.

    Galio's dash stops on hitting terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Justice Punch@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio lunges forward with a mighty blow, Knocking Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first champion hit. Other enemies in the way take @PVEDamage@ magic damage.

    Galio's dash stops on hitting terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Justice Punch@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio lunges forward with a mighty blow, Knocking Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first champion hit. Other enemies in the way take @PVEDamage@ magic damage.

    Galio's dash stops on hitting terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGalio fires two windblasts that converge into a large tornado that deals damage over time.Winds of WarWinds of War@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Winds of War@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio fires two windblasts that deal @QMissileDamage@ magic damage each. When the windblasts meet, they combine into a tornado that deals @PercentSuperQDamageTT@% max Health magic damage over @SuperQDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Galio fires two windblasts that deal @QMissileDamage@ magic damage each. When the windblasts meet, they combine into a tornado that deals @PercentSuperQDamageTT@% max Health magic damage over @SuperQDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Winds of War@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio fires two windblasts that deal @QMissileDamage@ magic damage each. When the windblasts meet, they combine into a tornado that deals @PercentSuperQDamageTT@% max Health magic damage over @SuperQDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Percent Health damage deals a max of @SuperQMonsterMaxDamageTotal@ damage to jungle monsters.Windblast Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Winds of War@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio fires two windblasts that deal @QMissileDamage@ magic damage each. When the windblasts meet, they combine into a tornado that deals @PercentSuperQDamageTT@% max Health magic damage over @SuperQDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upWindblast Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Windblast Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Windblast Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Winds of War@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio fires two windblasts that deal @QMissileDamage@ magic damage each. When the windblasts meet, they combine into a tornado that deals @PercentSuperQDamageTT@% max Health magic damage over @SuperQDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Winds of War@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio fires two windblasts that deal @QMissileDamage@ magic damage each. When the windblasts meet, they combine into a tornado that deals @PercentSuperQDamageTT@% max Health magic damage over @SuperQDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGalio designates an ally's position as his landing spot, granting all allies in the area a magic shield. After a delay Galio smashes down location, knocking up nearby enemies.Hero's EntranceHero's Entrance@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hero's Entrance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio designates an allied champion's position as his landing spot, granting all allied champions in the area Shield of Durand's passive Shield for @TemporaryWShieldDuration@ seconds. Galio then flies to his landing zone.

    When Galio lands, he Knocks Up for @StunDurationOuter@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Galio designates an allied champion's position as his landing spot, granting all allied champions in the area Shield of Durand's passive Shield for @TemporaryWShieldDuration@ seconds. Galio then flies to his landing zone.

    When Galio lands, he Knocks Up for @StunDurationOuter@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hero's Entrance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio designates an allied champion's position as his landing spot, granting all allied champions in the area Shield of Durand's passive Shield for @TemporaryWShieldDuration@ seconds. Galio then flies to his landing zone.

    When Galio lands, he Knocks Up for @StunDurationOuter@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CastRange1Prefix@@CastRange1@@CastRange1Postfix@ / @CastRange2Prefix@@CastRange2@@CastRange2Postfix@ / @CastRange3Prefix@@CastRange3@@CastRange3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Hero's Entrance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio designates an allied champion's position as his landing spot, granting all allied champions in the area Shield of Durand's passive Shield for @TemporaryWShieldDuration@ seconds. Galio then flies to his landing zone.

    When Galio lands, he Knocks Up for @StunDurationOuter@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @CastRange@ -> @CastRangeNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CastRange1Prefix@@CastRange1@@CastRange1Postfix@ / @CastRange2Prefix@@CastRange2@@CastRange2Postfix@ / @CastRange3Prefix@@CastRange3@@CastRange3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @CastRange@ -> @CastRangeNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Hero's Entrance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio designates an allied champion's position as his landing spot, granting all allied champions in the area Shield of Durand's passive Shield for @TemporaryWShieldDuration@ seconds. Galio then flies to his landing zone.

    When Galio lands, he Knocks Up for @StunDurationOuter@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hero's Entrance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Galio designates an allied champion's position as his landing spot, granting all allied champions in the area Shield of Durand's passive Shield for @TemporaryWShieldDuration@ seconds. Galio then flies to his landing zone.

    When Galio lands, he Knocks Up for @StunDurationOuter@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGalio charges a defensive stance, moving slowly. Upon releasing the charge, Galio will taunt and damage nearby enemies.Shield of DurandShield of Durand@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shield of Durand@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Galio gains a @TotalPassiveShield@ Magic Shield after not taking damage for @PassiveShieldOOCTimer@ seconds.

    Begin Charging: Galio reduces incoming magic damage by @MagicDamageReduction@ and incoming physical damage by @PhysicalDamageReduction@ and Slows himself by @Effect3Amount@%.

    Release: Galio Taunts enemy champions for between @Effect4Amount@ to @Effect7Amount@ seconds, deals between @MinTotalDamage@ and @MaxTotalDamage@ magic damage, and refreshes the damage reduction for @Effect8Amount@ seconds. Taunt duration, damage, and range increase with charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Galio gains a @TotalPassiveShield@ Magic Shield after not taking damage for @PassiveShieldOOCTimer@ seconds.

    Begin Charging: Galio reduces incoming magic damage by @MagicDamageReduction@ and incoming physical damage by @PhysicalDamageReduction@ and Slows himself by @Effect3Amount@%.

    Release: Galio Taunts enemy champions for between @Effect4Amount@ to @Effect7Amount@ seconds, deals between @MinTotalDamage@ and @MaxTotalDamage@ magic damage, and refreshes the damage reduction for @Effect8Amount@ seconds. Taunt duration, damage, and range increase with charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shield of Durand@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Galio gains a @TotalPassiveShield@ Magic Shield after not taking damage for @PassiveShieldOOCTimer@ seconds.

    Begin Charging: Galio reduces incoming magic damage by @MagicDamageReduction@ and incoming physical damage by @PhysicalDamageReduction@ and Slows himself by @Effect3Amount@%.

    Release: Galio Taunts enemy champions for between @Effect4Amount@ to @Effect7Amount@ seconds, deals between @MinTotalDamage@ and @MaxTotalDamage@ magic damage, and refreshes the damage reduction for @Effect8Amount@ seconds. Taunt duration, damage, and range increase with charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shield Health Ratio
    Magic Damage Reduction
    Physical Damage Reduction
    Maximum Damage
    [ @PassiveShieldHealthRatio1Prefix@@PassiveShieldHealthRatio1*100.000000@%@PassiveShieldHealthRatio1Postfix@ / @PassiveShieldHealthRatio2Prefix@@PassiveShieldHealthRatio2*100.000000@%@PassiveShieldHealthRatio2Postfix@ / @PassiveShieldHealthRatio3Prefix@@PassiveShieldHealthRatio3*100.000000@%@PassiveShieldHealthRatio3Postfix@ / @PassiveShieldHealthRatio4Prefix@@PassiveShieldHealthRatio4*100.000000@%@PassiveShieldHealthRatio4Postfix@ / @PassiveShieldHealthRatio5Prefix@@PassiveShieldHealthRatio5*100.000000@%@PassiveShieldHealthRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*0.500000@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*0.500000@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*0.500000@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*0.500000@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*0.500000@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaximumWBaseDamage1Prefix@@MaximumWBaseDamage1@@MaximumWBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @MaximumWBaseDamage2Prefix@@MaximumWBaseDamage2@@MaximumWBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @MaximumWBaseDamage3Prefix@@MaximumWBaseDamage3@@MaximumWBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @MaximumWBaseDamage4Prefix@@MaximumWBaseDamage4@@MaximumWBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @MaximumWBaseDamage5Prefix@@MaximumWBaseDamage5@@MaximumWBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shield of Durand@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Galio gains a @TotalPassiveShield@ Magic Shield after not taking damage for @PassiveShieldOOCTimer@ seconds.

    Begin Charging: Galio reduces incoming magic damage by @MagicDamageReduction@ and incoming physical damage by @PhysicalDamageReduction@ and Slows himself by @Effect3Amount@%.

    Release: Galio Taunts enemy champions for between @Effect4Amount@ to @Effect7Amount@ seconds, deals between @MinTotalDamage@ and @MaxTotalDamage@ magic damage, and refreshes the damage reduction for @Effect8Amount@ seconds. Taunt duration, damage, and range increase with charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Health Ratio
    Magic Damage Reduction
    Physical Damage Reduction
    Maximum Damage
    @PassiveShieldHealthRatio*100.000000@% -> @PassiveShieldHealthRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect1Amount*0.500000@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*0.500000@%
    @MaximumWBaseDamage@ -> @MaximumWBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Shield Health Ratio
    Magic Damage Reduction
    Physical Damage Reduction
    Maximum Damage
    [ @PassiveShieldHealthRatio1Prefix@@PassiveShieldHealthRatio1*100.000000@%@PassiveShieldHealthRatio1Postfix@ / @PassiveShieldHealthRatio2Prefix@@PassiveShieldHealthRatio2*100.000000@%@PassiveShieldHealthRatio2Postfix@ / @PassiveShieldHealthRatio3Prefix@@PassiveShieldHealthRatio3*100.000000@%@PassiveShieldHealthRatio3Postfix@ / @PassiveShieldHealthRatio4Prefix@@PassiveShieldHealthRatio4*100.000000@%@PassiveShieldHealthRatio4Postfix@ / @PassiveShieldHealthRatio5Prefix@@PassiveShieldHealthRatio5*100.000000@%@PassiveShieldHealthRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*0.500000@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*0.500000@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*0.500000@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*0.500000@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*0.500000@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaximumWBaseDamage1Prefix@@MaximumWBaseDamage1@@MaximumWBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @MaximumWBaseDamage2Prefix@@MaximumWBaseDamage2@@MaximumWBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @MaximumWBaseDamage3Prefix@@MaximumWBaseDamage3@@MaximumWBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @MaximumWBaseDamage4Prefix@@MaximumWBaseDamage4@@MaximumWBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @MaximumWBaseDamage5Prefix@@MaximumWBaseDamage5@@MaximumWBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Health Ratio
    Magic Damage Reduction
    Physical Damage Reduction
    Maximum Damage
    @PassiveShieldHealthRatio*100.000000@% -> @PassiveShieldHealthRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect1Amount*0.500000@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*0.500000@%
    @MaximumWBaseDamage@ -> @MaximumWBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Shield of Durand@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Galio gains a @TotalPassiveShield@ Magic Shield after not taking damage for @PassiveShieldOOCTimer@ seconds.

    Begin Charging: Galio reduces incoming magic damage by @MagicDamageReduction@ and incoming physical damage by @PhysicalDamageReduction@ and Slows himself by @Effect3Amount@%.

    Release: Galio Taunts enemy champions for between @Effect4Amount@ to @Effect7Amount@ seconds, deals between @MinTotalDamage@ and @MaxTotalDamage@ magic damage, and refreshes the damage reduction for @Effect8Amount@ seconds. Taunt duration, damage, and range increase with charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shield of Durand@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Galio gains a @TotalPassiveShield@ Magic Shield after not taking damage for @PassiveShieldOOCTimer@ seconds.

    Begin Charging: Galio reduces incoming magic damage by @MagicDamageReduction@ and incoming physical damage by @PhysicalDamageReduction@ and Slows himself by @Effect3Amount@%.

    Release: Galio Taunts enemy champions for between @Effect4Amount@ to @Effect7Amount@ seconds, deals between @MinTotalDamage@ and @MaxTotalDamage@ magic damage, and refreshes the damage reduction for @Effect8Amount@ seconds. Taunt duration, damage, and range increase with charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Recharge Time
    Bonus Damage Against Champions
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upRecharge Time
    Bonus Damage Against Champions
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    Recharge Time
    Bonus Damage Against Champions
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Recharge Time
    Bonus Damage Against Champions
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    Gangplank uncovers a powder keg at target location. If he attacks it, it explodes, spreading the attack's damage to enemies in the area, slowing them.Powder KegPowder Keg@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Powder Keg@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (max: @MaxAmmo@)@SpellTags@No CostGangplank places a powder keg that can be attacked by Gangplank and enemy champions for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. When an enemy destroys it, the keg is defused. When Gangplank destroys it, it explodes, Slowing by @FinalSlowAmount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing the Attack's damage, ignoring @Effect10Amount@% Armor. Champions take an additional @Effect3Amount@ physical damage.

    Keg health decays every @f5@ seconds. Keg explosions detonate other kegs with overlapping blast zones, but don't deal damage to the same target more than once. Keg explosions triggered by {{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Name}} will grant the bonus gold for targets killed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Gangplank places a powder keg that can be attacked by Gangplank and enemy champions for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. When an enemy destroys it, the keg is defused. When Gangplank destroys it, it explodes, Slowing by @FinalSlowAmount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing the Attack's damage, ignoring @Effect10Amount@% Armor. Champions take an additional @Effect3Amount@ physical damage.

    Keg health decays every @f5@ seconds. Keg explosions detonate other kegs with overlapping blast zones, but don't deal damage to the same target more than once. Keg explosions triggered by {{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Name}} will grant the bonus gold for targets killed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Powder Keg@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (max: @MaxAmmo@)@SpellTags@No CostGangplank places a powder keg that can be attacked by Gangplank and enemy champions for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. When an enemy destroys it, the keg is defused. When Gangplank destroys it, it explodes, Slowing by @FinalSlowAmount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing the Attack's damage, ignoring @Effect10Amount@% Armor. Champions take an additional @Effect3Amount@ physical damage.

    Keg health decays every @f5@ seconds. Keg explosions detonate other kegs with overlapping blast zones, but don't deal damage to the same target more than once. Keg explosions triggered by {{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Name}} will grant the bonus gold for targets killed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Keg decay rate increases at level 7 and 13.
    Slow scales with Critical Strike Chance.
    Recharge Time
    Bonus Damage Against Champions
    Max Charges
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Powder Keg@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (max: @MaxAmmo@)@SpellTags@No CostGangplank places a powder keg that can be attacked by Gangplank and enemy champions for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. When an enemy destroys it, the keg is defused. When Gangplank destroys it, it explodes, Slowing by @FinalSlowAmount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing the Attack's damage, ignoring @Effect10Amount@% Armor. Champions take an additional @Effect3Amount@ physical damage.

    Keg health decays every @f5@ seconds. Keg explosions detonate other kegs with overlapping blast zones, but don't deal damage to the same target more than once. Keg explosions triggered by {{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Name}} will grant the bonus gold for targets killed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upRecharge Time
    Bonus Damage Against Champions
    Max Charges
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    Recharge Time
    Bonus Damage Against Champions
    Max Charges
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Recharge Time
    Bonus Damage Against Champions
    Max Charges
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Powder Keg@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (max: @MaxAmmo@)@SpellTags@No CostGangplank places a powder keg that can be attacked by Gangplank and enemy champions for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. When an enemy destroys it, the keg is defused. When Gangplank destroys it, it explodes, Slowing by @FinalSlowAmount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing the Attack's damage, ignoring @Effect10Amount@% Armor. Champions take an additional @Effect3Amount@ physical damage.

    Keg health decays every @f5@ seconds. Keg explosions detonate other kegs with overlapping blast zones, but don't deal damage to the same target more than once. Keg explosions triggered by {{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Name}} will grant the bonus gold for targets killed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Powder Keg@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (max: @MaxAmmo@)@SpellTags@No CostGangplank places a powder keg that can be attacked by Gangplank and enemy champions for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. When an enemy destroys it, the keg is defused. When Gangplank destroys it, it explodes, Slowing by @FinalSlowAmount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing the Attack's damage, ignoring @Effect10Amount@% Armor. Champions take an additional @Effect3Amount@ physical damage.

    Keg health decays every @f5@ seconds. Keg explosions detonate other kegs with overlapping blast zones, but don't deal damage to the same target more than once. Keg explosions triggered by {{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Name}} will grant the bonus gold for targets killed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoShoots target, plundering Gold for each enemy unit killed.Parrrley@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Parrrley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank fires a bullet dealing @ShotDamage@ physical damage. If this kills the target, Gangplank gains an additional @Effect2Amount@ Gold and @Effect5Amount@ Silver Serpents.

    Gangplank can spend Silver Serpents in the shop to upgrade {{Spell_GangplankR_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Gangplank fires a bullet dealing @ShotDamage@ physical damage. If this kills the target, Gangplank gains an additional @Effect2Amount@ Gold and @Effect5Amount@ Silver Serpents.

    Gangplank can spend Silver Serpents in the shop to upgrade {{Spell_GangplankR_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Tooltip}}

    Total Gold plundered: @f1@ Gold
    Total SS plundered: @f3@ Silver Serpents@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Parrrley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Tooltip}}

    Total Gold plundered: @f1@ Gold
    Total SS plundered: @f3@ Silver Serpents@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The shot applies On-Hit effects (other than {{Spell_GangplankPassive_Name}}) and can critically strike (including base damage).Damage
    Plunder Gold
    Plunder Silver Serpents
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Parrrley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Tooltip}}

    Total Gold plundered: @f1@ Gold
    Total SS plundered: @f3@ Silver Serpents@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Plunder Gold
    Plunder Silver Serpents
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Plunder Gold
    Plunder Silver Serpents
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Plunder Gold
    Plunder Silver Serpents
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Parrrley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Tooltip}}

    Total Gold plundered: @f1@ Gold
    Total SS plundered: @f3@ Silver Serpents@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Parrrley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank fires a bullet dealing @ShotDamage@ physical damage. If this kills the target, Gangplank gains an additional @Effect2Amount@ Gold and @Effect5Amount@ Silver Serpents.

    Gangplank can spend Silver Serpents in the shop to upgrade {{Spell_GangplankR_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGangplank signals his ship to bombard an area, slowing and damaging enemies.Cannon BarrageCannon Barrage@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cannon Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank signals his ship to fire @f3@ waves of cannonballs anywhere on the map over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Each wave Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and deals @OneWaveDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability can be upgraded in the shop via {{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Gangplank signals his ship to fire @f3@ waves of cannonballs anywhere on the map over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Each wave Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and deals @OneWaveDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability can be upgraded in the shop via {{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cannon Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank signals his ship to fire @f3@ waves of cannonballs anywhere on the map over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Each wave Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and deals @OneWaveDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability can be upgraded in the shop via {{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage Per Wave
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Cannon Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank signals his ship to fire @f3@ waves of cannonballs anywhere on the map over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Each wave Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and deals @OneWaveDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability can be upgraded in the shop via {{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Per Wave
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Damage Per Wave
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Damage Per Wave
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Cannon Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank signals his ship to fire @f3@ waves of cannonballs anywhere on the map over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Each wave Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and deals @OneWaveDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability can be upgraded in the shop via {{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Cannon Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank signals his ship to fire @f3@ waves of cannonballs anywhere on the map over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Each wave Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and deals @OneWaveDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability can be upgraded in the shop via {{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEats citrus to cure crowd control effects and restore Health.Remove ScurvyRemove Scurvy@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Remove Scurvy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank consumes a large amount of citrus fruit, removing all Disabling effects and restoring @BaseHealth@ plus @Effect2Amount@% missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Gangplank consumes a large amount of citrus fruit, removing all Disabling effects and restoring @BaseHealth@ plus @Effect2Amount@% missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Remove Scurvy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank consumes a large amount of citrus fruit, removing all Disabling effects and restoring @BaseHealth@ plus @Effect2Amount@% missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Healing
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Remove Scurvy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank consumes a large amount of citrus fruit, removing all Disabling effects and restoring @BaseHealth@ plus @Effect2Amount@% missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHealing
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Remove Scurvy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank consumes a large amount of citrus fruit, removing all Disabling effects and restoring @BaseHealth@ plus @Effect2Amount@% missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Remove Scurvy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank consumes a large amount of citrus fruit, removing all Disabling effects and restoring @BaseHealth@ plus @Effect2Amount@% missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCancel JudgementCancel Judgement@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cancel Judgement@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren stops performing this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Garen stops performing this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cancel Judgement@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren stops performing this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage Per Spin
    Attack Damage Scaling Per Spin
    [ @LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick1Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick1@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick1Postfix@ / @LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick2Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick2@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick2Postfix@ / @LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick3Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick3@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick3Postfix@ / @LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick4Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick4@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick4Postfix@ / @LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick5Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick5@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick5Postfix@ ]
    [ @LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick1Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick1*100.000000@%@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick1Postfix@ / @LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick2Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick2*100.000000@%@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick2Postfix@ / @LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick3Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick3*100.000000@%@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick3Postfix@ / @LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick4Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick4*100.000000@%@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick4Postfix@ / @LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick5Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick5*100.000000@%@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Cancel Judgement@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren stops performing this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Per Spin
    Attack Damage Scaling Per Spin
    @LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick@ -> @LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTickNL@
    @LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick*100.000000@% -> @LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTickNL*100.000000@%
    Damage Per Spin
    Attack Damage Scaling Per Spin
    [ @LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick1Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick1@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick1Postfix@ / @LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick2Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick2@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick2Postfix@ / @LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick3Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick3@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick3Postfix@ / @LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick4Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick4@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick4Postfix@ / @LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick5Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick5@@LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick5Postfix@ ]
    [ @LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick1Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick1*100.000000@%@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick1Postfix@ / @LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick2Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick2*100.000000@%@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick2Postfix@ / @LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick3Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick3*100.000000@%@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick3Postfix@ / @LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick4Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick4*100.000000@%@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick4Postfix@ / @LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick5Prefix@@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick5*100.000000@%@LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick5Postfix@ ]
    Damage Per Spin
    Attack Damage Scaling Per Spin
    @LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTick@ -> @LvlUpTooltipBaseDamagePerTickNL@
    @LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTick*100.000000@% -> @LvlUpTooltipADRatioPerTickNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Cancel Judgement@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren stops performing this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Cancel Judgement@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren stops performing this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGaren rapidly spins his sword around his body, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies.JudgmentJudgment@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Judgment@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren rapidly spins his sword for @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage @f1@ times over the duration. The nearest enemy takes @TotalDamageNearest@ physical damage per strike instead.

    Champions hit by @StacksToShred@ strikes lose @ShredAmount*100@% Armor for @ShredDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Garen rapidly spins his sword for @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage @f1@ times over the duration. The nearest enemy takes @TotalDamageNearest@ physical damage per strike instead.

    Champions hit by @StacksToShred@ strikes lose @ShredAmount*100@% Armor for @ShredDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Judgment@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren rapidly spins his sword for @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage @f1@ times over the duration. The nearest enemy takes @TotalDamageNearest@ physical damage per strike instead.

    Champions hit by @StacksToShred@ strikes lose @ShredAmount*100@% Armor for @ShredDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Number of strikes increases with Attack Speed from items and levels.
    This Ability can critically strike for @TotalDamageCrit@ physical damage (@TotalDamageNearestCrit@ to the nearest target).
    Deals @monstermod*100@% damage to jungle monsters.
    This Ability can be cancelled early, and doing so reduces the remaining Cooldown.
    Damage Per Spin
    Attack Damage Scaling Per Spin
    [ @BaseDamagePerTick1Prefix@@BaseDamagePerTick1@@BaseDamagePerTick1Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerTick2Prefix@@BaseDamagePerTick2@@BaseDamagePerTick2Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerTick3Prefix@@BaseDamagePerTick3@@BaseDamagePerTick3Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerTick4Prefix@@BaseDamagePerTick4@@BaseDamagePerTick4Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerTick5Prefix@@BaseDamagePerTick5@@BaseDamagePerTick5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ADRatioPerTick1Prefix@@ADRatioPerTick1*100.000000@%@ADRatioPerTick1Postfix@ / @ADRatioPerTick2Prefix@@ADRatioPerTick2*100.000000@%@ADRatioPerTick2Postfix@ / @ADRatioPerTick3Prefix@@ADRatioPerTick3*100.000000@%@ADRatioPerTick3Postfix@ / @ADRatioPerTick4Prefix@@ADRatioPerTick4*100.000000@%@ADRatioPerTick4Postfix@ / @ADRatioPerTick5Prefix@@ADRatioPerTick5*100.000000@%@ADRatioPerTick5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Judgment@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren rapidly spins his sword for @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage @f1@ times over the duration. The nearest enemy takes @TotalDamageNearest@ physical damage per strike instead.

    Champions hit by @StacksToShred@ strikes lose @ShredAmount*100@% Armor for @ShredDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Per Spin
    Attack Damage Scaling Per Spin
    @BaseDamagePerTick@ -> @BaseDamagePerTickNL@
    @ADRatioPerTick*100.000000@% -> @ADRatioPerTickNL*100.000000@%
    Damage Per Spin
    Attack Damage Scaling Per Spin
    [ @BaseDamagePerTick1Prefix@@BaseDamagePerTick1@@BaseDamagePerTick1Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerTick2Prefix@@BaseDamagePerTick2@@BaseDamagePerTick2Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerTick3Prefix@@BaseDamagePerTick3@@BaseDamagePerTick3Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerTick4Prefix@@BaseDamagePerTick4@@BaseDamagePerTick4Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerTick5Prefix@@BaseDamagePerTick5@@BaseDamagePerTick5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ADRatioPerTick1Prefix@@ADRatioPerTick1*100.000000@%@ADRatioPerTick1Postfix@ / @ADRatioPerTick2Prefix@@ADRatioPerTick2*100.000000@%@ADRatioPerTick2Postfix@ / @ADRatioPerTick3Prefix@@ADRatioPerTick3*100.000000@%@ADRatioPerTick3Postfix@ / @ADRatioPerTick4Prefix@@ADRatioPerTick4*100.000000@%@ADRatioPerTick4Postfix@ / @ADRatioPerTick5Prefix@@ADRatioPerTick5*100.000000@%@ADRatioPerTick5Postfix@ ]
    Damage Per Spin
    Attack Damage Scaling Per Spin
    @BaseDamagePerTick@ -> @BaseDamagePerTickNL@
    @ADRatioPerTick*100.000000@% -> @ADRatioPerTickNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Judgment@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren rapidly spins his sword for @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage @f1@ times over the duration. The nearest enemy takes @TotalDamageNearest@ physical damage per strike instead.

    Champions hit by @StacksToShred@ strikes lose @ShredAmount*100@% Armor for @ShredDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Judgment@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren rapidly spins his sword for @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage @f1@ times over the duration. The nearest enemy takes @TotalDamageNearest@ physical damage per strike instead.

    Champions hit by @StacksToShred@ strikes lose @ShredAmount*100@% Armor for @ShredDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGaren gains a burst of Move Speed, breaking free of all slows affecting him. His next attack strikes a vital area of his foe, dealing bonus damage and silencing them.Decisive Strike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Decisive Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren removes all Slowing effects on him and gains @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ second(s).

    His next Attack Silences for @SilenceDuration@ seconds and does @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Garen removes all Slowing effects on him and gains @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ second(s).

    His next Attack Silences for @SilenceDuration@ seconds and does @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Decisive Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren removes all Slowing effects on him and gains @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ second(s).

    His next Attack Silences for @SilenceDuration@ seconds and does @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The empowered Attack expires after @AttackWindow@ seconds.
    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}
    Move Speed Duration
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MovementSpeedDuration1Prefix@@MovementSpeedDuration1@@MovementSpeedDuration1Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedDuration2Prefix@@MovementSpeedDuration2@@MovementSpeedDuration2Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedDuration3Prefix@@MovementSpeedDuration3@@MovementSpeedDuration3Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedDuration4Prefix@@MovementSpeedDuration4@@MovementSpeedDuration4Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedDuration5Prefix@@MovementSpeedDuration5@@MovementSpeedDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Decisive Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren removes all Slowing effects on him and gains @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ second(s).

    His next Attack Silences for @SilenceDuration@ seconds and does @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Move Speed Duration
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MovementSpeedDuration@ -> @MovementSpeedDurationNL@
    Move Speed Duration
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MovementSpeedDuration1Prefix@@MovementSpeedDuration1@@MovementSpeedDuration1Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedDuration2Prefix@@MovementSpeedDuration2@@MovementSpeedDuration2Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedDuration3Prefix@@MovementSpeedDuration3@@MovementSpeedDuration3Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedDuration4Prefix@@MovementSpeedDuration4@@MovementSpeedDuration4Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedDuration5Prefix@@MovementSpeedDuration5@@MovementSpeedDuration5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed Duration
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MovementSpeedDuration@ -> @MovementSpeedDurationNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Decisive Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren removes all Slowing effects on him and gains @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ second(s).

    His next Attack Silences for @SilenceDuration@ seconds and does @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Decisive Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren removes all Slowing effects on him and gains @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ second(s).

    His next Attack Silences for @SilenceDuration@ seconds and does @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGaren calls upon the might of Demacia to attempt to execute an enemy champion.Demacian JusticeDemacian Justice@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Demacian Justice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren calls upon the might of Demacia to slay his enemy, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @ExecuteDamage*100@% missing Health true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Garen calls upon the might of Demacia to slay his enemy, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @ExecuteDamage*100@% missing Health true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Demacian Justice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren calls upon the might of Demacia to slay his enemy, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @ExecuteDamage*100@% missing Health true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    Percent Missing Health Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ExecuteDamage1Prefix@@ExecuteDamage1*100.000000@%@ExecuteDamage1Postfix@ / @ExecuteDamage2Prefix@@ExecuteDamage2*100.000000@%@ExecuteDamage2Postfix@ / @ExecuteDamage3Prefix@@ExecuteDamage3*100.000000@%@ExecuteDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Demacian Justice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren calls upon the might of Demacia to slay his enemy, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @ExecuteDamage*100@% missing Health true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Percent Missing Health Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ExecuteDamage*100.000000@% -> @ExecuteDamageNL*100.000000@%
    Percent Missing Health Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ExecuteDamage1Prefix@@ExecuteDamage1*100.000000@%@ExecuteDamage1Postfix@ / @ExecuteDamage2Prefix@@ExecuteDamage2*100.000000@%@ExecuteDamage2Postfix@ / @ExecuteDamage3Prefix@@ExecuteDamage3*100.000000@%@ExecuteDamage3Postfix@ ]
    Percent Missing Health Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ExecuteDamage*100.000000@% -> @ExecuteDamageNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Demacian Justice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren calls upon the might of Demacia to slay his enemy, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @ExecuteDamage*100@% missing Health true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Demacian Justice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostGaren calls upon the might of Demacia to slay his enemy, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @ExecuteDamage*100@% missing Health true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGaren passively increases his armor and magic resist by killing enemies. He may also activate this ability to give him a shield and tenacity for a brief moment followed by a lesser amount of damage reduction for a longer duration.CourageCourage@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Courage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Killing units permanently grants @ResistGainOnKill@ Armor and @ResistGainOnKill@ Magic Resist, up to a max of @ResistMax@. At max stacks, Garen gains @PercentArmor@ Armor and @PercentMR@ Magic Resist.

    Active: Garen steels his courage for @DRDuration@ seconds, reducing incoming damage by @DRPercent*100@%. He also gains @TotalShield@ Shield and @UpfrontTenacity*100@% Tenacity for @UpfrontDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Killing units permanently grants @ResistGainOnKill@ Armor and @ResistGainOnKill@ Magic Resist, up to a max of @ResistMax@. At max stacks, Garen gains @PercentArmor@ Armor and @PercentMR@ Magic Resist.

    Active: Garen steels his courage for @DRDuration@ seconds, reducing incoming damage by @DRPercent*100@%. He also gains @TotalShield@ Shield and @UpfrontTenacity*100@% Tenacity for @UpfrontDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_GarenW_Tooltip}}

    Current earned Armor and Magic Resist: @f4@/30@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Courage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_GarenW_Tooltip}}

    Current earned Armor and Magic Resist: @f4@/30@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shield Amount
    [ @DRDuration1Prefix@@DRDuration1@@DRDuration1Postfix@ / @DRDuration2Prefix@@DRDuration2@@DRDuration2Postfix@ / @DRDuration3Prefix@@DRDuration3@@DRDuration3Postfix@ / @DRDuration4Prefix@@DRDuration4@@DRDuration4Postfix@ / @DRDuration5Prefix@@DRDuration5@@DRDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldBase1Prefix@@ShieldBase1@@ShieldBase1Postfix@ / @ShieldBase2Prefix@@ShieldBase2@@ShieldBase2Postfix@ / @ShieldBase3Prefix@@ShieldBase3@@ShieldBase3Postfix@ / @ShieldBase4Prefix@@ShieldBase4@@ShieldBase4Postfix@ / @ShieldBase5Prefix@@ShieldBase5@@ShieldBase5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Courage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_GarenW_Tooltip}}

    Current earned Armor and Magic Resist: @f4@/30@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDuration
    Shield Amount
    @DRDuration@ -> @DRDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @ShieldBase@ -> @ShieldBaseNL@
    Shield Amount
    [ @DRDuration1Prefix@@DRDuration1@@DRDuration1Postfix@ / @DRDuration2Prefix@@DRDuration2@@DRDuration2Postfix@ / @DRDuration3Prefix@@DRDuration3@@DRDuration3Postfix@ / @DRDuration4Prefix@@DRDuration4@@DRDuration4Postfix@ / @DRDuration5Prefix@@DRDuration5@@DRDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldBase1Prefix@@ShieldBase1@@ShieldBase1Postfix@ / @ShieldBase2Prefix@@ShieldBase2@@ShieldBase2Postfix@ / @ShieldBase3Prefix@@ShieldBase3@@ShieldBase3Postfix@ / @ShieldBase4Prefix@@ShieldBase4@@ShieldBase4Postfix@ / @ShieldBase5Prefix@@ShieldBase5@@ShieldBase5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @DRDuration@ -> @DRDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @ShieldBase@ -> @ShieldBaseNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Courage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_GarenW_Tooltip}}

    Current earned Armor and Magic Resist: @f4@/30@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Courage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Killing units permanently grants @ResistGainOnKill@ Armor and @ResistGainOnKill@ Magic Resist, up to a max of @ResistMax@. At max stacks, Garen gains @PercentArmor@ Armor and @PercentMR@ Magic Resist.

    Active: Garen steels his courage for @DRDuration@ seconds, reducing incoming damage by @DRPercent*100@%. He also gains @TotalShield@ Shield and @UpfrontTenacity*100@% Tenacity for @UpfrontDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAnivia summons a driving rain of ice and hail to damage her enemies and slow their advance.Glacial Storm@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Glacial Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ + @ManaCostPerSecond@ Mana per secondToggle: Anivia calls forth a driving rain of ice and hail that Slows enemies by @SlowAmount@% and deals @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second. The storm increases in size over @GrowthTime@ seconds.

    When the storm is fully formed, it Chills, Slows by @SlowPercentEmpoweredTT@%, and does @EmpoweredDamagePerSecondTooltipOnly@ magic damage per second instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Toggle: Anivia calls forth a driving rain of ice and hail that Slows enemies by @SlowAmount@% and deals @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second. The storm increases in size over @GrowthTime@ seconds.

    When the storm is fully formed, it Chills, Slows by @SlowPercentEmpoweredTT@%, and does @EmpoweredDamagePerSecondTooltipOnly@ magic damage per second instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Glacial Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ + @ManaCostPerSecond@ Mana per secondToggle: Anivia calls forth a driving rain of ice and hail that Slows enemies by @SlowAmount@% and deals @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second. The storm increases in size over @GrowthTime@ seconds.

    When the storm is fully formed, it Chills, Slows by @SlowPercentEmpoweredTT@%, and does @EmpoweredDamagePerSecondTooltipOnly@ magic damage per second instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage Per Second
    Chilled Slow Amount
    Mana Cost Per Second
    [ @DamagePerSecond1Prefix@@DamagePerSecond1@@DamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond2Prefix@@DamagePerSecond2@@DamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond3Prefix@@DamagePerSecond3@@DamagePerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowPercentEmpoweredTT1Prefix@@SlowPercentEmpoweredTT1@%@SlowPercentEmpoweredTT1Postfix@ / @SlowPercentEmpoweredTT2Prefix@@SlowPercentEmpoweredTT2@%@SlowPercentEmpoweredTT2Postfix@ / @SlowPercentEmpoweredTT3Prefix@@SlowPercentEmpoweredTT3@%@SlowPercentEmpoweredTT3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ManaCostPerSecond1Prefix@@ManaCostPerSecond1@@ManaCostPerSecond1Postfix@ / @ManaCostPerSecond2Prefix@@ManaCostPerSecond2@@ManaCostPerSecond2Postfix@ / @ManaCostPerSecond3Prefix@@ManaCostPerSecond3@@ManaCostPerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Glacial Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ + @ManaCostPerSecond@ Mana per secondToggle: Anivia calls forth a driving rain of ice and hail that Slows enemies by @SlowAmount@% and deals @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second. The storm increases in size over @GrowthTime@ seconds.

    When the storm is fully formed, it Chills, Slows by @SlowPercentEmpoweredTT@%, and does @EmpoweredDamagePerSecondTooltipOnly@ magic damage per second instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Per Second
    Chilled Slow Amount
    Mana Cost Per Second
    @DamagePerSecond@ -> @DamagePerSecondNL@
    @SlowAmount@% -> @SlowAmountNL@%
    @SlowPercentEmpoweredTT@% -> @SlowPercentEmpoweredTTNL@%
    @ManaCostPerSecond@ -> @ManaCostPerSecondNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Damage Per Second
    Chilled Slow Amount
    Mana Cost Per Second
    [ @DamagePerSecond1Prefix@@DamagePerSecond1@@DamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond2Prefix@@DamagePerSecond2@@DamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond3Prefix@@DamagePerSecond3@@DamagePerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowPercentEmpoweredTT1Prefix@@SlowPercentEmpoweredTT1@%@SlowPercentEmpoweredTT1Postfix@ / @SlowPercentEmpoweredTT2Prefix@@SlowPercentEmpoweredTT2@%@SlowPercentEmpoweredTT2Postfix@ / @SlowPercentEmpoweredTT3Prefix@@SlowPercentEmpoweredTT3@%@SlowPercentEmpoweredTT3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ManaCostPerSecond1Prefix@@ManaCostPerSecond1@@ManaCostPerSecond1Postfix@ / @ManaCostPerSecond2Prefix@@ManaCostPerSecond2@@ManaCostPerSecond2Postfix@ / @ManaCostPerSecond3Prefix@@ManaCostPerSecond3@@ManaCostPerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Damage Per Second
    Chilled Slow Amount
    Mana Cost Per Second
    @DamagePerSecond@ -> @DamagePerSecondNL@
    @SlowAmount@% -> @SlowAmountNL@%
    @SlowPercentEmpoweredTT@% -> @SlowPercentEmpoweredTTNL@%
    @ManaCostPerSecond@ -> @ManaCostPerSecondNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Glacial Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ + @ManaCostPerSecond@ Mana per secondToggle: Anivia calls forth a driving rain of ice and hail that Slows enemies by @SlowAmount@% and deals @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second. The storm increases in size over @GrowthTime@ seconds.

    When the storm is fully formed, it Chills, Slows by @SlowPercentEmpoweredTT@%, and does @EmpoweredDamagePerSecondTooltipOnly@ magic damage per second instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Glacial Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ + @ManaCostPerSecond@ Mana per secondToggle: Anivia calls forth a driving rain of ice and hail that Slows enemies by @SlowAmount@% and deals @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second. The storm increases in size over @GrowthTime@ seconds.

    When the storm is fully formed, it Chills, Slows by @SlowPercentEmpoweredTT@%, and does @EmpoweredDamagePerSecondTooltipOnly@ magic damage per second instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCrunch / HopCrunch / Hop@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crunch / Hop@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mega Gnar: Gnar leaps, dealing @spell.GnarE:MegaTotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies on landing. Enemies directly underneath are also briefly Slowed by @spell.GnarE:MoveSpeedMod*-100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mega Gnar: Gnar leaps, dealing @spell.GnarE:MegaTotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies on landing. Enemies directly underneath are also briefly Slowed by @spell.GnarE:MoveSpeedMod*-100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{spell_GnarBigE_Tooltip}}

    {{spell_GnarE_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crunch / Hop@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{spell_GnarBigE_Tooltip}}

    [@Hotkey@] Crunch / Hop@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{spell_GnarBigE_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Crunch / Hop@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{spell_GnarBigE_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Crunch / Hop@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mega Gnar: Gnar leaps, dealing @spell.GnarE:MegaTotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies on landing. Enemies directly underneath are also briefly Slowed by @spell.GnarE:MoveSpeedMod*-100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBoulder Toss / Boomerang ThrowBoulder Toss / Boomerang Throw@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Boulder Toss / Boomerang Throw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mega Gnar: Gnar hurls a boulder, dealing @spell.GnarQ:MegaTotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @spell.GnarQ:MegaSlowAmount*100@% for @spell.GnarQ:MegaSlowDuration@ seconds to the first enemy hit and surrounding enemies. Picking up the boulder reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @spell.GnarQ:MegaCDRefund*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mega Gnar: Gnar hurls a boulder, dealing @spell.GnarQ:MegaTotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @spell.GnarQ:MegaSlowAmount*100@% for @spell.GnarQ:MegaSlowDuration@ seconds to the first enemy hit and surrounding enemies. Picking up the boulder reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @spell.GnarQ:MegaCDRefund*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{spell_GnarBigQ_Tooltip}}

    {{spell_GnarQ_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Boulder Toss / Boomerang Throw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{spell_GnarBigQ_Tooltip}}

    [@Hotkey@] Boulder Toss / Boomerang Throw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{spell_GnarBigQ_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Boulder Toss / Boomerang Throw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{spell_GnarBigQ_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Boulder Toss / Boomerang Throw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mega Gnar: Gnar hurls a boulder, dealing @spell.GnarQ:MegaTotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @spell.GnarQ:MegaSlowAmount*100@% for @spell.GnarQ:MegaSlowDuration@ seconds to the first enemy hit and surrounding enemies. Picking up the boulder reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @spell.GnarQ:MegaCDRefund*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWallop / HyperWallop / Hyper@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wallop / Hyper@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mega Gnar: Gnar smashes an area, dealing @spell.GnarW:MegaTotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @spell.GnarW:MegaStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mega Gnar: Gnar smashes an area, dealing @spell.GnarW:MegaTotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @spell.GnarW:MegaStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{spell_GnarW_Tooltip}}

    {{spell_GnarBigW_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wallop / Hyper@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{spell_GnarW_Tooltip}}

    [@Hotkey@] Wallop / Hyper@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{spell_GnarW_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Wallop / Hyper@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{spell_GnarW_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Wallop / Hyper@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mega Gnar: Gnar smashes an area, dealing @spell.GnarW:MegaTotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @spell.GnarW:MegaStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGnar leaps to a location and bounces off the head of any unit he lands on, traveling further.

    Mega Gnar is too large to bounce and instead lands with earth-shattering force, dealing damage in an area around him.Hop / CrunchHop / Crunch@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hop / Crunch@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMini Gnar: Gnar leaps, gaining @spell.GnarE:MinibAS*100@% Attack Speed for @spell.GnarE:MiniASDuration@ seconds. If Gnar lands on a unit he will bounce off it, traveling further. Bouncing off an enemy deals @spell.GnarE:MiniTotalDamage@ physical damage and briefly Slows by @spell.GnarE:MoveSpeedMod*-100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mini Gnar: Gnar leaps, gaining @spell.GnarE:MinibAS*100@% Attack Speed for @spell.GnarE:MiniASDuration@ seconds. If Gnar lands on a unit he will bounce off it, traveling further. Bouncing off an enemy deals @spell.GnarE:MiniTotalDamage@ physical damage and briefly Slows by @spell.GnarE:MoveSpeedMod*-100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{spell_GnarE_Tooltip}}

    {{spell_GnarBigE_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hop / Crunch@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{spell_GnarE_Tooltip}}

    Hop Damage
    Crunch Damage
    Bonus Attack Speed
    [ @MiniDamage1Prefix@@MiniDamage1@@MiniDamage1Postfix@ / @MiniDamage2Prefix@@MiniDamage2@@MiniDamage2Postfix@ / @MiniDamage3Prefix@@MiniDamage3@@MiniDamage3Postfix@ / @MiniDamage4Prefix@@MiniDamage4@@MiniDamage4Postfix@ / @MiniDamage5Prefix@@MiniDamage5@@MiniDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MegaDamage1Prefix@@MegaDamage1@@MegaDamage1Postfix@ / @MegaDamage2Prefix@@MegaDamage2@@MegaDamage2Postfix@ / @MegaDamage3Prefix@@MegaDamage3@@MegaDamage3Postfix@ / @MegaDamage4Prefix@@MegaDamage4@@MegaDamage4Postfix@ / @MegaDamage5Prefix@@MegaDamage5@@MegaDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinibAS1Prefix@@MinibAS1*100.000000@%@MinibAS1Postfix@ / @MinibAS2Prefix@@MinibAS2*100.000000@%@MinibAS2Postfix@ / @MinibAS3Prefix@@MinibAS3*100.000000@%@MinibAS3Postfix@ / @MinibAS4Prefix@@MinibAS4*100.000000@%@MinibAS4Postfix@ / @MinibAS5Prefix@@MinibAS5*100.000000@%@MinibAS5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Hop / Crunch@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{spell_GnarE_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHop Damage
    Crunch Damage
    Bonus Attack Speed
    @MiniDamage@ -> @MiniDamageNL@
    @MegaDamage@ -> @MegaDamageNL@
    @MinibAS*100.000000@% -> @MinibASNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Hop Damage
    Crunch Damage
    Bonus Attack Speed
    [ @MiniDamage1Prefix@@MiniDamage1@@MiniDamage1Postfix@ / @MiniDamage2Prefix@@MiniDamage2@@MiniDamage2Postfix@ / @MiniDamage3Prefix@@MiniDamage3@@MiniDamage3Postfix@ / @MiniDamage4Prefix@@MiniDamage4@@MiniDamage4Postfix@ / @MiniDamage5Prefix@@MiniDamage5@@MiniDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MegaDamage1Prefix@@MegaDamage1@@MegaDamage1Postfix@ / @MegaDamage2Prefix@@MegaDamage2@@MegaDamage2Postfix@ / @MegaDamage3Prefix@@MegaDamage3@@MegaDamage3Postfix@ / @MegaDamage4Prefix@@MegaDamage4@@MegaDamage4Postfix@ / @MegaDamage5Prefix@@MegaDamage5@@MegaDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinibAS1Prefix@@MinibAS1*100.000000@%@MinibAS1Postfix@ / @MinibAS2Prefix@@MinibAS2*100.000000@%@MinibAS2Postfix@ / @MinibAS3Prefix@@MinibAS3*100.000000@%@MinibAS3Postfix@ / @MinibAS4Prefix@@MinibAS4*100.000000@%@MinibAS4Postfix@ / @MinibAS5Prefix@@MinibAS5*100.000000@%@MinibAS5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Hop Damage
    Crunch Damage
    Bonus Attack Speed
    @MiniDamage@ -> @MiniDamageNL@
    @MegaDamage@ -> @MegaDamageNL@
    @MinibAS*100.000000@% -> @MinibASNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Hop / Crunch@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{spell_GnarE_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hop / Crunch@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMini Gnar: Gnar leaps, gaining @spell.GnarE:MinibAS*100@% Attack Speed for @spell.GnarE:MiniASDuration@ seconds. If Gnar lands on a unit he will bounce off it, traveling further. Bouncing off an enemy deals @spell.GnarE:MiniTotalDamage@ physical damage and briefly Slows by @spell.GnarE:MoveSpeedMod*-100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGnar throws a boomerang that damages and slows enemies it hits before returning to him. If he catches the boomerang its cooldown is reduced.

    Mega Gnar instead throws a boulder that stops on the first unit hit, damaging and slowing everything nearby. It can then be picked up to reduce the cooldown.Boomerang Throw / Boulder TossBoomerang Throw / Boulder Toss@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Boomerang Throw / Boulder Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMini Gnar: Gnar throws a boomerang that deals @spell.GnarQ:MiniTotalDamage@ physical damage and Slows by @spell.GnarQ:SlowAmount*100@% for @spell.GnarQ:SlowDuration@ seconds. The boomerang returns after hitting an enemy, dealing reduced damage to subsequent targets. Each enemy can only be hit once. Catching the boomerang reduces its Cooldown by @spell.GnarQ:MiniCDRefund*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mini Gnar: Gnar throws a boomerang that deals @spell.GnarQ:MiniTotalDamage@ physical damage and Slows by @spell.GnarQ:SlowAmount*100@% for @spell.GnarQ:SlowDuration@ seconds. The boomerang returns after hitting an enemy, dealing reduced damage to subsequent targets. Each enemy can only be hit once. Catching the boomerang reduces its Cooldown by @spell.GnarQ:MiniCDRefund*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{spell_GnarQ_Tooltip}}

    {{spell_GnarBigQ_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Boomerang Throw / Boulder Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{spell_GnarQ_Tooltip}}

    Deals @MiniSubsequentMult*100@% damage to enemies beyond the first.Boomerang Damage
    Boulder Damage
    Boulder Slow Amount
    [ @MiniBaseDamage1Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage1@@MiniBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @MiniBaseDamage2Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage2@@MiniBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @MiniBaseDamage3Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage3@@MiniBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @MiniBaseDamage4Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage4@@MiniBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @MiniBaseDamage5Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage5@@MiniBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MegaBaseDamage1Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage1@@MegaBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @MegaBaseDamage2Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage2@@MegaBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @MegaBaseDamage3Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage3@@MegaBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @MegaBaseDamage4Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage4@@MegaBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @MegaBaseDamage5Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage5@@MegaBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MegaSlowAmount1Prefix@@MegaSlowAmount1*100.000000@%@MegaSlowAmount1Postfix@ / @MegaSlowAmount2Prefix@@MegaSlowAmount2*100.000000@%@MegaSlowAmount2Postfix@ / @MegaSlowAmount3Prefix@@MegaSlowAmount3*100.000000@%@MegaSlowAmount3Postfix@ / @MegaSlowAmount4Prefix@@MegaSlowAmount4*100.000000@%@MegaSlowAmount4Postfix@ / @MegaSlowAmount5Prefix@@MegaSlowAmount5*100.000000@%@MegaSlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Boomerang Throw / Boulder Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{spell_GnarQ_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBoomerang Damage
    Boulder Damage
    Boulder Slow Amount
    @MiniBaseDamage@ -> @MiniBaseDamageNL@
    @MegaBaseDamage@ -> @MegaBaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @MegaSlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @MegaSlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Boomerang Damage
    Boulder Damage
    Boulder Slow Amount
    [ @MiniBaseDamage1Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage1@@MiniBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @MiniBaseDamage2Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage2@@MiniBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @MiniBaseDamage3Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage3@@MiniBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @MiniBaseDamage4Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage4@@MiniBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @MiniBaseDamage5Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage5@@MiniBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MegaBaseDamage1Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage1@@MegaBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @MegaBaseDamage2Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage2@@MegaBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @MegaBaseDamage3Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage3@@MegaBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @MegaBaseDamage4Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage4@@MegaBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @MegaBaseDamage5Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage5@@MegaBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MegaSlowAmount1Prefix@@MegaSlowAmount1*100.000000@%@MegaSlowAmount1Postfix@ / @MegaSlowAmount2Prefix@@MegaSlowAmount2*100.000000@%@MegaSlowAmount2Postfix@ / @MegaSlowAmount3Prefix@@MegaSlowAmount3*100.000000@%@MegaSlowAmount3Postfix@ / @MegaSlowAmount4Prefix@@MegaSlowAmount4*100.000000@%@MegaSlowAmount4Postfix@ / @MegaSlowAmount5Prefix@@MegaSlowAmount5*100.000000@%@MegaSlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Boomerang Damage
    Boulder Damage
    Boulder Slow Amount
    @MiniBaseDamage@ -> @MiniBaseDamageNL@
    @MegaBaseDamage@ -> @MegaBaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @MegaSlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @MegaSlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Boomerang Throw / Boulder Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{spell_GnarQ_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Boomerang Throw / Boulder Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMini Gnar: Gnar throws a boomerang that deals @spell.GnarQ:MiniTotalDamage@ physical damage and Slows by @spell.GnarQ:SlowAmount*100@% for @spell.GnarQ:SlowDuration@ seconds. The boomerang returns after hitting an enemy, dealing reduced damage to subsequent targets. Each enemy can only be hit once. Catching the boomerang reduces its Cooldown by @spell.GnarQ:MiniCDRefund*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMega Gnar throws everything around him in a chosen direction, dealing damage and slowing them. Any enemy that hits a wall is stunned and takes bonus damage.GNAR!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] GNAR!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMini Gnar Passive: Increase Hyper's Move Speed.

    Mega Gnar: Gnar tosses nearby enemies, dealing @Damage@ physical damage, Knocking Back, and Slowing them by @RSlowPercent@% for @RCCDuration@ seconds. Enemies that hit a wall instead take @WallDamage@ physical damage and are Stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Mini Gnar Passive: Increase Hyper's Move Speed.

    Mega Gnar: Gnar tosses nearby enemies, dealing @Damage@ physical damage, Knocking Back, and Slowing them by @RSlowPercent@% for @RCCDuration@ seconds. Enemies that hit a wall instead take @WallDamage@ physical damage and are Stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] GNAR!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMini Gnar Passive: Increase Hyper's Move Speed.

    Mega Gnar: Gnar tosses nearby enemies, dealing @Damage@ physical damage, Knocking Back, and Slowing them by @RSlowPercent@% for @RCCDuration@ seconds. Enemies that hit a wall instead take @WallDamage@ physical damage and are Stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    After transforming to Mini Gnar, Gnar cannot gain Rage for 15 seconds.Damage
    Slow/Stun Duration
    Hyper Move Speed
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RCCDuration1Prefix@@RCCDuration1@@RCCDuration1Postfix@ / @RCCDuration2Prefix@@RCCDuration2@@RCCDuration2Postfix@ / @RCCDuration3Prefix@@RCCDuration3@@RCCDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RHyperMovementSpeedPercent1Prefix@@RHyperMovementSpeedPercent1@%@RHyperMovementSpeedPercent1Postfix@ / @RHyperMovementSpeedPercent2Prefix@@RHyperMovementSpeedPercent2@%@RHyperMovementSpeedPercent2Postfix@ / @RHyperMovementSpeedPercent3Prefix@@RHyperMovementSpeedPercent3@%@RHyperMovementSpeedPercent3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] GNAR!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMini Gnar Passive: Increase Hyper's Move Speed.

    Mega Gnar: Gnar tosses nearby enemies, dealing @Damage@ physical damage, Knocking Back, and Slowing them by @RSlowPercent@% for @RCCDuration@ seconds. Enemies that hit a wall instead take @WallDamage@ physical damage and are Stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Slow/Stun Duration
    Hyper Move Speed
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @RCCDuration@ -> @RCCDurationNL@
    @RHyperMovementSpeedPercent@% -> @RHyperMovementSpeedPercentNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Slow/Stun Duration
    Hyper Move Speed
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RCCDuration1Prefix@@RCCDuration1@@RCCDuration1Postfix@ / @RCCDuration2Prefix@@RCCDuration2@@RCCDuration2Postfix@ / @RCCDuration3Prefix@@RCCDuration3@@RCCDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RHyperMovementSpeedPercent1Prefix@@RHyperMovementSpeedPercent1@%@RHyperMovementSpeedPercent1Postfix@ / @RHyperMovementSpeedPercent2Prefix@@RHyperMovementSpeedPercent2@%@RHyperMovementSpeedPercent2Postfix@ / @RHyperMovementSpeedPercent3Prefix@@RHyperMovementSpeedPercent3@%@RHyperMovementSpeedPercent3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Slow/Stun Duration
    Hyper Move Speed
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @RCCDuration@ -> @RCCDurationNL@
    @RHyperMovementSpeedPercent@% -> @RHyperMovementSpeedPercentNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] GNAR!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMini Gnar Passive: Increase Hyper's Move Speed.

    Mega Gnar: Gnar tosses nearby enemies, dealing @Damage@ physical damage, Knocking Back, and Slowing them by @RSlowPercent@% for @RCCDuration@ seconds. Enemies that hit a wall instead take @WallDamage@ physical damage and are Stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] GNAR!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMini Gnar Passive: Increase Hyper's Move Speed.

    Mega Gnar: Gnar tosses nearby enemies, dealing @Damage@ physical damage, Knocking Back, and Slowing them by @RSlowPercent@% for @RCCDuration@ seconds. Enemies that hit a wall instead take @WallDamage@ physical damage and are Stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGnar's attacks and spells hype him up, dealing bonus damage and granting him Move Speed.

    Mega Gnar is too enraged to be hyper and instead can rear up on his hind legs and smash down on the area in front of him, stunning enemies in an area.Hyper / WallopHyper / Wallop@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hyper / Wallop@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMini Gnar Passive: Every third Attack or Ability on the same enemy deals an additional @spell.GnarW:MiniTotalDamage@ plus @spell.GnarW:MiniPercentHPDamage*100@% max Health magic damage and grants @spell.GnarR:RHyperMovementSpeedPercent@% Move Speed decaying over 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mini Gnar Passive: Every third Attack or Ability on the same enemy deals an additional @spell.GnarW:MiniTotalDamage@ plus @spell.GnarW:MiniPercentHPDamage*100@% max Health magic damage and grants @spell.GnarR:RHyperMovementSpeedPercent@% Move Speed decaying over 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hyper / Wallop@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{spell_GnarW_Tooltip}}

    Gnar also gains the Move Speed when he leaves Mega Gnar form.
    Deals a max of @MiniMonsterCap@ magic damage against jungle monsters.
    Hyper Damage
    Hyper % Health Damage
    Wallop Damage
    [ @MiniBaseDamage1Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage1@@MiniBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @MiniBaseDamage2Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage2@@MiniBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @MiniBaseDamage3Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage3@@MiniBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @MiniBaseDamage4Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage4@@MiniBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @MiniBaseDamage5Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage5@@MiniBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MiniPercentHPDamage1Prefix@@MiniPercentHPDamage1*100.000000@%@MiniPercentHPDamage1Postfix@ / @MiniPercentHPDamage2Prefix@@MiniPercentHPDamage2*100.000000@%@MiniPercentHPDamage2Postfix@ / @MiniPercentHPDamage3Prefix@@MiniPercentHPDamage3*100.000000@%@MiniPercentHPDamage3Postfix@ / @MiniPercentHPDamage4Prefix@@MiniPercentHPDamage4*100.000000@%@MiniPercentHPDamage4Postfix@ / @MiniPercentHPDamage5Prefix@@MiniPercentHPDamage5*100.000000@%@MiniPercentHPDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MegaBaseDamage1Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage1@@MegaBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @MegaBaseDamage2Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage2@@MegaBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @MegaBaseDamage3Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage3@@MegaBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @MegaBaseDamage4Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage4@@MegaBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @MegaBaseDamage5Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage5@@MegaBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Hyper / Wallop@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{spell_GnarW_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHyper Damage
    Hyper % Health Damage
    Wallop Damage
    @MiniBaseDamage@ -> @MiniBaseDamageNL@
    @MiniPercentHPDamage*100.000000@% -> @MiniPercentHPDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @MegaBaseDamage@ -> @MegaBaseDamageNL@
    Hyper Damage
    Hyper % Health Damage
    Wallop Damage
    [ @MiniBaseDamage1Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage1@@MiniBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @MiniBaseDamage2Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage2@@MiniBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @MiniBaseDamage3Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage3@@MiniBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @MiniBaseDamage4Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage4@@MiniBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @MiniBaseDamage5Prefix@@MiniBaseDamage5@@MiniBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MiniPercentHPDamage1Prefix@@MiniPercentHPDamage1*100.000000@%@MiniPercentHPDamage1Postfix@ / @MiniPercentHPDamage2Prefix@@MiniPercentHPDamage2*100.000000@%@MiniPercentHPDamage2Postfix@ / @MiniPercentHPDamage3Prefix@@MiniPercentHPDamage3*100.000000@%@MiniPercentHPDamage3Postfix@ / @MiniPercentHPDamage4Prefix@@MiniPercentHPDamage4*100.000000@%@MiniPercentHPDamage4Postfix@ / @MiniPercentHPDamage5Prefix@@MiniPercentHPDamage5*100.000000@%@MiniPercentHPDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MegaBaseDamage1Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage1@@MegaBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @MegaBaseDamage2Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage2@@MegaBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @MegaBaseDamage3Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage3@@MegaBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @MegaBaseDamage4Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage4@@MegaBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @MegaBaseDamage5Prefix@@MegaBaseDamage5@@MegaBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    Hyper Damage
    Hyper % Health Damage
    Wallop Damage
    @MiniBaseDamage@ -> @MiniBaseDamageNL@
    @MiniPercentHPDamage*100.000000@% -> @MiniPercentHPDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @MegaBaseDamage@ -> @MegaBaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Hyper / Wallop@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{spell_GnarW_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hyper / Wallop@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMini Gnar Passive: Every third Attack or Ability on the same enemy deals an additional @spell.GnarW:MiniTotalDamage@ plus @spell.GnarW:MiniPercentHPDamage*100@% max Health magic damage and grants @spell.GnarR:RHyperMovementSpeedPercent@% Move Speed decaying over 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGragas charges to a location and collides with the first enemy unit he comes across, dealing damage to all nearby enemy units and stunning them.Body SlamBody Slam@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Body Slam@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas charges forward, colliding with the first enemy, Knocking Up nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to them.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @f1@ seconds if Gragas collides with an enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Gragas charges forward, colliding with the first enemy, Knocking Up nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to them.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @f1@ seconds if Gragas collides with an enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Body Slam@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas charges forward, colliding with the first enemy, Knocking Up nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to them.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @f1@ seconds if Gragas collides with an enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Body Slam@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas charges forward, colliding with the first enemy, Knocking Up nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to them.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @f1@ seconds if Gragas collides with an enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Body Slam@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas charges forward, colliding with the first enemy, Knocking Up nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to them.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @f1@ seconds if Gragas collides with an enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Body Slam@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas charges forward, colliding with the first enemy, Knocking Up nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to them.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @f1@ seconds if Gragas collides with an enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGragas rolls his cask to a location, which can be activated to explode or will explode on its own after 4 seconds. The potency of the explosion increases over time. Enemies struck by the blast have their Move Speed slowed.Barrel RollBarrel Roll@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Barrel Roll@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas rolls a cask that explodes after @Effect4Amount@ seconds, dealing between @MinDamage@ magic damage and @MaxDamage@ magic damage and Slowing for between @Effect2Amount@ and @Effect2Amount*1.5@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The damage and Slow increase with time the cask spent before exploding.

    Gragas can Recast to detonate the cask early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Gragas rolls a cask that explodes after @Effect4Amount@ seconds, dealing between @MinDamage@ magic damage and @MaxDamage@ magic damage and Slowing for between @Effect2Amount@ and @Effect2Amount*1.5@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The damage and Slow increase with time the cask spent before exploding.

    Gragas can Recast to detonate the cask early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Barrel Roll@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas rolls a cask that explodes after @Effect4Amount@ seconds, dealing between @MinDamage@ magic damage and @MaxDamage@ magic damage and Slowing for between @Effect2Amount@ and @Effect2Amount*1.5@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The damage and Slow increase with time the cask spent before exploding.

    Gragas can Recast to detonate the cask early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Barrel Roll@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas rolls a cask that explodes after @Effect4Amount@ seconds, dealing between @MinDamage@ magic damage and @MaxDamage@ magic damage and Slowing for between @Effect2Amount@ and @Effect2Amount*1.5@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The damage and Slow increase with time the cask spent before exploding.

    Gragas can Recast to detonate the cask early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Barrel Roll@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas rolls a cask that explodes after @Effect4Amount@ seconds, dealing between @MinDamage@ magic damage and @MaxDamage@ magic damage and Slowing for between @Effect2Amount@ and @Effect2Amount*1.5@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The damage and Slow increase with time the cask spent before exploding.

    Gragas can Recast to detonate the cask early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Barrel Roll@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas rolls a cask that explodes after @Effect4Amount@ seconds, dealing between @MinDamage@ magic damage and @MaxDamage@ magic damage and Slowing for between @Effect2Amount@ and @Effect2Amount*1.5@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The damage and Slow increase with time the cask spent before exploding.

    Gragas can Recast to detonate the cask early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Barrel Roll@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas rolls a cask that explodes after @Effect4Amount@ seconds, dealing between @MinDamage@ magic damage and @MaxDamage@ magic damage and Slowing for between @Effect2Amount@ and @Effect2Amount*1.5@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The damage and Slow increase with time the cask spent before exploding.

    Gragas can Recast to detonate the cask early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Deals @Effect7Amount@% damage to minions.Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Barrel Roll@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas rolls a cask that explodes after @Effect4Amount@ seconds, dealing between @MinDamage@ magic damage and @MaxDamage@ magic damage and Slowing for between @Effect2Amount@ and @Effect2Amount*1.5@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The damage and Slow increase with time the cask spent before exploding.

    Gragas can Recast to detonate the cask early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Gragas hurls his cask to a location, dealing damage and knocking back enemies caught in the blast radius.Explosive CaskExplosive Cask@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Explosive Cask@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas hurls his cask, dealing @DamageDone@ magic damage and Knocking Away enemies from the impact zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Gragas hurls his cask, dealing @DamageDone@ magic damage and Knocking Away enemies from the impact zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Explosive Cask@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas hurls his cask, dealing @DamageDone@ magic damage and Knocking Away enemies from the impact zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Enemies cannot be Knocked over walls with this Ability.Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Explosive Cask@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas hurls his cask, dealing @DamageDone@ magic damage and Knocking Away enemies from the impact zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Explosive Cask@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas hurls his cask, dealing @DamageDone@ magic damage and Knocking Away enemies from the impact zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Explosive Cask@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas hurls his cask, dealing @DamageDone@ magic damage and Knocking Away enemies from the impact zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGragas guzzles down brew from his cask for 1 second. After finishing, he becomes drunkenly empowered, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies on his next basic attack and reducing damage received.Drunken RageDrunken Rage@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Drunken Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas guzzles his brew, reducing incoming damage by @DamageReduction@ for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. After finishing his drink, his next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ plus 7% max Health magic damage to the target and surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Gragas guzzles his brew, reducing incoming damage by @DamageReduction@ for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. After finishing his drink, his next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ plus 7% max Health magic damage to the target and surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Drunken Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas guzzles his brew, reducing incoming damage by @DamageReduction@ for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. After finishing his drink, his next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ plus 7% max Health magic damage to the target and surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Deals a max of @Effect4Amount@ damage to jungle monsters.Damage Reduction
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Drunken Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas guzzles his brew, reducing incoming damage by @DamageReduction@ for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. After finishing his drink, his next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ plus 7% max Health magic damage to the target and surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Reduction
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    Damage Reduction
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Damage Reduction
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Drunken Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas guzzles his brew, reducing incoming damage by @DamageReduction@ for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. After finishing his drink, his next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ plus 7% max Health magic damage to the target and surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Drunken Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gragas guzzles his brew, reducing incoming damage by @DamageReduction@ for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. After finishing his drink, his next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ plus 7% max Health magic damage to the target and surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGraves fires an explosive shell dealing heavy damage to the first champion it hits. After hitting a champion or reaching the end of its range, the shell explodes dealing damage in a cone.Collateral DamageCollateral Damage@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Collateral Damage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves fires an explosive cartridge, blasting himself backwards. The cartridge deals @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit. After hitting an enemy champion or reaching the end of its range, the cartridge explodes outward, dealing @FalloffDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Graves fires an explosive cartridge, blasting himself backwards. The cartridge deals @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit. After hitting an enemy champion or reaching the end of its range, the cartridge explodes outward, dealing @FalloffDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Collateral Damage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves fires an explosive cartridge, blasting himself backwards. The cartridge deals @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit. After hitting an enemy champion or reaching the end of its range, the cartridge explodes outward, dealing @FalloffDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Primary Damage
    Cone Damage
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RFalloffDamage1Prefix@@RFalloffDamage1@@RFalloffDamage1Postfix@ / @RFalloffDamage2Prefix@@RFalloffDamage2@@RFalloffDamage2Postfix@ / @RFalloffDamage3Prefix@@RFalloffDamage3@@RFalloffDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Collateral Damage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves fires an explosive cartridge, blasting himself backwards. The cartridge deals @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit. After hitting an enemy champion or reaching the end of its range, the cartridge explodes outward, dealing @FalloffDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPrimary Damage
    Cone Damage
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @RFalloffDamage@ -> @RFalloffDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Primary Damage
    Cone Damage
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RFalloffDamage1Prefix@@RFalloffDamage1@@RFalloffDamage1Postfix@ / @RFalloffDamage2Prefix@@RFalloffDamage2@@RFalloffDamage2Postfix@ / @RFalloffDamage3Prefix@@RFalloffDamage3@@RFalloffDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Primary Damage
    Cone Damage
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @RFalloffDamage@ -> @RFalloffDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Collateral Damage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves fires an explosive cartridge, blasting himself backwards. The cartridge deals @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit. After hitting an enemy champion or reaching the end of its range, the cartridge explodes outward, dealing @FalloffDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Collateral Damage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves fires an explosive cartridge, blasting himself backwards. The cartridge deals @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit. After hitting an enemy champion or reaching the end of its range, the cartridge explodes outward, dealing @FalloffDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGraves dashes forward gaining an Armor boost for several seconds. If Graves dashes towards an enemy champion, gain two stacks of True Grit instead. Hitting enemies with basic attacks lowers the cooldown of this skill and refreshes the resistance boost.Quickdraw@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Quickdraw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves dashes and reloads one Shell into his shotgun. He also gains a stack for 4 seconds (max @Effect10Amount@ stacks) or two stacks if he dashes towards an enemy champion. Stacks grant him @Effect5Amount@ Armor. Stacks are refreshed when damaging a non-minion.

    Each bullet hit from Graves' Attacks reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    Graves dashes and reloads one Shell into his shotgun. He also gains a stack for 4 seconds (max @Effect10Amount@ stacks) or two stacks if he dashes towards an enemy champion. Stacks grant him @Effect5Amount@ Armor. Stacks are refreshed when damaging a non-minion.

    Each bullet hit from Graves' Attacks reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Quickdraw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves dashes and reloads one Shell into his shotgun. He also gains a stack for 4 seconds (max @Effect10Amount@ stacks) or two stacks if he dashes towards an enemy champion. Stacks grant him @Effect5Amount@ Armor. Stacks are refreshed when damaging a non-minion.

    Each bullet hit from Graves' Attacks reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Quickdraw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves dashes and reloads one Shell into his shotgun. He also gains a stack for 4 seconds (max @Effect10Amount@ stacks) or two stacks if he dashes towards an enemy champion. Stacks grant him @Effect5Amount@ Armor. Stacks are refreshed when damaging a non-minion.

    Each bullet hit from Graves' Attacks reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upArmor
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Quickdraw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves dashes and reloads one Shell into his shotgun. He also gains a stack for 4 seconds (max @Effect10Amount@ stacks) or two stacks if he dashes towards an enemy champion. Stacks grant him @Effect5Amount@ Armor. Stacks are refreshed when damaging a non-minion.

    Each bullet hit from Graves' Attacks reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Quickdraw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves dashes and reloads one Shell into his shotgun. He also gains a stack for 4 seconds (max @Effect10Amount@ stacks) or two stacks if he dashes towards an enemy champion. Stacks grant him @Effect5Amount@ Armor. Stacks are refreshed when damaging a non-minion.

    Each bullet hit from Graves' Attacks reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGraves fires an explosive shell that detonates after 2 seconds, or 0.2 seconds if it strikes terrain.End of the LineEnd of the Line@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] End of the Line@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves fires a powder round dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. After 1 second or after colliding with terrain, it detonates, dealing @TotalDetonationDamage@ physical damage along the travel path again and to enemies near the blast.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Graves fires a powder round dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. After 1 second or after colliding with terrain, it detonates, dealing @TotalDetonationDamage@ physical damage along the travel path again and to enemies near the blast.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] End of the Line@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves fires a powder round dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. After 1 second or after colliding with terrain, it detonates, dealing @TotalDetonationDamage@ physical damage along the travel path again and to enemies near the blast.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Detonation Damage
    Detonation AD Ratio
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDetonationDamage1Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage1@@BaseDetonationDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDetonationDamage2Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage2@@BaseDetonationDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDetonationDamage3Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage3@@BaseDetonationDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDetonationDamage4Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage4@@BaseDetonationDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDetonationDamage5Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage5@@BaseDetonationDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @bADDetonationRatio1Prefix@@bADDetonationRatio1*100.000000@%@bADDetonationRatio1Postfix@ / @bADDetonationRatio2Prefix@@bADDetonationRatio2*100.000000@%@bADDetonationRatio2Postfix@ / @bADDetonationRatio3Prefix@@bADDetonationRatio3*100.000000@%@bADDetonationRatio3Postfix@ / @bADDetonationRatio4Prefix@@bADDetonationRatio4*100.000000@%@bADDetonationRatio4Postfix@ / @bADDetonationRatio5Prefix@@bADDetonationRatio5*100.000000@%@bADDetonationRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] End of the Line@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves fires a powder round dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. After 1 second or after colliding with terrain, it detonates, dealing @TotalDetonationDamage@ physical damage along the travel path again and to enemies near the blast.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Detonation Damage
    Detonation AD Ratio
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseDetonationDamage@ -> @BaseDetonationDamageNL@
    @bADDetonationRatio*100.000000@% -> @bADDetonationRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Detonation Damage
    Detonation AD Ratio
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDetonationDamage1Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage1@@BaseDetonationDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDetonationDamage2Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage2@@BaseDetonationDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDetonationDamage3Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage3@@BaseDetonationDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDetonationDamage4Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage4@@BaseDetonationDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDetonationDamage5Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage5@@BaseDetonationDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @bADDetonationRatio1Prefix@@bADDetonationRatio1*100.000000@%@bADDetonationRatio1Postfix@ / @bADDetonationRatio2Prefix@@bADDetonationRatio2*100.000000@%@bADDetonationRatio2Postfix@ / @bADDetonationRatio3Prefix@@bADDetonationRatio3*100.000000@%@bADDetonationRatio3Postfix@ / @bADDetonationRatio4Prefix@@bADDetonationRatio4*100.000000@%@bADDetonationRatio4Postfix@ / @bADDetonationRatio5Prefix@@bADDetonationRatio5*100.000000@%@bADDetonationRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Detonation Damage
    Detonation AD Ratio
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseDetonationDamage@ -> @BaseDetonationDamageNL@
    @bADDetonationRatio*100.000000@% -> @bADDetonationRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] End of the Line@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves fires a powder round dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. After 1 second or after colliding with terrain, it detonates, dealing @TotalDetonationDamage@ physical damage along the travel path again and to enemies near the blast.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] End of the Line@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves fires a powder round dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. After 1 second or after colliding with terrain, it detonates, dealing @TotalDetonationDamage@ physical damage along the travel path again and to enemies near the blast.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGraves fires a smoke canister at the target area creating a cloud of smoke that reduces sight range. Enemies caught in the initial impact are dealt magic damage and have their Move Speed reduced briefly.Smoke ScreenSmoke Screen@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Smoke Screen@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves creates a cloud of black smoke for 4 seconds, Slowing enemies inside by @Effect2Amount@% and blocking their vision outside the area. The initial impact deals @ImpactDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Graves creates a cloud of black smoke for 4 seconds, Slowing enemies inside by @Effect2Amount@% and blocking their vision outside the area. The initial impact deals @ImpactDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Smoke Screen@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves creates a cloud of black smoke for 4 seconds, Slowing enemies inside by @Effect2Amount@% and blocking their vision outside the area. The initial impact deals @ImpactDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Smoke Screen@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves creates a cloud of black smoke for 4 seconds, Slowing enemies inside by @Effect2Amount@% and blocking their vision outside the area. The initial impact deals @ImpactDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Smoke Screen@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves creates a cloud of black smoke for 4 seconds, Slowing enemies inside by @Effect2Amount@% and blocking their vision outside the area. The initial impact deals @ImpactDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Smoke Screen@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Graves creates a cloud of black smoke for 4 seconds, Slowing enemies inside by @Effect2Amount@% and blocking their vision outside the area. The initial impact deals @ImpactDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGwen dashes a short distance then gains Attack Speed, attack range, and magic damage On-Hit for a few seconds. If she hits an enemy during that time, this Ability's cooldown is partially refunded. Skip 'n SlashSkip 'n Slash@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Skip 'n Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gwen dashes and empowers her Attacks for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Empowered Attacks gain @BonusAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed, @OnHitDamage@ magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit, @BonusAttackRange@ range, and the first one to hit an enemy refunds @CDRefund*100@% of this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Gwen dashes and empowers her Attacks for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Empowered Attacks gain @BonusAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed, @OnHitDamage@ magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit, @BonusAttackRange@ range, and the first one to hit an enemy refunds @CDRefund*100@% of this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Skip 'n Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gwen dashes and empowers her Attacks for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Empowered Attacks gain @BonusAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed, @OnHitDamage@ magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit, @BonusAttackRange@ range, and the first one to hit an enemy refunds @CDRefund*100@% of this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Attack Speed
    Percent Cooldown Refund
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseAttackSpeed1Prefix@@BaseAttackSpeed1@%@BaseAttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @BaseAttackSpeed2Prefix@@BaseAttackSpeed2@%@BaseAttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @BaseAttackSpeed3Prefix@@BaseAttackSpeed3@%@BaseAttackSpeed3Postfix@ / @BaseAttackSpeed4Prefix@@BaseAttackSpeed4@%@BaseAttackSpeed4Postfix@ / @BaseAttackSpeed5Prefix@@BaseAttackSpeed5@%@BaseAttackSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @CDRefund1Prefix@@CDRefund1*100.000000@%@CDRefund1Postfix@ / @CDRefund2Prefix@@CDRefund2*100.000000@%@CDRefund2Postfix@ / @CDRefund3Prefix@@CDRefund3*100.000000@%@CDRefund3Postfix@ / @CDRefund4Prefix@@CDRefund4*100.000000@%@CDRefund4Postfix@ / @CDRefund5Prefix@@CDRefund5*100.000000@%@CDRefund5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Skip 'n Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gwen dashes and empowers her Attacks for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Empowered Attacks gain @BonusAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed, @OnHitDamage@ magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit, @BonusAttackRange@ range, and the first one to hit an enemy refunds @CDRefund*100@% of this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Attack Speed
    Percent Cooldown Refund
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseAttackSpeed@% -> @BaseAttackSpeedNL@%
    @CDRefund*100.000000@% -> @CDRefundNL*100.000000@%
    Attack Speed
    Percent Cooldown Refund
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseAttackSpeed1Prefix@@BaseAttackSpeed1@%@BaseAttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @BaseAttackSpeed2Prefix@@BaseAttackSpeed2@%@BaseAttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @BaseAttackSpeed3Prefix@@BaseAttackSpeed3@%@BaseAttackSpeed3Postfix@ / @BaseAttackSpeed4Prefix@@BaseAttackSpeed4@%@BaseAttackSpeed4Postfix@ / @BaseAttackSpeed5Prefix@@BaseAttackSpeed5@%@BaseAttackSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @CDRefund1Prefix@@CDRefund1*100.000000@%@CDRefund1Postfix@ / @CDRefund2Prefix@@CDRefund2*100.000000@%@CDRefund2Postfix@ / @CDRefund3Prefix@@CDRefund3*100.000000@%@CDRefund3Postfix@ / @CDRefund4Prefix@@CDRefund4*100.000000@%@CDRefund4Postfix@ / @CDRefund5Prefix@@CDRefund5*100.000000@%@CDRefund5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    Percent Cooldown Refund
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseAttackSpeed@% -> @BaseAttackSpeedNL@%
    @CDRefund*100.000000@% -> @CDRefundNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Skip 'n Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gwen dashes and empowers her Attacks for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Empowered Attacks gain @BonusAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed, @OnHitDamage@ magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit, @BonusAttackRange@ range, and the first one to hit an enemy refunds @CDRefund*100@% of this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Skip 'n Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gwen dashes and empowers her Attacks for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Empowered Attacks gain @BonusAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed, @OnHitDamage@ magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit, @BonusAttackRange@ range, and the first one to hit an enemy refunds @CDRefund*100@% of this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGwen snips her scissors in a cone up to 6 times dealing magic damage. Gwen deals true damage to units in the center and applies her passive to them on each snip.Snip Snip!Snip Snip!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Snip Snip!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Gwen gains 1 stack when she hits an enemy with an attack (max 4, lasts @BuffDuration@ seconds).

    Active: Consumes stacks. Gwen snips once for @MiniSwipeDamage@ magic damage, snips again for each ammo consumed, and then snips a final time for @FinalSwipeDamage@ magic damage.

    The center of each strikes converts @TrueDamageConversion*100@% of the damage into true damage instead and applies A Thousand Cuts to enemies hit.

    Deals @MinionMod*100@% damage to minions.
    Minions below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% health take @ExecuteBonus@% bonus damage instead of reduced damage.
    Passive: Gwen gains 1 stack when she hits an enemy with an attack (max 4, lasts @BuffDuration@ seconds).

    Active: Consumes stacks. Gwen snips once for @MiniSwipeDamage@ magic damage, snips again for each ammo consumed, and then snips a final time for @FinalSwipeDamage@ magic damage.

    The center of each strikes converts @TrueDamageConversion*100@% of the damage into true damage instead and applies A Thousand Cuts to enemies hit.

    Deals @MinionMod*100@% damage to minions.
    Minions below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% health take @ExecuteBonus@% bonus damage instead of reduced damage.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Snip Snip!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Gwen gains 1 stack when she hits an enemy with an attack (max 4, lasts @BuffDuration@ seconds).

    Active: Consumes stacks. Gwen snips once for @MiniSwipeDamage@ magic damage, snips again for each ammo consumed, and then snips a final time for @FinalSwipeDamage@ magic damage.

    The center of each strikes converts @TrueDamageConversion*100@% of the damage into true damage instead and applies A Thousand Cuts to enemies hit.

    Deals @MinionMod*100@% damage to minions.
    Minions below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% health take @ExecuteBonus@% bonus damage instead of reduced damage.
    Max damage: @MaxDamage@, plus @spell.GwenP:PassiveMaxQTooltip@ percent health from A Thousand CutsCooldown
    Final Strike Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SwipeDamageBase1Prefix@@SwipeDamageBase1@@SwipeDamageBase1Postfix@ / @SwipeDamageBase2Prefix@@SwipeDamageBase2@@SwipeDamageBase2Postfix@ / @SwipeDamageBase3Prefix@@SwipeDamageBase3@@SwipeDamageBase3Postfix@ / @SwipeDamageBase4Prefix@@SwipeDamageBase4@@SwipeDamageBase4Postfix@ / @SwipeDamageBase5Prefix@@SwipeDamageBase5@@SwipeDamageBase5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Snip Snip!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Gwen gains 1 stack when she hits an enemy with an attack (max 4, lasts @BuffDuration@ seconds).

    Active: Consumes stacks. Gwen snips once for @MiniSwipeDamage@ magic damage, snips again for each ammo consumed, and then snips a final time for @FinalSwipeDamage@ magic damage.

    The center of each strikes converts @TrueDamageConversion*100@% of the damage into true damage instead and applies A Thousand Cuts to enemies hit.

    Deals @MinionMod*100@% damage to minions.
    Minions below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% health take @ExecuteBonus@% bonus damage instead of reduced damage.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Final Strike Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @SwipeDamageBase@ -> @SwipeDamageBaseNL@
    Final Strike Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SwipeDamageBase1Prefix@@SwipeDamageBase1@@SwipeDamageBase1Postfix@ / @SwipeDamageBase2Prefix@@SwipeDamageBase2@@SwipeDamageBase2Postfix@ / @SwipeDamageBase3Prefix@@SwipeDamageBase3@@SwipeDamageBase3Postfix@ / @SwipeDamageBase4Prefix@@SwipeDamageBase4@@SwipeDamageBase4Postfix@ / @SwipeDamageBase5Prefix@@SwipeDamageBase5@@SwipeDamageBase5Postfix@ ]
    Final Strike Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @SwipeDamageBase@ -> @SwipeDamageBaseNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Snip Snip!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Gwen gains 1 stack when she hits an enemy with an attack (max 4, lasts @BuffDuration@ seconds).

    Active: Consumes stacks. Gwen snips once for @MiniSwipeDamage@ magic damage, snips again for each ammo consumed, and then snips a final time for @FinalSwipeDamage@ magic damage.

    The center of each strikes converts @TrueDamageConversion*100@% of the damage into true damage instead and applies A Thousand Cuts to enemies hit.

    Deals @MinionMod*100@% damage to minions.
    Minions below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% health take @ExecuteBonus@% bonus damage instead of reduced damage.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Snip Snip!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Gwen gains 1 stack when she hits an enemy with an attack (max 4, lasts @BuffDuration@ seconds).

    Active: Consumes stacks. Gwen snips once for @MiniSwipeDamage@ magic damage, snips again for each ammo consumed, and then snips a final time for @FinalSwipeDamage@ magic damage.

    The center of each strikes converts @TrueDamageConversion*100@% of the damage into true damage instead and applies A Thousand Cuts to enemies hit.

    Deals @MinionMod*100@% damage to minions.
    Minions below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% health take @ExecuteBonus@% bonus damage instead of reduced damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGwen hurls a needle that slows enemies hit, deals magic damage, and applies A Thousand Cuts to champions hit.

    This ability can be cast up to two more times, with each cast throwing additional needles and dealing more damage. Gwen must hit an enemy between each cast to unlock the next one. NeedleworkNeedlework@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Needlework@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@First Cast: Hurl a needle that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slows by @InitialSlow*-100@% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds, and applies A Thousand Cuts to all enemies hit. Gwen can Recast this ability up to 2 additional times within 6 seconds (@LockoutTime@s cooldown between casts).

    Second Cast: Fire three needles to deal @TotalDamage3@ magic damage
    Third Cast: Fire five needles to deal @TotalDamage5@ magic damage@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    First Cast: Hurl a needle that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slows by @InitialSlow*-100@% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds, and applies A Thousand Cuts to all enemies hit. Gwen can Recast this ability up to 2 additional times within 6 seconds (@LockoutTime@s cooldown between casts).

    Second Cast: Fire three needles to deal @TotalDamage3@ magic damage
    Third Cast: Fire five needles to deal @TotalDamage5@ magic damage@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Needlework@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@First Cast: Hurl a needle that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slows by @InitialSlow*-100@% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds, and applies A Thousand Cuts to all enemies hit. Gwen can Recast this ability up to 2 additional times within 6 seconds (@LockoutTime@s cooldown between casts).

    Second Cast: Fire three needles to deal @TotalDamage3@ magic damage
    Third Cast: Fire five needles to deal @TotalDamage5@ magic damage@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Subsequent needle hits on the same unit Slow by @SubsequentSlow*-100@% instead.
    Max damage: @MaxDamage@, plus @spell.GwenP:PassiveMaxRTooltip@ max health damage from A Thousand Cuts.
    Base Damage
    Max Slow
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @InitialSlow1Prefix@@InitialSlow1*-100.000000@%@InitialSlow1Postfix@ / @InitialSlow2Prefix@@InitialSlow2*-100.000000@%@InitialSlow2Postfix@ / @InitialSlow3Prefix@@InitialSlow3*-100.000000@%@InitialSlow3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SubsequentSlow1Prefix@@SubsequentSlow1*-100.000000@%@SubsequentSlow1Postfix@ / @SubsequentSlow2Prefix@@SubsequentSlow2*-100.000000@%@SubsequentSlow2Postfix@ / @SubsequentSlow3Prefix@@SubsequentSlow3*-100.000000@%@SubsequentSlow3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Needlework@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@First Cast: Hurl a needle that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slows by @InitialSlow*-100@% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds, and applies A Thousand Cuts to all enemies hit. Gwen can Recast this ability up to 2 additional times within 6 seconds (@LockoutTime@s cooldown between casts).

    Second Cast: Fire three needles to deal @TotalDamage3@ magic damage
    Third Cast: Fire five needles to deal @TotalDamage5@ magic damage@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Base Damage
    Max Slow
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @InitialSlow*-100.000000@% -> @InitialSlowNL*-100.000000@%
    @SubsequentSlow*-100.000000@% -> @SubsequentSlowNL*-100.000000@%
    Base Damage
    Max Slow
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @InitialSlow1Prefix@@InitialSlow1*-100.000000@%@InitialSlow1Postfix@ / @InitialSlow2Prefix@@InitialSlow2*-100.000000@%@InitialSlow2Postfix@ / @InitialSlow3Prefix@@InitialSlow3*-100.000000@%@InitialSlow3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SubsequentSlow1Prefix@@SubsequentSlow1*-100.000000@%@SubsequentSlow1Postfix@ / @SubsequentSlow2Prefix@@SubsequentSlow2*-100.000000@%@SubsequentSlow2Postfix@ / @SubsequentSlow3Prefix@@SubsequentSlow3*-100.000000@%@SubsequentSlow3Postfix@ ]
    Base Damage
    Max Slow
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @InitialSlow*-100.000000@% -> @InitialSlowNL*-100.000000@%
    @SubsequentSlow*-100.000000@% -> @SubsequentSlowNL*-100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Needlework@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@First Cast: Hurl a needle that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slows by @InitialSlow*-100@% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds, and applies A Thousand Cuts to all enemies hit. Gwen can Recast this ability up to 2 additional times within 6 seconds (@LockoutTime@s cooldown between casts).

    Second Cast: Fire three needles to deal @TotalDamage3@ magic damage
    Third Cast: Fire five needles to deal @TotalDamage5@ magic damage@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Needlework@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@First Cast: Hurl a needle that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slows by @InitialSlow*-100@% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds, and applies A Thousand Cuts to all enemies hit. Gwen can Recast this ability up to 2 additional times within 6 seconds (@LockoutTime@s cooldown between casts).

    Second Cast: Fire three needles to deal @TotalDamage3@ magic damage
    Third Cast: Fire five needles to deal @TotalDamage5@ magic damage@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGwen summons mist that protects her from enemies outside of it. She can only be targeted by enemies who enter the mist.Hallowed MistHallowed Mist@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hallowed Mist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gwen summons the Hallowed Mist, making her Untargetable to all enemies (except towers) outside the zone for @ZoneDuration@ seconds or until she leaves it. While in the Mist, Gwen gains @TotalResists@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    Gwen can Recast this Ability once to call the Mist to her. This will automatically Recast the first time Gwen attempts to leave the zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Gwen summons the Hallowed Mist, making her Untargetable to all enemies (except towers) outside the zone for @ZoneDuration@ seconds or until she leaves it. While in the Mist, Gwen gains @TotalResists@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    Gwen can Recast this Ability once to call the Mist to her. This will automatically Recast the first time Gwen attempts to leave the zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hallowed Mist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gwen summons the Hallowed Mist, making her Untargetable to all enemies (except towers) outside the zone for @ZoneDuration@ seconds or until she leaves it. While in the Mist, Gwen gains @TotalResists@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    Gwen can Recast this Ability once to call the Mist to her. This will automatically Recast the first time Gwen attempts to leave the zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseResists1Prefix@@BaseResists1@@BaseResists1Postfix@ / @BaseResists2Prefix@@BaseResists2@@BaseResists2Postfix@ / @BaseResists3Prefix@@BaseResists3@@BaseResists3Postfix@ / @BaseResists4Prefix@@BaseResists4@@BaseResists4Postfix@ / @BaseResists5Prefix@@BaseResists5@@BaseResists5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Hallowed Mist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gwen summons the Hallowed Mist, making her Untargetable to all enemies (except towers) outside the zone for @ZoneDuration@ seconds or until she leaves it. While in the Mist, Gwen gains @TotalResists@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    Gwen can Recast this Ability once to call the Mist to her. This will automatically Recast the first time Gwen attempts to leave the zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseResists@ -> @BaseResistsNL@
    Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseResists1Prefix@@BaseResists1@@BaseResists1Postfix@ / @BaseResists2Prefix@@BaseResists2@@BaseResists2Postfix@ / @BaseResists3Prefix@@BaseResists3@@BaseResists3Postfix@ / @BaseResists4Prefix@@BaseResists4@@BaseResists4Postfix@ / @BaseResists5Prefix@@BaseResists5@@BaseResists5Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseResists@ -> @BaseResistsNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Hallowed Mist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gwen summons the Hallowed Mist, making her Untargetable to all enemies (except towers) outside the zone for @ZoneDuration@ seconds or until she leaves it. While in the Mist, Gwen gains @TotalResists@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    Gwen can Recast this Ability once to call the Mist to her. This will automatically Recast the first time Gwen attempts to leave the zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hallowed Mist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gwen summons the Hallowed Mist, making her Untargetable to all enemies (except towers) outside the zone for @ZoneDuration@ seconds or until she leaves it. While in the Mist, Gwen gains @TotalResists@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    Gwen can Recast this Ability once to call the Mist to her. This will automatically Recast the first time Gwen attempts to leave the zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoShaco creates an illusion of himself near him, which can attack nearby enemies (Deals reduced damage to turrets). Upon death, it explodes, spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes and dealing damage to nearby enemies.HallucinateHallucinate@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hallucinate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco briefly disappears, then reappears with a clone that lasts @CloneLifetime@ seconds and detonates when it dies, dealing @ExplosionTotalDamage@ magic damage and spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes that trigger immediately. The clone deals @CloneAADamagePercent*100@% of Shaco's damage and receives @CloneIncomingDamagePercent*100@% increased damage.

    Mini Jack in the Boxes deal @AoEDamage@ magic damage, or @STDamage@ magic damage if firing at only one enemy, and Fear for @BoxFearDuration@ second.
    Shaco briefly disappears, then reappears with a clone that lasts @CloneLifetime@ seconds and detonates when it dies, dealing @ExplosionTotalDamage@ magic damage and spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes that trigger immediately. The clone deals @CloneAADamagePercent*100@% of Shaco's damage and receives @CloneIncomingDamagePercent*100@% increased damage.

    Mini Jack in the Boxes deal @AoEDamage@ magic damage, or @STDamage@ magic damage if firing at only one enemy, and Fear for @BoxFearDuration@ second.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hallucinate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco briefly disappears, then reappears with a clone that lasts @CloneLifetime@ seconds and detonates when it dies, dealing @ExplosionTotalDamage@ magic damage and spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes that trigger immediately. The clone deals @CloneAADamagePercent*100@% of Shaco's damage and receives @CloneIncomingDamagePercent*100@% increased damage.

    Mini Jack in the Boxes deal @AoEDamage@ magic damage, or @STDamage@ magic damage if firing at only one enemy, and Fear for @BoxFearDuration@ second.
    The clone can be controlled using the Alt key and right click, or by Recasting this Ability.On Death Damage
    Mini Box Damage
    [ @ExplosionBaseDamage1Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage1@@ExplosionBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage2Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage2@@ExplosionBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage3Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage3@@ExplosionBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @STBaseDamage1Prefix@@STBaseDamage1@@STBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @STBaseDamage2Prefix@@STBaseDamage2@@STBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @STBaseDamage3Prefix@@STBaseDamage3@@STBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Hallucinate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco briefly disappears, then reappears with a clone that lasts @CloneLifetime@ seconds and detonates when it dies, dealing @ExplosionTotalDamage@ magic damage and spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes that trigger immediately. The clone deals @CloneAADamagePercent*100@% of Shaco's damage and receives @CloneIncomingDamagePercent*100@% increased damage.

    Mini Jack in the Boxes deal @AoEDamage@ magic damage, or @STDamage@ magic damage if firing at only one enemy, and Fear for @BoxFearDuration@ second.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upOn Death Damage
    Mini Box Damage
    @ExplosionBaseDamage@ -> @ExplosionBaseDamageNL@
    @STBaseDamage@ -> @STBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    On Death Damage
    Mini Box Damage
    [ @ExplosionBaseDamage1Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage1@@ExplosionBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage2Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage2@@ExplosionBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage3Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage3@@ExplosionBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @STBaseDamage1Prefix@@STBaseDamage1@@STBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @STBaseDamage2Prefix@@STBaseDamage2@@STBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @STBaseDamage3Prefix@@STBaseDamage3@@STBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    On Death Damage
    Mini Box Damage
    @ExplosionBaseDamage@ -> @ExplosionBaseDamageNL@
    @STBaseDamage@ -> @STBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Hallucinate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco briefly disappears, then reappears with a clone that lasts @CloneLifetime@ seconds and detonates when it dies, dealing @ExplosionTotalDamage@ magic damage and spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes that trigger immediately. The clone deals @CloneAADamagePercent*100@% of Shaco's damage and receives @CloneIncomingDamagePercent*100@% increased damage.

    Mini Jack in the Boxes deal @AoEDamage@ magic damage, or @STDamage@ magic damage if firing at only one enemy, and Fear for @BoxFearDuration@ second.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hallucinate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco briefly disappears, then reappears with a clone that lasts @CloneLifetime@ seconds and detonates when it dies, dealing @ExplosionTotalDamage@ magic damage and spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes that trigger immediately. The clone deals @CloneAADamagePercent*100@% of Shaco's damage and receives @CloneIncomingDamagePercent*100@% increased damage.

    Mini Jack in the Boxes deal @AoEDamage@ magic damage, or @STDamage@ magic damage if firing at only one enemy, and Fear for @BoxFearDuration@ second.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAlistar rams a target with his head, dealing damage and knocking the target back.HeadbuttHeadbutt@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Headbutt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar rams into an enemy, Knocking them Back and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Alistar rams into an enemy, Knocking them Back and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Headbutt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar rams into an enemy, Knocking them Back and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Headbutt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar rams into an enemy, Knocking them Back and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Headbutt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar rams into an enemy, Knocking them Back and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Headbutt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar rams into an enemy, Knocking them Back and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHecarim gains increasing Move Speed and can move through units for a short duration. His next attack knocks the target back and deals additional physical damage based on the distance he has traveled since activating the ability.Devastating ChargeDevastating Charge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Devastating Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim becomes Ghosted and gains @MinMoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed increasing to @MaxMoveSpeed*100@% over @Effect5Amount@ seconds. His next Attack Knocks Back and deals between @MinDamage@ and @MaxDamage@ physical damage. Knock Back distance and damage scales with distance travelled during this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Hecarim becomes Ghosted and gains @MinMoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed increasing to @MaxMoveSpeed*100@% over @Effect5Amount@ seconds. His next Attack Knocks Back and deals between @MinDamage@ and @MaxDamage@ physical damage. Knock Back distance and damage scales with distance travelled during this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Devastating Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim becomes Ghosted and gains @MinMoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed increasing to @MaxMoveSpeed*100@% over @Effect5Amount@ seconds. His next Attack Knocks Back and deals between @MinDamage@ and @MaxDamage@ physical damage. Knock Back distance and damage scales with distance travelled during this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ghosted units ignore collision with other units.
    The remaining duration of this Ability is paused during {{Spell_HecarimUlt_Name}}.
    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Devastating Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim becomes Ghosted and gains @MinMoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed increasing to @MaxMoveSpeed*100@% over @Effect5Amount@ seconds. His next Attack Knocks Back and deals between @MinDamage@ and @MaxDamage@ physical damage. Knock Back distance and damage scales with distance travelled during this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMinimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Devastating Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim becomes Ghosted and gains @MinMoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed increasing to @MaxMoveSpeed*100@% over @Effect5Amount@ seconds. His next Attack Knocks Back and deals between @MinDamage@ and @MaxDamage@ physical damage. Knock Back distance and damage scales with distance travelled during this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Devastating Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim becomes Ghosted and gains @MinMoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed increasing to @MaxMoveSpeed*100@% over @Effect5Amount@ seconds. His next Attack Knocks Back and deals between @MinDamage@ and @MaxDamage@ physical damage. Knock Back distance and damage scales with distance travelled during this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHecarim cleaves nearby enemies dealing physical damage. If Hecarim damages at least one enemy, he increases the damage and lowers the cooldown of subsequent Rampages.Rampage@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rampage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies for @Damage@ physical damage. If this Ability hits, he gains a stack that decreases its Cooldown by @RampageCooldownReduction@ seconds and increases its damage by @RampageBonusDamagePerc@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. Stacks up to @Effect2Amount@ times.
    Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies for @Damage@ physical damage. If this Ability hits, he gains a stack that decreases its Cooldown by @RampageCooldownReduction@ seconds and increases its damage by @RampageBonusDamagePerc@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. Stacks up to @Effect2Amount@ times.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rampage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies for @Damage@ physical damage. If this Ability hits, he gains a stack that decreases its Cooldown by @RampageCooldownReduction@ seconds and increases its damage by @RampageBonusDamagePerc@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. Stacks up to @Effect2Amount@ times.
    Deals a base of @MinionDamage@ damage to minions.Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Rampage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies for @Damage@ physical damage. If this Ability hits, he gains a stack that decreases its Cooldown by @RampageCooldownReduction@ seconds and increases its damage by @RampageBonusDamagePerc@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. Stacks up to @Effect2Amount@ times.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@[@Hotkey@] Rampage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies for @Damage@ physical damage. If this Ability hits, he gains a stack that decreases its Cooldown by @RampageCooldownReduction@ seconds and increases its damage by @RampageBonusDamagePerc@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. Stacks up to @Effect2Amount@ times.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Rampage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies for @Damage@ physical damage. If this Ability hits, he gains a stack that decreases its Cooldown by @RampageCooldownReduction@ seconds and increases its damage by @RampageBonusDamagePerc@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. Stacks up to @Effect2Amount@ times.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoHecarim summons spectral riders and charges forward, dealing magic damage in a line. Hecarim creates a shockwave when he finishes his charge, causing nearby enemies to flee in terror.Onslaught of Shadows@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Onslaught of Shadows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim summons spectral riders and charges forward, dealing @DamageDone@ magic damage. Hecarim unleashes a shockwave at the end of the charge that Fears for between @FearDurationMin@ to @FearDurationMax@ seconds, increased by charge distance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Hecarim summons spectral riders and charges forward, dealing @DamageDone@ magic damage. Hecarim unleashes a shockwave at the end of the charge that Fears for between @FearDurationMin@ to @FearDurationMax@ seconds, increased by charge distance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Onslaught of Shadows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim summons spectral riders and charges forward, dealing @DamageDone@ magic damage. Hecarim unleashes a shockwave at the end of the charge that Fears for between @FearDurationMin@ to @FearDurationMax@ seconds, increased by charge distance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Hecarim will move to the targeted location, but the riders always move the full distance.Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Onslaught of Shadows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim summons spectral riders and charges forward, dealing @DamageDone@ magic damage. Hecarim unleashes a shockwave at the end of the charge that Fears for between @FearDurationMin@ to @FearDurationMax@ seconds, increased by charge distance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Onslaught of Shadows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim summons spectral riders and charges forward, dealing @DamageDone@ magic damage. Hecarim unleashes a shockwave at the end of the charge that Fears for between @FearDurationMin@ to @FearDurationMax@ seconds, increased by charge distance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Onslaught of Shadows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim summons spectral riders and charges forward, dealing @DamageDone@ magic damage. Hecarim unleashes a shockwave at the end of the charge that Fears for between @FearDurationMin@ to @FearDurationMax@ seconds, increased by charge distance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHecarim gains Armor and Magic Resist. Hecarim deals magic damage to nearby enemies, and gains Health equal to a percentage of any damage those enemies suffer.Spirit of DreadSpirit of Dread@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spirit of Dread@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @BuffDuration@ seconds to nearby enemies.

    Hecarim gains @ResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist and heals for @LeechAmount@% of damage nearby enemies take from Hecarim and @AllyTooltipLeachValue@% of damage taken from his allies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Hecarim deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @BuffDuration@ seconds to nearby enemies.

    Hecarim gains @ResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist and heals for @LeechAmount@% of damage nearby enemies take from Hecarim and @AllyTooltipLeachValue@% of damage taken from his allies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spirit of Dread@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @BuffDuration@ seconds to nearby enemies.

    Hecarim gains @ResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist and heals for @LeechAmount@% of damage nearby enemies take from Hecarim and @AllyTooltipLeachValue@% of damage taken from his allies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Hecarim cannot heal more than @MinionHealCap@ Health from minions or jungle monsters.Cooldown
    Bonus Resistances
    Healing Cap
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ResistAmount1Prefix@@ResistAmount1@@ResistAmount1Postfix@ / @ResistAmount2Prefix@@ResistAmount2@@ResistAmount2Postfix@ / @ResistAmount3Prefix@@ResistAmount3@@ResistAmount3Postfix@ / @ResistAmount4Prefix@@ResistAmount4@@ResistAmount4Postfix@ / @ResistAmount5Prefix@@ResistAmount5@@ResistAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinionHealCap1Prefix@@MinionHealCap1@@MinionHealCap1Postfix@ / @MinionHealCap2Prefix@@MinionHealCap2@@MinionHealCap2Postfix@ / @MinionHealCap3Prefix@@MinionHealCap3@@MinionHealCap3Postfix@ / @MinionHealCap4Prefix@@MinionHealCap4@@MinionHealCap4Postfix@ / @MinionHealCap5Prefix@@MinionHealCap5@@MinionHealCap5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Spirit of Dread@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @BuffDuration@ seconds to nearby enemies.

    Hecarim gains @ResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist and heals for @LeechAmount@% of damage nearby enemies take from Hecarim and @AllyTooltipLeachValue@% of damage taken from his allies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Bonus Resistances
    Healing Cap
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @ResistAmount@ -> @ResistAmountNL@
    @MinionHealCap@ -> @MinionHealCapNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Bonus Resistances
    Healing Cap
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ResistAmount1Prefix@@ResistAmount1@@ResistAmount1Postfix@ / @ResistAmount2Prefix@@ResistAmount2@@ResistAmount2Postfix@ / @ResistAmount3Prefix@@ResistAmount3@@ResistAmount3Postfix@ / @ResistAmount4Prefix@@ResistAmount4@@ResistAmount4Postfix@ / @ResistAmount5Prefix@@ResistAmount5@@ResistAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinionHealCap1Prefix@@MinionHealCap1@@MinionHealCap1Postfix@ / @MinionHealCap2Prefix@@MinionHealCap2@@MinionHealCap2Postfix@ / @MinionHealCap3Prefix@@MinionHealCap3@@MinionHealCap3Postfix@ / @MinionHealCap4Prefix@@MinionHealCap4@@MinionHealCap4Postfix@ / @MinionHealCap5Prefix@@MinionHealCap5@@MinionHealCap5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Resistances
    Healing Cap
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @ResistAmount@ -> @ResistAmountNL@
    @MinionHealCap@ -> @MinionHealCapNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Spirit of Dread@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @BuffDuration@ seconds to nearby enemies.

    Hecarim gains @ResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist and heals for @LeechAmount@% of damage nearby enemies take from Hecarim and @AllyTooltipLeachValue@% of damage taken from his allies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Spirit of Dread@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hecarim deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @BuffDuration@ seconds to nearby enemies.

    Hecarim gains @ResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist and heals for @LeechAmount@% of damage nearby enemies take from Hecarim and @AllyTooltipLeachValue@% of damage taken from his allies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoHeimerdinger lobs a grenade at a location, dealing damage to enemy units, as well as stunning anyone directly hit and slowing surrounding units.CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeCH-2 Electron Storm Grenade@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger hurls a grenade that deals @Damage@ magic damage in an area and Slows by @SlowPercent.0*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center are also Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Hitting a champion fully charges nearby Turrets.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Heimerdinger hurls a grenade that deals @Damage@ magic damage in an area and Slows by @SlowPercent.0*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center are also Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Hitting a champion fully charges nearby Turrets.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger hurls a grenade that deals @Damage@ magic damage in an area and Slows by @SlowPercent.0*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center are also Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Hitting a champion fully charges nearby Turrets.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger hurls a grenade that deals @Damage@ magic damage in an area and Slows by @SlowPercent.0*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center are also Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Hitting a champion fully charges nearby Turrets.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@[@Hotkey@] CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger hurls a grenade that deals @Damage@ magic damage in an area and Slows by @SlowPercent.0*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center are also Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Hitting a champion fully charges nearby Turrets.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger hurls a grenade that deals @Damage@ magic damage in an area and Slows by @SlowPercent.0*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center are also Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Hitting a champion fully charges nearby Turrets.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoHeimerdinger lays down a rapid-fire cannon turret equipped with a secondary pass-through beam attack (turrets deal half damage to towers).H-28 G Evolution TurretH-28 G Evolution Turret@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] H-28 G Evolution Turret@KitCooldown@s Turret Kit Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@KitCost@ Turret Kit & @Cost@ ManaHeimerdinger constructs a Turret that attacks nearby enemies. Heimerdinger can have @MaxTurrets@ turrets active at once. Turrets slowly build up charge. At max charge, they fire a stronger attack.

    If Heimerdinger gets too far away, his Turrets will deactivate after 8 seconds.

    This Ability has @MaxKits@ charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Heimerdinger constructs a Turret that attacks nearby enemies. Heimerdinger can have @MaxTurrets@ turrets active at once. Turrets slowly build up charge. At max charge, they fire a stronger attack.

    If Heimerdinger gets too far away, his Turrets will deactivate after 8 seconds.

    This Ability has @MaxKits@ charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] H-28 G Evolution Turret@KitCooldown@s Turret Kit Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@KitCost@ Turret Kit & @Cost@ ManaHeimerdinger constructs a Turret that attacks nearby enemies. Heimerdinger can have @MaxTurrets@ turrets active at once. Turrets slowly build up charge. At max charge, they fire a stronger attack.

    If Heimerdinger gets too far away, his Turrets will deactivate after 8 seconds.

    This Ability has @MaxKits@ charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Turrets prioritize attacking enemies Heimerdinger has recently damaged and enemies attacking Heimerdinger.

    Turret Stats:
    @TurretHealth@ Health
    @Damage@ magic damage per regular shot
    @DamageBeam@ magic damage per charged shot
    Cannon Damage
    Beam Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamageBeam1Prefix@@BaseDamageBeam1@@BaseDamageBeam1Postfix@ / @BaseDamageBeam2Prefix@@BaseDamageBeam2@@BaseDamageBeam2Postfix@ / @BaseDamageBeam3Prefix@@BaseDamageBeam3@@BaseDamageBeam3Postfix@ / @BaseDamageBeam4Prefix@@BaseDamageBeam4@@BaseDamageBeam4Postfix@ / @BaseDamageBeam5Prefix@@BaseDamageBeam5@@BaseDamageBeam5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] H-28 G Evolution Turret@KitCooldown@s Turret Kit Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@KitCost@ Turret Kit & @Cost@ ManaHeimerdinger constructs a Turret that attacks nearby enemies. Heimerdinger can have @MaxTurrets@ turrets active at once. Turrets slowly build up charge. At max charge, they fire a stronger attack.

    If Heimerdinger gets too far away, his Turrets will deactivate after 8 seconds.

    This Ability has @MaxKits@ charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCannon Damage
    Beam Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseDamageBeam@ -> @BaseDamageBeamNL@
    Cannon Damage
    Beam Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamageBeam1Prefix@@BaseDamageBeam1@@BaseDamageBeam1Postfix@ / @BaseDamageBeam2Prefix@@BaseDamageBeam2@@BaseDamageBeam2Postfix@ / @BaseDamageBeam3Prefix@@BaseDamageBeam3@@BaseDamageBeam3Postfix@ / @BaseDamageBeam4Prefix@@BaseDamageBeam4@@BaseDamageBeam4Postfix@ / @BaseDamageBeam5Prefix@@BaseDamageBeam5@@BaseDamageBeam5Postfix@ ]
    Cannon Damage
    Beam Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseDamageBeam@ -> @BaseDamageBeamNL@
    [@Hotkey@] H-28 G Evolution Turret@KitCooldown@s Turret Kit Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@KitCost@ Turret Kit & @Cost@ ManaHeimerdinger constructs a Turret that attacks nearby enemies. Heimerdinger can have @MaxTurrets@ turrets active at once. Turrets slowly build up charge. At max charge, they fire a stronger attack.

    If Heimerdinger gets too far away, his Turrets will deactivate after 8 seconds.

    This Ability has @MaxKits@ charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] H-28 G Evolution Turret@KitCooldown@s Turret Kit Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@KitCost@ Turret Kit & @Cost@ ManaHeimerdinger constructs a Turret that attacks nearby enemies. Heimerdinger can have @MaxTurrets@ turrets active at once. Turrets slowly build up charge. At max charge, they fire a stronger attack.

    If Heimerdinger gets too far away, his Turrets will deactivate after 8 seconds.

    This Ability has @MaxKits@ charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoHeimerdinger invents an upgrade, causing his next spell to have increased effects. UPGRADE!!!UPGRADE!!!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] UPGRADE!!!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger upgrades his next non-ultimate Ability.

    H-28Q Apex Turret: Place an upgraded Turret for 8 seconds that doesn't count towards Heimerdinger's max turrets, deals @QUltDamage@ magic damage per shot and @QUltDamageBeam@ magic damage per charged shot. Its attacks deal damage in an area, Slow by 25% for 2 seconds, and it is immune to crowd control.

    Hextech Rocket Swarm: Fires 4 waves of rockets that each deal @WUltDamage@ magic damage. Champions and jungle monsters hit by additional rockets take reduced damage, and minions take increased damage. Max Damage: @WUltTotalDamage@ magic damage.

    CH-3X Lightning Grenade: Throws a bouncing grenade that discharges three times, dealing @EUltDamage@ magic damage. The Stun and Slow areas are larger.

    Recast: Cancel this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Heimerdinger upgrades his next non-ultimate Ability.

    H-28Q Apex Turret: Place an upgraded Turret for 8 seconds that doesn't count towards Heimerdinger's max turrets, deals @QUltDamage@ magic damage per shot and @QUltDamageBeam@ magic damage per charged shot. Its attacks deal damage in an area, Slow by 25% for 2 seconds, and it is immune to crowd control.

    Hextech Rocket Swarm: Fires 4 waves of rockets that each deal @WUltDamage@ magic damage. Champions and jungle monsters hit by additional rockets take reduced damage, and minions take increased damage. Max Damage: @WUltTotalDamage@ magic damage.

    CH-3X Lightning Grenade: Throws a bouncing grenade that discharges three times, dealing @EUltDamage@ magic damage. The Stun and Slow areas are larger.

    Recast: Cancel this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] UPGRADE!!!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger upgrades his next non-ultimate Ability.

    H-28Q Apex Turret: Place an upgraded Turret for 8 seconds that doesn't count towards Heimerdinger's max turrets, deals @QUltDamage@ magic damage per shot and @QUltDamageBeam@ magic damage per charged shot. Its attacks deal damage in an area, Slow by 25% for 2 seconds, and it is immune to crowd control.

    Hextech Rocket Swarm: Fires 4 waves of rockets that each deal @WUltDamage@ magic damage. Champions and jungle monsters hit by additional rockets take reduced damage, and minions take increased damage. Max Damage: @WUltTotalDamage@ magic damage.

    CH-3X Lightning Grenade: Throws a bouncing grenade that discharges three times, dealing @EUltDamage@ magic damage. The Stun and Slow areas are larger.

    Recast: Cancel this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The upgraded Ability has no cost.
    Upgraded rockets deal 2000% damage to minions.

    Apex Turret Stats:
    @QUltTurretHealth@ Health
    @QUltDamage@ magic damage per regular shot
    @QUltDamageBeam@ magic damage per charged shot
    Apex Turret Cannon Damage
    Turret Beam Damage
    Rocket Swarm Damage
    Rocket Swarm Max Damage
    Lightning Grenade Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @QUltBaseDamage1Prefix@@QUltBaseDamage1@@QUltBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @QUltBaseDamage2Prefix@@QUltBaseDamage2@@QUltBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @QUltBaseDamage3Prefix@@QUltBaseDamage3@@QUltBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @QUltBaseDamageBeam1Prefix@@QUltBaseDamageBeam1@@QUltBaseDamageBeam1Postfix@ / @QUltBaseDamageBeam2Prefix@@QUltBaseDamageBeam2@@QUltBaseDamageBeam2Postfix@ / @QUltBaseDamageBeam3Prefix@@QUltBaseDamageBeam3@@QUltBaseDamageBeam3Postfix@ ]
    [ @WUltBaseDamage1Prefix@@WUltBaseDamage1@@WUltBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @WUltBaseDamage2Prefix@@WUltBaseDamage2@@WUltBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @WUltBaseDamage3Prefix@@WUltBaseDamage3@@WUltBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @WUltTotalBaseDamage1Prefix@@WUltTotalBaseDamage1@@WUltTotalBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @WUltTotalBaseDamage2Prefix@@WUltTotalBaseDamage2@@WUltTotalBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @WUltTotalBaseDamage3Prefix@@WUltTotalBaseDamage3@@WUltTotalBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @EUltBaseDamage1Prefix@@EUltBaseDamage1@@EUltBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @EUltBaseDamage2Prefix@@EUltBaseDamage2@@EUltBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @EUltBaseDamage3Prefix@@EUltBaseDamage3@@EUltBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] UPGRADE!!!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger upgrades his next non-ultimate Ability.

    H-28Q Apex Turret: Place an upgraded Turret for 8 seconds that doesn't count towards Heimerdinger's max turrets, deals @QUltDamage@ magic damage per shot and @QUltDamageBeam@ magic damage per charged shot. Its attacks deal damage in an area, Slow by 25% for 2 seconds, and it is immune to crowd control.

    Hextech Rocket Swarm: Fires 4 waves of rockets that each deal @WUltDamage@ magic damage. Champions and jungle monsters hit by additional rockets take reduced damage, and minions take increased damage. Max Damage: @WUltTotalDamage@ magic damage.

    CH-3X Lightning Grenade: Throws a bouncing grenade that discharges three times, dealing @EUltDamage@ magic damage. The Stun and Slow areas are larger.

    Recast: Cancel this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Apex Turret Cannon Damage
    Turret Beam Damage
    Rocket Swarm Damage
    Rocket Swarm Max Damage
    Lightning Grenade Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @QUltBaseDamage@ -> @QUltBaseDamageNL@
    @QUltBaseDamageBeam@ -> @QUltBaseDamageBeamNL@
    @WUltBaseDamage@ -> @WUltBaseDamageNL@
    @WUltTotalBaseDamage@ -> @WUltTotalBaseDamageNL@
    @EUltBaseDamage@ -> @EUltBaseDamageNL@
    Apex Turret Cannon Damage
    Turret Beam Damage
    Rocket Swarm Damage
    Rocket Swarm Max Damage
    Lightning Grenade Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @QUltBaseDamage1Prefix@@QUltBaseDamage1@@QUltBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @QUltBaseDamage2Prefix@@QUltBaseDamage2@@QUltBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @QUltBaseDamage3Prefix@@QUltBaseDamage3@@QUltBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @QUltBaseDamageBeam1Prefix@@QUltBaseDamageBeam1@@QUltBaseDamageBeam1Postfix@ / @QUltBaseDamageBeam2Prefix@@QUltBaseDamageBeam2@@QUltBaseDamageBeam2Postfix@ / @QUltBaseDamageBeam3Prefix@@QUltBaseDamageBeam3@@QUltBaseDamageBeam3Postfix@ ]
    [ @WUltBaseDamage1Prefix@@WUltBaseDamage1@@WUltBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @WUltBaseDamage2Prefix@@WUltBaseDamage2@@WUltBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @WUltBaseDamage3Prefix@@WUltBaseDamage3@@WUltBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @WUltTotalBaseDamage1Prefix@@WUltTotalBaseDamage1@@WUltTotalBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @WUltTotalBaseDamage2Prefix@@WUltTotalBaseDamage2@@WUltTotalBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @WUltTotalBaseDamage3Prefix@@WUltTotalBaseDamage3@@WUltTotalBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @EUltBaseDamage1Prefix@@EUltBaseDamage1@@EUltBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @EUltBaseDamage2Prefix@@EUltBaseDamage2@@EUltBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @EUltBaseDamage3Prefix@@EUltBaseDamage3@@EUltBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    Apex Turret Cannon Damage
    Turret Beam Damage
    Rocket Swarm Damage
    Rocket Swarm Max Damage
    Lightning Grenade Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @QUltBaseDamage@ -> @QUltBaseDamageNL@
    @QUltBaseDamageBeam@ -> @QUltBaseDamageBeamNL@
    @WUltBaseDamage@ -> @WUltBaseDamageNL@
    @WUltTotalBaseDamage@ -> @WUltTotalBaseDamageNL@
    @EUltBaseDamage@ -> @EUltBaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] UPGRADE!!!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger upgrades his next non-ultimate Ability.

    H-28Q Apex Turret: Place an upgraded Turret for 8 seconds that doesn't count towards Heimerdinger's max turrets, deals @QUltDamage@ magic damage per shot and @QUltDamageBeam@ magic damage per charged shot. Its attacks deal damage in an area, Slow by 25% for 2 seconds, and it is immune to crowd control.

    Hextech Rocket Swarm: Fires 4 waves of rockets that each deal @WUltDamage@ magic damage. Champions and jungle monsters hit by additional rockets take reduced damage, and minions take increased damage. Max Damage: @WUltTotalDamage@ magic damage.

    CH-3X Lightning Grenade: Throws a bouncing grenade that discharges three times, dealing @EUltDamage@ magic damage. The Stun and Slow areas are larger.

    Recast: Cancel this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] UPGRADE!!!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger upgrades his next non-ultimate Ability.

    H-28Q Apex Turret: Place an upgraded Turret for 8 seconds that doesn't count towards Heimerdinger's max turrets, deals @QUltDamage@ magic damage per shot and @QUltDamageBeam@ magic damage per charged shot. Its attacks deal damage in an area, Slow by 25% for 2 seconds, and it is immune to crowd control.

    Hextech Rocket Swarm: Fires 4 waves of rockets that each deal @WUltDamage@ magic damage. Champions and jungle monsters hit by additional rockets take reduced damage, and minions take increased damage. Max Damage: @WUltTotalDamage@ magic damage.

    CH-3X Lightning Grenade: Throws a bouncing grenade that discharges three times, dealing @EUltDamage@ magic damage. The Stun and Slow areas are larger.

    Recast: Cancel this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoHeimerdinger fires long-range rockets that converge on his cursor.Hextech Micro-RocketsHextech Micro-Rockets@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hextech Micro-Rockets@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger unleashes a barrage of @Rockets@ rockets that deal @Damage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. Additional rocket hits deal reduced damage.

    Max Damage: @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Nearby Turrets gain 20% charge per rocket that hits a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Heimerdinger unleashes a barrage of @Rockets@ rockets that deal @Damage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. Additional rocket hits deal reduced damage.

    Max Damage: @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Nearby Turrets gain 20% charge per rocket that hits a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hextech Micro-Rockets@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger unleashes a barrage of @Rockets@ rockets that deal @Damage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. Additional rocket hits deal reduced damage.

    Max Damage: @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Nearby Turrets gain 20% charge per rocket that hits a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Enemies hit by multiple rockets take @ExtraHitDamage@ magic damage beyond the first. Minions instead take @ExtraHitDamageMinions@ magic damage beyond the firstCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Hextech Micro-Rockets@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger unleashes a barrage of @Rockets@ rockets that deal @Damage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. Additional rocket hits deal reduced damage.

    Max Damage: @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Nearby Turrets gain 20% charge per rocket that hits a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Hextech Micro-Rockets@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger unleashes a barrage of @Rockets@ rockets that deal @Damage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. Additional rocket hits deal reduced damage.

    Max Damage: @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Nearby Turrets gain 20% charge per rocket that hits a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hextech Micro-Rockets@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Heimerdinger unleashes a barrage of @Rockets@ rockets that deal @Damage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. Additional rocket hits deal reduced damage.

    Max Damage: @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Nearby Turrets gain 20% charge per rocket that hits a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoHexgate WarpHexgate Warp@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hexgate Warp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hexgate Warp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Hexgate Warp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Hexgate Warp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hexgate Warp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMaster Yi moves with unparalleled agility, temporarily increasing his Move Speed and Attack Speed as well as making him immune to all slowing effects. While active, Champion kills or assists extend Highlander's duration. Passively reduces cooldown for his other abilities on a kill or assist.HighlanderHighlander@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Highlander@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Champion takedowns reduce the remaining Cooldown of Master Yi's basic Abilities by @RCooldownRefund*100@%.

    Active: Master Yi enters a trance, gaining @RMSBonus@% Move Speed, @RASBonus@% Attack Speed, and immunity to Slows for @RDuration@ seconds. Champion takedowns extend the duration of this Ability by @RKillAssistExtension@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Champion takedowns reduce the remaining Cooldown of Master Yi's basic Abilities by @RCooldownRefund*100@%.

    Active: Master Yi enters a trance, gaining @RMSBonus@% Move Speed, @RASBonus@% Attack Speed, and immunity to Slows for @RDuration@ seconds. Champion takedowns extend the duration of this Ability by @RKillAssistExtension@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Highlander@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Champion takedowns reduce the remaining Cooldown of Master Yi's basic Abilities by @RCooldownRefund*100@%.

    Active: Master Yi enters a trance, gaining @RMSBonus@% Move Speed, @RASBonus@% Attack Speed, and immunity to Slows for @RDuration@ seconds. Champion takedowns extend the duration of this Ability by @RKillAssistExtension@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The duration of {{ Spell_Highlander_Name }} is paused during {{ Spell_AlphaStrike_Name }} and {{ Spell_Meditate_Name }}Attack Speed
    Move Speed
    [ @RASBonus1Prefix@@RASBonus1@%@RASBonus1Postfix@ / @RASBonus2Prefix@@RASBonus2@%@RASBonus2Postfix@ / @RASBonus3Prefix@@RASBonus3@%@RASBonus3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RMSBonus1Prefix@@RMSBonus1@%@RMSBonus1Postfix@ / @RMSBonus2Prefix@@RMSBonus2@%@RMSBonus2Postfix@ / @RMSBonus3Prefix@@RMSBonus3@%@RMSBonus3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Highlander@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Champion takedowns reduce the remaining Cooldown of Master Yi's basic Abilities by @RCooldownRefund*100@%.

    Active: Master Yi enters a trance, gaining @RMSBonus@% Move Speed, @RASBonus@% Attack Speed, and immunity to Slows for @RDuration@ seconds. Champion takedowns extend the duration of this Ability by @RKillAssistExtension@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Speed
    Move Speed
    @RASBonus@% -> @RASBonusNL@%
    @RMSBonus@% -> @RMSBonusNL@%
    Attack Speed
    Move Speed
    [ @RASBonus1Prefix@@RASBonus1@%@RASBonus1Postfix@ / @RASBonus2Prefix@@RASBonus2@%@RASBonus2Postfix@ / @RASBonus3Prefix@@RASBonus3@%@RASBonus3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RMSBonus1Prefix@@RMSBonus1@%@RMSBonus1Postfix@ / @RMSBonus2Prefix@@RMSBonus2@%@RMSBonus2Postfix@ / @RMSBonus3Prefix@@RMSBonus3@%@RMSBonus3Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    Move Speed
    @RASBonus@% -> @RASBonusNL@%
    @RMSBonus@% -> @RMSBonusNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Highlander@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Champion takedowns reduce the remaining Cooldown of Master Yi's basic Abilities by @RCooldownRefund*100@%.

    Active: Master Yi enters a trance, gaining @RMSBonus@% Move Speed, @RASBonus@% Attack Speed, and immunity to Slows for @RDuration@ seconds. Champion takedowns extend the duration of this Ability by @RKillAssistExtension@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Highlander@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Champion takedowns reduce the Cooldown of Master Yi's basic abilities.

    Active: Grants Move Speed, Attack Speed, and immunity to slows for @RDuration@ seconds.

    While active, champion takedowns extend the duration of Highlander by @RKillAssistExtension@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Highlander@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Champion takedowns reduce the remaining Cooldown of Master Yi's basic Abilities by @RCooldownRefund*100@%.

    Active: Master Yi enters a trance, gaining @RMSBonus@% Move Speed, @RASBonus@% Attack Speed, and immunity to Slows for @RDuration@ seconds. Champion takedowns extend the duration of this Ability by @RKillAssistExtension@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBy creating a localized change in pressure and temperature, Janna is able to create a small storm that grows in size with time. She can activate the spell again to release the storm. On release this storm will fly towards the direction it was cast in, dealing damage and knocking away any enemies in its path.Howling GaleHowling Gale@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Howling Gale@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Janna summons a tornado that grows stronger over @Effect6Amount@ seconds then blows along its path. It deals @MinimumDamage@ magic damage and Knocks Up for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. The distance, damage, and Knock Up duration increase based on how much the tornado grew. Janna can Recast to send the tornado early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Janna summons a tornado that grows stronger over @Effect6Amount@ seconds then blows along its path. It deals @MinimumDamage@ magic damage and Knocks Up for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. The distance, damage, and Knock Up duration increase based on how much the tornado grew. Janna can Recast to send the tornado early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Howling Gale@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Janna summons a tornado that grows stronger over @Effect6Amount@ seconds then blows along its path. It deals @MinimumDamage@ magic damage and Knocks Up for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. The distance, damage, and Knock Up duration increase based on how much the tornado grew. Janna can Recast to send the tornado early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Deals an additional @ExtraDamagePerSecondCharged@ magic damage, Knocks Up for an additional @Effect5Amount@ seconds, and travels @Effect3Amount@% further for each second it grew, and always reaches its destination in @Effect8Amount@ seconds.Damage
    Damage Per Second Charged
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Howling Gale@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Janna summons a tornado that grows stronger over @Effect6Amount@ seconds then blows along its path. It deals @MinimumDamage@ magic damage and Knocks Up for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. The distance, damage, and Knock Up duration increase based on how much the tornado grew. Janna can Recast to send the tornado early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Damage Per Second Charged
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Damage Per Second Charged
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Damage Per Second Charged
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Howling Gale@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Janna summons a tornado that grows stronger over @Effect6Amount@ seconds then blows along its path. It deals @MinimumDamage@ magic damage and Knocks Up for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. The distance, damage, and Knock Up duration increase based on how much the tornado grew. Janna can Recast to send the tornado early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Howling Gale@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Janna summons a tornado that grows stronger over @Effect6Amount@ seconds then blows along its path. It deals @MinimumDamage@ magic damage and Knocks Up for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. The distance, damage, and Knock Up duration increase based on how much the tornado grew. Janna can Recast to send the tornado early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoIllaoi rips the spirit from a foe's body, forcing it to stand before her. Spirits echo a percentage of the damage they take to the original target. If killed, or if the target gets too far from the spirit, the target will become a Vessel and begin spawning Tentacles.Test of SpiritTest of Spirit@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Test of Spirit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi pulls the spirit from an enemy champion for @SpiritDuration@ seconds. The spirit can be damaged like a champion, with @EchoPercentTooltipOnly@ of that damage echoing to its owner.

    If the spirit dies or the target leaves its range, the target becomes marked for @VesselDuration@ seconds and is Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Marked enemies spawn Tentacles every @f1@ seconds.

    Tentacles will automatically Slam at spirits and marked enemies once every @TimeBetweenVesselTentacleSlams@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Illaoi pulls the spirit from an enemy champion for @SpiritDuration@ seconds. The spirit can be damaged like a champion, with @EchoPercentTooltipOnly@ of that damage echoing to its owner.

    If the spirit dies or the target leaves its range, the target becomes marked for @VesselDuration@ seconds and is Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Marked enemies spawn Tentacles every @f1@ seconds.

    Tentacles will automatically Slam at spirits and marked enemies once every @TimeBetweenVesselTentacleSlams@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Test of Spirit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi pulls the spirit from an enemy champion for @SpiritDuration@ seconds. The spirit can be damaged like a champion, with @EchoPercentTooltipOnly@ of that damage echoing to its owner.

    If the spirit dies or the target leaves its range, the target becomes marked for @VesselDuration@ seconds and is Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Marked enemies spawn Tentacles every @f1@ seconds.

    Tentacles will automatically Slam at spirits and marked enemies once every @TimeBetweenVesselTentacleSlams@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Marked enemies are revealed for a short time.Damage Echo
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Test of Spirit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi pulls the spirit from an enemy champion for @SpiritDuration@ seconds. The spirit can be damaged like a champion, with @EchoPercentTooltipOnly@ of that damage echoing to its owner.

    If the spirit dies or the target leaves its range, the target becomes marked for @VesselDuration@ seconds and is Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Marked enemies spawn Tentacles every @f1@ seconds.

    Tentacles will automatically Slam at spirits and marked enemies once every @TimeBetweenVesselTentacleSlams@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Echo
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Damage Echo
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Damage Echo
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Test of Spirit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi pulls the spirit from an enemy champion for @SpiritDuration@ seconds. The spirit can be damaged like a champion, with @EchoPercentTooltipOnly@ of that damage echoing to its owner.

    If the spirit dies or the target leaves its range, the target becomes marked for @VesselDuration@ seconds and is Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Marked enemies spawn Tentacles every @f1@ seconds.

    Tentacles will automatically Slam at spirits and marked enemies once every @TimeBetweenVesselTentacleSlams@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Test of Spirit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi pulls the spirit from an enemy champion for @SpiritDuration@ seconds. The spirit can be damaged like a champion, with @EchoPercentTooltipOnly@ of that damage echoing to its owner.

    If the spirit dies or the target leaves its range, the target becomes marked for @VesselDuration@ seconds and is Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Marked enemies spawn Tentacles every @f1@ seconds.

    Tentacles will automatically Slam at spirits and marked enemies once every @TimeBetweenVesselTentacleSlams@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoIncreases the damage dealt by Tentacles. When activated, Illaoi smashes down a Tentacle that deals physical damage.Tentacle SmashTentacle Smash@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tentacle Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Slam damage is increased by @TentacleDamageAmp*100@% (currently @f1@ physical damage).

    Active: Illaoi swings her idol, causing a Tentacle to Slam forward.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Slam damage is increased by @TentacleDamageAmp*100@% (currently @f1@ physical damage).

    Active: Illaoi swings her idol, causing a Tentacle to Slam forward.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Passive: Slam damage is increased by @TentacleDamageAmp*100@% (current increase: @f1@ damage).

    Active: Illaoi swings her idol, causing a Tentacle to Slam forward.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tentacle Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Slam damage is increased by @TentacleDamageAmp*100@% (current increase: @f1@ damage).

    Active: Illaoi swings her idol, causing a Tentacle to Slam forward.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Slam Bonus
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Tentacle Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Slam damage is increased by @TentacleDamageAmp*100@% (current increase: @f1@ damage).

    Active: Illaoi swings her idol, causing a Tentacle to Slam forward.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upSlam Bonus
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect6Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect6AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Slam Bonus
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Slam Bonus
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect6Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect6AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Tentacle Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Slam damage is increased by @TentacleDamageAmp*100@% (current increase: @f1@ damage).

    Active: Illaoi swings her idol, causing a Tentacle to Slam forward.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Tentacle Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Slam damage is increased by @TentacleDamageAmp*100@% (currently @f1@ physical damage).

    Active: Illaoi swings her idol, causing a Tentacle to Slam forward.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoIllaoi smashes her idol into the ground, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies. A Tentacle spawns for each enemy champion hit.Leap of FaithLeap of Faith@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Leap of Faith@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi smashes her idol into the ground, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to nearby enemies and spawning a Tentacle for each enemy champion hit.

    For the next @Duration@ seconds, Tentacles are untargetable and Slam 50% faster, and Harsh Lesson has a 2 second cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Illaoi smashes her idol into the ground, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to nearby enemies and spawning a Tentacle for each enemy champion hit.

    For the next @Duration@ seconds, Tentacles are untargetable and Slam 50% faster, and Harsh Lesson has a 2 second cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Leap of Faith@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi smashes her idol into the ground, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to nearby enemies and spawning a Tentacle for each enemy champion hit.

    For the next @Duration@ seconds, Tentacles are untargetable and Slam 50% faster, and Harsh Lesson has a 2 second cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Spirits from Test Of Spirit also generate a Tentacle if hit by this ability.Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Leap of Faith@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi smashes her idol into the ground, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to nearby enemies and spawning a Tentacle for each enemy champion hit.

    For the next @Duration@ seconds, Tentacles are untargetable and Slam 50% faster, and Harsh Lesson has a 2 second cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Leap of Faith@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi smashes her idol into the ground, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to nearby enemies and spawning a Tentacle for each enemy champion hit.

    For the next @Duration@ seconds, Tentacles are untargetable and Slam 50% faster, and Harsh Lesson has a 2 second cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Leap of Faith@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi smashes her idol into the ground, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to nearby enemies and spawning a Tentacle for each enemy champion hit.

    For the next @Duration@ seconds, Tentacles are untargetable and Slam 50% faster, and Harsh Lesson has a 2 second cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoIllaoi leaps to her target, dealing physical damage and causing nearby Tentacles to also swing at the target.Harsh Lesson@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Harsh Lesson@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi's next Attack causes her to leap at the target, dealing an additional @HealthPercentTotalTooltip@ max Health physical damage. When she strikes, nearby Tentacles will Slam at the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Illaoi's next Attack causes her to leap at the target, dealing an additional @HealthPercentTotalTooltip@ max Health physical damage. When she strikes, nearby Tentacles will Slam at the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Harsh Lesson@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi's next Attack causes her to leap at the target, dealing an additional @HealthPercentTotalTooltip@ max Health physical damage. When she strikes, nearby Tentacles will Slam at the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@The percent Health damage does a minimum of @WMinDamage@. Against jungle monsters the damage is capped at @Effect3Amount@.
    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}
    Minimum Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @WMinDamage1Prefix@@WMinDamage1@@WMinDamage1Postfix@ / @WMinDamage2Prefix@@WMinDamage2@@WMinDamage2Postfix@ / @WMinDamage3Prefix@@WMinDamage3@@WMinDamage3Postfix@ / @WMinDamage4Prefix@@WMinDamage4@@WMinDamage4Postfix@ / @WMinDamage5Prefix@@WMinDamage5@@WMinDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Harsh Lesson@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi's next Attack causes her to leap at the target, dealing an additional @HealthPercentTotalTooltip@ max Health physical damage. When she strikes, nearby Tentacles will Slam at the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Minimum Damage
    @Effect1Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @WMinDamage@ -> @WMinDamageNL@
    Minimum Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @WMinDamage1Prefix@@WMinDamage1@@WMinDamage1Postfix@ / @WMinDamage2Prefix@@WMinDamage2@@WMinDamage2Postfix@ / @WMinDamage3Prefix@@WMinDamage3@@WMinDamage3Postfix@ / @WMinDamage4Prefix@@WMinDamage4@@WMinDamage4Postfix@ / @WMinDamage5Prefix@@WMinDamage5@@WMinDamage5Postfix@ ]
    Minimum Damage
    @Effect1Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @WMinDamage@ -> @WMinDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Harsh Lesson@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi's next Attack causes her to leap at the target, dealing an additional @HealthPercentTotalTooltip@ max Health physical damage. When she strikes, nearby Tentacles will Slam at the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Harsh Lesson@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Illaoi's next Attack causes her to leap at the target, dealing an additional @HealthPercentTotalTooltip@ max Health physical damage. When she strikes, nearby Tentacles will Slam at the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSinged drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him increased combat stats, and making his Poison Trail apply Grievous Wounds.Insanity PotionInsanity Potion@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Insanity Potion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him @StatAmount@ Ability Power, Armor, Magic Resist, Move Speed, Health Regen, and Mana Regen for @Duration@ seconds. During this effect, Singed's Poison Trail also applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him @StatAmount@ Ability Power, Armor, Magic Resist, Move Speed, Health Regen, and Mana Regen for @Duration@ seconds. During this effect, Singed's Poison Trail also applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Insanity Potion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him @StatAmount@ Ability Power, Armor, Magic Resist, Move Speed, Health Regen, and Mana Regen for @Duration@ seconds. During this effect, Singed's Poison Trail also applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    Bonus Stats
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StatAmount1Prefix@@StatAmount1@@StatAmount1Postfix@ / @StatAmount2Prefix@@StatAmount2@@StatAmount2Postfix@ / @StatAmount3Prefix@@StatAmount3@@StatAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Insanity Potion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him @StatAmount@ Ability Power, Armor, Magic Resist, Move Speed, Health Regen, and Mana Regen for @Duration@ seconds. During this effect, Singed's Poison Trail also applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Bonus Stats
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @StatAmount@ -> @StatAmountNL@
    Bonus Stats
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StatAmount1Prefix@@StatAmount1@@StatAmount1Postfix@ / @StatAmount2Prefix@@StatAmount2@@StatAmount2Postfix@ / @StatAmount3Prefix@@StatAmount3@@StatAmount3Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Stats
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @StatAmount@ -> @StatAmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Insanity Potion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him @StatAmount@ Ability Power, Armor, Magic Resist, Move Speed, Health Regen, and Mana Regen for @Duration@ seconds. During this effect, Singed's Poison Trail also applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Insanity Potion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him @StatAmount@ Ability Power, Armor, Magic Resist, Move Speed, Health Regen, and Mana Regen for @Duration@ seconds. During this effect, Singed's Poison Trail also applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoIrelia sends out two blades which converge on each other. Enemies caught in between are damaged, stunned and Marked.Flawless DuetFlawless Duet@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Flawless Duet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia throws a blade into the ground and can Recast for up to @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Recast: Irelia throws a second blade, then they fly towards each other Stunning for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Champions and large jungle monsters become Unsteady for @MarkDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Irelia throws a blade into the ground and can Recast for up to @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Recast: Irelia throws a second blade, then they fly towards each other Stunning for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Champions and large jungle monsters become Unsteady for @MarkDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Flawless Duet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia throws a blade into the ground and can Recast for up to @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Recast: Irelia throws a second blade, then they fly towards each other Stunning for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Champions and large jungle monsters become Unsteady for @MarkDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Irelia will automatically Recast at her location after @BuffDuration@ seconds.Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Flawless Duet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia throws a blade into the ground and can Recast for up to @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Recast: Irelia throws a second blade, then they fly towards each other Stunning for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Champions and large jungle monsters become Unsteady for @MarkDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Flawless Duet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia throws a blade into the ground and can Recast for up to @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Recast: Irelia throws a second blade, then they fly towards each other Stunning for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Champions and large jungle monsters become Unsteady for @MarkDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Flawless Duet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia throws a blade into the ground and can Recast for up to @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Recast: Irelia throws a second blade, then they fly towards each other Stunning for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Champions and large jungle monsters become Unsteady for @MarkDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoIrelia dashes forward to strike her target, healing herself. If the target is Marked or dies to Bladesurge, its cooldown refreshes.Bladesurge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bladesurge@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia dashes to an enemy, dealing @ChampionDamage@ physical damage and restoring @HealAmount@ Health to herself. If the enemy dies or was Unsteady, the Cooldown is refreshed.

    Deals @MinionDamage@ damage to minions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Irelia dashes to an enemy, dealing @ChampionDamage@ physical damage and restoring @HealAmount@ Health to herself. If the enemy dies or was Unsteady, the Cooldown is refreshed.

    Deals @MinionDamage@ damage to minions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bladesurge@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia dashes to an enemy, dealing @ChampionDamage@ physical damage and restoring @HealAmount@ Health to herself. If the enemy dies or was Unsteady, the Cooldown is refreshed.

    Deals @MinionDamage@ damage to minions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This ability applies On-Hit Effects.Damage
    Heal Ratio
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealTADCoefficient1Prefix@@HealTADCoefficient1*100.000000@%@HealTADCoefficient1Postfix@ / @HealTADCoefficient2Prefix@@HealTADCoefficient2*100.000000@%@HealTADCoefficient2Postfix@ / @HealTADCoefficient3Prefix@@HealTADCoefficient3*100.000000@%@HealTADCoefficient3Postfix@ / @HealTADCoefficient4Prefix@@HealTADCoefficient4*100.000000@%@HealTADCoefficient4Postfix@ / @HealTADCoefficient5Prefix@@HealTADCoefficient5*100.000000@%@HealTADCoefficient5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bladesurge@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia dashes to an enemy, dealing @ChampionDamage@ physical damage and restoring @HealAmount@ Health to herself. If the enemy dies or was Unsteady, the Cooldown is refreshed.

    Deals @MinionDamage@ damage to minions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Heal Ratio
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @HealTADCoefficient*100.000000@% -> @HealTADCoefficientNL*100.000000@%
    Heal Ratio
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealTADCoefficient1Prefix@@HealTADCoefficient1*100.000000@%@HealTADCoefficient1Postfix@ / @HealTADCoefficient2Prefix@@HealTADCoefficient2*100.000000@%@HealTADCoefficient2Postfix@ / @HealTADCoefficient3Prefix@@HealTADCoefficient3*100.000000@%@HealTADCoefficient3Postfix@ / @HealTADCoefficient4Prefix@@HealTADCoefficient4*100.000000@%@HealTADCoefficient4Postfix@ / @HealTADCoefficient5Prefix@@HealTADCoefficient5*100.000000@%@HealTADCoefficient5Postfix@ ]
    Heal Ratio
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @HealTADCoefficient*100.000000@% -> @HealTADCoefficientNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Bladesurge@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia dashes to an enemy, dealing @ChampionDamage@ physical damage and restoring @HealAmount@ Health to herself. If the enemy dies or was Unsteady, the Cooldown is refreshed.

    Deals @MinionDamage@ damage to minions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bladesurge@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia dashes to an enemy, dealing @ChampionDamage@ physical damage and restoring @HealAmount@ Health to herself. If the enemy dies or was Unsteady, the Cooldown is refreshed.

    Deals @MinionDamage@ damage to minions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoIrelia fires a massive number of blades that explode outward upon hitting an enemy champion. Enemies hit by the blades are damaged and Marked. Afterwards the blades form a wall that will damage and slow enemies that walk through it.Vanguard's EdgeVanguard's Edge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Vanguard's Edge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia launches a barrage of blades, dealing @MissileDamage@ magic damage and making champions and large jungle monsters Unsteady for @MarkDuration@ seconds. The barrage explodes into a cage around the first champion hit for @ZoneDuration@ seconds. The cage deals @ZoneDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount@% for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    Bladesurge's base cooldown is reduced by @CooldownAmount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Irelia launches a barrage of blades, dealing @MissileDamage@ magic damage and making champions and large jungle monsters Unsteady for @MarkDuration@ seconds. The barrage explodes into a cage around the first champion hit for @ZoneDuration@ seconds. The cage deals @ZoneDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount@% for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    Bladesurge's base cooldown is reduced by @CooldownAmount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Vanguard's Edge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia launches a barrage of blades, dealing @MissileDamage@ magic damage and making champions and large jungle monsters Unsteady for @MarkDuration@ seconds. The barrage explodes into a cage around the first champion hit for @ZoneDuration@ seconds. The cage deals @ZoneDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount@% for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    Bladesurge's base cooldown is reduced by @CooldownAmount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    When the barrage explodes, surrounding enemies are also hit.
    Wall Damage
    Bladesurge Seconds Reduced
    [ @BaseMissileDamage1Prefix@@BaseMissileDamage1@@BaseMissileDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseMissileDamage2Prefix@@BaseMissileDamage2@@BaseMissileDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseMissileDamage3Prefix@@BaseMissileDamage3@@BaseMissileDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseZoneDamage1Prefix@@BaseZoneDamage1@@BaseZoneDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseZoneDamage2Prefix@@BaseZoneDamage2@@BaseZoneDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseZoneDamage3Prefix@@BaseZoneDamage3@@BaseZoneDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CooldownAmount1Prefix@@CooldownAmount1@@CooldownAmount1Postfix@ / @CooldownAmount2Prefix@@CooldownAmount2@@CooldownAmount2Postfix@ / @CooldownAmount3Prefix@@CooldownAmount3@@CooldownAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Vanguard's Edge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia launches a barrage of blades, dealing @MissileDamage@ magic damage and making champions and large jungle monsters Unsteady for @MarkDuration@ seconds. The barrage explodes into a cage around the first champion hit for @ZoneDuration@ seconds. The cage deals @ZoneDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount@% for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    Bladesurge's base cooldown is reduced by @CooldownAmount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Wall Damage
    Bladesurge Seconds Reduced
    @BaseMissileDamage@ -> @BaseMissileDamageNL@
    @BaseZoneDamage@ -> @BaseZoneDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @CooldownAmount@ -> @CooldownAmountNL@
    Wall Damage
    Bladesurge Seconds Reduced
    [ @BaseMissileDamage1Prefix@@BaseMissileDamage1@@BaseMissileDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseMissileDamage2Prefix@@BaseMissileDamage2@@BaseMissileDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseMissileDamage3Prefix@@BaseMissileDamage3@@BaseMissileDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseZoneDamage1Prefix@@BaseZoneDamage1@@BaseZoneDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseZoneDamage2Prefix@@BaseZoneDamage2@@BaseZoneDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseZoneDamage3Prefix@@BaseZoneDamage3@@BaseZoneDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CooldownAmount1Prefix@@CooldownAmount1@@CooldownAmount1Postfix@ / @CooldownAmount2Prefix@@CooldownAmount2@@CooldownAmount2Postfix@ / @CooldownAmount3Prefix@@CooldownAmount3@@CooldownAmount3Postfix@ ]
    Wall Damage
    Bladesurge Seconds Reduced
    @BaseMissileDamage@ -> @BaseMissileDamageNL@
    @BaseZoneDamage@ -> @BaseZoneDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @CooldownAmount@ -> @CooldownAmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Vanguard's Edge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia launches a barrage of blades, dealing @MissileDamage@ magic damage and making champions and large jungle monsters Unsteady for @MarkDuration@ seconds. The barrage explodes into a cage around the first champion hit for @ZoneDuration@ seconds. The cage deals @ZoneDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount@% for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    Bladesurge's base cooldown is reduced by @CooldownAmount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Vanguard's Edge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Irelia launches a barrage of blades, dealing @MissileDamage@ magic damage and making champions and large jungle monsters Unsteady for @MarkDuration@ seconds. The barrage explodes into a cage around the first champion hit for @ZoneDuration@ seconds. The cage deals @ZoneDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount@% for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    Bladesurge's base cooldown is reduced by @CooldownAmount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoIrelia charges a strike that deals more damage as she charges. She takes reduced physical damage during the charge.Defiant DanceDefiant Dance@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Defiant Dance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Irelia enters a defensive stance for up to @MaxDuration@ seconds, becoming unable to act but reducing physical damage taken by @FinalPhysicalDR@% and magic damage taken by @FinalMagicDR@%.

    Release: Irelia lashes out with her blades, dealing @MinDamageCalc@ physical damage increased up to @MaxDamageCalc@ based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Begin Charging: Irelia enters a defensive stance for up to @MaxDuration@ seconds, becoming unable to act but reducing physical damage taken by @FinalPhysicalDR@% and magic damage taken by @FinalMagicDR@%.

    Release: Irelia lashes out with her blades, dealing @MinDamageCalc@ physical damage increased up to @MaxDamageCalc@ based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Defiant Dance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Irelia enters a defensive stance for up to @MaxDuration@ seconds, becoming unable to act but reducing physical damage taken by @FinalPhysicalDR@% and magic damage taken by @FinalMagicDR@%.

    Release: Irelia lashes out with her blades, dealing @MinDamageCalc@ physical damage increased up to @MaxDamageCalc@ based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The Release will happen automatically at the end of the Charge and cannot be interrupted. Reaches max damage increase after @ChargeTimeForMax@ seconds.Damage
    Mana Cost
    [ @MinDamage1Prefix@@MinDamage1@@MinDamage1Postfix@ / @MinDamage2Prefix@@MinDamage2@@MinDamage2Postfix@ / @MinDamage3Prefix@@MinDamage3@@MinDamage3Postfix@ / @MinDamage4Prefix@@MinDamage4@@MinDamage4Postfix@ / @MinDamage5Prefix@@MinDamage5@@MinDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Defiant Dance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Irelia enters a defensive stance for up to @MaxDuration@ seconds, becoming unable to act but reducing physical damage taken by @FinalPhysicalDR@% and magic damage taken by @FinalMagicDR@%.

    Release: Irelia lashes out with her blades, dealing @MinDamageCalc@ physical damage increased up to @MaxDamageCalc@ based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Mana Cost
    @MinDamage@ -> @MinDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Mana Cost
    [ @MinDamage1Prefix@@MinDamage1@@MinDamage1Postfix@ / @MinDamage2Prefix@@MinDamage2@@MinDamage2Postfix@ / @MinDamage3Prefix@@MinDamage3@@MinDamage3Postfix@ / @MinDamage4Prefix@@MinDamage4@@MinDamage4Postfix@ / @MinDamage5Prefix@@MinDamage5@@MinDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Mana Cost
    @MinDamage@ -> @MinDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Defiant Dance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Irelia enters a defensive stance for up to @MaxDuration@ seconds, becoming unable to act but reducing physical damage taken by @FinalPhysicalDR@% and magic damage taken by @FinalMagicDR@%.

    Release: Irelia lashes out with her blades, dealing @MinDamageCalc@ physical damage increased up to @MaxDamageCalc@ based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Defiant Dance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Irelia enters a defensive stance for up to @MaxDuration@ seconds, becoming unable to act but reducing physical damage taken by @FinalPhysicalDR@% and magic damage taken by @FinalMagicDR@%.

    Release: Irelia lashes out with her blades, dealing @MinDamageCalc@ physical damage increased up to @MaxDamageCalc@ based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPredator Predator @SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Predator @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Predator @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Predator @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Predator @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Predator @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoVoidzillaVoidzilla@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Voidzilla@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Voidzilla@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Voidzilla@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Voidzilla@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Voidzilla@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHerald's CallHerald's Call@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Herald's Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Herald's Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Herald's Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Herald's Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Herald's Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHextech GLP-800Hextech GLP-800@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hextech GLP-800@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hextech GLP-800@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Hextech GLP-800@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Hextech GLP-800@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hextech GLP-800@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoIvern places a shield on an ally which explodes after a short duration slowing and damaging enemies.TriggerseedTriggerseed@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Triggerseed@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ivern grants @TotalShield@ Shield to an ally champion. After 2 seconds, it bursts, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing enemies by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ivern grants @TotalShield@ Shield to an ally champion. After 2 seconds, it bursts, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing enemies by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Triggerseed@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ivern grants @TotalShield@ Shield to an ally champion. After 2 seconds, it bursts, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing enemies by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Can also be used on Daisy.Shield Amount
    [ @BaseShield1Prefix@@BaseShield1@@BaseShield1Postfix@ / @BaseShield2Prefix@@BaseShield2@@BaseShield2Postfix@ / @BaseShield3Prefix@@BaseShield3@@BaseShield3Postfix@ / @BaseShield4Prefix@@BaseShield4@@BaseShield4Postfix@ / @BaseShield5Prefix@@BaseShield5@@BaseShield5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Triggerseed@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ivern grants @TotalShield@ Shield to an ally champion. After 2 seconds, it bursts, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing enemies by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    @BaseShield@ -> @BaseShieldNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Shield Amount
    [ @BaseShield1Prefix@@BaseShield1@@BaseShield1Postfix@ / @BaseShield2Prefix@@BaseShield2@@BaseShield2Postfix@ / @BaseShield3Prefix@@BaseShield3@@BaseShield3Postfix@ / @BaseShield4Prefix@@BaseShield4@@BaseShield4Postfix@ / @BaseShield5Prefix@@BaseShield5@@BaseShield5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @BaseShield@ -> @BaseShieldNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Triggerseed@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ivern grants @TotalShield@ Shield to an ally champion. After 2 seconds, it bursts, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing enemies by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Triggerseed@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ivern grants @TotalShield@ Shield to an ally champion. After 2 seconds, it bursts, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing enemies by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFriend of the Forest@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Friend of the Forest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Friend of the Forest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Friend of the Forest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Friend of the Forest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Friend of the Forest@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoIvern conjures a vine, dealing damage and rooting enemy targets hit. Ivern's allies can dash to the rooted target.RootcallerRootcaller@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rootcaller@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ivern conjures a vine dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Rooting the first enemy hit for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Allies that Attack a Rooted enemy dash into attack range.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ivern conjures a vine dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Rooting the first enemy hit for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Allies that Attack a Rooted enemy dash into attack range.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rootcaller@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ivern conjures a vine dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Rooting the first enemy hit for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Allies that Attack a Rooted enemy dash into attack range.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Root Duration
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Rootcaller@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ivern conjures a vine dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Rooting the first enemy hit for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Allies that Attack a Rooted enemy dash into attack range.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upRoot Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Root Duration
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Root Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Rootcaller@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ivern conjures a vine dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Rooting the first enemy hit for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Allies that Attack a Rooted enemy dash into attack range.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Rootcaller@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ivern conjures a vine dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Rooting the first enemy hit for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Allies that Attack a Rooted enemy dash into attack range.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoIvern summons his Sentinel friend Daisy to fight with him. Daisy will send out a shockwave if she attacks the same champion three times in a row.Daisy!Daisy!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Daisy!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ivern summons his sentinel friend Daisy for @f6@ seconds. If Daisy Attacks the same champion three consecutive times she creates a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Knocking Up enemies for 1 second (3s Cooldown).

    Daisy has:
    @TotalDaisyHP@ Health
    @TotalBonusResists@ Armor
    @TotalBonusResists@ Magic Resist
    @TotalDaisyAD@ Attack Damage

    Recast: Manually issue orders to Daisy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Ivern summons his sentinel friend Daisy for @f6@ seconds. If Daisy Attacks the same champion three consecutive times she creates a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Knocking Up enemies for 1 second (3s Cooldown).

    Daisy has:
    @TotalDaisyHP@ Health
    @TotalBonusResists@ Armor
    @TotalBonusResists@ Magic Resist
    @TotalDaisyAD@ Attack Damage

    Recast: Manually issue orders to Daisy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Daisy!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ivern summons his sentinel friend Daisy for @f6@ seconds. If Daisy Attacks the same champion three consecutive times she creates a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Knocking Up enemies for 1 second (3s Cooldown).

    Daisy has:
    @TotalDaisyHP@ Health
    @TotalBonusResists@ Armor
    @TotalBonusResists@ Magic Resist
    @TotalDaisyAD@ Attack Damage

    Recast: Manually issue orders to Daisy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Daisy's Base Health
    Daisy's Base Armor And Magic Resist
    Daisy Bonus Attack Speed
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Daisy!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ivern summons his sentinel friend Daisy for @f6@ seconds. If Daisy Attacks the same champion three consecutive times she creates a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Knocking Up enemies for 1 second (3s Cooldown).

    Daisy has:
    @TotalDaisyHP@ Health
    @TotalBonusResists@ Armor
    @TotalBonusResists@ Magic Resist
    @TotalDaisyAD@ Attack Damage

    Recast: Manually issue orders to Daisy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Daisy's Base Health
    Daisy's Base Armor And Magic Resist
    Daisy Bonus Attack Speed
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    Daisy's Base Health
    Daisy's Base Armor And Magic Resist
    Daisy Bonus Attack Speed
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ ]
    Daisy's Base Health
    Daisy's Base Armor And Magic Resist
    Daisy Bonus Attack Speed
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Daisy!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ivern summons his sentinel friend Daisy for @f6@ seconds. If Daisy Attacks the same champion three consecutive times she creates a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Knocking Up enemies for 1 second (3s Cooldown).

    Daisy has:
    @TotalDaisyHP@ Health
    @TotalBonusResists@ Armor
    @TotalBonusResists@ Magic Resist
    @TotalDaisyAD@ Attack Damage

    Recast: Manually issue orders to Daisy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Daisy!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ivern summons his sentinel friend Daisy for @f6@ seconds. If Daisy Attacks the same champion three consecutive times she creates a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Knocking Up enemies for 1 second (3s Cooldown).

    Daisy has:
    @TotalDaisyHP@ Health
    @TotalBonusResists@ Armor
    @TotalBonusResists@ Magic Resist
    @TotalDaisyAD@ Attack Damage

    Recast: Manually issue orders to Daisy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoIn brush, Ivern's attacks deal bonus magic damage. Ivern can activate this ability to create a patch of brush.BrushmakerBrushmaker@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Brushmaker@f12@s Cooldown@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While in brush and for 3 seconds after leaving it Ivern's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Ivern grows a patch of Brush for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and reveals it for 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: While in brush and for 3 seconds after leaving it Ivern's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Ivern grows a patch of Brush for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and reveals it for 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Brushmaker@f12@s Cooldown@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While in brush and for 3 seconds after leaving it Ivern's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Ivern grows a patch of Brush for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and reveals it for 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Magic Damage
    Brush Recharge
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Brushmaker@f12@s Cooldown@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While in brush and for 3 seconds after leaving it Ivern's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Ivern grows a patch of Brush for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and reveals it for 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage
    Brush Recharge
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    Magic Damage
    Brush Recharge
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Magic Damage
    Brush Recharge
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Brushmaker@f12@s Cooldown@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While in brush and for 3 seconds after leaving it Ivern's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Ivern grows a patch of Brush for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and reveals it for 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Brushmaker@f12@s Cooldown@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While in brush and for 3 seconds after leaving it Ivern's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Ivern grows a patch of Brush for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and reveals it for 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoShaco creates a hidden animated Jack-in-the-Box. When triggered, it will fear and attack nearby enemies.Jack In The BoxJack In The Box@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Jack In The Box@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco creates a trap that stealths itself after @Effect5Amount@ seconds and lasts for @TrapDuration@ seconds. It activates when an enemy comes near or when revealed, Fearing nearby enemy Champions for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, or @MinionFearDuration@ seconds for minions and jungle monsters.

    Once activated, the trap fires at all nearby enemies for 5 seconds, dealing @AoEDamage@ magic damage, or @STDamage@ damage if focused on a single target.

    Jack in the Box's attacks deal an additional @MonsterBonusDamage@ damage to monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shaco creates a trap that stealths itself after @Effect5Amount@ seconds and lasts for @TrapDuration@ seconds. It activates when an enemy comes near or when revealed, Fearing nearby enemy Champions for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, or @MinionFearDuration@ seconds for minions and jungle monsters.

    Once activated, the trap fires at all nearby enemies for 5 seconds, dealing @AoEDamage@ magic damage, or @STDamage@ damage if focused on a single target.

    Jack in the Box's attacks deal an additional @MonsterBonusDamage@ damage to monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Jack In The Box@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco creates a trap that stealths itself after @Effect5Amount@ seconds and lasts for @TrapDuration@ seconds. It activates when an enemy comes near or when revealed, Fearing nearby enemy Champions for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, or @MinionFearDuration@ seconds for minions and jungle monsters.

    Once activated, the trap fires at all nearby enemies for 5 seconds, dealing @AoEDamage@ magic damage, or @STDamage@ damage if focused on a single target.

    Jack in the Box's attacks deal an additional @MonsterBonusDamage@ damage to monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Fear Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Bonus Monster Damage
    [ @STBaseDamage1Prefix@@STBaseDamage1@@STBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @STBaseDamage2Prefix@@STBaseDamage2@@STBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @STBaseDamage3Prefix@@STBaseDamage3@@STBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @STBaseDamage4Prefix@@STBaseDamage4@@STBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @STBaseDamage5Prefix@@STBaseDamage5@@STBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MonsterBonusDamage1Prefix@@MonsterBonusDamage1@@MonsterBonusDamage1Postfix@ / @MonsterBonusDamage2Prefix@@MonsterBonusDamage2@@MonsterBonusDamage2Postfix@ / @MonsterBonusDamage3Prefix@@MonsterBonusDamage3@@MonsterBonusDamage3Postfix@ / @MonsterBonusDamage4Prefix@@MonsterBonusDamage4@@MonsterBonusDamage4Postfix@ / @MonsterBonusDamage5Prefix@@MonsterBonusDamage5@@MonsterBonusDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Jack In The Box@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco creates a trap that stealths itself after @Effect5Amount@ seconds and lasts for @TrapDuration@ seconds. It activates when an enemy comes near or when revealed, Fearing nearby enemy Champions for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, or @MinionFearDuration@ seconds for minions and jungle monsters.

    Once activated, the trap fires at all nearby enemies for 5 seconds, dealing @AoEDamage@ magic damage, or @STDamage@ damage if focused on a single target.

    Jack in the Box's attacks deal an additional @MonsterBonusDamage@ damage to monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Fear Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Bonus Monster Damage
    @STBaseDamage@ -> @STBaseDamageNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @MonsterBonusDamage@ -> @MonsterBonusDamageNL@
    Fear Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Bonus Monster Damage
    [ @STBaseDamage1Prefix@@STBaseDamage1@@STBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @STBaseDamage2Prefix@@STBaseDamage2@@STBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @STBaseDamage3Prefix@@STBaseDamage3@@STBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @STBaseDamage4Prefix@@STBaseDamage4@@STBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @STBaseDamage5Prefix@@STBaseDamage5@@STBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MonsterBonusDamage1Prefix@@MonsterBonusDamage1@@MonsterBonusDamage1Postfix@ / @MonsterBonusDamage2Prefix@@MonsterBonusDamage2@@MonsterBonusDamage2Postfix@ / @MonsterBonusDamage3Prefix@@MonsterBonusDamage3@@MonsterBonusDamage3Postfix@ / @MonsterBonusDamage4Prefix@@MonsterBonusDamage4@@MonsterBonusDamage4Postfix@ / @MonsterBonusDamage5Prefix@@MonsterBonusDamage5@@MonsterBonusDamage5Postfix@ ]
    Fear Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Bonus Monster Damage
    @STBaseDamage@ -> @STBaseDamageNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @MonsterBonusDamage@ -> @MonsterBonusDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Jack In The Box@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco creates a trap that stealths itself after @Effect5Amount@ seconds and lasts for @TrapDuration@ seconds. It activates when an enemy comes near or when revealed, Fearing nearby enemy Champions for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, or @MinionFearDuration@ seconds for minions and jungle monsters.

    Once activated, the trap fires at all nearby enemies for 5 seconds, dealing @AoEDamage@ magic damage, or @STDamage@ damage if focused on a single target.

    Jack in the Box's attacks deal an additional @MonsterBonusDamage@ damage to monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Jack In The Box@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shaco creates a trap that stealths itself after @Effect5Amount@ seconds and lasts for @TrapDuration@ seconds. It activates when an enemy comes near or when revealed, Fearing nearby enemy Champions for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, or @MinionFearDuration@ seconds for minions and jungle monsters.

    Once activated, the trap fires at all nearby enemies for 5 seconds, dealing @AoEDamage@ magic damage, or @STDamage@ damage if focused on a single target.

    Jack in the Box's attacks deal an additional @MonsterBonusDamage@ damage to monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoJarvan IV heroically leaps into battle at a target with such force that he terraforms the surrounding area to create an arena around them. Nearby enemies are damaged at the moment of impact.CataclysmCataclysm@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cataclysm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan heroically leaps to an enemy Champion, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to them and surrounding enemies and creating an arena of impassable terrain around them for @WallDuration@ seconds.

    Jarvan can Recast to collapse the terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Jarvan heroically leaps to an enemy Champion, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to them and surrounding enemies and creating an arena of impassable terrain around them for @WallDuration@ seconds.

    Jarvan can Recast to collapse the terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cataclysm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan heroically leaps to an enemy Champion, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to them and surrounding enemies and creating an arena of impassable terrain around them for @WallDuration@ seconds.

    Jarvan can Recast to collapse the terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Cataclysm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan heroically leaps to an enemy Champion, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to them and surrounding enemies and creating an arena of impassable terrain around them for @WallDuration@ seconds.

    Jarvan can Recast to collapse the terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Cataclysm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan heroically leaps to an enemy Champion, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to them and surrounding enemies and creating an arena of impassable terrain around them for @WallDuration@ seconds.

    Jarvan can Recast to collapse the terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Cataclysm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan heroically leaps to an enemy Champion, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to them and surrounding enemies and creating an arena of impassable terrain around them for @WallDuration@ seconds.

    Jarvan can Recast to collapse the terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoJarvan IV carries the pride of Demacia, passively granting him bonus Attack Speed. Activating Demacian Standard allows Jarvan IV to place a Demacian flag that deals magic damage on impact and grants Attack Speed to nearby allied champions.Demacian StandardDemacian Standard@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Demacian Standard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Jarvan gains @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Jarvan throws a standard into the ground, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and granting allies near the standard @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Jarvan gains @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Jarvan throws a standard into the ground, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and granting allies near the standard @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Demacian Standard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Jarvan gains @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Jarvan throws a standard into the ground, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and granting allies near the standard @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive Attack Speed
    Active Attack Speed
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PermanentAttackSpeed1Prefix@@PermanentAttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@PermanentAttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @PermanentAttackSpeed2Prefix@@PermanentAttackSpeed2*100.000000@%@PermanentAttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @PermanentAttackSpeed3Prefix@@PermanentAttackSpeed3*100.000000@%@PermanentAttackSpeed3Postfix@ / @PermanentAttackSpeed4Prefix@@PermanentAttackSpeed4*100.000000@%@PermanentAttackSpeed4Postfix@ / @PermanentAttackSpeed5Prefix@@PermanentAttackSpeed5*100.000000@%@PermanentAttackSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Demacian Standard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Jarvan gains @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Jarvan throws a standard into the ground, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and granting allies near the standard @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Passive Attack Speed
    Active Attack Speed
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @PermanentAttackSpeed*100.000000@% -> @PermanentAttackSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect3Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Passive Attack Speed
    Active Attack Speed
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PermanentAttackSpeed1Prefix@@PermanentAttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@PermanentAttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @PermanentAttackSpeed2Prefix@@PermanentAttackSpeed2*100.000000@%@PermanentAttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @PermanentAttackSpeed3Prefix@@PermanentAttackSpeed3*100.000000@%@PermanentAttackSpeed3Postfix@ / @PermanentAttackSpeed4Prefix@@PermanentAttackSpeed4*100.000000@%@PermanentAttackSpeed4Postfix@ / @PermanentAttackSpeed5Prefix@@PermanentAttackSpeed5*100.000000@%@PermanentAttackSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Passive Attack Speed
    Active Attack Speed
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @PermanentAttackSpeed*100.000000@% -> @PermanentAttackSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect3Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Demacian Standard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Jarvan gains @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Jarvan throws a standard into the ground, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and granting allies near the standard @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Demacian Standard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Jarvan gains @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Jarvan throws a standard into the ground, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and granting allies near the standard @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoJarvan IV extends his lance, dealing physical damage and lowering the Armor of enemies in its path. Additionally, this will pull Jarvan to his Demacian Standard, knocking up enemies in his path.Dragon StrikeDragon Strike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dragon Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan extends his lance, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and removing @Effect2Amount@% Armor for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    If the lance connects with {{Spell_JarvanIVDemacianStandard_Name}}, Jarvan will pull himself to it, Knocking Up those in his path for 0.75 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Jarvan extends his lance, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and removing @Effect2Amount@% Armor for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    If the lance connects with {{Spell_JarvanIVDemacianStandard_Name}}, Jarvan will pull himself to it, Knocking Up those in his path for 0.75 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dragon Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan extends his lance, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and removing @Effect2Amount@% Armor for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    If the lance connects with {{Spell_JarvanIVDemacianStandard_Name}}, Jarvan will pull himself to it, Knocking Up those in his path for 0.75 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Jarvan can pull himself even while Immobilized.Damage
    Armor Reduction
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Dragon Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan extends his lance, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and removing @Effect2Amount@% Armor for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    If the lance connects with {{Spell_JarvanIVDemacianStandard_Name}}, Jarvan will pull himself to it, Knocking Up those in his path for 0.75 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Armor Reduction
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Armor Reduction
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Armor Reduction
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Dragon Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan extends his lance, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and removing @Effect2Amount@% Armor for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    If the lance connects with {{Spell_JarvanIVDemacianStandard_Name}}, Jarvan will pull himself to it, Knocking Up those in his path for 0.75 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Dragon Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan extends his lance, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and removing @Effect2Amount@% Armor for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    If the lance connects with {{Spell_JarvanIVDemacianStandard_Name}}, Jarvan will pull himself to it, Knocking Up those in his path for 0.75 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoJarvan IV calls upon the ancient kings of Demacia to shield him from harm and slow surrounding enemies.Golden AegisGolden Aegis@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Golden Aegis@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan summons an aegis, Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds and granting him a @BaseShield@ Shield, increased by @BonusShield@ for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Jarvan summons an aegis, Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds and granting him a @BaseShield@ Shield, increased by @BonusShield@ for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Golden Aegis@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan summons an aegis, Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds and granting him a @BaseShield@ Shield, increased by @BonusShield@ for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Shield Amount
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Golden Aegis@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan summons an aegis, Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds and granting him a @BaseShield@ Shield, increased by @BonusShield@ for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Shield Amount
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Golden Aegis@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan summons an aegis, Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds and granting him a @BaseShield@ Shield, increased by @BonusShield@ for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Golden Aegis@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jarvan summons an aegis, Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds and granting him a @BaseShield@ Shield, increased by @BonusShield@ for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoIn human form, Nidalee throws a spiked javelin at her target that gains damage as it flies. As a cougar, her next attack will attempt to fatally wound her target, dealing more damage the less life they have.Javelin Toss / TakedownJavelin Toss / Takedown@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Javelin Toss / Takedown@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Human Form: Nidalee throws her javelin, dealing @HumanMinimumDamage@ magic damage, increased up to @HumanMaximumDamage@ magic damage based on distance flown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Human Form: Nidalee throws her javelin, dealing @HumanMinimumDamage@ magic damage, increased up to @HumanMaximumDamage@ magic damage based on distance flown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_JavelinToss_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_Takedown_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Javelin Toss / Takedown@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JavelinToss_Tooltip}}

    Javelin Minimum Damage
    Javelin Maximum Damage
    Javelin Mana Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Javelin Toss / Takedown@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JavelinToss_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upJavelin Minimum Damage
    Javelin Maximum Damage
    Javelin Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Javelin Minimum Damage
    Javelin Maximum Damage
    Javelin Mana Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Javelin Minimum Damage
    Javelin Maximum Damage
    Javelin Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Javelin Toss / Takedown@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JavelinToss_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Javelin Toss / Takedown@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Human Form: Nidalee throws her javelin, dealing @HumanMinimumDamage@ magic damage, increased up to @HumanMaximumDamage@ magic damage based on distance flown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoJax's combat prowess allows him to dodge all incoming attacks for a short duration and then quickly counterattack, stunning all surrounding enemies.Counter Strike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Counter Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax enters a defensive stance for up to @Effect6Amount@ seconds, dodging incoming Attacks and taking @Effect3Amount@% less damage from area of effect Abilities.

    After @Effect6Amount@ seconds or Recasting, Jax deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Stuns nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ second. Deals @Effect5Amount@% increased damage for each Attack Jax dodged (max: @Effect4Amount@%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Jax enters a defensive stance for up to @Effect6Amount@ seconds, dodging incoming Attacks and taking @Effect3Amount@% less damage from area of effect Abilities.

    After @Effect6Amount@ seconds or Recasting, Jax deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Stuns nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ second. Deals @Effect5Amount@% increased damage for each Attack Jax dodged (max: @Effect4Amount@%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Counter Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax enters a defensive stance for up to @Effect6Amount@ seconds, dodging incoming Attacks and taking @Effect3Amount@% less damage from area of effect Abilities.

    After @Effect6Amount@ seconds or Recasting, Jax deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Stuns nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ second. Deals @Effect5Amount@% increased damage for each Attack Jax dodged (max: @Effect4Amount@%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Counter Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax enters a defensive stance for up to @Effect6Amount@ seconds, dodging incoming Attacks and taking @Effect3Amount@% less damage from area of effect Abilities.

    After @Effect6Amount@ seconds or Recasting, Jax deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Stuns nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ second. Deals @Effect5Amount@% increased damage for each Attack Jax dodged (max: @Effect4Amount@%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Counter Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax enters a defensive stance for up to @Effect6Amount@ seconds, dodging incoming Attacks and taking @Effect3Amount@% less damage from area of effect Abilities.

    After @Effect6Amount@ seconds or Recasting, Jax deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Stuns nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ second. Deals @Effect5Amount@% increased damage for each Attack Jax dodged (max: @Effect4Amount@%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Counter Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax enters a defensive stance for up to @Effect6Amount@ seconds, dodging incoming Attacks and taking @Effect3Amount@% less damage from area of effect Abilities.

    After @Effect6Amount@ seconds or Recasting, Jax deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Stuns nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ second. Deals @Effect5Amount@% increased damage for each Attack Jax dodged (max: @Effect4Amount@%).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoJax charges his weapon with energy, causing his next attack to deal additional damage.EmpowerEmpower@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Empower@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax charges his weapon with energy, causing his next Attack or Leap Strike to deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Jax charges his weapon with energy, causing his next Attack or Leap Strike to deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Empower@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax charges his weapon with energy, causing his next Attack or Leap Strike to deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Empower@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax charges his weapon with energy, causing his next Attack or Leap Strike to deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Empower@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax charges his weapon with energy, causing his next Attack or Leap Strike to deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Empower@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax charges his weapon with energy, causing his next Attack or Leap Strike to deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoJax leaps toward a unit. If they are an enemy, he strikes them with his weapon.Leap StrikeLeap Strike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Leap Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax leaps to a friendly or enemy unit or ward, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage if it is an enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Jax leaps to a friendly or enemy unit or ward, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage if it is an enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Leap Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax leaps to a friendly or enemy unit or ward, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage if it is an enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Leap Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax leaps to a friendly or enemy unit or ward, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage if it is an enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Leap Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax leaps to a friendly or enemy unit or ward, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage if it is an enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Leap Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jax leaps to a friendly or enemy unit or ward, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage if it is an enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvery third consecutive attack deals additional Magic Damage. Additionally, Jax can activate this ability to strengthen his resolve, increasing his Armor and Magic Resist for a short duration.Grandmaster's MightGrandmaster's Might@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Grandmaster's Might@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Active: Jax strengthens his resolve, granting him @ArmorCalc@ Armor and @MRCalc@ Magic Resist for @ActiveDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Active: Jax strengthens his resolve, granting him @ArmorCalc@ Armor and @MRCalc@ Magic Resist for @ActiveDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Grandmaster's Might@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Active: Jax strengthens his resolve, granting him @ArmorCalc@ Armor and @MRCalc@ Magic Resist for @ActiveDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive Damage
    Armor Bonus
    Magic Resist Bonus
    [ @PassiveDamage1Prefix@@PassiveDamage1@@PassiveDamage1Postfix@ / @PassiveDamage2Prefix@@PassiveDamage2@@PassiveDamage2Postfix@ / @PassiveDamage3Prefix@@PassiveDamage3@@PassiveDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveBaseResists1Prefix@@ActiveBaseResists1@@ActiveBaseResists1Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseResists2Prefix@@ActiveBaseResists2@@ActiveBaseResists2Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseResists3Prefix@@ActiveBaseResists3@@ActiveBaseResists3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveBaseResists1Prefix@@ActiveBaseResists1@@ActiveBaseResists1Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseResists2Prefix@@ActiveBaseResists2@@ActiveBaseResists2Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseResists3Prefix@@ActiveBaseResists3@@ActiveBaseResists3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Grandmaster's Might@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Active: Jax strengthens his resolve, granting him @ArmorCalc@ Armor and @MRCalc@ Magic Resist for @ActiveDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPassive Damage
    Armor Bonus
    Magic Resist Bonus
    @PassiveDamage@ -> @PassiveDamageNL@
    @ActiveBaseResists@ -> @ActiveBaseResistsNL@
    @ActiveBaseResists@ -> @ActiveBaseResistsNL@
    Passive Damage
    Armor Bonus
    Magic Resist Bonus
    [ @PassiveDamage1Prefix@@PassiveDamage1@@PassiveDamage1Postfix@ / @PassiveDamage2Prefix@@PassiveDamage2@@PassiveDamage2Postfix@ / @PassiveDamage3Prefix@@PassiveDamage3@@PassiveDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveBaseResists1Prefix@@ActiveBaseResists1@@ActiveBaseResists1Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseResists2Prefix@@ActiveBaseResists2@@ActiveBaseResists2Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseResists3Prefix@@ActiveBaseResists3@@ActiveBaseResists3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveBaseResists1Prefix@@ActiveBaseResists1@@ActiveBaseResists1Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseResists2Prefix@@ActiveBaseResists2@@ActiveBaseResists2Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseResists3Prefix@@ActiveBaseResists3@@ActiveBaseResists3Postfix@ ]
    Passive Damage
    Armor Bonus
    Magic Resist Bonus
    @PassiveDamage@ -> @PassiveDamageNL@
    @ActiveBaseResists@ -> @ActiveBaseResistsNL@
    @ActiveBaseResists@ -> @ActiveBaseResistsNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Grandmaster's Might@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Active: Jax strengthens his resolve, granting him @ArmorCalc@ Armor and @MRCalc@ Magic Resist for @ActiveDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Grandmaster's Might@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Active: Jax strengthens his resolve, granting him @ArmorCalc@ Armor and @MRCalc@ Magic Resist for @ActiveDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDeploys an Acceleration Gate increasing the Move Speed of all allied champions who pass through it.
    If Shock Blast is fired through the gate the missile speed, range, and damage will increase.Acceleration GateAcceleration Gate@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Acceleration Gate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mercury Cannon: Jayce deploys an acceleration gate for @spell.JayceAccelerationGate:Duration@ seconds that grants @spell.JayceAccelerationGate:MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed decaying over @spell.JayceAccelerationGate:HasteDuration@ seconds to allied champions that pass through it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mercury Cannon: Jayce deploys an acceleration gate for @spell.JayceAccelerationGate:Duration@ seconds that grants @spell.JayceAccelerationGate:MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed decaying over @spell.JayceAccelerationGate:HasteDuration@ seconds to allied champions that pass through it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_JayceAccelerationGate_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JayceThunderingBlow_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Acceleration Gate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceAccelerationGate_Tooltip}}

    Move Speed[ @MovementSpeed1Prefix@@MovementSpeed1*100.000000@%@MovementSpeed1Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed2Prefix@@MovementSpeed2*100.000000@%@MovementSpeed2Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed3Prefix@@MovementSpeed3*100.000000@%@MovementSpeed3Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed4Prefix@@MovementSpeed4*100.000000@%@MovementSpeed4Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed5Prefix@@MovementSpeed5*100.000000@%@MovementSpeed5Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed6Prefix@@MovementSpeed6*100.000000@%@MovementSpeed6Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Acceleration Gate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceAccelerationGate_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMove Speed@MovementSpeed*100.000000@% -> @MovementSpeedNL*100.000000@%Move Speed[ @MovementSpeed1Prefix@@MovementSpeed1*100.000000@%@MovementSpeed1Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed2Prefix@@MovementSpeed2*100.000000@%@MovementSpeed2Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed3Prefix@@MovementSpeed3*100.000000@%@MovementSpeed3Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed4Prefix@@MovementSpeed4*100.000000@%@MovementSpeed4Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed5Prefix@@MovementSpeed5*100.000000@%@MovementSpeed5Postfix@ / @MovementSpeed6Prefix@@MovementSpeed6*100.000000@%@MovementSpeed6Postfix@ ]Move Speed@MovementSpeed*100.000000@% -> @MovementSpeedNL*100.000000@%[@Hotkey@] Acceleration Gate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceAccelerationGate_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Acceleration Gate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mercury Cannon: Jayce deploys an acceleration gate for @spell.JayceAccelerationGate:Duration@ seconds that grants @spell.JayceAccelerationGate:MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed decaying over @spell.JayceAccelerationGate:HasteDuration@ seconds to allied champions that pass through it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGains a burst of energy increasing Attack Speed to maximum for several attacks.Hyper ChargeHyper Charge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hyper Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mercury Cannon: Jayce overcharges his cannon, gaining maximum Attack Speed for his next @spell.JayceHyperCharge:NumAttacks@ Attacks. These Attacks deal @spell.JayceHyperCharge:ActualDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mercury Cannon: Jayce overcharges his cannon, gaining maximum Attack Speed for his next @spell.JayceHyperCharge:NumAttacks@ Attacks. These Attacks deal @spell.JayceHyperCharge:ActualDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_JayceHyperCharge_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JayceStaticField_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hyper Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceHyperCharge_Tooltip}}

    Damage per Shot
    [ @DamagePerc1Prefix@@DamagePerc1*100.000000@%@DamagePerc1Postfix@ / @DamagePerc2Prefix@@DamagePerc2*100.000000@%@DamagePerc2Postfix@ / @DamagePerc3Prefix@@DamagePerc3*100.000000@%@DamagePerc3Postfix@ / @DamagePerc4Prefix@@DamagePerc4*100.000000@%@DamagePerc4Postfix@ / @DamagePerc5Prefix@@DamagePerc5*100.000000@%@DamagePerc5Postfix@ / @DamagePerc6Prefix@@DamagePerc6*100.000000@%@DamagePerc6Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ / @Cooldown6Prefix@@Cooldown6@@Cooldown6Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Hyper Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceHyperCharge_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage per Shot
    @DamagePerc*100.000000@% -> @DamagePercNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Damage per Shot
    [ @DamagePerc1Prefix@@DamagePerc1*100.000000@%@DamagePerc1Postfix@ / @DamagePerc2Prefix@@DamagePerc2*100.000000@%@DamagePerc2Postfix@ / @DamagePerc3Prefix@@DamagePerc3*100.000000@%@DamagePerc3Postfix@ / @DamagePerc4Prefix@@DamagePerc4*100.000000@%@DamagePerc4Postfix@ / @DamagePerc5Prefix@@DamagePerc5*100.000000@%@DamagePerc5Postfix@ / @DamagePerc6Prefix@@DamagePerc6*100.000000@%@DamagePerc6Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ / @Cooldown6Prefix@@Cooldown6@@Cooldown6Postfix@ ]
    Damage per Shot
    @DamagePerc*100.000000@% -> @DamagePercNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Hyper Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceHyperCharge_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hyper Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mercury Cannon: Jayce overcharges his cannon, gaining maximum Attack Speed for his next @spell.JayceHyperCharge:NumAttacks@ Attacks. These Attacks deal @spell.JayceHyperCharge:ActualDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFires an orb of electricity that detonates upon hitting an enemy (or reaching the end of its path) dealing physical damage to all enemies in the area of the explosion.Shock Blast@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shock Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mercury Cannon: Jayce fires an orb of electricity, dealing @spell.JayceShockBlast:Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and all surrounding enemies. Firing this orb through {{Spell_JayceAccelerationGate_Name}} increases the range, speed and raises the damage to @spell.JayceShockBlast:EmpoweredDamage@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mercury Cannon: Jayce fires an orb of electricity, dealing @spell.JayceShockBlast:Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and all surrounding enemies. Firing this orb through {{Spell_JayceAccelerationGate_Name}} increases the range, speed and raises the damage to @spell.JayceShockBlast:EmpoweredDamage@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_JayceShockBlast_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JayceToTheSkies_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shock Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceShockBlast_Tooltip}}

    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ / @BaseDamage6Prefix@@BaseDamage6@@BaseDamage6Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ / @Cost6Prefix@@Cost6@@Cost6Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shock Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceShockBlast_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ / @BaseDamage6Prefix@@BaseDamage6@@BaseDamage6Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ / @Cost6Prefix@@Cost6@@Cost6Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shock Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceShockBlast_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shock Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mercury Cannon: Jayce fires an orb of electricity, dealing @spell.JayceShockBlast:Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and all surrounding enemies. Firing this orb through {{Spell_JayceAccelerationGate_Name}} increases the range, speed and raises the damage to @spell.JayceShockBlast:EmpoweredDamage@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTransforms the Mercury Cannon into the Mercury Hammer gaining new abilities and increasing Armor and Magic Resist. The first attack in this form deals additional magic damage.Mercury Hammer / Mercury CannonMercury Hammer / Mercury Cannon@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mercury Hammer / Mercury Cannon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMercury Cannon: Jayce transforms his weapon into the Mercury Hammer, becoming melee ranged and gaining new Abilities and @spell.JayceStanceHtG:Resists@ Armor and Magic Resist. Jayce's next Attack deals an additional @spell.JayceStanceHtG:Damage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mercury Cannon: Jayce transforms his weapon into the Mercury Hammer, becoming melee ranged and gaining new Abilities and @spell.JayceStanceHtG:Resists@ Armor and Magic Resist. Jayce's next Attack deals an additional @spell.JayceStanceHtG:Damage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_JayceStanceGtH_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JayceStanceHtG_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mercury Hammer / Mercury Cannon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_JayceStanceGtH_Tooltip}}

    [@Hotkey@] Mercury Hammer / Mercury Cannon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_JayceStanceGtH_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mercury Hammer / Mercury Cannon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_JayceStanceGtH_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mercury Hammer / Mercury Cannon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMercury Cannon: Jayce transforms his weapon into the Mercury Hammer, becoming melee ranged and gaining new Abilities and @spell.JayceStanceHtG:Resists@ Armor and Magic Resist. Jayce's next Attack deals an additional @spell.JayceStanceHtG:Damage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHammer Stance: Transforms the Mercury Hammer into the Mercury Cannon gaining new abilities and increased range. The first attack in this form reduces the target's Armor and Magic Resist.

    Cannon Stance: Transforms the Mercury Cannon into the Mercury Hammer gaining new abilities and increasing Armor and Magic Resist. The first attack in this form deals additional magic damage.Mercury Cannon / Mercury HammerMercury Cannon / Mercury Hammer@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mercury Cannon / Mercury Hammer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMercury Hammer: Jayce transforms his weapon into the Mercury Cannon, gaining Attack Range and new Abilities. Jayce's next Attack removes @spell.JayceStanceHtG:RangedFormShred@ Armor and Magic Resist for @spell.JayceStanceHtG:ShredDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mercury Hammer: Jayce transforms his weapon into the Mercury Cannon, gaining Attack Range and new Abilities. Jayce's next Attack removes @spell.JayceStanceHtG:RangedFormShred@ Armor and Magic Resist for @spell.JayceStanceHtG:ShredDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_JayceStanceHtG_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JayceStanceGtH_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mercury Cannon / Mercury Hammer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_JayceStanceHtG_Tooltip}}

    [@Hotkey@] Mercury Cannon / Mercury Hammer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_JayceStanceHtG_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mercury Cannon / Mercury Hammer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_JayceStanceHtG_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mercury Cannon / Mercury Hammer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMercury Hammer: Jayce transforms his weapon into the Mercury Cannon, gaining Attack Range and new Abilities. Jayce's next Attack removes @spell.JayceStanceHtG:RangedFormShred@ Armor and Magic Resist for @spell.JayceStanceHtG:ShredDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHammer Stance: Passive: Restores Mana per strike. Active: Creates a field of lightning damaging nearby enemies for several seconds.

    Cannon Stance: Gains a burst of energy, increasing Attack Speed to maximum for several attacks.Lightning Field / Hyper ChargeLightning Field / Hyper Charge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lightning Field / Hyper Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mercury Hammer - Passive: Jayce's Hammer Attacks grant @spell.JayceStaticField:ManaGain@ Mana.

    Mercury Hammer - Active: Jayce creates an electric aura dealing @spell.JayceStaticField:Damage@ magic damage over @spell.JayceStaticField:Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Mercury Hammer - Passive: Jayce's Hammer Attacks grant @spell.JayceStaticField:ManaGain@ Mana.

    Mercury Hammer - Active: Jayce creates an electric aura dealing @spell.JayceStaticField:Damage@ magic damage over @spell.JayceStaticField:Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_JayceStaticField_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JayceHyperCharge_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lightning Field / Hyper Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceStaticField_Tooltip}}

    Mana Restore
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ / @BaseDamage6Prefix@@BaseDamage6@@BaseDamage6Postfix@ ]
    [ @ManaGain1Prefix@@ManaGain1@@ManaGain1Postfix@ / @ManaGain2Prefix@@ManaGain2@@ManaGain2Postfix@ / @ManaGain3Prefix@@ManaGain3@@ManaGain3Postfix@ / @ManaGain4Prefix@@ManaGain4@@ManaGain4Postfix@ / @ManaGain5Prefix@@ManaGain5@@ManaGain5Postfix@ / @ManaGain6Prefix@@ManaGain6@@ManaGain6Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Lightning Field / Hyper Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceStaticField_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Mana Restore
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ManaGain@ -> @ManaGainNL@
    Mana Restore
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ / @BaseDamage6Prefix@@BaseDamage6@@BaseDamage6Postfix@ ]
    [ @ManaGain1Prefix@@ManaGain1@@ManaGain1Postfix@ / @ManaGain2Prefix@@ManaGain2@@ManaGain2Postfix@ / @ManaGain3Prefix@@ManaGain3@@ManaGain3Postfix@ / @ManaGain4Prefix@@ManaGain4@@ManaGain4Postfix@ / @ManaGain5Prefix@@ManaGain5@@ManaGain5Postfix@ / @ManaGain6Prefix@@ManaGain6@@ManaGain6Postfix@ ]
    Mana Restore
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ManaGain@ -> @ManaGainNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Lightning Field / Hyper Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceStaticField_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Lightning Field / Hyper Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mercury Hammer - Passive: Jayce's Hammer Attacks grant @spell.JayceStaticField:ManaGain@ Mana.

    Mercury Hammer - Active: Jayce creates an electric aura dealing @spell.JayceStaticField:Damage@ magic damage over @spell.JayceStaticField:Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoHammer Stance: Deals magic damage to an enemy and knocks them back a short distance.

    Cannon Stance: Deploys an Acceleration Gate increasing the Move Speed of all allied champions who pass through it. If Shock Blast is fired through the gate the missile speed, range, and damage will increase.Thundering Blow / Acceleration GateThundering Blow / Acceleration Gate@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hammer Form: Jayce swings his hammer, Knocking Back his target and dealing @spell.JayceThunderingBlow:FlatDamage@ plus @spell.JayceThunderingBlow:PercHPDamage*100@% max Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Hammer Form: Jayce swings his hammer, Knocking Back his target and dealing @spell.JayceThunderingBlow:FlatDamage@ plus @spell.JayceThunderingBlow:PercHPDamage*100@% max Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_JayceThunderingBlow_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JayceAccelerationGate_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceThunderingBlow_Tooltip}}

    Hammer swing does a max of @MonsterCap@ magic damage against jungle monsters.Max Health %
    Monster Damage Cap
    [ @PercHPDamage1Prefix@@PercHPDamage1*100.000000@%@PercHPDamage1Postfix@ / @PercHPDamage2Prefix@@PercHPDamage2*100.000000@%@PercHPDamage2Postfix@ / @PercHPDamage3Prefix@@PercHPDamage3*100.000000@%@PercHPDamage3Postfix@ / @PercHPDamage4Prefix@@PercHPDamage4*100.000000@%@PercHPDamage4Postfix@ / @PercHPDamage5Prefix@@PercHPDamage5*100.000000@%@PercHPDamage5Postfix@ / @PercHPDamage6Prefix@@PercHPDamage6*100.000000@%@PercHPDamage6Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ / @Cooldown6Prefix@@Cooldown6@@Cooldown6Postfix@ ]
    [ @MonsterCap1Prefix@@MonsterCap1@@MonsterCap1Postfix@ / @MonsterCap2Prefix@@MonsterCap2@@MonsterCap2Postfix@ / @MonsterCap3Prefix@@MonsterCap3@@MonsterCap3Postfix@ / @MonsterCap4Prefix@@MonsterCap4@@MonsterCap4Postfix@ / @MonsterCap5Prefix@@MonsterCap5@@MonsterCap5Postfix@ / @MonsterCap6Prefix@@MonsterCap6@@MonsterCap6Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceThunderingBlow_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMax Health %
    Monster Damage Cap
    @PercHPDamage*100.000000@% -> @PercHPDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @MonsterCap@ -> @MonsterCapNL@
    Max Health %
    Monster Damage Cap
    [ @PercHPDamage1Prefix@@PercHPDamage1*100.000000@%@PercHPDamage1Postfix@ / @PercHPDamage2Prefix@@PercHPDamage2*100.000000@%@PercHPDamage2Postfix@ / @PercHPDamage3Prefix@@PercHPDamage3*100.000000@%@PercHPDamage3Postfix@ / @PercHPDamage4Prefix@@PercHPDamage4*100.000000@%@PercHPDamage4Postfix@ / @PercHPDamage5Prefix@@PercHPDamage5*100.000000@%@PercHPDamage5Postfix@ / @PercHPDamage6Prefix@@PercHPDamage6*100.000000@%@PercHPDamage6Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ / @Cooldown6Prefix@@Cooldown6@@Cooldown6Postfix@ ]
    [ @MonsterCap1Prefix@@MonsterCap1@@MonsterCap1Postfix@ / @MonsterCap2Prefix@@MonsterCap2@@MonsterCap2Postfix@ / @MonsterCap3Prefix@@MonsterCap3@@MonsterCap3Postfix@ / @MonsterCap4Prefix@@MonsterCap4@@MonsterCap4Postfix@ / @MonsterCap5Prefix@@MonsterCap5@@MonsterCap5Postfix@ / @MonsterCap6Prefix@@MonsterCap6@@MonsterCap6Postfix@ ]
    Max Health %
    Monster Damage Cap
    @PercHPDamage*100.000000@% -> @PercHPDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @MonsterCap@ -> @MonsterCapNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceThunderingBlow_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hammer Form: Jayce swings his hammer, Knocking Back his target and dealing @spell.JayceThunderingBlow:FlatDamage@ plus @spell.JayceThunderingBlow:PercHPDamage*100@% max Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHammer Stance: Leaps to an enemy dealing physical damage and slowing enemies.

    Cannon Stance: Fires an orb of electricity that detonates upon hitting an enemy (or reaching the end of its path) dealing physical damage to all enemies hit.To the Skies! / Shock BlastTo the Skies! / Shock Blast@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] To the Skies! / Shock Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mercury Hammer: Jayce leaps to an enemy, dealing @spell.JayceToTheSkies:Damage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies and Slowing them by @spell.JayceToTheSkies:Slow*-100@% for @spell.JayceToTheSkies:SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mercury Hammer: Jayce leaps to an enemy, dealing @spell.JayceToTheSkies:Damage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies and Slowing them by @spell.JayceToTheSkies:Slow*-100@% for @spell.JayceToTheSkies:SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_JayceToTheSkies_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JayceShockBlast_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] To the Skies! / Shock Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceToTheSkies_Tooltip}}

    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ / @BaseDamage6Prefix@@BaseDamage6@@BaseDamage6Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ / @Cooldown6Prefix@@Cooldown6@@Cooldown6Postfix@ ]
    [ @Slow1Prefix@@Slow1*-100.000000@%@Slow1Postfix@ / @Slow2Prefix@@Slow2*-100.000000@%@Slow2Postfix@ / @Slow3Prefix@@Slow3*-100.000000@%@Slow3Postfix@ / @Slow4Prefix@@Slow4*-100.000000@%@Slow4Postfix@ / @Slow5Prefix@@Slow5*-100.000000@%@Slow5Postfix@ / @Slow6Prefix@@Slow6*-100.000000@%@Slow6Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] To the Skies! / Shock Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceToTheSkies_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Slow*-100.000000@% -> @SlowNL*-100.000000@%
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ / @BaseDamage6Prefix@@BaseDamage6@@BaseDamage6Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ / @Cooldown6Prefix@@Cooldown6@@Cooldown6Postfix@ ]
    [ @Slow1Prefix@@Slow1*-100.000000@%@Slow1Postfix@ / @Slow2Prefix@@Slow2*-100.000000@%@Slow2Postfix@ / @Slow3Prefix@@Slow3*-100.000000@%@Slow3Postfix@ / @Slow4Prefix@@Slow4*-100.000000@%@Slow4Postfix@ / @Slow5Prefix@@Slow5*-100.000000@%@Slow5Postfix@ / @Slow6Prefix@@Slow6*-100.000000@%@Slow6Postfix@ ]
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Slow*-100.000000@% -> @SlowNL*-100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] To the Skies! / Shock Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_JayceToTheSkies_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] To the Skies! / Shock Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mercury Hammer: Jayce leaps to an enemy, dealing @spell.JayceToTheSkies:Damage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies and Slowing them by @spell.JayceToTheSkies:Slow*-100@% for @spell.JayceToTheSkies:SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoJhin places an invisible lotus trap that blooms when walked over. It slows nearby enemies before dealing damage with an explosion of serrated petals.

    Beauty in Death - When Jhin kills an enemy champion, a lotus trap will bloom near their corpse.Captive AudienceCaptive Audience@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Captive Audience@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Champions Jhin kills will create and detonate a Lotus Trap at their location.

    Active: Jhin places an invisible Lotus Trap for @TrapDuration@ minutes that creates a zone that Slows by @TrapSlowAmount*100@% when stepped on by an enemy. After @TrapDetonationTime@ seconds, the trap detonates, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    This ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeRateTooltip@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Champions Jhin kills will create and detonate a Lotus Trap at their location.

    Active: Jhin places an invisible Lotus Trap for @TrapDuration@ minutes that creates a zone that Slows by @TrapSlowAmount*100@% when stepped on by an enemy. After @TrapDetonationTime@ seconds, the trap detonates, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    This ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeRateTooltip@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Captive Audience@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Champions Jhin kills will create and detonate a Lotus Trap at their location.

    Active: Jhin places an invisible Lotus Trap for @TrapDuration@ minutes that creates a zone that Slows by @TrapSlowAmount*100@% when stepped on by an enemy. After @TrapDetonationTime@ seconds, the trap detonates, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    This ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeRateTooltip@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Lotus Trap hits deal @ReducedDamagePercent*100@% damage to minions, and enemies recently hit by another Lotus Trap.Damage
    Recharge Time
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Captive Audience@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Champions Jhin kills will create and detonate a Lotus Trap at their location.

    Active: Jhin places an invisible Lotus Trap for @TrapDuration@ minutes that creates a zone that Slows by @TrapSlowAmount*100@% when stepped on by an enemy. After @TrapDetonationTime@ seconds, the trap detonates, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    This ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeRateTooltip@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Recharge Time
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Recharge Time
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Recharge Time
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Captive Audience@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Champions Jhin kills will create and detonate a Lotus Trap at their location.

    Active: Jhin places an invisible Lotus Trap for @TrapDuration@ minutes that creates a zone that Slows by @TrapSlowAmount*100@% when stepped on by an enemy. After @TrapDetonationTime@ seconds, the trap detonates, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    This ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeRateTooltip@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Captive Audience@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Champions Jhin kills will create and detonate a Lotus Trap at their location.

    Active: Jhin places an invisible Lotus Trap for @TrapDuration@ minutes that creates a zone that Slows by @TrapSlowAmount*100@% when stepped on by an enemy. After @TrapDetonationTime@ seconds, the trap detonates, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    This ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeRateTooltip@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoJhin launches a magical cartridge at an enemy. It can hit up to four targets and gains damage each time it kills.Dancing GrenadeDancing Grenade@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dancing Grenade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin launches a cartridge that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage before bouncing to a nearby enemy that has not been hit yet.

    The cartridge can hit a maximum of @TooltipMaxTargetsHit@ times. Enemies that die shortly after being hit increase the damage of subsequent hits by @PercentAmpOnKill*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Jhin launches a cartridge that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage before bouncing to a nearby enemy that has not been hit yet.

    The cartridge can hit a maximum of @TooltipMaxTargetsHit@ times. Enemies that die shortly after being hit increase the damage of subsequent hits by @PercentAmpOnKill*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dancing Grenade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin launches a cartridge that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage before bouncing to a nearby enemy that has not been hit yet.

    The cartridge can hit a maximum of @TooltipMaxTargetsHit@ times. Enemies that die shortly after being hit increase the damage of subsequent hits by @PercentAmpOnKill*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Total AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ADRatio1Prefix@@ADRatio1*100.000000@%@ADRatio1Postfix@ / @ADRatio2Prefix@@ADRatio2*100.000000@%@ADRatio2Postfix@ / @ADRatio3Prefix@@ADRatio3*100.000000@%@ADRatio3Postfix@ / @ADRatio4Prefix@@ADRatio4*100.000000@%@ADRatio4Postfix@ / @ADRatio5Prefix@@ADRatio5*100.000000@%@ADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Dancing Grenade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin launches a cartridge that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage before bouncing to a nearby enemy that has not been hit yet.

    The cartridge can hit a maximum of @TooltipMaxTargetsHit@ times. Enemies that die shortly after being hit increase the damage of subsequent hits by @PercentAmpOnKill*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Total AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ADRatio*100.000000@% -> @ADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Total AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ADRatio1Prefix@@ADRatio1*100.000000@%@ADRatio1Postfix@ / @ADRatio2Prefix@@ADRatio2*100.000000@%@ADRatio2Postfix@ / @ADRatio3Prefix@@ADRatio3*100.000000@%@ADRatio3Postfix@ / @ADRatio4Prefix@@ADRatio4*100.000000@%@ADRatio4Postfix@ / @ADRatio5Prefix@@ADRatio5*100.000000@%@ADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Total AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ADRatio*100.000000@% -> @ADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Dancing Grenade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin launches a cartridge that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage before bouncing to a nearby enemy that has not been hit yet.

    The cartridge can hit a maximum of @TooltipMaxTargetsHit@ times. Enemies that die shortly after being hit increase the damage of subsequent hits by @PercentAmpOnKill*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Dancing Grenade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin launches a cartridge that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage before bouncing to a nearby enemy that has not been hit yet.

    The cartridge can hit a maximum of @TooltipMaxTargetsHit@ times. Enemies that die shortly after being hit increase the damage of subsequent hits by @PercentAmpOnKill*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoJhin channels, transforming Whisper into a shoulder-mounted mega-cannon. It is able to fire 4 super shots at extreme range that pierce through minions and monsters, but stop on the first champion impacted. Whisper cripples enemies hit, which slows them and deals execute damage. The 4th shot is perfectly crafted, epically powerful, and guaranteed to critically strike.Curtain Call@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Curtain Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin sets up and channels, enabling him to fire 4 super shots, each dealing between @DamageCalc@ and @MaxIncreaseCalc@ physical damage to the first champion hit based on their percentage missing health and Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. The fourth shot critically strikes for @FourthShotMultiplier*100@% damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Jhin sets up and channels, enabling him to fire 4 super shots, each dealing between @DamageCalc@ and @MaxIncreaseCalc@ physical damage to the first champion hit based on their percentage missing health and Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. The fourth shot critically strikes for @FourthShotMultiplier*100@% damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Curtain Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin sets up and channels, enabling him to fire 4 super shots, each dealing between @DamageCalc@ and @MaxIncreaseCalc@ physical damage to the first champion hit based on their percentage missing health and Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. The fourth shot critically strikes for @FourthShotMultiplier*100@% damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Curtain Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin sets up and channels, enabling him to fire 4 super shots, each dealing between @DamageCalc@ and @MaxIncreaseCalc@ physical damage to the first champion hit based on their percentage missing health and Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. The fourth shot critically strikes for @FourthShotMultiplier*100@% damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Curtain Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin sets up and channels, enabling him to fire 4 super shots, each dealing between @DamageCalc@ and @MaxIncreaseCalc@ physical damage to the first champion hit based on their percentage missing health and Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. The fourth shot critically strikes for @FourthShotMultiplier*100@% damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Curtain Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin sets up and channels, enabling him to fire 4 super shots, each dealing between @DamageCalc@ and @MaxIncreaseCalc@ physical damage to the first champion hit based on their percentage missing health and Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. The fourth shot critically strikes for @FourthShotMultiplier*100@% damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoJhin brandishes his cane, firing a single shot with incredible range. It pierces through minions and monsters, but stops on the first champion hit. If the target was recently struck by Jhin's allies, lotus traps, or damaged by Jhin, they are rooted.Deadly FlourishDeadly Flourish@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Deadly Flourish@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin fires a long range shot dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first champion hit and other enemies along the way.

    If this skill strikes a champion that has been damaged by an allied champion within the last @SpottingDuration@ seconds, it will Root them for @RootDuration@ seconds and grant Jhin Whisper's Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Jhin fires a long range shot dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first champion hit and other enemies along the way.

    If this skill strikes a champion that has been damaged by an allied champion within the last @SpottingDuration@ seconds, it will Root them for @RootDuration@ seconds and grant Jhin Whisper's Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Deadly Flourish@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin fires a long range shot dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first champion hit and other enemies along the way.

    If this skill strikes a champion that has been damaged by an allied champion within the last @SpottingDuration@ seconds, it will Root them for @RootDuration@ seconds and grant Jhin Whisper's Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This ability deals @MinionMod*100@% damage to minions.
    Champions that step on a trap from Captive Audience can also be rooted.
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @RootDuration1Prefix@@RootDuration1@@RootDuration1Postfix@ / @RootDuration2Prefix@@RootDuration2@@RootDuration2Postfix@ / @RootDuration3Prefix@@RootDuration3@@RootDuration3Postfix@ / @RootDuration4Prefix@@RootDuration4@@RootDuration4Postfix@ / @RootDuration5Prefix@@RootDuration5@@RootDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Deadly Flourish@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin fires a long range shot dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first champion hit and other enemies along the way.

    If this skill strikes a champion that has been damaged by an allied champion within the last @SpottingDuration@ seconds, it will Root them for @RootDuration@ seconds and grant Jhin Whisper's Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @RootDuration@ -> @RootDurationNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @RootDuration1Prefix@@RootDuration1@@RootDuration1Postfix@ / @RootDuration2Prefix@@RootDuration2@@RootDuration2Postfix@ / @RootDuration3Prefix@@RootDuration3@@RootDuration3Postfix@ / @RootDuration4Prefix@@RootDuration4@@RootDuration4Postfix@ / @RootDuration5Prefix@@RootDuration5@@RootDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @RootDuration@ -> @RootDurationNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Deadly Flourish@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin fires a long range shot dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first champion hit and other enemies along the way.

    If this skill strikes a champion that has been damaged by an allied champion within the last @SpottingDuration@ seconds, it will Root them for @RootDuration@ seconds and grant Jhin Whisper's Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Deadly Flourish@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jhin fires a long range shot dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first champion hit and other enemies along the way.

    If this skill strikes a champion that has been damaged by an allied champion within the last @SpottingDuration@ seconds, it will Root them for @RootDuration@ seconds and grant Jhin Whisper's Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoJinx throws out a line of snare grenades that explode after 5 seconds, lighting enemies on fire. Flame Chompers will bite enemy champions who walk over them, rooting them in place.Flame Chompers!Flame Chompers!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Flame Chompers!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx tosses out 3 chompers that last for @GrenadeDuration@ seconds. They explode on contact with enemy champions, Rooting them for @RootDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Jinx tosses out 3 chompers that last for @GrenadeDuration@ seconds. They explode on contact with enemy champions, Rooting them for @RootDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Flame Chompers!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx tosses out 3 chompers that last for @GrenadeDuration@ seconds. They explode on contact with enemy champions, Rooting them for @RootDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@This Ability Knocks Down enemies.Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Flame Chompers!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx tosses out 3 chompers that last for @GrenadeDuration@ seconds. They explode on contact with enemy champions, Rooting them for @RootDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Flame Chompers!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx tosses out 3 chompers that last for @GrenadeDuration@ seconds. They explode on contact with enemy champions, Rooting them for @RootDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Flame Chompers!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx tosses out 3 chompers that last for @GrenadeDuration@ seconds. They explode on contact with enemy champions, Rooting them for @RootDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoJinx modifies her basic attacks by swapping between Pow-Pow, her minigun and Fishbones, her rocket launcher. Attacks with Pow-Pow grant Attack Speed, while attacks with Fishbones deal area of effect damage, gain increased range, but drain Mana and attack slower.Switcheroo!Switcheroo!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Switcheroo!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana Per RocketJinx swaps weapons between Fishbones the rocket launcher and Pow-Pow the minigun.

    While using the rocket launcher, Jinx's Attacks deal @RocketDamage@ physical damage to the target and nearby enemies, gain @RocketBonusRange@ range, cost Mana, and scale @RocketASPDPenalty*100@% less with bonus Attack Speed.

    While using the minigun, Jinx' Attacks grant Attack Speed for @MinigunAttackSpeedDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MinigunAttackSpeedStacks@ times (+@MinigunAttackSpeedMax@% %i:scaleAS% max).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Jinx swaps weapons between Fishbones the rocket launcher and Pow-Pow the minigun.

    While using the rocket launcher, Jinx's Attacks deal @RocketDamage@ physical damage to the target and nearby enemies, gain @RocketBonusRange@ range, cost Mana, and scale @RocketASPDPenalty*100@% less with bonus Attack Speed.

    While using the minigun, Jinx' Attacks grant Attack Speed for @MinigunAttackSpeedDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MinigunAttackSpeedStacks@ times (+@MinigunAttackSpeedMax@% %i:scaleAS% max).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Switcheroo!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana Per RocketJinx swaps weapons between Fishbones the rocket launcher and Pow-Pow the minigun.

    While using the rocket launcher, Jinx's Attacks deal @RocketDamage@ physical damage to the target and nearby enemies, gain @RocketBonusRange@ range, cost Mana, and scale @RocketASPDPenalty*100@% less with bonus Attack Speed.

    While using the minigun, Jinx' Attacks grant Attack Speed for @MinigunAttackSpeedDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MinigunAttackSpeedStacks@ times (+@MinigunAttackSpeedMax@% %i:scaleAS% max).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Minigun stacks fall off one at a time and only benefit Jinx's first Attack after switching to the rocket launcher.Rocket Bonus Range
    Minigun Total Attack Speed
    [ @RocketBonusRange1Prefix@@RocketBonusRange1@@RocketBonusRange1Postfix@ / @RocketBonusRange2Prefix@@RocketBonusRange2@@RocketBonusRange2Postfix@ / @RocketBonusRange3Prefix@@RocketBonusRange3@@RocketBonusRange3Postfix@ / @RocketBonusRange4Prefix@@RocketBonusRange4@@RocketBonusRange4Postfix@ / @RocketBonusRange5Prefix@@RocketBonusRange5@@RocketBonusRange5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinigunAttackSpeedMax1Prefix@@MinigunAttackSpeedMax1@%@MinigunAttackSpeedMax1Postfix@ / @MinigunAttackSpeedMax2Prefix@@MinigunAttackSpeedMax2@%@MinigunAttackSpeedMax2Postfix@ / @MinigunAttackSpeedMax3Prefix@@MinigunAttackSpeedMax3@%@MinigunAttackSpeedMax3Postfix@ / @MinigunAttackSpeedMax4Prefix@@MinigunAttackSpeedMax4@%@MinigunAttackSpeedMax4Postfix@ / @MinigunAttackSpeedMax5Prefix@@MinigunAttackSpeedMax5@%@MinigunAttackSpeedMax5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Switcheroo!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana Per RocketJinx swaps weapons between Fishbones the rocket launcher and Pow-Pow the minigun.

    While using the rocket launcher, Jinx's Attacks deal @RocketDamage@ physical damage to the target and nearby enemies, gain @RocketBonusRange@ range, cost Mana, and scale @RocketASPDPenalty*100@% less with bonus Attack Speed.

    While using the minigun, Jinx' Attacks grant Attack Speed for @MinigunAttackSpeedDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MinigunAttackSpeedStacks@ times (+@MinigunAttackSpeedMax@% %i:scaleAS% max).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upRocket Bonus Range
    Minigun Total Attack Speed
    @RocketBonusRange@ -> @RocketBonusRangeNL@
    @MinigunAttackSpeedMax@% -> @MinigunAttackSpeedMaxNL@%
    Rocket Bonus Range
    Minigun Total Attack Speed
    [ @RocketBonusRange1Prefix@@RocketBonusRange1@@RocketBonusRange1Postfix@ / @RocketBonusRange2Prefix@@RocketBonusRange2@@RocketBonusRange2Postfix@ / @RocketBonusRange3Prefix@@RocketBonusRange3@@RocketBonusRange3Postfix@ / @RocketBonusRange4Prefix@@RocketBonusRange4@@RocketBonusRange4Postfix@ / @RocketBonusRange5Prefix@@RocketBonusRange5@@RocketBonusRange5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinigunAttackSpeedMax1Prefix@@MinigunAttackSpeedMax1@%@MinigunAttackSpeedMax1Postfix@ / @MinigunAttackSpeedMax2Prefix@@MinigunAttackSpeedMax2@%@MinigunAttackSpeedMax2Postfix@ / @MinigunAttackSpeedMax3Prefix@@MinigunAttackSpeedMax3@%@MinigunAttackSpeedMax3Postfix@ / @MinigunAttackSpeedMax4Prefix@@MinigunAttackSpeedMax4@%@MinigunAttackSpeedMax4Postfix@ / @MinigunAttackSpeedMax5Prefix@@MinigunAttackSpeedMax5@%@MinigunAttackSpeedMax5Postfix@ ]
    Rocket Bonus Range
    Minigun Total Attack Speed
    @RocketBonusRange@ -> @RocketBonusRangeNL@
    @MinigunAttackSpeedMax@% -> @MinigunAttackSpeedMaxNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Switcheroo!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana Per RocketJinx swaps weapons between Fishbones the rocket launcher and Pow-Pow the minigun.

    While using the rocket launcher, Jinx's Attacks deal @RocketDamage@ physical damage to the target and nearby enemies, gain @RocketBonusRange@ range, cost Mana, and scale @RocketASPDPenalty*100@% less with bonus Attack Speed.

    While using the minigun, Jinx' Attacks grant Attack Speed for @MinigunAttackSpeedDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MinigunAttackSpeedStacks@ times (+@MinigunAttackSpeedMax@% %i:scaleAS% max).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Switcheroo!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana Per RocketJinx swaps weapons between Fishbones the rocket launcher and Pow-Pow the minigun.

    While using the rocket launcher, Jinx's Attacks deal @RocketDamage@ physical damage to the target and nearby enemies, gain @RocketBonusRange@ range, cost Mana, and scale @RocketASPDPenalty*100@% less with bonus Attack Speed.

    While using the minigun, Jinx' Attacks grant Attack Speed for @MinigunAttackSpeedDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MinigunAttackSpeedStacks@ times (+@MinigunAttackSpeedMax@% %i:scaleAS% max).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoJinx fires a super rocket across the map that gains damage as it travels. The rocket will explode upon colliding with an enemy champion, dealing damage to it and surrounding enemies based on their missing Health.Super Mega Death Rocket!Super Mega Death Rocket!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Super Mega Death Rocket!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx fires a rocket that explodes on the first enemy champion hit, dealing @DamageFloor@ to @DamageMax@ + @PercentDamage@% missing Health physical damage, gaining damage over the first second of travel time. Nearby enemies take @AoEDamageMult*100@% Damage.

    Missing Health damage cannot exceed @MonsterExecuteMax@ against Monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Jinx fires a rocket that explodes on the first enemy champion hit, dealing @DamageFloor@ to @DamageMax@ + @PercentDamage@% missing Health physical damage, gaining damage over the first second of travel time. Nearby enemies take @AoEDamageMult*100@% Damage.

    Missing Health damage cannot exceed @MonsterExecuteMax@ against Monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Super Mega Death Rocket!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx fires a rocket that explodes on the first enemy champion hit, dealing @DamageFloor@ to @DamageMax@ + @PercentDamage@% missing Health physical damage, gaining damage over the first second of travel time. Nearby enemies take @AoEDamageMult*100@% Damage.

    Missing Health damage cannot exceed @MonsterExecuteMax@ against Monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    Percent Missing Health Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxDamage1Prefix@@MaxDamage1@@MaxDamage1Postfix@ / @MaxDamage2Prefix@@MaxDamage2@@MaxDamage2Postfix@ / @MaxDamage3Prefix@@MaxDamage3@@MaxDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentDamage1Prefix@@PercentDamage1@%@PercentDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentDamage2Prefix@@PercentDamage2@%@PercentDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentDamage3Prefix@@PercentDamage3@%@PercentDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Super Mega Death Rocket!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx fires a rocket that explodes on the first enemy champion hit, dealing @DamageFloor@ to @DamageMax@ + @PercentDamage@% missing Health physical damage, gaining damage over the first second of travel time. Nearby enemies take @AoEDamageMult*100@% Damage.

    Missing Health damage cannot exceed @MonsterExecuteMax@ against Monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMinimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    Percent Missing Health Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MaxDamage@ -> @MaxDamageNL@
    @PercentDamage@% -> @PercentDamageNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    Percent Missing Health Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxDamage1Prefix@@MaxDamage1@@MaxDamage1Postfix@ / @MaxDamage2Prefix@@MaxDamage2@@MaxDamage2Postfix@ / @MaxDamage3Prefix@@MaxDamage3@@MaxDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentDamage1Prefix@@PercentDamage1@%@PercentDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentDamage2Prefix@@PercentDamage2@%@PercentDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentDamage3Prefix@@PercentDamage3@%@PercentDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    Percent Missing Health Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MaxDamage@ -> @MaxDamageNL@
    @PercentDamage@% -> @PercentDamageNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Super Mega Death Rocket!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx fires a rocket that explodes on the first enemy champion hit, dealing @DamageFloor@ to @DamageMax@ + @PercentDamage@% missing Health physical damage, gaining damage over the first second of travel time. Nearby enemies take @AoEDamageMult*100@% Damage.

    Missing Health damage cannot exceed @MonsterExecuteMax@ against Monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Super Mega Death Rocket!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx fires a rocket that explodes on the first enemy champion hit, dealing @DamageFloor@ to @DamageMax@ + @PercentDamage@% missing Health physical damage, gaining damage over the first second of travel time. Nearby enemies take @AoEDamageMult*100@% Damage.

    Missing Health damage cannot exceed @MonsterExecuteMax@ against Monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoJinx uses Zapper, her shock pistol, to fire a blast that deals damage to the first enemy hit, slowing and revealing it.Zap!Zap!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Zap!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx fires a shock blast that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, Slows them by @SlowPercent@%, and reveals them for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Jinx fires a shock blast that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, Slows them by @SlowPercent@%, and reveals them for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Zap!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx fires a shock blast that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, Slows them by @SlowPercent@%, and reveals them for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Zap!'s cast time decreases as Jinx gains Attack Speed.Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowPercent1Prefix@@SlowPercent1@%@SlowPercent1Postfix@ / @SlowPercent2Prefix@@SlowPercent2@%@SlowPercent2Postfix@ / @SlowPercent3Prefix@@SlowPercent3@%@SlowPercent3Postfix@ / @SlowPercent4Prefix@@SlowPercent4@%@SlowPercent4Postfix@ / @SlowPercent5Prefix@@SlowPercent5@%@SlowPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Zap!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx fires a shock blast that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, Slows them by @SlowPercent@%, and reveals them for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @SlowPercent@% -> @SlowPercentNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowPercent1Prefix@@SlowPercent1@%@SlowPercent1Postfix@ / @SlowPercent2Prefix@@SlowPercent2@%@SlowPercent2Postfix@ / @SlowPercent3Prefix@@SlowPercent3@%@SlowPercent3Postfix@ / @SlowPercent4Prefix@@SlowPercent4@%@SlowPercent4Postfix@ / @SlowPercent5Prefix@@SlowPercent5@%@SlowPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @SlowPercent@% -> @SlowPercentNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Zap!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx fires a shock blast that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, Slows them by @SlowPercent@%, and reveals them for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Zap!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Jinx fires a shock blast that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, Slows them by @SlowPercent@%, and reveals them for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvolve SuperchargeEvolve Supercharge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Supercharge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Supercharge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Supercharge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Supercharge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Evolve Supercharge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKai'Sa briefly increases her Move Speed, then increases her Attack Speed.

    Living Weapon: Supercharge is upgraded to briefly grant Invisibility.SuperchargeSupercharge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Supercharge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa supercharges her void energy, gaining @TotalMoveSpeed@ Move Speed and becoming Ghosted while charging, then gaining @Effect5Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa also becomes Invisible for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.
    Current: @f10@/@Effect6Amount@% Bonus Attack Speed@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Kai'Sa supercharges her void energy, gaining @TotalMoveSpeed@ Move Speed and becoming Ghosted while charging, then gaining @Effect5Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa also becomes Invisible for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.
    Current: @f10@/@Effect6Amount@% Bonus Attack Speed@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Supercharge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa supercharges her void energy, gaining @TotalMoveSpeed@ Move Speed and becoming Ghosted while charging, then gaining @Effect5Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa also becomes Invisible for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.
    Current: @f10@/@Effect6Amount@% Bonus Attack Speed@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The charge time scales down with Attack Speed (Current: @TotalCastTime@)
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Supercharge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa supercharges her void energy, gaining @TotalMoveSpeed@ Move Speed and becoming Ghosted while charging, then gaining @Effect5Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa also becomes Invisible for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.
    Current: @f10@/@Effect6Amount@% Bonus Attack Speed@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect5Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect5AmountNL*100.000000@%
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect5Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect5AmountNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Supercharge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa supercharges her void energy, gaining @TotalMoveSpeed@ Move Speed and becoming Ghosted while charging, then gaining @Effect5Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa also becomes Invisible for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.
    Current: @f10@/@Effect6Amount@% Bonus Attack Speed@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Supercharge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa supercharges her void energy, gaining @TotalMoveSpeed@ Move Speed and becoming Ghosted while charging, then gaining @Effect5Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa also becomes Invisible for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.
    Current: @f10@/@Effect6Amount@% Bonus Attack Speed@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvolve Icathian RainEvolve Icathian Rain@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Icathian Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Icathian Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Icathian Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Icathian Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Evolve Icathian Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKai'Sa shoots a swarm of missiles that seek out nearby targets.

    Living Weapon: Icathian Rain is upgraded to shoot more missiles.Icathian RainIcathian Rain@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Icathian Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa launches @Effect2Amount@ missiles that split among nearby enemies, each dealing @TotalIndividualMissileDamage@ physical damage. Additional hits on champions or monsters deal @Effect3Amount*100@% damage.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa instead fires @Effect7Amount@ missiles.
    Current: @f11@/@Effect6Amount@ Bonus Attack Damage@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Kai'Sa launches @Effect2Amount@ missiles that split among nearby enemies, each dealing @TotalIndividualMissileDamage@ physical damage. Additional hits on champions or monsters deal @Effect3Amount*100@% damage.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa instead fires @Effect7Amount@ missiles.
    Current: @f11@/@Effect6Amount@ Bonus Attack Damage@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Icathian Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa launches @Effect2Amount@ missiles that split among nearby enemies, each dealing @TotalIndividualMissileDamage@ physical damage. Additional hits on champions or monsters deal @Effect3Amount*100@% damage.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa instead fires @Effect7Amount@ missiles.
    Current: @f11@/@Effect6Amount@ Bonus Attack Damage@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Minions below @Effect5Amount*100@% Health take @Effect4Amount*100@% damage.Cooldown
    Damage Per Missile
    Max Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxDamage1Prefix@@MaxDamage1@@MaxDamage1Postfix@ / @MaxDamage2Prefix@@MaxDamage2@@MaxDamage2Postfix@ / @MaxDamage3Prefix@@MaxDamage3@@MaxDamage3Postfix@ / @MaxDamage4Prefix@@MaxDamage4@@MaxDamage4Postfix@ / @MaxDamage5Prefix@@MaxDamage5@@MaxDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Icathian Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa launches @Effect2Amount@ missiles that split among nearby enemies, each dealing @TotalIndividualMissileDamage@ physical damage. Additional hits on champions or monsters deal @Effect3Amount*100@% damage.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa instead fires @Effect7Amount@ missiles.
    Current: @f11@/@Effect6Amount@ Bonus Attack Damage@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Damage Per Missile
    Max Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @MaxDamage@ -> @MaxDamageNL@
    Damage Per Missile
    Max Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxDamage1Prefix@@MaxDamage1@@MaxDamage1Postfix@ / @MaxDamage2Prefix@@MaxDamage2@@MaxDamage2Postfix@ / @MaxDamage3Prefix@@MaxDamage3@@MaxDamage3Postfix@ / @MaxDamage4Prefix@@MaxDamage4@@MaxDamage4Postfix@ / @MaxDamage5Prefix@@MaxDamage5@@MaxDamage5Postfix@ ]
    Damage Per Missile
    Max Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @MaxDamage@ -> @MaxDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Icathian Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa launches @Effect2Amount@ missiles that split among nearby enemies, each dealing @TotalIndividualMissileDamage@ physical damage. Additional hits on champions or monsters deal @Effect3Amount*100@% damage.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa instead fires @Effect7Amount@ missiles.
    Current: @f11@/@Effect6Amount@ Bonus Attack Damage@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Icathian Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa launches @Effect2Amount@ missiles that split among nearby enemies, each dealing @TotalIndividualMissileDamage@ physical damage. Additional hits on champions or monsters deal @Effect3Amount*100@% damage.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa instead fires @Effect7Amount@ missiles.
    Current: @f11@/@Effect6Amount@ Bonus Attack Damage@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKai'Sa dashes near an enemy champion.Killer Instinct@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Killer Instinct@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa warps near an enemy champion affected by Plasma and gains @RCalculatedShieldValue@ Shield for @RShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Kai'Sa warps near an enemy champion affected by Plasma and gains @RCalculatedShieldValue@ Shield for @RShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Killer Instinct@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa warps near an enemy champion affected by Plasma and gains @RCalculatedShieldValue@ Shield for @RShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Range
    Shield Amount
    Attack Damage Ratio
    [ @RRange1Prefix@@RRange1@@RRange1Postfix@ / @RRange2Prefix@@RRange2@@RRange2Postfix@ / @RRange3Prefix@@RRange3@@RRange3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RBaseValue1Prefix@@RBaseValue1@@RBaseValue1Postfix@ / @RBaseValue2Prefix@@RBaseValue2@@RBaseValue2Postfix@ / @RBaseValue3Prefix@@RBaseValue3@@RBaseValue3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RTotalADRatio1Prefix@@RTotalADRatio1*100.000000@%@RTotalADRatio1Postfix@ / @RTotalADRatio2Prefix@@RTotalADRatio2*100.000000@%@RTotalADRatio2Postfix@ / @RTotalADRatio3Prefix@@RTotalADRatio3*100.000000@%@RTotalADRatio3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Killer Instinct@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa warps near an enemy champion affected by Plasma and gains @RCalculatedShieldValue@ Shield for @RShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upRange
    Shield Amount
    Attack Damage Ratio
    @RRange@ -> @RRangeNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @RBaseValue@ -> @RBaseValueNL@
    @RTotalADRatio*100.000000@% -> @RTotalADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    Shield Amount
    Attack Damage Ratio
    [ @RRange1Prefix@@RRange1@@RRange1Postfix@ / @RRange2Prefix@@RRange2@@RRange2Postfix@ / @RRange3Prefix@@RRange3@@RRange3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RBaseValue1Prefix@@RBaseValue1@@RBaseValue1Postfix@ / @RBaseValue2Prefix@@RBaseValue2@@RBaseValue2Postfix@ / @RBaseValue3Prefix@@RBaseValue3@@RBaseValue3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RTotalADRatio1Prefix@@RTotalADRatio1*100.000000@%@RTotalADRatio1Postfix@ / @RTotalADRatio2Prefix@@RTotalADRatio2*100.000000@%@RTotalADRatio2Postfix@ / @RTotalADRatio3Prefix@@RTotalADRatio3*100.000000@%@RTotalADRatio3Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    Attack Damage Ratio
    @RRange@ -> @RRangeNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @RBaseValue@ -> @RBaseValueNL@
    @RTotalADRatio*100.000000@% -> @RTotalADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Killer Instinct@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa warps near an enemy champion affected by Plasma and gains @RCalculatedShieldValue@ Shield for @RShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Killer Instinct@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa warps near an enemy champion affected by Plasma and gains @RCalculatedShieldValue@ Shield for @RShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvolve Void SeekerEvolve Void Seeker@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Void Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Void Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Void Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Void Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Evolve Void Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKai'Sa shoots a long range missile, marking enemies with her passive.

    Living Weapon: Void Seeker is upgraded to apply more passive marks and reduce cooldown on champion hit.Void SeekerVoid Seeker@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Void Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa fires a void blast that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage, applies @Effect4Amount@ stacks of Plasma, and grants True Sight of the first enemy hit for @spell.KaisaPassive:PDuration@ seconds.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa instead applies @Effect5Amount@ stacks of Plasma and hitting a champion reduces the Cooldown by @Effect3Amount@%.
    Current: @f2@/@Effect2Amount@ Ability Power@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Kai'Sa fires a void blast that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage, applies @Effect4Amount@ stacks of Plasma, and grants True Sight of the first enemy hit for @spell.KaisaPassive:PDuration@ seconds.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa instead applies @Effect5Amount@ stacks of Plasma and hitting a champion reduces the Cooldown by @Effect3Amount@%.
    Current: @f2@/@Effect2Amount@ Ability Power@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Void Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa fires a void blast that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage, applies @Effect4Amount@ stacks of Plasma, and grants True Sight of the first enemy hit for @spell.KaisaPassive:PDuration@ seconds.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa instead applies @Effect5Amount@ stacks of Plasma and hitting a champion reduces the Cooldown by @Effect3Amount@%.
    Current: @f2@/@Effect2Amount@ Ability Power@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Plasma applied by this Ability deals the damage from Second Skin.Cooldown
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Void Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa fires a void blast that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage, applies @Effect4Amount@ stacks of Plasma, and grants True Sight of the first enemy hit for @spell.KaisaPassive:PDuration@ seconds.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa instead applies @Effect5Amount@ stacks of Plasma and hitting a champion reduces the Cooldown by @Effect3Amount@%.
    Current: @f2@/@Effect2Amount@ Ability Power@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Void Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa fires a void blast that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage, applies @Effect4Amount@ stacks of Plasma, and grants True Sight of the first enemy hit for @spell.KaisaPassive:PDuration@ seconds.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa instead applies @Effect5Amount@ stacks of Plasma and hitting a champion reduces the Cooldown by @Effect3Amount@%.
    Current: @f2@/@Effect2Amount@ Ability Power@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Void Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kai'Sa fires a void blast that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage, applies @Effect4Amount@ stacks of Plasma, and grants True Sight of the first enemy hit for @spell.KaisaPassive:PDuration@ seconds.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa instead applies @Effect5Amount@ stacks of Plasma and hitting a champion reduces the Cooldown by @Effect3Amount@%.
    Current: @f2@/@Effect2Amount@ Ability Power@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAttacks impale their targets with spears. Activate to rip the spears out, slowing and dealing escalating damage.RendRend@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rend@FakedCooldown@s Cooldown@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kalista's spears linger in their target for 4 seconds, stacking any number of times.

    Active: Kalista rips the spears from nearby enemies, dealing @NormalDamage@ plus @AdditionalDamage@ physical damage per spear beyond the first. Slows enemies hit by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If this Ability kills at least one target, its Cooldown is refreshed and it refunds @ManaRefund@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Kalista's spears linger in their target for 4 seconds, stacking any number of times.

    Active: Kalista rips the spears from nearby enemies, dealing @NormalDamage@ plus @AdditionalDamage@ physical damage per spear beyond the first. Slows enemies hit by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If this Ability kills at least one target, its Cooldown is refreshed and it refunds @ManaRefund@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rend@FakedCooldown@s Cooldown@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kalista's spears linger in their target for 4 seconds, stacking any number of times.

    Active: Kalista rips the spears from nearby enemies, dealing @NormalDamage@ plus @AdditionalDamage@ physical damage per spear beyond the first. Slows enemies hit by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If this Ability kills at least one target, its Cooldown is refreshed and it refunds @ManaRefund@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability deals @EpicMonsterDamageMod*100@% damage to epic jungle monsters.Damage
    Move Speed Slow
    Mana Refund
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ManaRefund1Prefix@@ManaRefund1@@ManaRefund1Postfix@ / @ManaRefund2Prefix@@ManaRefund2@@ManaRefund2Postfix@ / @ManaRefund3Prefix@@ManaRefund3@@ManaRefund3Postfix@ / @ManaRefund4Prefix@@ManaRefund4@@ManaRefund4Postfix@ / @ManaRefund5Prefix@@ManaRefund5@@ManaRefund5Postfix@ ]
    [ @FakedCooldown1Prefix@@FakedCooldown1@@FakedCooldown1Postfix@ / @FakedCooldown2Prefix@@FakedCooldown2@@FakedCooldown2Postfix@ / @FakedCooldown3Prefix@@FakedCooldown3@@FakedCooldown3Postfix@ / @FakedCooldown4Prefix@@FakedCooldown4@@FakedCooldown4Postfix@ / @FakedCooldown5Prefix@@FakedCooldown5@@FakedCooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Rend@FakedCooldown@s Cooldown@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kalista's spears linger in their target for 4 seconds, stacking any number of times.

    Active: Kalista rips the spears from nearby enemies, dealing @NormalDamage@ plus @AdditionalDamage@ physical damage per spear beyond the first. Slows enemies hit by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If this Ability kills at least one target, its Cooldown is refreshed and it refunds @ManaRefund@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Move Speed Slow
    Mana Refund
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @ManaRefund@ -> @ManaRefundNL@
    @FakedCooldown@ -> @FakedCooldownNL@
    Move Speed Slow
    Mana Refund
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ManaRefund1Prefix@@ManaRefund1@@ManaRefund1Postfix@ / @ManaRefund2Prefix@@ManaRefund2@@ManaRefund2Postfix@ / @ManaRefund3Prefix@@ManaRefund3@@ManaRefund3Postfix@ / @ManaRefund4Prefix@@ManaRefund4@@ManaRefund4Postfix@ / @ManaRefund5Prefix@@ManaRefund5@@ManaRefund5Postfix@ ]
    [ @FakedCooldown1Prefix@@FakedCooldown1@@FakedCooldown1Postfix@ / @FakedCooldown2Prefix@@FakedCooldown2@@FakedCooldown2Postfix@ / @FakedCooldown3Prefix@@FakedCooldown3@@FakedCooldown3Postfix@ / @FakedCooldown4Prefix@@FakedCooldown4@@FakedCooldown4Postfix@ / @FakedCooldown5Prefix@@FakedCooldown5@@FakedCooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed Slow
    Mana Refund
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @ManaRefund@ -> @ManaRefundNL@
    @FakedCooldown@ -> @FakedCooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Rend@FakedCooldown@s Cooldown@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kalista's spears linger in their target for 4 seconds, stacking any number of times.

    Active: Kalista rips the spears from nearby enemies, dealing @NormalDamage@ plus @AdditionalDamage@ physical damage per spear beyond the first. Slows enemies hit by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If this Ability kills at least one target, its Cooldown is refreshed and it refunds @ManaRefund@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Rend@FakedCooldown@s Cooldown@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kalista's spears linger in their target for 4 seconds, stacking any number of times.

    Active: Kalista rips the spears from nearby enemies, dealing @NormalDamage@ plus @AdditionalDamage@ physical damage per spear beyond the first. Slows enemies hit by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If this Ability kills at least one target, its Cooldown is refreshed and it refunds @ManaRefund@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoThrow a fast moving spear that passes through enemies it kills.PiercePierce@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pierce@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kalista hurls a spear, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first target hit. If this kills the target, the spear continues onward, carrying any {{Spell_KalistaExpungeWrapper_Name}} stacks to the next target hit.

    Kalista can dash after using this Ability using {{Spell_KalistaPassiveBuff_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Kalista hurls a spear, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first target hit. If this kills the target, the spear continues onward, carrying any {{Spell_KalistaExpungeWrapper_Name}} stacks to the next target hit.

    Kalista can dash after using this Ability using {{Spell_KalistaPassiveBuff_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pierce@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kalista hurls a spear, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first target hit. If this kills the target, the spear continues onward, carrying any {{Spell_KalistaExpungeWrapper_Name}} stacks to the next target hit.

    Kalista can dash after using this Ability using {{Spell_KalistaPassiveBuff_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Pierce@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kalista hurls a spear, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first target hit. If this kills the target, the spear continues onward, carrying any {{Spell_KalistaExpungeWrapper_Name}} stacks to the next target hit.

    Kalista can dash after using this Ability using {{Spell_KalistaPassiveBuff_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Pierce@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kalista hurls a spear, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first target hit. If this kills the target, the spear continues onward, carrying any {{Spell_KalistaExpungeWrapper_Name}} stacks to the next target hit.

    Kalista can dash after using this Ability using {{Spell_KalistaPassiveBuff_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Pierce@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kalista hurls a spear, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first target hit. If this kills the target, the spear continues onward, carrying any {{Spell_KalistaExpungeWrapper_Name}} stacks to the next target hit.

    Kalista can dash after using this Ability using {{Spell_KalistaPassiveBuff_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoOathsworn BondOathsworn Bond@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Oathsworn Bond@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Oathsworn Bond@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Oathsworn Bond@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Oathsworn Bond@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Oathsworn Bond@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKalista teleports the Oathsworn ally to herself. They gain the ability to dash toward a position, knocking enemy champions back.Fate's CallFate's Call@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Fate's Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kalista puts her Oathsworn into Stasis and draws them to herself for up to 4 seconds. The Oathsworn can click to launch themselves, stopping at the first champion hit and Knocking Back all nearby enemies. If the Oathsworn hits a champion, they are placed at their maximum attack range from it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Kalista puts her Oathsworn into Stasis and draws them to herself for up to 4 seconds. The Oathsworn can click to launch themselves, stopping at the first champion hit and Knocking Back all nearby enemies. If the Oathsworn hits a champion, they are placed at their maximum attack range from it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Fate's Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kalista puts her Oathsworn into Stasis and draws them to herself for up to 4 seconds. The Oathsworn can click to launch themselves, stopping at the first champion hit and Knocking Back all nearby enemies. If the Oathsworn hits a champion, they are placed at their maximum attack range from it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    Knockup Duration
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Fate's Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kalista puts her Oathsworn into Stasis and draws them to herself for up to 4 seconds. The Oathsworn can click to launch themselves, stopping at the first champion hit and Knocking Back all nearby enemies. If the Oathsworn hits a champion, they are placed at their maximum attack range from it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Knockup Duration
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Knockup Duration
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ ]
    Knockup Duration
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Fate's Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kalista puts her Oathsworn into Stasis and draws them to herself for up to 4 seconds. The Oathsworn can click to launch themselves, stopping at the first champion hit and Knocking Back all nearby enemies. If the Oathsworn hits a champion, they are placed at their maximum attack range from it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Fate's Call@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kalista puts her Oathsworn into Stasis and draws them to herself for up to 4 seconds. The Oathsworn can click to launch themselves, stopping at the first champion hit and Knocking Back all nearby enemies. If the Oathsworn hits a champion, they are placed at their maximum attack range from it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGain bonus damage when Kalista and her Oathsworn strike the same target.

    Activate to send a soul to scout out the path, revealing the area in front of it.SentinelSentinel@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sentinel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: When Kalista and her Oathsworn both Attack the same target, she deals @Effect2Amount@% max Health magic damage. This effect has a @Effect7Amount@ second Cooldown per target.

    Active: Kalista sends a ghost to patrol an area for three laps. Champions spotted are revealed for 4 seconds. This ability has 2 charges (@Effect4Amount@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: When Kalista and her Oathsworn both Attack the same target, she deals @Effect2Amount@% max Health magic damage. This effect has a @Effect7Amount@ second Cooldown per target.

    Active: Kalista sends a ghost to patrol an area for three laps. Champions spotted are revealed for 4 seconds. This ability has 2 charges (@Effect4Amount@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sentinel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: When Kalista and her Oathsworn both Attack the same target, she deals @Effect2Amount@% max Health magic damage. This effect has a @Effect7Amount@ second Cooldown per target.

    Active: Kalista sends a ghost to patrol an area for three laps. Champions spotted are revealed for 4 seconds. This ability has 2 charges (@Effect4Amount@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Ammo Recharge
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Sentinel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: When Kalista and her Oathsworn both Attack the same target, she deals @Effect2Amount@% max Health magic damage. This effect has a @Effect7Amount@ second Cooldown per target.

    Active: Kalista sends a ghost to patrol an area for three laps. Champions spotted are revealed for 4 seconds. This ability has 2 charges (@Effect4Amount@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Ammo Recharge
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    Ammo Recharge
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Ammo Recharge
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Sentinel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: When Kalista and her Oathsworn both Attack the same target, she deals @Effect2Amount@% max Health magic damage. This effect has a @Effect7Amount@ second Cooldown per target.

    Active: Kalista sends a ghost to patrol an area for three laps. Champions spotted are revealed for 4 seconds. This ability has 2 charges (@Effect4Amount@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Sentinel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: When Kalista and her Oathsworn both Attack the same target, she deals @Effect2Amount@% max Health magic damage. This effect has a @Effect7Amount@ second Cooldown per target.

    Active: Kalista sends a ghost to patrol an area for three laps. Champions spotted are revealed for 4 seconds. This ability has 2 charges (@Effect4Amount@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKarma empowers her next ability to do an additional effect. Mantra is available at level 1 and does not require a skill point.MantraMantra@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mantra@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKarma empowers her next Ability used within 8 seconds.
  1352. {{Spell_KarmaQ_Name}}: Deals an additional @RQTotalImpactDamage@ magic damage and leaves behind a circle of flame, Slowing enemies and dealing an additional @RQFieldDamage@ magic damage.
  1353. {{Spell_KarmaSpiritBind_Name}}: Karma will restore @RWHealAmount@ Health at the beginning and end of the tether, and Root for @RWTotalRoot@ second(s) longer.
  1354. {{Spell_KarmaSolKimShield_Name}}: Karma shields her target for @REBonusShield@ more Shield, and also shields allies near her target, granting @Effect9Amount*100@% of the total Shield and Move Speed value.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Karma empowers her next Ability used within 8 seconds.
  1355. {{Spell_KarmaQ_Name}}: Deals an additional @RQTotalImpactDamage@ magic damage and leaves behind a circle of flame, Slowing enemies and dealing an additional @RQFieldDamage@ magic damage.
  1356. {{Spell_KarmaSpiritBind_Name}}: Karma will restore @RWHealAmount@ Health at the beginning and end of the tether, and Root for @RWTotalRoot@ second(s) longer.
  1357. {{Spell_KarmaSolKimShield_Name}}: Karma shields her target for @REBonusShield@ more Shield, and also shields allies near her target, granting @Effect9Amount*100@% of the total Shield and Move Speed value.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mantra@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKarma empowers her next Ability used within 8 seconds.
  1358. {{Spell_KarmaQ_Name}}: Deals an additional @RQTotalImpactDamage@ magic damage and leaves behind a circle of flame, Slowing enemies and dealing an additional @RQFieldDamage@ magic damage.
  1359. {{Spell_KarmaSpiritBind_Name}}: Karma will restore @RWHealAmount@ Health at the beginning and end of the tether, and Root for @RWTotalRoot@ second(s) longer.
  1360. {{Spell_KarmaSolKimShield_Name}}: Karma shields her target for @REBonusShield@ more Shield, and also shields allies near her target, granting @Effect9Amount*100@% of the total Shield and Move Speed value.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Soulflare Impact
    Soulflare Circle Damage
    Renewal Root Extension
    Defiance Shield
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Mantra@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKarma empowers her next Ability used within 8 seconds.
  1361. {{Spell_KarmaQ_Name}}: Deals an additional @RQTotalImpactDamage@ magic damage and leaves behind a circle of flame, Slowing enemies and dealing an additional @RQFieldDamage@ magic damage.
  1362. {{Spell_KarmaSpiritBind_Name}}: Karma will restore @RWHealAmount@ Health at the beginning and end of the tether, and Root for @RWTotalRoot@ second(s) longer.
  1363. {{Spell_KarmaSolKimShield_Name}}: Karma shields her target for @REBonusShield@ more Shield, and also shields allies near her target, granting @Effect9Amount*100@% of the total Shield and Move Speed value.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upSoulflare Impact
    Soulflare Circle Damage
    Renewal Root Extension
    Defiance Shield
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Soulflare Impact
    Soulflare Circle Damage
    Renewal Root Extension
    Defiance Shield
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ ]
    Soulflare Impact
    Soulflare Circle Damage
    Renewal Root Extension
    Defiance Shield
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Mantra@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKarma empowers her next Ability used within 8 seconds.
  1364. {{Spell_KarmaQ_Name}}: Deals an additional @RQTotalImpactDamage@ magic damage and leaves behind a circle of flame, Slowing enemies and dealing an additional @RQFieldDamage@ magic damage.
  1365. {{Spell_KarmaSpiritBind_Name}}: Karma will restore @RWHealAmount@ Health at the beginning and end of the tether, and Root for @RWTotalRoot@ second(s) longer.
  1366. {{Spell_KarmaSolKimShield_Name}}: Karma shields her target for @REBonusShield@ more Shield, and also shields allies near her target, granting @Effect9Amount*100@% of the total Shield and Move Speed value.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mantra@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKarma empowers her next Ability used within 8 seconds.
  1367. {{Spell_KarmaQ_Name}}: Deals an additional @RQTotalImpactDamage@ magic damage and leaves behind a circle of flame, Slowing enemies and dealing an additional @RQFieldDamage@ magic damage.
  1368. {{Spell_KarmaSpiritBind_Name}}: Karma will restore @RWHealAmount@ Health at the beginning and end of the tether, and Root for @RWTotalRoot@ second(s) longer.
  1369. {{Spell_KarmaSolKimShield_Name}}: Karma shields her target for @REBonusShield@ more Shield, and also shields allies near her target, granting @Effect9Amount*100@% of the total Shield and Move Speed value.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKarma sends forth a ball of spirit energy that explodes and deals damage upon hitting an enemy unit.

    Mantra Bonus: In addition to the explosion, Mantra increases the destructive power of her Inner Flame, creating a cataclysm which deals damage after a short delay.Inner Flame@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Inner Flame@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KarmaQ_Tooltip_@IsEmpowered@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_KarmaQ_Tooltip_@IsEmpowered@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_KarmaQ_Tooltip_0}}

    {{Spell_KarmaQ_Tooltip_1}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Inner Flame@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KarmaQ_Tooltip_0}}

    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Inner Flame@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KarmaQ_Tooltip_0}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Inner Flame@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KarmaQ_Tooltip_0}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Inner Flame@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KarmaQ_Tooltip_@IsEmpowered@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKarma summons a protective shield that absorbs incoming damage and increases the Move Speed of the protected ally.

    Mantra Bonus: Energy radiates out from her target, strengthening the initial shield and applying Inspire to nearby allied champions.InspireInspire@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Inspire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KarmaE_Tooltip_@spell.KarmaQ:IsEmpowered@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_KarmaE_Tooltip_@spell.KarmaQ:IsEmpowered@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_KarmaE_Tooltip_0}}

    {{Spell_KarmaE_Tooltip_1}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Inspire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KarmaE_Tooltip_0}}

    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Inspire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KarmaE_Tooltip_0}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Inspire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KarmaE_Tooltip_0}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Inspire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KarmaE_Tooltip_@spell.KarmaQ:IsEmpowered@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKarma creates a tether between herself and a targeted enemy, dealing damage and revealing them. If the tether is not broken, the enemy will be rooted and damaged again.

    Mantra Bonus: Karma strengthens the link, healing herself and extending the root duration.Focused ResolveFocused Resolve@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Focused Resolve@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KarmaW_Tooltip_@spell.KarmaQ:IsEmpowered@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_KarmaW_Tooltip_@spell.KarmaQ:IsEmpowered@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_KarmaW_Tooltip_0}}

    {{Spell_KarmaW_Tooltip_1}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Focused Resolve@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KarmaW_Tooltip_0}}

    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*0.500000@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*0.500000@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*0.500000@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*0.500000@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*0.500000@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Focused Resolve@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KarmaW_Tooltip_0}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount*0.500000@ -> @Effect1AmountNL*0.500000@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*0.500000@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*0.500000@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*0.500000@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*0.500000@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*0.500000@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount*0.500000@ -> @Effect1AmountNL*0.500000@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Focused Resolve@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KarmaW_Tooltip_0}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Focused Resolve@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KarmaW_Tooltip_@spell.KarmaQ:IsEmpowered@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKarthus passively steals energy from his victims, gaining Mana on each kill. Alternatively, Karthus can surround himself in the souls of his prey, dealing damage to nearby enemies, but quickly draining his own Mana.DefileDefile@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Defile@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana per SecondPassive: When Karthus kills a unit, he restores @Effect2Amount@ Mana.

    Toggle: Karthus creates a necrotic aura, dealing @TotalDPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: When Karthus kills a unit, he restores @Effect2Amount@ Mana.

    Toggle: Karthus creates a necrotic aura, dealing @TotalDPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Defile@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana per SecondPassive: When Karthus kills a unit, he restores @Effect2Amount@ Mana.

    Toggle: Karthus creates a necrotic aura, dealing @TotalDPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage Per Second
    Mana Restore
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Defile@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana per SecondPassive: When Karthus kills a unit, he restores @Effect2Amount@ Mana.

    Toggle: Karthus creates a necrotic aura, dealing @TotalDPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Per Second
    Mana Restore
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Damage Per Second
    Mana Restore
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Damage Per Second
    Mana Restore
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Defile@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana per SecondPassive: When Karthus kills a unit, he restores @Effect2Amount@ Mana.

    Toggle: Karthus creates a necrotic aura, dealing @TotalDPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Defile@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana per SecondPassive: When Karthus kills a unit, he restores @Effect2Amount@ Mana.

    Toggle: Karthus creates a necrotic aura, dealing @TotalDPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAfter channeling for 3 seconds, Karthus deals damage to all enemy champions.Requiem@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Requiem@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus channels for 3 seconds, then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemy champions, regardless of distance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Karthus channels for 3 seconds, then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemy champions, regardless of distance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Requiem@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus channels for 3 seconds, then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemy champions, regardless of distance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Requiem@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus channels for 3 seconds, then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemy champions, regardless of distance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Requiem@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus channels for 3 seconds, then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemy champions, regardless of distance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Requiem@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus channels for 3 seconds, then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemy champions, regardless of distance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKarthus unleashes a delayed blast at a location, dealing damage to nearby enemies. Deals increased damage to isolated enemies. Lay WasteLay Waste@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lay Waste@AMMORECHARGETIME@{{ Item_Cooldown }}@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus creates a blast of magic, dealing @QDamage@ magic damage. If the blast hits only one enemy, it instead deals @QSingleTargetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Karthus creates a blast of magic, dealing @QDamage@ magic damage. If the blast hits only one enemy, it instead deals @QSingleTargetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lay Waste@AMMORECHARGETIME@{{ Item_Cooldown }}@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus creates a blast of magic, dealing @QDamage@ magic damage. If the blast hits only one enemy, it instead deals @QSingleTargetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Deals @MonsterMod*100@% damage to jungle monsters.Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Lay Waste@AMMORECHARGETIME@{{ Item_Cooldown }}@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus creates a blast of magic, dealing @QDamage@ magic damage. If the blast hits only one enemy, it instead deals @QSingleTargetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Lay Waste@AMMORECHARGETIME@{{ Item_Cooldown }}@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus creates a blast of magic, dealing @QDamage@ magic damage. If the blast hits only one enemy, it instead deals @QSingleTargetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Lay Waste@AMMORECHARGETIME@{{ Item_Cooldown }}@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus creates a blast of magic, dealing @QDamage@ magic damage. If the blast hits only one enemy, it instead deals @QSingleTargetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKarthus creates a passable screen of leeching energy. Any enemy units that walk through the screen have their Move Speed and Magic Resist reduced for a period.Wall of PainWall of Pain@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wall of Pain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus creates a wall that lasts for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Enemies that pass through lose @Effect1Amount@% Magic Resist for @Effect5Amount@ seconds and are Slowed by @Effect3Amount@% decaying over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Karthus creates a wall that lasts for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Enemies that pass through lose @Effect1Amount@% Magic Resist for @Effect5Amount@ seconds and are Slowed by @Effect3Amount@% decaying over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wall of Pain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus creates a wall that lasts for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Enemies that pass through lose @Effect1Amount@% Magic Resist for @Effect5Amount@ seconds and are Slowed by @Effect3Amount@% decaying over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Wall Width
    Move Speed Slow
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Wall of Pain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus creates a wall that lasts for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Enemies that pass through lose @Effect1Amount@% Magic Resist for @Effect5Amount@ seconds and are Slowed by @Effect3Amount@% decaying over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upWall Width
    Move Speed Slow
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    Wall Width
    Move Speed Slow
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Wall Width
    Move Speed Slow
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Wall of Pain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus creates a wall that lasts for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Enemies that pass through lose @Effect1Amount@% Magic Resist for @Effect5Amount@ seconds and are Slowed by @Effect3Amount@% decaying over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Wall of Pain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Karthus creates a wall that lasts for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Enemies that pass through lose @Effect1Amount@% Magic Resist for @Effect5Amount@ seconds and are Slowed by @Effect3Amount@% decaying over the duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKatarina blinks to the target, striking it if its an enemy, or striking the nearest enemy otherwise.Shunpo@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shunpo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina dashes in the blink of an eye to the target ally, enemy, or Dagger. If it is an enemy, Katarina strikes for @TotalDamage@ magic damage - otherwise she strikes the nearest enemy in range.

    Picking up a Dagger will reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @DaggerCooldownReduction@ seconds (@TooltipDaggerReduction@).

    Katarina can blink to any location near the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Katarina dashes in the blink of an eye to the target ally, enemy, or Dagger. If it is an enemy, Katarina strikes for @TotalDamage@ magic damage - otherwise she strikes the nearest enemy in range.

    Picking up a Dagger will reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @DaggerCooldownReduction@ seconds (@TooltipDaggerReduction@).

    Katarina can blink to any location near the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shunpo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina dashes in the blink of an eye to the target ally, enemy, or Dagger. If it is an enemy, Katarina strikes for @TotalDamage@ magic damage - otherwise she strikes the nearest enemy in range.

    Picking up a Dagger will reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @DaggerCooldownReduction@ seconds (@TooltipDaggerReduction@).

    Katarina can blink to any location near the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The strike Applies On-Hit Effects.
    Katarina can blink to any location near the target.
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @DataCooldown1Prefix@@DataCooldown1@@DataCooldown1Postfix@ / @DataCooldown2Prefix@@DataCooldown2@@DataCooldown2Postfix@ / @DataCooldown3Prefix@@DataCooldown3@@DataCooldown3Postfix@ / @DataCooldown4Prefix@@DataCooldown4@@DataCooldown4Postfix@ / @DataCooldown5Prefix@@DataCooldown5@@DataCooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shunpo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina dashes in the blink of an eye to the target ally, enemy, or Dagger. If it is an enemy, Katarina strikes for @TotalDamage@ magic damage - otherwise she strikes the nearest enemy in range.

    Picking up a Dagger will reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @DaggerCooldownReduction@ seconds (@TooltipDaggerReduction@).

    Katarina can blink to any location near the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @DataCooldown@ -> @DataCooldownNL@
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @DataCooldown1Prefix@@DataCooldown1@@DataCooldown1Postfix@ / @DataCooldown2Prefix@@DataCooldown2@@DataCooldown2Postfix@ / @DataCooldown3Prefix@@DataCooldown3@@DataCooldown3Postfix@ / @DataCooldown4Prefix@@DataCooldown4@@DataCooldown4Postfix@ / @DataCooldown5Prefix@@DataCooldown5@@DataCooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @DataCooldown@ -> @DataCooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Shunpo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina dashes in the blink of an eye to the target ally, enemy, or Dagger. If it is an enemy, Katarina strikes for @TotalDamage@ magic damage - otherwise she strikes the nearest enemy in range.

    Picking up a Dagger will reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @DaggerCooldownReduction@ seconds (@TooltipDaggerReduction@).

    Katarina can blink to any location near the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shunpo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina dashes in the blink of an eye to the target ally, enemy, or Dagger. If it is an enemy, Katarina strikes for @TotalDamage@ magic damage - otherwise she strikes the nearest enemy in range.

    Picking up a Dagger will reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @DaggerCooldownReduction@ seconds (@TooltipDaggerReduction@).

    Katarina can blink to any location near the target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKatarina throws a Dagger at the target that then bounces to nearby enemies before ricocheting onto the ground.Bouncing BladeBouncing Blade@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bouncing Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina throws a Dagger, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the target and @MaxBounces@ nearby enemies. The Dagger then ricochets onto the ground behind the primary target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Katarina throws a Dagger, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the target and @MaxBounces@ nearby enemies. The Dagger then ricochets onto the ground behind the primary target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bouncing Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina throws a Dagger, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the target and @MaxBounces@ nearby enemies. The Dagger then ricochets onto the ground behind the primary target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Base Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bouncing Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina throws a Dagger, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the target and @MaxBounces@ nearby enemies. The Dagger then ricochets onto the ground behind the primary target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Base Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Base Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Bouncing Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina throws a Dagger, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the target and @MaxBounces@ nearby enemies. The Dagger then ricochets onto the ground behind the primary target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bouncing Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina throws a Dagger, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the target and @MaxBounces@ nearby enemies. The Dagger then ricochets onto the ground behind the primary target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKatarina becomes a flurry of blades, dealing massive magic damage while she channels to the 3 nearest enemy champions.Death Lotus@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Death Lotus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina becomes a flurry of blades, rapidly attacking the three nearest enemy champions with a flurry of knives. Each knife deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage and @ADDamageCalc@ physical damage, and applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    Total over @Duration@ seconds to each enemy: @TotalDamageCalc@ magic damage and @TotalADDamageCalc@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Katarina becomes a flurry of blades, rapidly attacking the three nearest enemy champions with a flurry of knives. Each knife deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage and @ADDamageCalc@ physical damage, and applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    Total over @Duration@ seconds to each enemy: @TotalDamageCalc@ magic damage and @TotalADDamageCalc@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Death Lotus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina becomes a flurry of blades, rapidly attacking the three nearest enemy champions with a flurry of knives. Each knife deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage and @ADDamageCalc@ physical damage, and applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    Total over @Duration@ seconds to each enemy: @TotalDamageCalc@ magic damage and @TotalADDamageCalc@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability applies %i:OnHit% On-Hit and On-Attack effects at @OnHitRatio*100@% damage, and does not Critically Strike or apply Life Steal.
    The physical damage additionally increases with Attack Speed.
    Damage Per Knife
    On Hit Damage Modifier
    [ @DamagePerTick1Prefix@@DamagePerTick1@@DamagePerTick1Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick2Prefix@@DamagePerTick2@@DamagePerTick2Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick3Prefix@@DamagePerTick3@@DamagePerTick3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @OnHitRatio1Prefix@@OnHitRatio1*100.000000@%@OnHitRatio1Postfix@ / @OnHitRatio2Prefix@@OnHitRatio2*100.000000@%@OnHitRatio2Postfix@ / @OnHitRatio3Prefix@@OnHitRatio3*100.000000@%@OnHitRatio3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Death Lotus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina becomes a flurry of blades, rapidly attacking the three nearest enemy champions with a flurry of knives. Each knife deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage and @ADDamageCalc@ physical damage, and applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    Total over @Duration@ seconds to each enemy: @TotalDamageCalc@ magic damage and @TotalADDamageCalc@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Per Knife
    On Hit Damage Modifier
    @DamagePerTick@ -> @DamagePerTickNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @OnHitRatio*100.000000@% -> @OnHitRatioNL*100.000000@%
    Damage Per Knife
    On Hit Damage Modifier
    [ @DamagePerTick1Prefix@@DamagePerTick1@@DamagePerTick1Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick2Prefix@@DamagePerTick2@@DamagePerTick2Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick3Prefix@@DamagePerTick3@@DamagePerTick3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @OnHitRatio1Prefix@@OnHitRatio1*100.000000@%@OnHitRatio1Postfix@ / @OnHitRatio2Prefix@@OnHitRatio2*100.000000@%@OnHitRatio2Postfix@ / @OnHitRatio3Prefix@@OnHitRatio3*100.000000@%@OnHitRatio3Postfix@ ]
    Damage Per Knife
    On Hit Damage Modifier
    @DamagePerTick@ -> @DamagePerTickNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @OnHitRatio*100.000000@% -> @OnHitRatioNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Death Lotus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina becomes a flurry of blades, rapidly attacking the three nearest enemy champions with a flurry of knives. Each knife deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage and @ADDamageCalc@ physical damage, and applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    Total over @Duration@ seconds to each enemy: @TotalDamageCalc@ magic damage and @TotalADDamageCalc@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Death Lotus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina becomes a flurry of blades, rapidly attacking the three nearest enemy champions with a flurry of knives. Each knife deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage and @ADDamageCalc@ physical damage, and applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    Total over @Duration@ seconds to each enemy: @TotalDamageCalc@ magic damage and @TotalADDamageCalc@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKatarina gains a burst of Move Speed, tossing a Dagger into the air directly above herself.PreparationPreparation@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Preparation@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina tosses a Dagger into the air and gains @Effect4Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Katarina tosses a Dagger into the air and gains @Effect4Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Preparation@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina tosses a Dagger into the air and gains @Effect4Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Move Speed
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Preparation@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina tosses a Dagger into the air and gains @Effect4Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMove Speed
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Move Speed
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Preparation@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina tosses a Dagger into the air and gains @Effect4Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Preparation@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKatarina tosses a Dagger into the air and gains @Effect4Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPassive: Kayle's celestial sword, Virtue, deals bonus magic damage to enemies she attacks.

    Active: Kayle's next attack smites her target with celestial fire, dealing bonus damage proportionate to their missing health.Starfire Spellblade@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Starfire Spellblade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Kayle's Attacks deal an additional @EPassiveTotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Kayle's next Attack becomes ranged and deals an additional @ActiveTotalExecuteDamage@ missing Health magic damage. When Kayle reaches level @Spell.KaylePassive:LevelForPassiveRank2@, this Attack explodes on hitting the target, dealing damage to surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Kayle's Attacks deal an additional @EPassiveTotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Kayle's next Attack becomes ranged and deals an additional @ActiveTotalExecuteDamage@ missing Health magic damage. When Kayle reaches level @Spell.KaylePassive:LevelForPassiveRank2@, this Attack explodes on hitting the target, dealing damage to surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Starfire Spellblade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Kayle's Attacks deal an additional @EPassiveTotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Kayle's next Attack becomes ranged and deals an additional @ActiveTotalExecuteDamage@ missing Health magic damage. When Kayle reaches level @Spell.KaylePassive:LevelForPassiveRank2@, this Attack explodes on hitting the target, dealing damage to surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability applies on-hit and spell effects. Max @MaxExecuteVsMonsters@ bonus damage vs. jungle monsters.Passive Damage
    Missing Health Damage
    [ @Passive Damage1Prefix@@Passive Damage1@@Passive Damage1Postfix@ / @Passive Damage2Prefix@@Passive Damage2@@Passive Damage2Postfix@ / @Passive Damage3Prefix@@Passive Damage3@@Passive Damage3Postfix@ / @Passive Damage4Prefix@@Passive Damage4@@Passive Damage4Postfix@ / @Passive Damage5Prefix@@Passive Damage5@@Passive Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveExecutePercent1Prefix@@ActiveExecutePercent1@%@ActiveExecutePercent1Postfix@ / @ActiveExecutePercent2Prefix@@ActiveExecutePercent2@%@ActiveExecutePercent2Postfix@ / @ActiveExecutePercent3Prefix@@ActiveExecutePercent3@%@ActiveExecutePercent3Postfix@ / @ActiveExecutePercent4Prefix@@ActiveExecutePercent4@%@ActiveExecutePercent4Postfix@ / @ActiveExecutePercent5Prefix@@ActiveExecutePercent5@%@ActiveExecutePercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Starfire Spellblade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Kayle's Attacks deal an additional @EPassiveTotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Kayle's next Attack becomes ranged and deals an additional @ActiveTotalExecuteDamage@ missing Health magic damage. When Kayle reaches level @Spell.KaylePassive:LevelForPassiveRank2@, this Attack explodes on hitting the target, dealing damage to surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPassive Damage
    Missing Health Damage
    @Passive Damage@ -> @Passive DamageNL@
    @ActiveExecutePercent@% -> @ActiveExecutePercentNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Passive Damage
    Missing Health Damage
    [ @Passive Damage1Prefix@@Passive Damage1@@Passive Damage1Postfix@ / @Passive Damage2Prefix@@Passive Damage2@@Passive Damage2Postfix@ / @Passive Damage3Prefix@@Passive Damage3@@Passive Damage3Postfix@ / @Passive Damage4Prefix@@Passive Damage4@@Passive Damage4Postfix@ / @Passive Damage5Prefix@@Passive Damage5@@Passive Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveExecutePercent1Prefix@@ActiveExecutePercent1@%@ActiveExecutePercent1Postfix@ / @ActiveExecutePercent2Prefix@@ActiveExecutePercent2@%@ActiveExecutePercent2Postfix@ / @ActiveExecutePercent3Prefix@@ActiveExecutePercent3@%@ActiveExecutePercent3Postfix@ / @ActiveExecutePercent4Prefix@@ActiveExecutePercent4@%@ActiveExecutePercent4Postfix@ / @ActiveExecutePercent5Prefix@@ActiveExecutePercent5@%@ActiveExecutePercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Passive Damage
    Missing Health Damage
    @Passive Damage@ -> @Passive DamageNL@
    @ActiveExecutePercent@% -> @ActiveExecutePercentNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Starfire Spellblade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Kayle's Attacks deal an additional @EPassiveTotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Kayle's next Attack becomes ranged and deals an additional @ActiveTotalExecuteDamage@ missing Health magic damage. When Kayle reaches level @Spell.KaylePassive:LevelForPassiveRank2@, this Attack explodes on hitting the target, dealing damage to surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Starfire Spellblade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Kayle's Attacks deal an additional @EPassiveTotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Kayle's next Attack becomes ranged and deals an additional @ActiveTotalExecuteDamage@ missing Health magic damage. When Kayle reaches level @Spell.KaylePassive:LevelForPassiveRank2@, this Attack explodes on hitting the target, dealing damage to surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKayle conjures a portal, summoning a celestial sword that pierces through enemies, slowing, damaging, and reducing the resistances of all hit.Radiant Blast@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Radiant Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle fires a celestial sword that stops on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @SlowPercent@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and removing @ShredPercent@% Armor and Magic Resist for @ShredDuration@ seconds from the target and enemies behind them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Kayle fires a celestial sword that stops on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @SlowPercent@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and removing @ShredPercent@% Armor and Magic Resist for @ShredDuration@ seconds from the target and enemies behind them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Radiant Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle fires a celestial sword that stops on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @SlowPercent@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and removing @ShredPercent@% Armor and Magic Resist for @ShredDuration@ seconds from the target and enemies behind them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowPercent1Prefix@@SlowPercent1@%@SlowPercent1Postfix@ / @SlowPercent2Prefix@@SlowPercent2@%@SlowPercent2Postfix@ / @SlowPercent3Prefix@@SlowPercent3@%@SlowPercent3Postfix@ / @SlowPercent4Prefix@@SlowPercent4@%@SlowPercent4Postfix@ / @SlowPercent5Prefix@@SlowPercent5@%@SlowPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Radiant Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle fires a celestial sword that stops on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @SlowPercent@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and removing @ShredPercent@% Armor and Magic Resist for @ShredDuration@ seconds from the target and enemies behind them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @SlowPercent@% -> @SlowPercentNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Radiant Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle fires a celestial sword that stops on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @SlowPercent@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and removing @ShredPercent@% Armor and Magic Resist for @ShredDuration@ seconds from the target and enemies behind them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Radiant Blast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle fires a celestial sword that stops on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @SlowPercent@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and removing @ShredPercent@% Armor and Magic Resist for @ShredDuration@ seconds from the target and enemies behind them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKayle makes an ally invulnerable and calls upon former Aspects of Justice to purify the area around her target with a holy rain of swords.Divine JudgmentDivine Judgment@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Divine Judgment@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle makes an allied champion Invulnerable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds. She then purifies the area around them dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Kayle makes an allied champion Invulnerable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds. She then purifies the area around them dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Divine Judgment@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle makes an allied champion Invulnerable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds. She then purifies the area around them dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Kayle can move but cannot Attack nor cast other Abilities while casting this.
    Immunity Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @InvulnDuration1Prefix@@InvulnDuration1@@InvulnDuration1Postfix@ / @InvulnDuration2Prefix@@InvulnDuration2@@InvulnDuration2Postfix@ / @InvulnDuration3Prefix@@InvulnDuration3@@InvulnDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Divine Judgment@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle makes an allied champion Invulnerable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds. She then purifies the area around them dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Immunity Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @InvulnDuration@ -> @InvulnDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Immunity Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @InvulnDuration1Prefix@@InvulnDuration1@@InvulnDuration1Postfix@ / @InvulnDuration2Prefix@@InvulnDuration2@@InvulnDuration2Postfix@ / @InvulnDuration3Prefix@@InvulnDuration3@@InvulnDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ ]
    Immunity Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @InvulnDuration@ -> @InvulnDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Divine Judgment@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle makes an allied champion Invulnerable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds. She then purifies the area around them dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Divine Judgment@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle makes an allied champion Invulnerable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds. She then purifies the area around them dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCelestial Blessing@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Celestial Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Celestial Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Celestial Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Celestial Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Celestial Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBlessed by the divine, Kayle heals and grants Move Speed to herself and the nearest ally.[@Hotkey@] Celestial Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle infuses herself and an allied champion with light, restoring @TotalHeal@ Health and granting @TotalHaste@ Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Kayle infuses herself and an allied champion with light, restoring @TotalHeal@ Health and granting @TotalHaste@ Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Celestial Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle infuses herself and an allied champion with light, restoring @TotalHeal@ Health and granting @TotalHaste@ Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@If cast without a target, this Ability will heal the most wounded ally in range.Healing
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Heal1Prefix@@Heal1@@Heal1Postfix@ / @Heal2Prefix@@Heal2@@Heal2Postfix@ / @Heal3Prefix@@Heal3@@Heal3Postfix@ / @Heal4Prefix@@Heal4@@Heal4Postfix@ / @Heal5Prefix@@Heal5@@Heal5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Haste1Prefix@@Haste1*100.000000@%@Haste1Postfix@ / @Haste2Prefix@@Haste2*100.000000@%@Haste2Postfix@ / @Haste3Prefix@@Haste3*100.000000@%@Haste3Postfix@ / @Haste4Prefix@@Haste4*100.000000@%@Haste4Postfix@ / @Haste5Prefix@@Haste5*100.000000@%@Haste5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Celestial Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle infuses herself and an allied champion with light, restoring @TotalHeal@ Health and granting @TotalHaste@ Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHealing
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Heal@ -> @HealNL@
    @Haste*100.000000@% -> @HasteNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Heal1Prefix@@Heal1@@Heal1Postfix@ / @Heal2Prefix@@Heal2@@Heal2Postfix@ / @Heal3Prefix@@Heal3@@Heal3Postfix@ / @Heal4Prefix@@Heal4@@Heal4Postfix@ / @Heal5Prefix@@Heal5@@Heal5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Haste1Prefix@@Haste1*100.000000@%@Haste1Postfix@ / @Haste2Prefix@@Haste2*100.000000@%@Haste2Postfix@ / @Haste3Prefix@@Haste3*100.000000@%@Haste3Postfix@ / @Haste4Prefix@@Haste4*100.000000@%@Haste4Postfix@ / @Haste5Prefix@@Haste5*100.000000@%@Haste5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Heal@ -> @HealNL@
    @Haste*100.000000@% -> @HasteNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Celestial Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle infuses herself and an allied champion with light, restoring @TotalHeal@ Health and granting @TotalHaste@ Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Celestial Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle infuses herself and an allied champion with light, restoring @TotalHeal@ Health and granting @TotalHaste@ Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKayn damages and slows targets in a line.Blade's Reach@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blade's Reach@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ game_spell_Kayn_W_maintext_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{ game_spell_Kayn_W_maintext_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blade's Reach@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ game_spell_Kayn_W_maintext_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Blade's Reach@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ game_spell_Kayn_W_maintext_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Blade's Reach@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ game_spell_Kayn_W_maintext_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Blade's Reach@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ game_spell_Kayn_W_maintext_@f1@ }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKennen passively deals extra damage and adds a Mark of the Storm to his target every few attacks, and he can activate this ability to damage and add another Mark of the Storm to targets who are already marked.Electrical SurgeElectrical Surge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Electrical Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Every 5th Attack deals an additional @TotalDamagePassive@ magic damage.

    Active: Kennen sends out a blast of electricity, dealing @TotalDamageActive@ magic damage to nearby enemies affected by Mark of the Storm.
    Passive: Every 5th Attack deals an additional @TotalDamagePassive@ magic damage.

    Active: Kennen sends out a blast of electricity, dealing @TotalDamageActive@ magic damage to nearby enemies affected by Mark of the Storm.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Electrical Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Every 5th Attack deals an additional @TotalDamagePassive@ magic damage.

    Active: Kennen sends out a blast of electricity, dealing @TotalDamageActive@ magic damage to nearby enemies affected by Mark of the Storm.
    The passive also applies Mark of the Storm.
    Attacking structures will stack the passive, but not expend it. The active automatically hits enemies inside of Slicing Maelstrom.
    Bonus AD Ratio
    Damage (passive)
    Damage (active)
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @bADRatio1Prefix@@bADRatio1*100.000000@%@bADRatio1Postfix@ / @bADRatio2Prefix@@bADRatio2*100.000000@%@bADRatio2Postfix@ / @bADRatio3Prefix@@bADRatio3*100.000000@%@bADRatio3Postfix@ / @bADRatio4Prefix@@bADRatio4*100.000000@%@bADRatio4Postfix@ / @bADRatio5Prefix@@bADRatio5*100.000000@%@bADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseOnHitDamage1Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage1@@BaseOnHitDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseOnHitDamage2Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage2@@BaseOnHitDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseOnHitDamage3Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage3@@BaseOnHitDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseOnHitDamage4Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage4@@BaseOnHitDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseOnHitDamage5Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage5@@BaseOnHitDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Electrical Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Every 5th Attack deals an additional @TotalDamagePassive@ magic damage.

    Active: Kennen sends out a blast of electricity, dealing @TotalDamageActive@ magic damage to nearby enemies affected by Mark of the Storm.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Bonus AD Ratio
    Damage (passive)
    Damage (active)
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @bADRatio*100.000000@% -> @bADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @BaseOnHitDamage@ -> @BaseOnHitDamageNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    Bonus AD Ratio
    Damage (passive)
    Damage (active)
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @bADRatio1Prefix@@bADRatio1*100.000000@%@bADRatio1Postfix@ / @bADRatio2Prefix@@bADRatio2*100.000000@%@bADRatio2Postfix@ / @bADRatio3Prefix@@bADRatio3*100.000000@%@bADRatio3Postfix@ / @bADRatio4Prefix@@bADRatio4*100.000000@%@bADRatio4Postfix@ / @bADRatio5Prefix@@bADRatio5*100.000000@%@bADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseOnHitDamage1Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage1@@BaseOnHitDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseOnHitDamage2Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage2@@BaseOnHitDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseOnHitDamage3Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage3@@BaseOnHitDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseOnHitDamage4Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage4@@BaseOnHitDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseOnHitDamage5Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage5@@BaseOnHitDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Bonus AD Ratio
    Damage (passive)
    Damage (active)
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @bADRatio*100.000000@% -> @bADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @BaseOnHitDamage@ -> @BaseOnHitDamageNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Electrical Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Every 5th Attack deals an additional @TotalDamagePassive@ magic damage.

    Active: Kennen sends out a blast of electricity, dealing @TotalDamageActive@ magic damage to nearby enemies affected by Mark of the Storm.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Electrical Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Every 5th Attack deals an additional @TotalDamagePassive@ magic damage.

    Active: Kennen sends out a blast of electricity, dealing @TotalDamageActive@ magic damage to nearby enemies affected by Mark of the Storm.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKennen morphs into a lightning form, enabling him to pass through units and apply a Mark of the Storm. Kennen gains Move Speed when entering this form, and attack speed when leaving it.Lightning RushLightning Rush@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lightning Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kennen turns into a ball of lightning, gaining @Movement Speed*100@% Move Speed, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies he passes through, and becoming Ghosted for @duration - as ball@ seconds. If Kennen damages at least one enemy, he gains @energy refund@ Energy.

    After this ability ends, Kennen gains @attack speed*100@% Attack Speed for @duration - after ball@ seconds. Kennen can Recast to end this Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Kennen turns into a ball of lightning, gaining @Movement Speed*100@% Move Speed, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies he passes through, and becoming Ghosted for @duration - as ball@ seconds. If Kennen damages at least one enemy, he gains @energy refund@ Energy.

    After this ability ends, Kennen gains @attack speed*100@% Attack Speed for @duration - after ball@ seconds. Kennen can Recast to end this Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lightning Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kennen turns into a ball of lightning, gaining @Movement Speed*100@% Move Speed, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies he passes through, and becoming Ghosted for @duration - as ball@ seconds. If Kennen damages at least one enemy, he gains @energy refund@ Energy.

    After this ability ends, Kennen gains @attack speed*100@% Attack Speed for @duration - after ball@ seconds. Kennen can Recast to end this Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Ghosted units can pass through other units.
    Deals @damage to minions*100@% damage to minions and jungle monsters.
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Attack Speed
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @base damage1Prefix@@base damage1@@base damage1Postfix@ / @base damage2Prefix@@base damage2@@base damage2Postfix@ / @base damage3Prefix@@base damage3@@base damage3Postfix@ / @base damage4Prefix@@base damage4@@base damage4Postfix@ / @base damage5Prefix@@base damage5@@base damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @attack speed1Prefix@@attack speed1*100.000000@%@attack speed1Postfix@ / @attack speed2Prefix@@attack speed2*100.000000@%@attack speed2Postfix@ / @attack speed3Prefix@@attack speed3*100.000000@%@attack speed3Postfix@ / @attack speed4Prefix@@attack speed4*100.000000@%@attack speed4Postfix@ / @attack speed5Prefix@@attack speed5*100.000000@%@attack speed5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Lightning Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kennen turns into a ball of lightning, gaining @Movement Speed*100@% Move Speed, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies he passes through, and becoming Ghosted for @duration - as ball@ seconds. If Kennen damages at least one enemy, he gains @energy refund@ Energy.

    After this ability ends, Kennen gains @attack speed*100@% Attack Speed for @duration - after ball@ seconds. Kennen can Recast to end this Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Attack Speed
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @base damage@ -> @base damageNL@
    @attack speed*100.000000@% -> @attack speedNL*100.000000@%
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Attack Speed
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @base damage1Prefix@@base damage1@@base damage1Postfix@ / @base damage2Prefix@@base damage2@@base damage2Postfix@ / @base damage3Prefix@@base damage3@@base damage3Postfix@ / @base damage4Prefix@@base damage4@@base damage4Postfix@ / @base damage5Prefix@@base damage5@@base damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @attack speed1Prefix@@attack speed1*100.000000@%@attack speed1Postfix@ / @attack speed2Prefix@@attack speed2*100.000000@%@attack speed2Postfix@ / @attack speed3Prefix@@attack speed3*100.000000@%@attack speed3Postfix@ / @attack speed4Prefix@@attack speed4*100.000000@%@attack speed4Postfix@ / @attack speed5Prefix@@attack speed5*100.000000@%@attack speed5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Attack Speed
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @base damage@ -> @base damageNL@
    @attack speed*100.000000@% -> @attack speedNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Lightning Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kennen turns into a ball of lightning, gaining @Movement Speed*100@% Move Speed, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies he passes through, and becoming Ghosted for @duration - as ball@ seconds. If Kennen damages at least one enemy, he gains @energy refund@ Energy.

    After this ability ends, Kennen gains @attack speed*100@% Attack Speed for @duration - after ball@ seconds. Kennen can Recast to end this Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Lightning Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kennen turns into a ball of lightning, gaining @Movement Speed*100@% Move Speed, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies he passes through, and becoming Ghosted for @duration - as ball@ seconds. If Kennen damages at least one enemy, he gains @energy refund@ Energy.

    After this ability ends, Kennen gains @attack speed*100@% Attack Speed for @duration - after ball@ seconds. Kennen can Recast to end this Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKennen throws a fast moving shuriken towards a location, causing damage and adding a Mark of the Storm to any opponent that it hits.Thundering ShurikenThundering Shuriken@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Thundering Shuriken@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kennen throws a shuriken, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Kennen throws a shuriken, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Thundering Shuriken@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kennen throws a shuriken, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Thundering Shuriken@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kennen throws a shuriken, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Thundering Shuriken@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kennen throws a shuriken, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Thundering Shuriken@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kennen throws a shuriken, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKennen summons a storm that strikes at nearby enemy champions for magical damage.Slicing Maelstrom@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Slicing Maelstrom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKennen unleashes a magical storm, dealing @PerTickDamageCalculated@ magic damage to all nearby enemies every @KennenRTickRate@ seconds, and gaining @KennenRDefenses@ Armor and @KennenRDefenses@ Magic Resist for @KennenRDuration@ seconds. Successive hits deal @DamageAmp*100@% increased damage for each hit the enemy has already suffered.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Kennen unleashes a magical storm, dealing @PerTickDamageCalculated@ magic damage to all nearby enemies every @KennenRTickRate@ seconds, and gaining @KennenRDefenses@ Armor and @KennenRDefenses@ Magic Resist for @KennenRDuration@ seconds. Successive hits deal @DamageAmp*100@% increased damage for each hit the enemy has already suffered.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Slicing Maelstrom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKennen unleashes a magical storm, dealing @PerTickDamageCalculated@ magic damage to all nearby enemies every @KennenRTickRate@ seconds, and gaining @KennenRDefenses@ Armor and @KennenRDefenses@ Magic Resist for @KennenRDuration@ seconds. Successive hits deal @DamageAmp*100@% increased damage for each hit the enemy has already suffered.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Enemies can only receive 3 stacks of Mark of the Storm from this ability.Damage
    Armor Bonus
    Magic Resist Bonus
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @KennenRDefenses1Prefix@@KennenRDefenses1@@KennenRDefenses1Postfix@ / @KennenRDefenses2Prefix@@KennenRDefenses2@@KennenRDefenses2Postfix@ / @KennenRDefenses3Prefix@@KennenRDefenses3@@KennenRDefenses3Postfix@ ]
    [ @KennenRDefenses1Prefix@@KennenRDefenses1@@KennenRDefenses1Postfix@ / @KennenRDefenses2Prefix@@KennenRDefenses2@@KennenRDefenses2Postfix@ / @KennenRDefenses3Prefix@@KennenRDefenses3@@KennenRDefenses3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Slicing Maelstrom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKennen unleashes a magical storm, dealing @PerTickDamageCalculated@ magic damage to all nearby enemies every @KennenRTickRate@ seconds, and gaining @KennenRDefenses@ Armor and @KennenRDefenses@ Magic Resist for @KennenRDuration@ seconds. Successive hits deal @DamageAmp*100@% increased damage for each hit the enemy has already suffered.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Armor Bonus
    Magic Resist Bonus
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @KennenRDefenses@ -> @KennenRDefensesNL@
    @KennenRDefenses@ -> @KennenRDefensesNL@
    Armor Bonus
    Magic Resist Bonus
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @KennenRDefenses1Prefix@@KennenRDefenses1@@KennenRDefenses1Postfix@ / @KennenRDefenses2Prefix@@KennenRDefenses2@@KennenRDefenses2Postfix@ / @KennenRDefenses3Prefix@@KennenRDefenses3@@KennenRDefenses3Postfix@ ]
    [ @KennenRDefenses1Prefix@@KennenRDefenses1@@KennenRDefenses1Postfix@ / @KennenRDefenses2Prefix@@KennenRDefenses2@@KennenRDefenses2Postfix@ / @KennenRDefenses3Prefix@@KennenRDefenses3@@KennenRDefenses3Postfix@ ]
    Armor Bonus
    Magic Resist Bonus
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @KennenRDefenses@ -> @KennenRDefensesNL@
    @KennenRDefenses@ -> @KennenRDefensesNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Slicing Maelstrom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKennen unleashes a magical storm, dealing @PerTickDamageCalculated@ magic damage to all nearby enemies every @KennenRTickRate@ seconds, and gaining @KennenRDefenses@ Armor and @KennenRDefenses@ Magic Resist for @KennenRDuration@ seconds. Successive hits deal @DamageAmp*100@% increased damage for each hit the enemy has already suffered.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Slicing Maelstrom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKennen unleashes a magical storm, dealing @PerTickDamageCalculated@ magic damage to all nearby enemies every @KennenRTickRate@ seconds, and gaining @KennenRDefenses@ Armor and @KennenRDefenses@ Magic Resist for @KennenRDuration@ seconds. Successive hits deal @DamageAmp*100@% increased damage for each hit the enemy has already suffered.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvolve WingsEvolve Wings@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Wings@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Wings@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Wings@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Wings@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Evolve Wings@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKha'Zix leaps to an area, dealing physical damage upon landing. If he chooses to Evolve Wings, Leap's range increases by 200 and the cooldown resets on champion kill or assist.LeapLeap@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Leap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixE_Tooltip_@IsEvolved@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_KhazixE_Tooltip_@IsEvolved@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_KhazixE_Tooltip_0}}

    {{Spell_KhazixE_Tooltip_1}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Leap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixE_Tooltip_0}}

    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Leap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixE_Tooltip_0}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Leap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixE_Tooltip_0}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Leap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixE_Tooltip_@IsEvolved@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvolve Reaper ClawsEvolve Reaper Claws@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Reaper Claws@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Reaper Claws@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Reaper Claws@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Reaper Claws@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Evolve Reaper Claws@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDeals physical damage to the target. Damage increased on Isolated targets. If he chooses to Evolve Reaper Claws, this refunds a percent of it's cooldown against Isolated targets. Kha'Zix also gains increased range on his basic attacks and Taste Their Fear.Taste Their FearTaste Their Fear@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Taste Their Fear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixQ_Tooltip_@IsEvolved@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_KhazixQ_Tooltip_@IsEvolved@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_KhazixQ_Tooltip_0}}

    {{Spell_KhazixQ_Tooltip_1}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Taste Their Fear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixQ_Tooltip_0}}

    Damage[ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Taste Their Fear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixQ_Tooltip_0}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@Damage[ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]Damage@Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@[@Hotkey@] Taste Their Fear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixQ_Tooltip_0}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Taste Their Fear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixQ_Tooltip_@IsEvolved@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvolve Adaptive CloakingEvolve Adaptive Cloaking@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Adaptive Cloaking@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Adaptive Cloaking@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Adaptive Cloaking@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Adaptive Cloaking@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Evolve Adaptive Cloaking@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEach rank allows Kha'Zix to evolve one of his abilities, giving it a unique additional effect. When activated, Kha'Zix becomes Invisible, triggering Unseen Threat and increasing Move Speed. If he chooses to Evolve Adaptive Cloaking, Void Assault gains increased Invisibility duration, and an additional use.Void Assault@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Void Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixR_Tooltip_@IsEvolved@}}




    {{Spell_KhazixR_Tooltip_1}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Void Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixR_Tooltip_P}}


    {{Reminder_Invisibility}}Evolutions Available
    [ @EvolutionsAvailable1Prefix@@EvolutionsAvailable1@@EvolutionsAvailable1Postfix@ / @EvolutionsAvailable2Prefix@@EvolutionsAvailable2@@EvolutionsAvailable2Postfix@ / @EvolutionsAvailable3Prefix@@EvolutionsAvailable3@@EvolutionsAvailable3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Void Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixR_Tooltip_P}}


    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upEvolutions Available
    @EvolutionsAvailable@ -> @EvolutionsAvailableNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Evolutions Available
    [ @EvolutionsAvailable1Prefix@@EvolutionsAvailable1@@EvolutionsAvailable1Postfix@ / @EvolutionsAvailable2Prefix@@EvolutionsAvailable2@@EvolutionsAvailable2Postfix@ / @EvolutionsAvailable3Prefix@@EvolutionsAvailable3@@EvolutionsAvailable3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Evolutions Available
    @EvolutionsAvailable@ -> @EvolutionsAvailableNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Void Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixR_Tooltip_P}}


    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Void Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixR_Tooltip_@IsEvolved@}}


    Press [Shift] to show more infoEvolve Spike RacksEvolve Spike Racks@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Spike Racks@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Spike Racks@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Spike Racks@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Evolve Spike Racks@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Evolve Spike Racks@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKha'Zix fires exploding spikes that deal physical damage to enemies hit. Kha'Zix is healed if he is also within the explosion radius. If he chooses to Evolve Spike Racks, Void Spike now fires three spikes in a cone, slow enemies hit, and reveals enemy champions hit for 2 seconds. Isolated targets are slowed for extra.Void SpikeVoid Spike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Void Spike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixW_Tooltip_@IsEvolved@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_KhazixW_Tooltip_@IsEvolved@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_KhazixW_Tooltip_0}}

    {{Spell_KhazixW_Tooltip_1}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Void Spike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixW_Tooltip_0}}

    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Void Spike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixW_Tooltip_0}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Void Spike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixW_Tooltip_0}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Void Spike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_KhazixW_Tooltip_@IsEvolved@}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLamb fires a carefully placed shot, slowing the target. If Lamb attacks the target two more times, her third attack instead directs Wolf to pounce on the enemy, savaging them for massive damage.Mounting DreadMounting Dread@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mounting Dread@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred weakens an enemy, Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Kindred's third Attack against the target within @TotalDuration@ seconds of each other directs Wolf to pounce on the enemy, dealing @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @PercentBiteDamage@ missing Health physical damage.

    Wolf's pounce critically strikes for @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @CritDamage@ missing Health physical damage instead if they are below @HealthThreshold@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Kindred weakens an enemy, Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Kindred's third Attack against the target within @TotalDuration@ seconds of each other directs Wolf to pounce on the enemy, dealing @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @PercentBiteDamage@ missing Health physical damage.

    Wolf's pounce critically strikes for @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @CritDamage@ missing Health physical damage instead if they are below @HealthThreshold@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mounting Dread@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred weakens an enemy, Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Kindred's third Attack against the target within @TotalDuration@ seconds of each other directs Wolf to pounce on the enemy, dealing @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @PercentBiteDamage@ missing Health physical damage.

    Wolf's pounce critically strikes for @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @CritDamage@ missing Health physical damage instead if they are below @HealthThreshold@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Pounce deals a max of @MonsterCap@ to jungle monsters.Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Mounting Dread@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred weakens an enemy, Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Kindred's third Attack against the target within @TotalDuration@ seconds of each other directs Wolf to pounce on the enemy, dealing @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @PercentBiteDamage@ missing Health physical damage.

    Wolf's pounce critically strikes for @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @CritDamage@ missing Health physical damage instead if they are below @HealthThreshold@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Mounting Dread@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred weakens an enemy, Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Kindred's third Attack against the target within @TotalDuration@ seconds of each other directs Wolf to pounce on the enemy, dealing @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @PercentBiteDamage@ missing Health physical damage.

    Wolf's pounce critically strikes for @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @CritDamage@ missing Health physical damage instead if they are below @HealthThreshold@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mounting Dread@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred weakens an enemy, Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Kindred's third Attack against the target within @TotalDuration@ seconds of each other directs Wolf to pounce on the enemy, dealing @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @PercentBiteDamage@ missing Health physical damage.

    Wolf's pounce critically strikes for @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @CritDamage@ missing Health physical damage instead if they are below @HealthThreshold@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKindred tumbles and shoots up to three arrows at nearby targets.Dance of ArrowsDance of Arrows@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dance of Arrows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred vaults, firing an arrow at up to 3 enemies, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and gaining @TotalQAttackSpeed@% Attack Speed for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    While inside of {{Spell_KindredW_Name}}, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced to @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Kindred vaults, firing an arrow at up to 3 enemies, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and gaining @TotalQAttackSpeed@% Attack Speed for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    While inside of {{Spell_KindredW_Name}}, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced to @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dance of Arrows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred vaults, firing an arrow at up to 3 enemies, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and gaining @TotalQAttackSpeed@% Attack Speed for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    While inside of {{Spell_KindredW_Name}}, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced to @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Attack Speed scales with Marks taken.Damage
    Cooldown in Wolf's Frenzy
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Dance of Arrows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred vaults, firing an arrow at up to 3 enemies, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and gaining @TotalQAttackSpeed@% Attack Speed for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    While inside of {{Spell_KindredW_Name}}, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced to @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Cooldown in Wolf's Frenzy
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    Cooldown in Wolf's Frenzy
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Cooldown in Wolf's Frenzy
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Dance of Arrows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred vaults, firing an arrow at up to 3 enemies, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and gaining @TotalQAttackSpeed@% Attack Speed for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    While inside of {{Spell_KindredW_Name}}, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced to @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Dance of Arrows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred vaults, firing an arrow at up to 3 enemies, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and gaining @TotalQAttackSpeed@% Attack Speed for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    While inside of {{Spell_KindredW_Name}}, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced to @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoLamb grants all living things inside a zone a respite from death. Until the effect ends, nothing can die. At the end, units are healed.Lamb's Respite@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lamb's Respite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred blesses the ground for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, allowing no unit, ally, enemy, or neutral to die while inside. Upon reaching 10% Health, units can't be damaged or healed while still inside the zone.

    When the blessing ends, all units inside heal for @Effect1Amount@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Kindred blesses the ground for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, allowing no unit, ally, enemy, or neutral to die while inside. Upon reaching 10% Health, units can't be damaged or healed while still inside the zone.

    When the blessing ends, all units inside heal for @Effect1Amount@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lamb's Respite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred blesses the ground for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, allowing no unit, ally, enemy, or neutral to die while inside. Upon reaching 10% Health, units can't be damaged or healed while still inside the zone.

    When the blessing ends, all units inside heal for @Effect1Amount@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Lamb's Respite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred blesses the ground for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, allowing no unit, ally, enemy, or neutral to die while inside. Upon reaching 10% Health, units can't be damaged or healed while still inside the zone.

    When the blessing ends, all units inside heal for @Effect1Amount@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHealing
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Lamb's Respite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred blesses the ground for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, allowing no unit, ally, enemy, or neutral to die while inside. Upon reaching 10% Health, units can't be damaged or healed while still inside the zone.

    When the blessing ends, all units inside heal for @Effect1Amount@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Lamb's Respite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kindred blesses the ground for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, allowing no unit, ally, enemy, or neutral to die while inside. Upon reaching 10% Health, units can't be damaged or healed while still inside the zone.

    When the blessing ends, all units inside heal for @Effect1Amount@ Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWolf enrages and attacks enemies around him. Lamb passively gains stacks by moving and attacking. When fully charged, Lamb's next attack restores health.Wolf's FrenzyWolf's Frenzy@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wolf's Frenzy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kindred gains stacks as they move and attack. At 100 stacks, Kindred's next Attack restores up to @AttackHeal@ Health based on their missing Health.

    Active: Kindred claims a territory, ordering Wolf to bite at the last enemy Lamb Attacked. Wolf's bites deal @BaseWolfDamage@ plus @PercentWolfDamage@ current Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Kindred gains stacks as they move and attack. At 100 stacks, Kindred's next Attack restores up to @AttackHeal@ Health based on their missing Health.

    Active: Kindred claims a territory, ordering Wolf to bite at the last enemy Lamb Attacked. Wolf's bites deal @BaseWolfDamage@ plus @PercentWolfDamage@ current Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wolf's Frenzy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kindred gains stacks as they move and attack. At 100 stacks, Kindred's next Attack restores up to @AttackHeal@ Health based on their missing Health.

    Active: Kindred claims a territory, ordering Wolf to bite at the last enemy Lamb Attacked. Wolf's bites deal @BaseWolfDamage@ plus @PercentWolfDamage@ current Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Wolf strikes faster based on Kindred's Attack Speed. Against jungle monsters, Wolf deals @Effect7Amount*100@% increased damage and Slows them by @Effect8Amount*100@% for 2 seconds.Damage
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Wolf's Frenzy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kindred gains stacks as they move and attack. At 100 stacks, Kindred's next Attack restores up to @AttackHeal@ Health based on their missing Health.

    Active: Kindred claims a territory, ordering Wolf to bite at the last enemy Lamb Attacked. Wolf's bites deal @BaseWolfDamage@ plus @PercentWolfDamage@ current Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Wolf's Frenzy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kindred gains stacks as they move and attack. At 100 stacks, Kindred's next Attack restores up to @AttackHeal@ Health based on their missing Health.

    Active: Kindred claims a territory, ordering Wolf to bite at the last enemy Lamb Attacked. Wolf's bites deal @BaseWolfDamage@ plus @PercentWolfDamage@ current Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Wolf's Frenzy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kindred gains stacks as they move and attack. At 100 stacks, Kindred's next Attack restores up to @AttackHeal@ Health based on their missing Health.

    Active: Kindred claims a territory, ordering Wolf to bite at the last enemy Lamb Attacked. Wolf's bites deal @BaseWolfDamage@ plus @PercentWolfDamage@ current Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKled dashes, dealing physical damage and gaining a short burst of speed. Kled can cast this ability again to dash back through his initial target, dealing the same damage.JoustingJousting@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Jousting@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKled dashes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to enemies he passes through.

    If this Ability hits an enemy champion or large jungle monster, Kled gains @Effect5Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ second and can Recast within @Effect6Amount@ seconds to dash back through the same target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Kled dashes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to enemies he passes through.

    If this Ability hits an enemy champion or large jungle monster, Kled gains @Effect5Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ second and can Recast within @Effect6Amount@ seconds to dash back through the same target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Jousting@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKled dashes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to enemies he passes through.

    If this Ability hits an enemy champion or large jungle monster, Kled gains @Effect5Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ second and can Recast within @Effect6Amount@ seconds to dash back through the same target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Kled gains True Sight to enemies he passes through.
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Jousting@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKled dashes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to enemies he passes through.

    If this Ability hits an enemy champion or large jungle monster, Kled gains @Effect5Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ second and can Recast within @Effect6Amount@ seconds to dash back through the same target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Jousting@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKled dashes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to enemies he passes through.

    If this Ability hits an enemy champion or large jungle monster, Kled gains @Effect5Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ second and can Recast within @Effect6Amount@ seconds to dash back through the same target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Jousting@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKled dashes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to enemies he passes through.

    If this Ability hits an enemy champion or large jungle monster, Kled gains @Effect5Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ second and can Recast within @Effect6Amount@ seconds to dash back through the same target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKled throws a bear trap that damages and hooks an enemy champion. If shackled for a short duration, the target takes additional physical damage and is yanked toward Kled.

    When dismounted, this ability is replaced by Pocket Pistol, a ranged gun blast that knocks back Kled and restores courage.Bear Trap on a RopeBear Trap on a Rope@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bear Trap on a Rope@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMounted: Kled throws a bear trap that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and hooks onto the first enemy champion or large jungle monster hit.

    If Kled stays near a hooked enemy for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, he yanks out the trap, dealing @TotalYankDamage@ physical damage, Pulling them, Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and applying @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Mounted: Kled throws a bear trap that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and hooks onto the first enemy champion or large jungle monster hit.

    If Kled stays near a hooked enemy for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, he yanks out the trap, dealing @TotalYankDamage@ physical damage, Pulling them, Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and applying @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{spell_KledQ_Tooltip}}

    {{spell_KledRiderQ_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bear Trap on a Rope@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{spell_KledQ_Tooltip}}


    While hooked, Kled has True Sight to the enemy.
    Deals 150% damage to minions.
    Throw Damage
    Rip Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*2.000000@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*2.000000@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*2.000000@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*2.000000@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*2.000000@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@%@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@%@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@%@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@%@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@%@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bear Trap on a Rope@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{spell_KledQ_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upThrow Damage
    Rip Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount*2.000000@ -> @Effect1AmountNL*2.000000@
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Throw Damage
    Rip Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*2.000000@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*2.000000@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*2.000000@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*2.000000@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*2.000000@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@%@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@%@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@%@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@%@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@%@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Throw Damage
    Rip Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount*2.000000@ -> @Effect1AmountNL*2.000000@
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Bear Trap on a Rope@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{spell_KledQ_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bear Trap on a Rope@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMounted: Kled throws a bear trap that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and hooks onto the first enemy champion or large jungle monster hit.

    If Kled stays near a hooked enemy for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, he yanks out the trap, dealing @TotalYankDamage@ physical damage, Pulling them, Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and applying @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKled and Skaarl charge to a location, leaving a speed-granting trail behind them and gaining a shield. Skaarl locks onto and rams the first enemy champion encountered.Chaaaaaaaarge!!!Chaaaaaaaarge!!!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Chaaaaaaaarge!!!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKled charges toward an area, leaving a trail that grants allies increasing Move Speed. While charging and for 2 seconds after Kled gains up to @MaximumShield@ Shield. Skaarl rams the first enemy champion encountered, dealing up to @MaximumChargeDamage@ max Health physical damage (based on distance travelled) and briefly Knocking Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Kled charges toward an area, leaving a trail that grants allies increasing Move Speed. While charging and for 2 seconds after Kled gains up to @MaximumShield@ Shield. Skaarl rams the first enemy champion encountered, dealing up to @MaximumChargeDamage@ max Health physical damage (based on distance travelled) and briefly Knocking Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Chaaaaaaaarge!!!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKled charges toward an area, leaving a trail that grants allies increasing Move Speed. While charging and for 2 seconds after Kled gains up to @MaximumShield@ Shield. Skaarl rams the first enemy champion encountered, dealing up to @MaximumChargeDamage@ max Health physical damage (based on distance travelled) and briefly Knocking Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@The damage, Move Speed, and Shield reach their max values after @Effect9Amount@ seconds of charging.
    Maximum Damage
    Maximum Shield Health
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*3.000000@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*3.000000@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*3.000000@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect10Amount1Prefix@@Effect10Amount1@@Effect10Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount2Prefix@@Effect10Amount2@@Effect10Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount3Prefix@@Effect10Amount3@@Effect10Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Chaaaaaaaarge!!!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKled charges toward an area, leaving a trail that grants allies increasing Move Speed. While charging and for 2 seconds after Kled gains up to @MaximumShield@ Shield. Skaarl rams the first enemy champion encountered, dealing up to @MaximumChargeDamage@ max Health physical damage (based on distance travelled) and briefly Knocking Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMaximum Damage
    Maximum Shield Health
    @Effect1Amount*3.000000@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*3.000000@%
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect10Amount@ -> @Effect10AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Maximum Damage
    Maximum Shield Health
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*3.000000@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*3.000000@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*3.000000@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect10Amount1Prefix@@Effect10Amount1@@Effect10Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount2Prefix@@Effect10Amount2@@Effect10Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount3Prefix@@Effect10Amount3@@Effect10Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Maximum Damage
    Maximum Shield Health
    @Effect1Amount*3.000000@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*3.000000@%
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect10Amount@ -> @Effect10AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Chaaaaaaaarge!!!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKled charges toward an area, leaving a trail that grants allies increasing Move Speed. While charging and for 2 seconds after Kled gains up to @MaximumShield@ Shield. Skaarl rams the first enemy champion encountered, dealing up to @MaximumChargeDamage@ max Health physical damage (based on distance travelled) and briefly Knocking Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Chaaaaaaaarge!!!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostKled charges toward an area, leaving a trail that grants allies increasing Move Speed. While charging and for 2 seconds after Kled gains up to @MaximumShield@ Shield. Skaarl rams the first enemy champion encountered, dealing up to @MaximumChargeDamage@ max Health physical damage (based on distance travelled) and briefly Knocking Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKled fires a gun blast, hurling him backward. Hitting enemy champions restores courage.Pocket PistolPocket Pistol@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pocket Pistol@f2@s Ammo Recharge (@f1@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@1 ammoDismounted: Kled fires a shotgun, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and blasting Kled backward. Pellets beyond the first deal reduced damage.

    Each pellet that hits an enemy champion or epic monster restores Courage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Dismounted: Kled fires a shotgun, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and blasting Kled backward. Pellets beyond the first deal reduced damage.

    Each pellet that hits an enemy champion or epic monster restores Courage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{spell_KledRiderQ_Tooltip}}

    Mounted: Kled throws a bear trap that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and hooks onto the first enemy champion or large jungle monster hit.

    If Kled stays near a hooked enemy for @spell.KledQ:Effect3Amount@ seconds, he yanks out the trap, dealing @spell.KledQ:TotalYankDamage@ physical damage, Pulling them, Slowing by @spell.KledQ:SlowAmount*-100@% for @spell.KledQ:SlowDuration@ seconds, and applying @spell.KledQ:GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @spell.KledQ:GrievousDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pocket Pistol@f2@s Ammo Recharge (@f1@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@1 ammo{{spell_KledRiderQ_Tooltip}}

    Mounted: Kled throws a bear trap that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and hooks onto the first enemy champion or large jungle monster hit.

    If Kled stays near a hooked enemy for @spell.KledQ:Effect3Amount@ seconds, he yanks out the trap, dealing @spell.KledQ:TotalYankDamage@ physical damage, Pulling them, Slowing by @spell.KledQ:SlowAmount*-100@% for @spell.KledQ:SlowDuration@ seconds, and applying @spell.KledQ:GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @spell.KledQ:GrievousDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Restore @Effect4Amount@ Courage per hit against champions, and @Effect4Amount*0.5@ against epic monsters.
    Deals @Effect2Amount*100@% damage per hit beyond the first.
    Damage[ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Pocket Pistol@f2@s Ammo Recharge (@f1@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@1 ammo{{spell_KledRiderQ_Tooltip}}

    Mounted: Kled throws a bear trap that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and hooks onto the first enemy champion or large jungle monster hit.

    If Kled stays near a hooked enemy for @spell.KledQ:Effect3Amount@ seconds, he yanks out the trap, dealing @spell.KledQ:TotalYankDamage@ physical damage, Pulling them, Slowing by @spell.KledQ:SlowAmount*-100@% for @spell.KledQ:SlowDuration@ seconds, and applying @spell.KledQ:GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @spell.KledQ:GrievousDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@[@Hotkey@] Pocket Pistol@f2@s Ammo Recharge (@f1@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@1 ammo{{spell_KledRiderQ_Tooltip}}

    Mounted: Kled throws a bear trap that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and hooks onto the first enemy champion or large jungle monster hit.

    If Kled stays near a hooked enemy for @spell.KledQ:Effect3Amount@ seconds, he yanks out the trap, dealing @spell.KledQ:TotalYankDamage@ physical damage, Pulling them, Slowing by @spell.KledQ:SlowAmount*-100@% for @spell.KledQ:SlowDuration@ seconds, and applying @spell.KledQ:GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @spell.KledQ:GrievousDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Pocket Pistol@f2@s Ammo Recharge (@f1@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@1 ammoDismounted: Kled fires a shotgun, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and blasting Kled backward. Pellets beyond the first deal reduced damage.

    Each pellet that hits an enemy champion or epic monster restores Courage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKled gains massive attack speed for four attacks. The fourth attack deals more damage.Violent TendenciesViolent Tendencies@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Violent Tendencies@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Every @Effect6Amount@ seconds, Kled's next Attack grants @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed for four Attacks or @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    The fourth hit deals an additional @Effect4Amount@ plus @PercentDamage@ max Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Every @Effect6Amount@ seconds, Kled's next Attack grants @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed for four Attacks or @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    The fourth hit deals an additional @Effect4Amount@ plus @PercentDamage@ max Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Violent Tendencies@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Every @Effect6Amount@ seconds, Kled's next Attack grants @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed for four Attacks or @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    The fourth hit deals an additional @Effect4Amount@ plus @PercentDamage@ max Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Deals a max of @Effect7Amount@ physical damage against monsters.
    Flat Damage
    Percentage Damage
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Violent Tendencies@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Every @Effect6Amount@ seconds, Kled's next Attack grants @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed for four Attacks or @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    The fourth hit deals an additional @Effect4Amount@ plus @PercentDamage@ max Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upFlat Damage
    Percentage Damage
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Flat Damage
    Percentage Damage
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Flat Damage
    Percentage Damage
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Violent Tendencies@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Every @Effect6Amount@ seconds, Kled's next Attack grants @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed for four Attacks or @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    The fourth hit deals an additional @Effect4Amount@ plus @PercentDamage@ max Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Violent Tendencies@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Every @Effect6Amount@ seconds, Kled's next Attack grants @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed for four Attacks or @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    The fourth hit deals an additional @Effect4Amount@ plus @PercentDamage@ max Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKog'Maw's attacks gain range and deal a percent of the target's maximum health as magic damage.Bio-Arcane BarrageBio-Arcane Barrage@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bio-Arcane Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kog'Maw gains @Effect1Amount@ Attack Range and his Attacks deal an additional @TotalHealthDamage@ max Health magic damage for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Kog'Maw gains @Effect1Amount@ Attack Range and his Attacks deal an additional @TotalHealthDamage@ max Health magic damage for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bio-Arcane Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kog'Maw gains @Effect1Amount@ Attack Range and his Attacks deal an additional @TotalHealthDamage@ max Health magic damage for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Range
    Maximum Health Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bio-Arcane Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kog'Maw gains @Effect1Amount@ Attack Range and his Attacks deal an additional @TotalHealthDamage@ max Health magic damage for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upRange
    Maximum Health Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Maximum Health Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Maximum Health Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Bio-Arcane Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kog'Maw gains @Effect1Amount@ Attack Range and his Attacks deal an additional @TotalHealthDamage@ max Health magic damage for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bio-Arcane Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kog'Maw gains @Effect1Amount@ Attack Range and his Attacks deal an additional @TotalHealthDamage@ max Health magic damage for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoKog'Maw fires an artillery shell at a great distance dealing magic damage (increased significantly on low health enemies) and revealing non-stealthed targets. Additionally, multiple Living Artilleries in a short period of time cause them to cost additional Mana.Living ArtilleryLiving Artillery@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Living Artillery@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kog'Maw shoots acid at an area, dealing @BaseDamageCalc@ plus @TooltipMissingHealthDamageAmp@% per 1% missing Health magic damage and revealing enemies hit for 2 seconds. Enemies below 40% Health instead take @MaxDamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Subsequent shots within @ManaCostDuration@ seconds cost an additional @BaseCost@ Mana (max: @ManaCostCap@ Mana).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Kog'Maw shoots acid at an area, dealing @BaseDamageCalc@ plus @TooltipMissingHealthDamageAmp@% per 1% missing Health magic damage and revealing enemies hit for 2 seconds. Enemies below 40% Health instead take @MaxDamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Subsequent shots within @ManaCostDuration@ seconds cost an additional @BaseCost@ Mana (max: @ManaCostCap@ Mana).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Living Artillery@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kog'Maw shoots acid at an area, dealing @BaseDamageCalc@ plus @TooltipMissingHealthDamageAmp@% per 1% missing Health magic damage and revealing enemies hit for 2 seconds. Enemies below 40% Health instead take @MaxDamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Subsequent shots within @ManaCostDuration@ seconds cost an additional @BaseCost@ Mana (max: @ManaCostCap@ Mana).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CastRange1Prefix@@CastRange1@@CastRange1Postfix@ / @CastRange2Prefix@@CastRange2@@CastRange2Postfix@ / @CastRange3Prefix@@CastRange3@@CastRange3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Living Artillery@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kog'Maw shoots acid at an area, dealing @BaseDamageCalc@ plus @TooltipMissingHealthDamageAmp@% per 1% missing Health magic damage and revealing enemies hit for 2 seconds. Enemies below 40% Health instead take @MaxDamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Subsequent shots within @ManaCostDuration@ seconds cost an additional @BaseCost@ Mana (max: @ManaCostCap@ Mana).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @CastRange@ -> @CastRangeNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CastRange1Prefix@@CastRange1@@CastRange1Postfix@ / @CastRange2Prefix@@CastRange2@@CastRange2Postfix@ / @CastRange3Prefix@@CastRange3@@CastRange3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @CastRange@ -> @CastRangeNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Living Artillery@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kog'Maw shoots acid at an area, dealing @BaseDamageCalc@ plus @TooltipMissingHealthDamageAmp@% per 1% missing Health magic damage and revealing enemies hit for 2 seconds. Enemies below 40% Health instead take @MaxDamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Subsequent shots within @ManaCostDuration@ seconds cost an additional @BaseCost@ Mana (max: @ManaCostCap@ Mana).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Living Artillery@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kog'Maw shoots acid at an area, dealing @BaseDamageCalc@ plus @TooltipMissingHealthDamageAmp@% per 1% missing Health magic damage and revealing enemies hit for 2 seconds. Enemies below 40% Health instead take @MaxDamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Subsequent shots within @ManaCostDuration@ seconds cost an additional @BaseCost@ Mana (max: @ManaCostCap@ Mana).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKog'Maw launches a corrosive projectile which deals magic damage and corrodes the target's armor and magic resist for a short time. Kog'Maw also gains additional attack speed.Caustic SpittleCaustic Spittle@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Caustic Spittle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kog'Maw gains @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Kog'Maw vomits a corrosive projectile that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and shreds @Effect3Amount@% Armor and Magic Resist for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Kog'Maw gains @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Kog'Maw vomits a corrosive projectile that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and shreds @Effect3Amount@% Armor and Magic Resist for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Caustic Spittle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kog'Maw gains @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Kog'Maw vomits a corrosive projectile that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and shreds @Effect3Amount@% Armor and Magic Resist for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Attack Speed
    Armor and Magic Resist Shred
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Caustic Spittle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kog'Maw gains @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Kog'Maw vomits a corrosive projectile that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and shreds @Effect3Amount@% Armor and Magic Resist for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Speed
    Armor and Magic Resist Shred
    @Effect2Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    Attack Speed
    Armor and Magic Resist Shred
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    Armor and Magic Resist Shred
    @Effect2Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Caustic Spittle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kog'Maw gains @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Kog'Maw vomits a corrosive projectile that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and shreds @Effect3Amount@% Armor and Magic Resist for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Caustic Spittle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kog'Maw gains @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Kog'Maw vomits a corrosive projectile that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and shreds @Effect3Amount@% Armor and Magic Resist for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKog'Maw launches a peculiar ooze which damages all enemies it passes through and leaves a trail which slows enemies who stand on it.Void OozeVoid Ooze@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Void Ooze@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kog'Maw spits bile, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and leaving a trail of ooze for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the ooze are Slowed by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Kog'Maw spits bile, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and leaving a trail of ooze for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the ooze are Slowed by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Void Ooze@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kog'Maw spits bile, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and leaving a trail of ooze for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the ooze are Slowed by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Void Ooze@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kog'Maw spits bile, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and leaving a trail of ooze for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the ooze are Slowed by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Void Ooze@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kog'Maw spits bile, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and leaving a trail of ooze for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the ooze are Slowed by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Void Ooze@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kog'Maw spits bile, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and leaving a trail of ooze for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the ooze are Slowed by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMalphite slams the ground, sending out a shockwave that deals magic damage based on his Armor and reduces the Attack Speed of enemies for a short duration.Ground SlamGround Slam@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ground Slam@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite slams the ground, dealing @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and reducing Attack Speed by @ASReduction@% for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Malphite slams the ground, dealing @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and reducing Attack Speed by @ASReduction@% for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ground Slam@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite slams the ground, dealing @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and reducing Attack Speed by @ASReduction@% for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Attack Speed Reduction
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ASReduction1Prefix@@ASReduction1@%@ASReduction1Postfix@ / @ASReduction2Prefix@@ASReduction2@%@ASReduction2Postfix@ / @ASReduction3Prefix@@ASReduction3@%@ASReduction3Postfix@ / @ASReduction4Prefix@@ASReduction4@%@ASReduction4Postfix@ / @ASReduction5Prefix@@ASReduction5@%@ASReduction5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Ground Slam@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite slams the ground, dealing @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and reducing Attack Speed by @ASReduction@% for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Attack Speed Reduction
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ASReduction@% -> @ASReductionNL@%
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Attack Speed Reduction
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ASReduction1Prefix@@ASReduction1@%@ASReduction1Postfix@ / @ASReduction2Prefix@@ASReduction2@%@ASReduction2Postfix@ / @ASReduction3Prefix@@ASReduction3@%@ASReduction3Postfix@ / @ASReduction4Prefix@@ASReduction4@%@ASReduction4Postfix@ / @ASReduction5Prefix@@ASReduction5@%@ASReduction5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Attack Speed Reduction
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ASReduction@% -> @ASReductionNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Ground Slam@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite slams the ground, dealing @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and reducing Attack Speed by @ASReduction@% for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ground Slam@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite slams the ground, dealing @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and reducing Attack Speed by @ASReduction@% for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLeBlanc launches a chain that shackles the first enemy hit. If the target remains shackled for 1.5 seconds, LeBlanc roots them and deals additional damage.Ethereal ChainsEthereal Chains@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ethereal Chains@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc launches a chain that shackles the first enemy hit, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage and granting True Sight.

    If they remain shackled for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, LeBlanc Roots them for @Effect4Amount@ seconds and deals an additional @DelayedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    LeBlanc launches a chain that shackles the first enemy hit, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage and granting True Sight.

    If they remain shackled for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, LeBlanc Roots them for @Effect4Amount@ seconds and deals an additional @DelayedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ethereal Chains@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc launches a chain that shackles the first enemy hit, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage and granting True Sight.

    If they remain shackled for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, LeBlanc Roots them for @Effect4Amount@ seconds and deals an additional @DelayedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Chain Damage
    Root Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Ethereal Chains@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc launches a chain that shackles the first enemy hit, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage and granting True Sight.

    If they remain shackled for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, LeBlanc Roots them for @Effect4Amount@ seconds and deals an additional @DelayedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upChain Damage
    Root Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Chain Damage
    Root Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Chain Damage
    Root Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Ethereal Chains@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc launches a chain that shackles the first enemy hit, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage and granting True Sight.

    If they remain shackled for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, LeBlanc Roots them for @Effect4Amount@ seconds and deals an additional @DelayedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ethereal Chains@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc launches a chain that shackles the first enemy hit, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage and granting True Sight.

    If they remain shackled for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, LeBlanc Roots them for @Effect4Amount@ seconds and deals an additional @DelayedDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoLeBlanc projects a sigil, dealing damage and marking the target for 3.5 seconds. Damaging the marked target with an ability detonates the sigil, dealing additional damage.Sigil of MaliceSigil of Malice@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sigil of Malice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc projects a sigil to an enemy, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    Damaging the marked enemy with an Ability detonates the sigil, dealing @MarkDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    LeBlanc projects a sigil to an enemy, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    Damaging the marked enemy with an Ability detonates the sigil, dealing @MarkDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sigil of Malice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc projects a sigil to an enemy, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    Damaging the marked enemy with an Ability detonates the sigil, dealing @MarkDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Sigil Damage
    Detonation Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Sigil of Malice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc projects a sigil to an enemy, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    Damaging the marked enemy with an Ability detonates the sigil, dealing @MarkDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upSigil Damage
    Detonation Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Sigil Damage
    Detonation Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Sigil Damage
    Detonation Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Sigil of Malice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc projects a sigil to an enemy, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    Damaging the marked enemy with an Ability detonates the sigil, dealing @MarkDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Sigil of Malice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc projects a sigil to an enemy, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    Damaging the marked enemy with an Ability detonates the sigil, dealing @MarkDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoLeBlanc casts a mimicked version of one of her basic spells.MimicMimic@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mimic@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostLeBlanc mimics her most recent Ability, using it again. The mimicked Ability deals increased damage.

    Mimicked Sigil of Malice deals @RQ1Damage@ magic damage when applied, and @RQ2Damage@ magic damage when consumed.
    Mimicked Distortion deals @RWDamage@ magic damage.
    Mimicked Ethereal Chains deals @RE1Damage@ magic damage when shackled and @RE2Damage@ magic damage when Rooting.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    LeBlanc mimics her most recent Ability, using it again. The mimicked Ability deals increased damage.

    Mimicked Sigil of Malice deals @RQ1Damage@ magic damage when applied, and @RQ2Damage@ magic damage when consumed.
    Mimicked Distortion deals @RWDamage@ magic damage.
    Mimicked Ethereal Chains deals @RE1Damage@ magic damage when shackled and @RE2Damage@ magic damage when Rooting.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mimic@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostLeBlanc mimics her most recent Ability, using it again. The mimicked Ability deals increased damage.

    Mimicked Sigil of Malice deals @RQ1Damage@ magic damage when applied, and @RQ2Damage@ magic damage when consumed.
    Mimicked Distortion deals @RWDamage@ magic damage.
    Mimicked Ethereal Chains deals @RE1Damage@ magic damage when shackled and @RE2Damage@ magic damage when Rooting.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Mimicked Sigil of Malice / Ethereal Chains Damage
    Mimicked Mark / Root Damage
    Mimicked Distortion Damage
    [ @RQ1Base1Prefix@@RQ1Base1@@RQ1Base1Postfix@ / @RQ1Base2Prefix@@RQ1Base2@@RQ1Base2Postfix@ / @RQ1Base3Prefix@@RQ1Base3@@RQ1Base3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RQ2Base1Prefix@@RQ2Base1@@RQ2Base1Postfix@ / @RQ2Base2Prefix@@RQ2Base2@@RQ2Base2Postfix@ / @RQ2Base3Prefix@@RQ2Base3@@RQ2Base3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RWBase1Prefix@@RWBase1@@RWBase1Postfix@ / @RWBase2Prefix@@RWBase2@@RWBase2Postfix@ / @RWBase3Prefix@@RWBase3@@RWBase3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Mimic@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostLeBlanc mimics her most recent Ability, using it again. The mimicked Ability deals increased damage.

    Mimicked Sigil of Malice deals @RQ1Damage@ magic damage when applied, and @RQ2Damage@ magic damage when consumed.
    Mimicked Distortion deals @RWDamage@ magic damage.
    Mimicked Ethereal Chains deals @RE1Damage@ magic damage when shackled and @RE2Damage@ magic damage when Rooting.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMimicked Sigil of Malice / Ethereal Chains Damage
    Mimicked Mark / Root Damage
    Mimicked Distortion Damage
    @RQ1Base@ -> @RQ1BaseNL@
    @RQ2Base@ -> @RQ2BaseNL@
    @RWBase@ -> @RWBaseNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Mimicked Sigil of Malice / Ethereal Chains Damage
    Mimicked Mark / Root Damage
    Mimicked Distortion Damage
    [ @RQ1Base1Prefix@@RQ1Base1@@RQ1Base1Postfix@ / @RQ1Base2Prefix@@RQ1Base2@@RQ1Base2Postfix@ / @RQ1Base3Prefix@@RQ1Base3@@RQ1Base3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RQ2Base1Prefix@@RQ2Base1@@RQ2Base1Postfix@ / @RQ2Base2Prefix@@RQ2Base2@@RQ2Base2Postfix@ / @RQ2Base3Prefix@@RQ2Base3@@RQ2Base3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RWBase1Prefix@@RWBase1@@RWBase1Postfix@ / @RWBase2Prefix@@RWBase2@@RWBase2Postfix@ / @RWBase3Prefix@@RWBase3@@RWBase3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Mimicked Sigil of Malice / Ethereal Chains Damage
    Mimicked Mark / Root Damage
    Mimicked Distortion Damage
    @RQ1Base@ -> @RQ1BaseNL@
    @RQ2Base@ -> @RQ2BaseNL@
    @RWBase@ -> @RWBaseNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Mimic@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostLeBlanc mimics her most recent Ability, using it again. The mimicked Ability deals increased damage.

    Mimicked Sigil of Malice deals @RQ1Damage@ magic damage when applied, and @RQ2Damage@ magic damage when consumed.
    Mimicked Distortion deals @RWDamage@ magic damage.
    Mimicked Ethereal Chains deals @RE1Damage@ magic damage when shackled and @RE2Damage@ magic damage when Rooting.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mimic@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostLeBlanc mimics her most recent Ability, using it again. The mimicked Ability deals increased damage.

    Mimicked Sigil of Malice deals @RQ1Damage@ magic damage when applied, and @RQ2Damage@ magic damage when consumed.
    Mimicked Distortion deals @RWDamage@ magic damage.
    Mimicked Ethereal Chains deals @RE1Damage@ magic damage when shackled and @RE2Damage@ magic damage when Rooting.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoLeBlanc dashes to a location, dealing damage to enemies near her destination. For the next 4 seconds, activate Distortion again to return LeBlanc to her starting location.DistortionDistortion@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Distortion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc dashes then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. For @Effect3Amount@ seconds after dashing, LeBlanc can Recast.

    Recast: LeBlanc returns to her starting location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    LeBlanc dashes then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. For @Effect3Amount@ seconds after dashing, LeBlanc can Recast.

    Recast: LeBlanc returns to her starting location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Distortion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc dashes then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. For @Effect3Amount@ seconds after dashing, LeBlanc can Recast.

    Recast: LeBlanc returns to her starting location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Distortion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc dashes then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. For @Effect3Amount@ seconds after dashing, LeBlanc can Recast.

    Recast: LeBlanc returns to her starting location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Distortion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc dashes then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. For @Effect3Amount@ seconds after dashing, LeBlanc can Recast.

    Recast: LeBlanc returns to her starting location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Distortion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@LeBlanc dashes then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. For @Effect3Amount@ seconds after dashing, LeBlanc can Recast.

    Recast: LeBlanc returns to her starting location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoLeona uses her shield to perform her next basic attack, dealing bonus magic damage and stunning the target.Shield of DaybreakShield of Daybreak@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shield of Daybreak@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona's next Attack Stuns for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and deals an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Leona's next Attack Stuns for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and deals an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shield of Daybreak@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona's next Attack Stuns for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and deals an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@The Attack must be used within 6 seconds or it is lost.Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shield of Daybreak@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona's next Attack Stuns for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and deals an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Shield of Daybreak@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona's next Attack Stuns for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and deals an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shield of Daybreak@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona's next Attack Stuns for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and deals an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLeona raises her shield to gain Damage Reduction, Armor, and Magic Resist. When the duration first ends, if there are nearby enemies, she will deal magic damage to them and prolong the duration of the effect.Eclipse@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Eclipse@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona raises her shield, reducing incoming damage by @FlatDamageReduction@ and gaining @BonusArmorTooltip@ Armor and @BonusMRTooltip@ Magic Resist for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Afterwards, her shield detonates, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to nearby enemies. If she hits at least one, she retains the Armor and Magic Resist bonuses for an additional @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    Leona raises her shield, reducing incoming damage by @FlatDamageReduction@ and gaining @BonusArmorTooltip@ Armor and @BonusMRTooltip@ Magic Resist for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Afterwards, her shield detonates, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to nearby enemies. If she hits at least one, she retains the Armor and Magic Resist bonuses for an additional @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Eclipse@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona raises her shield, reducing incoming damage by @FlatDamageReduction@ and gaining @BonusArmorTooltip@ Armor and @BonusMRTooltip@ Magic Resist for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Afterwards, her shield detonates, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to nearby enemies. If she hits at least one, she retains the Armor and Magic Resist bonuses for an additional @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    Damage reduction effect can't reduce the damage below @FlatDamageReductionMax*100@%.Damage
    Armor and Magic Resist
    Damage Reduction
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @FlatDamageReduction1Prefix@@FlatDamageReduction1@@FlatDamageReduction1Postfix@ / @FlatDamageReduction2Prefix@@FlatDamageReduction2@@FlatDamageReduction2Postfix@ / @FlatDamageReduction3Prefix@@FlatDamageReduction3@@FlatDamageReduction3Postfix@ / @FlatDamageReduction4Prefix@@FlatDamageReduction4@@FlatDamageReduction4Postfix@ / @FlatDamageReduction5Prefix@@FlatDamageReduction5@@FlatDamageReduction5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Eclipse@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona raises her shield, reducing incoming damage by @FlatDamageReduction@ and gaining @BonusArmorTooltip@ Armor and @BonusMRTooltip@ Magic Resist for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Afterwards, her shield detonates, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to nearby enemies. If she hits at least one, she retains the Armor and Magic Resist bonuses for an additional @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Armor and Magic Resist
    Damage Reduction
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @FlatDamageReduction@ -> @FlatDamageReductionNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Armor and Magic Resist
    Damage Reduction
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @FlatDamageReduction1Prefix@@FlatDamageReduction1@@FlatDamageReduction1Postfix@ / @FlatDamageReduction2Prefix@@FlatDamageReduction2@@FlatDamageReduction2Postfix@ / @FlatDamageReduction3Prefix@@FlatDamageReduction3@@FlatDamageReduction3Postfix@ / @FlatDamageReduction4Prefix@@FlatDamageReduction4@@FlatDamageReduction4Postfix@ / @FlatDamageReduction5Prefix@@FlatDamageReduction5@@FlatDamageReduction5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Armor and Magic Resist
    Damage Reduction
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @FlatDamageReduction@ -> @FlatDamageReductionNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Eclipse@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona raises her shield, reducing incoming damage by @FlatDamageReduction@ and gaining @BonusArmorTooltip@ Armor and @BonusMRTooltip@ Magic Resist for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Afterwards, her shield detonates, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to nearby enemies. If she hits at least one, she retains the Armor and Magic Resist bonuses for an additional @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Eclipse@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona raises her shield, reducing incoming damage by @FlatDamageReduction@ and gaining @BonusArmorTooltip@ Armor and @BonusMRTooltip@ Magic Resist for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Afterwards, her shield detonates, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to nearby enemies. If she hits at least one, she retains the Armor and Magic Resist bonuses for an additional @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoLeona calls down a beam of solar energy, dealing damage to enemies in an area. Enemies in the center of the area are stunned, while enemies on the outside are slowed.Solar Flare@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Solar Flare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona calls down a radiant beam of solar energy dealing @ExplosionCalculatedDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowPercent@% for @CCDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center of the flare are Stunned instead of Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Leona calls down a radiant beam of solar energy dealing @ExplosionCalculatedDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowPercent@% for @CCDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center of the flare are Stunned instead of Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Solar Flare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona calls down a radiant beam of solar energy dealing @ExplosionCalculatedDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowPercent@% for @CCDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center of the flare are Stunned instead of Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @ExplosionBaseDamage1Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage1@@ExplosionBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage2Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage2@@ExplosionBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage3Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage3@@ExplosionBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Solar Flare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona calls down a radiant beam of solar energy dealing @ExplosionCalculatedDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowPercent@% for @CCDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center of the flare are Stunned instead of Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @ExplosionBaseDamage@ -> @ExplosionBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @ExplosionBaseDamage1Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage1@@ExplosionBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage2Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage2@@ExplosionBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage3Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage3@@ExplosionBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    @ExplosionBaseDamage@ -> @ExplosionBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Solar Flare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona calls down a radiant beam of solar energy dealing @ExplosionCalculatedDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowPercent@% for @CCDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center of the flare are Stunned instead of Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Solar Flare@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona calls down a radiant beam of solar energy dealing @ExplosionCalculatedDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowPercent@% for @CCDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center of the flare are Stunned instead of Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLeona projects a solar image of her sword, dealing magic damage to all enemies in a line. When the image fades, the last enemy champion struck will be briefly immobilized and Leona will dash to them.Zenith BladeZenith Blade@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Zenith Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona thrusts with a sword of light, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. The last champion struck will be Rooted for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and Leona will dash to them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Leona thrusts with a sword of light, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. The last champion struck will be Rooted for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and Leona will dash to them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Zenith Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona thrusts with a sword of light, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. The last champion struck will be Rooted for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and Leona will dash to them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Zenith Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona thrusts with a sword of light, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. The last champion struck will be Rooted for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and Leona will dash to them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Zenith Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona thrusts with a sword of light, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. The last champion struck will be Rooted for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and Leona will dash to them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Zenith Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Leona thrusts with a sword of light, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. The last champion struck will be Rooted for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and Leona will dash to them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@Lillia hurls a seed that damages and slows those it lands on. If it doesn't hit anything, it will continue rolling until it hits a wall or target.SwirlseedSwirlseed@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Swirlseed@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia lobs a swirlseed overhead, dealing @ImpactDamageTotal@ magic damage where it lands and revealing and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If no enemies are hit, the seed rolls until it hits an enemy or collides with terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Lillia lobs a swirlseed overhead, dealing @ImpactDamageTotal@ magic damage where it lands and revealing and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If no enemies are hit, the seed rolls until it hits an enemy or collides with terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Swirlseed@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia lobs a swirlseed overhead, dealing @ImpactDamageTotal@ magic damage where it lands and revealing and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If no enemies are hit, the seed rolls until it hits an enemy or collides with terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage[ @ImpactDamage1Prefix@@ImpactDamage1@@ImpactDamage1Postfix@ / @ImpactDamage2Prefix@@ImpactDamage2@@ImpactDamage2Postfix@ / @ImpactDamage3Prefix@@ImpactDamage3@@ImpactDamage3Postfix@ / @ImpactDamage4Prefix@@ImpactDamage4@@ImpactDamage4Postfix@ / @ImpactDamage5Prefix@@ImpactDamage5@@ImpactDamage5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Swirlseed@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia lobs a swirlseed overhead, dealing @ImpactDamageTotal@ magic damage where it lands and revealing and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If no enemies are hit, the seed rolls until it hits an enemy or collides with terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@ImpactDamage@ -> @ImpactDamageNL@Damage[ @ImpactDamage1Prefix@@ImpactDamage1@@ImpactDamage1Postfix@ / @ImpactDamage2Prefix@@ImpactDamage2@@ImpactDamage2Postfix@ / @ImpactDamage3Prefix@@ImpactDamage3@@ImpactDamage3Postfix@ / @ImpactDamage4Prefix@@ImpactDamage4@@ImpactDamage4Postfix@ / @ImpactDamage5Prefix@@ImpactDamage5@@ImpactDamage5Postfix@ ]Damage@ImpactDamage@ -> @ImpactDamageNL@[@Hotkey@] Swirlseed@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia lobs a swirlseed overhead, dealing @ImpactDamageTotal@ magic damage where it lands and revealing and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If no enemies are hit, the seed rolls until it hits an enemy or collides with terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Swirlseed@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia lobs a swirlseed overhead, dealing @ImpactDamageTotal@ magic damage where it lands and revealing and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If no enemies are hit, the seed rolls until it hits an enemy or collides with terrain.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPassively, Lillia gains stacking Move Speed when hitting enemies with spells. She can activate this to deal magic damage to nearby enemies, dealing extra true damage on the edge.Blooming BlowsBlooming Blows@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blooming Blows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Lillia's Ability hits grant @PranceSpeed@ Move Speed for @PranceDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @PranceMaxStacks@ times.

    Active: Lillia whirls her censer, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, plus an additional @BonusTrueDamage@ true damage at the outer edge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Lillia's Ability hits grant @PranceSpeed@ Move Speed for @PranceDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @PranceMaxStacks@ times.

    Active: Lillia whirls her censer, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, plus an additional @BonusTrueDamage@ true damage at the outer edge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blooming Blows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Lillia's Ability hits grant @PranceSpeed@ Move Speed for @PranceDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @PranceMaxStacks@ times.

    Active: Lillia whirls her censer, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, plus an additional @BonusTrueDamage@ true damage at the outer edge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Move Speed
    Magic Damage
    True Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PranceBonusPerStack1Prefix@@PranceBonusPerStack1*100.000000@%@PranceBonusPerStack1Postfix@ / @PranceBonusPerStack2Prefix@@PranceBonusPerStack2*100.000000@%@PranceBonusPerStack2Postfix@ / @PranceBonusPerStack3Prefix@@PranceBonusPerStack3*100.000000@%@PranceBonusPerStack3Postfix@ / @PranceBonusPerStack4Prefix@@PranceBonusPerStack4*100.000000@%@PranceBonusPerStack4Postfix@ / @PranceBonusPerStack5Prefix@@PranceBonusPerStack5*100.000000@%@PranceBonusPerStack5Postfix@ ]
    [ @FlatDamageBase1Prefix@@FlatDamageBase1@@FlatDamageBase1Postfix@ / @FlatDamageBase2Prefix@@FlatDamageBase2@@FlatDamageBase2Postfix@ / @FlatDamageBase3Prefix@@FlatDamageBase3@@FlatDamageBase3Postfix@ / @FlatDamageBase4Prefix@@FlatDamageBase4@@FlatDamageBase4Postfix@ / @FlatDamageBase5Prefix@@FlatDamageBase5@@FlatDamageBase5Postfix@ ]
    [ @FlatDamageTrue1Prefix@@FlatDamageTrue1@@FlatDamageTrue1Postfix@ / @FlatDamageTrue2Prefix@@FlatDamageTrue2@@FlatDamageTrue2Postfix@ / @FlatDamageTrue3Prefix@@FlatDamageTrue3@@FlatDamageTrue3Postfix@ / @FlatDamageTrue4Prefix@@FlatDamageTrue4@@FlatDamageTrue4Postfix@ / @FlatDamageTrue5Prefix@@FlatDamageTrue5@@FlatDamageTrue5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Blooming Blows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Lillia's Ability hits grant @PranceSpeed@ Move Speed for @PranceDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @PranceMaxStacks@ times.

    Active: Lillia whirls her censer, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, plus an additional @BonusTrueDamage@ true damage at the outer edge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Move Speed
    Magic Damage
    True Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @PranceBonusPerStack*100.000000@% -> @PranceBonusPerStackNL*100.000000@%
    @FlatDamageBase@ -> @FlatDamageBaseNL@
    @FlatDamageTrue@ -> @FlatDamageTrueNL@
    Move Speed
    Magic Damage
    True Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PranceBonusPerStack1Prefix@@PranceBonusPerStack1*100.000000@%@PranceBonusPerStack1Postfix@ / @PranceBonusPerStack2Prefix@@PranceBonusPerStack2*100.000000@%@PranceBonusPerStack2Postfix@ / @PranceBonusPerStack3Prefix@@PranceBonusPerStack3*100.000000@%@PranceBonusPerStack3Postfix@ / @PranceBonusPerStack4Prefix@@PranceBonusPerStack4*100.000000@%@PranceBonusPerStack4Postfix@ / @PranceBonusPerStack5Prefix@@PranceBonusPerStack5*100.000000@%@PranceBonusPerStack5Postfix@ ]
    [ @FlatDamageBase1Prefix@@FlatDamageBase1@@FlatDamageBase1Postfix@ / @FlatDamageBase2Prefix@@FlatDamageBase2@@FlatDamageBase2Postfix@ / @FlatDamageBase3Prefix@@FlatDamageBase3@@FlatDamageBase3Postfix@ / @FlatDamageBase4Prefix@@FlatDamageBase4@@FlatDamageBase4Postfix@ / @FlatDamageBase5Prefix@@FlatDamageBase5@@FlatDamageBase5Postfix@ ]
    [ @FlatDamageTrue1Prefix@@FlatDamageTrue1@@FlatDamageTrue1Postfix@ / @FlatDamageTrue2Prefix@@FlatDamageTrue2@@FlatDamageTrue2Postfix@ / @FlatDamageTrue3Prefix@@FlatDamageTrue3@@FlatDamageTrue3Postfix@ / @FlatDamageTrue4Prefix@@FlatDamageTrue4@@FlatDamageTrue4Postfix@ / @FlatDamageTrue5Prefix@@FlatDamageTrue5@@FlatDamageTrue5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    Magic Damage
    True Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @PranceBonusPerStack*100.000000@% -> @PranceBonusPerStackNL*100.000000@%
    @FlatDamageBase@ -> @FlatDamageBaseNL@
    @FlatDamageTrue@ -> @FlatDamageTrueNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Blooming Blows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Lillia's Ability hits grant @PranceSpeed@ Move Speed for @PranceDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @PranceMaxStacks@ times.

    Active: Lillia whirls her censer, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, plus an additional @BonusTrueDamage@ true damage at the outer edge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Blooming Blows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Lillia's Ability hits grant @PranceSpeed@ Move Speed for @PranceDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @PranceMaxStacks@ times.

    Active: Lillia whirls her censer, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, plus an additional @BonusTrueDamage@ true damage at the outer edge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoLillia causes all enemies with Dream Dust on them to become Drowsy before falling asleep. Those enemies will take extra damage on being forcibly woken up.Lilting LullabyLilting Lullaby@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lilting Lullaby@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia causes all enemy champions with Dream Dust to become Drowsy for @DrowsyDuration@ seconds. Afterward, they fall Asleep for @SleepDuration@ seconds.

    When awakened by damage, they take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Lillia causes all enemy champions with Dream Dust to become Drowsy for @DrowsyDuration@ seconds. Afterward, they fall Asleep for @SleepDuration@ seconds.

    When awakened by damage, they take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Lillia causes all enemy champions with Dream Dust to become Drowsy for @DrowsyDuration@ seconds. Afterward, they fall Asleep for @SleepDuration@ seconds.

    When awakened by damage, they take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lilting Lullaby@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia causes all enemy champions with Dream Dust to become Drowsy for @DrowsyDuration@ seconds. Afterward, they fall Asleep for @SleepDuration@ seconds.

    When awakened by damage, they take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Drowsy units are slowed over the duration, and fall Asleep afterwards.
    Asleep units can't move or act until damaged by an enemy with non-periodic damage.
    Break Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SleepDuration1Prefix@@SleepDuration1@@SleepDuration1Postfix@ / @SleepDuration2Prefix@@SleepDuration2@@SleepDuration2Postfix@ / @SleepDuration3Prefix@@SleepDuration3@@SleepDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BreakDamageBase1Prefix@@BreakDamageBase1@@BreakDamageBase1Postfix@ / @BreakDamageBase2Prefix@@BreakDamageBase2@@BreakDamageBase2Postfix@ / @BreakDamageBase3Prefix@@BreakDamageBase3@@BreakDamageBase3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Lilting Lullaby@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia causes all enemy champions with Dream Dust to become Drowsy for @DrowsyDuration@ seconds. Afterward, they fall Asleep for @SleepDuration@ seconds.

    When awakened by damage, they take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Break Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @SleepDuration@ -> @SleepDurationNL@
    @BreakDamageBase@ -> @BreakDamageBaseNL@
    Break Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SleepDuration1Prefix@@SleepDuration1@@SleepDuration1Postfix@ / @SleepDuration2Prefix@@SleepDuration2@@SleepDuration2Postfix@ / @SleepDuration3Prefix@@SleepDuration3@@SleepDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BreakDamageBase1Prefix@@BreakDamageBase1@@BreakDamageBase1Postfix@ / @BreakDamageBase2Prefix@@BreakDamageBase2@@BreakDamageBase2Postfix@ / @BreakDamageBase3Prefix@@BreakDamageBase3@@BreakDamageBase3Postfix@ ]
    Break Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @SleepDuration@ -> @SleepDurationNL@
    @BreakDamageBase@ -> @BreakDamageBaseNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Lilting Lullaby@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia causes all enemy champions with Dream Dust to become Drowsy for @DrowsyDuration@ seconds. Afterward, they fall Asleep for @SleepDuration@ seconds.

    When awakened by damage, they take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Lilting Lullaby@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia causes all enemy champions with Dream Dust to become Drowsy for @DrowsyDuration@ seconds. Afterward, they fall Asleep for @SleepDuration@ seconds.

    When awakened by damage, they take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoLillia deals damage in a nearby area, dealing heavy damage in the center.Watch Out! Eep!Watch Out! Eep!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Watch Out! Eep!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia winds up a huge strike, dealing @FlatDamage@ magic damage. Enemies in the center take @FlatDamageSweetSpot@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Lillia winds up a huge strike, dealing @FlatDamage@ magic damage. Enemies in the center take @FlatDamageSweetSpot@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Watch Out! Eep!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia winds up a huge strike, dealing @FlatDamage@ magic damage. Enemies in the center take @FlatDamageSweetSpot@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Lillia does not dash over terrain with this ability.
    Deals 50% less damage to minions.
    [ @FlatDamageBase1Prefix@@FlatDamageBase1@@FlatDamageBase1Postfix@ / @FlatDamageBase2Prefix@@FlatDamageBase2@@FlatDamageBase2Postfix@ / @FlatDamageBase3Prefix@@FlatDamageBase3@@FlatDamageBase3Postfix@ / @FlatDamageBase4Prefix@@FlatDamageBase4@@FlatDamageBase4Postfix@ / @FlatDamageBase5Prefix@@FlatDamageBase5@@FlatDamageBase5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Watch Out! Eep!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia winds up a huge strike, dealing @FlatDamage@ magic damage. Enemies in the center take @FlatDamageSweetSpot@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @FlatDamageBase@ -> @FlatDamageBaseNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @FlatDamageBase1Prefix@@FlatDamageBase1@@FlatDamageBase1Postfix@ / @FlatDamageBase2Prefix@@FlatDamageBase2@@FlatDamageBase2Postfix@ / @FlatDamageBase3Prefix@@FlatDamageBase3@@FlatDamageBase3Postfix@ / @FlatDamageBase4Prefix@@FlatDamageBase4@@FlatDamageBase4Postfix@ / @FlatDamageBase5Prefix@@FlatDamageBase5@@FlatDamageBase5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @FlatDamageBase@ -> @FlatDamageBaseNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Watch Out! Eep!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia winds up a huge strike, dealing @FlatDamage@ magic damage. Enemies in the center take @FlatDamageSweetSpot@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Watch Out! Eep!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lillia winds up a huge strike, dealing @FlatDamage@ magic damage. Enemies in the center take @FlatDamageSweetSpot@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLissandra creates an ice claw that deals magic damage. Reactivating this ability transports Lissandra to the claw's current location.Glacial PathGlacial Path@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Glacial Path@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra casts forth an ice claw that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Lissandra can Recast while the claw travels to teleport to its location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Lissandra casts forth an ice claw that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Lissandra can Recast while the claw travels to teleport to its location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Glacial Path@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra casts forth an ice claw that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Lissandra can Recast while the claw travels to teleport to its location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Glacial Path@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra casts forth an ice claw that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Lissandra can Recast while the claw travels to teleport to its location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Glacial Path@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra casts forth an ice claw that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Lissandra can Recast while the claw travels to teleport to its location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Glacial Path@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra casts forth an ice claw that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Lissandra can Recast while the claw travels to teleport to its location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoThrows a spear of ice that shatters when it hits an enemy, dealing magic damage and slowing Move Speed. Shards pass through the target, dealing the same damage to other enemies hit.Ice ShardIce Shard@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ice Shard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra throws a spear of ice that shatters on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing them by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, and also dealing the damage to enemies behind them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Lissandra throws a spear of ice that shatters on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing them by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, and also dealing the damage to enemies behind them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ice Shard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra throws a spear of ice that shatters on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing them by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, and also dealing the damage to enemies behind them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1*-100.000000@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2*-100.000000@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3*-100.000000@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4*-100.000000@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5*-100.000000@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Ice Shard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra throws a spear of ice that shatters on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing them by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, and also dealing the damage to enemies behind them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount*-100.000000@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1*-100.000000@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2*-100.000000@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3*-100.000000@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4*-100.000000@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5*-100.000000@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount*-100.000000@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Ice Shard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra throws a spear of ice that shatters on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing them by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, and also dealing the damage to enemies behind them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ice Shard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra throws a spear of ice that shatters on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing them by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, and also dealing the damage to enemies behind them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoIf cast on an enemy champion, the target is frozen solid, stunning it. If cast on Lissandra, she encases herself in dark ice, healing herself while becoming untargetable and invulnerable. Dark ice then emanates from the target dealing magic damage to enemies and slowing Move Speed.Frozen Tomb@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Frozen Tomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra encases herself or an enemy champion in ice. Enemies are Stunned for @EnemyCastDuration@ seconds. When self cast, Lissandra enters Stasis for @SelfCastDuration@ seconds and restores @HealAmount@ Health, increased by @SelfCastMissingHPRatio@% for each @SelfCastMissingHPPerAbove@% missing Health.

    In either case, dark ice eminates from the target, dealing @CalculatedDamage@ magic damage. The ice persists for @SlowDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*-100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Lissandra encases herself or an enemy champion in ice. Enemies are Stunned for @EnemyCastDuration@ seconds. When self cast, Lissandra enters Stasis for @SelfCastDuration@ seconds and restores @HealAmount@ Health, increased by @SelfCastMissingHPRatio@% for each @SelfCastMissingHPPerAbove@% missing Health.

    In either case, dark ice eminates from the target, dealing @CalculatedDamage@ magic damage. The ice persists for @SlowDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*-100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Frozen Tomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra encases herself or an enemy champion in ice. Enemies are Stunned for @EnemyCastDuration@ seconds. When self cast, Lissandra enters Stasis for @SelfCastDuration@ seconds and restores @HealAmount@ Health, increased by @SelfCastMissingHPRatio@% for each @SelfCastMissingHPPerAbove@% missing Health.

    In either case, dark ice eminates from the target, dealing @CalculatedDamage@ magic damage. The ice persists for @SlowDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*-100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability Knocks Down enemies.
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SelfCastFlatHeal1Prefix@@SelfCastFlatHeal1@@SelfCastFlatHeal1Postfix@ / @SelfCastFlatHeal2Prefix@@SelfCastFlatHeal2@@SelfCastFlatHeal2Postfix@ / @SelfCastFlatHeal3Prefix@@SelfCastFlatHeal3@@SelfCastFlatHeal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Frozen Tomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra encases herself or an enemy champion in ice. Enemies are Stunned for @EnemyCastDuration@ seconds. When self cast, Lissandra enters Stasis for @SelfCastDuration@ seconds and restores @HealAmount@ Health, increased by @SelfCastMissingHPRatio@% for each @SelfCastMissingHPPerAbove@% missing Health.

    In either case, dark ice eminates from the target, dealing @CalculatedDamage@ magic damage. The ice persists for @SlowDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*-100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*-100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @SelfCastFlatHeal@ -> @SelfCastFlatHealNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SelfCastFlatHeal1Prefix@@SelfCastFlatHeal1@@SelfCastFlatHeal1Postfix@ / @SelfCastFlatHeal2Prefix@@SelfCastFlatHeal2@@SelfCastFlatHeal2Postfix@ / @SelfCastFlatHeal3Prefix@@SelfCastFlatHeal3@@SelfCastFlatHeal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*-100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @SelfCastFlatHeal@ -> @SelfCastFlatHealNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Frozen Tomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra encases herself or an enemy champion in ice. Enemies are Stunned for @EnemyCastDuration@ seconds. When self cast, Lissandra enters Stasis for @SelfCastDuration@ seconds and restores @HealAmount@ Health, increased by @SelfCastMissingHPRatio@% for each @SelfCastMissingHPPerAbove@% missing Health.

    In either case, dark ice eminates from the target, dealing @CalculatedDamage@ magic damage. The ice persists for @SlowDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*-100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Frozen Tomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra encases herself or an enemy champion in ice. Enemies are Stunned for @EnemyCastDuration@ seconds. When self cast, Lissandra enters Stasis for @SelfCastDuration@ seconds and restores @HealAmount@ Health, increased by @SelfCastMissingHPRatio@% for each @SelfCastMissingHPPerAbove@% missing Health.

    In either case, dark ice eminates from the target, dealing @CalculatedDamage@ magic damage. The ice persists for @SlowDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*-100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoFreezes nearby enemies in ice, dealing magic damage and rooting them.Ring of FrostRing of Frost@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ring of Frost@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra creates an ice field, Rooting nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Lissandra creates an ice field, Rooting nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ring of Frost@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra creates an ice field, Rooting nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Root Duration
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Ring of Frost@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra creates an ice field, Rooting nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Root Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Root Duration
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Root Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Ring of Frost@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra creates an ice field, Rooting nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ring of Frost@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lissandra creates an ice field, Rooting nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLucian quickly dashes a short distance. Lightslinger attacks reduce Relentless Pursuit's cooldown.Relentless Pursuit@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Relentless Pursuit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian dashes.

    Cooldown is reduced by @Effect1Amount@ second whenever Lucian hits an enemy with Lightslinger (@Effect2Amount@ seconds for champions). @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Lucian dashes.

    Cooldown is reduced by @Effect1Amount@ second whenever Lucian hits an enemy with Lightslinger (@Effect2Amount@ seconds for champions). @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Relentless Pursuit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian dashes.

    Cooldown is reduced by @Effect1Amount@ second whenever Lucian hits an enemy with Lightslinger (@Effect2Amount@ seconds for champions). @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Lucian can use other Abilities while dashing.Cooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Relentless Pursuit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian dashes.

    Cooldown is reduced by @Effect1Amount@ second whenever Lucian hits an enemy with Lightslinger (@Effect2Amount@ seconds for champions). @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Relentless Pursuit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian dashes.

    Cooldown is reduced by @Effect1Amount@ second whenever Lucian hits an enemy with Lightslinger (@Effect2Amount@ seconds for champions). @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Relentless Pursuit@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian dashes.

    Cooldown is reduced by @Effect1Amount@ second whenever Lucian hits an enemy with Lightslinger (@Effect2Amount@ seconds for champions). @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoLucian shoots a bolt of piercing light through a target.Piercing LightPiercing Light@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Piercing Light@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian shoots a bolt of piercing light, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage.
    Lucian shoots a bolt of piercing light, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Piercing Light@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian shoots a bolt of piercing light, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage.
    This Ability's cast time decreases with Lucian's level.Damage
    Attack Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Piercing Light@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian shoots a bolt of piercing light, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Attack Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Attack Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Piercing Light@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian shoots a bolt of piercing light, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Piercing Light@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian shoots a bolt of piercing light, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoLucian unleashes a torrent of shots from his weapons.The CullingThe Culling@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] The Culling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian rapidly fires @TotalNumShots@ shots in a direction for @Duration@ seconds or until he Recasts. Each shot deals @DamagePerBullet@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    While firing, Lucian may use Relentless Pursuit.

    Total Damage: @TotalDamage@ physical damage
    Lucian rapidly fires @TotalNumShots@ shots in a direction for @Duration@ seconds or until he Recasts. Each shot deals @DamagePerBullet@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    While firing, Lucian may use Relentless Pursuit.

    Total Damage: @TotalDamage@ physical damage
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] The Culling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian rapidly fires @TotalNumShots@ shots in a direction for @Duration@ seconds or until he Recasts. Each shot deals @DamagePerBullet@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    While firing, Lucian may use Relentless Pursuit.

    Total Damage: @TotalDamage@ physical damage
    Number of shots increases equal to @CritRatio*100@% of Lucian's Critical Strike chance.
    Deals @PercentDamageAmpToMinions@% damage to minions.
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] The Culling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian rapidly fires @TotalNumShots@ shots in a direction for @Duration@ seconds or until he Recasts. Each shot deals @DamagePerBullet@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    While firing, Lucian may use Relentless Pursuit.

    Total Damage: @TotalDamage@ physical damage
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] The Culling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian rapidly fires @TotalNumShots@ shots in a direction for @Duration@ seconds or until he Recasts. Each shot deals @DamagePerBullet@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    While firing, Lucian may use Relentless Pursuit.

    Total Damage: @TotalDamage@ physical damage
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] The Culling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian rapidly fires @TotalNumShots@ shots in a direction for @Duration@ seconds or until he Recasts. Each shot deals @DamagePerBullet@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    While firing, Lucian may use Relentless Pursuit.

    Total Damage: @TotalDamage@ physical damage

    Press [Shift] to show more infoLucian shoots a missile that explodes in a star shape, marking and briefly revealing enemies. Lucian gains Move Speed for attacking marked enemies.Ardent BlazeArdent Blaze@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ardent Blaze@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian fires a shot that explodes at the end of its range or on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, briefly revealing enemies and marking them for 6 seconds.

    When Lucian or an ally damages a marked enemy, Lucian gains @Effect2Amount@ Move Speed for 1 second. Allies triggering this effect will also grant Lucian Vigilance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Lucian fires a shot that explodes at the end of its range or on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, briefly revealing enemies and marking them for 6 seconds.

    When Lucian or an ally damages a marked enemy, Lucian gains @Effect2Amount@ Move Speed for 1 second. Allies triggering this effect will also grant Lucian Vigilance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ardent Blaze@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian fires a shot that explodes at the end of its range or on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, briefly revealing enemies and marking them for 6 seconds.

    When Lucian or an ally damages a marked enemy, Lucian gains @Effect2Amount@ Move Speed for 1 second. Allies triggering this effect will also grant Lucian Vigilance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Move Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Ardent Blaze@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian fires a shot that explodes at the end of its range or on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, briefly revealing enemies and marking them for 6 seconds.

    When Lucian or an ally damages a marked enemy, Lucian gains @Effect2Amount@ Move Speed for 1 second. Allies triggering this effect will also grant Lucian Vigilance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Move Speed
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Move Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Ardent Blaze@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian fires a shot that explodes at the end of its range or on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, briefly revealing enemies and marking them for 6 seconds.

    When Lucian or an ally damages a marked enemy, Lucian gains @Effect2Amount@ Move Speed for 1 second. Allies triggering this effect will also grant Lucian Vigilance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ardent Blaze@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian fires a shot that explodes at the end of its range or on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, briefly revealing enemies and marking them for 6 seconds.

    When Lucian or an ally damages a marked enemy, Lucian gains @Effect2Amount@ Move Speed for 1 second. Allies triggering this effect will also grant Lucian Vigilance.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoIf cast on an ally, commands Pix to jump to an ally and shield them. He then follows them and aids their attacks. If cast on an enemy, commands Pix to jump to an enemy and damage them. He then follows them and grants you vision of that enemy.Help, Pix!Help, Pix!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Help, Pix!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@When used on an ally, Pix jumps to them and grants Pix, Faerie Companion for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. If the ally is a champion, Pix also grants @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    When used on an enemy champion, Pix hampers them, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and granting True Sight of them for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    When used on an ally, Pix jumps to them and grants Pix, Faerie Companion for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. If the ally is a champion, Pix also grants @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    When used on an enemy champion, Pix hampers them, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and granting True Sight of them for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Help, Pix!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@When used on an ally, Pix jumps to them and grants Pix, Faerie Companion for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. If the ally is a champion, Pix also grants @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    When used on an enemy champion, Pix hampers them, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and granting True Sight of them for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Help, Pix!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@When used on an ally, Pix jumps to them and grants Pix, Faerie Companion for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. If the ally is a champion, Pix also grants @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    When used on an enemy champion, Pix hampers them, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and granting True Sight of them for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Help, Pix!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@When used on an ally, Pix jumps to them and grants Pix, Faerie Companion for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. If the ally is a champion, Pix also grants @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    When used on an enemy champion, Pix hampers them, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and granting True Sight of them for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Help, Pix!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@When used on an ally, Pix jumps to them and grants Pix, Faerie Companion for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. If the ally is a champion, Pix also grants @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    When used on an enemy champion, Pix hampers them, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and granting True Sight of them for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPix and Lulu each fire a bolt of magical energy that damages and heavily slows all enemies it hits.GlitterlanceGlitterlance@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Glitterlance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu and Pix each fire a piercing bolt dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect2Amount*-100@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Enemies take @DoubleHitBonus*100@% more damage from additional bolts.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Lulu and Pix each fire a piercing bolt dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect2Amount*-100@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Enemies take @DoubleHitBonus*100@% more damage from additional bolts.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Glitterlance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu and Pix each fire a piercing bolt dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect2Amount*-100@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Enemies take @DoubleHitBonus*100@% more damage from additional bolts.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Minions only take @MinionMod*100@% damage.Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Glitterlance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu and Pix each fire a piercing bolt dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect2Amount*-100@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Enemies take @DoubleHitBonus*100@% more damage from additional bolts.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Glitterlance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu and Pix each fire a piercing bolt dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect2Amount*-100@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Enemies take @DoubleHitBonus*100@% more damage from additional bolts.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Glitterlance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu and Pix each fire a piercing bolt dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect2Amount*-100@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Enemies take @DoubleHitBonus*100@% more damage from additional bolts.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoLulu enlarges an ally, knocking nearby enemies into the air and granting the ally a large amount of bonus health. For the next few seconds, that ally gains an aura that slows nearby enemies.Wild Growth@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wild Growth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu enlarges an ally, Knocking Up surrounding enemies for @KnockbackDuration@ seconds. The enlarged ally gains @TotalBonusHealth@ max Health and Slows surrounding enemies by @SlowPercent@% for @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Lulu enlarges an ally, Knocking Up surrounding enemies for @KnockbackDuration@ seconds. The enlarged ally gains @TotalBonusHealth@ max Health and Slows surrounding enemies by @SlowPercent@% for @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wild Growth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu enlarges an ally, Knocking Up surrounding enemies for @KnockbackDuration@ seconds. The enlarged ally gains @TotalBonusHealth@ max Health and Slows surrounding enemies by @SlowPercent@% for @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Bonus Health
    [ @BonusHealth1Prefix@@BonusHealth1@@BonusHealth1Postfix@ / @BonusHealth2Prefix@@BonusHealth2@@BonusHealth2Postfix@ / @BonusHealth3Prefix@@BonusHealth3@@BonusHealth3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowPercent1Prefix@@SlowPercent1@%@SlowPercent1Postfix@ / @SlowPercent2Prefix@@SlowPercent2@%@SlowPercent2Postfix@ / @SlowPercent3Prefix@@SlowPercent3@%@SlowPercent3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Wild Growth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu enlarges an ally, Knocking Up surrounding enemies for @KnockbackDuration@ seconds. The enlarged ally gains @TotalBonusHealth@ max Health and Slows surrounding enemies by @SlowPercent@% for @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Health
    @BonusHealth@ -> @BonusHealthNL@
    @SlowPercent@% -> @SlowPercentNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Bonus Health
    [ @BonusHealth1Prefix@@BonusHealth1@@BonusHealth1Postfix@ / @BonusHealth2Prefix@@BonusHealth2@@BonusHealth2Postfix@ / @BonusHealth3Prefix@@BonusHealth3@@BonusHealth3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowPercent1Prefix@@SlowPercent1@%@SlowPercent1Postfix@ / @SlowPercent2Prefix@@SlowPercent2@%@SlowPercent2Postfix@ / @SlowPercent3Prefix@@SlowPercent3@%@SlowPercent3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Health
    @BonusHealth@ -> @BonusHealthNL@
    @SlowPercent@% -> @SlowPercentNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Wild Growth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu enlarges an ally, Knocking Up surrounding enemies for @KnockbackDuration@ seconds. The enlarged ally gains @TotalBonusHealth@ max Health and Slows surrounding enemies by @SlowPercent@% for @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Wild Growth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lulu enlarges an ally, Knocking Up surrounding enemies for @KnockbackDuration@ seconds. The enlarged ally gains @TotalBonusHealth@ max Health and Slows surrounding enemies by @SlowPercent@% for @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoIf cast on an ally, grants them Attack Speed and Move Speed for a short time. If cast on an enemy, turns them into an adorable critter that can't attack or cast spells.Whimsy@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Whimsy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@When used on an ally, Lulu grants @TotalMS@ Move Speed and @Effect7Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    When used on an enemy, Lulu Polymorphs them for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    When used on an ally, Lulu grants @TotalMS@ Move Speed and @Effect7Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    When used on an enemy, Lulu Polymorphs them for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Whimsy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@When used on an ally, Lulu grants @TotalMS@ Move Speed and @Effect7Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    When used on an enemy, Lulu Polymorphs them for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Polymorphed targets are Silenced, Disarmed, and Slowed by @Effect4Amount*-1@.Move Speed and Attack Speed Duration
    Attack Speed
    Polymorph Duration
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Whimsy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@When used on an ally, Lulu grants @TotalMS@ Move Speed and @Effect7Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    When used on an enemy, Lulu Polymorphs them for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMove Speed and Attack Speed Duration
    Attack Speed
    Polymorph Duration
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect7AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Move Speed and Attack Speed Duration
    Attack Speed
    Polymorph Duration
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed and Attack Speed Duration
    Attack Speed
    Polymorph Duration
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect7AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Whimsy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@When used on an ally, Lulu grants @TotalMS@ Move Speed and @Effect7Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    When used on an enemy, Lulu Polymorphs them for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Whimsy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@When used on an ally, Lulu grants @TotalMS@ Move Speed and @Effect7Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    When used on an enemy, Lulu Polymorphs them for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoLux releases a sphere of light that binds and deals damage to up to two enemy units.Light BindingLight Binding@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Light Binding@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux fires a ball of light, Rooting the first two enemies for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage to each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Lux fires a ball of light, Rooting the first two enemies for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage to each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Light Binding@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux fires a ball of light, Rooting the first two enemies for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage to each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage[ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Light Binding@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux fires a ball of light, Rooting the first two enemies for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage to each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@[@Hotkey@] Light Binding@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux fires a ball of light, Rooting the first two enemies for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage to each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Light Binding@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Roots two enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second(s) and damages them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Light Binding@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux fires a ball of light, Rooting the first two enemies for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage to each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFires an anomaly of twisted light to an area, which slows nearby enemies. Lux can detonate it to damage enemies in the area of effect.Lucent SingularityLucent Singularity@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lucent Singularity@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux creates a light zone that Slows by @Effect1Amount@% and reveals the area. After @Effect3Amount@ seconds or on Recasting this Ability, it detonates, dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage and Slowing for an additional @SlowLingerDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Lux creates a light zone that Slows by @Effect1Amount@% and reveals the area. After @Effect3Amount@ seconds or on Recasting this Ability, it detonates, dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage and Slowing for an additional @SlowLingerDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lucent Singularity@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux creates a light zone that Slows by @Effect1Amount@% and reveals the area. After @Effect3Amount@ seconds or on Recasting this Ability, it detonates, dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage and Slowing for an additional @SlowLingerDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Movement Slow
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Lucent Singularity@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux creates a light zone that Slows by @Effect1Amount@% and reveals the area. After @Effect3Amount@ seconds or on Recasting this Ability, it detonates, dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage and Slowing for an additional @SlowLingerDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Movement Slow
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Movement Slow
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Movement Slow
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Lucent Singularity@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux creates a light zone that Slows by @Effect1Amount@% and reveals the area. After @Effect3Amount@ seconds or on Recasting this Ability, it detonates, dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage and Slowing for an additional @SlowLingerDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Lucent Singularity@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Creates a ball of light, slowing enemies within.

    Re-activate to detonate and damage all enemies inside.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Lucent Singularity@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux creates a light zone that Slows by @Effect1Amount@% and reveals the area. After @Effect3Amount@ seconds or on Recasting this Ability, it detonates, dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage and Slowing for an additional @SlowLingerDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLux throws her wand and bends the light around any friendly target it touches, protecting them from enemy damage.Prismatic BarrierPrismatic Barrier@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Prismatic Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux throws her wand, granting @TotalShieldTT@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds to allies it passes through. Then it returns, granting the same Shield on its return.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Lux throws her wand, granting @TotalShieldTT@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds to allies it passes through. Then it returns, granting the same Shield on its return.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Prismatic Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux throws her wand, granting @TotalShieldTT@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds to allies it passes through. Then it returns, granting the same Shield on its return.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Both instances of Shield can stack.Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Prismatic Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux throws her wand, granting @TotalShieldTT@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds to allies it passes through. Then it returns, granting the same Shield on its return.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Prismatic Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux throws her wand, granting @TotalShieldTT@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds to allies it passes through. Then it returns, granting the same Shield on its return.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Prismatic Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shields Lux and allies struck.

    Units may be shielded twice per cast.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Prismatic Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux throws her wand, granting @TotalShieldTT@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds to allies it passes through. Then it returns, granting the same Shield on its return.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAfter gathering energy, Lux fires a beam of light that deals damage to all targets in the area. In addition, triggers Lux's passive ability and refreshes the Illumination debuff duration.Final Spark@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Final Spark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux fires a dazzling ray of light, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in a line.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Lux fires a dazzling ray of light, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in a line.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Final Spark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux fires a dazzling ray of light, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in a line.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Final Spark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux fires a dazzling ray of light, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in a line.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Final Spark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux fires a dazzling ray of light, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in a line.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Final Spark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Unleash a dazzling laser ray of light, damaging all enemies struck.

    Consumes Illumination for extra damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Final Spark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lux fires a dazzling ray of light, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in a line.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMalphite sends a shard of the earth through the ground at his foe, dealing damage upon impact and stealing Move Speed for 3 seconds.Seismic ShardSeismic Shard@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Seismic Shard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite launches a shard of earth at an enemy, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Malphite also steals the amount Slowed, gaining it as Move Speed for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Malphite launches a shard of earth at an enemy, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Malphite also steals the amount Slowed, gaining it as Move Speed for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Seismic Shard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite launches a shard of earth at an enemy, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Malphite also steals the amount Slowed, gaining it as Move Speed for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Seismic Shard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite launches a shard of earth at an enemy, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Malphite also steals the amount Slowed, gaining it as Move Speed for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Seismic Shard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite launches a shard of earth at an enemy, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Malphite also steals the amount Slowed, gaining it as Move Speed for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Seismic Shard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite launches a shard of earth at an enemy, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Malphite also steals the amount Slowed, gaining it as Move Speed for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMalzahar infects his target's mind with cruel visions of their demise, dealing damage over time. Using Malzahar's other spells on the target will refresh the visions.

    If the target dies while afflicted by the visions, they pass on to a nearby enemy unit and Malzahar gains Mana. Malzahar's Voidlings are attracted to affected units.Malefic Visions@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Malefic Visions@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar inflicts terrible visions, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Applying Call of the Void or Nether Grasp to the victim during this time refreshes the visions.

    If the victim dies, Malzahar gains @ManaRestoreTooltip@ Mana and the visions spread to the nearest enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Malzahar inflicts terrible visions, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Applying Call of the Void or Nether Grasp to the victim during this time refreshes the visions.

    If the victim dies, Malzahar gains @ManaRestoreTooltip@ Mana and the visions spread to the nearest enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Malefic Visions@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar inflicts terrible visions, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Applying Call of the Void or Nether Grasp to the victim during this time refreshes the visions.

    If the victim dies, Malzahar gains @ManaRestoreTooltip@ Mana and the visions spread to the nearest enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Malefic Visions@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar inflicts terrible visions, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Applying Call of the Void or Nether Grasp to the victim during this time refreshes the visions.

    If the victim dies, Malzahar gains @ManaRestoreTooltip@ Mana and the visions spread to the nearest enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Malefic Visions@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar inflicts terrible visions, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Applying Call of the Void or Nether Grasp to the victim during this time refreshes the visions.

    If the victim dies, Malzahar gains @ManaRestoreTooltip@ Mana and the visions spread to the nearest enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Malefic Visions@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar inflicts terrible visions, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Applying Call of the Void or Nether Grasp to the victim during this time refreshes the visions.

    If the victim dies, Malzahar gains @ManaRestoreTooltip@ Mana and the visions spread to the nearest enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMalzahar opens up two portals to the Void. After a short delay, they fire projectiles that deal Magic Damage and silence enemy champions.Call of the VoidCall of the Void@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Call of the Void@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar opens two portals to the Void that fire projectiles inward, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage and Silencing for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Malzahar opens two portals to the Void that fire projectiles inward, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage and Silencing for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Call of the Void@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar opens two portals to the Void that fire projectiles inward, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage and Silencing for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Silence Duration
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Call of the Void@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar opens two portals to the Void that fire projectiles inward, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage and Silencing for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Silence Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Silence Duration
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Silence Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Call of the Void@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar opens two portals to the Void that fire projectiles inward, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage and Silencing for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Call of the Void@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar opens two portals to the Void that fire projectiles inward, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage and Silencing for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMalzahar channels the essence of the Void to suppress an enemy champion over a zone of damaging negative energy.Nether GraspNether Grasp@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Nether Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar Suppresses an enemy champion and deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. A zone of negative energy is created around his target dealing @ZoneDamageTooltip@ max Health magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Malzahar Suppresses an enemy champion and deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. A zone of negative energy is created around his target dealing @ZoneDamageTooltip@ max Health magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Nether Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar Suppresses an enemy champion and deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. A zone of negative energy is created around his target dealing @ZoneDamageTooltip@ max Health magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@This Ability Knocks Down enemies.Nether Grasp Damage
    Null Zone Damage Per Second
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Nether Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar Suppresses an enemy champion and deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. A zone of negative energy is created around his target dealing @ZoneDamageTooltip@ max Health magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upNether Grasp Damage
    Null Zone Damage Per Second
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Nether Grasp Damage
    Null Zone Damage Per Second
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Nether Grasp Damage
    Null Zone Damage Per Second
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Nether Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar Suppresses an enemy champion and deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. A zone of negative energy is created around his target dealing @ZoneDamageTooltip@ max Health magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Nether Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar Suppresses an enemy champion and deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. A zone of negative energy is created around his target dealing @ZoneDamageTooltip@ max Health magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMalzahar summons Voidlings to attack nearby enemies.Void SwarmVoid Swarm@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Void Swarm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Malzahar's other Abilities give him a stack when cast (max @StackCap@).

    Active: Malzahar summons a Voidling plus an additional Voidling per stack. Voidlings last @VoidlingDuration@ seconds and deal an additional @VoidlingBonusDamageTooltip@ magic damage each hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Malzahar's other Abilities give him a stack when cast (max @StackCap@).

    Active: Malzahar summons a Voidling plus an additional Voidling per stack. Voidlings last @VoidlingDuration@ seconds and deal an additional @VoidlingBonusDamageTooltip@ magic damage each hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Void Swarm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Malzahar's other Abilities give him a stack when cast (max @StackCap@).

    Active: Malzahar summons a Voidling plus an additional Voidling per stack. Voidlings last @VoidlingDuration@ seconds and deal an additional @VoidlingBonusDamageTooltip@ magic damage each hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Voidlings deal @Effect3Amount*100@% damage to lane minions affected by Malefic Visions.
    Voidlings deal @Effect4Amount*100@% damage to epic monsters.
    Voidling Bonus Damage
    Voidling Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Void Swarm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Malzahar's other Abilities give him a stack when cast (max @StackCap@).

    Active: Malzahar summons a Voidling plus an additional Voidling per stack. Voidlings last @VoidlingDuration@ seconds and deal an additional @VoidlingBonusDamageTooltip@ magic damage each hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upVoidling Bonus Damage
    Voidling Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Voidling Bonus Damage
    Voidling Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Voidling Bonus Damage
    Voidling Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Void Swarm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Malzahar's other Abilities give him a stack when cast (max @StackCap@).

    Active: Malzahar summons a Voidling plus an additional Voidling per stack. Voidlings last @VoidlingDuration@ seconds and deal an additional @VoidlingBonusDamageTooltip@ magic damage each hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Void Swarm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Malzahar's other Abilities give him a stack when cast (max @StackCap@).

    Active: Malzahar summons a Voidling plus an additional Voidling per stack. Voidlings last @VoidlingDuration@ seconds and deal an additional @VoidlingBonusDamageTooltip@ magic damage each hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMaokai flings a sapling to the target area to stand guard. More effective in brush.Sapling TossSapling Toss@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sapling Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai flings a sapling, which stands watch for @SaplingDuration@ seconds. Saplings chase nearby enemies, detonating on arrival to deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slow surrounding enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Sap Magic's Cooldown is reduced by an additional 4 seconds if the sapling hits an enemy champion or epic monster.

    If placed in brush, Saplings instead last for @EmpoweredSaplingDuration@ seconds and cause a larger explosion, dealing @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ magic damage over @EmpoweredDoTDuration@ seconds and Slowing enemies by @EmpoweredSlowAmount@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Maokai flings a sapling, which stands watch for @SaplingDuration@ seconds. Saplings chase nearby enemies, detonating on arrival to deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slow surrounding enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Sap Magic's Cooldown is reduced by an additional 4 seconds if the sapling hits an enemy champion or epic monster.

    If placed in brush, Saplings instead last for @EmpoweredSaplingDuration@ seconds and cause a larger explosion, dealing @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ magic damage over @EmpoweredDoTDuration@ seconds and Slowing enemies by @EmpoweredSlowAmount@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sapling Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai flings a sapling, which stands watch for @SaplingDuration@ seconds. Saplings chase nearby enemies, detonating on arrival to deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slow surrounding enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Sap Magic's Cooldown is reduced by an additional 4 seconds if the sapling hits an enemy champion or epic monster.

    If placed in brush, Saplings instead last for @EmpoweredSaplingDuration@ seconds and cause a larger explosion, dealing @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ magic damage over @EmpoweredDoTDuration@ seconds and Slowing enemies by @EmpoweredSlowAmount@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Brush saplings do not deal the increased damage to minions.Damage
    Empowered Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @EmpoweredBaseDamage1Prefix@@EmpoweredBaseDamage1@@EmpoweredBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @EmpoweredBaseDamage2Prefix@@EmpoweredBaseDamage2@@EmpoweredBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @EmpoweredBaseDamage3Prefix@@EmpoweredBaseDamage3@@EmpoweredBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @EmpoweredBaseDamage4Prefix@@EmpoweredBaseDamage4@@EmpoweredBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @EmpoweredBaseDamage5Prefix@@EmpoweredBaseDamage5@@EmpoweredBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Sapling Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai flings a sapling, which stands watch for @SaplingDuration@ seconds. Saplings chase nearby enemies, detonating on arrival to deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slow surrounding enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Sap Magic's Cooldown is reduced by an additional 4 seconds if the sapling hits an enemy champion or epic monster.

    If placed in brush, Saplings instead last for @EmpoweredSaplingDuration@ seconds and cause a larger explosion, dealing @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ magic damage over @EmpoweredDoTDuration@ seconds and Slowing enemies by @EmpoweredSlowAmount@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Empowered Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @EmpoweredBaseDamage@ -> @EmpoweredBaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Empowered Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @EmpoweredBaseDamage1Prefix@@EmpoweredBaseDamage1@@EmpoweredBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @EmpoweredBaseDamage2Prefix@@EmpoweredBaseDamage2@@EmpoweredBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @EmpoweredBaseDamage3Prefix@@EmpoweredBaseDamage3@@EmpoweredBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @EmpoweredBaseDamage4Prefix@@EmpoweredBaseDamage4@@EmpoweredBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @EmpoweredBaseDamage5Prefix@@EmpoweredBaseDamage5@@EmpoweredBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Empowered Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @EmpoweredBaseDamage@ -> @EmpoweredBaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Sapling Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai flings a sapling, which stands watch for @SaplingDuration@ seconds. Saplings chase nearby enemies, detonating on arrival to deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slow surrounding enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Sap Magic's Cooldown is reduced by an additional 4 seconds if the sapling hits an enemy champion or epic monster.

    If placed in brush, Saplings instead last for @EmpoweredSaplingDuration@ seconds and cause a larger explosion, dealing @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ magic damage over @EmpoweredDoTDuration@ seconds and Slowing enemies by @EmpoweredSlowAmount@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Sapling Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai flings a sapling, which stands watch for @SaplingDuration@ seconds. Saplings chase nearby enemies, detonating on arrival to deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slow surrounding enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Sap Magic's Cooldown is reduced by an additional 4 seconds if the sapling hits an enemy champion or epic monster.

    If placed in brush, Saplings instead last for @EmpoweredSaplingDuration@ seconds and cause a larger explosion, dealing @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ magic damage over @EmpoweredDoTDuration@ seconds and Slowing enemies by @EmpoweredSlowAmount@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMaokai knocks back nearby enemies with a shockwave, dealing magic damage and slowing them.Bramble SmashBramble Smash@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bramble Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai smashes his fist into the ground, dealing @TotalDamage@ plus @BasePercentHealth*100@% max Health magic damage and briefly Slowing. Nearby enemies are also Knocked Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Maokai smashes his fist into the ground, dealing @TotalDamage@ plus @BasePercentHealth*100@% max Health magic damage and briefly Slowing. Nearby enemies are also Knocked Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bramble Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai smashes his fist into the ground, dealing @TotalDamage@ plus @BasePercentHealth*100@% max Health magic damage and briefly Slowing. Nearby enemies are also Knocked Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@This Ability deals an additional @BonusMonsterDamage@ magic damage to jungle monsters.Damage
    Max Health %
    Monster Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BasePercentHealth1Prefix@@BasePercentHealth1*100.000000@%@BasePercentHealth1Postfix@ / @BasePercentHealth2Prefix@@BasePercentHealth2*100.000000@%@BasePercentHealth2Postfix@ / @BasePercentHealth3Prefix@@BasePercentHealth3*100.000000@%@BasePercentHealth3Postfix@ / @BasePercentHealth4Prefix@@BasePercentHealth4*100.000000@%@BasePercentHealth4Postfix@ / @BasePercentHealth5Prefix@@BasePercentHealth5*100.000000@%@BasePercentHealth5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusMonsterDamage1Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage1@@BonusMonsterDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusMonsterDamage2Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage2@@BonusMonsterDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusMonsterDamage3Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage3@@BonusMonsterDamage3Postfix@ / @BonusMonsterDamage4Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage4@@BonusMonsterDamage4Postfix@ / @BonusMonsterDamage5Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage5@@BonusMonsterDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bramble Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai smashes his fist into the ground, dealing @TotalDamage@ plus @BasePercentHealth*100@% max Health magic damage and briefly Slowing. Nearby enemies are also Knocked Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Max Health %
    Monster Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BasePercentHealth*100.000000@% -> @BasePercentHealthNL*100.000000@%
    @BonusMonsterDamage@ -> @BonusMonsterDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Max Health %
    Monster Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BasePercentHealth1Prefix@@BasePercentHealth1*100.000000@%@BasePercentHealth1Postfix@ / @BasePercentHealth2Prefix@@BasePercentHealth2*100.000000@%@BasePercentHealth2Postfix@ / @BasePercentHealth3Prefix@@BasePercentHealth3*100.000000@%@BasePercentHealth3Postfix@ / @BasePercentHealth4Prefix@@BasePercentHealth4*100.000000@%@BasePercentHealth4Postfix@ / @BasePercentHealth5Prefix@@BasePercentHealth5*100.000000@%@BasePercentHealth5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusMonsterDamage1Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage1@@BonusMonsterDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusMonsterDamage2Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage2@@BonusMonsterDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusMonsterDamage3Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage3@@BonusMonsterDamage3Postfix@ / @BonusMonsterDamage4Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage4@@BonusMonsterDamage4Postfix@ / @BonusMonsterDamage5Prefix@@BonusMonsterDamage5@@BonusMonsterDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Max Health %
    Monster Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BasePercentHealth*100.000000@% -> @BasePercentHealthNL*100.000000@%
    @BonusMonsterDamage@ -> @BonusMonsterDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Bramble Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai smashes his fist into the ground, dealing @TotalDamage@ plus @BasePercentHealth*100@% max Health magic damage and briefly Slowing. Nearby enemies are also Knocked Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bramble Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai smashes his fist into the ground, dealing @TotalDamage@ plus @BasePercentHealth*100@% max Health magic damage and briefly Slowing. Nearby enemies are also Knocked Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMaokai summons a colossal wall of brambles and thorns that slowly advances forwards, damaging and rooting any enemies in the path.Nature's GraspNature's Grasp@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Nature's Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai summons a colossal wave of brambles and thorns, Rooting enemies for @MinRootDuration@ to @MaxRootDuration@ seconds, increasing with distance travelled, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Hitting a champion gives Maokai @MoveHaste*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @HasteDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Maokai summons a colossal wave of brambles and thorns, Rooting enemies for @MinRootDuration@ to @MaxRootDuration@ seconds, increasing with distance travelled, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Hitting a champion gives Maokai @MoveHaste*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @HasteDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Nature's Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai summons a colossal wave of brambles and thorns, Rooting enemies for @MinRootDuration@ to @MaxRootDuration@ seconds, increasing with distance travelled, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Hitting a champion gives Maokai @MoveHaste*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @HasteDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Move Speed
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MoveHaste1Prefix@@MoveHaste1*100.000000@%@MoveHaste1Postfix@ / @MoveHaste2Prefix@@MoveHaste2*100.000000@%@MoveHaste2Postfix@ / @MoveHaste3Prefix@@MoveHaste3*100.000000@%@MoveHaste3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Nature's Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai summons a colossal wave of brambles and thorns, Rooting enemies for @MinRootDuration@ to @MaxRootDuration@ seconds, increasing with distance travelled, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Hitting a champion gives Maokai @MoveHaste*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @HasteDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Move Speed
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MoveHaste*100.000000@% -> @MoveHasteNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Move Speed
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MoveHaste1Prefix@@MoveHaste1*100.000000@%@MoveHaste1Postfix@ / @MoveHaste2Prefix@@MoveHaste2*100.000000@%@MoveHaste2Postfix@ / @MoveHaste3Prefix@@MoveHaste3*100.000000@%@MoveHaste3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MoveHaste*100.000000@% -> @MoveHasteNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Nature's Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai summons a colossal wave of brambles and thorns, Rooting enemies for @MinRootDuration@ to @MaxRootDuration@ seconds, increasing with distance travelled, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Hitting a champion gives Maokai @MoveHaste*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @HasteDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Nature's Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai summons a colossal wave of brambles and thorns, Rooting enemies for @MinRootDuration@ to @MaxRootDuration@ seconds, increasing with distance travelled, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Hitting a champion gives Maokai @MoveHaste*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @HasteDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMaokai contorts into a mass of moving roots, becoming untargetable and dashing to the target. Upon arrival, he roots the target.Twisted AdvanceTwisted Advance@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Twisted Advance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai transforms into a moving mass of roots, becoming Untargetable and dashing to an enemy. Upon arrival, he Roots the enemy for @Effect2Amount@ second(s) and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Maokai transforms into a moving mass of roots, becoming Untargetable and dashing to an enemy. Upon arrival, he Roots the enemy for @Effect2Amount@ second(s) and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Twisted Advance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai transforms into a moving mass of roots, becoming Untargetable and dashing to an enemy. Upon arrival, he Roots the enemy for @Effect2Amount@ second(s) and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Root Duration
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Twisted Advance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai transforms into a moving mass of roots, becoming Untargetable and dashing to an enemy. Upon arrival, he Roots the enemy for @Effect2Amount@ second(s) and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Root Duration
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Root Duration
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Root Duration
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Twisted Advance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai transforms into a moving mass of roots, becoming Untargetable and dashing to an enemy. Upon arrival, he Roots the enemy for @Effect2Amount@ second(s) and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Twisted Advance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai transforms into a moving mass of roots, becoming Untargetable and dashing to an enemy. Upon arrival, he Roots the enemy for @Effect2Amount@ second(s) and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMaster Yi rejuvenates his body by focus of mind, restoring Health and taking reduced damage for a short time. In addition, Master Yi will gain stacks of Double Strike and pause the remaining duration on Wuju Style and Highlander for each second he channels.MeditateMeditate@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Meditate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@BaseManaCost@ Mana (+@PercentManaCostPerSecond*100@% Max Mana per second)Master Yi channels, restoring @TotalHeal@ Health over @HealDuration@ seconds. This healing is increased by up to @MaxMissingHealthPercent*100@% based on Master Yi's missing Health.

    While channeling and for @DRLinger@ seconds afterwards, he takes @InitialDR@ reduced damage, decreased to @DamageReduction*100@% after the first @InitialExtraDRDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Master Yi channels, restoring @TotalHeal@ Health over @HealDuration@ seconds. This healing is increased by up to @MaxMissingHealthPercent*100@% based on Master Yi's missing Health.

    While channeling and for @DRLinger@ seconds afterwards, he takes @InitialDR@ reduced damage, decreased to @DamageReduction*100@% after the first @InitialExtraDRDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Meditate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@BaseManaCost@ Mana (+@PercentManaCostPerSecond*100@% Max Mana per second)Master Yi channels, restoring @TotalHeal@ Health over @HealDuration@ seconds. This healing is increased by up to @MaxMissingHealthPercent*100@% based on Master Yi's missing Health.

    While channeling and for @DRLinger@ seconds afterwards, he takes @InitialDR@ reduced damage, decreased to @DamageReduction*100@% after the first @InitialExtraDRDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Master Yi will gain stacks of Double Strike.
    Damage reduction is halved against turrets.
    Health Restored
    Damage Reduction
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ / @BaseHeal4Prefix@@BaseHeal4@@BaseHeal4Postfix@ / @BaseHeal5Prefix@@BaseHeal5@@BaseHeal5Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamageReduction1Prefix@@DamageReduction1*100.000000@%@DamageReduction1Postfix@ / @DamageReduction2Prefix@@DamageReduction2*100.000000@%@DamageReduction2Postfix@ / @DamageReduction3Prefix@@DamageReduction3*100.000000@%@DamageReduction3Postfix@ / @DamageReduction4Prefix@@DamageReduction4*100.000000@%@DamageReduction4Postfix@ / @DamageReduction5Prefix@@DamageReduction5*100.000000@%@DamageReduction5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Meditate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@BaseManaCost@ Mana (+@PercentManaCostPerSecond*100@% Max Mana per second)Master Yi channels, restoring @TotalHeal@ Health over @HealDuration@ seconds. This healing is increased by up to @MaxMissingHealthPercent*100@% based on Master Yi's missing Health.

    While channeling and for @DRLinger@ seconds afterwards, he takes @InitialDR@ reduced damage, decreased to @DamageReduction*100@% after the first @InitialExtraDRDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHealth Restored
    Damage Reduction
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @DamageReduction*100.000000@% -> @DamageReductionNL*100.000000@%
    Health Restored
    Damage Reduction
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ / @BaseHeal4Prefix@@BaseHeal4@@BaseHeal4Postfix@ / @BaseHeal5Prefix@@BaseHeal5@@BaseHeal5Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamageReduction1Prefix@@DamageReduction1*100.000000@%@DamageReduction1Postfix@ / @DamageReduction2Prefix@@DamageReduction2*100.000000@%@DamageReduction2Postfix@ / @DamageReduction3Prefix@@DamageReduction3*100.000000@%@DamageReduction3Postfix@ / @DamageReduction4Prefix@@DamageReduction4*100.000000@%@DamageReduction4Postfix@ / @DamageReduction5Prefix@@DamageReduction5*100.000000@%@DamageReduction5Postfix@ ]
    Health Restored
    Damage Reduction
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @DamageReduction*100.000000@% -> @DamageReductionNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Meditate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@BaseManaCost@ Mana (+@PercentManaCostPerSecond*100@% Max Mana per second)Master Yi channels, restoring @TotalHeal@ Health over @HealDuration@ seconds. This healing is increased by up to @MaxMissingHealthPercent*100@% based on Master Yi's missing Health.

    While channeling and for @DRLinger@ seconds afterwards, he takes @InitialDR@ reduced damage, decreased to @DamageReduction*100@% after the first @InitialExtraDRDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Meditate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@BaseManaCost@ Mana (+@PercentManaCostPerSecond*100@% Max Mana per second)Channel to reduce incoming damage and restore health over @HealDuration@ seconds.

    Attempting to move or attack will end the channel.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Meditate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@BaseManaCost@ Mana (+@PercentManaCostPerSecond*100@% Max Mana per second)Master Yi channels, restoring @TotalHeal@ Health over @HealDuration@ seconds. This healing is increased by up to @MaxMissingHealthPercent*100@% based on Master Yi's missing Health.

    While channeling and for @DRLinger@ seconds afterwards, he takes @InitialDR@ reduced damage, decreased to @DamageReduction*100@% after the first @InitialExtraDRDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoThrows a vial of mega adhesive on the ground, slowing and grounding enemies who walk on it.Mega AdhesiveMega Adhesive@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mega Adhesive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed hurls a cask of sticky liquid, Grounding and Slowing enemies in the area by @Effect1Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Singed hurls a cask of sticky liquid, Grounding and Slowing enemies in the area by @Effect1Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mega Adhesive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed hurls a cask of sticky liquid, Grounding and Slowing enemies in the area by @Effect1Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Mega Adhesive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed hurls a cask of sticky liquid, Grounding and Slowing enemies in the area by @Effect1Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Mega Adhesive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed hurls a cask of sticky liquid, Grounding and Slowing enemies in the area by @Effect1Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mega Adhesive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Singed hurls a cask of sticky liquid, Grounding and Slowing enemies in the area by @Effect1Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMiss Fortune channels a barrage of bullets into a cone in front of her, dealing large amounts of damage to enemies. Each wave of Bullet Time can critically strikeBullet Time@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bullet Time@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune channels a barrage of bullets, firing @TotalWaves@ waves over @TotalChannelDuration@ seconds, dealing @PhysicalDamagePerWave@ physical damage per wave (total @TotalPhysicalDamage@ physical damage).

    Each wave can critically strike for %i:scaleCrit% @PhysicalCritPerWave@ physical damage (total %i:scaleCrit% @TotalPhysicalCritDamage@ physical damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Miss Fortune channels a barrage of bullets, firing @TotalWaves@ waves over @TotalChannelDuration@ seconds, dealing @PhysicalDamagePerWave@ physical damage per wave (total @TotalPhysicalDamage@ physical damage).

    Each wave can critically strike for %i:scaleCrit% @PhysicalCritPerWave@ physical damage (total %i:scaleCrit% @TotalPhysicalCritDamage@ physical damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bullet Time@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune channels a barrage of bullets, firing @TotalWaves@ waves over @TotalChannelDuration@ seconds, dealing @PhysicalDamagePerWave@ physical damage per wave (total @TotalPhysicalDamage@ physical damage).

    Each wave can critically strike for %i:scaleCrit% @PhysicalCritPerWave@ physical damage (total %i:scaleCrit% @TotalPhysicalCritDamage@ physical damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Bullet Barrages
    [ @BaseWaves1Prefix@@BaseWaves1@@BaseWaves1Postfix@ / @BaseWaves2Prefix@@BaseWaves2@@BaseWaves2Postfix@ / @BaseWaves3Prefix@@BaseWaves3@@BaseWaves3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bullet Time@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune channels a barrage of bullets, firing @TotalWaves@ waves over @TotalChannelDuration@ seconds, dealing @PhysicalDamagePerWave@ physical damage per wave (total @TotalPhysicalDamage@ physical damage).

    Each wave can critically strike for %i:scaleCrit% @PhysicalCritPerWave@ physical damage (total %i:scaleCrit% @TotalPhysicalCritDamage@ physical damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBullet Barrages
    @BaseWaves@ -> @BaseWavesNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Bullet Barrages
    [ @BaseWaves1Prefix@@BaseWaves1@@BaseWaves1Postfix@ / @BaseWaves2Prefix@@BaseWaves2@@BaseWaves2Postfix@ / @BaseWaves3Prefix@@BaseWaves3@@BaseWaves3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Bullet Barrages
    @BaseWaves@ -> @BaseWavesNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Bullet Time@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune channels a barrage of bullets, firing @TotalWaves@ waves over @TotalChannelDuration@ seconds, dealing @PhysicalDamagePerWave@ physical damage per wave (total @TotalPhysicalDamage@ physical damage).

    Each wave can critically strike for %i:scaleCrit% @PhysicalCritPerWave@ physical damage (total %i:scaleCrit% @TotalPhysicalCritDamage@ physical damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bullet Time@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Channel: Miss Fortune unleash a barrage of bullets, dealing massive damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bullet Time@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune channels a barrage of bullets, firing @TotalWaves@ waves over @TotalChannelDuration@ seconds, dealing @PhysicalDamagePerWave@ physical damage per wave (total @TotalPhysicalDamage@ physical damage).

    Each wave can critically strike for %i:scaleCrit% @PhysicalCritPerWave@ physical damage (total %i:scaleCrit% @TotalPhysicalCritDamage@ physical damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMiss Fortune fires a bullet at an enemy, damaging them and a target behind them. Both strikes can also apply Love Tap.Double UpDouble Up@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Double Up@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune fires a bouncing shot, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to an enemy and to another one behind them.

    The second shot can critically strike. It always critically strikes if the first shot kills its target. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Miss Fortune fires a bouncing shot, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to an enemy and to another one behind them.

    The second shot can critically strike. It always critically strikes if the first shot kills its target. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Double Up@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune fires a bouncing shot, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to an enemy and to another one behind them.

    The second shot can critically strike. It always critically strikes if the first shot kills its target. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Both strikes apply on-hit effects.@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Double Up@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune fires a bouncing shot, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to an enemy and to another one behind them.

    The second shot can critically strike. It always critically strikes if the first shot kills its target. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Double Up@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune fires a bouncing shot, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to an enemy and to another one behind them.

    The second shot can critically strike. It always critically strikes if the first shot kills its target. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Double Up@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Fires a bouncing shot, damaging the target and another enemy behind.

    If this kills the first target, deals extra damage to the second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Double Up@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune fires a bouncing shot, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to an enemy and to another one behind them.

    The second shot can critically strike. It always critically strikes if the first shot kills its target. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMiss Fortune reveals an area with a flurry of bullets, dealing waves of damage to opponents and slowing them.Make It RainMake It Rain@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Make It Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune rains bullets, revealing an area, Slowing by @TotalSlowAmount@ and dealing @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @BaseDuration@ seconds (total @TotalDamage@ magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Miss Fortune rains bullets, revealing an area, Slowing by @TotalSlowAmount@ and dealing @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @BaseDuration@ seconds (total @TotalDamage@ magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Make It Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune rains bullets, revealing an area, Slowing by @TotalSlowAmount@ and dealing @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @BaseDuration@ seconds (total @TotalDamage@ magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage Per Second
    [ @BaseDamagePerSecond1Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond1@@BaseDamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond2Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond2@@BaseDamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond3Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond3@@BaseDamagePerSecond3Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond4Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond4@@BaseDamagePerSecond4Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond5Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond5@@BaseDamagePerSecond5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Make It Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune rains bullets, revealing an area, Slowing by @TotalSlowAmount@ and dealing @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @BaseDuration@ seconds (total @TotalDamage@ magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Per Second
    @BaseDamagePerSecond@ -> @BaseDamagePerSecondNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Make It Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune rains bullets, revealing an area, Slowing by @TotalSlowAmount@ and dealing @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @BaseDuration@ seconds (total @TotalDamage@ magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Make It Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune showers the area with bullets, damaging and slowing enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Make It Rain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Miss Fortune rains bullets, revealing an area, Slowing by @TotalSlowAmount@ and dealing @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @BaseDuration@ seconds (total @TotalDamage@ magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMiss Fortune passively gains Move Speed when not attacked. This ability can be activated to grant bonus Attack Speed for a short duration. While it's on cooldown, Love Taps reduce the remaining cooldown of Strut.StrutStrut@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Strut@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: After @PassiveBaseMSOOC@ seconds of not taking damage, Miss Fortune gains @PassiveBaseMS@ Move Speed. After another @PassiveMaxMSExtraOOC@ seconds, this increases to @PassiveMaxMS@.

    Active: Gain the passive effect's full Move Speed bonus and @ActiveAS*100@% Attack Speed for @ActiveDuration@ seconds.

    Love Taps reduce the Cooldown of this Ability by @LoveTapRefund@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: After @PassiveBaseMSOOC@ seconds of not taking damage, Miss Fortune gains @PassiveBaseMS@ Move Speed. After another @PassiveMaxMSExtraOOC@ seconds, this increases to @PassiveMaxMS@.

    Active: Gain the passive effect's full Move Speed bonus and @ActiveAS*100@% Attack Speed for @ActiveDuration@ seconds.

    Love Taps reduce the Cooldown of this Ability by @LoveTapRefund@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Strut@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: After @PassiveBaseMSOOC@ seconds of not taking damage, Miss Fortune gains @PassiveBaseMS@ Move Speed. After another @PassiveMaxMSExtraOOC@ seconds, this increases to @PassiveMaxMS@.

    Active: Gain the passive effect's full Move Speed bonus and @ActiveAS*100@% Attack Speed for @ActiveDuration@ seconds.

    Love Taps reduce the Cooldown of this Ability by @LoveTapRefund@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    [ @PassiveMaxMS1Prefix@@PassiveMaxMS1@@PassiveMaxMS1Postfix@ / @PassiveMaxMS2Prefix@@PassiveMaxMS2@@PassiveMaxMS2Postfix@ / @PassiveMaxMS3Prefix@@PassiveMaxMS3@@PassiveMaxMS3Postfix@ / @PassiveMaxMS4Prefix@@PassiveMaxMS4@@PassiveMaxMS4Postfix@ / @PassiveMaxMS5Prefix@@PassiveMaxMS5@@PassiveMaxMS5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveAS1Prefix@@ActiveAS1*100.000000@%@ActiveAS1Postfix@ / @ActiveAS2Prefix@@ActiveAS2*100.000000@%@ActiveAS2Postfix@ / @ActiveAS3Prefix@@ActiveAS3*100.000000@%@ActiveAS3Postfix@ / @ActiveAS4Prefix@@ActiveAS4*100.000000@%@ActiveAS4Postfix@ / @ActiveAS5Prefix@@ActiveAS5*100.000000@%@ActiveAS5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Strut@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: After @PassiveBaseMSOOC@ seconds of not taking damage, Miss Fortune gains @PassiveBaseMS@ Move Speed. After another @PassiveMaxMSExtraOOC@ seconds, this increases to @PassiveMaxMS@.

    Active: Gain the passive effect's full Move Speed bonus and @ActiveAS*100@% Attack Speed for @ActiveDuration@ seconds.

    Love Taps reduce the Cooldown of this Ability by @LoveTapRefund@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMove Speed
    Attack Speed
    @PassiveMaxMS@ -> @PassiveMaxMSNL@
    @ActiveAS*100.000000@% -> @ActiveASNL*100.000000@%
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    [ @PassiveMaxMS1Prefix@@PassiveMaxMS1@@PassiveMaxMS1Postfix@ / @PassiveMaxMS2Prefix@@PassiveMaxMS2@@PassiveMaxMS2Postfix@ / @PassiveMaxMS3Prefix@@PassiveMaxMS3@@PassiveMaxMS3Postfix@ / @PassiveMaxMS4Prefix@@PassiveMaxMS4@@PassiveMaxMS4Postfix@ / @PassiveMaxMS5Prefix@@PassiveMaxMS5@@PassiveMaxMS5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveAS1Prefix@@ActiveAS1*100.000000@%@ActiveAS1Postfix@ / @ActiveAS2Prefix@@ActiveAS2*100.000000@%@ActiveAS2Postfix@ / @ActiveAS3Prefix@@ActiveAS3*100.000000@%@ActiveAS3Postfix@ / @ActiveAS4Prefix@@ActiveAS4*100.000000@%@ActiveAS4Postfix@ / @ActiveAS5Prefix@@ActiveAS5*100.000000@%@ActiveAS5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    @PassiveMaxMS@ -> @PassiveMaxMSNL@
    @ActiveAS*100.000000@% -> @ActiveASNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Strut@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: After @PassiveBaseMSOOC@ seconds of not taking damage, Miss Fortune gains @PassiveBaseMS@ Move Speed. After another @PassiveMaxMSExtraOOC@ seconds, this increases to @PassiveMaxMS@.

    Active: Gain the passive effect's full Move Speed bonus and @ActiveAS*100@% Attack Speed for @ActiveDuration@ seconds.

    Love Taps reduce the Cooldown of this Ability by @LoveTapRefund@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Strut@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Gain up to @PassiveMaxMS@ Move Speed if you haven't taken damage recently.

    Active: Gain @ActiveAS*100@% Attack Speed for @ActiveDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Strut@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: After @PassiveBaseMSOOC@ seconds of not taking damage, Miss Fortune gains @PassiveBaseMS@ Move Speed. After another @PassiveMaxMSExtraOOC@ seconds, this increases to @PassiveMaxMS@.

    Active: Gain the passive effect's full Move Speed bonus and @ActiveAS*100@% Attack Speed for @ActiveDuration@ seconds.

    Love Taps reduce the Cooldown of this Ability by @LoveTapRefund@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCorki fires a missile toward his target location that explodes on impact, dealing damage to enemies in an area. Corki stores missiles over time, up to a maximum. Every 3rd missile fired will be a Big One, dealing extra damage.Missile Barrage@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Missile Barrage@AmmoRechargeTime@s Ammo Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki fires a missile that explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing @RSmallMissileDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies. Every third missile instead deals @RBigMissileDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 7 charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Corki fires a missile that explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing @RSmallMissileDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies. Every third missile instead deals @RBigMissileDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 7 charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Missile Barrage@AmmoRechargeTime@s Ammo Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki fires a missile that explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing @RSmallMissileDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies. Every third missile instead deals @RBigMissileDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 7 charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Attack Damage Ratio
    Missile Recharge Time
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RADRatio1Prefix@@RADRatio1*100.000000@%@RADRatio1Postfix@ / @RADRatio2Prefix@@RADRatio2*100.000000@%@RADRatio2Postfix@ / @RADRatio3Prefix@@RADRatio3*100.000000@%@RADRatio3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Missile Barrage@AmmoRechargeTime@s Ammo Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki fires a missile that explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing @RSmallMissileDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies. Every third missile instead deals @RBigMissileDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 7 charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Attack Damage Ratio
    Missile Recharge Time
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @RADRatio*100.000000@% -> @RADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    Attack Damage Ratio
    Missile Recharge Time
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RADRatio1Prefix@@RADRatio1*100.000000@%@RADRatio1Postfix@ / @RADRatio2Prefix@@RADRatio2*100.000000@%@RADRatio2Postfix@ / @RADRatio3Prefix@@RADRatio3*100.000000@%@RADRatio3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ ]
    Attack Damage Ratio
    Missile Recharge Time
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @RADRatio*100.000000@% -> @RADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Missile Barrage@AmmoRechargeTime@s Ammo Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki fires a missile that explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing @RSmallMissileDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies. Every third missile instead deals @RBigMissileDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 7 charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Missile Barrage@AmmoRechargeTime@s Ammo Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki fires a missile that explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing @RSmallMissileDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies. Every third missile instead deals @RBigMissileDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 7 charges.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWukong becomes Invisible and dashes in a direction, leaving behind a clone that will attack nearby enemies.Warrior TricksterWarrior Trickster@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Warrior Trickster@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong dashes and becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ second, leaving behind a stationary Clone for @CloneDuration@ seconds.

    The Clone Attacks nearby enemies Wukong has recently damaged and will mimic his ultimate, each dealing @CloneDamageMod*100@% of normal damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Wukong dashes and becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ second, leaving behind a stationary Clone for @CloneDuration@ seconds.

    The Clone Attacks nearby enemies Wukong has recently damaged and will mimic his ultimate, each dealing @CloneDamageMod*100@% of normal damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Warrior Trickster@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong dashes and becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ second, leaving behind a stationary Clone for @CloneDuration@ seconds.

    The Clone Attacks nearby enemies Wukong has recently damaged and will mimic his ultimate, each dealing @CloneDamageMod*100@% of normal damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Invisible units cannot be revealed except by turrets or true sight.Damage Percent
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @CloneDamageMod1Prefix@@CloneDamageMod1*100.000000@%@CloneDamageMod1Postfix@ / @CloneDamageMod2Prefix@@CloneDamageMod2*100.000000@%@CloneDamageMod2Postfix@ / @CloneDamageMod3Prefix@@CloneDamageMod3*100.000000@%@CloneDamageMod3Postfix@ / @CloneDamageMod4Prefix@@CloneDamageMod4*100.000000@%@CloneDamageMod4Postfix@ / @CloneDamageMod5Prefix@@CloneDamageMod5*100.000000@%@CloneDamageMod5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Warrior Trickster@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong dashes and becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ second, leaving behind a stationary Clone for @CloneDuration@ seconds.

    The Clone Attacks nearby enemies Wukong has recently damaged and will mimic his ultimate, each dealing @CloneDamageMod*100@% of normal damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Percent
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @CloneDamageMod*100.000000@% -> @CloneDamageModNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Damage Percent
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @CloneDamageMod1Prefix@@CloneDamageMod1*100.000000@%@CloneDamageMod1Postfix@ / @CloneDamageMod2Prefix@@CloneDamageMod2*100.000000@%@CloneDamageMod2Postfix@ / @CloneDamageMod3Prefix@@CloneDamageMod3*100.000000@%@CloneDamageMod3Postfix@ / @CloneDamageMod4Prefix@@CloneDamageMod4*100.000000@%@CloneDamageMod4Postfix@ / @CloneDamageMod5Prefix@@CloneDamageMod5*100.000000@%@CloneDamageMod5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Damage Percent
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @CloneDamageMod*100.000000@% -> @CloneDamageModNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Warrior Trickster@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong dashes and becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ second, leaving behind a stationary Clone for @CloneDuration@ seconds.

    The Clone Attacks nearby enemies Wukong has recently damaged and will mimic his ultimate, each dealing @CloneDamageMod*100@% of normal damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Warrior Trickster@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong dashes and becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ second, leaving behind a stationary Clone for @CloneDuration@ seconds.

    The Clone Attacks nearby enemies Wukong has recently damaged and will mimic his ultimate, each dealing @CloneDamageMod*100@% of normal damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWukong's next attack gains attack range, deals bonus damage, and reduces the target's armor for a few seconds.Crushing Blow@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crushing Blow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong and his Clone's next Attack gains @AttackRangeBonus@ range, deals an additional @BonusDamageTT@ physical damage, and removes @ArmorShredPercent*100@% Armor for @ShredDuration@ seconds.

    This Ability's cooldown is reduced by @CooldownDecrease@ seconds every time Wukong or his Clone hit an enemy with an Attack or Ability.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Wukong and his Clone's next Attack gains @AttackRangeBonus@ range, deals an additional @BonusDamageTT@ physical damage, and removes @ArmorShredPercent*100@% Armor for @ShredDuration@ seconds.

    This Ability's cooldown is reduced by @CooldownDecrease@ seconds every time Wukong or his Clone hit an enemy with an Attack or Ability.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crushing Blow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong and his Clone's next Attack gains @AttackRangeBonus@ range, deals an additional @BonusDamageTT@ physical damage, and removes @ArmorShredPercent*100@% Armor for @ShredDuration@ seconds.

    This Ability's cooldown is reduced by @CooldownDecrease@ seconds every time Wukong or his Clone hit an enemy with an Attack or Ability.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Armor Reduction %
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ArmorShredPercent1Prefix@@ArmorShredPercent1*100.000000@%@ArmorShredPercent1Postfix@ / @ArmorShredPercent2Prefix@@ArmorShredPercent2*100.000000@%@ArmorShredPercent2Postfix@ / @ArmorShredPercent3Prefix@@ArmorShredPercent3*100.000000@%@ArmorShredPercent3Postfix@ / @ArmorShredPercent4Prefix@@ArmorShredPercent4*100.000000@%@ArmorShredPercent4Postfix@ / @ArmorShredPercent5Prefix@@ArmorShredPercent5*100.000000@%@ArmorShredPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackRangeBonus1Prefix@@AttackRangeBonus1@@AttackRangeBonus1Postfix@ / @AttackRangeBonus2Prefix@@AttackRangeBonus2@@AttackRangeBonus2Postfix@ / @AttackRangeBonus3Prefix@@AttackRangeBonus3@@AttackRangeBonus3Postfix@ / @AttackRangeBonus4Prefix@@AttackRangeBonus4@@AttackRangeBonus4Postfix@ / @AttackRangeBonus5Prefix@@AttackRangeBonus5@@AttackRangeBonus5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Crushing Blow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong and his Clone's next Attack gains @AttackRangeBonus@ range, deals an additional @BonusDamageTT@ physical damage, and removes @ArmorShredPercent*100@% Armor for @ShredDuration@ seconds.

    This Ability's cooldown is reduced by @CooldownDecrease@ seconds every time Wukong or his Clone hit an enemy with an Attack or Ability.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Armor Reduction %
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ArmorShredPercent*100.000000@% -> @ArmorShredPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @AttackRangeBonus@ -> @AttackRangeBonusNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Armor Reduction %
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ArmorShredPercent1Prefix@@ArmorShredPercent1*100.000000@%@ArmorShredPercent1Postfix@ / @ArmorShredPercent2Prefix@@ArmorShredPercent2*100.000000@%@ArmorShredPercent2Postfix@ / @ArmorShredPercent3Prefix@@ArmorShredPercent3*100.000000@%@ArmorShredPercent3Postfix@ / @ArmorShredPercent4Prefix@@ArmorShredPercent4*100.000000@%@ArmorShredPercent4Postfix@ / @ArmorShredPercent5Prefix@@ArmorShredPercent5*100.000000@%@ArmorShredPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackRangeBonus1Prefix@@AttackRangeBonus1@@AttackRangeBonus1Postfix@ / @AttackRangeBonus2Prefix@@AttackRangeBonus2@@AttackRangeBonus2Postfix@ / @AttackRangeBonus3Prefix@@AttackRangeBonus3@@AttackRangeBonus3Postfix@ / @AttackRangeBonus4Prefix@@AttackRangeBonus4@@AttackRangeBonus4Postfix@ / @AttackRangeBonus5Prefix@@AttackRangeBonus5@@AttackRangeBonus5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Armor Reduction %
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ArmorShredPercent*100.000000@% -> @ArmorShredPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @AttackRangeBonus@ -> @AttackRangeBonusNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Crushing Blow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong and his Clone's next Attack gains @AttackRangeBonus@ range, deals an additional @BonusDamageTT@ physical damage, and removes @ArmorShredPercent*100@% Armor for @ShredDuration@ seconds.

    This Ability's cooldown is reduced by @CooldownDecrease@ seconds every time Wukong or his Clone hit an enemy with an Attack or Ability.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Crushing Blow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong and his Clone's next Attack gains @AttackRangeBonus@ range, deals an additional @BonusDamageTT@ physical damage, and removes @ArmorShredPercent*100@% Armor for @ShredDuration@ seconds.

    This Ability's cooldown is reduced by @CooldownDecrease@ seconds every time Wukong or his Clone hit an enemy with an Attack or Ability.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWukong dashes to a targeted enemy and sends out images to attack enemies near his target, dealing damage to each enemy struck.Nimbus StrikeNimbus Strike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Nimbus Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong dashes to an enemy, sending out Clones that mimic the dash to up to @ExtraTargets@ additional enemies nearby. Each enemy struck takes @TotalDamage@ magic damage. He and his Clone gain @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for @AttackSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Deals @TotalDamageMonsters@ damage to monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Wukong dashes to an enemy, sending out Clones that mimic the dash to up to @ExtraTargets@ additional enemies nearby. Each enemy struck takes @TotalDamage@ magic damage. He and his Clone gain @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for @AttackSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Deals @TotalDamageMonsters@ damage to monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Nimbus Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong dashes to an enemy, sending out Clones that mimic the dash to up to @ExtraTargets@ additional enemies nearby. Each enemy struck takes @TotalDamage@ magic damage. He and his Clone gain @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for @AttackSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Deals @TotalDamageMonsters@ damage to monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Attack Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackSpeed1Prefix@@AttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed2Prefix@@AttackSpeed2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed3Prefix@@AttackSpeed3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed3Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed4Prefix@@AttackSpeed4*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed4Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed5Prefix@@AttackSpeed5*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Nimbus Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong dashes to an enemy, sending out Clones that mimic the dash to up to @ExtraTargets@ additional enemies nearby. Each enemy struck takes @TotalDamage@ magic damage. He and his Clone gain @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for @AttackSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Deals @TotalDamageMonsters@ damage to monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Attack Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @AttackSpeed*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Attack Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackSpeed1Prefix@@AttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed2Prefix@@AttackSpeed2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed3Prefix@@AttackSpeed3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed3Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed4Prefix@@AttackSpeed4*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed4Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed5Prefix@@AttackSpeed5*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @AttackSpeed*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Nimbus Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong dashes to an enemy, sending out Clones that mimic the dash to up to @ExtraTargets@ additional enemies nearby. Each enemy struck takes @TotalDamage@ magic damage. He and his Clone gain @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for @AttackSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Deals @TotalDamageMonsters@ damage to monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Nimbus Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong dashes to an enemy, sending out Clones that mimic the dash to up to @ExtraTargets@ additional enemies nearby. Each enemy struck takes @TotalDamage@ magic damage. He and his Clone gain @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for @AttackSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Deals @TotalDamageMonsters@ damage to monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWukong's extends his staff and spins it around repeatedly, gaining Move Speed.

    Enemies struck take damage and are knocked up.CycloneCyclone@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cyclone@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed and spins his staff, Knocking Up nearby enemies for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and take @TotalDamageTT@ plus @PercentHPDamageTT@ max Health physical damage over @SpinDuration@ seconds.

    This Ability can be cast a second time within @RecastWindow@ seconds before going on cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Wukong gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed and spins his staff, Knocking Up nearby enemies for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and take @TotalDamageTT@ plus @PercentHPDamageTT@ max Health physical damage over @SpinDuration@ seconds.

    This Ability can be cast a second time within @RecastWindow@ seconds before going on cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cyclone@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed and spins his staff, Knocking Up nearby enemies for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and take @TotalDamageTT@ plus @PercentHPDamageTT@ max Health physical damage over @SpinDuration@ seconds.

    This Ability can be cast a second time within @RecastWindow@ seconds before going on cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage to jungle monsters is capped at @MonsterCapTT@ damage over @SpinDuration@ seconds.Maximum Health Damage
    [ @BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec1Prefix@@BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec1*100.000000@%@BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec1Postfix@ / @BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec2Prefix@@BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec2*100.000000@%@BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec2Postfix@ / @BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec3Prefix@@BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec3*100.000000@%@BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Cyclone@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed and spins his staff, Knocking Up nearby enemies for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and take @TotalDamageTT@ plus @PercentHPDamageTT@ max Health physical damage over @SpinDuration@ seconds.

    This Ability can be cast a second time within @RecastWindow@ seconds before going on cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMaximum Health Damage
    @BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec*100.000000@% -> @BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSecNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Maximum Health Damage
    [ @BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec1Prefix@@BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec1*100.000000@%@BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec1Postfix@ / @BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec2Prefix@@BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec2*100.000000@%@BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec2Postfix@ / @BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec3Prefix@@BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec3*100.000000@%@BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Maximum Health Damage
    @BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSec*100.000000@% -> @BasePercentMaxHPDmgPerSecNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Cyclone@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed and spins his staff, Knocking Up nearby enemies for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and take @TotalDamageTT@ plus @PercentHPDamageTT@ max Health physical damage over @SpinDuration@ seconds.

    This Ability can be cast a second time within @RecastWindow@ seconds before going on cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Cyclone@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Wukong gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed and spins his staff, Knocking Up nearby enemies for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and take @TotalDamageTT@ plus @PercentHPDamageTT@ max Health physical damage over @SpinDuration@ seconds.

    This Ability can be cast a second time within @RecastWindow@ seconds before going on cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMordekaiser pulls all enemies in an area.Death's Grasp@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Death's Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Mordekaiser gains @MagicPen*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Active: Mordekaiser pulls enemies in his direction, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Mordekaiser gains @MagicPen*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Active: Mordekaiser pulls enemies in his direction, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Death's Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Mordekaiser gains @MagicPen*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Active: Mordekaiser pulls enemies in his direction, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Percent Magic Penetration
    [ @MagicPen1Prefix@@MagicPen1*100.000000@%@MagicPen1Postfix@ / @MagicPen2Prefix@@MagicPen2*100.000000@%@MagicPen2Postfix@ / @MagicPen3Prefix@@MagicPen3*100.000000@%@MagicPen3Postfix@ / @MagicPen4Prefix@@MagicPen4*100.000000@%@MagicPen4Postfix@ / @MagicPen5Prefix@@MagicPen5*100.000000@%@MagicPen5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Death's Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Mordekaiser gains @MagicPen*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Active: Mordekaiser pulls enemies in his direction, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPercent Magic Penetration
    @MagicPen*100.000000@% -> @MagicPenNL*100.000000@%
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Percent Magic Penetration
    [ @MagicPen1Prefix@@MagicPen1*100.000000@%@MagicPen1Postfix@ / @MagicPen2Prefix@@MagicPen2*100.000000@%@MagicPen2Postfix@ / @MagicPen3Prefix@@MagicPen3*100.000000@%@MagicPen3Postfix@ / @MagicPen4Prefix@@MagicPen4*100.000000@%@MagicPen4Postfix@ / @MagicPen5Prefix@@MagicPen5*100.000000@%@MagicPen5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Percent Magic Penetration
    @MagicPen*100.000000@% -> @MagicPenNL*100.000000@%
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Death's Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Mordekaiser gains @MagicPen*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Active: Mordekaiser pulls enemies in his direction, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Death's Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Mordekaiser gains @MagicPen*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Active: Mordekaiser pulls enemies in his direction, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMordekaiser smashes the ground with his mace dealing damage to each enemy struck. Damage is increased when hitting a single enemy.Obliterate@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Obliterate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMordekaiser smashes the ground with Nightfall dealing @QDamage@ magic damage, increased to @EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ if it hits only a single enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mordekaiser smashes the ground with Nightfall dealing @QDamage@ magic damage, increased to @EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ if it hits only a single enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Obliterate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMordekaiser smashes the ground with Nightfall dealing @QDamage@ magic damage, increased to @EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ if it hits only a single enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Isolation Damage
    [ @IsolationScalar1Prefix@@IsolationScalar1*100.000000@%@IsolationScalar1Postfix@ / @IsolationScalar2Prefix@@IsolationScalar2*100.000000@%@IsolationScalar2Postfix@ / @IsolationScalar3Prefix@@IsolationScalar3*100.000000@%@IsolationScalar3Postfix@ / @IsolationScalar4Prefix@@IsolationScalar4*100.000000@%@IsolationScalar4Postfix@ / @IsolationScalar5Prefix@@IsolationScalar5*100.000000@%@IsolationScalar5Postfix@ ]
    [ @QBaseDamage1Prefix@@QBaseDamage1@@QBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage2Prefix@@QBaseDamage2@@QBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage3Prefix@@QBaseDamage3@@QBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage4Prefix@@QBaseDamage4@@QBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage5Prefix@@QBaseDamage5@@QBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Obliterate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMordekaiser smashes the ground with Nightfall dealing @QDamage@ magic damage, increased to @EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ if it hits only a single enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upIsolation Damage
    @IsolationScalar*100.000000@% -> @IsolationScalarNL*100.000000@%
    @QBaseDamage@ -> @QBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Isolation Damage
    [ @IsolationScalar1Prefix@@IsolationScalar1*100.000000@%@IsolationScalar1Postfix@ / @IsolationScalar2Prefix@@IsolationScalar2*100.000000@%@IsolationScalar2Postfix@ / @IsolationScalar3Prefix@@IsolationScalar3*100.000000@%@IsolationScalar3Postfix@ / @IsolationScalar4Prefix@@IsolationScalar4*100.000000@%@IsolationScalar4Postfix@ / @IsolationScalar5Prefix@@IsolationScalar5*100.000000@%@IsolationScalar5Postfix@ ]
    [ @QBaseDamage1Prefix@@QBaseDamage1@@QBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage2Prefix@@QBaseDamage2@@QBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage3Prefix@@QBaseDamage3@@QBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage4Prefix@@QBaseDamage4@@QBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage5Prefix@@QBaseDamage5@@QBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Isolation Damage
    @IsolationScalar*100.000000@% -> @IsolationScalarNL*100.000000@%
    @QBaseDamage@ -> @QBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Obliterate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMordekaiser smashes the ground with Nightfall dealing @QDamage@ magic damage, increased to @EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ if it hits only a single enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Obliterate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMordekaiser smashes the ground with Nightfall dealing @QDamage@ magic damage, increased to @EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ if it hits only a single enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMordekaiser drags his victim to a different dimension with him and steals a portion of their stats. If he kills them, he keeps the stats until the victim respawns.Realm of DeathRealm of Death@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Realm of Death@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMordekaiser banishes a champion to the Death Realm with him for @SpiritRealmDuration@s, stealing @StatStealPercentScalar*100@% of their core stats for the duration.

    If Mordekaiser kills that enemy in the Death Realm he consumes their soul, keeping the stats he stole until the target respawns.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Mordekaiser banishes a champion to the Death Realm with him for @SpiritRealmDuration@s, stealing @StatStealPercentScalar*100@% of their core stats for the duration.

    If Mordekaiser kills that enemy in the Death Realm he consumes their soul, keeping the stats he stole until the target respawns.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Realm of Death@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMordekaiser banishes a champion to the Death Realm with him for @SpiritRealmDuration@s, stealing @StatStealPercentScalar*100@% of their core stats for the duration.

    If Mordekaiser kills that enemy in the Death Realm he consumes their soul, keeping the stats he stole until the target respawns.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Core stats stolen include: Ability Power, Attack Damage, Attack Speed, Armor, Magic Resist, and Maximum Health.Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Realm of Death@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMordekaiser banishes a champion to the Death Realm with him for @SpiritRealmDuration@s, stealing @StatStealPercentScalar*100@% of their core stats for the duration.

    If Mordekaiser kills that enemy in the Death Realm he consumes their soul, keeping the stats he stole until the target respawns.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@[@Hotkey@] Realm of Death@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMordekaiser banishes a champion to the Death Realm with him for @SpiritRealmDuration@s, stealing @StatStealPercentScalar*100@% of their core stats for the duration.

    If Mordekaiser kills that enemy in the Death Realm he consumes their soul, keeping the stats he stole until the target respawns.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Realm of Death@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMordekaiser banishes a champion to the Death Realm with him for @SpiritRealmDuration@s, stealing @StatStealPercentScalar*100@% of their core stats for the duration.

    If Mordekaiser kills that enemy in the Death Realm he consumes their soul, keeping the stats he stole until the target respawns.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMordekaiser stores damage he deals and takes to create a shield. He may consume the shield to heal.Indestructible@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Indestructible@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Mordekaiser stores @DamageConversion*100@% of the damage he deals and @DamageTakenConversion*100@% of the damage he takes.

    Active: Mordekaiser gains the stored damage as Shield. He may Recast this Ability to restore @HealingPercent*100@% of the remaining Shield as Health.

    Minimum Shield: @MinHealthTooltip@
    Maximum Shield: @MaxHealthTooltip@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Mordekaiser stores @DamageConversion*100@% of the damage he deals and @DamageTakenConversion*100@% of the damage he takes.

    Active: Mordekaiser gains the stored damage as Shield. He may Recast this Ability to restore @HealingPercent*100@% of the remaining Shield as Health.

    Minimum Shield: @MinHealthTooltip@
    Maximum Shield: @MaxHealthTooltip@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Indestructible@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Mordekaiser stores @DamageConversion*100@% of the damage he deals and @DamageTakenConversion*100@% of the damage he takes.

    Active: Mordekaiser gains the stored damage as Shield. He may Recast this Ability to restore @HealingPercent*100@% of the remaining Shield as Health.

    Minimum Shield: @MinHealthTooltip@
    Maximum Shield: @MaxHealthTooltip@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shield decays over time.
    Damage stored from non-champion sources reduced by 75%.
    Healing Percent
    [ @HealingPercent1Prefix@@HealingPercent1*100.000000@%@HealingPercent1Postfix@ / @HealingPercent2Prefix@@HealingPercent2*100.000000@%@HealingPercent2Postfix@ / @HealingPercent3Prefix@@HealingPercent3*100.000000@%@HealingPercent3Postfix@ / @HealingPercent4Prefix@@HealingPercent4*100.000000@%@HealingPercent4Postfix@ / @HealingPercent5Prefix@@HealingPercent5*100.000000@%@HealingPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Indestructible@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Mordekaiser stores @DamageConversion*100@% of the damage he deals and @DamageTakenConversion*100@% of the damage he takes.

    Active: Mordekaiser gains the stored damage as Shield. He may Recast this Ability to restore @HealingPercent*100@% of the remaining Shield as Health.

    Minimum Shield: @MinHealthTooltip@
    Maximum Shield: @MaxHealthTooltip@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHealing Percent
    @HealingPercent*100.000000@% -> @HealingPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Healing Percent
    [ @HealingPercent1Prefix@@HealingPercent1*100.000000@%@HealingPercent1Postfix@ / @HealingPercent2Prefix@@HealingPercent2*100.000000@%@HealingPercent2Postfix@ / @HealingPercent3Prefix@@HealingPercent3*100.000000@%@HealingPercent3Postfix@ / @HealingPercent4Prefix@@HealingPercent4*100.000000@%@HealingPercent4Postfix@ / @HealingPercent5Prefix@@HealingPercent5*100.000000@%@HealingPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Healing Percent
    @HealingPercent*100.000000@% -> @HealingPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Indestructible@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Mordekaiser stores @DamageConversion*100@% of the damage he deals and @DamageTakenConversion*100@% of the damage he takes.

    Active: Mordekaiser gains the stored damage as Shield. He may Recast this Ability to restore @HealingPercent*100@% of the remaining Shield as Health.

    Minimum Shield: @MinHealthTooltip@
    Maximum Shield: @MaxHealthTooltip@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Indestructible@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Mordekaiser stores @DamageConversion*100@% of the damage he deals and @DamageTakenConversion*100@% of the damage he takes.

    Active: Mordekaiser gains the stored damage as Shield. He may Recast this Ability to restore @HealingPercent*100@% of the remaining Shield as Health.

    Minimum Shield: @MinHealthTooltip@
    Maximum Shield: @MaxHealthTooltip@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMorgana anoints an ally with a protective barrier of starfire, which absorbs magical damage and disabling effects until it is broken.Black Shield@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Black Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana grants an ally champion @TotalShieldStrength@ Magic Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The shield prevents Disabling and Immobilizing effects until it breaks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Morgana grants an ally champion @TotalShieldStrength@ Magic Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The shield prevents Disabling and Immobilizing effects until it breaks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Black Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana grants an ally champion @TotalShieldStrength@ Magic Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The shield prevents Disabling and Immobilizing effects until it breaks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Shield Amount
    [ @ShieldStrength1Prefix@@ShieldStrength1@@ShieldStrength1Postfix@ / @ShieldStrength2Prefix@@ShieldStrength2@@ShieldStrength2Postfix@ / @ShieldStrength3Prefix@@ShieldStrength3@@ShieldStrength3Postfix@ / @ShieldStrength4Prefix@@ShieldStrength4@@ShieldStrength4Postfix@ / @ShieldStrength5Prefix@@ShieldStrength5@@ShieldStrength5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Black Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana grants an ally champion @TotalShieldStrength@ Magic Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The shield prevents Disabling and Immobilizing effects until it breaks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    @ShieldStrength@ -> @ShieldStrengthNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Shield Amount
    [ @ShieldStrength1Prefix@@ShieldStrength1@@ShieldStrength1Postfix@ / @ShieldStrength2Prefix@@ShieldStrength2@@ShieldStrength2Postfix@ / @ShieldStrength3Prefix@@ShieldStrength3@@ShieldStrength3Postfix@ / @ShieldStrength4Prefix@@ShieldStrength4@@ShieldStrength4Postfix@ / @ShieldStrength5Prefix@@ShieldStrength5@@ShieldStrength5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @ShieldStrength@ -> @ShieldStrengthNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Black Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana grants an ally champion @TotalShieldStrength@ Magic Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The shield prevents Disabling and Immobilizing effects until it breaks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Black Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana grants an ally champion @TotalShieldStrength@ Magic Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The shield prevents Disabling and Immobilizing effects until it breaks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMorgana binds an enemy in place with dark magic, forcing them to feel the pain they've caused and dealing magic damage. Dark Binding@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dark Binding@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana hurls a blast of starfire that Roots the first enemy hit for @RootDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Morgana hurls a blast of starfire that Roots the first enemy hit for @RootDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dark Binding@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana hurls a blast of starfire that Roots the first enemy hit for @RootDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @RootDuration1Prefix@@RootDuration1@@RootDuration1Postfix@ / @RootDuration2Prefix@@RootDuration2@@RootDuration2Postfix@ / @RootDuration3Prefix@@RootDuration3@@RootDuration3Postfix@ / @RootDuration4Prefix@@RootDuration4@@RootDuration4Postfix@ / @RootDuration5Prefix@@RootDuration5@@RootDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Dark Binding@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana hurls a blast of starfire that Roots the first enemy hit for @RootDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @RootDuration@ -> @RootDurationNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @RootDuration1Prefix@@RootDuration1@@RootDuration1Postfix@ / @RootDuration2Prefix@@RootDuration2@@RootDuration2Postfix@ / @RootDuration3Prefix@@RootDuration3@@RootDuration3Postfix@ / @RootDuration4Prefix@@RootDuration4@@RootDuration4Postfix@ / @RootDuration5Prefix@@RootDuration5@@RootDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @RootDuration@ -> @RootDurationNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Dark Binding@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana hurls a blast of starfire that Roots the first enemy hit for @RootDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Dark Binding@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana hurls a blast of starfire that Roots the first enemy hit for @RootDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoMorgana unleashes the full force of her Celestial power as she unbinds her wings and hovers above the ground. She lashes chains of dark pain onto nearby enemy champions, gaining Move Speed towards them. The chains slow and deal initial damage and, after a delay, stun those who are unable to break them.Soul Shackles@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Soul Shackles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana chains herself to nearby enemy Champions, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing them by @SlowPercent@%. After @ChainDuration@ seconds, enemies unable to break the chains take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage and are Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    While casting this Ability, Morgana gains @HastePercent@% Move Speed towards enemies she has chained.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Morgana chains herself to nearby enemy Champions, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing them by @SlowPercent@%. After @ChainDuration@ seconds, enemies unable to break the chains take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage and are Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    While casting this Ability, Morgana gains @HastePercent@% Move Speed towards enemies she has chained.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Soul Shackles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana chains herself to nearby enemy Champions, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing them by @SlowPercent@%. After @ChainDuration@ seconds, enemies unable to break the chains take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage and are Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    While casting this Ability, Morgana gains @HastePercent@% Move Speed towards enemies she has chained.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Morgana gains True Sight of all enemies affected by this Ability.Damage
    Move Speed
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @HastePercent1Prefix@@HastePercent1@%@HastePercent1Postfix@ / @HastePercent2Prefix@@HastePercent2@%@HastePercent2Postfix@ / @HastePercent3Prefix@@HastePercent3@%@HastePercent3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Soul Shackles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana chains herself to nearby enemy Champions, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing them by @SlowPercent@%. After @ChainDuration@ seconds, enemies unable to break the chains take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage and are Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    While casting this Ability, Morgana gains @HastePercent@% Move Speed towards enemies she has chained.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Move Speed
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @HastePercent@% -> @HastePercentNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Move Speed
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @HastePercent1Prefix@@HastePercent1@%@HastePercent1Postfix@ / @HastePercent2Prefix@@HastePercent2@%@HastePercent2Postfix@ / @HastePercent3Prefix@@HastePercent3@%@HastePercent3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @HastePercent@% -> @HastePercentNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Soul Shackles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana chains herself to nearby enemy Champions, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing them by @SlowPercent@%. After @ChainDuration@ seconds, enemies unable to break the chains take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage and are Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    While casting this Ability, Morgana gains @HastePercent@% Move Speed towards enemies she has chained.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Soul Shackles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana chains herself to nearby enemy Champions, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing them by @SlowPercent@%. After @ChainDuration@ seconds, enemies unable to break the chains take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage and are Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    While casting this Ability, Morgana gains @HastePercent@% Move Speed towards enemies she has chained.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMorgana casts a cursed shadow on an area, damaging enemies who dare stand in her dark circle. They receive magic damage over time, which increases the lower health they are.Tormented ShadowTormented Shadow@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tormented Shadow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana ignites the ground for @WDuration@ seconds, dealing @TotalMinDamage@ magic damage per second, increased by up to @MissingHealthAmpPercent*100@% based on the targets' percentage missing health.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @CDRefundPercent*100@% every time Morgana is healed by {{Spell_MorganaPassive_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Morgana ignites the ground for @WDuration@ seconds, dealing @TotalMinDamage@ magic damage per second, increased by up to @MissingHealthAmpPercent*100@% based on the targets' percentage missing health.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @CDRefundPercent*100@% every time Morgana is healed by {{Spell_MorganaPassive_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tormented Shadow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana ignites the ground for @WDuration@ seconds, dealing @TotalMinDamage@ magic damage per second, increased by up to @MissingHealthAmpPercent*100@% based on the targets' percentage missing health.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @CDRefundPercent*100@% every time Morgana is healed by {{Spell_MorganaPassive_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability deals @MonsterMod@% damage to jungle monsters.Damage Per Second
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Tormented Shadow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana ignites the ground for @WDuration@ seconds, dealing @TotalMinDamage@ magic damage per second, increased by up to @MissingHealthAmpPercent*100@% based on the targets' percentage missing health.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @CDRefundPercent*100@% every time Morgana is healed by {{Spell_MorganaPassive_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Per Second
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Damage Per Second
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Damage Per Second
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Tormented Shadow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana ignites the ground for @WDuration@ seconds, dealing @TotalMinDamage@ magic damage per second, increased by up to @MissingHealthAmpPercent*100@% based on the targets' percentage missing health.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @CDRefundPercent*100@% every time Morgana is healed by {{Spell_MorganaPassive_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Tormented Shadow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Morgana ignites the ground for @WDuration@ seconds, dealing @TotalMinDamage@ magic damage per second, increased by up to @MissingHealthAmpPercent*100@% based on the targets' percentage missing health.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @CDRefundPercent*100@% every time Morgana is healed by {{Spell_MorganaPassive_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTeemo scampers around, passively increasing his Move Speed until he is struck by an enemy champion or turret. Teemo can sprint to gain bonus Move Speed that isn't stopped by being struck for a short time.Move QuickMove Quick@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Move Quick@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Teemo gains @PassiveMSBonus*100@% Move Speed while he hasn't been damaged by a champion or turret in the last 5 seconds.

    Active: Teemo sprints, gaining @PassiveMSBonus*200@% Move Speed that is not lost when struck for @MSBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Teemo gains @PassiveMSBonus*100@% Move Speed while he hasn't been damaged by a champion or turret in the last 5 seconds.

    Active: Teemo sprints, gaining @PassiveMSBonus*200@% Move Speed that is not lost when struck for @MSBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Move Quick@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Teemo gains @PassiveMSBonus*100@% Move Speed while he hasn't been damaged by a champion or turret in the last 5 seconds.

    Active: Teemo sprints, gaining @PassiveMSBonus*200@% Move Speed that is not lost when struck for @MSBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Move Speed[ @PassiveMSBonus1Prefix@@PassiveMSBonus1*100.000000@%@PassiveMSBonus1Postfix@ / @PassiveMSBonus2Prefix@@PassiveMSBonus2*100.000000@%@PassiveMSBonus2Postfix@ / @PassiveMSBonus3Prefix@@PassiveMSBonus3*100.000000@%@PassiveMSBonus3Postfix@ / @PassiveMSBonus4Prefix@@PassiveMSBonus4*100.000000@%@PassiveMSBonus4Postfix@ / @PassiveMSBonus5Prefix@@PassiveMSBonus5*100.000000@%@PassiveMSBonus5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Move Quick@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Teemo gains @PassiveMSBonus*100@% Move Speed while he hasn't been damaged by a champion or turret in the last 5 seconds.

    Active: Teemo sprints, gaining @PassiveMSBonus*200@% Move Speed that is not lost when struck for @MSBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMove Speed@PassiveMSBonus*100.000000@% -> @PassiveMSBonusNL*100.000000@%Move Speed[ @PassiveMSBonus1Prefix@@PassiveMSBonus1*100.000000@%@PassiveMSBonus1Postfix@ / @PassiveMSBonus2Prefix@@PassiveMSBonus2*100.000000@%@PassiveMSBonus2Postfix@ / @PassiveMSBonus3Prefix@@PassiveMSBonus3*100.000000@%@PassiveMSBonus3Postfix@ / @PassiveMSBonus4Prefix@@PassiveMSBonus4*100.000000@%@PassiveMSBonus4Postfix@ / @PassiveMSBonus5Prefix@@PassiveMSBonus5*100.000000@%@PassiveMSBonus5Postfix@ ]Move Speed@PassiveMSBonus*100.000000@% -> @PassiveMSBonusNL*100.000000@%[@Hotkey@] Move Quick@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Teemo gains @PassiveMSBonus*100@% Move Speed while he hasn't been damaged by a champion or turret in the last 5 seconds.

    Active: Teemo sprints, gaining @PassiveMSBonus*200@% Move Speed that is not lost when struck for @MSBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Move Quick@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Teemo gains @PassiveMSBonus*100@% Move Speed while he hasn't been damaged by a champion or turret in the last 5 seconds.

    Active: Teemo sprints, gaining @PassiveMSBonus*200@% Move Speed that is not lost when struck for @MSBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPut up a short barrier that bounces Poros in the direction you choosePoro ParryPoro Parry@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Poro Parry@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Put up a short barrier that bounces Poros in the direction you choose@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Put up a short barrier that bounces Poros in the direction you choose@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Poro Parry@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Put up a short barrier that bounces Poros in the direction you choose@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Poro Parry@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Put up a short barrier that bounces Poros in the direction you choose@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Poro Parry@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Put up a short barrier that bounces Poros in the direction you choose@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Poro Parry@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Put up a short barrier that bounces Poros in the direction you choose@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCreates a zone at a location that silences all enemies inside. When the zone expires, all enemies still inside are rooted.EquinoxEquinox@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Equinox@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Creates a zone at target location for @RootDelay@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemy Champions in the cast radius. Enemy Champions standing in the zone are silenced until they leave.

    When the zone disappears, all enemy Champions still standing in the zone are rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s) and take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Creates a zone at target location for @RootDelay@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemy Champions in the cast radius. Enemy Champions standing in the zone are silenced until they leave.

    When the zone disappears, all enemy Champions still standing in the zone are rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s) and take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Equinox@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Creates a zone at target location for @RootDelay@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemy Champions in the cast radius. Enemy Champions standing in the zone are silenced until they leave.

    When the zone disappears, all enemy Champions still standing in the zone are rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s) and take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @RootDuration1Prefix@@RootDuration1@@RootDuration1Postfix@ / @RootDuration2Prefix@@RootDuration2@@RootDuration2Postfix@ / @RootDuration3Prefix@@RootDuration3@@RootDuration3Postfix@ / @RootDuration4Prefix@@RootDuration4@@RootDuration4Postfix@ / @RootDuration5Prefix@@RootDuration5@@RootDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Equinox@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Creates a zone at target location for @RootDelay@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemy Champions in the cast radius. Enemy Champions standing in the zone are silenced until they leave.

    When the zone disappears, all enemy Champions still standing in the zone are rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s) and take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @RootDuration@ -> @RootDurationNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @RootDuration1Prefix@@RootDuration1@@RootDuration1Postfix@ / @RootDuration2Prefix@@RootDuration2@@RootDuration2Postfix@ / @RootDuration3Prefix@@RootDuration3@@RootDuration3Postfix@ / @RootDuration4Prefix@@RootDuration4@@RootDuration4Postfix@ / @RootDuration5Prefix@@RootDuration5@@RootDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @RootDuration@ -> @RootDurationNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Equinox@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Creates a zone at target location for @RootDelay@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemy Champions in the cast radius. Enemy Champions standing in the zone are silenced until they leave.

    When the zone disappears, all enemy Champions still standing in the zone are rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s) and take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Equinox@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Creates a zone at target location for @RootDelay@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemy Champions in the cast radius. Enemy Champions standing in the zone are silenced until they leave.

    When the zone disappears, all enemy Champions still standing in the zone are rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s) and take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoA star falls from the sky at the target location dealing magic damage and slowing enemies. If an enemy champion is hit by Starcall, Soraka Bot recovers Health.StarcallStarcall@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Starcall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Calls down a star from NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBot to a target location. Enemies standing in the explosion radius take @TotalDamage@ magic damage and are slowed by @MoveSpeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Starcall hits a champion Soraka Bot gains Rejuvenation for @HoTDuration@ seconds, which restores @TotalHoT@ Health over that duration and grants @MoveSpeedHaste*100@% decaying Move Speed. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Calls down a star from NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBot to a target location. Enemies standing in the explosion radius take @TotalDamage@ magic damage and are slowed by @MoveSpeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Starcall hits a champion Soraka Bot gains Rejuvenation for @HoTDuration@ seconds, which restores @TotalHoT@ Health over that duration and grants @MoveSpeedHaste*100@% decaying Move Speed. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Starcall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Calls down a star from NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBot to a target location. Enemies standing in the explosion radius take @TotalDamage@ magic damage and are slowed by @MoveSpeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Starcall hits a champion Soraka Bot gains Rejuvenation for @HoTDuration@ seconds, which restores @TotalHoT@ Health over that duration and grants @MoveSpeedHaste*100@% decaying Move Speed. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Health Restore (Rejuvenation)
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseHoT1Prefix@@BaseHoT1@@BaseHoT1Postfix@ / @BaseHoT2Prefix@@BaseHoT2@@BaseHoT2Postfix@ / @BaseHoT3Prefix@@BaseHoT3@@BaseHoT3Postfix@ / @BaseHoT4Prefix@@BaseHoT4@@BaseHoT4Postfix@ / @BaseHoT5Prefix@@BaseHoT5@@BaseHoT5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MoveSpeedHaste1Prefix@@MoveSpeedHaste1*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedHaste1Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedHaste2Prefix@@MoveSpeedHaste2*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedHaste2Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedHaste3Prefix@@MoveSpeedHaste3*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedHaste3Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedHaste4Prefix@@MoveSpeedHaste4*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedHaste4Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedHaste5Prefix@@MoveSpeedHaste5*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedHaste5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Starcall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Calls down a star from NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBot to a target location. Enemies standing in the explosion radius take @TotalDamage@ magic damage and are slowed by @MoveSpeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Starcall hits a champion Soraka Bot gains Rejuvenation for @HoTDuration@ seconds, which restores @TotalHoT@ Health over that duration and grants @MoveSpeedHaste*100@% decaying Move Speed. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Health Restore (Rejuvenation)
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseHoT@ -> @BaseHoTNL@
    @MoveSpeedHaste*100.000000@% -> @MoveSpeedHasteNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Health Restore (Rejuvenation)
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseHoT1Prefix@@BaseHoT1@@BaseHoT1Postfix@ / @BaseHoT2Prefix@@BaseHoT2@@BaseHoT2Postfix@ / @BaseHoT3Prefix@@BaseHoT3@@BaseHoT3Postfix@ / @BaseHoT4Prefix@@BaseHoT4@@BaseHoT4Postfix@ / @BaseHoT5Prefix@@BaseHoT5@@BaseHoT5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MoveSpeedHaste1Prefix@@MoveSpeedHaste1*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedHaste1Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedHaste2Prefix@@MoveSpeedHaste2*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedHaste2Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedHaste3Prefix@@MoveSpeedHaste3*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedHaste3Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedHaste4Prefix@@MoveSpeedHaste4*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedHaste4Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedHaste5Prefix@@MoveSpeedHaste5*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedHaste5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Health Restore (Rejuvenation)
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseHoT@ -> @BaseHoTNL@
    @MoveSpeedHaste*100.000000@% -> @MoveSpeedHasteNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Starcall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Calls down a star from NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBot to a target location. Enemies standing in the explosion radius take @TotalDamage@ magic damage and are slowed by @MoveSpeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Starcall hits a champion Soraka Bot gains Rejuvenation for @HoTDuration@ seconds, which restores @TotalHoT@ Health over that duration and grants @MoveSpeedHaste*100@% decaying Move Speed. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Starcall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Calls down a star from NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBot to a target location. Enemies standing in the explosion radius take @TotalDamage@ magic damage and are slowed by @MoveSpeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Starcall hits a champion Soraka Bot gains Rejuvenation for @HoTDuration@ seconds, which restores @TotalHoT@ Health over that duration and grants @MoveSpeedHaste*100@% decaying Move Speed. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSoraka Bot fills her allies with hope, instantly restoring health to herself and all friendly champions.WishWish@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wish@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Calls upon divine powers to restore @HealingCalc@ Health to all allied Champions. Wish's power is increased by @HealingAmpForLowHealthAllies*100@% on each Champion below 40% Health (@AmpedHealing@).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Calls upon divine powers to restore @HealingCalc@ Health to all allied Champions. Wish's power is increased by @HealingAmpForLowHealthAllies*100@% on each Champion below 40% Health (@AmpedHealing@).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wish@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Calls upon divine powers to restore @HealingCalc@ Health to all allied Champions. Wish's power is increased by @HealingAmpForLowHealthAllies*100@% on each Champion below 40% Health (@AmpedHealing@).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Healing
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Wish@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Calls upon divine powers to restore @HealingCalc@ Health to all allied Champions. Wish's power is increased by @HealingAmpForLowHealthAllies*100@% on each Champion below 40% Health (@AmpedHealing@).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHealing
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Wish@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Calls upon divine powers to restore @HealingCalc@ Health to all allied Champions. Wish's power is increased by @HealingAmpForLowHealthAllies*100@% on each Champion below 40% Health (@AmpedHealing@).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Wish@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Calls upon divine powers to restore @HealingCalc@ Health to all allied Champions. Wish's power is increased by @HealingAmpForLowHealthAllies*100@% on each Champion below 40% Health (@AmpedHealing@).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSoraka Bot heals another friendly champion.Astral InfusionAstral Infusion@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Astral Infusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@PercentHealthCost*100@% Max Health, @Cost@ ManaRestores @TotalHeal@ Health to another champion ally.

    If cast while affected by Rejuvenation, the Max Health cost will be reduced by @PercentHealthCostRefund*100@% and also grant her target Rejuvenation, healing them for @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:TotalHoT@ and granting them @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:MoveSpeedHaste*100@% Move Speed decaying over @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:HoTDuration@ seconds.

    Cannot be cast if Soraka Bot is below @MinimumHealth@Health (5% of her Max Health).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Restores @TotalHeal@ Health to another champion ally.

    If cast while affected by Rejuvenation, the Max Health cost will be reduced by @PercentHealthCostRefund*100@% and also grant her target Rejuvenation, healing them for @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:TotalHoT@ and granting them @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:MoveSpeedHaste*100@% Move Speed decaying over @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:HoTDuration@ seconds.

    Cannot be cast if Soraka Bot is below @MinimumHealth@Health (5% of her Max Health).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Astral Infusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@PercentHealthCost*100@% Max Health, @Cost@ ManaRestores @TotalHeal@ Health to another champion ally.

    If cast while affected by Rejuvenation, the Max Health cost will be reduced by @PercentHealthCostRefund*100@% and also grant her target Rejuvenation, healing them for @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:TotalHoT@ and granting them @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:MoveSpeedHaste*100@% Move Speed decaying over @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:HoTDuration@ seconds.

    Cannot be cast if Soraka Bot is below @MinimumHealth@Health (5% of her Max Health).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Health Cost Reduction
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ / @BaseHeal4Prefix@@BaseHeal4@@BaseHeal4Postfix@ / @BaseHeal5Prefix@@BaseHeal5@@BaseHeal5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentHealthCostRefund1Prefix@@PercentHealthCostRefund1*100.000000@%@PercentHealthCostRefund1Postfix@ / @PercentHealthCostRefund2Prefix@@PercentHealthCostRefund2*100.000000@%@PercentHealthCostRefund2Postfix@ / @PercentHealthCostRefund3Prefix@@PercentHealthCostRefund3*100.000000@%@PercentHealthCostRefund3Postfix@ / @PercentHealthCostRefund4Prefix@@PercentHealthCostRefund4*100.000000@%@PercentHealthCostRefund4Postfix@ / @PercentHealthCostRefund5Prefix@@PercentHealthCostRefund5*100.000000@%@PercentHealthCostRefund5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Astral Infusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@PercentHealthCost*100@% Max Health, @Cost@ ManaRestores @TotalHeal@ Health to another champion ally.

    If cast while affected by Rejuvenation, the Max Health cost will be reduced by @PercentHealthCostRefund*100@% and also grant her target Rejuvenation, healing them for @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:TotalHoT@ and granting them @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:MoveSpeedHaste*100@% Move Speed decaying over @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:HoTDuration@ seconds.

    Cannot be cast if Soraka Bot is below @MinimumHealth@Health (5% of her Max Health).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHealing
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Health Cost Reduction
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @PercentHealthCostRefund*100.000000@% -> @PercentHealthCostRefundNL*100.000000@%
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Health Cost Reduction
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ / @BaseHeal4Prefix@@BaseHeal4@@BaseHeal4Postfix@ / @BaseHeal5Prefix@@BaseHeal5@@BaseHeal5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentHealthCostRefund1Prefix@@PercentHealthCostRefund1*100.000000@%@PercentHealthCostRefund1Postfix@ / @PercentHealthCostRefund2Prefix@@PercentHealthCostRefund2*100.000000@%@PercentHealthCostRefund2Postfix@ / @PercentHealthCostRefund3Prefix@@PercentHealthCostRefund3*100.000000@%@PercentHealthCostRefund3Postfix@ / @PercentHealthCostRefund4Prefix@@PercentHealthCostRefund4*100.000000@%@PercentHealthCostRefund4Postfix@ / @PercentHealthCostRefund5Prefix@@PercentHealthCostRefund5*100.000000@%@PercentHealthCostRefund5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Health Cost Reduction
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @PercentHealthCostRefund*100.000000@% -> @PercentHealthCostRefundNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Astral Infusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@PercentHealthCost*100@% Max Health, @Cost@ ManaRestores @TotalHeal@ Health to another champion ally.

    If cast while affected by Rejuvenation, the Max Health cost will be reduced by @PercentHealthCostRefund*100@% and also grant her target Rejuvenation, healing them for @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:TotalHoT@ and granting them @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:MoveSpeedHaste*100@% Move Speed decaying over @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:HoTDuration@ seconds.

    Cannot be cast if Soraka Bot is below @MinimumHealth@Health (5% of her Max Health).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Astral Infusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@PercentHealthCost*100@% Max Health, @Cost@ ManaRestores @TotalHeal@ Health to another champion ally.

    If cast while affected by Rejuvenation, the Max Health cost will be reduced by @PercentHealthCostRefund*100@% and also grant her target Rejuvenation, healing them for @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:TotalHoT@ and granting them @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:MoveSpeedHaste*100@% Move Speed decaying over @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:HoTDuration@ seconds.

    Cannot be cast if Soraka Bot is below @MinimumHealth@Health (5% of her Max Health).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEmpowers an allied champion for a short duration. The ally's basic attacks and spells deal bonus magic damage and slow the target.Tidecaller's BlessingTidecaller's Blessing@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tidecaller's Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami empowers an allied champion's next @Effect4Amount@ Attacks and Abilities for @Effect5Amount@ seconds, causing them to Slow their targets by @TotalSlowTooltip@ for @Effect3Amount@ second and deal an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Nami empowers an allied champion's next @Effect4Amount@ Attacks and Abilities for @Effect5Amount@ seconds, causing them to Slow their targets by @TotalSlowTooltip@ for @Effect3Amount@ second and deal an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tidecaller's Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami empowers an allied champion's next @Effect4Amount@ Attacks and Abilities for @Effect5Amount@ seconds, causing them to Slow their targets by @TotalSlowTooltip@ for @Effect3Amount@ second and deal an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Deals @AoEMod@ damage to non-champions when empowering area of effect Abilities.Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Tidecaller's Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami empowers an allied champion's next @Effect4Amount@ Attacks and Abilities for @Effect5Amount@ seconds, causing them to Slow their targets by @TotalSlowTooltip@ for @Effect3Amount@ second and deal an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Tidecaller's Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami empowers an allied champion's next @Effect4Amount@ Attacks and Abilities for @Effect5Amount@ seconds, causing them to Slow their targets by @TotalSlowTooltip@ for @Effect3Amount@ second and deal an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Tidecaller's Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami empowers an allied champion's next @Effect4Amount@ Attacks and Abilities for @Effect5Amount@ seconds, causing them to Slow their targets by @TotalSlowTooltip@ for @Effect3Amount@ second and deal an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSends a bubble to a target area, dealing damage and stunning all enemies on impact.Aqua PrisonAqua Prison@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Aqua Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami hurls a bubble, Stunning for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Nami hurls a bubble, Stunning for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Aqua Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami hurls a bubble, Stunning for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Aqua Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami hurls a bubble, Stunning for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Aqua Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami hurls a bubble, Stunning for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Aqua Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami hurls a bubble, Stunning for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSummons a massive Tidal Wave that knocks up, slows, and damages enemies. Allies hit gain double the effect of Surging Tides.Tidal WaveTidal Wave@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tidal Wave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami summons a tidal wave, Knocking Up for 0.5 seconds, Slowing by @Effect4Amount@%, and dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. The duration of the Slow increases based on distance the wave traveled, up to @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Allies hit by the wave gain double the effect of Surging Tides.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Nami summons a tidal wave, Knocking Up for 0.5 seconds, Slowing by @Effect4Amount@%, and dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. The duration of the Slow increases based on distance the wave traveled, up to @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Allies hit by the wave gain double the effect of Surging Tides.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tidal Wave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami summons a tidal wave, Knocking Up for 0.5 seconds, Slowing by @Effect4Amount@%, and dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. The duration of the Slow increases based on distance the wave traveled, up to @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Allies hit by the wave gain double the effect of Surging Tides.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The Slow has a minimum duration of @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Tidal Wave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami summons a tidal wave, Knocking Up for 0.5 seconds, Slowing by @Effect4Amount@%, and dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. The duration of the Slow increases based on distance the wave traveled, up to @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Allies hit by the wave gain double the effect of Surging Tides.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ ]
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Tidal Wave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami summons a tidal wave, Knocking Up for 0.5 seconds, Slowing by @Effect4Amount@%, and dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. The duration of the Slow increases based on distance the wave traveled, up to @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Allies hit by the wave gain double the effect of Surging Tides.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Tidal Wave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami summons a tidal wave, Knocking Up for 0.5 seconds, Slowing by @Effect4Amount@%, and dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. The duration of the Slow increases based on distance the wave traveled, up to @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Allies hit by the wave gain double the effect of Surging Tides.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoUnleashes a stream of water that bounces back and forth between allied and enemy champions, healing allies and damaging enemies.Ebb and Flow@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ebb and Flow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami unleashes a stream of water that bounces between allied and enemy champions. Each champion can only be hit once, and it hits up to @Effect2Amount@ targets.
  1370. Restores @TotalHealTooltip@ Health to allies and will bounce to a nearby enemy champion.
  1371. Deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to enemies and will bounce to a nearby allied champion.
    The damage and healing value is modified by @BounceScalingTooltip@ each bounce. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Nami unleashes a stream of water that bounces between allied and enemy champions. Each champion can only be hit once, and it hits up to @Effect2Amount@ targets.
  1372. Restores @TotalHealTooltip@ Health to allies and will bounce to a nearby enemy champion.
  1373. Deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to enemies and will bounce to a nearby allied champion.
    The damage and healing value is modified by @BounceScalingTooltip@ each bounce. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ebb and Flow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami unleashes a stream of water that bounces between allied and enemy champions. Each champion can only be hit once, and it hits up to @Effect2Amount@ targets.
  1374. Restores @TotalHealTooltip@ Health to allies and will bounce to a nearby enemy champion.
  1375. Deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to enemies and will bounce to a nearby allied champion.
    The damage and healing value is modified by @BounceScalingTooltip@ each bounce. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Can only bounce to visible enemies.Healing
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Ebb and Flow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami unleashes a stream of water that bounces between allied and enemy champions. Each champion can only be hit once, and it hits up to @Effect2Amount@ targets.
  1376. Restores @TotalHealTooltip@ Health to allies and will bounce to a nearby enemy champion.
  1377. Deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to enemies and will bounce to a nearby allied champion.
    The damage and healing value is modified by @BounceScalingTooltip@ each bounce. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHealing
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Ebb and Flow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami unleashes a stream of water that bounces between allied and enemy champions. Each champion can only be hit once, and it hits up to @Effect2Amount@ targets.
  1378. Restores @TotalHealTooltip@ Health to allies and will bounce to a nearby enemy champion.
  1379. Deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to enemies and will bounce to a nearby allied champion.
    The damage and healing value is modified by @BounceScalingTooltip@ each bounce. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ebb and Flow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nami unleashes a stream of water that bounces between allied and enemy champions. Each champion can only be hit once, and it hits up to @Effect2Amount@ targets.
  1380. Restores @TotalHealTooltip@ Health to allies and will bounce to a nearby enemy champion.
  1381. Deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to enemies and will bounce to a nearby allied champion.
    The damage and healing value is modified by @BounceScalingTooltip@ each bounce. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoNasus unleashes a spirit flame at a location, dealing damage and reducing the Armor of enemies who stand on it.Spirit FireSpirit Fire@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spirit Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus ignites a spirit flame, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. Enemies in the area lose @Effect2Amount*-100@% Armor and take @TotalDotDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Nasus ignites a spirit flame, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. Enemies in the area lose @Effect2Amount*-100@% Armor and take @TotalDotDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spirit Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus ignites a spirit flame, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. Enemies in the area lose @Effect2Amount*-100@% Armor and take @TotalDotDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Initial Damage
    Damage Per Second
    Armor Reduction %
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Spirit Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus ignites a spirit flame, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. Enemies in the area lose @Effect2Amount*-100@% Armor and take @TotalDotDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upInitial Damage
    Damage Per Second
    Armor Reduction %
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*-100.000000@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Initial Damage
    Damage Per Second
    Armor Reduction %
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Initial Damage
    Damage Per Second
    Armor Reduction %
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*-100.000000@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Spirit Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus ignites a spirit flame, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. Enemies in the area lose @Effect2Amount*-100@% Armor and take @TotalDotDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Spirit Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus ignites a spirit flame, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. Enemies in the area lose @Effect2Amount*-100@% Armor and take @TotalDotDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoNasus strikes his foe, dealing damage and increasing the power of his future Siphoning Strikes if he slays his target.Siphoning StrikeSiphoning Strike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Siphoning Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus' next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage. Killing an enemy with this Attack permanently increases its damage by @Effect2Amount@, increased to @Effect4Amount@ against champions, large minions and large jungle monsters.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Nasus' next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage. Killing an enemy with this Attack permanently increases its damage by @Effect2Amount@, increased to @Effect4Amount@ against champions, large minions and large jungle monsters.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Siphoning Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus' next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage. Killing an enemy with this Attack permanently increases its damage by @Effect2Amount@, increased to @Effect4Amount@ against champions, large minions and large jungle monsters.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Base Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Siphoning Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus' next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage. Killing an enemy with this Attack permanently increases its damage by @Effect2Amount@, increased to @Effect4Amount@ against champions, large minions and large jungle monsters.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Base Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Base Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Siphoning Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus' next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage. Killing an enemy with this Attack permanently increases its damage by @Effect2Amount@, increased to @Effect4Amount@ against champions, large minions and large jungle monsters.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Siphoning Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus' next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage. Killing an enemy with this Attack permanently increases its damage by @Effect2Amount@, increased to @Effect4Amount@ against champions, large minions and large jungle monsters.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoNasus unleashes a mighty sandstorm that batters nearby enemies. While the storm rages, he gains increased Health, Attack Range, damages nearby enemies, has a reduced cooldown on Siphoning Strike, and gains bonus Armor and Magic Resistance.Fury of the SandsFury of the Sands@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Fury of the Sands@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus becomes empowered in the sandstorm for 15 seconds, increasing his maximum Health by @BonusHealth@ and Armor and Magic Resistance by @InitialResistGain@.

    While the storm rages, nearby enemies take @DamageCalc@ of their maximum Health as magic damage each second and Siphoning Strike has a @QCDR*100@% reduced Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Nasus becomes empowered in the sandstorm for 15 seconds, increasing his maximum Health by @BonusHealth@ and Armor and Magic Resistance by @InitialResistGain@.

    While the storm rages, nearby enemies take @DamageCalc@ of their maximum Health as magic damage each second and Siphoning Strike has a @QCDR*100@% reduced Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Fury of the Sands@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus becomes empowered in the sandstorm for 15 seconds, increasing his maximum Health by @BonusHealth@ and Armor and Magic Resistance by @InitialResistGain@.

    While the storm rages, nearby enemies take @DamageCalc@ of their maximum Health as magic damage each second and Siphoning Strike has a @QCDR*100@% reduced Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The storm deals a max of @MaxDamageCap@ damage per second.Bonus Health
    Max Health %
    Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance
    [ @BonusHealth1Prefix@@BonusHealth1@@BonusHealth1Postfix@ / @BonusHealth2Prefix@@BonusHealth2@@BonusHealth2Postfix@ / @BonusHealth3Prefix@@BonusHealth3@@BonusHealth3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AOEDamagePercent1Prefix@@AOEDamagePercent1*100.000000@%@AOEDamagePercent1Postfix@ / @AOEDamagePercent2Prefix@@AOEDamagePercent2*100.000000@%@AOEDamagePercent2Postfix@ / @AOEDamagePercent3Prefix@@AOEDamagePercent3*100.000000@%@AOEDamagePercent3Postfix@ ]
    [ @InitialResistGain1Prefix@@InitialResistGain1@@InitialResistGain1Postfix@ / @InitialResistGain2Prefix@@InitialResistGain2@@InitialResistGain2Postfix@ / @InitialResistGain3Prefix@@InitialResistGain3@@InitialResistGain3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Fury of the Sands@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus becomes empowered in the sandstorm for 15 seconds, increasing his maximum Health by @BonusHealth@ and Armor and Magic Resistance by @InitialResistGain@.

    While the storm rages, nearby enemies take @DamageCalc@ of their maximum Health as magic damage each second and Siphoning Strike has a @QCDR*100@% reduced Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Health
    Max Health %
    Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance
    @BonusHealth@ -> @BonusHealthNL@
    @AOEDamagePercent*100.000000@% -> @AOEDamagePercentNL*100.000000@%
    @InitialResistGain@ -> @InitialResistGainNL@
    Bonus Health
    Max Health %
    Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance
    [ @BonusHealth1Prefix@@BonusHealth1@@BonusHealth1Postfix@ / @BonusHealth2Prefix@@BonusHealth2@@BonusHealth2Postfix@ / @BonusHealth3Prefix@@BonusHealth3@@BonusHealth3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AOEDamagePercent1Prefix@@AOEDamagePercent1*100.000000@%@AOEDamagePercent1Postfix@ / @AOEDamagePercent2Prefix@@AOEDamagePercent2*100.000000@%@AOEDamagePercent2Postfix@ / @AOEDamagePercent3Prefix@@AOEDamagePercent3*100.000000@%@AOEDamagePercent3Postfix@ ]
    [ @InitialResistGain1Prefix@@InitialResistGain1@@InitialResistGain1Postfix@ / @InitialResistGain2Prefix@@InitialResistGain2@@InitialResistGain2Postfix@ / @InitialResistGain3Prefix@@InitialResistGain3@@InitialResistGain3Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Health
    Max Health %
    Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance
    @BonusHealth@ -> @BonusHealthNL@
    @AOEDamagePercent*100.000000@% -> @AOEDamagePercentNL*100.000000@%
    @InitialResistGain@ -> @InitialResistGainNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Fury of the Sands@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus becomes empowered in the sandstorm for 15 seconds, increasing his maximum Health by @BonusHealth@ and Armor and Magic Resistance by @InitialResistGain@.

    While the storm rages, nearby enemies take @DamageCalc@ of their maximum Health as magic damage each second and Siphoning Strike has a @QCDR*100@% reduced Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Fury of the Sands@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus becomes empowered in the sandstorm for 15 seconds, increasing his maximum Health by @BonusHealth@ and Armor and Magic Resistance by @InitialResistGain@.

    While the storm rages, nearby enemies take @DamageCalc@ of their maximum Health as magic damage each second and Siphoning Strike has a @QCDR*100@% reduced Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoNasus ages an enemy champion, decelerating their Move Speed and Attack Speed over time.WitherWither@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wither@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus ages a champion, Slowing them by @SlowBase@%, increasing to @MaxSlowTooltipOnly@% over @Duration@ seconds. Their Attack Speed is also reduced by @AttackSpeedSlowMult*100@% of the Slow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Nasus ages a champion, Slowing them by @SlowBase@%, increasing to @MaxSlowTooltipOnly@% over @Duration@ seconds. Their Attack Speed is also reduced by @AttackSpeedSlowMult*100@% of the Slow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wither@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus ages a champion, Slowing them by @SlowBase@%, increasing to @MaxSlowTooltipOnly@% over @Duration@ seconds. Their Attack Speed is also reduced by @AttackSpeedSlowMult*100@% of the Slow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Max Slow
    [ @MaxSlowTooltipOnly1Prefix@@MaxSlowTooltipOnly1@%@MaxSlowTooltipOnly1Postfix@ / @MaxSlowTooltipOnly2Prefix@@MaxSlowTooltipOnly2@%@MaxSlowTooltipOnly2Postfix@ / @MaxSlowTooltipOnly3Prefix@@MaxSlowTooltipOnly3@%@MaxSlowTooltipOnly3Postfix@ / @MaxSlowTooltipOnly4Prefix@@MaxSlowTooltipOnly4@%@MaxSlowTooltipOnly4Postfix@ / @MaxSlowTooltipOnly5Prefix@@MaxSlowTooltipOnly5@%@MaxSlowTooltipOnly5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Wither@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus ages a champion, Slowing them by @SlowBase@%, increasing to @MaxSlowTooltipOnly@% over @Duration@ seconds. Their Attack Speed is also reduced by @AttackSpeedSlowMult*100@% of the Slow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMax Slow
    @MaxSlowTooltipOnly@% -> @MaxSlowTooltipOnlyNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Max Slow
    [ @MaxSlowTooltipOnly1Prefix@@MaxSlowTooltipOnly1@%@MaxSlowTooltipOnly1Postfix@ / @MaxSlowTooltipOnly2Prefix@@MaxSlowTooltipOnly2@%@MaxSlowTooltipOnly2Postfix@ / @MaxSlowTooltipOnly3Prefix@@MaxSlowTooltipOnly3@%@MaxSlowTooltipOnly3Postfix@ / @MaxSlowTooltipOnly4Prefix@@MaxSlowTooltipOnly4@%@MaxSlowTooltipOnly4Postfix@ / @MaxSlowTooltipOnly5Prefix@@MaxSlowTooltipOnly5@%@MaxSlowTooltipOnly5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Max Slow
    @MaxSlowTooltipOnly@% -> @MaxSlowTooltipOnlyNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Wither@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus ages a champion, Slowing them by @SlowBase@%, increasing to @MaxSlowTooltipOnly@% over @Duration@ seconds. Their Attack Speed is also reduced by @AttackSpeedSlowMult*100@% of the Slow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Wither@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nasus ages a champion, Slowing them by @SlowBase@%, increasing to @MaxSlowTooltipOnly@% over @Duration@ seconds. Their Attack Speed is also reduced by @AttackSpeedSlowMult*100@% of the Slow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoNautilus hurls his anchor forward. Colliding with an enemy pulls them and Nautilus together, dealing magic damage. Colliding with terrain pulls Nautilus towards it.Dredge LineDredge Line@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dredge Line@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus hurls his anchor forward. If it hits an enemy, Nautilus drags himself and the target together, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Stunning them briefly. If the anchor hits terrain, Nautilus will drag himself towards it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Nautilus hurls his anchor forward. If it hits an enemy, Nautilus drags himself and the target together, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Stunning them briefly. If the anchor hits terrain, Nautilus will drag himself towards it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dredge Line@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus hurls his anchor forward. If it hits an enemy, Nautilus drags himself and the target together, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Stunning them briefly. If the anchor hits terrain, Nautilus will drag himself towards it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@If Nautilus's hook hits terrain, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @TerrainCDR*100@%, and @TerrainMana*100@% of the Mana cost is refunded.Cooldown
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Dredge Line@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus hurls his anchor forward. If it hits an enemy, Nautilus drags himself and the target together, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Stunning them briefly. If the anchor hits terrain, Nautilus will drag himself towards it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Dredge Line@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus hurls his anchor forward. If it hits an enemy, Nautilus drags himself and the target together, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Stunning them briefly. If the anchor hits terrain, Nautilus will drag himself towards it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Dredge Line@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus hurls his anchor forward. If it hits an enemy, Nautilus drags himself and the target together, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Stunning them briefly. If the anchor hits terrain, Nautilus will drag himself towards it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoNautilus fires a shockwave into the earth that chases an opponent. This shockwave rips up the earth above it, knocking enemies into the air. When it reaches the opponent, the shockwave erupts, knocking his target into the air and stunning them.Depth ChargeDepth Charge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Depth Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus fires a shockwave that chases an enemy champion, dealing @PrimaryTargetDamage@ magic damage, Knocking them Up and Stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Other enemies hit by the shockwave are also Knocked Up and Stunned and take @SecondaryTargetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Nautilus fires a shockwave that chases an enemy champion, dealing @PrimaryTargetDamage@ magic damage, Knocking them Up and Stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Other enemies hit by the shockwave are also Knocked Up and Stunned and take @SecondaryTargetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Depth Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus fires a shockwave that chases an enemy champion, dealing @PrimaryTargetDamage@ magic damage, Knocking them Up and Stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Other enemies hit by the shockwave are also Knocked Up and Stunned and take @SecondaryTargetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    Pass Through Damage
    Stun Duration
    Explosion Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PrimaryDamage1Prefix@@PrimaryDamage1@@PrimaryDamage1Postfix@ / @PrimaryDamage2Prefix@@PrimaryDamage2@@PrimaryDamage2Postfix@ / @PrimaryDamage3Prefix@@PrimaryDamage3@@PrimaryDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SecondaryDamage1Prefix@@SecondaryDamage1@@SecondaryDamage1Postfix@ / @SecondaryDamage2Prefix@@SecondaryDamage2@@SecondaryDamage2Postfix@ / @SecondaryDamage3Prefix@@SecondaryDamage3@@SecondaryDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Depth Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus fires a shockwave that chases an enemy champion, dealing @PrimaryTargetDamage@ magic damage, Knocking them Up and Stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Other enemies hit by the shockwave are also Knocked Up and Stunned and take @SecondaryTargetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Pass Through Damage
    Stun Duration
    Explosion Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @PrimaryDamage@ -> @PrimaryDamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @SecondaryDamage@ -> @SecondaryDamageNL@
    Pass Through Damage
    Stun Duration
    Explosion Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PrimaryDamage1Prefix@@PrimaryDamage1@@PrimaryDamage1Postfix@ / @PrimaryDamage2Prefix@@PrimaryDamage2@@PrimaryDamage2Postfix@ / @PrimaryDamage3Prefix@@PrimaryDamage3@@PrimaryDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StunDuration1Prefix@@StunDuration1@@StunDuration1Postfix@ / @StunDuration2Prefix@@StunDuration2@@StunDuration2Postfix@ / @StunDuration3Prefix@@StunDuration3@@StunDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SecondaryDamage1Prefix@@SecondaryDamage1@@SecondaryDamage1Postfix@ / @SecondaryDamage2Prefix@@SecondaryDamage2@@SecondaryDamage2Postfix@ / @SecondaryDamage3Prefix@@SecondaryDamage3@@SecondaryDamage3Postfix@ ]
    Pass Through Damage
    Stun Duration
    Explosion Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @PrimaryDamage@ -> @PrimaryDamageNL@
    @StunDuration@ -> @StunDurationNL@
    @SecondaryDamage@ -> @SecondaryDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Depth Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus fires a shockwave that chases an enemy champion, dealing @PrimaryTargetDamage@ magic damage, Knocking them Up and Stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Other enemies hit by the shockwave are also Knocked Up and Stunned and take @SecondaryTargetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Depth Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus fires a shockwave that chases an enemy champion, dealing @PrimaryTargetDamage@ magic damage, Knocking them Up and Stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Other enemies hit by the shockwave are also Knocked Up and Stunned and take @SecondaryTargetDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoNautilus gains a temporary Shield. While it persists, his Attacks deal damage over time to his target and surrounding enemies.Titan's WrathTitan's Wrath@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Titan's Wrath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus gains a @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. While the Shield persists, Nautilus' Attacks deal an additional @DotDamageCalc@ magic damage over 2 seconds to his target and all surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Nautilus gains a @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. While the Shield persists, Nautilus' Attacks deal an additional @DotDamageCalc@ magic damage over 2 seconds to his target and all surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Titan's Wrath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus gains a @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. While the Shield persists, Nautilus' Attacks deal an additional @DotDamageCalc@ magic damage over 2 seconds to his target and all surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Shield Amount
    Magic Damage
    % Max Health
    [ @ShieldBase1Prefix@@ShieldBase1@@ShieldBase1Postfix@ / @ShieldBase2Prefix@@ShieldBase2@@ShieldBase2Postfix@ / @ShieldBase3Prefix@@ShieldBase3@@ShieldBase3Postfix@ / @ShieldBase4Prefix@@ShieldBase4@@ShieldBase4Postfix@ / @ShieldBase5Prefix@@ShieldBase5@@ShieldBase5Postfix@ ]
    [ @DotDamageBase1Prefix@@DotDamageBase1@@DotDamageBase1Postfix@ / @DotDamageBase2Prefix@@DotDamageBase2@@DotDamageBase2Postfix@ / @DotDamageBase3Prefix@@DotDamageBase3@@DotDamageBase3Postfix@ / @DotDamageBase4Prefix@@DotDamageBase4@@DotDamageBase4Postfix@ / @DotDamageBase5Prefix@@DotDamageBase5@@DotDamageBase5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldHealthRatio1Prefix@@ShieldHealthRatio1*100.000000@%@ShieldHealthRatio1Postfix@ / @ShieldHealthRatio2Prefix@@ShieldHealthRatio2*100.000000@%@ShieldHealthRatio2Postfix@ / @ShieldHealthRatio3Prefix@@ShieldHealthRatio3*100.000000@%@ShieldHealthRatio3Postfix@ / @ShieldHealthRatio4Prefix@@ShieldHealthRatio4*100.000000@%@ShieldHealthRatio4Postfix@ / @ShieldHealthRatio5Prefix@@ShieldHealthRatio5*100.000000@%@ShieldHealthRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Titan's Wrath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus gains a @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. While the Shield persists, Nautilus' Attacks deal an additional @DotDamageCalc@ magic damage over 2 seconds to his target and all surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    Magic Damage
    % Max Health
    @ShieldBase@ -> @ShieldBaseNL@
    @DotDamageBase@ -> @DotDamageBaseNL@
    @ShieldHealthRatio*100.000000@% -> @ShieldHealthRatioNL*100.000000@%
    Shield Amount
    Magic Damage
    % Max Health
    [ @ShieldBase1Prefix@@ShieldBase1@@ShieldBase1Postfix@ / @ShieldBase2Prefix@@ShieldBase2@@ShieldBase2Postfix@ / @ShieldBase3Prefix@@ShieldBase3@@ShieldBase3Postfix@ / @ShieldBase4Prefix@@ShieldBase4@@ShieldBase4Postfix@ / @ShieldBase5Prefix@@ShieldBase5@@ShieldBase5Postfix@ ]
    [ @DotDamageBase1Prefix@@DotDamageBase1@@DotDamageBase1Postfix@ / @DotDamageBase2Prefix@@DotDamageBase2@@DotDamageBase2Postfix@ / @DotDamageBase3Prefix@@DotDamageBase3@@DotDamageBase3Postfix@ / @DotDamageBase4Prefix@@DotDamageBase4@@DotDamageBase4Postfix@ / @DotDamageBase5Prefix@@DotDamageBase5@@DotDamageBase5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldHealthRatio1Prefix@@ShieldHealthRatio1*100.000000@%@ShieldHealthRatio1Postfix@ / @ShieldHealthRatio2Prefix@@ShieldHealthRatio2*100.000000@%@ShieldHealthRatio2Postfix@ / @ShieldHealthRatio3Prefix@@ShieldHealthRatio3*100.000000@%@ShieldHealthRatio3Postfix@ / @ShieldHealthRatio4Prefix@@ShieldHealthRatio4*100.000000@%@ShieldHealthRatio4Postfix@ / @ShieldHealthRatio5Prefix@@ShieldHealthRatio5*100.000000@%@ShieldHealthRatio5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    Magic Damage
    % Max Health
    @ShieldBase@ -> @ShieldBaseNL@
    @DotDamageBase@ -> @DotDamageBaseNL@
    @ShieldHealthRatio*100.000000@% -> @ShieldHealthRatioNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Titan's Wrath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus gains a @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. While the Shield persists, Nautilus' Attacks deal an additional @DotDamageCalc@ magic damage over 2 seconds to his target and all surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Titan's Wrath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus gains a @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. While the Shield persists, Nautilus' Attacks deal an additional @DotDamageCalc@ magic damage over 2 seconds to his target and all surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoNautilus creates three exploding waves around himself. Each explosion damages and slows enemies.RiptideRiptide@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Riptide@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus creates three exploding waves around himself, each dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage to enemies in the area and Slows them by @SlowPercent*100@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Nautilus creates three exploding waves around himself, each dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage to enemies in the area and Slows them by @SlowPercent*100@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Riptide@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus creates three exploding waves around himself, each dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage to enemies in the area and Slows them by @SlowPercent*100@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Waves deal @ExtraWavePenalty*100@% less damage after the first.
    This Ability deals @DamageMonsterMod*100@% damage to jungle monsters.
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamageBase1Prefix@@DamageBase1@@DamageBase1Postfix@ / @DamageBase2Prefix@@DamageBase2@@DamageBase2Postfix@ / @DamageBase3Prefix@@DamageBase3@@DamageBase3Postfix@ / @DamageBase4Prefix@@DamageBase4@@DamageBase4Postfix@ / @DamageBase5Prefix@@DamageBase5@@DamageBase5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowPercent1Prefix@@SlowPercent1*100.000000@%@SlowPercent1Postfix@ / @SlowPercent2Prefix@@SlowPercent2*100.000000@%@SlowPercent2Postfix@ / @SlowPercent3Prefix@@SlowPercent3*100.000000@%@SlowPercent3Postfix@ / @SlowPercent4Prefix@@SlowPercent4*100.000000@%@SlowPercent4Postfix@ / @SlowPercent5Prefix@@SlowPercent5*100.000000@%@SlowPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Riptide@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus creates three exploding waves around himself, each dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage to enemies in the area and Slows them by @SlowPercent*100@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @DamageBase@ -> @DamageBaseNL@
    @SlowPercent*100.000000@% -> @SlowPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamageBase1Prefix@@DamageBase1@@DamageBase1Postfix@ / @DamageBase2Prefix@@DamageBase2@@DamageBase2Postfix@ / @DamageBase3Prefix@@DamageBase3@@DamageBase3Postfix@ / @DamageBase4Prefix@@DamageBase4@@DamageBase4Postfix@ / @DamageBase5Prefix@@DamageBase5@@DamageBase5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowPercent1Prefix@@SlowPercent1*100.000000@%@SlowPercent1Postfix@ / @SlowPercent2Prefix@@SlowPercent2*100.000000@%@SlowPercent2Postfix@ / @SlowPercent3Prefix@@SlowPercent3*100.000000@%@SlowPercent3Postfix@ / @SlowPercent4Prefix@@SlowPercent4*100.000000@%@SlowPercent4Postfix@ / @SlowPercent5Prefix@@SlowPercent5*100.000000@%@SlowPercent5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @DamageBase@ -> @DamageBaseNL@
    @SlowPercent*100.000000@% -> @SlowPercentNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Riptide@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus creates three exploding waves around himself, each dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage to enemies in the area and Slows them by @SlowPercent*100@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Riptide@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus creates three exploding waves around himself, each dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage to enemies in the area and Slows them by @SlowPercent*100@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoNeeko slings a tangle that damage and root everything it passes through. If the tangle kills an enemy or passes through a champion, it becomes larger, faster, and roots for longer.Tangle-BarbsTangle-Barbs@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tangle-Barbs@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Neeko slings a tangle that deals @BaseDamage@ magic damage and roots for @MinRootDuration@ seconds.

    The tangle becomes empowered after hitting an enemy, growing larger, moving faster, and rooting for @MaxRootDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Neeko slings a tangle that deals @BaseDamage@ magic damage and roots for @MinRootDuration@ seconds.

    The tangle becomes empowered after hitting an enemy, growing larger, moving faster, and rooting for @MaxRootDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tangle-Barbs@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Neeko slings a tangle that deals @BaseDamage@ magic damage and roots for @MinRootDuration@ seconds.

    The tangle becomes empowered after hitting an enemy, growing larger, moving faster, and rooting for @MaxRootDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Minimum Root Duration
    Empowered Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinRootDuration1Prefix@@MinRootDuration1@@MinRootDuration1Postfix@ / @MinRootDuration2Prefix@@MinRootDuration2@@MinRootDuration2Postfix@ / @MinRootDuration3Prefix@@MinRootDuration3@@MinRootDuration3Postfix@ / @MinRootDuration4Prefix@@MinRootDuration4@@MinRootDuration4Postfix@ / @MinRootDuration5Prefix@@MinRootDuration5@@MinRootDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxRootDuration1Prefix@@MaxRootDuration1@@MaxRootDuration1Postfix@ / @MaxRootDuration2Prefix@@MaxRootDuration2@@MaxRootDuration2Postfix@ / @MaxRootDuration3Prefix@@MaxRootDuration3@@MaxRootDuration3Postfix@ / @MaxRootDuration4Prefix@@MaxRootDuration4@@MaxRootDuration4Postfix@ / @MaxRootDuration5Prefix@@MaxRootDuration5@@MaxRootDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Tangle-Barbs@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Neeko slings a tangle that deals @BaseDamage@ magic damage and roots for @MinRootDuration@ seconds.

    The tangle becomes empowered after hitting an enemy, growing larger, moving faster, and rooting for @MaxRootDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Minimum Root Duration
    Empowered Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @MinRootDuration@ -> @MinRootDurationNL@
    @MaxRootDuration@ -> @MaxRootDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Minimum Root Duration
    Empowered Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinRootDuration1Prefix@@MinRootDuration1@@MinRootDuration1Postfix@ / @MinRootDuration2Prefix@@MinRootDuration2@@MinRootDuration2Postfix@ / @MinRootDuration3Prefix@@MinRootDuration3@@MinRootDuration3Postfix@ / @MinRootDuration4Prefix@@MinRootDuration4@@MinRootDuration4Postfix@ / @MinRootDuration5Prefix@@MinRootDuration5@@MinRootDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxRootDuration1Prefix@@MaxRootDuration1@@MaxRootDuration1Postfix@ / @MaxRootDuration2Prefix@@MaxRootDuration2@@MaxRootDuration2Postfix@ / @MaxRootDuration3Prefix@@MaxRootDuration3@@MaxRootDuration3Postfix@ / @MaxRootDuration4Prefix@@MaxRootDuration4@@MaxRootDuration4Postfix@ / @MaxRootDuration5Prefix@@MaxRootDuration5@@MaxRootDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Minimum Root Duration
    Empowered Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @MinRootDuration@ -> @MinRootDurationNL@
    @MaxRootDuration@ -> @MaxRootDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Tangle-Barbs@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Neeko slings a tangle that deals @BaseDamage@ magic damage and roots for @MinRootDuration@ seconds.

    The tangle becomes empowered after hitting an enemy, growing larger, moving faster, and rooting for @MaxRootDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Tangle-Barbs@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Neeko slings a tangle that deals @BaseDamage@ magic damage and roots for @MinRootDuration@ seconds.

    The tangle becomes empowered after hitting an enemy, growing larger, moving faster, and rooting for @MaxRootDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoNeeko throws a seed dealing magic damage. The seed blooms again on hitting champions or killing units.Blooming BurstBlooming Burst@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blooming Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Neeko throws a seed that blooms to deal @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage. If it kills a unit or hits a champion or large monster, it will bloom again, dealing @SecondDamage@ magic damage. Max 2 extra blooms.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Neeko throws a seed that blooms to deal @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage. If it kills a unit or hits a champion or large monster, it will bloom again, dealing @SecondDamage@ magic damage. Max 2 extra blooms.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blooming Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Neeko throws a seed that blooms to deal @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage. If it kills a unit or hits a champion or large monster, it will bloom again, dealing @SecondDamage@ magic damage. Max 2 extra blooms.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Initial Damage
    Explosion Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @ZoneDamage1Prefix@@ZoneDamage1@@ZoneDamage1Postfix@ / @ZoneDamage2Prefix@@ZoneDamage2@@ZoneDamage2Postfix@ / @ZoneDamage3Prefix@@ZoneDamage3@@ZoneDamage3Postfix@ / @ZoneDamage4Prefix@@ZoneDamage4@@ZoneDamage4Postfix@ / @ZoneDamage5Prefix@@ZoneDamage5@@ZoneDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SecondaryDamage1Prefix@@SecondaryDamage1@@SecondaryDamage1Postfix@ / @SecondaryDamage2Prefix@@SecondaryDamage2@@SecondaryDamage2Postfix@ / @SecondaryDamage3Prefix@@SecondaryDamage3@@SecondaryDamage3Postfix@ / @SecondaryDamage4Prefix@@SecondaryDamage4@@SecondaryDamage4Postfix@ / @SecondaryDamage5Prefix@@SecondaryDamage5@@SecondaryDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Blooming Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Neeko throws a seed that blooms to deal @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage. If it kills a unit or hits a champion or large monster, it will bloom again, dealing @SecondDamage@ magic damage. Max 2 extra blooms.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upInitial Damage
    Explosion Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @ZoneDamage@ -> @ZoneDamageNL@
    @SecondaryDamage@ -> @SecondaryDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Initial Damage
    Explosion Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @ZoneDamage1Prefix@@ZoneDamage1@@ZoneDamage1Postfix@ / @ZoneDamage2Prefix@@ZoneDamage2@@ZoneDamage2Postfix@ / @ZoneDamage3Prefix@@ZoneDamage3@@ZoneDamage3Postfix@ / @ZoneDamage4Prefix@@ZoneDamage4@@ZoneDamage4Postfix@ / @ZoneDamage5Prefix@@ZoneDamage5@@ZoneDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SecondaryDamage1Prefix@@SecondaryDamage1@@SecondaryDamage1Postfix@ / @SecondaryDamage2Prefix@@SecondaryDamage2@@SecondaryDamage2Postfix@ / @SecondaryDamage3Prefix@@SecondaryDamage3@@SecondaryDamage3Postfix@ / @SecondaryDamage4Prefix@@SecondaryDamage4@@SecondaryDamage4Postfix@ / @SecondaryDamage5Prefix@@SecondaryDamage5@@SecondaryDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Initial Damage
    Explosion Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @ZoneDamage@ -> @ZoneDamageNL@
    @SecondaryDamage@ -> @SecondaryDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Blooming Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Neeko throws a seed that blooms to deal @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage. If it kills a unit or hits a champion or large monster, it will bloom again, dealing @SecondDamage@ magic damage. Max 2 extra blooms.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Blooming Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Neeko throws a seed that blooms to deal @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage. If it kills a unit or hits a champion or large monster, it will bloom again, dealing @SecondDamage@ magic damage. Max 2 extra blooms.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAfter a short preparation, Neeko leaps into the air and gains a shield. Upon landing, nearby enemies are damaged and stunned. The preparation is hidden if Neeko is disguised.Pop BlossomPop Blossom@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pop Blossom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@After @DelayUntilReveal@ seconds Neeko leaps into the air. She gains a shield that absorbs @BaseShield@ damage (+@ShieldMultiplier@ for each nearby enemy champion).

    When Neeko lands she deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and stuns nearby enemies for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    This ability can be prepared in secret if Neeko is disguised.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    After @DelayUntilReveal@ seconds Neeko leaps into the air. She gains a shield that absorbs @BaseShield@ damage (+@ShieldMultiplier@ for each nearby enemy champion).

    When Neeko lands she deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and stuns nearby enemies for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    This ability can be prepared in secret if Neeko is disguised.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pop Blossom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@After @DelayUntilReveal@ seconds Neeko leaps into the air. She gains a shield that absorbs @BaseShield@ damage (+@ShieldMultiplier@ for each nearby enemy champion).

    When Neeko lands she deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and stuns nearby enemies for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    This ability can be prepared in secret if Neeko is disguised.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shield Amount
    Shield Per Champion
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldPerChampion1Prefix@@ShieldPerChampion1@@ShieldPerChampion1Postfix@ / @ShieldPerChampion2Prefix@@ShieldPerChampion2@@ShieldPerChampion2Postfix@ / @ShieldPerChampion3Prefix@@ShieldPerChampion3@@ShieldPerChampion3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Pop Blossom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@After @DelayUntilReveal@ seconds Neeko leaps into the air. She gains a shield that absorbs @BaseShield@ damage (+@ShieldMultiplier@ for each nearby enemy champion).

    When Neeko lands she deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and stuns nearby enemies for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    This ability can be prepared in secret if Neeko is disguised.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Shield Amount
    Shield Per Champion
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @ShieldPerChampion@ -> @ShieldPerChampionNL@
    Shield Amount
    Shield Per Champion
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldPerChampion1Prefix@@ShieldPerChampion1@@ShieldPerChampion1Postfix@ / @ShieldPerChampion2Prefix@@ShieldPerChampion2@@ShieldPerChampion2Postfix@ / @ShieldPerChampion3Prefix@@ShieldPerChampion3@@ShieldPerChampion3Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    Shield Per Champion
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @ShieldPerChampion@ -> @ShieldPerChampionNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Pop Blossom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@After @DelayUntilReveal@ seconds Neeko leaps into the air. She gains a shield that absorbs @BaseShield@ damage (+@ShieldMultiplier@ for each nearby enemy champion).

    When Neeko lands she deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and stuns nearby enemies for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    This ability can be prepared in secret if Neeko is disguised.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Pop Blossom@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@After @DelayUntilReveal@ seconds Neeko leaps into the air. She gains a shield that absorbs @BaseShield@ damage (+@ShieldMultiplier@ for each nearby enemy champion).

    When Neeko lands she deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and stuns nearby enemies for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    This ability can be prepared in secret if Neeko is disguised.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoNeeko passively deals bonus magic damage every third attack. Neeko can activate to send a clone in a direction.ShapesplitterShapesplitter@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shapesplitter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Every 3rd attack deals @PassiveBonusDamageCalc@ bonus magic damage and increases Neeko's Move Speed by @PassiveHaste@% for @PassiveHasteDuration@ second.

    Active: Neeko becomes invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds and projects a clone that lasts @CloneDuration@ seconds. Neeko and the clone gain @Haste@% Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Every 3rd attack deals @PassiveBonusDamageCalc@ bonus magic damage and increases Neeko's Move Speed by @PassiveHaste@% for @PassiveHasteDuration@ second.

    Active: Neeko becomes invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds and projects a clone that lasts @CloneDuration@ seconds. Neeko and the clone gain @Haste@% Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shapesplitter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Every 3rd attack deals @PassiveBonusDamageCalc@ bonus magic damage and increases Neeko's Move Speed by @PassiveHaste@% for @PassiveHasteDuration@ second.

    Active: Neeko becomes invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds and projects a clone that lasts @CloneDuration@ seconds. Neeko and the clone gain @Haste@% Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The clone is untargetable while stealthed.Passive Damage
    Active Move Speed
    Passive Move Speed
    [ @PassiveDamage1Prefix@@PassiveDamage1@@PassiveDamage1Postfix@ / @PassiveDamage2Prefix@@PassiveDamage2@@PassiveDamage2Postfix@ / @PassiveDamage3Prefix@@PassiveDamage3@@PassiveDamage3Postfix@ / @PassiveDamage4Prefix@@PassiveDamage4@@PassiveDamage4Postfix@ / @PassiveDamage5Prefix@@PassiveDamage5@@PassiveDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Haste1Prefix@@Haste1@%@Haste1Postfix@ / @Haste2Prefix@@Haste2@%@Haste2Postfix@ / @Haste3Prefix@@Haste3@%@Haste3Postfix@ / @Haste4Prefix@@Haste4@%@Haste4Postfix@ / @Haste5Prefix@@Haste5@%@Haste5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PassiveHaste1Prefix@@PassiveHaste1@%@PassiveHaste1Postfix@ / @PassiveHaste2Prefix@@PassiveHaste2@%@PassiveHaste2Postfix@ / @PassiveHaste3Prefix@@PassiveHaste3@%@PassiveHaste3Postfix@ / @PassiveHaste4Prefix@@PassiveHaste4@%@PassiveHaste4Postfix@ / @PassiveHaste5Prefix@@PassiveHaste5@%@PassiveHaste5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shapesplitter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Every 3rd attack deals @PassiveBonusDamageCalc@ bonus magic damage and increases Neeko's Move Speed by @PassiveHaste@% for @PassiveHasteDuration@ second.

    Active: Neeko becomes invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds and projects a clone that lasts @CloneDuration@ seconds. Neeko and the clone gain @Haste@% Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPassive Damage
    Active Move Speed
    Passive Move Speed
    @PassiveDamage@ -> @PassiveDamageNL@
    @Haste@% -> @HasteNL@%
    @PassiveHaste@% -> @PassiveHasteNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Passive Damage
    Active Move Speed
    Passive Move Speed
    [ @PassiveDamage1Prefix@@PassiveDamage1@@PassiveDamage1Postfix@ / @PassiveDamage2Prefix@@PassiveDamage2@@PassiveDamage2Postfix@ / @PassiveDamage3Prefix@@PassiveDamage3@@PassiveDamage3Postfix@ / @PassiveDamage4Prefix@@PassiveDamage4@@PassiveDamage4Postfix@ / @PassiveDamage5Prefix@@PassiveDamage5@@PassiveDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Haste1Prefix@@Haste1@%@Haste1Postfix@ / @Haste2Prefix@@Haste2@%@Haste2Postfix@ / @Haste3Prefix@@Haste3@%@Haste3Postfix@ / @Haste4Prefix@@Haste4@%@Haste4Postfix@ / @Haste5Prefix@@Haste5@%@Haste5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PassiveHaste1Prefix@@PassiveHaste1@%@PassiveHaste1Postfix@ / @PassiveHaste2Prefix@@PassiveHaste2@%@PassiveHaste2Postfix@ / @PassiveHaste3Prefix@@PassiveHaste3@%@PassiveHaste3Postfix@ / @PassiveHaste4Prefix@@PassiveHaste4@%@PassiveHaste4Postfix@ / @PassiveHaste5Prefix@@PassiveHaste5@%@PassiveHaste5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Passive Damage
    Active Move Speed
    Passive Move Speed
    @PassiveDamage@ -> @PassiveDamageNL@
    @Haste@% -> @HasteNL@%
    @PassiveHaste@% -> @PassiveHasteNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Shapesplitter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Every 3rd attack deals @PassiveBonusDamageCalc@ bonus magic damage and increases Neeko's Move Speed by @PassiveHaste@% for @PassiveHasteDuration@ second.

    Active: Neeko becomes invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds and projects a clone that lasts @CloneDuration@ seconds. Neeko and the clone gain @Haste@% Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shapesplitter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Every 3rd attack deals @PassiveBonusDamageCalc@ bonus magic damage and increases Neeko's Move Speed by @PassiveHaste@% for @PassiveHasteDuration@ second.

    Active: Neeko becomes invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds and projects a clone that lasts @CloneDuration@ seconds. Neeko and the clone gain @Haste@% Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPassive: Kassadin's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage. Active: Kassadin's next basic attack deals significant bonus magic damage and restores Mana.Nether Blade@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Nether Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kassadin's Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Kassadin charges his blade, causing his next Attack to deal @ActiveDamage@ magic damage and restore @Effect1Amount@% missing Mana, increased to @Effect4Amount@% against champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Kassadin's Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Kassadin charges his blade, causing his next Attack to deal @ActiveDamage@ magic damage and restore @Effect1Amount@% missing Mana, increased to @Effect4Amount@% against champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Nether Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kassadin's Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Kassadin charges his blade, causing his next Attack to deal @ActiveDamage@ magic damage and restore @Effect1Amount@% missing Mana, increased to @Effect4Amount@% against champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Active Damage
    Base Mana Restore
    Champion Mana Restore
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Nether Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kassadin's Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Kassadin charges his blade, causing his next Attack to deal @ActiveDamage@ magic damage and restore @Effect1Amount@% missing Mana, increased to @Effect4Amount@% against champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upActive Damage
    Base Mana Restore
    Champion Mana Restore
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    Active Damage
    Base Mana Restore
    Champion Mana Restore
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Active Damage
    Base Mana Restore
    Champion Mana Restore
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Nether Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kassadin's Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Kassadin charges his blade, causing his next Attack to deal @ActiveDamage@ magic damage and restore @Effect1Amount@% missing Mana, increased to @Effect4Amount@% against champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Nether Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Kassadin's Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Kassadin charges his blade, causing his next Attack to deal @ActiveDamage@ magic damage and restore @Effect1Amount@% missing Mana, increased to @Effect4Amount@% against champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCharge up and launch a Poro at your foes!Poro DodgeballPoro Dodgeball@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Poro Dodgeball@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Charge up and launch a Poro at your foes!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Charge up and launch a Poro at your foes!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Poro Dodgeball@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Charge up and launch a Poro at your foes!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Maximum Damage
    Mana Cost
    [ @BaseDamageMax1Prefix@@BaseDamageMax1@@BaseDamageMax1Postfix@ / @BaseDamageMax2Prefix@@BaseDamageMax2@@BaseDamageMax2Postfix@ / @BaseDamageMax3Prefix@@BaseDamageMax3@@BaseDamageMax3Postfix@ / @BaseDamageMax4Prefix@@BaseDamageMax4@@BaseDamageMax4Postfix@ / @BaseDamageMax5Prefix@@BaseDamageMax5@@BaseDamageMax5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseCost1Prefix@@BaseCost1@@BaseCost1Postfix@ / @BaseCost2Prefix@@BaseCost2@@BaseCost2Postfix@ / @BaseCost3Prefix@@BaseCost3@@BaseCost3Postfix@ / @BaseCost4Prefix@@BaseCost4@@BaseCost4Postfix@ / @BaseCost5Prefix@@BaseCost5@@BaseCost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Poro Dodgeball@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Charge up and launch a Poro at your foes!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMaximum Damage
    Mana Cost
    @BaseDamageMax@ -> @BaseDamageMaxNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseCost@ -> @BaseCostNL@
    Maximum Damage
    Mana Cost
    [ @BaseDamageMax1Prefix@@BaseDamageMax1@@BaseDamageMax1Postfix@ / @BaseDamageMax2Prefix@@BaseDamageMax2@@BaseDamageMax2Postfix@ / @BaseDamageMax3Prefix@@BaseDamageMax3@@BaseDamageMax3Postfix@ / @BaseDamageMax4Prefix@@BaseDamageMax4@@BaseDamageMax4Postfix@ / @BaseDamageMax5Prefix@@BaseDamageMax5@@BaseDamageMax5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseCost1Prefix@@BaseCost1@@BaseCost1Postfix@ / @BaseCost2Prefix@@BaseCost2@@BaseCost2Postfix@ / @BaseCost3Prefix@@BaseCost3@@BaseCost3Postfix@ / @BaseCost4Prefix@@BaseCost4@@BaseCost4Postfix@ / @BaseCost5Prefix@@BaseCost5@@BaseCost5Postfix@ ]
    Maximum Damage
    Mana Cost
    @BaseDamageMax@ -> @BaseDamageMaxNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseCost@ -> @BaseCostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Poro Dodgeball@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Charge up and launch a Poro at your foes!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Poro Dodgeball@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Charge up and launch a Poro at your foes!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBlitzcrank charges up their fist to make the next attack deal double damage and pop their target up in the air.Power FistPower Fist@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Power Fist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank charges up their fist, causing their next Attack to Knock Up for @CCDuration@ second(s) and deal @TotalDamage@ physical damage.

    Monsters and Minions take an additional @TotalDamageNonChampExtra@ physical damage bonus damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Blitzcrank charges up their fist, causing their next Attack to Knock Up for @CCDuration@ second(s) and deal @TotalDamage@ physical damage.

    Monsters and Minions take an additional @TotalDamageNonChampExtra@ physical damage bonus damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Power Fist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank charges up their fist, causing their next Attack to Knock Up for @CCDuration@ second(s) and deal @TotalDamage@ physical damage.

    Monsters and Minions take an additional @TotalDamageNonChampExtra@ physical damage bonus damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Power Fist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank charges up their fist, causing their next Attack to Knock Up for @CCDuration@ second(s) and deal @TotalDamage@ physical damage.

    Monsters and Minions take an additional @TotalDamageNonChampExtra@ physical damage bonus damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@[@Hotkey@] Power Fist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank charges up their fist, causing their next Attack to Knock Up for @CCDuration@ second(s) and deal @TotalDamage@ physical damage.

    Monsters and Minions take an additional @TotalDamageNonChampExtra@ physical damage bonus damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Power Fist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank charges up their fist, causing their next Attack to Knock Up for @CCDuration@ second(s) and deal @TotalDamage@ physical damage.

    Monsters and Minions take an additional @TotalDamageNonChampExtra@ physical damage bonus damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoEnemies attacked by Blitzcrank are marked and take lightning damage after 1 second. Additionally, Blitzcrank can activate this ability to remove nearby enemies' shields, damage them, and silence them briefly.Static Field@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Static Field@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While this ability is available, lightning charges Blitzcrank's fists, marking those Attacked. After 1 second, they are shocked for @PassiveDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Blitzcrank overcharges, dealing @ActiveDamage@ magic damage and Silencing nearby enemies for @SilenceDuration@ seconds. Their shields are also destroyed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: While this ability is available, lightning charges Blitzcrank's fists, marking those Attacked. After 1 second, they are shocked for @PassiveDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Blitzcrank overcharges, dealing @ActiveDamage@ magic damage and Silencing nearby enemies for @SilenceDuration@ seconds. Their shields are also destroyed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Static Field@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While this ability is available, lightning charges Blitzcrank's fists, marking those Attacked. After 1 second, they are shocked for @PassiveDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Blitzcrank overcharges, dealing @ActiveDamage@ magic damage and Silencing nearby enemies for @SilenceDuration@ seconds. Their shields are also destroyed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive Base Damage
    Passive AP Ratio
    Active Base Damage
    Active Cooldown
    [ @PassiveBaseDamage1Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage1@@PassiveBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @PassiveBaseDamage2Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage2@@PassiveBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @PassiveBaseDamage3Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage3@@PassiveBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PassiveAPRatio1Prefix@@PassiveAPRatio1*100.000000@%@PassiveAPRatio1Postfix@ / @PassiveAPRatio2Prefix@@PassiveAPRatio2*100.000000@%@PassiveAPRatio2Postfix@ / @PassiveAPRatio3Prefix@@PassiveAPRatio3*100.000000@%@PassiveAPRatio3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveBaseDamage1Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage1@@ActiveBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage2Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage2@@ActiveBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage3Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage3@@ActiveBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Static Field@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While this ability is available, lightning charges Blitzcrank's fists, marking those Attacked. After 1 second, they are shocked for @PassiveDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Blitzcrank overcharges, dealing @ActiveDamage@ magic damage and Silencing nearby enemies for @SilenceDuration@ seconds. Their shields are also destroyed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPassive Base Damage
    Passive AP Ratio
    Active Base Damage
    Active Cooldown
    @PassiveBaseDamage@ -> @PassiveBaseDamageNL@
    @PassiveAPRatio*100.000000@% -> @PassiveAPRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @ActiveBaseDamage@ -> @ActiveBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Passive Base Damage
    Passive AP Ratio
    Active Base Damage
    Active Cooldown
    [ @PassiveBaseDamage1Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage1@@PassiveBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @PassiveBaseDamage2Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage2@@PassiveBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @PassiveBaseDamage3Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage3@@PassiveBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PassiveAPRatio1Prefix@@PassiveAPRatio1*100.000000@%@PassiveAPRatio1Postfix@ / @PassiveAPRatio2Prefix@@PassiveAPRatio2*100.000000@%@PassiveAPRatio2Postfix@ / @PassiveAPRatio3Prefix@@PassiveAPRatio3*100.000000@%@PassiveAPRatio3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveBaseDamage1Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage1@@ActiveBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage2Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage2@@ActiveBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage3Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage3@@ActiveBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Passive Base Damage
    Passive AP Ratio
    Active Base Damage
    Active Cooldown
    @PassiveBaseDamage@ -> @PassiveBaseDamageNL@
    @PassiveAPRatio*100.000000@% -> @PassiveAPRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @ActiveBaseDamage@ -> @ActiveBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Static Field@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While this ability is available, lightning charges Blitzcrank's fists, marking those Attacked. After 1 second, they are shocked for @PassiveDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Blitzcrank overcharges, dealing @ActiveDamage@ magic damage and Silencing nearby enemies for @SilenceDuration@ seconds. Their shields are also destroyed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Static Field@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While this ability is available, lightning charges Blitzcrank's fists, marking those Attacked. After 1 second, they are shocked for @PassiveDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Blitzcrank overcharges, dealing @ActiveDamage@ magic damage and Silencing nearby enemies for @SilenceDuration@ seconds. Their shields are also destroyed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRuptures the ground at target location, popping enemy units into the air, dealing damage and slowing them.Rupture@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rupture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath ruptures the ground, Knocking Up enemies for @Effect5Amount@ second, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage, and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cho'Gath ruptures the ground, Knocking Up enemies for @Effect5Amount@ second, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage, and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rupture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath ruptures the ground, Knocking Up enemies for @Effect5Amount@ second, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage, and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage[ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Rupture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath ruptures the ground, Knocking Up enemies for @Effect5Amount@ second, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage, and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@[@Hotkey@] Rupture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath ruptures the ground, Knocking Up enemies for @Effect5Amount@ second, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage, and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Rupture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath ruptures the ground, Knocking Up enemies for @Effect5Amount@ second, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage, and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTristana loads a massive cannonball into her weapon and fires it at an enemy unit. This deals Magic Damage and knocks the target back. If the target is carrying the Explosive Charge bomb, the bomb detonation radius is doubled.Buster Shot@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Buster Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana fires a massive cannonball, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage to the target and Knocking them Back along with surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Tristana fires a massive cannonball, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage to the target and Knocking them Back along with surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Buster Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana fires a massive cannonball, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage to the target and Knocking them Back along with surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@If this Ability applies the final stack of {{Spell_TristanaE_Name}}, it explodes after the unit is Knocked Back.Cooldown
    Knockback Distance
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @KnockbackDistance1Prefix@@KnockbackDistance1@@KnockbackDistance1Postfix@ / @KnockbackDistance2Prefix@@KnockbackDistance2@@KnockbackDistance2Postfix@ / @KnockbackDistance3Prefix@@KnockbackDistance3@@KnockbackDistance3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Buster Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana fires a massive cannonball, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage to the target and Knocking them Back along with surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Knockback Distance
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @KnockbackDistance@ -> @KnockbackDistanceNL@
    Knockback Distance
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @KnockbackDistance1Prefix@@KnockbackDistance1@@KnockbackDistance1Postfix@ / @KnockbackDistance2Prefix@@KnockbackDistance2@@KnockbackDistance2Postfix@ / @KnockbackDistance3Prefix@@KnockbackDistance3@@KnockbackDistance3Postfix@ ]
    Knockback Distance
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @KnockbackDistance@ -> @KnockbackDistanceNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Buster Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana fires a massive cannonball, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage to the target and Knocking them Back along with surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Buster Shot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana fires a massive cannonball, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage to the target and Knocking them Back along with surrounding enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTristana fires at the ground to propel her to a distant location, dealing damage and slowing surrounding units for a brief period where she lands.Rocket JumpRocket Jump@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rocket Jump@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana launches herself, dealing @LandingDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds upon landing.

    Champion takedowns and max stack {{Spell_TristanaE_Name}} detonations on champions refresh this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Tristana launches herself, dealing @LandingDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds upon landing.

    Champion takedowns and max stack {{Spell_TristanaE_Name}} detonations on champions refresh this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rocket Jump@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana launches herself, dealing @LandingDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds upon landing.

    Champion takedowns and max stack {{Spell_TristanaE_Name}} detonations on champions refresh this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Slow Duration
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Rocket Jump@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana launches herself, dealing @LandingDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds upon landing.

    Champion takedowns and max stack {{Spell_TristanaE_Name}} detonations on champions refresh this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Slow Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Slow Duration
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Slow Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Rocket Jump@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana launches herself, dealing @LandingDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds upon landing.

    Champion takedowns and max stack {{Spell_TristanaE_Name}} detonations on champions refresh this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Rocket Jump@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tristana launches herself, dealing @LandingDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds upon landing.

    Champion takedowns and max stack {{Spell_TristanaE_Name}} detonations on champions refresh this Ability's Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoYorick throws a globule of Black Mist that damages, slows and marks enemies.Mourning MistMourning Mist@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mourning Mist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yorick throws a globule of Black Mist that deals @Effect7Amount@% current Health magic damage (min: @MinimumDamageBonus@), Slows by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds, and marks champions and monsters for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Marked enemies continuously Awaken nearby graves (but not exceeding the maximum of @Spell.YorickPassive:YorickPassiveGhoulMax@), and take @GhoulBonusDamage*100@% increased damage from up to @GhoulBonusCount@ attacks by Mist Walkers.

    Yorick and his summoned units gain @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed toward the mark. Mist Walkers will leap once at marked enemies that get away from them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Yorick throws a globule of Black Mist that deals @Effect7Amount@% current Health magic damage (min: @MinimumDamageBonus@), Slows by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds, and marks champions and monsters for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Marked enemies continuously Awaken nearby graves (but not exceeding the maximum of @Spell.YorickPassive:YorickPassiveGhoulMax@), and take @GhoulBonusDamage*100@% increased damage from up to @GhoulBonusCount@ attacks by Mist Walkers.

    Yorick and his summoned units gain @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed toward the mark. Mist Walkers will leap once at marked enemies that get away from them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mourning Mist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yorick throws a globule of Black Mist that deals @Effect7Amount@% current Health magic damage (min: @MinimumDamageBonus@), Slows by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds, and marks champions and monsters for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Marked enemies continuously Awaken nearby graves (but not exceeding the maximum of @Spell.YorickPassive:YorickPassiveGhoulMax@), and take @GhoulBonusDamage*100@% increased damage from up to @GhoulBonusCount@ attacks by Mist Walkers.

    Yorick and his summoned units gain @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed toward the mark. Mist Walkers will leap once at marked enemies that get away from them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Minimum Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Mourning Mist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yorick throws a globule of Black Mist that deals @Effect7Amount@% current Health magic damage (min: @MinimumDamageBonus@), Slows by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds, and marks champions and monsters for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Marked enemies continuously Awaken nearby graves (but not exceeding the maximum of @Spell.YorickPassive:YorickPassiveGhoulMax@), and take @GhoulBonusDamage*100@% increased damage from up to @GhoulBonusCount@ attacks by Mist Walkers.

    Yorick and his summoned units gain @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed toward the mark. Mist Walkers will leap once at marked enemies that get away from them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMinimum Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Minimum Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Minimum Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Mourning Mist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yorick throws a globule of Black Mist that deals @Effect7Amount@% current Health magic damage (min: @MinimumDamageBonus@), Slows by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds, and marks champions and monsters for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Marked enemies continuously Awaken nearby graves (but not exceeding the maximum of @Spell.YorickPassive:YorickPassiveGhoulMax@), and take @GhoulBonusDamage*100@% increased damage from up to @GhoulBonusCount@ attacks by Mist Walkers.

    Yorick and his summoned units gain @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed toward the mark. Mist Walkers will leap once at marked enemies that get away from them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mourning Mist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yorick throws a globule of Black Mist that deals @Effect7Amount@% current Health magic damage (min: @MinimumDamageBonus@), Slows by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds, and marks champions and monsters for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Marked enemies continuously Awaken nearby graves (but not exceeding the maximum of @Spell.YorickPassive:YorickPassiveGhoulMax@), and take @GhoulBonusDamage*100@% increased damage from up to @GhoulBonusCount@ attacks by Mist Walkers.

    Yorick and his summoned units gain @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed toward the mark. Mist Walkers will leap once at marked enemies that get away from them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZiggs deploys his ultimate creation, the Mega Inferno Bomb, hurling it an enormous distance. Enemies in the primary blast zone take more damage than those farther away.Mega Inferno BombMega Inferno Bomb@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mega Inferno Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs hurls his ultimate creation, dealing @EmpoweredDamage@ magic damage in the center of the blast radius, or @BlastDamage@ magic damage at the edge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ziggs hurls his ultimate creation, dealing @EmpoweredDamage@ magic damage in the center of the blast radius, or @BlastDamage@ magic damage at the edge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mega Inferno Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs hurls his ultimate creation, dealing @EmpoweredDamage@ magic damage in the center of the blast radius, or @BlastDamage@ magic damage at the edge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Blast Zone Damage
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Mega Inferno Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs hurls his ultimate creation, dealing @EmpoweredDamage@ magic damage in the center of the blast radius, or @BlastDamage@ magic damage at the edge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Blast Zone Damage
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Blast Zone Damage
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Blast Zone Damage
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Mega Inferno Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs hurls his ultimate creation, dealing @EmpoweredDamage@ magic damage in the center of the blast radius, or @BlastDamage@ magic damage at the edge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mega Inferno Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs hurls his ultimate creation, dealing @EmpoweredDamage@ magic damage in the center of the blast radius, or @BlastDamage@ magic damage at the edge.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoNilah enthusiastically dashes toward her target, dealing damage to any enemies she passes through on the way.Slipstream@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Slipstream@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah dashes through a unit, dealing @DashDamage@ physical damage to any enemies she passes through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Nilah dashes through a unit, dealing @DashDamage@ physical damage to any enemies she passes through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Slipstream@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah dashes through a unit, dealing @DashDamage@ physical damage to any enemies she passes through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Recharge Time
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Slipstream@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah dashes through a unit, dealing @DashDamage@ physical damage to any enemies she passes through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Recharge Time
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    Recharge Time
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    Recharge Time
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Slipstream@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah dashes through a unit, dealing @DashDamage@ physical damage to any enemies she passes through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Slipstream@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah dashes through a unit, dealing @DashDamage@ physical damage to any enemies she passes through.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWith a snap of her whip-blade, Nilah damages any enemies she hits in a straight line in her chosen direction. This action extends her attack range for a short duration.Formless BladeFormless Blade@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Formless Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nilah gains @CritArmorPen@ Armor Penetration, and her Attacks against champions restore @CritLifesteal@ damage dealt as Health. Overhealing from this is converted into a Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    Active: Nilah cracks her whip-blade, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage, increased by her Critical Strike Chance. If an enemy unit or structure is hit, Nilah gains 125 Attack Range and @BonusAttackSpeedCalc@% Attack Speed, and her Attacks hit in a cone as @AttackTotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage for @BuffDuration@ seconds.
    Passive: Nilah gains @CritArmorPen@ Armor Penetration, and her Attacks against champions restore @CritLifesteal@ damage dealt as Health. Overhealing from this is converted into a Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    Active: Nilah cracks her whip-blade, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage, increased by her Critical Strike Chance. If an enemy unit or structure is hit, Nilah gains 125 Attack Range and @BonusAttackSpeedCalc@% Attack Speed, and her Attacks hit in a cone as @AttackTotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage for @BuffDuration@ seconds.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Formless Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nilah gains @CritArmorPen@ Armor Penetration, and her Attacks against champions restore @CritLifesteal@ damage dealt as Health. Overhealing from this is converted into a Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    Active: Nilah cracks her whip-blade, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage, increased by her Critical Strike Chance. If an enemy unit or structure is hit, Nilah gains 125 Attack Range and @BonusAttackSpeedCalc@% Attack Speed, and her Attacks hit in a cone as @AttackTotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage for @BuffDuration@ seconds.
    If cast during Slipstream, Nilah creates a wave of water striking all enemies along Nilah's path.
    Area attacks deal @MinionMod*100@% damage to minions and @MonsterMod*100@% damage to monsters.
    This ability executes low Health minions.
    Percent of Attack Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @QADRatio1Prefix@@QADRatio1*100.000000@%@QADRatio1Postfix@ / @QADRatio2Prefix@@QADRatio2*100.000000@%@QADRatio2Postfix@ / @QADRatio3Prefix@@QADRatio3*100.000000@%@QADRatio3Postfix@ / @QADRatio4Prefix@@QADRatio4*100.000000@%@QADRatio4Postfix@ / @QADRatio5Prefix@@QADRatio5*100.000000@%@QADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Formless Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nilah gains @CritArmorPen@ Armor Penetration, and her Attacks against champions restore @CritLifesteal@ damage dealt as Health. Overhealing from this is converted into a Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    Active: Nilah cracks her whip-blade, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage, increased by her Critical Strike Chance. If an enemy unit or structure is hit, Nilah gains 125 Attack Range and @BonusAttackSpeedCalc@% Attack Speed, and her Attacks hit in a cone as @AttackTotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage for @BuffDuration@ seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Percent of Attack Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @QADRatio*100.000000@% -> @QADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    Percent of Attack Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @QADRatio1Prefix@@QADRatio1*100.000000@%@QADRatio1Postfix@ / @QADRatio2Prefix@@QADRatio2*100.000000@%@QADRatio2Postfix@ / @QADRatio3Prefix@@QADRatio3*100.000000@%@QADRatio3Postfix@ / @QADRatio4Prefix@@QADRatio4*100.000000@%@QADRatio4Postfix@ / @QADRatio5Prefix@@QADRatio5*100.000000@%@QADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    Percent of Attack Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @QADRatio*100.000000@% -> @QADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Formless Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nilah gains @CritArmorPen@ Armor Penetration, and her Attacks against champions restore @CritLifesteal@ damage dealt as Health. Overhealing from this is converted into a Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    Active: Nilah cracks her whip-blade, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage, increased by her Critical Strike Chance. If an enemy unit or structure is hit, Nilah gains 125 Attack Range and @BonusAttackSpeedCalc@% Attack Speed, and her Attacks hit in a cone as @AttackTotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage for @BuffDuration@ seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Formless Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nilah gains @CritArmorPen@ Armor Penetration, and her Attacks against champions restore @CritLifesteal@ damage dealt as Health. Overhealing from this is converted into a Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    Active: Nilah cracks her whip-blade, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage, increased by her Critical Strike Chance. If an enemy unit or structure is hit, Nilah gains 125 Attack Range and @BonusAttackSpeedCalc@% Attack Speed, and her Attacks hit in a cone as @AttackTotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTwirling her whip-blade in joyful exuberance, Nilah deals damage to enemies around her before pulling them closer with her weapon.ApotheosisApotheosis@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Apotheosis@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah whirls her whip-blade, dealing @DamagePerTickCalcTooltip@ physical damage over 1 second, then finishes with a burst of @DamageCalc@ physical damage that also Pulls nearby enemies toward her.

    Nilah heals herself and nearby allies by @ChampHealingPercent*100@% + @spell.NilahQ:CritLifesteal@ of her damage dealt to enemy champions' Health (@OtherHealingPercent*100@% for non-champions), converting any overhealing into a Shield for @Duration@ seconds.
    Nilah whirls her whip-blade, dealing @DamagePerTickCalcTooltip@ physical damage over 1 second, then finishes with a burst of @DamageCalc@ physical damage that also Pulls nearby enemies toward her.

    Nilah heals herself and nearby allies by @ChampHealingPercent*100@% + @spell.NilahQ:CritLifesteal@ of her damage dealt to enemy champions' Health (@OtherHealingPercent*100@% for non-champions), converting any overhealing into a Shield for @Duration@ seconds.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Apotheosis@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah whirls her whip-blade, dealing @DamagePerTickCalcTooltip@ physical damage over 1 second, then finishes with a burst of @DamageCalc@ physical damage that also Pulls nearby enemies toward her.

    Nilah heals herself and nearby allies by @ChampHealingPercent*100@% + @spell.NilahQ:CritLifesteal@ of her damage dealt to enemy champions' Health (@OtherHealingPercent*100@% for non-champions), converting any overhealing into a Shield for @Duration@ seconds.
    Damage per Tick
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamageBase1Prefix@@DamageBase1@@DamageBase1Postfix@ / @DamageBase2Prefix@@DamageBase2@@DamageBase2Postfix@ / @DamageBase3Prefix@@DamageBase3@@DamageBase3Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamagePerTick1Prefix@@DamagePerTick1@@DamagePerTick1Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick2Prefix@@DamagePerTick2@@DamagePerTick2Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick3Prefix@@DamagePerTick3@@DamagePerTick3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Apotheosis@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah whirls her whip-blade, dealing @DamagePerTickCalcTooltip@ physical damage over 1 second, then finishes with a burst of @DamageCalc@ physical damage that also Pulls nearby enemies toward her.

    Nilah heals herself and nearby allies by @ChampHealingPercent*100@% + @spell.NilahQ:CritLifesteal@ of her damage dealt to enemy champions' Health (@OtherHealingPercent*100@% for non-champions), converting any overhealing into a Shield for @Duration@ seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Damage per Tick
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @DamageBase@ -> @DamageBaseNL@
    @DamagePerTick@ -> @DamagePerTickNL@
    Damage per Tick
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamageBase1Prefix@@DamageBase1@@DamageBase1Postfix@ / @DamageBase2Prefix@@DamageBase2@@DamageBase2Postfix@ / @DamageBase3Prefix@@DamageBase3@@DamageBase3Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamagePerTick1Prefix@@DamagePerTick1@@DamagePerTick1Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick2Prefix@@DamagePerTick2@@DamagePerTick2Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick3Prefix@@DamagePerTick3@@DamagePerTick3Postfix@ ]
    Damage per Tick
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @DamageBase@ -> @DamageBaseNL@
    @DamagePerTick@ -> @DamagePerTickNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Apotheosis@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah whirls her whip-blade, dealing @DamagePerTickCalcTooltip@ physical damage over 1 second, then finishes with a burst of @DamageCalc@ physical damage that also Pulls nearby enemies toward her.

    Nilah heals herself and nearby allies by @ChampHealingPercent*100@% + @spell.NilahQ:CritLifesteal@ of her damage dealt to enemy champions' Health (@OtherHealingPercent*100@% for non-champions), converting any overhealing into a Shield for @Duration@ seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Apotheosis@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah whirls her whip-blade, dealing @DamagePerTickCalcTooltip@ physical damage over 1 second, then finishes with a burst of @DamageCalc@ physical damage that also Pulls nearby enemies toward her.

    Nilah heals herself and nearby allies by @ChampHealingPercent*100@% + @spell.NilahQ:CritLifesteal@ of her damage dealt to enemy champions' Health (@OtherHealingPercent*100@% for non-champions), converting any overhealing into a Shield for @Duration@ seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoNilah envelops herself in mist, increasing her movement speed and allowing her to gracefully dodge all incoming attacks. Any allies she touches during the mist's duration will also gain this effect.Jubilant Veil@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Jubilant Veil@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah envelops herself in mist for @BaseDuration@ seconds, becoming Ghosted, gaining @MoveSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed, dodging Attacks, and reducing magic damage taken by @MagicDamageReduction*100@%.

    While active, touching allied champions envelops them in mist, granting the same benefits for @ShareBaseDuration@ seconds.
    Nilah envelops herself in mist for @BaseDuration@ seconds, becoming Ghosted, gaining @MoveSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed, dodging Attacks, and reducing magic damage taken by @MagicDamageReduction*100@%.

    While active, touching allied champions envelops them in mist, granting the same benefits for @ShareBaseDuration@ seconds.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Jubilant Veil@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah envelops herself in mist for @BaseDuration@ seconds, becoming Ghosted, gaining @MoveSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed, dodging Attacks, and reducing magic damage taken by @MagicDamageReduction*100@%.

    While active, touching allied champions envelops them in mist, granting the same benefits for @ShareBaseDuration@ seconds.
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MoveSpeedPercent1Prefix@@MoveSpeedPercent1*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedPercent1Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedPercent2Prefix@@MoveSpeedPercent2*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedPercent2Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedPercent3Prefix@@MoveSpeedPercent3*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedPercent3Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedPercent4Prefix@@MoveSpeedPercent4*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedPercent4Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedPercent5Prefix@@MoveSpeedPercent5*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Jubilant Veil@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah envelops herself in mist for @BaseDuration@ seconds, becoming Ghosted, gaining @MoveSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed, dodging Attacks, and reducing magic damage taken by @MagicDamageReduction*100@%.

    While active, touching allied champions envelops them in mist, granting the same benefits for @ShareBaseDuration@ seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @MoveSpeedPercent*100.000000@% -> @MoveSpeedPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MoveSpeedPercent1Prefix@@MoveSpeedPercent1*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedPercent1Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedPercent2Prefix@@MoveSpeedPercent2*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedPercent2Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedPercent3Prefix@@MoveSpeedPercent3*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedPercent3Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedPercent4Prefix@@MoveSpeedPercent4*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedPercent4Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedPercent5Prefix@@MoveSpeedPercent5*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @MoveSpeedPercent*100.000000@% -> @MoveSpeedPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Jubilant Veil@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah envelops herself in mist for @BaseDuration@ seconds, becoming Ghosted, gaining @MoveSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed, dodging Attacks, and reducing magic damage taken by @MagicDamageReduction*100@%.

    While active, touching allied champions envelops them in mist, granting the same benefits for @ShareBaseDuration@ seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Jubilant Veil@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah envelops herself in mist for @BaseDuration@ seconds, becoming Ghosted, gaining @MoveSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed, dodging Attacks, and reducing magic damage taken by @MagicDamageReduction*100@%.

    While active, touching allied champions envelops them in mist, granting the same benefits for @ShareBaseDuration@ seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoNocturne throws a shadow blade that deals damage, leaves a Dusk Trail, and causes champions to leave a Dusk Trail. While on the trail, Nocturne can move through units and has increased Move Speed and Attack Damage.DuskbringerDuskbringer@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Duskbringer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nocturne throws a shadow blade, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and leaving a dusk trail for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions hit also leave a trail.

    While on the trail, Nocturne is Ghosted and gains @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed and @Effect4Amount@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Nocturne throws a shadow blade, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and leaving a dusk trail for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions hit also leave a trail.

    While on the trail, Nocturne is Ghosted and gains @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed and @Effect4Amount@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Duskbringer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nocturne throws a shadow blade, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and leaving a dusk trail for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions hit also leave a trail.

    While on the trail, Nocturne is Ghosted and gains @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed and @Effect4Amount@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Move Speed
    Bonus Attack Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Duskbringer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nocturne throws a shadow blade, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and leaving a dusk trail for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions hit also leave a trail.

    While on the trail, Nocturne is Ghosted and gains @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed and @Effect4Amount@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Move Speed
    Bonus Attack Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Move Speed
    Bonus Attack Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    Bonus Attack Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Duskbringer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nocturne throws a shadow blade, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and leaving a dusk trail for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions hit also leave a trail.

    While on the trail, Nocturne is Ghosted and gains @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed and @Effect4Amount@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Duskbringer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Throws a shadow blade, damaging enemeis struck and leaving a Dusk Trail.

    Nocturne gains @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed and @Effect4Amount@ Attack Damage on the trail.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Duskbringer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nocturne throws a shadow blade, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and leaving a dusk trail for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions hit also leave a trail.

    While on the trail, Nocturne is Ghosted and gains @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed and @Effect4Amount@ Attack Damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoNocturne reduces the sight radius of all enemy champions and removes their ally vision in the process. He can then launch himself at a nearby enemy champion.ParanoiaParanoia@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Paranoia@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nocturne darkens the map, reducing the sight radius and removing ally vision of enemy champions for @ParanoiaDuration@ seconds. Nocturne can Recast this Ability during the duration to launch himself at an enemy champion dealing @Damage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Nocturne darkens the map, reducing the sight radius and removing ally vision of enemy champions for @ParanoiaDuration@ seconds. Nocturne can Recast this Ability during the duration to launch himself at an enemy champion dealing @Damage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Paranoia@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nocturne darkens the map, reducing the sight radius and removing ally vision of enemy champions for @ParanoiaDuration@ seconds. Nocturne can Recast this Ability during the duration to launch himself at an enemy champion dealing @Damage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CastRange1Prefix@@CastRange1@@CastRange1Postfix@ / @CastRange2Prefix@@CastRange2@@CastRange2Postfix@ / @CastRange3Prefix@@CastRange3@@CastRange3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Paranoia@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nocturne darkens the map, reducing the sight radius and removing ally vision of enemy champions for @ParanoiaDuration@ seconds. Nocturne can Recast this Ability during the duration to launch himself at an enemy champion dealing @Damage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @CastRange@ -> @CastRangeNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Paranoia@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nocturne darkens the map, reducing the sight radius and removing ally vision of enemy champions for @ParanoiaDuration@ seconds. Nocturne can Recast this Ability during the duration to launch himself at an enemy champion dealing @Damage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Paranoia@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Enemies cannot see what other enemies see for @ParanoiaDuration@ second(s).

    Re-activate during this to dash to and damage an enemy champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Paranoia@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nocturne darkens the map, reducing the sight radius and removing ally vision of enemy champions for @ParanoiaDuration@ seconds. Nocturne can Recast this Ability during the duration to launch himself at an enemy champion dealing @Damage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoNocturne empowers his blades, passively gaining Attack Speed. Activating Shroud of Darkness allows Nocturne to fade into the shadows, creating a magical barrier which blocks a single enemy ability and doubles his passive Attack Speed if successful.Shroud of DarknessShroud of Darkness@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shroud of Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nocturne gains @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Nocturne creates a shadow barrier for 1.5 seconds that blocks the next enemy Ability. If an Ability is blocked, this Ability's passive effect is increased to @Effect1Amount*2@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Nocturne gains @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Nocturne creates a shadow barrier for 1.5 seconds that blocks the next enemy Ability. If an Ability is blocked, this Ability's passive effect is increased to @Effect1Amount*2@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shroud of Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nocturne gains @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Nocturne creates a shadow barrier for 1.5 seconds that blocks the next enemy Ability. If an Ability is blocked, this Ability's passive effect is increased to @Effect1Amount*2@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability will remain active during Paranoia's flight.Bonus Attack Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shroud of Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nocturne gains @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Nocturne creates a shadow barrier for 1.5 seconds that blocks the next enemy Ability. If an Ability is blocked, this Ability's passive effect is increased to @Effect1Amount*2@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Bonus Attack Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Shroud of Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nocturne gains @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Nocturne creates a shadow barrier for 1.5 seconds that blocks the next enemy Ability. If an Ability is blocked, this Ability's passive effect is increased to @Effect1Amount*2@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shroud of Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nocturne gains @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Block the next enemy ability that hits him within 1.5 second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Shroud of Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nocturne gains @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Nocturne creates a shadow barrier for 1.5 seconds that blocks the next enemy Ability. If an Ability is blocked, this Ability's passive effect is increased to @Effect1Amount*2@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoNocturne plants a nightmare into his target's mind, dealing damage each second and applying fear to the target if they do not get out of range by the end of the duration.Unspeakable Horror@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Unspeakable Horror@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nocturne gains @TooltipFearMS*100@% Move Speed toward Feared enemies.

    Active: Nocturne plants a nightmare tether into his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. If the tether remains unbroken, the target is Feared for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Nocturne gains @TooltipFearMS*100@% Move Speed toward Feared enemies.

    Active: Nocturne plants a nightmare tether into his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. If the tether remains unbroken, the target is Feared for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Unspeakable Horror@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nocturne gains @TooltipFearMS*100@% Move Speed toward Feared enemies.

    Active: Nocturne plants a nightmare tether into his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. If the tether remains unbroken, the target is Feared for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Fear Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Unspeakable Horror@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nocturne gains @TooltipFearMS*100@% Move Speed toward Feared enemies.

    Active: Nocturne plants a nightmare tether into his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. If the tether remains unbroken, the target is Feared for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Fear Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Fear Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Fear Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Unspeakable Horror@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nocturne gains @TooltipFearMS*100@% Move Speed toward Feared enemies.

    Active: Nocturne plants a nightmare tether into his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. If the tether remains unbroken, the target is Feared for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Unspeakable Horror@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Gain massively increased Move Speed toward feared enemies.

    Active: Damages an enemy over @Effect3Amount@ second(s). If this completes, the target is feared for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Unspeakable Horror@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nocturne gains @TooltipFearMS*100@% Move Speed toward Feared enemies.

    Active: Nocturne plants a nightmare tether into his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. If the tether remains unbroken, the target is Feared for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKassadin fires an orb of void energy at a target, dealing damage and interrupting channels. The excess energy forms around himself, granting a temporary shield that absorbs magic damage.Null Sphere@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Null Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kassadin fires an orb of void energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and interrupting channels. Kassadin also gains @TotalShield@ Magic Shield for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Kassadin fires an orb of void energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and interrupting channels. Kassadin also gains @TotalShield@ Magic Shield for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Null Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kassadin fires an orb of void energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and interrupting channels. Kassadin also gains @TotalShield@ Magic Shield for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Null Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kassadin fires an orb of void energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and interrupting channels. Kassadin also gains @TotalShield@ Magic Shield for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Null Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kassadin fires an orb of void energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and interrupting channels. Kassadin also gains @TotalShield@ Magic Shield for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Null Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kassadin fires an orb of void energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and interrupting channels. Kassadin also gains @TotalShield@ Magic Shield for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoNunu throws multiple snowballs that damage enemies. When he's finished, Willump roots any champions or large monsters that were hit by a snowball.Snowball BarrageSnowball Barrage@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Snowball Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Snowball fight!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Snowball fight!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Snowball Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Snowball fight!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Snowball Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Snowball fight!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Snowball Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Snowball fight!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Snowball Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Snowball fight!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Snowball Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu throws three snowballs, dealing @TotalSnowballDamage@ magic damage per snowball and Slowing enemies hit by all three by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Nunu can Recast this up to twice more.

    After @TotalSpellDuration@ seconds, Nunu Roots all nearby enemies that had been Slowed by the snowballs for @RootDuration@ seconds and deals an additional @TotalRootDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Nunu throws three snowballs, dealing @TotalSnowballDamage@ magic damage per snowball and Slowing enemies hit by all three by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Nunu can Recast this up to twice more.

    After @TotalSpellDuration@ seconds, Nunu Roots all nearby enemies that had been Slowed by the snowballs for @RootDuration@ seconds and deals an additional @TotalRootDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Snowball Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu throws three snowballs, dealing @TotalSnowballDamage@ magic damage per snowball and Slowing enemies hit by all three by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Nunu can Recast this up to twice more.

    After @TotalSpellDuration@ seconds, Nunu Roots all nearby enemies that had been Slowed by the snowballs for @RootDuration@ seconds and deals an additional @TotalRootDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Nunu can only Slow each enemy once with this Ability.Damage
    Mana Cost
    Movement Slow
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Snowball Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu throws three snowballs, dealing @TotalSnowballDamage@ magic damage per snowball and Slowing enemies hit by all three by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Nunu can Recast this up to twice more.

    After @TotalSpellDuration@ seconds, Nunu Roots all nearby enemies that had been Slowed by the snowballs for @RootDuration@ seconds and deals an additional @TotalRootDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Mana Cost
    Movement Slow
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @SlowAmount*-100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Mana Cost
    Movement Slow
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Mana Cost
    Movement Slow
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @SlowAmount*-100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Snowball Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu throws three snowballs, dealing @TotalSnowballDamage@ magic damage per snowball and Slowing enemies hit by all three by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Nunu can Recast this up to twice more.

    After @TotalSpellDuration@ seconds, Nunu Roots all nearby enemies that had been Slowed by the snowballs for @RootDuration@ seconds and deals an additional @TotalRootDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Snowball Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu throws three snowballs, dealing @TotalSnowballDamage@ magic damage per snowball and Slowing enemies hit by all three by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Nunu can Recast this up to twice more.

    After @TotalSpellDuration@ seconds, Nunu Roots all nearby enemies that had been Slowed by the snowballs for @RootDuration@ seconds and deals an additional @TotalRootDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWillump takes a bite out of a minion, monster, or enemy champion, dealing damage and healing himself.Consume@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Consume@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ ManaNunu asks Willump to take a bite of an enemy, dealing @MonsterMinionDamage@ true damage and restoring @MonsterHealing@ Health when used against a minion or jungle monster. Against a champion, it instead deals @TotalChampionDamage@ magic damage and restores @ChampionHealing@ Health.

    The healing is increased by @LowHealthHealingScalar*100@% when Nunu and Willump are below @LowHealthThreshhold*100@% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Nunu asks Willump to take a bite of an enemy, dealing @MonsterMinionDamage@ true damage and restoring @MonsterHealing@ Health when used against a minion or jungle monster. Against a champion, it instead deals @TotalChampionDamage@ magic damage and restores @ChampionHealing@ Health.

    The healing is increased by @LowHealthHealingScalar*100@% when Nunu and Willump are below @LowHealthThreshhold*100@% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Consume@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ ManaNunu asks Willump to take a bite of an enemy, dealing @MonsterMinionDamage@ true damage and restoring @MonsterHealing@ Health when used against a minion or jungle monster. Against a champion, it instead deals @TotalChampionDamage@ magic damage and restores @ChampionHealing@ Health.

    The healing is increased by @LowHealthHealingScalar*100@% when Nunu and Willump are below @LowHealthThreshhold*100@% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Monster Damage
    Champion Damage
    [ @MonsterMinionDamage1Prefix@@MonsterMinionDamage1@@MonsterMinionDamage1Postfix@ / @MonsterMinionDamage2Prefix@@MonsterMinionDamage2@@MonsterMinionDamage2Postfix@ / @MonsterMinionDamage3Prefix@@MonsterMinionDamage3@@MonsterMinionDamage3Postfix@ / @MonsterMinionDamage4Prefix@@MonsterMinionDamage4@@MonsterMinionDamage4Postfix@ / @MonsterMinionDamage5Prefix@@MonsterMinionDamage5@@MonsterMinionDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ChampionDamage1Prefix@@ChampionDamage1@@ChampionDamage1Postfix@ / @ChampionDamage2Prefix@@ChampionDamage2@@ChampionDamage2Postfix@ / @ChampionDamage3Prefix@@ChampionDamage3@@ChampionDamage3Postfix@ / @ChampionDamage4Prefix@@ChampionDamage4@@ChampionDamage4Postfix@ / @ChampionDamage5Prefix@@ChampionDamage5@@ChampionDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseHealing1Prefix@@BaseHealing1@@BaseHealing1Postfix@ / @BaseHealing2Prefix@@BaseHealing2@@BaseHealing2Postfix@ / @BaseHealing3Prefix@@BaseHealing3@@BaseHealing3Postfix@ / @BaseHealing4Prefix@@BaseHealing4@@BaseHealing4Postfix@ / @BaseHealing5Prefix@@BaseHealing5@@BaseHealing5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Consume@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ ManaNunu asks Willump to take a bite of an enemy, dealing @MonsterMinionDamage@ true damage and restoring @MonsterHealing@ Health when used against a minion or jungle monster. Against a champion, it instead deals @TotalChampionDamage@ magic damage and restores @ChampionHealing@ Health.

    The healing is increased by @LowHealthHealingScalar*100@% when Nunu and Willump are below @LowHealthThreshhold*100@% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMonster Damage
    Champion Damage
    @MonsterMinionDamage@ -> @MonsterMinionDamageNL@
    @ChampionDamage@ -> @ChampionDamageNL@
    @BaseHealing@ -> @BaseHealingNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Monster Damage
    Champion Damage
    [ @MonsterMinionDamage1Prefix@@MonsterMinionDamage1@@MonsterMinionDamage1Postfix@ / @MonsterMinionDamage2Prefix@@MonsterMinionDamage2@@MonsterMinionDamage2Postfix@ / @MonsterMinionDamage3Prefix@@MonsterMinionDamage3@@MonsterMinionDamage3Postfix@ / @MonsterMinionDamage4Prefix@@MonsterMinionDamage4@@MonsterMinionDamage4Postfix@ / @MonsterMinionDamage5Prefix@@MonsterMinionDamage5@@MonsterMinionDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ChampionDamage1Prefix@@ChampionDamage1@@ChampionDamage1Postfix@ / @ChampionDamage2Prefix@@ChampionDamage2@@ChampionDamage2Postfix@ / @ChampionDamage3Prefix@@ChampionDamage3@@ChampionDamage3Postfix@ / @ChampionDamage4Prefix@@ChampionDamage4@@ChampionDamage4Postfix@ / @ChampionDamage5Prefix@@ChampionDamage5@@ChampionDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseHealing1Prefix@@BaseHealing1@@BaseHealing1Postfix@ / @BaseHealing2Prefix@@BaseHealing2@@BaseHealing2Postfix@ / @BaseHealing3Prefix@@BaseHealing3@@BaseHealing3Postfix@ / @BaseHealing4Prefix@@BaseHealing4@@BaseHealing4Postfix@ / @BaseHealing5Prefix@@BaseHealing5@@BaseHealing5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Monster Damage
    Champion Damage
    @MonsterMinionDamage@ -> @MonsterMinionDamageNL@
    @ChampionDamage@ -> @ChampionDamageNL@
    @BaseHealing@ -> @BaseHealingNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Consume@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ ManaNunu asks Willump to take a bite of an enemy, dealing @MonsterMinionDamage@ true damage and restoring @MonsterHealing@ Health when used against a minion or jungle monster. Against a champion, it instead deals @TotalChampionDamage@ magic damage and restores @ChampionHealing@ Health.

    The healing is increased by @LowHealthHealingScalar*100@% when Nunu and Willump are below @LowHealthThreshhold*100@% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Consume@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ ManaNunu asks Willump to take a bite of an enemy, dealing @MonsterMinionDamage@ true damage and restoring @MonsterHealing@ Health when used against a minion or jungle monster. Against a champion, it instead deals @TotalChampionDamage@ magic damage and restores @ChampionHealing@ Health.

    The healing is increased by @LowHealthHealingScalar*100@% when Nunu and Willump are below @LowHealthThreshhold*100@% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoNunu & Willump create a powerful blizzard in an area that slows enemies and deals massive damage at the end.Absolute ZeroAbsolute Zero@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Absolute Zero@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu and Willump channel a powerful blizzard for up to @ChannelDuration@ seconds. Enemies inside are Slowed by @SlowStartAmount*-100@%, increasing to @MaxSlowAmount*-100@% over the duration. Nunu and Willump also gain @TotalShieldAmount@ Shield for the duration before decaying over @ShieldDecayDuration@ seconds afterwards.

    When the blizzard ends, it detonates, dealing up to @MaximumDamage@ magic damage based on channel time. Nunu and Willump can Recast to end the blizzard early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Nunu and Willump channel a powerful blizzard for up to @ChannelDuration@ seconds. Enemies inside are Slowed by @SlowStartAmount*-100@%, increasing to @MaxSlowAmount*-100@% over the duration. Nunu and Willump also gain @TotalShieldAmount@ Shield for the duration before decaying over @ShieldDecayDuration@ seconds afterwards.

    When the blizzard ends, it detonates, dealing up to @MaximumDamage@ magic damage based on channel time. Nunu and Willump can Recast to end the blizzard early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Absolute Zero@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu and Willump channel a powerful blizzard for up to @ChannelDuration@ seconds. Enemies inside are Slowed by @SlowStartAmount*-100@%, increasing to @MaxSlowAmount*-100@% over the duration. Nunu and Willump also gain @TotalShieldAmount@ Shield for the duration before decaying over @ShieldDecayDuration@ seconds afterwards.

    When the blizzard ends, it detonates, dealing up to @MaximumDamage@ magic damage based on channel time. Nunu and Willump can Recast to end the blizzard early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shield Amount
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseShieldAmount1Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount1@@BaseShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @BaseShieldAmount2Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount2@@BaseShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @BaseShieldAmount3Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount3@@BaseShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Absolute Zero@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu and Willump channel a powerful blizzard for up to @ChannelDuration@ seconds. Enemies inside are Slowed by @SlowStartAmount*-100@%, increasing to @MaxSlowAmount*-100@% over the duration. Nunu and Willump also gain @TotalShieldAmount@ Shield for the duration before decaying over @ShieldDecayDuration@ seconds afterwards.

    When the blizzard ends, it detonates, dealing up to @MaximumDamage@ magic damage based on channel time. Nunu and Willump can Recast to end the blizzard early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Shield Amount
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseShieldAmount@ -> @BaseShieldAmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Shield Amount
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseShieldAmount1Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount1@@BaseShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @BaseShieldAmount2Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount2@@BaseShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @BaseShieldAmount3Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount3@@BaseShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseShieldAmount@ -> @BaseShieldAmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Absolute Zero@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu and Willump channel a powerful blizzard for up to @ChannelDuration@ seconds. Enemies inside are Slowed by @SlowStartAmount*-100@%, increasing to @MaxSlowAmount*-100@% over the duration. Nunu and Willump also gain @TotalShieldAmount@ Shield for the duration before decaying over @ShieldDecayDuration@ seconds afterwards.

    When the blizzard ends, it detonates, dealing up to @MaximumDamage@ magic damage based on channel time. Nunu and Willump can Recast to end the blizzard early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Absolute Zero@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu and Willump channel a powerful blizzard for up to @ChannelDuration@ seconds. Enemies inside are Slowed by @SlowStartAmount*-100@%, increasing to @MaxSlowAmount*-100@% over the duration. Nunu and Willump also gain @TotalShieldAmount@ Shield for the duration before decaying over @ShieldDecayDuration@ seconds afterwards.

    When the blizzard ends, it detonates, dealing up to @MaximumDamage@ magic damage based on channel time. Nunu and Willump can Recast to end the blizzard early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWillump creates a snowball that grows in size and speed as he rolls it. The snowball damages and knocks up enemies.Biggest Snowball Ever!Biggest Snowball Ever!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Biggest Snowball Ever!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu and Willump create a snowball that grows in size and speed as they roll it. They turn slower while rolling it, but can increase turning speed by holding the turn.

    The snowball does between @NoImpactSnowballDamage@ and @MaximumSnowballDamage@ magic damage, and Knocks Up for between @BaseKnockupDuration@ and @MaximumStunDuration@ seconds when it collides with a champion, large monster or wall. These values scale up with distance rolled.

    Nunu and Willump can Recast to let the snowball go early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Nunu and Willump create a snowball that grows in size and speed as they roll it. They turn slower while rolling it, but can increase turning speed by holding the turn.

    The snowball does between @NoImpactSnowballDamage@ and @MaximumSnowballDamage@ magic damage, and Knocks Up for between @BaseKnockupDuration@ and @MaximumStunDuration@ seconds when it collides with a champion, large monster or wall. These values scale up with distance rolled.

    Nunu and Willump can Recast to let the snowball go early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Biggest Snowball Ever!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu and Willump create a snowball that grows in size and speed as they roll it. They turn slower while rolling it, but can increase turning speed by holding the turn.

    The snowball does between @NoImpactSnowballDamage@ and @MaximumSnowballDamage@ magic damage, and Knocks Up for between @BaseKnockupDuration@ and @MaximumStunDuration@ seconds when it collides with a champion, large monster or wall. These values scale up with distance rolled.

    Nunu and Willump can Recast to let the snowball go early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Base Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Biggest Snowball Ever!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu and Willump create a snowball that grows in size and speed as they roll it. They turn slower while rolling it, but can increase turning speed by holding the turn.

    The snowball does between @NoImpactSnowballDamage@ and @MaximumSnowballDamage@ magic damage, and Knocks Up for between @BaseKnockupDuration@ and @MaximumStunDuration@ seconds when it collides with a champion, large monster or wall. These values scale up with distance rolled.

    Nunu and Willump can Recast to let the snowball go early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Base Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Base Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Biggest Snowball Ever!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu and Willump create a snowball that grows in size and speed as they roll it. They turn slower while rolling it, but can increase turning speed by holding the turn.

    The snowball does between @NoImpactSnowballDamage@ and @MaximumSnowballDamage@ magic damage, and Knocks Up for between @BaseKnockupDuration@ and @MaximumStunDuration@ seconds when it collides with a champion, large monster or wall. These values scale up with distance rolled.

    Nunu and Willump can Recast to let the snowball go early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Biggest Snowball Ever!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nunu and Willump create a snowball that grows in size and speed as they roll it. They turn slower while rolling it, but can increase turning speed by holding the turn.

    The snowball does between @NoImpactSnowballDamage@ and @MaximumSnowballDamage@ magic damage, and Knocks Up for between @BaseKnockupDuration@ and @MaximumStunDuration@ seconds when it collides with a champion, large monster or wall. These values scale up with distance rolled.

    Nunu and Willump can Recast to let the snowball go early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMalphite attacks with such force that it creates a sonic boom. For the next few seconds, his attacks create aftershocks in front of him.ThunderclapThunderclap@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Thunderclap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Malphite gains @BonusArmorPassive*100@% Armor (%i:scaleArmor%@f1@). This effect is increased to @BonusArmorPassive*300@% (%i:scaleArmor%@f2@) while Granite Shield is active.

    Active: Malphite's next Attack deals an additional @TotalBonusDamage@ physical damage and creates an aftershock which deals @ThunderclapSplash@ physical damage in their direction. His Attacks continue to create aftershocks for the next @ThunderclapBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Malphite gains @BonusArmorPassive*100@% Armor (%i:scaleArmor%@f1@). This effect is increased to @BonusArmorPassive*300@% (%i:scaleArmor%@f2@) while Granite Shield is active.

    Active: Malphite's next Attack deals an additional @TotalBonusDamage@ physical damage and creates an aftershock which deals @ThunderclapSplash@ physical damage in their direction. His Attacks continue to create aftershocks for the next @ThunderclapBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Thunderclap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Malphite gains @BonusArmorPassive*100@% Armor (%i:scaleArmor%@f1@). This effect is increased to @BonusArmorPassive*300@% (%i:scaleArmor%@f2@) while Granite Shield is active.

    Active: Malphite's next Attack deals an additional @TotalBonusDamage@ physical damage and creates an aftershock which deals @ThunderclapSplash@ physical damage in their direction. His Attacks continue to create aftershocks for the next @ThunderclapBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Aftershock Splash Damage
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusArmorPassive1Prefix@@BonusArmorPassive1*100.000000@%@BonusArmorPassive1Postfix@ / @BonusArmorPassive2Prefix@@BonusArmorPassive2*100.000000@%@BonusArmorPassive2Postfix@ / @BonusArmorPassive3Prefix@@BonusArmorPassive3*100.000000@%@BonusArmorPassive3Postfix@ / @BonusArmorPassive4Prefix@@BonusArmorPassive4*100.000000@%@BonusArmorPassive4Postfix@ / @BonusArmorPassive5Prefix@@BonusArmorPassive5*100.000000@%@BonusArmorPassive5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ThunderclapBaseDamage1Prefix@@ThunderclapBaseDamage1@@ThunderclapBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ThunderclapBaseDamage2Prefix@@ThunderclapBaseDamage2@@ThunderclapBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ThunderclapBaseDamage3Prefix@@ThunderclapBaseDamage3@@ThunderclapBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ThunderclapBaseDamage4Prefix@@ThunderclapBaseDamage4@@ThunderclapBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ThunderclapBaseDamage5Prefix@@ThunderclapBaseDamage5@@ThunderclapBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ThunderclapSplashDamage1Prefix@@ThunderclapSplashDamage1@@ThunderclapSplashDamage1Postfix@ / @ThunderclapSplashDamage2Prefix@@ThunderclapSplashDamage2@@ThunderclapSplashDamage2Postfix@ / @ThunderclapSplashDamage3Prefix@@ThunderclapSplashDamage3@@ThunderclapSplashDamage3Postfix@ / @ThunderclapSplashDamage4Prefix@@ThunderclapSplashDamage4@@ThunderclapSplashDamage4Postfix@ / @ThunderclapSplashDamage5Prefix@@ThunderclapSplashDamage5@@ThunderclapSplashDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Thunderclap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Malphite gains @BonusArmorPassive*100@% Armor (%i:scaleArmor%@f1@). This effect is increased to @BonusArmorPassive*300@% (%i:scaleArmor%@f2@) while Granite Shield is active.

    Active: Malphite's next Attack deals an additional @TotalBonusDamage@ physical damage and creates an aftershock which deals @ThunderclapSplash@ physical damage in their direction. His Attacks continue to create aftershocks for the next @ThunderclapBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Aftershock Splash Damage
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BonusArmorPassive*100.000000@% -> @BonusArmorPassiveNL*100.000000@%
    @ThunderclapBaseDamage@ -> @ThunderclapBaseDamageNL@
    @ThunderclapSplashDamage@ -> @ThunderclapSplashDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Aftershock Splash Damage
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusArmorPassive1Prefix@@BonusArmorPassive1*100.000000@%@BonusArmorPassive1Postfix@ / @BonusArmorPassive2Prefix@@BonusArmorPassive2*100.000000@%@BonusArmorPassive2Postfix@ / @BonusArmorPassive3Prefix@@BonusArmorPassive3*100.000000@%@BonusArmorPassive3Postfix@ / @BonusArmorPassive4Prefix@@BonusArmorPassive4*100.000000@%@BonusArmorPassive4Postfix@ / @BonusArmorPassive5Prefix@@BonusArmorPassive5*100.000000@%@BonusArmorPassive5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ThunderclapBaseDamage1Prefix@@ThunderclapBaseDamage1@@ThunderclapBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ThunderclapBaseDamage2Prefix@@ThunderclapBaseDamage2@@ThunderclapBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ThunderclapBaseDamage3Prefix@@ThunderclapBaseDamage3@@ThunderclapBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ThunderclapBaseDamage4Prefix@@ThunderclapBaseDamage4@@ThunderclapBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ThunderclapBaseDamage5Prefix@@ThunderclapBaseDamage5@@ThunderclapBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ThunderclapSplashDamage1Prefix@@ThunderclapSplashDamage1@@ThunderclapSplashDamage1Postfix@ / @ThunderclapSplashDamage2Prefix@@ThunderclapSplashDamage2@@ThunderclapSplashDamage2Postfix@ / @ThunderclapSplashDamage3Prefix@@ThunderclapSplashDamage3@@ThunderclapSplashDamage3Postfix@ / @ThunderclapSplashDamage4Prefix@@ThunderclapSplashDamage4@@ThunderclapSplashDamage4Postfix@ / @ThunderclapSplashDamage5Prefix@@ThunderclapSplashDamage5@@ThunderclapSplashDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Aftershock Splash Damage
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BonusArmorPassive*100.000000@% -> @BonusArmorPassiveNL*100.000000@%
    @ThunderclapBaseDamage@ -> @ThunderclapBaseDamageNL@
    @ThunderclapSplashDamage@ -> @ThunderclapSplashDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Thunderclap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Malphite gains @BonusArmorPassive*100@% Armor (%i:scaleArmor%@f1@). This effect is increased to @BonusArmorPassive*300@% (%i:scaleArmor%@f2@) while Granite Shield is active.

    Active: Malphite's next Attack deals an additional @TotalBonusDamage@ physical damage and creates an aftershock which deals @ThunderclapSplash@ physical damage in their direction. His Attacks continue to create aftershocks for the next @ThunderclapBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Thunderclap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Malphite gains @BonusArmorPassive*100@% Armor (%i:scaleArmor%@f1@). This effect is increased to @BonusArmorPassive*300@% (%i:scaleArmor%@f2@) while Granite Shield is active.

    Active: Malphite's next Attack deals an additional @TotalBonusDamage@ physical damage and creates an aftershock which deals @ThunderclapSplash@ physical damage in their direction. His Attacks continue to create aftershocks for the next @ThunderclapBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWay of the Wanderer@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Way of the Wanderer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Resolve: Moving grants Flow, which is tracked on Yasuo's resource bar. Moving faster grants more Flow. At maximum Flow, damage from a champion or monster briefly grants @ShieldValue@ Shield.

    Intent: Yasuo's Critical Strike Chance is increased by @CritChanceMultiplier*100@%, but his Critical Strikes deal @PercentCritDamageReduction*-100@% reduced Damage. Gain @YasuoCritToAD*.01@ Bonus Attack Damage for every 1% Critical Strike Chance above 100%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Resolve: Moving grants Flow, which is tracked on Yasuo's resource bar. Moving faster grants more Flow. At maximum Flow, damage from a champion or monster briefly grants @ShieldValue@ Shield.

    Intent: Yasuo's Critical Strike Chance is increased by @CritChanceMultiplier*100@%, but his Critical Strikes deal @PercentCritDamageReduction*-100@% reduced Damage. Gain @YasuoCritToAD*.01@ Bonus Attack Damage for every 1% Critical Strike Chance above 100%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Way of the Wanderer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Resolve: Moving grants Flow, which is tracked on Yasuo's resource bar. Moving faster grants more Flow. At maximum Flow, damage from a champion or monster briefly grants @ShieldValue@ Shield.

    Intent: Yasuo's Critical Strike Chance is increased by @CritChanceMultiplier*100@%, but his Critical Strikes deal @PercentCritDamageReduction*-100@% reduced Damage. Gain @YasuoCritToAD*.01@ Bonus Attack Damage for every 1% Critical Strike Chance above 100%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Way of the Wanderer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Resolve: Moving grants Flow, which is tracked on Yasuo's resource bar. Moving faster grants more Flow. At maximum Flow, damage from a champion or monster briefly grants @ShieldValue@ Shield.

    Intent: Yasuo's Critical Strike Chance is increased by @CritChanceMultiplier*100@%, but his Critical Strikes deal @PercentCritDamageReduction*-100@% reduced Damage. Gain @YasuoCritToAD*.01@ Bonus Attack Damage for every 1% Critical Strike Chance above 100%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Way of the Wanderer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Resolve: Moving grants Flow, which is tracked on Yasuo's resource bar. Moving faster grants more Flow. At maximum Flow, damage from a champion or monster briefly grants @ShieldValue@ Shield.

    Intent: Yasuo's Critical Strike Chance is increased by @CritChanceMultiplier*100@%, but his Critical Strikes deal @PercentCritDamageReduction*-100@% reduced Damage. Gain @YasuoCritToAD*.01@ Bonus Attack Damage for every 1% Critical Strike Chance above 100%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Way of the Wanderer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Resolve: Moving grants Flow, which is tracked on Yasuo's resource bar. Moving faster grants more Flow. At maximum Flow, damage from a champion or monster briefly grants @ShieldValue@ Shield.

    Intent: Yasuo's Critical Strike Chance is increased by @CritChanceMultiplier*100@%, but his Critical Strikes deal @PercentCritDamageReduction*-100@% reduced Damage. Gain @YasuoCritToAD*.01@ Bonus Attack Damage for every 1% Critical Strike Chance above 100%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Dredge Line@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus hurls his anchor forward. If it hits an enemy, Nautilus drags himself and the target together, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Stunning them briefly. If the anchor hits terrain, Nautilus will drag himself towards it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Dredge Line@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nautilus hurls his anchor forward. If it hits an enemy, Nautilus drags himself and the target together, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Stunning them briefly. If the anchor hits terrain, Nautilus will drag himself towards it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Olaf throws an axe into the ground at a target location, dealing damage to enemies it passes through and reducing their Armor and Move Speed. If Olaf picks up the axe, the ability's cooldown is reset.UndertowUndertow@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Undertow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Olaf throws an axe, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for up to @Effect3Amount@ seconds (based on distance travelled). Champions hit lose @ShredAmount*100@% Armor for @DebuffDuration@ seconds.

    If Olaf picks up the axe, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced to @TooltipCDRefund@ seconds, or fully refunded if @TooltipCDRefund@ seconds has elapsed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Olaf throws an axe, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for up to @Effect3Amount@ seconds (based on distance travelled). Champions hit lose @ShredAmount*100@% Armor for @DebuffDuration@ seconds.

    If Olaf picks up the axe, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced to @TooltipCDRefund@ seconds, or fully refunded if @TooltipCDRefund@ seconds has elapsed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Undertow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Olaf throws an axe, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for up to @Effect3Amount@ seconds (based on distance travelled). Champions hit lose @ShredAmount*100@% Armor for @DebuffDuration@ seconds.

    If Olaf picks up the axe, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced to @TooltipCDRefund@ seconds, or fully refunded if @TooltipCDRefund@ seconds has elapsed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Mana Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Undertow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Olaf throws an axe, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for up to @Effect3Amount@ seconds (based on distance travelled). Champions hit lose @ShredAmount*100@% Armor for @DebuffDuration@ seconds.

    If Olaf picks up the axe, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced to @TooltipCDRefund@ seconds, or fully refunded if @TooltipCDRefund@ seconds has elapsed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Mana Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    Mana Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    Mana Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Undertow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Olaf throws an axe, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for up to @Effect3Amount@ seconds (based on distance travelled). Champions hit lose @ShredAmount*100@% Armor for @DebuffDuration@ seconds.

    If Olaf picks up the axe, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced to @TooltipCDRefund@ seconds, or fully refunded if @TooltipCDRefund@ seconds has elapsed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Undertow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Olaf throws an axe, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for up to @Effect3Amount@ seconds (based on distance travelled). Champions hit lose @ShredAmount*100@% Armor for @DebuffDuration@ seconds.

    If Olaf picks up the axe, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced to @TooltipCDRefund@ seconds, or fully refunded if @TooltipCDRefund@ seconds has elapsed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoOlaf's Attack Speed is increased, he reduces incoming damage, and he gains a Shield.Tough It OutTough It Out@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tough It Out@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Olaf gains @Attackspeed*100@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds, and @BaseShield@ plus @ShieldPercMissingHP*100@% missing Health Shield (up to a maximum of @MaxShieldCalc@ Shield below @ThresholdForMax*100@% Health) for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Olaf gains @Attackspeed*100@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds, and @BaseShield@ plus @ShieldPercMissingHP*100@% missing Health Shield (up to a maximum of @MaxShieldCalc@ Shield below @ThresholdForMax*100@% Health) for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tough It Out@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Olaf gains @Attackspeed*100@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds, and @BaseShield@ plus @ShieldPercMissingHP*100@% missing Health Shield (up to a maximum of @MaxShieldCalc@ Shield below @ThresholdForMax*100@% Health) for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Attack Speed
    Base Shield
    [ @Attackspeed1Prefix@@Attackspeed1*100.000000@%@Attackspeed1Postfix@ / @Attackspeed2Prefix@@Attackspeed2*100.000000@%@Attackspeed2Postfix@ / @Attackspeed3Prefix@@Attackspeed3*100.000000@%@Attackspeed3Postfix@ / @Attackspeed4Prefix@@Attackspeed4*100.000000@%@Attackspeed4Postfix@ / @Attackspeed5Prefix@@Attackspeed5*100.000000@%@Attackspeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseShield1Prefix@@BaseShield1@@BaseShield1Postfix@ / @BaseShield2Prefix@@BaseShield2@@BaseShield2Postfix@ / @BaseShield3Prefix@@BaseShield3@@BaseShield3Postfix@ / @BaseShield4Prefix@@BaseShield4@@BaseShield4Postfix@ / @BaseShield5Prefix@@BaseShield5@@BaseShield5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Tough It Out@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Olaf gains @Attackspeed*100@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds, and @BaseShield@ plus @ShieldPercMissingHP*100@% missing Health Shield (up to a maximum of @MaxShieldCalc@ Shield below @ThresholdForMax*100@% Health) for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Speed
    Base Shield
    @Attackspeed*100.000000@% -> @AttackspeedNL*100.000000@%
    @BaseShield@ -> @BaseShieldNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Attack Speed
    Base Shield
    [ @Attackspeed1Prefix@@Attackspeed1*100.000000@%@Attackspeed1Postfix@ / @Attackspeed2Prefix@@Attackspeed2*100.000000@%@Attackspeed2Postfix@ / @Attackspeed3Prefix@@Attackspeed3*100.000000@%@Attackspeed3Postfix@ / @Attackspeed4Prefix@@Attackspeed4*100.000000@%@Attackspeed4Postfix@ / @Attackspeed5Prefix@@Attackspeed5*100.000000@%@Attackspeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseShield1Prefix@@BaseShield1@@BaseShield1Postfix@ / @BaseShield2Prefix@@BaseShield2@@BaseShield2Postfix@ / @BaseShield3Prefix@@BaseShield3@@BaseShield3Postfix@ / @BaseShield4Prefix@@BaseShield4@@BaseShield4Postfix@ / @BaseShield5Prefix@@BaseShield5@@BaseShield5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    Base Shield
    @Attackspeed*100.000000@% -> @AttackspeedNL*100.000000@%
    @BaseShield@ -> @BaseShieldNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Tough It Out@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Olaf gains @Attackspeed*100@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds, and @BaseShield@ plus @ShieldPercMissingHP*100@% missing Health Shield (up to a maximum of @MaxShieldCalc@ Shield below @ThresholdForMax*100@% Health) for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Tough It Out@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Olaf gains @Attackspeed*100@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds, and @BaseShield@ plus @ShieldPercMissingHP*100@% missing Health Shield (up to a maximum of @MaxShieldCalc@ Shield below @ThresholdForMax*100@% Health) for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoOlaf passively gains increased armor and magic resist. He can activate this ability to become immune to disables for as long as he keeps attacking.RagnarokRagnarok@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ragnarok@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Olaf gains @Resists@ Armor and @Resists@ Magic Resist.

    Active: Olaf cleanses all Immobilizing and Disabling effects on himself and becomes immune to them for @Duration@ seconds. While active, Olaf gains @AD@ Attack Damage. Hitting a champion with an Attack or Reckless Swing extends the duration by @DurationExtension@ seconds.

    Additionally, Olaf gains @Haste*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @HasteDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Olaf gains @Resists@ Armor and @Resists@ Magic Resist.

    Active: Olaf cleanses all Immobilizing and Disabling effects on himself and becomes immune to them for @Duration@ seconds. While active, Olaf gains @AD@ Attack Damage. Hitting a champion with an Attack or Reckless Swing extends the duration by @DurationExtension@ seconds.

    Additionally, Olaf gains @Haste*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @HasteDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ragnarok@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Olaf gains @Resists@ Armor and @Resists@ Magic Resist.

    Active: Olaf cleanses all Immobilizing and Disabling effects on himself and becomes immune to them for @Duration@ seconds. While active, Olaf gains @AD@ Attack Damage. Hitting a champion with an Attack or Reckless Swing extends the duration by @DurationExtension@ seconds.

    Additionally, Olaf gains @Haste*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @HasteDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Armor and Magic Resist
    Attack Damage
    Move Speed
    [ @Resists1Prefix@@Resists1@@Resists1Postfix@ / @Resists2Prefix@@Resists2@@Resists2Postfix@ / @Resists3Prefix@@Resists3@@Resists3Postfix@ ]
    [ @FlatAD1Prefix@@FlatAD1@@FlatAD1Postfix@ / @FlatAD2Prefix@@FlatAD2@@FlatAD2Postfix@ / @FlatAD3Prefix@@FlatAD3@@FlatAD3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Haste1Prefix@@Haste1*100.000000@@Haste1Postfix@ / @Haste2Prefix@@Haste2*100.000000@@Haste2Postfix@ / @Haste3Prefix@@Haste3*100.000000@@Haste3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Ragnarok@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Olaf gains @Resists@ Armor and @Resists@ Magic Resist.

    Active: Olaf cleanses all Immobilizing and Disabling effects on himself and becomes immune to them for @Duration@ seconds. While active, Olaf gains @AD@ Attack Damage. Hitting a champion with an Attack or Reckless Swing extends the duration by @DurationExtension@ seconds.

    Additionally, Olaf gains @Haste*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @HasteDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upArmor and Magic Resist
    Attack Damage
    Move Speed
    @Resists@ -> @ResistsNL@
    @FlatAD@ -> @FlatADNL@
    @Haste*100.000000@ -> @HasteNL*100.000000@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Armor and Magic Resist
    Attack Damage
    Move Speed
    [ @Resists1Prefix@@Resists1@@Resists1Postfix@ / @Resists2Prefix@@Resists2@@Resists2Postfix@ / @Resists3Prefix@@Resists3@@Resists3Postfix@ ]
    [ @FlatAD1Prefix@@FlatAD1@@FlatAD1Postfix@ / @FlatAD2Prefix@@FlatAD2@@FlatAD2Postfix@ / @FlatAD3Prefix@@FlatAD3@@FlatAD3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Haste1Prefix@@Haste1*100.000000@@Haste1Postfix@ / @Haste2Prefix@@Haste2*100.000000@@Haste2Postfix@ / @Haste3Prefix@@Haste3*100.000000@@Haste3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Armor and Magic Resist
    Attack Damage
    Move Speed
    @Resists@ -> @ResistsNL@
    @FlatAD@ -> @FlatADNL@
    @Haste*100.000000@ -> @HasteNL*100.000000@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Ragnarok@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Olaf gains @Resists@ Armor and @Resists@ Magic Resist.

    Active: Olaf cleanses all Immobilizing and Disabling effects on himself and becomes immune to them for @Duration@ seconds. While active, Olaf gains @AD@ Attack Damage. Hitting a champion with an Attack or Reckless Swing extends the duration by @DurationExtension@ seconds.

    Additionally, Olaf gains @Haste*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @HasteDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ragnarok@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Olaf gains @Resists@ Armor and @Resists@ Magic Resist.

    Active: Olaf cleanses all Immobilizing and Disabling effects on himself and becomes immune to them for @Duration@ seconds. While active, Olaf gains @AD@ Attack Damage. Hitting a champion with an Attack or Reckless Swing extends the duration by @DurationExtension@ seconds.

    Additionally, Olaf gains @Haste*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @HasteDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoOlaf attacks with such force that it deals true damage to his target and himself, refunding the Health cost if he destroys the target.Reckless SwingReckless Swing@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Reckless Swing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @f1@ HealthOlaf ferociously swings his axes, dealing @TotalDamage@ true damage. If the enemy dies, the cost is refunded.

    Attacks lower the Cooldown of this Ability by 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Olaf ferociously swings his axes, dealing @TotalDamage@ true damage. If the enemy dies, the cost is refunded.

    Attacks lower the Cooldown of this Ability by 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Reckless Swing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @f1@ HealthOlaf ferociously swings his axes, dealing @TotalDamage@ true damage. If the enemy dies, the cost is refunded.

    Attacks lower the Cooldown of this Ability by 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Reckless Swing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @f1@ HealthOlaf ferociously swings his axes, dealing @TotalDamage@ true damage. If the enemy dies, the cost is refunded.

    Attacks lower the Cooldown of this Ability by 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Reckless Swing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @f1@ HealthOlaf ferociously swings his axes, dealing @TotalDamage@ true damage. If the enemy dies, the cost is refunded.

    Attacks lower the Cooldown of this Ability by 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Reckless Swing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @f1@ HealthOlaf ferociously swings his axes, dealing @TotalDamage@ true damage. If the enemy dies, the cost is refunded.

    Attacks lower the Cooldown of this Ability by 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoOrianna commands her Ball to unleash a shockwave, dealing magic damage and launching nearby enemies towards the Ball after a short delay.Command: Shockwave@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Command: Shockwave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna commands her Ball to unleash a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Knocking them in the direction of the Ball.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Orianna commands her Ball to unleash a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Knocking them in the direction of the Ball.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Command: Shockwave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna commands her Ball to unleash a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Knocking them in the direction of the Ball.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Command: Shockwave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna commands her Ball to unleash a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Knocking them in the direction of the Ball.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Command: Shockwave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna commands her Ball to unleash a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Knocking them in the direction of the Ball.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Command: Shockwave@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna commands her Ball to unleash a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Knocking them in the direction of the Ball.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoOrianna commands her Ball to release a pulse of energy, dealing magic damage around it. This leaves a field behind that speeds up allies and slows enemies.Command: DissonanceCommand: Dissonance@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Command: Dissonance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna commands her Ball to release an electric pulse, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies.

    The pulse leaves behind an energy field for @FieldDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% and granting allies @HasteAmount*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @SlowAndHasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Orianna commands her Ball to release an electric pulse, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies.

    The pulse leaves behind an energy field for @FieldDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% and granting allies @HasteAmount*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @SlowAndHasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Command: Dissonance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna commands her Ball to release an electric pulse, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies.

    The pulse leaves behind an energy field for @FieldDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% and granting allies @HasteAmount*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @SlowAndHasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @HasteAmount1Prefix@@HasteAmount1*100.000000@%@HasteAmount1Postfix@ / @HasteAmount2Prefix@@HasteAmount2*100.000000@%@HasteAmount2Postfix@ / @HasteAmount3Prefix@@HasteAmount3*100.000000@%@HasteAmount3Postfix@ / @HasteAmount4Prefix@@HasteAmount4*100.000000@%@HasteAmount4Postfix@ / @HasteAmount5Prefix@@HasteAmount5*100.000000@%@HasteAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Command: Dissonance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna commands her Ball to release an electric pulse, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies.

    The pulse leaves behind an energy field for @FieldDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% and granting allies @HasteAmount*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @SlowAndHasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @HasteAmount*100.000000@% -> @HasteAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @HasteAmount1Prefix@@HasteAmount1*100.000000@%@HasteAmount1Postfix@ / @HasteAmount2Prefix@@HasteAmount2*100.000000@%@HasteAmount2Postfix@ / @HasteAmount3Prefix@@HasteAmount3*100.000000@%@HasteAmount3Postfix@ / @HasteAmount4Prefix@@HasteAmount4*100.000000@%@HasteAmount4Postfix@ / @HasteAmount5Prefix@@HasteAmount5*100.000000@%@HasteAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @HasteAmount*100.000000@% -> @HasteAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Command: Dissonance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna commands her Ball to release an electric pulse, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies.

    The pulse leaves behind an energy field for @FieldDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% and granting allies @HasteAmount*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @SlowAndHasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Command: Dissonance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna commands her Ball to release an electric pulse, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies.

    The pulse leaves behind an energy field for @FieldDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% and granting allies @HasteAmount*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @SlowAndHasteDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoOrianna commands her Ball to fire toward a target location, dealing magic damage to targets along the way (deals less damage to subsequent targets). Her Ball remains at the target location after.Command: AttackCommand: Attack@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Command: Attack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna commands her Ball to move to an area, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to surrounding enemies and to enemies it passes through. Deals @Effect2Amount@% less damage per enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Orianna commands her Ball to move to an area, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to surrounding enemies and to enemies it passes through. Deals @Effect2Amount@% less damage per enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Command: Attack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna commands her Ball to move to an area, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to surrounding enemies and to enemies it passes through. Deals @Effect2Amount@% less damage per enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Hitting multiple targets can't reduce the damage below @MinimumDamageTooltip@.Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Command: Attack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna commands her Ball to move to an area, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to surrounding enemies and to enemies it passes through. Deals @Effect2Amount@% less damage per enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Command: Attack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna commands her Ball to move to an area, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to surrounding enemies and to enemies it passes through. Deals @Effect2Amount@% less damage per enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Command: Attack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Orianna commands her Ball to move to an area, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to surrounding enemies and to enemies it passes through. Deals @Effect2Amount@% less damage per enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoOrianna commands her Ball to attach to an allied champion, Shielding them and dealing magic damage to any enemies it passes through on the way. Additionally, the Ball grants additional Armor and Magic Resist to the champion it is attached to.Command: ProtectCommand: Protect@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Command: Protect@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: The Ball adds @Effect2Amount@ Armor and @Effect2Amount@ Magic Resist to the allied champion it is attached to.

    Active: Orianna commands her Ball to attach to an allied champion, granting them @TotalShieldTooltip@ Shield for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemies the Ball passes through take @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: The Ball adds @Effect2Amount@ Armor and @Effect2Amount@ Magic Resist to the allied champion it is attached to.

    Active: Orianna commands her Ball to attach to an allied champion, granting them @TotalShieldTooltip@ Shield for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemies the Ball passes through take @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Command: Protect@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: The Ball adds @Effect2Amount@ Armor and @Effect2Amount@ Magic Resist to the allied champion it is attached to.

    Active: Orianna commands her Ball to attach to an allied champion, granting them @TotalShieldTooltip@ Shield for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemies the Ball passes through take @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Armor Bonus
    Magic Resist Bonus
    Shield Amount
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Command: Protect@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: The Ball adds @Effect2Amount@ Armor and @Effect2Amount@ Magic Resist to the allied champion it is attached to.

    Active: Orianna commands her Ball to attach to an allied champion, granting them @TotalShieldTooltip@ Shield for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemies the Ball passes through take @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Armor Bonus
    Magic Resist Bonus
    Shield Amount
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    Armor Bonus
    Magic Resist Bonus
    Shield Amount
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Armor Bonus
    Magic Resist Bonus
    Shield Amount
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Command: Protect@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: The Ball adds @Effect2Amount@ Armor and @Effect2Amount@ Magic Resist to the allied champion it is attached to.

    Active: Orianna commands her Ball to attach to an allied champion, granting them @TotalShieldTooltip@ Shield for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemies the Ball passes through take @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Command: Protect@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: The Ball adds @Effect2Amount@ Armor and @Effect2Amount@ Magic Resist to the allied champion it is attached to.

    Active: Orianna commands her Ball to attach to an allied champion, granting them @TotalShieldTooltip@ Shield for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemies the Ball passes through take @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoOrnn charges, dealing damage to enemies he passes through. If Ornn collides with terrain while charging, the impact creates a shockwave around him which deals damage and knocks up enemies.Searing ChargeSearing Charge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Searing Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn charges, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If Ornn rams into terrain, he creates a shockwave that knocks up enemies for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and applies the same damage to those not hit by the charge.

    Ornn's charge destroys magma pillars and terrain created by enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Ornn charges, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If Ornn rams into terrain, he creates a shockwave that knocks up enemies for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and applies the same damage to those not hit by the charge.

    Ornn's charge destroys magma pillars and terrain created by enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Searing Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn charges, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If Ornn rams into terrain, he creates a shockwave that knocks up enemies for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and applies the same damage to those not hit by the charge.

    Ornn's charge destroys magma pillars and terrain created by enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Dash Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Searing Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn charges, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If Ornn rams into terrain, he creates a shockwave that knocks up enemies for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and applies the same damage to those not hit by the charge.

    Ornn's charge destroys magma pillars and terrain created by enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDash Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Dash Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Dash Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Searing Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn charges, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If Ornn rams into terrain, he creates a shockwave that knocks up enemies for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and applies the same damage to those not hit by the charge.

    Ornn's charge destroys magma pillars and terrain created by enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Searing Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn charges, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If Ornn rams into terrain, he creates a shockwave that knocks up enemies for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and applies the same damage to those not hit by the charge.

    Ornn's charge destroys magma pillars and terrain created by enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoOrnn slams the ground, sending out a fissure dealing damage and slowing enemies hit. After a small delay, a magma pillar forms at the end location.Volcanic RuptureVolcanic Rupture@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Volcanic Rupture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn slams the ground, creating a fissure dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @Effect5Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. A pillar of rock forms at the fissure's end for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ornn slams the ground, creating a fissure dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @Effect5Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. A pillar of rock forms at the fissure's end for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Volcanic Rupture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn slams the ground, creating a fissure dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @Effect5Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. A pillar of rock forms at the fissure's end for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@The fissure stops shortly after hitting an enemy champion.
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Volcanic Rupture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn slams the ground, creating a fissure dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @Effect5Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. A pillar of rock forms at the fissure's end for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Volcanic Rupture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn slams the ground, creating a fissure dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @Effect5Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. A pillar of rock forms at the fissure's end for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Volcanic Rupture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn slams the ground, creating a fissure dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @Effect5Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. A pillar of rock forms at the fissure's end for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoOrnn summons a massive elemental at a location which travels toward him with increasing speed. Enemies run over by the elemental take damage, are slowed and are made Brittle. Ornn can recast the ability to charge into the elemental, redirecting it in the direction he hits it, causing the elemental to affect any enemies it runs over to be knocked up, dealing the same damage and re-applying Brittle.Call of the Forge GodCall of the Forge God@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Call of the Forge God@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn summons a massive lava elemental, which stampedes towards him, dealing @RDamageCalc@ magic damage, and applying Brittle for @BrittleDurationTOOLTIPONLY@ seconds. The elemental also Slows by up to @RSlowPercentBasePreMath@% based on distance traveled.

    Ornn can Recast to dash with a headbutt. If he dashes into the elemental, he redirects and empowers it, causing it to Knock Up the first champion for @RStunDuration@ second and subsequent champions for @MinStun@ seconds. The elemental also deals @RDamageCalc@ magic damage and reapplies Brittle.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Ornn summons a massive lava elemental, which stampedes towards him, dealing @RDamageCalc@ magic damage, and applying Brittle for @BrittleDurationTOOLTIPONLY@ seconds. The elemental also Slows by up to @RSlowPercentBasePreMath@% based on distance traveled.

    Ornn can Recast to dash with a headbutt. If he dashes into the elemental, he redirects and empowers it, causing it to Knock Up the first champion for @RStunDuration@ second and subsequent champions for @MinStun@ seconds. The elemental also deals @RDamageCalc@ magic damage and reapplies Brittle.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Call of the Forge God@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn summons a massive lava elemental, which stampedes towards him, dealing @RDamageCalc@ magic damage, and applying Brittle for @BrittleDurationTOOLTIPONLY@ seconds. The elemental also Slows by up to @RSlowPercentBasePreMath@% based on distance traveled.

    Ornn can Recast to dash with a headbutt. If he dashes into the elemental, he redirects and empowers it, causing it to Knock Up the first champion for @RStunDuration@ second and subsequent champions for @MinStun@ seconds. The elemental also deals @RDamageCalc@ magic damage and reapplies Brittle.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RSlowPercentBasePreMath1Prefix@@RSlowPercentBasePreMath1@@RSlowPercentBasePreMath1Postfix@ / @RSlowPercentBasePreMath2Prefix@@RSlowPercentBasePreMath2@@RSlowPercentBasePreMath2Postfix@ / @RSlowPercentBasePreMath3Prefix@@RSlowPercentBasePreMath3@@RSlowPercentBasePreMath3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Call of the Forge God@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn summons a massive lava elemental, which stampedes towards him, dealing @RDamageCalc@ magic damage, and applying Brittle for @BrittleDurationTOOLTIPONLY@ seconds. The elemental also Slows by up to @RSlowPercentBasePreMath@% based on distance traveled.

    Ornn can Recast to dash with a headbutt. If he dashes into the elemental, he redirects and empowers it, causing it to Knock Up the first champion for @RStunDuration@ second and subsequent champions for @MinStun@ seconds. The elemental also deals @RDamageCalc@ magic damage and reapplies Brittle.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @RSlowPercentBasePreMath@ -> @RSlowPercentBasePreMathNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RSlowPercentBasePreMath1Prefix@@RSlowPercentBasePreMath1@@RSlowPercentBasePreMath1Postfix@ / @RSlowPercentBasePreMath2Prefix@@RSlowPercentBasePreMath2@@RSlowPercentBasePreMath2Postfix@ / @RSlowPercentBasePreMath3Prefix@@RSlowPercentBasePreMath3@@RSlowPercentBasePreMath3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @RSlowPercentBasePreMath@ -> @RSlowPercentBasePreMathNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Call of the Forge God@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn summons a massive lava elemental, which stampedes towards him, dealing @RDamageCalc@ magic damage, and applying Brittle for @BrittleDurationTOOLTIPONLY@ seconds. The elemental also Slows by up to @RSlowPercentBasePreMath@% based on distance traveled.

    Ornn can Recast to dash with a headbutt. If he dashes into the elemental, he redirects and empowers it, causing it to Knock Up the first champion for @RStunDuration@ second and subsequent champions for @MinStun@ seconds. The elemental also deals @RDamageCalc@ magic damage and reapplies Brittle.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Call of the Forge God@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn summons a massive lava elemental, which stampedes towards him, dealing @RDamageCalc@ magic damage, and applying Brittle for @BrittleDurationTOOLTIPONLY@ seconds. The elemental also Slows by up to @RSlowPercentBasePreMath@% based on distance traveled.

    Ornn can Recast to dash with a headbutt. If he dashes into the elemental, he redirects and empowers it, causing it to Knock Up the first champion for @RStunDuration@ second and subsequent champions for @MinStun@ seconds. The elemental also deals @RDamageCalc@ magic damage and reapplies Brittle.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoOrnn advances, breathing fire. Enemies hit by the final gout of flame become Brittle.Bellows BreathBellows Breath@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bellows Breath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn stomps forward Unstoppably while breathing fire, dealing @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip@% max Health magic damage over @BreathDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit by the final bout of flame become Brittle for @BrittleDuration@ seconds.

    Immobilizing effects on Brittle targets have their duration increased by 30% and deal an additional @BrittlePercentMaxHPCalc@ max Health magic damage. Ornn's Attacks against Brittle targets Knock them Back, dealing the additional damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Ornn stomps forward Unstoppably while breathing fire, dealing @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip@% max Health magic damage over @BreathDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit by the final bout of flame become Brittle for @BrittleDuration@ seconds.

    Immobilizing effects on Brittle targets have their duration increased by 30% and deal an additional @BrittlePercentMaxHPCalc@ max Health magic damage. Ornn's Attacks against Brittle targets Knock them Back, dealing the additional damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bellows Breath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn stomps forward Unstoppably while breathing fire, dealing @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip@% max Health magic damage over @BreathDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit by the final bout of flame become Brittle for @BrittleDuration@ seconds.

    Immobilizing effects on Brittle targets have their duration increased by 30% and deal an additional @BrittlePercentMaxHPCalc@ max Health magic damage. Ornn's Attacks against Brittle targets Knock them Back, dealing the additional damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Deals a minimum of @TotalMinimumDamage@ magic damage to champions and minions, and a max of @TotalMonsterDamageCap@ magic damage to jungle monsters.% Health as Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip1Prefix@@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip1@%@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip1Postfix@ / @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip2Prefix@@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip2@%@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip2Postfix@ / @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip3Prefix@@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip3@%@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip3Postfix@ / @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip4Prefix@@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip4@%@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip4Postfix@ / @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip5Prefix@@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip5@%@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bellows Breath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn stomps forward Unstoppably while breathing fire, dealing @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip@% max Health magic damage over @BreathDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit by the final bout of flame become Brittle for @BrittleDuration@ seconds.

    Immobilizing effects on Brittle targets have their duration increased by 30% and deal an additional @BrittlePercentMaxHPCalc@ max Health magic damage. Ornn's Attacks against Brittle targets Knock them Back, dealing the additional damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up% Health as Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip@% -> @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltipNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    % Health as Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip1Prefix@@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip1@%@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip1Postfix@ / @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip2Prefix@@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip2@%@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip2Postfix@ / @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip3Prefix@@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip3@%@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip3Postfix@ / @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip4Prefix@@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip4@%@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip4Postfix@ / @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip5Prefix@@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip5@%@MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    % Health as Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip@% -> @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltipNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Bellows Breath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn stomps forward Unstoppably while breathing fire, dealing @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip@% max Health magic damage over @BreathDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit by the final bout of flame become Brittle for @BrittleDuration@ seconds.

    Immobilizing effects on Brittle targets have their duration increased by 30% and deal an additional @BrittlePercentMaxHPCalc@ max Health magic damage. Ornn's Attacks against Brittle targets Knock them Back, dealing the additional damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bellows Breath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ornn stomps forward Unstoppably while breathing fire, dealing @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip@% max Health magic damage over @BreathDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit by the final bout of flame become Brittle for @BrittleDuration@ seconds.

    Immobilizing effects on Brittle targets have their duration increased by 30% and deal an additional @BrittlePercentMaxHPCalc@ max Health magic damage. Ornn's Attacks against Brittle targets Knock them Back, dealing the additional damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBlitzcrank super charges themself to get dramatically increased Move and Attack Speed. They are temporarily slowed after the effect ends.OverdriveOverdrive@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Overdrive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank supercharges themself, gaining @MoveSpeedMod*100@% decaying Move Speed and @AttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds. During this time, their attacks deal an additional @PercentHealthDamage*100@% Target Max Health magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit.

    Afterwards, Blitzcrank is Slowed by @MoveSpeedModReduction*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Blitzcrank supercharges themself, gaining @MoveSpeedMod*100@% decaying Move Speed and @AttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds. During this time, their attacks deal an additional @PercentHealthDamage*100@% Target Max Health magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit.

    Afterwards, Blitzcrank is Slowed by @MoveSpeedModReduction*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Overdrive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank supercharges themself, gaining @MoveSpeedMod*100@% decaying Move Speed and @AttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds. During this time, their attacks deal an additional @PercentHealthDamage*100@% Target Max Health magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit.

    Afterwards, Blitzcrank is Slowed by @MoveSpeedModReduction*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Deals an additional @BonusDamageMonster@ magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit to Monsters and Minions.
    Move Speed decays to @MoveSpeedModMin*100@% over @MoveSpeedModMinTime@ seconds
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    [ @MoveSpeedMod1Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod1*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod1Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod2Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod2*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod2Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod3Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod3*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod3Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod4Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod4*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod4Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod5Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod5*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackSpeedMod1Prefix@@AttackSpeedMod1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedMod1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedMod2Prefix@@AttackSpeedMod2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedMod2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedMod3Prefix@@AttackSpeedMod3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedMod3Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedMod4Prefix@@AttackSpeedMod4*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedMod4Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedMod5Prefix@@AttackSpeedMod5*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedMod5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Overdrive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank supercharges themself, gaining @MoveSpeedMod*100@% decaying Move Speed and @AttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds. During this time, their attacks deal an additional @PercentHealthDamage*100@% Target Max Health magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit.

    Afterwards, Blitzcrank is Slowed by @MoveSpeedModReduction*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMove Speed
    Attack Speed
    @MoveSpeedMod*100.000000@% -> @MoveSpeedModNL*100.000000@%
    @AttackSpeedMod*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedModNL*100.000000@%
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    [ @MoveSpeedMod1Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod1*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod1Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod2Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod2*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod2Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod3Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod3*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod3Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod4Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod4*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod4Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod5Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod5*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackSpeedMod1Prefix@@AttackSpeedMod1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedMod1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedMod2Prefix@@AttackSpeedMod2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedMod2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedMod3Prefix@@AttackSpeedMod3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedMod3Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedMod4Prefix@@AttackSpeedMod4*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedMod4Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedMod5Prefix@@AttackSpeedMod5*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedMod5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    @MoveSpeedMod*100.000000@% -> @MoveSpeedModNL*100.000000@%
    @AttackSpeedMod*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedModNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Overdrive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank supercharges themself, gaining @MoveSpeedMod*100@% decaying Move Speed and @AttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds. During this time, their attacks deal an additional @PercentHealthDamage*100@% Target Max Health magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit.

    Afterwards, Blitzcrank is Slowed by @MoveSpeedModReduction*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Overdrive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank supercharges themself, gaining @MoveSpeedMod*100@% decaying Move Speed and @AttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds. During this time, their attacks deal an additional @PercentHealthDamage*100@% Target Max Health magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit.

    Afterwards, Blitzcrank is Slowed by @MoveSpeedModReduction*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPantheon sets his shield, becoming invulnerable to damage from the front and striking repeatedly with his spear.Aegis Assault@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Aegis Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pantheon braces his shield and engages enemies in a chosen direction for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to non-tower damage from that direction and dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage over the duration. After channeling Pantheon slams with his shield, dealing @ShieldDamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Mortal Will Bonus: When Pantheon slams his shield he gains @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.
    Pantheon braces his shield and engages enemies in a chosen direction for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to non-tower damage from that direction and dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage over the duration. After channeling Pantheon slams with his shield, dealing @ShieldDamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Mortal Will Bonus: When Pantheon slams his shield he gains @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Aegis Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pantheon braces his shield and engages enemies in a chosen direction for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to non-tower damage from that direction and dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage over the duration. After channeling Pantheon slams with his shield, dealing @ShieldDamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Mortal Will Bonus: When Pantheon slams his shield he gains @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.
    Recast to end early (Pantheon still slams with his shield as the last hit).
    Damage to minions is reduced by @MinionDamageReduction*100@%.
    Shield Slam Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldBaseDamage1Prefix@@ShieldBaseDamage1@@ShieldBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ShieldBaseDamage2Prefix@@ShieldBaseDamage2@@ShieldBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ShieldBaseDamage3Prefix@@ShieldBaseDamage3@@ShieldBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ShieldBaseDamage4Prefix@@ShieldBaseDamage4@@ShieldBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ShieldBaseDamage5Prefix@@ShieldBaseDamage5@@ShieldBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Aegis Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pantheon braces his shield and engages enemies in a chosen direction for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to non-tower damage from that direction and dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage over the duration. After channeling Pantheon slams with his shield, dealing @ShieldDamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Mortal Will Bonus: When Pantheon slams his shield he gains @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Shield Slam Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @ShieldBaseDamage@ -> @ShieldBaseDamageNL@
    Shield Slam Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldBaseDamage1Prefix@@ShieldBaseDamage1@@ShieldBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ShieldBaseDamage2Prefix@@ShieldBaseDamage2@@ShieldBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ShieldBaseDamage3Prefix@@ShieldBaseDamage3@@ShieldBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ShieldBaseDamage4Prefix@@ShieldBaseDamage4@@ShieldBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ShieldBaseDamage5Prefix@@ShieldBaseDamage5@@ShieldBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Slam Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @ShieldBaseDamage@ -> @ShieldBaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Aegis Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pantheon braces his shield and engages enemies in a chosen direction for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to non-tower damage from that direction and dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage over the duration. After channeling Pantheon slams with his shield, dealing @ShieldDamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Mortal Will Bonus: When Pantheon slams his shield he gains @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Aegis Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pantheon braces his shield and engages enemies in a chosen direction for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to non-tower damage from that direction and dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage over the duration. After channeling Pantheon slams with his shield, dealing @ShieldDamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Mortal Will Bonus: When Pantheon slams his shield he gains @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPantheon either thrusts his spear or throws his spear in the chosen direction.Comet SpearComet Spear@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Comet Spear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tap: Pantheon thrusts his spear, dealing @TapDamageCalc@ physical damage to enemies hit. Refunds @TapCooldownRefund*100@% of this Ability's Cooldown.

    Hold: Pantheon hurls his spear, dealing @HoldDamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and @DamageFalloff*100@% less to further targets.

    This Ability critically strikes enemies below @CritHealthThreshold*100@% health for @ExecuteDamageCalcModified@ physical damage instead.

    Mortal Will Bonus: Deals an additional @EmpoweredDamageCalc@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Tap: Pantheon thrusts his spear, dealing @TapDamageCalc@ physical damage to enemies hit. Refunds @TapCooldownRefund*100@% of this Ability's Cooldown.

    Hold: Pantheon hurls his spear, dealing @HoldDamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and @DamageFalloff*100@% less to further targets.

    This Ability critically strikes enemies below @CritHealthThreshold*100@% health for @ExecuteDamageCalcModified@ physical damage instead.

    Mortal Will Bonus: Deals an additional @EmpoweredDamageCalc@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Comet Spear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tap: Pantheon thrusts his spear, dealing @TapDamageCalc@ physical damage to enemies hit. Refunds @TapCooldownRefund*100@% of this Ability's Cooldown.

    Hold: Pantheon hurls his spear, dealing @HoldDamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and @DamageFalloff*100@% less to further targets.

    This Ability critically strikes enemies below @CritHealthThreshold*100@% health for @ExecuteDamageCalcModified@ physical damage instead.

    Mortal Will Bonus: Deals an additional @EmpoweredDamageCalc@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage to monsters increased by @MonsterDamageAmp*100@%.
    Damage to minions reduced by @MinionDamageReduction*100@%.
    Base Damage
    Execute Base Damage
    [ @TapDamage1Prefix@@TapDamage1@@TapDamage1Postfix@ / @TapDamage2Prefix@@TapDamage2@@TapDamage2Postfix@ / @TapDamage3Prefix@@TapDamage3@@TapDamage3Postfix@ / @TapDamage4Prefix@@TapDamage4@@TapDamage4Postfix@ / @TapDamage5Prefix@@TapDamage5@@TapDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ExecuteBaseDamage1Prefix@@ExecuteBaseDamage1@@ExecuteBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ExecuteBaseDamage2Prefix@@ExecuteBaseDamage2@@ExecuteBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ExecuteBaseDamage3Prefix@@ExecuteBaseDamage3@@ExecuteBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ExecuteBaseDamage4Prefix@@ExecuteBaseDamage4@@ExecuteBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ExecuteBaseDamage5Prefix@@ExecuteBaseDamage5@@ExecuteBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Comet Spear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tap: Pantheon thrusts his spear, dealing @TapDamageCalc@ physical damage to enemies hit. Refunds @TapCooldownRefund*100@% of this Ability's Cooldown.

    Hold: Pantheon hurls his spear, dealing @HoldDamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and @DamageFalloff*100@% less to further targets.

    This Ability critically strikes enemies below @CritHealthThreshold*100@% health for @ExecuteDamageCalcModified@ physical damage instead.

    Mortal Will Bonus: Deals an additional @EmpoweredDamageCalc@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Damage
    Execute Base Damage
    @TapDamage@ -> @TapDamageNL@
    @ExecuteBaseDamage@ -> @ExecuteBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Base Damage
    Execute Base Damage
    [ @TapDamage1Prefix@@TapDamage1@@TapDamage1Postfix@ / @TapDamage2Prefix@@TapDamage2@@TapDamage2Postfix@ / @TapDamage3Prefix@@TapDamage3@@TapDamage3Postfix@ / @TapDamage4Prefix@@TapDamage4@@TapDamage4Postfix@ / @TapDamage5Prefix@@TapDamage5@@TapDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ExecuteBaseDamage1Prefix@@ExecuteBaseDamage1@@ExecuteBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ExecuteBaseDamage2Prefix@@ExecuteBaseDamage2@@ExecuteBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ExecuteBaseDamage3Prefix@@ExecuteBaseDamage3@@ExecuteBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ExecuteBaseDamage4Prefix@@ExecuteBaseDamage4@@ExecuteBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ExecuteBaseDamage5Prefix@@ExecuteBaseDamage5@@ExecuteBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Base Damage
    Execute Base Damage
    @TapDamage@ -> @TapDamageNL@
    @ExecuteBaseDamage@ -> @ExecuteBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Comet Spear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tap: Pantheon thrusts his spear, dealing @TapDamageCalc@ physical damage to enemies hit. Refunds @TapCooldownRefund*100@% of this Ability's Cooldown.

    Hold: Pantheon hurls his spear, dealing @HoldDamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and @DamageFalloff*100@% less to further targets.

    This Ability critically strikes enemies below @CritHealthThreshold*100@% health for @ExecuteDamageCalcModified@ physical damage instead.

    Mortal Will Bonus: Deals an additional @EmpoweredDamageCalc@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Comet Spear@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tap: Pantheon thrusts his spear, dealing @TapDamageCalc@ physical damage to enemies hit. Refunds @TapCooldownRefund*100@% of this Ability's Cooldown.

    Hold: Pantheon hurls his spear, dealing @HoldDamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and @DamageFalloff*100@% less to further targets.

    This Ability critically strikes enemies below @CritHealthThreshold*100@% health for @ExecuteDamageCalcModified@ physical damage instead.

    Mortal Will Bonus: Deals an additional @EmpoweredDamageCalc@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPantheon composes himself and then leaps into the air, landing at a chosen location as a comet.Grand Starfall@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Grand Starfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Pantheon gains @ArmorPenetration*100@% Armor Penetration.

    Active: Pantheon gathers his strength to leap high into the air. He throws his spear from above which in a small area deals @spell.PantheonQ:TapDamageCalc@ physical damage and Slows by @SpearSlow*100@% for @SpearSlowDuration@ seconds.

    Pantheon then crashes down as a meteor at the target area. Deals up to @DamageCalc@ magic damage to enemies in a line (decreased by up to @EdgeDamageReduction*100@% at the edges of the area).

    This Ability instantly readies Mortal Will.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Pantheon gains @ArmorPenetration*100@% Armor Penetration.

    Active: Pantheon gathers his strength to leap high into the air. He throws his spear from above which in a small area deals @spell.PantheonQ:TapDamageCalc@ physical damage and Slows by @SpearSlow*100@% for @SpearSlowDuration@ seconds.

    Pantheon then crashes down as a meteor at the target area. Deals up to @DamageCalc@ magic damage to enemies in a line (decreased by up to @EdgeDamageReduction*100@% at the edges of the area).

    This Ability instantly readies Mortal Will.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Grand Starfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Pantheon gains @ArmorPenetration*100@% Armor Penetration.

    Active: Pantheon gathers his strength to leap high into the air. He throws his spear from above which in a small area deals @spell.PantheonQ:TapDamageCalc@ physical damage and Slows by @SpearSlow*100@% for @SpearSlowDuration@ seconds.

    Pantheon then crashes down as a meteor at the target area. Deals up to @DamageCalc@ magic damage to enemies in a line (decreased by up to @EdgeDamageReduction*100@% at the edges of the area).

    This Ability instantly readies Mortal Will.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Armor Penetration
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ArmorPenetration1Prefix@@ArmorPenetration1*100.000000@%@ArmorPenetration1Postfix@ / @ArmorPenetration2Prefix@@ArmorPenetration2*100.000000@%@ArmorPenetration2Postfix@ / @ArmorPenetration3Prefix@@ArmorPenetration3*100.000000@%@ArmorPenetration3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Grand Starfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Pantheon gains @ArmorPenetration*100@% Armor Penetration.

    Active: Pantheon gathers his strength to leap high into the air. He throws his spear from above which in a small area deals @spell.PantheonQ:TapDamageCalc@ physical damage and Slows by @SpearSlow*100@% for @SpearSlowDuration@ seconds.

    Pantheon then crashes down as a meteor at the target area. Deals up to @DamageCalc@ magic damage to enemies in a line (decreased by up to @EdgeDamageReduction*100@% at the edges of the area).

    This Ability instantly readies Mortal Will.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Armor Penetration
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @ArmorPenetration*100.000000@% -> @ArmorPenetrationNL*100.000000@%
    Armor Penetration
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ArmorPenetration1Prefix@@ArmorPenetration1*100.000000@%@ArmorPenetration1Postfix@ / @ArmorPenetration2Prefix@@ArmorPenetration2*100.000000@%@ArmorPenetration2Postfix@ / @ArmorPenetration3Prefix@@ArmorPenetration3*100.000000@%@ArmorPenetration3Postfix@ ]
    Armor Penetration
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @ArmorPenetration*100.000000@% -> @ArmorPenetrationNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Grand Starfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Pantheon gains @ArmorPenetration*100@% Armor Penetration.

    Active: Pantheon gathers his strength to leap high into the air. He throws his spear from above which in a small area deals @spell.PantheonQ:TapDamageCalc@ physical damage and Slows by @SpearSlow*100@% for @SpearSlowDuration@ seconds.

    Pantheon then crashes down as a meteor at the target area. Deals up to @DamageCalc@ magic damage to enemies in a line (decreased by up to @EdgeDamageReduction*100@% at the edges of the area).

    This Ability instantly readies Mortal Will.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Grand Starfall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Pantheon gains @ArmorPenetration*100@% Armor Penetration.

    Active: Pantheon gathers his strength to leap high into the air. He throws his spear from above which in a small area deals @spell.PantheonQ:TapDamageCalc@ physical damage and Slows by @SpearSlow*100@% for @SpearSlowDuration@ seconds.

    Pantheon then crashes down as a meteor at the target area. Deals up to @DamageCalc@ magic damage to enemies in a line (decreased by up to @EdgeDamageReduction*100@% at the edges of the area).

    This Ability instantly readies Mortal Will.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPantheon dashes to a target, damaging and stunning them.Shield Vault@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shield Vault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pantheon leaps on his target, Stunning for @StunDuration@ second and dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Mortal Will Bonus: Pantheon's next Attack strikes @EmpoweredNumHits@ times, dealing a total of @EmpoweredDamageMultCalcModified@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Pantheon leaps on his target, Stunning for @StunDuration@ second and dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Mortal Will Bonus: Pantheon's next Attack strikes @EmpoweredNumHits@ times, dealing a total of @EmpoweredDamageMultCalcModified@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shield Vault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pantheon leaps on his target, Stunning for @StunDuration@ second and dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Mortal Will Bonus: Pantheon's next Attack strikes @EmpoweredNumHits@ times, dealing a total of @EmpoweredDamageMultCalcModified@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shield Vault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pantheon leaps on his target, Stunning for @StunDuration@ second and dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Mortal Will Bonus: Pantheon's next Attack strikes @EmpoweredNumHits@ times, dealing a total of @EmpoweredDamageMultCalcModified@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Shield Vault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pantheon leaps on his target, Stunning for @StunDuration@ second and dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Mortal Will Bonus: Pantheon's next Attack strikes @EmpoweredNumHits@ times, dealing a total of @EmpoweredDamageMultCalcModified@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shield Vault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pantheon leaps on his target, Stunning for @StunDuration@ second and dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Mortal Will Bonus: Pantheon's next Attack strikes @EmpoweredNumHits@ times, dealing a total of @EmpoweredDamageMultCalcModified@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCorki fires a flash bomb at a target location, dealing magic damage to enemies in the area. This attack additionally reveals units in the area for a duration.Phosphorus BombPhosphorus Bomb@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Phosphorus Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki lobs a bomb, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The area and champions hit are revealed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Corki lobs a bomb, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The area and champions hit are revealed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Phosphorus Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki lobs a bomb, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The area and champions hit are revealed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Phosphorus Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki lobs a bomb, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The area and champions hit are revealed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Phosphorus Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki lobs a bomb, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The area and champions hit are revealed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Phosphorus Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Corki lobs a bomb, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The area and champions hit are revealed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTwisted Fate chooses a magic card from his deck, and uses that for his next attack, causing bonus effects.Pick a Card@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pick a Card@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate begins shuffling his deck, allowing him to Recast to lock in one of three cards and enhance his next Attack.
  1382. The Blue Card deals @BlueDamage@ magic damage and restores @Effect6Amount@ Mana.
  1383. The Red Card deals @RedDamage@ to nearby enemies and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for 2.5 seconds.
  1384. The Gold Card deals @GoldDamage@ and Stuns for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Twisted Fate begins shuffling his deck, allowing him to Recast to lock in one of three cards and enhance his next Attack.
  1385. The Blue Card deals @BlueDamage@ magic damage and restores @Effect6Amount@ Mana.
  1386. The Red Card deals @RedDamage@ to nearby enemies and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for 2.5 seconds.
  1387. The Gold Card deals @GoldDamage@ and Stuns for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pick a Card@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate begins shuffling his deck, allowing him to Recast to lock in one of three cards and enhance his next Attack.
  1388. The Blue Card deals @BlueDamage@ magic damage and restores @Effect6Amount@ Mana.
  1389. The Red Card deals @RedDamage@ to nearby enemies and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for 2.5 seconds.
  1390. The Gold Card deals @GoldDamage@ and Stuns for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Blue Card Damage
    Blue Card Mana Restore
    Red Card Damage
    Red Card Slow %
    Gold Card Damage
    Gold Card Stun Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Pick a Card@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate begins shuffling his deck, allowing him to Recast to lock in one of three cards and enhance his next Attack.
  1391. The Blue Card deals @BlueDamage@ magic damage and restores @Effect6Amount@ Mana.
  1392. The Red Card deals @RedDamage@ to nearby enemies and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for 2.5 seconds.
  1393. The Gold Card deals @GoldDamage@ and Stuns for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBlue Card Damage
    Blue Card Mana Restore
    Red Card Damage
    Red Card Slow %
    Gold Card Damage
    Gold Card Stun Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Blue Card Damage
    Blue Card Mana Restore
    Red Card Damage
    Red Card Slow %
    Gold Card Damage
    Gold Card Stun Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Blue Card Damage
    Blue Card Mana Restore
    Red Card Damage
    Red Card Slow %
    Gold Card Damage
    Gold Card Stun Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Pick a Card@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate begins shuffling his deck, allowing him to Recast to lock in one of three cards and enhance his next Attack.
  1394. The Blue Card deals @BlueDamage@ magic damage and restores @Effect6Amount@ Mana.
  1395. The Red Card deals @RedDamage@ to nearby enemies and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for 2.5 seconds.
  1396. The Gold Card deals @GoldDamage@ and Stuns for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Pick a Card@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate begins shuffling his deck, allowing him to Recast to lock in one of three cards and enhance his next Attack.
  1397. The Blue Card deals @BlueDamage@ magic damage and restores @Effect6Amount@ Mana.
  1398. The Red Card deals @RedDamage@ to nearby enemies and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for 2.5 seconds.
  1399. The Gold Card deals @GoldDamage@ and Stuns for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLeaves a trail of poison behind Singed, dealing damage to enemies caught in the path.Poison TrailPoison Trail@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Poison Trail@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana per SecondToggle: Singed lays a poisonous trail that deals @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Toggle: Singed lays a poisonous trail that deals @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Poison Trail@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana per SecondToggle: Singed lays a poisonous trail that deals @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage[ @BaseDamagePerSecond1Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond1@@BaseDamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond2Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond2@@BaseDamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond3Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond3@@BaseDamagePerSecond3Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond4Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond4@@BaseDamagePerSecond4Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond5Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond5@@BaseDamagePerSecond5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Poison Trail@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana per SecondToggle: Singed lays a poisonous trail that deals @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@BaseDamagePerSecond@ -> @BaseDamagePerSecondNL@Damage[ @BaseDamagePerSecond1Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond1@@BaseDamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond2Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond2@@BaseDamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond3Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond3@@BaseDamagePerSecond3Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond4Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond4@@BaseDamagePerSecond4Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond5Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond5@@BaseDamagePerSecond5Postfix@ ]Damage@BaseDamagePerSecond@ -> @BaseDamagePerSecondNL@[@Hotkey@] Poison Trail@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana per SecondToggle: Singed lays a poisonous trail that deals @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Poison Trail@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana per SecondToggle: Singed lays a poisonous trail that deals @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPoppy dashes to the target and pushes it back. If the target is pushed into a wall, it is stunned.Heroic ChargeHeroic Charge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Heroic Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy tackles an enemy, dealing @TackleDamage@ physical damage and carrying them forward. If Poppy tackles them into terrain, the enemy is Stunned for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and take an additional @TackleDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Poppy tackles an enemy, dealing @TackleDamage@ physical damage and carrying them forward. If Poppy tackles them into terrain, the enemy is Stunned for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and take an additional @TackleDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Heroic Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy tackles an enemy, dealing @TackleDamage@ physical damage and carrying them forward. If Poppy tackles them into terrain, the enemy is Stunned for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and take an additional @TackleDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Initial Damage
    Wall Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Heroic Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy tackles an enemy, dealing @TackleDamage@ physical damage and carrying them forward. If Poppy tackles them into terrain, the enemy is Stunned for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and take an additional @TackleDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upInitial Damage
    Wall Damage
    Stun Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Initial Damage
    Wall Damage
    Stun Duration
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Initial Damage
    Wall Damage
    Stun Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Heroic Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy tackles an enemy, dealing @TackleDamage@ physical damage and carrying them forward. If Poppy tackles them into terrain, the enemy is Stunned for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and take an additional @TackleDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Heroic Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy tackles an enemy, dealing @TackleDamage@ physical damage and carrying them forward. If Poppy tackles them into terrain, the enemy is Stunned for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and take an additional @TackleDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPoppy swings her hammer, dealing damage and creating a zone that will slow enemies and explode after a delay.Hammer ShockHammer Shock@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hammer Shock@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy smashes the ground, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect5Amount@% max Health physical damage and making the ground unstable.

    The unstable area Slows enemies by @Effect3Amount@% and erupts after @Effect4Amount@ second, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect5Amount@% max Health physical damage again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Poppy smashes the ground, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect5Amount@% max Health physical damage and making the ground unstable.

    The unstable area Slows enemies by @Effect3Amount@% and erupts after @Effect4Amount@ second, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect5Amount@% max Health physical damage again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hammer Shock@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy smashes the ground, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect5Amount@% max Health physical damage and making the ground unstable.

    The unstable area Slows enemies by @Effect3Amount@% and erupts after @Effect4Amount@ second, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect5Amount@% max Health physical damage again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Percent Health damage deals a max of @Effect6Amount@ damage to jungle monsters per hit.Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Monster Cap
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Hammer Shock@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy smashes the ground, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect5Amount@% max Health physical damage and making the ground unstable.

    The unstable area Slows enemies by @Effect3Amount@% and erupts after @Effect4Amount@ second, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect5Amount@% max Health physical damage again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Monster Cap
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Monster Cap
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Monster Cap
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Hammer Shock@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy smashes the ground, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect5Amount@% max Health physical damage and making the ground unstable.

    The unstable area Slows enemies by @Effect3Amount@% and erupts after @Effect4Amount@ second, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect5Amount@% max Health physical damage again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hammer Shock@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Poppy smashes the ground, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect5Amount@% max Health physical damage and making the ground unstable.

    The unstable area Slows enemies by @Effect3Amount@% and erupts after @Effect4Amount@ second, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect5Amount@% max Health physical damage again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPoppy channels a hammer strike that knocks enemies very far away.Keeper's Verdict@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Keeper's Verdict@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Casting: Poppy begins charging her hammer for up to @ChannelMaxDuration@ seconds, Slowing herself by @SelfSlow@%.

    Release: Poppy smashes the ground, creating a shockwave that deals @Damage@ physical damage to the first champion hit and surrounding enemies, Knocks them Back towards their Nexus, and makes them Untargetable while they fly. The range and Knock Back distance increase with charge duration.

    An uncharged swing deals @HalfDamage@ physical damage and Knocks Up for @KnockupDurationSnap@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Begin Casting: Poppy begins charging her hammer for up to @ChannelMaxDuration@ seconds, Slowing herself by @SelfSlow@%.

    Release: Poppy smashes the ground, creating a shockwave that deals @Damage@ physical damage to the first champion hit and surrounding enemies, Knocks them Back towards their Nexus, and makes them Untargetable while they fly. The range and Knock Back distance increase with charge duration.

    An uncharged swing deals @HalfDamage@ physical damage and Knocks Up for @KnockupDurationSnap@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Keeper's Verdict@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Casting: Poppy begins charging her hammer for up to @ChannelMaxDuration@ seconds, Slowing herself by @SelfSlow@%.

    Release: Poppy smashes the ground, creating a shockwave that deals @Damage@ physical damage to the first champion hit and surrounding enemies, Knocks them Back towards their Nexus, and makes them Untargetable while they fly. The range and Knock Back distance increase with charge duration.

    An uncharged swing deals @HalfDamage@ physical damage and Knocks Up for @KnockupDurationSnap@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Keeper's Verdict@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Casting: Poppy begins charging her hammer for up to @ChannelMaxDuration@ seconds, Slowing herself by @SelfSlow@%.

    Release: Poppy smashes the ground, creating a shockwave that deals @Damage@ physical damage to the first champion hit and surrounding enemies, Knocks them Back towards their Nexus, and makes them Untargetable while they fly. The range and Knock Back distance increase with charge duration.

    An uncharged swing deals @HalfDamage@ physical damage and Knocks Up for @KnockupDurationSnap@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Keeper's Verdict@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Casting: Poppy begins charging her hammer for up to @ChannelMaxDuration@ seconds, Slowing herself by @SelfSlow@%.

    Release: Poppy smashes the ground, creating a shockwave that deals @Damage@ physical damage to the first champion hit and surrounding enemies, Knocks them Back towards their Nexus, and makes them Untargetable while they fly. The range and Knock Back distance increase with charge duration.

    An uncharged swing deals @HalfDamage@ physical damage and Knocks Up for @KnockupDurationSnap@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Keeper's Verdict@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Casting: Poppy begins charging her hammer for up to @ChannelMaxDuration@ seconds, Slowing herself by @SelfSlow@%.

    Release: Poppy smashes the ground, creating a shockwave that deals @Damage@ physical damage to the first champion hit and surrounding enemies, Knocks them Back towards their Nexus, and makes them Untargetable while they fly. The range and Knock Back distance increase with charge duration.

    An uncharged swing deals @HalfDamage@ physical damage and Knocks Up for @KnockupDurationSnap@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPoppy passively gains Armor and Magic Resist. This bonus increases when she is low on Health. Poppy can activate Steadfast Presence to gain Move Speed and stop enemy dashes around her. If a dash is stopped, the enemy is slowed and grounded.Steadfast PresenceSteadfast Presence@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Steadfast Presence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Poppy gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and @BonusMR@ Magic Resist. This bonus is doubled if Poppy is below @PassiveEmpoweredHealthPercent*100@% Health.

    Active: For @Effect1Amount@ seconds, Poppy gains @Effect2Amount@% Movement Speed. During this time, she stops nearby enemy dashes, dealing @Effect5Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, grounding and slowing them by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @GroundingDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Poppy gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and @BonusMR@ Magic Resist. This bonus is doubled if Poppy is below @PassiveEmpoweredHealthPercent*100@% Health.

    Active: For @Effect1Amount@ seconds, Poppy gains @Effect2Amount@% Movement Speed. During this time, she stops nearby enemy dashes, dealing @Effect5Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, grounding and slowing them by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @GroundingDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Steadfast Presence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Poppy gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and @BonusMR@ Magic Resist. This bonus is doubled if Poppy is below @PassiveEmpoweredHealthPercent*100@% Health.

    Active: For @Effect1Amount@ seconds, Poppy gains @Effect2Amount@% Movement Speed. During this time, she stops nearby enemy dashes, dealing @Effect5Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, grounding and slowing them by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @GroundingDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Steadfast Presence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Poppy gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and @BonusMR@ Magic Resist. This bonus is doubled if Poppy is below @PassiveEmpoweredHealthPercent*100@% Health.

    Active: For @Effect1Amount@ seconds, Poppy gains @Effect2Amount@% Movement Speed. During this time, she stops nearby enemy dashes, dealing @Effect5Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, grounding and slowing them by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @GroundingDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Steadfast Presence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Poppy gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and @BonusMR@ Magic Resist. This bonus is doubled if Poppy is below @PassiveEmpoweredHealthPercent*100@% Health.

    Active: For @Effect1Amount@ seconds, Poppy gains @Effect2Amount@% Movement Speed. During this time, she stops nearby enemy dashes, dealing @Effect5Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, grounding and slowing them by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @GroundingDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Steadfast Presence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Poppy gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and @BonusMR@ Magic Resist. This bonus is doubled if Poppy is below @PassiveEmpoweredHealthPercent*100@% Health.

    Active: For @Effect1Amount@ seconds, Poppy gains @Effect2Amount@% Movement Speed. During this time, she stops nearby enemy dashes, dealing @Effect5Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, grounding and slowing them by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @GroundingDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRammus accelerates in a ball towards his enemies, dealing damage and slowing targets affected by the impact.PowerballPowerball@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Powerball@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus curls into a ball, gaining @MinimumMoveSpeed@ Move Speed, accelerating up to @MaximumMoveSpeed@ Move Speed over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Rammus stops after colliding with an enemy, dealing @PowerBallDamage@ magic damage, Knocking Back, and Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.

    Recast: Rammus ends this Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Rammus curls into a ball, gaining @MinimumMoveSpeed@ Move Speed, accelerating up to @MaximumMoveSpeed@ Move Speed over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Rammus stops after colliding with an enemy, dealing @PowerBallDamage@ magic damage, Knocking Back, and Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.

    Recast: Rammus ends this Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Powerball@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus curls into a ball, gaining @MinimumMoveSpeed@ Move Speed, accelerating up to @MaximumMoveSpeed@ Move Speed over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Rammus stops after colliding with an enemy, dealing @PowerBallDamage@ magic damage, Knocking Back, and Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.

    Recast: Rammus ends this Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Using this Ability ends Defensive Ball CurlDamage
    [ @QBaseDamage1Prefix@@QBaseDamage1@@QBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage2Prefix@@QBaseDamage2@@QBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage3Prefix@@QBaseDamage3@@QBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage4Prefix@@QBaseDamage4@@QBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage5Prefix@@QBaseDamage5@@QBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Powerball@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus curls into a ball, gaining @MinimumMoveSpeed@ Move Speed, accelerating up to @MaximumMoveSpeed@ Move Speed over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Rammus stops after colliding with an enemy, dealing @PowerBallDamage@ magic damage, Knocking Back, and Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.

    Recast: Rammus ends this Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @QBaseDamage@ -> @QBaseDamageNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @QBaseDamage1Prefix@@QBaseDamage1@@QBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage2Prefix@@QBaseDamage2@@QBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage3Prefix@@QBaseDamage3@@QBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage4Prefix@@QBaseDamage4@@QBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @QBaseDamage5Prefix@@QBaseDamage5@@QBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @QBaseDamage@ -> @QBaseDamageNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Powerball@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus curls into a ball, gaining @MinimumMoveSpeed@ Move Speed, accelerating up to @MaximumMoveSpeed@ Move Speed over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Rammus stops after colliding with an enemy, dealing @PowerBallDamage@ magic damage, Knocking Back, and Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.

    Recast: Rammus ends this Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Powerball@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus curls into a ball, gaining @MinimumMoveSpeed@ Move Speed, accelerating up to @MaximumMoveSpeed@ Move Speed over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Rammus stops after colliding with an enemy, dealing @PowerBallDamage@ magic damage, Knocking Back, and Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.

    Recast: Rammus ends this Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoIn human form, Nidalee channels the spirit of the cougar to heal her allies and imbue them with Attack Speed for a short duration. As a cougar, she claws in a direction, dealing damage to enemies in front of her.Primal Surge / SwipePrimal Surge / Swipe@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Primal Surge / Swipe@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Human Form: Nidalee restores @TotalHealing@ Health increased up to @MaxHealing@ based on missing Health and grants them @BonusAS*100@% Attack Speed for@ASDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Human Form: Nidalee restores @TotalHealing@ Health increased up to @MaxHealing@ based on missing Health and grants them @BonusAS*100@% Attack Speed for@ASDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_PrimalSurge_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_Swipe_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Primal Surge / Swipe@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_PrimalSurge_Tooltip}}

    Primal Surge Heal
    Primal Surge Attack Speed
    Primal Surge Mana Cost
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ / @BaseHeal4Prefix@@BaseHeal4@@BaseHeal4Postfix@ / @BaseHeal5Prefix@@BaseHeal5@@BaseHeal5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusAS1Prefix@@BonusAS1*100.000000@%@BonusAS1Postfix@ / @BonusAS2Prefix@@BonusAS2*100.000000@%@BonusAS2Postfix@ / @BonusAS3Prefix@@BonusAS3*100.000000@%@BonusAS3Postfix@ / @BonusAS4Prefix@@BonusAS4*100.000000@%@BonusAS4Postfix@ / @BonusAS5Prefix@@BonusAS5*100.000000@%@BonusAS5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Primal Surge / Swipe@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_PrimalSurge_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPrimal Surge Heal
    Primal Surge Attack Speed
    Primal Surge Mana Cost
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @BonusAS*100.000000@% -> @BonusASNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Primal Surge Heal
    Primal Surge Attack Speed
    Primal Surge Mana Cost
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ / @BaseHeal4Prefix@@BaseHeal4@@BaseHeal4Postfix@ / @BaseHeal5Prefix@@BaseHeal5@@BaseHeal5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusAS1Prefix@@BonusAS1*100.000000@%@BonusAS1Postfix@ / @BonusAS2Prefix@@BonusAS2*100.000000@%@BonusAS2Postfix@ / @BonusAS3Prefix@@BonusAS3*100.000000@%@BonusAS3Postfix@ / @BonusAS4Prefix@@BonusAS4*100.000000@%@BonusAS4Postfix@ / @BonusAS5Prefix@@BonusAS5*100.000000@%@BonusAS5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Primal Surge Heal
    Primal Surge Attack Speed
    Primal Surge Mana Cost
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @BonusAS*100.000000@% -> @BonusASNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Primal Surge / Swipe@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_PrimalSurge_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Primal Surge / Swipe@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Human Form: Nidalee restores @TotalHealing@ Health increased up to @MaxHealing@ based on missing Health and grants them @BonusAS*100@% Attack Speed for@ASDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAlistar smashes the ground, dealing damage to nearby enemies and tossing them into the air.Pulverize@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pulverize@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar smashes the ground, Knocking Up enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Alistar smashes the ground, Knocking Up enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pulverize@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar smashes the ground, Knocking Up enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Pulverize@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar smashes the ground, Knocking Up enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Pulverize@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar smashes the ground, Knocking Up enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Pulverize@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Alistar smashes the ground, Knocking Up enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRammus taunts an enemy champion or monster into a reckless assault against him. Additionally, he gains increased Attack Speed for a short time, but this bonus is extended by having any of his other spells active.Frenzying TauntFrenzying Taunt@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Frenzying Taunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus Taunts an enemy champion or jungle monster for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and gains @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Rammus Taunts an enemy champion or jungle monster for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and gains @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Frenzying Taunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus Taunts an enemy champion or jungle monster for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and gains @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@While any of Rammus' other Abilities are active, the duration of the Attack Speed is refreshed.Duration
    Attack Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Frenzying Taunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus Taunts an enemy champion or jungle monster for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and gains @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDuration
    Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Attack Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Frenzying Taunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus Taunts an enemy champion or jungle monster for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and gains @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Frenzying Taunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus Taunts an enemy champion or jungle monster for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and gains @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPyke dashes and leaves behind a phantom that will return to him, stunning enemy champions along its path.Phantom Undertow@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Phantom Undertow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke dashes, leaving a drowned phantom behind him that returns to him shortly. The phantom Stuns for @StunDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Pyke dashes, leaving a drowned phantom behind him that returns to him shortly. The phantom Stuns for @StunDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Phantom Undertow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke dashes, leaving a drowned phantom behind him that returns to him shortly. The phantom Stuns for @StunDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Stun duration scales with Lethality.Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Phantom Undertow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke dashes, leaving a drowned phantom behind him that returns to him shortly. The phantom Stuns for @StunDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Phantom Undertow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke dashes, leaving a drowned phantom behind him that returns to him shortly. The phantom Stuns for @StunDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Phantom Undertow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke dashes, leaving a drowned phantom behind him that returns to him shortly. The phantom Stuns for @StunDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPyke either stabs an enemy in front of him or pulls an enemy towards him.Bone SkewerBone Skewer@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bone Skewer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tap: Pyke stabs, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, preferring champions. They are then Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Hold: Pyke throws his harpoon, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and Pulling them towards him. They are then Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    If Pyke successfully hits an enemy champion or the channel does not complete successfully, @ManaRefund*100@% of the Mana cost is refunded.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Tap: Pyke stabs, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, preferring champions. They are then Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Hold: Pyke throws his harpoon, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and Pulling them towards him. They are then Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    If Pyke successfully hits an enemy champion or the channel does not complete successfully, @ManaRefund*100@% of the Mana cost is refunded.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bone Skewer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tap: Pyke stabs, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, preferring champions. They are then Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Hold: Pyke throws his harpoon, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and Pulling them towards him. They are then Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    If Pyke successfully hits an enemy champion or the channel does not complete successfully, @ManaRefund*100@% of the Mana cost is refunded.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bone Skewer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tap: Pyke stabs, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, preferring champions. They are then Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Hold: Pyke throws his harpoon, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and Pulling them towards him. They are then Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    If Pyke successfully hits an enemy champion or the channel does not complete successfully, @ManaRefund*100@% of the Mana cost is refunded.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Bone Skewer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tap: Pyke stabs, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, preferring champions. They are then Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Hold: Pyke throws his harpoon, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and Pulling them towards him. They are then Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    If Pyke successfully hits an enemy champion or the channel does not complete successfully, @ManaRefund*100@% of the Mana cost is refunded.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bone Skewer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tap: Pyke stabs, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, preferring champions. They are then Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Hold: Pyke throws his harpoon, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and Pulling them towards him. They are then Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    If Pyke successfully hits an enemy champion or the channel does not complete successfully, @ManaRefund*100@% of the Mana cost is refunded.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPyke blinks to and executes low health enemies, allowing him to cast this spell again and granting additional gold to an ally who assists.Death From Below@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Death From Below@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke strikes all enemy champions in an X, teleporting to and executing targets below @RDamage@ Health. Champions above the threshold and non-champions instead take physical damage equal to @ReducedDamage*100@% of that amount (@ReducedDamageFinal@).

    When an enemy champion dies inside the X, Pyke can Recast this Ability for free within @RRecastDuration@ seconds. If he executed that champion, the last assisting ally will also get kill gold. If he did not, he will still get kill gold as if he did.
    Pyke strikes all enemy champions in an X, teleporting to and executing targets below @RDamage@ Health. Champions above the threshold and non-champions instead take physical damage equal to @ReducedDamage*100@% of that amount (@ReducedDamageFinal@).

    When an enemy champion dies inside the X, Pyke can Recast this Ability for free within @RRecastDuration@ seconds. If he executed that champion, the last assisting ally will also get kill gold. If he did not, he will still get kill gold as if he did.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Death From Below@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke strikes all enemy champions in an X, teleporting to and executing targets below @RDamage@ Health. Champions above the threshold and non-champions instead take physical damage equal to @ReducedDamage*100@% of that amount (@ReducedDamageFinal@).

    When an enemy champion dies inside the X, Pyke can Recast this Ability for free within @RRecastDuration@ seconds. If he executed that champion, the last assisting ally will also get kill gold. If he did not, he will still get kill gold as if he did.
    Total gold shared with allies: @f9@
    Total gold kept for self: @f10@
    Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Death From Below@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke strikes all enemy champions in an X, teleporting to and executing targets below @RDamage@ Health. Champions above the threshold and non-champions instead take physical damage equal to @ReducedDamage*100@% of that amount (@ReducedDamageFinal@).

    When an enemy champion dies inside the X, Pyke can Recast this Ability for free within @RRecastDuration@ seconds. If he executed that champion, the last assisting ally will also get kill gold. If he did not, he will still get kill gold as if he did.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@[@Hotkey@] Death From Below@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke strikes all enemy champions in an X, teleporting to and executing targets below @RDamage@ Health. Champions above the threshold and non-champions instead take physical damage equal to @ReducedDamage*100@% of that amount (@ReducedDamageFinal@).

    When an enemy champion dies inside the X, Pyke can Recast this Ability for free within @RRecastDuration@ seconds. If he executed that champion, the last assisting ally will also get kill gold. If he did not, he will still get kill gold as if he did.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Death From Below@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke strikes all enemy champions in an X, teleporting to and executing targets below @RDamage@ Health. Champions above the threshold and non-champions instead take physical damage equal to @ReducedDamage*100@% of that amount (@ReducedDamageFinal@).

    When an enemy champion dies inside the X, Pyke can Recast this Ability for free within @RRecastDuration@ seconds. If he executed that champion, the last assisting ally will also get kill gold. If he did not, he will still get kill gold as if he did.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPyke enters Camouflage and gains significant Move Speed that decays over time.Ghostwater DiveGhostwater Dive@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ghostwater Dive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke gains Camouflage and @MoveSpeed@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect10Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Pyke gains Camouflage and @MoveSpeed@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect10Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ghostwater Dive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke gains Camouflage and @MoveSpeed@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect10Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Move Speed scales with Lethality.
    Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Ghostwater Dive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke gains Camouflage and @MoveSpeed@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect10Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@[@Hotkey@] Ghostwater Dive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke gains Camouflage and @MoveSpeed@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect10Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ghostwater Dive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Pyke gains Camouflage and @MoveSpeed@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect10Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoQiyana dashes to an enemy, damaging them.AudacityAudacity@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Audacity@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana dashes through an enemy and deals @Damage@ physical damage to them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Qiyana dashes through an enemy and deals @Damage@ physical damage to them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Audacity@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana dashes through an enemy and deals @Damage@ physical damage to them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@If {{Spell_QiyanaQv2_Name}} is cast while this Ability is targeting a champion, Qiyana will automatically aim it at her target.Base Damage
    Mana Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseCost1Prefix@@BaseCost1@@BaseCost1Postfix@ / @BaseCost2Prefix@@BaseCost2@@BaseCost2Postfix@ / @BaseCost3Prefix@@BaseCost3@@BaseCost3Postfix@ / @BaseCost4Prefix@@BaseCost4@@BaseCost4Postfix@ / @BaseCost5Prefix@@BaseCost5@@BaseCost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Audacity@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana dashes through an enemy and deals @Damage@ physical damage to them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Damage
    Mana Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseCost@ -> @BaseCostNL@
    Base Damage
    Mana Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseCost1Prefix@@BaseCost1@@BaseCost1Postfix@ / @BaseCost2Prefix@@BaseCost2@@BaseCost2Postfix@ / @BaseCost3Prefix@@BaseCost3@@BaseCost3Postfix@ / @BaseCost4Prefix@@BaseCost4@@BaseCost4Postfix@ / @BaseCost5Prefix@@BaseCost5@@BaseCost5Postfix@ ]
    Base Damage
    Mana Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseCost@ -> @BaseCostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Audacity@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana dashes through an enemy and deals @Damage@ physical damage to them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Audacity@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana dashes through an enemy and deals @Damage@ physical damage to them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoQiyana swings her weapon, dealing damage with a bonus effect based on her element.Elemental Wrath / Edge of IxtalElemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage and leaving a canopy trail behind that makes Qiyana Invisible and grants her @Haste*100@% Move Speed. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.

    The canopy ends after @StealthDuration@ seconds, or after Qiyana Attacks or leaves the zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage and leaving a canopy trail behind that makes Qiyana Invisible and grants her @Haste*100@% Move Speed. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.

    The canopy ends after @StealthDuration@ seconds, or after Qiyana Attacks or leaves the zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage and leaving a canopy trail behind that makes Qiyana Invisible and grants her @Haste*100@% Move Speed. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.

    The canopy ends after @StealthDuration@ seconds, or after Qiyana Attacks or leaves the zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage[ @VanillaBase1Prefix@@VanillaBase1@@VanillaBase1Postfix@ / @VanillaBase2Prefix@@VanillaBase2@@VanillaBase2Postfix@ / @VanillaBase3Prefix@@VanillaBase3@@VanillaBase3Postfix@ / @VanillaBase4Prefix@@VanillaBase4@@VanillaBase4Postfix@ / @VanillaBase5Prefix@@VanillaBase5@@VanillaBase5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage and leaving a canopy trail behind that makes Qiyana Invisible and grants her @Haste*100@% Move Speed. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.

    The canopy ends after @StealthDuration@ seconds, or after Qiyana Attacks or leaves the zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@VanillaBase@ -> @VanillaBaseNL@Damage[ @VanillaBase1Prefix@@VanillaBase1@@VanillaBase1Postfix@ / @VanillaBase2Prefix@@VanillaBase2@@VanillaBase2Postfix@ / @VanillaBase3Prefix@@VanillaBase3@@VanillaBase3Postfix@ / @VanillaBase4Prefix@@VanillaBase4@@VanillaBase4Postfix@ / @VanillaBase5Prefix@@VanillaBase5@@VanillaBase5Postfix@ ]Damage@VanillaBase@ -> @VanillaBaseNL@[@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage and leaving a canopy trail behind that makes Qiyana Invisible and grants her @Haste*100@% Move Speed. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.

    The canopy ends after @StealthDuration@ seconds, or after Qiyana Attacks or leaves the zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage and leaving a canopy trail behind that makes Qiyana Invisible and grants her @Haste*100@% Move Speed. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.

    The canopy ends after @StealthDuration@ seconds, or after Qiyana Attacks or leaves the zone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage, plus an additional @TremorDamage@ physical damage to targets below @CritThreshold*100@% Health. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage, plus an additional @TremorDamage@ physical damage to targets below @CritThreshold*100@% Health. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage, plus an additional @TremorDamage@ physical damage to targets below @CritThreshold*100@% Health. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage[ @VanillaBase1Prefix@@VanillaBase1@@VanillaBase1Postfix@ / @VanillaBase2Prefix@@VanillaBase2@@VanillaBase2Postfix@ / @VanillaBase3Prefix@@VanillaBase3@@VanillaBase3Postfix@ / @VanillaBase4Prefix@@VanillaBase4@@VanillaBase4Postfix@ / @VanillaBase5Prefix@@VanillaBase5@@VanillaBase5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage, plus an additional @TremorDamage@ physical damage to targets below @CritThreshold*100@% Health. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@VanillaBase@ -> @VanillaBaseNL@[@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage, plus an additional @TremorDamage@ physical damage to targets below @CritThreshold*100@% Health. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage, plus an additional @TremorDamage@ physical damage to targets below @CritThreshold*100@% Health. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@If Qiyana does not have an Enchantment, she slashes, dealing @VanillaDamage@ physical damage to enemies in a small area. If she does, this Ability gains extra range and an additional effect based on the type of Enchantment:
  1400. Ice Enchantment: Briefly Roots, then Slows by @SlowPotency*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.
  1401. Rock Enchantment: Deals an additional @TremorDamage@ physical damage to units below @CritThreshold*100@% Health.
  1402. Wild Enchantment: Leaves a trail that turns Qiyana Invisible and grants @Haste*100@% Move Speed.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@If Qiyana does not have an Enchantment, she slashes, dealing @VanillaDamage@ physical damage to enemies in a small area. If she does, this Ability gains extra range and an additional effect based on the type of Enchantment:
  1403. Ice Enchantment: Briefly Roots, then Slows by @SlowPotency*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.
  1404. Rock Enchantment: Deals an additional @TremorDamage@ physical damage to units below @CritThreshold*100@% Health.
  1405. Wild Enchantment: Leaves a trail that turns Qiyana Invisible and grants @Haste*100@% Move Speed.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@If Qiyana does not have an Enchantment, she slashes, dealing @VanillaDamage@ physical damage to enemies in a small area. If she does, this Ability gains extra range and an additional effect based on the type of Enchantment:
  1406. Ice Enchantment: Briefly Roots, then Slows by @SlowPotency*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.
  1407. Rock Enchantment: Deals an additional @TremorDamage@ physical damage to units below @CritThreshold*100@% Health.
  1408. Wild Enchantment: Leaves a trail that turns Qiyana Invisible and grants @Haste*100@% Move Speed.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.
    This Ability deals @JungleDamageAmp*100@% damage to jungle monsters.
    Damage[ @VanillaBase1Prefix@@VanillaBase1@@VanillaBase1Postfix@ / @VanillaBase2Prefix@@VanillaBase2@@VanillaBase2Postfix@ / @VanillaBase3Prefix@@VanillaBase3@@VanillaBase3Postfix@ / @VanillaBase4Prefix@@VanillaBase4@@VanillaBase4Postfix@ / @VanillaBase5Prefix@@VanillaBase5@@VanillaBase5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@If Qiyana does not have an Enchantment, she slashes, dealing @VanillaDamage@ physical damage to enemies in a small area. If she does, this Ability gains extra range and an additional effect based on the type of Enchantment:
  1409. Ice Enchantment: Briefly Roots, then Slows by @SlowPotency*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.
  1410. Rock Enchantment: Deals an additional @TremorDamage@ physical damage to units below @CritThreshold*100@% Health.
  1411. Wild Enchantment: Leaves a trail that turns Qiyana Invisible and grants @Haste*100@% Move Speed.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@VanillaBase@ -> @VanillaBaseNL@[@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@If Qiyana does not have an Enchantment, she slashes, dealing @VanillaDamage@ physical damage to enemies in a small area. If she does, this Ability gains extra range and an additional effect based on the type of Enchantment:
  1412. Ice Enchantment: Briefly Roots, then Slows by @SlowPotency*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.
  1413. Rock Enchantment: Deals an additional @TremorDamage@ physical damage to units below @CritThreshold*100@% Health.
  1414. Wild Enchantment: Leaves a trail that turns Qiyana Invisible and grants @Haste*100@% Move Speed.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@If Qiyana does not have an Enchantment, she slashes, dealing @VanillaDamage@ physical damage to enemies in a small area. If she does, this Ability gains extra range and an additional effect based on the type of Enchantment:
  1415. Ice Enchantment: Briefly Roots, then Slows by @SlowPotency*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.
  1416. Rock Enchantment: Deals an additional @TremorDamage@ physical damage to units below @CritThreshold*100@% Health.
  1417. Wild Enchantment: Leaves a trail that turns Qiyana Invisible and grants @Haste*100@% Move Speed.
    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage and Rooting for 0.5 second, then Slowing by @SlowPotency*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage and Rooting for 0.5 second, then Slowing by @SlowPotency*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage and Rooting for 0.5 second, then Slowing by @SlowPotency*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage[ @VanillaBase1Prefix@@VanillaBase1@@VanillaBase1Postfix@ / @VanillaBase2Prefix@@VanillaBase2@@VanillaBase2Postfix@ / @VanillaBase3Prefix@@VanillaBase3@@VanillaBase3Postfix@ / @VanillaBase4Prefix@@VanillaBase4@@VanillaBase4Postfix@ / @VanillaBase5Prefix@@VanillaBase5@@VanillaBase5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage and Rooting for 0.5 second, then Slowing by @SlowPotency*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@VanillaBase@ -> @VanillaBaseNL@[@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage and Rooting for 0.5 second, then Slowing by @SlowPotency*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage and Rooting for 0.5 second, then Slowing by @SlowPotency*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoQiyana sends out a shockwave that detonates whatever elements she hits with it, stunning and damaging nearby enemies.Supreme Display of TalentSupreme Display of Talent@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Supreme Display of Talent@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana launches a shockwave that Knocks Back enemies and detonates when it hits terrain. The explosion follows the entire edge of the terrain, Stunning for between 0.5 and @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @Damage@ plus @MissingHealthDamageRock@ max Health physical damage. Stun duration scales down with distance the shockwave has travelled.

    Any river or brush the shockwave passes through also explode after a delay for the same damage and Stun.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Qiyana launches a shockwave that Knocks Back enemies and detonates when it hits terrain. The explosion follows the entire edge of the terrain, Stunning for between 0.5 and @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @Damage@ plus @MissingHealthDamageRock@ max Health physical damage. Stun duration scales down with distance the shockwave has travelled.

    Any river or brush the shockwave passes through also explode after a delay for the same damage and Stun.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Supreme Display of Talent@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana launches a shockwave that Knocks Back enemies and detonates when it hits terrain. The explosion follows the entire edge of the terrain, Stunning for between 0.5 and @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @Damage@ plus @MissingHealthDamageRock@ max Health physical damage. Stun duration scales down with distance the shockwave has travelled.

    Any river or brush the shockwave passes through also explode after a delay for the same damage and Stun.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Initial Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Supreme Display of Talent@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana launches a shockwave that Knocks Back enemies and detonates when it hits terrain. The explosion follows the entire edge of the terrain, Stunning for between 0.5 and @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @Damage@ plus @MissingHealthDamageRock@ max Health physical damage. Stun duration scales down with distance the shockwave has travelled.

    Any river or brush the shockwave passes through also explode after a delay for the same damage and Stun.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upInitial Damage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@Initial Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]Initial Damage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@[@Hotkey@] Supreme Display of Talent@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana launches a shockwave that Knocks Back enemies and detonates when it hits terrain. The explosion follows the entire edge of the terrain, Stunning for between 0.5 and @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @Damage@ plus @MissingHealthDamageRock@ max Health physical damage. Stun duration scales down with distance the shockwave has travelled.

    Any river or brush the shockwave passes through also explode after a delay for the same damage and Stun.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Supreme Display of Talent@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Qiyana launches a shockwave that Knocks Back enemies and detonates when it hits terrain. The explosion follows the entire edge of the terrain, Stunning for between 0.5 and @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @Damage@ plus @MissingHealthDamageRock@ max Health physical damage. Stun duration scales down with distance the shockwave has travelled.

    Any river or brush the shockwave passes through also explode after a delay for the same damage and Stun.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoQiyana dashes to a location and enchants her weapon with an element. Her attacks and abilities deal bonus damage while her weapon is enchanted. TerrashapeTerrashape@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Terrashape@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While Qiyana's weapon is Enchanted, she gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed and her Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage. She also gains @PassiveMS*100@% Move Speed while out of combat near the corresponding terrain type.

    Active: Qiyana dashes towards a nearby brush, terrain, or river and Enchants her weapon with that particular terrain type. This refreshes {{Spell_QiyanaQv2_Name}}'s Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: While Qiyana's weapon is Enchanted, she gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed and her Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage. She also gains @PassiveMS*100@% Move Speed while out of combat near the corresponding terrain type.

    Active: Qiyana dashes towards a nearby brush, terrain, or river and Enchants her weapon with that particular terrain type. This refreshes {{Spell_QiyanaQv2_Name}}'s Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Terrashape@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While Qiyana's weapon is Enchanted, she gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed and her Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage. She also gains @PassiveMS*100@% Move Speed while out of combat near the corresponding terrain type.

    Active: Qiyana dashes towards a nearby brush, terrain, or river and Enchants her weapon with that particular terrain type. This refreshes {{Spell_QiyanaQv2_Name}}'s Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    On-Hit Damage
    Move Speed
    Bonus Attack Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PassiveMS1Prefix@@PassiveMS1*100.000000@%@PassiveMS1Postfix@ / @PassiveMS2Prefix@@PassiveMS2*100.000000@%@PassiveMS2Postfix@ / @PassiveMS3Prefix@@PassiveMS3*100.000000@%@PassiveMS3Postfix@ / @PassiveMS4Prefix@@PassiveMS4*100.000000@%@PassiveMS4Postfix@ / @PassiveMS5Prefix@@PassiveMS5*100.000000@%@PassiveMS5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackSpeed1Prefix@@AttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed2Prefix@@AttackSpeed2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed3Prefix@@AttackSpeed3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed3Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed4Prefix@@AttackSpeed4*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed4Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed5Prefix@@AttackSpeed5*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Terrashape@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While Qiyana's weapon is Enchanted, she gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed and her Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage. She also gains @PassiveMS*100@% Move Speed while out of combat near the corresponding terrain type.

    Active: Qiyana dashes towards a nearby brush, terrain, or river and Enchants her weapon with that particular terrain type. This refreshes {{Spell_QiyanaQv2_Name}}'s Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upOn-Hit Damage
    Move Speed
    Bonus Attack Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @PassiveMS*100.000000@% -> @PassiveMSNL*100.000000@%
    @AttackSpeed*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    On-Hit Damage
    Move Speed
    Bonus Attack Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PassiveMS1Prefix@@PassiveMS1*100.000000@%@PassiveMS1Postfix@ / @PassiveMS2Prefix@@PassiveMS2*100.000000@%@PassiveMS2Postfix@ / @PassiveMS3Prefix@@PassiveMS3*100.000000@%@PassiveMS3Postfix@ / @PassiveMS4Prefix@@PassiveMS4*100.000000@%@PassiveMS4Postfix@ / @PassiveMS5Prefix@@PassiveMS5*100.000000@%@PassiveMS5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackSpeed1Prefix@@AttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed2Prefix@@AttackSpeed2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed3Prefix@@AttackSpeed3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed3Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed4Prefix@@AttackSpeed4*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed4Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed5Prefix@@AttackSpeed5*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    On-Hit Damage
    Move Speed
    Bonus Attack Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @PassiveMS*100.000000@% -> @PassiveMSNL*100.000000@%
    @AttackSpeed*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Terrashape@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While Qiyana's weapon is Enchanted, she gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed and her Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage. She also gains @PassiveMS*100@% Move Speed while out of combat near the corresponding terrain type.

    Active: Qiyana dashes towards a nearby brush, terrain, or river and Enchants her weapon with that particular terrain type. This refreshes {{Spell_QiyanaQv2_Name}}'s Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Terrashape@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While Qiyana's weapon is Enchanted, she gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed and her Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage. She also gains @PassiveMS*100@% Move Speed while out of combat near the corresponding terrain type.

    Active: Qiyana dashes towards a nearby brush, terrain, or river and Enchants her weapon with that particular terrain type. This refreshes {{Spell_QiyanaQv2_Name}}'s Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoQuinn dashes to an enemy, dealing physical damage and slowing the target's Move Speed. Upon reaching the target, she leaps off the target, briefly interrupting it, and lands near her maximum Attack Range away from the target.VaultVault@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Vault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn dashes to an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and marking them Vulnerable. Quinn then leaps backwards from the target, slightly Knocking them Back and Slowing them by @Effect1Amount*100@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Quinn dashes to an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and marking them Vulnerable. Quinn then leaps backwards from the target, slightly Knocking them Back and Slowing them by @Effect1Amount*100@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Vault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn dashes to an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and marking them Vulnerable. Quinn then leaps backwards from the target, slightly Knocking them Back and Slowing them by @Effect1Amount*100@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Vault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn dashes to an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and marking them Vulnerable. Quinn then leaps backwards from the target, slightly Knocking them Back and Slowing them by @Effect1Amount*100@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Vault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn dashes to an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and marking them Vulnerable. Quinn then leaps backwards from the target, slightly Knocking them Back and Slowing them by @Effect1Amount*100@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Vault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn dashes to an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and marking them Vulnerable. Quinn then leaps backwards from the target, slightly Knocking them Back and Slowing them by @Effect1Amount*100@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoQuinn calls Valor to mark an enemy and hinder its vision before damaging all enemies in the immediate area.Blinding AssaultBlinding Assault@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blinding Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn orders Valor to dive, making the first enemy hit Vulnerable, reducing their vision radius for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all surrounding enemies.

    If the first enemy struck is not a champion, it is Disarmed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Quinn orders Valor to dive, making the first enemy hit Vulnerable, reducing their vision radius for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all surrounding enemies.

    If the first enemy struck is not a champion, it is Disarmed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blinding Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn orders Valor to dive, making the first enemy hit Vulnerable, reducing their vision radius for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all surrounding enemies.

    If the first enemy struck is not a champion, it is Disarmed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Total AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Blinding Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn orders Valor to dive, making the first enemy hit Vulnerable, reducing their vision radius for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all surrounding enemies.

    If the first enemy struck is not a champion, it is Disarmed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Total AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Total AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Total AD Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Blinding Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn orders Valor to dive, making the first enemy hit Vulnerable, reducing their vision radius for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all surrounding enemies.

    If the first enemy struck is not a champion, it is Disarmed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Blinding Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn orders Valor to dive, making the first enemy hit Vulnerable, reducing their vision radius for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all surrounding enemies.

    If the first enemy struck is not a champion, it is Disarmed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoQuinn and Valor team up to fly around at great speed. Ending the ability casts Skystrike, which deals damage to nearby enemies and marks champions as Vulnerable.Behind Enemy LinesBehind Enemy Lines@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Behind Enemy Lines@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn calls to Valor, pairing up after channeling for 2 seconds gaining @MovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed and allowing her to Recast this Ability. Attacking or using {{Spell_QuinnQ_Name}} or {{Spell_QuinnE_Name}} automatically Recasts this Ability.

    Recast: Quinn and Valor perform an aerial maneuver, dealing @Damage@ physical damage, marking champions as Vulnerable, and ending this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Quinn calls to Valor, pairing up after channeling for 2 seconds gaining @MovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed and allowing her to Recast this Ability. Attacking or using {{Spell_QuinnQ_Name}} or {{Spell_QuinnE_Name}} automatically Recasts this Ability.

    Recast: Quinn and Valor perform an aerial maneuver, dealing @Damage@ physical damage, marking champions as Vulnerable, and ending this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Behind Enemy Lines@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn calls to Valor, pairing up after channeling for 2 seconds gaining @MovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed and allowing her to Recast this Ability. Attacking or using {{Spell_QuinnQ_Name}} or {{Spell_QuinnE_Name}} automatically Recasts this Ability.

    Recast: Quinn and Valor perform an aerial maneuver, dealing @Damage@ physical damage, marking champions as Vulnerable, and ending this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Being damaged by non-minions removes the Move Speed bonus for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Move Speed
    Mana Cost
    [ @MovementSpeedMod1Prefix@@MovementSpeedMod1*100.000000@%@MovementSpeedMod1Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedMod2Prefix@@MovementSpeedMod2*100.000000@%@MovementSpeedMod2Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedMod3Prefix@@MovementSpeedMod3*100.000000@%@MovementSpeedMod3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseCost1Prefix@@BaseCost1@@BaseCost1Postfix@ / @BaseCost2Prefix@@BaseCost2@@BaseCost2Postfix@ / @BaseCost3Prefix@@BaseCost3@@BaseCost3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Behind Enemy Lines@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn calls to Valor, pairing up after channeling for 2 seconds gaining @MovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed and allowing her to Recast this Ability. Attacking or using {{Spell_QuinnQ_Name}} or {{Spell_QuinnE_Name}} automatically Recasts this Ability.

    Recast: Quinn and Valor perform an aerial maneuver, dealing @Damage@ physical damage, marking champions as Vulnerable, and ending this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMove Speed
    Mana Cost
    @MovementSpeedMod*100.000000@% -> @MovementSpeedModNL*100.000000@%
    @BaseCost@ -> @BaseCostNL@
    Move Speed
    Mana Cost
    [ @MovementSpeedMod1Prefix@@MovementSpeedMod1*100.000000@%@MovementSpeedMod1Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedMod2Prefix@@MovementSpeedMod2*100.000000@%@MovementSpeedMod2Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedMod3Prefix@@MovementSpeedMod3*100.000000@%@MovementSpeedMod3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseCost1Prefix@@BaseCost1@@BaseCost1Postfix@ / @BaseCost2Prefix@@BaseCost2@@BaseCost2Postfix@ / @BaseCost3Prefix@@BaseCost3@@BaseCost3Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    Mana Cost
    @MovementSpeedMod*100.000000@% -> @MovementSpeedModNL*100.000000@%
    @BaseCost@ -> @BaseCostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Behind Enemy Lines@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn calls to Valor, pairing up after channeling for 2 seconds gaining @MovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed and allowing her to Recast this Ability. Attacking or using {{Spell_QuinnQ_Name}} or {{Spell_QuinnE_Name}} automatically Recasts this Ability.

    Recast: Quinn and Valor perform an aerial maneuver, dealing @Damage@ physical damage, marking champions as Vulnerable, and ending this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Behind Enemy Lines@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Quinn calls to Valor, pairing up after channeling for 2 seconds gaining @MovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed and allowing her to Recast this Ability. Attacking or using {{Spell_QuinnQ_Name}} or {{Spell_QuinnE_Name}} automatically Recasts this Ability.

    Recast: Quinn and Valor perform an aerial maneuver, dealing @Damage@ physical damage, marking champions as Vulnerable, and ending this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPassively grants Quinn Attack Speed and Move Speed after she attacks a Vulnerable target. Activate to have Valor reveal a large area nearby.Heightened SensesHeightened Senses@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Heightened Senses@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Attacking a Vulnerable target grants Quinn @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed and @Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Valor reveals a large area nearby for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Attacking a Vulnerable target grants Quinn @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed and @Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Valor reveals a large area nearby for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Heightened Senses@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Attacking a Vulnerable target grants Quinn @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed and @Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Valor reveals a large area nearby for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Attack Speed
    Move Speed
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Heightened Senses@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Attacking a Vulnerable target grants Quinn @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed and @Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Valor reveals a large area nearby for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Speed
    Move Speed
    @Effect2Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect3Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Attack Speed
    Move Speed
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    Move Speed
    @Effect2Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect3Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Heightened Senses@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Attacking a Vulnerable target grants Quinn @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed and @Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Valor reveals a large area nearby for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Heightened Senses@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Attacking a Vulnerable target grants Quinn @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed and @Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Valor reveals a large area nearby for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoFlies to an allied champion granting them a shield. Can be re-cast for free for a short duration.Battle DanceBattle Dance@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Battle Dance@f2@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan dashes to an allied champion, granting them @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Rakan can Recast this Ability once within @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Rakan dashes to an allied champion, granting them @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Rakan can Recast this Ability once within @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Battle Dance@f2@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan dashes to an allied champion, granting them @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Rakan can Recast this Ability once within @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Cast range is increased when cast on Xayah.Shield Health
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseShield1Prefix@@BaseShield1@@BaseShield1Postfix@ / @BaseShield2Prefix@@BaseShield2@@BaseShield2Postfix@ / @BaseShield3Prefix@@BaseShield3@@BaseShield3Postfix@ / @BaseShield4Prefix@@BaseShield4@@BaseShield4Postfix@ / @BaseShield5Prefix@@BaseShield5@@BaseShield5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Battle Dance@f2@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan dashes to an allied champion, granting them @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Rakan can Recast this Ability once within @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Health
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseShield@ -> @BaseShieldNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    Shield Health
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseShield1Prefix@@BaseShield1@@BaseShield1Postfix@ / @BaseShield2Prefix@@BaseShield2@@BaseShield2Postfix@ / @BaseShield3Prefix@@BaseShield3@@BaseShield3Postfix@ / @BaseShield4Prefix@@BaseShield4@@BaseShield4Postfix@ / @BaseShield5Prefix@@BaseShield5@@BaseShield5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Health
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseShield@ -> @BaseShieldNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Battle Dance@f2@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan dashes to an allied champion, granting them @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Rakan can Recast this Ability once within @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Battle Dance@f2@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan dashes to an allied champion, granting them @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Rakan can Recast this Ability once within @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoFlings a magical feather that deals magic damage. Striking a champion or epic monster enables Rakan to heal his allies.Gleaming QuillGleaming Quill@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Gleaming Quill@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan flings a magical feather that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.

    If the feather hits a champion or epic jungle monster, Rakan restores @TotalHeal@ Health to himself and nearby allies after @HealDelay@ seconds or when he touches an allied champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Rakan flings a magical feather that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.

    If the feather hits a champion or epic jungle monster, Rakan restores @TotalHeal@ Health to himself and nearby allies after @HealDelay@ seconds or when he touches an allied champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Gleaming Quill@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan flings a magical feather that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.

    If the feather hits a champion or epic jungle monster, Rakan restores @TotalHeal@ Health to himself and nearby allies after @HealDelay@ seconds or when he touches an allied champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Gleaming Quill@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan flings a magical feather that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.

    If the feather hits a champion or epic jungle monster, Rakan restores @TotalHeal@ Health to himself and nearby allies after @HealDelay@ seconds or when he touches an allied champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Gleaming Quill@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan flings a magical feather that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.

    If the feather hits a champion or epic jungle monster, Rakan restores @TotalHeal@ Health to himself and nearby allies after @HealDelay@ seconds or when he touches an allied champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Gleaming Quill@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan flings a magical feather that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.

    If the feather hits a champion or epic jungle monster, Rakan restores @TotalHeal@ Health to himself and nearby allies after @HealDelay@ seconds or when he touches an allied champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoGains Move Speed, charming and dealing magic damage to enemies touched.The QuicknessThe Quickness@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] The Quickness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan gains @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Rakan deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage and Charms enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second(s) the first time he touches them. The first champion touched grants Rakan @Effect6Amount@% decaying Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Rakan gains @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Rakan deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage and Charms enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second(s) the first time he touches them. The first champion touched grants Rakan @Effect6Amount@% decaying Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] The Quickness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan gains @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Rakan deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage and Charms enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second(s) the first time he touches them. The first champion touched grants Rakan @Effect6Amount@% decaying Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Charm Duration
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] The Quickness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan gains @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Rakan deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage and Charms enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second(s) the first time he touches them. The first champion touched grants Rakan @Effect6Amount@% decaying Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCharm Duration
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Charm Duration
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Charm Duration
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] The Quickness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan gains @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Rakan deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage and Charms enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second(s) the first time he touches them. The first champion touched grants Rakan @Effect6Amount@% decaying Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] The Quickness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan gains @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Rakan deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage and Charms enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second(s) the first time he touches them. The first champion touched grants Rakan @Effect6Amount@% decaying Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoDashes to a location, knocking up nearby enemies on arrival.Grand EntranceGrand Entrance@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Grand Entrance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan dashes, then spirals into the air, Knocking Up for @KnockupDuration@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Rakan dashes, then spirals into the air, Knocking Up for @KnockupDuration@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Grand Entrance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan dashes, then spirals into the air, Knocking Up for @KnockupDuration@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Mana Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseCost1Prefix@@BaseCost1@@BaseCost1Postfix@ / @BaseCost2Prefix@@BaseCost2@@BaseCost2Postfix@ / @BaseCost3Prefix@@BaseCost3@@BaseCost3Postfix@ / @BaseCost4Prefix@@BaseCost4@@BaseCost4Postfix@ / @BaseCost5Prefix@@BaseCost5@@BaseCost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Grand Entrance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan dashes, then spirals into the air, Knocking Up for @KnockupDuration@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Mana Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseCost@ -> @BaseCostNL@
    Mana Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseCost1Prefix@@BaseCost1@@BaseCost1Postfix@ / @BaseCost2Prefix@@BaseCost2@@BaseCost2Postfix@ / @BaseCost3Prefix@@BaseCost3@@BaseCost3Postfix@ / @BaseCost4Prefix@@BaseCost4@@BaseCost4Postfix@ / @BaseCost5Prefix@@BaseCost5@@BaseCost5Postfix@ ]
    Mana Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseCost@ -> @BaseCostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Grand Entrance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan dashes, then spirals into the air, Knocking Up for @KnockupDuration@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Grand Entrance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rakan dashes, then spirals into the air, Knocking Up for @KnockupDuration@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoJanna surrounds herself in a magical storm, throwing enemies back. After the storm has settled, soothing winds heal nearby allies while the ability is active.Monsoon@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Monsoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Janna summons a magical monsoon, Knocking Back nearby enemies then healing nearby allies for @TotalHeal@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Moving or using an Ability ends the monsoon early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Janna summons a magical monsoon, Knocking Back nearby enemies then healing nearby allies for @TotalHeal@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Moving or using an Ability ends the monsoon early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Monsoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Janna summons a magical monsoon, Knocking Back nearby enemies then healing nearby allies for @TotalHeal@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Moving or using an Ability ends the monsoon early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@The Knock Back cannot push enemies over walls.Heal Per Second
    [ @HealBasePerSecond1Prefix@@HealBasePerSecond1@@HealBasePerSecond1Postfix@ / @HealBasePerSecond2Prefix@@HealBasePerSecond2@@HealBasePerSecond2Postfix@ / @HealBasePerSecond3Prefix@@HealBasePerSecond3@@HealBasePerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Monsoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Janna summons a magical monsoon, Knocking Back nearby enemies then healing nearby allies for @TotalHeal@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Moving or using an Ability ends the monsoon early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHeal Per Second
    @HealBasePerSecond@ -> @HealBasePerSecondNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Heal Per Second
    [ @HealBasePerSecond1Prefix@@HealBasePerSecond1@@HealBasePerSecond1Postfix@ / @HealBasePerSecond2Prefix@@HealBasePerSecond2@@HealBasePerSecond2Postfix@ / @HealBasePerSecond3Prefix@@HealBasePerSecond3@@HealBasePerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Heal Per Second
    @HealBasePerSecond@ -> @HealBasePerSecondNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Monsoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Janna summons a magical monsoon, Knocking Back nearby enemies then healing nearby allies for @TotalHeal@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Moving or using an Ability ends the monsoon early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Monsoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Janna summons a magical monsoon, Knocking Back nearby enemies then healing nearby allies for @TotalHeal@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Moving or using an Ability ends the monsoon early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRecallRecall@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Recall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Recall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Recall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Recall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Recall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRek'Sai bites her target, dealing double and True Damage if she has max Fury.

    While Burrowed, Rek'Sai creates a re-usable, long lasting tunnel. Enemies can destroy it by standing on top of either entrance.Furious Bite / TunnelFurious Bite / Tunnel@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Furious Bite / Tunnel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostUn-Burrowed: Rek'Sai bites a target, dealing @spell.RekSaiE:BaseDamageTooltip@ physical damage. At max Fury, the bite deals @spell.RekSaiE:EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ true damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Un-Burrowed: Rek'Sai bites a target, dealing @spell.RekSaiE:BaseDamageTooltip@ physical damage. At max Fury, the bite deals @spell.RekSaiE:EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ true damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Furious Bite / Tunnel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostUn-Burrowed: Rek'Sai bites a target, dealing @spell.RekSaiE:BaseDamageTooltip@ physical damage. At max Fury, the bite deals @spell.RekSaiE:EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ true damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Furious Bite Damage
    Tunnel Cast Cooldown
    Tunnel Use Cooldown
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect9Amount1Prefix@@Effect9Amount1@@Effect9Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount2Prefix@@Effect9Amount2@@Effect9Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount3Prefix@@Effect9Amount3@@Effect9Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount4Prefix@@Effect9Amount4@@Effect9Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount5Prefix@@Effect9Amount5@@Effect9Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect8Amount1Prefix@@Effect8Amount1@@Effect8Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount2Prefix@@Effect8Amount2@@Effect8Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount3Prefix@@Effect8Amount3@@Effect8Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount4Prefix@@Effect8Amount4@@Effect8Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount5Prefix@@Effect8Amount5@@Effect8Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Furious Bite / Tunnel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostUn-Burrowed: Rek'Sai bites a target, dealing @spell.RekSaiE:BaseDamageTooltip@ physical damage. At max Fury, the bite deals @spell.RekSaiE:EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ true damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upFurious Bite Damage
    Tunnel Cast Cooldown
    Tunnel Use Cooldown
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect9Amount@ -> @Effect9AmountNL@
    @Effect8Amount@ -> @Effect8AmountNL@
    Furious Bite Damage
    Tunnel Cast Cooldown
    Tunnel Use Cooldown
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect9Amount1Prefix@@Effect9Amount1@@Effect9Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount2Prefix@@Effect9Amount2@@Effect9Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount3Prefix@@Effect9Amount3@@Effect9Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount4Prefix@@Effect9Amount4@@Effect9Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount5Prefix@@Effect9Amount5@@Effect9Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect8Amount1Prefix@@Effect8Amount1@@Effect8Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount2Prefix@@Effect8Amount2@@Effect8Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount3Prefix@@Effect8Amount3@@Effect8Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount4Prefix@@Effect8Amount4@@Effect8Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount5Prefix@@Effect8Amount5@@Effect8Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Furious Bite Damage
    Tunnel Cast Cooldown
    Tunnel Use Cooldown
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect9Amount@ -> @Effect9AmountNL@
    @Effect8Amount@ -> @Effect8AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Furious Bite / Tunnel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostUn-Burrowed: Rek'Sai bites a target, dealing @spell.RekSaiE:BaseDamageTooltip@ physical damage. At max Fury, the bite deals @spell.RekSaiE:EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ true damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Furious Bite / Tunnel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostUn-Burrowed: Rek'Sai bites a target, dealing @spell.RekSaiE:BaseDamageTooltip@ physical damage. At max Fury, the bite deals @spell.RekSaiE:EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ true damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info{{Spell_RekSaiE_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_RekSaiEBurrowed_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Furious Bite / Tunnel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_RekSaiE_Tooltip}}

    Furious Bite Damage
    Tunnel Cast Cooldown
    Tunnel Use Cooldown
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect9Amount1Prefix@@Effect9Amount1@@Effect9Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount2Prefix@@Effect9Amount2@@Effect9Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount3Prefix@@Effect9Amount3@@Effect9Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount4Prefix@@Effect9Amount4@@Effect9Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount5Prefix@@Effect9Amount5@@Effect9Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect8Amount1Prefix@@Effect8Amount1@@Effect8Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount2Prefix@@Effect8Amount2@@Effect8Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount3Prefix@@Effect8Amount3@@Effect8Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount4Prefix@@Effect8Amount4@@Effect8Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount5Prefix@@Effect8Amount5@@Effect8Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Furious Bite / Tunnel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_RekSaiE_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upFurious Bite Damage
    Tunnel Cast Cooldown
    Tunnel Use Cooldown
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect9Amount@ -> @Effect9AmountNL@
    @Effect8Amount@ -> @Effect8AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Furious Bite / Tunnel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_RekSaiE_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upRek'Sai's next 3 basic attacks deal bonus Physical Damage to nearby enemies.

    While Burrowed, Rek'Sai launches a burst of void-charged earth that deals Physical Damage and reveals enemies hit.Queen's Wrath / Prey SeekerQueen's Wrath / Prey Seeker@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Queen's Wrath / Prey Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostUn-Burrowed: Rek'Sai's next 3 Attacks within @Effect7Amount@ seconds deal an additional @spell.RekSaiQ:TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Un-Burrowed: Rek'Sai's next 3 Attacks within @Effect7Amount@ seconds deal an additional @spell.RekSaiQ:TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Queen's Wrath / Prey Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostUn-Burrowed: Rek'Sai's next 3 Attacks within @Effect7Amount@ seconds deal an additional @spell.RekSaiQ:TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Queen's Wrath Damage
    Prey Seeker Damage
    Prey Seeker Cooldown
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Queen's Wrath / Prey Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostUn-Burrowed: Rek'Sai's next 3 Attacks within @Effect7Amount@ seconds deal an additional @spell.RekSaiQ:TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upQueen's Wrath Damage
    Prey Seeker Damage
    Prey Seeker Cooldown
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    Queen's Wrath Damage
    Prey Seeker Damage
    Prey Seeker Cooldown
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Queen's Wrath Damage
    Prey Seeker Damage
    Prey Seeker Cooldown
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Queen's Wrath / Prey Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostUn-Burrowed: Rek'Sai's next 3 Attacks within @Effect7Amount@ seconds deal an additional @spell.RekSaiQ:TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Queen's Wrath / Prey Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostUn-Burrowed: Rek'Sai's next 3 Attacks within @Effect7Amount@ seconds deal an additional @spell.RekSaiQ:TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info{{Spell_RekSaiQ_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_RekSaiQBurrowed_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Queen's Wrath / Prey Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_RekSaiQ_Tooltip}}

    The bonus damage can critically strike the primary target.Queen's Wrath Damage
    Prey Seeker Damage
    Prey Seeker Cooldown
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Queen's Wrath / Prey Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_RekSaiQ_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upQueen's Wrath Damage
    Prey Seeker Damage
    Prey Seeker Cooldown
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Queen's Wrath / Prey Seeker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_RekSaiQ_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upRek'sai passively marks targets by damaging them. She can activate this ability to become briefly untargetable and lunge at a marked target for heavy damage based on their missing health.Void RushVoid Rush@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Void Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRek'Sai targets an enemy damaged by her in the last @PreyMarkDuration@ seconds and then dives underground, becoming untargetable. Moments later, she leaps unstoppably at her target, dealing @RBaseDamageCalc@ plus @PercentMissingHealthDamage@% missing Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Rek'Sai targets an enemy damaged by her in the last @PreyMarkDuration@ seconds and then dives underground, becoming untargetable. Moments later, she leaps unstoppably at her target, dealing @RBaseDamageCalc@ plus @PercentMissingHealthDamage@% missing Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Void Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRek'Sai targets an enemy damaged by her in the last @PreyMarkDuration@ seconds and then dives underground, becoming untargetable. Moments later, she leaps unstoppably at her target, dealing @RBaseDamageCalc@ plus @PercentMissingHealthDamage@% missing Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Missing Health Damage
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentMissingHealthDamage1Prefix@@PercentMissingHealthDamage1@%@PercentMissingHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentMissingHealthDamage2Prefix@@PercentMissingHealthDamage2@%@PercentMissingHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentMissingHealthDamage3Prefix@@PercentMissingHealthDamage3@%@PercentMissingHealthDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RCooldown1Prefix@@RCooldown1@@RCooldown1Postfix@ / @RCooldown2Prefix@@RCooldown2@@RCooldown2Postfix@ / @RCooldown3Prefix@@RCooldown3@@RCooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Void Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRek'Sai targets an enemy damaged by her in the last @PreyMarkDuration@ seconds and then dives underground, becoming untargetable. Moments later, she leaps unstoppably at her target, dealing @RBaseDamageCalc@ plus @PercentMissingHealthDamage@% missing Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Missing Health Damage
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @PercentMissingHealthDamage@% -> @PercentMissingHealthDamageNL@%
    @RCooldown@ -> @RCooldownNL@
    Missing Health Damage
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentMissingHealthDamage1Prefix@@PercentMissingHealthDamage1@%@PercentMissingHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentMissingHealthDamage2Prefix@@PercentMissingHealthDamage2@%@PercentMissingHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentMissingHealthDamage3Prefix@@PercentMissingHealthDamage3@%@PercentMissingHealthDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RCooldown1Prefix@@RCooldown1@@RCooldown1Postfix@ / @RCooldown2Prefix@@RCooldown2@@RCooldown2Postfix@ / @RCooldown3Prefix@@RCooldown3@@RCooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Missing Health Damage
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @PercentMissingHealthDamage@% -> @PercentMissingHealthDamageNL@%
    @RCooldown@ -> @RCooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Void Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRek'Sai targets an enemy damaged by her in the last @PreyMarkDuration@ seconds and then dives underground, becoming untargetable. Moments later, she leaps unstoppably at her target, dealing @RBaseDamageCalc@ plus @PercentMissingHealthDamage@% missing Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Void Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRek'Sai targets an enemy damaged by her in the last @PreyMarkDuration@ seconds and then dives underground, becoming untargetable. Moments later, she leaps unstoppably at her target, dealing @RBaseDamageCalc@ plus @PercentMissingHealthDamage@% missing Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRek'Sai burrows into the ground, gaining new abilities and increased Move Speed. Her vision range is reduced and she cannot use basic attacks.

    While Burrowed, Rek'Sai may cast Un-burrow to knock up and damage nearby enemies.Burrow / Un-burrowBurrow / Un-burrow@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Burrow / Un-burrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostUn-Burrowed: Rek'sai burrows into the ground, gaining access to new Abilities, and @spell.RekSaiW:SpeedBonus@ Move Speed, but cannot Attack. She has reduced vision range, but nearby enemies that move and are otherwise unseen will have their positions revealed to Rek'sai and her allies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Un-Burrowed: Rek'sai burrows into the ground, gaining access to new Abilities, and @spell.RekSaiW:SpeedBonus@ Move Speed, but cannot Attack. She has reduced vision range, but nearby enemies that move and are otherwise unseen will have their positions revealed to Rek'sai and her allies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Burrow / Un-burrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostUn-Burrowed: Rek'sai burrows into the ground, gaining access to new Abilities, and @spell.RekSaiW:SpeedBonus@ Move Speed, but cannot Attack. She has reduced vision range, but nearby enemies that move and are otherwise unseen will have their positions revealed to Rek'sai and her allies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Un-burrow Damage[ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Burrow / Un-burrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostUn-Burrowed: Rek'sai burrows into the ground, gaining access to new Abilities, and @spell.RekSaiW:SpeedBonus@ Move Speed, but cannot Attack. She has reduced vision range, but nearby enemies that move and are otherwise unseen will have their positions revealed to Rek'sai and her allies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upUn-burrow Damage@Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@Un-burrow Damage[ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]Un-burrow Damage@Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@[@Hotkey@] Burrow / Un-burrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostUn-Burrowed: Rek'sai burrows into the ground, gaining access to new Abilities, and @spell.RekSaiW:SpeedBonus@ Move Speed, but cannot Attack. She has reduced vision range, but nearby enemies that move and are otherwise unseen will have their positions revealed to Rek'sai and her allies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Burrow / Un-burrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostUn-Burrowed: Rek'sai burrows into the ground, gaining access to new Abilities, and @spell.RekSaiW:SpeedBonus@ Move Speed, but cannot Attack. She has reduced vision range, but nearby enemies that move and are otherwise unseen will have their positions revealed to Rek'sai and her allies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info{{Spell_RekSaiW_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_ReksaiWBurrowed_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Burrow / Un-burrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_RekSaiW_Tooltip}}

    Un-burrow Damage[ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Burrow / Un-burrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_RekSaiW_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upUn-burrow Damage@Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@[@Hotkey@] Burrow / Un-burrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_RekSaiW_Tooltip}}

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upRell binds a piece of her Armor to another allied champion to grant them Armor and Magic Resist while near.

    While she has an ally bound in this way, Rell can cast this ability without targeting an allied champion to snap the binding and Stun enemies caught in it.Attract and RepelAttract and Repel@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Attract and Repel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell binds a piece of her Armor to another allied champion, granting them @AllyArmor@ Armor and @AllyResist@ Magic Resist while near you. Doing this has no cost and puts this Ability on Cooldown for 3 seconds.

    If Rell uses this Ability without targeting an allied champion, she snaps the binding, Stunning enemies around and between herself and her bound ally for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @Damage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Rell binds a piece of her Armor to another allied champion, granting them @AllyArmor@ Armor and @AllyResist@ Magic Resist while near you. Doing this has no cost and puts this Ability on Cooldown for 3 seconds.

    If Rell uses this Ability without targeting an allied champion, she snaps the binding, Stunning enemies around and between herself and her bound ally for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @Damage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Attract and Repel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell binds a piece of her Armor to another allied champion, granting them @AllyArmor@ Armor and @AllyResist@ Magic Resist while near you. Doing this has no cost and puts this Ability on Cooldown for 3 seconds.

    If Rell uses this Ability without targeting an allied champion, she snaps the binding, Stunning enemies around and between herself and her bound ally for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @Damage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Rell can target herself to unbind from her ally.
    Tether dissipates at max range, but reconnects upron re-entering range of your bound ally.
    Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Attract and Repel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell binds a piece of her Armor to another allied champion, granting them @AllyArmor@ Armor and @AllyResist@ Magic Resist while near you. Doing this has no cost and puts this Ability on Cooldown for 3 seconds.

    If Rell uses this Ability without targeting an allied champion, she snaps the binding, Stunning enemies around and between herself and her bound ally for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @Damage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@[@Hotkey@] Attract and Repel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell binds a piece of her Armor to another allied champion, granting them @AllyArmor@ Armor and @AllyResist@ Magic Resist while near you. Doing this has no cost and puts this Ability on Cooldown for 3 seconds.

    If Rell uses this Ability without targeting an allied champion, she snaps the binding, Stunning enemies around and between herself and her bound ally for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @Damage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Attract and Repel@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell binds a piece of her Armor to another allied champion, granting them @AllyArmor@ Armor and @AllyResist@ Magic Resist while near you. Doing this has no cost and puts this Ability on Cooldown for 3 seconds.

    If Rell uses this Ability without targeting an allied champion, she snaps the binding, Stunning enemies around and between herself and her bound ally for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @Damage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRell thrusts her lance to deal magic damage to units in a line, breaking their Shields. The first unit hit additionally suffers Break the Mold's defense steal.

    If Rell is bound to an ally with Attract and Repel, they both recover health for each enemy champion hit by this spell.Shattering StrikeShattering Strike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shattering Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell thrusts her lance, destroying all Shield and dealing @DamageSubsequent@ magic damage. The first unit hit takes @Damage@ damage instead and suffers {{Spell_RellP_Name}}'s defense steal.

    If Rell is bound to an ally with {{Spell_RellE_Name}}, they both recover @FlatHeal@ plus @MissingHealthHeal*100@% missing Health for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Rell thrusts her lance, destroying all Shield and dealing @DamageSubsequent@ magic damage. The first unit hit takes @Damage@ damage instead and suffers {{Spell_RellP_Name}}'s defense steal.

    If Rell is bound to an ally with {{Spell_RellE_Name}}, they both recover @FlatHeal@ plus @MissingHealthHeal*100@% missing Health for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shattering Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell thrusts her lance, destroying all Shield and dealing @DamageSubsequent@ magic damage. The first unit hit takes @Damage@ damage instead and suffers {{Spell_RellP_Name}}'s defense steal.

    If Rell is bound to an ally with {{Spell_RellE_Name}}, they both recover @FlatHeal@ plus @MissingHealthHeal*100@% missing Health for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ / @BaseHeal4Prefix@@BaseHeal4@@BaseHeal4Postfix@ / @BaseHeal5Prefix@@BaseHeal5@@BaseHeal5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shattering Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell thrusts her lance, destroying all Shield and dealing @DamageSubsequent@ magic damage. The first unit hit takes @Damage@ damage instead and suffers {{Spell_RellP_Name}}'s defense steal.

    If Rell is bound to an ally with {{Spell_RellE_Name}}, they both recover @FlatHeal@ plus @MissingHealthHeal*100@% missing Health for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ / @BaseHeal4Prefix@@BaseHeal4@@BaseHeal4Postfix@ / @BaseHeal5Prefix@@BaseHeal5@@BaseHeal5Postfix@ ]
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Shattering Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell thrusts her lance, destroying all Shield and dealing @DamageSubsequent@ magic damage. The first unit hit takes @Damage@ damage instead and suffers {{Spell_RellP_Name}}'s defense steal.

    If Rell is bound to an ally with {{Spell_RellE_Name}}, they both recover @FlatHeal@ plus @MissingHealthHeal*100@% missing Health for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shattering Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell thrusts her lance, destroying all Shield and dealing @DamageSubsequent@ magic damage. The first unit hit takes @Damage@ damage instead and suffers {{Spell_RellP_Name}}'s defense steal.

    If Rell is bound to an ally with {{Spell_RellE_Name}}, they both recover @FlatHeal@ plus @MissingHealthHeal*100@% missing Health for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRell explodes in a magnetic fury, violently Pulling nearby enemies towards herself. Then Rell constantly Drags nearby enemies towards herself for a short while, dealing magic damage over time.Magnet StormMagnet Storm@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Magnet Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell explodes in a magnetic fury, violently Pulling nearby enemies towards herself. Then Rell constantly Drags nearby enemies towards herself and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over the next @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Rell explodes in a magnetic fury, violently Pulling nearby enemies towards herself. Then Rell constantly Drags nearby enemies towards herself and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over the next @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Magnet Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell explodes in a magnetic fury, violently Pulling nearby enemies towards herself. Then Rell constantly Drags nearby enemies towards herself and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over the next @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    Damage Per Second
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamagePerSecond1Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond1@@BaseDamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond2Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond2@@BaseDamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond3Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond3@@BaseDamagePerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Magnet Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell explodes in a magnetic fury, violently Pulling nearby enemies towards herself. Then Rell constantly Drags nearby enemies towards herself and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over the next @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Damage Per Second
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamagePerSecond@ -> @BaseDamagePerSecondNL@
    Damage Per Second
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamagePerSecond1Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond1@@BaseDamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond2Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond2@@BaseDamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond3Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond3@@BaseDamagePerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    Damage Per Second
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamagePerSecond@ -> @BaseDamagePerSecondNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Magnet Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell explodes in a magnetic fury, violently Pulling nearby enemies towards herself. Then Rell constantly Drags nearby enemies towards herself and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over the next @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Magnet Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rell explodes in a magnetic fury, violently Pulling nearby enemies towards herself. Then Rell constantly Drags nearby enemies towards herself and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over the next @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPassive: Rell gains additional Move Speed while mounted and additional Armor and Magic Resist while armored.

    Active: Rell changes forms, casting a different spell based on form.
  1418. Mounted: Rell crashes down in her armor, knocking enemies up and gaining a large shield.
  1419. Armored: Rell forms her mount, gaining a burst of speed and flipping the next enemy she attacks.
  1420. Ferromancy: Crash DownFerromancy: Crash Down@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ferromancy: Crash Down@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive - Mounted: Rell gains @OOCMS@ Move Speed, reduced when taking damage.

    Active - {{Spell_RellW_Dismount_Name}}: Rell leaps off her mount, Knocking Up enemies for @StunDuration@ second and dealing @ChargeDamage@ magic damage. Rell then enters Armored form, gaining @Shield@ Shield, reducing her Move Speed, and allowing her to use {{Spell_RellW_MountUp_Name2}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive - Mounted: Rell gains @OOCMS@ Move Speed, reduced when taking damage.

    Active - {{Spell_RellW_Dismount_Name}}: Rell leaps off her mount, Knocking Up enemies for @StunDuration@ second and dealing @ChargeDamage@ magic damage. Rell then enters Armored form, gaining @Shield@ Shield, reducing her Move Speed, and allowing her to use {{Spell_RellW_MountUp_Name2}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{ Spell_RellW_Dismount_Tooltip }}


    Rell briefly loses the mounted Move Speed for @CCPenalty@ seconds upon being Immobilized@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ferromancy: Crash Down@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell_RellW_Dismount_Tooltip }}


    Rell briefly loses the mounted Move Speed for @CCPenalty@ seconds upon being Immobilized@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shield Amount
    Move Speed Towards Enemies
    Flip Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldBase1Prefix@@ShieldBase1@@ShieldBase1Postfix@ / @ShieldBase2Prefix@@ShieldBase2@@ShieldBase2Postfix@ / @ShieldBase3Prefix@@ShieldBase3@@ShieldBase3Postfix@ / @ShieldBase4Prefix@@ShieldBase4@@ShieldBase4Postfix@ / @ShieldBase5Prefix@@ShieldBase5@@ShieldBase5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MSTowardsEnemies1Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies1*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies1Postfix@ / @MSTowardsEnemies2Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies2*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies2Postfix@ / @MSTowardsEnemies3Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies3*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies3Postfix@ / @MSTowardsEnemies4Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies4*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies4Postfix@ / @MSTowardsEnemies5Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies5*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackDamage1Prefix@@AttackDamage1@@AttackDamage1Postfix@ / @AttackDamage2Prefix@@AttackDamage2@@AttackDamage2Postfix@ / @AttackDamage3Prefix@@AttackDamage3@@AttackDamage3Postfix@ / @AttackDamage4Prefix@@AttackDamage4@@AttackDamage4Postfix@ / @AttackDamage5Prefix@@AttackDamage5@@AttackDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Ferromancy: Crash Down@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell_RellW_Dismount_Tooltip }}


    Rell briefly loses the mounted Move Speed for @CCPenalty@ seconds upon being Immobilized@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Shield Amount
    Move Speed Towards Enemies
    Flip Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ShieldBase@ -> @ShieldBaseNL@
    @MSTowardsEnemies*100.000000@% -> @MSTowardsEnemiesNL*100.000000@%
    @AttackDamage@ -> @AttackDamageNL@
    Shield Amount
    Move Speed Towards Enemies
    Flip Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldBase1Prefix@@ShieldBase1@@ShieldBase1Postfix@ / @ShieldBase2Prefix@@ShieldBase2@@ShieldBase2Postfix@ / @ShieldBase3Prefix@@ShieldBase3@@ShieldBase3Postfix@ / @ShieldBase4Prefix@@ShieldBase4@@ShieldBase4Postfix@ / @ShieldBase5Prefix@@ShieldBase5@@ShieldBase5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MSTowardsEnemies1Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies1*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies1Postfix@ / @MSTowardsEnemies2Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies2*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies2Postfix@ / @MSTowardsEnemies3Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies3*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies3Postfix@ / @MSTowardsEnemies4Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies4*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies4Postfix@ / @MSTowardsEnemies5Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies5*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackDamage1Prefix@@AttackDamage1@@AttackDamage1Postfix@ / @AttackDamage2Prefix@@AttackDamage2@@AttackDamage2Postfix@ / @AttackDamage3Prefix@@AttackDamage3@@AttackDamage3Postfix@ / @AttackDamage4Prefix@@AttackDamage4@@AttackDamage4Postfix@ / @AttackDamage5Prefix@@AttackDamage5@@AttackDamage5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    Move Speed Towards Enemies
    Flip Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ShieldBase@ -> @ShieldBaseNL@
    @MSTowardsEnemies*100.000000@% -> @MSTowardsEnemiesNL*100.000000@%
    @AttackDamage@ -> @AttackDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Ferromancy: Crash Down@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{ Spell_RellW_Dismount_Tooltip }}


    Rell briefly loses the mounted Move Speed for @CCPenalty@ seconds upon being Immobilized@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ferromancy: Crash Down@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive - Mounted: Rell gains @OOCMS@ Move Speed, reduced when taking damage.

    Active - {{Spell_RellW_Dismount_Name}}: Rell leaps off her mount, Knocking Up enemies for @StunDuration@ second and dealing @ChargeDamage@ magic damage. Rell then enters Armored form, gaining @Shield@ Shield, reducing her Move Speed, and allowing her to use {{Spell_RellW_MountUp_Name2}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoFerromancy: Mount UpFerromancy: Mount Up@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ferromancy: Mount Up@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive - Dismounted: Rell gains @spell.RellW_MountUp:ArmorIncreaseTotal@ Armor and @spell.RellW_MountUp:MRIncreaseTotal@ Magic Resist, but has @SpeedCeiling@ Move Speed.

    Active - {{Spell_RellW_MountUp_Name2}}: Rell mounts up, gaining @Haste*100@% Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds, increased to @spell.RellW_MountUp:EmpoweredMS@ Move Speed when moving towards enemy champions. Her next Attack during that duration throws the target over her shoulder, dealing an additional @FlipDamage@ magic damage and ending this effect. While Mounted, she can use {{Spell_RellW_Dismount_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive - Dismounted: Rell gains @spell.RellW_MountUp:ArmorIncreaseTotal@ Armor and @spell.RellW_MountUp:MRIncreaseTotal@ Magic Resist, but has @SpeedCeiling@ Move Speed.

    Active - {{Spell_RellW_MountUp_Name2}}: Rell mounts up, gaining @Haste*100@% Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds, increased to @spell.RellW_MountUp:EmpoweredMS@ Move Speed when moving towards enemy champions. Her next Attack during that duration throws the target over her shoulder, dealing an additional @FlipDamage@ magic damage and ending this effect. While Mounted, she can use {{Spell_RellW_Dismount_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_RellW_MountUp_Tooltip2}}


    Rell briefly loses the mounted Move Speed for @CCPenalty@ seconds upon being Immobilized@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ferromancy: Mount Up@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_RellW_MountUp_Tooltip2}}


    Rell briefly loses the mounted Move Speed for @CCPenalty@ seconds upon being Immobilized@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Dismount Damage
    Shield Amount
    Move Speed Towards Enemies
    Flip Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldBase1Prefix@@ShieldBase1@@ShieldBase1Postfix@ / @ShieldBase2Prefix@@ShieldBase2@@ShieldBase2Postfix@ / @ShieldBase3Prefix@@ShieldBase3@@ShieldBase3Postfix@ / @ShieldBase4Prefix@@ShieldBase4@@ShieldBase4Postfix@ / @ShieldBase5Prefix@@ShieldBase5@@ShieldBase5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MSTowardsEnemies1Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies1*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies1Postfix@ / @MSTowardsEnemies2Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies2*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies2Postfix@ / @MSTowardsEnemies3Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies3*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies3Postfix@ / @MSTowardsEnemies4Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies4*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies4Postfix@ / @MSTowardsEnemies5Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies5*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackDamage1Prefix@@AttackDamage1@@AttackDamage1Postfix@ / @AttackDamage2Prefix@@AttackDamage2@@AttackDamage2Postfix@ / @AttackDamage3Prefix@@AttackDamage3@@AttackDamage3Postfix@ / @AttackDamage4Prefix@@AttackDamage4@@AttackDamage4Postfix@ / @AttackDamage5Prefix@@AttackDamage5@@AttackDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Ferromancy: Mount Up@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_RellW_MountUp_Tooltip2}}


    Rell briefly loses the mounted Move Speed for @CCPenalty@ seconds upon being Immobilized@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDismount Damage
    Shield Amount
    Move Speed Towards Enemies
    Flip Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ShieldBase@ -> @ShieldBaseNL@
    @MSTowardsEnemies*100.000000@% -> @MSTowardsEnemiesNL*100.000000@%
    @AttackDamage@ -> @AttackDamageNL@
    Dismount Damage
    Shield Amount
    Move Speed Towards Enemies
    Flip Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldBase1Prefix@@ShieldBase1@@ShieldBase1Postfix@ / @ShieldBase2Prefix@@ShieldBase2@@ShieldBase2Postfix@ / @ShieldBase3Prefix@@ShieldBase3@@ShieldBase3Postfix@ / @ShieldBase4Prefix@@ShieldBase4@@ShieldBase4Postfix@ / @ShieldBase5Prefix@@ShieldBase5@@ShieldBase5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MSTowardsEnemies1Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies1*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies1Postfix@ / @MSTowardsEnemies2Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies2*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies2Postfix@ / @MSTowardsEnemies3Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies3*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies3Postfix@ / @MSTowardsEnemies4Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies4*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies4Postfix@ / @MSTowardsEnemies5Prefix@@MSTowardsEnemies5*100.000000@%@MSTowardsEnemies5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackDamage1Prefix@@AttackDamage1@@AttackDamage1Postfix@ / @AttackDamage2Prefix@@AttackDamage2@@AttackDamage2Postfix@ / @AttackDamage3Prefix@@AttackDamage3@@AttackDamage3Postfix@ / @AttackDamage4Prefix@@AttackDamage4@@AttackDamage4Postfix@ / @AttackDamage5Prefix@@AttackDamage5@@AttackDamage5Postfix@ ]
    Dismount Damage
    Shield Amount
    Move Speed Towards Enemies
    Flip Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ShieldBase@ -> @ShieldBaseNL@
    @MSTowardsEnemies*100.000000@% -> @MSTowardsEnemiesNL*100.000000@%
    @AttackDamage@ -> @AttackDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Ferromancy: Mount Up@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_RellW_MountUp_Tooltip2}}


    Rell briefly loses the mounted Move Speed for @CCPenalty@ seconds upon being Immobilized@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ferromancy: Mount Up@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive - Dismounted: Rell gains @spell.RellW_MountUp:ArmorIncreaseTotal@ Armor and @spell.RellW_MountUp:MRIncreaseTotal@ Magic Resist, but has @SpeedCeiling@ Move Speed.

    Active - {{Spell_RellW_MountUp_Name2}}: Rell mounts up, gaining @Haste*100@% Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds, increased to @spell.RellW_MountUp:EmpoweredMS@ Move Speed when moving towards enemy champions. Her next Attack during that duration throws the target over her shoulder, dealing an additional @FlipDamage@ magic damage and ending this effect. While Mounted, she can use {{Spell_RellW_Dismount_Name}}.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRenata sends out a pair of chemtech missiles, shielding allies and damaging and slowing enemies hit.Loyalty ProgramLoyalty Program@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Loyalty Program@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata sends out a pair of chemtech missiles, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing surrounding enemies and enemies hit by 30% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Allies hit gain @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Renata sends out a pair of chemtech missiles, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing surrounding enemies and enemies hit by 30% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Allies hit gain @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Loyalty Program@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata sends out a pair of chemtech missiles, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing surrounding enemies and enemies hit by 30% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Allies hit gain @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldValue1Prefix@@ShieldValue1@@ShieldValue1Postfix@ / @ShieldValue2Prefix@@ShieldValue2@@ShieldValue2Postfix@ / @ShieldValue3Prefix@@ShieldValue3@@ShieldValue3Postfix@ / @ShieldValue4Prefix@@ShieldValue4@@ShieldValue4Postfix@ / @ShieldValue5Prefix@@ShieldValue5@@ShieldValue5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseCost1Prefix@@BaseCost1@@BaseCost1Postfix@ / @BaseCost2Prefix@@BaseCost2@@BaseCost2Postfix@ / @BaseCost3Prefix@@BaseCost3@@BaseCost3Postfix@ / @BaseCost4Prefix@@BaseCost4@@BaseCost4Postfix@ / @BaseCost5Prefix@@BaseCost5@@BaseCost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Loyalty Program@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata sends out a pair of chemtech missiles, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing surrounding enemies and enemies hit by 30% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Allies hit gain @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @ShieldValue@ -> @ShieldValueNL@
    @BaseCost@ -> @BaseCostNL@
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldValue1Prefix@@ShieldValue1@@ShieldValue1Postfix@ / @ShieldValue2Prefix@@ShieldValue2@@ShieldValue2Postfix@ / @ShieldValue3Prefix@@ShieldValue3@@ShieldValue3Postfix@ / @ShieldValue4Prefix@@ShieldValue4@@ShieldValue4Postfix@ / @ShieldValue5Prefix@@ShieldValue5@@ShieldValue5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseCost1Prefix@@BaseCost1@@BaseCost1Postfix@ / @BaseCost2Prefix@@BaseCost2@@BaseCost2Postfix@ / @BaseCost3Prefix@@BaseCost3@@BaseCost3Postfix@ / @BaseCost4Prefix@@BaseCost4@@BaseCost4Postfix@ / @BaseCost5Prefix@@BaseCost5@@BaseCost5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @ShieldValue@ -> @ShieldValueNL@
    @BaseCost@ -> @BaseCostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Loyalty Program@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata sends out a pair of chemtech missiles, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing surrounding enemies and enemies hit by 30% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Allies hit gain @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Loyalty Program@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata sends out a pair of chemtech missiles, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing surrounding enemies and enemies hit by 30% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Allies hit gain @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRenata sends out a missile rooting the first enemy hit, and can recast the ability to throw the unit in a direction.Handshake@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Handshake@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata sends out a missile from her arm, Rooting the first enemy hit for @RootDuration@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Recast: Renata Pulls the enemy in a direction, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies they are thrown into and Stunning for @StunDuration@ seconds if the thrown enemy is a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Renata sends out a missile from her arm, Rooting the first enemy hit for @RootDuration@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Recast: Renata Pulls the enemy in a direction, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies they are thrown into and Stunning for @StunDuration@ seconds if the thrown enemy is a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Handshake@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata sends out a missile from her arm, Rooting the first enemy hit for @RootDuration@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Recast: Renata Pulls the enemy in a direction, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies they are thrown into and Stunning for @StunDuration@ seconds if the thrown enemy is a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Handshake@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata sends out a missile from her arm, Rooting the first enemy hit for @RootDuration@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Recast: Renata Pulls the enemy in a direction, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies they are thrown into and Stunning for @StunDuration@ seconds if the thrown enemy is a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]Damage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@[@Hotkey@] Handshake@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata sends out a missile from her arm, Rooting the first enemy hit for @RootDuration@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Recast: Renata Pulls the enemy in a direction, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies they are thrown into and Stunning for @StunDuration@ seconds if the thrown enemy is a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Handshake@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata sends out a missile from her arm, Rooting the first enemy hit for @RootDuration@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Recast: Renata Pulls the enemy in a direction, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies they are thrown into and Stunning for @StunDuration@ seconds if the thrown enemy is a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRenata sends out a wave of chemicals, causing any enemies hit to go Berserk.Hostile TakeoverHostile Takeover@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hostile Takeover@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata sends out a wave of chemicals, Berserking enemies for @BerserkDuration@ seconds, causing them to Attack the nearest unit, prioritizing their allies.

    While Berserk, enemies gain @BonusAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Renata sends out a wave of chemicals, Berserking enemies for @BerserkDuration@ seconds, causing them to Attack the nearest unit, prioritizing their allies.

    While Berserk, enemies gain @BonusAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hostile Takeover@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata sends out a wave of chemicals, Berserking enemies for @BerserkDuration@ seconds, causing them to Attack the nearest unit, prioritizing their allies.

    While Berserk, enemies gain @BonusAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BerserkDuration1Prefix@@BerserkDuration1@@BerserkDuration1Postfix@ / @BerserkDuration2Prefix@@BerserkDuration2@@BerserkDuration2Postfix@ / @BerserkDuration3Prefix@@BerserkDuration3@@BerserkDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Hostile Takeover@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata sends out a wave of chemicals, Berserking enemies for @BerserkDuration@ seconds, causing them to Attack the nearest unit, prioritizing their allies.

    While Berserk, enemies gain @BonusAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BerserkDuration@ -> @BerserkDurationNL@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BerserkDuration1Prefix@@BerserkDuration1@@BerserkDuration1Postfix@ / @BerserkDuration2Prefix@@BerserkDuration2@@BerserkDuration2Postfix@ / @BerserkDuration3Prefix@@BerserkDuration3@@BerserkDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BerserkDuration@ -> @BerserkDurationNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Hostile Takeover@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata sends out a wave of chemicals, Berserking enemies for @BerserkDuration@ seconds, causing them to Attack the nearest unit, prioritizing their allies.

    While Berserk, enemies gain @BonusAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hostile Takeover@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata sends out a wave of chemicals, Berserking enemies for @BerserkDuration@ seconds, causing them to Attack the nearest unit, prioritizing their allies.

    While Berserk, enemies gain @BonusAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRenata buffs an allied champion to fight harder, delaying their death and potentially saving them if they get a takedown.Bailout@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bailout@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata infuses an ally champion, granting @ASCalc@ Attack Speed and @MSCalc@ Move Speed towards enemies, increasing to @FinalASCalc@ Attack Speed and @FinalMSCalc@ Move Speed over @Duration@ seconds. Takedowns refresh the duration of the buff.

    If the ally would die, they instead return to full Health, which then decays over 3 seconds.

    If they get a Takedown while decaying, they will be set to @TriumphPercent@% max Health and stop decaying.

    The Champion's death can be delayed by healing or similar effects while in the decaying state, but cannot be prevented unless the Champion gets a Takedown. Champions can only delay their death once.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Renata infuses an ally champion, granting @ASCalc@ Attack Speed and @MSCalc@ Move Speed towards enemies, increasing to @FinalASCalc@ Attack Speed and @FinalMSCalc@ Move Speed over @Duration@ seconds. Takedowns refresh the duration of the buff.

    If the ally would die, they instead return to full Health, which then decays over 3 seconds.

    If they get a Takedown while decaying, they will be set to @TriumphPercent@% max Health and stop decaying.

    The Champion's death can be delayed by healing or similar effects while in the decaying state, but cannot be prevented unless the Champion gets a Takedown. Champions can only delay their death once.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bailout@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata infuses an ally champion, granting @ASCalc@ Attack Speed and @MSCalc@ Move Speed towards enemies, increasing to @FinalASCalc@ Attack Speed and @FinalMSCalc@ Move Speed over @Duration@ seconds. Takedowns refresh the duration of the buff.

    If the ally would die, they instead return to full Health, which then decays over 3 seconds.

    If they get a Takedown while decaying, they will be set to @TriumphPercent@% max Health and stop decaying.

    The Champion's death can be delayed by healing or similar effects while in the decaying state, but cannot be prevented unless the Champion gets a Takedown. Champions can only delay their death once.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Attack Speed
    Move Speed
    [ @BonusAttackSpeed1Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed1@%@BonusAttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed2Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed2@%@BonusAttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed3Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed3@%@BonusAttackSpeed3Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed4Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed4@%@BonusAttackSpeed4Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed5Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed5@%@BonusAttackSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusMoveSpeed1Prefix@@BonusMoveSpeed1@%@BonusMoveSpeed1Postfix@ / @BonusMoveSpeed2Prefix@@BonusMoveSpeed2@%@BonusMoveSpeed2Postfix@ / @BonusMoveSpeed3Prefix@@BonusMoveSpeed3@%@BonusMoveSpeed3Postfix@ / @BonusMoveSpeed4Prefix@@BonusMoveSpeed4@%@BonusMoveSpeed4Postfix@ / @BonusMoveSpeed5Prefix@@BonusMoveSpeed5@%@BonusMoveSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bailout@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata infuses an ally champion, granting @ASCalc@ Attack Speed and @MSCalc@ Move Speed towards enemies, increasing to @FinalASCalc@ Attack Speed and @FinalMSCalc@ Move Speed over @Duration@ seconds. Takedowns refresh the duration of the buff.

    If the ally would die, they instead return to full Health, which then decays over 3 seconds.

    If they get a Takedown while decaying, they will be set to @TriumphPercent@% max Health and stop decaying.

    The Champion's death can be delayed by healing or similar effects while in the decaying state, but cannot be prevented unless the Champion gets a Takedown. Champions can only delay their death once.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Speed
    Move Speed
    @BonusAttackSpeed@% -> @BonusAttackSpeedNL@%
    @BonusMoveSpeed@% -> @BonusMoveSpeedNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Attack Speed
    Move Speed
    [ @BonusAttackSpeed1Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed1@%@BonusAttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed2Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed2@%@BonusAttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed3Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed3@%@BonusAttackSpeed3Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed4Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed4@%@BonusAttackSpeed4Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed5Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed5@%@BonusAttackSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusMoveSpeed1Prefix@@BonusMoveSpeed1@%@BonusMoveSpeed1Postfix@ / @BonusMoveSpeed2Prefix@@BonusMoveSpeed2@%@BonusMoveSpeed2Postfix@ / @BonusMoveSpeed3Prefix@@BonusMoveSpeed3@%@BonusMoveSpeed3Postfix@ / @BonusMoveSpeed4Prefix@@BonusMoveSpeed4@%@BonusMoveSpeed4Postfix@ / @BonusMoveSpeed5Prefix@@BonusMoveSpeed5@%@BonusMoveSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    Move Speed
    @BonusAttackSpeed@% -> @BonusAttackSpeedNL@%
    @BonusMoveSpeed@% -> @BonusMoveSpeedNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Bailout@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata infuses an ally champion, granting @ASCalc@ Attack Speed and @MSCalc@ Move Speed towards enemies, increasing to @FinalASCalc@ Attack Speed and @FinalMSCalc@ Move Speed over @Duration@ seconds. Takedowns refresh the duration of the buff.

    If the ally would die, they instead return to full Health, which then decays over 3 seconds.

    If they get a Takedown while decaying, they will be set to @TriumphPercent@% max Health and stop decaying.

    The Champion's death can be delayed by healing or similar effects while in the decaying state, but cannot be prevented unless the Champion gets a Takedown. Champions can only delay their death once.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bailout@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Renata infuses an ally champion, granting @ASCalc@ Attack Speed and @MSCalc@ Move Speed towards enemies, increasing to @FinalASCalc@ Attack Speed and @FinalMSCalc@ Move Speed over @Duration@ seconds. Takedowns refresh the duration of the buff.

    If the ally would die, they instead return to full Health, which then decays over 3 seconds.

    If they get a Takedown while decaying, they will be set to @TriumphPercent@% max Health and stop decaying.

    The Champion's death can be delayed by healing or similar effects while in the decaying state, but cannot be prevented unless the Champion gets a Takedown. Champions can only delay their death once.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRenekton swings his blade, dealing moderate physical damage to all targets around him, and heals for a small portion of the damage dealt. If he has more than 50 Fury, his damage and heal are increased.Cull the MeekCull the Meek@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cull the Meek@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton swings his blade, dealing @BasicDamage@ physical damage and restoring @NonChampHealing@ Health per non-champion and @ChampHealing@ per champion hit (max @Effect4Amount@ Health). He also generates 2.5 Fury per non-champion and 10 Fury per champion (max 30 Fury).

    Fury Bonus: Damage is increased to @EmpDamage@ physical damage and healing is increased to @EmpNonChampHealing@ Health against non-champions and @EmpChampHealing@ Health against champions (max @Effect9Amount@ Health). Does not generate any Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Renekton swings his blade, dealing @BasicDamage@ physical damage and restoring @NonChampHealing@ Health per non-champion and @ChampHealing@ per champion hit (max @Effect4Amount@ Health). He also generates 2.5 Fury per non-champion and 10 Fury per champion (max 30 Fury).

    Fury Bonus: Damage is increased to @EmpDamage@ physical damage and healing is increased to @EmpNonChampHealing@ Health against non-champions and @EmpChampHealing@ Health against champions (max @Effect9Amount@ Health). Does not generate any Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cull the Meek@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton swings his blade, dealing @BasicDamage@ physical damage and restoring @NonChampHealing@ Health per non-champion and @ChampHealing@ per champion hit (max @Effect4Amount@ Health). He also generates 2.5 Fury per non-champion and 10 Fury per champion (max 30 Fury).

    Fury Bonus: Damage is increased to @EmpDamage@ physical damage and healing is increased to @EmpNonChampHealing@ Health against non-champions and @EmpChampHealing@ Health against champions (max @Effect9Amount@ Health). Does not generate any Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Max Health Gain
    Fury Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect9Amount1Prefix@@Effect9Amount1@@Effect9Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount2Prefix@@Effect9Amount2@@Effect9Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount3Prefix@@Effect9Amount3@@Effect9Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount4Prefix@@Effect9Amount4@@Effect9Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount5Prefix@@Effect9Amount5@@Effect9Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Cull the Meek@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton swings his blade, dealing @BasicDamage@ physical damage and restoring @NonChampHealing@ Health per non-champion and @ChampHealing@ per champion hit (max @Effect4Amount@ Health). He also generates 2.5 Fury per non-champion and 10 Fury per champion (max 30 Fury).

    Fury Bonus: Damage is increased to @EmpDamage@ physical damage and healing is increased to @EmpNonChampHealing@ Health against non-champions and @EmpChampHealing@ Health against champions (max @Effect9Amount@ Health). Does not generate any Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Max Health Gain
    Fury Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect9Amount@ -> @Effect9AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    Max Health Gain
    Fury Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect9Amount1Prefix@@Effect9Amount1@@Effect9Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount2Prefix@@Effect9Amount2@@Effect9Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount3Prefix@@Effect9Amount3@@Effect9Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount4Prefix@@Effect9Amount4@@Effect9Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount5Prefix@@Effect9Amount5@@Effect9Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Max Health Gain
    Fury Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect9Amount@ -> @Effect9AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Cull the Meek@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton swings his blade, dealing @BasicDamage@ physical damage and restoring @NonChampHealing@ Health per non-champion and @ChampHealing@ per champion hit (max @Effect4Amount@ Health). He also generates 2.5 Fury per non-champion and 10 Fury per champion (max 30 Fury).

    Fury Bonus: Damage is increased to @EmpDamage@ physical damage and healing is increased to @EmpNonChampHealing@ Health against non-champions and @EmpChampHealing@ Health against champions (max @Effect9Amount@ Health). Does not generate any Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Cull the Meek@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton swings his blade, dealing @BasicDamage@ physical damage and restoring @NonChampHealing@ Health per non-champion and @ChampHealing@ per champion hit (max @Effect4Amount@ Health). He also generates 2.5 Fury per non-champion and 10 Fury per champion (max 30 Fury).

    Fury Bonus: Damage is increased to @EmpDamage@ physical damage and healing is increased to @EmpNonChampHealing@ Health against non-champions and @EmpChampHealing@ Health against champions (max @Effect9Amount@ Health). Does not generate any Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRenekton slashes his target twice, dealing moderate physical damage and stuns them for 0.75 seconds. If Renekton has more than 50 Fury, he slashes his target three times, destroying damage shields on the target, dealing high physical damage, and stunning them for 1.5 seconds.Ruthless PredatorRuthless Predator@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ruthless Predator@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton's next Attack strikes twice, Stunning for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing a total of @BasicTotalDamage@ physical damage. Hitting a champion generates an additional @Effect7Amount@ Fury.

    Fury Bonus: Renekton Attacks 3 times instead, destroying Shields before dealing @EmpTotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Does not generate any Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Renekton's next Attack strikes twice, Stunning for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing a total of @BasicTotalDamage@ physical damage. Hitting a champion generates an additional @Effect7Amount@ Fury.

    Fury Bonus: Renekton Attacks 3 times instead, destroying Shields before dealing @EmpTotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Does not generate any Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ruthless Predator@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton's next Attack strikes twice, Stunning for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing a total of @BasicTotalDamage@ physical damage. Hitting a champion generates an additional @Effect7Amount@ Fury.

    Fury Bonus: Renekton Attacks 3 times instead, destroying Shields before dealing @EmpTotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Does not generate any Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    All Attacks apply On-hit effects separately.Damage
    Bonus Damage
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Ruthless Predator@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton's next Attack strikes twice, Stunning for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing a total of @BasicTotalDamage@ physical damage. Hitting a champion generates an additional @Effect7Amount@ Fury.

    Fury Bonus: Renekton Attacks 3 times instead, destroying Shields before dealing @EmpTotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Does not generate any Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Bonus Damage
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Bonus Damage
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Damage
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Ruthless Predator@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton's next Attack strikes twice, Stunning for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing a total of @BasicTotalDamage@ physical damage. Hitting a champion generates an additional @Effect7Amount@ Fury.

    Fury Bonus: Renekton Attacks 3 times instead, destroying Shields before dealing @EmpTotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Does not generate any Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ruthless Predator@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton's next Attack strikes twice, Stunning for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing a total of @BasicTotalDamage@ physical damage. Hitting a champion generates an additional @Effect7Amount@ Fury.

    Fury Bonus: Renekton Attacks 3 times instead, destroying Shields before dealing @EmpTotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Does not generate any Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRenekton transforms into the Tyrant form, gaining bonus Health and dealing damage to enemies around him. While in this form, Renekton gains Fury periodically.DominusDominus@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dominus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton surrounds himself with dark energies for @BuffDuration@ seconds, gaining @HealthGain@ max Health and @FuryOnCast@ Fury. While active, he deals @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage and gains @FuryPerSecond@ Fury per second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Renekton surrounds himself with dark energies for @BuffDuration@ seconds, gaining @HealthGain@ max Health and @FuryOnCast@ Fury. While active, he deals @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage and gains @FuryPerSecond@ Fury per second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dominus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton surrounds himself with dark energies for @BuffDuration@ seconds, gaining @HealthGain@ max Health and @FuryOnCast@ Fury. While active, he deals @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage and gains @FuryPerSecond@ Fury per second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Bonus Health
    Damage Per Second
    [ @HealthGain1Prefix@@HealthGain1@@HealthGain1Postfix@ / @HealthGain2Prefix@@HealthGain2@@HealthGain2Postfix@ / @HealthGain3Prefix@@HealthGain3@@HealthGain3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AuraDamagePerSecond1Prefix@@AuraDamagePerSecond1@@AuraDamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @AuraDamagePerSecond2Prefix@@AuraDamagePerSecond2@@AuraDamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @AuraDamagePerSecond3Prefix@@AuraDamagePerSecond3@@AuraDamagePerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Dominus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton surrounds himself with dark energies for @BuffDuration@ seconds, gaining @HealthGain@ max Health and @FuryOnCast@ Fury. While active, he deals @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage and gains @FuryPerSecond@ Fury per second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Health
    Damage Per Second
    @HealthGain@ -> @HealthGainNL@
    @AuraDamagePerSecond@ -> @AuraDamagePerSecondNL@
    Bonus Health
    Damage Per Second
    [ @HealthGain1Prefix@@HealthGain1@@HealthGain1Postfix@ / @HealthGain2Prefix@@HealthGain2@@HealthGain2Postfix@ / @HealthGain3Prefix@@HealthGain3@@HealthGain3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AuraDamagePerSecond1Prefix@@AuraDamagePerSecond1@@AuraDamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @AuraDamagePerSecond2Prefix@@AuraDamagePerSecond2@@AuraDamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @AuraDamagePerSecond3Prefix@@AuraDamagePerSecond3@@AuraDamagePerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Health
    Damage Per Second
    @HealthGain@ -> @HealthGainNL@
    @AuraDamagePerSecond@ -> @AuraDamagePerSecondNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Dominus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton surrounds himself with dark energies for @BuffDuration@ seconds, gaining @HealthGain@ max Health and @FuryOnCast@ Fury. While active, he deals @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage and gains @FuryPerSecond@ Fury per second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Dominus@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton surrounds himself with dark energies for @BuffDuration@ seconds, gaining @HealthGain@ max Health and @FuryOnCast@ Fury. While active, he deals @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage and gains @FuryPerSecond@ Fury per second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRenekton dashes, dealing damage to units along the way. Empowered, Renekton deals bonus damage and reduces the Armor of units hit.Slice and DiceSlice and Dice@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Slice and Dice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton dashes, dealing @BasicDamage@ physical damage. He generates @Effect4Amount@ Fury per non-champion and @Effect5Amount@ Fury per champion hit. Hitting at least one enemy allows Renekton to Recast this Ability once for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Fury Bonus: The Recast dash deals @EmpDamage@ physical damage instead and removes @Effect2Amount@% Armor for @Effect9Amount@ seconds. Does not generate Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Renekton dashes, dealing @BasicDamage@ physical damage. He generates @Effect4Amount@ Fury per non-champion and @Effect5Amount@ Fury per champion hit. Hitting at least one enemy allows Renekton to Recast this Ability once for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Fury Bonus: The Recast dash deals @EmpDamage@ physical damage instead and removes @Effect2Amount@% Armor for @Effect9Amount@ seconds. Does not generate Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Slice and Dice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton dashes, dealing @BasicDamage@ physical damage. He generates @Effect4Amount@ Fury per non-champion and @Effect5Amount@ Fury per champion hit. Hitting at least one enemy allows Renekton to Recast this Ability once for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Fury Bonus: The Recast dash deals @EmpDamage@ physical damage instead and removes @Effect2Amount@% Armor for @Effect9Amount@ seconds. Does not generate Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Bonus Damage
    Armor Reduction %
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Slice and Dice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton dashes, dealing @BasicDamage@ physical damage. He generates @Effect4Amount@ Fury per non-champion and @Effect5Amount@ Fury per champion hit. Hitting at least one enemy allows Renekton to Recast this Ability once for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Fury Bonus: The Recast dash deals @EmpDamage@ physical damage instead and removes @Effect2Amount@% Armor for @Effect9Amount@ seconds. Does not generate Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Damage
    Armor Reduction %
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Bonus Damage
    Armor Reduction %
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Damage
    Armor Reduction %
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Slice and Dice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton dashes, dealing @BasicDamage@ physical damage. He generates @Effect4Amount@ Fury per non-champion and @Effect5Amount@ Fury per champion hit. Hitting at least one enemy allows Renekton to Recast this Ability once for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Fury Bonus: The Recast dash deals @EmpDamage@ physical damage instead and removes @Effect2Amount@% Armor for @Effect9Amount@ seconds. Does not generate Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Slice and Dice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRenekton dashes, dealing @BasicDamage@ physical damage. He generates @Effect4Amount@ Fury per non-champion and @Effect5Amount@ Fury per champion hit. Hitting at least one enemy allows Renekton to Recast this Ability once for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Fury Bonus: The Recast dash deals @EmpDamage@ physical damage instead and removes @Effect2Amount@% Armor for @Effect9Amount@ seconds. Does not generate Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRengar throws a bola, slowing the first target hit for a short duration.

    Ferocity effect: roots the target.Bola StrikeBola Strike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bola Strike@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Generates 1 FerocityRengar throws a bola, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, Revealing and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Max Ferocity: Deals @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ physical damage and Roots for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Rengar throws a bola, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, Revealing and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Max Ferocity: Deals @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ physical damage and Roots for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bola Strike@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Generates 1 FerocityRengar throws a bola, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, Revealing and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Max Ferocity: Deals @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ physical damage and Roots for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Reveals enemies for @RevealDuration@ seconds.
    Bola Strike has no cast time when leaping.
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bola Strike@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Generates 1 FerocityRengar throws a bola, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, Revealing and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Max Ferocity: Deals @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ physical damage and Roots for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Bola Strike@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Generates 1 FerocityRengar throws a bola, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, Revealing and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Max Ferocity: Deals @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ physical damage and Roots for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bola Strike@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Generates 1 FerocityRengar throws a bola, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, Revealing and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Max Ferocity: Deals @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ physical damage and Roots for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRengar's next attack brutally stabs his target for bonus damage.

    Ferocity effect: deals increased damage and grants Attack Speed.Savagery@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Savagery@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Generates 1 FerocityRengar's next 2 Attacks gain @Effect5Amount@% Attack Speed. The first Attack critically strikes for @F4@ (%i:scaleAD%%i:scaleCrit%) physical damage.

    Max Ferocity: The first Attack critically strikes for @F5@ ({{ Item_Scale_Level_Icon }}%i:scaleAD%%i:scaleCrit%) physical damage and grants Rengar @EmpoweredQAS@ Attack Speed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Rengar's next 2 Attacks gain @Effect5Amount@% Attack Speed. The first Attack critically strikes for @F4@ (%i:scaleAD%%i:scaleCrit%) physical damage.

    Max Ferocity: The first Attack critically strikes for @F5@ ({{ Item_Scale_Level_Icon }}%i:scaleAD%%i:scaleCrit%) physical damage and grants Rengar @EmpoweredQAS@ Attack Speed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Rengar's next 2 Attacks gain @Effect5Amount@% Attack Speed. The first Attack critically strikes for @TotalDamageTT@ physical damage.

    Max Ferocity: The first Attack critically strikes for @EmpoweredQdamageTT@ physical damage and grants Rengar @EmpoweredQAS@ Attack Speed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Autoattack damage increases to up to @CritDamageScalar@ based on Critical Strike Chance
    Savagery's bonus damage is reduced by @TowerMod*100@% against structures.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Savagery@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Generates 1 FerocityRengar's next 2 Attacks gain @Effect5Amount@% Attack Speed. The first Attack critically strikes for @TotalDamageTT@ physical damage.

    Max Ferocity: The first Attack critically strikes for @EmpoweredQdamageTT@ physical damage and grants Rengar @EmpoweredQAS@ Attack Speed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Autoattack damage increases to up to @CritDamageScalar@ based on Critical Strike Chance
    Savagery's bonus damage is reduced by @TowerMod*100@% against structures.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Total AD Ratio
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Savagery@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Generates 1 FerocityRengar's next 2 Attacks gain @Effect5Amount@% Attack Speed. The first Attack critically strikes for @TotalDamageTT@ physical damage.

    Max Ferocity: The first Attack critically strikes for @EmpoweredQdamageTT@ physical damage and grants Rengar @EmpoweredQAS@ Attack Speed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Autoattack damage increases to up to @CritDamageScalar@ based on Critical Strike Chance
    Savagery's bonus damage is reduced by @TowerMod*100@% against structures.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Total AD Ratio
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    Total AD Ratio
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    Total AD Ratio
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Savagery@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Generates 1 FerocityRengar's next 2 Attacks gain @Effect5Amount@% Attack Speed. The first Attack critically strikes for @TotalDamageTT@ physical damage.

    Max Ferocity: The first Attack critically strikes for @EmpoweredQdamageTT@ physical damage and grants Rengar @EmpoweredQAS@ Attack Speed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Autoattack damage increases to up to @CritDamageScalar@ based on Critical Strike Chance
    Savagery's bonus damage is reduced by @TowerMod*100@% against structures.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Savagery@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Generates 1 FerocityRengar's next 2 Attacks gain @Effect5Amount@% Attack Speed. The first Attack critically strikes for @F4@ (%i:scaleAD%%i:scaleCrit%) physical damage.

    Max Ferocity: The first Attack critically strikes for @F5@ ({{ Item_Scale_Level_Icon }}%i:scaleAD%%i:scaleCrit%) physical damage and grants Rengar @EmpoweredQAS@ Attack Speed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRengar's predatory instincts take over, Camouflaging him and revealing the nearest enemy champion in a large radius around him. During Thrill of the Hunt, Rengar gains Move Speed and he can leap to the tracked enemy without being in brush, reducing their armor.Thrill of the HuntThrill of the Hunt@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Thrill of the Hunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Rengar will also leap attack when Camouflaged.

    Active: Rengar gains @StealthMS@% Move Speed and True Sight in a small area around the nearest enemy champion for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    After @FadeTime@ seconds, Rengar becomes Camouflaged and can leap without being in Brush. Leaping to the nearest champion deals an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage, shreds @ArmorShred@ Armor for @ArmorShredDuration@ seconds, and ends this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Rengar will also leap attack when Camouflaged.

    Active: Rengar gains @StealthMS@% Move Speed and True Sight in a small area around the nearest enemy champion for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    After @FadeTime@ seconds, Rengar becomes Camouflaged and can leap without being in Brush. Leaping to the nearest champion deals an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage, shreds @ArmorShred@ Armor for @ArmorShredDuration@ seconds, and ends this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Thrill of the Hunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Rengar will also leap attack when Camouflaged.

    Active: Rengar gains @StealthMS@% Move Speed and True Sight in a small area around the nearest enemy champion for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    After @FadeTime@ seconds, Rengar becomes Camouflaged and can leap without being in Brush. Leaping to the nearest champion deals an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage, shreds @ArmorShred@ Armor for @ArmorShredDuration@ seconds, and ends this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    {{Reminder_Camouflage}}Armor Reduction
    Move Speed
    Tracking Range
    [ @ArmorShred1Prefix@@ArmorShred1@@ArmorShred1Postfix@ / @ArmorShred2Prefix@@ArmorShred2@@ArmorShred2Postfix@ / @ArmorShred3Prefix@@ArmorShred3@@ArmorShred3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StealthDuration1Prefix@@StealthDuration1@@StealthDuration1Postfix@ / @StealthDuration2Prefix@@StealthDuration2@@StealthDuration2Postfix@ / @StealthDuration3Prefix@@StealthDuration3@@StealthDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StealthMS1Prefix@@StealthMS1@%@StealthMS1Postfix@ / @StealthMS2Prefix@@StealthMS2@%@StealthMS2Postfix@ / @StealthMS3Prefix@@StealthMS3@%@StealthMS3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SelfVisionRange1Prefix@@SelfVisionRange1@@SelfVisionRange1Postfix@ / @SelfVisionRange2Prefix@@SelfVisionRange2@@SelfVisionRange2Postfix@ / @SelfVisionRange3Prefix@@SelfVisionRange3@@SelfVisionRange3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Thrill of the Hunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Rengar will also leap attack when Camouflaged.

    Active: Rengar gains @StealthMS@% Move Speed and True Sight in a small area around the nearest enemy champion for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    After @FadeTime@ seconds, Rengar becomes Camouflaged and can leap without being in Brush. Leaping to the nearest champion deals an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage, shreds @ArmorShred@ Armor for @ArmorShredDuration@ seconds, and ends this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upArmor Reduction
    Move Speed
    Tracking Range
    @ArmorShred@ -> @ArmorShredNL@
    @StealthDuration@ -> @StealthDurationNL@
    @StealthMS@% -> @StealthMSNL@%
    @SelfVisionRange@ -> @SelfVisionRangeNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Armor Reduction
    Move Speed
    Tracking Range
    [ @ArmorShred1Prefix@@ArmorShred1@@ArmorShred1Postfix@ / @ArmorShred2Prefix@@ArmorShred2@@ArmorShred2Postfix@ / @ArmorShred3Prefix@@ArmorShred3@@ArmorShred3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StealthDuration1Prefix@@StealthDuration1@@StealthDuration1Postfix@ / @StealthDuration2Prefix@@StealthDuration2@@StealthDuration2Postfix@ / @StealthDuration3Prefix@@StealthDuration3@@StealthDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @StealthMS1Prefix@@StealthMS1@%@StealthMS1Postfix@ / @StealthMS2Prefix@@StealthMS2@%@StealthMS2Postfix@ / @StealthMS3Prefix@@StealthMS3@%@StealthMS3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SelfVisionRange1Prefix@@SelfVisionRange1@@SelfVisionRange1Postfix@ / @SelfVisionRange2Prefix@@SelfVisionRange2@@SelfVisionRange2Postfix@ / @SelfVisionRange3Prefix@@SelfVisionRange3@@SelfVisionRange3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Armor Reduction
    Move Speed
    Tracking Range
    @ArmorShred@ -> @ArmorShredNL@
    @StealthDuration@ -> @StealthDurationNL@
    @StealthMS@% -> @StealthMSNL@%
    @SelfVisionRange@ -> @SelfVisionRangeNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Thrill of the Hunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Rengar will also leap attack when Camouflaged.

    Active: Rengar gains @StealthMS@% Move Speed and True Sight in a small area around the nearest enemy champion for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    After @FadeTime@ seconds, Rengar becomes Camouflaged and can leap without being in Brush. Leaping to the nearest champion deals an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage, shreds @ArmorShred@ Armor for @ArmorShredDuration@ seconds, and ends this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Thrill of the Hunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Rengar will also leap attack when Camouflaged.

    Active: Rengar gains @StealthMS@% Move Speed and True Sight in a small area around the nearest enemy champion for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    After @FadeTime@ seconds, Rengar becomes Camouflaged and can leap without being in Brush. Leaping to the nearest champion deals an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage, shreds @ArmorShred@ Armor for @ArmorShredDuration@ seconds, and ends this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRengar lets out a battle roar, damaging enemies and healing for some of the recent damage he has taken.

    Ferocity effect: additionally breaks crowd control effects.Battle RoarBattle Roar@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Battle Roar@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Generates 1 FerocityRengar roars, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and restoring @Effect2Amount@% of the damage taken in the last @Effect3Amount@ seconds as Health.

    Max Ferocity: Deals @TotalDamageEmpowered@ magic damage and additionally cleanses Rengar of crowd control.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Rengar roars, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and restoring @Effect2Amount@% of the damage taken in the last @Effect3Amount@ seconds as Health.

    Max Ferocity: Deals @TotalDamageEmpowered@ magic damage and additionally cleanses Rengar of crowd control.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Battle Roar@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Generates 1 FerocityRengar roars, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and restoring @Effect2Amount@% of the damage taken in the last @Effect3Amount@ seconds as Health.

    Max Ferocity: Deals @TotalDamageEmpowered@ magic damage and additionally cleanses Rengar of crowd control.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Deals an additional @BonusMonsterDamage@ magic damage to jungle monsters. Restores @Effect5Amount@% of damage taken from jungle monsters.Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Battle Roar@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Generates 1 FerocityRengar roars, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and restoring @Effect2Amount@% of the damage taken in the last @Effect3Amount@ seconds as Health.

    Max Ferocity: Deals @TotalDamageEmpowered@ magic damage and additionally cleanses Rengar of crowd control.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Battle Roar@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Generates 1 FerocityRengar roars, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and restoring @Effect2Amount@% of the damage taken in the last @Effect3Amount@ seconds as Health.

    Max Ferocity: Deals @TotalDamageEmpowered@ magic damage and additionally cleanses Rengar of crowd control.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Battle Roar@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Generates 1 FerocityRengar roars, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and restoring @Effect2Amount@% of the damage taken in the last @Effect3Amount@ seconds as Health.

    Max Ferocity: Deals @TotalDamageEmpowered@ magic damage and additionally cleanses Rengar of crowd control.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoKassadin teleports to a nearby location dealing damage to nearby enemy units. Multiple Riftwalks in a short period of time cost additional Mana but also deal additional damage.RiftwalkRiftwalk@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Riftwalk@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kassadin teleports to a nearby location, dealing @BaseDamage@ magic damage.

    Each subsequent use of this Ability within the next @RStackDuration@ seconds doubles the Mana cost and deals an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage. The cost and damage increases can stack up to @MaxStacks@ times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Kassadin teleports to a nearby location, dealing @BaseDamage@ magic damage.

    Each subsequent use of this Ability within the next @RStackDuration@ seconds doubles the Mana cost and deals an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage. The cost and damage increases can stack up to @MaxStacks@ times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Riftwalk@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kassadin teleports to a nearby location, dealing @BaseDamage@ magic damage.

    Each subsequent use of this Ability within the next @RStackDuration@ seconds doubles the Mana cost and deals an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage. The cost and damage increases can stack up to @MaxStacks@ times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage Per Stack
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Riftwalk@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kassadin teleports to a nearby location, dealing @BaseDamage@ magic damage.

    Each subsequent use of this Ability within the next @RStackDuration@ seconds doubles the Mana cost and deals an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage. The cost and damage increases can stack up to @MaxStacks@ times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Damage Per Stack
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Damage Per Stack
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Damage Per Stack
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Riftwalk@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kassadin teleports to a nearby location, dealing @BaseDamage@ magic damage.

    Each subsequent use of this Ability within the next @RStackDuration@ seconds doubles the Mana cost and deals an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage. The cost and damage increases can stack up to @MaxStacks@ times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Riftwalk@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kassadin teleports to a nearby location, dealing @BaseDamage@ magic damage.

    Each subsequent use of this Ability within the next @RStackDuration@ seconds doubles the Mana cost and deals an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage. The cost and damage increases can stack up to @MaxStacks@ times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRiven steps forward a short distance and blocks incoming damage.ValorValor@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Valor@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven quickly dashes and gains @TotalShield@ Shield for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Riven quickly dashes and gains @TotalShield@ Shield for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Valor@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven quickly dashes and gains @TotalShield@ Shield for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@This dash cannot go over terrain.Shield Amount
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Valor@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven quickly dashes and gains @TotalShield@ Shield for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Shield Amount
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Valor@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven quickly dashes and gains @TotalShield@ Shield for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Valor@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven quickly dashes and gains @TotalShield@ Shield for 1.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRiven empowers her keepsake weapon with energy, and gains Attack Damage and Range. During this time, she also gains the ability to use Wind Slash, a powerful ranged attack, once.Blade of the ExileBlade of the Exile@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blade of the Exile@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven's weapon surges with spiritual energy, granting her @BonusAD@ Attack Damage and increased range on damaging Abilities and Attacks for @Duration@ seconds. While active, she can Recast.

    Recast: Riven fires a wind slash that deals between @MinDamage@ and @MaxDamage@ physical damage, based on their missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Riven's weapon surges with spiritual energy, granting her @BonusAD@ Attack Damage and increased range on damaging Abilities and Attacks for @Duration@ seconds. While active, she can Recast.

    Recast: Riven fires a wind slash that deals between @MinDamage@ and @MaxDamage@ physical damage, based on their missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blade of the Exile@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven's weapon surges with spiritual energy, granting her @BonusAD@ Attack Damage and increased range on damaging Abilities and Attacks for @Duration@ seconds. While active, she can Recast.

    Recast: Riven fires a wind slash that deals between @MinDamage@ and @MaxDamage@ physical damage, based on their missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Gains @TooltipAttackRange@ Attack Range Minimum Shockwave Damage
    Maximum Shockwave Damage
    [ @MinBase1Prefix@@MinBase1@@MinBase1Postfix@ / @MinBase2Prefix@@MinBase2@@MinBase2Postfix@ / @MinBase3Prefix@@MinBase3@@MinBase3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxBase1Prefix@@MaxBase1@@MaxBase1Postfix@ / @MaxBase2Prefix@@MaxBase2@@MaxBase2Postfix@ / @MaxBase3Prefix@@MaxBase3@@MaxBase3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Blade of the Exile@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven's weapon surges with spiritual energy, granting her @BonusAD@ Attack Damage and increased range on damaging Abilities and Attacks for @Duration@ seconds. While active, she can Recast.

    Recast: Riven fires a wind slash that deals between @MinDamage@ and @MaxDamage@ physical damage, based on their missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMinimum Shockwave Damage
    Maximum Shockwave Damage
    @MinBase@ -> @MinBaseNL@
    @MaxBase@ -> @MaxBaseNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Minimum Shockwave Damage
    Maximum Shockwave Damage
    [ @MinBase1Prefix@@MinBase1@@MinBase1Postfix@ / @MinBase2Prefix@@MinBase2@@MinBase2Postfix@ / @MinBase3Prefix@@MinBase3@@MinBase3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxBase1Prefix@@MaxBase1@@MaxBase1Postfix@ / @MaxBase2Prefix@@MaxBase2@@MaxBase2Postfix@ / @MaxBase3Prefix@@MaxBase3@@MaxBase3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Minimum Shockwave Damage
    Maximum Shockwave Damage
    @MinBase@ -> @MinBaseNL@
    @MaxBase@ -> @MaxBaseNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Blade of the Exile@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven's weapon surges with spiritual energy, granting her @BonusAD@ Attack Damage and increased range on damaging Abilities and Attacks for @Duration@ seconds. While active, she can Recast.

    Recast: Riven fires a wind slash that deals between @MinDamage@ and @MaxDamage@ physical damage, based on their missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Blade of the Exile@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven's weapon surges with spiritual energy, granting her @BonusAD@ Attack Damage and increased range on damaging Abilities and Attacks for @Duration@ seconds. While active, she can Recast.

    Recast: Riven fires a wind slash that deals between @MinDamage@ and @MaxDamage@ physical damage, based on their missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRiven emits a Ki Burst, damaging and stunning nearby enemies.Ki BurstKi Burst@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ki Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven's sword emits a burst of runic energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Riven's sword emits a burst of runic energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ki Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven's sword emits a burst of runic energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Ki Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven's sword emits a burst of runic energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Ki Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven's sword emits a burst of runic energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ki Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven's sword emits a burst of runic energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRiven lashes out in a series of strikes. This ability can be reactivated three times in a short time frame with the third hit knocking back nearby enemies.Broken WingsBroken Wings@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Broken Wings@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven dashes forward, dealing @FirstSlashDamage@ physical damage. She can Recast this Ability twice. The first Recast is the same as the original, but the second has a different effect:

    Recast: Riven leaps forward and slams, dealing @FirstSlashDamage@ physical damage and Knocks Up nearby enemies for 0.75 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Riven dashes forward, dealing @FirstSlashDamage@ physical damage. She can Recast this Ability twice. The first Recast is the same as the original, but the second has a different effect:

    Recast: Riven leaps forward and slams, dealing @FirstSlashDamage@ physical damage and Knocks Up nearby enemies for 0.75 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Broken Wings@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven dashes forward, dealing @FirstSlashDamage@ physical damage. She can Recast this Ability twice. The first Recast is the same as the original, but the second has a different effect:

    Recast: Riven leaps forward and slams, dealing @FirstSlashDamage@ physical damage and Knocks Up nearby enemies for 0.75 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Only the last use of this Ability can cross terrain.
    Riven targets the unit your cursor is on, or dashes forward if there is no target.
    Attack Damage Ratio
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@%@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@%@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@%@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@%@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@%@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Broken Wings@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven dashes forward, dealing @FirstSlashDamage@ physical damage. She can Recast this Ability twice. The first Recast is the same as the original, but the second has a different effect:

    Recast: Riven leaps forward and slams, dealing @FirstSlashDamage@ physical damage and Knocks Up nearby enemies for 0.75 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Attack Damage Ratio
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    Attack Damage Ratio
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@%@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@%@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@%@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@%@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@%@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Damage Ratio
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Broken Wings@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven dashes forward, dealing @FirstSlashDamage@ physical damage. She can Recast this Ability twice. The first Recast is the same as the original, but the second has a different effect:

    Recast: Riven leaps forward and slams, dealing @FirstSlashDamage@ physical damage and Knocks Up nearby enemies for 0.75 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Broken Wings@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRiven dashes forward, dealing @FirstSlashDamage@ physical damage. She can Recast this Ability twice. The first Recast is the same as the original, but the second has a different effect:

    Recast: Riven leaps forward and slams, dealing @FirstSlashDamage@ physical damage and Knocks Up nearby enemies for 0.75 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBlitzcrank fires their right hand to grab an opponent on its path, dealing damage and dragging it back to them.Rocket Grab@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rocket Grab@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank fires their right hand, Pulling the first enemy hit towards them and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Blitzcrank fires their right hand, Pulling the first enemy hit towards them and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rocket Grab@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank fires their right hand, Pulling the first enemy hit towards them and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Rocket Grab@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank fires their right hand, Pulling the first enemy hit towards them and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Rocket Grab@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank fires their right hand, Pulling the first enemy hit towards them and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Rocket Grab@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank fires their right hand, Pulling the first enemy hit towards them and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRumble fires off a group of rockets, creating a wall of flames that damages and slows enemies.The EqualizerThe Equalizer@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] The Equalizer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRumble launches a line of rockets, creating a burning trail that Slows by @SlowAmount@% and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @TrailDuration@ seconds.

    Rumble can control the direction of the trail by clicking and dragging while casting this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Rumble launches a line of rockets, creating a burning trail that Slows by @SlowAmount@% and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @TrailDuration@ seconds.

    Rumble can control the direction of the trail by clicking and dragging while casting this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] The Equalizer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRumble launches a line of rockets, creating a burning trail that Slows by @SlowAmount@% and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @TrailDuration@ seconds.

    Rumble can control the direction of the trail by clicking and dragging while casting this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage Per Second
    [ @BaseDamagePerSecond1Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond1@@BaseDamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond2Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond2@@BaseDamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond3Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond3@@BaseDamagePerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] The Equalizer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRumble launches a line of rockets, creating a burning trail that Slows by @SlowAmount@% and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @TrailDuration@ seconds.

    Rumble can control the direction of the trail by clicking and dragging while casting this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Per Second
    @BaseDamagePerSecond@ -> @BaseDamagePerSecondNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Damage Per Second
    [ @BaseDamagePerSecond1Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond1@@BaseDamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond2Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond2@@BaseDamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @BaseDamagePerSecond3Prefix@@BaseDamagePerSecond3@@BaseDamagePerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] The Equalizer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRumble launches a line of rockets, creating a burning trail that Slows by @SlowAmount@% and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @TrailDuration@ seconds.

    Rumble can control the direction of the trail by clicking and dragging while casting this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] The Equalizer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRumble launches a line of rockets, creating a burning trail that Slows by @SlowAmount@% and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @TrailDuration@ seconds.

    Rumble can control the direction of the trail by clicking and dragging while casting this Ability.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRumble torches opponents in front of him, dealing magic damage in a cone for 3 seconds. While in Danger Zone this damage is increased.FlamespitterFlamespitter@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Flamespitter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Effect2Amount@ HeatRumble ignites his flamethrower, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect9Amount@ seconds, reduced to @MinionDamage@ damage against minions.

    Danger Zone: Damage is increased to @EmpoweredDamage@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Rumble ignites his flamethrower, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect9Amount@ seconds, reduced to @MinionDamage@ damage against minions.

    Danger Zone: Damage is increased to @EmpoweredDamage@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Flamespitter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Effect2Amount@ HeatRumble ignites his flamethrower, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect9Amount@ seconds, reduced to @MinionDamage@ damage against minions.

    Danger Zone: Damage is increased to @EmpoweredDamage@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage to minions
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Flamespitter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Effect2Amount@ HeatRumble ignites his flamethrower, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect9Amount@ seconds, reduced to @MinionDamage@ damage against minions.

    Danger Zone: Damage is increased to @EmpoweredDamage@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Damage to minions
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect4Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect4AmountNL*100.000000@%
    Damage to minions
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Damage to minions
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect4Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect4AmountNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Flamespitter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Effect2Amount@ HeatRumble ignites his flamethrower, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect9Amount@ seconds, reduced to @MinionDamage@ damage against minions.

    Danger Zone: Damage is increased to @EmpoweredDamage@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Flamespitter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Effect2Amount@ HeatRumble ignites his flamethrower, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect9Amount@ seconds, reduced to @MinionDamage@ damage against minions.

    Danger Zone: Damage is increased to @EmpoweredDamage@ damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRumble launches a harpoon, electrocuting his target with magic damage, slowing their Move Speed, and reducing their Magic Resist. Rumble can carry 2 harpoons at a time. While in Danger Zone the damage and slow percentage is increased.Electro HarpoonElectro Harpoon@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Electro Harpoon@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (max: @MaxAmmo@)@SpellTags@@FirstCastHeatCost@ HeatRumble launches an electrified harpoon, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @BaseSlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and reducing the enemy's Magic Resist by @PercMagicPen*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds. Hitting an enemy who's already Slowed by this Ability increases the Slow to @EmpoweredSlowAmount@% and reduces the enemy's Magic Resist by @EnhancedMagicPen*100@%.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).

    Danger Zone: The harpoon deals @EmpDamage@ magic damage instead and the Slow and reduced Magic Resist are increased by 50%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Rumble launches an electrified harpoon, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @BaseSlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and reducing the enemy's Magic Resist by @PercMagicPen*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds. Hitting an enemy who's already Slowed by this Ability increases the Slow to @EmpoweredSlowAmount@% and reduces the enemy's Magic Resist by @EnhancedMagicPen*100@%.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).

    Danger Zone: The harpoon deals @EmpDamage@ magic damage instead and the Slow and reduced Magic Resist are increased by 50%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Electro Harpoon@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (max: @MaxAmmo@)@SpellTags@@FirstCastHeatCost@ HeatRumble launches an electrified harpoon, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @BaseSlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and reducing the enemy's Magic Resist by @PercMagicPen*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds. Hitting an enemy who's already Slowed by this Ability increases the Slow to @EmpoweredSlowAmount@% and reduces the enemy's Magic Resist by @EnhancedMagicPen*100@%.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).

    Danger Zone: The harpoon deals @EmpDamage@ magic damage instead and the Slow and reduced Magic Resist are increased by 50%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseSlowAmount1Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount1@%@BaseSlowAmount1Postfix@ / @BaseSlowAmount2Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount2@%@BaseSlowAmount2Postfix@ / @BaseSlowAmount3Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount3@%@BaseSlowAmount3Postfix@ / @BaseSlowAmount4Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount4@%@BaseSlowAmount4Postfix@ / @BaseSlowAmount5Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount5@%@BaseSlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Electro Harpoon@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (max: @MaxAmmo@)@SpellTags@@FirstCastHeatCost@ HeatRumble launches an electrified harpoon, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @BaseSlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and reducing the enemy's Magic Resist by @PercMagicPen*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds. Hitting an enemy who's already Slowed by this Ability increases the Slow to @EmpoweredSlowAmount@% and reduces the enemy's Magic Resist by @EnhancedMagicPen*100@%.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).

    Danger Zone: The harpoon deals @EmpDamage@ magic damage instead and the Slow and reduced Magic Resist are increased by 50%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseSlowAmount@% -> @BaseSlowAmountNL@%
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseSlowAmount1Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount1@%@BaseSlowAmount1Postfix@ / @BaseSlowAmount2Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount2@%@BaseSlowAmount2Postfix@ / @BaseSlowAmount3Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount3@%@BaseSlowAmount3Postfix@ / @BaseSlowAmount4Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount4@%@BaseSlowAmount4Postfix@ / @BaseSlowAmount5Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount5@%@BaseSlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseSlowAmount@% -> @BaseSlowAmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Electro Harpoon@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (max: @MaxAmmo@)@SpellTags@@FirstCastHeatCost@ HeatRumble launches an electrified harpoon, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @BaseSlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and reducing the enemy's Magic Resist by @PercMagicPen*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds. Hitting an enemy who's already Slowed by this Ability increases the Slow to @EmpoweredSlowAmount@% and reduces the enemy's Magic Resist by @EnhancedMagicPen*100@%.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).

    Danger Zone: The harpoon deals @EmpDamage@ magic damage instead and the Slow and reduced Magic Resist are increased by 50%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Electro Harpoon@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (max: @MaxAmmo@)@SpellTags@@FirstCastHeatCost@ HeatRumble launches an electrified harpoon, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @BaseSlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and reducing the enemy's Magic Resist by @PercMagicPen*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds. Hitting an enemy who's already Slowed by this Ability increases the Slow to @EmpoweredSlowAmount@% and reduces the enemy's Magic Resist by @EnhancedMagicPen*100@%.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).

    Danger Zone: The harpoon deals @EmpDamage@ magic damage instead and the Slow and reduced Magic Resist are increased by 50%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRumble pulls up a shield, protecting him from damage and granting him a quick burst of speed. While in Danger Zone, the shield strength and speed bonus is increased.Scrap ShieldScrap Shield@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Scrap Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Effect3Amount@ HeatRumble tosses up a barrier, gaining @TotalShield@ Shield and @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect6Amount@ second.

    Danger Zone: The barrier grants @EmpoweredShield@ Shield and @EmpoweredMS@% Move Speed instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Rumble tosses up a barrier, gaining @TotalShield@ Shield and @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect6Amount@ second.

    Danger Zone: The barrier grants @EmpoweredShield@ Shield and @EmpoweredMS@% Move Speed instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Scrap Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Effect3Amount@ HeatRumble tosses up a barrier, gaining @TotalShield@ Shield and @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect6Amount@ second.

    Danger Zone: The barrier grants @EmpoweredShield@ Shield and @EmpoweredMS@% Move Speed instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shield Amount
    Move Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Scrap Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Effect3Amount@ HeatRumble tosses up a barrier, gaining @TotalShield@ Shield and @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect6Amount@ second.

    Danger Zone: The barrier grants @EmpoweredShield@ Shield and @EmpoweredMS@% Move Speed instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    Move Speed
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Shield Amount
    Move Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    Move Speed
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Scrap Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Effect3Amount@ HeatRumble tosses up a barrier, gaining @TotalShield@ Shield and @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect6Amount@ second.

    Danger Zone: The barrier grants @EmpoweredShield@ Shield and @EmpoweredMS@% Move Speed instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Scrap Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Effect3Amount@ HeatRumble tosses up a barrier, gaining @TotalShield@ Shield and @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect6Amount@ second.

    Danger Zone: The barrier grants @EmpoweredShield@ Shield and @EmpoweredMS@% Move Speed instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRyze releases an orb of pure magical power that damages an enemy and debuffs all nearby enemies. Ryze's spells have additional effects against the debuffed enemy.Spell FluxSpell Flux@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spell Flux@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ryze fires an orb, dealing @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and applies Flux for @DebuffDuration@ seconds to the target and nearby enemies. Enemies already afflicted with Flux will cause it to spread further.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ryze fires an orb, dealing @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and applies Flux for @DebuffDuration@ seconds to the target and nearby enemies. Enemies already afflicted with Flux will cause it to spread further.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spell Flux@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ryze fires an orb, dealing @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and applies Flux for @DebuffDuration@ seconds to the target and nearby enemies. Enemies already afflicted with Flux will cause it to spread further.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Mana Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Spell Flux@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ryze fires an orb, dealing @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and applies Flux for @DebuffDuration@ seconds to the target and nearby enemies. Enemies already afflicted with Flux will cause it to spread further.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Mana Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Mana Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Mana Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Spell Flux@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ryze fires an orb, dealing @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and applies Flux for @DebuffDuration@ seconds to the target and nearby enemies. Enemies already afflicted with Flux will cause it to spread further.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Spell Flux@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ryze fires an orb, dealing @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and applies Flux for @DebuffDuration@ seconds to the target and nearby enemies. Enemies already afflicted with Flux will cause it to spread further.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPassively, Ryze's other basic abilities reset the cooldown of Overload and charge a rune. When Ryze casts Overload with 2 runes charged, he gains a brief burst of Move Speed.

    On cast, Ryze throws a charge of pure energy in a line, dealing damage to the first enemy struck. If the target has Flux on it, Overload deals extra damage and bounces to nearby enemies with Flux.Overload@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Overload@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: {{Spell_RyzeW_Name}} and {{Spell_RyzeE_Name}} refresh this Ability's Cooldown and charge a rune for @RuneDuration@ seconds (max @MaximumRunes@ runes).

    Active: Ryze unleashes a blast, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. If the target has Flux on it, it is consumed, causing this Ability to deal @Spell.RyzeR:OverloadDamageBonus@% increased damage and bounces to nearby enemies with Flux.

    Ryze also discharges all runes, granting Ryze @MovementSpeedAmount@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds if @MaximumRunes@ runes were charged.
    Passive: {{Spell_RyzeW_Name}} and {{Spell_RyzeE_Name}} refresh this Ability's Cooldown and charge a rune for @RuneDuration@ seconds (max @MaximumRunes@ runes).

    Active: Ryze unleashes a blast, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. If the target has Flux on it, it is consumed, causing this Ability to deal @Spell.RyzeR:OverloadDamageBonus@% increased damage and bounces to nearby enemies with Flux.

    Ryze also discharges all runes, granting Ryze @MovementSpeedAmount@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds if @MaximumRunes@ runes were charged.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Overload@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: {{Spell_RyzeW_Name}} and {{Spell_RyzeE_Name}} refresh this Ability's Cooldown and charge a rune for @RuneDuration@ seconds (max @MaximumRunes@ runes).

    Active: Ryze unleashes a blast, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. If the target has Flux on it, it is consumed, causing this Ability to deal @Spell.RyzeR:OverloadDamageBonus@% increased damage and bounces to nearby enemies with Flux.

    Ryze also discharges all runes, granting Ryze @MovementSpeedAmount@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds if @MaximumRunes@ runes were charged.
    Move Speed
    Mana Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MovementSpeedAmount1Prefix@@MovementSpeedAmount1@%@MovementSpeedAmount1Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedAmount2Prefix@@MovementSpeedAmount2@%@MovementSpeedAmount2Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedAmount3Prefix@@MovementSpeedAmount3@%@MovementSpeedAmount3Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedAmount4Prefix@@MovementSpeedAmount4@%@MovementSpeedAmount4Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedAmount5Prefix@@MovementSpeedAmount5@%@MovementSpeedAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Overload@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: {{Spell_RyzeW_Name}} and {{Spell_RyzeE_Name}} refresh this Ability's Cooldown and charge a rune for @RuneDuration@ seconds (max @MaximumRunes@ runes).

    Active: Ryze unleashes a blast, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. If the target has Flux on it, it is consumed, causing this Ability to deal @Spell.RyzeR:OverloadDamageBonus@% increased damage and bounces to nearby enemies with Flux.

    Ryze also discharges all runes, granting Ryze @MovementSpeedAmount@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds if @MaximumRunes@ runes were charged.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Move Speed
    Mana Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MovementSpeedAmount@% -> @MovementSpeedAmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Move Speed
    Mana Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MovementSpeedAmount1Prefix@@MovementSpeedAmount1@%@MovementSpeedAmount1Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedAmount2Prefix@@MovementSpeedAmount2@%@MovementSpeedAmount2Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedAmount3Prefix@@MovementSpeedAmount3@%@MovementSpeedAmount3Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedAmount4Prefix@@MovementSpeedAmount4@%@MovementSpeedAmount4Postfix@ / @MovementSpeedAmount5Prefix@@MovementSpeedAmount5@%@MovementSpeedAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    Mana Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MovementSpeedAmount@% -> @MovementSpeedAmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Overload@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: {{Spell_RyzeW_Name}} and {{Spell_RyzeE_Name}} refresh this Ability's Cooldown and charge a rune for @RuneDuration@ seconds (max @MaximumRunes@ runes).

    Active: Ryze unleashes a blast, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. If the target has Flux on it, it is consumed, causing this Ability to deal @Spell.RyzeR:OverloadDamageBonus@% increased damage and bounces to nearby enemies with Flux.

    Ryze also discharges all runes, granting Ryze @MovementSpeedAmount@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds if @MaximumRunes@ runes were charged.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Overload@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: {{Spell_RyzeW_Name}} and {{Spell_RyzeE_Name}} refresh this Ability's Cooldown and charge a rune for @RuneDuration@ seconds (max @MaximumRunes@ runes).

    Active: Ryze unleashes a blast, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. If the target has Flux on it, it is consumed, causing this Ability to deal @Spell.RyzeR:OverloadDamageBonus@% increased damage and bounces to nearby enemies with Flux.

    Ryze also discharges all runes, granting Ryze @MovementSpeedAmount@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds if @MaximumRunes@ runes were charged.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPassively, Overload deals even more damage against targets with Flux.

    On cast, Ryze creates a portal to a nearby location. After a few seconds, allies standing near the portal are teleported to the target location.Realm WarpRealm Warp@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Realm Warp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: {{Spell_RyzeQWrapper_Name}} damage bonus against targets with Flux increased to @OverloadDamageBonus@%.

    Active: Ryze opens a portal to another location. After @ChargeTimeTooltip@ seconds, all allies near the portal are teleported to that location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: {{Spell_RyzeQWrapper_Name}} damage bonus against targets with Flux increased to @OverloadDamageBonus@%.

    Active: Ryze opens a portal to another location. After @ChargeTimeTooltip@ seconds, all allies near the portal are teleported to that location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Realm Warp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: {{Spell_RyzeQWrapper_Name}} damage bonus against targets with Flux increased to @OverloadDamageBonus@%.

    Active: Ryze opens a portal to another location. After @ChargeTimeTooltip@ seconds, all allies near the portal are teleported to that location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    If Ryze becomes Immobilized or Disabled, the portal is cancelled.Cooldown
    Overload Damage Increase
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @OverloadDamageBonus1Prefix@@OverloadDamageBonus1@%@OverloadDamageBonus1Postfix@ / @OverloadDamageBonus2Prefix@@OverloadDamageBonus2@%@OverloadDamageBonus2Postfix@ / @OverloadDamageBonus3Prefix@@OverloadDamageBonus3@%@OverloadDamageBonus3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Realm Warp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: {{Spell_RyzeQWrapper_Name}} damage bonus against targets with Flux increased to @OverloadDamageBonus@%.

    Active: Ryze opens a portal to another location. After @ChargeTimeTooltip@ seconds, all allies near the portal are teleported to that location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Overload Damage Increase
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @OverloadDamageBonus@% -> @OverloadDamageBonusNL@%
    Overload Damage Increase
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @OverloadDamageBonus1Prefix@@OverloadDamageBonus1@%@OverloadDamageBonus1Postfix@ / @OverloadDamageBonus2Prefix@@OverloadDamageBonus2@%@OverloadDamageBonus2Postfix@ / @OverloadDamageBonus3Prefix@@OverloadDamageBonus3@%@OverloadDamageBonus3Postfix@ ]
    Overload Damage Increase
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @OverloadDamageBonus@% -> @OverloadDamageBonusNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Realm Warp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: {{Spell_RyzeQWrapper_Name}} damage bonus against targets with Flux increased to @OverloadDamageBonus@%.

    Active: Ryze opens a portal to another location. After @ChargeTimeTooltip@ seconds, all allies near the portal are teleported to that location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Realm Warp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: {{Spell_RyzeQWrapper_Name}} damage bonus against targets with Flux increased to @OverloadDamageBonus@%.

    Active: Ryze opens a portal to another location. After @ChargeTimeTooltip@ seconds, all allies near the portal are teleported to that location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRyze traps a target in a cage of runes, damaging them and slowing their movement. If the target has Flux on it, they are instead rooted.Rune PrisonRune Prison@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rune Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ryze deals @WDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% for @CCDuration@ seconds. If the target has Flux, it is consumed and this Ability Roots instead of Slowing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ryze deals @WDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% for @CCDuration@ seconds. If the target has Flux, it is consumed and this Ability Roots instead of Slowing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rune Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ryze deals @WDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% for @CCDuration@ seconds. If the target has Flux, it is consumed and this Ability Roots instead of Slowing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Mana Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Rune Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ryze deals @WDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% for @CCDuration@ seconds. If the target has Flux, it is consumed and this Ability Roots instead of Slowing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Mana Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Rune Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ryze deals @WDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% for @CCDuration@ seconds. If the target has Flux, it is consumed and this Ability Roots instead of Slowing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Rune Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ryze deals @WDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% for @CCDuration@ seconds. If the target has Flux, it is consumed and this Ability Roots instead of Slowing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Enchanted Crystal Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe launches a crystal arrow of ice that Stuns the first champion hit and deals @RMainDamage@ magic damage. The Stun duration increases with distance travelled, up to @MaxStunDuration@ seconds. Surrounding enemies are slowed and take half damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Enchanted Crystal Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe launches a crystal arrow of ice that Stuns the first champion hit and deals @RMainDamage@ magic damage. The Stun duration increases with distance travelled, up to @MaxStunDuration@ seconds. Surrounding enemies are slowed and take half damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Rocket Grab@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank fires their right hand, Pulling the first enemy hit towards them and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Rocket Grab@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Blitzcrank fires their right hand, Pulling the first enemy hit towards them and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    On a cooldown, your next damaging spell or attack triggers lightning blast to chain through nearby enemies. Enemies struck are damaged and slowed.Hextech Dragon Soul@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hextech Dragon Soul@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hextech Dragon Soul@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Hextech Dragon Soul@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Hextech Dragon Soul@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hextech Dragon Soul@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoOn a cooldown, your next damaging spell or attack triggers a burst of flames around the target. Enemies struck are damaged.Infernal Dragon Soul@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Infernal Dragon Soul@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Infernal Dragon Soul@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Infernal Dragon Soul@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Infernal Dragon Soul@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Infernal Dragon Soul@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWild RushWild Rush@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wild Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira dashes through an enemy (including structures), slashing enemies she passes through dealing @DashDamage@ magic damage and gaining @BonusAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.

    If an enemy champion is killed within 3 seconds of Samira damaging them, Wild Rush's cooldown is reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Samira dashes through an enemy (including structures), slashing enemies she passes through dealing @DashDamage@ magic damage and gaining @BonusAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.

    If an enemy champion is killed within 3 seconds of Samira damaging them, Wild Rush's cooldown is reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wild Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira dashes through an enemy (including structures), slashing enemies she passes through dealing @DashDamage@ magic damage and gaining @BonusAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.

    If an enemy champion is killed within 3 seconds of Samira damaging them, Wild Rush's cooldown is reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Attack Speed
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusAttackSpeed1Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@BonusAttackSpeed1Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Wild Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira dashes through an enemy (including structures), slashing enemies she passes through dealing @DashDamage@ magic damage and gaining @BonusAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.

    If an enemy champion is killed within 3 seconds of Samira damaging them, Wild Rush's cooldown is reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Attack Speed
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BonusAttackSpeed*100.000000@% -> @BonusAttackSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    Attack Speed
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusAttackSpeed1Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@BonusAttackSpeed1Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BonusAttackSpeed*100.000000@% -> @BonusAttackSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Wild Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira dashes through an enemy (including structures), slashing enemies she passes through dealing @DashDamage@ magic damage and gaining @BonusAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.

    If an enemy champion is killed within 3 seconds of Samira damaging them, Wild Rush's cooldown is reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Wild Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira dashes through an enemy (including structures), slashing enemies she passes through dealing @DashDamage@ magic damage and gaining @BonusAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.

    If an enemy champion is killed within 3 seconds of Samira damaging them, Wild Rush's cooldown is reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSamira dashes through an enemy (including structures), slashing enemies she passes through and gaining Attack Speed. Killing an enemy champion refreshes this ability's cooldown.[@Hotkey@] Wild Rush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira dashes through an enemy (including structures), slashing enemies she passes through dealing @DashDamage@ magic damage and gaining @BonusAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.

    If an enemy champion is killed within 3 seconds of Samira damaging them, Wild Rush's cooldown is reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Attack Speed
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusAttackSpeed1Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@BonusAttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed2Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed2*100.000000@%@BonusAttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed3Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed3*100.000000@%@BonusAttackSpeed3Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed4Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed4*100.000000@%@BonusAttackSpeed4Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed5Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed5*100.000000@%@BonusAttackSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusAttackSpeed1Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@BonusAttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed2Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed2*100.000000@%@BonusAttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed3Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed3*100.000000@%@BonusAttackSpeed3Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed4Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed4*100.000000@%@BonusAttackSpeed4Postfix@ / @BonusAttackSpeed5Prefix@@BonusAttackSpeed5*100.000000@%@BonusAttackSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Blade WhirlBlade Whirl@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blade Whirl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira slashes around her for @SlashDuration@ seconds, damaging enemies twice for @DamageCalc@ physical damage each and destroying any enemy missiles that enter the area.

    Samira slashes around her for @SlashDuration@ seconds, damaging enemies twice for @DamageCalc@ physical damage each and destroying any enemy missiles that enter the area.

    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blade Whirl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira slashes around her for @SlashDuration@ seconds, damaging enemies twice for @DamageCalc@ physical damage each and destroying any enemy missiles that enter the area.

    [@Hotkey@] Blade Whirl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira slashes around her for @SlashDuration@ seconds, damaging enemies twice for @DamageCalc@ physical damage each and destroying any enemy missiles that enter the area.

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Blade Whirl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira slashes around her for @SlashDuration@ seconds, damaging enemies twice for @DamageCalc@ physical damage each and destroying any enemy missiles that enter the area.

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Blade Whirl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira slashes around her for @SlashDuration@ seconds, damaging enemies twice for @DamageCalc@ physical damage each and destroying any enemy missiles that enter the area.


    Press [Shift] to show more infoSamira fires a shot or swings her sword, dealing damage. If cast during Wild Rush, strike all enemies in her path upon completion.Flair@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Flair@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira fires a shot, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    If this Ability is cast towards an enemy in melee range, Samira will instead slash with her sword, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Samira fires a shot, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    If this Ability is cast towards an enemy in melee range, Samira will instead slash with her sword, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Flair@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira fires a shot, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    If this Ability is cast towards an enemy in melee range, Samira will instead slash with her sword, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Either hit can critically strike for 25% bonus damage and applies lifesteal at @LifestealMod*100@% effectiveness.
    If cast during Wild Rush, Samira will strike all enemies in her path upon completion.
    Percent of Attack Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @QADRatio1Prefix@@QADRatio1*100.000000@%@QADRatio1Postfix@ / @QADRatio2Prefix@@QADRatio2*100.000000@%@QADRatio2Postfix@ / @QADRatio3Prefix@@QADRatio3*100.000000@%@QADRatio3Postfix@ / @QADRatio4Prefix@@QADRatio4*100.000000@%@QADRatio4Postfix@ / @QADRatio5Prefix@@QADRatio5*100.000000@%@QADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Flair@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira fires a shot, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    If this Ability is cast towards an enemy in melee range, Samira will instead slash with her sword, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Percent of Attack Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @QADRatio*100.000000@% -> @QADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    Percent of Attack Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @QADRatio1Prefix@@QADRatio1*100.000000@%@QADRatio1Postfix@ / @QADRatio2Prefix@@QADRatio2*100.000000@%@QADRatio2Postfix@ / @QADRatio3Prefix@@QADRatio3*100.000000@%@QADRatio3Postfix@ / @QADRatio4Prefix@@QADRatio4*100.000000@%@QADRatio4Postfix@ / @QADRatio5Prefix@@QADRatio5*100.000000@%@QADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    Percent of Attack Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @QADRatio*100.000000@% -> @QADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Flair@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira fires a shot, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    If this Ability is cast towards an enemy in melee range, Samira will instead slash with her sword, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Flair@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira fires a shot, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    If this Ability is cast towards an enemy in melee range, Samira will instead slash with her sword, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSamira unleashes a torrent of shots from her weapons, wildly shooting all enemies surrounding her.Inferno TriggerInferno Trigger@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Inferno Trigger@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira can only use this Ability if her current Style rating is S.

    Samira unleashes a torrent of shots from her weapons, wildly shooting all enemies surrounding her 10 times over 2 seconds, each shot dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage and applying lifesteal at @LifestealMod*100@% effectiveness. Each shot can also critically strike.

    Samira can only use this Ability if her current Style rating is S.

    Samira unleashes a torrent of shots from her weapons, wildly shooting all enemies surrounding her 10 times over 2 seconds, each shot dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage and applying lifesteal at @LifestealMod*100@% effectiveness. Each shot can also critically strike.

    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Inferno Trigger@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira can only use this Ability if her current Style rating is S.

    Samira unleashes a torrent of shots from her weapons, wildly shooting all enemies surrounding her 10 times over 2 seconds, each shot dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage and applying lifesteal at @LifestealMod*100@% effectiveness. Each shot can also critically strike.

    Against minions, this Ability deals 25% damage.Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Inferno Trigger@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira can only use this Ability if her current Style rating is S.

    Samira unleashes a torrent of shots from her weapons, wildly shooting all enemies surrounding her 10 times over 2 seconds, each shot dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage and applying lifesteal at @LifestealMod*100@% effectiveness. Each shot can also critically strike.

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Inferno Trigger@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira can only use this Ability if her current Style rating is S.

    Samira unleashes a torrent of shots from her weapons, wildly shooting all enemies surrounding her 10 times over 2 seconds, each shot dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage and applying lifesteal at @LifestealMod*100@% effectiveness. Each shot can also critically strike.

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Inferno Trigger@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira can only use this Ability if her current Style rating is S.

    Samira unleashes a torrent of shots from her weapons, wildly shooting all enemies surrounding her 10 times over 2 seconds, each shot dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage and applying lifesteal at @LifestealMod*100@% effectiveness. Each shot can also critically strike.


    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Flair@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira fires a shot, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    If this Ability is cast towards an enemy in melee range, Samira will instead slash with her sword, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Flair@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira fires a shot, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    If this Ability is cast towards an enemy in melee range, Samira will instead slash with her sword, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Samira slashes around her, damaging enemies and destroying enemy missiles.[@Hotkey@] Blade Whirl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira slashes around her for @SlashDuration@ seconds, damaging enemies twice for @DamageCalc@ physical damage each and destroying any enemy missiles that enter the area.

    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Blade Whirl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Samira slashes around her for @SlashDuration@ seconds, damaging enemies twice for @DamageCalc@ physical damage each and destroying any enemy missiles that enter the area.

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Seismic Shard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite launches a shard of earth at an enemy, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Malphite also steals the amount Slowed, gaining it as Move Speed for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Seismic Shard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite launches a shard of earth at an enemy, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Malphite also steals the amount Slowed, gaining it as Move Speed for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Sejuani freezes and stuns an enemy champion that has maximum Frost stacks.PermafrostPermafrost@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Permafrost@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nearby melee allied champions' Attacks apply a stack to champions and jungle monsters.

    Active: Sejuani deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to target enemy with 4 stacks and Stuns them for @Effect1Amount@ second. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Nearby melee allied champions' Attacks apply a stack to champions and jungle monsters.

    Active: Sejuani deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to target enemy with 4 stacks and Stuns them for @Effect1Amount@ second. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Permafrost@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nearby melee allied champions' Attacks apply a stack to champions and jungle monsters.

    Active: Sejuani deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to target enemy with 4 stacks and Stuns them for @Effect1Amount@ second. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Champions Stunned by Sejuani can't gain stacks for 10 seconds.
    Enemies Stunned by this Ability are slightly Knocked Back.
    Permafrost will target the closest valid enemy to your cursor (prioritizing champions).
    This Ability Knocks Down enemies.
    Damage[ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Permafrost@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nearby melee allied champions' Attacks apply a stack to champions and jungle monsters.

    Active: Sejuani deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to target enemy with 4 stacks and Stuns them for @Effect1Amount@ second. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@Damage[ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]Damage@Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@[@Hotkey@] Permafrost@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nearby melee allied champions' Attacks apply a stack to champions and jungle monsters.

    Active: Sejuani deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to target enemy with 4 stacks and Stuns them for @Effect1Amount@ second. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Permafrost@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Nearby melee allied champions' Attacks apply a stack to champions and jungle monsters.

    Active: Sejuani deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to target enemy with 4 stacks and Stuns them for @Effect1Amount@ second. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSejuani charges forward, knocking enemies into the air. The charge stops after hitting an enemy champion.Arctic AssaultArctic Assault@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Arctic Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani charges, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to enemies and Knocking them Up for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. The charge ends after hitting an enemy champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Sejuani charges, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to enemies and Knocking them Up for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. The charge ends after hitting an enemy champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Arctic Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani charges, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to enemies and Knocking them Up for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. The charge ends after hitting an enemy champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Arctic Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani charges, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to enemies and Knocking them Up for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. The charge ends after hitting an enemy champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Arctic Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani charges, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to enemies and Knocking them Up for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. The charge ends after hitting an enemy champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Arctic Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani charges, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to enemies and Knocking them Up for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. The charge ends after hitting an enemy champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSejuani throws her bola that freezes and stuns the first champion hit and creates an ice storm that slows other enemies.Glacial Prison@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Glacial Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani throws her True Ice bola, Stunning and revealing the first enemy champion hit for @Effect2Amount@ second and dealing @MinorDamageTooltip@ magic damage.

    If the bola travels at least 25% of its range, it Stuns and reveals for @Effect6Amount@ seconds instead. It then also creates an ice storm that Slows surrounding enemies by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. All affected enemies take @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Sejuani throws her True Ice bola, Stunning and revealing the first enemy champion hit for @Effect2Amount@ second and dealing @MinorDamageTooltip@ magic damage.

    If the bola travels at least 25% of its range, it Stuns and reveals for @Effect6Amount@ seconds instead. It then also creates an ice storm that Slows surrounding enemies by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. All affected enemies take @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Glacial Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani throws her True Ice bola, Stunning and revealing the first enemy champion hit for @Effect2Amount@ second and dealing @MinorDamageTooltip@ magic damage.

    If the bola travels at least 25% of its range, it Stuns and reveals for @Effect6Amount@ seconds instead. It then also creates an ice storm that Slows surrounding enemies by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. All affected enemies take @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The Stunned enemy takes damage immediately, while enemies inside the storm take damage after it ends. Enemies in the storm are also Slowed for an additional 1 second.Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Glacial Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani throws her True Ice bola, Stunning and revealing the first enemy champion hit for @Effect2Amount@ second and dealing @MinorDamageTooltip@ magic damage.

    If the bola travels at least 25% of its range, it Stuns and reveals for @Effect6Amount@ seconds instead. It then also creates an ice storm that Slows surrounding enemies by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. All affected enemies take @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMinimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Glacial Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani throws her True Ice bola, Stunning and revealing the first enemy champion hit for @Effect2Amount@ second and dealing @MinorDamageTooltip@ magic damage.

    If the bola travels at least 25% of its range, it Stuns and reveals for @Effect6Amount@ seconds instead. It then also creates an ice storm that Slows surrounding enemies by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. All affected enemies take @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Glacial Prison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani throws her True Ice bola, Stunning and revealing the first enemy champion hit for @Effect2Amount@ second and dealing @MinorDamageTooltip@ magic damage.

    If the bola travels at least 25% of its range, it Stuns and reveals for @Effect6Amount@ seconds instead. It then also creates an ice storm that Slows surrounding enemies by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. All affected enemies take @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSejuani swings her mace twice, dealing damage, slowing enemies and applying Frost stacks.Winter's WrathWinter's Wrath@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Winter's Wrath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani swings her flail, dealing @FirstHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and Knocking Back minions and jungle monsters. She then lashes out again, dealing @SecondHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and briefly Slowing targets.

    Both swings apply stacks of Permafrost.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Sejuani swings her flail, dealing @FirstHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and Knocking Back minions and jungle monsters. She then lashes out again, dealing @SecondHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and briefly Slowing targets.

    Both swings apply stacks of Permafrost.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Sejuani swings her flail, dealing @FirstHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and Knocking Back minions and jungle monsters. She then lashes out again, dealing @SecondHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and briefly Slowing targets by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Both swings apply stacks of Permafrost.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Winter's Wrath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani swings her flail, dealing @FirstHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and Knocking Back minions and jungle monsters. She then lashes out again, dealing @SecondHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and briefly Slowing targets by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Both swings apply stacks of Permafrost.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    First Hit Damage
    Second Hit Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Winter's Wrath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani swings her flail, dealing @FirstHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and Knocking Back minions and jungle monsters. She then lashes out again, dealing @SecondHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and briefly Slowing targets by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Both swings apply stacks of Permafrost.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upFirst Hit Damage
    Second Hit Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    First Hit Damage
    Second Hit Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    First Hit Damage
    Second Hit Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Winter's Wrath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani swings her flail, dealing @FirstHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and Knocking Back minions and jungle monsters. She then lashes out again, dealing @SecondHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and briefly Slowing targets by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Both swings apply stacks of Permafrost.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Winter's Wrath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sejuani swings her flail, dealing @FirstHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and Knocking Back minions and jungle monsters. She then lashes out again, dealing @SecondHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and briefly Slowing targets.

    Both swings apply stacks of Permafrost.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSenna draws the Mist she has stored in her weapon into a storm around her, embracing darkness and becoming a wraith within. Allies who enter the area are camouflaged and also appear as wraiths as the Mist shrouds them. Wraiths gain increased Move Speed, are unselectable, and hide their identities.Curse of the Black Mist@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Curse of the Black Mist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna dissolves into a cloud of Black Mist for @BuffDuration@ seconds, becoming a Wraith. Allied champions who enter the Mist are Camouflaged and become Wraiths when they leave. Wraiths gain @TotalMS@ Move Speed, are Unselectable, and hide their identities as long as no enemy champions are nearby.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Senna dissolves into a cloud of Black Mist for @BuffDuration@ seconds, becoming a Wraith. Allied champions who enter the Mist are Camouflaged and become Wraiths when they leave. Wraiths gain @TotalMS@ Move Speed, are Unselectable, and hide their identities as long as no enemy champions are nearby.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Curse of the Black Mist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna dissolves into a cloud of Black Mist for @BuffDuration@ seconds, becoming a Wraith. Allied champions who enter the Mist are Camouflaged and become Wraiths when they leave. Wraiths gain @TotalMS@ Move Speed, are Unselectable, and hide their identities as long as no enemy champions are nearby.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Enemies can see where Wraiths are, but not who they are. They are otherwise treated as being Camouflaged.
    Unselectable units cannot be targeted by Attacks or Abilities that require a target.
    [ @BuffDuration1Prefix@@BuffDuration1@@BuffDuration1Postfix@ / @BuffDuration2Prefix@@BuffDuration2@@BuffDuration2Postfix@ / @BuffDuration3Prefix@@BuffDuration3@@BuffDuration3Postfix@ / @BuffDuration4Prefix@@BuffDuration4@@BuffDuration4Postfix@ / @BuffDuration5Prefix@@BuffDuration5@@BuffDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Curse of the Black Mist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna dissolves into a cloud of Black Mist for @BuffDuration@ seconds, becoming a Wraith. Allied champions who enter the Mist are Camouflaged and become Wraiths when they leave. Wraiths gain @TotalMS@ Move Speed, are Unselectable, and hide their identities as long as no enemy champions are nearby.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDuration
    @BuffDuration@ -> @BuffDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @BuffDuration1Prefix@@BuffDuration1@@BuffDuration1Postfix@ / @BuffDuration2Prefix@@BuffDuration2@@BuffDuration2Postfix@ / @BuffDuration3Prefix@@BuffDuration3@@BuffDuration3Postfix@ / @BuffDuration4Prefix@@BuffDuration4@@BuffDuration4Postfix@ / @BuffDuration5Prefix@@BuffDuration5@@BuffDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @BuffDuration@ -> @BuffDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Curse of the Black Mist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna dissolves into a cloud of Black Mist for @BuffDuration@ seconds, becoming a Wraith. Allied champions who enter the Mist are Camouflaged and become Wraiths when they leave. Wraiths gain @TotalMS@ Move Speed, are Unselectable, and hide their identities as long as no enemy champions are nearby.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Curse of the Black Mist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna dissolves into a cloud of Black Mist for @BuffDuration@ seconds, becoming a Wraith. Allied champions who enter the Mist are Camouflaged and become Wraiths when they leave. Wraiths gain @TotalMS@ Move Speed, are Unselectable, and hide their identities as long as no enemy champions are nearby.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPiercing Darkness@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Piercing Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Piercing Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Piercing Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Piercing Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Piercing Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFrom the twin barrels of her Relic Cannon, Senna fires a unified beam of light and shadow through a target, healing allies and damaging enemies.[@Hotkey@] Piercing Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna shoots a bolt of piercing shadow through an ally or enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to enemies and Slowing them by @TotalSlow@ for @SlowDuration@ second(s). Restores @TotalHeal@ Health to allied champions.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @CDReductionOnHit@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Senna shoots a bolt of piercing shadow through an ally or enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to enemies and Slowing them by @TotalSlow@ for @SlowDuration@ second(s). Restores @TotalHeal@ Health to allied champions.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @CDReductionOnHit@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Piercing Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna shoots a bolt of piercing shadow through an ally or enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to enemies and Slowing them by @TotalSlow@ for @SlowDuration@ second(s). Restores @TotalHeal@ Health to allied champions.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @CDReductionOnHit@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability's cast range matches Senna's attack range and its cast time is improved with Attack Speed. It can target anything and applies on-hit effects to enemy champions.Damage
    Slow Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ / @BaseHeal4Prefix@@BaseHeal4@@BaseHeal4Postfix@ / @BaseHeal5Prefix@@BaseHeal5@@BaseHeal5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowDuration1Prefix@@SlowDuration1@@SlowDuration1Postfix@ / @SlowDuration2Prefix@@SlowDuration2@@SlowDuration2Postfix@ / @SlowDuration3Prefix@@SlowDuration3@@SlowDuration3Postfix@ / @SlowDuration4Prefix@@SlowDuration4@@SlowDuration4Postfix@ / @SlowDuration5Prefix@@SlowDuration5@@SlowDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Piercing Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna shoots a bolt of piercing shadow through an ally or enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to enemies and Slowing them by @TotalSlow@ for @SlowDuration@ second(s). Restores @TotalHeal@ Health to allied champions.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @CDReductionOnHit@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Slow Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @SlowDuration@ -> @SlowDurationNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Slow Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ / @BaseHeal4Prefix@@BaseHeal4@@BaseHeal4Postfix@ / @BaseHeal5Prefix@@BaseHeal5@@BaseHeal5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowDuration1Prefix@@SlowDuration1@@SlowDuration1Postfix@ / @SlowDuration2Prefix@@SlowDuration2@@SlowDuration2Postfix@ / @SlowDuration3Prefix@@SlowDuration3@@SlowDuration3Postfix@ / @SlowDuration4Prefix@@SlowDuration4@@SlowDuration4Postfix@ / @SlowDuration5Prefix@@SlowDuration5@@SlowDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Slow Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @SlowDuration@ -> @SlowDurationNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Piercing Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna shoots a bolt of piercing shadow through an ally or enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to enemies and Slowing them by @TotalSlow@ for @SlowDuration@ second(s). Restores @TotalHeal@ Health to allied champions.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @CDReductionOnHit@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Piercing Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna shoots a bolt of piercing shadow through an ally or enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to enemies and Slowing them by @TotalSlow@ for @SlowDuration@ second(s). Restores @TotalHeal@ Health to allied champions.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @CDReductionOnHit@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSenna calls upon the relic stones of fallen Sentinels, splitting her relic cannon into a holy array of shadow and light. She then fires a global beam that shields allies from harm, while damaging enemies caught in the center.Dawning ShadowDawning Shadow@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dawning Shadow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna fires a beam of light that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemy champions hit. Allied champions hit in a wider area receive @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Senna fires a beam of light that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemy champions hit. Allied champions hit in a wider area receive @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dawning Shadow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna fires a beam of light that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemy champions hit. Allied champions hit in a wider area receive @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@The shield's power scales with the amount of Mist Senna has collected.Damage
    Shield Amount
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Shield1Prefix@@Shield1@@Shield1Postfix@ / @Shield2Prefix@@Shield2@@Shield2Postfix@ / @Shield3Prefix@@Shield3@@Shield3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Dawning Shadow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna fires a beam of light that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemy champions hit. Allied champions hit in a wider area receive @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Shield Amount
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Shield@ -> @ShieldNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Shield Amount
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Shield1Prefix@@Shield1@@Shield1Postfix@ / @Shield2Prefix@@Shield2@@Shield2Postfix@ / @Shield3Prefix@@Shield3@@Shield3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Shield@ -> @ShieldNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Dawning Shadow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna fires a beam of light that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemy champions hit. Allied champions hit in a wider area receive @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Dawning Shadow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna fires a beam of light that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemy champions hit. Allied champions hit in a wider area receive @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSenna sends forth a wave of Black Mist. If it hits an enemy it latches onto them hungrily, rooting them and everything nearby after a brief delay.Last Embrace@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Last Embrace@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna sends forth the Black Mist, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit. After a @DelayTime@ second delay the target and other nearby enemies are Rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Senna sends forth the Black Mist, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit. After a @DelayTime@ second delay the target and other nearby enemies are Rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Last Embrace@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna sends forth the Black Mist, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit. After a @DelayTime@ second delay the target and other nearby enemies are Rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @RootDuration1Prefix@@RootDuration1@@RootDuration1Postfix@ / @RootDuration2Prefix@@RootDuration2@@RootDuration2Postfix@ / @RootDuration3Prefix@@RootDuration3@@RootDuration3Postfix@ / @RootDuration4Prefix@@RootDuration4@@RootDuration4Postfix@ / @RootDuration5Prefix@@RootDuration5@@RootDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Last Embrace@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna sends forth the Black Mist, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit. After a @DelayTime@ second delay the target and other nearby enemies are Rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @RootDuration@ -> @RootDurationNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Last Embrace@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna sends forth the Black Mist, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit. After a @DelayTime@ second delay the target and other nearby enemies are Rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Last Embrace@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Senna sends forth the Black Mist, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit. After a @DelayTime@ second delay the target and other nearby enemies are Rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSeraphine deals damage and impairs the movement of enemies in a line.Beat DropBeat Drop@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Beat Drop@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine unleashes a heavy soundwave, dealing @FinalDamage@ Magic Damage to enemies in a line and Slowing them by @SlowValue@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Enemies that are already Slowed are Rooted instead, and Immobilized enemies are Stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Seraphine unleashes a heavy soundwave, dealing @FinalDamage@ Magic Damage to enemies in a line and Slowing them by @SlowValue@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Enemies that are already Slowed are Rooted instead, and Immobilized enemies are Stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Beat Drop@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine unleashes a heavy soundwave, dealing @FinalDamage@ Magic Damage to enemies in a line and Slowing them by @SlowValue@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Enemies that are already Slowed are Rooted instead, and Immobilized enemies are Stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Beat Drop@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine unleashes a heavy soundwave, dealing @FinalDamage@ Magic Damage to enemies in a line and Slowing them by @SlowValue@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Enemies that are already Slowed are Rooted instead, and Immobilized enemies are Stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Beat Drop@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine unleashes a heavy soundwave, dealing @FinalDamage@ Magic Damage to enemies in a line and Slowing them by @SlowValue@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Enemies that are already Slowed are Rooted instead, and Immobilized enemies are Stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Beat Drop@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine unleashes a heavy soundwave, dealing @FinalDamage@ Magic Damage to enemies in a line and Slowing them by @SlowValue@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Enemies that are already Slowed are Rooted instead, and Immobilized enemies are Stunned.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSeraphine deals damage in an area.High NoteHigh Note@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] High Note@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine projects a pure note, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage, increased by the target's missing Health percentage up to @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ damage below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Seraphine projects a pure note, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage, increased by the target's missing Health percentage up to @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ damage below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] High Note@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine projects a pure note, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage, increased by the target's missing Health percentage up to @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ damage below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Initial Damage
    Total AP Ratio
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @APRatio1Prefix@@APRatio1*100.000000@%@APRatio1Postfix@ / @APRatio2Prefix@@APRatio2*100.000000@%@APRatio2Postfix@ / @APRatio3Prefix@@APRatio3*100.000000@%@APRatio3Postfix@ / @APRatio4Prefix@@APRatio4*100.000000@%@APRatio4Postfix@ / @APRatio5Prefix@@APRatio5*100.000000@%@APRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] High Note@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine projects a pure note, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage, increased by the target's missing Health percentage up to @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ damage below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Initial Damage
    Total AP Ratio
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @APRatio*100.000000@% -> @APRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Initial Damage
    Total AP Ratio
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @APRatio1Prefix@@APRatio1*100.000000@%@APRatio1Postfix@ / @APRatio2Prefix@@APRatio2*100.000000@%@APRatio2Postfix@ / @APRatio3Prefix@@APRatio3*100.000000@%@APRatio3Postfix@ / @APRatio4Prefix@@APRatio4*100.000000@%@APRatio4Postfix@ / @APRatio5Prefix@@APRatio5*100.000000@%@APRatio5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Initial Damage
    Total AP Ratio
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @APRatio*100.000000@% -> @APRatioNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] High Note@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine projects a pure note, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage, increased by the target's missing Health percentage up to @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ damage below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] High Note@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine projects a pure note, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage, increased by the target's missing Health percentage up to @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ damage below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSeraphine deals damage and charms enemies hit, refreshing the range with every allied or enemy champion hit.Encore@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Encore@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine takes the stage, projecting a captivating force that Charms for @RChannelDuration@ seconds and deals @R1TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Any champions struck (including allies) become part of the performance, extending the range of this Ability. Allied champions gain maximum Notes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Seraphine takes the stage, projecting a captivating force that Charms for @RChannelDuration@ seconds and deals @R1TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Any champions struck (including allies) become part of the performance, extending the range of this Ability. Allied champions gain maximum Notes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Encore@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine takes the stage, projecting a captivating force that Charms for @RChannelDuration@ seconds and deals @R1TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Any champions struck (including allies) become part of the performance, extending the range of this Ability. Allied champions gain maximum Notes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Charm Duration
    Initial Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RChannelDuration1Prefix@@RChannelDuration1@@RChannelDuration1Postfix@ / @RChannelDuration2Prefix@@RChannelDuration2@@RChannelDuration2Postfix@ / @RChannelDuration3Prefix@@RChannelDuration3@@RChannelDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @R1BaseDamage1Prefix@@R1BaseDamage1@@R1BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @R1BaseDamage2Prefix@@R1BaseDamage2@@R1BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @R1BaseDamage3Prefix@@R1BaseDamage3@@R1BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Encore@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine takes the stage, projecting a captivating force that Charms for @RChannelDuration@ seconds and deals @R1TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Any champions struck (including allies) become part of the performance, extending the range of this Ability. Allied champions gain maximum Notes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Charm Duration
    Initial Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @RChannelDuration@ -> @RChannelDurationNL@
    @R1BaseDamage@ -> @R1BaseDamageNL@
    Charm Duration
    Initial Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RChannelDuration1Prefix@@RChannelDuration1@@RChannelDuration1Postfix@ / @RChannelDuration2Prefix@@RChannelDuration2@@RChannelDuration2Postfix@ / @RChannelDuration3Prefix@@RChannelDuration3@@RChannelDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @R1BaseDamage1Prefix@@R1BaseDamage1@@R1BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @R1BaseDamage2Prefix@@R1BaseDamage2@@R1BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @R1BaseDamage3Prefix@@R1BaseDamage3@@R1BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    Charm Duration
    Initial Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @RChannelDuration@ -> @RChannelDurationNL@
    @R1BaseDamage@ -> @R1BaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Encore@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine takes the stage, projecting a captivating force that Charms for @RChannelDuration@ seconds and deals @R1TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Any champions struck (including allies) become part of the performance, extending the range of this Ability. Allied champions gain maximum Notes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Encore@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine takes the stage, projecting a captivating force that Charms for @RChannelDuration@ seconds and deals @R1TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Any champions struck (including allies) become part of the performance, extending the range of this Ability. Allied champions gain maximum Notes.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSeraphine Shields and Hastes nearby allies. If she is already Shielded she will Heal nearby allies as well.Surround SoundSurround Sound@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Surround Sound@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine spurs her nearby allied champions in song, granting herself @WMSBonusTotal@ decaying Move Speed and @ShieldValueSeraphine@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (allies granted @HasteValueAllies@ Move Speed and @TotalShieldStrength@ Shield instead).

    If Seraphine is already Shielded, she calls out to her allies to join her, restoring @WMissingHPHeal@% missing Health to them per nearby ally champion after a @WHealSplitDelay@ second delay.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Seraphine spurs her nearby allied champions in song, granting herself @WMSBonusTotal@ decaying Move Speed and @ShieldValueSeraphine@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (allies granted @HasteValueAllies@ Move Speed and @TotalShieldStrength@ Shield instead).

    If Seraphine is already Shielded, she calls out to her allies to join her, restoring @WMissingHPHeal@% missing Health to them per nearby ally champion after a @WHealSplitDelay@ second delay.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Surround Sound@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine spurs her nearby allied champions in song, granting herself @WMSBonusTotal@ decaying Move Speed and @ShieldValueSeraphine@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (allies granted @HasteValueAllies@ Move Speed and @TotalShieldStrength@ Shield instead).

    If Seraphine is already Shielded, she calls out to her allies to join her, restoring @WMissingHPHeal@% missing Health to them per nearby ally champion after a @WHealSplitDelay@ second delay.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability only heals once, even if cast twice.Cooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Shield Amount
    Percent Healed
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldStrength1Prefix@@ShieldStrength1@@ShieldStrength1Postfix@ / @ShieldStrength2Prefix@@ShieldStrength2@@ShieldStrength2Postfix@ / @ShieldStrength3Prefix@@ShieldStrength3@@ShieldStrength3Postfix@ / @ShieldStrength4Prefix@@ShieldStrength4@@ShieldStrength4Postfix@ / @ShieldStrength5Prefix@@ShieldStrength5@@ShieldStrength5Postfix@ ]
    [ @WMissingHPBase1Prefix@@WMissingHPBase1@@WMissingHPBase1Postfix@ / @WMissingHPBase2Prefix@@WMissingHPBase2@@WMissingHPBase2Postfix@ / @WMissingHPBase3Prefix@@WMissingHPBase3@@WMissingHPBase3Postfix@ / @WMissingHPBase4Prefix@@WMissingHPBase4@@WMissingHPBase4Postfix@ / @WMissingHPBase5Prefix@@WMissingHPBase5@@WMissingHPBase5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Surround Sound@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine spurs her nearby allied champions in song, granting herself @WMSBonusTotal@ decaying Move Speed and @ShieldValueSeraphine@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (allies granted @HasteValueAllies@ Move Speed and @TotalShieldStrength@ Shield instead).

    If Seraphine is already Shielded, she calls out to her allies to join her, restoring @WMissingHPHeal@% missing Health to them per nearby ally champion after a @WHealSplitDelay@ second delay.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Shield Amount
    Percent Healed
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @ShieldStrength@ -> @ShieldStrengthNL@
    @WMissingHPBase@ -> @WMissingHPBaseNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Shield Amount
    Percent Healed
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldStrength1Prefix@@ShieldStrength1@@ShieldStrength1Postfix@ / @ShieldStrength2Prefix@@ShieldStrength2@@ShieldStrength2Postfix@ / @ShieldStrength3Prefix@@ShieldStrength3@@ShieldStrength3Postfix@ / @ShieldStrength4Prefix@@ShieldStrength4@@ShieldStrength4Postfix@ / @ShieldStrength5Prefix@@ShieldStrength5@@ShieldStrength5Postfix@ ]
    [ @WMissingHPBase1Prefix@@WMissingHPBase1@@WMissingHPBase1Postfix@ / @WMissingHPBase2Prefix@@WMissingHPBase2@@WMissingHPBase2Postfix@ / @WMissingHPBase3Prefix@@WMissingHPBase3@@WMissingHPBase3Postfix@ / @WMissingHPBase4Prefix@@WMissingHPBase4@@WMissingHPBase4Postfix@ / @WMissingHPBase5Prefix@@WMissingHPBase5@@WMissingHPBase5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Shield Amount
    Percent Healed
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @ShieldStrength@ -> @ShieldStrengthNL@
    @WMissingHPBase@ -> @WMissingHPBaseNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Surround Sound@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine spurs her nearby allied champions in song, granting herself @WMSBonusTotal@ decaying Move Speed and @ShieldValueSeraphine@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (allies granted @HasteValueAllies@ Move Speed and @TotalShieldStrength@ Shield instead).

    If Seraphine is already Shielded, she calls out to her allies to join her, restoring @WMissingHPHeal@% missing Health to them per nearby ally champion after a @WHealSplitDelay@ second delay.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Surround Sound@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Seraphine spurs her nearby allied champions in song, granting herself @WMSBonusTotal@ decaying Move Speed and @ShieldValueSeraphine@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (allies granted @HasteValueAllies@ Move Speed and @TotalShieldStrength@ Shield instead).

    If Seraphine is already Shielded, she calls out to her allies to join her, restoring @WMissingHPHeal@% missing Health to them per nearby ally champion after a @WHealSplitDelay@ second delay.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSett pulls in all enemies on opposite sides of him, dealing damage and stunning them. If enemies were only on one side, they are slowed instead of stunned.FacebreakerFacebreaker@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Facebreaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSett smashes enemies on either side of him into each other, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If Sett grabbed at least one enemy on each side, all enemies are Stunned for @StunDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Sett smashes enemies on either side of him into each other, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If Sett grabbed at least one enemy on each side, all enemies are Stunned for @StunDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Facebreaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSett smashes enemies on either side of him into each other, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If Sett grabbed at least one enemy on each side, all enemies are Stunned for @StunDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    Base Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Facebreaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSett smashes enemies on either side of him into each other, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If Sett grabbed at least one enemy on each side, all enemies are Stunned for @StunDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Base Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Facebreaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSett smashes enemies on either side of him into each other, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If Sett grabbed at least one enemy on each side, all enemies are Stunned for @StunDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Facebreaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSett smashes enemies on either side of him into each other, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If Sett grabbed at least one enemy on each side, all enemies are Stunned for @StunDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSett's next two attacks deal additional damage based off of the target's max health. Sett also gains Move Speed while moving towards enemy champions.Knuckle Down@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Knuckle Down@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSett itches for a fight, gaining @MSAmount*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @MSDuration@ seconds.

    Additionally Sett's next two Attacks deal an additional @BaseDamage@ plus @MaxHealthDamageCalc@ max Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Sett itches for a fight, gaining @MSAmount*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @MSDuration@ seconds.

    Additionally Sett's next two Attacks deal an additional @BaseDamage@ plus @MaxHealthDamageCalc@ max Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Knuckle Down@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSett itches for a fight, gaining @MSAmount*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @MSDuration@ seconds.

    Additionally Sett's next two Attacks deal an additional @BaseDamage@ plus @MaxHealthDamageCalc@ max Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The Attacks are always a left and right punch. Deals a max of @MonsterCap@ damage to monsters per punch.Cooldown
    Base Damage
    % Max Health Per 100 AD
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP1Prefix@@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP1@%@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP1Postfix@ / @MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP2Prefix@@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP2@%@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP2Postfix@ / @MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP3Prefix@@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP3@%@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP3Postfix@ / @MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP4Prefix@@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP4@%@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP4Postfix@ / @MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP5Prefix@@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP5@%@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Knuckle Down@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSett itches for a fight, gaining @MSAmount*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @MSDuration@ seconds.

    Additionally Sett's next two Attacks deal an additional @BaseDamage@ plus @MaxHealthDamageCalc@ max Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Base Damage
    % Max Health Per 100 AD
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP@% -> @MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIPNL@%
    Base Damage
    % Max Health Per 100 AD
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP1Prefix@@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP1@%@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP1Postfix@ / @MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP2Prefix@@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP2@%@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP2Postfix@ / @MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP3Prefix@@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP3@%@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP3Postfix@ / @MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP4Prefix@@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP4@%@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP4Postfix@ / @MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP5Prefix@@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP5@%@MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP5Postfix@ ]
    Base Damage
    % Max Health Per 100 AD
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIP@% -> @MaxHealthTADRatioTOOLTIPNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Knuckle Down@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSett itches for a fight, gaining @MSAmount*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @MSDuration@ seconds.

    Additionally Sett's next two Attacks deal an additional @BaseDamage@ plus @MaxHealthDamageCalc@ max Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Knuckle Down@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSett itches for a fight, gaining @MSAmount*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @MSDuration@ seconds.

    Additionally Sett's next two Attacks deal an additional @BaseDamage@ plus @MaxHealthDamageCalc@ max Health physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSett carries an enemy champion through the air and slams them into the ground, dealing damage and slowing all enemies near where they land.The Show StopperThe Show Stopper@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] The Show Stopper@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSett grabs an enemy champion and Suppresses them as he carries them forward, then slams them into the ground, dealing @DamageCalc@ plus @MaxHealthDamage*100@% of the grabbed enemy's bonus Health physical damage to surrounding enemies and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies take less damage the further they are from where Sett lands.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Sett grabs an enemy champion and Suppresses them as he carries them forward, then slams them into the ground, dealing @DamageCalc@ plus @MaxHealthDamage*100@% of the grabbed enemy's bonus Health physical damage to surrounding enemies and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies take less damage the further they are from where Sett lands.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] The Show Stopper@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSett grabs an enemy champion and Suppresses them as he carries them forward, then slams them into the ground, dealing @DamageCalc@ plus @MaxHealthDamage*100@% of the grabbed enemy's bonus Health physical damage to surrounding enemies and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies take less damage the further they are from where Sett lands.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    Bonus Health Damage
    Base Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxHealthDamage1Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage1*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage2Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage2*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage3Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage3*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] The Show Stopper@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSett grabs an enemy champion and Suppresses them as he carries them forward, then slams them into the ground, dealing @DamageCalc@ plus @MaxHealthDamage*100@% of the grabbed enemy's bonus Health physical damage to surrounding enemies and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies take less damage the further they are from where Sett lands.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Bonus Health Damage
    Base Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @MaxHealthDamage*100.000000@% -> @MaxHealthDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    Bonus Health Damage
    Base Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxHealthDamage1Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage1*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage2Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage2*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage3Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage3*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Health Damage
    Base Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @MaxHealthDamage*100.000000@% -> @MaxHealthDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] The Show Stopper@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSett grabs an enemy champion and Suppresses them as he carries them forward, then slams them into the ground, dealing @DamageCalc@ plus @MaxHealthDamage*100@% of the grabbed enemy's bonus Health physical damage to surrounding enemies and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies take less damage the further they are from where Sett lands.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] The Show Stopper@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostSett grabs an enemy champion and Suppresses them as he carries them forward, then slams them into the ground, dealing @DamageCalc@ plus @MaxHealthDamage*100@% of the grabbed enemy's bonus Health physical damage to surrounding enemies and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies take less damage the further they are from where Sett lands.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSett passively stores damage he takes as Grit. On cast, Sett expends all stored Grit to gain a shield and punch an area, dealing true damage in the center and physical damage on the sides.HaymakerHaymaker@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Haymaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Sett stores @DamageStored*100@% of damage taken as Grit, up to @MaxGrit@. Grit decays quickly @AdrenalineStorageWindow@ seconds after the damage was taken.

    Active: Sett consumes all Grit, gaining a @ShieldConversion*100@% Grit consumed Shield decaying over @ShieldMaxDuration@ seconds. Sett then delivers a massive punch, dealing @DamageCalc@ plus @DamageConversion@ Grit consumed true damage to enemies in the center (max @f1@ damage). Enemies not in the center instead take physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Sett stores @DamageStored*100@% of damage taken as Grit, up to @MaxGrit@. Grit decays quickly @AdrenalineStorageWindow@ seconds after the damage was taken.

    Active: Sett consumes all Grit, gaining a @ShieldConversion*100@% Grit consumed Shield decaying over @ShieldMaxDuration@ seconds. Sett then delivers a massive punch, dealing @DamageCalc@ plus @DamageConversion@ Grit consumed true damage to enemies in the center (max @f1@ damage). Enemies not in the center instead take physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Haymaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Sett stores @DamageStored*100@% of damage taken as Grit, up to @MaxGrit@. Grit decays quickly @AdrenalineStorageWindow@ seconds after the damage was taken.

    Active: Sett consumes all Grit, gaining a @ShieldConversion*100@% Grit consumed Shield decaying over @ShieldMaxDuration@ seconds. Sett then delivers a massive punch, dealing @DamageCalc@ plus @DamageConversion@ Grit consumed true damage to enemies in the center (max @f1@ damage). Enemies not in the center instead take physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Base Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Haymaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Sett stores @DamageStored*100@% of damage taken as Grit, up to @MaxGrit@. Grit decays quickly @AdrenalineStorageWindow@ seconds after the damage was taken.

    Active: Sett consumes all Grit, gaining a @ShieldConversion*100@% Grit consumed Shield decaying over @ShieldMaxDuration@ seconds. Sett then delivers a massive punch, dealing @DamageCalc@ plus @DamageConversion@ Grit consumed true damage to enemies in the center (max @f1@ damage). Enemies not in the center instead take physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Base Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Haymaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Sett stores @DamageStored*100@% of damage taken as Grit, up to @MaxGrit@. Grit decays quickly @AdrenalineStorageWindow@ seconds after the damage was taken.

    Active: Sett consumes all Grit, gaining a @ShieldConversion*100@% Grit consumed Shield decaying over @ShieldMaxDuration@ seconds. Sett then delivers a massive punch, dealing @DamageCalc@ plus @DamageConversion@ Grit consumed true damage to enemies in the center (max @f1@ damage). Enemies not in the center instead take physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Haymaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Sett stores @DamageStored*100@% of damage taken as Grit, up to @MaxGrit@. Grit decays quickly @AdrenalineStorageWindow@ seconds after the damage was taken.

    Active: Sett consumes all Grit, gaining a @ShieldConversion*100@% Grit consumed Shield decaying over @ShieldMaxDuration@ seconds. Sett then delivers a massive punch, dealing @DamageCalc@ plus @DamageConversion@ Grit consumed true damage to enemies in the center (max @f1@ damage). Enemies not in the center instead take physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoShen dashes in a direction, taunting enemies in his path.Shadow DashShadow Dash@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shadow Dash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Dealing damage with Twilight Assault or this Ability recovers @EnergyRefund@ Energy.

    Active: Shen dashes, Taunting champions and jungle monsters for @CCDuration@ seconds and dealing @TauntDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Dealing damage with Twilight Assault or this Ability recovers @EnergyRefund@ Energy.

    Active: Shen dashes, Taunting champions and jungle monsters for @CCDuration@ seconds and dealing @TauntDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shadow Dash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Dealing damage with Twilight Assault or this Ability recovers @EnergyRefund@ Energy.

    Active: Shen dashes, Taunting champions and jungle monsters for @CCDuration@ seconds and dealing @TauntDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shadow Dash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Dealing damage with Twilight Assault or this Ability recovers @EnergyRefund@ Energy.

    Active: Shen dashes, Taunting champions and jungle monsters for @CCDuration@ seconds and dealing @TauntDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Shadow Dash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Dealing damage with Twilight Assault or this Ability recovers @EnergyRefund@ Energy.

    Active: Shen dashes, Taunting champions and jungle monsters for @CCDuration@ seconds and dealing @TauntDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shadow Dash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Dealing damage with Twilight Assault or this Ability recovers @EnergyRefund@ Energy.

    Active: Shen dashes, Taunting champions and jungle monsters for @CCDuration@ seconds and dealing @TauntDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoShen recalls his spirit blade to attack with it, dealing damage based on the target's max health. The attacks are greatly empowered if it collides with an enemy champion, and all collided enemies are slowed while running away from Shen.Twilight AssaultTwilight Assault@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Twilight Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen recalls his Spirit Blade. Enemies hit by the pull are Slowed by @Effect4Amount@% while moving away from Shen for the next @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Additionally, Shen's next @Effect3Amount@ Attacks deal an additional @BaseFlatDamage@ plus @BasePercentHealth@ max Health magic damage. If Shen hit an enemy champion with the Spirit Blade, the damage is increased to @BaseFlatDamage@ plus @EmpPercentHealth@ max Health magic damage and he gains @Effect9Amount@% Attack Speed for those Attacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shen recalls his Spirit Blade. Enemies hit by the pull are Slowed by @Effect4Amount@% while moving away from Shen for the next @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Additionally, Shen's next @Effect3Amount@ Attacks deal an additional @BaseFlatDamage@ plus @BasePercentHealth@ max Health magic damage. If Shen hit an enemy champion with the Spirit Blade, the damage is increased to @BaseFlatDamage@ plus @EmpPercentHealth@ max Health magic damage and he gains @Effect9Amount@% Attack Speed for those Attacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Twilight Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen recalls his Spirit Blade. Enemies hit by the pull are Slowed by @Effect4Amount@% while moving away from Shen for the next @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Additionally, Shen's next @Effect3Amount@ Attacks deal an additional @BaseFlatDamage@ plus @BasePercentHealth@ max Health magic damage. If Shen hit an enemy champion with the Spirit Blade, the damage is increased to @BaseFlatDamage@ plus @EmpPercentHealth@ max Health magic damage and he gains @Effect9Amount@% Attack Speed for those Attacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Each Attack deals @Effect1Amount*100@% increased damage to jungle monsters (max @Effect7Amount@ damage).Base Percent Damage
    Enhanced Percent Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Monster Damage Cap
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@%@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@%@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@%@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@%@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@%@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5@@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Twilight Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen recalls his Spirit Blade. Enemies hit by the pull are Slowed by @Effect4Amount@% while moving away from Shen for the next @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Additionally, Shen's next @Effect3Amount@ Attacks deal an additional @BaseFlatDamage@ plus @BasePercentHealth@ max Health magic damage. If Shen hit an enemy champion with the Spirit Blade, the damage is increased to @BaseFlatDamage@ plus @EmpPercentHealth@ max Health magic damage and he gains @Effect9Amount@% Attack Speed for those Attacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Percent Damage
    Enhanced Percent Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Monster Damage Cap
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect6Amount@% -> @Effect6AmountNL@%
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Base Percent Damage
    Enhanced Percent Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Monster Damage Cap
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@%@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@%@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@%@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@%@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@%@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5@@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Base Percent Damage
    Enhanced Percent Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Monster Damage Cap
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect6Amount@% -> @Effect6AmountNL@%
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Twilight Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen recalls his Spirit Blade. Enemies hit by the pull are Slowed by @Effect4Amount@% while moving away from Shen for the next @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Additionally, Shen's next @Effect3Amount@ Attacks deal an additional @BaseFlatDamage@ plus @BasePercentHealth@ max Health magic damage. If Shen hit an enemy champion with the Spirit Blade, the damage is increased to @BaseFlatDamage@ plus @EmpPercentHealth@ max Health magic damage and he gains @Effect9Amount@% Attack Speed for those Attacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Twilight Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen recalls his Spirit Blade. Enemies hit by the pull are Slowed by @Effect4Amount@% while moving away from Shen for the next @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Additionally, Shen's next @Effect3Amount@ Attacks deal an additional @BaseFlatDamage@ plus @BasePercentHealth@ max Health magic damage. If Shen hit an enemy champion with the Spirit Blade, the damage is increased to @BaseFlatDamage@ plus @EmpPercentHealth@ max Health magic damage and he gains @Effect9Amount@% Attack Speed for those Attacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoShen shields target allied champion from incoming damage, and soon after teleports to their location.Stand UnitedStand United@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Stand United@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShen grants an allied champion anywhere on the map between @Shield@ and @MaxShield@ Shield based on their missing Health for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (max Shield at 60% missing Health). After channeling for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, Shen teleports to his ally's location with his Spirit Blade.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Shen grants an allied champion anywhere on the map between @Shield@ and @MaxShield@ Shield based on their missing Health for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (max Shield at 60% missing Health). After channeling for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, Shen teleports to his ally's location with his Spirit Blade.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Stand United@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShen grants an allied champion anywhere on the map between @Shield@ and @MaxShield@ Shield based on their missing Health for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (max Shield at 60% missing Health). After channeling for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, Shen teleports to his ally's location with his Spirit Blade.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Minimum Shield Health
    Maximum Shield Health
    [ @BaseShieldAmount1Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount1@@BaseShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @BaseShieldAmount2Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount2@@BaseShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @BaseShieldAmount3Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount3@@BaseShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip1Prefix@@BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip1@@BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip1Postfix@ / @BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip2Prefix@@BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip2@@BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip2Postfix@ / @BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip3Prefix@@BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip3@@BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Stand United@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShen grants an allied champion anywhere on the map between @Shield@ and @MaxShield@ Shield based on their missing Health for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (max Shield at 60% missing Health). After channeling for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, Shen teleports to his ally's location with his Spirit Blade.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMinimum Shield Health
    Maximum Shield Health
    @BaseShieldAmount@ -> @BaseShieldAmountNL@
    @BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip@ -> @BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltipNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Minimum Shield Health
    Maximum Shield Health
    [ @BaseShieldAmount1Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount1@@BaseShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @BaseShieldAmount2Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount2@@BaseShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @BaseShieldAmount3Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount3@@BaseShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip1Prefix@@BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip1@@BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip1Postfix@ / @BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip2Prefix@@BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip2@@BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip2Postfix@ / @BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip3Prefix@@BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip3@@BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Minimum Shield Health
    Maximum Shield Health
    @BaseShieldAmount@ -> @BaseShieldAmountNL@
    @BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltip@ -> @BaseShieldMax_LevelUpTooltipNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Stand United@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShen grants an allied champion anywhere on the map between @Shield@ and @MaxShield@ Shield based on their missing Health for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (max Shield at 60% missing Health). After channeling for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, Shen teleports to his ally's location with his Spirit Blade.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Stand United@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShen grants an allied champion anywhere on the map between @Shield@ and @MaxShield@ Shield based on their missing Health for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (max Shield at 60% missing Health). After channeling for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, Shen teleports to his ally's location with his Spirit Blade.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoAttacks that would hit Shen or his allies near his spirit blade are blocked.Spirit's Refuge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spirit's Refuge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen creates a defensive zone at his Spirit Blade for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Attacks against allied champions in the zone are blocked.

    If there are no champions to protect in the zone when it starts, it will wait for up to @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shen creates a defensive zone at his Spirit Blade for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Attacks against allied champions in the zone are blocked.

    If there are no champions to protect in the zone when it starts, it will wait for up to @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spirit's Refuge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen creates a defensive zone at his Spirit Blade for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Attacks against allied champions in the zone are blocked.

    If there are no champions to protect in the zone when it starts, it will wait for up to @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Spirit's Refuge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen creates a defensive zone at his Spirit Blade for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Attacks against allied champions in the zone are blocked.

    If there are no champions to protect in the zone when it starts, it will wait for up to @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@[@Hotkey@] Spirit's Refuge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen creates a defensive zone at his Spirit Blade for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Attacks against allied champions in the zone are blocked.

    If there are no champions to protect in the zone when it starts, it will wait for up to @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Spirit's Refuge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shen creates a defensive zone at his Spirit Blade for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Attacks against allied champions in the zone are blocked.

    If there are no champions to protect in the zone when it starts, it will wait for up to @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoShyvana strikes twice on her next attack. Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Twin Bite by 0.5 seconds.

    Dragon Form: Twin Bite cleaves all units in front of Shyvana.Twin BiteTwin Bite@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Twin Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShyvana's next Attack strikes twice, dealing @FirstHitDamageCalc@ then @SecondHitDamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @CDReductionOnHit@ seconds.

    Dragon Form: The empowered Attacks hit all units in front of Shyvana.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shyvana's next Attack strikes twice, dealing @FirstHitDamageCalc@ then @SecondHitDamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @CDReductionOnHit@ seconds.

    Dragon Form: The empowered Attacks hit all units in front of Shyvana.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Twin Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShyvana's next Attack strikes twice, dealing @FirstHitDamageCalc@ then @SecondHitDamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @CDReductionOnHit@ seconds.

    Dragon Form: The empowered Attacks hit all units in front of Shyvana.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Bonus Damage
    [ @SecondHitDamage1Prefix@@SecondHitDamage1*100.000000@%@SecondHitDamage1Postfix@ / @SecondHitDamage2Prefix@@SecondHitDamage2*100.000000@%@SecondHitDamage2Postfix@ / @SecondHitDamage3Prefix@@SecondHitDamage3*100.000000@%@SecondHitDamage3Postfix@ / @SecondHitDamage4Prefix@@SecondHitDamage4*100.000000@%@SecondHitDamage4Postfix@ / @SecondHitDamage5Prefix@@SecondHitDamage5*100.000000@%@SecondHitDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Twin Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShyvana's next Attack strikes twice, dealing @FirstHitDamageCalc@ then @SecondHitDamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @CDReductionOnHit@ seconds.

    Dragon Form: The empowered Attacks hit all units in front of Shyvana.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Damage
    @SecondHitDamage*100.000000@% -> @SecondHitDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Bonus Damage
    [ @SecondHitDamage1Prefix@@SecondHitDamage1*100.000000@%@SecondHitDamage1Postfix@ / @SecondHitDamage2Prefix@@SecondHitDamage2*100.000000@%@SecondHitDamage2Postfix@ / @SecondHitDamage3Prefix@@SecondHitDamage3*100.000000@%@SecondHitDamage3Postfix@ / @SecondHitDamage4Prefix@@SecondHitDamage4*100.000000@%@SecondHitDamage4Postfix@ / @SecondHitDamage5Prefix@@SecondHitDamage5*100.000000@%@SecondHitDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Damage
    @SecondHitDamage*100.000000@% -> @SecondHitDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Twin Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShyvana's next Attack strikes twice, dealing @FirstHitDamageCalc@ then @SecondHitDamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @CDReductionOnHit@ seconds.

    Dragon Form: The empowered Attacks hit all units in front of Shyvana.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Twin Bite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShyvana's next Attack strikes twice, dealing @FirstHitDamageCalc@ then @SecondHitDamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @CDReductionOnHit@ seconds.

    Dragon Form: The empowered Attacks hit all units in front of Shyvana.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoShyvana unleashes a fireball that deals damage to all enemies it encounters and leaves cinders on the target, marking them for 5 seconds. Shyvana's basic attacks on marked targets deal a percentage of their maximum Health as damage on-hit.

    Dragon Form: Flame Breath explodes on impact or at target location, dealing bonus damage and scorching the earth for a short duration.Flame BreathFlame Breath@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Flame Breath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShyvana unleashes a fireball that deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage and marks for @MarkDuration@ seconds. The fireball stops on the first champion hit.

    Shyvana's Attacks against marked targets deal an additional @PercentHPDamage*100@% max Health magic damage.

    Dragon Form: The fireball explodes once it ends, dealing an additional @DragonExplosionCalc@ magic damage and scorching the earth, dealing @DragonDamageTotalCalc@ magic damage over 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shyvana unleashes a fireball that deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage and marks for @MarkDuration@ seconds. The fireball stops on the first champion hit.

    Shyvana's Attacks against marked targets deal an additional @PercentHPDamage*100@% max Health magic damage.

    Dragon Form: The fireball explodes once it ends, dealing an additional @DragonExplosionCalc@ magic damage and scorching the earth, dealing @DragonDamageTotalCalc@ magic damage over 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Flame Breath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShyvana unleashes a fireball that deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage and marks for @MarkDuration@ seconds. The fireball stops on the first champion hit.

    Shyvana's Attacks against marked targets deal an additional @PercentHPDamage*100@% max Health magic damage.

    Dragon Form: The fireball explodes once it ends, dealing an additional @DragonExplosionCalc@ magic damage and scorching the earth, dealing @DragonDamageTotalCalc@ magic damage over 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The bonus damage on Attacks is capped at @MaxDamageVsMonsters@ damage against jungle monsters.Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Flame Breath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShyvana unleashes a fireball that deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage and marks for @MarkDuration@ seconds. The fireball stops on the first champion hit.

    Shyvana's Attacks against marked targets deal an additional @PercentHPDamage*100@% max Health magic damage.

    Dragon Form: The fireball explodes once it ends, dealing an additional @DragonExplosionCalc@ magic damage and scorching the earth, dealing @DragonDamageTotalCalc@ magic damage over 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Flame Breath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShyvana unleashes a fireball that deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage and marks for @MarkDuration@ seconds. The fireball stops on the first champion hit.

    Shyvana's Attacks against marked targets deal an additional @PercentHPDamage*100@% max Health magic damage.

    Dragon Form: The fireball explodes once it ends, dealing an additional @DragonExplosionCalc@ magic damage and scorching the earth, dealing @DragonDamageTotalCalc@ magic damage over 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Flame Breath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShyvana unleashes a fireball that deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage and marks for @MarkDuration@ seconds. The fireball stops on the first champion hit.

    Shyvana's Attacks against marked targets deal an additional @PercentHPDamage*100@% max Health magic damage.

    Dragon Form: The fireball explodes once it ends, dealing an additional @DragonExplosionCalc@ magic damage and scorching the earth, dealing @DragonDamageTotalCalc@ magic damage over 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoShyvana surrounds herself in fire, dealing magic damage per second to nearby enemies and moving faster for 3 seconds, part of this damage is applied again when Shyvana basic attacks an enemy with Burnout active. The Move Speed reduces over the duration of the spell. Basic attacks extend the duration of Burnout.

    Dragon Form: Burnout grows in size.BurnoutBurnout@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Burnout@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShyvana summons a flame storm around her, gaining @FinalMSPerc@ decaying Move Speed and dealing @DamagePerTickCalc@ magic damage per second for @BaseDuration@ seconds.

    The flame storm also causes Shyvana's Attacks to deal an additional @DamageOnHitCalc@ magic damage to surrounding enemies and extend this Ability's duration by @BonusDurationOnHit@ second.

    Dragon Form: The size of the flame storm is increased.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shyvana summons a flame storm around her, gaining @FinalMSPerc@ decaying Move Speed and dealing @DamagePerTickCalc@ magic damage per second for @BaseDuration@ seconds.

    The flame storm also causes Shyvana's Attacks to deal an additional @DamageOnHitCalc@ magic damage to surrounding enemies and extend this Ability's duration by @BonusDurationOnHit@ second.

    Dragon Form: The size of the flame storm is increased.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Burnout@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShyvana summons a flame storm around her, gaining @FinalMSPerc@ decaying Move Speed and dealing @DamagePerTickCalc@ magic damage per second for @BaseDuration@ seconds.

    The flame storm also causes Shyvana's Attacks to deal an additional @DamageOnHitCalc@ magic damage to surrounding enemies and extend this Ability's duration by @BonusDurationOnHit@ second.

    Dragon Form: The size of the flame storm is increased.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability has a max duration of @MaxBuffDuration@ seconds.Damage (aura)
    Damage (on hit)
    Move Speed
    [ @DamagePerTick1Prefix@@DamagePerTick1@@DamagePerTick1Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick2Prefix@@DamagePerTick2@@DamagePerTick2Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick3Prefix@@DamagePerTick3@@DamagePerTick3Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick4Prefix@@DamagePerTick4@@DamagePerTick4Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick5Prefix@@DamagePerTick5@@DamagePerTick5Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamagePerTick1Prefix@@DamagePerTick1*0.250000@@DamagePerTick1Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick2Prefix@@DamagePerTick2*0.250000@@DamagePerTick2Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick3Prefix@@DamagePerTick3*0.250000@@DamagePerTick3Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick4Prefix@@DamagePerTick4*0.250000@@DamagePerTick4Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick5Prefix@@DamagePerTick5*0.250000@@DamagePerTick5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MSPercent1Prefix@@MSPercent1*100.000000@%@MSPercent1Postfix@ / @MSPercent2Prefix@@MSPercent2*100.000000@%@MSPercent2Postfix@ / @MSPercent3Prefix@@MSPercent3*100.000000@%@MSPercent3Postfix@ / @MSPercent4Prefix@@MSPercent4*100.000000@%@MSPercent4Postfix@ / @MSPercent5Prefix@@MSPercent5*100.000000@%@MSPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Burnout@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShyvana summons a flame storm around her, gaining @FinalMSPerc@ decaying Move Speed and dealing @DamagePerTickCalc@ magic damage per second for @BaseDuration@ seconds.

    The flame storm also causes Shyvana's Attacks to deal an additional @DamageOnHitCalc@ magic damage to surrounding enemies and extend this Ability's duration by @BonusDurationOnHit@ second.

    Dragon Form: The size of the flame storm is increased.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage (aura)
    Damage (on hit)
    Move Speed
    @DamagePerTick@ -> @DamagePerTickNL@
    @DamagePerTick*0.250000@ -> @DamagePerTickNL*0.250000@
    @MSPercent*100.000000@% -> @MSPercentNL*100.000000@%
    Damage (aura)
    Damage (on hit)
    Move Speed
    [ @DamagePerTick1Prefix@@DamagePerTick1@@DamagePerTick1Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick2Prefix@@DamagePerTick2@@DamagePerTick2Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick3Prefix@@DamagePerTick3@@DamagePerTick3Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick4Prefix@@DamagePerTick4@@DamagePerTick4Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick5Prefix@@DamagePerTick5@@DamagePerTick5Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamagePerTick1Prefix@@DamagePerTick1*0.250000@@DamagePerTick1Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick2Prefix@@DamagePerTick2*0.250000@@DamagePerTick2Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick3Prefix@@DamagePerTick3*0.250000@@DamagePerTick3Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick4Prefix@@DamagePerTick4*0.250000@@DamagePerTick4Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick5Prefix@@DamagePerTick5*0.250000@@DamagePerTick5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MSPercent1Prefix@@MSPercent1*100.000000@%@MSPercent1Postfix@ / @MSPercent2Prefix@@MSPercent2*100.000000@%@MSPercent2Postfix@ / @MSPercent3Prefix@@MSPercent3*100.000000@%@MSPercent3Postfix@ / @MSPercent4Prefix@@MSPercent4*100.000000@%@MSPercent4Postfix@ / @MSPercent5Prefix@@MSPercent5*100.000000@%@MSPercent5Postfix@ ]
    Damage (aura)
    Damage (on hit)
    Move Speed
    @DamagePerTick@ -> @DamagePerTickNL@
    @DamagePerTick*0.250000@ -> @DamagePerTickNL*0.250000@
    @MSPercent*100.000000@% -> @MSPercentNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Burnout@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShyvana summons a flame storm around her, gaining @FinalMSPerc@ decaying Move Speed and dealing @DamagePerTickCalc@ magic damage per second for @BaseDuration@ seconds.

    The flame storm also causes Shyvana's Attacks to deal an additional @DamageOnHitCalc@ magic damage to surrounding enemies and extend this Ability's duration by @BonusDurationOnHit@ second.

    Dragon Form: The size of the flame storm is increased.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Burnout@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShyvana summons a flame storm around her, gaining @FinalMSPerc@ decaying Move Speed and dealing @DamagePerTickCalc@ magic damage per second for @BaseDuration@ seconds.

    The flame storm also causes Shyvana's Attacks to deal an additional @DamageOnHitCalc@ magic damage to surrounding enemies and extend this Ability's duration by @BonusDurationOnHit@ second.

    Dragon Form: The size of the flame storm is increased.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoShyvana transforms into a dragon and takes flight to a target location. Enemies along her path take damage and are knocked toward her target location.

    Shyvana passively gains Fury per second and gains 2 Fury on basic attack.Dragon's Descent@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dragon's DescentRequires @FuryToActivate@ Fury to Activate@SpellTags@@FuryDrainPerSecond@ Fury a SecondPassive: Shyvana generates @FuryGainPerTick@ Fury every second, and Attacks generate an extra @FuryGainOnHit@ Fury.

    Active: Shyvana transforms into Dragon Form, gaining @BonusHP@ max Health and flying forward, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage and Knocking enemies toward her target location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Shyvana generates @FuryGainPerTick@ Fury every second, and Attacks generate an extra @FuryGainOnHit@ Fury.

    Active: Shyvana transforms into Dragon Form, gaining @BonusHP@ max Health and flying forward, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage and Knocking enemies toward her target location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dragon's DescentRequires @FuryToActivate@ Fury to Activate@SpellTags@@FuryDrainPerSecond@ Fury a SecondPassive: Shyvana generates @FuryGainPerTick@ Fury every second, and Attacks generate an extra @FuryGainOnHit@ Fury.

    Active: Shyvana transforms into Dragon Form, gaining @BonusHP@ max Health and flying forward, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage and Knocking enemies toward her target location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive Fury Gain
    Bonus Health
    Flight Damage
    [ @FuryGainPerTick1Prefix@@FuryGainPerTick1@@FuryGainPerTick1Postfix@ / @FuryGainPerTick2Prefix@@FuryGainPerTick2@@FuryGainPerTick2Postfix@ / @FuryGainPerTick3Prefix@@FuryGainPerTick3@@FuryGainPerTick3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusHP1Prefix@@BonusHP1@@BonusHP1Postfix@ / @BonusHP2Prefix@@BonusHP2@@BonusHP2Postfix@ / @BonusHP3Prefix@@BonusHP3@@BonusHP3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Dragon's DescentRequires @FuryToActivate@ Fury to Activate@SpellTags@@FuryDrainPerSecond@ Fury a SecondPassive: Shyvana generates @FuryGainPerTick@ Fury every second, and Attacks generate an extra @FuryGainOnHit@ Fury.

    Active: Shyvana transforms into Dragon Form, gaining @BonusHP@ max Health and flying forward, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage and Knocking enemies toward her target location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPassive Fury Gain
    Bonus Health
    Flight Damage
    @FuryGainPerTick@ -> @FuryGainPerTickNL@
    @BonusHP@ -> @BonusHPNL@
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    Passive Fury Gain
    Bonus Health
    Flight Damage
    [ @FuryGainPerTick1Prefix@@FuryGainPerTick1@@FuryGainPerTick1Postfix@ / @FuryGainPerTick2Prefix@@FuryGainPerTick2@@FuryGainPerTick2Postfix@ / @FuryGainPerTick3Prefix@@FuryGainPerTick3@@FuryGainPerTick3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusHP1Prefix@@BonusHP1@@BonusHP1Postfix@ / @BonusHP2Prefix@@BonusHP2@@BonusHP2Postfix@ / @BonusHP3Prefix@@BonusHP3@@BonusHP3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    Passive Fury Gain
    Bonus Health
    Flight Damage
    @FuryGainPerTick@ -> @FuryGainPerTickNL@
    @BonusHP@ -> @BonusHPNL@
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Dragon's DescentRequires @FuryToActivate@ Fury to Activate@SpellTags@@FuryDrainPerSecond@ Fury a SecondPassive: Shyvana generates @FuryGainPerTick@ Fury every second, and Attacks generate an extra @FuryGainOnHit@ Fury.

    Active: Shyvana transforms into Dragon Form, gaining @BonusHP@ max Health and flying forward, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage and Knocking enemies toward her target location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Dragon's DescentRequires @FuryToActivate@ Fury to Activate@SpellTags@@FuryDrainPerSecond@ Fury a SecondPassive: Shyvana generates @FuryGainPerTick@ Fury every second, and Attacks generate an extra @FuryGainOnHit@ Fury.

    Active: Shyvana transforms into Dragon Form, gaining @BonusHP@ max Health and flying forward, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage and Knocking enemies toward her target location.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSion fires a short range shockwave that damages and slows and reduces the Armor of the first enemy hit. If the shockwave hits a minion or monster, it will be knocked back, damaging, slowing, and reducing the Armor of all enemies that it passes through.Roar of the SlayerRoar of the Slayer@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Roar of the Slayer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sion fires a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing them by @SlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds and removing @ArmorShred@% Armor for @ArmorShredDuration@ seconds. Non-champions hit are Knocked Back. Enemies hit by a Knocked Back unit take the same damage and effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Sion fires a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing them by @SlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds and removing @ArmorShred@% Armor for @ArmorShredDuration@ seconds. Non-champions hit are Knocked Back. Enemies hit by a Knocked Back unit take the same damage and effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Roar of the Slayer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sion fires a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing them by @SlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds and removing @ArmorShred@% Armor for @ArmorShredDuration@ seconds. Non-champions hit are Knocked Back. Enemies hit by a Knocked Back unit take the same damage and effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Roar of the Slayer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sion fires a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing them by @SlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds and removing @ArmorShred@% Armor for @ArmorShredDuration@ seconds. Non-champions hit are Knocked Back. Enemies hit by a Knocked Back unit take the same damage and effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Roar of the Slayer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sion fires a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing them by @SlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds and removing @ArmorShred@% Armor for @ArmorShredDuration@ seconds. Non-champions hit are Knocked Back. Enemies hit by a Knocked Back unit take the same damage and effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Roar of the Slayer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sion fires a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing them by @SlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds and removing @ArmorShred@% Armor for @ArmorShredDuration@ seconds. Non-champions hit are Knocked Back. Enemies hit by a Knocked Back unit take the same damage and effects.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSion charges a powerful swing in an area in front of himself that will deal damage to enemies when released. If he charges for enough time, enemies hit by the swing will also be knocked up and stunned.Decimating Smash@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Decimating Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Sion charges a heavy blow for up to 2 seconds.

    Release: Sion slams his axe down, briefly Slowing and dealing between @MinDamageTotal@ and @MaxDamageTotal@ physical damage based on charge time. If Sion charged for at least 1 second, enemies are Knocked Up and Stunned for between 1.25 to 2.25 seconds based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Begin Charging: Sion charges a heavy blow for up to 2 seconds.

    Release: Sion slams his axe down, briefly Slowing and dealing between @MinDamageTotal@ and @MaxDamageTotal@ physical damage based on charge time. If Sion charged for at least 1 second, enemies are Knocked Up and Stunned for between 1.25 to 2.25 seconds based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Decimating Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Sion charges a heavy blow for up to 2 seconds.

    Release: Sion slams his axe down, briefly Slowing and dealing between @MinDamageTotal@ and @MaxDamageTotal@ physical damage based on charge time. If Sion charged for at least 1 second, enemies are Knocked Up and Stunned for between 1.25 to 2.25 seconds based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Deals 150% damage to jungle monsters and 60% damage to minions.Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    Attack Damage Ratio
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Decimating Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Sion charges a heavy blow for up to 2 seconds.

    Release: Sion slams his axe down, briefly Slowing and dealing between @MinDamageTotal@ and @MaxDamageTotal@ physical damage based on charge time. If Sion charged for at least 1 second, enemies are Knocked Up and Stunned for between 1.25 to 2.25 seconds based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMinimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    Attack Damage Ratio
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    Attack Damage Ratio
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    Attack Damage Ratio
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Decimating Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Sion charges a heavy blow for up to 2 seconds.

    Release: Sion slams his axe down, briefly Slowing and dealing between @MinDamageTotal@ and @MaxDamageTotal@ physical damage based on charge time. If Sion charged for at least 1 second, enemies are Knocked Up and Stunned for between 1.25 to 2.25 seconds based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Decimating Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Sion charges a heavy blow for up to 2 seconds.

    Release: Sion slams his axe down, briefly Slowing and dealing between @MinDamageTotal@ and @MaxDamageTotal@ physical damage based on charge time. If Sion charged for at least 1 second, enemies are Knocked Up and Stunned for between 1.25 to 2.25 seconds based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSion charges in a direction, ramping up speed over time. He can steer his charge slightly with the mouse cursor location. When he collides with an enemy he deals damage and knocks them up based on the distance he has charged.Unstoppable OnslaughtUnstoppable Onslaught@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Unstoppable Onslaught@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sion charges Unstoppably in a direction for 8 seconds, turning towards the mouse cursor. Sion stops on colliding with an enemy champion or wall or on Recasting this Ability.

    At the end of the charge, Sion deals between @MinDamageTotal@ and @MaxDamageTotal@ physical damage based on distance travelled. Enemies close to Sion are Stunned for between @MinStunDuration@ and @MaxStunDuration@ seconds based on distance travelled. Enemies in a larger area are Slowed by @SlowAmount@% for 3 seconds@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Sion charges Unstoppably in a direction for 8 seconds, turning towards the mouse cursor. Sion stops on colliding with an enemy champion or wall or on Recasting this Ability.

    At the end of the charge, Sion deals between @MinDamageTotal@ and @MaxDamageTotal@ physical damage based on distance travelled. Enemies close to Sion are Stunned for between @MinStunDuration@ and @MaxStunDuration@ seconds based on distance travelled. Enemies in a larger area are Slowed by @SlowAmount@% for 3 seconds@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Unstoppable Onslaught@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sion charges Unstoppably in a direction for 8 seconds, turning towards the mouse cursor. Sion stops on colliding with an enemy champion or wall or on Recasting this Ability.

    At the end of the charge, Sion deals between @MinDamageTotal@ and @MaxDamageTotal@ physical damage based on distance travelled. Enemies close to Sion are Stunned for between @MinStunDuration@ and @MaxStunDuration@ seconds based on distance travelled. Enemies in a larger area are Slowed by @SlowAmount@% for 3 seconds@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    [ @MinDamage1Prefix@@MinDamage1@@MinDamage1Postfix@ / @MinDamage2Prefix@@MinDamage2@@MinDamage2Postfix@ / @MinDamage3Prefix@@MinDamage3@@MinDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxDamage1Prefix@@MaxDamage1@@MaxDamage1Postfix@ / @MaxDamage2Prefix@@MaxDamage2@@MaxDamage2Postfix@ / @MaxDamage3Prefix@@MaxDamage3@@MaxDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Unstoppable Onslaught@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sion charges Unstoppably in a direction for 8 seconds, turning towards the mouse cursor. Sion stops on colliding with an enemy champion or wall or on Recasting this Ability.

    At the end of the charge, Sion deals between @MinDamageTotal@ and @MaxDamageTotal@ physical damage based on distance travelled. Enemies close to Sion are Stunned for between @MinStunDuration@ and @MaxStunDuration@ seconds based on distance travelled. Enemies in a larger area are Slowed by @SlowAmount@% for 3 seconds@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMinimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    @MinDamage@ -> @MinDamageNL@
    @MaxDamage@ -> @MaxDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount@% -> @SlowAmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    [ @MinDamage1Prefix@@MinDamage1@@MinDamage1Postfix@ / @MinDamage2Prefix@@MinDamage2@@MinDamage2Postfix@ / @MinDamage3Prefix@@MinDamage3@@MinDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxDamage1Prefix@@MaxDamage1@@MaxDamage1Postfix@ / @MaxDamage2Prefix@@MaxDamage2@@MaxDamage2Postfix@ / @MaxDamage3Prefix@@MaxDamage3@@MaxDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    @MinDamage@ -> @MinDamageNL@
    @MaxDamage@ -> @MaxDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount@% -> @SlowAmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Unstoppable Onslaught@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sion charges Unstoppably in a direction for 8 seconds, turning towards the mouse cursor. Sion stops on colliding with an enemy champion or wall or on Recasting this Ability.

    At the end of the charge, Sion deals between @MinDamageTotal@ and @MaxDamageTotal@ physical damage based on distance travelled. Enemies close to Sion are Stunned for between @MinStunDuration@ and @MaxStunDuration@ seconds based on distance travelled. Enemies in a larger area are Slowed by @SlowAmount@% for 3 seconds@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Unstoppable Onslaught@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sion charges Unstoppably in a direction for 8 seconds, turning towards the mouse cursor. Sion stops on colliding with an enemy champion or wall or on Recasting this Ability.

    At the end of the charge, Sion deals between @MinDamageTotal@ and @MaxDamageTotal@ physical damage based on distance travelled. Enemies close to Sion are Stunned for between @MinStunDuration@ and @MaxStunDuration@ seconds based on distance travelled. Enemies in a larger area are Slowed by @SlowAmount@% for 3 seconds@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSion shields himself and can reactivate after 3 seconds to deal Magic Damage to enemies nearby. When Sion kills enemies, he passively gains maximum Health.Soul FurnaceSoul Furnace@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Soul Furnace@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Sion gains @Effect5Amount@ max Health when he kills a unit, or @Effect6Amount@ for champion takedowns, large minions and large monsters.

    Active: Sion gains @TotalShield@ Shield for 6 seconds. After @Effect7Amount@ seconds if the shield still holds, Sion can Recast to detonate the shield to deal @TotalDamage@ plus @Effect4Amount@% max Health magic damage@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Sion gains @Effect5Amount@ max Health when he kills a unit, or @Effect6Amount@ for champion takedowns, large minions and large monsters.

    Active: Sion gains @TotalShield@ Shield for 6 seconds. After @Effect7Amount@ seconds if the shield still holds, Sion can Recast to detonate the shield to deal @TotalDamage@ plus @Effect4Amount@% max Health magic damage@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_SionW_Tooltip}}

    Current Bonus Health: @f1@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Soul Furnace@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_SionW_Tooltip}}

    Current Bonus Health: @f1@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Max 400 bonus damage to minions and monsters.Shield Amount
    Maximum Health Damage
    Max Health Shield Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Soul Furnace@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_SionW_Tooltip}}

    Current Bonus Health: @f1@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    Maximum Health Damage
    Max Health Shield Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Shield Amount
    Maximum Health Damage
    Max Health Shield Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    Maximum Health Damage
    Max Health Shield Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Soul Furnace@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_SionW_Tooltip}}

    Current Bonus Health: @f1@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Soul Furnace@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Sion gains @Effect5Amount@ max Health when he kills a unit, or @Effect6Amount@ for champion takedowns, large minions and large monsters.

    Active: Sion gains @TotalShield@ Shield for 6 seconds. After @Effect7Amount@ seconds if the shield still holds, Sion can Recast to detonate the shield to deal @TotalDamage@ plus @Effect4Amount@% max Health magic damage@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCreates a magical barrier that blocks a single enemy ability cast on Sivir. She receives health and a burst of movement speed if a spell is blocked.Spell ShieldSpell Shield@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spell Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sivir creates a magical barrier for @Effect1Amount@ seconds that blocks the next incoming enemy Ability. If an ability is blocked, Sivir restores @TotalHeal@ health and triggers Fleet of Foot.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Sivir creates a magical barrier for @Effect1Amount@ seconds that blocks the next incoming enemy Ability. If an ability is blocked, Sivir restores @TotalHeal@ health and triggers Fleet of Foot.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spell Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sivir creates a magical barrier for @Effect1Amount@ seconds that blocks the next incoming enemy Ability. If an ability is blocked, Sivir restores @TotalHeal@ health and triggers Fleet of Foot.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@This shield blocks both champion and item Abilities.Total AD Ratio
    [ @HealRatio1Prefix@@HealRatio1*100.000000@%@HealRatio1Postfix@ / @HealRatio2Prefix@@HealRatio2*100.000000@%@HealRatio2Postfix@ / @HealRatio3Prefix@@HealRatio3*100.000000@%@HealRatio3Postfix@ / @HealRatio4Prefix@@HealRatio4*100.000000@%@HealRatio4Postfix@ / @HealRatio5Prefix@@HealRatio5*100.000000@%@HealRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Spell Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sivir creates a magical barrier for @Effect1Amount@ seconds that blocks the next incoming enemy Ability. If an ability is blocked, Sivir restores @TotalHeal@ health and triggers Fleet of Foot.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTotal AD Ratio
    @HealRatio*100.000000@% -> @HealRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Total AD Ratio
    [ @HealRatio1Prefix@@HealRatio1*100.000000@%@HealRatio1Postfix@ / @HealRatio2Prefix@@HealRatio2*100.000000@%@HealRatio2Postfix@ / @HealRatio3Prefix@@HealRatio3*100.000000@%@HealRatio3Postfix@ / @HealRatio4Prefix@@HealRatio4*100.000000@%@HealRatio4Postfix@ / @HealRatio5Prefix@@HealRatio5*100.000000@%@HealRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Total AD Ratio
    @HealRatio*100.000000@% -> @HealRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Spell Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sivir creates a magical barrier for @Effect1Amount@ seconds that blocks the next incoming enemy Ability. If an ability is blocked, Sivir restores @TotalHeal@ health and triggers Fleet of Foot.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Spell Shield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sivir creates a magical barrier for @Effect1Amount@ seconds that blocks the next incoming enemy Ability. If an ability is blocked, Sivir restores @TotalHeal@ health and triggers Fleet of Foot.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSivir hurls her crossblade like a boomerang, dealing damage each way.Boomerang BladeBoomerang Blade@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Boomerang Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sivir hurls her crossblade like a boomerang, dealing @TotalDamage@ to all enemies it cuts through. Hitting non-champions reduces the damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @FallOffMinimum*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Sivir hurls her crossblade like a boomerang, dealing @TotalDamage@ to all enemies it cuts through. Hitting non-champions reduces the damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @FallOffMinimum*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Boomerang Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sivir hurls her crossblade like a boomerang, dealing @TotalDamage@ to all enemies it cuts through. Hitting non-champions reduces the damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @FallOffMinimum*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@The damage falloff resets upon beginning its return.
    Boomerang damage scales with %i:scaleAD% and %i:scaleCrit%: @PreCritDamage@ increased by @CritScaling@
    Cast time scales down with Bonus Attack Speed
    Mana Cost
    Total AD Ratio
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @TADRatio1Prefix@@TADRatio1*100.000000@%@TADRatio1Postfix@ / @TADRatio2Prefix@@TADRatio2*100.000000@%@TADRatio2Postfix@ / @TADRatio3Prefix@@TADRatio3*100.000000@%@TADRatio3Postfix@ / @TADRatio4Prefix@@TADRatio4*100.000000@%@TADRatio4Postfix@ / @TADRatio5Prefix@@TADRatio5*100.000000@%@TADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Boomerang Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sivir hurls her crossblade like a boomerang, dealing @TotalDamage@ to all enemies it cuts through. Hitting non-champions reduces the damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @FallOffMinimum*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Mana Cost
    Total AD Ratio
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @TADRatio*100.000000@% -> @TADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    Mana Cost
    Total AD Ratio
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @TADRatio1Prefix@@TADRatio1*100.000000@%@TADRatio1Postfix@ / @TADRatio2Prefix@@TADRatio2*100.000000@%@TADRatio2Postfix@ / @TADRatio3Prefix@@TADRatio3*100.000000@%@TADRatio3Postfix@ / @TADRatio4Prefix@@TADRatio4*100.000000@%@TADRatio4Postfix@ / @TADRatio5Prefix@@TADRatio5*100.000000@%@TADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    Mana Cost
    Total AD Ratio
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @TADRatio*100.000000@% -> @TADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Boomerang Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sivir hurls her crossblade like a boomerang, dealing @TotalDamage@ to all enemies it cuts through. Hitting non-champions reduces the damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @FallOffMinimum*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Boomerang Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sivir hurls her crossblade like a boomerang, dealing @TotalDamage@ to all enemies it cuts through. Hitting non-champions reduces the damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @FallOffMinimum*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSivir leads her allies in battle, granting them a surge of Move Speed for a period of time. In addition, Sivir's attacks reduce her spell cooldowns.On The HuntOn The Hunt@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] On The Hunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sivir rallies her nearby allies, granting them @MaxMS*100@% Move Speed for @UltDuration@ seconds.

    Sivir's attacks against champions while On The Hunt reduce the cooldown of her basic abilities by 0.5 seconds.

    Takedowns on recently damaged enemies refreshes the duration of the hunt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Sivir rallies her nearby allies, granting them @MaxMS*100@% Move Speed for @UltDuration@ seconds.

    Sivir's attacks against champions while On The Hunt reduce the cooldown of her basic abilities by 0.5 seconds.

    Takedowns on recently damaged enemies refreshes the duration of the hunt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] On The Hunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sivir rallies her nearby allies, granting them @MaxMS*100@% Move Speed for @UltDuration@ seconds.

    Sivir's attacks against champions while On The Hunt reduce the cooldown of her basic abilities by 0.5 seconds.

    Takedowns on recently damaged enemies refreshes the duration of the hunt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Max Move Speed
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxMS1Prefix@@MaxMS1*100.000000@%@MaxMS1Postfix@ / @MaxMS2Prefix@@MaxMS2*100.000000@%@MaxMS2Postfix@ / @MaxMS3Prefix@@MaxMS3*100.000000@%@MaxMS3Postfix@ ]
    [ @UltDuration1Prefix@@UltDuration1@@UltDuration1Postfix@ / @UltDuration2Prefix@@UltDuration2@@UltDuration2Postfix@ / @UltDuration3Prefix@@UltDuration3@@UltDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] On The Hunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sivir rallies her nearby allies, granting them @MaxMS*100@% Move Speed for @UltDuration@ seconds.

    Sivir's attacks against champions while On The Hunt reduce the cooldown of her basic abilities by 0.5 seconds.

    Takedowns on recently damaged enemies refreshes the duration of the hunt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Max Move Speed
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @MaxMS*100.000000@% -> @MaxMSNL*100.000000@%
    @UltDuration@ -> @UltDurationNL@
    Max Move Speed
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxMS1Prefix@@MaxMS1*100.000000@%@MaxMS1Postfix@ / @MaxMS2Prefix@@MaxMS2*100.000000@%@MaxMS2Postfix@ / @MaxMS3Prefix@@MaxMS3*100.000000@%@MaxMS3Postfix@ ]
    [ @UltDuration1Prefix@@UltDuration1@@UltDuration1Postfix@ / @UltDuration2Prefix@@UltDuration2@@UltDuration2Postfix@ / @UltDuration3Prefix@@UltDuration3@@UltDuration3Postfix@ ]
    Max Move Speed
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @MaxMS*100.000000@% -> @MaxMSNL*100.000000@%
    @UltDuration@ -> @UltDurationNL@
    [@Hotkey@] On The Hunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sivir rallies her nearby allies, granting them @MaxMS*100@% Move Speed for @UltDuration@ seconds.

    Sivir's attacks against champions while On The Hunt reduce the cooldown of her basic abilities by 0.5 seconds.

    Takedowns on recently damaged enemies refreshes the duration of the hunt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] On The Hunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sivir rallies her nearby allies, granting them @MaxMS*100@% Move Speed for @UltDuration@ seconds.

    Sivir's attacks against champions while On The Hunt reduce the cooldown of her basic abilities by 0.5 seconds.

    Takedowns on recently damaged enemies refreshes the duration of the hunt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSivir's next few basic attacks gain additional attack speed and bounce to nearby targets, dealing reduced damage while bouncing.Ricochet@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ricochet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @BuffDuration@ seconds, Sivir gains @RicochetAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed and her auto attacks are empowered to bounce to additional surrounding enemies dealing @BounceDamage@ physical damage each bounce for up to @MaxBounces@ bounces.

    These bounces critically strike if the attack generating them does.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    For the next @BuffDuration@ seconds, Sivir gains @RicochetAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed and her auto attacks are empowered to bounce to additional surrounding enemies dealing @BounceDamage@ physical damage each bounce for up to @MaxBounces@ bounces.

    These bounces critically strike if the attack generating them does.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ricochet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @BuffDuration@ seconds, Sivir gains @RicochetAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed and her auto attacks are empowered to bounce to additional surrounding enemies dealing @BounceDamage@ physical damage each bounce for up to @MaxBounces@ bounces.

    These bounces critically strike if the attack generating them does.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Bounces will prioritize new targets before returning to targets that have already been struck. Can only hit each target a maximum of two times.
    Bounces deal @MinionDamageMod*100@% damage to minions.

    This ability executes low Health minions.
    Attack Speed
    Total AD Ratio
    Mana Cost
    [ @RicochetAttackSpeed1Prefix@@RicochetAttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@RicochetAttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @RicochetAttackSpeed2Prefix@@RicochetAttackSpeed2*100.000000@%@RicochetAttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @RicochetAttackSpeed3Prefix@@RicochetAttackSpeed3*100.000000@%@RicochetAttackSpeed3Postfix@ / @RicochetAttackSpeed4Prefix@@RicochetAttackSpeed4*100.000000@%@RicochetAttackSpeed4Postfix@ / @RicochetAttackSpeed5Prefix@@RicochetAttackSpeed5*100.000000@%@RicochetAttackSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BounceADRatio1Prefix@@BounceADRatio1*100.000000@%@BounceADRatio1Postfix@ / @BounceADRatio2Prefix@@BounceADRatio2*100.000000@%@BounceADRatio2Postfix@ / @BounceADRatio3Prefix@@BounceADRatio3*100.000000@%@BounceADRatio3Postfix@ / @BounceADRatio4Prefix@@BounceADRatio4*100.000000@%@BounceADRatio4Postfix@ / @BounceADRatio5Prefix@@BounceADRatio5*100.000000@%@BounceADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Ricochet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @BuffDuration@ seconds, Sivir gains @RicochetAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed and her auto attacks are empowered to bounce to additional surrounding enemies dealing @BounceDamage@ physical damage each bounce for up to @MaxBounces@ bounces.

    These bounces critically strike if the attack generating them does.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Speed
    Total AD Ratio
    Mana Cost
    @RicochetAttackSpeed*100.000000@% -> @RicochetAttackSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @BounceADRatio*100.000000@% -> @BounceADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Attack Speed
    Total AD Ratio
    Mana Cost
    [ @RicochetAttackSpeed1Prefix@@RicochetAttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@RicochetAttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @RicochetAttackSpeed2Prefix@@RicochetAttackSpeed2*100.000000@%@RicochetAttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @RicochetAttackSpeed3Prefix@@RicochetAttackSpeed3*100.000000@%@RicochetAttackSpeed3Postfix@ / @RicochetAttackSpeed4Prefix@@RicochetAttackSpeed4*100.000000@%@RicochetAttackSpeed4Postfix@ / @RicochetAttackSpeed5Prefix@@RicochetAttackSpeed5*100.000000@%@RicochetAttackSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BounceADRatio1Prefix@@BounceADRatio1*100.000000@%@BounceADRatio1Postfix@ / @BounceADRatio2Prefix@@BounceADRatio2*100.000000@%@BounceADRatio2Postfix@ / @BounceADRatio3Prefix@@BounceADRatio3*100.000000@%@BounceADRatio3Postfix@ / @BounceADRatio4Prefix@@BounceADRatio4*100.000000@%@BounceADRatio4Postfix@ / @BounceADRatio5Prefix@@BounceADRatio5*100.000000@%@BounceADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    Total AD Ratio
    Mana Cost
    @RicochetAttackSpeed*100.000000@% -> @RicochetAttackSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @BounceADRatio*100.000000@% -> @BounceADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Ricochet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @BuffDuration@ seconds, Sivir gains @RicochetAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed and her auto attacks are empowered to bounce to additional surrounding enemies dealing @BounceDamage@ physical damage each bounce for up to @MaxBounces@ bounces.

    These bounces critically strike if the attack generating them does.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ricochet@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@For the next @BuffDuration@ seconds, Sivir gains @RicochetAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed and her auto attacks are empowered to bounce to additional surrounding enemies dealing @BounceDamage@ physical damage each bounce for up to @MaxBounces@ bounces.

    These bounces critically strike if the attack generating them does.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSkarner gains a shield and has increased Move Speed while the shield persists.Crystalline Exoskeleton@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crystalline Exoskeleton@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Skarner gains @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. While active, Skarner gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed, increasing up to @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed over 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Skarner gains @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. While active, Skarner gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed, increasing up to @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed over 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crystalline Exoskeleton@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Skarner gains @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. While active, Skarner gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed, increasing up to @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed over 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Max Health Damage Absorption
    Move Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@%@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@%@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@%@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@%@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@%@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Crystalline Exoskeleton@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Skarner gains @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. While active, Skarner gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed, increasing up to @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed over 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMax Health Damage Absorption
    Move Speed
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Max Health Damage Absorption
    Move Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@%@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@%@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@%@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@%@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@%@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Max Health Damage Absorption
    Move Speed
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Crystalline Exoskeleton@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Skarner gains @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. While active, Skarner gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed, increasing up to @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed over 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Crystalline Exoskeleton@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Skarner gains @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. While active, Skarner gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed, increasing up to @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed over 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSkarner summons a blast of crystalline energy which deals damage to enemies struck and slows them. Basic attacking these enemies within a short window will stun them.FractureFracture@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Fracture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Consuming this Ability's mark or using {{spell_SkarnerImpale_Name}} reduces this Abilty's Cooldown by the duration of the crowd control.

    Active: Skarner blasts crystalline energy, dealing @TotalMagicDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @Effect8Amount@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds, and marking for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. Skarner's next Attack against a marked enemy consumes it to deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ physical damage and Stun for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Consuming this Ability's mark or using {{spell_SkarnerImpale_Name}} reduces this Abilty's Cooldown by the duration of the crowd control.

    Active: Skarner blasts crystalline energy, dealing @TotalMagicDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @Effect8Amount@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds, and marking for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. Skarner's next Attack against a marked enemy consumes it to deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ physical damage and Stun for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Fracture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Consuming this Ability's mark or using {{spell_SkarnerImpale_Name}} reduces this Abilty's Cooldown by the duration of the crowd control.

    Active: Skarner blasts crystalline energy, dealing @TotalMagicDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @Effect8Amount@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds, and marking for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. Skarner's next Attack against a marked enemy consumes it to deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ physical damage and Stun for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Magic Damage
    Bonus Physical Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect8Amount1Prefix@@Effect8Amount1@%@Effect8Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount2Prefix@@Effect8Amount2@%@Effect8Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount3Prefix@@Effect8Amount3@%@Effect8Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount4Prefix@@Effect8Amount4@%@Effect8Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount5Prefix@@Effect8Amount5@%@Effect8Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Fracture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Consuming this Ability's mark or using {{spell_SkarnerImpale_Name}} reduces this Abilty's Cooldown by the duration of the crowd control.

    Active: Skarner blasts crystalline energy, dealing @TotalMagicDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @Effect8Amount@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds, and marking for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. Skarner's next Attack against a marked enemy consumes it to deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ physical damage and Stun for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage
    Bonus Physical Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect8Amount@% -> @Effect8AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Magic Damage
    Bonus Physical Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect8Amount1Prefix@@Effect8Amount1@%@Effect8Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount2Prefix@@Effect8Amount2@%@Effect8Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount3Prefix@@Effect8Amount3@%@Effect8Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount4Prefix@@Effect8Amount4@%@Effect8Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount5Prefix@@Effect8Amount5@%@Effect8Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Magic Damage
    Bonus Physical Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect8Amount@% -> @Effect8AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Fracture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Consuming this Ability's mark or using {{spell_SkarnerImpale_Name}} reduces this Abilty's Cooldown by the duration of the crowd control.

    Active: Skarner blasts crystalline energy, dealing @TotalMagicDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @Effect8Amount@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds, and marking for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. Skarner's next Attack against a marked enemy consumes it to deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ physical damage and Stun for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Fracture@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Consuming this Ability's mark or using {{spell_SkarnerImpale_Name}} reduces this Abilty's Cooldown by the duration of the crowd control.

    Active: Skarner blasts crystalline energy, dealing @TotalMagicDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @Effect8Amount@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds, and marking for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. Skarner's next Attack against a marked enemy consumes it to deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ physical damage and Stun for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSkarner suppresses an enemy champion and deals damage to it. During this time, Skarner can move freely and will drag his helpless victim around with him. When the effect ends, the target will be dealt additional damage.ImpaleImpale@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Impale@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Skarner impales an enemy champion, Suppressing them for @RDuration@ seconds, dealing @PhysicalDamage@ physical damage and @MagicDamage@ magic damage at the beginning and end of the duration. While Suppressing, Skarner can move and will drag his helpless victim around with him.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Skarner impales an enemy champion, Suppressing them for @RDuration@ seconds, dealing @PhysicalDamage@ physical damage and @MagicDamage@ magic damage at the beginning and end of the duration. While Suppressing, Skarner can move and will drag his helpless victim around with him.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Impale@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Skarner impales an enemy champion, Suppressing them for @RDuration@ seconds, dealing @PhysicalDamage@ physical damage and @MagicDamage@ magic damage at the beginning and end of the duration. While Suppressing, Skarner can move and will drag his helpless victim around with him.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Impale@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Skarner impales an enemy champion, Suppressing them for @RDuration@ seconds, dealing @PhysicalDamage@ physical damage and @MagicDamage@ magic damage at the beginning and end of the duration. While Suppressing, Skarner can move and will drag his helpless victim around with him.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Impale@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Skarner impales an enemy champion, Suppressing them for @RDuration@ seconds, dealing @PhysicalDamage@ physical damage and @MagicDamage@ magic damage at the beginning and end of the duration. While Suppressing, Skarner can move and will drag his helpless victim around with him.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Impale@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Skarner impales an enemy champion, Suppressing them for @RDuration@ seconds, dealing @PhysicalDamage@ physical damage and @MagicDamage@ magic damage at the beginning and end of the duration. While Suppressing, Skarner can move and will drag his helpless victim around with him.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSkarner lashes out with his claws, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies and charging himself with Crystal Energy for several seconds if a unit is struck. If he casts Crystal Slash again while powered by Crystal Energy, he deals bonus magic damage.Crystal SlashCrystal Slash@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crystal Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Attacks against champions reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @TooltipChampionCDReducer@ second. Attacks against minions reduce it by @TooltipMinionCDReducer@ seconds.

    Active: Skarner slashes wildly, dealing @QDamageCalc@ plus @QBonusDamage@% max Health physical damage to nearby enemies. If at least one enemy was hit, Skarner becomes charged for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. While charged, this Ability deals an additional @BonusQDamageCalc@ plus @QBonusDamage@% max Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Attacks against champions reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @TooltipChampionCDReducer@ second. Attacks against minions reduce it by @TooltipMinionCDReducer@ seconds.

    Active: Skarner slashes wildly, dealing @QDamageCalc@ plus @QBonusDamage@% max Health physical damage to nearby enemies. If at least one enemy was hit, Skarner becomes charged for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. While charged, this Ability deals an additional @BonusQDamageCalc@ plus @QBonusDamage@% max Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crystal Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Attacks against champions reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @TooltipChampionCDReducer@ second. Attacks against minions reduce it by @TooltipMinionCDReducer@ seconds.

    Active: Skarner slashes wildly, dealing @QDamageCalc@ plus @QBonusDamage@% max Health physical damage to nearby enemies. If at least one enemy was hit, Skarner becomes charged for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. While charged, this Ability deals an additional @BonusQDamageCalc@ plus @QBonusDamage@% max Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    % Health as Damage
    [ @QBonusDamage1Prefix@@QBonusDamage1@%@QBonusDamage1Postfix@ / @QBonusDamage2Prefix@@QBonusDamage2@%@QBonusDamage2Postfix@ / @QBonusDamage3Prefix@@QBonusDamage3@%@QBonusDamage3Postfix@ / @QBonusDamage4Prefix@@QBonusDamage4@%@QBonusDamage4Postfix@ / @QBonusDamage5Prefix@@QBonusDamage5@%@QBonusDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Crystal Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Attacks against champions reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @TooltipChampionCDReducer@ second. Attacks against minions reduce it by @TooltipMinionCDReducer@ seconds.

    Active: Skarner slashes wildly, dealing @QDamageCalc@ plus @QBonusDamage@% max Health physical damage to nearby enemies. If at least one enemy was hit, Skarner becomes charged for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. While charged, this Ability deals an additional @BonusQDamageCalc@ plus @QBonusDamage@% max Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up% Health as Damage
    @QBonusDamage@% -> @QBonusDamageNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    % Health as Damage
    [ @QBonusDamage1Prefix@@QBonusDamage1@%@QBonusDamage1Postfix@ / @QBonusDamage2Prefix@@QBonusDamage2@%@QBonusDamage2Postfix@ / @QBonusDamage3Prefix@@QBonusDamage3@%@QBonusDamage3Postfix@ / @QBonusDamage4Prefix@@QBonusDamage4@%@QBonusDamage4Postfix@ / @QBonusDamage5Prefix@@QBonusDamage5@%@QBonusDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    % Health as Damage
    @QBonusDamage@% -> @QBonusDamageNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Crystal Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Attacks against champions reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @TooltipChampionCDReducer@ second. Attacks against minions reduce it by @TooltipMinionCDReducer@ seconds.

    Active: Skarner slashes wildly, dealing @QDamageCalc@ plus @QBonusDamage@% max Health physical damage to nearby enemies. If at least one enemy was hit, Skarner becomes charged for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. While charged, this Ability deals an additional @BonusQDamageCalc@ plus @QBonusDamage@% max Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Crystal Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Attacks against champions reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @TooltipChampionCDReducer@ second. Attacks against minions reduce it by @TooltipMinionCDReducer@ seconds.

    Active: Skarner slashes wildly, dealing @QDamageCalc@ plus @QBonusDamage@% max Health physical damage to nearby enemies. If at least one enemy was hit, Skarner becomes charged for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. While charged, this Ability deals an additional @BonusQDamageCalc@ plus @QBonusDamage@% max Health magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDrop the BeatDrop the Beat@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Drop the Beat@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Drop the Beat@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Drop the Beat@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Drop the Beat@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Drop the Beat@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSona plays the Song of Celerity, granting nearby allies bonus Move Speed. Sona gains a temporary aura that grants allied champions tagged by the zone bonus Move Speed.Song of CeleritySong of Celerity@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Song of Celerity@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Active: She begins a new Melody and grants herself @TotalSelfMovementSpeed@ Move Speed for @SelfMovementSpeedDurationMin@ seconds, extended to up to @SelfMovementSpeedDurationMax@ seconds if she doesn't take damage.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds that grants allied champions @TotalAllyMovementSpeed@ Move Speed for @AllyMovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Power Chord - Tempo: Power Chord also Slows the target by @TotalTempoMoveSpeedSlow@ for @TempoDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Active: She begins a new Melody and grants herself @TotalSelfMovementSpeed@ Move Speed for @SelfMovementSpeedDurationMin@ seconds, extended to up to @SelfMovementSpeedDurationMax@ seconds if she doesn't take damage.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds that grants allied champions @TotalAllyMovementSpeed@ Move Speed for @AllyMovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Power Chord - Tempo: Power Chord also Slows the target by @TotalTempoMoveSpeedSlow@ for @TempoDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Song of Celerity@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Active: She begins a new Melody and grants herself @TotalSelfMovementSpeed@ Move Speed for @SelfMovementSpeedDurationMin@ seconds, extended to up to @SelfMovementSpeedDurationMax@ seconds if she doesn't take damage.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds that grants allied champions @TotalAllyMovementSpeed@ Move Speed for @AllyMovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Power Chord - Tempo: Power Chord also Slows the target by @TotalTempoMoveSpeedSlow@ for @TempoDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Move Speed[ @AllyBaseMovementSpeed1Prefix@@AllyBaseMovementSpeed1*100.000000@%@AllyBaseMovementSpeed1Postfix@ / @AllyBaseMovementSpeed2Prefix@@AllyBaseMovementSpeed2*100.000000@%@AllyBaseMovementSpeed2Postfix@ / @AllyBaseMovementSpeed3Prefix@@AllyBaseMovementSpeed3*100.000000@%@AllyBaseMovementSpeed3Postfix@ / @AllyBaseMovementSpeed4Prefix@@AllyBaseMovementSpeed4*100.000000@%@AllyBaseMovementSpeed4Postfix@ / @AllyBaseMovementSpeed5Prefix@@AllyBaseMovementSpeed5*100.000000@%@AllyBaseMovementSpeed5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Song of Celerity@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Active: She begins a new Melody and grants herself @TotalSelfMovementSpeed@ Move Speed for @SelfMovementSpeedDurationMin@ seconds, extended to up to @SelfMovementSpeedDurationMax@ seconds if she doesn't take damage.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds that grants allied champions @TotalAllyMovementSpeed@ Move Speed for @AllyMovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Power Chord - Tempo: Power Chord also Slows the target by @TotalTempoMoveSpeedSlow@ for @TempoDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMove Speed@AllyBaseMovementSpeed*100.000000@% -> @AllyBaseMovementSpeedNL*100.000000@%Move Speed[ @AllyBaseMovementSpeed1Prefix@@AllyBaseMovementSpeed1*100.000000@%@AllyBaseMovementSpeed1Postfix@ / @AllyBaseMovementSpeed2Prefix@@AllyBaseMovementSpeed2*100.000000@%@AllyBaseMovementSpeed2Postfix@ / @AllyBaseMovementSpeed3Prefix@@AllyBaseMovementSpeed3*100.000000@%@AllyBaseMovementSpeed3Postfix@ / @AllyBaseMovementSpeed4Prefix@@AllyBaseMovementSpeed4*100.000000@%@AllyBaseMovementSpeed4Postfix@ / @AllyBaseMovementSpeed5Prefix@@AllyBaseMovementSpeed5*100.000000@%@AllyBaseMovementSpeed5Postfix@ ]Move Speed@AllyBaseMovementSpeed*100.000000@% -> @AllyBaseMovementSpeedNL*100.000000@%[@Hotkey@] Song of Celerity@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Active: She begins a new Melody and grants herself @TotalSelfMovementSpeed@ Move Speed for @SelfMovementSpeedDurationMin@ seconds, extended to up to @SelfMovementSpeedDurationMax@ seconds if she doesn't take damage.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds that grants allied champions @TotalAllyMovementSpeed@ Move Speed for @AllyMovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Power Chord - Tempo: Power Chord also Slows the target by @TotalTempoMoveSpeedSlow@ for @TempoDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Song of Celerity@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Active: She begins a new Melody and grants herself @TotalSelfMovementSpeed@ Move Speed for @SelfMovementSpeedDurationMin@ seconds, extended to up to @SelfMovementSpeedDurationMax@ seconds if she doesn't take damage.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds that grants allied champions @TotalAllyMovementSpeed@ Move Speed for @AllyMovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Power Chord - Tempo: Power Chord also Slows the target by @TotalTempoMoveSpeedSlow@ for @TempoDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSona plays the Hymn of Valor, sends out bolts of sound, dealing magic damage to two nearby enemies, prioritizing champions and monsters. Sona gains a temporary aura that grants allies tagged by the zone bonus damage on their next attack against enemies.Hymn of ValorHymn of Valor@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hymn of Valor@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sona deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the nearest two enemies, prioritizing champions. She then begins a new Melody. Gain a stack of Accelerando for every champion you damage with this.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds, granting allied champions an additional @TotalOnHitDamage@ magic damage %i:OnHit% on their next Attack within @OnHitDuration@ seconds.

    Power Chord - Staccato: Power Chord bonus damage (@TotalStaccatoDamage@ total magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Sona deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the nearest two enemies, prioritizing champions. She then begins a new Melody. Gain a stack of Accelerando for every champion you damage with this.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds, granting allied champions an additional @TotalOnHitDamage@ magic damage %i:OnHit% on their next Attack within @OnHitDuration@ seconds.

    Power Chord - Staccato: Power Chord bonus damage (@TotalStaccatoDamage@ total magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hymn of Valor@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sona deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the nearest two enemies, prioritizing champions. She then begins a new Melody. Gain a stack of Accelerando for every champion you damage with this.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds, granting allied champions an additional @TotalOnHitDamage@ magic damage %i:OnHit% on their next Attack within @OnHitDuration@ seconds.

    Power Chord - Staccato: Power Chord bonus damage (@TotalStaccatoDamage@ total magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage (active)
    Damage (melody)
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseOnHitDamage1Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage1@@BaseOnHitDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseOnHitDamage2Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage2@@BaseOnHitDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseOnHitDamage3Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage3@@BaseOnHitDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseOnHitDamage4Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage4@@BaseOnHitDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseOnHitDamage5Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage5@@BaseOnHitDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Hymn of Valor@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sona deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the nearest two enemies, prioritizing champions. She then begins a new Melody. Gain a stack of Accelerando for every champion you damage with this.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds, granting allied champions an additional @TotalOnHitDamage@ magic damage %i:OnHit% on their next Attack within @OnHitDuration@ seconds.

    Power Chord - Staccato: Power Chord bonus damage (@TotalStaccatoDamage@ total magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage (active)
    Damage (melody)
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseOnHitDamage@ -> @BaseOnHitDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Damage (active)
    Damage (melody)
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseOnHitDamage1Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage1@@BaseOnHitDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseOnHitDamage2Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage2@@BaseOnHitDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseOnHitDamage3Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage3@@BaseOnHitDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseOnHitDamage4Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage4@@BaseOnHitDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseOnHitDamage5Prefix@@BaseOnHitDamage5@@BaseOnHitDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Damage (active)
    Damage (melody)
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseOnHitDamage@ -> @BaseOnHitDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Hymn of Valor@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sona deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the nearest two enemies, prioritizing champions. She then begins a new Melody. Gain a stack of Accelerando for every champion you damage with this.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds, granting allied champions an additional @TotalOnHitDamage@ magic damage %i:OnHit% on their next Attack within @OnHitDuration@ seconds.

    Power Chord - Staccato: Power Chord bonus damage (@TotalStaccatoDamage@ total magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hymn of Valor@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sona deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the nearest two enemies, prioritizing champions. She then begins a new Melody. Gain a stack of Accelerando for every champion you damage with this.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds, granting allied champions an additional @TotalOnHitDamage@ magic damage %i:OnHit% on their next Attack within @OnHitDuration@ seconds.

    Power Chord - Staccato: Power Chord bonus damage (@TotalStaccatoDamage@ total magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSona plays her ultimate chord, stunning enemy champions and forcing them to dance and dealing magic damage to them. Each rank reduces the base cooldown of Sona's basic abilities.Crescendo@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crescendo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sona strikes an irresistible chord, Stunning enemy for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Sona strikes an irresistible chord, Stunning enemy for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crescendo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sona strikes an irresistible chord, Stunning enemy for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Enemies that know how to dance, will dance during the stun.Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Crescendo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sona strikes an irresistible chord, Stunning enemy for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Crescendo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sona strikes an irresistible chord, Stunning enemy for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Crescendo@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sona strikes an irresistible chord, Stunning enemy for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSona plays the Aria of Perseverance, sending out protective melodies, healing Sona and a nearby wounded ally. Sona gains a temporary aura that grants allies tagged by the zone a temporary shield.Aria of PerseveranceAria of Perseverance@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Aria of Perseverance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Active: Sona restores @TotalHeal@ Health to herself and a nearby allied champion, prioritizing the most wounded. She then begins a new Melody.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds, granting allied champions @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    Gain a stack of Accelerando whenever you heal another injured ally and every time you protect another ally from at least @AccelerandoShieldBreakpoint@ damage with this shield.

    Power Chord - Diminuendo: Power Chord also reduces physical and magic damage dealt by the target by @TotalDiminuendoWeakenPercent@ for @DiminuendoDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Active: Sona restores @TotalHeal@ Health to herself and a nearby allied champion, prioritizing the most wounded. She then begins a new Melody.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds, granting allied champions @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    Gain a stack of Accelerando whenever you heal another injured ally and every time you protect another ally from at least @AccelerandoShieldBreakpoint@ damage with this shield.

    Power Chord - Diminuendo: Power Chord also reduces physical and magic damage dealt by the target by @TotalDiminuendoWeakenPercent@ for @DiminuendoDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Aria of Perseverance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Active: Sona restores @TotalHeal@ Health to herself and a nearby allied champion, prioritizing the most wounded. She then begins a new Melody.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds, granting allied champions @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    Gain a stack of Accelerando whenever you heal another injured ally and every time you protect another ally from at least @AccelerandoShieldBreakpoint@ damage with this shield.

    Power Chord - Diminuendo: Power Chord also reduces physical and magic damage dealt by the target by @TotalDiminuendoWeakenPercent@ for @DiminuendoDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Heal (active)
    Shield (melody)
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ / @BaseHeal4Prefix@@BaseHeal4@@BaseHeal4Postfix@ / @BaseHeal5Prefix@@BaseHeal5@@BaseHeal5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseShield1Prefix@@BaseShield1@@BaseShield1Postfix@ / @BaseShield2Prefix@@BaseShield2@@BaseShield2Postfix@ / @BaseShield3Prefix@@BaseShield3@@BaseShield3Postfix@ / @BaseShield4Prefix@@BaseShield4@@BaseShield4Postfix@ / @BaseShield5Prefix@@BaseShield5@@BaseShield5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Aria of Perseverance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Active: Sona restores @TotalHeal@ Health to herself and a nearby allied champion, prioritizing the most wounded. She then begins a new Melody.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds, granting allied champions @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    Gain a stack of Accelerando whenever you heal another injured ally and every time you protect another ally from at least @AccelerandoShieldBreakpoint@ damage with this shield.

    Power Chord - Diminuendo: Power Chord also reduces physical and magic damage dealt by the target by @TotalDiminuendoWeakenPercent@ for @DiminuendoDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHeal (active)
    Shield (melody)
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @BaseShield@ -> @BaseShieldNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Heal (active)
    Shield (melody)
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ / @BaseHeal4Prefix@@BaseHeal4@@BaseHeal4Postfix@ / @BaseHeal5Prefix@@BaseHeal5@@BaseHeal5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseShield1Prefix@@BaseShield1@@BaseShield1Postfix@ / @BaseShield2Prefix@@BaseShield2@@BaseShield2Postfix@ / @BaseShield3Prefix@@BaseShield3@@BaseShield3Postfix@ / @BaseShield4Prefix@@BaseShield4@@BaseShield4Postfix@ / @BaseShield5Prefix@@BaseShield5@@BaseShield5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Heal (active)
    Shield (melody)
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @BaseShield@ -> @BaseShieldNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Aria of Perseverance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Active: Sona restores @TotalHeal@ Health to herself and a nearby allied champion, prioritizing the most wounded. She then begins a new Melody.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds, granting allied champions @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    Gain a stack of Accelerando whenever you heal another injured ally and every time you protect another ally from at least @AccelerandoShieldBreakpoint@ damage with this shield.

    Power Chord - Diminuendo: Power Chord also reduces physical and magic damage dealt by the target by @TotalDiminuendoWeakenPercent@ for @DiminuendoDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Aria of Perseverance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Active: Sona restores @TotalHeal@ Health to herself and a nearby allied champion, prioritizing the most wounded. She then begins a new Melody.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds, granting allied champions @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    Gain a stack of Accelerando whenever you heal another injured ally and every time you protect another ally from at least @AccelerandoShieldBreakpoint@ damage with this shield.

    Power Chord - Diminuendo: Power Chord also reduces physical and magic damage dealt by the target by @TotalDiminuendoWeakenPercent@ for @DiminuendoDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Equinox@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Soraka creates a starfield that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to champions. The field lingers for @RootDelay@ seconds, Silencing enemies inside. When the zone disappears, champions inside the zone are Rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s) and take @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Soraka creates a starfield that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to champions. The field lingers for @RootDelay@ seconds, Silencing enemies inside. When the zone disappears, champions inside the zone are Rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s) and take @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Equinox@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Soraka creates a starfield that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to champions. The field lingers for @RootDelay@ seconds, Silencing enemies inside. When the zone disappears, champions inside the zone are Rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s) and take @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @RootDuration1Prefix@@RootDuration1@@RootDuration1Postfix@ / @RootDuration2Prefix@@RootDuration2@@RootDuration2Postfix@ / @RootDuration3Prefix@@RootDuration3@@RootDuration3Postfix@ / @RootDuration4Prefix@@RootDuration4@@RootDuration4Postfix@ / @RootDuration5Prefix@@RootDuration5@@RootDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Equinox@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Soraka creates a starfield that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to champions. The field lingers for @RootDelay@ seconds, Silencing enemies inside. When the zone disappears, champions inside the zone are Rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s) and take @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Root Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @RootDuration@ -> @RootDurationNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Equinox@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Soraka creates a starfield that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to champions. The field lingers for @RootDelay@ seconds, Silencing enemies inside. When the zone disappears, champions inside the zone are Rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s) and take @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Equinox@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Soraka creates a starfield that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to champions. The field lingers for @RootDelay@ seconds, Silencing enemies inside. When the zone disappears, champions inside the zone are Rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s) and take @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoA star falls from the sky at the target location dealing magic damage and slowing enemies. If an enemy champion is hit by Starcall, Soraka recovers Health.[@Hotkey@] Starcall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Soraka calls down a star, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @MoveSpeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Hitting an enemy champion grants Soraka Rejuvenation, which restores @TotalHoT@ Health over @HoTDuration@ seconds and grants @MoveSpeedHaste*100@% Move Speed decaying over the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Soraka calls down a star, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @MoveSpeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Hitting an enemy champion grants Soraka Rejuvenation, which restores @TotalHoT@ Health over @HoTDuration@ seconds and grants @MoveSpeedHaste*100@% Move Speed decaying over the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Starcall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Soraka calls down a star, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @MoveSpeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Hitting an enemy champion grants Soraka Rejuvenation, which restores @TotalHoT@ Health over @HoTDuration@ seconds and grants @MoveSpeedHaste*100@% Move Speed decaying over the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Health Restore (Rejuvenation)
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseHoT1Prefix@@BaseHoT1@@BaseHoT1Postfix@ / @BaseHoT2Prefix@@BaseHoT2@@BaseHoT2Postfix@ / @BaseHoT3Prefix@@BaseHoT3@@BaseHoT3Postfix@ / @BaseHoT4Prefix@@BaseHoT4@@BaseHoT4Postfix@ / @BaseHoT5Prefix@@BaseHoT5@@BaseHoT5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MoveSpeedHaste1Prefix@@MoveSpeedHaste1*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedHaste1Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedHaste2Prefix@@MoveSpeedHaste2*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedHaste2Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedHaste3Prefix@@MoveSpeedHaste3*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedHaste3Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedHaste4Prefix@@MoveSpeedHaste4*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedHaste4Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedHaste5Prefix@@MoveSpeedHaste5*100.000000@%@MoveSpeedHaste5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Starcall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Soraka calls down a star, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @MoveSpeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Hitting an enemy champion grants Soraka Rejuvenation, which restores @TotalHoT@ Health over @HoTDuration@ seconds and grants @MoveSpeedHaste*100@% Move Speed decaying over the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Health Restore (Rejuvenation)
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseHoT@ -> @BaseHoTNL@
    @MoveSpeedHaste*100.000000@% -> @MoveSpeedHasteNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Starcall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Soraka calls down a star, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @MoveSpeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Hitting an enemy champion grants Soraka Rejuvenation, which restores @TotalHoT@ Health over @HoTDuration@ seconds and grants @MoveSpeedHaste*100@% Move Speed decaying over the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Starcall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Soraka calls down a star, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @MoveSpeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Hitting an enemy champion grants Soraka Rejuvenation, which restores @TotalHoT@ Health over @HoTDuration@ seconds and grants @MoveSpeedHaste*100@% Move Speed decaying over the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSoraka fills her allies with hope, instantly restoring health to herself and all allied champions.[@Hotkey@] Wish@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Soraka calls upon divine powers, restoring @HealingCalc@ Health to all allied champions, regardless of distance. Healing is increased to @AmpedHealing@ on targets below 40% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Soraka calls upon divine powers, restoring @HealingCalc@ Health to all allied champions, regardless of distance. Healing is increased to @AmpedHealing@ on targets below 40% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wish@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Soraka calls upon divine powers, restoring @HealingCalc@ Health to all allied champions, regardless of distance. Healing is increased to @AmpedHealing@ on targets below 40% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Healing
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Wish@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Soraka calls upon divine powers, restoring @HealingCalc@ Health to all allied champions, regardless of distance. Healing is increased to @AmpedHealing@ on targets below 40% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHealing
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Wish@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Soraka calls upon divine powers, restoring @HealingCalc@ Health to all allied champions, regardless of distance. Healing is increased to @AmpedHealing@ on targets below 40% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Wish@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Soraka calls upon divine powers, restoring @HealingCalc@ Health to all allied champions, regardless of distance. Healing is increased to @AmpedHealing@ on targets below 40% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSoraka sacrifices a portion of her own health to heal another friendly champion.[@Hotkey@] Astral Infusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@PercentHealthCost*100@% Max Health, @Cost@ ManaSoraka restores @TotalHeal@ Health to another allied champion.

    If Soraka is affected by Rejuvenation, the Health cost will be reduced by @PercentHealthCostRefund*100@%, and the target will gain Rejuvenation for @Spell.SorakaQ:HoTDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Soraka restores @TotalHeal@ Health to another allied champion.

    If Soraka is affected by Rejuvenation, the Health cost will be reduced by @PercentHealthCostRefund*100@%, and the target will gain Rejuvenation for @Spell.SorakaQ:HoTDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Astral Infusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@PercentHealthCost*100@% Max Health, @Cost@ ManaSoraka restores @TotalHeal@ Health to another allied champion.

    If Soraka is affected by Rejuvenation, the Health cost will be reduced by @PercentHealthCostRefund*100@%, and the target will gain Rejuvenation for @Spell.SorakaQ:HoTDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability cannot be used if Soraka is below @MinimumHealth@ Health .Healing
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Health Cost Reduction
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ / @BaseHeal4Prefix@@BaseHeal4@@BaseHeal4Postfix@ / @BaseHeal5Prefix@@BaseHeal5@@BaseHeal5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentHealthCostRefund1Prefix@@PercentHealthCostRefund1*100.000000@%@PercentHealthCostRefund1Postfix@ / @PercentHealthCostRefund2Prefix@@PercentHealthCostRefund2*100.000000@%@PercentHealthCostRefund2Postfix@ / @PercentHealthCostRefund3Prefix@@PercentHealthCostRefund3*100.000000@%@PercentHealthCostRefund3Postfix@ / @PercentHealthCostRefund4Prefix@@PercentHealthCostRefund4*100.000000@%@PercentHealthCostRefund4Postfix@ / @PercentHealthCostRefund5Prefix@@PercentHealthCostRefund5*100.000000@%@PercentHealthCostRefund5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Astral Infusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@PercentHealthCost*100@% Max Health, @Cost@ ManaSoraka restores @TotalHeal@ Health to another allied champion.

    If Soraka is affected by Rejuvenation, the Health cost will be reduced by @PercentHealthCostRefund*100@%, and the target will gain Rejuvenation for @Spell.SorakaQ:HoTDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHealing
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Health Cost Reduction
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @PercentHealthCostRefund*100.000000@% -> @PercentHealthCostRefundNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Astral Infusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@PercentHealthCost*100@% Max Health, @Cost@ ManaSoraka restores @TotalHeal@ Health to another allied champion.

    If Soraka is affected by Rejuvenation, the Health cost will be reduced by @PercentHealthCostRefund*100@%, and the target will gain Rejuvenation for @Spell.SorakaQ:HoTDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Astral Infusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@PercentHealthCost*100@% Max Health, @Cost@ ManaSoraka restores @TotalHeal@ Health to another allied champion.

    If Soraka is affected by Rejuvenation, the Health cost will be reduced by @PercentHealthCostRefund*100@%, and the target will gain Rejuvenation for @Spell.SorakaQ:HoTDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoJanna summons an air elemental that passively increases her Move Speed and enables her to pass through units. She may also activate this ability to deal damage and slow an enemy's Move Speed. The passive is lost while this ability is on cooldown.ZephyrZephyr@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Zephyr@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While this Ability is available, Janna gains @TotalMS@% Move Speed and is Ghosted.

    Active: Janna's elemental strikes an enemy, Slowing them by @TotalSlow@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: While this Ability is available, Janna gains @TotalMS@% Move Speed and is Ghosted.

    Active: Janna's elemental strikes an enemy, Slowing them by @TotalSlow@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Zephyr@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While this Ability is available, Janna gains @TotalMS@% Move Speed and is Ghosted.

    Active: Janna's elemental strikes an enemy, Slowing them by @TotalSlow@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Ghosted units ignore collision with other units.
    Passive Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @MSPercent1Prefix@@MSPercent1*100.000000@%@MSPercent1Postfix@ / @MSPercent2Prefix@@MSPercent2*100.000000@%@MSPercent2Postfix@ / @MSPercent3Prefix@@MSPercent3*100.000000@%@MSPercent3Postfix@ / @MSPercent4Prefix@@MSPercent4*100.000000@%@MSPercent4Postfix@ / @MSPercent5Prefix@@MSPercent5*100.000000@%@MSPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Zephyr@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While this Ability is available, Janna gains @TotalMS@% Move Speed and is Ghosted.

    Active: Janna's elemental strikes an enemy, Slowing them by @TotalSlow@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPassive Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @MSPercent*100.000000@% -> @MSPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Passive Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @MSPercent1Prefix@@MSPercent1*100.000000@%@MSPercent1Postfix@ / @MSPercent2Prefix@@MSPercent2*100.000000@%@MSPercent2Postfix@ / @MSPercent3Prefix@@MSPercent3*100.000000@%@MSPercent3Postfix@ / @MSPercent4Prefix@@MSPercent4*100.000000@%@MSPercent4Postfix@ / @MSPercent5Prefix@@MSPercent5*100.000000@%@MSPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Passive Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @MSPercent*100.000000@% -> @MSPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Zephyr@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While this Ability is available, Janna gains @TotalMS@% Move Speed and is Ghosted.

    Active: Janna's elemental strikes an enemy, Slowing them by @TotalSlow@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Zephyr@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While this Ability is available, Janna gains @TotalMS@% Move Speed and is Ghosted.

    Active: Janna's elemental strikes an enemy, Slowing them by @TotalSlow@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoThis slot will be replaced by another champion's ultimate selected at the start of the game. There will be 30 seconds to select an ultimate. Be prepared!PlaceholderPlaceholder@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Placeholder @SpellTags@ Will be replaced by your Ultimate Summoner Spell selection.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Will be replaced by your Ultimate Summoner Spell selection.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Placeholder @SpellTags@ Will be replaced by your Ultimate Summoner Spell selection.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Placeholder @SpellTags@ Will be replaced by your Ultimate Summoner Spell selection.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Placeholder @SpellTags@ Will be replaced by your Ultimate Summoner Spell selection.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Placeholder @SpellTags@ This slot will be replaced by another champion's ultimate selected at the start of the game. There will be 30 seconds to select an ultimate. Be prepared!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Placeholder @SpellTags@ Will be replaced by your Ultimate Summoner Spell selection.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoThis slot will be replaced by another champion's ultimate and you will gain Attack-Smite. There will be 30 seconds to select an ultimate. Be prepared!Placeholder and Attack-SmitePlaceholder and Attack-Smite@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Placeholder and Attack-Smite @SpellTags@ Will be replaced by your Ultimate Summoner Spell.

    Gain Attack-Smite. Attack-Smite will execute allied Buff Monsters, Epic Monsters, and Scuttle Crabs when you attack them.

    Attack-Smite does not have a cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Will be replaced by your Ultimate Summoner Spell.

    Gain Attack-Smite. Attack-Smite will execute allied Buff Monsters, Epic Monsters, and Scuttle Crabs when you attack them.

    Attack-Smite does not have a cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Placeholder and Attack-Smite @SpellTags@ Will be replaced by your Ultimate Summoner Spell.

    Gain Attack-Smite. Attack-Smite will execute allied Buff Monsters, Epic Monsters, and Scuttle Crabs when you attack them.

    Attack-Smite does not have a cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Placeholder and Attack-Smite @SpellTags@ Will be replaced by your Ultimate Summoner Spell.

    Gain Attack-Smite. Attack-Smite will execute allied Buff Monsters, Epic Monsters, and Scuttle Crabs when you attack them.

    Attack-Smite does not have a cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Placeholder and Attack-Smite @SpellTags@ Will be replaced by your Ultimate Summoner Spell.

    Gain Attack-Smite. Attack-Smite will execute allied Buff Monsters, Epic Monsters, and Scuttle Crabs when you attack them.

    Attack-Smite does not have a cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Placeholder and Attack-Smite @SpellTags@ This slot will be replaced by another champion's ultimate selected at the start of the game. There will be 30 seconds to select an ultimate. Be prepared!@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Placeholder and Attack-Smite @SpellTags@ Will be replaced by your Ultimate Summoner Spell.

    Gain Attack-Smite. Attack-Smite will execute allied Buff Monsters, Epic Monsters, and Scuttle Crabs when you attack them.

    Attack-Smite does not have a cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSwain launches a wave of demonic power forward. It then returns to Swain and roots enemies it hits. Swain can then choose to pull all rooted champions closer. This ability has a shorter cooldown during Demonic Ascension.[@Hotkey@] Nevermove@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain launches a wave of demonic power, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. The wave then returns, detonating on the first enemy hit dealing @SecondaryDamage@ magic damage and Rooting enemies in an area for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. During Demonic Ascension, this ability's cooldown is reduced by @CooldownRefund*100@%.

    Hitting a champion with Nevermove allows Swain to reactivate this ability to pull all champions hit by Nevermove, gaining a Soul Fragment for each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Swain launches a wave of demonic power, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. The wave then returns, detonating on the first enemy hit dealing @SecondaryDamage@ magic damage and Rooting enemies in an area for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. During Demonic Ascension, this ability's cooldown is reduced by @CooldownRefund*100@%.

    Hitting a champion with Nevermove allows Swain to reactivate this ability to pull all champions hit by Nevermove, gaining a Soul Fragment for each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Nevermove@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain launches a wave of demonic power, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. The wave then returns, detonating on the first enemy hit dealing @SecondaryDamage@ magic damage and Rooting enemies in an area for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. During Demonic Ascension, this ability's cooldown is reduced by @CooldownRefund*100@%.

    Hitting a champion with Nevermove allows Swain to reactivate this ability to pull all champions hit by Nevermove, gaining a Soul Fragment for each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Nevermove temporarily grants vision of rooted champions.Pass-through Damage
    Detonation Damage
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Nevermove@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain launches a wave of demonic power, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. The wave then returns, detonating on the first enemy hit dealing @SecondaryDamage@ magic damage and Rooting enemies in an area for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. During Demonic Ascension, this ability's cooldown is reduced by @CooldownRefund*100@%.

    Hitting a champion with Nevermove allows Swain to reactivate this ability to pull all champions hit by Nevermove, gaining a Soul Fragment for each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPass-through Damage
    Detonation Damage
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    Pass-through Damage
    Detonation Damage
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Pass-through Damage
    Detonation Damage
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Nevermove@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain launches a wave of demonic power, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. The wave then returns, detonating on the first enemy hit dealing @SecondaryDamage@ magic damage and Rooting enemies in an area for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. During Demonic Ascension, this ability's cooldown is reduced by @CooldownRefund*100@%.

    Hitting a champion with Nevermove allows Swain to reactivate this ability to pull all champions hit by Nevermove, gaining a Soul Fragment for each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Nevermove@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain launches a wave of demonic power, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. The wave then returns, detonating on the first enemy hit dealing @SecondaryDamage@ magic damage and Rooting enemies in an area for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. During Demonic Ascension, this ability's cooldown is reduced by @CooldownRefund*100@%.

    Hitting a champion with Nevermove allows Swain to reactivate this ability to pull all champions hit by Nevermove, gaining a Soul Fragment for each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoRavenousRavenous@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ravenous@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ravenous@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Ravenous@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Ravenous@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ravenous@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSwain unleashes several bolts of eldritch power that pierce through enemies. Enemies hit take more damage for each bolt they are struck by.Death's Hand@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Death's Hand@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain unleashes eldritch bolts, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage plus @ExtraBoltDamage@ magic damage per bolt past the first (max @MaxDamage@ magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Swain unleashes eldritch bolts, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage plus @ExtraBoltDamage@ magic damage per bolt past the first (max @MaxDamage@ magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Death's Hand@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain unleashes eldritch bolts, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage plus @ExtraBoltDamage@ magic damage per bolt past the first (max @MaxDamage@ magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Bolt Damage
    Additional Base Bolt Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ExtraBoltBaseDamage1Prefix@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage1@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ExtraBoltBaseDamage2Prefix@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage2@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ExtraBoltBaseDamage3Prefix@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage3@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ExtraBoltBaseDamage4Prefix@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage4@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ExtraBoltBaseDamage5Prefix@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage5@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Death's Hand@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain unleashes eldritch bolts, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage plus @ExtraBoltDamage@ magic damage per bolt past the first (max @MaxDamage@ magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBolt Damage
    Additional Base Bolt Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ExtraBoltBaseDamage@ -> @ExtraBoltBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Bolt Damage
    Additional Base Bolt Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ExtraBoltBaseDamage1Prefix@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage1@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ExtraBoltBaseDamage2Prefix@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage2@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ExtraBoltBaseDamage3Prefix@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage3@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ExtraBoltBaseDamage4Prefix@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage4@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ExtraBoltBaseDamage5Prefix@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage5@@ExtraBoltBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Bolt Damage
    Additional Base Bolt Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ExtraBoltBaseDamage@ -> @ExtraBoltBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Death's Hand@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain unleashes eldritch bolts, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage plus @ExtraBoltDamage@ magic damage per bolt past the first (max @MaxDamage@ magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Death's Hand@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain unleashes eldritch bolts, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage plus @ExtraBoltDamage@ magic damage per bolt past the first (max @MaxDamage@ magic damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSwain transforms into a demon and drains health from nearby enemy champions, minions, and neutral monsters. Swain can cast Demonflare to decimate and slow nearby enemies with a nova of soulfire. This form is indefinite as long as Swain drains enemy champions.Demonic AscensionDemonic Ascension@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Demonic Ascension@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Swain frees the demon, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage each second and restoring @HealingCalc@ Health per target damaged. His Demonic Energy depletes over time, and can be recharged indefinitely by draining enemy Champions and is fully restored on Champion takedowns.

    After @DemonflareCastDelay@ seconds, Swain can cast Demonflare which deals @DemonflareDamageTotal@ magic damage and Slows enemies by @DemonflareSlowAmount*100@% for @DemonflareSlowDuration@s.

    Healing is reduced to @MinionMonsterHeal@ against non-champions.
    After @AmpTime@ seconds, Swain's Demonic Energy depletes faster.
    Swain frees the demon, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage each second and restoring @HealingCalc@ Health per target damaged. His Demonic Energy depletes over time, and can be recharged indefinitely by draining enemy Champions and is fully restored on Champion takedowns.

    After @DemonflareCastDelay@ seconds, Swain can cast Demonflare which deals @DemonflareDamageTotal@ magic damage and Slows enemies by @DemonflareSlowAmount*100@% for @DemonflareSlowDuration@s.

    Healing is reduced to @MinionMonsterHeal@ against non-champions.
    After @AmpTime@ seconds, Swain's Demonic Energy depletes faster.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Demonic Ascension@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Swain frees the demon, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage each second and restoring @HealingCalc@ Health per target damaged. His Demonic Energy depletes over time, and can be recharged indefinitely by draining enemy Champions and is fully restored on Champion takedowns.

    After @DemonflareCastDelay@ seconds, Swain can cast Demonflare which deals @DemonflareDamageTotal@ magic damage and Slows enemies by @DemonflareSlowAmount*100@% for @DemonflareSlowDuration@s.

    Healing is reduced to @MinionMonsterHeal@ against non-champions.
    After @AmpTime@ seconds, Swain's Demonic Energy depletes faster.
    Drain Damage
    Drain Heal
    Detonation Damage
    [ @DamagePerSecond1Prefix@@DamagePerSecond1@@DamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond2Prefix@@DamagePerSecond2@@DamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond3Prefix@@DamagePerSecond3@@DamagePerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealPerSecond1Prefix@@HealPerSecond1@@HealPerSecond1Postfix@ / @HealPerSecond2Prefix@@HealPerSecond2@@HealPerSecond2Postfix@ / @HealPerSecond3Prefix@@HealPerSecond3@@HealPerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    [ @DemonflareDamageBase1Prefix@@DemonflareDamageBase1@@DemonflareDamageBase1Postfix@ / @DemonflareDamageBase2Prefix@@DemonflareDamageBase2@@DemonflareDamageBase2Postfix@ / @DemonflareDamageBase3Prefix@@DemonflareDamageBase3@@DemonflareDamageBase3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Demonic Ascension@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Swain frees the demon, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage each second and restoring @HealingCalc@ Health per target damaged. His Demonic Energy depletes over time, and can be recharged indefinitely by draining enemy Champions and is fully restored on Champion takedowns.

    After @DemonflareCastDelay@ seconds, Swain can cast Demonflare which deals @DemonflareDamageTotal@ magic damage and Slows enemies by @DemonflareSlowAmount*100@% for @DemonflareSlowDuration@s.

    Healing is reduced to @MinionMonsterHeal@ against non-champions.
    After @AmpTime@ seconds, Swain's Demonic Energy depletes faster.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDrain Damage
    Drain Heal
    Detonation Damage
    @DamagePerSecond@ -> @DamagePerSecondNL@
    @HealPerSecond@ -> @HealPerSecondNL@
    @DemonflareDamageBase@ -> @DemonflareDamageBaseNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Drain Damage
    Drain Heal
    Detonation Damage
    [ @DamagePerSecond1Prefix@@DamagePerSecond1@@DamagePerSecond1Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond2Prefix@@DamagePerSecond2@@DamagePerSecond2Postfix@ / @DamagePerSecond3Prefix@@DamagePerSecond3@@DamagePerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealPerSecond1Prefix@@HealPerSecond1@@HealPerSecond1Postfix@ / @HealPerSecond2Prefix@@HealPerSecond2@@HealPerSecond2Postfix@ / @HealPerSecond3Prefix@@HealPerSecond3@@HealPerSecond3Postfix@ ]
    [ @DemonflareDamageBase1Prefix@@DemonflareDamageBase1@@DemonflareDamageBase1Postfix@ / @DemonflareDamageBase2Prefix@@DemonflareDamageBase2@@DemonflareDamageBase2Postfix@ / @DemonflareDamageBase3Prefix@@DemonflareDamageBase3@@DemonflareDamageBase3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Drain Damage
    Drain Heal
    Detonation Damage
    @DamagePerSecond@ -> @DamagePerSecondNL@
    @HealPerSecond@ -> @HealPerSecondNL@
    @DemonflareDamageBase@ -> @DemonflareDamageBaseNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Demonic Ascension@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Swain frees the demon, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage each second and restoring @HealingCalc@ Health per target damaged. His Demonic Energy depletes over time, and can be recharged indefinitely by draining enemy Champions and is fully restored on Champion takedowns.

    After @DemonflareCastDelay@ seconds, Swain can cast Demonflare which deals @DemonflareDamageTotal@ magic damage and Slows enemies by @DemonflareSlowAmount*100@% for @DemonflareSlowDuration@s.

    Healing is reduced to @MinionMonsterHeal@ against non-champions.
    After @AmpTime@ seconds, Swain's Demonic Energy depletes faster.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Demonic Ascension@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Swain frees the demon, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage each second and restoring @HealingCalc@ Health per target damaged. His Demonic Energy depletes over time, and can be recharged indefinitely by draining enemy Champions and is fully restored on Champion takedowns.

    After @DemonflareCastDelay@ seconds, Swain can cast Demonflare which deals @DemonflareDamageTotal@ magic damage and Slows enemies by @DemonflareSlowAmount*100@% for @DemonflareSlowDuration@s.

    Healing is reduced to @MinionMonsterHeal@ against non-champions.
    After @AmpTime@ seconds, Swain's Demonic Energy depletes faster.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSwain opens a demon eye that deals damage and slows enemies. Champions hit are revealed and also grant Swain a Soul Fragment.Vision of EmpireVision of Empire@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Vision of Empire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain opens a demon eye, revealing a location for 1.5 seconds, then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @Effect4Amount*-100@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Champions hit grant Swain a Soul Fragment and are revealed for @Effect9Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Swain opens a demon eye, revealing a location for 1.5 seconds, then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @Effect4Amount*-100@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Champions hit grant Swain a Soul Fragment and are revealed for @Effect9Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Vision of Empire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain opens a demon eye, revealing a location for 1.5 seconds, then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @Effect4Amount*-100@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Champions hit grant Swain a Soul Fragment and are revealed for @Effect9Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Deals @MinionDamage@ damage instead to minions.Damage
    Reveal Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @CastRange1Prefix@@CastRange1@@CastRange1Postfix@ / @CastRange2Prefix@@CastRange2@@CastRange2Postfix@ / @CastRange3Prefix@@CastRange3@@CastRange3Postfix@ / @CastRange4Prefix@@CastRange4@@CastRange4Postfix@ / @CastRange5Prefix@@CastRange5@@CastRange5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1*-100.000000@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2*-100.000000@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3*-100.000000@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4*-100.000000@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5*-100.000000@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect9Amount1Prefix@@Effect9Amount1@@Effect9Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount2Prefix@@Effect9Amount2@@Effect9Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount3Prefix@@Effect9Amount3@@Effect9Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount4Prefix@@Effect9Amount4@@Effect9Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount5Prefix@@Effect9Amount5@@Effect9Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Vision of Empire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain opens a demon eye, revealing a location for 1.5 seconds, then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @Effect4Amount*-100@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Champions hit grant Swain a Soul Fragment and are revealed for @Effect9Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Reveal Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @CastRange@ -> @CastRangeNL@
    @Effect4Amount*-100.000000@% -> @Effect4AmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @Effect9Amount@ -> @Effect9AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Reveal Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @CastRange1Prefix@@CastRange1@@CastRange1Postfix@ / @CastRange2Prefix@@CastRange2@@CastRange2Postfix@ / @CastRange3Prefix@@CastRange3@@CastRange3Postfix@ / @CastRange4Prefix@@CastRange4@@CastRange4Postfix@ / @CastRange5Prefix@@CastRange5@@CastRange5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1*-100.000000@%@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2*-100.000000@%@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3*-100.000000@%@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4*-100.000000@%@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5*-100.000000@%@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect9Amount1Prefix@@Effect9Amount1@@Effect9Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount2Prefix@@Effect9Amount2@@Effect9Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount3Prefix@@Effect9Amount3@@Effect9Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount4Prefix@@Effect9Amount4@@Effect9Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount5Prefix@@Effect9Amount5@@Effect9Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Reveal Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @CastRange@ -> @CastRangeNL@
    @Effect4Amount*-100.000000@% -> @Effect4AmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @Effect9Amount@ -> @Effect9AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Vision of Empire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain opens a demon eye, revealing a location for 1.5 seconds, then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @Effect4Amount*-100@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Champions hit grant Swain a Soul Fragment and are revealed for @Effect9Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Vision of Empire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Swain opens a demon eye, revealing a location for 1.5 seconds, then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @Effect4Amount*-100@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Champions hit grant Swain a Soul Fragment and are revealed for @Effect9Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSylas dashes to a location. Sylas can recast the ability to throw his chains out, pulling himself to an enemy he hits.Abscond / AbductAbscond / Abduct@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Abscond / Abduct@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas quickly dashes, and prepares a Recast for 3.5 seconds.

    Recast: Sylas throws his chains, pulling himself to the first enemy hit, dealing @Damage@ magic damage, and Knocking Up for @KnockUpDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Sylas quickly dashes, and prepares a Recast for 3.5 seconds.

    Recast: Sylas throws his chains, pulling himself to the first enemy hit, dealing @Damage@ magic damage, and Knocking Up for @KnockUpDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Abscond / Abduct@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas quickly dashes, and prepares a Recast for 3.5 seconds.

    Recast: Sylas throws his chains, pulling himself to the first enemy hit, dealing @Damage@ magic damage, and Knocking Up for @KnockUpDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @PullDamage1Prefix@@PullDamage1@@PullDamage1Postfix@ / @PullDamage2Prefix@@PullDamage2@@PullDamage2Postfix@ / @PullDamage3Prefix@@PullDamage3@@PullDamage3Postfix@ / @PullDamage4Prefix@@PullDamage4@@PullDamage4Postfix@ / @PullDamage5Prefix@@PullDamage5@@PullDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Abscond / Abduct@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas quickly dashes, and prepares a Recast for 3.5 seconds.

    Recast: Sylas throws his chains, pulling himself to the first enemy hit, dealing @Damage@ magic damage, and Knocking Up for @KnockUpDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @PullDamage@ -> @PullDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @PullDamage1Prefix@@PullDamage1@@PullDamage1Postfix@ / @PullDamage2Prefix@@PullDamage2@@PullDamage2Postfix@ / @PullDamage3Prefix@@PullDamage3@@PullDamage3Postfix@ / @PullDamage4Prefix@@PullDamage4@@PullDamage4Postfix@ / @PullDamage5Prefix@@PullDamage5@@PullDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @PullDamage@ -> @PullDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Abscond / Abduct@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas quickly dashes, and prepares a Recast for 3.5 seconds.

    Recast: Sylas throws his chains, pulling himself to the first enemy hit, dealing @Damage@ magic damage, and Knocking Up for @KnockUpDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Abscond / Abduct@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas quickly dashes, and prepares a Recast for 3.5 seconds.

    Recast: Sylas throws his chains, pulling himself to the first enemy hit, dealing @Damage@ magic damage, and Knocking Up for @KnockUpDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSylas lashes his chains out, intersecting at his targeted location dealing damage to and slowing enemies.

    After a delay, magical energy explodes from the intersection point dealing damage.Chain LashChain Lash@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Chain Lash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas lashes his chains out, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmountCalc@ for @SlowDuration@ seconds. The place where the chains intersect explodes, dealing a further @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Sylas lashes his chains out, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmountCalc@ for @SlowDuration@ seconds. The place where the chains intersect explodes, dealing a further @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Chain Lash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas lashes his chains out, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmountCalc@ for @SlowDuration@ seconds. The place where the chains intersect explodes, dealing a further @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@The explosion deals @MinionMonsterMod*100@% damage to minions and jungle monsters.Cooldown
    Explosion Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ExplosionBaseDamage1Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage1@@ExplosionBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage2Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage2@@ExplosionBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage3Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage3@@ExplosionBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage4Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage4@@ExplosionBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage5Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage5@@ExplosionBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Chain Lash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas lashes his chains out, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmountCalc@ for @SlowDuration@ seconds. The place where the chains intersect explodes, dealing a further @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Explosion Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @ExplosionBaseDamage@ -> @ExplosionBaseDamageNL@
    Explosion Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ExplosionBaseDamage1Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage1@@ExplosionBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage2Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage2@@ExplosionBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage3Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage3@@ExplosionBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage4Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage4@@ExplosionBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ExplosionBaseDamage5Prefix@@ExplosionBaseDamage5@@ExplosionBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    Explosion Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @ExplosionBaseDamage@ -> @ExplosionBaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Chain Lash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas lashes his chains out, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmountCalc@ for @SlowDuration@ seconds. The place where the chains intersect explodes, dealing a further @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Chain Lash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas lashes his chains out, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmountCalc@ for @SlowDuration@ seconds. The place where the chains intersect explodes, dealing a further @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSylas steals the enemy's ultimate ability and can cast it freely.Hijack@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hijack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas hijacks an enemy champion, allowing him to cast a copy of their ultimate Ability, based on his Ultimate level and using his stats.

    Hijacking an enemy places a Cooldown on them for @PerTargetCooldown@% (modified by Sylas' Ability Haste) of the enemy's ultimate's Cooldown, with a minimum of @MinimumEnemyCooldown@ seconds, during which time Sylas cannot hijack them again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Sylas hijacks an enemy champion, allowing him to cast a copy of their ultimate Ability, based on his Ultimate level and using his stats.

    Hijacking an enemy places a Cooldown on them for @PerTargetCooldown@% (modified by Sylas' Ability Haste) of the enemy's ultimate's Cooldown, with a minimum of @MinimumEnemyCooldown@ seconds, during which time Sylas cannot hijack them again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hijack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas hijacks an enemy champion, allowing him to cast a copy of their ultimate Ability, based on his Ultimate level and using his stats.

    Hijacking an enemy places a Cooldown on them for @PerTargetCooldown@% (modified by Sylas' Ability Haste) of the enemy's ultimate's Cooldown, with a minimum of @MinimumEnemyCooldown@ seconds, during which time Sylas cannot hijack them again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Sylas converts non-hybrid AD ratios into AP ratios, granting him .4 AP: 1 Bonus AD and .6 AP: 1 Total AD respectively.Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Hijack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas hijacks an enemy champion, allowing him to cast a copy of their ultimate Ability, based on his Ultimate level and using his stats.

    Hijacking an enemy places a Cooldown on them for @PerTargetCooldown@% (modified by Sylas' Ability Haste) of the enemy's ultimate's Cooldown, with a minimum of @MinimumEnemyCooldown@ seconds, during which time Sylas cannot hijack them again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@[@Hotkey@] Hijack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas hijacks an enemy champion, allowing him to cast a copy of their ultimate Ability, based on his Ultimate level and using his stats.

    Hijacking an enemy places a Cooldown on them for @PerTargetCooldown@% (modified by Sylas' Ability Haste) of the enemy's ultimate's Cooldown, with a minimum of @MinimumEnemyCooldown@ seconds, during which time Sylas cannot hijack them again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hijack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas hijacks an enemy champion, allowing him to cast a copy of their ultimate Ability, based on his Ultimate level and using his stats.

    Hijacking an enemy places a Cooldown on them for @PerTargetCooldown@% (modified by Sylas' Ability Haste) of the enemy's ultimate's Cooldown, with a minimum of @MinimumEnemyCooldown@ seconds, during which time Sylas cannot hijack them again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSylas lunges at an enemy with magical force dealing damage and healing himself against enemy champions.KingslayerKingslayer@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Kingslayer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas lunges at an enemy with magical force dealing @MinDamage@ magic damage. Against champions, Sylas restores between @MinHealing@ and @MaxHealing@ Health based on his missing Health (max healing at or below @MaxExecuteThreshold*100@% Health).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Sylas lunges at an enemy with magical force dealing @MinDamage@ magic damage. Against champions, Sylas restores between @MinHealing@ and @MaxHealing@ Health based on his missing Health (max healing at or below @MaxExecuteThreshold*100@% Health).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Kingslayer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas lunges at an enemy with magical force dealing @MinDamage@ magic damage. Against champions, Sylas restores between @MinHealing@ and @MaxHealing@ Health based on his missing Health (max healing at or below @MaxExecuteThreshold*100@% Health).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Healing1Prefix@@Healing1@@Healing1Postfix@ / @Healing2Prefix@@Healing2@@Healing2Postfix@ / @Healing3Prefix@@Healing3@@Healing3Postfix@ / @Healing4Prefix@@Healing4@@Healing4Postfix@ / @Healing5Prefix@@Healing5@@Healing5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Kingslayer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas lunges at an enemy with magical force dealing @MinDamage@ magic damage. Against champions, Sylas restores between @MinHealing@ and @MaxHealing@ Health based on his missing Health (max healing at or below @MaxExecuteThreshold*100@% Health).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Healing@ -> @HealingNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Healing1Prefix@@Healing1@@Healing1Postfix@ / @Healing2Prefix@@Healing2@@Healing2Postfix@ / @Healing3Prefix@@Healing3@@Healing3Postfix@ / @Healing4Prefix@@Healing4@@Healing4Postfix@ / @Healing5Prefix@@Healing5@@Healing5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Healing@ -> @HealingNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Kingslayer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas lunges at an enemy with magical force dealing @MinDamage@ magic damage. Against champions, Sylas restores between @MinHealing@ and @MaxHealing@ Health based on his missing Health (max healing at or below @MaxExecuteThreshold*100@% Health).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Kingslayer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Sylas lunges at an enemy with magical force dealing @MinDamage@ magic damage. Against champions, Sylas restores between @MinHealing@ and @MaxHealing@ Health based on his missing Health (max healing at or below @MaxExecuteThreshold*100@% Health).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSyndra knocks enemies and Dark Spheres back dealing magic damage. Enemies hit by Dark Spheres become stunned.Scatter the WeakScatter the Weak@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Scatter the Weak@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra projects a wave of force, Knocking Back enemies and Dark Spheres and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Dark Spheres that are pushed Stun enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds and deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:EUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability's width is increased and Slows enemies by @UpgradedSlowAmount*100@% for @UpgradedSlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Syndra projects a wave of force, Knocking Back enemies and Dark Spheres and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Dark Spheres that are pushed Stun enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds and deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:EUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability's width is increased and Slows enemies by @UpgradedSlowAmount*100@% for @UpgradedSlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Scatter the Weak@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra projects a wave of force, Knocking Back enemies and Dark Spheres and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Dark Spheres that are pushed Stun enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds and deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:EUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability's width is increased and Slows enemies by @UpgradedSlowAmount*100@% for @UpgradedSlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Enemies can only take damage and be Knocked Back from this Ability once per cast.
    Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Scatter the Weak@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra projects a wave of force, Knocking Back enemies and Dark Spheres and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Dark Spheres that are pushed Stun enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds and deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:EUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability's width is increased and Slows enemies by @UpgradedSlowAmount*100@% for @UpgradedSlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@[@Hotkey@] Scatter the Weak@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra projects a wave of force, Knocking Back enemies and Dark Spheres and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Dark Spheres that are pushed Stun enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds and deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:EUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability's width is increased and Slows enemies by @UpgradedSlowAmount*100@% for @UpgradedSlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Scatter the Weak@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra projects a wave of force, Knocking Back enemies and Dark Spheres and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Dark Spheres that are pushed Stun enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds and deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:EUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability's width is increased and Slows enemies by @UpgradedSlowAmount*100@% for @UpgradedSlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSyndra conjures a Dark Sphere dealing magic damage. The sphere remains and can be manipulated by her other powers.Dark SphereDark Sphere@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dark Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere, dealing {{Spell_SyndraQ_Damage_0}}. The Sphere remains for @spell.SyndraQ:SphereDuration@ seconds and can be manipulated by Syndra's other Abilities.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:Q1UpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: Syndra can store @Upgrade1MaxAmmo@ charges of Dark Sphere.

    Syndra generates a Dark Sphere charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds (reduced by Ability Haste). @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere, dealing {{Spell_SyndraQ_Damage_0}}. The Sphere remains for @spell.SyndraQ:SphereDuration@ seconds and can be manipulated by Syndra's other Abilities.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:Q1UpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: Syndra can store @Upgrade1MaxAmmo@ charges of Dark Sphere.

    Syndra generates a Dark Sphere charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds (reduced by Ability Haste). @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dark Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere, dealing {{Spell_SyndraQ_Damage_0}}. The Sphere remains for @spell.SyndraQ:SphereDuration@ seconds and can be manipulated by Syndra's other Abilities.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:Q1UpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: Syndra can store @Upgrade1MaxAmmo@ charges of Dark Sphere.

    Syndra generates a Dark Sphere charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds (reduced by Ability Haste). @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability can be cast while moving.@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Dark Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere, dealing {{Spell_SyndraQ_Damage_0}}. The Sphere remains for @spell.SyndraQ:SphereDuration@ seconds and can be manipulated by Syndra's other Abilities.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:Q1UpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: Syndra can store @Upgrade1MaxAmmo@ charges of Dark Sphere.

    Syndra generates a Dark Sphere charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds (reduced by Ability Haste). @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Dark Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere, dealing {{Spell_SyndraQ_Damage_0}}. The Sphere remains for @spell.SyndraQ:SphereDuration@ seconds and can be manipulated by Syndra's other Abilities.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:Q1UpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: Syndra can store @Upgrade1MaxAmmo@ charges of Dark Sphere.

    Syndra generates a Dark Sphere charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds (reduced by Ability Haste). @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Dark Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere, dealing {{Spell_SyndraQ_Damage_0}}. The Sphere remains for @spell.SyndraQ:SphereDuration@ seconds and can be manipulated by Syndra's other Abilities.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:Q1UpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: Syndra can store @Upgrade1MaxAmmo@ charges of Dark Sphere.

    Syndra generates a Dark Sphere charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds (reduced by Ability Haste). @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Dark Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere, dealing {{Spell_SyndraQ_Damage_0}}. The Dark Sphere remains for @SphereDuration@ seconds and can be manipulated by Syndra's other Abilities.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:Q1UpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: Syndra can store @Upgrade1MaxAmmo@ charges of Dark Sphere.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere, dealing {{Spell_SyndraQ_Damage_0}}. The Dark Sphere remains for @SphereDuration@ seconds and can be manipulated by Syndra's other Abilities.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:Q1UpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: Syndra can store @Upgrade1MaxAmmo@ charges of Dark Sphere.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dark Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere, dealing {{Spell_SyndraQ_Damage_0}}. The Dark Sphere remains for @SphereDuration@ seconds and can be manipulated by Syndra's other Abilities.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:Q1UpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: Syndra can store @Upgrade1MaxAmmo@ charges of Dark Sphere.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability can be cast while moving.@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Dark Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere, dealing {{Spell_SyndraQ_Damage_0}}. The Dark Sphere remains for @SphereDuration@ seconds and can be manipulated by Syndra's other Abilities.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:Q1UpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: Syndra can store @Upgrade1MaxAmmo@ charges of Dark Sphere.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Dark Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere, dealing {{Spell_SyndraQ_Damage_0}}. The Dark Sphere remains for @SphereDuration@ seconds and can be manipulated by Syndra's other Abilities.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:Q1UpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: Syndra can store @Upgrade1MaxAmmo@ charges of Dark Sphere.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Dark Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere, dealing {{Spell_SyndraQ_Damage_0}}. The Dark Sphere remains for @SphereDuration@ seconds and can be manipulated by Syndra's other Abilities.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:Q1UpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: Syndra can store @Upgrade1MaxAmmo@ charges of Dark Sphere.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSyndra bombards an enemy Champion with all of her Dark Spheres.Unleashed PowerUnleashed Power@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Unleashed Power@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Dark Sphere gains an additional @QHastePerRank@ Ability Haste for each rank of Unleashed Power.

    Syndra draws on her full cataclysmic power, launching the 3 Dark Spheres orbiting her plus up to 4 more nearby at an enemy champion. Each Dark Sphere deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage (max @MaxDamageCalc@ magic damage).

    @spell.SyndraPassive:RUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability executes enemies below @UpgradeExecuteThreshold*100@% health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Dark Sphere gains an additional @QHastePerRank@ Ability Haste for each rank of Unleashed Power.

    Syndra draws on her full cataclysmic power, launching the 3 Dark Spheres orbiting her plus up to 4 more nearby at an enemy champion. Each Dark Sphere deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage (max @MaxDamageCalc@ magic damage).

    @spell.SyndraPassive:RUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability executes enemies below @UpgradeExecuteThreshold*100@% health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Unleashed Power@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Dark Sphere gains an additional @QHastePerRank@ Ability Haste for each rank of Unleashed Power.

    Syndra draws on her full cataclysmic power, launching the 3 Dark Spheres orbiting her plus up to 4 more nearby at an enemy champion. Each Dark Sphere deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage (max @MaxDamageCalc@ magic damage).

    @spell.SyndraPassive:RUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability executes enemies below @UpgradeExecuteThreshold*100@% health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Dark Sphere Ability Haste
    [ @DamagePerSphere1Prefix@@DamagePerSphere1@@DamagePerSphere1Postfix@ / @DamagePerSphere2Prefix@@DamagePerSphere2@@DamagePerSphere2Postfix@ / @DamagePerSphere3Prefix@@DamagePerSphere3@@DamagePerSphere3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste1Prefix@@TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste1@@TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste1Postfix@ / @TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste2Prefix@@TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste2@@TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste2Postfix@ / @TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste3Prefix@@TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste3@@TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Unleashed Power@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Dark Sphere gains an additional @QHastePerRank@ Ability Haste for each rank of Unleashed Power.

    Syndra draws on her full cataclysmic power, launching the 3 Dark Spheres orbiting her plus up to 4 more nearby at an enemy champion. Each Dark Sphere deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage (max @MaxDamageCalc@ magic damage).

    @spell.SyndraPassive:RUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability executes enemies below @UpgradeExecuteThreshold*100@% health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Dark Sphere Ability Haste
    @DamagePerSphere@ -> @DamagePerSphereNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Dark Sphere Ability Haste
    [ @DamagePerSphere1Prefix@@DamagePerSphere1@@DamagePerSphere1Postfix@ / @DamagePerSphere2Prefix@@DamagePerSphere2@@DamagePerSphere2Postfix@ / @DamagePerSphere3Prefix@@DamagePerSphere3@@DamagePerSphere3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste1Prefix@@TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste1@@TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste1Postfix@ / @TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste2Prefix@@TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste2@@TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste2Postfix@ / @TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste3Prefix@@TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste3@@TOOLTIPONLYTotalQHaste3Postfix@ ]
    Dark Sphere Ability Haste
    @DamagePerSphere@ -> @DamagePerSphereNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Unleashed Power@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Dark Sphere gains an additional @QHastePerRank@ Ability Haste for each rank of Unleashed Power.

    Syndra draws on her full cataclysmic power, launching the 3 Dark Spheres orbiting her plus up to 4 more nearby at an enemy champion. Each Dark Sphere deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage (max @MaxDamageCalc@ magic damage).

    @spell.SyndraPassive:RUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability executes enemies below @UpgradeExecuteThreshold*100@% health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Unleashed Power@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Dark Sphere gains an additional @QHastePerRank@ Ability Haste for each rank of Unleashed Power.

    Syndra draws on her full cataclysmic power, launching the 3 Dark Spheres orbiting her plus up to 4 more nearby at an enemy champion. Each Dark Sphere deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage (max @MaxDamageCalc@ magic damage).

    @spell.SyndraPassive:RUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability executes enemies below @UpgradeExecuteThreshold*100@% health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSyndra picks up and throws a Dark Sphere or enemy minion dealing magic damage and slowing the Move Speed of enemies.Force of Will@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Force of Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra grabs a Dark Sphere, enemy minion, or non-epic monster. She drags it with her and can Recast for up to 5 seconds.

    Recast: Syndra hurls the object, dealing {{Spell_SyndraW_Damage@f3@}} and Slowing by @TotalSlowAmount@% for @f2@ seconds.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:WUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability deals an additional @TOOLTIPONLYPassiveBonusPercent@ true damage.
    Syndra grabs a Dark Sphere, enemy minion, or non-epic monster. She drags it with her and can Recast for up to 5 seconds.

    Recast: Syndra hurls the object, dealing {{Spell_SyndraW_Damage@f3@}} and Slowing by @TotalSlowAmount@% for @f2@ seconds.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:WUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability deals an additional @TOOLTIPONLYPassiveBonusPercent@ true damage.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Force of Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra grabs a Dark Sphere, enemy minion, or non-epic monster. She drags it with her and can Recast for up to 5 seconds.

    Recast: Syndra hurls the object, dealing {{Spell_SyndraW_Damage@f3@}} and Slowing by @TotalSlowAmount@% for @f2@ seconds.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:WUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability deals an additional @TOOLTIPONLYPassiveBonusPercent@ true damage.
    If no target is selected, grabs nearest Dark Sphere.
    This Ability can be cast while moving.
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseSlow1Prefix@@BaseSlow1@%@BaseSlow1Postfix@ / @BaseSlow2Prefix@@BaseSlow2@%@BaseSlow2Postfix@ / @BaseSlow3Prefix@@BaseSlow3@%@BaseSlow3Postfix@ / @BaseSlow4Prefix@@BaseSlow4@%@BaseSlow4Postfix@ / @BaseSlow5Prefix@@BaseSlow5@%@BaseSlow5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Force of Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra grabs a Dark Sphere, enemy minion, or non-epic monster. She drags it with her and can Recast for up to 5 seconds.

    Recast: Syndra hurls the object, dealing {{Spell_SyndraW_Damage@f3@}} and Slowing by @TotalSlowAmount@% for @f2@ seconds.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:WUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability deals an additional @TOOLTIPONLYPassiveBonusPercent@ true damage.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseSlow@% -> @BaseSlowNL@%
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseSlow1Prefix@@BaseSlow1@%@BaseSlow1Postfix@ / @BaseSlow2Prefix@@BaseSlow2@%@BaseSlow2Postfix@ / @BaseSlow3Prefix@@BaseSlow3@%@BaseSlow3Postfix@ / @BaseSlow4Prefix@@BaseSlow4@%@BaseSlow4Postfix@ / @BaseSlow5Prefix@@BaseSlow5@%@BaseSlow5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseSlow@% -> @BaseSlowNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Force of Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra grabs a Dark Sphere, enemy minion, or non-epic monster. She drags it with her and can Recast for up to 5 seconds.

    Recast: Syndra hurls the object, dealing {{Spell_SyndraW_Damage@f3@}} and Slowing by @TotalSlowAmount@% for @f2@ seconds.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:WUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability deals an additional @TOOLTIPONLYPassiveBonusPercent@ true damage.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Force of Will@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra grabs a Dark Sphere, enemy minion, or non-epic monster. She drags it with her and can Recast for up to 5 seconds.

    Recast: Syndra hurls the object, dealing {{Spell_SyndraW_Damage@f3@}} and Slowing by @TotalSlowAmount@% for @f2@ seconds.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:WUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability deals an additional @TOOLTIPONLYPassiveBonusPercent@ true damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPassive: Tahm Kench stores a percent of the damage he takes and heals based on it while out of combat.

    Active: Convert all stored damage into a temporary shield.Thick SkinThick Skin@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Thick Skin@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: @GreyHealthRatio*100@% of damage Tahm Kench takes is stored by his Thick Skin, increased to @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced*100@% if there are at least @EnhancedThreshold@ nearby enemy champions. If Kench has not taken damage within @OOCTimer@ seconds, Thick Skin will rapidly be consumed to heal Tahm for @GreyHealthHealingRatio@ of its value.

    Active: Convert all your stored Thick Skin into a Shield, lasting @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: @GreyHealthRatio*100@% of damage Tahm Kench takes is stored by his Thick Skin, increased to @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced*100@% if there are at least @EnhancedThreshold@ nearby enemy champions. If Kench has not taken damage within @OOCTimer@ seconds, Thick Skin will rapidly be consumed to heal Tahm for @GreyHealthHealingRatio@ of its value.

    Active: Convert all your stored Thick Skin into a Shield, lasting @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Thick Skin@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: @GreyHealthRatio*100@% of damage Tahm Kench takes is stored by his Thick Skin, increased to @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced*100@% if there are at least @EnhancedThreshold@ nearby enemy champions. If Kench has not taken damage within @OOCTimer@ seconds, Thick Skin will rapidly be consumed to heal Tahm for @GreyHealthHealingRatio@ of its value.

    Active: Convert all your stored Thick Skin into a Shield, lasting @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Grey health is capped at @GreyHealthMaximum@% Damage to Thick Skin
    % Damage to Thick Skin Enhanced
    [ @GreyHealthRatio1Prefix@@GreyHealthRatio1*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatio1Postfix@ / @GreyHealthRatio2Prefix@@GreyHealthRatio2*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatio2Postfix@ / @GreyHealthRatio3Prefix@@GreyHealthRatio3*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatio3Postfix@ / @GreyHealthRatio4Prefix@@GreyHealthRatio4*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatio4Postfix@ / @GreyHealthRatio5Prefix@@GreyHealthRatio5*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced1Prefix@@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced1*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced1Postfix@ / @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced2Prefix@@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced2*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced2Postfix@ / @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced3Prefix@@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced3*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced3Postfix@ / @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced4Prefix@@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced4*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced4Postfix@ / @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced5Prefix@@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced5*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Thick Skin@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: @GreyHealthRatio*100@% of damage Tahm Kench takes is stored by his Thick Skin, increased to @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced*100@% if there are at least @EnhancedThreshold@ nearby enemy champions. If Kench has not taken damage within @OOCTimer@ seconds, Thick Skin will rapidly be consumed to heal Tahm for @GreyHealthHealingRatio@ of its value.

    Active: Convert all your stored Thick Skin into a Shield, lasting @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up% Damage to Thick Skin
    % Damage to Thick Skin Enhanced
    @GreyHealthRatio*100.000000@% -> @GreyHealthRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced*100.000000@% -> @GreyHealthRatioEnhancedNL*100.000000@%
    % Damage to Thick Skin
    % Damage to Thick Skin Enhanced
    [ @GreyHealthRatio1Prefix@@GreyHealthRatio1*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatio1Postfix@ / @GreyHealthRatio2Prefix@@GreyHealthRatio2*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatio2Postfix@ / @GreyHealthRatio3Prefix@@GreyHealthRatio3*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatio3Postfix@ / @GreyHealthRatio4Prefix@@GreyHealthRatio4*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatio4Postfix@ / @GreyHealthRatio5Prefix@@GreyHealthRatio5*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced1Prefix@@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced1*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced1Postfix@ / @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced2Prefix@@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced2*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced2Postfix@ / @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced3Prefix@@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced3*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced3Postfix@ / @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced4Prefix@@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced4*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced4Postfix@ / @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced5Prefix@@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced5*100.000000@%@GreyHealthRatioEnhanced5Postfix@ ]
    % Damage to Thick Skin
    % Damage to Thick Skin Enhanced
    @GreyHealthRatio*100.000000@% -> @GreyHealthRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced*100.000000@% -> @GreyHealthRatioEnhancedNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Thick Skin@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: @GreyHealthRatio*100@% of damage Tahm Kench takes is stored by his Thick Skin, increased to @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced*100@% if there are at least @EnhancedThreshold@ nearby enemy champions. If Kench has not taken damage within @OOCTimer@ seconds, Thick Skin will rapidly be consumed to heal Tahm for @GreyHealthHealingRatio@ of its value.

    Active: Convert all your stored Thick Skin into a Shield, lasting @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Thick Skin@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: @GreyHealthRatio*100@% of damage Tahm Kench takes is stored by his Thick Skin, increased to @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced*100@% if there are at least @EnhancedThreshold@ nearby enemy champions. If Kench has not taken damage within @OOCTimer@ seconds, Thick Skin will rapidly be consumed to heal Tahm for @GreyHealthHealingRatio@ of its value.

    Active: Convert all your stored Thick Skin into a Shield, lasting @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTahm Kench lashes out with his tongue, damaging and slowing the first unit hit and healing himself if he strikes an enemy champion.

    Applies a stack of An Acquired Taste to enemy champions. If the champion already has 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste, they are stunned and the stacks are consumed.Tongue LashTongue Lash@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tongue Lash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and slows them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    On Champion hit, heals Tahm for @BaseHeal@ +@PercentHealthHealing*100@% of his missing health and applies a stack of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }} dealing @Spell.TahmKenchPassive:TotalDamage@ extra magic damage. If that Champion already had 3 stacks of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }}, they will also be stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds, consuming the stacks.

    Activate Devour while your tongue is in midair to devour enemy champions who already have 3 stacks of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }} from a distance when you hit them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and slows them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    On Champion hit, heals Tahm for @BaseHeal@ +@PercentHealthHealing*100@% of his missing health and applies a stack of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }} dealing @Spell.TahmKenchPassive:TotalDamage@ extra magic damage. If that Champion already had 3 stacks of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }}, they will also be stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds, consuming the stacks.

    Activate Devour while your tongue is in midair to devour enemy champions who already have 3 stacks of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }} from a distance when you hit them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tongue Lash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and slows them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    On Champion hit, heals Tahm for @BaseHeal@ +@PercentHealthHealing*100@% of his missing health and applies a stack of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }} dealing @Spell.TahmKenchPassive:TotalDamage@ extra magic damage. If that Champion already had 3 stacks of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }}, they will also be stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds, consuming the stacks.

    Activate Devour while your tongue is in midair to devour enemy champions who already have 3 stacks of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }} from a distance when you hit them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    {{ Spell_TahmKenchQ_Name }}'s range increases with Tahm Kench's sizeBase Damage
    Percent Missing Health Healing
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ / @BaseHeal4Prefix@@BaseHeal4@@BaseHeal4Postfix@ / @BaseHeal5Prefix@@BaseHeal5@@BaseHeal5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentHealthHealing1Prefix@@PercentHealthHealing1*100.000000@%@PercentHealthHealing1Postfix@ / @PercentHealthHealing2Prefix@@PercentHealthHealing2*100.000000@%@PercentHealthHealing2Postfix@ / @PercentHealthHealing3Prefix@@PercentHealthHealing3*100.000000@%@PercentHealthHealing3Postfix@ / @PercentHealthHealing4Prefix@@PercentHealthHealing4*100.000000@%@PercentHealthHealing4Postfix@ / @PercentHealthHealing5Prefix@@PercentHealthHealing5*100.000000@%@PercentHealthHealing5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Tongue Lash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and slows them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    On Champion hit, heals Tahm for @BaseHeal@ +@PercentHealthHealing*100@% of his missing health and applies a stack of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }} dealing @Spell.TahmKenchPassive:TotalDamage@ extra magic damage. If that Champion already had 3 stacks of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }}, they will also be stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds, consuming the stacks.

    Activate Devour while your tongue is in midair to devour enemy champions who already have 3 stacks of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }} from a distance when you hit them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Damage
    Percent Missing Health Healing
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @PercentHealthHealing*100.000000@% -> @PercentHealthHealingNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Base Damage
    Percent Missing Health Healing
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ / @BaseHeal4Prefix@@BaseHeal4@@BaseHeal4Postfix@ / @BaseHeal5Prefix@@BaseHeal5@@BaseHeal5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentHealthHealing1Prefix@@PercentHealthHealing1*100.000000@%@PercentHealthHealing1Postfix@ / @PercentHealthHealing2Prefix@@PercentHealthHealing2*100.000000@%@PercentHealthHealing2Postfix@ / @PercentHealthHealing3Prefix@@PercentHealthHealing3*100.000000@%@PercentHealthHealing3Postfix@ / @PercentHealthHealing4Prefix@@PercentHealthHealing4*100.000000@%@PercentHealthHealing4Postfix@ / @PercentHealthHealing5Prefix@@PercentHealthHealing5*100.000000@%@PercentHealthHealing5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Base Damage
    Percent Missing Health Healing
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @PercentHealthHealing*100.000000@% -> @PercentHealthHealingNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Tongue Lash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and slows them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    On Champion hit, heals Tahm for @BaseHeal@ +@PercentHealthHealing*100@% of his missing health and applies a stack of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }} dealing @Spell.TahmKenchPassive:TotalDamage@ extra magic damage. If that Champion already had 3 stacks of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }}, they will also be stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds, consuming the stacks.

    Activate Devour while your tongue is in midair to devour enemy champions who already have 3 stacks of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }} from a distance when you hit them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Tongue Lash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and slows them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    On Champion hit, heals Tahm for @BaseHeal@ +@PercentHealthHealing*100@% of his missing health and applies a stack of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }} dealing @Spell.TahmKenchPassive:TotalDamage@ extra magic damage. If that Champion already had 3 stacks of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }}, they will also be stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds, consuming the stacks.

    Activate Devour while your tongue is in midair to devour enemy champions who already have 3 stacks of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }} from a distance when you hit them.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTahm Kench spits out his Devoured target.RegurgitateRegurgitate@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Regurgitate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tahm Kench spits out his Devoured target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Tahm Kench spits out his Devoured target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Regurgitate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tahm Kench spits out his Devoured target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Regurgitate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tahm Kench spits out his Devoured target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Regurgitate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tahm Kench spits out his Devoured target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Regurgitate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tahm Kench spits out his Devoured target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTahm Kench devours a champion for a few seconds, dealing magic damage if they are an enemy, or shielding them if they are an ally.Devour@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Devour@CDCalc@{{ Item_Cooldown }}@SpellTags@@DataManaCost@ ManaTahm Kench devours a champion for a few seconds. He can re-cast to spit them out.

    Enemy Champions: Require 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste. Are devoured for up to @EnemyDuration@ seconds and take @BaseDamage@ (+@PercentHPDamage@ of their Max Health) magic damage. Tahm Kench is slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% and Grounded during this effect.

    Ally Champions: Are devoured for up to @AllyDuration@ seconds and are granted @TotalShield@ Shield for up to @ShieldDurationAfterExit@ seconds after being spit out. Allies can also choose to exit early. Tahm Kench is Grounded during this effect, but can cast {{Spell_TahmKenchW_Name}} and gains @AllySpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @AllyDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Tahm Kench devours a champion for a few seconds. He can re-cast to spit them out.

    Enemy Champions: Require 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste. Are devoured for up to @EnemyDuration@ seconds and take @BaseDamage@ (+@PercentHPDamage@ of their Max Health) magic damage. Tahm Kench is slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% and Grounded during this effect.

    Ally Champions: Are devoured for up to @AllyDuration@ seconds and are granted @TotalShield@ Shield for up to @ShieldDurationAfterExit@ seconds after being spit out. Allies can also choose to exit early. Tahm Kench is Grounded during this effect, but can cast {{Spell_TahmKenchW_Name}} and gains @AllySpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @AllyDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Devour@CDCalc@{{ Item_Cooldown }}@SpellTags@@DataManaCost@ ManaTahm Kench devours a champion for a few seconds. He can re-cast to spit them out.

    Enemy Champions: Require 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste. Are devoured for up to @EnemyDuration@ seconds and take @BaseDamage@ (+@PercentHPDamage@ of their Max Health) magic damage. Tahm Kench is slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% and Grounded during this effect.

    Ally Champions: Are devoured for up to @AllyDuration@ seconds and are granted @TotalShield@ Shield for up to @ShieldDurationAfterExit@ seconds after being spit out. Allies can also choose to exit early. Tahm Kench is Grounded during this effect, but can cast {{Spell_TahmKenchW_Name}} and gains @AllySpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @AllyDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Allies can see when this spell is available next to your health bar (enemies cannot).Damage
    Shield Amount
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseShield1Prefix@@BaseShield1@@BaseShield1Postfix@ / @BaseShield2Prefix@@BaseShield2@@BaseShield2Postfix@ / @BaseShield3Prefix@@BaseShield3@@BaseShield3Postfix@ ]
    [ @DataCooldown1Prefix@@DataCooldown1@@DataCooldown1Postfix@ / @DataCooldown2Prefix@@DataCooldown2@@DataCooldown2Postfix@ / @DataCooldown3Prefix@@DataCooldown3@@DataCooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Devour@CDCalc@{{ Item_Cooldown }}@SpellTags@@DataManaCost@ ManaTahm Kench devours a champion for a few seconds. He can re-cast to spit them out.

    Enemy Champions: Require 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste. Are devoured for up to @EnemyDuration@ seconds and take @BaseDamage@ (+@PercentHPDamage@ of their Max Health) magic damage. Tahm Kench is slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% and Grounded during this effect.

    Ally Champions: Are devoured for up to @AllyDuration@ seconds and are granted @TotalShield@ Shield for up to @ShieldDurationAfterExit@ seconds after being spit out. Allies can also choose to exit early. Tahm Kench is Grounded during this effect, but can cast {{Spell_TahmKenchW_Name}} and gains @AllySpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @AllyDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Shield Amount
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseShield@ -> @BaseShieldNL@
    @DataCooldown@ -> @DataCooldownNL@
    Shield Amount
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseShield1Prefix@@BaseShield1@@BaseShield1Postfix@ / @BaseShield2Prefix@@BaseShield2@@BaseShield2Postfix@ / @BaseShield3Prefix@@BaseShield3@@BaseShield3Postfix@ ]
    [ @DataCooldown1Prefix@@DataCooldown1@@DataCooldown1Postfix@ / @DataCooldown2Prefix@@DataCooldown2@@DataCooldown2Postfix@ / @DataCooldown3Prefix@@DataCooldown3@@DataCooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseShield@ -> @BaseShieldNL@
    @DataCooldown@ -> @DataCooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Devour@CDCalc@{{ Item_Cooldown }}@SpellTags@@DataManaCost@ ManaTahm Kench devours a champion for a few seconds. He can re-cast to spit them out.

    Enemy Champions: Require 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste. Are devoured for up to @EnemyDuration@ seconds and take @BaseDamage@ (+@PercentHPDamage@ of their Max Health) magic damage. Tahm Kench is slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% and Grounded during this effect.

    Ally Champions: Are devoured for up to @AllyDuration@ seconds and are granted @TotalShield@ Shield for up to @ShieldDurationAfterExit@ seconds after being spit out. Allies can also choose to exit early. Tahm Kench is Grounded during this effect, but can cast {{Spell_TahmKenchW_Name}} and gains @AllySpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @AllyDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Devour@CDCalc@{{ Item_Cooldown }}@SpellTags@@DataManaCost@ ManaTahm Kench devours a champion for a few seconds. He can re-cast to spit them out.

    Enemy Champions: Require 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste. Are devoured for up to @EnemyDuration@ seconds and take @BaseDamage@ (+@PercentHPDamage@ of their Max Health) magic damage. Tahm Kench is slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% and Grounded during this effect.

    Ally Champions: Are devoured for up to @AllyDuration@ seconds and are granted @TotalShield@ Shield for up to @ShieldDurationAfterExit@ seconds after being spit out. Allies can also choose to exit early. Tahm Kench is Grounded during this effect, but can cast {{Spell_TahmKenchW_Name}} and gains @AllySpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @AllyDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDive down and then re-appear at target location, damaging and knocking up all enemies in an area.Abyssal DiveAbyssal Dive@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Abyssal Dive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Dive down and then re-appear at target location, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and knock up all enemies in an area for @KnockupDuration@ second. Hitting at least one enemy champion refunds @ChampRefund*100@% of the cooldown and mana cost.

    Devoured allies can be taken along for the ride (but can always hop out early).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Dive down and then re-appear at target location, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and knock up all enemies in an area for @KnockupDuration@ second. Hitting at least one enemy champion refunds @ChampRefund*100@% of the cooldown and mana cost.

    Devoured allies can be taken along for the ride (but can always hop out early).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Abyssal Dive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Dive down and then re-appear at target location, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and knock up all enemies in an area for @KnockupDuration@ second. Hitting at least one enemy champion refunds @ChampRefund*100@% of the cooldown and mana cost.

    Devoured allies can be taken along for the ride (but can always hop out early).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Enemies cannot see where you are headed to until @EnemyWarningDelayFromChannelStart@ seconds into the channel.

    'Boy, the world's one river, and I'm its king. Ain't no place I ain't been; ain't no place I can't go again.'
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @CastRange1Prefix@@CastRange1@@CastRange1Postfix@ / @CastRange2Prefix@@CastRange2@@CastRange2Postfix@ / @CastRange3Prefix@@CastRange3@@CastRange3Postfix@ / @CastRange4Prefix@@CastRange4@@CastRange4Postfix@ / @CastRange5Prefix@@CastRange5@@CastRange5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Abyssal Dive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Dive down and then re-appear at target location, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and knock up all enemies in an area for @KnockupDuration@ second. Hitting at least one enemy champion refunds @ChampRefund*100@% of the cooldown and mana cost.

    Devoured allies can be taken along for the ride (but can always hop out early).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @CastRange@ -> @CastRangeNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @CastRange1Prefix@@CastRange1@@CastRange1Postfix@ / @CastRange2Prefix@@CastRange2@@CastRange2Postfix@ / @CastRange3Prefix@@CastRange3@@CastRange3Postfix@ / @CastRange4Prefix@@CastRange4@@CastRange4Postfix@ / @CastRange5Prefix@@CastRange5@@CastRange5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @CastRange@ -> @CastRangeNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Abyssal Dive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Dive down and then re-appear at target location, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and knock up all enemies in an area for @KnockupDuration@ second. Hitting at least one enemy champion refunds @ChampRefund*100@% of the cooldown and mana cost.

    Devoured allies can be taken along for the ride (but can always hop out early).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Abyssal Dive@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Dive down and then re-appear at target location, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and knock up all enemies in an area for @KnockupDuration@ second. Hitting at least one enemy champion refunds @ChampRefund*100@% of the cooldown and mana cost.

    Devoured allies can be taken along for the ride (but can always hop out early).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTaliyah creates a slowing minefield. If enemies dash through it or are knocked through it, the mines explode and stun them.Unraveled EarthUnraveled Earth@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Unraveled Earth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah scatters loose stones in an area, Slowing enemies hit by @SlowPercent*100@% and dealing @ScatterDamage@ magic damage. The stones detonate when enemies dash or are Knocked through them, Stunning for the remaining movement duration + @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @DetonationDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Taliyah scatters loose stones in an area, Slowing enemies hit by @SlowPercent*100@% and dealing @ScatterDamage@ magic damage. The stones detonate when enemies dash or are Knocked through them, Stunning for the remaining movement duration + @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @DetonationDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Unraveled Earth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah scatters loose stones in an area, Slowing enemies hit by @SlowPercent*100@% and dealing @ScatterDamage@ magic damage. The stones detonate when enemies dash or are Knocked through them, Stunning for the remaining movement duration + @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @DetonationDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@The stun's duration cannot exceed @MaxStunDuration@ seconds. Each enemy can only be stunned once per cast. Monsters are always stunned for the maximum duration.
    Stones beyond the first one deal @MineDamageFalloff*100@% less damage.
    Max detonation damage: @MaxDetonationDamageTooltip@
    This ability deals @MonsterModPercent*100@% damage to monsters.
    Detonation Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDetonationDamage1Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage1@@BaseDetonationDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDetonationDamage2Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage2@@BaseDetonationDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDetonationDamage3Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage3@@BaseDetonationDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDetonationDamage4Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage4@@BaseDetonationDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDetonationDamage5Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage5@@BaseDetonationDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Unraveled Earth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah scatters loose stones in an area, Slowing enemies hit by @SlowPercent*100@% and dealing @ScatterDamage@ magic damage. The stones detonate when enemies dash or are Knocked through them, Stunning for the remaining movement duration + @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @DetonationDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Detonation Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseDetonationDamage@ -> @BaseDetonationDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Detonation Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDetonationDamage1Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage1@@BaseDetonationDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDetonationDamage2Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage2@@BaseDetonationDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDetonationDamage3Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage3@@BaseDetonationDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDetonationDamage4Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage4@@BaseDetonationDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDetonationDamage5Prefix@@BaseDetonationDamage5@@BaseDetonationDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Detonation Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseDetonationDamage@ -> @BaseDetonationDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Unraveled Earth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah scatters loose stones in an area, Slowing enemies hit by @SlowPercent*100@% and dealing @ScatterDamage@ magic damage. The stones detonate when enemies dash or are Knocked through them, Stunning for the remaining movement duration + @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @DetonationDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Unraveled Earth@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah scatters loose stones in an area, Slowing enemies hit by @SlowPercent*100@% and dealing @ScatterDamage@ magic damage. The stones detonate when enemies dash or are Knocked through them, Stunning for the remaining movement duration + @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @DetonationDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTaliyah throws a volley of rocks in a target direction, moving freely as she casts. This creates Worked Ground below her. If Taliyah casts Threaded Volley on Worked Ground, she consumes the ground to throw a stronger boulder that slows enemies.Threaded VolleyThreaded Volley@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Threaded Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah hurls 5 rocks, each dealing @RockDamage@ magic damage in an area around the first enemy hit while creating Worked Ground at that area. Subsequent hits against the same enemy deal @ExtraMissileReducedDamagePercent@% less damage.

    Casts on worked ground cost @Effect7Amount@ Mana and have @WorkedGroundCDR*100@% less Cooldown, consume the Worked Ground, and hurl a boulder that Slows enemies it hits by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, dealing @BigRockDamage@ magic damage to the primary target. Monsters hit by the boulder are Stunned for @MonsterStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Taliyah hurls 5 rocks, each dealing @RockDamage@ magic damage in an area around the first enemy hit while creating Worked Ground at that area. Subsequent hits against the same enemy deal @ExtraMissileReducedDamagePercent@% less damage.

    Casts on worked ground cost @Effect7Amount@ Mana and have @WorkedGroundCDR*100@% less Cooldown, consume the Worked Ground, and hurl a boulder that Slows enemies it hits by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, dealing @BigRockDamage@ magic damage to the primary target. Monsters hit by the boulder are Stunned for @MonsterStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Threaded Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah hurls 5 rocks, each dealing @RockDamage@ magic damage in an area around the first enemy hit while creating Worked Ground at that area. Subsequent hits against the same enemy deal @ExtraMissileReducedDamagePercent@% less damage.

    Casts on worked ground cost @Effect7Amount@ Mana and have @WorkedGroundCDR*100@% less Cooldown, consume the Worked Ground, and hurl a boulder that Slows enemies it hits by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, dealing @BigRockDamage@ magic damage to the primary target. Monsters hit by the boulder are Stunned for @MonsterStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Taliyah can move and use other Abilities while hurling rocks.
    Casting this Ability on Worked Ground cannot reduce its Cooldown to less than @MinimumWorkedGroundCD@ seconds.
    Total damage to a single target: @MaxDamageTooltip@
    Each rock deals @TotalBonusFlatMonsterDamage@ additional damage to monsters.
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowPercent1Prefix@@SlowPercent1*100.000000@%@SlowPercent1Postfix@ / @SlowPercent2Prefix@@SlowPercent2*100.000000@%@SlowPercent2Postfix@ / @SlowPercent3Prefix@@SlowPercent3*100.000000@%@SlowPercent3Postfix@ / @SlowPercent4Prefix@@SlowPercent4*100.000000@%@SlowPercent4Postfix@ / @SlowPercent5Prefix@@SlowPercent5*100.000000@%@SlowPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Threaded Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah hurls 5 rocks, each dealing @RockDamage@ magic damage in an area around the first enemy hit while creating Worked Ground at that area. Subsequent hits against the same enemy deal @ExtraMissileReducedDamagePercent@% less damage.

    Casts on worked ground cost @Effect7Amount@ Mana and have @WorkedGroundCDR*100@% less Cooldown, consume the Worked Ground, and hurl a boulder that Slows enemies it hits by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, dealing @BigRockDamage@ magic damage to the primary target. Monsters hit by the boulder are Stunned for @MonsterStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowPercent*100.000000@% -> @SlowPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowPercent1Prefix@@SlowPercent1*100.000000@%@SlowPercent1Postfix@ / @SlowPercent2Prefix@@SlowPercent2*100.000000@%@SlowPercent2Postfix@ / @SlowPercent3Prefix@@SlowPercent3*100.000000@%@SlowPercent3Postfix@ / @SlowPercent4Prefix@@SlowPercent4*100.000000@%@SlowPercent4Postfix@ / @SlowPercent5Prefix@@SlowPercent5*100.000000@%@SlowPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowPercent*100.000000@% -> @SlowPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Threaded Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah hurls 5 rocks, each dealing @RockDamage@ magic damage in an area around the first enemy hit while creating Worked Ground at that area. Subsequent hits against the same enemy deal @ExtraMissileReducedDamagePercent@% less damage.

    Casts on worked ground cost @Effect7Amount@ Mana and have @WorkedGroundCDR*100@% less Cooldown, consume the Worked Ground, and hurl a boulder that Slows enemies it hits by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, dealing @BigRockDamage@ magic damage to the primary target. Monsters hit by the boulder are Stunned for @MonsterStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Threaded Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah hurls 5 rocks, each dealing @RockDamage@ magic damage in an area around the first enemy hit while creating Worked Ground at that area. Subsequent hits against the same enemy deal @ExtraMissileReducedDamagePercent@% less damage.

    Casts on worked ground cost @Effect7Amount@ Mana and have @WorkedGroundCDR*100@% less Cooldown, consume the Worked Ground, and hurl a boulder that Slows enemies it hits by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, dealing @BigRockDamage@ magic damage to the primary target. Monsters hit by the boulder are Stunned for @MonsterStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTaliyah creates a very long wall and then surfs it.Weaver's WallWeaver's Wall@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Weaver's Wall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah creates a massive earthen wall for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. If she immediately Recasts, she will ride along the wall as it unravels. Moving or being immobilized will end the ride.

    This ability cannot be cast if Taliyah has taken damage from Champions or structures or dealt damage within the last @DamageLockoutTime@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Taliyah creates a massive earthen wall for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. If she immediately Recasts, she will ride along the wall as it unravels. Moving or being immobilized will end the ride.

    This ability cannot be cast if Taliyah has taken damage from Champions or structures or dealt damage within the last @DamageLockoutTime@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Weaver's Wall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah creates a massive earthen wall for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. If she immediately Recasts, she will ride along the wall as it unravels. Moving or being immobilized will end the ride.

    This ability cannot be cast if Taliyah has taken damage from Champions or structures or dealt damage within the last @DamageLockoutTime@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Once the wall is fully formed, Taliyah can Recast to destroy it early.Wall length
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Weaver's Wall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah creates a massive earthen wall for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. If she immediately Recasts, she will ride along the wall as it unravels. Moving or being immobilized will end the ride.

    This ability cannot be cast if Taliyah has taken damage from Champions or structures or dealt damage within the last @DamageLockoutTime@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upWall length
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Wall length
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Wall length
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Weaver's Wall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah creates a massive earthen wall for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. If she immediately Recasts, she will ride along the wall as it unravels. Moving or being immobilized will end the ride.

    This ability cannot be cast if Taliyah has taken damage from Champions or structures or dealt damage within the last @DamageLockoutTime@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Weaver's Wall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah creates a massive earthen wall for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. If she immediately Recasts, she will ride along the wall as it unravels. Moving or being immobilized will end the ride.

    This ability cannot be cast if Taliyah has taken damage from Champions or structures or dealt damage within the last @DamageLockoutTime@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTaliyah causes an area of ground to erupt and throws enemies within it in a direction of her choosing.Seismic ShoveSeismic Shove@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Seismic Shove@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah quakes the earth, Knocking enemies in an area in the chosen direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Taliyah quakes the earth, Knocking enemies in an area in the chosen direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Seismic Shove@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah quakes the earth, Knocking enemies in an area in the chosen direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Seismic Shove@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah quakes the earth, Knocking enemies in an area in the chosen direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Seismic Shove@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah quakes the earth, Knocking enemies in an area in the chosen direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Seismic Shove@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taliyah quakes the earth, Knocking enemies in an area in the chosen direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTalon vaults over any terrain or structure, up to a max distance. This ability has a low cooldown, but puts the used terrain on a long cooldown.Assassin's PathAssassin's Path@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Assassin's PathNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostTalon vaults over the nearest terrain or structure. Talon cannot dash over the same terrain more than once every @Effect6Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Talon vaults over the nearest terrain or structure. Talon cannot dash over the same terrain more than once every @Effect6Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Assassin's PathNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostTalon vaults over the nearest terrain or structure. Talon cannot dash over the same terrain more than once every @Effect6Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Terrain Cooldown[ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Assassin's PathNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostTalon vaults over the nearest terrain or structure. Talon cannot dash over the same terrain more than once every @Effect6Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTerrain Cooldown@Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@Terrain Cooldown[ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]Terrain Cooldown@Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@[@Hotkey@] Assassin's PathNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostTalon vaults over the nearest terrain or structure. Talon cannot dash over the same terrain more than once every @Effect6Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Assassin's PathNo Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostTalon vaults over the nearest terrain or structure. Talon cannot dash over the same terrain more than once every @Effect6Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTalon stabs the target unit. If they are within melee range, this attack deals critical damage. If they are outside melee range, Talon will leap at his target before stabbing them. Talon refunds some health and cooldown if this ability kills the target.Noxian DiplomacyNoxian Diplomacy@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Noxian Diplomacy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon leaps to a target and deals @LeapDamage@ physical damage. If used in melee range, this Ability instead critically strikes for @CriticalDamage@ physical damage.

    If this Ability kills the target, Talon restores @TotalHealing@ Health and refunds @Effect5Amount*100@% of its Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Talon leaps to a target and deals @LeapDamage@ physical damage. If used in melee range, this Ability instead critically strikes for @CriticalDamage@ physical damage.

    If this Ability kills the target, Talon restores @TotalHealing@ Health and refunds @Effect5Amount*100@% of its Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Noxian Diplomacy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon leaps to a target and deals @LeapDamage@ physical damage. If used in melee range, this Ability instead critically strikes for @CriticalDamage@ physical damage.

    If this Ability kills the target, Talon restores @TotalHealing@ Health and refunds @Effect5Amount*100@% of its Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Melee damage is affected by Critical Strike Damage increase.Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Noxian Diplomacy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon leaps to a target and deals @LeapDamage@ physical damage. If used in melee range, this Ability instead critically strikes for @CriticalDamage@ physical damage.

    If this Ability kills the target, Talon restores @TotalHealing@ Health and refunds @Effect5Amount*100@% of its Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Noxian Diplomacy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon leaps to a target and deals @LeapDamage@ physical damage. If used in melee range, this Ability instead critically strikes for @CriticalDamage@ physical damage.

    If this Ability kills the target, Talon restores @TotalHealing@ Health and refunds @Effect5Amount*100@% of its Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Noxian Diplomacy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon leaps to a target and deals @LeapDamage@ physical damage. If used in melee range, this Ability instead critically strikes for @CriticalDamage@ physical damage.

    If this Ability kills the target, Talon restores @TotalHealing@ Health and refunds @Effect5Amount*100@% of its Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTalon disperses a ring of blades and becomes Invisible while gaining additional Move Speed. When Talon emerges from Invisibility, the blades converge on his location. Each time the blades move, Shadow Assault deals physical damage to enemies hit by at least one blade.Shadow Assault@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shadow Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon disperses a ring of blades that deal @Damage@ physical damage, gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed, and becomes Invisible for @Duration@ seconds. When the Invisibility ends, the blades return to Talon, dealing @Damage@ physical damage again.

    If Talon cancels the Invisibility with an Attack or with {{Spell_TalonQ_Name}}, the blades return to the target instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Talon disperses a ring of blades that deal @Damage@ physical damage, gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed, and becomes Invisible for @Duration@ seconds. When the Invisibility ends, the blades return to Talon, dealing @Damage@ physical damage again.

    If Talon cancels the Invisibility with an Attack or with {{Spell_TalonQ_Name}}, the blades return to the target instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shadow Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon disperses a ring of blades that deal @Damage@ physical damage, gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed, and becomes Invisible for @Duration@ seconds. When the Invisibility ends, the blades return to Talon, dealing @Damage@ physical damage again.

    If Talon cancels the Invisibility with an Attack or with {{Spell_TalonQ_Name}}, the blades return to the target instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Move Speed
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MoveSpeed1Prefix@@MoveSpeed1*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed1Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed2Prefix@@MoveSpeed2*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed2Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed3Prefix@@MoveSpeed3*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shadow Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon disperses a ring of blades that deal @Damage@ physical damage, gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed, and becomes Invisible for @Duration@ seconds. When the Invisibility ends, the blades return to Talon, dealing @Damage@ physical damage again.

    If Talon cancels the Invisibility with an Attack or with {{Spell_TalonQ_Name}}, the blades return to the target instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Move Speed
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MoveSpeed*100.000000@% -> @MoveSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Move Speed
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MoveSpeed1Prefix@@MoveSpeed1*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed1Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed2Prefix@@MoveSpeed2*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed2Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed3Prefix@@MoveSpeed3*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MoveSpeed*100.000000@% -> @MoveSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Shadow Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon disperses a ring of blades that deal @Damage@ physical damage, gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed, and becomes Invisible for @Duration@ seconds. When the Invisibility ends, the blades return to Talon, dealing @Damage@ physical damage again.

    If Talon cancels the Invisibility with an Attack or with {{Spell_TalonQ_Name}}, the blades return to the target instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shadow Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon disperses a ring of blades that deal @Damage@ physical damage, gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed, and becomes Invisible for @Duration@ seconds. When the Invisibility ends, the blades return to Talon, dealing @Damage@ physical damage again.

    If Talon cancels the Invisibility with an Attack or with {{Spell_TalonQ_Name}}, the blades return to the target instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTalon sends out a volley of daggers that then return back to him, dealing physical damage every time it passes through an enemy. The returning blades deal bonus damage and slow units hit.RakeRake@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rake@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon tosses a volley of blades, dealing @TotalInitialDamage@ physical damage. The blades then return to him, dealing @TotalReturnDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @MovespeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Talon tosses a volley of blades, dealing @TotalInitialDamage@ physical damage. The blades then return to him, dealing @TotalReturnDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @MovespeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rake@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon tosses a volley of blades, dealing @TotalInitialDamage@ physical damage. The blades then return to him, dealing @TotalReturnDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @MovespeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@This Ability deals @MonsterDamageMod*100@% damage to jungle monsters.@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Initial Damage
    Return Damage
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @InitialBaseDamage1Prefix@@InitialBaseDamage1@@InitialBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @InitialBaseDamage2Prefix@@InitialBaseDamage2@@InitialBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @InitialBaseDamage3Prefix@@InitialBaseDamage3@@InitialBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @InitialBaseDamage4Prefix@@InitialBaseDamage4@@InitialBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @InitialBaseDamage5Prefix@@InitialBaseDamage5@@InitialBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ReturnBaseDamage1Prefix@@ReturnBaseDamage1@@ReturnBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ReturnBaseDamage2Prefix@@ReturnBaseDamage2@@ReturnBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ReturnBaseDamage3Prefix@@ReturnBaseDamage3@@ReturnBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ReturnBaseDamage4Prefix@@ReturnBaseDamage4@@ReturnBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ReturnBaseDamage5Prefix@@ReturnBaseDamage5@@ReturnBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MovespeedSlow1Prefix@@MovespeedSlow1*100.000000@%@MovespeedSlow1Postfix@ / @MovespeedSlow2Prefix@@MovespeedSlow2*100.000000@%@MovespeedSlow2Postfix@ / @MovespeedSlow3Prefix@@MovespeedSlow3*100.000000@%@MovespeedSlow3Postfix@ / @MovespeedSlow4Prefix@@MovespeedSlow4*100.000000@%@MovespeedSlow4Postfix@ / @MovespeedSlow5Prefix@@MovespeedSlow5*100.000000@%@MovespeedSlow5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Rake@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon tosses a volley of blades, dealing @TotalInitialDamage@ physical damage. The blades then return to him, dealing @TotalReturnDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @MovespeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Initial Damage
    Return Damage
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @InitialBaseDamage@ -> @InitialBaseDamageNL@
    @ReturnBaseDamage@ -> @ReturnBaseDamageNL@
    @MovespeedSlow*100.000000@% -> @MovespeedSlowNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Initial Damage
    Return Damage
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @InitialBaseDamage1Prefix@@InitialBaseDamage1@@InitialBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @InitialBaseDamage2Prefix@@InitialBaseDamage2@@InitialBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @InitialBaseDamage3Prefix@@InitialBaseDamage3@@InitialBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @InitialBaseDamage4Prefix@@InitialBaseDamage4@@InitialBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @InitialBaseDamage5Prefix@@InitialBaseDamage5@@InitialBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ReturnBaseDamage1Prefix@@ReturnBaseDamage1@@ReturnBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ReturnBaseDamage2Prefix@@ReturnBaseDamage2@@ReturnBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ReturnBaseDamage3Prefix@@ReturnBaseDamage3@@ReturnBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ReturnBaseDamage4Prefix@@ReturnBaseDamage4@@ReturnBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ReturnBaseDamage5Prefix@@ReturnBaseDamage5@@ReturnBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MovespeedSlow1Prefix@@MovespeedSlow1*100.000000@%@MovespeedSlow1Postfix@ / @MovespeedSlow2Prefix@@MovespeedSlow2*100.000000@%@MovespeedSlow2Postfix@ / @MovespeedSlow3Prefix@@MovespeedSlow3*100.000000@%@MovespeedSlow3Postfix@ / @MovespeedSlow4Prefix@@MovespeedSlow4*100.000000@%@MovespeedSlow4Postfix@ / @MovespeedSlow5Prefix@@MovespeedSlow5*100.000000@%@MovespeedSlow5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Initial Damage
    Return Damage
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @InitialBaseDamage@ -> @InitialBaseDamageNL@
    @ReturnBaseDamage@ -> @ReturnBaseDamageNL@
    @MovespeedSlow*100.000000@% -> @MovespeedSlowNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Rake@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon tosses a volley of blades, dealing @TotalInitialDamage@ physical damage. The blades then return to him, dealing @TotalReturnDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @MovespeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Rake@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Talon tosses a volley of blades, dealing @TotalInitialDamage@ physical damage. The blades then return to him, dealing @TotalReturnDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @MovespeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPermanently reduces the physical damage Amumu would take. Amumu can unleash his rage, dealing damage to surrounding enemies. Each time Amumu is hit, the cooldown on Tantrum is reduced by 0.5 seconds.TantrumTantrum@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tantrum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Amumu takes @DamageReduction@ reduced physical damage. Additionally, when Amumu is hit by an Attack, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by 0.5 seconds.

    Active: Amumu throws a tantrum, dealing @TantrumDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Amumu takes @DamageReduction@ reduced physical damage. Additionally, when Amumu is hit by an Attack, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by 0.5 seconds.

    Active: Amumu throws a tantrum, dealing @TantrumDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tantrum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Amumu takes @DamageReduction@ reduced physical damage. Additionally, when Amumu is hit by an Attack, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by 0.5 seconds.

    Active: Amumu throws a tantrum, dealing @TantrumDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage reduction effect can't reduce the damage below @FlatDamageReductionMax*100@%.Damage Reduced
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Tantrum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Amumu takes @DamageReduction@ reduced physical damage. Additionally, when Amumu is hit by an Attack, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by 0.5 seconds.

    Active: Amumu throws a tantrum, dealing @TantrumDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Reduced
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Damage Reduced
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Damage Reduced
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Tantrum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Amumu takes @DamageReduction@ reduced physical damage. Additionally, when Amumu is hit by an Attack, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by 0.5 seconds.

    Active: Amumu throws a tantrum, dealing @TantrumDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Tantrum@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Amumu takes @DamageReduction@ reduced physical damage. Additionally, when Amumu is hit by an Attack, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by 0.5 seconds.

    Active: Amumu throws a tantrum, dealing @TantrumDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTaric readies a beam of starlight that, after a brief delay, deals magic damage and stuns enemies.DazzleDazzle@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dazzle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric projects a beam of starlight, bursting after @Effect3Amount@ second to deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stun enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Taric projects a beam of starlight, bursting after @Effect3Amount@ second to deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stun enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dazzle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric projects a beam of starlight, bursting after @Effect3Amount@ second to deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stun enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Dazzle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric projects a beam of starlight, bursting after @Effect3Amount@ second to deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stun enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Dazzle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric projects a beam of starlight, bursting after @Effect3Amount@ second to deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stun enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Dazzle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric projects a beam of starlight, bursting after @Effect3Amount@ second to deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stun enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHeals nearby allied champions based on charges stored. Bravado-empowered attacks grant a charge of Starlight's Touch.Starlight's TouchStarlight's Touch@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Starlight's Touch@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana, all ChargesPassive: Gain a stack (max @Effect6Amount@) every @StackCooldown@ seconds and when hitting a Bravado Attack.

    Active: Consume all stacks to restore @HealingPerStack@ Health per stack to nearby ally champions (@MaxStackHealing@ at @Effect6Amount@ stacks).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Gain a stack (max @Effect6Amount@) every @StackCooldown@ seconds and when hitting a Bravado Attack.

    Active: Consume all stacks to restore @HealingPerStack@ Health per stack to nearby ally champions (@MaxStackHealing@ at @Effect6Amount@ stacks).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Starlight's Touch@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana, all ChargesPassive: Gain a stack (max @Effect6Amount@) every @StackCooldown@ seconds and when hitting a Bravado Attack.

    Active: Consume all stacks to restore @HealingPerStack@ Health per stack to nearby ally champions (@MaxStackHealing@ at @Effect6Amount@ stacks).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Max Charges
    Max Healing
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Starlight's Touch@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana, all ChargesPassive: Gain a stack (max @Effect6Amount@) every @StackCooldown@ seconds and when hitting a Bravado Attack.

    Active: Consume all stacks to restore @HealingPerStack@ Health per stack to nearby ally champions (@MaxStackHealing@ at @Effect6Amount@ stacks).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMax Charges
    Max Healing
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    Max Charges
    Max Healing
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Max Charges
    Max Healing
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Starlight's Touch@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana, all ChargesPassive: Gain a stack (max @Effect6Amount@) every @StackCooldown@ seconds and when hitting a Bravado Attack.

    Active: Consume all stacks to restore @HealingPerStack@ Health per stack to nearby ally champions (@MaxStackHealing@ at @Effect6Amount@ stacks).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Starlight's Touch@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ Mana, all ChargesPassive: Gain a stack (max @Effect6Amount@) every @StackCooldown@ seconds and when hitting a Bravado Attack.

    Active: Consume all stacks to restore @HealingPerStack@ Health per stack to nearby ally champions (@MaxStackHealing@ at @Effect6Amount@ stacks).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPulses cosmic energy onto nearby allied champions after a delay, making them invulnerable for a short duration.Cosmic RadianceCosmic Radiance@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cosmic Radiance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric calls down protection from the heavens. After @InitialDelay@ seconds, nearby ally champions become invulnerable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Taric calls down protection from the heavens. After @InitialDelay@ seconds, nearby ally champions become invulnerable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cosmic Radiance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric calls down protection from the heavens. After @InitialDelay@ seconds, nearby ally champions become invulnerable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Cosmic Radiance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric calls down protection from the heavens. After @InitialDelay@ seconds, nearby ally champions become invulnerable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@[@Hotkey@] Cosmic Radiance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric calls down protection from the heavens. After @InitialDelay@ seconds, nearby ally champions become invulnerable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Cosmic Radiance@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Taric calls down protection from the heavens. After @InitialDelay@ seconds, nearby ally champions become invulnerable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoPassively increase the Armor of Taric and any allied champion with Bastion.

    Actively shields an ally and grants them Bastion for as long as they remain near Taric. Taric's spells also cast off the ally with Bastion.Bastion@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bastion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Taric gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and forms a tether between him and the ally bound by this Ability. As long as they are near each other, the ally gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and Taric casts all his Abilities from both himself and his linked ally.

    Active: Taric binds to an ally champion, granting a @Effect2Amount@% max Health Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Taric gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and forms a tether between him and the ally bound by this Ability. As long as they are near each other, the ally gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and Taric casts all his Abilities from both himself and his linked ally.

    Active: Taric binds to an ally champion, granting a @Effect2Amount@% max Health Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bastion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Taric gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and forms a tether between him and the ally bound by this Ability. As long as they are near each other, the ally gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and Taric casts all his Abilities from both himself and his linked ally.

    Active: Taric binds to an ally champion, granting a @Effect2Amount@% max Health Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Mimicked spell effects do not stack.
    Only one ally can be bound at a time.

    Passive Armor
    Shield Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bastion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Taric gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and forms a tether between him and the ally bound by this Ability. As long as they are near each other, the ally gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and Taric casts all his Abilities from both himself and his linked ally.

    Active: Taric binds to an ally champion, granting a @Effect2Amount@% max Health Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPassive Armor
    Shield Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Passive Armor
    Shield Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Passive Armor
    Shield Ratio
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Bastion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Taric gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and forms a tether between him and the ally bound by this Ability. As long as they are near each other, the ally gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and Taric casts all his Abilities from both himself and his linked ally.

    Active: Taric binds to an ally champion, granting a @Effect2Amount@% max Health Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bastion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Taric gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and forms a tether between him and the ally bound by this Ability. As long as they are near each other, the ally gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and Taric casts all his Abilities from both himself and his linked ally.

    Active: Taric binds to an ally champion, granting a @Effect2Amount@% max Health Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTeemo throws an explosive poisonous trap using one of the mushrooms stored in his pack. If an enemy steps on the trap, it will release a poisonous cloud, slowing enemies and damaging them over time. If Teemo throws a mushroom onto another mushroom it will bounce, gaining additional range.Noxious TrapNoxious Trap@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Noxious Trap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Teemo tosses a mushroom trap that detonates when stepped on. The traps Slow by @SlowAmount@% and deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @DebuffDuration@ seconds. Enemies are revealed for the same duration.

    Traps last @MushroomDuration@ minutes and are stealthed. A mushroom tossed onto another mushroom bounces before landing at its position. This Ability has @MaxAmmo@ charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).
    Teemo tosses a mushroom trap that detonates when stepped on. The traps Slow by @SlowAmount@% and deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @DebuffDuration@ seconds. Enemies are revealed for the same duration.

    Traps last @MushroomDuration@ minutes and are stealthed. A mushroom tossed onto another mushroom bounces before landing at its position. This Ability has @MaxAmmo@ charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Noxious Trap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Teemo tosses a mushroom trap that detonates when stepped on. The traps Slow by @SlowAmount@% and deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @DebuffDuration@ seconds. Enemies are revealed for the same duration.

    Traps last @MushroomDuration@ minutes and are stealthed. A mushroom tossed onto another mushroom bounces before landing at its position. This Ability has @MaxAmmo@ charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).
    Bounce Distance
    Maximum Traps
    Mana Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CastRange1Prefix@@CastRange1@@CastRange1Postfix@ / @CastRange2Prefix@@CastRange2@@CastRange2Postfix@ / @CastRange3Prefix@@CastRange3@@CastRange3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BounceDistance1Prefix@@BounceDistance1@@BounceDistance1Postfix@ / @BounceDistance2Prefix@@BounceDistance2@@BounceDistance2Postfix@ / @BounceDistance3Prefix@@BounceDistance3@@BounceDistance3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxAmmo1Prefix@@MaxAmmo1@@MaxAmmo1Postfix@ / @MaxAmmo2Prefix@@MaxAmmo2@@MaxAmmo2Postfix@ / @MaxAmmo3Prefix@@MaxAmmo3@@MaxAmmo3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Noxious Trap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Teemo tosses a mushroom trap that detonates when stepped on. The traps Slow by @SlowAmount@% and deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @DebuffDuration@ seconds. Enemies are revealed for the same duration.

    Traps last @MushroomDuration@ minutes and are stealthed. A mushroom tossed onto another mushroom bounces before landing at its position. This Ability has @MaxAmmo@ charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Bounce Distance
    Maximum Traps
    Mana Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount@% -> @SlowAmountNL@%
    @CastRange@ -> @CastRangeNL@
    @BounceDistance@ -> @BounceDistanceNL@
    @MaxAmmo@ -> @MaxAmmoNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Bounce Distance
    Maximum Traps
    Mana Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CastRange1Prefix@@CastRange1@@CastRange1Postfix@ / @CastRange2Prefix@@CastRange2@@CastRange2Postfix@ / @CastRange3Prefix@@CastRange3@@CastRange3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BounceDistance1Prefix@@BounceDistance1@@BounceDistance1Postfix@ / @BounceDistance2Prefix@@BounceDistance2@@BounceDistance2Postfix@ / @BounceDistance3Prefix@@BounceDistance3@@BounceDistance3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxAmmo1Prefix@@MaxAmmo1@@MaxAmmo1Postfix@ / @MaxAmmo2Prefix@@MaxAmmo2@@MaxAmmo2Postfix@ / @MaxAmmo3Prefix@@MaxAmmo3@@MaxAmmo3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ ]
    Bounce Distance
    Maximum Traps
    Mana Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount@% -> @SlowAmountNL@%
    @CastRange@ -> @CastRangeNL@
    @BounceDistance@ -> @BounceDistanceNL@
    @MaxAmmo@ -> @MaxAmmoNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Noxious Trap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Teemo tosses a mushroom trap that detonates when stepped on. The traps Slow by @SlowAmount@% and deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @DebuffDuration@ seconds. Enemies are revealed for the same duration.

    Traps last @MushroomDuration@ minutes and are stealthed. A mushroom tossed onto another mushroom bounces before landing at its position. This Ability has @MaxAmmo@ charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Noxious Trap@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Teemo tosses a mushroom trap that detonates when stepped on. The traps Slow by @SlowAmount@% and deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @DebuffDuration@ seconds. Enemies are revealed for the same duration.

    Traps last @MushroomDuration@ minutes and are stealthed. A mushroom tossed onto another mushroom bounces before landing at its position. This Ability has @MaxAmmo@ charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).

    Press [Shift] to show more infoThresh's attacks wind up, dealing more damage the longer he waits between attacks. When activated, Thresh sweeps his chain, knocking all enemies hit in the direction of the blow.FlayFlay@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Flay@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Thresh's Attacks deal additional damage based on how long since he last Attacked. They deal between @PAttackDamageMin@ and @PAttackDamageMax@ magic damage.

    Active: Thresh whips his chains, Pulling or Pushing enemies in the direction of the swing. Enemies hit are also Slowed by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ second and take @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Thresh's Attacks deal additional damage based on how long since he last Attacked. They deal between @PAttackDamageMin@ and @PAttackDamageMax@ magic damage.

    Active: Thresh whips his chains, Pulling or Pushing enemies in the direction of the swing. Enemies hit are also Slowed by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ second and take @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Flay@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Thresh's Attacks deal additional damage based on how long since he last Attacked. They deal between @PAttackDamageMin@ and @PAttackDamageMax@ magic damage.

    Active: Thresh whips his chains, Pulling or Pushing enemies in the direction of the swing. Enemies hit are also Slowed by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ second and take @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive damage scales with number of Souls collected.Passive Damage
    Active Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Flay@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Thresh's Attacks deal additional damage based on how long since he last Attacked. They deal between @PAttackDamageMin@ and @PAttackDamageMax@ magic damage.

    Active: Thresh whips his chains, Pulling or Pushing enemies in the direction of the swing. Enemies hit are also Slowed by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ second and take @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPassive Damage
    Active Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Passive Damage
    Active Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Passive Damage
    Active Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Flay@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Thresh's Attacks deal additional damage based on how long since he last Attacked. They deal between @PAttackDamageMin@ and @PAttackDamageMax@ magic damage.

    Active: Thresh whips his chains, Pulling or Pushing enemies in the direction of the swing. Enemies hit are also Slowed by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ second and take @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Flay@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Thresh's Attacks deal additional damage based on how long since he last Attacked. They deal between @PAttackDamageMin@ and @PAttackDamageMax@ magic damage.

    Active: Thresh whips his chains, Pulling or Pushing enemies in the direction of the swing. Enemies hit are also Slowed by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ second and take @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoThresh binds an enemy in chains and pulls them toward him. Activating this ability a second time pulls Thresh to the enemy.Death Sentence@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Death Sentence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh throws out his scythe, Stunning the first unit hit and Pulling them towards Thresh for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. The scythe does @TotalDamage@ magic damage and also grants True Sight for the duration.

    Thresh can Recast this Ability to pull himself to the enemy.

    If this Ability hits, its Cooldown is reduced by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Thresh throws out his scythe, Stunning the first unit hit and Pulling them towards Thresh for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. The scythe does @TotalDamage@ magic damage and also grants True Sight for the duration.

    Thresh can Recast this Ability to pull himself to the enemy.

    If this Ability hits, its Cooldown is reduced by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Death Sentence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh throws out his scythe, Stunning the first unit hit and Pulling them towards Thresh for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. The scythe does @TotalDamage@ magic damage and also grants True Sight for the duration.

    Thresh can Recast this Ability to pull himself to the enemy.

    If this Ability hits, its Cooldown is reduced by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Death Sentence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh throws out his scythe, Stunning the first unit hit and Pulling them towards Thresh for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. The scythe does @TotalDamage@ magic damage and also grants True Sight for the duration.

    Thresh can Recast this Ability to pull himself to the enemy.

    If this Ability hits, its Cooldown is reduced by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Death Sentence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh throws out his scythe, Stunning the first unit hit and Pulling them towards Thresh for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. The scythe does @TotalDamage@ magic damage and also grants True Sight for the duration.

    Thresh can Recast this Ability to pull himself to the enemy.

    If this Ability hits, its Cooldown is reduced by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Death Sentence@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh throws out his scythe, Stunning the first unit hit and Pulling them towards Thresh for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. The scythe does @TotalDamage@ magic damage and also grants True Sight for the duration.

    Thresh can Recast this Ability to pull himself to the enemy.

    If this Ability hits, its Cooldown is reduced by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoA prison of walls that slow and deal damage if broken.The BoxThe Box@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] The Box@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh creates a prison of spectral walls, Slowing champions by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Walls break after one collision, and after one is broken, the rest deal no damage and Slow for half duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Thresh creates a prison of spectral walls, Slowing champions by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Walls break after one collision, and after one is broken, the rest deal no damage and Slow for half duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] The Box@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh creates a prison of spectral walls, Slowing champions by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Walls break after one collision, and after one is broken, the rest deal no damage and Slow for half duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] The Box@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh creates a prison of spectral walls, Slowing champions by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Walls break after one collision, and after one is broken, the rest deal no damage and Slow for half duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] The Box@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh creates a prison of spectral walls, Slowing champions by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Walls break after one collision, and after one is broken, the rest deal no damage and Slow for half duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] The Box@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh creates a prison of spectral walls, Slowing champions by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Walls break after one collision, and after one is broken, the rest deal no damage and Slow for half duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoThresh throws out a lantern that shields nearby allied Champions from damage. Allies can click the lantern to dash to Thresh.Dark PassageDark Passage@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dark Passage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh throws his lantern, allowing an ally to click on it to dash to Thresh.

    The lantern also grants @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect5Amount@ seconds to Thresh and the first ally champion to come in contact with it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Thresh throws his lantern, allowing an ally to click on it to dash to Thresh.

    The lantern also grants @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect5Amount@ seconds to Thresh and the first ally champion to come in contact with it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dark Passage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh throws his lantern, allowing an ally to click on it to dash to Thresh.

    The lantern also grants @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect5Amount@ seconds to Thresh and the first ally champion to come in contact with it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The Shield scales with number of Souls collected.Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Dark Passage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh throws his lantern, allowing an ally to click on it to dash to Thresh.

    The lantern also grants @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect5Amount@ seconds to Thresh and the first ally champion to come in contact with it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Dark Passage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh throws his lantern, allowing an ally to click on it to dash to Thresh.

    The lantern also grants @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect5Amount@ seconds to Thresh and the first ally champion to come in contact with it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Dark Passage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thresh throws his lantern, allowing an ally to click on it to dash to Thresh.

    The lantern also grants @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect5Amount@ seconds to Thresh and the first ally champion to come in contact with it.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZilean bends time around any unit, decreasing an enemy's Move Speed or increasing an ally's Move Speed for a short time.Time WarpTime Warp@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Time Warp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean Slows an enemy champion by @Effect2Amount@% or grants an allied champion @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Zilean Slows an enemy champion by @Effect2Amount@% or grants an allied champion @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Time Warp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean Slows an enemy champion by @Effect2Amount@% or grants an allied champion @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Slow
    Move Speed
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Time Warp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean Slows an enemy champion by @Effect2Amount@% or grants an allied champion @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upSlow
    Move Speed
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Move Speed
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Time Warp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean Slows an enemy champion by @Effect2Amount@% or grants an allied champion @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Time Warp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean Slows an enemy champion by @Effect2Amount@% or grants an allied champion @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoEach of Teemo's attacks will poison the target, dealing damage on impact and each second after for 4 seconds.Toxic ShotToxic Shot@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Toxic Shot@SpellTags@PassivePassive: Teemo's Attacks apply poison, dealing an additional @ImpactCalculatedDamage@ magic damage plus @TotalDotDamage@ magic damage over @PoisonDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Passive: Teemo's Attacks apply poison, dealing an additional @ImpactCalculatedDamage@ magic damage plus @TotalDotDamage@ magic damage over @PoisonDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Toxic Shot@SpellTags@PassivePassive: Teemo's Attacks apply poison, dealing an additional @ImpactCalculatedDamage@ magic damage plus @TotalDotDamage@ magic damage over @PoisonDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@This poison deals @MonsterMod@% damage to jungle monsters.Impact Damage
    Damage Per Second
    [ @ImpactBaseDamage1Prefix@@ImpactBaseDamage1@@ImpactBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ImpactBaseDamage2Prefix@@ImpactBaseDamage2@@ImpactBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ImpactBaseDamage3Prefix@@ImpactBaseDamage3@@ImpactBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ImpactBaseDamage4Prefix@@ImpactBaseDamage4@@ImpactBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ImpactBaseDamage5Prefix@@ImpactBaseDamage5@@ImpactBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @TickBaseDamage1Prefix@@TickBaseDamage1@@TickBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @TickBaseDamage2Prefix@@TickBaseDamage2@@TickBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @TickBaseDamage3Prefix@@TickBaseDamage3@@TickBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @TickBaseDamage4Prefix@@TickBaseDamage4@@TickBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @TickBaseDamage5Prefix@@TickBaseDamage5@@TickBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Toxic Shot@SpellTags@PassivePassive: Teemo's Attacks apply poison, dealing an additional @ImpactCalculatedDamage@ magic damage plus @TotalDotDamage@ magic damage over @PoisonDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upImpact Damage
    Damage Per Second
    @ImpactBaseDamage@ -> @ImpactBaseDamageNL@
    @TickBaseDamage@ -> @TickBaseDamageNL@
    Impact Damage
    Damage Per Second
    [ @ImpactBaseDamage1Prefix@@ImpactBaseDamage1@@ImpactBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ImpactBaseDamage2Prefix@@ImpactBaseDamage2@@ImpactBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ImpactBaseDamage3Prefix@@ImpactBaseDamage3@@ImpactBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ImpactBaseDamage4Prefix@@ImpactBaseDamage4@@ImpactBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ImpactBaseDamage5Prefix@@ImpactBaseDamage5@@ImpactBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @TickBaseDamage1Prefix@@TickBaseDamage1@@TickBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @TickBaseDamage2Prefix@@TickBaseDamage2@@TickBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @TickBaseDamage3Prefix@@TickBaseDamage3@@TickBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @TickBaseDamage4Prefix@@TickBaseDamage4@@TickBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @TickBaseDamage5Prefix@@TickBaseDamage5@@TickBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    Impact Damage
    Damage Per Second
    @ImpactBaseDamage@ -> @ImpactBaseDamageNL@
    @TickBaseDamage@ -> @TickBaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Toxic Shot@SpellTags@PassivePassive: Teemo's Attacks apply poison, dealing an additional @ImpactCalculatedDamage@ magic damage plus @TotalDotDamage@ magic damage over @PoisonDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Toxic Shot@SpellTags@PassivePassive: Teemo's Attacks apply poison, dealing an additional @ImpactCalculatedDamage@ magic damage plus @TotalDotDamage@ magic damage over @PoisonDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoRammus hops into the air and slams down at a target area, dealing magic damage and slowing enemies. If cast while Rammus is in Powerball, Rammus knocks up enemies near the center as well.Soaring SlamSoaring Slam@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Soaring Slam@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus hops into the air and slams down in an area, dealing @InitialDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center take additional damage based on how far Rammus hopped (max: @TooltipMaxDamageCalc@ magic damage). If used during Powerball, enemies in the center are also Knocked Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds.

    Rammus then creates @NumberOfPulses@ aftershocks in the area over @BuffDuration@ seconds, each dealing @PulseDamageCalc@ magic damage and stacking the Slow (max: @MaxSlow@%).

    The range of this Ability is increased by Rammus's Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Rammus hops into the air and slams down in an area, dealing @InitialDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center take additional damage based on how far Rammus hopped (max: @TooltipMaxDamageCalc@ magic damage). If used during Powerball, enemies in the center are also Knocked Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds.

    Rammus then creates @NumberOfPulses@ aftershocks in the area over @BuffDuration@ seconds, each dealing @PulseDamageCalc@ magic damage and stacking the Slow (max: @MaxSlow@%).

    The range of this Ability is increased by Rammus's Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Soaring Slam@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus hops into the air and slams down in an area, dealing @InitialDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center take additional damage based on how far Rammus hopped (max: @TooltipMaxDamageCalc@ magic damage). If used during Powerball, enemies in the center are also Knocked Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds.

    Rammus then creates @NumberOfPulses@ aftershocks in the area over @BuffDuration@ seconds, each dealing @PulseDamageCalc@ magic damage and stacking the Slow (max: @MaxSlow@%).

    The range of this Ability is increased by Rammus's Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The initial slam and aftershocks deal @TurretDamageModifier*100@% damage to turrets.Damage
    Aftershock Damage
    [ @InitialDamage1Prefix@@InitialDamage1@@InitialDamage1Postfix@ / @InitialDamage2Prefix@@InitialDamage2@@InitialDamage2Postfix@ / @InitialDamage3Prefix@@InitialDamage3@@InitialDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PulseBaseDamage1Prefix@@PulseBaseDamage1@@PulseBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @PulseBaseDamage2Prefix@@PulseBaseDamage2@@PulseBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @PulseBaseDamage3Prefix@@PulseBaseDamage3@@PulseBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Soaring Slam@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus hops into the air and slams down in an area, dealing @InitialDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center take additional damage based on how far Rammus hopped (max: @TooltipMaxDamageCalc@ magic damage). If used during Powerball, enemies in the center are also Knocked Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds.

    Rammus then creates @NumberOfPulses@ aftershocks in the area over @BuffDuration@ seconds, each dealing @PulseDamageCalc@ magic damage and stacking the Slow (max: @MaxSlow@%).

    The range of this Ability is increased by Rammus's Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Aftershock Damage
    @InitialDamage@ -> @InitialDamageNL@
    @PulseBaseDamage@ -> @PulseBaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    Aftershock Damage
    [ @InitialDamage1Prefix@@InitialDamage1@@InitialDamage1Postfix@ / @InitialDamage2Prefix@@InitialDamage2@@InitialDamage2Postfix@ / @InitialDamage3Prefix@@InitialDamage3@@InitialDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @PulseBaseDamage1Prefix@@PulseBaseDamage1@@PulseBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @PulseBaseDamage2Prefix@@PulseBaseDamage2@@PulseBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @PulseBaseDamage3Prefix@@PulseBaseDamage3@@PulseBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ ]
    Aftershock Damage
    @InitialDamage@ -> @InitialDamageNL@
    @PulseBaseDamage@ -> @PulseBaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Soaring Slam@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus hops into the air and slams down in an area, dealing @InitialDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center take additional damage based on how far Rammus hopped (max: @TooltipMaxDamageCalc@ magic damage). If used during Powerball, enemies in the center are also Knocked Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds.

    Rammus then creates @NumberOfPulses@ aftershocks in the area over @BuffDuration@ seconds, each dealing @PulseDamageCalc@ magic damage and stacking the Slow (max: @MaxSlow@%).

    The range of this Ability is increased by Rammus's Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Soaring Slam@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Rammus hops into the air and slams down in an area, dealing @InitialDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center take additional damage based on how far Rammus hopped (max: @TooltipMaxDamageCalc@ magic damage). If used during Powerball, enemies in the center are also Knocked Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds.

    Rammus then creates @NumberOfPulses@ aftershocks in the area over @BuffDuration@ seconds, each dealing @PulseDamageCalc@ magic damage and stacking the Slow (max: @MaxSlow@%).

    The range of this Ability is increased by Rammus's Move Speed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWhen Tristana kills a unit, her cannonballs burst into shrapnel, dealing damage to surrounding enemies. Can be activated to place a bomb on a target enemy that explodes after a short duration dealing damage to surrounding units.Explosive Charge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Tristana's Attacks that kill enemies deal @PassiveDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies.

    Active: Tristana attaches a bomb to an enemy or turret that deals @ActiveDamage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies after @ActiveDuration@ seconds. The damage is increased by @CritChanceAmp*100@% Critical Strike Chance and by @ActivePerStackAmp*100@% each time Tristana hits an Attack or Ability (max 4 stacks).

    At @ActiveMaxStacks@ stacks, the bomb explodes immediately (max @ActiveMaxDamage@ physical damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Tristana's Attacks that kill enemies deal @PassiveDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies.

    Active: Tristana attaches a bomb to an enemy or turret that deals @ActiveDamage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies after @ActiveDuration@ seconds. The damage is increased by @CritChanceAmp*100@% Critical Strike Chance and by @ActivePerStackAmp*100@% each time Tristana hits an Attack or Ability (max 4 stacks).

    At @ActiveMaxStacks@ stacks, the bomb explodes immediately (max @ActiveMaxDamage@ physical damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Tristana's Attacks that kill enemies deal @PassiveDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies.

    Active: Tristana attaches a bomb to an enemy or turret that deals @ActiveDamage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies after @ActiveDuration@ seconds. The damage is increased by @CritChanceAmp*100@% Critical Strike Chance and by @ActivePerStackAmp*100@% each time Tristana hits an Attack or Ability (max 4 stacks).

    At @ActiveMaxStacks@ stacks, the bomb explodes immediately (max @ActiveMaxDamage@ physical damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The detonation radius is twice as large if used on a turret.Cooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Passive Explosion Damage
    Base Charge Damage
    Attack Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PassiveBaseDamage1Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage1@@PassiveBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @PassiveBaseDamage2Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage2@@PassiveBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @PassiveBaseDamage3Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage3@@PassiveBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @PassiveBaseDamage4Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage4@@PassiveBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @PassiveBaseDamage5Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage5@@PassiveBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveBaseDamage1Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage1@@ActiveBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage2Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage2@@ActiveBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage3Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage3@@ActiveBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage4Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage4@@ActiveBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage5Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage5@@ActiveBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveBADRatio1Prefix@@ActiveBADRatio1*100.000000@%@ActiveBADRatio1Postfix@ / @ActiveBADRatio2Prefix@@ActiveBADRatio2*100.000000@%@ActiveBADRatio2Postfix@ / @ActiveBADRatio3Prefix@@ActiveBADRatio3*100.000000@%@ActiveBADRatio3Postfix@ / @ActiveBADRatio4Prefix@@ActiveBADRatio4*100.000000@%@ActiveBADRatio4Postfix@ / @ActiveBADRatio5Prefix@@ActiveBADRatio5*100.000000@%@ActiveBADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Tristana's Attacks that kill enemies deal @PassiveDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies.

    Active: Tristana attaches a bomb to an enemy or turret that deals @ActiveDamage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies after @ActiveDuration@ seconds. The damage is increased by @CritChanceAmp*100@% Critical Strike Chance and by @ActivePerStackAmp*100@% each time Tristana hits an Attack or Ability (max 4 stacks).

    At @ActiveMaxStacks@ stacks, the bomb explodes immediately (max @ActiveMaxDamage@ physical damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Passive Explosion Damage
    Base Charge Damage
    Attack Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @PassiveBaseDamage@ -> @PassiveBaseDamageNL@
    @ActiveBaseDamage@ -> @ActiveBaseDamageNL@
    @ActiveBADRatio*100.000000@% -> @ActiveBADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Passive Explosion Damage
    Base Charge Damage
    Attack Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PassiveBaseDamage1Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage1@@PassiveBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @PassiveBaseDamage2Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage2@@PassiveBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @PassiveBaseDamage3Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage3@@PassiveBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @PassiveBaseDamage4Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage4@@PassiveBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @PassiveBaseDamage5Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage5@@PassiveBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveBaseDamage1Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage1@@ActiveBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage2Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage2@@ActiveBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage3Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage3@@ActiveBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage4Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage4@@ActiveBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage5Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage5@@ActiveBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveBADRatio1Prefix@@ActiveBADRatio1*100.000000@%@ActiveBADRatio1Postfix@ / @ActiveBADRatio2Prefix@@ActiveBADRatio2*100.000000@%@ActiveBADRatio2Postfix@ / @ActiveBADRatio3Prefix@@ActiveBADRatio3*100.000000@%@ActiveBADRatio3Postfix@ / @ActiveBADRatio4Prefix@@ActiveBADRatio4*100.000000@%@ActiveBADRatio4Postfix@ / @ActiveBADRatio5Prefix@@ActiveBADRatio5*100.000000@%@ActiveBADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Passive Explosion Damage
    Base Charge Damage
    Attack Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @PassiveBaseDamage@ -> @PassiveBaseDamageNL@
    @ActiveBaseDamage@ -> @ActiveBaseDamageNL@
    @ActiveBADRatio*100.000000@% -> @ActiveBADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Tristana's Attacks that kill enemies deal @PassiveDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies.

    Active: Tristana attaches a bomb to an enemy or turret that deals @ActiveDamage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies after @ActiveDuration@ seconds. The damage is increased by @CritChanceAmp*100@% Critical Strike Chance and by @ActivePerStackAmp*100@% each time Tristana hits an Attack or Ability (max 4 stacks).

    At @ActiveMaxStacks@ stacks, the bomb explodes immediately (max @ActiveMaxDamage@ physical damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Explosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Tristana's Attacks that kill enemies deal @PassiveDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies.

    Active: Tristana attaches a bomb to an enemy or turret that deals @ActiveDamage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies after @ActiveDuration@ seconds. The damage is increased by @CritChanceAmp*100@% Critical Strike Chance and by @ActivePerStackAmp*100@% each time Tristana hits an Attack or Ability (max 4 stacks).

    At @ActiveMaxStacks@ stacks, the bomb explodes immediately (max @ActiveMaxDamage@ physical damage).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTristana fires her weapon rapidly, increasing her Attack Speed for a short time.Rapid Fire@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rapid Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTristana goes full-auto, gaining @Effect1Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Tristana goes full-auto, gaining @Effect1Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rapid Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTristana goes full-auto, gaining @Effect1Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    Attack Speed
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Rapid Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTristana goes full-auto, gaining @Effect1Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Attack Speed
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100.000000@%
    Attack Speed
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Rapid Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTristana goes full-auto, gaining @Effect1Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Rapid Fire@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTristana goes full-auto, gaining @Effect1Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTrundle creates an ice pillar at target location, becoming impassable terrain and slowing all nearby enemy units.Pillar of IcePillar of Ice@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pillar of Ice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle creates an icy pillar for @Effect1Amount@ seconds, briefly Knocking Back enemies directly over it and Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Trundle creates an icy pillar for @Effect1Amount@ seconds, briefly Knocking Back enemies directly over it and Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Pillar of Ice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle creates an icy pillar for @Effect1Amount@ seconds, briefly Knocking Back enemies directly over it and Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Pillar of Ice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle creates an icy pillar for @Effect1Amount@ seconds, briefly Knocking Back enemies directly over it and Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Pillar of Ice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle creates an icy pillar for @Effect1Amount@ seconds, briefly Knocking Back enemies directly over it and Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Pillar of Ice@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle creates an icy pillar for @Effect1Amount@ seconds, briefly Knocking Back enemies directly over it and Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTrundle immediately steals a percent of his target's Health, Armor and Magic Resistance. Over the next 4 seconds the amount of Health, Armor, and Magic Resistance stolen is doubled.SubjugateSubjugate@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Subjugate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle drains the lifeforce of an enemy champion, dealing @TotalPercentHPDamage@ max Health magic damage and stealing @ArmorMRShred*100@% Armor and Magic Resist over @ActualDurationOfDrainBuff@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Trundle drains the lifeforce of an enemy champion, dealing @TotalPercentHPDamage@ max Health magic damage and stealing @ArmorMRShred*100@% Armor and Magic Resist over @ActualDurationOfDrainBuff@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Subjugate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle drains the lifeforce of an enemy champion, dealing @TotalPercentHPDamage@ max Health magic damage and stealing @ArmorMRShred*100@% Armor and Magic Resist over @ActualDurationOfDrainBuff@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Half of the damage and shred happen immediately and the other half happens over the duration.
    The shred lasts for @DurationOfDrainForTooltip@ seconds after the drain ends.
    Health Drain
    [ @PercentHPDamage1Prefix@@PercentHPDamage1*100.000000@%@PercentHPDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentHPDamage2Prefix@@PercentHPDamage2*100.000000@%@PercentHPDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentHPDamage3Prefix@@PercentHPDamage3*100.000000@%@PercentHPDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Subjugate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle drains the lifeforce of an enemy champion, dealing @TotalPercentHPDamage@ max Health magic damage and stealing @ArmorMRShred*100@% Armor and Magic Resist over @ActualDurationOfDrainBuff@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHealth Drain
    @PercentHPDamage*100.000000@% -> @PercentHPDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Health Drain
    [ @PercentHPDamage1Prefix@@PercentHPDamage1*100.000000@%@PercentHPDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentHPDamage2Prefix@@PercentHPDamage2*100.000000@%@PercentHPDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentHPDamage3Prefix@@PercentHPDamage3*100.000000@%@PercentHPDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Health Drain
    @PercentHPDamage*100.000000@% -> @PercentHPDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Subjugate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle drains the lifeforce of an enemy champion, dealing @TotalPercentHPDamage@ max Health magic damage and stealing @ArmorMRShred*100@% Armor and Magic Resist over @ActualDurationOfDrainBuff@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Subjugate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle drains the lifeforce of an enemy champion, dealing @TotalPercentHPDamage@ max Health magic damage and stealing @ArmorMRShred*100@% Armor and Magic Resist over @ActualDurationOfDrainBuff@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTrundle bites his opponent, dealing damage, briefly slowing and sapping some of their Attack Damage.Chomp@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Chomp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle's next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and briefly Slows by @Effect7Amount*100@%, then Trundle gains @Effect3Amount@ Attack Damage for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and the enemy loses @Effect3Amount*0.5@ Attack Damage for the same duration.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Trundle's next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and briefly Slows by @Effect7Amount*100@%, then Trundle gains @Effect3Amount@ Attack Damage for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and the enemy loses @Effect3Amount*0.5@ Attack Damage for the same duration.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Chomp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle's next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and briefly Slows by @Effect7Amount*100@%, then Trundle gains @Effect3Amount@ Attack Damage for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and the enemy loses @Effect3Amount*0.5@ Attack Damage for the same duration.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Attack Damage
    Attack Damage Ratio
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @TooltipQADRatio1Prefix@@TooltipQADRatio1*100.000000@%@TooltipQADRatio1Postfix@ / @TooltipQADRatio2Prefix@@TooltipQADRatio2*100.000000@%@TooltipQADRatio2Postfix@ / @TooltipQADRatio3Prefix@@TooltipQADRatio3*100.000000@%@TooltipQADRatio3Postfix@ / @TooltipQADRatio4Prefix@@TooltipQADRatio4*100.000000@%@TooltipQADRatio4Postfix@ / @TooltipQADRatio5Prefix@@TooltipQADRatio5*100.000000@%@TooltipQADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Chomp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle's next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and briefly Slows by @Effect7Amount*100@%, then Trundle gains @Effect3Amount@ Attack Damage for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and the enemy loses @Effect3Amount*0.5@ Attack Damage for the same duration.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Attack Damage
    Attack Damage Ratio
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @TooltipQADRatio*100.000000@% -> @TooltipQADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    Attack Damage
    Attack Damage Ratio
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @TooltipQADRatio1Prefix@@TooltipQADRatio1*100.000000@%@TooltipQADRatio1Postfix@ / @TooltipQADRatio2Prefix@@TooltipQADRatio2*100.000000@%@TooltipQADRatio2Postfix@ / @TooltipQADRatio3Prefix@@TooltipQADRatio3*100.000000@%@TooltipQADRatio3Postfix@ / @TooltipQADRatio4Prefix@@TooltipQADRatio4*100.000000@%@TooltipQADRatio4Postfix@ / @TooltipQADRatio5Prefix@@TooltipQADRatio5*100.000000@%@TooltipQADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Damage
    Attack Damage Ratio
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @TooltipQADRatio*100.000000@% -> @TooltipQADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Chomp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle's next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and briefly Slows by @Effect7Amount*100@%, then Trundle gains @Effect3Amount@ Attack Damage for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and the enemy loses @Effect3Amount*0.5@ Attack Damage for the same duration.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Chomp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle's next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and briefly Slows by @Effect7Amount*100@%, then Trundle gains @Effect3Amount@ Attack Damage for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and the enemy loses @Effect3Amount*0.5@ Attack Damage for the same duration.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTryndamere slices toward a target unit, dealing damage to enemies in his path.Spinning Slash@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spinning Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTryndamere spins through his enemies, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and generating @FuryGained@ Fury per enemy hit.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @Effect2Amount@ second when Tryndamere critically strikes, and reduced by @Effect3Amount@ seconds when critically striking a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Tryndamere spins through his enemies, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and generating @FuryGained@ Fury per enemy hit.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @Effect2Amount@ second when Tryndamere critically strikes, and reduced by @Effect3Amount@ seconds when critically striking a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spinning Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTryndamere spins through his enemies, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and generating @FuryGained@ Fury per enemy hit.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @Effect2Amount@ second when Tryndamere critically strikes, and reduced by @Effect3Amount@ seconds when critically striking a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Spinning Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTryndamere spins through his enemies, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and generating @FuryGained@ Fury per enemy hit.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @Effect2Amount@ second when Tryndamere critically strikes, and reduced by @Effect3Amount@ seconds when critically striking a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Spinning Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTryndamere spins through his enemies, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and generating @FuryGained@ Fury per enemy hit.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @Effect2Amount@ second when Tryndamere critically strikes, and reduced by @Effect3Amount@ seconds when critically striking a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Spinning Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTryndamere spins through his enemies, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and generating @FuryGained@ Fury per enemy hit.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @Effect2Amount@ second when Tryndamere critically strikes, and reduced by @Effect3Amount@ seconds when critically striking a champion.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTryndamere thrives on the thrills of combat, increasing his Attack Damage as he is more and more wounded. He can cast Bloodlust to consume his Fury and heal himself.BloodlustBloodlust@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bloodlust@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Tryndamere thirsts for blood, gaining @Effect1Amount@ Attack Damage plus @Effect2Amount@ per 1% missing Health.

    Active: Tryndamere consumes his Fury, restoring @BaseHeal@ plus @Effect4Amount@ Health per Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Tryndamere thirsts for blood, gaining @Effect1Amount@ Attack Damage plus @Effect2Amount@ per 1% missing Health.

    Active: Tryndamere consumes his Fury, restoring @BaseHeal@ plus @Effect4Amount@ Health per Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bloodlust@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Tryndamere thirsts for blood, gaining @Effect1Amount@ Attack Damage plus @Effect2Amount@ per 1% missing Health.

    Active: Tryndamere consumes his Fury, restoring @BaseHeal@ plus @Effect4Amount@ Health per Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Attack Damage
    Attack Damage per Health % Missing
    Heal Per Fury
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bloodlust@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Tryndamere thirsts for blood, gaining @Effect1Amount@ Attack Damage plus @Effect2Amount@ per 1% missing Health.

    Active: Tryndamere consumes his Fury, restoring @BaseHeal@ plus @Effect4Amount@ Health per Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Damage
    Attack Damage per Health % Missing
    Heal Per Fury
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    Attack Damage
    Attack Damage per Health % Missing
    Heal Per Fury
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Damage
    Attack Damage per Health % Missing
    Heal Per Fury
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Bloodlust@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Tryndamere thirsts for blood, gaining @Effect1Amount@ Attack Damage plus @Effect2Amount@ per 1% missing Health.

    Active: Tryndamere consumes his Fury, restoring @BaseHeal@ plus @Effect4Amount@ Health per Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bloodlust@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Tryndamere thirsts for blood, gaining @Effect1Amount@ Attack Damage plus @Effect2Amount@ per 1% missing Health.

    Active: Tryndamere consumes his Fury, restoring @BaseHeal@ plus @Effect4Amount@ Health per Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTryndamere lets out an insulting cry, decreasing surrounding champions' Attack Damage. Enemies with their backs turned to Tryndamere also have their Move Speed reduced.Mocking ShoutMocking Shout@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mocking Shout@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTryndamere hurls insults, reducing champions' Attack Damage by @Effect1Amount*-1@ for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemies with their backs towards Tryndamere are Slowed by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Tryndamere hurls insults, reducing champions' Attack Damage by @Effect1Amount*-1@ for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemies with their backs towards Tryndamere are Slowed by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mocking Shout@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTryndamere hurls insults, reducing champions' Attack Damage by @Effect1Amount*-1@ for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemies with their backs towards Tryndamere are Slowed by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Physical Damage Reduction
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*-1.000000@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*-1.000000@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*-1.000000@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*-1.000000@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*-1.000000@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Mocking Shout@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTryndamere hurls insults, reducing champions' Attack Damage by @Effect1Amount*-1@ for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemies with their backs towards Tryndamere are Slowed by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPhysical Damage Reduction
    @Effect1Amount*-1.000000@ -> @Effect1AmountNL*-1.000000@
    @Effect2Amount*-100.000000@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*-100.000000@%
    Physical Damage Reduction
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*-1.000000@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*-1.000000@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*-1.000000@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*-1.000000@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*-1.000000@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Physical Damage Reduction
    @Effect1Amount*-1.000000@ -> @Effect1AmountNL*-1.000000@
    @Effect2Amount*-100.000000@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*-100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Mocking Shout@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTryndamere hurls insults, reducing champions' Attack Damage by @Effect1Amount*-1@ for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemies with their backs towards Tryndamere are Slowed by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mocking Shout@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTryndamere hurls insults, reducing champions' Attack Damage by @Effect1Amount*-1@ for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemies with their backs towards Tryndamere are Slowed by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for the same duration.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTwitch wreaks further havoc on poisoned enemies with a blast of his vile diseases.ContaminateContaminate@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Contaminate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Deals @BaseDamage@ physical damage to all nearby enemies affected by Deadly Venom, plus an additional @PhysicalDamagePerStack@ physical damage and @MagicDamagePerStack@ magical damage per stack of Deadly Venom.

    Max Damage: @MaxPhysicalDamage@ physical damage and @MaxMagicDamage@ magical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Deals @BaseDamage@ physical damage to all nearby enemies affected by Deadly Venom, plus an additional @PhysicalDamagePerStack@ physical damage and @MagicDamagePerStack@ magical damage per stack of Deadly Venom.

    Max Damage: @MaxPhysicalDamage@ physical damage and @MaxMagicDamage@ magical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Contaminate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Deals @BaseDamage@ physical damage to all nearby enemies affected by Deadly Venom, plus an additional @PhysicalDamagePerStack@ physical damage and @MagicDamagePerStack@ magical damage per stack of Deadly Venom.

    Max Damage: @MaxPhysicalDamage@ physical damage and @MaxMagicDamage@ magical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage per Stack
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BasePhysicalDamagePerStack1Prefix@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack1@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack1Postfix@ / @BasePhysicalDamagePerStack2Prefix@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack2@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack2Postfix@ / @BasePhysicalDamagePerStack3Prefix@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack3@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack3Postfix@ / @BasePhysicalDamagePerStack4Prefix@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack4@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack4Postfix@ / @BasePhysicalDamagePerStack5Prefix@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack5@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Contaminate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Deals @BaseDamage@ physical damage to all nearby enemies affected by Deadly Venom, plus an additional @PhysicalDamagePerStack@ physical damage and @MagicDamagePerStack@ magical damage per stack of Deadly Venom.

    Max Damage: @MaxPhysicalDamage@ physical damage and @MaxMagicDamage@ magical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Damage per Stack
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BasePhysicalDamagePerStack@ -> @BasePhysicalDamagePerStackNL@
    Damage per Stack
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BasePhysicalDamagePerStack1Prefix@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack1@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack1Postfix@ / @BasePhysicalDamagePerStack2Prefix@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack2@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack2Postfix@ / @BasePhysicalDamagePerStack3Prefix@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack3@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack3Postfix@ / @BasePhysicalDamagePerStack4Prefix@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack4@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack4Postfix@ / @BasePhysicalDamagePerStack5Prefix@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack5@@BasePhysicalDamagePerStack5Postfix@ ]
    Damage per Stack
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BasePhysicalDamagePerStack@ -> @BasePhysicalDamagePerStackNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Contaminate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Deals @BaseDamage@ physical damage to all nearby enemies affected by Deadly Venom, plus an additional @PhysicalDamagePerStack@ physical damage and @MagicDamagePerStack@ magical damage per stack of Deadly Venom.

    Max Damage: @MaxPhysicalDamage@ physical damage and @MaxMagicDamage@ magical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Contaminate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Deals @BaseDamage@ physical damage to all nearby enemies affected by Deadly Venom, plus an additional @PhysicalDamagePerStack@ physical damage and @MagicDamagePerStack@ magical damage per stack of Deadly Venom.

    Max Damage: @MaxPhysicalDamage@ physical damage and @MaxMagicDamage@ magical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTwitch unleashes the full power of his crossbow, shooting bolts over a great distance that pierce all enemies caught in their path.Spray and PraySpray and Pray@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spray and Pray@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch unleashes his crossbow, gaining @BonusRange@ Attack Range and @BonusAD@ Attack Damage, and causing his Attacks to become piercing bolts for @Duration@ seconds. These bolts hit all enemies they pass through, but deal @FallOffDamage*100@% less damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @MinimumFallOffDamage*100@% damage.
    Twitch unleashes his crossbow, gaining @BonusRange@ Attack Range and @BonusAD@ Attack Damage, and causing his Attacks to become piercing bolts for @Duration@ seconds. These bolts hit all enemies they pass through, but deal @FallOffDamage*100@% less damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @MinimumFallOffDamage*100@% damage.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spray and Pray@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch unleashes his crossbow, gaining @BonusRange@ Attack Range and @BonusAD@ Attack Damage, and causing his Attacks to become piercing bolts for @Duration@ seconds. These bolts hit all enemies they pass through, but deal @FallOffDamage*100@% less damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @MinimumFallOffDamage*100@% damage.
    Using this Ability does not break Camouflage, but Attacking still does.Attack Damage[ @BonusAD1Prefix@@BonusAD1@@BonusAD1Postfix@ / @BonusAD2Prefix@@BonusAD2@@BonusAD2Postfix@ / @BonusAD3Prefix@@BonusAD3@@BonusAD3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Spray and Pray@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch unleashes his crossbow, gaining @BonusRange@ Attack Range and @BonusAD@ Attack Damage, and causing his Attacks to become piercing bolts for @Duration@ seconds. These bolts hit all enemies they pass through, but deal @FallOffDamage*100@% less damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @MinimumFallOffDamage*100@% damage.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Damage@BonusAD@ -> @BonusADNL@Attack Damage[ @BonusAD1Prefix@@BonusAD1@@BonusAD1Postfix@ / @BonusAD2Prefix@@BonusAD2@@BonusAD2Postfix@ / @BonusAD3Prefix@@BonusAD3@@BonusAD3Postfix@ ]Attack Damage@BonusAD@ -> @BonusADNL@[@Hotkey@] Spray and Pray@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch unleashes his crossbow, gaining @BonusRange@ Attack Range and @BonusAD@ Attack Damage, and causing his Attacks to become piercing bolts for @Duration@ seconds. These bolts hit all enemies they pass through, but deal @FallOffDamage*100@% less damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @MinimumFallOffDamage*100@% damage.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Spray and Pray@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch unleashes his crossbow, gaining @BonusRange@ Attack Range and @BonusAD@ Attack Damage, and causing his Attacks to become piercing bolts for @Duration@ seconds. These bolts hit all enemies they pass through, but deal @FallOffDamage*100@% less damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @MinimumFallOffDamage*100@% damage.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTwitch becomes Camouflaged for a short duration and gains Move Speed. When leaving Camouflage, Twitch gains Attack Speed for a short duration.

    When an enemy champion with Deadly Venom dies, Ambush's cooldown is reset.AmbushAmbush@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ambush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch Camouflages and gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. The Move Speed increases to @Effect3Amount*3@% while near an enemy champion that can't see him. After exiting Camouflage, Twitch gains @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    When an enemy champion dies while afflicted with Venom, this Ability's Cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Twitch Camouflages and gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. The Move Speed increases to @Effect3Amount*3@% while near an enemy champion that can't see him. After exiting Camouflage, Twitch gains @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    When an enemy champion dies while afflicted with Venom, this Ability's Cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ambush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch Camouflages and gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. The Move Speed increases to @Effect3Amount*3@% while near an enemy champion that can't see him. After exiting Camouflage, Twitch gains @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    When an enemy champion dies while afflicted with Venom, this Ability's Cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    {{Reminder_Camouflage}}Camouflage Duration
    Attack Speed
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Ambush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch Camouflages and gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. The Move Speed increases to @Effect3Amount*3@% while near an enemy champion that can't see him. After exiting Camouflage, Twitch gains @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    When an enemy champion dies while afflicted with Venom, this Ability's Cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCamouflage Duration
    Attack Speed
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    Camouflage Duration
    Attack Speed
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Camouflage Duration
    Attack Speed
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Ambush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch Camouflages and gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. The Move Speed increases to @Effect3Amount*3@% while near an enemy champion that can't see him. After exiting Camouflage, Twitch gains @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    When an enemy champion dies while afflicted with Venom, this Ability's Cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ambush@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch Camouflages and gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. The Move Speed increases to @Effect3Amount*3@% while near an enemy champion that can't see him. After exiting Camouflage, Twitch gains @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    When an enemy champion dies while afflicted with Venom, this Ability's Cooldown is refreshed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTwitch hurls a cask of venom that explodes in an area, slowing targets and applying deadly venom to the target.Venom CaskVenom Cask@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Venom Cask@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch hurls a cask that adds a stack of Deadly Venom to all enemies struck and leaves behind a toxic cloud that persists for @Duration@ seconds.

    Enemies that remain within the cloud are Slowed by @TotalSlowAmount@% and receive an additional stack of Deadly Venom each second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Twitch hurls a cask that adds a stack of Deadly Venom to all enemies struck and leaves behind a toxic cloud that persists for @Duration@ seconds.

    Enemies that remain within the cloud are Slowed by @TotalSlowAmount@% and receive an additional stack of Deadly Venom each second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Venom Cask@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch hurls a cask that adds a stack of Deadly Venom to all enemies struck and leaves behind a toxic cloud that persists for @Duration@ seconds.

    Enemies that remain within the cloud are Slowed by @TotalSlowAmount@% and receive an additional stack of Deadly Venom each second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Move Speed Slow
    [ @BaseSlowAmount1Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount1@%@BaseSlowAmount1Postfix@ / @BaseSlowAmount2Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount2@%@BaseSlowAmount2Postfix@ / @BaseSlowAmount3Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount3@%@BaseSlowAmount3Postfix@ / @BaseSlowAmount4Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount4@%@BaseSlowAmount4Postfix@ / @BaseSlowAmount5Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount5@%@BaseSlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Venom Cask@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch hurls a cask that adds a stack of Deadly Venom to all enemies struck and leaves behind a toxic cloud that persists for @Duration@ seconds.

    Enemies that remain within the cloud are Slowed by @TotalSlowAmount@% and receive an additional stack of Deadly Venom each second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMove Speed Slow
    @BaseSlowAmount@% -> @BaseSlowAmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Move Speed Slow
    [ @BaseSlowAmount1Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount1@%@BaseSlowAmount1Postfix@ / @BaseSlowAmount2Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount2@%@BaseSlowAmount2Postfix@ / @BaseSlowAmount3Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount3@%@BaseSlowAmount3Postfix@ / @BaseSlowAmount4Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount4@%@BaseSlowAmount4Postfix@ / @BaseSlowAmount5Prefix@@BaseSlowAmount5@%@BaseSlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed Slow
    @BaseSlowAmount@% -> @BaseSlowAmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Venom Cask@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch hurls a cask that adds a stack of Deadly Venom to all enemies struck and leaves behind a toxic cloud that persists for @Duration@ seconds.

    Enemies that remain within the cloud are Slowed by @TotalSlowAmount@% and receive an additional stack of Deadly Venom each second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Venom Cask@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch hurls a cask that adds a stack of Deadly Venom to all enemies struck and leaves behind a toxic cloud that persists for @Duration@ seconds.

    Enemies that remain within the cloud are Slowed by @TotalSlowAmount@% and receive an additional stack of Deadly Venom each second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoShaco's Shivs passively poison targets on hit, slowing their Move Speed. He can throw his Shivs to deal damage and poison the target. The thrown Shiv deals bonus damage if the target is below 30% health.Two-Shiv PoisonTwo-Shiv Poison@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Two-Shiv Poison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While this Ability is off Cooldown, Shaco's Attacks Slow the target by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDurationPassive@ seconds.

    Active: Shaco throws a shiv, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDurationActive@ seconds. If the target has less than @ExecuteHealthThreshold*100@% Health, the shiv deals @TotalExecuteDamage@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: While this Ability is off Cooldown, Shaco's Attacks Slow the target by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDurationPassive@ seconds.

    Active: Shaco throws a shiv, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDurationActive@ seconds. If the target has less than @ExecuteHealthThreshold*100@% Health, the shiv deals @TotalExecuteDamage@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Two-Shiv Poison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While this Ability is off Cooldown, Shaco's Attacks Slow the target by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDurationPassive@ seconds.

    Active: Shaco throws a shiv, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDurationActive@ seconds. If the target has less than @ExecuteHealthThreshold*100@% Health, the shiv deals @TotalExecuteDamage@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Two-Shiv Poison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While this Ability is off Cooldown, Shaco's Attacks Slow the target by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDurationPassive@ seconds.

    Active: Shaco throws a shiv, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDurationActive@ seconds. If the target has less than @ExecuteHealthThreshold*100@% Health, the shiv deals @TotalExecuteDamage@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*-100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*-100.000000@%
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*-100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*-100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*-100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Two-Shiv Poison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While this Ability is off Cooldown, Shaco's Attacks Slow the target by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDurationPassive@ seconds.

    Active: Shaco throws a shiv, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDurationActive@ seconds. If the target has less than @ExecuteHealthThreshold*100@% Health, the shiv deals @TotalExecuteDamage@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Two-Shiv Poison@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While this Ability is off Cooldown, Shaco's Attacks Slow the target by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDurationPassive@ seconds.

    Active: Shaco throws a shiv, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDurationActive@ seconds. If the target has less than @ExecuteHealthThreshold*100@% Health, the shiv deals @TotalExecuteDamage@ damage instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoMalphite launches himself to a location at high speed, damaging enemies and knocking them into the air.Unstoppable ForceUnstoppable Force@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Unstoppable Force@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite charges with the force of a landslide, dashing Unstoppably. At the end of the dash, Malphite Knocks Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Malphite charges with the force of a landslide, dashing Unstoppably. At the end of the dash, Malphite Knocks Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Unstoppable Force@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite charges with the force of a landslide, dashing Unstoppably. At the end of the dash, Malphite Knocks Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Unstoppable Force@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite charges with the force of a landslide, dashing Unstoppably. At the end of the dash, Malphite Knocks Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ ]
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Unstoppable Force@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite charges with the force of a landslide, dashing Unstoppably. At the end of the dash, Malphite Knocks Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Unstoppable Force@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malphite charges with the force of a landslide, dashing Unstoppably. At the end of the dash, Malphite Knocks Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoUdyr gains movement speed and his first attack against each target will Stun them. Recast: Gain even more movement speed and immunity to immobilizing effects for a couple seconds. Blazing StampedeBlazing Stampede@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blazing Stampede@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Stampede Stance: Udyr gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's Attacks dash him to the target and Stun for @StunDuration@ seconds (@ICD@ second Cooldown per target).

    Awaken: Grants immunity to Immobilizing and Disabling effects and an additional @MoveSpeedBonus@ Move Speed for @UnstoppableDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Stampede Stance: Udyr gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's Attacks dash him to the target and Stun for @StunDuration@ seconds (@ICD@ second Cooldown per target).

    Awaken: Grants immunity to Immobilizing and Disabling effects and an additional @MoveSpeedBonus@ Move Speed for @UnstoppableDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blazing Stampede@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Stampede Stance: Udyr gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's Attacks dash him to the target and Stun for @StunDuration@ seconds (@ICD@ second Cooldown per target).

    Awaken: Grants immunity to Immobilizing and Disabling effects and an additional @MoveSpeedBonus@ Move Speed for @UnstoppableDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Udyr moves through units during the Move Speed boost, and his Attacks in this Stance can't be cancelled.Move Speed
    Per Unit Cooldown
    [ @MoveSpeed1Prefix@@MoveSpeed1*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed1Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed2Prefix@@MoveSpeed2*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed2Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed3Prefix@@MoveSpeed3*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed3Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed4Prefix@@MoveSpeed4*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed4Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed5Prefix@@MoveSpeed5*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed5Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed6Prefix@@MoveSpeed6*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed6Postfix@ ]
    [ @ICD1Prefix@@ICD1@@ICD1Postfix@ / @ICD2Prefix@@ICD2@@ICD2Postfix@ / @ICD3Prefix@@ICD3@@ICD3Postfix@ / @ICD4Prefix@@ICD4@@ICD4Postfix@ / @ICD5Prefix@@ICD5@@ICD5Postfix@ / @ICD6Prefix@@ICD6@@ICD6Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Blazing Stampede@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Stampede Stance: Udyr gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's Attacks dash him to the target and Stun for @StunDuration@ seconds (@ICD@ second Cooldown per target).

    Awaken: Grants immunity to Immobilizing and Disabling effects and an additional @MoveSpeedBonus@ Move Speed for @UnstoppableDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMove Speed
    Per Unit Cooldown
    @MoveSpeed*100.000000@% -> @MoveSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @ICD@ -> @ICDNL@
    Move Speed
    Per Unit Cooldown
    [ @MoveSpeed1Prefix@@MoveSpeed1*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed1Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed2Prefix@@MoveSpeed2*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed2Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed3Prefix@@MoveSpeed3*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed3Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed4Prefix@@MoveSpeed4*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed4Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed5Prefix@@MoveSpeed5*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed5Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed6Prefix@@MoveSpeed6*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed6Postfix@ ]
    [ @ICD1Prefix@@ICD1@@ICD1Postfix@ / @ICD2Prefix@@ICD2@@ICD2Postfix@ / @ICD3Prefix@@ICD3@@ICD3Postfix@ / @ICD4Prefix@@ICD4@@ICD4Postfix@ / @ICD5Prefix@@ICD5@@ICD5Postfix@ / @ICD6Prefix@@ICD6@@ICD6Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    Per Unit Cooldown
    @MoveSpeed*100.000000@% -> @MoveSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @ICD@ -> @ICDNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Blazing Stampede@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Stampede Stance: Udyr gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's Attacks dash him to the target and Stun for @StunDuration@ seconds (@ICD@ second Cooldown per target).

    Awaken: Grants immunity to Immobilizing and Disabling effects and an additional @MoveSpeedBonus@ Move Speed for @UnstoppableDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Blazing Stampede@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Stampede Stance: Udyr gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's Attacks dash him to the target and Stun for @StunDuration@ seconds (@ICD@ second Cooldown per target).

    Awaken: Grants immunity to Immobilizing and Disabling effects and an additional @MoveSpeedBonus@ Move Speed for @UnstoppableDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoUdyr gains attack speed and his next two attacks deal bonus physical damage. Recast: Gain even more attack speed, and the next two attacks call lightning to strike the target.Wilding ClawWilding Claw@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wilding Claw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Claw Stance: Udyr gains @AttackSpeedBase*100@% Attack Speed and his Attacks deal @OnHitDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} for @AttackSpeedDurationBase@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal a bonus @MaxHPOnHit1@ max Health physical damage and gain @AttackRange@ range.

    Awaken: Increase bonus Attack Speed to @EmpoweredTotalAS@ and max Health damage to @Q2TotalOnHitHPDamage@. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks call lightning six times, dealing a total of @EmpoweredLightningBonusMax@ max Health magic damage to isolated targets (strikes bounce to other nearby targets when possible).
    Claw Stance: Udyr gains @AttackSpeedBase*100@% Attack Speed and his Attacks deal @OnHitDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} for @AttackSpeedDurationBase@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal a bonus @MaxHPOnHit1@ max Health physical damage and gain @AttackRange@ range.

    Awaken: Increase bonus Attack Speed to @EmpoweredTotalAS@ and max Health damage to @Q2TotalOnHitHPDamage@. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks call lightning six times, dealing a total of @EmpoweredLightningBonusMax@ max Health magic damage to isolated targets (strikes bounce to other nearby targets when possible).
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wilding Claw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Claw Stance: Udyr gains @AttackSpeedBase*100@% Attack Speed and his Attacks deal @OnHitDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} for @AttackSpeedDurationBase@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal a bonus @MaxHPOnHit1@ max Health physical damage and gain @AttackRange@ range.

    Awaken: Increase bonus Attack Speed to @EmpoweredTotalAS@ and max Health damage to @Q2TotalOnHitHPDamage@. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks call lightning six times, dealing a total of @EmpoweredLightningBonusMax@ max Health magic damage to isolated targets (strikes bounce to other nearby targets when possible).
    Each lightning strike deals @EmpoweredLightningBonus@ max Health magic damage (max damage to monsters: @spell.UdyrQ:MonsterCap@).Attack Speed
    % Max Health Damage
    On-Hit Damage
    [ @AttackSpeedBase1Prefix@@AttackSpeedBase1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBase1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBase2Prefix@@AttackSpeedBase2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBase2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBase3Prefix@@AttackSpeedBase3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBase3Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBase4Prefix@@AttackSpeedBase4*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBase4Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBase5Prefix@@AttackSpeedBase5*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBase5Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBase6Prefix@@AttackSpeedBase6*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBase6Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxHPOnHitBase1Prefix@@MaxHPOnHitBase1*100.000000@%@MaxHPOnHitBase1Postfix@ / @MaxHPOnHitBase2Prefix@@MaxHPOnHitBase2*100.000000@%@MaxHPOnHitBase2Postfix@ / @MaxHPOnHitBase3Prefix@@MaxHPOnHitBase3*100.000000@%@MaxHPOnHitBase3Postfix@ / @MaxHPOnHitBase4Prefix@@MaxHPOnHitBase4*100.000000@%@MaxHPOnHitBase4Postfix@ / @MaxHPOnHitBase5Prefix@@MaxHPOnHitBase5*100.000000@%@MaxHPOnHitBase5Postfix@ / @MaxHPOnHitBase6Prefix@@MaxHPOnHitBase6*100.000000@%@MaxHPOnHitBase6Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ / @BaseDamage6Prefix@@BaseDamage6@@BaseDamage6Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Wilding Claw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Claw Stance: Udyr gains @AttackSpeedBase*100@% Attack Speed and his Attacks deal @OnHitDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} for @AttackSpeedDurationBase@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal a bonus @MaxHPOnHit1@ max Health physical damage and gain @AttackRange@ range.

    Awaken: Increase bonus Attack Speed to @EmpoweredTotalAS@ and max Health damage to @Q2TotalOnHitHPDamage@. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks call lightning six times, dealing a total of @EmpoweredLightningBonusMax@ max Health magic damage to isolated targets (strikes bounce to other nearby targets when possible).
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Speed
    % Max Health Damage
    On-Hit Damage
    @AttackSpeedBase*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedBaseNL*100.000000@%
    @MaxHPOnHitBase*100.000000@% -> @MaxHPOnHitBaseNL*100.000000@%
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    Attack Speed
    % Max Health Damage
    On-Hit Damage
    [ @AttackSpeedBase1Prefix@@AttackSpeedBase1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBase1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBase2Prefix@@AttackSpeedBase2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBase2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBase3Prefix@@AttackSpeedBase3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBase3Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBase4Prefix@@AttackSpeedBase4*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBase4Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBase5Prefix@@AttackSpeedBase5*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBase5Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedBase6Prefix@@AttackSpeedBase6*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedBase6Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxHPOnHitBase1Prefix@@MaxHPOnHitBase1*100.000000@%@MaxHPOnHitBase1Postfix@ / @MaxHPOnHitBase2Prefix@@MaxHPOnHitBase2*100.000000@%@MaxHPOnHitBase2Postfix@ / @MaxHPOnHitBase3Prefix@@MaxHPOnHitBase3*100.000000@%@MaxHPOnHitBase3Postfix@ / @MaxHPOnHitBase4Prefix@@MaxHPOnHitBase4*100.000000@%@MaxHPOnHitBase4Postfix@ / @MaxHPOnHitBase5Prefix@@MaxHPOnHitBase5*100.000000@%@MaxHPOnHitBase5Postfix@ / @MaxHPOnHitBase6Prefix@@MaxHPOnHitBase6*100.000000@%@MaxHPOnHitBase6Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ / @BaseDamage6Prefix@@BaseDamage6@@BaseDamage6Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    % Max Health Damage
    On-Hit Damage
    @AttackSpeedBase*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedBaseNL*100.000000@%
    @MaxHPOnHitBase*100.000000@% -> @MaxHPOnHitBaseNL*100.000000@%
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Wilding Claw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Claw Stance: Udyr gains @AttackSpeedBase*100@% Attack Speed and his Attacks deal @OnHitDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} for @AttackSpeedDurationBase@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal a bonus @MaxHPOnHit1@ max Health physical damage and gain @AttackRange@ range.

    Awaken: Increase bonus Attack Speed to @EmpoweredTotalAS@ and max Health damage to @Q2TotalOnHitHPDamage@. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks call lightning six times, dealing a total of @EmpoweredLightningBonusMax@ max Health magic damage to isolated targets (strikes bounce to other nearby targets when possible).
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Wilding Claw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Claw Stance: Udyr gains @AttackSpeedBase*100@% Attack Speed and his Attacks deal @OnHitDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} for @AttackSpeedDurationBase@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal a bonus @MaxHPOnHit1@ max Health physical damage and gain @AttackRange@ range.

    Awaken: Increase bonus Attack Speed to @EmpoweredTotalAS@ and max Health damage to @Q2TotalOnHitHPDamage@. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks call lightning six times, dealing a total of @EmpoweredLightningBonusMax@ max Health magic damage to isolated targets (strikes bounce to other nearby targets when possible).

    Press [Shift] to show more infoUdyr surrounds himself in a glacial storm, damaging and slowing nearby enemies. Recast: Empower and unleash the storm, causing it to track enemies and deal additional damage.Wingborne StormWingborne Storm@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wingborne Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Storm Stance: Udyr surrounds himself in a glacial storm for @BuffDuration@ seconds, dealing @StormDamage@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies and Slowing them by @SlowPotency*100@%. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal @PulseDamage@ magic damage to enemies in the storm.

    Awaken: Unleash the storm, causing it to follow Udyr's last Attacked enemy, deal an additional @PercentHPBlast@ max Health magic damage over the duration, and Slow by an additional @EmpoweredSlow@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Storm Stance: Udyr surrounds himself in a glacial storm for @BuffDuration@ seconds, dealing @StormDamage@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies and Slowing them by @SlowPotency*100@%. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal @PulseDamage@ magic damage to enemies in the storm.

    Awaken: Unleash the storm, causing it to follow Udyr's last Attacked enemy, deal an additional @PercentHPBlast@ max Health magic damage over the duration, and Slow by an additional @EmpoweredSlow@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Storm Stance: Udyr surrounds himself in a glacial storm for @BuffDuration@ seconds, dealing @StormDamage@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies and Slowing them by @SlowPotency*100@%. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal @PulseDamage@ magic damage to enemies in the storm (or enemies around Udyr if the storm expires).

    Awaken: Unleash the storm, causing it to follow Udyr's last Attacked enemy, deal an additional @PercentHPBlast@ max Health magic damage over the duration, and Slow by an additional @EmpoweredSlow@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wingborne Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Storm Stance: Udyr surrounds himself in a glacial storm for @BuffDuration@ seconds, dealing @StormDamage@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies and Slowing them by @SlowPotency*100@%. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal @PulseDamage@ magic damage to enemies in the storm (or enemies around Udyr if the storm expires).

    Awaken: Unleash the storm, causing it to follow Udyr's last Attacked enemy, deal an additional @PercentHPBlast@ max Health magic damage over the duration, and Slow by an additional @EmpoweredSlow@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Storm deals @DamageToMinions_Scaling@ damage to minions. Awakened deals a minimum of @spell.UdyrQ:MonsterNukeMinRCalc@ to monsters.Magic Damage
    [ @StormBaseDamage1Prefix@@StormBaseDamage1@@StormBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @StormBaseDamage2Prefix@@StormBaseDamage2@@StormBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @StormBaseDamage3Prefix@@StormBaseDamage3@@StormBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @StormBaseDamage4Prefix@@StormBaseDamage4@@StormBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @StormBaseDamage5Prefix@@StormBaseDamage5@@StormBaseDamage5Postfix@ / @StormBaseDamage6Prefix@@StormBaseDamage6@@StormBaseDamage6Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowPotency1Prefix@@SlowPotency1*100.000000@%@SlowPotency1Postfix@ / @SlowPotency2Prefix@@SlowPotency2*100.000000@%@SlowPotency2Postfix@ / @SlowPotency3Prefix@@SlowPotency3*100.000000@%@SlowPotency3Postfix@ / @SlowPotency4Prefix@@SlowPotency4*100.000000@%@SlowPotency4Postfix@ / @SlowPotency5Prefix@@SlowPotency5*100.000000@%@SlowPotency5Postfix@ / @SlowPotency6Prefix@@SlowPotency6*100.000000@%@SlowPotency6Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Wingborne Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Storm Stance: Udyr surrounds himself in a glacial storm for @BuffDuration@ seconds, dealing @StormDamage@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies and Slowing them by @SlowPotency*100@%. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal @PulseDamage@ magic damage to enemies in the storm (or enemies around Udyr if the storm expires).

    Awaken: Unleash the storm, causing it to follow Udyr's last Attacked enemy, deal an additional @PercentHPBlast@ max Health magic damage over the duration, and Slow by an additional @EmpoweredSlow@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMagic Damage
    @StormBaseDamage@ -> @StormBaseDamageNL@
    @SlowPotency*100.000000@% -> @SlowPotencyNL*100.000000@%
    Magic Damage
    [ @StormBaseDamage1Prefix@@StormBaseDamage1@@StormBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @StormBaseDamage2Prefix@@StormBaseDamage2@@StormBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @StormBaseDamage3Prefix@@StormBaseDamage3@@StormBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @StormBaseDamage4Prefix@@StormBaseDamage4@@StormBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @StormBaseDamage5Prefix@@StormBaseDamage5@@StormBaseDamage5Postfix@ / @StormBaseDamage6Prefix@@StormBaseDamage6@@StormBaseDamage6Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowPotency1Prefix@@SlowPotency1*100.000000@%@SlowPotency1Postfix@ / @SlowPotency2Prefix@@SlowPotency2*100.000000@%@SlowPotency2Postfix@ / @SlowPotency3Prefix@@SlowPotency3*100.000000@%@SlowPotency3Postfix@ / @SlowPotency4Prefix@@SlowPotency4*100.000000@%@SlowPotency4Postfix@ / @SlowPotency5Prefix@@SlowPotency5*100.000000@%@SlowPotency5Postfix@ / @SlowPotency6Prefix@@SlowPotency6*100.000000@%@SlowPotency6Postfix@ ]
    Magic Damage
    @StormBaseDamage@ -> @StormBaseDamageNL@
    @SlowPotency*100.000000@% -> @SlowPotencyNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Wingborne Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Storm Stance: Udyr surrounds himself in a glacial storm for @BuffDuration@ seconds, dealing @StormDamage@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies and Slowing them by @SlowPotency*100@%. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal @PulseDamage@ magic damage to enemies in the storm (or enemies around Udyr if the storm expires).

    Awaken: Unleash the storm, causing it to follow Udyr's last Attacked enemy, deal an additional @PercentHPBlast@ max Health magic damage over the duration, and Slow by an additional @EmpoweredSlow@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Wingborne Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Storm Stance: Udyr surrounds himself in a glacial storm for @BuffDuration@ seconds, dealing @StormDamage@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies and Slowing them by @SlowPotency*100@%. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal @PulseDamage@ magic damage to enemies in the storm.

    Awaken: Unleash the storm, causing it to follow Udyr's last Attacked enemy, deal an additional @PercentHPBlast@ max Health magic damage over the duration, and Slow by an additional @EmpoweredSlow@.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoUdyr gains a shield and his next two attacks heal him. Recast: Gain an even bigger shield and heal based on max health over the next couple seconds.Iron MantleIron Mantle@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Iron Mantle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mantle Stance: Udyr gains @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks gain @LifeSteal*100@% Life Steal and restore @LifeOnHit@ Health.

    Awaken: Gain @RecastShield@ Shield, restore @RecastHeal@ Health over @ShieldDuration@ seconds, and Udyr's next two Attacks instead have @LifeSteal*200@% Life Steal and restore @LifeOnHitAwakened@ Health.
    Mantle Stance: Udyr gains @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks gain @LifeSteal*100@% Life Steal and restore @LifeOnHit@ Health.

    Awaken: Gain @RecastShield@ Shield, restore @RecastHeal@ Health over @ShieldDuration@ seconds, and Udyr's next two Attacks instead have @LifeSteal*200@% Life Steal and restore @LifeOnHitAwakened@ Health.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Iron Mantle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mantle Stance: Udyr gains @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks gain @LifeSteal*100@% Life Steal and restore @LifeOnHit@ Health.

    Awaken: Gain @RecastShield@ Shield, restore @RecastHeal@ Health over @ShieldDuration@ seconds, and Udyr's next two Attacks instead have @LifeSteal*200@% Life Steal and restore @LifeOnHitAwakened@ Health.
    The Shield granted by an Awaken cast will stack with any remaining Shield from the original cast. Life on hit reduced by @HealOnHitMinionPenalty*100@% against minions.Shield Amount
    % Health Shield
    Life Steal
    [ @ShieldBase1Prefix@@ShieldBase1@@ShieldBase1Postfix@ / @ShieldBase2Prefix@@ShieldBase2@@ShieldBase2Postfix@ / @ShieldBase3Prefix@@ShieldBase3@@ShieldBase3Postfix@ / @ShieldBase4Prefix@@ShieldBase4@@ShieldBase4Postfix@ / @ShieldBase5Prefix@@ShieldBase5@@ShieldBase5Postfix@ / @ShieldBase6Prefix@@ShieldBase6@@ShieldBase6Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldPercentHealth1Prefix@@ShieldPercentHealth1*100.000000@%@ShieldPercentHealth1Postfix@ / @ShieldPercentHealth2Prefix@@ShieldPercentHealth2*100.000000@%@ShieldPercentHealth2Postfix@ / @ShieldPercentHealth3Prefix@@ShieldPercentHealth3*100.000000@%@ShieldPercentHealth3Postfix@ / @ShieldPercentHealth4Prefix@@ShieldPercentHealth4*100.000000@%@ShieldPercentHealth4Postfix@ / @ShieldPercentHealth5Prefix@@ShieldPercentHealth5*100.000000@%@ShieldPercentHealth5Postfix@ / @ShieldPercentHealth6Prefix@@ShieldPercentHealth6*100.000000@%@ShieldPercentHealth6Postfix@ ]
    [ @LifeSteal1Prefix@@LifeSteal1*100.000000@%@LifeSteal1Postfix@ / @LifeSteal2Prefix@@LifeSteal2*100.000000@%@LifeSteal2Postfix@ / @LifeSteal3Prefix@@LifeSteal3*100.000000@%@LifeSteal3Postfix@ / @LifeSteal4Prefix@@LifeSteal4*100.000000@%@LifeSteal4Postfix@ / @LifeSteal5Prefix@@LifeSteal5*100.000000@%@LifeSteal5Postfix@ / @LifeSteal6Prefix@@LifeSteal6*100.000000@%@LifeSteal6Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Iron Mantle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mantle Stance: Udyr gains @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks gain @LifeSteal*100@% Life Steal and restore @LifeOnHit@ Health.

    Awaken: Gain @RecastShield@ Shield, restore @RecastHeal@ Health over @ShieldDuration@ seconds, and Udyr's next two Attacks instead have @LifeSteal*200@% Life Steal and restore @LifeOnHitAwakened@ Health.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upShield Amount
    % Health Shield
    Life Steal
    @ShieldBase@ -> @ShieldBaseNL@
    @ShieldPercentHealth*100.000000@% -> @ShieldPercentHealthNL*100.000000@%
    @LifeSteal*100.000000@% -> @LifeStealNL*100.000000@%
    Shield Amount
    % Health Shield
    Life Steal
    [ @ShieldBase1Prefix@@ShieldBase1@@ShieldBase1Postfix@ / @ShieldBase2Prefix@@ShieldBase2@@ShieldBase2Postfix@ / @ShieldBase3Prefix@@ShieldBase3@@ShieldBase3Postfix@ / @ShieldBase4Prefix@@ShieldBase4@@ShieldBase4Postfix@ / @ShieldBase5Prefix@@ShieldBase5@@ShieldBase5Postfix@ / @ShieldBase6Prefix@@ShieldBase6@@ShieldBase6Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldPercentHealth1Prefix@@ShieldPercentHealth1*100.000000@%@ShieldPercentHealth1Postfix@ / @ShieldPercentHealth2Prefix@@ShieldPercentHealth2*100.000000@%@ShieldPercentHealth2Postfix@ / @ShieldPercentHealth3Prefix@@ShieldPercentHealth3*100.000000@%@ShieldPercentHealth3Postfix@ / @ShieldPercentHealth4Prefix@@ShieldPercentHealth4*100.000000@%@ShieldPercentHealth4Postfix@ / @ShieldPercentHealth5Prefix@@ShieldPercentHealth5*100.000000@%@ShieldPercentHealth5Postfix@ / @ShieldPercentHealth6Prefix@@ShieldPercentHealth6*100.000000@%@ShieldPercentHealth6Postfix@ ]
    [ @LifeSteal1Prefix@@LifeSteal1*100.000000@%@LifeSteal1Postfix@ / @LifeSteal2Prefix@@LifeSteal2*100.000000@%@LifeSteal2Postfix@ / @LifeSteal3Prefix@@LifeSteal3*100.000000@%@LifeSteal3Postfix@ / @LifeSteal4Prefix@@LifeSteal4*100.000000@%@LifeSteal4Postfix@ / @LifeSteal5Prefix@@LifeSteal5*100.000000@%@LifeSteal5Postfix@ / @LifeSteal6Prefix@@LifeSteal6*100.000000@%@LifeSteal6Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    % Health Shield
    Life Steal
    @ShieldBase@ -> @ShieldBaseNL@
    @ShieldPercentHealth*100.000000@% -> @ShieldPercentHealthNL*100.000000@%
    @LifeSteal*100.000000@% -> @LifeStealNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Iron Mantle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mantle Stance: Udyr gains @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks gain @LifeSteal*100@% Life Steal and restore @LifeOnHit@ Health.

    Awaken: Gain @RecastShield@ Shield, restore @RecastHeal@ Health over @ShieldDuration@ seconds, and Udyr's next two Attacks instead have @LifeSteal*200@% Life Steal and restore @LifeOnHitAwakened@ Health.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Iron Mantle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Mantle Stance: Udyr gains @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks gain @LifeSteal*100@% Life Steal and restore @LifeOnHit@ Health.

    Awaken: Gain @RecastShield@ Shield, restore @RecastHeal@ Health over @ShieldDuration@ seconds, and Udyr's next two Attacks instead have @LifeSteal*200@% Life Steal and restore @LifeOnHitAwakened@ Health.

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Curse of the Sad Mummy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Amumu flares out his bandages, Stunning for @RDuration@ seconds, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ magic damage and applying Curse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Stun Duration
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RDamage1Prefix@@RDamage1@@RDamage1Postfix@ / @RDamage2Prefix@@RDamage2@@RDamage2Postfix@ / @RDamage3Prefix@@RDamage3@@RDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RDuration1Prefix@@RDuration1@@RDuration1Postfix@ / @RDuration2Prefix@@RDuration2@@RDuration2Postfix@ / @RDuration3Prefix@@RDuration3@@RDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Curse of the Sad Mummy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Amumu flares out his bandages, Stunning for @RDuration@ seconds, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ magic damage and applying Curse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Stun Duration
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @RDamage@ -> @RDamageNL@
    @RDuration@ -> @RDurationNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Stun Duration
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RDamage1Prefix@@RDamage1@@RDamage1Postfix@ / @RDamage2Prefix@@RDamage2@@RDamage2Postfix@ / @RDamage3Prefix@@RDamage3@@RDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RDuration1Prefix@@RDuration1@@RDuration1Postfix@ / @RDuration2Prefix@@RDuration2@@RDuration2Postfix@ / @RDuration3Prefix@@RDuration3@@RDuration3Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Stun Duration
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @RDamage@ -> @RDamageNL@
    @RDuration@ -> @RDurationNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Static Field@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While this ability is available, lightning charges Blitzcrank's fists, marking those Attacked. After 1 second, they are shocked for @PassiveDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Blitzcrank overcharges, dealing @ActiveDamage@ magic damage and Silencing nearby enemies for @SilenceDuration@ seconds. Their shields are also destroyed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive Base Damage
    Active Base Damage
    Active Cooldown
    [ @PassiveBaseDamage1Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage1@@PassiveBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @PassiveBaseDamage2Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage2@@PassiveBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @PassiveBaseDamage3Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage3@@PassiveBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveBaseDamage1Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage1@@ActiveBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage2Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage2@@ActiveBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage3Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage3@@ActiveBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Static Field@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: While this ability is available, lightning charges Blitzcrank's fists, marking those Attacked. After 1 second, they are shocked for @PassiveDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Blitzcrank overcharges, dealing @ActiveDamage@ magic damage and Silencing nearby enemies for @SilenceDuration@ seconds. Their shields are also destroyed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPassive Base Damage
    Active Base Damage
    Active Cooldown
    @PassiveBaseDamage@ -> @PassiveBaseDamageNL@
    @ActiveBaseDamage@ -> @ActiveBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Passive Base Damage
    Active Base Damage
    Active Cooldown
    [ @PassiveBaseDamage1Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage1@@PassiveBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @PassiveBaseDamage2Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage2@@PassiveBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @PassiveBaseDamage3Prefix@@PassiveBaseDamage3@@PassiveBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveBaseDamage1Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage1@@ActiveBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage2Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage2@@ActiveBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ActiveBaseDamage3Prefix@@ActiveBaseDamage3@@ActiveBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Passive Base Damage
    Active Base Damage
    Active Cooldown
    @PassiveBaseDamage@ -> @PassiveBaseDamageNL@
    @ActiveBaseDamage@ -> @ActiveBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Maximum Dosage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostDr. Mundo pumps himself with chemicals, temporarily gaining @MissingHealthHeal*100@% of his missing Health as max Health then gaining @SpeedBoostAmount*100@% Move Speed, @TotalBonusAD@ Attack Damage, and regenerating @MaxHealthHoT*100@% max Health over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    Bonus Health
    Move Speed
    Max Health %
    Health Into Attack Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MissingHealthHeal1Prefix@@MissingHealthHeal1*100.000000@%@MissingHealthHeal1Postfix@ / @MissingHealthHeal2Prefix@@MissingHealthHeal2*100.000000@%@MissingHealthHeal2Postfix@ / @MissingHealthHeal3Prefix@@MissingHealthHeal3*100.000000@%@MissingHealthHeal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SpeedBoostAmount1Prefix@@SpeedBoostAmount1*100.000000@%@SpeedBoostAmount1Postfix@ / @SpeedBoostAmount2Prefix@@SpeedBoostAmount2*100.000000@%@SpeedBoostAmount2Postfix@ / @SpeedBoostAmount3Prefix@@SpeedBoostAmount3*100.000000@%@SpeedBoostAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxHealthHoT1Prefix@@MaxHealthHoT1*100.000000@%@MaxHealthHoT1Postfix@ / @MaxHealthHoT2Prefix@@MaxHealthHoT2*100.000000@%@MaxHealthHoT2Postfix@ / @MaxHealthHoT3Prefix@@MaxHealthHoT3*100.000000@%@MaxHealthHoT3Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealthIntoADRatio1Prefix@@HealthIntoADRatio1*100.000000@%@HealthIntoADRatio1Postfix@ / @HealthIntoADRatio2Prefix@@HealthIntoADRatio2*100.000000@%@HealthIntoADRatio2Postfix@ / @HealthIntoADRatio3Prefix@@HealthIntoADRatio3*100.000000@%@HealthIntoADRatio3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Maximum Dosage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostDr. Mundo pumps himself with chemicals, temporarily gaining @MissingHealthHeal*100@% of his missing Health as max Health then gaining @SpeedBoostAmount*100@% Move Speed, @TotalBonusAD@ Attack Damage, and regenerating @MaxHealthHoT*100@% max Health over @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Bonus Health
    Move Speed
    Max Health %
    Health Into Attack Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @MissingHealthHeal*100.000000@% -> @MissingHealthHealNL*100.000000@%
    @SpeedBoostAmount*100.000000@% -> @SpeedBoostAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @MaxHealthHoT*100.000000@% -> @MaxHealthHoTNL*100.000000@%
    @HealthIntoADRatio*100.000000@% -> @HealthIntoADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    Bonus Health
    Move Speed
    Max Health %
    Health Into Attack Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MissingHealthHeal1Prefix@@MissingHealthHeal1*100.000000@%@MissingHealthHeal1Postfix@ / @MissingHealthHeal2Prefix@@MissingHealthHeal2*100.000000@%@MissingHealthHeal2Postfix@ / @MissingHealthHeal3Prefix@@MissingHealthHeal3*100.000000@%@MissingHealthHeal3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SpeedBoostAmount1Prefix@@SpeedBoostAmount1*100.000000@%@SpeedBoostAmount1Postfix@ / @SpeedBoostAmount2Prefix@@SpeedBoostAmount2*100.000000@%@SpeedBoostAmount2Postfix@ / @SpeedBoostAmount3Prefix@@SpeedBoostAmount3*100.000000@%@SpeedBoostAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxHealthHoT1Prefix@@MaxHealthHoT1*100.000000@%@MaxHealthHoT1Postfix@ / @MaxHealthHoT2Prefix@@MaxHealthHoT2*100.000000@%@MaxHealthHoT2Postfix@ / @MaxHealthHoT3Prefix@@MaxHealthHoT3*100.000000@%@MaxHealthHoT3Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealthIntoADRatio1Prefix@@HealthIntoADRatio1*100.000000@%@HealthIntoADRatio1Postfix@ / @HealthIntoADRatio2Prefix@@HealthIntoADRatio2*100.000000@%@HealthIntoADRatio2Postfix@ / @HealthIntoADRatio3Prefix@@HealthIntoADRatio3*100.000000@%@HealthIntoADRatio3Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Health
    Move Speed
    Max Health %
    Health Into Attack Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @MissingHealthHeal*100.000000@% -> @MissingHealthHealNL*100.000000@%
    @SpeedBoostAmount*100.000000@% -> @SpeedBoostAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @MaxHealthHoT*100.000000@% -> @MaxHealthHoTNL*100.000000@%
    @HealthIntoADRatio*100.000000@% -> @HealthIntoADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Trueshot Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a massive energy arc that deals @Damage@ magic damage. The arc deals @DamageReductionWaveclear.0*100@% damage to minions and non-epic jungle monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Trueshot Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ezreal fires a massive energy arc that deals @Damage@ magic damage. The arc deals @DamageReductionWaveclear.0*100@% damage to minions and non-epic jungle monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@[@Hotkey@] Cannon Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank signals his ship to fire 12 waves of cannonballs anywhere on the map over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Each wave Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and deals @OneWaveDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Gangplank signals his ship to fire 12 waves of cannonballs anywhere on the map over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Each wave Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and deals @OneWaveDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cannon Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank signals his ship to fire 12 waves of cannonballs anywhere on the map over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Each wave Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and deals @OneWaveDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage Per Wave
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Cannon Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank signals his ship to fire 12 waves of cannonballs anywhere on the map over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Each wave Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and deals @OneWaveDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Per Wave
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Cannon Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank signals his ship to fire 12 waves of cannonballs anywhere on the map over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Each wave Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and deals @OneWaveDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Cannon Barrage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Gangplank signals his ship to fire 12 waves of cannonballs anywhere on the map over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Each wave Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and deals @OneWaveDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Needlework@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@First Cast: Hurl a needle that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slows by @InitialSlow*-100@% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds, and applies A Thousand Cuts to all enemies hit. Gwen can Recast this ability up to 2 additional times within 6 seconds (@LockoutTime@s cooldown between casts).

    Second Cast: Fire three needles to deal @TotalDamage3@ magic damage
    Third Cast: Fire five needles to deal @TotalDamage5@ magic damage@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Subsequent needle hits on the same unit Slow by @SubsequentSlow*-100@% instead.
    Max damage: @MaxDamage@
    Base Damage
    Max Slow
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @InitialSlow1Prefix@@InitialSlow1*-100.000000@%@InitialSlow1Postfix@ / @InitialSlow2Prefix@@InitialSlow2*-100.000000@%@InitialSlow2Postfix@ / @InitialSlow3Prefix@@InitialSlow3*-100.000000@%@InitialSlow3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SubsequentSlow1Prefix@@SubsequentSlow1*-100.000000@%@SubsequentSlow1Postfix@ / @SubsequentSlow2Prefix@@SubsequentSlow2*-100.000000@%@SubsequentSlow2Postfix@ / @SubsequentSlow3Prefix@@SubsequentSlow3*-100.000000@%@SubsequentSlow3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Monsoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Janna summons a magical monsoon, Knocking Back nearby enemies then healing nearby allies for @TotalHeal@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Moving or using an Ability ends the monsoon early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@The Knock Back cannot push enemies over walls.Heal Per Second
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Monsoon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Janna summons a magical monsoon, Knocking Back nearby enemies then healing nearby allies for @TotalHeal@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Moving or using an Ability ends the monsoon early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHeal Per Second
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Heal Per Second
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Heal Per Second
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Divine Judgment@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Kayle makes an allied champion Invulnerable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds. She then purifies the area around them dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Immunity Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @InvulnDuration1Prefix@@InvulnDuration1@@InvulnDuration1Postfix@ / @InvulnDuration2Prefix@@InvulnDuration2@@InvulnDuration2Postfix@ / @InvulnDuration3Prefix@@InvulnDuration3@@InvulnDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Void Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Active: Kha'Zix becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds and gains @BonusMovementSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed. Kha'zix may Recast this Ability once within 10 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Active: Kha'Zix becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds and gains @BonusMovementSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed. Kha'zix may Recast this Ability once within 10 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Void Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Active: Kha'Zix becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds and gains @BonusMovementSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed. Kha'zix may Recast this Ability once within 10 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Reminder_Invisibility}}Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Void Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Active: Kha'Zix becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds and gains @BonusMovementSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed. Kha'zix may Recast this Ability once within 10 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@[@Hotkey@] Void Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Active: Kha'Zix becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds and gains @BonusMovementSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed. Kha'zix may Recast this Ability once within 10 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Void Assault@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Active: Kha'Zix becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds and gains @BonusMovementSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed. Kha'zix may Recast this Ability once within 10 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoLoading SpellLoading Spell@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Loading Spell @SpellTags@ This spell is loading...@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@This spell is loading...@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Loading Spell @SpellTags@ This spell is loading...@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Loading Spell @SpellTags@ This spell is loading...@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Loading Spell @SpellTags@ This spell is loading...@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Loading Spell @SpellTags@ This spell is loading...@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] The Culling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian rapidly fires @TotalNumShots@ shots in a direction for @Duration@ seconds or until he Recasts. Each shot deals @DamagePerBullet@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    While firing, Lucian may use Relentless Pursuit.

    Total Damage: @TotalDamage@ physical damage
    Number of shots increases equal to @CritRatio*100@% of Lucian's Critical Strike chance.
    Deals @PercentDamageAmpToMinions@% damage to minions.
    Number of Shots
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @NumShots1Prefix@@NumShots1@@NumShots1Postfix@ / @NumShots2Prefix@@NumShots2@@NumShots2Postfix@ / @NumShots3Prefix@@NumShots3@@NumShots3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] The Culling@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Lucian rapidly fires @TotalNumShots@ shots in a direction for @Duration@ seconds or until he Recasts. Each shot deals @DamagePerBullet@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    While firing, Lucian may use Relentless Pursuit.

    Total Damage: @TotalDamage@ physical damage
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Number of Shots
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @NumShots@ -> @NumShotsNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Number of Shots
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @NumShots1Prefix@@NumShots1@@NumShots1Postfix@ / @NumShots2Prefix@@NumShots2@@NumShots2Postfix@ / @NumShots3Prefix@@NumShots3@@NumShots3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Number of Shots
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @NumShots@ -> @NumShotsNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Nether Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Malzahar Suppresses an enemy champion and deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. A zone of negative energy is created around his target dealing @ZoneDamageTooltip@ max Health magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Nether Grasp Damage
    Null Zone Damage Per Second
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Nature's Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai summons a colossal wave of brambles and thorns, Rooting enemies for @MinRootDuration@ to @MaxRootDuration@ seconds, increasing with distance travelled, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Hitting a champion gives Maokai @MoveHaste*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @HasteDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    Move Speed
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MoveHaste1Prefix@@MoveHaste1*100.000000@@MoveHaste1Postfix@ / @MoveHaste2Prefix@@MoveHaste2*100.000000@@MoveHaste2Postfix@ / @MoveHaste3Prefix@@MoveHaste3*100.000000@@MoveHaste3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Nature's Grasp@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Maokai summons a colossal wave of brambles and thorns, Rooting enemies for @MinRootDuration@ to @MaxRootDuration@ seconds, increasing with distance travelled, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Hitting a champion gives Maokai @MoveHaste*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @HasteDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Move Speed
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MoveHaste*100.000000@ -> @MoveHasteNL*100.000000@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Move Speed
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @MoveHaste1Prefix@@MoveHaste1*100.000000@@MoveHaste1Postfix@ / @MoveHaste2Prefix@@MoveHaste2*100.000000@@MoveHaste2Postfix@ / @MoveHaste3Prefix@@MoveHaste3*100.000000@@MoveHaste3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MoveHaste*100.000000@ -> @MoveHasteNL*100.000000@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Apotheosis@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah whirls her whip-blade, dealing @DamagePerTickCalcTooltip@ physical damage over 1 second, then finishes with a burst of @DamageCalc@ physical damage that also Pulls nearby enemies toward her.

    Nilah heals herself and nearby allies by @ChampHealingPercent*100@% of her damage dealt to enemy champions' Health (@OtherHealingPercent*100@% for non-champions), converting any overhealing into a Shield for @Duration@ seconds.
    Nilah whirls her whip-blade, dealing @DamagePerTickCalcTooltip@ physical damage over 1 second, then finishes with a burst of @DamageCalc@ physical damage that also Pulls nearby enemies toward her.

    Nilah heals herself and nearby allies by @ChampHealingPercent*100@% of her damage dealt to enemy champions' Health (@OtherHealingPercent*100@% for non-champions), converting any overhealing into a Shield for @Duration@ seconds.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Apotheosis@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah whirls her whip-blade, dealing @DamagePerTickCalcTooltip@ physical damage over 1 second, then finishes with a burst of @DamageCalc@ physical damage that also Pulls nearby enemies toward her.

    Nilah heals herself and nearby allies by @ChampHealingPercent*100@% of her damage dealt to enemy champions' Health (@OtherHealingPercent*100@% for non-champions), converting any overhealing into a Shield for @Duration@ seconds.
    Damage per Tick
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamageBase1Prefix@@DamageBase1@@DamageBase1Postfix@ / @DamageBase2Prefix@@DamageBase2@@DamageBase2Postfix@ / @DamageBase3Prefix@@DamageBase3@@DamageBase3Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamagePerTick1Prefix@@DamagePerTick1@@DamagePerTick1Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick2Prefix@@DamagePerTick2@@DamagePerTick2Postfix@ / @DamagePerTick3Prefix@@DamagePerTick3@@DamagePerTick3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Apotheosis@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah whirls her whip-blade, dealing @DamagePerTickCalcTooltip@ physical damage over 1 second, then finishes with a burst of @DamageCalc@ physical damage that also Pulls nearby enemies toward her.

    Nilah heals herself and nearby allies by @ChampHealingPercent*100@% of her damage dealt to enemy champions' Health (@OtherHealingPercent*100@% for non-champions), converting any overhealing into a Shield for @Duration@ seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Damage per Tick
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @DamageBase@ -> @DamageBaseNL@
    @DamagePerTick@ -> @DamagePerTickNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Apotheosis@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah whirls her whip-blade, dealing @DamagePerTickCalcTooltip@ physical damage over 1 second, then finishes with a burst of @DamageCalc@ physical damage that also Pulls nearby enemies toward her.

    Nilah heals herself and nearby allies by @ChampHealingPercent*100@% of her damage dealt to enemy champions' Health (@OtherHealingPercent*100@% for non-champions), converting any overhealing into a Shield for @Duration@ seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Apotheosis@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Nilah whirls her whip-blade, dealing @DamagePerTickCalcTooltip@ physical damage over 1 second, then finishes with a burst of @DamageCalc@ physical damage that also Pulls nearby enemies toward her.

    Nilah heals herself and nearby allies by @ChampHealingPercent*100@% of her damage dealt to enemy champions' Health (@OtherHealingPercent*100@% for non-champions), converting any overhealing into a Shield for @Duration@ seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Stand United@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShen grants an allied champion anywhere on the map between @Shield@ and @MaxShield@ Shield based on their missing Health for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (max Shield at 60% missing Health). After channeling for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, Shen teleports to his ally's location with his Spirit Blade.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Minimum Shield Health
    Maximum Shield Health
    [ @BaseShieldAmount1Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount1@@BaseShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @BaseShieldAmount2Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount2@@BaseShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @BaseShieldAmount3Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount3@@BaseShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseShieldMax_Tooltip1Prefix@@BaseShieldMax_Tooltip1@@BaseShieldMax_Tooltip1Postfix@ / @BaseShieldMax_Tooltip2Prefix@@BaseShieldMax_Tooltip2@@BaseShieldMax_Tooltip2Postfix@ / @BaseShieldMax_Tooltip3Prefix@@BaseShieldMax_Tooltip3@@BaseShieldMax_Tooltip3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Stand United@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostShen grants an allied champion anywhere on the map between @Shield@ and @MaxShield@ Shield based on their missing Health for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (max Shield at 60% missing Health). After channeling for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, Shen teleports to his ally's location with his Spirit Blade.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMinimum Shield Health
    Maximum Shield Health
    @BaseShieldAmount@ -> @BaseShieldAmountNL@
    @BaseShieldMax_Tooltip@ -> @BaseShieldMax_TooltipNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Minimum Shield Health
    Maximum Shield Health
    [ @BaseShieldAmount1Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount1@@BaseShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @BaseShieldAmount2Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount2@@BaseShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @BaseShieldAmount3Prefix@@BaseShieldAmount3@@BaseShieldAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseShieldMax_Tooltip1Prefix@@BaseShieldMax_Tooltip1@@BaseShieldMax_Tooltip1Postfix@ / @BaseShieldMax_Tooltip2Prefix@@BaseShieldMax_Tooltip2@@BaseShieldMax_Tooltip2Postfix@ / @BaseShieldMax_Tooltip3Prefix@@BaseShieldMax_Tooltip3@@BaseShieldMax_Tooltip3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Minimum Shield Health
    Maximum Shield Health
    @BaseShieldAmount@ -> @BaseShieldAmountNL@
    @BaseShieldMax_Tooltip@ -> @BaseShieldMax_TooltipNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Ult-ernate HijackUlt-ernate Hijack@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ult-ernate Hijack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hijacks an enemy champion, allowing you to cast a copy of their Ult-ernate Summoner Spell, based on your Ult-ernate Summoner level and using your stats.

    Hijacking an enemy places a Cooldown on them for @PerTargetCooldown@% (modified by Summoner Ability Haste) of the enemy's ultimate's Cooldown, with a minimum of @MinimumEnemyCooldown@ seconds, during which time you cannot hijack them again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Hijacks an enemy champion, allowing you to cast a copy of their Ult-ernate Summoner Spell, based on your Ult-ernate Summoner level and using your stats.

    Hijacking an enemy places a Cooldown on them for @PerTargetCooldown@% (modified by Summoner Ability Haste) of the enemy's ultimate's Cooldown, with a minimum of @MinimumEnemyCooldown@ seconds, during which time you cannot hijack them again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ult-ernate Hijack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hijacks an enemy champion, allowing you to cast a copy of their Ult-ernate Summoner Spell, based on your Ult-ernate Summoner level and using your stats.

    Hijacking an enemy places a Cooldown on them for @PerTargetCooldown@% (modified by Summoner Ability Haste) of the enemy's ultimate's Cooldown, with a minimum of @MinimumEnemyCooldown@ seconds, during which time you cannot hijack them again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Ult-ernate Hijack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hijacks an enemy champion, allowing you to cast a copy of their Ult-ernate Summoner Spell, based on your Ult-ernate Summoner level and using your stats.

    Hijacking an enemy places a Cooldown on them for @PerTargetCooldown@% (modified by Summoner Ability Haste) of the enemy's ultimate's Cooldown, with a minimum of @MinimumEnemyCooldown@ seconds, during which time you cannot hijack them again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@[@Hotkey@] Ult-ernate Hijack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hijacks an enemy champion, allowing you to cast a copy of their Ult-ernate Summoner Spell, based on your Ult-ernate Summoner level and using your stats.

    Hijacking an enemy places a Cooldown on them for @PerTargetCooldown@% (modified by Summoner Ability Haste) of the enemy's ultimate's Cooldown, with a minimum of @MinimumEnemyCooldown@ seconds, during which time you cannot hijack them again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ult-ernate Hijack@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Hijacks an enemy champion, allowing you to cast a copy of their Ult-ernate Summoner Spell, based on your Ult-ernate Summoner level and using your stats.

    Hijacking an enemy places a Cooldown on them for @PerTargetCooldown@% (modified by Summoner Ability Haste) of the enemy's ultimate's Cooldown, with a minimum of @MinimumEnemyCooldown@ seconds, during which time you cannot hijack them again.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Dark Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere, dealing {{Spell_SyndraQ_Damage_0}}. The Dark Sphere remains for @SphereDuration@ seconds and can be manipulated by Syndra's other Abilities.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:Q1UpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: Syndra can store @Upgrade1MaxAmmo@ charges of Dark Sphere.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability can be cast while moving.@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Dark Sphere@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere, dealing {{Spell_SyndraQ_Damage_0}}. The Dark Sphere remains for @SphereDuration@ seconds and can be manipulated by Syndra's other Abilities.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:Q1UpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: Syndra can store @Upgrade1MaxAmmo@ charges of Dark Sphere.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Unleashed Power@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Dark Sphere gains an additional @QHastePerRank@ Ability Haste for each rank of Unleashed Power.

    Syndra draws on her full cataclysmic power, launching the 3 Dark Spheres orbiting her plus up to 4 more nearby at an enemy champion. Each Dark Sphere deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage (max @MaxDamageCalc@ magic damage).

    @spell.SyndraPassive:RUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability executes enemies below @UpgradeExecuteThreshold*100@% health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @DamagePerSphere1Prefix@@DamagePerSphere1@@DamagePerSphere1Postfix@ / @DamagePerSphere2Prefix@@DamagePerSphere2@@DamagePerSphere2Postfix@ / @DamagePerSphere3Prefix@@DamagePerSphere3@@DamagePerSphere3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Unleashed Power@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Dark Sphere gains an additional @QHastePerRank@ Ability Haste for each rank of Unleashed Power.

    Syndra draws on her full cataclysmic power, launching the 3 Dark Spheres orbiting her plus up to 4 more nearby at an enemy champion. Each Dark Sphere deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage (max @MaxDamageCalc@ magic damage).

    @spell.SyndraPassive:RUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability executes enemies below @UpgradeExecuteThreshold*100@% health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @DamagePerSphere@ -> @DamagePerSphereNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @DamagePerSphere1Prefix@@DamagePerSphere1@@DamagePerSphere1Postfix@ / @DamagePerSphere2Prefix@@DamagePerSphere2@@DamagePerSphere2Postfix@ / @DamagePerSphere3Prefix@@DamagePerSphere3@@DamagePerSphere3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    @DamagePerSphere@ -> @DamagePerSphereNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Tryndamere's lust for battle becomes so strong that he is unable to die, no matter how wounded he becomes.Undying RageUndying Rage@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Undying Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTryndamere becomes completely immune to death for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, refusing to be reduced below @Effect2Amount@ Health, and instantly gains @Effect1Amount@ Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Tryndamere becomes completely immune to death for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, refusing to be reduced below @Effect2Amount@ Health, and instantly gains @Effect1Amount@ Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Undying Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTryndamere becomes completely immune to death for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, refusing to be reduced below @Effect2Amount@ Health, and instantly gains @Effect1Amount@ Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@This Ability can be used while Disabled.Cooldown
    Minimum Health
    Fury Gained
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Undying Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTryndamere becomes completely immune to death for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, refusing to be reduced below @Effect2Amount@ Health, and instantly gains @Effect1Amount@ Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Minimum Health
    Fury Gained
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    Minimum Health
    Fury Gained
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    Minimum Health
    Fury Gained
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Undying Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTryndamere becomes completely immune to death for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, refusing to be reduced below @Effect2Amount@ Health, and instantly gains @Effect1Amount@ Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Undying Rage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTryndamere becomes completely immune to death for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, refusing to be reduced below @Effect2Amount@ Health, and instantly gains @Effect1Amount@ Fury.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Spray and Pray@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch unleashes his crossbow, gaining @BonusRange@ Attack Range and @BonusAD@ Attack Damage, and causing his Attacks to become piercing bolts for @Duration@ seconds. These bolts hit all enemies they pass through, but deal @FallOffDamage*100@% less damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @MinimumFallOffDamage*100@% damage.
    Using this Ability does not break Camouflage, but Attacking still does.Attack Damage[ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Spray and Pray@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twitch unleashes his crossbow, gaining @BonusRange@ Attack Range and @BonusAD@ Attack Damage, and causing his Attacks to become piercing bolts for @Duration@ seconds. These bolts hit all enemies they pass through, but deal @FallOffDamage*100@% less damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @MinimumFallOffDamage*100@% damage.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Damage@Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@Attack Damage[ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]Attack Damage@Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@Execute the weak.MercyMercy@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mercy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Execute the weak.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Execute the weak.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mercy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Execute the weak.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Mercy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Execute the weak.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Mercy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Execute the weak.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mercy@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Execute the weak.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoUrgot fires a chem-drill that impales the first enemy champion hit. If that champion falls below a health threshold, Urgot judges them weak and can execute them.Fear Beyond DeathFear Beyond Death@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Fear Beyond Death@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Urgot fires a chem-drill, impaling the first champion hit, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage and Slowing for @RSlowDuration@ seconds by 1% per 1% missing Health, up to @RMoveSpeedMod@%.

    If the impaled victim falls below @RHealthThreshold@% Health, Urgot can Recast this Ability, Suppressing the victim and dragging them to himself. On reaching Urgot, they are killed and nearby enemies are Feared for @RFearDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Urgot fires a chem-drill, impaling the first champion hit, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage and Slowing for @RSlowDuration@ seconds by 1% per 1% missing Health, up to @RMoveSpeedMod@%.

    If the impaled victim falls below @RHealthThreshold@% Health, Urgot can Recast this Ability, Suppressing the victim and dragging them to himself. On reaching Urgot, they are killed and nearby enemies are Feared for @RFearDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Fear Beyond Death@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Urgot fires a chem-drill, impaling the first champion hit, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage and Slowing for @RSlowDuration@ seconds by 1% per 1% missing Health, up to @RMoveSpeedMod@%.

    If the impaled victim falls below @RHealthThreshold@% Health, Urgot can Recast this Ability, Suppressing the victim and dragging them to himself. On reaching Urgot, they are killed and nearby enemies are Feared for @RFearDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability will automatically Recast at the end of the duration if the victim is under the execution threshold.Damage
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Fear Beyond Death@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Urgot fires a chem-drill, impaling the first champion hit, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage and Slowing for @RSlowDuration@ seconds by 1% per 1% missing Health, up to @RMoveSpeedMod@%.

    If the impaled victim falls below @RHealthThreshold@% Health, Urgot can Recast this Ability, Suppressing the victim and dragging them to himself. On reaching Urgot, they are killed and nearby enemies are Feared for @RFearDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Fear Beyond Death@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Urgot fires a chem-drill, impaling the first champion hit, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage and Slowing for @RSlowDuration@ seconds by 1% per 1% missing Health, up to @RMoveSpeedMod@%.

    If the impaled victim falls below @RHealthThreshold@% Health, Urgot can Recast this Ability, Suppressing the victim and dragging them to himself. On reaching Urgot, they are killed and nearby enemies are Feared for @RFearDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Fear Beyond Death@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Urgot fires a chem-drill, impaling the first champion hit, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage and Slowing for @RSlowDuration@ seconds by 1% per 1% missing Health, up to @RMoveSpeedMod@%.

    If the impaled victim falls below @RHealthThreshold@% Health, Urgot can Recast this Ability, Suppressing the victim and dragging them to himself. On reaching Urgot, they are killed and nearby enemies are Feared for @RFearDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVarus flings out a damaging tendril of corruption that immobilizes the first enemy champion hit and then spreads towards nearby uninfected champions, immobilizing them too on contact.Chain of CorruptionChain of Corruption@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Chain of Corruption@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus flings out a tendril of corruption, Rooting the first champion hit for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Rooted enemies gain @Effect4Amount@ Blight stacks over the duration.

    The corruption spreads from its target to uninfected enemy champions. If it reaches them, they take the same damage and Root.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Varus flings out a tendril of corruption, Rooting the first champion hit for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Rooted enemies gain @Effect4Amount@ Blight stacks over the duration.

    The corruption spreads from its target to uninfected enemy champions. If it reaches them, they take the same damage and Root.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Chain of Corruption@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus flings out a tendril of corruption, Rooting the first champion hit for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Rooted enemies gain @Effect4Amount@ Blight stacks over the duration.

    The corruption spreads from its target to uninfected enemy champions. If it reaches them, they take the same damage and Root.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Chain of Corruption@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus flings out a tendril of corruption, Rooting the first champion hit for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Rooted enemies gain @Effect4Amount@ Blight stacks over the duration.

    The corruption spreads from its target to uninfected enemy champions. If it reaches them, they take the same damage and Root.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Chain of Corruption@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus flings out a tendril of corruption, Rooting the first champion hit for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Rooted enemies gain @Effect4Amount@ Blight stacks over the duration.

    The corruption spreads from its target to uninfected enemy champions. If it reaches them, they take the same damage and Root.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Chain of Corruption@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus flings out a tendril of corruption, Rooting the first champion hit for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Rooted enemies gain @Effect4Amount@ Blight stacks over the duration.

    The corruption spreads from its target to uninfected enemy champions. If it reaches them, they take the same damage and Root.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPassive: Varus' basic attacks deal bonus magic damage and apply Blight. Varus' other abilities detonate Blight, dealing magic damage based on the target's maximum Health. Active: Varus empowers his next Piercing Arrow.Blighted QuiverBlighted Quiver@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blighted Quiver@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Varus' Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage and apply a Blight stack for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (max @Effect4Amount@ stacks).

    Varus' other Abilities detonate Blight stacks dealing @PercentHPPerStack@ max Health magic damage per stack (max @MaxPercentHPPerStack@ max Health damage). Detonating Blight on champions and epic monsters also reduces his basic Abilities' Cooldowns by @CDRPerBlightStack*100@% of their Maximum per stack.

    Active: Varus' next {{Spell_VarusQ_Name}} deals an additonal @QEmpowerPercentHP@ missing Health magic damage, increased up to @MaxQEmpowerPercentHP@ missing Health damage based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Varus' Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage and apply a Blight stack for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (max @Effect4Amount@ stacks).

    Varus' other Abilities detonate Blight stacks dealing @PercentHPPerStack@ max Health magic damage per stack (max @MaxPercentHPPerStack@ max Health damage). Detonating Blight on champions and epic monsters also reduces his basic Abilities' Cooldowns by @CDRPerBlightStack*100@% of their Maximum per stack.

    Active: Varus' next {{Spell_VarusQ_Name}} deals an additonal @QEmpowerPercentHP@ missing Health magic damage, increased up to @MaxQEmpowerPercentHP@ missing Health damage based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blighted Quiver@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Varus' Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage and apply a Blight stack for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (max @Effect4Amount@ stacks).

    Varus' other Abilities detonate Blight stacks dealing @PercentHPPerStack@ max Health magic damage per stack (max @MaxPercentHPPerStack@ max Health damage). Detonating Blight on champions and epic monsters also reduces his basic Abilities' Cooldowns by @CDRPerBlightStack*100@% of their Maximum per stack.

    Active: Varus' next {{Spell_VarusQ_Name}} deals an additonal @QEmpowerPercentHP@ missing Health magic damage, increased up to @MaxQEmpowerPercentHP@ missing Health damage based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive damage from Blight detonations is capped at @Effect5Amount*3@ damage against jungle monsters.Damage on Attack
    Damage from Blight
    [ @VarusWOnHitDamage1Prefix@@VarusWOnHitDamage1@@VarusWOnHitDamage1Postfix@ / @VarusWOnHitDamage2Prefix@@VarusWOnHitDamage2@@VarusWOnHitDamage2Postfix@ / @VarusWOnHitDamage3Prefix@@VarusWOnHitDamage3@@VarusWOnHitDamage3Postfix@ / @VarusWOnHitDamage4Prefix@@VarusWOnHitDamage4@@VarusWOnHitDamage4Postfix@ / @VarusWOnHitDamage5Prefix@@VarusWOnHitDamage5@@VarusWOnHitDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BasePercentHPPerStack1Prefix@@BasePercentHPPerStack1*100.000000@%@BasePercentHPPerStack1Postfix@ / @BasePercentHPPerStack2Prefix@@BasePercentHPPerStack2*100.000000@%@BasePercentHPPerStack2Postfix@ / @BasePercentHPPerStack3Prefix@@BasePercentHPPerStack3*100.000000@%@BasePercentHPPerStack3Postfix@ / @BasePercentHPPerStack4Prefix@@BasePercentHPPerStack4*100.000000@%@BasePercentHPPerStack4Postfix@ / @BasePercentHPPerStack5Prefix@@BasePercentHPPerStack5*100.000000@%@BasePercentHPPerStack5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Blighted Quiver@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Varus' Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage and apply a Blight stack for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (max @Effect4Amount@ stacks).

    Varus' other Abilities detonate Blight stacks dealing @PercentHPPerStack@ max Health magic damage per stack (max @MaxPercentHPPerStack@ max Health damage). Detonating Blight on champions and epic monsters also reduces his basic Abilities' Cooldowns by @CDRPerBlightStack*100@% of their Maximum per stack.

    Active: Varus' next {{Spell_VarusQ_Name}} deals an additonal @QEmpowerPercentHP@ missing Health magic damage, increased up to @MaxQEmpowerPercentHP@ missing Health damage based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage on Attack
    Damage from Blight
    @VarusWOnHitDamage@ -> @VarusWOnHitDamageNL@
    @BasePercentHPPerStack*100.000000@% -> @BasePercentHPPerStackNL*100.000000@%
    Damage on Attack
    Damage from Blight
    [ @VarusWOnHitDamage1Prefix@@VarusWOnHitDamage1@@VarusWOnHitDamage1Postfix@ / @VarusWOnHitDamage2Prefix@@VarusWOnHitDamage2@@VarusWOnHitDamage2Postfix@ / @VarusWOnHitDamage3Prefix@@VarusWOnHitDamage3@@VarusWOnHitDamage3Postfix@ / @VarusWOnHitDamage4Prefix@@VarusWOnHitDamage4@@VarusWOnHitDamage4Postfix@ / @VarusWOnHitDamage5Prefix@@VarusWOnHitDamage5@@VarusWOnHitDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BasePercentHPPerStack1Prefix@@BasePercentHPPerStack1*100.000000@%@BasePercentHPPerStack1Postfix@ / @BasePercentHPPerStack2Prefix@@BasePercentHPPerStack2*100.000000@%@BasePercentHPPerStack2Postfix@ / @BasePercentHPPerStack3Prefix@@BasePercentHPPerStack3*100.000000@%@BasePercentHPPerStack3Postfix@ / @BasePercentHPPerStack4Prefix@@BasePercentHPPerStack4*100.000000@%@BasePercentHPPerStack4Postfix@ / @BasePercentHPPerStack5Prefix@@BasePercentHPPerStack5*100.000000@%@BasePercentHPPerStack5Postfix@ ]
    Damage on Attack
    Damage from Blight
    @VarusWOnHitDamage@ -> @VarusWOnHitDamageNL@
    @BasePercentHPPerStack*100.000000@% -> @BasePercentHPPerStackNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Blighted Quiver@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Varus' Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage and apply a Blight stack for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (max @Effect4Amount@ stacks).

    Varus' other Abilities detonate Blight stacks dealing @PercentHPPerStack@ max Health magic damage per stack (max @MaxPercentHPPerStack@ max Health damage). Detonating Blight on champions and epic monsters also reduces his basic Abilities' Cooldowns by @CDRPerBlightStack*100@% of their Maximum per stack.

    Active: Varus' next {{Spell_VarusQ_Name}} deals an additonal @QEmpowerPercentHP@ missing Health magic damage, increased up to @MaxQEmpowerPercentHP@ missing Health damage based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Blighted Quiver@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Varus' Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage and apply a Blight stack for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (max @Effect4Amount@ stacks).

    Varus' other Abilities detonate Blight stacks dealing @PercentHPPerStack@ max Health magic damage per stack (max @MaxPercentHPPerStack@ max Health damage). Detonating Blight on champions and epic monsters also reduces his basic Abilities' Cooldowns by @CDRPerBlightStack*100@% of their Maximum per stack.

    Active: Varus' next {{Spell_VarusQ_Name}} deals an additonal @QEmpowerPercentHP@ missing Health magic damage, increased up to @MaxQEmpowerPercentHP@ missing Health damage based on charge time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVel'Koz unleashes a channelled beam that follows the cursor for 2.5 seconds that deals magic damage. Organic Deconstruction Researches enemy champions causing them to take true damage instead.Life Form Disintegration RayLife Form Disintegration Ray@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Life Form Disintegration Ray@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz channels a ray of energy that follows the cursor, dealing a total of @TotalDamage@ magic damage over 2.5 seconds and Slowing by @Effect3Amount@%. Deals true damage instead to enemies recently damaged by {{Spell_VelkozPassive_Name}}.

    Enemies gain stacks of Deconstruction periodically while in the beam.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Vel'Koz channels a ray of energy that follows the cursor, dealing a total of @TotalDamage@ magic damage over 2.5 seconds and Slowing by @Effect3Amount@%. Deals true damage instead to enemies recently damaged by {{Spell_VelkozPassive_Name}}.

    Enemies gain stacks of Deconstruction periodically while in the beam.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Life Form Disintegration Ray@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz channels a ray of energy that follows the cursor, dealing a total of @TotalDamage@ magic damage over 2.5 seconds and Slowing by @Effect3Amount@%. Deals true damage instead to enemies recently damaged by {{Spell_VelkozPassive_Name}}.

    Enemies gain stacks of Deconstruction periodically while in the beam.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Total Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Life Form Disintegration Ray@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz channels a ray of energy that follows the cursor, dealing a total of @TotalDamage@ magic damage over 2.5 seconds and Slowing by @Effect3Amount@%. Deals true damage instead to enemies recently damaged by {{Spell_VelkozPassive_Name}}.

    Enemies gain stacks of Deconstruction periodically while in the beam.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTotal Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Total Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Total Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Life Form Disintegration Ray@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz channels a ray of energy that follows the cursor, dealing a total of @TotalDamage@ magic damage over 2.5 seconds and Slowing by @Effect3Amount@%. Deals true damage instead to enemies recently damaged by {{Spell_VelkozPassive_Name}}.

    Enemies gain stacks of Deconstruction periodically while in the beam.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Life Form Disintegration Ray@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz channels a ray of energy that follows the cursor, dealing a total of @TotalDamage@ magic damage over 2.5 seconds and Slowing by @Effect3Amount@%. Deals true damage instead to enemies recently damaged by {{Spell_VelkozPassive_Name}}.

    Enemies gain stacks of Deconstruction periodically while in the beam.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoFire a missile that marks an enemy champion. Recast to dash to them and deal damage.Shadow SurgeShadow Surge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shadow Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shadow Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Shadow Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shadow Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shadow Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Shadow Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Secondary Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RecastDamage1Prefix@@RecastDamage1@@RecastDamage1Postfix@ / @RecastDamage2Prefix@@RecastDamage2@@RecastDamage2Postfix@ / @RecastDamage3Prefix@@RecastDamage3@@RecastDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CastRange1Prefix@@CastRange1@@CastRange1Postfix@ / @CastRange2Prefix@@CastRange2@@CastRange2Postfix@ / @CastRange3Prefix@@CastRange3@@CastRange3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shadow Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Secondary Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @RecastDamage@ -> @RecastDamageNL@
    @CastRange@ -> @CastRangeNL@
    Secondary Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RecastDamage1Prefix@@RecastDamage1@@RecastDamage1Postfix@ / @RecastDamage2Prefix@@RecastDamage2@@RecastDamage2Postfix@ / @RecastDamage3Prefix@@RecastDamage3@@RecastDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CastRange1Prefix@@CastRange1@@CastRange1Postfix@ / @CastRange2Prefix@@CastRange2@@CastRange2Postfix@ / @CastRange3Prefix@@CastRange3@@CastRange3Postfix@ ]
    Secondary Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @RecastDamage@ -> @RecastDamageNL@
    @CastRange@ -> @CastRangeNL@
    Vi runs down an enemy, knocking aside anyone in the way. When she reaches her target she knocks it into the air, jumps after it, and slams it back into the ground.Cease and Desist@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cease and Desist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi singles out an enemy champion, revealing them and dashing unstoppably towards them. Upon reaching them, Vi Knocks them Up for @RStunDuration@ seconds and deals @Damage@ physical damage.

    Any other enemies Vi collides with are dealt damage, knocked aside, and Stunned for @SecondaryTargetStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Vi singles out an enemy champion, revealing them and dashing unstoppably towards them. Upon reaching them, Vi Knocks them Up for @RStunDuration@ seconds and deals @Damage@ physical damage.

    Any other enemies Vi collides with are dealt damage, knocked aside, and Stunned for @SecondaryTargetStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Cease and Desist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi singles out an enemy champion, revealing them and dashing unstoppably towards them. Upon reaching them, Vi Knocks them Up for @RStunDuration@ seconds and deals @Damage@ physical damage.

    Any other enemies Vi collides with are dealt damage, knocked aside, and Stunned for @SecondaryTargetStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Base Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Cease and Desist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi singles out an enemy champion, revealing them and dashing unstoppably towards them. Upon reaching them, Vi Knocks them Up for @RStunDuration@ seconds and deals @Damage@ physical damage.

    Any other enemies Vi collides with are dealt damage, knocked aside, and Stunned for @SecondaryTargetStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Base Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ ]
    Base Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Cease and Desist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi singles out an enemy champion, revealing them and dashing unstoppably towards them. Upon reaching them, Vi Knocks them Up for @RStunDuration@ seconds and deals @Damage@ physical damage.

    Any other enemies Vi collides with are dealt damage, knocked aside, and Stunned for @SecondaryTargetStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Cease and Desist@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi singles out an enemy champion, revealing them and dashing unstoppably towards them. Upon reaching them, Vi Knocks them Up for @RStunDuration@ seconds and deals @Damage@ physical damage.

    Any other enemies Vi collides with are dealt damage, knocked aside, and Stunned for @SecondaryTargetStunDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoViktor conjures a singularity on the field which deals magic damage and interrupts enemy channels. The singularity then periodically does magic damage to all nearby enemies. Viktor can redirect the singularity.

    Augment: The Chaos Storm moves 25% faster.Chaos StormChaos Storm@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Chaos Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor conjures a chaos storm in an area for @StormDuration@ seconds, instantly dealing @InitialBurstDamage@ magic damage then dealing @SubsequentBurstDamage@ magic damage per second to surrounding enemies. The storm automatically follows champions it has recently damaged.

    Recast: Viktor manually moves the storm.

    Upgrade: The storm moves @AugmentBoost*100@% faster.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Viktor conjures a chaos storm in an area for @StormDuration@ seconds, instantly dealing @InitialBurstDamage@ magic damage then dealing @SubsequentBurstDamage@ magic damage per second to surrounding enemies. The storm automatically follows champions it has recently damaged.

    Recast: Viktor manually moves the storm.

    Upgrade: The storm moves @AugmentBoost*100@% faster.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Chaos Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor conjures a chaos storm in an area for @StormDuration@ seconds, instantly dealing @InitialBurstDamage@ magic damage then dealing @SubsequentBurstDamage@ magic damage per second to surrounding enemies. The storm automatically follows champions it has recently damaged.

    Recast: Viktor manually moves the storm.

    Upgrade: The storm moves @AugmentBoost*100@% faster.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    When the storm appears it interrupts channeled Abilities.
    The farther the storm is from Viktor, the slower it moves.
    Damage (Initial Burst)
    Damage (Periodic Ticks)
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @InitialBurstBaseDamage1Prefix@@InitialBurstBaseDamage1@@InitialBurstBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @InitialBurstBaseDamage2Prefix@@InitialBurstBaseDamage2@@InitialBurstBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @InitialBurstBaseDamage3Prefix@@InitialBurstBaseDamage3@@InitialBurstBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SubsequentBurstBaseDamage1Prefix@@SubsequentBurstBaseDamage1@@SubsequentBurstBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @SubsequentBurstBaseDamage2Prefix@@SubsequentBurstBaseDamage2@@SubsequentBurstBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @SubsequentBurstBaseDamage3Prefix@@SubsequentBurstBaseDamage3@@SubsequentBurstBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Chaos Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor conjures a chaos storm in an area for @StormDuration@ seconds, instantly dealing @InitialBurstDamage@ magic damage then dealing @SubsequentBurstDamage@ magic damage per second to surrounding enemies. The storm automatically follows champions it has recently damaged.

    Recast: Viktor manually moves the storm.

    Upgrade: The storm moves @AugmentBoost*100@% faster.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Damage (Initial Burst)
    Damage (Periodic Ticks)
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @InitialBurstBaseDamage@ -> @InitialBurstBaseDamageNL@
    @SubsequentBurstBaseDamage@ -> @SubsequentBurstBaseDamageNL@
    Damage (Initial Burst)
    Damage (Periodic Ticks)
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @InitialBurstBaseDamage1Prefix@@InitialBurstBaseDamage1@@InitialBurstBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @InitialBurstBaseDamage2Prefix@@InitialBurstBaseDamage2@@InitialBurstBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @InitialBurstBaseDamage3Prefix@@InitialBurstBaseDamage3@@InitialBurstBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @SubsequentBurstBaseDamage1Prefix@@SubsequentBurstBaseDamage1@@SubsequentBurstBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @SubsequentBurstBaseDamage2Prefix@@SubsequentBurstBaseDamage2@@SubsequentBurstBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @SubsequentBurstBaseDamage3Prefix@@SubsequentBurstBaseDamage3@@SubsequentBurstBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    Damage (Initial Burst)
    Damage (Periodic Ticks)
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @InitialBurstBaseDamage@ -> @InitialBurstBaseDamageNL@
    @SubsequentBurstBaseDamage@ -> @SubsequentBurstBaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Chaos Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor conjures a chaos storm in an area for @StormDuration@ seconds, instantly dealing @InitialBurstDamage@ magic damage then dealing @SubsequentBurstDamage@ magic damage per second to surrounding enemies. The storm automatically follows champions it has recently damaged.

    Recast: Viktor manually moves the storm.

    Upgrade: The storm moves @AugmentBoost*100@% faster.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Chaos Storm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor conjures a chaos storm in an area for @StormDuration@ seconds, instantly dealing @InitialBurstDamage@ magic damage then dealing @SubsequentBurstDamage@ magic damage per second to surrounding enemies. The storm automatically follows champions it has recently damaged.

    Recast: Viktor manually moves the storm.

    Upgrade: The storm moves @AugmentBoost*100@% faster.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoXayah leaps into the air becoming untargetable and throwing out a fan of daggers, dropping Feathers she can recall.FeatherstormFeatherstorm@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Featherstorm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah leaps into the air becoming Untargetable and Ghosted for 1.5 seconds before raining down daggers that deal @Damage@ physical damage and leave behind a line of Feathers.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Xayah leaps into the air becoming Untargetable and Ghosted for 1.5 seconds before raining down daggers that deal @Damage@ physical damage and leave behind a line of Feathers.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Featherstorm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah leaps into the air becoming Untargetable and Ghosted for 1.5 seconds before raining down daggers that deal @Damage@ physical damage and leave behind a line of Feathers.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Untargetable units won't be affected by enemy Attacks or Abilities unless they've already been affected by them.
    Ghosted units ignore collision with other units.
    Xayah can move while in the air.
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Featherstorm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah leaps into the air becoming Untargetable and Ghosted for 1.5 seconds before raining down daggers that deal @Damage@ physical damage and leave behind a line of Feathers.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Featherstorm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah leaps into the air becoming Untargetable and Ghosted for 1.5 seconds before raining down daggers that deal @Damage@ physical damage and leave behind a line of Feathers.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Featherstorm@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah leaps into the air becoming Untargetable and Ghosted for 1.5 seconds before raining down daggers that deal @Damage@ physical damage and leave behind a line of Feathers.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoXerath immobilizes himself and gains numerous long-range barrages.Rite of the ArcaneRite of the Arcane@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rite of the Arcane@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xerath ascends to his true form and channels for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. During this time he may Recast up to @Effect2Amount@ times.

    Recast: Xerath launches a magical artillery, dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Xerath ascends to his true form and channels for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. During this time he may Recast up to @Effect2Amount@ times.

    Recast: Xerath launches a magical artillery, dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rite of the Arcane@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xerath ascends to his true form and channels for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. During this time he may Recast up to @Effect2Amount@ times.

    Recast: Xerath launches a magical artillery, dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    If Xerath does not Recast at all, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @Effect7Amount*100@%.Damage
    Number of Shots
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Rite of the Arcane@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xerath ascends to his true form and channels for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. During this time he may Recast up to @Effect2Amount@ times.

    Recast: Xerath launches a magical artillery, dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Number of Shots
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Number of Shots
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Number of Shots
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Rite of the Arcane@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xerath ascends to his true form and channels for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. During this time he may Recast up to @Effect2Amount@ times.

    Recast: Xerath launches a magical artillery, dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Rite of the Arcane@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xerath ascends to his true form and channels for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. During this time he may Recast up to @Effect2Amount@ times.

    Recast: Xerath launches a magical artillery, dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoXin Zhao challenges an enemy he damaged recently. Xin Zhao deals damage to nearby enemies based on their current Health and knocks non-challenged targets back, becoming impervious to damage dealt by champions outside of the circle created.Crescent GuardCrescent Guard@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crescent Guard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The last champion Xin Zhao damaged with an Attack or Audacious Charge is Challenged for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    Xin Zhao unleashes a sweep around him that deals @TotalDamage@ plus @PercentCurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health physical damage and Knocks Back all non-Challenged enemies.

    Afterwards, Xin Zhao becomes immune to damage from enemies outside the sweep range for @MissileDefenseBaseDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The last champion Xin Zhao damaged with an Attack or Audacious Charge is Challenged for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    Xin Zhao unleashes a sweep around him that deals @TotalDamage@ plus @PercentCurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health physical damage and Knocks Back all non-Challenged enemies.

    Afterwards, Xin Zhao becomes immune to damage from enemies outside the sweep range for @MissileDefenseBaseDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Crescent Guard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The last champion Xin Zhao damaged with an Attack or Audacious Charge is Challenged for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    Xin Zhao unleashes a sweep around him that deals @TotalDamage@ plus @PercentCurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health physical damage and Knocks Back all non-Challenged enemies.

    Afterwards, Xin Zhao becomes immune to damage from enemies outside the sweep range for @MissileDefenseBaseDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Deals a max of 600 damage to jungle monsters.Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Crescent Guard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The last champion Xin Zhao damaged with an Attack or Audacious Charge is Challenged for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    Xin Zhao unleashes a sweep around him that deals @TotalDamage@ plus @PercentCurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health physical damage and Knocks Back all non-Challenged enemies.

    Afterwards, Xin Zhao becomes immune to damage from enemies outside the sweep range for @MissileDefenseBaseDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Crescent Guard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The last champion Xin Zhao damaged with an Attack or Audacious Charge is Challenged for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    Xin Zhao unleashes a sweep around him that deals @TotalDamage@ plus @PercentCurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health physical damage and Knocks Back all non-Challenged enemies.

    Afterwards, Xin Zhao becomes immune to damage from enemies outside the sweep range for @MissileDefenseBaseDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Crescent Guard@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@The last champion Xin Zhao damaged with an Attack or Audacious Charge is Challenged for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    Xin Zhao unleashes a sweep around him that deals @TotalDamage@ plus @PercentCurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health physical damage and Knocks Back all non-Challenged enemies.

    Afterwards, Xin Zhao becomes immune to damage from enemies outside the sweep range for @MissileDefenseBaseDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoYone blinks behind the last champion in a line with a slash so powerful it pulls all enemies hit towards him.Fate SealedFate Sealed@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Fate Sealed@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYone strikes all enemies along a path for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage and @TooltipDamage@ magic damage, teleporting behind the last champion hit and Knocking Up victims towards Yone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Yone strikes all enemies along a path for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage and @TooltipDamage@ magic damage, teleporting behind the last champion hit and Knocking Up victims towards Yone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Fate Sealed@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYone strikes all enemies along a path for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage and @TooltipDamage@ magic damage, teleporting behind the last champion hit and Knocking Up victims towards Yone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@If no enemy champion is struck, Yone will instead blink to maximum range.Base Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Fate Sealed@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYone strikes all enemies along a path for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage and @TooltipDamage@ magic damage, teleporting behind the last champion hit and Knocking Up victims towards Yone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Base Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Fate Sealed@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYone strikes all enemies along a path for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage and @TooltipDamage@ magic damage, teleporting behind the last champion hit and Knocking Up victims towards Yone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Fate Sealed@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYone strikes all enemies along a path for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage and @TooltipDamage@ magic damage, teleporting behind the last champion hit and Knocking Up victims towards Yone.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoZac bounces four times, knocking up enemies hit and slowing them.Let's Bounce!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Let's Bounce!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Cell Division healing is increased to @PassiveHealingTotalTooltip@ Health per Goo chunk.

    Active: Zac bounces @Bounces@ times. The first bounce to hit each enemy Knocks them back and deals @DamagePerBounce@ magic damage. Subsequent bounces deal @DamagePerSubsequentBounce@ magic damage and Slow by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Zac gains up to @EndingMS*100@% Move Speed over time and can cast Unstable Matter while bouncing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Cell Division healing is increased to @PassiveHealingTotalTooltip@ Health per Goo chunk.

    Active: Zac bounces @Bounces@ times. The first bounce to hit each enemy Knocks them back and deals @DamagePerBounce@ magic damage. Subsequent bounces deal @DamagePerSubsequentBounce@ magic damage and Slow by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Zac gains up to @EndingMS*100@% Move Speed over time and can cast Unstable Matter while bouncing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Let's Bounce!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Cell Division healing is increased to @PassiveHealingTotalTooltip@ Health per Goo chunk.

    Active: Zac bounces @Bounces@ times. The first bounce to hit each enemy Knocks them back and deals @DamagePerBounce@ magic damage. Subsequent bounces deal @DamagePerSubsequentBounce@ magic damage and Slow by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Zac gains up to @EndingMS*100@% Move Speed over time and can cast Unstable Matter while bouncing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Total Damage: @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage
    Move Speed increases from @BeginningMS*100@% to @EndingMS*100@% over the duration
    Base Bounce Damage
    Additional Chunk Healing
    [ @BaseDamageBounce1Prefix@@BaseDamageBounce1@@BaseDamageBounce1Postfix@ / @BaseDamageBounce2Prefix@@BaseDamageBounce2@@BaseDamageBounce2Postfix@ / @BaseDamageBounce3Prefix@@BaseDamageBounce3@@BaseDamageBounce3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AdditionalChunkHealing1Prefix@@AdditionalChunkHealing1@%@AdditionalChunkHealing1Postfix@ / @AdditionalChunkHealing2Prefix@@AdditionalChunkHealing2@%@AdditionalChunkHealing2Postfix@ / @AdditionalChunkHealing3Prefix@@AdditionalChunkHealing3@%@AdditionalChunkHealing3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Let's Bounce!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Cell Division healing is increased to @PassiveHealingTotalTooltip@ Health per Goo chunk.

    Active: Zac bounces @Bounces@ times. The first bounce to hit each enemy Knocks them back and deals @DamagePerBounce@ magic damage. Subsequent bounces deal @DamagePerSubsequentBounce@ magic damage and Slow by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Zac gains up to @EndingMS*100@% Move Speed over time and can cast Unstable Matter while bouncing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Bounce Damage
    Additional Chunk Healing
    @BaseDamageBounce@ -> @BaseDamageBounceNL@
    @AdditionalChunkHealing@% -> @AdditionalChunkHealingNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Base Bounce Damage
    Additional Chunk Healing
    [ @BaseDamageBounce1Prefix@@BaseDamageBounce1@@BaseDamageBounce1Postfix@ / @BaseDamageBounce2Prefix@@BaseDamageBounce2@@BaseDamageBounce2Postfix@ / @BaseDamageBounce3Prefix@@BaseDamageBounce3@@BaseDamageBounce3Postfix@ ]
    [ @AdditionalChunkHealing1Prefix@@AdditionalChunkHealing1@%@AdditionalChunkHealing1Postfix@ / @AdditionalChunkHealing2Prefix@@AdditionalChunkHealing2@%@AdditionalChunkHealing2Postfix@ / @AdditionalChunkHealing3Prefix@@AdditionalChunkHealing3@%@AdditionalChunkHealing3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Base Bounce Damage
    Additional Chunk Healing
    @BaseDamageBounce@ -> @BaseDamageBounceNL@
    @AdditionalChunkHealing@% -> @AdditionalChunkHealingNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Let's Bounce!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Cell Division healing is increased to @PassiveHealingTotalTooltip@ Health per Goo chunk.

    Active: Zac bounces @Bounces@ times. The first bounce to hit each enemy Knocks them back and deals @DamagePerBounce@ magic damage. Subsequent bounces deal @DamagePerSubsequentBounce@ magic damage and Slow by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Zac gains up to @EndingMS*100@% Move Speed over time and can cast Unstable Matter while bouncing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Let's Bounce!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Cell Division healing is increased to @PassiveHealingTotalTooltip@ Health per Goo chunk.

    Active: Zac bounces @Bounces@ times. The first bounce to hit each enemy Knocks them back and deals @DamagePerBounce@ magic damage. Subsequent bounces deal @DamagePerSubsequentBounce@ magic damage and Slow by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Zac gains up to @EndingMS*100@% Move Speed over time and can cast Unstable Matter while bouncing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBlink to a nearby position for 1 second. Then blink back.Portal JumpPortal Jump@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Portal Jump@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe teleports to a nearby position for 1 second. Afterwards, she teleports back. Zoe can use Abilities and Attack, but can't move during this time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Zoe teleports to a nearby position for 1 second. Afterwards, she teleports back. Zoe can use Abilities and Attack, but can't move during this time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Portal Jump@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe teleports to a nearby position for 1 second. Afterwards, she teleports back. Zoe can use Abilities and Attack, but can't move during this time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Zoe can also see over walls during the teleport.Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Portal Jump@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe teleports to a nearby position for 1 second. Afterwards, she teleports back. Zoe can use Abilities and Attack, but can't move during this time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@[@Hotkey@] Portal Jump@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe teleports to a nearby position for 1 second. Afterwards, she teleports back. Zoe can use Abilities and Attack, but can't move during this time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Portal Jump@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe teleports to a nearby position for 1 second. Afterwards, she teleports back. Zoe can use Abilities and Attack, but can't move during this time.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoUrgot charges in a direction, shielding himself and trampling non-champion enemies. If he catches an enemy champion, he will stop and hurl them out of his way.DisdainDisdain@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Disdain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Urgot charges forward, gaining @ETotalShieldHealth@ Shield for @EShieldDuration@ seconds. The first champion hit is Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and thrown behind Urgot. All enemies Urgot collides with take @EDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Urgot charges forward, gaining @ETotalShieldHealth@ Shield for @EShieldDuration@ seconds. The first champion hit is Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and thrown behind Urgot. All enemies Urgot collides with take @EDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Disdain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Urgot charges forward, gaining @ETotalShieldHealth@ Shield for @EShieldDuration@ seconds. The first champion hit is Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and thrown behind Urgot. All enemies Urgot collides with take @EDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cannot cross terrain.Damage
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @EBaseDamage1Prefix@@EBaseDamage1@@EBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @EBaseDamage2Prefix@@EBaseDamage2@@EBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @EBaseDamage3Prefix@@EBaseDamage3@@EBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @EBaseDamage4Prefix@@EBaseDamage4@@EBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @EBaseDamage5Prefix@@EBaseDamage5@@EBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @EShieldBaseHealth1Prefix@@EShieldBaseHealth1@@EShieldBaseHealth1Postfix@ / @EShieldBaseHealth2Prefix@@EShieldBaseHealth2@@EShieldBaseHealth2Postfix@ / @EShieldBaseHealth3Prefix@@EShieldBaseHealth3@@EShieldBaseHealth3Postfix@ / @EShieldBaseHealth4Prefix@@EShieldBaseHealth4@@EShieldBaseHealth4Postfix@ / @EShieldBaseHealth5Prefix@@EShieldBaseHealth5@@EShieldBaseHealth5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Disdain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Urgot charges forward, gaining @ETotalShieldHealth@ Shield for @EShieldDuration@ seconds. The first champion hit is Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and thrown behind Urgot. All enemies Urgot collides with take @EDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @EBaseDamage@ -> @EBaseDamageNL@
    @EShieldBaseHealth@ -> @EShieldBaseHealthNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @EBaseDamage1Prefix@@EBaseDamage1@@EBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @EBaseDamage2Prefix@@EBaseDamage2@@EBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @EBaseDamage3Prefix@@EBaseDamage3@@EBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @EBaseDamage4Prefix@@EBaseDamage4@@EBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @EBaseDamage5Prefix@@EBaseDamage5@@EBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @EShieldBaseHealth1Prefix@@EShieldBaseHealth1@@EShieldBaseHealth1Postfix@ / @EShieldBaseHealth2Prefix@@EShieldBaseHealth2@@EShieldBaseHealth2Postfix@ / @EShieldBaseHealth3Prefix@@EShieldBaseHealth3@@EShieldBaseHealth3Postfix@ / @EShieldBaseHealth4Prefix@@EShieldBaseHealth4@@EShieldBaseHealth4Postfix@ / @EShieldBaseHealth5Prefix@@EShieldBaseHealth5@@EShieldBaseHealth5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @EBaseDamage@ -> @EBaseDamageNL@
    @EShieldBaseHealth@ -> @EShieldBaseHealthNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Disdain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Urgot charges forward, gaining @ETotalShieldHealth@ Shield for @EShieldDuration@ seconds. The first champion hit is Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and thrown behind Urgot. All enemies Urgot collides with take @EDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Disdain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Urgot charges forward, gaining @ETotalShieldHealth@ Shield for @EShieldDuration@ seconds. The first champion hit is Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and thrown behind Urgot. All enemies Urgot collides with take @EDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFires an explosive charge at the target location, dealing physical damage and slowing enemies caught in the explosion.Corrosive ChargeCorrosive Charge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Corrosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Urgot fires an explosive charge, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Urgot fires an explosive charge, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Corrosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Urgot fires an explosive charge, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Corrosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Urgot fires an explosive charge, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Corrosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Urgot fires an explosive charge, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Corrosive Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Urgot fires an explosive charge, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoUrgot slows himself while he unloads his weapon on nearby enemies. Prioritizes enemy champions Urgot has recently struck with other abilities and triggers Echoing Flames.Purge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Purge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Urgot's other Abilities mark the last champion hit for 5 seconds.

    Active: Urgot begins firing his chain gun at the closest enemy, prioritizing marked enemies. He Attacks them @Effect8Amount@ times a second dealing @DamagePerShot@ physical damage per shot. Urgot can move while firing and has @Effect2Amount@% Slow resistance, but loses @Effect5Amount@ Move Speed.

    At max rank, this Ability lasts indefinitely and can be Toggled on and off.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Urgot's other Abilities mark the last champion hit for 5 seconds.

    Active: Urgot begins firing his chain gun at the closest enemy, prioritizing marked enemies. He Attacks them @Effect8Amount@ times a second dealing @DamagePerShot@ physical damage per shot. Urgot can move while firing and has @Effect2Amount@% Slow resistance, but loses @Effect5Amount@ Move Speed.

    At max rank, this Ability lasts indefinitely and can be Toggled on and off.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Purge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Urgot's other Abilities mark the last champion hit for 5 seconds.

    Active: Urgot begins firing his chain gun at the closest enemy, prioritizing marked enemies. He Attacks them @Effect8Amount@ times a second dealing @DamagePerShot@ physical damage per shot. Urgot can move while firing and has @Effect2Amount@% Slow resistance, but loses @Effect5Amount@ Move Speed.

    At max rank, this Ability lasts indefinitely and can be Toggled on and off.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The shots apply On-Hit effects at @OnHitDamageReduction*100@% damage. They cannot critically strike.
    Shots deal a minimum of @Effect10Amount@ damage to minions and jungle monsters.
    Urgot can move through minions and non-epic jungle monsters while firing.
    Attack Damage Per Shot
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@%@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@%@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@%@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@%@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5@%@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Purge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Urgot's other Abilities mark the last champion hit for 5 seconds.

    Active: Urgot begins firing his chain gun at the closest enemy, prioritizing marked enemies. He Attacks them @Effect8Amount@ times a second dealing @DamagePerShot@ physical damage per shot. Urgot can move while firing and has @Effect2Amount@% Slow resistance, but loses @Effect5Amount@ Move Speed.

    At max rank, this Ability lasts indefinitely and can be Toggled on and off.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Attack Damage Per Shot
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect7Amount@% -> @Effect7AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Attack Damage Per Shot
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect7Amount1Prefix@@Effect7Amount1@%@Effect7Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount2Prefix@@Effect7Amount2@%@Effect7Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount3Prefix@@Effect7Amount3@%@Effect7Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount4Prefix@@Effect7Amount4@%@Effect7Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect7Amount5Prefix@@Effect7Amount5@%@Effect7Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Damage Per Shot
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect7Amount@% -> @Effect7AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Purge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Urgot's other Abilities mark the last champion hit for 5 seconds.

    Active: Urgot begins firing his chain gun at the closest enemy, prioritizing marked enemies. He Attacks them @Effect8Amount@ times a second dealing @DamagePerShot@ physical damage per shot. Urgot can move while firing and has @Effect2Amount@% Slow resistance, but loses @Effect5Amount@ Move Speed.

    At max rank, this Ability lasts indefinitely and can be Toggled on and off.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Purge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Urgot's other Abilities mark the last champion hit for 5 seconds.

    Active: Urgot begins firing his chain gun at the closest enemy, prioritizing marked enemies. He Attacks them @Effect8Amount@ times a second dealing @DamagePerShot@ physical damage per shot. Urgot can move while firing and has @Effect2Amount@% Slow resistance, but loses @Effect5Amount@ Move Speed.

    At max rank, this Ability lasts indefinitely and can be Toggled on and off.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVarus fires a hail of arrows that deal physical damage and desecrate the ground. Desecrated ground slows enemies' Move Speed and reduces their self healing and regeneration.Hail of ArrowsHail of Arrows@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hail of Arrows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus fires a hail of arrows that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and desecrates the ground for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @Effect2Amount*-100@% and applying @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Varus fires a hail of arrows that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and desecrates the ground for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @Effect2Amount*-100@% and applying @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hail of Arrows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus fires a hail of arrows that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and desecrates the ground for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @Effect2Amount*-100@% and applying @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Reminder_GrievousWounds}}Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Hail of Arrows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus fires a hail of arrows that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and desecrates the ground for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @Effect2Amount*-100@% and applying @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*-100.000000@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*-100.000000@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Hail of Arrows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus fires a hail of arrows that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and desecrates the ground for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @Effect2Amount*-100@% and applying @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hail of Arrows@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Varus fires a hail of arrows that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and desecrates the ground for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @Effect2Amount*-100@% and applying @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoVarus readies and then fires a powerful shot that gains extra range and damage the longer he spends preparing to fire.Piercing Arrow@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Piercing Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Varus draws back his next shot, Slowing himself by @Effect7Amount*-100@%. After @Effect5Amount@ seconds, if not fired, Varus will cancel the Ability and refund @Effect4Amount*100@% of its Mana cost.

    Release: Varus releases the arrow, dealing @TotalDamageMinTooltip@ physical damage, reduced by @Effect3Amount*100@% per enemy hit (minimum @Effect9Amount*100@%). Damage and Blight detonation effects are increased by up to @MaxChargeAmp*100@% based on charge time (maximum @TotalDamageMax@) .@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Begin Charging: Varus draws back his next shot, Slowing himself by @Effect7Amount*-100@%. After @Effect5Amount@ seconds, if not fired, Varus will cancel the Ability and refund @Effect4Amount*100@% of its Mana cost.

    Release: Varus releases the arrow, dealing @TotalDamageMinTooltip@ physical damage, reduced by @Effect3Amount*100@% per enemy hit (minimum @Effect9Amount*100@%). Damage and Blight detonation effects are increased by up to @MaxChargeAmp*100@% based on charge time (maximum @TotalDamageMax@) .@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Piercing Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Varus draws back his next shot, Slowing himself by @Effect7Amount*-100@%. After @Effect5Amount@ seconds, if not fired, Varus will cancel the Ability and refund @Effect4Amount*100@% of its Mana cost.

    Release: Varus releases the arrow, dealing @TotalDamageMinTooltip@ physical damage, reduced by @Effect3Amount*100@% per enemy hit (minimum @Effect9Amount*100@%). Damage and Blight detonation effects are increased by up to @MaxChargeAmp*100@% based on charge time (maximum @TotalDamageMax@) .@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Maximum Damage
    Mana Cost
    Total AD Ratio
    [ @BaseDamageMax1Prefix@@BaseDamageMax1@@BaseDamageMax1Postfix@ / @BaseDamageMax2Prefix@@BaseDamageMax2@@BaseDamageMax2Postfix@ / @BaseDamageMax3Prefix@@BaseDamageMax3@@BaseDamageMax3Postfix@ / @BaseDamageMax4Prefix@@BaseDamageMax4@@BaseDamageMax4Postfix@ / @BaseDamageMax5Prefix@@BaseDamageMax5@@BaseDamageMax5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseCost1Prefix@@BaseCost1@@BaseCost1Postfix@ / @BaseCost2Prefix@@BaseCost2@@BaseCost2Postfix@ / @BaseCost3Prefix@@BaseCost3@@BaseCost3Postfix@ / @BaseCost4Prefix@@BaseCost4@@BaseCost4Postfix@ / @BaseCost5Prefix@@BaseCost5@@BaseCost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @tADRatioMax1Prefix@@tADRatioMax1@@tADRatioMax1Postfix@ / @tADRatioMax2Prefix@@tADRatioMax2@@tADRatioMax2Postfix@ / @tADRatioMax3Prefix@@tADRatioMax3@@tADRatioMax3Postfix@ / @tADRatioMax4Prefix@@tADRatioMax4@@tADRatioMax4Postfix@ / @tADRatioMax5Prefix@@tADRatioMax5@@tADRatioMax5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Piercing Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Varus draws back his next shot, Slowing himself by @Effect7Amount*-100@%. After @Effect5Amount@ seconds, if not fired, Varus will cancel the Ability and refund @Effect4Amount*100@% of its Mana cost.

    Release: Varus releases the arrow, dealing @TotalDamageMinTooltip@ physical damage, reduced by @Effect3Amount*100@% per enemy hit (minimum @Effect9Amount*100@%). Damage and Blight detonation effects are increased by up to @MaxChargeAmp*100@% based on charge time (maximum @TotalDamageMax@) .@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMaximum Damage
    Mana Cost
    Total AD Ratio
    @BaseDamageMax@ -> @BaseDamageMaxNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseCost@ -> @BaseCostNL@
    @tADRatioMax@ -> @tADRatioMaxNL@
    Maximum Damage
    Mana Cost
    Total AD Ratio
    [ @BaseDamageMax1Prefix@@BaseDamageMax1@@BaseDamageMax1Postfix@ / @BaseDamageMax2Prefix@@BaseDamageMax2@@BaseDamageMax2Postfix@ / @BaseDamageMax3Prefix@@BaseDamageMax3@@BaseDamageMax3Postfix@ / @BaseDamageMax4Prefix@@BaseDamageMax4@@BaseDamageMax4Postfix@ / @BaseDamageMax5Prefix@@BaseDamageMax5@@BaseDamageMax5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseCost1Prefix@@BaseCost1@@BaseCost1Postfix@ / @BaseCost2Prefix@@BaseCost2@@BaseCost2Postfix@ / @BaseCost3Prefix@@BaseCost3@@BaseCost3Postfix@ / @BaseCost4Prefix@@BaseCost4@@BaseCost4Postfix@ / @BaseCost5Prefix@@BaseCost5@@BaseCost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @tADRatioMax1Prefix@@tADRatioMax1@@tADRatioMax1Postfix@ / @tADRatioMax2Prefix@@tADRatioMax2@@tADRatioMax2Postfix@ / @tADRatioMax3Prefix@@tADRatioMax3@@tADRatioMax3Postfix@ / @tADRatioMax4Prefix@@tADRatioMax4@@tADRatioMax4Postfix@ / @tADRatioMax5Prefix@@tADRatioMax5@@tADRatioMax5Postfix@ ]
    Maximum Damage
    Mana Cost
    Total AD Ratio
    @BaseDamageMax@ -> @BaseDamageMaxNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseCost@ -> @BaseCostNL@
    @tADRatioMax@ -> @tADRatioMaxNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Piercing Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Varus draws back his next shot, Slowing himself by @Effect7Amount*-100@%. After @Effect5Amount@ seconds, if not fired, Varus will cancel the Ability and refund @Effect4Amount*100@% of its Mana cost.

    Release: Varus releases the arrow, dealing @TotalDamageMinTooltip@ physical damage, reduced by @Effect3Amount*100@% per enemy hit (minimum @Effect9Amount*100@%). Damage and Blight detonation effects are increased by up to @MaxChargeAmp*100@% based on charge time (maximum @TotalDamageMax@) .@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Piercing Arrow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Varus draws back his next shot, Slowing himself by @Effect7Amount*-100@%. After @Effect5Amount@ seconds, if not fired, Varus will cancel the Ability and refund @Effect4Amount*100@% of its Mana cost.

    Release: Varus releases the arrow, dealing @TotalDamageMinTooltip@ physical damage, reduced by @Effect3Amount*100@% per enemy hit (minimum @Effect9Amount*100@%). Damage and Blight detonation effects are increased by up to @MaxChargeAmp*100@% based on charge time (maximum @TotalDamageMax@) .@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVayne draws a heavy crossbow from her back, and fires a huge bolt at her target, knocking them back and dealing damage. If they collide with terrain, they are impaled, dealing bonus damage and stunning them.CondemnCondemn@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Condemn@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vayne fires a bolt that Knocks Back and deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If the target collides with terrain, they take @EmpoweredDamageTT@ bonus physical damage and become Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Vayne fires a bolt that Knocks Back and deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If the target collides with terrain, they take @EmpoweredDamageTT@ bonus physical damage and become Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Condemn@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vayne fires a bolt that Knocks Back and deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If the target collides with terrain, they take @EmpoweredDamageTT@ bonus physical damage and become Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Condemn@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vayne fires a bolt that Knocks Back and deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If the target collides with terrain, they take @EmpoweredDamageTT@ bonus physical damage and become Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Condemn@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vayne fires a bolt that Knocks Back and deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If the target collides with terrain, they take @EmpoweredDamageTT@ bonus physical damage and become Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Condemn@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vayne fires a bolt that Knocks Back and deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If the target collides with terrain, they take @EmpoweredDamageTT@ bonus physical damage and become Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoReadying herself for an epic confrontation, Vayne gains increased Attack Damage, Invisibility during Tumble, reduced Tumble cooldown, and more bonus Move Speed from Night HunterFinal HourFinal Hour@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Final Hour@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vayne gains @BonusAttackDamage@ Attack Damage for @BaseDuration@ seconds, extended by @DurationToAdd@ seconds whenever a champion damaged by Vayne dies within @DamagedMarkerDuration@ seconds. Additionally, during the duration:
  1421. Night Hunter instead grants @MovementSpeed@ Move Speed.
  1422. The Cooldown of Tumble is reduced by @TumbleCDReduction@%, and grants Invisibility for @TumbleStealthDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Vayne gains @BonusAttackDamage@ Attack Damage for @BaseDuration@ seconds, extended by @DurationToAdd@ seconds whenever a champion damaged by Vayne dies within @DamagedMarkerDuration@ seconds. Additionally, during the duration:
  1423. Night Hunter instead grants @MovementSpeed@ Move Speed.
  1424. The Cooldown of Tumble is reduced by @TumbleCDReduction@%, and grants Invisibility for @TumbleStealthDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Final Hour@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vayne gains @BonusAttackDamage@ Attack Damage for @BaseDuration@ seconds, extended by @DurationToAdd@ seconds whenever a champion damaged by Vayne dies within @DamagedMarkerDuration@ seconds. Additionally, during the duration:
  1425. Night Hunter instead grants @MovementSpeed@ Move Speed.
  1426. The Cooldown of Tumble is reduced by @TumbleCDReduction@%, and grants Invisibility for @TumbleStealthDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Reminder_Invisibility}}
    This Ability's duration can't be increased past its maximum duration
    Bonus AD
    Tumble Cooldown Reduction
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDuration1Prefix@@BaseDuration1@@BaseDuration1Postfix@ / @BaseDuration2Prefix@@BaseDuration2@@BaseDuration2Postfix@ / @BaseDuration3Prefix@@BaseDuration3@@BaseDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusAttackDamage1Prefix@@BonusAttackDamage1@@BonusAttackDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusAttackDamage2Prefix@@BonusAttackDamage2@@BonusAttackDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusAttackDamage3Prefix@@BonusAttackDamage3@@BonusAttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @TumbleCDReduction1Prefix@@TumbleCDReduction1@%@TumbleCDReduction1Postfix@ / @TumbleCDReduction2Prefix@@TumbleCDReduction2@%@TumbleCDReduction2Postfix@ / @TumbleCDReduction3Prefix@@TumbleCDReduction3@%@TumbleCDReduction3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Final Hour@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vayne gains @BonusAttackDamage@ Attack Damage for @BaseDuration@ seconds, extended by @DurationToAdd@ seconds whenever a champion damaged by Vayne dies within @DamagedMarkerDuration@ seconds. Additionally, during the duration:
  1427. Night Hunter instead grants @MovementSpeed@ Move Speed.
  1428. The Cooldown of Tumble is reduced by @TumbleCDReduction@%, and grants Invisibility for @TumbleStealthDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Bonus AD
    Tumble Cooldown Reduction
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDuration@ -> @BaseDurationNL@
    @BonusAttackDamage@ -> @BonusAttackDamageNL@
    @TumbleCDReduction@% -> @TumbleCDReductionNL@%
    Bonus AD
    Tumble Cooldown Reduction
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDuration1Prefix@@BaseDuration1@@BaseDuration1Postfix@ / @BaseDuration2Prefix@@BaseDuration2@@BaseDuration2Postfix@ / @BaseDuration3Prefix@@BaseDuration3@@BaseDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusAttackDamage1Prefix@@BonusAttackDamage1@@BonusAttackDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusAttackDamage2Prefix@@BonusAttackDamage2@@BonusAttackDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusAttackDamage3Prefix@@BonusAttackDamage3@@BonusAttackDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @TumbleCDReduction1Prefix@@TumbleCDReduction1@%@TumbleCDReduction1Postfix@ / @TumbleCDReduction2Prefix@@TumbleCDReduction2@%@TumbleCDReduction2Postfix@ / @TumbleCDReduction3Prefix@@TumbleCDReduction3@%@TumbleCDReduction3Postfix@ ]
    Bonus AD
    Tumble Cooldown Reduction
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDuration@ -> @BaseDurationNL@
    @BonusAttackDamage@ -> @BonusAttackDamageNL@
    @TumbleCDReduction@% -> @TumbleCDReductionNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Final Hour@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vayne gains @BonusAttackDamage@ Attack Damage for @BaseDuration@ seconds, extended by @DurationToAdd@ seconds whenever a champion damaged by Vayne dies within @DamagedMarkerDuration@ seconds. Additionally, during the duration:
  1429. Night Hunter instead grants @MovementSpeed@ Move Speed.
  1430. The Cooldown of Tumble is reduced by @TumbleCDReduction@%, and grants Invisibility for @TumbleStealthDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Final Hour@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vayne gains @BonusAttackDamage@ Attack Damage for @BaseDuration@ seconds, extended by @DurationToAdd@ seconds whenever a champion damaged by Vayne dies within @DamagedMarkerDuration@ seconds. Additionally, during the duration:
  1431. Night Hunter instead grants @MovementSpeed@ Move Speed.
  1432. The Cooldown of Tumble is reduced by @TumbleCDReduction@%, and grants Invisibility for @TumbleStealthDuration@ second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoVayne tips her bolts with a rare metal, toxic to evil things. The third consecutive attack or ability against the same target deals a percentage of the target's max health as bonus true damage.Silver Bolts@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Silver Bolts@SpellTags@PassivePassive: Every third consecutive Attack or Ability against an enemy deals an additional @MaxHealthRatio*100@% max Health true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Passive: Every third consecutive Attack or Ability against an enemy deals an additional @MaxHealthRatio*100@% max Health true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Silver Bolts@SpellTags@PassivePassive: Every third consecutive Attack or Ability against an enemy deals an additional @MaxHealthRatio*100@% max Health true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Deals a minimum of @DamageFloor@ damage.
    Deals a max of @DamageMaxVsMonsters@ damage against jungle monsters.
    True Damage %
    Minimum Damage
    [ @MaxHealthRatio1Prefix@@MaxHealthRatio1*100.000000@%@MaxHealthRatio1Postfix@ / @MaxHealthRatio2Prefix@@MaxHealthRatio2*100.000000@%@MaxHealthRatio2Postfix@ / @MaxHealthRatio3Prefix@@MaxHealthRatio3*100.000000@%@MaxHealthRatio3Postfix@ / @MaxHealthRatio4Prefix@@MaxHealthRatio4*100.000000@%@MaxHealthRatio4Postfix@ / @MaxHealthRatio5Prefix@@MaxHealthRatio5*100.000000@%@MaxHealthRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamageFloor1Prefix@@DamageFloor1@@DamageFloor1Postfix@ / @DamageFloor2Prefix@@DamageFloor2@@DamageFloor2Postfix@ / @DamageFloor3Prefix@@DamageFloor3@@DamageFloor3Postfix@ / @DamageFloor4Prefix@@DamageFloor4@@DamageFloor4Postfix@ / @DamageFloor5Prefix@@DamageFloor5@@DamageFloor5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Silver Bolts@SpellTags@PassivePassive: Every third consecutive Attack or Ability against an enemy deals an additional @MaxHealthRatio*100@% max Health true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTrue Damage %
    Minimum Damage
    @MaxHealthRatio*100.000000@% -> @MaxHealthRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @DamageFloor@ -> @DamageFloorNL@
    True Damage %
    Minimum Damage
    [ @MaxHealthRatio1Prefix@@MaxHealthRatio1*100.000000@%@MaxHealthRatio1Postfix@ / @MaxHealthRatio2Prefix@@MaxHealthRatio2*100.000000@%@MaxHealthRatio2Postfix@ / @MaxHealthRatio3Prefix@@MaxHealthRatio3*100.000000@%@MaxHealthRatio3Postfix@ / @MaxHealthRatio4Prefix@@MaxHealthRatio4*100.000000@%@MaxHealthRatio4Postfix@ / @MaxHealthRatio5Prefix@@MaxHealthRatio5*100.000000@%@MaxHealthRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [ @DamageFloor1Prefix@@DamageFloor1@@DamageFloor1Postfix@ / @DamageFloor2Prefix@@DamageFloor2@@DamageFloor2Postfix@ / @DamageFloor3Prefix@@DamageFloor3@@DamageFloor3Postfix@ / @DamageFloor4Prefix@@DamageFloor4@@DamageFloor4Postfix@ / @DamageFloor5Prefix@@DamageFloor5@@DamageFloor5Postfix@ ]
    True Damage %
    Minimum Damage
    @MaxHealthRatio*100.000000@% -> @MaxHealthRatioNL*100.000000@%
    @DamageFloor@ -> @DamageFloorNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Silver Bolts@SpellTags@PassivePassive: Every third consecutive Attack or Ability against an enemy deals an additional @MaxHealthRatio*100@% max Health true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Silver Bolts@SpellTags@PassivePassive: Every third consecutive Attack or Ability against an enemy deals an additional @MaxHealthRatio*100@% max Health true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoVayne tumbles, maneuvering to carefully place her next shot. Her next attack deals bonus damage.TumbleTumble@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tumble@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vayne rolls a short distance, and deals an additional @ADRatioBonus@ physical damage on her next Attack.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Vayne rolls a short distance, and deals an additional @ADRatioBonus@ physical damage on her next Attack.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tumble@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vayne rolls a short distance, and deals an additional @ADRatioBonus@ physical damage on her next Attack.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    AD Ratio %
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @TotalADRatio1Prefix@@TotalADRatio1*100.000000@%@TotalADRatio1Postfix@ / @TotalADRatio2Prefix@@TotalADRatio2*100.000000@%@TotalADRatio2Postfix@ / @TotalADRatio3Prefix@@TotalADRatio3*100.000000@%@TotalADRatio3Postfix@ / @TotalADRatio4Prefix@@TotalADRatio4*100.000000@%@TotalADRatio4Postfix@ / @TotalADRatio5Prefix@@TotalADRatio5*100.000000@%@TotalADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Tumble@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vayne rolls a short distance, and deals an additional @ADRatioBonus@ physical damage on her next Attack.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    AD Ratio %
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @TotalADRatio*100.000000@% -> @TotalADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    AD Ratio %
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @TotalADRatio1Prefix@@TotalADRatio1*100.000000@%@TotalADRatio1Postfix@ / @TotalADRatio2Prefix@@TotalADRatio2*100.000000@%@TotalADRatio2Postfix@ / @TotalADRatio3Prefix@@TotalADRatio3*100.000000@%@TotalADRatio3Postfix@ / @TotalADRatio4Prefix@@TotalADRatio4*100.000000@%@TotalADRatio4Postfix@ / @TotalADRatio5Prefix@@TotalADRatio5*100.000000@%@TotalADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    AD Ratio %
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @TotalADRatio*100.000000@% -> @TotalADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Tumble@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vayne rolls a short distance, and deals an additional @ADRatioBonus@ physical damage on her next Attack.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Tumble@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vayne rolls a short distance, and deals an additional @ADRatioBonus@ physical damage on her next Attack.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVeigar unleashes a bolt of dark energy that deals magic damage to the first two enemies hit. Units killed by this bolt grant Veigar some ability power permanently.Baleful StrikeBaleful Strike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Baleful Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar unleashes a bolt of dark energy, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to the first two enemies hit.

    If Veigar kills an enemy with this Ability, he gains a stack of Phenomenal Evil. Large minions and large monsters grant @Effect3Amount@ additional stacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Veigar unleashes a bolt of dark energy, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to the first two enemies hit.

    If Veigar kills an enemy with this Ability, he gains a stack of Phenomenal Evil. Large minions and large monsters grant @Effect3Amount@ additional stacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Baleful Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar unleashes a bolt of dark energy, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to the first two enemies hit.

    If Veigar kills an enemy with this Ability, he gains a stack of Phenomenal Evil. Large minions and large monsters grant @Effect3Amount@ additional stacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Baleful Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar unleashes a bolt of dark energy, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to the first two enemies hit.

    If Veigar kills an enemy with this Ability, he gains a stack of Phenomenal Evil. Large minions and large monsters grant @Effect3Amount@ additional stacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Baleful Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar unleashes a bolt of dark energy, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to the first two enemies hit.

    If Veigar kills an enemy with this Ability, he gains a stack of Phenomenal Evil. Large minions and large monsters grant @Effect3Amount@ additional stacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Baleful Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar unleashes a bolt of dark energy, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to the first two enemies hit.

    If Veigar kills an enemy with this Ability, he gains a stack of Phenomenal Evil. Large minions and large monsters grant @Effect3Amount@ additional stacks.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVeigar calls a great mass of dark matter to fall from the sky to the target location, dealing magic damage when it lands. Stacks of Phenomenal Evil reduce Dark Matter's cooldown.Dark MatterDark Matter@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dark Matter@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar summons dark matter from the sky, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.

    Every 50 stacks of Phenomenal Evil reduce this Ability's Cooldown by 10%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Veigar summons dark matter from the sky, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.

    Every 50 stacks of Phenomenal Evil reduce this Ability's Cooldown by 10%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_VeigarDarkMatter_Tooltip}}

    Cooldown currently reduced by @f2.0*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dark Matter@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_VeigarDarkMatter_Tooltip}}

    Cooldown currently reduced by @f2.0*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Dark Matter@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_VeigarDarkMatter_Tooltip}}

    Cooldown currently reduced by @f2.0*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Dark Matter@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_VeigarDarkMatter_Tooltip}}

    Cooldown currently reduced by @f2.0*100@%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Dark Matter@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar summons dark matter from the sky, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.

    Every 50 stacks of Phenomenal Evil reduce this Ability's Cooldown by 10%.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVeigar twists the edges of space, creating a cage that Stuns enemies that pass through.Event HorizonEvent Horizon@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Event Horizon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar twists the edges of space, creating a cage that Stuns enemies that pass through for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. The cage lasts for 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Veigar twists the edges of space, creating a cage that Stuns enemies that pass through for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. The cage lasts for 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Event Horizon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar twists the edges of space, creating a cage that Stuns enemies that pass through for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. The cage lasts for 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@This Ability Knocks Down enemies.Stun Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Event Horizon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar twists the edges of space, creating a cage that Stuns enemies that pass through for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. The cage lasts for 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upStun Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Stun Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Stun Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Event Horizon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar twists the edges of space, creating a cage that Stuns enemies that pass through for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. The cage lasts for 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Event Horizon@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar twists the edges of space, creating a cage that Stuns enemies that pass through for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. The cage lasts for 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoBlasts target enemy champion, dealing a large amount of magic damage, increasing based on the target's missing health.Primordial Burst@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Primordial Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar blasts an enemy champion with primal magic to deal between @MinDamageTooltip@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage, increasing with the target's missing Health. Damage is maximized against enemies below 33% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Veigar blasts an enemy champion with primal magic to deal between @MinDamageTooltip@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage, increasing with the target's missing Health. Damage is maximized against enemies below 33% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Primordial Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar blasts an enemy champion with primal magic to deal between @MinDamageTooltip@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage, increasing with the target's missing Health. Damage is maximized against enemies below 33% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Primordial Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar blasts an enemy champion with primal magic to deal between @MinDamageTooltip@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage, increasing with the target's missing Health. Damage is maximized against enemies below 33% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Primordial Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar blasts an enemy champion with primal magic to deal between @MinDamageTooltip@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage, increasing with the target's missing Health. Damage is maximized against enemies below 33% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Primordial Burst@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Veigar blasts an enemy champion with primal magic to deal between @MinDamageTooltip@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage, increasing with the target's missing Health. Damage is maximized against enemies below 33% Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoVel'Koz causes an area to explode, knocking up enemies, and knocking close enemies slightly away.Tectonic DisruptionTectonic Disruption@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tectonic Disruption@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz disrupts a nearby area, causing it to explode, Knocking Up for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Enemies close to Vel'koz will be Knocked Back instead of Knocked Up.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Vel'Koz disrupts a nearby area, causing it to explode, Knocking Up for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Enemies close to Vel'koz will be Knocked Back instead of Knocked Up.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tectonic Disruption@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz disrupts a nearby area, causing it to explode, Knocking Up for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Enemies close to Vel'koz will be Knocked Back instead of Knocked Up.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Tectonic Disruption@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz disrupts a nearby area, causing it to explode, Knocking Up for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Enemies close to Vel'koz will be Knocked Back instead of Knocked Up.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Tectonic Disruption@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz disrupts a nearby area, causing it to explode, Knocking Up for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Enemies close to Vel'koz will be Knocked Back instead of Knocked Up.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Tectonic Disruption@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz disrupts a nearby area, causing it to explode, Knocking Up for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Enemies close to Vel'koz will be Knocked Back instead of Knocked Up.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoReactivate to split the missile at a 90 degree angle.Plasma FissionPlasma Fission@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Plasma Fission@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Reactivate to split the missile at a 90 degree angle.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Reactivate to split the missile at a 90 degree angle.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Plasma Fission@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Reactivate to split the missile at a 90 degree angle.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Plasma Fission@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Reactivate to split the missile at a 90 degree angle.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Plasma Fission@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Reactivate to split the missile at a 90 degree angle.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Plasma Fission@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Reactivate to split the missile at a 90 degree angle.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoVel'Koz shoots a bolt of plasma that splits in two on reactivation or upon hitting an enemy. The bolt slows and damages on hit.[@Hotkey@] Plasma Fission@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz shoots a plasma bolt that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ second(s). At the end of it's range, on hitting a target, or on Recasting, the bolt splits and fires two new bolts at a 90 degree angle.

    Killing a unit with this restores @TooltipManaRefund@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Vel'Koz shoots a plasma bolt that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ second(s). At the end of it's range, on hitting a target, or on Recasting, the bolt splits and fires two new bolts at a 90 degree angle.

    Killing a unit with this restores @TooltipManaRefund@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Plasma Fission@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz shoots a plasma bolt that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ second(s). At the end of it's range, on hitting a target, or on Recasting, the bolt splits and fires two new bolts at a 90 degree angle.

    Killing a unit with this restores @TooltipManaRefund@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Total Damage
    Slow Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowDuration1Prefix@@SlowDuration1@@SlowDuration1Postfix@ / @SlowDuration2Prefix@@SlowDuration2@@SlowDuration2Postfix@ / @SlowDuration3Prefix@@SlowDuration3@@SlowDuration3Postfix@ / @SlowDuration4Prefix@@SlowDuration4@@SlowDuration4Postfix@ / @SlowDuration5Prefix@@SlowDuration5@@SlowDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Plasma Fission@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz shoots a plasma bolt that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ second(s). At the end of it's range, on hitting a target, or on Recasting, the bolt splits and fires two new bolts at a 90 degree angle.

    Killing a unit with this restores @TooltipManaRefund@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upTotal Damage
    Slow Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowDuration@ -> @SlowDurationNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Total Damage
    Slow Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowDuration1Prefix@@SlowDuration1@@SlowDuration1Postfix@ / @SlowDuration2Prefix@@SlowDuration2@@SlowDuration2Postfix@ / @SlowDuration3Prefix@@SlowDuration3@@SlowDuration3Postfix@ / @SlowDuration4Prefix@@SlowDuration4@@SlowDuration4Postfix@ / @SlowDuration5Prefix@@SlowDuration5@@SlowDuration5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Total Damage
    Slow Duration
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowDuration@ -> @SlowDurationNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Plasma Fission@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz shoots a plasma bolt that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ second(s). At the end of it's range, on hitting a target, or on Recasting, the bolt splits and fires two new bolts at a 90 degree angle.

    Killing a unit with this restores @TooltipManaRefund@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Plasma Fission@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz shoots a plasma bolt that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ second(s). At the end of it's range, on hitting a target, or on Recasting, the bolt splits and fires two new bolts at a 90 degree angle.

    Killing a unit with this restores @TooltipManaRefund@ Mana.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVel'Koz opens a rift to the void that deals an initial burst of damage, then explodes for a second burst of damage after a delay.Void RiftVoid Rift@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Void Rift@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz opens a rift to the void, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. The rift then erupts, dealing @SecondaryDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Vel'Koz opens a rift to the void, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. The rift then erupts, dealing @SecondaryDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Void Rift@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz opens a rift to the void, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. The rift then erupts, dealing @SecondaryDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Initial Damage
    Secondary Damage
    Recharge Time
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Void Rift@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz opens a rift to the void, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. The rift then erupts, dealing @SecondaryDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upInitial Damage
    Secondary Damage
    Recharge Time
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Initial Damage
    Secondary Damage
    Recharge Time
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Initial Damage
    Secondary Damage
    Recharge Time
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Void Rift@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz opens a rift to the void, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. The rift then erupts, dealing @SecondaryDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Void Rift@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vel'Koz opens a rift to the void, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. The rift then erupts, dealing @SecondaryDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSummon a damaging and slowing zone that applies Gloom to enemies.Looming DarknessLooming Darkness@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Looming Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vex commands Shadow to fly to a location, increasing in size as it travels. Upon arriving, it deals @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Applies Gloom to enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Vex commands Shadow to fly to a location, increasing in size as it travels. Upon arriving, it deals @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Applies Gloom to enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Spell_VexE_Tooltip}}

    Enemies Feared by this Ability move away from the center rather than from Vex.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Looming Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_VexE_Tooltip}}

    Enemies Feared by this Ability move away from the center rather than from Vex.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Total AP Ratio
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @APRatio1Prefix@@APRatio1*100.000000@@APRatio1Postfix@ / @APRatio2Prefix@@APRatio2*100.000000@@APRatio2Postfix@ / @APRatio3Prefix@@APRatio3*100.000000@@APRatio3Postfix@ / @APRatio4Prefix@@APRatio4*100.000000@@APRatio4Postfix@ / @APRatio5Prefix@@APRatio5*100.000000@@APRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Looming Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_VexE_Tooltip}}

    Enemies Feared by this Ability move away from the center rather than from Vex.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Total AP Ratio
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @APRatio*100.000000@ -> @APRatioNL*100.000000@
    Total AP Ratio
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowAmount1Prefix@@SlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SlowAmount2Prefix@@SlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SlowAmount3Prefix@@SlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SlowAmount4Prefix@@SlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SlowAmount5Prefix@@SlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @APRatio1Prefix@@APRatio1*100.000000@@APRatio1Postfix@ / @APRatio2Prefix@@APRatio2*100.000000@@APRatio2Postfix@ / @APRatio3Prefix@@APRatio3*100.000000@@APRatio3Postfix@ / @APRatio4Prefix@@APRatio4*100.000000@@APRatio4Postfix@ / @APRatio5Prefix@@APRatio5*100.000000@@APRatio5Postfix@ ]
    Total AP Ratio
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @APRatio*100.000000@ -> @APRatioNL*100.000000@
    [@Hotkey@] Looming Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@{{Spell_VexE_Tooltip}}

    Enemies Feared by this Ability move away from the center rather than from Vex.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Looming Darkness@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vex commands Shadow to fly to a location, increasing in size as it travels. Upon arriving, it deals @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Applies Gloom to enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoLaunch a damaging missile that accelerates mid-flight.Mistral BoltMistral Bolt@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mistral Bolt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vex launches a wave of mist that deals @QDamageCalc@ magic damage. After a delay, the wave becomes smaller and faster.

    Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Vex launches a wave of mist that deals @QDamageCalc@ magic damage. After a delay, the wave becomes smaller and faster.

    Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mistral Bolt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vex launches a wave of mist that deals @QDamageCalc@ magic damage. After a delay, the wave becomes smaller and faster.

    Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Mistral Bolt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vex launches a wave of mist that deals @QDamageCalc@ magic damage. After a delay, the wave becomes smaller and faster.

    Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Mistral Bolt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vex launches a wave of mist that deals @QDamageCalc@ magic damage. After a delay, the wave becomes smaller and faster.

    Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mistral Bolt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vex launches a wave of mist that deals @QDamageCalc@ magic damage. After a delay, the wave becomes smaller and faster.

    Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Shadow Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @spell.VexR:RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @spell.VexR:RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @spell.VexR:TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @spell.VexR:RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @spell.VexR:RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @spell.VexR:TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shadow Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @spell.VexR:RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @spell.VexR:RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @spell.VexR:TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Shadow Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @spell.VexR:RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @spell.VexR:RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @spell.VexR:TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shadow Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @spell.VexR:RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @spell.VexR:RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @spell.VexR:TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shadow Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @spell.VexR:RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @spell.VexR:RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @spell.VexR:TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Shadow Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @spell.VexR:RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @spell.VexR:RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @spell.VexR:TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Secondary Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RecastDamage1Prefix@@RecastDamage1@@RecastDamage1Postfix@ / @RecastDamage2Prefix@@RecastDamage2@@RecastDamage2Postfix@ / @RecastDamage3Prefix@@RecastDamage3@@RecastDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @CastRange1Prefix@@CastRange1@@CastRange1Postfix@ / @CastRange2Prefix@@CastRange2@@CastRange2Postfix@ / @CastRange3Prefix@@CastRange3@@CastRange3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shadow Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @spell.VexR:RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @spell.VexR:RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @spell.VexR:TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Secondary Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @RecastDamage@ -> @RecastDamageNL@
    @CastRange@ -> @CastRangeNL@
    Gain a shield and damage nearby enemies.Personal Space@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Personal Space@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vex gains @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and emits a shockwave that deals @WDamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Vex gains @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and emits a shockwave that deals @WDamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Personal Space@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vex gains @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and emits a shockwave that deals @WDamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shield Amount
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount4Prefix@@ShieldAmount4@@ShieldAmount4Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount5Prefix@@ShieldAmount5@@ShieldAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Personal Space@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vex gains @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and emits a shockwave that deals @WDamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Shield Amount
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Shield Amount
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ShieldAmount1Prefix@@ShieldAmount1@@ShieldAmount1Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount2Prefix@@ShieldAmount2@@ShieldAmount2Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount3Prefix@@ShieldAmount3@@ShieldAmount3Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount4Prefix@@ShieldAmount4@@ShieldAmount4Postfix@ / @ShieldAmount5Prefix@@ShieldAmount5@@ShieldAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Shield Amount
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ShieldAmount@ -> @ShieldAmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Personal Space@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vex gains @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and emits a shockwave that deals @WDamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Personal Space@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vex gains @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and emits a shockwave that deals @WDamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVi's next attack blasts through her target, dealing damage to enemies behind it.Relentless ForceRelentless Force@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Relentless Force@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi's next Attack deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to the target and enemies behind them.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Vi's next Attack deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to the target and enemies behind them.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Relentless Force@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi's next Attack deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to the target and enemies behind them.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Charge Time
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Relentless Force@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi's next Attack deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to the target and enemies behind them.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Charge Time
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Charge Time
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Charge Time
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Relentless Force@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi's next Attack deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to the target and enemies behind them.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Relentless Force@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vi's next Attack deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to the target and enemies behind them.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVi charges her gauntlets and unleashes a vault shattering punch, carrying her forward. Enemies she hits are knocked back and receive a stack of Denting Blows.Vault Breaker@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Vault Breaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Vi begins charging a powerful punch, Slowing herself by @Effect4Amount@%.

    Release: Vi dashes forward dealing between @TotalDamage@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ physical damage based on charge time and applying Denting Blows to all enemies hit. Vi stops upon colliding with an enemy champion, and Knocks them Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Begin Charging: Vi begins charging a powerful punch, Slowing herself by @Effect4Amount@%.

    Release: Vi dashes forward dealing between @TotalDamage@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ physical damage based on charge time and applying Denting Blows to all enemies hit. Vi stops upon colliding with an enemy champion, and Knocks them Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Vault Breaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Vi begins charging a powerful punch, Slowing herself by @Effect4Amount@%.

    Release: Vi dashes forward dealing between @TotalDamage@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ physical damage based on charge time and applying Denting Blows to all enemies hit. Vi stops upon colliding with an enemy champion, and Knocks them Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Non-champions hit are pulled towards Vi.
    If the charge is interrupted, this Ability goes on a 3 second Cooldown.
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @MinDamage1Prefix@@MinDamage1@@MinDamage1Postfix@ / @MinDamage2Prefix@@MinDamage2@@MinDamage2Postfix@ / @MinDamage3Prefix@@MinDamage3@@MinDamage3Postfix@ / @MinDamage4Prefix@@MinDamage4@@MinDamage4Postfix@ / @MinDamage5Prefix@@MinDamage5@@MinDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinDamage1Prefix@@MinDamage1*2.000000@@MinDamage1Postfix@ / @MinDamage2Prefix@@MinDamage2*2.000000@@MinDamage2Postfix@ / @MinDamage3Prefix@@MinDamage3*2.000000@@MinDamage3Postfix@ / @MinDamage4Prefix@@MinDamage4*2.000000@@MinDamage4Postfix@ / @MinDamage5Prefix@@MinDamage5*2.000000@@MinDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Vault Breaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Vi begins charging a powerful punch, Slowing herself by @Effect4Amount@%.

    Release: Vi dashes forward dealing between @TotalDamage@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ physical damage based on charge time and applying Denting Blows to all enemies hit. Vi stops upon colliding with an enemy champion, and Knocks them Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMinimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @MinDamage@ -> @MinDamageNL@
    @MinDamage*2.000000@ -> @MinDamageNL*2.000000@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @MinDamage1Prefix@@MinDamage1@@MinDamage1Postfix@ / @MinDamage2Prefix@@MinDamage2@@MinDamage2Postfix@ / @MinDamage3Prefix@@MinDamage3@@MinDamage3Postfix@ / @MinDamage4Prefix@@MinDamage4@@MinDamage4Postfix@ / @MinDamage5Prefix@@MinDamage5@@MinDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinDamage1Prefix@@MinDamage1*2.000000@@MinDamage1Postfix@ / @MinDamage2Prefix@@MinDamage2*2.000000@@MinDamage2Postfix@ / @MinDamage3Prefix@@MinDamage3*2.000000@@MinDamage3Postfix@ / @MinDamage4Prefix@@MinDamage4*2.000000@@MinDamage4Postfix@ / @MinDamage5Prefix@@MinDamage5*2.000000@@MinDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @MinDamage@ -> @MinDamageNL@
    @MinDamage*2.000000@ -> @MinDamageNL*2.000000@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Vault Breaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Vi begins charging a powerful punch, Slowing herself by @Effect4Amount@%.

    Release: Vi dashes forward dealing between @TotalDamage@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ physical damage based on charge time and applying Denting Blows to all enemies hit. Vi stops upon colliding with an enemy champion, and Knocks them Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Vault Breaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Vi begins charging a powerful punch, Slowing herself by @Effect4Amount@%.

    Release: Vi dashes forward dealing between @TotalDamage@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ physical damage based on charge time and applying Denting Blows to all enemies hit. Vi stops upon colliding with an enemy champion, and Knocks them Back.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVi's punches break her opponent's Armor, dealing bonus damage and granting her Attack Speed.Denting BlowsDenting Blows@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Denting BlowsNo Cooldown@SpellTags@PassivePassive: Every 3rd Attack on the same target deals an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ max Health physical damage, removes @Effect3Amount@% Armor and grants Vi @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. It also reduces the remaining Cooldown of Blast Shield by 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Passive: Every 3rd Attack on the same target deals an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ max Health physical damage, removes @Effect3Amount@% Armor and grants Vi @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. It also reduces the remaining Cooldown of Blast Shield by 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Denting BlowsNo Cooldown@SpellTags@PassivePassive: Every 3rd Attack on the same target deals an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ max Health physical damage, removes @Effect3Amount@% Armor and grants Vi @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. It also reduces the remaining Cooldown of Blast Shield by 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Deals a maximum of @Effect5Amount@ damage against jungle monsters.Maximum Health Damage
    Attack Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Denting BlowsNo Cooldown@SpellTags@PassivePassive: Every 3rd Attack on the same target deals an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ max Health physical damage, removes @Effect3Amount@% Armor and grants Vi @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. It also reduces the remaining Cooldown of Blast Shield by 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMaximum Health Damage
    Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Maximum Health Damage
    Attack Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Maximum Health Damage
    Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Denting BlowsNo Cooldown@SpellTags@PassivePassive: Every 3rd Attack on the same target deals an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ max Health physical damage, removes @Effect3Amount@% Armor and grants Vi @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. It also reduces the remaining Cooldown of Blast Shield by 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Denting BlowsNo Cooldown@SpellTags@PassivePassive: Every 3rd Attack on the same target deals an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ max Health physical damage, removes @Effect3Amount@% Armor and grants Vi @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. It also reduces the remaining Cooldown of Blast Shield by 3 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoViego commands the Black Mist to haunt and surround a piece of terrain. Viego can hide in the Mist as a wraith, gaining camouflage, Move Speed, and Attack Speed.Harrowed PathHarrowed Path@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Harrowed Path@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostViego sends forth a spectre to haunt the first terrain hit, surrounding it with Mist for @MistDuration@ seconds. Viego gains Camouflage, @TotalMoveSpeed@ Move Speed, and @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed while inside the Mist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Viego sends forth a spectre to haunt the first terrain hit, surrounding it with Mist for @MistDuration@ seconds. Viego gains Camouflage, @TotalMoveSpeed@ Move Speed, and @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed while inside the Mist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Harrowed Path@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostViego sends forth a spectre to haunt the first terrain hit, surrounding it with Mist for @MistDuration@ seconds. Viego gains Camouflage, @TotalMoveSpeed@ Move Speed, and @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed while inside the Mist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@{{Reminder_Camouflage}}
    Viego reveals himself for @RestealthTime@ seconds whenever he attacks or uses an Ability.
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    [ @MoveSpeed1Prefix@@MoveSpeed1*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed1Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed2Prefix@@MoveSpeed2*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed2Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed3Prefix@@MoveSpeed3*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed3Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed4Prefix@@MoveSpeed4*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed4Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed5Prefix@@MoveSpeed5*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackSpeed1Prefix@@AttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed2Prefix@@AttackSpeed2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed3Prefix@@AttackSpeed3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed3Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed4Prefix@@AttackSpeed4*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed4Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed5Prefix@@AttackSpeed5*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Harrowed Path@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostViego sends forth a spectre to haunt the first terrain hit, surrounding it with Mist for @MistDuration@ seconds. Viego gains Camouflage, @TotalMoveSpeed@ Move Speed, and @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed while inside the Mist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMove Speed
    Attack Speed
    @MoveSpeed*100.000000@% -> @MoveSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @AttackSpeed*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    [ @MoveSpeed1Prefix@@MoveSpeed1*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed1Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed2Prefix@@MoveSpeed2*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed2Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed3Prefix@@MoveSpeed3*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed3Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed4Prefix@@MoveSpeed4*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed4Postfix@ / @MoveSpeed5Prefix@@MoveSpeed5*100.000000@%@MoveSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackSpeed1Prefix@@AttackSpeed1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed2Prefix@@AttackSpeed2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed3Prefix@@AttackSpeed3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed3Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed4Prefix@@AttackSpeed4*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed4Postfix@ / @AttackSpeed5Prefix@@AttackSpeed5*100.000000@%@AttackSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    @MoveSpeed*100.000000@% -> @MoveSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @AttackSpeed*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Harrowed Path@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostViego sends forth a spectre to haunt the first terrain hit, surrounding it with Mist for @MistDuration@ seconds. Viego gains Camouflage, @TotalMoveSpeed@ Move Speed, and @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed while inside the Mist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Harrowed Path@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostViego sends forth a spectre to haunt the first terrain hit, surrounding it with Mist for @MistDuration@ seconds. Viego gains Camouflage, @TotalMoveSpeed@ Move Speed, and @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed while inside the Mist.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoViego's spectral blade passively deals bonus percent current Health damage On-Hit and strikes twice vs. enemies he recently hit with an Ability, stealing Health.

    Viego can activate this Ability to thrust his zweihander forward, impaling enemies in front of him.Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blade of the Ruined King@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost Passive: Viego's Attacks deal an additional @TotalPercentHealthOnHit@ current Health physical damage. His first Attack against an enemy he has recently damaged with an Ability hits a second time, dealing @SecondAttackDamage@ physical damage and restoring @HealModVsChamps*100%@% of damage dealt as Health. These bonuses are kept during Possession.

    Active: Viego stabs forward, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Viego's Attacks deal an additional @TotalPercentHealthOnHit@ current Health physical damage. His first Attack against an enemy he has recently damaged with an Ability hits a second time, dealing @SecondAttackDamage@ physical damage and restoring @HealModVsChamps*100%@% of damage dealt as Health. These bonuses are kept during Possession.

    Active: Viego stabs forward, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blade of the Ruined King@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost Passive: Viego's Attacks deal an additional @TotalPercentHealthOnHit@ current Health physical damage. His first Attack against an enemy he has recently damaged with an Ability hits a second time, dealing @SecondAttackDamage@ physical damage and restoring @HealModVsChamps*100%@% of damage dealt as Health. These bonuses are kept during Possession.

    Active: Viego stabs forward, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The second strike can Critically Strike and applies %i:OnHit% On-Hit effects while not Possessing an enemy. Its healing is increased to @HealModVsMonsters*100@% vs. jungle monsters and reduced to @HealModVsMinions*100@% vs. minions.
    The bonus %i:OnHit% On-Hit damage deals a min of @MinDamageOnHit@ damage. It deals a max of @MonsterCapOnHit@ damage vs. jungle monsters.
    This Ability's cast time is reduced with Attack Speed. It deals an additional @BonusDamageVsMonsters@ damage to jungle monsters.
    Current Health %
    Minimum Current Health Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentHealthOnHit1Prefix@@PercentHealthOnHit1@%@PercentHealthOnHit1Postfix@ / @PercentHealthOnHit2Prefix@@PercentHealthOnHit2@%@PercentHealthOnHit2Postfix@ / @PercentHealthOnHit3Prefix@@PercentHealthOnHit3@%@PercentHealthOnHit3Postfix@ / @PercentHealthOnHit4Prefix@@PercentHealthOnHit4@%@PercentHealthOnHit4Postfix@ / @PercentHealthOnHit5Prefix@@PercentHealthOnHit5@%@PercentHealthOnHit5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinDamageOnHit1Prefix@@MinDamageOnHit1@@MinDamageOnHit1Postfix@ / @MinDamageOnHit2Prefix@@MinDamageOnHit2@@MinDamageOnHit2Postfix@ / @MinDamageOnHit3Prefix@@MinDamageOnHit3@@MinDamageOnHit3Postfix@ / @MinDamageOnHit4Prefix@@MinDamageOnHit4@@MinDamageOnHit4Postfix@ / @MinDamageOnHit5Prefix@@MinDamageOnHit5@@MinDamageOnHit5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Blade of the Ruined King@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost Passive: Viego's Attacks deal an additional @TotalPercentHealthOnHit@ current Health physical damage. His first Attack against an enemy he has recently damaged with an Ability hits a second time, dealing @SecondAttackDamage@ physical damage and restoring @HealModVsChamps*100%@% of damage dealt as Health. These bonuses are kept during Possession.

    Active: Viego stabs forward, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Current Health %
    Minimum Current Health Damage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @PercentHealthOnHit@% -> @PercentHealthOnHitNL@%
    @MinDamageOnHit@ -> @MinDamageOnHitNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Current Health %
    Minimum Current Health Damage
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentHealthOnHit1Prefix@@PercentHealthOnHit1@%@PercentHealthOnHit1Postfix@ / @PercentHealthOnHit2Prefix@@PercentHealthOnHit2@%@PercentHealthOnHit2Postfix@ / @PercentHealthOnHit3Prefix@@PercentHealthOnHit3@%@PercentHealthOnHit3Postfix@ / @PercentHealthOnHit4Prefix@@PercentHealthOnHit4@%@PercentHealthOnHit4Postfix@ / @PercentHealthOnHit5Prefix@@PercentHealthOnHit5@%@PercentHealthOnHit5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinDamageOnHit1Prefix@@MinDamageOnHit1@@MinDamageOnHit1Postfix@ / @MinDamageOnHit2Prefix@@MinDamageOnHit2@@MinDamageOnHit2Postfix@ / @MinDamageOnHit3Prefix@@MinDamageOnHit3@@MinDamageOnHit3Postfix@ / @MinDamageOnHit4Prefix@@MinDamageOnHit4@@MinDamageOnHit4Postfix@ / @MinDamageOnHit5Prefix@@MinDamageOnHit5@@MinDamageOnHit5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Current Health %
    Minimum Current Health Damage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @PercentHealthOnHit@% -> @PercentHealthOnHitNL@%
    @MinDamageOnHit@ -> @MinDamageOnHitNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Blade of the Ruined King@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost Passive: Viego's Attacks deal an additional @TotalPercentHealthOnHit@ current Health physical damage. His first Attack against an enemy he has recently damaged with an Ability hits a second time, dealing @SecondAttackDamage@ physical damage and restoring @HealModVsChamps*100%@% of damage dealt as Health. These bonuses are kept during Possession.

    Active: Viego stabs forward, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Blade of the Ruined King@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost Passive: Viego's Attacks deal an additional @TotalPercentHealthOnHit@ current Health physical damage. His first Attack against an enemy he has recently damaged with an Ability hits a second time, dealing @SecondAttackDamage@ physical damage and restoring @HealModVsChamps*100%@% of damage dealt as Health. These bonuses are kept during Possession.

    Active: Viego stabs forward, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoViego teleports to a nearby location and executes an enemy champion on arrival, piercing their heart and causing a destructive shockwave around them that knocks away their allies.HeartbreakerHeartbreaker@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Heartbreaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostViego discards any souls he is currently Possessing and teleports. On arrival he Attacks the champion with the lowest percent Health, briefly Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% and dealing @TotalDamage@ + @TotalPercentHealth@% missing Health physical damage. Other nearby enemies are Knocked Back and take @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Viego discards any souls he is currently Possessing and teleports. On arrival he Attacks the champion with the lowest percent Health, briefly Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% and dealing @TotalDamage@ + @TotalPercentHealth@% missing Health physical damage. Other nearby enemies are Knocked Back and take @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Heartbreaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostViego discards any souls he is currently Possessing and teleports. On arrival he Attacks the champion with the lowest percent Health, briefly Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% and dealing @TotalDamage@ + @TotalPercentHealth@% missing Health physical damage. Other nearby enemies are Knocked Back and take @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@This Ability applies on-hit effects to the primary target and spell effects to everything else.Missing Health Damage
    [ @MaxHealthDamage1Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage1@%@MaxHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage2Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage2@%@MaxHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage3Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage3@%@MaxHealthDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Heartbreaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostViego discards any souls he is currently Possessing and teleports. On arrival he Attacks the champion with the lowest percent Health, briefly Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% and dealing @TotalDamage@ + @TotalPercentHealth@% missing Health physical damage. Other nearby enemies are Knocked Back and take @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMissing Health Damage
    @MaxHealthDamage@% -> @MaxHealthDamageNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Missing Health Damage
    [ @MaxHealthDamage1Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage1@%@MaxHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage2Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage2@%@MaxHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage3Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage3@%@MaxHealthDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Missing Health Damage
    @MaxHealthDamage@% -> @MaxHealthDamageNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Heartbreaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostViego discards any souls he is currently Possessing and teleports. On arrival he Attacks the champion with the lowest percent Health, briefly Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% and dealing @TotalDamage@ + @TotalPercentHealth@% missing Health physical damage. Other nearby enemies are Knocked Back and take @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Heartbreaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostViego discards any souls he is currently Possessing and teleports. On arrival he Attacks the champion with the lowest percent Health, briefly Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% and dealing @TotalDamage@ + @TotalPercentHealth@% missing Health physical damage. Other nearby enemies are Knocked Back and take @TotalDamage@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoViego charges up before dashing forward, releasing a ball of concentrated Black Mist that stuns the first enemy hit.Spectral MawSpectral Maw@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spectral Maw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBegin Charging: Viego begins gathering Mist, Slowing himself by @SelfSlowPercent*100@%.

    Release: Viego dashes forward and hurls the gathered Mist. Deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stuns the first enemy hit for @Stunduration@ to @MaxStunTT@ seconds based on charge time.
    Begin Charging: Viego begins gathering Mist, Slowing himself by @SelfSlowPercent*100@%.

    Release: Viego dashes forward and hurls the gathered Mist. Deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stuns the first enemy hit for @Stunduration@ to @MaxStunTT@ seconds based on charge time.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spectral Maw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBegin Charging: Viego begins gathering Mist, Slowing himself by @SelfSlowPercent*100@%.

    Release: Viego dashes forward and hurls the gathered Mist. Deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stuns the first enemy hit for @Stunduration@ to @MaxStunTT@ seconds based on charge time.
    This Ability's Cooldown is set to @CDWheninterrupted@ seconds when interrupted.Damage[ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Spectral Maw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBegin Charging: Viego begins gathering Mist, Slowing himself by @SelfSlowPercent*100@%.

    Release: Viego dashes forward and hurls the gathered Mist. Deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stuns the first enemy hit for @Stunduration@ to @MaxStunTT@ seconds based on charge time.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Damage@ -> @DamageNL@[@Hotkey@] Spectral Maw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBegin Charging: Viego begins gathering Mist, Slowing himself by @SelfSlowPercent*100@%.

    Release: Viego dashes forward and hurls the gathered Mist. Deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stuns the first enemy hit for @Stunduration@ to @MaxStunTT@ seconds based on charge time.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Spectral Maw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBegin Charging: Viego begins gathering Mist, Slowing himself by @SelfSlowPercent*100@%.

    Release: Viego dashes forward and hurls the gathered Mist. Deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stuns the first enemy hit for @Stunduration@ to @MaxStunTT@ seconds based on charge time.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoViktor uses his robotic arm to fire a chaos beam that cuts across the field in a line, dealing damage to all enemies in its path.

    Augment: An explosion follows the Death Ray's wake, dealing magic damage.Death RayDeath Ray@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Death Ray@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor fires a death ray in a chosen direction, dealing @LaserDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit.

    Upgraded: An aftershock follows the death ray, dealing @AftershockDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Viktor fires a death ray in a chosen direction, dealing @LaserDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit.

    Upgraded: An aftershock follows the death ray, dealing @AftershockDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Death Ray@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor fires a death ray in a chosen direction, dealing @LaserDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit.

    Upgraded: An aftershock follows the death ray, dealing @AftershockDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage (Death Ray)
    Damage (Aftershock)
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamageLaser1Prefix@@BaseDamageLaser1@@BaseDamageLaser1Postfix@ / @BaseDamageLaser2Prefix@@BaseDamageLaser2@@BaseDamageLaser2Postfix@ / @BaseDamageLaser3Prefix@@BaseDamageLaser3@@BaseDamageLaser3Postfix@ / @BaseDamageLaser4Prefix@@BaseDamageLaser4@@BaseDamageLaser4Postfix@ / @BaseDamageLaser5Prefix@@BaseDamageLaser5@@BaseDamageLaser5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamageAftershock1Prefix@@BaseDamageAftershock1@@BaseDamageAftershock1Postfix@ / @BaseDamageAftershock2Prefix@@BaseDamageAftershock2@@BaseDamageAftershock2Postfix@ / @BaseDamageAftershock3Prefix@@BaseDamageAftershock3@@BaseDamageAftershock3Postfix@ / @BaseDamageAftershock4Prefix@@BaseDamageAftershock4@@BaseDamageAftershock4Postfix@ / @BaseDamageAftershock5Prefix@@BaseDamageAftershock5@@BaseDamageAftershock5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Death Ray@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor fires a death ray in a chosen direction, dealing @LaserDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit.

    Upgraded: An aftershock follows the death ray, dealing @AftershockDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage (Death Ray)
    Damage (Aftershock)
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamageLaser@ -> @BaseDamageLaserNL@
    @BaseDamageAftershock@ -> @BaseDamageAftershockNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Damage (Death Ray)
    Damage (Aftershock)
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamageLaser1Prefix@@BaseDamageLaser1@@BaseDamageLaser1Postfix@ / @BaseDamageLaser2Prefix@@BaseDamageLaser2@@BaseDamageLaser2Postfix@ / @BaseDamageLaser3Prefix@@BaseDamageLaser3@@BaseDamageLaser3Postfix@ / @BaseDamageLaser4Prefix@@BaseDamageLaser4@@BaseDamageLaser4Postfix@ / @BaseDamageLaser5Prefix@@BaseDamageLaser5@@BaseDamageLaser5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamageAftershock1Prefix@@BaseDamageAftershock1@@BaseDamageAftershock1Postfix@ / @BaseDamageAftershock2Prefix@@BaseDamageAftershock2@@BaseDamageAftershock2Postfix@ / @BaseDamageAftershock3Prefix@@BaseDamageAftershock3@@BaseDamageAftershock3Postfix@ / @BaseDamageAftershock4Prefix@@BaseDamageAftershock4@@BaseDamageAftershock4Postfix@ / @BaseDamageAftershock5Prefix@@BaseDamageAftershock5@@BaseDamageAftershock5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Damage (Death Ray)
    Damage (Aftershock)
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamageLaser@ -> @BaseDamageLaserNL@
    @BaseDamageAftershock@ -> @BaseDamageAftershockNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Death Ray@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor fires a death ray in a chosen direction, dealing @LaserDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit.

    Upgraded: An aftershock follows the death ray, dealing @AftershockDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Death Ray@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor fires a death ray in a chosen direction, dealing @LaserDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit.

    Upgraded: An aftershock follows the death ray, dealing @AftershockDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoViktor conjures a heavy gravitational field that slows enemies in its radius. Enemies who stay within the device for too long are stunned.

    Augment: Viktor's non-periodic spells apply a slow to enemies.Gravity FieldGravity Field@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Gravity Field@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor deploys a gravitational imprisonment device for @FieldDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies inside by @SlowPotency*-1@%. Enemies inside for 1.5 seconds are Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Upgraded Passive: Viktor's non-ultimate Abilities Slow by @AugmentSlow@% for 1 second.

    Viktor deploys a gravitational imprisonment device for @FieldDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies inside by @SlowPotency*-1@%. Enemies inside for 1.5 seconds are Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Upgraded Passive: Viktor's non-ultimate Abilities Slow by @AugmentSlow@% for 1 second.

    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Gravity Field@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor deploys a gravitational imprisonment device for @FieldDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies inside by @SlowPotency*-1@%. Enemies inside for 1.5 seconds are Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Upgraded Passive: Viktor's non-ultimate Abilities Slow by @AugmentSlow@% for 1 second.

    Enemies that are Stunned by this Ability are also Knocked Down.Cooldown
    Movement Slow
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowPotency1Prefix@@SlowPotency1*-1.000000@%@SlowPotency1Postfix@ / @SlowPotency2Prefix@@SlowPotency2*-1.000000@%@SlowPotency2Postfix@ / @SlowPotency3Prefix@@SlowPotency3*-1.000000@%@SlowPotency3Postfix@ / @SlowPotency4Prefix@@SlowPotency4*-1.000000@%@SlowPotency4Postfix@ / @SlowPotency5Prefix@@SlowPotency5*-1.000000@%@SlowPotency5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Gravity Field@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor deploys a gravitational imprisonment device for @FieldDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies inside by @SlowPotency*-1@%. Enemies inside for 1.5 seconds are Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Upgraded Passive: Viktor's non-ultimate Abilities Slow by @AugmentSlow@% for 1 second.

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Movement Slow
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @SlowPotency*-1.000000@% -> @SlowPotencyNL*-1.000000@%
    Movement Slow
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowPotency1Prefix@@SlowPotency1*-1.000000@%@SlowPotency1Postfix@ / @SlowPotency2Prefix@@SlowPotency2*-1.000000@%@SlowPotency2Postfix@ / @SlowPotency3Prefix@@SlowPotency3*-1.000000@%@SlowPotency3Postfix@ / @SlowPotency4Prefix@@SlowPotency4*-1.000000@%@SlowPotency4Postfix@ / @SlowPotency5Prefix@@SlowPotency5*-1.000000@%@SlowPotency5Postfix@ ]
    Movement Slow
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @SlowPotency*-1.000000@% -> @SlowPotencyNL*-1.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Gravity Field@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor deploys a gravitational imprisonment device for @FieldDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies inside by @SlowPotency*-1@%. Enemies inside for 1.5 seconds are Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Upgraded Passive: Viktor's non-ultimate Abilities Slow by @AugmentSlow@% for 1 second.

    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Gravity Field@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor deploys a gravitational imprisonment device for @FieldDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies inside by @SlowPotency*-1@%. Enemies inside for 1.5 seconds are Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Upgraded Passive: Viktor's non-ultimate Abilities Slow by @AugmentSlow@% for 1 second.


    Press [Shift] to show more infoViktor blasts an enemy unit dealing magic damage, gaining a shield and empowering his next basic attack.

    Augment: Siphon Power's shield is increased by 60% and Viktor gains bonus Move Speed after casting.Siphon PowerSiphon Power@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Siphon Power@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor blasts an enemy, dealing @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage and granting Viktor @ShieldLevelScaling@ Shield for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Viktor's next Attack within 3.5 seconds deals an additional @AttackTotalDMG@ magic damage.

    Upgraded: Grants @TotalAugmentedShieldValue@ Shield and Viktor additionally gains @AugmentMoveSpeedBonus@% Move Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Viktor blasts an enemy, dealing @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage and granting Viktor @ShieldLevelScaling@ Shield for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Viktor's next Attack within 3.5 seconds deals an additional @AttackTotalDMG@ magic damage.

    Upgraded: Grants @TotalAugmentedShieldValue@ Shield and Viktor additionally gains @AugmentMoveSpeedBonus@% Move Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Siphon Power@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor blasts an enemy, dealing @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage and granting Viktor @ShieldLevelScaling@ Shield for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Viktor's next Attack within 3.5 seconds deals an additional @AttackTotalDMG@ magic damage.

    Upgraded: Grants @TotalAugmentedShieldValue@ Shield and Viktor additionally gains @AugmentMoveSpeedBonus@% Move Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Damage (Missile)
    Damage (Attack)
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MissileDamage1Prefix@@MissileDamage1@@MissileDamage1Postfix@ / @MissileDamage2Prefix@@MissileDamage2@@MissileDamage2Postfix@ / @MissileDamage3Prefix@@MissileDamage3@@MissileDamage3Postfix@ / @MissileDamage4Prefix@@MissileDamage4@@MissileDamage4Postfix@ / @MissileDamage5Prefix@@MissileDamage5@@MissileDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AABonusDamage1Prefix@@AABonusDamage1@@AABonusDamage1Postfix@ / @AABonusDamage2Prefix@@AABonusDamage2@@AABonusDamage2Postfix@ / @AABonusDamage3Prefix@@AABonusDamage3@@AABonusDamage3Postfix@ / @AABonusDamage4Prefix@@AABonusDamage4@@AABonusDamage4Postfix@ / @AABonusDamage5Prefix@@AABonusDamage5@@AABonusDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Siphon Power@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor blasts an enemy, dealing @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage and granting Viktor @ShieldLevelScaling@ Shield for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Viktor's next Attack within 3.5 seconds deals an additional @AttackTotalDMG@ magic damage.

    Upgraded: Grants @TotalAugmentedShieldValue@ Shield and Viktor additionally gains @AugmentMoveSpeedBonus@% Move Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Damage (Missile)
    Damage (Attack)
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @MissileDamage@ -> @MissileDamageNL@
    @AABonusDamage@ -> @AABonusDamageNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Damage (Missile)
    Damage (Attack)
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MissileDamage1Prefix@@MissileDamage1@@MissileDamage1Postfix@ / @MissileDamage2Prefix@@MissileDamage2@@MissileDamage2Postfix@ / @MissileDamage3Prefix@@MissileDamage3@@MissileDamage3Postfix@ / @MissileDamage4Prefix@@MissileDamage4@@MissileDamage4Postfix@ / @MissileDamage5Prefix@@MissileDamage5@@MissileDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AABonusDamage1Prefix@@AABonusDamage1@@AABonusDamage1Postfix@ / @AABonusDamage2Prefix@@AABonusDamage2@@AABonusDamage2Postfix@ / @AABonusDamage3Prefix@@AABonusDamage3@@AABonusDamage3Postfix@ / @AABonusDamage4Prefix@@AABonusDamage4@@AABonusDamage4Postfix@ / @AABonusDamage5Prefix@@AABonusDamage5@@AABonusDamage5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Damage (Missile)
    Damage (Attack)
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @MissileDamage@ -> @MissileDamageNL@
    @AABonusDamage@ -> @AABonusDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Siphon Power@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor blasts an enemy, dealing @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage and granting Viktor @ShieldLevelScaling@ Shield for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Viktor's next Attack within 3.5 seconds deals an additional @AttackTotalDMG@ magic damage.

    Upgraded: Grants @TotalAugmentedShieldValue@ Shield and Viktor additionally gains @AugmentMoveSpeedBonus@% Move Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Siphon Power@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Viktor blasts an enemy, dealing @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage and granting Viktor @ShieldLevelScaling@ Shield for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Viktor's next Attack within 3.5 seconds deals an additional @AttackTotalDMG@ magic damage.

    Upgraded: Grants @TotalAugmentedShieldValue@ Shield and Viktor additionally gains @AugmentMoveSpeedBonus@% Move Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVladimir pays his own health to charge up a reservoir of blood which, when released, deals damage in the area around him but can be blocked by enemy units.Tides of BloodTides of Blood@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tides of Blood@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Channeling Cost @Effect2Amount@% of max Health (@f3@)Begin Charging: Vladimir charges up a reservoir of blood, spending up to @ChargeHealthTooltip@ Health. While at full charge, Vladimir is Slowed by 20%.

    Release: Vladimir unleashes a torrent of blood missiles at surrounding enemies, dealing between @MinDamageTooltip@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage based on charge time. If this Ability was charged for at least 1 second, it also Slows targets by @Effect9Amount@% for 0.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Begin Charging: Vladimir charges up a reservoir of blood, spending up to @ChargeHealthTooltip@ Health. While at full charge, Vladimir is Slowed by 20%.

    Release: Vladimir unleashes a torrent of blood missiles at surrounding enemies, dealing between @MinDamageTooltip@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage based on charge time. If this Ability was charged for at least 1 second, it also Slows targets by @Effect9Amount@% for 0.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Tides of Blood@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Channeling Cost @Effect2Amount@% of max Health (@f3@)Begin Charging: Vladimir charges up a reservoir of blood, spending up to @ChargeHealthTooltip@ Health. While at full charge, Vladimir is Slowed by 20%.

    Release: Vladimir unleashes a torrent of blood missiles at surrounding enemies, dealing between @MinDamageTooltip@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage based on charge time. If this Ability was charged for at least 1 second, it also Slows targets by @Effect9Amount@% for 0.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability releases automatically after @Effect7Amount@ seconds.
    Enemies can be hit by multiple blood missiles, but take no damage after the first.
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect10Amount1Prefix@@Effect10Amount1@@Effect10Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount2Prefix@@Effect10Amount2@@Effect10Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount3Prefix@@Effect10Amount3@@Effect10Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount4Prefix@@Effect10Amount4@@Effect10Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount5Prefix@@Effect10Amount5@@Effect10Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect9Amount1Prefix@@Effect9Amount1@%@Effect9Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount2Prefix@@Effect9Amount2@%@Effect9Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount3Prefix@@Effect9Amount3@%@Effect9Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount4Prefix@@Effect9Amount4@%@Effect9Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount5Prefix@@Effect9Amount5@%@Effect9Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Tides of Blood@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Channeling Cost @Effect2Amount@% of max Health (@f3@)Begin Charging: Vladimir charges up a reservoir of blood, spending up to @ChargeHealthTooltip@ Health. While at full charge, Vladimir is Slowed by 20%.

    Release: Vladimir unleashes a torrent of blood missiles at surrounding enemies, dealing between @MinDamageTooltip@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage based on charge time. If this Ability was charged for at least 1 second, it also Slows targets by @Effect9Amount@% for 0.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMinimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect10Amount@ -> @Effect10AmountNL@
    @Effect9Amount@% -> @Effect9AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect10Amount1Prefix@@Effect10Amount1@@Effect10Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount2Prefix@@Effect10Amount2@@Effect10Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount3Prefix@@Effect10Amount3@@Effect10Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount4Prefix@@Effect10Amount4@@Effect10Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount5Prefix@@Effect10Amount5@@Effect10Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect9Amount1Prefix@@Effect9Amount1@%@Effect9Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount2Prefix@@Effect9Amount2@%@Effect9Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount3Prefix@@Effect9Amount3@%@Effect9Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount4Prefix@@Effect9Amount4@%@Effect9Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount5Prefix@@Effect9Amount5@%@Effect9Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect10Amount@ -> @Effect10AmountNL@
    @Effect9Amount@% -> @Effect9AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Tides of Blood@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Channeling Cost @Effect2Amount@% of max Health (@f3@)Begin Charging: Vladimir charges up a reservoir of blood, spending up to @ChargeHealthTooltip@ Health. While at full charge, Vladimir is Slowed by 20%.

    Release: Vladimir unleashes a torrent of blood missiles at surrounding enemies, dealing between @MinDamageTooltip@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage based on charge time. If this Ability was charged for at least 1 second, it also Slows targets by @Effect9Amount@% for 0.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Tides of Blood@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Channeling Cost @Effect2Amount@% of max Health (@f3@)Begin Charging: Vladimir charges up a reservoir of blood, spending up to @ChargeHealthTooltip@ Health. While at full charge, Vladimir is Slowed by 20%.

    Release: Vladimir unleashes a torrent of blood missiles at surrounding enemies, dealing between @MinDamageTooltip@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage based on charge time. If this Ability was charged for at least 1 second, it also Slows targets by @Effect9Amount@% for 0.5 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVladimir infects an area with a virulent plague. Affected enemies take increased damage for the duration. After a few seconds, Hemoplague deals magic damage to infected enemies and heals Vladimir for each enemy Champion hit.HemoplagueHemoplague@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hemoplague@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostVladimir creates a virulent plague, causing its victims to take @Effect2Amount@% increased damage from all sources for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. After it expires, Vladimir deals @Damage@ magic damage to all infected targets. Vladimir restores @Damage@ Health if he hits a champion, and restores an additional @SecondaryHealingTooltip@ Health for each champion beyond the first.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Vladimir creates a virulent plague, causing its victims to take @Effect2Amount@% increased damage from all sources for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. After it expires, Vladimir deals @Damage@ magic damage to all infected targets. Vladimir restores @Damage@ Health if he hits a champion, and restores an additional @SecondaryHealingTooltip@ Health for each champion beyond the first.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hemoplague@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostVladimir creates a virulent plague, causing its victims to take @Effect2Amount@% increased damage from all sources for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. After it expires, Vladimir deals @Damage@ magic damage to all infected targets. Vladimir restores @Damage@ Health if he hits a champion, and restores an additional @SecondaryHealingTooltip@ Health for each champion beyond the first.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage[ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Hemoplague@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostVladimir creates a virulent plague, causing its victims to take @Effect2Amount@% increased damage from all sources for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. After it expires, Vladimir deals @Damage@ magic damage to all infected targets. Vladimir restores @Damage@ Health if he hits a champion, and restores an additional @SecondaryHealingTooltip@ Health for each champion beyond the first.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@Damage[ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Hemoplague@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostVladimir creates a virulent plague, causing its victims to take @Effect2Amount@% increased damage from all sources for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. After it expires, Vladimir deals @Damage@ magic damage to all infected targets. Vladimir restores @Damage@ Health if he hits a champion, and restores an additional @SecondaryHealingTooltip@ Health for each champion beyond the first.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hemoplague@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostVladimir creates a virulent plague, causing its victims to take @Effect2Amount@% increased damage from all sources for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. After it expires, Vladimir deals @Damage@ magic damage to all infected targets. Vladimir restores @Damage@ Health if he hits a champion, and restores an additional @SecondaryHealingTooltip@ Health for each champion beyond the first.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoVladimir steals life from the target enemy. When Vladimir's resource is full, Transfusion will benefit from massively increased damage and healing for a brief time.Transfusion@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Transfusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostVladimir drains his target's lifeforce, dealing @BaseDamageTooltip@ magic damage and restoring @BaseHealTooltip@ Health. After using this Ability twice, Vladimir gains @MovementSpeedOnQ2@% Move Speed for 0.5 seconds and empowers the next use of this Ability for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    The empowered version of this Ability deals @EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ magic damage instead and restores an additional @EmpoweredHealTooltip@ plus @EmpoweredHealPercentTooltip@ missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Vladimir drains his target's lifeforce, dealing @BaseDamageTooltip@ magic damage and restoring @BaseHealTooltip@ Health. After using this Ability twice, Vladimir gains @MovementSpeedOnQ2@% Move Speed for 0.5 seconds and empowers the next use of this Ability for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    The empowered version of this Ability deals @EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ magic damage instead and restores an additional @EmpoweredHealTooltip@ plus @EmpoweredHealPercentTooltip@ missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Transfusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostVladimir drains his target's lifeforce, dealing @BaseDamageTooltip@ magic damage and restoring @BaseHealTooltip@ Health. After using this Ability twice, Vladimir gains @MovementSpeedOnQ2@% Move Speed for 0.5 seconds and empowers the next use of this Ability for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    The empowered version of this Ability deals @EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ magic damage instead and restores an additional @EmpoweredHealTooltip@ plus @EmpoweredHealPercentTooltip@ missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Empowered healing reduced to 30% against minions.Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Transfusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostVladimir drains his target's lifeforce, dealing @BaseDamageTooltip@ magic damage and restoring @BaseHealTooltip@ Health. After using this Ability twice, Vladimir gains @MovementSpeedOnQ2@% Move Speed for 0.5 seconds and empowers the next use of this Ability for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    The empowered version of this Ability deals @EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ magic damage instead and restores an additional @EmpoweredHealTooltip@ plus @EmpoweredHealPercentTooltip@ missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Transfusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostVladimir drains his target's lifeforce, dealing @BaseDamageTooltip@ magic damage and restoring @BaseHealTooltip@ Health. After using this Ability twice, Vladimir gains @MovementSpeedOnQ2@% Move Speed for 0.5 seconds and empowers the next use of this Ability for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    The empowered version of this Ability deals @EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ magic damage instead and restores an additional @EmpoweredHealTooltip@ plus @EmpoweredHealPercentTooltip@ missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Transfusion@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostVladimir drains his target's lifeforce, dealing @BaseDamageTooltip@ magic damage and restoring @BaseHealTooltip@ Health. After using this Ability twice, Vladimir gains @MovementSpeedOnQ2@% Move Speed for 0.5 seconds and empowers the next use of this Ability for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    The empowered version of this Ability deals @EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ magic damage instead and restores an additional @EmpoweredHealTooltip@ plus @EmpoweredHealPercentTooltip@ missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVladimir sinks into a pool of blood, becoming untargetable for 2 seconds. Additionally, enemies on the pool are slowed and Vladimir siphons life from them.Sanguine PoolSanguine Pool@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sanguine Pool@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount@% of current Health (@f2@)Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds, gaining 37.5% decaying Move Speed for 1 second and becoming Untargetable and Ghosted while Slowing enemies in the pool by @Effect3Amount@%.

    Vladimir deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over the duration and restores Health equal to @Effect5Amount@% of the damage dealt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds, gaining 37.5% decaying Move Speed for 1 second and becoming Untargetable and Ghosted while Slowing enemies in the pool by @Effect3Amount@%.

    Vladimir deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over the duration and restores Health equal to @Effect5Amount@% of the damage dealt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sanguine Pool@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount@% of current Health (@f2@)Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds, gaining 37.5% decaying Move Speed for 1 second and becoming Untargetable and Ghosted while Slowing enemies in the pool by @Effect3Amount@%.

    Vladimir deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over the duration and restores Health equal to @Effect5Amount@% of the damage dealt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability can be used while charging Tides of Blood.
    Vladimir can't Attack or use other Abilities while inside the pool.
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Sanguine Pool@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount@% of current Health (@f2@)Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds, gaining 37.5% decaying Move Speed for 1 second and becoming Untargetable and Ghosted while Slowing enemies in the pool by @Effect3Amount@%.

    Vladimir deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over the duration and restores Health equal to @Effect5Amount@% of the damage dealt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Sanguine Pool@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount@% of current Health (@f2@)Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds, gaining 37.5% decaying Move Speed for 1 second and becoming Untargetable and Ghosted while Slowing enemies in the pool by @Effect3Amount@%.

    Vladimir deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over the duration and restores Health equal to @Effect5Amount@% of the damage dealt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Sanguine Pool@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount@% of current Health (@f2@)Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds, gaining 37.5% decaying Move Speed for 1 second and becoming Untargetable and Ghosted while Slowing enemies in the pool by @Effect3Amount@%.

    Vladimir deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over the duration and restores Health equal to @Effect5Amount@% of the damage dealt.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVolibear summons a lightning bolt at a location, dealing damage and Slowing enemies while granting Volibear a Shield if he's inside the blast radius.Sky SplitterSky Splitter@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sky Splitter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear summons a thundercloud that fires a lightning bolt, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ plus @PercentDamage*100@% max Health magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Volibear is inside the blast zone, he gains a @ShieldAPRatioTooltip@ plus @ShieldAmount*100@% max Health Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Volibear summons a thundercloud that fires a lightning bolt, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ plus @PercentDamage*100@% max Health magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Volibear is inside the blast zone, he gains a @ShieldAPRatioTooltip@ plus @ShieldAmount*100@% max Health Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sky Splitter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear summons a thundercloud that fires a lightning bolt, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ plus @PercentDamage*100@% max Health magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Volibear is inside the blast zone, he gains a @ShieldAPRatioTooltip@ plus @ShieldAmount*100@% max Health Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Damage against non-champions is capped at @MonsterDamageCap@.Damage
    Percentage Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentDamage1Prefix@@PercentDamage1*100.000000@%@PercentDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentDamage2Prefix@@PercentDamage2*100.000000@%@PercentDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentDamage3Prefix@@PercentDamage3*100.000000@%@PercentDamage3Postfix@ / @PercentDamage4Prefix@@PercentDamage4*100.000000@%@PercentDamage4Postfix@ / @PercentDamage5Prefix@@PercentDamage5*100.000000@%@PercentDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Sky Splitter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear summons a thundercloud that fires a lightning bolt, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ plus @PercentDamage*100@% max Health magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Volibear is inside the blast zone, he gains a @ShieldAPRatioTooltip@ plus @ShieldAmount*100@% max Health Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Percentage Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @PercentDamage*100.000000@% -> @PercentDamageNL*100.000000@%
    Percentage Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @PercentDamage1Prefix@@PercentDamage1*100.000000@%@PercentDamage1Postfix@ / @PercentDamage2Prefix@@PercentDamage2*100.000000@%@PercentDamage2Postfix@ / @PercentDamage3Prefix@@PercentDamage3*100.000000@%@PercentDamage3Postfix@ / @PercentDamage4Prefix@@PercentDamage4*100.000000@%@PercentDamage4Postfix@ / @PercentDamage5Prefix@@PercentDamage5*100.000000@%@PercentDamage5Postfix@ ]
    Percentage Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @PercentDamage*100.000000@% -> @PercentDamageNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Sky Splitter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear summons a thundercloud that fires a lightning bolt, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ plus @PercentDamage*100@% max Health magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Volibear is inside the blast zone, he gains a @ShieldAPRatioTooltip@ plus @ShieldAmount*100@% max Health Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Sky Splitter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear summons a thundercloud that fires a lightning bolt, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ plus @PercentDamage*100@% max Health magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Volibear is inside the blast zone, he gains a @ShieldAPRatioTooltip@ plus @ShieldAmount*100@% max Health Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVolibear gains speed towards enemies, Stunning and damaging the first one he Attacks.Thundering SmashThundering Smash@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Thundering Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear transforms and leaps, gaining @HealthAmount@ Health and @BonusAttackRange@ Attack Range for the next @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    Upon landing, Volibear cracks the earth, Disabling nearby towers for @TowerDisableDuration@ seconds and dealing @TowerDamageTooltip@ physical damage to them. Nearby enemies are Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@%, decaying over 1 second. Enemies directly underneath Volibear suffer @SweetSpotDamageTooltip@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Volibear transforms and leaps, gaining @HealthAmount@ Health and @BonusAttackRange@ Attack Range for the next @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    Upon landing, Volibear cracks the earth, Disabling nearby towers for @TowerDisableDuration@ seconds and dealing @TowerDamageTooltip@ physical damage to them. Nearby enemies are Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@%, decaying over 1 second. Enemies directly underneath Volibear suffer @SweetSpotDamageTooltip@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Thundering Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear transforms and leaps, gaining @HealthAmount@ Health and @BonusAttackRange@ Attack Range for the next @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    Upon landing, Volibear cracks the earth, Disabling nearby towers for @TowerDisableDuration@ seconds and dealing @TowerDamageTooltip@ physical damage to them. Nearby enemies are Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@%, decaying over 1 second. Enemies directly underneath Volibear suffer @SweetSpotDamageTooltip@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinSpeed1Prefix@@MinSpeed1@%@MinSpeed1Postfix@ / @MinSpeed2Prefix@@MinSpeed2@%@MinSpeed2Postfix@ / @MinSpeed3Prefix@@MinSpeed3@%@MinSpeed3Postfix@ / @MinSpeed4Prefix@@MinSpeed4@%@MinSpeed4Postfix@ / @MinSpeed5Prefix@@MinSpeed5@%@MinSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Thundering Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear transforms and leaps, gaining @HealthAmount@ Health and @BonusAttackRange@ Attack Range for the next @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    Upon landing, Volibear cracks the earth, Disabling nearby towers for @TowerDisableDuration@ seconds and dealing @TowerDamageTooltip@ physical damage to them. Nearby enemies are Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@%, decaying over 1 second. Enemies directly underneath Volibear suffer @SweetSpotDamageTooltip@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MinSpeed@% -> @MinSpeedNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinSpeed1Prefix@@MinSpeed1@%@MinSpeed1Postfix@ / @MinSpeed2Prefix@@MinSpeed2@%@MinSpeed2Postfix@ / @MinSpeed3Prefix@@MinSpeed3@%@MinSpeed3Postfix@ / @MinSpeed4Prefix@@MinSpeed4@%@MinSpeed4Postfix@ / @MinSpeed5Prefix@@MinSpeed5@%@MinSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MinSpeed@% -> @MinSpeedNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Thundering Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear transforms and leaps, gaining @HealthAmount@ Health and @BonusAttackRange@ Attack Range for the next @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    Upon landing, Volibear cracks the earth, Disabling nearby towers for @TowerDisableDuration@ seconds and dealing @TowerDamageTooltip@ physical damage to them. Nearby enemies are Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@%, decaying over 1 second. Enemies directly underneath Volibear suffer @SweetSpotDamageTooltip@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Thundering Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear transforms and leaps, gaining @HealthAmount@ Health and @BonusAttackRange@ Attack Range for the next @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    Upon landing, Volibear cracks the earth, Disabling nearby towers for @TowerDisableDuration@ seconds and dealing @TowerDamageTooltip@ physical damage to them. Nearby enemies are Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@%, decaying over 1 second. Enemies directly underneath Volibear suffer @SweetSpotDamageTooltip@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Thundering Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear gains @MinSpeedCalc@ Move Speed, doubled to @MaxSpeedCalc@ towards enemy champions for the next @Duration@ seconds. While active, Volibear's next Attack deals @CalculatedDamage@ physical damage and Stuns the target for @StunDuration@ second.

    Volibear becomes enraged if an enemy Immobilizes him before he Stuns a target, ending the Ability early but refreshing its Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Volibear gains @MinSpeedCalc@ Move Speed, doubled to @MaxSpeedCalc@ towards enemy champions for the next @Duration@ seconds. While active, Volibear's next Attack deals @CalculatedDamage@ physical damage and Stuns the target for @StunDuration@ second.

    Volibear becomes enraged if an enemy Immobilizes him before he Stuns a target, ending the Ability early but refreshing its Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Thundering Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear gains @MinSpeedCalc@ Move Speed, doubled to @MaxSpeedCalc@ towards enemy champions for the next @Duration@ seconds. While active, Volibear's next Attack deals @CalculatedDamage@ physical damage and Stuns the target for @StunDuration@ second.

    Volibear becomes enraged if an enemy Immobilizes him before he Stuns a target, ending the Ability early but refreshing its Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The damage scales with 100% base Attack Damage and 120% bonus Attack Damage.Damage
    Move Speed
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinSpeed1Prefix@@MinSpeed1*100.000000@%@MinSpeed1Postfix@ / @MinSpeed2Prefix@@MinSpeed2*100.000000@%@MinSpeed2Postfix@ / @MinSpeed3Prefix@@MinSpeed3*100.000000@%@MinSpeed3Postfix@ / @MinSpeed4Prefix@@MinSpeed4*100.000000@%@MinSpeed4Postfix@ / @MinSpeed5Prefix@@MinSpeed5*100.000000@%@MinSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Thundering Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear gains @MinSpeedCalc@ Move Speed, doubled to @MaxSpeedCalc@ towards enemy champions for the next @Duration@ seconds. While active, Volibear's next Attack deals @CalculatedDamage@ physical damage and Stuns the target for @StunDuration@ second.

    Volibear becomes enraged if an enemy Immobilizes him before he Stuns a target, ending the Ability early but refreshing its Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Move Speed
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MinSpeed*100.000000@% -> @MinSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Move Speed
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MinSpeed1Prefix@@MinSpeed1*100.000000@%@MinSpeed1Postfix@ / @MinSpeed2Prefix@@MinSpeed2*100.000000@%@MinSpeed2Postfix@ / @MinSpeed3Prefix@@MinSpeed3*100.000000@%@MinSpeed3Postfix@ / @MinSpeed4Prefix@@MinSpeed4*100.000000@%@MinSpeed4Postfix@ / @MinSpeed5Prefix@@MinSpeed5*100.000000@%@MinSpeed5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MinSpeed*100.000000@% -> @MinSpeedNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Thundering Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear gains @MinSpeedCalc@ Move Speed, doubled to @MaxSpeedCalc@ towards enemy champions for the next @Duration@ seconds. While active, Volibear's next Attack deals @CalculatedDamage@ physical damage and Stuns the target for @StunDuration@ second.

    Volibear becomes enraged if an enemy Immobilizes him before he Stuns a target, ending the Ability early but refreshing its Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Thundering Smash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear gains @MinSpeedCalc@ Move Speed, doubled to @MaxSpeedCalc@ towards enemy champions for the next @Duration@ seconds. While active, Volibear's next Attack deals @CalculatedDamage@ physical damage and Stuns the target for @StunDuration@ second.

    Volibear becomes enraged if an enemy Immobilizes him before he Stuns a target, ending the Ability early but refreshing its Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVolibear leaps to a target location, Slowing and damaging enemies beneath him while gaining bonus Health. Enemy towers near his landing location become temporarily disabled.StormbringerStormbringer@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Stormbringer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear transforms and leaps, gaining @HealthAmount@ Health and @BonusAttackRange@ Attack Range for the next @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    Upon landing, Volibear cracks the earth, Disabling nearby towers for @TowerDisableDuration@ seconds and dealing @TowerDamageTooltip@ physical damage to them. Nearby enemies are Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@%, decaying over 1 second. Enemies directly underneath Volibear suffer @SweetSpotDamageTooltip@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Stormbringer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear transforms and leaps, gaining @HealthAmount@ Health and @BonusAttackRange@ Attack Range for the next @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    Upon landing, Volibear cracks the earth, Disabling nearby towers for @TowerDisableDuration@ seconds and dealing @TowerDamageTooltip@ physical damage to them. Nearby enemies are Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@%, decaying over 1 second. Enemies directly underneath Volibear suffer @SweetSpotDamageTooltip@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Bonus Health
    Tower Disable Duration
    [ @SweetSpotDamage1Prefix@@SweetSpotDamage1@@SweetSpotDamage1Postfix@ / @SweetSpotDamage2Prefix@@SweetSpotDamage2@@SweetSpotDamage2Postfix@ / @SweetSpotDamage3Prefix@@SweetSpotDamage3@@SweetSpotDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealthAmount1Prefix@@HealthAmount1@@HealthAmount1Postfix@ / @HealthAmount2Prefix@@HealthAmount2@@HealthAmount2Postfix@ / @HealthAmount3Prefix@@HealthAmount3@@HealthAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @TowerDisableDuration1Prefix@@TowerDisableDuration1@@TowerDisableDuration1Postfix@ / @TowerDisableDuration2Prefix@@TowerDisableDuration2@@TowerDisableDuration2Postfix@ / @TowerDisableDuration3Prefix@@TowerDisableDuration3@@TowerDisableDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Stormbringer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear transforms and leaps, gaining @HealthAmount@ Health and @BonusAttackRange@ Attack Range for the next @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    Upon landing, Volibear cracks the earth, Disabling nearby towers for @TowerDisableDuration@ seconds and dealing @TowerDamageTooltip@ physical damage to them. Nearby enemies are Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@%, decaying over 1 second. Enemies directly underneath Volibear suffer @SweetSpotDamageTooltip@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Bonus Health
    Tower Disable Duration
    @SweetSpotDamage@ -> @SweetSpotDamageNL@
    @HealthAmount@ -> @HealthAmountNL@
    @TowerDisableDuration@ -> @TowerDisableDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Bonus Health
    Tower Disable Duration
    [ @SweetSpotDamage1Prefix@@SweetSpotDamage1@@SweetSpotDamage1Postfix@ / @SweetSpotDamage2Prefix@@SweetSpotDamage2@@SweetSpotDamage2Postfix@ / @SweetSpotDamage3Prefix@@SweetSpotDamage3@@SweetSpotDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealthAmount1Prefix@@HealthAmount1@@HealthAmount1Postfix@ / @HealthAmount2Prefix@@HealthAmount2@@HealthAmount2Postfix@ / @HealthAmount3Prefix@@HealthAmount3@@HealthAmount3Postfix@ ]
    [ @TowerDisableDuration1Prefix@@TowerDisableDuration1@@TowerDisableDuration1Postfix@ / @TowerDisableDuration2Prefix@@TowerDisableDuration2@@TowerDisableDuration2Postfix@ / @TowerDisableDuration3Prefix@@TowerDisableDuration3@@TowerDisableDuration3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Health
    Tower Disable Duration
    @SweetSpotDamage@ -> @SweetSpotDamageNL@
    @HealthAmount@ -> @HealthAmountNL@
    @TowerDisableDuration@ -> @TowerDisableDurationNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Stormbringer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear transforms and leaps, gaining @HealthAmount@ Health and @BonusAttackRange@ Attack Range for the next @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    Upon landing, Volibear cracks the earth, Disabling nearby towers for @TowerDisableDuration@ seconds and dealing @TowerDamageTooltip@ physical damage to them. Nearby enemies are Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@%, decaying over 1 second. Enemies directly underneath Volibear suffer @SweetSpotDamageTooltip@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Stormbringer@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear transforms and leaps, gaining @HealthAmount@ Health and @BonusAttackRange@ Attack Range for the next @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    Upon landing, Volibear cracks the earth, Disabling nearby towers for @TowerDisableDuration@ seconds and dealing @TowerDamageTooltip@ physical damage to them. Nearby enemies are Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@%, decaying over 1 second. Enemies directly underneath Volibear suffer @SweetSpotDamageTooltip@ physical damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVolibear damages an enemy, applying on-hit effects and marking them. Casting this ability again on the same target deals bonus damage and Heals Volibear.Frenzied MaulFrenzied Maul@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Frenzied Maul@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear mauls an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    If this Ability is used on a marked target, its damage is increased to @EmpoweredDamage@ and Volibear restores @BaseHeal@ plus @PercentMissingHealthHealingRatio@ missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Volibear mauls an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    If this Ability is used on a marked target, its damage is increased to @EmpoweredDamage@ and Volibear restores @BaseHeal@ plus @PercentMissingHealthHealingRatio@ missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Frenzied Maul@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear mauls an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    If this Ability is used on a marked target, its damage is increased to @EmpoweredDamage@ and Volibear restores @BaseHeal@ plus @PercentMissingHealthHealingRatio@ missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability applies on-hit effects.
    Healing is @MinionAndMonsterMod*100@% effective against minions.

    Base Heal
    Missing Health Percent
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ / @BaseHeal4Prefix@@BaseHeal4@@BaseHeal4Postfix@ / @BaseHeal5Prefix@@BaseHeal5@@BaseHeal5Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealPercent1Prefix@@HealPercent1*100.000000@%@HealPercent1Postfix@ / @HealPercent2Prefix@@HealPercent2*100.000000@%@HealPercent2Postfix@ / @HealPercent3Prefix@@HealPercent3*100.000000@%@HealPercent3Postfix@ / @HealPercent4Prefix@@HealPercent4*100.000000@%@HealPercent4Postfix@ / @HealPercent5Prefix@@HealPercent5*100.000000@%@HealPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Frenzied Maul@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear mauls an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    If this Ability is used on a marked target, its damage is increased to @EmpoweredDamage@ and Volibear restores @BaseHeal@ plus @PercentMissingHealthHealingRatio@ missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Base Heal
    Missing Health Percent
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @HealPercent*100.000000@% -> @HealPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Base Heal
    Missing Health Percent
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseHeal1Prefix@@BaseHeal1@@BaseHeal1Postfix@ / @BaseHeal2Prefix@@BaseHeal2@@BaseHeal2Postfix@ / @BaseHeal3Prefix@@BaseHeal3@@BaseHeal3Postfix@ / @BaseHeal4Prefix@@BaseHeal4@@BaseHeal4Postfix@ / @BaseHeal5Prefix@@BaseHeal5@@BaseHeal5Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealPercent1Prefix@@HealPercent1*100.000000@%@HealPercent1Postfix@ / @HealPercent2Prefix@@HealPercent2*100.000000@%@HealPercent2Postfix@ / @HealPercent3Prefix@@HealPercent3*100.000000@%@HealPercent3Postfix@ / @HealPercent4Prefix@@HealPercent4*100.000000@%@HealPercent4Postfix@ / @HealPercent5Prefix@@HealPercent5*100.000000@%@HealPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Base Heal
    Missing Health Percent
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseHeal@ -> @BaseHealNL@
    @HealPercent*100.000000@% -> @HealPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Frenzied Maul@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear mauls an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    If this Ability is used on a marked target, its damage is increased to @EmpoweredDamage@ and Volibear restores @BaseHeal@ plus @PercentMissingHealthHealingRatio@ missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Frenzied Maul@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Volibear mauls an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    If this Ability is used on a marked target, its damage is increased to @EmpoweredDamage@ and Volibear restores @BaseHeal@ plus @PercentMissingHealthHealingRatio@ missing Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoAshe fires arrows in a cone for increased damage. Also applies Frost Shot.Volley@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe fires a volley of @NumberOfArrowsTooltip@ arrows, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. Enemies can be hit by multiple arrows, but only take damage from the first.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ashe fires a volley of @NumberOfArrowsTooltip@ arrows, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. Enemies can be hit by multiple arrows, but only take damage from the first.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe fires a volley of @NumberOfArrowsTooltip@ arrows, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. Enemies can be hit by multiple arrows, but only take damage from the first.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Champion hits count as critical strikes for the purposes of Frost Shot.Arrows Fired
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @NumberOfArrowsTooltip1Prefix@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip1@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip1Postfix@ / @NumberOfArrowsTooltip2Prefix@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip2@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip2Postfix@ / @NumberOfArrowsTooltip3Prefix@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip3@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip3Postfix@ / @NumberOfArrowsTooltip4Prefix@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip4@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip4Postfix@ / @NumberOfArrowsTooltip5Prefix@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip5@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe fires a volley of @NumberOfArrowsTooltip@ arrows, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. Enemies can be hit by multiple arrows, but only take damage from the first.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upArrows Fired
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @NumberOfArrowsTooltip@ -> @NumberOfArrowsTooltipNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Arrows Fired
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @NumberOfArrowsTooltip1Prefix@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip1@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip1Postfix@ / @NumberOfArrowsTooltip2Prefix@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip2@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip2Postfix@ / @NumberOfArrowsTooltip3Prefix@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip3@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip3Postfix@ / @NumberOfArrowsTooltip4Prefix@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip4@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip4Postfix@ / @NumberOfArrowsTooltip5Prefix@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip5@@NumberOfArrowsTooltip5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Arrows Fired
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @NumberOfArrowsTooltip@ -> @NumberOfArrowsTooltipNL@
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe fires a volley of @NumberOfArrowsTooltip@ arrows, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. Enemies can be hit by multiple arrows, but only take damage from the first.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Volley@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ashe fires a volley of @NumberOfArrowsTooltip@ arrows, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. Enemies can be hit by multiple arrows, but only take damage from the first.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCho'Gath's attacks release deadly spikes, dealing damage and slowing all enemy units in front of him.Vorpal SpikesVorpal Spikes@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Vorpal Spikes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath's next 3 Attacks launch spikes that deal @BaseDamageTotalTooltip@ plus @MaxHealthPercentCalc@ of the target's max Health magic damage and Slow by @Effect2Amount@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cho'Gath's next 3 Attacks launch spikes that deal @BaseDamageTotalTooltip@ plus @MaxHealthPercentCalc@ of the target's max Health magic damage and Slow by @Effect2Amount@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Vorpal Spikes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath's next 3 Attacks launch spikes that deal @BaseDamageTotalTooltip@ plus @MaxHealthPercentCalc@ of the target's max Health magic damage and Slow by @Effect2Amount@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Feast stacks increase the width of the spikes. Spikes also deal an additional 0.5% of the target's maximum Health per stack (currently @MaxHealthPercentCalc@%).
    Percent Health damage against minions and jungle monsters is capped at @Effect8Amount@.
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Vorpal Spikes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath's next 3 Attacks launch spikes that deal @BaseDamageTotalTooltip@ plus @MaxHealthPercentCalc@ of the target's max Health magic damage and Slow by @Effect2Amount@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Vorpal Spikes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath's next 3 Attacks launch spikes that deal @BaseDamageTotalTooltip@ plus @MaxHealthPercentCalc@ of the target's max Health magic damage and Slow by @Effect2Amount@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Vorpal Spikes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Cho'Gath's next 3 Attacks launch spikes that deal @BaseDamageTotalTooltip@ plus @MaxHealthPercentCalc@ of the target's max Health magic damage and Slow by @Effect2Amount@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWarwick gains damage reduction for 2.5 seconds. At the end, or if re-activated, he howls, causing nearby enemies to flee for 1 second.Primal HowlPrimal Howl@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Primal Howl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Warwick gains @Effect1Amount@% damage reduction for 2.5 seconds. After it ends, Warwick howls, Fearing nearby enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second. Warwick can Recast to end the Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Warwick gains @Effect1Amount@% damage reduction for 2.5 seconds. After it ends, Warwick howls, Fearing nearby enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second. Warwick can Recast to end the Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Primal Howl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Warwick gains @Effect1Amount@% damage reduction for 2.5 seconds. After it ends, Warwick howls, Fearing nearby enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second. Warwick can Recast to end the Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage Reduction
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Primal Howl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Warwick gains @Effect1Amount@% damage reduction for 2.5 seconds. After it ends, Warwick howls, Fearing nearby enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second. Warwick can Recast to end the Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage Reduction
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Damage Reduction
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Damage Reduction
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Primal Howl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Warwick gains @Effect1Amount@% damage reduction for 2.5 seconds. After it ends, Warwick howls, Fearing nearby enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second. Warwick can Recast to end the Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Primal Howl@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Warwick gains @Effect1Amount@% damage reduction for 2.5 seconds. After it ends, Warwick howls, Fearing nearby enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second. Warwick can Recast to end the Ability early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWarwick lunges forward and bites his target, dealing damage based on their maximum health and healing for damage dealt.Jaws of the BeastJaws of the Beast@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Jaws of the Beast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tap: Warwick lunges forward and bites, dealing @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @Effect1Amount@% max Health magic damage and healing for @Effect3Amount@% of the damage dealt.

    Hold: Warwick lunges and clamps his jaws on the target, leaping behind them. While clamped, Warwick follows all movement of the target. After releasing his hold, he does the same damage and healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Tap: Warwick lunges forward and bites, dealing @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @Effect1Amount@% max Health magic damage and healing for @Effect3Amount@% of the damage dealt.

    Hold: Warwick lunges and clamps his jaws on the target, leaping behind them. While clamped, Warwick follows all movement of the target. After releasing his hold, he does the same damage and healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Jaws of the Beast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tap: Warwick lunges forward and bites, dealing @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @Effect1Amount@% max Health magic damage and healing for @Effect3Amount@% of the damage dealt.

    Hold: Warwick lunges and clamps his jaws on the target, leaping behind them. While clamped, Warwick follows all movement of the target. After releasing his hold, he does the same damage and healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability applies On-Hit and On-Attack effects, and does not Critically Strike.
    While clamped, Warwick is immune to displacement.
    % Health as Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Jaws of the Beast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tap: Warwick lunges forward and bites, dealing @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @Effect1Amount@% max Health magic damage and healing for @Effect3Amount@% of the damage dealt.

    Hold: Warwick lunges and clamps his jaws on the target, leaping behind them. While clamped, Warwick follows all movement of the target. After releasing his hold, he does the same damage and healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHealing
    % Health as Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    % Health as Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    % Health as Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Jaws of the Beast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tap: Warwick lunges forward and bites, dealing @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @Effect1Amount@% max Health magic damage and healing for @Effect3Amount@% of the damage dealt.

    Hold: Warwick lunges and clamps his jaws on the target, leaping behind them. While clamped, Warwick follows all movement of the target. After releasing his hold, he does the same damage and healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Jaws of the Beast@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Tap: Warwick lunges forward and bites, dealing @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @Effect1Amount@% max Health magic damage and healing for @Effect3Amount@% of the damage dealt.

    Hold: Warwick lunges and clamps his jaws on the target, leaping behind them. While clamped, Warwick follows all movement of the target. After releasing his hold, he does the same damage and healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoWarwick leaps in a direction (scaling with his bonus Move Speed), suppressing the first champion he collides with for 1.5 seconds.Infinite Duress@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Infinite Duress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Warwick leaps a huge distance that scales with his Move Speed, Suppressing the first champion he collides with while he channels for @RDuration@ seconds. He attacks that champion 3 times over the duration, dealing @DamageCumulative@ magic damage. Warwick heals for 100% of all damage dealt during the channel.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Warwick leaps a huge distance that scales with his Move Speed, Suppressing the first champion he collides with while he channels for @RDuration@ seconds. He attacks that champion 3 times over the duration, dealing @DamageCumulative@ magic damage. Warwick heals for 100% of all damage dealt during the channel.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Infinite Duress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Warwick leaps a huge distance that scales with his Move Speed, Suppressing the first champion he collides with while he channels for @RDuration@ seconds. He attacks that champion 3 times over the duration, dealing @DamageCumulative@ magic damage. Warwick heals for 100% of all damage dealt during the channel.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@This Ability applies On-Hit and On-Attack effects 3 distinct times over its duration, and does not Critically Strike.
    This Ability Knocks Down enemies.
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Infinite Duress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Warwick leaps a huge distance that scales with his Move Speed, Suppressing the first champion he collides with while he channels for @RDuration@ seconds. He attacks that champion 3 times over the duration, dealing @DamageCumulative@ magic damage. Warwick heals for 100% of all damage dealt during the channel.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Infinite Duress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Warwick leaps a huge distance that scales with his Move Speed, Suppressing the first champion he collides with while he channels for @RDuration@ seconds. He attacks that champion 3 times over the duration, dealing @DamageCumulative@ magic damage. Warwick heals for 100% of all damage dealt during the channel.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Infinite Duress@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Warwick leaps a huge distance that scales with his Move Speed, Suppressing the first champion he collides with while he channels for @RDuration@ seconds. He attacks that champion 3 times over the duration, dealing @DamageCumulative@ magic damage. Warwick heals for 100% of all damage dealt during the channel.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoWarwick senses enemies below 50% health, gaining Move Speed toward and attack speed against them. When they fall below 20% health, he frenzies and these bonuses triple.Blood HuntBlood Hunt@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blood Hunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Warwick can sense champions below 50% Health, gaining @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed towards them and gaining @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed against them. These bonuses are increased by 250% against enemies below 20% Health.

    Active: Warwick can briefly sense all enemies, and gains this Ability's passive effect against the closest champion for 8 seconds, regardless of Health. Warwick cannot use this Ability while in combat with champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Warwick can sense champions below 50% Health, gaining @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed towards them and gaining @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed against them. These bonuses are increased by 250% against enemies below 20% Health.

    Active: Warwick can briefly sense all enemies, and gains this Ability's passive effect against the closest champion for 8 seconds, regardless of Health. Warwick cannot use this Ability while in combat with champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Blood Hunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Warwick can sense champions below 50% Health, gaining @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed towards them and gaining @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed against them. These bonuses are increased by 250% against enemies below 20% Health.

    Active: Warwick can briefly sense all enemies, and gains this Ability's passive effect against the closest champion for 8 seconds, regardless of Health. Warwick cannot use this Ability while in combat with champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    While no enemies are being sensed, this Ability cools down twice as fast. Warwick can only passively sense enemies who were brought below 50% Health by allies.Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Blood Hunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Warwick can sense champions below 50% Health, gaining @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed towards them and gaining @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed against them. These bonuses are increased by 250% against enemies below 20% Health.

    Active: Warwick can briefly sense all enemies, and gains this Ability's passive effect against the closest champion for 8 seconds, regardless of Health. Warwick cannot use this Ability while in combat with champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMove Speed
    Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Blood Hunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Warwick can sense champions below 50% Health, gaining @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed towards them and gaining @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed against them. These bonuses are increased by 250% against enemies below 20% Health.

    Active: Warwick can briefly sense all enemies, and gains this Ability's passive effect against the closest champion for 8 seconds, regardless of Health. Warwick cannot use this Ability while in combat with champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Blood Hunt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Warwick can sense champions below 50% Health, gaining @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed towards them and gaining @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed against them. These bonuses are increased by 250% against enemies below 20% Health.

    Active: Warwick can briefly sense all enemies, and gains this Ability's passive effect against the closest champion for 8 seconds, regardless of Health. Warwick cannot use this Ability while in combat with champions.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTwisted Fate throws three cards, dealing damage to each enemy unit they pass through.Wild Cards@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wild Cards@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate throws three cards that deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Twisted Fate throws three cards that deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wild Cards@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate throws three cards that deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Enemies can only be damaged by one of the cards.Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Wild Cards@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate throws three cards that deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Wild Cards@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate throws three cards that deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Wild Cards@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Twisted Fate throws three cards that deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage each.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoGrants bonus true damage on basic attacks.Wuju StyleWuju Style@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wuju Style@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMaster Yi's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ true damage for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Master Yi's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ true damage for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wuju Style@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMaster Yi's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ true damage for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@The duration of {{ Spell_WujuStyle_Name }} is paused during {{ Spell_AlphaStrike_Name }} and {{ Spell_Meditate_Name }}Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Wuju Style@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMaster Yi's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ true damage for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@[@Hotkey@] Wuju Style@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMaster Yi's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ true damage for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Wuju Style@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostBasic attacks deal bonus damage for @Duration@ seconds. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wuju Style@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostMaster Yi's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ true damage for @Duration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoXayah calls back all her dropped Feathers dealing damage and rooting enemies.BladecallerBladecaller@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bladecaller@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah calls all Feathers back to her, dealing @FeatherDamage@ physical damage each. If @FeatherThreshold@ or more Feathers hit an enemy, they are Rooted for @RootDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Xayah calls all Feathers back to her, dealing @FeatherDamage@ physical damage each. If @FeatherThreshold@ or more Feathers hit an enemy, they are Rooted for @RootDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bladecaller@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah calls all Feathers back to her, dealing @FeatherDamage@ physical damage each. If @FeatherThreshold@ or more Feathers hit an enemy, they are Rooted for @RootDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Feather damage scales with %i:scaleAD% and %i:scaleCrit%: @FeatherDamagePreCrit@ increased by @CritPercentIncrease@
    Minions take @MinionMultiplier*100@% damage from this Ability.
    Enemies take 5% less damage per feather hit, to a minimum of 10% damage.
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bladecaller@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah calls all Feathers back to her, dealing @FeatherDamage@ physical damage each. If @FeatherThreshold@ or more Feathers hit an enemy, they are Rooted for @RootDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Bladecaller@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah calls all Feathers back to her, dealing @FeatherDamage@ physical damage each. If @FeatherThreshold@ or more Feathers hit an enemy, they are Rooted for @RootDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bladecaller@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah calls all Feathers back to her, dealing @FeatherDamage@ physical damage each. If @FeatherThreshold@ or more Feathers hit an enemy, they are Rooted for @RootDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoXayah throws two damaging daggers that also drop Feathers she can recall.Double DaggersDouble Daggers@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Double Daggers@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah throws two daggers, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage each and leaving two Feathers. Targets hit after the first take @MultiHitDamage@ damage from each dagger.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Xayah throws two daggers, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage each and leaving two Feathers. Targets hit after the first take @MultiHitDamage@ damage from each dagger.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Double Daggers@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah throws two daggers, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage each and leaving two Feathers. Targets hit after the first take @MultiHitDamage@ damage from each dagger.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Double Daggers@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah throws two daggers, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage each and leaving two Feathers. Targets hit after the first take @MultiHitDamage@ damage from each dagger.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Double Daggers@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah throws two daggers, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage each and leaving two Feathers. Targets hit after the first take @MultiHitDamage@ damage from each dagger.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Double Daggers@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah throws two daggers, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage each and leaving two Feathers. Targets hit after the first take @MultiHitDamage@ damage from each dagger.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoXayah creates a storm of blades that increase her Attack Speed and damage while also granting her Move Speed if she attacks a champion.Deadly PlumageDeadly Plumage@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Deadly Plumage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah creates a storm of blades for @Effect2Amount@ seconds that grants her @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed and cause her Attacks to fire a secondary blade that deals @Effect5Amount@% damage.

    When the secondary blade hits a champion, she grants herself @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    If Rakan is nearby he will also gain the effects of this Ability, except he gains Move Speed when Xayah strikes a target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Xayah creates a storm of blades for @Effect2Amount@ seconds that grants her @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed and cause her Attacks to fire a secondary blade that deals @Effect5Amount@% damage.

    When the secondary blade hits a champion, she grants herself @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    If Rakan is nearby he will also gain the effects of this Ability, except he gains Move Speed when Xayah strikes a target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Deadly Plumage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah creates a storm of blades for @Effect2Amount@ seconds that grants her @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed and cause her Attacks to fire a secondary blade that deals @Effect5Amount@% damage.

    When the secondary blade hits a champion, she grants herself @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    If Rakan is nearby he will also gain the effects of this Ability, except he gains Move Speed when Xayah strikes a target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Attack Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Deadly Plumage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah creates a storm of blades for @Effect2Amount@ seconds that grants her @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed and cause her Attacks to fire a secondary blade that deals @Effect5Amount@% damage.

    When the secondary blade hits a champion, she grants herself @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    If Rakan is nearby he will also gain the effects of this Ability, except he gains Move Speed when Xayah strikes a target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upAttack Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Attack Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Deadly Plumage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah creates a storm of blades for @Effect2Amount@ seconds that grants her @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed and cause her Attacks to fire a secondary blade that deals @Effect5Amount@% damage.

    When the secondary blade hits a champion, she grants herself @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    If Rakan is nearby he will also gain the effects of this Ability, except he gains Move Speed when Xayah strikes a target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Deadly Plumage@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xayah creates a storm of blades for @Effect2Amount@ seconds that grants her @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed and cause her Attacks to fire a secondary blade that deals @Effect5Amount@% damage.

    When the secondary blade hits a champion, she grants herself @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    If Rakan is nearby he will also gain the effects of this Ability, except he gains Move Speed when Xayah strikes a target.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCalls down a barrage of arcane energy, slowing and dealing magic damage to all enemies in an area. Targets in the middle receive additional damage and a stronger slow.Eye of DestructionEye of Destruction@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Eye of Destruction@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xerath calls down a blast of arcane energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center take @SweetSpotTotalDamage@ magic damage instead and are Slowed by @SweetSpotSlowAmount*100@%, decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Xerath calls down a blast of arcane energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center take @SweetSpotTotalDamage@ magic damage instead and are Slowed by @SweetSpotSlowAmount*100@%, decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Eye of Destruction@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xerath calls down a blast of arcane energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center take @SweetSpotTotalDamage@ magic damage instead and are Slowed by @SweetSpotSlowAmount*100@%, decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Empowered Slow decays down to @SlowAmount*100@%.Damage
    Max Slow
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SweetSpotSlowAmount1Prefix@@SweetSpotSlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SweetSpotSlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SweetSpotSlowAmount2Prefix@@SweetSpotSlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SweetSpotSlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SweetSpotSlowAmount3Prefix@@SweetSpotSlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SweetSpotSlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SweetSpotSlowAmount4Prefix@@SweetSpotSlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SweetSpotSlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SweetSpotSlowAmount5Prefix@@SweetSpotSlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SweetSpotSlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Eye of Destruction@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xerath calls down a blast of arcane energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center take @SweetSpotTotalDamage@ magic damage instead and are Slowed by @SweetSpotSlowAmount*100@%, decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Max Slow
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SweetSpotSlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SweetSpotSlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Max Slow
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SweetSpotSlowAmount1Prefix@@SweetSpotSlowAmount1*100.000000@%@SweetSpotSlowAmount1Postfix@ / @SweetSpotSlowAmount2Prefix@@SweetSpotSlowAmount2*100.000000@%@SweetSpotSlowAmount2Postfix@ / @SweetSpotSlowAmount3Prefix@@SweetSpotSlowAmount3*100.000000@%@SweetSpotSlowAmount3Postfix@ / @SweetSpotSlowAmount4Prefix@@SweetSpotSlowAmount4*100.000000@%@SweetSpotSlowAmount4Postfix@ / @SweetSpotSlowAmount5Prefix@@SweetSpotSlowAmount5*100.000000@%@SweetSpotSlowAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Max Slow
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @SweetSpotSlowAmount*100.000000@% -> @SweetSpotSlowAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Eye of Destruction@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xerath calls down a blast of arcane energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center take @SweetSpotTotalDamage@ magic damage instead and are Slowed by @SweetSpotSlowAmount*100@%, decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Eye of Destruction@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xerath calls down a blast of arcane energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center take @SweetSpotTotalDamage@ magic damage instead and are Slowed by @SweetSpotSlowAmount*100@%, decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoFires a long-range beam of energy, dealing magic damage to all targets hit.ArcanopulseArcanopulse@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Arcanopulse@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Xerath begins charging an arcane beam, Slowing himself gradually up to 50%.

    Release: Xerath fires the beam, dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage. The range increases with time charged.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Begin Charging: Xerath begins charging an arcane beam, Slowing himself gradually up to 50%.

    Release: Xerath fires the beam, dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage. The range increases with time charged.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Arcanopulse@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Xerath begins charging an arcane beam, Slowing himself gradually up to 50%.

    Release: Xerath fires the beam, dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage. The range increases with time charged.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    If Xerath does not release the beam, half the cost is refunded.Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Arcanopulse@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Xerath begins charging an arcane beam, Slowing himself gradually up to 50%.

    Release: Xerath fires the beam, dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage. The range increases with time charged.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Arcanopulse@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Xerath begins charging an arcane beam, Slowing himself gradually up to 50%.

    Release: Xerath fires the beam, dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage. The range increases with time charged.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Arcanopulse@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Begin Charging: Xerath begins charging an arcane beam, Slowing himself gradually up to 50%.

    Release: Xerath fires the beam, dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage. The range increases with time charged.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDeals magic damage to an enemy and stuns them.Shocking OrbShocking Orb@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shocking Orb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xerath fires an orb of raw magic, Stunning the first enemy hit for up to @Effect2Amount@ seconds based on distance travelled, and dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Xerath fires an orb of raw magic, Stunning the first enemy hit for up to @Effect2Amount@ seconds based on distance travelled, and dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shocking Orb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xerath fires an orb of raw magic, Stunning the first enemy hit for up to @Effect2Amount@ seconds based on distance travelled, and dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Minimum Stun duration is 0.75 seconds.Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shocking Orb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xerath fires an orb of raw magic, Stunning the first enemy hit for up to @Effect2Amount@ seconds based on distance travelled, and dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Shocking Orb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xerath fires an orb of raw magic, Stunning the first enemy hit for up to @Effect2Amount@ seconds based on distance travelled, and dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shocking Orb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xerath fires an orb of raw magic, Stunning the first enemy hit for up to @Effect2Amount@ seconds based on distance travelled, and dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoXin Zhao charges to an enemy, gaining increased Attack Speed and dealing damage to all enemies in the area, slowing them briefly. Audacious Charge gains increased range against Challenged targets.Audacious ChargeAudacious Charge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Audacious Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xin Zhao charges an enemy, dealing @ChargeDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Slowing them by @BaseSlowAmount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Xin Zhao also grants himself @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Audacious Charge's range is increased on enemies that are Challenged.
    Xin Zhao charges an enemy, dealing @ChargeDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Slowing them by @BaseSlowAmount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Xin Zhao also grants himself @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Audacious Charge's range is increased on enemies that are Challenged.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Audacious Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xin Zhao charges an enemy, dealing @ChargeDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Slowing them by @BaseSlowAmount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Xin Zhao also grants himself @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Audacious Charge's range is increased on enemies that are Challenged.
    Attack Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Audacious Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xin Zhao charges an enemy, dealing @ChargeDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Slowing them by @BaseSlowAmount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Xin Zhao also grants himself @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Audacious Charge's range is increased on enemies that are Challenged.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100.000000@%
    Attack Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Audacious Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xin Zhao charges an enemy, dealing @ChargeDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Slowing them by @BaseSlowAmount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Xin Zhao also grants himself @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Audacious Charge's range is increased on enemies that are Challenged.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Audacious Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xin Zhao charges an enemy, dealing @ChargeDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Slowing them by @BaseSlowAmount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Xin Zhao also grants himself @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Audacious Charge's range is increased on enemies that are Challenged.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoXin Zhao's next 3 standard attacks deal increased damage with the third attack knocking an opponent into the air.Three Talon StrikeThree Talon Strike@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Three Talon Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xin Zhao's next 3 Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage and reduces his other Ability's Cooldowns by 1 second. The third Attack also Knocks Up for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.
    Xin Zhao's next 3 Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage and reduces his other Ability's Cooldowns by 1 second. The third Attack also Knocks Up for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Three Talon Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xin Zhao's next 3 Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage and reduces his other Ability's Cooldowns by 1 second. The third Attack also Knocks Up for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.
    Bonus Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Three Talon Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xin Zhao's next 3 Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage and reduces his other Ability's Cooldowns by 1 second. The third Attack also Knocks Up for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBonus Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Bonus Damage
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Three Talon Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xin Zhao's next 3 Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage and reduces his other Ability's Cooldowns by 1 second. The third Attack also Knocks Up for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Three Talon Strike@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xin Zhao's next 3 Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage and reduces his other Ability's Cooldowns by 1 second. The third Attack also Knocks Up for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoXin Zhao slashes in front of himself with his spear, then thrusts it forward, slowing affected enemies and marking them as Challenged.Wind Becomes LightningWind Becomes Lightning@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wind Becomes Lightning@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xin Zhao slashes, dealing @SlashDamage@ physical damage, then thrusts, dealing @ThrustDamage@. Enemies hit by the thrust are Slowed by @Effect6Amount*-100@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Champions and Large Monsters hit by the thrust are marked as Challenged for @MarkDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Xin Zhao slashes, dealing @SlashDamage@ physical damage, then thrusts, dealing @ThrustDamage@. Enemies hit by the thrust are Slowed by @Effect6Amount*-100@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Champions and Large Monsters hit by the thrust are marked as Challenged for @MarkDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wind Becomes Lightning@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xin Zhao slashes, dealing @SlashDamage@ physical damage, then thrusts, dealing @ThrustDamage@. Enemies hit by the thrust are Slowed by @Effect6Amount*-100@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Champions and Large Monsters hit by the thrust are marked as Challenged for @MarkDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The thrust's damage is increased by up to @CritChanceAmp*100@% based on Xin Zhao's Critical Strike Chance.
    Deals @MinionMod@% damage to minions.
    Applies Lifesteal at 33% effectiveness on both attacks.
    Slash Damage
    Thrust Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @SlashBaseDamage1Prefix@@SlashBaseDamage1@@SlashBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @SlashBaseDamage2Prefix@@SlashBaseDamage2@@SlashBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @SlashBaseDamage3Prefix@@SlashBaseDamage3@@SlashBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @SlashBaseDamage4Prefix@@SlashBaseDamage4@@SlashBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @SlashBaseDamage5Prefix@@SlashBaseDamage5@@SlashBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ThrustBaseDamage1Prefix@@ThrustBaseDamage1@@ThrustBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ThrustBaseDamage2Prefix@@ThrustBaseDamage2@@ThrustBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ThrustBaseDamage3Prefix@@ThrustBaseDamage3@@ThrustBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ThrustBaseDamage4Prefix@@ThrustBaseDamage4@@ThrustBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ThrustBaseDamage5Prefix@@ThrustBaseDamage5@@ThrustBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Wind Becomes Lightning@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xin Zhao slashes, dealing @SlashDamage@ physical damage, then thrusts, dealing @ThrustDamage@. Enemies hit by the thrust are Slowed by @Effect6Amount*-100@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Champions and Large Monsters hit by the thrust are marked as Challenged for @MarkDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upSlash Damage
    Thrust Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @SlashBaseDamage@ -> @SlashBaseDamageNL@
    @ThrustBaseDamage@ -> @ThrustBaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Slash Damage
    Thrust Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @SlashBaseDamage1Prefix@@SlashBaseDamage1@@SlashBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @SlashBaseDamage2Prefix@@SlashBaseDamage2@@SlashBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @SlashBaseDamage3Prefix@@SlashBaseDamage3@@SlashBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @SlashBaseDamage4Prefix@@SlashBaseDamage4@@SlashBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @SlashBaseDamage5Prefix@@SlashBaseDamage5@@SlashBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ThrustBaseDamage1Prefix@@ThrustBaseDamage1@@ThrustBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @ThrustBaseDamage2Prefix@@ThrustBaseDamage2@@ThrustBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @ThrustBaseDamage3Prefix@@ThrustBaseDamage3@@ThrustBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @ThrustBaseDamage4Prefix@@ThrustBaseDamage4@@ThrustBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @ThrustBaseDamage5Prefix@@ThrustBaseDamage5@@ThrustBaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Slash Damage
    Thrust Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @SlashBaseDamage@ -> @SlashBaseDamageNL@
    @ThrustBaseDamage@ -> @ThrustBaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Wind Becomes Lightning@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xin Zhao slashes, dealing @SlashDamage@ physical damage, then thrusts, dealing @ThrustDamage@. Enemies hit by the thrust are Slowed by @Effect6Amount*-100@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Champions and Large Monsters hit by the thrust are marked as Challenged for @MarkDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Wind Becomes Lightning@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Xin Zhao slashes, dealing @SlashDamage@ physical damage, then thrusts, dealing @ThrustDamage@. Enemies hit by the thrust are Slowed by @Effect6Amount*-100@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Champions and Large Monsters hit by the thrust are marked as Challenged for @MarkDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoDashes through target enemy, dealing magic damage. Each cast increases your next dash's base Damage, up to a max amount.

    Cannot be re-cast on the same enemy for a few seconds.

    If Steel Tempest is cast while dashing, it will strike as a circle.Sweeping Blade@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sweeping Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo dashes through a target, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Each use of this Ability grants @Effect5Amount*100@% bonus damage to the next use for 5 seconds, stacking up to 50%.

    This Ability has a @Effect2Amount@ second per-target Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Yasuo dashes through a target, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Each use of this Ability grants @Effect5Amount*100@% bonus damage to the next use for 5 seconds, stacking up to 50%.

    This Ability has a @Effect2Amount@ second per-target Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sweeping Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo dashes through a target, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Each use of this Ability grants @Effect5Amount*100@% bonus damage to the next use for 5 seconds, stacking up to 50%.

    This Ability has a @Effect2Amount@ second per-target Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Per Unit Cooldown
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Sweeping Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo dashes through a target, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Each use of this Ability grants @Effect5Amount*100@% bonus damage to the next use for 5 seconds, stacking up to 50%.

    This Ability has a @Effect2Amount@ second per-target Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Per Unit Cooldown
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    Per Unit Cooldown
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1@@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2@@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3@@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4@@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5@@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Per Unit Cooldown
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Sweeping Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo dashes through a target, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Each use of this Ability grants @Effect5Amount*100@% bonus damage to the next use for 5 seconds, stacking up to 50%.

    This Ability has a @Effect2Amount@ second per-target Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Sweeping Blade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo dashes through a target, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Each use of this Ability grants @Effect5Amount*100@% bonus damage to the next use for 5 seconds, stacking up to 50%.

    This Ability has a @Effect2Amount@ second per-target Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoThrusts forward, damaging all enemies in a line.

    On hit, grants a stack of Gathering Storm for a few seconds. At 2 stacks, Steel Tempest fires a whirlwind that knocks Airborne.

    Steel Tempest is treated as a basic attack and scales with all the same things.Steel Tempest@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Steel Tempest@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo thrusts, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If he hits, he gains a stack for @GatheringStormDuration@ seconds. While he has 2 stacks, his next use of this Ability fires a whirlwind from range, dealing the same damage and Knocking Up for @KnockUpDurationTOOLTIPONLY@ second.

    If used while dashing, this Ability strikes in a circle rather than a stab.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Yasuo thrusts, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If he hits, he gains a stack for @GatheringStormDuration@ seconds. While he has 2 stacks, his next use of this Ability fires a whirlwind from range, dealing the same damage and Knocking Up for @KnockUpDurationTOOLTIPONLY@ second.

    If used while dashing, this Ability strikes in a circle rather than a stab.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Steel Tempest@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo thrusts, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If he hits, he gains a stack for @GatheringStormDuration@ seconds. While he has 2 stacks, his next use of this Ability fires a whirlwind from range, dealing the same damage and Knocking Up for @KnockUpDurationTOOLTIPONLY@ second.

    If used while dashing, this Ability strikes in a circle rather than a stab.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability acts like an Attack: it can critically strike for @TotalDamageCrit@ physical damage, it applies %i:OnHit% On-hit effects and lifesteal to the first enemy struck, is interruptible by crowd control, and its cooldown and cast time are reduced with Attack Speed.Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Steel Tempest@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo thrusts, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If he hits, he gains a stack for @GatheringStormDuration@ seconds. While he has 2 stacks, his next use of this Ability fires a whirlwind from range, dealing the same damage and Knocking Up for @KnockUpDurationTOOLTIPONLY@ second.

    If used while dashing, this Ability strikes in a circle rather than a stab.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@[@Hotkey@] Steel Tempest@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo thrusts, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If he hits, he gains a stack for @GatheringStormDuration@ seconds. While he has 2 stacks, his next use of this Ability fires a whirlwind from range, dealing the same damage and Knocking Up for @KnockUpDurationTOOLTIPONLY@ second.

    If used while dashing, this Ability strikes in a circle rather than a stab.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Steel Tempest@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo thrusts, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If he hits, he gains a stack for @GatheringStormDuration@ seconds. While he has 2 stacks, his next use of this Ability fires a whirlwind from range, dealing the same damage and Knocking Up for @KnockUpDurationTOOLTIPONLY@ second.

    If used while dashing, this Ability strikes in a circle rather than a stab.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoBlinks to an Airborne enemy champion, dealing physical damage and holding all Airborne enemies in the area in the air. Grants maximum Flow but resets all stacks of Gathering Storm.

    For a moderate time afterwards, Yasuo's critical strikes gain significant Bonus Armor Penetration.Last BreathLast Breath@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Last Breath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo teleports to an Airborne enemy champion, dealing @Damage@ physical damage and holding all nearby Airborne enemies up for an additional @RKnockupDuration@ second. Yasuo also gains maximum Flow, but loses all {{Spell_YasuoQ1Wrapper_Name}} stacks.

    Afterwards, Yasuo's critical strikes ignore @RPercentArmorPen@% bonus Armor for @RBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Yasuo teleports to an Airborne enemy champion, dealing @Damage@ physical damage and holding all nearby Airborne enemies up for an additional @RKnockupDuration@ second. Yasuo also gains maximum Flow, but loses all {{Spell_YasuoQ1Wrapper_Name}} stacks.

    Afterwards, Yasuo's critical strikes ignore @RPercentArmorPen@% bonus Armor for @RBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Last Breath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo teleports to an Airborne enemy champion, dealing @Damage@ physical damage and holding all nearby Airborne enemies up for an additional @RKnockupDuration@ second. Yasuo also gains maximum Flow, but loses all {{Spell_YasuoQ1Wrapper_Name}} stacks.

    Afterwards, Yasuo's critical strikes ignore @RPercentArmorPen@% bonus Armor for @RBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @RBaseDamage1Prefix@@RBaseDamage1@@RBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage2Prefix@@RBaseDamage2@@RBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @RBaseDamage3Prefix@@RBaseDamage3@@RBaseDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Last Breath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo teleports to an Airborne enemy champion, dealing @Damage@ physical damage and holding all nearby Airborne enemies up for an additional @RKnockupDuration@ second. Yasuo also gains maximum Flow, but loses all {{Spell_YasuoQ1Wrapper_Name}} stacks.

    Afterwards, Yasuo's critical strikes ignore @RPercentArmorPen@% bonus Armor for @RBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @RBaseDamage@ -> @RBaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Last Breath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo teleports to an Airborne enemy champion, dealing @Damage@ physical damage and holding all nearby Airborne enemies up for an additional @RKnockupDuration@ second. Yasuo also gains maximum Flow, but loses all {{Spell_YasuoQ1Wrapper_Name}} stacks.

    Afterwards, Yasuo's critical strikes ignore @RPercentArmorPen@% bonus Armor for @RBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Last Breath@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo teleports to an Airborne enemy champion, dealing @Damage@ physical damage and holding all nearby Airborne enemies up for an additional @RKnockupDuration@ second. Yasuo also gains maximum Flow, but loses all {{Spell_YasuoQ1Wrapper_Name}} stacks.

    Afterwards, Yasuo's critical strikes ignore @RPercentArmorPen@% bonus Armor for @RBuffDuration@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCreates a moving wall that blocks all enemy projectiles for 4 seconds.Wind WallWind Wall@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wind Wall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo creates a drifting wall of wind that blocks all enemy projectiles for 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Yasuo creates a drifting wall of wind that blocks all enemy projectiles for 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Wind Wall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo creates a drifting wall of wind that blocks all enemy projectiles for 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Tower shots and beams are not blocked.Width
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Wind Wall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo creates a drifting wall of wind that blocks all enemy projectiles for 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upWidth
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Wind Wall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo creates a drifting wall of wind that blocks all enemy projectiles for 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Wind Wall@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYasuo creates a drifting wall of wind that blocks all enemy projectiles for 4 seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoYone's spirit leaves his body behind, gaining Move Speed. When this skill ends, Yone's spirit is forced back to his body and he repeats a portion of the damage he dealt as a spirit.Soul Unbound@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Soul Unbound@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYone enters a spirit form for @ReturnTimer@ seconds, leaving his body behind for the duration and gaining @StartingMS*100@% ramping Move Speed.

    When the spirit form ends, Yone snaps back to his body and repeats @DeathmarkPercent*100@% of all damage he dealt to champions during this time. You may Recast this skill during spirit form.

    Recast: End spirit form early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Yone enters a spirit form for @ReturnTimer@ seconds, leaving his body behind for the duration and gaining @StartingMS*100@% ramping Move Speed.

    When the spirit form ends, Yone snaps back to his body and repeats @DeathmarkPercent*100@% of all damage he dealt to champions during this time. You may Recast this skill during spirit form.

    Recast: End spirit form early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Soul Unbound@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYone enters a spirit form for @ReturnTimer@ seconds, leaving his body behind for the duration and gaining @StartingMS*100@% ramping Move Speed.

    When the spirit form ends, Yone snaps back to his body and repeats @DeathmarkPercent*100@% of all damage he dealt to champions during this time. You may Recast this skill during spirit form.

    Recast: End spirit form early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Move Speed ramps from @StartingMS*100@% to @MovementSpeed*100@% over the duration.Repeated Damage
    [ @DeathmarkPercent1Prefix@@DeathmarkPercent1*100.000000@%@DeathmarkPercent1Postfix@ / @DeathmarkPercent2Prefix@@DeathmarkPercent2*100.000000@%@DeathmarkPercent2Postfix@ / @DeathmarkPercent3Prefix@@DeathmarkPercent3*100.000000@%@DeathmarkPercent3Postfix@ / @DeathmarkPercent4Prefix@@DeathmarkPercent4*100.000000@%@DeathmarkPercent4Postfix@ / @DeathmarkPercent5Prefix@@DeathmarkPercent5*100.000000@%@DeathmarkPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Soul Unbound@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYone enters a spirit form for @ReturnTimer@ seconds, leaving his body behind for the duration and gaining @StartingMS*100@% ramping Move Speed.

    When the spirit form ends, Yone snaps back to his body and repeats @DeathmarkPercent*100@% of all damage he dealt to champions during this time. You may Recast this skill during spirit form.

    Recast: End spirit form early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upRepeated Damage
    @DeathmarkPercent*100.000000@% -> @DeathmarkPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Repeated Damage
    [ @DeathmarkPercent1Prefix@@DeathmarkPercent1*100.000000@%@DeathmarkPercent1Postfix@ / @DeathmarkPercent2Prefix@@DeathmarkPercent2*100.000000@%@DeathmarkPercent2Postfix@ / @DeathmarkPercent3Prefix@@DeathmarkPercent3*100.000000@%@DeathmarkPercent3Postfix@ / @DeathmarkPercent4Prefix@@DeathmarkPercent4*100.000000@%@DeathmarkPercent4Postfix@ / @DeathmarkPercent5Prefix@@DeathmarkPercent5*100.000000@%@DeathmarkPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Repeated Damage
    @DeathmarkPercent*100.000000@% -> @DeathmarkPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Soul Unbound@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYone enters a spirit form for @ReturnTimer@ seconds, leaving his body behind for the duration and gaining @StartingMS*100@% ramping Move Speed.

    When the spirit form ends, Yone snaps back to his body and repeats @DeathmarkPercent*100@% of all damage he dealt to champions during this time. You may Recast this skill during spirit form.

    Recast: End spirit form early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Soul Unbound@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostYone enters a spirit form for @ReturnTimer@ seconds, leaving his body behind for the duration and gaining @StartingMS*100@% ramping Move Speed.

    When the spirit form ends, Yone snaps back to his body and repeats @DeathmarkPercent*100@% of all damage he dealt to champions during this time. You may Recast this skill during spirit form.

    Recast: End spirit form early.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoThrusts forward, damaging all enemies in a line.

    On hit, grants a stack of Gathering Storm for a few seconds. At 2 stacks, Mortal Steel dashes Yone forward with a gust of wind knocking enemies Airborne.

    Mortal Steel is treated as a basic attack and scales with all the same things.Mortal Steel@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mortal Steel@f1@s Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostYone thrusts forward, dealing @QDamage@ physical damage.

    On hit, grants a stack for @BuffDuration@ seconds. At 2 stacks, this skill causes Yone to dash forward with a wave of wind that Knocks Up for @Q3KnockupDuration@ seconds and deals @QDamage@ physical damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Yone thrusts forward, dealing @QDamage@ physical damage.

    On hit, grants a stack for @BuffDuration@ seconds. At 2 stacks, this skill causes Yone to dash forward with a wave of wind that Knocks Up for @Q3KnockupDuration@ seconds and deals @QDamage@ physical damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Mortal Steel@f1@s Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostYone thrusts forward, dealing @QDamage@ physical damage.

    On hit, grants a stack for @BuffDuration@ seconds. At 2 stacks, this skill causes Yone to dash forward with a wave of wind that Knocks Up for @Q3KnockupDuration@ seconds and deals @QDamage@ physical damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability acts like an Attack: it can critically strike for @TotalDamageCrit@ physical damage, it applies %i:OnHit% On-hit effects and lifesteal to the first enemy struck, is interruptible by crowd control, and its cooldown and cast time are reduced with Attack Speed.Base Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Mortal Steel@f1@s Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostYone thrusts forward, dealing @QDamage@ physical damage.

    On hit, grants a stack for @BuffDuration@ seconds. At 2 stacks, this skill causes Yone to dash forward with a wave of wind that Knocks Up for @Q3KnockupDuration@ seconds and deals @QDamage@ physical damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Damage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@Base Damage[ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]Base Damage@BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@[@Hotkey@] Mortal Steel@f1@s Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostYone thrusts forward, dealing @QDamage@ physical damage.

    On hit, grants a stack for @BuffDuration@ seconds. At 2 stacks, this skill causes Yone to dash forward with a wave of wind that Knocks Up for @Q3KnockupDuration@ seconds and deals @QDamage@ physical damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Mortal Steel@f1@s Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostYone thrusts forward, dealing @QDamage@ physical damage.

    On hit, grants a stack for @BuffDuration@ seconds. At 2 stacks, this skill causes Yone to dash forward with a wave of wind that Knocks Up for @Q3KnockupDuration@ seconds and deals @QDamage@ physical damage. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoCleaves forward, damaging all enemies in a cone. Grants a shield to Yone, the value is increased by the number of champions hit by the swipe.

    Spirit Cleave's cooldown and cast time scale with attack speed.Spirit CleaveSpirit Cleave@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spirit Cleave@f1@s Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostYone cleaves forward, dealing @BaseDamage*0.5@ + @MaxHealthDamage*50@% max Health physical damage and @BaseDamage*0.5@ + @MaxHealthDamage*50@% max Health magic damage.

    If Yone hits, he gains @WShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The amount of Shield increases for each champion struck. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Yone cleaves forward, dealing @BaseDamage*0.5@ + @MaxHealthDamage*50@% max Health physical damage and @BaseDamage*0.5@ + @MaxHealthDamage*50@% max Health magic damage.

    If Yone hits, he gains @WShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The amount of Shield increases for each champion struck. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spirit Cleave@f1@s Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostYone cleaves forward, dealing @BaseDamage*0.5@ + @MaxHealthDamage*50@% max Health physical damage and @BaseDamage*0.5@ + @MaxHealthDamage*50@% max Health magic damage.

    If Yone hits, he gains @WShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The amount of Shield increases for each champion struck. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Shield increased by @FirstChampShieldMultiplier*100@% for the first champion hit and @SecondChampShieldMultiplier*100@% for all subsequent champions.
    This skills cooldown and cast time are reduced by Attack Speed.
    Minimum @MinimumDamageMinions@ total damage against minions.
    Base Damage
    Total Max Health Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxHealthDamage1Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage1*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage2Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage2*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage3Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage3*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage3Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage4Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage4*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage4Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage5Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage5*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Spirit Cleave@f1@s Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostYone cleaves forward, dealing @BaseDamage*0.5@ + @MaxHealthDamage*50@% max Health physical damage and @BaseDamage*0.5@ + @MaxHealthDamage*50@% max Health magic damage.

    If Yone hits, he gains @WShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The amount of Shield increases for each champion struck. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Damage
    Total Max Health Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MaxHealthDamage*100.000000@% -> @MaxHealthDamageNL*100.000000@%
    Base Damage
    Total Max Health Damage
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MaxHealthDamage1Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage1*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage2Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage2*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage3Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage3*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage3Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage4Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage4*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage4Postfix@ / @MaxHealthDamage5Prefix@@MaxHealthDamage5*100.000000@%@MaxHealthDamage5Postfix@ ]
    Base Damage
    Total Max Health Damage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @MaxHealthDamage*100.000000@% -> @MaxHealthDamageNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Spirit Cleave@f1@s Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostYone cleaves forward, dealing @BaseDamage*0.5@ + @MaxHealthDamage*50@% max Health physical damage and @BaseDamage*0.5@ + @MaxHealthDamage*50@% max Health magic damage.

    If Yone hits, he gains @WShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The amount of Shield increases for each champion struck. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Spirit Cleave@f1@s Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostYone cleaves forward, dealing @BaseDamage*0.5@ + @MaxHealthDamage*50@% max Health physical damage and @BaseDamage*0.5@ + @MaxHealthDamage*50@% max Health magic damage.

    If Yone hits, he gains @WShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The amount of Shield increases for each champion struck. @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoYorick deals bonus damage on his next attack and heals himself. If the target dies a grave will be dug.Last RitesLast Rites@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Last Rites@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yorick's next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and restores @QHeal@ Health, or @EmpoweredQHeal@ Health if Yorick is below 50% Health. If this Attack kills the target, it leaves a grave.

    When there are 3 or more graves nearby and this Ability has already been used, Yorick can Recast to raise Mist Walkers from all nearby graves.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Yorick's next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and restores @QHeal@ Health, or @EmpoweredQHeal@ Health if Yorick is below 50% Health. If this Attack kills the target, it leaves a grave.

    When there are 3 or more graves nearby and this Ability has already been used, Yorick can Recast to raise Mist Walkers from all nearby graves.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Base Ability: {{Spell_YorickQ_Tooltip}}

    Recast: {{Spell_YorickQ2_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Last Rites@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Base Ability: {{Spell_YorickQ_Tooltip}}

    Recast: {{Spell_YorickQ2_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Last Rites@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Base Ability: {{Spell_YorickQ_Tooltip}}

    Recast: {{Spell_YorickQ2_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Last Rites@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Base Ability: {{Spell_YorickQ_Tooltip}}

    Recast: {{Spell_YorickQ2_Tooltip}}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Last Rites@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yorick's next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and restores @QHeal@ Health, or @EmpoweredQHeal@ Health if Yorick is below 50% Health. If this Attack kills the target, it leaves a grave.

    When there are 3 or more graves nearby and this Ability has already been used, Yorick can Recast to raise Mist Walkers from all nearby graves.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoYorick summons the Maiden of the Mist that causes Yorick's attacks against the Maiden's target to deal bonus damage. The Maiden will also automatically raise Walkers from dead enemies.Eulogy of the IslesEulogy of the Isles@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Eulogy of the Isles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yorick summons the Maiden of the Mist and @RGhoulNumbers@ Mist Walkers. The Maiden has @YorickBigGhoulHealth@ Health, deals @YorickBigGhoulDamage@ magic damage, and raises Mist Walkers from nearby enemy deaths.

    When Yorick damages the Maiden's target, he will deal @RMarkDamagePercent@% max Health magic damage. This effect has a @RProcCD@ second Cooldown.

    After 10 seconds, Yorick can Recast this Ability to free the Maiden, sending her down the nearest lane.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Yorick summons the Maiden of the Mist and @RGhoulNumbers@ Mist Walkers. The Maiden has @YorickBigGhoulHealth@ Health, deals @YorickBigGhoulDamage@ magic damage, and raises Mist Walkers from nearby enemy deaths.

    When Yorick damages the Maiden's target, he will deal @RMarkDamagePercent@% max Health magic damage. This effect has a @RProcCD@ second Cooldown.

    After 10 seconds, Yorick can Recast this Ability to free the Maiden, sending her down the nearest lane.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Eulogy of the Isles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yorick summons the Maiden of the Mist and @RGhoulNumbers@ Mist Walkers. The Maiden has @YorickBigGhoulHealth@ Health, deals @YorickBigGhoulDamage@ magic damage, and raises Mist Walkers from nearby enemy deaths.

    When Yorick damages the Maiden's target, he will deal @RMarkDamagePercent@% max Health magic damage. This effect has a @RProcCD@ second Cooldown.

    After 10 seconds, Yorick can Recast this Ability to free the Maiden, sending her down the nearest lane.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Mist Walkers
    Mark Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RBigGhoulBonusHP1Prefix@@RBigGhoulBonusHP1@@RBigGhoulBonusHP1Postfix@ / @RBigGhoulBonusHP2Prefix@@RBigGhoulBonusHP2@@RBigGhoulBonusHP2Postfix@ / @RBigGhoulBonusHP3Prefix@@RBigGhoulBonusHP3@@RBigGhoulBonusHP3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RBigGhoulBonusAD1Prefix@@RBigGhoulBonusAD1@@RBigGhoulBonusAD1Postfix@ / @RBigGhoulBonusAD2Prefix@@RBigGhoulBonusAD2@@RBigGhoulBonusAD2Postfix@ / @RBigGhoulBonusAD3Prefix@@RBigGhoulBonusAD3@@RBigGhoulBonusAD3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RGhoulNumbers1Prefix@@RGhoulNumbers1@@RGhoulNumbers1Postfix@ / @RGhoulNumbers2Prefix@@RGhoulNumbers2@@RGhoulNumbers2Postfix@ / @RGhoulNumbers3Prefix@@RGhoulNumbers3@@RGhoulNumbers3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RMarkDamagePercent1Prefix@@RMarkDamagePercent1@%@RMarkDamagePercent1Postfix@ / @RMarkDamagePercent2Prefix@@RMarkDamagePercent2@%@RMarkDamagePercent2Postfix@ / @RMarkDamagePercent3Prefix@@RMarkDamagePercent3@%@RMarkDamagePercent3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Eulogy of the Isles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yorick summons the Maiden of the Mist and @RGhoulNumbers@ Mist Walkers. The Maiden has @YorickBigGhoulHealth@ Health, deals @YorickBigGhoulDamage@ magic damage, and raises Mist Walkers from nearby enemy deaths.

    When Yorick damages the Maiden's target, he will deal @RMarkDamagePercent@% max Health magic damage. This effect has a @RProcCD@ second Cooldown.

    After 10 seconds, Yorick can Recast this Ability to free the Maiden, sending her down the nearest lane.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    Mist Walkers
    Mark Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @RBigGhoulBonusHP@ -> @RBigGhoulBonusHPNL@
    @RBigGhoulBonusAD@ -> @RBigGhoulBonusADNL@
    @RGhoulNumbers@ -> @RGhoulNumbersNL@
    @RMarkDamagePercent@% -> @RMarkDamagePercentNL@%
    Mist Walkers
    Mark Damage
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RBigGhoulBonusHP1Prefix@@RBigGhoulBonusHP1@@RBigGhoulBonusHP1Postfix@ / @RBigGhoulBonusHP2Prefix@@RBigGhoulBonusHP2@@RBigGhoulBonusHP2Postfix@ / @RBigGhoulBonusHP3Prefix@@RBigGhoulBonusHP3@@RBigGhoulBonusHP3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RBigGhoulBonusAD1Prefix@@RBigGhoulBonusAD1@@RBigGhoulBonusAD1Postfix@ / @RBigGhoulBonusAD2Prefix@@RBigGhoulBonusAD2@@RBigGhoulBonusAD2Postfix@ / @RBigGhoulBonusAD3Prefix@@RBigGhoulBonusAD3@@RBigGhoulBonusAD3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RGhoulNumbers1Prefix@@RGhoulNumbers1@@RGhoulNumbers1Postfix@ / @RGhoulNumbers2Prefix@@RGhoulNumbers2@@RGhoulNumbers2Postfix@ / @RGhoulNumbers3Prefix@@RGhoulNumbers3@@RGhoulNumbers3Postfix@ ]
    [ @RMarkDamagePercent1Prefix@@RMarkDamagePercent1@%@RMarkDamagePercent1Postfix@ / @RMarkDamagePercent2Prefix@@RMarkDamagePercent2@%@RMarkDamagePercent2Postfix@ / @RMarkDamagePercent3Prefix@@RMarkDamagePercent3@%@RMarkDamagePercent3Postfix@ ]
    Mist Walkers
    Mark Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @RBigGhoulBonusHP@ -> @RBigGhoulBonusHPNL@
    @RBigGhoulBonusAD@ -> @RBigGhoulBonusADNL@
    @RGhoulNumbers@ -> @RGhoulNumbersNL@
    @RMarkDamagePercent@% -> @RMarkDamagePercentNL@%
    [@Hotkey@] Eulogy of the Isles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yorick summons the Maiden of the Mist and @RGhoulNumbers@ Mist Walkers. The Maiden has @YorickBigGhoulHealth@ Health, deals @YorickBigGhoulDamage@ magic damage, and raises Mist Walkers from nearby enemy deaths.

    When Yorick damages the Maiden's target, he will deal @RMarkDamagePercent@% max Health magic damage. This effect has a @RProcCD@ second Cooldown.

    After 10 seconds, Yorick can Recast this Ability to free the Maiden, sending her down the nearest lane.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Eulogy of the Isles@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yorick summons the Maiden of the Mist and @RGhoulNumbers@ Mist Walkers. The Maiden has @YorickBigGhoulHealth@ Health, deals @YorickBigGhoulDamage@ magic damage, and raises Mist Walkers from nearby enemy deaths.

    When Yorick damages the Maiden's target, he will deal @RMarkDamagePercent@% max Health magic damage. This effect has a @RProcCD@ second Cooldown.

    After 10 seconds, Yorick can Recast this Ability to free the Maiden, sending her down the nearest lane.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoYorick summons a destructible wall at target location that will block enemy movement.Dark ProcessionDark Procession@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dark Procession@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yorick summons a wall of spirits blocking enemies' path, but not allies'. The wall can be Attacked, and disappears after @Effect5Amount@ hits.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Yorick summons a wall of spirits blocking enemies' path, but not allies'. The wall can be Attacked, and disappears after @Effect5Amount@ hits.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Dark Procession@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yorick summons a wall of spirits blocking enemies' path, but not allies'. The wall can be Attacked, and disappears after @Effect5Amount@ hits.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Dark Procession@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yorick summons a wall of spirits blocking enemies' path, but not allies'. The wall can be Attacked, and disappears after @Effect5Amount@ hits.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Dark Procession@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yorick summons a wall of spirits blocking enemies' path, but not allies'. The wall can be Attacked, and disappears after @Effect5Amount@ hits.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Dark Procession@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yorick summons a wall of spirits blocking enemies' path, but not allies'. The wall can be Attacked, and disappears after @Effect5Amount@ hits.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoHeals Yuumi and boosts Move Speed and Attack Speed. If she's attached, she passes it to her ally instead.
    Zoomies@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Zoomies@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@BaseManaCost@ Mana + @PercentManaCost*100@% Max ManaYuumi restores @TotalHealing@ Health to herself and gains @FinalMoveSpeed@% Move Speed and @AttackSpeedAmount*100@% Attack Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If Yuumi is Attached, this Ability affects her ally instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Yuumi restores @TotalHealing@ Health to herself and gains @FinalMoveSpeed@% Move Speed and @AttackSpeedAmount*100@% Attack Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If Yuumi is Attached, this Ability affects her ally instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Zoomies@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@BaseManaCost@ Mana + @PercentManaCost*100@% Max ManaYuumi restores @TotalHealing@ Health to herself and gains @FinalMoveSpeed@% Move Speed and @AttackSpeedAmount*100@% Attack Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If Yuumi is Attached, this Ability affects her ally instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Healing
    Attack Speed
    Mana Cost
    [ @BaseHealing1Prefix@@BaseHealing1@@BaseHealing1Postfix@ / @BaseHealing2Prefix@@BaseHealing2@@BaseHealing2Postfix@ / @BaseHealing3Prefix@@BaseHealing3@@BaseHealing3Postfix@ / @BaseHealing4Prefix@@BaseHealing4@@BaseHealing4Postfix@ / @BaseHealing5Prefix@@BaseHealing5@@BaseHealing5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackSpeedAmount1Prefix@@AttackSpeedAmount1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedAmount1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedAmount2Prefix@@AttackSpeedAmount2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedAmount2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedAmount3Prefix@@AttackSpeedAmount3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedAmount3Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedAmount4Prefix@@AttackSpeedAmount4*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedAmount4Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedAmount5Prefix@@AttackSpeedAmount5*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseManaCost1Prefix@@BaseManaCost1@@BaseManaCost1Postfix@ / @BaseManaCost2Prefix@@BaseManaCost2@@BaseManaCost2Postfix@ / @BaseManaCost3Prefix@@BaseManaCost3@@BaseManaCost3Postfix@ / @BaseManaCost4Prefix@@BaseManaCost4@@BaseManaCost4Postfix@ / @BaseManaCost5Prefix@@BaseManaCost5@@BaseManaCost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Zoomies@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@BaseManaCost@ Mana + @PercentManaCost*100@% Max ManaYuumi restores @TotalHealing@ Health to herself and gains @FinalMoveSpeed@% Move Speed and @AttackSpeedAmount*100@% Attack Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If Yuumi is Attached, this Ability affects her ally instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upHealing
    Attack Speed
    Mana Cost
    @BaseHealing@ -> @BaseHealingNL@
    @AttackSpeedAmount*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseManaCost@ -> @BaseManaCostNL@
    Attack Speed
    Mana Cost
    [ @BaseHealing1Prefix@@BaseHealing1@@BaseHealing1Postfix@ / @BaseHealing2Prefix@@BaseHealing2@@BaseHealing2Postfix@ / @BaseHealing3Prefix@@BaseHealing3@@BaseHealing3Postfix@ / @BaseHealing4Prefix@@BaseHealing4@@BaseHealing4Postfix@ / @BaseHealing5Prefix@@BaseHealing5@@BaseHealing5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AttackSpeedAmount1Prefix@@AttackSpeedAmount1*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedAmount1Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedAmount2Prefix@@AttackSpeedAmount2*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedAmount2Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedAmount3Prefix@@AttackSpeedAmount3*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedAmount3Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedAmount4Prefix@@AttackSpeedAmount4*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedAmount4Postfix@ / @AttackSpeedAmount5Prefix@@AttackSpeedAmount5*100.000000@%@AttackSpeedAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseManaCost1Prefix@@BaseManaCost1@@BaseManaCost1Postfix@ / @BaseManaCost2Prefix@@BaseManaCost2@@BaseManaCost2Postfix@ / @BaseManaCost3Prefix@@BaseManaCost3@@BaseManaCost3Postfix@ / @BaseManaCost4Prefix@@BaseManaCost4@@BaseManaCost4Postfix@ / @BaseManaCost5Prefix@@BaseManaCost5@@BaseManaCost5Postfix@ ]
    Attack Speed
    Mana Cost
    @BaseHealing@ -> @BaseHealingNL@
    @AttackSpeedAmount*100.000000@% -> @AttackSpeedAmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseManaCost@ -> @BaseManaCostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Zoomies@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@BaseManaCost@ Mana + @PercentManaCost*100@% Max ManaYuumi restores @TotalHealing@ Health to herself and gains @FinalMoveSpeed@% Move Speed and @AttackSpeedAmount*100@% Attack Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If Yuumi is Attached, this Ability affects her ally instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Zoomies@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@BaseManaCost@ Mana + @PercentManaCost*100@% Max ManaYuumi restores @TotalHealing@ Health to herself and gains @FinalMoveSpeed@% Move Speed and @AttackSpeedAmount*100@% Attack Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If Yuumi is Attached, this Ability affects her ally instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoReleases control of the missileRelease!Release!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Release!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Reactivate this spell to have the missile continue in current direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Reactivate this spell to have the missile continue in current direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Release!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Reactivate this spell to have the missile continue in current direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Move Speed:
    Minimum Base Healing
    Mana Cost:
    Ammo Recharge Time
    [ @MSAmount1Prefix@@MSAmount1@@MSAmount1Postfix@ / @MSAmount2Prefix@@MSAmount2@@MSAmount2Postfix@ / @MSAmount3Prefix@@MSAmount3@@MSAmount3Postfix@ / @MSAmount4Prefix@@MSAmount4@@MSAmount4Postfix@ / @MSAmount5Prefix@@MSAmount5@@MSAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealAmountMin1Prefix@@HealAmountMin1@@HealAmountMin1Postfix@ / @HealAmountMin2Prefix@@HealAmountMin2@@HealAmountMin2Postfix@ / @HealAmountMin3Prefix@@HealAmountMin3@@HealAmountMin3Postfix@ / @HealAmountMin4Prefix@@HealAmountMin4@@HealAmountMin4Postfix@ / @HealAmountMin5Prefix@@HealAmountMin5@@HealAmountMin5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Release!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Reactivate this spell to have the missile continue in current direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMove Speed:
    Minimum Base Healing
    Mana Cost:
    Ammo Recharge Time
    @MSAmount@ -> @MSAmountNL@
    @HealAmountMin@ -> @HealAmountMinNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    Move Speed:
    Minimum Base Healing
    Mana Cost:
    Ammo Recharge Time
    [ @MSAmount1Prefix@@MSAmount1@@MSAmount1Postfix@ / @MSAmount2Prefix@@MSAmount2@@MSAmount2Postfix@ / @MSAmount3Prefix@@MSAmount3@@MSAmount3Postfix@ / @MSAmount4Prefix@@MSAmount4@@MSAmount4Postfix@ / @MSAmount5Prefix@@MSAmount5@@MSAmount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @HealAmountMin1Prefix@@HealAmountMin1@@HealAmountMin1Postfix@ / @HealAmountMin2Prefix@@HealAmountMin2@@HealAmountMin2Postfix@ / @HealAmountMin3Prefix@@HealAmountMin3@@HealAmountMin3Postfix@ / @HealAmountMin4Prefix@@HealAmountMin4@@HealAmountMin4Postfix@ / @HealAmountMin5Prefix@@HealAmountMin5@@HealAmountMin5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed:
    Minimum Base Healing
    Mana Cost:
    Ammo Recharge Time
    @MSAmount@ -> @MSAmountNL@
    @HealAmountMin@ -> @HealAmountMinNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Release!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Reactivate this spell to have the missile continue in current direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Release!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Reactivate this spell to have the missile continue in current direction.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoYuumi fires a missile, dealing damage to the first target hit. It deals bonus damage and slows if it takes at least 1 second to get to its target.

    While Attached, the missile can be controlled with your cursor.Prowling Projectile@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Prowling Projectile@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yuumi summons an errant missile that deals @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. If the missile travels for @AfterburnerTimeTooltip@ second before impacting, it deals @EmpoweredMissileDamage@ plus @CurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health magic damage instead and Slows champions by @SlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    If cast while Attached, Yuumi can control the missile using her mouse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Yuumi summons an errant missile that deals @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. If the missile travels for @AfterburnerTimeTooltip@ second before impacting, it deals @EmpoweredMissileDamage@ plus @CurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health magic damage instead and Slows champions by @SlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    If cast while Attached, Yuumi can control the missile using her mouse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Prowling Projectile@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yuumi summons an errant missile that deals @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. If the missile travels for @AfterburnerTimeTooltip@ second before impacting, it deals @EmpoweredMissileDamage@ plus @CurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health magic damage instead and Slows champions by @SlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    If cast while Attached, Yuumi can control the missile using her mouse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Prowling Projectile@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yuumi summons an errant missile that deals @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. If the missile travels for @AfterburnerTimeTooltip@ second before impacting, it deals @EmpoweredMissileDamage@ plus @CurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health magic damage instead and Slows champions by @SlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    If cast while Attached, Yuumi can control the missile using her mouse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Prowling Projectile@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yuumi summons an errant missile that deals @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. If the missile travels for @AfterburnerTimeTooltip@ second before impacting, it deals @EmpoweredMissileDamage@ plus @CurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health magic damage instead and Slows champions by @SlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    If cast while Attached, Yuumi can control the missile using her mouse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Prowling Projectile@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yuumi summons an errant missile that deals @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. If the missile travels for @AfterburnerTimeTooltip@ second before impacting, it deals @EmpoweredMissileDamage@ plus @CurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health magic damage instead and Slows champions by @SlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    If cast while Attached, Yuumi can control the missile using her mouse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Prowling Projectile@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yuumi summons an errant missile that deals @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. If the missile travels for @AfterburnerTimeTooltip@ second before impacting, it deals @EmpoweredMissileDamage@ plus @CurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health magic damage instead and Slows champions by @SlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    If cast while Attached, Yuumi can control the missile using her mouse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Base Damage
    Empowered Missile Base Damage
    Current Health %
    [ @MissileDamage1Prefix@@MissileDamage1@@MissileDamage1Postfix@ / @MissileDamage2Prefix@@MissileDamage2@@MissileDamage2Postfix@ / @MissileDamage3Prefix@@MissileDamage3@@MissileDamage3Postfix@ / @MissileDamage4Prefix@@MissileDamage4@@MissileDamage4Postfix@ / @MissileDamage5Prefix@@MissileDamage5@@MissileDamage5Postfix@ / @MissileDamage6Prefix@@MissileDamage6@@MissileDamage6Postfix@ ]
    [ @EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage1Prefix@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage1@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage2Prefix@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage2@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage3Prefix@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage3@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage4Prefix@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage4@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage5Prefix@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage5@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage5Postfix@ / @EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage6Prefix@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage6@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage6Postfix@ ]
    [ @CurrentHealthDamage1Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage1*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage2Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage2*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage3Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage3*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage3Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage4Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage4*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage4Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage5Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage5*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage5Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage6Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage6*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage6Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ / @Cooldown6Prefix@@Cooldown6@@Cooldown6Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Prowling Projectile@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yuumi summons an errant missile that deals @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. If the missile travels for @AfterburnerTimeTooltip@ second before impacting, it deals @EmpoweredMissileDamage@ plus @CurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health magic damage instead and Slows champions by @SlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    If cast while Attached, Yuumi can control the missile using her mouse.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Damage
    Empowered Missile Base Damage
    Current Health %
    @MissileDamage@ -> @MissileDamageNL@
    @EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage@ -> @EmpoweredMissileBaseDamageNL@
    @CurrentHealthDamage*100.000000@% -> @CurrentHealthDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Base Damage
    Empowered Missile Base Damage
    Current Health %
    [ @MissileDamage1Prefix@@MissileDamage1@@MissileDamage1Postfix@ / @MissileDamage2Prefix@@MissileDamage2@@MissileDamage2Postfix@ / @MissileDamage3Prefix@@MissileDamage3@@MissileDamage3Postfix@ / @MissileDamage4Prefix@@MissileDamage4@@MissileDamage4Postfix@ / @MissileDamage5Prefix@@MissileDamage5@@MissileDamage5Postfix@ / @MissileDamage6Prefix@@MissileDamage6@@MissileDamage6Postfix@ ]
    [ @EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage1Prefix@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage1@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage1Postfix@ / @EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage2Prefix@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage2@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage2Postfix@ / @EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage3Prefix@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage3@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage3Postfix@ / @EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage4Prefix@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage4@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage4Postfix@ / @EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage5Prefix@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage5@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage5Postfix@ / @EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage6Prefix@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage6@@EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage6Postfix@ ]
    [ @CurrentHealthDamage1Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage1*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage2Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage2*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage3Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage3*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage3Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage4Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage4*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage4Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage5Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage5*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage5Postfix@ / @CurrentHealthDamage6Prefix@@CurrentHealthDamage6*100.000000@%@CurrentHealthDamage6Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ / @Cooldown6Prefix@@Cooldown6@@Cooldown6Postfix@ ]
    Base Damage
    Empowered Missile Base Damage
    Current Health %
    @MissileDamage@ -> @MissileDamageNL@
    @EmpoweredMissileBaseDamage@ -> @EmpoweredMissileBaseDamageNL@
    @CurrentHealthDamage*100.000000@% -> @CurrentHealthDamageNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Yuumi channels seven waves of damage, rooting anyone hit by three or more. Yuumi can move, attach, and cast Zoomies! while channeling.Final Chapter@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Final Chapter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yuumi channels for @UltDuration@ seconds, launching @NumberOfWaves@ waves dealing @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage. Champions hit by @WavesToRoot@ waves are Rooted for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    Yuumi can move and cast You and Me! and Zoomies while channeling.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Yuumi channels for @UltDuration@ seconds, launching @NumberOfWaves@ waves dealing @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage. Champions hit by @WavesToRoot@ waves are Rooted for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    Yuumi can move and cast You and Me! and Zoomies while channeling.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Final Chapter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yuumi channels for @UltDuration@ seconds, launching @NumberOfWaves@ waves dealing @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage. Champions hit by @WavesToRoot@ waves are Rooted for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    Yuumi can move and cast You and Me! and Zoomies while channeling.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Missiles after the first deal @MultiMissileTotal@ magic damage. Max possible damage to a single enemy is @TotalSingleTargetDamage@ magic damage.Cooldown:
    Base Damage Per Missile:
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseMissileDamage1Prefix@@BaseMissileDamage1@@BaseMissileDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseMissileDamage2Prefix@@BaseMissileDamage2@@BaseMissileDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseMissileDamage3Prefix@@BaseMissileDamage3@@BaseMissileDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Final Chapter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yuumi channels for @UltDuration@ seconds, launching @NumberOfWaves@ waves dealing @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage. Champions hit by @WavesToRoot@ waves are Rooted for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    Yuumi can move and cast You and Me! and Zoomies while channeling.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown:
    Base Damage Per Missile:
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseMissileDamage@ -> @BaseMissileDamageNL@
    Base Damage Per Missile:
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseMissileDamage1Prefix@@BaseMissileDamage1@@BaseMissileDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseMissileDamage2Prefix@@BaseMissileDamage2@@BaseMissileDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseMissileDamage3Prefix@@BaseMissileDamage3@@BaseMissileDamage3Postfix@ ]
    Base Damage Per Missile:
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseMissileDamage@ -> @BaseMissileDamageNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Final Chapter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yuumi channels for @UltDuration@ seconds, launching @NumberOfWaves@ waves dealing @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage. Champions hit by @WavesToRoot@ waves are Rooted for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    Yuumi can move and cast You and Me! and Zoomies while channeling.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Final Chapter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Yuumi channels for @UltDuration@ seconds, launching @NumberOfWaves@ waves dealing @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage. Champions hit by @WavesToRoot@ waves are Rooted for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    Yuumi can move and cast You and Me! and Zoomies while channeling.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Change of Plan@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Yuumi is increasing her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @f1@ and gaining the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to another ally champion, or detaches from her current friend.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Change of Plan@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Yuumi is increasing her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @f1@ and gaining the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to another ally champion, or detaches from her current friend.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Change of Plan@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Yuumi is increasing her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @f1@ and gaining the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to another ally champion, or detaches from her current friend.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Change of Plan@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Yuumi is increasing her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @f1@ and gaining the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to another ally champion, or detaches from her current friend.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Change of Plan@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Yuumi is increasing her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @f1@ and gaining the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to another ally champion, or detaches from her current friend.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPassively, Yuumi increases her ally's Adaptive Force and her own. Actively, Yuumi dashes to a target ally, becoming untargetable from everything except turrets.You and Me!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] You and Me!@AttachCooldown@s Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Yuumi increases her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @FlatAdaptiveStats@ + @AdaptiveStatSharing*100@%, and grants herself the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to an ally champion and Attaches to them. While Yuumi is Attached, she follows her partner's movement and is Untargetable except from towers.

    Immobilizing effects on Yuumi place this Ability on a @CCAttachLockout@ second Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Yuumi increases her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @FlatAdaptiveStats@ + @AdaptiveStatSharing*100@%, and grants herself the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to an ally champion and Attaches to them. While Yuumi is Attached, she follows her partner's movement and is Untargetable except from towers.

    Immobilizing effects on Yuumi place this Ability on a @CCAttachLockout@ second Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] You and Me!@AttachCooldown@s Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Yuumi increases her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @FlatAdaptiveStats@ + @AdaptiveStatSharing*100@%, and grants herself the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to an ally champion and Attaches to them. While Yuumi is Attached, she follows her partner's movement and is Untargetable except from towers.

    Immobilizing effects on Yuumi place this Ability on a @CCAttachLockout@ second Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability has a @spell.YuumiW:AttachCooldown@ second Cooldown, but Yuumi can cast it anytime she is already Attached to switch between friends or Unattach.

    Yuumi's Abilities will use her Attached ally's position instead of hers.

    Yuumi will Unattach if her ally uses Summoner Teleport.
    Flat Adaptive Force
    Percent Adaptive Force
    [ @FlatAdaptiveStats1Prefix@@FlatAdaptiveStats1@@FlatAdaptiveStats1Postfix@ / @FlatAdaptiveStats2Prefix@@FlatAdaptiveStats2@@FlatAdaptiveStats2Postfix@ / @FlatAdaptiveStats3Prefix@@FlatAdaptiveStats3@@FlatAdaptiveStats3Postfix@ / @FlatAdaptiveStats4Prefix@@FlatAdaptiveStats4@@FlatAdaptiveStats4Postfix@ / @FlatAdaptiveStats5Prefix@@FlatAdaptiveStats5@@FlatAdaptiveStats5Postfix@ ]
    [ @AdaptiveStatSharing1Prefix@@AdaptiveStatSharing1*100.000000@%@AdaptiveStatSharing1Postfix@ / @AdaptiveStatSharing2Prefix@@AdaptiveStatSharing2*100.000000@%@AdaptiveStatSharing2Postfix@ / @AdaptiveStatSharing3Prefix@@AdaptiveStatSharing3*100.000000@%@AdaptiveStatSharing3Postfix@ / @AdaptiveStatSharing4Prefix@@AdaptiveStatSharing4*100.000000@%@AdaptiveStatSharing4Postfix@ / @AdaptiveStatSharing5Prefix@@AdaptiveStatSharing5*100.000000@%@AdaptiveStatSharing5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] You and Me!@AttachCooldown@s Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Yuumi increases her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @FlatAdaptiveStats@ + @AdaptiveStatSharing*100@%, and grants herself the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to an ally champion and Attaches to them. While Yuumi is Attached, she follows her partner's movement and is Untargetable except from towers.

    Immobilizing effects on Yuumi place this Ability on a @CCAttachLockout@ second Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upFlat Adaptive Force
    Percent Adaptive Force
    @FlatAdaptiveStats@ -> @FlatAdaptiveStatsNL@
    @AdaptiveStatSharing*100.000000@% -> @AdaptiveStatSharingNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] You and Me!@AttachCooldown@s Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Yuumi increases her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @FlatAdaptiveStats@ + @AdaptiveStatSharing*100@%, and grants herself the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to an ally champion and Attaches to them. While Yuumi is Attached, she follows her partner's movement and is Untargetable except from towers.

    Immobilizing effects on Yuumi place this Ability on a @CCAttachLockout@ second Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] You and Me!@AttachCooldown@s Cooldown@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Yuumi increases her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @FlatAdaptiveStats@ + @AdaptiveStatSharing*100@%, and grants herself the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to an ally champion and Attaches to them. While Yuumi is Attached, she follows her partner's movement and is Untargetable except from towers.

    Immobilizing effects on Yuumi place this Ability on a @CCAttachLockout@ second Cooldown.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZac attaches his arms to the ground and stretches back, launching himself forward.Elastic SlingshotElastic Slingshot@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Elastic Slingshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@HealthCostTooltip@)Begin Charging: Zac pulls himself taut, charging up a dash over @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Release: Zac launches himself and Knocks Up enemies where he lands for up to @MaxStun@ second (based on charge time), dealing them @Damage@ magic damage. Zac spawns an extra chunk of Goo for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Begin Charging: Zac pulls himself taut, charging up a dash over @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Release: Zac launches himself and Knocks Up enemies where he lands for up to @MaxStun@ second (based on charge time), dealing them @Damage@ magic damage. Zac spawns an extra chunk of Goo for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Elastic Slingshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@HealthCostTooltip@)Begin Charging: Zac pulls himself taut, charging up a dash over @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Release: Zac launches himself and Knocks Up enemies where he lands for up to @MaxStun@ second (based on charge time), dealing them @Damage@ magic damage. Zac spawns an extra chunk of Goo for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Can be cancelled by moving.
    If cancelled, refunds half of the Ability's Cooldown and cost.
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Elastic Slingshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@HealthCostTooltip@)Begin Charging: Zac pulls himself taut, charging up a dash over @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Release: Zac launches himself and Knocks Up enemies where he lands for up to @MaxStun@ second (based on charge time), dealing them @Damage@ magic damage. Zac spawns an extra chunk of Goo for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Elastic Slingshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@HealthCostTooltip@)Begin Charging: Zac pulls himself taut, charging up a dash over @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Release: Zac launches himself and Knocks Up enemies where he lands for up to @MaxStun@ second (based on charge time), dealing them @Damage@ magic damage. Zac spawns an extra chunk of Goo for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Elastic Slingshot@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@HealthCostTooltip@)Begin Charging: Zac pulls himself taut, charging up a dash over @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Release: Zac launches himself and Knocks Up enemies where he lands for up to @MaxStun@ second (based on charge time), dealing them @Damage@ magic damage. Zac spawns an extra chunk of Goo for each enemy champion hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoSlam TogetherSlam Together@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Slam Together@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Slam Together@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Slam Together@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Slam Together@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Slam Together@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoZac stretches an arm, grabbing an enemy. Attacking a different enemy will cause him to throw both targets towards each other.Stretching StrikesStretching Strikes@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Stretching Strikes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@HealthCostTooltip@)Zac stretches his arm out, attaching it to the first enemy hit to deal @DamageTooltip@ magic damage and briefly Slow them. Zac's next Attack gains increased range and applies the same damage and Slow.

    If Zac hits a different enemy with this Attack, he Knocks Up both towards each other. If they collide, they and surrounding enemies take @DamageTooltip@ magic damage and are briefly Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Zac stretches his arm out, attaching it to the first enemy hit to deal @DamageTooltip@ magic damage and briefly Slow them. Zac's next Attack gains increased range and applies the same damage and Slow.

    If Zac hits a different enemy with this Attack, he Knocks Up both towards each other. If they collide, they and surrounding enemies take @DamageTooltip@ magic damage and are briefly Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Stretching Strikes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@HealthCostTooltip@)Zac stretches his arm out, attaching it to the first enemy hit to deal @DamageTooltip@ magic damage and briefly Slow them. Zac's next Attack gains increased range and applies the same damage and Slow.

    If Zac hits a different enemy with this Attack, he Knocks Up both towards each other. If they collide, they and surrounding enemies take @DamageTooltip@ magic damage and are briefly Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Slows by @Effect4Amount*-100@%.
    Maximum magic damage: @MaxDamageTooltip@.
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Stretching Strikes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@HealthCostTooltip@)Zac stretches his arm out, attaching it to the first enemy hit to deal @DamageTooltip@ magic damage and briefly Slow them. Zac's next Attack gains increased range and applies the same damage and Slow.

    If Zac hits a different enemy with this Attack, he Knocks Up both towards each other. If they collide, they and surrounding enemies take @DamageTooltip@ magic damage and are briefly Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Stretching Strikes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@HealthCostTooltip@)Zac stretches his arm out, attaching it to the first enemy hit to deal @DamageTooltip@ magic damage and briefly Slow them. Zac's next Attack gains increased range and applies the same damage and Slow.

    If Zac hits a different enemy with this Attack, he Knocks Up both towards each other. If they collide, they and surrounding enemies take @DamageTooltip@ magic damage and are briefly Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Stretching Strikes@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@HealthCostTooltip@)Zac stretches his arm out, attaching it to the first enemy hit to deal @DamageTooltip@ magic damage and briefly Slow them. Zac's next Attack gains increased range and applies the same damage and Slow.

    If Zac hits a different enemy with this Attack, he Knocks Up both towards each other. If they collide, they and surrounding enemies take @DamageTooltip@ magic damage and are briefly Slowed.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZac explodes outward towards nearby enemies, dealing a percentage of their maximum health as magic damage.Unstable MatterUnstable Matter@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Unstable Matter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@TooltipHealthCost@)Zac's body erupts, dealing @BaseDamage@ + @DisplayPercentDamage@ max Health magic damage to nearby enemies.

    Absorbing Goo reduces this Ability's Cooldown by 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Zac's body erupts, dealing @BaseDamage@ + @DisplayPercentDamage@ max Health magic damage to nearby enemies.

    Absorbing Goo reduces this Ability's Cooldown by 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Unstable Matter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@TooltipHealthCost@)Zac's body erupts, dealing @BaseDamage@ + @DisplayPercentDamage@ max Health magic damage to nearby enemies.

    Absorbing Goo reduces this Ability's Cooldown by 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Percent Health damage against minions and jungle monsters is capped at 200.Flat Damage
    % Max Health
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseMaxHealthDamage1Prefix@@BaseMaxHealthDamage1*100.000000@%@BaseMaxHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseMaxHealthDamage2Prefix@@BaseMaxHealthDamage2*100.000000@%@BaseMaxHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseMaxHealthDamage3Prefix@@BaseMaxHealthDamage3*100.000000@%@BaseMaxHealthDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseMaxHealthDamage4Prefix@@BaseMaxHealthDamage4*100.000000@%@BaseMaxHealthDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseMaxHealthDamage5Prefix@@BaseMaxHealthDamage5*100.000000@%@BaseMaxHealthDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Unstable Matter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@TooltipHealthCost@)Zac's body erupts, dealing @BaseDamage@ + @DisplayPercentDamage@ max Health magic damage to nearby enemies.

    Absorbing Goo reduces this Ability's Cooldown by 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upFlat Damage
    % Max Health
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseMaxHealthDamage*100.000000@% -> @BaseMaxHealthDamageNL*100.000000@%
    Flat Damage
    % Max Health
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @BaseMaxHealthDamage1Prefix@@BaseMaxHealthDamage1*100.000000@%@BaseMaxHealthDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseMaxHealthDamage2Prefix@@BaseMaxHealthDamage2*100.000000@%@BaseMaxHealthDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseMaxHealthDamage3Prefix@@BaseMaxHealthDamage3*100.000000@%@BaseMaxHealthDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseMaxHealthDamage4Prefix@@BaseMaxHealthDamage4*100.000000@%@BaseMaxHealthDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseMaxHealthDamage5Prefix@@BaseMaxHealthDamage5*100.000000@%@BaseMaxHealthDamage5Postfix@ ]
    Flat Damage
    % Max Health
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @BaseMaxHealthDamage*100.000000@% -> @BaseMaxHealthDamageNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Unstable Matter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@TooltipHealthCost@)Zac's body erupts, dealing @BaseDamage@ + @DisplayPercentDamage@ max Health magic damage to nearby enemies.

    Absorbing Goo reduces this Ability's Cooldown by 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Unstable Matter@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@TooltipHealthCost@)Zac's body erupts, dealing @BaseDamage@ + @DisplayPercentDamage@ max Health magic damage to nearby enemies.

    Absorbing Goo reduces this Ability's Cooldown by 1 second.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZed and his shadows slash, dealing damage to nearby enemies.Shadow SlashShadow Slash@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shadow Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zed and his Shadows slash, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies.

    Each enemy champion hit by Zed's slash reduces Living Shadow's Cooldown by @ShadowHitCDR@ seconds.

    Enemies hit by a Shadow's slash are Slowed by @MoveSpeedMod*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit by multiple slashes take no additional damage but are Slowed by @MoveSpeedModBonus*-100@% instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Zed and his Shadows slash, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies.

    Each enemy champion hit by Zed's slash reduces Living Shadow's Cooldown by @ShadowHitCDR@ seconds.

    Enemies hit by a Shadow's slash are Slowed by @MoveSpeedMod*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit by multiple slashes take no additional damage but are Slowed by @MoveSpeedModBonus*-100@% instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Shadow Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zed and his Shadows slash, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies.

    Each enemy champion hit by Zed's slash reduces Living Shadow's Cooldown by @ShadowHitCDR@ seconds.

    Enemies hit by a Shadow's slash are Slowed by @MoveSpeedMod*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit by multiple slashes take no additional damage but are Slowed by @MoveSpeedModBonus*-100@% instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MoveSpeedMod1Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod1*-100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod1Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod2Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod2*-100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod2Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod3Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod3*-100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod3Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod4Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod4*-100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod4Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod5Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod5*-100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Shadow Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zed and his Shadows slash, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies.

    Each enemy champion hit by Zed's slash reduces Living Shadow's Cooldown by @ShadowHitCDR@ seconds.

    Enemies hit by a Shadow's slash are Slowed by @MoveSpeedMod*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit by multiple slashes take no additional damage but are Slowed by @MoveSpeedModBonus*-100@% instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @MoveSpeedMod*-100.000000@% -> @MoveSpeedModNL*-100.000000@%
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @MoveSpeedMod1Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod1*-100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod1Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod2Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod2*-100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod2Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod3Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod3*-100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod3Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod4Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod4*-100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod4Postfix@ / @MoveSpeedMod5Prefix@@MoveSpeedMod5*-100.000000@%@MoveSpeedMod5Postfix@ ]
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @MoveSpeedMod*-100.000000@% -> @MoveSpeedModNL*-100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Shadow Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zed and his Shadows slash, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies.

    Each enemy champion hit by Zed's slash reduces Living Shadow's Cooldown by @ShadowHitCDR@ seconds.

    Enemies hit by a Shadow's slash are Slowed by @MoveSpeedMod*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit by multiple slashes take no additional damage but are Slowed by @MoveSpeedModBonus*-100@% instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Shadow Slash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zed and his Shadows slash, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies.

    Each enemy champion hit by Zed's slash reduces Living Shadow's Cooldown by @ShadowHitCDR@ seconds.

    Enemies hit by a Shadow's slash are Slowed by @MoveSpeedMod*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit by multiple slashes take no additional damage but are Slowed by @MoveSpeedModBonus*-100@% instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZed and his shadows throw their shurikens.

    Each shuriken deals damage to every enemy hit.Razor Shuriken@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Razor Shuriken@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zed and his Shadows throw their shurikens, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy they pass through, and @PassThroughDamage@ physical damage to each additional enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Zed and his Shadows throw their shurikens, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy they pass through, and @PassThroughDamage@ physical damage to each additional enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Razor Shuriken@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zed and his Shadows throw their shurikens, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy they pass through, and @PassThroughDamage@ physical damage to each additional enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Razor Shuriken@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zed and his Shadows throw their shurikens, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy they pass through, and @PassThroughDamage@ physical damage to each additional enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Razor Shuriken@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zed and his Shadows throw their shurikens, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy they pass through, and @PassThroughDamage@ physical damage to each additional enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Razor Shuriken@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zed and his shadows throw their shurikens.

    Each shuriken deals damage to every enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [@Hotkey@] Razor Shuriken@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zed and his Shadows throw their shurikens, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy they pass through, and @PassThroughDamage@ physical damage to each additional enemy.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoZed becomes untargetable and dashes to an enemy champion, marking them. After 3 seconds the mark triggers, repeating a portion of all the damage Zed dealt to the target while they were marked.Death MarkDeath Mark@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Death Mark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostZed becomes Untargetable and dashes to an enemy champion, marking them. After @RDeathMarkDuration@ seconds, the mark triggers, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage and repeating @RDamageAmp*100@% of all damage dealt to the target by Zed while the mark was active.

    The dash leaves a Shadow behind for @RShadowDurationDisplayed@ seconds. Zed can Recast this Ability to switch positions with this Shadow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Zed becomes Untargetable and dashes to an enemy champion, marking them. After @RDeathMarkDuration@ seconds, the mark triggers, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage and repeating @RDamageAmp*100@% of all damage dealt to the target by Zed while the mark was active.

    The dash leaves a Shadow behind for @RShadowDurationDisplayed@ seconds. Zed can Recast this Ability to switch positions with this Shadow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Death Mark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostZed becomes Untargetable and dashes to an enemy champion, marking them. After @RDeathMarkDuration@ seconds, the mark triggers, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage and repeating @RDamageAmp*100@% of all damage dealt to the target by Zed while the mark was active.

    The dash leaves a Shadow behind for @RShadowDurationDisplayed@ seconds. Zed can Recast this Ability to switch positions with this Shadow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The Shadow remains for an extra 1.5 seconds after the recast window ends.
    Mark Detonation Damage
    [ @RDamageAmp1Prefix@@RDamageAmp1*100.000000@%@RDamageAmp1Postfix@ / @RDamageAmp2Prefix@@RDamageAmp2*100.000000@%@RDamageAmp2Postfix@ / @RDamageAmp3Prefix@@RDamageAmp3*100.000000@%@RDamageAmp3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Death Mark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostZed becomes Untargetable and dashes to an enemy champion, marking them. After @RDeathMarkDuration@ seconds, the mark triggers, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage and repeating @RDamageAmp*100@% of all damage dealt to the target by Zed while the mark was active.

    The dash leaves a Shadow behind for @RShadowDurationDisplayed@ seconds. Zed can Recast this Ability to switch positions with this Shadow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMark Detonation Damage
    @RDamageAmp*100.000000@% -> @RDamageAmpNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Mark Detonation Damage
    [ @RDamageAmp1Prefix@@RDamageAmp1*100.000000@%@RDamageAmp1Postfix@ / @RDamageAmp2Prefix@@RDamageAmp2*100.000000@%@RDamageAmp2Postfix@ / @RDamageAmp3Prefix@@RDamageAmp3*100.000000@%@RDamageAmp3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    Mark Detonation Damage
    @RDamageAmp*100.000000@% -> @RDamageAmpNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Death Mark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostZed becomes Untargetable and dashes to an enemy champion, marking them. After @RDeathMarkDuration@ seconds, the mark triggers, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage and repeating @RDamageAmp*100@% of all damage dealt to the target by Zed while the mark was active.

    The dash leaves a Shadow behind for @RShadowDurationDisplayed@ seconds. Zed can Recast this Ability to switch positions with this Shadow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Death Mark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostZed becomes Untargetable and dashes to an enemy champion, marking them. After @RDeathMarkDuration@ seconds, the mark triggers, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage and repeating @RDamageAmp*100@% of all damage dealt to the target by Zed while the mark was active.

    The dash leaves a Shadow behind for @RShadowDurationDisplayed@ seconds. Zed can Recast this Ability to switch positions with this Shadow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoPassive: Zed gains energy whenever he and his shadows strike an enemy with the same ability. Energy can only be gained once per cast ability.

    Active: Zed's shadow dashes forward, remaining in place for a few seconds. Reactivating Living Shadow will cause Zed to switch positions with this shadow.Living ShadowLiving Shadow@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Living Shadow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Zed gains @Effect3Amount@ Energy whenever he and his Shadows strike an enemy with the same Ability.

    Active: Zed's Shadow dashes forward, remaining in place for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Recasting this Ability will cause Zed to switch positions with this Shadow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Zed gains @Effect3Amount@ Energy whenever he and his Shadows strike an enemy with the same Ability.

    Active: Zed's Shadow dashes forward, remaining in place for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Recasting this Ability will cause Zed to switch positions with this Shadow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Living Shadow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Zed gains @Effect3Amount@ Energy whenever he and his Shadows strike an enemy with the same Ability.

    Active: Zed's Shadow dashes forward, remaining in place for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Recasting this Ability will cause Zed to switch positions with this Shadow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Energy can only be gained once per Ability usage.Energy Return
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Living Shadow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Zed gains @Effect3Amount@ Energy whenever he and his Shadows strike an enemy with the same Ability.

    Active: Zed's Shadow dashes forward, remaining in place for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Recasting this Ability will cause Zed to switch positions with this Shadow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upEnergy Return
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Energy Return
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4@@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5@@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Energy Return
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Living Shadow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Zed gains @Effect3Amount@ Energy whenever he and his Shadows strike an enemy with the same Ability.

    Active: Zed's Shadow dashes forward, remaining in place for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Recasting this Ability will cause Zed to switch positions with this Shadow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Living Shadow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zed and his shadows slash through nearby enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Living Shadow@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Passive: Zed gains @Effect3Amount@ Energy whenever he and his Shadows strike an enemy with the same Ability.

    Active: Zed's Shadow dashes forward, remaining in place for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Recasting this Ability will cause Zed to switch positions with this Shadow.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZeri dashes a short distance and energizes her next 3 shots of Burst Fire, causing them to pierce through enemies. She will vault and grind over any terrain she touches.Spark SurgeSpark Surge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spark Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri dashes a short distance and vaults over any terrain she touches, greatly extending the dash range. Her next 3 shots of {{Spell_ZeriQ_Name}} pierce, dealing @PenDamagePercent*100@% damage to enemies after the first.

    Hitting an enemy champion with an Attack or Ability reduces this Ability's cooldown by @CDReductionPerHit@ seconds. Critical strikes reduce the cooldown 2 additional times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Zeri dashes a short distance and vaults over any terrain she touches, greatly extending the dash range. Her next 3 shots of {{Spell_ZeriQ_Name}} pierce, dealing @PenDamagePercent*100@% damage to enemies after the first.

    Hitting an enemy champion with an Attack or Ability reduces this Ability's cooldown by @CDReductionPerHit@ seconds. Critical strikes reduce the cooldown 2 additional times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spark Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri dashes a short distance and vaults over any terrain she touches, greatly extending the dash range. Her next 3 shots of {{Spell_ZeriQ_Name}} pierce, dealing @PenDamagePercent*100@% damage to enemies after the first.

    Hitting an enemy champion with an Attack or Ability reduces this Ability's cooldown by @CDReductionPerHit@ seconds. Critical strikes reduce the cooldown 2 additional times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Pierce damage can critically strike, but does not apply On-Hit effects. Uncharged Attacks do not reduce this ability's cooldown.Percentage Damage
    [ @PenDamagePercent1Prefix@@PenDamagePercent1*100.000000@%@PenDamagePercent1Postfix@ / @PenDamagePercent2Prefix@@PenDamagePercent2*100.000000@%@PenDamagePercent2Postfix@ / @PenDamagePercent3Prefix@@PenDamagePercent3*100.000000@%@PenDamagePercent3Postfix@ / @PenDamagePercent4Prefix@@PenDamagePercent4*100.000000@%@PenDamagePercent4Postfix@ / @PenDamagePercent5Prefix@@PenDamagePercent5*100.000000@%@PenDamagePercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Spark Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri dashes a short distance and vaults over any terrain she touches, greatly extending the dash range. Her next 3 shots of {{Spell_ZeriQ_Name}} pierce, dealing @PenDamagePercent*100@% damage to enemies after the first.

    Hitting an enemy champion with an Attack or Ability reduces this Ability's cooldown by @CDReductionPerHit@ seconds. Critical strikes reduce the cooldown 2 additional times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upPercentage Damage
    @PenDamagePercent*100.000000@% -> @PenDamagePercentNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Percentage Damage
    [ @PenDamagePercent1Prefix@@PenDamagePercent1*100.000000@%@PenDamagePercent1Postfix@ / @PenDamagePercent2Prefix@@PenDamagePercent2*100.000000@%@PenDamagePercent2Postfix@ / @PenDamagePercent3Prefix@@PenDamagePercent3*100.000000@%@PenDamagePercent3Postfix@ / @PenDamagePercent4Prefix@@PenDamagePercent4*100.000000@%@PenDamagePercent4Postfix@ / @PenDamagePercent5Prefix@@PenDamagePercent5*100.000000@%@PenDamagePercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Percentage Damage
    @PenDamagePercent*100.000000@% -> @PenDamagePercentNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Spark Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri dashes a short distance and vaults over any terrain she touches, greatly extending the dash range. Her next 3 shots of {{Spell_ZeriQ_Name}} pierce, dealing @PenDamagePercent*100@% damage to enemies after the first.

    Hitting an enemy champion with an Attack or Ability reduces this Ability's cooldown by @CDReductionPerHit@ seconds. Critical strikes reduce the cooldown 2 additional times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Spark Surge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri dashes a short distance and vaults over any terrain she touches, greatly extending the dash range. Her next 3 shots of {{Spell_ZeriQ_Name}} pierce, dealing @PenDamagePercent*100@% damage to enemies after the first.

    Hitting an enemy champion with an Attack or Ability reduces this Ability's cooldown by @CDReductionPerHit@ seconds. Critical strikes reduce the cooldown 2 additional times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZeri's Attacks are treated as Abilities and Burst Fire is treated as an Attack. Moving and casting Burst Fire stores up energy in Zeri's Sparkpack. When fully charged her next Attack will slow and deal bonus damage. Burst Fire shoots a burst of 7 rounds that deal attack damage to the first enemy hit.Burst FireBurst Fire@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Burst Fire@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Zeri's Attacks are treated as Abilities and can be charged up by moving and casting this ability. Uncharged Attacks consume a small amount of charge, deal @MinDamage@ magic damage and execute enemies below @PassiveExecuteThreshold@ Health. A fully charged Attack deals @PassiveMaxDamage@ + @PassiveMaxChargePercentHealth@ max Health magic damage and consumes all charge.

    Active: This Ability is treated as an Attack. Zeri fires a burst of @NumberOfMissiles@ rounds that deals @ActiveDamageThatCanCrit@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Zeri's Attacks are treated as Abilities and can be charged up by moving and casting this ability. Uncharged Attacks consume a small amount of charge, deal @MinDamage@ magic damage and execute enemies below @PassiveExecuteThreshold@ Health. A fully charged Attack deals @PassiveMaxDamage@ + @PassiveMaxChargePercentHealth@ max Health magic damage and consumes all charge.

    Active: This Ability is treated as an Attack. Zeri fires a burst of @NumberOfMissiles@ rounds that deals @ActiveDamageThatCanCrit@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Burst Fire@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Zeri's Attacks are treated as Abilities and can be charged up by moving and casting this ability. Uncharged Attacks consume a small amount of charge, deal @MinDamage@ magic damage and execute enemies below @PassiveExecuteThreshold@ Health. A fully charged Attack deals @PassiveMaxDamage@ + @PassiveMaxChargePercentHealth@ max Health magic damage and consumes all charge.

    Active: This Ability is treated as an Attack. Zeri fires a burst of @NumberOfMissiles@ rounds that deals @ActiveDamageThatCanCrit@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive damage applies Ability effects and cannot crit or apply on-hit effects.

    Active damage can crit, apply on-hit effects once per target, and hit anything that an Attack can. The Cooldown and cast time scale down with Attack Speed (max @AttackSpeedCap@ attacks per second). @ExcessAttackSpeedToADMult*100@% of excess Attack Speed is converted into Attack Damage.
    Active Damage
    Total AD Ratio
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveADRatio1Prefix@@ActiveADRatio1*100.000000@%@ActiveADRatio1Postfix@ / @ActiveADRatio2Prefix@@ActiveADRatio2*100.000000@%@ActiveADRatio2Postfix@ / @ActiveADRatio3Prefix@@ActiveADRatio3*100.000000@%@ActiveADRatio3Postfix@ / @ActiveADRatio4Prefix@@ActiveADRatio4*100.000000@%@ActiveADRatio4Postfix@ / @ActiveADRatio5Prefix@@ActiveADRatio5*100.000000@%@ActiveADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Burst Fire@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Zeri's Attacks are treated as Abilities and can be charged up by moving and casting this ability. Uncharged Attacks consume a small amount of charge, deal @MinDamage@ magic damage and execute enemies below @PassiveExecuteThreshold@ Health. A fully charged Attack deals @PassiveMaxDamage@ + @PassiveMaxChargePercentHealth@ max Health magic damage and consumes all charge.

    Active: This Ability is treated as an Attack. Zeri fires a burst of @NumberOfMissiles@ rounds that deals @ActiveDamageThatCanCrit@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upActive Damage
    Total AD Ratio
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ActiveADRatio*100.000000@% -> @ActiveADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    Active Damage
    Total AD Ratio
    [ @BaseDamage1Prefix@@BaseDamage1@@BaseDamage1Postfix@ / @BaseDamage2Prefix@@BaseDamage2@@BaseDamage2Postfix@ / @BaseDamage3Prefix@@BaseDamage3@@BaseDamage3Postfix@ / @BaseDamage4Prefix@@BaseDamage4@@BaseDamage4Postfix@ / @BaseDamage5Prefix@@BaseDamage5@@BaseDamage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @ActiveADRatio1Prefix@@ActiveADRatio1*100.000000@%@ActiveADRatio1Postfix@ / @ActiveADRatio2Prefix@@ActiveADRatio2*100.000000@%@ActiveADRatio2Postfix@ / @ActiveADRatio3Prefix@@ActiveADRatio3*100.000000@%@ActiveADRatio3Postfix@ / @ActiveADRatio4Prefix@@ActiveADRatio4*100.000000@%@ActiveADRatio4Postfix@ / @ActiveADRatio5Prefix@@ActiveADRatio5*100.000000@%@ActiveADRatio5Postfix@ ]
    Active Damage
    Total AD Ratio
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @ActiveADRatio*100.000000@% -> @ActiveADRatioNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Burst Fire@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Zeri's Attacks are treated as Abilities and can be charged up by moving and casting this ability. Uncharged Attacks consume a small amount of charge, deal @MinDamage@ magic damage and execute enemies below @PassiveExecuteThreshold@ Health. A fully charged Attack deals @PassiveMaxDamage@ + @PassiveMaxChargePercentHealth@ max Health magic damage and consumes all charge.

    Active: This Ability is treated as an Attack. Zeri fires a burst of @NumberOfMissiles@ rounds that deals @ActiveDamageThatCanCrit@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Burst Fire@f1@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Zeri's Attacks are treated as Abilities and can be charged up by moving and casting this ability. Uncharged Attacks consume a small amount of charge, deal @MinDamage@ magic damage and execute enemies below @PassiveExecuteThreshold@ Health. A fully charged Attack deals @PassiveMaxDamage@ + @PassiveMaxChargePercentHealth@ max Health magic damage and consumes all charge.

    Active: This Ability is treated as an Attack. Zeri fires a burst of @NumberOfMissiles@ rounds that deals @ActiveDamageThatCanCrit@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZeri discharges a nova of electricity and overcharges herself, gaining increased damage and stacking Move Speed that refreshes and gets stronger every time she hits an enemy champion. While overcharged, Burst fire becomes a faster triple shot that chains lightning between enemies.Lightning Crash@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lightning Crash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri discharges a nova of electricity, dealing @TotalActiveDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and gaining @StacksPerHit@ stacks of Overcharge for each champion hit for @RDuration@ seconds. Each stack grants @MSPercent*100@% Move Speed. Hitting an enemy champion with an Attack or Ability adds a stack of Overcharge and refreshes its duration by @DurationIncreasePerHit@ seconds. Critical strikes add 2 additional stacks.

    While Overcharged Zeri also gains @BaseASPercent*100@% Attack Speed and {{Spell_ZeriQ_Name}} becomes a faster triple shot that deals an additional @TotalBonusDamage@ magic damage and chains @TotalBonusDamage@ magic damage + @ChainPhysicalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies.
    Zeri discharges a nova of electricity, dealing @TotalActiveDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and gaining @StacksPerHit@ stacks of Overcharge for each champion hit for @RDuration@ seconds. Each stack grants @MSPercent*100@% Move Speed. Hitting an enemy champion with an Attack or Ability adds a stack of Overcharge and refreshes its duration by @DurationIncreasePerHit@ seconds. Critical strikes add 2 additional stacks.

    While Overcharged Zeri also gains @BaseASPercent*100@% Attack Speed and {{Spell_ZeriQ_Name}} becomes a faster triple shot that deals an additional @TotalBonusDamage@ magic damage and chains @TotalBonusDamage@ magic damage + @ChainPhysicalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies.
    @SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Lightning Crash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri discharges a nova of electricity, dealing @TotalActiveDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and gaining @StacksPerHit@ stacks of Overcharge for each champion hit for @RDuration@ seconds. Each stack grants @MSPercent*100@% Move Speed. Hitting an enemy champion with an Attack or Ability adds a stack of Overcharge and refreshes its duration by @DurationIncreasePerHit@ seconds. Critical strikes add 2 additional stacks.

    While Overcharged Zeri also gains @BaseASPercent*100@% Attack Speed and {{Spell_ZeriQ_Name}} becomes a faster triple shot that deals an additional @TotalBonusDamage@ magic damage and chains @TotalBonusDamage@ magic damage + @ChainPhysicalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies.
    The Attack Speed also increases Zeri's max Attack Speed. The chain lightning can critically strike but does not apply On-Hit effects. Uncharged Attacks do not stack or refresh Overcharge.Damage
    On-Hit Damage
    [ @ActiveDamage1Prefix@@ActiveDamage1@@ActiveDamage1Postfix@ / @ActiveDamage2Prefix@@ActiveDamage2@@ActiveDamage2Postfix@ / @ActiveDamage3Prefix@@ActiveDamage3@@ActiveDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusMagicDamage1Prefix@@BonusMagicDamage1@@BonusMagicDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusMagicDamage2Prefix@@BonusMagicDamage2@@BonusMagicDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusMagicDamage3Prefix@@BonusMagicDamage3@@BonusMagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Lightning Crash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri discharges a nova of electricity, dealing @TotalActiveDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and gaining @StacksPerHit@ stacks of Overcharge for each champion hit for @RDuration@ seconds. Each stack grants @MSPercent*100@% Move Speed. Hitting an enemy champion with an Attack or Ability adds a stack of Overcharge and refreshes its duration by @DurationIncreasePerHit@ seconds. Critical strikes add 2 additional stacks.

    While Overcharged Zeri also gains @BaseASPercent*100@% Attack Speed and {{Spell_ZeriQ_Name}} becomes a faster triple shot that deals an additional @TotalBonusDamage@ magic damage and chains @TotalBonusDamage@ magic damage + @ChainPhysicalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    On-Hit Damage
    @ActiveDamage@ -> @ActiveDamageNL@
    @BonusMagicDamage@ -> @BonusMagicDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    On-Hit Damage
    [ @ActiveDamage1Prefix@@ActiveDamage1@@ActiveDamage1Postfix@ / @ActiveDamage2Prefix@@ActiveDamage2@@ActiveDamage2Postfix@ / @ActiveDamage3Prefix@@ActiveDamage3@@ActiveDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @BonusMagicDamage1Prefix@@BonusMagicDamage1@@BonusMagicDamage1Postfix@ / @BonusMagicDamage2Prefix@@BonusMagicDamage2@@BonusMagicDamage2Postfix@ / @BonusMagicDamage3Prefix@@BonusMagicDamage3@@BonusMagicDamage3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    On-Hit Damage
    @ActiveDamage@ -> @ActiveDamageNL@
    @BonusMagicDamage@ -> @BonusMagicDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Lightning Crash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri discharges a nova of electricity, dealing @TotalActiveDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and gaining @StacksPerHit@ stacks of Overcharge for each champion hit for @RDuration@ seconds. Each stack grants @MSPercent*100@% Move Speed. Hitting an enemy champion with an Attack or Ability adds a stack of Overcharge and refreshes its duration by @DurationIncreasePerHit@ seconds. Critical strikes add 2 additional stacks.

    While Overcharged Zeri also gains @BaseASPercent*100@% Attack Speed and {{Spell_ZeriQ_Name}} becomes a faster triple shot that deals an additional @TotalBonusDamage@ magic damage and chains @TotalBonusDamage@ magic damage + @ChainPhysicalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies.
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Lightning Crash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri discharges a nova of electricity, dealing @TotalActiveDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and gaining @StacksPerHit@ stacks of Overcharge for each champion hit for @RDuration@ seconds. Each stack grants @MSPercent*100@% Move Speed. Hitting an enemy champion with an Attack or Ability adds a stack of Overcharge and refreshes its duration by @DurationIncreasePerHit@ seconds. Critical strikes add 2 additional stacks.

    While Overcharged Zeri also gains @BaseASPercent*100@% Attack Speed and {{Spell_ZeriQ_Name}} becomes a faster triple shot that deals an additional @TotalBonusDamage@ magic damage and chains @TotalBonusDamage@ magic damage + @ChainPhysicalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies.

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZeri fires an electric pulse that slows and damages the first enemy hit. If the pulse hits a wall it expands into a long range laser.Ultrashock LaserUltrashock Laser@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ultrashock Laser@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri fires an electric pulse that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows the first enemy hit by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the pulse hits terrain, it expands into a laser that applies the effects in an area and Critically Strikes champions and monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Zeri fires an electric pulse that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows the first enemy hit by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the pulse hits terrain, it expands into a laser that applies the effects in an area and Critically Strikes champions and monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Ultrashock Laser@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri fires an electric pulse that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows the first enemy hit by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the pulse hits terrain, it expands into a laser that applies the effects in an area and Critically Strikes champions and monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    This Ability's cast time scales down with Attack Speed.Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowPercent1Prefix@@SlowPercent1*100.000000@%@SlowPercent1Postfix@ / @SlowPercent2Prefix@@SlowPercent2*100.000000@%@SlowPercent2Postfix@ / @SlowPercent3Prefix@@SlowPercent3*100.000000@%@SlowPercent3Postfix@ / @SlowPercent4Prefix@@SlowPercent4*100.000000@%@SlowPercent4Postfix@ / @SlowPercent5Prefix@@SlowPercent5*100.000000@%@SlowPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Ultrashock Laser@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri fires an electric pulse that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows the first enemy hit by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the pulse hits terrain, it expands into a laser that applies the effects in an area and Critically Strikes champions and monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @SlowPercent*100.000000@% -> @SlowPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Damage1Prefix@@Damage1@@Damage1Postfix@ / @Damage2Prefix@@Damage2@@Damage2Postfix@ / @Damage3Prefix@@Damage3@@Damage3Postfix@ / @Damage4Prefix@@Damage4@@Damage4Postfix@ / @Damage5Prefix@@Damage5@@Damage5Postfix@ ]
    [ @SlowPercent1Prefix@@SlowPercent1*100.000000@%@SlowPercent1Postfix@ / @SlowPercent2Prefix@@SlowPercent2*100.000000@%@SlowPercent2Postfix@ / @SlowPercent3Prefix@@SlowPercent3*100.000000@%@SlowPercent3Postfix@ / @SlowPercent4Prefix@@SlowPercent4*100.000000@%@SlowPercent4Postfix@ / @SlowPercent5Prefix@@SlowPercent5*100.000000@%@SlowPercent5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @SlowPercent*100.000000@% -> @SlowPercentNL*100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Ultrashock Laser@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri fires an electric pulse that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows the first enemy hit by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the pulse hits terrain, it expands into a laser that applies the effects in an area and Critically Strikes champions and monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Ultrashock Laser@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zeri fires an electric pulse that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows the first enemy hit by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the pulse hits terrain, it expands into a laser that applies the effects in an area and Critically Strikes champions and monsters.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZiggs scatters proximity mines that detonate on enemy contact, dealing magic damage and slowing. Successive mine detonations on the same target deal reduced damage.Hexplosive MinefieldHexplosive Minefield@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hexplosive Minefield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs scatters proximity mines that detonate on enemy contact, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Mines last @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ziggs scatters proximity mines that detonate on enemy contact, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Mines last @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Hexplosive Minefield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs scatters proximity mines that detonate on enemy contact, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Mines last @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Mines beyond the first deal @ReducedDamage@ damage.Mine Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Hexplosive Minefield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs scatters proximity mines that detonate on enemy contact, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Mines last @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMine Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*-100.000000@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Mine Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*-100.000000@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Mine Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*-100.000000@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*-100.000000@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Hexplosive Minefield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs scatters proximity mines that detonate on enemy contact, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Mines last @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Hexplosive Minefield@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs scatters proximity mines that detonate on enemy contact, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Mines last @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoZiggs throws a bouncing bomb that deals magic damage.Bouncing BombBouncing Bomb@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bouncing Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs throws a bouncing bomb that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Ziggs throws a bouncing bomb that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Bouncing Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs throws a bouncing bomb that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Bouncing Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs throws a bouncing bomb that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Bouncing Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs throws a bouncing bomb that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Bouncing Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs throws a bouncing bomb that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoZiggs flings an explosive charge that detonates after 4 seconds, or when this ability is activated again. The explosion deals magic damage to enemies, knocking them away. Ziggs is also knocked away, but takes no damage. Ziggs can use the Satchel to hexplode vulnerable enemy turrets.Satchel ChargeSatchel Charge@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Satchel Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs flings an explosive charge that detonates after @Effect2Amount@ seconds, or when this ability is Recast. It deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies and Knocks them Back. Ziggs is also knocked away, but takes no damage.

    Satchel Charge will automatically destroy towers below @f1*100@% of their Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Ziggs flings an explosive charge that detonates after @Effect2Amount@ seconds, or when this ability is Recast. It deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies and Knocks them Back. Ziggs is also knocked away, but takes no damage.

    Satchel Charge will automatically destroy towers below @f1*100@% of their Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Satchel Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs flings an explosive charge that detonates after @Effect2Amount@ seconds, or when this ability is Recast. It deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies and Knocks them Back. Ziggs is also knocked away, but takes no damage.

    Satchel Charge will automatically destroy towers below @f1*100@% of their Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Tower Destruction Threshold
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Satchel Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs flings an explosive charge that detonates after @Effect2Amount@ seconds, or when this ability is Recast. It deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies and Knocks them Back. Ziggs is also knocked away, but takes no damage.

    Satchel Charge will automatically destroy towers below @f1*100@% of their Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Tower Destruction Threshold
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect3Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100.000000@%
    Tower Destruction Threshold
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount4Prefix@@Effect3Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount5Prefix@@Effect3Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect3Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Tower Destruction Threshold
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect3Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100.000000@%
    [@Hotkey@] Satchel Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs flings an explosive charge that detonates after @Effect2Amount@ seconds, or when this ability is Recast. It deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies and Knocks them Back. Ziggs is also knocked away, but takes no damage.

    Satchel Charge will automatically destroy towers below @f1*100@% of their Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Satchel Charge@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Ziggs flings an explosive charge that detonates after @Effect2Amount@ seconds, or when this ability is Recast. It deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies and Knocks them Back. Ziggs is also knocked away, but takes no damage.

    Satchel Charge will automatically destroy towers below @f1*100@% of their Health.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTime in a BottleTime in a Bottle@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Time in a Bottle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Time in a Bottle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Time in a Bottle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Time in a Bottle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Time in a Bottle@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoTosses a bomb to target area that sticks to units that come near it (prioritizes Champions). It detonates after 3 seconds, dealing area of effect damage. If a Time Bomb is detonated early by another Time Bomb, it also stuns enemies.Time Bomb@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Time Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean tosses a time-delayed bomb that sticks to the first unit which comes within a small area around it. After @Effect2Amount@ seconds it detonates, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Placing a second bomb on a unit that already has one detonates the first bomb immediately and Stuns enemies in the blast for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Zilean tosses a time-delayed bomb that sticks to the first unit which comes within a small area around it. After @Effect2Amount@ seconds it detonates, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Placing a second bomb on a unit that already has one detonates the first bomb immediately and Stuns enemies in the blast for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Time Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean tosses a time-delayed bomb that sticks to the first unit which comes within a small area around it. After @Effect2Amount@ seconds it detonates, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Placing a second bomb on a unit that already has one detonates the first bomb immediately and Stuns enemies in the blast for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    The bomb will prioritize attaching to champions and units that already have a bomb.Cooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Stun Duration
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Time Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean tosses a time-delayed bomb that sticks to the first unit which comes within a small area around it. After @Effect2Amount@ seconds it detonates, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Placing a second bomb on a unit that already has one detonates the first bomb immediately and Stuns enemies in the blast for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Stun Duration
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Stun Duration
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect4Amount1Prefix@@Effect4Amount1@@Effect4Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount2Prefix@@Effect4Amount2@@Effect4Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount3Prefix@@Effect4Amount3@@Effect4Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount4Prefix@@Effect4Amount4@@Effect4Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect4Amount5Prefix@@Effect4Amount5@@Effect4Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Stun Duration
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Time Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean tosses a time-delayed bomb that sticks to the first unit which comes within a small area around it. After @Effect2Amount@ seconds it detonates, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Placing a second bomb on a unit that already has one detonates the first bomb immediately and Stuns enemies in the blast for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Time Bomb@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zilean tosses a time-delayed bomb that sticks to the first unit which comes within a small area around it. After @Effect2Amount@ seconds it detonates, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Placing a second bomb on a unit that already has one detonates the first bomb immediately and Stuns enemies in the blast for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZilean can prepare himself for future confrontations, reducing the cooldowns of his other basic abilities.RewindRewind@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rewind@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Effect3Amount@ ManaZilean turns time, reducing his other basic Ability Cooldowns by @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Zilean turns time, reducing his other basic Ability Cooldowns by @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rewind@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Effect3Amount@ ManaZilean turns time, reducing his other basic Ability Cooldowns by @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Cooldown[ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Rewind@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Effect3Amount@ ManaZilean turns time, reducing his other basic Ability Cooldowns by @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@[@Hotkey@] Rewind@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Effect3Amount@ ManaZilean turns time, reducing his other basic Ability Cooldowns by @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Rewind@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Effect3Amount@ ManaZilean turns time, reducing his other basic Ability Cooldowns by @Effect2Amount@ seconds.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoCauses the target to become drowsy, then fall asleep. The first source of damage that breaks the sleep is doubled, up to a cap.Sleepy Trouble BubbleSleepy Trouble Bubble@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sleepy Trouble Bubble@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe dropkicks a bubble that deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage, lingering as a trap if it hits nothing. The bubble's range is extended when flying over terrain.

    After a delay, the victim falls Asleep for 2 seconds. Attacks and Ability hits wake them up but deal double damage, up to @BreakDamageTooltip@ true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Zoe dropkicks a bubble that deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage, lingering as a trap if it hits nothing. The bubble's range is extended when flying over terrain.

    After a delay, the victim falls Asleep for 2 seconds. Attacks and Ability hits wake them up but deal double damage, up to @BreakDamageTooltip@ true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Sleepy Trouble Bubble@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe dropkicks a bubble that deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage, lingering as a trap if it hits nothing. The bubble's range is extended when flying over terrain.

    After a delay, the victim falls Asleep for 2 seconds. Attacks and Ability hits wake them up but deal double damage, up to @BreakDamageTooltip@ true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Before the target falls Asleep, they are Drowsy, becoming increasingly Slowed (up to @Effect5Amount*100@%).Damage
    Bonus Damage Cap
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Sleepy Trouble Bubble@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe dropkicks a bubble that deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage, lingering as a trap if it hits nothing. The bubble's range is extended when flying over terrain.

    After a delay, the victim falls Asleep for 2 seconds. Attacks and Ability hits wake them up but deal double damage, up to @BreakDamageTooltip@ true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Bonus Damage Cap
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Bonus Damage Cap
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect6Amount1Prefix@@Effect6Amount1@@Effect6Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount2Prefix@@Effect6Amount2@@Effect6Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount3Prefix@@Effect6Amount3@@Effect6Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount4Prefix@@Effect6Amount4@@Effect6Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect6Amount5Prefix@@Effect6Amount5@@Effect6Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Bonus Damage Cap
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Sleepy Trouble Bubble@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe dropkicks a bubble that deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage, lingering as a trap if it hits nothing. The bubble's range is extended when flying over terrain.

    After a delay, the victim falls Asleep for 2 seconds. Attacks and Ability hits wake them up but deal double damage, up to @BreakDamageTooltip@ true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Sleepy Trouble Bubble@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe dropkicks a bubble that deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage, lingering as a trap if it hits nothing. The bubble's range is extended when flying over terrain.

    After a delay, the victim falls Asleep for 2 seconds. Attacks and Ability hits wake them up but deal double damage, up to @BreakDamageTooltip@ true damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZoe fires a missile that she can redirect in flight. Deals more damage the longer it flies in a straight line.Paddle Star!Paddle Star!@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Paddle Star!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe fires a star that deals increasing damage the further it travels to the first enemy hit -- between @TotalDamageTooltip@ to @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage. Enemies surrounding the target take @Effect4Amount@% damage.

    Zoe can Recast this Ability to redirect the missile to a new position near Zoe.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Zoe fires a star that deals increasing damage the further it travels to the first enemy hit -- between @TotalDamageTooltip@ to @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage. Enemies surrounding the target take @Effect4Amount@% damage.

    Zoe can Recast this Ability to redirect the missile to a new position near Zoe.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Paddle Star!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe fires a star that deals increasing damage the further it travels to the first enemy hit -- between @TotalDamageTooltip@ to @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage. Enemies surrounding the target take @Effect4Amount@% damage.

    Zoe can Recast this Ability to redirect the missile to a new position near Zoe.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Base Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Paddle Star!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe fires a star that deals increasing damage the further it travels to the first enemy hit -- between @TotalDamageTooltip@ to @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage. Enemies surrounding the target take @Effect4Amount@% damage.

    Zoe can Recast this Ability to redirect the missile to a new position near Zoe.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upBase Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Base Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    Base Damage
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Paddle Star!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe fires a star that deals increasing damage the further it travels to the first enemy hit -- between @TotalDamageTooltip@ to @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage. Enemies surrounding the target take @Effect4Amount@% damage.

    Zoe can Recast this Ability to redirect the missile to a new position near Zoe.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Paddle Star!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zoe fires a star that deals increasing damage the further it travels to the first enemy hit -- between @TotalDamageTooltip@ to @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage. Enemies surrounding the target take @Effect4Amount@% damage.

    Zoe can Recast this Ability to redirect the missile to a new position near Zoe.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZoe can pick up the remnants of enemy summoner spell and active item casts and cast them once herself. Whenever she casts a summoner spell, she gains 3 missiles that fire at the nearest target.Spell Thief@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spell Thief@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Enemies drop spell shards when casting a Summoner Spell or using an Active Item. Specific minions also drop a spell shard when Zoe or a nearby ally kills them. Zoe can pick up this shard to cast that ability once.

    Passive: When Zoe casts this Ability or any Summoner Spell, she gains @Effect9Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect10Amount@ seconds and tosses 3 missiles at the target she Attacked most recently. These missiles deal @MissileDamageTooltip@ magic damage each.

    Active: Cast the Ability from a spell shard Zoe has picked up.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Passive: Enemies drop spell shards when casting a Summoner Spell or using an Active Item. Specific minions also drop a spell shard when Zoe or a nearby ally kills them. Zoe can pick up this shard to cast that ability once.

    Passive: When Zoe casts this Ability or any Summoner Spell, she gains @Effect9Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect10Amount@ seconds and tosses 3 missiles at the target she Attacked most recently. These missiles deal @MissileDamageTooltip@ magic damage each.

    Active: Cast the Ability from a spell shard Zoe has picked up.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Spell Thief@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Enemies drop spell shards when casting a Summoner Spell or using an Active Item. Specific minions also drop a spell shard when Zoe or a nearby ally kills them. Zoe can pick up this shard to cast that ability once.

    Passive: When Zoe casts this Ability or any Summoner Spell, she gains @Effect9Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect10Amount@ seconds and tosses 3 missiles at the target she Attacked most recently. These missiles deal @MissileDamageTooltip@ magic damage each.

    Active: Cast the Ability from a spell shard Zoe has picked up.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Spell shards last on the ground for 40 seconds.
    Each missile can apply More Sparkles!
    Move Speed
    Speed Duration
    [ @Effect8Amount1Prefix@@Effect8Amount1@@Effect8Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount2Prefix@@Effect8Amount2@@Effect8Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount3Prefix@@Effect8Amount3@@Effect8Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount4Prefix@@Effect8Amount4@@Effect8Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount5Prefix@@Effect8Amount5@@Effect8Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect9Amount1Prefix@@Effect9Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount2Prefix@@Effect9Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount3Prefix@@Effect9Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount4Prefix@@Effect9Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount5Prefix@@Effect9Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect10Amount1Prefix@@Effect10Amount1@@Effect10Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount2Prefix@@Effect10Amount2@@Effect10Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount3Prefix@@Effect10Amount3@@Effect10Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount4Prefix@@Effect10Amount4@@Effect10Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount5Prefix@@Effect10Amount5@@Effect10Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Spell Thief@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Enemies drop spell shards when casting a Summoner Spell or using an Active Item. Specific minions also drop a spell shard when Zoe or a nearby ally kills them. Zoe can pick up this shard to cast that ability once.

    Passive: When Zoe casts this Ability or any Summoner Spell, she gains @Effect9Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect10Amount@ seconds and tosses 3 missiles at the target she Attacked most recently. These missiles deal @MissileDamageTooltip@ magic damage each.

    Active: Cast the Ability from a spell shard Zoe has picked up.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upDamage
    Move Speed
    Speed Duration
    @Effect8Amount@ -> @Effect8AmountNL@
    @Effect9Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect9AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect10Amount@ -> @Effect10AmountNL@
    Move Speed
    Speed Duration
    [ @Effect8Amount1Prefix@@Effect8Amount1@@Effect8Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount2Prefix@@Effect8Amount2@@Effect8Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount3Prefix@@Effect8Amount3@@Effect8Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount4Prefix@@Effect8Amount4@@Effect8Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect8Amount5Prefix@@Effect8Amount5@@Effect8Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect9Amount1Prefix@@Effect9Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount2Prefix@@Effect9Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount3Prefix@@Effect9Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount4Prefix@@Effect9Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect9Amount5Prefix@@Effect9Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect9Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect10Amount1Prefix@@Effect10Amount1@@Effect10Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount2Prefix@@Effect10Amount2@@Effect10Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount3Prefix@@Effect10Amount3@@Effect10Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount4Prefix@@Effect10Amount4@@Effect10Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect10Amount5Prefix@@Effect10Amount5@@Effect10Amount5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    Speed Duration
    @Effect8Amount@ -> @Effect8AmountNL@
    @Effect9Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect9AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect10Amount@ -> @Effect10AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Spell Thief@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Enemies drop spell shards when casting a Summoner Spell or using an Active Item. Specific minions also drop a spell shard when Zoe or a nearby ally kills them. Zoe can pick up this shard to cast that ability once.

    Passive: When Zoe casts this Ability or any Summoner Spell, she gains @Effect9Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect10Amount@ seconds and tosses 3 missiles at the target she Attacked most recently. These missiles deal @MissileDamageTooltip@ magic damage each.

    Active: Cast the Ability from a spell shard Zoe has picked up.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Spell Thief@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Enemies drop spell shards when casting a Summoner Spell or using an Active Item. Specific minions also drop a spell shard when Zoe or a nearby ally kills them. Zoe can pick up this shard to cast that ability once.

    Passive: When Zoe casts this Ability or any Summoner Spell, she gains @Effect9Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect10Amount@ seconds and tosses 3 missiles at the target she Attacked most recently. These missiles deal @MissileDamageTooltip@ magic damage each.

    Active: Cast the Ability from a spell shard Zoe has picked up.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoVine Lashers are grown from Zyra's Seeds by her Grasping Roots spell. They engage her enemies with a slowing whip attack.Vine LasherVine Lasher@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Vine Lasher@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vine Lashers are grown from Zyra's Seeds by her Grasping Roots spell. They engage her enemies with a slowing whip attack.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Vine Lashers are grown from Zyra's Seeds by her Grasping Roots spell. They engage her enemies with a slowing whip attack.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Vine Lasher@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vine Lashers are grown from Zyra's Seeds by her Grasping Roots spell. They engage her enemies with a slowing whip attack.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Vine Lasher@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vine Lashers are grown from Zyra's Seeds by her Grasping Roots spell. They engage her enemies with a slowing whip attack.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Vine Lasher@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vine Lashers are grown from Zyra's Seeds by her Grasping Roots spell. They engage her enemies with a slowing whip attack.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Vine Lasher@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Vine Lashers are grown from Zyra's Seeds by her Grasping Roots spell. They engage her enemies with a slowing whip attack.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoZyra sends forth vines through the ground to ensnare her target, dealing damage and rooting enemies they come across. If cast near a seed, Grasping Roots grows a Vine Lasher, whose short range attacks reduce enemy Move Speed.Grasping RootsGrasping Roots@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Grasping Roots@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra sends vines forward, Rooting for @Effect5Amount@ second(s) and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    If this Ability passes near a Seed, the Seed grows into a Vine Lasher that deals @spell.ZyraP:PlantDamage@ magic damage and lasts @f2@ seconds. Vine Lashers have 400 range, and their Attacks Slow by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The Slow from multiple Vine Lashers stacks up to @MaxSlowStacks@ times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Zyra sends vines forward, Rooting for @Effect5Amount@ second(s) and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    If this Ability passes near a Seed, the Seed grows into a Vine Lasher that deals @spell.ZyraP:PlantDamage@ magic damage and lasts @f2@ seconds. Vine Lashers have 400 range, and their Attacks Slow by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The Slow from multiple Vine Lashers stacks up to @MaxSlowStacks@ times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Grasping Roots@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra sends vines forward, Rooting for @Effect5Amount@ second(s) and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    If this Ability passes near a Seed, the Seed grows into a Vine Lasher that deals @spell.ZyraP:PlantDamage@ magic damage and lasts @f2@ seconds. Vine Lashers have 400 range, and their Attacks Slow by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The Slow from multiple Vine Lashers stacks up to @MaxSlowStacks@ times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Root Duration
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Grasping Roots@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra sends vines forward, Rooting for @Effect5Amount@ second(s) and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    If this Ability passes near a Seed, the Seed grows into a Vine Lasher that deals @spell.ZyraP:PlantDamage@ magic damage and lasts @f2@ seconds. Vine Lashers have 400 range, and their Attacks Slow by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The Slow from multiple Vine Lashers stacks up to @MaxSlowStacks@ times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Root Duration
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Root Duration
    [ @Cost1Prefix@@Cost1@@Cost1Postfix@ / @Cost2Prefix@@Cost2@@Cost2Postfix@ / @Cost3Prefix@@Cost3@@Cost3Postfix@ / @Cost4Prefix@@Cost4@@Cost4Postfix@ / @Cost5Prefix@@Cost5@@Cost5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect5Amount1Prefix@@Effect5Amount1@@Effect5Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount2Prefix@@Effect5Amount2@@Effect5Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount3Prefix@@Effect5Amount3@@Effect5Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount4Prefix@@Effect5Amount4@@Effect5Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect5Amount5Prefix@@Effect5Amount5@@Effect5Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    @AbilityResourceName@ Cost
    Root Duration
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Grasping Roots@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra sends vines forward, Rooting for @Effect5Amount@ second(s) and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    If this Ability passes near a Seed, the Seed grows into a Vine Lasher that deals @spell.ZyraP:PlantDamage@ magic damage and lasts @f2@ seconds. Vine Lashers have 400 range, and their Attacks Slow by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The Slow from multiple Vine Lashers stacks up to @MaxSlowStacks@ times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Grasping Roots@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra sends vines forward, Rooting for @Effect5Amount@ second(s) and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    If this Ability passes near a Seed, the Seed grows into a Vine Lasher that deals @spell.ZyraP:PlantDamage@ magic damage and lasts @f2@ seconds. Vine Lashers have 400 range, and their Attacks Slow by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The Slow from multiple Vine Lashers stacks up to @MaxSlowStacks@ times.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoThorn Spitters are grown from Zyra's seeds by her Deadly Spines spell. They shoot little `friendliness pellets` at her enemies.Thorn SpittersThorn Spitters@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Thorn Spitters@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thorn Spitters are grown from Zyra's seeds by her Deadly Spines spell. They shoot little `friendliness pellets` at her enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Thorn Spitters are grown from Zyra's seeds by her Deadly Spines spell. They shoot little `friendliness pellets` at her enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Thorn Spitters@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thorn Spitters are grown from Zyra's seeds by her Deadly Spines spell. They shoot little `friendliness pellets` at her enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@[@Hotkey@] Thorn Spitters@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thorn Spitters are grown from Zyra's seeds by her Deadly Spines spell. They shoot little `friendliness pellets` at her enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@[@Hotkey@] Thorn Spitters@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thorn Spitters are grown from Zyra's seeds by her Deadly Spines spell. They shoot little `friendliness pellets` at her enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Thorn Spitters@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Thorn Spitters are grown from Zyra's seeds by her Deadly Spines spell. They shoot little `friendliness pellets` at her enemies.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoThick vines spread through the ground and explode into spines, dealing magic damage to enemies within the area. If cast near a seed, Deadly Spines grows a Thorn Spitter plant, which fires at enemies from afar.Deadly SpinesDeadly Spines@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Deadly Spines@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra causes thick vines to spread and explode into spines, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage.

    If this Ability is cast near a Seed, the Seed grows into a Thorn Spitter that deals @spell.ZyraP:PlantDamage@ magic damage and lasts @f2@ seconds. Thorn Spitters have 575 range.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Zyra causes thick vines to spread and explode into spines, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage.

    If this Ability is cast near a Seed, the Seed grows into a Thorn Spitter that deals @spell.ZyraP:PlantDamage@ magic damage and lasts @f2@ seconds. Thorn Spitters have 575 range.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Deadly Spines@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra causes thick vines to spread and explode into spines, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage.

    If this Ability is cast near a Seed, the Seed grows into a Thorn Spitter that deals @spell.ZyraP:PlantDamage@ magic damage and lasts @f2@ seconds. Thorn Spitters have 575 range.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1@@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2@@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3@@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4@@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5@@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Deadly Spines@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra causes thick vines to spread and explode into spines, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage.

    If this Ability is cast near a Seed, the Seed grows into a Thorn Spitter that deals @spell.ZyraP:PlantDamage@ magic damage and lasts @f2@ seconds. Thorn Spitters have 575 range.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Deadly Spines@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra causes thick vines to spread and explode into spines, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage.

    If this Ability is cast near a Seed, the Seed grows into a Thorn Spitter that deals @spell.ZyraP:PlantDamage@ magic damage and lasts @f2@ seconds. Thorn Spitters have 575 range.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Deadly Spines@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra causes thick vines to spread and explode into spines, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage.

    If this Ability is cast near a Seed, the Seed grows into a Thorn Spitter that deals @spell.ZyraP:PlantDamage@ magic damage and lasts @f2@ seconds. Thorn Spitters have 575 range.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZyra summons a twisted thicket at her target location, dealing damage to enemies as it expands and knocking them airborne as it contracts. Plants within the thicket are enraged.StranglethornsStranglethorns@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Stranglethorns@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra summons the fury of nature, growing a twisted thicket that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. After 2 seconds, the vines snap upwards, Knocking Up for @Effect1Amount@ second.

    Zyra's plants within the thicket become enraged, resetting their duration, gaining @Effect2Amount*100@% Health and Attacking for @PlantDamageBonus@% bonus damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Zyra summons the fury of nature, growing a twisted thicket that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. After 2 seconds, the vines snap upwards, Knocking Up for @Effect1Amount@ second.

    Zyra's plants within the thicket become enraged, resetting their duration, gaining @Effect2Amount*100@% Health and Attacking for @PlantDamageBonus@% bonus damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Stranglethorns@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra summons the fury of nature, growing a twisted thicket that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. After 2 seconds, the vines snap upwards, Knocking Up for @Effect1Amount@ second.

    Zyra's plants within the thicket become enraged, resetting their duration, gaining @Effect2Amount*100@% Health and Attacking for @PlantDamageBonus@% bonus damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Stranglethorns@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra summons the fury of nature, growing a twisted thicket that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. After 2 seconds, the vines snap upwards, Knocking Up for @Effect1Amount@ second.

    Zyra's plants within the thicket become enraged, resetting their duration, gaining @Effect2Amount*100@% Health and Attacking for @PlantDamageBonus@% bonus damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upCooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect3Amount1Prefix@@Effect3Amount1@@Effect3Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount2Prefix@@Effect3Amount2@@Effect3Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect3Amount3Prefix@@Effect3Amount3@@Effect3Amount3Postfix@ ]
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Stranglethorns@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra summons the fury of nature, growing a twisted thicket that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. After 2 seconds, the vines snap upwards, Knocking Up for @Effect1Amount@ second.

    Zyra's plants within the thicket become enraged, resetting their duration, gaining @Effect2Amount*100@% Health and Attacking for @PlantDamageBonus@% bonus damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Stranglethorns@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Zyra summons the fury of nature, growing a twisted thicket that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. After 2 seconds, the vines snap upwards, Knocking Up for @Effect1Amount@ second.

    Zyra's plants within the thicket become enraged, resetting their duration, gaining @Effect2Amount*100@% Health and Attacking for @PlantDamageBonus@% bonus damage.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoZyra plants a seed, lasting up to 60 seconds. Deadly Spines and Grasping Roots cast near seeds will turn them into plants who fight for Zyra. Zyra can store multiple seeds at once, and killing enemies reduces Rampant Growth's recharge time.Rampant GrowthRampant Growth@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rampant GrowthNo Cooldown@SpellTags@1 SeedZyra plants a Seed that lasts @Effect6Amount@ seconds. These Seeds grant True Sight of enemy champions that step on them for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, but are still destroyed.

    This Ability has 2 charges with a @AmmoRechargeTime@ second recharge time. Killing an enemy reduces the recharge time by @Effect1Amount*100@%. Champion takedowns, large jungle monster kills, and large minion kills reduce the recharge time by @Effect2Amount*100@% instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Zyra plants a Seed that lasts @Effect6Amount@ seconds. These Seeds grant True Sight of enemy champions that step on them for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, but are still destroyed.

    This Ability has 2 charges with a @AmmoRechargeTime@ second recharge time. Killing an enemy reduces the recharge time by @Effect1Amount*100@%. Champion takedowns, large jungle monster kills, and large minion kills reduce the recharge time by @Effect2Amount*100@% instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Rampant GrowthNo Cooldown@SpellTags@1 SeedZyra plants a Seed that lasts @Effect6Amount@ seconds. These Seeds grant True Sight of enemy champions that step on them for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, but are still destroyed.

    This Ability has 2 charges with a @AmmoRechargeTime@ second recharge time. Killing an enemy reduces the recharge time by @Effect1Amount*100@%. Champion takedowns, large jungle monster kills, and large minion kills reduce the recharge time by @Effect2Amount*100@% instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Seed Recharge Rate[ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ][@Hotkey@] Rampant GrowthNo Cooldown@SpellTags@1 SeedZyra plants a Seed that lasts @Effect6Amount@ seconds. These Seeds grant True Sight of enemy champions that step on them for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, but are still destroyed.

    This Ability has 2 charges with a @AmmoRechargeTime@ second recharge time. Killing an enemy reduces the recharge time by @Effect1Amount*100@%. Champion takedowns, large jungle monster kills, and large minion kills reduce the recharge time by @Effect2Amount*100@% instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upSeed Recharge Rate@AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@Seed Recharge Rate[ @AmmoRechargeTime1Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime1@@AmmoRechargeTime1Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime2Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime2@@AmmoRechargeTime2Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime3Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime3@@AmmoRechargeTime3Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime4Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime4@@AmmoRechargeTime4Postfix@ / @AmmoRechargeTime5Prefix@@AmmoRechargeTime5@@AmmoRechargeTime5Postfix@ ]Seed Recharge Rate@AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@[@Hotkey@] Rampant GrowthNo Cooldown@SpellTags@1 SeedZyra plants a Seed that lasts @Effect6Amount@ seconds. These Seeds grant True Sight of enemy champions that step on them for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, but are still destroyed.

    This Ability has 2 charges with a @AmmoRechargeTime@ second recharge time. Killing an enemy reduces the recharge time by @Effect1Amount*100@%. Champion takedowns, large jungle monster kills, and large minion kills reduce the recharge time by @Effect2Amount*100@% instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Rampant GrowthNo Cooldown@SpellTags@1 SeedZyra plants a Seed that lasts @Effect6Amount@ seconds. These Seeds grant True Sight of enemy champions that step on them for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, but are still destroyed.

    This Ability has 2 charges with a @AmmoRechargeTime@ second recharge time. Killing an enemy reduces the recharge time by @Effect1Amount*100@%. Champion takedowns, large jungle monster kills, and large minion kills reduce the recharge time by @Effect2Amount*100@% instead.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@

    Press [Shift] to show more infoTrundle turns target location into his domain, gaining Attack Speed, Move Speed, and increased healing from all sources while on it.Frozen DomainFrozen Domain@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Frozen Domain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle freezes an area for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. While inside he gains @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed, @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed, and @Effect3Amount*100@% increased healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Trundle freezes an area for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. While inside he gains @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed, @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed, and @Effect3Amount*100@% increased healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@[@Hotkey@] Frozen Domain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle freezes an area for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. While inside he gains @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed, @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed, and @Effect3Amount*100@% increased healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    [@Hotkey@] Frozen Domain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle freezes an area for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. While inside he gains @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed, @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed, and @Effect3Amount*100@% increased healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level upMove Speed
    Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect2Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    [ @Effect1Amount1Prefix@@Effect1Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount2Prefix@@Effect1Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount3Prefix@@Effect1Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount4Prefix@@Effect1Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect1Amount5Prefix@@Effect1Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect1Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Effect2Amount1Prefix@@Effect2Amount1*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount1Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount2Prefix@@Effect2Amount2*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount2Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount3Prefix@@Effect2Amount3*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount3Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount4Prefix@@Effect2Amount4*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount4Postfix@ / @Effect2Amount5Prefix@@Effect2Amount5*100.000000@%@Effect2Amount5Postfix@ ]
    [ @Cooldown1Prefix@@Cooldown1@@Cooldown1Postfix@ / @Cooldown2Prefix@@Cooldown2@@Cooldown2Postfix@ / @Cooldown3Prefix@@Cooldown3@@Cooldown3Postfix@ / @Cooldown4Prefix@@Cooldown4@@Cooldown4Postfix@ / @Cooldown5Prefix@@Cooldown5@@Cooldown5Postfix@ ]
    Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Effect2Amount*100.000000@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*100.000000@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    [@Hotkey@] Frozen Domain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle freezes an area for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. While inside he gains @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed, @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed, and @Effect3Amount*100@% increased healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up[@Hotkey@] Frozen Domain@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@Trundle freezes an area for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. While inside he gains @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed, @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed, and @Effect3Amount*100@% increased healing.@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info[@Hotkey@] Shurelya's Battlesong@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Inspire: Grants nearby allies @Item.2065:ActiveMoveSpeed*100@% decaying Move Speed for @Item.2065:BuffDuration@ seconds. (@Item.2065:ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).[@Hotkey@] Hextech Rocketbelt@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Supersonic: Dash in target direction, unleashing an arc of magic missiles that deal @item.3152:FireboltDamage@ magic damage. Then, gain @item.3152:MovementSpeedValue*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @item.3152:MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@item.3152:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).[@Hotkey@] Locket of the Iron Solari@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Devotion: Grant nearby allies a @item.3190:ShieldMinTOOLTIP@ - @item.3190:ShieldMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Shield, decaying over @item.3190:ShieldDuration@ seconds (@item.3190:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). [@Hotkey@] Mikael's Blessing@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Purify: Remove all crowd control debuffs (except Knockups and Suppression) from an ally champion and restore @item.3222:HealAmountMin@ - @item.3222:HealAmountMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Health (@item.3222:CleanseCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).[@Hotkey@] Ironspike Whip@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Crescent: Deal @item.6029:PrimaryDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies. Minions and monsters below @item.6029:HealthThreshold*100@% Health take 200% damage (@item.6029:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, affected by Ability Haste).[@Hotkey@] Silvermere Dawn@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) and gain @Item.6035:Tenacity*100@% Tenacity and @Item.6035:SlowResist*100@% Slow Resistance for @Item.6035:Duration@ seconds (@Item.6035:Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).[@Hotkey@] Goredrinker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Thirsting Slash: Deal @item.6630:SlashDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies. Restore @item.6630:Heal@ + @item.6630:MissingHealthHeal*100@% missing Health for each champion hit (@item.6630:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste).[@Hotkey@] Stridebreaker@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Halting Slash: Deal (@Item.6631:ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage) physical damage to nearby enemies, Slowing them by @Item.6631:MSSlow*-100@%, decaying over @Item.6631:Duration@ seconds (@Item.6631:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste). Can be cast while moving.[@Hotkey@] Everfrost@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Glaciate: Deal @item.6656:DamageAmount@ magic damage in a cone, Slowing enemies by @item.6656:SlowAmount*100@% for @item.6656:SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies at the center of the cone are Rooted instead (@item.6656:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).[@Hotkey@] Turbo Chemtank@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Supercharged: Grants @Item.6664:HasteAmount*100@% Move Speed towards enemies or enemy turrets for @Item.6664:HasteDuration@ seconds. Once near an enemy (or after @Item.6664:HasteDuration@ seconds) a shockwave is emitted that Slows nearby champions by @Item.6664:SlowAmount*-100@% for @Item.6664:SlowDuration@ seconds (@Item.6664:HasteCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).[@Hotkey@] Galeforce@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Cloudburst: Dash in target direction, firing three missiles at the lowest Health enemy near your destination (prioritizing champions). Deals a total of @item.6671:TotalDamageAmount@ magic damage, increased against low Health targets by up to @item.6671:ExecuteMaxDamage*100@% (@item.6671:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).[@Hotkey@] Prowler's Claw@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Sandswipe: Dash through target enemy, dealing @Item.6693:DamageAmount@ physical damage. For the next @Item.6693:AmpDuration@ seconds, you deal @Item.6693:AmpAmount*100@% increased damage to the target. (@Item.6693:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).[@Hotkey@] Stopwatch@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Stasis: Use one time only to become Invulnerable and Untargetable for @Item.2420:Effect2Amount@ seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (transforms into a Broken Stopwatch).[@Hotkey@] Gargoyle Stoneplate@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Unbreakable: Gain a @item.3193:TotalShield@ Shield that decays and grow @item.3193:SizeIncrease*100@% in size for @item.3193:ShieldDuration@ seconds. (@item.3193:ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).[@Hotkey@] Mercurial Scimitar@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) and also gain @item.3139:Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed for @item.3139:Effect2Amount@ second (@item.3139:Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).[@Hotkey@] Redemption@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Intervention: Target an area within @Item.3107:CastRange@ range. After 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to Restore @Item.3107:HealMin@ - @Item.3107:HealMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Health to allied champions and burn enemy champions for @Item.3107:DamageToChampions*100@% max Health true damage (@Item.3107:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Deals 450 true damage to target epic, large, or medium monster or minion. Against monsters, additionally restores 90 (+10% maximum Health) Health. Holds two charges (90s Recharge Time)Smite[@Hotkey@] Smite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostDeals @SmiteBaseDamage@ true damage to target monster or minion. Against monsters, additionally restores @SmiteBaseHeal@ (+@TooltipSmiteHealAddition@) Health.

    Smite regains a charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds, up to a maximum of 2 charges.

    Quickly travel to the unit you hit with your Poro, dealing true damage on arrival.Poro Dash[@Hotkey@] Poro Dash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostDash to the unit hit by Poro Toss, dealing true damage on arrival and reducing the next Poro Toss cooldown. This has pretty much nothing to do with Poros.[@Hotkey@] Quicksilver Sash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Removes all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) (@Item.3140:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).[@Hotkey@] Randuin's Omen@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active }} Humility: Briefly Slow nearby enemies and reduce their Attack Damage by @Item.3143:PercentADReduction*100@% and Critical Strike Damage by @Item.3143:PercentCritDamageReduction*100@% for @Item.3143:Duration@ seconds (@Item.3143:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).After channeling for 4 seconds, teleports your champion to target allied structure. Upgrades to Unleashed Teleport at 14 minutes, which teleports your champion to target allied structure, minion, or ward.Unleashed Teleport[@Hotkey@] Unleashed Teleport@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAfter channeling for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, your champion teleports to target allied structure, minion, or ward and grants a @MSAmount*100@% Move Speed boost for @MSDuration@ seconds.Challenging Smite[@Hotkey@] Challenging Smite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_UpgradedSmite_Shared_Passive}}

    Against Champions: Marks them for @TooltipMarkDuration@ seconds. Damaging a marked champion deals an additional @TooltipImmolatingBurnDamage@ true damage to them over @TooltipBurnDuration@ seconds. You take 10% reduced damage from marked champions.

    Smite regains a charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds, up to a maximum of 2 charges.


    Only attacks and abilities apply Challenging Smite's burn
    Chilling Smite[@Hotkey@] Chilling Smite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{Spell_UpgradedSmite_Shared_Passive}}

    Against Champions: Deals @TooltipChillingDamage@ true damage and steals 20% of their Move Speed for @TooltipSmiteEffectTime@ seconds.

    Smite regains a charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds, up to a maximum of 2 charges.

    Shields your champion from 105-411 damage (depending on champion level) for 2 seconds.Barrier[@Hotkey@] Barrier@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTemporarily shields @TooltipAbsorbedDamage@ damage from your champion for 2 seconds.Removes all disables (excluding suppression and airborne) and summoner spell debuffs affecting your champion and lowers the duration of incoming disables by 65% for 3 seconds.Cleanse[@Hotkey@] Cleanse@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRemoves all disables (excluding suppression and airborne) and summoner spell debuffs affecting your champion and reduces the duration of disables by 65% for the next @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Ignites target enemy champion, dealing 70-410 true damage (depending on champion level) over 5 seconds, grants you vision of the target, and reduces healing effects on them for the duration.Ignite[@Hotkey@] Ignite@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostIgnite deals @TooltipTrueDamageCalculation@ true damage to target enemy champion over 5 seconds, grants you vision of the target and applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for the duration.

    (Grievous Wounds reduces healing and regeneration by a percentage equal to the highest value applied. This vision does not reveal stealthed enemies.)
    Exhausts target enemy champion, reducing their Move Speed by 30%, and their damage dealt by 35% for 3 seconds.Exhaust[@Hotkey@] Exhaust@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostExhausts target enemy champion, reducing their Move Speed by @Effect5Amount@%, and their damage dealt by @DamageReductionTOOLTIP@% for 3 seconds.Hexflash[@Hotkey@] Hexflash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAfter channeling, Teleports your champion a short distance toward your cursor's location.Teleports your champion a short distance toward your cursor's location.Flash[@Hotkey@] Flash@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostTeleports your champion a short distance toward your cursor's location.For 10 seconds, your champion can move through units and gains 24 - 48% Move Speed (depending on champion level). Ghost extends its duration on takedown.Ghost[@Hotkey@] Ghost@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostFor @Duration@ seconds, your champion can move through units and gains @MovespeedMod@ Move Speed.

    Ghost extends its duration by @TakedownExtension@ seconds on takedown.
    Restores 80-318 Health (depending on champion level) and grants 30% Move Speed for 1 second to you and target allied champion. This healing is halved for units recently affected by Summoner Heal.[@Hotkey@] Heal@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRestores @TooltipHealAmount@ Health and grants 30% Move Speed for 1 second to your champion and target allied champion. This healing is halved for units recently affected by Summoner Heal.

    If this spell cannot find a target, it will cast on the most wounded allied champion in range.
    Restores 50% of your champion's maximum Mana. Also restores allies for 25% of their maximum Mana.Clarity[@Hotkey@] Clarity@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostRestores @Effect1Amount@% maximum Mana to your Champion and @Effect2Amount@% to nearby allies.Quickly travel to the Poro King's side.To the King![@Hotkey@] To the King!@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostPassive: Hitting an enemy champion with a Poro gives your team a Poro Mark. Upon reaching 10 Poro Marks, your team summons the Poro King to fight alongside them. While the Poro King is active, no Poro Marks can be scored by either team.

    Active: Quickly dash to King Poro's side. Can only be cast while the Poro King is summoned for your team.

    ''Poros tug the heartstrings. The rest of you just comes along for the ride.''
    Toss a Poro at your enemies. If it hits, you can quickly travel to your target as a follow up.Poro Toss[@Hotkey@] Poro Toss@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostToss a Poro a long distance, dealing @f2@ true damage to the first enemy unit hit, granting True Sight of the target.

    This ability can be recast for 3 seconds if it hits an enemy to dash to the target hit, dealing @f2@ more true damage and reducing the cooldown of the next Poro Toss by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Poros are not blocked by spell shields or wind walls because they are animals, not spells!

    ''Poros are a model for Runeterran aerodynamics.''
    Throw a snowball in a straight line at your enemies. If it hits an enemy, they become marked, granting True Sight, and your champion can quickly travel to the marked target as a follow up.Mark[@Hotkey@] Mark@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostThrow a snowball a long distance, dealing @TooltipDamageTotal@ true damage to the first enemy unit hit and granting True Sight of the target. If it hits an enemy, this ability can be recast for @Effect3Amount@ seconds to Dash to the tagged unit, dealing an additional @TooltipDamageTotal@ true damage. Dashing to the target will reduce the cooldown of Mark by @Effect4Amount*100@%.

    Mark projectiles are not stopped by spell shields or projectile mitigation.
    Teleport[@Hotkey@] Teleport@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No CostAfter channeling for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, your champion teleports to target allied structure.

    Upgrades to Unleashed Teleport when Turret Plates fall at 14 minutes. Unleashed Teleport has a @UpgradedCooldown@s cooldown, can be used on allied structures, minions, or wards, and grants a @MSAmount*100@% Move Speed boost for @MSDuration@ seconds.
    [@Hotkey@] Youmuu's Ghostblade@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Wraith Step: Gain @Item.3142:Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed and Ghosting for @Item.3142:Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Item.3142:Effect1Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).[@Hotkey@] Zhonya's Hourglass@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@SpellTags@No Cost{{ Item_Active_Named }} Stasis: You become Invulnerable and Untargetable for @Item.3157:Effect2Amount@ seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (@Item.3157:Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Rewards Claimed! Congrats! You've earned some loot! Congrats! You've earned Mythic Essence. Forge this into a variety of rare items in the rotating Mythic Shop!GothElemental Form: IceLux has mastered the elements of Water and Air and has transcended to a higher form.

    "There is no room for warmth in my soul."
    {{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipContent }}{{ GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Damaging an enemy champion will mark the champion. Damaging them again will consume the mark and deal bonus damage.Phantom Dancer - LifelineThis unit is absorbing damage.Source: @SourceName@@ChampRange@
  1433. Sear: Damaging Monsters burns them over time.
  1434. Challenging Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item upgrade your Smite to Challenging Smite and increases its damage to monsters. Challenging Smite marks champions. During this time, you deal bonus true damage to them on hit and take reduced damage from them.
  1435. Huntsman: Killing Large Monsters grants bonus experience.
  1436. Recoup: Regen mana when in the Jungle or River.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}

    Only attacks and abilities apply Challenging Smite's burn
  1437. Sear: Damaging Monsters burns them over time.
  1438. Chilling Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item upgrade your Smite to Chilling Smite and increases its damage to monsters. When smiting champions Chilling Smite deals true damage and steals their Move Speed.
  1439. Huntsman: Killing Large Monsters grants bonus experience.
  1440. Recoup: Regen mana when in the Jungle or River.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}

  1441. Sear: Damaging Monsters burns them over time.
  1442. Auto Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item upgrade your Attack-Smite, increasing its damage to monsters.
  1443. Huntsman: Killing Large Monsters grants bonus experience.
  1444. Recoup: Regen mana when in the Jungle or River.

    {{ Item_Jungle_Rules }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1445. Steeltipped: Attacks apply @OnHitDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1446. Steeltipped: Attacks apply physical damage On-Hit.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1447. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamageToMinions@ physical damage to minions.
  1448. Recovery: Restores @FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
  1449. Endure: Restores up to @MaxRegenAmount@ Health over @RegenDuration@ seconds after taking damage from a champion, large jungle monster, or epic jungle monster. Restoration increases when you are low Health.

    Endure @RangeRegenMult*100@% effective when owned by %i:rangedInactive% Ranged champions or when taking damage from area of effect or periodic damage sources.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1450. Focus: Attacks deal additional damage to minions.
  1451. Recovery: Restores Health over time.
  1452. Endure: Restores Health after taking damage from a champion, large jungle monster, or epic jungle monster. Restoration increases when you are low Health.

    Endure @RangeRegenMult*100@% effective when owned by %i:rangedInactive% Ranged champions or when taking damage from area of effect or periodic damage sources.Omnvamp Healing: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1453. Warmonger: Gain @PassiveOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp.

    Omnivamp is only 33% effective when dealing area of effect damage or damage through pets.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1454. Warmonger: Gain Omnivamp.

    Omnivamp is only 33% effective when dealing area of effect damage or damage through pets.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1455. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage to minions.
  1456. Drain: Restore @ManaRestorePerSecond@ Mana every second. Damaging an enemy champion increases this amount to @IncreasedManaRestorePerSecond@ Mana every second for @SecondsActive@ seconds. If you can't gain Mana, regenerate @ManaToHealthConversion*100@% of the value as Health instead.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1457. Focus: Attacks deal additional damage to minions.
  1458. Drain: Restore Mana every second. Damaging an enemy champion increases this amount. If you can't gain Mana, regenerate Health instead. {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1459. Glory: Gain @GloryOnKill@ stacks for a champion kill or @GloryOnAssist@ stack for an assist (up to @MaxGloryStacks@ stacks total). Lose @GloryLossOnDeath@ stacks on death.
  1460. Dread: Grants @APPerGlory@ Ability Power per stack of Glory.

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Mejai's Soulstealer.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1461. Glory: Gain @GloryOnKill@ stacks for a champion kill or @GloryOnAssist@ stack for an assist (up to @MaxGloryStacks@ stacks total). Lose @GloryLossOnDeath@ stacks on death.
  1462. Dread: Grants @APPerGlory@ Ability Power per stack of Glory (Currently @CurrentGloryAP@ Ability Power).

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Mejai's Soulstealer.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1463. Attacks restore @OnHitHeal@ Health per hit.
  1464. Reap: Killing a lane minion grants @MinionKillGold@ additional gold. Killing @MinionKillThreshold@ lane minions grants an additional @CompleteGold@ bonus gold immediately and disables Reap.
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1465. Attacks restore Health per hit.
  1466. Reap: Killing a lane minion grants @MinionKillGold@ additional gold. Killing @MinionKillThreshold@ lane minions grants an additional @CompleteGold@ bonus gold immediately and disables Reap.
    Gain extra gold by securing tower and epic monster objectives.UNIQUE Passive - Reinforced Armor: Reduces incoming damage by @DamageReduction@% and becomes immune to True Damage when no enemy minions are nearby.UNIQUE Passive - Base Turret Reinforced Armor: Reduces incoming damage by @DamageReduction@% and becomes immune to True Damage when no enemy minions are nearby. Base turrets have health regeneration, but cannot regenerate past their current segment. Base turrets are segmented at 33%, 66% and 100% health.Structure BountyDestroying this structure shares @f1@ gold with each nearby champion on your team.{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink the potion to restore @HealAmount@ Health over @PotionDuration@ seconds.

    You may carry up to 5 Health Potions.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1467. {{ Item_Energized }}
  1468. Jolt: Energized Attacks gain an additional @EnergizedDamage@ magic damage.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1469. {{ Item_Energized }}
  1470. Jolt: Energized Attacks gain additional magic damage.{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Consumes a charge to restore @HealAmount@ Health and @ManaAmount@ Mana over @PotionDuration@ seconds. During this time, damaging Abilities and Attacks burn enemy champions for @TotalDamage@ (@EmpoweredTotalDamage@ if you cannot gain Mana) magic damage over @DoTDuration@ seconds. Holds up to @MaxCharges@ charges and refills upon visiting the shop.

    Corrupting damage is reduced to @AoERatio*100@% when triggered by area of effect or periodic damage.Damage Blocked: @f3@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1471. Recovery: Restores Health over time.
  1472. Undaunted: Blocks damage from attacks and spells from champions.
  1473. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Serves a scrumptious scoop to a nearby Poro, causing it to grow in size.

    This savory blend of free-range, grass-fed Avarosan game hens and organic, non-ZMO Freljordian herbs contains the essential nutrients necessary to keep your Poro purring with pleasure.

    All proceeds will be donated towards fighting Noxian animal cruelty.
    {{ Item_Active_Consume }} Places a powerful Control Ward that grants vision of the surrounding area. This device will also reveal Invisible traps, reveal Camouflaged enemies, and reveal (and disable) enemy Stealth Wards. Current Control Wards placed: @f1@/@f2@

    You may carry up to @Effect2Amount@ Control Wards. Control Wards do not disable other Control Wards.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Inspire: Grants nearby allies @ActiveMoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1474. Motivate: Empowering or Protecting another ally Champion grants both allies @PassiveMSToGrant*100@% Move Speed for @PassiveMSDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Inspire: Grants nearby allies Move Speed.
  1475. Motivate: Empowering or Protecting another ally Champion grants both allies Move Speed.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Inspire: Grants nearby allies @Item.2065:ActiveMoveSpeed*100@% decaying Move Speed for @Item.2065:BuffDuration@ seconds. (@Item.2065:ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveBonus@ Ability Haste
    Allies Motivated: @f1@

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @ShurelyasMythicPassive@ Ability Haste.

    An ally can only be affected by Motivate once every @PerChampCD@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Haste.
    {{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink to gain @Effect1Amount@ Health, @Effect2Amount*100@% Tenacity, and increased champion size for @Effect3Amount@ minutes. While active, moving leaves a path behind that boosts allied champions' Move Speed by @Effect4Amount*100@%.

    Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink to gain @Effect2Amount@ Ability Power and @Effect6Amount*5@% Mana Regen for @Effect4Amount@ minutes. While active, damaging a champion or turret deals @Effect3Amount@ bonus true damage (@Effect5Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink to gain @Effect2Amount@ Ability Power and @Effect6Amount*5@% Mana Regen for @Effect4Amount@ minutes. While active, damaging a champion or turret deals @Effect3Amount@ bonus true damage (@Effect5Amount@s cooldown).

    Elixir of Sorcery's true damage effect has no cooldown when attacking turrets. Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.

    Champion level @Effect8Amount@ or greater required to purchase. Elixir of Sorcery's true damage effect has no cooldown when attacking turrets. Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Drink to gain @Effect2Amount@ Attack Damage and @Effect3Amount*100@% Physical Vamp (against champions) for @Effect4Amount@ minutes.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1476. Transforms into a Stopwatch after 14 minutes. Takedowns reduce this timer by 2 minutes. That Stopwatch contributes 250 gold to the items it builds into.

    Stopwatch normally contributes 750 gold{{ Item_Active_Named }} Stasis: Use one time only to become Invulnerable and Untargetable for @Item.2420:Effect2Amount@ seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (transforms into a Broken Stopwatch).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1477. Grants an additional 10 Move Speed. Boots that build from Slightly Magical Footwear retain this bonus Move Speed.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Stasis: Use one time only to become invulnerable and untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (transforms into a Broken Stopwatch).{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} @MythicPassive@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist
    Total Bonus Damage: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1478. Coruscation: After Immobilizing champions or being Immobilized, cause that target and all nearby enemy champions to take @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage for @AmpDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @MythicStat@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1479. Coruscation: After Immobilizing champions or being Immobilized, cause that target and all nearby enemy Champions to take increased damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Armor and Magic ResistBonus Mana: %i:scaleMana% @f1@
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1480. Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to @HasteFromMana*100@% bonus Mana.
  1481. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Seraph's Embrace.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1482. Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to @HasteFromMana*100@% bonus Mana. (Currently +%i:scaleCooldown%@f2@ Ability Haste).
  1483. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Seraph's Embrace.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1484. Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to bonus Mana.
  1485. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Seraph's Embrace.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).Bonus Mana: %i:scaleMana% @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1486. Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to @BonusADFromMana@.
  1487. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Muramana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1488. Awe: Gain @BonusADFromMana@ Attack Damage.
  1489. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Takedowns and your own death grant @TakedownMana@ bonus Mana. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Muramana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1490. Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to your max Mana.
  1491. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Muramana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1492. The strength of movement slowing effects is reduced by @Effect1Amount*100@%.Catalyst of Aeons{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1493. Eternity: @Effect6Amount*100@% of damage taken from champions is gained as Mana. Spending Mana restores @Effect5Amount*100@% of the cost as Health, up to @Effect4Amount@ per spell cast.Healing reduced: @f2@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1494. Puffcap Toxin: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. Healing or shielding another ally will enhance both of you, causing the next damage to enemy champions to apply @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1495. Rebirth: Upon taking lethal damage, restores @Effect1Amount*100@% base Health and @Effect4Amount*100@% max Mana after @Effect2Amount@ seconds of stasis (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1496. Saving Grace: Upon taking lethal damage, restores @Effect1Amount*100@% base Health and @Effect4Amount*100@% max Mana after @Effect2Amount@ seconds of stasis (@Effect3Amount@s cooldown).Current bonus: %i:scaleCritMult% @f1@% Critical Strike Damage{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1497. Perfection: If you have at least @CritThreshold*100@% Critical Strike Chance, gain%i:scaleCritMult% @CritDamage*100@% Critical Strike Damage.Enemy Healing Reduced: @f2@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1498. Sepsis: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. Consecutive attacks to that enemy enhances this effect to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds against them until the effect is allowed to elapse.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Giant Slayer Bonus Damage: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1499. Giant Slayer: Deal up to @MaxBonusDamagePercent*100@% bonus physical damage against champions with greater max Health than you.

    Max damage increase reached when Health difference is greater than @MaxHealthDifference@.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1500. Giant Slayer: Deal bonus physical damage against champions with greater max Health than you.{{ Item_Unique_LastWhisper }}%i:scaleAP% @Item.3040:FlatMagicDamageMod@ (+@f3@) Ability PowerDamage blocked by Shield: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1501. Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to @HasteFromMana*100@% bonus Mana.
  1502. Empyrean: Restore Health equal to @ManaSpentToHealthRatio*100@% of Mana spent, up to @MaxHealth@ per cast. Toggle abilities can heal for up to @MaxHealth@ per second. {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1503. Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to @HasteFromMana*100@% bonus Mana. (Currently +%i:scaleCooldown%@f2@ Ability Haste).
  1504. Empyrean: Restore Health equal to @ManaSpentToHealthRatio*100@% of Mana spent, up to @MaxHealth@ per cast. Toggle abilities can heal for up to @MaxHealth@ per second.

    Total Amount Healed: @f5@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1505. Awe: Gain Ability Haste based on Mana.
  1506. Empyrean: Restore Health based on Mana spent. Toggle abilities can heal up to the same value per second. {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1507. Glory: Gain @GloryOnKill@ stacks for a champion kill or @GloryOnAssist@ stacks for an assist (up to @MaxGloryStacks@ stacks total). Lose @GloryLossOnDeath@ stacks on death.
  1508. Dread: Grants @APPerGlory@ Ability Power per stack of Glory. Gain @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed if you have at least @GloryThreshold@ stacks.

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Dark Seal.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1509. Glory: Gain @GloryOnKill@ stacks for a champion kill or @GloryOnAssist@ stacks for an assist (up to @MaxGloryStacks@ stacks total). Lose @GloryLossOnDeath@ stacks on death.
  1510. Dread: Grants @APPerGlory@ Ability Power per stack of Glory (Currently @CurrentGloryAP@ Ability Power). Gain @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed if you have at least @GloryThreshold@ stacks.

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Dark Seal.Damage dealt to champions: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1511. Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to @BonusADFromMana@.
  1512. Shock: Attacks against champions deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ physical damage ({{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}). Damaging Abilities against champions deal an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} physical damage.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1513. Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to @BonusADFromMana@.
  1514. Shock: Attacks against champions deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ physical damage ({{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}). Damaging Abilities against champions deal an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} physical damage.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1515. Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage based on Mana.
  1516. Shock: Attacks against champions deal additional physical damage.@Heal@@HealRanged@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1517. Sturdy: After you deal physical damage to a champion, restore {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} Health over @HealDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1518. Sturdy: After you deal physical damage to a champion, restore {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Health over @HealDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1519. Sturdy: After you deal physical damage to a champion, restore Health over time.

    Restoration reduced for %i:rangedActive% Ranged users.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1520. Spectral Waltz: Attacks grant Ghosting and @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @Duration@ seconds. In addition, Attacking @MaxStacks@ times causes Spectral Waltz to also grant @MaxAttackSpeedAmount*100@% Attack Speed for the same duration.

    {{ Item_Ghosting }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1521. Spectral Waltz: Attacks grant Ghosting and stacking increased Move Speed. In addition, Attacking @MaxStacks@ times causes Spectral Waltz to also grant Attack Speed.

    {{ Item_Ghosting }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1522. Reduces incoming damage from Attacks by @Effect1Amount*100@%.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Conduit: Designate an Accomplice (@BindCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Conduit: Designate an Accomplice.Total Conduit Damage Dealt: @f1@
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1523. Convergence: For @Duration@ seconds after you Immobilize an enemy, your Accomplice's Attacks ({{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}) and Ability hits apply an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage to that enemy.

    Champions can only be linked by one Zeke's Convergence at a time.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1524. Convergence: After you Immobilize an enemy, your Accomplice's Attacks and Ability hits apply additional damage to that enemy.

    Champions can only be linked by one Zeke's Convergence at a time.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1525. Nimble: Attacking a unit grants {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1526. Nimble: Attacking a unit grants {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1527. Nimble: Attacking a unit grants Move Speed.Sterak's RageSterak's RageThis unit heals for each enemy champion they are in combat with.Source: @SourceName@Healing from Champions: @f4@
    Damage blocked by Shield: @f5@@ShieldPerStack@@ShieldPerStackRanged@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1528. The Claws that Catch: Gain @BonusAD@ as bonus Attack Damage.
  1529. Lifeline: Upon taking damage that would reduce your Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain a @ShieldSize@ Shield, decaying over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ShieldCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1530. The Claws that Catch: Gain @BonusAD@ bonus Attack Damage.
  1531. Lifeline: Upon taking damage that would reduce your Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain a @ShieldSize@ Shield, decaying over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ShieldCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1532. The Claws that Catch: Gain base AD as bonus Attack Damage.
  1533. Lifeline: Upon taking damage that would reduce your Health below 30%, gain a Shield, decaying over time.
  1534. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional damage.Bonus Healing: @f1@
    Bonus Shielding: @f2@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1535. Boundless Vitality: Increases all Healing and Shielding effectiveness on you by @HealingIncrease*100@%.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1536. Boundless Vitality: Increases all Healing and Shielding effectiveness on you.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1537. Flight: Grants @MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleTenacity% @MythicPassive@ Tenacity and Slow Resist and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHPCalc@ Health
    Damage dealt to champions: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1538. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds. Damaging champions or epic jungle monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage by @DamageAmpPerStack@% for 5 seconds (max stacks @MaxStacks@).
  1539. Flametouch: At maximum Immolate stacks, your Attacks burn nearby enemies for your Immolate damage per second for @DoTDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleTenacity% @TenacityandSlowResistperLegendary*100@% Tenacity and Slow Resist and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1540. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing damage per second to nearby enemies (increased against minions and monsters). Damaging Champions or Epic Monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage.
  1541. Flametouch: At maximum Immolate stacks, your Attacks burn nearby enemies for your Immolate damage per second.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Tenacity, Slow Resist, and Health.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1542. Focus: Attacks deal an additional @BonusMinionDamage@ physical damage to minions.
  1543. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1544. Focus: Attacks deal additional physical damage to Minions.
  1545. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).
    This item gains 50% more charges on this mode.Health Carved: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1546. Carve: Dealing physical damage to a champion applies a stack of @Effect2Amount*100@% Armor reduction for @DebuffDuration@ seconds (max @Effect5Amount*100@% Armor reduction).
  1547. Rage: Dealing physical damage to a champion grants @MovementSpeed@ Move Speed per stack of Carve on them for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1548. Carve: Dealing physical damage to a champion applies a stack of Armor reduction.
  1549. Rage: Dealing physical damage to a champion grants Move Speed per stack of Carve on them.Damage prevented by Blood Barrier: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1550. Ichorshield: Life Steal from Attacks can now overheal you. Excess Health is stored as a @BloodShield@ Shield that decays slowly if you haven't dealt or taken damage in the last @DecayTimer@ seconds.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1551. Ichorshield: Life Steal from Attacks can now overheal you. Excess Health is stored as a Shield that decays slowly if you haven't dealt or taken damage.Damage to Champions: @f4@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1552. Cleave: Attacks and Abilities deal up to @OnHitSecondary@ physical damage to other enemies near target hit.

    Deals a minimum of @OnHitMin@ damage to units at the end of its range, can only hit each target once per Attack or Ability per @PerCastIDLockout@ seconds.
    Cleave does not trigger on structures.

    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1553. Cleave: Attacks and Abilities deal damage to other enemies near target hit.
    Thorns Damage to Champions: @f1@
    Enemy Healing Reduced: @f2@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1554. Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the attacker and apply @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds if they are a champion. Immobilizing champions applies @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1555. Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal damage to the attacker and apply @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds if they are a champion. Immobilizing enemy champions also applies @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}Thorns Damage to Champions: @f1@
    Grievous Wounds Healing Reduced: @f2@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1556. Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the attacker and apply @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds if they are a champion.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1557. Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal damage to the attacker and apply @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds if they are a champion.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1558. Cleave: Attacks deal up to @SecondaryDamage@ physical damage to other nearby enemies.

    Minimum of @SecondaryDamageMin@ damage to enemies furthest away.
    Cleave does not trigger on structures.
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1559. Cleave: Attacks deal up to @SecondaryDamage@ physical damage to other nearby enemies.

    Minimum of @SecondaryDamageMin@ damage to enemies furthest away.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1560. Cleave: Attacks deal physical damage to other nearby enemies.

    Cleave does not trigger on structures.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAD% @MythicADBonus@ Attack Damage, %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteBonus@ Ability Haste, and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMSBonus@ Move Speed

    Damage to Champions: @f4@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1561. Threefold Strike: Attacks grant @MovementSpeedOnHit@ Move Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If the target is a champion or structure, gain @BaseADBonus@ Attack Damage for @MSDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxSpellbladeStacks@ times (Max increase @MaxADBonus@).
  1562. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }}:
  1563. %i:scaleAD% @MythicAD@ Attack Damage
  1564. %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHaste@ Ability Haste
  1565. %i:scaleMS% @MythicMS@ Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1566. Threefold Strike: Attacks grant @MovementSpeedOnHit@ Move Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If the target is a champion or structure, gain @BaseADBonus@ Attack Damage for @MSDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxSpellbladeStacks@ times (Max increase @MaxADBonus@).
  1567. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }}:
  1568. %i:scaleAD% @MythicAD@ Attack Damage, %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHaste@ Ability Haste, and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMS@ Move Speed{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1569. Threefold Strike: Attacks grant Move Speed. If the target is a champion, increase your base Attack Damage, stacking.
  1570. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Attack Damage, Ability Haste, and Move Speed.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1571. {{Item_Passive_Rock_Solid}}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1572. Rock Solid: Reduce incoming damage from Attacks.Current Bonus Health: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1573. Warmog's Heart: If you have at least @HealthThreshold@ bonus health, restore @TotalHealingTooltip@ Health per second if damage hasn't been taken within @OOCTimerChampion@ seconds (@OOCTimer@ seconds for non-Champions).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1574. Warmog's Heart: If you have at least @HealthThreshold@ bonus Health, restore max Health per second if damage hasn't been taken within @OOCTimerChampion@ seconds.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1575. Warmog's Heart: If you have at lease @HealthThreshold@ maximum health, restore @TotalHealingTooltip@ Health per second if damage hasn't been taken within @OOCTimerChampion@ seconds (@OOCTimer@ seconds for non-Champions).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1576. Wind's Fury: When Attacking, bolts are fired at up to @Effect3Amount@ enemies near the target, each dealing @BoltDamage@ physical damage. Bolts apply On-Hit effects and can Critically Strike.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1577. Wind's Fury: When Attacking, bolts are fired at up to @TotalBolts@ enemies near the target, each dealing @BoltDamage@ physical damage. Bolts apply On-Hit effects and can Critically Strike.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1578. Wind's Fury: When Attacking, bolts are fired at up to @Effect3Amount@ enemies near the target. Bolts apply On-Hit effects and can Critically Strike.

    Item is for %i:rangedActive% Ranged champions only.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1579. Zealous: Gain @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1580. Magical Opus: Increases your total Ability Power by @APAmp*100@%.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1581. Magical Opus: Increases your total Ability Power by @APAmp*100@% (@f1@).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1582. Fray: Attacks apply @OnHitDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} and grant @SpeedAmount@ Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1583. Fray: Attacks apply magic damage On-Hit and grant Move Speed.Attacks from extended range: @f1@
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1584. {{ Item_Energized }}
  1585. Sharpshooter: Your Energized Attack applies @EnergizedDamage@ bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized attacks gain up to @RangePercentIncrease*100@% bonus Attack Range.

    Attack Range cannot increase more than @MaxRangeIncrease@ units.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1586. {{ Item_Energized }}
  1587. Sharpshooter: Your Energized Attack applies @EnergizedDamage@ bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized attacks gain @f2@ (%i:scaleRange%) bonus Attack Range.

    Attack Range cannot increase more than @MaxRangeIncrease@ units.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1588. {{ Item_Energized }}
  1589. Sharpshooter: Your Energized Attack applies bonus damage. In addition, Energized attacks gain Attack Range.

    Attack Range cannot increase more than @MaxRangeIncrease@ units.Champions slowed: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1590. {{ Item_Energized }}
  1591. Paralyze: Your Energized Attack gains @EnergizedDamage@ bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized Attacks slow enemies by @Effect5Amount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1592. {{ Item_Energized }}
  1593. Paralyze: Your Energized Attack gains bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized Attacks slow enemies.
    Spellblade damage dealt: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1594. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @SpellbladeDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1595. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional magic damage.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1596. Annul: Grants a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability (@Effect1Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Item cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1597. Annul: Grants a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability.

    Item cooldown is restarted if you take damage from champions before it is completed.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Intervention: Target an area within @CastRange@ range. After 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to restore @HealMin@ - @HealMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Health to allied champions and burn enemy champions for @DamageToChampions*100@% max Health true damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Intervention: Target an area within. After 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to restore Health to allies and damage enemy champions.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Intervention: Target an area within @Item.3107:CastRange@ range. After 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to Restore @Item.3107:HealMin@ - @Item.3107:HealMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Health to allied champions and burn enemy champions for @Item.3107:DamageToChampions*100@% max Health true damage (@Item.3107:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Total Healing: @f1@
    Damage Dealt: @f2@

    Item can be activated whilst dead. Damage and healing reduced by @DiminishedEffect*100@% if the target has recently been affected by another Intervention. {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Pledge: Designate an ally who is Worthy (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Pledge: Designate an ally who is Worthy..Damage Redirected: @f1@
    Healing Received: @f3@
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1598. Sacrifice: While your Worthy ally is nearby, redirect @DamageRedirection*100@% of damage they take to you and heal for @AllyHealingConversion*100@% of the damage dealt by your Worthy ally to Champions. If they have less than @HealthThreshold*100@% Health the damage reduction is increased to @EmpoweredDR*100@%.

    Champions can only be linked by one Knight's Vow at a time. Damage redirection stops if you have less than @DamageRedirectionThreshold*100@% Health{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1599. Sacrifice: While your Worthy ally is nearby, redirect damage they take to you and heal based on the damage dealt by your Worthy ally to Champions.
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1600. Winter's Caress: Reduce the Attack Speed of nearby enemies by @ASPDSlow*-100@%.
  1601. {{Item_Passive_Rock_Solid}}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1602. Winter's Caress: Reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemies.
  1603. Rock Solid: Reduce incoming damage from Attacks.

    Tenacity reduces the duration of Stun, Slow, Taunt, Fear, Silence, Blind, Polymorph and Immobilizing effects. It has no effect on Airborne or Suppression.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1604. Recovery: Restores Mana over time. If you can't gain mana, restores Health instead.
  1605. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1606. Glide: Gain @SpeedBonus*100@% Move Speed.Total Heal and Shield power: @f4@%{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1607. Unholy Infusion: Gain @HealShieldPower*100@% Heal and Shield Power.Enhanced damage dealt to champions: @f2@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1608. Icathian Bite: Attacks apply @TotalOnHitDamage@ magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1609. Icathian Bite: Attacks apply magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1610. Rimefrost: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1611. Rimefrost: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1612. Awe: Gain bonus Health equal to @BonusHPFromMana@.
  1613. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Fimbulwinter.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1614. Awe: Gain bonus Health equal to Total Mana.
  1615. Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain @ManaPerCharge@ bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of @MaxMana@ Mana at which point this item transforms into Fimbulwinter.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every @ManaChargeAmmoCD@ seconds (max @ManaChargeMaxAmmo@).Damage Shielded: @f2@
  1616. Awe: Gain bonus Health equal to @BonusHPFromMana@.
  1617. Everlasting: Immobilizing or Slowing (%i:meleeActive% Melee only) an enemy champion consumes @ManaCost*100@% current Mana and grants a Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, absorbing @ShieldBase@ + @CurrentManaShieldRatio*100@% current Mana damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). The Shield is increased by @Multiplier*100@% if more than one enemy is nearby.

    This effect only activates while you have greater than @ManaThreshold*100@% Mana.
  1618. Awe: Gain bonus Health equal to @BonusHPFromMana@.
  1619. Everlasting: Immobilizing or Slowing (%i:meleeActive% Melee only) an enemy champion consumes @ManaCost*100@% current Mana %i:scaleMana% and grants a Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, absorbing @f1@ %i:scaleMana% damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). The Shield is increased to @f3@ %i:scaleMana% if more than one enemy is nearby.

    This effect only activates while you have greater than @ManaThreshold*100@% Mana.
  1620. Awe: Gain bonus Health based on Mana.
  1621. Everlasting: Immobilizing or Slowing an enemy champion consumes current Mana and grants a Shield. The Shield is increased if more than one enemy is nearby.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1622. Rend: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1623. Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} damage. Gain @DamageAmountPerCritStep@ {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} for each @CritChancePerStep@% Critical Strike Chance converted.
  1624. Seething Strike: Every third Attack applies your On-Hit effects twice.

    Wrath cannot benefit from more than 100% Critical Strike Chance. Wrath's On-Hit damage conversion is affected by Critical Strike damage modifiers. {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1625. Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into @f1@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.
  1626. Seething Strike: Every third Attack applies your On-Hit effects twice.

    Wrath cannot benefit from more than 100% Critical Strike Chance. Wrath's On-Hit damage conversion is affected by Critical Strike damage modifiers. {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1627. Gouge: Gain @Effect1Amount@ Lethality.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) and also gain @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount.1@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs and gain Move Speed.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) and also gain @item.3139:Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed for @item.3139:Effect2Amount@ second (@item.3139:Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Removes all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Removes all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne).
    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Removes all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) (@Item.3140:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Wraith Step: Gain @Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed and Ghosting for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect1Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Wraith Step: Gain Move Speed and Ghosting.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Wraith Step: Gain @Item.3142:Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed and Ghosting for @Item.3142:Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Item.3142:Effect1Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1628. Haunt: Gain @Effect6Amount@ Move Speed out of combat.

    {{ Item_Ghosting }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1629. Haunt: Gain Move Speed out of combat.

    {{ Item_Ghosting }}

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Humility: Briefly Slow nearby enemies and reduce their Attack Damage by @PercentADReduction*100@% and Critical Strike Damage by @PercentCritDamageReduction*100@% for @Duration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Humility: Briefly Slow nearby enemies and reduce their Attack Damage and Critical Strike Damage.{{ Item_Active }} Humility: Briefly Slow nearby enemies and reduce their Attack Damage by @Item.3143:PercentADReduction*100@% and Critical Strike Damage by @Item.3143:PercentCritDamageReduction*100@% for @Item.3143:Duration@ seconds (@Item.3143:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1630. Revved: Damaging a champion deals an additional @DamageAmount@ magic damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1631. Revved: Damaging a champion deals additional damage.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supersonic: Dash in target direction, unleashing an arc of magic missiles that deal @FireboltDamage@ magic damage. Then, gain @MovementSpeedValue*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supersonic: Dash in target direction, unleashing an arc of magic missiles that deal damage. Then, gain Move Speed towards enemy champions.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Supersonic: Dash in target direction, unleashing an arc of magic missiles that deal @item.3152:FireboltDamage@ magic damage. Then, gain @item.3152:MovementSpeedValue*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @item.3152:MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@item.3152:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicPassiveBonus@
    Damage dealt to champions: @f5@

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMagicPenetration@ Magic Penetration.

    Supersonic's dash cannot pass through terrain.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} Magic Penetration.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1632. Mist's Edge: Attacks apply an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} enemy current Health physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.
  1633. Siphon: Attacking a champion 3 times deals @SiphonDamage@ magic damage and steals @MoveSpeedMod*-100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Maximum Mist's Edge damage dealt to minions and jungle monsters is @MonsterDamageCap@.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1634. Mist's Edge: Attacks apply an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} enemy current Health physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.
  1635. Siphon: Attacking a champion 3 times deals @SiphonDamage@ magic damage and steals @MoveSpeedMod*-100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Maximum Mist's Edge damage dealt to minions and jungle monsters is @MonsterDamageCap@. {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1636. Mist's Edge: Attacks apply physical damage based off of the target's current Health.
  1637. Siphon: Attacking a champion 3 times deals magic damage and steals Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1638. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} magic damage Shield for @ShieldLifetime@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
  1639. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} magic damage Shield for @ShieldLifetime@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1640. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain a magic damage Shield.Damage blocked by shield: @f4@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1641. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} magic damage Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ShieldCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). When Lifeline triggers, gain @BuffVamp*100@% Omnivamp until the end of combat. {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1642. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} magic damage Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ShieldCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). When Lifeline triggers, gain @BuffVamp*100@% Omnivamp until the end of combat. {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1643. Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @LowHealthThreshold*100@%, gain a magic damage Shield. When Lifeline triggers, gain Omnivamp until the end of combat.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Stasis: You become Invulnerable and Untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Stasis: You become Invulnerable and Untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Stasis: You become Invulnerable and Untargetable for @Item.3157:Effect2Amount@ seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (@Item.3157:Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1644. Gain @SummonerHaste@ Summoner Spell Haste.

    ''This item is dedicated in honor of Ionia's victory over Noxus in the Rematch for the Southern Provinces on 10 December, 20 CLE.'{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1645. Affliction: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. If the target is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, this effect is increased to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1646. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Wards Killed: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1647. Blackout: When spotted by an enemy Ward, reveal traps and disable Wards around you for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). Your Attacks instantly kill revealed traps and do triple damage to Wards.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1648. Blackout: When spotted by an enemy Ward, reveal traps and disable Wards around you. Your Attacks instantly kill revealed traps and do triple damage to Wards.Bonus Damage to Towers: @f2@
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1649. Boarding Party: While no allied champions are nearby you gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Armor and Magic Resist and Attacks deal @TowerDamage*100@% increased damage to towers. Nearby large minions gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} Armor and Magic Resist and @TowerDamage*1000@% increased damage to towers.

    Boarding Party's resistances decay over 3 seconds when an ally gets too close.
  1650. Boarding Party: While no allied champions are nearby you gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Armor and Magic Resist and Attacks deal @TowerDamage*100@% increased damage to towers. Nearby large minions gain {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} Armor and Magic Resist and @TowerDamage*1000@% increased damage to towers.

    Boarding Party's resistances decay over 3 seconds when an ally gets too close.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1651. Boarding Party: While no allied champions are nearby you gain Armor and Magic Resist and Attacks deal increased damage to towers. Nearby large minions gain Armor and Magic Resist and increased damage to towers.

    Boarding Party's resistances decay over 3 seconds when an ally gets too close.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Devotion: Grant nearby allies a @ShieldMinTOOLTIP@ - @ShieldMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Shield, decaying over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Devotion: Grant nearby allies a Shield, decaying over time.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Devotion: Grant nearby allies a @item.3190:ShieldMinTOOLTIP@ - @item.3190:ShieldMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Shield, decaying over @item.3190:ShieldDuration@ seconds (@item.3190:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleArmor%/%i:scaleMR% @MythicPassiveBonus@ increase to Consecration
    Highest damage instance blocked: @f2@
    Total damage blocked: @f3@
    Consecration damage reduced: @f5@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1652. Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions @AllyAuraARMR@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} @AllyAuraMythicPassive@ %i:scaleArmor% Armor/%i:scaleMR% Magic Resist increase to Consecrate.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}
    Subsequent Devotion shields within @DiminishedTimer@ seconds only have @DiminishedEffectMulitplier*100@% effect.
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1653. Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions Armor and Magic Resist.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Armor and Magic Resist increase to Consecrate.

    Current Bonus: %i:scaleArmor% @f1@/@Effect2Amount@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1654. Witch's Path: Killing a unit grants @Effect1Amount@ Armor (max @Effect2Amount@).
    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Monolith: Gain a @TotalShield@ Shield that decays over @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Unbreakable: Gain a Shield that decays and grow in size.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Unbreakable: Gain a @item.3193:TotalShield@ Shield that decays and grow @item.3193:SizeIncrease*100@% in size for @item.3193:ShieldDuration@ seconds. (@item.3193:ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Damage Shielded: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1655. Fortify: Taking damage from a champion grants a stack of @BonusArmor@ Armor and @BonusMR@ Magic Resist for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Max 5 stacks; 1 per champion.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1656. Fortify: Taking damage from a champion grants a stack of bonus Armor and bonus Magic Resist.

    Max 5 stacks; 1 per champion.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1657. Incorporeal: After taking damage from a champion, gain @HealthRegenPassive*100@% base Health Regen for up to @HealthRegenDuration@ seconds (duration increases with damage taken).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1658. Incorporeal: After taking damage from a champion, Regenerate Health.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Purify: Remove all crowd control debuffs (except Knockups and Suppression) from an ally champion and restore @HealAmountMin@ - @HealAmountMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Health (@CleanseCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Purify: Restore Health and Remove all crowd control debuffs (except Knockups and Suppression) from an ally champion.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Purify: Remove all crowd control debuffs (except Knockups and Suppression) from an ally champion and restore @item.3222:HealAmountMin@ - @item.3222:HealAmountMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Health (@item.3222:CleanseCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).Successful Cleanses: @f2@
    Ally Healing: @f3@
    Total Heal and Shield power: @f4@%
    {{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Places an effigy that appears exactly as Fiddlesticks does to enemies. Stores up to a maximum of 2 charges.

    Enemy champions approaching an effigy will activate it, causing the effigy to fake a random action, after which the effigy will fall apart.Cannot be sold

    {{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Travel through the void to your Void Rift, leaving another rift behind.

    If you do not have a Void Rift active, create one instead.{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to @Effect5Amount@ Stealth Wards, generating a new Ward every @f4@ seconds.{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to @Effect5Amount@ Stealth Wards.Current Stealth Wards placed: @f1@/@f6@
    Vision Score: @f7@{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Reveals an area and places a visible, fragile Ward up to @Effect1Amount@ units away. Allies cannot target this Ward with Summoner Spells or Abilities (@Effect10Amount@ - @Effect11Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Reveals an area and places a visible, fragile Ward up to @Effect1Amount@ units away. Allies cannot target this Ward with Summoner Spells or Abilities (@f4@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Reveals an area and places a visible, fragile Ward up to @Effect1Amount@ units away.Vision Score: @f6@

    Champion level @Effect6Amount@ or greater required to purchase.{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Scans around you, warning against hidden enemy units, revealing invisible traps and revealing (and temporarily disabling) enemy Stealth Wards for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (@f2@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} Scans around you, warning against hidden enemy units, revealing invisible traps and revealing (and temporarily disabling) enemy Stealth Wards.Wards revealed: @f1@
    Vision Score: @f6@{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} After channeling for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, your champion teleports to target allied structure, minion, or ward and grants a @MSAmount*100@% Move Speed boost for @MSDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@ {{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Active_Trinket }} After channeling for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, your champion teleports to target allied structure, minion, or ward and grants a @MSAmount*100@% Move Speed boost for @MSDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@s cooldown).teleport;tp;trinketPocket TranslocatorOn-Hit damage dealt (by you and allies): @f3@
    Total Heal and Shield power: @f4@%{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1659. Sanctify: Healing or Shielding another ally enhances you both for @Duration@ seconds, granting your Attacks @AttackSpeedMin*100@% - @AttackSpeedMax*100@% (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Attack Speed and @OnHitMin@ - @OnHitMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1660. Sanctify: Healing or Shielding another ally enhances you both, granting Attack Speed and magic damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.
    Damage dealt to champions: @f1@
    Mana Restored: @f2@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1661. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack deals @SpellbladeDamage@ physical damage bonus damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} and restores @ManaRestore@ Mana (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1662. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack deals additional damage and restores Mana.{{ Item_Active_Consume }} Crush the Eye of the Herald after 1 second, summoning the Rift Herald to siege enemy turrets.
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1663. Glimpse of the Void: The holder of the Eye of the Herald has Empowered Recall.

    The Eye of the Herald will be lost to the Void if not used within @Effect1Amount@ seconds.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1664. Shipwrecker: While moving, build up to @MaxMovementSpeed@ bonus Move Speed. Your next Attack discharges built up Move Speed to deal up to @MaxDamageCalc@ physical damage. If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion at top speed, the Attack also Slows the target by @MaxStackSlowAmount*100@% for @MaxStackSlowDuration@ second.

    ''There's only one way you'll get this armor from me...'' - forgotten namesake

  1665. Shipwrecker: While moving, build up Move Speed. Your next Attack discharges built up Move Speed to deal damage. If dealt by a Melee champion at top speed, the Attack also Slows the target.

    ''There's only one way you'll get this armor from me...'' - forgotten namesake@SplashDamage@@SplashDamageRanged@@PrimaryDamage@@PrimaryDamageRanged@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1666. Colossus: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to @ADBonus@.
  1667. Cleave: Attacks apply an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}, creating a shockwave that deals {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }} physical damage to enemies behind the target.

    {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} damage is also applied to Structures. Cleave's shockwave does not trigger on structures.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1668. Colossus: Gain @ADBonus@ Attack Damage.
  1669. Cleave: Attacks apply an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}, creating a shockwave that deals {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} physical damage to enemies behind the target.

    {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} damage is also applied to Structures. Cleave's shockwave does not trigger on structures.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1670. Colossus: Gain bonus Attack Damage based off of bonus Health.
  1671. Cleave: Attacks apply additional damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}, creating a shockwave that deals damage to enemies behind the target.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1672. Enlighten: Upon levelling up, restores @ManaRestorePercent*100@% max Mana over @RestorationDuration@ seconds.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1673. Annul: Gain a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability (@Effect4Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    Item's cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1674. Annul: Gain a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability.

    Item's cooldown is restarted if you take damage before it is completed.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1675. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  1676. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Frostfang, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}

    {{ Item_Support_Warding_Active }}Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@
    Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1677. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  1678. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Shard of True Ice.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to @StealthWardCap@ Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1679. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  1680. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Shard of True Ice.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to @StealthWardCap@ Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop. Quest gold progress: @f4@/@Effect4Amount@
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_01 }}
  1681. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Runesteel Spaulders, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
  1682. Spoils of War: While nearby an allied champion, Attacks execute minions below 50% of their max Health (30% for Ranged). Killing a minion grants the same kill gold to the nearest allied champion. These effects recharge every @Effect5Amount@ seconds (Max @Effect6Amount@ charges).
  1683. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Runesteel Spaulders, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_02 }}
  1684. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Pauldrons of Whiterock.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to @StealthWardCap@ Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.
  1685. Spoils of War: While nearby an allied champion, Attacks execute minions below @Effect2Amount*100@% of their max Health. Killing a minion grants the same kill gold to the nearest allied champion. These effects recharge every @Effect5Amount@ seconds (Max @Effect6Amount@ charges).
  1686. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Bulwark of the Mountain. Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/3
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_01 }}
  1687. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Targon's Buckler, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
  1688. Spoils of War: While nearby an allied champion, Attacks execute minions below (@MeleeValue*100@% for Melee Users | @RangedValue*100@% for Ranged Users) of their max Health. Killing a minion grants the same kill gold to the nearest allied champion. These effects recharge every @Effect5Amount@ seconds (Max @Effect6Amount@ charges).
  1689. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Targon's Buckler, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}
    {{ Item_Support_Spoils_Of_War_02 }}
  1690. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Bulwark of the Mountain.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1691. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  1692. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Harrowing Crescent, gaining {{ Item_Active_Named_NoBullet }} Warding.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1693. Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  1694. Quest: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold from this item to transform it into Black Mist Scythe.

    {{ Item_Support_Minion_Warning }}Fire At Will
    {{ Item_Silver_Value }}Healing Reduced: @f2@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1695. Cursed: Dealing magic damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicPassiveBonus@
    Bonus damage dealt: @f2@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1696. Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal @InitialProcDamageAmount@ bonus magic damage and marks them for @BuffDuration@ seconds. (@PerTargetCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per enemy champion mark application) Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing an additional @AllyDamageMinTOOLTIP@ - @AllyDamageMaxTOOLTIP@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) magic damage and granting you both @MoveSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1697. Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal bonus damage and mark them. Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing additional damage and granting you both Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Power.
    Damage reduced: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1698. Absorb: Taking magic damage from enemy Champions grants a stack of Steadfast (max @MaxStacks@) for @BuffDuration@ seconds. Enemy Immobilizing effects grant an additional @ImmobilizeStacks@ stacks.
  1699. Dissipate: While at @MaxStacks@ stacks of Steadfast, take @DamageReduction*100@% reduced magic damage and gain @MoveSpeed*100@% increased Move Speed.

    One spell can add a new stack of Steadfast every @StackRefreshTimer@ second.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1700. Absorb: Taking magic damage from enemy Champions grants a stack of Steadfast. Enemy Immobilizing effects grant additional stacks.
  1701. Dissipate: While at max stacks of Steadfast, take reduced magic damage and gain increased Move Speed.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1702. Doing Something: You are permanently On Fire!Damage Dealt: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1703. Hypershot: Damaging a champion with a non-targeted Ability at over @SnipeRange@ range or Slowing or Immobilizing them Reveals them and increases their damage taken from you by @DamageAmp*100@% for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    The Ability that triggers Hypershot also benefits from the damage increase. Pets and non-immobilizing traps do not trigger this effect. Only the initial placement of zone Abilities will trigger this effect. Distance is measured from the Ability cast position. {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1704. Hypershot: Damaging a champion with a non-targeted Ability at over @SnipeRange@ range or Slowing or Immobilizing them Reveals them and increases their damage taken from you.

    The Ability that triggers Hypershot also benefits from the damage increase. Pets and non-immobilizing traps do not trigger this effect. Only the initial placement of zone Abilities will trigger this effect. Distance is measured from the Ability cast position. Duration of increased Move Speed: @f1@ seconds{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1705. Spelldance: Damaging a champion with @MaxStacks@ separate Attacks or Spells grants @MovespeedMax*100@% Move Speed (decaying to @MovespeedToGrant*100@%) and @MaxAP@ Ability Power until exiting champion combat.
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1706. Spelldance: Damaging a champion with @MaxStacks@ separate Attacks or Spells grants Move Speed and Ability Power until exiting champion combat.
    Current Bonus: %i:scaleMR% @f1@/@MaxMR@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1707. Adaptive: Killing a unit grants @MagicResistPerStack@ Magic Resist (max @MaxMR@).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicPassiveOmnivampBonus@ and %i:scaleAP% @MythicPassiveAPBonus@ Ability Power
    Bonus damage to champions: @f6@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1708. Void Corruption: For each second in combat with enemy champions, deal @EternityDamageIncreasePerSecond*100@% bonus damage (max @EternityDamageIncreaseMax*100@%). At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAP@ Ability Power.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1709. Void Corruption: For each second damaging enemy champions, deal bonus damage. At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Omnivamp and Ability Power.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicPassiveOmnivampBonus@ and %i:scaleAP% @MythicPassiveAPBonus@ Ability Power
    Bonus damage to champions: @f6@
    Capstone Healing: @f7@
    Capstone Mana Restore: @f8@{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicPassiveOmnivampBonus@ and %i:scaleAP% @MythicPassiveAPBonus@ Ability Power
    Bonus damage to champions: @f6@
    Riftmaker 2{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1710. Void Corruption: For each second in combat with enemy champions, deal @EternityDamageIncreasePerSecond*100@% bonus damage (max @EternityDamageIncreaseMax*100@%). While at maximum strength gain @ArmorVar@ Armor and @MRVar@ Magic Resist.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleSV% @MythicOmnivamp*100@% Omnivamp and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAP@ Ability Power.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveBonus@
    Champion damage dealt: @f2@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1711. Soulrend: Damaging a champion deals an additional @ReaperDamage@ magic damage and grants you @PercentMovespeedGain*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds (@TimerDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }} per champion).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassiveAbilityHaste@ Ability Haste.

    Damaging a new champion will extend the duration of the Move Speed bonus.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1712. Soulrend: Damaging a champion deals additional magic damage and grants you Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive}} Ability Haste.Damage Dealt to Champions: @f1@
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1713. Azakana Gaze: Dealing Ability damage burns enemies for {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} max Health magic damage every second for @Duration@ seconds.
  1714. Dark Pact: Gain @HealthToAPConversionPercent*100@% of your bonus Health as Ability Power. {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1715. Azakana Gaze: Dealing Ability damage burns enemies for {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} max Health magic damage every second for @Duration@ seconds.
  1716. Dark Pact: Gain @HealthToAPConversionPercent*100@% of your bonus Health as Ability Power (@f2@). {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1717. Azakana Gaze: Dealing Ability damage burns enemies for max Health magic damage every second.
  1718. Dark Pact: Gain bonus Health as Ability Power. Current Control Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1719. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.

    After completing the Support Quest and reaching Level @RequiredLevel@, transforms into Vigilant Wardstone.
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1720. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.

    After completing the Support Quest and reaching Level 13, transforms into Vigilant Wardstone.
    Stealth Wards placed: @f1@/@WardsPlaced@No Charges!
  1721. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.
  1722. Blooming Empire: This item transforms into Watchful Wardstone once @WardsPlaced@ Stealth Wards have been placed.

    Stealth Wards are placed from the Stealth Ward Trinket and the upgraded {{ Item_Unique_Support }} items.

    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1723. Blessing of Ixtal: Grants a @BonusStatMod*100@% increase to Ability Power, Ability Haste, bonus Attack Damage, and bonus Health.
  1724. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.
  1725. Behold: Increase your Stealth Ward and Control Ward placement caps by @WardIncrease@.
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1726. Blessing of Ixtal: Grants a @BonusStatMod*100@% increase to Ability Power (@f1@), Ability Haste (@f2@), bonus Attack Damage (@f3@), and bonus Health (@f4@).
  1727. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.
  1728. Behold: Increase your Stealth Ward and Control Ward placement caps by @WardIncrease@.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1729. Arcane Cache: This item can store up to @MaxJammerCharges@ purchased Control Wards.
  1730. Behold: Increase your Stealth Ward and Control Ward placement caps by @WardIncrease@.
  1731. Blessing of Ixtal: Grants a @BonusStatMod*100@% increase to bonus Health, bonus Attack Damage, Ability Haste, and Ability Power.

    Upgrades from Watchful Sightstone.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMS% @f1@% Move Speed and %i:scaleAP% @f2@ Ability Power
    Total damage blocked: @f3@
    Current Bonus Ability Power: @f4@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1732. Safeguard: You are Safeguarded, reducing incoming champion damage by @ShieldDRPercentage*100@%. Safeguard persists for @ShieldLingerAfterInitiallyPopped@ seconds after taking champion damage. (@OutOfCombatDuration@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).
  1733. Poise: While Safeguarded and for @GraceDuration@ seconds after it is broken, gain @BonusStatWhenShieldActive@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeed*100@% Move Speed and %i:scaleAP% @MythicAbilityPower@ Ability Power.

    Item cooldown is restarted when damage is taken from champions.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1734. Divine Safeguard: You are Safeguarded, reducing incoming champion damage. Safeguard persists for @ShieldLingerAfterInitiallyPopped@ seconds after taking champion damage.
  1735. Holy Gift: While Safeguarded and for @GraceDuration@ seconds after it is broken, gain Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Move Speed and Ability Power.Total Bonus Damage: @f1@
    Extra Bonus Damage from Shields: @f2@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1736. Cinderbloom: Damage to champions benefits from @MPenMin@ - @AdditionalMPenToGrant@ %i:scaleMPen% Magic Penetration, based on the target's current Health. (Max at @MinhealthThresholdValue@ or less Health.) Gain the max value if the target was recently affected by Shields (@AdditionalMPenToGrant@ %i:scaleMPen% Magic Penetration).

    Minimum %i:scaleMPen% Penetration granted when the target has @MaxHealthThresholdValue@ or more Health.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1737. Cinderbloom: Damage to champions benefits from additional %i:scaleMPen% Magic Penetration based on their current Health. If the target was recently affected by Shields, gain the maximum benefit against that target.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Crescent: Deal @PrimaryDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies. (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Crescent: Deal damage to nearby enemies.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Crescent: Deal @item.6029:PrimaryDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies. Minions and monsters below @item.6029:HealthThreshold*100@% Health take 200% damage (@item.6029:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, affected by Ability Haste).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) and gain @Tenacity*100@% Tenacity and @SlowResist*100@% Slow Resistance for @Duration@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs and gain Tenacity and Slow Resistance.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) and gain @Item.6035:Tenacity*100@% Tenacity and @Item.6035:SlowResist*100@% Slow Resistance for @Item.6035:Duration@ seconds (@Item.6035:Effect3Amount@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).Healing: @f4@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1738. Ignore Pain: {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} of damage taken is dealt to you over @BleedDurationWorst@ seconds instead.
  1739. Defy: When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, cleanse Ignore Pain's remaining damage pool and heal @HealTotal@ Health over @HealDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1740. Ignore Pain: Damage taken is dealt to you over time instead.
  1741. Defy: Champion takedowns cleanse Ignore Pain's remaining damage pool and restore Health over time.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1742. Hackshorn: Dealing physical damage applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for @GrievousDuration@ seconds. If the target is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, this effect is increased to @EnhancedGrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.

    {{ Item_Grievous_Wounds }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1743. Rapids: Healing or Shielding another ally grants you both @AbilityPowerMin@ - @AbilityPowerMax@ (ally %i:scaleLevel%) Ability Power and @AbilityHaste@ Ability Haste for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Ally_Scaling }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1744. Rapids: Healing or Shielding another ally grants you both Ability Power and Ability Haste.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveBonus@ increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.
    Total Healing done: @f1@
    Bonus Healing/Shielding: @f2@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1745. Starlit Grace: When affecting champions with Attacks or Abilities in combat, restore @BaseHealAmount@ Health to the most wounded nearby ally (@EveryXSecondsDoHeal@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Each second spent in combat with champions increases your Heal and Shield Power by @HealShieldAmpPerStack@% (to a maximum of @HealShieldAmpMaxTOOLTIP@%).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHealIncrease@ increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.

    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1746. Starlit Grace: When affecting champions with Attacks or Abilities in combat, restore Health to the most wounded nearby ally. Each second spent in combat with champions increases your Heal and Shield Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} an increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Thirsting Slash: Deal @SlashDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies. Restore @Heal@ + @MissingHealthHeal*100@% missing Health for each champion hit (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Thirsting Slash: Deal damage to nearby enemies. Restore Health for each champion hit.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Thirsting Slash: Deal @item.6630:SlashDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies. Restore @item.6630:Heal@ + @item.6630:MissingHealthHeal*100@% missing Health for each champion hit (@item.6630:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste).{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @CurrentMythicBonus@
    Thirsting Slash damage to champions: @f4@
    Thirsting Slash healing from champions: @f5@

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Haste.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Halting Slash: Deal @SlashDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies, Slowing them by @MSSlow*-100@% for @Duration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste). Can be cast while moving.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Halting Slash: Deal damage to nearby enemies, Slowing them. Can be cast while moving.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Halting Slash: Deal (@Item.6631:ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage) physical damage to nearby enemies, Slowing them by @Item.6631:MSSlow*-100@%, decaying over @Item.6631:Duration@ seconds (@Item.6631:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}, reduced by Ability Haste). Can be cast while moving.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMS% @CurrentMythicBonus@
    Damage to champions: @f4@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1747. Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants @FlatMS@ Move Speed for @Duration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicMSPerLegendary*100@% Move Speed.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1748. Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Move Speed.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAPen%/%i:scaleMPen% @BonusPenFromMythics@
    Damage to champions: @f4@
    Healing from champions: @f5@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1749. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional @MinSpellbladeDamage@ + {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }} target max Health physical damage (@SpellbladeCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If the target is a champion, also heal for @HealConversionPercent*100@% of the premitigation damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMPen% @MythicPenAmount*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Spellblade deals @MinSpellbladeDamage@ min damage to units, but no more than @MonsterCap@ damage to Monsters. {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
  1750. Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}. If the target is a champion, also heal.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Armor Penetration and Magic Penetration.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @f1@
    Burn Damage dealt to champions: @f2@
    Bonus Damage dealt to champions: @f3@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1751. Agony: Deal up to @MaxBonusMagicAmp@% bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health (maxed at @MaxDamageHPThreshold@ bonus Health).
  1752. Torment: Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn for @BurnDamage@ +@BurnPercentHealthDamage*100@% max Health magic damage per second for @BurnDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1753. Agony: Deal bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health.
  1754. Torment: Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn over time.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Haste.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMPen% @f1@
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@Burst fragile foes{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1755. Echo: Damaging Abilities deal an additional @Damage@ magic damage to the target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}). Dealing ability damage to Champions reduces this item's cooldown by @ReductionPerSpell@ second, up to @MaxReductionsPerSpell@ seconds per spell cast.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMPen% @MythicMPenAmount@ Magic Penetration. {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1756. Echo: Damaging Abilities deal magic damage to the target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you Move Speed. Dealing ability damage to Champions reduces this item's cooldown.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Magic Penetration.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Glaciate: Deal @DamageAmount@ magic damage in a cone, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies at the center of the cone are Rooted instead. (@Cooldown@{{Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Glaciate: Deal damage in a cone, Slowing enemies hit. Enemies at the center of the cone are Rooted instead.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Glaciate: Deal @item.6656:DamageAmount@ magic damage in a cone, Slowing enemies by @item.6656:SlowAmount*100@% for @item.6656:SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies at the center of the cone are Rooted instead (@item.6656:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAP% @f1@
    Champions rooted: @f2@
    Champions slowed: @f3@

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAP% @MythicStatAmount@ Ability Power.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Power.
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1757. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1758. Immolate : Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased against minions and monsters).{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleHealth% @MythicPassiveHP@ and @MythicPassiveSizeTOOLTIP@% Size
    Damage dealt to champions: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1759. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.
  1760. Snowbind: Attacks create a frost field for @SlowFieldDuration@ seconds and deal {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }} magic damage to all enemies in the area ({{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Enemies that move across the field are Slowed by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }}%.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @HPPerLegendary@ Health and @SizePerLegendary*100@% Size.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1761. Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing @DPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters) for @AuraDuration@ seconds.
  1762. Snowbind: Attacks create a frost field for @SlowFieldDuration@ seconds and deal {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_C }} magic damage to all enemies in the area ({{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}). Enemies that move across the field are Slowed by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }}.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleHealth% @HPPerLegendary@ Health and @SizePerLegendary*100@% Size.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1763. Immolate : Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing damage per second to nearby enemies.
  1764. Snowbind: Attacks create a frost field and deal magic damage to all enemies in the area. Enemies that move across the field are Slowed.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Health and Size.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supercharged: Grants @HasteAmount*100@% Move Speed towards enemies or enemy turrets for @HasteDuration@ seconds. Once near an enemy (or after @HasteDuration@ seconds) a shockwave is emitted that Slows nearby champions by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds (@HasteCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Supercharged: Grants Move Speed towards enemies or enemy turrets. Once near an enemy (or after @HasteDuration@ seconds) a shockwave is emitted that Slows nearby champions.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Supercharged: Grants @Item.6664:HasteAmount*100@% Move Speed towards enemies or enemy turrets for @Item.6664:HasteDuration@ seconds. Once near an enemy (or after @Item.6664:HasteDuration@ seconds) a shockwave is emitted that Slows nearby champions by @Item.6664:SlowAmount*-100@% for @Item.6664:SlowDuration@ seconds (@Item.6664:HasteCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicPassive@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPPassiveCalc@ Health
    Damage dealt to champions: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
    Refuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large Monsters fills up the Chemtank. At @MaxCount@ stacks, your next basic attack deals @AoEDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @HastePerLegendary@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.{{ Item_Passive_List }}Refuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large monsters fills up the Chemtank. At @MaxCount@ stacks, your next basic attack deals damage to all nearby enemies (increased against minions and monsters).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Haste and Health.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
    Refuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large monsters fills up the Chemtank. At @MaxCount@ stacks, your next basic attack deals 40-120 (+1% max Health, + 3% Move Speed) magic damage to all nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @HastePerLegendary@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.{{ Item_Passive_List }}

    Refuel: Moving and taking damage from Champions and large Monsters fills up the Chemtank. At @MaxCount@ stacks, your next basic attack deals @AoEDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies (increased by @MinionMod*100@% against minions and @MonsterMod*100@% against jungle monsters).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @HastePerLegendary@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHPAmount@ Health.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1765. Precision: Attacks deal an additional @MinionDamage@ physical damage to Minions and Monsters.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1766. Precision: Attacks deal additional damage to Minions and Monsters.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Cloudburst: Dash in target direction, firing three missiles at the lowest Health enemy near your destination (prioritizing champions). Deals a total of @TotalDamageAmount@ magic damage, increased against low Health targets by up to @ExecuteMaxDamage*100@% (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Cloudburst: Dash in target direction, firing three missiles at the lowest Health enemy near your destination. Deals damage, increased against low Health targets.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Cloudburst: Dash in target direction, firing three missiles at the lowest Health enemy near your destination (prioritizing champions). Deals a total of @item.6671:TotalDamageAmount@ magic damage, increased against low Health targets by up to @item.6671:ExecuteMaxDamage*100@% (@item.6671:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleMS% @f1*100@%
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleMS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Move Speed

    Maximum missile damage dealt when enemy Health is below @ExecuteMaxThreshold*100@%.
    Cloudburst's dash cannot pass through terrain.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Move Speed.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAS% @f1*100@%
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1767. Bring It Down: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageAmount@ true damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAS% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Attack Speed.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1768. Bring It Down: Every third Attack deals additional true damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Attack Speed.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAD% @f1@ and %i:scaleHealth% @f2@
    Damage blocked: @f3@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1769. Lifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, gain a @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@s. In addition, gain @ADAmount@ Attack Damage for @BuffDuration@s (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAD% @MythicADAmount@ Attack Damage and %i:scaleHealth% @MythicHealthAmount@ Health. {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1770. Lifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, gain a Shield. In addition, gain Attack Damage.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Attack Damage and Health.Unique: Mythic, Lifeline{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1771. Deft Strikes: Your critical strikes with Attacks reduce your non-Ultimate Ability cooldowns by @CDRAmount*100@% of their remaining cooldown.Unique: Quickblades{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1772. Death and Taxes: Dealing damage that would leave an enemy champion below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health executes them. Champion kills grant an additional @GoldAmount@ gold.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1773. Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} damage. Gain @DamageAmountPerCritStep@ {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} for each @CritChancePerStep@% Critical Strike Chance converted.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1774. Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into @f1@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }}.{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleCooldown% @f1@ and %i:scaleMS% @MythicPassiveMSToolTip@
    Damage dealt to champions: @f2@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1775. Nightstalker: Attacking a champion deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} physical damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, this cooldown is refreshed and you become Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1776. Nightstalker: Attacking a champion deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} physical damage (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}). If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, this cooldown is refreshed and you become Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleCooldown% @MythicHasteAmount@ Ability Haste and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1777. Nightstalker: Attacking a champion deals additional damage. If dealt by a %i:meleeActive% Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target. When a champion that you have damaged within the last @TakedownWindow@ seconds dies, this cooldown is refreshed and you become Invisible.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Ability Haste and Move Speed.
    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAPen% @f1*100@% and %i:scaleMS% @MythicPassiveMSToolTip@
    Damage dealt: @f4@
    Damage blocked: @f3@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1778. Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within @WindowDuration@ seconds deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }}% max Health physical damage, grants you @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed and a {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1779. Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within @WindowDuration@ seconds deals an additional {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_C }}% max Health physical damage, grants you @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed and a {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }} Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds ({{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }}{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount*100@% Armor Penetration and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1780. Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within @WindowDuration@ seconds deals additional damage, grants you Move Speed and a Shield.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Armor Penetration and Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Sandswipe: Dash through target enemy champion, dealing @DamageAmount@ physical damage. For the next @AmpDuration@ seconds, you deal @AmpAmount*100@% increased damage to the target. (@Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Sandswipe: Dash through target enemy champion, dealing damage. You deal increased damage to the target.{{ Item_Active_Named }} Sandswipe: Dash through target enemy, dealing @Item.6693:DamageAmount@ physical damage. For the next @Item.6693:AmpDuration@ seconds, you deal @Item.6693:AmpAmount*100@% increased damage to the target. (@Item.6693:Cooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown}}).{{ Item_Mythic_Passive_Bonuses }} %i:scaleAPen% @f1@ and %i:scaleMS% @MythicPassiveMSToolTip@
    Damage dealt: @f2@
    Added damage from amp: @f3@

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} %i:scaleAPen% @MythicStatAmount@ Lethality and %i:scaleMS% @MythicMovespeedAmount@ Move Speed.

    {{ Item_Mythic_Passive }} Lethality and Move Speed.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1781. Bitter Cold: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1782. Bitter Cold: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies.This unit has reduced shielding.Serpent's VenomShielding Reduced: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1783. Shield Reaver: Dealing damage to an enemy champion reduces any shields they gain by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }}% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds. When you damage an enemy who is unaffected by Shield Reaver, reduce all shields on them by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_B }}%.

    Does not reduce the size of shields which only block magic damage.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1784. Shield Reaver: Dealing damage to an enemy champion reduces any shields they gain by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic }}% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds. When you damage an enemy who is unaffected by Shield Reaver, reduce all shields on them by {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split_Dynamic_B }}%.

    Does not reduce the size of shields which only block magic damage.
    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1785. Shield Reaver: Dealing damage to an enemy champion reduces any shields they gain. When you damage an enemy who is unaffected by Shield Reaver, reduce all shields on them.

    {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Rules }}Seconds Refunded: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1786. Flux: Whenever a Champion dies within @ResetWindow@ seconds of you having damaged them, refund @UltimateRefund*100@% of your Ultimate Ability's total cooldown.

    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1787. Flux: Whenever a Champion dies within @ResetWindow@ seconds of you having damaged them, refund @UltimateRefund*100@% (@f2@s) of your Ultimate Ability's total cooldown.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1788. Flux: Whenever a Champion dies within @ResetWindow@ seconds of you having damaged them, refund @UltimateRefund*100@% of your Ultimate Ability's total cooldown.

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Vow: Choose a Nemesis to start building a Vendetta (@ActiveCooldown@{{ Item_Cooldown }}).

    {{ Item_Active_Named }} Vow: Choose a Nemesis to start building a Vendetta (@ActiveCooldown@s).;Helia;Vendetta;hel;healia;healYou already have a Vendetta on this targetDamage Reduced: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1789. Vendetta: You gain Vendetta stacks over time, and reach the maximum of @MaxDRStacks@ stacks after @TooltipMaxStackTime@ seconds. Each stack of Vendetta grants you 1% reduced damage from your Nemesis, up to @MaxDRStacks@% damage reduction.
  1790. Vengeance: At maximum stacks, your Nemesis has @PercentTenacityReduc@% reduced Tenacity while near you.

    Active can be cast at global range. Stacks reset upon choosing a new target. Cannot be cast for 15 seconds while in-combat with champions.

    "She swore to dedicate her life to his destruction..."{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1791. Vendetta: Take reduced damage from your Nemesis, increasing per Vendetta stack. You gain stacks over time, and reach the maximum number of stacks after 60 seconds.
  1792. Vengeance: At maximum stacks, your Nemesis has reduced Tenacity while near you.

    Active can be cast while dead and at global range. Stacks reset upon choosing a new target. Cannot be cast for 15 seconds while in-combat with champions.

    "She swore to dedicate her life to his destruction. The gauntlets heard."Cosmic Drive (PRESEASON){{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1793. Spelldance: Attacking or hitting a spell on champions @MaxStacks@ times grants Cosmic Drive.
  1794. Cosmic Drive: Gain @MovespeedMax*100@% Move Speed (decaying to @MovespeedToGrant*100@%) and @APPerStack@ Ability Power every second (max @MaxAP@ after @MaxStacksRampingBuff@ seconds).

    Number of Activations: @f1@

    Targets for attacks and spellhits don't need to be the same champion. Buff effects persist until leaving champion combat once triggered.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1795. Spelldance: Spellcasts and attacks in champion combat grant @APPerStack@ Ability Power, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times. When fully stacked, your next spellcast grants @MovespeedMax*100@% Move Speed, decaying to @MovespeedToGrant*100@% until leaving combat.

    Number of Activations: @f1@Health Unmade: @f1@{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1796. Unmake: Curse nearby enemy champions, reducing their Magic Resist by @MRReduceBase@ + @MRReduceRatio*100@% bonus Health (max @MRReduceMax@). For each Cursed enemy, gain @MRGain@ Magic Resist.

    A Champion can only be Cursed by one enemy at a time (prioritizing the most potent Curse).{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1797. Unmake: Curse nearby enemy champions, reducing their Magic Resist by @f2@%i:scaleHealth% (max @MRReduceMax@). For each Cursed enemy, gain @MRGain@ Magic Resist.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1798. Unmake: Curse nearby enemy champions, reducing their Magic Resist. For each Cursed enemy, gain Magic Resist.%i:activeEffect% Active:%i:activeEffect% Active - Consume:%i:activeEffect% Active -%i:activeEffect% Active - Trinket:Strength of level-scaling effects are based on the ally's level.Unique: Mana Charge, Lifelines %i:cooldown%@keyActive@Sells for: @Value@@keyUniqueGroup@Energized: Moving and Attacking will generate an Energized Attack.Ghosted units ignore collision with other units.%i:goldCoins% @Value@Sells for: %i:goldCoins% @Value@Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects on the target.HydraConsuming this item grants all item effects permanently and increases Smite damage to monsters. If you have gained more gold from minions than jungle monsters, gold and experience from minions is heavily reduced. Healing is not reduced on AoE attacks. If two levels behind the average champion level of the game, monster kills grant bonus experience. %i:OnHit% On-HitChampion level @RequiredLevel@ or greater required to purchase.
    Requires Level 9 to purchase.

    %i:scaleAPen% @PercentArmorPenetrationMod*100@% Armor Penetration%i:scaleCritMult% @PercentCritDamageMod*100@% Critical Strike Damage+@FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health Regen per 5 seconds+@FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana Regen per 5 seconds%i:goldCoins% @Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds%i:scaleHealShield% @PercentHealingAmountMod*100@% Heal and Shield Power%i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality%i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration%i:scaleMPen% @PercentMagicPenetrationMod*100@% Magic Penetration%i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)%i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)%i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste%i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal%i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed%i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% Omnivamp%i:scaleSV% @PercentPhysicalVampMod*100@% Physical Vamp%i:scaleTenacity% @PercentTenacityItemMod*100@% TenacityItem performance differs for %i:meleeInactive% melee and %i:rangedInactive% ranged users.{{ Item_Range_Mod_@ChampRange@ }}{{ Item_Range_Mod_@ChampRange@_B }}{{ Item_Range_Mod_@ChampRange@_C }}{{ Item_Range_Mod_@ChampRange@_Dynamic }}{{ Item_Range_Mod_@ChampRange@_Dynamic_B }}{{ Item_Range_Mod_@ChampRange@_Dynamic_C }}Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary itemsCurrent Mythic Passive bonuses:Omnivamp is only 33% effective when dealing area of effect damage or damage through pets.Life Steal applies to On-Hit damage dealt by this item.
    Rock Solid: Reduce incoming damage from Attacks by up to @AmountToBlock@, capped at @WardenDamageMax*100@% of the Attack's damage.{{ Item_Range_Type_Melee }}{{ Item_Range_Type_Melee_B }}{{ Item_Range_Type_Melee_C }}{{ Item_Range_Type_Melee_Dynamic }}{{ Item_Range_Type_Melee_Dynamic_B }}{{ Item_Range_Type_Melee_Dynamic_C }}{{ Item_Range_Type_Melee_Perc }}{{ Item_Range_Type_Ranged }}{{ Item_Range_Type_Ranged_B }}{{ Item_Range_Type_Ranged_C }}{{ Item_Range_Type_Ranged_Dynamic }}{{ Item_Range_Type_Ranged_Dynamic_B }}{{ Item_Range_Type_Ranged_Dynamic_C }}{{ Item_Range_Type_Ranged_Perc }}(%i:meleeActive%@MeleeItemCalcValue@ | %i:rangedInactive%@RangedItemCalcValue@)(%i:meleeActive%@MeleeItemCalcValueB@ | %i:rangedInactive%@RangedItemCalcValueB@)(%i:meleeActive%@MeleeItemCalcValueC@ | %i:rangedInactive%@RangedItemCalcValueC@)%i:meleeActive%@MeleeItemCalcValue@%i:meleeActive%@MeleeItemCalcValueB@%i:meleeActive%@MeleeItemCalcValueC@(%i:meleeActive%@MeleeValue*100@% | %i:rangedInactive%@RangedValue*100@%)(%i:meleeInactive%@MeleeItemCalcValue@ | %i:rangedActive%@RangedItemCalcValue@)(%i:meleeInactive%@MeleeItemCalcValueB@ | %i:rangedActive%@RangedItemCalcValueB@)(%i:meleeInactive%@MeleeItemCalcValueC@ | %i:rangedActive%@RangedItemCalcValueC@)%i:rangedActive%@RangedItemCalcValue@%i:rangedActive%@RangedItemCalcValueB@%i:rangedActive%@RangedItemCalcValueC@(%i:meleeInactive%@MeleeValue*100@% | %i:rangedActive%@RangedValue*100@%)%i:rangedActive% Ranged champions only.
    {{ Item_RangedOnly_@ChampRange@ }}Rock Solid Damage Blocked: @f1@%i:scaleLevel%%i:scaleHealShield% @HealShieldPower*100@% Heal and Shield Power%i:scaleSV% @StatNotSupportedYet@% Magical VampGain %i:scaleSV% @OmnivampCalculation@ Omnivamp.%i:scaleSV% @StatNotSupportedYet@% Physical VampThis item grants reduced gold from minions if you kill excessive numbers of them.
  1799. Spoils of War: While nearby an allied champion, Attacks execute minions below {{ Item_Range_Mod_@ChampRange@_Perc }} of their max Health. Killing a minion grants the same kill gold to the nearest allied champion. These effects recharge every @Effect5Amount@ seconds (Max @Effect6Amount@ charges).
  1800. Spoils of War: While nearby an allied champion, Attacks execute minions below @Effect2Amount*100@% of their max Health. Killing a minion grants the same kill gold to the nearest allied champion. These effects recharge every @Effect5Amount@ seconds (Max @Effect6Amount@ charges).Current Stealth Wards placed: @f5@/@f6@{{ Item_Active_Named }} Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to @StealthWardCap@ Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop. Unique: BootsUnique: ElixirUnique: GloryUnique: HydraUnique: SightstoneUnique: JungleUnique: Last WhisperUnique: LifelineUnique: Mana ChargeUnique: Crit ModifierUnique: MythicUnique: Mythic ComponentUnique: PotionUnique: QuicksilverUnique: SupportUnique: TrinketUnique: Void PenUniqueRequires @StealthWardsRequired@ Stealth Wards placed to purchase.
    {{ Item_Ward_Requirement_@WardRequirementMet@ }}Upgrades from Watchful Wardstone.

    A masterwork chestA hextech keyOrange EssenceStar Forger Ao Shin 1 and 2 StarHexgold Umbra 1 and 2 StarA Legendary ChonccAn Emote525 Orange EssenceA Skin shardA Ward Skin shardA TockerA Petricite TockerA Chemtech TockerA Black Mist TockerA Legionnaire TockerA Petal Dancer TockerA FlutterbugA True Ice FlutterbugA Sandbringer FlutterbugA Legionnaire FlutterbugAn Ixtali FlutterbugA Beevil FlutterbugA CraggleA Sandbringer CraggleA Black Mist CraggleA Legionnaire CraggleA Hextech CraggleAn Ao ShinAn Elder Ao ShinA Dark Star Ao ShinA Firecracker Ao ShinA Divine Ao ShinA Star Forger Ao ShinAn UmbraA Black Mist UmbraA Fruity-tooty UmbraA Thunderbeast UmbraA Blood Moon UmbraA ChonccAn Atlantean ChonccAn Earth Titan ChonccA Fireborn ChonccA Precious Panda ChonccA Honeybuzz ChonccA K/DA ALL OUT FuryhornA K/DA POP/STARS FuryhornA K/DA ALL OUT Featherknight A K/DA POP/STARS Featherknight A K/DA ALL OUT HushtailA K/DA POP/STARS Hushtail A K/DA ALL OUT SquinkA K/DA POP/STARS Squink A K/DA ALL OUT LightchargerA K/DA POP/STARS Lightcharger A Dowsie VariantA Fenroar VariantA Nimblefoot VariantSkin ShardCould contain any skin tier. The skin of your dreams just might be in here.Elemental Form: LightLux has gained enough elemental power to master an element! Select an element to add it to her current form.

    "The elements are all at my disposal."
    Elemental Form: LightLux gains elemental power from damaging enemy champions with her spells. Upon gaining enough power, she is able to master an element and add it to her current form.

    Elemental Power: @MotePercent@%

    "The elements are all at my disposal."

    Active items can be cast as though they were an ability.

    Named Unique actives share a cooldown.Every 1 point of adaptive force will provide either 0.6 AD or 1.0 AP depending on which you have more of during the course of the game. Affected by item purchases.Will either deal physical or magical damage depending on which ratio (AD or AP) has a greater contribution. Basically, more damage of the type your champion deals. Area of Effect

    Auras with the same name don't stack.

    You may have two stacks of the same named Aura if you are a source of one of those stacks.
    % Bonus Armor Penetration

    Physical damage is increased by ignoring a percent of the target's bonus Armor.

    This applies before non-percent Armor Penetration.Cooldown Reduction Enemy territory is the opposite half of the map to your own Nexus. This does not include the river on Summoner's Rift.

    Moving and attacking builds charges.
    At 100 charges, your next attack becomes Energized and can trigger additional effects on hit, expending the charges.
    Feed the King

    Use this Trinket while near a friendly Poro King to activate its effect.
    The King can only eat one Snax at a time, though, so you may have to wait until he calms down first.
    Armor Penetration

    Physical damage is increased by ignoring an amount of the target's Armor equal to Armor Penetration.
    Flat Damage Reduction

    Occurs before Armor and Magic Resistance is applied. 30% effective against damage over time and pets.
    Magic Penetration

    Magic damage is increased by ignoring an amount of the target's Magic Resist equal to Magic Penetration.
    Grievous Wounds

    Reduces healing and regeneration by a percentage.Includes Suppression, Stun, Root, Knockup, Knockback, Charm, Sleep, Taunt and Fear effects Includes Blind, Nearsighted, Silence, Slow, Polymorph, Grounded, Suppression, Stun, Root, Knockup, Knockback, Charm, Sleep, Taunt and Fear effects Includes Slow, Polymorph, Grounded, Suppression, Stun, Root, Knockup, Knockback, Charm, Sleep, Taunt and Fear effects
    Minion Bonuses

    Bannered minions donate their gold from kills to the champion that Promoted them. Grants all minions increased size, 30% Damage Reduction from Turrets, 100% additional damage to Turrets, and 40% Damage Reduction from Champions. Additional bonuses granted per minion type:

    Melee: 600 Health, 50 Attack Damage, 40 Armor, 40 Magic Resist, and 90% Bonus Attack Speed.
    Caster: 400 Health, 75 Attack Damage, 40 Armor, 40 Magic Resist, and 25% Bonus Attack Speed.
    Cannon: 600 Health, 100 Attack Damage, 100 Armor, and 100 Magic Resist.
    Jungle Focus

    +10 Gold from Large Monster Kills

    Gain bonuses while nearby your partner. Protect your partner and keep them alive so that they can return the favour. Such is your vow.

    Physical damage is increased by ignoring an amount of the target's Armor based on your level.

    This is particularly effective vs. targets without Armor items.
    Movement Impaired

    A unit is movement-impaired if it is slowed, stunned, taunted, feared, or immobilized.
    Monster Hunter

    Monsters: Killing Large Monsters grants 60 bonus experience. The first Large Monster killed grants 150 bonus experience.

    Minions: If your gold earned from minion kills is greater than 50% of your gold earned from monster kills, lane minions will reward 10 less gold per kill and Large Monsters no longer grant bonus experience. This restriction is removed at 14:00 game time.
    Spell Vamp

    Abilities heal for a percentage of the damage they deal. Area of Effect spells only grant one-third of the healing from Spell Vamp.Render yourself untargetable and invunerable for the duration but also unable to move, attack, cast spells or use items.

    +1 Gold from nearby minions killed by allies
    +3 Gold (10 if melee) when hitting an enemy champion with a basic attack (5 second cooldown)
    Support Minion Rule

    Killing over 4 minions per minute in the last 5 minutes will reduce the gold reward from further minions by 50%. Continuing to kill minions will reduce the value of minions killed, down to 20% gold reward value.Kills or assists
    % Total Magic Penetration

    Magic damage is increased by ignoring a percent of the target's total Magic Resistance.

    This applies before non-percent Magic Penetration.
    Unique Passive

    Unnamed Unique passives among multiple of the same item don't stack.

    Named Unique passives don't stack across any item.
    Void Gate

    Void structures that create Voidspawn.

    Void minions that decay over time.

    Travels down nearest lane.
    Ignores champions and Void targets.
    Explodes to attack structures, marking that structure with Void Commander's Selfish Conquest.
    Emperor's Favor

    Additional coins are dropped on champion takedown.
    Elixir of Skill

    Consume to gain a skill point.
    Queen's Tribute

    When you trigger Tribute you receive a burst of Move Speed.
    Hextech Items

    Hextech items generally give you an additional spell or some additional magic damage. Their unique damaging effects share a linked cooldown and can trigger other spell effects.
  1801. Hextech Revolver
  1802. Hextech Gunblade
  1803. Hextech Protobelt-01
  1804. Hextech GLP-800
  1805. Premitigation Damage

    Premitigation damage is the raw amount of damage dealt before the opponent's Armor and Magic Resistance is applied.Elemental Form: MagmaLux has mastered the elements of Fire and Nature and has transcended to a higher form.

    "All flee from rivers of stone and flame."
    Royal ArmsBuilt by Miss Fortune from her father's blueprints, this highly-modified suit can fire a rotating barrage of bullets, antimatter tank shells, missiles, and antipersonnel flak discharges.Scarlet FairA gravity-resistant exosuit and so-called 'black hole gun.' Fires spheres of super-condensed dark matter.Zero HourCapable of wiping out an entire fleet with its rapid-fire antimatter warheads, only a few of these suits were ever produced due to their immense destructive power.A banned exosuit that utilizes creatures born from exploding suns to melt Miss Fortune's enemies.StarswarmRecording...Video '%s' written to 'My Documents/League Of Legends/Highlights'.Video '%1' written to '%2'.Recording Error: %s ErrorJump Back@Key@Click to Jump Back 15 SecondsPause@Key@Click to Pause PlaybackPlay@Key@Click to Resume PlaybackStart Recording@Key@Click to Begin RecordingStop Recording@Key@Click to Stop RecordingSlow Down@Key@Click to Slow Down PlaybackSpeed Up@Key@Click to Speed Up PlaybackTime ControlsUnused String for AnnouncementsDestroy an Enemy TurretDestroy an Enemy Turret

    Push with your minions to destroy an enemy Turret.

    Click to ping these objectives on your minimap.
    Destroy the exposed InhibitorDestroy the exposed Inhibitor

    Once you destroy all the turrets in the lane, the Inhibitor in that lane becomes vulnerable.

    Inhibitors do respawn, but while it is destroyed your minions are much stronger in that lane, allowing you to push in to win.

    Click to ping these objectives on your minimap.
    Earn 3500 Gold by Killing EnemiesEarn 3500 Gold by Killing Enemies

    Deal the killing blow to minions, or assist in killing enemy champions to earn gold. Gold can be spent at the shop at your spawn platform to buy powerful items that grant stats and unique effects.
    Deal The Killing Blow To 12 MinionsDeal The Killing Blow To 12 Minions

    You can earn gold to purchase more items at the shop by dealing the killing blow to enemies.
    Earn Experience and Level UpEarn Experience and Level Up

    You can earn experience by being near enemies when they die. Earn enough and you will level up, gaining increased stats and a new ability point to unlock or power up your abilities.
    Learn a Basic AbilityLearn a Basic Ability

    You get to choose what abilities you want to learn and upgrade each game. Utilize the highlighted upgrade buttons over the Ability Icons located on the HUD at the bottom of your screen to do this.
    Move down a Lane to start the matchMove down a Lane to start the match

    There are 3 lanes - pathways where minions will fight each other in to reach the enemy base. Teams must figure out the best lanes for each of their champions to defend and attack.
    Destroy All Towers in a LaneDestroy All Towers in a Lane

    To reach the enemy base, you must first destroy all turrets in that lane.

    Click to ping these objectives on your minimap.
    Destroy the Enemy NexusDestroy the Enemy Nexus

    While any inhibitor is destroyed, you can attack the enemy Nexus Turrets, and then the enemy Nexus.

    Push to secure victory.

    Click to ping these objectives on your minimap.
    Recall to Return to the Shop and Purchase ItemsRecall @k1@ to Return to the Shop and Purchase ItemsRecall to Return to the Shop and Purchase Items

    Return to the Summoner Platform. You will be able to heal and purchase items from the shop there. Be aware, Recall is interrupted by taking damage, so get away from any nearby enemies first.

    Click to see the shop's location on your minimap.
    There are Neutral Monsters between LanesThere are Neutral Monsters between Lanes

    This area is called the Jungle, and contains neutral Monsters that you can kill for extra gold and experience. Some even grant temporary buff effects.
    Remember to spend Skill PointsRemember to spend Skill Points

    You get to choose what abilities you want to learn and upgrade each game. Utilize the highlighted upgrade buttons over the Ability Icons located on the HUD at the bottom of your screen to do this.
    Recall cancels when you take damage or take other action.Try to avoid dying. Enemies get stronger with each death.Try to avoid dying. Enemies get stronger with each death.

    If your health gets low, consider using Recall to quickly get back to base and heal up.
    Remember to spend your Gold. Recall to get to the Shop.Remember to spend your Gold. Recall @k1@ to get to the Shop.Remember to spend your Gold. Recall to get to the Shop.

    Return to the Summoner Platform. You will be able to heal and purchase items from the shop there. Be aware, Recall is interrupted by taking damage, so get away from any nearby enemies first.

    Click to see the shop's location on your minimap.
    Structures are immune to most SpellsTry out a few different Champions.Turrets will defend champions on their team.Turrets will defend champions on their team.Towers hurt! Back away when Enemy Towers attack you.Towers hurt! Back away when Enemy Towers attack you.Ocean Song 2022 IconAugment: @AugmentName@ has been disabled and is unavailable for use this game.Bamboozle Flame Chompers! [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_JinxE:Hotkey@] AugmentJinx tosses 9 Chompers in a circle around herself and Flame Chompers! deal 15% more damage.Hoppers Flame Chompers! [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_JinxE:Hotkey@] AugmentChompers hop towards enemies and trapping enemies reduces Flame Chompers! remaining cooldown by 10%.Scorcher Flame Chompers! [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_JinxE:Hotkey@] AugmentFlame Chompers! root for twice as long (3 seconds) and while rooted enemies take 30% more damage from all sources.Plan: AStats AugmentSpell hits deal 50 (+50% bonus AD) (+30% AP) bonus true damage over 2 seconds and casting spells grant a stack of Rev'D Up.Plan: ZStats AugmentItems that grants Armor, Magic Resist, or Health grant a bonus 25 Attack Damage and Ability Power.The PilotInnate AugmentWho let her drive?Get Excited! activates when Jinx kills shiny monsters and applies itself to all crewmembers. Jinx additionally gains:
    • +10% Healing for all damage dealt. (33% effectiveness for AoE).
    • +50% Ultimate Cooldown Reduction.
    • +20% Attack Speed.
    • +15 Mana Regen per second.
    AntsyGet Excited! [P] AugmentWhile Excited Jinx has infinite casts of Warp (Odyssey Flash).Eager Get Excited! [P] AugmentWhenever Jinx or her ally casts their Ultimate, Get Excited!Barrage Switcheroo! [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_JinxQ:Hotkey@] AugmentFor every stack of Rev'd Up Jinx fires 2 additional rockets to enemies near her target. (Bonus rockets deal 40% physical damage).Slow-Slow Switcheroo! [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_JinxQ:Hotkey@] AugmentPow-Pow bullets now slow enemies by 25% for 1 second and shred 2 Armor and Magic Resist. (Stacks up to 20 times).Whalebones Switcheroo! [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_JinxQ:Hotkey@] AugmentFishbones rockets no longer cost mana and its attack range bonus and explosion size are doubled.Arsenal Super Mega Death Comet! [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_JinxR:Hotkey@] AugmentJinx now carries 3 Super Mega Death Comets! in her arsenal, and they recharge 25% faster. Comet Super Mega Death Comet! [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_JinxR:Hotkey@] AugmentInstead of exploding on contact, Super Mega Death Comet! leaves a fire trail for 6 seconds that slows enemies by 40% and burns them for 100/200/300 (+120% AD) (+60% AP) physical damage each second.Runaway Zap! [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_JinxW:Hotkey@] AugmentZap! no longer stops on the first target hit, and deals 30% bonus damage for each successive target.Splitter Zap! [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_JinxW:Hotkey@] AugmentZap! fires 2 additional beams in a deadly spread shot. (Multiple hits on a target deal 50% damage).Tag! Zap! [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_JinxW:Hotkey@] AugmentZap! slows for twice as long and Jinx's first basic attack on a Zapped! target is an automatic crit and has unlimited attack range.Aftershock Ground Slam [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_MalphiteE:Hotkey@] AugmentGround Slam's area of effect is +50% bigger, and leaves cracks on the ground that erupt 2 seconds later, repeating the damage.Echo Ground Slam [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_MalphiteE:Hotkey@] AugmentEnemies hit by Ground Slam echo the spell, dealing its damage to nearby enemies. (Any unit can be damaged at most twice by a single cast)Intimidating Ground Slam [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_MalphiteE:Hotkey@] AugmentEnemies hit by Ground Slam change their active target to Malphite and have 30% of their Armor and Magic Resist shredded for 3 seconds.GoliathStats AugmentMalphite's size and attack range scales with bonus HP, and for every 100 bonus HP he gains +2% increased damage. (Max at 3500 HP)The MuscleInnate AugmentWith a heart of gold.Granite Shield's cooldown does not reset during combat, and basic attacks and spell hits lower it by [1 | 2] second(s) respectively. Malphite additionally gains:
    • +5% Healing for all damage dealt (33% effectiveness for AoE).
    • +50% Ultimate Cooldown Reduction.
    • +5% Health.
    • +15 Mana Regen per second.
    • +100 Attack Damage and Ability Power.
    TransmuteStats AugmentMalphite gains 1 Attack Damage for every 3 Ability Power he has, and 3 Ability Power for every 4 Attack Damage. (Does not stack with itself)BerzerkerGranite Shield [P] AugmentMalphite goes berzerk whenever a shield on him breaks, increasing his base attack damage by 120 and his attack speed and Move Speed by 60% for 4 seconds.VolatileGranite Shield [P] AugmentShields on Malphite shatter with explosive force, dealing 100 (+20% Armor) (+35% AP) magic damage and slowing nearby enemies by 50% for 2 seconds.Fracture Seismic Shard [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_MalphiteQ:Hotkey@] AugmentSeismic Shard fractures enemies for 4 seconds. Auto attacks break the fracture, knocking up the target and dealing 125 (+75% AP) magic damage.Landslide Seismic Shard [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_MalphiteQ:Hotkey@] AugmentSeismic Shard deals 75% more damage and when it hits its primary target it shatters and strikes every enemy behind them.Sharpened Seismic Shard [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_MalphiteQ:Hotkey@] AugmentSeismic Shard gains 50% cast range, steals 50% move speed, and has a 50% reduced cooldown.Onslaught Unstoppable Force [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_MalphiteR:Hotkey@] AugmentUnstoppable Force deals +60% more damage. Each enemy affected by Unstoppable Force reduces its cooldown by 15%. (Up to 5 enemies)Relentless Unstoppable Force [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_MalphiteR:Hotkey@] AugmentUnstoppable Force now dashes in a target direction until Malphite collides with terrain, carrying enemies he passes through along with him.Charged Brutal Strikes [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_MalphiteWPassive:Hotkey@] AugmentWhile Brutal Strikes is active, Malphite leaps to targets outside his auto attack range and deals 150% damage.Concussive Brutal Strikes [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_MalphiteWPassive:Hotkey@] AugmentBrutal Strikes cleave size is tripled and deals a bonus 50 (+5% max health) magic damage.Unstable Brutal Strikes [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_MalphiteWPassive:Hotkey@] AugmentActivating Brutal Strikes consumes 20% of Malphite's health, but grants him +5% omnivamp and +50% Critical Strike Chance.Flurry Song of Celerity [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_SonaE:Hotkey@] AugmentSong of Celerity's active blocks all nearby projectiles, turning them into Aria of Perseverance healing missiles that seek out nearby allies.Hyped Song of Celerity [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_SonaE:Hotkey@] AugmentSong of Celerity's aura cleanses allies of crowd-control, and its Move Speed bonus is tripled.Retrograde Song of Celerity [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_SonaE:Hotkey@] AugmentSong of Celerity's aura additionally pulses to slow nearby enemies and deal 4 x LVL (+36% AP) magic damage per second.DropStats AugmentGain 35% of healing and shielding as Ora charges. At 500 charges, her next basic attack deals 500 (+50% Ability Power) magic damage to all enemies in a line. Heal and Shield Power increases the damage of this ability.HarshStats AugmentSona gains 75% of her Ability Power as Base Attack Damage.The SeerInnate Augment~Indistinct musical notes~Sona's mastery over the Ora upgrades Power Chord's effects:
    • Staccato: deals +75% more damage.
    • Diminuendo: resets Aria of Perseverance's [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_SonaW:Hotkey@] cooldown.
    • Tempo: stuns its target instead.
    • Sona additionally gains:
    • +5% Healing for all damage dealt (33% effectiveness for AoE).
    • +50% Ultimate Cooldown Reduction.
    • +10% Healing and Shielding.
    • +20 Mana Regen per second.
    BoisterousPower Chord [P] AugmentPower Chord now affects all enemies in an area around its target.CadencePower Chord [P] AugmentSona gains Power Chord after casting 2 basic abilities. Using Power Chord lowers the cooldown of Crescendo by 6 seconds.Rhythm Hymn of Valor [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_SonaQ:Hotkey@] AugmentHymn of Valor's cooldown is reset when Sona casts another spell.Rouse Hymn of Valor [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_SonaQ:Hotkey@] AugmentAllies buffed by Hymn of Valor's aura deal +75% increased damage with their next basic attack.Rowdy Hymn of Valor [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_SonaQ:Hotkey@] AugmentIf Hymn of Valor's active damages its max number of targets, its next cast hits an additional target and gains +50% bonus damage. (Stacks up to 4 times.)Cascade Crescendo [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_SonaR:Hotkey@] AugmentHitting an enemy with Crescendo recasts the spell behind them. Each Cascade reduces the cooldown of Crescendo by 5 seconds. (max of 5 CDR reductions)Concerto Crescendo [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_SonaR:Hotkey@] AugmentCrescendo now fires in 8 directions around Sona. (Multiple hits on a target deal 50% damage).Benediction Aria of Perseverance [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_SonaW:Hotkey@] AugmentAria of Perseverance's active heals 1 additional ally.Clutch Aria of Perseverance [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_SonaW:Hotkey@] AugmentAria of Perseverance's shield is increased by up to +200% based upon the ally's missing health.Oasis Aria of Perseverance [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_SonaW:Hotkey@] AugmentAria of Perseverance's aura continually pulses to heal all allies inside by 4 x LVL (+6% AP) health per second.Chivalrous Sweeping Blade [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_YasuoE:Hotkey@] AugmentSweeping Blade can be cast on allied champions. Doing so applies Way of the Wanderer's shield to each of you.Flicker Sweeping Blade [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_YasuoE:Hotkey@] AugmentIncrease Sweeping Blade's range by +100%. It now teleports Yasuo to its target if he's farther away. It also triggers on hit effects.Honed Sweeping Blade [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_YasuoE:Hotkey@] AugmentSweeping Blade's damage amplification stacks to +350%, and stacks twice as fast. Damage amplification increases Sweeping Blade's total damage, instead of just the base damage.HorizonStats AugmentGain +150 range on basic attacks and Steel Tempest. Your cooldowns are reduced by 0.25 seconds on-hit.SilveredStats AugmentFor every 2 Bonus Attack Damage, gain +1% spell damage.The CaptainInnate AugmentWho put him in charge?Way of the Wanderer shields for twice the amount and twice the duration. Yasuo additionally gains:
    • +10% Healing for all damage dealt (33% effectiveness for AoE).
    • +50% Ultimate Cooldown Reduction.
    • +10% Move Speed.
    • +15 Mana Regen per second?
    SkillfulWay of the Wanderer [P] AugmentYasuo gains +50% Critical Damage, but cannot gain crit chance. Damage dealt by the last 33% range of his auto attack and Steel Tempest always crits. Crits grant a burst of Move Speed.SunderWay of the Wanderer [P] AugmentYasuo's first critical strike against a target deals 15% of the target's current HP as bonus true damage and sharply slows them. (1500 Damage Cap)Growing Steel Tempest [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_YasuoQ1Wrapper:Hotkey@] AugmentTornadoes grow in size as they travel, up to +150%.Infinity Steel Tempest [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_YasuoQ1Wrapper:Hotkey@] AugmentHitting a unit with Steel Tempest clears Sweeping Blade's cooldown from that unit and heals Yasuo for 5% of his missing HP.Wandering Steel Tempest [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_YasuoQ1Wrapper:Hotkey@] AugmentTornadoes return to Yasuo and deal +75% increased damage.Tempest Last Breath [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_YasuoR:Hotkey@] AugmentYasuo is Unstoppable and Invulnerable during Last Breath. Upon landing, for each unit hit, Yasuo fires two Tornados for each unit hit and Last Breath's cooldown is reduced by 10%. (Max 50%)Windwalker Last Breath [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_YasuoR:Hotkey@] AugmentLast Breath gains 100% damage, duration, and range. During its channel, Yasuo can re-cast Last Breath on other knocked-up enemies.Burst Wind Wall [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_YasuoW:Hotkey@] AugmentYasuo and allied champions that pass through Wind Wall gain +100% Critical Chance, +40% Ability Power, and +40% Move Speed for 8 seconds. Wind Wall now moves 6 times further.Gust Wind Wall [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_YasuoW:Hotkey@] AugmentWind Wall's width is doubled and its cooldown is reduced by half.Retribution Wind Wall [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_YasuoW:Hotkey@] AugmentWhen Wind Wall blocks a projectile, it returns a Tornado in the opposite direction. (0.5s cooldown)Hexhealing Hexplosive Minefield [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_ZiggsE:Hotkey@] AugmentHexplosive Mines heal allies in their blast radius, and allies can trigger them by their proximity.Refresher Hexplosive Minefield [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_ZiggsE:Hotkey@] AugmentAfter a Hexplosive Minefield has completely detonated or expired, a second minefield is generated in the same place as the first.Seekers Hexplosive Minefield [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_ZiggsE:Hotkey@] AugmentHexplosive Mines roll towards nearby enemies. They deal 40% more damage. (Or healing, with Hexhealing).BrinkStats AugmentWhile under 60% health, gain 100% move speed, 50% attack speed and 50% cooldown speed on all abilities.DistributorStats AugmentGains 150 attack range and for each 1% bonus Attack Speed, gain 1 Ability Power.The CastawayInnate AugmentWho's this guy?Short Fuse grants 150 extra attack range and deals double damage. Ziggs additionally gains:
    • +10% Healing for all damage dealt (33% effectiveness for AoE).
    • +50% Ultimate Cooldown Reduction.
    • +10% Ability Power.
    • +15 Mana Regen per second.
    BounceShort Fuse [P] AugmentShort Fuse bounces up to 4 times to a nearby enemy. (Bounces only to unaffected targets).ShorterShort Fuse [P] AugmentShort Fuse's cooldown is lowered to 2 seconds and the damage is doubled.Delayed Bouncing Bombs [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_ZiggsQ:Hotkey@] AugmentBouncing Bombs bounce up to 6 times (up from 2), and gain 33% damage and 20% explosion radius with each bounce. (Max 200% bonus damage).Leftovers Bouncing Bombs [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_ZiggsQ:Hotkey@] AugmentEvery time a Bouncing Bomb bounces it leaves behind a Hexplosive Mine [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_ZiggsE:Hotkey@].Shatter Bouncing Bombs [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_ZiggsQ:Hotkey@] AugmentBouncing Bombs throws 3 in a spread out formation. (Multiple hits on a target deal 50% damage).Fallout Mega Inferno Bomb [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_ZiggsR:Hotkey@] AugmentOn impact Mega Inferno Bomb launches 5 Mini Inferno Bombs around itself, and enemies hit take a bonus 30% damage in true damage over 3 seconds. Overkill Mega Inferno Bomb [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_ZiggsR:Hotkey@] AugmentFor 5 seconds after casting Mega Inferno Bomb, Ziggs becomes immune to crowd control, gains 80% damage reduction, and can cast additional Mega Inferno Bombs at not cost.Afterburner Satchel Charge [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_ZiggsW:Hotkey@] AugmentSatchel Charge deals double damage, and when Ziggs lands he is shielded for 3 seconds and knocks up nearby enemies, dealing double the Satchel's initial damage. (Shield strength is equal to landing damage).Daredevil Satchel Charge [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_ZiggsW:Hotkey@] AugmentSatchel Charge knocks back all targets twice as far and spells cast while Ziggs is airborne deal quadruple damage.Mayhem Satchel Charge [@Spell.OdysseyAugments_ZiggsW:Hotkey@] AugmentSatchel Charge's explosion radius is twice as large and its cooldown is lowered by 2 seconds for every target hit. (90% max CDR).Jinx tosses 9 Flame Chompers in a circle. Flame Chompers deal more damage.BamboozleFlame Chompers hop towards enemies and lower their cooldown on hit.HoppersFlame Chompers root for longer and amplify damage from all sources.ScorcherSpell hits deal extra damage over time and grant stacks of Rev'd Up.Plan:ADefensive Items grant bonus AD and AP.Plan:ZGet Excited! activates when Jinx kills shiny monsters and applies itself to all crewmembers.The PilotWhile Jinx has Get Excited, she can cast Warp infinitely.AntsyAny time Jinx or one of her allies casts an Ultimate, Get Excited!EagerStacks of Rev'd up make Fishbones fire extra rockets.Pow-Pow slows enemies and shreds their defenses.Slow-SlowFishbones range and radius is increased, and firing it costs no mana.WhalebonesCarry up to 3 Mega Death Comets at a time. Mega Death Comets have a lower cooldown.ArsenalMega Death Comet passes through enemies and leaves a trail of fire in its wake.CometZap passes through targets and deals bonus damage for each target hit.RunawayZap fires 2 additional beams in a spread shot.SplitterZap slows more and grants an infinite range critical strike against its targets.Tag!Ground Slam has an increased area of effect and repeats its damage after 2 seconds.AftershockEnemies hit by Ground Slam echo the attack, damaging other enemies nearby.Enemies hit by Ground Slam target Malphite and have their defenses lowered.IntimidatingBonus HP gives Malphite extra size, attack range, and damage.GoliathGranite Shield's cooldown is lowered by hitting enemies and does not reset during combat.The MuscleBonus AD grants Malphite AP, and AP grants Malphite bonus AD.TransmuteWhen a shield on Malphite breaks, gain bonus attack damage and Move Speed.BerzerkerWhen a shield on Malphite breaks, it slows and damages nearby enemies.VolatileBasic attack enemies affected by Seismic Shard for a knockup and extra damage.Seismic Shard deals more damage and hits additional enemies behind its target.LandslideSeismic Shard gains extra range and steals more Move Speed. Its cooldown is lowered.SharpenedUnstoppable Force deals more damage. Reduce its cooldown per enemy hit.OnslaughtUnstoppable Force is a dash that carries enemies hit until Malphite runs into terrain.RelentlessBrutal Strikes deals more damage and causes Malphite to leap to distant targets.ChargedBrutal Strikes cleaves a wider area and deals bonus damage based on Malphite's health.ConcussiveCasting Brutal Strikes damages Malphite, but grants him omnivamp and critical strike.UnstableSong of Celerity's active blocks all nearby projectiles, turning them into heals.Song of Celerity's aura cleanses allies and grants increased Move Speed.HypedSong of Celerity's aura slows and damages nearby enemies.RetrogradeHealing and shielding grant charges that can be expended with a powerful basic attack.DropAbility Power grants Sona additional base Attack Damage.HarshPower Chord effects amplified: Q + 75% damage, W Resets W CD, E stuns instead of slowsThe SeerPower Chord affects all enemies near its target.BoisterousGain Power Chord after casting 2 spells. Power Chord lowers the cooldown of Crescendo.CadenceHymn of Valor's cooldown is reset when Sona casts another spell.RhythmAllies affected by Hymn of Valor's aura deal extra damage with their next basic attack.RouseHymn of Valor fires another missile if its last cast hit the maximum number of targets.RowdyCrescendo bounces off of enemies hit to hit additional units behind them.CascadeCrescendo fires in 8 directions around Sona.ConcertoAria of Perseverance's active heals 1 additional ally.BenedictionAria of Perseverance's shield increases based on its target's missing health.ClutchAria of Perseverance's aura continually pulses to heal nearby allies.OasisSweeping Blade can be cast on allies and applies Way of the Wanderer's shield to you both.ChivalrousSweeping Blade becomes a blink with doubled range that applies on-hit effects.FlickerSweeping Blade's damage amplification has a higher cap and stacks twice as fast.HonedBasic attacks and Steel Tempest gain extra range. Basic attacks reduce cooldowns.HorizonBonus Attack Damage also grants bonus Spell Damage.SilveredPassive Shield Duration x2 Passive Shield Amount + 100%The CaptainYasuo always crits with the tip of his blade, but cannot crit otherwise.SkillfulYour first Critical Strike against a target deals bonus True Damage and slows them.SunderTornadoes grow in size as they travel.GrowingSteel Tempest heals Yasuo and clears Sweeping Blade's cooldown from its targets.InfinityTornadoes deal increased damage and return to Yasuo.WanderingLast Breath makes Yasuo invulnerable and fires two tornadoes per unit hit.TempestLast Breath gains extra damage, duration, and range, and can be re-cast on other enemies.WindwalkerWind Wall moves farther and grants allies that pass through it Crit, AP, and Move Speed.BurstWind Wall's width is doubled and its cooldown is reduced.GustWhen Wind Wall blocks a projectile, it returns a tornado in the opposite direction.RetributionHexplosive Mines heal allies that activate them.HexhealingHexplosive Mines recasts itself at the same location after all mines are detonated.RefresherHexplosive Mines deal more damage and roll towards nearby enemies.SeekersWhile at low health, gain bonus Move Speed, Attack Speed, and CDR.BrinkGain extra range on basic attacks. Bonus Attack Speed grants Ability Power.DistributorShort Fuse gains 150 attack range and deals double damage.The CastawayShort Fuse bounces to nearby enemies, up to 4 times.BounceShort Fuse deals double damage and has a 2 second cooldown.ShorterBouncing Bombs bounce up to 6 times, and gain damage and range with each bounce.DelayedBouncing Bomb leaves behind a Hexplosive Mine with each bounce.LeftoversBouncing Bombs throws 3 bombs in a spread formation.Mega Inferno Bomb deals extra damage over time and launches more bombs on impact.FalloutAfter casting Mega Inferno Bomb, Ziggs can recast continually for 5 seconds.OverkillLaunching Ziggs with Satchel Charge grants a shield and damages enemies upon impact.AfterburnerSatchel Charge knocks back twice as far. Ziggs deals massive damage while airborne.DaredevilSatchel Charge has a larger explosion radius. Lower its cooldown per enemy hit.MayhemBuy XPCenter camera on TacticianCycle Recap TabsDeploy to Battlefield/Return to BenchToggle Carousel/BoardRefresh StoreScout Next PlaceScout 1st PlaceScout 2nd PlaceScout 3rd PlaceScout 4th PlaceScout 5th PlaceScout 6th PlaceScout 7th PlaceScout 8th PlaceScout Player (clockwise)Scout Player (counterclockwise)Scout Previous PlaceSell ChampionToggle RecapToggle Opponent RecapRestore DefaultsFixed OffsetPer-Side OffsetSemi-LockedCamera Lock ModeCamera Move Speed (Keyboard)Camera Move Speed (Mouse)Enable smooth cameraMouse button drag scrollMouse SpeedMove camera on reviveControlsUse software mouse (Vertical Sync must be off)Attack move on cursorEnabled:
    Attack move will prioritize the target closest to your mouse click.

    Attack move will prioritize the target closest to your champion.Auto attackShow Turret range indicators (Coop vs AI)Treat 'Target Champions Only' as a toggleUse movement predictionUnder slow network conditions increases perceived responsiveness of your champion's movement.GameplayChampion Specific Interaction 1Champion Specific Interaction 2Champion Specific Interaction 3Champion Specific Interaction 4Champion Specific Interaction 5Champion Specific Interaction 6Level Up Spell 1Level Up Spell 2Level Up Spell 3Level Up Spell 4OtherSpell 1Spell 2Spell 3Spell 4Summoner Spell 1Summoner Spell 2Target Champions OnlyTeleport HomeAbilities and Summoner SpellsCenter Camera On ChampionDirected cameraDrag ScrollDrag Scroll LockFirst person cameraManual cameraScroll DownScroll LeftScroll RightScroll UpSelect Ally 1Select Ally 2Select Ally 3Select Ally 4Select Ally 5Select blue player 1Select blue player 2Select blue player 3Select blue player 4Select blue player 5Select red player 1Select red player 2Select red player 3Select red player 4Select red player 5Select SelfToggle Camera LockCamera ControlAlert PingArea Is Warded PingAssist Me PingChat HistoryDanceDanger PingJokeLaughMastery EmoteMissing Enemy PingOn My Way PingOpen Emote WheelQuick Alert PingQuick Open Emote WheelQuick Play Emote CenterQuick Play Emote EastQuick Play Emote NorthQuick Play Emote SouthQuick Play Emote WestQuick Retreat PingRetreat PingTauntToggleCommunicationShow Health BarsShow/Hide HUDShow Summoner NamesToggle Death Recap ShowcaseToggle FPS DisplayToggle Minion Health BarsDisplayMove backwardMove forwardPitch downPitch upStrafe leftStrafe rightYaw leftYaw rightFirst Person CameraAlert pingChat historySet Fog of War to allSet Fog of War to Blue TeamSet Fog of War to Red TeamShow Character menuShow health barsShow scoreboardShow scoreboard (hold)Show Summoner namesToggle Fog of WarToggle Fog of War teamToggle Minion health barsToggle objective timersToggle scoreboards itemsToggle spectator HUDToggle Teamfight UIToggle time controlsToggle visibility menuInterfaceFocus Shop Search BarOpen ShopSwitch Shop TabsItem ShopItem 1Item 2Item 3Item 4Item 5Item 6TrinketItemsShow Advanced Player StatsShow ScoreboardShow Scoreboard (Hold)System MenuToggle Basic Player StatsToggle Mouse Screen LockMenusNormal CastMove Pet ClickPlayer Attack MovePlayer Attack Move ClickPlayer Attack Only ClickPlayer Hold PositionPlayer Move ClickPlayer Stop PositionPlayer MovementAdd goldAuto-refresh CooldownsAuto-refresh HPAuto-refresh Mana/EnergyClear target dummiesFast forward 30 secLevel upLock XP levelReset gameSpawn allied dummySpawn Cloud DrakeSpawn Elder DrakeSpawn enemy dummySpawn Infernal DrakeSpawn Jungle CampsSpawn Jungle PlantsSpawn Mountain DrakeSpawn Ocean DrakeTeleport to cursorToggle Minion spawnToggle Tower fireToggle Tower invincibilityPractice ToolQuick Cast With Indicator + Self CastQuick Cast With IndicatorQuick CastQuick + Self CastSelf CastSet 1Set 2Jump backJump forwardPlay/PauseRecord start/stopReturn to normal speedSlow downSpeed upTimeshiftHotkeysBind auto attack move to left clickAdvanced Keybinding OptionsAllow re-binding of system key combinationsMac OS OptionsAbilitiesNormal Cast AllQuick Cast AllSummoner SpellsPrimary HotkeysCast the pressed spell upon pressing another spellReplace Quick Cast with Quick Cast With Indicator in the quickbind UIQuick Cast With IndicatorChat ScaleDisable HUD spell clickEnable Line Missile displayShow Attack RangeShow Spell costsShow Target Frame on attackAbility and Attack DisplayMinutesMinutes + SecondsNoneSecondsAbility Cooldown DisplayEnable Light FXAlienware OptionsEnable chatShow [All] Chat (Matched Games)Show [Allied] ChatShow timestampsChatDamageDodgeEnemy DamageExperienceGoldLevelManaQuestScoreSpecialStatusCombat TextMute SoundOffOnEmote Bubble DisplayEmote SizeSmallMute enemy EmotesEmotesEternals Milestone DisplayAllSelf and Team OnlyEternalsEnable HUD animationsShow Health Bar animationsShow Loss of Control UIShow Names Above HealthbarChampion NameSummoner NameHealth and Resource BarsCursor ScaleDeath Recap ScaleHUD ScaleMinimap ScalePractice Tool ScaleShop ScaleInterface SizeEnable legacy cursorLegacy CursorAllow Minimap movementShow Minimap on leftShow Neutral CampsMinimapChampion highlight on camera centerScreen flash on damageScreen flash on loss of controlNotificationsMirror Scoreboard layoutScoreboardShow Team Frames on leftTeam FramesAlways show extended Tooltip infoSome tooltips allows you to hold down [Shift] to show more information. While this option is checked, those tooltips will instead always show that additional information.Show enemy information TooltipsTooltipsResolutionAmbience VolumeAnnouncer VolumeDisable All SoundDisable custom announcerMaster VolumeMusic VolumePings VolumeSound FX VolumeClassicUpdatedTheme MusicVoice VolumeSoundVOICEColor BrightnessColor ContrastColor GammaColor LevelAccessibilityAdvancedAnti-AliasingImproves visual quality by reducing jaggedness. This may lower performance.Character QualityColor blind modeEffects QualityEnable screen shakeEnvironment QualityFrame Rate Cap120 FPS144 FPS200 FPS240 FPS25 FPS30 FPS60 FPS80 FPSUncapping framerate may increase perceived smoothness of the game on higher end machines.UncappedGeneralIncreased PerformanceIncreased QualityHighLowMediumMedium HighMedium LowVery HighVery LowGraphicsHide eye candyDisable ambient critters and effects.Audio QualityTarget Video Frame Rate3060Video Encoding QualityVideo Vertical Resolution10801440360480720Window HeightHighlights Video Recording SettingsDisable Arcade map accentsDisabled Arcade themed map objects and visual effects.Disable Lunar Revel map accentsDisabled Lunar Revel themed map objects and visual effects.Disable MSI map accentsDisabled MSI themed map objects and visual effects.Disable Odyssey map accentsDisabled Odyssey themed map objects and visual effects.Disable Pool Party map accentsDisabled Pool Party themed map objects and visual effects.Disable Pop Star map accentsDisabled Pop Star themed map objects and visual effects.Disable Project map accentsDisabled Project themed map objects and visual effects.Disable Snowdown map accentsDisabled Snowdown themed map objects and visual effects.Disable Star Guardian map accentsDisabled Star Guardian themed map objects and visual effects.Disable URF map accentsDisabled URF themed map objects and visual effects.Disable Worlds map accentsDisabled Worlds themed map objects and visual effects.Shadow QualityUse relative team colorsRegardless of your starting side, all allied minions and structures are blue and all enemy units are red.Wait for Vertical SyncWait for Vertical Sync (disables Software Mouse handling)Increases image stability at the cost of performance.Activation Threshold (Voice Activity Only)Default System DeviceInput DevicePush To TalkVoice ActivityInput ModeInput Volume (Gain)Show speaking indicators on HUDShow voice panel with scoreboardPush To Talk (If Available)Show/Hide Voice Chat PanelVoice Control HotkeysInput SettingsWindow Mode%i:scaleAD% @FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage%i:scaleAP% @FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power%i:scaleAS% @PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed%i:scaleArmor% @FlatArmorMod@ Armor%i:scaleAPen% @PercentArmorPenetrationMod*100@% Armor Penetration%i:scaleCooldown% @AbilityHasteMod@ Ability Haste%i:scaleHealth% @FlatHPPoolMod@ Health%i:scaleHPRegen% @PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen%i:scaleAPen% @LethalityAmount@ Lethality%i:scaleLS% @PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal%i:scaleMPen% @FlatMagicPenetrationMod@ Magic Penetration%i:scaleMPen% @PercentMagicPenetrationMod*100@% Magic Penetration%i:scaleMR% @FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist%i:scaleMS% @PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed%i:scaleMana% @FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana%i:scaleManaRegen% @PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen%i:scaleSV% @PercentOmnivampMod*100@% OmnivampAttacks decrease the cooldown of Q.@PCooldown@s CooldownAatrox deals bonus damage on his next attack, healing for the damage dealt.Once honored defenders of Shurima against the Void, Aatrox and his brethren would eventually become an even greater threat to Runeterra, and were defeated only by cunning mortal sorcery. But after centuries of imprisonment, Aatrox was the first to find freedom once more, corrupting and transforming those foolish enough to try and wield the magical weapon that contained his essence. Now, with stolen flesh, he walks Runeterra in a brutal approximation of his previous form, seeking an apocalyptic and long overdue vengeance.Aatrox's Attacks deal an additional @PDamage@ max Health physical damage and restore @PHealingRatio*100@% of damage dealt as Health, reduced to @PHealingMinionMod*100@% against minions. This effect has a @PCooldown@ second cooldown.

    Attack and Ability hits against champions and large jungle monsters reduce this effect's cooldown by 2 seconds. Hits with the edge of The Darkin Blade reduce it by 4 seconds instead.{{Passive_AatroxPassive_Tooltip}}

    Deals a max of @PMonsterCap@ against monsters.
    Multi-hits with Abilities only reduce the cooldown once.
    Smoke obscures enemy vision of Akali.@SrcNameWithColon@Passive - @SubA@ Stacks, +@SubB@% Attack Speed@SrcNameWithColon@Shadow Assassin Ready - Darkin - @SubA@:@SubB@@SrcNameWithColon@Darkin Ready - Shadow Assassin - @SubA@sEvery @AttackCount@th Attack, Master Yi strikes twice. The second Attack deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage.Every 4th basic attack strikes twice.AP JuggernautMordekaiser gains AP per level.

    Upon dying, Mordekaiser's ghost appears at the fountain. It can be relocated by casting Q and targeting a location. At the end of his death timer, he revives where his ghost stands. Enemies cannot see his ghost, and his ghost does not provide vision until the last 5 seconds of his death timer.Neeko ENeeko's third basic attack will deal bonus magic damage.Neeko's next basic attack will deal bonus magic damage.This unit cannot move.Neeko RPassive ShieldNEeko blcoks the next damage from a champion or monsterNeeko is shielded from damage.This unit cannot take actions.Qiyana's Attacks and Abilities deal an additional @FinalDamage@ bonus physical damage. This effect has a 25 second per-target Cooldown.

    Using {{Spell_QiyanaEnchant_Name}} to gain a different weapon Enchantment resets this effect's Cooldown on all targets.@SrcNameWithColon@Passive - @SubA@ Stacks, @SubB@ Attack Range@SrcNameWithColon@Passive - @SubA@ Stacks, @SubB@ Bonus Health@SrcNameWithColon@Passive - @SubA@ Splinters of Wrath@SrcNameWithColon@Passive - Fully Transcended@SrcNameWithColon@Phenomenal Evil Power - @SubA@ Ability Power{{perk_displayname_VeteranAftershock}}{{Perk_MasterKeyStolen_Tooltip}}Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_ArcaneComet}}{{Perk_MasterKeyStolen_Tooltip}}Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_Conqueror}}{{Perk_MasterKeyStolen_Tooltip}}Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_MasterKey}}Omnistone is on cooldown.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_DarkHarvest}}{{Perk_MasterKeyStolen_Tooltip}}Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_Electrocute}}{{Perk_MasterKeyStolen_Tooltip}}Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_FleetFootwork}}{{Perk_MasterKeyStolen_Tooltip}}Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_GlacialAugment}}{{Perk_MasterKeyStolen_Tooltip}}Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_GraspOfTheUndying}}{{Perk_MasterKeyStolen_Tooltip}}Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_HailOfBlades}}{{Perk_MasterKeyStolen_Tooltip}}Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_LethalTempo}}{{Perk_MasterKeyStolen_Tooltip}}Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_PhaseRush}}{{Perk_MasterKeyStolen_Tooltip}}Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_Predator}}{{Perk_MasterKeyStolen_Tooltip}}Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_PressTheAttack}}{{Perk_MasterKeyStolen_Tooltip}}Source: @SourceName@Prototype: Omnistone sparks with the power of this Keystone.{{perk_displayname_SummonAery}}{{Perk_MasterKeyStolen_Tooltip}}Source: @SourceName@@SrcNameWithColon@League of Draven - @SubA@ Adoration StacksCamouflaged units cannot be seen unless an enemy champion is inside their detection radius.Ghosted units can pass through other units.Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of healing and regeneration effects.Invisible units cannot be revealed except by turrets or True Sight.Units in Stasis cannot move or act, and are invulnerable and Untargetable.Unselectable can't be chosen as targets for Abilities and Attacks that require one.Untargetable units won't be affected by enemy Attacks or Abilities unless they've already been hit by them.Change Camera ModeClick to select Camera Mode.Toggle Fog of War@Key@Click to Toggle Fog Of War Visibility.Change Team Fog of WarClick to select Team Fog Of War Visiblity.Toggle Directed Camera@Key@Click to Toggle between Directed and Manual Camera Mode.Interface Visibility@Key@Click to open the Interface Visibility Menu.TargetingZaun City RooftopAttack Damage Ratio

    After the first time this spell is no longer on cooldown, permanently gain:
    • @Spell.UltBook_SharedSpellData:StatBoost@ %i:miniAdaptiveForce% Adaptive Force
    • @Spell.UltBook_SharedSpellData:StatBoost@ %i:miniArmor% Armor
    • @Spell.UltBook_SharedSpellData:StatBoost@ %i:miniMR% Magic Resistance
    %i:miniAdaptiveForce% %i:miniArmor% %i:miniMR%

    Plasma is applied by your own Attacks, or by Immobilizing effects from your team.Aatrox dashes forward, gaining Attack Damage.Healing % during World EnderPassive: Aatrox gains @ESpellVamp@% Omnivamp against champions, increased to @ESpellVampEmpowered@% Omnivamp during {{ Spell_AatroxR_Name }}.

    Active: Aatrox dashes. He can use this Ability while winding up his other Abilities.Passive: Aatrox heals for @ESpellVamp@% of non-periodic damage he deals to champions.

    Active: Aatrox dashes in a direction.Umbral Dash can be used during his other spell casts without interrupting them, and will reset his basic attack timer.Aatrox prepares a huge swing of his sword and slams it in front of him.Aatrox slams his greatsword, dealing @QDamage@ physical damage. If they are hit on the edge, they are briefly Knocked Up and they take @QEdgeDamage@ instead. This Ability can be Recast twice, each one changing shape and dealing 25% more damage than the previous one.Aatrox slams his greatsword down, dealing @QDamage@ physical damage. This ability may be re-cast 2 additional times, each one increasing the damage by @QRampBonus*100@%.

    Strikes that hit with the Edge knock enemies up for @QKnockupDuration@s and deal @QSweetSpotBonus*100@% more damage.Deals @QMinionDamage@ damage to minions.
    Knock Up duration against monsters is doubled.
    Aatrox unleashes his demonic wings, gaining Attack Damage and Move Speed, and reviving instead of taking lethal damage.% of Maximum HPOut of Combat BonusPercent of Base HealthAatrox reveals his true demonic form, Fearing nearby minions for @RMinionFearDuration@ seconds and gaining @RMovementSpeedBonus*100@% Move Speed decaying over @RDuration@ seconds. He also gains @RTotalADAmp*100@% Attack Damage and increases self-healing by @RHealingAmp*100@% for the duration.

    Champion takedowns extend the duration of this effect by @RExtension@ seconds and refresh the Move Speed effect.Aatrox reveals his true demonic form for the next @RDuration@ seconds. On activation, he fears nearby enemy minions for @RMinionFearDuration@ seconds and gains @RMovementSpeedBonus*100@% Move Speed, decaying over the duration. While World Ender persists, he gains @RTotalADAmp*100@% Attack Damage and increases self healing by @RHealingAmp*100@%.

    On enemy champion takedown, World Ender is extended (refreshing its effects) by @RExtension@ seconds (up to the original duration).Duration cannot be increased past @RDuration@ seconds.Total Attack Damage IncreaseAatrox launches a missile, causing the first enemy hit to be pulled back after a delay.Healing %Aatrox fires a chain, Slowing the first enemy hit by @WSlowPercentage*-100@% for @WSlowDuration@ seconds and dealing @WDamage@ physical damage. Champions and large jungle monsters have @WSlowDuration@ seconds to leave the impact area or be Pulled back to the center and damaged again for the same amount.Aatrox smashes the ground, dealing @WBaseDamage@ (+@WTotalADRatioDamage@) physical damage to the first enemy hit and slowing by @WSlowPercentage*-100@% for @WSlowDuration@s.

    Champions or Large Monsters have @WSlowDuration@s to leave the impact area or be dragged back and damaged again.Deals double damage to minions.Ahri blows a kiss that damages and charms an enemy it encounters, causing them to walk harmlessly towards her.Blows a kiss dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and charms an enemy causing them to walk harmlessly towards Ahri for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).Ahri blows a kiss, damaging and charming an enemy for @CharmDuration@ second(s).Ahri releases 3 fox-fires that seek nearby enemies and deal @SingleFireDamage@ magic damage, reduced to @MultiFireDamage@ damage beyond the first. She also gains @MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.Fox-fires prioritize champions hit by {{Spell_AhriSeduce_Name}}, enemies Ahri has attacked, then other champions. Minions below @MinionBonusDamageThreshold*100@% Health take @MinionBonusDamageMultiplier*100@% damage.
    Ahri throws then pulls back her orb, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage on the way out and @TotalDamage@ true damage on the way back.Ahri throws out and pulls back her orb, dealing magic damage on the way out and true damage on the way back.

    When Ahri strikes 9 enemies with her abilities, Orb of Deception also heals her. Passive: Whenever Ahri hits enemies with an ability, she gains a charge of Essence Theft, up to @f4@ per ability cast. At @f3@ charges, her next Orb of Deception heals her for @f1@ (+@f2@).

    Active: Throws out and then pulls back her Orb of Deception. Deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage on the way out, and @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) true damage on the way back.Ahri throws out and pulls back her orb, dealing magic damage on the way out and true damage on the way back.
    Ahri dashes forward and fires essence bolts, damaging 3 nearby enemies (prioritizes Champions). Spirit Rush can be cast up to three times before going on cooldown.Nimbly dashes forward firing 3 essence bolts at nearby enemies (prioritizes Champions) dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. Can be cast up to three times within 10 seconds before going on cooldown.Ahri nimbly dashes forward, firing bolts that damage nearby enemies.

    Can be re-cast up to three times quickly, and gains additional recasts on taking down enemy champions.Ahri blows a kiss that Charms the first enemy hit for @CharmDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.This Ability Knocks Down enemies.Ahri nimbly dashes, firing @RMaxTargetsPerCast@ essence bolts at nearby enemies, prioritizing champions. These bolts deal @RCalculatedDamage@ magic damage each. Spirit Rush can be recast up to 2 more times within @RRecastWindow@ seconds.

    Consuming a champion's Essence with Essence Theft during this period extends the recast window by up to @PDurationExtension@ seconds and grants an additional recast of Spirit Rush (up to @RMaxCasts@ stored).Ahri releases three fox-fires, that lock onto and attack nearby enemies.Releases three fox-fires that lock on to nearby enemies (prioritizes Champions) dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.

    Enemies hit with multiple fox-fires take 30% damage from each additional fox-fire beyond the first, for a maximum of @f1@ damage to a single enemy.Ahri gains a brief burst of Move Speed and releases three fox-fires that damage nearby enemies.Base DamageFlip backward and fire a shuriken forward, dealing @BaseDamage1@ (+@ADDamage@) physical damage and marking the first enemy or smoke cloud hit.

    Re-cast: Dash to the marked target, dealing the same damage.Akali flips backwards as she throws a shuriken, dealing @E1Damage@ magic damage and marking the first enemy or smoke cloud hit. Akali can Recast this once to dash to the marked target, dealing @E2DamageCalc@ magic damage.When Akali hits an enemy champion with an Ability, she reveals a ring around them for 4 seconds and gains @PassiveSpeedBonus@ Move Speed towards the ring. Crossing the ring causes Akali's next Attack to have doubled range and deal an additional @Damage@ magic damage.{{Spell_AkaliP_Tooltip}}

    Once Akali crosses the ring, she gains the Move Speed toward enemies.Akali slings kunai in an arc, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing enemies at the tip by @SlowPercentage*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.Slings kunai in an arc, dealing @Damage@ magic damage. Enemies at the tip are slowed by @SlowPercentage*100@% for @SlowDuration@ sec.

    At max rank, deals @MinionDamage@ damage to minions and monsters.Slings kunai in an arc, dealing @BaseDamageNamed@ (+@ADDamage@) (+@APDamage@) magic damage. Enemies at the tip are briefly slowed.

    If cast near full energy, Akali also heals for @HealthRestore@.

    At max rank, deals an extra (@ADDamageExtra@) (+@APDamageExtra@) damage to minions and monsters.TESTTESTSlings kunai in an arc, dealing @BaseDamageNamed@ (+@ADDamage@) (+@APDamage@) magic damage. Enemies at the tip are briefly slowed.

    If cast near full energy, Akali also heals for @HealthRestore@ %i:scaleAD%%i:scaleAP%.

    At max rank, deals an extra (@ADDamageExtra@) (+@APDamageExtra@) damage to minions and monsters.Max DamageAkali vaults over an enemy champion, dealing @Cast1Damage@ magic damage to all enemies in her path.

    Akali can Recast after @CooldownBetweenCasts@ seconds to execute a piercing thrust, dashing and dealing @Cast2DamageMin@ to @Cast2DamageMax@ magic damage based on missing health.Two dashes: The first vaults over target enemy champion, dealing @Cast1Damage@ physical damage to all enemies Akali dashes over. Akali can dash again after @CooldownBetweenCasts@ seconds.

    The second is an untargeted piercing thrust that executes, dealing @Cast2DamageMin@ to @Cast2DamageMax@ magic damage based on missing health, reaching max damage at @MaxExecuteThreshold*100@% health.Deals max damage to targets below @MaxExecuteThreshold*100@% Health.Base DurationRestores @EnergyRestore@ EnergyEnergy RestoreAkali drops a smoke bomb, unleashing a spreading cover of smoke lasting @BaseDuration@ seconds and granting herself @Effect6Amount*100@% Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Akali increases her max Energy by @EnergyRestore@ while the shroud is active.

    While inside the smoke, Akali is Invisible.Drops a smoke bomb, granting Akali @Effect6Amount*100@% decaying Move Speed over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds and unleashing a spreading cover of smoke that grants Akali invisibility while she is in it.
    Twilight Shroud lasts @BaseDuration@ seconds.

    Stealth - Invisible: Akali can only be revealed by nearby enemy Turrets or True Sight.Invisible units cannot be revealed except by turrets or True Sight.First Cast: Akshan fires a grappling hook, attaching to the first terrain hit.

    Second Cast: Akshan swings around the terrain, repeatedly firing at the nearest enemy for @ASModDamageToDeal@ physical damage per shot.

    Third Cast: Akshan dives off the rope, firing a final shot.

    Colliding with an enemy Champion or terrain ends the swing early.

    Champion takedowns refresh this Ability's Cooldown.Akshan prioritizes shooting champions marked by Dirty Fighting.
    On-hits while swinging are @OnHitDamageReduction*100@% effective.
    Attacks can critically strike at @CritDamageReduction*100@% reduced damage.
    After launching an Attack, Akshan will fire an additional shot for @SecondAutoDamage@ physical damage. He can cancel this shot to instead gain @ASModdedMS@ Move Speed decaying over @HasteDuration@ second.

    Every three hits from Attacks or Abilities deals an additional @PassiveProcDamage@ magic damage. Against champions, Akshan also gains @TotalShieldAmount@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@PassiveCooldown@ second Cooldown).

    The second Attack always deals 100% damage to minions and critically strikes at @SecondAutoCritRatio*100@% effectiveness.
    The first Attack Move Speed scales with 100% Attack Speed.
    Minion Damage %Akshan throws a boomerang that deals @FinalDamage@ physical damage, extending the range each time an enemy is hit.

    Champion hits grant Akshan @HasteValue*100@% Move Speed decaying over @HasteDuration@ second.Deals @SecondaryTargetDamage*100@% damage to non-champions. Enemies hit are briefly revealed.Maximum BulletsAkshan locks onto a champion and begins overcharging his gun for up to @ChannelDuration@ seconds, storing up to @NumberOfBullets@ bullets.

    Recast: Akshan unleashes the stored bullets, each dealing at least @DamagePerBulletWithCrit@ physical damage to the first enemy or structure hit, increased up to @MaxDamagePerBullet@ physical damage based on missing Health.Bullets execute minions and apply Lifesteal.
    Bullet damage scales with Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage at @CritDamageReduction*100@% reduced effectiveness.
    Passive: Enemy champions that kill Akshan's allies become Scoundrels for @VengeanceDuration@ seconds. Takedowns on a Scoundrel within @RecentlyDamagedWindow@ seconds of being damaged by Akshan grant him @GoldReward@ Gold, resurrects the slain allies, and removes all other Scoundrels.

    Active: Akshan becomes Camouflaged for @WallGracePeriod@ seconds or indefinitely while he is near a wall or in brush. While Camouflaged in this way, Akshan also gains @MSValue@ Move Speed and @MissingManaRegen*100@% missing Mana regen while moving towards Scoundrels.{{Reminder_Camouflage}}
    Also lasts indefinitely in Chemfog.
    While active, Akshan also sees trails leading to Scoundrels.
    Akshan can only claim Scoundrels when he is alive.
    Total gold earned: @f2@
    Alistar begins trampling the ground, becoming Ghosted and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds to nearby enemies. Each pulse that damages a champion grants a stack.

    At @Effect5Amount@ stacks, Alistar's next Attack against champions Stuns for @Effect6Amount@ second and deals an additional @AttackBonusDamage@ magic damage.Ghosted units ignore collision with other units.Alistar gains a stack whenever he Stuns or Knocks an enemy champion, or whenever an enemy dies. At @f4@ stacks, Alistar roars, restoring @BaseHeal@ Health to himself and @AllyHeal@ Health to nearby allied champions.

    Enemy champion and epic jungle monster deaths fully charge this Ability.Bonus Monster DamageMaster Yi becomes Untargetable and teleports to rapidly strike enemies near his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemies hit after @AlphaStrikeBounces@ hits.

    This Ability can strike the same enemy repeatedly if there are no other targets, dealing @SubsequentHitMultiplier*100@% damage for subsequent hits (@SubesquentDamage@), for a maximum single target total of @SingleTotalDamage@ physical damage.Applies %i:OnHit% On-Hit effects at @BaseOnHitMultiplier*100@% damage. Subsequent hits are reduced to @SubsequentHitMultiplier*100@% of this.
    Can critically strike for an additional @CritBonus@ physical damage. Subsequent hits are reduced to @SubsequentHitMultiplier*100@% of this, for a maximum single target total of @SingleCritTotalDamage@.
    Jungle monsters take @BonusMonsterDamage@ bonus damage per strike.
    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @BasicAttackCDR@ second.
    {{ Spell_AlphaStrike_Name }} does not reduce it's own cooldown or stack {{ Passive_MasterYiPassive_Name }} %i:OnHit% On-Hit.
    Master Yi will reappear near the initial target.

    Become untargetable and teleport to the targeted enemy, dealing damage to it and enemies nearby.

    Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Alpha Strike.@AmmoRechargeTime@s %i:cooldown%Amumu's Attacks Curse his enemies for @DebuffDuration@ seconds, causing them to take an additional @DamageAmp*100@% true damage from all magic damage they take.Damage ReductionDamage ReflectionAnnie grants herself or an ally @ShieldBlockTotal@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and @MoveSpeedCalc@ Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds. While the shield holds, enemies who Attack it take @DamageReturn@ magic damage.

    Tibbers always gains the effects of Molten Shield if summoned.After using 4 Abilities, Annie's next damaging Ability Stuns for @StunDuration@ seconds.Annie hurls a fireball, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the target dies, Annie refunds the Mana cost and reduces the Cooldown by 50%.Aura DamageBonus HealthBonus ResistancesCooldownInitial DamageTibbers Attack DamageAnnie summons her bear Tibbers, dealing @InitialBurstDamage@ magic damage. For the next @TibbersLifetime@ seconds, Tibbers burns nearby enemies for @TibbersAuraDamage@ magic damage per second and his Attacks deal @TibbersAADamage@ magic damage. Annie can Recast this ability to direct Tibbers.

    Tibbers becomes enraged when summoned, if Annie stuns an enemy champion, and if Annie dies. When enraged, Tibbers gains 275% Attack Speed and 100% Move Speed decaying over 3 seconds.Annie projects a wave of fire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.{{Spell_ApheliosE_Long_@f3@}}{{ Spell_ApheliosWeaponPassive_Name }} {{ ApheliosGun_AutoAttack_Tooltip_@f3@ }}

    {{ Spell_ApheliosWeaponActive_Name }} {{ ApheliosGun_Tooltip_@f3@ }}Main-Hand WeaponOff-Hand WeaponNext Weapon{{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_1 }} Passive: Aphelios gains @spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:BonusRange@ Attack Range.

    Abilities that use {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_1 }} mark targets for @spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:MarkDuration@ seconds, revealing them. Aphelios can Attack a marked target from long range with his off-hand weapon, causing all nearby marks to be consumed, dealing an additional @spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:BonusDamagePerMark@ physical damage each to the main target.{{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_2 }} Passive: Attacks using this weapon restore health @spell.ApheliosSeverumQ:HealAmount@ of the damage dealt as health, and Abilities using it restore @spell.ApheliosSeverumQ:HealAmountSpell@. This weapon can heal Aphelios over his max Health, granting him up to @spell.ApheliosSeverumQ:MaxShield@ Shield.{{ApheliosGun_LoreName_3}} Passive: Aphelios' Attacks deal @spell.ApheliosInfernumQ:AttackDamage@ physical damage to the primary target and @spell.ApheliosInfernumQ:SecondaryTargetPenalty@ damage to enemies behind them. {{ApheliosGun_LoreName_4}} Passive: Aphelios' Attacks ricochet off their target and back to Aphelios. Aphelios can Attack again immediately after he catches the ricochet.

    Other Abilities that use {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_4 }} create {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_4b }} which each deal bonus damage when Aphelios attacks.{{ApheliosGun_LoreName_5}} Passive: Aphelios' Attacks Slow targets by @spell.ApheliosGravitumQ:SlowAmountInitial@, decaying over @spell.ApheliosGravitumQ:SlowDuration@ seconds.{{Spell_ApheliosE_@f2@}}{{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_@f3@ }}: {{ ApheliosGun_AutoAttack_Tooltip_@f3@ }}

    {{ Spell_ApheliosWeaponActive_Name }}: {{ ApheliosGun_Tooltip_@f3@ }}{{Spell_ApheliosE_TooltipExtended_@f1@}}{{Spell_ApheliosE_TooltipExtended_Long_@f3@}}{{Spell_ApheliosE_Long_@f3@}}


    If his off-hand weapon is {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_1 }}, Aphelios uses his main-hand weapon instead.{{Spell_ApheliosE_Long_2}}

    The Shield persists up to @spell.ApheliosSeverumQ:TotalDecayDurationForTooltip@ seconds.{{Spell_ApheliosE_Long_3}}

    Splash damage deals @spell.ApheliosInfernumQ:SecondaryMinionPenalty@ damage to minions.{{Spell_ApheliosE_Long_4}}

    Bounce return speed increases with Attack Speed.
    Chakrams can accumulate up to 20, and last for 5 seconds.
    The {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_4b }} damage starts at @spell.ApheliosCrescendumQ:MiniDamageMax@ physical damage and diminishes with subsequent {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_4b }} hit (min: @spell.ApheliosCrescendumQ:MiniDamageMin@ physical damage). Duration refresh on Attacking champions. Can critically strike.
    {{Spell_ApheliosE_Long_5}}Attack Damage@spell.ApheliosP:AttackDamage@ / @spell.ApheliosP:AttackDamageMax@ Attack DamageLethality@spell.ApheliosP:ArPenBonus@ / @spell.ApheliosP:ArPenBonusMax@ {{ Spell_ApheliosP_Buff_AP }}Attack Speed@spell.ApheliosP:AttackSpeed@ / @spell.ApheliosP:AttackSpeedMax@ Attack Speed{{ ApheliosGun_Name_1 }}: Long range Attacks.{{ ApheliosGun_Name_2 }}: Life Steal and Move Speed.{{ ApheliosGun_Name_3 }}: Area of effect damage.{{ ApheliosGun_Name_4 }}: High damage at close range.{{ ApheliosGun_Name_5 }}: Slowing + Immobilizing effects.Incoming Weapon+AD+AS+ArPAphelios wields 5 Lunari Weapons made by his sister, Alune. He has access to two at a time: one main-hand and one off-hand. Each weapon has a unique Attack and Ability [@spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:Hotkey@]. Attacks and Abilities consume a weapon's ammo. When out of ammo, Aphelios discards the weapon and Alune summons the next one.

    Aphelios unlocks his weapon's Ability [@spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:Hotkey@] at level 2 and his Ultimate at level 6. Instead of powering up his Abilities, Aphelios' rank-ups grant him permanent stats.

    Lunari Weapon Order:
  1806. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f1@ }}
  1807. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f2@ }}
  1808. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f3@ }}
  1809. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f4@ }}
  1810. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f5@ }}
  1811. Aphelios wields 5 Lunari Weapons made by his sister Alune. He has access to two at a time: one main-hand and one off-hand. Each weapon has a unique Attack and Ability [@spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:Hotkey@]. Attacks and Abilities consume a weapon's ammo. When out of ammo, Aphelios discards the weapon and Alune summons the next one.

    Aphelios unlocks his weapon's Ability [@spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:Hotkey@] at level 2 and his Ultimate at level 6. Instead of powering up his Abilities, Aphelios' rank-ups grant him permanent stats:
  1812. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_Buff_AD }} [@spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:Hotkey@]: @spell.ApheliosP:AttackDamage@ / @AttackDamageMax@
  1813. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_Buff_AS }} [@spell.ApheliosW:Hotkey@]: @spell.ApheliosP:AttackSpeed@ / @AttackSpeedMax@
  1814. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_Buff_AP }} [@spell.ApheliosE:Hotkey@]: @spell.ApheliosP:ArPenBonus@ / @ArPenBonusMax@

  1815. Lunari Weapon Order:
  1816. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f1@ }}
  1817. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f2@ }}
  1818. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f3@ }}
  1819. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f4@ }}
  1820. {{ Spell_ApheliosP_GunShortDesc_@f5@ }}
  1821. {{ Spell_ApheliosQCooldown_@f1@ }}@spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:CalibrumQCD@s@spell.ApheliosSeverumQ:SeverumQCD@s@spell.ApheliosInfernumQ:InfernumQCD@s@spell.ApheliosCrescendumQ:CrescendumQCD@s@spell.ApheliosGravitumQ:GravitumQCD@sAttack marked targets from long range with your non-{{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_@f1@ }} weapon to consume all marks for @spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:BonusDamagePerMark@ bonus damage each.{{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Tooltip_@f3@ }}{{ Spell_ApheliosQ_TooltipExtended_@f3@ }}

    Off-Hand Weapon Reminder - {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_@f5@ }}: {{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Offhand_Description_@f5@ }} Resurgent MoonshotIncendiary MoonshotArcing MoonshotBinding MoonshotPrecision OnslaughtIncendiary OnslaughtArcing OnslaughtBinding OnslaughtPrecision DuskwaveResurgent DuskwaveArcing DuskwaveBinding DuskwavePrecision SentryResurgent SentryIncendiary SentryBinding SentryBinding Eclipse{{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Name_51 }}This Ability does not use Aphelios' off-hand weapon. Marks targets hit by this weapon, granting vision of them. Attack marked targets from long range with your off-hand weapon. Consumes all marks for @spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:BonusDamagePerMark@ bonus physical damage each.Heals Aphelios for @spell.ApheliosSeverumQ:HealAmountSpell@ of its damage dealt.This weapon's attacks deal 110% damage and explodes into a cone.Creates a {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_4b }} for each enemy hit with this weapon. These return to Aphelios and orbit around him for @spell.ApheliosCrescendumQ:MiniBuffDuration@ seconds.Slows targets by @spell.ApheliosGravitumQ:SlowAmountInitial@, decaying over @spell.ApheliosGravitumQ:SlowDuration@ seconds.{{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Tooltip_@f1@ }}{{ Spell_ApheliosQ_TooltipExtended_@f1@ }}{{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Tooltip_1 }}{{Spell_ApheliosQ_Tooltip_2}}

    Applies on-hit affects at @spell.ApheliosSeverumQ:OnHitDamageReduction@ damage.{{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Tooltip_3 }}{{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Tooltip_4 }}

    Sentries benefit from Attack Speed and Critical Strike.{{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Tooltip_5 }}{{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_1 }} Active: Aphelios fires a long range shot, dealing @spell.ApheliosCalibrumQ:SpellDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and marking them.{{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_2 }} Active: Aphelios gains @spell.ApheliosSeverumQ:Haste@ Move Speed and fires both weapons at the nearest enemy for the next @spell.ApheliosSeverumQ:Duration@ seconds. Deals @spell.ApheliosSeverumQ:TotalDamage@ physical damage over @spell.ApheliosSeverumQ:NumAttacks@ shots, prioritizing champions.{{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_3 }} Active: Aphelios spouts a wave of flame, dealing @spell.ApheliosInfernumQ:QWaveDamage@ physical damage. Then he Attacks each enemy hit with his off-hand weapon.{{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_4 }} Active: Aphelios deploys a lunar sentry equipped with Aphelios' off-hand weapon that lasts @spell.ApheliosCrescendumQ:TurretDurationIdle@ seconds. Sentries activate when an enemy approaches and fire at them for @spell.ApheliosCrescendumQ:TurretDamage@ physical damage per shot over @spell.ApheliosCrescendumQ:TurretDurationActive@ seconds.{{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_5 }} Active: Aphelios triggers a gravity field on enemies he has Slowed with {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_5 }}, Rooting for @spell.ApheliosGravitumQ:RootDuration@ second and dealing @spell.ApheliosGravitumQ:Damage@ magic damage.Calibrum Bonus: Mark DamageInfernum Bonus: DamageSeverum Bonus: HealAphelios fires a concentrated blast of moonlight that explodes when it hits a champion, dealing @MaxDamage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies.

    Then, Aphelios attacks all champions hit with his main-hand weapon. {{ Spell_ApheliosR_WeaponMod_@f1@ }}The Attacks apply on-hits. Critical strikes deal @CritDamageModTooltip@ of normal damage instead.

    {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_1 }} Bonus: Marks added this way deal an additional @CalibrumRMarkBonusDamage@ physical damage each when consumed.

    {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_2 }} Bonus: Aphelios restores @SeverumRHealBonus@ Health.

    {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_3 }} Bonus: The moonlight blast deals an additional @InfernumRBonusDamage@ physical damage, and the subsequent Attacks explode, each dealing @InfernumRPenalty@ of their damage to surrounding targets.

    {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_4 }} Bonus: Summons an additional @CrescendumRBonusMinis@ {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_4b }}.

    {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_5 }} Bonus: Slow strength increased to @GravitumRBonusSlow@. {{ Spell_ApheliosQ_Name_51 }}'s Root effect is increased to @GravitumRRootDuration@ seconds against these targets.Swap main-hand and off-hand weapons, equipping {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_@f1@ }}.{{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_@f3@ }} Active:{{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_@f3@ }} Passive:Ashe's Attacks and Abilities Slow @SlowAmount@ for 2 seconds. Attacks against enemies affected by this ability deal @DamageBonus@ damage.

    Ashe's critical strikes deal no extra damage, instead increasing the Slow to @EmpoweredSlowAmount@ decaying.{{Spell_AshePassive_Tooltip}}

    The bonus damage scales with Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage bonus.Passive: Ashe's Attacks grant a stack for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. At @Effect2Amount@ stacks, she may activate this ability.

    Active: Ashe gains @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed and her Attacks deal @EmpoweredDamage@ damage instead for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.The empowered Attacks are comprised of a flurry of 5 small strikes. They only apply on-hit effects once per Attack.@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)Ashe sends forth a hawk to grant vision for 5 seconds anywhere on the map. It also reveals the area around it as it flies.

    This ability has 2 charges (@ChargeCooldown@ second recharge).{{Spell_AsheSpiritOfTheHawk_Tooltip}} (@ChargeCooldown@ second recharge).Enhanced Pounce CooldownPounce DamageSwipe DamageTakedown DamageTakedown Damage AmpPassive: While in Human Form, applying Hunted refreshes this Ability's Cooldown.

    Human Form: Nidalee transforms into Cougar Form, gaining melee Attacks and replacing her Active Abilities.

    Cougar Form: Nidalee transforms into Human Form, gaining ranged Attacks and replacing her Active Abilities.Toggle: Amumu begins crying, dealing @Effect2Amount@ plus @TotalHealthDamagePercent@ max Health magic damage to nearby enemies every second and refreshing Curse.Land from flying early.
    Aurelion Sol starts flying along a path at @Effect4Amount@ Move Speed. Taking damage from champions or structures ends the flight. While flying he can see and be seen over walls.

    This ability can only be used outside of combat.While flying Aurelion Sol's Move Speed is fixed.
    Immobilizing effects ends the flight.
    Aurelion Sol is orbited by 3 stars, dealing @TotalDamageNoW@ magic damage. The stars are visible even if Aurelion Sol is in brush. Minions below @MinionExecuteThreshold@ Health are executed.
    Second Press: Detonate the core early.
    Aurelion Sol creates a small star that grows and grants him @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed. Upon exiting Aurelion Sol's Outer Limit or after Recasting, the star explodes, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stunning for between @MinStun@ and @Effect4Amount@ seconds, based on travel time.Aurelion Sol breathes out a blast of starfire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, and Knocking Back enemies to his Outer Limit.@Cost@ ManaPassive: Increases Center of the Universe's damage by @StarBaseDamageIncrease@.

    Active: Aurelion Sol's stars expand to his Outer Limit, increase in speed, and deal @DamageMultiplier*100@% damage. After 3 seconds, Recasting, or using Comet of Legend they retract and Aurelion Sol gains 40% Move Speed, decaying over 1.5 seconds.
    Aurelion Sol can Recast while affected by crowd control.Azir grants himself @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and dashes to one of his Sand Soldiers, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies he passes through.

    If Azir hits an enemy champion, he stops and gains a Sand Soldier charge.Azir can resurrect a turret every @Cooldown@ seconds. The turret deals an additional @TowerAPDamage@ physical damage but disintegrates over @TowerDisintegrationTime@ seconds.{{Spell_AzirPassive_Tooltip}}

    You may not target enemy Nexus and Inhibitor Turrets with this Ability.Azir orders all Sand Soldiers to an area, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies they pass through and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for 1 second.Enemies hit by multiple Sand Soldiers will not take additional damage.Azir summons a wall of armored soldiers that charges forward, Knocking Back enemies and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The soldiers remain, blocking enemy paths for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.Passive: Azir gains @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed. Upon having @Effect6Amount@ or more Sand Soldiers, he gains an additional @Effect7Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Azir summons a Sand Soldier for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. When Azir Attacks an enemy near a Sand Soldier, he instead orders the soldiers to stab, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage in their direction.

    This Ability has @MaxAmmo@ charges.Sand Soldiers deal @SecondaryTargetDamageMod@% damage to enemies that are not Azir's Attack target.
    Sand Soldiers that strike the same targets deal @Effect9Amount@% damage after the first.
    Sand Soldiers expire twice as fast when near an enemy turret.
    Shaco's basic attack critically strikes for @TotalDamageTooltip@ damage when striking a unit from behind (@MonsterDamageTooltip@ to Monsters).

    Enemies can't be Backstabbed more than once every @ModifiedCD@ seconds. This cooldown is modified by Cooldown Reduction.Amumu launches a bandage, pulling himself to the first enemy hit, Stunning them for @Effect2Amount@ second, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 2 charges.Bard opens a one-way portal through Terrain for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Any champion can enter the portal by moving onto it while near the entrance.Allies travel @Effect2Amount@% faster than enemies.Meeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, the meep attack strike-through cone increases in size and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Meeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meep attacks will gain @f8@ damage.
    Meeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, Bard will be able to have @f8@ more meep following at once and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Meeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meeps will reappear @f8@ second faster and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Meeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meep attacks will Slow by @f8@% and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Meeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps currently deal @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and apply a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meep attacks will strike through their target and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Meeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps currently deal @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and apply a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meep attacks will deal @f8@ more damage.
    Meeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps currently deal @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and apply a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, Bard will be able to have @f8@ more meep following at once and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Bard attracts Chimes randomly around the map. When Bard moves near a Chime he collects it, gaining @TooltipMSPerStack@% Move Speed out of combat for @TooltipMSDuration@ seconds, @f1@ Experience, and restoring @TooltipManaRestore@% max Mana.

    Bard attracts a Meep every @f5@ seconds (max: @f4@). Bard's Attacks consume a Meep to deal an additional @MeepDamageNoChime@ plus @TooltipDamagePerCheckpoint@ per @TooltipChimeDamageCheckpoint@ Chimes magic damage, plus additional effects based on Chimes collected.{{Spell_BardPTooltip_D_nS_Tooltip}}

    Meep spawn time and max both improve with number of Chimes.
    At @ChimesForSlowUpgrade@ Chimes, Meeps also Slow by @f2@% for @TooltipSlowDuration@ second.
    At @ChimesForSplashDamageUpgrade@ Chimes, Meeps also hit in an area around and behind the enemy.
    At @ChimesForSplashAreaUpgrade@ Chimes, the area is larger.
    The Move Speed can stack up to @TooltipMSMax@%.
    The Experience increases by 1 per minute after 5 minutes.
    Bard fires an energy bolt, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first two enemies hit. The first target hit is Slowed by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ second(s).

    If the bolt hits a second enemy or a wall, any enemies hit are Stunned for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).
    Bard hurls magical protective energy to an area, placing all units and structures hit into Stasis for @RStasisDuration@ seconds.{{Reminder_Stasis}}
    Bard creates a health shrine that grants @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect2Amount@ seconds and restores at least @InitialHeal@ Health to the first ally to enter. The shrine grows to restore @MaxHeal@ Health after existing for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Bard can have up to @Effect3Amount@ shrines at once. If an enemy champion enters a shrine, it is destroyed.

    Current Active Shrines: @f1@ / @f2@Bel'Veth channels and slashes around herself, gaining @DRPercent*100@% Damage Reduction, @TotalLifesteal@ Life Steal, and Attacking @f2.0@ times over @TotalDuration@ seconds with the number of Attacks increasing based on her Attack Speed. Each Attack strikes the lowest-health enemy, dealing @DamagePerStrike@ to @MaxDamagePerStrikeTooltip@ physical damage based on the target's missing Health.

    Using another Ability or Recasting ends this Ability early.
    Attacks from this Ability cannot crit. They deal @MonsterMod*100@% damage to monsters and apply On-Hit Effects at @OnHitRatio*100@% to @OnHitRatio*400@% effectiveness based on the target's missing Health.
    After using an Ability, Bel'Veth becomes Ghosted and her next @SheenNumberOfAttacks@ Attacks gain @SheenSpeedPerStack@ Attack Speed.

    Bel'veth gains @MonsterStacks@ Lavender stack for large minion and monster takedowns and @ChampionStacks@ Lavender stacks for champion and epic monster takedowns. Each stack permanently grants @AttackSpeedPerStack@% Attack Speed.

    Total bonus Attack Speed: @TotalAttackSpeedFromStacks@%{{Spell_BelvethPassive_Tooltip}}

    Bel'veth Attacks faster than normal but her Attacks deal damage at @AttackADRatio*100@% effectiveness and her On-Hit Effects are applied at @OnHitRatio*100@% effectiveness.
    Bel'Veth does not gain Attack Speed on level up and has no cap on Attack Speed.
    Bel'Veth dashes, dealing @BaseDamage@ physical damage to enemies she passes through.

    Each direction has an unique Cooldown of @f1@ seconds that scales down based on her Attack Speed.
    Deals @MonsterMod*100@% damage to monsters and @MinonMod*100@% damage to minions.
    Applies On-Hit Effects to the first target hit.
    Each 1% Attack Speed is equivalent to @PerSideCDAttackSpeedMultiplier@ Ability Haste for this Ability's per-direction Cooldown.
    @SrcNameWithColon@True Form - @SubA@ seconds remainingPassive: Every second Attack against the same target deals an additional @FinalOnHitDamage@ true damage, stacking infinitely. Takedowns against champions and epic monsters leave behind a piece of Void Coral.

    Active: Consuming Void Coral grants @PassiveStacksOnDevour@ Lavender stack and activates Bel'Veth's true form for @SteroidDuration@ seconds. Void Coral from Void epic monsters increases the duration to @VoidDuration@ seconds and causes minions that die nearby to become Void Remora. While casting, Bel'Veth Slows nearby enemies before exploding, dealing @TotalExplosionDamage@ + @MissingHealthDamage*100@% missing-Health true damage.

    In her true form, Bel'Veth gains @MaxHealthOnDevour@ max Health, @OOCMS@ Move Speed out of combat, @BonusAARange@ Attack range, @TotalASMod*100@% Total Attack Speed, and Void Surge can pass through walls.

    Void Remora count as lane minions with @VoidlingHPScale*100@% Health and @VoidlingADScale*100@% Attack Damage.
    The applied Slow ramps up to 99% while Bel'Veth consumes Void Coral.
    The passive deals a maximum of @MaxMonsterOnHitTooltip@ true damage to epic monsters.
    While in true form, consuming Void Coral renews the form's duration and restores @BaseMaxHealth@ Health.

    Void Remora HealthBel'Veth slams her tail, dealing @Damage@ magic damage, Knocking Up foes for @Duration@ seconds, and Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If a champion is hit, this refreshes the Cooldown of Void Surge in that direction.Lee Sin smashes the ground, sending out a shockwave that deals @InitialDamage@ magic damage and reveals them for 4 seconds. If this hits an enemy, Lee Sin can Recast for the next @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin Slows nearby enemies struck by the shockwave by @Effect2Amount@% decaying over @Effect5Amount@ seconds.Lee Sin projects a discordant wave of sound, dealing @InitialDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, granting True Sight of them, and allows Lee Sin to Recast for the next @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by the sound wave, dealing between @RecastDamage@ to @EmpoweredDamage@ physical damage scaling with the target's missing Health. Resonating StrikeLee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by Sonic Wave, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) to @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical2@) physical damage based on the target's missing Health.Lee Sin performs a powerful roundhouse kick Knocking Back an enemy champion and dealing @Damage@ physical damage.

    Enemies the target collides with are briefly Knocked Up and take @Damage@ plus @PercentHPCarryThrough@% of the kicked enemy's bonus Health as physical damage.The target is Rooted during the cast time.Lee Sin dashes to an ally or ward. If the target is a champion, Lee Sin grants them and himself @ShieldAmount@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect6Amount*100@%. Lee Sin may Recast for the next @Effect9Amount@ seconds.

    Recast: Lee Sin gains @Effect2Amount@% Life Steal and Spell Vamp for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.Teemo fires a dart, Blinding the target for @BlindDuration@ seconds and dealing @CalculatedDamage@ magic damage.Deals @CalculatedDamage@ magic damage and blinds the target for @BlindDuration@ seconds.

    Teemo blinds minions and monsters for @MinionMonsterDurationMod@% of his blind's base duration.Minions and jungle monsters are Blinded for @MinionMonsterDurationMod@% longer.Brand conjures a powerful blast at his target, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage to surrounding units.

    If the target is Ablaze, the spread range is doubled.Brand's Abilities light his targets Ablaze, dealing @PercentHealthDamage@% max Health magic damage over 4 seconds. If Brand kills a unit that is Ablaze, he regains @ManaRestore@ mana. Blaze can stack up to 3 times.

    When a champion or large jungle monster reaches 3 stacks, the Blaze will detonate after 2 seconds, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ max Health magic damage to surrounding enemies.{{Spell_BrandPassive_Tooltip}}

    This Ability deals @MonsterMod@% damage to jungle monsters and deals a max of 80 damage per second.Brand launches a fireball that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.

    If the target is Ablaze, they will be Stunned for 1.5 seconds.Brand unleashes a devastating torrent of fire that can bounce to Brand or another enemy up to 5 times, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies each bounce. Bounces prioritize stacking Blaze to max on champions.

    If the target is Ablaze, they are briefly Slowed by @SlowAmount@%.Brand creates a pillar of pure fire, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Units that are Ablaze take @EmpoweredDamage@ damage instead.Braum raises his shield for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, intercepting enemy missiles from the chosen direction, causing them to hit Braum and then be destroyed. The first missile Braum blocks deals no damage, and subsequent projectiles deal @Effect3Amount@% reduced damage.

    Braum gains @Effect4Amount@% Move Speed while his shield is raised.Braum's Attacks apply Concussive Blows for @StackDuration@ seconds. Enemies with Concussive Blows gain additional stacks from any ally's Attacks.

    At @StackCap@ stacks, the target is Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and takes @TotalDamage@ magic damage. For the next @StunCD@ seconds they don't receive stacks, but take an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage from Braum's Attacks.Braum propels freezing ice from his shield, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% decaying over @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Applies a stack of Concussive Blows. Braum slams the ground sending forth a fissure that Knocks Up enemies in its path and nearby Braum, and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The first target hit is Knocked Up for between @MinKnockup@ and @MaxKnockup@ seconds, increasing with distance from Braum. All others hit are Knocked Up for @MinKnockup@ seconds.

    The fissure also creates a zone for @SlowZoneDuration@ seconds, that Slows by @MoveSpeedMod@%.
    Base ResistsBraum leaps to an allied champion or minion. On arrival, Braum grants the target @GrantedAllyArmor@ Armor and @GrantedAllyMR@ Magic Resist for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Braum grants himself @GrantedBraumArmor@ Armor and @GrantedBraumMR@ Magic Resist for the same duration.@Effect2Amount@ Health Every SecondBurning AgonyDr. Mundo drains his Health to reduce the duration of disables and deal continual damage to nearby enemies.Toggle: Dr. Mundo sets himself on fire, dealing @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage to nearby enemies each second.

    While active, Dr. Mundo gains @Effect5Amount*100@% Tenacity.Human Form: Nidalee places an invisible trap for 2 minutes. When an enemy walks over it, they are dealt @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    @MaxTraps@ traps may be active at once.{{Spell_Bushwhack_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_Pounce_Tooltip}}Trap CooldownTrap Mana CostCaitlyn takes a moment to channel and line up the perfect shot, then she fires, dealing @RTotalDamage@ physical damage, but other enemy champions can intercept it. This Ability grants True Sight of the target during the channel.

    Deals up to an additional @CritChanceAmp*100@% based on Caitlyn's Critical Strike chance.Caitlyn fires a net, pushing her backwards. The net Slows the first target hit by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ second and deals @NetDamage@ magic damage.Every @AttacksPerHeadshot@ Attacks, Caitlyn fires a Headshot. Attacks while in brush count as @BrushAttackTotal@ for building towards a Headshot.

    Headshots deal an additional @HeadShotBonusDamage@ physical damage. They have double range against enemies affected by {{Spell_CaitlynEntrapment_Name}} and {{Spell_CaitlynYordleTrap_Name}}. Headshots against enemies hit by {{Spell_CaitlynYordleTrap_Name}} deal a further @spell.CaitlynW:HeadshotBonusDamage@ physical damage.{{Spell_CaitlynP_Tooltip}}

    Headshot damage scales with level, Critical Strike Chance, and Critical Strike Damage.
    Headshots deal an additional @HeadShotMinionBonusDamage@ physical damage to non-champions.
    Extra damage on trapped targets scales with {{Spell_CaitlynYordleTrap_Name}} rank.
    Caitlyn revs her rifle to fire a piercing shot dealing @InitialDamage@ physical damage. After the bolt strikes the first target, it opens into a wider shot that deals @SecondaryDamage@ physical damage.

    Enemies revealed by {{Spell_CaitlynYordleTrap_Name}} always take full damage.Caitlyn sets a trap that Roots the first champion that steps on it for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and granting True Sight of them for 3 seconds. Traps last for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, and @Effect5Amount@ traps may be active at once. This Ability has @Effect5Amount@ charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).Camille fires a hookshot that attaches to terrain, pulling her to it for 1 second and allowing this Ability to be Recast.

    Recast: Camille dashes from the wall, colliding with the first enemy champion hit. Upon landing, she deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies and Stuns enemy champions for @KnockupDuration@ seconds. Dashes towards enemy champions travel twice as far and grant @ASBuff*100@% Attack Speed for @ASDuration@ seconds on impact.Camille's Attacks on champions grant @ShieldAmount@ Shield against their damage type (Physical or Magic) for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. This effect has a @PassiveCooldown@ second Cooldown.Camille's next Attack deals an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage and grants her @MSBonus*100@% Move Speed for @MSDuration@ second. This ability can be Recast in the next @QTotalRecastTime@ seconds.

    If the Recast Attack hits at least @QRampUpTime@ seconds after the first, the bonus damage is increased to @EmpoweredBonusDamage@ and @DamageConversionPercentage@ of the Attack's damage is converted into true damage.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}Camille briefly becomes Untargetable and leaps onto an enemy champion, interrupting channels and locking them into an area they cannot escape by any means for @RDuration@ seconds. Other nearby enemies are Knocked Away. Her Attacks against the trapped enemy deal an additional @ROnHitDamage@ plus @RPercentCurrentHPDamage@% current Health magic damage.This Ability ends if Camille leaves the area.Camille winds up and slices, dealing @BaseDamageTotal@ physical damage.

    Enemies hit by the outer half are Slowed by @SlowPercentage@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds, and they take an additional @OuterEdgeTooltip@ max Health physical damage. Camille restores @OuterConeHealingRatio@% of the bonus damage dealt to champions as Health.This Ability does @MonsterDamageReduction@% less damage to non-epic jungle monsters.{{game_character_passiveTooltip_Teemo}}

    {{Reminder_Invisibility}}Passive: Every 4th Attack deals an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage.

    Twisted Fate also gains @AttackSpeedBonus@% Attack Speed.Corki flies a great distance, dropping bombs that leaves a burning trail for @TrailDuration@ seconds. The trail slows enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% and burns them for @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.

    Enemies hit directly are Knocked Aside, but are Slowed and burned for at least @DirectBurnDuration@ seconds.Corki flies over and scorches a path, burning it for @TrailDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the fire take @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.

    If Corki has The Package, he instead consumes it to fly a much greater distance, refresh this Ability's Cooldown, Knock Aside enemies hit, and burn the path for @MegaTrailDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit and in the path are Slowed by @Spell.CarpetBombMega:SlowAmount*100@% and take @Spell.CarpetBombMega:TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @Spell.CarpetBombMega:DirectBurnDuration@ seconds.Healing from Ability PowerCassiopeia launches deadly fangs, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy is Poisoned, they take an additional @BousPoisonedDamage@ magic damage and Cassiopeia restores @HealCalc@ Health.

    If this kills the target, Cassiopeia restores @Cost@ Mana.

    Restores @HealCalcMinion@ Health against non-champions.Cassiopeia blasts noxious gas, Poisoning enemies and dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Hitting a champion grants Cassiopeia @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect4Amount@ seconds.Cassiopeia unleashes a petrifying gaze, dealing @RDamage@ magic damage and Stunning enemies facing her for @RCCDuration@ seconds. Enemies facing away are Slowed by @RSlowPercent@% decaying over the same duration instead.Cassiopeia spews venom, leaving toxic clouds for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the clouds take @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second, are Poisoned, Grounded, and Slowed by @Effect2Amount@%.Zilean grants a protective time rune to an allied champion for @RDuration@ seconds. If the target would die, the rune rewinds their timeline, putting them into Stasis for @ReviveStateDuration@ seconds, then reviving them and restoring @RTotalHeal@ Health.Units in Stasis cannot move or act, and are invulnerable and Untargetable.Soraka gains @MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed while moving towards allied champions who are below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health. {{Spell_Consecration_Self_Tooltip}}

    Allies must be within @CastRange@ range of Soraka.No CooldownMissile Recharge Time @Cost@ Mana per SecondNo Cost@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@ per SecondAnivia summons a wall of ice @Effect2Amount@ units wide. The wall lasts for @Effect1Amount@ seconds before it melts.Anivia summons a wall of ice @Effect2Amount@ units wide. The wall lasts for @Effect1Amount@ seconds before it melts.Amumu flares out his bandages, Stunning for @RDuration@ seconds, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ magic damage and applying Curse.Percent Armor PenetrationPassive: Darius gains @Effect1Amount@% Armor Penetration.

    Active: Darius hooks with his axe, Pulling, and Knocking Up and Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.Passive: Gain @Effect1Amount@% Armor Penetration.

    Active: Pulls enemies to Darius.Darius' Attacks and damaging Abilities cause the target to Hemorrhage, dealing @BleedDamagePerStack@ physical damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.

    When an enemy reaches max stacks or is killed by {{Spell_DariusR_Name}}, Darius gains an additional @NoxianMightBonusAD@ Attack Damage and applies @MaxStacks@ Hemorrhage stacks on all Attack or damaging Ability hits for @BleedDuration@ seconds.{{Spell_DariusHemoMarker_Tooltip}}

    Hemorrhage deals @MonsterMod*100@% damage to jungle monsters.Darius hefts his axe then swings it around, dealing @BladeDamage@ physical damage with the edge and @HandleDamage@ damage with the handle. Enemies hit with the handle do not take a Hemorrhage stack.

    Darius restores @Effect5Amount@% missing Health per enemy champion and large jungle monster hit with the edge, up to a max of @Effect7Amount@%.Darius cleaves his axe through nearby enemies, damaging them.

    Enemies hit by the blade take significantly more damage and heal Darius.Darius leaps to an enemy and strikes a lethal blow, dealing @Damage@ true damage. For each Hemorrhage on the target, this Ability deals an additional @RDamagePercentPerHemoStack*100@% damage, up to a max of @MaximumDamage@ damage.

    If this kills the target, Darius may Recast this Ability once within @RRecastDuration@ seconds. At rank 3, this Ability has no Mana cost and kills refresh the Cooldown completely.Attempt to execute the target. Resets cooldown if successful.

    Deals more damage based on Hemorrhage stacks.Darius' next Attack deals @EmpoweredAttackDamage@ physical damage and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ second.

    This Ability refunds its Mana cost and reduces its Cooldown by @Effect3Amount@% if it kills the target.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}Darius's next basic attack deals increased damage and slows.Shaco becomes Invisible and teleports to target location.

    His first attack while Invisible is empowered, dealing bonus damage and reducing Deceive's cooldownShaco teleports nearby and becomes Invisible for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Shaco remains Invisible even if he uses Jack in the Box or Hallucinate.

    His next basic attack during Invisibility deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) (+@CharAbilityPower2@) bonus physical damage and reduces Deceive's cooldown by @f3@ seconds.

    Stealth - Invisible: Shaco can only be revealed by nearby enemy Turrets or True Sight.The bonus damage on Attack can critically strike.
    @Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%@Cost@ @AbilityResourceName@[@Hotkey@]@keyName@Rammus enters a defensive formation, gaining @BonusArmorCalc@ Armor and @BonusMRCalc@ Magic Resist. While active, Spiked Shell's damage is increased by @PassiveDamageAmpCalc@% and also damages enemies that Attack Rammus.

    Rammus's Attacks increase the duration by @BonusDurationPerAuto@ seconds (max: @MaxBonusDuration@).

    Recast: Rammus ends this Ability early.
    Using this Ability ends Powerball early.Twisted Fate focuses on his cards, granting True Sight of all enemy champions on the map for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and allowing him to Recast.

    Recast: Twisted Fate teleports up to @Effect4Amount@ units away.Disabling effects will interrupt the teleport.Blessing of the LunariDiana has increased Attack Speed.Diana creates three orbiting spheres for @ShieldDuration@ seconds that explode on contact, each dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, up to a max of @TotalMaxDamage@ damage.

    Diana also gains @ShieldValue@ Shield for the same duration. When the last sphere detonates, she gains an additional @ShieldValue@ Shield and refreshes the duration.Diana gains @BonusAS@ Attack Speed, increased to @EmpoweredAS@ for 3 seconds after using an Ability.

    Every third Attack cleaves nearby enemies for an additional @CleaveDamage@ magic damage. {{Spell_DianaPassive_Tooltip}}

    Moonsilver Blade deals @Monstermod*100@% damage to monsters.Diana unleashes an arc of lunar energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and marking with Moonlight for @MoonlightDuration@ seconds.

    Moonlight reveals enemies that are not stealthed.Diana Pulls In, Slows by @SlowTooltip@%, and reveals nearby enemies for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Diana hits at least one enemy champion, she calls to the moon, dealing @RExplosionDamage@ magic damage plus @RMultihitAmplification@ for each champion pulled beyond the first, up to a max of an additional @MaxDamage@ damage.Diana becomes as the vengeful moon, dashing to an enemy and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. If the target is afflicted with Moonlight, this Ability's Cooldown is refreshed.Passive: Increases the attack speed gained from Moonsilver Blade

    Active: Reveals and draws in all nearby enemies and then slows them for 2 seconds.Passive: Increases the attack speed gained from Moonsilver Blade to @AttackSpeedNewValue*100@%

    Active: Reveals and draws in all nearby enemies and then slows them by @Effect1Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Max Additional Attack DamagePassive: Dr Mundo gains @PassiveBonusAD@ Attack Damage, plus up to @MaxMissingHealthAD@ Attack Damage based on his missing Health.

    Active: Mundo violently swings his "medical" bag, causing his next Attack to deal an additional @AdditionalDamage@ physical damage, increased by up to @MaxDamageAmpTooltip@ based on his missing Health. If the enemy is killed, Mundo swats them away, dealing the minimum damage to all enemies they pass through. Small monsters are swatted immediately.The bonuses from the passive reach their maximum at @MaxMissingHealthThreshold*100@% missing Health.
    Deals @MinionMod*100@% damage to minions. Deals @MonsterMod*100@% damage to jungle monsters.
    Dr. Mundo resists the first Immobilizing effect that hits him, instead losing @CurrentHealthLoss*100@% current Health and dropping a chemical cannister nearby for @CannisterGroundDuration@ seconds. Moving over it reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @PassiveCooldownRefund@ seconds and restores @MaxHealthGain*100@% max Health. Enemy champions moving over the cannister destroy it.

    Dr. Mundo regenerates @MaxHealthRegen@ max Health every 5 seconds.@HealthCost@ HealthCurrent Health DamageMinimum DamageDr. Mundo hurls his bonesaw, dealing @CurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health magic damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the bonesaw hits a champion or monster, Dr. Mundo restores @HealthRestoreOnHitChampionMonster@ Health. If it hits a non-champion or non-monster, Dr. Mundo instead restores @HealthRestoreOnHitMinion@ Health.Deals a minimum of @MinimumDamage@ magic damage, and a maximum of @MaximumMonsterDamage@ magic damage to jungle monsters.Health Into Attack DamageDr. Mundo pumps himself with chemicals, temporarily gaining @MissingHealthHeal*100@% of his missing Health as max Health then gaining @SpeedBoostAmount*100@% Move Speed, @TotalBonusAD@ Attack Damage, and regenerating @MaxHealthHoT*100@% max Health over @Duration@ seconds.@CurrentHealthCost*100@% Current HealthDamage StoredDr. Mundo charges up a defibrilator, dealing @DamagePerTick*4@ magic damage each second for up to @Duration@ seconds to nearby enemies. While active he stores @GrayHealthStorage*100@% of damage taken as gray health and can Recast.

    Recast: Detonate the defibrilator, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. If this hits at least one champion, Dr. Mundo restores @GrayHealthBigMod*100@% of gray health. If only non-champions were hit, Dr. Mundo instead restores @GrayHealthSmallMod*100@% of gray health.Automatically detonates at the end of the duration. Dr Mundo also stores 100% of this Ability's cost as gray health. Draven chucks a sideways axe that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage, Knocks Back, and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Draven becomes Ghosted, gains @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds and @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    When Draven catches a Spinning Axe, this Ability's cooldown is refreshed.Ghosted units can pass through other units.Draven gains a stack whenever he kills a non-champion unit or turret, catches a Spinning Axe, and 2 stacks whenever he kills 6 minions in a row without dropping a Spinning Axe.

    Draven gains @PassiveGoldBase@ gold plus @PassiveGoldPerStack@ additional gold per stack upon killing a champion. Draven loses @PercentOfStacksLost@% of stacks upon death.

    Total Gold Earned: @DravenPassiveGoldEarned@
    Highest Reward: @DravenPassiveHighestBounty@Draven hurls two massive axes that deal @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage. Upon hitting a champion or Recasting, they reverse direction and return to Draven. The axes deal @RDamageReductionPerHit*100@% less damage for each enemy hit, down to a minimum of @RMinDamagePercent@%.

    If {{ Spell_DravenRCast_Name }} would leave an enemy champion with less health than @RPassiveStacksCoefficient*100@% of Draven's current {{Spell_DravenPassive_Name}} stacks (@RPassiveTrueDamage@), he will execute them.Damage falloff resets after reversing direction.
    Whirling Executes from League of Draven: @f1@
    Cause Whirling Death to reverse direction early, returning to Draven.Draven readies a Spinning Axe, causing his next Attack to deal an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and ricochet into the air. If Draven catches it, he readies another Spinning Axe.

    Draven can hold two Spinning Axes at once.Ekko dashes and empowers his next Attack to have bonus range, teleport him to his target, and deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Ekko can use any of his other Abilities during the dash.Every third Attack or damaging Ability on the same target deals an additional @ThreeHitDamage@ magic damage. If the target is a champion, Ekko gains @BonusMS@ Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds. This effect can't trigger on the same enemy more than once every 5 seconds.{{Spell_EkkoPassive_Tooltip}}

    This effect deals @f5@% damage to monsters.Ekko throws a device dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. On hitting a champion or reaching the end of its range, it expands into a field that Slows enemies inside by @Effect2Amount*-100@%. After it expands, Ekko recalls it, dealing @RecallDamage@ magic damage.Ekko turns back time, entering Stasis while teleporting to where he was 4 seconds ago and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. In addition, Ekko restores @TotalBaseHeal@ Health, increased by @PercentHealAmpPerPercentMissingHealth@% for each 1% Health he lost in last 4 seconds.Units in Stasis cannot move or act, and are Invulnerable and Untargetable.Passive: Ekko's Attacks against enemies below 30% Health deal @MissingHealthPercent@ missing Health magic damage.

    Active: Ekko launches a chronosphere lasting 1.5 seconds after a delay that Slows enemies inside by @Effect10Amount@%. If Ekko enters the sphere, he detonates it, Stunning for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and gaining @TotalShield@ Shield.Bonus Attack damage deals a min of @Effect6Amount@ and a max of @Effect5Amount@ damage against minions and monsters.Human Form: Elise fires a cocoon, Stunning and revealing the first enemy hit for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.{{Spell_EliseHumanE_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_EliseSpiderE_Tooltip}}Stealthed enemies will not be revealed by the cocoon.Human Form: Elise injects neurotoxin, dealing @Effect1Amount@ plus @HumanPercentHealth@ current Health magic damage.{{Spell_EliseHumanQ_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_EliseSpiderQ_Tooltip}}Human Form and Spider Form percent Health damage is capped at @Effect2Amount@ against monsters.Human Form: Elise summons an explosive spider that moves to a location and explodes when it nears an enemy or after 3 seconds. The spider deals @spell.EliseHumanW:TotalSpiderDamage@ magic damage.{{Spell_EliseHumanW_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_EliseSpiderW_Tooltip}}Elise begins the game with a point in her Ultimate, allowing her to shapeshift between Human Form and Spider Form.

    Human Form: Elise's Ability hits grant her a dormant Spiderling (max @f3@).

    Spider Form: Attacks deal an additional @spell.EliseR:PassiveTotalDamage@ magic damage and restore @spell.EliseR:PassiveTotalHealing@ Health.{{Spell_ElisePassive_Tooltip}}

    Max Spiderlings increases with ranks in Elise's ultimate.Spider Form: Elise returns to Human Form and all remaining Spiderlings become dormant.{{Spell_EliseRSpider_Tooltip}}


    {{Spell_EliseR_Tooltip}}Human Form: Elise transforms into a menacing spider, becoming melee ranged, and gaining @Effect3Amount@ Move Speed and access to Spider Form Abilities. She also summons all dormant Spiderlings.{{Spell_EliseR_Tooltip}}


    {{Spell_EliseRSpider_Tooltip}}Spider Form: Elise and her Spiderlings lift into the air, becoming Untargetable. If she targets an enemy, she descends on them, increasing the bonus damage and healing from Spider Queen by @spell.EliseSpiderE:Effect6Amount@% for @spell.EliseSpiderE:Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    If she does not target an enemy, she can remain Untargetable for up to 2 seconds. She may Recast to land early at a specified location.

    Spider Form: Elise lunges with a poisonous bite, dealing @spell.EliseSpiderQCast:Effect1Amount@ plus @spell.EliseSpiderQCast:TotalPercentDamage@ missing Health magic damage.Spider Form Passive: Spiderlings gain @spell.EliseSpiderW:Effect5Amount@% Attack Speed.

    Spider Form Active: Elise grants herself and her Spiderlings @spell.EliseSpiderW:Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @spell.EliseSpiderW:Effect4Amount@ seconds.{{Spell_EliseSpiderW_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_EliseHumanW_Tooltip}}Ashe launches a crystal arrow of ice that Stuns the first champion hit and deals @RMainDamage@ magic damage. The Stun duration increases with distance travelled, up to @MaxStunDuration@ seconds. Surrounding enemies are slowed and take half damage.Minimum Stun duration is @MinStunDuration@ second.Evelynn whips an enemy, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @PercentHealthBaseTOOLTIP@ max Health magic damage. Evelynn gains @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Entering Demon Shade refreshes this Ability's cooldown and empowers it. When this Ability is empowered, Evelynn dashes to the target and deals @EmpoweredDamage@ plus @PercentHealthEmpoweredTOOLTIP@ max Health magic damage to her target and everyone she passes through instead.This spell applies On-Hit effects to the targeted enemy.This Ability applies On-Hit Effects to the targeted enemy.Evelynn enshrouds herself in her Demon Shade after @DemonShadeTimer@ seconds of not Attacking or using Abilities. Demon Shade restores @HealPerSecondTOOLTIP@ Health per second while below @HealingThresholdTOOLTIP@ Health. From level 6 onward, it also grants Camouflage.

    Taking damage from champions or towers removes Demon Shade for @StealthDropTimer@ seconds.Evelynn enshrouds herself in her Demon Shade after @DemonShadeTimer@ seconds of not attacking or using abilities. Demon Shade restores @HealPerSecondTOOLTIP@ Health per second while below @HealingThresholdTOOLTIP@ Health. From level 6 onward, it also grants Camouflage.

    Taking damage from champions or turrets removes Demon Shade for @StealthDropTimer@ seconds.

    Camouflaged units cannot be seen unless an enemy champion is inside their detection radius.
    @f9@s %i:cooldown%Evelynn strikes with her Lasher, dealing @MissileDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and causing Evelynn's next 3 Attacks or Abilities on that unit to deal an additional @TotalBonusDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage. Evelynn can Recast this Ability up to 3 times.

    Recast: Evelynn fires spikes through the nearest enemy, dealing @MissileDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage to all enemies hit.The spikes prioritizes the target Evelynn is attacking.Evelynn unleashes her demonic energy, dealing heavy damage, becoming Untargetable and teleporting backwards. She deals @Damage@ magic damage, increased to @CritDamage@ against enemies below 30% Health. Upon cast, set Demon Shade to a 1.25 second cooldown.{{Reminder_Untargetable}}@f8@s %i:cooldown%Monster Charm DurationEvelynn marks a champion or monster for 5 seconds. If Evelynn hits the target with an Attack or Ability, she will expunge the mark, refund its cost, and Slow the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the mark lasts at least 2.5 seconds, expunging it has extra effects:
  1822. Against champions: Charms them for @CharmDuration@ second(s) and removes @MRShred*100@% Magic Resist for @ShredDuration@ seconds.
  1823. Against monsters: Charms them for @MonsterCharm@ seconds and deals @MonsterDamageTotalTOOLTIP@ magic damage.Evelynn marks a champion or monster for 5 seconds. If Evelynn hits the target with an Attack or ability, she will expunge the mark, refund its mana cost, and Slow the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the mark lasts at least 2.5 seconds, expunging it has extra effects:
  1824. Against champions: Charms them for @CharmDuration@ seconds and removes @MRShred*100@% Magic Resist for @ShredDuration@ seconds.
  1825. Against monsters: Charms them for @MonsterCharm@ seconds and deals @MonsterDamageTotalTOOLTIP@ magic damage.Using this Ability does not remove Evelynn from Demon Shade.Passive: Janna gains @EmpowerPercent*100@% Heal and Shield Power for @EmpowerDuration@ seconds whenever she impairs an enemy champion's movement.

    Active: Janna grants an ally champion or turret @TotalShield@ Shield decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. While shielded, they gain @TotalAD@ Attack Damage.The Cooldown can only be reduced once per Ability.Ezreal teleports then fires a bolt at the nearest enemy, dealing @Damage@ magic damage. The bolt prioritizes enemies affected by Essence Flux.This Ability applies {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} effects.Bonus DamageEzreal fires a bolt of energy, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and reducing his Ability Cooldowns by @CDRefund@ seconds.Ezreal's Ability hits grant him @AttackSpeedPerStack.0*100@% Attack Speed for @StackDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.Ezreal fires a massive energy arc that deals @Damage@ magic damage. The arc deals @DamageReductionWaveclear.0*100@% damage to minions and non-epic jungle monsters.Objectives include: Epic Monsters, Towers, Inhibitors, and NexusesEzreal fires a magical orb that sticks to the first champion, structure, or epic jungle monster hit for @DetonationTimeout@ seconds. If Ezreal hits that target with an Attack or Ability, it detonates, dealing @Damage@ magic damage. Detonating with an Ability refunds the Mana cost of that Ability plus @ManaReturn@ Mana.Cho'Gath ravenously feeds on an enemy, dealing @RDamage@ true damage to champions or @RMonsterDamage@ to minions or jungle monsters. If this kills the target, Cho'Gath gains a stack, which causes him to grow in size and gain @RHealthPerStack@ max Health. Only @RMinionMaxStacks@ stacks can be gained from minions and non-epic jungle monsters. {{Spell_Feast_Tooltip}}

    Current minion and non-epic jungle monster stacks: @f3@/@RMinionMaxStacks@Cho'Gath roars, Silencing enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.Alistar immediately cleanses all Disabling effects and takes @RDamageReduction@% reduced damage for @RDuration@ seconds.Empowered SlowFiddlesticks unleashes dark magic, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SilenceDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center are also Silenced for the duration.Fiddlesticks' trinket is replaced by Scarecrow Effigies. When discovered by enemies, Effigies briefly impersonate Fiddlesticks. If Fiddlesticks does not move for 2 seconds, he will impersonate an Effigy. At level six Effigies reveal nearby wards for 6 seconds.Passive: While unseen and out of combat or impersonating an Effigy, damaging an enemy with an ability Fears them for @FearDuration@ second(s).

    Active: Fear an enemy for @FearDuration@ second(s) and deal @TotalPercentHealthDamage@ current Health magic damage. If the target has recently been Feared by Fiddlesticks, instead deal @TotalPercentHealthDamageFeared@ current Health magic damage.
    Deals a minimum of @MinimumDamage@ magic damage, or @MinimumDamage*2@ magic damage if the target has been recently Feared by Fiddlesticks.
    Deals a maximum of 400 magic damage to minions and jungle monsters.Fiddlesticks channels for @ChannelTime@ seconds, then teleports and unleashes a murder of crows, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds.Fiddlesticks channels and drains the souls of nearby enemies, dealing @DrainDamageCalc@ magic damage per second for 2 seconds, plus @PercentForTooltip@% missing Health magic damage at the end. Fiddlesticks restores @VampPercentage@% of damage as Health.

    If Fiddlesticks ends the channel without interruption, the remaining Cooldown is reduced by 60%.
    Healing based on pre-mitigation damage.
    Against monsters, this Ability deals @MonsterDamageMod*100@% damage and heals @MonsterHealingMod*100@% of damage done.
    Against minions, this Ability deals @MinionDamageMod*100@% damage and heals @MinionHealingMod@% of damage done.
    Percent HealedFiora gains @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed for her next two Attacks. The first Attack Slows by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ second. The second Attack always critically strikes for @f4@% damage.Fiora identifies Vitals on enemy champions. Hitting this Vital with an Attack or Ability deals an additional @PassiveDamageTotal@ max Health true damage, grants Fiora @spell.FioraR:PercentMS@% Move Speed decaying over @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds, and restores @PassiveHealAmount@ Health

    Fiora reveals a new Vital after 15 seconds or after striking one.Fiora lunges in a direction and stabs the closest enemy, ward, or structure, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. The strike will prioritize Vitals and enemies it will kill.

    If Fiora strikes an enemy, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @Effect4Amount@%.The strike applies On-Hit Effects.Passive: {{Spell_FioraPassive_Name}} Move Speed bonus is increased to @PercentMS@%.

    Active: Fiora reveals all 4 Vitals on a champion for a max of @spell.FioraPassive:RDamageTotal@ max Health true damage and gains {{Spell_FioraPassive_Name}}'s Move Speed bonus while near the target.

    If Fiora strikes all 4 Vitals within @MarkDuration@ seconds or if the target dies after she has hit at least one, Fiora restores @HealPerSecondCalc@ Health per second to surrounding allied champions for between @MinHealDuration@ to @HealDuration@ seconds, scaling with the number of Vitals hit.@f2@s CooldownFiora parries all incoming damage, disables, and negative effects for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, then stabs. The stab deals @StabDamage@ magic damage to the first champion hit and Slows both Move Speed and Attack Speed by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. If Fiora parries an Immobilizing effect, the stabbed enemy is Stunned rather than Slowed.Fizz hops onto his trident, becoming Untargetable for 0.75 seconds, after which he deals @EDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Slows them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Fizz can Recast this Ability while Untargetable to dash again, which ends the effect early, deals damage in a smaller area, and doesn't Slow.Fizz is Ghosted and takes @DamageReductionCalc@ reduced damage from all sources.{{Spell_FizzPassive_Tooltip}}

    Ghosted units ignore collision with other units.
    Damage cannot be reduced by more than @DamageReductionMax*100@%.
    Fizz dashes through an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage plus @QDamage@ magic damage.This Ability applies On-Hit effects.Big Shark DamageMedium Shark DamageSmall Shark DamageFizz launches a fish that attaches to the first champion hit. The victim is afflicted with True Sight and Slowed by between 40% to 80% based on how far the fish travelled before attaching.

    After @DetonationTime@ seconds a shark erupts on the target, Knocking Up the target with the fish for 1 second, Knocking Back everything else, and dealing between @SmallSharkDamage@ to @BigSharkDamage@ magic damage based on how far the fish travelled before attaching.Passive: Fizz's Attacks cause his enemies to bleed, dealing @DoTDamage@ magic damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds.

    Active: Fizz's next Attack deals an additional @ActiveDamage@ magic damage. If this Attack kills its target, Fizz refunds @OnKillManaRefund@ Mana and reduces the cooldown of this Ability to @OnKillNewCooldown@ second. If it does not kill, Fizz's Attacks deal an additional @OnHitBuffDamage@ magic damage for @OnHitBuffDuration@ seconds.Anivia fires a massive chunk of ice, dealing @TotalPassthroughDamage@ magic damage and Chilling enemies for @SlowDuration@ seconds, Slowing them by @Spell.GlacialStorm:SlowAmount@%. At the end of its range, the ice detonates, Stunning enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalExplosionDamage@ magic damage.

    Anivia can Recast this ability while the ice flies to detonate it early.Anivia fires a massive chunk of ice, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. At the end of its range, the ice detonates, Stunning enemies for @EffectValue2@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. Enemies damaged by this skill are Slowed by @spell.GlacialStorm:SlowAmount@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Anivia can Recast this skill while the ice flies to detonate it early.Singed flings an enemy over his shoulder, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect3Amount@% max Health magic damage.

    If Singed flings a target into his {{Spell_MegaAdhesive_Name}}, they are Rooted for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Max Health damage is capped at 300 against minions and jungle monsters.Passive: Kassadin gains a charge whenever any Ability is used near him. At 6 charges, Kassadin can activate this Ability.

    Active: Kassadin unleashes a void pulse, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.Anivia blasts an enemy with a freezing wind, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Against Chilled enemies, Anivia deals @EmpoweredDamage@ magic damage instead.Corki fires a gatling gun in front of him, dealing @PhysicalDamagePerSecond@ physical damage and @MagicalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second and shredding up to @Effect4Amount*-1@ Armor and Magic Resist over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Total Damage Per Second: @TotalDamagePerSecond@The shred lingers for @Effect6Amount@ seconds after being hit.Galio lunges forward with a mighty blow, Knocking Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first champion hit. Other enemies in the way take @PVEDamage@ magic damage.

    Galio's dash stops on hitting terrain.%i:cooldown% @PassiveCooldownModified@sGalio's Attacks deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies. This effect has a @PassiveCooldownModified@ second Cooldown.Galio fires two windblasts that deal @QMissileDamage@ magic damage each. When the windblasts meet, they combine into a tornado that deals @PercentSuperQDamageTT@% max Health magic damage over @SuperQDuration@ seconds.Percent Health damage deals a max of @SuperQMonsterMaxDamageTotal@ damage to jungle monsters.Tornado DamageWindblast DamageGalio designates an allied champion's position as his landing spot, granting all allied champions in the area Shield of Durand's passive Shield for @TemporaryWShieldDuration@ seconds. Galio then flies to his landing zone.

    When Galio lands, he Knocks Up for @StunDurationOuter@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Passive: Galio gains a @TotalPassiveShield@ Magic Shield after not taking damage for @PassiveShieldOOCTimer@ seconds.

    Begin Charging: Galio reduces incoming magic damage by @MagicDamageReduction@ and incoming physical damage by @PhysicalDamageReduction@ and Slows himself by @Effect3Amount@%.

    Release: Galio Taunts enemy champions for between @Effect4Amount@ to @Effect7Amount@ seconds, deals between @MinTotalDamage@ and @MaxTotalDamage@ magic damage, and refreshes the damage reduction for @Effect8Amount@ seconds. Taunt duration, damage, and range increase with charge time.@AmmoRechargeTime@s Recharge (max: @MaxAmmo@)Gangplank places a powder keg that can be attacked by Gangplank and enemy champions for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. When an enemy destroys it, the keg is defused. When Gangplank destroys it, it explodes, Slowing by @FinalSlowAmount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing the Attack's damage, ignoring @Effect10Amount@% Armor. Champions take an additional @Effect3Amount@ physical damage.

    Keg health decays every @f5@ seconds. Keg explosions detonate other kegs with overlapping blast zones, but don't deal damage to the same target more than once. Keg explosions triggered by {{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Name}} will grant the bonus gold for targets killed.Keg decay rate increases at level 7 and 13.
    Slow scales with Critical Strike Chance.Gangplank's melee Attacks ignite the target, dealing an additional @TotalDamage@ true damage over @DoTDuration@ seconds and granting Gangplank @MoveSpeed@ Move Speed for @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Destroying a Powder Keg refreshes this Cooldown and grants Gangplank the same Move Speed.{{Spell_GangplankPassive_Tooltip}}

    Deals 50% damage to turrets.
    Trial By Fire's damage increases based on Critical Strike Chance.
    {{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Name}} does not deal this Ability's bonus damage.
    Gangplank fires a bullet dealing @ShotDamage@ physical damage. If this kills the target, Gangplank gains an additional @Effect2Amount@ Gold and @Effect5Amount@ Silver Serpents.

    Gangplank can spend Silver Serpents in the shop to upgrade {{Spell_GangplankR_Name}}.{{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Tooltip}}

    Total Gold plundered: @f1@ Gold
    Total SS plundered: @f3@ Silver SerpentsThe shot applies On-Hit effects (other than {{Spell_GangplankPassive_Name}}) and can critically strike (including base damage).Gangplank signals his ship to fire @f3@ waves of cannonballs anywhere on the map over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Each wave Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and deals @OneWaveDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability can be upgraded in the shop via {{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Name}}.Gangplank consumes a large amount of citrus fruit, removing all Disabling effects and restoring @BaseHealth@ plus @Effect2Amount@% missing Health.Garen stops performing this Ability.Attack Damage Scaling Per SpinDamage Per SpinGaren rapidly spins his sword for @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage @f1@ times over the duration. The nearest enemy takes @TotalDamageNearest@ physical damage per strike instead.

    Champions hit by @StacksToShred@ strikes lose @ShredAmount*100@% Armor for @ShredDuration@ seconds.Number of strikes increases with Attack Speed from items and levels.
    This Ability can critically strike for @TotalDamageCrit@ physical damage (@TotalDamageNearestCrit@ to the nearest target).
    Deals @monstermod*100@% damage to jungle monsters.
    This Ability can be cancelled early, and doing so reduces the remaining Cooldown.
    Garen regenerates @RegenCalc@ max Health every 5 seconds if he has not been damaged or hit with enemy Abilities in the last @DamageTimer@ seconds.{{Spell_GarenPassive_Tooltip}}

    Minion and non-epic jungle monster damage does not stop the regeneration.Garen removes all Slowing effects on him and gains @MovementSpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ second(s).

    His next Attack Silences for @SilenceDuration@ seconds and does @TotalDamage@ physical damage.The empowered Attack expires after @AttackWindow@ seconds.
    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}
    Missing Health DamageGaren calls upon the might of Demacia to slay his enemy, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @ExecuteDamage*100@% missing Health true damage.Passive: Killing units permanently grants @ResistGainOnKill@ Armor and @ResistGainOnKill@ Magic Resist, up to a max of @ResistMax@. At max stacks, Garen gains @PercentArmor@ Armor and @PercentMR@ Magic Resist.

    Active: Garen steels his courage for @DRDuration@ seconds, reducing incoming damage by @DRPercent*100@%. He also gains @TotalShield@ Shield and @UpfrontTenacity*100@% Tenacity for @UpfrontDuration@ seconds.{{Spell_GarenW_Tooltip}}

    Current earned Armor and Magic Resist: @f4@/30Teleports Twisted Fate to target location in 1.5 seconds.@Cost@ + @ManaCostPerSecond@ Mana per secondToggle: Anivia calls forth a driving rain of ice and hail that Slows enemies by @SlowAmount@% and deals @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second. The storm increases in size over @GrowthTime@ seconds.

    When the storm is fully formed, it Chills, Slows by @SlowPercentEmpoweredTT@%, and does @EmpoweredDamagePerSecondTooltipOnly@ magic damage per second instead.Mega Gnar: Gnar leaps, dealing @spell.GnarE:MegaTotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies on landing. Enemies directly underneath are also briefly Slowed by @spell.GnarE:MoveSpeedMod*-100@%.{{spell_GnarBigE_Tooltip}}

    {{spell_GnarE_Tooltip}}Mega Gnar: Gnar hurls a boulder, dealing @spell.GnarQ:MegaTotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @spell.GnarQ:MegaSlowAmount*100@% for @spell.GnarQ:MegaSlowDuration@ seconds to the first enemy hit and surrounding enemies. Picking up the boulder reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @spell.GnarQ:MegaCDRefund*100@%.{{spell_GnarBigQ_Tooltip}}

    {{spell_GnarQ_Tooltip}}Mega Gnar: Gnar smashes an area, dealing @spell.GnarW:MegaTotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @spell.GnarW:MegaStunDuration@ seconds.{{spell_GnarW_Tooltip}}

    {{spell_GnarBigW_Tooltip}}Crunch DamageHop DamageMini Gnar: Gnar leaps, gaining @spell.GnarE:MinibAS*100@% Attack Speed for @spell.GnarE:MiniASDuration@ seconds. If Gnar lands on a unit he will bounce off it, traveling further. Bouncing off an enemy deals @spell.GnarE:MiniTotalDamage@ physical damage and briefly Slows by @spell.GnarE:MoveSpeedMod*-100@%.{{spell_GnarE_Tooltip}}

    {{spell_GnarBigE_Tooltip}}Gnar generates Rage by dealing and receiving damage. At max Rage his next Ability transforms him into Mega Gnar for 15 seconds.

    Mini Gnar: Gain @TotalMS@ Move Speed, @TotalAS@ Attack Speed, and @TotalAttackRange@ Attack Range.

    Mega Gnar: Gain @TotalMegaGnarHealth@ max Health, @TotalMegaGnarArmor@ Armor, @TotalMegaGnarMR@ Magic Resist, and @TotalMegaGnarAD@ Attack Damage.{{spell_GnarPassive_Tooltip}}

    At max Rage, Gnar will automatically transform after 4 seconds if he does not use an Ability.
    Rage decays after 13 seconds if Gnar has not dealt or received damage.
    Rage gain is greater when dealing damage to champions.
    Boulder Slow AmountMini Gnar: Gnar throws a boomerang that deals @spell.GnarQ:MiniTotalDamage@ physical damage and Slows by @spell.GnarQ:SlowAmount*100@% for @spell.GnarQ:SlowDuration@ seconds. The boomerang returns after hitting an enemy, dealing reduced damage to subsequent targets. Each enemy can only be hit once. Catching the boomerang reduces its Cooldown by @spell.GnarQ:MiniCDRefund*100@%.{{spell_GnarQ_Tooltip}}

    {{spell_GnarBigQ_Tooltip}}Deals @MiniSubsequentMult*100@% damage to enemies beyond the first.Mini Gnar Passive: Increase Hyper's Move Speed.

    Mega Gnar: Gnar tosses nearby enemies, dealing @Damage@ physical damage, Knocking Back, and Slowing them by @RSlowPercent@% for @RCCDuration@ seconds. Enemies that hit a wall instead take @WallDamage@ physical damage and are Stunned.After transforming to Mini Gnar, Gnar cannot gain Rage for 15 seconds.Mini Gnar Passive: Every third Attack or Ability on the same enemy deals an additional @spell.GnarW:MiniTotalDamage@ plus @spell.GnarW:MiniPercentHPDamage*100@% max Health magic damage and grants @spell.GnarR:RHyperMovementSpeedPercent@% Move Speed decaying over 3 seconds.Gnar also gains the Move Speed when he leaves Mega Gnar form.
    Deals a max of @MiniMonsterCap@ magic damage against jungle monsters.
    Gragas charges forward, colliding with the first enemy, Knocking Up nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to them.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @f1@ seconds if Gragas collides with an enemy.Reactivate to make the barrel explode.Gragas rolls a cask that explodes after @Effect4Amount@ seconds, dealing between @MinDamage@ magic damage and @MaxDamage@ magic damage and Slowing for between @Effect2Amount@ and @Effect2Amount*1.5@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The damage and Slow increase with time the cask spent before exploding.

    Gragas can Recast to detonate the cask early.Deals @Effect7Amount@% damage to minions.Gragas hurls his cask, dealing @DamageDone@ magic damage and Knocking Away enemies from the impact zone.Enemies cannot be Knocked over walls with this Ability.Gragas guzzles his brew, reducing incoming damage by @DamageReduction@ for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. After finishing his drink, his next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ plus 7% max Health magic damage to the target and surrounding enemies.Deals a max of @Effect4Amount@ damage to jungle monsters.Graves fires an explosive cartridge, blasting himself backwards. The cartridge deals @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit. After hitting an enemy champion or reaching the end of its range, the cartridge explodes outward, dealing @FalloffDamage@ physical damage.Graves dashes and reloads one Shell into his shotgun. He also gains a stack for 4 seconds (max @Effect10Amount@ stacks) or two stacks if he dashes towards an enemy champion. Stacks grant him @Effect5Amount@ Armor. Stacks are refreshed when damaging a non-minion.

    Each bullet hit from Graves' Attacks reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    Graves' Attacks have unique properties:
  1826. It can only fire two Shells before he must reload. Attack Speed reduces reload time slightly, but reduces time between shots dramatically.
  1827. Each Attack fires 4 bullets. The first bullet on a target deals @SingleBulletDamage@ physical damage, and subsequent bullets deal @MultiBulletDamage@ each. Instead of normal Critical effects, Critical strikes fire 6 bullets and deal @CritDamageMult@ more damage. Structures take @StructureDamageReduction*100@% reduced damage.
  1828. Bullets stop on the first unit hit. Non-champions struck by multiple bullets are Knocked Back.Detonation DamageGraves fires a powder round dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. After 1 second or after colliding with terrain, it detonates, dealing @TotalDetonationDamage@ physical damage along the travel path again and to enemies near the blast.Graves creates a cloud of black smoke for 4 seconds, Slowing enemies inside by @Effect2Amount@% and blocking their vision outside the area. The initial impact deals @ImpactDamage@ magic damage.Gwen dashes and empowers her Attacks for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Empowered Attacks gain @BonusAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed, @OnHitDamage@ magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit, @BonusAttackRange@ range, and the first one to hit an enemy refunds @CDRefund*100@% of this Ability's Cooldown.Gwen's Attacks deal an additional @PercentHealth1000Cuts@ Max Health magic damage on hit. Gwen recovers health equal to @HealingPercent@ of the damage this Ability deals to champions.
    {{ spell_gwenP_tooltip }}

    Max damage to monsters: @MonsterDamageCap@. Deals @ExecuteDamage@ bonus damage to minions below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% health.
    Passive: Gwen gains 1 stack when she hits an enemy with an attack (max 4, lasts @BuffDuration@ seconds).

    Active: Consumes stacks. Gwen snips once for @MiniSwipeDamage@ magic damage, snips again for each ammo consumed, and then snips a final time for @FinalSwipeDamage@ magic damage.

    The center of each strikes converts @TrueDamageConversion*100@% of the damage into true damage instead and applies A Thousand Cuts to enemies hit.

    Deals @MinionMod*100@% damage to minions.
    Minions below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% health take @ExecuteBonus@% bonus damage instead of reduced damage.
    Max damage: @MaxDamage@, plus @spell.GwenP:PassiveMaxQTooltip@ percent health from A Thousand CutsFirst Cast: Hurl a needle that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slows by @InitialSlow*-100@% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds, and applies A Thousand Cuts to all enemies hit. Gwen can Recast this ability up to 2 additional times within 6 seconds (@LockoutTime@s cooldown between casts).

    Second Cast: Fire three needles to deal @TotalDamage3@ magic damage
    Third Cast: Fire five needles to deal @TotalDamage5@ magic damageSubsequent needle hits on the same unit Slow by @SubsequentSlow*-100@% instead.
    Max damage: @MaxDamage@, plus @spell.GwenP:PassiveMaxRTooltip@ max health damage from A Thousand Cuts.
    Gwen summons the Hallowed Mist, making her Untargetable to all enemies (except towers) outside the zone for @ZoneDuration@ seconds or until she leaves it. While in the Mist, Gwen gains @TotalResists@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    Gwen can Recast this Ability once to call the Mist to her. This will automatically Recast the first time Gwen attempts to leave the zone.Shaco briefly disappears, then reappears with a clone that lasts @CloneLifetime@ seconds and detonates when it dies, dealing @ExplosionTotalDamage@ magic damage and spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes that trigger immediately. The clone deals @CloneAADamagePercent*100@% of Shaco's damage and receives @CloneIncomingDamagePercent*100@% increased damage.

    Mini Jack in the Boxes deal @AoEDamage@ magic damage, or @STDamage@ magic damage if firing at only one enemy, and Fear for @BoxFearDuration@ second.
    The clone can be controlled using the Alt key and right click, or by Recasting this Ability.Shaco commands his clone to move to target location or attack target enemy.

    This clone lasts up to @Spell.HallucinateFull:CloneLifetime@ seconds and detonates when it dies, dealing @Spell.HallucinateFull:ExplosionTotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes.
    • Mini boxes deal @Spell.HallucinateFull:AoEDamage@ magic damage, or @Spell.HallucinateFull:STDamage@ magic damage if attacking only one enemy, and Fears enemies for @Spell.HallucinateFull:BoxFearDuration@ second(s).
    • Clone deals @Spell.HallucinateFull:CloneAADamagePercent*100@% of Shaco's damage and receives @Spell.HallucinateFull:CloneIncomingDamagePercent*100@% increased damage.

    The clone can also be controlled by holding the Alt key and using the right mouse button.Alistar rams into an enemy, Knocking them Back and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Hecarim gains @BonusAD@ Attack Damage.{{Spell_HecarimPassive_Tooltip}}

    Attack Damage scales with bonus Move speed.Hecarim becomes Ghosted and gains @MinMoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed increasing to @MaxMoveSpeed*100@% over @Effect5Amount@ seconds. His next Attack Knocks Back and deals between @MinDamage@ and @MaxDamage@ physical damage. Knock Back distance and damage scales with distance travelled during this Ability.Ghosted units ignore collision with other units.
    The remaining duration of this Ability is paused during {{Spell_HecarimUlt_Name}}.
    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}
    Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies for @Damage@ physical damage. If this Ability hits, he gains a stack that decreases its Cooldown by @RampageCooldownReduction@ seconds and increases its damage by @RampageBonusDamagePerc@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. Stacks up to @Effect2Amount@ times.
    Deals a base of @MinionDamage@ damage to minions.Hecarim summons spectral riders and charges forward, dealing @DamageDone@ magic damage. Hecarim unleashes a shockwave at the end of the charge that Fears for between @FearDurationMin@ to @FearDurationMax@ seconds, increased by charge distance.Hecarim will move to the targeted location, but the riders always move the full distance.Hecarim deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @BuffDuration@ seconds to nearby enemies.

    Hecarim gains @ResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist and heals for @LeechAmount@% of damage nearby enemies take from Hecarim and @AllyTooltipLeachValue@% of damage taken from his allies.Hecarim cannot heal more than @MinionHealCap@ Health from minions or jungle monsters.Zilean stores time as Experience at a rate of @XPPer5@ per 5 seconds. Zilean can grant this Experience to his allies when he has enough to complete their next level up by right-clicking them, and doing so gives Zilean the same amount of Experience. This effect has a 120 second Cooldown.{{Spell_HeightenedLearning_Tooltip}}

    Total awarded: @TotalXP@ Experience.

    Experience can't be granted in combat.Heimerdinger hurls a grenade that deals @Damage@ magic damage in an area and Slows by @SlowPercent.0*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center are also Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Hitting a champion fully charges nearby Turrets.Heimerdinger gains @MovementSpeed.0*100@% Move Speed near his Turrets and ally towers.@KitCooldown@s Turret Kit Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)@KitCost@ Turret Kit & @Cost@ ManaBeam DamageCannon Damage@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - @SubA@ Turrets Ready@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Next Turret in @SubA@sHeimerdinger constructs a Turret that attacks nearby enemies. Heimerdinger can have @MaxTurrets@ turrets active at once. Turrets slowly build up charge. At max charge, they fire a stronger attack.

    If Heimerdinger gets too far away, his Turrets will deactivate after 8 seconds.

    This Ability has @MaxKits@ charges.Turrets prioritize attacking enemies Heimerdinger has recently damaged and enemies attacking Heimerdinger.

    Turret Stats:
    @TurretHealth@ Health
    @Damage@ magic damage per regular shot
    @DamageBeam@ magic damage per charged shot
    Lightning Grenade DamageApex Turret Cannon DamageTurret Beam DamageHeimerdinger upgrades his next non-ultimate Ability.

    H-28Q Apex Turret: Place an upgraded Turret for 8 seconds that doesn't count towards Heimerdinger's max turrets, deals @QUltDamage@ magic damage per shot and @QUltDamageBeam@ magic damage per charged shot. Its attacks deal damage in an area, Slow by 25% for 2 seconds, and it is immune to crowd control.

    Hextech Rocket Swarm: Fires 4 waves of rockets that each deal @WUltDamage@ magic damage. Champions and jungle monsters hit by additional rockets take reduced damage, and minions take increased damage. Max Damage: @WUltTotalDamage@ magic damage.

    CH-3X Lightning Grenade: Throws a bouncing grenade that discharges three times, dealing @EUltDamage@ magic damage. The Stun and Slow areas are larger.

    Recast: Cancel this Ability.The upgraded Ability has no cost.
    Upgraded rockets deal 2000% damage to minions.

    Apex Turret Stats:
    @QUltTurretHealth@ Health
    @QUltDamage@ magic damage per regular shot
    @QUltDamageBeam@ magic damage per charged shot
    Rocket Swarm DamageRocket Swarm Max DamageHeimerdinger unleashes a barrage of @Rockets@ rockets that deal @Damage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. Additional rocket hits deal reduced damage.

    Max Damage: @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Nearby Turrets gain 20% charge per rocket that hits a champion.Enemies hit by multiple rockets take @ExtraHitDamage@ magic damage beyond the first. Minions instead take @ExtraHitDamageMinions@ magic damage beyond the firstHexgate is on CooldownYou cannot use Hexgates while groundedYou cannot use Hexgates during Umbral Trespass.You cannot use Hexgates while Impaling enemiesYou cannot use Hexgates while Devouring unitsYou cannot use Hexgates while attached to an ally.Move Speed IncreasePassive: Champion takedowns reduce the remaining Cooldown of Master Yi's basic Abilities by @RCooldownRefund*100@%.

    Active: Master Yi enters a trance, gaining @RMSBonus@% Move Speed, @RASBonus@% Attack Speed, and immunity to Slows for @RDuration@ seconds. Champion takedowns extend the duration of this Ability by @RKillAssistExtension@ seconds.The duration of {{ Spell_Highlander_Name }} is paused during {{ Spell_AlphaStrike_Name }} and {{ Spell_Meditate_Name }}Passive: Champion takedowns reduce the Cooldown of Master Yi's basic abilities.

    Active: Grants Move Speed, Attack Speed, and immunity to slows for @RDuration@ seconds.

    While active, champion takedowns extend the duration of Highlander by @RKillAssistExtension@ seconds.Janna summons a tornado that grows stronger over @Effect6Amount@ seconds then blows along its path. It deals @MinimumDamage@ magic damage and Knocks Up for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. The distance, damage, and Knock Up duration increase based on how much the tornado grew. Janna can Recast to send the tornado early.Deals an additional @ExtraDamagePerSecondCharged@ magic damage, Knocks Up for an additional @Effect5Amount@ seconds, and travels @Effect3Amount@% further for each second it grew, and always reaches its destination in @Effect8Amount@ seconds.Illaoi pulls the spirit from an enemy champion for @SpiritDuration@ seconds. The spirit can be damaged like a champion, with @EchoPercentTooltipOnly@ of that damage echoing to its owner.

    If the spirit dies or the target leaves its range, the target becomes marked for @VesselDuration@ seconds and is Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Marked enemies spawn Tentacles every @f1@ seconds.

    Tentacles will automatically Slam at spirits and marked enemies once every @TimeBetweenVesselTentacleSlams@ seconds.every @f1@ seconds if no other Tentacles are nearby.Marked enemies are revealed for a short time.Illaoi draws the presence of her god, spawning a Tentacle on nearby terrain if no other Tentacles are nearby (@SpawnCD@ second cooldown). Tentacles will not attack on their own, but can be made to Slam by Illaoi's Abilities.

    Slam deals @SlamDamageTotalTooltip@ physical damage. Hitting at least one enemy champion restores @MissingHPPercentHeal*100@% missing Health to Illaoi.{{Spell_IllaoiPassive_Tooltip}}

    Enemies hit by multiple Slams at once take 50% damage for the second and 25% damage for all additional Slams.
    Tentacles last until killed or Illaoi is out of range for @TentacleDisabledLifetime@ seconds.
    Passive: Slam damage is increased by @TentacleDamageAmp*100@% (currently @f1@ physical damage).

    Active: Illaoi swings her idol, causing a Tentacle to Slam forward.Passive: Slam damage is increased by @TentacleDamageAmp*100@% (current increase: @f1@ damage).

    Active: Illaoi swings her idol, causing a Tentacle to Slam forward.Illaoi smashes her idol into the ground, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to nearby enemies and spawning a Tentacle for each enemy champion hit.

    For the next @Duration@ seconds, Tentacles are untargetable and Slam 50% faster, and Harsh Lesson has a 2 second cooldown.Spirits from Test Of Spirit also generate a Tentacle if hit by this ability.Illaoi's next Attack causes her to leap at the target, dealing an additional @HealthPercentTotalTooltip@ max Health physical damage. When she strikes, nearby Tentacles will Slam at the target.The percent Health damage does a minimum of @WMinDamage@. Against jungle monsters the damage is capped at @Effect3Amount@.The percent Health damage does a minimum of @WMinDamage@. Against jungle monsters the damage is capped at @Effect3Amount@.
    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}
    @Effect3Amount@ HealthInfected CleaverDr. Mundo hurls his cleaver, dealing damage equal to a portion of his target's current Health and slowing them for a short time. Dr. Mundo delights in the suffering of others, so he is returned a portion of the Health cost when he successfully lands a cleaver (doubled on killing blows).Dr. Mundo hurls his cleaver, dealing @Effect2Amount*100@% current Health magic damage (minimum @Effect1Amount@) and Slowing by @Effect4Amount*-100@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    If the cleaver hits a monster or minion, restore @f1@ Health. If it hits a champion or kills anything, restore @f2@ Health.Deals a max of @Effect6Amount@ magic damage against jungle monsters.Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him @StatAmount@ Ability Power, Armor, Magic Resist, Move Speed, Health Regen, and Mana Regen for @Duration@ seconds. During this effect, Singed's Poison Trail also applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ second.Irelia places the second blade.Irelia throws a blade into the ground and can Recast for up to @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Recast: Irelia throws a second blade, then they fly towards each other Stunning for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Champions and large jungle monsters become Unsteady for @MarkDuration@ seconds.Irelia will automatically Recast at her location after @BuffDuration@ seconds.Irelia gains a stack for @BuffDuration@ seconds when she hits an enemy with an Ability (max @MaxStacks@). She gains @SingleStackAS@% Attack Speed per stack, and at max stacks her Attacks deal an additional @OnHitBonus@ magic damage.

    Attacking a champion or large monster refreshes the duration of the stacks. Irelia gains a stack for each champion hit, or if she hits at least one non-champion enemy.{{Spell_IreliaPassive_Tooltip}}

    Irelia gains one stack per champion hit and one stack for hitting minions.Bonus Damage to Minions@f1@s CooldownHeal RatioIrelia dashes to an enemy, dealing @ChampionDamage@ physical damage and restoring @HealAmount@ Health to herself. If the enemy dies or was Unsteady, the Cooldown is refreshed.

    Deals @MinionDamage@ damage to minions.This ability applies On-Hit Effects.Irelia launches a barrage of blades, dealing @MissileDamage@ magic damage and making champions and large jungle monsters Unsteady for @MarkDuration@ seconds. The barrage explodes into a cage around the first champion hit for @ZoneDuration@ seconds. The cage deals @ZoneDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount@% for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    Bladesurge's base cooldown is reduced by @CooldownAmount@ seconds.When the barrage explodes, surrounding enemies are also hit.
    Wall DamageWall DurationBegin Charging: Irelia enters a defensive stance for up to @MaxDuration@ seconds, becoming unable to act but reducing physical damage taken by @FinalPhysicalDR@% and magic damage taken by @FinalMagicDR@%.

    Release: Irelia lashes out with her blades, dealing @MinDamageCalc@ physical damage increased up to @MaxDamageCalc@ based on charge time.The Release will happen automatically at the end of the Charge and cannot be interrupted. Reaches max damage increase after @ChargeTimeForMax@ seconds.Ivern grants @TotalShield@ Shield to an ally champion. After 2 seconds, it bursts, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing enemies by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.Can also be used on Daisy.Ivern will not hurt non-epic jungle monsters. Instead Ivern can right click a jungle monster to create a grove that costs @HealthTooltip@ Health and @ManaTooltip@ Mana and grows over @HarvestDuration@ seconds.

    When fully grown, clicking on the grove frees the jungle monsters, granting their Gold and Experience. Smiting a grove instantly frees it.

    Starting at level @LevelForBuffShare@, Ivern freeing or allies killing a buff monster creates an extra buff.{{Spell_IvernP_Tooltip}}

    If the buff monster was killed by an ally, only Ivern can pick it up. If it was freed by Ivern, only an ally can pick it up.
    Ivern conjures a vine dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Rooting the first enemy hit for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Allies that Attack a Rooted enemy dash into attack range.Send Daisy to Attack. If used on Ivern, Daisy will follow him.Ivern summons his sentinel friend Daisy for @f6@ seconds. If Daisy Attacks the same champion three consecutive times she creates a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Knocking Up enemies for 1 second (3s Cooldown).

    Daisy has:
    @TotalDaisyHP@ Health
    @TotalBonusResists@ Armor
    @TotalBonusResists@ Magic Resist
    @TotalDaisyAD@ Attack Damage

    Recast: Manually issue orders to Daisy.@f12@s CooldownPassive: While in brush and for 3 seconds after leaving it Ivern's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Ivern grows a patch of Brush for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and reveals it for 3 seconds.Shaco creates a trap that stealths itself after @Effect5Amount@ seconds and lasts for @TrapDuration@ seconds. It activates when an enemy comes near or when revealed, Fearing nearby enemy Champions for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, or @MinionFearDuration@ seconds for minions and jungle monsters.

    Once activated, the trap fires at all nearby enemies for 5 seconds, dealing @AoEDamage@ magic damage, or @STDamage@ damage if focused on a single target.

    Jack in the Box's attacks deal an additional @MonsterBonusDamage@ damage to monsters.Jarvan heroically leaps to an enemy Champion, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to them and surrounding enemies and creating an arena of impassable terrain around them for @WallDuration@ seconds.

    Jarvan can Recast to collapse the terrain.Passive: Jarvan gains @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Jarvan throws a standard into the ground, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and granting allies near the standard @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.Jarvan extends his lance, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and removing @Effect2Amount@% Armor for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    If the lance connects with {{Spell_JarvanIVDemacianStandard_Name}}, Jarvan will pull himself to it, Knocking Up those in his path for 0.75 seconds.Jarvan can pull himself even while Immobilized.Jarvan summons an aegis, Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds and granting him a @BaseShield@ Shield, increased by @BonusShield@ for each enemy champion hit.Jarvan's Attacks deal an additional @TooltipCurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health physical damage. This effect has a @TooltipCooldown@ second Cooldown per target.{{ Spell_JarvanIVMartialCadence_Tooltip }}

    Deals a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 400 damage to non-champions.Javelin Mana CostHuman Form: Nidalee throws her javelin, dealing @HumanMinimumDamage@ magic damage, increased up to @HumanMaximumDamage@ magic damage based on distance flown.{{Spell_JavelinToss_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_Takedown_Tooltip}}Jax enters a defensive stance for up to @Effect6Amount@ seconds, dodging incoming Attacks and taking @Effect3Amount@% less damage from area of effect Abilities.

    After @Effect6Amount@ seconds or Recasting, Jax deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Stuns nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ second. Deals @Effect5Amount@% increased damage for each Attack Jax dodged (max: @Effect4Amount@%).Jax charges his weapon with energy, causing his next Attack or Leap Strike to deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}Jax leaps to a friendly or enemy unit or ward, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage if it is an enemy.Passive: Every third Attack deals an additional @DamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Active: Jax strengthens his resolve, granting him @ArmorCalc@ Armor and @MRCalc@ Magic Resist for @ActiveDuration@ seconds.Mercury Cannon: Jayce deploys an acceleration gate for @spell.JayceAccelerationGate:Duration@ seconds that grants @spell.JayceAccelerationGate:MovementSpeed*100@% Move Speed decaying over @spell.JayceAccelerationGate:HasteDuration@ seconds to allied champions that pass through it.{{Spell_JayceAccelerationGate_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JayceThunderingBlow_Tooltip}}Mercury Cannon: Jayce overcharges his cannon, gaining maximum Attack Speed for his next @spell.JayceHyperCharge:NumAttacks@ Attacks. These Attacks deal @spell.JayceHyperCharge:ActualDamage@ physical damage.{{Spell_JayceHyperCharge_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JayceStaticField_Tooltip}}Jayce can swap between melee and ranged weapons using Mercury Cannon / Mercury Hammer starting from level 1. Swapping weapons also swaps all his Abilities and grants him @FlatMovementSpeed@ Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.Mercury Cannon: Jayce fires an orb of electricity, dealing @spell.JayceShockBlast:Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and all surrounding enemies. Firing this orb through {{Spell_JayceAccelerationGate_Name}} increases the range, speed and raises the damage to @spell.JayceShockBlast:EmpoweredDamage@.{{Spell_JayceShockBlast_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JayceToTheSkies_Tooltip}}Mercury Cannon: Jayce transforms his weapon into the Mercury Hammer, becoming melee ranged and gaining new Abilities and @spell.JayceStanceHtG:Resists@ Armor and Magic Resist. Jayce's next Attack deals an additional @spell.JayceStanceHtG:Damage@ magic damage.{{Spell_JayceStanceGtH_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JayceStanceHtG_Tooltip}}Mercury Hammer: Jayce transforms his weapon into the Mercury Cannon, gaining Attack Range and new Abilities. Jayce's next Attack removes @spell.JayceStanceHtG:RangedFormShred@ Armor and Magic Resist for @spell.JayceStanceHtG:ShredDuration@ seconds.{{Spell_JayceStanceHtG_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JayceStanceGtH_Tooltip}}Mercury Hammer - Passive: Jayce's Hammer Attacks grant @spell.JayceStaticField:ManaGain@ Mana.

    Mercury Hammer - Active: Jayce creates an electric aura dealing @spell.JayceStaticField:Damage@ magic damage over @spell.JayceStaticField:Duration@ seconds.{{Spell_JayceStaticField_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JayceHyperCharge_Tooltip}}Hammer Form: Jayce swings his hammer, Knocking Back his target and dealing @spell.JayceThunderingBlow:FlatDamage@ plus @spell.JayceThunderingBlow:PercHPDamage*100@% max Health magic damage.{{Spell_JayceThunderingBlow_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JayceAccelerationGate_Tooltip}}Hammer swing does a max of @MonsterCap@ magic damage against jungle monsters.Mercury Hammer: Jayce leaps to an enemy, dealing @spell.JayceToTheSkies:Damage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies and Slowing them by @spell.JayceToTheSkies:Slow*-100@% for @spell.JayceToTheSkies:SlowDuration@ seconds.{{Spell_JayceToTheSkies_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JayceShockBlast_Tooltip}}Passive: Champions Jhin kills will create and detonate a Lotus Trap at their location.

    Active: Jhin places an invisible Lotus Trap for @TrapDuration@ minutes that creates a zone that Slows by @TrapSlowAmount*100@% when stepped on by an enemy. After @TrapDetonationTime@ seconds, the trap detonates, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    This ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeRateTooltip@ second refresh).{{Spell_JhinE_Tooltip}} (@AmmoRechargeRateTooltip@ second refresh).Lotus Trap hits deal @ReducedDamagePercent*100@% damage to minions, and enemies recently hit by another Lotus Trap.Jhin's hand cannon has a fixed Attack Speed and can be fired @MaxAmmo@ times before needing to be reloaded. The @MaxAmmo@th shot always critically strikes, and deals an additional @FourthShotExecutePercent@ missing health physical damage.

    In addition:
  1829. Jhin gains @TotalADPercent@ bonus Attack Damage
  1830. Jhin's critical strikes deal @CritReductionPercent*100@% less damage but grant him @CritMoveSpeedPercent@ Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds.

    Attack Damage scales with Critical Strike Chance and bonus Attack Speed.
    Move Speed scales with bonus Attack Speed.
    Jhin launches a cartridge that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage before bouncing to a nearby enemy that has not been hit yet.

    The cartridge can hit a maximum of @TooltipMaxTargetsHit@ times. Enemies that die shortly after being hit increase the damage of subsequent hits by @PercentAmpOnKill*100@%.Jhin sets up and channels, enabling him to fire 4 super shots, each dealing between @DamageCalc@ and @MaxIncreaseCalc@ physical damage to the first champion hit based on their percentage missing health and Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. The fourth shot critically strikes for @FourthShotMultiplier*100@% damage.Missing health bonus can increase a shot's damage up to a maximum of @MaxIncreaseCalc@Jhin fires a long range shot dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first champion hit and other enemies along the way.

    If this skill strikes a champion that has been damaged by an allied champion within the last @SpottingDuration@ seconds, it will Root them for @RootDuration@ seconds and grant Jhin Whisper's Move Speed.Jhin fires a long range shot dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to the first champion hit, and @TotalDamageOffTargetTooltip@ damage to other enemies along the way.

    If this skill strikes a champion that has been damaged by an allied champion within the last 4 seconds, it will Root them for @RootDurationTooltip@ second(s) and grant Jhin Whisper's Move Speed.This ability deals @MinionMod*100@% damage to minions.
    Champions that step on a trap from Captive Audience can also be rooted.
    Jinx tosses out 3 chompers that last for @GrenadeDuration@ seconds. They explode on contact with enemy champions, Rooting them for @RootDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.Whenever a champion, epic jungle monster, or structure that Jinx has dealt damage to within the last @AssistMarkerDuration@ seconds is killed or destroyed, she gains @MSBuff@% decaying Move Speed and @ASBuff@% Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds.{{Spell_JinxPassiveMarker_Tooltip}}

    While excited Jinx can exceed the Attack Speed cap.@Cost@ Mana Per RocketJinx swaps weapons between Fishbones the rocket launcher and Pow-Pow the minigun.

    While using the rocket launcher, Jinx's Attacks deal @RocketDamage@ physical damage to the target and nearby enemies, gain @RocketBonusRange@ range, cost Mana, and scale @RocketASPDPenalty*100@% less with bonus Attack Speed.

    While using the minigun, Jinx' Attacks grant Attack Speed for @MinigunAttackSpeedDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @MinigunAttackSpeedStacks@ times (+@MinigunAttackSpeedMax@% %i:scaleAS% max).Minigun stacks fall off one at a time and only benefit Jinx's first Attack after switching to the rocket launcher.Jinx fires a rocket that explodes on the first enemy champion hit, dealing @DamageFloor@ to @DamageMax@ + @PercentDamage@% missing Health physical damage, gaining damage over the first second of travel time. Nearby enemies take @AoEDamageMult*100@% Damage.

    Missing Health damage cannot exceed @MonsterExecuteMax@ against Monsters.Jinx fires a shock blast that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, Slows them by @SlowPercent@%, and reveals them for @SlowDuration@ seconds.Zap!'s cast time decreases as Jinx gains Attack Speed.Kai'Sa supercharges her void energy, gaining @TotalMoveSpeed@ Move Speed and becoming Ghosted while charging, then gaining @Effect5Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa also becomes Invisible for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.
    Current: @f10@/@Effect6Amount@% Bonus Attack Speed{{Reminder_Ghosted}}
    The charge time scales down with Attack Speed (Current: @TotalCastTime@)
    Kai'Sa's Attacks stack Plasma for @PDuration@ seconds and deal an additional @PBaseDamage@ plus @PCurrentPerStackDamage@ per stack magic damage. Attacking an enemy with @PMaxStacks@ stacks consumes the Plasma, dealing @PExecutePercentage@ missing Health magic damage. Nearby allies apply @PAllyStacks@ stack to champions they Immobilize.

    Kai'Sa's suit evolves her basic Abilities based on her stats.
    Icathian Rain: @f1@/@spell.KaisaQ:Effect6Amount@ Bonus Attack Damage
    Void Seeker: @f2@/@spell.KaisaW:Effect2Amount@ Ability Power
    Supercharge: @f3@/@spell.KaisaE:Effect6Amount@% Bonus Attack Speed{{Spell_KaisaPassive_Tooltip}}

    Consuming Plasma deals a maximum of @PDamageCap@ magic damage to monsters.
    Attack Damage gained from levelling up also progresses the Evolution of Icathian Rain
    Kai'Sa launches @Effect2Amount@ missiles that split among nearby enemies, each dealing @TotalIndividualMissileDamage@ physical damage. Additional hits on champions or monsters deal @Effect3Amount*100@% damage.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa instead fires @Effect7Amount@ missiles.
    Current: @f11@/@Effect6Amount@ Bonus Attack DamageMinions below @Effect5Amount*100@% Health take @Effect4Amount*100@% damage.Kai'Sa warps near an enemy champion affected by Plasma and gains @RCalculatedShieldValue@ Shield for @RShieldDuration@ seconds.Kai'Sa fires a void blast that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage, applies @Effect4Amount@ stacks of Plasma, and grants True Sight of the first enemy hit for @spell.KaisaPassive:PDuration@ seconds.

    Evolved: Kai'Sa instead applies @Effect5Amount@ stacks of Plasma and hitting a champion reduces the Cooldown by @Effect3Amount@%.
    Current: @f2@/@Effect2Amount@ Ability PowerPlasma applied by this Ability deals the damage from Second Skin.@FakedCooldown@s CooldownPassive: Kalista's spears linger in their target for 4 seconds, stacking any number of times.

    Active: Kalista rips the spears from nearby enemies, dealing @NormalDamage@ plus @AdditionalDamage@ physical damage per spear beyond the first. Slows enemies hit by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If this Ability kills at least one target, its Cooldown is refreshed and it refunds @ManaRefund@ Mana.This Ability deals @EpicMonsterDamageMod*100@% damage to epic jungle monsters.Kalista hurls a spear, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first target hit. If this kills the target, the spear continues onward, carrying any {{Spell_KalistaExpungeWrapper_Name}} stacks to the next target hit.

    Kalista can dash after using this Ability using {{Spell_KalistaPassiveBuff_Name}}.Enter a movement command while winding up Kalista's basic attack or Pierce to lunge a short distance when she launches her attack.

    Lunge distance scales with boot tier.

    Kalista's basic attacks have unique drawbacks. They:
    • Cannot be cancelled;
    • Miss if her target leaves vision;
    • Deal only 90% of her total attack damage.

    Kalista's Attacks cannot be cancelled and deal no damage if the target leaves vision.
    Dash distance scales with boot tier.

    Kalista puts her Oathsworn into Stasis and draws them to herself for up to 4 seconds. The Oathsworn can click to launch themselves, stopping at the first champion hit and Knocking Back all nearby enemies. If the Oathsworn hits a champion, they are placed at their maximum attack range from it.Passive: When Kalista and her Oathsworn both Attack the same target, she deals @Effect2Amount@% max Health magic damage. This effect has a @Effect7Amount@ second Cooldown per target.

    Active: Kalista sends a ghost to patrol an area for three laps. Champions spotted are revealed for 4 seconds. This ability has 2 charges (@Effect4Amount@ second refresh).Karma grants an allied champion @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect4Amount@ seconds and @Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Mantra: Karma focuses her power, granting an allied champion @Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed and an improved @TotalShield@ plus @spell.KarmaMantra:REBonusShield@ Shield. The shield's power spills over, granting @REShieldPercentTT*100@% of the total shield and Move Speed to nearby champions.Karma empowers her next Ability used within 8 seconds.
  1831. {{Spell_KarmaQ_Name}}: Deals an additional @RQTotalImpactDamage@ magic damage and leaves behind a circle of flame, Slowing enemies and dealing an additional @RQFieldDamage@ magic damage.
  1832. {{Spell_KarmaSpiritBind_Name}}: Karma will restore @RWHealAmount@ Health at the beginning and end of the tether, and Root for @RWTotalRoot@ second(s) longer.
  1833. {{Spell_KarmaSolKimShield_Name}}: Karma shields her target for @REBonusShield@ more Shield, and also shields allies near her target, granting @Effect9Amount*100@% of the total Shield and Move Speed value.Karma begins the game with a point in {{Spell_KarmaMantra_Name}}.

    She reduces the Cooldown of {{Spell_KarmaMantra_Name}} by @SpellMantraRefund@ seconds when she damages a champion with an Ability.TEST{{Spell_KarmaQ_Tooltip_@IsEmpowered@}}{{Spell_KarmaQ_Tooltip_0}}

    {{Spell_KarmaQ_Tooltip_1}}Karma fires a blast of energy, dealing @BaseDamage@ magic damage to the first target hit and surrounding enemies, and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount*100@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Mantra: Karma unleashes a devastating blast, dealing an improved @BaseDamage@ plus @spell.KarmaMantra:RQTotalImpactDamage@ magic damage to the first target hit and surrounding enemies. The blast leaves a field for @spell.KarmaMantra:Effect4Amount@ seconds, Slowing by @spell.KarmaMantra:Effect3Amount*100@%, after which it explodes, dealing @spell.KarmaMantra:RQFieldDamage@ magic damage.{{Spell_KarmaE_Tooltip_@spell.KarmaQ:IsEmpowered@}}{{Spell_KarmaE_Tooltip_0}}


    {{Spell_KarmaW_Tooltip_1}}Karma tethers herself to a champion or jungle monster, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage and revealing them for 2 seconds. If the tether remains unbroken, the target takes @InitialDamage@ magic damage again and is Rooted for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Mantra: Karma creates an empowered tether, restoring @spell.KarmaMantra:RWHealAmount@ missing Health, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage, and revealing them for 2 seconds. If the tether remains unbroken, Karma restores @spell.KarmaMantra:RWHealAmount@ missing Health again, Roots for an improved @Effect2Amount@ plus @spell.KarmaMantra:RWTotalRoot@ seconds, and deals another @InitialDamage@ magic damage.When Karthus dies he can use his Abilities for free for @PassiveDuration@ seconds.Passive: When Karthus kills a unit, he restores @Effect2Amount@ Mana.

    Toggle: Karthus creates a necrotic aura, dealing @TotalDPS@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies.Karthus channels for 3 seconds, then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemy champions, regardless of distance.@AMMORECHARGETIME@{{ Item_Cooldown }}Karthus creates a blast of magic, dealing @QDamage@ magic damage. If the blast hits only one enemy, it instead deals @QSingleTargetDamage@ magic damage.Deals @MonsterMod*100@% damage to jungle monsters.Karthus creates a wall that lasts for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Enemies that pass through lose @Effect1Amount@% Magic Resist for @Effect5Amount@ seconds and are Slowed by @Effect3Amount@% decaying over the duration.Katarina dashes in the blink of an eye to the target ally, enemy, or Dagger. If it is an enemy, Katarina strikes for @TotalDamage@ magic damage - otherwise she strikes the nearest enemy in range.

    Picking up a Dagger will reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @DaggerCooldownReduction@ seconds (@TooltipDaggerReduction@).

    Katarina can blink to any location near the target.The strike Applies On-Hit Effects.
    Katarina can blink to any location near the target.
    Whenever an enemy champion dies that Katarina has damaged in the last @ResetWindow@ seconds, her Ability Cooldowns are reduced by @ResetCDR@ seconds.

    If Katarina picks up a Dagger, she uses it to slash through all nearby enemies, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.{{Spell_KatarinaPassive_Tooltip}}

    Dagger slashes apply On-Hit Effects to champions.Katarina throws a Dagger, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the target and @MaxBounces@ nearby enemies. The Dagger then ricochets onto the ground behind the primary target.On Hit Damage ModifierKatarina becomes a flurry of blades, rapidly attacking the three nearest enemy champions with a flurry of knives. Each knife deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage and @ADDamageCalc@ physical damage, and applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.

    Total over @Duration@ seconds to each enemy: @TotalDamageCalc@ magic damage and @TotalADDamageCalc@ physical damage.This Ability applies %i:OnHit% On-Hit and On-Attack effects at @OnHitRatio*100@% damage, and does not Critically Strike or apply Life Steal.
    The physical damage additionally increases with Attack Speed.
    Katarina tosses a Dagger into the air and gains @Effect4Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Passive: Kayle's Attacks deal an additional @EPassiveTotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Kayle's next Attack becomes ranged and deals an additional @ActiveTotalExecuteDamage@ missing Health magic damage. When Kayle reaches level @Spell.KaylePassive:LevelForPassiveRank2@, this Attack explodes on hitting the target, dealing damage to surrounding enemies.This Ability applies on-hit and spell effects. Max @MaxExecuteVsMonsters@ bonus damage vs. jungle monsters.Kayle's Attacks rank up as she gains levels and spends Ability points.
  1834. Level @LevelForPassiveRank0@: Kayle's Attacks grant @EnrageTotalASPerStack@% Attack Speed for @EnrageDuration@ seconds, stacking up to 5 times. At max stacks, Kayle becomes Exalted, gaining @MSTowardsEnemy*100@% Move Speed.
  1835. Level @LevelForPassiveRank1@: Attack range is increased to @UpgradedAttackRange@.
  1836. Level @LevelForPassiveRank2@: Attacks while Exalted launch fire waves that deal @Spell.KayleE:PassiveWaveDamage@ magic damage.
  1837. Level @LevelForPassiveRank3@: Kayle is permanently Exalted. Attack range is increased to @FinalAttackRange@.
    {{ Spell_KaylePassive_Tooltip }}
    Fire waves apply Ability effects and can critically strike. Their damage scales with {{Spell_KayleE_Name}}'s Ability rank.Fire waves can crit and apply spell effects.Kayle fires a celestial sword that stops on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @SlowPercent@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and removing @ShredPercent@% Armor and Magic Resist for @ShredDuration@ seconds from the target and enemies behind them.Attack Speed reduces {{Spell_KayleQ_Name}}'s cast time.Immunity DurationKayle makes an allied champion Invulnerable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds. She then purifies the area around them dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.{{ Spell_KayleR_Tooltip }}

    Kayle can move but not attack while casting {{ Spell_KayleR_Name }}.Kayle can move but cannot Attack nor cast other Abilities while casting this.
    Kayle infuses herself and an allied champion with light, restoring @TotalHeal@ Health and granting @TotalHaste@ Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds.If cast without a target, this Ability will heal the most wounded ally in range.Cooldown
    @f15@ -> @f16@
    {{ game_spell_Kayn_E_main_@f1@ }}{{Reminder_Ghosted}}
    Maximum duration in combat with enemy champions is @Effect6Amount@ seconds.
    {{ game_spell_Kayn_P_main_@f1@ }}{{Spell_KaynPassive_Tooltip}}

    4 minutes after reaching full charge on either form, Kayn can transform into either, even if it is not at full charge. The timer is reduced by 5 seconds when gaining charge in the non-full form.
    Kayn gains Homeguard after transforming.
    {{ game_spell_Kayn_Q_Dmg_@f1@ }}{{ game_spell_Kayn_Q_Dmg_Amount_@f1@ }}{{ game_spell_Kayn_Q_main_@f1@ }}Deals an additional @Effect6Amount@ physical damage to minions and jungle monsters (max: @Effect5Amount@).End this Ability early.{{ game_spell_Kayn_R_Damage_@f1@ }}{{ game_spell_Kayn_R_Damage_Amount_@f1@ }}{{ spell_Kayn_R_main_@f1@ }}
    {{ game_spell_Kayn_W_maintext_@f1@ }}Passive: Every 5th Attack deals an additional @TotalDamagePassive@ magic damage.

    Active: Kennen sends out a blast of electricity, dealing @TotalDamageActive@ magic damage to nearby enemies affected by Mark of the Storm.
    The passive also applies Mark of the Storm.
    Attacking structures will stack the passive, but not expend it. The active automatically hits enemies inside of Slicing Maelstrom.
    You can activate Lightning Rush again right now to cancel the current spell.Kennen turns into a ball of lightning, gaining @Movement Speed*100@% Move Speed, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies he passes through, and becoming Ghosted for @duration - as ball@ seconds. If Kennen damages at least one enemy, he gains @energy refund@ Energy.

    After this ability ends, Kennen gains @attack speed*100@% Attack Speed for @duration - after ball@ seconds. Kennen can Recast to end this Ability early.Ghosted units can pass through other units.
    Deals @damage to minions*100@% damage to minions and jungle monsters.
    Kennen's abilities apply a stack for @MarkDuration@ seconds. At 3 stacks, enemies are Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and Kennen gains @EnergyRestore@ Energy.{{ Spell_KennenPassive_Tooltip }}
    If an enemy is Stunned more than once by this ability within @DiminishingReturnDuration@ seconds, they are instead Stunned for @ReducedStunDuration@ seconds.Kennen throws a shuriken, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.Kennen unleashes a magical storm, dealing @PerTickDamageCalculated@ magic damage to all nearby enemies every @KennenRTickRate@ seconds, and gaining @KennenRDefenses@ Armor and @KennenRDefenses@ Magic Resist for @KennenRDuration@ seconds. Successive hits deal @DamageAmp*100@% increased damage for each hit the enemy has already suffered.Enemies can only receive 3 stacks of Mark of the Storm from this ability.{{Spell_KhazixE_Tooltip_@IsEvolved@}}{{Spell_KhazixE_Tooltip_0}}

    {{Spell_KhazixE_Tooltip_1}}Kha'Zix leaps, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage upon landing.Evolved Ability: Kha'zix leaps a further distance, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage upon landing. This Ability's Cooldown is refreshed on champion takedown.When Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, his next Attack against a champion deals an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Enemies with no nearby allies become Isolated.{{Spell_KhazixQ_Tooltip_@IsEvolved@}}{{Spell_KhazixQ_Tooltip_0}}

    {{Spell_KhazixQ_Tooltip_1}}Kha'zix slashes a nearby enemy, dealing @spell.KhazixQ:BaseDamage@ physical damage. This deals @spell.KhazixQ:IsoDamage@ damage instead to enemies Isolated from their allies. Evolved Ability - Passive: Kha'zix increases the range of this Ability and his Attacks.

    Evolved Ability - Active: Kha'zix slashes with improved claws, dealing @spell.KhazixQ:BaseDamage@ damage. Against Isolated targets, this deals @spell.KhazixQ:IsoDamage@ damage instead and reduces the Cooldown by @Effect4Amount@%.{{Spell_KhazixR_Tooltip_@IsEvolved@}}



    {{Spell_KhazixR_Tooltip_1}}{{Reminder_Invisibility}}Active: Kha'Zix becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds and gains @BonusMovementSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed. Kha'zix may Recast this Ability once within 10 seconds.Evolved Ability: Kha'Zix becomes Invisible for an improved @EvolvedStealthDuration@ seconds and gains @BonusMovementSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed. Kha'zix may Recast this Ability twice within 10 seconds.Passive: Leveling up this Ability allows Kha'zix to Evolve one of his Abilities, granting it additional effects.
  1838. {{Spell_KhazixQ_Name}}: Gain Ability range, Attack range, and lowers Cooldown by @spell.KhazixQ:Effect4Amount@% against Isolated targets.
  1839. {{Spell_KhazixW_Name}}: Fires 3 spikes and Slows by @spell.KhazixW:Effect3Amount@%, increased against Isolated targets.
  1840. {{Spell_KhazixE_Name}}: Increased range and refreshes Cooldown on champion takedown.
  1841. {{Spell_KhazixR_Name}}: Invisibility duration lasts @EvolvedStealthDuration@ seconds and gains second Recast.{{Spell_KhazixW_Tooltip_@IsEvolved@}}{{Spell_KhazixW_Tooltip_0}}

    {{Spell_KhazixW_Tooltip_1}}Kha'Zix fires a spike dealing @BaseDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit in a small area. If Kha'Zix is inside the area, he restores @HealAmount@ HealthEvolved Ability: Kha'Zix fires 3 spikes, each dealing @BaseDamage@ physical damage to the first target hit in an area and revealing and Slowing by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Kha'Zix restores @HealAmount@ Health if he is within the blast. Isolated enemies are Slowed by @Effect7Amount@% instead.Kindred weakens an enemy, Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Kindred's third Attack against the target within @TotalDuration@ seconds of each other directs Wolf to pounce on the enemy, dealing @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @PercentBiteDamage@ missing Health physical damage.

    Wolf's pounce critically strikes for @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @CritDamage@ missing Health physical damage instead if they are below @HealthThreshold@ Health.Pounce deals a max of @MonsterCap@ to jungle monsters.Kindred can designate a champion to hunt by clicking their portrait above their inventory. They also designate certain jungle monsters to hunt with an icon on the minimap automatically.

    Getting a takedown on a hunted target grants Kindred a Mark, empowering them. After @f2@ Marks, Kindred gains @f8@ Attack Range. Every @f7@ Marks after the fourth grants a further @f9@ Attack Range.

    Marks empower Kindred's basic Abilities:
  1842. {{Spell_KindredQ_Name}} grants an additional @QMarkBonus@ Attack Speed
  1843. {{Spell_KindredW_Name}} deal an additional @WMarkBonus@ current Health damage.
  1844. {{Spell_KindredEWrapper_Name}} deal an additional @EMarkBonus@ missing Health damage.{{Spell_KindredPassiveManager_Tooltip}}

    Currently granting @f3@ Attack Range.

    The hunted jungle monsters change as Kindred gains Marks, moving further into the enemy jungle, eventually hunting epic monsters.Kindred vaults, firing an arrow at up to 3 enemies, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and gaining @TotalQAttackSpeed@% Attack Speed for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    While inside of {{Spell_KindredW_Name}}, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced to @Effect4Amount@ seconds.Attack Speed scales with Marks taken.Kindred blesses the ground for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, allowing no unit, ally, enemy, or neutral to die while inside. Upon reaching 10% Health, units can't be damaged or healed while still inside the zone.

    When the blessing ends, all units inside heal for @Effect1Amount@ Health.Passive: Kindred gains stacks as they move and attack. At 100 stacks, Kindred's next Attack restores up to @AttackHeal@ Health based on their missing Health.

    Active: Kindred claims a territory, ordering Wolf to bite at the last enemy Lamb Attacked. Wolf's bites deal @BaseWolfDamage@ plus @PercentWolfDamage@ current Health magic damage.Wolf strikes faster based on Kindred's Attack Speed. Against jungle monsters, Wolf deals @Effect7Amount*100@% increased damage and Slows them by @Effect8Amount*100@% for 2 seconds.Kled can dash back through his initial target, dealing the same damage.Kled dashes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to enemies he passes through.

    If this Ability hits an enemy champion or large jungle monster, Kled gains @Effect5Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ second and can Recast within @Effect6Amount@ seconds to dash back through the same target.Kled gains True Sight to enemies he passes through.
    Mounted: Kled's mount Skaarl takes damage instead of Kled. When his Health depletes, Kled dismounts.

    Dismounted: Kled replaces {{spell_KledQ_Name}}, gains @DismountedMS@ Move Speed toward enemy champions, and his Attacks deal 80% damage to champions.

    Kled gains Courage by Attacking champions, epic monsters, and structures, and by killing minions or champions. At max Courage Kled remounts with @SkaarlRemountHealth@ of Skaarl's Health.{{Spell_KledPassive_Tooltip}}

    Skaarl has @SkaarlHealth@ Health plus 100% of Kled's bonus Health.
    When Kled dismounts, he cleanses all crowd control and becomes briefly untargetable.
    Mounted: Kled throws a bear trap that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and hooks onto the first enemy champion or large jungle monster hit.

    If Kled stays near a hooked enemy for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, he yanks out the trap, dealing @TotalYankDamage@ physical damage, Pulling them, Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and applying @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @GrievousDuration@ seconds.{{spell_KledQ_Tooltip}}

    While hooked, Kled has True Sight to the enemy.
    Deals 150% damage to minions.
    Kled charges toward an area, leaving a trail that grants allies increasing Move Speed. While charging and for 2 seconds after Kled gains up to @MaximumShield@ Shield. Skaarl rams the first enemy champion encountered, dealing up to @MaximumChargeDamage@ max Health physical damage (based on distance travelled) and briefly Knocking Back.The damage, Move Speed, and Shield reach their max values after @Effect9Amount@ seconds of charging.
    @f2@s Ammo Recharge (@f1@s %i:cooldown%)1 ammoDismounted: Kled fires a shotgun, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and blasting Kled backward. Pellets beyond the first deal reduced damage.

    Each pellet that hits an enemy champion or epic monster restores Courage.{{spell_KledRiderQ_Tooltip}}

    Mounted: Kled throws a bear trap that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and hooks onto the first enemy champion or large jungle monster hit.

    If Kled stays near a hooked enemy for @spell.KledQ:Effect3Amount@ seconds, he yanks out the trap, dealing @spell.KledQ:TotalYankDamage@ physical damage, Pulling them, Slowing by @spell.KledQ:SlowAmount*-100@% for @spell.KledQ:SlowDuration@ seconds, and applying @spell.KledQ:GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for @spell.KledQ:GrievousDuration@ seconds.Restore @Effect4Amount@ Courage per hit against champions, and @Effect4Amount*0.5@ against epic monsters.
    Deals @Effect2Amount*100@% damage per hit beyond the first.
    Passive: Every @Effect6Amount@ seconds, Kled's next Attack grants @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed for four Attacks or @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    The fourth hit deals an additional @Effect4Amount@ plus @PercentDamage@ max Health physical damage.Deals a max of @Effect7Amount@ physical damage against monsters.
    Kog'Maw gains @Effect1Amount@ Attack Range and his Attacks deal an additional @TotalHealthDamage@ max Health magic damage for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Kog'Maw can continue to move and gains @TooltipPassiveMS*100@% Move Speed for @TooltipPassiveDuration@ seconds after dying, after which he explodes and deals @PassiveDamage@ true damage to nearby enemies.Kog'Maw shoots acid at an area, dealing @BaseDamageCalc@ plus @TooltipMissingHealthDamageAmp@% per 1% missing Health magic damage and revealing enemies hit for 2 seconds. Enemies below 40% Health instead take @MaxDamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Subsequent shots within @ManaCostDuration@ seconds cost an additional @BaseCost@ Mana (max: @ManaCostCap@ Mana).Passive: Kog'Maw gains @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Kog'Maw vomits a corrosive projectile that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and shreds @Effect3Amount@% Armor and Magic Resist for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.Kog'Maw spits bile, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and leaving a trail of ooze for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the ooze are Slowed by @Effect2Amount@%.Malphite slams the ground, dealing @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and reducing Attack Speed by @ASReduction@% for @Duration@ seconds.LeBlanc launches a chain that shackles the first enemy hit, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage and granting True Sight.

    If they remain shackled for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, LeBlanc Roots them for @Effect4Amount@ seconds and deals an additional @DelayedDamage@ magic damage.@TooltipCooldown@s{{game_character_passiveTooltip_Leblanc}}

    {{Reminder_Invisibility}}LeBlanc projects a sigil to an enemy, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    Damaging the marked enemy with an Ability detonates the sigil, dealing @MarkDamage@ magic damage.LeBlanc mimics Ethereal Chains, dealing @Spell.LeblancR:RE1Damage@ magic damage when shackled and @Spell.LeblancR:RE2Damage@ magic damage when Rooting.LeBlanc mimics Sigil of Malice, dealing @Spell.LeblancR:RQ1Damage@ magic damage when applied, and @Spell.LeblancR:RQ2Damage@ magic damage when consumed.LeBlanc returns to her purple marker.LeBlanc mimics Distortion, dealing @Spell.LeblancR:RWDamage@ magic damage.Mimicked Sigil of Malice / Ethereal Chains DamageMimicked Mark / Root DamageMimicked Distortion DamageLeBlanc mimics her most recent Ability, using it again. The mimicked Ability deals increased damage.

    Mimicked Sigil of Malice deals @RQ1Damage@ magic damage when applied, and @RQ2Damage@ magic damage when consumed.
    Mimicked Distortion deals @RWDamage@ magic damage.
    Mimicked Ethereal Chains deals @RE1Damage@ magic damage when shackled and @RE2Damage@ magic damage when Rooting.
    Mimicked Sigil of Malice deals @RQ1Damage@ magic damage when applied, and @RQ2Damage@ magic damage when consumed.
    Mimicked Distortion deals @RWDamage@ magic damage.
    Mimicked Ethereal Chains deals @RE1Damage@ magic damage when shackled and @RE2Damage@ magic damage when Rooting.
    LeBlanc returns to her yellow marker.LeBlanc dashes then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies. For @Effect3Amount@ seconds after dashing, LeBlanc can Recast.

    Recast: LeBlanc returns to her starting location.Lee Sin's Abilities grant him @PassiveAS@% Attack Speed for two Attacks. The first Attack restores @TTFirstHitEnergy@ Energy and the second restores @EnergyReturn@ Energy.Leona's next Attack Stuns for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and deals an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.The Attack must be used within 6 seconds or it is lost.Leona raises her shield, reducing incoming damage by @FlatDamageReduction@ and gaining @BonusArmorTooltip@ Armor and @BonusMRTooltip@ Magic Resist for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Afterwards, her shield detonates, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to nearby enemies. If she hits at least one, she retains the Armor and Magic Resist bonuses for an additional @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    Damage reduction effect can't reduce the damage below @FlatDamageReductionMax*100@%.Leona calls down a radiant beam of solar energy dealing @ExplosionCalculatedDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowPercent@% for @CCDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center of the flare are Stunned instead of Slowed.Leona's abilities mark enemies for @MarkDuration@ seconds. Other allied champions consume the mark when they damage the marked enemy, dealing an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Leona thrusts with a sword of light, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. The last champion struck will be Rooted for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and Leona will dash to them.Lillia lobs a swirlseed overhead, dealing @ImpactDamageTotal@ magic damage where it lands and revealing and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If no enemies are hit, the seed rolls until it hits an enemy or collides with terrain.Lillia's abilities apply Dream Dust, dealing @DotPercentTooltip@% max Health magic damage over @Duration@ seconds. Lillia restores @MonsterHealTT@ Health over the duration against large jungle monsters, and restores @ChampionHealTT@ Health against champions.{{Spell_LilliaP_Tooltip}}

    Dream Dust deals a max of @MonsterDamageCap@ damage over the duration to jungle monsters.
    Dream Dust heal is @MultiHealMod*100@% effective for each source beyond the first.
    Dream Dust can only heal from one jungle monster at a time.Magic DamageTrue DamagePassive: Lillia's Ability hits grant @PranceSpeed@ Move Speed for @PranceDuration@ seconds, stacking up to @PranceMaxStacks@ times.

    Active: Lillia whirls her censer, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, plus an additional @BonusTrueDamage@ true damage at the outer edge.Deals @MinionDamageMod*100@% damage to minions.Break DamageLillia causes all enemy champions with Dream Dust to become Drowsy for @DrowsyDuration@ seconds. Afterward, they fall Asleep for @SleepDuration@ seconds.

    When awakened by damage, they take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Lillia causes all enemy champions with Dream Dust to become Drowsy for @DrowsyDuration@ seconds. Afterward, they fall Asleep for @SleepDuration@ seconds.

    When awakened by damage, they take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Drowsy units are slowed over the duration, and fall Asleep afterwards.
    Asleep units can't move or act until damaged by an enemy with non-periodic damage.
    Lillia winds up a huge strike, dealing @FlatDamage@ magic damage. Enemies in the center take @FlatDamageSweetSpot@ damage instead.Lillia does not dash over terrain with this ability.
    Deals 50% less damage to minions.Lissandra casts forth an ice claw that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Lissandra can Recast while the claw travels to teleport to its location.When an enemy champion dies near Lissandra they become a frozen zombie that seeks out living enemies. Enemies near these zombies are Slowed by @MoveSpeedMod*-100@%. After @ExplosionDelay@ seconds, frozen zombies shatter, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Lissandra throws a spear of ice that shatters on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing them by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, and also dealing the damage to enemies behind them.Lissandra encases herself or an enemy champion in ice. Enemies are Stunned for @EnemyCastDuration@ seconds. When self cast, Lissandra enters Stasis for @SelfCastDuration@ seconds and restores @HealAmount@ Health, increased by @SelfCastMissingHPRatio@% for each @SelfCastMissingHPPerAbove@% missing Health.

    In either case, dark ice eminates from the target, dealing @CalculatedDamage@ magic damage. The ice persists for @SlowDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*-100@%.{{Reminder_Stasis}}
    This Ability Knocks Down enemies.
    Lissandra creates an ice field, Rooting nearby enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.@value@Attack Damage ReductionPercent of Attack DamageTotal AP RatioAbility PowerActivation DamageActive Attack SpeedActive DamageTotal CastsAlly Bonus DamageAmmo RechargeChilled Slow AmountAnomaly DurationArmorArmor BonusArmor PenetrationArmor ReductionArmor Reduction %Armor ShredArmor and Magic ResistArmor and Magic Resist ShredArrowsFlurry Attack Damage ratioAttack CountAttack DamageAttack Damage Per ShotAttack Speed %Attack Speed ReductionFlight RangeFlight SpeedMove Speed CapNumber of SoldiersAttack Speed with SoldiersAlly Travel Speed BonusBase ArmorBase HealBase Magic ResistBladesurge Seconds ReducedBlind DurationLightning DamageBonus AD PercentageBonus AD RatioBonus Attack SpeedBonus Ability Power Per StackBonus ArmorBonus Attack DamageBonus Attack Damage RatioBonus Damage Against ChampionsBonus HealingBonus True DamageBouncesDamage per BounceBurn DurationBonus Headshot Damage on Trapped TargetsCamouflage DurationBonus Poison DamageChampion DamageChargesCharm DurationHealth per StackClone DurationClones GeneratedCooldown Per DirectionDefense Reduction@AbilityResourceName@ CostCritical MultiplierCritical Strike DamageCrowd Control ImmunityCurrent Health %Additional DamageDamage IncreaseDamage Per HexDamage Per SecondDamage per TickDamage ReducedDamage per StackDefensive ScalingDisable ReductionDodge ChanceAttack Damage MaximumAttack Damage MinimumHeadbutt CostDurationSpider Queen AmplificationNumber of PlantsNeurotoxin DamageVenomous Bite DamageSpider Form Bite DamageSpiderling ArmorSpiderling Bonus DamageMaximum Number of SpiderlingsSpiderling Magic ResistSpiderling Passive Attack SpeedEmpowered DamageEnemiesDamage MultiplierLasher and Spike DamageExplosion DamageExtra TargetsFear DurationFinal Strike DamageDuelist Move SpeedFlat DamageFlat HealPlunder GoldPlunder Silver SerpentsDamage Per WaveBoomerang DamageBoulder DamageHyper Move SpeedSlow/Stun DurationTransform Attack DamageTransform HealthHyper DamageHyper Max Damage to monstersHyper % Health DamageWallop DamageCone DamageDetonation AD RatioPrimary DamageHeadbutt DamageHeal Per SecondHealing per StackHeal per TickHealingHealing CapHealing IncreaseHealth CostKnockback Hex DistanceHex RangeDamage EchoSlam BonusIncremental Armor and Magic ResistanceInitial Armor and Magic ResistanceDaisy's Base HealthDaisy Bonus Attack SpeedDaisy's Base Armor And Magic ResistBrush RechargeDamage Per Second ChargedBonus Shield Percent HealthCannon Swap: Armor/Magic Resistance ShredDamage per ShotHammer Passive: Bonus Armor and Magic ResistHammer Swap: Bonus DamageMinigun Total Attack SpeedRocket Bonus RangeDamage Per MissileDefiance ShieldRenewal Root ExtensionSoulflare Circle DamageSoulflare ImpactWall WidthBase Mana RestoreChampion Mana RestoreDamage Per StackDamage Per KnifeDamage (active)Damage (passive)Evolutions AvailableIsolation DamageCooldown in Wolf's FrenzyRip DamageThrow DamageKnockup DurationChain DamageRoot DamageSigil DamageTempest DamageCripple SlowSonic Wave DamageBonus Health DamageResonating Strike Maximum Base DamageResonating Strike Minimum Base DamageIron Will Lifesteal / Spell Vamp %Safeguard Shield AbsorptionIncandescence DamageIncandescent AttacksNumber of ShotsMove Speed and Attack Speed DurationPolymorph DurationReturning Shield AmountBonus Magic DamageMagic Damage ReductionMagic Resist BonusMagic Resist ReductionMagic Resist ShredNumber of VoidlingsVoidling HPNether Grasp DamageNull Zone Damage Per SecondVoidling Bonus DamageVoidling DurationMana BurnMana CostMana Cost Per SecondMana Cost IncreaseMana RefundMana RestoreMax BouncesMonster Damage CapMax HealMaximum Health DamageMax Health %Max Health Shield RatioMax SlowMaximum Bonus DamageMaximum DamageMaximum Shield HealthMaximum TrapsMinimum HealthMinimum Shield HealthMinion DamageMonster DamageBonus Auto DamageBonus Q DamageAuto-Cast DamageQ Cast DamageR2 Max Health %Movement SlowMove Speed DurationMax Move SpeedMinimum Move SpeedMove Speed SlowMove Speed Towards EnemiesHealth Restore (Rejuvenation)Rejuvenation Duration (for allies)NeedlesJavelin Maximum DamageJavelin Minimum DamagePrimal Surge Attack SpeedPrimal Surge HealTrap DamageEmpowered AttacksNumber of Starting StarsNumber of TargetsOn-Hit DamageDash DamageShockwave DamageMaximum Monster DamageOutgoing Damage% Overhealing as DamagePass Through DamagePassive / Active DamagePassive Attack DamagePassive Attack SpeedPassive DamagePassive Damage BonusPassive Move SpeedPer Unit Cooldown@value@%% Ability PowerPercent Armor Bonus% Armor and Magic Resist Shield% Attack Damage% Critical Strike ChanceIncoming Damage Converted to Healing% Damage Reduction% Max Health Per 100 AD% Healing from Basic Attacks% Health as DamagePercent Health Healing% Health ShieldPercent Magic Resist Bonus% Max Health% Max Health Damage% Max Health Heal% Max Mana as Damage% Max Mana as ShieldPercent Missing Health DamagePercentage DamagePhysical Damage ReductionAftershock DamageSlow per TremorRangeRecast DamageRecharge TimeRegenerationTunnel Cast CooldownTunnel Use CooldownFurious Bite DamagePrey Seeker CooldownPrey Seeker DamageQueen's Wrath DamageUn-burrow DamageDismount DamageFlip DamageFury DamageMax Health GainPeriodic DamageTracking RangeReturn DamageMinimum Shockwave DamageMaximum Shockwave DamageRoot DurationDamage to minionsOverload Damage IncreaseSecondary DamageFirst Hit DamageSecond Hit DamageMini Box DamageMini Box Flee DurationOn Death DamageBase Percent DamageEnhanced Percent DamageShield AmountShield HealthShield Health RatioAttack Damage while DragonDamage (aura)Damage (on hit)Flight DamagePassive Fury GainSilence DurationBonus StatsBounce Damage (total attack damage)Mana GainBonus Physical DamageMax Health Damage AbsorptionSlow DurationDamage (melody)Heal (active)Shield (melody)Speed DurationBonus Ability PowerStealth DurationStun DurationStun Duration per HexAdditional Base Bolt DamageBolt DamageDrain DamageDrain HealHealth IncreasePass-through DamageReveal DurationSoul Flare DamageWave DamageDamage FalloffSecondary Ability Power BonusDaisy HealthShockwave Stun DurationHorror HealthTide DamageVortex DamageSecondary Magic DamageSmite Magic DamageTransform Magic DamageExecution ThresholdDamage to Gray Health ConversionGray Health to Healing ConversionMinion Spit DamageWall lengthMax ChargesMax HealingPassive ArmorShield RatioImpact DamageTentaclesTotal AD RatioTotal DamageTotal HealTrap DurationBase Charge DamageKnockback DistancePassive Explosion DamageHealth DrainAttack Damage per Health % MissingFury GainedHeal Per FuryBlue Card DamageBlue Card Mana RestoreGold Card DamageGold Card Stun DurationRed Card DamageRed Card Slow %Flame DamagePulse DamageCostDamage from BlightDamage on AttackDamage (Aftershock)Damage (Death Ray)Chain Attack Damage PercentageHowl Attack SpeedWidthSlash DamageThrust DamageHealthMark DamageMist WalkersMine DamageBlast Zone DamageBonus Damage CapZone DurationLucian dashes.

    Cooldown is reduced by @Effect1Amount@ second whenever Lucian hits an enemy with Lightslinger (@Effect2Amount@ seconds for champions). Lucian can use other Abilities while dashing.After using an Ability, Lucian's next Attack will fire two shots. The second shot deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the target, increased to @MinionDamage@ against minions.

    Vigilance: When Lucian is empowered by another Ally, his pistols become Overcharged with energy, causing his next @NumAuto@ basic attacks to deal an additional @PassiveTotalDamage@ magic damage.
    {{ Spell_LucianPassive_Tooltip }}
    The second shot is a separate Attack.
    Lucian loses the empowered Attack after 3.5 seconds.
    This Ability's Attack Damage ratio increases at level 7 and level 13.
    Vigilance can store up to @MaxAutos@ empowered basic attacks.
    Lucian shoots a bolt of piercing light, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage.
    This Ability's cast time decreases with Lucian's level.Lucian rapidly fires @TotalNumShots@ shots in a direction for @Duration@ seconds or until he Recasts. Each shot deals @DamagePerBullet@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    While firing, Lucian may use Relentless Pursuit.

    Total Damage: @TotalDamage@ physical damage
    Number of shots increases equal to @CritRatio*100@% of Lucian's Critical Strike chance.
    Deals @PercentDamageAmpToMinions@% damage to minions.
    Lucian fires a shot that explodes at the end of its range or on the first enemy hit, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, briefly revealing enemies and marking them for 6 seconds.

    When Lucian or an ally damages a marked enemy, Lucian gains @Effect2Amount@ Move Speed for 1 second. Allies triggering this effect will also grant Lucian Vigilance.When used on an ally, Pix jumps to them and grants Pix, Faerie Companion for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. If the ally is a champion, Pix also grants @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    When used on an enemy champion, Pix hampers them, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and granting True Sight of them for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.Lulu is assisted by Pix the faerie. When Lulu Attacks, Pix fires 3 bolts at her target, dealing @CombinedDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.Lulu and Pix each fire a piercing bolt dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect2Amount*-100@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Enemies take @DoubleHitBonus*100@% more damage from additional bolts.Minions only take @MinionMod*100@% damage.Lulu enlarges an ally, Knocking Up surrounding enemies for @KnockbackDuration@ seconds. The enlarged ally gains @TotalBonusHealth@ max Health and Slows surrounding enemies by @SlowPercent@% for @BuffDuration@ seconds.When used on an ally, Lulu grants @TotalMS@ Move Speed and @Effect7Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    When used on an enemy, Lulu Polymorphs them for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Polymorphed targets are Silenced, Disarmed, and Slowed by @Effect4Amount*-1@.Lux creates a light zone that Slows by @Effect1Amount@% and reveals the area. After @Effect3Amount@ seconds or on Recasting this Ability, it detonates, dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage and Slowing for an additional @SlowLingerDuration@ second.Creates a ball of light, slowing enemies within.

    Re-activate to detonate and damage all enemies inside.Both instances of Shield can stack.Lux fires a ball of light, Rooting the first two enemies for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage to each.Roots two enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second(s) and damages them.Percent Cooldown RefundLux fires a dazzling ray of light, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in a line.Unleash a dazzling laser ray of light, damaging all enemies struck.

    Consumes Illumination for extra damage.Lux throws her wand, granting @TotalShieldTT@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds to allies it passes through. Then it returns, granting the same Shield on its return.Shields Lux and allies struck.

    Units may be shielded twice per cast.Malzahar inflicts terrible visions, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Applying Call of the Void or Nether Grasp to the victim during this time refreshes the visions.

    If the victim dies, Malzahar gains @ManaRestoreTooltip@ Mana and the visions spread to the nearest enemy.Malzahar gains @DRPercent@% damage reduction and immunity from Disabling and Immobilizing effects, lingering for @LingerDuration@ seconds after taking damage or blocking one of those effects. This effect has a @ShieldCooldown@ second Cooldown.{{Spell_MalzaharPassive_Tooltip}}

    Taking damage will restart the Cooldown.
    Damage from minions is not reduced, but it does not trigger or restart the Cooldown.
    Malzahar opens two portals to the Void that fire projectiles inward, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage and Silencing for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).Malzahar Suppresses an enemy champion and deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. A zone of negative energy is created around his target dealing @ZoneDamageTooltip@ max Health magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Passive: Malzahar's other Abilities give him a stack when cast (max @StackCap@).

    Active: Malzahar summons a Voidling plus an additional Voidling per stack. Voidlings last @VoidlingDuration@ seconds and deal an additional @VoidlingBonusDamageTooltip@ magic damage each hit.Voidlings deal @Effect3Amount*100@% damage to lane minions affected by Malefic Visions.
    Voidlings deal @Effect4Amount*100@% damage to epic monsters.
    @TooltipCooldown@ SecondsWhen Blitzcrank falls below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, they gain @ShieldAmountTT@ Shield for @TooltipShieldDuration@ seconds.Maokai flings a sapling, which stands watch for @SaplingDuration@ seconds. Saplings chase nearby enemies, detonating on arrival to deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slow surrounding enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Sap Magic's Cooldown is reduced by an additional 4 seconds if the sapling hits an enemy champion or epic monster.

    If placed in brush, Saplings instead last for @EmpoweredSaplingDuration@ seconds and cause a larger explosion, dealing @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ magic damage over @EmpoweredDoTDuration@ seconds and Slowing enemies by @EmpoweredSlowAmount@.Brush saplings do not deal the increased damage to minions.Maokai's next Attack restores @PassiveHealingTotal@ Health (@PassiveCooldown@ second Cooldown).

    Using an Ability or being hit by an enemy champion's Ability reduces the Cooldown by @PassiveCooldownReduction@ seconds. Being hit by large or epic monster's Attacks or Abilities reduces the Cooldown by @JungPassCooldownReduction@ second.{{Spell_MaokaiPassive_Tooltip}}

    If Maokai is above @PassiveHealthThreshold*100@% Health, the Attack will not be used.Maokai smashes his fist into the ground, dealing @TotalDamage@ plus @BasePercentHealth*100@% max Health magic damage and briefly Slowing. Nearby enemies are also Knocked Back.This Ability deals an additional @BonusMonsterDamage@ magic damage to jungle monsters.Maokai summons a colossal wave of brambles and thorns, Rooting enemies for @MinRootDuration@ to @MaxRootDuration@ seconds, increasing with distance travelled, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Hitting a champion gives Maokai @MoveHaste*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @HasteDuration@ seconds. Maokai transforms into a moving mass of roots, becoming Untargetable and dashing to an enemy. Upon arrival, he Roots the enemy for @Effect2Amount@ second(s) and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Magic Resist MaximumMasochismDr. Mundo gains bonus attack damage based on his missing health, and his next basic attack headbutts his target for additional damage. Passively increases magic resist whenever Dr. Mundo is dealt magic damage or pays a health cost.Passive: Taking magic damage or paying a Health cost grants Dr. Mundo a stack for 2 seconds. Dr. Mundo increases his Magic Resist by @Effect8Amount*100@% per stack (max @Effect9Amount*100@%).

    Active: Dr. Mundo gains between @Effect5Amount@ and @Effect4Amount@ Attack Damage for @Effect6Amount@ seconds based on missing Health and his next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage at the cost of @Effect2Amount@ Health.{{Passive_MasterYiPassive_Tooltip}}

    The second strike counts as a normal Attack; it is able to critically strike and applies on-hit effects.@BaseManaCost@ Mana (+@PercentManaCostPerSecond*100@% Max Mana per second)Health RestoredMaster Yi channels, restoring @TotalHeal@ Health over @HealDuration@ seconds. This healing is increased by up to @MaxMissingHealthPercent*100@% based on Master Yi's missing Health.

    While channeling and for @DRLinger@ seconds afterwards, he takes @InitialDR@ reduced damage, decreased to @DamageReduction*100@% after the first @InitialExtraDRDuration@ seconds.Master Yi will gain stacks of Double Strike.
    Damage reduction is halved against turrets.
    Channel to reduce incoming damage and restore health over @HealDuration@ seconds.

    Attempting to move or attack will end the channel.Singed hurls a cask of sticky liquid, Grounding and Slowing enemies in the area by @Effect1Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.{{Spell_MissFortuneR_Tooltip}}
    Miss Fortune rains bullets, revealing an area, Slowing by @TotalSlowAmount@ and dealing @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second for @BaseDuration@ seconds (total @TotalDamage@ magic damage).Miss Fortune showers the area with bullets, damaging and slowing enemies.Miss Fortune's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage when she attacks a new target.

    Triggering {{ Spell_MissFortunePassive_Name }} reduces the cooldown of {{ Spell_MissfortuneW_Name }} by @Spell.MissFortuneViciousStrikes:LoveTapRefund@ seconds.{{Spell_MissFortunePassive_Tooltip}}

    Deals @MinionDamage@ damage to minions.Miss Fortune fires a bouncing shot, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to an enemy and to another one behind them.

    The second shot can critically strike. It always critically strikes if the first shot kills its target. Fires a bouncing shot, damaging the target and another enemy behind.

    If this kills the first target, deals extra damage to the second.Bullet BarragesMiss Fortune channels a barrage of bullets, firing @TotalWaves@ waves over @TotalChannelDuration@ seconds, dealing @PhysicalDamagePerWave@ physical damage per wave (total @TotalPhysicalDamage@ physical damage).

    Each wave can critically strike for %i:scaleCrit% @PhysicalCritPerWave@ physical damage (total %i:scaleCrit% @TotalPhysicalCritDamage@ physical damage).Channel: Miss Fortune unleash a barrage of bullets, dealing massive damage.Both strikes apply on-hit effects.Love Taps reduce the Cooldown of this Ability by @f2@ seconds.Passive: After @PassiveBaseMSOOC@ seconds of not taking damage, Miss Fortune gains @PassiveBaseMS@ Move Speed. After another @PassiveMaxMSExtraOOC@ seconds, this increases to @PassiveMaxMS@.

    Active: Gain the passive effect's full Move Speed bonus and @ActiveAS*100@% Attack Speed for @ActiveDuration@ seconds.

    Love Taps reduce the Cooldown of this Ability by @LoveTapRefund@ seconds.Passive: Gain up to @PassiveMaxMS@ Move Speed if you haven't taken damage recently.

    Active: Gain @ActiveAS*100@% Attack Speed for @ActiveDuration@ seconds.@AmmoRechargeTime@s Ammo Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)Corki fires a missile that explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing @RSmallMissileDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies. Every third missile instead deals @RBigMissileDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 7 charges.Damage PercentWukong dashes and becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ second, leaving behind a stationary Clone for @CloneDuration@ seconds.

    The Clone Attacks nearby enemies Wukong has recently damaged and will mimic his ultimate, each dealing @CloneDamageMod*100@% of normal damage.Invisible units cannot be revealed except by turrets or true sight.Wukong and his Clone's next Attack gains @AttackRangeBonus@ range, deals an additional @BonusDamageTT@ physical damage, and removes @ArmorShredPercent*100@% Armor for @ShredDuration@ seconds.

    This Ability's cooldown is reduced by @CooldownDecrease@ seconds every time Wukong or his Clone hit an enemy with an Attack or Ability.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}Wukong dashes to an enemy, sending out Clones that mimic the dash to up to @ExtraTargets@ additional enemies nearby. Each enemy struck takes @TotalDamage@ magic damage. He and his Clone gain @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for @AttackSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Deals @TotalDamageMonsters@ damage to monsters.Wukong gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and regenerates @HealthPercentPer5*100@% max Health per 5 seconds. These bonuses are increased by @StackMultiplier*100@% for @StackDuration@ seconds every time he or his Clone hit an enemy champion or jungle monster with an Attack or Ability, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.{{Spell_MonkeyKingPassive_Tooltip}}

    Max Bonus: @TooltipMaxArmor@ Armor and @TooltipMaxHealthPercentPer5@% max Health per 5 seconds.Wukong gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed and spins his staff, Knocking Up nearby enemies for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and take @TotalDamageTT@ plus @PercentHPDamageTT@ max Health physical damage over @SpinDuration@ seconds.

    This Ability can be cast a second time within @RecastWindow@ seconds before going on cooldown.Damage to jungle monsters is capped at @MonsterCapTT@ damage over @SpinDuration@ seconds.@MoonlightCost@ Ammo, @Cost@ ManaPassive: Mordekaiser gains @MagicPen*100@% Magic Penetration.

    Active: Mordekaiser pulls enemies in his direction, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Spectral RiftMordekaiser creates a zone that becomes an open rift to Purgatory after a brief delay. The zone moves forward slowly, and enemies within it are slowed by @ShockwaveSlow*100@%.

    While Mordekaiser remains inside rift, he exists in the realm of Purgatory and becomes untargetable to enemies outside. However, he also cannot target enemies that are outside.Empower NightfallPercent Magic PenetrationEmpowers Mordekaiser's next auto-attack or Q cast.

    Q cast: Increases damage and casting time to @QDamageScalar*100@%

    Auto: Deals an additional @AutoDamageScalar*100@% magic damage and grants 2 Spell Stacks for W.Mordekaiser's Attacks deal an additional @BonusAPAuto@ magic damage.

    Mordekaiser cloaks himself in negative energy after hitting 3 basic Abilities or Attacks against champions or jungle monsters. This cloak deals @AuraDamagePerStack@ plus @PercentHealthForAura@% max Health magic damage per second and grants him @PassiveMovementSpeed@ Move Speed.{{Spell_MordekaiserPassive_Tooltip}}

    Damage aura and Move Speed last for @CombatTrackingDuration@ seconds and are refreshed with each Ability hit or Attack against a champion or jungle monster.
    This Ability deals a max of @MaxAuraMonsterDamage@ damage to monsters per second.
    Max Health DamageFlail SwipeMordekaiser swipes with his flail, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in the area. Enemy champions hit grant 1 passive stack.Charge Bonus DamageNightfallTap Bonus DamageMordekaiser swings Nightfall quickly and deals @QTapDamage@ damage in an area.

    Holding Q will charge the ability, causing it to gain up to 250 additional range. Mordekaiser can move while channeling this spell, but is slowed by between @MaximumSlow*-100@% at zero passive stacks and @MinimumSlow*-100@% at maximum passive stacks.Mordekaiser smashes the ground with Nightfall dealing @QDamage@ magic damage, increased to @EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ if it hits only a single enemy.Mordekaiser smashes the ground with Nightfall, dealing @QTapDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in the area plus @MaxHealthPercent@ of their maximum health as bonus damage . Enemies hit by the head of the mace are slowed by @MoveSpeedMod*-100@% for @SlowDuration@s.

    Becomes Empowered when his passive is fully stacked, reducing its cooldown by @CooldownReductionPercent*100@%.Stat Percent StolenSpirit Realm: Champions in the Spirit Realm can only interact with other champions in the Spirit Realm, and vice versa.Stats StolenMordekaiser banishes a champion to the Death Realm with him for @SpiritRealmDuration@s, stealing @StatStealPercentScalar*100@% of their core stats for the duration.

    If Mordekaiser kills that enemy in the Death Realm he consumes their soul, keeping the stats he stole until the target respawns.Core stats stolen include: Ability Power, Attack Damage, Attack Speed, Armor, Magic Resist, and Maximum Health.Max Health PercentArmored Health per Non-ChampionTick DamageMordekaiser gains @BaseArmoredHealth*100@% of his maximum health as Armored Health for @Duration@ seconds. Damaging enemy champions leaves Spirit Shards on the ground for @SouldShardDuration@ seconds. All nearby Soul Shards are consumed when gaining Armored Health to grant an additional @ArmoredHealthPerSoulShard*100@% maximum health of Armored Health per Soul Shard.

    Armored Health is a health that has an additional @TotalDefenses@ armor and @TotalDefenses@ magic resist until that health is depleted.Base ShieldBonus Armor and MRHealing PercentPassive: Mordekaiser stores @DamageConversion*100@% of the damage he deals and @DamageTakenConversion*100@% of the damage he takes.

    Active: Mordekaiser gains the stored damage as Shield. He may Recast this Ability to restore @HealingPercent*100@% of the remaining Shield as Health.

    Minimum Shield: @MinHealthTooltip@
    Maximum Shield: @MaxHealthTooltip@{{Spell_MordekaiserW_Tooltip}}

    Minimum Shield: @MinHealthTooltip@
    Maximum Shield: @MaxHealthTooltip@Shield decays over time.
    Damage stored from non-champion sources reduced by 75%.
    @SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - @SubA@s RemainingMorgana grants an ally champion @TotalShieldStrength@ Magic Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The shield prevents Disabling and Immobilizing effects until it breaks.Morgana Heals for @HealPercent@% of the damage dealt by her Abilities to champions, large minions, and medium and larger jungle monsters.Morgana hurls a blast of starfire that Roots the first enemy hit for @RootDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Morgana chains herself to nearby enemy Champions, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing them by @SlowPercent@%. After @ChainDuration@ seconds, enemies unable to break the chains take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage and are Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    While casting this Ability, Morgana gains @HastePercent@% Move Speed towards enemies she has chained.Morgana gains True Sight of all enemies affected by this Ability.Morgana ignites the ground for @WDuration@ seconds, dealing @TotalMinDamage@ magic damage per second, increased by up to @MissingHealthAmpPercent*100@% based on the targets' percentage missing health.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @CDRefundPercent*100@% every time Morgana is healed by {{Spell_MorganaPassive_Name}}.Ignites an area for @WDuration@ seconds, dealing @TotalMinDamage@ magic damage every second to enemies inside. Damage is increased by up to @MissingHealthAmpPercent*100@% based on targets' missing Health.

    Tormented Shadow's cooldown is reduced by @CDRefundPercent*100@% every time Morgana is healed by Soul Siphon.

    Tormended Shadow deals @MonsterMod@% damage to non-epic monsters.This Ability deals @MonsterMod@% damage to jungle monsters.Passive: Teemo gains @PassiveMSBonus*100@% Move Speed while he hasn't been damaged by a champion or turret in the last 5 seconds.

    Active: Teemo sprints, gaining @PassiveMSBonus*200@% Move Speed that is not lost when struck for @MSBuffDuration@ seconds.Creates a zone at target location for @RootDelay@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemy Champions in the cast radius. Enemy Champions standing in the zone are silenced until they leave.

    When the zone disappears, all enemy Champions still standing in the zone are rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s) and take an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.beep boop
    Calls down a star from NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBot to a target location. Enemies standing in the explosion radius take @TotalDamage@ magic damage and are slowed by @MoveSpeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Starcall hits a champion Soraka Bot gains Rejuvenation for @HoTDuration@ seconds, which restores @TotalHoT@ Health over that duration and grants @MoveSpeedHaste*100@% decaying Move Speed. Calls upon divine powers to restore @HealingCalc@ Health to all allied Champions. Wish's power is increased by @HealingAmpForLowHealthAllies*100@% on each Champion below 40% Health (@AmpedHealing@).@PercentHealthCost*100@% Max Health, @Cost@ ManaHealth Cost Reduction@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Not enough HealthRestores @TotalHeal@ Health to another champion ally.

    If cast while affected by Rejuvenation, the Max Health cost will be reduced by @PercentHealthCostRefund*100@% and also grant her target Rejuvenation, healing them for @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:TotalHoT@ and granting them @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:MoveSpeedHaste*100@% Move Speed decaying over @Spell.NEXUSBLITZ_SorakaBotQ:HoTDuration@ seconds.

    Cannot be cast if Soraka Bot is below @MinimumHealth@Health (5% of her Max Health).Nami empowers an allied champion's next @Effect4Amount@ Attacks and Abilities for @Effect5Amount@ seconds, causing them to Slow their targets by @TotalSlowTooltip@ for @Effect3Amount@ second and deal an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. Deals @AoEMod@ damage to non-champions when empowering area of effect Abilities.When Nami's Abilities hit allied champions, they gain @TotalMSBonus@ Move Speed, decaying over @BuffDuration@ seconds.{{Spell_NamiPassive_Tooltip}}

    Nami's offensive Abilities will still empower her allies if they are hit.Nami hurls a bubble, Stunning for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamageTT@ magic damage.Nami summons a tidal wave, Knocking Up for 0.5 seconds, Slowing by @Effect4Amount@%, and dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage. The duration of the Slow increases based on distance the wave traveled, up to @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Allies hit by the wave gain double the effect of Surging Tides.The Slow has a minimum duration of @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Nami unleashes a stream of water that bounces between allied and enemy champions. Each champion can only be hit once, and it hits up to @Effect2Amount@ targets.
  1845. Restores @TotalHealTooltip@ Health to allies and will bounce to a nearby enemy champion.
  1846. Deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to enemies and will bounce to a nearby allied champion.
    The damage and healing value is modified by @BounceScalingTooltip@ each bounce. Can only bounce to visible enemies.Nasus ignites a spirit flame, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. Enemies in the area lose @Effect2Amount*-100@% Armor and take @TotalDotDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Nasus has an additional @Spell.NasusPassive:LifestealTooltip@% Life Steal.Nasus' next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage. Killing an enemy with this Attack permanently increases its damage by @Effect2Amount@, increased to @Effect4Amount@ against champions, large minions and large jungle monsters.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}Bonus Armor and Magic ResistanceNasus becomes empowered in the sandstorm for 15 seconds, increasing his maximum Health by @BonusHealth@ and Armor and Magic Resistance by @InitialResistGain@.

    While the storm rages, nearby enemies take @DamageCalc@ of their maximum Health as magic damage each second and Siphoning Strike has a @QCDR*100@% reduced Cooldown.The storm deals a max of @MaxDamageCap@ damage per second.Nasus ages a champion, Slowing them by @SlowBase@%, increasing to @MaxSlowTooltipOnly@% over @Duration@ seconds. Their Attack Speed is also reduced by @AttackSpeedSlowMult*100@% of the Slow.Nautilus hurls his anchor forward. If it hits an enemy, Nautilus drags himself and the target together, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Stunning them briefly. If the anchor hits terrain, Nautilus will drag himself towards it.If Nautilus's hook hits terrain, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @TerrainCDR*100@%, and @TerrainMana*100@% of the Mana cost is refunded.Nautilus fires a shockwave that chases an enemy champion, dealing @PrimaryTargetDamage@ magic damage, Knocking them Up and Stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Other enemies hit by the shockwave are also Knocked Up and Stunned and take @SecondaryTargetDamage@ magic damage.The shockwave also deals @SecondaryTargetDamage@ magic damage to other enemies it passes through on the way to its target, Knocking them up, and Stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Nautilus' first Attack against a target deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage and Roots them for @RootDuration@ seconds.{{ Spell_NautilusPassive_Tooltip }}
    This effect cannot trigger on the same target more than once every @PerTargetCD@ seconds.Nautilus gains a @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. While the Shield persists, Nautilus' Attacks deal an additional @DotDamageCalc@ magic damage over 2 seconds to his target and all surrounding enemies.Nautilus creates three exploding waves around himself, each dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage to enemies in the area and Slows them by @SlowPercent*100@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds.Waves deal @ExtraWavePenalty*100@% less damage after the first.
    This Ability deals @DamageMonsterMod*100@% damage to jungle monsters.Empowered Root DurationMinimum Root DurationNeeko slings a tangle that deals @BaseDamage@ magic damage and roots for @MinRootDuration@ seconds.

    The tangle becomes empowered after hitting an enemy, growing larger, moving faster, and rooting for @MaxRootDuration@ seconds.%i:cooldown% @DisguisePassiveCooldown@sNeeko can disguise herself as an allied champion. Direct damage from champions or casting a damaging spell breaks the disguise.Summoner Spells always break the disguise.QNeeko throws a seed that blooms to deal @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage. If it kills a unit or hits a champion or large monster, it will bloom again, dealing @SecondDamage@ magic damage. Max 2 extra blooms.Shield Per ChampionAfter @DelayUntilReveal@ seconds Neeko leaps into the air. She gains a shield that absorbs @BaseShield@ damage (+@ShieldMultiplier@ for each nearby enemy champion).

    When Neeko lands she deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and stuns nearby enemies for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    This ability can be prepared in secret if Neeko is disguised.Active Move SpeedPassive: Every 3rd attack deals @PassiveBonusDamageCalc@ bonus magic damage and increases Neeko's Move Speed by @PassiveHaste@% for @PassiveHasteDuration@ second.

    Active: Neeko becomes invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds and projects a clone that lasts @CloneDuration@ seconds. Neeko and the clone gain @Haste@% Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds.The clone is untargetable while stealthed.Passive: Kassadin's Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Kassadin charges his blade, causing his next Attack to deal @ActiveDamage@ magic damage and restore @Effect1Amount@% missing Mana, increased to @Effect4Amount@% against champions.Nidalee starts with a rank in Aspect of the Cougar.

    Nidalee gains 10% Move Speed for 2 seconds when entering Brush, increased to 30% Move Speed while moving toward enemy champions.

    Hitting champions or jungle monsters with Javelin Toss or Bushwhack marks them as Hunted for 4 seconds. While an enemy is Hunted, they are revealed with True Sight and Nidalee gains 10% Move Speed, increased to 30% Move Speed toward the Hunted enemy. {{Spell_NidaleePassiveHunt_Tooltip}}

    The Move Speed can stack but not exceed 30%
    Nilah dashes through a unit, dealing @DashDamage@ physical damage to any enemies she passes through.When Nilah kills a minion, she and her nearest ally gain @ExperiencePercentage*100@% of the experience they would have normally lost from sharing the kill.

    Nilah gains @HealingIncrease*100@% increased effectiveness from healing and @ShieldIncrease*100@% from shielding given to her by allied champions abilities. If an ally heals or shields her, they will also gain the increased amount of the shield or heal themselves. If an ally shields or heals themself, Nilah will also gain that additional effect.When Nilah kills a minion, she and her nearest ally gain @ExperiencePercentage*100@% of the experience they would have normally lost from sharing the kill.

    Nilah gains @HealingIncrease*100@% increased effectiveness from healing and @ShieldIncrease*100@% from shielding given to her by allied champions abilities. If an ally heals or shields her, they will also gain the increased amount of the shield or heal themselves. If an ally shields or heals themself, Nilah will also gain that additional effect.

    Shields shared by Nilah have a maximum duration of @ShieldMaxDuration@ seconds.Passive: Nilah gains @CritArmorPen@ Armor Penetration, and her Attacks against champions restore @CritLifesteal@ damage dealt as Health. Overhealing from this is converted into a Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    Active: Nilah cracks her whip-blade, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage, increased by her Critical Strike Chance. If an enemy unit or structure is hit, Nilah gains 125 Attack Range and @BonusAttackSpeedCalc@% Attack Speed, and her Attacks hit in a cone as @AttackTotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage for @BuffDuration@ seconds.
    If cast during Slipstream, Nilah creates a wave of water striking all enemies along Nilah's path.
    Area attacks deal @MinionMod*100@% damage to minions and @MonsterMod*100@% damage to monsters.
    This ability executes low Health minions.Nilah whirls her whip-blade, dealing @DamagePerTickCalcTooltip@ physical damage over 1 second, then finishes with a burst of @DamageCalc@ physical damage that also Pulls nearby enemies toward her.

    Nilah heals herself and nearby allies by @ChampHealingPercent*100@% + @spell.NilahQ:CritLifesteal@ of her damage dealt to enemy champions' Health (@OtherHealingPercent*100@% for non-champions), converting any overhealing into a Shield for @Duration@ seconds.
    Ally DurationNilah envelops herself in mist for @BaseDuration@ seconds, becoming Ghosted, gaining @MoveSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed, dodging Attacks, and reducing magic damage taken by @MagicDamageReduction*100@%.

    While active, touching allied champions envelops them in mist, granting the same benefits for @ShareBaseDuration@ seconds.
    {{Reminder_Ghosted}}Passive: Nocturne gains @TooltipFearMS*100@% Move Speed toward Feared enemies.

    Active: Nocturne plants a nightmare tether into his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. If the tether remains unbroken, the target is Feared for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).Passive: Gain massively increased Move Speed toward feared enemies.

    Active: Damages an enemy over @Effect3Amount@ second(s). If this completes, the target is feared for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).Nocturne's next attack will cleave through all nearby enemies and heal him for each one hit.Every @Cooldown@ seconds, Nocturne's next Attack strikes all nearby enemies for @TotalDamageNoCrit@ physical damage and restores @TotalHealing@ Health per target hit.

    Nocturne's Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @AACDR@ second, increased to @AAChampMonsterCDR@ against champions and jungle monsters.Every @Cooldown@ seconds, Nocturne's next Attack strikes all nearby enemies for @TotalDamageNoCrit@ physical damage and restores @TotalHealing@ Health per target hit.

    Nocturne's Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @AACDR@ second, increased to @AAChampMonsterCDR@ against champions and jungle monsters.

    Umbral Blades deals @DamageMinionMod*100@% less damage to minions and heals @HealMinionMod*100@% less from lane minions.Nocturne throws a shadow blade, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and leaving a dusk trail for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions hit also leave a trail.

    While on the trail, Nocturne is Ghosted and gains @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed and @Effect4Amount@ Attack Damage.Throws a shadow blade, damaging enemeis struck and leaving a Dusk Trail.

    Nocturne gains @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed and @Effect4Amount@ Attack Damage on the trail.Nocturne darkens the map, reducing the sight radius and removing ally vision of enemy champions for @ParanoiaDuration@ seconds. Nocturne can Recast this Ability during the duration to launch himself at an enemy champion dealing @Damage@ physical damage.Enemies cannot see what other enemies see for @ParanoiaDuration@ second(s).

    Re-activate during this to dash to and damage an enemy champion.This Ability will remain active during Paranoia's flight.Passive: Nocturne gains @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Nocturne creates a shadow barrier for 1.5 seconds that blocks the next enemy Ability. If an Ability is blocked, this Ability's passive effect is increased to @Effect1Amount*2@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.Passive: Nocturne gains @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Block the next enemy ability that hits him within 1.5 second(s).Kassadin fires an orb of void energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and interrupting channels. Kassadin also gains @TotalShield@ Magic Shield for 1.5 seconds.Snowball fight!Nunu throws three snowballs, dealing @TotalSnowballDamage@ magic damage per snowball and Slowing enemies hit by all three by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Nunu can Recast this up to twice more.

    After @TotalSpellDuration@ seconds, Nunu Roots all nearby enemies that had been Slowed by the snowballs for @RootDuration@ seconds and deals an additional @TotalRootDamage@ magic damage.Nunu throws 3 snowballs. Snowball Barrage can be cast two additional times to throw even more snowballs. Enemies hit take @TotalSnowballDamage@ magic damage. Enemies hit by all 3 snowballs are slowed by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDuration@s. Champions and large monsters become Snowbound.

    Willump's Turn: After @TotalSpellDuration@ seconds, all enemies within range that are Snowbound take @TotalRootDamage@ magic damage and become rooted for @RootDuration@s.

    Nunu can only Slow each enemy once with this Ability.When Nunu and Willump deal damage to champions, large jungle monsters, or structures, they and a nearby ally gain @ASIncrease*100@% Attack Speed and @MSIncrease*100@% Move Speed for 4 seconds.

    Willump's Attacks deal an additional @CleaveDamage@ physical damage to other nearby enemies while he has this buff.{{Spell_NunuPassive_Tooltip}}

    The buff range is increased against champions and structures.
    The duration stacks but the effect can only occur once every 10 seconds per target.
    The buff attempts to target the champion who will get the most use from it.
    @Cooldown@ sec Cooldown
    Nunu asks Willump to take a bite of an enemy, dealing @MonsterMinionDamage@ true damage and restoring @MonsterHealing@ Health when used against a minion or jungle monster. Against a champion, it instead deals @TotalChampionDamage@ magic damage and restores @ChampionHealing@ Health.

    The healing is increased by @LowHealthHealingScalar*100@% when Nunu and Willump are below @LowHealthThreshhold*100@% Health.Willump takes a bite of an enemy, dealing damage and healing himself. This healing increases by @LowHealthHealingScalar*100@% when he is below @LowHealthThreshhold*100@% health.

    Monsters and minions: Deals @MonsterMinionDamage@ true damage and heals for @MonsterHealing@.

    Champions: Deals @TotalChampionDamage@ magic damage and heals for @ChampionHealing@.Nunu and Willump channel a powerful blizzard for up to @ChannelDuration@ seconds. Enemies inside are Slowed by @SlowStartAmount*-100@%, increasing to @MaxSlowAmount*-100@% over the duration. Nunu and Willump also gain @TotalShieldAmount@ Shield for the duration before decaying over @ShieldDecayDuration@ seconds afterwards.

    When the blizzard ends, it detonates, dealing up to @MaximumDamage@ magic damage based on channel time. Nunu and Willump can Recast to end the blizzard early.Nunu and Willump create a snowball that grows in size and speed as they roll it. They turn slower while rolling it, but can increase turning speed by holding the turn.

    The snowball does between @NoImpactSnowballDamage@ and @MaximumSnowballDamage@ magic damage, and Knocks Up for between @BaseKnockupDuration@ and @MaximumStunDuration@ seconds when it collides with a champion, large monster or wall. These values scale up with distance rolled.

    Nunu and Willump can Recast to let the snowball go early.Willump rolls a snowball that grows in size and speed over @MaxDamageTime@ seconds. When it collides with an enemy champion, large monster, or wall, it explodes, dealing up to @MaximumSnowballDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies, knocking them up, and stunning them for up to @MaximumStunDuration@ seconds.

    Rolling over small enemies deals @NoImpactSnowballDamage@ magic damage.

    Reactivating the ability releases the snowball and rolls it forward on a straight path.

    Continuously turning in the same direction increases Willump's turn rate over time. This bonus starts over when changing turn direction.Aftershock Splash DamagePassive: Malphite gains @BonusArmorPassive*100@% Armor (%i:scaleArmor%@f1@). This effect is increased to @BonusArmorPassive*300@% (%i:scaleArmor%@f2@) while Granite Shield is active.

    Active: Malphite's next Attack deals an additional @TotalBonusDamage@ physical damage and creates an aftershock which deals @ThunderclapSplash@ physical damage in their direction. His Attacks continue to create aftershocks for the next @ThunderclapBuffDuration@ seconds.Olaf throws an axe, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for up to @Effect3Amount@ seconds (based on distance travelled). Champions hit lose @ShredAmount*100@% Armor for @DebuffDuration@ seconds.

    If Olaf picks up the axe, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced to @TooltipCDRefund@ seconds, or fully refunded if @TooltipCDRefund@ seconds has elapsed.Olaf gains @Attackspeed*100@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds, and @BaseShield@ plus @ShieldPercMissingHP*100@% missing Health Shield (up to a maximum of @MaxShieldCalc@ Shield below @ThresholdForMax*100@% Health) for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.Passive: Olaf gains @Resists@ Armor and @Resists@ Magic Resist.

    Active: Olaf cleanses all Immobilizing and Disabling effects on himself and becomes immune to them for @Duration@ seconds. While active, Olaf gains @AD@ Attack Damage. Hitting a champion with an Attack or Reckless Swing extends the duration by @DurationExtension@ seconds.

    Additionally, Olaf gains @Haste*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @HasteDuration@ second.Costs @f1@ HealthOlaf ferociously swings his axes, dealing @TotalDamage@ true damage. If the enemy dies, the cost is refunded.

    Attacks lower the Cooldown of this Ability by 1 second.Orianna commands her Ball to unleash a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Knocking them in the direction of the Ball.Orianna commands her Ball to release an electric pulse, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies.

    The pulse leaves behind an energy field for @FieldDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @SlowAmount*100@% and granting allies @HasteAmount*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @SlowAndHasteDuration@ seconds.Orianna commands her Ball to move to an area, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to surrounding enemies and to enemies it passes through. Deals @Effect2Amount@% less damage per enemy hit.Passive: The Ball adds @Effect2Amount@ Armor and @Effect2Amount@ Magic Resist to the allied champion it is attached to.

    Active: Orianna commands her Ball to attach to an allied champion, granting them @TotalShieldTooltip@ Shield for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemies the Ball passes through take @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.Orianna's Abilities originate from her Ball. Orianna's Ball automatically returns to her if she is too far away from it.

    Orianna's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Subsequent Attacks against the same target within @StackDuration@ seconds deal an additional @StackDamage@ magic damage (max of @StackDamageMax@ damage).Hitting multiple targets can't reduce the damage below @MinimumDamageTooltip@.Ornn charges, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If Ornn rams into terrain, he creates a shockwave that knocks up enemies for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and applies the same damage to those not hit by the charge.

    Ornn's charge destroys magma pillars and terrain created by enemies.Ornn can spend gold to forge non-consumable items anywhere.

    When Ornn reaches level @MasterworkLevel@, he will upgrade his mythic item into masterwork items for himself. For each level after @MasterworkLevel@, Ornn can upgrade a mythic item for an ally by going near them and clicking on them.

    Ornn gains an additional @BaseStatAmp*100@% bonus Health, Armor, and Magic Resistance from all sources. This value increases by @AdditionalMythicStatAmp*100@% of these bonus stats per Mythic item Ornn upgrades into a masterwork.
    Current Amp: @f1@% (@f2@/@f3@/@f4@)

    Ornn can smith items directly from his forge menu or the shop.{{Spell_OrnnP_Tooltip}}

    Current Amp: @f1@% (@f2@ Armor/@f3@ Magic Resist/@f4@ Health)

    Ornn can smith items directly from his forge menu or the shop.Ornn slams the ground, creating a fissure dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @Effect5Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. A pillar of rock forms at the fissure's end for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The fissure stops shortly after hitting an enemy champion.
    Ornn summons a massive lava elemental, which stampedes towards him, dealing @RDamageCalc@ magic damage, and applying Brittle for @BrittleDurationTOOLTIPONLY@ seconds. The elemental also Slows by up to @RSlowPercentBasePreMath@% based on distance traveled.

    Ornn can Recast to dash with a headbutt. If he dashes into the elemental, he redirects and empowers it, causing it to Knock Up the first champion for @RStunDuration@ second and subsequent champions for @MinStun@ seconds. The elemental also deals @RDamageCalc@ magic damage and reapplies Brittle.Ornn stomps forward Unstoppably while breathing fire, dealing @MaxPercentHPPerTickTooltip@% max Health magic damage over @BreathDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit by the final bout of flame become Brittle for @BrittleDuration@ seconds.

    Immobilizing effects on Brittle targets have their duration increased by 30% and deal an additional @BrittlePercentMaxHPCalc@ max Health magic damage. Ornn's Attacks against Brittle targets Knock them Back, dealing the additional damage.Ornn stomps forwards, breathing fire and becoming unstoppable for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. The fire deals up to @Effect10Amount@% of the enemy's max health as magic damage (minimum @Effect3Amount@).

    Enemies hit by the final gout of flame become Brittle for @f9@ seconds. The next immobilizing effect against a Brittle enemy has its duration increased by 30%, deals @PassiveDamageCalc@ of their max health as magic damage and heals Ornn for @Effect9Amount@% of his maximum health if the enemy is a champion.

    Ornn's basic attacks knock back Brittle targets.Deals a minimum of @TotalMinimumDamage@ magic damage to champions and minions, and a max of @TotalMonsterDamageCap@ magic damage to jungle monsters.Blitzcrank supercharges themself, gaining @MoveSpeedMod*100@% decaying Move Speed and @AttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds. During this time, their attacks deal an additional @PercentHealthDamage*100@% Target Max Health magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit.

    Afterwards, Blitzcrank is Slowed by @MoveSpeedModReduction*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.Deals an additional @BonusDamageMonster@ magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit to Monsters and Minions.
    Move Speed decays to @MoveSpeedModMin*100@% over @MoveSpeedModMinTime@ seconds
    Shield Slam DamagePantheon braces his shield and engages enemies in a chosen direction for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to non-tower damage from that direction and dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage over the duration. After channeling Pantheon slams with his shield, dealing @ShieldDamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Mortal Will Bonus: When Pantheon slams his shield he gains @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.
    Pantheon braces his shield and engages enemies in a chosen direction for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to non-tower damage from that direction and dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage over the duration. After channeling Pantheon slams with his shield, dealing @ShieldDamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Mortal Will Bonus: When Pantheon slams his shield he gains @SpeedAmount*100@% MoveSpeed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Recast to end early (Pantheon still slams with his shield as the last hit if it's empowered).
    Pantheon is slowed by up to @SelfSlowAmount*100@% while moving backwards or sideways.
    Damage to minions is reduced by @MinionDamageReduction*100@%.

    Recast to end early (Pantheon still slams with his shield as the last hit).
    Damage to minions is reduced by @MinionDamageReduction*100@%.
    After using @ActionsToEmpower@ Abilities or Attacks, Pantheon empowers his next basic Ability.After @ActionsToEmpower@ spells or attacks, Pantheon's next basic spell is empowered.

    Basic attacks and {{Spell_PantheonQWrapper_Name}} [@spell.PantheonQ:Hotkey@] critically strike enemies with less than @CritThreshold*100@% of their maximum health.Tap: Pantheon thrusts his spear, dealing @TapDamageCalc@ physical damage to enemies hit. Refunds @TapCooldownRefund*100@% of Comet Spear's cooldown.

    Hold: Pantheon hurls his spear, dealing @HoldDamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and @DamageFalloff*100@% less to further targets. Deals @ExecuteDamageCalcModified@ physical damage to targets below @CritHealthThreshold*100@% health instead.

    Mortal Will Bonus: Deals an additional @EmpoweredDamageCalc@ physical damage and slow the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.Execute Base DamageTap: Pantheon thrusts his spear, dealing @TapDamageCalc@ physical damage to enemies hit. Refunds @TapCooldownRefund*100@% of this Ability's Cooldown.

    Hold: Pantheon hurls his spear, dealing @HoldDamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and @DamageFalloff*100@% less to further targets.

    This Ability critically strikes enemies below @CritHealthThreshold*100@% health for @ExecuteDamageCalcModified@ physical damage instead.

    Mortal Will Bonus: Deals an additional @EmpoweredDamageCalc@ physical damage.Tap: Pantheon thrusts his spear, dealing @TapDamageCalc@ physical damage to enemies hit. Refunds @TapCooldownRefund*100@% of Comet Spear's cooldown.

    Hold: Pantheon hurls his spear, dealing @HoldDamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and @DamageFalloff*100@% less to further targets. Deals @ExecuteDamageCalcModified@ physical damage to targets below @CritHealthThreshold*100@% health instead.

    Mortal Will Bonus: Deals an additional @EmpoweredDamageCalc@ physical damage and slow the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Damage to minions reduced by @MinionDamageReduction*100@%. Tap: Pantheon thrusts his spear, dealing @TapDamageCalc@ physical damage to enemies hit. Refunds @TapCooldownRefund*100@% of Comet Spear's cooldown.

    Hold: Pantheon hurls his spear, dealing @HoldDamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and @DamageFalloff*100@% less to further targets.

    Comet Spear critically strikes enemies below @CritHealthThreshold*100@% max health for @ExecuteDamageCalcModified@ physical damage instead.

    Mortal Will Bonus: Deals an additional @EmpoweredDamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Damage to minions reduced by @MinionDamageReduction*100@%. Damage to monsters increased by @MonsterDamageAmp*100@%.
    Damage to minions reduced by @MinionDamageReduction*100@%.Passive: Pantheon gains @ArmorPenetration*100@% Armor Penetration.

    Active: Pantheon gathers his strength to leap high into the air. He throws his spear from above which in a small area deals @spell.PantheonQ:TapDamageCalc@ physical damage and Slows by @SpearSlow*100@% for @SpearSlowDuration@ seconds.

    Pantheon then crashes down as a meteor at the target area. Deals up to @DamageCalc@ magic damage to enemies in a line (decreased by up to @EdgeDamageReduction*100@% at the edges of the area).

    This Ability instantly readies Mortal Will.Pantheon leaps on his target, Stunning for @StunDuration@ second and dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Mortal Will Bonus: Pantheon's next Attack strikes @EmpoweredNumHits@ times, dealing a total of @EmpoweredDamageMultCalcModified@ physical damage.PassivePhase StrikeTeleport to your target (800 range). Resets on takedown.Corki lobs a bomb, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The area and champions hit are revealed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Twisted Fate begins shuffling his deck, allowing him to Recast to lock in one of three cards and enhance his next Attack.
  1847. The Blue Card deals @BlueDamage@ magic damage and restores @Effect6Amount@ Mana.
  1848. The Red Card deals @RedDamage@ to nearby enemies and Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for 2.5 seconds.
  1849. The Gold Card deals @GoldDamage@ and Stuns for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.@SrcNameWithColon@Available Weapons - @SubA@ || @SubB@@SrcNameWithColon@Upcoming Weapon - @SubA@@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Ready (@SubA@ Version)@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - @SubA@ Version - @CooldownRemaining@s@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - @SubA@ Version - Not enough Mana.@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ Off-Hand Weapon: @SubA@@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Ability unlocks at level @SubA@.Toggle: Singed lays a poisonous trail that deals @DamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second.Poppy tackles an enemy, dealing @TackleDamage@ physical damage and carrying them forward. If Poppy tackles them into terrain, the enemy is Stunned for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and take an additional @TackleDamage@ physical damage.@Cooldown@Every @ActualCooldown@ seconds, Poppy's next Attack throws her buckler, gaining @BonusRange@ range and dealing an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage. The buckler ricochets off the target, landing nearby. Poppy can pick it up to gain @ShieldValue@ Shield, and enemies can step on it to destroy it.

    The buckler automatically returns to Poppy if it kills the target.Monster CapPoppy smashes the ground, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect5Amount@% max Health physical damage and making the ground unstable.

    The unstable area Slows enemies by @Effect3Amount@% and erupts after @Effect4Amount@ second, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @Effect5Amount@% max Health physical damage again.Poppy smashes the ground, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) plus @Effect5Amount@% of the enemies' maximum Health as physical damage, and leaving an unstable area.

    The area slows enemies inside it by @Effect3Amount@% and erupts after @Effect4Amount@ second, dealing the initial damage again.

    Poppy's percent health damage is capped against monsters at @Effect6Amount@ physical damage per hit.Percent Health damage deals a max of @Effect6Amount@ damage to jungle monsters per hit.Begin Casting: Poppy begins charging her hammer for up to @ChannelMaxDuration@ seconds, Slowing herself by @SelfSlow@%.

    Release: Poppy smashes the ground, creating a shockwave that deals @Damage@ physical damage to the first champion hit and surrounding enemies, Knocks them Back towards their Nexus, and makes them Untargetable while they fly. The range and Knock Back distance increase with charge duration.

    An uncharged swing deals @HalfDamage@ physical damage and Knocks Up for @KnockupDurationSnap@ seconds.Passive: Poppy gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and @BonusMR@ Magic Resist. This bonus is doubled if Poppy is below @PassiveEmpoweredHealthPercent*100@% Health.

    Active: For @Effect1Amount@ seconds, Poppy gains @Effect2Amount@% Movement Speed. During this time, she stops nearby enemy dashes, dealing @Effect5Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, grounding and slowing them by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @GroundingDuration@ seconds.Cougar Form: Nidalee pounces, dealing @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:TotalPounceDamage@ magic damage to enemies surrounding where she lands. Killing a unit in Cougar Form reduces this Ability's Cooldown to @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:PounceCooldown@ seconds.

    Pouncing at a Hunted enemy can be done from a greater distance and reduces this Ability's Cooldown to @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:PounceCooldown@ seconds.{{Spell_Pounce_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_Bushwhack_Tooltip}}Rammus curls into a ball, gaining @MinimumMoveSpeed@ Move Speed, accelerating up to @MaximumMoveSpeed@ Move Speed over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Rammus stops after colliding with an enemy, dealing @PowerBallDamage@ magic damage, Knocking Back, and Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.

    Recast: Rammus ends this Ability early.Using this Ability ends Defensive Ball CurlBlitzcrank charges up their fist, causing their next Attack to Knock Up for @CCDuration@ second(s) and deal @TotalDamage@ physical damage.

    Monsters and Minions take an additional @TotalDamageNonChampExtra@ physical damage bonus damage.{{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}
    Deals @MonsterBonus@ extra damage to Monsters
    Primal Surge Mana CostHuman Form: Nidalee restores @TotalHealing@ Health increased up to @MaxHealing@ based on missing Health and grants them @BonusAS*100@% Attack Speed for@ASDuration@ seconds.{{Spell_PrimalSurge_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_Swipe_Tooltip}}Alistar smashes the ground, Knocking Up enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Rammus Taunts an enemy champion or jungle monster for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and gains @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.While any of Rammus' other Abilities are active, the duration of the Attack Speed is refreshed.Pyke dashes, leaving a drowned phantom behind him that returns to him shortly. The phantom Stuns for @StunDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to champions.Stun duration scales with Lethality.Pyke stores @OneEnemyCalc@ of damage taken from champions, increased to @AdditionalBonusCalc@ when there's more than one enemy nearby. Pyke can store up to @DamageStorageMax@ damage. While unseen by enemies, he rapidly regenerates this stored damage.

    Additionally, Pyke converts all Maximum Health increases to Attack Damage instead at a rate of 14 Health to 1 Attack Damage. {{Spell_PykePassive_Tooltip}}

    Bonus Attack Damage: @f1@ Attack DamageTap: Pyke stabs, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, preferring champions. They are then Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Hold: Pyke throws his harpoon, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit and Pulling them towards him. They are then Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    If Pyke successfully hits an enemy champion or the channel does not complete successfully, @ManaRefund*100@% of the Mana cost is refunded.If the channel does not complete successfully, the ability is cancelled, and 50% of the Mana cost is refunded.Pyke strikes all enemy champions in an X, teleporting to and executing targets below @RDamage@ Health. Champions above the threshold and non-champions instead take physical damage equal to @ReducedDamage*100@% of that amount (@ReducedDamageFinal@).

    When an enemy champion dies inside the X, Pyke can Recast this Ability for free within @RRecastDuration@ seconds. If he executed that champion, the last assisting ally will also get kill gold. If he did not, he will still get kill gold as if he did.
    Total gold shared with allies: @f9@
    Total gold kept for self: @f10@Damage RegeneratedPyke gains Camouflage and @MoveSpeed@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect10Amount@ seconds.Move Speed scales with Lethality.
    If {{Spell_QiyanaQv2_Name}} is cast while this Ability is targeting a champion, Qiyana will automatically aim it at her target.Dash a fixed distance towards target enemy, sliding through them to deal @Damage@ physical damage.{{Spell_QiyanaE_AutoAimSubstring}}{{Spell_QiyanaE_AutoAimSubstring}}Passive: While Qiyana's weapon is Enchanted, she gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed and her Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage. She also gains @PassiveMS*100@% Move Speed while out of combat near the corresponding terrain type.

    Active: Qiyana dashes towards a nearby brush, terrain, or river and Enchants her weapon with that particular terrain type. This refreshes {{Spell_QiyanaQv2_Name}}'s Cooldown.Qiyana dashes through an enemy and deals @Damage@ physical damage to them.Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ damage instead.
    Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ damage instead.Elemental Wrath: Blast your weapon enchantment to blast it in target direction, consuming it. This projectile detonates at the end of its path or on the first enemy hit to deal @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage (@EnchantedFalloff@ damage to targets beyond the first) and:
  1850. Ice Enchantment: Root enemies for @RootDuration@s, then slow them by @SlowPotency*-100@% for @SlowDuration@s.
  1851. Rock Enchantment: Deal @TremorDamage@ bonus physical damage to units below @CritThreshold*100@% health.
  1852. Wild Enchantment: Leaves a canopy trail that stealths you and grants @Haste*100@% Move Speed. Canopy fades after attacking from it, exiting it, or after @StealthDuration@s. The trail only goes as far as the missile travels.

    Edge Of Ixtal: If you do not have an enchantment, slash in the target direction, dealing @VanillaDamage@ physical damage in a small area (@VanillaFalloff@ damage to targets beyond the first).Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.
    This Ability deals @JungleDamageAmp*100@% damage to jungle monsters.
    Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage and leaving a canopy trail behind that makes Qiyana Invisible and grants her @Haste*100@% Move Speed. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.

    The canopy ends after @StealthDuration@ seconds, or after Qiyana Attacks or leaves the zone.Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage, plus an additional @TremorDamage@ physical damage to targets below @CritThreshold*100@% Health. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.Qiyana blasts her Enchantment forward, dealing @EnchantedDamage@ physical damage and Rooting for 0.5 second, then Slowing by @SlowPotency*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies beyond the first take @FalloffDamage@ physical damage instead.If Qiyana does not have an Enchantment, she slashes, dealing @VanillaDamage@ physical damage to enemies in a small area. If she does, this Ability gains extra range and an additional effect based on the type of Enchantment:
  1853. Ice Enchantment: Briefly Roots, then Slows by @SlowPotency*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.
  1854. Rock Enchantment: Deals an additional @TremorDamage@ physical damage to units below @CritThreshold*100@% Health.
  1855. Wild Enchantment: Leaves a trail that turns Qiyana Invisible and grants @Haste*100@% Move Speed.
    Launch a non-damaging shockwave that knocks back enemies and stops when it hits a Wall. The entire Wall then explodes to stun nearby enemies for up to @StunDuration@s and deal them physical damage equal to @Damage@ + @MissingHealthDamageRock@ of their max health. Stun duration decreases the further the explosion travels from its origin, down to @StunDurationMin@s.

    Any River or Brush the shockwave passes through also explode after a delay for the same damage and a @StunDuration@s stun. The damage from overlapping zones does not stack.

    Use the knockback to push enemies into walls, river, or brush for maximum effect.Qiyana launches a shockwave that Knocks Back enemies and detonates when it hits terrain. The explosion follows the entire edge of the terrain, Stunning for between 0.5 and @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @Damage@ plus @MissingHealthDamageRock@ max Health physical damage. Stun duration scales down with distance the shockwave has travelled.

    Any river or brush the shockwave passes through also explode after a delay for the same damage and Stun.Quinn dashes to an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and marking them Vulnerable. Quinn then leaps backwards from the target, slightly Knocking them Back and Slowing them by @Effect1Amount*100@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Every @f1@ seconds, Valor marks a nearby enemy as Vulnerable, revealing it for @RevealDuration@ seconds and causing Quinn's next Attack against them to deal @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage.{{Spell_QuinnPassive_Tooltip}}

    Cooldown is reduced by Critical Strike Chance.Quinn orders Valor to dive, making the first enemy hit Vulnerable, reducing their vision radius for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all surrounding enemies.

    If the first enemy struck is not a champion, it is Disarmed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Quinn calls to Valor, pairing up after channeling for 2 seconds gaining @MovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed and allowing her to Recast this Ability. Attacking or using {{Spell_QuinnQ_Name}} or {{Spell_QuinnE_Name}} automatically Recasts this Ability.

    Recast: Quinn and Valor perform an aerial maneuver, dealing @Damage@ physical damage, marking champions as Vulnerable, and ending this Ability.Being damaged by non-minions removes the Move Speed bonus for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Passive: Attacking a Vulnerable target grants Quinn @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed and @Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Valor reveals a large area nearby for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.@f2@s %i:cooldown%Rakan dashes to an allied champion, granting them @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Rakan can Recast this Ability once within @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Cast range is increased when cast on Xayah.Every @ShieldCooldown@ seconds, Rakan gains @TotalShield@ Shield. Rakan's Attacks and Abilities against enemy champions reduce this Cooldown by 1 second.

    Lover's Leap - Xayah and Rakan can recall together.@f3@s %i:cooldown%Rakan flings a magical feather that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.

    If the feather hits a champion or epic jungle monster, Rakan restores @TotalHeal@ Health to himself and nearby allies after @HealDelay@ seconds or when he touches an allied champion.Rakan gains @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Rakan deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage and Charms enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second(s) the first time he touches them. The first champion touched grants Rakan @Effect6Amount@% decaying Move Speed.Rakan dashes, then spirals into the air, Knocking Up for @KnockupDuration@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Rammus's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Corki's Attacks deal @AttackConversion*100@% of their damage as magic damage.

    After @InitialCD@ minutes, The Package arrives near the fountain and can be picked up for @PackageDuration@ seconds. While equipped, Corki is Ghosted, gains @BonusMS*100@% Move Speed, and upgrades Valkyrie.

    The Package rearrives every @SubsequentCD@ minutes after being used.{{Spell_RapidReload_Tooltip}}

    {{Reminder_Ghosted}}Janna summons a magical monsoon, Knocking Back nearby enemies then healing nearby allies for @TotalHeal@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Moving or using an Ability ends the monsoon early.The Knock Back cannot push enemies over walls.Upon taking fatal damage, Anivia reverts to an egg, healing to full Health and receiving @BonusResists@ Armor and Magic Resist. If she survives for 6 seconds, she is reborn.

    Rebirth has a @Cooldown@ second Cooldown.Burrowed: Rek'Sai tunnels forward, leaving two connected tunnel entrances for @spell.RekSaiE:Effect5Amount@ minutes. Rek'Sai can click on one of the entrances to tunnel to the other one, and tunnels each have a @spell.RekSaiE:Effect8Amount@ second Cooldown between uses. Rek'Sai can have up to @spell.RekSaiE:Effect6Amount@ tunnels at once.{{Spell_RekSaiEBurrowed_Tooltip}}

    Tunnels can be destroyed by enemies standing on them.Un-Burrowed: Rek'Sai bites a target, dealing @spell.RekSaiE:BaseDamageTooltip@ physical damage. At max Fury, the bite deals @spell.RekSaiE:EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ true damage instead.{{Spell_RekSaiE_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_RekSaiEBurrowed_Tooltip}}Rek'sai generates 25 Fury when she Attacks or hits with an Ability.

    While Burrowed, she consumes her Fury to restore up to @HealAmount@ Health over 3 seconds.{{Spell_RekSaiPassive_Tooltip}}

    Rek'sai will not consume Fury while at full Health.
    Rek'sai loses 20 Fury per second after 5 seconds of not generating any.
    Burrowed: Rek'Sai launches a burst of void-charged earth that explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing @spell.RekSaiQ:BurrowDamageTooltip@ physical damage in a small area. It also reveals non-stealthed enemies for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. If it hits a Champion, it generates 25 Fury.{{Spell_RekSaiQBurrowed_Tooltip}}

    Un-Burrowed: Rek'Sai's next 3 Attacks within @Effect7Amount@ seconds deal an additional @spell.RekSaiQ:TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to nearby enemies.{{Spell_RekSaiQ_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_RekSaiQBurrowed_Tooltip}}The bonus damage can critically strike the primary target.@RCD@ sec CooldownRek'Sai targets an enemy damaged by her in the last @PreyMarkDuration@ seconds and then dives underground, becoming untargetable. Moments later, she leaps unstoppably at her target, dealing @RBaseDamageCalc@ plus @PercentMissingHealthDamage@% missing Health physical damage.Burrowed: Rek'sai unburrows, Knocking Up for @spell.RekSaiW:Effect5Amount@ second and dealing @spell.RekSaiW:UnburrowDamage@ physical damage to the closest enemy. Enemies can only be affected by this Ability once every @spell.RekSaiW:Effect6Amount@ seconds.{{Spell_ReksaiWBurrowed_Tooltip}}

    Un-Burrowed: Rek'sai burrows into the ground, gaining access to new Abilities, and @spell.RekSaiW:SpeedBonus@ Move Speed, but cannot Attack. She has reduced vision range, but nearby enemies that move and are otherwise unseen will have their positions revealed to Rek'sai and her allies.{{Spell_RekSaiW_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_ReksaiWBurrowed_Tooltip}}No Valid TargetRell binds a piece of her Armor to another allied champion, granting them @AllyArmor@ Armor and @AllyResist@ Magic Resist while near you. Doing this has no cost and puts this Ability on Cooldown for 3 seconds.

    If Rell uses this Ability without targeting an allied champion, she snaps the binding, Stunning enemies around and between herself and her bound ally for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @Damage@ magic damage.Rell can target herself to unbind from her ally.
    Tether dissipates at max range, but reconnects upron re-entering range of your bound ally.
    Rell has significantly reduced Attack Speed, but her Attacks steal @StealPercent*100@% Armor and @StealPercent*100@% Magic Resist and deal an additional @FlatDamage@ plus total Armor and Magic Resist stolen magic damage.

    Attacking a champion refreshes the stolen Armor and Magic Resist on all afflicted enemies.{{Spell_RellP_Tooltip}}

    Always steals at least @StealFloor@, reduced against minions.Rell thrusts her lance, destroying all Shield and dealing @DamageSubsequent@ magic damage. The first unit hit takes @Damage@ damage instead and suffers {{Spell_RellP_Name}}'s defense steal.

    If Rell is bound to an ally with {{Spell_RellE_Name}}, they both recover @FlatHeal@ plus @MissingHealthHeal*100@% missing Health for each enemy champion hit.Rell explodes in a magnetic fury, violently Pulling nearby enemies towards herself. Then Rell constantly Drags nearby enemies towards herself and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over the next @Duration@ seconds.Passive - Mounted: Rell gains @OOCMS@ Move Speed, reduced when taking damage.

    Active - {{Spell_RellW_Dismount_Name}}: Rell leaps off her mount, Knocking Up enemies for @StunDuration@ second and dealing @ChargeDamage@ magic damage. Rell then enters Armored form, gaining @Shield@ Shield, reducing her Move Speed, and allowing her to use {{Spell_RellW_MountUp_Name2}}.{{ Spell_RellW_Dismount_Tooltip }}


    Rell briefly loses the mounted Move Speed for @CCPenalty@ seconds upon being ImmobilizedReduced when taking damage, removed briefly when immobilized.Passive - Dismounted: Rell gains @spell.RellW_MountUp:ArmorIncreaseTotal@ Armor and @spell.RellW_MountUp:MRIncreaseTotal@ Magic Resist, but has @SpeedCeiling@ base Move Speed and @SpeedCeiling@ max Move Speed.

    Active - {{Spell_RellW_MountUp_Name}}: Rell mounts up, gaining @Haste*100@% Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds, increased to @spell.RellW_MountUp:EmpoweredMS@% Move Speed when moving towards enemy champions. Her next Attack during that duration throws the target over her shoulder, dealing an additional @FlipDamage@ magic damage and ending this effect. While Mounted, she can use {{Spell_RellW_Dismount_Name}}.Ferromancy - Mount Up{{Spell_RellW_Dismount_Summary}}Passive - Dismounted: Rell gains @spell.RellW_MountUp:ArmorIncreaseTotal@ Armor and @spell.RellW_MountUp:MRIncreaseTotal@ Magic Resist, but has @SpeedCeiling@ Move Speed.

    Active - {{Spell_RellW_MountUp_Name2}}: Rell mounts up, gaining @Haste*100@% Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds, increased to @spell.RellW_MountUp:EmpoweredMS@ Move Speed when moving towards enemy champions. Her next Attack during that duration throws the target over her shoulder, dealing an additional @FlipDamage@ magic damage and ending this effect. While Mounted, she can use {{Spell_RellW_Dismount_Name}}.{{Spell_RellW_MountUp_Tooltip2}}


    Rell briefly loses the mounted Move Speed for @CCPenalty@ seconds upon being ImmobilizedRenata sends out a pair of chemtech missiles, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing surrounding enemies and enemies hit by 30% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Allies hit gain @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.Renata's Attacks mark enemies for @PassiveDuration@ seconds and deal an additional @PercentAmpCalcSelf@ max Health magic damage if they were unmarked.

    Allied champions' Attacks or Abilities consume the mark, dealing @PercentAmpCalc@ max Health magic damage.

    Renata may only have one target marked at a time.Renata sends out a missile from her arm, Rooting the first enemy hit for @RootDuration@ second and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Recast: Renata Pulls the enemy in a direction, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies they are thrown into and Stunning for @StunDuration@ seconds if the thrown enemy is a champion.Renata sends out a wave of chemicals, Berserking enemies for @BerserkDuration@ seconds, causing them to Attack the nearest unit, prioritizing their allies.

    While Berserk, enemies gain @BonusAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed.Renata infuses an ally champion, granting @ASCalc@ Attack Speed and @MSCalc@ Move Speed towards enemies, increasing to @FinalASCalc@ Attack Speed and @FinalMSCalc@ Move Speed over @Duration@ seconds. Takedowns refresh the duration of the buff.

    If the ally would die, they instead return to full Health, which then decays over 3 seconds.

    If they get a Takedown while decaying, they will be set to @TriumphPercent@% max Health and stop decaying.

    The Champion's death can be delayed by healing or similar effects while in the decaying state, but cannot be prevented unless the Champion gets a Takedown. Champions can only delay their death once.Renekton swings his blade, dealing @BasicDamage@ physical damage and restoring @NonChampHealing@ Health per non-champion and @ChampHealing@ per champion hit (max @Effect4Amount@ Health). He also generates 2.5 Fury per non-champion and 10 Fury per champion (max 30 Fury).

    Fury Bonus: Damage is increased to @EmpDamage@ physical damage and healing is increased to @EmpNonChampHealing@ Health against non-champions and @EmpChampHealing@ Health against champions (max @Effect9Amount@ Health). Does not generate any Fury.Renekton's next Attack strikes twice, Stunning for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing a total of @BasicTotalDamage@ physical damage. Hitting a champion generates an additional @Effect7Amount@ Fury.

    Fury Bonus: Renekton Attacks 3 times instead, destroying Shields before dealing @EmpTotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Does not generate any Fury.All Attacks apply On-hit effects separately.Renekton gains @FuryPerAttack@ Fury per attack. Having @FuryCost@ Fury or more empowers his abilities with bonus effects but drains @FuryCost@ Fury when they are used. Fury decays while out of combat.

    If Renekton has less than @LowHealthPercentThreshold*100@% Health, Fury gain is increased by @FuryIncreasePercent*100@%.Renekton surrounds himself with dark energies for @BuffDuration@ seconds, gaining @HealthGain@ max Health and @FuryOnCast@ Fury. While active, he deals @TotalDamagePerSecond@ magic damage and gains @FuryPerSecond@ Fury per second.Renekton dashes, dealing @BasicDamage@ physical damage. He generates @Effect4Amount@ Fury per non-champion and @Effect5Amount@ Fury per champion hit. Hitting at least one enemy allows Renekton to Recast this Ability once for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Fury Bonus: The Recast dash deals @EmpDamage@ physical damage instead and removes @Effect2Amount@% Armor for @Effect9Amount@ seconds. Does not generate Fury.Rengar throws a bola, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit, Revealing and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Max Ferocity: Deals @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ physical damage and Roots for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.Reveals enemies for @RevealDuration@ seconds.
    Bola Strike has no cast time when leaping.While in Brush, Rengar leaps to enemies he Attacks.

    Rengar generates 1 Ferocity when he uses a non-ultimate Ability. Whenever Rengar reaches 0 Ferocity his next leap generates 1 Ferocity.

    At @MaxFerocity@ Ferocity, his next non-ultimate Ability is empowered. Casting an empowered ability increases Rengar's Movement Speed by @EmpoweredMS@ for a few seconds.

    Unique takedowns increase Rengar's Attack Damage from Bonetooth Necklace.{{Spell_RengarPassive_Tooltip}}

    Rengar loses all Ferocity after being out of combat for @InCombatTimer@ seconds.
    Rengar gains extra Attack Damage for killing Kha'Zix.
    Generates 1 FerocityRengar's next 2 Attacks gain @Effect5Amount@% Attack Speed. The first Attack critically strikes for @F4@ (%i:scaleAD%%i:scaleCrit%) physical damage.

    Max Ferocity: The first Attack critically strikes for @F5@ ({{ Item_Scale_Level_Icon }}%i:scaleAD%%i:scaleCrit%) physical damage and grants Rengar @EmpoweredQAS@ Attack Speed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Rengar's next 2 Attacks gain @Effect5Amount@% Attack Speed. The first Attack critically strikes for @TotalDamageTT@ physical damage.

    Max Ferocity: The first Attack critically strikes for @EmpoweredQdamageTT@ physical damage and grants Rengar @EmpoweredQAS@ Attack Speed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Autoattack damage increases to up to @CritDamageScalar@ based on Critical Strike Chance
    Savagery's bonus damage is reduced by @TowerMod*100@% against structures.Passive: Rengar will also leap attack when Camouflaged.

    Active: Rengar gains @StealthMS@% Move Speed and True Sight in a small area around the nearest enemy champion for @StealthDuration@ seconds.

    After @FadeTime@ seconds, Rengar becomes Camouflaged and can leap without being in Brush. Leaping to the nearest champion deals an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage, shreds @ArmorShred@ Armor for @ArmorShredDuration@ seconds, and ends this Ability.{{Reminder_Camouflage}}Rengar roars, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and restoring @Effect2Amount@% of the damage taken in the last @Effect3Amount@ seconds as Health.

    Max Ferocity: Deals @TotalDamageEmpowered@ magic damage and additionally cleanses Rengar of crowd control.Deals an additional @BonusMonsterDamage@ magic damage to jungle monsters. Restores @Effect5Amount@% of damage taken from jungle monsters.Kassadin teleports to a nearby location, dealing @BaseDamage@ magic damage.

    Each subsequent use of this Ability within the next @RStackDuration@ seconds doubles the Mana cost and deals an additional @BonusDamage@ magic damage. The cost and damage increases can stack up to @MaxStacks@ times.Riven quickly dashes and gains @TotalShield@ Shield for 1.5 seconds.This dash cannot go over terrain.Riven's weapon surges with spiritual energy, granting her @BonusAD@ Attack Damage and increased range on damaging Abilities and Attacks for @Duration@ seconds. While active, she can Recast.

    Recast: Riven fires a wind slash that deals between @MinDamage@ and @MaxDamage@ physical damage, based on their missing Health.Gains @TooltipAttackRange@ Attack Range Riven's sword emits a burst of runic energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Stunning for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.Using an Ability grants Riven a charge for 6 seconds (max @Charges@). Her Attacks spend a charge to deal an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage.{{Spell_RivenPassive_Tooltip}}

    The bonus damage can critically strike.Riven dashes forward, dealing @FirstSlashDamage@ physical damage. She can Recast this Ability twice. The first Recast is the same as the original, but the second has a different effect:

    Recast: Riven leaps forward and slams, dealing @FirstSlashDamage@ physical damage and Knocks Up nearby enemies for 0.75 seconds.Only the last use of this Ability can cross terrain.
    Riven targets the unit your cursor is on, or dashes forward if there is no target.
    Blitzcrank fires their right hand, Pulling the first enemy hit towards them and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Rumble launches a line of rockets, creating a burning trail that Slows by @SlowAmount@% and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @TrailDuration@ seconds.

    Rumble can control the direction of the trail by clicking and dragging while casting this Ability.@Effect2Amount@ HeatRumble ignites his flamethrower, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @Effect9Amount@ seconds, reduced to @MinionDamage@ damage against minions.

    Danger Zone: Damage is increased to @EmpoweredDamage@ damage.@FirstCastHeatCost@ HeatRumble launches an electrified harpoon, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @BaseSlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, and reducing the enemy's Magic Resist by @PercMagicPen*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds. Hitting an enemy who's already Slowed by this Ability increases the Slow to @EmpoweredSlowAmount@% and reduces the enemy's Magic Resist by @EnhancedMagicPen*100@%.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).

    Danger Zone: The harpoon deals @EmpDamage@ magic damage instead and the Slow and reduced Magic Resist are increased by 50%.Rumble's Abilities generate Heat. While above @DangerZoneHeat@ Heat, he enters the Danger Zone, causing his basic Abilities to gain bonus effects. When he reaches @OverheatingHeat@ Heat, he overheats for @OverheatDuration@ seconds.

    While overheated, Rumble Silences himself, but gains @OverheatAS@ Attack Speed and causes his Attacks to deal additional magic damage equal to @TotalBaseDamage@ + @OverheatPercBonusDamage*100@% of the target's maximum Health.

    Percent damage is limited to @MonsterCap@ damage on Monsters. @Effect3Amount@ HeatRumble tosses up a barrier, gaining @TotalShield@ Shield and @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect6Amount@ second.

    Danger Zone: The barrier grants @EmpoweredShield@ Shield and @EmpoweredMS@% Move Speed instead.Cho'Gath ruptures the ground, Knocking Up enemies for @Effect5Amount@ second, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage, and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Ryze fires an orb, dealing @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and applies Flux for @DebuffDuration@ seconds to the target and nearby enemies. Enemies already afflicted with Flux will cause it to spread further.Ryze gains @PassiveManaCalcTooltip@% max Mana. His Abilities do additional damage based on his bonus Mana.Spell Flux Enhanced Damage@f3@sPassive: {{Spell_RyzeW_Name}} and {{Spell_RyzeE_Name}} refresh this Ability's Cooldown and charge a rune for @RuneDuration@ seconds (max @MaximumRunes@ runes).

    Active: Ryze unleashes a blast, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. If the target has Flux on it, it is consumed, causing this Ability to deal @Spell.RyzeR:OverloadDamageBonus@% increased damage and bounces to nearby enemies with Flux.

    Ryze also discharges all runes, granting Ryze @MovementSpeedAmount@% Move Speed for @MovementSpeedDuration@ seconds if @MaximumRunes@ runes were charged.
    Base Spell Cooldown ReductionMana RatiosPassive: {{Spell_RyzeQWrapper_Name}} damage bonus against targets with Flux increased to @OverloadDamageBonus@%.

    Active: Ryze opens a portal to another location. After @ChargeTimeTooltip@ seconds, all allies near the portal are teleported to that location.If Ryze becomes Immobilized or Disabled, the portal is cancelled.Ryze deals @WDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% for @CCDuration@ seconds. If the target has Flux, it is consumed and this Ability Roots instead of Slowing.@Effect4Amount@% of Current HealthSadismDr. Mundo sacrifices a portion of his Health for increased Move Speed and drastically increased Health Regeneration.Dr. Mundo restores @Effect1Amount@% max Health over @Effect2Amount@ seconds and gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for the duration.Samira dashes through an enemy (including structures), slashing enemies she passes through dealing @DashDamage@ magic damage and gaining @BonusAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.

    If an enemy champion is killed within 3 seconds of Samira damaging them, Wild Rush's cooldown is reset.Samira builds a combo by dealing damage with Attacks or Abilities against enemy champions unique from the previous one. Each one increases her Style, from "E" to "S" grade (6 total). Samira gains @MSBonus*100@% Move Speed per grade.

    Samira's Attacks and Abilities in melee range deal an additional @BonusMeleeDamage@ magic damage, increased up to @EmpoweredMeleeDamageTooltip@ based on the target's missing Health.

    Samira's Attacks against enemies affected by Immobilizing effects will dash her to her Attack Range. If the enemy is Knocked Up, she also keeps them Knocked Up for at least 0.5 seconds.{{Spell_SamiraPassive_Tooltip}}

    Samira's dash range is @QueenMaxDashRange@ units.Samira fires a shot, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.

    If this Ability is cast towards an enemy in melee range, Samira will instead slash with her sword, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage. Either hit can critically strike for 25% bonus damage and applies lifesteal at @LifestealMod*100@% effectiveness.
    If cast during Wild Rush, Samira will strike all enemies in her path upon completion. Samira can only use this Ability if her current Style rating is S.

    Samira unleashes a torrent of shots from her weapons, wildly shooting all enemies surrounding her 10 times over 2 seconds, each shot dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage and applying lifesteal at @LifestealMod*100@% effectiveness. Each shot can also critically strike.

    Against minions, this Ability deals 25% damage.Samira slashes around her for @SlashDuration@ seconds, damaging enemies twice for @DamageCalc@ physical damage each and destroying any enemy missiles that enter the area.

    Twisted Fate receives 1 to 6 bonus gold every time he kills a unit.{{Spell_SecondSight_Tooltip}}

    Total Gold Hustled: @f1@Malphite launches a shard of earth at an enemy, dealing @QDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Malphite also steals the amount Slowed, gaining it as Move Speed for @SlowDuration@ seconds.Passive: Nearby melee allied champions' Attacks apply a stack to champions and jungle monsters.

    Active: Sejuani deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to target enemy with 4 stacks and Stuns them for @Effect1Amount@ second. Champions Stunned by Sejuani can't gain stacks for 10 seconds.
    Enemies Stunned by this Ability are slightly Knocked Back.
    Permafrost will target the closest valid enemy to your cursor (prioritizing champions).
    This Ability Knocks Down enemies.
    Sejuani becomes immune to Slows and gains @TotalArmorTooltip@ Armor and @TotalMRTooltip@ Magic Resist after not taking damage from champions or large jungle monsters for @FrostArmorOOC@ seconds.

    Sejuani's first Attack against enemies she has Stunned deals an additional @PercentHPDamage@ max Health magic damage.{{Spell_SejuaniPassive_Tooltip}}

    Percent Health damage against epic jungle monsters is capped at @EpicMonsterCap@.
    Defensive effect persists for @FrostArmorDuration@ seconds after taking damage from champions or large jungle monsters.
    Sejuani charges, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to enemies and Knocking them Up for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. The charge ends after hitting an enemy champion.Sejuani throws her True Ice bola, Stunning and revealing the first enemy champion hit for @Effect2Amount@ second and dealing @MinorDamageTooltip@ magic damage.

    If the bola travels at least 25% of its range, it Stuns and reveals for @Effect6Amount@ seconds instead. It then also creates an ice storm that Slows surrounding enemies by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. All affected enemies take @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.The Stunned enemy takes damage immediately, while enemies inside the storm take damage after it ends. Enemies in the storm are also Slowed for an additional 1 second.Sejuani swings her flail, dealing @FirstHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and Knocking Back minions and jungle monsters. She then lashes out again, dealing @SecondHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and briefly Slowing targets.

    Both swings apply stacks of Permafrost.Sejuani swings her flail, dealing @FirstHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and Knocking Back minions and jungle monsters. She then lashes out again, dealing @SecondHitDamageTooltip@ physical damage and briefly Slowing targets by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Both swings apply stacks of Permafrost.Senna dissolves into a cloud of Black Mist for @BuffDuration@ seconds, becoming a Wraith. Allied champions who enter the Mist are Camouflaged and become Wraiths when they leave. Wraiths gain @TotalMS@ Move Speed, are Unselectable, and hide their identities as long as no enemy champions are nearby.Senna dissolves into a cloud of Mist for @BuffDuration@ seconds, becoming a Wraith. Allied champions who enter the Mist are Camouflaged and become Wraiths when they leave. Wraiths gain @TotalMS@ Move Speed, are Unselectable, and hide their identities as long as no enemy champions are nearby.Enemies can see where Wraiths are, but not who they are. They are otherwise treated as being Camouflaged.
    Unselectable units cannot be targeted by Attacks or Abilities that require a target.
    Senna can attack souls that spawn from dead enemies to absorb their Mist. She can also siphon Mist from enemy champions she hits with Attacks or Abilities twice, dealing an additional @BonusCurentHealthDamage@% current Health physical damage.

    Each stack of Mist grants @ADPerStack@ Attack Damage. Every @StacksForBonus@ stacks grant @BonusRange@ Attack Range and @BonusCritChance@% Critical Strike Chance. @CritToLifestealConversionPercent*100@% of excess Critical Strike Chance is converted into Lifesteal.

    Senna's Attacks take extra time to fire, deal an additional @BonusOnHitDamage@ physical damage, and briefly grant her @MSSteal@ of the target's Move Speed.{{Spell_SennaPassive_Tooltip}}

    Senna can only siphon Mist from an individual champion once every @DebuffDuration@ seconds.
    Souls are less likely to spawn from minions Senna kills. Souls always spawn from large minions Senna doesn't kill, champions, and large jungle monsters.
    Senna does not gain Attack Damage on level up. Her critical strikes deal @CritReductionPercent*100@% less damage.
    Senna shoots a bolt of piercing shadow through an ally or enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to enemies and Slowing them by @TotalSlow@ for @SlowDuration@ second(s). Restores @TotalHeal@ Health to allied champions.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @CDReductionOnHit@ second.This Ability's cast range matches Senna's attack range and its cast time is improved with Attack Speed. It can target anything and applies on-hit effects to enemy champions.Senna fires a beam of light that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemy champions hit. Allied champions hit in a wider area receive @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.The shield's power scales with the amount of Mist Senna has collected.Senna sends forth the Black Mist, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit. After a @DelayTime@ second delay the target and other nearby enemies are Rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s).Senna sends forth the Black Mist, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the first enemy hit. After a @DelayTime@ second delay the target and other nearby enemies are Rooted for @RootDuration@ seconds.Seraphine unleashes a heavy soundwave, dealing @FinalDamage@ Magic Damage to enemies in a line and Slowing them by @SlowValue@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Enemies that are already Slowed are Rooted instead, and Immobilized enemies are Stunned.Seraphine unleashes a heavy soundwave, dealing @FinalDamage@ Magic Damage to enemies in a line and Slowing them by @SlowValue@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Enemies that are already Slowed are Rooted instead. Enemies that are already Rooted are Stunned.Deals @MinionDamageMod*100@% damage against minions.Every third basic Ability Seraphine casts will echo, automatically casting a second time.

    Additionally, Seraphine draws inspiration from the music within her allies, creating a Note for each nearby ally whenever she casts an Ability. For each Note, Seraphine's Attacks gain @BonusAARange@ Attack Range and deal an additional @AutoDamage@ magic damage and consume the Notes.Every third basic ability Seraphine casts will echo, automatically casting a second time.

    Additionally, Seraphine draws inspiration from the music within her allies, creating a Note on each nearby ally whenever she casts an ability (Notes last @NoteDuration@ seconds and stack up to @MaxNotes@ per ally). For each Note, Seraphine's Attacks gain @BonusAARange@ Attack Range and deal an additional @AutoDamage@ magic damage and consume the Notes.

    Notes deal @MinionDamageMultiplier*100@% damage to minions.
    Notes from allies deal @AllyNoteDamagePercent*100@% damage.
    Seraphine projects a pure note, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage, increased by the target's missing Health percentage up to @TotalEmpoweredDamage@ damage below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health.Seraphine sings a pure note, dealing @ExplosionDamage@ Magic Damage to enemies in an area, increased by the target's missing health percentage.Seraphine takes the stage, projecting a captivating force that Charms for @RChannelDuration@ seconds and deals @R1TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Any champions struck (including allies) become part of the performance, extending the range of this Ability. Allied champions gain maximum Notes.Seraphine takes the stage, captivating everyone in a line. Enemies struck by the missile take @R1TotalDamage@ Magic Damage and are Charmed for @RChannelDuration@ seconds.

    Any champions struck (including allies) become part of the performance, recasting the Ability from their location.Seraphine spurs her nearby allied champions in song, granting herself @WMSBonusTotal@ decaying Move Speed and @ShieldValueSeraphine@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (allies granted @HasteValueAllies@ Move Speed and @TotalShieldStrength@ Shield instead).

    If Seraphine is already Shielded, she calls out to her allies to join her, restoring @WMissingHPHeal@% missing Health to them per nearby ally champion after a @WHealSplitDelay@ second delay.Seraphine spurs her nearby allied champions in song, granting @WMSBonusTotal@ decaying Bonus Move Speed (@HasteValueForAllies*100@% value for allies) and a Shield that blocks up to @TotalShieldStrength@ damage for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    If Seraphine is already Shielded, she calls out to her allies to join her. After a @WHealSplitDelay@ second delay every ally in the area Heals each other for @WMissingHPHeal@% of missing Health.This Ability only heals once, even if cast twice.Damage to AirbornPassive: Sett stores @DamageStored*100@% of damage taken as Grit, up to @MaxGrit@. Grit decays quickly @AdrenalineStorageWindow@ seconds after the damage was taken.

    Active: Sett consumes all Grit, gaining a @ShieldConversion*100@% Grit consumed Shield decaying over @ShieldMaxDuration@ seconds. Sett then delivers a massive punch, dealing @DamageCalc@ plus @DamageConversion@ Grit consumed true damage to enemies in the center (max @f1@ damage). Enemies not in the center instead take physical damage.Collision DamageSett's Attacks alternate between left and right punches. Right punches follow the left quickly and deal an additional @RightPunchBonus@ physical damage.

    Sett gains @TooltipRegenPerMissingHealthCalc@ Health Regeneration for each @MissingHealthUnit*500@% missing Health.{{Spell_SettPassive_Tooltip}}

    Sett will reset back to a left punch if he does not do a right punch within 2 seconds of doing a left punch. The Attack Speed of a right punch is 8 times that of a left punch.ResistsSett smashes enemies on either side of him into each other, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. If Sett grabbed at least one enemy on each side, all enemies are Stunned for @StunDuration@ second.The Attacks are always a left and right punch. Deals a max of @MonsterCap@ damage to monsters per punch.SuplexSuplex the grabbed enemy in the chosen direction.Carry DistanceResists TakenSett grabs an enemy champion and Suppresses them as he carries them forward, then slams them into the ground, dealing @DamageCalc@ plus @MaxHealthDamage*100@% of the grabbed enemy's bonus Health physical damage to surrounding enemies and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second. Enemies take less damage the further they are from where Sett lands.Two Big PunchesSett strikes in an area with her right hand, dealing @RightHandDamageCalc@ physical damage. After a brief moment, Sett strikes in an area with her left hand, dealing @LeftHandDamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Champions and monsters hit by both hands take @BothHandsDamageCalc@ additional physical damage.Aerial DamagePer Unit LockoutFirst Attack Bonus Health DamageBonus Health Damage On HitSett itches for a fight, gaining @MSAmount*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions for @MSDuration@ seconds.

    Additionally Sett's next two Attacks deal an additional @BaseDamage@ plus @MaxHealthDamageCalc@ max Health physical damage.Passive: Enemies that become airborn are marked for @AirbornMarkDuration@ seconds. Basic attacking a minion twice knocks it airborn.

    Active: Sett pulls the nearest marked enemy to her and then throws them in a chosen direction, damaging enemies they collide with. If the thrown unit hits a champion or wall, they take additional damage and are knocked into the air for longer.

  1856. The thrown unit takes @DamageCalc@ physical damage on landing. Damage is increased to @ChampionDamageCalc@ (plus @HealthPercentOnCollide*100@% of their max health) physical damage if they collide with a wall or champion.
  1857. Enemies collided with take @ChampionDamageCalc@ (plus @HealthPercentOnCollide*100@% of the thrown unit's max health) physical damage and are slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.
    When striking enemies that are facing away from him:
  1858. Shaco's Attacks deal an additional @BasicAttackDamage@ physical damage that can critically strike.
  1859. {{Spell_TwoShivPoison_Name}} deals an additional @ShivDamage@ magic damage, increased to @ShivDamageExecute@ magic damage if the target is below 30% Health.{{Spell_ShacoPassive_Tooltip}}

    This Ability's Attack bonus damage can critically strike.Shaco teleports and becomes Invisible for @StealthDuration@ seconds. Using {{Spell_JackInTheBox_Name}} or {{Spell_HallucinateFull_Name}} does not break Invisibility.

    Shaco's next Attack while Invisible deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If striking from behind, this Attack critically strikes for @QCritDamageMod@ damage.Passive: Dealing damage with Twilight Assault or this Ability recovers @EnergyRefund@ Energy.

    Active: Shen dashes, Taunting champions and jungle monsters for @CCDuration@ seconds and dealing @TauntDamage@ physical damage.After casting a spell, Shen gains a @ShieldValue@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (@ShieldCooldown@ second cooldown). Spells that successfully affect an allied or enemy champion reduce this cooldown by @ShieldCooldownReduction@ seconds.

    Shen's power manifests as a spirit blade that he can control with abilities.Shen recalls his Spirit Blade. Enemies hit by the pull are Slowed by @Effect4Amount@% while moving away from Shen for the next @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Additionally, Shen's next @Effect3Amount@ Attacks deal an additional @BaseFlatDamage@ plus @BasePercentHealth@ max Health magic damage. If Shen hit an enemy champion with the Spirit Blade, the damage is increased to @BaseFlatDamage@ plus @EmpPercentHealth@ max Health magic damage and he gains @Effect9Amount@% Attack Speed for those Attacks.Each Attack deals @Effect1Amount*100@% increased damage to jungle monsters (max @Effect7Amount@ damage).Shen grants an allied champion anywhere on the map between @Shield@ and @MaxShield@ Shield based on their missing Health for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (max Shield at 60% missing Health). After channeling for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, Shen teleports to his ally's location with his Spirit Blade.Shen creates a defensive zone at his Spirit Blade for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Attacks against allied champions in the zone are blocked.

    If there are no champions to protect in the zone when it starts, it will wait for up to @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Shyvana's next Attack strikes twice, dealing @FirstHitDamageCalc@ then @SecondHitDamageCalc@ physical damage.

    Attacks reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @CDReductionOnHit@ seconds.

    Dragon Form: The empowered Attacks hit all units in front of Shyvana.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}Shyvana unleashes a fireball that deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage and marks for @MarkDuration@ seconds. The fireball stops on the first champion hit.

    Shyvana's Attacks against marked targets deal an additional @PercentHPDamage*100@% max Health magic damage.

    Dragon Form: The fireball explodes once it ends, dealing an additional @DragonExplosionCalc@ magic damage and scorching the earth, dealing @DragonDamageTotalCalc@ magic damage over 4 seconds.The bonus damage on Attacks is capped at @MaxDamageVsMonsters@ damage against jungle monsters.Shyvana summons a flame storm around her, gaining @FinalMSPerc@ decaying Move Speed and dealing @DamagePerTickCalc@ magic damage per second for @BaseDuration@ seconds.

    The flame storm also causes Shyvana's Attacks to deal an additional @DamageOnHitCalc@ magic damage to surrounding enemies and extend this Ability's duration by @BonusDurationOnHit@ second.

    Dragon Form: The size of the flame storm is increased.This Ability has a max duration of @MaxBuffDuration@ seconds.Shyvana gains @BonusResistsPerStackHA@ permanent Armor, Magic Resistance, and @FuryGainPerDragonCount@ Dragon Fury regeneration whenever she or her allies slay a siege minion or super minion. Additionally, she gains @BonusResistsPerStackHA@ permanent Armor, Magic Resistance, and @FuryGainPerDragonCount@ Dragon Fury regeneration whenever she is healed by a Health Relic AOE on the enemy side of the map.

    Total bonus Armor and Magic Resistance: @f1@Shyvana gains @BonusResistsPerStack@ permanent Armor, Magic Resistance, and @FuryGainPerDragonCount@ Dragon Fury regeneration whenever she or her allies slay an epic monster, buff monster, or scuttlecrab.

    Total bonus Armor and Magic Resistance: @f1@Shyvana deals @BonusPercentDamageToDragons*100@% more damage to Dragon type jungle monsters. She gains @BonusResistsBase@ Armor and Magic Resistance, increased by an additional @BonusResistsPerDragon@ for each Dragon defeated by her or her allies.

    Total bonus Armor and Magic Resistance: @f1@

    Requires @FuryToActivate@ Fury to Activate@FuryDrainPerSecond@ Fury a SecondPassive: Shyvana generates @FuryGainPerTick@ Fury every second, and Attacks generate an extra @FuryGainOnHit@ Fury.

    Active: Shyvana transforms into Dragon Form, gaining @BonusHP@ max Health and flying forward, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage and Knocking enemies toward her target location.Singed drafts off of nearby allied or enemy champions, gaining @MSPercent*100@% Move Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. This effect has an @PerTargetCD@ second Cooldown per champion.Sion fires a shockwave, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage, Slowing them by @SlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds and removing @ArmorShred@% Armor for @ArmorShredDuration@ seconds. Non-champions hit are Knocked Back. Enemies hit by a Knocked Back unit take the same damage and effects.Sion gains 67% Move Speed decaying over 2.5 seconds.After being killed Sion will reanimate himself allowing him to move and Attack, but his Health rapidly decays while he is reanimated. He also gains @Lifesteal*100@% Lifesteal, attacks extremely fast, and his Attacks deal an additional @PercentMaxHP*100@% max Health physical damage.

    All of his Abilities are replaced with Death Surge, which grants him a burst of Move Speed.{{Spell_SionPassive_Tooltip}}

    Max @NonChampCap@ bonus damage against non-champions.
    Sion deals @StructureMod*100@% damage to structures while in this form.
    Begin Charging: Sion charges a heavy blow for up to 2 seconds.

    Release: Sion slams his axe down, briefly Slowing and dealing between @MinDamageTotal@ and @MaxDamageTotal@ physical damage based on charge time. If Sion charged for at least 1 second, enemies are Knocked Up and Stunned for between 1.25 to 2.25 seconds based on charge time.Deals 150% damage to jungle monsters and 60% damage to minions.Sion charges Unstoppably in a direction for 8 seconds, turning towards the mouse cursor. Sion stops on colliding with an enemy champion or wall or on Recasting this Ability.

    At the end of the charge, Sion deals between @MinDamageTotal@ and @MaxDamageTotal@ physical damage based on distance travelled. Enemies close to Sion are Stunned for between @MinStunDuration@ and @MaxStunDuration@ seconds based on distance travelled. Enemies in a larger area are Slowed by @SlowAmount@% for 3 secondsPassive: Sion gains @Effect5Amount@ maximum Health whenever he kills a unit (@Effect6Amount@ for champion kills, assists, large minions and large monsters). Current Bonus: @f1@

    Active: Deal @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) plus @Effect4Amount@% of the target's maximum Health as magic damage to enemies around himself. Max 400 bonus damage against minions and monsters.Passive: Sion gains @Effect5Amount@ max Health when he kills a unit, or @Effect6Amount@ for champion takedowns, large minions and large monsters.

    Active: Sion gains @TotalShield@ Shield for 6 seconds. After @Effect7Amount@ seconds if the shield still holds, Sion can Recast to detonate the shield to deal @TotalDamage@ plus @Effect4Amount@% max Health magic damage{{Spell_SionW_Tooltip}}

    Current Bonus Health: @f1@Max 400 bonus damage to minions and monsters.Sivir creates a magical barrier for @Effect1Amount@ seconds that blocks the next incoming enemy Ability. If an ability is blocked, Sivir restores @TotalHeal@ health and triggers Fleet of Foot.This shield blocks both champion and item Abilities.Sivir's Attacks and Abilities grant her a burst of @FlatMS@ Decaying Move Speed for @HasteDuration@ seconds when they damage enemy champions.
    Sivir hurls her crossblade like a boomerang, dealing @TotalDamage@ to all enemies it cuts through. Hitting non-champions reduces the damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @FallOffMinimum*100@%.The damage falloff resets upon beginning its return.
    Boomerang damage scales with %i:scaleAD% and %i:scaleCrit%: @PreCritDamage@ increased by @CritScaling@
    Cast time scales down with Bonus Attack Speed
    TestSivir rallies her nearby allies, granting them @MaxMS*100@% Move Speed for @UltDuration@ seconds.

    Sivir's attacks against champions while On The Hunt reduce the cooldown of her basic abilities by 0.5 seconds.

    Takedowns on recently damaged enemies refreshes the duration of the hunt.For the next @BuffDuration@ seconds, Sivir gains @RicochetAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed and her auto attacks are empowered to bounce to additional surrounding enemies dealing @BounceDamage@ physical damage each bounce for up to @MaxBounces@ bounces.

    These bounces critically strike if the attack generating them does.Bounces will prioritize new targets before returning to targets that have already been struck. Can only hit each target a maximum of two times.
    Bounces deal @MinionDamageMod*100@% damage to minions.

    This ability executes low Health minions.Skarner gains @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. While active, Skarner gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed, increasing up to @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed over 3 seconds.Passive: Consuming this Ability's mark or using {{spell_SkarnerImpale_Name}} reduces this Abilty's Cooldown by the duration of the crowd control.

    Active: Skarner blasts crystalline energy, dealing @TotalMagicDamage@ magic damage, Slowing by @Effect8Amount@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds, and marking for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. Skarner's next Attack against a marked enemy consumes it to deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ physical damage and Stun for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Skarner impales an enemy champion, Suppressing them for @RDuration@ seconds, dealing @PhysicalDamage@ physical damage and @MagicDamage@ magic damage at the beginning and end of the duration. While Suppressing, Skarner can move and will drag his helpless victim around with him.Skarner causes crystals to appear around the map. Champions that stand near crystals capture them and prevent them from being captured for 15 seconds.

    When near crystals his team owns, Skarner gains @CrystalAS@% Attack Speed, @CrystalMS@ Move Speed, and restores @CrystalRestore@% max Mana per second.Passive: Attacks against champions reduce this Ability's Cooldown by @TooltipChampionCDReducer@ second. Attacks against minions reduce it by @TooltipMinionCDReducer@ seconds.

    Active: Skarner slashes wildly, dealing @QDamageCalc@ plus @QBonusDamage@% max Health physical damage to nearby enemies. If at least one enemy was hit, Skarner becomes charged for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. While charged, this Ability deals an additional @BonusQDamageCalc@ plus @QBonusDamage@% max Health magic damage.

    Basic attacks against non-structures lower Crystal Slash's cooldown by 0.25 seconds (quadrupled against champions).Cannot be cast on small monsters.Active: She begins a new Melody and grants herself @TotalSelfMovementSpeed@ Move Speed for @SelfMovementSpeedDurationMin@ seconds, extended to up to @SelfMovementSpeedDurationMax@ seconds if she doesn't take damage.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds that grants allied champions @TotalAllyMovementSpeed@ Move Speed for @AllyMovementSpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Power Chord - Tempo: Power Chord also Slows the target by @TotalTempoMoveSpeedSlow@ for @TempoDuration@ seconds.Sona's personal Move Speed increase will always last at least @SelfMovementSpeedDurationMin@ seconds.Accelerando: Sona gains Accelerando stacks from using her Basic Abilities well. She gains +%i:scaleAH% @AccelerandoAHPerStack@ Basic Ability Haste permanently per stack, up to %i:scaleAH% @AccelerandoCap@ Basic Ability Haste. When she reaches %i:scaleAH% @AccelerandoCap@ Basic Ability Haste, instead of gaining further stacks her current Ultimate Ability's cooldown is reduced by @Spell.SonaPassive:AccelerandoUltCDR@ seconds.

    Power Chord: After using @PowerChordPassiveCountMax@ basic Abilities, Sona's next Attack deals an additional @PowerChordDamage@ magic damage and may have an additional effect based on the song Sona last activated.
  1860. Hymn of Valor: The Attack deals @Spell.SonaQ:TotalStaccatoDamage@ magic damage instead.
  1861. Aria of Perseverance: The target deals @Spell.SonaW:TotalDiminuendoWeakenPercent@ less damage for @Spell.SonaW:DiminuendoDuration@ seconds.
  1862. Song of Celerity: The target is Slowed by @Spell.SonaE:TotalTempoMoveSpeedSlow@ for @Spell.SonaE:TempoDuration@ seconds.@f10@s %i:cooldown%Sona deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the nearest two enemies, prioritizing champions. She then begins a new Melody. Gain a stack of Accelerando for every champion you damage with this.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds, granting allied champions an additional @TotalOnHitDamage@ magic damage %i:OnHit% on their next Attack within @OnHitDuration@ seconds.

    Power Chord - Staccato: Power Chord bonus damage (@TotalStaccatoDamage@ total magic damage).Basic Ability Base CDRSona strikes an irresistible chord, Stunning enemy for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Enemies that know how to dance, will dance during the stun.Active: Sona restores @TotalHeal@ Health to herself and a nearby allied champion, prioritizing the most wounded. She then begins a new Melody.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @AuraDuration@ seconds, granting allied champions @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    Gain a stack of Accelerando whenever you heal another injured ally and every time you protect another ally from at least @AccelerandoShieldBreakpoint@ damage with this shield.

    Power Chord - Diminuendo: Power Chord also reduces physical and magic damage dealt by the target by @TotalDiminuendoWeakenPercent@ for @DiminuendoDuration@ seconds.Soraka creates a starfield that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to champions. The field lingers for @RootDelay@ seconds, Silencing enemies inside. When the zone disappears, champions inside the zone are Rooted for @RootDuration@ second(s) and take @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Soraka calls down a star, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @MoveSpeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Hitting an enemy champion grants Soraka Rejuvenation, which restores @TotalHoT@ Health over @HoTDuration@ seconds and grants @MoveSpeedHaste*100@% Move Speed decaying over the same duration.Soraka calls upon divine powers, restoring @HealingCalc@ Health to all allied champions, regardless of distance. Healing is increased to @AmpedHealing@ on targets below 40% Health.Soraka restores @TotalHeal@ Health to another allied champion.

    If Soraka is affected by Rejuvenation, the Health cost will be reduced by @PercentHealthCostRefund*100@%, and the target will gain Rejuvenation for @Spell.SorakaQ:HoTDuration@ seconds.This Ability cannot be used if Soraka is below @MinimumHealth@ Health .Passive: While this Ability is available, Janna gains @TotalMS@% Move Speed and is Ghosted.

    Active: Janna's elemental strikes an enemy, Slowing them by @TotalSlow@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Ghosted units ignore collision with other units.
    Active Base DamageActive CooldownPassive AP RatioPassive Base DamagePassive: While this ability is available, lightning charges Blitzcrank's fists, marking those Attacked. After 1 second, they are shocked for @PassiveDamage@ magic damage.

    Active: Blitzcrank overcharges, dealing @ActiveDamage@ magic damage and Silencing nearby enemies for @SilenceDuration@ seconds. Their shields are also destroyed.Temporarily shields @TooltipAbsorbedDamage@ damage from your champion for 2 seconds.Removes all disables (excluding suppression and airborne) and summoner spell debuffs affecting your champion and reduces the duration of disables by 65% for the next @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Ignite deals @TooltipTrueDamageCalculation@ true damage to target enemy champion over 5 seconds, grants you vision of the target and applies @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds for the duration.

    (Grievous Wounds reduces healing and regeneration by a percentage equal to the highest value applied. This vision does not reveal stealthed enemies.)Exhausts target enemy champion, reducing their Move Speed by @Effect5Amount@%, and their damage dealt by @DamageReductionTOOLTIP@% for 3 seconds.For @Duration@ seconds, your champion can move through units and gains @MovespeedMod@ Move Speed.

    Ghost extends its duration by @TakedownExtension@ seconds on takedown.Restores @TooltipHealAmount@ Health and grants 30% Move Speed for 1 second to your champion and target allied champion. This healing is halved for units recently affected by Summoner Heal.

    If this spell cannot find a target, it will cast on the most wounded allied champion in range.After channeling, Teleports your champion a short distance toward your cursor's location.Restores @Effect1Amount@% maximum Mana to your Champion and @Effect2Amount@% to nearby allies.Deals 900 true damage to target epic, large, or medium monster or @MinionDamageFlat@ +@MinionDamagePercentHealth*100@% max health to minion. Restores Health based on your maximum life when used against monsters. Against champions, marks them to deal additional damage on each damaging Ability or Attack against them and reduce your damage taken from them.{{Spell_UpgradedSmite_Shared_Passive}}

    Against Champions: Marks them for @TooltipMarkDuration@ seconds. Damaging a marked champion deals an additional @TooltipImmolatingBurnDamage@ true damage to them over @TooltipBurnDuration@ seconds. You take 10% reduced damage from marked champions.

    Smite regains a charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds, up to a maximum of 2 charges.


    Only attacks and abilities apply Challenging Smite's burnDeals 900 true damage to target epic, large, or medium monster or @MinionDamageFlat@ +@MinionDamagePercentHealth*100@% max health to minion. Restores Health based on your maximum life when used against monsters. Against champions, deals damage, slows them, and grants you move speed for a duration.{{Spell_UpgradedSmite_Shared_Passive}}

    Against Champions: Deals @TooltipChillingDamage@ true damage and steals 20% of their Move Speed for @TooltipSmiteEffectTime@ seconds.

    Smite regains a charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds, up to a maximum of 2 charges.

    {{Spell_Smite_Shared_Rules}}Deals @SmiteBaseDamage@ true damage to target monster or minion. Against monsters, additionally restores @SmiteBaseHeal@ (+@TooltipSmiteHealAddition@) Health.

    Smite regains a charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds, up to a maximum of 2 charges.

    {{Spell_Smite_Shared_Rules}}Throw a snowball a long distance, dealing @TooltipDamageTotal@ true damage to the first enemy unit hit and granting True Sight of the target. If it hits an enemy, this ability can be recast for @Effect3Amount@ seconds to Dash to the tagged unit, dealing an additional @TooltipDamageTotal@ true damage. Dashing to the target will reduce the cooldown of Mark by @Effect4Amount*100@%.

    Mark projectiles are not stopped by spell shields or projectile mitigation.After channeling for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, your champion teleports to target allied structure, minion, or ward and grants a @MSAmount*100@% Move Speed boost for @MSDuration@ seconds.%i:cooldown% @ModifiedCooldown@sAfter channeling for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, your champion teleports to target allied structure.

    Upgrades to Unleashed Teleport when Turret Plates fall at 14 minutes. Unleashed Teleport has a @UpgradedCooldown@s cooldown, can be used on allied structures, minions, or wards, and grants a @MSAmount*100@% Move Speed boost for @MSDuration@ seconds.Swain can recast Nevermove to pull all champions rooted by the spell toward him and will gain one Soul Fragment for each.Swain launches a wave of demonic power, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. The wave then returns, detonating on the first enemy hit dealing @SecondaryDamage@ magic damage and Rooting enemies in an area for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. During Demonic Ascension, this ability's cooldown is reduced by @CooldownRefund*100@%.

    Hitting a champion with Nevermove allows Swain to reactivate this ability to pull all champions hit by Nevermove, gaining a Soul Fragment for each.Nevermove temporarily grants vision of rooted champions.Swain collects Soul Fragments from Vision of Empire, Nevermove, and enemy champion deaths. Soul Fragments restore @PassiveHealPercent@ max Health and permanently grant Swain @HealthIncrement@ max Health.

    Swain unleashes eldritch bolts, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage plus @ExtraBoltDamage@ magic damage per bolt past the first (max @MaxDamage@ magic damage).Swain unleashes a nova of soulfire, dealing @Spell.SwainR:DemonflareDamageTotal@ magic damage and Slowing enemies by @Spell.SwainR:DemonflareSlowAmount*100@%, decaying over @Spell.SwainR:DemonflareSlowDuration@s.Swain frees the demon, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage each second and restoring @HealingCalc@ Health per target damaged. His Demonic Energy depletes over time, and can be recharged indefinitely by draining enemy Champions and is fully restored on Champion takedowns.

    After @DemonflareCastDelay@ seconds, Swain can cast Demonflare which deals @DemonflareDamageTotal@ magic damage and Slows enemies by @DemonflareSlowAmount*100@% for @DemonflareSlowDuration@s.

    Healing is reduced to @MinionMonsterHeal@ against non-champions.
    After @AmpTime@ seconds, Swain's Demonic Energy depletes faster.
    Swain opens a demon eye, revealing a location for 1.5 seconds, then deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @Effect4Amount*-100@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Champions hit grant Swain a Soul Fragment and are revealed for @Effect9Amount@ seconds.Deals @MinionDamage@ damage instead to minions.Cougar Form: Nidalee claws at enemies in front of her, dealing @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:TotalSwipeDamage@ magic damage.{{Spell_Swipe_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_PrimalSurge_Tooltip}}Sylas quickly dashes, and prepares a Recast for 3.5 seconds.

    Recast: Sylas throws his chains, pulling himself to the first enemy hit, dealing @Damage@ magic damage, and Knocking Up for @KnockUpDuration@ seconds.After using an Ability, Sylas gains a charge (max @PassiveCharges@ charges). Sylas' Attacks expend a charge to whirl his chains, dealing @PassiveDamage@ magic damage to the main target and @PassiveAoEDamage@ magic damage to other surrounding enemies.

    While he has at least one charge, Sylas gains @PassiveAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed.After using an Ability, Sylas gains a charge (max @PassiveCharges@ charges). Sylas' Attacks expend a charge to whirl his chains, dealing @PassiveDamage@ magic damage to the main target and @PassiveAoEDamage@ magic damage to other surrounding enemies.

    While he has at least one charge, Sylas gains @PassiveAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed.

    When empowered, Sylas's attacks execute low Health minions.After casting a spell, Sylas stores a charge of Petricite Burst (max @PassiveCharges@ charges). Sylas's basic attacks will expend a charge and whirl his energized chains around him dealing @PassiveDamage@ magic damage to his target and @AoEDamage@ magic damage to all other nearby enemies.

    Executes minions left under @MinionExecute@ health.Sylas lashes his chains out, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmountCalc@ for @SlowDuration@ seconds. The place where the chains intersect explodes, dealing a further @ExplosionDamage@ magic damage.The explosion deals @MinionMonsterMod*100@% damage to minions and jungle monsters.Sylas hijacks an enemy champion, allowing him to cast a copy of their ultimate Ability, based on his Ultimate level and using his stats.

    Hijacking an enemy places a Cooldown on them for @PerTargetCooldown@% (modified by Sylas' Ability Haste) of the enemy's ultimate's Cooldown, with a minimum of @MinimumEnemyCooldown@ seconds, during which time Sylas cannot hijack them again.Sylas converts non-hybrid AD ratios into AP ratios, granting him .4 AP: 1 Bonus AD and .6 AP: 1 Total AD respectively.Sylas lunges at an enemy with magical force dealing @MinDamage@ magic damage. Against champions, Sylas restores between @MinHealing@ and @MaxHealing@ Health based on his missing Health (max healing at or below @MaxExecuteThreshold*100@% Health).Syndra projects a wave of force, Knocking Back enemies and Dark Spheres and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Dark Spheres that are pushed Stun enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds and deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:EUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability's width is increased and Slows enemies by @UpgradedSlowAmount*100@% for @UpgradedSlowDuration@ seconds.Enemies can only take damage and be Knocked Back from this Ability once per cast.
    Syndra can collect up to @MaxStackAmount@ Splinters of Wrath. These enhance Syndra's Abilities and restore @ManaPerProc@ Mana each time she claims one from an enemy.

    Syndra collects Splinters of Wrath from the following:
  1863. @StacksPerProc@ Splinter(s) when damaging enemy champions with two Abilities within @MarkDuration@ seconds (@PassiveMarkCooldown@s Cooldown)
  1864. @PassiveStacksPerLevel@ Splinters upon spending Ability points
  1865. @StackPerSiege@ Splinter on killing large minions

    At @MaxStackAmount@ Splinters of Wrath, Syndra increases her Ability Power by @CapstoneAPPerc*100@%.
    Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere, dealing {{Spell_SyndraQ_Damage_0}}. The Sphere remains for @spell.SyndraQ:SphereDuration@ seconds and can be manipulated by Syndra's other Abilities.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:Q1UpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: Syndra can store @Upgrade1MaxAmmo@ charges of Dark Sphere.

    Syndra generates a Dark Sphere charge every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds (reduced by Ability Haste). @TotalDamage@ magic damageSyndra conjures a Dark Sphere, dealing {{Spell_SyndraQ_Damage_0}}. The Dark Sphere remains for @SphereDuration@ seconds and can be manipulated by Syndra's other Abilities.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:Q1UpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: Syndra can store @Upgrade1MaxAmmo@ charges of Dark Sphere.This Ability can be cast while moving.Dark Sphere Ability HastePassive: Dark Sphere gains an additional @QHastePerRank@ Ability Haste for each rank of Unleashed Power.

    Syndra draws on her full cataclysmic power, launching the 3 Dark Spheres orbiting her plus up to 4 more nearby at an enemy champion. Each Dark Sphere deals @DamageCalc@ magic damage (max @MaxDamageCalc@ magic damage).

    @spell.SyndraPassive:RUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability executes enemies below @UpgradeExecuteThreshold*100@% health.@ThrowDamage@ magic damage@ThrowDamage@ magic damage plus @PassiveBonusDamage@ true damage.Syndra grabs a Dark Sphere, enemy minion, or non-epic monster. She drags it with her and can Recast for up to 5 seconds.

    Recast: Syndra hurls the object, dealing {{Spell_SyndraW_Damage@f3@}} and Slowing by @TotalSlowAmount@% for @f2@ seconds.

    @spell.SyndraPassive:WUpgradeThreshold@ Splinters of Wrath: This Ability deals an additional @TOOLTIPONLYPassiveBonusPercent@ true damage.
    If no target is selected, grabs nearest Dark Sphere.
    This Ability can be cast while moving.
    Amumu explodes in an infernal tantrum, dealing @RModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within @RRange@ Hexes and stunning them for @RDuration@ seconds.Tibbers!Tibbers DamageTibbers HealthAnnie summons Tibbers near her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all adjacent enemies. Tibbers fights for the rest of the round or until killed, dealing @ModifiedTibbers@ magic damage with each Basic Attack.

    Annie can't gain mana while Tibbers is active.Percent AD Per ArrowAshe gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds, and her Basic Attacks fire a flurry of arrows for @ModifiedADDamage@ physical damage.Aurelion Sol breathes fire in a line, dealing @Damage@ magic damage to all enemies in the area.Azir summons a Sand Soldier near a random enemy. Sand Soldiers attack nearby enemies whenever Azir attacks, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage in a line, and last @SoldierDuration@ seconds.Bard targets the furthest enemy, putting them and all units around them into stasis for @RStasisDuration@ secondsBraum puts up his shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, absorbing and stopping all incoming missiles and reducing his damage taken from that direction by @ShieldDR@%.Flame CascadeOrbsDiana creates @Orbs@ flame orbs which rotate around her and explode for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage when they collide with an enemy. She also shields herself for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, absorbing the next @ModifiedShield@ damage she would take.Adrenaline RushDr. Mundo creates a toxic cloud around him for @Duration@ seconds. The cloud deals @ModifiedDamage@ + @HealthPercent@% of Dr. Mundo's maximum health as magic damage to nearby enemies each second, and heals him for @HealRatio*100@% of that value.Ice ShotEzreal fires a shard of ice at the lowest-health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and applying on-hit effects.Ezreal launches a barrage of arcane energy, dealing @BaseDamage@ damage to all enemies in the path. Applies on hits to all enemies in the path.Ivern shields the lowest-health ally for @Duration@ seconds, absorbing the next @ModifiedShield@ damage.Janna summons a Monsoon around her, healing allies for @ModifiedHeal@% of their max health over @Duration@ seconds. Nearby enemies are knocked back and stunned for @StunDuration@ second.Jax dodges all incoming attacks for @Duration@ seconds, then strikes all nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.At start of combat, Karma tethers to her closest ally.

    Karma shields the tethered ally (or a random one if the tether is dead) for @Duration@ seconds, absorbing the next @ModifiedShield@ damage. While the shield holds, the ally receives @ModifiedAS@% bonus Attack Speed.Karma WKarma W TooltipDelay Before AttackArid AssaultKha'Zix stealths and attacks the lowest health enemy, critically striking for @ModifiedDamage@ physical damage and gaining @ManaRefund@ mana.Dance of DreadWolf mauls Kindred's target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and reducing their healing by 80% for @GrievousWoundsDuration@ seconds. Meanwhile, Lamb leaps away from Kindred's target.Kog'Maw launches an acidic blob at a random enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Ethereal ChainLeBlanc launches an ethereal chain at a random enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and, after a short delay, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Lunar BarrierLeona reduces all damage by @FlatDamageReduction@ for @Duration@ seconds.Extra HexesLucian shoots a bolt of piercing light in a line @ExtraHexes@ hexes through his attack target, basic attacking all enemies with @ModifiedDamage@ bonus damage and @ExtraCriticalDamage@% increased Critical Strike Damage.Lucian fires @NumShots@ shots in a direction over @Duration@ seconds, each hitting for @TADRatio*100@% of his AD, applying on-hits, and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.

    Lucian fires extra shots based on his Attack Speed. (Bonus Shots: @ShotsFromAS@)

    Lucian will dash during The Culling to keep hitting enemies.Lux fires an elemental blast dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in a line.

    If Final Spark kills a unit, Lux is refunded @ManaRefund@ mana.Malphite charges to a random enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies, knocking them into the air, and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Shadow SwarmMalzahar summons @NumVoidlings@ Shadow Spawn, who hit for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage each attack.

    Shadow Spawn benefit from active Shadow trait bonuses.Passive: After being damaged by an enemy spell, Maokai's next attack heals him for @ModifiedHeal@.Master Yi meditates, becoming untargetable for @MeditateDuration@ seconds and healing @ModifiedHeal@ of his max health over the duration.

    After Master Yi finishes meditating, he gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed and deals @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage on hit for @BuffDuration@ seconds.Nami launches a bubble at a target enemy, knocking up and stunning all enemies within @Radius@ hexes for @StunDuration@ seconds.Nami summons a massive tidal wave which deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies hit, knocking up and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Allies hit are empowered, and their Basic Attacks deal an additional @ModifiedBoost@ magic damage for the next @AllyBuffDuration@ seconds.Nasus surrounds himself in light for @Duration@ seconds, gaining @ModifiedBonusHealth@ maximum health and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to adjacent enemies every second.Nautilus sends out a depth charge that seeks out his farthest enemy, knocking them up and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. It also deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through.Neeko throws a seed at a random target that explodes for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage three times. Each explosion affects a bigger area than the last.Steel BladesPassive - Every three hits Nocturne's attack deals damage and applys on-hit effects to all adjacent units. It also heals @ModifiedHeal@ of the damage dealt.Olaf gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed, up to @LifeSteal*100@% Lifesteal based on missing health, and immunity to crowd control for the rest of the round.Lightning BreathOrnn breathes lightning in a cone, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies therein, and increasing their chance to be critically struck by @CritAmpPercent@% for the next @Duration@ seconds.Qiyana blasts a short line in front of her, stunning enemies for @CCDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Rek'Sai bites an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ true damage.Steel RushRek'Sai burrows, vanishing for a moment, then pounces on the lowest health enemy, dealing @Damage@ magic damage. Executes enemies below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% health.Renekton swings his blade, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@ per enemy hit.Ally Damage BonusSenna fires a beam through her furthest ally, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies, and buffing allies' on-hits for @AllyBuffDuration@ seconds to deal @ModifiedAllyDamage@ magic damage from Senna.Passive: Singed leaves a toxic cloud wherever he moves, poisoning enemies who stand in it for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @PoisonDuration@ seconds.Sion winds up for a moment, then smashes his axe down in a direction, knocking up and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies hit.For the next @Duration@ seconds, Sivir's attacks bounce up to @NumBounces@ times, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage to enemies hit and applying on-hit effects.Skarner gains a shield against @ModifiedShield@ damage for @Duration@ seconds. While the shield persists, Skarner gains @AttackSpeed*100@% attack speed.Soraka calms the area around a random enemy for @ZoneDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies standing in it and preventing them from gaining mana.Hydro SphereSyndra conjures a sphere of water which explodes near a random enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies hit.Taliyah causes the ground to erupt under a random enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to them, and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. This also knocks ranged enemies closer, or pushes melee enemies away.After a @InitialDelay@ second delay, Taric pulses cosmic energy onto allied champions within @HexRange@ hexes, making them invulnerable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds.Deep Sea LanternThresh throws his lantern to the lowest-health ally, shielding them and nearby allies against @ModifiedShield@ damage for @Duration@ seconds.Twitch gains infinite range and has @BonusADDamage@ Attack Damage for @Duration@ seconds. During this time his attacks travel their full range and hit every enemy they pass through. This also applies on-hit effects.DrainVladimir deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target and heals for the same amount.Damage AmplificationDrownVladimir floods his target and all enemies adjacent to them, storing @DamageAmp*100@% of the damage they are dealt from all sources for the next @Duration@ seconds, then dealing that amount plus @Damage@ as magic damage when the effect ends.Frenzied BiteVolibear bites his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If the target is below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% health, Frenzied Bite kills the target and fully restores Volibear's mana.HitsYasuo blinks to the enemy with the most items and knocks them up, holding them airborne for @StunDuration@ seconds and hitting them @NumHits@ times, dealing Basic Attack damage and applying on-hit effects.Buff DurationYasuo creates a wind wall for @WallLife@ seconds, blocking all enemy projectiles that would cross it. Yasuo's Critical Strike Chance is doubled for @CritBuffDuration@ seconds.Minion HealthYorick blesses his @NumAlliesToTarget@ lowest-health allies (except Minions of Light). When they die they are resurrected as a Minion of Light with @GhoulHealth@ health and @ModifiedAD@ attack damage.

    Minions of Light benefit from active Light trait bonuses.Living LightningZed creates a clone of himself behind his current target.

    This clone inherits its creator's items, stats, and current health, and can cast Living Lightning. Its mana cost is @ManaCostIncrease@ higher.Zyra summons @NumPlants@ Flame Spitters at random locations on the edge of the arena. They attack the nearest enemy for @PlantDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage per attack a total of @PlantAmmo@ times.Ahri fires an orb in a line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through on the way out, and @ModifiedDamage@ true damage on the way back.Annie flings a fireball at a random enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Galaxy Shield-BlastAnnie blasts a cone of fire dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in front of her, then creates a shield with @ModifiedShield@ health for herself for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.EnrageWhen one Arcraptor dies, the others gain bonus armor and attack speed. Ashe fires an arrow at the farthest enemy that explodes on the first target hit, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies and stunning them for @StunDurationPerSquare@ seconds.Mana DrainedMobilize the FleetAurelion Sol launches fighters which fly out to random enemies and blast them, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and draining @ManaDrain@ mana, then return.

    The first time he casts, Aurelion Sol launches @InitialFighters@ fighters. Subsequent casts launch all returned fighters, plus @FightersPerCast@ additional.Cosmic Journey ExperienceSell For ExperienceMeeps can be sold in the shop for experience points. 1 meep = 1 XPBard can't create meeps because your bench is full.Mana Per AttackStarting ManaBard spawns a meep on his owner's bench which can be sold for 1 XP.

    Passive: Bard gains an additional @ModifiedManaPerAttack@ mana each attack, but cannot gain mana in rounds with no enemy champions.Blitzcrank pulls the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    His next attack after pulling knocks up for 1 second.

    Allies within range will prefer to attack Blitzcrank's target.Ace In The HoleCaitlyn takes aim at the farthest enemy, firing a deadly bullet towards them that deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy it hits.Cassiopeia launches poison at the nearest unpoisoned enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds, and reducing the effectiveness of new shields by @ShieldReductionPercent@%.Cho'Gath ruptures a large area, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocking up all enemies within for @KnockDuration@ seconds.Dreadnova GuillotineDarius dunks an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If this kills the target, Darius immediately casts again.

    Targets below @HealthThreshold@% health take double damage.Ekko shatters the timeline, freezing all units in time before attacking @NumAttacks@ times dealing @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage and applying on-hit effects. Each strike targets the highest attack speed enemy and slows their attack speed by 50% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Ekko cannot die while he has stopped time.After a @FieldDelay@ second delay, Ekko creates a temporal anomaly that stuns for all enemies. While active, Ekko gains @ModifiedBonusAS@% attack speed and moves faster.Chrono ShotEzreal fires a pulse of energy at the lowest-health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and applying on-hit effects.Mana Lock DurationE.M.P.Ezreal fires an electromagnetic pulse at a random enemy that explodes on impact, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ damage to all nearby enemies and increasing the cost of their next spellcast by @PercentCostIncrease@%.Fiora enters a defensive stance for @BlockDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to damage and enemy spell effects. As she exits this stance, she ripostes, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to a nearby enemy and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Fizz throws a lure that attracts a shark. It deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies caught, knocking them back and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Orbital StrikeGangplank calls down an orbital strike around his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ damage to all enemies in a large area after @ImpactDelayTime@ seconds.Gnar leaps towards his target and transforms into Mega Gnar, throwing nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @RCCDuration@ seconds.

    While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar is melee and gains @TransformHealth@ Health and @TransformAD@ Attack Damage.True GritPassive: Graves gains @ModifiedDefense@ stacking Armor and Magic Resist whenever he takes or deals damage until the end of combat.Graves launches a smoke grenade toward the enemy with the most Attack Speed. The grenade explodes on impact dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and causing their attacks to miss for @BlindDuration@ seconds.Armor and Magic Resist Percent StealIllaoi slams a tentacle in a line in front of her, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ damage and stealing @ResistStealPercent@% Armor and Magic Resist from each target hit for @Duration@ seconds.Damage %Irelia dashes to her target, Basic Attacking them for @ModifiedPercentAD@ of her Attack Damage. If this kills the target, she Bladesurges again immediately at the enemy with the highest mana. (Total Damage: @TooltipDamage@)Irelia launches a barrage of blades at the nearest enemy. On hit, it expands outward, dealing @ModifiedInitialDamage@ magic damage to all enemies hit and marking them. Irelia then dashes to each marked enemy, dealing @ModifiedDashDamage@ magic damage.Janna summons five tornados which fly forward in a large cone. Tornados passing through allies grant @ModifiedPercentAttackSpeed@% Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds, while knocking up and stunning enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds.Jarvan calls down his standard to a nearby location, granting all nearby allies @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds.Jayce slams his hammer, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.Attack Damage %Attacks Per SecondPassive: Jhin attacks @AttackSpeed@ times per second, regardless of bonus Attack Speed. Jhin converts each 1% of bonus Attack Speed he has into 0.8 Attack Damage.

    Passive: Every fourth shot, Jhin deals @ModifiedPercent@ damage. (Total: @TooltipDamage@)4th ShotJhin targets the furthest enemy and begins firing 4 shots. The first 3 deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. The 4th shot deals @ModifiedDamageFinal@ magic damage.Passive: Jinx gets excited as she helps take down enemy units!

    After her first takedown, Jinx gains @PercentAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed.

    After her second takedown, Jinx swaps to her rocket launcher, causing her Basic Attacks to deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage to all enemies in a small area around her target.MissilesMissile RainKai'Sa launches @NumMissiles@ missiles towards each nearby enemy that deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.At start of combat, Karma bonds to her closest ally.

    Karma grants the bonded ally (or a random one if that ally is dead) a @ModifiedShield@-health shield for @Duration@ seconds. While the shield holds, the ally receives @ModifiedAS@ bonus Attack Speed.Disarm DurationKassadin releases a wave of energy in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and disarming all targets hit for @Duration@ seconds.Aetherwing BladeKayle gains @AttackSpeed@% Attack Speed and @AttackRange@ Hex of Attack Range for the rest of combat, stacking infinitely.AscendKayle Ascends, causing her attacks to launch waves that deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage.Kayn temporarily infests the furthest enemy, dealing @TargetDamage@ to the target when he bursts out.Kayn swings his scythe, dealing @Damage@ to enemies in a line. Kha'Zix slashes the nearest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy has no adjacent allies, this damage is increased to @ModifiedIsolationDamage@.For @Duration@ seconds, Kog'Maw gains infinite Attack Range, @PercentAttackSpeed@% Attack Speed, and his attacks deal @ModifiedPercentMaxHPDamage@% of the target's maximum Health as bonus magic damage.Cyber BarrierLeona creates a barrier, reducing all incoming damage by @ModifiedDamageReduction@ for 4 seconds.

    Lucian dashes away from his current target, then Basic Attacks them and fires a second shot which deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Celestial GrowthLulu makes an ally giant, doubling their stats for @ModifiedBuffDuration@ seconds.Mass PolymorphLulu polymorphs the @NumTargets@ nearest enemies for @Duration@ seconds, causing them to hop aimlessly, unable to attack or cast. Polymorphed enemies take @ModifiedBonusDamage@ additional damage from all sources.Lux throws a black hole at a random enemy, stunning all enemies within @HexRadius@ hex of their location for @StunDuration@ seconds. The black hole then detonates, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Lurid BindingLux fires a sphere of darkness towards the farthest enemy. Enemies in its path take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.Energy ShieldPassive: Malphite starts combat with a shield equal to @ModifiedPercentHealth@ of his maximum health.Master Yi sends out a projected image that slashes up to @Bounces@ enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and applying on-hit effects.Heal PercentHeal PercentageChosen OneFor @Duration@ seconds Master Yi gains massively increased Move Speed, heals for @ModifiedHeal@ of his maximum health each second, and deals @ModifiedDamage@ bonus true damage with his Basic Attacks.Miss Fortune channels and fires waves of bullets in a cone for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedPercentHealth@ of enemies' maximum health in magic damage over the duration.Dark GraspMordekaiser summons a dark claw behind a random enemy target, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and pulling them to him.Mordekaiser gains a shield for that absorbs @ModifiedShield@ damage over @Duration@ seconds. While the shield persists, Mordekaiser deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage per second to all nearby enemies.Morgana infects the ground beneath her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ damage over @Duration@ seconds to enemies in the area, and healing her for @HealRatio*100@% of damage dealt.Impact CraterNautilus erupts the ground beneath his target, knocking them up and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds, and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the target receive half of this effect.Neeko leaps into the air and slams into the ground, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Javelin TossNidalee tosses her javelin at the furthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage per hex traveled.Nocturne terrifies his target, stunning them with fear for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration.Poppy throws her buckler at the furthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. The buckler then bounces back, granting Poppy a shield that blocks @ModifiedShield@ damage.Rakan dashes to the furthest enemy within range and leaps into the air, knocking them up for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Energy SlashRiven dashes and shields herself for @ModifiedShield@, then slashes forward dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.

    Every third cast, Riven leaps into the air and launches forward a large wave of energy that deals @ModifiedDamageFinal@ magic damage.Rumble torches his enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds, and reducing healing on them by @GrievousWoundsPercent@% for @GrievousWoundsDuration@ seconds.Shaco teleports and backstabs his target for @TooltipPercentage@ of his Basic Attack damage. This is also always a critical hit. (Total: @TooltipADBonus@)Future's RefugeShen creates a zone around himself for @ZoneDuration@ seconds, in which all nearby allies automatically dodge incoming Basic Attacks. While it's active, Shen gains @ModifiedMR@ Magic Resist.Sona heals @NumberOfTargets@ injured allies for @ModifiedHealing@ and cleanses them of stuns.Soraka heals all of her allies for @ModifiedHeal@.Mecha JusticePassive: The Super-Mech's attacks cleave the area in front of it.

    The Super-Mech calls down a devastating blast at its target's location, dealing @ModifiedMainDamage@ magic damage to its target and @ModifiedSplashDamage@ magic damage to all other nearby enemies.

    This spell's damage increases with the Star Level of the Super-Mech's Pilots.Syndra pulls in all orbs on the battlefield and creates @Spheres@ new ones, then fires them all at the enemy with the highest current Health percentage, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage per orb.

    Lowest total health breaks targeting ties.Satellite TrapsTeemo scatters 3 traps around the nearest enemy. When an enemy nears a trap (or after @DetonationDelay@ seconds), it explodes on nearby enemies dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, knocking them down, and slowing them for @SlowDuration@ seconds.RevitalizeWhen one Terraform dies, it heals all others to full health.Units PulledMana BonusTemporal PassageThresh tosses his lantern towards @UnitCount@ random unit(s) on your bench, pulling them into combat and granting them @ModifiedMana@ bonus Mana. Traits are unaffected.Twisted Fate throws three cards in a cone that deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to each enemy they pass through.Mana Cost ReductionReel DurationUrgot fires a drill toward the farthest enemy, impacting the first enemy hit and reeling them in over @ChannelDuration@ seconds. Once they reach Urgot, he repeatedly deals 2000 true damage very quickly until they die. After each successful kill, the mana cost of this ability is reduced by @ModifiedManaCostReduction@.Vayne focuses for @ModifiedDuration@ seconds, tumbling away from her target immediately and every third attack thereafter. When Vayne tumbles, she becomes invisible and her next attack deals @TumbleAttackPercentAD@% of her Attack Damage.Lifeform Disintegration RayVel'Koz channels a ray of energy that sweeps across the battlefield over @ChannelDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage per second to enemies hit.Vi charges at the farthest enemy, knocking aside all enemies in her path and dealing them @ModifiedSecondaryDamage@ magic damage. When she reaches her target, she knocks them up for @CCDuration@ seconds and deals @ModifiedPrimaryDamage@ magic damage.Viktor burns a path between the two enemies most distant from one another, first dealing @ModifiedPercentHealthDamage@% maximum Health in magic damage, then 1 second later dealing @ModifiedFlatDamage@ magic damage in an explosion along the same path.Wukong spins, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies over @Duration@ seconds. The first time Wukong hits each enemy, he knocks them into the air and stuns them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Xayah creates a storm of feather-blades, gaining @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds.Area DamageTransformation DurationAbyssal BombardmentXerath transforms, summoning meteors to strike random foes in place of his normal attacks for @Duration@ seconds. Meteors deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage upon impact and if they kill their target, all adjacent enemies take @ModifiedAoEDamage@ magic damage and are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.Xin Zhao quickly strikes his target three times, dealing Basic Attack damage and applying on-hit effects. The third strike knocks his target up for @StunDuration@ seconds and deals @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage.Xin Zhao sweeps around himself dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocking away all adjacent enemies except for his attack target. For the next @ImmuneDuration@ seconds he becomes immune to damage from non-adjacent enemies.Yasuo blinks to the farthest enemy in range, knocks them up for @StunDuration@ seconds, and Attacks them @ModifiedAttacks@ times (applies on-hit effects).Attack Damage StolenContempt For The WeakPassive: Every third attack, Zed deals @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage and steals @ADSteal*100@% of the target's current Attack Damage.Bomb!Ziggs throws a bomb at an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Ziggs flings an explosive charge toward the nearest enemy which detonates, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to and knocking away all enemies within @HexRange@ hex, and knocking Ziggs away if he's within the explosion radius.Zoe kicks a bubble at the enemy with the the highest current Health percentage, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.

    Highest total health breaks targeting ties.Aatrox pulls @NumberOfTargets@ of the farthest enemies toward himself, then slams the ground in front of himself, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies hit.Spirit BombAhri channels energy into her spirit orb for @CastTime@ seconds, then lobs it toward a random enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in a large area.

    If Ahri is interrupted, she releases her orb early reducing the size of the impact area.Akali throws kunai at her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Dazed DurationAlistar headbutts his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, knocking them back two hexes, and dazing them, lowering their Spell Power by 50% for @DazedDuration@ seconds.Burst ShieldAnnie blasts a cone of fire, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in front of her, then creates a Shield with @ModifiedShield@ health on herself for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.Aphelios summons a turret for @ModifiedDuration@ seconds. An extension of his will, the turret deals damage as Aphelios, applies Aphelios' on-hit effects, and dies when Aphelios dies.Basic AttackPassive: Sentry Turret basic attacks enemies until it expires. It cannot be damaged, targeted, or interrupted.Hunter's FocusAshe gains @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds, and her attacks fire a flurry of arrows for @ModifiedADDamage@ physical damage.Voice of LightningAurelion Sol breathes lightning in a line towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and Overcharging all enemies hit for @OCDuration@ seconds. If an enemy is already Overcharged, Aurelion Sol consumes the effect and deals @OCAmp*100@% bonus damage.
    Azir calls forth a wall of charging soldiers from behind him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to and slowing all enemies hit for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies close to Azir are knocked back, while enemies further away are knocked up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds. Azir's Sand Guards accompany their Emperor on the battlefield. They don't attack, but they get in the enemy's way.Stand FirmDragonfire PillarAfter a brief delay, Brand causes the ground under the enemy with the highest current Health to erupt in flames, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within. If an enemy is caught in the epicenter, they are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.Braum puts up his shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, reducing his damage taken from that direction by @ModifiedShieldDR@. Camille empowers her next two attacks. The first attack cleaves units in front of her with @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage and the second gains @CritChance*100@% critical strike chance.Cassiopeia projects a cone of magic energy at her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies hit, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds, and causing them to take @ModifiedDamageAmp@ increased damage while stunned.Cho'Gath ruptures a large area, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocking up all enemies within for @KnockDuration@ seconds.

    Fabled Bonus: Cho'Gath knocks up ALL enemies on the board.Damage Reduction per DunkFortune's GuillotineDarius dunks an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. While dunking, Darius is unstoppable. If this kills the target, Darius immediately casts again dealing @DamageFalloff*100@% reduced damage.Diana shields herself against @ModifiedShield@ damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds and summons @Orbs@ orbs to orbit around her. These orbs explode for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage when they hit an enemy, refreshing her Shield when the final one explodes.Health on HitElise transforms into a spider, gaining @ModifiedPercentHealth@ maximum Health. Elise's attacks in Spider Form on hit heal her for @ModifiedLifesteal@ Health and inject her target with venom, increasing the cost of their next spell by @PercentManaIncrease*100@%.Evelynn deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to up to 3 nearby enemies, then teleports away.

    This damage is increased to @ModifiedCritDamage@ against targets below @ExecuteThreshholdPercent@ Health.Flux BarrageEzreal fires a barrage toward the enemy with the highest Attack Speed, healing allies it passes through for @ModifiedHeal@ and granting them 50% Attack Speed, and damaging enemies it passes through for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and slowing their Attack Speed by 50% for @Duration@ seconds.Fiora enters a defensive stance for @BlockDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to damage and enemy spell effects. Afterwards, she strikes, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to a nearby enemy and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Tyrant's AmbitionGalio has no special ability yet, but will gain one at 6 Cultist!Provocation AuraGalio reduces all incoming damage by @BaseDR*100@% for @Duration@ seconds, taunting all nearby enemies for the duration. At the end of the taunt, he sends out a pulse of infernal fire, dealing @EndDamage@ magic damage to enemies around him.

    Garen spins his sword for @SpinDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and reducing incoming magic damage by @MagicDamageReduction*100@% over the duration.Spirit Of LifeHecarim creates an aura around himself for @Duration@ seconds. Each enemy within the aura takes @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and heals Hecarim for @ModifiedHealing@ over the duration.Hecarim creates an aura around him for @Duration@ seconds. Each enemy within takes @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, and heals Hecarim for @ModifiedHealing@, over the duration.BladestormIrelia launches a storm of blades in front of her, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and disarming enemies for @DisarmDuration@ seconds.Eye of the StormNumber of AlliesJanna shields her @NumAllies@ lowest-Health allies for @ModifiedShieldAmount@ for @Duration@ seconds. Shielded allies also gain @ShieldAD@ Attack Damage for that duration.Jarvan IV throws his standard near the farthest enemy and pulls himself toward it with his lance, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage to enemies he passes through, knocking them up and stunning them for @StunDuration@ second.Passive: Jhin always attacks @AttackSpeed@ times per second. He converts each 1% of bonus Attack Speed into @ADFromAttackSpeed@ Attack Damage.

    Passive: Every fourth shot, Jhin deals @ModifiedPercent@ of his Attack Damage. (Total: @TooltipDamage@)FishbonesJinx fires a rocket at her target that explodes on impact, damaging all nearby enemies for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Passive: Kalista's spears remain in her target, each one capable of dealing @ModifiedDamage@ of the target's maximum Health in magic damage when removed. She removes the spears when doing so would kill the target.Katarina channels for @Duration@ seconds, throwing knives at @NumberOfTargets@ nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration and reducing healing by 50% to her targets for @GrievousWoundsDuration@ seconds.Divine AscensionKayle ascends, causing her attacks to launch waves that deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage.Kayn dashes toward his target then slashes all adjacent enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and increasing the mana cost of their next spell by 33%. If the slash hits exactly one target, Kayn immediately casts again.

    As Rhaast: Reaping Slash heals Kayn for @PercentRestored*100@% of the damage it deals.

    As Shadow Assassin: Reaping Slash deals an extra @ShadowDamagePercent@% damage for the first @ShadowDuration@ seconds of combat.Kennen summons a storm around himself for @Duration@ seconds, calling down lightning bolts on all enemies in the area every @TickRate@ second and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration. Each enemy struck by 3 lightning bolts is stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.Wolf mauls Kindred's target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and reducing their healing by 50% for @GrievousWoundsDuration@ seconds. Meanwhile, Lamb leaps away from Kindred's target.God FistLee Sin punches his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, knocking them back to the edge of the battlefield, and stunning them for @PrimaryStunDuration@ seconds. Any enemies the target collides with during the knockback receive half the damage and are stunned for @SecondaryStunDuration@ second.

    If the target cannot be pushed back any further, they are knocked out of the battlefield instead, removing them from combat.

    If the target is still alive after being punched, Lee Sin will dash to them.Lillia casts a magical lullaby, causing @NumTargets@ waking enemies with the highest current Health to fall asleep for @Duration@ seconds. Enemies will awaken if they take @BreakDamage@ damage while sleeping, causing an additional @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.1000 DaggersLissandra hurls a dagger toward the enemy with the highest Attack Damage, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first target it hits. After hitting its initial target or at its final destination, the dagger explodes dealing @ModifiedSecondaryDamage@ magic damage to nearby targets.Lulu makes a low-Health ally giant, knocking up nearby enemies for @CCDuration@ second. Hugeified allies gain @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus Health for the rest of combat.Lux fires a sphere of light towards her farthest enemy. Enemies in the sphere's path take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.Maokai smashes the ground, sending forward a shockwave that deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and slows their Attack Speed by 50% for @ASSlowDuration@ seconds.Health StolenHallowed GroundMorgana hallows the ground beneath a random target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies over @Duration@ seconds while they remain inside. Morgana heals herself for @HealPercent@% of the damage dealt.Nami traps the closest enemy in her bubble, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Divine FireNasus unleashes a divine flame under his target, dealing @ModifiedInitialDamage@ magic damage to enemies within the area and immolating them. Immolated enemies take an additional @ModifiedPeriodicDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds and have their Attack Damage reduced by @ADReduction*100@% for the duration.Nasus deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds to the enemy with the highest percent Health, slowing their Attack Speed and Move Speed by 50% for the duration.Nautilus sends out a depth charge that seeks out his farthest enemy, knocking them up and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. It also deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through.

    Fabled Bonus: Nautilus also gives himself a shield, blocking @MythReduction*100@% of incoming damage for @MythDuration@ secondsNautilus causes the ground beneath his target to erupt, knocking them up, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds, and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.

    Fabled Bonus: Nautilus also grants himself a shield that reduces incoming damage by @FabledReduction*100@% for @FabledDuration@ seconds.
    Neeko throws a seed at a random target that explodes for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage three times. Each explosion affects a bigger area than the last.

    Fabled Bonus: The third explosion is empowered, dealing @MythBonusMultiplier*100@% damage.Neeko leaps into the air and slams into the ground, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Fabled bonus: allies hit by Neekos landing are healed for @ModifiedHealing@.Nidalee throws her javelin at her farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage plus @PercentPerHex*100@% more for each hex traveled.Willump bites his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If Willump's target has less Health than he does before the bite, it deals an additional @DamageAmp*100@% damage and becomes true damage.% Cleave DamageOlaf gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed, immunity to crowd control, and his attacks cleave in a cone in front of him for @ModifiedCleaveDamage@ physical damage for the rest of combat.Ornn summons an elemental from behind the farthest enemy to travel towards him, slowing the Attack Speed of enemies hit by 50% for @SlowDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.

    If the elemental runs into Ornn, he headbutts it, redirecting it towards another distant enemy, stunning for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Pyke leaves a phantom at his location, then dashes behind the farthest enemy. After @StunDelay@ second, his phantom returns to Pyke, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Rakan dashes to the furthest enemy within range, disarming all units he passes through for @DisarmDuration@ seconds, and taunting his target.

    Rakan then creates a shield with @ModifiedShield@ health on himself for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.Sweeping StrikesSlam DamageRyze hurls an orb of energy at his target dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and marking them with Flux for @FluxDuration@ seconds. If an orb hits a target already afflicted with Flux, the spell propagates to enemies within two hexes.

    Enemies can only be hit once per spellcast.
    Shots Per SecondSamira dashes and becomes unstoppable, gaining 100% dodge chance and unleashing @ModifiedShotsPerSecond@ shots per second at @NumTargets@ enemies within 2.5 hexes for @Duration@ seconds. Each shot deals @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage plus @BaseDamage@ bonus physical damage. (Total: @TotalShots@ shots, @DamagePerShot@ damage per shot).FirecrackerSejuani throws a giant firecracker at the closest enemy that explodes after a @ExplosionDelay@-second delay. Enemies in the explosion are dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.ShowstopperPrimary Damage %Secondary Damage %Sett grabs his target and slams them forward, dealing @ModifiedPercentMaxHealthDamagePrimary@ of their maximum Health in magic damage to them, and @ModifiedPercentMaxHealthDamageSecondary@ of the slammed enemy's maximum Health to all other enemies in a large area.Shen dashes past his target, shielding himself against @ModifiedShield@ damage and taunting all adjacent enemies for @Duration@ seconds.Shyvana dashes away from her current target and transforms into dragon form.

    While in Dragon Form, Shyvana gains @BonusHealthPercent*100@% bonus Health, @ADWhileDragon@ Attack Damage, and her basic attacks become ranged attacks that deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage over @BurnDuration@ seconds on hit.
    On the HuntSivir rallies her allies within 2 hexes, granting them @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds.

    Sivir gains @AttackDamage@ bonus Attack Damage for the duration.Swain transforms into his dragon form for @TransformDuration@ seconds, gaining @HealthPercentIncrease*100@% maximum Health and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage each second to enemies within @HexRange@ hexes.

    While in dragon form, Swain breathes fire in a cone in front of him every @BreathFrequencySeconds@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedConeDamage@ magic damage, burning enemies for @BurnPercent@% of the their maximum Health as true damage over @BurnDuration@ seconds, and reducing healing by 50% for the duration.
    Sylas lashes his chains out in a @HexDistance@-hex line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and increasing the mana cost of their next spell by 33%.Tahm Kench takes @ModifiedDR@ reduced damage from all sources.TruestrikeTalon stabs his target, striking them for @PercentOfAD*100@% of his Attack Damage plus @TooltipBonusDamage@ bonus physical damage (Total Damage: @ModifiedDamage@ %i:scaleAD%). If this kills them, Talon becomes unstoppable and untargetable while he leaps to the lowest Armor enemy.Sporecloud DartTeemo fires a dart at his target. The dart explodes into a cloud of spores on contact, poisoning nearby enemies. Poisoned enemies take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds and are blinded for @BlindDuration@ seconds.Spectral LanternThresh throws his lantern to the lowest-Health ally, shielding them and nearby allies against @ModifiedShield@ damage for @Duration@ seconds.Tristana's Dragon gets fired up, increasing her Attack Speed by @BonusAS*100@% and dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus Magic damage on hit for @Duration@ seconds.Spin DamageTryndamere spins in a line towards the most enemies, dealing @SpinDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage (total: @TooltipDamage@) to enemies in his path and empowering his next three basic attacks to deal @ModifiedAADamage@ more damage.Passive: Vayne's third attack on a target deals @ModifiedDamage@ bonus true damage.SP Gain On KillDark BlossomVeigar blasts the enemy with the lowest Health, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.

    If this kills his target, Veigar permanently gains @APToAdd@ Spell Power.After a brief delay, Veigar drops a meteor on the lowest percent Health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. If Dark Blossom kills the target, Veigar refunds @ManaRefund@ Mana.Vi's attack blasts through her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in a cone and reducing their Armor by @ArmorReduction*100@% for @Duration@ seconds.Vladimir deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to his target. All nearby allies are healed for @AllyHealPercent*100@% of damage dealt. Primal HungerWarwick gains @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed, @LifestealPercent@% Lifesteal, and moves faster for the rest of combat.

    While in this state, if Warwick scores a takedown he howls, granting himself and all allies who share a Trait with him an additional @AllyAS*100@% Attack Speed for @AllyASDuration@ seconds.Wukong slams his target with his staff, dealing @ModifiedPercentAD@ of his Attack Damage as physical damage and stunning them for @Duration@ seconds. (Total Damage: @TooltipDamage@)Percent AD Per FeatherMagic Damage Per FeatherXayah becomes untargetable and invulnerable as she leaps into the air, throwing out a fan of 9 feather daggers that pass through enemies and deal @ModifiedPercentADPerFeather@ ( @ModifiedPhysicalDamagePerFeather@%i:scaleAD%) of her Attack Damage as physical damage to enemies within the cone.

    Xayah then recalls her feathers, striking enemies hit for @ModifiedMagicDamagePerFeather@ magic damage per feather.
    Basic Attack Damage IncreaseXin Zhao sweeps around himself, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ of his Attack Damage (total: @TooltipDamage@) to nearby enemies and gaining @ArmorAndMR@ Armor and Magic Resist for the rest of combat.Striking SteelYasuo strikes forward two hexes, attacking for @ModifiedDamage@ of his Attack Damage (total: @TooltipDamage@). If he can't hit two targets from where he's standing, he'll first dash to a place where he can.Seal FateYone strikes along a path in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage split between all enemies hit. Enemies hit are marked for death, reducing their Armor and Magic Resist by @ShredPercent@% for @MarkDuration@ seconds. "Seal Fate" becomes "Unforgotten" until there are no enemies marked for death.
    Unforgotten (@UnforgottenManaCost@ mana): Yone dashes to the lowest-Health enemy marked for death, dealing them @ModifiedUnforgottenDamage@ magic damage, increased based on their missing health.Unforgotten Base DamageYuumi dashes to the lowest-Health ally, healing them for @ModifiedHealing@ of their missing Health and granting them @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds. She then repeats this on the farthest ally.Rewind FateRevive DelayZilean places a protective Time Rune on the @NumTargets@ allies with the lowest Health other than himself. When they would die, they instead resurrect after @ReviveDelay@ seconds, returning to combat with @HealthAmountCalc@ Health and shedding all negative effects. After resurrecting, they have @ModifiedAS@ bonus Attack Speed for the rest of combat.Ashe fires @NumArrows@ arrows in a cone towards her target, each dealing @ModifiedADPercentPerArrow@ of her Attack Damage (total: @TotalDamage@).
    Enemies hit have their Attack Damage reduced by @ADReduction@ for @Duration@ seconds.
    AD ReductionMorgana hallows the ground beneath a random target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies over @Duration@ seconds and reducing their Attack Damage by @ADReductionPercent@%.Innate: When combat starts, Zed teleports to the enemy backline.

    Passive: Every third attack, Zed deals @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage and steals @ADSteal*100@% of the target's current Attack Damage.Aatrox strikes his target, dealing @PercentAttackDamage@% of his Attack Damage (total: @TotalDamage@), and heals himself for @ModifiedHeal@.Passive: Akshan's attacks reduce the target's Armor by 50% for @TotalShredDuration@ seconds.

    Active: Akshan launches his grappling hook and swings untargetably toward the farthest enemy, gaining @AttackSpeedPercent@% Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds. Akshan will continue to attack the nearest enemy at double his Attack Speed while swinging.Dark VigilAphelios launches @NumOfAttacks@ attacks simultaneously, one at his target and the rest at the enemies nearest to them, dealing @PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage plus @ModifiedBaseDamage@ physical damage to each. (Total: @TotalDamage@ %i:scaleAD%)

    Enchanted ArrowAshe fires an arrow at the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. If the arrow travels at least @HexThreshold@ hexes, the stun duration is doubled. Enemies within 1 hex receive @ReducedEffectiveness*100@% of these effects. Aurelion Sol breathes lightning in a line towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in the area.
    Brand launches a ball of fire at the nearest non-seared enemy, searing them for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds. Seared enemies have @MRShred@% reduced Magic Resist.Passive: Critical Strikes grant Camille a shield equal to @ModifiedShieldPercent@ of her maximum Mana for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. This effect has a @ShieldCooldown@ second cooldown.

    Active: Camille blasts in a cone after a short delay, dealing @ModifiedDamagePercent@ of her maximum Mana as magic damage to enemies caught within. Using this ability increase Camille's maximum Mana by @MaxManaIncrease@.Execute Percent of Attack Damage[PH] God-Wolf's CarnageStacks Per Cast[PH]
    Passive: At @MaxStacks@ of God Wolf's Prey Darius will become unstoppable and leap to that target, dealing @PercentAttackDamageExecute@% of his Attack Damage (Total: @ModifiedPercentAttackDamageExecute@) and removing 1 stack of God Wolf's Prey.

    Active: Darius swings his axe in a circle, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and placing @StacksAppliedPerCast@ stacks of God Wolf's Prey for @DebuffDuration@ seconds. Each stack deals @ModifiedDoTDamage@ per second and heals Darius for the same amount.God-Wolf's CarnageNumber of AttacksDarius transforms into a God-Wolf, becoming unstoppable as he lunges towards a nearby enemy. @WolfCount@ God-Wolves join him in his hunt, each targeting their own prey. When God-Wolves bite enemies, they deal @PercentAttackDamage@% of Darius' Attack Damage (total: @ModifiedDamage@) as physical damage, and reduce the enemy's Armor by @ArmorReductionTooltip@% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds. When Darius bites his prey, his next @NumAttacks@ attacks restore @ModifiedHealing@ of his maximum Health.
    Number of WolvesDiana calls forth moonlight, drawing in all nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.After a few rounds this egg will hatch into Draconic champions or other loot!

    In Hyper Roll, eggs hatch a lot faster!Passive: Draven ignores @ArmorPenPercent@% his target's Armor.

    Draven starts spinning an axe, empowering his next attack to deal @ADMult*100@% of his Attack Damage plus @ModifiedDamage@ bonus physical damage. (Total: @TotalDamage@ %i:scaleAD%) It will return to his original location after striking the target. If Draven catches it, he will empower the axe again.

    Draven can spin up to 2 axes at a time.Drag this Tome to the Shop to open an Armory full of emblems! You will have 30 seconds to choose.After a brief channel, Fiddlesticks teleports behind his target and summons a murder of crows for @Duration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage per second to all enemies within. Enemies that die within the flock extend its duration by @ExtendedDuration@ second and heal Fiddlesticks for @PercentHeal*100@% of their maximum Health. Hellish SpawnFizz begins a ritual beneath his target that summons pure evil. It deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies caught, knocking them back and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Galio charges the area around him for @Duration@ seconds, taunting all enemies within while gaining @PercentDamageReduction*100@% damage reduction. Upon releasing the charge, Galio deals @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within @HexRange@ hexes and heals for @ModifiedPercentHealed@ of the damage blocked.God-Lion's JusticeGaren calls down a sword that strikes a large area around his target, dealing @ModifiedPercentMaxHealth@ of each target's max Health in magic damage and reducing their Magic Resist by @MRShredTooltip@% for @MRShredDuration@ seconds.

    Garen gains a shield equal to @ModifiedShieldPercent@ of his maximum Health for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.Gragas drinks from his cask, granting him @DamageReduction@% damage reduction for @Duration@ seconds, and causing his next attack to deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage.Passive: Graves' attacks spread in a large cone of 6 bullets in front of him, each striking the first enemy hit for @PercentAttackDamage@% of his Attack Damage (damage per bullet: @TotalDamage@).

    Active: Graves dashes toward his target and then quickly fires twice.Skip 'N SlashGwen dashes around her target and performs @Snips@ rapid scissor snips in a cone in front of her, each dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ plus @PercentMaxHealth*100@% of the target's maximum Health as magic damage. Snips steal @Defenses@ Armor and Magic resist from their target. Gwen will perform double the snips in every other cast.Turret PlatingBaby Dragons are immune to crowd control effects.Storm GrenadeHeimerdinger lobs a grenade at the furthest enemy, stunning the target for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within @HexRange@ hexes. Baby Dragons will focus on the stunned target for its duration. Upgrade!!!Heimerdinger empowers his Baby Dragon's next attack. The Baby Dragon's overcharged attack launches 3 fireballs across the battlefield, dealing @ModifiedTurretMagicDamage@ magic damage and burning enemies for @BurnPercent@% of their maximum Health as true damage over @BurnDuration@ seconds, reducing healing by 50% for the duration.

    If Heimerdinger does not have a Baby Dragon, this Ability will create one instead.Baby Dragon DamageBaby Dragon HealthIrelia surrounds herself with blades for @StanceDuration@ seconds and gains @DamageReduction*100@% damage reduction, increasing by @DamageReductionIncrease*100@% each time she attacks, up to @DamageReductionMax*100@%. When the effect ends she strikes her target for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Ivern summons his sentinel friend Daisy to fight with him. Daisy receives @DaisyBonusAPConversion*100@% of Ivern's Ability Power and immediately casts Shockwave upon arrival.

    If Daisy is already in battle, Ivern increases her Ability Power by @ModifiedAbilityPowerBonus@ and commands her to cast Shockwave again.ShockwaveDaisy smashes the ground around her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning all nearby enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds.Empowered StrikeJax slams his target for @PercentAttackDamage@% of his Attack Damage (total: @TotalDamage@) and gains @ModifiedAS@ stacking Attack Speed for the remainder of combat. Jax leaps to the nearest enemy if no target is in his Attack Range.Kalista hurls a spear towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedPercentAttackDamage@ of her Attack Damage plus @BaseDamage@ bonus physical damage to the first enemy it hits (total: @TotalDamage@). If it kills an enemy, the spear continues and will deal any excess damage to the next enemy it hits.SoulflareKarma fires a burst of energy towards a random enemy's location that detonates upon impact, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to adjacent enemies, and reducing Karma's maximum Mana by @MaxManaReduction@ (down to a minimum of 10).

    Karma empowers every third cast, causing it to launch 3 bursts of energy toward different targets instead of 1.Sinister BladeKatarina throws a dagger at the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. When the dagger lands near the target Katarina teleports to it and immediately launches @NumTargets@ additional daggers at the nearest enemies that each deal @ModifiedSecondaryDamage@ magic damage.

    Enemies hit have their incoming healing reduced by @HealingReduction@% for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.4th Ascension Area DamageSeconds per Ascension1st Ascension Percent of Attack DamagePassive: Kayle ascends every @AscensionDelay@ seconds. Each bonus stacks with the one before, until she is fully ascended.
    1st: Attacks deal @PercentAttackDamage@% of Kayle's Attack Damage as bonus true damage. (total: @TotalAttackDamage@)
    2nd: Attacks explode around the target dealing her Attack Damage and bonus true damage to adjacent enemies.
    3rd: Every @NumAttacksImmunity@th attack grants Kayle immunity to damage for @ImmunityDuration@ second.
    4th: Attacks cause swords to rain down around the target, dealing @TotalAoEDamage@ magic damage.Percent Enemy Max Mana DamageFlame RushKennen engulfs himself in flame, dashing behind his target, then to the farthest enemy. Enemies he passes through are zapped dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Lamb creates a zone around herself for @Duration@ seconds that prevents allies within from falling below @ModifiedMinHealth@ Health or dying. While Lamb's Respite is active, Wolf is invulnerable. Wolf returns to Lamb, healing them both for @ModifiedHeal@ health and then launches himself at the lowest health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.
    Passive: Kled deals @PercentOfAttackDamage@% of his Attack Damage (total: @TotalDamage@) every 4th attack.

    Kled enters combat on Skaarl, granting himself a shield for @ModifiedShieldPercent@ of his maximum Health. When the shield is broken Kled dismounts, becoming untargetable briefly, gaining @AttackSpeedPercent@% Attack Speed. LeBlanc launches ethereal chains at the 2 enemies nearest her, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and, after a short delay, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.LeBlanc launches an orb at the nearest @NumberOfTargets@ enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and increasing the cost of their next ability by 33%. CrippleLee Sin slams the ground, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and slowing their Attack Speed by @AttackSpeedSlow@% for @AttackSpeedSlowDuration@ seconds.Leona dashes to the enemy with the highest critical strike chance, taunting all adjacent enemies when she arrives and causing her to reflect @ModifiedDamageReflectPercent@% Basic Attack damage back to the attacker for the next 6 seconds.Leona creates a barrier around herself, reducing all incoming damage by @ModifiedDamageReduction@ for 4 seconds.Lissandra hurls a dagger toward the enemy with the highest Attack Damage, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first target it hits. After hitting its initial target or at its final destination, the dagger explodes dealing @ModifiedSecondaryDamage@ magic damage to nearby targets. All enemies hit have their Attack Damage reduced by @ADReduction@% for @ADReductionDuration@ seconds.Lucian faces the farthest enemy and fires @NumShots@ shots in that direction for @Duration@ seconds, dashing on occasion to keep hitting enemies. Each shot hits for @TADRatio*100@% of his Attack Damage and deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Lucian also fires extra shots based on his Attack Speed. (Current bonus: @ShotsFromAS@)Lulu enchants the @NumTargets@ units nearest to her. Enchanted allies gain @ModifiedAttackSpeedPercent@ bonus Attack Speed for @AllyBuffDuration@ seconds. Enchanted enemies are stunned and transformed into a docile feline for @PolymorphDuration@ seconds, taking @DamageAmp@% increased damage. If there are less than 3 units nearby, Lulu will enchant herself.Prismatic IlluminationLux launches her wand toward her farthest ally, then calls the wand back to her hand. The wand shields each ally in its path by @ModifiedShieldAmount@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Lux also empowers her next attack to deal an additional @ModifiedHitDamage@ magic damage.Miss Fortune rains 4 waves of bullets down around her target, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ total magic damage to enemies in the area and reducing their incoming healing by @HealingReduction@% for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.The Monstrosity becomes unstoppable for @Duration@ seconds, granting @ModifiedAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed and causing Basic Attacks to heal for @HealPercent*100@% of the damage dealt. Infernal RiseMordekaiser shields himself for @ModifiedShieldPercent@% of his maximum Health for @Duration@ seconds, empowering his mace to deal @ModifiedDamageOnHit@ bonus magic damage and gain 1 hex of range for the same duration.Morgana fires chains to nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. After @ChainDuration@ seconds, all chained enemies are dealt an additional @ModifiedEndDamage@ magic damage and stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.Anchor SlamNautilus causes the ground beneath his target to erupt, knocking them up, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds, and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the target receive 50% of this effect.Aspect of the CougarNidalee transforms into a cougar and leaps behind the lowest Health enemy.

    While in cougar form, Nidalee gains @DodgeChance@% Dodge Chance, @AttackSpeedPercent@% Attack Speed, and her attacks become melee attacks that deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage every 4th attack.Passive: Every third attack, Nocturne slashes all adjacent enemies for @PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage plus @TooltipBonusDamage@ bonus physical damage (total: @ModifiedTotalDamage@), and heals himself for @HealPercent@% of the damage dealt. If only one target is hit, Nocturne also increases his Attack Speed by @AttackSpeed@% for @Duration@ seconds.Passive: Olaf gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for each @PercentHealth@% of missing Health, and his attacks heal him for @ModifiedHeal@.Pantheon braces his shield, reducing all incoming damage by @ModifiedDamageReductionPercent@ for @Duration@ seconds, and dealing @PercentAttackDamage@% of his Attack Damage (total: @TotalDamage@) in the area in front of him over the duration.

    Enemies hit have their incoming healing reduced by @HealingReduction@% for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.Poppy throws her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. The buckler then bounces back, granting Poppy a shield that blocks @ModifiedShield@ damage.Pyke leaves a phantom at his location, then dashes behind the farthest enemy. After @StunDelay@ second, the phantom returns to Pyke, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning all enemies it passes through for @StunDuration@ seconds.Rakan launches a feather toward his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. Rakan then heals all nearby allies for @HealPercent*100@% of their missing health, with an increased radius if the feather killed an enemy.Magic ResistAllies TargetedRell leaps into the air and creates a tether between herself and her farthest ally. When she lands, the tether breaks, stunning all nearby enemies in its path for @StunDuration@ seconds. This effect also grants a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ Health shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds to nearby allies in the same area.Rengar leaps to and stabs the lowest health enemy, dealing @LeapDamage@ physical damage.

    After this leap, Rengar gains @ModifiedAttackSpeedPercent@ total Attack Speed and @CritBuffPercent@ Critical Strike Chance for the next @BuffDuration@ seconds.Blade of the DawnRiven empowers her blade, stunning nearby enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing them @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage. For the next @EmpowerDuration@ seconds, she gains @BonusAttackDamagePercent*100@% bonus Attack Damage.Prison DamageSpread DamageRyze imprisons the nearest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. His next cast spreads from his target, applying the same damage and half the stun to all enemies in a large area around that target.Sejuani signals Bristle to charge, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning her target for @StunDuration@ seconds. She then gains Frost Armor, granting her @DefensiveStats@ Armor and Magic Resist for @Duration@ seconds. Senna launches black mist toward the farthest enemy. The first enemy hit along the path is stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds, and all nearby enemies are dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Flat Armor ReductionAfter a brief wind up Sett punches forward in a cone, shredding @ModifiedArmorShred@ flat Armor for @ArmorShredDuration@ seconds (stacks) and dealing @PhysicalDamagePercent@% of his Attack Damage as physical damage to all enemies in the area. (total: @TotalDamage@ %i:scaleAD%)Soraka calms the area around the enemy with the highest current percent Mana, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies hit and increasing the cost of their next Ability by @ManaIncrease@%.Syndra grabs the nearest enemy and flings them towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies upon impact and stunning the thrown target for @StunDuration@ seconds.Nature's TouchAll allies in a large area around Taric are healed for @ModifiedHealth@ Health and gain @Armor@ Armor for 5 seconds.Infernal SoulsTeemo's CrueltyTeemo scatters @MushroomCount@ Infernal Souls around a random enemy. When an enemy nears an Infernal Soul (or after @DetonationDelay@ seconds), it explodes dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and reducing their Attack Speed by @AttackSpeedSlowTooltip@% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds.Thresh hooks his farthest enemy with his chain scythe, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and pulling them toward himself for @PullDuration@ seconds.Tristana leaps away from enemies and gains @ModifiedAttackSpeedPercent@ Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds..Trundle bites his target, dealing @PercentAttackDamage@% of his Attack Damage and stealing 50% of their Attack Damage for 3 seconds. (Total Damage: @TotalDamage@)Stat Steal MultiplierStat Steal PercentageTrundle drains his target's strength, reducing their Health, Armor, Magic Resist, and Attack Damage by @StatStealPercent*100@% and granting himself @ModifiedStatStealMultiplier@ of the drained stats for @Duration@ seconds.For @Duration@ seconds Twitch gains @ModifiedAttackSpeedPercent@% Attack Speed and his attacks apply stacks of Contamination. When the effect ends Twitch expunges the Contamination, dealing @PercentAttackDamage@% of his Attack Damage per stack (damage per stack: @TotalDamage@). If a target dies with Contamination, the stacks are spread to the nearest enemy.Feral InstinctUdyr swaps between Turtle and Tiger stance with each cast, gaining the following benefits:
    Turtle: Gain a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ Health shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.
    Tiger: Strike 3 times quickly with his next attack for @PercentAD@% of his Attack Damage (total: @ModifiedPercentAD@).Holy ArrowsVarus fires a hail of arrows around his target, dealing @PercentOfAD@% of his Attack Damage as physical damage (total: @TooltipDamage@). Varus and allies within the area are blessed, causing them to deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage with their attacks on-hit for @Duration@ seconds.Vayne focuses for @ModifiedDuration@ seconds, tumbling away from her target immediately and every third attack thereafter. When Vayne tumbles, she becomes invisible and her next attack deals @TumbleAttackPercentAD@% of her Attack Damage. (Total Damage: @TotalDamage@)Passive: Vayne's third attack on a target deals @ModifiedDamage@ bonus true damage on-hit.Vel'Koz channels a ray of energy for 3 seconds toward the enemy nearest the center of the battlefield, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ total magic damage over the duration. The beam widens as Vel'Koz channels, and he will pivot if there are no enemies in the area.Vel'Koz fires a plasma bolt toward his target. The first target it collides with is dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Then the bolt splits in two perpendicular to its trajectory, dealing the same damage to the next enemy hit. Those bolts can split an additional 2 times.Resurrected Health loss per secondViego corrupts the soul of his target for @Duration@ seconds, stunning them and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, increasing @IncreasePercent@% each second. Viego will be interrupted if he is stunned, and Viego's allies prefer not to target his victim during soul corruption.

    If his victim dies, they are resurrected at full Health to fight for him, but they lose @DecayPercentDamagePerSecond@% of their maximum Health per second. Resurrected enemies receive the Trait bonuses of Viego's team instead of their own.Viktor blasts his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. He also grants a @ModifiedShield@ Health shield to the @NumShields@ allies nearest his target for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.Vladimir deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target and heals for @ModifiedHeal@ Health.DoombringerVolibear leaps toward his target, then slams the ground in a large area around him. This effect knocks up and stuns enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. This damage is doubled against shielded targets.Warwick leaps to the enemy with the lowest percent Health, stunning them, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, and healing himself for @HealPercent@% of the damage over @Duration@ seconds. If this Ability kills the target, Warwick will instantly cast it again.Energy PulseXerath fires a beam in a line to the enemy with the highest Attack Damage, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies hit and reducing their Attack Damage by 60% for 6 seconds.Xin Zhao quickly strikes his target three times, dealing 100% of his Attack Damage. The third strike knocks his target up for @StunDuration@ seconds and deals @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage.Steel Becomes FireXin Zhao sweeps his lance in an arc in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit. Then he strikes in a long line toward the farthest enemy, dealing the same damage again as magic damage to enemies hit. Each enemy struck by either strike heals Xin Zhao for @ModifiedHealPercent@% of his maximum Health.Burning BladeYasuo strikes his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. He then empowers his blade, gaining @ModifiedTrueDamageBonus@ stacking bonus true damage on-hit for the rest of combat.Yorick throws a globule of mist at the enemy with the highest Ability Power, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, and dealing 50% of that damage to enemies behind the target in a cone.Yorick whacks his target, dealing @PercentAD@% of his Attack Damage (Total Damage: @TotalDamage@), plus a bonus @BonusPercentAD@% for each enemy with Last Rites. When Yorick takes damage from a Critical Strike, he applies Last Rites to the attacker for @Duration@ seconds. Basic Attacks against champions with Last Rites heal the attacker for @ModifiedPercentHealing@% of the damage. Arcane BombZiggs throws an arcane bomb at his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Zyra sends a surge of vines toward her farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning all enemies they hit for @StunDuration@ seconds.Reduced Mana Per AttackZyra causes the ground underneath her target and the two adjacent hexes to erupt with spines, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ to enemies within, shredding 60% of their Magic Resistance for @Duration@ seconds.Bonus OrbsAhri fires an orb in a @HexRange@ hex line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through on the way out and the way back. Enemies already hit by an orb take @MultiOrbDamage*100@% damage for each subsequent orb. Ahri fires @SpiritFireStacks@ additional orb(s) for each time she has cast this combat.Execute ThresholdAkali dashes in a line through the most enemies, dealing @ModifiedInitialDamage@ magic damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds. When a marked target drops below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% Health, Akali dashes again and executes them, dealing @ModifiedDashDamage@ magic damage to enemies she passes through.Alistar charges at his target, knocking them back for a short distance. Then he slams the ground, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning all nearby enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. Hextech HeadbuttAlistar charges through the enemy team, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, knocking them back, and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. He then taunts nearby enemies. Enmity SurgeAmumu unleashes his stored hextech energy, dealing @ModifiedDamageAmount@ magic damage to all enemies within a two hex radius, taunting them, and applying @WeakenedPercent*100@% Weakened for @WeakenedDuration@ seconds. Annie blasts a cone of fire dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in front of her and reducing their Attack Damage by @ADReduction*100@% for @ADReductionDuration@ seconds.Drag this Archive to the Shop to open an Armory full of Augments! You will have 30 seconds to choose. Depending on when the Archive is sold, the shop will have a higher tier of Augments available.

    Stage 1-2: Tier 1 (Silver)

    Stage 3: Tier 2 (Gold)

    Stage 4+: Tier 3 (Prismatic)
    Cursed Crystal ArrowAshe fires an arrow at the farthest enemy, dealing @ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage to the first enemy hit and stunning them for @ModifiedStunDuration@ seconds. Ashe fires a volley of @NumOfArrows@ arrows centered on her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage per arrow (@ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and slowing their Attack Speed by @ASReduction@% for @ModifiedDuration@ seconds.Passive: Whenever an opponent within two hexes casts a spell, Blitzcrank gains @ManaAbsorbPercent*100@% of the mana spent.

    Blitzcrank gains a shield that absorbs @ModifiedShieldAmount@ magic damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Every second the shield remains up, a nearby enemy is struck with a bolt of lightning and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Blitzcrank pulls the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. His next attack knocks them up for 1 second. Allies within range will prefer attacking Blitzcrank's target.Brand launches a fireball at the nearest enemy, lighting them ablaze for @BlazeDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy is already on fire, they take @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage which stuns them for @StunDuration@ seconds. (total: @TotalDamage@%i:scaleAP%)

    VIP Bonus: Brand fires a 2nd fireball at a different nearby target (prioritizes ablaze enemies) dealing @VIPBonusReducedDamage@% reduced damage. Braum slams his vault door into the ground, creating a fissure towards his target. Enemies within 2 hexes of Braum, and those struck by the fissure, are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Caitlyn launching herself backwards as she fires a net at her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Caitlyn's attacks against netted targets are guaranteed to critically strike.
    Healing Per AttackCamille gains a shield blocking @ModifiedShield@ damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds, then sweeps her leg, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in a cone. While this shield holds, Camille's attacks restore @ModifiedHealing@ Health.Maximum Feast StacksCho'Gath devours the lowest Health enemy within range, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If this kills the target, Cho'Gath gains a stack of Feast (increased to two in Hyper Roll), up to @MaxFeastStacks@. Each stack of Feast permanently grants @BonusHealthOnKill*100@% bonus Health and size. Corki sprays bullets in a frontal cone for @Duration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second to all enemies hit, and reducing their Armor and Magic Resistance by @Shred@%.Corki fires a missile at his target that explodes on impact, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within 1 hex.Darius swings his axe in a circle, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, then heals himself @ModifiedHeal@ Health for each enemy hit.Diana unleashes an arc of lunar energy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and applying Moonlight for @MoonlitDuration@ seconds to all units hit. If a Moonlit unit drops below @ExecuteThreshold*100@% health, Diana will dash to and execute them.Damage Per ShockPercent Health DamageDr. Mundo injects himself with “medicine”, restoring @PercentHealthInstantHeal*100@% of his maximum Health and becoming energized for @Duration@ seconds. While energized, he restores an additional @PercentHealthHealing*100@% of his maximum Health over the duration and deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to a random nearby enemy each second. When the "medicine" expires, Dr. Mundo expels a burst of electricity that deals @ModifiedPercentHealthDamage@ of his current Health as magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes.An Egg from the Treasure Dragon. The longer it takes to hatch, the better the loot! But how did it get here?

    'There are always stories from the days of old; whispers about gifts from the blessed ancient. Before technology, and before Hextech, there were dragons.'Passive: Draven ignores @PassiveArmorPenPercent@% of his target's Armor.

    Draven starts spinning an axe, empowering his next attack to deal @TotalDamage@ bonus physical damage (@ADMult*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). It will return to his original location after striking the target. If Draven catches it, he will empower the axe again. Draven can spin up to 2 axes at a time.

    VIP Bonus: Draven gains infinite attack range and ignores an additional @ArmorPenPercent@% his target's Armor.Attack Speed SlowEkko invokes an afterimage that bats a device towards the largest group of units. Upon landing, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within and applies @ASSlow*100@% reduced Attack Speed for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Allies inside gain @ModifiedASBuff@ bonus Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds.Ezreal fires a missile at his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @BonusDamage@). If the missile hits, he grants himself @ModifiedAS@ bonus stacking Attack Speed, up to @MaxAS@ %i:scaleAP% at @MaxStacks@ stacks.Attack Damage on WinFiora becomes untargetable and strikes 4 times at her target's vitals. Each strike deals @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage (total: @TotalDamage@), @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus true damage, and heals her for @PercentHealing*100@% of the total damage dealt.

    If the target dies, Fiora will change targets to the nearest enemy.Minimum Stun DurationGalio becomes invulnerable and leaps into the sky before crashing down on the largest group of enemies. Enemies within a large radius take @TotalDamage@ magic damage (@ModifiedDamage@ + @MaxHealthPercent*100@% of Galio's maximum Health %i:scaleHealth%) and are knocked up for @StunDuration@ second(s).

    Passive: Galio's Critical Strikes slam the ground, dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage to enemies around his target.Gangplank attacks his target with his gun, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this attack kills a champion, Gangplank plunders 1 gold. Garen shrugs off all crowd control effects, empowering his next strike to deal @PercentAD*100@% of his Attack Damage, plus an additional @ModifiedPercentHealth@ of his missing Health in bonus physical damage. (base: @BaseDamage@) This Ability can be cast while stunned.Transform Attack Damage PercentGnar transforms into Mega Gnar for the rest of combat. Mega Gnar throws a boulder at the farthest enemy within 3 hexes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@) to all enemies it passes through.

    While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar is melee, gains @ModifiedTransformHealth@ Health, and his mana costs are reduced by @TransformManaReduc@.This egg will soon hatch into tons of loot! Victorious player combats accelerate the hatch timer by an additional turn.Graves launches a smoke grenade toward his current target. The grenade explodes on impact dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies, and disarms enemies who remain within the smoke cloud for @DisarmDuration@ seconds.Heimerdinger fires a wave of 5 rockets that converge on his target, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first target they hit. Every 3rd cast, Heimerdinger summons @MaxWaves@ waves instead.Passive: The Dragon is immune to crowd control effects. Every 3rd attack is charged with lightning, dealing @ModifiedLightningDamage@ bonus magic damage to @NumEnemies@ enemies.

    The Dragon lands and lets out a bellowing roar, causing all enemies within @FearHexRange@ hexes to cower in fear for @FearDuration@ seconds. The roar also energizes your team, making all attacks critically strike and granting your team @CritDamageIncrease*100@% Critical Strike Damage for @EnergizedDuration@ seconds.Damage to HealingIllaoi slams her target, linking her soul to it for @Duration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. While linked, Illaoi is healed for @PercentHealing*100@% of the damage taken by her target.Irelia dashes to her target, striking them for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@PercentADDamage*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this kills the target, she Bladesurges again at the lowest Health enemy.Janna summons a Monsoon, knocking back nearby enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ second(s). The Monsoon heals your team for @ModifiedHeal@ Health over @Duration@ seconds.Jarvan calls down his standard to a nearby location, granting all allies within @HexRadius@ hexes @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds.Melee form: Jayce slams his hammer down onto nearby enemies, dealing damage and reducing their Armor and Magic Resist.
    Ranged form: Jayce deploys an acceleration gate, granting bonus Attack Speed to allies in the same row, then fires an orb of electricity at the largest enemy group.Jayce changes his form and Ability depending on his placement on the board. Jayce overcharges himself, becoming unstoppable and gaining a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ Health shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Jayce then attacks twice, cleaving enemies in front of him for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@MeleeDamagePercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) before leaping to the skies and slamming down on his target. Enemies within 2 hexes take the same damage and suffer a @MeleeShred*100@% reduction in Armor and Magic Resist for @MeleeShredDuration@ seconds.

    Passive: Jayce gains @MeleeArmorGain@ Armor and Magic Resist.Jayce summons an acceleration gate, granting allies within the same row @ModifiedRangedASBoost@ Attack Speed for @RangedASDuration@ seconds. He then replaces his next 3 attacks with orbs of electricity that deal @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@RangedADPercentBase*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) in a 1 hex area around his target. The 3rd orb has a larger 2 hex area of effect.

    Passive: Jayce's range is increased by 4 hexes and he gains @RangedADGain@ Attack Damage.Attack Damage GainAttacks per SecondJhin transforms his weapon into a powerful sniper rifle for his next 4 shots. Each shot deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%), reduced by @DamageFalloff*100@% for each target it pierces through. The 4th shot is guaranteed to critically strike, and deals @ModifiedBonusDamage@ more damage based on his target's missing Health.

    Passive: Jhin always attacks @AttackSpeed@ times per second. He converts each 1% of bonus Attack Speed into @ADFromAttackSpeed@ Attack Damage.Percent Health BurnJinx rides her rocket into the sky, then comes crashing down near the center-most enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies around the epicenter, and @FalloffPercent*100@% to all other enemies in a large area. The epicenter burns every unit except Jinx for @HexDuration@ seconds, dealing @PercentBurn@% of the target's maximum Health as true damage, and reducing healing by 50% for the duration.

    She then swaps to her rocket launcher and targets random units for the rest of combat. Her attacks now explode for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@RocketLauncherPercentAD*100%@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) in a small area around her target.Base MissilesKai'sa dashes away from all enemies, then fires a volley of @NumMissiles@ missiles spread evenly among all enemies that deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage each.

    For each time Kai'Sa has attacked this combat, she'll fire an additional missile.Kassadin fires an orb of void energy at his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Enemies hit by the orb suffer a @ManaReave*100@% increased Mana cost for their next Ability cast. Kassadin also grants himself a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield and takes @DamageReduction*100@% less damage for @Duration@ seconds. Mana ReaveKatarina blinks behind the enemy with the lowest Health within 3 hexes and slashes all adjacent enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Katarina gains @ManaRefund@ Mana for each enemy killed by Shunpo.Missing Health PercentKayn dashes into his target becoming temporarily invulnerable. After a moment, he bursts out of them, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and slashing enemies around his exit position for an additional @ModifiedAOEDamage@ magic damage. If the target he enters dies, Kayn restores @MissingHealthRecover*100@% of his missing health.Kayn swings his scythe towards his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in a line and applying 35% Mana Reave.Kha'Zix leaps towards the lowest Health enemy, striking them for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@) and increasing their maximum Mana by @ManaReave@% until they cast.For @Duration@ seconds, Kog'Maw gains infinite Attack Range, @PercentAttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed, and his attacks deal @ModifiedPercentMaxHPDamage@ of the target's maximum Health as bonus magic damage.Leona calls down a beacon of light upon herself, granting herself a @ModifiedShielding@ Health shield for @Duration@ seconds. Leona and allies within 2 hexes gain @BonusStats@ Armor and Magic Resistance for the same duration.

    VIP Bonus: Every second, Leona heals herself for @T1DebutantBonus@% max health for each unit targeting her.Lissandra encases her target in an iron maiden, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within a large area. Damage from the iron maiden reduces enemies' Attack Damage by @WeakenedPercent*100@% for @WeakenedDuration@ seconds.

    If Lissandra is below @HealthThreshold*100@% Health, she encases herself instead, dealing damage to surrounding enemies and becoming untargetable and invulnerable for @UntargetableDuration@ seconds.ShotsLucian dashes away from his current target and fires @NumShots@ shots at nearby enemies that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Lulu enlarges @NumAllies@ low Health allies, granting them @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus Health and knocking up enemies near them. If the ally is already enlarged, they are healed instead.After gathering energy, Lux fires a beam towards the farthest enemy target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If she kills a unit with her beam, she gains @ManaRefund@ mana. Spread TargetsMalzahar infects the mind of the closest unafflicted target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds and reducing the Magic Resist of enemies by @MRShred*100@%.

    If an afflicted target dies, Malefic Visions spreads to the nearest @SpreadTargets@ unafflicted targets with the remaining duration.The Scarab creates a barrier on itself and the ally targeted by the most enemies, then taunts all enemies who have the Scarab within its attack range, forcing them to attack the Scarab. The barriers last for @DamageReducedDuration@ seconds, reduce incoming damage by @DamageReducedPercent*100@% and enemies attacking the barrier take @ModifiedDamageAmount@ magic damage. Enemies may only take damage from a barrier once per second.Double TapMiss Fortune fires a shot at her target that deals @PercentAttackDamage*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage, then bounces to an enemy behind. (total: @TotalDamage@)

    Targets that have not been hit by Double Tap this combat take @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus physical damage.Morgana grants herself a @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and shackles herself to all enemies in a @Radius@ hex radius. She then deals @ModifiedDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second to them, as long as the shield holds.

    If the shield expires without being broken, all targets are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds. If the shield is broken, Morgana instead refunds herself @RefundedMana@ mana.Orianna sends her ball towards the largest group of champions, then commands it to release a shockwave. Allies within 2 hexes gain @ModifiedShieldAmount@ shield for @Duration@ seconds, while enemies within the area are briefly knocked up and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the ball are drawn in and stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.Percent of Armor as DamagePoppy throws her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing @PercentArmorDamage*100@% of her Armor as magic damage. (total: @TotalDamage@) The buckler then bounces back, granting Poppy a shield that blocks @ModifiedShield@ damage.Quinn sends Valor out at the target with the highest Attack Speed, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target and nearby enemies, disarming them for @DisarmDuration@ seconds.Rammus drops into a defensive stance, reducing incoming damage by @ModifiedDamageReduction@ for @Duration@ seconds and negating bonus damage from critical strikes.Bonus HealResistance Percent StealRek'Sai bites her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@) and healing herself for @ModifiedHeal@ health. If she has already bit her target, she heals for @ModifiedHealBonus@ health instead.Queen's WrathRek'Sai strikes in a circle around her, dealing her Attack Damage plus @ModifiedTrueDamage@ bonus true damage.Renata EPassive: Renata's auto attacks deal @MaxHPPercent*100@% of the target's max HP as true damage.

    Renata sends out a missile in the direction of her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies hit and and shredding their Magic Resist by @FlatMRShred@. At the end of the missile, it will explode, dealing the same effects to enemies in the blast. The Magic Resist reduction can stack.Renata unleashes a toxic poison wave towards the largest group of nearby enemies within @SpellRange@ hexes, poisoning all enemies caught in its path for @Duration@ seconds. Poisoned enemies suffer @ASReduction@% reduced Attack Speed and take @ModifiedDamagePerSecond@ magic damage per second. The poison's damage can stack, but is removed if Renata dies.If a target is adjacent to Samira, she slashes with her blade in a cone towards them dealing @ADPercent*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage to all enemies within and reducing their Armor by @ModifiedArmorShred@. (total: @TooltipDamage@) This Armor reduction can stack.

    Otherwise, she fires an empowered shot at her target with the same effects and gains @ManaRefund@ Mana.Senna fires a beam in the direction of her target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @Damage@). For each enemy hit, she heals the lowest health ally for @ModifiedPercentHealing@ of the damage dealt.Attack Speed BonusSeraphine projects her song towards the largest group of enemy units, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies. Allies it passes through are healed for @ModifiedHeal@ Health and gain @ASBonus*100@% bonus Attack Speed for @ASBonusDuration@ seconds.Shaco dips into the shadows, briefly becoming untargetable. His next attack instead deals @PercentOfAD*100@% of his Attack Damage plus @ModifiedDamage@ bonus physical damage, and is guaranteed to critically strike targets below @PercentHealthCrit*100@% Health. (total: @TotalDamage@ %i:scaleAD%)Percent Bonus DamageMonstrosity HealthPercent Damage Per SecondMonstrosity ADSilco injects an unstable concoction into @NumTargets@ of his lowest Health allies, granting them @MaxHealth*100@% maximum Health, @AttackSpeed*100@% bonus Attack Speed, and immunity to crowd control for @Duration@ seconds. When the concoction wears off, unstable units die by explosion, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.Singed flings a nearby enemy towards the largest cluster of enemies, stunning his target for @StunDuration@ seconds when they land. All adjacent enemies take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and are briefly stunned.Star Level ReductionSion winds up for a moment, then smashes his axe down. All enemies within a large area are knocked up, stunned for @KnockUpDuration@ seconds, and dealt @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.For the next @Duration@ seconds, Sivir grants herself @ModifiedAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed and her attacks bounce up to @NumBounces@ times, dealing @DamageCalc@ physical damage (@PercentDamage*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to enemies hit.Wishing StarSoraka heals the lowest percent Health ally for @ModifiedPercentHeal@ of their missing Health. Shortly after, a star will fall on their location, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.Swain unleashes piercing bolts of eldritch power in a cone towards his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within and healing Swain for @ModifiedHealing@ for each enemy hit.AP StealPassive: Enemies within @HexRange@-hexes grant Sylas @PercentMana*100@% of the mana they spend.

    Sylas's next basic attack becomes a whirl of chains, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to his primary target and @ModifiedAoEDamage@ magic damage to enemies within @HexRange@-hexes.

    Enemies struck have @APSteal@ Ability Power stolen for @Duration@ seconds.Syndra flings the nearest enemy towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within 1 hex upon impact and stunning the thrown target for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    VIP Bonus: Force of Will's impact area is 1 hex larger and knocks up affected enemies for @VIPDebutantBonus@ seconds.Devour DurationTahm Kench devours his target, storing them in his belly and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @BellyDuration@ seconds. During this time, they are invulnerable to other sources of damage and Tahm Kench takes @DamageReduction*100@% less damage.

    If they die while inside, Tahm Kench either spits out a random component they were holding, or the cost of the unit in gold. Otherwise, he spits them towards the farthest enemy, briefly stunning targets on impact.

    If a target is immune to crowd control, Tahm Kench will instead deal @ReducedModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Passive: Talon's 1st attack on an enemy causes them to bleed for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds. Every 3rd attack on a target applies an additional bleed.

    VIP Bonus: Talon's bleed now deals true damage and lasts @VIPBleedDurationBonus@% longer.Taric heals himself and the lowest Health ally for @ModifiedHealAmount@. Any overhealing is converted to a shield that lasts @Duration@ seconds.The Bear surges with power, gaining @PercentAD*100@% bonus Attack Damage and granting @AllyADAPBuff@ Attack Damage and Ability Power to your team for @TotalBuffDuration@ seconds.Hex KnockbackTristana fires a massive cannonball towards her target, dealing @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage plus @ModifiedDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy it hits (total: @TotalDamage@ %i:scaleAD%). If the target is within 2 hexes of Tristana, they're knocked back @HexKnockback@ hexes and briefly stunned.Attack Damage StealTrundle bites his target, dealing @PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage, and reducing the target's Attack Speed by @ASSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Each bite also steals @ModifiedADSteal@ Attack Damage for the rest of combat. (total: @TotalDamage@)Spin Base DamageEmpower Attack Damage %Spin Attack Damage %Tryndamere spins in a line towards the most enemies, dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@SpinDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@) to enemies in his path and empowering his next 3 attacks to deal @BonusAAPercent*100@% more damage.Number of CardsTwisted Fate throws 3 cards in a cone that deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to each enemy they pass through.Healing ReductionTwitch fires a powerful bolt towards his target that pierces through enemies, deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% of his Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@), and reduces healing by @GWStrength*100@% for @GWDuration@ seconds.For the next @ModifiedDuration@ seconds, Urgot attacks the closest enemy at a fixed rate of @AttacksPerSecond@ attacks per second. Each attack deals @DamagePerShot@ %i:scaleAD% %i:scaleAS% physical damage. (This Ability's damage scales with Attack Damage and Attack Speed.)Number of FuryhornsVeigar calls down @NumStrikes@ Furyhorns over a few seconds near random enemies, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Vex shields herself against @ModifiedShield@ damage over @ShieldDuration@ seconds. When the shield expires, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes, and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage if it wasn't destroyed.

    If it was destroyed, Personal Space becomes @ShieldAmp*100@% stronger this combat. This effect can stack.Vi empowers her next attack to blast through her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in a cone and reducing their Armor by @ArmorReduction*100@% for @Duration@ seconds.LasersShield ReductionPassive: Viktor's attacks melt his target's defenses, reducing their Armor by @ArmorReduction*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.

    Viktor summons multiple singularities that fire death rays, which cut across the battlefield in a line. To enemies caught in its path, death rays deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, destroy @ShieldDestructionPercent*100@% of any remaining shields.Storm Tick Frequency% Attack Damage Reduction% Ability Power Reduction% Attack Speed ReductionPassive: Warwick's Attacks deal an additional @ModifiedPercentHealth@ of his target's current Health as bonus magic damage, and heal him for @ModifiedHealAmount@ Health.Battle CryXin Zhao unleashes a battle cry, granting allies within two hexes @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds.Percent of Damage DealtYone summons his spirit to attack an enemy up to @HexRange@ hexes away for @Duration@ seconds. The spirit is an untargetable, invulnerable copy of Yone and heals him for @ModifiedLifesteal@ of the damage it deals.

    If Yone dies, his spirit dies with him.Yuumi and Book detach and then launch @NumOfWaves@ waves toward the farthest enemy, each dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. She then attaches to the lowest Health ally.WavesZoomies!PLACEHOLDER: Yuumi dashes to the lowest-Mana ally, restoring @ModifiedMana@ mana. She then repeats this on the farthest ally.Zac stretches his arms up to 3 hexes to pull the 2 most distant enemies towards him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. During this time, Zac gains @DamageReduction@% damage reduction.WeakenedNova DamageNumber of BulletsZeri charges herself up with electricity for @Duration@ seconds. While electrified, she aims at the farthest enemy, her attacks pierce, and she dashes after every shot.

    Passive: Zeri's Basic Attacks fire @NumBullets@ bullets, each dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and @ModifiedBonusOnHit@ bonus magic damage.

    VIP Bonus: Zeri's electrified duration lasts until the end of combat. Ziggs hurls a bomb at his target. After a moderate delay, the bomb lands dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the enemy in the epicenter, and half to adjacent enemies.Zilean places a bomb on the closest enemy, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. When the stun ends or the target dies, the bomb explodes, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to adjacent enemies and reducing their Attack Speed by @Slow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Zyra summons vines in the row with the most enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Plant HealthVi shields herself for @ModifiedShield@ damage and deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to her target and enemies behind it.

    On her 2nd cast, she also dashes through her target.

    On her 3rd cast, she instead throws her target into the air and slams them back to the ground, dealing @ModifiedDamageFinal@ in a circle around her target.Aatrox strikes his target for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and heals himself for @ModifiedHeal@.Anivia summons a prismatic storm around her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over @Duration@ seconds. Enemies in the storm have their Magic Resist reduced by 40%. Ao Shin fires a barrage of @NumStrikes@ lightning strikes at random enemies. Each strike deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and reduces @ManaDrain@ current Mana from his target.Attack Damage PercentageNumber of BoltsAphelios fires @TotalBoltNumber@ bolts in a cone, each deaing @ModifiedSpellDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%). Enemies can only take damage from one bolt. He then stuns all enemies hit for @StunDuration@ second.Sohm sends out a wave to an unmarked target, marking them with a Tideblossom and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies along the way. Tideblossoms transfer to a nearby target if the enemy dies.

    After @NormalCastCount@ casts, his next cast instead summons a vortex under each Tideblossom, dealing @ModifiedExplodeDamage@ magic damage to enemies in the area.Ashe fires a volley of @NumOfArrows@ arrows. Enemies hit take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and suffer @ASReduction@% reduced Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds.Aurelion Sol summons an unstable black hole underneath a random enemy. After 2 seconds it implodes, dealing @ModifiedSpellDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in the area and increasing their damage taken by @DebuffPercent*100@% for @DebuffDuration@ seconds.

    Black holes generated after @AscendTimer@ seconds of combat are larger and deal @AscendDamageIncrease*100@% more damage.% Increased DamageStasis DurationBard sends magical energy toward the largest group of enemies, stunning them for @StasisDuration@ seconds and causing them to take @ModifiedDamageAmpRatio@ increased damage while stunned. If he hits at least 1 enemy, Bard dances in celebration.Brand launches a bouncing fireball at a random enemy that can bounce to nearby enemies up to @Bounces@ times, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ each time it hits. Enemies recently hit by Pyroclasm will also be stunned for @StunDuration@ second.Braum raises his shield towards the largest group of enemies for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, reducing his damage taken from that direction by @ModifiedShieldDR@. Big One % Attack DamageThe Big One % Attack DamageCorki launches a barrage of @NumMissiles@ missiles at his target, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%). The final missile is instead The Big One and deals @TotalBigDamage@ physical damage (@BigPercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedMagicDamage@) in a large area.Diana shields herself for @ModifiedShield@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and summons @Orbs@ orbs around her. These orbs burst for @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage when they hit an enemy. When the final orb bursts, her shield refreshes.Passive: Daeja's attacks launch three barrages that each deal @ModifiedPassiveDamage@ bonus magic damage and reduce the target's Magic Resist by @MRReduction@.

    Active: Daeja sends a wind blast toward the most enemies in a line, dealing @ModifiedBlastDamage@ magic damage.Armor and Magic Resist BuffArmor and Magic Resist Damage PercentTerra stomps three times causing an earthquake around them, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ArmorAndMRPercent@% of their combined %i:scaleArmor% Armor and %i:scaleMR% Magic Resist plus @AttackDamagePercent@% of their Attack Damage.) At the end of the earthquake Terra's scales are hardened for @ResistDuration@ seconds, granting @ModifiedResistBuff@ Armor and Magic Resist.Idas hardens her scales for @DefenseDuration@ seconds, reducing incoming damage by @DamageReduction@. She then roars, healing herself for @ModifiedHeal@ Health and shielding other allies for @ModifiedShieldValue@ for @RoarDuration@ seconds. The shield grants @ASBonusBase*100@% Attack Speed while it holds. Shi Oh Yu enters Jade stance, gaining @ModifiedDamageReduction@ damage reduction, immunity to crowd control, and empowering her next 3 attacks with special effects that deal @TotalDamage@ damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).

    Attack 1: Deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and knocks the target into the air for @Stun@ seconds.
    Attack 2: Deals @TotalDamage@ true damage.
    Attack 3: Ends the stance, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to all enemies in a line and knocking them up for @Stun@ seconds.Jade RushZippy shields himself for @ModifiedShieldAmount@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and somersaults toward the highest percent health enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@AttackDamageRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and knocking them back slightly.Bite % Attack DamageCharge % Attack DamageSy'fen charges toward the farthest enemy within @ChargeDistance@ hexes, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% of Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and knocking up enemies he passes through.

    After charging, Sy'fen bites an enemy, dealing @TotalBiteDamage@ physical damage (@BiteADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and ignoring @ModifiedArmorPenPercent@% of the target's Armor. This bite cannot be dodged.Nomsy breathes fire towards its target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and burning them for @TooltipBurnPercent*100@% of their maximum Health true damage per second over @BurnDuration@ seconds. Burned enemies suffer @GrievousWoundsPercent@% reduced healing.Swain releases his dragonling flock, launching @NumDragonlings@ dragonlings toward nearby enemies that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to their target, then return to Swain and heal him for @HealPercent@% of his missing Health.Elise transforms into Spider Form for the rest of combat, reducing her Attack Range to 1 and replacing her ability with Venomous Bite, which she immediately casts.

    Venomous Bite: Elise's next attack deals @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage. If this kills her target she ascends, becoming untargetable before dropping near the lowest Health enemy and immediately casting Venomous Bite again.Ezreal fires an energy bolt towards his target. The first enemy hit takes @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and grants Ezreal @ModifiedAS@ bonus Attack Speed, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.Gnar has transformed!Gnar transforms into Mega Form, jumping to his target and knocking up nearby enemies for @StunDuration@ second. Gnar also gains @ModifiedAD@ Attack Damage and @ModifiedArmor@ Armor, but reduces his Attack Range to 1.Passive: Graves' attacks spread in a cone of 4 bullets in front of him, each striking the first enemy hit for @PercentAttackDamage@% of his Attack Damage (damage per bullet: @TotalDamage@).

    Active: Graves dashes towards his target, quickly fires two attacks, and grants himself @ModifiedResists@ Armor and Magic Resist for @ResistDuration@ seconds.Hecarim summons spectral riders that charge through his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies hit for @StunDuration@ seconds.Heimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Illaoi slams her idol into the ground, summoning @Tentacles@ tentacles that lash out, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies in a cone. Illaoi steals @ResistStealPercent@% Armor and Magic Resist from each enemy hit for @Duration@ seconds.Daisy smashes the ground around her target, dealing @TooltipDaisyDamage@ magic damage.When its Health is depleted, the Jade Statue will explode.Jax enters a defensive stance for @Duration@ seconds, dodging all incoming attacks. When the stance ends, he strikes all nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Jayce transforms into his melee form, then slams the ground around his target, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and gaining @Resists@ Armor and Magic Resist. He replaces his Ability with Mercurial Judgement for the rest of combat.

    Mercurial Judgment: Jayce calls lightning upon his target, smiting them for @ModifiedSmiteDamage@ magic damage and dealing an additional @ModifiedSecondMagicDamage@ magic damage to other enemies in the area. He then heals for @ModifiedHeal@ health and an additional @BonusHealRatio*100@% per enemy struck.Jinx summons a line of traps centered on her target. Traps detonate after a brief delay, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning enemies hit for @StunDuration@ second(s). Jinx gains @ManaRefund@ mana for each empty trap. For the next @Duration@ seconds, Kai'sa gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed and her attacks explode on impact, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage to enemies within 1 hex of her target.Initial MissilesMaximum MissilesKai'Sa fires @NumMissiles@ missiles split between her target and up to @SecondaryTargetCap@ other targets within her attack range that each deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. This increases by @PerCastMissile@ missiles each cast, up to @MissileCap@.Karma fires a burst of energy towards her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage in a small area around the first enemy hit.Karthus channels for @ChannelDuration@ seconds before dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ + @ModifiedPercentEnemyHealth@ of the enemy's maximum Health as magic damage to the @EnemyCount@ highest Health enemies. Kayn sweeps his scythe in a line through his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to all enemies and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit.The Seastone periodically grants loot as Lagoon units cast more Abilities.

    Total casts: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonCount@
    Gold granted: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonRewardCountGold@
    Rewards granted: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_LagoonRewardCount@Lee Sin kicks his target, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds and knocking them back. The target and all enemies they hit take @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and have their Magic Resist reduced by @TooltipMRShred@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.Leona dashes to the enemy with the highest critical strike chance, taunting all adjacent enemies when she arrives and causing her to reflect @ModifiedDamageReflectPercent@% Attack Damage back to the attacker for the next 6 seconds.Lillia strikes a small area around her target's current location, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage spread amongst all enemies hit and @ModifiedCenterBonusMagicDamage@ bonus magic damage to the enemy at the center of the blast. Lulu enchants the nearest @NumTargets@ champions. Enchanted allies gain @ModifiedAttackSpeedPercent@ Attack Speed for @AllyBuffDuration@ seconds. Enchanted enemies are stunned and transformed into harmless dragonlings for @PolymorphDuration@ seconds, taking @DamageAmp@% increased damage while stunned. If there are fewer than 3 units nearby, Lulu will enchant herself.Lux launches a star towards the furthest enemy, then draws it back to her, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to each enemy in its path. Lux fires a star towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy struck, and @LesserModifiedDamage@ magic damage to subsequent enemies.Base Shield AmountPercent HealthMalphite shields himself for @TotalShield@ %i:scaleHealth% (@ModifiedBase@ + @ShieldPercentHealth*100@% maximum health) for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.Coral Shield
    Passive: Malphite starts combat with a shield equal to @ModifiedShieldPercent@ of his maximum health.Nami launches a stream of water at her target that bounces up to @BounceCount@ additional targets, prioritizing low Health targets and alternating between enemies and allies. Enemies hit take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and allies hit heal for @ModifiedHealing@.Nasus surrounds himself in light for @Duration@ seconds, gaining @BonusHealth@ maximum health and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to adjacent enemies every second.% Health Copied% Stats CopiedEach Combat: Neeko disguises herself as the nearest allied champion, adding their bonus Attack Damage and Attack Speed to her own and copying all other stats except Health. She then gains a shield for @ModifiedShieldBase@ plus @HealthRatio*100@% of her ally's Health.

    When the shield breaks, she transforms into Neeko Form, reverts back to her own stats, and casts Pop Blossom, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Neeko then casts Pop Blossom each time she reaches maximum mana.Nidalee transforms into Cougar Form for the rest of combat, reducing her Attack Range to 1 and gaining bonus movement speed and @ModifiedAS@ Attack Speed. While in cougar form, every @NumAttacks@rd attack swipes her target for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).Shield StealNilah cracks her whip-blade at her target, dashing through them and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedDamage@). If this does damage to a shield, she gains a shield equal to @PercentShield*100@% of the damage she deals to it for @ShieldStealDuration@ seconds. She instantly recasts if the target is killed or remains shielded.Nomsy bellows, lobbing a massive fireball towards a random enemy that explodes on impact, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within 1 hex, and bouncing additional fireballs outward that deal @PercentDamage*100@% of the damage.Nunu encourages Willump to bite his target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If Willump's target has less Health than he does before the bite, it deals an additional @DamageAmp*100@% damage.Passive: Olaf seeks glorious death, permanently gaining %i:scaleAD% @StackingAD@ Attack Damage (@StackingAD*2@ in Hyper Roll) whenever he dies (Current Bonus: %i:scaleAD% @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT7_OlafPassiveBonusAD@ Attack Damage).

    Active: Olaf strikes his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@AttackDamageRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and gaining @ModifiedAttackSpeedRatio@ Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds. If he's below @HealthPercentThreshold@% Health, the Attack Speed is doubled.Ornn summons an elemental that charges towards Ornn through the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and slowing their Attack Speed by 50% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. When the elemental reaches Ornn he redirects it towards another distant enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Passive: Pantheon takes @DamageReductionPercent*100@% less damage.

    Active: Pantheon braces his shield for @Duration@ seconds, doubling the effectiveness of his passive and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) in the area in front of him over the duration. Enemies hit have their incoming healing reduced by @HealingReduction@% for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.Mortal SpearPassive: Each time Pantheon takes damage, his next spear does @ModifiedBonusDamage@ more physical damage.

    Active: Pantheon thrusts his spear towards the furthest enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) physical damage to each enemy hit. While the spear is traveling, Pantheon is immune to @DamageReduction@% of damage.Dragonic CometPantheon summons the power of the Dragons, unable to move but becomes immune to damage for @Duration@ seconds. He then stabs his spear at the largest group of enemies in range, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@). If no targets are nearby, Pantheon leaps to the nearest enemy before stabbing.Pyke dives toward the lowest Health enemy and slashes in an X, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to his target and @ModifiedSecondaryDamage@ to other enemies struck. Enemies hit suffer @HealingReduction@% reduced healing for @HealingReductionDuration@ seconds.

    If Pyke hits an enemy at or below @HealthThreshold@% Health he executes them and immediately recasts Death From Below.Qiyana dashes to the best position to strike enemies with her blade, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage in a short line and disarming enemies hit for @CCDuration@ seconds.Bonus ShieldRakan dashes to the furthest enemy within his attack range, disarming all units he passes through for @DisarmDuration@ seconds, and taunting his target.

    Then for @ShieldDuration@ seconds, Rakan creates a shield with @ModifiedShield@ health on himself and his attacks grant him an additional @ModifiedBonusShield@ health shield.% Armor and Magic ResistRell forms a tether between herself and her lowest percent health ally, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies between herself and her bound ally. She also grants herself and her bound ally @Resists@% of Rell's current Armor and Magic Resist for @Duration@ seconds.Rengar leaps to the lowest armor enemy, dealing @TotalPhysicalDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @BonusPhysicalDamage@). He then gains a burst of attack speed for his next @NumEmpoweredAttacks@ attacks.
    Ryze hurls @NumOfOrbs@ arcane orb at his target, dealing @SingleOrbDamage@ magic damage (@ModifiedPercentMana@%%i:scaleAP% maximum Mana %i:scaleMana%). Each cast increases his maximum Mana by @ManaIncrease@ and the number of orbs thrown by @OrbIncrease@.Sejuani swings her mace wide, hitting all enemies in a cone for @SpellDamage@ %i:scaleHealth% magic damage (@TooltipModifiedFractionMaxHealth@ maximum Health). She quickly strikes again, repeating the damage on her target and the enemy directly behind it and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Senna launches black mist toward the farthest enemy, striking the first enemy hit and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) on a small area and an additional @ModifiedBonusDamage@ magic damage to the target hit.Mana per attackSeraphine sings a serenade of the seas, granting a @ModifiedShield@ shield and @ModifiedOnHit@ magic damage on attacks to all allies within @Hex@ hexes for @Duration@ seconds.For the next @Duration@ seconds, Sett gains @ModifiedResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist, and every other punch deals @TotalBonusDamage@ bonus physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).Shen creates a zone around himself for @ZoneDuration@ seconds, in which all nearby allies dodge physical damage. While it's active, Shen gains @ModifiedMR@ Magic Resist.Flame Breath DamagePercent DamageShyvana transforms into Dragon Form for the rest of combat, replacing her ability with Flame Breath. She then becomes untargetable before dive-bombing the largest group of enemies, dealing @ModifiedInitialDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. After landing, Shyvana casts Flame Breath again immediately.

    Flame Breath: Shyvana breathes fire in a cone, dealing up to @ModifiedFlameBreathDamage@ magic damage. While breathing fire, Shyvana is always enraged.Skarner shields himself for @ModifiedShield@ for @Duration@ seconds, and gains @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed while it holds.Sona plays her ultimate chord toward the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Passive: While any ally is below @HealthThreshold@% Health, Soraka gains an additional @ManaPerAttack@ mana per attack.

    Active: Soraka calls down a shower of stars over the next @Duration@ seconds. Allies are healed for @ModifiedHealing@ each time a star hits them.Swain transforms into Dragon Form, replacing his attacks with fireballs that deal @ModifiedFireballDamage@ magic damage and replacing his Ability with Greater Fireball.

    Greater Fireball: Swain's next fireball deals @PercentBonusDamage@% more damage and explodes in an area around his target.Sylas whirls his chains, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit and shielding himself for @ModifiedShield@ for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. If Sylas has already shielded himself, he hits in a larger area and applies Mana-Reave to enemies hit, increasing the cost of their next ability by 35%.Tahm Kench shields himself for @ModifiedShield@ + @ShieldHealthRatio*100@% maximum Health for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The next @NumAttacks@ enemy attacks he receives during this duration deal @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the attacker.Taliyah throws 3 stones at her target, each dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ to the first enemy hit.Primary % Attack DamageRing % Attack DamageTalon stealths for @StealthDuration@ seconds and flings out a ring of blades, dealing @SecondaryTotalDamage@ physical damage (@SecondaryRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to enemies hit. He then leaps to the farthest enemy within 4 hexes and recalls the blades, dealing that damage again and dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) to his target.Taric grants himself and his closest ally a protective rune that increases Armor by @ModifiedArmor@ for @Duration@ seconds.Thresh hooks the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, stunning them for @PullDuration@ seconds and pulling them towards himself over the duration.Tristana fires up to @NumOfCharges@ explosive charges, prioritizing the closest targets without a charge. Charges detonate after @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to nearby enemies and an additional @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target.Twitch hurls an exploding flask at his target, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@ADRatio*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedBaseDamage@) in an area and reducing the Armor of enemies hit by @TooltipShredMult*100@% for @ShredDuration@ seconds.Varus sends out a cosmic tendril towards his target that strikes the first enemy hit, dealing @TooltipDamage@ physical damage (@ADPercent@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds. Tendrils then spread to @SpreadCount@ nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedMagicDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for the same duration.Viego blinks to the lowest health unit within 3 hexes and creates a blast that deals @ModifiedSpellDamageTotal@ physical damage (@SpellDamagePercentAD*100@% %i:scaleAD% + @ModifiedSpellBaseDamage@) to his target. Nearby enemies take @AOEDamageReduction*100@% reduced damage. Viego then heals @PercentMaxHPHeal*100@% of his maximum health for each enemy hit. Vladimir deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to his target and heals himself for @ModifiedHeal@.Volibear rages, gaining @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus Health. For the rest of combat, every @NumAttacks@rd attack deals @ModifiedDamagePerTarget@ magic bonus magic damage to the target, and @ModifiedDamagePerTarget@ magic damage to up to @NumTargets@ additional enemies.Wukong slams his target with his staff, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% plus @TooltipBaseDamage@) and stunning them for @Duration@ seconds.Bonus FeathersRecall DamageRecall % Attack DamageFor @Duration@ seconds, whenever Xayah attacks she fires a feather behind her target and @NumBonusAttacks@ nearby enemies.

    At the end of this duration Xayah recalls her feathers, dealing @ModifiedPullbackDamagePerFeather@ physical damage (@RecallAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% + @TooltipRecallAP@) per feather to enemies struck.Yasuo shields himself for @ModifiedShieldAmount@ for @ShieldDuration@ second and dashes through his target, slashing nearby enemies for @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAttackDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).

    Every third cast his slash deals @EmpoweredDamagePct@% damage, hits a larger area, and knocks up enemies for @StunDuration@ seconds. If Yasuo hits only the last enemy left alive, he repeatedly slashes them until they die.Passive: Yone's attacks alternate between dealing @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus magic damage and dealing @BonusPhysicalDamage@ bonus physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%).Percent Maximum HealthZac explodes outward towards enemies within @AoERadius@ hexes, dealing @ModifiedPercentHealthDamage@ of their maximum Health as magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@.Laser DamageZeri fires a water pulse at the closest enemy within @RangeCheck@ hexes, or at the centermost enemy, stunning them briefly for @StunDuration@ seconds. When the pulse explodes it deals @TargetDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) and creates a laser behind the target that deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies hit.Zoe nabs a spell from another dimension and casts it as if it were her own.Zoe fires a cone of tornados. Allies hit gain @ModifiedPercentAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds, and enemies hit are stunned and knocked up for @StunDuration@ seconds.Smash DamageZoe summons Daisy to fight with her and grants Daisy @DaisyBonusAPConversion*100@% of her Ability Power. If Daisy is already in battle, Zoe commands Daisy to cast Smash.Zoe channels a ray of energy for 3 seconds toward the enemy nearest the center of the battlefield, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ total magic damage over the duration. The beam widens as Zoe channels, and she will pivot if there are no enemies in the area.Zoe fires a beam towards the farthest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit.Zoe makes the @Targets@ allies with the lowest percentage Health immune to damage for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and grants them @ModifiedResistAmount@ Armor and Magic Resist for the rest of combat.Heimerdinger lobs an egg at the highest percent Health enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ second. Lulu enchants the nearest @NumTargets@ champions. Enchanted allies gain @ModifiedAttackSpeedPercent@ Attack Speed for @AllyBuffDuration@ seconds. Enchanted enemies are stunned and transformed into harmless dragonlings for @PolymorphDuration@ seconds. If there are fewer than 3 units nearby, Lulu will enchant herself.Passive: Tristana grants Nomsy @NomsyAttackDamage@ bonus Attack Damage.

    Tristana fires up to @NumOfCharges@ explosive charges, prioritizing the closest targets without a charge. Charges detonate after @Duration@ seconds, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage (@PercentAD*100@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD%) to nearby enemies and an additional @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to the target.This unit has very high health regeneration which makes it nigh invincible. It also will not move or attack.This unit will move and auto attack enemies. It has no active or passive spells.This unit will not move or attack. It just sits there.This unit will move and auto attack enemies at range. It has no active or passive spells.Akali throws kunai at her target, dealing 150 %i:scaleAP% magic damage.
    There is a 25% %i:scaleCrit% chance that this spell will critically strike for 225 %i:scaleCritMult% magic damage instead.Camille singles out and leaps to an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and rooting them for @Duration@ seconds.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Camille's target.Number of SpiderlingsFiora reveals four Vitals on an enemy champion before becoming untargetable as she strikes each once in rapid succession.

    Each strike deals @PercentAD*100@% of her Attack Damage as physical damage (Total: @TotalDamage@), @ModifiedBonusDamage@ bonus true damage, and heals her for @PercentHealing*100@% of the total damage dealt.Passive: Justice never rests! Galio is unstoppable and immune to crowd control effects.

    Galio slams down with divine might dealing @ModifiedDamage@ true damage to all enemies.Passive: Graves' attacks deal 5% %i:scaleAD% bonus physical damage and hit all enemies in a cone in front of him.Jayce knocks a nearby enemy away, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @CCDuration@ seconds. He then transforms into cannon form and gains max attack speed for his next @AAMax@ attacks.

    While in cannon form, Jayce's attack range is increased by 3 hexes.Passive: Jinx gets excited as she helps take down enemy units.

    After her first takedown, Jinx gains @PercentAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed.

    After her second takedown, Jinx swaps to her rocket launcher, causing her attacks to deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage to all enemies in a small area around her target.Spell DamageTristana places a bomb on her current target which will detonate after she attacks them 3 times or @ExplosiveChargeDuration@ seconds pass without Tristana attacking them.

    When the bomb detonates, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies, plus @PercentDamageIncrease@ for each attack, up to a maximum of @ModifiedMaxDamage@.Veigar blasts a random enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If Veigar is a higher star level than his target they are instantly killed instead.Vi charges at the farthest enemy, knocking aside and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies along the way. When she reaches her target, she deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocks them up for @CCDuration@ seconds.Camille singles out and leaps on an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and rooting them for @Duration@ seconds.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Camille's target.Draven starts spinning an axe, granting him 150% %i:scaleAD% bonus physical damage on-hit on his next attack.

    It will return to his location after striking the target and if Draven catches it, it will refresh the buff.

    Draven can spin up to two axes at a time.Passive: Graves' basic attacks deal 5% %i:scaleAD% bonus physical damage and hit all enemies in a cone in front of him. Graves applies on-hit effects to all enemies hit.Jayce knocks a nearby enemy away, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @CCDuration@ seconds. He then transforms into cannon form and gains max attack speed for his next @AAMax@ Basic Attacks.

    While in cannon form, Jayce's Attack Range is increased by 3 hexes.Kai'Sa dashes to the furthest enemy unit, gaining +@ASPercent*100@% Attack Speed and a shield that blocks @ModifiedShield@ damage for @Duration@ seconds.Burn PercentThe Training Dummy cannot move or attack. It is also dressed like a devilishly handsome Yordle.The Voidspawn gains bonus Health and Attack Damage based on the current Stage. Volibear empowers his attacks for the next 20 seconds, causing them to chain to up to 3 nearby enemies. These chains deal 80% %i:scaleAD% physical damage and apply on-hit effects.% Damage to Thick Skin% Damage to Thick Skin EnhancedShield To Health ConversionPassive: @GreyHealthRatio*100@% of damage Tahm Kench takes is stored by his Thick Skin, increased to @GreyHealthRatioEnhanced*100@% if there are at least @EnhancedThreshold@ nearby enemy champions. If Kench has not taken damage within @OOCTimer@ seconds, Thick Skin will rapidly be consumed to heal Tahm for @GreyHealthHealingRatio@ of its value.

    Active: Convert all your stored Thick Skin into a Shield, lasting @ShieldDuration@ seconds.Grey health is capped at @GreyHealthMaximum@Voyage Disabled In CombatAbyssal VoyageTahm Kench teleports across the map, and he may bring one ally champion with him.Dive down and then re-appear at target location, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and knock up all enemies in an area for @KnockupDuration@ seconds.Taking damage from champions cancels the channel.
    Allies in combat with champions cannot join Tahm Kench.

    'Boy, the world's one river, and I'm its king. Ain't no place I ain't been; ain't no place I can't go again.'Attacks deal @TotalDamage@ bonus magic damage. Against champions, they add a stack of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }} for @Duration@ seconds, up to @MaxStacks@ times.

    At @MaxStacks@ stacks, Tongue Lash and Devour become empowered against that champion.Percent Missing Health HealingDeals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and slows them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    On Champion hit, heals Tahm for @BaseHeal@ +@PercentHealthHealing*100@% of his missing health and applies a stack of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }} dealing @Spell.TahmKenchPassive:TotalDamage@ extra magic damage. If that Champion already had 3 stacks of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }}, they will also be stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds, consuming the stacks.

    Activate Devour while your tongue is in midair to devour enemy champions who already have 3 stacks of {{ Spell_TahmKenchPassive_Name }} from a distance when you hit them.{{ Spell_TahmKenchQ_Name }}'s range increases with Tahm Kench's sizeAlly Self Slow Amount@CDCalc@{{ Item_Cooldown }}@DataManaCost@ ManaAllies can see when this spell is available next to your health bar (enemies cannot).Tahm Kench devours a champion for a few seconds. He can re-cast to spit them out.

    Enemy Champions: Require 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste. Are devoured for up to @EnemyDuration@ seconds and take @BaseDamage@ (+@PercentHPDamage@ of their Max Health) magic damage. Tahm Kench is slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% and Grounded during this effect.

    Ally Champions: Are devoured for up to @AllyDuration@ seconds and are granted @TotalShield@ Shield for up to @ShieldDurationAfterExit@ seconds after being spit out. Allies can also choose to exit early. Tahm Kench is Grounded during this effect, but can cast {{Spell_TahmKenchW_Name}} and gains @AllySpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @AllyDuration@ seconds.Dive down and then re-appear at target location, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and knock up all enemies in an area for @KnockupDuration@ second. Hitting at least one enemy champion refunds @ChampRefund*100@% of the cooldown and mana cost.

    Devoured allies can be taken along for the ride (but can always hop out early).Enemies cannot see where you are headed to until @EnemyWarningDelayFromChannelStart@ seconds into the channel.

    'Boy, the world's one river, and I'm its king. Ain't no place I ain't been; ain't no place I can't go again.'Janna gains @MSPercentSelf*100@% Move Speed moving towards allied champions and they gain @MSPercentAlly*100@% Move Speed moving towards her.{{Spell_TailwindSelf_Tooltip}}

    Move Speed damage ratio increases at level 10.Cougar Form: Nidalee's next Attack deals an additional @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:TotalTakedownDamage@ plus @spell.AspectOfTheCougar:TakedownDamageAmp@% per 1% missing Health magic damage.

    If the enemy was Hunted, deals @Effect5Amount*100@% increased damage.{{Spell_Takedown_Tooltip}}

    {{Spell_JavelinToss_Tooltip}}Taliyah scatters loose stones in an area, Slowing enemies hit by @SlowPercent*100@% and dealing @ScatterDamage@ magic damage. The stones detonate when enemies dash or are Knocked through them, Stunning for the remaining movement duration + @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @DetonationDamage@ magic damage.The stun's duration cannot exceed @MaxStunDuration@ seconds. Each enemy can only be stunned once per cast. Monsters are always stunned for the maximum duration.
    Stones beyond the first one deal @MineDamageFalloff*100@% less damage.
    Max detonation damage: @MaxDetonationDamageTooltip@
    This ability deals @MonsterModPercent*100@% damage to monsters.
    Rock VolleyTaliyah throws another rock that deals @TotalDamage@ Magic Damage in an area around the first enemy hit.

    She can recast this spell twice within the next 2 seconds to throw even more rocks. The third rock deals @BigRockMultiplier*100@% increased damage.Subsequent Hit Damage ReductionTaliyah hurls 5 rocks, each dealing @RockDamage@ magic damage in an area around the first enemy hit while creating Worked Ground at that area. Subsequent hits against the same enemy deal @ExtraMissileReducedDamagePercent@% less damage.

    Casts on worked ground cost @Effect7Amount@ Mana and have @WorkedGroundCDR*100@% less Cooldown, consume the Worked Ground, and hurl a boulder that Slows enemies it hits by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds, dealing @BigRockDamage@ magic damage to the primary target. Monsters hit by the boulder are Stunned for @MonsterStunDuration@ seconds.Taliyah can move and use other Abilities while hurling rocks.
    Casting this Ability on Worked Ground cannot reduce its Cooldown to less than @MinimumWorkedGroundCD@ seconds.
    Total damage to a single target: @MaxDamageTooltip@
    Each rock deals @TotalBonusFlatMonsterDamage@ additional damage to monsters.
    Taliyah creates a massive earthen wall for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. If she immediately Recasts, she will ride along the wall as it unravels. Moving or being immobilized will end the ride.

    This ability cannot be cast if Taliyah has taken damage from Champions or structures or dealt damage within the last @DamageLockoutTime@ seconds.Once the wall is fully formed, Taliyah can Recast to destroy it early.Taliyah quakes the earth, Knocking enemies in an area in the chosen direction.@Effect5Amount@s CooldownTalon vaults over the nearest terrain or structure. Talon cannot dash over the same terrain more than once every @Effect6Amount@ seconds.Terrain Cooldown{{game_buff_tooltip_TalonPassive}}

    Damage over time effect deals @monstermod*100@% damage to jungle monsters.@Effect6Amount@sTalon leaps to a target and deals @LeapDamage@ physical damage. If used in melee range, this Ability instead critically strikes for @CriticalDamage@ physical damage.

    If this Ability kills the target, Talon restores @TotalHealing@ Health and refunds @Effect5Amount*100@% of its Cooldown.Melee damage is affected by Critical Strike Damage increase.Talon disperses a ring of blades that deal @Damage@ physical damage, gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed, and becomes Invisible for @Duration@ seconds. When the Invisibility ends, the blades return to Talon, dealing @Damage@ physical damage again.

    If Talon cancels the Invisibility with an Attack or with {{Spell_TalonQ_Name}}, the blades return to the target instead.Talon tosses a volley of blades, dealing @TotalInitialDamage@ physical damage. The blades then return to him, dealing @TotalReturnDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @MovespeedSlow*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.This Ability deals @MonsterDamageMod*100@% damage to jungle monsters.Passive: Amumu takes @DamageReduction@ reduced physical damage. Additionally, when Amumu is hit by an Attack, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by 0.5 seconds.

    Active: Amumu throws a tantrum, dealing @TantrumDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies.Taric projects a beam of starlight, bursting after @Effect3Amount@ second to deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stun enemies for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.After using an Ability, Taric's next 2 Attacks within @Duration@ seconds gain 100% Attack Speed, deal an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage, and reduce his basic Ability Cooldowns by @CDR@ second.@Cost@ Mana, all ChargesPassive: Gain a stack (max @Effect6Amount@) every @StackCooldown@ seconds and when hitting a Bravado Attack.

    Active: Consume all stacks to restore @HealingPerStack@ Health per stack to nearby ally champions (@MaxStackHealing@ at @Effect6Amount@ stacks).Taric calls down protection from the heavens. After @InitialDelay@ seconds, nearby ally champions become invulnerable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds.Passive: Taric gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and forms a tether between him and the ally bound by this Ability. As long as they are near each other, the ally gains @BonusArmor@ Armor and Taric casts all his Abilities from both himself and his linked ally.

    Active: Taric binds to an ally champion, granting a @Effect2Amount@% max Health Shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Mimicked spell effects do not stack.
    Only one ally can be bound at a time.

    Taric can use this Ability on himself to use his max Health for the Shield and not change the marked ally.Bounce Distance@AmmoRechargeTime@s Trap Recharge (@Cooldown@s %i:cooldown%)Teemo tosses a mushroom trap that detonates when stepped on. The traps Slow by @SlowAmount@% and deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage over @DebuffDuration@ seconds. Enemies are revealed for the same duration.

    Traps last @MushroomDuration@ minutes and are stealthed. A mushroom tossed onto another mushroom bounces before landing at its position. This Ability has @MaxAmmo@ charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).
    Passive: Thresh's Attacks deal additional damage based on how long since he last Attacked. They deal between @PAttackDamageMin@ and @PAttackDamageMax@ magic damage.

    Active: Thresh whips his chains, Pulling or Pushing enemies in the direction of the swing. Enemies hit are also Slowed by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ second and take @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Passive damage scales with number of Souls collected.Thresh collects the souls of dead enemies by walking near them, permanently granting him Armor and Ability Power. However, Thresh does not gain Armor per level.

    Champions and large minions always drop a soul while small minions only sometimes drop one. Epic monsters drop two souls.{{Spell_ThreshPassiveSouls_Tooltip}}

    Current Soul Bonuses: @CurrentSoulBonus@ Ability Power, @CurrentSoulBonus@ Armor

    Champions and large minions always drop a Soul, while small minions and jungle monsters only sometimes drop one. Epic jungle monsters drop two Souls.Thresh pulls himself to the poor soul.Thresh throws out his scythe, Stunning the first unit hit and Pulling them towards Thresh for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. The scythe does @TotalDamage@ magic damage and also grants True Sight for the duration.

    Thresh can Recast this Ability to pull himself to the enemy.

    If this Ability hits, its Cooldown is reduced by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.Thresh creates a prison of spectral walls, Slowing champions by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Walls break after one collision, and after one is broken, the rest deal no damage and Slow for half duration.Thresh throws his lantern, allowing an ally to click on it to dash to Thresh.

    The lantern also grants @TotalShield@ Shield for @Effect5Amount@ seconds to Thresh and the first ally champion to come in contact with it.The Shield scales with number of Souls collected.Zilean Slows an enemy champion by @Effect2Amount@% or grants an allied champion @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.Passive: Teemo's Attacks apply poison, dealing an additional @ImpactCalculatedDamage@ magic damage plus @TotalDotDamage@ magic damage over @PoisonDuration@ seconds.Teemo's basic attacks poison their target, dealing @ImpactCalculatedDamage@ magical damage upon impact and @TickCalculatedDamage@ magical damage each second for @PoisonDuration@ seconds.

    Toxic Shot's poison does @MonsterMod@% damage to monsters.This poison deals @MonsterMod@% damage to jungle monsters.Rammus hops into the air and slams down in an area, dealing @InitialDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center take additional damage based on how far Rammus hopped (max: @TooltipMaxDamageCalc@ magic damage). If used during Powerball, enemies in the center are also Knocked Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds.

    Rammus then creates @NumberOfPulses@ aftershocks in the area over @BuffDuration@ seconds, each dealing @PulseDamageCalc@ magic damage and stacking the Slow (max: @MaxSlow@%).

    The range of this Ability is increased by Rammus's Move Speed.The initial slam and aftershocks deal @TurretDamageModifier*100@% damage to turrets.Passive: Tristana's Attacks that kill enemies deal @PassiveDamage@ magic damage to surrounding enemies.

    Active: Tristana attaches a bomb to an enemy or turret that deals @ActiveDamage@ physical damage to surrounding enemies after @ActiveDuration@ seconds. The damage is increased by @CritChanceAmp*100@% Critical Strike Chance and by @ActivePerStackAmp*100@% each time Tristana hits an Attack or Ability (max 4 stacks).

    At @ActiveMaxStacks@ stacks, the bomb explodes immediately (max @ActiveMaxDamage@ physical damage).The detonation radius is twice as large if used on a turret.Tristana's Attack Range and the range of {{Spell_TristanaE_Name}} and {{Spell_TristanaR_Name}} are increased by @BonusPassiveRange@.Tristana goes full-auto, gaining @Effect1Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Tristana fires a massive cannonball, dealing @DamageCalc@ magic damage to the target and Knocking them Back along with surrounding enemies.If this Ability applies the final stack of {{Spell_TristanaE_Name}}, it explodes after the unit is Knocked Back.Tristana launches herself, dealing @LandingDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds upon landing.

    Champion takedowns and max stack {{Spell_TristanaE_Name}} detonations on champions refresh this Ability's Cooldown.Trundle creates an icy pillar for @Effect1Amount@ seconds, briefly Knocking Back enemies directly over it and Slowing nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@%.
    If the pillar is created directly underneath a champion, they are briefly Knocked Back.
    When an enemy dies near Trundle, he restores @RegenPercent@ of its max Health.Trundle drains the lifeforce of an enemy champion, dealing @TotalPercentHPDamage@ max Health magic damage and stealing @ArmorMRShred*100@% Armor and Magic Resist over @ActualDurationOfDrainBuff@ seconds.Half of the damage and shred happen immediately and the other half happens over the duration.
    The shred lasts for @DurationOfDrainForTooltip@ seconds after the drain ends.
    Trundle's next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and briefly Slows by @Effect7Amount*100@%, then Trundle gains @Effect3Amount@ Attack Damage for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and the enemy loses @Effect3Amount*0.5@ Attack Damage for the same duration.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}Tryndamere spins through his enemies, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and generating @FuryGained@ Fury per enemy hit.

    This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @Effect2Amount@ second when Tryndamere critically strikes, and reduced by @Effect3Amount@ seconds when critically striking a champion.Tryndamere's Attacks grant him 5 Fury or 10 Fury for a critical strike, and 10 Fury for killing a unit. After 8 seconds of being out of combat, Tryndamere loses 5 Fury every second.

    Each point of Fury grants @PassiveCritConversionTooltip@% Critical Strike Chance.Passive: Tryndamere thirsts for blood, gaining @Effect1Amount@ Attack Damage plus @Effect2Amount@ per 1% missing Health.

    Active: Tryndamere consumes his Fury, restoring @BaseHeal@ plus @Effect4Amount@ Health per Fury.Tryndamere hurls insults, reducing champions' Attack Damage by @Effect1Amount*-1@ for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemies with their backs towards Tryndamere are Slowed by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for the same duration.Twitch's Attacks infect his target, dealing @DamagePerSecond@ true damage per second for @Duration@ seconds, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times.

    Max Damage Per Second: @DamagePerSecondMax@Deals @BaseDamage@ physical damage to all nearby enemies affected by Deadly Venom, plus an additional @PhysicalDamagePerStack@ physical damage and @MagicDamagePerStack@ magical damage per stack of Deadly Venom.

    Max Damage: @MaxPhysicalDamage@ physical damage and @MaxMagicDamage@ magical damage.Twitch unleashes his crossbow, gaining @BonusRange@ Attack Range and @BonusAD@ Attack Damage, and causing his Attacks to become piercing bolts for @Duration@ seconds. These bolts hit all enemies they pass through, but deal @FallOffDamage*100@% less damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @MinimumFallOffDamage*100@% damage.
    Using this Ability does not break Camouflage, but Attacking still does.Twitch Camouflages and gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. The Move Speed increases to @Effect3Amount*3@% while near an enemy champion that can't see him. After exiting Camouflage, Twitch gains @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    When an enemy champion dies while afflicted with Venom, this Ability's Cooldown is refreshed.Twitch hurls a cask that adds a stack of Deadly Venom to all enemies struck and leaves behind a toxic cloud that persists for @Duration@ seconds.

    Enemies that remain within the cloud are Slowed by @TotalSlowAmount@% and receive an additional stack of Deadly Venom each second.Passive: While this Ability is off Cooldown, Shaco's Attacks Slow the target by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDurationPassive@ seconds.

    Active: Shaco throws a shiv, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*-100@% for @SlowDurationActive@ seconds. If the target has less than @ExecuteHealthThreshold*100@% Health, the shiv deals @TotalExecuteDamage@ damage instead.Malphite charges with the force of a landslide, dashing Unstoppably. At the end of the dash, Malphite Knocks Up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds and deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Stampede Stance: Udyr gains @MoveSpeed*100@% Move Speed, decaying over @MoveSpeedDuration@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's Attacks dash him to the target and Stun for @StunDuration@ seconds (@ICD@ second Cooldown per target).

    Awaken: Grants immunity to Immobilizing and Disabling effects and an additional @MoveSpeedBonus@ Move Speed for @UnstoppableDuration@ seconds.Udyr moves through units during the Move Speed boost, and his Attacks in this Stance can't be cancelled.Awakened Spirit: Udyr has four basic Abilities that swap between Stances. Udyr can Recast an Ability that is on Cooldown to gain its bonuses again with additional benefits. (@UltCD@ second Cooldown).

    Monk Training: After using an Ability, Udyr's next two Attacks within @AttackSpeedDuration@ seconds gain @AttackSpeed@ Attack Speed and refund @UltCDReduction*100@% of Awaken's Cooldown.
    Awakened Spirits: Instead of a traditional ultimate, Udyr has four basic Abilities that swap between Stances. Udyr can re-cast his stance during its cooldown to Awaken it, refreshing it with bonus effects (Awaken has a @UltCD@ second cooldown).

    Monk Training: After using an Ability, Udyr's next two attacks within @AttackSpeedDuration@ seconds gain @AttackSpeed@ increased attack speed and refund @UltCDReduction*100@% of Awaken's cooldown on hit.Storm Stance: Udyr surrounds himself in a glacial storm for @BuffDuration@ seconds, dealing @StormDamage@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies and Slowing them by @SlowPotency*100@%. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal @PulseDamage@ magic damage to enemies in the storm.

    Awaken: Unleash the storm, causing it to follow Udyr's last Attacked enemy, deal an additional @PercentHPBlast@ max Health magic damage over the duration, and Slow by an additional @EmpoweredSlow@.Ultimate attacks deal @MaxHPOnHit1@ | @MaxHPOnHit2@ | @MaxHPOnHit3@ on-hit max health physical damage, respectively.Each lightning strike deals @EmpoweredLightningBonus@ max Health magic damage (max damage to monsters: @spell.UdyrQ:MonsterCap@).Storm Stance: Udyr surrounds himself in a glacial storm for @BuffDuration@ seconds, dealing @StormDamage@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies and Slowing them by @SlowPotency*100@%. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal @PulseDamage@ magic damage to enemies in the storm (or enemies around Udyr if the storm expires).

    Awaken: Unleash the storm, causing it to follow Udyr's last Attacked enemy, deal an additional @PercentHPBlast@ max Health magic damage over the duration, and Slow by an additional @EmpoweredSlow@.Storm deals @DamageToMinions_Scaling@ damage to minions. Awakened deals a minimum of @spell.UdyrQ:MonsterNukeMinRCalc@ to monsters.Claw Stance: Udyr gains @AttackSpeedBase*100@% Attack Speed and his Attacks deal @OnHitDamage@ physical damage {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} for @AttackSpeedDurationBase@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal a bonus @MaxHPOnHit1@ max Health physical damage and gain @AttackRange@ range.

    Awaken: Increase bonus Attack Speed to @EmpoweredTotalAS@ and max Health damage to @Q2TotalOnHitHPDamage@. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks call lightning six times, dealing a total of @EmpoweredLightningBonusMax@ max Health magic damage to isolated targets (strikes bounce to other nearby targets when possible).
    Mantle Stance: Udyr gains @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks gain @LifeSteal*100@% Life Steal and restore @LifeOnHit@ Health.

    Awaken: Gain @RecastShield@ Shield, restore @RecastHeal@ Health over @ShieldDuration@ seconds, and Udyr's next two Attacks instead have @LifeSteal*200@% Life Steal and restore @LifeOnHitAwakened@ Health.
    The Shield granted by an Awaken cast will stack with any remaining Shield from the original cast. Life on hit reduced by @HealOnHitMinionPenalty*100@% against minions.Nilah whirls her whip-blade, dealing @DamagePerTickCalcTooltip@ physical damage over 1 second, then finishes with a burst of @DamageCalc@ physical damage that also Pulls nearby enemies toward her.

    Nilah heals herself and nearby allies by @ChampHealingPercent*100@% of her damage dealt to enemy champions' Health (@OtherHealingPercent*100@% for non-champions), converting any overhealing into a Shield for @Duration@ seconds.
    Gangplank signals his ship to fire 12 waves of cannonballs anywhere on the map over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Each wave Slows by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and deals @OneWaveDamage@ magic damage.Subsequent needle hits on the same unit Slow by @SubsequentSlow*-100@% instead.
    Max damage: @MaxDamage@
    Passive: Champions damaged by Kayn are marked for 3.15 seconds.

    Kayn infests a marked enemy, becoming Untargetable. After @InfestDuration@ seconds or after Recasting, Kayn bursts out, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the enemy.This spell is loading...Will be replaced by your Ultimate Summoner Spell selection.Will be replaced by your Ultimate Summoner Spell.

    Gain Attack-Smite. Attack-Smite will execute allied Buff Monsters, Epic Monsters, and Scuttle Crabs when you attack them.

    Attack-Smite does not have a cooldown.Hijacks an enemy champion, allowing you to cast a copy of their Ult-ernate Summoner Spell, based on your Ult-ernate Summoner level and using your stats.

    Hijacking an enemy places a Cooldown on them for @PerTargetCooldown@% (modified by Summoner Ability Haste) of the enemy's ultimate's Cooldown, with a minimum of @MinimumEnemyCooldown@ seconds, during which time you cannot hijack them again.Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.{{ Spell_ZoeR_Name }}
    %i:scaleArmor% %i:scaleMR%Tryndamere becomes completely immune to death for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, refusing to be reduced below @Effect2Amount@ Health, and instantly gains @Effect1Amount@ Fury.This Ability can be used while Disabled.Deals @MonsterDamage@ true damage to target monster or @MinionDamageFlat@ +@MinionDamagePercentHealth*100@% max Health damage to target minion. Against monsters, additionally restores @f6@ (+@f7@ %i:scaleHealth%) Health.Urgot charges forward, gaining @ETotalShieldHealth@ Shield for @EShieldDuration@ seconds. The first champion hit is Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and thrown behind Urgot. All enemies Urgot collides with take @EDamage@ physical damage.Cannot cross terrain.Urgot has a cannon on each of his 6 legs. Attacks and {{Spell_UrgotW_Name}} will fire the leg cannon that is facing his target for @ADDamage@ plus @PercentHPRatio@ max Health physical damage. This effect has a @PerLegCD@ second Cooldown per leg.{{Spell_UrgotPassive_Tooltip}}

    Deals a max of @MonsterCap@ damage to jungle monsters.Urgot fires an explosive charge, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.Urgot fires a chem-drill, impaling the first champion hit, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage and Slowing for @RSlowDuration@ seconds by 1% per 1% missing Health, up to @RMoveSpeedMod@%.

    If the impaled victim falls below @RHealthThreshold@% Health, Urgot can Recast this Ability, Suppressing the victim and dragging them to himself. On reaching Urgot, they are killed and nearby enemies are Feared for @RFearDuration@ seconds.This Ability will automatically Recast at the end of the duration if the victim is under the execution threshold.Urgot halts this Ability prematurely.Passive: Urgot's other Abilities mark the last champion hit for 5 seconds.

    Active: Urgot begins firing his chain gun at the closest enemy, prioritizing marked enemies. He Attacks them @Effect8Amount@ times a second dealing @DamagePerShot@ physical damage per shot. Urgot can move while firing and has @Effect2Amount@% Slow resistance, but loses @Effect5Amount@ Move Speed.

    At max rank, this Ability lasts indefinitely and can be Toggled on and off.The shots apply On-Hit effects at @OnHitDamageReduction*100@% damage. They cannot critically strike.
    Shots deal a minimum of @Effect10Amount@ damage to minions and jungle monsters.
    Urgot can move through minions and non-epic jungle monsters while firing.
    For @Effect3Amount@ seconds,For an infinite duration,Varus fires a hail of arrows that deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage and desecrates the ground for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, Slowing enemies by @Effect2Amount*-100@% and applying @GrievousAmount*100@% Grievous Wounds.{{Reminder_GrievousWounds}}When Varus kills an enemy, he gains @MinionAS@ Attack Speed for @ASDuration@ seconds. Champion takedowns grant @ChampionAS@ Attack Speed instead.Begin Charging: Varus draws back his next shot, Slowing himself by @Effect7Amount*-100@%. After @Effect5Amount@ seconds, if not fired, Varus will cancel the Ability and refund @Effect4Amount*100@% of its Mana cost.

    Release: Varus releases the arrow, dealing @TotalDamageMinTooltip@ physical damage, reduced by @Effect3Amount*100@% per enemy hit (minimum @Effect9Amount*100@%). Damage and Blight detonation effects are increased by up to @MaxChargeAmp*100@% based on charge time (maximum @TotalDamageMax@) .Varus flings out a tendril of corruption, Rooting the first champion hit for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Rooted enemies gain @Effect4Amount@ Blight stacks over the duration.

    The corruption spreads from its target to uninfected enemy champions. If it reaches them, they take the same damage and Root.Passive: Varus' Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage and apply a Blight stack for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (max @Effect4Amount@ stacks).

    Varus' other Abilities detonate Blight stacks dealing @PercentHPPerStack@ max Health magic damage per stack (max @MaxPercentHPPerStack@ max Health damage). Detonating Blight on champions and epic monsters also reduces his basic Abilities' Cooldowns by @CDRPerBlightStack*100@% of their Maximum per stack.

    Active: Varus' next {{Spell_VarusQ_Name}} deals an additonal @QEmpowerPercentHP@ missing Health magic damage, increased up to @MaxQEmpowerPercentHP@ missing Health damage based on charge time.Passive damage from Blight detonations is capped at @Effect5Amount*3@ damage against jungle monsters.Vayne fires a bolt that Knocks Back and deals @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If the target collides with terrain, they take @EmpoweredDamageTT@ bonus physical damage and become Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds. {{Reminder_Invisibility}}
    This Ability's duration can't be increased past its maximum duration
    AD Ratio %Vayne rolls a short distance, and deals an additional @ADRatioBonus@ physical damage on her next Attack.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}Bonus ADVayne gains @BonusAttackDamage@ Attack Damage for @BaseDuration@ seconds, extended by @DurationToAdd@ seconds whenever a champion damaged by Vayne dies within @DamagedMarkerDuration@ seconds. Additionally, during the duration:
  1866. Night Hunter instead grants @MovementSpeed@ Move Speed.
  1867. The Cooldown of Tumble is reduced by @TumbleCDReduction@%, and grants Invisibility for @TumbleStealthDuration@ second.Tumble Cooldown ReductionDeals a minimum of @DamageFloor@ damage.
    Deals a max of @DamageMaxVsMonsters@ damage against jungle monsters.
    True Damage %Passive: Every third consecutive Attack or Ability against an enemy deals an additional @MaxHealthRatio*100@% max Health true damage.Veigar unleashes a bolt of dark energy, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage to the first two enemies hit.

    If Veigar kills an enemy with this Ability, he gains a stack of Phenomenal Evil. Large minions and large monsters grant @Effect3Amount@ additional stacks.@f1@s %i:cooldown%Veigar summons dark matter from the sky, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage.

    Every 50 stacks of Phenomenal Evil reduce this Ability's Cooldown by 10%.{{Spell_VeigarDarkMatter_Tooltip}}

    Cooldown currently reduced by @f2.0*100@%.Veigar twists the edges of space, creating a cage that Stuns enemies that pass through for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. The cage lasts for 3 seconds.Veigar's Abilities grant him a stack of Phenomenal Evil when they strike enemy champions. Takedowns on champions grant an additional 5 stacks.

    Each stack of Phenomenal Evil grants Veigar 1 Ability Power.{{Spell_VeigarPassive_Tooltip}}

    Veigar's evil is currently granting him @f1@ Ability PowerVeigar blasts an enemy champion with primal magic to deal between @MinDamageTooltip@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage, increasing with the target's missing Health. Damage is maximized against enemies below 33% Health.Vel'Koz disrupts a nearby area, causing it to explode, Knocking Up for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Enemies close to Vel'koz will be Knocked Back instead of Knocked Up.Vel'Koz's Abilities apply a stack of Deconstruction for @Duration@ seconds. Enemies with 3 stacks consume them and take @TotalDamage@ true damage.

    Vel'koz's Attacks refresh the duration of Deconstruction, but won't add new stacks.Vel'Koz shoots a plasma bolt that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% decaying over @SlowDuration@ second(s). At the end of it's range, on hitting a target, or on Recasting, the bolt splits and fires two new bolts at a 90 degree angle.

    Killing a unit with this restores @TooltipManaRefund@ Mana.Vel'Koz channels a ray of energy that follows the cursor, dealing a total of @TotalDamage@ magic damage over 2.5 seconds and Slowing by @Effect3Amount@%. Deals true damage instead to enemies recently damaged by {{Spell_VelkozPassive_Name}}.

    Enemies gain stacks of Deconstruction periodically while in the beam.@AmmoRechargeTime@s per Charge (Max 2)Vel'Koz opens a rift to the void, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage. The rift then erupts, dealing @SecondaryDamage@ magic damage.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).Vex commands Shadow to fly to a location, increasing in size as it travels. Upon arriving, it deals @EDamageCalc@ magic damage and Slows by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    Applies Gloom to enemies hit.{{Spell_VexE_Tooltip}}

    Enemies Feared by this Ability move away from the center rather than from Vex.Every @DoomCD@ seconds Vex becomes afflicted with Doom, causing her next basic Ability to Knock Down and Fear enemies for @FearDuration@ seconds.

    Whenever a nearby enemy dashes or blinks, Vex marks them with Gloom for @GloomDuration@ seconds. Vex's next Attack against a Gloomed enemy deals an additional @GloomProcCalc@ magic damage and reduces this Ability's Cooldown by @GloomCDChamp*100@%.{{Spell_VexP_Tooltip}}

    Non-champion targets take @GloomMinionMod@ damage and refund @GloomCDNonChamp*100@% of this Ability's Cooldown.
    Enemies Feared by this Ability move more slowly the farther they are from Vex.
    Vex launches a wave of mist that deals @QDamageCalc@ magic damage. After a delay, the wave becomes smaller and faster.

    Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing @spell.VexR:RDamageCalc@ magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds.

    Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing @spell.VexR:RecastDamageCalc@ magic damage on arrival.

    If the marked champion dies within @spell.VexR:TakedownWindow@ seconds of taking damage from this Ability, its Cooldown is temporarily reset.Vex gains @ShieldCalc@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds and emits a shockwave that deals @WDamageCalc@ magic damage.

    Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.Charge TimeVi's next Attack deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage to the target and enemies behind them.

    This Ability has 2 charges (@AmmoRechargeTime@ second refresh).{{Spell_ViE_Tooltip}}Vi gains @TotalShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds after hitting an enemy or structure with an activated Ability.{{Spell_ViPassive_Tooltip}}

    This Ability has a @ShieldCooldown@ second Cooldown, reduced by @CDReductionOn3Hit@ seconds when Vi triggers Denting Blows.Begin Charging: Vi begins charging a powerful punch, Slowing herself by @Effect4Amount@%.

    Release: Vi dashes forward dealing between @TotalDamage@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ physical damage based on charge time and applying Denting Blows to all enemies hit. Vi stops upon colliding with an enemy champion, and Knocks them Back.Non-champions hit are pulled towards Vi.
    If the charge is interrupted, this Ability goes on a 3 second Cooldown.
    Vi singles out an enemy champion, revealing them and dashing unstoppably towards them. Upon reaching them, Vi Knocks them Up for @RStunDuration@ seconds and deals @Damage@ physical damage.

    Any other enemies Vi collides with are dealt damage, knocked aside, and Stunned for @SecondaryTargetStunDuration@ seconds.Passive: Every 3rd Attack on the same target deals an additional @TotalDamageTooltip@ max Health physical damage, removes @Effect3Amount@% Armor and grants Vi @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. It also reduces the remaining Cooldown of Blast Shield by 3 seconds.Deals a maximum of @Effect5Amount@ damage against jungle monsters.Viego sends forth a spectre to haunt the first terrain hit, surrounding it with Mist for @MistDuration@ seconds. Viego gains Camouflage, @TotalMoveSpeed@ Move Speed, and @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed while inside the Mist.{{Reminder_Camouflage}}
    Viego reveals himself for @RestealthTime@ seconds whenever he attacks or uses an Ability.
    The souls of enemy champions that die within @TakedownWindow@ seconds of being hit by Viego become wraiths. Viego can Attack wraiths to Possess them, restoring @PercentHealthHeal@% of enemy's max Health and gaining access to their non-ultimate Abilities, Attacks, and items for @TransformDuration@ seconds. During this time he replaces their Ultimate with a free cast of his own and gains @MoveSpeedPercent*100@% Move Speed towards enemy champions.{{Spell_ViegoPassive_Tooltip}}

    Viego keeps his summoner spells, runes, and trinkets during Possession and cannot use active or consumable items. Passive item Cooldowns are shared across Possessions.Minimum Current Health Damage Passive: Viego's Attacks deal an additional @TotalPercentHealthOnHit@ current Health physical damage. His first Attack against an enemy he has recently damaged with an Ability hits a second time, dealing @SecondAttackDamage@ physical damage and restoring @HealModVsChamps*100%@% of damage dealt as Health. These bonuses are kept during Possession.

    Active: Viego stabs forward, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage.The second strike can Critically Strike and applies %i:OnHit% On-Hit effects while not Possessing an enemy. Its healing is increased to @HealModVsMonsters*100@% vs. jungle monsters and reduced to @HealModVsMinions*100@% vs. minions.
    The bonus %i:OnHit% On-Hit damage deals a min of @MinDamageOnHit@ damage. It deals a max of @MonsterCapOnHit@ damage vs. jungle monsters.
    This Ability's cast time is reduced with Attack Speed. It deals an additional @BonusDamageVsMonsters@ damage to jungle monsters.
    Viego discards any souls he is currently Possessing and teleports. On arrival he Attacks the champion with the lowest percent Health, briefly Slowing them by @SlowPercent*100@% and dealing @TotalDamage@ + @TotalPercentHealth@% missing Health physical damage. Other nearby enemies are Knocked Back and take @TotalDamage@ physical damage.This Ability applies on-hit effects to the primary target and spell effects to everything else.Begin Charging: Viego begins gathering Mist, Slowing himself by @SelfSlowPercent*100@%.

    Release: Viego dashes forward and hurls the gathered Mist. Deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Stuns the first enemy hit for @Stunduration@ to @MaxStunTT@ seconds based on charge time.
    This Ability's Cooldown is set to @CDWheninterrupted@ seconds when interrupted.Relocate the storm to another position.Damage (Initial Burst)Damage (Periodic Ticks)When the storm appears it interrupts channeled Abilities.
    The farther the storm is from Viktor, the slower it moves.
    Viktor fires a death ray in a chosen direction, dealing @LaserDamage@ magic damage to enemies hit.

    Upgraded: An aftershock follows the death ray, dealing @AftershockDamage@ magic damage.Movement Slow (Augment)Enemies that are Stunned by this Ability are also Knocked Down.Viktor gains Hex Fragments whenever he kills an enemy. Every @EvolutionStackBreakpoint@ Hex Fragments Viktor permanently upgrades an active Ability.

    Killing minions grants @MinionStacks@ Hex Fragment.
    Killing cannon minions grants @CannonStacks@ Hex Fragments.
    Champion takedowns grant @ChampionStacks@ Hex Fragments.{{Spell_ViktorP_Tooltip}}

    Viktor can upgrade his ultimate only after upgrading all non-ultimate Abilities.
    Damage (Attack)Damage (Missile)Viktor blasts an enemy unit, dealing @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage while granting Viktor a shield that absorbs up to @f2@(+@f3@) damage over the next @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Viktor's next basic attack deals @AttackTotalDMG@ bonus magic damage.

    Augment - Turbocharge: This Ability's Shield is increased by @AugmentShieldBonus*100@% and Viktor gains @AugmentMoveSpeedBonus@% Move Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds.{{Spell_VladimirP_Tooltip}}

    These bonuses don't count for each other.Channeling Cost @Effect2Amount@% of max Health (@f3@)Begin Charging: Vladimir charges up a reservoir of blood, spending up to @ChargeHealthTooltip@ Health. While at full charge, Vladimir is Slowed by 20%.

    Release: Vladimir unleashes a torrent of blood missiles at surrounding enemies, dealing between @MinDamageTooltip@ and @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage based on charge time. If this Ability was charged for at least 1 second, it also Slows targets by @Effect9Amount@% for 0.5 seconds.This Ability releases automatically after @Effect7Amount@ seconds.
    Enemies can be hit by multiple blood missiles, but take no damage after the first.
    Vladimir creates a virulent plague, causing its victims to take @Effect2Amount@% increased damage from all sources for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. After it expires, Vladimir deals @Damage@ magic damage to all infected targets. Vladimir restores @Damage@ Health if he hits a champion, and restores an additional @SecondaryHealingTooltip@ Health for each champion beyond the first.Vladimir gains 1 Ability Power for every @Effect1Amount@ bonus Health. He also gains @Effect2Amount@ max Health per 1 Ability Power.

    Bonus Ability Power: @ApproximateAPBonusAvoidingRecursion@
    Bonus Health: @ApproximateHPBonusAvoidingRecursion@Vladimir drains his target's lifeforce, dealing @BaseDamageTooltip@ magic damage and restoring @BaseHealTooltip@ Health. After using this Ability twice, Vladimir gains @MovementSpeedOnQ2@% Move Speed for 0.5 seconds and empowers the next use of this Ability for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    The empowered version of this Ability deals @EmpoweredDamageTooltip@ magic damage instead and restores an additional @EmpoweredHealTooltip@ plus @EmpoweredHealPercentTooltip@ missing Health.Empowered healing reduced to 30% against minions.Costs @Effect2Amount@% of current Health (@f2@)Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds, gaining 37.5% decaying Move Speed for 1 second and becoming Untargetable and Ghosted while Slowing enemies in the pool by @Effect3Amount@%.

    Vladimir deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage over the duration and restores Health equal to @Effect5Amount@% of the damage dealt.This Ability can be used while charging Tides of Blood.
    Vladimir can't Attack or use other Abilities while inside the pool.
    Movement SpeedMalefic RendCHARGE a void ring that deals @MinimumDamage@ - @MaximumDamage@ magic damage and triggers on-hit effects.

    You heal @LevelHealing@ of the damage done and steal @MovementSpeed*100@% Decaying Speed for @Duration@ seconds from champions and large monsters hit.

    Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Malific Rend by @BACooldownReduction@ seconds.Voidveil For @Duration@ seconds any damage you would take is instead taken over the following @Duration@ seconds.

    During Voidveil are are immune to slows and your Lifesteal is increased by @LifestealBase@% + @LifestealMod@% for each champion that damages you.VoidQueen whips her target with her Lasher, dealing damage. She then gains movement speed for a short duration.VoidQueen whips an enemy, dealing @BaseDamage@ plus @PercentHealthBaseTOOLTIP@ max Health magic damage. VoidQueen gains @SpeedAmount*100@% Move Speed for @SpeedDuration@ seconds.

    Entering Demon Shade refreshes this Ability's cooldown and empowers it. When this Ability is empowered, VoidQueen dashes to the target and deals @EmpoweredDamage@ plus @PercentHealthEmpoweredTOOLTIP@ max Health magic damage to her target and everyone she passes through instead.OblivionPassive: If you have Hand of Baron or Glimpse of the Void you banish nearby allied minions and enemy minions killed to the Void and bring forth your own followers instead.

    Active: Ground the first champion hit for @PainSplitDuration@ seconds and deal @BaseDamage@ + (@MissingHealthDamage*100@% of the Target's Missing Health or Current Health, whichever is greater) True Damage.ADC Kills: @f1@
    Fighter Kills: @f2@
    Mage Kills: @f3@
    Support Kills: @f4@
    Assassin Kills: @f5@
    Tank Kills: @f6@
    Hopeless EvolutionCorruption DurationHopelessPassive: While you have Hand of Baron or Glimpse of the Void you banish nearby allied minions and enemy minions killed to the Void and bring forth your own followers instead.

    Active: Void corruption erupts around a target slowing enemies hit by @SlowValue*100@% for 2 seconds and dealing @Damage@ maximum health true damage over @DotDuration@ seconds. This damage increases by @BonusDamage*100@% each time you Attack the target.

    Enemies who die while taking this damage will erupt again.Passive: While you have Hand of Baron or Glimpse of the Void you banish enemy minions killed to the Void and bring forth your own followers instead.

    Active: Become untargetable and slash through all enemies in the direction of your cursor dealing @TotalDamage@-@TotalDamageTooltip@ physical damage based on the target's missing health.

    If you hit an enemy champion, Hopeless will cast again in a new direction of your choosing.
    DisruptionBlock all spells and attacks from the indicated direction for @Duration@ seconds.

    Each DIRECTION (N/S/E/W) has a unique cooldown shared with Warp Slash [Q].When out of combat, VoidQueen enters Demon Shade. Demon Shade heals VoidQueen when she is low on health and grants Camouflage after level 6.You banish large monsters and champions killed to the void, assimilating some of their essence to gain permanent attack speed.

    Additionally, casting a spell will grant your next @NumberOfAttacks@ Attacks gain @AttackSpeedPerLevel@% Attack Speed.You banish large monsters and champions killed to the void, assimilating some of their essence to gain permanent attack speed.

    Jungle monsters grant @MonsterAS@ stack
    Enemy jungle monsters grant @EMonsterAS@ stacks
    Enemy champions grant @ChampionAS@ stacks
    Epic monsters grant @EpicAS@ stacks
    Each stack grants @AttackSpeedPerStack@% attack speed

    Additionally, casting a spell will grant your next @NumberOfAttacks@ Attacks @AttackSpeedPerLevel@ total attack speed.

    Overwhelming AssaultBel'veth channels for @TotalDuration@ seconds gaining damage immunity and rapidly attacking nearby enemies @TotalStrikes@ times, dealing @TotalDamagePerHit@ physical damage per hit. Damage increased by 1% per 1% health the target is missing.
    Strikes per second increases based on Bel'veth's attack speed, apply on-hits and are evenly spread out between all enemies nearby
    VoidQueen strikes out with her Lasher, dealing damage to the first unit hit. Then, VoidQueen can shoot a line of spikes at nearby foes up to 3 times.VoidQueen strikes with her Lasher, dealing @MissileDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage to the first enemy hit and causing VoidQueen's next 3 Attacks or Abilities on that unit to deal an additional @TotalBonusDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage. VoidQueen can Recast this Ability up to 3 times.

    Recast: VoidQueen fires spikes through the nearest enemy, dealing @MissileDamageTOOLTIP@ magic damage to all enemies hit.The spikes prioritizes the target VoidQueen is attacking.VoidQueen briefly goes untargetable and decimates the area in front of her before warping backwards a long distance.VoidQueen unleashes her demonic energy, dealing heavy damage, becoming Untargetable and teleporting backwards. She deals @Damage@ magic damage, increased to @CritDamage@ against enemies below 30% Health. Erupting DomainImpale enemies dealing @Damage@ magic damage and knocking them up for @Duration@ seconds.

    Hitting a Champion/Large Monster will refund WarpSlash [Q] in the direction of the target.VoidcloakAttack everyone around you and gain a @ShieldValue@ shield, increasing for each enemy struck.

    While the shield holds you are immune to slowing effects.Shield lasts @Duration@ seconds
    Shield increased by @ChampionShieldIncrease*100@% for each champion struck and @MinionShieldIncrease*100@% for non-champions.
    VoidwalkProtect yourself against the next champion spell or attack. If successful, you hide between realities to become untargetable for @VoidDuration@ seconds.Monsters are feared for 300% durationFocused AssaultSlash nearby enemies dealing (@BaseDamage@ + @BonusMaxHealthDamage@ Target Max Health) physical damage and empowering your next Attack to deal @LifestealPercent*100@% bonus damage for each unit hit.

    @StunCooldown@ second per target stun cooldownTrue FormThis ability may only be cast on the corpse of a Champion or Epic Monster causing it to explode for high damage around you and grant you True Form for @SteroidDuration@ seconds.

    During True Form you gain @BonusAARange@ Attack Range, @OnHitDamage@ True Damage On-Hit, @AttackSpeedMult*100@% Total attack speed and your Warp Slash [Q] is transformed into a teleport.

    Consuming a Void Epic will cause minions you kill during True Form to become Void Minions.Reality ShiftVoid Empress readies herself, blocking the next spell or attack and slipping into the Void to gain invisiblity, invulnerablity and @MovementSpeed@% speed for up to @VoidDuration@ seconds.

    Upon exiting the Void, all nearby enemies are feared for @FearDuration@ second.Recasting Reality Shift will cause Void Empress to exit the Void early.VoidQueen curses her target, causing her next attack or spell after a delay to charm her target and reduce their magic resist.VoidQueen marks a champion or jungle monster for 5 seconds. If VoidQueen hits the target with an Attack or Ability, she will expunge the mark, refund its cost, and Slow the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the mark lasts at least 2.5 seconds, expunging it has extra effects:
  1868. Against champions: Charms them for @CharmDuration@ second(s) and removes @MRShred*100@% Magic Resist for @ShredDuration@ seconds.
  1869. Against jungle monsters: Charms them for @MonsterCharm@ seconds and deals @MonsterDamageTotalTOOLTIP@ magic damage.VoidQueen marks a champion or jungle monster for 5 seconds. If VoidQueen hits the target with an Attack or ability, she will expunge the mark, refund its mana cost, and Slow the target by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the mark lasts at least 2.5 seconds, expunging it has extra effects:
  1870. Against champions: Charms them for @CharmDuration@ seconds and removes @MRShred*100@% Magic Resist for @ShredDuration@ seconds.
  1871. Against jungle monsters: Charms them for @MonsterCharm@ seconds and deals @MonsterDamageTotalTOOLTIP@ magic damage.Using this Ability does not remove VoidQueen from Demon Shade.Dash Speed@spell.VoidQueenWarp:PerSideCooldown@s Per Direction WarpslashDash a short distance dealing @BaseDamage@ physical damage to enemies you pass through.

    Each DIRECTION (N/S/E/W) has a unique cooldown.Kassadin takes @DamageReductionPercent*100@% reduced magic damage and is Ghosted.{{ Spell_VoidStone_Tooltip }}
    {{Reminder_Ghosted}}Volibear summons a thundercloud that fires a lightning bolt, dealing @TotalDamageTooltip@ plus @PercentDamage*100@% max Health magic damage and Slowing by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If Volibear is inside the blast zone, he gains a @ShieldAPRatioTooltip@ plus @ShieldAmount*100@% max Health Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.Damage against non-champions is capped at @MonsterDamageCap@.Volibear gains @AttackSpeedCalc@ Attack Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds whenever he deals damage with an Ability or Attack, stacking up to 5 times.

    At 5 stacks, Volibear's claws ignite with lightning, causing his Attacks to deal an additional @ChainLightningDamageTooltip@ magic damage to the target and 4 closest enemies.Volibear must deal damage within @BuffDuration@ seconds to maintain this effect.Volibear gains @MinSpeedCalc@ Move Speed, doubled to @MaxSpeedCalc@ towards enemy champions for the next @Duration@ seconds. While active, Volibear's next Attack deals @CalculatedDamage@ physical damage and Stuns the target for @StunDuration@ second.

    Volibear becomes enraged if an enemy Immobilizes him before he Stuns a target, ending the Ability early but refreshing its Cooldown.The damage scales with 100% base Attack Damage and 120% bonus Attack Damage.Tower Disable DurationVolibear transforms and leaps, gaining @HealthAmount@ Health and @BonusAttackRange@ Attack Range for the next @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    Upon landing, Volibear cracks the earth, Disabling nearby towers for @TowerDisableDuration@ seconds and dealing @TowerDamageTooltip@ physical damage to them. Nearby enemies are Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@%, decaying over 1 second. Enemies directly underneath Volibear suffer @SweetSpotDamageTooltip@ physical damage.Volibear transforms and leaps toward a target location, gaining @HealthAmount@ Health, @BonusAttackRange@ attack range, and the ability to move through units for the next @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    Upon landing, nearby enemy towers are disabled for @TowerDisableDuration@ seconds and suffer @TowerDamageTooltip@ (+@ADRatio@) (+@APRatioTooltip@) physical damage. Nearby enemies are Slowed by @SlowAmount*100@%, decaying over 1 second. Enemies directly underneath Volibear suffer @SweetSpotDamageTooltip@ physical damage.Volibear mauls an enemy, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and marking them for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    If this Ability is used on a marked target, its damage is increased to @EmpoweredDamage@ and Volibear restores @BaseHeal@ plus @PercentMissingHealthHealingRatio@ missing Health.This Ability applies on-hit effects.
    Healing is @MinionAndMonsterMod*100@% effective against minions.

    Arrows FiredAshe fires a volley of @NumberOfArrowsTooltip@ arrows, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. Enemies can be hit by multiple arrows, but only take damage from the first.Champion hits count as critical strikes for the purposes of Frost Shot.Cho'Gath's next 3 Attacks launch spikes that deal @BaseDamageTotalTooltip@ plus @MaxHealthPercentCalc@ of the target's max Health magic damage and Slow by @Effect2Amount@%, decaying over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.{{Spell_VorpalSpikes_Tooltip}}Feast stacks increase the width of the spikes. Spikes also deal an additional 0.5% of the target's maximum Health per stack (currently @MaxHealthPercentCalc@%).
    Percent Health damage against minions and jungle monsters is capped at @Effect8Amount@.
    Warwick gains @Effect1Amount@% damage reduction for 2.5 seconds. After it ends, Warwick howls, Fearing nearby enemies for @Effect3Amount@ second. Warwick can Recast to end the Ability early.Warwick's Attacks deal an additional @OnHitDamage@ magic damage On-Hit.

    If Warwick is below @HealingThreshold*100@% Health, he also heals for @HealingRatio*100@% of the damage dealt by Eternal Hunger. If Warwick is below @EmpoweredHealingThreshold*100@% health, the healing is increased to @EmpoweredHealingRatio*100@% of the damage dealt.Tap: Warwick lunges forward and bites, dealing @BaseBiteDamage@ plus @Effect1Amount@% max Health magic damage and healing for @Effect3Amount@% of the damage dealt.

    Hold: Warwick lunges and clamps his jaws on the target, leaping behind them. While clamped, Warwick follows all movement of the target. After releasing his hold, he does the same damage and healing.This Ability applies On-Hit and On-Attack effects, and does not Critically Strike.
    While clamped, Warwick is immune to displacement.
    Warwick leaps a huge distance that scales with his Move Speed, Suppressing the first champion he collides with while he channels for @RDuration@ seconds. He attacks that champion 3 times over the duration, dealing @DamageCumulative@ magic damage. Warwick heals for 100% of all damage dealt during the channel.This Ability applies On-Hit and On-Attack effects 3 distinct times over its duration, and does not Critically Strike.
    This Ability Knocks Down enemies.
    Passive: Warwick can sense champions below 50% Health, gaining @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed towards them and gaining @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed against them. These bonuses are increased by 250% against enemies below 20% Health.

    Active: Warwick can briefly sense all enemies, and gains this Ability's passive effect against the closest champion for 8 seconds, regardless of Health. Warwick cannot use this Ability while in combat with champions.While no enemies are being sensed, this Ability cools down twice as fast. Warwick can only passively sense enemies who were brought below 50% Health by allies.Twisted Fate throws three cards that deal @TotalDamage@ magic damage each.Enemies can only be damaged by one of the cards.Master Yi's Attacks deal an additional @TotalDamage@ true damage for @Duration@ seconds.The duration of {{ Spell_WujuStyle_Name }} is paused during {{ Spell_AlphaStrike_Name }} and {{ Spell_Meditate_Name }}Basic attacks deal bonus damage for @Duration@ seconds. Xayah calls all Feathers back to her, dealing @FeatherDamage@ physical damage each. If @FeatherThreshold@ or more Feathers hit an enemy, they are Rooted for @RootDuration@ seconds.Feather damage scales with %i:scaleAD% and %i:scaleCrit%: @FeatherDamagePreCrit@ increased by @CritPercentIncrease@
    Minions take @MinionMultiplier*100@% damage from this Ability.
    Enemies take 5% less damage per feather hit, to a minimum of 10% damage.
    After using an Ability, Xayah's next @f14@ Attacks will deal @f16*100@% damage to all other targets along their path and leave a Feather for @f12@ seconds.

    Lover's Leap: Xayah and Rakan can recall together.{{Spell_XayahPassive_Tooltip}}

    Primary target of empowered Attacks take full damage and On-Hit effects as normal.Xayah throws two daggers, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage each and leaving two Feathers. Targets hit after the first take @MultiHitDamage@ damage from each dagger.Xayah leaps into the air becoming Untargetable and Ghosted for 1.5 seconds before raining down daggers that deal @Damage@ physical damage and leave behind a line of Feathers.Untargetable units won't be affected by enemy Attacks or Abilities unless they've already been affected by them.
    Ghosted units ignore collision with other units.
    Xayah can move while in the air.
    Xayah creates a storm of blades for @Effect2Amount@ seconds that grants her @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed and cause her Attacks to fire a secondary blade that deals @Effect5Amount@% damage.

    When the secondary blade hits a champion, she grants herself @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    If Rakan is nearby he will also gain the effects of this Ability, except he gains Move Speed when Xayah strikes a target.Xerath calls down a blast of arcane energy, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies in the center take @SweetSpotTotalDamage@ magic damage instead and are Slowed by @SweetSpotSlowAmount*100@%, decaying over @SlowDuration@ seconds.Empowered Slow decays down to @SlowAmount*100@%.Begin Charging: Xerath begins charging an arcane beam, Slowing himself gradually up to 50%.

    Release: Xerath fires the beam, dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage. The range increases with time charged.If Xerath does not release the beam, half the cost is refunded.Xerath ascends to his true form and channels for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. During this time he may Recast up to @Effect2Amount@ times.

    Recast: Xerath launches a magical artillery, dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage.Xerath fires an orb of raw magic, Stunning the first enemy hit for up to @Effect2Amount@ seconds based on distance travelled, and dealing @TooltipTotalDamage@ magic damage. Minimum Stun duration is 0.75 seconds.If Xerath does not Recast at all, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced by @Effect7Amount*100@%.Xin Zhao charges an enemy, dealing @ChargeDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and Slowing them by @BaseSlowAmount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Xin Zhao also grants himself @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Audacious Charge's range is increased on enemies that are Challenged.
    Every third Attack or strike with Wind Becomes Lightning deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and restores @TotalHealing@ Health.Xin Zhao's next 3 Attacks deal an additional @BonusDamage@ physical damage and reduces his other Ability's Cooldowns by 1 second. The third Attack also Knocks Up for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.
    The last champion Xin Zhao damaged with an Attack or Audacious Charge is Challenged for @MarkDuration@ seconds.

    Xin Zhao unleashes a sweep around him that deals @TotalDamage@ plus @PercentCurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health physical damage and Knocks Back all non-Challenged enemies.

    Afterwards, Xin Zhao becomes immune to damage from enemies outside the sweep range for @MissileDefenseBaseDuration@ seconds. Deals a max of 600 damage to jungle monsters.Xin Zhao slashes, dealing @SlashDamage@ physical damage, then thrusts, dealing @ThrustDamage@. Enemies hit by the thrust are Slowed by @Effect6Amount*-100@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Champions and Large Monsters hit by the thrust are marked as Challenged for @MarkDuration@ seconds.The thrust's damage is increased by up to @CritChanceAmp*100@% based on Xin Zhao's Critical Strike Chance.
    Deals @MinionMod@% damage to minions.
    Applies Lifesteal at 33% effectiveness on both attacks.
    Yasuo dashes through a target, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage. Each use of this Ability grants @Effect5Amount*100@% bonus damage to the next use for 5 seconds, stacking up to 50%.

    This Ability has a @Effect2Amount@ second per-target Cooldown.ResolveThis unit is protected by the wind by his side.Resolve: Moving grants Flow, which is tracked on Yasuo's resource bar. Moving faster grants more Flow. At maximum Flow, damage from a champion or monster briefly grants @ShieldValue@ Shield.

    Intent: Yasuo's Critical Strike Chance is increased by @CritChanceMultiplier*100@%, but his Critical Strikes deal @PercentCritDamageReduction*-100@% reduced Damage. Gain @YasuoCritToAD*.01@ Bonus Attack Damage for every 1% Critical Strike Chance above 100%.{{Spell_YasuoPassive_Tooltip}}

    Intent is calculated after other Critical Strike Chance modifying effects.
    Current bonus: @f2@% Critical Strike Chance, @f3@ Bonus Attack Damage.
    Current Critical Damage: @CurrentCritDamage@
    Yasuo thrusts, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage. If he hits, he gains a stack for @GatheringStormDuration@ seconds. While he has 2 stacks, his next use of this Ability fires a whirlwind from range, dealing the same damage and Knocking Up for @KnockUpDurationTOOLTIPONLY@ second.

    If used while dashing, this Ability strikes in a circle rather than a stab.This Ability acts like an Attack: it can critically strike for @TotalDamageCrit@ physical damage, it applies %i:OnHit% On-hit effects and lifesteal to the first enemy struck, is interruptible by crowd control, and its cooldown and cast time are reduced with Attack Speed.Yasuo teleports to an Airborne enemy champion, dealing @Damage@ physical damage and holding all nearby Airborne enemies up for an additional @RKnockupDuration@ second. Yasuo also gains maximum Flow, but loses all {{Spell_YasuoQ1Wrapper_Name}} stacks.

    Afterwards, Yasuo's critical strikes ignore @RPercentArmorPen@% bonus Armor for @RBuffDuration@ seconds.Yasuo creates a drifting wall of wind that blocks all enemy projectiles for 4 seconds.Tower shots and beams are not blocked.Repeated DamageYone enters a spirit form for @ReturnTimer@ seconds, leaving his body behind for the duration and gaining @StartingMS*100@% ramping Move Speed.

    When the spirit form ends, Yone snaps back to his body and repeats @DeathmarkPercent*100@% of all damage he dealt to champions during this time. You may Recast this skill during spirit form.

    Recast: End spirit form early.Move Speed ramps from @StartingMS*100@% to @MovementSpeed*100@% over the duration.Steel and Spirit: Yone uses two blades, causing every second Attack to deal @MagicDamageSplit*100@% magic damage.

    Intent: Yone's Critical Strike Chance is increased by @CritChanceMultiplier*100@%, but his Critical Strikes deal @YonePercentCritDmgMod*-100@% reduced Damage. Gain @YoneCritToAD*.01@ Bonus AD for every 1% Critical Strike Chance above 100%.{{Spell_YonePassive_Tooltip}}

    Intent is calculated after other Critical Strike Chance modifying effects.
    Current bonus: @f2@% Critical Strike Chance, @f3@ Bonus Attack Damage.
    Current Critical Damage: @CurrentCritDamage@
    Yone thrusts forward, dealing @QDamage@ physical damage.

    On hit, grants a stack for @BuffDuration@ seconds. At 2 stacks, this skill causes Yone to dash forward with a wave of wind that Knocks Up for @Q3KnockupDuration@ seconds and deals @QDamage@ physical damage. Yone strikes all enemies along a path for @TooltipDamage@ physical damage and @TooltipDamage@ magic damage, teleporting behind the last champion hit and Knocking Up victims towards Yone.If no enemy champion is struck, Yone will instead blink to maximum range.Base HealingTotal Max Health DamageYone cleaves forward, dealing @BaseDamage*0.5@ + @MaxHealthDamage*50@% max Health physical damage and @BaseDamage*0.5@ + @MaxHealthDamage*50@% max Health magic damage.

    If Yone hits, he gains @WShield@ Shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. The amount of Shield increases for each champion struck. Shield increased by @FirstChampShieldMultiplier*100@% for the first champion hit and @SecondChampShieldMultiplier*100@% for all subsequent champions.
    This skills cooldown and cast time are reduced by Attack Speed.
    Minimum @MinimumDamageMinions@ total damage against minions.
    Yorick throws a globule of Black Mist that deals @Effect7Amount@% current Health magic damage (min: @MinimumDamageBonus@), Slows by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds, and marks champions and monsters for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Marked enemies continuously Awaken nearby graves (but not exceeding the maximum of @Spell.YorickPassive:YorickPassiveGhoulMax@), and take @GhoulBonusDamage*100@% increased damage from up to @GhoulBonusCount@ attacks by Mist Walkers.

    Yorick and his summoned units gain @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed toward the mark. Mist Walkers will leap once at marked enemies that get away from them.Yorick raises a grave for every @UnitsToGrave@ enemies that die near him. Champions and large monsters always leave a grave.

    These graves can be used to summon Mist Walkers with Awakening and Eulogy of the Isles. Mist Walkers have @YorickPassiveGhoulHealth@ Health and @YorickPassiveGhoulDamage@ Attack Damage, and Yorick can control up to @YorickPassiveGhoulMax@ in an area.{{Spell_YorickPassive_Tooltip}}

    Mist Walkers will proceed down lanes once they enter combat.
    Yorick's summoned units take @YorickPassiveGhoulAOEReduction@% less damage from AOE spells and effects.
    Yorick's summoned units take @YorickGhoulMonsterReduction@% less damage from monsters.
    Yorick raises Mist Walkers from nearby graves.Recast: {{Spell_YorickQ2_Tooltip}}

    Base Ability: {{Spell_YorickQ_Tooltip}}Yorick's next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ physical damage and restores @QHeal@ Health, or @EmpoweredQHeal@ Health if Yorick is below 50% Health. If this Attack kills the target, it leaves a grave.

    When there are 3 or more graves nearby and this Ability has already been used, Yorick can Recast to raise Mist Walkers from all nearby graves.

    {{ buff_desc_SpellEffects }}Base Ability: {{Spell_YorickQ_Tooltip}}

    Recast: {{Spell_YorickQ2_Tooltip}}Yorick summons the Maiden of the Mist and @RGhoulNumbers@ Mist Walkers. The Maiden has @YorickBigGhoulHealth@ Health, deals @YorickBigGhoulDamage@ magic damage, and raises Mist Walkers from nearby enemy deaths.

    When Yorick damages the Maiden's target, he will deal @RMarkDamagePercent@% max Health magic damage. This effect has a @RProcCD@ second Cooldown.

    After 10 seconds, Yorick can Recast this Ability to free the Maiden, sending her down the nearest lane.Yorick summons a wall of spirits blocking enemies' path, but not allies'. The wall can be Attacked, and disappears after @Effect5Amount@ hits.Cooldown: Base Damage Per Missile:StarStormYuumi channels a barrage of stars that deal damage and slow those hit. Enemies hit by 5 missiles are rooted.
    .Yuumi channels for 5 seconds, firing multiple star blasts. Each missile deals @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage (reduced to @MultiMissileReduction*100@% damage after the first). Champions hit by five waves are rooted for @CCDuration@ seconds. Enemies can only be rooted once.@BaseManaCost@ Mana + @PercentManaCost*100@% Max ManaAmmo Recharge TimeMaximum Base HealingMaximum Base Heal@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Not enough ManaYuumi heals herself for @TotalHealing@ and gains @FinalMoveSpeed@% Move Speed and @AttackSpeedAmount*100@% Attack Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If Yuumi is Attached, this spell affects that ally instead.Magic Missile Cooldown Reduction:Magic Missile Speed BonusAdaptive Force GrantedEnemy Attach Cooldown: Passive: Yuumi increases her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @FlatAdaptiveStats@ + @AdaptiveStatSharing*100@%, and grants herself the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to an ally champion and Attaches to them. While Yuumi is Attached, she follows her partner's movement and is Untargetable except from towers.

    Immobilizing effects on Yuumi place this Ability on a @CCAttachLockout@ second Cooldown.Initial Missile Speed: Initial Speed Bonus: Base Slow: Yuumi summons an errant missile that deals @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy hit. If the missile travels for @AfterburnerTimeTooltip@ second before impacting, it deals @EmpoweredMissileDamage@ plus @CurrentHealthDamage*100@% current Health magic damage instead and Slows champions by @SlowAmount@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    If cast while Attached, Yuumi can control the missile using her mouse.Yuumi's attacks against a champion grant her a @ShieldAmount@ damage shield and restore mana equal to @ManaRestored@ (+@PercentMaxManaRestoreRatio*100@% Max Mana). This effect has a @PassiveCooldown@ second cooldown.

    Bolstered by cat magic, this shield follows Yuumi until broken, and will protect Yuumi's Attached ally while she has one. Cooldown: @Cooldown@ secYuumi's Attacks against champions grant her @ShieldAmount@ Shield and restore @MaxManaRestore@ mana. This effect has a @PassiveCooldown@ second Cooldown.

    The Shield follows Yuumi until broken, and will protect Yuumi's Attached ally while she has one. Reactivate this spell to have the missile continue in current direction.Empowered Missile Base DamageSlow AmountMagical CannonYuumi opens a portal that fires a shock blast stunning the first champion hit. If it hits a minion, it ricochets behind in an AoE stunning those there.Yuumi opens a portal that fires a shock blast after a @DelayTime@ second delay, stunning the first champion hit for @StunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ImpactDamage@ magic damage. If this missile hits a minion, it ricochets behind, applying the stun and damage in a small AoE, bouncing up to three times until it hits a champion.

    This spell does 50% damage to minions.Yuumi channels for 3 seconds, launching 12 waves dealing damage. Anyone hit by 4 or more waves are rooted for 1.5 seconds.

    Yuumi can move and cast her Attach and Heal spells while casting this spell.Yuumi channels for @UltDuration@ seconds, launching @NumberOfWaves@ waves dealing @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage. Champions hit by @WavesToRoot@ waves are Rooted for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    Yuumi can move and cast You and Me! and Zoomies while channeling.Yuumi channels for @UltDuration@ seconds, launching @NumberOfWaves@ waves dealing @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage (extra missiles deal @MultiMissileReduction*100@% damage). Champions hit by @WavesToRoot@ or more waves are rooted for @CCDuration@ seconds.

    Yuumi can move and cast You and Me! and Zoomies while channeling.

    Can deal a maximum of @TotalSingleTargetDamage@ to any single enemyMissiles after the first deal @MultiMissileTotal@ magic damage. Max possible damage to a single enemy is @TotalSingleTargetDamage@ magic damage.Move Speed: Minimum Base HealingMana Cost: Yuumi restores @TotalHealing@ Health to herself and gains @FinalMoveSpeed@% Move Speed and @AttackSpeedAmount*100@% Attack Speed for @MSDuration@ seconds. If Yuumi is Attached, this Ability affects her ally instead.Portal BarrageAfter a 2second delay, Yuumi knocks up and deals damage to all enemies in an area around her.After a @DelayTime@ second delay, Yuumi opens a portal under each enemy in an area around her, causing them to be knocked up for @CCTime@ seconds and taking @TotalDamage@ magic damage on landing.Yuumi attaches to an enemy champion, then after a delay, she deals damage and knocks up all enemies near her.Yuumi dashes to an enemy champion attaches to them. After @WindupTime@ second, Yuumi deals @DamageToDeal@ magic damage to all enemies near her and knocks them up for @CCTime@ second.Bond Swap
    Passive: While attached, Yuumi's Magic Missile spell gains @QRangeIncrease@ extra range.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to target ally and Attaches to them. Dashing to another champion refreshes the reattach cooldown.

    On Attachment, Yuumi can reactivate this ability to attach to another champion or detach.
    Passive: Yuumi is increasing her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @f1@ = (@spell.YuumiW:FlatAdaptiveStats@ + @spell.YuumiW:AdaptiveStatSharing*100@%) and gaining the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to another ally champion, or detaches from her current friend.Passive: Yuumi is increasing her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @f1@ and gaining the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to another ally champion, or detaches from her current friend.Adaptive Force Shared@AttachCooldown@s CooldownDash Speed: Cast Range: Flat Adaptive ForcePercent Adaptive ForceExtra Magic Missile Range:Flat Health Regen per SecondOut of Range!Passive: Yuumi increases her Attached ally's Adaptive Force by @FlatAdaptiveStats@ + @AdaptiveStatSharing*100@%, and grants herself the same amount.

    Active: Yuumi dashes to an ally champion and Attached to them. While Yuumi is Attached, she follows her partner's movement and is untargetable except from towers.

    You and Me! has a @AttachCooldown@ second cooldown, but Yuumi can cast it anytime she is already Attached to switch between friends or Unattach.

    Immobilizing effects on Yuumi place You and Me! on a @CCAttachLockout@ second cooldown.
    This Ability has a @spell.YuumiW:AttachCooldown@ second Cooldown, but Yuumi can cast it anytime she is already Attached to switch between friends or Unattach.

    Yuumi's Abilities will use her Attached ally's position instead of hers.

    Yuumi will Unattach if her ally uses Summoner Teleport.
    Proc Damage:This one!Yuumi fires a missile that marks the first champion hit. After a delay, if the enemy is hit within another time window, they are rooted and take additional damage.Two windblasts originate from the point Yuumi selects within range. One moves away from the cast point and knocks enemy champions back, the other moves towards Yuumi, knocking them forward. Minions and monsters hit are knocked aside. Both blasts deal @TotalImpactDamage@ magic damage.
    Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@HealthCostTooltip@)Begin Charging: Zac pulls himself taut, charging up a dash over @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Release: Zac launches himself and Knocks Up enemies where he lands for up to @MaxStun@ second (based on charge time), dealing them @Damage@ magic damage. Zac spawns an extra chunk of Goo for each enemy champion hit.{{ Spell_ZacE_Tooltip }}Can be cancelled by moving.
    If cancelled, refunds half of the Ability's Cooldown and cost.
    Each time Zac hits an enemy with an Ability, he sheds a chunk of Goo that can be reabsorbed to restore @spell.ZacR:PassiveHealingTotalTooltip@ Health.

    Upon dying, Zac splits into 4 bloblets that attempt to recombine. If any bloblets remain after @ReviveBlobletDuration@ seconds, he will revive with 10-50% Health based on the surviving bloblet's Health. This has a @ReviveCooldown@ second Cooldown.{{Spell_ZacPassiveChunkDrop_Tooltip}}

    Each bloblet has 12% of Zac's max Health, and 50% of his Armor and Magic Resist.Zac stretches his arm out, attaching it to the first enemy hit to deal @DamageTooltip@ magic damage and briefly Slow them. Zac's next Attack gains increased range and applies the same damage and Slow.

    If Zac hits a different enemy with this Attack, he Knocks Up both towards each other. If they collide, they and surrounding enemies take @DamageTooltip@ magic damage and are briefly Slowed.{{ Spell_ZacQ_Tooltip }}Slows by @Effect4Amount*-100@%.
    Maximum magic damage: @MaxDamageTooltip@.
    Additional Chunk HealingBase Bounce DamagePassive: Cell Division healing is increased to @PassiveHealingTotalTooltip@ Health per Goo chunk.

    Active: Zac bounces @Bounces@ times. The first bounce to hit each enemy Knocks them back and deals @DamagePerBounce@ magic damage. Subsequent bounces deal @DamagePerSubsequentBounce@ magic damage and Slow by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Zac gains up to @EndingMS*100@% Move Speed over time and can cast Unstable Matter while bouncing.Passive: Cell Division healing is increased to @HealingPercentTooltip@% (@HealingTooltip@) max health per Goo chunk.

    Active: Zac bounces @Bounces@ times over @DurationTooltip@ seconds. The first bounce to hit each enemy Knocks them back and deals @DamagePerBounce@ magic damage. Subsequent bounces deal @DamagePerSubsequentBounce@ magic damage and Slow by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@ second.

    Zac gains @BeginningMS*100@% Move Speed, increasing to @EndingMS*100@% over the duration, and can cast Unstable Matter [@spell.ZacW:Hotkey@] while bouncing.Total Damage: @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage
    Move Speed increases from @BeginningMS*100@% to @EndingMS*100@% over the duration
    .Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@TooltipHealthCost@)Zac's body erupts, dealing @BaseDamage@ + @DisplayPercentDamage@ max Health magic damage to nearby enemies.

    Absorbing Goo reduces this Ability's Cooldown by 1 second.Percent Health damage against minions and jungle monsters is capped at 200.Zed and his Shadows slash, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies.

    Each enemy champion hit by Zed's slash reduces Living Shadow's Cooldown by @ShadowHitCDR@ seconds.

    Enemies hit by a Shadow's slash are Slowed by @MoveSpeedMod*-100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. Enemies hit by multiple slashes take no additional damage but are Slowed by @MoveSpeedModBonus*-100@% instead.Whenever Zed basic attacks an enemy below @CurrentHealthThreshold*100@% Health, he deals an additional @MissingHPDamage*100@% of their maximum Health as Magic Damage. This effect cannot occur on a given target more than once every @PerUnitCD@ seconds.Whenever Zed Attacks an enemy below @CurrentHealthThreshold*100@% Health, he deals an additional @MaxHPDamage@ max Health magic damage. Enemy champions can only be hit once every @PerUnitCD@ seconds.{{Spell_ZedPassive_Tooltip}}

    This Ability deals @MonsterDamageMod*100@% damage to jungle monsters, capped at @MonsterDamageCap@ damage to epic monsters.Zed and his Shadows throw their shurikens, each dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to the first enemy they pass through, and @PassThroughDamage@ physical damage to each additional enemy.Percent Attack Damage StolenMark Detonation DamageZed becomes Untargetable and dashes to an enemy champion, marking them. After @RDeathMarkDuration@ seconds, the mark triggers, dealing @RCalculatedDamage@ physical damage and repeating @RDamageAmp*100@% of all damage dealt to the target by Zed while the mark was active.

    The dash leaves a Shadow behind for @RShadowDurationDisplayed@ seconds. Zed can Recast this Ability to switch positions with this Shadow.{{Reminder_Untargetable}}
    The Shadow remains for an extra 1.5 seconds after the recast window ends.Blink behind the target, leaving a shadow behind and marking the target for death for a few seconds.

    During this time, a portion of all damage you deal to the target will be repeated at the end.Zed switches places with his shadow.Energy ReturnPassive: Zed gains @Effect3Amount@ Energy whenever he and his Shadows strike an enemy with the same Ability.

    Active: Zed's Shadow dashes forward, remaining in place for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Recasting this Ability will cause Zed to switch positions with this Shadow.Energy can only be gained once per Ability usage.Zed and his shadows slash through nearby enemies.Zeri dashes a short distance and vaults over any terrain she touches, greatly extending the dash range. Her next 3 shots of {{Spell_ZeriQ_Name}} pierce, dealing @PenDamagePercent*100@% damage to enemies after the first.

    Hitting an enemy champion with an Attack or Ability reduces this Ability's cooldown by @CDReductionPerHit@ seconds. Critical strikes reduce the cooldown 2 additional times.Pierce damage can critically strike, but does not apply On-Hit effects. Uncharged Attacks do not reduce this ability's cooldown.Zeri Shields herself for @PercentShieldSteal*100@% of the damage she deals to enemy Shields and gains @HastePercent*100@% Move Speed for @EnergizedDuration@ seconds whenever she receives a Shield.

    Total damage blocked: @f1@Passive: Zeri's Attacks are treated as Abilities and can be charged up by moving and casting this ability. Uncharged Attacks consume a small amount of charge, deal @MinDamage@ magic damage and execute enemies below @PassiveExecuteThreshold@ Health. A fully charged Attack deals @PassiveMaxDamage@ + @PassiveMaxChargePercentHealth@ max Health magic damage and consumes all charge.

    Active: This Ability is treated as an Attack. Zeri fires a burst of @NumberOfMissiles@ rounds that deals @ActiveDamageThatCanCrit@ physical damage to the first enemy hit.Passive damage applies Ability effects and cannot crit or apply on-hit effects.

    Active damage can crit, apply on-hit effects once per target, and hit anything that an Attack can. The Cooldown and cast time scale down with Attack Speed (max @AttackSpeedCap@ attacks per second). @ExcessAttackSpeedToADMult*100@% of excess Attack Speed is converted into Attack Damage.
    Zeri discharges a nova of electricity, dealing @TotalActiveDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and gaining @StacksPerHit@ stacks of Overcharge for each champion hit for @RDuration@ seconds. Each stack grants @MSPercent*100@% Move Speed. Hitting an enemy champion with an Attack or Ability adds a stack of Overcharge and refreshes its duration by @DurationIncreasePerHit@ seconds. Critical strikes add 2 additional stacks.

    While Overcharged Zeri also gains @BaseASPercent*100@% Attack Speed and {{Spell_ZeriQ_Name}} becomes a faster triple shot that deals an additional @TotalBonusDamage@ magic damage and chains @TotalBonusDamage@ magic damage + @ChainPhysicalDamage@ physical damage to nearby enemies.
    The Attack Speed also increases Zeri's max Attack Speed. The chain lightning can critically strike but does not apply On-Hit effects. Uncharged Attacks do not stack or refresh Overcharge.Zeri fires an electric pulse that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows the first enemy hit by @SlowPercent*100@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    If the pulse hits terrain, it expands into a laser that applies the effects in an area and Critically Strikes champions and monsters.This Ability's cast time scales down with Attack Speed.Ziggs scatters proximity mines that detonate on enemy contact, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage and Slows by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Mines last @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Mines beyond the first deal @ReducedDamage@ damage.Every @Cooldown@ seconds, Ziggs' next Attack deals an additional @TotalDamage@ magic damage. It deals @StructureDamage@ damage instead to structures.

    Ziggs' abilities reduce this Cooldown by @SpellCDR@ seconds.Ziggs throws a bouncing bomb that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage.Ziggs hurls his ultimate creation, dealing @EmpoweredDamage@ magic damage in the center of the blast radius, or @BlastDamage@ magic damage at the edge.Ziggs flings an explosive charge that detonates after @Effect2Amount@ seconds, or when this ability is Recast. It deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to enemies and Knocks them Back. Ziggs is also knocked away, but takes no damage.

    Satchel Charge will automatically destroy towers below @f1*100@% of their Health.Tower Destruction ThresholdZilean tosses a time-delayed bomb that sticks to the first unit which comes within a small area around it. After @Effect2Amount@ seconds it detonates, dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    Placing a second bomb on a unit that already has one detonates the first bomb immediately and Stuns enemies in the blast for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.The bomb will prioritize attaching to champions and units that already have a bomb.@Effect3Amount@ ManaZilean turns time, reducing his other basic Ability Cooldowns by @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Zoe dropkicks a bubble that deals @TotalDamageTooltip@ magic damage, lingering as a trap if it hits nothing. The bubble's range is extended when flying over terrain.

    After a delay, the victim falls Asleep for 2 seconds. Attacks and Ability hits wake them up but deal double damage, up to @BreakDamageTooltip@ true damage.Before the target falls Asleep, they are Drowsy, becoming increasingly Slowed (up to @Effect5Amount*100@%).After using an Ability, Zoe's next Attack deals an additional @PassiveDamage@ magic damage.{{Spell_ZoePassive_Tooltip}}

    The empowered Attack deals damage instantly.Zoe fires a star that deals increasing damage the further it travels to the first enemy hit -- between @TotalDamageTooltip@ to @MaxDamageTooltip@ magic damage. Enemies surrounding the target take @Effect4Amount@% damage.

    Zoe can Recast this Ability to redirect the missile to a new position near Zoe.Zoe teleports to a nearby position for 1 second. Afterwards, she teleports back. Zoe can use Abilities and Attack, but can't move during this time.Zoe can also see over walls during the teleport.Passive: Enemies drop spell shards when casting a Summoner Spell or using an Active Item. Specific minions also drop a spell shard when Zoe or a nearby ally kills them. Zoe can pick up this shard to cast that ability once.

    Passive: When Zoe casts this Ability or any Summoner Spell, she gains @Effect9Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect10Amount@ seconds and tosses 3 missiles at the target she Attacked most recently. These missiles deal @MissileDamageTooltip@ magic damage each.

    Active: Cast the Ability from a spell shard Zoe has picked up.Spell shards last on the ground for 40 seconds.
    Each missile can apply More Sparkles!
    Zyra sends vines forward, Rooting for @Effect5Amount@ second(s) and dealing @TotalDamage@ magic damage.

    If this Ability passes near a Seed, the Seed grows into a Vine Lasher that deals @spell.ZyraP:PlantDamage@ magic damage and lasts @f2@ seconds. Vine Lashers have 400 range, and their Attacks Slow by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The Slow from multiple Vine Lashers stacks up to @MaxSlowStacks@ times.Seeds spawn around Zyra periodically, becoming faster with level and lasting 30 seconds (Max: 8 seeds planted). If an enemy Champion steps on a seed, it dies. If Zyra is hiding in brush, the seed will not spawn until she reveals herself.

    Cast Deadly Spines or Grasping Roots near seeds to grow plants. Extra plants striking the same target deal 50% less damage.

    Zyra's plants deal @F8.0@% damage to non-epic monsters. Zyra causes thick vines to spread and explode into spines, dealing @InitialDamage@ magic damage.

    If this Ability is cast near a Seed, the Seed grows into a Thorn Spitter that deals @spell.ZyraP:PlantDamage@ magic damage and lasts @f2@ seconds. Thorn Spitters have 575 range.Zyra summons the fury of nature, growing a twisted thicket that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage. After 2 seconds, the vines snap upwards, Knocking Up for @Effect1Amount@ second.

    Zyra's plants within the thicket become enraged, resetting their duration, gaining @Effect2Amount*100@% Health and Attacking for @PlantDamageBonus@% bonus damage.Seed Recharge Rate1 SeedZyra plants a Seed that lasts @Effect6Amount@ seconds. These Seeds grant True Sight of enemy champions that step on them for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, but are still destroyed.

    This Ability has 2 charges with a @AmmoRechargeTime@ second recharge time. Killing an enemy reduces the recharge time by @Effect1Amount*100@%. Champion takedowns, large jungle monster kills, and large minion kills reduce the recharge time by @Effect2Amount*100@% instead.Trundle freezes an area for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. While inside he gains @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed, @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed, and @Effect3Amount*100@% increased healing.Obtain a Spirit Guard Udyr Icon!Spirit Guard Udyr IconNORMALRANKEDTUTORIAL@PlayerLevel@@ShopValue@g???@ShopValue@ XPElemental Form: StormLux has mastered the elements of Air and Fire and has transcended to a higher form.

    "By the time you've heard the thunder, it's too late."
    Super-MechChampion not ready!Nothing to steal!@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Ready (@SubA@)Sylas has stolen @SubA@'s ultimate!Sylas has stolen @SubA@'s ultimate!Birthday CakespiritTreasure TroveALL minions and monsters drop a loot orb.Plunder PlanetAll champions have a chance to drop a coin, especially the first ones to fall.The Big BangPlayers receive a free reroll each round, a Force of Nature when Stage 3 begins, and loot orbs from all minions and monsters.

    Free rerolls cannot be saved up.Lilac NebulaThe first carousel contains four cost units.The NeekoverseAll players receive two free copies of Neeko's Help at the start of the game.Trade SectorAll players receive one free reroll per round.

    Free rerolls cannot be saved up.Manatee's DelightAll players receive a free spatula at the start of the game.Manatee's Delight Salvage WorldSelling a champion also breaks all of their finished items into components.Little Little LegendsLittle Legends are smaller and faster, and start with only 85 health.Superdense GalaxyReceive a free Force of Nature at the start of stage 3.No special rulesNormal GameMedium Legends GalaxyLittle Legends are bigger and have +25 starting health.Little Legends have +25 starting healthDwarf PlanetThe nearest and farthest rows on every board are impassable.

    Units cannot be placed in impassable hexes during planning and cannot enter them during combat.Galactic ArmoryAll players start with 3 component items.

    All players receive the same 3 items.Binary StarIn this galaxy, you can only equip 2 items per champion.Champions can only equip two items.Star Cluster1, 2, and 3 cost units on carousels have two stars.Two StrikesFaster ImpactLarger AreaPermanently upgrades Gangplank's Orbital Strike to have a larger impact area.Permanently upgrades Gangplank's Orbital Strike to impact faster.Permanently upgrades Gangplank's Orbital Strike to impact a second time for 50% damage.Gangplank Spell Upgrade: Larger AreaGangplank Spell Upgrade: Faster ImpactGangplank Spell Upgrade: Two StrikesLarger ConePermanently upgrades Miss Fortune's Bullet Time to fire in a larger cone.Permanently upgrades Miss Fortune's Bullet Time to also grant her a shield on cast.Permanently upgrades Miss Fortune's Bullet Time to fire more bullet waves.Miss Fortune Spell Upgrade: Larger ConeMiss Fortune Spell Upgrade: ShieldMiss Fortune Spell Upgrade: More WavesMore WavesRegenerate @PercentHealthRegen@% maximum Health each second.Grant @BaseHeal@% Omnivamp. @IgnorePainPercent@% of the damage the holder receives is instead dealt over @BleedDuration@ seconds as non-lethal damage.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Enemies who damage the holder have their Attack Speed slowed by @AttackSpeedSlowPercent@% for @SlowDuration@ seconds. After being slowed this way @NumApplications@ times, the attacker is Frozen for the duration instead. An enemy can only be Frozen once every @FreezeCooldown@ seconds.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Once per combat: After casting a spell, restore %i:scaleMana% @ManaRestore@ Mana over @ManaDuration@ seconds.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Attacks and Abilities shred enemy Armor and Magic Resistance by @Shred@% for @Duration@ seconds.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Combat start: Grants %i:scaleArmor% @BonusDefense@ Armor and %i:scaleMR% @BonusDefense@ Magic Resistance to all adjacent allies, including the holder.

    [Aura item]Damage from the wearer's spells and attacks creates a freezing zone for @Duration@ seconds. Enemies inside the zone are chilled, slowing their Attack Speed by @ASSlow@%.Combat start: The farthest enemy is pulled into melee range and stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds. Allies within range will prioritize attacking that enemy.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The wearer's attacks mark their target. Allies who strike a marked target consume the mark, dealing @BonusMagicDamage@ bonus magic damage.Upon casting, restore @PercentMana@% of the spell's mana cost in Health to the lowest Health ally.
    Every @TickRate@ seconds of combat increases this healing by @PercentManaIncrease@%.Attacks and Abilities execute enemies below @ExecutePercent@% of their maximum Health. Executions have a @GoldChance@% chance to generate %i:goldCoins% 1 gold.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Once per combat: At @PercentHealthThreshold@% Health, become invulnerable and untargetable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Anima VisageDeath's DefianceEternal WinterManazaneObsidian CleaverRanduin's SanctumRimeforged GraspRocket-Propelled FistStarcasterGold CollectorInfinity ForceZhonya's ParadoxSeat of CommandHexcore AugmentsAfter casting their first Ability, Academics restore @ManaRestorePercent@% of their maximum Mana.Cram SessionGain 2 Academy Emblems.Academy CrownGain an Academy Emblem and a Garen.Academy CrestYour team counts as having 2 additional Academics.Academy SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Academic. Gain a Katarina.Academy HeartArcane Nullifier IArcane Nullifier IIArcane Nullifier IIIYour units' Abilities ignore @MagicPen@% of the target's Magic Resist and reduce healing received by @HealingReduction@% for @Duration@ seconds.Gain 2 Arcanist Emblems.Arcanist CrownGain an Arcanist Emblem and a Swain.Arcane CrestRunic Shield IRunic Shield IIRunic Shield IIIArcanists start combat with a shield equal to @APShield@% of their Ability Power for @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Gain a Swain.After casting their Ability, Arcanists' next attack deals bonus magic damage equal to @PercentAbilityPower@% of their Ability Power. Gain a Swain.Spell BladeYour team counts as having 2 additional Arcanists.Arcanist SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Arcanist. Gain a Swain.Arcanist HeartArchangel's Embrace IArchangel's EmbraceArchangel's Embrace IIIUpon casting their Ability, your units gain Ability Power equal to @ManaPercent@% of their maximum Mana.After @Delay@ seconds of combat, your units deal @DamageAmp@% more damage.AscensionAssassins Mana Reave the first unit they attack, increasing their maximum Mana by @ManaReavePercent@% until they cast. Gain a Talon.CutthroatGain an Assassin Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Rengar.Assassin CrownGain an Assassin Emblem and a Talon.Assassin CrestThe first time an Assassin drops to @HealthThreshold@% health, they briefly enter stealth, becoming untargetable and shedding all negative effects. Any excess damage is reduced by @DamageReduction@%. Gain a Talon.Smoke BombYour team counts as having 2 additional Assassins.Assassin SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Assassin. Gain a Talon.Assassin HeartAt Odds IAt Odds IIYour 1, 3, and 5-cost units gain @Stats@ Attack Damage and Ability Power.Backfoot IBackfoot IIBackfoot IIIYour units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain @AS*100@% Attack Speed.Gain @NumGloves@ Thief's Gloves.Band of Thieves IIBattlemage IBattlemage IIBattlemage IIIYour units that start combat in the front 2 rows gain @Armor@ Armor and @AP@ Ability Power.Your champions equipped with 2 items temporarily gain a random completed item at the start of combat. Gain @ItemComponents@ random item components.Binary AirdropBlue Battery IBlue Battery IIBlue Battery IIIYour units gain @BonusAP@ Ability Power. After casting their Ability, set the caster's Mana to @ManaRestore@.Bruisers regenerate @RegenPerTick@% of their maximum Health each second. Gain a Sejuani.Shrug It OffBreak Even IBreak Even IIBreak Even IIIYour 2 and 4-cost units gain @Stats@ Attack Damage and Ability Power.Gain 2 Bruiser Emblems.Bruiser CrownGain a Bruiser Emblem and a Sejuani.Bruiser CrestYour team counts as having 2 additional Bruisers.Bruiser SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Bruiser. Gain a Sejuani.Bruiser HeartAfter losing your combat, gain @Gold@ gold and a free Shop refresh.Calculated LossCelestial Blessing ICelestial Blessing IICelestial Blessing IIIYour units heal for @Omnivamp@% of the damage dealt by attacks and Abilities. Excess healing is converted to a shield up to @MaxShield@ Health.Gain 2 Challenger Emblems.Challenger CrownGain a Challenger Emblem and a Quinn.Challenger CrestThe first time an enemy is attacked by a Challenger, they are Disarmed for @DisarmDuration@ seconds. Gain a Warwick.En GardeThe Challenger trait grants its bonuses to all of your Champions. This does not increase your number of Challengers. Gain a Quinn.Challenger UnityYour team counts as having 2 additional Challengers.Challenger SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Challenger. Gain a Quinn.Challenger HeartGain 2 Chemtech Emblems.Chemtech CrownGain a Chemtech Emblem and a Warwick.Chemtech CrestThe Chemtech trait grants its bonuses to all of your Champions. This does not increase your number of Chemtech units. Gain a Warwick.Chemtech UnityChemtechs now additionally trigger their bonuses at the start of combat. Gain a Warwick.Instant InjectionChemical Overload IChemical Overload IIChemical Overload IIIChemtechs explode on death, dealing @HP@% of their max Health as magic damage to enemies within 2 hexes. Gain a Warwick.Your team counts as having 2 additional Chemtechs.Chemtech SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Chemtech. Gain a Warwick.Chemtech HeartIf you have no champions on your bench at the end of a round, gain @XP@ experience points.Clear Mind@Delay@ seconds into combat, all enemies and non-Clockwork units are frozen in time for @StunDuration@ seconds. Gain a Zilean.Gain a Clockwork Emblem and a Zilean.Clockwork CrestYour team counts as having 2 additional Clockworks. Gain @Gold@ gold.Your team counts as having 1 additional Clockwork. Gain a Zilean.Clockwork SoulClockwork HeartColossus become invulnerable for @InvulnDuration@ seconds when their Health drops to @HealthThreshold1@%. Gain a Cho'Gath.Armor PlatingComponent Grab Bag+Gain @NumComponents@ random item components.Component Grab BagCybernetic Implants ICybernetic Implants IICybernetic Implants IIIYour champions holding an item gain @HP@ Health and @AD@ Attack Damage.Cybernetic Shell ICybernetic Shell IICybernetic Shell IIIYour champions holding an item gain @Health@ Health and @Resists@ Armor.Cybernetic Uplink ICybernetic Uplink IICybernetic Uplink IIIYour champions holding an item gain @Health@ Health and restore @ManaRegen@ Mana per second.Debonair champions take @DamageReduction@% less damage. Gain a Leona.Irresistible CharmWhen an ally dies, they grant the Debonair VIP @MaxHealth@% of their maximum Health for the rest of combat. Gain a Syndra.Very VIPDisintegrator IDisintegrator IIDisintegrator IIIYour units' attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to @MaxHPDamage@% of the target's maximum Health.Exiles IIExiles IIIYour units that start combat with no adjacent allies gain a @MaxHealthShield@% maximum Health shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.Exiles IStand United IStand United IIStand United IIIYour units gain @AD@ Attack Damage and @AP@ Ability Power per Trait active across your army.Gain a Radiant Blessing loot orb.Divine InterventionAfter winning your player combat, gain @Gold@ bonus gold for every @PerSurvivingUnit@ surviving units.DominanceElectrocharge IElectrocharge IIElectrocharge IIIWhen your units receive critical strikes, they deal @Damage1@-@Damage4@ (based on current Stage) magic damage to nearby enemies (@ICD@ second cooldown).Summon 1 additional Socialite spotlight. Spotlighted units gain @BonusHealth@ Health. Gain a Senna.DuetAllies healed or shielded by Enchanters gain @AS@% stacking Attack Speed for the rest of combat (maximum once every @CD@ seconds). Gain a Lulu.Your team counts as having 2 additional Enchanters. Gain @Gold@ gold.Enchanter SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Enchanter. Gain a Lulu.Enchanter HeartYour Enforcers deal true damage to enemies below @HealthThreshold@% Health. Gain a Sejuani.True JusticeYour team counts as having 2 additional Enforcers. Gain @Gold@ gold.Enforcer SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Enforcer. Gain a Sejuani.Enforcer HeartGain 2 Mutant Emblems.Mutant CrownGain a Mutant Emblem and a Kassadin.Mutant CrestYour team counts as having 2 additional Mutants.Mutant SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Mutant. Gain a Rek'Sai.Mutant HeartYour Tier 1 and 2 champions gain @AttackSpeed@% Attack Speed and Move Speed.Featherweights IYour 1 and 2 cost champions gain @AttackSpeed@% Attack Speed and Move Speed.Featherweights IIFeatherweights IIIAll healing and shielding on your units is increased by @HealShieldIncrease*100@%.First Aid Kit IGain +@MaxArmySizeIncrease@ maximum team size.New RecruitGain @NumChamps@ random 4-cost champions.Four ScoreKnow who you will fight next. Gain a Radiant Zephyr.Future Sight IIKnow who you will fight next. Gain a Zephyr.Future Sight IEach time your Shop is refreshed, you have a @RerollPercent@% chance to gain a free refresh.Golden TicketGolden Gifts IGolden Gifts IIGain @NumGoldOrbs@ golden and @NumGrayOrbs@ gray loot orb(s).Gain @NumDice@ Loaded Dice and @Gold@ gold.High RollerGain 2 Bodyguard Emblems.Bodyguard CrownGain a Bodyguard Emblem and a Darius.Bodyguard CrestBodyguards' Armor bonus is increased by @DefenseBonus@%. At the start of combat, Bodyguards grant @DefensePercent@% of their Armor bonus to non-Bodyguard allies directly behind them (does not stack). Gain a Blitzcrank.Your team counts as having 2 additional Bodyguards.Bodyguard SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Bodyguard. Gain a Blitzcrank.Bodyguard HeartThe Hextech trait grants its bonuses to all of your Champions. This does not increase your number of Hextech units. Gain a Sejuani.Hextech UnityThe first time a Hextech champion drops below @HealthThreshold@% Health, they increase nearby enemies' maximum Mana by @PercentManaReave@% until they cast. Gain a Nocturne.HexnovaYour Hextech champions permanently gain @AP@ Ability Power each time they are hit by your Hexcore's pulses. Gain a Swain.Stored PowerChampions appear in your Shop as if you were 1 level higher. Gain @Gold@ gold.High End ShoppingGain @NumChamps@ random 5-cost champions.High FiveIf you have less than @ThresholdGold@ gold at the end of a round, gain @Gold@ gold.HustlerWhen an ally dies, they grant the Imperial Tyrant @MaxHealth@% of their maximum Health.All For OneThere are now @Tyrants@ Imperial Tyrants.Dual RuleGain 2 Imperial Emblems.Imperial CrownGain an Imperial Emblem and a Swain.Imperial CrestYour team counts as having 2 additional Imperials.Imperial SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Imperial. Gain a Swain.Imperial HeartWhen the Innovation dies, it will become untargetable and repair itself if an Innovator is still alive. Gain a Zilean.Self RepairYour team counts as having 2 additional Innovators.Innovator SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Innovator.Innovator HeartGain @NumItems@ random completed items and @NumReforgers@ Reforgers.Item Grab Bag IIGain @NumItems@ random completed item.Item Grab Bag IMagic and true damage from your units' Abilities can critically strike. Your units gain @CritChance@% Critical Strike Chance.Jeweled LotusKeepers IKeepers IIKeepers IIIAt the start of combat, your units grant adjacent allies a @ShieldHealth@ health shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.Luden's Echo ILuden's Echo IILuden's Echo IIIWhen your units cast and deal Ability damage, the first target hit and a nearby enemy take @MagicDamage1@-@MagicDamage4@ (based on current Stage) magic damage.Makeshift Armor IMakeshift Armor IIMakeshift Armor IIIYour units without items equipped gain @Resists@ Armor and Magic Resist.When you buy experience points, gain an additional @XP@. You can now reach level 10.Level Up!Meditation IMeditation IIMeditation IIIYour units without items equipped restore @ManaRegen@ Mana per second.Knife's Edge IIKnife's Edge IIIYour units that start combat in the front 2 rows gain @ADPerStarLevel@ Attack Damage.Knife's Edge IGain a Mercenary Emblem and @Gold@ gold.Mercenary CrestMercenaries deal @PercentDamage*100@% more damage per @GoldIncrement@ gold you have (Maximum +@DamageCap@%). Gain a Quinn.Gold ReservesMercenary units have a @Chance@% chance to drop @Gold@ gold when they kill an enemy. Gain a Quinn.PiratesYour team counts as having 2 additional Mercenaries.Mercenary SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Mercenary.Mercenary HeartYour Tactician moves faster and heals @Heal@ Health after a PvP round.Metabolic AcceleratorMutants randomly gain one of the following when they reach 2 star: @BonusHP@ Health, @BonusAS@% Attack Speed, @BonusAD@ Attack Damage, or @BonusAP@ Ability Power. These bonuses stack. Gain a Rek'Sai.Unstable EvolutionGain a random component. At the start of each round, items on your bench are randomized (excluding Tactician's Crown, Spatula, and consumables).Pandora's ItemsPhalanx IPhalanx IIPhalanx IIIYour units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain @Resists@ Armor and Magic Resist.Open an Armory and choose 1 of @ArmoryChoiceCount@ unique Artifacts crafted by Ornn.Portable ForgeGain 2 Protector Emblems.Protector CrownGain a Protector Emblem and a Garen.Protector CrestYour team counts as having 2 additional Protectors.Protector SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Protector. Gain a Blitzcrank.Protector HeartGain @NumItems@ random Radiant item(s).Radiant Grab BagOpen an Armory and choose 1 of @ArmoryChoiceCount@ unique Radiant items.Radiant RelicsDouble the hex range of your ranged units, and their attacks cannot miss.Scoped WeaponsChampions on your board permanently transform into random champions 1 Tier higher. Dragons can only transform into Dragons, and non-Dragons into non-Dragons. Gain @NumRemovers@ Magnetic Removers.RecombobulatorGain @Gold@ gold. Your maximum interest is increased to @InterestCap@.Rich Get RicherRushdown IRushdown IIRushdown IIIAt the start of combat, your units gain @AttackSpeed@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds.Gain a random completed item. Selling champions breaks apart their full items into components (excluding Tactician's Crown).Salvage BinGain a Scholar Emblem and a Zyra.Scholar CrestScholars permanently gain @AP@ Ability Power after each combat, and an additional @BonusAP@ if they survived. Gain a Syndra.Lifelong LearningYour team counts as having 2 additional Scholars. Gain @Gold@ gold.Scholar SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Scholar. Gain a Zyra.Scholar HeartGain a random component every @Combats@ combat rounds with the Scrap Trait active. Gain an Ezreal.JunkyardGain a Scrap Emblem and a Blitzcrank.Scrap CrestGain a Magnetic Remover or Reforger every @Combats@ combat round(s) with the Scrap trait active.TinkerYour team counts as having 2 additional Scraps. Gain @Gold@ gold.Scrap SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Scrap. Gain a Blitzcrank.Scrap HeartSecond Wind ISecond Wind IISecond Wind IIIAfter @Delay@ seconds of combat, your units heal @HealPercent@% of their missing Health.Gain @Exp@ bonus experience points per round. You can no longer use gold to level up.March of ProgressGain 2 Sniper Emblems.Sniper CrownGain a Sniper Emblem and an Ashe.Sniper CrestSnipers gain +@DamageAmp@% damage for each round fought from the same starting hex (Maximum +@MaxAmp@%). Gain an Ashe.Sniper's NestTwinshot's ranged attacks and Abilities can bounce once, dealing @BounceReduction@% less damage. Gain a Corki.SharpshooterYour team counts as having 2 additional Snipers.Sniper SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Sniper. Gain an Ashe.Sniper HeartAllies adjacent to a spotlight at the start of combat gain @PercentStats@% of its bonuses. Gain a Senna.Share the SpotlightYour team counts as having 2 additional Socialites.Socialite SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Socialite. Socialite HeartStriker's critical strikes stun their target for @StunDuration@ second(s). Each target can only be stunned once every @StunCD@ seconds. Gain a Rek'Sai.After every @NumAttacks@ attacks, Strikers gain @CritChance@% Critical Strike Chance for their next attack. Gain a Rek'sai.OverpowerAt the start of combat, burn all enemies for @TotalBurnPercent@% of their maximum Health over @Duration@ seconds and reduce healing received by @GrievousWoundsPercent@%.Sunfire BoardGain 2 Syndicate Emblems.Syndicate CrownGain a Syndicate Emblem and a Zyra.Syndicate CrestWhen your Syndicates die, they grant your other Syndicates @Stats@ Attack Damage and Ability Power. Gain an Ashe.One For AllAfter winning your combat, gain @BonusGold@ bonus gold for each surviving Syndicate. Gain an Ashe.PaydayYour team counts as having 2 additional Syndicates.Syndicate SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Syndicate. Gain a Zyra.Syndicate HeartGain @NumDummies@ Target Dummies.Phony FrontlineGain a massive golden egg that hatches in @EggTurns@ turns. Victorious player combats accelerate the hatch timer by an additional turn.The Golden EggFree Yordles from the portal have a @ItemChance@% chance to arrive holding an item component. Gain a Lulu.Thieving RascalsGain @NumChamps@ random Tier 3 champions.Three's CompanyWhen you refresh your Shop, gain @XP@ experience point(s).Wise SpendingYour units heal @MissingHPHeal@ Health on kill.Thrill of the Hunt IThrill of the Hunt IIThrill of the Hunt IIIYour Tactician heals @Heal@ Health, grows larger, and has @TooltipMaxHealth@ maximum Health.Tiny TitansYour units with more than @HealthThreshold@ maximum Health gain Attack Damage equal to @HealthPercent*100@% of their maximum Health.Titanic ForceGain @NumTomes@ Tome of Traits.Ancient Archives IGain a free Shop refresh every round. Gain @Gold@ gold now.Trade Sector+Gain a free Shop refresh each round.Built Different IBuilt Different IIBuilt Different IIIYour units with no Traits active gain @HP1@-@HP4@ Health and @AS1@-@AS4@% Attack Speed (based on current Stage).Treasure Trove ITreasure Trove IITreasure Trove IIIGain @NumBlueOrbs@ blue and @NumGrayOrbs@ gray loot orb(s).Your Tier 3 champions gain @Health@ Health, @Mana@ starting Mana, and @AttackSpeed@% Attack Speed.Tri Force ITri Force IITri Force IIIGain a random 2-star Tier 1 champion and a random 2-star Tier 2 champion.True TwosIf you have exactly 2 copies of a champion on your board, they both gain @BonusStats@ Attack Damage, Ability Power, Armor, and Magic Resist. When you 3-star, gain a 2-star copy.Double Trouble IDouble Trouble IIDouble Trouble IIIYour team counts as having 2 additional Twinshots. Gain @Gold@ gold.Twinshot SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Twinshot. Gain a Corki.Twinshot HeartWhenever your team has fewer units alive than your opponent, your units regenerate @MissingHeal@% Health each second (maximum: @HealCap@).UnderdogsYour units are immune to crowd control effects for the first @Duration@ seconds of combat.Verdant VeilWeakspot IIWeakspot IIIYour units' attacks ignore @ArmorPenPercent@% of the target's Armor and reduce healing received by @HealReductionPercent@% for @Duration@ seconds.WeakspotWindfall++Windfall+Gain @AugmentGold@ gold.WindfallYour highest Health champion is cloned. You cannot equip items on the clone.Woodland CharmAt the start of combat, your highest Attack Speed champion creates two @CloneHealth@ Health copies of themself (excluding items).Woodland TrinketYordles gain @DodgeIncrease@% Dodge Chance. Gain a Corki.So SmallTREASURE DRAGONCHAOS TREASURE DRAGONORDER TREASURE DRAGONTake all or refreshDragon Shrine AugmentsAFKYou cannot perform actions for the next @RoundsToSkip@ rounds. Afterwards, gain @Gold@ gold.If your team has @NumDragons@+ Dragons, every @AttackNum@th attack from a Dragon fires a blast that deals magic damage equal to @HealthPct@% of the target's maximum Health. Gain a Nomsy, Zippy, and a Tier 4 Dragon.Age of DragonsAssassins Mana-Reave the first unit they attack, increasing their maximum Mana by @ManaReavePercent@% until they cast. Assassins deal @DamageAmp@% more damage against Mana-Reaved enemies. Gain a Qiyana.Gain an Assassin Emblem and a Qiyana.The Assassin Trait grants its bonuses to your champions that start combat in the middle 2 rows. This does not increase the number of Assassins. Gain a Qiyana.Part-Time AssassinYour team counts as having 1 additional Assassin. Gain a Qiyana.Your team counts as having 1 additional Astral. Gain a Redemption and a Varus.Astral SoulGain an Astral Emblem and a Lux.Astral CrestAstral Orbs have a @BonusLootPct@% chance to spawn a small bonus orb that contains loot. Gain a Lux.Intercosmic GiftsProtectors of the CosmosCombat start: Your team gains a @ShieldAmount@ Health shield for every item component equipped on an Astral champion, including those that are part of a full item. Gain a Lux.Your team counts as having 1 additional Astral. Gain a Lux.Astral HeartAxiom Arc IIYour units gain @ManaGain@ Mana on kill.Axiom Arc IBand of Thieves IBest Friends IBest Friends IIBest Friends IIIUnits isolated in pairs gain @AS*100@% Attack Speed and @Armor@ Armor at the start of combat.Big Friend IIYour units that start combat next to a unit with over @RequiredHealth@ Health take @DamageReductionPercent@% less damage for the rest of combat.Big Friend IGain a 2-star champion and @Gold@ gold every time you level up. The champion's tier is your level minus 4 (min: Tier 1).Birthday PresentGain a Warrior Emblem, a Giant Slayer, and a Yone.Warrior CrownGain a Warrior Emblem and a Yone.Warrior CrestYour team counts as having 1 additional Warrior. Gain a Yone.Warrior HeartWarrior's enhanced attacks deal @SplashDmgPct*100@% of their damage to enemies in a @HexRange@-hex area around their target. Gain a Yone.Combat Training IICombat Training IIIYour champions permanently gain @AD@ Attack Damage every time they kill an enemy. Champions start with @StartingAD@ bonus Attack Damage.Combat TrainingGain a Bruiser Emblem, a Redemption, and a Sylas.
    Gain a Bruiser Emblem and a Jax.At the end of combat, champions that started combat adjacent to Bruisers permanently gain @Health@ Health, increased by @BonusHealth@ if they survived. Gain a Jax.Personal TrainingYour team counts as having 1 additional Bruiser. Gain a Jax.Bruisers gain @HealthPercent*100@% of their Health as Attack Damage. Gain a Jax.Titanic StrengthCannoneer's cannon shots burn their targets, dealing @BurnPct@% of the target's maximum Health as true damage over @BurnDuration@ seconds, and reducing healing by @GrievousWoundsPct@% for the duration of the burn. Gain an Aphelios.Hot ShotCannoneer's cannon shots bounce once, dealing @BounceReduction@% less damage. Gain an Aphelios.Cavalier's first attack after charging deals @BaseDamage@ magic damage, increased by @ResistPercentInc@% for each Armor and Magic Resist they have. Gain a Rell.Gain a Cavalier Emblem, a Redemption, and a Nunu.Cavalier CrownGain a Cavalier Emblem and a Sejuani.Cavalier CrestThe Cavalier trait grants its bonuses to all of your champions. This does not increase your number of Cavaliers. Gain a Rell.Cavalier UnityYour team counts as having 1 additional Cavalier. Gain a Rell.Cavalier HeartGain double win and loss streak gold.ConsistencyGain +@MaxArmySizeIncrease@ maximum team size, but take @PlayerCombatDamageIncrease@% increased player damage.Cursed CrownGain a Darkflight Emblem, a Titan's Resolve, and a Rengar.Darkflight CrownGain a Darkflight Emblem and a Rell.Darkflight CrestYour team counts as having 1 additional Darkflight. Gain an Aphelios.Darkflight HeartGain @UnitCount@ Tier 1 Champions. If your bench is full at the end of a round, gain @XP@ experience points.Cluttered MindThe Dragon trait remains active regardless of how many Dragons you have. Dragons gain @Resists@ Armor and Magic Resist. Gain a Tier 4 Dragon.Dragon AllianceThe Dragon trait remains active regardless of how many Dragons you have. Dragons gain @Stats@ Attack Damage and Ability Power. Gain a random Tier 4 Dragon.Dragon HordeIf you only have @DragonLimit@ Dragon, Dragons execute enemies they damage who are below @ExecutePct@% Health. Gain a Nomsy.Dragon ImperialistYour team counts as having 1 additional Dragon. Gain a Zippy and a Gargoyle Stoneplate.Dragon SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Dragon. Gain a Nomsy.Dragon HeartGain a Scalescorn Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Diana.Scalescorn CrownGain a Scalescorn Emblem and a Braum.Scalescorn CrestThe Scalescorn trait grants its bonuses to all of your champions. This does not increase your number of Scalescorn units. Gain a Braum.Scalescorn UnityYour team counts as having 1 additional Scalescorn. Gain a Braum.Scalescorn HeartEvery round, a random Dragonmancer appears on your bench. Gain a Kai'Sa.Every @RoundRequirement@ rounds, a random Dragonmancer appears on your bench. Gain a Kai'Sa.Dragonmancer ConferenceGain a Dragonmancer Emblem and a Kai'Sa.Dragonmancer CrestThe Dragonmancer nearest to the Dragonmancer Hero gains @PercentOfBuff@% of the Dragonmancer Trait's bonuses. Gain a Sett.Hero-In-TrainingWhen the Dragonmancer Hero gets a takedown, champions that share a trait with the Dragonmancer Hero gain @AttackSpeed@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds. Gain a Kaisa.Gain a Dragonmancer Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Lee Sin.Dragonmancer CrownYour team counts as having 1 additional Dragonmancer. Gain a Kai'Sa.Dragonmancer HeartEvoker's attacks steal @ManaDrainDrain@ Mana from their target. Gain a Seraphine.Gain an Evoker Emblem, a Spear of Shojin, and a Seraphine.Evoker CrownGain an Evoker Emblem and a Zyra.Evoker CrestYour team counts as having 1 additional Evoker. Gain a Zyra.Evoker HeartFirst Aid Kit IIFirst Aid Kit IIIDirect damage items deal @DamageIncPercent*100@% more damage as true damage. Gain a Statikk Shiv.Gadget ExpertGain a Guardian Emblem, a Sunfire Cape, and a Rakan.Guardian CrownGain a Guardian Emblem and a Zac.Guardian CrestEvery @TauntInterval@ seconds, Guardians taunt all enemies within range. Enemies that attack a Guardian's shield take magic damage equal to @HealthPercent@% of the shielded unit's max Health (up to once per second). Gain a Braum.Heroic PresenceYour team counts as having 1 additional Guardian. Gain a Zac.Guardian HeartGain a Guild Emblem, a Protector's Vow, and a Twitch.Guild CrownGain a Guild Emblem and a Twitch.Guild CrestGuild champions holding an item gain @Resists@ Armor and an additional @GuildBonusPct@% of their base Guild Bonus. Gain a Twitch.Gear UpgradesGain a random component every @Combats@ player combats when you have at least Guild (@TraitLevelReq@) active. Gain a Twitch.Loot MasterYour team counts as having 1 additional Guild. Gain a Twitch.Guild HeartGain a Cannoneer Emblem, a Giant Slayer, and a Zeri.Cannoneer CrownGain a Cannoneer Emblem and an Aphelios.Cannoneer CrestYour team counts as having 1 additional Cannoneer. Gain an Aphelios.Cannoneer HeartHuge-ification Potion IYour Tier 1 and 2 units are larger and gain @BonusHealth@ Health.Huge-ification Potion IIYour team counts as having 1 additional Jade. Gain a Titan's Resolve and a Gnar.Jade SoulGain a Jade Emblem and a Gnar.Jade CrestWhen one of your Jade champions would die, the nearest Jade Statue protects them, sacrificing @StatueDamagePct@% of its max Health and transferring @PercentHP@% of the sacrificed Health to the champion. Gain a Gnar.Eternal ProtectionJade Statue explosions deal @DamageIncPct@% more damage. Enemies are disarmed for @DisarmDuration@ seconds the first time they attack a Jade Statue or are damaged by a Jade Statue's explosion. Gain a Gnar.PenitenceYour team counts as having 1 additional Jade. Gain a Gnar.Jade HeartGain a Lagoon Emblem, a Spear of Shojin, and a Zeri.Lagoon CrownGain a Lagoon Emblem and a Zac.Lagoon CrestEvery @HealTimer@ seconds, Lagoon champions remove all negative effects on themselves and heal for @MissingHPPercent@% of their missing Health. Gain a Zac.Your team counts as having 1 additional Lagoon. Gain a Kai'Sa.Lagoon HeartHigh TideUntil they cast @CastCount@ times, Lagoon champions attack @ASReductionPct@% slower but gain @Mana@ Mana per second. Gain a Kai'sa.The first time you would be eliminated or reduced to 1 Health, instead remain alive. After this effect triggers, your units permanently gain @Health@ Health, @Resists@ Armor and Magic Resist, and @Omnivamp@% Omnivamp.Last StandWhen you reach Level @LevelReq@, gain @Gold@ gold.Lategame SpecialistGain a random Ornn artifact now and after every @NumberOfCombats@ player combats.Thief's Gloves will always give your champions ideal items. Gain a Thief's Gloves.Lucky GlovesAfter combat with a player, one or two random Mages portal onto your bench. Gain a Taliyah.After combat with a player, a random Mage portals onto your bench. Gain a Taliyah.Mage ConferenceGain a Mage Emblem, a Spear of Shojin, and a Lux.Mage CrownGain a Mage Emblem and a Vladimir.Mage CrestMage's attacks drain @ManaDrainBurn@ Mana from their target and gain 4 Mana. Gain a Lux.Your team counts as having 1 additional Mage. Gain a Lillia.Mage HeartAura items that buff your team have their effects increased by @AuraIncreasePercent*100@%. Gain a Locket of the Iron Solari.Better TogetherGain a Mirage Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Nunu.Mirage CrownGain a Mirage Emblem and a Nunu.Mirage CrestMirage champions take @DamageReduction@% less damage for the first @DamageReductionDuration@ seconds of combat. Gain a Yone.Your team counts as having 1 additional Mirage. Gain a Yone.Mirage HeartGain a Mystic Emblem and a Rakan.Mystic CrestYour team counts as having 1 additional Mystic. Gain a Chalice of Power and a Rakan.Mystic SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Mystic. Gain a Rakan.Mystic HeartGain @Gold@ gold. At the start of every round, champions on the @BenchSlots@ rightmost bench slots transform into random champions of the same cost.Pandora's BenchPreparation IIPreparation IIIChampions on your bench permanently gain @HPBonus@ Health, @Stats@ Attack Damage, and @Stats@ Ability Power every round. Champions start with @StartingStacks@ stack of this effect, and can stack up to @MaxStacks@ times.Preparation IYour team counts as having 1 additional Ragewing. Gain a Guinsoo's Rageblade and a Rakan.Ragewing SoulGain a Ragewing Emblem and a Rakan.Ragewing CrestEvery @DamageFrequency@th instance of Ragewing champion's damage deals @DamageIncrease@% more damage and is converted to true damage. Gain a Senna.ScorchAfter casting their first Ability, Ragewings restore @ManaRestorePct@% of their maximum Rage. Gain a Senna.Your team counts as having 1 additional Ragewing. Gain a Rakan.Ragewing HeartGain a Revel Emblem and a Jinx.Revel CrownRevel CrestThe Revel trait grants its bonuses to all of your champions. This does not increase your number of Revel units. Gain a Jinx.Revel UnityGain @Gold@ gold for every @GoldReq@ firecrackers launched by Revel champions each combat. Additionally, gain a special prize the first time @SpecialPrizeReq@ total firecrackers are launched. Gain a Jinx.Party FavorsAfter Revels score a takedown, they gain @AttackSpeedPercent@% Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds. Gain a Jinx.Party Time!Your team counts as having 1 additional Revel. Gain a Jinx.Revel HeartRich Get Richer+Buying XP costs @HealthCost@ Health instead of gold. Heal @Heal@ Health each round.Cruel PactScalescorns gain @DamageAmp@% damage each time they start combat in the same hex, stacking up to @MaxStacks@ times. Gain a Lillia.Base CampScoped Weapons IIYour units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain infinite Attack Range.Your units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain +@HexRangeIncrease@ Attack Range and @AS*100@% Attack Speed.Scoped Weapons IUnits that start combat next to Shapeshifters gain @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed and Movement Speed. Shapeshifters always gain this bonus. Gain a Gnar.Beast's DenYour team counts as having 1 additional Shapeshifter. Gain a Sunfire Cape and an Gnar.Shapeshifter SoulYour team counts as having 1 additional Shapeshifter. Gain a Gnar.Shapeshifter HeartYour team counts as having 1 additional Shimmerscale. Gain a Titan's Resolve and a Volibear.Shimmerscale SoulGain a Shimmerscale Emblem and a Jax.Shimmerscale CrestIf you purchase a Shop Refresh during the Planning Phase, champions holding a Shimmerscale Item and all Shimmerscale champions gain @DamageAmp@% damage when the next combat begins. Gain a Jax.Pay to WinYour team counts as having 1 additional Shimmerscale. Gain a Jax.Shimmerscale HeartDarkflight champions benefit from the first-listed trait of a sacrificed champion. This does not increase the trait count for that trait. Gain an Aphelios.Gain a Swiftshot Emblem, a Guinsoo's Rageblade, and a Varus.Swiftshot CrownGain a Swiftshot Emblem and a Twitch.Swiftshot CrestYour Swiftshots' attacks apply a stack on their target for @StackDuration@ seconds. Every third stack deals true damage equal to @PercentHPDamage@% of the target's maximum Health. Gain a Twitch.Press the AttackYour team counts has having 1 additional Swiftshot. Gain a Twitch.Swiftshot HeartPhony Frontline IIGain a Tempest Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Lee Sin.Tempest CrownGain a Tempest Emblem and a Qiyana.Tempest CrestThe unit in the center of the board gains @BonusAP@ Ability Power, increased to @FinalAP@ after Tempest's lightning strikes. Gain a Qiyana.Your team counts as having 1 additional Tempest. Gain a Qiyana.Tempest HeartShop refreshes are free until the end of this round. Traits and other augments do not benefit from these free shops. Gain @Gold@ gold.Think FastAncient Archives IIWhile feeding their dragonling, Trainers have a @FeedChance@% chance to secretly feed a bonus Snax. Gain a Tristana.Secret SnaxYour units take @DamageReduction@% less damage from enemies shrunken by Whisper champions. Gain a Sylas.Urf's Grab Bag IUrf's Grab Bag II+Urf's Grab Bag IIGain @NumSpatulas@ Spatula and @NumComponents@ random item component(s).Gain a Whispers Emblem, a Titan's Resolve, and a Sylas.Whispers CrownGain a Whispers Emblem and a Zyra.Whispers CrestYour team counts as having 1 additional Whispers. Gain a Zyra.Whispers Heart8 seconds into combat a 2-star copy of your left-most benched unit teleports to your partner's board and starts fighting.Bench BackupReveals a convergence hex on each partner's board. Units in them share their highest stats at the start of combat.ConvergenceYou and your partner both immediately gain a Rune of Allegiance.Your units gain @resists@ Attack Damage and Ability Power per trait active across your team and your partner's team.Partners UnitedWhenever your partner wins a combat, you gain 2 gold. Whenever you win a combat, give your partner 2 gold.Profit SharingAfter the shared draft you gain a copy of the item on the unit your partner picked.Share-o-selMirage Variation|Refund Policy taxes calculated at checkoutTerms of Service COINSINTRODUCINGTFT Coins now buys all your TFT content. Check out the store for Tacticians, Eggs, Battles Pass, and more.No worries, all of the stuff you purchase on TFT Mobile are available on PC too.TFT Coins will be available on PC soon. Until then, you can still use your RP when you purchase content on PC.WHAT DO THEY DO?PLAYING TFT ON PC?HAVE LOTS OF RP?New BalancePURCHASE STAR SHARDSPURCHASE TFT COINSThree Runes of Allegiance appear per game!

    Round 1-3: Lesser Rune of Allegiance
    Round 4-1: Rune of Allegiance
    Round 5-1: Rune of AllegianceRunes of AllegianceYour Tactician will take 2 damage each time you lose a round!Your Tactician will take 30 damage each time you lose a round!In Hyper Roll, your Tactician will take a set amount of damage each time you lose a round, starting in Stage 2.Your Tactician will take 4 damage each time you lose a round!Your Tactician will take 6 damage each time you lose a round!Damage Per LossStar Guardian SpriteUFO SpriteTodayYesterdayDamage BlockedDamage DealtShields & HealingTotal Damage Blocked: @TotalDamageBlocked@
    Physical Damage Blocked: @PhysicalDamageBlocked@
    Magic Damage Blocked: @MagicDamageBlocked@
    True Damage Blocked: @TrueDamageBlocked@Total Damage: @TotalDamageDealt@
    Physical Damage: @PhysicalDamageDealt@
    Magic Damage: @MagicDamageDealt@
    True Damage: @TrueDamageDealt@Total: @TotalUtilityAmount@
    Amount Shielded: @ShieldGranted@
    Amount Healed: @HealCasted@@TotalDamageBlocked@@TotalDamageDealt@@TotalUtilityAmount@Use on a champion to unequip all items.

    [Cannot be used on champions in combat.]
    [Consumable - This item disappears when used.]
    Use on a champion to unequip all items and randomly transform them into different new ones.

    [Same quality: Reforging will grant a new item of a similar type and quality.
    Cannot be used on champions in combat, or on Tactician's Crown.
    Consumable - This item disappears when used.]
    Use on a champion to reroll a special Shop that contains only champions sharing a Trait with the source champion.

    [Consumable - This item disappears when used.]Use on a champion to spawn a movable target dummy nearby.

    [Cannot be used in combat.
    Consumable - This item disappears when used.]
    Magnetic RemoverReforgerGreater Allegiance10 Gold2-Star Egg5 GoldGreen EggRed EggRandom ComponentOrange EggGolden EggBlue EggChampions:@MinStreakLength@ - @MaxStreakLength@Do you want to surrender this game? If you surrender, you won't be able to return to the game and you'll be eliminated.Surrender GameCANCELSURRENDERUse on a champion to create a 1-star copy on your bench.


    Once per combat: At @HealthThreshold@% Health, gain a @ShieldHealthPercent@% maximum Health shield that lasts up to @ShieldDuration@ seconds.Grant %i:scaleArmor% @BonusArmor@ bonus Armor. Negates @CritReduction@% bonus damage from incoming critical strikes. When struck by an attack, deal @1StarAoEDamage@/@2StarAoEDamage@/@3StarAoEDamage@ %i:star% magic damage to all nearby enemies (once every @ICD@ seconds).

    [Direct damage item]Combat start: Grant %i:scaleAP% @BonusAP@ Ability Power to the holder and allies within 1 hex in the same row.

    ​​[Aura item]Grant %i:scaleMR% @BonusMR@ bonus Magic Resist. Every @HealthRegenInterval@ seconds, regenerate @PercentHealthDamage@% maximum Health for each enemy targeting the holder.

    If the holder is a Dragon, increase all bonuses and effects by @DragonValue@%.Your team gains +@MaxArmySizeIncrease@ maximum team size.Reduces the Attack Speed of enemies within @HexRadius@ hexes by @AttackSpeedSlow@%.

    ​​[Aura item]
    [Unique - only 1 per champion]
    %i:scaleHealth% +@Health@ HealthPrevents the holder's first death, placing them in stasis instead. After @StasisDuration@ seconds, they return with @HealthRestore@ Health and shed all negative effects.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Attacks grant %i:scaleAS% @AttackSpeedPerStack@% bonus Attack Speed. This effect stacks.Grant @OmniVamp@% Omnivamp. Damage heals the lowest percent Health ally for the same amount.Grant %i:scaleCrit% @BonusCritChance@% bonus Critical Strike Chance and %i:scaleCritMult% @BonusCritDamage@% bonus Critical Strike Damage. Each point of %i:scaleCrit% Critical Strike Chance above 100% converts to %i:scaleCritMult% @BonusCritDmgPerCritAbove100@% Critical Strike Damage.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Enemies within @HexRange@ hexes have their Magic Resist reduced by @MRShred@%. When they cast an Ability, they are zapped for magic damage equal to @ManaRatio@% of their maximum Mana.

    [Direct damage item]Extra %i:scaleArmor% +@Armor@
    Holder is also a Knight

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Grant %i:scaleAS% @BonusAS@% bonus Attack Speed. Dealing physical damage from an attack or Ability reduces the target's Armor by @ArmorReductionPercent@% for @ArmorBreakDuration@ seconds. This effect does not stack.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Combat start: Shield the holder and allies within @HexRange@ hexes in the same row for @1StarShieldValue@/@2StarShieldValue@/@3StarShieldValue@ %i:star% damage for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    ​​[Aura item]Grant %i:scaleAP% @BonusAP@ bonus Ability Power. Magic or true damage from an Ability burns the target, dealing @BurnPercent@% of the target's maximum Health as true damage over @BurnDuration@ seconds, and reducing healing by @GrievousWoundsPercent@% for the duration.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]%i:scaleAP% +@AP@ Ability PowerGrant %i:scaleAP% @BonusAP@ bonus Ability Power.Grant %i:scaleAS% @BonusAS@% bonus Attack Speed and %i:scaleRange% @HexRangeIncrease@ bonus Attack Range.

    Attacks cannot miss.%i:scaleAS% +@AS@% Attack SpeedHeal allies within 1 hex for @MissingHealthHeal@% of their missing Health every @HealTickRate@ seconds. They also take @AoEDamageReduction@% less multi-target damage for @HealTickRate@ seconds (damage reduction does not stack).

    [Aura item]Grant %i:scaleAD% @BonusAD@ bonus Attack Damage. Attacks fire a bolt at a nearby enemy, dealing @MultiplierForDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% as physical damage.

    ​​[Direct damage item]Combat Start: Grant %i:scaleMana% @BonusMana@ bonus starting Mana. After casting an Ability, set Mana to %i:scaleMana% @ManaRestore@.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]
    Combat start: Shoot a beam that increases the maximum Mana of affected enemies by @CostIncrease@% until they cast.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Grant %i:scaleAP% @BonusAP@ bonus Ability Power. Attacks restore %i:scaleMana% @FlatManaRestore@ additional Mana. Grant %i:scaleAS% @BonusAS@% bonus Attack Speed. Every 3rd attack unleashes chain lightning that bounces to @1StarBounces@ enemies, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and reducing their Magic Resist by @MRShred@% for @MRShredDuration@ seconds.

    [Direct damage item]%i:scaleMana% +@Mana@ ManaCombat start: Taunt all enemies that are in range to attack the holder.

    On death, a Voidspawn arises, taunting nearby enemies. Voidspawns that arise from summoned units are @SummonedStatReduction@% effective.Grant %i:scaleAD% @StackingAD@ Attack Damage and %i:scaleAP% @StackingAD@ Ability Power when attacking or taking damage, stacking up to @StackCap@ times.

    At full stacks, grant %i:scaleArmor% @BonusResistsAtStackCap@ Armor and %i:scaleMR% @BonusResistsAtStackCap@ Magic Resist.Grant %i:scaleHealth% @BonusHP@ bonus Health.The holder is also an Assassin.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Combat start: Grant %i:scaleAS% @AttackSpeed@% Attack Speed to the holder and allies within 1 hex in the same row.

    ​​[Aura item]Combat start: Summon a whirlwind on the opposite side of the arena that removes the closest enemy from combat for @BanishDuration@ seconds.

    [Ignores crowd control immunity.]
    [Unique - only 1 per champion]
    Right-click for recipesBrawler's GloveChalice of PowerTactician's CrownHextech GunbladeIonic SparkBlue BuffShroud of StillnessSpear of ShojinStatikk ShivTitan's ResolveZeke's Herald@DynamicText@Lvl. @PlayerLevel@LV%i:lossStreak% @StreakSize@ %i:goldCoins% +@StreakRewardGold@Get extra gold each round based on how many rounds in a row you win or lose.Loss StreakMax+%u4 wins!5 wins!8 wins!Level 10!Level 4!Level 5!Level 6!Level 7!Level 8!Level 9!Your bench is full! This champ will be sold at the end of Planning phase.ArrivalCombatDepartureOVERTIME!Shared DraftPlanningHOMEDRAFTSell for @ShopValue@gOpen an Armory of emblemsSell for @ShopValue@ XPPassive Income %i:goldCoins% +@PassiveGold@
    Interest (Max 5) %i:goldCoins% +@InterestGold@
    Win/Loss Streak %i:goldCoins% +@WinStreakGold@
    Gold per Win %i:goldCoins% +@WinGold@Passive Income %i:goldCoins% +@PassiveGold@
    Gold per Win %i:goldCoins% +@WinGold@
    Gold per Loss %i:goldCoins% +@LossGold@Total Income Possible %i:goldCoins% @TotalGold@Unlock your current store offerings.Lock your current store offerings.@GoldToNextLevel@ to lv. @NextLevel@@MinStreakLength@ StageAbility PowerAbility power multiplies indicated aspects of this unit's Ability.This champion's ability is not affected by spell powerArmorArmor reduces the amount of Physical Damage this unit takes.Current Armor: @Total@ (@Base@ + @Bonus@)
    This champion takes @Effect@% reduced damage from basic attacks
    Attack DamageAttack Damage increases the amount of Physical Damage damage this unit deals. Physical Damage can Critically Strike, Miss, and be Dodged.Current Attack Damage: @Total@ (@Base@ + @Bonus@)Attack RangeAttack Range is the number of hexes this unit can attack from.Attack Range: @Total@ (@Base@ + @Bonus@)Attack SpeedAttack Speed increases how often this unit attacks.Attacks per second: @Total@ (@Base@ x @BonusPercent@)Critical Strike DamageCritical Strike Damage is the total percent of the Physical Damage this unit will deal with a Critical Strike.Current Critical Strike Damage Bonus: @Total@% (@Base@% + @Bonus@%)Critical Strike ChanceCritical Strike grants this unit a chance to deal extra damage when dealing Physical Damage.Current Critical Strike Chance: @Total@% (@Base@% + @Bonus@%)DodgeDodge grants a chance to evade Physical Damage.Dodge Chance: @Total@% (@Base@% + @Bonus@%)Magic ResistMagic Resist reduces the amount of Magic Damage this unit takes.Current Magic Resistance: @Total@ (@Base@ + @Bonus@)
    This champion takes @Effect@% reduced damage from spells
    Ability PowerAbility Power multiplies the indicated aspects of this unit's Ability.Current Spell Power: @Total@% (@Base@% + @Bonus@%)@MinStreakLength@+ @ExpValue@ XP%i:winStreak% @StreakSize@ %i:goldCoins% +@StreakRewardGold@Win Streakis on a @SubA@ Win Streak!@keySummary@@keyName@@keyCooldown@@keyTooltip@@keyName@@keyCooldown@@keyTooltipExtended@@keyName@@keyCooldown@@keyTooltipSimple@@keyName@@keyCooldown@@keyTooltip@
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyName@@keyCooldown@@keyTooltip@Source: @SourceName@@keyName@@keyCooldown@@keyTooltip@
    Press [Shift] to show more infoSource: @SourceName@@keyHotkey@ @keyName@@keyCooldown@@SpellTags@@keyCost@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}@keyHotkey@ @keyName@@keyCooldown@@keyCost@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}@keyTooltipExtendedBelowLine@
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpGrid }}@keyHotkey@ @keyName@@keyCooldown@@keyCost@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up
    {{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_Spell_@OriginalSpellObject@_TooltipLevelUpList }}@keyHotkey@ @keyName@@keyCooldown@@keyCost@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContentExtended }}Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ @keyName@@keyCooldown@@keyCost@{{ Spell.@OriginalSpellObject@:GeneratedTip_InheritedSpell_@SpellObject@_TooltipContent }}
    Press [Shift] to show more info@keyBrief@@keyColloquialism@@keyShopOnlyText@@listStatsType@@keyActive@@keyTooltip@@listStatsType@@keyActiveExternal@@keyTooltipExternal@
    @Name@@keyPlainText@@keyName@@keyPrice@@listStatsType@@keyTooltip@@keyName@@keyBrief@{{ Item_Gold_Value }}@keyUniqueGroup@@keyTooltipDynamic@@keyInventoryOnlyText@@keyShopOnlyText@@keyName@@keyBrief@{{ Item_Gold_Value_Sell }} (@SellBackModifier*100@%)@keyUniqueGroup@@listStatsType@@keyActiveDynamic@@keyTooltipDynamic@@keyInventoryOnlyText@@keyName@@keyBrief@{{ Item_Gold_Value }}@keyUniqueGroup@@listStatsType@@keyActive@@keyTooltip@@keyShopOnlyText@
    @keyHotkey@ @keyName@@keyCooldown@@SpellTags@@keyCost@@keyTooltipExtended@@keyTooltipExtendedBelowLine@@keyKaynHackType@@listLevelUpType@@keyKaynHackValue@@listLevelUpValue@@keyNameUnformatted@ ][ / Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@@keyPickChoiceDescription@@SpellModifierPickDescriptionAppend@@keyPickChoiceName@@keyHotkey@ @keyName@@keyCooldown@@SpellTags@@keyCost@@keyTooltip@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@keyTooltip@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@keyTooltipExtended@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@keyHotkey@ @keyName@@keyCooldown@@SpellTags@@keyCost@@keyTooltipExtended@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@keyTooltipExtendedBelowLine@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@@keyName@@keyTooltip@@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpGrid@@keyHotkey@ @keyName@@keyCooldown@@SpellTags@@keyCost@@keyTooltipExtended@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@listLevelUpType@@listLevelUpValue@@keyHotkey@ @keyName@@keyCooldown@@SpellTags@@keyCost@@keyTooltipExtended@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyApheliosHack_TooltipLevelUp_Name@@keyApheliosHack_TooltipLevelUp@Click or press [@LevelUpHotkey@] to level up@keyHotkey@ @keyName@@keyCooldown@@SpellTags@@keyCost@@keyTooltipSimple@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@@keyHotkey@ @keyName@@keyCooldown@@SpellTags@@keyCost@@keyTooltip@@SpellModifierDescriptionAppend@
    Press [Shift] to show more info -> @keyHotkey@ @keyName@@keyCooldown@@SpellTags@@keyCost@@keyTooltip@
    • Offense is your defense. Keep fighting to build up larger Indestructible shields.
    • Hitting multiple champions with the same ability can help quickly activate Darkness Rise.
    • Use Realm of Death on a low health enemy to guarantee the kill and keep their stats for the rest of a teamfight.
    • Mordekaiser builds up a powerful damage aura when fighting champions, so keep your distance.
    • Damage he deals can be converted into a large shield, and consumed for health
    • Realm of Death will cut you off from your teammates completely. Try to save mobility spells to escape Mordekaiser once inside
    Congrats! You can now obtain 200 Star Guardian Tokens!200 Star Guardian TokensCongrats! You can now spend 20 tokens in the event shop.20 Star Guardian TokensCongrats! You can now spend 80 Star Guardian Tokens.80 Star Guardian TokensCongrats! You can now spend 60 Star Guardian Tokens!50 Star Guardian Tokens base  bonus @OpeningTag@@RangeStart@ - @RangeEnd@@Icon@@ClosingTag@@OpeningTag@+@RangeStart@ - @RangeEnd@@Icon@@ClosingTag@@OpeningTag@+@RangeStart@% - @RangeEnd@%@Icon@@ClosingTag@@OpeningTag@@RangeStart@% - @RangeEnd@%@Icon@@ClosingTag@@OpeningTag@@Value@@IconModifier@@Icon@@ClosingTag@@OpeningTag@+@Value@@IconModifier@@Icon@@ClosingTag@@OpeningTag@+@Value@%@IconModifier@@Icon@@ClosingTag@@OpeningTag@@Value@%@IconModifier@@Icon@@ClosingTag@@OpeningTag@@Value@@Icon@@ClosingTag@@OpeningTag@(+@Value@@Icon@)@ClosingTag@@OpeningTag@(+@Value@%@Icon@)@ClosingTag@@OpeningTag@@Value@%@Icon@@ClosingTag@@OpeningTag@+@Total@ (@Coefficient@@Icon@)@ClosingTag@@OpeningTag@+@Total@% (@Coefficient@%@Icon@)@ClosingTag@@Number@ = (@Formula@)@Number@ (@Icons@)Damage dealt by basic attacksDamage dealt by any itemsDamage dealt by any runesRunesUnknownDamage TypeMAGICALPHYSICALTRUE%.2fsFight DurationEPRWCC DurationDEATH RECAPASSISTED BY %sK/D/AKILLED BY %sCLICK TO EXPANDOne For All-timate Spellbook mode enabled!ConfirmChoose An Ulternate SummonerYou have Unspent Gold!Gold Reduced By Attack-SmiteConnect to League VoiceDisconnect from League VoiceConnect to use League Voice with your party!No one else in your party is currently connected to League Voice!Sorry, League Voice is currently unavailable.ConnectedDisconnectedVoice Controls@Key@Click to open the League Voice control panel.Elemental Form: WaterLux has gained enough elemental power to master an element! Select an element to add it to her current form.

    "There's no turning the tide. Unless you're me."
    Elemental Form: WaterLux gains elemental power from damaging enemy champions with her spells. Upon gaining enough power, she is able to master an element and add it to her current form.

    Elemental Power: @MotePercent@%

    "There's no turning the tide. Unless you're me."
    Elemental Mastery: WaterAdd the element of Water to Lux's current form.

    "The tide turns."
    Let's Rock!200 Worlds 2022 Tokens20 Worlds 2022 Tokens60 Worlds 2022 Tokens80 Worlds 2022 Tokens2022 Spirit Blossom WardAttack DamageAbility PowerADAPCurrent Bonus: +@f1@ {{ adaptive_force_full_0 }}Current Bonus: +@f1@ {{ adaptive_force_full_1 }}Beatmaker OssiaPop Queen OssiaProdigy OssiaPumped Up OssiaSoloist OssiaAbortCancelIgnoreNoOKRetryYesOcean Song Reward Group 1Ocean Song Reward Group 2Ocean Song Reward Group 3Ocean Song Reward Group 4Ocean Song Reward Group 5Ocean Song Reward Group 6Ocean Song Reward Group 7Increases Influence Point gain to 200%!Increases Experience Point gain to 200%!200% IP Boost200% XP Boost
    @PlayerNameF5@ (@PlayerChampF5@)
    @PlayerNameF5@ (@PlayerChampF5@)
    @PlayerNameF7@ (@PlayerChampF7@)
    @PlayerNameF7@ (@PlayerChampF7@)
    @PlayerNameF9@ (@PlayerChampF9@)
    @PlayerNameF9@ (@PlayerChampF9@)
    @PlayerNameF11@ (@PlayerChampF11@)
    @PlayerNameF11@ (@PlayerChampF11@)
    @PlayerNameF13@ (@PlayerChampF13@)
    {{ bountyHunter_TT_WestAltar }}
    @PlayerNameF13@ (@PlayerChampF13@)
    {{ bountyHunter_TT_WestAltar }}
    @PlayerNameF15@ (@PlayerChampF15@)
    {{ bountyHunter_TT_EastAltar }}
    @PlayerNameF15@ (@PlayerChampF15@)
    {{ bountyHunter_TT_EastAltar }}Claimed Bounties:No Claimable BountiesEast AltarEnemy AltarVilemawWest AltarUnclaimed Bounties:{{ bountyHunter_bountyBoard_@f16@ }}{{ bountyHunter_NoBountiesHeader }}{{ bountyHunter_UnclaimedHeader }}{{ bountyHunterTarget1_unclaimed_state_@f4@ }}{{ bountyHunterTarget2_unclaimed_state_@f6@ }}{{ bountyHunterTarget3_unclaimed_state_@f8@ }}{{ bountyHunterTarget4_unclaimed_state_@f10@ }}{{ bountyHunterTarget5_unclaimed_state_@f12@ }}{{ bountyHunterTarget6_unclaimed_state_@f14@ }}{{ bountyHunter_bountyBoard_1 }}

    {{ bountyHunter_bountyBoard_3 }}{{ bountyHunter_ClaimedHeader }}{{ bountyHunterTarget1_claimed_state_@f4@ }}{{ bountyHunterTarget2_claimed_state_@f6@ }}{{ bountyHunterTarget3_claimed_state_@f8@ }}{{ bountyHunterTarget4_claimed_state_@f10@ }}{{ bountyHunterTarget5_claimed_state_@f12@ }}{{ bountyHunterTarget6_claimed_state_@f14@ }}SpellBladeThe next basic attack will deal damage in an area around the target and create a slow zone.Source: @SourceName@This unit's spells and attacks are dealing extra damage. This unit is moving faster. The Black CleaverThis unit has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@SlowedThis unit's Move Speed is slowed.Source: @SourceName@This unit is slowed. LifelineThis unit has increased sustain, go get em tiger!Source: @SourceName@This unit has bonus Armor and Magic Resist. The next Locket of the Iron Solari shield will have reduced effect on this unit. This unit is shielded. This unit has increased Attack Speed and is dealing bonus magic damage On-Hit. Essence ReaverThis unit will deal bonus damage and restore mana on its next Attack.Source: @SourceName@Safeguard is on cooldown. This unit is burning for a percentage of their health per second. This unit is taking bonus damage from the debuff applier. This unit is moving faster and has additional Ability Power after hitting multiple Attacks or Abilities on enemy champions. This unit is protected by a Safeguard, which will reduce incoming damage for several seconds after being triggered by enemy champion damage. This unit has increased Ability Power and Ability Haste. This owner's heals and shields are stronger while in champion combat. Divine SundererThis unit will deal bonus damage on its next Attack and Heal for a portion of it.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_LethalTempo}}This unit has increased attack speed.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_LethalTempo}}This unit is about to gain a surge of attack speed.Source: @SourceName@Your next attack will slowRanger's Vantage is cooling down.Your next attack will heal you.You have increased attack rangeCursedThis unit has decreased Magic Resistance.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_Electrocute}}{{perk_displayname_Electrocute}} is cooling down.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_Electrocute}}Deal bonus damage when you hit an enemy champion with 3 attacks or spells in rapid succession.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_Predator}}This unit has massively increase Move Speed. Their next attack or spell will deal bonus damage and end this effect.Source: @SourceName@You will soon gain a surge of Move SpeedThis buff tracks when the Blood Moon will next call you.You have increased Move Speed from picking up a soul{{perk_displayname_DarkHarvest}}You deal increased damage to low health enemy ChampionsSource: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_DarkHarvest}}Souls harvested from the weak.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_RunicArmor}} {{perk_short_desc_8224}}Source: @SourceName@SpellParry Lock Out{{perk_displayname_ArcaneComet}}{{perk_displayname_ArcaneComet}} is cooling down.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_ArcaneComet}}Your next spell will hurl a comet at the target champion.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_PhaseRush}}This unit has increased Move speed.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_PhaseRush}}{{perk_displayname_PhaseRush}} is cooling down. Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_PhaseRush}}Hit an enemy champion with 3 spells or attacks in rapid succession to gain a powerful haste. Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_KSGuardiansSoul}}This unit has shielded an ally recently and must wait before doing so again.Source: @SourceName@Immobilizing an enemy champion will shield you and a nearby ally.{{perk_displayname_KSGuardiansSoul}}This unit is protected from damage.Source: @SourceName@You have recently immobilized and enemy, and nearing an ally will shield them.{{perk_displayname_GraspOfTheUndying}}Your next attack on a champion will steal health.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_GraspOfTheUndying}}You are building up a life-draining attack.Source: @SourceName@Pointman is cooling downYou are taking reduced damage and your attacks slow in an area around the targetPoint Man is ready -- cast your ultimate to gain a large shield!You have bonus resists, stacking as you cast spells.{{perk_displayname_VeteranAftershock}}This units attack and Move Speed are slowed.Source: @SourceName@Akali is restoring energy. Guided by the MoonAphelios can attack units marked with Calibrum from very long range.Source: @SourceName@Gaze of the MoonAphelios has marked this unit with Calibrum and can attack them from a great distance.Source: @SourceName@CalibrumAphelios wields Calibrum and has increased range. His spells can mark targets and grant him a single attack from infinite range.Source: @SourceName@CrescendumAphelios wields Cresendum and can eviscerate targets at close range.Source: @SourceName@CrescendumAphelios has summoned {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_4b }} which will attack with {{ ApheliosGun_LoreName_4 }} for bonus damage. Duration refreshes upon attacking a champion or epic monster.Source: @SourceName@GravitumAphelios has slowed this unit with Gravitum and can root them.Source: @SourceName@GravitumAphelios wields Gravitum and can immobilize his foes.Source: @SourceName@EclipseThis unit is rooted and cannot move.Source: @SourceName@InfernumAphelios wields Infernum and deals area of effect damage.Source: @SourceName@Secondary - CalibrumAphelios can swap to Calibrum to gain increased range.Source: @SourceName@Off-Hand - CrescendumAphelios can swap to Crescendum to deal heavy damage at close range.Source: @SourceName@Off-Hand - GravitumAphelios can swap to Gravitum to crowd control his foes.Source: @SourceName@Off-Hand - InfernumAphelios can swap to Infernum for area of effect damage.Source: @SourceName@Off-Hand - SeverumAphelios can swap to Severum to gain Life Steal.Source: @SourceName@Phasing InAlune is summoning a new weapon to replace Aphelios's last one.Source: @SourceName@SeverumAphelios wields Severum and heals himself as he attacks.Source: @SourceName@OnslaughtAphelios has increased Move Speed and automatically attacks the nearest enemy unit, prioritizing champions.Source: @SourceName@Celestial Expansion - HasteAurelion Sol has a burst of speed from retracting his stars.Source: @SourceName@This effect is on cooldown. {{perk_displayname_BonePlating}}
    This unit takes reduced damage from incoming attacks or spells.
    Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_BonePlating}}
    {{perk_displayname_BonePlating}} is on cooldown.
    Source: @SourceName@AscensionAt 5 Stacks, you will instantly respawn in the base the next time you die.Source: @SourceName@Gold QuestEarn 500 gold with this item to transform it.

    Only transforms out of combat.
    Source: @SourceName@Gold QuestEarn 750 gold with this item to transform it.

    Only transforms out of combat.
    Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_Conqueror}}This unit has additional adaptive force and is healing based on damage dealt to champions.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_Conqueror}}This unit gains stacking bonus AD or AP as they damage enemy champions with new attacks and abilities. Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_Conqueror}}This unit has additional Adaptive Force.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_DarkHarvest}}{{perk_displayname_DarkHarvest}} is on cooldown.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_DarkHarvest}}You have been soul marked by Dark Harvest and will take additional damage from your attacker.Source: @SourceName@Twisted KnifeYour Armor and Magic Resist are reduced.Source: @SourceName@MoonfallDiana has increased attack speed.Source: @SourceName@Aspect of the Dragon You are taking periodic true damage from Aspect of the Dragon! If your Health drops below @Spell.ElderDragonBuff:ElderExecuteThresholdPercent*100@%, you'll be blasted with Dragonfire, killing you instantly.A Harmless ScarecrowFiddlesticks is posing as an effigy.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_FirstStrike}}First Strike is activated! Damage is amplified and will generate gold.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_FirstStrike}}Deal extra damage and gain gold based on the damage dealt when you start champion combat.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_FleetFootwork}}You have increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Frost Queen's TouchYou are blessed with fast movement.Source: @SourceName@Queen's TributeSpells and basic attacks against champions or buildings deal additional damage and grant Gold.Source: @SourceName@Frost Queen's TouchThis unit's Move Speed is being stolen.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_GhostPoro}}Your {{perk_displayname_GhostPoro}} has been scared away, and you must wait before calling a new one.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_GhostPoro}}You are currently gaining bonus stats from the {{perk_displayname_GhostPoro}} Rune.Source: @SourceName@Glacial Augment
    Your next immobilizing spell on a champion will create slowing zones around them.
    Source: @SourceName@{{ perk_displayname_GlacialAugment }} {{ Buff_GlacialAugmentCooldown_Tooltip }}Glacial Augment
    This unit has reduced Move Speed and deals reduced damage to enemy champions other than the one that slowed them.
    Source: @SourceName@This guy has stats{{perk_displayname_Guardian}}{{perk_displayname_Guardian}} is on cooldown.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_Guardian}}
    This unit is guarded.
    Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_Guardian}}Guard allies you cast spells on and those that are very nearby. If you or a guarded ally would take damage, you're both granted a shield. Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_KSGuardiansSoul}}This unit can Guard an allied champion, shielding them if they take damage.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_KSGuardiansSoul}}This unit cannot guard an ally for a short while.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_KSGuardiansSoul}}This unit is gaurded and will gain a shield on taking damage.Source: @SourceName@Skip 'n SlashGwen has increased attack range, Attack Speed, and deals bonus magic damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit.Source: @SourceName@SnippyGwen empowers her next Snip Snip! by Attacking.Source: @SourceName@NeedleworkThis unit's Move Speed is slowed. Subsequent needle hits slow by less.Source: @SourceName@NeedleworkGwen can recast her Ultimate if she hits an enemy.Source: @SourceName@Hallowed MistGwen is Untargetable to units outside her mist.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_HailOfBlades}}{{perk_displayname_HailOfBlades}} is cooling down.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_HailOfBlades}}{{perk_displayname_HailOfBlades}} is granting attack speed.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_HailOfBlades}}{{perk_displayname_HailOfBlades}} is unable to reset as you are in combat.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_HailOfBlades}}{{perk_displayname_HailOfBlades}} is ready.Source: @SourceName@LifelineThis unit is heavily shielded from magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Boarding PartyThis unit has increased Resistances and Tower Damage.Source: @SourceName@QuicksilverGrants Tenacity and Slow Resist.Source: @SourceName@Death's DanceA takedown has granted this unit healing.Source: @SourceName@Avalanche StrikeThis unit will deal true damage with its next basic attack.Source: @SourceName@AvalancheWhile moving towards the flag, this unit has increased Move Speed and can move through units.
    Source: @SourceName@SpellBladeThis unit will deal bonus damage on its next attack.
    Source: @SourceName@This unit is moving faster towards enemy champions. ConservationKilling a large monster will consume up to 40 stacks and grant 1 bonus gold per stack consumed.Knight's VowThis unit has pledged loyalty to an ally.
    Damage Healed: @f1@
    Source: @SourceName@This unit is doing a portion of its damage as true damage. This unit is getting stronger while in champion combat. Support Minion RuleThis unit will receive reduced gold from lane minions.Source: @SourceName@Current effectiveness of Philosopher's Stone.This unit has increased Move Speed{{perk_displayname_KSSnuggleZone}}{{perk_displayname_KSSnuggleZone}} is cooling down.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_Kleptomancy}}Your next basic attack will earn extra gold and a chance at a consumable item if it hits a champion.Source: @SourceName@Mirror ImageWhen LeBlanc drops below 40% health, she becomes invisible for 1 second and creates a Mirror Image that deals no damage and lasts for up to 8 seconds.Source: @SourceName@SchismLeBlanc has recently created a Mirror Image and cannot do so again for a short time.Source: @SourceName@Sigil of MaliceIf this unit takes damage from one of LeBlanc's abilities, the sigil will detonate, dealing damage.Source: @SourceName@Mimic: Sigil of MaliceIf this unit takes damage from one of LeBlanc's abilities, the sigil will detonate, dealing damage.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_LethalTempo}}{{perk_displayname_LethalTempo}} is cooling down.Source: @SourceName@Lillia is dealing periodic damage to this unit, and will be affected by her Ultimate.OverchargedLucian's pistols are infused with additional energy from his allies, causing his basic attacks to deal bonus magic damage. Source: @SourceName@
    ThunderclapMalphite's next basic attack deals heavy bonus damage.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_8226}} Hitting an enemy champion with an ability permanently increases your maximum mana by @f1@.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_8226}} This rune is cooling down.Source: @SourceName@Sap ReadyMaokai's next basic attack will heal him.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_MasterKey}}{{First Strike capabilities are on cooldown.}}Source: @SourceName@Floating PrisonThis unit is stunned for a short period.Source: @SourceName@Unit is enveloped in mist, dodging incoming attacks.Jubilant VeilUnit is enveloped in mist.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_NimbusCloak}}{{perk_displayname_NimbusCloak}} is granting Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_NimbusCloak}}{{perk_displayname_NimbusCloak}} is on cooldown.{{perk_displayname_NimbusCloak}}{{perk_displayname_NimbusCloak}} is on cooldown.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_NimbusCloak}}Casting an Ultimate ability will grant this unit a burst of Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_NimbusCloak}}{{perk_displayname_NimbusCloak}} is activeUrf's Radiant FrenzyYou are temporarily invulnerable, and the cooldowns of all your abilities are massively reduced.PhageHeal while dealing physical damage to champions.Source: @SourceName@If minions die near you and you don't kill them you get gold and are healed.This unit has increased Maximum Health.This unit has increased Armor and Magic Resistance.{{perk_displayname_PresenceOfMind}}This unit has increased resource regeneration.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_PressTheAttack}}This unit is receiving bonus damage from all sources.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_PressTheAttack}}At @perk.PressTheAttack:HitsRequired@ stacks, this unit will take bonus adaptive damage and become vulnerable, increasing the damage they take from all sources. Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_PressThreeAttacks}}
    This unit has been exposed and is taking extra damage.
    Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_PressThreeAttacks}}
    If this unit is hit 3 times it will be exposed.
    Source: @SourceName@TerrashapeQiyana has empowered her weapon with elemental magic and deals bonus damage on hit.Source: @SourceName@Qiyana has increased Move Speed while near her Terrashaped element.Queen's TributeSpells and basic attacks against champions or buildings deal additional damage and grant a short movespeed boost along with bonus gold. Source: @SourceName@Attract and RepelWhile nearby, Rell grants this ally increased Armor and Magic Resist and can use an ability to stun enemies between them.Source: @SourceName@StunnedThis unit is stunned and unable to move.Source: @SourceName@Break The MoldRell has stolen Armor and Magic Resist from her enemies.Source: @SourceName@Break The MoldRell has stolen Armor and Magic Resist from this unit.Source: @SourceName@Magnet StormRell is Dragging in all nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@DraggedThis unit is slowly being dragged towards Rell (does not interrupt movement or casts).Source: @SourceName@Magnet StormThis unit is being pulled towards Rell.Source: @SourceName@Mounted ChargeRell runs faster towards enemy champions and her next attack will flip the target.Source: @SourceName@Ferromancy: ArmoredRell gains increased Armor and Magic Resist while armored but moves slowly.Source: @SourceName@Knocked UpThis unit is knocked up and unable to move.Source: @SourceName@Ferromancy: MountedRell gains increased Move Speed while mounted; lowered when she takes damage, removed temporarily when immobilizied.Source: @SourceName@ShieldedWhen Rell transforms her mount into her heavy armor, she gains a shield that lasts until broken or she transforms back.Source: @SourceName@GRIFFITH!Ruined King has absorbed the souls of his enemies, gaining Attack Speed.Electrified!The target has reduced Magic Resistance.Source: @SourceName@Gold QuestEarn gold with your support item to upgrade it.

    Only transforms out of combat.
    Source: @SourceName@HomeguardWhile out of combat, this unit has greatly increased Move Speed that decays over time.

    (This is given to all champions who die before 20 minutes of game time have passed.)
    Source: @SourceName@Cloud Drake
    Gaining 20% Move Speed whilst inside Cloud zones, increased to 35% while out of combat with champions.
    Cloud Dragon+@Spell.SRX_DragonBuffCloud:MSAmountPerStack*100@% Out Of Combat Move Speed and +@Spell.SRX_DragonBuffCloud:SRAmountPerStack*100@% Slow ResistanceCloud Dragon Udyr
    Cooldown between stance swaps reduced by @Spell.UdyrPassiveMonkeyAgility:UdyrAHAmountPerCloudDragon*100@ Ability Haste per Cloud Dragon
    Infernal Dragon+@Spell.SRX_DragonBuffInfernal:ADandAPPercentIncrease*100@% Attack Damage and Ability PowerMountain Dragon+@Spell.SRX_DragonBuffMountain:BonusDefenses*100@% Armor and Magic ResistanceOcean DragonRestore @Spell.SRX_DragonBuffOcean:HealingPercent*100@% missing Health every @Spell.SRX_DragonBuffOcean:HealFrequency@ secondsRuined Dragon Buff
    Attacks apply Ruined Dragon's Blight to towers, dealing @Spell.SRX_DragonBuffRuined:Damage@ of the tower's max health as magic damage once every second.
    This team has dealt @f1@ this way so far!
    Ruined Dragon Buff
    Attacks apply Ruined Dragon's Blight to towers, dealing @f1@% of the tower's max health as magic damage once every second for 2 seconds.
    Cloud Dragon Soul
    When you cast your ultimate, gain @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSAmount@ Move Speed for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffDuration@ seconds.

    The Move Speed can be activated once every @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffCloud:MSBuffCooldown@ seconds.
    Cloud Dragon Soul
    Gaining non-ultimate cooldown whilst in combat.
    Cloud Dragon Soul
    This unit has increased Move Speed.
    Cloud Dragon Soul
    Move Speed is on cooldown.
    Infernal Dragon Soul
    Damaging Abilities and Attacks create an explosion around the target, dealing @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:TotalDamage@ adaptive damage.

    Cooldown: @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffInfernal:ProcCooldown@sInfernal Dragon Soul
    Your Infernal Dragon Soul is on cooldown.
    Mountain Dragon Soul
    Gain a permanent shield which regenerates after not taking damage for a short time.

    Become shielded for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:BaseShieldValue@ (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:BonusADRatio*100@% bonus AD) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:APRatio*100@% AP) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:BonusHPRatio*100@% bonus Health).

    Shield lasts until destroyed and is refreshed after avoiding damage for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffMountain:TimeWithoutTakingDamage@s .
    Ocean Dragon Soul
    Dealing damage to an enemy causes you to rapidly regenerate health and mana.

    Heal for @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:BaseHealValue@ (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:BonusADRatio*100@% bonus AD) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:APRatio*100@% AP) (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:BonusHPRatio*100@% bonus Health) and regenerate @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:BaseManaValue@ (+@Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:ManaRatio*100@% maximum mana) mana over @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:HealDuration.0@ seconds.

    Regeneration effect reduced to @Spell.SRX_DragonSoulBuffOcean:MinionPenalty*100@% when attacking minions and monsters.
    Ocean Dragon SoulRapidly regenerating Health and Mana after damaging an enemy.Wild RushWhat a rush!Source: @SourceName@testDaredevil ImpulseWhy are you reading this? Style on them!Source: @SourceName@Inferno TriggerIt's about to get messy!Source: @SourceName@Blade WhirlNope!Source: @SourceName@Ki BarrierShen is blocking damage with a shield he generated by casting spells.Source: @SourceName@SalvationSoraka has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@This Ability triggers spell effects upon dealing damage.Eye of the Crab You are revealed by the Rift Scuttler's zone.Source: Rift Scuttler
    LifelineThis shield should be chonky.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_SummonAery}}This unit is shielded by Aery and will block some incoming damage.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_SummonAery}}Damage an enemy or target an ally with a spell to deploy Aery!Source: @SourceName@ShieldedThis unit is shielded from damage.Source: @SourceName@Summoner IgniteThis unit is taking damage each second and is afflicted with Grievous Wounds.Source: @SourceName@Exhaust DebuffThis unit deals significantly less damage.Source: @SourceName@Exhaust SlowThis unit's Move Speed is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Heal: Speed IncreaseThis unit's Move Speed is increased.Source: @SourceName@DashThis unit has been recently hit by an enemy Mark and enemy team has True Sight of it.Source: @SourceName@DashThis champion has recently hit another unit with Mark and can Dash to it.Source: @SourceName@Nevermove
    Swain has brough his enemies to a kneel and can choose to drag them even further below him.Source: @SourceName@Soulburn
    Swain is ten steps ahead of you, slowing your every move.Source: @SourceName@Ravenous FlockSwain has collected @f1@ Soul Fragments and has gained @f2@ bonus Health.Syndra has achieved Transcendence, granting herself @f1.0@ Ability Power.Transcendent
    Syndra is assimilating power and has collected @f1@ Splinters of Wrath.Source: @SourceName@Thick SkinTahm Kench stores a portion of incoming damage as Gray Health.Source: @SourceName@Shield BatteryYou slowly regenerate a shield when out of combat. Executing minions with Spoils of War charges the shield faster.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_TasteOfBlood}}{{perk_displayname_TasteOfBlood}} is cooling down.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_TasteOfBlood}}Heal when you damage an enemy champion.Source: @SourceName@You have been flayed by Thresh. Trinity ForceThis unit will deal bonus damage on its next Attack.Source: @SourceName@Trinity ForceGain stacking Attack Damage by attacking Champions or towers.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_TunnelVision}}Gain infinitely stacking AD or AP, Adaptive, as you attack the same target.
    Source: @SourceName@Stampede StanceUdyr's first attack against each target leaps at them and Stuns them.Source: @SourceName@Awakened Stampede StanceUdyr has greatly increased Move Speed and immunity to Immobilizing and Disabling effects.Source: @SourceName@Awakened Wilding StanceUdyr's Attack Speed is greatly increased and his next two attacks chain lightning to deal bonus magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Wingborne StormA storm surrounds Udyr, dealing magic damage and slowing units inside.Source: @SourceName@Awakened Mantle StanceUdyr is protected by a large shield and heals over time.Source: @SourceName@Ruined Dragon Soul
    This unit's Dragon Soul Resurrection is on Cooldown
    Your next Summoner Spell swap is coming soon.
    Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_UnsealedSpellbook}}
    You are unable to switch Summoner Spells whilst in combat or using Teleport.
    Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_UnsealedSpellbook}}
    You can swap to a different Summoner Spell when you are out of combat.
    Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_VeteranAftershock}}{{perk_displayname_VeteranAftershock}} is cooling down.Source: @SourceName@{{perk_displayname_VeteranAftershock}}This unit has increased resists and will deal damage to nearby units.Source: @SourceName@Yone's next stack will empower Mortal Steel.{{perk_displayname_ZombieWard}} bonus damageYour next attack or offensive spell against an enemy Champion will deal bonus magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Smites Remaining until Immolating Smite is unlockedImmolating Smite ProgressSmites Remaining until Chilling Smite is unlockedChilling Smite ProgressBeevil FlutterbugFlutterbugIxtali FlutterbugLegionnaire FlutterbugSandbringer FlutterbugTrue Ice Flutterbug%i:tokenBronze% Bronze%i:tokenChallenger% ChallengerEarn points from challenges in the Maestro groupEarn points from challenges in the ARAM Warrior, ARAM Finesse, and ARAM Champion groupsEarn points from challenges in the ARAM Warrior groupDeal more than 1800 Damage Per Minute in ARAM gamesGet two Pentakills in a single ARAM gameGo Legendary in ARAM gamesKill opponents who recently received a health pack in ARAMKill enemies near one of their own turrets in ARAMGet Pentakills in ARAMGet Takedowns in ARAMDeal 40% or more of your team's damage to champions in ARAMEarn points from challenges in the ARAM Finesse groupHit skillshots (ranged untargeted abilities) on champions in ARAMDodge skillshots (ranged untargeted abilities) in ARAMHit snowballs on champions in ARAMKill minions in ARAMSuccessfully Execute to the outer tower before 10 minutes in ARAMCause a Poro to explode in ARAMEarn points from challenges in the ARAM Champion groupEarn an S- grade or higher on different champions in ARAMEarn S grades or higher in ARAMTake the first turret in ARAM before five minutes have passedWin ARAM games before 10 minutes have passedHave over 90% Kill Participation in ARAM gamesWin ARAM games without being killed by an enemy champion (you can still be executed)Win ARAM GamesEarn points from challenges in the Style, Innovation, and Tactician groupsEarn points from challenges in the Style groupRecall while unseen by a nearby enemy championGet takedowns within 5 seconds of gaining a level advantage in the first 10 minutes of a gameTake down enemy champions in their fountainEarn points from challenges in the Innovation groupTake down an enemy champion in the alcoveKnock yourself and an enemy champion in different directions after hitting a blast coneGet multikills shortly after flashing towards an enemy championKill 20 minions within three SecondsSurvive champion combat on single digit healthKill opponents with help from an Epic monster. Epic Monsters include Dragons, the Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor.Have both teams be aced in the same fightEarn points from challenges in the Tactician groupGet multikills with the Elder Dragon BuffKill Baron Nashor soloTake down junglers near a damaged Epic Monster before it is killed. Epic Monsters include Dragons, the Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor.Do at least 2000 damage and destroy the enemy nexus while outnumbered by enemy championsEarn points from challenges in the Machine-Hunting Mercenary groupWin Co-Op vs AI GamesWin a Co-Op vs AI game with different championsGet Kills in Co-Op vs AI GamesEarn points from challenges in the Virtuoso groupEarn points from challenges in the Adept groupGet a Takedown (kill or assist) on the first turret of the gameKill 80 lane minions within 10 minutesWin games without dying and with at least 30% kill participationGet 12 Takedowns (kill or assist) on enemy champions by 15 minutesEarn points from challenges in the Domination, Unrivaled, and Perfection groupsEarn points from challenges in the Domination groupWin games where you were at least 100CS ahead of your role opponent at any point in the gameEnd the laning phase (14 minutes) with 20% more gold and experience than your role opponentEnd the early laning phase (7 minutes) with 20% more gold and experience than your role opponentEnd the game with 20% more vision score than your role opponentEarn a three or more level lead over your role opponent at any point in the gameEarn points from challenges in the Unrivaled groupEarn points from challenges in the 2022 Seasonal groupTake the first turret in ARAM before 5 minutes have passedEarn total S- grades or higher on Summoner's RiftWin games without dying and with at least 30% kill participation on Summoner's RiftEnd the early laning phase (7 minutes) with 20% more gold and experience than your role opponent on Summoner's RiftDeal the most damage to champions in the game on Summoner's RiftBecome Legendary (8 kill streak) within 15 minutes on Summoner's RiftKill 2 players with the same ability cast on Summoner's RiftGet solo kills on Summoner's Rift (no assists from allied champions)Have the highest Crowd Control Score in the gameTake both of the initial 2 scuttle crab spawn on Summoner's RiftHave over 2 Vision Score per minute on Summoner's RiftSteal Epic Monsters on Summoner's Rift. Epic Monsters include Dragons, the Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor.Get killing sprees on Summoner's Rift (you can get multiple, one for killing spree, one more for Rampage, etc)Get Pentakills on Summoner's RiftGet 12 or more assists without dying on Summoner's Rift.Claim Dragon Souls without the enemy team taking a single dragon on Summoner's Rift.Get wins with a premade party of two in a ranked queueTake down the most wards in the game (you must take down at least one ward)Win Clash bracketsDeal the most damage to champions in the gameDeal more than 700 Damage Per MinuteWin games where you took 35% of damage dealt to champions on your teamEarn points from challenges in the Perfection groupWin games with eight or more kills without dyingBecome Legendary (eight kill streak) within 15 minutesWin a game without dying with different championsGet two pentakills in a single gameEarn more than 450 Gold Per MinuteEarn points from challenges in the Flair, Behemoth, Slayer, and Predator groupsEarn points from challenges in the Flair groupLand 20 skillshots (ranged untargeted abilities) before seven minutesDodge five skillshots (ranged untargeted abilities) within eight secondsCleanse yourself or someone else of an immobilizing effect (using Summoner Spell Cleanse, Quicksilver, or Mikael's Blessing) within 0.25s of the effect startSteal an Epic jungle monster without using Summoner Smite. Epic Monsters include Dragons, the Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor.Fully stack Mejai's Soulstealer before 20 minutesKill two players with the same ability castEarn points from challenges in the Behemoth groupTake 10000 pre-mitigation damage from champions in a single fight without dyingGet kills while taking damage from all five enemy champions and surviveTake three or more immobilizing abilities in a single fight and surviveEarn points from challenges in the Slayer groupGet solo kills (no assists from allied champions)Get kills while more enemy champions than friendly ones are nearbyKill enemy champions while they are near their own turretDestroy side lane towers solo (majority damage dealt by you) after 14 minutes without dyingKill champions from full health within 1.5 seconds with mostly your damage (90% or more)Earn points from challenges in the Predator groupAssist in taking the first dragon before 8 minutesTake buff jungle monsters from the enemy jungleAs jungler, get 70 CS from jungle monsters before 10 minutesAs jungler, take three of the first four buff campsAs jungler, take both of the initial two scuttle crab spawnsSecure Epic Monsters with the enemy jungler nearby. Epic Monsters include Dragons, the Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor.As jungler, at 10 minutes, take more of the opponent's jungle than they haveAs jungler, get kills on the enemy jungler in their own jungle before 10 minutesSteal two Epic Monsters in one game. Epic Monsters include Dragons, the Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor.Earn points from challenges in the Cornerstone and Visionary groupsEarn points from challenges in the Cornerstone groupFinish your support quest at least 60 seconds faster than the enemy supportHave over 2 vision score per minuteFully complete a support item quest (1000g) in less than 18 minutesHave over 1.5 Vision Score per minute in X gamesComplete the Support Warding Quest (500g) in less than 18 minutesKill three or more Sight Wards with a single Sweeper activation X timesEarn points from challenges in the Visionary groupDestroy 10 wards before 20 minutesProtect wards by being nearby when an enemy damages it but it survivesKill three or more Sight Wards with a single Sweeper activationEarn points from challenges in the Magnum Opus groupEarn an S+ grade on different championsGet a Pentakill with different championsEarn S- grades or higherEarn rank in Ranked Solo/Duo Queue. You must finish provisionals.Get a KDA over 3 in Ranked Solo/Duo QueueEnd seasons ranked Gold or higherEarn points from challenges in the Co-Operator groupEarn points from challenges in the Monster Hunter, Steadfast, and Symbiosis groupsEarn points from challenges in the Monster Hunter groupKill Epic Monsters within 30 seconds of them spawning. Epic Monsters include Dragons, the Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor.Your team takes Barons before 21 minutesYour team takes Elder Dragons before 28 minutesYour team takes both Rift Heralds in a gameClaim Dragon Souls without the enemy team taking a single dragonKill three Barons in a single gameKill two Elder Dragons in a single gameEarn points from challenges in the Steadfast groupWin games with an open nexusWin games after losing an inhibitorWin games after being down 15 killsWin a game despite an AFK teammateTake Elder Dragons while your opponent has the Dragon SoulEarn points from challenges in the Symbiosis groupWin Perfect Games, where the opposing team gets no kills, no dragons, no Rift Heralds or Barons, and destroys no turretsGet 12 or more assists without dyingDestroy all three enemy inhibitors in under 25 minutesScore aces after minions spawn but before 15 minutesDance with the Rift Herald in the enemy base at the end of the gameDestroy the enemy nexus in less than 15 minutesEarn points from challenges in the Strategy, Demolition, Synergy, and Team Spirit groupsEarn points from challenges in the Strategy groupGet takedowns on enemy champions before jungle camps spawn (1:30)As a Jungler, get takedowns on laners before 10 minutesAs a laner, get kills before 10 minutes outside your lane (anyone but your lane opponent)As a laner, get a takedown in all three lanes within 10 minutesHave a control ward active in the river or enemy half of the map for more than 65% of the game durationGenerate a 2500 gold advantage during your Baron BuffEarn points from challenges in the Demolition groupTake 2 turrets with the same Rift HeraldDestroy turrets before Turret Plates fall.Destroy the first turret in under 10 minutesEarn points from challenges in the Synergy groupTake down champions after waiting in a brush with at least one ally for at least 3 secondsGet picks with at least one assisting ally. A pick is killing a single enemy without a return killSave an ally who would have otherwise taken lethal damage with a heal or shieldImmobilize an enemy, then take them down with an allyKnock back enemies into your team, resulting in a takedownEarn points from challenges in the Team Spirit groupAce the enemy team with no allied deathsGet a takedown where your entire team participates (gets the kill or an assist)Get an ace on the enemy team within seconds of getting the first takedownGet takedowns after teleporting into a fight involving 4 or more championsEarn points from challenges in the Clash, Synchronicity, Harmony, and Globetrotter groupsEarn points from challenges in the Clash groupWin games in ClashHave Clash logos owned by the entire teamPlay with the same team in different Clash tournamentsFinish with more wins than losses in ClashFinish with more wins than losses in Clash X timesEarn points from challenges in the Synchronicity groupGet wins with the same group of 5 playersPlay games with a premade group of any sizeEarn points from challenges in the Harmony groupAs a premade 5, win games with 3 or more champions with a global abilityAs a premade 5, win games with 3 or more champions with an ultimate with a large Area of EffectAs a premade 5, win games with 3 or more champions with a heal or shield. Self-heals and self-shields do not countAs a premade 5, win games with 3 or more champions with a revive, immunity, or zombie abilityAs a premade 5, win games with 3 or more champions with stealth (camoflague or invisibily count)As a premade 5, win games with 3 or more "poke" championsAs a premade 5, win games with 5 champions with a summon or a petAs a premade of 5, win games as 5 champions of one class (assassin, mage, marksman, tank, support, or fighter)As a premade 5, win games with 3 or more champions with a displacementAs a premade 5, win games with 3 or more champions with a trapAs a premade 5, win games with 3 or more champions with the ability to create terrainAs a premade 5, win games with 3 or more champions with 2 or more immobilizing spellsEarn points from challenges in the Globetrotter groupAs a premade 5, win games with 5 champions from Bandle CityAs a premade 5, win games with 5 champions from BilgewaterAs a premade 5, win games with 5 champions from DemaciaAs a premade 5, win games with 5 champions from the FreljordAs a premade 5, win games with 5 champions from IoniaAs a premade 5, win games with 5 champions from IxtalAs a premade 5, win games with 5 champions from NoxusAs a premade 5, win games with 5 champions from PiltoverAs a premade 5, win games with 5 champions from the Shadow IslesAs a premade 5, win games with 5 champions from ShurimaAs a premade 5, win games with 5 champions from TargonAs a premade 5, win games with 5 champions from the VoidAs a premade 5, win games with 5 champions from ZaunEarn points from challenges in the Paragon groupEarn points from challenges in the Guru, Virtuoso, and Ace groupsEarn points from challenges in the Guru groupHave 150 champions with at least a certain number of Mastery Points.Earn total Mastery PointsEarn Mastery Points on a single championEarn Mastery 5 on different championsEarn Mastery 7 on different championsWin a game with different championsEarn Mastery 7 on different assassinsEarn Mastery 7 on different fightersEarn Mastery 7 on different magesEarn Mastery 7 on different marksmenEarn Mastery 7 on different supportsEarn Mastery 7 on different tanksEarn points from challenges in the Ace groupWin games as a JunglerWin games as a SupportWin games as a Bot CarryWin games as MidWin games as TopWin games queued as Fill, where you play the position you filled intoEarn points from challenges in the Executioner, Commando, Resourceful, and Mystic groupsEarn points from challenges in the Executioner groupWin games of Ranked Solo/Duo or Ranked FlexPlay Games on Summoner's Rift. Blind Pick, Draft and Ranked Modes count.Become Legendary (8-0 kill streak)Get killing sprees (3 or more kills without dying)Get MultikillsGet PentakillsGet KillsGet AssistsGet First BloodsEarn points from challenges in the Commando groupSteal Epic Monsters. Epic Monsters include Dragons, the Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor.Take turrets with Rift HeraldKill Scuttle CrabsEarn CS from jungle monsters in your jungleKill jungle monsters in the enemy jungleTake down DragonsTake down BaronsTake down Rift HeraldsTake turret platesTake down turretsEarn points from challenges in the Resourceful groupTake down wardsPlace useful Stealth Wards. A useful ward is one that contributes to your Vision Score.Place useful Control Wards. A useful ward is one that contributes to your Vision Score.Kill players under your own turretWin with each of different mythic itemsKill minionsClaim bounty gold from shutting down opposing championsEarn goldEarn points from challenges in the Mystic groupDo effective healing or shielding on your allies (self healing/shield doesn't count). Effective healing must actually restore health, and effective shielding must actually block damageImmobilize enemy championsUse AbilitiesEarn points from challenges in the Antequarian groupEarn points from challenges in the Experience groupEarn milestones on any EternalAchieve milestone 5 or greater on an EternalAchieve milestone 15 or greater on an EternalAchieve milestones on Eternals for a single championRekindle Eternal setsEarn milestone 15 on an Eternal for championsRekindle an Eternals set for assassinsRekindle an Eternals set for fightersRekindle an Eternals set for magesRekindle an Eternals set for marksmenRekindle an Eternals set for supportsRekindle an Eternals set for tanksEarn points from challenges in the Overachiever groupEarn titles for different challengesComplete collection challenges by reaching the highest non-leaderboard levelReach Diamond tier on challengesReach Master tier on challengesReach Gold tier on CapstonesEarn points from challenges in the Treasure groupObtain Clash team logosObtain Summoner iconsObtain ward skinsObtain emotesObtain X emotesEarn points from challenges in the Champion groupObtain championsObtain assassin championsObtain fighter championsObtain mage championsObtain marksman championsObtain support championsObtain tank championsEarn points from challenges in the Connoisseur groupObtain champion skinsObtain Little LegendsCollect many skins for a single championCollect 5 or more skins for a championCollect legacy champion skinsCollect victorious champion skinsCollect ultimate champion skinsCollect mythic champion skinsCollect legendary champion skinsCollect epic champion skinsCollect chromasCollect any skins that are not Legacy, Victorious, Ultimate, Mythic, or LegendaryEarn points from challenges in the Deprecated groupObtain X champion skinsObtain X Little LegendsObtain X skins for a single championCollect 5 or more skins for X championsCollect X legacy champion skinsCollect X Victorious champion skinsCollect X Ultimate champion skinsCollect X Mythic champion skinsCollect X Legendary champion skinsCollect X Epic champion skinsCollect X chromasLEGACY capstoneIncrease your summoner levelReach region first Challenger in Ranked Solo/Duo in a seasonFinish any season at Rank 1 for Ranked Solo/DuoIn case you didn't know. We're sure you know. Now you know. Did you know?my cool descriptionCRYSTALIMAGINATIONMaestroARAM AuthorityARAM WarriorDPS ThreatDouble DecimationARAM LegendBad MedicineNo HidingARAM EradicationFarm Champs Not MinionsSolo CarryARAM FinesseAnother Day, Another BullseyeIt was a... Near-HitSnow DayFree MoneyFree Ticket to BasePop Goes the PoroARAM ChampionAll Random All ChampionsAll Random All FlawlessRapid DemolitionLightning RoundActive ParticipantCan't Touch ThisNA-RAMCleverness and CreativityStyleRight Under Their NosesGet On My LevelNowhere is SafeInnovationAlcove GamingPlant TacticsAggressive PositioningWave GoodbyeNot Even CloseA Drake and a Hard PlaceDouble AceTacticianDragon's FuryNashor SlasherTarget SelectionThe DisrespectMachine-Hunting MercenaryMalfunctionProtean OverrideRobo RecallEXPERTISEVirtuosoAdeptShoddy ConstructionLethal EfficiencyUnkillable Demon KingDeath IncarnateAscendantDominationFlame HorizonLane DominationLane CommandThe Brush Has EyesOn Another LevelUnrivaled2022 SeasonalAll Random All Champions: 2022Rapid Demolition: 2022Top Performer: 2022Unkillable Demon King: 2022Lane Command: 2022Pain Prescriber: 2022Prodigy: 2022One Stone: 2022Solo Bolo: 2022BouncerCrab Wrangler: 2022All-Seeing: 2022Clutch Steal: 2022Killing Spree Spree: 2022PENTAKIIIIIIIIL!!: 2022Leading by Example: 2022Soul Sweep: 2022Power Pair: 2022Darkness DistributerClash Champion: 2022Pain PrescriberDamage DispenserMeat ShieldPerfectionImmortalProdigyDecimatorGoldenMightCan't MissThe Jukes!Captain JackTY for LeashStacks on Stacks on StacksOne StoneBehemothNot Even a ScratchDamage SpongeGo Where You PleaseSlayerSolo BoloNever Tell Me the OddsNo QuarterSplitpush StrategyBlink and You'll Miss ItPredatorDragon On Too LongBuff BurglarClean ClearsThree BuffedCrab WranglerTarget SecuredIt's My Jungle NowThe Most Dangerous GameEpic StealMastermindCornerstoneSuperior SupportingAll-SeeingSupport SubsidyIncredible ValueVisionaryWard HunterWard WardenMagnum OpusPerfectionistSame Penta, Different ChampTop PerformerLadder ClimberKDA PlayerForever Victorious VETERANCYCo-OperatorMonster HunterAlways On TimeGets The WurmDragon HuntTwo Shells are Better Than OneSoul SweepCan of WurmsDraconic ExtinctionSteadfastOpen VictoryUninhibitedComeback KidsWho Needs 'EmNo Loyalty Among DragonsSymbiosisFlawless VictoryLeading by ExampleTeam DiffHappy FeetLet's Make This QuickCaptainStrategyLevel 1 FiestaFarm Champs not CampsOverwhelming PresenceWho's Lane is it AnywayGlobal Defense SystemBaron Power PlayDemolitionGo Shelly Go!Shattered PlatesTen Minute TurretSynergyBrush FanaticTeam TakedownThat Was CloseStun n GunInsec-urity BreachTeam SpiritFlawless AceMaking the Dream WorkPocket AceFashionably LateAllianceClashClash ContendersClash ChampionCoordinated ClashDream TeamScoreboardSynchronicityPower PairBest Friends ForeverFun with FriendsHarmonyNowhere to HideIt Has "Ultimate" In the Name!We ProtecThey Just... Don't... DIE!Where'd They Go?We're Good Over HereSummoners on the RiftVariety's OverratedGet Over HereIt's a Trap!I'm HelpingHold That PoseGlobetrotter5 Under 5'All Hands on DeckFOR DEMACIAIce, Ice, BabyEverybody was Wuju FightingElemental, My Dear WatsonStrength Above AllCalculatedSpooky Scary SkeletonsThe Sun Disc Never SetsPeak Performance(Inhuman Screeching Sounds)Chemtech ComradesTEAMWORKParagonSageGuruCatch 'em AllWise MasterOne-TrickMaster YourselfMaster the EnemyJack of All ChampsMaster AssassinMaster FighterMaster MageMaster MarksmanMaster SupportMaster TankAceJungle DiffSupport DiffBot DiffMid DiffTop DiffPlayer DiffMedal of HonorExecutionerMovin' On UpMaster of the RiftLegendary LegendKilling Spree SpreeMultikill MadnessPENTAKIIIIIIIIL!!Hard Day's Killin'Above-Average AssistanceBloodcrazedCommandoClutch StealGive 'em Shell, ShellyScuttle Along NowDine InDine OutLizard HuntingWurm FishingShell CollectingDinner's ReadyTurret TopplerResourcefulDarkness is EverywhereLittle Inanimate SpiesGoodbye to the Darkness!Nice TryMulti-Weapon MasterDo These Things Have Souls?Everyone Pays!Get Paid, and Get OutMysticField MedicImmediate ImmobilizationAbility AbuseCOLLECTIONAntequarianMile MarkerMany Miles to GoWell-Rounded TravellerOld FriendsRekindle the Old FurnaceAssassin SpecialistFighter SpecialistMage SpecialistMarksman SpecialistSupport SpecialistTank SpecialistOverachieverEntitledRecursiveChallenges are ForeverMasterful PerformanceNo Capstone UnturnedTreasureMascot MayhemIcon of the RiftWard Skin CollectorEmotiveChampionSpice of LifeInvisibleIndomitableIncandescentIngeniousInspiringInvulnerableConnoisseurFashion ForwardLittlest LegendsThat DripNeed a Bigger ClosetVintage LookVictorious RegaliaHaute CoutureFormal AttireLegendary WardrobeFancy GarbFashionistaEverything but the Kitchen SinkDeprecatedEvery Day of the WeekDesigner ThreadsTrendy WardrobeDoes This Go With That?LEGACYBeen Here a WhileFirst to the TopBest of the BestChallenges are Here!MY AWESOME CHALLENGESpecial rules for CrystalIMAGINATION capstoneDeal more than 1800 DPMGet two Pentakills in a single gameGo LegendaryKill enemies recently healed by a health packKill enemies near one of their turretsGet TakedownsDeal 40%+ of your team's champion damageHit skillshots on championsDodge skillshotsHit snowballs on championsExecute to turret before 10 minCause a Poro to explodeEarn an S- grade on different championsEarn S grades or higherTake the first turret before 5 minWin games before 10 minHave over 90% Kill Participation in gamesWin without being killed by an enemyWin gamesRecall while unseen by a nearby championGet takedowns after gaining an early level advantageTake down champions in their fountainTake down opponents in the alcoveUse blast cones to escape enemiesGet multikills after flashing towards an enemyKill 20 minions within 3 SecondsKill opponents with help from an Epic monsterGet multikills with Elder DragonTake down junglers near a damaged Epic MonsterDestroy the enemy nexus while outnumberedWin games with different championsGet killsEXPERTISE capstoneTake down the first turretKill 80 minions within 10 minutesWin games without dying and at least 30% kill participationTake down 12 champions within 15 minutesWin games with 100+ more CS than role opponentBe up 20% gold and XP at 14minBe up 20% gold and XP at 7minFinish a game up 20% Vision ScoreBe up three more levels than role opponent at any pointEarn S- grade or higherWin games without dying and 30% kill participationBecome Legendary within 15 minutesKill 2 players with one ability castGet solo killsGet the highest crowd control score in the gameTake both of the first scuttle crab spawnsSteal Epic monstersGet killing spreesGet a PentakillGet an assist streak of 12+ without dyingClaim a Dragon Soul 4-0Win with a premade party of two in a ranked queueTake down the most wards in the gameDeal over 700 Damage Per MinuteWin the game taking at least 35% of team damageWin a game with more than eight kills without dyingWin without dying with different championsGet two pentakills in one gameHave more than 450 gold per minute in a gameLand 20 skillshots before seven minutesDodge five skillshots within eight secondsCleanse an immobilizing effect within 0.25sSteal an Epic Monster without SmiteFully stack Mejai's before 20 minutesKill two players with one ability castTake 10k damage in a fight and surviveGet kills while tanking all five enemies and surviveTank three immobilizing effects in a fight and surviveGet kills while outnumberedKill champions under their own turretTake side lane towers solo without dyingKill champions from full health in 1.5 secondsTake down first dragon before eight minutesTake enemy buffsGet 70 CS from jungle monsters before 10 minutesTake 3 of the first 4 buff campsSecure Epic Monsters with the enemy jungler nearbyTake more of the opponent's jungle than themAs jungler, kill the enemy jungler in their jungle before 10 minutesSteal two Epic Monsters in one gameFinish your support quest faster than your opponentFully complete your support quest in 18 minutesProtect wardsKill three wards with one sweeper activationEarn an S+ grade with different championsGet a Pentakill with different championsEarn rank in Solo/Duo QueueGet a KDA over 3 in Solo/Duo QueueVETERANCY capstoneKill Epic Monsters within 30 seconds of spawnTake Barons before 21 minutesTake Elder Dragons before 28 minutesTake both Rift Heralds in a gameClaim Dragon Souls 4-0Win with an open nexusWin after losing an inhibitorWin after being down 15 killsTake Elder Dragons when enemy has the Dragon SoulWin a Perfect GameKill all three inhibitors in under 25 minutesScore aces between minion spawn and 15 minutesDance with the Rift Herald in the enemy baseGet takedowns before jungle camps spawnAs jungler, get takedowns on laners before 10minAs a laner, get kills outside your lane before 10 minAs a laner, get takedowns in all lanes before 10minHave a control ward in enemy jungle for 65+% of the gameGenerate 2500 gold advantage with Baron BuffDestroy turrets before plates fallGet takedowns with an ally after hiding in brush for 3+sGet picks with at least one allySave an ally with a heal or shieldImmobilize then take down an enemy with an allyKnock back enemies to your team and get a takedownGet a takedown with your entire teamGet an ace quickly after the first takedownGet a takedown after teleporting to a >4 champion fightHave Clash logos owned by entire teamPlay with the same team in Clash tournamentsGet more wins than losses in ClashGet wins with a premade of 5Play games with a groupWin with a 5-stack of champs with 3+ global abilitiesWin with a 5-stack with 3+ champs with a large AOE ultWin with a 5-stack of 3+ champs with heals or shields. Win with a 5-stack with 3+ champs with revivesWin with a 5-stack with 3+ champs with stealthWin with a 5-stack with 3+ poke champsWin with a 5-stack of champs with a summon or petWin with a 5-stack of all one classWin with a 5-stack with 3+ champs with displacementsWin with a 5-stack with 3+ champs with trapsWin with a 5-stack of champs with 3+ champs with terrain creationWin with a 5-stack with 3+ champs with 2+ immobilizing spellsWin with a 5-stack of champs from Bandle CityWin with a 5-stack of champs from BilgewaterWin with a 5-stack of champs from DemaciaWin with a 5-stack of champs from the FreljordWin with a 5-stack of champs from IoniaWin with a 5-stack of champs from IxtalWin with a 5-stack of champs from NoxusWin with a 5-stack of champs from PiltoverWin with a 5-stack of champs from the Shadow IslesWin with a 5-stack of champs from ShurimaWin with a 5-stack of champs from TargonWin with a 5-stack of champs from the VoidWin with a 5-stack of champs from ZaunTEAMWORK capstoneEarn mastery points on 150 championsEarn Mastery PointsGain Mastery Points on a single championEarn Mastery 5 on different championsEarn Mastery 7 on different championsGet Mastery 7 on different assassinsGet Mastery 7 on different fightersGet Mastery 7 on different magesGet Mastery 7 on different marksmenGet Mastery 7 on different supportsGet Mastery 7 on different tanksWin games queued as FillWin ranked games in Solo/Duo or Flex queuePlay Summoner's Rift GamesBecome LegendaryKill scuttle crabsKill jungle monsters in your jungleTake Turret PlatesDestroy turretsPlace Stealth WardsPlace Control WardsKill enemies under your own turretWin with different mythic itemsEarn bounty goldEffectively heal or shield alliesImmobilize enemiesCOLLECTION capstoneRekindle an EternalRekindle an Eternal setRekindle an Eternals set for an assassinRekindle an Eternal set for a fighterRekindle an Eternal set for a mageRekindle an Eternal set for a marksmanRekindle an Eternal set for a supportRekindle an Eternal set for a tankEarn titles from challengesComplete collection challengesReach Diamond tier on different challengesReach Masters tier on different challengesObtain Summoner IconsObtain championsObtain assassin championsObtain fighter championsObtain mage championsObtain marksman championsObtain support championsObtain tank championsCollect champion skinsCollect Little LegendsCollect 5 or more skins for a championCollect legacy champion skinsCollect victorious champion skinsCollect ultimate champion skinsCollect mythic champion skinsCollect legendary champion skinsCollect epic champion skinsCollect any skins that are not Legacy, Victorious, Ultimate, Mythic, or LegendaryFinish a season at Rank 1 for Solo/Duo%i:tokenDiamond% Diamond%i:tokenGold% Gold%i:tokenGrandmaster% Grandmaster%i:tokenIron% IronBronzeChallengerDiamondGrandmasterIronMasterPlatinumSilver%i:tokenMaster% Master% earned%i:tokenPlatinum% Platinum%i:tokenSilver% SilverApprenticeThe MaestroARAM GodUnstoppableAngel of MercySwiftAvalanchePoroyaltyAbyssalUntouchableGalaxy BrainStylishInnovativeAlcove GamerFlashySurvivorTacticalBaronDisrespectfulBot BlasterThe VirtuosoLethalMinionUnkillable DemonG.O.A.T.DominantSpitfireChallenjour '22ScoutPerfectLegendShow-OffFancy FeetAbsolute UnitMaverickLone WolfLuckyInvaderPlaceholder TITLE for Challenge 204103 Tier SILVERPlaceholder TITLE for Challenge 204104 Tier PLATINUMTop TierS+MasterfulThe Co-OperatorTenaciousBig Game HunterEpicEarly BirdCourageousComeback KidIncendiaryExceptionalPlaceholder TITLE for Challenge 301301 Tier GOLDFlawlessJitterbugPlaymakerStrategistChamp FarmerIn ControlDemolisherLumberjackSynergizedFanaticInsec-ticideSpiritedParty CrasherTeam PlayerClash MasterClasherIn SyncHarmoniousPlaceholder TITLE for Challenge 303409 Tier SILVERRuneterranThe ParagonChamp MasterDeep DiverPeerlessDeathmasterWarlordArchmageDeadeyeWardenJuggernautJust BetterVeteranPentakillerBloodthirstyThiefMythicBounty HunterEnchantedProtectorThe AntiquarianEternalPlaceholder TITLE for Challenge 501006 Tier PLATINUMTitularTreasurerIconicCollectorCompanionElegantTrendsetter(IGNORE)Placeholder TITLE for Challenge 512002 Tier GOLDPlaceholder TITLE for Challenge 512006 Tier GOLDPlaceholder TITLE for Challenge 512009 Tier PLATINUMPlaceholder TITLE for Challenge 512011 Tier PLATINUMSurvived the Challenges launch tooltipGet a champion's Eternal to milestone 15Congratulations, you've unlocked the Apprentice title!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_101000_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_101000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_101100_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_101100}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_101104_LOL_MOBA_GOLD}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_101104}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_101200_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_101200}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_101203_LOL_MOBA_GOLD}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_101203}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_101206_LOL_MOBA_BRONZE}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_101206}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_101300_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_101300}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_101306_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_101306}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_103000_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_103000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_103100_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_103100}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_103200_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_103200}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_103201_LOL_MOBA_GOLD}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_103201}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_103203_LOL_MOBA_GOLD}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_103203}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_103205_LOL_MOBA_GOLD}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_103205}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_103207_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_103207}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_103300_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_103300}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_103302_LOL_MOBA_SILVER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_103302}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_103304_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_103304}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_120000_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_120000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_201000_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_201000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_201002_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_201002}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_201003_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_201003}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_202000_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_202000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_202100_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_202100}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_202101_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_202101}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_202200_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_202200}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_2022000_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_2022000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_202202_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_202202}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_202300_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_202300}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_202302_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_202302}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_203000_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_203000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_203100_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_203100}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_203102_LOL_MOBA_GOLD}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_203102}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_203103_LOL_MOBA_SILVER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_203103}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_203200_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_203200}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_203201_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_203201}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_203300_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_203300}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_203301_LOL_MOBA_GOLD}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_203301}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_203302_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_203302}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_203400_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_203400}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_203405_LOL_MOBA_SILVER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_203405}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_203408_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_203408}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_204000_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_204000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_204100_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_204100}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_204102_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_204102}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_204200_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_204200}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_204202_LOL_MOBA_SILVER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_204202}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_210000_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_210000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_210001_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_210001}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_210004_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_210004}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_210005_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_210005}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_301000_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_301000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_301100_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_301100}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_301101_LOL_MOBA_SILVER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_301101}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_301102_LOL_MOBA_GOLD}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_301102}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_301200_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_301200}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_301201_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_301201}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_301202_LOL_MOBA_GOLD}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_301202}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_301205_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_301205}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_301300_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_301300}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_301301_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_301301}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_301305_LOL_MOBA_GOLD}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_301305}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_302000_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_302000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_302100_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_302100}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_302102_LOL_MOBA_GOLD}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_302102}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_302105_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_302105}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_302200_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_302200}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_302202_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_302202}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_302300_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_302300}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_302301_LOL_MOBA_GOLD}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_302301}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_302303_LOL_MOBA_SILVER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_302303}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_302305_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_302305}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_302400_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_302400}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_302404_LOL_MOBA_SILVER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_302404}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_303000_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_303000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_303200_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_303200}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_303201_LOL_MOBA_GOLD}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_303201}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_303300_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_303300}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_303400_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_303400}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_303500_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_303500}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401000_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401100_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401100}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401101_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401101}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401105_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401105}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401200_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401200}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401201_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401201}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401202_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401202}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401203_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401203}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401204_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401204}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401205_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401205}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401206_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401206}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401300_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401300}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401301_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401301}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401302_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401302}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401303_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401303}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401304_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401304}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401305_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401305}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_401306_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_401306}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_402000_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_402000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_402100_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_402100}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_402106_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_402106}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_402109_LOL_MOBA_GOLD}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_402109}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_402200_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_402200}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_402201_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_402201}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_402400_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_402400}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_402406_LOL_MOBA_GOLD}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_402406}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_402408_LOL_MOBA_SILVER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_402408}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_402500_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_402500}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_402501_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_402501}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_501000_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_501000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_502000_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_502000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_502001_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_502001}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_504000_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_504000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_504002_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_504002}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_505000_LOL_MOBA_DIAMOND}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_505000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_510000_LOL_MOBA_MASTER}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_510000}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_510002_LOL_MOBA_GOLD}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_510002}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_510006_LOL_MOBA_GOLD}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_510006}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_510009_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_510009}} challenge!Congratulations, you've unlocked the {{challenges_title_510011_LOL_MOBA_PLATINUM}} title from the {{challenge_config_name_510011}} challenge!Title UnlockedMeow meow meow!!!Little Devil (Teemo): My Celestial Expansion will have you seeing stars!Little Devil (Teemo): Bweooowm bwooo fwooowm~ Stay awhile and enjoy your Tempered Fate.Little Devil (Teemo): The brush, the brush, the brush is on FIRE!Little Devil (Teemo): You'll never see these Giga Blinding Darts coming!Little Devil (Teemo): My servants will be unstoppable during Death Defied!Little Devil (Teemo): I've summoned the weakest champions I could find with Children of the Grave!Little Devil (Teemo): Why don't you step into a Realm Warp? Trust me!Little Devil (Teemo): Give those Electrified Turrets a big hug!Little Devil (Teemo): Who needs to dodge when you've got Windwalls?Little Devil (Teemo): Where'd they go? It's time for Twilight Shrouds!Little Devil (Teemo): You know what's better than one of me? FIVE MORE! Time for Devilish Duplicates!Little Devil (Teemo): You can't block my Aegis Protection.Little Devil (Teemo): Seeing double? You must be Hallucinating.Little Devil (Teemo): It can't hurt to chase a Poison Trail - or maybe it will!Little Devil (Teemo): Careful now, my servants have your Blood Scent.Little Devil (Teemo): ...and my Celestial Expansion will leave your head spinning!Little Devil (Teemo): ...and try not to get too caught up in Tempered Fate!Little Devil (Teemo): ...and watch out for the flaming brush!Little Devil (Teemo): ...and stay on your toes to dodge these Giga Blinding Darts, too!Little Devil (Teemo): ...and they'll be out of reach during Death Defied!Little Devil (Teemo): ...and you'll be fighting yourself during Children of the Grave!Little Devil (Teemo): ...and let's send you on a little trip with Realm Warp!Little Devil (Teemo): ...and let's charge things up with Electrified Turrets!Little Devil (Teemo): ...and try not to get blocked by Windwalls!Little Devil (Teemo): ...oh, and P.S., they'll be invisible from Twilight Shrouds, too.Little Devil (Teemo): ...and you didn't need to tell them apart, did you? Devilish Duplicates time!Little Devil (Teemo): ...and you basically can't attack through Aegis Protection!Little Devil (Teemo): ...and let's double the trouble with Hallucinate!Little Devil (Teemo): ...and don't breathe too easy, because there's some Poison Trails, too!Little Devil (Teemo): ...and prepare to get caught by Blood Scent!Difficulty Level has been locked in at @SubA@.You've already voted for this difficulty level.Type "/vl ##" or "/votelevel ##" to vote for difficulty level (## between @SubA@ and @SubB@). You may vote for multiple difficulties.Four votes for a single difficulty locks it in. Otherwise, Teemo will assign your team a random difficulty.Invalid difficulty level. Please type a number between @SubA@ and @SubB@.Little Devil (Teemo): "Let's just skip straight to 100, we can totally beat it!" Heh. Good luck.Little Devil (Teemo): Still can't decide? Fine, I'll pick one for you!Vote for a difficulty level with "/vl ##"Difficulty level has defaulted to @SubA@.@PlayerAName@ voted for @SubB@ (@SubA@/4)@PlayerAName@ [@PlayerAChamp@] said Hello@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) is the enemy Juggernaut. Watch out!Hold down the Summoner Spell key to Hexflash successfully.@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) purchased Control Ward@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) has crushed the Eye of the Herald!@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) has crushed the Eye of the Herald!Glimpse of the Void has expired on @PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@)!Glimpse of the Void has expired on @PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@)!@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) has captured Rift Herald!@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) has captured Rift Herald!The Rift Herald has emerged from the Void!Type /help for a list of commandsThis chroma was released as a bundle exclusive in 2020.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the 2020 PsyOps event.This chroma was released as a bundle exclusive in 2021.This chroma was released as a bundle exclusive in 2022.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the 2022 Steel Valkyrie event.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the 2020 Galaxies event.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the Lunar Beast 2021 event.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive during a Worlds event.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the 2021 Sentinels event.Loot exclusive gained during the 2019 MSI Event.This chroma was released as a bundle exclusive in 2019.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the 2020 Spirit Blossom event.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the 2020 Worlds event.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the 2021 Coven event.This chroma was released in the 2021 Ahri-versary event.Ranked reward for achieving Gold in Ranked Flex for Season 7.Ranked reward for achieving Gold in Ranked Solo for Season 7.Ranked reward for achieving Gold in Ranked 3v3 for Season 7.This chroma was released as a bundle exclusive during 2018.Loot exclusive gained from the 2018 Snowdown event.This chroma was released as a bundle exclusive during 2019.Loot exclusive gained during the 2019 Trials event.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the 2021 Sentinel event.This chroma was released as a bundle exclusive during MSI 2022.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the Worlds 2021 event.Obtained through Influencer audience giveaways.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the 2021 PROJECT event.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the MSI 2022 High Noon event.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the 2021 Debonair event.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the Worlds 2022 event.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the 2020 Pulsefire event.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the 2022 Lunar Revel event.Loot exclusive gained during the 2019 PROJECT event.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in 2019.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the 2021 Space Groove event.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in 2020.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support Flash Wolves during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support KT Rolster during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support Fnatic during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support Kaos Latin Gamers during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support G2 Esports during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support Team Vitality during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support Ascension Gaming during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support Afreeca Freecs during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support Gen. G Gaming during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support KaBuM! e-Sports during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support Gambit Esports during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support DetonatioN FocusMe during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support Infinity eSports during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support G-Rex during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support MAD Team during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support Edward Gaming during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support Invictus Gaming during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support Royal Never Give Up during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support 100 Thieves during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support Cloud9 during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support Team Liquid during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support Dire Wolves during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support Bahçeşehir SuperMassive during Worlds.This chroma was released for sale during 2018 to support Phong Vũ Buffalo during Worlds.Obtained through Influencer audience giveawaysThis chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the 2021 Crime City Nightmare event.N/AThis chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the 2022 Star Guardian event.Loot exclusive gained during the 2019 Star Guardian event.Loot exclusive gained during the 2019 Arcade event.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the 2020 Battle Queens event.Bundle exclusive from the 2018 Lunar Revel event.Loot exclusive gained from the 2019 Lunar Revel event.Obtained by completing missions via the purchasable Fan Pass. Only available in BR, LATAM, OC, TR, and JP regions.Obtained by completing missions via the purchasable Team Pass. Only available in LCS and LEC regions.This chroma is only available in LPL regions.This chroma was released as a bundle exclusive during MSI 2021.This chroma was released as a Loot exclusive in the 2022 Anima Squad event.Loot exclusive gained during the 2019 Demacia Vice event.This Chroma was awarded to players who reached Platinum rank in Solo/Duo or Flex ranked queueThis Chroma was awarded to players who reached Diamond rank in Solo/Duo or Flex ranked queueThis Chroma was awarded to players who reached Master rank in Solo/Duo or Flex ranked queueThis Chroma was awarded to players who reached Grandmaster rank in Solo/Duo or Flex ranked queueThis Chroma was awarded to players who reached Challenger rank in Solo/Duo or Flex ranked queueThis chroma was released as a Loot exclusive during 2018.This chroma was released during the Worlds 2022 event.This chroma was released as a bundle exclusive in 2018.Loot exclusive gained from the 2018 Lunar Revel missions.This chroma was acquired during the 2019 Night & Dawn event. All proceeds went to charity.Obtained through influencer giveaways.This Chroma was awarded to players who reached Platinum rank in Solo/Duo ranked queueThis Chroma was awarded to players who reached Diamond rank in Solo/Duo ranked queueThis Chroma was awarded to players who reached Master rank in Solo/Duo ranked queueThis Chroma was awarded to players who reached Grandmaster rank in Solo/Duo ranked queueThis Chroma was awarded to players who reached Challenger rank in Solo/Duo ranked queueThis Chroma was awarded to players who reached Platinum rank in Flex ranked queueThis Chroma was awarded to players who reached Diamond rank in Flex ranked queueThis Chroma was awarded to players who reached Master rank in Flex ranked queueThis Chroma was awarded to players who reached Grandmaster rank in Flex ranked queueThis Chroma was awarded to players who reached Challenger rank in Flex ranked queueThis chroma was released during the Worlds 2021 event.ROUND %dDark Star Ao ShinA descendant of the Storm Dragon lineage, Ao Shin is a guardian of the storm, wielding the duality of gentle rains and the ferocity of lightning and thunder.Divine Ao ShinElder Ao ShinFirecracker Ao ShinStar Forger Ao ShinBlack Mist BellswayerBlood Moon BellswayerBellswayerMade from the finest porcelain, this ceramic heirloom proudly displays their beautiful craftsmanship for all to regard. If you're lucky enough to win their favor, they brew you a cup of their magical tea.Porcelain BellswayerSugar Rush BellswayerThunderstorm BellswayerYuletide BellswayerAtlantean ChonccChonccAs a whelpling, Choncc is eternally hungry and perpetually sleepy. While favored for their mellow nature, Choncc can be roused to ferocious power if provoked—or cajoled into action with the right snacks.Earth Titan ChonccFireborn ChonccHoneybuzz ChonccChoncc's love of tánghúlu is matched only by his enjoyment of the hologram lion dances that parade the crowded streets of Lunar City during the Festival of Beasts.Lunar Beast ChonccLunar Revel Choncc is best known for stealing Shisa's ancient recipe for dumplings. Those who can get their hands on one are treated to a wonderful morsel of deliciousness.Lunar Revel ChonccPrecious Panda ChonccBase[PLACEHOLDER] RedThey say that when you're feeling it, the music flows through you. Azure Ao Shin can get behind that.Just a tadpole trying to get above water. Buzzing with affection.Flametongue Poggles defaults to negativity—they're a highly-esteemed critic.Is it sinking, or is it just efficient diving?Sugarcone Poggles wants to be the sweetest dragon in all the land! Maybe then, Burno will finally pay attention to them.Trust us, you're not ready for this punchline.Running it down with the wind at my back!Ever the optimist, never a buzzkill. Pineapple belongs on pizza, no matter what Pizza Time Gloop has to say.It's their pajama party, and they'll cry if they want to. Sugarcone Duckbill is always sweet, even when they're in a sour mood.Here to put a wrench in your plans.Got a problem? Let Duckbill take a quack at it.Saving the multiverse, one good deed at a time.Anything but coy.This Prancie wants to start their own band, Rage Against the Wings.Sleek, peaceful, elegant—and more than a little Jaded.The core tenant of the Darkflight is sacrifice for the greater good.Their song gives the listeners the chills… and frostbite.If they breathe fire, how do they blow out the candles on their birthday cake?The power of the Elder Dragon, and they're using it for pranks…Ocean Hauntling's favorite pranks end up with someone drenched.This Hauntling climbs peaks simply to lift their spirits.Cloudy with a chance of Hauntling.Don't cross Infernal Silverwing unless you're looking to get roasted—and burnt.Ocean Silverwing is perplexed by life's mysteries… is it more fun to swim, or fly?Mountain Silverwing's feathers are so hard they're basically scales.No one Silverwing should have all that power.Too hot to handle.Sweet bites back.Even dragons need a dino onesie.Hard-headed is a compliment. All this new tech, and they still can't pause the game.This pup-dragon bee buzzin'A Bungo by any other name.Calm, composed, tranquil—who are we kidding they're still a Bungo!No matter how many times you say it, they'll still be chasing the stars.Found chasing their tail and big vertical traits.Let the gentle waves of sleep wash over you, and carry you to new shores. Hyena Matata. It means be worried.When Fenroar shoots for the moon, they're certain to blow it upAs if those fangs weren't byte enough.Loyalty for hire.Galloping into the future, one portal at a time.Let the good times roll. Not too much though, or you'll ruin your econ. Fast and fabulous. Far out has never been so in.Progress necessitates breakthroughs in science, technology, and of course, hats.Okay, gamer.The futuristic looper with the cuteness.Abyssia wields a sword imbued with the power to open rifts between space and time. No one knows what Abyssia looks like, as its true form remains forever hidden beneath its mask.Ossia embodies cool. It commands rhyme and rhythm with an effortless flow that makes even the greatest Little Legends jealous.Some believe the only true way to communicate with ancient dragons is through dance.Summer Splash Ao Shin is here to make waves with their electric (guitar) debutThey say that when you're feeling it, the music flows through you. Azure Ao Shins can get behind that.Air guitar champion of the Convergence, Galeborn Ao Shin breezes through endless chords, floating cloudy riffs.Let the savory riffs of this guitarist set your soul ablaze.The Darkspark Ao Shin creative spark comes from only the darkest skies. Unlike their other elemental kin, Terra Ao Shin only care to take flight when avoiding steep uphill climbs.1% hungry. 99% round.A proud, celestial creature found in the Argent Mountains, the Bellswayer's beautiful chiming bells inspire and compel other sprites to attend them. Though they startle easily, Bellswayers are just as quick to resume a composed and regal posture.Flutterbug wants to take over the world -- and eat all the yummiest things in it. But, he's very small. He often has to hide under things in order to not get squashed. While he hides, he machinates on his complex plans.One tribe, one people, one Freljord.Weaving magic and flexing on enemies!Here for a good time—all the time.All the explosions, with none of the consequences! Killer instincts with a Chibi attitude.The thing she loves about the Convergence is that it comes in waves.Live in peace, or rest in pieces Now that he's come to the Dragonlands, will he be able to unite the lost Mirage dragons?Intelligence is knowing when to act, but wisdom is knowing when to nap.Splash Town locals and tourists alike can feel safer knowing Lifeguard Choncc is on the lookout. On the lookout for the best waves, and Chonccest vibes of course.Splash Town Choncc's dream is winning the Splash Party surfing competition. And with how much napping they do, they're likely to keep on dreaming.Lifeguard Choncc may be the best swimmer, surfer, and boogie boarder, but Sun Kissed Choncc is better at some really important stuff too. Stuff like, humming, belly bongos, playing the ukulele, and Hula dancing!Craggle has a soft spot for the vulnerable creatures of the world, and tries to protect them with every ounce of his strength as if he was a giant colossus -- even if he is still growing. Looking to add a mystical mer-mage to your party? Look no further than... wait, where'd that Dowsie go? Oh, right—Dowsie can adapt to nearly all surroundings, so you'll have to lure them out. And if you are luring one out, stay calm and remember they're only bashful— until angered, then they might bash-you-full of spells.If you're looking for a Dowsie, stay calm and remember they're only bashful— until angered, then they might bash-you-full of spells.Desperate times in the High Noon Saloon call for a hero, Squinks got the boots and spurs to live up to the test.They've roamed in pursuit of powerful technology and magicThis Starmaw gets the Regal treatment at Choncc's Splash Resort.Duckbill likes to keep their hopes high. That's why they invented the Hopecopter 3000!Beautiful, enticing, mesmerizing—and that's just their voice!This mischievous prankster from the spirit realm enjoys playing tricks on hapless mortals who have the misfortune of stumbling upon them. Sweet one moment and deadly the next, Nixie's pranks sometimes take on a life of their own!Remember to like, comment, and just vibe!Darkspark Featherknights power to create life is drawn from the darkest storms.With a burning passion to paint and create, Ember Featherknights dance with fire. Galeborn Featherknights power to create life is drawn from the whispering winds.Terra Featherknights borrow the colors of the earth to paint a better world.Azure Featherknights power to create life is drawn from the deepest waters.So, you want the ghost wolf, Fenroar, to join your party. Fenroar are fiercely loyal warriors. But don't let the sword intimidate you. They become eternally bound to their Puproar as well as their friends, which they make quite easily after a round or two of fetch the orbs. Popping off.A young, fuzzy Protector.Victorious Protector was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in at least one ranked stage of Set 4, Fates. Triumphant Protector was awarded to players who readched Gold or higher all stages of Set 4, Fates.The spookiest of the Little Legends.Triumphant Hauntling was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in both ranked stages of Set 3, Galaxies. The spookiest galaxies swirled together to form these terrifyingly adorable space wraiths—they roam the vast reaches of the universe searching for golden spatulas and friendship.Victorious Hauntling was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in at least one ranked stage of Set 3, Galaxies. The spookiest galaxies swirled together to form these terrifyingly adorable space wraiths—they roam the vast reaches of the universe searching for golden spatulas and friendship.Gloop's beatboxing skills are unmatched. Wait… those are just snores.Battle? No thanks, Gloop will stick to their hover pillow. Er… literally.The power to do anything, the motivation to do none of it.Fireproof, but not tired-proof.Retired DDR champ, emphasis on the tired.Stuck in a perpetual sugar crash.Pop Groove Gloop has the talent to make it big, but none of the drive.They'll stick anything on their pizza. Anything EXCEPT pineapple.They may be a Cloud Silverwing, but they'll never rain on your parade.A small, angry, horned beast.He shovels very well.No longer hiding in the ground, Molediver joined the Fellowship to put their melee skills to the test.A mysterious and mischievous Runespirit.A cunning master of speed, traps, and thievery, Nimblefoot quickly turns any journey into a mischievous misadventure. Their enchanted red pouch can hold anything and everything, from gold to orbs to… wait, is that cheese? The embodiment of wispy firelight, the Lightcharger can be seen soaring across the skies of Targon as dusk turns to night. It bathes in the moon's most radiant glow, galloping nobly from east to west and protecting the world from the eternal darkness.More horsepower than you can handle.When science goes too far, Lightcharger gets there faster.A noble Featherknight. What started with a fun dragon cosplay ended up with parental responsibilities…Esports Pengu has the most consistent top eight performances throughout the multiverse.
    In great times of need Order Pengu can be summoned. On the Convergence, times of need happen all too frequently.When Pengu made contact with the corrupting forces of the Black Mist, Chaos Pengu burst from the Feather Knight we know and love. And—while Chaos Pengu's hair, dance moves, and rap theme are superior—it's important to note that Chaos Pengu is just that, superior.Darkspark Featherknights know the power to create life is drawn from the darkest storms.With a burning passion to paint and create, Ember Featherknights know how to dance with fire. Galeborn Featherknights know the power to create life is drawn from the whispering winds. Azure Featherknights know the power to create life is drawn from the deepest waters.
    Buzzing with affection, stinging with rejection.
    Piximander's beauty routine costs an arm and a leg. But don't worry—they regenerate.When you're the last of your kind, you stop being kind.Loves long crawls in caves and edible flowers. Dislikes sinister plots and fake friends.Fruity, tooty, and just as snooty.The pursuit of knowledge demands you ax-o-lotl questions.The only one who's “endangered” here is you.What's black, white, and stealing your carousel items? Bungo has no pause button—but they do have four paws!QiQi's hobbies include looking good and turning heads. Whether it's music, fashion or battling fierce enemies, QiQi always takes center stage.Their stage name is QiQi Stardust, their performances… Electric.Melisma stays true to the beat. No matter the occasion, it stands ready to drop the hottest track you never knew you wanted.Dango is the hungriest of all the Little Legends.Fuwa longs to someday find the Guardian it's destined for.No dungeon or path is too treacherous when you have a healer like Fuwa on your side!Shisa aims to protect the Star Guardians and all those in its careThat's DOCTOR Shisa to youA young Demacian Silverwing Raptor.A mystical Hushtail.Sometimes Squink gets so scared that it inks itself, and in its frantic attempt to dash away it accidentally blots out an entire galaxy!Starmaw swims leisurely through the galaxies, oblivious to all other life around it. It's known as a devourer of worlds, but really it just happens to swallow a planet or two while it's yawning.Sauna Sprite is just too…Tired. To. Use. Completed. Sentences.It's a heavy burden being the Sprite responsible for Order. Good thing Sprites are featherlight.Chaos Sprite has never understood River Sprite. But we're sure they'd be friends if flames weren't so easily extinguished by water. The power to change everything, the Sprite to do nothing.The type of Sprite you can take home to meet your houseplants.Hatching in first place!Tocker is constantly tinkering with things to make them better, even on his own body!A snoozing Paddlemar.Slow and steady wins the race, just like Terra Paddlemar, and the moving tectonic plates.The Ember Paddlemars' scroll that takes ages to ink takes only seconds to burn.Hold fast your brush, for Darkspark Paddlemars will guide you through even the stormiest seas.Galeborn Paddlemars best ideas come and go with the breeze.Umm.... bra.... shark! doo dooLifeguard Umbra balances their music career with their passion for saving swimmers.A passionate mixologist with a flair for blending trait combos with emote wombos.Sunkissed Umbra likes everything but sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere. Diving their way to another 8th.Umbra's joining in on the adventure to protect what's theirs, whether that's their loot, their lute, or their friends!Channeling Evelynn's dramatic edge has this Squink feeling its ALL OUT fantasy.K/DA ALL OUT SquinkEvelynn's fierce energy has galvanized this easily-frightened Squink to adopt her look in hopes it can gain some of her confidence.K/DA POP/STARS SquinkNeexieNixieExtra Spicy NixieMermaid NixieRosebloom NixieVampire NixieTriumphant HauntlingVictorious HauntlingKai'Sa's new look inspires this Furyhorn to show off not only its strength but its style.K/DA ALL OUT FuryhornThis quiet Furyhorn loves Kai'Sa's precise and expressive dance moves and hopes it can be as polished as she is one day.K/DA POP/STARS FuryhornA beast on the dance floor, this Furyhorn's moves are some of the best in Lunar City. Unfortunately for the guests around them, tearing up the floor means tearing up the floor... literally.Lunar Beast FuryhornPeople think this little Furyhorn is a menace, but they're just misunderstood. All they want is to join in on the festivities and celebrate the New Year, but they're scared off by firecrackers and bright red lanterns.Lunar Revel FuryhornDragon Dancer OssiaAzure Inktales Ao ShinGaleborn Inktales Ao ShinEmber Inktales Ao ShinDarkspark Inktales Ao ShinTerra Inktales Ao ShinSummer Splash Ao ShinPogglesFroggo PogglesHoneybuzz PogglesFlametongue PogglesDeep Sea PogglesSugarcone PogglesSentinel FlutterbugBirthday FluttercakeChibi AsheChibi Dragonmancer AsheChibi EkkoChibi JinxChibi Firecracker JinxChibi Kai'SaChibi Dragonmancer Kai'SaChibi Lee SinChibi Dragonmancer Lee SinChibi ViChibi YasuoChibi Dragonmancer YasuoChoncc the WiseSplash Town ChonccLifeguard ChonccSun Kissed ChonccDowsiePorcelain DowsieFortune DowsieLucky Noodle DowsieExtra Spicy DowsieSweet Petal DowsieURF DowsieKoi DowsieJelly DowsieWaffle DowsieIridescent DowsieNightbringer DowsieCactus SquinkHigh Noon SquinkOrder SquinkKernel SquinkOutlaw SquinkPROJECT: AbyssiaRegal Koi Starmaw DuckbillMost Festive DuckbillJade Dragon DuckbillLunar Scholar DuckbillFirecracker DuckbillMischief Maker DuckbillHoneybuzz DuckbillDelivery Rush DuckbillPajama Party DuckbillSugarcone DuckbillZaunite DuckbillPiltover DuckbillGoodest DuckbillPrancieKoi PrancieRagewing PrancieJade PrancieDarkflight PrancieEverfrost PrancieSocialite NixieTriumphant NixieVictorious NixieDarkspark Inktales FeatherknightEmber Inktales FeatherknightGaleborn Inktales FeatherknightTerra Inktales FeatherknightAzure Inktales FeatherknightFenroarSodapop FenroarAfterburner FenroarHextech FenroarPulsefire FenroarBounty Hunter FenroarShurima FenroarGolden FenroarSkyborn FenroarNightbringer FenroarKanmei Fenroar Sentinel CraggleYear of the Tiger ProtectorTriumphant ProtectorVictorious ProtectorInfernal HauntlingElder HauntlingOcean HauntlingMountain HauntlingCloud HauntlingSentinel HauntlingGloopHoneybuzz GloopHextech GloopFireborn GloopArcade GloopSugarcone GloopPop Groove GloopPizza Time GloopCloud SilverwingInfernal SilverwingOcean SilverwingMountain SilverwingElder SilverwingTriumphant TockerVictorious TockerBurnoFlametongue BurnoSugarcone BurnoGnarly BurnoBurno the BrilliantPROJECT: BurnoChaos MolediverIronclad MolediverOrder MolediverJubilant CakespiritNimblefootNightbringer NimblefootRedeemed NimblefootKinkou NimblefootVerdant NimblefootForgotten NimblefootHot Rod LightchargerHextech LightchargerPulsefire LightchargerGroovy LightchargerBubblegum Racer LightchargerChaos PenguEsports PenguDragon Trainer PenguOrder PenguPiximanderHoneybuzz PiximanderShimmering PiximanderRioFruity Tooty PiximanderHextech PiximanderChemtech PiximanderSpotted PiximanderBungoHoneybuzz BungoRosebloom BungoJade BungoAstral BungoDearest BungoElectric QiQiGroovy QiQiHextech QiQiArcade QiQiPulsefire QiQiPorcelain DangoLucky Lantern DangoFirecracker DangoLion Dancer DangoFiercest DangoChaos FuwaVerdant FuwaOrder FuwaDr. ShisaArcane SpriteChaos SpriteEgg SpriteSauna SpriteOrder SpritePlant Buddy SpriteAzure Inktales PaddlemarTerra Inktales PaddlemarEmber Inktales PaddlemarDarkspark Inktales PaddlemarGaleborn Inktales PaddlemarChaos UmbraDraconic UmbraOrder UmbraLittle Shark UmbraLifeguard UmbraFruity Smoothie UmbraSunkissed UmbraScuba Shark Umbra Arcade LightchargerBlack Mist LightchargerLightchargerCrystal LightchargerHigh Noon LightchargerFrom Seraphine's long beautiful mane to her moving music, this Lightcharger loves everything about the newest K/DA collaborator. But as it defends the world from eternal darkness, it appreciates Seraphine's unwavering optimism most of all.K/DA ALL OUT LightchargerThis Lightcharger has always dreamed about what Seraphine would have looked like if she was in POP/STARS—so it turned its dream into reality!K/DA POP/STARS LightchargerSugarcone LightchargerRuined, like your foe's board.Ruined PenguThis Knight's newly inspired by Akali's fresh beats, and is determined to bring her energy to its performance. Even if its choreography is slightly more waddley.K/DA ALL OUT FeatherknightAkali's fierce originality has captivated this Little Legend. Now that it's snagged its idol's signature hat, nothing can stand in the way of its dream: to be the first Featherknight to shine onstage for an audience.K/DA POP/STARS FeatherknightThe slickest magical monkey around, Shisa is only afraid of one thing: a bad hair day.Lunar Beast ShisaShisa's been a part of the Lunar New Year celebration longer than anyone can remember. Part trickster, part warrior, this little monkey king is the cleverest of the bunch!Lunar Revel ShisaSquinkAbyssiaStarmawCraggleTockerHushtailRiver SpriteOssiaHauntlingFuryhornMolediverRunespiritFeatherknightQiQiMelismaDangoFuwaShisaSilverwing[PLACEHOLDER] TFT Default BallPaddlemar[PLACEHOLDER] UnicornThis Hushtail will follow Ahri in whatever form she takes on. Glowing with the group's recent success, it's ready to slay.K/DA ALL OUT HushtailThis Hushtail feels a special kinship with Ahri, and has morphed itself into the colors of her iconic POP/STARS outfit. Its dream is to follow K/DA around on tour.K/DA POP/STARS HushtailRiver Sprite.Jade Emperor SpriteFilled with savory pork and flavorful shrimp, this little Dumpling Sprite is sure to be at your table this New Year. Wait, you thought they're for eating? No! Are you insane?Dumpling SpriteBlack Mist UmbraBlood Moon UmbraUmbraUmbra, a shadow dragon, appears guarded and reserved at first. However, once a mortal has earned their trust, they show sweet affection and fierce dedication, conjuring shadow and flame to defend their allies.Fruity-tooty UmbraHexgold UmbraThunderbeast UmbraChampionsMasteriesAbilityAttackDifficultyUtilityDetails:LanguageRange:Requires {{ number }} points in {{ location }}.Item InfoArabicBulgarianCzechGermanGreekEnglishSpanishFrenchHungarianItalianJapaneseKoreanDutchPolishPortugueseRomanianRussianThaiTurkishViatnameseChineseChinese (Simplified)Chinese (Traditional)Next Rank:Rank:ForumFriendsNewsPlease wait...DominionPlaying AgainstPlaying AsCD:AreaConeDirectionGlobalLocationSelfSelf AreaTargetVariableVector DirectionCosmic SquinkDreadnova SquinkFruity-tooty SquinkOdyssey SquinkSugarcone SquinkCalcite AbyssiaCosmic AbyssiaDarkin AbyssiaGalaxy Slayer AbyssiaWillowbark AbyssiaCosmic StarmawDreadnova StarmawGalaxy Slayer StarmawGoo StarmawOrcus StarmawAt the beginning of each game, 1 out of 4 elements is randomly selected as the element of the game. Each element has a different effect.

    Champions inside Inferno Hexes have 30% increased Attack Speed.
    Qiyana is an Inferno champion this game.
    At the beginning of each game, 1 out of 4 elements is randomly selected as the element of the game. Each element has a different effect.

    Champions inside Mountain Hexes permanently gain 30 Max Health at the end of each Planning Phase
    Qiyana is a Mountain champion this game.At the beginning of each game, 1 out of 4 elements is randomly selected as the element of the game. Each element has a different effect.

    Champions inside Ocean Hexes start combat with 30 additional Mana.
    Qiyana is an Ocean champion this game.At the beginning of each game, 1 out of 4 elements is randomly selected as the element of the game. Each element has a different effect.

    Champions inside Cloud Hexes permanently gain 15% chance to dodge enemy attacks.
    Qiyana is a Cloud champion this game.Active Element: InfernoActive Element: MountainActive Element: OceanActive Element: CloudCONTINUE%s is celebrating the %s All-Star Event!%s is a Team Pass supporter of %s!%s is a Team Pass SUPERFAN of %s! %s is supporting %s for Worlds 2018!%s is a GOLD supporter of %s for Worlds 2018!%s is supporting %s for the 2019 World Championship! Awesome! You can now spend your blue essence!1000 Blue Essence100 Blue essence just for you100 Blue Essence10 Blue Essence10 Blue EsseceA description for a key fragment1 Key Fragment1 Key200 Event Tokens20 Event Tokens30 Win XP Boost!3 KeysCollect 3 to create a Key.50 Event Tokens5 Mythic Essence60 Event Tokens625 Orange EssenceBatnivia (Border + Icon)Bewitching Leblanc (Border + Icon)Bewitching Neeko (Border + Icon)Used to unlock Champions.Includes Border Icon!Used to open Hextech and Masterwork Chests.This egg will hatch out an Ingenious Inventors Duckbill, Piximander, or Gloop variant.125 Mythic EssenceIncludes Mythic Essence Icon!This egg will hatch out a Neon Nights Fenroar, Lightcharger, or QiQi variant.Night Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia)Night Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Kindred)Night Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Lillia)Night Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Riven)Night Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Ahri)Night Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Thresh)Night Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Vayne)Night Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Yasuo)Night Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Yone)Includes Icon and Border!Prestige Spirit Blossom Master YiNight Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Aphelios)Night Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Darius)Night Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Evelynn)Spirit Blossom Sett BorderNight Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Sett)Includes Chroma Icon!Night Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Soraka)Night Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Syndra)Spirit Blossom Tristana BorderNight Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Tristana)NIght Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Master Yi)Night Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Yorick)Worlds 2022One & Only Chroma (Worlds 2022 Azir)Worlds Early Bird Chroma (Birdio)Bewitching Cassiopeia (Border + Icon)Bewitching Elise (Border + Icon)Bewitching Fiora (Border + Icon)Bewitching Morgana (Border + Icon)Bewitching Nami (Border + Icon)Bewitching Poppy (Border + Icon)Bewitching Senna (Border + Icon)Bewitching Syndra (Border + Icon)Bewitching Tristana (Border + Icon)Bewitching Yuumi (Border + Icon)PROJECT: BASTION1 Fearless Fellowship EggAwesome! Equip your emote and start spamming it ingame!Awesome! You can now spend your tokens at the Event Shop!Awesome! Equip your new icon by clicking on the summoner portrait.Emote: I Am Out!1 Ingenious Inventors EggEmote: It's easy!A description for this TFT Egg1 Little Legend Rare EggAwesome! Now you can spend your Mythic Essence on the shop!Get 125 ME and an Icon125 Mythic Essence + IconThis is a Mordekaiser + border descriptionPROJECT: Mordekaiser (Border + Icon)PROJECT: Mordekaiser (Reckoning) Chroma + Iconhmmm very mystery... such wow... 1 Mystery EmoteA Description for the same offer1 PROJECT Orb1 Random Champion ShardPROJECT: Renekton (Border + Icon)PROJECT: Renekton COOL DESCRIPTION!PROJECT: Renekton (Reckoning) Chroma + Icon5 Mythic Essence for Reward Track Milestones5 Mythic Essence Reward Group625 Orange Essence for Reward Track Milestones625 Orange Essence Reward Group1000 Blue Essence Reward Group1000 Blue Essence for Reward Track Milestones1 Eternals Capsule for Reward Track Milestones1 Eternals Capsule Reward Group200 Event Tokens for Reward Track Milestones200 Event Tokens Reward Group20 Event Tokens for Reward Track Milestones20 Event Tokens Reward Group50 Event Tokens for Reward Track Milestones50 Event Tokens Reward Group60 Event Tokens for Reward Track Milestones60 Event Tokens Reward Group1 Generic Hextech Chest for Reward Track Milestones1 Generic Hextech Chest Reward Group4 Generic Hextech Chests for Reward Track Milestones4 Generic Hextech Chests Reward GroupEmote: I Am Out! for Reward Track MilestonesEmote I Am Out Reward GroupEmote: It's Easy! for Reward Track MilestonesEmote Its Easy Reward Group1 Masterwork Chest and Key bundle for Reward Track Milestones1 Masterwork Chest and Key bundle Reward Group1 Mystery Emote for Reward Track Milestones1 Mystery Emote Reward GroupSpirit Blossom Icon for Reward Track MilestonesSpirit Blossom Icon Reward GroupSpirit Guard Udyr Icon for Reward Track MilestonesSpirit Guard Udyr Icon Reward GroupThem Vibes Emote for Reward Track MilestonesThem Vibes Emote Reward GroupGold Trophy II Icon for Reward Track MilestonesGold Trophy II Icon Reward GroupWho Me Emote for Reward Track MilestonesWho Me Emote Reward Group30 Days XP Boost for Reward Track Milestones30 Days XP Boost Reward GroupYou know you will get this PROJECT: Sejuani Border + icon!PROJECT: Sejuani (Border + Icon)PROJECT: Sejuani (Reckoning) Chroma + IconThis Senna chroma also deserves a description!PROJECT: Senna (Reckoning) Chroma + IconSpirit Blossom IconSpirit Blossom Evelynn BorderSpirit Blossom Master Yi BorderSpirit Blossom Aphelios BorderSpirit Blossom Darius BorderSpirit Blossom OrbSpirit Blossom Soraka BorderSpirit Blossom Syndra BorderSpirit Blossom Yorick BorderPrestige PROJECT: Sylas + IconGet the PROJECT: Sylas Prestige Edition Skin and Icon right now!PROJECT: Sylas (Border + Icon)Emote: Them VibesGold Trophy II IconPrestige Edition Skin Coming SoonPROJECT: Varus (Border + Icon)PROJECT: Varus (Reckoning) Chroma + IconPROJECT: Warwick (Reckoning) ChromaEmote: Who? Me !?Hold down the Summoner Spell key400 XP50 Blue EssenceReward Group configuration for First Win Of The DayFirst Win of the DayKill enemies to gain points toward victoryKill three enemies without returning to base and power upEarn Victory PointsDemon BrandHire a Brawler
    You have enough Krakens to hire a Brawler. Hire one through the shop to replace one of your lane minions.
    Upgrade a Brawler
    You have enough Krakens to upgrade a Brawler. Purchase one through the shop to improve your Brawler's abilities.
    Hire a BrawlerUpgrade a BrawlerPurchase unique items from the Black MarketEarn Krakens to hire BrawlersHire Brawlers to replace lane minionsBlack MarketKrakensBrawlersReturn to base to pick up The Package.Ability HasteAllows you to cast your Abilities more often.Current Ability Haste: @Total@Equivalent to reducing your Ability cooldowns by @CooldownPercentage@%.Ability PowerMost commonly increases the amount of damage dealt with Abilities.Current Ability Power: @Total@ ArmorReduces the amount of damage you take from physical damage sources.Current Armor: @Total@ (@Base@ base + @Bonus@ bonus)You take @Effect@% reduced physical damage.Lethality | Armor PenetrationIgnores an amount of your target's Armor when applying physical damage.

    Lethality ignores a flat amount, based on your level (%i:scaleLevel%), Armor Penetration ignores a percentage amount.
    Current Lethality | Armor Penetration: @FlatTotal@ | @PercentTotal@%Attack DamageIncreases the amount of damage you deal with Attacks and some Abilities.Current Attack Damage: @Total@ (@Base@ base + @Bonus@ bonus)Your Attacks deal @Effect@ physical damage.Attack RangeIndicates the distance at which your champion can make an Attack.Current Attack Range: @Total@ (@Base@ base + @Bonus@ bonus) unitsAttack SpeedIncreases the rate at which you can Attack.Current Attack Speed: @Total@ (@Base@ base + @Bonus@ bonus)@Effect@ Attacks per second.Attack SpeedIncreases the rate at which you can Attack.Bonus Attack Speed: @BonusPercent@%
    Current Attacks per second: @Effect@
    Ratio: @Ratio@
    Ratio determines the effectiveness of bonus Attack Speed on your champion.Ability HasteAllows you to cast your Abilities more often.Current Ability Haste: @AbilityHasteTotal@Equivalent to reducing your Ability cooldowns by @Effect@%.Critical Strike ChanceGrants a chance to deal 75% increased damage on each Attack.Current Critical Strike Chance: @Total@%Health RegenThe amount of Health you regenerate over 5 seconds.Current Health Regen: @Total@ (@Base@ base + @Bonus@ bonus)Life StealReturns a portion of the damage you deal through Attacks and specially marked {{ Item_Keyword_OnHit }} effects as Health.Current Life Steal: @Total@%Magic PenetrationIgnores an amount of your target's Magic Resist when applying magic damage.Current Magic Penetration: @FlatTotal@ | @PercentTotal@%Magic ResistReduces the amount of damage you take from magical damage sources.Current Magic Resist: @Total@ (@Base@ base + @Bonus@ bonus) You take @Effect@% reduced magic damage.Move SpeedIncreases the speed at which you travel.Current Move Speed: @Total@ (@Base@ base + @Bonus@ bonus) units per secondResource RegenThe amount of Ability resource you regenerate over 5 seconds (most commonly Mana or Energy).Current Resource Regen: @Total@ (@Base@ base + @Bonus@ bonus)VampEach Vamp type returns a portion of the damage you deal as Health (reduced to 33% effectiveness when dealing area of effect damage or damage with pets).
  1872. Physical Vamp applies to physical damage dealt.
  1873. Omnivamp applies to all damage dealt, including magic damage and true damage.Physical Vamp | Omnivamp: @PercentPhysicalVampMod@% | @PercentOmnivampMod@% TenacityReduces the duration of stun, slow, taunt, fear, silence, blind, polymorph and immobilizing effects. It has no effect on airborne or suppression.Current Tenacity: @Total@%Alert Ping[G] or [Alt]+[Left Click] Click to use, or hold down the mouse button for more ping optionsClick this and an area of the playing field or minimap to highlight the location for your team.

    Holding down the mouse button will bring up a menu to let you select from additional pings like ''On My Way!'' or ''Missing in Action.''

    Your team will see a temporary blinking mark on their minimap.

    ''Attention, Summoner!'' - Lux
    Retreat Ping[V] or [Ctrl]+[Left Click]Click to use, or hold down the mouse button for more ping optionsClick this and an area of the playing field or minimap to indicate that your team should avoid a location.

    Holding down the mouse button will bring up a menu to let you select from additional pings like ''On My Way!'' or ''Missing in Action.''

    Your team will see a temporary blinking mark on their minimap.

    ''Tactical Withdrawal!'' - Swain
    Option ScreenClick to open the Options Menu.Map OverlayClick to Open MapThis map is an expanded version of the minimap containing dynamic unit locations and key structure identification.Zoom InClick to UseZoom in minimap, to show a more detailed section of the map.Zoom OutClick to UseZoom out the minimap, revealing more of the playing field.Champion InfoClick to Open MenuAllows you to view your Champion's stats and information.Click to learn this ability.Enhanced Recall[B]Click to UseTeleports your champion to the Summoning Platform after 4.5 seconds. Any damage taken will cancel the teleport.GoldCurrent Gold TotalYou will earn Gold from killing Minions, Champions and destroying structures. You will also earn a small portion of Gold over time.Innate Heal[B]Click to UseYou heal 100% of your Health over 12 seconds while channeling. The effect starts out small and increases over time.Level UpYou have Unspent Ability PointsClick on any of the level up tabs above to increase the Ability's power.Champion Item Shop[P]Too Far Away.This will light up when you are close enough to the Champion Item shop to purchase items.Champion Item Shop[P]Click to Open MenuYou can only buy items if you are close enough to the Item Shop itself, which you can find next to the Summoning Platform.Recall (Showdown)[B]Click to UseTeleports your champion to the Summoning Platform after 6 seconds. Any damage taken will cancel the teleport.Recall[B]Click to UseTeleports your champion to the Summoning Platform after 4 seconds. Any damage taken will cancel the teleport.Summoner InfoClick to Open MenuAllows you to view your Summoner's stats and information. (This feature is currently inactive)Recall[B]Click to UseTeleports your champion to the Summoning Platform after 8 seconds. Any damage taken will cancel the teleport.Recall[B]Recall is disabled on this mode.But you can still express yourself baby.You have not yet learned this ability!Toggle MuteClick to toggle the ability to hear this player in chat.Toggle Mute PingsClick to toggle the ability to see this player's pings.Allied Blue BuffAllied Inner RelicAllied Outer RelicAllied Red BuffAncient Golem (East)Ancient Golem (West)Demon Herald4 minutesBaron Nashor6 minutesBlue Sentinel (East)Blue Sentinel (West)5 minutesInner Relic (North)Outer Relic (North)Red Side RelicCloud DrakeChemtech DrakeMountain DrakeElder DragonInfernal DrakeHextech DrakeDragonOcean DrakeLizard Elder (North)Lizard Elder (South)Enemy Blue BuffEnemy Inner RelicEnemy Outer RelicEnemy Red BuffInner Relic (South)Outer Relic (South)Blue Side RelicRed Brambleback (North)Red Brambleback (South)90 seconds@Name@Respawns @RespawnTime@ after taking the Relic.Taking a Relic will, after 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to heal all champions in range.@Name@Respawns @RespawnTime@ after taking the Relic.Taking a Relic will, after 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to heal all champions in range. The beam additionally grants a buff for 5s. Damaging a champion during this time will deal bonus adaptive damage equal to 20% of the target's current health.Rift Herald@Name@Respawns @RespawnTime@ after monster camp is killed.Your team gains a precise countdown by either killing this monster camp or observing its death.@Name@Never respawns.This monster camp spawns only once.@Name@Respawns @RespawnTime@ after monster camp is killed.Your team gains a precise countdown when this monster camp is killed.Camera SettingClick to Unlock CameraUnlocks the camera view from your Champion.Camera SettingClick to Lock CameraLocks the camera view on your Champion.Scoreboard OverlayClick to Open ScoreboardThis displays in detail the accumulated scores of all the players in the game session.DOOMBuy a Poro Snax to feed to the King!ChampionEnemy ChampionThey will try and kill your Champion if given the opportunity, but killing them will yield experience and Gold. When you attack enemy Champions they will call for help causing their minions and turrets to attack you immediately.ChampionAlly ChampionAid them in battle and stick together to defeat your enemy.The NexusEnemy StructureThis is the center of your enemy's power and your team's primary objective. Destroy this structure to defeat your enemy and win the game.The NexusAlly StructureThis is the center of your team's power and your enemy's primary objective. Protect this structure at all costs. If your team's Nexus is destroyed your team will lose the game.Damaged InhibitorEnemy StructureThis Inhibitor has been damaged allowing the Nexus crystal's power to energize your minions. It will be restored in short time and their power will be lost.InhibitorEnemy StructureAs long as your enemy's Inhibitor contains the Nexus crystal's power your minions will remain weakened.Damaged InhibitorAlly StructureThis Inhibitor has been damaged allowing the Nexus crystal's power to energize your enemy's minions. It will be restored in short time and their power will be lost.InhibitorAlly StructureAs long as your Inhibitor contains the Nexus crystal's power your enemy's minions will remain weakened.This is an enemy Minion! Kill it for gold and exp!This is a friendly Minion! Follow it into battle!This is an aggressive Monster! Kill it for its Treasure!Champion Item ShopAlly StructureClick to open the Champion Item Shop and purchase items to enhance your Champion's stats and Abilities.Summoning PlatformAlly StructureThis is where Champions begin each game session and where they will spawn after death. Standing here will refill your Champion's energies while protecting it from enemy attack.TurretEnemy TurretProtecting the path to your enemy's base, turrets will always attack those who attack their allied Champions.TurretAlly StructureProtecting the path to your team's base, turrets will always attack enemies who attack your Champion.Licky-LickyThis unit has been licked! Yuck!Your team has 1 member in the Golden Spatula Club, Tier 1 Super Finishers unlocked!Your team has 2 members in the Golden Spatula Club, Tier 2 Ultra Finishers unlocked!Your team has 3 members in the Golden Spatula Club, Tier 2 Ultra Finishers unlocked!Your team has 4 members in the Golden Spatula Club, Tier 3 Urftacular Finishers unlocked!All 5 members of your team are in the Golden Spatula Club, Tier 3 Urftacular Finishers unlocked!====================================================================================================AmmoFuryBlood WellCrimson RushEnergyFerocityGritHeatFlowDefeat the Blue SentinelPurchase Boots in the ShopSlay the DragonDestroy an Enemy InhibitorSlay 5 Enemy MinionsDestroy All Enemy Turrets in a LaneDefeat the Red BramblebackExit the BaseDestroy the Turrets Protecting the Enemy NexusPrimary Quests Appear HereUse the Recall SpellSecondary Quests Appear HereSlay an Enemy ChampionPurchase a Starting ItemMove Your Mouse Cursor HereDefeat the Murk WolvesDefeat the RaptorsDefeat the Blue Sentinel
    The Blue Sentinel can be found in the west jungle, south of the river. Defeat him to earn extra experience points and gold, as well as a special buff for your champion.
    Click to see the Blue Sentinel's location
    Reward: 200 goldPurchase Boots in the Shop
    Visit the shop at the summoner platform and purchase a set of boots. You'll find boots in the MOVEMENT section of the shop, as well as on your recommended items list.

    Move Speed is important for reducing travel time, catching opponents on the run, and escaping enemies who are chasing you.
    Reward: 100 goldSlay the Dragon
    The Dragon lives on the south side of the southern river. Defeat it to earn a powerful buff for your entire team.
    Click to see the Dragon's location
    Reward: 300 goldDestroy an Enemy Turret
    Follow your minion waves to the first enemy turret in any lane, and destroy it. Wait for the turret to target your minions before you attack it, and be sure to retreat to a safe distance before all of your minions are slain.
    Click to see turret location on the minimapDestroy an Enemy Inhibitor
    Attack and destroy the exposed enemy inhibitor to begin spawning super minions in that lane. This will also allow you to attack the turrets guarding the enemy nexus.
    Click to see exposed inhibitor locations on the minimapSlay 5 Enemy Minions
    Deal the killing blow to 5 enemy minions. You'll earn bonus gold each time you deal a fatal blow.
    Reward: 100 goldDestroy All Enemy Turrets in a Lane
    Support your minion waves to push forward and destroy all enemy turrets in a single lane. Doing so will expose the enemy inhibitor in that lane.
    Click to see turret locations on the minimapDefeat the Red Brambleback
    The Red Brambleback can be found in the southeast jungle. Defeat him to earn extra experience points and gold, as well as a special buff for your champion.
    Click to see the Red Brambleback's location
    Reward: 200 goldExit the Base
    Move your champion away from the summoner platform to one of the three lanes outside the base walls.
    Click to see lane locations on the minimapDestroy the Enemy Nexus
    Attack and destroy the exposed enemy nexus to claim victory! At least one enemy inhibitor must remain destroyed for the nexus to remain vulnerable.
    Click to see nexus location on the minimapDestroy the Turrets Protecting the Enemy Nexus
    Support your minion waves to destroy the turrets located in front of the enemy nexus. The nexus will become vulnerable when both turrets are destroyed!
    Click to see turret locations on the minimapPrimary Quests
    Primary quests are main objectives that your team must complete to win the battle.
    Use the Recall Spell
    The Recall spell will quickly return your champion to the summoner platform. The platform will restore your health and mana, and you can purhcase new items at the shop while you're there.

    Be careful though; damage from enemies will cancel this spell.
    Reward: 100 goldSecondary Quests
    Secondary quests are optional, though completing them will improve your chances of victory. You'll also receive bonus gold!
    Slay an Enemy Champion
    Look for a good opportunity to slay an enemy champion. Remember that nearby enemy minions and turrets will come to the champion's aid when you attack.
    Reward: 200 goldPurchase a Starting Item
    Before leaving the summoner platform, click on the item shop and purchase one or more starting items. The first item in the recommended items list is generally a good choice.
    Click to see shop location on the minimap
    Move Your Mouse Cursor Here
    Well done! You can mouse over the quest tracker to view quest details.
    Defeat the Murk Wolves
    A pack of wolves can be found in the southwestern jungle. Defeat them to earn extra experience points and gold.
    Click to see the wolves' location
    Reward: 100 goldDefeat the Raptors
    A group of raptors can be found in the jungle, just south of the center of the map. Defeat them to earn extra experience points and gold.
    Click to see the raptors' location
    Reward: 125 goldChampion BattlesDeathJargonJunglingLaningPushingSpellsUser InterfaceYou earned an assist by helping an ally slay an enemy champion! Your champion receives a bonus gold reward for earning assists.Baron Nashor is the strongest monster on Summoner's Rift, and you will need the help of your allies to defeat him. Slaying the Baron will grant all alive ally champions a powerful buff and a large gold reward.Fighting Baron Nashor without the help of your allies will likely result in death. You should return to a lane or explore other areas of the jungle.You've stepped into a patch of brush. While within an area of brush you are invisible to enemies until they too enter the same brush. Be alert when approaching these areas - enemy champions may be waiting to ambush you!These icons indicate helpful or harmful effects, also known as buffs and debuffs, currently affecting your champion. Place your mouse cursor over an icon to view details.Chat from allies and enemies appears in the bottom left of the screen. You can type to allies by pressing enter, and type to everyone by pressing shift-enter. You can read old messages by pressing and holding Z.Careful, your champion is deep in enemy territory while a number of enemy champions are not visible on the minimap. Players commonly refer to missing champions as 'MIA'. Be wary of a potential ambush!While waiting for your champion to respawn, you can click the Death Recap button to learn how you were defeated.Slaying the Dragon results in a permanent buff for all ally champions. The buff grows stronger each time your team defeats the Dragon.The Dragon is a very strong monster. Your champion should have full health and mana before attacking it. The buffs from the Blue Sentinel and Red Brambleback will also make defeating the Dragon much easier.Don't forget to spend your first skill point! The battle has not yet begun, so now is a good time to browse your champion's abilities and decide which one you want first.Good job! Tips provide valuable information about many aspects of League of Legends, so be sure to click on the icons when they appear above the minimap.While not required, it's often a good idea to destroy the first enemy turret in each of the three lanes before attempting to take down a second turret. You'll improve your team's control of the battlefield, and earn a good amount of experience points and gold along the way.Defeating the Blue Sentinel grants your champion a temporary buff. While the buff is active your champion will regenerate mana faster and be able to cast their spells more often.The Blue Sentinel is a strong adversary. Be sure to slay his minions first, and don't forget to use your champion's abilities.A destroyed enemy inhibitor will respawn after several minutes. When this happens, your team will no longer spawn super minions in that lane. The enemy nexus is invulnerable while all three inhibitors are active.Destroying an enemy inhibitor causes your base to begin spawning super minions in that lane. Super minions are much stronger than normal minions and are quite difficult to kill.You haven't purchased an item yet. You should return to the summoner platform and buy an item from the shop before leaving the base.There are top, middle, and bottom lanes on Summoner's Rift. Summoners often refer to these lanes as 'top', 'mid', and 'bot'.Your champion earns bonus gold when dealing a killing blow to an enemy. Time your attacks carefully to increase your wealth.Defeating the Red Brambleback grants your champion a temporary buff. This buff causes your champion's basic attacks to slow enemy Move Speed and deal damage over time.The Red Brambleback is a worthy foe. Be sure to slay his minions first, and don't forget to use your champion's abilities.Your champion's health is dangerously low. You should move to a safe location and use the Recall spell to return to the summoner platform for healing.Warning! There are very few ally minions remaining near this enemy turret. The turret will attack you when there are no minions left, so you should retreat to a safe distance and wait for more ally minions to arrive.While most champions in the League use mana to fuel their abilities, many rely on alternative resources. Garen's abilities are free to cast, though you still must wait for them to ''cool down'' before they can be used again.The minimap displays information about the battlefield. Everything visible to your allies will appear here, so it's important to check the minimap often.Pinging the minimap is a good way to notify allies about potential dangers and opportunities on the battlefield. Click this button then click a location on the minimap to ping it. You can also ping an enemy champion or structure directly to mark them as a target.Most neutral minion camps can be found in two different locations in the jungle. It is generally safer to attack the camps on your team's side of the battlefield.You can easily guide your champion to distant locations by right clicking the minimap.Each champion has a unique passive ability that works automatically. Move your mouse over the icon to read a description of your champion's passive ability.Even if your champion does not deal a killing blow, experience points are earned by being near an enemy as they are slain.You have been slain, but don't be discouraged - death is a part of League of Legends. After a short time your champion will be re-summoned to the battlefield. The wait time will increase as your champion gains levels.The scoreboard displays stats and information about each champion on the battlefield. You can view the scoreboard by pressing and holding the TAB key.You can spend gold on new items at the shop while waiting to respawn.Don't forget to spend skill points after your champion gains a level. Increasing the rank of a spell improves its effectiveness.You've earned a lot of gold! Be sure to purchase new items at the shop the next time you're near the summoner platform. Don't forget you can use the Recall spell to go there quickly.You still have a lot of gold to spend. Don't forget to purchase new items in the shop at the summoner platform to strengthen your champion.Warning! You are approaching an enemy turret with no friendly minions in front of you. You should wait until friendly minions arrive and allow the turret to attack them before getting closer.When an enemy turret is destroyed, all ally champions receive bonus gold and experience points. It also allows your minions to push further into enemy territory, which improves your team's control of the map.Attacking a champion near an enemy turret will cause that turret to attack you. Avoid doing this until your champion is strong enough to survive the damage.When Ashe reaches level 6, you can unlock her ultimate ability: Enchanted Crystal Arrow. The arrow can be fired to any location on the map, and will stun and deal damage to the first enemy champion it collides with.When Garen reaches level 6, you can unlock his ultimate ability: Demacian Justice. This powerful attack instantly deals a large amount of damage to a single enemy champion. It is very effective for finishing an opponent who is low on health.When Ryze reaches level 6, you can unlock his ultimate ability: Desperate Power. When activated, this spell increases Ryze's Move Speed and temporarily causes his other spells to deal area damage and steal health from enemies.Click continue to begin.Earning AssistsDANGER!BrushBuffs & DebuffsChatDangerous PushDeath RecapDragon RewardDefeating the DragonSelect A SkillClick Me!Clearing All Front TurretsCrest of InsightDefeating the Blue SentinelInhibitor RespawnInhibitor RewardFirst ItemLane NamesLast Hitting MinionsDefeating the Red BramblebackLow HealthManaless ChampionsThe MinimapPinging the MinimapNeutral Minion CampsMinimap MovementPassive AbilityEarning Experience PointsRespawn TimeViewing the ScoreboardA Good Time To ShopSpend Skill PointsSpending GoldTurret RewardTurret TargetingUltimate AbilityAdvanced Training - Summoner's RiftBattle Training - Summoner's RiftThe afk timer has been reset.A Demon Herald has arisen!A Demon Herald has arisen!The Enemy Team won the round!Your Team won the round!Blue Team won the round!The Enemy Team won the round! One more to win!Your Team won the round! One more to win!Blue Team won the round! One more to win!Red Team won the round! One more to win!Red Team won the round!The Enemy Team is halfway to winning!Your Team is halfway to winning!Blue Team is halfway to winning!Red Team is halfway to winning!The Enemy Team is close to winning!Your Team is close to winning!Blue Team is close to winning!Red Team is close to winning!Gravitational Waves Detected!Surrender is unavailable in this mode, due to its short round length.@srctr name@ DOUBLE KILL!@srctr name@ PENTA KILL!@srctr name@ QUADRA KILL!@srctr name@ SHUT DOWN @desttr name@!@srctr name@ TRIPLE KILL!@srctr name@ First Blood!The Teemoing has begun!Little Devil (Teemo): All shall hail me! My darkness will sweep across the world!Devil Teemo has arrived!10 minutes before HE arrives...5 minutes... He approaches...2 minutes until the end begins...1 minute left! Your end is nigh!Destroy Devil Teemo to stop The Teemoing!@NameAndChampion@ purchased @Item@The enemy team has dispelled the Poro King!Your team has dispelled the Poro King!Blue team has dispelled the Poro King!Purple team has dispelled the Poro King!Red team has dispelled the Poro King!The enemy team has summoned the Poro King!Your team has summoned the Poro King!Blue team has summoned the Poro King!Purple team has summoned the Poro King!Red team has summoned the Poro King!The ENEMY TEAM wins Elder Dragon.@TeamName@ can now execute with the power of the Elder Dragon!YOUR TEAM wins Elder Dragon.Your ally is still down, go revive them!Almost done!You earned an Augment!Shop for items, then power up the portal togetherGame OverDon't give up! (One attempt remaining)Collect Ora from the barrels!Kanye blocks your path!Defeat the monsters and collect their Ora!We did it!Kayn's patience is running thin...You've wasted enough of Kayn's time. Now perish!Show us the way, OraBot!We saved the day!ACE!Enemy team has scored an ace!Enemy team has scored an ace!Ally team has scored an ace!Ally team has scored an ace!Blue team has scored an ace!Blue team has scored an ace!Purple team has scored an ace!Purple team has scored an ace!Red team has scored an ace!Red Team has scored an ace!The enemy team has locked the West Altar for 90 seconds!The enemy team has locked the East Altar for 90 seconds!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has locked the West Altar for 90 seconds!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has locked the East Altar for 90 seconds!Blue team has locked the West Altar for 90 seconds!Blue team has locked the East Altar for 90 seconds!Purple team has locked the West Altar for 90 seconds!Purple team has locked the East Altar for 90 seconds!Red team has locked the West Altar for 90 seconds!Red team has locked the East Altar for 90 seconds!Enemy team captured the @CapturePoint@!Ally team captured the @CapturePoint@!Blue team captured the @CapturePoint@!Purple team captured the @CapturePoint@!Red team captured the @CapturePoint@!@CapturePoint@ has been neutralized@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@) for a double kill!DOUBLE KILL!Ally slainAlly executed@srctr name@ has slain @desttr name@!A minion has slain @desttr name@!A turret has slain @desttr name@!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)!Enemy slainEnemy executedYou have slain an enemy!A minion has slain @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)!A turret has slain @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)!You have been slainYou have been executed@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@) for a penta kill!PENTAKILL!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@) for a quadra kill!QUADRA KILL!SHUT DOWN!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@) for a triple kill!TRIPLE KILL!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@) for a legendary kill!The Red Team has claimed the Chemtech Soul!The enemy team has claimed the Chemtech Soul!Ally team has claimed the Chemtech Soul!The Blue Team has claimed the Chemtech Soul!The Chemfog billows!The Blue Team has claimed the Cloud Soul!The enemy team has claimed the Cloud Soul!Ally team has claimed the Cloud Soul!The Red Team has claimed the Cloud Soul!The Cloud winds quicken!Ally super minions now spawning!Enemy super minions now spawning!@desttr name@ has destroyed a blue inhibitor!A minion has destroyed a blue inhibitor!@desttr name@ has destroyed a purple inhibitor!A minion has destroyed a purple inhibitor!@desttr name@ has destroyed a red inhibitor!A minion has destroyed a red inhibitor!Enemy inhibitor respawning soonAlly inhibitor respawning soonA blue inhibitor will respawn soon!A purple inhibitor will respawn soon!A red inhibitor will respawn soon!Enemy inhibitor respawnedAlly inhibitor respawnedA blue inhibitor has respawned!A purple inhibitor has respawned!A red inhibitor has respawned!@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) just cashed in @SubA@ extra gold from that kill! League of Draaaaaven!@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) lost @SubA@G worth of Adoration stacks from that death!Draven has @SubA@ stacks of Adoration!@srctr name@ has started a remake vote. Type /remake or /noremake.Enemy team agreed to grant @GoldGranted@ gold, @TowersGranted@ towers and @ExpGranted@ xp to your team. @ForVotes@ votes for and @AgainstVotes@ against!Your team agreed to grant @GoldGranted@ gold, @TowersGranted@ towers and @ExpGranted@ xp to the enemy team. @ForVotes@ votes for and @AgainstVotes@ against!Blue Team agreed to grant @GoldGranted@ gold, @TowersGranted@ towers and @ExpGranted@ xp to Red Team. @ForVotes@ votes for and @AgainstVotes@ against!Purple Team agreed to grant @GoldGranted@ gold, @TowersGranted@ towers and @ExpGranted@ xp to Red Team. @ForVotes@ votes for and @AgainstVotes@ against!Red Team agreed to grant @GoldGranted@ gold, @TowersGranted@ towers and @ExpGranted@ xp to Purple Team. @ForVotes@ votes for and @AgainstVotes@ against!@RemainingTime@ time remaining until equalize voting closes!Equalize vote failed @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.Equalize vote failed for enemy team @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.Equalize vote failed for your team @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.Equalize vote failed for Blue Team @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.Equalize vote failed for Purple Team @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.Equalize vote failed for Red Team @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.Your team's gold advantage is not high enough to equalize teams.Your team's level advantage is not high enough to equalize the teams.You cannot call for an equalize vote again after the first was denied.Too early in the game to equalize the teams!@ForVotes@ votes for and @AgainstVotes@ votes against a Equalize.You have already voted!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has started a vote to equalize with the enemy team. The enemy team will be granted approximately @GoldGranted@ gold, @TowersGranted@ towers and @ExpGranted@ xp. Type /equalize or /noequalize.FIRST BLOOD!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has drawn first blood!@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) has destroyed the first turret! (Bonus Gold: 150G)@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) has destroyed the first turret! (Bonus Gold: 150G)@desttr name@ has destroyed the @srctr red | blue@ team's nexus!The Red Team has claimed the Hextech Soul!The enemy team has claimed the Hextech Soul!Ally team has claimed the Hextech Soul!The Blue Team has claimed the Hextech Soul!The Hexgates activate!The Blue Team has claimed the Infernal Soul!The enemy team has claimed the Infernal Soul!Ally team has claimed the Infernal Soul!The Red Team has claimed the Infernal Soul!The Inferno blazes!The enemy team has slain the Cloud Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Cloud Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Cloud Drake!The enemy team has slain the Demon!The enemy team has slain the Demon!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Demon!Your team has slain the Demon!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Demon!Blue team has slain the Demon!Purple team has slain the Demon!Red team has slain the Demon!The enemy team has slain the Chemtech Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Chemtech Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Chemtech Drake!The enemy team has slain the @desttr dragontype@!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the @desttr dragontype@!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the @desttr dragontype@!The enemy team has slain the Dragon!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Dragon!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Dragon!Blue team has slain the Dragon!Purple team has slain the Dragon!Red team has slain the Dragon!The enemy team has slain the Mountain Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Mountain Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Mountain Drake!The enemy team has slain the Elder Dragon!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Elder Dragon!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Elder Dragon!The enemy team has slain the Infernal Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Infernal Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Infernal Drake!The enemy team has slain the Hextech Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Hextech Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Hextech Drake!Enemy team has defeated the Rift Herald!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has captured the Rift Herald!The enemy team has slain the Rift Herald! (Team Gold: @srctr heraldgoldpool@G)@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Rift Herald!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Rift Herald! (Team Gold: @srctr heraldgoldpool@G)Your team has defeated the Rift Herald!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Rift Herald! (Team Gold: @srctr heraldgoldpool@G)Blue team has defeated the Rift Herald!Rift Herald has returned to the Void.Purple team has defeated the Rift Herald!Red team has defeated the Rift Herald!The enemy team has slain the Ruined Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Ruined Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Ruined Drake!The enemy team has slain Vilemaw!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain Vilemaw!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain Vilemaw!Blue team has slain Vilemaw!Purple team has slain Vilemaw!Red team has slain Vilemaw!The enemy team has slain the Ocean Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Ocean Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain the Ocean Drake!The enemy team has slain Baron Nashor!The enemy team has slain Baron Nashor! (Team Gold: @srctr barongoldpool@G)@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain Baron Nashor!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain Baron Nashor! (Team Gold: @srctr barongoldpool@G)@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain Baron Nashor!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has slain Baron Nashor! (Team Gold: @srctr barongoldpool@G)Blue team has slain Baron Nashor!Purple team has slain Baron Nashor!Red team has slain Baron Nashor!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has ended @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)'s killing spree! (Bounty: @desttr bounty@G)@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has ended @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)'s killing spree for a double kill! (Bounty: @srctr bounty@G)@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has ended @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)'s killing spree for a double kill!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has ended @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)'s killing spree for a penta kill! (Bounty: @srctr bounty@G)@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has ended @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)'s killing spree for a penta kill!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has ended @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)'s killing spree for a quadra kill! (Bounty: @srctr bounty@G)@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has ended @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)'s killing spree for a quadra kill!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has ended @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)'s killing spree for a triple kill! (Bounty: @srctr bounty@G)@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has ended @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)'s killing spree for a triple kill!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has ended @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)'s killing spree for a legendary kill! (Bounty: @srctr bounty@G)@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has ended @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)'s killing spree for a legendary kill!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has ended @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)'s killing spree!@srctr name@ is on a killing spree!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) is on a killing spree!@srctr name@ is on a rampage!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) is on a rampage!@srctr name@ is unstoppable!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) is unstoppable!@srctr name@ is dominating!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) is dominating!@srctr name@ is godlike!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) is godlike!@srctr name@ is legendary!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) is legendary!@srctr name@ has disconnected@srctr name@ was disconnected due to loading time outEnemy team has destroyed the first turret! (Bonus Gold: 150G)Ally team has destroyed the first turret! (Bonus Gold: 150G)Your enemy has lost half its minions!You have lost half your minions!Blue team has lost half its minions!Red team has lost half its minions!Your enemy is nearly out of minions!You are nearly out of minions!Blue team is nearly out of minions!Red team is nearly out of minions!Minions have spawnedThe Blue Team has claimed the Mountain Soul!The enemy team has claimed the Mountain Soul!Ally team has claimed the Mountain Soul!The Red Team has claimed the Mountain Soul!The Mountains rise!A player on your team is AFK so you may forfeit by typing /surrender.An Objective Bounty has been claimed! An @desttr objectivebountyrelteam@ Objective Bounty has been claimed on @desttr objectivebountytarget@! (Bonus Bounty: @desttr objectivebounty@G split for their team.)Objective Bounties are falling off soon. Claiming an Objective Bounty will end the bounty period. Objective Bounties are falling off soonObjective Bounties are available soonObjective Bounties are available soonThe Blue Team has claimed the Ocean Soul!The enemy team has claimed the Ocean Soul!Ally team has claimed the Ocean Soul!The Red Team has claimed the Ocean Soul!The Oceans bring life!Turret Plating will soon fall!Turret Plating has fallen!@srctr name@ has paused the game. Use '/resume' to unpause the game.Pause is enabled. Use '/pause' to pause the game and '/resume' to unpause.@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) Ward Quest Complete! Completion Time: @SubA@:@SubB@ @PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) Quest Complete! Completion Time: @SubA@:@SubB@ @PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) Ward Quest Complete! Completion Time: @SubA@:@SubB@ @PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) Quest Complete! Completion Time: @SubA@:@SubB@ @srctr name@ has left the game@srctr name@ has reconnectedAn ally has been revived!You have revived an ally!@srctr name@ has revived @desttr name@!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has revived @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)An enemy has been revived!You have revived an enemy!You have been revived!@srctr name@ has unpaused the game.The Red Team has claimed the Ruined Soul!The enemy team has claimed the Ruined Soul!Ally team has claimed the Ruined Soul!The Blue Team has claimed the Ruined Soul!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has shut down @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)! (Bonus Bounty: @desttr bounty@G)@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has shutdown @desttr name@ (@desttr champion@)!Welcome to the Snowdown ShowdownWelcomeWelcome to Summoner's RiftWelcome to The Twisted TreelineWelcome to the Cosmic Ruins!Welcome to OdysseyWelcome to Nexus Blitz!Welcome to The Proving GroundsBattle in thirty secondsWelcome to the Pre-Season 5 Testing MapThirty seconds until minions spawnAltars unlock in thirty secondsWelcome to the Howling AbyssWelcome to Butcher's BridgePrepare for round 1!The battle has begunUnless otherwise noted, all work is NOT final.Prepare for round 2!Welcome to The Crystal ScarAltars have unlockedPrepare for the final round!Welcome to Snowdown!Enemy team has stolen the Cloud Drake!The enemy team has stolen the Cloud Drake!Your team has stolen the Cloud Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen the Cloud Drake!Blue team has stolen the Cloud Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen the Cloud Drake!Purple team has stolen the Cloud Drake!Red team has stolen the Cloud Drake!Enemy team has stolen the Chemtech Drake!The enemy team has stolen the Chemtech Drake!Your team has stolen the Chemtech Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen the Chemtech Drake!Blue team has stolen the Chemtech Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen the Chemtech Drake!Purple team has stolen the Chemtech Drake!Red team has stolen the Chemtech Drake!Enemy team has stolen the Mountain Drake!The enemy team has stolen the Mountain Drake!Your team has stolen the Mountain Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen the Mountain Drake!Blue team has stolen the Mountain Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen the Mountain Drake!Purple team has stolen the Mountain Drake!Red team has stolen the Mountain Drake!Enemy team has stolen the Elder Dragon!The enemy team has stolen the Elder Dragon!Your team has stolen the Elder Dragon!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen the Elder Dragon!Blue team has stolen the Elder Dragon!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen the Elder Dragon!Purple team has stolen the Elder Dragon!Red team has stolen the Elder Dragon!Enemy team has stolen the Infernal Drake!The enemy team has stolen the Infernal Drake!Your team has stolen the Infernal Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen the Infernal Drake!Blue team has stolen the Infernal Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen the Infernal Drake!Purple team has stolen the Infernal Drake!Red team has stolen the Infernal Drake!Enemy team has stolen the Hextech Drake!The enemy team has stolen the Hextech Drake!Your team has stolen the Hextech Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen the Hextech Drake!Blue team has stolen the Hextech Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen the Hextech Drake!Purple team has stolen the Hextech Drake!Red team has stolen the Hextech Drake!Enemy team has stolen the Rift Herald!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen the Rift Herald!Your team has stolen the Rift Herald!Blue team has stolen the Rift Herald!Purple team has stolen the Rift Herald!Red team has stolen the Rift Herald!Enemy team has stolen the Ruined Drake!The enemy team has stolen the Ruined Drake!Your team has stolen the Ruined Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen the Ruined Drake!Blue team has stolen the Ruined Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen the Ruined Drake!Purple team has stolen the Ruined Drake!Red team has stolen the Ruined Drake!Enemy team has stolen the Ocean Drake!The enemy team has stolen the Ocean Drake!Your team has stolen the Ocean Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen the Ocean Drake!Blue team has stolen the Ocean Drake!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen the Ocean Drake!Purple team has stolen the Ocean Drake!Red team has stolen the Ocean Drake!Enemy team has stolen Baron Nashor!@srctr name@ (@srctr champion@) has stolen Baron Nashor!Your team has stolen Baron Nashor!Blue team has stolen Baron Nashor!Purple team has stolen Baron Nashor!Red team has stolen Baron Nashor!Enemy team has summoned the Rift Herald!Your team has summoned the Rift Herald!Blue team has summoned the Rift Herald!Purple team has summoned the Rift Herald!Red team has summoned the Rift Herald!@desttr name@ has slain the epic monster!Enemy team agreed to a surrender with @ForVotes@ votes for and @AgainstVotes@ against.Your team agreed to a surrender with @ForVotes@ votes for and @AgainstVotes@ against.Blue Team agreed to a surrender with @ForVotes@ votes for and @AgainstVotes@ against.Purple Team agreed to a surrender with @ForVotes@ votes for and @AgainstVotes@ against.Red Team agreed to a surrender with @ForVotes@ votes for and @AgainstVotes@ against.@RemainingTime@ time remaining until surrender voting closes!To protect high-tier competitive integrity, your remake would count as a loss because the dc'd player is in your premade.Your team has @EarlySurrenderWindowDurationSeconds@ seconds to remake the game because a player dc'd before kills against your team occurred. Vote to end the game by typing /remake in chat. Only the dc'd player will take a loss. This vote can only occur once./Remake isn't available./Remake is only available when one or more players fail to connect to the game./Remake is only available at the @EarlySurrenderWindowStartMinutes@ minute mark.The remake vote failed @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.The remake vote failed for your team @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.The remake vote failed for Blue Team @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.The remake vote failed for Purple Team @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.The remake vote failed for Red Team @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.The remake window elapsed.It's too early in the game to remake.Surrender vote failed for enemy team @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.Surrender vote failed for your team @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.Surrender vote failed for Blue Team @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.Surrender vote failed for Purple Team @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.Surrender vote failed for Red Team @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.You cannot call for a surrender so quickly after the first was denied.Too early in the game to surrender.@ForVotes@ votes for and @AgainstVotes@ votes against a surrender.You have already voted.@srctr name@ has started a surrender vote. Type /surrender or /nosurrender.Enemy turret destroyed!Enemy turret self destructedAlly turret destroyed!Ally turret self destructedBlue turret destroyed!Blue turret self destructedPurple turret destroyed!Purple turret self destructedRed turret destroyed!Red turret self destructedYour team destroyed the first turret!Enemy team destroyed the first turret!Red team destroyed the first turret!Blue team destroyed the first turret!The enemy's turret is at half health!Your turret is at half health!Blue team's turret is at half health!Red team's turret is at half health!The enemy's turret is nearly destroyed!Your turret is nearly destroyed!Blue team's turret is nearly destroyed!Red team's turret is nearly destroyed!A player on your team is AFK so you may forfeit by typing /surrender. This requires a unanimous vote.Early surrender vote wasn't unanimous for your team @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.Early surrender vote wasn't unanimous for Blue Team @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.Early surrender vote wasn't unanimous for Red Team @ForVotes@ / @AgainstVotes@.@srctr name@ has started an early surrender vote. Early surrenders must be unanimous. Type /surrender or /nosurrender.The enemy has 75% nexus health remaining!Ally team has 75% nexus health remaining!The blue team has 75% nexus health remaining!The purple team has 75% nexus health remaining!The red team has 75% nexus health remaining!The enemy has 50% nexus health remaining!Ally team has 50% nexus health remaining!The blue team has 50% nexus health remaining!The purple team has 50% nexus health remaining!The red team has 50% nexus health remaining!The enemy has 25% nexus health remaining!Ally team has 25% nexus health remaining!The blue team has 25% nexus health remaining!The purple team has 25% nexus health remaining!The red team has 25% nexus health remaining!New Capture Point Objective!Warning: Evicting From Spawn!Teleporter initialization completeTen seconds until load-inEnemy Overcharge KillOvercharge Kill!The enemy is no longer OverchargedEnemy Overcharge has ended.Your team is no longer OverchargedAllied Overcharge has ended.Blue team is no longer OverchargedBlue team Overcharge has ended.Red team is no longer OverchargedRed team Overcharge has ended.Overcharge levels fallingOvercharge ending soonEnemies Overcharging!Enemy Overcharge has begun!Overcharging!Allied Overcharge has begun!Blue team Overcharging!Blue team Overcharge has begun!Red team Overcharging!Red team Overcharge has begun!Victory is imminent!Enemy victory is imminent!Red team victory is imminent!Blue team victory is imminent!Welcome to Substructure 43The entire enemy team has disconnected. Unless they reconnect, the game will end in 30 seconds.The Blue Team has destroyed the first turret! (Bonus Gold: 150G)The Red Team has destroyed the first turret! (Bonus Gold: 150G)Shop for items, then channel Starlight together!The light of hope has been extinguished...Don't give up... (One attempt remaining)Not enough Starlight.. (Two attempts remaining)It's the Big One! Take her out!!Hold your ground!Reach the end of the path, but beware their energy!Fight off the invading monsters!The city is in peril! We have to stop the invasion!Star Guardian Rank: AStar Guardian Rank: A+Star Guardian Rank: BStar Guardian Rank: B+Star Guardian Rank: CStar Guardian Rank: C+Star Guardian Rank: DStar Guardian Rank: SStar Guardian Rank: S+Welcome to the Bandle City Clash!Welcome to the Bilgewater Clash!Welcome to the Demacia Clash!Welcome to the Freljord Clash!Welcome to the Ionia Clash!Welcome to the Noxus Clash!Welcome to the Piltover Clash!Welcome to the Shadow Isles Clash!Welcome to the Shurima Clash!Sudden Death has begun!Welcome to the Targon Clash!Welcome to the Void Clash!Welcome to the Zaun Clash!Sudden Death! Next Kill Wins!Sudden Death Begins in 30 Seconds!alliedallya miniona turretblueBluecenterenemyfirsthashavechampionleftminionmonsterMonsterpurplePurpleredRedrightsecondthirdturretyouyour allyyour enemy123The ENEMY TEAM wins Guardian Angels.THE ENEMY TEAM wins the Poro King.THE ENEMY TEAM wins the Battle Sled.The ENEMY TEAM wins the Blessing of Blitzcrank.The ENEMY TEAM wins the Catapult of Champions.The ENEMY TEAM wins Cloud Soul.The ENEMY TEAM wins Ocean Soul.The ENEMY TEAM wins BF Shields.The ENEMY TEAM wins Statikk Shock.The ENEMY TEAM wins Urf's Hot Potato.The ENEMY TEAM has won the event!YOUR TEAM has won the event!Blue team has won the event!Red team has won the event!Attacking Team: Chaos!Defending Team: Chaos!Attacking Team: Order!Defending Team: Order!OVERTIME!!!@TeamName@ will revive upon their next death!@TeamName@ can now journey through magical portals!@TeamName@ can now ride into battle!@TeamName@ is temporarily shielded from damage!@TeamName@ just got a lot more hands-on!@TeamName@ can now catapult into action!@TeamName@ now regenerates health and mana when damaging enemies!@TeamName@ now moves faster out of combat!@TeamName@ has spawned the Poro King as an ally!@TeamName@ can now attack with chain lightning after movement!@TeamName@ is passing around an URF buff!Prepare for SUDDEN DEATH!Destroy the enemy's Nexus before they destroy yours!YOUR TEAM wins Guardian Angels.YOUR TEAM wins the Poro King.YOUR TEAM wins the Battle Sled.YOUR TEAM wins the Blessing of Blitzcrank.YOUR TEAM wins the Catapult of Champions.YOUR TEAM wins Cloud Soul.YOUR TEAM wins Ocean Soul.YOUR TEAM wins BF Shields.YOUR TEAM wins Statikk Shock.YOUR TEAM wins Urf's Hot Potato.You may not shop after leaving the baseReturning to base will not heal youLimited ShoppingPlatform Regen DisabledAatrox BotAhri BotDon't hold back.Let's have some real fun.GG!Akali BotHesitation is the seed of defeat.Tread lightly.Alistar BotYou are strong!Who's ready to lock horns with me?!Amumu BotLet's play again some time!Would you like to be friends?Anivia BotAnnie BotC'mon Tibbers, let's play one more.Hi! My friend Tibbers wants to meet you...Ashe BotA battle worthy of Freljord.Do your ancestors proud.I will face you, sister!Aurelion Sol BotAzir BotBard BotBlitzcrank BotMy face is leaking.Loading. Recommend program: Enjoy Selves.Brand BotThis is not the end...This world will be consumed in flames!Braum BotCaitlyn BotSharp shooting, everyone.The Sheriff's in town.I've got a cupcake for you, little Yordle.Camille BotCassiopeia BotI'll keep an eye out for you next time.I just can't wait to face you.Show me your skills, Katarina!Cho'Gath BotGuess you had the last bite.I will devour all disgusting humans!Thank you for this auspicious game!Corki BotDarius BotYou have proven your strength.Strength will prevail!Diana BotDr. Mundo BotMundo win?Mundo happy to meet you!May the best Mundo...Mundo.Draven BotEkko BotElise BotEvelynn BotEzreal BotI let you guys off easy!Ready for the best?Fiddlesticks BotWhy aren't you afraid?!The crows are circling...Fiora BotFizz BotHmm, something's fishy.I'll show you a watery grave.Galio BotYour success is well deserved.An honor to face you!Gangplank BotI'll burn it all down if I can't have it.Pistol or blades, don't matter to me!Garen BotWell fought!Prepare to face Demacian Justice!Gnar BotGragas BotGraves BotEnd of the line.This calls for the ol' double-barreled ''hello.''Well, well, it's time I straightened you out, Fate...Hecarim BotHeimerdinger BotI could do that better.For great science!Illaoi BotIrelia BotWe defended to the last!I fight for Ionia!Ivern BotJanna BotJarvan IV BotYou have won this day.Meet me in battle... and hold nothing back.Your schemes end here, Swain.Jax BotImagine if I had a real weapon!Who wants a piece of the champ?Jayce BotJhin BotI will make you famous.This is your curtain call.Jinx BotI had the best intentions!Everybody, panic!Kalista BotKarma BotKarthus BotYou have earned a page in my book.Let me show you an alternative to life.My song is death.Kassadin BotKatarina BotBetter dead than dull.Let the bloodshed begin!Kayle BotStay true in victory and defeat.You shall be judged.I will bring you to Justice, Morgana!Kennen BotKha'Zix BotKindred BotKled BotKog'Maw BotStill hungry...Oooh, tasties!Leblanc BotLee Sin BotLeona BotAlas, the sun sets once again.Day breaks upon the battlefield!You'll pay for your heresy, Diana!Lissandra BotLucian BotSenna... I have failed you...You will be purified.You're going down, Thresh!Lulu BotLux BotThere is always light in the darkness.Let's have a brilliant battle!Malphite BotWait...I lost?Let's rock.Malzahar BotThe Void will never accept defeat.Your fate is foretold!Your gifts should be used in service of the Void, Kassadin.Maokai BotSo this is what they call getting stumped.Do not defy nature!Master Yi BotYour skills were superior!We shall see which way our paths lead.Let us test our skills, Wukong.Miss Fortune BotDon't get cocky. I'll be back!Who will fortune favor today?Get those oranges ready, Gangplank!Wukong BotEvery mistake is a lesson.Give it your all!I'm ready to face you, Yi.Mordekaiser BotMorgana BotI will never give up...I will bring you all pain!Let's settle this, Kayle!Soraka BotNami BotSoak it up.Sure as the tides.Nasus BotThe wheel never stops turning.We begin a new cycle!I will not hesitate to stop you, Renekton.Nautilus BotNidalee BotI see you're no stranger to the wild.I love playing cat and mouse.Nocturne BotAre you my nightmare, or am I yours?Their twilight approaches.Nunu BotThis was a lot of fun.Here we go!Olaf BotLeave nothing behind!Finally, some fun!Orianna BotWhy do they keep breaking?This is a fun game.Pantheon BotHonor compels me!Your fate is sealed.Poppy BotQuinn BotRammus BotOk!Ok.Rek'Sai BotRenekton BotOne day, you will suffer!I'll leave you all in pieces!You will not escape me, Nasus!Rengar BotRiven BotMy spirit is not lost.I am awakened.Rumble BotRyze BotYou show promise!I will show you arcane magic.Sejuani BotShaco BotShen BotBalance favors you... this time.The ever-watchful Eye is upon you.Shyvana BotDragons have no remorse.I love the quiet before battle.Singed BotSion BotI'm gonna go resharpen my axe.Some heads are gonna roll...Sivir BotA great battle!Think you can dodge my blade?Skarner BotSona Bot... :(... :)May the stars remember this day!Fight without hatred in your hearts!Your crimes will catch up with you, Warwick.Swain BotYour tactics were cunning!Bear witness to the strength of Noxus!Pitiful prince!Syndra BotTahm Kench BotTaliyah BotTalon BotTaric BotOutrageous.I've got just the gem for this occasion.Malphite, never bring a rock to a gem fight.Teemo BotNever underestimate the power of the Scout's code!I'll scout ahead!Thresh BotTristana BotWell, I had a blast!Ready for some fireworks?Trundle BotWait! I'm not done yet!I got all prettied up for this fight!Tryndamere BotTwisted Fate BotTwitch BotUdyr BotYour form is excellent!What technique do you use?Urgot BotVarus BotVayne BotI smell black magics.I bring swift death.Veigar BotNo! No! No! This isn't over!This will be a short game! Wait...Vel'Koz BotVi BotViktor BotVladimir BotYou are truly the vessels of my destruction!Ah, new blood on the battlefield.Volibear BotSo it shall be.Strength and wisdom guide me.Warwick BotTime to run!I can smell your fear!I'll eat your heart, Starchild.Xerath BotYour power is...formidable...Observe power in its purest form!Xin Zhao BotMy spirit remains unbroken!True warriors are born on the battlefield!Yasuo BotDying's the easy part.Don't start what I'll finish.Yorick BotVictory... slips away.We shall rise to this challenge.Zac BotZed BotZiggs BotNo no no no, I got my fuses crossed.Gotta go yeah go now start yeah boom!Zilean BotHmmm, if I remember correctly, we'll win the next one.I feel like I've done this before.Zyra BotThis harvest is yours.Watch your step, this is MY garden.Good game.Good luck, have fun!Damaging an enemy Champion below @Spell.ElderDragonBuff:ElderExecuteThresholdPercent*100@% health blasts them with Dragonfire, dealing 100% of their maximum HP as true damage.Invulnerable!Knocked UpDragon : +Attack Boost!Dragon : +Turret Burn!Dragon : +Movement!Dragon : +Turret Resistance!Dragon : +BURN! and Double!Spellbinder
    This unit has increased Ability Power and a burst of Move Speed on activation.
    Source: @SourceName@Spellbinder
    Grants decaying Move Speed and Ability Power on activation, based on the number of stacks.
    Source: @SourceName@Absolute ZeroNearby enemy units have their Move Speed reduced. Units still in the area when this ability ends will take magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Absolute ZeroThis unit is shielded by Absolute Zero.Source: @SourceName@Abyssal Mask AuraThis unit takes increased magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Abyssal Mask AuraNearby enemy champions take increased magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Legion AuraNearby allied units have increased Magic Resist.Source: @SourceName@Legion AuraThis unit has increased Magic Resist.Source: @SourceName@Fox-FireAhri has Fox-Fires surrounding her which will seek out and attack nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@Essence TheftWhenever Ahri hits an enemy with one of her abilities, she gains a charge of Essence Theft (max 3 per cast). Upon reaching 9 stacks, Ahri's next ability will restores @EssenceTheftBaseHeal@ health for each enemy hit. CharmedThis unit cannot attack and must walk towards Ahri.Source: @SourceName@Fatal AttractionThis unit takes more damage from Ahri's abilities.Source: @SourceName@Essence TheftAhri's next spell that hits enemies will heal her on each hit.Source: @SourceName@Essence TheftAfter acquiring 9 Essence Fragments, Ahri consumes them to heal.Source: @SourceName@Spirit RushAhri can activate Spirit Rush.Source: @SourceName@TrampleAlistar can move through units and is damaging nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@EnragedAlistar's next auto attack against an enemy champion will deal additional magic damage and stun.Source: @SourceName@Triumphant RoarAlistar gains a Triumph stack when he stuns or displaces enemy champions or nearby enemies die. At @f4@ stacks Alistar roars, healing himself for @f1@ and all nearby allied champions for @f2@ (@f3@ second cooldown).

    The death of enemy champions and epic monsters fully charges Alistar's roar.
    Triumphant RoarAlistar gains Triumph stacks whenever he stuns or displaces enemy champions or when nearby enemies die. At @f1@ stacks he will heal himself and all nearby allied champions.Alpha StrikeThis unit will take physical damage soon.Source: @SourceName@Alpha StrikingMaster Yi is striking multiple units for physical damage.Source: @SourceName@Iced!This unit will take double damage from Anivia's Frostbite.Source: @SourceName@Speed ShrineThis unit has 30% increased Move Speed. The effect lasts until the unit takes damage or gets close to an enemy champion.Source: @SourceName@FocusAshe gains Focus while not attacking. At 100 stacks her next attack will critically strike.Source: @SourceName@FocusAshe can cast Focus Shot.Source: @SourceName@Frost ShotSpells and attacks slow targets by @f1@% for 2 seconds. Attacks against enemies affected by Frost Shot deal @f3@% (+@f4@%) damage (increased by Critical Strike modifiers).

    Ashe's critical strikes deal no extra damage, instead increasing Frost Shot's slow to @f2@%, decaying over time.
    Frost ShotThis unit takes extra damage from Ashe.Source: @SourceName@Frost ShotThis unit is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Ranger's FocusAshe is building up Focus.Source: @SourceName@Ranger's FocusAshe's next basic attack fires additional shots.Source: @SourceName@Ranger's FocusAshe has stacked her Focus and can unleash a series of powerful attacks.Source: @SourceName@Demon BrandYou have arisen as an Demon, becoming invisible until you next do damage. If you break this on a champion, you'll deal an additional 20% of their maximum health in true damage.Demon Brand FormingOnce you leave combat for 4 seconds, you will enter Demon Mode, turning invisible and doing bonus damage.Warped ArmorThis unit takes @f1@% reduced damage from ranged attacks, and is immune to all disabling debuffs.Source: @SourceName@The EyeDemon Herald is vulnerable to an attack from behind.Source: @SourceName@Blood PactA Sacrifice guides you on your hunt.
    Your Active Items and Summoner Spells have 50% CDR.
    While out of combat, you gain increased Move Speed, mana regen, and your ultimate cools down faster.
    Augur of the VoidYour Move Speed and Health Regeneration are massively increased.Aura of DespairSurrounding enemy units take damage each second.Source: @SourceName@Aura of DespairThis unit is losing a portion of their life each second.Source: @SourceName@Comet of LegendAurelion Sol has gained @f1@% Move Speed from traveling in a straight line.Source: @SourceName@Comet of LegendAurelion Sol is flying - he can see over terrain, but also be seen. Taking damage will cause him to land.Source: @SourceName@Center of the Universe
    Three Stars circle Aurelion Sol, dealing @f1@ (+@f3@) magic damage and executing minions below @f4@ health.

    Enemy effects that prevent the casting of spells will also disable the Stars. The Stars can be visible to enemies even if Aurelion Sol is in brush.
    Starsurge - HasteAurelion Sol is moving faster while he chases his newly forming star.Source: @SourceName@Starsurge - StunnedThis unit is stunned by Starsurge. It can take no actions.Source: @SourceName@Voice of LightThis unit is knocked away from Aurelion Sol.Source: @SourceName@Voice of LightThis unit's movement is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Celestial ExpansionAurelion Sol's Stars have increased orbit radius and damage.Source: @SourceName@Shifting SandsAzir is shielded from damage.Source: @SourceName@Shurima's LegacyAzir can summon the Sun Disc from the ruins of a turret once every @f1@ seconds. This turret gains @f3@ bonus attack damage and disintegrates over @f2@ seconds.

    Click the ruins of a turret to activate Shurima's Legacy. The ruins of enemy Nexus and Inhibitor turrets are immune to this ability.
    Disc of the SunAzir is ready to raise Shurima from the ruins. He can summon the Sun Disc from a destroyed turret.Conquering SandsThis unit has been slowed by Azir's Conquering Sands.Source: @SourceName@Emperor's DivideThis unit is being Knocked Back by Emperor's Divide.Source: @SourceName@Decisive CommandThis unit has massively increased attack speed.Source: @SourceName@Ocklepod ShieldThis unit is absorbing received magic damageSource: @SourceName@KrakensThe preferred currency of mercenaries. You currently have @f1@ of them.

    You gain 1 Kraken every @f2@ seconds or whenever any of the following occur:
    -Killing a champion (Grants 2 Krakens)
    -Getting an assist on a champion kill
    -Killing a large monster in the enemy jungle
    -Your team slays the Dragon
    -Your team slays Baron Nashor
    Source: @SourceName@BackstabShaco's basic attack critically strikes for @f1@% (+@f4@) damage when striking a unit from behind (@f3@% to Monsters).

    Enemies can't be Backstabbed more than once every @f2@ seconds. This cooldown is modified by Cooldown Reduction.
    Bag of TeaThis unit is regenerating health and mana.Source: @SourceName@Banshee's VeilThe next unfriendly ability used on this unit will have no effect.Source: @SourceName@Magical JourneyThis unit is on a magical journey.Source: @SourceName@Chime Move SpeedChimes have given Bard a stacking Move Speed boost. It will be lost when Bard engages in combat.Source: @SourceName@Traveler's Call - Chimes CollectedBard has collected this many chimes so far!Source: @SourceName@Chimes Until Next UpgradeBard needs to collect this many chimes to achieve another meep upgrade.Source: @SourceName@Traveler's Call - RechargingBard's jingling and jangling is attracting another meep.Source: @SourceName@Traveler's Call - Meep FollowersBard has this many meeps following him. One will empower Bard's next attack.Source: @SourceName@Taveler's Call - Meep SlowA meep supporting Bard's attack has slowed this unit.Source: @SourceName@Cosmic Binding - SlowThis unit is slowed by the initial hit of Cosmic Binding.Source: @SourceName@Cosmic Binding - StunThis unit is stunned by Cosmic Binding hitting two targets or a wall.Source: @SourceName@Tempered FateThis unit is invincible, but unable to act.Source: @SourceName@Caretaker's Shrine Speed BoostVisiting a Caretaker's Shrine has increased this unit's Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@BerserkThis unit's Attack Speed is increased by 50% and Attack Damage is increased by 30%, but their Armor and Magic Resist is reduced by 30%Source: @SourceName@Butcher's Bridge AuraThis unit has:
    Increased Mana Regeneration
    Gains Experience Passively
    50% Reduced Healing Effects On Allies
    Source: @SourceName@Cutlass StingThis unit's movement is slowed.Source: @SourceName@RazorfinsRazorfin Abilities (Level @f1@):
    0: Razorfins have 100% bonus attack speed.
    1: Bonus move speed and no unit collision when aggroing on champions. Razorfins never deaggro enemy champions.
    2: Bonus physical damage on every 3rd Razorfin hit.
    3: Two Razorfins will spawn in each wave.

    Razorfin Bonus: +@f9@ Armor Penetration (Level @f1@)
    Offense Upgrade: +@f5@ Attack Damage (Level @f6@)
    Defense Upgrade: +@f7@ HP (Level @f8@)
    Source: @SourceName@Razorfin BiteThis unit is being marked by Razorfins. The third consecutive attack will consume the marks dealing triple damageSource: @SourceName@IronbacksIronback Abilities (Level @f1@):
    0: Ironbacks take 25% reduced damage from enemy turrets.
    1: Ironbacks gain a periodic shield that blocks the next champion or turret attack.
    2: Ironbacks take reduced minion damage while their shields are active.
    3: Ironbacks' shield frequency is greatly increased.

    Ironback Bonus: Deals +@f9@% Damage to Enemy Structures (Level @f1@)
    Offense Upgrade: +@f5@ Attack Damage (Level @f6@)
    Defense Upgrade: +@f7@ HP (Level @f8@)
    Source: @SourceName@PlundercrabsPlundercrab Abilities (Level @f1@):
    0: Plundercrabs will shoot a second cannonball that deals half damage at a nearby enemy champion.
    1: Plundercrabs gain a stacking attack speed boost each time they hit an enemy champion.
    2: Plundercrabs deal double damage on hitting enemy champions.
    3: Plundercrabs' on-hit bonuses now also apply when hitting enemy minions and they shoot at all nearby enemy champions.

    Plundercrab Bonus: +@f9@ Attack Range (Level @f1@)
    Offense Upgrade: +@f5@ Attack Damage (Level @f6@)
    Defense Upgrade: +@f7@ HP (Level @f8@)
    Source: @SourceName@OcklepodsOcklepod Abilities (Level @f1@):
    0: Ocklepods periodically grant shields to allied minions that block magic damage.
    1: Ocklepods periodically spawn a moving Clairvoyance.
    2: Ocklepods' shield strength is increased, and it gains an AD ratio.
    3: Ocklepods' Clairvoyances are cast more frequently. Ocklepods' shield is strength further increased.

    Ocklepod Bonus: +@f9@ Magic Resistance (Level @f1@)
    Offense Upgrade: +@f5@ Attack Damage (Level @f6@)
    Defense Upgrade: +@f7@ HP (Level @f8@)
    Source: @SourceName@Black OmenThis unit has dramatically decreased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@The Black Cleaver (@Stack@)This unit's Armor is reduced by a percentage.Source: @SourceName@Blackfire TorchTaking damage over time!Source: @SourceName@Blackfire TorchOne Blackfire charge is generated every 1.5 seconds.Source: @SourceName@Blade of the Ruined KingThis unit's movement is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Blade of the Ruined KingThis unit's movement is increased.Source: @SourceName@Blade WeavingThis unit has increased Basic Attack DamageSource: @SourceName@BleedingThis unit is bleeding and taking damage over time.Source: @SourceName@Crest of CindersThis unit recovers Health when not fighting champions or epic monsters. Also, their basic attacks burn and slow the target over several seconds.

    If the buff holder is slain, this buff is transferred to their killer.
    Source: @SourceName@BlindThis unit is blinded and cannot hit.Source: @SourceName@CrippledThis unit's Move Speed is reduced. They will gradually return to normal over the duration of this debuff.Source: @SourceName@Dragon's RageThis unit will damage and knock up any allied units it collides with.Source: @SourceName@FlurryLee Sin has increased Attack Speed and his attacks restore @f2@/@f3@ energy.Source: @SourceName@Iron WillLee Sin has increased Lifesteal and Spell Vamp.Source: @SourceName@SafeguardAbsorbs the next @f1@ damage taken.Source: @SourceName@Sonic WaveLee Sin has True Sight of this unit and can attack them with Resonating Strike.Source: @SourceName@TempestLee Sin is tracking this unit and can hit them with Cripple.Source: @SourceName@Blinding DartThis unit has difficulty seeing and will miss their attacks.Source: @SourceName@Harmonic RestorationEvery second this unit is gaining 6% of their maximum mana.Source: @SourceName@Blink Dagger CooldownThis champion's blink dagger is recharging.Source: @SourceName@Mana Barrier RechargingBlitzcrank's Mana Barrier is recharging.Source: @SourceName@Overlord's BloodmailThis unit is healing.Source: @SourceName@Boistrous ResolveYour champion's Armor is increased by 10.Source: @SourceName@FurorThis unit has greatly increased Move Speed that decays over a short time.Source: @SourceName@HomeguardThis unit has greatly increased Move Speed that decays over a moderate amount of time.Source: @SourceName@AblazeThis unit is taking magic damage each second.Source: @SourceName@AblazeThis unit`s Blaze has become unstable and is about to explode!Source: @SourceName@Brand Damage TrackerQ damage total: @f1@
    W damage total: @f2@
    E damage total: @f3@
    R damage total: @f4@
    DoT damage total: @f5@
    Bomb damage total: @f6@
    Torment damage total: @f7@

    Q AP ratio total: @f8@
    W AP ratio total: @f9@
    E AP ratio total: @f10@
    R AP ratio total: @f11@
    Bomb AP ratio total: @f12@%
    Source: @SourceName@Brand Damage Since Liandrys PurchaseQ damage total: @f1@
    W damage total: @f2@
    E damage total: @f3@
    R damage total: @f4@
    DoT damage total: @f5@
    Bomb damage total: @f6@
    Torment damage total: @f7@

    Q AP ratio total: @f8@
    W AP ratio total: @f9@
    E AP ratio total: @f10@
    R AP ratio total: @f11@
    Bomb AP ratio total: @f12@%
    Source: @SourceName@BlazeBrand's spells light his targets ablaze, dealing 3% of their max Health in magic damage over 4 seconds, and empowering his abilities against them. If Brand kills an enemy that is already ablaze he gains @f5@ mana. Blaze stacks up to three times.

    When Blaze reaches max stacks on a Champion or large monster, the Blaze becomes unstable. It detonates in 2 seconds, dealing @f4@% (+@f3@%) of each nearby enemy's maximum Health in magic damage. That champion cannot stack Blaze again within 4 seconds.
    Unbreakable Braum takes reduced damage from the direction his shield is facing, has increased Move Speed, and destroys projectiles that hit his shield.Source: @SourceName@Concussive Blows Braum and his allies continue to add stacks of Concussive Blows with basic attacks, at 4 stacks this unit will be stunned.Source: @SourceName@Concussive Blows Braum and his allies work together to stun a target.
    Braum's basic attacks apply Concussive Blows for 4 seconds. Once the first stack is applied, ally basic attacks also stack Concussive Blows.

    Upon reaching 4 stacks, the target is stunned for @f2@ second(s) and takes @f1@ magic damage. For the next @f3@ seconds they cannot receive stacks, but take @f5@ bonus magic damage from Braum's attacks.
    Source: @SourceName@Concussive Blows Immunity This unit is immune to receiving stacks of Concussive Blows.Source: @SourceName@Glacial Fissure This unit is knocked up.Source: @SourceName@Winter's Bite This unit is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Concussive Blows This unit is stunned.Source: @SourceName@Stand Behind Me Braum is granting Armor and Magic Resist.Source: @SourceName@Stolen BreathThis unit's Ability Power and bonus Attack Damage are reduced.Source: @SourceName@CocoonThis unit is wrapped in a web and is unable to move.Source: @SourceName@Cocoon: SlowThis unit has been slowed by Elise's Cocoon.Source: @SourceName@RappelElise is dangling on a web. She can descend upon nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@UnannouncedElise's spider bites are more potent.Source: @SourceName@Skittering FrenzyThis unit has increased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Spider SwarmElise's spell casts in Human Form ready Spiderlings. When she shifts into Spider Form, Spiderlings are summoned and attack nearby foes.Source: @SourceName@Spider FormElise is transformed into a menacing spider. She deals bonus Magic Damage on attack and has access to her arachnid abilities.Source: @SourceName@Awesome Buff of Awesomely Awesome BuffingMana and Energy consumption reduced by 100%
    Gain @ScriptData.URFScriptData:ManaToHPMultiplier.0*100@% of bonus Mana as Health and @ScriptData.URFScriptData:Mp5ToHp5Multiplier.0*100@% of bonus Mana Regen as Health Regen
    +@ScriptData.URFScriptData:GlobalAbilityHaste@ Ability Haste, Summoner Spell Haste, and Item Haste
    +@ScriptData.URFScriptData:BaseTenacity.0*100@% Tenacity and Tenaciousness
    +@f3@ Move Speed and Speed while Moving
    Attack Speed Bonuses increased by @f4@% (@f5@% for Ranged Champions)
    Critical Strikes deal @f6@% additional base damage
    Health Costs reduced by @f7@% {{ Buff_BuffMePlz_DamageDealtModified_@f10@ }}{{ Buff_BuffMePlz_DamageTakenModified_@f11@ }}{{ Buff_BuffMePlz_ShieldModified_@f12@ }}{{ Buff_BuffMePlz_HealModified_@f1@ }}
    Passively Gain 90 exp every 30 seconds. You're Awesome, you deserve it!
    {{ Extra_Awesome_@f15@ }}
    {{ Extra_Awesome_@f16@ }}
    Source: Pengu KnightBurningThis unit is taking damage over time.Source: @SourceName@Burning AgonyContinually damages enemies near Dr. Mundo and reduces the duration of disables on him.Source: @SourceName@Bushwhack TrapThis trap activates when stepped on, revealing the victim and damaging them over time.Source: @SourceName@BushwhackedThis unit is taking damage over time.Source: @SourceName@Buster ShotThis unit is airborne and can take no actions.Source: @SourceName@Ace in the Hole: TargetedYou are about to be shot by Caitlyn.Source: @SourceName@Headshot: CountCaitlyn is charging up for a headshot.Source: @SourceName@Headshot: ReadyCaitlyn's next basic attack will deal massive damage. Boom.Source: @SourceName@Yordle TrapTrapped! This unit cannot move and Caitlyn can line up a long range Headshot on it.Source: @SourceName@Yordle Trap: SightCaitlyn can quickly Headshot this unit from increased range.Source: @SourceName@Yordle Trap: SightCaitlyn's team can see this unit.Source: @SourceName@Chaos StormDodge or die is the choice presented to those afflicted by Chaos Storm.Source: @SourceName@EnergizedCamille's attack speed is greatly increased.Source: @SourceName@HookshotCamille is dashing onto the wall.Source: @SourceName@Wall DiveCamille is dashing off the wall.Source: @SourceName@ShookCamille just smashed into this unit.Source: @SourceName@Wall GraspCamille can dive off of the wall.Source: @SourceName@Adaptive DefensesCamille's next attack against a champion will grant her a shield.Source: @SourceName@Magic ShieldCamille is shielding Magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Physical ShieldCamille is shielding Physical damage.Source: @SourceName@Precision ProtocolCamille's next attack will deal bonus damage.Source: @SourceName@Precision Protocol EmpoweredCamille's next Precision Protocol attack is empowered.Source: @SourceName@Precision Protocol ChargingCamille is powering up her next Precision Protocol attack.Source: @SourceName@MomentumCamille's Move Speed is increased.Source: @SourceName@Hextech FervorCamille is powering The Hextech Ultimatum and deals bonus magic damage on attacks.Source: @SourceName@The Hextech UltimatumThis unit cannot leave the area.Source: @SourceName@Tactical SweepCamille is charging her Tactical Sweep.Source: @SourceName@SlowedThis unit's Move Speed is decreased.Source: @SourceName@Element of SurpriseTeemo has the element of surprise, increasing his attack speed temporarily.Source: @SourceName@Guerrilla WarfareIf Teemo stands still for 1.5 seconds without being damaged, he becomes Invisible. While in a brush he can trigger and maintain Invisibility while moving.

    Upon breaking Guerrilla Warfare by attacking or moving (out of brush), Teemo gains @f1@% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.

    Stealth - Invisible: Teemo can only be revealed by nearby enemy Turrets or True Sight.
    Guerrilla WarfareTeemo is Invisible and can only be revealed by nearby enemy Turrets.Source: @SourceName@Stacked DeckTwisted Fate deals bonus damage every 4 attacks.Source: @SourceName@Stacked DeckTwisted Fate's next basic attack deals bonus Magic Damage.Source: @SourceName@Red Card SlowThis unit's Move Speed is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Twin FangThe unit is corroded by Twin Fang, taking additional poison damage.Source: @SourceName@Serpentine GraceCassiopeia gains @f2@ Move Speed (@f1@ per level).

    Cassiopeia cannot purchase Boots items.
    Noxious Blast HasteHitting a champion with Noxious Blast has increased Cassiopeia's Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Noxious PoisonThe unit is taking periodic damage from poison.Source: @SourceName@Petrifying Gaze SlowPetrifying Gaze has slowed this unit.Source: @SourceName@Petrifying Gaze StunPetrifying Gaze has stunned this unit by turning it to stone.Source: @SourceName@MiasmaThis unit is poisoned by Cassiopeia. It is slowed, it is taking damage over time, and it is Grounded, losing access to Movement abilities.Source: @SourceName@Miasma SlowThis unit is poisoned by Cassiopeia. It is slowed, it is taking damage over time, and it is Grounded, losing access to Movement abilities.Source: @SourceName@Flag Bearer's AuraThis unit's damage is slightly increased.Source: @SourceName@Valor's RewardThis unit recently leveled up, and is being healed.Source: @SourceName@EternityTaking damage grants you Mana. Spending Mana grants you Health.
    Health: @f1@
    Mana: @f2@
    Source: ItemChalice of Harmony CooldownThe waters in the chalice are slowly refilling.Source: @SourceName@CharmedThis unit cannot attack and must walk towards the source unit.Source: @SourceName@ChilledThis unit has reduced Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@ChronoshiftThis unit is being revived.Source: @SourceName@ChronoshiftUpon taking lethal damage, this unit will instead be reverted in time to before they took lethal damage.Source: @SourceName@Destiny, InterruptedBetting blind. Literally.CleanseAny incoming crowd control effects (excluding suppression and airborne) on this target are reduced by 65%.Source: @SourceName@ReloadingThe Package is being prepared.Source: @SourceName@Special Delivery!Corki is carrying The Package and has extreme out of combat Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@The Big OneCorki has loaded a more powerful missile for his next Missile Barrage.Source: @SourceName@Missiles Fired @Stack@Corki is building toward a Big One.Source: @SourceName@Corpse ExplosionSurrounding enemy units will detonate upon dying, dealing damage to nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@EvasionJax is dodging all incoming attacks.Source: @SourceName@Crest of Crushing WrathThis Champion is ghosted and empowers nearby allied minions.Source: @SourceName@Crest of Flowing WaterIncreases Move Speed by 30%.Source: @SourceName@Crest of Nature's FuryIncreases Attack Speed by 20% and reduces cooldowns by 10%.Source: @SourceName@Crest of Unyielding StoneWhile holding this buff, all friendly turrets deal @f1@% more Damage and have @f2@ more Armor and Magic Resist.Source: @SourceName@Crest of InsightThis unit has greatly increased Mana and Energy Regen, and Ability Haste.

    If the buff holder is slain, this buff is transferred to their killer.
    Source: @SourceName@Crest of Insight CooldownThis unit has to wait before dealing bonus magic damage to buildings.Source: @SourceName@CrippleThis unit's Attack Speed is reduced.Source: @SourceName@Crystal FlaskThis unit is restoring a small amount of Mana and Health over time.Source: @SourceName@Crystal Flask ChargesThis unit has stored up a number of Crystal Flask Charges.Source: @SourceName@Cursed TouchThis unit takes bonus true damage whenever it is hit by magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Cursed TouchAmumu's basic attacks Curse his enemies for 3 seconds, causing them to take @f1@% bonus true damage from any magic damage they take.Curse of the Sad MummyThis unit is stunned.Source: @SourceName@AblazeThis unit is on fire, taking damage over time.Source: @SourceName@Honed BladeThis unit's physical damage ignores @f1@% of its target's Armor.Source: @SourceName@ApprehendedMove Speed slowed.Source: @SourceName@BloodthirstyDarius may recast Noxian Guillotine.Source: @SourceName@HemorrhagingThis unit is bleeding.Source: @SourceName@HemorrhageWhenever Darius damages an enemy with the axe's blade, they bleed for @f1@ (+@f2@) physical damage over 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.

    Whenever an enemy champion reaches max Hemorrhage, or dies to Noxian Guillotine, Darius gains Noxian Might for 5 seconds, granting @f3@ bonus Attack Damage and applying max Hemorrhage to enemies hit.
    Noxian MightDarius has significantly increased Attack Damage and instantly applies max Hemorrhage on his attacks.Source: @SourceName@HemorrhageDarius's attacks and damaging abilities cause enemies to bleed for physical damage over 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.AggressionThe carnage of war enlivens Darius, increasing his Move Speed.Crippling StrikeDarius's next attack will slow the enemy's Move Speed.CrippledMove Speed slowed.Source: @SourceName@Stellar SpiritYou have returned to Spirit form momentarily. You are untargetable, but cannot cast spells.Source: The Unfaltering Power of the Dark StarStellar SpiritYou are traveling through the cosmos - invulnerable and fast, but unable to cast spells. Stepping onto stable ground will remove this effect.Source: The Unfaltering Power of the Dark StarDashThis unit's Move Speed is increased and he is immune to Slows.Source: @SourceName@Death LotusKatarina is channeling her ultimate. Enemy champions stay in range at their peril!Source: @SourceName@Death DefiedKarthus has been slain, but his spirit continues casting spells, attempting to take his enemies with him.Source: @SourceName@DoomThis unit takes 20% more Magic Damage from all sources.Source: @SourceName@Deathfire GraspThis unit is being burned for a percent of its maximum Health each sec.Source: @SourceName@DeceiveShaco is Invisible and choosing a victim. Attacking while Invisible deals bonus damage, reduces Deceive's cooldown, and ends the effect.

    It's not about the gold, it's about sending a message.
    Source: @SourceName@Deceive AttackShaco's next basic attack deals bonus damage and reduces the cooldown of Deceive.Source: @SourceName@Decoy's Guise:Playing the part of a decoy.Source: @SourceName@Defensive Ball CurlRammus is in a defensive ball curl. His Armor and Magic Resist are increased, the power of Spiked Shell is increased, and he returns damage to enemies that basic attack him, but he is massively slowed.Source: @SourceName@RevealedThis unit cannot enter stealth until this fades.Source: @SourceName@DestinyThis character can be seen by all players.Source: @SourceName@DestinyTwisted Fate can see all enemy champions and can teleport to any location on the map.Source: @SourceName@Explosive ShotTristana's victims explode on death, damaging nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@MoonlightDiana has vision of you and Lunar Rush has no cooldown if it targets you.Source: @SourceName@Pale CascadeDiana has lunar spheres surrounding her which detonate on contact with enemies to deal magic damage. Pale Cascade's shield is increased if all spheres detonate.Source: @SourceName@Moonsilver BladeEvery third strike cleaves nearby enemies for an additional @f1@ (+@f2@) magic damage.

    After casting a spell, Diana gains @f5*100@% attack speed for her next @f6@ attacks.
    Moonsilver BladeAt two stacks, Diana's next basic attack will cleave to deal additional magic damage to nearby enemies.Pale CascadeAbsorbs damage and increases if all spheres detonate.Source: @SourceName@Curse: Aurelion Sol (Celestial Expansion)This Bot has two stars orbiting it that deal magic damage on hit.Source: TeemoCurse: Karthus (Death Defied)This Bot will randomly enter an undead state, becoming invincible and untargetable - but still able to move and cast!Source: TeemoCurse: Karthus (Death Defied) - ActiveThis Bot is invincible, untargetable, and doesn't afraid of anything.Source: TeemoCurse: Mordekaiser (Children of the Grave)This is a ghost of you or one of your teammates, created by Teemo's Curse of Children of the Grave.Source: TeemoCurse: Ryze (Realm Warp)This Bot will randomly open portals that will teleport players behind itself when they close.Source: TeemoCurse: Towers ElectrifiedThis tower will periodically zap any nearby allied Champions, dealing True damage.Source: TeemoCurse: Yasuo (Windwall)This Bot will randomly charge up and emit a wall of wind that blocks enemy projectiles.Source: TeemoDoom Bots of Doom: The Gauntlet (Difficulty @f1@)The difficulty of this game has been set to @f1@."It can't be THAT bad..."Giga Blinding DartA Giga Blinding Dart has Giga-Blinded you, see?Source: TeemoDoom of the Dark SideThis side is dark and full of terrors.Source: TeemoDestroyer of DoomDraw upon the power of slain Doom Bots! You gain additional power as your team defeats Doom Bots.

    10 Kills: +@f4@% Damage Resistance (+@f5@% for melee champions)
    20 Kills: Instantly gain +@f6@ Gold
    30 Kills: +@f7@% Tenacity
    Source: Friendship and MagicDouble StrikeMaster Yi's next attack will be a Double Strike.Source: @SourceName@Double StrikeEvery 4th attack, Master Yi will double strike.Source: @SourceName@Dragon SlayerSlaying Drakes grants buffs based on the type of Drake:

    Infernal Drake: +(8 / 16 / 16) Adaptive
    Mountain Drake: +(10 / 20 / 20)% Tenacity
    Cloud Drake:
    +(5 / 10 / 10) % Summoner Spell Cooldown Reduction

    Ocean Drake: Restore (@f5@ / @f6@ / @f6@)% of missing Health and Mana per @f8@ seconds

    Taking a 3rd Dragon of a type grants a Dragon Soul.
    Dragon BurningThis unit deals reduced damage and is taking damage over time.Source: @SourceName@Dragon HeartThis unit is taking reduced damage from champions.Source: @SourceName@Seeing EyeUpon dying, the team that kills this unit gains vision of the surrounding area for 90 seconds.Source: @SourceName@Stand AsideDraven has knocked this unit aside.Source: @SourceName@Blood Rush: Move SpeedDraven has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Blood Rush: Attack SpeedDraven has increased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Minion StreakIf Draven kills 6 minions in a row without dropping an axe, he will get 2 bonus Adoration stacks.Source: @SourceName@League of DravenDraven gains a stack of Adoration when he catches a Spinning Axe or kills a minion, monster, or tower. He also gets 2 bonus stacks when killing 6 minions in a row without dropping an axe.

    When Draven kills an enemy champion, he gains @f4@ bonus gold and consumes his Adoration stacks, gaining @f1@ additional gold per stack.

    Draven loses @f5@% of his Adoration stacks upon death.

    Total Gold Earned: @f2@
    Highest Reward: @f3@
    AdorationWelcome to the League of Draven!Source: @SourceName@Spinning AxeDraven's next attack deals bonus damage.Source: @SourceName@Draw a BeadTristana's Attack Range and the cast range of Explosive Charge and Buster Shot are increased by @f1@.MomentumThis unit is moving more quickly. At maximum stacks, basic attacks will discharge Momentum in a big attack.Source: @SourceName@SlowedThis unit is moving slowly.Source: @SourceName@DrowsyGetting sleepy...Source: @SourceName@Monstrous ToughnessThis unit is unusually durable. Damage effects that deal damage based off the enemy's health have reduced maximum effects.Source: @SourceName@TrailblazerTeemo leaves a trail as he moves, increasing the move speed of allies. Lasts @f1@ sec.Source: @SourceName@Edge of NightThe next unfriendly ability used on this unit will have no effect.Source: @SourceName@FlesheaterBasic attacks build Flesh charges. After 5 basic attacks, the Flesheater active will be ready.Source: @SourceName@FlesheaterThe Flesheater active is ready. Feed it an enemy minion!Source: @SourceName@PrimedEkko's next attack will teleport him to his target and deal bonus damage.Source: @SourceName@Z-Drive ResonanceEvery third attack or damaging spell on the same target deals @f1@ (+@f2@) bonus magic damage (Cannot be triggered on the same target more than once every @f4@ seconds). If the target is a champion, Ekko gains @f8@% Move Speed for @f9@ seconds.

    This deals @f5@% damage to monsters (Max: @f6@).
    Temporal ResonanceThis unit has been massively slowed by Ekko's Zero Drive.Source: @SourceName@Stolen TimeEkko has overloaded his Zero Drive and is moving incredibly fast.Source: @SourceName@Broken TimelineEkko has broken his timeline and is untargetable.Source: @SourceName@Temporal SicknessThis unit has been slowed by Ekko's Timewinder.Source: @SourceName@ResonanceIf Ekko hits this unit 3 times, he will deal bonus damage and gain a haste.Source: @SourceName@StabilizedThis unit is unable to accumulate Resonance from Ekko's attacks.Source: @SourceName@Seen It All BeforeEkko has already seen this timeline and is able to avoid some incoming damage.Source: @SourceName@Temporal SuspensionThis unit is frozen in time. WARNING: Avoid the detonation radius of temporal anomalies.Source: @SourceName@Aspect of the Dragon Your attacks reveal and burn enemies for @f1*3@ true damage (based on game duration) over @Spell.ElderDragonBuff:DebuffDuration@ seconds. Damaging an enemy champion below @Spell.ElderDragonBuff:ElderExecuteThresholdPercent*100@% health blasts them with Dragonfire, dealing 100% of their maximum HP as true damage.Spider QueenHuman: When Elise's abilities hit an enemy, she gains a dormant Spiderling (max @f3@).

    Spider: Basic attacks deal a bonus @f1@ (+@f2@) magic damage and restore @f4@ (+@f5@) health to Elise.
    Venomous Bite: SlowThis unit has been slowed by Elise's Venomous Bite.Source: @SourceName@Elixir of BrillianceThis unit has massively increased Ability Power and Cooldown Reduction.Source: @SourceName@Elixir of AgilityThis unit has massively increased Attack Speed and Critical Strike Chance.Source: @SourceName@Elixir of FortitudeThis unit has massively increased Health and Attack Damage.Source: @SourceName@Ichor of IlluminationThis unit has massively increased ability power, cooldown reduction, and regenerates mana and energy!Source: @SourceName@Elixir of IronThis unit has increased Health, Tenacity, and size, and rallies allies toward them.

    (Only one Elixir may be active at a time.)
    Source: @SourceName@Ichor of RageThis unit has massively increased attack damage, attack speed, and demolishes turrets!Source: @SourceName@Elixir of RuinThis Unit has increased Health and Damage to Towers and grants nearby minions increased Move Speed and Damage to Towers.

    (Only one Elixir may be active at a time.)
    Source: @SourceName@Elixir - SorceryThis unit has increased Ability Power and Mana Regen, and it deals increased True Damage against Champions and Turrets periodically.

    (Only one Elixir may be active at a time.)
    Source: @SourceName@Elixir - WrathThis unit has increased Attack Damage and heals from physical damage dealt to champions.

    (Only one Elixir may be active at a time.)
    Source: @SourceName@Valor Aura - EmblemThis unit regenerates Health faster.Source: @SourceName@Valor Aura - EmblemNearby allies regenerate Health faster.Source: @SourceName@EmpowerJax's next attack is empowered to deal additional Magic Damage.Source: @SourceName@Empowered Mark of the Elder DragonOn dealing damage to non-turrets, this unit deals True Damage over 3 seconds equal to 90 + 60 per stack of Elemental Dragon Buff. This also empowers their current Dragon Marks, increasing their effects by 100%.Source: Elder DragonEnchanted Crystal ArrowThis unit is frozen solid.Source: @SourceName@Sated DevourerThis unit's Devourer is Sated. Basic attacks deal @f1@ bonus magic damage and every other basic attack will trigger on Hit effects twice.Devouring SpiritThis unit's attacks are empowered by killing Large Monsters and Champions. Basic attacks deal @f1@ bonus magic damage.EnergizedAnnie's next offensive ability will stun its targets.Source: @SourceName@EntropyThis unit is taking 80 true damage over 2.5 seconds.Source: @SourceName@WhiplashEvelynn's next Whiplash is empowered: It will deal increased damage and move her to her target.Source: @SourceName@WhiplashEvelynn has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Demon ShadeAfter not attacking or casting spells for @f1@ seconds, Evelynn enshrouds herself in her Demon Shade. Taking damage from Champions knocks Evelynn out of Demon Shade for @f9@ seconds.

    Demon Shade: While below @f5@ (+@f6@) health, Evelynn recovers @f3@ health per second. From level 6 onward, Demon Shade also grants Camouflage.

    Stealth - Camouflage: This character is hidden from view. They are revealed by nearby enemy Champions and Turrets.
    Demon ShadeEvelynn is in Demon Shade.Source: @SourceName@Hate SpikeEvelynn can cast Hate Spike up to 3 times.Source: @SourceName@Hate SpikeThis target takes bonus damage from Evelynn's next 3 spells or attacks.Source: @SourceName@StealthEvelynn can only be seen by nearby enemy champions or by true sight.Source: @SourceName@AllureEvelynn has cursed this target. After a delay, Evelynn's next attack or spell on this target will charm them and shred their magic resist.Source: @SourceName@AllureThis target has reduced Magic Resist.Source: @SourceName@Exalted with Baron NashorThis champion has increased Attack Damage, Ability Power, Mana regeneration, and Health regeneration.Source: @SourceName@Executioner's CallingThis unit applies the Grievious Wound debuff to champions he hits.Source: @SourceName@ExhaustThis unit will miss 100% of their physical attacks.Source: @SourceName@Curse: Aurelion Sol (Celestial Expansion)The Bots have Aurelion Sol's stars orbiting them, dealing magic damage on contact.Source: TeemoCurse: BardBard's Tempered Fates are randomly falling out of the sky! Any unit or turret hit will be put into stasis for 2.5 seconds.Source: TeemoCurse: Brush FireAll the brush on the map is on fire, and will deal magic damage to you if you stand in it.Source: TeemoCurse: Giga Blinding DartsGigantic, global-range darts are being fired that will damage and Giga-Blind anyone hit by them.Source: TeemoCurse: Karthus (Death Defied)Bots will randomly enter a state of undeath, becoming invulnerable and untargetable. Unlike Karthus, they can still move and cast spells, so watch out!Source: TeemoCurse: Mordekaiser (Children of the Grave)A ghostly clone of each Player has spawned, and will assist the Bots in attacking you! Even worse, they'll keep coming back, even if you kill them.Source: TeemoCurse: Ryze (Realm Warp)The Bots will open Ryze's Realm Warp portals under your feet, which lead somewhere behind them.Source: TeemoCurse: Towers ElectrifiedYour Turrets will periodically zap your team's Champions if you're near them, dealing True damage.Source: TeemoCurse: Yasuo (Windwall)The Bots will randomly charge up and emit a wall of wind that blocks your team's projectiles.Source: TeemoBlaze, FizzledTeemo decided that Brand's Blaze was too hot, so he's capped the damage and reduced the explosion radius.
    (Doom Bot Brand's passive is as big as ever. What a jerk.)

    "Why yes, it is hot in here. It's not just you."
    Source: TeemoDeath Defied, DefiedTeemo finds Karthus's Death Defied too defiant, so he's significantly reduced the amount of damage that is dealt while Karthus is attempting to defy death.

    "This only matters when you die, so just stop dying."
    Source: TeemoIcathian Surprise, RuinedTeemo hates surprises, especially Kog'Maw's Icathian Surprise, so he's reduced the damage it deals when it goes off.

    "Surprises are no fun for anybody...unless they're mushrooms, which are no fun for everybody."
    Source: TeemoGlory in Death, DeniedTeemo finds Sion's Glory in Death too pretentious, so he's reduced the damage Sion deals while he is in a zombie frenzy.

    "Glory is earned, not given for getting yourself killed with your ineptitude."
    Source: TeemoCurse: Akali (Twilight Shroud)The Bots will create smoke clouds that they can hide inside, granting them Stealth. They will briefly appear when they attack or use an ability.Source: TeemoCurse: Devilish DuplicatesThe Bots will disguise themselves as Little Devil Teemo as long as they haven't taken damage from a Champion in the last 2 seconds.Source: TeemoCurse: Pantheon (Aegis Protection)Bots have a shield that blocks the next Champion or Turret attack. They get the shield back every 4 attacks or spellcasts.Source: TeemoCurse: Shaco (Hallucinate)Whenever a Bot falls below 40% health, it creates a clone of itself. This clone explodes on death, dealing magic damage in an area around it.Source: TeemoCurse: Singed (Poison Trail)The Bots are leaving a noxious cloud behind them. Touching it will poison you, taking magic damage over time.Source: TeemoCurse: Warwick (Blood Scent)When a player falls below 50% health, all nearby Bots run much faster and gain vision of the injured player.Source: TeemoExplosive CartridgesThis unit deals damage to an AoE around its target.Source: @SourceName@Explosive ChargeThis unit is being damaged over time.Source: @SourceName@Eye of the StormAbsorbs damage taken and grants the unit bonus Attack Damage.Source: @SourceName@FearThis unit is running around aimlessly in panic. It ignores all orders.Source: @SourceName@FeastThis unit has grown larger, gaining @f1@ bonus Health.
  1874. Minions Chomped: @f2@
  1875. Pets Gobbled: @f3@
  1876. Monsters Eaten: @f4@
  1877. Dragons Consumed: @f5@
  1878. Epic Monsters Ingested: @f6@
  1879. Champions Devoured: @f7@
  1880. Source: @SourceName@Unbreakable WillAlistar is nearly impervious to harm.Source: @SourceName@Bloodletter's VeilThe next unfriendly ability used on this unit will have no effect.Source: @SourceName@BladeworkFiora's next attack will slow the target.Source: @SourceName@BladeworkFiora's next attack will critically strike.Source: @SourceName@BladeworkThis unit has been slowed by Fiora's blade.Source: @SourceName@Duelist's DanceFiora has attacked an opponent from their Vital and has received increased Move Speed.
    Source: @SourceName@FlurryTEMPORARY TEXTSource: @SourceName@Fiora PassiveFiora deals damage and gains a speed boost when she hits her mark.Source: @SourceName@Grand ChallengeFiora has challenged an opponent and has a short time to hit their 4 Vitals or kill them

    If she succeeds in this challenge, she heals all allies around the target each second for the next few seconds.
    Source: @SourceName@Fiora R StacksMaster buff for tracking stacks. Will be internal later, visible for testing.Source: @SourceName@Grand ChallengeFiora has succeded in her challenge and is healing nearby allies.Source: @SourceName@Grand ChallengeFiora reveals all four Vitals on the target champion and gains Move Speed while near the target.

    If Fiora hits all 4 Vitals or if the target dies after she has hit at least one, Fiora and her allies in the area are healed over the next few seconds.
    Source: @SourceName@RiposteFiora is immune to all incoming damage and disables.Source: @SourceName@Crippling RiposteTEMP TEXTSource: @SourceName@Riposte This unit has reduced attack speed.Source: @SourceName@Fire of the Great DragonThis unit's basic attacks leave a burning effect on the target, damaging them for five seconds.Source: @SourceName@Challenger's MarkNow is your time to strike! When you next damage a champion, you will deal additional adaptive damage equal to 20% of their current health.Playful / TricksterJust hanging out!Source: @SourceName@Seastone TridentFizz's attacks deal bonus magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Nimble FighterFizz's dexterity allows him to move through units and take @f1@ less damage from basic attacks.Chum The WatersFizz has tagged you with a fish! Something hungry is coming...Source: @SourceName@Seastone Trident - ChargedFizz's next attack deals extra magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Seastone TridentFizz's attacks bleed his target, causing it to take magic damage over time.Source: @SourceName@Flash FrostAnivia holds the ice shard together with a frigid wind.Source: @SourceName@TerrifyThis unit is fleeing in terror. It ignores all orders.Source: @SourceName@FlingThis unit has been thrown by Singed.Source: @SourceName@Flowing WaterThis champion is moving faster and regaining mana more quickly while in the river.Source: @SourceName@Force Pulse (@Stack@)After 6 spells are cast near Kassadin, he can cast Force Pulse.Source: @SourceName@Force Pulse AvailableKassadin can cast Force Pulse.Source: @SourceName@Force of NatureThis unit regenerates 0.35% of their Maximum Health every second.Source: @SourceName@FortifyThis structure is temporarily reinforced, being immune to damage and attacking faster.Source: @SourceName@Frozen Heart AuraThis unit's Attack Speed is reduced.Source: @SourceName@Colossal SmashEvery @f2@ seconds, Galio's next basic attack deals magic damage to nearby enemies, increased by @f1@ (+@f5@) (+@f3@).

    Colossal Smash's cooldown is reduced by @f4@ seconds when Galio's spells hit a champion.
    Colossal SmashGalio's next basic attack will deal magic damage in an area.Hero's EntranceGalio is protecting a friend in need.Source: @SourceName@Shield of DurandThis unit takes greatly reduced damage.Source: @SourceName@RechargingGalio is recharging his shield, taking damage will reset the progress.Source: @SourceName@Shield of DurandThis unit is shielded from Magic DamageSource: @SourceName@Silver SerpentsTrade in 500 at the shop to upgrade Cannon Barrage.Source: @SourceName@Powder KegGangplank can explode these kegs to damage and slow enemies in the area.Source: @SourceName@GroggyGangplank's exploding powder keg slowed this unit's movement.Source: @SourceName@PirateYarr! I'm a mighty Pirate!Source: @SourceName@Trial by FireEvery @f3@ seconds, Gangplank's next melee attack ignites the target, dealing @f1@ (+@f2@) bonus true damage over 2.5 seconds (half damage against turrets) and granting Gangplank 30% Move Speed for 2 seconds.

    Destroying a Powder Keg refreshes Trial by Fire and grants him the Move Speed.

    Parrrley does not activate Trial by Fire.
    Trial by FireThis unit is on fire, taking damage over time.Trial by FireGangplank is hasted.Cannon BarrageThis unit is being slowed by a shower of cannonballs.Source: @SourceName@Cannon Barrage - Raise MoraleThis unit has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Cannon BarrageFire at Will: Cannon Barrage's fire rate increases over its duration.
    Death's Daughter: Cannon Barrage fires a mega-cannonball at the center point.
    Raise Morale: Allied units in the area gain Move Speed.
    Source: @SourceName@GateTwisted Fate is teleporting.Source: @SourceName@Gatling GunCorki's gatling gun is firing at targets in front of him.Source: @SourceName@Gatling Gun (@Stack@)This unit's Armor and Magic Resist are reduced.Source: @SourceName@Stealth WardThis unit is revealing the nearby area.Source: @SourceName@Stealth Ward ChargesThis unit has a stored number of ward charges.Source: @SourceName@GhostwalkersThis unit is currently Spectral and is able to ignore terrain collision. While in terrain, this unit gains bonus movespeed and becomes untargetable, stealthed, and silenced.Source: @SourceName@Glacial StormCryophoenix is creating a constant blizzard, draining her Mana each second.Source: @SourceName@GlobalEmptyBuffThis unit is using GlobalEmptyBuff.Source: @SourceName@ExcitedGnar is enjoying himself and has increased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@EnragedGnar is angry and on the brink of transforming.Source: @SourceName@Rage GeneGnar generates Rage while in combat and whenever he attacks. At max Rage his next ability will cause him to transform, modifying his abilities and stats for 15 seconds.

    Mini Gnar: +@f1@ Move Speed, +@f2@ Range, +@f3@% Attack Speed.

    Mega Gnar: +@f4@ Health, +@f5@ Armor, +@f6@ Magic Resist, and +@f7@ Base Attack Damage.
    StaggeredThis unit's Move Speed has been slowed after being clocked by Gnar's boomerang or boulder.Source: @SourceName@Wrekz'dGnar got mad and knocked this unit into the air.Source: @SourceName@Mega GnarGnar is fully enraged.Source: @SourceName@No Going BackGnar is about to transform.Source: @SourceName@TiredGnar is tired after raging out recently and is unable to generate Rage.Source: @SourceName@HyperGnar is moving super fast.Source: @SourceName@HyperIf Gnar hits this unit three times he will deal bonus damage.Source: @SourceName@GougedGouged deals 10 damage a second for 10 seconds, and prevents health regeneration on the target.Source: @SourceName@Happy HourGragas gains @f1@ Health (6% of his maximum Health) when he casts a spell. This effect can only occur once every 8 seconds.Barrel RollGragas can detonate his barrel.Source: @SourceName@Drunken RageGragas will deal bonus magic damage to all nearby targets with his next basic attack.Source: @SourceName@Drunken BlissGragas takes reduced damage.Source: @SourceName@True GritGraves has @f1@ bonus Armor.Source: @SourceName@New DestinyGraves' shotgun has some unique properties:
    • Double Barrel: Graves must reload when he runs out of ammo. Attack speed reduces reload time only slightly, but reduces time between attacks dramatically.
    • 12-Gauge: Attacks fire 4 bullets. Units hit take @f1@% Attack Damage + @f2@% for additional bullets. Critical strikes increase the number of bullets to 6 and damage dealt per bullet by @f4@%. Structures take @f3@% reduced damage.
    • Buckshot: Bullets cannot pass through units. Non-champions struck by multiple bullets are knocked back.
    New DestinyGraves' shotgun has some unique properties:
    • Double Barrel: Graves must reload when he runs out of ammo. Attack speed reduces reload time only slightly, but reduces time between attacks dramatically.
    • 12-Gauge: Attacks fire 4 projectiles (8 on critical strikes). Units hit take @f1@% Attack Damage + @f2@% bonus damage for each extra bullet. Structures take @f3@% reduced damage.
    • Buckshot: Bullets cannot pass through units. Non-champions struck by multiple bullets are knocked back.
    Source: @SourceName@Smoke ScreenThis unit has reduced vision and Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@QuickdrawGraves has increased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Grievous WoundsThis unit receives reduced healing.Source: @SourceName@GroundedThis unit temporarily cannot use Movement abilities.Source: @SourceName@Guardian AngelThis unit is protected by a guardian angel. It will be reborn if it dies.Source: @SourceName@PhageThis unit's Move Speed is reduced.Source: @SourceName@Hand of BaronThis unit has the favor of Baron Nashor and has the following bonuses:

    Empowered Recall
    Increased Attack Damage and Ability Power
    Nearby allied minions are vastly enhanced
    Source: Granted by slaying Baron NashorHand of BaronThis unit has increased Attack and Defense for each nearby friendly champion.Hand of BaronThis unit has the favor of Baron Nashor and has the following bonuses:

    Empowered Recall
    Increased Attack Damage and Ability Power
    Nearby allied minions are upgraded and gain bonus Attack and Defense for every nearby champion with the Hand of Baron.
    Source: Granted by slaying Baron NashorGlimpse of the VoidThis unit has recently collected the Eye of the Herald and can summon the Herald to siege enemy turrets.

    The Glimpse of the Void also grants Empowered Recall.
    Herald's LegionThis minion is being empowered by a nearby champion empowered by the Doom's Eve and has upgraded abilities.Source: Nearby Allied Champion with 'Doom's Eve'TenacityThe duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, snares, silences, blinds and immobilizes on this unit is reduced by @f1@%.Source: @SourceName@Weakened SoulThis unit has been revived recently by Guardian Angel and cannot be revived again by Guardian Angel for a short while.Source: @SourceName@GhostThis unit's Move Speed is increased.Source: @SourceName@Haunting GuiseThis unit is dealing more damage over time.Source: @SourceName@HeadbuttThis unit is airborne, it can take no actions.Source: @SourceName@HeadshotCaitlyn Headshots targets she has trapped or netted. Additionally, she gains a free headshot every @f1@ basic attacks; attacks while in brush count as 2.

    • Deal +@f2@% Attack Damage bonus damage, increased by Critical Strike Chance (+@f5@% extra to non-champions)
    • Have double range against trapped or netted targets
    HeadshotCaitlyn Headshots targets she has trapped or netted. Additionally, she gains a free headshot every @f1@ basic attacks; attacks while in brush count as 2.

    • Deal +@f2@% Attack Damage as bonus damage, increased by Critical Strike Chance (@f5@ to non-champions)
    • Have double range against trapped or netted targets
    Recently HealedThis unit has recently been healed by a summoner. If healed by an allied summoner, their heal is diminished by 50%.Source: @SourceName@Deadly PhalanxThis unit will explode in @f4@ seconds, slowing nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@Health PotionRestoring Health every second.Source: @SourceName@Spirit of DreadThis unit is taking damage over time. Any damage this unit takes heals Hecarim.Source: @SourceName@WarpathHecarim gains Attack Damage equal to @f2@% of his bonus Move Speed.

    Current Attack Damage Bonus: @f1@
    Devastating ChargeHecarim is gaining speed and can move through units. His next attack will deal bonus damage based on distance traveled and knock back the target.Source: @SourceName@Charge!Hecarim's next attack will launch him at the target and knock the enemy backwards.Source: @SourceName@RampageHecarim can cast Rampage.Source: @SourceName@RampageHecarim's Rampage skill has its damage increased and Cooldown reduced for each stack of this buff.Source: @SourceName@Spirit of DreadHecarim has increased Armor and Magic Resist. Hecarim is damaging nearby enemies and healing when they take damage.Source: @SourceName@Hextech AffinityGain @f1@% Move Speed while near allied towers and turrets deployed by Heimerdinger.Eureka!Heimerdinger has solved the problem of having enemies who are still alive. Using careful experimentation, he has adjusted their 'alive' status. FOR SCIENCE!Source: @SourceName@Hextech TurretHeimerdinger's Turrets are immune to Lifesteal and Spell Vamp but receive 40% extra damage from Towers and Champion melee attacks.

    Turrets shut down 8 seconds after Heimerdinger leaves the area. Shut down Turrets take double damage from all sources.
    Source: @SourceName@Turret OperationalThis turret is close enough to Heimerdinger to be active.Source: @SourceName@Harder, Better, Faster, StrongerHeimerdinger's next spell is much more powerful.Source: @SourceName@H-28Q Apex TurretHeimerdinger's Apex Turret is operational. It charges beams twice as fast, slows targets, has immunity to crowd control, has bonus health and damage, and its attacks have area of effect.Source: @SourceName@H-28Q Apex TurretThis unit has been slowed by the massive impact of an H-28Q Apex Turret.Source: @SourceName@H-28G Evolution Turret StockpileThe number of Turret Kits at Heimerdinger's disposal. Source: @SourceName@Prophecy of the VoidThis unit has doubled warding trinket cooldown.

    After five minutes are spent without allies nearby become an Augur of the Void. The Augur has massively increased health regeneration and Move Speed when out of combat.

    Prophecy of the Void grants Empowered Recall.
    Herald ChargeThis unit has been pushed aside by the Rift Herald.EmpoweredThe blade is absorbing magical damage.Source: @SourceName@SatedThe blade's thirst for magical energy has been sated.Source: @SourceName@Gunblade's StingThis unit's movement is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Hextech Sweeper: RevealedThis unit can be seen by the opposing team.Source: @SourceName@HighlanderMaster Yi's Move Speed and Attack Speed are increased and he cannot be slowed.Source: @SourceName@Howling Abyss Aura+70 Summoner Spell Haste
    Increased Mana Regeneration
    Gain Experience Passively
    Healing Effects on Allies are 50% as Effective
    Nearby Enemy Minion Deaths Grant 6 Gold{{ game_buff_tooltip_HowlingAbyssAura_MeleeMagicResist_@f16@ }}
    Source: @SourceName@Showdown Aura
    This unit has:
    15% Reduced Healing
    50% Reduced Health From Level-Ups
    +70 Summoner Spell Haste
    Regenerate 0.2% Missing Mana Per Second
    A Limit Of Two Total Doran's Items

    Source: @SourceName@
    This unit's heals are @f12@% as effective.
    As a melee champion, gain 10 bonus Magic Resistance.HomestartThis unit has greatly increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Howling GaleJanna can activate Howling Gale to release her whirlwind.Source: @SourceName@I am but a VesselThis unit is a Vessel and will be attacked by nearby Tentacles. Vessels will also periodically spawn Tentacles on nearby impassible terrain.Source: @SourceName@Prophet of an Elder GodIllaoi draws the presence of her god, spawning a Tentacle on nearby impassible terrain if no other Tentacles are nearby (@f1@ second cooldown). Tentacles will not attack on their own, but can be made to Slam by Illaoi's abilities.

    Slam deals @f2@ (+@f3@) (+@f5@) physical damage. If Slam damages one or more enemy champions, Illaoi is healed for @f4*100@% of her missing health.

    Enemies hit by multiple Slams at once take 50% damage beyond the first.
    Tentacles last until killed or Illaoi is out of range for 1 minute.
    Leap of FaithIllaoi's Harsh Lesson has a reduced cooldown.Source: @SourceName@Slowed!This unit has been slowed.Source: @SourceName@Harsh LessonIllaoi's next basic attack gains additional range, causes her to dash to her target, and deals bonus physical damage. On hit, nearby Tentacles will also swing at the target.Source: @SourceName@Infected Cleaver SlowThis unit's Move Speed is reduced.Source: @SourceName@Command: TibbersTibbers is summoned to do Annie's bidding for 45 seconds.Source: @SourceName@Tibbers' FlameTibbers deals magic damage to all nearby enemy units every second.Source: @SourceName@Innervating Locket AuraNearby friendly champions have increased mana regeneration.Source: @SourceName@Innervating LocketThis unit has increased mana regeneration.Source: @SourceName@Innervating LocketThis unit is restoring 10 Mana per second.Source: @SourceName@Insanity PotionSinged has incredibly boosted stats.Source: @SourceName@MarkedBladesurge's cooldown resets if it targets this unit.Source: @SourceName@Ionian FervorWhen Irelia hits enemies with her abilities, she gains a stack of Ionian Fervor for @f3@ seconds. Her basic attacks deal @f1@ bonus magic damage per stack.

    At max (@f4@) stacks, Ionian Fervor also grants @f2@% Attack Speed and deals @f6@% damage to shields.

    Ionian Fervor's duration is refreshed when Irelia attacks a champion or large monster.
    An ability will grant multiple stacks if it hits multiple champions.
    Source: @SourceName@Ionian FervorIrelia has extra Attack Speed and gains bonus damage with her basic attacks at maximum stacks.Source: @SourceName@DisarmedThis unit cannot basic attack.Source: @SourceName@Defiant DanceIrelia takes reduced damage.Source: @SourceName@Locket of the Iron SolariThis champion has increased health regeneration.Source: @SourceName@Iron Solari ShieldThis unit is absorbing damage.Source: @SourceName@EclipsedThis unit has been recently shielded by Locket of the Iron Solari. If shielded by this item again by another ally, their shield is diminished by 75%.Source: @SourceName@Pirate HunterYarr! I'm a mighty Pirate... hunter!Source: @SourceName@NinjaThis unit is a flippin' Ninja.Source: @SourceName@MetallicizeThis unit has increased Health but deals reduced damage.Source: @SourceName@Teamfight Item BuffThis unit's Armor and Magic Resist is increased by this count.Source: @SourceName@FrenzyThis unit's Attack Speed is increased and attacks deal additional on-hit magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Redemption OveruseThis unit will have reduced healing from Redemption for a while.Source: @SourceName@Redemption OveruseThis unit will take reduced damage from Redemption for a while.Source: @SourceName@Atma's ReckoningThis unit is gaining Attack Damage based on its Maximum Health.Source: @SourceName@Bloodthirster HungersBloodthirster is hungry for more death and destruction. The shield is rapidly fading as the hunger grows.Source: @SourceName@BloodthirsterBloodthirster is engorged on blood. This excess life blocks incoming damage for this champion.Source: @SourceName@Bloodthirster SatedBloodthirster is engorged on blood. This excess life blocks incoming damage for this champion.Source: @SourceName@Banshee's RegenerationThis unit has recently taken damage and is regenerating Health.Source: @SourceName@Razor GuardianThis unit is bleeding for a percentage of current Health.Source: @SourceName@Chilling SmiteThis unit's movement is increased.Source: @SourceName@RevealedThis unit is being revealed.Source: @SourceName@Crystalline FlaskThis unit is restoring Health and Mana.Source: @SourceName@Potion RegenerationThis unit is recovering Health over time.Source: @SourceName@Crystalline FlaskCrystalline flask is available for use.Source: @SourceName@Potion RegenerationThis unit is recovering Health and Mana over time.Source: @SourceName@Corrupting RegenerationThis unit is recovering Health and Mana over time. Their attacks will burn enemies for light magic damage over time.Source: @SourceName@Touch of CorruptionThis unit suffers magic damage over time after having been attacked by someone with Touch of Corruption.Source: @SourceName@This unit suffers magic damage over time after having been attacked by someone with Touch of Corruption.Source: @SourceName@Touch of CorruptionDeath's DanceDamage taken has been delayed over 3 seconds... but Death always takes their due.Source: @SourceName@Dervish BladeThis unit has massively increased Move Speed for a short time.

    Vroom Vroom!
    Source: @SourceName@DisabledThis trap has been disabled and will not trigger while disabled.RegenerationThis unit is regenerating health.Source: @SourceName@BlackoutThis unit is wrapped in shadows and will reveal invisible traps and reveal / disable wards when seen.Source: @SourceName@BlackoutThis has been seen and is now blacking out nearby enemy wards and traps.Source: @SourceName@NightstalkerThis unit has just emerged from the shadows and will deal bonus physical damage on their next attack.Source: @SourceName@DisabledThis turret has been disabled and cannot attack for a short time.Source: @SourceName@Feral Flare UnleashedThe Feral Flare is devouring monsters and champions and ponies.BurningThis unit is burning.Stealth WardThis ward is revealing the nearby area.Source: @SourceName@Stealth Ward - ChargeStealth Ward(s) are available.Source: @SourceName@GLP-800This unit's Move Speed has been reduced greatly but will recover gradually.Source: @SourceName@InnervateThis champion is recovering missing Health and Mana.Source: @SourceName@Burning! Dealing magic damage per second.Monster HunterThis unit will receive reduced gold and experience from lane minions because more than 40% of their gold has come from minions.Jungle Stats Tracking BuffLevel 3 (''First Clear'') Stats: @f3@ seconds with @f4@% Health remaining
    Were there leftover potions (Yes = 1 / No = 0)? @f5@
    Level 4: @f1@ seconds
    Level 6: @f2@ seconds
    Level 11: @f7@ seconds
    Large Monsters Killed (Friendly / Enemy): @f6@ + @f8@ = @f12@ Total

    Early Mid Stats (Stops tracking after Level 8)
    Times entering combat vs. Champions: @f9@
    Times seen by direct enemy vision: @f10@
    Number of completed Recalls: @f11@
    Source: @SourceName@BleedingThis unit is bleeding damage over time and being revealed.Source: @SourceName@Spell EchoThis unit is gaining charges when moving or casting spells. When fully charged, their next damaging spell hit will deal bonus damage and affect other nearby units.Source: @SourceName@Luden's EchoGains charges upon moving or casting. When fully charged, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal magic damage to the target and nearby units.Source: @SourceName@Unleashing the Feral FlareAccumulating power on kills or assists of champions and kills of large monsters.MercurialThis unit has massively increased Move Speed for a short time.

    Vroom Vroom!
    Source: @SourceName@RejuvenatingRestoring Health every second.Source: @SourceName@Explorer WardThis ward is revealing the nearby area.Source: @SourceName@Health DrainSuffering magic damage every second as its health is being stolen.Source: @SourceName@RegeneratingYou are regaining health and mana each second while under attack from neutral monsters.Source: @SourceName@Mikael's BlessingThis unit is immune to movement slows and slowing effects.Source: @SourceName@Mikael's TrailA successful cleanse of negative effects has granted this unit with increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@RageThis unit has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@HastedThis unit has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Phantom Dancer - Spectral WaltzThis unit is ghosted and moving faster.Source: @SourceName@Item: PickpocketThis unit has recently picked an enemy's pocket and cannot do it again.
    Gold Earned: @f1@
    Poached@Effect4Amount@ seconds between poachings.Source: @SourceName@VanquishThis unit's Move Speed is increased while moving towards enemies.Source: @SourceName@Legion Aura - BulwarkThis unit has increased Armor, Magic Resist, and Health Regeneration.Source: @SourceName@Legion Aura - BulwarkNearby allied units have increased Armor, Magic Resist, and Health Regeneration.Source: @SourceName@Seraph's EmbraceThis unit is shielded from @f1@ damage.Source: @SourceName@HeadhunterYour next damaging spell will deal bonus physical damage.Source: @SourceName@HeadhunterHeadhunter is on cooldown.Source: @SourceName@ChallengedThis unit takes additional true damage when hit by challenging champion. This unit deals 10% less damage to the challenging champion.Devastating SmiteThis unit's Smite spell deals bonus damage when targeting a Champion from killing large monsters.

    Damage to Champions: @f1@
    Unchained HeartYour Smite can target champions.SlowedThis unit is moving more slowly.Spear of Shojin - Awakened Dragon AttackYour next basic attack will grant Awakened Dragon.Source: @SourceName@Spear of Shojin - Awakened DragonThis unit has 50% bonus Attack Speed and is refunding @f1@% of their non-ultimate cooldowns per attack.Source: @SourceName@Spectre's RegenerationThis unit has recently taken damage and is regenerating health.Source: @SourceName@ConservationOn killing the next Large or Epic monster, gain gold equal to the number of Conservation stacks up to 40.Source: @SourceName@Zeke's FlameThis unit is burning, taking magic damage every second.Source: @SourceName@Zeke's InfernoThis unit's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage over time.Source: @SourceName@Frost-tamed FlameA destructive harmony of ice and fire deals magic damage to nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@Zeke's BlizzardThis unit slows nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@Statikk ShankThis unit is building up electric charge. When fully charged, this unit's next attack will deal additional magic damage to up to 4 enemies.Source: @SourceName@EnergizedThis unit is building up charges. When fully charged, this unit's next attack will have effects based on their Energized items and runes.Source: @SourceName@Statikk ShivThis unit is charging up damage for its next attack.Source: @SourceName@Scavenging SmiteThis unit has greatly increased Move Speed that decays over a short period of time.Zz'rot Portal PowerYou gain increased Attack Damage and Ability Power while near allied Zz'rot Portals.Void Commander's Selfish ConquestThis unit was recently marked for conquest by a voidspawn's owner. It takes reduced damage from all other voidspawn not belonging to the original owner.Point RunnerThis unit has increased Move Speed around turrets.Wraith's CurseThis unit is slowed and is revealed to the enemy team.Source: @SourceName@Unleashing the Feral FlareThe Feral Flare will break free of the lantern upon reaching 30 kills or assists of champions and kills of large monsters. Harbinger of FireThis unit's basic attacks will become empowered with fire after its bound ally casts their ultimate.Source: @SourceName@Harbinger of FrostIf this unit casts its ultimate near its bound ally, it will unleash a frost storm.Source: @SourceName@Lost ChapterThis unit is rapidly regaining Mana.Source: @SourceName@TriggerseedThis unit has been shielded.Source: @SourceName@Friend of the ForestIvern has placed a grove on this camp.Source: @SourceName@RootedThis unit has been rooted.Source: @SourceName@Daisy!Being pummeled by Daisy.Source: @SourceName@Daisy Smash!Knocked up.Source: @SourceName@Daisy!Daisy is helping Ivern.Source: @SourceName@BrushmakerIvern has bonus damage on attacks.Source: @SourceName@Jack In The BoxThis unit will attack nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@Cyclone StrikeThis unit has increased attack damage.Source: @SourceName@CataclysmJarvan vaults through the air. When he lands, his enemy target will be surrounded by an impassable barrier.Demacian StandardThis unit has bonus Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Dragon StrikeThis unit's Armor has been reduced.Source: @SourceName@Dragon Strike: Knocked UpThis unit has been knocked up.Source: @SourceName@Golden AegisJarvan IV has a shield that absorbs @f1@ Damage.Source: @SourceName@Martial CadenceThe first basic attack on an enemy deals @f2@% of their current Health as bonus physical damage (max: 400 damage). This effect cannot occur again on the same enemy for @f1@ seconds.Martial CadenceThis unit has been hit by Jarvan IV's Martial Cadence, and cannot be hit by it again for a short duration.Source: @SourceName@Dragon StrikeThis unit's Armor has been lowered by Jarvan IV's Strike Through ability.Source: @SourceName@Jax has increased Amor and Magic Resist.EvasionJax is dodging all incoming attacks and takes reduced damage from area of affect abilities.Source: @SourceName@Relentless AssaultJax's basic attacks increase his Attack Speed by @f1@% for 2.5 seconds. This effect stacks up to 8 times and the stacks fall off one at a time.Relentless AssaultJax gains @f1@% Attack Speed every time he attacks an enemy for 2.5 seconds (Max 8 stacks).Source: @SourceName@Relentless AssaultJax has @f1@% increased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Relentless AssaultJax's next strike deals bonus Magic Damage.Source: @SourceName@Acceleration GateThis unit has greatly increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Hyper ChargeJayce's has greatly increased Attack Speed for his next several attacks.Source: @SourceName@Mercury Hammer: ChargedJayce's next strike deals additional magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Mercury Cannon: ChargedJayce's next strike reduces the target's Armor and Magic Resist.Source: @SourceName@Mercury CannonThis unit has reduced Armor and Magic Resist.Source: @SourceName@Mercury CannonJayce is wielding the Mercury Cannon and is ranged.Source: @SourceName@Mercury HammerJayce is wielding the Mercury Hammer and is melee.Source: @SourceName@Lightning FieldJayce is dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@Lotus TrapThis trap activates when stepped on, revealing and slowing everything nearby before exploding in a flurry of serrated petals.Source: @SourceName@Shredding PetalsThis unit has been slowed by one of Jhin's traps and will take massive damage if it sticks around.Source: @SourceName@Whisper
    Death in 4 Acts - Jhin's hand cannon has a fixed attack speed (@f5@) and can be fired 4 times before needing to be reloaded. The 4th bullet always crits and deals bonus damage equal to @f9@% of the target's missing health.

    Every Moment Matters - Critical Strike Chance and Bonus Attack Speed have special scaling:
    • Attack Damage is increased by @f8@ (@f2@% (+@f4@%) (+@f3@%) of total AD).
    • Jhin's Crits deal @f10@% reduced damage but grant him @f15@% (+@f6@%) Move Speed for 2 seconds.
    FinaleThis unit's next attack will crit and deal bonus execute damage.Source: @SourceName@Perfection!This unit recently crit and has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Caught OutThis unit has been revealed by Jhin's traps or ultimate.Source: @SourceName@CrippledThis unit has been massively slowed by one of Jhin's super shots.Source: @SourceName@SpottedThis unit is rooted in place.Source: @SourceName@AgitatedAnd you thought Vi was obnoxious....Source: @SourceName@Catch me if you can!Cait and Vi are chasing you. How fun!

    Cops Outsmarted: @f1@
    Catch me if you can!Jinx is causing chaos again. How obnoxious...

    Criminals Apprehended: @f1@
    Fire!This unit has been lit on fire by Jinx and is taking Magic Damage.Source: @SourceName@Flame ChomperThis is a Flame Chomper. Do not step on it.Source: @SourceName@Gotcha!This unit has been immobilized by a Flame Chomper and is almost certainly on fire.Source: @SourceName@ManiaJinx is super hyped and has massively increased Move Speed and Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@FishbonesJinx is using her rocket launcher. Attacks cost Mana, but gain bonus range and damage, as well as splash.Source: @SourceName@Pow-PowJinx is using her minigun. Attacking grants Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Rev'd UpJinx's minigun has increased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Zap'd!This unit got hit by the Zapper! Jinx and her team can see it.Source: @SourceName@ImpatienceIf a Monster's patience is fully depleted, it will ignore all enemies, begin regenerating health, and attempt to return to its spawn. Jungle Monsters recover their Patience once they are back at their Spawn.

    Monsters lose patience if they can't find their target, if they switch targets, or if their current target is far away from the Monster's initial spawn. (This distance is calculated by walking travel distance, rather than straight line distance.)
    Source: @SourceName@SpellbladeThe next basic attack will deal magic damage to the target. If the target is a monster, it will also deal magic damage in an area around the target.Source: @SourceName@TributeSpells and basic attacks against champions or buildings grant Gold per unique spell cast.Source: @SourceName@TributeSpells and basic attacks against champions or buildings deal additional magic damage and grant Gold per unique spell cast.Source: @SourceName@SuperchargeKai'Sa has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@SuperchargeKai'Sa has increased attack speed.Source: @SourceName@Evolution: SuperchargeKai'Sa now becomes Invisible when she casts Supercharge.Source: @SourceName@SuperchargeKai'Sa is invisible to enemy units.Source: @SourceName@Second SkinCaustic Wounds - Kai'Sa's basic attacks stack Plasma for @f4@ seconds and deal @f1@ (+@f7@) + (@f2@ (+@f5@) per stack) bonus magic damage. Kai'Sa's attacks detonate Plasma at @f10@ stacks, dealing bonus damage equal to @f3@ (+@f6@)% of the target's missing health (max: @f8@ against monsters).

    Allies' immobilizing effects on champions also add @f9@ stack of Plasma.

    Living Weapon - Kai'Sa's suit adapts to her choices, evolving her abilities based on permanent stats from Items and Champion Levels.
    Caustic WoundsKai'Sa deals bonus magic damage to this unit.Source: @SourceName@Evolution: Icathian RainIcathian Rain now launches extra missiles.Source: @SourceName@Killer InstinctKai'Sa is shielded from damage.Source: @SourceName@Void SeekerKai'Sa has True Sight of this unit.Source: @SourceName@Evolution: Void SeekerVoid Seeker now triggers extra stacks of passive on hit, additionally reducing the cooldown on champion hit.Source: @SourceName@OathswornWhen you or Kalista both basic attack the same target within 1.5 seconds, she deals @Effect2Amount@% of their max health as magic damage. @Effect7Amount@ second cooldown per target.

    Kalista's ultimate will pull you to her. Clicking any mouse button will cause you to fly out in a direction, knocking up the first enemy champion you strike.Source: @SourceName@OathswornThis unit has been struck down and is protected for 10 seconds.Source: @SourceName@OathswornWhen Kalista and her Oathsworn both basic attack the same target, she deals @Effect2Amount@% of their max health as magic damage. @Effect7Amount@ second cooldown per target.Source: @SourceName@RendYour spears stick in their target.Source: @SourceName@RendThe champion is pierced with a spear.Source: @SourceName@Martial PoiseEnter a movement command while winding up Kalista's basic attack or Pierce to lunge a short distance when she launches her attack.

    Lunge distance scales with boot tier.

    Kalista's basic attacks have unique drawbacks. They:
    • Cannot be cancelled;
    • Miss if her target leaves vision;
    • Deal only 90% of her total attack damage.
    OathswornWhen Kalista and her Oathsworn both basic attack the same target within 1.5 seconds, she deals @f1@% of their max health as magic damage. 10 second cooldown per target.

    Kalista's ultimate will pull the Oathsworn to her. Then, when the Oathsworn clicks any mouse button, they will fly out in a direction, knocking up the first enemy champion struck.
    Source: @SourceName@OathswornKallista's ally is within rangeSource: @SourceName@Knocked UpThis unit is Airborne!Source: @SourceName@Fate's CallYour mouse click will cause you to fly toward target position, knocking up enemy champions hit.Source: @SourceName@Fate's CallYour Oathsworn is choosing where to fly, knocking up enemy champions hit.Source: @SourceName@RevealedYou have been seen by Kalista's Sentinel and are revealed for 4 seconds.Source: @SourceName@Globe of TrustAbsorbing damage and generating gold for the shield's caster.Source: @SourceName@MantraKarma's next ability is empowered, giving it a bonus effect.Source: @SourceName@MantraKarma is able to utilize Mantra to empower her next basic ability.Source: @SourceName@Mantra ReadyKarma's next spellcast will be empowered.Source: @SourceName@Mantra RechargeKarma is gathering a new charge of Mantra.Source: @SourceName@Spirit Bond HasteThis unit is moving faster.Source: @SourceName@RenewalDamage dealt to this unit heals Karma.Source: @SourceName@Gathering FireReduces Mantra's cooldown by @f1@ seconds each time Karma damages an enemy champion with one of her abilities (@f2@ second reduction on basic attacks).Source: @SourceName@InspiredVroom Vroom!Source: @SourceName@Inner FlameThis unit is slowed.Source: @SourceName@SoulflareThis unit glows with an awesome power.Source: @SourceName@InspireThis unit is shielded from damage.Source: @SourceName@Spirit LinkThis unit is linked to Karma and will be rooted if the link is not broken.Source: @SourceName@ShackledThis unit is rooted.Source: @SourceName@DefileKarthus is draining his Mana to damage nearby enemies each second.Source: @SourceName@RequiemThis unit is about to take damage.Source: @SourceName@VoracityWhenever an enemy champion dies that Katarina has damaged in the last 3 seconds, her ability cooldowns are reduced by 15 seconds.

    If Katarina picks up a Dagger, she uses it to slash through all nearby enemies, dealing @f1@ (+@f2@) (+@f3@) magic damage.
    PreparationKatarina has increased Move Speed while her Dagger is in the air.Source: @SourceName@Shadow Assassin ReadyKayn is ready to become the Shadow Assassin.Shadow StepKayn is moving through terrain. Entering combat shortens this effect.Source: @SourceName@The Darkin ScytheKayn has empowered his scythe with shadow magic by damaging an enemy champion. For a short time, he will deal increased damage.Source: @SourceName@Umbral TrespassThis unit is temporarily hosting Kayn. Kayn is untargetable while in Umbral Trespass.Source: @SourceName@Umbral TrespassKayn is untargetable while in Umbral Trespass.Source: @SourceName@Darkin ReadyKayn is ready to become the Darkin.Electrical Surge @Stack@ Kennen will deal a special attack upon reaching 4 stacks of this.Source: @SourceName@Electrical Surge @Stack@Kennen will deal extra damage and add a Mark of the Storm to his opponent every 5 attacks.Source: @SourceName@Electrical SurgeKennen's next attack will deal bonus damage and add a Mark of the Storm.Source: @SourceName@Lightning Rush Kennen cannot attack, but has increased Move Speed and damages any enemy he touches.Source: @SourceName@Lightning Rush Kennen has bonus attack speed.Source: @SourceName@Mark of the Storm (@Stack@) This unit will be stunned if it reaches 3 stacks of Mark of the Storm.Source: @SourceName@Lighting StruckThis unit will receive a reduced stun effect if stunned again by Mark of the Storm.Source: @SourceName@Shuriken StormKennen has a storm surrounding him, dealing damage and adding a Mark of the Storm to all nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@Evolution: WingsIncreases Leap's range by 200. On champion kill or assist, Leap's cooldown resets.Source: @SourceName@The Hunt is On!Kha'Zix must kill Rengar first to become the ultimate predator. (Assists count.)

    ''I have grown and adapted since I took his eye. I will feast on lion!'' - Kha'Zix
    Defeat!''Rengar has slain his otherworldly nemesis Kha'Zix, proving to the world that he is the ultimate hunter.''Defeat!''Kha'Zix has slain his bestial nemesis Rengar, evolving into the ultimate predator.''The Hunt is On!Rengar must kill Kha'Zix first to become the ultimate hunter. (Assists count.)

    ''This twisted monster has evaded me for too long. I will have his head!'' - Rengar
    Victory!''Kha'Zix has slain his bestial nemesis Rengar, evolving into the ultimate predator.''Victory!''Rengar has slain his otherworldly nemesis Kha'Zix, proving to the world that he is the ultimate hunter.''Unseen ThreatKha'Zix's next basic attack against a champion deals bonus magic damage and slows.Source: @SourceName@Unseen ThreatNearby enemies that are Isolated from their allies are marked. Kha'Zix's abilities have interactions with Isolated targets.

    When Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, he gains Unseen Threat, causing his next basic attack against an enemy champion to deal @f1@ (+@f2@) bonus magic damage and slow them by @f3@% for 2 seconds.
    Taste Their Fear (Isolated)Taste Their Fear deals bonus damage to targets Isolated away from their allies.Source: @SourceName@Evolution: Reaper ClawsTaste Their Fear refunds a portion of it's cooldown against Isolated targets. Increases the range of Taste Their Fear and Kha'Zix's basic attacks.Source: @SourceName@Void Assault: ChargesKha'Zix may re-enter Invisibility.Source: @SourceName@Evolution: Adaptive CloakingVoid Assault has increased duration, and an additional use.Source: @SourceName@Out of CombatKha'Zix is out of combat.Source: @SourceName@Void AssaultKha'Zix is Invisible and can only be revealed by nearby enemy Turrets.Source: @SourceName@Evolution: Spike RacksVoid Spike now fires three spikes in a cone and slows enemies hit. Isolated targets are slowed for extra.Source: @SourceName@Evolved Void SpikeThe enemy is Slowed by Kha'Zix. Isolated enemies are Slowed more.Source: @SourceName@Spike RacksKha'Zix can see you.Source: @SourceName@Mounting DreadIf Lamb continues attacking this target, Wolf will pounce, dealing massive damage.Source: @SourceName@Mounting DreadThis unit is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Bounty: ActiveYou have an active bounty on @SourceName@. Obtaining a kill or assist on this target will collect that bounty.Source: @SourceName@Mark of the KindredThe Kindred are hunting this unit and will grow permanently stronger if they participate in killing it.Source: @SourceName@Mark of the KindredThis unit is being hunted by Kindred.Source: @SourceName@Mark of the KindredKindred have completed @f1@ hunts, enhancing their basic abilities.Source: @SourceName@Mark of the KindredKindred have targeted this unit to hunt. After a short duration, the hunt will activate.Source: @SourceName@Mark of the KindredLamb can choose a champion to hunt by clicking the champion portraits above the inventory.

    Wolf periodically hungers for and hunts enemy jungle monsters.

    Each kill or assist on hunted targets completes a hunt and empowers Kindred's basic abilities. The first @f2@ successful hunts increase Kindred's attack range by @f8@. Every @f7@ successful hunts after the first @f2@ increase their attack range by @f9@.

    Attack Range bonus = @f3@
    Dance of Arrows bonus Attack Speed = @f4@%
    Wolf's Frenzy bonus Current Health Damage = @f5@%
    Mounting Dread bonus Missing Health Damage = @f6@%
    Dance of ArrowsKindred has increased bonus Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Lamb's RespiteLiving things inside Lamb's Respite cannot fall below 10% health.Source: @SourceName@Hunter's VigorAt 100 stacks, Kindred's next attack restores health.Source: @SourceName@Wolf's FrenzyWolf is attacking enemies within his territory.Source: @SourceName@Kindred's DomainThis unit is in Kindred's hunting territory, allowing Lamb to attack them from any range within the territory.Source: @SourceName@Wolf's HungerThis unit has been maimed by Wolf. Its Move Speed is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Kindred's DomainLamb is in Wolf's territory, greatly increasing her attack range against prey within the territory.Source: @SourceName@The Poro KingThe Poro King has come!

    The Poro King absorbs any Poros thrown by the enemy team.
    He will periodically heal nearby allied champions' health and mana.
    Allied champions can feed Poro Snax to the King for various effects.
    Allied champions can use the spell "To the King!" to dash to the Poro King from anywhere on the map.

    ''The Poro King is a legend. A myth. A dream within a dream. He is also standing right next to you.''
    Source: @SourceName@JoustingKled can dash back through his initial target, dealing the same damage.Source: @SourceName@JoustingThis unit is marked for another round of Jousting.Source: @SourceName@JoustingThis unit's Move Speed is increased.Source: @SourceName@Cavalry is hereSkaarl is coming!Source: @SourceName@Skaarl, the Cowardly LizardMounted: Skaarl takes damage instead of Kled. When Skaarl's health depletes, Kled dismounts. Bonus health applies to Skaarl only.

    Dismounted: Kled's abilities change. He gains @f3@ Move Speed toward enemy champions, but deals 80% damage to enemy champions with his basic attacks.

    Kled restores Skaarl's courage by killing enemy champions and minions and attacking champions, structures, and epic monsters. At 100 courage, Kled remounts with @f2*100@% of Skaarl's health.
    Frayed NervesSkaarl is afraid and cannot restore courage.Source: @SourceName@Bear Trap on a RopeKled has hit this target with a bear trap. Flee before he yanks your champion to him and slows you!Source: @SourceName@Bear Trap on a RopeKled has hit this target with a bear trap. Run away before he yanks you to him and slows you!Source: @SourceName@Mr. Kled's Wild RideAllies get a massive speed boost along the direction of the trail.Source: @SourceName@Chaaaaaaaarge!!!Kled builds a shield while charging.Source: @SourceName@Kled and SkaarlBest team ever.Source: @SourceName@Violent TendenciesKled gains massive attack speed for four attacks. The fourth attack deals more damage.Source: @SourceName@Knight's VowThis unit has pledged loyalty to an ally.
    Damage Redirected: @f1@
    Healing Received: @f2@
    Source: @SourceName@Knight's VowThis unit is protected by the vow of an ally.Source: @SourceName@Bio-Arcane BarrageKog'Maw has increased attack range and his attacks deal a percent of the target's maximum health as magic damage.Source: @SourceName@HungryKog'Maw has recently cast Bio-Arcane Barrage. If he casts it again, he will be slowed and incur health penalties.Source: @SourceName@Caustic ErosionThis target has reduced Armor and Magic Resist.Source: @SourceName@Icathian SurpriseUpon dying, Kog'Maw starts a chain reaction in his body which causes him to detonate after 4 seconds, dealing @f1@ true damage to surrounding enemies.Icathian SurpriseKog'Maw is about to explode, dealing damage to nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@Icathian Surprise: RUN!!!RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!Source: @SourceName@Living ArtilleryKog'Maw's next Living Artillery will cost additional Mana.Source: @SourceName@Living ArtilleryKog'Maw's team has vision of this unit.Source: @SourceName@Void OozeThis unit has reduced Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Ground Slam DebuffThis unit's Attack Speed is reduced.Source: @SourceName@Last WhisperThis unit deals reduced Physical and Magical damage.Source: @SourceName@Ethereal ChainsThis unit must move away from LeBlanc to break the chain and not be disabled.Source: @SourceName@Ethereal ChainsThis unit cannot move.Source: @SourceName@Mimic: Ethereal ChainsThis unit must move away from LeBlanc to break the chain and not be disabled.Source: @SourceName@Mimic: Ethereal ChainsThis unit cannot move.Source: @SourceName@Mimic: DistortionLeBlanc can return to her purple marker.Source: @SourceName@DistortionLeBlanc can return to her yellow marker.Source: @SourceName@Shield of DaybreakLeona's next melee attack will stun and deal bonus magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Solar BarrierLeona has increased Armor and Magic Resist.Source: @SourceName@IncandescenceLeona's sword is charged with the power of the sun. Her next attack has bonus range and will do bonus magic damage.Source: @SourceName@SunlightYou are marked by Leona. Leona's allies will deal additional magic damage upon striking you.Source: @SourceName@SunlightSpells afflict enemies with Sunlight for @f1@ seconds. When allied Champions deal damage to those enemies, they consume the Sunlight to deal an additional @f2@ magic damage.Zenith Blade: ImmobilizedThis unit has been immobilized.Source: @SourceName@Leviathan Armor @Stack@Increases health by @f1@.
    At 20 stacks, damage dealt to this champion is reduced by 15%.
    Source: @SourceName@Liandry's TormentThis unit is dealing more damage over time.Source: @SourceName@Lich BaneThis unit will deal bonus damage based on their ability power on its next attack.Source: @SourceName@Lifestealing AttacksThis Wraith's physical attacks steal his target's health.Source: @SourceName@Ionic Spark: ChargingIonic spark is being charged by autoattack.Source: @SourceName@Ionic Spark: ReadyIonic spark is ready to release a chain lightning.Source: @SourceName@Divine BlessingThis unit has @f1@% Critical Strike Chance for a short time or a certain number of attacks.Source: @SourceName@Glacial PathLissandra can teleport to her ice claw.Source: @SourceName@Ice ShardThis unit's Move Speed is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Frozen TombThis unit is stunned.Source: @SourceName@Frozen TombThis unit is invulnerable and untargetable.Source: @SourceName@Frozen TombThis unit has been slowed.Source: @SourceName@Ring of FrostThis unit is rooted in place.Source: @SourceName@Ashes to AshesThe Pillager's power is tied to Altar states.Source: @SourceName@LightslingerLucian's next basic attack will be a double-shot.Source: @SourceName@LightslingerAfter completing every spell cast, Lucian's next basic attack within 3 seconds will be a double-shot.

    The second shot deals @f1@ damage to enemy champions and structures, and applies on-hit effects. Minions take full damage from the second shot.
    The CullingLucian is shooting while moving.Source: @SourceName@Ardent BlazeLucian has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Ardent BlazeThis unit has been marked with Ardent Blaze. Lucian gains Move Speed for damaging this unit.Source: @SourceName@Pix's ''Assistance''Pix is following this unit, revealing this unit to his allies and being generally annoying.

    Hey! Listen!
    Source: @SourceName@Pix's AssistancePix is following this unit and shielding it from incoming damage. When this unit attacks, Pix will aid this unit instead of Lulu.Source: @SourceName@Pix, Faerie CompanionPix fires a barrage of 3 bolts, dealing @f1@ (+@f2@) magic damage total, at whomever Lulu attacks.

    These bolts are homing but can be blocked by other units.
    Source: @SourceName@GlittertranceThis unit's Move Speed is heavily reduced but they will recover over time.Source: @SourceName@Wild GrowthThis unit's health is increased and they will periodically slow nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@Lulu's AssistanceThis unit's attack and Move Speed is increased.Source: @SourceName@Lulu's ''Assistance''This unit is pacified and cannot attack or cast spells.

    This unit is also adorable.
    Source: @SourceName@Prismatic ReverieLux is charged with the power of light.Source: @SourceName@Aurora Re-chargeLux is gathering light power...Source: @SourceName@DetonateLux can detonate her Lucent Singularity.Source: @SourceName@IlluminationLux's next normal attack on this target will ignite it for damage.Source: @SourceName@IlluminationDamaging spells afflict enemies with Illumination for 6 seconds. Lux's basic attacks consume Illumination, dealing @f1@ (+@f2@) magic damage. Light BindingThis target is bound and is unable to move.Source: @SourceName@Prismatic BarrierThis unit is stealthed.Source: @SourceName@Prismatic ReverieThis unit is charged with increased Ability Power.Source: @SourceName@Prismatic BarrierThis unit is protected by a damage shield.Source: @SourceName@MaimThis unit will deal bonus damage to minions and monsters every fourth basic attack.Source: @SourceName@MaimThis unit will deal bonus damage to minions and monsters on the next basic attack.Source: @SourceName@TurretTurrets have the following bonuses:

    Can see invisible units
    30% Armor Penetration
    Deals bonus damage to Champions with each consecutive shot
    Magical SightThis ward is revealing the nearby area and can see invisible units.Source: @SourceName@Wit's End (@Stack@)This unit's Magic Resist is lowered by @f1@.Source: @SourceName@ThunderclapMalphite's basic attacks deal damage to enemies in a cone.Source: @SourceName@Brutal StrengthMalphite has increased armor.Source: @SourceName@Granite ShieldMalphite summons a shield of rock that absorbs an amount of damage equal to 10% of his maximum Health. If Malphite has not been hit, this effect will recharge after 10 seconds.

    Shield Health: @f1@
    Source: @SourceName@Granite ShieldMalphite is surrounded by a wall of stone, absorbing incoming damage.Source: @SourceName@Granite ShieldAfter not taking damage for @f2@ seconds Malphite summons a shield of rock that absorbs @f1@ (10% of his maximum Health) damage.Granite Shield CooldownGranite Shield is rebuilding.Source: @SourceName@Malefic VisionsThis unit is taking damage over time; if the target dies while afflicted, the visions pass on to a nearby enemy unit, and Malzahar gains Mana. Voidlings love to attack units experiencing Malefic Visions.Source: @SourceName@Void ShiftMalzahar is immune to crowd control and takes reduced damage. Damage from lane minions is unaffected.Source: @SourceName@Void Shift CooldownVoid Shift is on cooldown. Taking damage from non minions or being crowd controlled resets this cooldown.Source: @SourceName@Void Shift EndingVoid Shift is falling off.Source: @SourceName@Call of the VoidThis unit has been Silenced. It cannot use abilities.Source: @SourceName@Nether GraspThis unit is suppressed.Source: @SourceName@Nether GraspMalzahar is channeling to keep his target suppressed.Source: @SourceName@Zz'Rot SwarmSummons an additional Voidling the next time Void Swarm is cast.Source: @SourceName@Void SwarmNumber of Voidlings that Malzahar can summon.Source: @SourceName@FrenzyThis Voidling has frenzied, increasing its Attack Speed dramatically.Source: @SourceName@Mana Barrier ActiveBlitzcrank's Mana Barrier is active, absorbing all damage taken until the shield is broken.Source: @SourceName@Mana BarrierBlitzcrank's Mana Barrier can activate once every 90 seconds when he falls below 20% Health. This creates a Mana Shield equal to 30% of his maximum Mana that lasts up to 10 seconds.Mana BatteryThis unit's next damaging spell will have an additional 100 Ability Power.Source: @SourceName@Mana BreakThis unit's basic attacks remove mana.Source: @SourceName@Mana PotionRestoring Mana every second.Source: @SourceName@Mana Regeneration AuraNearby friendly champions have their Mana Regen increased.Source: @SourceName@Mana RegenerationThis champion's Mana Regen is increased.Source: @SourceName@Maniacal CloakThis unit is continually restealthing himself, but draining Mana.Source: @SourceName@Sapling TossThis unit is victim to an angry Brush Sapling!Source: @SourceName@Bramble SmashMaokai is knocking this unit away.Source: @SourceName@This unit has hit a champion with Nature's Grasp and has increased Move SpeedNature's GraspMaokai's roots have immobilized this unit.Source: @SourceName@Unstable RootsMaokai's roots have immobilized this unit.Source: @SourceName@March of the DamnedNasus is unleashing a torrent of hungry souls at his target.Source: @SourceName@Marksman's RifleThis unit is seen by the enemy team, cannot dodge, and has reduced Armor.Source: @SourceName@MasochismDr. Mundo receives additional Attack Damage.Source: @SourceName@StimulatedDr. Mundo receives additional magic resist.Source: @SourceName@Double StrikeEvery 4th consecutive basic attack, Master Yi strikes twice. The second strike deals 50% damage.Spoils of WarUpon killing a minion, the owner and the closest nearby allied champion gain full gold value from that kill.

    This effect requires a nearby allied champion and a charge of Spoils of War.
    Source: @SourceName@Spoils of WarUpon killing a minion, the owner and the closest nearby allied champion gain full gold value from that kill and are healed. Healing is halved if the owner is ranged.

    This effect requires a nearby allied champion and a charge of Spoils of War.
    Source: @SourceName@EnragedThis unit has increased Attack Damage, Life Steal, and Spell Vamp until exiting combat.Source: @SourceName@MeditatingMaster Yi is recovering his Health, reducing incoming damage, charging Double Strike and pausing the duration of Wuju Style and Highlander.Source: @SourceName@Mega AdhesiveThis unit is being slowed greatly and grounded while standing in the Mega Adhesive.Source: @SourceName@StuckThis Unit is rooted.Source: @SourceName@Soul Engorgement @Stack@Increases Ability Power by @f1@.
    At 20 stacks, this unit's cooldowns are reduced by 15%.
    Source: @SourceName@MindreamThis unit is being dealt Magical Damage over time.Source: @SourceName@The Eye of BaronRift Herald is vulnerable to an attack from behind.Source: @SourceName@DEBUG BUFF ONLY - Minion Tower Pushing statsLevel advantage: @f1@
    Bonus damage to minions: @f2@%
    Bonus DR vs minions: @f3@
    Source: @SourceName@Bullet Time Miss Fortune is unloading a flurry of bullets!Source: @SourceName@Love Tap Miss Fortune's basic attacks deal @f1@ bonus physical damage whenever she attacks a new target. Bonus damage is halved against minions.Love Tapped Miss Fortune's latest victim.Source: @SourceName@StrutMiss Fortune has increased Move Speed until she is hit in combat.Source: @SourceName@Guns Blazing Miss Fortune has increased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Strut CooldownMiss Fortune has taken damage and Strut is on cooldown.Source: @SourceName@Missile Barrage Ammo @Stack@Corki can use his Missile Barrage.Source: @SourceName@MissileBarrageCheck2MissileBarrageCheck2Source: @SourceName@Reloading BarrageMissile Barrage is reloading.Source: @SourceName@Mobility ReducedBonus Move Speed reduced while in combatSource: @SourceName@Tibbers Molten Shield SpeedTibbers has a decaying speed boost.Source: @SourceName@Molten ShieldThis unit is shielded and reflects damage when attacked.Source: @SourceName@DecoyWukong is Invisible and can only be revealed by nearby enemy Turrets.Source: @SourceName@Crushing BlowWukong's next attack will deal bonus damage, gain range, and reduce the Armor of his target.Source: @SourceName@Crushing BlowThis unit's Armor has been reduced.Source: @SourceName@Nimbus SpeedWukong has increased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Stone SkinArmor and Magic Resist are increased by @f1@ for each nearby enemy champion.CycloneThis unit has increased Move Speed and will damage and knockup nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@Bountiful TreasureThis unit has accumulated its maximum experience and gold reward.Source: @SourceName@Accumulating TreasureThis monster's experience and gold rewards are growing over time.Source: @SourceName@Children of the GraveThis unit is taking damage each second, and Mordekaiser is healed for the amount of damage dealt.Source: @SourceName@Dragon ForceIf Mordekaiser's team kills this unit, he will gain control over it.Source: @SourceName@The PrisonerThis unit is under the command of Mordekaiser.Source: @SourceName@Children of the Grave BuffMordekaiser has taken control of an enemy's spirit, gaining 25% of their bonus health (@f3@) and 30% of their Ability Power (@f2@).Source: @SourceName@Harvester of SorrowCoats an ally in magnetic metal, increasing each unit's Move Speed toward one another. While near one another, the metal swirls violently dealing damage per second to enemies.Source: @SourceName@Iron ManMordekaiser's abilities cost health, but he converts @f2@% of the magic damage they deal into a temporary shield.

  1881. Maximum shield is @f1@% of maximum health.
    The shield decays by 1.5% of base health per second when above 25% shield.
    Shield conversion is halved against minions.
  1882. Mace of SpadesMordekaiser's next three attacks deal escalating bonus damage.Source: @SourceName@Executioner's MarkThis unit is being damaged over time.Source: @SourceName@Knocked AirborneThis unit is knocked airborne.Source: @SourceName@Knocked AwayThis unit is knocked airborne.Source: @SourceName@Move QuickTeemo moves very quickly until he takes damage from a turret or champion.Source: @SourceName@Move QuickTeemo scampers around, gaining extreme Move Speed for a short time.Source: @SourceName@Move Quick CooldownTeemo has taken damage and is not moving quickly.Source: @SourceName@Blood Tribute @Stack@Increases damage by @Effect1Amount@.
    At @Effect4Amount@ stacks, this champion's Move Speed is increased by @Effect5Amount*100@%.
    Source: @SourceName@Proving Grounds AuraThis unit has:
    Increased Mana Regeneration
    Gains Experience Passively
    50% Reduced Healing Effects On Allies
    Source: @SourceName@Mushrooms StoredTeemo forages for mushrooms used in his Noxious Trap.Source: @SourceName@Event Win BonusYou've won an event! You get a one-time-use Empowered Recall, will heal instantly at the fountain, and a one-time boost to your Homeguards.Source: @SourceName@EquinoxThis unit is silenced.Source: Soraka BotEquinoxThis unit is rooted and cannot move.Source: Soraka BotSalvationSoraka Bot has increased Move Speed.Source: Soraka BotStarcallThis unit is slowed.Source: Soraka BotRejuvenationThis unit is recovering health and has increased Move Speed.Source: Soraka BotAstral InfusionThis unit has increased Armor.Source: @SourceName@SalvationSoraka Bot gains 70% bonus Move Speed when moving towards ally Champions who are below 40% Health. (Allies must be within 2500 range of Soraka Bot)Strategic Buff of Strategistic Strategery+100% Mana and Energy consumption
    +200% Cooldown Inflation on Abilities, Activated Items, and Summoner Spells
    +50% Anti-Tenacity
    +225 Move Speed Reduction
    +200% Delay between basic attacks
    Critical strikes deal 50% of total attack damage
    This unit deals critical strikes on 150% of its attacks
    Protection against superfluous decisiveness
    This unit is vulnerable to consequences
    Source: Look Before You LeapTidecaller's BlessingThis unit is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Tidecaller's BlessingThis unit's attacks deal bonus magic damage and apply a slow to the target for a short duration.Source: @SourceName@Surging TidesThis unit has increased Move Speed for a short duration.Source: @SourceName@Aqua PrisonThis unit is stunned for a short period.Source: @SourceName@Tidal WaveThis unit has been slowed massively.Source: @SourceName@Nashor's PotencyHarnessing the magical essence of Baron Nashor, your Ability Power is increased by 35 for 5 seconds.Source: @SourceName@Spirit Fire: Armor DebuffThis unit has reduced Armor.Source: @SourceName@Siphoning StrikeWhen Nasus's Siphoning Strike slays a unit, its damage permanently increases.

    Current bonus damage: @f1@
    Source: @SourceName@Fury of the SandsWhile in this form Nasus has bonus Health, damages nearby enemies, has reduced Siphoning Strike cooldown, and gains bonus Armor and Magic Resistance (currently +@f1@ bonus).Source: @SourceName@WitherThis unit's Move and Attack Speeds are becoming increasingly slowed over time.Source: @SourceName@Dragged AwayThis unit has been struck by Nautilus' anchor and cannot move.Source: @SourceName@Depth Charge TargetThis unit has been targetted by Nautilus' Depth Charge ability and is being chased by explosions.

    Staying away from this unit would probably be a good idea.
    Source: @SourceName@Depth ChargeThis unit has been struck by Nautilus and has been knocked into the air and stunned.Source: @SourceName@Dragged AwayThis unit is has been struck by Nautilus' anchor and cannot move.Source: @SourceName@Depth ChargeThis unit has been struck by Nautilus and has been knocked into the air briefly.Source: @SourceName@Staggering BlowNautilus' first basic attack against a target deals @f1@ physical damage and roots for @f2@ seconds.

    This effect cannot trigger on the same target more than once every @f3@ seconds.
    GroundedThis unit is immune to Nautilus' Staggering Blow for a short time.Source: @SourceName@Staggering BlowThis unit has been hit by Nautilus' Staggering Blow and cannot move for a short time.Source: @SourceName@WrathNautilus is shielded from incoming damage and his attacks apply a damage over time effect to nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@Splishy SplashyThis unit's Move Speed is reduced but will gradually return to normal.Source: @SourceName@Pain of WrathThis unit is taking damage over time.Source: @SourceName@Near SightedThis unit has reduced sight radius and cannot see his allies.Source: @SourceName@PassiveNeeko can disguise herself to look like an ally champion. Casting an offensive spell or taking damage from a champion or monster breaks the disguise.(@f2@ sec. cooldown)Source: @SourceName@Heal EmbargoDirect healing effects are currently only @Counter@% effective.
    Heal effectiveness will increase gradually over the course of the game.

    ''And so it was decreed by Urf, the greatest of us, that lane sustain was to be less oppressive.'' -from Chapter 3 of ''Mantras of the Manatees''
    Source: Urf, the ManateeShield OverloadThis unit has a shield that can't handle the sheer amount of awesome.
    Non-ultimate shields cast by this unit are @f1@% effective.
    Source: Don't Worry Shields Are Still AwesomeNether BladeKassadin's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Charged Nether BladeKassadin's next basic attack deals bonus magic damage and restores Mana.Source: @SourceName@Adrenaline RushDr. Mundo regenerates @f1@ health every 5 seconds (1.5% of max health).Being TrackedNidalee retains vision of all enemies she is Hunting.Source: @SourceName@ProwlMoving through brush increases Nidalee's Move Speed by 10% for 2 seconds, increased to 30% toward visible enemy champions within 1400 range.

    Damaging champions or monsters with Javelin Toss or Bushwhack causes her to Hunt these targets for 4 seconds, granting True Sight of them and Prowl's increased Move Speed toward them. Additionally, her next Takedown or Pounce are enhanced against the Hunted target.
    NimbleNidalee has greatly increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@HuntedThis unit is being Hunted by Nidalee and is seen by Nidalee and her allies.Source: @SourceName@HuntingNidalee has increased Move Speed toward Hunted champions.Source: @SourceName@Doom AmumuDoom Amumu's Despair has started making everything near him sad too. So very sad. All allied units within range of Doom Amumu cry in sympathy with him. His Curse of the Sad Mummy now also reaches further.Source: @SourceName@Doom AnnieDoom Annie can set alight nearby enemy towers and burn everything. She also brought her bear Tibbers. Have you seen him?Source: @SourceName@Definitely Not Doom BlitzcrankDoom Blitzcrank has powered up all his systems, giving him extra Rocket Grabs, a gigantic Mana Barrier and Static Field, and a Power Fist that knocks multiple enemies into the air. But it's definitely not him, so don't worry.Source: @SourceName@Doom of the Burning VengeanceIn addition to bonus stats, Doom Brand also:
    Creates multiple Pillars of Flame around targets
    Is on fire
    Looks mean
    Source: TeemoDoom Cho'GathDoom Cho'Gath grows in power as he grows in size. As he gains stacks of Feast, his Rupture and Feral Scream grow larger.Source: @SourceName@Doom EzrealDoom Ezreal's abilities have been fragmented into multiple energy waves.Source: @SourceName@Doom FiddlesticksDoom Fiddlesticks' abilities have fragmented to become even more terrifying, and the his ghosts could be anywhere nearby where you have no vision, waiting to Crowstorm from the darkness.Source: @SourceName@Doom GalioDoom Galio's Resolute Smite and Righteous Gust have fragmented, and he will periodically create taunt zones next to nearby enemy champions.Source: @SourceName@Doom of the Revered InventorIn addition to bonus stats, Doom Heimerdinger also:
    Passively spawns H-28G Evolution Turrets near him
    Causes H-28G Evolution Turrets to shoot in multiple directions
    Changes Hextech Micro-Rockets to return along their trajectories
    Modifies CH-2 Electron Storm Grenades to fragment on detonation
    Is smarter than you are
    Source: TeemoDoom of the Radiant DawnIn addition to bonus stats, Doom Leona also:
    Shields nearby minions with Eclipse when cast
    Passively generates Eclipses near her
    Calls down massive Solar Flares
    Praises the sun
    Source: TeemoDoom of the Fae SorceressIn addition to bonus stats, Doom Lulu also:
    Places up to five additional Pix, Faerie Companions on nearby allies
    Causes all nearby Pixes to randomly cast Whimsy when she does
    Makes all nearby allied champions grow when Wild Growth is cast
    Knows what colors taste like
    Source: TeemoDoom LuxDoom Lux's abilities have been fragmented into multiple light beams.Source: @SourceName@Doom MalzaharDoom Malzahar's abilities have fragmented, and he's brought extra voidlings with him from the void.Source: @SourceName@Doom WukongDoom Wukong's Nimbus Strike creates additional clones which knock enemies into the air when disappearing. His Cyclone also summons Decoys that spin alongside him.Source: @SourceName@Doom MorganaDoom Morgana's Dark Binding has fragmented and also added to her Tormented Soil.Source: @SourceName@Bonus Doom: Twilight ShroudThis champion creates a smoke cloud in an area for a short time. While within the cloud, this champion is stealthed and gains bonus armor and magic resistance. Attacking or using abilities will reveal them briefly. Enemies inside the smoke are slowed.Source: @SourceName@Curse: Devilish DuplicatesThis Bot will disguise itself as Little Devil Teemo as long as it hasn't taken Champion damage for 2 seconds.Source: TeemoCurse: Devilish DuplicatesI wonder who this could be...Source: Definitely Not @SourceName@Bonus Doom: Aegis ProtectionAfter auto-attacking or using an ability 4 times, this champion will block the next incoming turret attack or basic attack from an enemy champion, siege minion or large monster.Source: @SourceName@Bonus Doom: HallucinateWhenever this champion is below 40% health, they create a clone of themselves, which explodes when dying dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@Bonus Doom: HallucinateThis champion has recently created a clone of themselves and cannot do so again for a short time.Source: @SourceName@Curse: Singed (Poison Trail)This Bot is leaving a noxious cloud behind itself. Enemies that touch it will be poisoned, taking magic damage over time.Source: TeemoBonus Doom: Blood ScentThis champion reveals enemy champions within range with less than 50% health.Source: @SourceName@Bonus Doom: Blood ScentThis unit has been detected by a Doom Bot, all enemy champions have vision of this unit.Source: @SourceName@Doom of the Yordle GunnerIn addition to bonus stats, Doom Tristana also:
    Simultaneously attacks two targets
    Passively adds Explosive Charges to minions hit
    Knocks back enemies when she lands a Rocket Jump
    Has greatly increased knockback radius on Buster Shot
    Trains dragons in her spare time
    Source: TeemoDoom of the Spirit WalkerIn addition to bonus stats, Doom Udyr also:
    Periodically marks jungle camps as claimed
    Summons unkilled monsters from claimed camps into lane after a delay
    Guards spirits or whatever
    Source: TeemoDoom VeigarDoom Veigar calls down a ring of Dark Matter around himself periodically and his abilities fragment on minions.Source: @SourceName@Doom of the UnforgivenIn addition to bonus stats, Doom Yasuo also:
    Creates whirlwinds when Resolve expires and is faster when near death
    Has increased Sweeping Blade range and lower per target cooldown
    Creates clones that use Last Breath when faraway enemies are Airborne
    Is sometimes a robot and sometimes a cowboy but never a robot cowboy
    Source: TeemoDoom of the Shepherd of SoulsIn addition to bonus stats, Doom Yorick also:
    Constantly raises hordes of Mist Walkers to fight alongside him
    Plays guitar
    Has a last name
    Source: TeemoDoom ZiggsDoom Ziggs' Mega Inferno Bomb has fragmented, and his bombs have started rolling around, chasing enemy champions.Source: @SourceName@NimblenessYour champion's Move Speed is increased by 10%.Source: @SourceName@Duskbringer: HastedNocturne has increased Move Speed and Bonus Attack Damage, and can move through units while on the Dusk Trail.Source: @SourceName@Duskbringer: Dusk TrailThis unit is leaving behind a Dusk Trail, empowering Nocturne while he is on it.Source: @SourceName@ParanoiaNocturne moves quickly to pursue his terrified opponent.Source: @SourceName@ParanoiaNocturne may activate Paranoia to charge at a nearby enemy.Source: @SourceName@ParanoiaThis unit has reduced sight radius and cannot see their allies.Source: @SourceName@Shroud of Darkness: BoostNocturne has increased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Shroud of Darkness: ShieldNocturne will block the next incoming enemy ability.Source: @SourceName@Unspeakable HorrorThis unit is taking damage and will be terrified soon.Source: @SourceName@Non-CorporealThis unit takes reduced damage from physical attacks.Source: @SourceName@Noxious TrapThis trap will detonate if an enemy steps on it, poisoning nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@Noxious TrapThis unit was poisoned by a mushroom and is taking damage.Source: @SourceName@Null SphereThis unit has a shield that absorbs magic damage.Source: @SourceName@FrozedThis unit has been rooted in place by Nunu's snow magic.Source: @SourceName@Snowball BarrageThis unit will root nearby enemies marked with Snowbound at the end of its spell.Source: @SourceName@SnowboundThis unit has been marked by Nunu and will be rooted by Willump if close enough when his spell ends.Source: @SourceName@Call of the FreljordThis unit has increased Attack Speed and Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Call of the FreljordDealing damage to enemy champions, large monsters, or structures grants Willump and his ally nearby with the highest attack speed Call of the Freljord, increasing their attack speed by @f2@% and Move Speed by @f1@% for 4 seconds.

    While Nunu & Willump are under the effects of Call of the Freljord, their basic attacks cleave for @f3@ damage.

    The duration stacks but the effect can only occur once every 10 seconds per target.
    ChilledThis unit's Move Speed is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Biggest Snowball Ever!This unit is rolling the biggest snowball EVER!Source: @SourceName@Biggest Snowball Ever!This unit has been knocked up by Nunu's Biggest Snowball Ever!Source: @SourceName@Biggest Snowball Ever!This unit has been slowed by Nunu's Biggest Snowball Ever!Source: @SourceName@One For All
    Gain four identical copies of yourself.
    +70 Summoner Spell Haste
    +@f1@ Move Speed out of combat. {{ Buff_OFAPlayerBuff_DamageDealtModified_@f10@ }}{{ Buff_OFAPlayerBuff_DamageTakenModified_@f11@ }}{{ Buff_OFAPlayerBuff_ShieldModified_@f12@ }}{{ Buff_OFAPlayerBuff_HealModified_@f13@ }}{{ Buff_OFAPlayerBuff_MSModified_@f16@ }}

    Source: @SourceName@FrenzyThis unit has increased Attack Speed and Lethality.Source: @SourceName@EntropyAll of this unit's standard attacks will slow enemies Move Speed by 30% and deal 80 true damage over 2.5 seconds.Source: @SourceName@RevealedThis unit can be seen by the enemy team.Source: @SourceName@Soul AnchorInstantly revives your champion at your team's Summoner Platform and increases their Move Speed for a short duration.Source: @SourceName@Odyn's VeilThis unit takes 10% reduced magic damage and has @f1@ stored magical energy.Source: @SourceName@CorrosionThe monsters' Ora-infused attacks are wearing away at our protective gear!EnragedThis monster is fully powered up and dealing tons of damage!EliteYou stare in awe at the size of this absolute unit. It must have absorbed an unusual amount of Ora!ImpaledThey're paralyzed and being dragged around! We have to knock that monster out!Aureate ShieldThis unit is inside a shield generated by a Rhinodon. It will be protected from damage coming from outside the shield.Source: @SourceName@Berserker RageOlaf's Attack Speed is increased by 1% for each 1% of his Health he is missing. Tough It OutOlaf's Attack Speed is increased.Source: @SourceName@RagnarokOlaf is immune to disables and has increased Attack Damage.Source: @SourceName@Reckless Swing DebuffOlaf takes 20% increased damage.Source: @SourceName@On The HuntThis unit's Move Speed is increased.Source: @SourceName@Magical SightThis unit can see invisible units.Source: @SourceName@Static PushThis unit's Move Speed is increased.Source: @SourceName@Static ClingThis unit's Move Speed is decreased.Source: @SourceName@Watchful GuardianThis champion is being watched over by the Ball, gaining additional defenses.Source: @SourceName@The BallOrianna currently possesses the Ball.Source: @SourceName@Command: ProtectThis champion is shielded from damage.Source: @SourceName@ShockedThis unit is knocked airborne.Source: @SourceName@Searing ChargeThis unit has been knocked up.Source: @SourceName@Ornn is able to upgrade an ally's item!Source: @SourceName@Living ForgeOrnn's masterwork items are available to purchase!Source: @SourceName@Living ForgeOrnn can spend gold to forge non-consumable items anywhere on the map.

    Additional upgrades for some items are available in the shop for Ornn and his team to purchase.

    Ornn can smith items directly from his forge menu or the shop.
    Volcanic RuptureThis unit has reduced Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Call of the Forge GodThis unit has been knocked up.Source: @SourceName@BrittleThis unit is Brittle. The next disabling effect will be extended and deal bonus damage!Source: @SourceName@Bellows BreathOrnn has shielded himself.Source: @SourceName@OverdriveBlitzcrank has dramatically increased Move and Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@UnderdriveBlitzcrank has dramatically slowed Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@BulwarkThis turret has bonus Armor and Magic Resistance based on the number of nearby enemy champions.Source: @SourceName@Pendant of Zephiris+25 Armor / +30 Magic Resist.Source: @SourceName@Transmutative Cadence: ChaosTransmutative Cadence: OrderUnder Orders!This unit is being ordered about by a champion.Source: NonePhosphorus BombThis unit is being revealed.Source: @SourceName@Pick A CardTwisted Fate is shuffling the deck, looking for a card.Source: @SourceName@Blue CardTwisted Fate's next attack will deal bonus damage and restore Mana.Source: @SourceName@Gold CardTwisted Fate's next attack will deal bonus damage and stun the target.Source: @SourceName@Red CardTwisted Fate's next attack will deal bonus damage and slow enemies in an area.Source: @SourceName@Scryer's Dandelion PollenThis unit is covered in pollen, granting True Sight of it to the enemy. The duration is reduced for champions.Source: @SourceName@Poison TrailSinged is releasing poisonous gas.Source: @SourceName@PoisonedThis unit is poisoned, and is taking damage over time.Source: @SourceName@Iron AmbassadorPoppy throws her buckler on her next basic attack, gaining @f6@ range and @f5@ bonus magic damage (@f1@ second cooldown).

    The buckler lands at a nearby location and Poppy can pick it up to gain a shield that absorbs @f4@ (@f2@% of her max Health) damage for @f3@ seconds. Enemies can step on the buckler to destroy it.

    The buckler automatically returns to Poppy if the attack kills the target.
    Sending a MessagePoppy will throw her shield with her next basic attack.Source: @SourceName@ShieldedPoppy will block incoming damage.Source: @SourceName@HammeredThis unit is slowed.Source: @SourceName@On the BackswingPoppy is channeling a huge knockback strike.Source: @SourceName@Forget ItGoing, going... gone!Source: @SourceName@Stubborn to a FaultPoppy has double Armor and Magic Resist from Steadfast Presence.Source: @SourceName@Steadfast PresencePoppy moves faster and will stop enemy dashes near her.Source: @SourceName@Frosted SnaxThe Poro King is shooting out ice missiles which will deal magic damage on impact.Source: @SourceName@Super Spicy SnaxThe Poro King is breathing fire that deals true damage to all units and turrets it hits.Source: @SourceName@Espresso SnaxThe Poro King is jumping, knocking enemies away and granting himself a decaying shield.Source: @SourceName@Espresso Snax: KnockbackThe Poro King's jump has knocked you away!Source: @SourceName@Espresso Snax: ShieldThe Poro King has granted himself a large, decaying shield.Source: @SourceName@Rainbow Snax Party Pack!The Poro King is shooting out Snax that attract Poros, which will dash towards him, knocking enemies along with them.Source: @SourceName@Rainbow Snax Party Pack! - ImmuneThis champion was recently tackled by a Poro and cannot be immediately hit again.Source: @SourceName@Rainbow Snax Party Pack! - KnockbackA stampeding Poro has knocked you towards the King.Source: @SourceName@Poro DashThis champion has recently hit another unit with a Poro and can Poro Dash to it.Source: @SourceName@Potion of RougeThis unit has temporarily increased Adaptive Force.Source: @SourceName@AggressionNidalee has leapt to a Hunted target, increasing her defenses temporarily.Source: @SourceName@PowerballRammus is accelerating and on impact he will slow and knock back enemies around him.Source: @SourceName@Power FistBlitzcrank's next attack will deal double damage and knock the enemy airborne.Source: @SourceName@Power FistThis unit is airborne.Source: @SourceName@Powerball SlowThis unit is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Powerball StunThis unit is stunned.Source: @SourceName@PreservationThis unit has bonus Health. This bonus persists through death.Source: @SourceName@Primal SurgeThis unit's Attack Speed is increased by @f1@%. Source: @SourceName@Leeching BleedThis unit is suffering damage every second. The attacker is healing for damage every second.Source: @SourceName@Titanic HydraThis unit's next attack will deal additional damage in a cone.Source: @SourceName@Sterak's FuryThis unit has increased size and tenacity.Source: @SourceName@EnragingDisplaying the amount of damage taken by this unit within the last 5 seconds.Source: @SourceName@Elusive VTakes increased damage while this unit is not stunned or rooted.Source: Monster PassiveOverchargeThe power of the Augmentation Fragments courses through you!
  1883. +30% Cooldown Reduction
    +30% max Cooldown Reduction
    +60% Move Speed
    Incoming damage instead slows you
    Reset all your cooldowns on champion kill
  1884. Source: Augmentation FragmentsAugmentation HunterShipments of valuable Augmentation Fragments are vulnerable while in transit! Intercept 5 of them to Overcharge your team for a short time, gaining immense power. Your spell damage is increased by 50%Source: Substructure ZeroRevealedYou've been spotted! You're visible to the other team while in this area.Source: Intrusion Detection ZoneAura of ForceThis unit has 35 bonus Armor and 18 bonus Damage.Source: @SourceName@PromotedThis unit has been promoted to an anti Turret cannon. It has massive bonuses to its stats and grants the gold for its kills to the caster.Source: @SourceName@PropelledThis unit has been tossed into the air.Source: @SourceName@ProwlNidalee has increased Move Speed in brush, further increased toward enemy champions she can see.Source: @SourceName@PulverizeThis unit is knocked up.Source: @SourceName@PillagedThis unit has 30% reduced attack speed.Source: @SourceName@Frenzying TauntThis unit's Attack Speed is increased.Source: @SourceName@Mark of the Puppet MasterThis unit can't be slowed by Puppeteer, but can be pulled.Source: @SourceName@SlowedThis unit is moving slower.Source: @SourceName@Gift of the Drowned OnesIf Pyke cannot be seen by enemies, he will rapidly regenerate @f2@% of damage he has recently taken from champions, up to @f3@.

    Additionally, Pyke converts all extra Maximum Health from any source into Attack Damage instead. (1 AD per @f4@ Health - Currently: @f1@)
    Pyromania (@Stack@)Annie is charging her spells. Her next spell will stun when she has charged 4 times.Source: @SourceName@Pyromania (@Stack@)Every 4 spell casts, the next offensive ability will stun its targets.Source: @SourceName@PyromaniaEvery 4 spell casts, the next offensive ability will stun its targets.Source: @SourceName@PyromaniaEvery 4 spell casts, the next offensive spell will stun its targets for @f1@ seconds.VaultQuinn has massively slowed this unit.Source: @SourceName@HarrierEvery @f1@ seconds, Valor marks a nearby enemy as Vulnerable, revealing it for 4 seconds. Quinn's next attack on the target deals @f2@ (+@f3@) (@f4@% of her Attack Damage) physical damage.

    Harrier's cooldown is reduced by Critical Strike Chance.
    Harrier SpeedAttacking a target with Harrier has granted Quinn temporary Move Speed and Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Blinding AssaultQuinn has reduced this unit's vision radius and removed its shared ally vision temporarily. If the unit is not a champion, it instead is rendered unable to attack temporarily.Source: @SourceName@HarrierValor has marked this target as Vulnerable, revealing it and increasing the damage of Quinn's next attack against it.Source: @SourceName@Heightened SensesValor has revealed this unit.Source: @SourceName@Rageblade @Stack@This unit has increased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Battle DanceRakan may cast Battle Dance again at no cost.Source: @SourceName@Battle DanceRakan has granted this unit a shield.Source: @SourceName@Fey FeathersRakan periodically gains a shield.Source: @SourceName@Gleaming QuillRakan is about to heal himself and nearby allies.Source: @SourceName@The QuicknessRakan gains Move Speed and charms all enemies he touches.

    'I will walk in. I will dance. They will party.'
    Source: @SourceName@The QuicknessRakan has charmed this unit.Source: @SourceName@RallyThis unit has increased Attack Damage.Source: @SourceName@RallyThis unit has increased Attack Damage and Ability Power.Source: @SourceName@Rally AuraNearby allied champions have increased Attack Damage. Source: @SourceName@Rally AuraNearby allied champions have increased Attack Damage and Ability Power.Source: @SourceName@Hextech MunitionsHextech Shrapnel Shells
    @f4*100@% of Corki's basic attack damage is converted into magic damage.

    The Package
    After an initial @f3@ minutes, The Package arrives near the fountain. Once picked up, The Package lasts for up to 60 seconds, granting @f2@% out of combat Move Speed and upgrading Valkyrie into Special Delivery.

    The Package reloads @f1@ minutes after being dropped off by Corki.
    Rapid FireTristana's Attack Speed is greatly increased.Source: @SourceName@Razor SharpIf spotted by an enemy ward, this unit will be alerted and given Magical Sight.Razzle's PrideAbsorbs the next @f1@ damage taken.Source: @SourceName@Ready to TantrumAmumu can activate Tantrum to deal damage to surrounding enemies.Source: @SourceName@Monsoon Janna has conjured a magical storm, healing nearby allies every second. Source: @SourceName@RebirthAnivia reverted to an egg and will soon be reborn!Source: @SourceName@Egg TimerAnivia was recently reborn and must regain her strength. Source: @SourceName@RebirthUpon taking fatal damage, Anivia will revert to an egg, receiving @f1@ Armor and Magic Resist for 6 seconds.Source: @SourceName@RebirthUpon taking fatal damage, Anivia reverts to an egg, healing to full Health and receiving @f1@ Armor and Magic Resist. If she survives for 6 seconds, she is reborn.

    Rebirth has a @f2@ second cooldown.
    RecallThis unit is teleporting home.Source: @SourceName@Regeneration SigilWhen this unit dies, it restores an increasing amount of Health and Mana to its killer, based on how much Health and Mana are missing.Source: @SourceName@Regeneration RuneRestoring Health every second (champions that are more wounded heal for more).Source: @SourceName@ReinforceThis structure's Armor is slightly increased.Source: @SourceName@Rejuvenation PotionRestoring Health and Mana every second.Source: @SourceName@Tunnel On Cooldown Rek'Sai's Tunnel is on cooldown.Source: @SourceName@Tunnel Ready Rek'Sai may cast Tunnel.Source: @SourceName@Un-burrow This unit is immune to Rek'Sai's Un-burrow for a short time.Source: @SourceName@Fury of the Xer'Sai Rek'Sai is regenerating Health.Source: @SourceName@Fury of the Xer'SaiWhile Rek'Sai is un-burrowed, her basic attacks and spells generate 25 Fury.

    Burrowing consumes Fury over 3 seconds to restore up to @f2@ Health.
    Queen's Wrath Rek'Sai's next 3 basic attacks deal bonus Physical Damage to all nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@Prey Seeker This unit is revealed to Rek'Sai's team.Source: @SourceName@Marked as PreyRek'Sai can Void Rush this unit.Source: @SourceName@The ChampJax has increased Armor and Magic Resist.Source: @SourceName@Relentless AssaultEach of Jax's basic attacks hits faster than the last.Source: @SourceName@Relentless AssaultJax's physical attacks increase in speed with every attack, and every third consecutive hit will do bonus damage.Source: @SourceName@Totem Trinket WardThis ward is revealing the nearby area.Source: @SourceName@Rending ShotThis unit is bleeding, taking damage each second and moving more slowly.Source: @SourceName@FuryRenekton has enough Fury for an empowered attack.Source: @SourceName@Ruthless PredatorRenekton's next attack will hit multiple times and stun his target.Source: @SourceName@Reign of AngerRenekton gains 5 Fury per attack. Having 50 Fury or more empowers his abilities with bonus effects but drains 50 Fury when they are used. Out of combat, he loses 4 Fury every second.

    If Renekton has less than 50% Health, Fury gain is increased by 50%.
    DiceRenekton can dash again to a location, dealing physical damage to enemies struck along his path.Source: @SourceName@Armor ReductionThis unit's Armor has been reduced by an empowered Slice and Dice.Source: @SourceName@Form of the TyrantRenekton has bonus Health and gains Fury periodically. Nearby enemies take magic damage per second.Source: @SourceName@Renewal ShellThis unit has increased Health Regen.Source: @SourceName@Bola SlowThis unit is slowed and revealed.Source: @SourceName@Bola RootThis unit is rooted.Source: @SourceName@Unseen PredatorWhile in brush, Rengar leaps at his target with his basic attack. Leaping while at 0 Ferocity generates @f5@ Ferocity.

    At @f1@ Ferocity, his next ability is empowered. Casting an empowered ability increases Rengar's Move Speed by @f3@% for @f4@ seconds.

    Killing enemy champions awards trophies on Rengar's Bonetooth Necklace.

    All Ferocity is lost upon exiting combat (represented by Unseen Predator's cooldown).
    Bonetooth NecklaceRengar keeps trophies of his kills on his Bonetooth Necklace, permanently increasing his Bonus Attack Damage when a unique champion is killed within 3 seconds of taking damage from him.

    1 Kill: @f6@% Bonus Attack Damage
    2 Kills: @f7@% Bonus Attack Damage
    3 Kills: @f8@% Bonus Attack Damage
    4 Kills: @f9@% Bonus Attack Damage
    5 Kills: @f10@% Bonus Attack Damage
    Source: @SourceName@Bonetooth NecklaceRengar keeps trophies of his kills on his Bonetooth Necklace, permanently increasing his Bonus Attack Damage when a unique champion is killed within 3 seconds of taking damage from him.

    1 Kill: @f6@% Bonus Attack Damage
    2 Kills: @f7@% Bonus Attack Damage
    3 Kills: @f8@% Bonus Attack Damage
    4 Kills: @f9@% Bonus Attack Damage
    5 Kills: @f10@% Bonus Attack Damage
    Source: @SourceName@Bonetooth NecklaceRengar keeps trophies of his kills on his Bonetooth Necklace, permanently increasing his Bonus Attack Damage when a unique champion is killed within 3 seconds of taking damage from him.

    1 Kill: @f6@% Bonus Attack Damage
    2 Kills: @f7@% Bonus Attack Damage
    3 Kills: @f8@% Bonus Attack Damage
    4 Kills: @f9@% Bonus Attack Damage
    5 Kills: @f10@% Bonus Attack Damage
    Source: @SourceName@Bonetooth NecklaceRengar keeps trophies of his kills on his Bonetooth Necklace, permanently increasing his Bonus Attack Damage when a unique champion is killed within 3 seconds of taking damage from him.

    1 Kill: @f6@% Bonus Attack Damage
    2 Kills: @f7@% Bonus Attack Damage

    3 Kills: @f8@% Bonus Attack Damage
    4 Kills: @f9@% Bonus Attack Damage
    5 Kills: @f10@% Bonus Attack Damage
    Source: @SourceName@Bonetooth NecklaceRengar keeps trophies of his kills on his Bonetooth Necklace, permanently increasing his Bonus Attack Damage when a unique champion is killed within 3 seconds of taking damage from him.

    1 Kill: @f6@% Bonus Attack Damage
    2 Kills: @f7@% Bonus Attack Damage
    3 Kills: @f8@% Bonus Attack Damage

    4 Kills: @f9@% Bonus Attack Damage
    5 Kills: @f10@% Bonus Attack Damage
    Source: @SourceName@Bonetooth NecklaceRengar keeps trophies of his kills on his Bonetooth Necklace, permanently increasing his Bonus Attack Damage when a unique champion is killed within 3 seconds of taking damage from him.

    1 Kill: @f6@% Bonus Attack Damage
    2 Kills: @f7@% Bonus Attack Damage
    3 Kills: @f8@% Bonus Attack Damage
    4 Kills: @f9@% Bonus Attack Damage

    5 Kills: @f10@% Bonus Attack Damage
    Source: @SourceName@Head of Kha'ZixRengar keeps trophies of his kills on his Bonetooth Necklace, permanently increasing his Bonus Attack Damage when a unique champion is killed within 3 seconds of taking damage from him.

    1 Kill: @f6@% Bonus Attack Damage
    2 Kills: @f7@% Bonus Attack Damage
    3 Kills: @f8@% Bonus Attack Damage
    4 Kills: @f9@% Bonus Attack Damage
    5 Kills: @f10@% Bonus Attack Damage

    Head of Kha'Zix: @f12@% Bonus Attack Damage
    Source: @SourceName@Unseen PredatorRengar will leap to the target when using his next basic attack.Source: @SourceName@Ferocity HasteSpending Ferocity has granted Rengar a burst of Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@SavageryRengar's next attack deals bonus damage.Source: @SourceName@Extreme SavageryRengar's next attack takes his target on a trip to stab town (deals bonus damage and grants Attack Speed).Source: @SourceName@SavageryRengar has increased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Thrill of the HuntRengar is Camouflaged and has increased Move Speed. He can see the nearest enemy champion within a large radius.Source: @SourceName@ExposedThis unit's armor has been reduced.Source: @SourceName@Empowered Battle RoarRengar is immune to crowd control effects.Source: @SourceName@Warped ArmorThis unit is immune to all disabling debuffs.Source: @SourceName@Resistant SkinBaron Nashor is immune to debuffs, and his Health increases every minute.Source: @SourceName@Resistant SkinThis unit is immune to all disabling debuffs.Source: @SourceName@Glimpse of the VoidThis unit has seized the Rift Herald's essence and can summon the Herald to do their bidding for a short period of time.

    The Glimpse of the Void also grants Empowered Recall.
    Source: Granted by slaying Rift HeraldRiftwalk (@Stack@)Kassadin's next Riftwalk has an increased Mana cost but deals additional damage.Source: @SourceName@Wandering Knight DownRiven cannot use her passive dash again for a few moments.Source: @SourceName@ValorRiven is shielded from incoming damage.Source: @SourceName@Blade of the ExileRiven's Attack Damage is increased and she has increased Range on damaging spells and attacks.Source: @SourceName@Runic Blade EmpowermentRiven's blade is charged with runic energies and she deals bonus damage on her next attack.Source: @SourceName@C-C-C-ombo!Riven has used her Broken Wings ability @f1@ time recently.Source: @SourceName@Wind Slash ReadyRiven's Wind Slash ability is available.Source: @SourceName@Rocket GrabThis unit is being pulled to Blitzcrank.Source: @SourceName@Rocket JumpThis unit has been impacted by Tristana's rocket jump and is slowed by 60%.Source: @SourceName@RootedThis unit is rooted, it cannot move or use movement related skills.Source: @SourceName@BurningThe target is slowed and taking damage over time.Source: @SourceName@Danger ZoneRumble is heating up. All of his abilities have additional effects.Source: @SourceName@Flamespitter!Rumble is burning everyone in front of him.Source: @SourceName@Electro HarpoonRumble is ready to shoot another harpoon.Source: @SourceName@Electrified!The target is slowed.Source: @SourceName@When Rumble reaches 50 Heat he is in the Danger Zone granting all his basic abilities bonus effects.

    When Rumble reaches 100 Heat he starts Overheating gaining @f1@ +.@f2@ bonus magic damage on his basic attack and is unable to cast his spells for several seconds while he cools down.Junkyard TitanWhen Rumble reaches 50 Heat he is in the Danger Zone granting all his basic abilities bonus effects.

    When Rumble reaches 100 Heat, he starts Overheating dealing @f1@ (+@f2@) bonus magic damage on his basic attacks but is unable to cast his spells for 6 seconds.
    Overheat!Rumble is Overheating, gaining bonus Attack Speed and magic damage on attacks, but is silenced.Source: @SourceName@Scrap ShieldRumble is blocking incoming damage.Source: @SourceName@Speed Boost!Rumble is moving quickly.Source: @SourceName@RuptureThis unit is flying through the air and can take no actions.Source: @SourceName@RuptureThis unit's Move Speed is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Rylai's FrostbiteYour champion's next attack will slow their target by 35% for 2 seconds.Source: @SourceName@Rylai's Frost Your Move Speed is reduced by 35% for 2 seconds.Source: @SourceName@Spell FluxRyze's spells have additional effects against this unit.Source: @SourceName@Arcane MasteryRyze's spells deal extra damage based on his Bonus Mana, and his maximum Mana is increased by @f1@% per @f2@ Ability Power.

    Current Increase: @f3@%
    Overload SpeedRyze's Move Speed is temporarily increased.Source: @SourceName@Overload ShieldRyze is temporarily shielded from incoming damage.Source: @SourceName@Realm Warp WindupRyze is creating a portal. When it is finished, allies near it will be teleported to a new location.Source: @SourceName@Rune PrisonThis unit is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Rune PrisonThis unit is unable to move.Source: @SourceName@Rune Prison ShieldBlocking incoming damage.Source: @SourceName@Gift of Heavy HandsYour first attack and every @f2@ attacks after stuns monsters and minions. Attacking a tower inflicts @f1@ bonus true damage and consumes the Gift of Heavy Hands.Gift of Heavy HandsEvery @f2@ attacks against minions or monsters will stun the target.Gift of the ToadstoolAttackers are poisoned for @f1@ magic damage over @f2@ secondsToadstool PoisonThis unit has attacked a champion with the Gift of the Toadstool and is poisoned.Scuttle SpeedThis unit has increased Move Speed.Curse of the WolfAttackers are poisoned for @f1@ magic damage over @f2@ secondsWolf CurseThis unit has attacked a champion with the Curse of the Wolf and is poisoned.Burn Baby BurnThis turret is on fire! Additional attacks refresh the burn, but do not stack.Source: @SourceName@Homefield Advantage+10% Move Speed
    +10 Armor and Magic Resistance
    Source: Granted when the Champion is in their own Base.Dragon Slayer (@Stack@)Slaying the Dragon steals part of its power. Slaying 5 or more Dragons grants Aspect of the Dragon for a short time.

    Dragon's Might: +6% Attack Damage and Ability Power
    Dragon's Wrath: Grants your attacks on turrets an additional fiery burn over 2 seconds.
    Dragon's Flight: +5% Move Speed.
    Dragon's Dominance: You take less damage from turrets.
    Aspect of the Dragon: Doubles other bonuses and your attacks reveal and burn enemies for 150 true damage over 3 seconds. Lasts 180 seconds.
    Source: @SourceName@AgonyThis unit is under direct attack from a wrathful Tower and has reduced Damage and Move Speed until it is no longer under attack from the Tower.Source: Inflicted by base TowersDragon Slayer (@Stack@)Slaying the Dragon steals part of its power. Slaying 5 or more Dragons grants Aspect of the Dragon for a short time.

    Dragon's Might: +6% Attack Damage and Ability Power.
    Dragon's Wrath: Grants your attacks on turrets an additional fiery burn for @f1@ magic damage over 2 seconds.
    Dragon's Flight: +5% Move Speed.
    Dragon's Dominance: You take @f2@% less damage from turrets.
    Aspect of the Dragon: Doubles other bonuses, your attacks reveal and burn enemies for 150 true damage over 3 seconds. Lasts 180 seconds.
    Source: @SourceName@Dragon Slayer (@Stack@)Slaying the Dragon steals part of its power. Slaying 5 or more Dragons grants Aspect of the Dragon for a short time.

    Dragon's Might: +6% Attack Damage and Ability Power.
    Dragon's Wrath: Grants your attacks on turrets an additional fiery burn for @f1@ magic damage over 2 seconds.
    Dragon's Flight: +5% Move Speed.
    Dragon's Dominance: You take @f2@% less damage from turrets.
    Aspect of the Dragon: Doubles other bonuses, your attacks reveal and burn enemies for 150 true damage over 3 seconds. Lasts 180 seconds.
    Source: @SourceName@Dragon Slayer (@Stack@)Slaying the Dragon steals part of its power. Slaying 5 or more Dragons grants Aspect of the Dragon for a short time.

    Dragon's Might: +6% Attack Damage and Ability Power.
    Dragon's Wrath: Grants your attacks on turrets an additional fiery burn for @f1@ magic damage over 2 seconds.
    Dragon's Flight: +5% Move Speed.
    Dragon's Dominance: You take @f2@% less damage from turrets.
    Aspect of the Dragon: Doubles other bonuses, your attacks reveal and burn enemies for 150 true damage over 3 seconds. Lasts 180 seconds.
    Source: @SourceName@Dragon Slayer (@Stack@)Slaying the Dragon steals part of its power. Slaying 5 or more Dragons grants Aspect of the Dragon for a short time.

    Dragon's Might: +6% Attack Damage and Ability Power.
    Dragon's Wrath: Grants your attacks on turrets an additional fiery burn for @f1@ magic damage over 2 seconds.
    Dragon's Flight: +5% Move Speed.
    Dragon's Dominance: You take @f2@% less damage from turrets.
    Aspect of the Dragon: Doubles other bonuses, your attacks reveal and burn enemies for 150 true damage over 3 seconds. Lasts 180 seconds.
    Source: @SourceName@Dragon Slayer (@Stack@)Slaying the Dragon steals part of its power. Slaying 5 or more Dragons grants Aspect of the Dragon for a short time.

    Dragon's Might: +6% Attack Damage and Ability Power.
    Dragon's Wrath: Grants your attacks on turrets an additional fiery burn for @f1@ magic damage over 2 seconds.
    Dragon's Flight: +5% Move Speed.
    Dragon's Dominance: You take @f2@% less damage from turrets.
    Aspect of the Dragon: Doubles other bonuses, your attacks reveal and burn enemies for 150 true damage over 3 seconds. Lasts 180 seconds.
    Source: @SourceName@Aspect of the DragonAll dragon bonuses are doubled. Slaying Dragon again will reactivate Aspect of the Dragon.Source: Granted when killing 5 or more DragonsAncient GrudgeDragon hates those that slay its kin and gains 20% increased damage and 7% damage reduction against champions for every dragon that champion's team has slain. Source: @SourceName@Baron's LegionThis minion is being empowered by a nearby champion empowered by the Hand of Baron and has upgraded abilities.Source: Nearby Allied Champion with 'Hand of Baron'Still WatersGrants 50 Move Speed when out of combat for 5 seconds.

    Standing still will allow you to see over walls as well as steadily increase your sight range until you move again.
    Source: Granted by the River Sigil.In the MawYou have been devoured, and will lose life until you die or your devourer is slain.
    If your devourer is killed, all damage you took while devoured will be refunded.
    Source: Big Stompy MonsterProtectedThis unit has been shielded, and is untargetable and invincible. Defeat the Shielder to remove this shield.Source: @SourceName@EnragedYour enemy appears fully enraged, and seems ready to attack
    They will stop if you get far enough away, or when rooted, stunned, or silenced.
    Source: UnknownKnocked AirborneThis unit has been knocked airborne.Source: @SourceName@ImpaledThis unit has been suppressed, and is being dragged around.Source: @SourceName@Giant's WoeThis unit takes extra damage from area of effect spells.Elusive VTakes increased damage while this unit is not stunned or rooted.Source: Monster PassiveBF ShieldThis unit is protected by a hefty shield for 3 minutes. While the shield holds, this unit takes less damage from minions and monsters.Source: @SourceName@Guardian AngelThis unit is protected by a guardian angel for the next 60 seconds. It will be reborn if it dies. Make it count!Source: Your Guardian AngelHomeguardWhile out of combat, this unit regenerates faster at their fountain and has greatly increased Move Speed that decays over time.Source: @SourceName@Super Spicy SnaxThe Poro King is breathing fire that deals true damage to all units and turrets it hits.Source: The Poro KingTarget AcquiredThis unit takes extra damage from single target spells.On Fire!This unit burns nearby enemies, has faster spell cooldowns, and has increased mana regeneration. However, it is also more vulnerable to damage and receives reduced shielding and healing.Source: @SourceName@Leader of the PackThis unit inspires other nearby units, granting them resistances and Move Speed. On death, it explodes and damages nearby followers.Nexus Blitz {{ game_buff_tooltip_NexusBlitzPlayerBuff_DamageDealtMod_@f10@ }}{{ game_buff_tooltip_NexusBlitzPlayerBuff_DamageTakenMod_@f11@ }}{{ game_buff_tooltip_NexusBlitzPlayerBuff_HealAmountMod_@f13@ }}{{ game_buff_tooltip_NexusBlitzPlayerBuff_ShieldAmountMod_@f15@ }}
    +70 Summoner Spell Haste
    Increased Mana Regeneration
    Gain Experience Passively
    +5 (+.5/lvl) Magic Resist
    Gain Gold From Nearby Minion Deaths
    +10% Friendship
    Enemy Blessing of Kha'ZixThe enemy team's towers and cannon minions have been upgraded with Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab.Source: Definitely Not BlitzcrankEnemy Catapult of ChampionsYour enemy possesses a magical catapult near their Nexus that can launch them across the map.Source: Enemy Brian FeeneyEnemy Blessing of ZileanThe enemy is protected by a guardian angel for the next 90 seconds. They will be reborn when slain.Source: Enemy VictoryEnemy Ocean Dragon SoulThe enemy will regenerate health and mana upon damaging enemies.Source: Enemy VictoryEnemy Blessing of JannaThe enemy is protected by a hefty shield until it is broken.Source: Enemy VictoryBlessing of BlitzcrankThis unit's towers and cannon minions have been upgraded with Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab.Source: Definitely Not BlitzcrankCatapult of ChampionsYour team possesses a magical catapult near your Nexus that can launch you across the map.Source: Brian FeeneyOcean Dragon SoulRegenerate health and mana upon damaging an enemy. This regeneration is less effective against minions.Source: @SourceName@Statikk ShockThis unit's movement builds charges that release chain lightning on basic attacks.@SourceName@IndolenceThis unit takes extra damage for a short time after being stunned, charmed, rooted, taunted, knocked up, silenced, or disarmed.Battle SleighedKnocked up from a Battle Sled collision!Source: The Battle SledGoes really fast.Mega Cloud DrakeThis unit has dramatically increased Move Speed when out of combat.Source: @SourceName@HomeguardWhile out of combat, this unit regenerates faster at their fountain and has greatly increased Move Speed that decays over time. {{game_buff_tooltip_SRHomeguardSpeed_@f1@}}Source: @SourceName@Void CorruptionBaron Nashor is surrounded by an aura of destruction. If angered, he continuously applies Corrosion stacks to nearby champions and periodically deals magic damage to the champion with the smallest amount of Corrosion stacks. Corrosion stacks reduce the unit's Armor and Magic Resistance.Source: @SourceName@Void CorruptionThis unit has been tainted by the the Void. They suffer @f1@ reduced Armor and Magic resistance (-0.5 per stack).Source: @SourceName@Baron's GazeThis unit deals 50% reduced damage to Baron Nashor.Source: @SourceName@SadismDr. Mundo has sacrificed a portion of his Health for greatly increased Move Speed and Health Regeneration.Source: @SourceName@Sadism HealDr. Mundo is healed for a large portion of his maximum Health every second.Source: @SourceName@Scepter of AuthorityThis unit's next attack will deal additional damage.Source: @SourceName@Scout's BountyThis unit is being tracked by Teemo. Its Armor is reduced, it can be seen by enemies, and gives extra bounty to Teemo.Source: @SourceName@Loaded DiceUpon killing a unit, Twisted Fate rolls his 'lucky' dice receiving anywhere between 1 and 6 bonus gold.

    Total Gold Hustled: @f1@
    Seismic ShardMalphite has stolen a unit's Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Seismic Shard SlowMalphite has stolen this unit's Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@ThawingThis unit will not accrue Frost stacks.Source: @SourceName@FreezingSejuani can freeze this unit when it reaches 4 stacks.Source: @SourceName@FreezingSejuani can freeze this unit.Source: @SourceName@FrostbrandThis unit's basic attacks will apply Frost.Source: @SourceName@Fury of the NorthFrost Armor: After not taking damage from champions or large monsters for @f4@ seconds Sejuani becomes immune to slows and gains @f1@ Armor and @f5@ Magic Resist. Frost Armor persists for @f3@ seconds after taking damage from champions or large monsters.

    Icebreaker: Enemies stunned by Sejuani are frozen, causing Sejuani's first attack or spell against them to deal @f6@% of their maximum Health as magic damage (max @f7@ vs Epic Monsters).
    Source: @SourceName@Frost BuildupSejuani is building towards Frost Armor. Taking damage resets her progress.Source: @SourceName@Frost ArmorSejuani is immune to slows and gains bonus Armor and Magic Resist. Frost Armor persists briefly after taking damage.Source: @SourceName@StealthThis unit cannot be seen except by true sight.Source: @SourceName@RevealedEvelynn is unstealthed.Source: @SourceName@SheenThis unit will deal bonus damage on its next attack.Source: @SourceName@Sheen DelaySheen, Lich Bane and Trinity Force are on cooldown. Source: @SourceName@Shadow DashShen is dashing and will taunt enemy champions he collides with.Source: @SourceName@Empowered Twilight AssaultShen's attacks will deal significant bonus damage based on target max health and have extra attack speed.Source: @SourceName@Twilight AssaultShen's attacks will deal bonus damage based on the target's max health.Source: @SourceName@Twilight Assault SlowThis unit is slowed while running away from Shen.Source: @SourceName@Recalling Spirit BladeShen is recalling his spirit blade in order to draw and wield it.Source: @SourceName@Stand United ChannelShen is channeling to teleport to the targeted ally.Source: @SourceName@Stand United ShieldThis unit is being shielded by Shen.Source: @SourceName@Stand United TargetShen is channeling in order to teleport to this unit.Source: @SourceName@Spirit's Refuge ActiveShen's spirit blade is blocking attacks that would hit nearby friendly champions.Source: @SourceName@Spirit's Refuge ProtectionAttacks that would hit this unit are blocked.Source: @SourceName@Spirit's Refuge PendingShen's Spirit's Refuge will begin if Shen or an allied champion gets in the zone (or if enough time passes).Source: @SourceName@Granite ShieldAfter not taking damage for 10 seconds Malphite summons a shield of rock that absorbs damage equal to 10% of his maximum Health.Source: @SourceName@Shurelya's ReverieThis unit has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Timeworn Talisman of AscensionThis unit has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Twin BiteShyvana's next attack will strike twice.Source: @SourceName@Twin BiteShyvana's next attack will strike all enemies in front of her twice.Source: @SourceName@Reinforced ScalesShyvana's Armor and Magic Resistances are temporarily increased.Source: @SourceName@CindersAttacks from Shyvana will reignite the cinders, dealing additional magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Fury of the DragonbornShyvana deals 20% more damage to dragon type monsters.

    Shyvana gains 5 Armor and Magic Resistance. Dragon type monsters defeated by Shyvana or her allies grant her an additional 5 Armor and Magic Resistance.

    Cloud dragon's ultimate cooldown reduction instead grants Shyvana increased fury generation equal to the normal reduction.

    Total bonus Armor and Magic Resistance: @f1@
    BurnoutShyvana's Move Speed is increased and nearby enemies take damage over time.Source: @SourceName@Dragon FormShyvana has transformed into a powerful dragon. While Shyvana has Fury, her abilities have gained additional area of effect properties.Source: @SourceName@SilenceThis unit cannot use Abilities.Source: @SourceName@Silencing AttacksThis Lizard's physical attacks silence his target.Source: @SourceName@Roar of the SlayerThis unit has reduced Armor.Source: @SourceName@Roar of the SlayerThis unit has reduced Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Glory in DeathAfter being killed Sion will reanimate himself, but his Health rapidly decays while he is reanimated.

    He can move and attack during this time. He gains 100% Lifesteal, attacks extremely fast and will deal an additional 10% of his target's maximum Health as physical damage on hit. Max 75 bonus damage against monsters.

    All of his abilities are replaced with Death Surge, which grants him a burst of Move Speed.
    Death SurgeSion's final charge!Source: @SourceName@Glory in DeathSion fights even after death!Source: @SourceName@Decimating SmashThis unit has reduced Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Decimating SmashThis unit is knocked airborne.Source: @SourceName@Unstoppable OnslaughtSion's unstoppable charge that will damage and knock up enemies hit.Source: @SourceName@Unstoppable OnslaughtThis unit has reduced Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Sion VO ValueSion's VO ValueSource: @SourceName@Soul FurnaceSion has shielded himself, he can detonate the shield after 3 seconds dealing damage to enemies around him. Remaining shield value is shown on the counter.Source: @SourceName@Siphoning StrikeNasus' next attack deals bonus damage and increases the power of his future Siphoning Strikes if he slays his target.Source: @SourceName@Fleet of FootThis unit has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@RicochetSivir's basic attacks will bounce to nearby targets beyond the first, dealing reduced damage to secondary targets.Source: @SourceName@Crystalline ExoskeletonSkarner's exoskeleton takes on a crystalline quality, granting him a temporary shield. While the shield persists, his Move Speed is increased.Source: @SourceName@FractureSkarner has slowed this unit.Source: @SourceName@ImpaleSkarner has suppressed his target and is able to drag them around.Source: @SourceName@ImpaleSkarner has suppressed an enemy, and is dragging them around. He may still cast Crystal Slash and Crystalline Exoskeleton.Source: @SourceName@Crystal SpiresSkarner's presence causes crystals to spawn in set locations around the map. Crystals can be captured by either team by standing close to them. Capturing them prevents them from being captured by the opposing team for 15 seconds.

    When near crystals his team owns, Skarner gains Crystal Charge.

    Crystal Charge - Grants @spell.SkarnerPassive:CrystalMS@ Move Speed and @spell.SkarnerPassive:CrystalAS@% Attack Speed, and restores @spell.SkarnerPassive:CrystalRestore@% Mana per second.
    Crystal VenomSkarner's next attack will stun this unit.Source: @SourceName@Crystal CaptureThis unit is attempting to capture a Crystal Spire.Crystal ChargeSkarner has highly increased Move Speed, attack speed, and mana regeneration.Source: @SourceName@CrystallizedSkarner has stunned this unit.Source: @SourceName@Crystal EnergySkarner is empowered with Crystal Energy, causing future Crystal Slashes to deal bonus magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Noxious SlipstreamSinged has recently used this champion to increase his Move Speed.Noxious SlipstreamSinged has increased Move Speed from passing by a champion.SmiteSmite will deal @f1@ damage.Sniper RangeThis unit has greatly increased Attack Range.Source: @SourceName@Song of CeleritySona has granted this unit increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Song of CeleritySona has increased Move Speed until she is damaged.Source: @SourceName@Song of CeleritySona's zone grants bonus Move Speed to her allies.Source: @SourceName@Power ChordAfter casting 3 non-ultimate spells, Sona's next basic attack deals @f1@ (+@f2@) bonus magic damage and has an additional effect based on the song Sona last activated.

    Staccato: Deals an additional @f3@ (+@f4@) magic damage.
    Diminuendo: Target deals @f5*100@% (+@f6*100@%) less damage for @f7@ seconds.
    Tempo: Target is slowed by @f8*100@% (+@f9*100@%) for @f10@ seconds.
    Power ChordAfter 3 non-ultimate spell casts, Sona's next attack will deal bonus magic damage in addition to an additional effect based on what song Sona last activated.Source: @SourceName@DiminuendoThis character's damage output is reduced.Source: @SourceName@Power Chord: ReadySona's next attack will deal bonus magic damage in addition to an additional effect based on what song Sona last activated.Source: @SourceName@Hymn of ValorSona has granted this unit bonus magic damage on their next attack.Source: @SourceName@Hymn of ValorSona's zone grants allies bonus magic damage on their next attack.Source: @SourceName@CrescendoThis unit is dancing, it is effectively stunned.Source: @SourceName@Aria of PerseveranceSona has granted this unit a shield that blocks incoming damage.Source: @SourceName@Aria of PerseveranceSona's zone grants allies a temporary shield.Source: @SourceName@EquinoxThis unit is silenced.Source: @SourceName@EquinoxThis unit is rooted and cannot move.Source: @SourceName@StarcallThis unit is slowed.Source: @SourceName@RejuvenationThis unit is recovering health and has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Soul NexusNasus's abilities are powered by souls, he uses these instead of mana (more souls = more casting potential). Additionally, Nasus gains 4/5/6 Health Regen per 5 for each active Soul.Source: @SourceName@Soul Nexus (Souls)Nasus currently has @Stack@ Souls.Source: @SourceName@Soul Shroud AuraNearby friendly champions have reduced cooldowns and regenerate mana more quickly.Source: @SourceName@Soul ShroudThis champion has reduced cooldowns and regenerates mana more quickly.Source: @SourceName@Soul SphereThis unit has increased Health and Ability Power.Source: @SourceName@ZephyrJanna's Move Speed is increased, and she is able to move through units.Source: @SourceName@HomestartThis unit has greatly increased Move Speed. Teleporting removes this speed.Source: @SourceName@Wraith StepThis unit has increased Move Speed.Spell WeavingThis unit has increased Spell Damage.Source: @SourceName@Spell ImmunityThis unit is immune to the effects of spells and abilities.Source: @SourceName@Spell ShieldThe next enemy ability used on this champion will have no effect.Source: @SourceName@Spell Shield RegenerationThis unit has increased Mana Regeneration.Source: @SourceName@SpellbladeThis unit's next attack will deal additional damage.Source: @SourceName@Tribute PenaltyTribute charge generation and Gold per 10 are temporarily disabled.Source: @SourceName@Spiked ShellRammus deals @f3@ (+@f1@) (@f2@% of his Armor) bonus magic damage with his basic attacks.Spiked ShieldThis unit reflects damage from physical attacks.Source: @SourceName@Spirit VisageIf this unit is below @Effect3Amount*100@% Health, it will regenerate @Effect4Amount*100@% of their Health every second.Source: @SourceName@Zeke's HeraldThis unit has reduced Armor.Source: @SourceName@Zeke's Harbinger AllyThis champion is building charges with their ally.Source: @SourceName@Zeke's Harbinger ConduitThis champion is building charges with their ally.
    Last Crit Rampage: @f1@
    Best Crit Rampage: @f2@
    Source: @SourceName@Static FieldBlitzcrank's attacks charge enemies for a delayed shock.Source: @SourceName@UnseenThis unit cannot be seen.Source: @SourceName@StunnedThis unit is stunned. It can take no actions.Source: @SourceName@InvigorateThis unit has increased Attack Speed and Ability Power.Source: @SourceName@RevealedThis unit is being revealed by a recent Clairvoyance.Source: @SourceName@Distorted FlashIncreases Move Speed by 20%.Source: @SourceName@PromotedThis unit has been promoted to an anti Command Point cannon. It has massive bonuses to its stats and grants the gold for its kills to its caster.Source: @SourceName@SabotageThis unit has 50% reduced Damage.Source: @SourceName@WarpThis unit is using the power of Ora to dash. It is invulnerable and untargetable.Source: @SourceName@ResuscitatingThis unit is reviving its fallen ally! Stay inside the circle!Source: @SourceName@Poro DashThis unit has been recently hit by an enemy Poro. Watch out for enemy champions potentially dashing to it!Source: @SourceName@PromotedThis unit has been promoted to an upgraded siege minion. It has massive bonuses to its stats and grants the gold for its kills to the caster.Source: @SourceName@Revive HasteThis unit's Move Speed is increased.Source: @SourceName@Ultra DashThis unit has been recently hit by an enemy Ultra Mark and the enemy team has True Sight of it, as well as license to be mean to it.Source: @SourceName@Ultra DashThis champion has recently hit another unit with Ultra Mark and can Ultra Dash to it. If it has Poros, you turn into a Poro and dash instead, because like magic and stuff.Source: @SourceName@Teleport HasteIncreases Move Speed after Teleporting.Source: @SourceName@Sunfire VeilThis champion is continually damaging nearby enemy units.Source: @SourceName@Immolate AuraTaking damage from the Immolate aura every second.Source: @SourceName@ImmolateThis champion is continually damaging nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@Inspired MinionThis unit is inspired by a nearby Super MinionSource: @SourceName@Minion CommanderThis unit inspires nearby minions, granting them 70% increased damage and 70 increased Armor and Magic Resist.Source: @SourceName@SuppressionThis unit cannot move, attack or cast spells and their summoner spells are locked.Source: @SourceName@NothingThis is an old buff that doesn't do anything.Source: @SourceName@NevermoveThis unit is rooted in place.Source: @SourceName@

    Ravenous FlockRavenous: Swain can right-click an immobilized enemy champion to pull them towards him, ripping out a Soul Fragment and dealing @f3@ (+@f4@) magic damage (@f1@ second cooldown).

    Flock: Enemy champion deaths release a Soul Fragment that Swain can collect to restore @f5@ health. Collecting a Soul Fragment permanently increases Swain's maximum health by 5.
    RavenousThis unit is airborne, it can take no actions.Source: @SourceName@Demonic AscensionSwain's inner demon is unleashed causing him to drain health from all nearby enemies.

    After a short duration, Swain can erupt a devastating nova of soulfire that slows all nearby enemies.
    Source: @SourceName@SoulburnSwain is draining health from this unit.Source: @SourceName@Vision of EmpireThis unit is revealed.Source: @SourceName@SwashbucklerGangplank deals 30% more damage to targets below 30% health.Source: @SourceName@TranscendentSyndra's abilities gain additional effects when at max rank.

    Dark Sphere: Deals 25% more damage against champions.
    Force of Will: Deals 20% bonus true damage.
    Scatter the Weak: Spell width increased by 50%.
    Unleashed Power: Range increased by 75.
    Force of WillSyndra has a unit ready to throw.Source: @SourceName@Vile StingVile StingSource: @SourceName@CorrosionThis unit has its armor, magic resistance, and attack speed reduced with each strike from Vilemaw.Source: @SourceName@SpookedThis unit has been feared and cannot be feared again.Source: @SourceName@Speed BoostThis unit has 20% increased Move Speed. This bonus fades over time.Source: @SourceName@Too SpookyThis unit is too spooky! It has increased Move Speed, attack damage, attack speed, armor, magic resist, and fears enemy minions that get too close.Source: @SourceName@Valor Aura - BannerAllies regenerate Health faster.Source: @SourceName@Valor Aura - BannerThis unit regenerates Health faster.Source: @SourceName@Banner of CommandThis unit deals increased damage.Source: @SourceName@TailwindMoving faster toward Janna.Source: @SourceName@TailwindJanna passively gains @f1@% Move Speed, and nearby allied champions gain this bonus when moving toward her.

    Additionally, Janna's basic attacks and single target spells deal bonus magic damage equal to @f3@% of her bonus Move Speed.
    Current Bonus: @f2@
    TakedownNidalee's next basic attack will deal additional damage based on how much life the target is missing.Source: @SourceName@Rock SurfingTaliyah gains @f1@% Move Speed by running near walls. Only occurs out of combat.Source: @SourceName@Talon's Abilities apply a stack to champions and large jungle monsters they damage for @StackDuration@ seconds (max 3 stacks).

    When Talon Attacks a target with 3 stacks, he deals an additional @BleedDamage@ physical damage over @BleedDuration@ seconds.Blade's EndThis unit is bleeding, taking heavy damage over time.Source: @SourceName@Blade's EndThis unit has been hit by one of Talon's abilities. After being hit 3 times, Talon's next attack on this unit will cause heavy bleeding damage.Source: @SourceName@Shadow Assault HasteThis unit's Move Speed is increased.Source: @SourceName@Shadow AssaultTalon is Invisible and can only be revealed by nearby enemy Turrets. His next spell or attack will break Invisibility and recall his lingering blades.Source: @SourceName@TantrumAmumu takes less damage from physical attacks. When Amumu is hit, Tantrum's cooldown is reduced.Source: @SourceName@Tantrum Counter (@Stack@)Amumu is accumulating charges to cast Tantrum.Source: @SourceName@DazzleTaric has stunned this unit.Source: @SourceName@Cosmic RadianceTaric has made this unit temporarily invulnerable.Source: @SourceName@Bastion ShieldThis unit is temporarily shielded from damage.Source: @SourceName@BastionWhile near Taric, this unit has increased Armor and has Taric's spells cast off of it.Source: @SourceName@BastionThis unit has increased Armor.Source: @SourceName@TauntThis unit is being forced to attack.Source: @SourceName@Hextech AffinityGain Move Speed while near allied towers and turrets deployed by Heimerdinger.Source: @SourceName@ForagingTeemo is foraging for mushrooms.Source: @SourceName@Delayed PoisonThis unit is poisoned, and will shortly take magic damage and be slowed.Source: @SourceName@TeleportThis champion is teleporting to a distant location.Source: @SourceName@Teleport TargetA champion is teleporting to this unit's location.Source: @SourceName@The Black CleaverThis unit's Armor is reduced.Source: @SourceName@ThornmailOn being hit, returns 20% of damage taken (20 damage minimum).Source: @SourceName@Queen of the FreljordThe natural order of the Freljord has been restored. Ashe will lead her people to a better future.Source: @SourceName@Queen of the FreljordPeace has been restored to the Freljord. Ashe will lead her people to a better future.Source: @SourceName@Queen of the FreljordThe Freljord tribes are under Lissandra's control. The rise of the Iceborn is at hand.Source: @SourceName@Queen of the FreljordNo one is strong enough to stop Lissandra. The rise of the Iceborn is at hand.Source: @SourceName@Queen of the FreljordWeakness has been purged from the Freljord. No one challenges Sejuani's rule.Source: @SourceName@Queen of the FreljordThe Freljord has been purified. No one challenges Sejuani's rule.Source: @SourceName@DamnationThresh can harvest the souls of enemies that die near him, granting him Armor and increased base spell damage.

    Armor, MR, percent base damage: @f2@.

    Souls until next increase: @f1@
    DamnationThresh has harvested @f1@ souls
    Bonus Armor and Ability Power: @f2@
    Value of Next Soul: @f3@
    Soul GluttonThresh's desire for souls is boundless. He continues to gain Armor and Ability Power for each additional soul.

    Thresh has harvested @f1@ souls.
    ShackledThresh is dragging a poor soul toward him.FlayThresh's next basic attack deals bonus Magic Damage.ShackleThresh is dragging a poor soul toward him.Soullight AegisThis unit is shielded from damage.Time BombThis unit has a bomb attached to them. The bomb will detonate soon, dealing damage to surrounding units.Source: @SourceName@Time WarpThis unit's Move Speed is dramatically increased.Source: @SourceName@Tormented ArmorThis unit has additional Armor.Source: @SourceName@Toxic AttackTeemo's attacks poison the target, causing them to take damage over time.Source: @SourceName@Toxic ShotThis unit is poisoned, receiving damage each second.Source: @SourceName@BountyYour next kill will grant additional Gold to you and any nearby allies.Source: @SourceName@Trap LimitThis unit is limited to @f1@ active traps at a time. You currently have @f2@/@f1@ active traps (@f3@ remaining traps). Oldest trap will be removed when trap limit is exceeded.Travel Size Elixir - IronThis unit has increased Health, Tenacity, and size, and rallies allies toward them.

    (Travel Size Elixirs may stack with one another.)
    Source: @SourceName@Travel Size Elixir - SorceryThis unit has increased Ability Power and Mana Regen, and it deals increased True Damage against Champions and Turrets periodically.

    (Travel Size Elixirs may stack with one another.)
    Source: @SourceName@Travel Size Elixir - WrathThis unit has increased Attack Damage and heals from physical damage dealt to champions.

    (Travel Size Elixirs may stack with one another.)
    Source: @SourceName@RevealedStanding on enemy Altars reveals your position!Source: @SourceName@No AltarsCapture Altars to increase your power!
    0 Altars Controlled
    +Bonus Mana Regeneration
    +10% Move Speed
    Restore 1% of your Maximum Health on minion and monster kill
    Source: @SourceName@One AltarCapture Altars to increase your power!
    1 Altar Controlled
    +Bonus Mana Regeneration
    +10% Move Speed
    Restore 1% of your Maximum Health on minion and monster kill
    Source: @SourceName@Two AltarsCapture Altars to increase your power!
    2 Altars Controlled
    +Bonus Mana Regeneration
    +10% Move Speed
    Restore 1% of your Maximum Health on minion and monster kill
    Source: @SourceName@Soaring SlamSoaring Slam creates aftershocks beneath Rammus, which cause damage to nearby enemies and slow them. Turrets take double damage from the aftershocks.Source: @SourceName@Soaring Slam SlowSoaring Slam applies a stacking slow.Source: @SourceName@Sweeper - Oracle EnchantmentThis unit is disabling and detecting nearby stealthed traps and sensing hidden objects.Source: @SourceName@Explosive ChargeThis unit has a bomb attached to them. It will detonate soon, dealing damage to surrounding units.Source: @SourceName@Explosive Charge AmplifierThe explosive charge on this target will do increased damage when it explodes.Source: @SourceName@Pillar of IceThis unit is being pushed by Trundle's Pillar of Ice.Source: @SourceName@Frozen DomainTrundle's Move Speed, Attack Speed are increased and he has increased healing from all sources.Source: @SourceName@SubjugateThis unit's Health is being drained by Trundle.Source: @SourceName@SubjugateTrundle is sapping Health, Armor and Magic Resist from an enemy.Source: @SourceName@SubjugateThis unit's Armor and Magic Resist are being drained by Trundle.Source: @SourceName@ChompTrundle's Attack Damage is increased.Source: @SourceName@ChompThis unit's Attack Damage is decreased.Source: @SourceName@ChompTrundle's next attack will deal bonus damage and drain Attack Damage from his target.Source: @SourceName@Battle FuryTryndamere gains 5 Fury for striking a unit or 10 Fury for a critical strike, and 10 extra Fury for killing a unit. After 8 seconds of being out of combat, Tryndamere loses 5 Fury every second.

    Each point of Fury grants +@f1@% Critical Chance.

    Current bonus Critical Chance: @f2@%
    Bloodlust @Stack@Tryndamere is receiving @f1@ additional Attack Damage and his critical strikes hit @f2@% harder.Source: @SourceName@Mocking ShoutThis unit is quivering in fear and has reduced Attack Damage.Source: @SourceName@Mocking ShoutThis unit is a quivering chicken. It has reduced Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@FortificationTurrets are fortified with bonus Armor and Magic Resist. Minions can remove this bonus.BulwarkThis turret has bonus Armor.Magical SightThis unit can see invisible units and is periodically decaying, losing Armor and Magic Resist.Source: @SourceName@Turret ShieldThis unit takes 30% reduced damage from turrets.Source: @SourceName@Ambush AttackTwitch's Attack Speed is increased.Source: @SourceName@Deadly VenomThis unit is poisoned and taking damage over time.Source: @SourceName@Deadly VenomTwitch's basic attacks infect his target, dealing @f1@ true damage per second for @f2@ seconds, stacking up to @f3@ times. (Max Tick Damage: @f1*6@)Rat-Ta-Tat-TatTwitch's attacks are long ranged and pass through units.Source: @SourceName@AmbushTwitch is Camouflaged and has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Improved Ambush AvailableTwitch can quickly drop into Camouflage with Ambush.Source: @SourceName@Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat QueuedRat-Ta-Tat-Tat is queued to trigger when Twitch leaves Camouflage.Source: @SourceName@Spray and PrayTwitch's attacks are long ranged and pass through units.Source: @SourceName@Venom Cask SlowThis unit's Move Speed is reduced.Source: @SourceName@Super ChargeThis unit has dramatically increased attack speed.Source: @SourceName@Blazing StampedeUdyr has increased Move Speed and ignores unit collision.Source: @SourceName@StunnedThis unit has been recently hit by Udyr in Stampede Stance. Subsequent attacks from Udyr will not stun them.Source: @SourceName@Monk TrainingUdyr's next two attacks gains Attack Speed and refund some of Awakened Spirit's cooldown.Source: @SourceName@Awakened Storm StanceUdyr's storm is unleashed and deals additional damage.Source: @SourceName@Storm StanceUdyr's first two attacks in this stance deal bonus magic damage to nearby enemies.Source: @SourceName@Wilding ClawUdyr's Attack Speed is increased.Source: @SourceName@Claw StanceUdyr's first two attacks in this stance gain increased range and bonus damage.Source: @SourceName@Iron MantleUdyr is protected by a temporary shield that absorbs incoming damage.Source: @SourceName@Mantle StanceUdyr's first two attacks in this stance restore health.Source: @SourceName@Undying RageTryndamere's Health cannot be reduced to 0.Source: @SourceName@Unstoppable ForceThis unit cannot be stopped until he reaches his target.Source: @SourceName@Unstoppable ForceThis unit is knocked airborne.Source: @SourceName@UPGRADE Slow!!This turret is firing movement slowing shots.Source: @SourceName@UPGRADE!!!Heimerdinger's H28G Evolution Turrets are slowing enemies, he fires extra Hextech Micro-Rockets, and his CH-1 Concussion Grenade fires faster.Source: @SourceName@Ur'Anium RoundsThis unit's attacks reduce the target's Armor and Magic Resist by 1 (stacks up to 50).Source: @SourceName@Ur'Anium Rounds DebuffThis unit has reduced Armor and Magic Resist.Source: @SourceName@Disdain ShieldUrgot is shielded from incoming damage.Disdain StunThis unit is stunned.Echoing FlamesUrgot's basic attacks and Purge trigger blasts of flame from his legs, dealing @f1@ plus @f2@% of the target's max health as physical damage.

    @f6@ second cooldown per leg.

    Maximum @f7@ to monsters.
    Corrosive Charge SlowThis unit is slowed.Fear Beyond DeathThis dude is in some serious trouble.Fear After DeathFlee, weaklings.MercyGoodbye.PurgeUrgot is hunkered down and rapidly firing at the nearest unit.Purge TargetUrgot is targetting fire this target.ValkyrieCorki takes to the sky, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.Source: @SourceName@Vanguard AuraNearby allied champions have increased Armor and Magic Resist.Source: @SourceName@VanguardThis unit has @f1@ increased Armor and Magic Resist.Source: @SourceName@Chain of CorruptionBound in place by Varus.Source: @SourceName@Chain of CorruptionThis unit must move away from the approaching corruption to avoid being bound in place.Source: @SourceName@Blighted QuiverVarus' attacks deal additional magic damage and apply Blight.Source: @SourceName@BlightVarus' abilities deal extra damage to this unit.Source: @SourceName@JudgedThis unit is flying backward after being struck by one of Vayne's heavy crossbow bolts. It will be stunned if it collides with terrain.Source: @SourceName@InquisitionVayne is unleashing retribution on her foes. She gains Attack Damage and benefits from additional Night Hunter Move Speed, reduced Tumble cooldown, and Invisibility after using Tumble.Source: @SourceName@InvisibilityVayne is Invisible and can only be revealed by nearby enemy Turrets.Source: @SourceName@Silver BoltsVayne will deal bonus damage if she strikes this target three times.Source: @SourceName@Silver BoltsEvery third consecutive attack or ability against the same target deals a percentage of the target's maximum Health as true damage.Source: @SourceName@TumbleVayne deals increased damage with her next basic attack.Source: @SourceName@Phenomenal Evil PowerVeigar is the greatest Evil to ever strike at the heart of Runeterra - and he's only getting bigger! Striking an enemy Champion with a spell grants Veigar a stack of Phenomenal Evil, giving him +1 Ability Power. Takedowns grant an additional 5 stacks.

    Veigar's evilness has earned him a total of @f1@ Ability Power:
  1885. Baleful Strike: @f2@
    Dark Matter: @f3@
    Event Horizon: @f4@
    Primordial Burst: @f5@
    Takedowns: @f6@
  1886. Phenomenal Evil PowerVeigar is the greatest Evil to ever strike at the heart of Runeterra - and he's only getting bigger! Striking an enemy Champion with a spell grants Veigar a stack of Phenomenal Evil, giving him +1 Ability Power. Takedowns grant an additional 5 stacks.Phenomenal Evil PowerVeigar has gained a total of @f1@ Ability Power!Knocked AirborneThis unit has been knocked airborne by Vel'Koz.Source: @SourceName@Organic DeconstructionVel'Koz's abilities apply Organic Deconstruction to enemies on hit for @f3@ seconds. Basic Attacks will refresh Deconstruction, but will not add stacks. The third hit on an enemy Deconstructs it, dealing @f1@ (+@f2@) True Damage.SlowedThis unit is slowed by Plasma Fission.Source: @SourceName@Life Form Disintegration RayVel'Koz is busy disintegrating some lifeforms.Source: @SourceName@Organic DeconstructionVel'Koz is Deconstructing this target.Source: @SourceName@ResearchedVel'Koz has Researched you! Life Form Disintegration Ray will deal True Damage instead of Magic to you, because Science.Source: @SourceName@AgitatedHow Agitating.Source: @SourceName@Relentless ForceVi's next attack will blast through her target.Source: @SourceName@Charged GauntletsVi is charging her punches for some serious damage.Source: @SourceName@On the CasePiltover's finest.Blast ShieldVi is shielding herself.Source: @SourceName@Blast ShieldVi's shield is recharging.Source: @SourceName@Blast ShieldVi's shield is charged and will activate the next time she lands an ability.Source: @SourceName@Vault BreakerVi is preparing for a powerful punch.Source: @SourceName@Vault BreakerThis unit just got clocked by Vi.Source: @SourceName@Cease and DesistVi is applying the beatdown to her target.Source: @SourceName@Cease and DesistThis unit has been knocked airborne and can take no action.Source: @SourceName@Denting BlowsThis unit has reduced Armor.Source: @SourceName@Go get 'em!Vi just broke someone's Armor and is now ready to apply the beatdown.Source: @SourceName@Denting BlowsVi's punches dent her target's Armor.Source: @SourceName@Denting BlowsIf Vi hits this unit three times she will deal bonus damage and reduce its Armor.Source: @SourceName@Resistance is FutileThe singularity is moving toward this unit.Source: @SourceName@GloryViktor is controlling the singularity.Source: @SourceName@HexcoreViktor has augmented his abilities:

    Siphon Power: Siphon Power's shield is increased by 60% and Viktor gains 30% Move Speed upon cast.
    Gravity Field: Viktor's spells apply a slow to enemies hit.
    Death Ray: An explosion follows the Death Ray's wake.
    Chaos Storm: Moves 25% faster.
    Source: @SourceName@Heavy GravityThis unit has reduced Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@Crushing GravityThis unit is stunned.Source: @SourceName@DischargeThis unit will deal bonus damage on his next basic attack.Source: @SourceName@HexcoreViktor has augmented his abilities:

    Siphon Power: Siphon Power's shield is increased by 60% and Viktor gains 30% Move Speed upon cast.
    Gravity Field: Viktor's spells apply a slow to enemies hit.
    Death Ray: An explosion follows the Death Ray's wake.
    Chaos Storm: Moves 25% faster.
    Source: @SourceName@HexcoreViktor has augmented his abilities:

    Siphon Power: Siphon Power's shield is increased by 60% and Viktor gains 30% Move Speed upon cast.
    Gravity Field: Viktor's spells apply a slow to enemies hit.
    Death Ray: An explosion follows the Death Ray's wake.
    Chaos Storm: Moves 25% faster.
    Source: @SourceName@HexcoreViktor has augmented his abilities:

    Siphon Power: Siphon Power's shield is increased by 60% and Viktor gains 30% Move Speed upon cast.
    Gravity Field: Viktor's spells apply a slow to enemies hit.

    Death Ray: An explosion follows the Death Ray's wake.
    Chaos Storm: Moves 25% faster.
    Source: @SourceName@HexcoreViktor has augmented his abilities:

    Siphon Power: Siphon Power's shield is increased by 60% and Viktor gains 30% Move Speed upon cast.
    Gravity Field: Viktor's spells apply a slow to enemies hit.
    Death Ray: An explosion follows the Death Ray's wake.
    Chaos Storm: Moves 25% faster.
    Source: @SourceName@ConduitThis unit is temporarily shielded from damage.Source: @SourceName@HexcoreViktor has augmented his abilities:

    Siphon Power: Siphon Power's shield is increased by 60% and Viktor gains 30% Move Speed upon cast.
    Gravity Field: Viktor's spells apply a slow to enemies hit.
    Death Ray: An explosion follows the Death Ray's wake.
    Chaos Storm: Moves 25% faster.
    Source: @SourceName@HexcoreViktor has augmented his abilities:

    Siphon Power: Siphon Power's shield is increased by 60% and Viktor gains 30% Move Speed upon cast.
    Gravity Field: Viktor's spells apply a slow to enemies hit.
    Death Ray: An explosion follows the Death Ray's wake.

    Chaos Storm: Moves 25% faster.
    Source: @SourceName@Crimson PactEvery @f3@ points of bonus Health gives Vladimir 1 Ability Power and every 1 point of Ability Power gives Vladimir @f4@ bonus Health (does not stack with itself).

    Bonus Ability Power: @f1@
    Bonus Health: @f2@
    Tides of BloodVladimir is channeling his health into a blood reservoir which, when unleashed, will deal damage in an area around him and slow units if fully charged.Tides of BloodThis unit has been slowed by a fully charged Tides of Blood.HemoplagueThis unit will take additional damage from all sources until Hemoplague detonates.Source: @SourceName@TransfusionVladimir's bloodthirst grows as he casts Transfusion, eventually sending him into a frenzy and empowering his next Transfusion. Crimson RushVladimir is briefly hasted and, while this buff persists, his next Transfusion will deal increased damage and healing.Sanguine PoolVladimir is untargetable, slowing and siphoning life from enemies above him for a short duration.Source: @SourceName@Void StoneKassadin takes 15% reduced magic damage and ignores unit collision.Void Stone EmpoweredKassadin has @f1@% increased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Vorpal SpikesCho'Gath's attacks summon spikes to impale enemies.Source: @SourceName@Vorpal SpikesThis unit is slowed.Source: @SourceName@Wall of PainThis unit's Magic Resist is reduced.Source: @SourceName@Wall of PainThis unit's Move Speed has been greatly reduced and it is slowly returning to normal.Source: @SourceName@Distinguished Order of Ward Longevity and HealthPerhaps this ward has been protected.

    Perhaps it has merely sat in a disused lane.

    Whatever the case, it has persisted for eons in ward years and joins an ancient regal order of Wards that have lasted a really really really long time.
    Source: TimeDisabledThis ward has been disabled and does not grant vision.Warmog's ArmorThis unit regenerates 1% of its maximum Health every 5 seconds.Source: @SourceName@Mark of the SandsThis unit has been marked by a Mirage Blade and is revealed for 3 seconds. The wielder of that Mirage Blade can use Mirage Step to flash away from it.Source: @SourceName@Primal HowlWarwick is taking reduced damage.Source: @SourceName@Eternal HungerWarwick's basic attacks deal @f1@ bonus magic damage. If Warwick is below 50% health, he heals the same amount. If Warwick is below 25% health, this healing triples.Infinite DuressWarwick is ravaging his enemy.Source: @SourceName@Blood HuntWarwick is hunting this target. He gains Move Speed toward and attack speed against it.Source: @SourceName@Blood HuntWarwick is hunting. He gains Move Speed toward and attack speed against the nearest enemy champion.Source: @SourceName@Blood HuntWarwick is hunting this injured target. He gains Move Speed toward and attack speed against it.Source: @SourceName@Blood HuntWarwick is hunting. He gains Move Speed toward and attack speed against injured targets.Source: @SourceName@SlowedThis unit moves more slowly.Source: @SourceName@Fading StarlightSlain Guardians will leave behind Starlight. Stand on it to revive them and continue the fight!
    Lifesteal is reduced by @f1*100@%
    Armor is reduced by @f2@
    Magic Resistance is reduced by @f3@
    Source: First StarInvulnerableThis unit has revived or been revived recently, and is briefly invulnerable.Weapons Of LegendHelp Ornn complete his quest to unlock powerful weapon upgrades in the shop!

    Kill 5 objectives to enable (This buff's currency shows the current amount).
    Source: @SourceName@Will of the AncientsThis unit has increased Spell Vamp and Ability Power.Source: @SourceName@Storm's EdgeThis champion's next basic attack will critically strike.Source: @SourceName@Storm's AlacrityThis champion is moving more quickly.Source: @SourceName@WindedThis unit is winded and will attack slower and take extra damage.Source: @SourceName@Wit's EndThis unit's magic resist has been increased by @f1@.Source: @SourceName@BattlecasterThis champion's Armor and Ability Power are increased.Source: @SourceName@Wooglet's WitchcapThis unit is in stasis.Source: @SourceName@Voracious CorrosionThis unit deals heavily reduced damage to Baron Nashor.Source: @SourceName@Wrath of the AncientsThis unit is taking increased Magical Damage.Source: @SourceName@Wriggle's Lantern WardThis ward is revealing the nearby area.Source: @SourceName@Wuju StyleMaster Yi's Attack Damage is increased.Source: @SourceName@Wuju Style ActivatedMaster Yi has activated Wuju Style to deal bonus true damage.Source: @SourceName@BladecallerThis unit cannot move.Source: @SourceName@Clean CutsAfter using an ability, Xayah's next @f14@ basic attacks will hit all targets along their path and leave a Feather for @f12@ seconds.

    The main target of her empowered attack takes full damage and on-hits while other targets take @f16*100@% damage. Xayah can store up to @f13@ empowered attacks.

    Lover's Leap - Xayah and Rakan can recall together.
    Clean CutsXayah's next attack will pass through the target and leave a Feather.Source: @SourceName@FeatherstormXayah has leapt into the air and is untargetable.Source: @SourceName@Deadly PlumageThis unit has increased attack speed and their basic attacks deal extra damage.Source: @SourceName@HasteThis unit has increased Move Speed.Source: @SourceName@ArcanopulseXerath is charging Arcanopulse.Source: @SourceName@Mana SurgeEvery @f3@ seconds Xerath's next basic attack against a minion or a monster restores @f1@ Mana. Mana Surge restores @f2@ Mana if attacking champions.Source: @SourceName@Mana SurgeXerath's next basic attack will restore Mana.Source: @SourceName@Cosmic StrikeXerath can cast Cosmic Strike multiple times.Source: @SourceName@Shocking OrbStunned.Source: @SourceName@Rite of the ArcaneThis is the number of Arcane Barrages Xerath can still fire.Audacious ChargeXin Zhao has increased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Three Talon StrikeXin Zhao's next three attacks deal bonus damage. His third attack also knocks his opponent into the air.Source: @SourceName@Three Talon StrikeThis unit has been knocked into the air by Xin Zhao.Source: @SourceName@Crescent SweepXin Zhao has increased Armor and Magic Resist.Source: @SourceName@AwarenessXin Zhao has extremely elevated awareness and will completely avoid damage from attackers that are far enough away.Source: @SourceName@Battle Cry ActivatedXin Zhao has increased Attack Speed.Source: @SourceName@Ride the WindEach Dash increases the Damage of the next by 25%, up to 50%.Sweeping BladeThis unit is immune to Yasuo's Sweeping Blade for a short time.Way of the WandererResolve: Moving grants Flow, which is tracked on Yasuo's resource bar. Moving faster grants more Flow. At maximum Flow, damage from a champion or monster briefly grants a shield that absorbs @f1@ Damage (scaling by level).

    Intent: Yasuo's Critical Strike Chance is increased by 150%, but his Critical Strikes deal 15% reduced Damage. Current bonus: @f2@%.
    ResolveAt 100 stacks, Yasuo will be shielded the next time he is dealt Champion or Monster damage.ResolveYasuo is shielded from damage.Steel Wind RisingSteel TempestYasuo's next Steel Tempest knocks up all enemies in a line.Last BreathYasuo's critical strikes ignore 50% of his enemy's Bonus Armor. Bonus Armor is armor from items, runes, and buffs.Last BreathThis Champion is suspended in the air and cannot act.FrenziedThis unit is hasted while moving toward the mark.CursedYorick's minions will gain Move Speed and attack this unit.Shepherd of SoulsThe Cursed Horde: Yorick can have up to @f6@ Mist Walkers in an area with @f1@ (+@f2@) Health and @f3@ (+@f4@) Attack Damage.

    Final Service: Every @f7@th enemy that dies near Yorick will leave a grave. Enemy champions will always leave a grave.

    If Yorick's minions enter combat in a lane, they will proceed down the lane.
    Final ServiceYorick is preparing to dig a grave.Final ServiceThe next enemy that dies near Yorick will leave a grave.Last RitesYorick's next basic attack will deal bonus damage and heal him. If it kills the target it will leave a grave.Maiden of the MistEnemies that die nearby will rise as a Mist Walker.Touch of the MaidenYorick's attacks against this target will cause extra damage.Elastic SlingshotZac is preparing to launch.Knocked upThis unit has been knocked up by Zac.Cell DivisionEach time Zac hits an enemy with an ability, he sheds a chunk of Goo that can be reabsorbed to restore @f1@ health [4% max health].

    Upon taking fatal damage, Zac splits into 4 bloblets that attempt to recombine.
    If any bloblets remain after @f7@ seconds, he will revive with 10-50% health based on the surviving bloblet's health. Each bloblet has 12% of Zac's max health, and 50% of his Armor and Magic Resistance. [@f2@ second cooldown]
    Grabbed!Zac has caught an enemy, and is now looking for a 'friend' to toss them to.Let's Bounce!Zac is getting ready to bounce, making him immune to crowd control and slowing enemies standing on top of him.Bounced!This enemy has been knocked up into the air by Zac.Kidnapped!This enemy has become trapped in Zac's gooey belly.Reconstruction CooldownZac is able to be reborn. This ability has a @f1@ second cooldown.Cell DivisionZac's bloblets are attempting to recombine, and he will revive if they survive.Cell Division CooldownZac has recently cell divided, and cannot revive himself.Cell DivisionZac is able to revive himself upon taking fatal damage. This ability has a @f1@ second cooldown.Contempt for the WeakWhenever Zed basic attacks an enemy below 50% Health, he deals an additional @f1@% of their maximum Health as Magic Damage. This effect cannot occur on a given target more than once every 10 seconds.Source: @SourceName@Contempt For the WeakThis unit has recently been affected by Contempt for the Weak. Subsequent attacks from Zed will not deal bonus damage.Source: @SourceName@Death Mark ShadowZed can teleport to his shadow.Source: @SourceName@Forbidden Technique: Shadow ReapingZed has reaped a portion of an enemy champion's shadow, granting him @f1@ attack damage.Shadow Source: @SourceName@Living ShadowZed can swap locations with his shadow, and it will also mimic all his spellcasts.Source: @SourceName@Marked for DeathA percent of the damage dealt by Zed will be reapplied when this mark expires.Source: @SourceName@Living ShadowZed's shadow is freed from his body..Source: @SourceName@Living ShadowZed can teleport to his shadow.Source: @SourceName@Strength of the ShadowZed gains an additional @f1@% of his bonus Attack Damage.Source: @SourceName@Liandry's TormentThis unit is burning for a percentage of its maximum health each second.Source: @SourceName@Zhonya's HourglassThis unit is in stasis.Source: @SourceName@Hexplosive MinefieldThis unit has been slowed by a mine from Ziggs' Hexplosive Minefield.Source: @SourceName@Short FuseEvery 12 seconds, Ziggs' next basic attack deals @f1@ (+@f2@) bonus magic damage. Short Fuse deals double damage to structures.

    Ziggs' abilities reduce this cooldown by @f3@ seconds.
    Short FuseZiggs' next basic attack will deal bonus magic damage. Source: @SourceName@Short FuseEvery 12 seconds, Ziggs' next basic attack will deal bonus magic damage.Source: @SourceName@Satchel ChargeZiggs' Satchel Charge will detonate soon.Source: @SourceName@Time in a BottleZilean's stored Experience.DrowsyGetting sleepy.Source: @SourceName@AsleepThis target is sleeping. Damage is amplified against it, but will wake it up.Source: @SourceName@More Sparkles!Zoe's next basic attack after casting a spell deals bonus magic damage.Source: @SourceName@WheeeeeZoe's moves quickly after casting a summoner spell.Source: @SourceName@Grasping RootsRooted. Literally.Source: @SourceName@Vine LasherVine Lashers are grown from Zyra's Seeds by her Grasping Roots spell. They engage her enemies with a slowing whip attack.Source: @SourceName@Zyra spawns Seeds around herself every @SeedCooldown@ seconds that last 30 seconds. She can have 8 Seeds planted at once. If an enemy champion steps on a Seed, it dies. Zyra will not spawn Seeds while hiding in brush.

    These Seeds are used by her other Abilities.
    EnrageThis plant is enraged, gaining increased Health and attacking in a flurry for 200% total damage.Source: @SourceName@Thorn SpitterThorn Spitters are grown from Zyra's seeds by her Deadly Spines spell. They shoot little `friendliness pellets` at her enemies.Source: @SourceName@Knocked AirborneThis unit has been knocked upward by the snapping of Zyra's stranglethorns.Source: @SourceName@SeedsNumber of seeds available.Source: @SourceName@Seed VisionZyra's team can see this champion because it stepped on a large seed.Source: @SourceName@This unit is Knocked Up.

    (This is given to all champions after 20 minutes of game time have passed.)You have not unlocked the mastery emote on this champion.#FFFFFF#FFFF55Shadow Assassin
    Not yet strong enough to become the Shadow Assassin. Wait for the cooldown, then transform on your summoning platform.
    Shadow Assassin
    Destroy the darkin Rhaast and become the Master Shadow Assassin, gaining:
    • Bonus magic damage for your first few seconds in combat
    • Gain range and the ability to move during the delay of Blade's Reach
    • Extra Move Speed and slow immunity while in terrain
    • Extra range on Umbral Trespass (both to the victim and when exiting them)

    Must be on your team's summoning platform to use.
    Not yet strong enough to become the Darkin. Wait for the cooldown, then transform on your summoning platform.
    Fully corrupt the frail mortal Kayn and manifest as a fearsome Darkin, gaining:
    • Heal for a percentage of all skill damage dealt to champions
    • Percent maximum health damage on Reaping Slash
    • Blade's Reach now also knocks targets up.
    • Umbral Trespass deal percent maximum health damage and heals you.

    Must be on your team's summoning platform to use.
    The Darkin ScythePower gained by damaging enemy champions. When this meter fills, Kayn will be offered the choice to either transform into an ultimate Shadow Assassin or a fearsome Darkin.You can swap weapons while at your fountain.the Nine-Tailed Foxthe Rogue Assassinthe Rogue SentinelThe Voidlingthe Minotaurthe Sad Mummythe CryophoenixAnivia - The Cryophoenixthe Dark Childthe Weapon of the Faithfulthe Frost ArcherThe Star Forgerthe Emperor of the Sandsthe Wandering Caretakerthe Empress of the Voidthe Great Steam GolemBlue Melee MinionBlue Cannon RiderBlue Caster Minionthe Burning Vengeancethe Heart of the Freljordthe Sheriff of Piltoverthe Steel Shadowthe Serpent's EmbraceRegeneratinggiantskullNexus ObeliskTurretWormthe Terror of the Voidthe Daring Bombardierthe Hand of NoxusScorn of the Moonthe Madman of Zaunthe Glorious Executionerthe Boy Who Shattered Timethe Spider QueenAgony's Embracethe Prodigal Explorerthe Ancient Fearthe Grand Duelistthe Tidal Tricksterthe Colossusthe Saltwater ScourgeThe Might of Demaciathe Missing LinkGnar - the Missing Linkthe Rabble Rouserthe OutlawThe Hallowed SeamstressH-28Q Apex Turretthe Shadow of Warthe Revered InventorH-28G Evolution Turretthe Kraken Priestessthe Blade Dancerthe Green Fatherthe Storm's Furythe Exemplar of DemaciaGrandmaster at Armsthe Defender of Tomorrowthe Virtuosothe Loose CannonDaughter of the Voidthe Spear of Vengeancethe Enlightened Onethe Deathsingerthe Void Walkerthe Sinister Bladethe Righteousthe Shadow Reaperthe Heart of the Tempestthe VoidreaverThe Eternal Huntersthe Cantankerous Cavalierthe Mouth of the Abyssthe Deceiverthe Blind Monkthe Radiant Dawnthe Bashful Bloomthe Ice Witchthe Purifierthe Fae Sorceressthe Lady of LuminosityShard of the Monoliththe Prophet of the Voidthe Twisted Treantthe Wuju Bladesmanthe Bounty Hunterthe Monkey Kingthe Iron Revenantthe Fallenthe Starchildthe Tidecallerthe Curator of the Sandsthe Titan of the Depthsthe Curious Chameleonthe Bestial Huntressthe Joy Unboundthe Eternal Nightmarethe Boy and His Yetithe BerserkerNexus TurretThird TurretFirst TurretSecond Turretthe Lady of ClockworkThe Lady of ClockworkThe Fire below the Mountainthe Unbreakable SpearKeeper of the Hammerthe Bloodharbor RipperEmpress of the ElementsDemacia's WingsThe Charmerthe ArmordilloPurple Melee MinionPurple Siege MinionPurple Caster Minionthe Void Burrowerthe Iron Maidenthe Chem-Baronessthe Butcher of the Sandsthe Pridestalkerthe Exilethe Mechanized Menacethe Rune MageChemtech Drake300 second respawnEpic Monster - Team BuffA ranged attacker with a ghastly breath attack. When slain, grants your team a permanent buff which grants increased damage against low health enemies.Hextech Drake300 second respawnEpic Monster - Team BuffA ranged attacker with a shocking breath attack. When slain, grants your team a permanent buff which grants ability haste and attack speed.Ruined Drake300 second respawnEpic Monster - Team BuffA ranged attacker with a ghastly breath attack. When slain, grants your team a permanent buff which grants increased damage against low health enemies.the Desert Rosethe Redeemerthe Bossthe Demon Jesterthe Eye of Twilightthe Half-Dragonthe Mad ChemistThe Undead Juggernautthe Battle Mistressthe Crystal VanguardMaven of the Stringsthe Noxian Grand Generalthe Unshackledthe Dark SovereignThe River Kingthe Stoneweaverthe Blade's Shadowthe Shield of Valoranthe Swift Scoutthe Chain Wardenthe Yordle Gunnerthe Troll Kingthe Barbarian Kingthe Card Masterthe Plague Ratthe Spirit WalkerLegendarythe Dreadnoughtthe Arrow of Retributionthe Night Hunterthe Tiny Master of Evilthe Eye of the Voidthe Gloomistthe Piltover EnforcerThe Ruined Kingthe Machine Heraldthe Crimson Reaperthe Relentless Stormthe Uncaged Wrath of Zaunthe Rebelthe Magus Ascendantthe Seneschal of Demaciathe Unforgiventhe Unforgottenthe Magical Catthe Secret Weaponthe Master of ShadowsThe Spark of Zaunthe Hexplosives Expertthe Chronokeeperthe Aspect of TwilightRise of the ThornsThe slowing melee plantAn ominous signThe ranged attacker plantthe Starry-Eyed SongstressVoidlingAncient GolemEggniviaDisc of the SunIronbackOcklepodPlundercrabRazorfinBel'VethBlue Minion Melee AttackBlue Siege MinionBlue Cannon Rider AttackBlue Super MechBlue Super Minion Melee AttackBlue Wizard Minion AttackBlue Walking NexusPurple InhibitorDestroyed Purple InhibitorPurple NexusPurple ShopInhibitor TurretEnemy TurretOuter TurretInner TurretPurple Siege RiderAbyss ScuttlerDevil TeemoSpider SwarmGhastGiant WolfGolemGrompInhibitorPoroThe Poro KingLesser WraithLizardLizard ElderBlobCupcakeFaerieJellyKittyLadybugPigHarmless CritterSealSnowmanSquillAlphacyteTerrabursterHogtongueDozermawTuskbeardScryer's BloomShimmerstrikerSkitterbeakArcraptorLifebeadManabeadFocusbeadGoldbeadRelicbeadOrabeadCyteOrablossomAnchortailRazorheartRhinodonBrightcoreCyte EggPetalclawCrimson StingerSquidtoothLandsquidNexusJungle GuardianBlue InhibitorDestroyed Blue InhibitorBlue NexusBlue ShopFriendly TurretBlue Siege RiderRift ScuttlerBlast ConeRabid WolfPurple Minion Melee AttackPurple Cannon Rider AttackRed Super MechPurple Super Minion Melee AttackPurple Wizard Minion AttackRed Walking NexusRenektonDebris (Ward)Big Stompy MonsterFloaty Shield MonsterJumpy Slashy MonsterScary Spitty MonsterGrumpy Burrow MonsterThe Big OneDraggy Tail MonsterShooty Eyeball MonsterPoro KingLoot TeemoLoot VeigarBattle SledBlue SentinelSentryRuined DrakeAncient KrugKrugMini KrugGreater Murk WolfMurk WolfCrimson RaptorRaptorRed BramblebackCinderlingRed InhibitorRed NexusHoneyfruitSight WardMini GolemRallyTFTChampionShadow AltarsTurretThe Ghost of UrfVoid EmpressWightWraithWriggle's LanternYoung LizardGrasping PlantSeedThorn SpitterEbonmawPennyAATROXYASUOVoidlingUncontrollable PetVoidlings Grow after 7 seconds (+50% Damage/Armor), and Frenzy after 14 seconds (+100% Attack Speed).Ancient GolemLarge MonsterA tough monster that attacks with slow but punishing blows. Slaying this foe greatly increases Mana Regeneration and decreases Cooldowns.

    Respawns 5 minutes after all monsters in this camp are killed.
    Demon Herald300 second respawnEpic Monster - BuffA melee attacker that is resilient to ranged attacks, but is vulnerable from behind. Killing this monster drops a relic that can be picked up by one member of your team. The relic grants Glimpse of the Void, enhancing combat abilities while no allied champions are nearby.Baron NashorEpic Monster - Team Buff360 second respawnAn epic monster with a wide variety of team threatening attacks. Killing this monster grants the Hand of Baron buff to living members of your team, granting a large amount of Attack Damage and Ability Power as well as dramatically enhancing the power of nearby allied minions.Blue Melee MinionEnemy Minion A basic enemy minion.Blue Siege MinionEnemy Minion An enemy siege minon.Super MinionEnemy Minion A very powerful enemy minion with high health and damage. These minions take reduced damage from towers and deal reduced damage to inhibitors and the nexus.Blue Caster MinionEnemy Minion An enemy ranged caster unit that is more fragile, but deals more damage.OherroSuper MinionThis is a very powerful hostile monster - it must be destroyed!.Scryer's BloomDynamic respawnAttackable Plant ObjectWhen destroyed, releases pollen across the map that grants True Sight of units and wards.Abyss ScuttlerTerminus DwellerOnly the Abyss Scuttlers were hardy enough to survive until the end of the universe. Drive them into the Dark Star with attacks or abilities to feed it their meager souls.

    Gravitational disturbances have been known to attract many of them at once.
    TIPSDragonEpic MonsterA powerful and dangerous monster who can blow fire on its enemies, causing damage over time and reducing the damage the burning target deals. Slaying this foe grants global gold to your team.

    Respawns 5 minutes after this monster is killed.
    Powder KegGangplank can attack this to explode it, enemies can attack this to defuse it.GhastReward MonsterA tough monster that takes less damage from physical attacks and steals life each time it strikes. Killing this monster blesses your champion with increased Move Speed.Giant WolfLarge MonsterA very fast and dangerous monster.

    Respawns 75 seconds after all monsters in this camp are killed.
    GolemLarge MonsterA slow attacking monster that deals large amounts of damage and has a large amount of health.

    Respawns 75 seconds after all monsters in this camp are killed.
    GrompReward MonsterDefeating this monster restores a small amount of mana and health.H-28G Evolution TurretImmobile PetOne of Heimerdinger's machine gun turrets, may be upgraded with Ur'Anium Rounds and Explosive Cartridges.Lesser WraithMonsterAn extremely fragile monster.

    Respawns 75 seconds after all monsters in this camp are killed.
    LizardMonsterA simple melee monster with low health.Lizard ElderLarge MonsterA melee monster with large amounts of health. Killing this foe grants a slowing attack that deals damage over time.

    Respawns 5 minutes after all monsters in this camp are killed.
    Lulu is a support caster who is incredibly flexible in her choice of spell effects and can support a wide variety of targets.Range MinionEnemy MinionThese minions take up the rear of your enemy's forces, attacking from afar. Helping destroy them will yield experience while scoring the killing blow will award you with Gold.Melee MinionEnemy MinionHelping destroy these minions will yield experience, while scoring the killing blow will award you with Gold. Be cautious, individually they are weak but in groups they can be deadly.Rider MinionEnemy MinionThese minions stand at the rear of your enemy's forces boosting the damage of their allies. Helping destroy them will yield experience while scoring the killing blow will award you with Gold.HoneyfruitDynamic respawnAttackable Plant ObjectWhen destroyed, drops fruit that restore Health and Mana but slow the user.Blast ConeDynamic respawnAttackable Plant ObjectKnocks away nearby units when destroyed.Rift ScuttlerLarge Monster - Area Buff180 second respawn timeAn elusive wandering pacifist. The effectiveness of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, polymorphs, and immobilizes are doubled on Rift Scuttler. Killing this monster grants a Speed Shrine in this river, granting bonus Move Speed to allies who pass through while out of combat and passively providing vision.Rabid WolfReward MonsterAn extremely fast, dangerous Monster that deals heaps of damage. Slay this monster to temporarily bless your champion with increased Attack Speed and Cooldown Reduction.Purple Melee MinionEnemy Minion A basic enemy minion.Purple Siege MinionEnemy Minion An enemy siege minion.Purple Caster MinionEnemy Minion An enemy ranged caster unit that is more fragile, but deals more damage.FattySuper MinionThis is a very powerful hostile monster - it must be destroyed!.Gromp150 second respawnLarge MonsterA durable ranged monster. Likes to eat small insects, mushrooms and people.

    Gets tired after attacking for a while, losing attack speed.
    Blue Sentinel300 second respawnLarge Monster - BuffA powerful and durable melee attacker. When slain, grants the Crest of Insight buff, which greatly increases Mana Regeneration and Cooldown Reduction for 2 minutes.Ancient Krug150 second respawnLarge MonsterA durable melee monster that splits into 2 normal Krugs when killed.KrugMedium MonsterA weak melee monster. Needs dental work.

    Splits into 2 Mini Krugs when killed.
    Mini KrugSmall MonsterA weak melee monster. Only found by killing Krugs.

    Who's the real Monster?
    Greater Murk Wolf150 second respawnLarge MonsterA fast and ferocious melee monster.Murk WolfSmall MonsterA fast melee monster.Crimson Raptor150 second respawnLarge MonsterA ranged monster.RaptorSmall MonsterA weak melee monster.Red Brambleback300 second respawnLarge Monster - BuffA powerful and durable melee attacker. When slain, grants the Crest of Cinders buff for 2 minutes, increasing Health Regeneration as well as causing your enemies to become slowed and burn for 3 seconds on hit.Debris (Ward)Remnants of an expired ward unit.Rift ScuttlerLarge Monster - Area Buff150 second respawn timeAn elusive wandering pacifist. The effectiveness of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, polymorphs, and immobilizes are doubled on Rift Scuttler. Immobilizes weaken the Rift Scuttler's defenses permanently. Killing this monster grants a Speed Shrine in this river, granting bonus Move Speed to allies who pass through while out of combat and passively providing vision.Rift HeraldEpic Monster - BuffA melee attacker that is extremely vulnerable to attacks from behind. Defeating this monster drops a relic that can be picked up. The Eye of the Herald grants Glimpse of the Void, empowering the holder's Recall and giving them the capability to summon the Rift Herald back to siege enemy turrets.

    The summoned Rift Herald is a Large Monster that is susceptible to most forms of crowd control. She hates turrets with a passion.
    Battle SledStructureBeep beep.Blue SentinelBuff MonsterDefeating this monster grants a powerful buff.SentrySmall MonsterWeak ranged monster.Dragon300 second respawnEpic Monster - Team BuffA ranged attacker that can damage multiple heroes at once. When slain, grants your team one stack of Dragonslayer, a permanent power boost that increases in strength the more Dragons your team has slain.Cloud Drake300 second respawnEpic Monster - Team BuffA ranged attacker with a quick breath attack. When slain, grants your team a permanent buff which reduces your Ultimate ability's cooldown.Infernal Drake300 second respawnEpic Monster - Team BuffA ranged attacker that attacks faster as it loses health. When slain, grants your team a permanent buff which boosts your damage against higher health champions.Mountain Drake300 second respawnEpic Monster - Team BuffA ranged attacker with a slow, powerful breath attack that can damage multiple champions at once. When slain, grants your team a permanent buff which boosts your Armor and Magic Resistance by a percentage.Elder Dragon360 second respawnEpic Monster - Team BuffA powerful ranged attacker that can damage multiple champions at once. When slain, grants your team Aspect of the Dragon, a temporary buff that gives your Attacks and Spells a lingering True Damage burning effect. In addition, damaging a low health enemy Champion whilst this burning effect is applied will execute them.Infernal Drake300 second respawnEpic Monster - Team BuffA ranged attacker that can damage multiple champions at once. When slain, grants your team a permanent buff which boosts your Attack Damage and Ability Power.Ocean Drake300 second respawnEpic Monster - Team BuffA ranged attacker that slows its target. When slain, grants your team a permanent buff which boosts your Champion's Health Regeneration.Ancient KrugReward MonsterDefeating this monster restores a small amount of mana and health.KrugSmall MonsterWeak melee attacker.Greater Murk WolfReward MonsterDefeating this monster restores a small amount of mana and health.Murk WolfSmall MonsterWeak melee monster.Crimson RaptorReward MonsterDefeating this monster restores a small amount of health and mana.RaptorMonsterMinor monster.Red BramblebackBuff MonsterDefeating this monster grants a powerful buff.CinderlingSmall MonsterWeak ranged monster.Rift HeraldNo respawnEpic Monster - BuffA melee attacker that is extremely vulnerable to attacks from behind. Defeating this monster drops a relic that can be picked up. The Eye of the Herald grants Glimpse of the Void, empowering the holder's Recall and giving them the capability to summon the Rift Herald back to siege enemy turrets.

    The summoned Rift Herald is a Large Monster that is susceptible to most forms of crowd control. She hates turrets with a passion.
    Sight WardPlaceable ItemThis enemy item provides line of sight to the other team and reveals nearby stealthing units.Mini GolemMedium MonsterA slow attacking monster that deals moderate damage.

    Respawns 75 seconds after all monsters in this camp are killed.
    RallySummoner SpellThis flag provides increased attack damage to enemies and they are healed continuously.VilemawEpic MonsterThis is a very powerful hostile monster, approach with caution! Killing this monster will yield great monetary and magical rewards to the team, but it should not be confronted alone.

    Respawns 6 minutes after this monster is killed.
    Grez, The Lizard LordMonsterA melee monster with large amounts of health. Killing this foe grants a slowing attack that deals damage over time.The Ghost of UrfLegendary ChampionUrf's spirit seeks vengeance.WightLarge MonsterA strong monster with a powerful attack.

    Respawns 50 seconds after this monster is killed.
    WolfMonsterA fast monster.

    Respawns 75 seconds after all monsters in this camp are killed.
    Baron NashorWARNING: Epic MonsterThis is a very powerful hostile monster, approach with caution! Killing this monster will yield great monetary and magical rewards to the team, but it should not be confronted alone.

    Respawns 6 minutes after this monster is killed.
    WraithLarge MonsterA monster that takes less damage from physical attacks.

    Respawns 75 seconds after all monsters in this camp are killed.
    Wriggle's LanternPlaceable ItemThis enemy item provides line of sight to the other team and reveals nearby stealthing units.Young LizardMonsterA simple ranged monster with miniscule health.

    Respawns 5 minutes after all monsters in this camp are killed.
    Grasping PlantPetGrasping plants deal damage at short range and their attacks slow by 30%.SeedTrapSeeds grant vision to Zyra and can grow into deadly plants.Thorn SpitterPetThorn Spitters deal damage from afar.Ebonmaw, the Terror of ZaunEpic MonsterKilling this unit will grant global experience, global gold, and place a buff that increases all damage dealt by 1% per champion level.Penny, Allseer Reward MonsterA punishing monster that sprays fire when he attacks. Even in death he watches over his valley, granting vision of it to the killing team.
    Curiously, this monster can also drink his own weight on a daily basis.
    Living WeaponEvolveAugmentBlue Melee MinionFriendly Minion A basic friendly minion.Blue Siege MinionFriendly Minion A friendly siege minon.Super MinionAlly Minion A very powerful allied minion with high health and damage. These minions take reduced damage from towers and deal reduced damage to inhibitors and the nexus.Blue Caster MinionFriendly Minion A friendly ranged caster unit that is more fragile, but deals more damage.Nautilus is a giant champion that excels at sticking to opponents and causing large scale damage.Range MinionAlly MinionThese minions take up the rear of your minion forces striking your enemies from afar.Melee MinionAlly MinionThese minions make up the bulk of your team's forces. Follow them into battle, allowing them to take the brunt of your enemy's attacks.Rider MinionAlly MinionThese minions stand at the rear of your your team's forces boosting the damage of their allies.
    • Qiyana is especially powerful in narrow choke points and in the river. Try to fight her in open lanes, and avoid putting yourself between her and a wall.
    • Qiyana is highly mobile and evasive, but has no innate durability or recovery options so is ver vulnerable to poke and crowd control.
    Purple Melee MinionFriendly Minion A basic friendly minion.Purple Siege MinionFriendly Minion A friendly siege minon.Purple Caster MinionFriendly Minion A friendly ranged caster unit that is more fragile, but deals more damage.Sight WardPlaceable ItemThis friendly item provides line of sight to your team and reveals nearby stealthing units.RallySummoner SpellStand near Rally to gain increased damage and be healed.Wriggle's LanternPlaceable ItemThis friendly item provides line of sight to your team and reveals nearby stealthing units.Innately connected to the latent power of Runeterra, Ahri is a vastaya who can reshape magic into orbs of raw energy. She revels in toying with her prey by manipulating their emotions before devouring their life essence. Despite her predatory nature, Ahri retains a sense of empathy as she receives flashes of memory from each soul she consumes.Abandoning the Kinkou Order and her title of the Fist of Shadow, Akali now strikes alone, ready to be the deadly weapon her people need. Though she holds onto all she learned from her master Shen, she has pledged to defend Ionia from its enemies, one kill at a time. Akali may strike in silence, but her message will be heard loud and clear: fear the assassin with no master.Raising an eyebrow in the face of danger, Akshan fights evil with dashing charisma, righteous vengeance, and a conspicuous lack of shirts. He is highly skilled in the art of stealth combat, able to evade the eyes of his enemies and reappear when they least expect him. With a keen sense of justice and a legendary death-reversing weapon, he rights the wrongs of Runeterra's many scoundrels while living by his own moral code: “Don't be an ass.”Always a mighty warrior with a fearsome reputation, Alistar seeks revenge for the death of his clan at the hands of the Noxian empire. Though he was enslaved and forced into the life of a gladiator, his unbreakable will was what kept him from truly becoming a beast. Now, free of the chains of his former masters, he fights in the name of the downtrodden and the disadvantaged, his rage as much a weapon as his horns, hooves and fists.Legend claims that Amumu is a lonely and melancholy soul from ancient Shurima, roaming the world in search of a friend. Doomed by an ancient curse to remain alone forever, his touch is death, his affection ruin. Those who claim to have seen him describe a living cadaver, small in stature and wrapped in creeping bandages. Amumu has inspired myths, songs, and folklore told and retold for generations—such that it is impossible to separate truth from fiction.Anivia is a benevolent winged spirit who endures endless cycles of life, death, and rebirth to protect the Freljord. A demigod born of unforgiving ice and bitter winds, she wields those elemental powers to thwart any who dare disturb her homeland. Anivia guides and protects the tribes of the harsh north, who revere her as a symbol of hope, and a portent of great change. She fights with every ounce of her being, knowing that through her sacrifice, her memory will endure, and she will be reborn into a new tomorrow.(Coming Soon)Dangerous, yet disarmingly precocious, Annie is a child mage with immense pyromantic power. Even in the shadows of the mountains north of Noxus, she is a magical outlier. Her natural affinity for fire manifested early in life through unpredictable, emotional outbursts, though she eventually learned to control these “playful tricks.” Her favorite includes the summoning of her beloved teddy bear, Tibbers, as a fiery protector. Lost in the perpetual innocence of childhood, Annie wanders the dark forests, always looking for someone to play with.Emerging from moonlight's shadow with weapons drawn, Aphelios kills the enemies of his faith in brooding silence—speaking only through the certainty of his aim, and the firing of each gun. Though fueled by a poison that renders him mute, he is guided by his sister Alune. From her distant temple sanctuary, she pushes an arsenal of moonstone weapons into his hands. For as long as the moon shines overhead, Aphelios will never be alone.Iceborn warmother of the Avarosan tribe, Ashe commands the most populous horde in the north. Stoic, intelligent, and idealistic, yet uncomfortable with her role as leader, she taps into the ancestral magics of her lineage to wield a bow of True Ice. With her people's belief that she is the mythological hero Avarosa reincarnated, Ashe hopes to unify the Freljord once more by retaking their ancient, tribal lands.Aurelion Sol once graced the vast emptiness of the cosmos with celestial wonders of his own devising. Now, he is forced to wield his awesome power at the behest of a space-faring empire that tricked him into servitude. Desiring a return to his star-forging ways, Aurelion Sol will drag the very stars from the sky, if he must, in order to regain his freedom.Azir was a mortal emperor of Shurima in a far distant age, a proud man who stood at the cusp of immortality. His hubris saw him betrayed and murdered at the moment of his greatest triumph, but now, millennia later, he has been reborn as an Ascended being of immense power. With his buried city risen from the sand, Azir seeks to restore Shurima to its former glory.A traveler from beyond the stars, Bard is an agent of serendipity who fights to maintain a balance where life can endure the indifference of chaos. Many Runeterrans sing songs that ponder his extraordinary nature, yet they all agree that the cosmic vagabond is drawn to artifacts of great magical power. Surrounded by a jubilant choir of helpful spirit meeps, it is impossible to mistake his actions as malevolent, as Bard always serves the greater good... in his own odd way.A nightmarish empress created from the raw material of an entire devoured city, Bel'Veth is the end of Runeterra itself... and the beginning of a monstrous reality of her own design. Driven by epochs of repurposed history, knowledge, and memories from the world above, she voraciously feeds an ever-expanding need for new experiences and emotions, consuming all that crosses her path. Yet her wants could never be sated by only one world as she turns her hungry eyes toward the Void's old masters...Blitzcrank is an enormous, near-indestructible automaton from Zaun, originally built to dispose of hazardous waste. However, he found this primary purpose too restricting, and modified his own form to better serve the fragile people of the Sump. Blitzcrank selflessly uses his strength and durability to protect others, extending a helpful metal fist or burst of energy to subdue any troublemakers.Once a tribesman of the icy Freljord named Kegan Rodhe, the creature known as Brand is a lesson in the temptation of greater power. Seeking one of the legendary World Runes, Kegan betrayed his companions and seized it for himself—and, in an instant, the man was no more. His soul burned away, his body a vessel of living flame, Brand now roams Valoran in search of other Runes, swearing revenge for wrongs he could never possibly have suffered in a dozen mortal lifetimes.Blessed with massive biceps and an even bigger heart, Braum is a beloved hero of the Freljord. Every mead hall north of Frostheld toasts his legendary strength, said to have felled a forest of oaks in a single night, and punched an entire mountain into rubble. Bearing an enchanted vault door as his shield, Braum roams the frozen north sporting a mustachioed smile as big as his muscles—a true friend to all those in need.Renowned as its finest peacekeeper, Caitlyn is also Piltover's best shot at ridding the city of its elusive criminal elements. She is often paired with Vi, acting as a cool counterpoint to her partner's more impetuous nature. Even though she carries a one-of-a-kind hextech rifle, Caitlyn's most powerful weapon is her superior intellect, allowing her to lay elaborate traps for any lawbreakers foolish enough to operate in the City of Progress.Weaponized to operate outside the boundaries of the law, Camille is the Principal Intelligencer of Clan Ferros—an elegant and elite agent who ensures the Piltover machine and its Zaunite underbelly runs smoothly. Adaptable and precise, she views sloppy technique as an embarrassment that must be put to order. With a mind as sharp as the blades she bears, Camille's pursuit of superiority through hextech body augmentation has left many to wonder if she is now more machine than woman.Cassiopeia is a deadly creature bent on manipulating others to her sinister will. Youngest and most beautiful daughter of the noble Du Couteau family of Noxus, she ventured deep into the crypts beneath Shurima in search of ancient power. There, she was bitten by a gruesome tomb guardian, whose venom transformed her into a viper-like predator. Cunning and agile, Cassiopeia now slithers under the veil of night, petrifying her enemies with her baleful gaze.From the moment Cho'Gath first emerged into the harsh light of Runeterra's sun, the beast was driven by the most pure and insatiable hunger. A perfect expression of the Void's desire to consume all life, Cho'Gath's complex biology quickly converts matter into new bodily growth—increasing its muscle mass and density, or hardening its outer carapace like organic diamond. When growing larger does not suit the Void-spawn's needs, it vomits out the excess material as razor-sharp spines, leaving prey skewered and ready to feast upon later.The yordle pilot Corki loves two things above all others: flying, and his glamorous mustache... though not necessarily in that order. After leaving Bandle City, he settled in Piltover and fell in love with the wondrous machines he found there. He dedicated himself to the development of flying contraptions, leading an aerial defense force of seasoned veterans known as the Screaming Yipsnakes. Calm under fire, Corki patrols the skies around his adopted home, and has never encountered a problem that a good missile barrage couldn't solve.There is no greater symbol of Noxian might than Darius, the nation's most feared and battle-hardened commander. Rising from humble origins to become the Hand of Noxus, he cleaves through the empire's enemies—many of them Noxians themselves. Knowing that he never doubts his cause is just, and never hesitates once his axe is raised, those who stand against the leader of the Trifarian Legion can expect no mercy.Bearing her crescent moonblade, Diana fights as a warrior of the Lunari—a faith all but quashed in the lands around Mount Targon. Clad in shimmering armor the color of winter snow at night, she is a living embodiment of the silver moon's power. Imbued with the essence of an Aspect from beyond Targon's towering summit, Diana is no longer wholly human, and struggles to understand her power and purpose in this world.Utterly mad, tragically homicidal, and horrifyingly purple, Dr. Mundo is what keeps many of Zaun's citizens indoors on particularly dark nights. Now a self-proclaimed physician, he was once a patient of Zaun's most infamous asylum. After "curing" the entire staff, Dr. Mundo established his practice in the empty wards that once treated him and began mimicking the highly unethical procedures he had so often experienced himself. With a full cabinet of medicines and zero medical knowledge, he now makes himself more monstrous with each injection and terrifies the hapless "patients" who wander near his office.In Noxus, warriors known as Reckoners face one another in arenas where blood is spilled and strength tested—but none has ever been as celebrated as Draven. A former soldier, he found that the crowds uniquely appreciated his flair for the dramatic, and his unparalleled skill with his spinning axes. Addicted to the spectacle of his own brash perfection, Draven has sworn to defeat whomever he must to ensure that his name is chanted throughout the empire forever more.A prodigy from the rough streets of Zaun, Ekko manipulates time to twist any situation to his advantage. Using his own invention, the Zero Drive, he explores the branching possibilities of reality to craft the perfect moment. Though he revels in this freedom, when there's a threat to his friends he'll do anything to defend them. To outsiders, Ekko seems to achieve the impossible the first time, every time.Elise is a deadly predator who dwells in a shuttered, lightless palace, deep within the oldest city of Noxus. Once mortal, she was the mistress of a powerful house, but the bite of a vile demigod transformed her into something beautiful, yet utterly inhuman—a spider-like creature, drawing unsuspecting prey into her web. To maintain her eternal youth, Elise now prefers to feed upon the naive and the faithless, and there are few who can resist her seductions.Within the dark seams of Runeterra, the demon Evelynn searches for her next victim. She lures in prey with the voluptuous façade of a human female, but once a person succumbs to her charms, Evelynn's true form is unleashed. She then subjects her victim to unspeakable torment, gratifying herself with their pain. To the demon, these liaisons are innocent flings. To the rest of Runeterra, they are ghoulish tales of lust gone awry and horrific reminders of the cost of wanton desire.A dashing adventurer, unknowingly gifted in the magical arts, Ezreal raids long-lost catacombs, tangles with ancient curses, and overcomes seemingly impossible odds with ease. His courage and bravado knowing no bounds, he prefers to improvise his way out of any situation, relying partially on his wits, but mostly on his mystical Shuriman gauntlet, which he uses to unleash devastating arcane blasts. One thing is for sure—whenever Ezreal is around, trouble isn't too far behind. Or ahead. Probably everywhere.Something has awoken in Runeterra. Something ancient. Something terrible. The ageless horror known as Fiddlesticks stalks the edges of mortal society, drawn to areas thick with paranoia where it feeds upon terrorized victims. Wielding a jagged scythe, the haggard, makeshift creature reaps fear itself, shattering the minds of those unlucky enough to survive in its wake. Beware the sounding of the crow, or the whispering of the shape that appears almost human… Fiddlesticks has returned.The most feared duelist in all Valoran, Fiora is as renowned for her brusque manner and cunning mind as she is for the speed of her bluesteel rapier. Born to House Laurent in the kingdom of Demacia, Fiora took control of the family from her father in the wake of a scandal that nearly destroyed them. House Laurent's reputation was sundered, but Fiora bends her every effort to restore her family's honor and return them to their rightful place among the great and good of Demacia.Fizz is an amphibious yordle, who dwells among the reefs surrounding Bilgewater. He often retrieves and returns the tithes cast into the sea by superstitious captains, but even the saltiest of sailors know better than to cross him—for many are the tales of those who have underestimated this slippery character. Often mistaken for some manner of capricious ocean spirit, he seems able to command the beasts of the deep, and delights in confounding his allies and enemies alike.Outside the gleaming city of Demacia, the stone colossus Galio keeps vigilant watch. Built as a bulwark against enemy mages, he often stands motionless for decades until the presence of powerful magic stirs him to life. Once activated, Galio makes the most of his time, savoring the thrill of a fight and the rare honor of defending his countrymen. But his triumphs are always bittersweet, for the magic he destroys is also his source of reanimation, and each victory leaves him dormant once again.As unpredictable as he is brutal, the dethroned reaver king Gangplank is feared far and wide. Once, he ruled the port city of Bilgewater, and while his reign is over, there are those who believe this has only made him more dangerous. Gangplank would see Bilgewater bathed in blood once more before letting someone else take it—and now with pistol, cutlass, and barrels of gunpowder, he is determined to reclaim what he has lost.A proud and noble warrior, Garen fights as one of the Dauntless Vanguard. He is popular among his fellows, and respected well enough by his enemies—not least as a scion of the prestigious Crownguard family, entrusted with defending Demacia and its ideals. Clad in magic-resistant armor and bearing a mighty broadsword, Garen stands ready to confront mages and sorcerers on the field of battle, in a veritable whirlwind of righteous steel.Gnar is a primeval yordle whose playful antics can erupt into a toddler's outrage in an instant, transforming him into a massive beast bent on destruction. Frozen in True Ice for millennia, the curious creature broke free and now hops about a changed world he sees as exotic and wondrous. Delighted by danger, Gnar flings whatever he can at his enemies, be it his bonetooth boomerang, or a nearby building.Equal parts jolly and imposing, Gragas is a massive, rowdy brewmaster on his own quest for the perfect pint of ale. Hailing from parts unknown, he now searches for rare ingredients among the unblemished wastes of the Freljord, trying each recipe as he goes. Often intoxicated and extremely impulsive, he is legendary for the brawls he starts, which often end in all-night parties and widespread property damage. Any appearance from Gragas must surely foreshadow drinking and destruction—in that order.Malcolm Graves is a renowned mercenary, gambler, and thief—a wanted man in every city and empire he has visited. Even though he has an explosive temper, he possesses a strict sense of criminal honor, often enforced at the business end of his double-barreled shotgun Destiny. In recent years, he has reconciled a troubled partnership with Twisted Fate, and together they have prospered once more in the turmoil of Bilgewater's criminal underbelly.A former doll transformed and brought to life by magic, Gwen wields the very tools that once created her. She carries the weight of her maker's love with every step, taking nothing for granted. At her command is the Hallowed Mist, an ancient and protective magic that has blessed Gwen's scissors, needles, and sewing thread. So much is new to her, but Gwen remains joyfully determined to fight for the good that survives in a broken world.Hecarim is a spectral fusion of man and beast, cursed to ride down the souls of the living for all eternity. When the Blessed Isles fell into shadow, this proud knight was obliterated by the destructive energies of the Ruination, along with all his cavalry and their mounts. Now, whenever the Black Mist reaches out across Runeterra, he leads their devastating charge, reveling in the slaughter and crushing the foe beneath his armored hooves.A brilliant yet eccentric yordle scientist, Professor Cecil B. Heimerdinger is one of the most innovative and esteemed inventors Piltover has ever known. Relentless in his work to the point of neurotic obsession, he thrives on answering the universe's most impenetrable questions. Though his theories often appear opaque and esoteric, Heimerdinger has crafted some of Piltover's most miraculous—not to mention lethal—machinery, and constantly tinkers with his inventions to make them even more efficient.Illaoi's powerful physique is dwarfed only by her indomitable faith. As the prophet of the Great Kraken, she uses a huge, golden idol to rip her foes' spirits from their bodies and shatter their perception of reality. All who challenge the “Truth Bearer of Nagakabouros” soon discover Illaoi never battles alone—the god of the Serpent Isles fights by her side.The Noxian occupation of Ionia produced many heroes, none more unlikely than young Irelia of Navori. Trained in the ancient dances of her province, she adapted her art for war, using the graceful and carefully practised movements to levitate a host of deadly blades. After proving herself as a fighter, she was thrust into the role of resistance leader and figurehead, and to this day remains dedicated to the preservation of her homeland.Ivern Bramblefoot, known to many as the Green Father, is a peculiar half man, half tree who roams Runeterra's forests, cultivating life everywhere he goes. He knows the secrets of the natural world, and holds deep friendships with all things that grow, fly, and scuttle. Ivern wanders the wilderness, imparting strange wisdom to any he meets, enriching the forests, and occasionally entrusting loose-lipped butterflies with his secrets.Armed with the power of Runeterra's gales, Janna is a mysterious, elemental wind spirit who protects the dispossessed of Zaun. Some believe she was brought into existence by the pleas of Runeterra's sailors who prayed for fair winds as they navigated treacherous waters and braved rough tempests. Her favor and protection has since been called into the depths of Zaun, where Janna has become a beacon of hope to those in need. No one knows where or when she will appear, but more often than not, she's come to help.Prince Jarvan, scion of the Lightshield dynasty, is heir apparent to the throne of Demacia. Raised to be a paragon of his nation's greatest virtues, he is forced to balance the heavy expectations placed upon him with his own desire to fight on the front lines. Jarvan inspires his troops with his fearsome courage and selfless determination, raising his family's colors high and revealing his true strength as a future leader of his people.Unmatched in both his skill with unique armaments and his biting sarcasm, Jax is the last known weapons master of Icathia. After his homeland was laid low by its own hubris in unleashing the Void, Jax and his kind vowed to protect what little remained. As magic now rises in the world, this slumbering threat stirs once more, and Jax roams Valoran, wielding the last light of Icathia and testing all warriors he meets to see if any are strong enough to stand beside him...Jayce is a brilliant inventor who has pledged his life to the defense of Piltover and its unyielding pursuit of progress. With his transforming hextech hammer in hand, Jayce uses his strength, courage, and considerable intelligence to protect his hometown. While revered throughout the city as a hero, he hasn't taken well to the attention heroism brings. Still, Jayce's heart is in the right place, and even those who envy his natural skills are grateful for his protection in the City of Progress.Jhin is a meticulous criminal psychopath who believes murder is art. Once an Ionian prisoner, but freed by shadowy elements within Ionia's ruling council, the serial killer now works as their cabal's assassin. Using his gun as his paintbrush, Jhin creates works of artistic brutality, horrifying victims and onlookers. He gains a cruel pleasure from putting on his gruesome theater, making him the ideal choice to send the most powerful of messages: terror.A manic and impulsive criminal from Zaun, Jinx lives to wreak havoc without care for the consequences. With an arsenal of deadly weapons, she unleashes the loudest blasts and brightest explosions to leave a trail of mayhem and panic in her wake. Jinx despises boredom, and gleefully brings her own chaotic brand of pandemonium wherever she goes.Claimed by the Void when she was only a child, Kai'Sa managed to survive through sheer tenacity and strength of will. Her experiences have made her a deadly hunter and, to some, the harbinger of a future they would rather not live to see. Having entered into an uneasy symbiosis with a living Void carapace, the time will soon come when she must decide whether to forgive those mortals who would call her a monster, and defeat the coming darkness together… or simply to forget, as the Void consumes the world that left her behind.A specter of wrath and retribution, Kalista is the undying spirit of vengeance, an armored nightmare summoned from the Shadow Isles to hunt deceivers and traitors. The betrayed may cry out in blood to be avenged, but Kalista only answers those willing to pay with their very souls. Those who become the focus of Kalista's wrath should make their final peace, for any pact sealed with this grim hunter can only end with the cold, piercing fire of her soul-spears.No mortal exemplifies the spiritual traditions of Ionia more than Karma. She is the living embodiment of an ancient soul reincarnated countless times, carrying all her accumulated memories into each new life, and blessed with power that few can comprehend. She has done her best to guide her people in recent times of crisis, though she knows that peace and harmony may come only at a considerable cost—both to her, and to the land she holds most dear.The harbinger of oblivion, Karthus is an undying spirit whose haunting songs are a prelude to the horror of his nightmarish appearance. The living fear the eternity of undeath, but Karthus sees only beauty and purity in its embrace, a perfect union of life and death. When Karthus emerges from the Shadow Isles, it is to bring the joy of death to mortals, an apostle of the unliving.Cutting a burning swath through the darkest places of the world, Kassadin knows his days are numbered. A widely traveled Shuriman guide and adventurer, he had chosen to raise a family among the peaceful southern tribes—until the day his village was consumed by the Void. He vowed vengeance, combining a number of arcane artifacts and forbidden technologies for the struggle ahead. Finally, Kassadin set out for the wastelands of Icathia, ready to face any monstrous Void-construct in his search for their self-proclaimed prophet, Malzahar.Decisive in judgment and lethal in combat, Katarina is a Noxian assassin of the highest caliber. Eldest daughter to the legendary General Du Couteau, she made her talents known with swift kills against unsuspecting enemies. Her fiery ambition has driven her to pursue heavily-guarded targets, even at the risk of endangering her allies—but no matter the mission, Katarina will not hesitate to execute her duty amid a whirlwind of serrated daggers.Born to a Targonian Aspect at the height of the Rune Wars, Kayle honored her mother's legacy by fighting for justice on wings of divine flame. She and her twin sister Morgana were the protectors of Demacia for many years—until Kayle became disillusioned with the repeated failings of mortals, and abandoned this realm altogether. Still, legends are told of her punishing the unjust with her fiery swords, and many hope that she will one day return…A peerless practitioner of lethal shadow magic, Shieda Kayn battles to achieve his true destiny—to one day lead the Order of Shadow into a new era of Ionian supremacy. He wields the sentient darkin weapon Rhaast, undeterred by its creeping corruption of his body and mind. There are only two possible outcomes: either Kayn bends the weapon to his will... or the malevolent blade consumes him completely, paving the way for the destruction of all Runeterra.More than just the lightning-quick enforcer of Ionian balance, Kennen is the only yordle member of the Kinkou. Despite his small, furry stature, he is eager to take on any threat with a whirling storm of shuriken and boundless enthusiasm. Alongside his master Shen, Kennen patrols the spirit realm, employing devastating electrical energy to strike down his enemies.The Void grows, and the Void adapts—in none of its myriad spawn are these truths more apparent than Kha'Zix. Evolution drives the core of this mutating horror, born to survive and to slay the strong. Where it struggles to do so, it grows new, more effective ways to counter and kill its prey. Initially a mindless beast, Kha'Zix's intelligence has developed as much as its form. Now, the creature plans out its hunts, and even utilizes the visceral terror it engenders in its victims.Separate, but never parted, Kindred represents the twin essences of death. Lamb's bow offers a swift release from the mortal realm for those who accept their fate. Wolf hunts down those who run from their end, delivering violent finality within his crushing jaws. Though interpretations of Kindred's nature vary across Runeterra, every mortal must choose the true face of their death.A warrior as fearless as he is ornery, the yordle Kled embodies the furious bravado of Noxus. He is an icon beloved by the empire's soldiers, distrusted by its officers, and loathed by the nobility. Many claim Kled has fought in every campaign the legions have waged, has “acquired” every military title, and has never once backed down from a fight. Though the truth of the matter is often questionable, one part of his legend is undeniable: Charging into battle on his un-trusty steed, Skaarl, Kled fights to protect what's his… and to take whatever he can get.Belched forth from a rotting Void incursion deep in the wastelands of Icathia, Kog'Maw is an inquisitive yet putrid creature with a caustic, gaping mouth. This particular Void-spawn needs to gnaw and drool on anything within reach to truly understand it. Though not inherently evil, Kog'Maw's beguiling naiveté is dangerous, as it often precedes a feeding frenzy—not for sustenance, but to satisfy its unending curiosity.Mysterious even to other members of the Black Rose cabal, LeBlanc is but one of many names for a pale woman who has manipulated people and events since the earliest days of Noxus. Using her magic to mirror herself, the sorceress can appear to anyone, anywhere, and even be in many places at once. Always plotting just out of sight, LeBlanc's true motives are as inscrutable as her shifting identity.A master of Ionia's ancient martial arts, Lee Sin is a principled fighter who channels the essence of the dragon spirit to face any challenge. Though he lost his sight many years ago, the warrior-monk has devoted his life to protecting his homeland against any who would dare upset its sacred balance. Enemies who underestimate his meditative demeanor will endure his fabled burning fists and blazing roundhouse kicks.Imbued with the fire of the sun, Leona is a holy warrior of the Solari who defends Mount Targon with her Zenith Blade and the Shield of Daybreak. Her skin shimmers with starfire while her eyes burn with the power of the celestial Aspect within her. Armored in gold and bearing a terrible burden of ancient knowledge, Leona brings enlightenment to some, death to others.Intensely shy, the fae fawn Lillia skittishly wanders Ionia's forests. Hiding just out of sight of mortals—whose mysterious natures have long captivated, but intimidated, her—Lillia hopes to discover why their dreams no longer reach the ancient Dreaming Tree. She now travels Ionia with a magical branch in hand, in an effort to find people's unrealized dreams. Only then can Lillia herself bloom and help others untangle their fears to find the sparkle within. Eep!Lissandra's magic twists the pure power of ice into something dark and terrible. With the force of her black ice, she does more than freeze—she impales and crushes those who oppose her. To the terrified denizens of the north, she is known only as ''The Ice Witch.'' The truth is much more sinister: Lissandra is a corruptor of nature who plots to unleash an ice age on the world.Lucian, a Sentinel of Light, is a grim hunter of undying spirits, pursuing them relentlessly and annihilating them with his twin relic pistols. After the wraith Thresh slew his wife, Lucian embarked on the path of vengeance—but even with her return to life, his rage is undiminished. Merciless and single-minded, Lucian will stop at nothing to protect the living from the long-dead horrors of the Black Mist.The yordle mage Lulu is known for conjuring dreamlike illusions and fanciful creatures as she roams Runeterra with her fairy companion Pix. Lulu shapes reality on a whim, warping the fabric of the world, and what she views as the constraints of this mundane, physical realm. While others might consider her magic at best unnatural, and at worst dangerous, she believes everyone could use a touch of enchantment.Luxanna Crownguard hails from Demacia, an insular realm where magical abilities are viewed with fear and suspicion. Able to bend light to her will, she grew up dreading discovery and exile, and was forced to keep her power secret, in order to preserve her family's noble status. Nonetheless, Lux's optimism and resilience have led her to embrace her unique talents, and she now covertly wields them in service of her homeland.A massive creature of living stone, Malphite struggles to impose blessed order on a chaotic world. Birthed as a servitor-shard to an otherworldly obelisk known as the Monolith, he used his tremendous elemental strength to maintain and protect his progenitor, but ultimately failed. The only survivor of the destruction that followed, Malphite now endures Runeterra's soft folk and their fluid temperaments, while struggling to find a new role worthy of the last of his kind.A zealous seer dedicated to the unification of all life, Malzahar truly believes the newly emergent Void to be the path to Runeterra's salvation. In the desert wastes of Shurima, he followed the voices that whispered in his mind, all the way to ancient Icathia. Amidst the ruins of that land, he gazed into the dark heart of the Void itself, and was gifted new power and purpose. Malzahar now sees himself as a shepherd, empowered to bring others into the fold… or to release the voidling creatures that dwell beneath.Maokai is a rageful, towering treant who fights the unnatural horrors of the Shadow Isles. He was twisted into a force of vengeance after a magical cataclysm destroyed his home, surviving undeath only through the Waters of Life infused within his heartwood. Once a peaceful nature spirit, Maokai now furiously battles to banish the scourge of unlife from the Shadow Isles and restore his home to its former beauty.Master Yi has tempered his body and sharpened his mind, so that thought and action have become almost as one. Though he chooses to enter into violence only as a last resort, the grace and speed of his blade ensures resolution is always swift. As one of the last living practitioners of the Ionian art of Wuju, Yi has devoted his life to continuing the legacy of his people—scrutinizing potential new disciples with the Seven Lenses of Insight to identify the most worthy among them.A Bilgewater captain famed for her looks but feared for her ruthlessness, Sarah Fortune paints a stark figure among the hardened criminals of the port city. As a child, she witnessed the reaver king Gangplank murder her family—an act she brutally avenged years later, blowing up his flagship while he was still aboard. Those who underestimate her will face a beguiling and unpredictable opponent… and, likely, a bullet or two in their guts.Wukong is a vastayan trickster who uses his strength, agility, and intelligence to confuse his opponents and gain the upper hand. After finding a lifelong friend in the warrior known as Master Yi, Wukong became the last student of the ancient martial art known as Wuju. Armed with an enchanted staff, Wukong seeks to prevent Ionia from falling to ruin.Twice slain and thrice born, Mordekaiser is a brutal warlord from a foregone epoch who uses his necromantic sorcery to bind souls into an eternity of servitude. Few now remain who remember his earlier conquests, or know the true extent of his powers—but there are some ancient souls that do, and they fear the day when he may return to claim dominion over both the living and the dead.Conflicted between her celestial and mortal natures, Morgana bound her wings to embrace humanity, and inflicts her pain and bitterness upon the dishonest and the corrupt. She rejects laws and traditions she believes are unjust, and fights for truth from the shadows of Demacia—even as others seek to repress it—by casting shields and chains of dark fire. More than anything else, Morgana truly believes that even the banished and outcast may one day rise again.A wanderer from the celestial dimensions beyond Mount Targon, Soraka Bot gave up her immortality to protect the mortal races from their own more violent instincts. She endeavors to spread the virtues of compassion and mercy to everyone she meets—even healing those who would wish harm upon her. And, for all Soraka Bot has seen of this world's struggles, she still believes the people of Runeterra have yet to reach their full potential.A headstrong young vastaya of the seas, Nami was the first of the Marai tribe to leave the waves and venture onto dry land, when their ancient accord with the Targonians was broken. With no other option, she took it upon herself to complete the sacred ritual that would ensure the safety of her people. Amidst the chaos of this new age, Nami faces an uncertain future with grit and determination, using her Tidecaller staff to summon the strength of the oceans themselves.Nasus is an imposing, jackal-headed Ascended being from ancient Shurima, a heroic figure regarded as a demigod by the people of the desert. Fiercely intelligent, he was a guardian of knowledge and peerless strategist whose wisdom guided the ancient empire of Shurima to greatness for many centuries. After the fall of the empire, he went into self-imposed exile, becoming little more than a legend. Now that the ancient city of Shurima has risen once more, he has returned, determined to ensure it never falls again.A lonely legend as old as the first piers sunk in Bilgewater, the armored goliath known as Nautilus roams the dark waters off the coast of the Blue Flame Isles. Driven by a forgotten betrayal, he strikes without warning, swinging his enormous anchor to save the wretched, and drag the greedy to their doom. It is said he comes for those who forget to pay the “Bilgewater tithe”, pulling them down beneath the waves with him—an iron-clad reminder that none can escape the depths.Hailing from a long lost tribe of vastaya, Neeko can blend into any crowd by borrowing the appearances of others, even absorbing something of their emotional state to tell friend from foe in an instant. No one is ever sure where—or who—Neeko might be, but those who intend to do her harm will soon witness her true colors revealed, and feel the full power of her primordial spirit magic unleashed upon them.Raised in the deepest jungle, Nidalee is a master tracker who can shapeshift into a ferocious cougar at will. Neither wholly woman nor beast, she viciously defends her territory from any and all trespassers, with carefully placed traps and deft spear throws. She cripples her quarry before pouncing on them in feline form—the lucky few who survive tell tales of a wild woman with razor-sharp instincts, and even sharper claws...Nilah is an ascetic warrior from a distant land, seeking the world's deadliest, most titanic opponents so that she might challenge and destroy them. Having won her power through an encounter with the long-imprisoned demon of joy, she has no emotions other than unceasing jubilation—a small price to pay for the vast strength she now possesses. Channeling the demon's liquid form into a blade of unparalleled might, she stands defiant against ancient threats long forgotten.A demonic amalgamation drawn from the nightmares that haunt every sentient mind, the thing known as Nocturne has become a primordial force of pure evil. It is liquidly chaotic in aspect, a faceless shadow with cold eyes and armed with wicked-looking blades. After freeing itself from the spirit realm, Nocturne descended upon the waking world, to feed upon the kind of terror that can only thrive in true darkness.Once upon a time, there was a boy who wanted to prove he was a hero by slaying a fearsome monster—only to discover that the beast, a lonely and magical yeti, merely needed a friend. Bound together by ancient power and a shared love of snowballs, Nunu and Willump now ramble wildly across the Freljord, breathing life into imagined adventures. They hope that somewhere out there, they will find Nunu's mother. If they can save her, maybe they will be heroes after all…An unstoppable force of destruction, the axe-wielding Olaf wants nothing but to die in glorious combat. Hailing from the brutal Freljordian peninsula of Lokfar, he once received a prophecy foretelling his peaceful passing—a coward's fate, and a great insult among his people. Seeking death, and fueled by rage, he rampaged across the land, slaughtering scores of great warriors and legendary beasts in search of any opponent who could stop him. Now a brutal enforcer for the Winter's Claw, he seeks his end in the great wars to come.Once a curious girl of flesh and blood, Orianna is now a technological marvel comprised entirely of clockwork. She became gravely ill after an accident in the lower districts of Zaun, and her failing body had to be replaced with exquisite artifice, piece by piece. Accompanied by an extraordinary brass sphere she built for companionship and protection, Orianna is now free to explore the wonders of Piltover, and beyond.There once was a Piltovian man named Corin Reveck who had a daughter named Orianna, whom he loved more than anything else in the world. Though Orianna had incredible talent for dancing, she was deeply fascinated by the champions of the League of Legends. This fascination compelled her to begin training to become such a champion. It is unfortunate that her sheltered, wide-eyed naivete led her to take unnecessary and dangerous chances which ultimately led to her tragic demise. Orianna's death shattered Corin, driving him into deep depression and an obsession with techmaturgy. He could not stand the void his daughter's death left in his life, so he decided to build a replacement - one that would complete Orianna's dream of joining the League. What was created is the clockwork killing machine that Corin named after his daughter. Knowing that she was destined to be a champion and seeing the way the times were changing, he created The Ball as her pet and protector. This nearly symbiotic creation uses a different type of techmaturgy, relying more heavily on electricity than clockwork.

    Orianna and The Ball now fight as Champions in the League of Legends, using her sometimes misguided morality as a compass. She tries in earnest to fit in with those around her. However, no matter how hard she tries, Orianna can never be human and there is always something unnerving and alien about her. Though she attempts social interaction with other champions in the League of Legends, there are few who can get past her exotic nature. To many, it's as if there's nothing inside, that Orianna is just a soulless clockwork shell - a dangerous and deadly one at that. However, all along she remains the perfect daughter in her father's eyes.

    ''Dance with me, my pet. Dance with me into oblivion.''Ornn is the Freljordian spirit of forging and craftsmanship. He works in the solitude of a massive smithy, hammered out from the lava caverns beneath the volcano Hearth-Home. There he stokes bubbling cauldrons of molten rock to purify ores and fashion items of unsurpassed quality. When other deities—especially Volibear—walk the earth and meddle in mortal affairs, Ornn arises to put these impetuous beings back in their place, either with his trusty hammer or the fiery power of the mountains themselves.Once an unwilling host to the Aspect of War, Atreus survived when the celestial power within him was slain, refusing to succumb to a blow that tore stars from the heavens. In time, he learned to embrace the power of his own mortality, and the stubborn resilience that goes along with it. Atreus now opposes the divine as Pantheon reborn, his unbreakable will fueling the fallen Aspect's weapons on the field of battle.Runeterra has no shortage of valiant champions, but few are as tenacious as Poppy. Bearing the legendary hammer of Orlon, a weapon twice her size, this determined yordle has spent untold years searching in secret for the fabled “Hero of Demacia,” said to be its rightful wielder. Until then, she dutifully charges into battle, pushing back the kingdom's enemies with every whirling strike.A renowned harpooner from the slaughter docks of Bilgewater, Pyke should have met his death in the belly of a gigantic jaull-fish… and yet, he returned. Now, stalking the dank alleys and backways of his former hometown, he uses his new supernatural gifts to bring a swift and gruesome end to those who make their fortune by exploiting others—and a city that prides itself on hunting monsters now finds a monster hunting them.In the jungle city of Ixaocan, Qiyana plots her own ruthless path to the high seat of the Yun Tal. Last in line to succeed her parents, she faces those who stand in her way with brash confidence and unprecedented mastery over elemental magic. With the land itself obeying her every command, Qiyana sees herself as the greatest elementalist in the history of Ixaocan—and by that right, deserving of not only a city, but an empire.Quinn is an elite ranger-knight of Demacia, who undertakes dangerous missions deep in enemy territory. She and her legendary eagle, Valor, share an unbreakable bond, and their foes are often slain before they realize they are fighting not one, but two of the kingdom's greatest heroes. Nimble and acrobatic when required, Quinn takes aim with her crossbow while Valor marks their elusive targets from above, making them a deadly pair on the battlefield.As mercurial as he is charming, Rakan is an infamous vastayan troublemaker and the greatest battle-dancer in Lhotlan tribal history. To the humans of the Ionian highlands, his name has long been synonymous with wild festivals, uncontrollable parties, and anarchic music. Few would suspect this energetic, traveling showman is also partner to the rebel Xayah, and is dedicated to her cause.Idolized by many, dismissed by some, mystifying to all, the curious being Rammus is an enigma. Protected by a spiked shell, he inspires increasingly disparate theories on his origin wherever he goes—from demigod, to sacred oracle, to a mere beast transformed by magic. Whatever the truth may be, Rammus keeps his own counsel and stops for no one as he roams the Shuriman desert.An apex predator, Rek'Sai is a merciless Void-spawn that tunnels beneath the ground to ambush and devour unsuspecting prey. Her insatiable hunger has laid waste to entire regions of the once-great empire of Shurima—merchants, traders, even armed caravans, will go hundreds of miles out of their way to avoid her and her offspring's hunting grounds. All know that once Rek'Sai is seen on the horizon, death from below is all but guaranteed.The product of brutal experimentation at the hands of the Black Rose, Rell is a defiant, living weapon determined to topple Noxus. Her childhood was one of misery and horror, enduring unspeakable procedures to perfect and weaponize her magical control over metal... until she staged a violent escape, killing many of her captors in the process. Now branded as a criminal, Rell attacks Noxian soldiers on sight as she searches for survivors of her old “academy,” defending the meek while delivering violent death to her former overseers.Renata Glasc rose from the ashes of her childhood home with nothing but her name and her parents' alchemical research. In the decades since, she has become Zaun's wealthiest chem-baron, a business magnate who built her power by tying everyone's interests to her own. Work with her, and be rewarded beyond measure. Work against her, and live to regret it. But everyone comes to her side, eventually.Renekton is a terrifying, rage-fueled Ascended being from the scorched deserts of Shurima. Once, he was his empire's most esteemed warrior, leading the nation's armies to countless victories. However, after the empire's fall, Renekton was entombed beneath the sands, and slowly, as the world turned and changed, he succumbed to insanity. Now free once more, he is utterly consumed with finding and killing his brother, Nasus, who he blames, in his madness, for the centuries he spent in darkness.Rengar is a ferocious vastayan trophy hunter who lives for the thrill of tracking down and killing dangerous creatures. He scours the world for the most fearsome beasts he can find, especially seeking any trace of Kha'Zix, the void creature who scratched out his eye. Rengar stalks his prey neither for food nor glory, but for the sheer beauty of the pursuit.Once a swordmaster in the warhosts of Noxus, Riven is an expatriate in a land she previously tried to conquer. She rose through the ranks on the strength of her conviction and brutal efficiency, and was rewarded with a legendary runic blade and a warband of her own. However, on the Ionian front, Riven's faith in her homeland was tested and ultimately broken. Having severed all ties to the empire, she now seeks to find her place in a shattered world, even as rumors abound that Noxus itself has been reforged...Rumble is a young inventor with a temper. Using nothing more than his own two hands and a heap of scrap, the feisty yordle constructed a colossal mech suit outfitted with an arsenal of electrified harpoons and incendiary rockets. Though others may scoff and sneer at his junkyard creations, Rumble doesn't mind—after all, he's the one with the flamespitter.Widely considered one of the most adept sorcerers on Runeterra, Ryze is an ancient, hard-bitten archmage with an impossibly heavy burden to bear. Armed with immense arcane power and a boundless constitution, he tirelessly hunts for World Runes—fragments of the raw magic that once shaped the world from nothingness. He must retrieve these artifacts before they fall into the wrong hands, for Ryze understands the horrors they could unleash on Runeterra.Samira stares death in the eye with unyielding confidence, seeking thrill wherever she goes. After her Shuriman home was destroyed as a child, Samira found her true calling in Noxus, where she built a reputation as a stylish daredevil taking on dangerous missions of the highest caliber. Wielding black-powder pistols and a custom-engineered blade, Samira thrives in life-or-death circumstances, eliminating any who stand in her way with flash and flair.Fearless and deadly, Samira was once a renowned soldier of fortune. A born thrill seeker, she fights not for fame or wealth, but to push the limits of her skill. Through intense training, her innate psychic powers have been fully unleashed, allowing her to turn every mission and every kill into a thrilling display of stylish flair.Sejuani is the brutal, unforgiving Iceborn warmother of the Winter's Claw, one of the most feared tribes of the Freljord. Her people's survival is a constant, desperate battle against the elements, forcing them to raid Noxians, Demacians, and Avarosans alike to survive the harsh winters. Sejuani herself spearheads the most dangerous of these attacks from the saddle of her drüvask boar Bristle, using her True Ice flail to freeze and shatter her enemies.Cursed from childhood to be haunted by the supernatural Black Mist, Senna joined a sacred order known as the Sentinels of Light, and fiercely fought back—only to be killed, her soul imprisoned in a lantern by the cruel wraith Thresh. But refusing to lose hope, within the lantern Senna learned to use the Mist, and reemerged to new life, forever changed. Now wielding darkness along with light, Senna seeks to end the Black Mist by turning it against itself—with every blast of her relic weapon, redeeming the souls lost within.A leader of Ionia's growing criminal underworld, Sett rose to prominence in the wake of the war with Noxus. Though he began as a humble challenger in the fighting pits of Navori, he quickly gained notoriety for his savage strength, and his ability to take seemingly endless amounts of punishment. Now, having climbed through the ranks of local combatants, Sett has muscled to the top, reigning over the pits he once fought in.Crafted long ago as a plaything for a lonely prince, the enchanted marionette Shaco now delights in murder and mayhem. Corrupted by dark magic and the loss of his beloved charge, the once-kind puppet finds pleasure only in the misery of the poor souls he torments. He uses toys and simple tricks to deadly effect, finding the results of his bloody “games” hilarious—and for those who hear a dark chuckle in the dead of night, the Demon Jester may have marked them as his next plaything.Among the secretive, Ionian warriors known as the Kinkou, Shen serves as their leader, the Eye of Twilight. He longs to remain free from the confusion of emotion, prejudice, and ego, and walks the unseen path of dispassionate judgment between the spirit realm and the physical world. Tasked with enforcing the equilibrium between them, Shen wields blades of steel and arcane energy against any who would threaten it.Shyvana is a creature with the magic of a rune shard burning within her heart. Though she often appears humanoid, she can take her true form as a fearsome dragon, incinerating her foes with fiery breath. Having saved the life of the crown prince Jarvan IV, Shyvana now serves uneasily in his royal guard, struggling to find acceptance among the suspicious people of Demacia.Singed is a Zaunite alchemist of unmatched intellect, who has devoted his life to pushing the boundaries of knowledge—with no price, even his own sanity, too high to pay. Is there a method to his madness? His concoctions rarely fail, but it appears to many that Singed has lost all sense of humanity, leaving a toxic trail of misery and terror in his wake.A war hero from a bygone era, Sion was revered in Noxus for choking the life out of a Demacian king with his bare hands—but, denied oblivion, he was resurrected to serve his empire even in death. His indiscriminate slaughter claimed all who stood in his way, regardless of allegiance, proving he no longer retained his former humanity. Even so, with crude armor bolted onto rotten flesh, Sion continues to charge into battle with reckless abandon, struggling to remember his true self between the swings of his mighty axe.Sivir is a renowned fortune hunter and mercenary captain who plies her trade in the deserts of Shurima. Armed with her legendary jeweled crossblade, she has fought and won countless battles for those who can afford her exorbitant price. Known for her fearless resolve and endless ambition, she prides herself on recovering buried treasures from the perilous tombs of Shurima—for a generous bounty. With ancient forces stirring the very bones of Shurima, Sivir finds herself torn between conflicting destinies.Skarner is an immense crystalline scorpion from a hidden valley in Shurima. Part of the ancient Brackern race, Skarner and his kin are known for their great wisdom and deep connection to the land, as their souls are fused with powerful life crystals which hold the living thoughts and memories of their ancestors. In an age long past, the Brackern entered hibernation to avoid untold magical destruction, but recent, threatening events have roused Skarner. As the only Brackern awake, he strives to protect his kind from those who seek to harm them.Sona is Demacia's foremost virtuoso of the stringed etwahl, speaking only through her graceful chords and vibrant arias. This genteel manner has endeared her to the highborn, though others suspect her spellbinding melodies to actually emanate magic—a Demacian taboo. Silent to outsiders but somehow understood by close companions, Sona plucks her harmonies not only to soothe injured allies, but also to strike down unsuspecting enemies.A wanderer from the celestial dimensions beyond Mount Targon, Soraka gave up her immortality to protect the mortal races from their own more violent instincts. She endeavors to spread the virtues of compassion and mercy to everyone she meets—even healing those who would wish harm upon her. And, for all Soraka has seen of this world's struggles, she still believes the people of Runeterra have yet to reach their full potential.Jericho Swain is the visionary ruler of Noxus, an expansionist nation that reveres only strength. Though he was cast down and crippled in the Ionian wars, his left arm severed, he seized control of the empire with ruthless determination… and a new, demonic hand. Now, Swain commands from the front lines, marching against a coming darkness that only he can see—in glimpses gathered by shadowy ravens from the corpses all around him. In a swirl of sacrifice and secrets, the greatest secret of all is that the true enemy lies within.Raised in one of Demacia's lesser quarters, Sylas of Dregbourne has come to symbolize the darker side of the Great City. As a boy, his ability to root out hidden sorcery caught the attention of the notorious mageseekers, who eventually imprisoned him for turning those same powers against them. Having now broken free, Sylas lives as a hardened revolutionary, using the magic of those around him to destroy the kingdom he once served… and his band of outcast mage followers seems to grow by the day.Syndra is a fearsome Ionian mage with incredible power at her command. As a child, she disturbed the village elders with her reckless and wild magic. She was sent away to be taught greater control, but eventually discovered her supposed mentor was restraining her abilities. Forming her feelings of betrayal and hurt into dark spheres of energy, Syndra has sworn to destroy all who would try to control her.Known by many names throughout history, the demon Tahm Kench travels the waterways of Runeterra, feeding his insatiable appetite with the misery of others. Though he may appear singularly charming and proud, he swaggers through the physical realm like a vagabond in search of unsuspecting prey. His lashing tongue can stun even a heavily armored warrior from a dozen paces, and to fall into his rumbling belly is to tumble into an abyss from which there is little hope of return.Taliyah is a nomadic mage from Shurima, torn between teenage wonder and adult responsibility. She has crossed nearly all of Valoran on a journey to learn the true nature of her growing powers, though more recently she has returned to protect her tribe. Some have mistaken her compassion for weakness and paid the ultimate price—for beneath Taliyah's youthful demeanor is a will strong enough to move mountains, and a spirit fierce enough to make the earth itself tremble.Talon is the knife in the darkness, a merciless killer able to strike without warning and escape before any alarm is raised. He carved out a dangerous reputation on the brutal streets of Noxus, where he was forced to fight, kill, and steal to survive. Adopted by the notorious Du Couteau family, he now plies his deadly trade at the empire's command, assassinating enemy leaders, captains, and heroes… as well as any Noxian foolish enough to earn the scorn of their masters.Taric is the Aspect of the Protector, wielding incredible power as Runeterra's guardian of life, love, and beauty. Shamed by a dereliction of duty and exiled from his homeland Demacia, Taric ascended Mount Targon to find redemption, only to discover a higher calling among the stars. Imbued with the might of ancient Targon, the Shield of Valoran now stands ever vigilant against the insidious corruption of the Void.Undeterred by even the most dangerous and threatening of obstacles, Teemo scouts the world with boundless enthusiasm and a cheerful spirit. A yordle with an unwavering sense of morality, he takes pride in following the Bandle Scout's Code, sometimes with such eagerness that he is unaware of the broader consequences of his actions. Though some say the existence of the Scouts is questionable, one thing is for certain: Teemo's conviction is nothing to be trifled with.Sadistic and cunning, Thresh is an ambitious and restless spirit of the Shadow Isles. Once the custodian of countless arcane secrets, he was undone by a power greater than life or death, and now sustains himself by tormenting and breaking others with slow, excruciating inventiveness. His victims suffer far beyond their brief mortal coil as Thresh wreaks agony upon their souls, imprisoning them in his unholy lantern to torture for all eternity.While many other yordles channel their energy into discovery, invention, or just plain mischief-making, Tristana was always inspired by the adventures of great warriors. She had heard much about Runeterra, its factions, and its wars, and believed her kind could become worthy of legend too. Setting foot in the world for the first time, she took up her trusty cannon Boomer, and now leaps into battle with steadfast courage and optimism.Trundle is a hulking and devious troll with a particularly vicious streak, and there is nothing he cannot bludgeon into submission—not even the Freljord itself. Fiercely territorial, he chases down anyone foolish enough to enter his domain. Then, his massive club of True Ice at the ready, he chills his enemies to the bone and impales them with jagged, frozen pillars, laughing as they bleed out onto the tundra.Fueled by unbridled fury and rage, Tryndamere once carved his way through the Freljord, openly challenging the greatest warriors of the north to prepare himself for even darker days ahead. The wrathful barbarian has long sought revenge for the annihilation of his clan, though more recently he has found companionship with Ashe, the Avarosan warmother, and a home with her people. His almost inhuman strength and fortitude is legendary, and has delivered him and his new allies countless victories against the greatest of odds.Twisted Fate is an infamous cardsharp and swindler who has gambled and charmed his way across much of the known world, earning the enmity and admiration of the rich and foolish alike. He rarely takes things seriously, greeting each day with a mocking smile and an insouciant swagger. In every possible way, Twisted Fate always has an ace up his sleeve.A Zaunite plague rat by birth, but a connoisseur of filth by passion, Twitch is not afraid to get his paws dirty. Aiming a chem-powered crossbow at the gilded heart of Piltover, he has vowed to show those in the city above just how filthy they really are. Always a sneaky sneak, when he's not rooting around in the Sump, he's digging deep into other people's garbage for discarded treasures… and perhaps a moldy sandwich.The most powerful spirit walker alive, Udyr communes with all the spirits of the Freljord, whether by empathically understanding their needs, or by channeling and transforming their ethereal energy into his own primal fighting style. He seeks balance within, so that his mind does not get lost amidst others, but he also seeks balance without—for the Freljord's mystical landscape can only thrive with the growth that comes from conflict and struggle, and Udyr knows that sacrifices must be made to keep peaceful stagnance at bay.Once a powerful Noxian headsman, Urgot was betrayed by the empire for which he had killed so many. Bound in iron chains, he was forced to learn the true meaning of strength in the Dredge—a prison mine deep beneath Zaun. Emerging in a disaster that spread chaos throughout the city, he now casts an imposing shadow over its criminal underworld. Raising his victims on the very chains that once enslaved him, he will purge his new home of the unworthy, making it a crucible of pain.One of the ancient darkin, Varus was a deadly killer who loved to torment his foes, driving them almost to insanity before delivering the killing arrow. He was imprisoned at the end of the Great Darkin War, but escaped centuries later in the remade flesh of two Ionian hunters—they had unwittingly released him, cursed to bear the bow containing his bound essence. Varus now seeks out those who trapped him, in order to enact his brutal vengeance, but the mortal souls within still resist him every step of the way.Shauna Vayne is a deadly, remorseless Demacian monster hunter, who has dedicated her life to finding and destroying the demon that murdered her family. Armed with a wrist-mounted crossbow and a heart full of vengeance, she is only truly happy when slaying practitioners or creations of the dark arts, striking from the shadows with a flurry of silver bolts.An enthusiastic master of dark sorcery, Veigar has embraced powers that few mortals dare approach. As a free-spirited inhabitant of Bandle City, he longed to push beyond the limitations of yordle magic, and turned instead to arcane texts that had been hidden away for thousands of years. Now a stubborn creature with an endless fascination for the mysteries of the universe, Veigar is often underestimated by others—but even though he believes himself truly evil, he possesses an inner morality that leads some to question his deeper motivations.It is unclear if Vel'Koz was the first Void-spawn to emerge on Runeterra, but there has certainly never been another to match his level of cruel, calculating sentience. While his kin devour or defile everything around them, he seeks instead to scrutinize and study the physical realm—and the strange, warlike beings that dwell there—for any weakness the Void might exploit. But Vel'Koz is far from a passive observer, striking back at threats with deadly plasma, or by disrupting the very fabric of the world itself.In the black heart of the Shadow Isles, a lone yordle trudges through the spectral fog, content in its murky misery. With an endless supply of teen angst and a powerful shadow in tow, Vex lives in her own self-made slice of gloom, far from the revolting cheer of the “normie” world. Though she lacks ambition, she is quick to strike down color and happiness, stopping all would-be interlopers with her magical malaise.Once a criminal from the mean streets of Zaun, Vi is a hotheaded, impulsive, and fearsome woman with only a very loose respect for authority figures. Growing up all but alone, Vi developed finely honed survival instincts as well as a wickedly abrasive sense of humor. Now working with the Wardens of Piltover to keep the peace, she wields mighty hextech gauntlets that can punch through walls and suspects with equal ease.Once ruler of a long-lost kingdom, Viego perished over a thousand years ago when his attempt to bring his wife back from the dead triggered the magical catastrophe known as the Ruination. Transformed into a powerful, unliving wraith tortured by an obsessive longing for his centuries-dead queen, Viego now stands as the Ruined King, controlling the deadly Harrowings as he scours Runeterra for anything that might one day restore her, and destroying all in his path as the Black Mist pours endlessly from his cruel, broken heart.The herald of a new age of technology, Viktor has devoted his life to the advancement of humankind. An idealist who seeks to lift the people of Zaun to a new level of understanding, he believes that only by embracing a glorious evolution of technology can humanity's full potential be realized. With a body augmented by steel and science, Viktor is zealous in his pursuit of this bright future.A fiend with a thirst for mortal blood, Vladimir has influenced the affairs of Noxus since the empire's earliest days. In addition to unnaturally extending his life, his mastery of hemomancy allows him to control the minds and bodies of others as easily as his own. In the flamboyant salons of the Noxian aristocracy, this has enabled him to build a fanatical cult of personality around himself—while in the lowest back alleys, it allows him to bleed his enemies dry.To those who still revere him, the Volibear is the storm made manifest. Destructive, wild, and stubbornly resolute, he existed before mortals walked the Freljord's tundra, and is fiercely protective of the lands that he and his demi-god kin created. Cultivating a deep hatred of civilization and the weakness it brought with it, he now fights to return to the old ways—when the land was untamed, and blood spilled freely—and eagerly battles all who oppose him, with tooth, claw, and thundering domination.Warwick is a monster who hunts the gray alleys of Zaun. Transformed by agonizing experiments, his body is fused with an intricate system of chambers and pumps, machinery filling his veins with alchemical rage. Bursting out of the shadows, he preys upon those criminals who terrorize the city's depths. Warwick is drawn to blood, and driven mad by its scent. None who spill it can escape him.Deadly and precise, Xayah is a vastayan revolutionary waging a personal war to save her people. She uses her speed, guile, and razor-sharp feather blades to cut down anyone who stands in her way. Xayah fights alongside her partner and lover, Rakan, to protect their dwindling tribe, and restore their race to her vision of its former glory.Xerath is an Ascended Magus of ancient Shurima, a being of arcane energy writhing in the broken shards of a magical sarcophagus. For millennia, he was trapped beneath the desert sands, but the rise of Shurima freed him from his ancient prison. Driven insane with power, he now seeks to take what he believes is rightfully his and replace the upstart civilizations of the world with one fashioned in his image.Xin Zhao is a resolute warrior loyal to the ruling Lightshield dynasty. Once condemned to the fighting pits of Noxus, he survived countless gladiatorial bouts, but after being freed by Demacian forces, he swore his life and allegiance to these brave liberators. Armed with his favored three-talon spear, Xin Zhao now fights for his adopted kingdom, audaciously challenging any foe, no matter the odds.An Ionian of deep resolve, Yasuo is an agile swordsman who wields the air itself against his enemies. As a proud young man, he was falsely accused of murdering his master—unable to prove his innocence, he was forced to slay his own brother in self defense. Even after his master's true killer was revealed, Yasuo still could not forgive himself for all he had done, and now wanders his homeland with only the wind to guide his blade.In life, he was Yone—half-brother of Yasuo, and renowned student of his village's sword school. But upon his death at the hands of his brother, he found himself hunted by a malevolent entity of the spirit realm, and was forced to slay it with its own sword. Now, cursed to wear its demonic mask upon his face, Yone tirelessly hunts all such creatures in order to understand what he has become.The last survivor of a long-forgotten religious order, Yorick is both blessed and cursed with power over the dead. Trapped on the Shadow Isles, his only companions are the rotting corpses and shrieking spirits that he gathers to him. Yorick's monstrous actions belie his noble purpose: to free his home from the curse of the Ruination.A magical cat from Bandle City, Yuumi was once the familiar of a yordle enchantress, Norra. When her master mysteriously disappeared, Yuumi became the Keeper of Norra's sentient Book of Thresholds, traveling through portals in its pages to search for her. Yearning for affection, Yuumi seeks friendly companions to partner with on her journey, protecting them with luminous shields and fierce resolve. While Book strives to keep her on task, Yuumi is often drawn to worldly comforts, such as naps and fish. In the end, however, she always returns to her quest to find her friend.Zac is the product of a toxic spill that ran through a chemtech seam and pooled in an isolated cavern deep in Zaun's Sump. Despite such humble origins, Zac has grown from primordial ooze into a thinking being who dwells in the city's pipes, occasionally emerging to help those who cannot help themselves or to rebuild the broken infrastructure of Zaun.Utterly ruthless and without mercy, Zed is the leader of the Order of Shadow, an organization he created with the intent of militarizing Ionia's magical and martial traditions to drive out Noxian invaders. During the war, desperation led him to unlock the secret shadow form—a malevolent spirit magic as dangerous and corrupting as it is powerful. Zed has mastered all of these forbidden techniques to destroy anything he sees as a threat to his nation, or his new order.A headstrong, spirited young woman from Zaun's working-class, Zeri channels her electric magic to charge herself and her custom-crafted gun. Her volatile power mirrors her emotions, its sparks reflecting her lightning-fast approach to life. Deeply compassionate toward others, Zeri carries the love of her family and her home into every fight. Though her eagerness to help can sometimes backfire, Zeri believes one truth to be certain: stand up for your community, and it will stand up with you.Zeri's not one for the backstabbing schemes at the Festival of the Crystal Rose. She'd rather take action than formulate some complicated plan; and that's why partygoers will never suspect that this year, she's got one: Crash the party in the name of the rejects! No one—not even a dashing, would-be rival—will see her coming.With a love of big bombs and short fuses, the yordle Ziggs is an explosive force of nature. As an inventor's assistant in Piltover, he was bored by his predictable life and befriended a mad, blue-haired bomber named Jinx. After a wild night on the town, Ziggs took her advice and moved to Zaun, where he now explores his fascinations more freely, terrorizing the chem-barons and regular citizens alike in his never ending quest to blow stuff up.Once a powerful Icathian mage, Zilean became obsessed with the passage of time after witnessing his homeland's destruction by the Void. Unable to spare even a minute to grieve the catastrophic loss, he called upon ancient temporal magic to divine all possible outcomes. Having become functionally immortal, Zilean now drifts through the past, present, and future, bending and warping the flow of time around him, always searching for that elusive moment that will turn back the clock and undo Icathia's destruction.As the embodiment of mischief, imagination, and change, Zoe acts as the cosmic messenger of Targon, heralding major events that reshape worlds. Her mere presence warps the arcane mathematics governing realities, sometimes causing cataclysms without conscious effort or malice. This perhaps explains the breezy nonchalance with which Zoe approaches her duties, giving her plenty of time to focus on playing games, tricking mortals, or otherwise amusing herself. An encounter with Zoe can be joyous and life affirming, but it is always more than it appears and often extremely dangerous.Born in an ancient, sorcerous catastrophe, Zyra is the wrath of nature given form—an alluring hybrid of plant and human, kindling new life with every step. She views the many mortals of Valoran as little more than prey for her seeded progeny, and thinks nothing of slaying them with flurries of deadly spines. Though her true purpose has not been revealed, Zyra wanders the world, indulging her most primal urges to colonize, and strangle all other life from it.
    • Ahri's survivability is dramatically reduced when her Ultimate, Spirit Rush, is down.
    • Stay behind minions to make Charm difficult to land, this will reduce Ahri's damage potential significantly.
    • Akali can still be hit by area effect spells while obscured inside Twilight Shroud. Doing so will briefly reveal her position.
    • Akali's Five Point Strike is powerful when used at maximum range and energy. Engage on her when she has low energy to maximize your chance of winning trades.
    • Return to base if your Health is low and Akali has her ultimate available.
    • Alistar is very disruptive but very tough - try to target more fragile damage dealers.
    • Watch out for the Pulverize-Headbutt combo when around turrets.
    • When Alistar uses his ultimate, it's often better to move back and wait until the effect wears off before attacking him.
    • Avoid bunching up with other allies when Amumu has his ultimate available.
    • Erratic movement, or hiding behind creep waves can make it difficult for Amumu to instigate a fight with Bandage Toss.
    • Amumu's Despair makes purchasing primarily Health items a risky proposition.
    • Try to gank Anivia when she's laning. With multiple people, it is easier to ensure that her egg dies.
    • If you're playing a ranged champion, stay far enough away from Anivia so you can dodge Flash Frost more easily.
    • Try to fight Anivia in the lanes. In the jungle she can block pathways with lower ranks of Crystallize.
    • Annie's summoned bear, Tibbers, burns opposing units around himself. Try to keep your distance from him after he's been summoned.
    • Summoner Smite can be used to help take down Tibbers.
    • Keep an eye out for a white, swirling power around Annie. It means she's ready to unleash her stun.
    Each of Aphelios' weapons have different weaknesses, try to exploit the ones that work best for your champion. Watch out for the purple Gravity gun, it can root you.
    • Ashe has very few defensive options, and she's a good target to gank.
    • Be wary of moving around the map alone if Ashe has not recently cast her Enchanted Crystal Arrow.
    • Try to get inside his orbit, since his stars can't hurt you up close.
    • His stars disappear while stunned or silenced, giving you an easy opportunity to fight him.
    • He gains speed while chasing in a straight line, but taking damage makes him lose that momentum.
    • His Starsurge ability can grow to cover a huge area - don't stay in the same place too long!
    • Azir relies on his soldiers to deal damage and can only move them so often. Try to capitalize on windows of time when his soldiers are stationary.
    • Azir has immense damage over a prolonged amount of time but lacks the upfront burst of other mages. Try to burst him out before he can turn a confrontation around.
    • Try to think of Sand Soldiers as fire. Don't stand in the fire.
    • Bard's opponents can also travel through his Magical Journey doorways. You can follow him, if you think it's safe.
    • You can crush Bard's healing shrines just by walking over them. Don't let his allies take them without a fight.
    • Bard's ultimate, Tempered Fate, affects allies, enemies, monsters, and turrets alike. Sometimes it can be to your advantage to jump into it!
    • Blitzcrank's passive Mana Barrier grants him a shield when he is low on health.
    • Staying behind creeps can prevent you from being Rocket Grabbed. Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab only pulls the first enemy target it encounters.
    • Brand must land an ability before his combo is able to get started. Dodging his Sear or Pillar of Flame will disrupt his rhythm.
    • Try to move away from allies when you see Pyroclasm being cast. The initial missile speed is slow, which should give your team time to react.
    • Brand's passive allows him to excel against teams that cluster together. Be sure to split up against him.
    • Braum must land Winter's Bite or a basic attack to start Concussive Blows. If you get marked, exit combat range before getting hit 3 more times to avoid the stun.
    • Braum's ultimate has a long cast time, use that extra time to dodge. Walking over the frozen ground left behind will slow you, position so that you don't need to cross it.
    • Unbreakable gives Braum extremely strong directional defense, either wait until it is down or outposition the ability.
    • Keep behind allied minions if Caitlyn is harassing you with Piltover Peacemaker (it deals less damage with each subsequent target).
    • You can intercept Ace in the Hole's missile from hitting an ally if you stand in its path.
    • Camille's shield only works against one damage type, so hit her when she's vulnerable to your damage.
    • The Hextech Ultimatum has a very short range to cast, so try to flash away from her before she gets close.
    • Be wary of Cassiopeia's damage potential with Twin Fang when she has you poisoned.
    • Turn away from Cassiopeia when she is casting Petrifying Gaze to get slowed instead of stunned.
    • Purchasing a few HP items decreases the chances of Cho'Gath killing you quickly.
    • Focus on preventing Cho'Gath from reaching his max size.
    • Rupture has a smoke cloud indicating the area it will strike. Try to watch out for it to prevent Cho'Gath from being able to combo his abilities.
    • Watch out for Corki's Missile Barrage. They deal splash damage, so you can get hit even when hiding behind minions.
    • Corki is vulnerable after he uses his Valkyrie or Special Delivery, so try switching focus to him if he uses them to enter a fight.
    • When Darius's axe grab is on cooldown, he is vulnerable to harassment attacks.
    • Darius's ability to escape from fights is limited. If you have an advantage against him, press your lead.
    • Dodge Crescent Strike, or move to safety if you are affected by Moonlight.
    • Pale Cascade orbs only last a few seconds. Avoid Diana and engage her after the shield dissipates.
    • Diana can play very aggressively if she uses Lunar Rush without Moonlight, but you can punish her by slowing or stunning her when she has no way to get back into position.
    • Do not oppose Devil Teemo
    • Give in to Devil Teemo
    • Whatever you do, do not kill Devil Teemo! He must destroy your Nexus!
    • Try to coordinate high-damage abilities with your allies right after Dr. Mundo uses his ultimate, but if you're unable to kill him quickly with burst he will heal through the damage.
    • Try casting Ignite when Dr. Mundo uses Sadism to negate a large portion of its healing.
    • Launch skillshots toward the landing position of Draven's Spinning Axes.
    • Disrupt Draven with the goal of making him drop his axes. If you do, his power drops dramatically.
    • Ekko is significantly weaker when his ultimate is down. Watch for the trail he leaves behind to determine if Chronobreak is available.
    • Ekko's stun zone takes 3 seconds to arm. Watch for the image he creates on cast and try to guess where the zone was placed.
    • The second hit of Timewinder does more damage than the first; try to avoid it.
    • Elise's Spider Form is more dangerous when you are at low health, and her Human Form more potent when you are at high health.
    • Rappel will only move Elise straight up and down unless she can descend upon an enemy unit.
    • Rappel has a long cooldown. Elise is vulnerable after she has used it.
    • Purchasing Vision Wards can help you detect Evelynn's location in order to prepare for her ambushes.
    • A large share of Evelynn's threat is in her charm, 'Allure.' Protect allies marked with 'Allure' or, if you are marked, make sure allies are between you and where Evelynn may attack from.
    • If you suspect Evelynn is about to ambush one of your teammates, let them know by pinging the minimap and typing in chat.
    • Ezreal is a very fragile champion so take the fight to him.
    • Ezreal is completely skill shot based, so make sure to keep minions in between you.
    • Mystic Shot applies on-hit effects including the Crest of Cinders.
    • Duelist's Dance shows you where Fiora will try to attack from, so be ready to punish her when she tries.
    • Be careful when casting immobilizing disables on Fiora. If her Riposte is available, she can turn their power against you.
    • Fizz's attacks becomes more deadly for a few seconds after he uses his empowered attack - keep him away while his trident is glowing!
    • Fizz is a slippery target when his abilities are not on cooldown - bait him into using them early and follow up with crowd control or hard-hitting attacks!
    • Galio moves slower when he is charging Shield of Durand.
    • Hero's Entrance can be interrupted before Galio jumps into the air.
    • Galio cannot traverse walls with Justice Punch.
    • Parrrley deals a high amount of physical damage. Items that grant Armor can help if an enemy Gangplank is doing well.
    • Once Gangplank reaches level 6, watch out for his global-range ultimate, Cannon Barrage!
    • Stack armor items to lower the large amount of physical damage that Garen deals out.
    • Try to run away from Garen as your health gets lower, as he can execute you quickly with Demacian Justice.
    • Be careful about attacking Garen in brush. It often will lead to taking full damage from Judgment.
    • Judgment deals maximum damage when only hitting a single target. If getting out of its radius isn't possible, move through allied minions to reduce damage taken.
    • Gnar can't gain Rage for 15 seconds after he turns from big to little. Use this chance to engage on his team.
    • Gnar's animations and resource bar change as he gets closer to transforming.
    • Gnar's ultimate stuns if he hits you into a wall. Be careful when fighting him near one.
    • Gnar can't gain rage for 10 seconds after he turns from big to little. Use this chance to engage on his team.
    • Gnar's animations and resource bar change as he gets closer to transforming.
    • Gnar's ultimate stuns if he hits you into a wall. Be careful when fighting him near one.
    • Gragas can knock everybody away with his ultimate. Be careful that you don't get knocked into him or, worse, an enemy tower.
    • Body Slam is on a very low cooldown, making it difficult to pursue Gragas. Don't overextend yourself chasing him.
    • Graves deals mostly physical damage so Armor is an effective counter.
    • Leaving the Smoke Screen's area of effect removes the harmful effect immediately.
    • Gwen's Hallowed Mist shroud will only follow her once, after that it will dissipate when she leaves.
    • Gwen must hit something to recast her Ultimate, try to evade her between casts.
    • Gwen needs to attack a few times to set up her damage, so try to get the jump on her.
    • Hecarim gains life from nearby enemies with Spirit of Dread but lacks durability, use burst damage.
    • Hecarim's ultimate causes opponents to flee in terror. Spread out to reduce his power in fights.
    • It's better to destroy all of Heimerdinger's turrets at once with the help of creeps than to fight them one at a time.
    • Be wary of Heimerdinger's Upgrade!!!, as he can use it to find an answer to most trouble he gets into. Once his ultimate is down, go in for the kill!
    • Killing Tentacles whenever possible will make it much easier to win a fight against Illaoi.
    • When your spirit gets pulled out, fight back if you can. Dealing damage to Illaoi reduces the spirit's duration.
    • Avoid grouping up for Leap of Faith to reduce the number of Tentacles available to Illaoi.
    • Pay attention to Ionian Fervor stacks and try to engage Irelia when it is down.
    • Minion waves greatly enhance Irelia's mobility, beware fighting her inside one.
    • Beware of wasting your high impact spells on Defiant Dance.
    • Ivern can be deceptively slippery. Be careful chasing him too far.
    • Ivern's brush has a long duration. Watch out for ambushes!
    • Be careful when fighting Ivern alone if he has Daisy ready to help!
    • Save an interrupt ability for when Janna uses her ultimate.
    • Listen for the charge up sound on Howling Gale in case Janna is trying to hit you with it from off screen or from brush.
    • Janna's at her strongest when buffing another ally. If you can harass her ally, it will weaken her ability to fight you.
    • Keep out of the path between Jarvan IV and his Demacian Standard to avoid being knocked up in the air.
    • Cataclysm's terrain is a frightening force to fight against, but movement abilities can go through it.
    • Try to engage him in short bursts instead of going toe-to-toe with him. Preventing him from attacking consecutively drastically lowers his damage output.
    • Jax can dodge all incoming attacks for a very short amount of time and stuns enemies in melee range when it ends. Wait to strike him until after his dodge is finished.
    • Jayce can attack in melee or at range. Pay attention to his stance and weapon color to know how he is going to attack.
    • If you see Jayce drop his Acceleration Gate, be careful, he is probably about to cast Shock Blast.
    • Jayce is strong in the early game. If he gains the advantage, play defensively.
    • Deadly Flourish only roots those hit by one of Jhin's basic attacks, traps, or allies within the last 4 seconds.
    • Jhin places invisible traps around the map. Watch where you step!
    • Jhin's attacks are quite potent, but he runs out of ammo after the 4th shot. Use this window to jump him and burst him down.
    • Jinx's minigun takes time to ramp up. If you see her poking with rockets try to jump on her and burst her down.
    • Jinx's ultimate does less damage the closer you are to her.
    • Jinx's snare grenades have a long cooldown and are her primary means of protecting herself. If she misses with them she will have a hard time escaping if engaged upon.
    • Kai'Sa is very good at picking off isolated enemies. Stick together against her.
    • Kai'Sa is very vulnerable to getting outranged by mages and long range carries.
    • Make sure to place wards in your blind spots so you can see Kai'Sa coming.
    • Kalista's mobility is dependent upon attacking. This means it is low when she is outside of her attack range and that Attack Speed slows reduce the amount of distance she can cover in an engagement.
    • Kalista cannot cancel her basic attack wind up. While she is very mobile, this offers a window to land spells on her if you anticipate when she will begin attacking.
    • If you can break line of sight from Kalista, including through brush, her basic attacks will miss you, falling harmlessly to the ground.
    • Karma's passive lowers her Mantra cooldown when she hits enemy champions with abilities and basic attacks. Deny her from getting free hits on you.
    • Karma's Soulflare erupts for bonus damage in the area in which it's placed. React quickly and escape the circle to avoid taking heavy damage.
    • Focused Resolve is a strong disengage tool. Create distance to avoid being rooted and seek to engage afterwards.
    • Karthus can cast spells for a short duration after he is killed. Move away from his corpse to be safe.
    • Make sure you always have enough health to survive Requiem, even if you have to go back to the base more frequently to heal.
    • Kassadin deals mostly magic damage. If he's doing well consider buying magic resist items like Mercury's Treads and Banshee's Veil.
    • Each time Kassadin consecutively uses Riftwalk, he pays more and more mana. Keep this in mind as you chase him.
    • It takes 6 spell casts for Kassadin's slow, Force Pulse, to become castable. If he levels up that ability, judiciously use your own skills while laning against him.
    • Katarina's abilities deal magic damage, so even if she's building Attack Damage items, get magic resistance to counter her.
    • Try to save a disable for when Katarina uses her Death Lotus.
    • Divine Judgment only grants Kayle or her allies immunity to damage. Slows and stuns can still be applied, so trap them if they're being overzealous.
    • Kayle is usually a fragile target. If you see her ultimate cast on an ally, switch to attacking her.
    • Kayle starts the game as a weaker melee champion. Try to put her behind before she ascends to her ranged form.
    • Umbral Trespass requires Kayn to damage a target first. Try to dodge Blade's Reach to deny him a long range cast of Umbral Trespass.
    • When Kayn is in terrain near you, you will get a visual warning on the edge of the terrain he's in.
    • Damage Kayn while he's in Shadow Step to shorten its duration, or apply hard crowd control (stun, charm, knockup, etc) to end Shadow Step immediately.
    • Consider playing a bit more cautiously around Kennen when you have a Mark of the Storm debuff. If he hits you with 3 Marks of the Storm, you will get stunned.
    • Kennen is flimsy by nature - turn and attack him if he gets careless with Lightning Rush.
    • Taste Their Fear deals bonus damage to targets that are isolated. Gain an advantage by fighting near allied minions, champions, or turrets.
    • Leap and Void Assault have long cooldowns. Kha'Zix is very vulnerable when these are not available.
    • Kindred is fragile - turn the pressure up on her, and she will be forced to play cautiously.
    • Clear the Hunts Wolf activates on jungle camps to slow down Kindred's damage output.
    • When Kindred uses Lamb's Respite get inside, it stops all champions from dying.
    • Kled generates courage by damaging enemies with his Pocket Pistol and basic attacks, killing minions, and attacking structures or epic monsters.
    • Watch Kled's courage bar when he's off his mount - when it reaches 100%, he will remount and regain a significant amount of health.
    • Kled is much more threatening when he has Violent Tendencies ready.
    • Kog'Maw doesn't have a good escape ability, so he is especially prone to ganks.
    • Run away from Kog'Maw after he dies!!!!
    • The range on Living Artillery increases each rank.
    • Bio-Arcane Barrage allows Kog'Maw to kill Baron Nashor extremely early. It can be valuable to ward Nashor when Kog'Maw completes his Blade of the Ruined King.
    • LeBlanc's ultimate can create fake LeBlancs during her spellcast or, rarely, at a distant position.
    • The fake LeBlanc created at a distance will always run at the nearest Champion, cast a harmless spell, then immediately disappear.
    • Attacking LeBlanc first avoids most of her tricks, especially if she's recently used her dash, Distortion.
    • Stunning or silencing LeBlanc will prevent her from activating the return part of Distortion.
    • Stay spread out to minimize the impact of Lee Sin's ultimate, Dragon's Rage.
    • Lee Sin has powerful tools to combat physical damage in Iron Will and Cripple but he is still vulnerable to magic damage.
    • Lee Sin relies heavily on following up with his abilities. Use disables to prevent him from chaining together his abilities and attacks.
    • When Leona activates Eclipse, you have three seconds to get away from her before she deals damage.
    • Only foes in the center of Solar Flare get stunned, so you can often avoid this if you're quick.
      The best way to stop Lissandra from moving using her Glacial Path is to immobilize her before she reactivates it.
    • Lissandra's Ring of Frost has a long cooldown at early ranks; engage her while it's on cooldown.
    • Lissandra's Ice Shard only slows the first unit it hits. Approach Lissandra from behind your team's minions to avoid being slowed.
    • Lucian has strong burst, but little sustained damage.
    • Lucian cannot change the aim of The Culling. Take advantage of this by avoiding the angle of the bullets.
    • Piercing Light does not give Lucian extra Attack Range. He still needs to find a target in range to line up his shot. Avoid Piercing Light by anticipating the angle Lucian will choose.
    • The shots from Lulu's faerie can be intercepted - hide behind your minions to avoid the additional Faerie attacks.
    • Lulu excels when opponents heavily commit. Don't give her this chance! Use heavy harass tactics instead to force Lulu and her partner out of lane.
    • Lux has powerful zone control abilities. Try to spread out and attack from different directions so she cannot lock down a specific area.
    • When retreating with low health, be prepared to dodge Lux's Final Spark, a red targeting beam fires prior to the main beam, so try to move to the side if possible.
    • If you're a physical damage character stay behind your allies when fighting Malphite. Ground Slam can significantly reduce your damage output.
    • Malphite is one of a couple tanks who are capable of jungling. Watch out if he gets Smite.
    • When Malzahar hits a spell on enemies affected by Malefic Visions, the Visions are refreshed.
    • Avoid minion waves that have been affected by Malefic Visions. You never know when they may die and pass the Visions onto you.
    • Malzahar is especially dangerous when he has built up his Void Swarm.
    • Saplings will chase the first enemy that gets too close, but detonate after a few seconds or if they collide with other enemies. Be especially careful around brush sapling, as they are much more dangerous.
    • The cooldown on Maokai's self healing is heavily gated on how many time you hit him with spells. Careful about wasting abilities on him.
    • Maokai will avoid taking damage while he's using Twisted Advance, so don't waste your spells.
    • Meditate is an effective method of healing damage over time, but Master Yi is susceptible to coordinated team ganks early in the game.
    • If Master Yi tries to farm with Alpha Strike, hit him a few times so he has to use mana with Meditate to heal.
    • Although Master Yi cannot be slowed while using Highlander, other disables can stop him in his tracks.
    • Miss Fortune's speed boost is removed if she is damaged by an enemy.
    • Miss Fortune is easy to kill if you can reach her; target her first in team fights.
    • Wukong will often use Decoy after Nimbus Strike. Try delaying your abilities by a short amount of time to ensure that you're hitting the real Wukong.
    • Wukong becomes tougher to kill when surrounded by his enemies. Try to isolate him to gain an advantage.
    • Mordekaiser's abilities charge up his shield, making him tougher to kill over time. Try focusing fire on Mordekaiser to burst him down.
    • Keep your distance and don't stand near creep waves since he'll be aiming Siphon of Destruction at them.
    • Watch out for the Children of the Grave and Ignite combo. If you're low enough, this will kill you and give his team a powerful ghost.
    • Tormented Shadow deals tons of damage to units missing large amounts of Health. When low on Health, be wary of Morgana's attempts to trap you within its reach.
    • Morgana often needs to land Dark Binding to setup her other attacks. Use your minions as shields against Dark Binding.
    • Black Shield makes Morgana immune to disabling effects, but can be broken with magic damage.
    • Focus on attacking Soraka Bot when she ever ventures to the frontline to heal her allies.
    • Take advantage of Soraka Bot's long cooldown on Equinox if she uses it to harass.
    • It's easier to focus Soraka Bot than the ally she is healing.
    • Aqua Prison is a very powerful ability with a long cooldown, take advantage of the situation if Nami misses this ability.
    • Tidal Wave has a very long range but travels slowly, be aware of when it is coming your way as you can move out of its path.
    • Try to avoid fighting an opponent affected by Tidecaller's Blessing, it lasts a short duration so waiting it out can help you greatly.
    • While transformed by his ultimate, Nasus is stronger than most champions in the League. Engage him only if you have a clear advantage.
    • Max rank Wither is a very effective counter to Attack Damage characters, so try to avoid getting caught alone by it.
    • Nasus is prone to being kited. Try not to engage him at full Health.
    • If Nautilus uses Riptide right next to you, hold in place until the ripple effect finishes before running. Running early will run straight into the secondary explosions, causing you to take additional damage and slow.
    • While Nautilus is shielded, he is capable of dealing large amounts of area of effect damage with his basic attacks - consider taking down the shield if you have time.
    • Standing behind minions against Neeko is very dangerous as Tangle-Barbs become stronger.
    • Pop Blossom's warning visuals are invisible if Neeko is disguised.
    • Nidalee's Hunt debuff is only applied with Javelin Toss and Bushwhack. Avoiding being hit by these abilities will impair her ability to deal follow-up damage.
    • Nidalee's Javelin Toss deals more damage the farther she is. If she is far away, it's imperative to dodge it.
    • Nidalee's Takedown deals extreme damage to Hunted targets, but she has to get close to use it. Save your crowd control or defensive abilities for when she goes in for the kill.
    • Stay close to your allies when Paranoia is cast - there is strength in numbers!
    • Nocturne's Unspeakable Horror is broken with range, so try to save your movement abilities for when he casts it.
    • Interrupting the charge up on Absolute Zero will lower the amount of damage your team takes.
    • Using Summoner Flash is a surefire way to escape Absolute Zero.
    • Biggest Snowball Ever moves very fast but cannot turn as quickly, so don't try to escape it by running away in a straight line. Instead, make sudden, sharp turns.
    • Olaf becomes more dangerous the lower life he is. Save your disables to finish him off.
    • Preventing Olaf from reaching his axe will minimize the amount of harassment he can cause in the laning phase.
    • Olaf has reduced defenses from damage during Ragnarok, despite being immune to disables. If you can't escape from Olaf during Ragnarok, try focusing your damage on him with your teammates.
    • Orianna can only affect the area the Ball is around. Use this to your advantage.
    • Watch out for Orianna's Ball returning to her due to leashing. This may cause some unexpected situations.
    • Try to stay away from walls. Ornn is much less strong if he cannot stun you.
    • Attack Ornn to keep him from creating items in lane.
    • Pantheon's Aegis Assault makes him invulnerable from the front. Get behind him or wait it out.
    • Be careful near Pantheon if your health is low - a thrown Comet Spear executes low health enemies.
    • Grand Starfall gives several seconds of warning before Pantheon arrives. Use this time to get out of the way or to form a plan to deal with him.
    • Poppy can stop nearby enemies from dashing with Steadfast Presence.
    • When Poppy starts to spin her hammer, she is charging Keeper's Verdict.
    • You can step on Poppy's shield to deny it from her.
    • Pyke regenerates a significant amount of damage he has taken from enemy champions, but only when you can't see him!
    • When Pyke is hidden nearby in his Ghostwater Dive, sharks will circle underneath your feet.
    • Try not to stand near low health allies. If Pyke executes them using Death From Below, you might be next on the list.
    • After being marked, move away from Quinn so she can't take advantage of it.
    • Keep tabs on Quinn's position. Behind Enemy Lines can enable Valor to cross the map very quickly and attack you by surprise.
    • When Quinn is using Behind Enemy Lines, damaging her removes her Move Speed bonus temporarily.
    • Rakan's movement abilities forecast their destination. Try to use this to your advantage.
    • Champions with crowd control that can be applied quickly excel against Rakan.
    • Catching Rakan with no allies around severely inhibits his mobility. Try to find him alone.
    • Pay particular attention to when his Defensive Ball Curl is off. Rammus has much lower stats than a normal tank when he's out of the stance.
    • Rammus often stacks high Armor, leaving him especially vulnerable to caster damage while not in Defensive Ball Curl.
    • If you see one of Rek'Sai's tunnels, briefly stand on one of the entrances to destroy it.
    • Rek'Sai's Furious Bite gains damage as she builds Fury. Be very careful around her when her Fury is full.
    • When Rek'Sai is near, she can see the position of you and your allies, but only if you're moving.
    • Pay close attention to Renekton's Fury gauge as that will usually signify when he is about to attack.
    • Keeping Renekton from being able to fight and gain Fury by continually harassing him will severely reduce the effectiveness of his abilities.
    • Rengar gains an empowered ability when his resource bar is full. Try to confront him when it's low.
    • Rengar's passive enables him to leap out of brush, so avoid fighting him when near bushes.
    • Rengar puts an indicator over the nearest enemy champion when he is camouflaged during his ultimate.
    • Riven has a great deal of mobility but she cannot move very far with any one skill. Rooting or silencing her during her combo will greatly reduce her effectiveness.
    • All of Riven's damage is physical, prioritize high Armor if an opposing Riven gets out of control.
    • Riven excels at dueling multiple melee attackers at once, as she will be on an almost equal footing damage-wise. If pairing up against Riven, don't go in as double melee until she has expended her full combo.
    • Watch Rumble's Heat bar carefully. If you see him Overheat, go in for the kill while his skills are disabled.
    • Rumble's ultimate can deal a lot of damage if you stay inside the area of effect. When you see the missiles falling, move out of the way as quickly as possible.
    • Rumble deals almost entirely magic damage. Build some Magic Resistance to reduce his damage.
    • Ryze is especially dangerous to opponents that are marked with Flux.
    • Use Realm Warp's windup time to figure out how to deal with what may be coming out of the portal.
    • Crowd controlling Ryze during Realm Warp's windup will cancel the portal.
    • Dodging Arctic Assault and Glacial Prison can give you a huge advantage.
    • Focus on avoiding the second swing of Winter's Wrath which carries the brunt of the damage.
    • Melee enemies can also stack Frost for Sejuani, be very careful around them.
    • If Shaco is doing well early-game, it is worth the investment to place Stealth Wards near his Jungle camps.
    • If Shaco uses Deceive to enter a fight he won't be able to quickly use it again to get away. Work with your team to quickly focus him down.
    • Be ready to dodge Shen's taunt and punish him if he misses.
    • Once Shen reaches level 6, watch out for his global-range ultimate, which can turn fights quickly.
    • A significant portion of Shyvana's power is generated through aggression, making her weak against opponents who are able to keep their distance.
    • All of Shyvana's basic abilities hit multiple enemies in dragon form. It's important for opposing champions to not cluster while fighting her.
    • Shyvana's Fury Bar indicate her ultimate can be activated. Harassing her when she's low on Fury can be very effective.
    • Keep your distance to avoid being Flung back into Singed's allies.
    • Singed needs to run close to your team to be effective. Try to take advantage of this by using crowd control effects on him while attacking his allies.
    • Be careful when chasing Singed. He's very difficult to bring down, and can leave his Poison Trail to damage you in your pursuit.
    • Even if Sion still hits a Decimating Smash, making him release the charge earlier reduces its impact.
    • Use the time after Sion has died to reposition and prepare for his return.
    • Boomerang Blade costs a lot of mana to cast, so dodging it sets Sivir back. If it hits you on the way out, avoid its path on the way back.
    • Sivir is a powerful pushing champion, so leaving her unattended in a lane for too long will often result in your turrets being destroyed.
    • When laning against Sivir, it is possible to throw off the timing of her Spell Shield by faking an advance, then backing off.
    • Skarner can't harm you very much outside of short range, so stay away from him!
    • Skarner's Move Speed is increased as long as his shield, Crystalline Exoskeleton, persists. Attack him to lower his speed.
    • Skarner is especially dangerous when inside Crystal Spire zones his team controls. Try to capture them ahead of time if a fight may break out around them.
    • Spread out when you see Sona so she can't make your entire team dance.
    • Kill Sona first, as she will heal up her team if left alone for too long.
    • Focus on attacking Soraka when she ever ventures to the frontline to heal her allies.
    • Take advantage of Soraka's long cooldown on Equinox if she uses it to harass.
    • It's easier to focus Soraka than the ally she is healing.
    • Swain's passive is very potent if you are immobilized. Make sure to be extra careful around enemies who have immobilizing effects.
    • High mobility counters all of Swain's basic abilities: Death's Hand does more damage the closer he is, Vision of Empire has a very long delay and Nevermove must start returning back to him to be dangerous.
    • Buying an item with Grievous Wounds will make Swain much easier to kill during his Demonic Ascension.
    • Sylas's healthbar can be deceptive, watch out for his Kingslayer!
    • Try to fight Sylas when he isn't able to take your ultimate.
    • Get boots early when playing against Syndra, they'll help you avoid many of her spells.
    • Attack Syndra after she's used Scatter the Weak, it has a long cooldown so she'll be vulnerable.
    • At max rank Syndra's spells gain bonus effects and change in appearance.
    • When you see Tahm Kench use the shield from Thick Skin, remember that he just opted out of a good deal of healing. He will also not accumulate new gray health until Thick Skin comes off cooldown. Use this to your advantage!
    • Watch out for Kench's Abyssal Dive - you can cancel it's channel with immobilizing crowd control effects.
    • When Taliyah casts Unraveled Earth in the lane, be on the lookout for Seismic Shove. If she throws you into her minefield, the throws and stones will break your bones.
    • Taliyah's Threaded Volley is locked into a direction. If she's throwing rocks at you, dodge to the side!
    • Talon's attacks are all physical damage. Build armor early to counter his burst damage.
    • Talon is heavily reliant on Shadow Assault to escape a fight. When it is down he's significantly more vulnerable.
    • Talon has unrivaled roaming ability. Make sure to keep track of his position or force him to stay in lane by pushing aggressively.
    • Taric's ultimate, Cosmic Radiance, has a long delay before its effect. Try to quickly assess whether to disengage the fight or attempt to kill his allies before it goes off.
    • Taric reduces his spell cooldowns by basic attacking enemies with Bravado. Try to kite him in teamfights and punish him for approaching the minion wave in lane.
    • Teemo's Toxic Shot punishes players who get hit and back out, so stay at a safe range until you're ready to commit.
    • It can be valuable to use Oracle's Lens(Trinket) to destroy mushrooms around key locations.
    • Thresh's Death Sentence has a long cast time. Watch for the cast to begin to take evasive actions.
    • Intentionally breaking a wall of The Box can allow a vulnerable ally to escape unscathed.
    • Thresh relies on collecting souls for a portion of his defense and damage. Try punishing him when he moves to collect them.
    • If you see Tristana activate Rapid Fire in a fight, stun her and try to back off until the spell dissipates.
    • Stand away from your creeps in a lane to take less collateral damage from Explosive Charge.
    • Trundle is very powerful at location-based combat. Try to draw him off of his Frozen Domain.
    • Make sure to get out of his Pillar of Ice as quickly as possible, as it significantly slows you down.
    • Try harassing Tryndamere early so he can't kill minions and heal with Bloodlust.
    • Remember, Tryndamere can only slow you if you are facing away from him.
    • Most of Tryndamere's damage is physical. If he's getting too strong, consider buying a Thornmail.
    • Focus on dodging Wild Cards early when your champion doesn't have the hit points to afford getting hit.
    • If you have low Health, use Destiny as an indicator to run to safety. It will give you a head start in escaping any possible ganks.
    • Twitch is fragile. Work with teammates to focus on him when you're able to catch him out of Camouflage.
    • Spell Shields won't block the damage from Deadly Venom, but they will block the effects Twitch can trigger with it.
    • If you suspect Twitch has left the lane, let your teammates know that Twitch is ''MIA.''
    • Udyr has limited ranged options, try to keep distance.
    • After using the more powerful, Awakened version of an ability, Udyr cannot Awaken other abilities for some time.
    • Urgot relies heavily on blasting opponents with his legs, which have their own cooldowns and only detonate when he attacks in the direction they are facing. Avoid getting hit by multiple.
    • Urgot can deal and absorb tremendous amounts of damage with Purge, but slows himself while firing.
    • If you are struck by Fear Beyond Death, do your best to avoid falling below the execution threshold (25% of your Maximum Health) until the effect times out.
    • If you are affected by Blight, Varus' abilities will deal extra damage to you.
    • When he gets a kill or assist, Varus temporarily gains Attack Speed and is much more dangerous.
    • You'll get bound in place if a tendril from Varus' ultimate, Chain of Corruption, reaches you. You can cause the tendril to die however by running far enough away from it.
    • Vayne is fragile - turn the pressure up on her and she will be forced to play cautiously.
    • Deny Vayne the opportunity to pin you against walls.
    • Dark Matter deals very high damage, but it can be avoided. Pay attention to the sound and visual indicator to be aware of when and where the spell will land.
    • Event Horizon only stuns units on the edge. If you're inside the spell, you can still move and attack.
    • Veigar's ultimate deals increased damage based on your missing health.
    • Vel'Koz is very dangerous if left alone in a fight. Try to focus him down early.
    • Vel'Koz has fairly low mobility and is vulnerable to ganks.
    • Life Form Disintegration Ray can be interrupted by stuns, silences and knockups.
    • A fully charged Vault breaker deals double damage. If you see Vi start to charge you should back off or try to dodge it.
    • Vi will shred your Armor and gain Attack Speed if she manages to hit you three times in a row. Try not to engage in extended brawls with her.
    • Vi cannot be stopped while using her ult. Remember to save your displacement effects until after she's done charging.
    • Be careful about how close you let Viktor get to you. Viktor's control of the battlefield increases with his proximity to his opponent.
    • Be aware of how many augments Viktor has upgraded by looking at the color of the light on his staff (purple, yellow, blue, red).
    • Try to take Vladimir down before Hemoplague detonates, as it will heal him for each afflicted enemy Champion.
    • Making Vladimir use Sanguine Pool at the start of a fight will maximize the Health cost of the ability to him.
    • Items that counter Health stacking, such as Liandry's Torment and Blade of the Ruined King, are very effective against Vladimir.
    • Warwick's attacks heal him at low health. Save your disables to finish him off.
    • Warwick is empowered versus low health enemies. Manage your health to keep him at bay.
    • Warwick's ultimate cast range scales with his Move Speed.
    • Xayah's Bladecaller will only root targets hit by 3 or more returning Feathers.
    • Long fights in the same area with Xayah will allow her to drop a lot of Feathers. Try to stay on the move!
    • Make sure you are ready when you go for the kill. Untargetability from Featherstorm can quickly turn an ambush in Xayah's favor.
    • Xerath's range can be intimidating, but most champions who close distance with him can trade favorably.
    • Xerath takes a long time to engage Rite of the Arcane. Watch for his spellcast animation and start dodging.
    • Banshee's Veil will make it much harder for Xerath to land Shocking Orb on you.
    • Xin Zhao is a powerful initiator with both his charge and ultimate dealing damage to all units around him. Try having your team stay spread out until he's used his ultimate.
    • Xin Zhao relies heavily on his Three Talon Strikes for damage and cooldown resets, so preventing him from finishing his combo will have a dramatic effect.
    • Steel Tempest is very narrow. Dodge laterally if possible.
    • When Yasuo lands two Steel Tempests in a row, his next will fire a tornado. Watch and listen for the associated sound to prepare to dodge.
    • Yasuo is at his weakest just after he has launched a whirlwind. Engage at that point.
    • Yasuo's shield from Resolve lasts only 2 seconds. Dealing damage to him will trigger it. Wait it out, then engage.
    • You can cast Smite on Mist Walkers and the Maiden of the Mist to damage or kill them.
    • Try to thin out Yorick's minions before you engage him, Mist Walkers will die from a basic attack or a single target spell.
    • You can attack Dark Procession to break the wall down.
    • Zac heals from the goo that separates from him. You can crush the goo pieces by stepping on them.
    • Kill all of Zac's bloblets when he splits apart to stop him from reforming.
    • Silences, stuns, roots and knockups will all interrupt Zac when he is charging Elastic Slingshot.
    • Zed receives bonus effect from Attack Damage items he purchases, so Armor is super effective against him.
    • After Zed uses his Living Shadow, he is at his most vulnerable as his damage, slow, and mobility are both dependent upon it.
    • Zed's Shadow Slash can only slow you if his shadow hits you with it.
    • Don't step on Ziggs' mines! They'll slow you and make it much easier for him to hit you with his other abiltiies.
    • Many of Ziggs' abilities have long cooldowns. Try catching him just after he's used his abilities.
    • Ziggs' ultimate, Mega Inferno Bomb, deals more damage in the center of the explosion.
    • If you're able to match Zilean's speed, it can sometimes be beneficial to wait until his ultimate has faded before landing the killing blow.
    • Zilean is fragile if a team focuses on him, but otherwise he's very difficult to kill. Commit to killing him as a team.
    • Zoe's Paddle Star deals more damage the further it has flown.
    • Zoe must return to her starting point after casting Portal Jump, making her vulnerable to a counterattack.
    • Sleepy Trouble Bubble travels further over walls. Stop Zoe from hiding in fog of war to prevent her from setting the spell up.
    • Zyra's seeds can be destroyed by stepping on them. If she tries to grow them as you do, dodge back at the last moment.
    • Moving closer to Zyra can be a smart move if she places plants too far away from herself.
    • Plants take fixed damage from attacks and effects, similar to wards. They also expire quickly on their own.
    • Moving the fight to a different area will deprive Zyra of accumulated seeds.
    • Seeds placed by Zyra's W are larger, a different color, and grant a small amount of vision to her team.
    @PassiveCooldown@ Seconds{{game_character_passiveDescription_Olaf}}

    Reaches max at 30% HealthAfter killing 9 minions or monsters, Ahri heals. After taking down an enemy champion, Ahri heals for a greater amount.Amumu's basic attacks Curse enemies for 3 seconds, causing them to take 10% bonus true damage from any magic damage dealt to them.Upon dying, Anivia will revert into an egg. If the egg can survive for six seconds, she is gloriously reborn.On dying, Cryophoenix will revert into an egg. If the egg can survive for six seconds, she is gloriously reborn.After casting 4 spells, Annie's next offensive spell will stun the target for a short duration.Bard's presence causes magical chimes to appear, which grant Bard experience, mana, and a burst of speed. Additionally, lesser spirits follow Bard and aid in his attacks - collecting chimes causes these meeps to gain power over the course of the game.When Blitzcrank's life is brought below 20% health, he activates Mana Barrier. This creates a mana shield equal to 30% of his mana for 10 seconds. Mana Barrier can only occur once every 90 seconds.Brand's spells light his targets ablaze, dealing 2% of their maximum Health in magic damage over 4 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. If Brand kills an enemy while it is ablaze he regains mana. When Blaze reaches max stacks on a Champion or large monster, it becomes unstable. It detonates in 2 seconds, applying spell effects and dealing massive damage in an area around the victim.Braum adds stacks of Concussive Blows to enemies with basic attacks or Winter's Bite. He and his allies continue to add stacks with basic attacks, at 4 stacks their target will be stunned.Corki's basic attack deals a percentage of their damage as magic instead of physical. Every once in a while, The Package arrives in Corki's base to be picked up, temporarily granting him out of combat Move Speed and upgrading Valkyrie into Special Delivery.Darius aims his attacks strategically, causing his target to bleed. This effect stacks up to five times. Enemies that reach max Hemorrhage cause Darius to gain Noxian Might, greatly increasing his damage.Every third strike restores mana and cleaves nearby enemies for additional magic damage. Every spell cast grants attack speed for the next 3 attacks.Dr. Mundo regenerates 0.5% of his maximum Health each second.Ekko's Zero-Drive charges his spells and attacks with temporal energy. The third hit deals bonus damage and, if the target is a champion, Ekko gains accelerated Move Speed.Gains a charge of Essence Theft whenever a spell hits an enemy (max: 3 charges per spell). Upon reaching 9 charges, the next spell has 35% Spell Vamp.Fizz's dexterity allows him to move through units and take less physical damage from basic attacks.Every few seconds, Galio's next basic attack deals bonus magic damage in an area. Colossal Smash's cooldown is reduced when Galio hits champions with his spells.While in combat Gnar generates Fury. At maximum Fury his next ability will transform him into Mega Gnar, granting increased surviviability and access to new spells.When Gragas uses an Ability, Gragas takes a drink, restoring @HealAmount@ Health. This effect has an 8 second Cooldown.Graves's shotgun holds two shells. After firing them he must reload. Each attack fires several bullets in a cone. Hitting an enemy with multiple bullets does bonus damage. These bullets cannot pass through units.Gain Move Speed while near allied towers and turrets deployed by Heimerdinger.Heimerdinger gives surrounding allied turrets and champions increased Health Regen.When Irelia strikes enemies with spells she gains a stacking bonus damage buff on her basic attacks. At maximum stacks she also gains Attack Speed and deals bonus damage to shields.Janna passively gains 8% Move Speed, and nearby allied champions gain this bonus when moving toward her.

    Additionally, Janna's basic attacks cause additional magic damage based on her bonus Move Speed.Jarvan IV's initial basic attack on a target deals bonus physical damage. This effect cannot occur again on the same target for a short duration.Jax's consecutive basic attacks continuously increase his Attack Speed.After casting Transform Jayce gains 40 Move Speed and can move through units for the next 1.25 seconds.Jhin's hand cannon, Whisper, is a precise instrument designed to deal superior damage. It fires at a fixed rate and carries only four shots. Jhin imbues the final bullet with dark magics to critically strike and deal bonus execute damage. Whenever Whisper crits, it inspires Jhin with a burst of Move Speed.Kassadin takes 15% reduced magic damage and ignores unit collision.Whenever an enemy champion dies that Katarina has damaged in the last 3 seconds, her ability cooldowns are reduced by 15 seconds.

    If Katarina picks up a Dagger, she uses it to slash through all nearby enemies, dealing magic damage.At one point in the game, Kayn will permanently transform into either a Shadow Assassin or a Darkin.When Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, he gains Unseen Threat, causing his next basic attack against an enemy Champion to deal bonus magic damage and slow.Kled rides his trusty steed, Skaarl, who takes damage for him. When Skaarl's health depletes, Kled dismounts.

    While dismounted, Kled's abilities change and he deals less damage to champions. Kled can restore Skaarl's courage by fighting enemies. At maximum courage, Kled remounts with a portion of Skaarl's health.Upon dying, Kog'Maw starts a chain reaction in his body which causes him to move faster and detonate after 4 seconds; dealing 100 + (25 x lvl) true damage to surrounding enemies.Pix is a wild Faerie that accompanies Lulu. Pix will fire a barrage of magical energy at targets that Lulu attacks.Lux's damaging spells charge the target with energy for 6 seconds. Lux's next attack ignites the energy, dealing bonus magic damage (depending on Lux's level) to the target.Every few strikes, Master Yi strikes twice.Miss Fortune deals bonus physical damage whenever she attacks a new target.Increases Wukong's Armor and Magic Resist for each nearby enemy champion.A percent of the damage dealt from abilities is converted into a temporary shield, absorbing incoming damage.Soraka Bot runs faster towards nearby low health allies.Nautilus' basic attacks deal bonus physical damage and immobilize his targets. This effect cannot happen more than once every few seconds on the same target.Moving through brush increases Nidalee's Move Speed by 10% for 2 seconds, increased to 30% toward visible enemy champions within 1400 range.

    Hitting champions or monsters with Javelin Toss or Bushwhack triggers a Hunt, granting True Sight of them for 4 seconds. During this time, Nidalee gains 10% Move Speed (increased to 30% toward the Hunted target) and her Takedown and Pounce are enhanced against them.Nunu increases the attack speed and Move Speed of Willump and a nearby ally.Olaf gains up to @MaxAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed and @MaxLifeSteal@ Life Steal, based on his missing Health.When Pyke is hidden from enemies, he regenerates damage that he has recently taken from champions. Pyke also cannot gain extra Maximum Health from any source, and instead gains Bonus AD.Valor periodically marks enemies as Vulnerable. Quinn's first basic attack against Vulnerable targets will deal bonus physical damage.While unburrowed Rek'Sai generates Fury with her basic attacks and spells. When burrowed Rek'Sai consumes Fury to heal herself.Renekton gains Fury for every autoattack he makes. This Fury can empower his abilities with bonus effects. Additionally, Renekton gains bonus Fury when he is low on life.While in brush, Rengar leaps at his target with his basic attack.

    Rengar's abilities build Ferocity. Upon reaching full Ferocity, his next ability becomes empowered and grants him Move Speed on cast, but he instantly loses all Ferocity if he leaves combat.

    Killing enemy champions awards trophies on Rengar's Bonetooth Necklace, permanently increasing his Attack Damage.
    Riven's abilities charge her blade, causing her basic attacks to deal bonus physical damage. Riven's blade may be charged up to three times and expends one charge per attack.Every spell Rumble casts gives him Heat. When he reaches 50% Heat he reaches Danger Zone, granting all his basic abilities bonus effects. When he reaches 100% Heat, he starts Overheating, granting his basic attacks bonus damage, but making him unable to cast spells for a few seconds. Ryze's spells deal extra damage based on his Bonus Mana, and he gains a percentage increase to his maximum Mana based on his Ability Power.Shaco's basic attack critically strikes for extra damage when striking a unit from behind. Units can't be Backstabbed more than once every few seconds, modified by Shaco's cooldown reduction.After being killed, Sion will reanimate with rapidly decaying Health. His attacks become very rapid, gain 100% Lifesteal and deal bonus damage equal to 10% of his target's maximum Health (max 75 to monsters).

    All his abilities are replaced with Death Surge, which grants a burst of Move Speed.Skarner's presence causes crystals to spawn in set locations around the map. While near crystals his team owns, Skarner gains tremendous Move Speed, attack speed, and mana regeneration.After casting 3 spells, Sona's next attack deals bonus magic damage in addition to a bonus effect depending on what song Sona last activated.Swain's ravens collect Soul Fragments that heal him and permanently increase his maximum health.After casting a spell, Sylas's next basic attack whirls his energized chains around him dealing bonus magic damage to enemies hit.Spells gain extra effects at max rank.

    Dark Sphere: Deals 25% more damage against champions.
    Force of Will: Deals 20% bonus true damage.
    Scatter the Weak: Spell width increased by 50%.
    Unleashed Power: Range increased by 75.Talon's spells Wound champions and epic monsters, stacking up to 3 times. When Talon attacks a champion with 3 stacks of Wound, they bleed for heavy damage over time.Tryndamere gains Fury for each attack, critical strike, and killing blow he makes. Fury passively increases his Critical Strike Chance and can be consumed with his Bloodlust spell.Upon killing a unit, Twisted Fate rolls his 'lucky' dice receiving anywhere between 1 and 6 bonus gold.Vel'Koz's abilities apply Organic Deconstruction to enemies on hit. If 3 stacks are accumulated, the enemy will take a burst of true damage.Viktor starts with the Prototype Hex Core that can be upgraded three times in the store to augment his abilities.Every 40 points of bonus Health gives Vladimir 1 Ability Power and every 1 point of Ability Power gives Vladimir 1.4 bonus Health (does not stack with itself).After using an ability, Xayah's next few basic attacks will hit all enemies along their path and dropping Feathers she can recall.Yasuo's Critical Strike Chance is doubled. Additionally, Yasuo builds toward a shield whenever he is moving. The shield triggers when he takes damage from a champion or monster.Enemies that die near Yorick sometimes leave a grave. Champions will always leave a grave.Each time Zac hits an enemy with an ability, he sheds a chunk of himself that can be reabsorbed to restore Health. Upon taking fatal damage, Zac splits into 4 bloblets that attempt to recombine. If any bloblets remain, he will revive with an amount of Health depending on the Health of the surviving bloblets. Each bloblet has a percentage of Zac's maximum Health, Armor and Magic Resistance. This ability has a 5 minute cooldown.Zed's basic attacks against targets below 50% Health deal 6-10% of the target's maximum Health as bonus Magic Damage. This effect can only occur once every 10 seconds on the same target.Every 12 seconds, Ziggs' next basic attack deals bonus magic damage. This cooldown is reduced whenever Ziggs uses an ability.Zoe's next basic attack after casting a spell deals bonus magic damage.Seeds spawn around Zyra periodically, becoming faster with level and lasting 30 seconds. If an enemy Champion steps on a seed, it dies.

    Zyra can cast spells near seeds to grow plants. Extra plants striking the same target deal reduced damage.Nano Repair BotsIron ManPassiveAlistar charges his roar by stunning or displacing enemy champions or when nearby enemies die. When fully charged he heals himself and all nearby allied champions.Cassiopeia gains @TotalMovementSpeed@ Move Speed but cannot purchase Boots.Killing an enemy restores @ChogathCarnivoreHeal@ Health and @ChogathCarnivoreMana@ Mana.Every few seconds, Galio's next basic attack deals bonus magic damage in an area. Colossal Smash's cooldown is reduced when Galio hits champions with his spells.Jax's Attacks grant a stack for 2.5 seconds that gives him @AttackSpeedPerStack@ Attack Speed (max @MaxBonusAttackSpeed@ Attack Speed).When LeBlanc drops below 40% Health, she becomes Invisible for 1 second and creates a harmless clone for 8 seconds. LeBlanc can move the clone with the "Alt" key.Malphite grants himself @TotalShield@ Shield after not taking damage for @PassiveCooldown@ seconds.Poppy throws her buckler, gaining range and bonus magic damage.

    The buckler lands at a nearby location and Poppy can pick it up to gain a shield. Enemies can step on the buckler to destroy it.
    After being out of combat, Sejuani gains Frost Armor which grants Armor and Magic Resist and immunity to slows. Frost Armor persists for a short time after Sejuani takes damage. Sejuani can damage a stunned enemy to shatter it, dealing massive magic damage.Taliyah gains @TotalMS@ Move Speed while out of combat if she has been near a wall within the last @FallOffTime@ seconds.If Teemo stands still for 1.5 seconds without being damaged, he becomes Invisible until he moves. While in a brush, he can maintain Invisibility while moving.

    Upon exiting this Invisibility, Teemo gains @BonusAS@ Attack Speed for @ASDuration@ seconds.Every 12 seconds Xerath's next Attack against a champion restores @ChampionManaRestoreTT@ Mana. It restores @MinionManaRestoreTT@ Mana if attacking minions or jungle monsters.Yorick can raise Mist Walkers with his abilities. Enemies that die near Yorick will sometimes leave a grave.Corki's Package is on CooldownAssassinFighterMageMarksmanSupportTankNot every part of the Hextech renaissance led to bright innovations. A clandestine experiment to fuse Hextech with demonic energies wrought a living nightmare, a predator rumored to stalk the streets and back alleyways of the city. Authorities report that any such creation would have been terminated along with any such project, and that any missing persons reports are, of course, completely unrelated.Gothic OriannaSewn Chaos OriannaBladecraft OriannaTPA OriannaWinter Wonder OriannaHeartseeker OriannaDark Star OriannaSenna rose to fame with her stunning vocal range and iconic sense of style, but when a shady adversary from her past imprisoned her in a restrictive record deal that took away her creative independence, she vanished from the spotlight. After years of living in the shadows, she now emerges as the lead singer of True Damage with her mind set on defining her legacy on her own terms.Once the greatest gunslinger on the continent, Senna's life would have ended when her heart was torn out by the devil—save for the intervention of a higher authority. Mysteriously resurrected with the heart of an angel and a demonic steed, she has returned to the west to restore the balance of Heaven and Hell... however she sees fit.Base Ward SkinHarrowing 2012Death Sworn WardSeason 3 Reward for being Silver or higher in ranked playWorld Finals 2013Snowdown 2013Lunar Revel 2014Valentine's Day 2014You met a Rioter!Commemorate SKT T1's sweeping World Championship victory for season 3All-Stars 2014World Cup 2014Shurima Event 2014World Finals 2014Ranked Team Rewards 2014 Season - 20 points Ranked Team Rewards 2014 Season - 45 pointsRanked Team Rewards 2014 Season - 75 pointsSnowdown 2014Lunar Revel 2015Valentine's Day 2015URF 2015Bilgewater Event 2015PROJECT: 2015World Finals 2015Ranked Team Rewards 2015 Season - 20 pointsRanked Team Rewards 2015 Season - 45 pointsRanked Team Rewards 2015 Season - 75 pointsTake flight!All-Star 2015 Team FireAll-Star 2015 Team IceSnowdown 2015Lunar Revel 2016Valentine's Day 2016Hextech Crafting LaunchDraven Day 2016Mecha Zero SionEl PoroDark StarSnowdown Showdown 2012Pool Party 2016PROJECT 2016Arcade 2016Star Guardian 2016World Finals 2016Mechs vs. Minions2016 Conquering2016 Triumphant2016 VictoriousElementalist LuxTales from the Rift 2016Snowdown 2016Lunar Revel 20172016 All-StarBlood Moon 2017Love Dove WardEye of the Dragon WardLunar Revel 2013God Fist WardCorruptant WardOmega Squad WardSKT T1 kkOma Ward2017 Championship Ward2017 Golden Championship WardDivine Sword WardShockblade Zed ChargeJusticar AatroxVictorious AatroxOdyssey AatroxMecha AatroxPrestige Blood Moon Aatrox (2022)Lunar Eclipse AatroxSea Hunter AatroxBlood Moon AatroxPrestige Blood Moon AatroxDynasty AhriPopstar AhriStar Guardian AhriK/DA AhriPrestige K/DA AhriElderwood AhriChallenger AhriMidnight AhriSpirit Blossom AhriK/DA ALL OUT AhriFoxfire AhriCoven AhriAcademy AhriArcade AhriPrestige K/DA Ahri (2022)Arcana AhriStinger AkaliHeadhunter AkaliPrestige K/DA AkaliPROJECT: AkaliTrue Damage AkaliInfernal AkaliAll-star AkaliK/DA ALL OUT AkaliNurse AkaliBlood Moon AkaliCrime City Nightmare AkaliSilverfang AkaliPrestige K/DA Akali (2022)Star Guardian AkaliSashimi AkaliK/DA AkaliCyber Pop AkshanCrystal Rose AkshanBlack AlistarMoo Cow AlistarHextech AlistarGolden AlistarConqueror AlistarBlackfrost AlistarLunar Beast AlistarMatador AlistarLonghorn AlistarUnchained AlistarInfernal AlistarSweeper AlistarMarauder AlistarSKT T1 AlistarPharaoh AmumuSurprise Party AmumuInfernal AmumuVancouver AmumuHextech AmumuPumpkin Prince AmumuEmumuPorcelain AmumuRe-Gifted AmumuAlmost-Prom King AmumuLittle Knight AmumuSad Robot AmumuTeam Spirit AniviaPapercraft AniviaCosmic Flight AniviaBird of Prey AniviaDivine Phoenix AniviaNoxus Hunter AniviaBewitching BatniviaHextech AniviaBlackfrost AniviaPrehistoric AniviaFestival Queen AniviaGoth AnnieHextech AnnieSuper Galaxy AnnieAnnie-VersaryLunar Beast AnnieRed Riding AnnieCafe Cuties AnnieAnnie in WonderlandFright Night AnnieProm Queen AnnieFrostfire AnnieReverse AnnieFrankenTibbers AnniePanda AnnieSweetheart AnnieNightbringer ApheliosLunar Beast ApheliosEDG ApheliosSpirit Blossom ApheliosFreljord AsheChampionship AsheCosmic Queen AsheHigh Noon AsheSherwood Forest AsheFae Dragon AsheWoad AsheCoven AsheQueen AsheOcean Song AsheAmethyst AsheHeartseeker AsheMarauder AshePROJECT: AsheAshen Lord Aurelion SolMecha Aurelion SolStorm Dragon Aurelion SolGalactic AzirElderwood AzirWorlds 2022 AzirGravelord AzirSKT T1 AzirWarring Kingdoms AzirElderwood BardAstronaut BardCafe Cuties BardBard BloomSnow Day BardBard BardBattle Boss Bel'VethRusty BlitzcrankBlitzcrank SteelBattle Boss BlitzcrankGoalkeeper BlitzcrankLancer Rogue BlitzcrankLancer Paragon BlitzcrankWitch's Brew BlitzcrankSpace Groove Blitz & CrankBoom Boom BlitzcrankVictorious BlitzcrankPiltover Customs BlitzcrankZenith Games BlitzcrankDefinitely Not BlitzcrankiBlitzcrankRiot BlitzcrankApocalyptic BrandArclight BrandEternal Dragon BrandVandal BrandDebonair BrandPrestige Debonair BrandCryocore BrandZombie BrandSpirit Fire BrandBattle Boss BrandDragonslayer BraumSanta BraumCrime City BraumEl Tigre BraumSugar Rush BraumBraum LionheartPool Party BraumResistance CaitlynLunar Wraith CaitlynPulsefire CaitlynPool Party CaitlynArcade CaitlynSheriff CaitlynPrestige Arcade CaitlynBattle Academia CaitlynArcane CaitlynPrestige Arcade Caitlyn (2022)Safari CaitlynSnow Moon CaitlynArctic Warfare CaitlynOfficer CaitlynHeadhunter CaitlynCaitlyn RebelProgram CamilleiG CamilleArcana CamilleCoven CamilleStrike Commander CamilleDesperada CassiopeiaSpirit Blossom CassiopeiaCoven CassiopeiaSiren CassiopeiaBewitching CassiopeiaMythic CassiopeiaJade Fang CassiopeiaCassiopeia CurseEternum CassiopeiaNightmare Cho'GathBattlecast Prime Cho'GathShan Hai Scrolls Cho'GathGentleman Cho'GathLoch Ness Cho'GathJurassic Cho'GathPrehistoric Cho'GathDark Star Cho'GathUFO CorkiArcade CorkiDragonwing CorkiCorgi CorkiIce Toboggan CorkiAstronaut CorkiRed Baron CorkiHot Rod CorkiUrfrider CorkiFnatic CorkiLord DariusDunkmaster DariusDreadnova DariusGod-King DariusHigh Noon DariusBioforge DariusLunar Beast DariusWoad King DariusCrime City Nightmare DariusSpirit Blossom DariusDarius ForgeAcademy DariusDark Valkyrie DianaLunar Goddess DianaBlood Moon DianaDark Waters DianaDragonslayer DianaBattle Queen DianaPrestige Battle Queen DianaSentinel DianaInfernal DianaFirecracker DianaToxic Dr. MundoFrozen Prince MundoCorporate MundoMr. MundoverseMundo MundoExecutioner MundoRageborn MundoTPA MundoPool Party MundoEl Macho MundoSoul Reaver DravenPrimetime DravenSanta DravenMecha Kingdoms DravenGladiator DravenRuined DravenDebonair DravenFright Night DravenPool Party DravenBeast Hunter DravenDraven DravenSandstorm EkkoSKT T1 EkkoTrick or Treat EkkoTrue Damage EkkoAcademy EkkoPulsefire EkkoPROJECT: EkkoFirelight EkkoStar Guardian EkkoPrestige Star Guardian EkkoDeath Blossom EliseBewitching EliseWithered Rose EliseVictorious EliseBlood Moon EliseSKT T1 EliseSuper Galaxy EliseShadow EvelynnSugar Rush EvelynnK/DA ALL OUT EvelynnMasquerade EvelynnCoven EvelynnTango EvelynnPrestige K/DA Evelynn (2022)Spirit Blossom EvelynnSafecracker EvelynnBlood Moon EvelynnK/DA EvelynnPrestige K/DA EvelynnNottingham EzrealDebonair EzrealStar Guardian EzrealSSG EzrealStriker EzrealPajama Guardian EzrealBattle Academia EzrealPsyOps EzrealPrestige PsyOps EzrealPorcelain Protector EzrealFrosted EzrealExplorer EzrealPulsefire EzrealTPA EzrealAce of Spades EzrealArcade EzrealBandito FiddlesticksStar Nemesis FiddlesticksSpectral FiddlesticksPraetorian FiddlesticksSurprise Party FiddlesticksUnion Jack FiddlesticksPumpkinhead FiddlesticksFiddle Me TimbersDark Candy FiddlesticksRisen FiddlesticksRoyal Guard FioraHeadmistress FioraPool Party FioraNightraven FioraSoaring Sword FioraHeartpiercer FioraiG FioraPROJECT: FioraPulsefire FioraLunar Beast FioraPrestige Lunar Beast FioraBewitching FioraAtlantean FizzOmega Squad FizzFuzz FizzPrestige Fuzz FizzLittle Devil FizzTundra FizzPrestige Fuzz Fizz (2022)Fisherman FizzVoid FizzFizz ScorchCottontail FizzSuper Galaxy FizzEnchanted GalioBirdioInfernal GalioDragon Guardian GalioHextech GalioCommando GalioGatekeeper GalioDebonair GalioSpooky GangplankDreadnova GangplankPool Party GangplankMinuteman GangplankFPX GangplankGangplank the BetrayerSailor GangplankToy Soldier GangplankSpecial Forces GangplankSultan GangplankCaptain GangplankSanguine GarenRogue Admiral GarenWarring Kingdoms GarenGod-King GarenDemacia Vice GarenDesert Trooper GarenMecha Kingdoms GarenPrestige Mecha Kingdoms GarenBattle Academia GarenCommando GarenDreadknight GarenRugged GarenSteel Legion GarenGaren NobleDino GnarSuper Galaxy GnarSSG GnarAstronaut GnarGentleman GnarElderwood GnarSnow Day GnarEl León GnarScuba GragasArctic Ops GragasWarden GragasHillbilly GragasSanta GragasGragas, Esq.Vandal GragasOktoberfest GragasSuperfan GragasFnatic GragasGragas CaskbreakerHired Gun GravesPool Party GravesVictorious GravesPraetorian GravesJailbreak GravesBattle Professor GravesSnow Day GravesCrime City GravesSentinel GravesRiot GravesEDG GravesCutthroat GravesSpace Groove GwenCafe Cuties GwenBlood Knight HecarimHigh Noon HecarimCosmic Charger HecarimReaper HecarimArcana HecarimHeadless HecarimArcade HecarimElderwood HecarimWorldbreaker HecarimLancer Zero HecarimAlien Invader HeimerdingerPool Party HeimerdingerBlast Zone HeimerdingerHeimerstingerPiltover Customs HeimerdingerSnowmerdingerHazmat HeimerdingerDragon Trainer HeimerdingerVoid Bringer IllaoiCosmic Invoker IllaoiSnow Moon IllaoiResistance IllaoiNightblade IreliaDivine Sword IreliaFrostblade IreliaiG IreliaPROJECT: IreliaPrestige PROJECT: IreliaHigh Noon IreliaAviator IreliaSentinel IreliaInfiltrator IreliaPrestige PROJECT: Irelia (2022)Order of the Lotus IreliaCandy King IvernDunkmaster IvernOld God IvernTempest JannaSacred Sword JannaBewitching JannaHextech JannaGuardian of the Sands JannaBattle Queen JannaFrost Queen JannaCrystal Rose JannaVictorious JannaCyber Halo JannaPrestige Cyber Halo JannaForecast JannaFnatic JannaStar Guardian JannaCommando Jarvan IVWarring Kingdoms Jarvan IVPool Party Jarvan IVDark Star Jarvan IVDragonslayer Jarvan IVLunar Beast Jarvan IVDarkforge Jarvan IVWorlds 2021 Jarvan IVVictorious Jarvan IVFnatic Jarvan IVSSG Jarvan IVHextech Jarvan IVThe Mighty JaxNemesis Jax SandWarden JaxGod Staff JaxMecha Kingdoms JaxVandal JaxConqueror JaxPrestige Conqueror JaxAngler JaxPAX JaxJaximusTemple JaxNemesis JaxSKT T1 JaxFull Metal JayceBattle Academia JayceResistance JayceDebonair JayceArcane JayceZenith Games JayceForsaken JayceJayce BrighthammerHigh Noon JhinShan Hai Scrolls JhinBlood Moon JhinDWG JhinSKT T1 JhinPROJECT: JhinDark Cosmic JhinCrime City JinxFirecracker JinxAmbitious Elf JinxOdyssey JinxPROJECT: JinxHeartseeker JinxZombie Slayer JinxArcane JinxBattle Cat JinxStar Guardian JinxPrestige Battle Cat JinxBullet Angel Kai'SaK/DA Kai'SaPrestige K/DA Kai'SaiG Kai'SaArcade Kai'SaK/DA ALL OUT Kai'SaPrestige K/DA ALL OUT Kai'SaLagoon Dragon Kai'SaPrestige K/DA Kai'Sa (2022)Star Guardian Kai'SaBlood Moon KalistaMarauder KalistaChampionship KalistaSKT T1 KalistaSun Goddess KarmaConqueror KarmaDark Star KarmaDawnbringer KarmaSakura KarmaOdyssey KarmaRuined KarmaTraditional KarmaOrder of the Lotus KarmaTranquility Dragon KarmaWarden KarmaWinter Wonder KarmaPhantom KarthusInfernal KarthusPentakill III: Lost Chapter KarthusStatue of KarthusGrim Reaper KarthusPentakill KarthusFnatic KarthusGrim Reaper Karthus PlagueKarthus LightsbaneFestival KassadinCount KassadinHextech KassadinShockblade KassadinDeep One KassadinPre-Void KassadinHarbinger KassadinCosmic Reaver KassadinMercenary KatarinaDeath Sworn KatarinaWarring Kingdoms KatarinaBattle Academia KatarinaRed Card KatarinaBlood Moon KatarinaBattle Queen KatarinaBilgewater KatarinaHigh Noon KatarinaKitty Cat KatarinaHigh Command KatarinaSandstorm KatarinaSlay Belle KatarinaPROJECT: KatarinaSilver KayleViridian KaylePsyOps KayleDragonslayer KayleTranscended KaylePentakill III: Lost Chapter KayleBattleborn KayleSun-Eater KayleJudgment KayleAether Wing KayleRiot KayleIron Inquisitor KaylePentakill KayleSoulhunter KaynNightbringer KaynSnow Moon KaynOdyssey KaynPrestige Nightbringer KaynDeadly KennenKennen M.D.Infernal KennenSwamp Master KennenDWG KennenKarate KennenArctic Ops KennenBlood Moon KennenSuper KennenMecha Kha'ZixChampionship Kha'ZixGuardian of the Sands Kha'ZixDeath Blossom Kha'ZixDark Star Kha'ZixOdyssey Kha'ZixShadowfire KindredSpirit Blossom KindredPorcelain KindredSuper Galaxy KindredSir KledMarauder KledCount KledulaCaterpillar Kog'MawHextech Kog'MawPug'MawArcanist Kog'MawSonoran Kog'MawBee'MawMonarch Kog'MawZap'MawReindeer Kog'MawLion Dance Kog'MawDeep Sea Kog'MawJurassic Kog'MawBattlecast Kog'MawWicked LeBlancPrestigious LeBlancProgram LeBlanciG LeBlancCoven LeBlancChampionship LeBlancMistletoe LeBlancPrestige Coven LeBlancDebonair LeBlancRavenborn LeBlancBewitching LeBlancBewitching LeblancElderwood LeBlancTraditional Lee SinKnockout Lee SinGod Fist Lee SinPlaymaker Lee SinAcolyte Lee SinDragon Fist Lee SinNightbringer Lee SinPrestige Nightbringer Lee SinFPX Lee SinStorm Dragon Lee SinPrestige Nightbringer Lee Sin (2022)Muay Thai Lee SinZenith Games Lee SinPool Party Lee SinSKT T1 Lee SinDragon Fist Lee Sin DuelValkyrie LeonaSolar Eclipse LeonaLunar Eclipse LeonaMecha Kingdoms LeonaDefender LeonaBattle Academia LeonaDWG LeonaPrestige Battle Academia LeonaIron Solari LeonaDebonair LeonaHigh Noon LeonaPool Party LeonaPool Party Leona DawnPROJECT: LeonaBarbecue LeonaSpirit Blossom LilliaNightbringer LilliaBloodstone LissandraCoven LissandraDark Cosmic LissandraBlade Queen LissandraPorcelain LissandraProgram LissandraHired Gun LucianDemacia Vice LucianPROJECT: LucianPulsefire LucianPrestige Pulsefire LucianStriker LucianHigh Noon LucianVictorious LucianLucian PrimeArcana LucianStrike Paladin LucianHeartseeker LucianBittersweet LuluPool Party LuluCosmic Enchantress LuluPajama Guardian LuluWicked LuluDragon Trainer LuluSpace Groove LuluPrestige Space Groove LuluMonster Tamer LuluWinter Wonder LuluStar Guardian LuluSorceress LuxLunar Empress LuxPajama Guardian LuxBattle Academia LuxPrestige Battle Academia LuxDark Cosmic LuxCosmic LuxSpace Groove LuxSpellthief LuxPorcelain LuxCommando LuxPrestige Battle Academia Lux (2022)Imperial LuxPrestige Porcelain LuxSteel Legion LuxStar Guardian LuxShamrock MalphiteMecha MalphiteOdyssey MalphiteCoral Reef MalphiteDark Star MalphitePrestige Dark Star MalphiteFPX MalphiteOld God MalphiteMarble MalphiteObsidian MalphiteGlacial MalphiteIronside MalphiteVizier MalzaharWorldbreaker MalzaharBeezaharShadow Prince MalzaharDebonair MalzaharDjinn MalzaharThree Honors MalzaharOverlord MalzaharSnow Day MalzaharBattle Boss MalzaharHextech MalzaharCharred MaokaiMeowkaiWorldbreaker MaokaiTotemic MaokaiAstronaut MaokaiFestive MaokaiHaunted MaokaiGoalkeeper MaokaiVictorious MaokaiAssassin Master YiCosmic Blade Master YiEternal Sword YiSnow Man YiChosen Master YiBlood Moon Master YiIonia Master YiPsyOps Master YiSamurai YiDebonair Master YiHeadhunter Master YiSpirit Blossom Master YiHeadhunter Master Yi StrikePROJECT: YiCowgirl Miss FortuneArcade Miss FortuneStar Guardian Miss FortuneGun Goddess Miss FortunePajama Guardian Miss FortuneBewitching Miss FortuneWaterloo Miss FortunePrestige Bewitching Miss FortuneRuined Miss FortuneSecret Agent Miss FortuneBattle Bunny Miss FortunePrestige Bewitching Miss Fortune (2022)Candy Cane Miss FortuneRoad Warrior Miss FortuneCrime City Miss FortuneCaptain FortunePool Party Miss FortuneVolcanic WukongBattle Academia WukongGeneral WukongJade Dragon WukongUnderworld WukongRadiant WukongLancer Stratus WukongDragon Knight MordekaiserDark Star MordekaiserPROJECT: MordekaiserInfernal MordekaiserPentakill III: Lost Chapter MordekaiserPentakill MordekaiserHigh Noon MordekaiserLord MordekaiserKing of Clubs MordekaiserExiled MorganaLunar Wraith MorganaBewitching MorganaBlackthorn MorganaMajestic Empress MorganaSinful Succulence MorganaCoven MorganaBlade Mistress MorganaDawnbringer MorganaPrestige Bewitching MorganaGhost Bride MorganaStar Nemesis MorganaVictorious MorganaMorgana HauntDryad Soraka BotWinter Wonder Soraka BotDawnbringer Soraka BotNightbringer Soraka BotDivine Soraka BotCelestine Soraka BotReaper Soraka BotOrder of the Banana Soraka BotProgram Soraka BotStar Guardian Soraka BotPajama Guardian Soraka BotKoi NamiProgram NamiSplendid Staff NamiRiver Spirit NamiCosmic Destiny NamiUrf the Nami-teeBewitching NamiKoi Nami ElementDeep Sea NamiSKT T1 NamiGalactic NasusWorldbreaker NasusLunar Guardian NasusBattlecast NasusPharaoh NasusSpace Groove NasusDreadknight NasusArmored Titan NasusRiot K-9 NasusInfernal NasusArchduke NasusDreadknight Nasus PlagueAbyssal NautilusShan Hai Scrolls NautilusFright Night NautilusSubterranean NautilusAstroNautilusWarden NautilusWorldbreaker NautilusConqueror NautilusWinter Wonder NeekoStar Guardian NeekoPrestige Star Guardian NeekoShan Hai Scrolls NeekoPrestige Star Guardian Neeko (2022)Bewitching NeekoSnow Bunny NidaleeChallenger NidaleeDawnbringer NidaleeCosmic Huntress NidaleeLeopard NidaleeDWG NidaleeOcean Song NidaleeFrench Maid NidaleePharaoh NidaleeBewitching NidaleeHeadhunter NidaleeWarring Kingdoms NidaleeSuper Galaxy NidaleeStar Guardian NilahFrozen Terror NocturneOld God NocturneHextech NocturneVoid NocturneRavager NocturneHaunting NocturneEternum NocturneCursed Revenant NocturneSasquatch Nunu & WillumpPapercraft Nunu & WillumpSpace Groove Nunu & WillumpWorkshop Nunu & WillumpNunu & BeelumpGrungy Nunu & WillumpNunu & Willump BotDemolisher Nunu & WillumpTPA Nunu & WillumpZombie Nunu & WillumpForsaken OlafBrolafSKT T1 OlafDragonslayer OlafGlacial OlafSentinel OlafPentakill III: Lost Chapter OlafPentakill OlafMarauder OlafButcher OlafVictorious OriannaPool Party OriannaOrbeeannaThunder Lord OrnnElderwood OrnnMyrmidon PantheonDragonslayer PantheonPulsefire PantheonRuthless PantheonRuined PantheonPrestige Ascended PantheonPerseus PantheonAshen Conqueror PantheonFull Metal PantheonGlaive Warrior PantheonZombie Slayer PantheonBaker PantheonNoxus PoppyBattle Regalia PoppySnow Fawn PoppyHextech PoppyAstronaut PoppyLollipoppyBewitching PoppyBlacksmith PoppyRagdoll PoppyScarlet Hammer PoppyStar Guardian PoppySand Wraith PykeBlood Moon PykePROJECT: PykePsyOps PykeSentinel PykeAshen Knight PykeBattle Boss QiyanaPrestige True Damage QiyanaBattle Queen QiyanaTrue Damage QiyanaShockblade QiyanaPrestige True Damage Qiyana (2022)Phoenix QuinnWarden QuinnStar Guardian QuinnWoad Scout QuinnCorsair QuinnHeartseeker QuinnCosmic Dawn RakanElderwood RakanArcana RakanSweetheart RakanSSG RakaniG RakanStar Guardian RakanKing RammusSweeper RammusHextech RammusAstronaut RammusChrome RammusMolten RammusFreljord RammusNinja RammusFull Metal RammusGuardian of the Sands RammusEternum Rek'SaiBlackfrost Rek'SaiElderwood Rek'SaiPool Party Rek'SaiBattle Queen RellStar Guardian RellAdmiral GlascFright Night Renata GlascGalactic RenektonRenektoyHextech RenektonBlackfrost RenektonOutback RenektonPROJECT: RenektonBloodfury RenektonRune Wars RenektonScorched Earth RenektonPool Party RenektonPrehistoric RenektonSKT T1 RenektonHeadhunter RengarMecha RengarPretty Kitty RengarNight Hunter RengarGuardian of the Sands RengarSSW RengarSentinel RengarRedeemed RivenBattle Bunny RivenDawnbringer RivenDragonblade RivenPulsefire RivenChampionship Riven 2016Crimson Elite RivenValiant Sword RivenArcade RivenPrestige Valiant Sword RivenSpirit Blossom RivenSentinel RivenChampionship RivenBattle Bunny Prime RivenPrestige Valiant Sword Riven (2022)Rumble in the JungleBadlands Baron RumbleSpace Groove RumbleBilgerat RumbleSuper Galaxy RumbleYoung RyzeSKT T1 RyzeChampionship RyzeGuardian of the Sands RyzeTribal RyzeArcana RyzeUncle RyzeTriumphant RyzeProfessor RyzeZombie RyzeDark Crystal RyzePirate RyzeRyze WhitebeardPsyOps SamiraSpace Groove SamiraHigh Noon SamiraSabretusk SejuaniFirecracker SejuaniHextech SejuaniPROJECT: SejuaniDarkrider SejuaniSolar Eclipse SejuaniTraditional SejuaniBear Cavalry SejuaniPoro Rider SejuaniBeast Hunter SejuaniSejuani DawnchaserTrue Damage SennaHigh Noon SennaPROJECT: SennaLunar Eclipse SennaPrestige Lunar Eclipse SennaBewitching SennaPrestige True Damage SennaK/DA ALL OUT Seraphine IndieGraceful Phoenix SeraphineOcean Song SeraphinePrestige Ocean Song SeraphineK/DA ALL OUT Seraphine Rising StarK/DA ALL OUT Seraphine SuperstarMecha Kingdoms SettPool Party SettFirecracker SettObsidian Dragon SettSpirit Blossom SettPrestige Obsidian Dragon SettMad Hatter ShacoDark Star ShacoArcanist ShacoRoyal ShacoCrime City Nightmare ShacoNutcrackoWorkshop ShacoAsylum ShacoMasked ShacoWild Card ShacoFrozen ShenWarlord ShenPulsefire ShenInfernal ShenYellow Jacket ShenPsyOps ShenSurgeon ShenBlood Moon ShenShockblade ShenTPA ShenIronscale ShyvanaRuined ShyvanaBoneclaw ShyvanaDarkflame ShyvanaIce Drake ShyvanaChampionship ShyvanaSuper Galaxy ShyvanaDefault WardBat-o-lantern WardStarcall WardEssence Collector WardPuppy Warwick WardPuppy Nasus WardExo-WardPizza Chicken Ward2018 Conqueror WardPulsefire 2018 WardThe Ripper WardThe Lion WardWard of DravenThe Wolf WardWorld Rune WardSurfin' Pengu WardWipeout Pengu WardHang Loose Pengu WardSpace Lizard WardDevil Vulture WardGold Space Lizard Ward2018 Championship WardPumpkin Cat WardLuminosity WardPajama Guardian WardGolden 2018 Championship WardTrained Dragon WardQueen Poro WardPop Music A-ward2018 Honor 3 Ward2018 Honor 4 Ward2018 Honor 5 WardYear of the Pig WardGolden Year of the Pig WardSeason 3 Victorious WardUnassuming Snowman WardGolden Snowman WardBlood Moon WardCat Lover WardDog Lover Ward2019 Conqueror WardBattle Academia Durandal WardChampionship Hot Dog WardBattle Academia Desk WardArcade 2019 WardSeason 3 Championship WardSK telecom T1 WardDemacia Vice WardTSM WardEcho Fox Ward100 Thieves WardCloud9 WardCLG WardTeam Liquid WardTeam OpTic WardGolden Guardians WardCandy Cane WardFlyQuest WardClutch Gaming WardExcel Esports WardFnatic WardG2 Esports WardMisfits WardOrigen WardRogue WardSchalke 04 WardSK WardBanner of the Horse WardSplyce WardVitality WardFan Pass WardBilibili Gaming WardDominus Esports WardEdward Gaming WardFunPlus Phoenix WardInvictus Gaming WardJD Gaming WardLGD Gaming WardGong WardLNG Esports WardOh My God WardRoyal Never Give Up WardRogue Warriors WardSuning WardTOP Esports WardVictory Five WardVici Gaming WardTeam WE WardKING-ZONE DragonX WardBouquet WardAfreeca Freecs WardDAMWON Gaming WardGen.G WardGRIFFIN WardHanwha Life Esports WardJin Air Greenwings Wardkt Rolster WardSANDBOX Gaming WardStar Guardian 2019 WardPROJECT: Reckoning WardFist Bump Ward2019 Championship WardFrontier Devil WardTrue Damage Ward10th Anniversary WardTales From the Rift 2019 WardNight & Dawn WardPrestige 2019 WardMecha Kingdoms 2020 WardGalaxies 2020 Ward2020 Pulsefire WardHaunting WardSKT T1 Ward2020 Spirit Blossom Kanmei Ward2020 Spirit Blossom Akana WardRiot Games Fist Bump WardTellstones: King's Gambit WardPsyOps 2020 WardK/DA ALL OUT WardChampionship Ward 2020Dragonmancer WardBattle Queens Ward2021 Lunar Beast WardDragonslayer Ward2021 Space Groove WardPROJECT 2021 WardSentinel WardCoven Ward2021 Hextech WardRuined WardPhoenix WardNight & Dawn 2021 WardArcane Ward2022 Firecracker WardAll-Star 2014 WardForge God - Season 2022 WardDebonair WardPrimordial WardAshen Knight WardLoL Esports Ward Season 2022MSI 2022 High Noon WardOcean Song WardStar Guardian 2022 WardI.S.R Drone WardWorlds 2022 Trophy WardGolden Goal WardHyperion WardMecha WardArmordillo WardSad Mummy WardSun Disc Ward2014 Championship Ward2014 Conquering WardWidow Ward2014 Triumphant Ward2014 Victorious WardBattlecast WardPoro WardAstronaut Poro WardGentleman Poro WardBattlecast Poro WardDragonslayer Poro WardUnderworld Poro WardFirecracker WardDeadfall WardHeartseeker WardUrf WardMother Serpent WardSlaughter Fleet WardOptic Enhancer Ward2015 Championship Ward2015 Conquering Ward2015 Triumphant Ward2015 Victorious WardRiggle WardTomb Angel WardAll-Star 2015 Team Fire WardAll-Star 2015 Team Ice WardPenguin Skier WardRising Dawn WardHarpseeker WardHextech WardDefinitely Not A WardMecha Zero WardEl Poro WardDark Star WardSnowman WardHis Royal Crabness WardRecon Drone WardGame On WardStar Guardian Ward2016 Championship WardMechs vs. Minions Ward2016 Conquering Ward2016 Triumphant Ward2016 Victorious WardElementalist WardGingerbread WardVamporo WardSanta Penguin WardCrest of the Rooster Ward2016 All-Star WardBlood Demon WardPulsefire WardDawnbringer WardNightbringer WardLantern of the Serpent WardPentakill WardConqueror WardArcade Poro WardMimi WardNew Horizon WardBanner of the Serpent WardGlorious Legend WardHonor 3 WardHonor 4 WardHonor 5 WardRune Enthusiast Ward2017 Victorious WardDearest Deer WardLovebirds WardRiot Squad SingedResistance SingedHextech SingedSurfer SingedMad Scientist SingedAugmented SingedSnow Day SingedSSW SingedBlack Scourge SingedBeekeeper SingedHextech SionWorldbreaker SionBarbarian SionBlackfrost SionLumberjack SionHigh Noon SionWarmonger SionWarrior Princess SivirPizza Delivery SivirBlood Moon SivirSnowstorm SivirSpectacular SivirOdyssey SivirHuntress SivirCafe Cuties SivirBandit SivirSolar Eclipse SivirPAX SivirWarden SivirVictorious SivirNeo PAX SivirSandscourge SkarnerCosmic Sting SkarnerEarthrune SkarnerBattlecast Alpha SkarnerGuardian of the Sands SkarnerMuse SonaOdyssey SonaArcade SonaPsyOps SonaPentakill SonaPentakill III: Lost Chapter SonaSilent Night SonaStar Guardian SonaGuqin SonaDJ SonaSweetheart SonaDryad SorakaWinter Wonder SorakaDawnbringer SorakaNightbringer SorakaPrestige Star Guardian SorakaCafe Cuties SorakaDivine SorakaSpirit Blossom SorakaCelestine SorakaReaper SorakaOrder of the Banana SorakaProgram SorakaStar Guardian SorakaPajama Guardian SorakaNorthern Front SwainDragon Master SwainHextech SwainCrystal Rose SwainBilgewater SwainLunar Wraith SylasFreljord SylasPROJECT: SylasPrestige PROJECT: SylasBattle Wolf SylasAshen Slayer SylasJusticar SyndraPool Party SyndraWithered Rose SyndraAtlantean SyndraBewitching SyndraQueen of Diamonds SyndraPrestige Star Guardian SyndraStar Guardian SyndraSnow Day SyndraSpirit Blossom SyndraSKT T1 SyndraMaster Chef Tahm KenchArcana Tahm KenchUrf KenchHigh Noon Tahm KenchCoin Emperor Tahm KenchFreljord TaliyahPool Party TaliyahStar Guardian TaliyahSSG TaliyahRenegade TalonDragonblade TalonEnduring Sword TalonCrimson Elite TalonTalon BlackwoodWithered Rose TalonHigh Noon TalonPrestige High Noon TalonSSW TalonBlood Moon TalonEmerald TaricTaric LuminshieldArmor of the Fifth Age TaricBloodstone TaricPool Party TaricHappy Elf TeemoCottontail TeemoLittle Devil TeemoOmega Squad TeemoBeemoRecon TeemoSpirit Blossom TeemoAstronaut TeemoPrestige Spirit Blossom TeemoBadger TeemoFirecracker TeemoSuper TeemoPanda TeemoDeep Terror ThreshHigh Noon ThreshChampionship ThreshPulsefire ThreshPrestige Pulsefire ThreshFPX ThreshDark Star ThreshSpirit Blossom ThreshUnbound ThreshSteel Dragon ThreshBlood Moon ThreshPrestige Pulsefire Thresh (2022)SSW ThreshRiot Girl TristanaDragon Trainer TristanaBewitching TristanaOmega Squad TristanaEarnest Elf TristanaLittle Demon TristanaFirefighter TristanaPengu Cosplay TristanaGuerilla TristanaHextech TristanaFirecracker TristanaBuccaneer TristanaSpirit Blossom TristanaRocket Girl TristanaRocket Girl Tristana PunkLil' Slugger TrundleDragonslayer TrundleFright Night TrundleJunkyard TrundleTraditional TrundleConstable TrundleWorldbreaker TrundleHighland TryndamereBlood Moon TryndamereNightbringer TryndamereKing TryndamereViking TryndamereDemonblade TryndamereSultan TryndamereWarring Kingdoms TryndamereNightmare TryndamereBeast Hunter TryndamereChemtech TryndamerePAX Twisted FateBlood Moon Twisted FatePulsefire Twisted FateOdyssey Twisted FateJack of Hearts Twisted FateDWG Twisted FateCrime City Nightmare Twisted FateThe Magnificent Twisted FateTango Twisted FateHigh Noon Twisted FateMusketeer Twisted FateUnderworld Twisted FateRed Card Twisted FateCutpurse Twisted FateKingpin TwitchOmega Squad TwitchIce King TwitchMedieval TwitchWhistler Village TwitchTwitch ShadowfootDragonslayer TwitchCrime City TwitchHigh Noon TwitchVandal TwitchPickpocket TwitchSSW TwitchBlack Belt UdyrPrimal UdyrSpirit Guard UdyrDefinitely Not UdyrDragon Oracle UdyrGiant Enemy CrabgotHigh Noon UrgotPajama Guardian Cosplay UrgotButcher UrgotFright Night UrgotBattlecast UrgotBlight Crystal VarusInfernal VarusDark Star VarusPROJECT: VarusCosmic Hunter VarusArclight VarusArctic Ops VarusHigh Noon VarusHeartseeker VarusVarus SwiftboltConqueror VarusVindicator VayneSoulstealer VaynePROJECT: VayneFirecracker VaynePrestige Firecracker VayneSpirit Blossom VayneFPX VayneAristocrat VayneSentinel VayneDragonslayer VayneBattle Bat VaynePrestige Firecracker Vayne (2022)Heartseeker VayneSKT T1 VayneArclight VayneDragonslayer Vayne ChaosWhite Mage VeigarOmega Squad VeigarElderwood VeigarCurling VeigarFuryhorn Cosplay VeigarVeigar GreybeardAstronaut VeigarLeprechaun VeigarMonster Tamer VeigarFinal Boss VeigarBaron Von VeigarSuperb Villain VeigarBad Santa VeigarBattlecast Vel'KozInfernal Vel'KozBlackfrost Vel'KozArclight Vel'KozDefinitely Not Vel'KozDawnbringer VexNeon Strike ViOfficer ViPROJECT: ViHeartbreaker ViPsyOps ViArcane ViDebonair ViDemon ViWarring Kingdoms ViLunar Beast ViegoDissonance of Pentakill ViegoEDG ViegoKing ViegoFull Machine ViktorPsyOps ViktorHigh Noon ViktorPrototype ViktorCreator ViktorDeath Sworn ViktorCount VladimirDark Waters VladimirNightbringer VladimirMarquis VladimirCosmic Devourer VladimirNosferatu VladimirCafe Cuties VladimirVandal VladimirBlood Lord VladimirSoulstealer VladimirAcademy VladimirK/DA ALL OUT VoidQueenThunder Lord VolibearDuality Dragon VolibearNorthern Storm VolibearRuneguard VolibearCaptain VolibearEl Rayo VolibearThe Thousand-Pierced BearPrestige Duality Dragon VolibearGrey WarwickLunar Guardian WarwickPROJECT: WarwickUrf the ManateeBig Bad WarwickOld God WarwickTundra Hunter WarwickFeral WarwickFirefang WarwickHyena WarwickMarauder WarwickUrfwickCosmic Dusk XayahElderwood XayahBrave Phoenix XayahSweetheart XayahPrestige Brave Phoenix XayahArcana XayahSSG XayahStar Guardian XayahRuneborn XerathDark Star XerathArcana XerathBattlecast XerathScorched Earth XerathGuardian of the Sands XerathCommando Xin ZhaoWarring Kingdoms Xin ZhaoDragonslayer Xin ZhaoImperial Xin ZhaoCosmic Defender Xin ZhaoMarauder Xin ZhaoViscero Xin ZhaoFirecracker Xin ZhaoWinged Hussar Xin ZhaoSecret Agent Xin ZhaoHigh Noon YasuoOdyssey YasuoBattle Boss YasuoTrue Damage YasuoPROJECT: YasuoBlood Moon YasuoNightbringer YasuoPrestige True Damage YasuoSpirit Blossom YasuoSea Dog YasuoTruth Dragon YasuoDream Dragon YasuoSpirit Blossom YoneBattle Academia YoneDawnbringer YoneOcean Song YoneUndertaker YorickMeowrickResistance YorickPentakill YorickPentakill III: Lost Chapter YorickArclight YorickSpirit Blossom YorickBattle Principal YuumiHeartseeker YuumiYuubeeBewitching YuumiEDG YuumiSpecial Weapon ZacBattlecast ZacPool Party ZacZac SweetSKT T1 ZacShockblade ZedChampionship ZedDeath Sworn ZedGalaxy Slayer ZedPROJECT: ZedPsyOps ZedSKT T1 ZedPrestige PROJECT: ZedDebonair ZedWithered Rose ZeriOcean Song ZeriMad Scientist ZiggsOdyssey ZiggsSugar Rush ZiggsMajor ZiggsHextech ZiggsBZZZiggsPool Party ZiggsSnow Day ZiggsMaster Arcanist ZiggsBattle Boss ZiggsOld Saint ZileanSugar Rush ZileanGroovy ZileanShurima Desert ZileanTime Machine ZileanBlood Moon ZileanCyber Pop ZoeStar Guardian ZoeArcanist ZoePrestige Arcanist ZoePool Party ZoeEDG ZoeWildfire ZyraCrystal Rose ZyraCrime City Nightmare ZyraCoven ZyraHaunted ZyraSKT T1 ZyraDragon Sorceress ZyraPrestige Coven ZyraJUSTICARVICTORIOUSMECHASEA HUNTERBLOOD MOONBLOOD MOON PRESTIGE EDITIONHIGH NOONODYSSEYPROJECT:NIGHTBRINGER
    • All new spell effects and animations
    • Four stage evolving model
    • Pulsefire Ezreal and AI voices
    • Custom effects on a killing blow
    • Summoner icon
    • Summoner profile banner
    • Ten distinct elemental forms
    • Combining elements triggers new transformations
    • New elemental effects for all forms
    • Five exclusive icons which grant dynamic profile background
    • Four deadly guns with matching Exo-Suits
    • New visual and sound effects for every Exo-Suit
    • Swap between weapons an unlimited number of times while at your base
    • Four exclusive icons which grant dynamic profile background
    • Trio of music styles
    • Show-stopping dance moves
    • Light show of effects
    • Music sharing with teammates
    • Three exclusive icons which grant dynamic profile background
    • All-new spell effects and animations
    • Four model evolutions - one for each stance
    • Unique kill effects
    • Four exclusive icons which grant dynamic portrait background
    • Use Charm to set up your combos, it will make landing Orb of Deception and Fox-Fire dramatically easier.
    • Initiate team fights using Charm, and chase down stragglers with Spirit Rush.
    • Spirit Rush enables Ahri's abilities, it opens up paths for Charm, helps double hitting with Orb of Deception, and closes to make use of Fox-Fire.
    • Akali excels at killing fragile champions. Let your team initiate and then strike at the people in the back.
    • Twilight Shroud offers safety in even the most dangerous situations. Use that time to save up energy for a quick strike later.
    • Using Pulverize can allow you to establish better positioning for Headbutt.
    • Move Speed is very important on Alistar. Consider which boots to buy carefully.
    • Using Flash can allow you catch your target off guard to knock them back into your allies with Pulverize and Headbutt.
    • Amumu is highly dependent on teammates, so try laning with your friends for maximum effectiveness.
    • Cooldown Reduction on Amumu is very strong, but it's often difficult to itemize for it. Grab the Golem buff whenever possible to gain Cooldown Reduction without sacrificing stats.
    • Despair is very effective against other tanks, so make sure you're in range of opponents with the highest Health.
    • Timing Flash Frost with Frostbite can lead to devastating combinations.
    • Anivia is extremely reliant on Mana for Glacial Storm. Try getting items with Mana or going for a Crest of the Ancient Golem buff on Summoner's Rift.
    • It can be very difficult for enemy champions to kill her egg early in game. Seize the advantage by playing aggressively.
    • Storing a stun for use with her ultimate can turn the tide of a team fight.
    • Striking killing blows on minions with Disintegrate enables Annie to farm extremely well early in the game.
    • Molten Shield is a good spell to cast to work up to Annie's stun, so sometimes it's beneficial to grab at least 1 rank in it early.
    Each of Aphelios' weapons have different strengths, so try to find the right situation for your current weapons.
    • Try to fire Enchanted Crystal Arrow in the same direction enemies are moving, so it is more likely to hit.
    • Volley arrows are blocked by the first enemy they hit, so keep your distance to avoid having them all absorbed by enemy frontliners.
    • Hawkshot reveals units in brush. If a team fight is occuring in the jungle it can give you a significant advantage.
    • You can use Comet of Legend's flight to grow Starsurge to massive proportions.
    • Save Voice of Light to use as a defense against melee opponents if you need to - otherwise, use its slow to start a fight at long range.
    • Comet of Legend allows you to move quickly around the map; use it to put pressure on other lanes.
    • Be careful about putting down both of the soldiers stored by Arise! Unless you're going all-in, always have a soldier in your back pocket if you need to escape over a wall or if you misposition your other soldier and need damage now.
    • In the lane, try to position your soldiers between the enemy's minions and the enemy champion. This way you can use them both to last hit and to project threat onto your lane opponent.
    • Think of Emperor's Divide as a defensive ability first and foremost. Use it when the enemy engages on you or your allies. Remember that your team can walk through the soldiers summoned by Emperor's Divide and use this to your advantage when enemy melee champions engage on you.
    • Be a bird!
    • It's important to collect chimes to improve your meep's attacks, but don't neglect your lane partner! Try to make a big entrance by bringing an ally into the lane with you with Magical Journey.
    • Let your Caretaker's Shrines charge up - they heal for a lot more when at full power.
    • Don't forget that enemies can also use your Magical Journey doorways, and that your ultimate can also hit your allies!
    • The 1-2-3 combo of Rocket Grab, Power Fist, and Static Field can devastate an individual opponent.
    • Using Blitzcrank's grab to pull an enemy into your tower range followed by a Power Fist will allow the tower to get several hits on them.
    • You can deter enemies from standing near their minions by setting them ablaze, due to Conflagration.
    • You can use Brand's abilities in a variety of combinations to maximize his damage in different situations.
    • Pyroclasm bounces randomly between enemies, so try to cast it on a small group of enemies if you want to hit the same target multiple times.
    • Work with your allies to stack Concussive Blows, encourage them to basic attack marked targets.
    • Leap in front of squishy friends and shield them from projectiles with Unbreakable.
    • Glacial Fissure leaves a powerful slow zone, position it well to split teamfights and slow the enemy approach.
    • Make use of her Yordle Snap Traps by placing them pre-emptively to ensure that you'll have one off of cooldown during combat.
    • Avoid using Ace in the Hole in large team melees as it might be blocked by the wrong target.
    • Fire 90 Caliber Net away from the opponent to close the gap or hop over walls.
    • Try waiting until the other team is distracted with fighting your team, and use Hookshot to pick off vulnerable targets.
    • Use the CC from your abilities to land both of your Precision Protocol attacks on enemies.
    • Use Twin Fang on poisoned stationary targets like monsters and units stunned by her Petrifying Gaze for maximum damage.
    • Lead your enemy when targeting with Noxious Blast to ensure the hit.
    • Try to line up your attacks with Vorpal Spikes so that they kill minions and harass enemy champions at the same time.
    • If you're having difficulty feasting upon champions, try eating minions until you're larger.
    • Using Rupture on creeps in combination with Carnivore is a good way to gain Health and Mana.
    • Phosphorus Bomb can be used to reveal enemy units that might be hiding in a nearby patch of brush.
    • Valkyrie can be used defensively as well, so try using it for a quick escape.
    • Corki can continue to attack while using Gatling Gun. Maximizing Gatling Gun is key to mastering Corki.
    • Decimate is a powerful harassment ability. Strike an enemy from maximum range for the greatest effect.
    • Noxian Guillotine does more damage the more attacks you can land prior to it. Use Noxian Might to deal maximum damage.
    • Darius benefits greatly from enhanced survivability. The longer you can prolong a fight, the more powerful he becomes.
    • Landing Crescent Strike is critically important, but don't be afraid to miss. The cooldown is short and the mana cost is low.
    • Consider when to cast Lunar Rush without Moonlight and when to wait for another Crescent Strike.
    • Use Moonfall and Lunar Rush to stay on targets and activate Moonsilver Blade for extra damage.
    • A well-timed Sadism can bait enemy champions into attacking you even when they lack the damage to finish you.
    • Spirit Visage will increase the healing done by your ultimate and lower cooldowns on all of your abilities.
    • Cleavers are a powerful tool for killing neutral monsters. Instead of returning to base, farm neutral monsters until your ultimate can heal you.
    • If Draven doesn't move, Spinning Axe will fall near his present location. It will fall directly on him, or just to the right or left.
    • If Draven does move after attacking, Spinning Axe will lead him in the direction of his movement. Use this to control where the Spinning Axe will go.
    • Chronobreak is a potent escape tool, but it can also be quite powerful when used offensively. Don't underestimate its damage potential.
    • If you can proc Z-Drive Resonance on an enemy champion, it's worth taking risks to do so. The bonus Move Speed makes it easy to escape.
    • Phase Dive's dash is a great tool for setting up Ekko's other abilities. Use it to get double hits with Timewinder or get into position to detonate Parallel Convergence.
    • Spider Form is most effective at finishing off enemies with low health; Human Form's Neurotoxin does more damage to healthy foes.
    • When in Spider Form, Spiderlings will attack the target that Elise uses Venomous Bite on.
    • Elise's Spider Form and Spider Form abilities do not cost mana and can be prioritized when you are trying to conserve mana.
    • Allure's arm time might seem long, but the Charm and magic resist shred put Evelynn at an exteme advantage so are worth the wait.
    • While stealthed, pay attention to when you are (near) being detected by enemy champions. This is identified by the glowing yellow and red eyes over nearby enemy champions.
    • If at low health, you can take advantage of Demon Shade's healing and Camouflage to return to the fight and surprise opponents.
    • Use Arcane Shift to help line up your other skill shots.
    • You can play Ezreal either as a Attack Damage carry or Ability Power carry depending on how you build him.
    • You can line up Trueshot Barrage to hit multiple minion waves or even Monsters.
    • Thanks to Duelist's Dance, Fiora excels at quick trades. Use the Move Speed boost from striking a Vital to escape unscathed or set up for the next one.
    • Grand Challenge allows Fiora to take down even the most durable opponents and then recover if successful, so do not hesitate to attack the enemy's front line.
    • Since Fizz can move through units, find opportunities in lane to walk through minions and apply Seastone Trident's passive - following it up with the ability's active attack after a few seconds.
    • Fizz's ultimate ability, Chum the Waters, can be aimed at an enemy or towards the area where you think they'll be going.
    • Fizz's spells scale off Ability Power - consider getting items like Zhonya's Hourglass or Banshee's Veil against teams that have high burst threat - and items like Lich Bane or Rabadon's Deathcap if you think you can survive without the Health.
    • You can release Shield of Durand even while crowd controlled.
    • You can use the minimap ally icons to cast Hero's Entrance.
    • You can use the step back from Justice Punch to dodge enemy spells.
    • Parrrley applies On Hit effects like Frozen Mallet or Black Cleaver.
    • Paying attention to low-health enemies on the map can land you a surprise kill with Cannon Barrage.
    • Try placing Cannon Barrage on the path of escape to cut off fleeing enemies.
    • Garen's regeneration greatly increases if he can avoid receiving damage for several seconds.
    • Judgment deals maximum damage when only hitting a single target. For effective trading, try to position such that only the enemy champion is hit.
    • Garen is only constrained by cooldowns, making items such as Black Cleaver very effective for him.
    • Managing your Rage is very important. Try to time out your transformations so you can get maximum benefit from both forms.
    • Position yourself next to walls to bait your enemies into getting stunned by your ultimate.
    • Know your strengths! Mini Gnar is fast, squishy, and has high sustained damage. Mega Gnar is slow, tough, and has high burst.
    • Managing your Fury is very important. Try to time out your transformations so you can get maximum benefit from both forms.
    • Position yourself next to walls to bait your enemies into getting stunned by your ultimate.
    • Know your strengths! Little Gnar is fast, squishy, and has high sustained damage. Big Gnar is slow, tough, and has high burst.
    • The damage reduction from Drunken Rage is applied when you start drinking, try to use it when you see damage coming your way.
    • Try to knock enemies back into your towers with Explosive Cask.
    • Try to combo Body Slam with Explosive Cask to set up kills for your team.
    • Smoke Screen can be used both to escape and to set up a kill.
    • Using Quickdraw to get into range and delivering a point blank Buckshot can do lots of damage.
    • Always be Attacking - In addition to dealing bonus damage, Gwen's Attacks empower or reset many of her Abilities.
    • Gwen can still damage enemies outside her Hallowed Mists, especially with her Ultimate's range.
    • Some of Gwen's Abilities can apply her passive to multiple enemies, so aim them at groups to get maximum damage and healing.
    • Spirit of Dread restores Health when nearby enemies take damage, including damage dealt by allies. Cast this during a large fight to maximize Hecarim's survivability.
    • Devastating Charge deals more damage based on the distance traveled. Try using Onslaught of Shadows or Summoner Spells such as Ghost or Flash to maximize this damage.
    • Turret placement can be a deciding factor in a battle. Against most enemies turrets are best when they can support each other, but if the enemy has a lot of area of effect damage your turrets can be destroyed quickly. Placing turrets in brush can lead to a surprise attack in your favor.
    • The success of Electron Storm Grenade is very important to Heimerdinger's survival. The slow and stun both are capable of keeping enemies in place long enough to punish them, but it is also the first line of defense against a surprise attack.
    • Spreading out Hextech Micro-Rockets leads to more reliable damage and more efficiency against multiple targets, but focusing it creates the biggest impact.
    • Tentacles are an immense source of power. Don't fight without them.
    • Spirits inherit their target's current health. If making a Vessel is your goal, try whittling your opponent's health down a bit first to make killing the spirit easier.
    • Leap of Faith is best used to follow-up a strong engage or when being engaged upon. Be careful about being the first one into a fight.
    • Use Bladesurge to cover great distances by targeting low life minions on your way to champion targets.
    • Defiant Dance is not interrupted by crowd control, try timing it for incoming disables.
    • Flawless Duet does not have a maximum travel distance, try using it in creative ways.
    • Try to help allies follow up a good Rootcaller hit with Triggerseed!
    • Use Brushmaker to set up future ambush spots!
    • Daisy can block skillshots and slow down enemies. Use her to peel for your teammates!
    • Eye of the Storm can be used on allied turrets.
    • Quickly firing a Howling Gale without the charge up can be used to heavily disable the other team.
    • Timing Janna's ultimate can push enemies away from a wounded ally or even separate enemies.
    • You can use the Dragon Strike / Demacian Standard combo to get out of your own Cataclysm arenas.
    • Split your basic attacks on different champions at the beginning of fights to maximize damage.
    • Use Demacian Standard as a scouting tool when worried about incoming enemies.
    • Jax can Leap Strike to friendly units, including wards. You can use them to plan your escape.
    • Jax benefits greatly from items that have both Ability Power and Attack Damage such as Guinsoo's Rageblade and Hextech Gunblade.
    • Be sure to switch stances often. It will enhance your attacks and grant you quick bursts of speed.
    • If you find yourself taking lots of damage, try using Jayce's Hammer Stance, as it grants you additional defenses.
    • For increased range and damage, try casting Shock Blast through the Acceleration Gate.
    • Deadly Flourish has incredible range. When approaching a fight be sure to look ahead for enemies that could be rooted.
    • Your ultimate deals significantly less damage to enemies with full health. Look to pick off weakened targets as they run away.
    • You can still cast your spells while reloading. Use them to fill the down time.
    • Rockets aren't always the best choice! Jinx's minigun is incredibly powerful when fully ramped up. Switch to it whenever an enemy champion gets too close.
    • Jinx's rockets deal full damage to all enemies in the explosion. Use them on minions in lane to hit nearby enemy champions without drawing minion aggro.
    • When a fight starts try to stay on the edge of fray by poking with rockets and Zap!. Do not run in and unload with the minigun until you feel it is safe.
    • Try to catch enemy carries alone to burst them with Icathian Rain.
    • Work with your teammates to set up your Ultimate and optimize damage with your passive.
    • Make sure to buy items that will evolve at least 1 or 2 of your spells.
    • Rend is a valuable last hitting aid, since its cooldown resets if it kills a target.
    • Entering a move order once to trigger Martial Poise will not clear Kalista's basic attack target.
    • Due to her passive, Kalista's Move Speed is effectively increased by Attack Speed.
    • Gathering Fire rewards aggressive play. Look to land abilities and basic attacks on your opponent to lower Mantra's cooldown and stay on the offensive.
    • When using Focused Resolve, slow your opponents with Inner Flame or speed yourself up with Inspire if you're having trouble sticking to a target.
    • Don't be too conservative with Mantra. Gathering Fire is strongest in teamfights, making it easy to recharge Mantra multiple times.
    • Ask your allies to help point out when you should use Requiem to get kills in different lanes.
    • Lay Waste is very strong at farming minions and harassing enemy champions.
    • Kassadin has multiple item paths; he can go caster via Mana and Ability Power or anti-caster with Cooldown Reduction and Magic Resist.
    • Kassadin's ultimate has many uses and is on a shorter cooldown than most, use it often.
    • Try to get the Ancient Golem buff to counteract Riftwalk's increasing Mana cost.
    • Picking up Daggers will significantly reduce Shunpo's cooldown.
    • Try waiting until the other team is distracted with fighting your team, and use Shunpo to teleport into the fray and unleash a devastating Death Lotus.
    • Using Shunpo on an allied Champion, Dagger, or minion can be a great escape tactic.
    • Using Divine Judgment on a high-DPS ally can turn the tides of battle by giving your ally free reign to attack.
    • Kayle's attacks become incredibly powerful once she gains attack range from Divine Ascent. Play safe until then.
    • Kayle benefits greatly from Attack Damage and Ability Power, making hybrid items like Nashor's Tooth and Hextech Gunblade very effective on her.
    • Look at the line-up of both your team and the enemy's team when picking your form.
    • Remember that nearby enemies can see which wall you're in.
    • You can stun your opponents by inflicting 3 Marks of the Storm upon them.
    • Lightning Rush can be used to initiate fights with its Energy return component, allowing him to use other abilities afterward.
    • You can land an initial Mark of the Storm debuff on an opponent with Thundering Shuriken, and then add to it with Electrical Surge.
    • Enemies are considered isolated if they have no allies within a short distance. The damage of Taste Their Fear is massively increased against these targets.
    • Unseen Threat activates when Kha'Zix cannot be seen by the enemy team. Reactivate by using brush or Void Assault. Don't forget to apply Unseen Threat by autoattacking enemy champions.
    • Kha'Zix has a great deal of freedom to choose where and when to fight. Pick your battles carefully to succeed.
    • Moving around between attacks while jungling will help you avoid damage and also generate more heals from Wolf's Frenzy.
    • Pick which Hunts you want to pursue carefully; getting many of them is the key to success as the game goes on.
    • Don't go in first to a large team fight. Wait for your teammates to initiate.
    • Kled generates some courage by killing minions, but gets much more from fighting Champions.
    • The last hit of Violent Tendencies deals more damage than the first three - make sure you hit it!
    • Chaaaaaaaarge!!! can be cast at a great range. Try and predict where the enemy team will be by the time you reach them.
    • Kog'Maw can outrange most champions with his Bio-Arcane Barrage ability.
    • Use Void Ooze to set up a perfect Living Artillery.
    • Make the most out of your Icathian Surprise.
    • Distortion allows you to be aggressive with your other spells while being able to return to safety.
    • Using Distortion can help your positioning to land Ethereal Chains.
    • You can chain Sigil of Malice and Ethereal Chains to prevent characters with blink from escaping for up to 4 seconds.
    • Use Sonic Wave before Dragon's Rage so you can chase the target with Resonating Strike.
    • Take advantage of Flurry by weaving in basic attacks between spell casts - this maximizes damage output and minimizes Energy loss.
    • Self-casting Safeguard and using Iron Will are powerful tools for killing neutral monsters (in the jungle).
    • Lead the charge and mark your foes with Sunlight before your allies deal damage.
    • Shield of Daybreak and Zenith Blade form a powerful offensive combo.
    • You can absorb a huge amount of damage using Eclipse, but you must stay near enemies to gain the bonus duration.
    • You can instantly use your ultimate on yourself by pressing the self cast key and the ultimate key at once (alt+R by default).
    • Casting Glacial Path and then running in the opposite direction will leave your enemies uncertain which way you will actually go.
    • Lissandra's abilities are shorter range than those of many mages. As a result, buying items that offer both ability power and defense, like Zhonya's Hourglass and Banshee's Veil, can be a great choice to help her both survive and deal damage.
    • For optimal burst, try to combine Relentless Pursuit into Piercing Light.
    • Ardent Blaze actually explodes in a star pattern. Try to line it up so the spokes hit enemy champions.
    • Once you have chosen an angle for The Culling, you cannot change it. Pick your moment well!
    • Because of Lightslinger, Lucian benefits more from Attack Damage than he does from Attack Speed.
    • Glitterlance can be fired at odd angles depending on where your cursor is - Moving your cursor closer to Pix and Lulu will change your area of effect size considerably.
    • Consider casting Help, Pix! on ranged attackers for the Pix boost and Wild Growth on Tanks or Fighters for the added initiation power.
    • Lux has great zone control abilities. Try to set up Lucent Singularity to prevent an enemy's advance or escape.
    • If you have trouble landing Prismatic Barrier, remember that it returns to you after it reaches max range. Try positioning yourself to hit your allies with its return trip.
    • Lucent Singularity is a great scouting tool. Try throwing it into brush before walking into it to check for ambushes.
    • Armor naturally reduces the rate that attacks go through Granite Shield, so Brutal Strikes will strengthen the shield against physical damage.
    • Despite his abilities scaling on Armor, some games require Malphite to get Magic Resist. When those games occur, try getting Aegis of the Legion, Mercury's Treads, and Guardian Angel.
    • Wait to cast Void Swarm until there are nearby enemies for the Voidling to attack or kill.
    • Use Call of the Void and Nether Grasp to renew the duration of Malefic Visions on enemies.
    • Avoiding damage in lane maximizes the uptime on Void Shift, increasing Malzahar's safety dramatically.
    • Saplings can be tossed into brush for empowered effect - but don't stack well.
    • Try looking for flanks or other situations where Nature's Grasp is unavoidable or takes enemies by surprise.
    • Maokai's passive makes him extremely durable against focus fire from spells - so long as he can still basic attack something.
    • If you're in a lane against ranged players, leveling up Meditate can allow you to stay in the lane longer and gain levels faster than they will.
    • Wuju Style is very strong early for last hitting minions.
    • Try using Alpha Strike on a minion in front of an enemy champion so you are placed at a safe distance at the end of the spell.
    • Miss Fortune ramps up speed if she hasn't recently taken damage. Avoid getting hit to move very fast.
    • Use Double Up on the furthest enemy minion if enemy champions are hiding in back; it will bounce to them for lots of damage.
    • Make sure to utilize Love Tap while Strut is on cooldown to maximize the active's availability.
    • Decoy and Nimbus Strike work well together to quickly strike your enemy and get out before they can retaliate.
    • Try using Decoy near brush to make an enemy overreact to your movement.
    • You can control a pet by holding down the alt key and using the right mouse button.
    • Sometimes the best defense is more offense; use Mordekaiser's abilities to charge up his shield.
    • Remember that Children of the Grave can be used defensively because of its lifesteal component.
    • Shrewd use of Black Shield can determine the outcome of team fights.
    • Items that provide survivability allow Morgana to become extremely difficult to kill in conjunction with Black Shield and Soul Shackles.
    • Tormented Shadow is an excellent farming tool if you're by yourself in a lane.
    • Soraka Bot is a powerful ally in battle, using her strong healing to keep the party moving forward.
    • You can use Wish on your allies from across the map to save them from otherwise fatal events.
    • Equinox can be used as a powerful zoning tool to keep enemies at bay.
    • Aqua Prison has a long cooldown, make sure to use it at the right moment.
    • Using Ebb and Flow during an engagement with enemy champions will help sway the battle in your favor.
    • Nami's ultimate can come in very handy for initiating on enemies who are far away.
    • Paying attention to last hitting with Siphoning Strike will have a large impact at the end of a game.
    • If you're solo, Spirit Fire is a great way to farm a lane. It can be bad if you're in a lane with 2 and you push too far. Find the right balance between Siphoning Strike last hits and AoE farming.
    • If you have low defenses, people will focus you down even during your ultimate. Try buying some survivability items even in your DPS builds.
    • While ganking, consider aiming Dredge Line at nearby terrain and following it up with Riptide for a higher hit rate.
    • Riptide has a delayed blast timing on activation - you can use this while running away or when enemies are incoming to serve as a deterrent.
    • You can set her passive to use hotkeys in the options menu. The default is Shift+F1~F5
    • Try to use Inherent Glamour sparingly, ineffective uses will put enemies on the alert.
    • Use brush to your advantage! Moving in and out of brush can heavily alter your effectiveness in battle.
    • Start team fights by harassing with your Javelin Toss, and then switch to cougar form to chase down Hunted targets.
    • Bushwhack traps deal damage based on their victim's current Health. Set them up in your team's backline before fights break out during sieges to help your team deal damage to the enemy frontline.
    • Using Paranoia at a critical moment is well worth it even if you cannot use the dash.
    • Duskbringer isn't only an offensive ability. It can be used to close distance out of combat or escape from certain death.
    • Use Shroud of Darkness in tandem with Paranoia's dash. Your opponents may panic and waste a critical disable on your spell shield.
    • Consume allows Nunu to stay in a lane against ranged opponents.
    • You can choose to interrupt Absolute Zero early for partial damage if an opponent is about to run out of range.
    • It's often beneficial to delay the casting of Absolute Zero until the initial round of disables are used. Try to hang back before rushing into a team fight.
    • Olaf can combine Berserker Rage, Vicious Strikes, and Ragnarok at low life to become deceptively strong.
    • The bonus healing granted by Vicious Strikes amplifies your Life Steal from all sources as well as heals from allies.
    • Command: Protect can be used on yourself to return the Ball back to you quickly. Combine this with Command: Attack for a quick harassment.
    • Command: Dissonance is a very powerful escape tool if Orianna has the Ball. The combination of speed and leaving a slowing obstacle can be quite powerful.
    • Command: Shockwave can be used to drag enemies towards you or away from you if you position the Ball properly.
    • Learning build paths of items can help quickly select upgrades in lane.
    • Volcanic Rupture can be used to set up zoning areas to threaten enemies.
    • The order of your abilties matters! Try to optimize Brittle usage.
    • Mortal Will activates after 5 spells or basic attacks - plan your way through fights to allow you to activate it more than once.
    • Whittle the enemy down with Comet Spears before you jump in.
    • If an enemy is going to get out of range of your Aegis Assault, you can recast the spell to immediately fire the shield slam.
    • Iron Ambassador tends to land near walls, try to take advantage of this with Heroic Charge.
    • Keeper's Verdict can be released immediately to send the enemy straight up, take advantage of this in duels.
    • Pyke is very fragile so don't be afraid to temporarily run from a fight. You can regenerate a significant amount of health from Gift of the Drowned Ones when enemies can't see you.
    • Hitting an enemy with the Hold version of Bone Skewer will always pull them the same distance. Use it in melee range to throw targets behind you.
    • The Tap version of Bone Skewer is much faster and deals additional damage.
    • A lot of your agressive spells are also your escapes. Make sure you always have a plan to get out of the fight.
    • Attacking a Vulnerable target marked by Valor will put Harrier on cooldown. Quickly consuming Harrier marks will allow you to generate them faster.
    • Vault is powerful but must be used with caution, as enemies can attack Quinn when she strikes them. Vault can sometimes be used to cross terrain if your back is to a wall.
    • Use Behind Enemy Lines for traveling very long distances quickly, for farming minions around the map, or for chasing wounded targets.
    • Rakan requires allies near him to make the most out of his tools.
    • Rakan's dash speeds increase with his Move Speed. Use the extra speed to surprise your enemies!
    • Danger is as fun as you let it be.
    • Powerball can be used as an effective escape mechanism.
    • Using taunt on a champion by your tower can cause the tower to attack your enemy.
    • Tremors and Defensive Ball Curl can be used late in the game to obliterate towers. If you're bogged down in a team fight, it is often valuable to break off and attack the buildings.
    • Keeping tunnels spread out across the map will ensure you have choices when you want to cast Void Rush.
    • Cast Burrow before travelling around the map to take advantage of the increased Move Speed and the safety provided by Tremor Sense.
    • Tremor Sense can warn you of enemies closing in, and is particularly useful when entering enemy territory.
    • Slice and Dice excels at harassing maneuvers. Slice in, follow up with another skill and then Dice back out to safety.
    • Cull the Meek drains an enormous amount of life when used in the middle of the fray. You can use this to bait opponents into thinking you are weaker than you really are.
    • Cooldown reduction is especially good for Renekton, allowing him to both quickly build up and use his Fury.
    • Use Rengar's ultimate to find and assassinate high priority targets in team fights and skirmishes.
    • A lot of Rengar's power comes from empowered abilities he uses at the right moment - choose wisely!
    • Make sure to take paths through brush when chasing opponents to take advantage of Rengar's passive.
    • Riven's Broken Wings locks onto the champion your cursor is over at the time of cast. If you want to move past your opponent, make sure that your cursor is past your opponent as well.
    • Riven lacks a source of healing or strong defense and must compensate with burst combos. Lead into fights with Broken Wings and Ki Burst, while using Valor to escape and absorb counter-harass.
    • Try and pace yourself to stay in the Danger Zone to maximize your effectiveness. It is easy to overheat if you rapidly use your abilities.
    • Try and keep targets in the range of your Flamespitter. It can deal a lot of damage overtime.
    • If you are winning a fight you can use your ultimate to wall off an escape path.
    • Use Overload's passive to optimize for maximum damage or maximum speed.
    • Spell Flux's short cooldown allows it to be used to spread Flux to many enemies.
    • Ryze can move and cast other spells while Realm Warp is charging without cancelling the portal.
    • Use Arctic Assault to escape bad situations, interupt channeled spells or chase runners.
    • Melee allies can stack Frost for your Permafrost, keep an eye on who they are attacking.
    • Save Glacial Prison for encounters where you have teammates present to take advantage of it.
    • Using Deceive over terrain can help you make a clean escape.
    • Try getting items with on-hit effects. These will also benefit your Hallucination clone.
    • Backstab's damage can be increased with increased Critical Damage effects like Infinity Edge.
    • Keep an eye on allies and be ready to save them with your teleport.
    • Leverage your Energy to get a long-term advantage over Mana users.
    • Shyvana's abilities all benefit from attacking units. As a result, Attack Speed items are more valuable on her than most champions.
    • Flame Breath is great to level-up against difficult lane opponents.
    • Burnout is an ideal choice for jungling. Monsters will be hit by the full duration, and the speed boost improves her ganking potential.
    • It can be valuable to purchase one of the items that can slow enemies: Frozen Mallet, Dead Man's Plate, or Entropy.
    • Poison Trail is very effective at farming and harassing, allowing Singed to dominate the flow of whatever lane he's in.
    • Use Insanity Potion to trick your opponents into chasing you through your Poison Trail.
    • Flinging enemies into your tower can deal heavy amounts of damage to them.
    • You only have very slight turning ability during Unstoppable Onslaught, so make sure to use it in straight paths.
    • Roar of the Slayer is a great setup ability to land a very powerful Decimating Smash.
    • The Soul Furnace buff displays how much shield strength is remaining, use this information to time its explosion perfectly.
    • Sivir's Boomerang Blade returns to her after reaching the max range, so you can shift position to hit enemies who would otherwise have evaded it.
    • Ricochet resets Sivir's basic attack timer on activation, so activating this immediately after landing a normal basic attack will maximize damage output.
    • Try saving Spell Shield for enemy abilities that can disable you such as stuns and roots.
    • Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Crystal Slash. Use them as often as possible for maximum damage.
    • Capturing Crystal Spires before attempting neutral objectives or team fights around them improves Skarner's performance in said fights dramatically.
    • Impale is extremely powerful when you use it to position an enemy so your allies can attack them.
    • Make sure to tag your allies while Sona's auras are active, but avoid getting caught out by enemies.
    • Save Crescendo for the game-altering moment.
    • Well-timed uses of Aria of Perseverance will grant you maximum survivability.
    • Soraka is a powerful ally in battle, using her strong healing to keep the party moving forward.
    • You can use Wish on your allies from across the map to save them from otherwise fatal events.
    • Equinox can be used as a powerful zoning tool to keep enemies at bay.
    • If you're having trouble rooting an enemy with Nevermove, try throwing it at opponents when they are near their minions so the explosion surprises them.
    • While laning, try to use Death's Hand's piercing damage to damage opponents from a safe distance.
    • Vision of Empire is quite difficult to land on its own, look for skirmishes around the map where enemies may be distracted or crowd controlled so you can land it more easily.
    • Demonic Ascension may make Swain very hard to kill but he's pretty easy to get away from. Try building items that can slow opponents to keep them in range if their mobility is overwhelming.
    • Wait for you or your enemy to reach low health before using Kingslayer for maximum effect.
    • Space out your ability usage to get maximum effect from Petricite Burst.
    • Clever use of enemy ultimates can open up new possibilities to approach teamfights.
    • To maximize your ultimate's damage use it when there are many spheres on the battlefield.
    • After you hit an enemy champion with Force of Will follow up with Dark Sphere, they'll be slowed and have a hard time avoiding it.
    • Get one of your spells to rank 5 as quickly as possible, they gain powerful bonus effects at max rank.
    • Your most important function as a support is to keep fragile allies safe. Keep Devour's range and cooldown in mind and position accordingly!
    • Consider carefully when to use Thick Skin's active. Sometimes shielding early to avoid further damage is good, but sometimes the healing is more beneficial.
    • Try to throw enemies into Unraveled Earth using Seismic Shove.
    • Remember, you don't always have to ride Weaver's Wall.
    • Once you have Rylai's Crystal Scepter, casting Threaded Volley at enemies chasing you is a great way of making them regret everything.
    • You can use Assassin's Path to get behind the enemy and set up for Noxian Diplomacy's melee attack.
    • Shadow Assault is a powerful escape tool, but can also be offensively used to assault a group.
    • Remember to pick your target before the fight. Focusing all of Talon's abilities on one target can be very rewarding, but splitting them up between many may leave you helpless.
    • The cooldown reducing component of Bravado makes Cooldown Reduction items like Frozen Heart, Iceborn Gauntlet, and Spirit Visage exceptionally powerful on Taric.
    • Using Starlight's Touch at lower charges makes its healing less Mana efficient, but can greatly increase Taric's sustained damage via Bravado.
    • Rather than saving Cosmic Radiance for the last moment and risking someone dying during the delay, it can be more beneficial to cast it as soon as you know a teamfight is guaranteed to start.
    • Teemo's mushrooms can be used to farm creep waves very effectively.
    • Place your mushrooms at key locations on the map, such as by the Dragon or Baron Nashor, to reveal when your enemies might be attempting to kill them.
    • Communication is key when making use of Thresh's lantern. Let your teammates know how you like to use it.
    • Death Sentence and Flay can be combined in either cast order for powerful combinations.
    • Thresh can collect souls without needing to kill units himself. Planning your map position to be near the most deaths will help to maximize soul collection.
    • Her massive gun allows Tristana to fire on targets at a great distance. Utilize this to prevent your enemies from ever laying a hand on you.
    • Use Rocket Jump after you have stacked up your Explosive Charge on an enemy to finish them off with a burst of damage.
    • Use Rapid Fire to help stack up your Explosive Charge on enemy champions.
    • Trundle excels at fighting within his Frozen Domain. Try to draw enemies onto it.
    • Use Subjugate to soften a powerful enemy tank or to create a target for your team to focus fire.
    • Chomp is good for lowering the physical damage of enemies; try to focus it on enemy physical damage dealers.
    • Delaying the activation of Undying Rage is a very effective way to make an enemy champion over-commit to trying to kill you.
    • Bloodlust is an excellent way to heal Tryndamere. Try not to let it fade off before you activate it.
    • If the enemy is stacking Armor, try building items like Last Whisper or Youmuu's Ghostblade.
    • Coordinate with your allies for the best time to use Destiny to ambush enemies.
    • Stealth characters often escape a battle with very low hit points. Take advantage of Destiny's ability to reveal stealthed units to finish them off.
    • Twisted Fate is viable as an Attack Damage or Ability Power character, letting him fit on many different team compositions.
    • Twitch's Attack Speed is among the highest in the game; try purchasing items with on-hit effects such as Black Cleaver or Wit's End.
    • Contaminate has a large range; apply as many stacks of Deadly Venom as possible before using it.
    • You can catch up to an enemy out of attack range with Venom Cask.
    • Damage is applied to turtle shield post-mitigation. Therefore, buying defensive items can drastically increase your survivability.
    • Udyr is one of the best junglers in the game. Taking advantage of this can give your team a large XP advantage and map control.
    • Pay attention to your individual leg's cooldowns, as they make for a signficiant portion of your damage
    • Land Corrosive Charge or Disdain to lock on to target's with Purge - a great way to trigger multiple legs in rapid succession.
    • Save Fear Beyond Death for opponents you know are already too weak to survive. It's especially good for picking off fleeing foes.
    • An early point in Blighted Quiver helps harass enemy champions and get killing blows on minions.
    • During short range fights it's sometimes best to fire Piercing Arrow quickly, rather than charging it to full power.
    • Try to take advantage of Piercing Arrow's very long range to snipe at enemy champions before a fight or as they're trying to flee.
    • Tumble has many uses, but it cannot pass over walls.
    • Condemn can be used to both pin targets to walls to ensure a kill, or to escape a pursuer.
    • Don't go in first to a large teamfight. Wait for your teammates to initiate.
    • Use Event Horizon to increase your chances of landing Dark Matter.
    • Veigar is extremely Mana and Cooldown Reduction dependent. Try buying items with these stats in order to increase the effectiveness of your passive and Baleful Strike.
    • Veigar is very fragile. It is valuable to select at least one summoner spell that can be used defensively.
    • When laning, use Void Rift to kill minions while building stacks of Organic Deconstruction on your opponent. You can then follow up with your other abilities.
    • Shooting Plasma Fission diagonally and splitting at maximum range allows you to hit opponents that are out of the range of the initial missile, but is more challenging to pull off.
    • Be very careful about when to use Life Form Disintegration Ray. Many champions have abilities that can interrupt the spell.
    • A fully charged Vault Breaker will deal double damage. It's great for catching and finishing off fleeing enemies.
    • Relentless Force does full damage to anyone caught in the shockwave. Use it on minions in lane to hit enemies hiding behind them.
    • Cease and Desist is a powerful initiation tool, just remember not to get too far ahead of the rest of your team.
    • Death Ray is a powerful poke and a strong area of denial tool. Use it in combination with Gravity Field to control your enemy's position.
    • Make sure you choose the right augment at the right time.
    • Transfusion instantly deals damage to the enemy before healing Vladimir, making it one of the best last hitting tools in the game.
    • Cast Hemoplague where it will afflict the most units.
    • Sanguine Pool pops incoming missiles, so it can be used to dodge disables.
    • Follow your Blood Hunt trails to low health enemy champions.
    • Infinite Duress (R)'s distance scales with any Move Speed you gain, even from ally buffs and summoner spells.
    • Jaws of the Beast (Q) will follow enemies who run, dash or teleport if you keep the button held down.
    • Xayah's attacks and abilities leave Feathers on the ground that she can later recall for massive area damage and control.
    • Xayah can use Featherstorm to dodge almost any ability while also creating a ton of Feathers. Try to utilize the offensive and defensive aspects of this ability.
    • It's easier to land Arcanopulse on an enemy when they're moving toward or away from you, rather than side to side.
    • Eye of Destruction will make landing Arcanopulse easier as the target will be slowed.
    • If you stun an enemy with Shocking Orb, follow up with a guaranteed center hit on Eye of Destruction.
    • Xin Zhao is a great initiator to combat. Lead the front to start a fight and use your ultimate to do the most damage possible.
    • Try to position yourself so your ultimate's knockback is most effective.
    • Dash through a minion to have Sweeping Blade available to chase your opponent should they flee; Dash directly to your opponent to preserve a minion as your escape route.
    • At level 18, Yasuo's Steel Tempest reaches its Attack Speed cap with 55% Attack Speed from items.
    • Last Breath can be cast on any target that is knocked Airborne, even by one of your allies.
    • You do not need to cast Awakening to regain the ability to cast Last Rites.
    • The Maiden will attempt to assist you in a fight, so choose your targets well.
    • You can send the Maiden down a lane alone, be careful though, as she represents a large portion of your combat power.
    • Picking up goo chunks is very important to staying alive.
    • When Cell Division is ready, try to die in a position that makes it difficult for the enemy team to kill your bloblets.
    • Charging Elastic Slingshot from the fog of war will give opponents less time to react.
    • Saving energy and spell cooldowns until you use your ultimate will maximize Death Mark's damage.
    • Quickly double tapping Living Shadow will teleport Zed to his shadow immediately for rapid escapes.
    • Placing a Living Shadow before using Death Mark can give Zed a safe escape from combat.
    • Even if you're far from a fight you can still help from afar with Mega Inferno Bomb.
    • Slowing your enemies with Hexplosive Minefield makes it easier to land other abilities.
    • Knocking yourself over walls with Satchel Charge can be great when chasing after or escaping from enemies.
    • You can combine the use of Time Bomb and Rewind to place two Time Bombs on a target quickly. Placing the second bomb will detonate the first and stun all nearby enemies.
    • Time Warp is an effective way to enable allies to finish off enemies, or escape from a losing battle.
    • Chronoshift is a powerful deterrent to attacking your carries, but casting Chronoshift too early in a fight can cause the enemy to switch targets too soon, making it less effective.
    • Paddle Star deals more damage the further it has flown. Casting it behind yourself before redirecting can deal tons of damage.
    • Break Sleep with your biggest damage source, since enemies who are asleep take double damage.
    • Sleepy Trouble Bubble travels further over walls. Find a hiding spot to set up for a long distance kill.
    • Placing a seed in your spell's path after you have cast it gives you the best chance of having a seed in the proper spot.
    • Seeds grant vision to your team.
    • Zyra is a great ambusher - look for opportunities to set a trap of seeds in brush, then lure enemies in.
    @PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) is rooting for Brazil's Dream Team at All-Star 2017!@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) is rooting for China's Dream Team at All-Star 2017!@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) is rooting for Europe's Dream Team at All-Star 2017!@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) is ready to see the dream teams compete at All-Star 2017!@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) is rooting for Korea's Dream Team at All-Star 2017!@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) is rooting for LMS's Dream Team at All-Star 2017!@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) is rooting for North America's Dream Team at All-Star 2017!@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) is rooting for Southeast Asia's Dream Team at All-Star 2017!@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) is rooting for Turkey's Dream Team at All-Star 2017!Your @SourcePerk@ rune has been exchanged to @ResultingPerk@OVERCHARGED: @PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) has destroyed @PlayerBName@ (@PlayerBChamp@)!OVERCHARGED: @PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) has deleted @PlayerBName@ (@PlayerBChamp@)!OVERCHARGED: @PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) has obliterated @PlayerBName@ (@PlayerBChamp@)!OVERCHARGED: @PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) has exterminated @PlayerBName@ (@PlayerBChamp@)!ESCAPED: @PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) survived the hunt.ESCAPED: @PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) cheated death.ESCAPED: @PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) endured the charge.ESCAPED: @PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) eluded destruction.AFsAVC9CHFCLGDIGDWEDGFBFLYFNCFWG2GAMGMBH2KHKAIGIMTINFKLGKLHLGCLYNLZM19MSFNBOMGPNGRNGRPGSKTSNGSPYSSSSGTSMUOLWEYGahq@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) is rooting for {{@SubA@}} in the 2017 World Championship!@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) is rooting for {{@SubA@}} in the 2017 World Championship!ktoNeType /help [command] for more information. example: /help /note/dance or /d - Forces your character to dance/fullmute [player] - Blocks all player's gameplay related pings and chat for this game. Also see /mutefull/ignore [player] - Blocks player's chat messages and pings for this game. Also see /mute/joke or /j - Your character will tell a joke/laugh or /l - Causes your character to laugh/mute [player] - Blocks player's chat messages and pings for this game/muteping [player] - Blocks player's gameplay related pings for this game. Also see /pingmute/nosurrender or /noff - Votes against your team's surrender/note or /n [message] - writes a message to MyNotes.txt/reply or /r - Replies to the last private message received from a player on your buddy list/surrender or /ff - Initiates a vote for your team's surrender/taunt or /t - your character will perform a tauntUnknown command./whisper or /w [player] - Sends a private message to the player on buddy list.Available commands: /surrender /nosurrender /note /mute /w /r /laugh /joke /dance /tauntLittle Devil (Teemo): What?! My servants haven't destroyed you yet?Little Devil (Teemo): Looks like I'll have to do it MYSELF!Winning team MVP: @SubA@ with @SubB@ points!Winning team MVP: @SubA@ with @SubB@ points!Shop for items, then gather around the Ora Bot to start the next battle!Shop for items, then channel Starlight to start the battle!Lowering the Star Guardian barrier in @SubA@ secondsLowering the Star Guardian barrier in @SubA@ secondTake Notes! @PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) is rooting for {{@SubB@}} at MSI 2022!Take Notes! @PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) is rooting for {{@SubB@}} at MSI 2022!Message written to MyNotes.txt: No text was given for /note to write.Cowards! Enter the arena of your own will, or be forced to.Your opponents are cowards - have patience, they will be forced to enter the arena soon.@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) has exchanged @SubA@ to @SubB@@PlayerAName@ (@PlayerAChamp@) has exchanged @SubA@ to @SubB@@PlayerAName@ [@PlayerAChamp@]: Individual Gold Inc: @SubA@. Team Gold Inc: @SubB@.@PlayerAName@ [@PlayerAChamp@]: Total Gold Inc: @SubA@.Resetting game in:You are close to the maximum total practice tool game length.Game will end in 5 minutes.Game will end in 1 minute.Clear Target Dummies@Hotkey@Clears all Target Dummies.Remove 100 Maximum Health@Hotkey@Removes 100 Max Health from the Target Enemy. Auto-casts on targets you are attacking.Remove 10 Armor and Magic Resistance@Hotkey@Removes 10 Armor and Magic Resistance from the Target Enemy. Auto-casts on targets you are attacking.Fully Stack Runes@Hotkey@Fully Stack Legend, Manaflow Band, and Domination Vision and Hunter Runes.Fast-forward Game 30sec@Hotkey@Fast-forwards the game 30 seconds.Fast-forward Game 10min@Hotkey@Fast-forwards the game 10 minutes.Add Gold@Hotkey@Gives you 10,000 gold.Level Up@Hotkey@Increases your level by 1.Add 100 Maximum Health@Hotkey@Adds 100 Max Health to the Target Enemy. Auto-casts on targets you are attacking.Add 10 Armor and Magic Resistance@Hotkey@Adds 10 Armor and Magic Resistance to the Target Enemy. Auto-casts on targets you are attacking.Kill Player Champion@Hotkey@Instantly kills your champion.Lock XP Level@Hotkey@Toggle to stop you from gaining any more experience.Auto-Refresh Cooldowns@Hotkey@Toggle to periodically refresh your Spell and Active Item cooldowns. This button may occasionally produce broken interactions that are unique to Practice Tool and this button. Practice with care.Reset Game@Hotkey@Restarts the game, maintaining Champion choice.Auto-Refresh HP@Hotkey@Toggle to periodically refresh your Health.Auto-Refresh Mana/Energy@Hotkey@Toggle to periodically restore your Mana or Energy.Revive@Hotkey@Instantly respawns you at your fountain, if your champion is dead.Allied Target Dummy@Hotkey@Spawns an allied Target Dummy at chosen location. Max of 4.Spawn Cloud Drake@Hotkey@Respawns all neutral monsters, spawning a Cloud Drake.Spawn Chemtech Drake@Hotkey@Respawns all neutral monsters, spawning a Chemtech Drake.Spawn Mountain Drake@Hotkey@Respawns all neutral monsters, spawning a Mountain Drake.Spawn Elder Dragon@Hotkey@Respawns all neutral monsters, spawning an Elder Dragon.Spawn Infernal Drake@Hotkey@Respawns all neutral monsters, spawning an Infernal Drake.Spawn Hextech Drake@Hotkey@Respawns all neutral monsters, spawning a Hextech Drake.Spawn Ocean Drake@Hotkey@Respawns all neutral monsters, spawning an Ocean Drake.Enemy Target Dummy@Hotkey@Spawns an enemy Target Dummy at chosen location. Max of 4.Spawn Jungle and Rift Herald@Hotkey@Respawns all neutral monsters and Rift HeraldSpawn Jungle and Baron@Hotkey@Respawns all neutral monsters and BaronSpawn Jungle Plants@Hotkey@Toggle to respawn all jungle plants and make them regrow constantly.Stack Tear@Hotkey@360/360.Teleport@Hotkey@Instantly move your champion to target location.Minion Spawn Disable/Enable@Hotkey@Toggle to prevent any minions from spawning for either team.Turret Fire Disable/Enable Off@Hotkey@Toggle to prevent all turrets from attacking.Turret Invincibility@Hotkey@Toggle to make all turrets invincible.Win The Game@Hotkey@Destroys the enemy Nexus.Clear Target DummiesRemove 100 Max HPRemove 10 Armor and MRFully Stack RunesFast Forward 30secFast Forward 10minAdd GoldLevel UpAdd 100 Max HPAdd 10 Armor and MRKill Player ChampionLock Game LevelLock XP LevelReset GameSpawn Allied DummySpawn Chemtech DrakeSpawn Elder DragonSpawn Hextech DrakeSpawn Enemy DummySpawn Jungle Camps and Rift HeraldSpawn Jungle Camps and BaronFully StackedToggle MinionsToggle Tower FireTowers InvincibleMy only way to see that Victory screenRemove 10 ResistancesAdd 10 ResistancesAuto-Refresh CooldownsAuto-Refresh HPAuto-Refresh Mana/EnergyStack TearTeleport To CursorThrow The GameToggle Minion SpawnToggle Towers InvincibleWin The GameadvancedshaderadvsAllows you to run an advanced shade command. Type /help /advancedshader for the parameter list.Runs an advanced shader command.Usage: /advancedshader [experimental pointlights nopointlights reflect noreflect pl nop r nor]allallchatSends a message that can be heard by both teams. By default, messages to /all are ignored unless you opt-in via the options menu.Chat with all players.Usage: /all [message]allcommandsallcmdsType /allcommands for all possible commands.Displays a list of all chat commands.Usage: /allcommands - will print out an exhaustive list of every chat command.Usage: /ally [message]animaniAllows you to simulate an animation on the client.Plays an animation on the client.Usage: /anim [Event Name] e.g. /ani idle1announceannAllows you to simulate an announcement on the client.Plays an announcement on the client.Usage: /announce [Event Name] e.g. /ann OnChampionPentaKill]botcheat.A cheat which runs a series of localization tests.Runs an AI cheat on the server.Usage: /loctesttogglechatfilterchatfilterProfanity filter disabled.Profanity filter enabled.Toggles the profanity filterToggles the display of profanity.Usage: /togglechatfiltercheatchtAllows you to run an advanced cheat command.Runs a cheat command.Usage: /cheat [cheat data here someday]critcrA cheat which plays the crit animation on the player.Plays a crit animation on the current character.Usage: /critdancedMake your champion dance. This will cancel any attack or movement commands.Make your champion dance.Usage: /dance or /d to dance.drawdrawingdrDraws a debug circle at the specificed location.Draws a debug shape.Usage: /draw x y z [circle|line|text] [red|blue|white|green] [duration] [size|x2 y2 z2|message]remaketerminateStarts a vote to remake the game. This can only occur in a certain time span.Remakes the game.Usage: /remake or /terminate to vote in favor of remaking.enemychatSends a message that can be heard by alied teams. Chat with allied players only.equalizebalanceeqStarts a vote to equalize the game. This can only occur after your team has exceed the enemy team in both levels and gold.Equalizes the game.Usage: /equalize or /eq to vote in favor of granting gold and experience to the enemy.fullmutemutefullIgnores or unignores all a specified player's or champion's pings and chat.Ignore all a player's pings and chat.Usage: /fullmute PlayerName, /fullmute @ChampionName, /mutefull PlayerName, or /mutefull @ChampionNamegoldsourcesgshelph?Displays information on chat commands. Type /allcommands for all possible commands.Usage: /help [command] to get usage information on that command.ignoreigmutesquelchIgnores or unignores the player or champion specified.Ignore a player in game.Usage: /mute PlayerName, /mute @ChampionName, /ignore PlayerName, or /ignore @ChampionNameUnknown command (/%s)Unknown commandjokejMake your champion tell a joke. This will cancel any attack or movement commands.Make your champion tell a joke.Usage: /joke or /j to joke.teamlaughlMake your champion laugh. This will cancel any attack or movement commands.Make your champion laugh.Usage: /laugh or /l to laugh.locationlocwhereamiwherePrints your current location to the chat window.Prints the player's location.Usage: /locationloctestRuns the localization test.masterybadgeMake your champion display your mastery badge. This will cancel any attack or movement commands.This command will play your mastery emote.If you have unlocked a mastery emote for the champion you are currently playing, the command will play your mastery emote.mutepingpingmutemutepingsIgnores or unignores a specified player's or champion's gameplay-related pings.Ignore a player's gameplay-related pings.Usage: /muteping PlayerName, /muteping @ChampionName, /pingmute PlayerName, or /pingmute @ChampionNamenoremakenoterminatePlaces a 'No' vote against a call to remake the game.Votes against remaking the game.Usage: /noremake or /noterminate to vote against a remake.noequalizenobalancenoeqPlaces a 'No' vote against a call to equalize the game.Votes against equalizing the game.Usage: /noequalize or /noeq to vote against an equalize vote.nosurrendernoforfeitnoffnoconcedePlaces a 'No' vote against a call to surrender the game.Votes against surrendering the game.Usage: /nosurrender or /noff to vote against a surrender.notenAdds text to the 'MyNotes.txt' file.Write a note to your hard driveUsage: /note [message] or /n [message]pausesstopPauses the game until a /resume event occursSending a pause request...Pause the game. (Tournaments only)Usage: /pause, /stop, or /s to pause the game.repeatanimrepeatrpaniAllows you to repeat the same /anim command.Repeats the last /anim command.Usage: /repeatanimreplyrrepReplies automatically to the last player who whispered you. Try it!Replies to the last private message received from a player on your buddy listUsage: /r [message]resumeunpauseResumes the game after a /pause has paused it.Sending a resume request...Resumes the game. (Tournaments only)Usage: /unpause or /resume to resume the game.stingervolumesurrenderforfeitffconcedeStarts a vote to end the game. This can only occur after a certain amount of time has passed.Surrenders the game.Usage: /surrender or /ff to vote in favor of surrendering.taunttMake your champion taunt. This will cancel any attack or movement commands.Make your champion taunt.Usage: /taunt or /t to taunt.allychatSends a message that can be heard by allied teams. Usage: /team [message]teleporttpteleportTeleports the target to the specified location.Teleports to a location.Usage: /teleport x y ztogglegMake your champion toggle. This will cancel any attack or movement commands.Make your champion toggle.Usage: /toggle or /g to toggle.whisperwmsgtellmWhisper to a player by typing /msg [PlayerName] [your message here], then pressing enter to send.Whisper to a player.Usage: /msg PlayerName [message]FPS: %02d@MS@ msTruLag(ms): %dBlockCrit ChanceCrit DmgExp BonusEnergy Regen / 5Health Regen / 5Mana Regen / 5Physical DmgArmor %Block %Crit Chance %Crit Dmg %Dodge %Exp Bonus %Health % / 5Lifesteal Bonus %Max Mana %Mana % / 5Max Ability Power %Move Speed %Physical Dmg %Magic Resist %Spellvamp Bonus %Armor at level 18Armor Pen.Armor Pen. at level 18Crit Chance at level 18Crit Dmg at level 18Dodge at level 18Energy at level 18Energy Regen / 5 at level 18Gold per 10Health at level 18Health Regen / 5 at level 18Mana at level 18Mana Regen / 5 at level 18Ability Power at level 18Magic Pen.Magic Pen. at level 18Move Speet at level 18Physical Dmg at level 18Magic Resist at level 18Time DeadTime Dead at level 18Armor Pen. %Armor Pen. % at level 18Attack Speed % at level 18Cooldown %Cooldown % at level 18Magic Pen. %Magic Pen. % at level 18Move Speed % at level 18Time Dead %Time Dead % / lvlLethalityNo path to target!Windows has restarted your GPU driver due to a problem, driver upgrade or physical removal. League of Legends will terminate.Detected an old video driver that may crash League of Legends. Please update your graphics card drivers. A guide to help you update your drivers should open automatically after closing this window. Or, please visit for additional help. not Initalize Graphics Device. An essential game asset was not found when loading the game:Please try reinstalling the game. A guide to help you reinstall should open automatically after closing this window. Or, please visit for additional help.Detected an old version of Windows which may crash League of Legends. Please update your version of Windows to the latest Service Pack. A guide to help you update your Windows Service Packs should open automatically after closing this window. Or, please visit for additional help. graphics card or driver does not support Shader Model 2.0. Please make sure your video card supports Shader Model 2.0 and that it is using drivers from the manufacturer.First EventYou may shop, heal, and recall to base at any time.Sudden Death begins at 7:00. After this, the next kill wins!You win if the enemy champion dies twice.You win if the enemy team suffers two deaths.You win if you destroy a tower. Cannon minions are worth much more gold.You win if your team destroys a tower or collectively kills 100 minions.Full Base FunctionalitySudden DeathVictory Condition - Champion KillsVictory Conditions - Lane Superiority+@IntParam1@Kill Champion or Herald to win+1 Kraken+2 KrakensKill A Thresh To WinNo TagbacksOm nom nomDisabled!Enraging in 1Enraging in 2Reviving in 1Reviving in 2-%.0fSpell can't be stacked!Cant move while casting!Cant move while channeling!Cannot devour this monster!%.0fCritical %.0f!Dodge!+%.0fLEVEL UP!Miss!DPS: %.0fLast Hit: %.0fTotal: %.0f+%.0fxpTeemo?!%d/%d %d/%d%dk/%dk %dk/%dk%d / %d%dk / %dk+%.1f+%.1fk%dm%dTONS%d (+%d)kBlue teamEnemy teamRed teamYour team,Stay Behind Friendly MinionsBots cast damaging abilities in red zonesExplore tooltips by hovering over iconsAvoid Minion DamageAvoid Red Danger ZonesRead Ability TooltipsPoro-Snax\n\nThis savory blend of free-range, grass-fed Avarosan game hens and organic, non-ZMO Freljordian herbs contains the essential nutrients necessary to keep your Poro purring with pleasure. All proceeds are donated towards fighting Noxian animal cruelty.Click to Consume: Serves a scrumptious scoop to a nearby Poro.Unique: GuardianLvl 9Full Mana ChargeFreeLvl. 9250*5 Krakens510 Krakens1020 Krakens20100 Crystal Shards100 Cr200 Crystal Shards200 CrFull RefundRefund100 Cystal Shards500 Silver Serpents500 SSFull Devouring Spiritat level 18Limited to 1 pair of boots.This unit is temporarily unkillable.;jungle;Jungle;amptome;Noxianpink;green;Golden Arm of Kobe;Golden Bicep of Kobe;Horn; Horn of the ManWolf; ManWolforange;blue; totem;;white;shurelya;reverie;;orangeBodyBlocking Body Block;wreckoning;Wreckoning;fm;spooky ghosts;frozen fist;roafrost cannon;;grievous;gs;haroldandkumar;enforcer;juggernaut;primal;flag;shurelya;reverie; Eye of Ascension;;bt;triforce;tons of damage;dc;banksys;hat;hatEye of the Watchers;;canon;rapidfire;rfc;WindbladeNomad's Eye;Celestial Eye;Eye of Frost;;bvlvd;;fh;dfg;sotd;lethality;mask;qss;soto;brk;bork;bork;bork;botrkrocket belt;;nmst;grievous;lb;bft;viktor;serrated dirk;lethality;kage;shurelya;reveriespooky ghosts;yellow; totem; trinketred;blue;yellow;blue; totem; trinketred; lens; trinket;ie;Ornn;forge;Masterwork;Ornn;forge;Masterwork;dc;banksys;hat;Ornn;forge;Masterwork;bc;Ornn;forge;Masterwork;triforce;tons of damage;Ornn;forge;Masterwork;hat;Ornn;Forge;zhg;zonyas;ornn;forge;frozen fist;Ornn;lethality;Ornn;brk;bork;bork;bork;botrk;Ornn;OrnnEye of the Aspect;;Void Gate;Herald's Eye;spear;jungle;Jungle;jangle;juggernaut;dreadnought;juggernaut;Bloodbag;mirrorGlobeOrbSphere;spooky;spooky ghosts;magic penetration;didol;Ancient Coin;Nomad's Medallion;Support;Targon's Brace;Relic Shield;Support+2.23% critical damage+1.5% Move Speed{{ game_item_boots_grouplimit }}

    UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed+@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)+@FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana Regen per 5 seconds+@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)+@FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health Regen per 5 seconds+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health+@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power+@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor+@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    UNIQUE Passive - Tooth: Damaging a monster with a spell or attack steals @Effect2Amount@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds and burns them for @Effect1Amount@ magic damage. While in the jungle or river, regenerate up to @Effect4Amount@ Mana per second based on your missing Mana. This item grants
    Monster Hunter. This item's healing will be increased by @Effect6Amount*100@% when under @Effect5Amount*100@% Health.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@Effect2Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters

    UNIQUE Passive - Nail: Basic attacks vs. Monsters deal @Effect1Amount@ bonus damage on hit. This item grants Monster Hunter. This item's healing will be increased by @Effect4Amount*100@% when under @Effect3Amount*100@% Health.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed

    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional @Effect1Amount@ physical damage on hit.+@Effect1Amount*100@% Critical Strike Chance+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health

    Passive: Restores @FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
    Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ physical damage to minions on hit.
    UNIQUE Passive: Regenerate up to @Effect3Amount@ health over @Effect1Amount@ seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion, based on percent missing health. (@Effect4Amount*100@% effective for Ranged Champions or Area of Effect and Periodic damage triggers)+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana per 5 seconds

    Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ physical damage to minions on hit.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health per 5 seconds

    Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ physical damage to minions on hit.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Prospector: +@Effect1Amount@ Health+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power

    Passive : +@FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana Regen per 5 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive - Prospector: +@Effect1Amount@ Health+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health Regen per 5 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive: Blocks @Effect1Amount@ damage from champion basic attacks.

    Limited to 2 Doran's items on Showdown+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal

    Limited to 2 Doran's items on Showdown+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana Regen per 5 seconds

    Passive: Restores @Effect1Amount@ Mana upon killing a unit.

    Limited to 2 Doran's items on ShowdownUNIQUE Passive - Butcher: Against monsters, deal 20% bonus damage and restore 6% of damage dealt as Health and 3% as Mana.

    (Unique Passives or Actives with the same name don't stack.)+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@Effect1Amount*100@% Increased Healing from Potions
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana

    UNIQUE Passive - Dread: Grants +@Effect5Amount@ Ability Power per Glory.
    UNIQUE Passive - Do or Die: Grants @Effect2Amount@ Glory for a champion kill or @Effect3Amount@ Glory for an assist, up to @Effect4Amount@ Glory total. Lose @Effect6Amount@ Glory on death.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@Effect1Amount@ Life on Hit

    UNIQUE Passive: Killing a lane minion grants @Effect2Amount@ additional Gold. Killing @Effect3Amount@ lane minions grants an additional @Effect4Amount@ bonus gold immediately and disables this passive.Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.
    Enchants boots to have Furor bonus.

    UNIQUE Passive - Furor: Upon dealing damage with a single target spell or attack (on hit), grants +12% Move Speed that decays over 2 seconds.

    (Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.
    Enchants boots to have Alacrity bonus.

    UNIQUE Passive - Alacrity: +@EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ Move Speed

    (Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.
    Enchants boots to have Captain bonus.

    UNIQUE Passive - Captain: Grants +10% Move Speed to nearby approaching allied champions.

    (Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.
    Enchants boots to have Distortion bonus.

    UNIQUE Passive - Distortion: Teleport, Flash, and Ghost summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 15% and are granted additional mobility:

    Ghost: Grants 40% Move Speed from 27%.
    Flash: 20% Move Speed bonus for 1 second after cast.
    Teleport: 30% Move Speed bonus for 3 seconds after use.

    (Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.
    Enchants boots to have Homeguard bonus.

    UNIQUE Passive - Homeguard: Visiting the shop vastly increases Health and Mana Regeneration and grants 200% bonus Move Speed that decays over 8 seconds. Bonus Move Speed and regeneration are disabled for 6 seconds upon dealing or taking damage.

    (Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@EnchantmentEffect2Amount*100@% Bonus Health

    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: While in combat, burns nearby enemies for [@EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ to @EnchantmentEffect3Amount@] magic damage a second. Once every @EnchantmentEffect8Amount@ seconds, your next immobilizing spell deals [@EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ to @EnchantmentEffect3Amount@] (+@EnchantmentEffect7Amount*100@% Your Bonus HP) bonus magic damage and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you. Immolate's damage is increased by @EnchantmentEffect4Amount@% damage to minions and monsters.
    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana

    UNIQUE Passive - Echo: Gain charges upon moving or casting. At @EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ charges, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ (+@EnchantmentEffect4Amount*100@% of Ability Power) bonus magic damage to up to @EnchantmentEffect3Amount@ targets on hit.

    This effect deals @EnchantmentEffect5Amount@% damage to Large Monsters. Hitting a Large Monster with this effect will restore @EnchantmentEffect6Amount@% of your missing Mana.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@EnchantmentEffect2Amount*100@% Bonus Health

    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: Deals @EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ (+@EnchantmentEffect3Amount@ per champion level) magic damage a second to nearby enemies while in combat. Deals @EnchantmentEffect4Amount@% bonus damage to monsters. +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Echo: Gain charges upon moving or casting. At @EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ charges, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ (+@EnchantmentEffect4Amount*100@% of Ability Power) bonus magic damage to up to @EnchantmentEffect3Amount@ targets on hit.

    This effect deals @EnchantmentEffect5Amount@% damage to Large Monsters. Hitting a Large Monster with this effect will restore @EnchantmentEffect6Amount@% of your missing Mana.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@EnchantmentEffect2Amount*100@% Bonus Health

    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: Deals @EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ (+@EnchantmentEffect3Amount@ per champion level) magic damage a second to nearby enemies while in combat. Deals @EnchantmentEffect4Amount@% bonus damage to minions and monsters. +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed

    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal @EnchantmentEffect1Amount*100@% of the target's maximum Health in bonus physical damage (max @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ vs. monsters and minions) on hit.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed

    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal @EnchantmentEffect1Amount*100@% of the target's maximum Health in bonus physical damage (max @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ vs. monsters and minions) on hit.+30% Armor PenetrationFortificationReinforced armorStealth detectionVanguardLightning RodAnti-tower SocksGustoPhreakish GustoSuper Mech ArmorSuper Mech Power FieldTurret PlatingStructure BountyLimited to 5 at one time. Limited to 1 type of Healing Potion.

    Click to Consume: Restores @Effect1Amount@ Health over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Limited to 5 at one time.

    Click to Consume: Restores @Effect1Amount@ Mana over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Limited to 2 at one time. Limited to 1 type of Healing Potion.

    Click to Consume: Restores @Effect1Amount@ Health over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Click to Consume: Restores 80 Health and 50 Mana over 10 seconds.Click to Consume: Restores 10% of missing Health and Mana over 5 seconds.Click to Consume: Grants +1 Skill Point.Click to Consume: Restores 15% of missing Health and Mana over 15 seconds.Click to Consume: Grants detection of nearby invisible or unseen enemy units for @Effect1Amount@ to @Effect2Amount@ seconds, based on level.+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Energized: Moving and attacking will make an attack Energized.
    UNIQUE Passive - Jolt: Energized attacks gain @Effect1Amount@ bonus magic damage.Limited to 1 type of Healing Potion.

    UNIQUE Active: Consumes a charge to restore @Effect1Amount@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Holds up to @Effect4Amount@ charges and refills upon visiting the shop.Limited to 1 type of Healing Potion.

    UNIQUE Active: Consumes a charge to restore @Effect1Amount@ Health and @Effect2Amount@ Mana over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Holds up to @Effect4Amount@ charges and refills upon visiting the shop.

    Killing a Large Monster grants 1 charge.

    (Killing a Large Monster at full charges will automatically consume the newest charge.)Limited to 1 type of Healing Potion.

    UNIQUE Active: Consumes a charge to restore @Effect1Amount@ Health and @Effect2Amount@ Mana over @Effect3Amount@ seconds and grants Touch of Corruption during that time. Holds up to @Effect4Amount@ charges that refills upon visiting the shop.

    Touch of Corruption: Damaging spells and attacks burn enemy champions for @Effect7Amount@ magic damage over @Effect8Amount@ seconds. (@Effect9Amount*100@% Damage for Area of Effect or Damage over Time spells. Damage increases with champion level.)

    (Corrupting Potion can be used even at full Health and Mana.)Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect1Amount@-@Effect2Amount@ Health based on level and @Effect3Amount@ Attack Damage for @Effect4Amount@ minutes.Click to Consume: Grants +15-24% Attack Speed based on level and +8% Critical Strike Chance for 3 minutes.Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect1Amount@-@Effect2Amount@ Ability Power based on level and +@Effect3Amount@% Cooldown Reduction for @Effect4Amount@ minutes.Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect1Amount@-@Effect2Amount@ Attack Damage based on level, +@Effect3Amount@-@Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed based on level, and @Effect5Amount@% increased damage to turrets for @Effect6Amount@ minutes.UNIQUE Passive: Holds 3 charges and refills upon visiting the shop.
    UNIQUE Active: Consumes a charge to restore 120 Health and 60 Mana over 12 seconds.Click to Consume: Grants detection of nearby invisible units for up to 4 minutes.

    (Revealing a ward in this manner grants a portion of the gold reward when that unit is killed.)Can only carry @Effect2Amount@ Vision Wards in inventory.

    Click to Consume: Places a visible ward that reveals the surrounding area and invisible units in the area until killed. Limit @Effect1Amount@ Vision Ward on the map per player.

    (Revealing a ward in this manner grants a portion of the gold reward when that unit is killed.)Can only carry @Effect3Amount@ Stealth Wards in inventory.

    Click to Consume: Places an invisible frog that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect1Amount@ minutes.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health

    UNIQUE Passive: Item Active cooldowns are reduced by @Effect1Amount*-100@%.
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Holds up to @Effect2Amount@ charges and refills when visiting the shop.

    (A player may only have 3 Stealth Wards on the map at one time. Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)Click to Consume: Grants detection of nearby invisible or unseen enemy units for 5 minutes.Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect1Amount@-@Effect2Amount@ Ability Power based on level, +@Effect3Amount@% Cooldown Reduction, and increased Mana and Energy regeneration for @Effect4Amount@ minutes.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    (A player may only have 3 Stealth Wards on the map at one time. Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)Click to Consume: Places an invisible ward that reveals the surrounding area for 60 seconds.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health

    Passive: Restores @FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
    UNIQUE Passive: Blocks @Effect1Amount@ damage from attacks and spells from champions (@Effect2Amount*100@% effectiveness vs. damage over time abilities).

    Limited to 1 Guardian's Item.This savory blend of free-range, grass-fed Avarosan game hens and organic, non-ZMO Freljordian herbs contains the essential nutrients necessary to keep your Poro purring with pleasure.

    All proceeds will be donated towards fighting Noxian animal cruelty.+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Point Runner: Builds up to +@Effect1Amount@% Move Speed over @Effect2Amount@ seconds while near turrets, fallen turrets and Void Gates.All the flavor of regular Poro-Snax, without the calories! Keeps your Poro happy AND healthy.

    Click to Consume: Gives your Poros a delicious healthy treat.Can only carry @Effect2Amount@ Control Wards in inventory.

    Click to Consume: Places a ward that grants vision of the surrounding area. This device will also reveal invisible traps and reveal / disable wards. Control Wards do not disable other Control Wards. Camouflaged units will also be revealed.

    Limit @Effect1Amount@ Control Ward on the map per player.Can only carry @Effect3Amount@ Stealth Wards in inventory.

    Click to Consume: Place an invisible Stealth Ward which reveals the surrounding area for @Effect1Amount@ - @Effect4Amount@ seconds.Click to Consume: Reveals an area and places a visible fragile ward up to @Effect1Amount@ units away. This ward is untargetable by allies.Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect1Amount@ Health, @Effect2Amount*100@% Tenacity, increased champion size, and Path of Iron for @Effect3Amount*60@ to @Effect9Amount*60@ seconds, based on level.

    Path of Iron: Moving leaves a path behind that boosts allied champion's Move Speed by @Effect4Amount*100@%.

    (Travel Size Elixirs may stack with one another.)Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect2Amount@ Ability Power, @Effect6Amount*5@ bonus Mana Regen per 5 seconds and Sorcery for @Effect4Amount*60@ to @Effect9Amount*60@ seconds, based on level.

    Sorcery: Damaging a champion or turret deals @Effect3Amount@ bonus True Damage. This effect has a @Effect5Amount@ second cooldown versus champions but no cooldown versus turrets.

    (Travel Size Elixirs may stack with one another.)
    Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect2Amount@ Attack Damage and Bloodlust for @Effect4Amount*60@ to @Effect6Amount*60@ seconds, based on level.

    Bloodlust: Dealing physical damage to champions heals for @Effect3Amount*100@% of the damage dealt.

    (Travel Size Elixirs may stack with one another.)Click to Consume: Restores @Effect1Amount@ Health over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Click to Consume: Grants @Effect1Amount@ (+@Effect2Amount@/Level) Adaptive Force for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect4Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect7Amount*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    UNIQUE Active: Grants yourself and nearby allies +@Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).Level @Effect8Amount@ required to purchase.

    Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect2Amount@ Health, @Effect5Amount*100@% Bonus Damage to Towers and Siege Commander for @Effect4Amount@ minutes.

    Siege Commander: Nearby minions gain @Effect5Amount*100@% Bonus Damage to Towers and gain Move Speed based on champion's Move Speed.

    (Only one Elixir effect may be active at a time.)Level @Effect8Amount@ required to purchase.

    Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect1Amount@ Health, @Effect2Amount*100@% Tenacity, increased champion size, and Path of Iron for @Effect3Amount@ minutes.

    Path of Iron: Moving leaves a path behind that boosts allied champion's Move Speed by @Effect4Amount*100@%.

    (Only one Elixir effect may be active at a time.)Level @Effect8Amount@ required to purchase.

    Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect2Amount@ Ability Power, @Effect6Amount*5@ bonus Mana Regen per 5 seconds and Sorcery for @Effect4Amount@ minutes.

    Sorcery: Damaging a champion or turret deals @Effect3Amount@ bonus True Damage. This effect has a @Effect5Amount@ second cooldown versus champions but no cooldown versus turrets.

    (Only one Elixir effect may be active at a time.)
    Level @Effect8Amount@ required to purchase.

    Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect2Amount@ Attack Damage and Bloodlust for @Effect4Amount@ minutes.

    Bloodlust: Dealing physical damage to champions heals for @Effect3Amount*100@% of the damage dealt.

    (Only one Elixir effect may be active at a time.)+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect6Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: Damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage and grant @Effect2Amount@ Gold per unique spell cast. This can occur up to @Effect4Amount@ times every @Effect5Amount@ seconds.
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Holds up to @Effect8Amount@ charges which refill upon visiting the shop.
    UNIQUE Passive: Gain Bandit.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect17Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Tribute is upgraded into Queen's Tribute.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income Item.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive - Favor: Enemy minions killed by your allies sometimes drop coins that give either @Effect11Amount@ gold or @Effect12Amount*100@% missing mana (minimum @Effect13Amount@). Cannon minions always drop coins.
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Holds up to @Effect4Amount@ charges which refill upon visiting the shop
    QUEST: Earn @Effect10Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Favor is upgraded to Emperor's Favor and allied champions moving toward you gain 8% Move Speed.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income Item.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect9Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Melee basic attacks execute minions below @Effect1Amount@ (+@Effect15Amount@ per level) Health. Killing a minion heals the owner and the nearest allied champion for @Effect2Amount@ to @Effect16Amount@ (based on missing health) and grants them kill Gold. These effects require a nearby ally. Recharges every @Effect12Amount@ seconds. Max @Effect13Amount@ charges.
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Holds up to @Effect4Amount@ charges which refill upon visiting the shop.
    UNIQUE Passive: Gain Bandit.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect11Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Shield Battery, a permanent shield that regenerates slowly outside of combat.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income Item.Click to Consume: Contains @Effect1Amount@-@Effect2Amount@ gold.

    Can be sold for @Value@ gold.
    Click to Consume: Kill target Lane Minion (550 Range, 10 Second Cooldown).Transforms into a Stopwatch after 14 minutes. Takedowns reduce this timer by 2 minutes. That Stopwatch contributes 250 gold to the items it builds into.

    (Stopwatch normally contributes 650 gold)UNIQUE Active - Stasis: Champion becomes invulnerable and untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but is unable to move, attack, cast spells, or use items during this time (One time use).UNIQUE Passive: Is broken, but can still be upgraded.

    After breaking one Stopwatch, the shopkeeper will only sell you Broken Stopwatches.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Eternity: @Effect6Amount*100@% of damage taken from champions is gained as Mana. Spending Mana restores @Effect5Amount*100@% of the cost as Health, up to @Effect4Amount@ per spell cast.
    UNIQUE Aura: Nearby enemy champions take @Effect3Amount*100@% more magic damage.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    UNIQUE Passive: For each second in combat with enemy champions, turrets, or epic monsters, gain Attack Damage equal to @Effect1Amount*100@% of maximum health (round(@Effect1Amount@*stats[MaxHealth]) AD), up to @Effect3Amount*100@% (round(@Effect3Amount@*stats[MaxHealth]) AD).{{ game_item_boots_grouplimit }}

    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Haste: This item gains an additional 10% Cooldown Reduction.
    UNIQUE Passive - Awe: Grants Ability Power equal to @Effect1Amount*100@% of maximum Mana. Refunds @Effect7Amount*100@% of Mana spent.
    UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge: Grants +@Effect2Amount@ maximum Mana (max +@Effect3Amount@ Mana) for each Mana expenditure (occurs up to @Effect8Amount@ times every @Effect9Amount@ seconds).

    Transforms into Seraph's Embrace at +@Effect3Amount@ Mana.
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana

    UNIQUE Passive - Awe: Grants bonus Attack Damage equal to @Effect1Amount*100@% of maximum Mana. Refunds @Effect7Amount*100@% of Mana spent.
    UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge: Grants +@Effect2Amount@ maximum Mana (max +@Effect3Amount@ Mana) for each basic attack or Mana expenditure (occurs up to @Effect9Amount@ times every @Effect10Amount@ seconds).

    Transforms into Muramana at +@Effect3Amount@ Mana.
    {{ game_item_boots_grouplimit }}

    UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Slow Resist: Movement slowing effects are reduced by @Effect1Amount*100@%.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana

    UNIQUE Passive - Eternity: @Effect6Amount*100@% of damage taken from champions is gained as Mana.

    Spending Mana restores @Effect5Amount*100@% of the cost as Health, up to @Effect4Amount@ per spell cast.

    (Toggled Spells heal for a maximum of @Effect4Amount@ per second.){{ game_item_boots_grouplimit }}

    +@Effect1Amount@ Magic Penetration

    UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage

    UNIQUE Passive - Icy: Basic attacks slow the target's Move Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds on hit (@Effect2Amount*100@% slow for melee attacks, @Effect3Amount*100@% slow for ranged attacks).+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed

    UNIQUE Active: Summon @Effect1Amount@ ghosts to seek out the @Effect7Amount@ nearest enemy champions. Ghosts reveal enemies on contact and reduce their Move Speed by @Effect3Amount*100@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    After @Effect2Amount@ seconds, ghosts that can't find a target return and decrease the cooldown of this item by up to @Effect5Amount@% (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown.) +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana

    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals bonus physical damage equal to @Effect2Amount*100@% of base Attack Damage in an area and creates an icy zone for @Effect3Amount@ seconds that slows Move Speed by @Effect4Amount*-100@% (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).

    Size of zone increases with bonus armor.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor

    UNIQUE Passive: Upon taking lethal damage, restores @Effect1Amount*100@% of base Health and @Effect4Amount*100@% of maximum Mana after @Effect2Amount@ seconds of stasis (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power

    Passive: Grants +@Effect1Amount@ Health, +@Effect2Amount@ Mana, and +@Effect3Amount@ Ability Power per stack (max +@Effect1Amount*10@ Health, +@Effect2Amount*10@ Mana, and +@Effect3Amount*10@ Ability Power). Grants 1 stack per minute (max @Effect5Amount@ stacks).
    UNIQUE Passive - Eternity: @Effect11Amount*100@% of damage taken from champions is gained as Mana. Spending Mana restores @Effect10Amount*100@% of the cost as Health, up to @Effect9Amount@ per spell cast.+@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Harmony: Grants bonus % Base Health Regen equal to your bonus % Base Mana Regen.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power

    Passive: Grants +@Effect1Amount@ Health, +@Effect2Amount@ Mana, and +@Effect3Amount@ Ability Power per stack (max +@Effect1Amount*10@ Health, +@Effect2Amount*10@ Mana, and +@Effect3Amount*10@ Ability Power). Grants 1 stack per 40 seconds (max @Effect5Amount@ stacks).
    UNIQUE Passive - Eternity: @Effect11Amount*100@% of damage taken from champions is gained as Mana. Spending Mana restores @Effect10Amount*100@% of the cost as Health, up to @Effect9Amount@ per spell cast.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +10% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Haste: This item gains an additional 10% Cooldown Reduction.
    UNIQUE Active - Frost Bolt: Fires a spray of icy bolts that explode on first unit hit, dealing @Effect6Amount@ - @Effect7Amount@ (+@Effect8Amount*100@% of your Ability Power) magic damage to all enemies hit. (@Effect12Amount@ second cooldown, shared with other Hextech items).

    Enemies hit are slowed by @Effect5Amount*100@% decaying over @Effect4Amount@ second.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance

    UNIQUE Passive: Critical strikes deal @Effect1Amount*100@% damage instead of 200%.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage

    UNIQUE Passive - Last Whisper: +@Effect2Amount*100@% Armor Penetration
    UNIQUE Passive - Executioner: Physical damage inflicts Grievous Wounds on enemy champions for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage

    UNIQUE Passive - Giant Slayer: Grants up to +@Effect1Amount*100@% physical damage against enemy champions with greater maximum Health than you (+@Effect3Amount*100@% damage per @Effect2Amount@ Health difference, maxing at @Effect4Amount@ Health difference).

    (Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage

    UNIQUE Passive - Last Whisper: +@Effect3Amount*100@% Armor Penetration+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage

    UNIQUE Passive - Last Whisper: +@Effect1Amount*100@% Armor Penetration+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana

    UNIQUE Passive - Dread: Grants +@Effect1Amount@ Ability Power per Glory. Grants @Effect6Amount*100@% Move Speed if you have at least @Effect8Amount@ Glory.
    UNIQUE Passive - Do or Die: Grants @Effect2Amount@ Glory for a champion kill or @Effect3Amount@ Glory for an assist, up to @Effect4Amount@ Glory total. Lose @Effect7Amount@ stacks of Glory upon dying.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage

    UNIQUE Passive - Rage: Basic attacks grant 20 Move Speed for 2 seconds. Kills grant 60 Move Speed instead. This Move Speed bonus is halved for ranged champions.+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Spectral Waltz: Basic attacking a champion grants ghosting and @Effect4Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect14Amount@ seconds.
    UNIQUE Passive - Lifeline: If you would take damage that would reduce your Health below @Effect5Amount*100@%, gain a shield that absorbs up to @Effect8Amount@ - @Effect9Amount@ damage for 2 seconds. (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown){{ game_item_boots_grouplimit }}

    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor

    UNIQUE Passive: Blocks @Effect1Amount*100@% of the damage from basic attacks.
    UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Move Speed+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Active - Conduit: Bind to an ally without an existing Conduit.
    UNIQUE Passive: Casting your ultimate near your ally surrounds you with a frost storm and ignites your ally's basic attacks for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Enemies inside your frost storm are slowed by @Effect2Amount@% and your ally's attacks burn their target for @Effect4Amount*100@% bonus magic damage over @Effect11Amount@ seconds (@Effect9Amount@ second cooldown).

    Frostfire Covenant: Your frost storm ignites when it slows a burning enemy, dealing @Effect3Amount@ magic damage per second and slowing by @Effect13Amount@% instead for @Effect10Amount@ seconds.

    (Champions can only be linked by one Zeke's Convergence at a time.)+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health

    UNIQUE Passive: Killing a unit grants @Effect2Amount@ maximum Health. This bonus stacks up to @Effect1Amount@ times.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health

    UNIQUE Passive - Giant Strength: Gain @Effect2Amount*100@% of your Base Attack Damage as Bonus Attack Damage (+round(@Effect2Amount@*stats[BaseAttackDamageSansPercentScale]) Attack Damage)
    UNIQUE Passive - Lifeline: Upon taking at least @Effect1Amount@ to @Effect9Amount@ damage (based on level) within @Effect3Amount@ seconds, gain a shield for @Effect4Amount*100@% of your bonus Health. After @Effect10Amount@ seconds, the shield decays over @Effect8Amount@ seconds (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown).

    Sterak's Fury: When Lifeline triggers, grow in size and strength, gaining +@Effect11Amount*100@% Tenacity for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Active: Prevents nearby enemy turrets from attacking for @Effect1Amount@ seconds (@Effect2Amount@ second cooldown). This effect cannot be used against the same turret more than once every @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    UNIQUE Passive - Point Runner: Builds up to +@Effect4Amount*100@% Move Speed over 2 seconds while near turrets (including fallen turrets) and Void Gates.+@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals bonus physical damage equal to @Effect2Amount*100@% base Attack Damage on hit (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Active - Promote: Greatly increases the power of a lane minion (120 second cooldown). Promoted minions are granted special bonus stats.
    UNIQUE Passive - Point Runner: Builds up to +@Effect4Amount@% Move Speed over @Effect5Amount@ seconds while near turrets, fallen turrets and Void Gates.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive: Increases all healing received by @Effect2Amount*100@%.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect8Amount@ Move Speed
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect2Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive - Favor: Enemy minions killed by your allies sometimes drop coins that grant @Effect12Amount*100@% missing mana (minimum @Effect13Amount@). If there is an allied Champion nearby, sometimes the coins grant @Effect11Amount@ gold instead. Cannon minions always drop coins.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect10Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.

    ''Praise the sun.'' - Historian Shurelya, 22 September, 25 CLE+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive: Dealing physical damage to an enemy champion Cleaves them, reducing their Armor by @Effect2Amount*100@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (stacks up to @Effect4Amount@ times, up to @Effect5Amount*100@%).
    UNIQUE Passive - Rage: Dealing physical damage grants @Effect6Amount@ Move Speed for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Assists on Cleaved enemy champions or kills on any unit grant @Effect8Amount@ Move Speed for @Effect9Amount@ seconds instead. This Move Speed is halved for ranged champions.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect4Amount*100@% Life Steal
    UNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks can now overheal you. Excess life is stored as a shield that can block 50-350 damage, based on champion level.

    This shield decays slowly if you haven't dealt or taken damage in the last @Effect3Amount@ seconds.+@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana

    UNIQUE Passive - Awe: Refunds @Effect7Amount*100@% of Mana spent.
    UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge: Grants @Effect1Amount@ maximum Mana on Mana expenditure (up to @Effect8Amount@ times per @Effect9Amount@ seconds).

    Caps at +@Effect5Amount@ Mana.
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal

    Passive: @Effect7Amount*100@% of total Life Steal applies to damage dealt by this item.
    UNIQUE Passive - Cleave: Basic attacks deal @Effect1Amount*100@% to @Effect2Amount*100@% of total Attack Damage as bonus physical damage to enemies near the target on hit (enemies closest to the center take the most damage).
    UNIQUE Active - Crescent: Deals @Effect3Amount*100@% to @Effect4Amount*100@% of total Attack Damage as physical damage to nearby enemy units (enemies closest to the center take the most damage) (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Cleave: Basic attacks deal @Effect1Amount*100@% to @Effect2Amount*100@% of total Attack Damage as bonus physical damage to enemies near the target on hit (enemies closest to the center take the most damage).
    UNIQUE Active - Crescent: Deals @Effect3Amount*100@% to @Effect4Amount*100@% of total Attack Damage as physical damage to nearby enemy units (enemies closest to the center take the most damage) (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Rage: Basic attacks grant @Effect1Amount@ Move Speed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Kills grant @Effect2Amount@ Move Speed instead. This Move Speed bonus is halved for ranged champions.
    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals bonus physical damage equal to @Effect4Amount*100@% of base Attack Damage on hit (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal

    Passive: 50% of total Life Steal applies to damage dealt by this item.
    UNIQUE Passive - Cleave: Basic attacks deal @Effect1Amount*100@% to @Effect2Amount*100@% of total Attack Damage as bonus physical damage to enemies near the target on hit (enemies closest to the target take the most damage).
    UNIQUE Active - Crescent: Strips all shields from nearby enemies, then deals @Effect3Amount*100@% to @Effect4Amount*100@% of total Attack Damage as physical damage (closest enemies take the most damage) (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect6Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: Grants Warmog's Heart if you have at least @Effect9Amount@ maximum Health.

    Warmog's Heart: Restores @Effect3Amount*100@% of maximum Health every @Effect2Amount@ seconds if damage hasn't been taken within @Effect7Amount@ seconds (@Effect8Amount@ seconds for damage from minions and monsters).+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect6Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: Grants Warmog's Heart if you have at least @Effect9Amount@ maximum Health.

    Warmog's Heart: Restores @Effect3Amount*100@% of missing Health every @Effect2Amount@ seconds if damage hasn't been taken within @Effect7Amount@ seconds (@Effect8Amount@ seconds for damage from minions and monsters).+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive: Upon champion kill or assist, restores 300 Health over 5 seconds.+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Wind's Fury: When basic attacking, bolts are fired at up to @Effect3Amount@ enemies near the target, each dealing (@Effect2Amount@% of Attack Damage) physical damage. Bolts can critically strike and apply on hit effects.+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Energized: Moving and attacking will make an attack Energized.
    UNIQUE Passive - Electroshock: Energized attacks gain @Effect5Amount@ bonus magic damage. Energized effects chain to @Effect3Amount@ targets.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power

    UNIQUE Passive: Increases Ability Power by @Effect1Amount@%.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor

    UNIQUE Passive: Increases Ability Power by @Effect1Amount@%
    UNIQUE Active: Champion becomes invulnerable and untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but is unable to move, attack, cast spells, or use items during this time (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - At Wit's End: Deal @Effect1Amount@ - @Effect2Amount@ magic damage on hit. While below half health, heal for @Effect4Amount*100@% of this effect's damage dealt - increased to @Effect5Amount*100@% for Melee Champions.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect6Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: Damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage per unique spell cast. If there is a nearby ally Champion, it also grants @Effect2Amount@ Gold. This can occur up to @Effect4Amount@ times every @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Before quest completion, killing minions and non-epic monsters slows Tribute and gold generation.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect17Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Avarice: +@Effect1Amount@ Gold per @Effect2Amount@ seconds
    UNIQUE Passive - Greed: Grants @Effect3Amount@ Gold upon killing a unit.

    May be bought with another Gold Income item+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Energized: Moving and attacking will make an attack Energized.
    UNIQUE Passive - Sharpshooter: Your Energized attacks gain @Effect3Amount@ bonus magic damage. Energized attacks gain @Effect1Amount*100@% bonus range (+@Effect2Amount@ range maximum).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Energized: Moving and attacking will make an attack Energized.
    UNIQUE Passive - Paralyze: Your Energized attacks gain @Effect1Amount@ bonus magic damage. Energized effects slow by @Effect5Amount*100@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.+@Effect4Amount@ Move Speed
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive - Favor: Enemy minions killed by your allies sometimes drop coins that grant @Effect12Amount*100@% missing mana (minimum @Effect13Amount@). If there is an allied Champion nearby, sometimes the coins grant @Effect11Amount@ gold instead. Cannon minions always drop coins.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect10Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.

    ''The medallion shines with the glory of a thousand voices when exposed to the sun.'' - Historian Shurelya, 22 June, 24 CLE+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@Effect9Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Melee basic attacks execute minions below @Effect1Amount@ (+@Effect15Amount@ per level) Health. Killing a minion heals the owner and the nearest allied champion for @Effect2Amount@ to @Effect16Amount@ (based on missing health) and grants them kill Gold. @Effect17Amount*100@% healing if the owner is ranged. These effects require a nearby ally. Recharges every @Effect12Amount@ seconds. Max @Effect13Amount@ charges.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect11Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@Effect6Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: Damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage per unique spell cast. If there is a nearby ally Champion, it also grants @Effect2Amount@ Gold. This can occur up to @Effect4Amount@ times every @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Before quest completion, killing minions and non-epic monsters slows Tribute and gold generation.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect17Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health

    UNIQUE Aura: Grants nearby allied champions +10% Cooldown Reduction and +12 Mana Regen per 5 seconds.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana

    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals @Effect1Amount*100@% Base Attack Damage (+@Effect2Amount*100@% of Ability Power) bonus magic damage on hit (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount@% Cooldown Reduction+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Spell Shield: Grants a spell shield that blocks the next enemy ability. This shield refreshes after no damage is taken from enemy champions for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Ashes to Ashes: Controlling the nearest Altar sets you aflame, dealing [@Effect1Amount@ to @Effect2Amount@] magic damage per second to nearby enemies. Once every @Effect4Amount@ seconds, your next immobilizing spell deals [@Effect1Amount@ to @Effect2Amount@] (+@Effect5Amount*100@% Your Bonus HP) bonus magic damage and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you. Immolate's damage is increased by @Effect3Amount*100@% to minions and monsters and it's cooldown scales with spell cooldown reduction.

    Controlling the furthest Altar causes your basic attacks to burn targets for up to 114 true damage (based on champion level) over 3 seconds.+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Maim: Basic attacks against monsters deal @Effect1Amount@ bonus magic damage and heal @Effect2Amount@ Health on hit.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    UNIQUE Active: Target an area within @Effect8Amount@ range. After 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to heal allies for @Effect2Amount@ (+@Effect3Amount@ per level of target) Health, burn enemy champions for @Effect4Amount*100@% of their maximum Health as true damage and deal @Effect5Amount@ true damage to enemy minions (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown). Heal and Shield Power is @Effect11Amount@ times as effective on Redemption's heal.

    Can be used while dead.

    Half effect if the target has been affected by another Redemption recently.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Active: Designate an allied champion as your Partner (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).
    UNIQUE Passive: If your Partner is nearby, gain +@Effect1Amount@ additional Armor and +@Effect2Amount*100@% Move Speed towards them.
    UNIQUE Passive: If your Partner is nearby, heal for @Effect3Amount*100@% of the damage your Partner deals to champions and redirect @Effect4Amount*100@% of the damage your Partner takes from champions to you as true damage (healing and damage redirection are reduced by @Effect6Amount*100@% if you are ranged).

    (Champions can only be linked by one Knight's Vow at a time.)+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana

    UNIQUE Aura: Reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount*-100@%.{{ game_item_boots_grouplimit }}

    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, polymorphs, and immobilizes by @PercentTenacityItemMod*100@%.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana regen per 5 seconds

    If your champion does not use mana, gain %i:scaleHealth% @Effect1Amount*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power

    UNIQUE Passive: +20% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal 15 (+15% of Ability Power) bonus magic damage on hit.
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power

    UNIQUE Passive: Damaging spells and abilities reduce enemy Move Speed by @Effect1Amount*-100@% for @Effect4Amount@ second.{{ game_item_boots_grouplimit }}

    UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@Effect8Amount@ Move Speed. Increases to +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed when out of combat for 5 seconds.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance

    UNIQUE Passive: Critical Strikes cause your target to bleed for an additional @Effect1Amount*100@% of your bonus Attack Damage as magic damage over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage

    UNIQUE Passive - Executioner: Physical damage inflicts Grievous Wounds on enemy champions for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 4% of the target's maximum Health on hit.
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Active: Deals @Effect2Amount*100@% of target champion's maximum Health in magic damage and increases all subsequent magic damage taken by the target by @Effect3Amount*100@% for 4 seconds (90 second cooldown).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount@ Lethality
    UNIQUE Active: Grants +@Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed and @Effect5Amount*100@% Critical Strike Chance for @Effect4Amount@ seconds or @Effect3Amount@ critical strikes (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).+250 Health

    UNIQUE Passive: +5 Gold per 10 seconds+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount@ Lethality
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power

    UNIQUE Passive - Dissolve: +@Effect1Amount*100@% Magic Penetration.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health

    UNIQUE Passive - Madness: Deal @Effect7Amount@% more damage for each second in combat with champions (@Effect8Amount@% maximum).+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Active - Quicksilver: Removes all debuffs, and if the champion is melee, also grants +@Effect1Amount*100@% bonus Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ second (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health

    UNIQUE Passive: Grants +32 Health per stack. Grants 2 stacks for a kill or 1 stack for an assist (maximum 20 stacks). A third of the stacks are lost upon death. At 20 stacks, reduces all damage taken by 15%.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal

    UNIQUE Active - Quicksilver: Removes all crowd control debuffs and also grants +@Effect1Amount*100@% bonus Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ second (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    UNIQUE Active - Quicksilver: Removes all crowd control debuffs (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@Effect9Amount@% increased healing from Potions

    UNIQUE Passive - Terror: Grants @Effect1Amount@ Attack Damage per Glory. Grants @Effect6Amount*100@% Life Steal if you have at least @Effect8Amount@ Glory.
    UNIQUE Passive - Do or Die: Grants @Effect2Amount@ Glory for a champion kill or @Effect3Amount@ Glory for an assist, up to @Effect4Amount@ Glory total.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect2Amount@ Lethality
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect6Amount@ Move Speed out of Combat
    UNIQUE Active: Grants +@Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed and the ability to move through units for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor

    UNIQUE Passive: -@Effect2Amount*100@% damage taken from basic attack critical strikes.
    UNIQUE Passive - Cold Steel: When hit by basic attacks, reduces the attacker's Attack Speed by 15% for @Effect4Amount@ second.
    UNIQUE Active: Slows the Move Speed of nearby enemy units by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect1Amount@ seconds (60 second cooldown).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal

    UNIQUE Active: Deals @Effect4Amount@ magic damage and slows the target champion's Move Speed by @Effect1Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power

    UNIQUE Passive - Magic Bolt: Damaging an enemy champion with a basic attack shocks them for @Effect2Amount@ - @Effect4Amount@ bonus magic damage (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown, shared with other Hextech items).

    Magic Bolt's cooldown is reduced by Active Item cooldown reduction.

    (Damage scales based on level. Hextech effects can trigger other item spell effects.)+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power

    UNIQUE Passive: Heal for @Effect1Amount*100@% of damage dealt. This is 33% as effective for Area of Effect damage.
    UNIQUE Active - Lightning Bolt: Deals @Effect3Amount@ - @Effect4Amount@ (+30% of Ability Power) magic damage and slows the target champion's Move Speed by @Effect5Amount*100@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (@Effect2Amount@ second cooldown, shared with other Hextech items).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount@ Lethality
    UNIQUE Passive - Nightstalker: After being unseen for at least @Effect11Amount@ second, your next basic attack against an enemy champion deals @Effect5Amount@ - @Effect6Amount@ bonus physical damage and slows them by @Effect7Amount@% for @Effect8Amount@ seconds. Ranged basic attacks do not apply the slow. (Lasts for @Effect9Amount@ seconds after being seen by an enemy champion).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal

    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal @Effect1Amount*100@% of the target's current Health as bonus physical damage on hit (Melee users deal @Effect2Amount*100@%).
    UNIQUE Active: Deals 100 magic damage to target champion and steals 25% of their Move Speed for 3 seconds (90 second cooldown).

    Minimum bonus physical damage dealt is @Effect3Amount@.
    Maximum bonus physical damage dealt to monsters and minions is @Effect4Amount@.
    User's Life Steal is applied to bonus physical damage dealt.
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal

    UNIQUE Passive - Mark of the Sands: Basic Attacks apply a Sand Mark on the target revealing them for 3 seconds. Only one enemy can be Marked at any time.
    UNIQUE Active - Mirage Step: Teleport @Effect1Amount*-1@ units directly away from the Sand Marked target (60 second cooldown).

    ''Shurimans exploit every aspect of the desert.''+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health

    UNIQUE Passive - Madness: Deal @Effect7Amount@% more damage for each second in combat with champions (@Effect6Amount@% maximum).
    UNIQUE Passive - Torment: Spells burn enemies for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, dealing bonus magic damage equal to @Effect2Amount*100@% of their maximum Health per second. Burn damage is increased to @Effect8Amount@% against movement-impaired units.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Active - Fire Bolt: Dash forward and unleash a nova of fire bolts that deal @Effect4Amount@ - @Effect5Amount@ (+@Effect7Amount*100@% of your Ability Power) as magic damage (@Effect8Amount@ second cooldown, shared with other Hextech items).

    Champions and Monsters hit by multiple fire bolts take @Effect6Amount*100@% damage per additional bolt.

    (This dash cannot pass through terrain.)+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    +@PercentSpellVampMod*100@% Spell Vamp

    UNIQUE Active: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    UNIQUE Passive - Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @Effect1Amount*100@%, grants a shield that absorbs @Effect2Amount@ to @Effect5Amount@ (based on level) magic damage for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (@Effect4Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @Effect3Amount*100@%, grants a shield that absorbs up to @Effect4Amount@ magic damage within @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).
    Lifegrip: When Lifeline triggers, gain +@Effect7Amount@ Attack Damage, +@Effect9Amount*100@% Spell Vamp and +@Effect10Amount*100@% Life Steal until out of combat.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Active - Stasis: Champion becomes invulnerable and untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but is unable to move, attack, cast spells, or use items during this time (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Maim: Basic attacks against monsters deal @Effect1Amount@ bonus magic damage and heal @Effect2Amount@ Health on hit.
    UNIQUE Passive: Gain @Effect3Amount*100@% increased Gold from monsters.
    UNIQUE Passive - Trap Detection: Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed.
    UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Sight: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, revealing enemy champions that enter for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Maim: Basic attacks deal (25 + Feral stacks) bonus magic damage (300% against minions and monsters) and heal 10 Health on hit. Kills, assists and large monster kills grant a Feral stack.
    UNIQUE Passive: Gain 30% increased Gold from monsters.
    UNIQUE Active: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown).

    Limited to 1 Gold Income item+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive: Reduce damage from champion attacks and abilities by @Effect5Amount@ plus @Effect8Amount*100@% of bonus attack damage (maximum @Effect1Amount@).
    UNIQUE Passive: When near at least 3 enemy champions, land a basic attack to gain Dragon Heart (@Effect3Amount@s cooldown).

    Dragon Heart: Block @Effect10Amount*100@% more damage for @Effect9Amount@s, refreshing on takedown.

    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health

    UNIQUE Passive - Touch of Death: +@Effect1Amount@ Magic Penetration
    UNIQUE Passive - Cursed Strike: Magic damage dealt to champions inflicts them with Grievous Wounds for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.UNIQUE Active - Bonetooth Totem: Places a Stealth Ward that lasts @Effect4Amount@ seconds (@Effect5Amount@ Second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: Rengar gains @Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
    6 Trophies: Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by @Effect2Amount@.
    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.UNIQUE Active - Bonetooth Totem: Places a Stealth Ward that lasts @Effect4Amount@ seconds (@Effect5Amount@ Second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: Rengar gains @Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
    6 Trophies: Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by @Effect2Amount@.
    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.UNIQUE Active - Bonetooth Totem: Places a Stealth Ward that lasts @Effect4Amount@ seconds (@Effect5Amount@ Second cooldown). Active upgrades at 20 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: Rengar gains 25 Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
    6 Trophies: Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, polymorphs, and immobilizes by @PercentTenacityItemMod*100@%.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, polymorphs, and immobilizes by @PercentTenacityItemMod*100@%.{{ game_item_boots_grouplimit }}

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Move Speed

    ''This item is dedicated to space.''+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive: Gain @Effect6Amount*100@% of the premitigation damage dealt to champions as Blood Charges, up to @Effect7Amount@ - @Effect8Amount@ max. Healing or shielding another ally consumes charges equal to @Effect9Amount*100@% of the heal or shield value, healing the ally for that amount.
    UNIQUE Passive - Dissonance: Grants @Effect5Amount@ ability power per 25% Base Mana Regen you have. Disables Harmony on your other items.

    (Maximum amount of Blood Charges stored is based on level. Healing amplification is applied to the total heal value.)UNIQUE Active - Bonetooth Totem: Places a Stealth Ward that lasts @Effect4Amount@ seconds (@Effect5Amount@ Second cooldown). Limit 3 Stealth Wards on the map per player.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: Rengar gains 25 Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
    6 Trophies: Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
    20 Trophies: Rengar gains the Move Speed bonus of Thrill of the Hunt while he is stealthed.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +10% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive: Spending Mana heals for 30% of the Mana spent.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Ability Haste

    Limited to 1 Guardian's Item.+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health UNIQUE Passive: Every fourth basic attack unleashes a chain lightning on hit, dealing 125 magic damage to up to 4 targets.
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount@ Lethality
    UNIQUE Passive - Blackout: When spotted by an enemy ward, reveal traps and disable wards around you for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown). Basic attacks instantly kill revealed traps and do triple damage to wards.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    UNIQUE Passive: Reduces and stores @Effect1Amount*100@% of magic damage received.
    UNIQUE Active: Deals @Effect2Amount@ + (stored magic) (max @Effect3Amount@) magic damage to nearby enemy units (@Effect4Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health Regen per 5 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive: +15% Capture Rate (does not stack with other Capture Rate modifiers).
    UNIQUE Active: +30% Move Speed for 2 seconds (60 second cooldown).+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal

    Limited to 1 Guardian's Item.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance

    UNIQUE Passive: Critical Strikes cause enemies to bleed for an additional @Effect1Amount*100@% of bonus Attack Damage as magic damage over @Effect2Amount@ seconds and reveal them for the duration.
    UNIQUE Passive - Trap Detection: Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed.
    UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Sight: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, revealing enemy champions that enter for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed

    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 2.5% of the target's maximum Health on hit.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Trap Detection: Grants True Sight of nearby enemy traps.
    UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Sight: An arcane mist grants vision in the target area for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, revealing enemy champions in the area for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Active: Deals @Effect1Amount*100@% of target champion's maximum Health in magic damage over @Effect2Amount@ seconds and increases all subsequent magic damage taken by the target by @Effect3Amount*100@% (@Effect4Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    UNIQUE Active: Grants a decaying shield to nearby allied champions for @Effect3Amount@ seconds that absorbs up to @Effect1Amount@ (+@Effect2Amount@ per level) (+@Effect7Amount*100@% of your bonus health) damage (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).

    Shield per level uses the higher of your level or the target's level.
    Shield ratio scales with your level.
    Shield amount is reduced to @Effect4Amount*100@% if the target has been affected by another Locket of the Iron Solari in the last @Effect5Amount@ seconds.
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power

    UNIQUE Passive: Killing a unit grants @Effect1Amount@ bonus Armor and Ability Power. This bonus stacks up to @Effect2Amount@ times.+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    UNIQUE Passive - Stone Skin: If @Effect3Amount@+ enemy champions are nearby, grants @Effect1Amount@ bonus Armor and Magic Resist.
    UNIQUE Active - Metallicize: Increases Health by @Effect6Amount*100@% and increases champion size, but reduces damage dealt by @Effect5Amount*100@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds (@Effect10Amount@ second cooldown). If Stone Skin is active, the Health increase becomes @Effect8Amount*100@% instead.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regeneration (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive: Taking magic damage from a spell or effect reduces all subsequent magic damage from that same spell or effect by @Effect1Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.+@Effect1Amount@ Ability Power per level
    +@Effect2Amount@ Mana per level

    UNIQUE Passive - Progress: Viktor can upgrade one of his basic spells.+@Effect1Amount@ Ability Power per level
    +@Effect2Amount@ Mana per level

    UNIQUE Passive - Glorious Evolution: Viktor has reached the pinnacle of his power, upgrading Chaos Storm in addition to his basic spells.+@Effect1Amount@ Ability Power per level
    +@Effect2Amount@ Mana per level

    UNIQUE Passive - Progress: This item can be upgraded three times to enhance Viktor's basic abilities.+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor

    UNIQUE Passive - Sapping Barbs: +@Effect1Amount*5@ Health Regen per 5 seconds and +@Effect2Amount*5@ Mana Regen per 5 seconds upon taking damage from monsters. Attacking monsters lose @Effect3Amount*100@% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to @Effect6Amount*3@).
    UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Sight: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 5 seconds, revealing enemy champions that enter for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown).+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor

    UNIQUE Passive - Sapping Barbs: +@Effect1Amount*5@ Health Regen per 5 seconds and +@Effect2Amount*5@ Mana Regen per 5 seconds upon taking damage from monsters. Attacking monsters lose @Effect3Amount*100@% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to @Effect4Amount*3@).
    UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Ward: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown).

    (Unique Passives or Actives with the same name don't stack.)+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +10% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Spirit Drain: Grants 2 Ability Power per large or epic monster kill. (max: 30)
    UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: Against monsters, deal 30% bonus damage and restore 6% of damage dealt as Health and 3% as Mana.
    UNIQUE Passive - Conservation: Stores 1 stack of Gold per 1.5 seconds (Max 80 stacks). Killing a large or epic monster cashes in up to 40 stacks.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income Item.+@Effect5Amount*100@% Bonus Health
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect6Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor

    UNIQUE Passive - Sapping Barbs:
    +@Effect1Amount*5@ Health Regen per 5 seconds and +@Effect2Amount*5@ Mana Regen per 5 seconds upon taking damage from monsters. Attacking monsters lose @Effect3Amount*100@% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to @Effect4Amount*3@).
    UNIQUE Passive - Conservation: Stores 1 stack of Gold per 1.5 seconds (Max 80 stacks). Killing a large or epic monster cashes in up to 40 stacks.
    UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Ward: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown).

    Limited to 1 Gold Income Item.+@Effect7Amount*100@% Bonus Health
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect6Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor

    UNIQUE Passive - Sapping Barbs:
    +@Effect1Amount*5@ Health Regen per 5 seconds and +@Effect2Amount*5@ Mana Regen per 5 seconds upon taking damage from monsters. Attacking monsters lose @Effect3Amount*100@% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to @Effect8Amount*3@).
    UNIQUE Passive - Conservation: Stores 1 stack of Gold per 1.5 seconds (Max 80 stacks). Killing a large or epic monster cashes in up to 40 stacks.
    UNIQUE Passive - Trap Detection: Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed.
    UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Sight: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 5 seconds, revealing enemy champions that enter for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown).

    Limited to 1 Gold Income Item.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +10% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Incinerate: Deals 16-50 (based on level) true damage over 3 seconds on dealing physical damage.
    UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: Against monsters, deal 20% bonus damage and restore 6% of damage dealt as Health and 3% as Mana.
    UNIQUE Passive - Conservation: Stores 1 stack of Gold per 1.5 seconds (Max 80 stacks). Killing a large or epic monster cashes in up to 40 stacks.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income Item.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance

    UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, and immobilizes by 35%.
    UNIQUE Passive - Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below 30%, grants a shield that absorbs 400 magic damage for 5 seconds (90 second cooldown).

    (Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    UNIQUE Passive: Grants @Effect1Amount*100@% Base Health Regen for up to @Effect2Amount@ seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion.+@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect11Amount*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    UNIQUE Passive - Harmony: Grants bonus % Base Health Regen equal to your bonus % Base Mana Regen.
    UNIQUE Active: Cleanses all stuns, roots, taunts, fears, silences, and slows on an allied champion and grants them slow immunity for @Effect12Amount@ seconds (@Effect13Amount@ second cooldown).

    Cleansing an effect grants the ally @Effect10Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect12Amount@ seconds.Limited to 1 of each enchantment type.
    Enchants boots to have Teleport Active.

    UNIQUE Active - Teleport: Teleport to target allied object (@EnchantmentEffect1Amount@s CD) (@EnchantmentEffect2Amount@s CD on purchase)+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage

    UNIQUE Passive - Headhunter: After killing any enemy, your next damaging spell will deal @Effect5Amount@ bonus physical damage (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).
    UNIQUE Passive: After poaching @Effect3Amount@ large monsters from the enemy jungle, transforms into a Serrated Dirk.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +10% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Haste: This item gains an additional 10% Cooldown Reduction.
    UNIQUE Passive - Echo: Gain charges upon moving or casting. At @Effect1Amount@ charges, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal @Effect2Amount@ (+@Effect4Amount*100@% of Ability Power) bonus magic damage to up to @Effect3Amount@ targets on hit.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Echo: Gain charges upon moving or casting. At @Effect1Amount@ charges, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal @Effect2Amount@ (+@Effect4Amount*100@% of Ability Power ) bonus magic damage to up to @Effect3Amount@ targets on hit.+80 Ability Power
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    +6% Move Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Trap Detection: Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed.
    UNIQUE Active - Hunt: Summons up to @Effect1Amount@ invulnerable ghosts that seek out the 2 nearest enemy champions for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. If a ghost reaches its target, it reveals the target and reduces their Move Speed by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    If a ghost cannot find a target, it tries to return to the caster. Ghosts that successfully return in this way reduce the item's cooldown by @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).+@Effect4Amount@ Move Speed
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect3Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive - Favor: Enemy minions killed by your allies sometimes drop coins that grant @Effect12Amount*100@% missing mana (minimum @Effect13Amount@). If there is an allied Champion nearby, sometimes the coins grant @Effect1Amount@ gold instead. Cannon minions always drop coins.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect10Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to Nomad's Medallion.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.

    ''Gold dust rises from the desert and clings to the coin.'' - Historian Shurelya, 11 November, 23 CLE+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect9Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Melee basic attacks execute minions below @Effect1Amount@ (+@Effect15Amount@ per level) Health. Killing a minion heals the owner and the nearest allied champion for @Effect2Amount@ to @Effect16Amount@ (based on missing health) and grants them kill Gold. @Effect17Amount*100@% healing if the owner is ranged. These effects require a nearby ally. Recharges every @Effect12Amount@ seconds. Max @Effect13Amount@ charges.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect11Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to Targon's Brace.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@Effect6Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: Damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage per unique spell cast. If there is a nearby ally Champion, it also grants @Effect2Amount@ Gold. This can occur up to @Effect4Amount@ times every @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Before quest completion, killing minions and non-epic monsters slows Tribute and gold generation.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect17Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to Frostfang.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@Effect14Amount@ Move Speed
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect3Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive - Favor: Enemy minions killed by your allies sometimes drop coins that grant @Effect12Amount*100@% missing mana (minimum @Effect13Amount@). If there is an allied Champion nearby, sometimes the coins grant @Effect1Amount@ gold instead. Cannon minions always drop coins.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect10Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to {{ game_item_displayname_3305 }}.
    REWARD: Favor is upgraded to Emperor's Favor and allied champions moving toward you gain 8% Move Speed.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.

    ''Gold dust rises from the desert and clings to the coin.'' - Historian Shurelya, 11 November, 23 CLE+@Effect14Amount@ Move Speed
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive - Favor: Enemy minions killed by your allies sometimes drop coins that grant @Effect12Amount*100@% missing mana (minimum @Effect13Amount@). If there is an allied Champion nearby, sometimes the coins grant @Effect11Amount@ gold instead. Cannon minions always drop coins.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect10Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Favor is upgraded to Emperor's Favor and allied champions moving toward you gain 8% Move Speed.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.

    ''The medallion shines with the glory of a thousand voices when exposed to the sun.'' - Historian Shurelya, 22 June, 24 CLE+@Effect14Amount@ Move Speed
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect2Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive - Point Runner: Builds up to +@Effect8Amount@% Move Speed over @Effect9Amount@ seconds while near turrets, fallen turrets and Void Gates.
    UNIQUE Passive - Favor: Enemy minions killed by your allies sometimes drop coins that grant @Effect12Amount*100@% missing mana (minimum @Effect13Amount@). If there is an allied Champion nearby, sometimes the coins grant @Effect11Amount@ gold instead. Cannon minions always drop coins.
    UNIQUE Active: {{game_spell_subtooltip_ShurelyasCrestTT}} (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown).
    QUEST: Earn @Effect10Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Favor is upgraded to Emperor's Favor and allied champions moving toward you gain 8% Move Speed.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.

    ''Praise the sun.'' - Historian Shurelya, 22 September, 25 CLE+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect9Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Melee basic attacks execute minions below @Effect1Amount@ (+@Effect15Amount@ per level) Health. Killing a minion heals the owner and the nearest allied champion for @Effect2Amount@ to @Effect16Amount@ (based on missing health) and grants them kill Gold. Healing is halved if the owner is ranged. These effects require a nearby ally. Recharges every @Effect12Amount@ seconds. Max @Effect13Amount@ charges.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect11Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to {{ game_item_displayname_3308 }}.
    REWARD: Shield Battery, a permanent shield that regenerates slowly outside of combat.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@Effect9Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Melee basic attacks execute minions below @Effect1Amount@ (+@Effect15Amount@ per level) Health. Killing a minion heals the owner and the nearest allied champion for @Effect2Amount@ to @Effect16Amount@ (based on missing health) and grants them kill Gold. Healing is halved if the owner is ranged. These effects require a nearby ally. Recharges every @Effect12Amount@ seconds. Max @Effect13Amount@ charges.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect11Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Shield Battery, a permanent shield that regenerates slowly outside of combat.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect9Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Melee basic attacks execute minions below @Effect1Amount@ (+@Effect15Amount@ per level) Health. Killing a minion heals the owner and the nearest allied champion for @Effect2Amount@ to @Effect16Amount@ (based on missing health) and grants them kill Gold. Healing is halved if the owner is ranged. These effects require a nearby ally. Recharges every @Effect12Amount@ seconds. Max @Effect13Amount@ charges.
    UNIQUE Active: Grant a shield to you and an ally equal to @Effect3Amount*100@% of your maximum Health for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. After @Effect4Amount@ seconds, the shields explode to slow nearby enemies by @Effect5Amount*-100@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown). Automatically targets the most wounded ally if cast upon self.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect11Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Shield Battery, a permanent shield that regenerates slowly outside of combat.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@Effect6Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: Damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage per unique spell cast. If there is a nearby ally Champion, it also grants @Effect2Amount@ Gold. This can occur up to @Effect4Amount@ times every @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Before quest completion, killing minions and non-epic monsters slows Tribute and gold generation.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect17Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to {{ game_item_displayname_3311 }}.
    REWARD: Tribute is upgraded into Queen's Tribute.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@Effect6Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: Damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage per unique spell cast. If there is a nearby ally Champion, it also grants @Effect2Amount@ Gold. This can occur up to @Effect4Amount@ times every @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Before quest completion, killing minions and non-epic monsters slows Tribute and gold generation.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect17Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Tribute is upgraded into Queen's Tribute.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect6Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: Damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage per unique spell cast. If there is a nearby ally Champion, it also grants @Effect2Amount@ Gold. This can occur up to @Effect4Amount@ times every @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Before quest completion, killing minions and non-epic monsters slows Tribute and gold generation.
    UNIQUE Active: Summon @Effect8Amount@ icy ghosts for @Effect12Amount@ seconds that seek out nearby enemy champions. Ghosts reveal enemies on contact and slow them by @Effect10Amount*-100@% for between @Effect16Amount@ and @Effect11Amount@ seconds based on how far the ghosts have traveled (@Effect14Amount@ second cooldown).
    QUEST: Earn @Effect17Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Tribute is upgraded into Queen's Tribute.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.Limited to 1 Trinket.

    Active: Consume a charge to place an Effigy which reveals the surrounding area.

    Effigies recharge more quickly and live longer based on Fiddlesticks' character level.Limited to 1 Trinket.

    Active: Consume a charge to place an invisible Stealth Ward which reveals the surrounding area for @Effect1Amount@ - @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Stores one charge every @Effect2Amount@ - @Effect4Amount@ seconds, up to @Effect5Amount@ maximum charges.

    Ward duration and recharge time gradually improve with level.

    (Limit 3 Stealth Wards on the map per player.)Limited to 1 Trinket.

    Active: Scans an area for @Effect1Amount@ seconds, warning against hidden hostile units and revealing invisible traps and revealing / disabling wards (@Effect2Amount@ to @Effect4Amount@ second cooldown).

    Cast range and sweep radius gradually improve with level.

    (Switching to a Totem-type trinket will disable Trinket use for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.)Limited to 1 Trinket.

    Active: Reveals a small location within @Effect1Amount@ range for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions found will be revealed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (@Effect4Amount@ second cooldown).

    At level @Effect6Amount@, cast range increases to @Effect5Amount@.

    (Trinkets cannot be used in the first @Effect7Amount@ seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for @Effect8Amount@ seconds).Limited to 1 Trinket.

    Active: Consumes a charge to instantly revive at your Summoner Platform and grants 125% Move Speed that decays over 12 seconds.

    Additional charges are gained at levels 9 and 14.

    (Max: 2 charges)

    UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Sight: An arcane mist grants vision in the target area for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, revealing enemy champions and granting True Sight of traps in the area for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).Limited to 1 Trinket.

    UNIQUE Active: Places an invisible ward that reveals the surrounding area for 120 seconds (120 second cooldown). Limit 3 Stealth Wards on the map per player.

    (Trinkets cannot be used in the first 30 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 120 seconds).Limited to 1 Trinket.

    UNIQUE Active: Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps, devices and wards for 6 seconds in a medium radius (60 second cooldown).

    (Trinkets cannot be used in the first 30 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 120 seconds).Limited to 1 Trinket.

    UNIQUE Active: Reveals an area up to 3500 units away for 2 second. Non-stealthed enemy champions found will be visible for 5 seconds (150 second cooldown.)

    (Trinkets cannot be used in the first 30 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 120 seconds.)Limited to 1 Trinket. *Level @Effect6Amount@+ required to upgrade.

    UNIQUE Active: Consume a charge to place an invisible ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Stores a charge every @Effect2Amount@ seconds, up to 2 total. Limit 3 Stealth Wards on the map per player.

    (Trinkets cannot be used in the first @Effect7Amount@ seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for @Effect8Amount@ seconds).Limited to 1 Trinket. *Level @Effect6Amount@+ required to upgrade.

    UNIQUE Active: Places a visible ward that reveals the surrounding area and invisible units in the area until killed (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown). Limit 1 Vision Ward on the map per player.

    (Trinkets cannot be used in the first @Effect7Amount@ seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for @Effect8Amount@ seconds).Level @Effect6Amount@+ required to upgrade.
    Limited to 1 Trinket.

    Alters the Warding Totem Trinket:

    + Massively increased cast range (+@Effect9Amount*100@%)
    + Infinite duration and does not count towards ward limit
    - @Effect14Amount@% increased cooldown
    - Ward is visible, fragile, untargetable by allies
    - @Effect15Amount@% reduced ward vision radius
    - Cannot store charges
    Limited to 1 Trinket.

    Active: Scans around you, warning against hidden hostile units, and revealing invisible traps and revealing / disabling nearby wards for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@ to @Effect4Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance

    UNIQUE Passive: Critical strikes deal @Effect1Amount*100@% damage instead of 200%.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor

    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: Burns nearby enemies for [@Effect1Amount@ to @Effect2Amount@] magic damage per second. Once every @Effect4Amount@ seconds, your next immobilizing spell deals [@Effect1Amount@ to @Effect2Amount@] (+@Effect5Amount*100@% Your Bonus HP) bonus magic damage and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you. Immolate's damage is increased by @Effect3Amount*100@% to minions and monsters.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power

    UNIQUE Passive: Increases Ability Power by @Effect1Amount@%.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Eternity: @Effect6Amount*100@% of damage taken from champions is gained as Mana. Spending Mana restores @Effect5Amount*100@% of the cost as Health, up to @Effect4Amount@ per spell cast.
    UNIQUE Aura: Nearby enemy champions take @Effect3Amount*100@% more magic damage.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive: Dealing physical damage to an enemy champion Cleaves them, reducing their Armor by @Effect2Amount*100@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (stacks up to @Effect4Amount@ times, up to @Effect5Amount*100@%).
    UNIQUE Passive - Rage: Dealing physical damage grants @Effect6Amount@ Move Speed for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Assists on Cleaved enemy champions or kills on any unit grant @Effect8Amount@ Move Speed for @Effect9Amount@ seconds instead. This Move Speed is halved for ranged champions.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    UNIQUE Active: Target an area within @Effect8Amount@ range. After 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to heal allies for @Effect2Amount@ (+@Effect3Amount@ per level of target) Health, burn enemy champions for @Effect4Amount*100@% of their maximum Health as true damage and deal @Effect5Amount@ true damage to enemy minions (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown). Heal and Shield Power is @Effect11Amount@ times as effective on Salvation's heal.

    Can be used while dead.

    Half effect if the target has been affected by Redemption recently.+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist

    UNIQUE Active: Grants a decaying shield to nearby allied champions for @Effect3Amount@ seconds that absorbs up to @Effect1Amount@ (+@Effect2Amount@ per level) (+@Effect7Amount*100@% of your bonus health) damage (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).

    Shield per level uses the higher of your level or the target's level.
    Shield ratio scales with your level.
    Shield amount is reduced to @Effect4Amount*100@% if the target has been affected by another Locket of the Iron Solari in the last @Effect5Amount@ seconds.
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Rage: Basic attacks grant @Effect1Amount@ Move Speed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Kills grant @Effect2Amount@ Move Speed instead. This Move Speed bonus is halved for ranged champions.
    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals bonus physical damage equal to @Effect4Amount*100@% of base Attack Damage on hit (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor

    UNIQUE Passive: Increases Ability Power by @Effect1Amount@%
    UNIQUE Active: Champion becomes invulnerable and untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but is unable to move, attack, cast spells, or use items during this time (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Active - Stasis: Champion becomes invulnerable and untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but is unable to move, attack, cast spells, or use items during this time (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana

    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals bonus physical damage equal to @Effect2Amount*100@% of base Attack Damage in an area and creates an icy zone for @Effect3Amount@ seconds that slows Move Speed by @Effect4Amount*-100@% (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).

    Size of zone increases with bonus armor.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect2Amount@ Lethality
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect6Amount@ Move Speed out of Combat
    UNIQUE Active: Grants +@Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed and the ability to move through units for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal

    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal @Effect1Amount*100@% of the target's current Health as bonus physical damage on hit (Melee users deal @Effect2Amount*100@%).
    UNIQUE Active: Deals 100 magic damage to target champion and steals 25% of their Move Speed for 3 seconds (90 second cooldown).

    Minimum bonus physical damage dealt is @Effect3Amount@.
    Maximum bonus physical damage dealt to monsters and minions is @Effect4Amount@.
    User's Life Steal is applied to bonus physical damage dealt.
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +10% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Haste: This item gains an additional 10% Cooldown Reduction.
    UNIQUE Passive - Echo: Gain charges upon moving or casting. At @Effect1Amount@ charges, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal @Effect2Amount@ (+@Effect4Amount*100@% of Ability Power) bonus magic damage to up to @Effect3Amount@ targets on hit.Click to Consume: Gain Gold!+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect9Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Melee basic attacks execute minions below @Effect1Amount@ (+@Effect15Amount@ per level) Health. Killing a minion heals the owner and the nearest allied champion for @Effect2Amount@ to @Effect16Amount@ (based on missing health) and grants them kill Gold. @Effect17Amount*100@% healing if the owner is ranged. These effects require a nearby ally. Recharges every @Effect12Amount@ seconds. Max @Effect13Amount@ charges.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect11Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.UNIQUE Active - Sweeping Lens: Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for @Effect4Amount@ seconds in a small radius (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: Rengar gains @Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
    6 Trophies: Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by @Effect2Amount@.
    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.UNIQUE Active - Sweeping Lens: Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for @Effect4Amount@ seconds in a small radius (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: Rengar gains 25 Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
    6 Trophies: Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.UNIQUE Active - Sweeping Lens: Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for @Effect4Amount@ seconds in a medium radius (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown). Active upgrades at 20 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: Rengar gains 25 Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
    6 Trophies: Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.UNIQUE Active - Sweeping Lens: Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for @Effect4Amount@ seconds in a medium radius and grants detection of invisible units for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: Rengar gains 25 Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
    6 Trophies: Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.UNIQUE Active - Scrying: Reveals a small location within @Effect4Amount@ range for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions found will be revealed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: Rengar gains @Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
    6 Trophies: Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by @Effect2Amount@.
    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.UNIQUE Active - Scrying: Reveals a small location within @Effect4Amount@ range for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions found will be revealed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: Rengar gains 25 Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
    6 Trophies: Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.UNIQUE Active - Scrying: Reveals a small location within @Effect4Amount@ range for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions found will be revealed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown). Active upgrades at 20 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: Rengar gains 25 Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
    6 Trophies: Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.UNIQUE Active - Scrying: Reveals a small location within @Effect4Amount@ range for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions found will be revealed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown). Also places a visible ward in the area that lasts @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: Rengar gains 25 Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
    6 Trophies: Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.UNIQUE Active - Scrying: Reveals a small location within @Effect4Amount@ range for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions found will be revealed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown).

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: Rengar gains 25 Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
    6 Trophies: Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: Rengar gains @Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
    6 Trophies: Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by @Effect2Amount@.
    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: Rengar gains 25 Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
    6 Trophies: Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by 125.
    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    Active: Consumes a charge to instantly revive at the Summoner Platform and grants 125% Move Speed that decays over 12 seconds.

    Additional charges are gained at levels 9 and 14.

    (Max: 2 charges)
    3 Trophies: Rengar gains @Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.
    6 Trophies: Increases the range of Rengar's Leap by @Effect2Amount@.
    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.Limited to 1 Trinket.

    Active: Reveals a small area within @Effect1Amount@ range for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions will be revealed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds (@Effect2Amount@ second cooldown)+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect5Amount*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive: Whenever you heal or shield an ally, you and your ally gain @Effect2Amount*100@% - @Effect6Amount*100@% Attack Speed and your attacks deal an additional @Effect4Amount@ - @Effect7Amount@ on-hit magic damage for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    This does not include regeneration effects. Bonus effects are based on target's level.+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Point Runner: Builds up to +@Effect1Amount@% Move Speed over @Effect11Amount@ seconds while near turrets, fallen turrets and Void Gates.
    UNIQUE Active: Spawns a Void Gate for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).

    Every @Effect2Amount@ seconds the gate makes a Voidspawn. The first and every fourth Voidspawn gains @Effect8Amount*100@% of maximum Health as damage.
    UNIQUE Passive - Glimpse of the Void: The holder of the Eye of the Herald has Empowered Recall.

    UNIQUE Active: Channel for @Effect2Amount@ seconds to crush the Eye of the Herald, summoning the Rift Herald to siege enemy turrets.

    The Eye of the Herald will be lost to the Void if not used within @Effect1Amount@ seconds.(Trinket)
    Active: Command your Ghost Poro to stay in a brush. Gain additional stats if you or your Ghost Poro are in enemy territory.
    Active: Offer to bind with an ally for the remainder of the game, becoming Oathsworn Allies. Oathsworn empowers you both while near one another.Melee: Champion pursuer.

    Razorfins can chase down enemy champions relentlessly as they're upgraded and deal bonus damage. They can even grow in number. All Razorfins have +100% Attack Speed.

    Upgrade your Razorfin's abilities after hiring, by spending Krakens below.Melee: Tanky siege.

    Ironbacks can take reduced damage from minions and gain a shield that blocks attacks as they're upgraded. They can also deal extra damage to structures. All Ironbacks take 25% reduced damage from enemy turrets.

    Upgrade your Ironback's abilities after hiring, by spending Krakens below.Ranged: Champion harass.

    Plundercrabs shoot additional cannonballs at nearby enemy champions and gain extra range as they are upgraded. They can also shoot faster when locking onto enemy champions and deal bonus damage. All Plundercrabs have a splitshot at +150 attack range but 50% less damage.

    Upgrade your Plundercrab's abilities after hiring, by spending Krakens below.Ranged: Support utility.

    Ocklepods grant magic shields to allied minions and gain Magic Resistance as they're upgraded. They can also provide vision into nearby Jungles with a moving Clairvoyance. All Ocklepods cast a magic shield on allied minions every 10 seconds, blocking 100 magic damage.

    Upgrade your Ocklepod's abilities after hiring, by spending Krakens below.Gives your mercenary the first level upgrade.

    Razorfin - Upon aggroing an enemy champion, your Razorfin will pursue them endlessly. While attacking enemy champions your Razorfin has 100% increased Move Speed and ignores unit collision.

    Ironback - Your Ironback deals 175% damage to enemy structures. Your Ironback gains a shield that blocks the attack damage from the next basic attack from a champion or a turret (on-hit effects like Lich Bane are not blocked). The shield is renewed 10 seconds after it breaks.

    Plundercrab - Your Plundercrab has +50 attack range. Your Plundercrab now gains a stacking 20% attack speed buff (up to 150%) for 3 seconds every time they hit an enemy champion.

    Ocklepod - Your Ocklepod has 10 Magic Resistance. Your Ocklepod spawns a moving Clairvoyance every 30 seconds. After a 4 second delay, it grants vision to a nearby area for 4 seconds.Gives your mercenary the second level upgrade.

    Razorfin - Each time your Razorfin hits an enemy champion, it applies a mark. On the 3rd mark, Razorfins deal 300% damage to the target.

    Ironback - Your Ironback deals 250% damage to enemy structures. While your Ironbacks' shield is active, it takes 35% reduced damage from minions.

    Plundercrab - Your Plundercrab has +100 attack range. Your Plundercrab deals 150% damage on hitting enemy champions.

    Ocklepod - Your Ocklepod has 20 Magic Resistance. Your Ocklepods' shield now blocks 150 + (1 x Ocklepod's AD) damage.
    Gives your mercenary the third level upgrade.

    Razorfin - Two Razorfins will spawn for you in each wave.

    Ironback - Your Ironback deals 325% damage to enemy structures. The shield cooldown is further reduced to 3 seconds, and while active, your Ironback takes 60% reduced damage from minions.

    Plundercrab - Your Plundercrab has +150 attack range. Your Plundercrab's on-hit bonus now also applies when hitting enemy minions, and it will now shoot an additional cannonball at all nearby enemy champions.

    Ocklepod - Your Ocklepods have 30 Magic Resistance, and their base shield strength is increased to 300. Your Ocklepods' Clairvoyance are now cast every 10 seconds.Your mercenary permanently gains +@Effect1Amount@ Attack Damage (+@Effect2Amount@ total).Your mercenary permanently gains +@Effect1Amount@ Attack Damage (+@Effect2Amount@ total).
    Your mercenary permanently gains +@Effect1Amount@ HP (+@Effect2Amount@ total).
    Active: Use this trinket to teleport to one of your team's port pads. Can only be used from the summoning platform.
    Deploys a ballista that shoots the closest turret.

    Places a long range ballista if within @Effect6Amount@ range of an enemy turret. After a @Effect1Amount@ second delay, it will begin firing at the nearest enemy turret, dealing heavy damage. If the targeted turret expires, the ballista will as well.
    Attach, then recast to fire a damaging beam from a turret to your cursor.

    First Cast: Attach a Slayer Beam to the target turret that can be fired @Effect1Amount@ times.

    Next Three Casts: Fires the attached beam towards your cursor, dealing @Effect5Amount@/level + @Effect8Amount*100@% of the hit target's maximum health (@Effect6Amount*100@% damage to minions) in magic damage to all targets in a line.

    Beam will last @Effect7Amount@ seconds, or until it has been fired @Effect1Amount@ times.
    Deploy an additional teleport target.

    Places a Port Pad at target location. After a @Effect1Amount@ second delay, it activates, allowing you or your allies to teleport to it from base.
    Makes a turret go invulnerable, then rain fire.

    Makes the target turret invulnerable for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Two seconds before expiry, it unleashes a missile volley, dealing @Effect3Amount*4@ true damage over the remaining time to all nearby enemies.

    Cannot be used on the same turret more than once in @Effect2Amount@ seconds.In Nexus Siege, Summoner Spells are replaced with Siege Weapon Slots. Spend Crystal Shards to buy single-use Siege Weapons from the item shop, then use your Summoner Spell keys to activate them!
    Allows team to cast Flash repeatedly in a limited zone.

    Creates a magic zone for your team for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. While in this zone, you and your allies have your summoner spells replaced by an instant cast blink that moves you to any location in the zone (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown).
    Place a banner that buffs minions.

    Place a Vanguard Banner at target location. After a @Effect7Amount@ second delay, any nearby minions will be granted a buff, increasing their damage by @Effect2Amount*100@%, and granting them @Effect3Amount@ Armor and @Effect4Amount@ Magic Resistance while within range.Refunds all purchased Siege Weapons for their full price.
    Stun minions and slow champions in an area.

    Places an Entropy Field at target location for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Enemy minions and Siege Ballistas trapped in the field are unable to move or attack while in the field. Enemy champions in the field have their Move Speed reduced by @Effect3Amount@%.
    Place a totem that shields nearby deployables.

    Places a Shield Totem at target location. After a @Effect1Amount@ second delay, the totem will activate, granting a @Effect3Amount@ (+@Effect8Amount@ per additional Shield Totem) strength shield to all nearby deployables.Limited to 1 Trinket.

    Active: Places a Stealth Ward that lasts @Effect1Amount@ seconds (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed

    UNIQUE Passive - Phantom Hit: Basic Attacks grant Malice Charges upon hitting an enemy. After @Effect3Amount@ stacks, your next 3 attacks will be at maximum attack speed, but deal @Effect4Amount*-100@% damage. Charges expire after @Effect1Amount@ seconds.

    ''That is not the pounding of the rain.''+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ Magic Damage on Hit

    UNIQUE Passive - Devouring Spirit: Takedowns on large monsters and Champions increase the magic damage of this item by +1. Takedowns on Rift Scuttlers and Rift Herald increase the magic damage of this item by +2. Takedowns on Dragon and Baron increase the magic damage of this item by +5. At @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ Stacks, your Devourer becomes Sated, granting extra on Hit effects.Active - Feed The King: The King lobs many projectiles at far-away enemies, each dealing @Effect6Amount@-@Effect7Amount@ magic damage to targets in the center of the impact, scaling down to @Effect8Amount@-@Effect9Amount@ on the edge. (@Effect2Amount@s cooldown)Active - Feed The King: The King breathes fire for @Effect1Amount@ seconds, dealing @Effect6Amount@-@Effect7Amount@ true damage over the duration to enemies caught in the cone. Deals up to @Effect5Amount@ true damage to Turrets. (@Effect2Amount@s cooldown)Active - Feed The King: The King leaps into the air and crashes down twice, knocking enemies away and dealing @Effect8Amount@-@Effect9Amount@ physical damage. He also gains a decaying shield for @Effect5Amount@% of his maximum health, lasting @Effect6Amount@ seconds. (@Effect2Amount@s cooldown)Active - Feed The King: The King tosses many Snax behind the enemy, attracting Poros which dash back towards him. Enemy champions hit will be knocked forwards and dealt @Effect9Amount@-@Effect10Amount@ physical damage. (@Effect2Amount@s cooldown)Active - Feed The King: The King draws you to himself. For up to 4 seconds, you are untargetable and pacified. You may mouse click to fly to target position, stopping at the first enemy champion hit and knocking all enemies in a small radius back. The shockwave from your flight deals @Effect5Amount@-@Effect6Amount@ physical damage in a cone. (@Effect2Amount@s cooldown)Active - Feed The King: The King summons dark winds from behind himself, then fires them forward in a spiral, dealing @Effect8Amount@-@Effect9Amount@ physical damage and knocking enemies Airborne. (@Effect2Amount@s cooldown)Passive - Cosmic Shackle: Death Sentence pulls much farther (based on the target's Missing Health), and can be ignited by the Dark Star to do more damage.

    ''A still more glorious dawn awaits.''Passive - Singularity Lantern: Dark Passage automatically saves disabled allies. However, it no longer provides a shield.

    ''The stars call to us.''Passive - Dark Matter Scythe: Flay's on-hit passive charges damage very quickly. Flay will throw enemies much farther (based on their Missing Health).

    ''If you want to make a Singularity from scratch, you must first destroy the universe.''Passive - Mass Conversion: Thresh's Health represents how far enemy pulls and pushes will send him. At lower Health, he will be thrown farther.

    Passive - Terminus Dwellers: Abyss Scuttlers emerge periodically, and will scurry towards the Dark Star when attacked. Gravitational disturbances will temporarily attract many of them.Passive - Stellar Spirit: Upon spawning, Thresh is invulnerable, untargetable, cannot cast, and is able to travel in open space. This is lost when stepping foot on stable ground.

    Being saved by Dark Passage or using Death Sentence on one of the three Gravity Anchors will briefly put you into this invulnerable state and break enemy chains on you.Passive - Stellar Fealty: Thresh cannot kill units directly - their souls, experience, and gold belong to the Dark Star.

    Pulling or pushing an enemy into the Dark Star will destroy them instantly, scoring points for your team (+5, or +1 for Abyss Scuttlers).

    Winning a round requires 100 points, and the final points must be from a champion kill.Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.

    +@Effect6Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters

    UNIQUE Passive - Chilling Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing reduced true damage and stealing @Effect8Amount*-100@% Move Speed for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.
    UNIQUE Passive - Tooth / Nail: Basic attacks vs. monsters deal @Effect5Amount@ bonus damage. Damaging a monster with a spell or attack steals @Effect2Amount@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds and burns them for @Effect1Amount@ magic damage. While in the jungle or river, regenerate up to @Effect4Amount@ Mana per second based on your missing Mana. This item grants Monster Hunter. This item's healing will be increased by @Effect13Amount*100@% when under @Effect12Amount*100@% Health.+40 Attack Damage
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    +10 Armor Penetration
    +@Effect5Amount@ Bonus Gold per Large Monster Kill

    Passive - Chilling Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing reduced true damage and stealing @Effect6Amount*-100@% Move Speed @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.

    Limited to 1 Jungle item+@Effect11Amount@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@Effect12Amount*100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect5Amount@ Bonus Gold per Large Monster Kill

    Passive - Chilling Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing reduced true damage and stealing @Effect6Amount*-100@% Move Speed @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.

    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals @Effect10Amount*100@% Base Attack Damage (+@Effect14Amount*100@% Ability Power) bonus magic damage on hit (@Effect13Amount@ second cooldown). When directly attacking a monster, the bonus damage is reapplied in an AoE around the target, and @Effect15Amount*100@% of your missing Mana is restored.

    Limited to 1 Jungle item

    (Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)+@Effect22Amount@% Attack Speed
    +@Effect24Amount@ Magic Damage on Hit
    +@Effect5Amount@ Bonus Gold per Large Monster Kill

    Passive - Chilling Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing reduced true damage and stealing @Effect6Amount*-100@% Move Speed @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Passive - Devouring Spirit: Takedowns on large monsters and champions increase the magic damage of this item by +1. Takedowns on Rift Scuttlers increase the magic damage of this item by +2. Takedowns on epic monsters increase the magic damage of this item by +5. At @Effect23Amount@ Stacks, your Devourer becomes Sated, granting extra on Hit effects.
    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.

    Limited to 1 Jungle itemLimited to 1 Jungle item

    +@Effect9Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters
    +@Effect3Amount*100@% Base Mana Regen while in Jungle

    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip_store }}
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect10Amount@ seconds. Holds up to 2 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    (A player may only have 3 Stealth Wards on the map at one time. Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)UNIQUE Passive - Feeding the Fires: Killing large monsters feeds your Kindled Spirit. After @Effect5Amount@ kills, Kindled Spirit transforms into Feral Flare.

    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ magic damage on hit to Monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health and @Effect3Amount@ Mana per second while in combat with Monsters.

    Limited to 1 Jungle item
    Do not buy this item if you don't have Smite.Limited to 1 Jungle item

    +@Effect3Amount*100@% Base Mana Regen while in Jungle
    +@Effect9Amount*100@% Move Speed while in Jungle

    Passive - Blasting Smite: Smite deals damage in an area, dealing half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores @Effect8Amount*100@% of missing Health and Mana.

    UNIQUE Passive - Tooth / Nail: +@Effect2Amount*100@% damage versus monsters. Damage a monster to steal @Effect1Amount@ Health over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Grants +@Effect5Amount@ bonus experience upon killing a Large Monster.Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.

    +@Effect11Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters

    UNIQUE Passive - Challenging Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, marking them for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. While marked your basic attacks deal bonus true damage over @Effect7Amount@ seconds, and their damage to you is reduced by @Effect10Amount*100@%.
    UNIQUE Passive - Tooth / Nail:Basic attacks vs. monsters deal @Effect5Amount@ bonus damage. Damaging a monster with a spell or attack steals @Effect2Amount@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds and burns them for @Effect1Amount@ magic damage. While in the jungle or river, regenerate up to @Effect4Amount@ Mana per second based on your missing Mana. This item grants Monster Hunter. This item's healing will be increased by @Effect13Amount*100@% when under @Effect12Amount*100@% Health.+40 Attack Damage
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    +10 Armor Penetration
    +@Effect8Amount@ Bonus Gold per Large Monster Kill

    Passive - Scavenging Smite: When you Smite a large monster in the enemy jungle, you gain half a charge of Smite. If you kill that monster, you gain +@Effect7Amount@ bonus Gold, and you gain 175% increased Move Speed decaying over 2 seconds.

    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.

    Limited to 1 Jungle item+@Effect11Amount@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@Effect12Amount*100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect8Amount@ Bonus Gold per Large Monster Kill

    Passive - Scavenging Smite: When you Smite a large monster in the enemy jungle, you gain half a charge of Smite. If you kill that monster, you gain +@Effect7Amount@ bonus Gold, and you gain 175% increased Move Speed decaying over 2 seconds.

    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.

    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals @Effect10Amount*100@% Base Attack Damage (+@Effect14Amount*100@% Ability Power) bonus magic damage on hit (@Effect13Amount@ second cooldown). When directly attacking a monster, the bonus damage is reapplied in an AoE around the target, and @Effect15Amount*100@% of your missing Mana is restored.

    Limited to 1 Jungle item

    (Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)+@Effect24Amount@ Health
    +@Effect23Amount@% Bonus Health
    +@Effect8Amount@ Bonus Gold per Large Monster Kill

    Passive - Scavenging Smite: When you Smite a large monster in the enemy jungle, you gain half a charge of Smite. If you kill that monster, you gain +@Effect7Amount@ bonus Gold, and you gain 175% increased Move Speed decaying over 2 seconds.

    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.
    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: Deals @Effect22Amount@ (+@Effect21Amount@ per champion level) magic damage a second to nearby enemies. Deals @Effect18Amount@% bonus damage to minions and monsters.

    Limited to 1 Jungle item

    (Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)+@Effect22Amount@% Attack Speed
    +@Effect24Amount@ Magic Damage on Hit
    +@Effect8Amount@ Bonus Gold per Large Monster Kill

    Passive - Scavenging Smite: When you Smite a large monster in the enemy jungle, you gain half a charge of Smite. If you kill that monster, you gain +@Effect7Amount@ bonus Gold, and you gain 175% increased Move Speed decaying over 2 seconds.

    Passive - Devouring Spirit: Takedowns on large monsters and champions increase the magic damage of this item by +1. Takedowns on Rift Scuttlers increase the magic damage of this item by +2. Takedowns on epic monsters increase the magic damage of this item by +5. At @Effect23Amount@ Stacks, your Devourer becomes Sated, granting extra on Hit effects.
    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.

    Limited to 1 Jungle item+40 Attack Damage
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    +10 Armor Penetration
    +@Effect5Amount@ Bonus Gold per Large Monster Kill

    Passive - Blasting Smite: Smite deals damage in an area, dealing half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Health and Mana.

    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.

    Limited to 1 Jungle item.+@Effect11Amount@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@Effect12Amount*100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect5Amount@ Bonus Gold per Large Monster Kill

    Passive - Blasting Smite: Smite deals damage in an area, dealing half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Health and Mana.

    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.

    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals @Effect10Amount*100@% Base Attack Damage (+@Effect14Amount*100@% Ability Power) bonus magic damage on hit (@Effect13Amount@ second cooldown). When directly attacking a monster, the bonus damage is reapplied in an AoE around the target, and @Effect15Amount*100@% of your missing Mana is restored.

    Limited to 1 Jungle item

    (Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)+@Effect24Amount@ Health
    +@Effect23Amount@% Bonus Health
    +@Effect5Amount@ Bonus Gold per Large Monster Kill

    Passive - Blasting Smite: Smite deals damage in an area, dealing half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Health and Mana.

    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.
    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: Deals @Effect22Amount@ (+@Effect21Amount@ per champion level) magic damage a second to nearby enemies. Deals @Effect18Amount@% bonus damage to monsters.

    Limited to 1 Jungle item

    (Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)+@Effect22Amount@% Attack Speed
    +@Effect24Amount@ Magic Damage on Hit
    +@Effect5Amount@ Bonus Gold per Large Monster Kill

    Passive - Blasting Smite: Smite deals damage in an area, dealing half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Health and Mana.

    Passive - Devouring Spirit: Takedowns on large monsters and champions increase the magic damage of this item by +1. Takedowns on Rift Scuttlers increase the magic damage of this item by +2. Takedowns on epic monsters increase the magic damage of this item by +5. At @Effect23Amount@ Stacks, your Devourer becomes Sated, granting extra on Hit effects.
    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.

    Limited to 1 Jungle item+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor

    UNIQUE Passive - Dreadnought: While moving, build stacks of Momentum, increasing Move Speed by up to @Effect1Amount@ at @Effect2Amount@ stacks. Momentum decays while under the effect of a stun, taunt, fear, polymorph, or immobilize effect.
    UNIQUE Passive - Crushing Blow: Basic attacks deal @Effect3Amount@ magic damage per stack of Momentum, discharging all stacks. At max stacks, if the attacker is melee, they also slow the target by @Effect4Amount*-100@% for @Effect5Amount@ second.

    ''There's only one way you'll get this armor from me...'' - forgotten namesake+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Mana Font: Restores 2% of missing Mana every 5 seconds.
    UNIQUE Passive: Gain @Effect2Amount*100@% Move Speed and @Effect4Amount@ Mana Regen per 5 seconds while in the river.
    (Unique Passives with the same name do not stack.)

    ''News travels fast along the Ionian riverside.''+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Mana Font: Restores @Effect2Amount@% of missing Mana every @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks mark champions with a string for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Moving further than @Effect8Amount@ range away from marked champions will break the string.
    UNIQUE Active: Pull all champions Marked by Puppeteer within @Effect8Amount@ range towards you. Units move a maximum of @Effect7Amount@ distance (@Effect9Amount@ second cooldown).

    ''Perhaps reading this wasn't your idea.''+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Cleave: Basic attacks deal @Effect10Amount@ + @Effect9Amount*100@% of your maximum health as bonus physical damage (round(((@Effect9Amount@*stats[MaxHealth])+@Effect10Amount@)) damage) to your target and @Effect2Amount@ + @Effect1Amount*100@% of your maximum health as physical damage (round((@Effect1Amount@ * stats[MaxHealth])+@Effect2Amount@) damage) to other enemies in a cone on hit.
    UNIQUE Active - Crescent: Cleave damage to all targets is increased to @Effect8Amount@ + @Effect5Amount*100@% of your maximum health as bonus physical damage (round((@Effect5Amount@*stats[MaxHealth])+@Effect8Amount@) damage) in a larger cone for your next basic attack (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown).

    (Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health

    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: Burns nearby enemies for [@Effect1Amount@ to @Effect2Amount@] magic damage per second. Once every @Effect5Amount@ seconds, your next immobilizing spell deals [@Effect1Amount@ to @Effect2Amount@] (+@Effect6Amount*100@% Your Bonus HP) bonus magic damage and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you. Immolate's damage is increased by @Effect3Amount*100@% to minions and monsters.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Active: Grants @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed when moving towards enemies or enemy turrets for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Once near an enemy (or after @Effect2Amount@ seconds) a shockwave is emitted, slowing nearby enemy champion Move Speed by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect4Amount@ second(s) (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana

    UNIQUE Passive - Haste: +10% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: Upon levelling up, restores @Effect7Amount*100@% of your maximum Mana over @Effect8Amount@ seconds.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive: Heal for @Effect1Amount*100@% of damage dealt. This is 33% as effective for Area of Effect damage.
    UNIQUE Passive: [Melee Users: @Effect2Amount*100@% || Ranged Users: @Effect4Amount*100@%] of damage taken is dealt as a Bleed effect over @Effect3Amount@ seconds instead.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount@ Lethality
    UNIQUE Passive - Spell Shield: Grants a spell shield that blocks the next enemy ability. This shield refreshes after no damage is taken from enemy champions for 40 seconds.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health

    UNIQUE Passive - Eyes of Pain: +@Effect3Amount@ Magic Penetration
    UNIQUE Active - Disguise: Teleport to target ally and take on their appearance for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Casting a spell or attacking breaks the deception (@Effect2Amount@ second cooldown).

    ''Faces can not but lie.''+@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Active - Safe Harbor: Lobs a bubble that shields nearby allies for @Effect2Amount@ Health and generates gold equal to @Effect3Amount*100@% of the damage absorbed (maximum of @Effect5Amount@ gold per cast) (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown). Self cast shields will not generate gold from Monster damage.

    ''Theft is better with accomplices.''+@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Active - Swindler's Shield: Shield ally for @Effect2Amount@ Health and generate gold equal to @Effect3Amount*100@% of the damage absorbed (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown). Self cast shields will not generate gold from Monster damage.

    ''Partners in crime.''+@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Active - Swindler's Shield: Shield ally for @Effect2Amount@ Health and generate gold equal to @Effect3Amount*100@% of the damage absorbed (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown). Self cast shields will not generate gold from Monster damage.

    ''Profit makes fast friends.''+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
    QUEST: Earning gold through using this item will transform the item, granting UNIQUE Active - Warding.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.

    QUEST: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold to upgrade to Shard of True Ice.

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Place a Stealth Ward. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Place a Stealth Ward. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: While nearby an ally champion, basic attacks execute minions below @Effect2Amount*100@% of their max Health (@Effect3Amount*100@% for ranged). Killing a minion grants kill gold to the nearest allied champion. (These effects recharge every @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Max @Effect6Amount@ charges.)
    QUEST: Earning gold through using this item will transform the item, granting UNIQUE Active - Warding.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: While nearby an ally champion, basic attacks execute minions below @Effect2Amount*100@% of their max Health. Killing a minion grants kill gold to the nearest allied champion. (These effects recharge every @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Max @Effect6Amount@ charges.)

    QUEST: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold to upgrade to Pauldrons of Whiterock.

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Place a Stealth Ward. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Place a Stealth Ward. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: While nearby an ally champion, basic attacks execute minions below @Effect2Amount*100@% of their max Health (@Effect3Amount*100@% for ranged). Killing a minion grants kill gold to the nearest allied champion. (These effects recharge every @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Max @Effect6Amount@ charges.)
    QUEST: Earning gold through using this item will transform the item, granting UNIQUE Active - Warding.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: While nearby an ally champion, basic attacks execute minions below @Effect2Amount*100@% of their max Health. Killing a minion grants kill gold to the nearest allied champion. (These effects recharge every @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Max @Effect6Amount@ charges.)

    QUEST: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold to upgrade to Bulwark of the Mountain.

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Place a Stealth Ward. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Place a Stealth Ward. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
    QUEST: Earning gold through using this item will transform the item, granting UNIQUE Active - Warding.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)

    Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.

    QUEST: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold to upgrade to Black Mist Scythe.

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Place a Stealth Ward. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Place a Stealth Ward. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)Requires 500 Silver Serpents.

    UNIQUE Passive: Cannon Barrage fires at an increasing rate over time (additional 6 waves over the duration).Requires 500 Silver Serpents.

    UNIQUE Passive: Cannon Barrage additionally fires a mega-cannonball at center of the Barrage, dealing 300% true damage and slowing them by 60% for 1.5 seconds. Requires 500 Silver Serpents.

    UNIQUE Passive: Allies in the Cannon Barrage gain 30% Move Speed for 2 seconds.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@Effect16Amount@% Move Speed
    +@Effect1Amount@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Active - Spectral Pursuit: Summons 2 spooky ghosts that hunt down nearby champions, revealing and Haunting them on contact.

    Haunted enemies are slowed by @Effect13Amount@% for up to @Effect14Amount@ seconds based on the distance the ghosts travel. (@Effect9Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@Effect1Amount@% Move Speed

    UNIQUE Passive: Nearby allied and enemy spellcasts charge Spellbinder up to a cap (@Effect2Amount@ maximum).
    UNIQUE Active: Gain a maximum of @Effect8Amount@ Ability Power and @Effect9Amount@% decaying Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Each spellcast stored contributes +@Effect5Amount@ Ability Power and +@Effect3Amount@% Move Speed to the effect. (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health

    UNIQUE Passive - Touch of Death: +@Effect1Amount@ Magic Penetration+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal

    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks build Flesh charges. After 5 basic attacks, the Flesheater active will be ready.

    UNIQUE Active - Flesheater: Rip the flesh from target enemy minion dealing @Effect4Amount@ (+@Effect5Amount*100@% AD) true damage to the target, healing the user for @Effect2Amount@ (+@Effect3Amount*100@% AD) health and adding 1 Flesh stack to the item.

    UNIQUE Passive: Each stack on Flesheater adds @Effect6Amount@ AD to the wielder.

    ''No need to sharpen after use.''+@Effect22Amount@% Attack Speed
    +@Effect24Amount@ Magic Damage on Hit
    +@Effect9Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters
    +@Effect3Amount*100@% Base Mana Regen while in Jungle

    UNIQUE Passive - Phantom Hit: Every other basic attack will trigger a phantom attack that triggers all on Hit effects a second time. Ranged champions trigger this every fourth attack.
    UNIQUE Passive - Tooth / Nail: Basic attacks deal @Effect2Amount@ bonus damage vs. monsters. Damaging a monster steals @Effect1Amount@ Health over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Killing a Large Monster grants +@Effect5Amount@ bonus experience.
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect10Amount@ seconds. Holds up to 2 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Limited to 1 Jungle item+@Effect22Amount@% Attack Speed
    +@Effect24Amount@ Magic Damage on Hit
    +@Effect5Amount@ Bonus Gold per Large Monster Kill

    Passive - Blasting Smite: Smite deals damage in an area, dealing half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Health and Mana.

    UNIQUE Passive - Phantom Hit: Every other basic attack will trigger a phantom attack that triggers all on Hit effects a second time. Ranged champions trigger this every fourth attack.
    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.

    Limited to 1 Jungle item{{ game_item_boots_grouplimit }}

    UNIQUE Active: Become Ghostly for @Effect1Amount@ seconds, ignoring terrain collision. While inside terrain, gain @Effect3Amount@ Move Speed and become untargetable, stealthed, and silenced. Cannot be used within @Effect5Amount@ seconds of taking damage. (@Effect4Amount@ second cooldown)
    UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Move Speed

    (Ghostwalkers are unaffected by the Predator Rune.)+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power

    UNIQUE Passive: You take half damage. The other half is deferred until later. Every @Effect1Amount@ seconds, all deferred damage is dealt to you at once. +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount@ Lethality
    UNIQUE Active: Mark the ground beneath you. After @Effect2Amount@ seconds, you will return to the marked location (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage

    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount@ Lethality
    UNIQUE Active: Mark your current location. After @Effect2Amount@ seconds, you will return to the marked location (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power

    UNIQUE Passive - Touch of Death: +@Effect2Amount@ Magic Penetration
    UNIQUE Passive: You take half damage. The other half is deferred until later. Every @Effect1Amount@ seconds, all deferred damage is dealt to you at once.
    UNIQUE Passive: Whenever you would take more than half of your current health in damage, reduce that damage by 20%.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health

    UNIQUE Passive - Touch of Death: +@Effect1Amount@ Magic Penetration
    UNIQUE Passive: After hitting an enemy champion with a damaging ability, gain a spell shield for @Effect2Amount@ seconds that blocks 1 incoming spell (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor

    UNIQUE Passive: Upon taking lethal damage, immediately Cleanse all crowd control effects, refresh basic ability cooldowns, and become immune to death for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. At the end of that period, you die. (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).UNIQUE Passive - Tooth / Nail: Basic attacks vs. monsters deal @Effect5Amount@ bonus damage. Damaging a monster with a spell or attack steals @Effect2Amount@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds and burns them for @Effect1Amount@ magic damage. While in the jungle or river, regenerate up to @Effect4Amount@ Mana per second based on your missing Mana.

    Limited to 1 Starter item.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Chilling Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing reduced true damage and stealing @Effect8Amount*-100@% Move Speed for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Limited to 1 Starter item.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@EnchantmentEffect2Amount*100@% Bonus Health

    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: Deals @EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ (+@EnchantmentEffect3Amount@ per champion level) magic damage a second to nearby enemies while in combat. Deals @EnchantmentEffect4Amount@% bonus damage to minions and monsters.

    UNIQUE Passive - Chilling Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing reduced true damage and stealing @Effect8Amount*-100@% Move Speed for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Limited to 1 Starter item.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana

    UNIQUE Passive - Echo: Gain charges upon moving or casting. At @EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ charges, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ (+@EnchantmentEffect4Amount*100@% of Ability Power) bonus magic damage to up to @EnchantmentEffect3Amount@ targets on hit.

    This effect deals @EnchantmentEffect5Amount@% damage to Large Monsters. Hitting a Large Monster with this effect will restore @EnchantmentEffect6Amount@% of your missing Mana.

    UNIQUE Passive - Chilling Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing reduced true damage and stealing @Effect8Amount*-100@% Move Speed for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Limited to 1 Starter item.+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed

    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal @EnchantmentEffect1Amount*100@% of the target's maximum Health in bonus physical damage (max @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ vs. monsters and minions) on hit.

    UNIQUE Passive - Chilling Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing reduced true damage and stealing @Effect8Amount*-100@% Move Speed for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Limited to 1 Starter item.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health

    Passive: Restores @FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
    Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional @Effect3Amount@ physical damage to minions on hit.
    UNIQUE Passive: Regain an additional @Effect4Amount*10@ health over @Effect2Amount@ seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion.

    Limited to 1 Starter item.+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal

    Limited to 1 Starter item.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana per 5 seconds

    Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ physical damage to minions on hit.

    Limited to 1 Starter item.+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)
    +@Effect1Amount*100@% Heal and Shield Power

    Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ physical damage to minions on hit.

    Limited to 1 Starter item.+@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@Effect3Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive - Favor: Enemy minions killed by your allies sometimes drop coins that grant @Effect12Amount*100@% missing mana (minimum @Effect13Amount@). If there is an allied Champion nearby, sometimes the coins grant @Effect1Amount@ gold instead. Cannon minions always drop coins.

    Limited to 1 Starter item.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@Effect9Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds

    UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Melee basic attacks execute minions below @Effect1Amount@ (+@Effect15Amount@ per level) Health. Killing a minion heals the owner and the nearest allied champion for @Effect2Amount@ to @Effect16Amount@ (based on missing health) and grants them kill Gold. @Effect17Amount*100@% healing if the owner is ranged. These effects require a nearby ally. Recharges every @Effect12Amount@ seconds. Max @Effect13Amount@ charges.

    Limited to 1 Starter item.+@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed

    UNIQUE Passive: Regenerate @Effect1Amount*100@% maximum Health every second.+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Eternity: @Effect6Amount*100@% of damage taken from champions is gained as Mana. Spending Mana restores @Effect5Amount*100@% of the cost as Health, up to @Effect4Amount@ per spell cast.

    UNIQUE Passive: After using an ability, restore @Effect2Amount*100@% missing Health and @Effect3Amount*100@% missing Mana over @Effect1Amount@ seconds.

    ''Cast down the Noxians'' - Bobdyr, Temple Guardsman+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen (+round(@PercentBaseHPRegenMod@*stats[BaseHPRegenRate]*5) Health per 5 seconds)
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen (+round(@PercentBaseMPRegenMod@*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    You are permanently On Fire!

    ''It must do something...''
    ''Declined, it does EVERYTHING!''
    +0.53 attack damage+0.08 attack damage per level (+1.35 at champion level 18)+0.94% attack speed+0.03% attack speed per level (+0.54% at champion level 18)+1.24% critical damage+0.03% critical damage per level (+0.54% at champion level 18)+0.52% critical chance+0.03% critical chance per level (+0.54% at champion level 18)+0.90 lethality+0.03 armor penetration per level (+0.54 at champion level 18)+1.93 health+0.3 health per level (+5.4 at champion level 18)+0.51 armor+0.05 armor per level (+0.9 at champion level 18)+0.43 magic resist+0.04 magic resist per level (+0.72 at champion level 18)+0.15 health regen / 5 sec.+0.05 health regen / 5 sec. per level (+0.9 at champion level 18)+0.21% dodge+0.01% dodge per level (+0.18% at champion level 18)-0.11% cooldowns-0.01% cooldowns per level (-0.18% at champion level 18)+0.33 ability power+0.06 ability power per level (+1.08 at champion level 18)+3.28 mana+0.65 mana per level (+11.7 at champion level 18)+0.15 mana regen / 5 sec.+0.04 mana regen / 5 sec. per level (+0.72 at champion level 18)+0.49 magic penetration+0.03 magic penetration per level (+0.54 at champion level 18)+0.16 attack damage+0.02 attack damage per level (+0.36 at champion level 18)+0.35% attack speed+0.01% attack speed per level (+0.18% at champion level 18)+0.31% critical damage+0.01% critical damage per level (+0.18% at champion level 18)+0.15% critical chance+0.01% critical chance per level (+0.18% at champion level 18)+0.21 lethality+0.01 armor penetration per level (+0.18 at champion level 18)+1.49 health+0.39 armor+0.74 magic resist+0.09 magic resist per level (+1.68 at champion level 18)-0.47% cooldowns-0.05% cooldowns per level (-0.93% at champion level 18)+0.66 ability power+0.1 ability power per level (+1.8 at champion level 18)+6.25 mana+0.79 mana per level (+14.22 at champion level 18)+0.19 mana regen / 5 sec.+0.04 mana regen / 5 sec. per level (+0.67 at champion level 18)+0.35 magic penetration+0.02 magic penetration per level (+0.36 at champion level 18)+0.24 attack damage+0.03 attack damage per level (+0.61 at champion level 18)+0.42% attack speed+0.43% critical damage+0.23% critical chance+0.41 lethality+4.48 health+0.75 health per level (+13.44 at champion level 18)+0.56 armor+0.09 armor per level (+1.68 at champion level 18)+0.41 magic resist+0.05 magic resist per level (+0.9 at champion level 18)+0.31 health regen / 5 sec.+0.06 health regen / 5 sec. per level (+1.08 at champion level 18)+0.42% dodge+0.03% dodge per level (+0.54% at champion level 18)-0.2% cooldowns+3.83 mana+0.23 mana regen / 5 sec.+0.036 mana regen / 5 sec. per level (+0.65 at champion level 18)+0.29 magic penetration+1.25 attack damage+0.14 attack damage per level (+2.52 at champion level 18)+2.52% attack speed+0.06% attack speed per level (+1.08% at champion level 18)+2.48% critical damage+0.06% critical damage per level (+1.08% at champion level 18)+1.03% critical chance+0.06% critical chance per level (+1.08% at champion level 18)+1.78 lethality+0.06 armor penetration per level (+1.08 at champion level 18)+14.5 health+1.5 health per level (+27 at champion level 18)+2.37 armor+0.21 armor per level (+3.78 at champion level 18)+2.22 magic resist+0.21 magic resist per level (+3.78 at champion level 18)+1.5 health regen / 5 sec.+0.16 health regen / 5 sec. per level (+2.88 at champion level 18)+0.83% dodge+0.06% dodge per level (+1.08% at champion level 18)-1.4% cooldowns-0.15% cooldowns per level (-2.8% at champion level 18)+2.75 ability power+0.24 ability power per level (+4.32 at champion level 18)+20.83 mana+2.31 mana per level (+41.58 at champion level 18)+0.69 mana regen / 5 sec.+0.14 mana regen / 5 sec. per level (+2.52 at champion level 18)+1.11 magic penetration+0.06 magic penetration per level (+1.08 at champion level 18)+0.83% Move Speed+0.56 gold / 10 sec.+0.74 attack damage+0.1 attack damage per level (+1.89 at champion level 18)+1.32% attack speed+0.04% attack speed per level (+0.72% at champion level 18)+1.74% critical damage+0.04% critical damage per level (+0.72% at champion level 18)+0.72% critical chance+0.04% critical chance per level (+0.72% at champion level 18)+1.25 lethality+0.04 armor penetration per level (+0.72 at champion level 18)+2.7 health+0.42 health per level (+7.56 at champion level 18)+0.71 armor+0.07 armor per level (+1.26 at champion level 18)+0.6 magic resist+0.06 magic resist per level (+1.08 at champion level 18)+0.21 health regen / 5 sec.+0.07 health regen / 5 sec. per level (+1.26 at champion level 18)+0.29% dodge+0.02% dodge per level (+0.36% at champion level 18)-0.16% cooldowns+0.46 ability power+0.08 ability power per level (+1.44 at champion level 18)+4.59 mana+0.91 mana per level (+16.38 at champion level 18)+0.2 mana regen / 5 sec.+0.06 mana regen / 5 sec. per level (+1.08 at champion level 18)+0.68 magic penetration+0.04 magic penetration per level (+0.72 at champion level 18)+0.22 attack damage+0.03 attack damage per level (+0.57 at champion level 18)+0.5% attack speed+0.22% critical chance+0.29 lethality+2.08 health+0.55 armor+0.08 armor per level (+1.44 at champion level 18)+1.04 magic resist+0.13 magic resist per level (+2.34 at champion level 18)-0.67% cooldowns-0.07% cooldowns per level (-1.3% at champion level 18)+0.92 ability power+0.13 ability power per level (+2.34 at champion level 18)+8.75 mana+1.1 mana per level (+19.8 at champion level 18)+0.26 mana regen / 5 sec.+0.05 mana regen / 5 sec. per level (+0.94 at champion level 18)+0.33 attack damage+0.05 attack damage per level (+0.85 at champion level 18)+0.59% attack speed+0.02% attack speed per level (+0.36% at champion level 18)+0.61% critical damage+0.02% critical damage per level (+0.36% at champion level 18)+0.32% critical chance+0.59 lethality+6.24 health+1.04 health per level (+18.72 at champion level 18)+0.78 armor+0.13 armor per level (+2.34 at champion level 18)+0.58 magic resist+0.08 magic resist per level (+1.44 at champion level 18)+0.43 health regen / 5 sec.+0.09 health regen / 5 sec. per level (+1.62 at champion level 18)+0.58% dodge+0.04% dodge per level (+0.72% at champion level 18)-0.29% cooldowns-0.02% cooldowns per level (-0.36% at champion level 18)+5.36 mana+0.32 mana regen / 5 sec.+0.05 mana regen / 5 sec. per level (+0.9 at champion level 18)+0.40 magic penetration+1.75 attack damage+0.19 attack damage per level (+3.42 at champion level 18)+3.51% attack speed+0.09% attack speed per level (+1.62% at champion level 18)+3.47% critical damage+0.09% critical damage per level (+1.62% at champion level 18)+1.44% critical chance+0.09% critical chance per level (+1.62% at champion level 18)+2.49 lethality+0.09 armor penetration per level (+1.62 at champion level 18)+20 health+2.1 health per level (+37.8 at champion level 18)+3.32 armor+0.29 armor per level (+5.22 at champion level 18)+3.11 magic resist+0.29 magic resist per level (+5.22 at champion level 18)+2.1 health regen / 5 sec.+0.22 health regen / 5 sec. per level (+3.96 at champion level 18)+1.17% dodge+0.09% dodge per level (+1.62% at champion level 18)-1.95% cooldowns-0.21% cooldowns per level (-3.9% at champion level 18)+3.85 ability power+0.34 ability power per level (+6.12 at champion level 18)+29.17 mana+3.24 mana per level (+58.32 at champion level 18)+0.97 mana regen / 5 sec.+0.19 mana regen / 5 sec. per level (+3.42 at champion level 18)+1.56 magic penetration+0.09 magic penetration per level (+1.62 at champion level 18)+1.17% Move Speed+0.78 gold / 10 sec.+0.95 attack damage+0.13 attack damage per level (+2.43 at champion level 18)+1.7% attack speed+0.05% attack speed per level (+0.9% at champion level 18)+0.05% critical damage per level (+0.9% at champion level 18)+0.93% critical chance+0.05% critical chance per level (+0.9% at champion level 18)+1.60 lethality+0.05 armor penetration per level (+0.9 at champion level 18)+3.47 health+0.54 health per level (+9.72 at champion level 18)+0.91 armor+0.09 armor per level (+1.62 at champion level 18)+0.77 magic resist+0.07 magic resist per level (+1.26 at champion level 18)+0.27 health regen / 5 sec.+0.08 health regen / 5 sec. per level (+1.44 at champion level 18)+0.38% dodge+0.59 ability power+5.91 mana+1.17 mana per level (+21.06 at champion level 18)+0.08 mana regen / 5 sec. per level (+1.44 at champion level 18)+0.87 magic penetration+0.05 magic penetration per level (+0.9 at champion level 18)+0.28 attack damage+0.04 attack damage per level (+0.73 at champion level 18)+0.64% attack speed+0.56% critical damage+0.28% critical chance+0.38 lethality+2.67 health+0.7 armor+0.1 armor per level (+1.8 at champion level 18)+1.34 magic resist+0.16 magic resist per level (+3 at champion level 18)-0.83% cooldowns-0.09% cooldowns per level (-1.67% at champion level 18)+1.19 ability power+0.17 ability power per level (+3.06 at champion level 18)+11.25 mana+1.42 mana per level (+25.56 at champion level 18)+0.33 mana regen / 5 sec.+0.06 mana regen / 5 sec. per level (+1.2 at champion level 18)+0.63 magic penetration+0.43 attack damage+0.06 attack damage per level (+1.09 at champion level 18)+0.76% attack speed+0.78% critical damage+0.42% critical chance+0.02% critical chance per level (+0.36% at champion level 18)+0.75 lethality+0.02 armor penetration per level (+0.36 at champion level 18)+8 health+1.33 health per level (+24 at champion level 18)+1 armor+0.16 armor per level (+3 at champion level 18)+0.1 magic resist per level (+1.8 at champion level 18)+0.56 health regen / 5 sec.+0.11 health regen / 5 sec. per level (+1.98 at champion level 18)+0.75% dodge+0.05% dodge per level (+0.9% at champion level 18)-0.36% cooldowns-0.03% cooldowns per level (-0.54% at champion level 18)+6.89 mana+0.41 mana regen / 5 sec.+0.065 mana regen / 5 sec. per level (+1.17 at champion level 18)+0.53 magic penetration+2.25 attack damage+0.25 attack damage per level (+4.5 at champion level 18)+4.5% attack speed+0.11% attack speed per level (+1.98% at champion level 18)+4.46% critical damage+0.11% critical damage per level (+1.98% at champion level 18)+1.86% critical chance+0.11% critical chance per level (+1.98% at champion level 18)+3.20 lethality+0.11 armor penetration per level (+1.98 at champion level 18)+26 health+2.7 health per level (+48.6 at champion level 18)+4.26 armor+0.38 armor per level (+6.84 at champion level 18)+4 magic resist+0.37 magic resist per level (+6.66 at champion level 18)+2.7 health regen / 5 sec.+0.28 health regen / 5 sec. per level (+5.04 at champion level 18)+1.5% dodge+0.11% dodge per level (+1.98% at champion level 18)-2.5% cooldowns-0.28% cooldowns per level (-5% at champion level 18)+4.95 ability power+0.43 ability power per level (+7.74 at champion level 18)+37.5 mana+4.17 mana per level (+75.06 at champion level 18)+1.25 mana regen / 5 sec.+0.24 mana regen / 5 sec. per level (+4.32 at champion level 18)+2.01 magic penetration+0.11 magic penetration per level (+1.98 at champion level 18)-5% time dead+1 gold / 10 sec.+2% experience gained+0.63 Energy regen/5 sec+0.064 Energy regen/5 sec per level (+1.15 at champion level 18)+2.2 Energy+0.161 Energy/level (+2.89 at level 18)+1.575 Energy regen/5 sec+5.4 EnergyUNIQUE: Reduces the duration of stun effects on your Champion by 15%UNIQUE: Reduces the duration of slow and silence effects on your Champion by 15%UNIQUE: When you kill or assist in killing a champion, you permanently gain 3 health plus an additional 3 health the first time this occurs.UNIQUE: Reduces the cooldown of summoner spells by 4%UNIQUE: You regain 75 health and mana whenever you gain a level.UNIQUE: Whenever you kill or assist in killing a champion, you gain an additional 12 gold.+0.63 Lethality / +0.34 Magic Penetration+0.88 Lethality / +0.48 Magic Penetration+1.13 Lethality / +0.62 Magic Penetration+0.25 gold / 10 sec.+0.84% increased health.+1.17% increased health.+1.5% increased health.+1.12% Spellvamp.+1.56% Spellvamp.+2% Spellvamp.+0.84% Life Steal+1.17% Life Steal+1.5% Life Steal.+0.28% Health.+0.39% Health.+0.5% Health.+1.24 Lethality / +0.78 Magic Penetration+1.74 Lethality / +1.09 Magic Penetration+2.24 Lethality / +1.4 Magic Penetration+2% critical damage+0.62% critical chance-0.75% cooldowns+0.67% dodge+0.12 ability power per level (+2.16 at champion level 18)+0.72 health per level (+12.96 at champion level 18)+1.13% attack speed+3.56 health+2.96 lethality+1.85 magic penetration+24 health+1.39% Move Speed+4.56 ability power+1.39% dodge+40 Attack Damage
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    +10 Armor Penetration
    +@Effect11Amount@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@Effect12Amount*100@% Cooldown Reduction

    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals @Effect10Amount*100@% Base Attack Damage (+@Effect14Amount*100@% of Ability Power) bonus magic damage on hit (@Effect13Amount@ second cooldown). When directly attacking a monster, the bonus damage is reapplied in an AoE around the target, and @Effect15Amount*100@% of your missing Mana is restored.+@Effect24Amount@ Health
    +@Effect23Amount@% Bonus Health

    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: Deals @Effect22Amount@ (+@Effect21Amount@ per champion level) magic damage a second to nearby enemies. Deals @Effect18Amount@% bonus damage to monsters. +@Effect22Amount@% Attack Speed
    +@Effect24Amount@ Magic Damage on Hit

    Passive - Devouring Spirit: Takedowns on enemies increase the magic damage of this item:
    +1 for Champions or Large Monsters
    +2 for Rift Scuttlers
    +5 for Epic Monsters

    At @Effect23Amount@ Stacks, your Devourer becomes Sated, granting extra On Hit effects.+@Effect22Amount@% Attack Speed
    +@Effect24Amount@ Magic Damage on Hit

    Passive - Phantom Hit: Every other basic attack will trigger on Hit effects an additional time. Ranged champions trigger this every fourth attack.Razer Mark of PrecisionRazer Quintessence of SpeedBoots of SpeedMeki PendantRegrowth PendantHunter's TalismanHunter's MacheteBrawler's GlovesSpace Vampiric ScepterDoran's WandProspector's BladeProspector's RingDoran's Shield (Showdown)Doran's Blade (Showdown)Doran's Ring (Showdown)Spirit StoneEnchantment: FurorEnchantment: AlacrityEnchantment: CaptainEnchantment: DistortionEnchantment: HomeguardEnchantment: WarriorEnchantment: CinderhulkEnchantment: Runic EchoesEnchantment: BloodrazorPenetrating BulletsFortificationWarden's EyeVanguardLightning RodAnti-tower SocksGustoPhreakish GustoSuper Mech ArmorSuper Mech Power FieldMana PotionShowdown Health PotionTotal Biscuit of RejuvenationElixir Of SkillLooted Biscuit of RejuvenationLooted Oracle's ExtractHunter's PotionElixir of FortitudeElixir of AgilityElixir of BrillianceIchor of RageCrystalline FlaskOracle's ElixirVision WardMonster EyeRuby SightstoneOracle's ExtractIchor of IlluminationSightstoneExplorer's WardRaptor CloakDiet Poro-SnaxPilfered Stealth WardPeering Farsight WardTravel Size Elixir of IronTravel Size Elixir of SorceryTravel Size Elixir of WrathPilfered Health PotionPilfered Potion of RougeShurelya's ReverieElixir of RuinEye of the WatchersEye of the OasisEye of the EquinoxSly Sack of GoldAtma's ReckoningArchangel's Staff (Quick Charge)Manamune (Quick Charge)Frozen MalletTwin ShadowsGlacial ShroudIceborn GauntletRod of AgesChalice of HarmonyRod of Ages (Quick Charge)Giant SlayerNinja TabiJaurim's FistBanner of CommandRemnant of the AscendedTear of the Goddess (Quick Charge)Shield BreakerSpace BloodthirsterWarmog's Armor (ARAM)Overlord's BloodmailWooglet's WitchcapRemnant of the WatchersAvarice BladeNomad's MedallionTargon's BraceSoul ShroudStingerLord Van Damm's PillagerMadred's RazorsBoots of MobilitySpace Knight's VowWicked HatchetMadred's BloodrazorDeathfire GraspSword of the DivineHeart of GoldHaunting GuiseDervish BladeLeviathanSword of the OccultBilgewater CutlassHextech RevolverSpace Hextech GunbladeSpace Blade of the Ruined KingMirage BladeLiandry's TormentHextech Protobelt-01Grez's Spectral LanternFeral FlareSpace Bilgewater CutlassSpace Maw of MalmortiusBonetooth NecklaceMoonflair SpellbladeSpace Boots of LucidityAthene's Unholy GrailHead of Kha'ZixArcane HelixOdyn's VeilPriscilla's BlessingLightbringerKitae's BloodrazorArcane SweeperBlackfire TorchAdaptive HelmHex Core mk-1Hex Core mk-2Perfect Hex CorePrototype Hex CoreQuill CoatSpirit of the Spectral WraithSpirit of the Ancient GolemSpirit of the Elder LizardSpellbreaker (Melee Only)Mikael's CrucibleSpace Ravenous HydraSpace Mercurial ScimitarEnchantment: TeleportPoacher's DirkLuden's EchoAncient CoinTimeworn Ancient CoinTimeworn Nomad's MedallionTimeworn Talisman of AscensionTimeworn Relic ShieldTimeworn Targon's BraceTimeworn Face of the MountainTimeworn Spellthief's EdgeTimeworn FrostfangTimeworn Frost Queen's ClaimScarecrow Effigy (Trinket)Warding Totem (Trinket)Sweeping Lens (Trinket)Scrying Orb (Trinket)Soul Anchor (Trinket)Greater Totem (Trinket)Greater Lens (Trinket)Greater Orb (Trinket)Greater Stealth Totem (Trinket)Greater Vision Totem (Trinket)Molten EdgeForgefire CapeRabadon's DeathcrownInfernal MaskCirclet of the Iron SolariTrinity FusionWooglet's WitchcrownFrozen FistYoumuu's WraithbladeMight of the Ruined KingLuden's Pulse'Your Cut'Remnant of the AspectSeer Stone (Trinket)Zz'Rot PortalGhost PoroBlack SpearMercenary Upgrade 1Mercenary Upgrade 2Mercenary Upgrade 3Offense Upgrade 1Offense Upgrade 2Offense Upgrade 3Defense Upgrade 1Defense Upgrade 2Defense Upgrade 3Siege TeleportSiege BallistaTower: Beam of RuinationPort PadTower: Storm BulwarkNexus Siege: Siege Weapon SlotFlash ZoneVanguard BannerSiege RefundEntropy FieldShield TotemSiege Teleport (Inactive)Siege Sight WarderTyphoon ClawsEnchantment: DevourerFrosted SnaxSuper Spicy SnaxEspresso SnaxRainbow Snax Party Pack!Dawnbringer SnaxNightbringer SnaxCosmic ShackleSingularity LanternDark Matter ScytheGravity BootsCloak of StarsDark Star SigilStalker's BladeStalker's Blade - WarriorStalker's Blade - RuneglaiveStalker's Blade - DevourerTracker's KnifeCultivator's StaffRanger's TrailblazerSkirmisher's SabreTracker's Knife - WarriorTracker's Knife - RuneglaiveTracker's Knife - CinderhulkTracker's Knife - DevourerRanger's Trailblazer - WarriorRanger's Trailblazer - RuneglaiveRanger's Trailblazer - CinderhulkRanger's Trailblazer - DevourerPuppeteerRighteous GloryTrickster's GlassGlobe of TrustSwindler's OrbMurksphereFire at Will
    %i:silverCoins% 500 Silver SerpentsDeath's Daughter
    %i:silverCoins% 500 Silver SerpentsRaise Morale
    %i:silverCoins% 500 Silver SerpentsSpellbinderFlesheater (Melee Only)Tracker's Knife - Sated DevourerRanger's Trailblazer - Sated DevourerGhostwalkers (Melee Only)TEST: Deceptive TimepieceLifelineSpectral CutlassTEST: Zhonya's ForesightBloodletter's VeilMariner's VengeancePridestalker's BladeDoran's Lost ShieldDoran's Lost BladeDoran's Lost RingDoran's Lost IdolPhilosopher's MedallionHeart of TargonInnervating LocketLesser Mark of Attack DamageLesser Mark of Scaling Attack DamageLesser Mark of Attack SpeedLesser Mark of HasteLesser Mark of Critical DamageLesser Mark of CarnageLesser Mark of Critical ChanceLesser Mark of BrutalityLesser Mark of LethalityLesser Mark of PrecisionLesser Mark of HealthLesser Mark of Scaling HealthLesser Mark of ArmorLesser Mark of Scaling ArmorLesser Mark of Magic ResistLesser Mark of Scaling Magic ResistLesser Mark of Health RegenerationLesser Mark of Scaling Health RegenerationLesser Mark of EvasionLesser Mark of ElusionLesser Mark of Cooldown ReductionLesser Mark of Scaling Cooldown ReductionLesser Mark of Ability PowerLesser Mark of Scaling Ability PowerLesser Mark of ManaLesser Mark of Scaling ManaLesser Mark of Mana RegenerationLesser Mark of Scaling Mana RegenerationLesser Mark of Magic PenetrationLesser Mark of BrillianceLesser Glyph of Attack DamageLesser Glyph of Scaling Attack DamageLesser Glyph of Attack SpeedLesser Glyph of HasteLesser Glyph of Critical DamageLesser Glyph of CarnageLesser Glyph of Critical ChanceLesser Glyph of BrutalityLesser Glyph of LethalityLesser Glyph of PrecisionLesser Glyph of HealthLesser Glyph of Scaling HealthLesser Glyph of ArmorLesser Glyph of Scaling ArmorLesser Glyph of Magic ResistLesser Glyph of Scaling Magic ResistLesser Glyph of Health RegenerationLesser Glyph of Scaling Health RegenerationLesser Glyph of EvasionLesser Glyph of ElusionLesser Glyph of Cooldown ReductionLesser Glyph of Scaling Cooldown ReductionLesser Glyph of Ability PowerLesser Glyph of Scaling Ability PowerLesser Glyph of ManaLesser Glyph of Scaling ManaLesser Glyph of Mana RegenerationLesser Glyph of Scaling Mana RegenerationLesser Glyph of Magic PenetrationLesser Glyph of BrillianceLesser Seal of Attack DamageLesser Seal of Scaling Attack DamageLesser Seal of Attack SpeedLesser Seal of HasteLesser Seal of Critical DamageLesser Seal of CarnageLesser Seal of Critical ChanceLesser Seal of BrutalityLesser Seal of LethalityLesser Seal of PrecisionLesser Seal of HealthLesser Seal of Scaling HealthLesser Seal of ArmorLesser Seal of Scaling ArmorLesser Seal of Magic ResistLesser Seal of Scaling Magic ResistLesser Seal of Health RegenerationLesser Seal of Scaling Health RegenerationLesser Seal of EvasionLesser Seal of ElusionLesser Seal of Cooldown ReductionLesser Seal of Scaling Cooldown ReductionLesser Seal of Ability PowerLesser Seal of Scaling Ability PowerLesser Seal of ManaLesser Seal of Scaling ManaLesser Seal of Mana RegenerationLesser Seal of Scaling Mana RegenerationLesser Seal of Magic PenetrationLesser Seal of BrillianceLesser Quintessence of Attack DamageLesser Quintessence of Scaling Attack DamageLesser Quintessence of Attack SpeedLesser Quintessence of HasteLesser Quintessence of Critical DamageLesser Quintessence of CarnageLesser Quintessence of Critical ChanceLesser Quintessence of BrutalityLesser Quintessence of LethalityLesser Quintessence of PrecisionLesser Quintessence of HealthLesser Quintessence of Scaling HealthLesser Quintessence of ArmorLesser Quintessence of Scaling ArmorLesser Quintessence of Magic ResistLesser Quintessence of Scaling Magic ResistLesser Quintessence of Health RegenerationLesser Quintessence of Scaling Health RegenerationLesser Quintessence of EvasionLesser Quintessence of ElusionLesser Quintessence of Cooldown ReductionLesser Quintessence of Scaling Cooldown ReductionLesser Quintessence of Ability PowerLesser Quintessence of Scaling Ability PowerLesser Quintessence of ManaLesser Quintessence of Scaling ManaLesser Quintessence of Mana RegenerationLesser Quintessence of Scaling Mana RegenerationLesser Quintessence of Magic PenetrationLesser Quintessence of BrillianceLesser Quintessence of Move SpeedLesser Quintessence of GoldMark of Attack DamageMark of Scaling Attack DamageMark of Attack SpeedMark of HasteMark of Critical DamageMark of CarnageMark of Critical ChanceMark of BrutalityMark of LethalityMark of PrecisionMark of HealthMark of Scaling HealthMark of ArmorMark of Scaling ArmorMark of Magic ResistMark of Scaling Magic ResistMark of Health RegenerationMark of Scaling Health RegenerationMark of EvasionMark of ElusionMark of Cooldown ReductionMark of Scaling Cooldown ReductionMark of Ability PowerMark of Scaling Ability PowerMark of ManaMark of Scaling ManaMark of Mana RegenerationMark of Scaling Mana RegenerationMark of Magic PenetrationMark of BrillianceGlyph of Attack DamageGlyph of Scaling Attack DamageGlyph of Attack SpeedGlyph of HasteGlyph of Critical DamageGlyph of CarnageGlyph of Critical ChanceGlyph of BrutalityGlyph of LethalityGlyph of PrecisionGlyph of HealthGlyph of Scaling HealthGlyph of ArmorGlyph of Scaling ArmorGlyph of Magic ResistGlyph of Scaling Magic ResistGlyph of Health RegenerationGlyph of Scaling Health RegenerationGlyph of EvasionGlyph of ElusionGlyph of Cooldown ReductionGlyph of Scaling Cooldown ReductionGlyph of Ability PowerGlyph of Scaling Ability PowerGlyph of ManaGlyph of Scaling ManaGlyph of Mana RegenerationGlyph of Scaling Mana RegenerationGlyph of Magic PenetrationGlyph of BrillianceSeal of Attack DamageSeal of Scaling Attack DamageSeal of Attack SpeedSeal of HasteSeal of Critical DamageSeal of CarnageSeal of Critical ChanceSeal of BrutalitySeal of LethalitySeal of PrecisionSeal of HealthSeal of Scaling HealthSeal of ArmorSeal of Scaling ArmorSeal of Magic ResistSeal of Scaling Magic ResistSeal of Health RegenerationSeal of Scaling Health RegenerationSeal of EvasionSeal of ElusionSeal of Cooldown ReductionSeal of Scaling Cooldown ReductionSeal of Ability PowerSeal of Scaling Ability PowerSeal of ManaSeal of Scaling ManaSeal of Mana RegenerationSeal of Scaling Mana RegenerationSeal of Magic PenetrationSeal of BrillianceQuintessence of Attack DamageQuintessence of Scaling Attack DamageQuintessence of Attack SpeedQuintessence of HasteQuintessence of Critical DamageQuintessence of CarnageQuintessence of Critical ChanceQuintessence of BrutalityQuintessence of LethalityQuintessence of PrecisionQuintessence of HealthQuintessence of Scaling HealthQuintessence of ArmorQuintessence of Scaling ArmorQuintessence of Magic ResistQuintessence of Scaling Magic ResistQuintessence of Health RegenerationQuintessence of Scaling Health RegenerationQuintessence of EvasionQuintessence of ElusionQuintessence of Cooldown ReductionQuintessence of Scaling Cooldown ReductionQuintessence of Ability PowerQuintessence of Scaling Ability PowerQuintessence of ManaQuintessence of Scaling ManaQuintessence of Mana RegenerationQuintessence of Scaling Mana RegenerationQuintessence of Magic PenetrationQuintessence of BrillianceQuintessence of Move SpeedQuintessence of GoldGreater Mark of Attack DamageGreater Mark of Scaling Attack DamageGreater Mark of Attack SpeedGreater Mark of HasteGreater Mark of Critical DamageGreater Mark of CarnageGreater Mark of Critical ChanceGreater Mark of BrutalityGreater Mark of LethalityGreater Mark of PrecisionGreater Mark of HealthGreater Mark of Scaling HealthGreater Mark of ArmorGreater Mark of Scaling ArmorGreater Mark of Magic ResistGreater Mark of Scaling Magic ResistGreater Mark of Health RegenerationGreater Mark of Scaling Health RegenerationGreater Mark of EvasionGreater Mark of ElusionGreater Mark of Cooldown ReductionGreater Mark of Scaling Cooldown ReductionGreater Mark of Ability PowerGreater Mark of Scaling Ability PowerGreater Mark of ManaGreater Mark of Scaling ManaGreater Mark of Mana RegenerationGreater Mark of Scaling Mana RegenerationGreater Mark of Magic PenetrationGreater Mark of BrillianceGreater Glyph of Attack DamageGreater Glyph of Scaling Attack DamageGreater Glyph of Attack SpeedGreater Glyph of HasteGreater Glyph of Critical DamageGreater Glyph of CarnageGreater Glyph of Critical ChanceGreater Glyph of BrutalityGreater Glyph of LethalityGreater Glyph of PrecisionGreater Glyph of HealthGreater Glyph of Scaling HealthGreater Glyph of ArmorGreater Glyph of Scaling ArmorGreater Glyph of Magic ResistGreater Glyph of Scaling Magic ResistGreater Glyph of Health RegenerationGreater Glyph of Scaling Health RegenerationGreater Glyph of EvasionGreater Glyph of ElusionGreater Glyph of Cooldown ReductionGreater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown ReductionGreater Glyph of Ability PowerGreater Glyph of Scaling Ability PowerGreater Glyph of ManaGreater Glyph of Scaling ManaGreater Glyph of Mana RegenerationGreater Glyph of Scaling Mana RegenerationGreater Glyph of Magic PenetrationGreater Glyph of BrillianceGreater Seal of Attack DamageGreater Seal of Scaling Attack DamageGreater Seal of Attack SpeedGreater Seal of HasteGreater Seal of Critical DamageGreater Seal of CarnageGreater Seal of Critical ChanceGreater Seal of BrutalityGreater Seal of LethalityGreater Seal of PrecisionGreater Seal of HealthGreater Seal of Scaling HealthGreater Seal of ArmorGreater Seal of Scaling ArmorGreater Seal of Magic ResistGreater Seal of Scaling Magic ResistGreater Seal of Health RegenerationGreater Seal of Scaling Health RegenerationGreater Seal of EvasionGreater Seal of ElusionGreater Seal of Cooldown ReductionGreater Seal of Scaling Cooldown ReductionGreater Seal of Ability PowerGreater Seal of Scaling Ability PowerGreater Seal of ManaGreater Seal of Scaling ManaGreater Seal of Mana RegenerationGreater Seal of Scaling Mana RegenerationGreater Seal of Magic PenetrationGreater Seal of BrillianceGreater Quintessence of Attack DamageGreater Quintessence of Scaling Attack DamageGreater Quintessence of Attack SpeedGreater Quintessence of HasteGreater Quintessence of Critical DamageGreater Quintessence of CarnageGreater Quintessence of Critical ChanceGreater Quintessence of BrutalityGreater Quintessence of LethalityGreater Quintessence of PrecisionGreater Quintessence of HealthGreater Quintessence of Scaling HealthGreater Quintessence of ArmorGreater Quintessence of Scaling ArmorGreater Quintessence of Magic ResistGreater Quintessence of Scaling Magic ResistGreater Quintessence of Health RegenerationGreater Quintessence of Scaling Health RegenerationGreater Quintessence of EvasionGreater Quintessence of ElusionGreater Quintessence of Cooldown ReductionGreater Quintessence of Scaling Cooldown ReductionGreater Quintessence of Ability PowerGreater Quintessence of Scaling Ability PowerGreater Quintessence of ManaGreater Quintessence of Scaling ManaGreater Quintessence of Mana RegenerationGreater Quintessence of Scaling Mana RegenerationGreater Quintessence of Magic PenetrationGreater Quintessence of BrillianceGreater Quintessence of Move SpeedGreater Quintessence of RevivalGreater Quintessence of GoldGreater Quintessence of ExperienceGreater Seal of Energy RegenerationGreater Seal of Scaling Energy RegenerationGreater Glyph of EnergyGreater Glyph of Scaling EnergyGreater Quintessence of Energy RegenerationGreater Quintessence of EnergyGreater Quintessence of PerseveranceGreater Quintessence of LongevityGreater Quintessence of MettleGreater Quintessence of PresenceGreater Quintessence of MomentumGreater Quintessence of ReapingGreater Seal of GoldLesser Quintessence of Percent HealthQuintessence of Percent HealthGreater Quintessence of Percent HealthLesser Quintessence of Spell VampQuintessence of Spell VampGreater Quintessence of Spell VampLesser Quintessence of Life StealQuintessence of Life StealGreater Quintessence of Life StealLesser Seal of Percent HealthSeal of Percent HealthGreater Seal of Percent HealthMark of the Crippling Candy CaneLesser Mark of the Yuletide Tannenbaum Glyph of the Special StockingSeal of the Elusive SnowflakeLesser Glyph of the Gracious GiftLesser Seal of the Stout SnowmanLesser Mark of Alpine Attack SpeedMark of the CombatantLesser Seal of the MedalistSeal of the ExtremeLesser Glyph of the ChallengerGlyph of the Soaring SlalomQuintessence of the Headless HorsemanQuintessence of the Piercing ScreechQuintessence of Bountiful TreatsQuintessence of the Speedy SpecterQuintessence of the Witches BrewQuintessence of the Elusive WerewolfGreater Quintessence of the Piercing PresentGreater Quintessence of the Deadly WreathGreater Quintessence of Frosty HealthGreater Quintessence of Sugar RushIntel I3 Quintessence of HealthIntel I7 Mark of LethalityIntel I5 Mark of Magic PenetrationIntel I5 Glyph of Scaling Ability PowerIntel I7 Glyph of Cooldown ReductionIntel I3 Glyph of Magic ResistIntel I3 Seal of HealthIntel I5 Seal of Scaling Mana RegenerationIntel I7 Seal of ArmorIntel I3 Mark of Attack SpeedIntel I5 Quintessence of Health RegenerationIntel I7 Quintessence of Critical ChanceGreater Quintessence of Studio RumbleEnchantment: RuneglaiveEnchantment: Sated Devourer

    Gold Earned: @f4@UNIQUE Passive - Favor: Enemy minions killed by your allies sometimes drop coins that grant @Effect12Amount*100@% missing mana (minimum @Effect13Amount@). If there is an allied Champion nearby, sometimes the coins grant @Effect1Amount@ gold instead. Cannon minions always drop coins.UNIQUE Passive - Favor: Enemy minions killed by your allies sometimes drop coins that grant @Effect12Amount*100@% missing mana (minimum @Effect13Amount@). If there is an allied Champion nearby, sometimes the coins grant @Effect11Amount@ gold instead. Cannon minions always drop coins.REWARD - Emperor's Favor: Enemy minions killed by your allies sometimes drop coins that grant @Effect12Amount*100@% missing mana (minimum @Effect13Amount@). If there is an allied Champion nearby, sometimes the coins grant @Effect11Amount@ gold instead. Cannon minions always drop coins. Champion takedowns grant both the gold and mana, and allied champions moving toward you gain 8% Move Speed.REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.UNIQUE Passive - Challenging Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, marking them for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. While marked your basic attacks deal @f1@ bonus true damage over @Effect7Amount@ seconds, and their damage to you is reduced by @Effect10Amount*100@%.UNIQUE Passive - Challenging Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, marking them for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. While marked your basic attacks deal bonus true damage over @Effect7Amount@ seconds, and their damage to you is reduced by @Effect10Amount*100@%.UNIQUE Passive - Chilling Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing reduced true damage and stealing @Effect8Amount*-100@% Move Speed for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.UNIQUE Passive - Tooth / Nail: Basic attacks vs. monsters deal @Effect5Amount@ bonus damage. Damaging a monster with a spell or attack steals @Effect2Amount@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds and burns them for @Effect1Amount@ magic damage. While in the jungle or river, regenerate up to @Effect4Amount@ Mana per second based on your missing Mana. This item grants Monster Hunter. This item's healing will be increased by @Effect13Amount*100@% when under @Effect12Amount*100@% Health.UNIQUE Passive - Tooth / Nail: Basic attacks vs. monsters deal @Effect5Amount@ bonus damage. Damaging a monster with a spell or attack steals @Effect2Amount@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds and burns them for @Effect1Amount@ magic damage. While in the jungle or river, regenerate up to @Effect4Amount@ Mana per second based on your missing Mana.UNIQUE Passive - Tooth / Nail: Basic attacks vs. monsters deal @Effect5Amount@ bonus damage. Damaging a monster with a spell or attack steals @Effect2Amount@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds and burns them for @Effect1Amount@ magic damage. While in the jungle or river, regenerate up to @Effect4Amount@ Mana per second based on your missing Mana. This item grants Monster Hunter./10 secs/5 secsSlightly increases Move SpeedSlightly increases Mana RegenModerately increases Mana RegenSlightly increases Health RegenModerately increases Health RegenGreatly increases HealthIncreases critical strike chanceModerately increases Ability PowerIncreases ManaIncreases HealthSlightly increases ArmorGreatly increases ArmorSlightly increases Magic ResistSlightly increases Attack DamageModerately increases Attack DamageGreatly increases Attack DamageProvides damage against Monsters and Mana Regen in the JungleProvides damage and life steal versus MonstersSlightly increases Attack SpeedGreatly increases Attack SpeedSlightly increases Critical Strike ChanceSlightly increases Ability PowerBasic attacks restore HealthGood defensive starting itemGood starting item for attackersGood starting item for castersModerately increases Magic ResistGreatly increases Ability PowerProvides Ability Power and Mana. Increases in power as you kill enemies.Increases Move Speed upon dealing damage with a single target spell or basic attackPermanently grants a bonus to base Move SpeedGrants bonus Move Speed to approaching allied champions and minionsGreatly lowers the summoner spell cooldown of Teleport, Flash, and GhostFully restores health, mana, and grants a massive speed boost while visiting the shopGrants Attack Damage and Cooldown ReductionGrants Health and Immolate AuraGrants Ability Power and periodically empowers your SpellsIncreases Attack Speed, and gives increasing power as you kill Jungle Monsters and ChampionsIncreases Attack Speed and deals damage based on the target's HealthConsume to restore Health over timeConsume to restore Mana over timeAllows champion to see invisible or unseen enemy unitsAttack speed and a chargable magic hitRestores Health and Mana over time - Refills at shop and has increased capacityRestores Health and Mana over time and boosts combat power - Refills at ShopTemporarily increases Attack Damage and HealthTemporarily increases Attack Speed and Critical Strike ChanceTemporarily increases Ability Power and Cooldown ReductionTemporarily increases Attack Damage, Attack Speed, and increases damage to turretsRestores Health and Mana over time, refills at shopAllows champion to see invisible unitsUse to provide vision and stealth detection in an area until destroyedUse to temporarily provide vision in an areaGreatly increases Health and provides Stealth Wards over timeTemporarily increases Ability Power, Cooldown Reduction, Mana and Energy RegenerationIncreases Health and provides Stealth Wards over timeGood starting item for tanksEnhances Move Speed near turretsUsed to disable wards and invisible traps in an area.Grants increased range and reveals the targetted areaTemporarily increases defenses. Leaves a trail for allies to follow.Temporarily grants Ability Power and Bonus Damage to champions and turrets.Temporarily grants Attack Damage and heals you when dealing physical damage to champions.Consume to gain a short window of power.Activate to speed up nearby allies.Temporarily grants Health and boosts the speed and power of nearby minions versus Towers.Provides Ability Power and Stealth Wards over timeProvides Gold, Mana, and Stealth Wards over timeProvides Health and Stealth Wards over timeFilled with goldActivate to become invincible but unable to take actionsUpgrades to stopwatchNearby enemies take more magic damageIncreases Ability Power based on maximum ManaIncreases Attack Damage based on maximum ManaIncreases Attack Damage based on maximum HealthEnhances Move Speed and Attack SpeedEnhances Move Speed and reduces the effect of slowsSpend Mana to recover HealthEnhances Move Speed and magic damageBasic attacks slow enemiesSummon wraiths to slow and reveal enemy championsIncreases Armor and Cooldown ReductionBasic attacks create a slow field after spell castPeriodically revives champion upon deathGreatly increases Health, Mana, and Ability PowerIncreases Mana and Health RegenerationActivate to fire icy bolts to slow enemiesMassively enhances critical strikesOvercomes enemies with high Health recovery and ArmorOvercomes enemies with high HealthOvercomes enemies with high ArmorOvercomes enemies with high health and armorGrants Ability Power for kills and assistsAttacks and kills give a small burst of speedMove faster while attacking enemies and gain a shield when on low health.Enhances Move Speed and reduces incoming basic attack damageGrants you and your ally bonuses when you cast your ultimate.Attack Damage and stacking Health on Unit KillShields against large bursts of damageTemporarily disables enemy turretsGrants a bonus to next attack after spell castPromotes a siege minion to a more powerful unitIncreases Health and healing effectsIncreases Health and Cooldown ReductionHigh armor. Constantly deals damage to nearby enemies. Immobilize enemies to release a wave of damaging flameIncreases maximum Mana as Mana is spentDealing physical damage to enemy champions reduces their ArmorGrants Attack Damage, Life Steal and Life Steal now overhealsMelee attacks hit nearby enemies, dealing damage and restoring HealthMelee attacks hit nearby enemiesTons of DamageMelee attacks hit nearby enemies, dealing damage, restoring Health, and stripping all shields.Grants massive Health and Health RegenRestores Health on kill or assistRanged attacks fire two bolts at nearby enemiesSlight bonuses to Critical Strike Chance, Move Speed and Attack SpeedMovement builds charges that release chain lightning on basic attackMassively increases Ability PowerMassively increases Ability Power and can be activated to enter stasisResist magic damage and claw your way back to life.Grants gold over time and additional gold on killMovement builds charges that release a sieging fire attack on releaseTremendously empower other Energized effects.Grants gold and mana when nearby minions die that you didn't killPeriodically kill enemy minions to heal and grant gold to a nearby allyGrants gold when you damage an enemyIncreases Health and allows nearby allies to cast spells more oftenIncreased Attack Speed and Cooldown ReductionPeriodically blocks enemy abilitiesReduces Armor of nearby enemiesGrants Armor and Magic ResistanceBasic attacks kill minions and monsters quicklyActivate to heal allies and damage enemies in an areaIncreases Ability Power and Cooldown ReductionPartner with an ally to protect each otherMassively increases Armor and slows enemy basic attacksIncreases Move Speed and reduces duration of disabling effectsGood starting item for magesIncreases Ability Power and Move SpeedIncreases Heal and Shield Power, Mana Regeneration, and Cooldown ReductionIncreases Attack Speed, Ability Power, and Cooldown ReductionAbilities slow enemiesGreatly enhances Move Speed when out of combatCritical Strikes cause your target to bleedOvercomes enemies with high health gainActivate to increase all magic damage dealt to an enemy championActivate to gain 100% Critical Strike Chance for a short durationAttack Damage and Cooldown ReductionIncreases Attack Damage and LethalityIncreases magic damageActivate to remove all debuffs and grant massive Move SpeedActivate to remove all crowd control debuffs and grant massive Move SpeedActivate to remove all crowd control debuffsGrants Attack Damage for kills and assistsActivate to greatly increase Move SpeedGreatly increases defenses, activate to slow nearby enemiesActivate to deal magic damage and slow target championIncreases Ability Power. Deal bonus magic damage on attack periodically.Increases Attack Damage and Ability Power, activate to slow a targetDeals additional physical damage when ambushing enemiesDeals damage based on target's Health, can steal Move SpeedKite by flashing away from marked targets.Spell damage burns enemies for a portion of their HealthActivate to dash forward and unleash a fiery explosionLife Steal and Spell Vamp, activate to place a wardIncreases Attack Damage and Magic ResistGrants bonus Attack Damage when Health is lowIncreases Move Speed and Cooldown ReductionKills monsters quickly and gain more gold, activate to reveal a nearby area of the mapReduce damage taken from champions by a flat amount. Attack while near multiple enemy champions to increase this amount for a short time.Improves defense and reduces duration of disabling effectsMobility and TenacityDeal damage to empower your heals and shieldsProvides trap and ward detection periodicallyImproves defense, activate for area magic damageCritical Strikes cause your target to bleed and be revealedDeal more Attack Damage to high Health targetsActivate to reveal a nearby area of the mapActivate to shield nearby allies from damageIncreases Armor and Ability PowerGreatly increases defense near multiple enemies.Reduces damage from repeated spells and effects.Allows Viktor to improve an ability of his choiceIncreases Ability Power and can be upgraded to improve Viktor's abilitiesGreatly increases damage dealt to monsters and gains Health and Mana from monstersGreatly increases damage dealt to monsters and deals true damage on dealing physical damageImproves defense and grants regeneration upon being damagedActivate to remove all disabling effects from an allied championTransforms into a Serrated Dirk after poaching in the enemy jungle.Increases Ability Power, Mana, and Cooldown ReductionKill minions periodically to heal and grant gold to a nearby allyGrants gold when you damage enemiesGain gold by damaging enemy championsIncreases Health / Mana Regeneration and Cooldown Reduction. Activate to speed up nearby allies.Shield an ally from damage based on your HealthSends out seeking wraiths that track hidden enemies and slow themPeriodically place a Stealth WardDetects and disables nearby invisible wards and trapsBriefly reveals a nearby targeted areaConsumes charge to revive champion.Periodically place a Vision WardDisables nearby invisible wards and traps for a durationConstantly deals damage to nearby enemiesShield and heal effects on other units grant both of you Attack Speed and their attacks deal additional on-hit magic damage.Makes a Voidspawn generating Void Gate to push a lane with.Eye of the Herald - a Gift of the Void.Kalista's spear that binds an Oathsworn Ally.Melee: Champion pursuer.Melee: Tanky siege.Ranged: Champion harass.Ranged: Support utility.Level 1 abilitiesLevel 2 abilitiesLevel 3 abilities+10 Attack Damage+20 Attack Damage+30 Attack Damage+100 Health+200 Health+300 HealthPlace a long range anti-turret ballistaAttaches a three shot beam to a turret which can then be aimed and firedCreates another point for your team to Teleport toMake a turret go invulnerable while charging a powerful barrageAllows you and allies to repeatedly flash while in a zoneStrengthens nearby minionsRefunds all current Siege WeaponsPlaces a field that stuns enemy minions and slows championsGrants bonus health to nearby Siege WeaponsHit with a flurry of attacks.King: Fires a barrage of icy artilleryKing: Shoots flames that burn units and TurretsKing: Knocks back and grants a large shieldKing: Poros knock enemies towards himKing: Fires you at your targetKing: Summons tornadoes from behind, then fires them forward.Lets your Smite slow ChampionsGrants Attack Damage, Cooldown Reduction, and Armor PenetrationGrants Ability Power and Cooldown ReductionProvides Stealth Wards over timeMakes your Smite hit all monsters in an area, stunning them.Lets your Smite mark Champions, giving you combat power against them.Build momentum as you move around then smash into enemies.Get a power boost when moving through the river.Attach strings to enemies then tug them towards you.Deals area of effect damage based on owner's healthGrants Health, Mana, and Armor. Activate to speed towards enemies and slow them.Grants Health and Health RegenRestores Mana upon levelling up.Trades incoming damage now for incoming damage laterDisguise yourself as an allied champion.Shield allies to generate gold.Gain gold and upgrade by damaging enemy championsGain gold and upgrade by executing minions alongside alliesCannon Barrage fires at an increasing rate over time (additional 6 waves over the duration).Cannon Barrage additionally fires a mega-cannonball at the center of the Barrage, dealing 300% true damage and Slowing them by 60% for 1.5 seconds.Allies in the Cannon Barrage gain 30% Move Speed for 2 seconds.Stores nearby spellcasts and can consume them to grant Move Speed and Ability Power.Consume enemy minions to build damage on this sword.Increases Attack Speed, gives on-hit magic damage, and triggers extra on Hit effectsEnhances Move Speed and grants temporary wall walking.Defer damage until later.Marks the ground, and returns you there after a few momentsGrant Spell Shield after damaging an enemy with an abilityAllows champion to linger a few seconds after death.Kill monsters fasterIncreases bonus Health and burns nearby enemiesSpells explode for bonus damageAttacks deal bonus damage based on the target's maximum HealthGood starting item for EnchantersMove Speed, Magic Resist, and max Health RegenerationCast spells to healSniping enemies refunds cooldown and manaImmobilizing a champion causes lightning to strike themMassive amounts of Cooldown ReductionShred enemy armor and inflict a bleed. Good against durable enemiesYour heals and shields reduce crowd control and grant Move SpeedYour heals and shields cool down faster and have greater effect on low health alliesYour heals and shields have longer range, and, when used on melee champions, buff them offensivelyActivate to release a cone of mist, revealing champions and granting you increased Move Speed and damageDamage low-health enemies to trigger a cursed explosion, dealing damage and slowing nearby foesGain additional damage for each enemy champion you kill. On takedowns, heal and gain Move SpeedCharge up in combat to deal high damage over time, especially against durable enemiesActivate to gain a powerful shield that slows enemiesHigh burst damage, good against fragile foesHigh Magic Resist.Passively slow nearby enemies. When spells are cast near you, release a wave of energy that damages and slows.Immobilize enemies to gain a shield. Activate to run faster at opponents.

    QUEST - @f6@/@Effect10Amount@: Earn @Effect10Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Favor is upgraded to Emperor's Favor and allied champions moving toward you gain 8% Move Speed.

    QUEST - @f6@/@Effect10Amount@: Earn @Effect10Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to {{ game_item_displayname_3305 }}.
    REWARD: Favor is upgraded to Emperor's Favor and allied champions moving toward you gain 8% Move Speed.

    QUEST - @f6@/@Effect10Amount@: Earn @Effect10Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    QUEST - @f6@/@Effect10Amount@: Earn @Effect10Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    QUEST - @f6@/@Effect10Amount@: Earn @Effect10Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to Nomad's Medallion.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect10Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect10Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Favor is upgraded to Emperor's Favor and allied champions moving toward you gain 8% Move Speed.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect10Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to Nomad's Medallion.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect10Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to {{ game_item_displayname_3305 }}.
    REWARD: Favor is upgraded to Emperor's Favor and allied champions moving toward you gain 8% Move Speed.

    QUEST - @f6@/@Effect17Amount@: Earn @Effect17Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Tribute is upgraded into Queen's Tribute.

    QUEST - @f6@/@Effect17Amount@: Earn @Effect17Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to {{ game_item_displayname_3311 }}.
    REWARD: Tribute is upgraded into Queen's Tribute.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect17Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Tribute is upgraded into Queen's Tribute.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect17Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to {{ game_item_displayname_3311 }}.
    REWARD: Tribute is upgraded into Queen's Tribute.

    QUEST - @f6@/@Effect17Amount@: Earn @Effect17Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    QUEST - @f6@/@Effect17Amount@: Earn @Effect17Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    QUEST - @f6@/@Effect17Amount@: Earn @Effect17Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to Frostfang.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect17Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect17Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to Frostfang.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    QUEST - @f6@/@Effect11Amount@: Earn @Effect11Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: You receive Shield Battery, a permanent shield that regenerates slowly outside of combat.

    QUEST - @f6@/@Effect11Amount@: Earn @Effect11Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to {{ game_item_displayname_3308 }}.
    REWARD: Shield Battery, a permanent shield that regenerates slowly outside of combat.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect11Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Shield Battery, a permanent shield that regenerates slowly outside of combat.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect11Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to {{ game_item_displayname_3308 }}.
    REWARD: Shield Battery, a permanent shield that regenerates slowly outside of combat.

    QUEST - @f6@/@Effect11Amount@: Earn @Effect11Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    QUEST - @f6@/@Effect11Amount@: Earn @Effect11Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to Targon's Brace.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    QUEST - @f6@/@Effect11Amount@: Earn @Effect11Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect11Amount@ gold using this item.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.
    QUEST: Earn @Effect11Amount@ gold using this item and upgrade to Targon's Brace.
    REWARD: Gain UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Your quest is completed! Return to the store to fully stock up on wards.MELEE CHAMPIONS ONLY



    +0.5 Leth / +0.34 M.Pen+0.7 Leth / +0.48 M.Pen+0.9 Leth / +0.62 M.Pen+0.99 Leth / +0.78 M.Pen+1.39 Leth / +1.09 M.Pen+1.79 Leth / +1.40 M.PenPrecisionSpeedScaling Attack DamageCritical DamageCarnageCritical ChanceBrutalityScaling HealthScaling ArmorScaling Magic ResistHealth RegenerationScaling Health RegenerationEvasionElusionCooldown ReductionScaling Cooldown ReductionScaling Ability PowerScaling ManaMana RegenerationScaling Mana RegenerationBrillianceRevivalEnergy RegenerationScaling Energy RegenerationScaling EnergyLongevityMettlePresenceMomentumReapingSpell VampCrippling Candy CaneYuletide Tannenbaum Special StockingElusive SnowflakeGracious GiftStout SnowmanAlpine Attack SpeedCombatantMedalistExtremeSoaring SlalomHeadless HorsemanPiercing ScreechBountiful TreatsSpeedy SpecterWitches BrewElusive WerewolfPiercing PresentDeadly WreathFrosty HealthSugar RushStudio RumbleUNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Melee basic attacks execute minions below @f3@ Health. Killing a minion heals the owner and the nearest allied champion for @Effect2Amount@ to @Effect16Amount@ (based on missing health) and grants them kill Gold. Healing is halved if the owner is ranged. (These effects require a nearby ally and recharge every @Effect12Amount@ seconds. Max @Effect13Amount@ charges.)UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Melee basic attacks execute minions below @f3@ Health. Killing a minion heals the owner and the nearest allied champion for @Effect2Amount@ to @Effect16Amount@ (based on missing health) and grants them kill Gold. Healing is halved if the owner is ranged. (These effects require a nearby ally and recharge every @Effect12Amount@ seconds. Max @Effect13Amount@ charges.)
    REWARD - Shield Battery: Grants a permanent shield for @f9@. The shield regenerates slowly when out-of-combat. Executing minions with Spoils of War regenerates @Effect16Amount@ shield value.UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Melee basic attacks execute minions below @f3@ Health. Killing a minion heals the owner and the nearest allied champion for @Effect2Amount@ to @Effect16Amount@ (based on missing health) and grants them kill Gold. @Effect17Amount*100@% healing if the owner is ranged. (These effects require a nearby ally and recharge every @Effect12Amount@ seconds. Max @Effect13Amount@ charges.)UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: While nearby an ally champion, basic attacks execute minions below @Effect2Amount*100@% of their max Health. Killing a minion grants kill gold to the nearest allied champion. (These effects recharge every @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Max @Effect6Amount@ charges.)UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: While nearby an ally champion, basic attacks execute minions below @Effect2Amount*100@% of their max Health (@Effect3Amount*100@% for ranged). Killing a minion grants kill gold to the nearest allied champion. (These effects recharge every @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Max @Effect6Amount@ charges.)After @Effect2Amount@ seconds, gain increased size and attack range.After @Effect2Amount@ seconds, gain increased size.
    UNIQUE Passive: Gain Bandit.
    UNIQUE Passive - Bandit: Gain 1 Gold from nearby minions killed by allies and 3 Gold (10 if melee) when hitting an enemy champion with a basic attack (5 second cooldown)
    UNIQUE Passive - Bandit: Gain gold from attacking enemy champions or for nearby enemies killed by allies.
    Gold Earned: @f11@Boots of SpeedSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move SpeedFaerie CharmSells for: @Value@+@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana RegenMeki PendantSells for: @Value@+@FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana Regen per 5 secondsRejuvenation BeadsSells for: @Value@+@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health RegenRegrowth PendantSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health Regen per 5 secondsGiant's BeltSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ HealthCloak of AgilitySells for: @Value@+@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike ChanceBlasting WandSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerSapphire CrystalSells for: @Value@+@FlatMPPoolMod@ ManaRuby CrystalSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ HealthCloth ArmorSells for: @Value@+@FlatArmorMod@ ArmorChain VestSells for: @Value@+@FlatArmorMod@ ArmorNull-Magic MantleSells for: @Value@+@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic ResistLong SwordSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamagePickaxeSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageB. F. SwordSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageHunter's TalismanSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Tooth: Damaging a monster with a spell or attack steals @Effect2Amount@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds and burns them for @Effect1Amount@ magic damage. While in the jungle or river, regenerate up to @Effect4Amount@ Mana per second based on your missing Mana. This item grants Monster Hunter. This item's healing will be increased by @Effect6Amount*100@% when under @Effect5Amount*100@% Health.Hunter's MacheteSells for: @Value@+@Effect2Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. MonstersUNIQUE Passive - Nail: Basic attacks vs. Monsters deal @Effect1Amount@ bonus damage on hit. This item grants Monster Hunter. This item's healing will be increased by @Effect4Amount*100@% when under @Effect3Amount*100@% Health.DaggerSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack SpeedRecurve BowSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional @Effect1Amount@ physical damage on hit.Brawler's GlovesSells for: @Value@+@Effect1Amount*100@% Critical Strike ChanceAmplifying TomeSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerVampiric ScepterSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    Doran's ShieldSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ HealthPassive: Restores @FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
    Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ physical damage to minions on hit.
    UNIQUE Passive: Regenerate up to @Effect3Amount@ health over @Effect1Amount@ seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion, based on percent missing health. (@Effect4Amount*100@% effective for Ranged Champions or Area of Effect and Periodic damage triggers)
    Doran's BladeSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    Doran's RingSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana per 5 seconds
    Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ physical damage to minions on hit.Negatron CloakSells for: @Value@+@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic ResistNeedlessly Large RodSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerSpace Vampiric ScepterSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    Doran's WandSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health per 5 seconds
    Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ physical damage to minions on hit.Prospector's BladeSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Prospector: +@Effect1Amount@ HealthProspector's RingSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    Passive : +@FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana Regen per 5 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive - Prospector: +@Effect1Amount@ HealthDoran's Shield (Showdown)Sells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health Regen per 5 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive: Blocks @Effect1Amount@ damage from champion basic attacks.Doran's Blade (Showdown)Sells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    Doran's Ring (Showdown)Sells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana Regen per 5 seconds
    Passive: Restores @Effect1Amount@ Mana upon killing a unit.Spirit StoneSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: Against monsters, deal 20% bonus damage and restore 6% of damage dealt as Health and 3% as Mana.Dark SealSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ (+@f1@) Ability Power
    +@Effect1Amount*100@% Healing from Potions
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    UNIQUE Passive - Dread: Grants +@Effect5Amount@ Ability Power per Glory.
    UNIQUE Passive - Do or Die: Grants @Effect2Amount@ Glory for a champion kill or @Effect3Amount@ Glory for an assist, up to @Effect4Amount@ Glory total. Lose @Effect6Amount@ Glory on death.
    CullSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@Effect1Amount@ Life on Hit
    UNIQUE Passive: Killing a lane minion grants @Effect2Amount@ additional Gold. Killing @Effect3Amount@ lane minions grants an additional @Effect4Amount@ bonus gold immediately and disables this passive.Berserker's Greaves - FurorSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack SpeedUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Furor: Upon dealing damage with a single target spell or attack (on hit), grants +12% Move Speed that decays over 2 seconds.
    Berserker's Greaves - AlacritySells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack SpeedUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Alacrity: +@EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ Move Speed
    Berserker's Greaves - CaptainSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack SpeedUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Captain: Grants +10% Move Speed to nearby approaching allied champions.
    Berserker's Greaves - DistortionSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack SpeedUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Distortion: Teleport, Flash, and Ghost summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 15% and are granted additional mobility:

    Ghost: Grants 40% Move Speed from 27%.
    Flash: 20% Move Speed bonus for 1 second after cast.
    Teleport: 30% Move Speed bonus for 3 seconds after use.
    Berserker's Greaves - HomeguardSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack SpeedUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Homeguard: Visiting the shop vastly increases Health and Mana Regeneration and grants 200% bonus Move Speed that decays over 8 seconds. Bonus Move Speed and regeneration are disabled for 6 seconds upon dealing or taking damage.
    Boots of Swiftness - FurorSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Slow Resist: Movement slowing effects are reduced by @Effect1Amount*100@%.
    UNIQUE Passive - Furor: Upon dealing damage with a single target spell or attack (on hit), grants +12% Move Speed that decays over 2 seconds.
    Boots of Swiftness - AlacritySells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Slow Resist: Movement slowing effects are reduced by @Effect1Amount*100@%.
    UNIQUE Passive - Alacrity: +@EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ Move Speed
    Boots of Swiftness - CaptainSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Slow Resist: Movement slowing effects are reduced by @Effect1Amount*100@%.
    UNIQUE Passive - Captain: Grants +10% Move Speed to nearby approaching allied champions.
    Boots of Swiftness - DistortionSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Slow Resist: Movement slowing effects are reduced by @Effect1Amount*100@%.
    UNIQUE Passive - Distortion: Teleport, Flash, and Ghost summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 15% and are granted additional mobility:

    Ghost: Grants 40% Move Speed from 27%.
    Flash: 20% Move Speed bonus for 1 second after cast.
    Teleport: 30% Move Speed bonus for 3 seconds after use.
    Boots of Swiftness - HomeguardSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Slow Resist: Movement slowing effects are reduced by @Effect1Amount*100@%.
    UNIQUE Passive - Homeguard: Visiting the shop vastly increases Health and Mana Regeneration and grants 200% bonus Move Speed that decays over 8 seconds. Bonus Move Speed and regeneration are disabled for 6 seconds upon dealing or taking damage.
    Sorcerer's Shoes - FurorSells for: @Value@+@Effect1Amount@ Magic PenetrationUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Furor: Upon dealing damage with a single target spell or attack (on hit), grants +12% Move Speed that decays over 2 seconds.
    Sorcerer's Shoes - AlacritySells for: @Value@+@Effect1Amount@ Magic PenetrationUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Alacrity: +@EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ Move Speed
    Sorcerer's Shoes - CaptainSells for: @Value@+@Effect1Amount@ Magic PenetrationUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Captain: Grants +10% Move Speed to nearby approaching allied champions.
    Sorcerer's Shoes - DistortionSells for: @Value@+@Effect1Amount@ Magic PenetrationUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Distortion: Teleport, Flash, and Ghost summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 15% and are granted additional mobility:

    Ghost: Grants 40% Move Speed from 27%.
    Flash: 20% Move Speed bonus for 1 second after cast.
    Teleport: 30% Move Speed bonus for 3 seconds after use.
    Sorcerer's Shoes - HomeguardSells for: @Value@+@Effect1Amount@ Magic PenetrationUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Homeguard: Visiting the shop vastly increases Health and Mana Regeneration and grants 200% bonus Move Speed that decays over 8 seconds. Bonus Move Speed and regeneration are disabled for 6 seconds upon dealing or taking damage.
    Mercury's Treads - FurorSells for: @Value@+@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic ResistUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, polymorphs, and immobilizes by @PercentTenacityItemMod*100@%.
    UNIQUE Passive - Furor: Upon dealing damage with a single target spell or attack (on hit), grants +12% Move Speed that decays over 2 seconds.
    Mercury's Treads - AlacritySells for: @Value@+@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic ResistUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, polymorphs, and immobilizes by @PercentTenacityItemMod*100@%.
    UNIQUE Passive - Alacrity: +@EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ Move Speed
    Mercury's Treads - CaptainSells for: @Value@+@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic ResistUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, polymorphs, and immobilizes by @PercentTenacityItemMod*100@%.
    UNIQUE Passive - Captain: Grants +10% Move Speed to nearby approaching allied champions.
    Mercury's Treads - DistortionSells for: @Value@+@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic ResistUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, polymorphs, and immobilizes by @PercentTenacityItemMod*100@%.
    UNIQUE Passive - Distortion: Teleport, Flash, and Ghost summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 15% and are granted additional mobility:

    Ghost: Grants 40% Move Speed from 27%.
    Flash: 20% Move Speed bonus for 1 second after cast.
    Teleport: 30% Move Speed bonus for 3 seconds after use.
    Mercury's Treads - HomeguardSells for: @Value@+@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic ResistUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, polymorphs, and immobilizes by @PercentTenacityItemMod*100@%.
    UNIQUE Passive - Homeguard: Visiting the shop vastly increases Health and Mana Regeneration and grants 200% bonus Move Speed that decays over 8 seconds. Bonus Move Speed and regeneration are disabled for 6 seconds upon dealing or taking damage.
    Boots of Mobility - FurorSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@Effect8Amount@ Move Speed. Increases to +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed when out of combat for 5 seconds.
    UNIQUE Passive - Furor: Upon dealing damage with a single target spell or attack (on hit), grants +12% Move Speed that decays over 2 seconds.
    Boots of Mobility - AlacritySells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@Effect8Amount@ Move Speed. Increases to +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed when out of combat for 5 seconds.
    UNIQUE Passive - Alacrity: +@EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ Move Speed
    Boots of Mobility - CaptainSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@Effect8Amount@ Move Speed. Increases to +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed when out of combat for 5 seconds.
    UNIQUE Passive - Captain: Grants +10% Move Speed to nearby approaching allied champions.
    Boots of Mobility - DistortionSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@Effect8Amount@ Move Speed. Increases to +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed when out of combat for 5 seconds.
    UNIQUE Passive - Distortion: Teleport, Flash, and Ghost summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 15% and are granted additional mobility:

    Ghost: Grants 40% Move Speed from 27%.
    Flash: 20% Move Speed bonus for 1 second after cast.
    Teleport: 30% Move Speed bonus for 3 seconds after use.
    Boots of Mobility - HomeguardSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@Effect8Amount@ Move Speed. Increases to +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed when out of combat for 5 seconds.
    UNIQUE Passive - Homeguard: Visiting the shop vastly increases Health and Mana Regeneration and grants 200% bonus Move Speed that decays over 8 seconds. Bonus Move Speed and regeneration are disabled for 6 seconds upon dealing or taking damage.
    Stalker's Blade - WarriorSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect6Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters
    {{ game_item_jungle_chilling_smite_tooltip }}
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip }}
    Stalker's Blade - CinderhulkSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@EnchantmentEffect2Amount*100@% Bonus Health (+@f3@)
    +@Effect6Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters
    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: While in combat, burns nearby enemies for @f2@ magic damage a second. Once every @f7@ seconds, your next immobilizing spell deals @f2@ (+@f4@) bonus magic damage and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you. Immolate's damage is increased by @EnchantmentEffect4Amount@% damage to minions and monsters.
    {{ game_item_jungle_chilling_smite_tooltip }}
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip }}

    Burn damage dealt to Champions: @f6@
    Stalker's Blade - Runic EchoesSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@Effect6Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters
    UNIQUE Passive - Echo: Gain charges upon moving or casting. At @EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ charges, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ (+@f5@) bonus magic damage to up to @EnchantmentEffect3Amount@ targets on hit. This effect deals @EnchantmentEffect5Amount@% damage to Large Monsters. Hitting a Large Monster with this effect will restore @EnchantmentEffect6Amount@% of your missing Mana.
    {{ game_item_jungle_chilling_smite_tooltip }}
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip }}
    Ranger's Trailblazer - WarriorSells for: @Value@+@Effect3Amount*100@% Base Mana Regen while in Jungle
    +@Effect9Amount*100@% Move Speed while in Jungle
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    Passive - Blasting Smite: Smite deals damage in an area, dealing half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Health and Mana.
    UNIQUE Passive - Tooth and Nail: +@Effect2Amount*100@% damage versus monsters. Damage a monster to steal @Effect1Amount@ Health over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Grants +@Effect5Amount@ bonus experience upon killing a Large Monster.
    Ranger's Trailblazer - CinderhulkSells for: @Value@+@Effect3Amount*100@% Base Mana Regen while in Jungle
    +@Effect9Amount*100@% Move Speed while in Jungle
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@EnchantmentEffect2Amount*100@% Bonus Health (+@f3@)
    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: Deals @f6@ magic damage a second to nearby enemies while in combat. Deals @EnchantmentEffect4Amount@% bonus damage to monsters.
    Passive - Blasting Smite: Smite deals damage in an area, dealing half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Health and Mana.
    UNIQUE Passive - Tooth and Nail: +@Effect2Amount*100@% damage versus monsters. Damage a monster to steal @Effect1Amount@ Health over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Grants +@Effect5Amount@ bonus experience upon killing a Large Monster.
    Ranger's Trailblazer - Runic EchoesSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    +@Effect3Amount*100@% Base Mana Regen while in Jungle
    +@Effect9Amount*100@% Move Speed while in Jungle
    UNIQUE Passive - Echo: Gain charges upon moving or casting. At @EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ charges, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ (+@f5@) bonus magic damage to up to @EnchantmentEffect3Amount@ targets on hit. This effect deals @EnchantmentEffect5Amount@% damage to Large Monsters. Hitting a Large Monster with this effect will restore @EnchantmentEffect6Amount@% of your missing Mana.
    Passive - Blasting Smite: Smite deals damage in an area, dealing half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Health and Mana.
    UNIQUE Passive - Tooth and Nail: +@Effect2Amount*100@% damage versus monsters. Damage a monster to steal @Effect1Amount@ Health over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Grants +@Effect5Amount@ bonus experience upon killing a Large Monster.
    Tracker's Knife - WarriorSells for: @Value@+@Effect9Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters
    +@Effect3Amount*100@% Base Mana Regen while in Jungle
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip }}
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect10Amount@ seconds. Holds up to 2 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Stealth Wards: @f1@ / 3 wards placed.
    Tracker's Knife - CinderhulkSells for: @Value@+@Effect9Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters
    +@Effect3Amount*100@% Base Mana Regen while in Jungle
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@EnchantmentEffect2Amount*100@% Bonus Health (+@f3@)
    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: Deals @f6@ magic damage a second to nearby enemies while in combat. Deals @EnchantmentEffect4Amount@% bonus damage to minions and monsters.
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip }}
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect10Amount@ seconds. Holds up to 2 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Stealth Wards: @f1@ / 3 wards placed.
    Tracker's Knife - Runic EchoesSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    +@Effect9Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters
    +@Effect3Amount*100@% Base Mana Regen while in Jungle
    UNIQUE Passive - Echo: Gain charges upon moving or casting. At @EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ charges, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ (+@f5@) bonus magic damage to up to @EnchantmentEffect3Amount@ targets on hit. This effect deals @EnchantmentEffect5Amount@% damage to Large Monsters. Hitting a Large Monster with this effect will restore @EnchantmentEffect6Amount@% of your missing Mana.
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip }}
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect10Amount@ seconds. Holds up to 2 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Stealth Wards: @f1@ / 3 wards placed.
    Skirmisher's Sabre - WarriorSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect11Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters
    {{ game_item_jungle_challenging_smite_tooltip }}
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip }}
    Skirmisher's Sabre - CinderhulkSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@EnchantmentEffect2Amount*100@% Bonus Health (+@f3@)
    +@Effect11Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters
    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: While in combat, burns nearby enemies for @f2@ magic damage a second. Once every @f7@ seconds, your next immobilizing spell deals @f2@ (+@f4@) bonus magic damage and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you. Immolate's damage is increased by @EnchantmentEffect4Amount@% damage to minions and monsters.
    {{ game_item_jungle_challenging_smite_tooltip }}
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip }}

    Burn damage dealt to Champions: @f6@
    Skirmisher's Sabre - Runic EchoesSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@Effect11Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters
    UNIQUE Passive - Echo: Gain charges upon moving or casting. At @EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ charges, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ (+@f5@) bonus magic damage to up to @EnchantmentEffect3Amount@ targets on hit. This effect deals @EnchantmentEffect5Amount@% damage to Large Monsters. Hitting a Large Monster with this effect will restore @EnchantmentEffect6Amount@% of your missing Mana.
    {{ game_item_jungle_challenging_smite_tooltip }}
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip }}
    Stalker's Blade - BloodrazorSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@Effect6Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters
    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal @EnchantmentEffect1Amount*100@% of the target's maximum Health in bonus physical damage (max @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ vs. monsters and minions) on hit.
    {{ game_item_jungle_chilling_smite_tooltip }}
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip }}
    Ranger's Trailblazer - BloodrazorSells for: @Value@+@Effect3Amount*100@% Base Mana Regen while in Jungle
    +@Effect9Amount*100@% Move Speed while in Jungle
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal @EnchantmentEffect1Amount*100@% of the target's maximum Health in bonus physical damage (max @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ vs. monsters and minions) on hit.
    Passive - Blasting Smite: Smite deals damage in an area, dealing half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Health and Mana.
    UNIQUE Passive - Tooth and Nail: +@Effect2Amount*100@% damage versus monsters. Damage a monster to steal @Effect1Amount@ Health over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Grants +@Effect5Amount@ bonus experience upon killing a Large Monster.
    Tracker's Knife - BloodrazorSells for: @Value@+@Effect9Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters
    +@Effect3Amount*100@% Base Mana Regen while in Jungle
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal @EnchantmentEffect1Amount*100@% of the target's maximum Health in bonus physical damage (max @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ vs. monsters and minions) on hit.
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip }}
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect10Amount@ seconds. Holds up to 2 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Stealth Wards: @f1@ / 3 wards placed.
    Skirmisher's Sabre - BloodrazorSells for: @Value@+@Effect11Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal @EnchantmentEffect1Amount*100@% of the target's maximum Health in bonus physical damage (max @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ vs. monsters and minions) on hit.
    {{ game_item_jungle_challenging_smite_tooltip }}
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip }}
    Ohmwrecker +@Effect1Amount*100@% Armor PenetrationUNIQUE Passive - Dodge Piercing: Turret attacks cannot be dodged.
    UNIQUE Passive - Warming Up: Turrets gain @Effect2Amount*100@% damage each time they strike a champion. (Max @Effect3Amount*100@% bonus damage)
    Fortification UNIQUE Passive - Fortification: Blocks @Effect1Amount*100@% damage of incoming damage. This effect expires after @Effect2Amount@ minutes.Reinforced Armor UNIQUE Passive - Reinforced Armor: Reduces incoming damage by @DamageReduction@% and becomes immune to True Damage when no enemy minions are nearby.Warden's Eye UNIQUE Passive - True Sight: Can see invisible units within @Effect1Amount@ units.Vanguard UNIQUE Passive - Tower Vanguard: Has a @Effect1Amount@ health champion damage shield. This shield regenerates to full @Effect2Amount@ seconds after not taking damage.

    UNIQUE Passive - Champion Vanguard: While this tower has the tower vanguard shield, grants nearby champions a @Effect3Amount@ health per second regenerating shield (Max @Effect4Amount@ health). This shield decays while away from a shielded tower. The shield does not regenerate on champions actively taking damage.
    Lightning Rod +75% Armor PenetrationUNIQUE Passive - Lightning Rod: Deals damage in a continuous beam and cannot be dodged. Deals up to 125% additional damage the longer it targets the same target.Base Turret Reinforced Armor UNIQUE Passive - Base Turret Reinforced Armor: Reduces incoming damage by @DamageReduction@% and becomes immune to True Damage when no enemy minions are nearby.

    Base turrets have health regeneration, but cannot regenerate past their current segment. Base turrets are segmented at 33%, 66% and 100% health.
    OverchargedAt 55 minutes: begins to malfunction, losing Armor and Magic Resistance.
    At 60 minutes: begins to break down, losing an escalating percentage of its maximum health every 30 seconds.
    Anti-tower Socks UNIQUE Passive - Reinforced Armor: This unit takes 14% of its health per outer turret shot, 11% of its health per inner turret shot and 8% of its health per base turret shot.

    They're a little stinky, but effective.
    Gusto UNIQUE Passive - Gusto: This unit takes 45% of its health per turret shot.

    Go hard or go home.
    Phreakish Gusto UNIQUE Passive - Phreakish Gusto: This unit takes 70% of its health per turret shot.

    Maybe go a little less hard.
    Super Mech Armor UNIQUE Passive - Super Mech Armor: This unit takes reduced damage from AOE effects and takes 10% of its health per turret shot.

    Anything can be used as armor if you pile it on.
    Super Mech Power Field UNIQUE Passive - Super Mech Power Field: Grants nearby minions 35 Magic Resistance, and 35 armor.Turret Plating UNIQUE Passive - Turret Plating: Provides extra defensive measures. Attackers are rewarded for destroying portions of the plating. Minions and Ranged champions deal @Effect5Amount*100@% reduced damage to plating. This effect expires after 14 minutes.Local Gold UNIQUE Passive - Local Gold: Destroying this structure shares 550 gold with each nearby champion on your team.Local Gold UNIQUE Passive - Local Gold: Destroying this structure shares 250 gold with each nearby champion on your team.Local Gold UNIQUE Passive - Local Gold: Destroying this structure shares 50 gold with each nearby champion on your team.Local Gold UNIQUE Passive - Local Gold: Destroying this structure shares 300 gold with each nearby champion on your team.Health PotionSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Restores @Effect1Amount@ Health over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Mana PotionSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Restores @Effect1Amount@ Mana over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Total Biscuit of RejuvenationSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Restores 80 Health and 50 Mana over 10 seconds.{{ game_item_displayname_2010 }}Sells for: @Value@{{ game_item_description_2010 }}Elixir Of SkillCannot Be SoldClick to Consume: Grants +1 Skill Point.{{ game_item_displayname_2012 }}Sells for: @Value@{{ game_item_description_2012 }}Looted Oracle's ExtractSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Grants detection of nearby invisible or unseen enemy units for @Effect1Amount@ to @Effect2Amount@ seconds, based on level.Kircheis ShardSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack SpeedUNIQUE Passive - Energized: Moving and attacking will make an attack Energized.
    UNIQUE Passive - Jolt: Energized attacks gain @Effect1Amount@ bonus magic damage.
    Refillable PotionSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active: Consumes a charge to restore @Effect1Amount@ Health over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Holds up to @Effect4Amount@ charges and refills upon visiting the shop.Hunter's PotionSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active: Consumes a charge to restore @Effect1Amount@ Health and @Effect2Amount@ Mana over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Holds up to @Effect4Amount@ charges and refills upon visiting the shop.

    Killing a Large Monster grants one charge.
    Corrupting PotionSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active: Consumes a charge to restore @Effect1Amount@ Health and @Effect2Amount@ Mana over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. During this time, damaging Spells and attacks burn enemy champions for @Effect7Amount@ magic damage over @Effect8Amount@ seconds. (@Effect9Amount*100@% damage for Area of Effect or Damage over Time spells.)

    Holds up to @Effect4Amount@ charges and refills upon visiting the shop.
    Elixir of FortitudeSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect1Amount@-@Effect2Amount@ Health based on level and @Effect3Amount@ Attack Damage for @Effect4Amount@ minutes.Elixir of AgilitySells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Grants +15-24% Attack Speed based on level and +8% Critical Strike Chance for 3 minutes.Elixir of BrillianceSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect1Amount@-@Effect2Amount@ Ability Power based on level and +@Effect3Amount@% Cooldown Reduction for @Effect4Amount@ minutes.Ichor of RageSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect1Amount@-@Effect2Amount@ Attack Damage based on level, +@Effect3Amount@-@Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed based on level, and @Effect5Amount@% increased damage to turrets for @Effect6Amount@ minutes.Crystalline FlaskSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive: Holds 3 charges and refills upon visiting the shop.
    UNIQUE Active: Consumes a charge to restore 120 Health and 60 Mana over 12 seconds.
    Oracle's ElixirSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Grants detection of nearby invisible units for up to 4 minutes. Revealing a ward in this manner grants a portion of the gold reward for killing that unit.Vision WardSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Places a visible ward that reveals the surrounding area and invisible units in the area until killed. Revealing a ward in this manner grants a portion of the gold reward when that unit is killed.

    Vision Wards: @f1@ / @f2@ wards placed.
    Monster EyeSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Places an invisible frog that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect1Amount@ minutes. Does not count towards normal ward limits.Ruby SightstoneSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ HealthUNIQUE Passive: Item Active cooldowns are reduced by @Effect1Amount*-100@%.
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Holds up to @Effect2Amount@ charges which refill when visiting the shop.

    Stealth Wards: @f1@ / 3 wards placed.
    {{ Item_Active_Consume }} Grants detection of nearby invisible or unseen enemy units for 5 minutes.Ichor of IlluminationSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect1Amount@-@Effect2Amount@ Ability Power based on level, +@Effect3Amount@% Cooldown Reduction, and increased Mana and Energy regeneration for @Effect4Amount@ minutes.SightstoneSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ HealthUNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Stealth Wards: @f1@ / @f2@ wards placed.
    Explorer's WardSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Places an invisible ward that reveals the surrounding area for 60 seconds.{{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1887. Recovery: Restores @FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
  1888. Undaunted: Blocks @Effect1Amount@ damage from attacks and spells from champions (@Effect2Amount*100@% effectiveness vs. damage over time abilities).
  1889. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Poro-SnaxSells for: @Value@This savory blend of free-range, grass-fed Avarosan game hens and organic, non-ZMO Freljordian herbs contains the essential nutrients necessary to keep your Poro purring with pleasure. All proceeds are donated towards fighting Noxian animal cruelty.Click to Consume: Serves a scrumptious scoop to a nearby Poro.Raptor CloakSells for: @Value@+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    UNIQUE Passive - Point Runner: Builds up to +@Effect1Amount@% Move Speed over @Effect2Amount@ seconds while near turrets, fallen turrets and Void Gates.Diet Poro-SnaxSells for: @Value@All the flavor of regular Poro-Snax, without the calories! Keeps your Poro happy AND healthy.Click to Consume: Gives your Poros a delicious healthy treat.Control WardSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Places a ward that grants vision of the surrounding area. This device will also reveal invisible traps and reveal / disable wards. Control Wards do not disable other Control Wards. Camouflaged units will also be revealed.

    Control Ward: @f1@ / @f2@ wards placed.
    Pilfered Stealth WardSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Place an invisible Stealth Ward which reveals the surrounding area for @f3@ seconds.Peering Farsight WardSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Reveals an area and places a visible fragile ward up to @Effect1Amount@ units away. This ward is untargetable by allies.Travel Size Elixir of IronSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect1Amount@ Health, @Effect2Amount*100@% Tenacity, and increased champion size for @Effect3Amount*60@ to @Effect9Amount*60@ seconds, based on level. While active, moving leaves a path behind that boosts allied champion's Move Speed by @Effect4Amount*100@%.

    (Travel Size Elixirs may stack with one another.)
    Travel Size Elixir of SorcerySells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect2Amount@ Ability Power and @Effect6Amount*5@ bonus Mana Regen per 5 seconds for @Effect4Amount*60@ to @Effect9Amount*60@ seconds, based on level. While active, damaging a champion or turret deals @Effect3Amount@ bonus True Damage. This effect has a @Effect5Amount@ second cooldown versus champions but no cooldown versus turrets.

    (Travel Size Elixirs may stack with one another.)
    Travel Size Elixir of WrathSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect2Amount@ Attack Damage for @Effect4Amount*60@ to @Effect6Amount*60@ seconds, based on level. While active, dealing physical damage to champions heals for @Effect3Amount*100@% of the damage dealt.

    (Travel Size Elixirs may stack with one another.)
    Pilfered Health PotionSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Restores @Effect1Amount@ Health over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Pilfered Potion of RougeSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Grants @Effect1Amount@ (+@Effect2Amount@/Level) Adaptive Force for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Shurelya's ReverieSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect4Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect7Amount*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    UNIQUE Active: Grants yourself and nearby allies +@Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).
    Elixir of RuinSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect2Amount@ Health and @Effect5Amount*100@% Bonus Damage to Towers for @Effect4Amount@ minutes. While this effect is active, nearby minions gain @Effect5Amount*100@% Bonus Damage to Towers and gain Move Speed based on champion's Move Speed.

    (Only one Elixir effect may be active at a time.)
    Elixir of IronSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect1Amount@ Health, @Effect2Amount*100@% Tenacity, and increased champion size for @Effect3Amount@ minutes. While active, moving leaves a path behind that boosts allied champion's Move Speed by @Effect4Amount*100@%.

    (Only one Elixir effect may be active at a time.)
    Elixir of SorcerySells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect2Amount@ Ability Power and @Effect6Amount*5@ bonus Mana Regen per 5 seconds for @Effect4Amount@ minutes. While active, damaging a champion or turret deals @Effect3Amount@ bonus True Damage. This effect has a @Effect5Amount@ second cooldown versus champions but no cooldown versus turrets.

    (Only one Elixir effect may be active at a time.)
    Elixir of WrathSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Grants +@Effect2Amount@ Attack Damage for @Effect4Amount@ minutes. While active, dealing physical damage to champions heals for @Effect3Amount*100@% of the damage dealt.

    (Only one Elixir effect may be active at a time.)
    Eye of the WatchersSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect6Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Holds up to @Effect8Amount@ charges which refill upon visiting the shop.{{game_item_quest_frostqueensline_inventory_@f5@}}{{game_item_tributegoldtracker_@f5@}}
    Stealth Wards: @f3@ / 3 wards placed.
    Eye of the OasisSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Holds up to @Effect4Amount@ charges which refill upon visiting the shop.{{game_item_quest_coinline_inventory_@f5@}}{{game_item_favorgoldtracker_@f5@}}
    Stealth Wards: @f3@ / 3 wards placed.
    Eye of the EquinoxSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect9Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Holds up to @Effect4Amount@ charges which refill upon visiting the shop.{{game_item_quest_targonsline_inventory_@f7@}}
    Stealth Wards: @f5@ / 3 wards placed.
    Sly Sack of GoldSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Contains @Effect1Amount@-@Effect2Amount@ gold.

    Can be sold for @Value@ gold.
    Minion DematerializerSells for: @Value@{{ game_item_description_2403 }}{{ game_item_displayname_2419 }}Cannot yet be Sold{{ game_item_description_2419 }}StopwatchSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Stasis: Champion becomes invulnerable and untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but is unable to move, attack, cast spells, or use items during this time (One time use).Broken StopwatchSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive: Is broken, but can still be upgraded.Perfectly Timed StopwatchSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Stasis: Champion becomes invulnerable and untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but is unable to move, attack, cast spells, or use items during this time (One time use).Abyssal MaskSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Eternity: @Effect6Amount*100@% of damage taken from champions is gained as Mana. Spending Mana restores @Effect5Amount*100@% of the cost as Health, up to @Effect4Amount@ per spell cast.
    UNIQUE Aura: Nearby enemy champions take @Effect3Amount*100@% more magic damage.
    Atma's ReckoningSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    UNIQUE Passive: For each second in combat with enemy champions, turrets, or epic monsters, gain @f2@ Attack Damage, up to @f3@ Attack Damage.Berserker's GreavesSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack SpeedUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move SpeedArchangel's Staff (Quick Charge)Sells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Haste: This item gains an additional 10% Cooldown Reduction.
    UNIQUE Passive - Awe: +@f2@ Ability Power (@Effect1Amount*100@% of maximum Mana). Refunds @Effect7Amount*100@% of Mana spent.
    UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge: Grants +@Effect2Amount@ maximum Mana (max +@Effect3Amount@ Mana) for each Mana expenditure (occurs up to @Effect8Amount@ times every @Effect9Amount@ seconds.)

    Bonus Mana: @f1@ / @Effect3Amount@
    Transforms into Seraph's Embrace at +@Effect3Amount@ Mana.
    Manamune (Quick Charge)Sells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    UNIQUE Passive - Awe: +@f2@ Attack Damage (@Effect1Amount*100@% of maximum Mana). Refunds @Effect7Amount*100@% of Mana spent.
    UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge: Grants +@Effect2Amount@ maximum Mana (max +@Effect3Amount@ Mana) for each basic attack or Mana expenditure (occurs up to @Effect9Amount@ times every @Effect10Amount@ seconds).

    Bonus Mana: @f1@ / @Effect3Amount@
    Transforms into Muramana at +@Effect3Amount@ Mana.
    Boots of SwiftnessSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Slow Resist: Movement slowing effects are reduced by @Effect1Amount*100@%.
    Catalyst of AeonsSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    UNIQUE Passive - Eternity: @Effect6Amount*100@% of damage taken from champions is gained as Mana. Spending Mana restores @Effect5Amount*100@% of the cost as Health, up to @Effect4Amount@ per spell cast. Sorcerer's ShoesSells for: @Value@+@Effect1Amount@ Magic PenetrationUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move SpeedFrozen MalletSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    UNIQUE Passive - Icy: Basic attacks slow the target's Move Speed for @Effect1Amount@ seconds on hit (@Effect2Amount*100@% slow for melee attacks, @Effect3Amount*100@% slow for ranged attacks).Twin ShadowsSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    UNIQUE Active: Summon @Effect1Amount@ ghosts to seek out the @Effect7Amount@ nearest enemy champions. Ghosts reveal enemies on contact and reduce their Move Speed by @Effect3Amount*100@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    After @Effect2Amount@ seconds, ghosts that can't find a target return and decrease the cooldown of this item by up to @Effect5Amount@% (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown.)
    Glacial ShroudSells for: @Value@+@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown ReductionIceborn GauntletSells for: @Value@+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals @f1@ bonus physical damage in an area and creates an icy zone of size @f2@ for @Effect3Amount@ seconds that slows Move Speed by @Effect4Amount*-100@% (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).Guardian AngelSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    UNIQUE Passive: Upon taking lethal damage, restores @Effect1Amount*100@% of base Health and @Effect4Amount*100@% of maximum Mana after @Effect2Amount@ seconds of stasis (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).Rod of AgesSells for: @Value@+(@FlatHPPoolMod@ + @f1@) Health
    +(@FlatMPPoolMod@ + @f2@) Mana
    +(@FlatMagicDamageMod@ + @f3@) Ability Power
    Passive: Grants +@Effect1Amount@ Health, +@Effect2Amount@ Mana, and +@Effect3Amount@ Ability Power per stack (max +@Effect1Amount*10@ Health, +@Effect2Amount*10@ Mana, and +@Effect3Amount*10@ Ability Power). Grants 1 stack per minute (max @Effect5Amount@ stacks).
    UNIQUE Passive - Eternity: @Effect11Amount*100@% of damage taken from champions is gained as Mana. Spending Mana restores @Effect10Amount*100@% of the cost as Health, up to @Effect9Amount@ per spell cast.
    Chalice of HarmonySells for: @Value@+@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    UNIQUE Passive - Harmony: Grants bonus % Base Health Regen equal to your bonus % Base Mana Regen.

    Harmony Bonus: @f1@% Bonus Base Health Regen
    Rod of Ages (Quick Charge)Sells for: @Value@+(@FlatHPPoolMod@ + @f1@) Health
    +(@FlatMPPoolMod@ + @f2@) Mana
    +(@FlatMagicDamageMod@ + @f3@) Ability Power
    Passive: Grants +@Effect1Amount@ Health, +@Effect2Amount@ Mana, and +@Effect3Amount@ Ability Power per stack (max +@Effect1Amount*10@ Health, +@Effect2Amount*10@ Mana, and +@Effect3Amount*10@ Ability Power). Grants 1 stack per 40 seconds (max @Effect5Amount@ stacks).
    UNIQUE Passive - Eternity: @Effect11Amount*100@% of damage taken from champions is gained as Mana. Spending Mana restores @Effect10Amount*100@% of the cost as Health, up to @Effect9Amount@ per spell cast.
    Hextech GLP-800Sells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Haste: This item gains an additional 10% Cooldown Reduction.
    UNIQUE Active - Frost Bolt: Fires a spray of icy bolts that explode on first unit hit, dealing @f1@ (+@f2@) magic damage to all enemies hit. (@Effect12Amount@ cooldown, shared with other Hextech items.)

    Enemies hit are slowed by @Effect5Amount*100@% decaying over @Effect4Amount@ second.
    Infinity EdgeSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    UNIQUE Passive: Critical strikes deal @Effect1Amount*100@% damage instead of 200%.Mortal ReminderSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageUNIQUE Passive - Last Whisper: +@Effect2Amount*100@% Armor Penetration
    UNIQUE Passive - Executioner: Physical damage inflicts Grievous Wounds on enemy champions for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.
    Giant SlayerSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageUNIQUE Passive - Giant Slayer: Grants up to +@Effect1Amount*100@% physical damage against enemy champions with greater maximum Health than you (+@Effect3Amount*100@% damage per @Effect2Amount@ Health difference, maxing at @Effect4Amount@ Health difference).Last WhisperSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageUNIQUE Passive - Last Whisper: +@Effect3Amount*100@% Armor PenetrationLord Dominik's RegardsSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageUNIQUE Passive - Last Whisper: +@Effect1Amount*100@% Armor PenetrationMejai's SoulstealerSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ (+@f1@) Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    UNIQUE Passive - Dread: Grants +@Effect1Amount@ Ability Power per Glory. Grants @Effect6Amount*100@% Move Speed if you have at least @Effect8Amount@ Glory.
    UNIQUE Passive - Do or Die: Grants @Effect2Amount@ Glory for a champion kill or @Effect3Amount@ Glory for an assist, up to @Effect4Amount@ Glory total. Lose @Effect7Amount@ stacks of Glory upon death.
    PhageSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    UNIQUE Passive - Rage: Basic attacks grant 20 Move Speed for 2 seconds. Kills grant 60 Move Speed instead. This Move Speed bonus is halved for ranged champions.Phantom DancerSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Spectral Waltz: Basic attacking a champion grants ghosting and @Effect4Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect14Amount@ seconds.
    UNIQUE Passive - Lifeline: If you would take damage that would reduce your Health below @Effect5Amount*100@%, gain a decaying shield that absorbs up to @f1@ damage. (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown)
    Ninja TabiSells for: @Value@+@FlatArmorMod@ ArmorUNIQUE Passive: Blocks @Effect1Amount*100@% of the damage from basic attacks.
    UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Move Speed
    Zeke's ConvergenceSells for: @Value@+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Active - Conduit: Bind to an ally without an existing Conduit.
    UNIQUE Passive: Casting your ultimate near your ally surrounds you with a frost storm and ignites your ally's basic attacks for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Enemies inside your frost storm are slowed by @Effect2Amount@% and your ally's attacks burn their target for @Effect4Amount*100@% bonus magic damage over @Effect11Amount@ seconds (@Effect9Amount@ second cooldown).

    Frostfire Covenant: Your frost storm ignites when it slows a burning enemy, dealing @Effect3Amount@ magic damage per second and slowing by @Effect13Amount@% instead for @Effect10Amount@ seconds.

    Total Frostfire Storm Damage: @f1@
    Total Ally Burn Damage: @f2@
    Jaurim's FistSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    UNIQUE Passive: Killing a unit grants @Effect2Amount@ maximum Health. This bonus stacks up to @Effect1Amount@ times.

    Bonus Health: @f1@ / @Effect4Amount@
    Sterak's GageSells for: @Value@(Melee Only)
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    UNIQUE Passive - Giant Strength: +@f1@ Attack Damage
    UNIQUE Passive - Lifeline: Upon taking at least @f2@ damage within @Effect3Amount@ seconds, gain a shield for @Effect4Amount*100@% of your bonus Health (@f3@). After @Effect10Amount@ seconds, the shield decays over @Effect8Amount@ seconds (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown).

    Sterak's Fury: When Lifeline triggers, grow in size and strength, gaining +@Effect11Amount*100@% Tenacity for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.
    OhmwreckerSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Active: Prevents nearby enemy turrets from attacking for @Effect1Amount@ seconds (@Effect2Amount@ second cooldown). This effect cannot be used against the same turret more than once every @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    UNIQUE Passive - Point Runner: Builds up to +@Effect4Amount*100@% Move Speed over 2 seconds while near turrets (including fallen turrets) and Void Gates.
    SheenSells for: @Value@+@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals @f1@ bonus physical damage (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown).Banner of CommandSells for: @Value@+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    UNIQUE Active - Promote: Greatly increases the power of a lane minion and grants it @Effect6Amount*100@% Damage Reduction from enemy Champions (120 second cooldown).
    UNIQUE Passive - Point Runner: Builds up to +@Effect4Amount@% Move Speed over @Effect5Amount@ seconds while near turrets, fallen turrets and Void Gates.

    Minion Kill Gold Earned: @f1@
    Tower Damage Dealt: @f2@
    Spirit VisageSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: Increases all healing received by @Effect2Amount*100@%.KindlegemSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ HealthUNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown ReductionRemnant of the AscendedSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect8Amount@ Move Speed
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect2Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    {{game_item_favorpassive_@f8@}}{{game_item_quest_coinline_inventory_@f5@}}{{game_item_favorgoldtracker_@f5@}}Black CleaverSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: Dealing physical damage to an enemy champion Cleaves them, reducing their Armor by @Effect2Amount*100@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (stacks up to @Effect4Amount@ times, up to @Effect5Amount*100@%).
    UNIQUE Passive - Rage: Dealing physical damage grants @Effect6Amount@ Move Speed for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Assists on Cleaved enemy champions or kills on any unit grant @Effect8Amount@ Move Speed for @Effect9Amount@ seconds instead. This Move Speed is halved for ranged champions.
    BloodthirsterSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageUNIQUE Passive: +@Effect4Amount*100@% Life Steal
    UNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks can now overheal you. Excess life is stored as a shield that can block up to @f1@ damage.

    This shield decays slowly if you haven't dealt or taken damage in the last @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    Tear of the Goddess (Quick Charge)Sells for: @Value@+@FlatMPPoolMod@ ManaUNIQUE Passive - Awe: Refunds @Effect7Amount*100@% of Mana spent.
    UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge: Grants @Effect1Amount@ maximum Mana on Mana expenditure (up to @Effect8Amount@ times per @Effect9Amount@ seconds).

    Bonus Mana: @f1@ / @Effect5Amount@
    Ravenous HydraSells for: @Value@(Melee Only)
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    Passive: @Effect7Amount*100@% of total Life Steal applies to damage dealt by this item.
    UNIQUE Passive - Cleave: Basic attacks deal @f1@ to @f2@ bonus physical damage to enemies near the target on hit (enemies closest to the center take the most damage).
    UNIQUE Active - Crescent: Deals @f3@ to @f4@ physical damage to nearby enemy units (enemies closest to the center take the most damage) (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).
    TiamatSells for: @Value@(Melee Only)
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    UNIQUE Passive - Cleave: Basic attacks deal @f1@ to @f2@ as bonus physical damage to enemies near the target on hit (enemies closest to the center take the most damage).
    UNIQUE Active - Crescent: Deals @f3@ to @f4@ physical damage to nearby enemy units (enemies closest to the center take the most damage) (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).
    Trinity ForceSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Rage: Basic attacks grant @Effect1Amount@ Move Speed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Kills grant @Effect2Amount@ Move Speed instead. This Move Speed bonus is halved for ranged champions.
    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals @f1@ bonus physical damage (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).
    Shield BreakerSells for: @Value@(Melee Only)
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    Passive: 50% of total Life Steal applies to damage dealt by this item.
    UNIQUE Passive - Cleave: Basic attacks deal @f1@ to @f2@ bonus physical damage to enemies near the target on hit (enemies closest to the target take the most damage).
    UNIQUE Active - Crescent: Strips all shields from nearby enemies, then deals @f3@ to @f4@ physical damage (closest enemies take the most damage) (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).
    Space BloodthirsterSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageUNIQUE Passive: +@Effect4Amount*100@% Life Steal
    UNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks can now overheal you. Excess life is stored as a shield that can block up to @f1@ damage.

    This shield decays slowly if you haven't dealt or taken damage in the last @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    Warmog's ArmorSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect6Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: Grants Warmog's Heart if you have at least @Effect9Amount@ maximum Health.

    Warmog's Heart: Restores @f2@ Health every @Effect2Amount@ seconds if damage hasn't been taken within @Effect7Amount@ seconds (@Effect8Amount@ seconds for damage from minions and monsters).
    Overlord's BloodmailSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    UNIQUE Passive: Upon champion kill or assist, restores 300 Health over 5 seconds.Runaan's HurricaneSells for: @Value@(Ranged Only)
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Wind's Fury: When basic attacking, bolts are fired at up to @Effect3Amount@ enemies near the target, each dealing @f1@ physical damage. Bolts can critically strike and apply on hit effects.ZealSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*100@% Move SpeedStatikk ShivSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Energized: Moving and attacking will make an attack Energized.
    UNIQUE Passive - Electroshock: Energized attacks gain @Effect5Amount@ bonus magic damage. Energized effects chain to @Effect3Amount@ targets.
    Rabadon's DeathcapSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerUNIQUE Passive: Increases Ability Power by @Effect1Amount@% (@f1@).Wooglet's WitchcapSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    UNIQUE Passive: Increases Ability Power by @Effect1Amount@% (@f1@).
    UNIQUE Active: Champion becomes invulnerable and untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but is unable to move, attack, cast spells, or use items during this time (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).
    Wit's EndSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - At Wit's End: Deal @f1@ magic damage on hit. While below half health, heal for @Effect4Amount*100@% of this effect's damage dealt - increased to @Effect5Amount*100@% for Melee Champions.

    Total Champion Damage: @f2@
    Total Healing: @f3@
    Remnant of the WatchersSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect6Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    {{game_item_tributepassive_@f8@}}{{game_item_quest_frostqueensline_inventory_@f5@}}{{game_item_tributegoldtracker_@f5@}}Avarice BladeSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack SpeedUNIQUE Passive - Avarice: +@Effect1Amount@ Gold per @Effect2Amount@ seconds
    UNIQUE Passive - Greed: Grants @Effect3Amount@ Gold upon killing a unit.

    Avarice Blade - Gold Earned: @f1@
    Rapid FirecannonSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Energized: Moving and attacking will make an attack Energized.
    UNIQUE Passive - Sharpshooter: Energized attacks gain @f1@ bonus magic damage. Energized attacks gain @f2*100@% bonus range (+@f3@ range maximum).
    StormrazorSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Energized: Moving and attacking will make an attack Energized.
    UNIQUE Passive - Paralyze: Your Energized attacks gain @f1@ bonus magic damage. Energized effects slow by @Effect5Amount*100@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.
    Nomad's MedallionSells for: @Value@+@Effect4Amount@ Move Speed
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    {{game_item_favorpassive_@f8@}}{{game_item_quest_coinline_inventory_@f5@}}{{game_item_favorgoldtracker_@f5@}}Targon's BraceSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@Effect9Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    {{game_item_spoilsofwar_@f8@}}{{game_item_quest_targonsline_inventory_@f7@}}{{game_item_targonsline_incometracking_@f7@}}FrostfangSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    +@Effect6Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    {{game_item_tributepassive_@f8@}}{{game_item_quest_frostqueensline_inventory_@f5@}}{{game_item_tributegoldtracker_@f5@}}Soul ShroudSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ HealthUNIQUE Aura: Grants nearby allied champions +10% Cooldown Reduction and +12 Mana Regen per 5 seconds.Lich BaneSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals @f1@ bonus magic damage on hit (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).StingerSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack SpeedUNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount@% Cooldown ReductionBanshee's VeilSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Spell Shield: Grants a spell shield that blocks the next enemy ability. This shield refreshes after no damage is taken from enemy champions for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.Lord Van Damm's PillagerSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Ashes to Ashes: Controlling the nearest Altar sets you aflame, dealing @f1@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies. Once every @f7@ seconds, your next immobilizing spell deals @f1@ (+@f2@) bonus magic damage and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you. Immolate's damage is increased by @Effect3Amount*100@% to minions and monsters.

    Controlling the furthest Altar causes your basic attacks to burn targets for up to 114 true damage (based on champion level) over 3 seconds.

    Burn damage dealt to Champions: @f6@
    Aegis of the LegionSells for: @Value@+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    Madred's RazorsSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack SpeedUNIQUE Passive - Maim: Basic attacks against monsters deal @Effect1Amount@ bonus magic damage and heal @Effect2Amount@ Health on hit.
    RedemptionSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    UNIQUE Active: Target an area within @Effect8Amount@ range. After 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to heal allies for @Effect2Amount@ (+@Effect3Amount@ per level of target) health, burn enemy champions for @Effect4Amount*100@% of their maximum health as true damage, and deal @Effect5Amount@ true damage to enemy minions (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown). Heal and Shield Power is @Effect11Amount@ times as effective on Redemption's heal.

    Can be used while dead.

    Half effect if the target has been affected by another Redemption recently.
    Total Champion Healing: @f1@
    Total Champion Damage: @f2@
    Fiendish CodexSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerUNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown ReductionKnight's VowSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Active: Designate an allied champion as your Partner (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).
    UNIQUE Passive: If your Partner is nearby, gain +@Effect1Amount@ additional Armor and +@Effect2Amount*100@% Move Speed towards them.
    UNIQUE Passive: If your Partner is nearby, heal for @Effect3Amount*100@% of the damage your Partner deals to champions and redirect @Effect4Amount*100@% of the damage your Partner takes from champions to you as true damage (healing and damage redirection are reduced by @Effect6Amount*100@% if you are ranged).

    Damage Redirected: @f3@
    Healing Received: @f4@
    Frozen HeartSells for: @Value@+@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Aura: Reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount*-100@%.Mercury's TreadsSells for: @Value@+@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic ResistUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, polymorphs, and immobilizes by @PercentTenacityItemMod*100@%.
    {{ Item_Passive_List }}
  1890. Recovery: Restores @FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana every 5 seconds. If you can't gain mana, restores @Effect1Amount*5@ Health instead.
  1891. Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.Aether WispSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerUNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*100@% Move SpeedNashor's ToothSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    UNIQUE Passive: +20% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal 15 (+@f1@) bonus magic damage on hit.
    Rylai's Crystal ScepterSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    UNIQUE Passive: Damaging spells and abilities reduce enemy Move Speed by @Effect1Amount*-100@% for @Effect4Amount@ second.Boots of MobilitySells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +@Effect8Amount@ Move Speed. Increases to +@FlatMovementSpeedMod@ Move Speed when out of combat for 5 seconds.Space Knight's VowSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Active: Designate an allied champion as your Partner (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).
    UNIQUE Passive: If your Partner is nearby, gain +@Effect1Amount@ additional Armor and +@Effect2Amount*100@% Move Speed towards them.
    UNIQUE Passive: If your Partner is nearby, heal for @Effect3Amount*100@% of the damage your Partner deals to champions and redirect @Effect4Amount*100@% of the damage your Partner takes from champions to you as true damage (healing and damage redirection are reduced by @Effect6Amount*100@% if you are ranged).

    Damage Redirected: @f3@
    Healing Received: @f4@
    Wicked HatchetSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    UNIQUE Passive: Critical Strikes cause your target to bleed for an additional @Effect1Amount*100@% of your bonus Attack Damage as magic damage over 3 seconds.Executioner's CallingSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageUNIQUE Passive - Executioner: Physical damage inflicts Grievous Wounds on enemy champions for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.Madred's BloodrazorSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 4% of the target's maximum Health on hit.Deathfire GraspSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Active: Deals @Effect2Amount*100@% of target champion's maximum Health in magic damage and increases all subsequent magic damage taken by the target by @Effect3Amount*100@% for 4 seconds (90 second cooldown).Sword of the DivineSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount@ Lethality (currently negating @f3@ Armor)
    UNIQUE Active: Grants +@Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed and @Effect5Amount*100@% Critical Strike Chance for @Effect4Amount@ seconds or @Effect3Amount@ basic attacks (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).
    Heart of GoldSells for: @Value@+325 HealthUNIQUE Passive: +5 Gold per 10 seconds

    Heart of Gold - Gold Earned: @f1@Caulfield's WarhammerSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageUNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown ReductionSerrated DirkSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageUNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount@ Lethality (Currently negating @f1@ Armor)Void StaffSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerUNIQUE Passive - Dissolve: +@Effect1Amount*100@% Magic Penetration.Haunting GuiseSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    UNIQUE Passive - Madness: Deal @Effect7Amount@% more damage for each second in combat with champions (@Effect8Amount@% maximum).Dervish BladeSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Active - Quicksilver: Removes all debuffs, and if the champion is melee, also grants +@Effect1Amount*100@% bonus Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ second (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).LeviathanSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ HealthUNIQUE Passive: Grants +32 Health per stack. Grants 2 stacks for a kill or 1 stack for an assist (maximum 20 stacks). A third of the stacks are lost upon death. At 20 stacks, reduces all damage taken by 15%.Mercurial ScimitarSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    UNIQUE Active - Quicksilver: Removes all crowd control debuffs and also grants +@Effect1Amount*100@% bonus Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ second (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).Quicksilver SashSells for: @Value@+@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic ResistUNIQUE Active - Quicksilver: Removes all crowd control debuffs (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown).Sword of the OccultSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ (+@f1@) Attack Damage
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    UNIQUE Passive - Terror: Grants @Effect1Amount@ Attack Damage per Glory. Grants @Effect6Amount*100@% Life Steal if you have at least @Effect8Amount@ Glory.
    UNIQUE Passive - Do or Die: Grants @Effect2Amount@ Glory for a champion kill or @Effect3Amount@ Glory for an assist, up to @Effect4Amount@ Glory total. Lose @Effect7Amount@ stacks of Glory upon dying.
    Youmuu's GhostbladeSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect2Amount@ Lethality (Currently negating @f1@ Armor)
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect6Amount@ Move Speed out of Combat
    UNIQUE Active: Grants +@Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed and the ability to move through units for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown).
    Randuin's OmenSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    UNIQUE Passive: -@Effect2Amount*100@% damage taken from basic attack critical strikes (Total damage mitigated: @f1@).
    UNIQUE Passive - Cold Steel: When hit by basic attacks, reduces the attacker's Attack Speed by 15% for @Effect4Amount@ second.
    UNIQUE Active: Slows the Move Speed of nearby enemy units by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect1Amount@ seconds (60 second cooldown).
    Bilgewater CutlassSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    UNIQUE Active: Deals @Effect4Amount@ magic damage and slows the target champion's Move Speed by @Effect1Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).Hextech RevolverSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerUNIQUE Passive - Magic Bolt: Damaging an enemy champion with a basic attack shocks them for @f1@ bonus magic damage (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown, shared with other Hextech items).Hextech GunbladeSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    UNIQUE Passive: Heal for @Effect1Amount*100@% of damage dealt. This is 33% as effective for Area of Effect damage.
    UNIQUE Active - Lightning Bolt: Deals @f2@ (+@f1@) magic damage and slows the target champion's Move Speed by @Effect5Amount*100@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (40 second cooldown, shared with other Hextech items).
    Duskblade of DraktharrSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount@ Lethality (Currently negating @f3@ Armor)
    UNIQUE Passive - Nightstalker: After being unseen for at least @Effect11Amount@ second, the next basic attack against an enemy champion deals @f1@ bonus physical damage and slows them by @Effect7Amount@% for @Effect8Amount@ seconds. (Lasts for @Effect9Amount@ seconds after being seen by an enemy champion, ranged attacks will not slow the target).
    Space Hextech GunbladeSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    UNIQUE Passive: Heal for @Effect1Amount*100@% of damage dealt. This is 33% as effective for Area of Effect damage.
    UNIQUE Active - Lightning Bolt: Deals @f2@ (+@f1@) magic damage and slows the target champion's Move Speed by @Effect5Amount*100@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (40 second cooldown, shared with other Hextech items).
    Space Blade of the Ruined KingSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal @Effect1Amount*100@% of the target's current Health as bonus physical damage on hit (Melee users deal @Effect2Amount*100@%).
    UNIQUE Active: Deals 100 magic damage to target champion and steals 25% of their Move Speed for 3 seconds (90 second cooldown).

    Minimum bonus physical damage dealt is @Effect3Amount@.
    Maximum bonus physical damage dealt to monsters and minions is @Effect4Amount@
    User's Life Steal is applied to bonus physical damage dealt.
    Mirage BladeSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    UNIQUE Passive - Mark of the Sands: Basic Attacks Sand Mark the target revealing them for 3 seconds. Only one enemy can be Marked at any time.
    UNIQUE Active - Mirage Step: Teleport @Effect1Amount*-1@ units directly away from the Sand Marked target. (60 second cooldown).

    ''Shurimans exploit every aspect of the desert.''
    Liandry's TormentSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    UNIQUE Passive - Madness: Deal @Effect7Amount@% more damage for each second in combat with champions (@Effect6Amount@% maximum).
    UNIQUE Passive - Torment: Spells burn enemies for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, dealing bonus magic damage equal to @Effect2Amount*100@% of their maximum Health per second. Burn damage is increased to @Effect8Amount@% against movement-impaired units.
    Hextech Protobelt-01Sells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Active - Fire Bolt: Dash forward to unleash a nova of firebolts that deal @f1@ (+@f2@) magic damage (@Effect8Amount@ second cooldown, shared with other Hextech items).

    Champions and Monsters hit by multiple fire bolts take @Effect6Amount*100@% damage per additional bolt.
    Blade of the Ruined KingSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal @Effect1Amount*100@% of the target's current Health as bonus physical damage on hit (Melee users deal @Effect2Amount*100@%).
    UNIQUE Active: Deals 100 magic damage to target champion and steals 25% of their Move Speed for 3 seconds (90 second cooldown).

    Minimum bonus physical damage dealt is @Effect3Amount@.
    Maximum bonus physical damage dealt to monsters and minions is @Effect4Amount@.
    User's Life Steal is applied to bonus physical damage dealt.
    Wriggle's LanternSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    +@PercentSpellVampMod*100@% Spell Vamp

    UNIQUE Active: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown).
    HexdrinkerSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    UNIQUE Passive - Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @Effect1Amount*100@%, grants a shield that absorbs @f1@ magic damage for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (@Effect4Amount@ second cooldown).Maw of MalmortiusSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @Effect3Amount*100@%, grants a shield that absorbs @Effect4Amount@ magic damage within @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).
    Lifegrip: When Lifeline triggers, gain +@Effect7Amount@ Attack Damage, +@Effect9Amount*100@% Spell Vamp and +@Effect10Amount*100@% Life Steal until out of combat.
    Zhonya's HourglassSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Active - Stasis: Champion becomes invulnerable and untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but is unable to move, attack, cast spells, or use items during this time (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).Grez's Spectral LanternSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Maim: Basic attacks against monsters deal @Effect1Amount@ bonus magic damage and heal @Effect2Amount@ Health on hit.
    UNIQUE Passive: Gain @Effect3Amount*100@% increased Gold from monsters.
    UNIQUE Passive - Trap Detection: Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed.
    UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Sight: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, revealing enemy champions that enter for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).
    Feral FlareSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Maim: Basic attacks deal @f3@ (25 + Feral stacks) bonus magic damage (300% against minions and monsters) and heals 10 Health on hit. Kills, assists and large monster kills grant a Feral stack.
    UNIQUE Passive: Gain 30% increased Gold from monsters.
    UNIQUE Active: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown).

    Stealth Wards: @f1@ / @f2@ wards placed.
    Bonus Gold from Monsters: @f5@
    Spear of ShojinSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: Reduce damage from champion attacks and abilities by @f1@.
    UNIQUE Passive: When near at least 3 enemy champions, land a basic attack to gain Dragon Heart (@Effect3Amount@s cooldown).

    Dragon Heart: Block @f11@ damage per hit for @Effect9Amount@s, refreshing on takedown.
    Total Damage Prevented: @f12@
    Space Bilgewater CutlassSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    UNIQUE Active: Deals @Effect4Amount@ magic damage and slows the target champion's Move Speed by @Effect1Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).Space Maw of MalmortiusSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below @Effect3Amount*100@%, grants a shield that absorbs @Effect4Amount@ magic damage within @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).
    Lifegrip: When Lifeline triggers, gain +@Effect7Amount@ Attack Damage, +@Effect9Amount*100@% Spell Vamp and +@Effect10Amount*100@% Life Steal until out of combat.
    MorellonomiconSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    UNIQUE Passive - Touch of Death: +@Effect1Amount@ Magic Penetration
    UNIQUE Passive - Cursed Strike: Magic damage dealt to champions inflicts them with Grievous Wounds for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Bonetooth Totem: Places a Stealth Ward that lasts @Effect4Amount@ seconds (@Effect5Amount@ Second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Bonetooth Totem: Places a Stealth Ward that lasts @Effect4Amount@ seconds (@Effect5Amount@ Second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Bonetooth Totem: Places a Stealth Ward that lasts @Effect4Amount@ seconds (@Effect5Amount@ Second cooldown). Active upgrades at 20 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Bonetooth Totem: Places a Stealth Ward that lasts @Effect4Amount@ seconds (@Effect5Amount@ Second cooldown). Active upgrades at 20 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Moonflair SpellbladeSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, polymorphs, and immobilizes by @PercentTenacityItemMod*100@%.Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Bonetooth Totem: Places a Stealth Ward that lasts @Effect4Amount@ seconds (@Effect5Amount@ Second cooldown). Active upgrades at 20 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    ZephyrSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, polymorphs, and immobilizes by @PercentTenacityItemMod*100@%.Space Boots of LuciditySells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Move Speed

    ''This item is dedicated to space.''
    Athene's Unholy GrailSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: Gain @Effect6Amount*100@% of the premitigation damage dealt to champions as Blood Charges, up to @f1@. Healing or shielding another ally consumes charges equal to @Effect9Amount*100@% of the heal or shield value, healing the ally for that amount.
    UNIQUE Passive - Dissonance: Grants @Effect5Amount@ ability power per 25% Base Mana Regen you have (@f4@). Disables Harmony on your other items.
    Unholy Healing (total): @f2@
    Head of Kha'ZixSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Bonetooth Totem: Places a Stealth Ward that lasts @Effect4Amount@ seconds (@Effect5Amount@ Second cooldown). Limit 3 Stealth Wards on the map per player.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Rengar gains the Move Speed bonus of Thrill of the Hunt while he is stealthed.

    Special Bonus: Rengar has increased vision range while in brush.
    Arcane HelixSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: Spending Mana heals for 30% of the Mana spent.Ionic SparkSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    UNIQUE Passive: Every fourth basic attack unleashes a chain lightning on hit, dealing 125 magic damage to up to 4 targets.Umbral GlaiveSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount@ Lethality (Currently negating @f3@ Armor)
    UNIQUE Passive - Blackout: When spotted by an enemy ward, reveal traps and disable wards around you for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown). Basic attacks instantly kill revealed traps and do triple damage to wards.
    Odyn's VeilSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    UNIQUE Passive: Reduces and stores @Effect1Amount*100@% of magic damage received.
    UNIQUE Active: Deals @Effect2Amount@ + (stored magic) (max @Effect3Amount@) magic damage to nearby enemy units (@Effect4Amount@ second cooldown).
    Priscilla's BlessingSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health Regen per 5 secondsUNIQUE Passive: +15% Capture Rate (does not stack with other Capture Rate modifiers).
    UNIQUE Active: +30% Move Speed for 2 seconds (60 second cooldown).
    LightbringerSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    UNIQUE Passive: Critical Strikes cause enemies to bleed for an additional @Effect1Amount*100@% of bonus Attack Damage as magic damage over @Effect2Amount@ seconds and reveal them for the duration.
    UNIQUE Passive - Trap Detection: Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed.
    UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Sight: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, revealing enemy champions that enter for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).
    Kitae's BloodrazorSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 2.5% of the target's maximum Health on hit.Arcane SweeperSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Trap Detection: Grants True Sight of nearby enemy traps.
    UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Sight: An arcane mist grants vision in the target area for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, revealing enemy champions in the area for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).
    Blackfire TorchSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Active: Deals @Effect1Amount*100@% of target champion's maximum Health in magic damage over @Effect2Amount@ seconds and increases all subsequent magic damage taken by the target by @Effect3Amount*100@% (@Effect4Amount@ second cooldown).Locket of the Iron SolariSells for: @Value@+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    UNIQUE Active: Grants a shield to nearby allies that decays over @Effect3Amount@ seconds that absorbs up to @Effect1Amount@ (+@Effect2Amount@ per level) (+@f1@) damage (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).
    Best: @f2@ damage blocked
    Total: @f3@ damage blocked
    Seeker's ArmguardSells for: @Value@+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    UNIQUE Passive: Killing a unit grants @Effect1Amount@ bonus Armor and Ability Power. This bonus stacks up to @Effect2Amount@ times.

    Bonus Armor: @f1@ / 15
    Bonus Ability Power: @f2@ / 15
    Gargoyle StoneplateSells for: @Value@+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    UNIQUE Passive - Stone Skin: If @Effect3Amount@+ enemy champions are nearby, grants @Effect1Amount@ bonus Armor and Magic Resist.
    UNIQUE Active - Metallicize: Increases Health by @Effect6Amount*100@% and increases champion size, but reduces damage dealt by @Effect5Amount*100@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds (@Effect10Amount@ second cooldown). If Stone Skin is active, the Health increase becomes @Effect8Amount*100@% instead.
    Adaptive HelmSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regeneration
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: Taking magic damage from a spell or effect reduces all subsequent magic damage taken from that spell or effect by @Effect1Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Hex Core mk-1Cannot Be Sold+@f1@ Ability Power
    +@f2@ Mana
    UNIQUE Passive - Progress: Viktor can upgrade one of his basic spells.Hex Core mk-2Cannot Be Sold+@f1@ Ability Power
    +@f2@ Mana
    UNIQUE Passive - Progress: Viktor can upgrade one of his basic spells.Perfect Hex CoreCannot Be Sold+@f1@ Ability Power
    +@f2@ Mana
    UNIQUE Passive - Glorious Evolution: Viktor has reached the pinnacle of his power, upgrading Chaos Storm in addition to his basic spells.Prototype Hex CoreCannot Be Sold+@f1@ Ability Power
    +@f2@ Mana
    UNIQUE Passive - Progress: This item can be upgraded three times to enhance Viktor's basic abilities. Click the item in the store to discover its upgrades.Quill CoatSells for: @Value@+@FlatArmorMod@ ArmorUNIQUE Passive - Sapping Barbs: +@Effect1Amount*5@ Health Regen per 5 seconds and +@Effect2Amount*5@ Mana Regen per 5 seconds upon taking damage from monsters. Attacking monsters lose @Effect3Amount*100@% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to @Effect6Amount*3@).
    UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Sight: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 5 seconds, revealing enemy champions that enter for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown).
    Quill CoatSells for: @Value@+@FlatArmorMod@ ArmorUNIQUE Passive - Sapping Barbs: +@Effect1Amount*5@ Health Regen per 5 seconds and +@Effect2Amount*5@ Mana Regen per 5 seconds upon taking damage from monsters. Attacking monsters lose @Effect3Amount*100@% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to @Effect4Amount*3@).
    UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Ward: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown).

    Stealth Wards: @f1@ / 3 wards placed.
    Spirit of the Spectral WraithSells for: @Value@+@f3@ Ability Power
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Spirit Drain: Grants 2 Ability Power per large or epic monster kill. (@f2@/30)
    UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: Against monsters, deal 30% bonus damage and restore 6% of damage dealt as Health and 3% as Mana.
    UNIQUE Passive - Conservation: Stores 1 stack of Gold per 1.5 seconds (Max 80 stacks). Killing a large or epic monster cashes in up to 40 stacks.

    Bonus Gold: @f1@
    Spirit of the Ancient GolemSells for: @Value@+@Effect5Amount*100@% Bonus Health (@f3@)
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect6Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    UNIQUE Passive - Sapping Barbs: +@Effect1Amount*5@ Health Regen per 5 seconds and +@Effect2Amount*5@ Mana Regen per 5 seconds upon taking damage from monsters. Attacking monsters lose @Effect3Amount*100@% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to @Effect4Amount*3@).
    UNIQUE Passive - Conservation: Stores 1 stack of Gold per 1.5 seconds (Max 80 stacks). Killing a large or epic monster cashes in up to 40 stacks.
    UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Ward: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown).

    Bonus Gold: @f1@
    Stealth Wards: @f2@ / 3 wards placed.
    Spirit of the Ancient GolemSells for: @Value@+@Effect7Amount*100@% Bonus Health (@f3@)
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect6Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    UNIQUE Passive - Sapping Barbs: +@Effect1Amount*5@ Health Regen per 5 seconds and +@Effect2Amount*5@ Mana Regen per 5 seconds upon taking damage from monsters. Attacking monsters lose @Effect3Amount*100@% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to @Effect8Amount*3@).
    UNIQUE Passive - Conservation: Stores 1 stack of Gold per 1.5 seconds (Max 80 stacks). Killing a large or epic monster cashes in up to 40 stacks.
    UNIQUE Passive - Trap Detection: Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed.
    UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Sight: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 5 seconds, revealing enemy champions that enter for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown).

    Bonus Gold: @f1@
    Spirit of the Elder LizardSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Incinerate: Deals @f1@ true damage over 3 seconds on dealing physical damage.
    UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: Against monsters, deal 20% bonus damage and restore 6% of damage dealt as Health and 3% as Mana.
    UNIQUE Passive - Conservation: Stores 1 stack of Gold per 1.5 seconds (Max 80 stacks). Killing a large or epic monster cashes in up to 40 stacks.

    Bonus Gold: @f2@
    SpellbreakerSells for: @Value@(Melee Only)
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, and immobilizes by 35%.
    UNIQUE Passive - Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below 30%, grants a shield that absorbs 400 magic damage for 5 seconds (90 second cooldown).
    Spectre's CowlSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    UNIQUE Passive: Grants +@Effect1Amount*100@% Base Health Regen for up to @Effect2Amount@ seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion.Mikael's CrucibleSells for: @Value@+@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect11Amount*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    UNIQUE Passive - Harmony: Grants bonus @f1@% Base Health Regen (equal to your bonus % Base Mana Regen).
    UNIQUE Active: Removes all stuns, roots, taunts, fears, silences, and slows on an allied champion and grants them slow immunity for @Effect12Amount@ seconds (@Effect13Amount@ second cooldown). Cleansing an effect grants the ally @Effect10Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect12Amount@ seconds.

    Successful Cleanses: @f2@
    Space Ravenous HydraSells for: @Value@(Melee Only)
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    Passive: @Effect7Amount*100@% of total Life Steal applies to damage dealt by this item.
    UNIQUE Passive - Cleave: Basic attacks deal @f1@ to @f2@ bonus physical damage to enemies near the target on hit (enemies closest to the center take the most damage).
    UNIQUE Active - Crescent: Deals @f3@ to @f4@ physical damage to nearby enemy units (enemies closest to the center take the most damage) (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).
    Space Mercurial ScimitarSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    UNIQUE Active - Quicksilver: Removes all crowd control debuffs and also grants +@Effect1Amount*100@% bonus Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ second (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).$BaseName$ - FurorSells for: @Value@$BaseStats$$BaseDescription$
    UNIQUE Passive - Furor: Upon dealing damage with a single target spell or attack (on hit), grants +12% Move Speed that decays over 2 seconds.

    $BaseName$ - AlacritySells for: @Value@$BaseStats$$BaseDescription$
    UNIQUE Passive - Alacrity: +@EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ Move Speed
    $BaseName$ - CaptainSells for: @Value@$BaseStats$$BaseDescription$
    UNIQUE Passive - Captain: Grants +10% Move Speed to nearby approaching allied champions.
    $BaseName$ - DistortionSells for: @Value@$BaseStats$$BaseDescription$
    UNIQUE Passive - Distortion: Teleport, Flash, and Ghost summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 15% and are granted additional mobility:

    Ghost: Grants 40% Move Speed from 27%.
    Flash: 20% Move Speed bonus for 1 second after cast.
    Teleport: 30% Move Speed bonus for 3 seconds after use.
    $BaseName$ - HomeguardSells for: @Value@$BaseStats$$BaseDescription$
    UNIQUE Passive - Homeguard: Visiting the shop vastly increases Health and Mana Regeneration and grants 200% bonus Move Speed that decays over 8 seconds. Bonus Move Speed and regeneration are disabled for 6 seconds upon dealing or taking damage.
    $BaseName$ - TeleportSells for: @Value@$BaseStats$$BaseDescription$
    UNIQUE Active - Teleport: Teleport to target allied object (@EnchantmentEffect1Amount@s CD) (@EnchantmentEffect2Amount@s CD on purchase)
    Poacher's DirkSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageUNIQUE Passive - Headhunter: After killing any enemy, your next damaging spell will deal @Effect5Amount@ bonus physical damage (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).
    UNIQUE Passive: After poaching @Effect3Amount@ large monsters from the enemy jungle, transforms into a Serrated Dirk.
    Luden's EchoSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Haste: This item gains an additional 10% Cooldown Reduction.
    UNIQUE Passive - Echo: Gains charges upon moving or casting. At @Effect1Amount@ charges, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal @Effect2Amount@ (+@f5@) bonus magic damage to up to @Effect3Amount@ targets on hit.
    Luden's EchoSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Echo: Gains charges upon moving or casting. At @Effect1Amount@ charges, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal @Effect2Amount@ (+@f5@) bonus magic damage to up to @Effect3Amount@ targets on hit.Twin ShadowsSells for: @Value@+80 Ability Power
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    +6% Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Trap Detection: Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed.
    UNIQUE Active - Hunt: Summons up to @Effect1Amount@ invulnerable ghosts that seek out the 2 nearest enemy champions for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. If a ghost reaches its target, it reveals the target and reduces their Move Speed by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    If a ghost cannot find a target, it tries to return to the caster. Ghosts that successfully return in this way reduce the item's cooldown by @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).
    Ancient CoinSells for: @Value@+@Effect4Amount@ Move Speed
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect3Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    {{game_item_favorpassive_@f8@}}{{game_item_quest_coinline_inventory_@f5@}}{{game_item_favorgoldtracker_@f5@}}Relic ShieldSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect9Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    {{game_item_spoilsofwar_@f8@}}{{game_item_quest_targonsline_inventory_@f7@}}{{game_item_targonsline_incometracking_@f7@}}Spellthief's EdgeSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@Effect6Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    {{game_item_tributepassive_@f8@}}{{game_item_quest_frostqueensline_inventory_@f5@}}{{game_item_tributegoldtracker_@f5@}}Timeworn Ancient CoinSells for: @Value@+@Effect14Amount@ Move Speed
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect3Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    {{game_item_favorpassiveTT_@f8@}}{{game_item_quest_coinlineTT_inventory_@f5@}}{{game_item_favorgoldtrackerTT_@f5@}}Timeworn Nomad's MedallionSells for: @Value@+@Effect14Amount@ Move Speed
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    {{game_item_favorpassiveTT_@f8@}}{{game_item_quest_coinlineTT_inventory_@f5@}}{{game_item_favorgoldtrackerTT_@f5@}}Timeworn Talisman of AscensionSells for: @Value@+@Effect14Amount@ Move Speed
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect2Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive - Point Runner: Builds up to +@Effect8Amount@% Move Speed over @Effect9Amount@ seconds while near turrets, fallen turrets and Void Gates.
    UNIQUE Active: {{game_spell_subtooltip_ShurelyasCrestTT}} (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown).{{game_item_quest_coinlineTT_inventory_@f5@}}{{game_item_favorgoldtrackerTT_@f5@}}
    Timeworn Relic ShieldSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect9Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    {{game_item_spoilsofwarTT_@f8@}}{{game_item_quest_targonslineTT_inventory_@f7@}}{{game_item_targonslineTT_incometracking_@f7@}}Timeworn Targon's BraceSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@Effect9Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    {{game_item_spoilsofwarTT_@f8@}}{{game_item_quest_targonslineTT_inventory_@f7@}}{{game_item_targonslineTT_incometracking_@f7@}}Timeworn Face of the MountainSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect9Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    UNIQUE Active: Shields you and an ally, absorbing up to @f5@ damage in @Effect4Amount@ seconds. After @Effect4Amount@ seconds, the shields explode to slow nearby enemies by @Effect5Amount*-100@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown).

    Automatically targets the most wounded ally if cast upon self.{{game_item_quest_targonslineTT_inventory_@f7@}}{{game_item_targonslineTT_incometracking_@f7@}}
    Timeworn Spellthief's EdgeSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@Effect6Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    {{game_item_tributepassiveTT_@f8@}}{{game_item_quest_frostqueenslineTT_inventory_@f5@}}{{game_item_tributegoldtrackerTT_@f5@}}Timeworn FrostfangSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    +@Effect6Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    {{game_item_tributepassiveTT_@f8@}}{{game_item_quest_frostqueenslineTT_inventory_@f5@}}{{game_item_tributegoldtrackerTT_@f5@}}Timeworn Frost Queen's ClaimSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect6Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    UNIQUE Active: Summon @Effect8Amount@ icy ghosts for @Effect12Amount@ seconds that seek out nearby enemy champions. Ghosts reveal enemies on contact and slow them by @Effect10Amount*-100@% for between @Effect16Amount@ and @Effect11Amount@ seconds based on how far the ghosts have traveled (@Effect14Amount@ second cooldown.){{game_item_quest_frostqueenslineTT_inventory_@f5@}}{{game_item_tributegoldtrackerTT_@f5@}}
    Scarecrow EffigyCannot be sold(Trinket)Active: Places an Effigy that lasts for @f3@ seconds and appears exactly as Fiddlesticks does to enemies.

    Stores one charge every @f4@ seconds, up to maximum 2 charges.

    Enemy champions approaching an effigy will activate it, causing the effigy to fake a random action, after which the effigy will fall apart.
    Warding TotemSells for: @Value@(Trinket)UNIQUE Active: Places a Stealth Ward that lasts @f3@ seconds.

    Stores one charge every @f4@ seconds, up to @Effect5Amount@ maximum charges.

    Stealth Wards: @f1@ / @f2@ wards placed.

    Current Vision Score: @f6@
    Sweeping LensSells for: @Value@(Trinket)Active: Scans an area, warning against hidden hostile units, and revealing invisible traps and revealing / disabling wards up to @f3@ units away for @Effect1Amount@ seconds in a @f4@ radius (@f2@ second cooldown).

    Wards Found: @f1@

    Current Vision Score: @f6@
    Scrying OrbSells for: @Value@(Trinket)UNIQUE Active: Reveals a small location within @f2@ range for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions found will be revealed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (@Effect4Amount@ second cooldown).

    At level @Effect6Amount@, cast range increases to @Effect5Amount@.
    Soul AnchorSells for: @Value@(Trinket)Active: Consumes a charge to instantly revive at your Summoner Platform and grants 125% Move Speed that decays over 12 seconds.

    Additional charges are gained at levels 9 and 14.

    (Max: 2 charges)
    Arcane SweeperSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Sight: An arcane mist grants vision in the target area for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, revealing enemy champions and granting True Sight of traps in the area for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).

    Current Vision Score: @f6@
    Greater TotemSells for: @Value@(Trinket)UNIQUE Active: Places an invisible ward that reveals the surrounding area for 120 seconds (120 second cooldown).

    Stealth Wards: @f1@ / @f2@ wards placed.
    Greater LensSells for: @Value@(Trinket)UNIQUE Active: Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps, devices and wards for 6 seconds in a medium radius (60 second cooldown).

    Wards Found: @f1@
    Greater OrbSells for: @Value@(Trinket)UNIQUE Active: Reveals an area up to 3500 units away for 2 second. Non-stealthed enemy champions found will be visible for 5 seconds (150 second cooldown.)Greater Stealth TotemSells for: @Value@(Trinket)UNIQUE Active: Places an invisible ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect1Amount@ seconds Stores a charge every @Effect2Amount@ seconds, up to 2 total. Limit 3 Stealth Wards on the map per player.

    Stealth Wards: @f1@ / @f2@ wards placed.
    Greater Vision TotemSells for: @Value@(Trinket)UNIQUE Active: Places a visible ward that reveals the surrounding area and invisible units in the area until killed (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown). Revealing a ward in this manner grants a portion of the gold reward when that unit is killed.

    Vision Wards: @f1@ / @f2@ wards placed.
    Farsight AlterationSells for: @Value@(Trinket)UNIQUE Active: Reveals an area and places a visible fragile ward up to @Effect1Amount@ units away. This ward is untargetable by allies (@f4@ second cooldown).

    Current Vision Score: @f6@
    Oracle LensSells for: @Value@(Trinket)Active: Scans around you, warning against hidden hostile units, and revealing invisible traps and revealing / disabling nearby wards for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (@f2@ second cooldown).

    Wards Found: @f1@

    Current Vision Score: @f6@
    Molten EdgeSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatCritChanceMod*100@% Critical Strike Chance
    UNIQUE Passive: Critical strikes deal @Effect1Amount*100@% damage instead of 200%.Forgefire CapeSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: Burns nearby enemies for @f1@ magic damage per second. Once every @f7@ seconds, your next immobilizing spell deals @f1@ (+@f2@) bonus magic damage and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you. Immolate's damage is increased by @Effect3Amount*100@% to minions and monsters.

    Burn damage dealt to Champions: @f6@
    Rabadon's DeathcrownSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerUNIQUE Passive: Increases Ability Power by @Effect1Amount@% (@f1@).Infernal MaskSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Eternity: @Effect6Amount*100@% of damage taken from champions is gained as Mana. Spending Mana restores @Effect5Amount*100@% of the cost as Health, up to @Effect4Amount@ per spell cast.
    UNIQUE Aura: Nearby enemy champions take @Effect3Amount*100@% more magic damage.
    Obsidian CleaverSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: Dealing physical damage to an enemy champion Cleaves them, reducing their Armor by @Effect2Amount*100@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (stacks up to @Effect4Amount@ times, up to @Effect5Amount*100@%).
    UNIQUE Passive - Rage: Dealing physical damage grants @Effect6Amount@ Move Speed for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Assists on Cleaved enemy champions or kills on any unit grant @Effect8Amount@ Move Speed for @Effect9Amount@ seconds instead. This Move Speed is halved for ranged champions.
    SalvationSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    UNIQUE Active: Target an area within @Effect8Amount@ range. After 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to heal allies for @Effect2Amount@ (+@Effect3Amount@ per level of target) health, burn enemy champions for @Effect4Amount*100@% of their maximum health as true damage, and deal @Effect5Amount@ true damage to enemy minions (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown). Heal and Shield Power is @Effect11Amount@ times as effective on Salvation's heal.

    Can be used while dead.

    Half effect if the target has been affected by another Redemption recently.
    Total Champion Healing: @f1@
    Total Champion Damage: @f2@
    Circlet of the Iron SolariSells for: @Value@+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    UNIQUE Active: Grants a shield to nearby allies that decays over @Effect3Amount@ seconds that absorbs up to @Effect1Amount@ (+@Effect2Amount@ per level) (+@f1@) damage (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).
    Best: @f2@ damage blocked
    Total: @f3@ damage blocked
    Trinity FusionSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Rage: Basic attacks grant @Effect1Amount@ Move Speed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Kills grant @Effect2Amount@ Move Speed instead. This Move Speed bonus is halved for ranged champions.
    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals @f1@ bonus physical damage (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).
    Wooglet's WitchcrownSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    UNIQUE Passive: Increases Ability Power by @Effect1Amount@% (@f1@).
    UNIQUE Active: Champion becomes invulnerable and untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but is unable to move, attack, cast spells, or use items during this time (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).
    Zhonya's ParadoxSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Active - Stasis: Champion becomes invulnerable and untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but is unable to move, attack, cast spells, or use items during this time (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).Frozen FistSells for: @Value@+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals @f1@ bonus physical damage in an area and creates a icy zone of size @f2@ for @Effect3Amount@ seconds that slows Move Speed by @Effect4Amount*-100@% (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).Youmuu's WraithbladeSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect2Amount@ Lethality (Currently negating @f1@ Armor)
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect6Amount@ Move Speed out of Combat
    UNIQUE Active: Grants +@Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed and the ability to move through units for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown).
    Might of the Ruined KingSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal @Effect1Amount*100@% of the target's current Health as bonus physical damage on hit (Melee users deal @Effect2Amount*100@%).
    UNIQUE Active: Deals 100 magic damage to target champion and steals 25% of their Move Speed for 3 seconds (90 second cooldown).

    Minimum bonus physical damage dealt is @Effect3Amount@.
    Maximum bonus physical damage dealt to monsters and minions is @Effect4Amount@.
    User's Life Steal is applied to bonus physical damage dealt.
    Luden's PulseSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Haste: This item gains an additional 10% Cooldown Reduction.
    UNIQUE Passive - Echo: Gains charges upon moving or casting. At @Effect1Amount@ charges, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal @Effect2Amount@ (+@f5@) bonus magic damage to up to @Effect3Amount@ targets on hit.
    'Your Cut'Obtained from PykeClick to Consume: Gain @f1@ gold.

    Bonus gold given to an ally when Pyke executes an enemy champion.
    Remnant of the AspectSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect9Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    {{game_item_spoilsofwar_@f8@}}{{game_item_quest_targonsline_inventory_@f7@}}{{game_item_targonsline_incometracking_@f7@}}Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Sweeping Lens: Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for @Effect4Amount@ seconds in a small radius (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Sweeping Lens: Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for @Effect4Amount@ seconds in a small radius (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Sweeping Lens: Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for @Effect4Amount@ seconds in a medium radius (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown). Active upgrades at 20 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Sweeping Lens: Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for @Effect4Amount@ seconds in a medium radius (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown). Active upgrades at 20 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Sweeping Lens: Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for @Effect4Amount@ seconds in a medium radius and grants detection of invisible units for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Head of Kha'ZixSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Sweeping Lens: Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for @Effect4Amount@ seconds in a medium radius and grants detection of invisible units for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.

    Special Bonus: Rengar has increased vision range while in brush.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Scrying: Reveals a small location within @Effect4Amount@ range for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions found will be revealed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Scrying: Reveals a small location within @Effect4Amount@ range for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions found will be revealed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown). Active upgrades at 6 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Scrying: Reveals a small location within @Effect4Amount@ range for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions found will be revealed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown). Active upgrades at 20 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Scrying: Reveals a small location within @Effect4Amount@ range for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions found will be revealed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown). Active upgrades at 20 Trophies.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Scrying: Reveals a small location within @Effect4Amount@ range for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions found will be revealed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown). Also places a visible ward in the area that lasts @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Head of Kha'ZixSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active - Scrying: Reveals a small location within @Effect4Amount@ range for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions found will be revealed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown).

    UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.

    Special Bonus: Rengar has increased vision range while in brush.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Head of Kha'ZixSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.

    Special Bonus: Rengar has increased vision range while in brush.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    Active - Soul Anchor: Consumes a charge to instantly revive at the Summoner Platform and grants 125% Move Speed that decays over 12 seconds.

    Additional charges are gained at levels 9 and 14.

    (Max: 2 charges)
    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    Active - Soul Anchor: Consumes a charge to instantly revive at the Summoner Platform and grants 125% Move Speed that decays over 12 seconds.

    Additional charges are gained at levels 9 and 14.

    (Max: 2 charges)
    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    Active - Soul Anchor: Consumes a charge to instantly revive at the Summoner Platform and grants 125% Move Speed that decays over 12 seconds.

    Additional charges are gained at levels 9 and 14.

    (Max: 2 charges)
    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    Active - Soul Anchor: Consumes a charge to instantly revive at the Summoner Platform and grants 125% Move Speed that decays over 12 seconds.

    Additional charges are gained at levels 9 and 14.

    (Max: 2 charges)
    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Bonetooth NecklaceSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    Active - Soul Anchor: Consumes a charge to instantly revive at the Summoner Platform and grants 125% Move Speed that decays over 12 seconds.

    Additional charges are gained at levels 9 and 14.

    (Max: 2 charges)
    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.
    Head of Kha'ZixSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Mementos of the Hunt: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy.

    Active - Soul Anchor: Consumes a charge to instantly revive at your Summoner Platform and grants 125% Move Speed that decays over 12 seconds.

    Additional charges are gained at levels 9 and 14.

    (Max: 2 charges)
    3 Trophies: +@Effect1Amount@ Move Speed whilst out of combat or in brush.

    6 Trophies: Leap range is increased by @Effect2Amount@.

    12 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's duration is increased by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    20 Trophies: Thrill of the Hunt's Move Speed while stealthed is doubled.

    Special Bonus: Rengar has increased vision range while in brush.
    Seer Stone(Trinket)UNIQUE Active: Reveals a small area within @Effect1Amount@ range for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemy champions found will be revealed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds (@Effect2Amount@ second cooldown).Ardent CenserSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect5Amount*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive: Whenever you heal or shield an ally, you and your ally gain @Effect2Amount*100@% - @Effect6Amount*100@% Attack Speed and your attacks deal an additional @Effect4Amount@ - @Effect7Amount@ on-hit magic damage for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Total on-hit damage dealt: @f3@

    This does not include regeneration effects. Bonus effects are based on target's level.
    Zz'Rot PortalSells for: @Value@+@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    UNIQUE Passive - Point Runner: Builds up to +@Effect1Amount@% Move Speed over @Effect11Amount@ seconds while near turrets, fallen turrets and Void Gates.
    UNIQUE Active: Spawns a Void Gate for @Effect6Amount@ seconds (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).

    Every @Effect2Amount@ seconds the gate makes a Voidspawn. The first and every fourth Voidspawn gains @Effect8Amount*100@% of maximum Health as damage (@f1@).

    Voidspawn Gold Earned: @f2@
    Voidspawn Tower Damage: @f3@
    Eye of the HeraldSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Glimpse of the Void: The holder of the Eye of the Herald has Empowered Recall.

    UNIQUE Active - Herald's Call: Channel for @Effect2Amount@ seconds to crush the Eye of the Herald, summoning the Rift Herald to siege enemy turrets.

    The Eye of the Herald will be lost to the Void if not used within @Effect1Amount@ seconds.
    {{game_item_displayname_3520}}Sells for: @Value@(Trinket)Active: Command your Ghost Poro to stay in this brush.Black SpearSells for: @Value@Active: Bind with an ally for the remainder of the game, becoming Oathsworn Allies. Oathsworn empowers you both while near one another.RazorfinCost: 5 Silver SerpentsHires a Razorfin to replace an allied melee minion in each lane for the duration of the game.IronbackCost: 5 Silver SerpentsHires a Ironback to replace an allied melee minion in each lane for the duration of the game.PlundercrabCost: 5 Silver SerpentsHires a Plundercrab to replace an allied ranged minion in each lane for the duration of the game.OcklepodCost: 5 Silver SerpentsHires a Ocklepod to replace an allied ranged minion in each lane for the duration of the game.Merc Upgrade 1Cost: 5 Silver SerpentsUpgrades your merc.Merc Upgrade 2Cost: 10 Silver SerpentsUpgrades your merc.Merc Upgrade 3Cost: 5 Silver SerpentsUpgrades your merc.Offense Upgrade 1Cost: 5 Silver SerpentsPermanently increases your mercenary's base Attack Damage by @Effect2Amount@.Offense Upgrade 2Cost: 10 Silver SerpentsPermanently increases your mercenary's base Attack Damage by @Effect1Amount@.Offense Upgrade 3Cost: 20 Silver SerpentsPermanently increases your mercenary's base Attack Damage by @Effect1Amount@.Defense Upgrade 1Cost: 5 Silver SerpentsPermanently increases your mercenary's base HP by @Effect1Amount@
    Defense Upgrade 2Cost: 10 Silver SerpentsPermanently increases your mercenary's base HP by @Effect1Amount@.Defense Upgrade 3Cost: 20 Silver SerpentsPermanently increases your mercenary's base HP by @Effect1Amount@.Siege TeleportCannot be soldUNIQUE Active: Use this trinket to teleport to one of your team's port pads. Can only be used from the summoning platform.Siege BallistaClick to Consume: Places a long range ballista if within @Effect6Amount@ range of an enemy turret. After a @Effect1Amount@ second delay, it will begin firing at the nearest enemy turret, dealing heavy damage. If the targeted turret expires, the ballista will as well.Siege TeleportCannot be soldUNIQUE Active: Use this trinket to teleport to one of your team's port pads. Can only be used from the summoning platform.

    Your team has a second, outer row of port pads that start the game disabled. These will activate once you have either lost an Inhibitor Turret, or all 3 of your outer turrets have fallen.
    Tower: Beam of RuinationSells for: @Value@First Cast: Attach a Beam of Ruination to the target turret that can be fired @Effect1Amount@ times.

    Next Three Casts: Fires the attached beam towards your cursor, dealing @Effect5Amount@/level + @Effect8Amount*100@% of the hit target's maximum health (@Effect6Amount*100@% damage to minions) in magic damage to all targets in a line.

    Beam will last @Effect7Amount@ seconds, or until it has been fired @Effect1Amount@ times.
    Port PadSells for: @Value@Click to Consume:Places a Port Pad at target location. After a @Effect1Amount@ second delay, it activates, allowing you or your allies to teleport to it from base.Tower: Storm BulwarkSells for: @Value@Click to Consume:Makes the target turret invulnerable for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Two seconds before expiry, it unleashes a missile rain, dealing @Effect3Amount*4@ true damage over the remaining time to all nearby enemies.

    Cannot be used on the same turret more than once in @Effect2Amount@ seconds.
    Nexus Siege: Siege Weapon SlotIn Nexus Siege, Summoner Spells are replaced with Siege Weapon Slots. Spend Crystal Shards to buy single-use Siege Weapons from the item shop, then use your Summoner Spell keys to activate them!Flash ZoneSells for: @Value@Click to Consume:Creates a magic zone for your team for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. While in this zone, you and your allies have your summoner spells replaced by an instant cast blink that moves you to any location in the zone (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown).Vanguard BannerSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Place a vanguard banner at target location. After a @Effect7Amount@ second delay, any nearby minions will be granted a buff, increasing their damage by @Effect2Amount*100@%, and granting them @Effect3Amount@ Armor and @Effect4Amount@ Magic Resistance while within range.Siege RefundRefunds all purchased Siege Weapons for their full price.Entropy FieldSells for: @Value@Click to Consume: Places an Entropy Field at target location for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Enemy minions and Siege Ballistas trapped in the field are unable to move or attack while in the field. Enemy champions in the field have their Move Speed reduced by @Effect3Amount@%.
    Shield TotemSells for: @Value@Click to Consume:Places a Shield Totem at target location. After a @Effect1Amount@ second delay, the totem will activate, granting a @Effect3Amount@ (+@Effect8Amount@ per additional Shield Totem) strength shield to all nearby Siege Weapons.Siege Teleport (Inactive)Sells for: @Value@Your team can increase your Crystal Shards income via creating a Crystal Generator. If one is not currently active, a number of inactive Crystal Generators will appear scattered throughout the map. Channeling on one of these generators will activate it and, after a short delay, it will begin generating Crystal Shards based on its proximity to the enemy base. You may channel on it again to move it.

    Your team's Crystal Generator has produced @f1@/@f2@ Crystal Shards.
    Siege Sight WarderCannot Be Sold(Trinket)UNIQUE Active: Places a Stealth Ward that lasts @Effect1Amount@ seconds (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown).Typhoon ClawsSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Phantom Hit: Basic Attacks grant Malice Charges upon hitting an enemy. After @Effect3Amount@ stacks, your next 3 attacks will be at maximum attack speed, but deal @Effect4Amount*-100@% damage. Charges expire after @Effect1Amount@ seconds.

    ''That is not the pounding of the rain.''
    $BaseName$ - WarriorSells for: @Value@$BaseStats$
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction

    $BaseName$ - CinderhulkSells for: @Value@$BaseStats$
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@EnchantmentEffect2Amount*100@% Bonus Health (+@f3@)
    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: Deals @f6@ magic damage a second to nearby enemies while in combat. Deals @EnchantmentEffect4Amount@% bonus damage to monsters.

    $BaseName$ - Runic EchoesSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Echo: Gain charges upon moving or casting. At @EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ charges, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ (+@f5@) bonus magic damage to up to @EnchantmentEffect3Amount@ targets on hit. This effect deals @EnchantmentEffect5Amount@% damage to Large Monsters. Hitting a Large Monster with this effect will restore @EnchantmentEffect6Amount@% of your missing Mana.

    $BaseName$ - DevourerSells for: @Value@$BaseStats$
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ (+@f2@) Magic Damage on Hit
    UNIQUE Passive - Devouring Spirit: Takedowns on large monsters and champions increase the magic damage of this item by +1. Takedowns on Rift Scuttlers and Rift Herald increase the magic damage of this item by +2. Takedowns on Dragon and Baron increase the magic damage of this item by +5. At @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ Stacks, your Devourer becomes Sated, granting extra on Hit effects.

    $BaseName$ - BloodrazorSells for: @Value@$BaseStats$
    +@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal @EnchantmentEffect1Amount*100@% of the target's maximum Health in bonus physical damage (max @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ vs. monsters and minions) on hit.

    Frosted SnaxActive - Feed The King: The King lobs many projectiles at far-away enemies, each dealing @f2@ magic damage to targets in the center of the impact, scaling down to @f1@ on the edge. (@Effect2Amount@s cooldown)Super Spicy SnaxActive - Feed The King: The King breathes fire for @Effect1Amount@ seconds, dealing @f1@ true damage over the duration to enemies caught in the cone. Deals up to @Effect5Amount@ true damage to Turrets. (@Effect2Amount@s cooldown)Espresso SnaxActive - Feed The King: The king leaps into the air and crashes down twice, knocking enemies away and dealing @f1@ physical damage. He also gains a decaying shield for @Effect5Amount@% of his maximum health, lasting @Effect6Amount@ seconds. (@Effect2Amount@s cooldown)Rainbow Snax Party Pack!Active - Feed The King: The King tosses many Snax behind the enemy, attracting Poros which dash back towards him. Enemy champions hit will be knocked forwards and dealt @f1@ physical damage. (@Effect2Amount@s cooldown)Dawnbringer SnaxActive - Feed The King: The King draws you to himself. For up to 4 seconds, you are untargetable and pacified. You may mouse click to fly to target position, stopping at the first enemy champion hit and knocking all enemies in a small radius back. The shockwave from your flight deals @f1@ physical damage in a cone. (@Effect2Amount@s cooldown)Nightbringer Snax!Active - Feed The King: The King summons dark winds to himself, then fires them back out in a spiral, dealing @f1@ physical damage and knocking enemies Airborne. (@Effect2Amount@s cooldown)Cosmic ShacklePassive - Cosmic Shackle: Death Sentence pulls much farther (based on the target's Missing Health), and can be ignited by the Dark Star to do more damage.

    ''A still more glorious dawn awaits.''
    Singularity LanternPassive - Singularity Lantern: Dark Passage automatically saves disabled allies. However, it no longer provides a shield.

    ''The stars call to us.''
    Dark Matter ScythePassive - Dark Matter Scythe: Flay's on-hit passive charges damage very quickly. Flay will throw enemies much farther (based on their Missing Health).

    ''If you want to make a Singularity from scratch, you must first destroy the universe.''
    Gravity Boots+50 Move SpeedPassive - Mass Conversion: Thresh's Health represents how far enemy pulls and pushes will send him. At lower Health, he will be thrown farther.

    Passive - Terminus Dwellers: Abyss Scuttlers emerge periodically, and will scurry towards the Dark Star when attacked. Gravitational disturbances will temporarily attract many of them.
    Cloak of StarsPassive - Stellar Spirit: Upon spawning, Thresh is invulnerable, untargetable, cannot cast, and is able to travel in open space. This is lost when stepping foot on stable ground.

    Being saved by Dark Passage or using Death Sentence on one of the three Gravity Anchors will briefly put you into this invulnerable state and break enemy chains on you.
    Dark Star SigilPassive - Stellar Fealty: Thresh cannot kill units directly - their souls, experience, and gold belong to the Dark Star.

    Pulling or pushing an enemy into the Dark Star will destroy them instantly, scoring points for your team (+5, or +1 for Abyss Scuttlers).

    Winning a round requires 100 points, and the final points must be from a champion kill.
    Stalker's BladeSells for: @Value@+@Effect6Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters{{ game_item_jungle_chilling_smite_tooltip }}
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip }}
    Spirit of the ForestSells for: @Value@+@Effect1Amount@ Damage To Monsters
    +@Effect2Amount@ Monster Damage Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: Restore @Effect3Amount*100@% of damage dealt to monsters as Health and @Effect4Amount*100@% as Mana.Heart of FurySells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@Effect7Amount@ Armor Penetration
    +@Effect6Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    Passive: Deal +@Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage vs. monsters and +@Effect2Amount@ additional damage vs. champions.
    Passive: Restore @Effect3Amount*100@% of damage dealt to monsters as health and @Effect4Amount*100@% as mana.
    Passive: After killing @Effect5Amount@ large monsters, your Smite can target players, dealing @f1@ true damage and slowing them by 50% for 2 seconds.
    Ready To Upgrade Kindled SpiritSells for: @Value@+@Effect2Amount@ Damage To Monsters
    +@Effect1Amount@ Monster Damage Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: Restore @Effect3Amount*100@% of damage dealt to monsters as Health and @Effect4Amount*100@% as Mana. Health gains are increased based on missing health.
    UNIQUE Passive: Your Kindled Spirit is ready to upgrade. You can buy a Feral Flare or Primal Flare in the store.
    Tracker's KnifeSells for: @Value@+@Effect9Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters
    +@Effect3Amount*100@% Base Mana Regen while in Jungle
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip }}
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for @Effect10Amount@ seconds. Holds up to 2 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Stealth Wards: @f1@ / 3 wards placed.
    Tracker's Knife - WarriorSells for: @Value@+40 Attack Damage
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    +10 Armor Penetration
    +@Effect8Amount@ Gold per Large Monster Kill
    Passive - Scavenging Smite: When you Smite a large monster in the enemy jungle, you gain half a charge of Smite. If you kill that monster, you gain +@Effect7Amount@ bonus Gold, and you gain 175% increased Move Speed decaying over 2 seconds.

    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.

    Harvest - Gold Earned: @f1@

    Tracker's Knife - RuneglaiveSells for: @Value@+@Effect11Amount@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@Effect12Amount*100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect8Amount@ Gold per Large Monster Kill
    Passive - Scavenging Smite: When you Smite a large monster in the enemy jungle, you gain half a charge of Smite. If you kill that monster, you gain +@Effect7Amount@ bonus Gold, and you gain 175% increased Move Speed decaying over 2 seconds.

    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.

    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals @f2@ bonus magic damage on hit (@Effect13Amount@ second cooldown). When directly attacking a monster, the bonus damage is reapplied in an AoE around the target, and @Effect15Amount*100@% of your missing Mana is restored.

    Harvest - Gold Earned: @f1@

    Tracker's Knife - CinderhulkSells for: @Value@+@Effect24Amount@ Health
    +@Effect23Amount@% Bonus Health (+@f3@)
    +@Effect8Amount@ Gold per Large Monster Kill
    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: Deals @f6@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies. Deals @Effect18Amount@% bonus damage to minions and monsters.
    Passive - Scavenging Smite: When you Smite a large monster in the enemy jungle, you gain half a charge of Smite. If you kill that monster, you gain +@Effect7Amount@ bonus Gold, and you gain 175% increased Move Speed decaying over 2 seconds.

    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.

    Harvest - Gold Earned: @f1@
    Tracker's Knife - DevourerSells for: @Value@+@Effect22Amount@% Attack Speed
    +@Effect24Amount@ (+@f2@) Magic Damage on Hit
    +@Effect8Amount@ Gold per Large Monster Kill
    Passive - Scavenging Smite: When you Smite a large monster in the enemy jungle, you gain half a charge of Smite. If you kill that monster, you gain +@Effect7Amount@ bonus Gold, and you gain 175% increased Move Speed decaying over 2 seconds.

    Passive - Devouring Spirit: Takedowns on Large Monsters and champions increase the magic damage of this item by +1. Takedowns on Rift Scuttlers increase the magic damage of this item by +2. Takedowns on Epic Monsters increase the magic damage of this item by +5. At @Effect23Amount@ Stacks, your Devourer becomes Sated, granting extra On Hit effects.
    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.

    Harvest - Gold Earned: @f1@
    Tracker's Knife - Sated DevourerSells for: @Value@+@Effect22Amount@% Attack Speed
    +@Effect24Amount@ Magic Damage on Hit
    +@Effect9Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters
    +@Effect3Amount*100@% Base Mana Regen while in Jungle
    UNIQUE Passive - Tooth / Nail: Basic attacks deal @Effect2Amount@ bonus damage vs. monsters. Damaging a monster steals @Effect1Amount@ Health over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Killing a Large Monster grants +@Effect5Amount@ bonus experience.
    UNIQUE Passive - Phantom Hit: Every other basic attack will trigger a phantom attack that triggers all on Hit effects a second time. Ranged champions trigger this every fourth attack.
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Stealth Wards: @f1@ / 3 wards placed.
    Cultivator's StaffSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive - Feeding the Fires: Killing large monsters feeds your Kindled Spirit. After @Effect5Amount@ kills, Kindled Spirit transforms into Feral Flare.

    Passive: Deal @Effect1Amount@ magic damage on hit to Monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health and @Effect3Amount@ Mana per second while in combat with Monsters.
    Ranger's TrailblazerSells for: @Value@+@Effect3Amount*100@% Base Mana Regen while in Jungle
    +@Effect9Amount*100@% Move Speed while in Jungle
    Passive - Blasting Smite: Smite deals damage in an area, dealing half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Health and Mana.
    UNIQUE Passive - Tooth and Nail: +@Effect2Amount*100@% damage versus monsters. Damage a monster to steal @Effect1Amount@ Health over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Grants +@Effect5Amount@ bonus experience upon killing a Large Monster.
    Ranger's Trailblazer - WarriorSells for: @Value@+40 Attack Damage
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    +10 Armor Penetration
    +@Effect5Amount@ Gold per Large Monster Kill
    Passive - Blasting Smite: Smite deals damage in an area, dealing half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Health and Mana.

    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.

    UNIQUE Passive - Warrior's Wrath: Burn enemies for 6% of the physical damage you deal as true damage over the next 3 seconds.
    Ranger's Trailblazer - RuneglaiveSells for: @Value@+@Effect11Amount@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@Effect12Amount*100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@Effect5Amount@ Gold per Large Monster Kill
    Passive - Blasting Smite: Smite deals damage in an area, dealing half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Health and Mana.

    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.

    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals @f2@ bonus magic damage on hit (@Effect13Amount@ second cooldown). When directly attacking a monster, the bonus damage is reapplied in an AoE around the target, and @Effect15Amount*100@% of your missing Mana is restored.
    Ranger's Trailblazer - CinderhulkSells for: @Value@+@Effect24Amount@ Health
    +@Effect23Amount@% Bonus Health (+@f3@)
    +@Effect5Amount@ Gold per Large Monster Kill
    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: Deals @f6@ magic damage per second to nearby enemies. Deals @Effect18Amount@% bonus damage to monsters.
    Passive - Blasting Smite: Smite deals damage in an area, dealing half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Health and Mana.
    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.
    Ranger's Trailblazer - DevourerSells for: @Value@+@Effect22Amount@% Attack Speed
    +@Effect24Amount@ (+@f2@) Magic Damage on Hit
    +@Effect5Amount@ Gold per Large Monster Kill
    Passive - Blasting Smite: Smite deals damage in an area, dealing half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Health and Mana.

    Passive - Devouring Spirit: Takedowns on large monsters and champions increase the magic damage of this item by +1. Takedowns on Rift Scuttlers increase the magic damage of this item by +2. Takedowns on epic monsters increase the magic damage of this item by +5. At @Effect23Amount@ Stacks, your Devourer becomes Sated, granting extra on Hit effects.
    Passive - Jungler: Deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage to monsters over @Effect4Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@ Health Regen and @Effect3Amount@ Mana Regen per second while under attack from neutral monsters.
    Ranger's Trailblazer - Sated DevourerSells for: @Value@+@Effect22Amount@% Attack Speed
    +@Effect24Amount@ Magic Damage on Hit
    +@Effect3Amount*100@% Base Mana Regen while in Jungle
    +@Effect9Amount*100@% Move Speed while in Jungle
    Passive - Blasting Smite: Smite deals damage in an area, dealing half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for @Effect7Amount@ seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Health and Mana.
    UNIQUE Passive - Tooth and Nail: +@Effect2Amount*100@% damage versus monsters and damaging a monster steals @Effect1Amount@ Health over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Upon killing a Large Monster, gain an additional +@Effect5Amount@ bonus experience.
    UNIQUE Passive - Phantom Hit: Every other basic attack will trigger a phantom attack that triggers all on Hit effects a second time. Ranged champions trigger this every fourth attack.
    Skirmisher's SabreSells for: @Value@+@Effect11Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters{{ game_item_jungle_challenging_smite_tooltip }}
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip }}
    Dead Man's PlateSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    UNIQUE Passive - Dreadnought: While moving, build stacks of Momentum, increasing Move Speed by up to @Effect1Amount@ at @Effect2Amount@ stacks. Momentum decays while under the effect of a stun, taunt, fear, polymorph, or immobilize effect.
    UNIQUE Passive - Crushing Blow: Basic attacks deal @Effect3Amount@ magic damage per stack of Momentum, discharging all stacks. At max stacks, if the attacker is melee, they also slow the target by @Effect4Amount*-100@% for @Effect5Amount@ second.

    ''There's only one way you'll get this armor from me...'' - forgotten namesake
    Staff of Flowing WaterSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    UNIQUE Passive - Mana Font: Restores 2% of missing Mana every 5 seconds.
    UNIQUE Passive: Gain @Effect2Amount*100@% Move Speed and @Effect4Amount@ Mana Regen per 5 seconds while in the river.

    ''News travels fast along the Ionian riverside.''
    PuppeteerSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    +@Effect1Amount*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Mana Font: Restores @Effect2Amount@% of missing Mana every @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks Mark champions with a string for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Moving further than @Effect8Amount@ range away from marked champions will break the string.
    UNIQUE Active: Pull all champions Marked by Puppeteer within @Effect8Amount@ range towards you. Units move a maximum of @Effect7Amount@ distance (@Effect9Amount@ second cooldown).

    ''Perhaps reading this wasn't your idea.''
    Titanic HydraSells for: @Value@(Melee Only)
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    UNIQUE Passive - Cleave: Basic attacks deal @f2@ bonus physical damage to your target and @f1@ bonus physical damage to other enemies in a cone on hit.
    UNIQUE Active - Crescent: Cleave damage to all targets is increased to @f3@ bonus physical damage in a larger cone for your next basic attack (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown).
    Bami's CinderSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ HealthUNIQUE Passive - Immolate: Burns nearby enemies for @f1@ magic damage per second. Once every @f7@ seconds, your next immobilizing spell deals @f1@ (+@f2@) bonus magic damage and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you. Immolate's damage is increased by @Effect3Amount*100@% to minions and monsters.

    Burn damage dealt to Champions: @f6@
    Righteous GlorySells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Active: Grants @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed when moving towards enemies or enemy turrets for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Once near an enemy (or after @Effect2Amount@ seconds) a shockwave is emitted, slowing nearby enemy champion Move Speed by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect4Amount@ second(s) (@Effect5Amount@ second cooldown).

    Shockwave Takedowns: @f1@
    Crystalline BracerSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    Lost ChapterSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    UNIQUE Passive - Haste: +10% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: Upon levelling up, restores @Effect7Amount*100@% of your maximum Mana over @Effect8Amount@ seconds.
    Death's DanceSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    +@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: Heal for @Effect1Amount*100@% of damage dealt. This is 33% as effective for Area of Effect damage.
    UNIQUE Passive: @f1@% of damage taken is dealt as a Bleed effect over @Effect3Amount@ seconds instead.
    Edge of NightSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    UNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount@ Lethality (Currently negating @f1@ Armor)
    UNIQUE Passive - Spell Shield: Grants a spell shield that blocks the next enemy ability. This shield refreshes after no damage is taken from enemy champions for 40 seconds.
    Trickster's GlassSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    UNIQUE Passive - Eyes of Pain: +@Effect3Amount@ Magic Penetration
    UNIQUE Active - Disguise: Teleport to target ally and take on their appearance for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Casting a spell or attacking breaks the deception (@Effect2Amount@ second cooldown).

    ''Faces can not but lie.''
    Globe of TrustSells for: @Value@+@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    UNIQUE Active - Safe Harbor: Lobs a bubble that shields nearby allies for @Effect2Amount@ Health and generates gold equal to @Effect3Amount*100@% of the damage absorbed (maximum of @Effect5Amount@ gold per cast) (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown). Self cast shields will not generate gold from Monster damage.

    Bubble gold generated: @f1@

    ''Theft is better with accomplices.''
    Swindler's OrbSells for: @Value@+@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    UNIQUE Active - Swindler's Shield: Shield ally for @Effect2Amount@ Health and generate gold equal to @Effect3Amount*100@% of the damage absorbed (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown). Self cast shields will not generate gold from Monster damage.

    Bubble gold generated: @f1@

    ''Partners in crime.''
    MurksphereSells for: @Value@+@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen

    UNIQUE Active - Swindler's Shield: Shield ally for @Effect2Amount@ Health and generate gold equal to @Effect3Amount*100@% of the damage absorbed (@Effect1Amount@ second cooldown). Self cast shields will not generate gold from Monster damage.

    Bubble gold generated: @f1@

    ''Profit makes fast friends.''
    Spellthief's EdgeSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.

    QUEST - @f4@/@Effect4Amount@: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold to upgrade to Frostfang, gaining UNIQUE Active - Warding.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)
    FrostfangSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.

    QUEST - @f4@/@Effect4Amount@: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold to upgrade to Shard of True Ice.

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Place a Stealth Ward. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Stealth Wards: @f3@ / 3 wards placed.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)
    Shard of True IceSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Place a Stealth Ward. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Stealth Wards: @f3@ / 3 wards placed.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)
    Steel ShoulderguardsSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen

    QUEST - @f4@/@Effect4Amount@: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold to upgrade to Runesteel Spaulders, gaining UNIQUE Active - Warding.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)
    Runesteel SpauldersSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen

    QUEST - @f4@/@Effect4Amount@: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold to upgrade to Pauldrons of Whiterock.

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Place a Stealth Ward. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Stealth Wards: @f5@ / 3 wards placed.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)
    Pauldrons of WhiterockSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Place a Stealth Ward. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Stealth Wards: @f5@ / 3 wards placed.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)
    Relic ShieldSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen

    QUEST - @f4@/@Effect4Amount@: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold to upgrade to Targon's Buckler, gaining UNIQUE Active - Warding.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)
    Targon's BucklerSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen

    QUEST - @f4@/@Effect4Amount@: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold to upgrade to Bulwark of the Mountain.

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Place a Stealth Ward. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Stealth Wards: @f5@ / 3 wards placed.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)
    Bulwark of the MountainSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Place a Stealth Ward. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Stealth Wards: @f5@ / 3 wards placed.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)
    Spectral SickleSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.

    QUEST - @f4@/@Effect4Amount@: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold to upgrade to Harrowing Crescent, gaining UNIQUE Active - Warding.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)
    Harrowing CrescentSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings grant @Effect2Amount@ gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.

    QUEST - @f4@/@Effect4Amount@: Earn @Effect4Amount@ gold to upgrade to Black Mist Scythe.

    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Place a Stealth Ward. Holds up to 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Stealth Wards: @f3@ / 3 wards placed.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)
    Black Mist ScytheSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@Effect1Amount@ Gold Per 10 Seconds
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    UNIQUE Active - Warding: Place a Stealth Ward. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Stealth Wards: @f3@ / 3 wards placed.

    (Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.)
    Death's DaughterSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive: Cannon Barrage additionally fires a mega-cannonball at center of the Barrage, dealing 300% true damage and slowing them by 60% for 1.5 seconds. Raise MoraleSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Passive: Allies in the Cannon Barrage gain 30% Move Speed for 2 seconds.Twin ShadowsSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@Effect16Amount@% Move Speed
    +@Effect1Amount@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Active - Spectral Pursuit: Summons 2 spooky ghosts that hunt down nearby champions, revealing and Haunting them on contact.

    Haunted enemies are slowed by @Effect13Amount@% for up to @Effect14Amount@ seconds based on the distance the ghosts travel. (@Effect9Amount@ second cooldown).
    SpellbinderSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@Effect1Amount@% Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive: Nearby allied and enemy spellcasts charge Spellbinder up to a cap (@Effect2Amount@ maximum).
    UNIQUE Active: Currently grants @f2@ Ability Power and @f1@% decaying Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Each spellcast stored contributes +@Effect5Amount@ Ability Power and +@Effect3Amount@% Move Speed to the effect. (@Effect6Amount@ second cooldown).
    Oblivion OrbSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    UNIQUE Passive - Touch of Death: +@Effect1Amount@ Magic PenetrationFlesheater (Melee Only)Sells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks build Flesh charges. After 5 basic attacks, the Flesheater active will be ready.
    UNIQUE Active - Flesheater: Rip the flesh from target enemy minion dealing @Effect4Amount@ (+@Effect5Amount*100@% AD) true damage to the target, healing the user for @Effect2Amount@ (+@Effect3Amount*100@% AD) health and adding 1 Flesh stack to the item.

    UNIQUE Passive: Each stack on Flesheater adds @Effect6Amount@ AD to the wielder.

    Bonus Attack Damage: @f1@

    ''No need to sharpen after use.''
    GhostwalkersSells for: @Value@UNIQUE Active: Become Spectral for @Effect1Amount@ seconds, ignoring terrain collision. While inside terrain, gain @Effect3Amount@ Move Speed and become untargetable, stealthed, and silenced. Cannot be used within @Effect5Amount@ seconds of taking damage. (@Effect4Amount@ second cooldown)
    UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Move Speed
    Deceptive TimepieceSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerUNIQUE Passive:You take half damage. The other half is deferred until later. Every @Effect1Amount@ seconds, all deferred damage is dealt to you at once.LifelineSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageUNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount@ Lethality
    UNIQUE Active: Mark your current location. After @Effect2Amount@ seconds, you will return to the marked location (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).
    Spectral CutlassSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack DamageUNIQUE Passive: +@Effect1Amount@ Lethality
    UNIQUE Active: Mark your current location. After @Effect2Amount@ seconds, you will return to the marked location (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).
    Deceptive TimepieceSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability PowerUNIQUE Passive - Touch of Death: +@Effect2Amount@ Magic Penetration
    UNIQUE Passive:You take half damage. The other half is deferred until later. Every @Effect1Amount@ seconds, all deferred damage is dealt to you at once.
    UNIQUE Passive:Whenever you would take more than half of your current health in damage, reduce that damage by @Effect3Amount@ .
    Bloodletter's VeilSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    UNIQUE Passive - Touch of Death: +@Effect1Amount@ Magic Penetration
    UNIQUE Passive: After hitting an enemy champion with a damaging ability, gain a spell shield for @Effect2Amount@ seconds that blocks 1 incoming spell (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).
    {{ game_item_displayname_4026 }}Sells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatArmorMod@ Armor
    UNIQUE Passive: Upon taking lethal damage, immediately Cleanse all crowd control effects, refresh basic ability cooldowns, and become immune to death for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. At the end of that period, you die. (@Effect3Amount@ second cooldown).Pridestalker's BladeSells for: @Value@{{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip_GMX }}Pridestalker's Blade - WarriorSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    {{ game_item_jungle_chilling_smite_tooltip }}
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip_GMX }}
    Pridestalker's Blade - CinderhulkSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@EnchantmentEffect2Amount*100@% Bonus Health (+@f3@)
    UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: Deals @f6@ magic damage a second to nearby enemies while in combat. Deals @EnchantmentEffect4Amount@% bonus damage to minions and monsters.
    {{ game_item_jungle_chilling_smite_tooltip }}
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip_GMX }}
    Pridestalker's Blade - Runic EchoesSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    UNIQUE Passive - Echo: Gain charges upon moving or casting. At @EnchantmentEffect1Amount@ charges, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ (+@f5@) bonus magic damage to up to @EnchantmentEffect3Amount@ targets on hit. This effect deals @EnchantmentEffect5Amount@% damage to Large Monsters. Hitting a Large Monster with this effect will restore @EnchantmentEffect6Amount@% of your missing Mana.
    {{ game_item_jungle_chilling_smite_tooltip }}
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip_GMX }}
    Pridestalker's Blade - BloodrazorSells for: @Value@+@PercentAttackSpeedMod*100@% Attack Speed
    +@Effect6Amount*100@% Life Steal vs. Monsters
    UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal @EnchantmentEffect1Amount*100@% of the target's maximum Health in bonus physical damage (max @EnchantmentEffect2Amount@ vs. monsters and minions) on hit.
    {{ game_item_jungle_chilling_smite_tooltip }}
    {{ game_item_jungle_tooth_nail_tooltip_GMX }}
    Doran's Lost ShieldSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ HealthPassive: Restores @FlatHPRegenMod*5@ Health every 5 seconds.
    Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional @Effect3Amount@ physical damage to minions on hit.
    UNIQUE Passive: Regain an additional @Effect4Amount*10@ health over @Effect2Amount@ seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion.
    Doran's Lost BladeSells for: @Value@+@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentLifeStealMod*100@% Life Steal
    Doran's Lost RingSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@FlatMPRegenMod*5@ Mana per 5 seconds
    Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ physical damage to minions on hit.Doran's Lost IdolSells for: @Value@+@FlatMagicDamageMod@ Ability Power
    +@PercentBaseMPRegenMod*100@% Base Mana Regen
    +@Effect1Amount*100@% Heal and Shield Power
    Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ physical damage to minions on hit.Philosopher's MedallionSells for: @Value@+@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@Effect3Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    {{game_item_favorpassive_@f8@}}{{game_item_favorgoldtracker_@f5@}}Heart of TargonSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@Effect9Amount@ Gold per 10 seconds
    Force of NatureSells for: @Value@+@FlatSpellBlockMod@ Magic Resist
    +@PercentBaseHPRegenMod*100@% Base Health Regen
    +@PercentMovementSpeedMod*100@% Move Speed
    UNIQUE Passive: Restores @f1@ Health every second.Innervating LocketSells for: @Value@+@FlatHPPoolMod@ Health
    +@FlatMPPoolMod@ Mana
    +@FlatPhysicalDamageMod@ Attack Damage
    +@PercentCooldownMod*-100@% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive - Eternity: @Effect6Amount*100@% of damage taken from champions is gained as Mana. Spending Mana restores @Effect5Amount*100@% of the cost as Health, up to @Effect4Amount@ per spell cast.

    UNIQUE Passive: After using an ability, restore @Effect2Amount*100@% missing Health and @Effect3Amount*100@% missing Mana over @Effect1Amount@ seconds.
    UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: Damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage per unique spell cast. If there is a nearby ally Champion, it also grants @Effect2Amount@ Gold. This can occur up to @Effect4Amount@ times every @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Killing minions and non-epic monsters slows Tribute and gold generation.UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: Damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage per unique spell cast. If there is a nearby ally Champion, it also grants @Effect2Amount@ Gold. This can occur up to @Effect4Amount@ times every @Effect5Amount@ seconds.REWARD - Queen's Tribute: Damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage and grant @Effect2Amount@ Gold per unique spell cast. When you trigger Queen's Tribute, you are hasted by @Effect18Amount*100@% for @Effect19Amount@ second (additional stacks extend duration). This effect can occur up to @Effect4Amount@ times every @Effect5Amount@ seconds.UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: Damaging spells and attacks against champions or buildings deal @Effect1Amount@ additional magic damage per unique spell cast. If there is a nearby ally Champion, it also grants @Effect2Amount@ Gold. This can occur up to @Effect4Amount@ times every @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Before quest completion, killing minions and non-epic monsters slows Tribute and gold generation.Eye of AscensionNomad's EyeCelestial EyeEye of FrostEye of the Aspect

    Stealth Wards: @f3@ / 3 wards placed.

    Stealth Wards: @f5@ / 3 wards placed.Gain increased Move Speed, ramping up to 25-50% Move Speed over 1 second, while chasing enemy champions. After ramping up, damaging attacks or abilities to champions end this effect, dealing 20-180 (+0.25 bonus AD)(+0.15 AP) bonus adaptive damage.

    Cooldown: 120s-60s.
    UNIQUE Active - Predator:
    {{ game_itemmod_bloodmoonboots }}
    Gained from Predator Rune

    UNIQUE Active - Predator:
    {{ game_itemmod_bloodmoonboots }}
    Gained from Predator Rune
  1892. Slightly Magical Boots: Gain an additional 10 Move Speed.The game is no longer running. Please feel free to play a new game.LVL %dVSConnecting to Mainframe...Doom Bots of DoomLoadingNot ConnectedReadySummoningWarning: Your video card drivers are out of date. Go to the manufacturer's website for update instructions.Dodge Up!Critical Up!CleansedRebirth on CooldownDeath Defied!Double Strike!Grounded!Gwen Is ImmuneCan't Be Slowed!Already has a Conduit!Must Damage First!Must Be Airborne!Spell Immune!Can't Be Disabled!Disable Reduced!Out of Mana!Range Up!Undying Rage!Can't Be Displaced!Can't Be Interrupted!Can't Be Moved!Parried!Deflect: Blocked!EnvironmentThe oldest and most venerated Field of Justice is known as Summoner's Rift. This battleground is known for the constant conflicts fought between two opposing groups of Summoners. Traverse down one of three different paths in order to attack your enemy at their weakest point. Work with your allies to siege the enemy base and destroy their Headquarters!Deep in the Shadow Isles lies a ruined city shattered by magical disaster. Those who venture inside the ruins and wander through the Twisted Treeline seldom return, but those who do tell tales of horrific creatures and the vengeful dead.The newest and most venerated battleground is known as Summoner's Rift. Traverse down one of three different paths in order to attack your enemy at their weakest point. Work with your allies to siege the enemy base and destroy their Nexus!The Howling Abyss is a bottomless crevasse located in the coldest, cruelest, part of the Freljord. Legends say that, long ago, a great battle took place here on the narrow bridge spanning this chasm. No one remembers who fought here, or why, but it is said that if you listen carefully to the wind you can still hear the cries of the vanquished tossed howling into the Abyss.WIP map for updates to Summoner's RiftButcher's Bridge is the massive dilapidated bridge looming above the slaughter-docks. Once an ancient stone bridge that led to a temple entrance, it's been kept up haphazardly and now makes the perfect battleground for an all-random fray.The Cosmic Ruins are a corrupted corner of a once-great world that has been harvested and ejected into the vast emptiness of space. A black hole looms in the center of the map, pulling all survivors into the infinite depths of the Dark Star.WIP Map for updates to the Howling AbyssThe Crystal Scar was once known as the mining village of Kalamanda, until open war between Demacia and Noxus broke out over control of its vast underground riches. Settle your disputes on this Field of Justice by working with your allies to seize capture points and declare dominion over your enemies!WIP mapCommonNexus BlitzThe Twisted TreelineSummoner's Rift WIPButcher's BridgeCosmic RuinsValoran City ParkSubstructure 43Crash SiteHowling Abyss WIPThe Crystal ScarThe Crystal Scar WIPPre-Season 2015 BetaBattle as a team of three to capture altars and siege the enemy nexus in this fast-paced game mode.Use a randomly selected champion to crush your lane, dive into epic five-on-five team fights, and destroy the enemy nexus.Play as a random champion and fire off your abilities nonstop in this Ultra-Rapid game mode.Choose your favorite Assassin and hunt your way to victory in this Featured Game Mode.Crush your lane, dive into epic five-on-five team fights, and destroy the enemy nexus in League's premier competitive mode.Battle with friends against the Doom Bots of Doom and their evil overlord in this fast survival style game mode.Venture to a long forgotten Ionian temple and destroy the enemy Nexus while completing a set of outrageous challenges—win the fight quickly, or the Nexus will do it for you!Vote for and play five copies of the same champion! If no champion wins a strict majority, a random champion will be drawn from the pool of votes.Practice your favorite champion in this solo Summoner's Rift training gym.A frigid fate awaits your foes! Fling spells and snowballs in this icy twist on ARURF, featuring League's coolest champions.Tutorial Part 1Tutorial Part 2Tutorial Part 3Take another Champion's Ultimate Ability in place of one of your Summoner Spells and devise a powerful combo to surprise your enemies.Fire off your abilities nonstop in this Ultra-Rapid game mode.WIPMODEWIPWIPMODEWIP2Ten randomly-selected champions assemble on a narrow bridge in a frozen land. Cross to the other side and destroy everything in your path.Ten randomly-selected champions battle over a narrow bridge in the heart of Bilgewater. Cross to the other side and destroy everything in your path.Throw Poros at each other, summon the legendary Poro King, then feed him snax to push together to victory.Portals have been unleashed upon the Howling Abyss! Ride them together as you push to victory.Play as Thresh and feed souls to the Dark Star to trigger the Singularity in this quick, round-based 3v3 mode set on the Cosmic Ruins.Join the crew of the Morningstar on their search for Ora and Adventure in this 5-player co-op battle!Fight together as Star Guardians against the invading monsters to save the city in this 5 player co-op battle!Stalk through the streets of PROJECT Substructure 43. Choose your Marksman, overcharge, and crush the opposing team. Now with Teemo Holograms.Assemble a squad of champions that battle on your behalf. Outlast all seven of your opponents and become the last person standing.%s%sThe Star Guardian Ahri announcer is enabled!The Esports Shoutcaster announcers are enabled!Custom announcers can be toggled on or off in Options -> SoundLeague's 10th Anniversary map accents are enabled!April Fools map accents are enabled!Lunar Revel map accents are enabled!Odyssey minions and Baron are enabled!They can be toggled on or off in Options -> VideoArcade map accents are enabled!MSI map accents are enabled!Worlds map accents are enabled!Pool Party map accents and minions are enabled!Popstar map accents are enabled!PROJECT minions are enabled!Snowdown map skin and accents are enabled!Star Guardian minions are enabled!Tales From The Rift map accents are enabled!Trials map accents are enabled!URF map accents are enabled!The Odyssey Kayn announcer is enabled!The PROJECT announcer is enabled!The Pyke announcer is enabled!The Dark Star Thresh announcer is enabled!Failed to ConnectNetwork WarningLoading TimeoutConnection FailedReplay CorruptData InvalidRequest FailedData UnavailableDownload FailedGame Not FoundReplay Not FoundReplay version does not match game versionBasic TutorialAFK warningWarning: You must become active so that you will not be disconnected. Long periods of idleness and leaving in Matchmade games will be punished by the LeaverBuster System.Unable to connect to the server. Please check your network connection and attempt to reconnect to your game.You have disconnected. Would you like to reconnect?You have been disconnected for prolonged inactivity. The game will now exit.You have disconnected. Please check your internet connection and try again.Your loading time has exceeded the server timeout limit, please try to reconnect to the game.The game has been paused.The game has been paused.

    Pause time remaining:
    %02d:%02dThe game has been paused.

    Game resuming soon:
    The game has been paused.

    Pause time remaining:
    %02d:%02dReconnecting ... Please wait.Unable to reconnect. The game will now exit.Connection to spectator server failed. Would you like to retry?Connection to spectator server failed. The game will now exit.This replay file has been corrupted and cannot be launched. Please delete and try downloading the file again.Spectator data invalid. The game will now exit.Spectator server data request failed. The game will now exit.Spectator data unavailable. Would you like to retry?Spectator data unavailable. The game will now exit.Unable to download spectator data. The game will now exit.The game ended without a result and will now exit.Game not found in server for spectating. The game will now exit.Failed to open replay. The game will now exit.This replay was created by an older version of League of Legends (%s). You are running version %s. These versions are incompatible. The game will now exit.The game has been unpaused.
    Play will resume in:
    %dPress OK to continue.%i:bigbounty% Enemy Objective BountyThe enemy team will receive increased gold for destroying:
  1893. Towers
  1894. Dragons
  1895. Rift Herald or Baron%i:bigbounty% Allied Objective BountyYour team will receive increased gold for destroying:
  1896. Towers
  1897. Dragons
  1898. Rift Herald or BaronminutesChampion Balance Buff{{ game_mode_tooltip_ChampionBalanceBuff_DamageDealtModifier_@f10@ }}{{ game_mode_tooltip_ChampionBalanceBuff_DamageTakenModifier_@f11@ }}{{ game_mode_tooltip_ChampionBalanceBuff_HealAmountModifier_@f12@ }}{{ game_mode_tooltip_ChampionBalanceBuff_ShieldAmountModifier_@f13@ }}{{ game_mode_tooltip_ChampionBalanceBuff_CurrentMinionDamageMultiplierTooltip_@f14@ }}{{ game_mode_tooltip_ChampionBalanceBuff_MSAmountMultiplierTooltip_@f15@ }}Source: @SourceName@ARURFBlood MoonDark Star: SingularityShowdownLegend of the Poro KingOdyssey: ExtractionOverchargeSnow Battle ARURFInvasionUltimate SpellbookURFDoom BotsOdysseySnow ARURF
    AOE damage against minions is @f5@% as effective.
    This unit deals @f1@% of its normal damage.
    This unit receives @f2@% of its normal damage.
    This unit's heals are @f3@% as effective.
    +@f6@% Bonus Movement Speed
    This unit's shields are @f4@% as effective.%.0fgStand on your allies to save them!Don't forget to buy items before powering up the portal!Killing Demon Herald = 25 PointsKilling Champions = 5 PointsKilling Spirits = 3 PointsDefeat the enemy team to secure the sectorIntercept 5 Augmentation shipments to become OverchargedKills: 1 pointOvercharged kills: 5 pointsVoid OozeThis unit has reduced Move Speed.(Plating @CurrentPlates@/@MaxPlates@)@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ (Evolved) - @CooldownRemaining@s@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ (Evolved) - Not enough Mana@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ (Evolved) - Ready@SrcNameWithColon@Shadow Assassin - ready to transform!@SrcNameWithColon@Shadow Assassin - @CooldownRemaining@ seconds@SrcNameWithColon@Shadow Assassin - @TimerText@@SrcNameWithColon@Darkin - ready to transform!@SrcNameWithColon@Darkin - @CooldownRemaining@ seconds@SrcNameWithColon@Darkin - @TimerText@@SrcNameWithColon@is early in the transformation process.@SrcNameWithColon@is midway to transformation.@SrcNameWithColon@is very near transformation!@SrcName@ is falling back from the @DstName@@SrcName@ signals @DstSummoner@ - (@DstName@) to fall back@SrcName@ signals to be careful@SrcName@ signals everyone to back away from @DstSummoner@ - (@DstName@)@SrcName@ signals everyone to fall back from the @DstName@@SrcNameWithColon@Ora Collected: @CurrentProgress@%@SrcName@ enemy has vision here@SrcName@ is asking for assistance@SrcName@ signals everyone to get back@SrcName@ signals that enemies are missing@SrcName@ is on the way@SrcNameWithColon@@Gold@ Gold@SrcNameWithColon@@ResourceName@ @ResourcePercent@%@SrcNameWithColon@@DisplayName@ - Can purchase@SrcNameWithColon@@DisplayName@ - Unable to purchase@SrcNameWithColon@@DisplayName@ - Need @ShortGold@ gold@SrcNameWithColon@@ItemOwnerNameOptional@@DisplayName@ - 1 charge@SrcNameWithColon@@ItemOwnerNameOptional@@DisplayName@ - @ChargesRemaining@ charges@SrcNameWithColon@@ItemOwnerNameOptional@@DisplayName@ - @CooldownRemaining@s@SrcNameWithColon@@ItemOwnerNameOptional@@DisplayName@@SrcNameWithColon@@ItemOwnerNameOptional@@DisplayName@ - Ready@SrcNameWithColon@@CampName@ - Alive@SrcNameWithColon@@CampName@ - Spawning in @Timer@@SrcNameWithColon@@CampName@ - Respawn time unknown@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - @CooldownRemaining@s@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Ready (In range: No Targets)@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Ready (Slightly out of range: @SubA@)@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Ready (In range: @SubA@)@SrcNameWithColon@Ping is @Latency@ ms@SrcName@ is defending the @DstName@ @DstPercentHP@ @ObjBountyInfo@@SrcName@ has targeted @DstSummoner@ - (@DstName@)@SrcName@ has targeted the @DstName@ @DstPercentHP@ @ObjBountyInfo@@SrcNameWithColon@Passive - @CooldownRemaining@s@SrcNameWithColon@Passive - Ready@SrcNameWithColon@@DstName@ @PerkName@@SrcNameWithColon@@PerkName@@SrcNameWithColon@@DstName@ - Alive@SrcNameWithColon@@DstName@ - Respawning in @RespawnTime@s@SrcNameWithColon@@DstName@ @SlotName@ - @CooldownRemaining@s@SrcNameWithColon@@DstName@ @SlotName@ - Not learned yet@SrcNameWithColon@@DstName@ @SlotName@ - Ready@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - @CurrentAmmo@ / @MaxAmmo@ charges@SrcNameWithColon@@DstName@ @SlotName@@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Not enough @AbilityResourceName@@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Not learned yet@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Ready@SrcNameWithColon@Ability Haste @Total@ @SrcNameWithColon@Ability Power @Total@ @SrcNameWithColon@Armor @Total@ @SrcNameWithColon@Armor Pen @FlatTotal@ | @PercentTotal@% @SrcNameWithColon@Attack Damage @Total@ @SrcNameWithColon@Attack Range @Total@ @SrcNameWithColon@Attack Speed @Total@ @SrcNameWithColon@Cooldown Reduction @Total@ @SrcNameWithColon@Critical Strike Chance @Total@ @SrcNameWithColon@Health Regen @Total@ @SrcNameWithColon@Life Steal @Total@ @SrcNameWithColon@Magic Pen @FlatTotal@ | @PercentTotal@% @SrcNameWithColon@Magic Resist @Total@ @SrcNameWithColon@Move Speed @Total@ @SrcNameWithColon@Resource Regen @Total@ @SrcNameWithColon@Physical Vamp @PercentPhysicalVampMod@% | Omni Vamp @PercentOmnivampMod@%@SrcNameWithColon@Tenacity @Total@ @SrcNameWithColon@@DstName@ @DisplayName@ - @CooldownRemaining@s@SrcNameWithColon@@DstName@ @DisplayName@ - Ready@SrcNameWithColon@@DisplayName@ - @CooldownRemaining@s@SrcNameWithColon@@DstName@ @DisplayName@@SrcNameWithColon@@DisplayName@ - Ready@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Soul Fragments: 0 / @f5@@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - @Cooldown@s@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Charging Demonflare@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Demonflare Ready@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Ready, @f4@ / @f5@ Soul Fragments@SrcNameWithColon@Team Score: @Score1@ vs @Score2@@CurrentScore@/@MaxScore@@SrcNameWithColon@Poro Hits: @Score1@ vs @Score2@@SrcNameWithColon@Obliterator Charge: @Score2@@CurrentScore@You must wait before using more emotes.You must wait before issuing more pings.@SrcNameWithColon@@PercentToNextLevel@% towards Level @NextLevel@@SrcNameWithColon@@DstName@ - Level @CurrentLevel@@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - @CooldownRemaining@s (@SubA@)@SrcNameWithColon@Archangel's Staff - @SubA@ / @SubB@ Mana@SrcNameWithColon@Manamune - @SubA@ / @SubB@ Mana@SrcNameWithColon@Tear of the Goddess - @SubA@ / @SubB@ Mana@SrcNameWithColon@Winter's Approach - @SubA@ / @SubB@ Mana@SrcNameWithColon@Duskblade of Draktharr - Spotted@SrcNameWithColon@Duskblade of Draktharr - Unseen@SrcNameWithColon@'Your Cut' - @SubA@ Gold from @SubB@ Execute(s)@SrcNameWithColon@Eye of the Herald - @SubA@ seconds remaining@SrcNameWithColon@Hullbreaker - You're too close: (@SubA@)!@SrcNameWithColon@Hullbreaker - I'm hunting alone.@SrcNameWithColon@Hullbreaker - I want to be alone: (@SubA@)@SrcNameWithColon@@DisplayName@ - @SubA@ gold to quest completion@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Not enough Mana, @SubA@s Remaining on Stacks@ObjectiveType@ has no bounty. with a %i:bounty% @OBBountyValue@G bounty@ObjectiveType@ has a %i:bounty% @BountyValue@G Allied bounty. @ObjectiveType@ has a %i:bounty% @BountyValue@G Enemy bounty. @SrcNameWithColon@Challenging Smite - Ready - @SubA@ True Damage@SrcNameWithColon@Challenging Smite - @SubB@s - @SubA@ True Damage@SrcNameWithColon@Chilling Smite - Ready - @SubA@ True Damage@SrcNameWithColon@Chilling Smite - @SubB@s - @SubA@ True Damage@SrcNameWithColon@Smite - Ready - @SubA@ True Damage@SrcNameWithColon@Smite - @SubB@s - @SubA@ True Damage@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - @CooldownRemaining@s (@SubA@ Stacks)@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Not enough Mana (@SubA@ Stacks)@SrcNameWithColon@@SlotName@ - Ready (@SubA@ Stacks)Turrets have a %i:bounty% @BountyValue@G | @BountyValue2@G Allied bounty (Outer | Other).Turrets have a %i:bounty% @BountyValue@G | @BountyValue2@G Enemy bounty (Outer | Other).+%.0fg10 Kills = Damage Reduction20 Kills = Gold30 Kills = TenacitySurvive for 15 minutes!Defeat Devil Teemo!Total Score: @IntParam1@Defeat all the monsters!Augment Bonus: @IntParam1@You completed Onslaught with @IntParam2@ empty Augment slots. 80,000 points earned for each.Difficulty Score: @IntParam1@@IntParam1@ points earned for completing this difficultyFinal Score: @IntParam1@Life Score: @IntParam1@10,000 points earned for each player who didn't die during this stage.Stage Complete: @IntParam1@@IntParam1@ points earned for completing this stage.Time Score: @IntParam1@@IntParam2@ seconds of bonus time left. 200 points earned for each.Average Score for Run: @IntParam1@Total Rank for Run: ATotal Rank for Run: A+Total Rank for Run: BTotal Rank for Run: B+Total Rank for Run: CTotal Rank for Run: C+Total Rank for Run: DTotal Rank for Run: STotal Rank for Run: S+Total Score for Run: @IntParam1@Defeat the Big One and save the city! (Target time: @IntParam1@s)Defeat the Big One and save the city!Reach the goal area! (Target time: @IntParam1@s)Reach the goal area!Survive the onslaught! (Target time: @IntParam1@s)Survive the onslaught!Defeat all monsters! (Target time: @IntParam1@s)Defeat all monsters!Clear Score: @IntParam1@Huge Monster Clear Score: @IntParam1@Boss Clear Score: @IntParam1@Survival Bonus: +@IntParam1@Objective Clear! (Time: @IntParam1@.@IntParam2@s)Encounter Rank: AEncounter Rank: A+Encounter Rank: BEncounter Rank: B+Encounter Rank: CEncounter Rank: C+Encounter Rank: DEncounter Rank: SEncounter Rank: S+Time Bonus: +@IntParam1@Total Encounter Score: @IntParam1@Attack-Smite Epic Monsters, Scuttle Crab, and your Team's Red or Blue buffAttack-Smite has no cooldown but only works on the speified monsters.Lissandra is an abomination. Ashe must eliminate her to protect her people.Sejuani cannot be reasoned with. Ashe must defeat her to build a better future for the Freljord.Go to a lane before minions spawn and allied bots will move to cover the other open lanes.Press 'T' To Use ThemThe Hunt is On!Kha'Zix must kill Rengar first to become the ultimate predator. (Assists count.)

    ''I have grown and adapted since I took his eye. I will feast on lion!'' - Kha'Zix
    Ashe is a powerful symbol to her people. Lissandra must kill her, so they will fall in line.Sejuani is too reckless and powerful to control. Lissandra must put her down.The Hunt is On!Rengar must kill Kha'Zix first to become the ultimate hunter. (Assists count.)

    ''This twisted monster has evaded me for too long. I will have his head!'' - Rengar
    Ashe's peaceful alliance must be broken. Sejuani must kill her and rule with strength.Lissandra is an abomination. Sejuani must crush her to purify the Freljord.Choose your lane!Emotes Are Here!The Hunt is On!Battle for FreljordsecondsTo unlock the Cadet difficulty, win a game of Odyssey: Extraction on Intro or join a friend who already has.To unlock the Crewmember difficulty, win a game of Odyssey: Extraction on Cadet or join a friend who already has.To unlock the Captain difficulty, win a game of Odyssey: Extraction on Crewmember or join a friend who already has.To unlock the Onslaught difficulty, win a game of Odyssey: Extraction on Captain or join a friend who already has.Kayn gains @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed, becomes Ghosted, and can move through Terrain for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. When he first enters terrain, he restores @TotalHealing@ Health.

    Being Immobilized and spending more than @Effect3Amount@ consecutive seconds outside of Terrain ends this Ability early.

    Shadow Assassin: Gain @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed, Slow immunity, and reduce the Cooldown to @AssassinCDReduction@ seconds.Kayn gains @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed, becomes Ghosted, and can move through Terrain for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. When he first enters terrain, he restores @TotalHealing@ Health.

    Being Immobilized and spending more than @Effect3Amount@ consecutive seconds outside of Terrain ends this Ability early.Kayn the Shadow Assassin fights Rhaast the Darkin Slayer for control. One will win, the other will die.

    Damaging ranged champions charges the Shadow Assassin, and damaging melee champions charges the Darkin Slayer. At full charge, Kayn can permanently transform at his fountain.

    Shadow Assassin: After entering combat Kayn's Attacks and Abilities deal an additional @KaynAssBonusDamage@ damage dealt magic damage for 3 seconds. This only occurs if Kayn has been out of combat for 8 seconds or used Umbral Trespass.

    Darkin Slayer: Kayn heals for @KaynSlayerHealing@ of physical damage dealt to champions.The Shadow Assassin has won.

    Shadow Assassin: After entering combat Kayn's Attacks and Abilities deal an additional @KaynAssBonusDamage@ damage dealt magic damage for 3 seconds. This only occurs if Kayn has been out of combat for 8 seconds or used Umbral Trespass.The Darkin Slayer has won.

    Darkin Slayer: Kayn heals for @KaynSlayerHealing@ of physical damage dealt to champions.Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    Kayn dashes then spins his scythe, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to enemies he passes through, then deals the damage again to nearby enemies.

    Darkin Slayer: Instead deal @DarkinFlatDamage@ plus @DarkinPercentDamage@ max Health physical damage.Kayn dashes then spins his scythe, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage to enemies he passes through, then deals the damage again to nearby enemies.Kayn infests an enemy champion he has recently damaged, becoming untargetable for up to @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Reactivate to end this effect early. When Umbral Trespass ends, the target takes @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage.

    Shadow Assassin: Gains extra range for entering and exiting Kayn's target and refreshes The Darkin Scythe on exit.

    Darkin: Deals percent maximum health damage and heals for a percentage of target maximum health.Kayn infests an enemy champion he has recently damaged, becoming untargetable for up to @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Reactivate to end this effect early. When Umbral Trespass ends, the cooldown of The Darkin Scythe is reset, the target takes @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage and Kayn is propelled an extended distance from his victim.Rhaast infests an enemy champion he has recently damaged, becoming untargetable for up to @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Reactivate to end this effect early. When Umbral Trespass ends, the target takes @f5@% of their maximum health as physical damage and Rhaast heals for @f6@% of his target's maximum health.Kayn swipes his scythe upward, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing enemies hit by @Effect3Amount*-100@%, decaying over @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Shadow Assassin: Kayn can move while using this Ability and increases its range.

    Darkin Slayer: Additionally Knocks Up enemies hit for @Effect2Amount@ second.Kayn swipes his scythe upward, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing enemies hit by @Effect3Amount*-100@%, decaying over @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Shadow Assassin: Kayn can move while using this Ability and increases its range.Kayn swipes his scythe upward, dealing @TotalDamage@ physical damage and Slowing enemies hit by @Effect3Amount*-100@%, decaying over @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Darkin Slayer: Additionally Knocks Up enemies hit for @Effect2Amount@ second.PredatorGain increased Move Speed, ramping up to 25-50% Move Speed over 1.5 seconds, while chasing enemy champions. After ramping up, damaging attacks or abilities to champions end this effect, dealing 20-180 (+0.25 bonus AD)(+0.15 AP) bonusadaptive damage.@f15@s %i:cooldown%Nunu begins to sap the area of heat, slowing all nearby enemies. When Absolute Zero ends, he deals massive damage to all enemies caught in the area.Relentless Assault AttackAurelion Sol gains speed while moving in one continuous direction, and can take off flying for a long distance.Aurelion Sol pushes his stars farther out, magnifying their damage.Azir can summon the Disc of the Sun from the ruins of a turret.The meeps that follow Bard assist with his basic attacks, dealing magic damage. As Bard collects chimes, they get slowing and area-of-effect powers while also increasing in number.Reveals a healing shrine which powers up over a short time, disappearing after healing the first ally that touches it.This unit's attacks slow the target and burn them over several seconds. If the buff holder is slain, this buff is transferred to their killer.Lee Sin cripples nearby enemies damaged by Tempest, reducing their Move Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Move Speed recovers gradually over the duration.Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by Sonic Wave, dealing physical damage based on the target's missing Health.Lee Sin's intense training allows him to thrive in battle. For @Effect8Amount@ seconds, Lee Sin gains Lifesteal and Spell Vamp.No descriptionBrand's spells light his targets ablaze, dealing 8% of their maximum Health in magic damage over 4 seconds. Brand's autoattacks apply Blaze to minions and monsters. (Max: 80 damage per second vs. Monsters) Brand conjures a powerful blast at his target, dealing magic damage to them. If the target is ablaze, Conflagration spreads to nearby enemies.Brand unleashes a devastating torrent of fire, dealing magic damage each time it bounces, up to 5 bounces. Bounces prioritize stacking Blaze to max on Champions. If a target is ablaze, Pyroclasm will briefly slow them.Braum Basic AttackDeals damage over time.Caitlyn Headshots targets she has trapped or netted for bonus damage. Additionally, she gains a free headshot every few basic attacks; attacks while in brush count as 2.Caitlyn sets a trap to find sneaky yordles. When sprung, the trap reveals and immobilizes the enemy champion for 1.5 seconds.Camille pulls herself to a wall, leaping off and knocking up enemies upon landing.Willump takes a bite out of a target minion, monster, or enemy champion, dealing heavy damage to it and healing himself.Whenever a nearby enemy dies around Amumu, their corpse explodes dealing damage to all surrounding enemy units.Darius leaps to an enemy champion and strikes a lethal blow, dealing true damage. This damage is increased for each stack of Hemorrhage on the target. At Rank 3, if Noxian Guillotine is a killing blow, its cooldown is completely refreshed.Darius's attacks and damaging abilities cause enemies to bleed for physical damage over 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.Diana swings her blade to unleash a bolt of lunar energy that deals damage in an arc before exploding. Afflicts enemies struck with the Moonlight debuff, revealing them if they are not stealthed. Diana dashes to an enemy and deals magic damage. Lunar Rush has no cooldown when used to teleport to a target afflicted with Moonlight.Diana draws in and slows all nearby enemies. Passively grants Diana attack speed after spell casts.Like a basic attack, but better in every way. Just like Teemo.You really shouldn't stand that close to a mushroom that big, you know.These darts are big, pitchfork-ey, and make it very difficult to seeOne does not simply walk into the Dark Side.Deals damage over time and reduces damage dealt.Draven hurls two massive axes to deal physical damage to each unit struck. Whirling Death slowly reverses direction and returns to Draven after striking an enemy champion. Draven may also activate this ability while the axes are in flight to cause it to return early. Deals less damage for each unit hit and resets when the axes reverse direction.Ekko splits the timeline, creating an anomaly after a few seconds that slows enemies caught inside. If Ekko enters the anomaly, he gains shielding and triggers a detonation, stunning enemies by suspending them in time.Transforms into a menacing spider, reducing her attack range in exchange for Move Speed and new abilities.Basic attacks from Elise's Spiderlings.Evelynn's first cast of Whiplash after entering her passive, Demon Shade, deals increased damage and moves her to her target.Evelynn fires a line of spikes through an enemy, dealing damage to all enemies in its path.With a flap of her wings, Anivia blasts a freezing gust of wind at her target, dealing a low amount of damage. If the target was recently stunned by Flash Frost or damaged by a fully formed Glacial Storm, the damage they take is doubled.Galio fires two windblasts that converge into a large tornado.Galio grants damage reduction to an ally. After a delay Galio smashes down on the ally's original location, knocking up nearby enemies.Cancel your active Glacial Storm.Gragas rolls his cask to a location, which can be activated to explode or will explode on its own after 4 seconds. Enemies struck by the blast have their Move Speed slowed.Reactivate to detonate the barrel early. Enemies struck by the blast have their Move Speed slowed.Graves fires an explosive shell dealing heavy damage to the first champion it hits. After hitting a champion or reaching the end of its range, the shell explodes dealing damage in a cone. Graves dashes forward gaining an Armor boost for several seconds. If Graves dashes towards an enemy champion, gain two stacks of True Grit instead. Hitting enemies with basic attacks lowers the cooldown of this skill and refreshes the resistance boost. Shaco creates an illusion of himself near him, which can attack nearby enemies (Deals reduced damage to turrets). Upon death, it explodes, spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes and dealing damage to nearby enemies. Shaco creates an illusion of himself near him, which can attack nearby enemies (Deals reduced damage to turrets). Upon death, it explodes, spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes and dealing damage to nearby enemies.Heimerdinger UPGRADES!!! his CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade, lobbing a bouncing grenade that discharges three times. It slows for 80% and its slow and stun radiuses are larger.Heimerdinger UPGRADES!!! his H-28G Evolution Turret, placing an enormous turret that slows targets, charges beams twice as fast, and has splash damage, increased range, damage, and health.Heimerdinger UPGRADES!!! his Hextech Micro-Rockets, firing four waves of long-range rockets that converge on his cursor. Heimerdinger fires long-range rockets that converge on his cursor. The Rift Herald charges at enemies and turrets, dealing massive damage and knocking enemies aside.The Rift Herald swipes its claw at nearby enemies and turrets, dealing massive damage.Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him increased combat stats.Irelia fires a massive number of blades that explode outward upon hitting an enemy champion. Enemies hit by the blades are damaged and Marked. Afterwards the blades form a wall that will damage, slow and disarm enemies that walk through it.Irelia charges a strike that deals more damage as she charges. She takes reduced damage during the charge.Slows all enemies caught in its blizzardCleaves the area around you, dealing physical damage based on your Attack Damage.The first basic attack on an enemy deals bonus physical damage. This effect cannot occur again on the same target for a short duration.Jinx modifies her basic attacks by swapping between Pow-Pow, her minigun and Fishbones, her rocket launcher. Attacks with Pow-Pow grant Attack Speed, while attacks with Fishbones deal area of effect damage, gain increased range, and drain Mana.Jinx fires a super rocket across the map that gains damage as it travels. The rocket will explode upon colliding with an enemy champion, dealing damage to it and surrounding enemies based on their missing Health. Kai'Sa briefly increases her Move Speed, then increases her attack speed.

    Living Weapon: Supercharge is upgraded to briefly grant Invisibility.***When Kalista and her Oathsworn both basic attack the same target within 1.5 seconds, they deal bonus damage.Kalista passive collects the souls of those she kills to fight for her. Activate to send one out as a scout.Passively gain Attack Damage when near her Oathsworn ally, and deal bonus damage when striking the same target.

    Activate to send a soul to scout out the path, revealing the area in front of it.Karma increases the destructive power of her Inner Flame, creating a cataclysm slowing all enemies in the area and dealing damage after a brief delay.Karthus passively steals energy from his victims, gaining Mana on each kill. Alternatively, Karthus can surround himself in the souls of his prey, dealing damage to nearby enemies, but quickly draining his own Mana. Karthus unleashes a delayed blast at a location, dealing damage to nearby enemies.Katarina picks up her Dagger, slashing through all nearby enemies for massive damage.For the first few seconds in combat with enemy champion, Kayn deals extra magic damage.Kennen morphs into a lightning form, enabling him to pass through units and apply a Mark of the Storm. Kennen gains defense and Move Speed when entering this form, and attack speed when leaving it.Kennen throws a fast moving shuriken towards a location, causing damage and adding a Mark of Storm to any opponent that it hits.Kennen throws a fast moving lightning shuriken at a target enemy, causing damage and adding a Mark of Storm to any opponent that it hits.Kha'Zix leaps to an area, dealing physical damage upon landing. If he chooses to Evolve Wings, Leap's range increases by 200, and the cooldown resets on champion kill or assist.Taste Their Fear deals bonus damage to targets Isolated away from their allies.Lamb fires a carefully placed shot, slowing the target. Following up with three additional attacks causes Wolf to pounce on the target, savaging them for huge damage.When summoned, the Poro King descends gracefully from the skies above, dealing magic damage to enemies in an area around his impact.Upon dying, Kog'Maw starts a chain reaction in his body which causes him to detonate after 4 seconds, dealing true damage to surrounding enemies.Malphite slams the ground, sending out a shockwave that deals magic damage based on his Armor as damage and reduces the Attack Speed of enemies for a short duration.When LeBlanc falls below 40% health, she becomes invisible for 1 second and creates a Mirror Image that deals no damage and lasts for up to 8 seconds.Leona raises her shield to gain Armor and Magic Resist. When the duration first ends, if there are nearby enemies, she will deal magic damage to them and prolong the duration of the effect.Leona calls down a beam of solar energy, dealing damage to enemies in an area. Enemies in the center of the area are stunned, while enemies on the outside are slowed. Afterward, Leona's sword is charged with the power of the sun and deals bonus magic damage for a few attacks.Leona's spells afflict enemies with Sunlight for a short duration. When allied Champions deal damage to those enemies, they consume the Sunlight to deal bonus magic damage.Freezes nearby enemies in ice, dealing magic damage and rooting them. Lucian shoots a missile that explodes in a star shape, marking enemies. Lucian gains Move Speed for attacking marked enemies.Pix and Lulu each fire a bolt of magical energy that heavily slows all enemies it hits. An enemy can only be damaged by one bolt.Master Yi attacks his enemy twice.Grants Annie and Tibbers increased percentage Damage Resist and damages enemies who attack with basic attacks.Wukong becomes Invisible for a short duration, leaving behind a decoy that will deal Magic Damage to enemies near it when Wukong's stealth expires.Wukong's next attack deals additional physical damage, gains range, and reduces the enemy's Armor for a short duration.Wukong dashes to target enemy and sends out images to attack up to 2 additional enemies near his target, dealing physical damage to each enemy struck.Wukong's staff grows outward and he spins it around, dealing damage and knocking up enemies. Wukong gains Move Speed over the duration of the spell.Mordekaiser curses an enemy champion or the Dragon, stealing a percent of their life initially and each second. If the target dies while the spell is active, their soul is enslaved and will follow Mordekaiser as a ghost.Mordekaiser curses an enemy, stealing a percent of their life initially and each second. If the target dies while the spell is active, their soul is enslaved and will follow Mordekaiser as a ghost.Coats an ally in magnetic metal, increasing each unit's Move Speed toward one another. While near one another, the metal swirls violently dealing damage per second to enemies.Mordekaiser tears the spirits away from his enemies, slowing them for a duration.Mordekaiser's next three attacks deal escalating bonus damage.Mordekaiser cannot be slowed, and death is merely an inconvenience.Mordekaiser can smash his mace on the ground, then knock back an enemy.Mordekaiser pulls a target into the Realm of the DeadMordekaiser deals damage to enemies in a cone in front of him. For each unit hit, Mordekaiser's shield absorbs energy.Mordekaiser gains a powerful shield.A star falls from the sky at the target location dealing magic damage and slowing enemies. If an enemy champion is hit by Starcall, Soraka Bot recovers health and gains Move Speed when moving away from enemy champions.Soraka Bot sacrifices a portion of her own health to heal another friendly champion.Empowers an allied champion for a short duration. The ally's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage and slow the target.Nautilus' basic attacks deal increased physical damage and roots his target briefly. Staggering blow cannot trigger more than once every few seconds on the same target.Nunu packs and throws a series of snowballs, damaging and slowing targets. Willump roots those targets in place if they remain close for the spell's duration.Willump rolls a giant snowball while Nunu steers!Malphite starts to hit with such force that his attacks deal damage to all units in front of him. Passively increases his Armor (this amount is tripled while Granite Shield is active).Olaf throws an axe to target location, dealing damage to enemies it passes through and slowing their Move Speed. If Olaf picks up the axe, the ability's cooldown is reduced by 4.5 seconds.Olaf throws an axe into the ground at a target location, dealing damage to enemies it passes through and slowing their Move Speed. If Olaf picks up the axe, the ability's cooldown is reduced by 4.5 seconds.Olaf's Attack Speed is increased, he gains Life Steal and has increased healing from all sources based on how much Health he is missing.Olaf temporarily becomes immune to disables.Orianna commands the Ball to release a pulse of energy, dealing magic damage around it. This leaves a field behind that speeds up allies and slows enemies.Orianna commands her Ball to attach to an allied champion, shielding them and dealing magic damage to any enemies it passes through on the way. Additionally, the Ball grants additional Armor and Magic Resist to the champion it is attached to.Ornn advances, breathing fire and shielding himself. Enemies hit by the final gout of flame become Brittle.Blitzcrank super charges himself to get dramatically increased Movement and Attack Speed. He is temporarily slowed after the effect ends.Poppy passively gains Armor and Magic Resist. This bonus increases when she is low on Health. Poppy can activate Steadfast Presence to stop enemy dashes around her and gain Move Speed.The Poro King periodically throws Poros around himself, dealing magic damage to enemies in an area where they land.The Poro King shoots out ice missiles which deal magic damage on impact.The Poro King breathes fire that deals true damage to all units and turrets hits.The Poro King leaps into the air and crashes down twice, knocking enemies away and dealing physical damage.The Poro King shoots out Snax that attract Poros which will dash towards him, knocking enemies along with them.Blitzcrank charges up his fist to make his next attack deal double damage and pop his target up in the air.Pyke dashes and leaves behind a phantom that will return to him, stunning enemies along its path.Pyke either stabs enemies in front of him or pulls an enemy towards him.Pyke blinks to and executes low health enemies, allowing him to cast this spell again and granting additional gold to an ally who assists. Quinn and Valor deal physical damage to nearby enemies as Valor returns to the skies.Valor periodically marks enemies as Vulnerable. Quinn's first basic attack against Vulnerable targets will deal bonus physical damage.Rek'Sai bites her target, dealing double and True Damage if she has max Fury.Rek'Sai's next 3 basic attacks deal bonus Physical Damage to nearby enemies.

    While Burrowed, Rek'Sai launches a burst of void-charged earth that deals Physical Damage and reveals enemies hit..Rek'Sai dives underground and leaps towards her target, dealing massive damage.Renekton slashes his target twice, dealing moderate physical damage and stuns them for 0.75 seconds. If Renekton has more than 50 Fury, he slashes his target three times, dealing high physical damage and stuns them for 1.5 seconds.Renekton deals bonus damage to enemies under half health.This unit deals empowered damage to champions.Riven empowers her keepsake weapon with energy, and gains Attack Damage and Range. During this time, she also gains the ability to use Wind Slash, a powerful ranged attack, once. Riven shoots a shockwave outward that deals damage to all enemies hit, increasing based on how much Health they are missing.Blitzcrank fires his right hand to grab an opponent on its path, dealing damage and dragging it back to him.Rumble fires off a group of rockets, creating a wall of flames that damages and slows enemies. Rumble torches opponents in front of him, dealing magic damage in a cone for 3 seconds. While in Danger Zone this damage is increased. Rumble launches a taser, electrocuting his target with magic damage and slowing their Move Speed. Rumble can carry 2 harpoons at a time. While in Danger Zone the damage and slow percentage is increased. Rumble launches mortars into the air dealing damage and slowing targets it hits. Rumble's attack while OverheatingRumble pulls up a shield, protecting him from damage and granting him a quick burst of speed. While in Danger Zone, the shield strength and speed bonus is increased. Ryze releases an orb of pure magical power that damages an enemy and debuffs them. Ryze's spells have additional effects against the debuffed enemy.Passively, Ryze's other damaging spells reset Overload and charge runes that can be used to empower Overload.

    On cast, Ryze throws a charge of pure energy in a line, dealing damage to the first enemy struck. If the max number of runes are charged, Ryze gains a brief burst of Move Speed.Ryze creates a portal to a nearby location. After a few seconds, allies standing near the portal are teleported to the target location.Ryze traps a target enemy unit in a cage of runes, damaging them and preventing them from moving.Using his primal elemental magic, Malphite sends a shard of the earth through the ground at his foe, dealing damage upon impact and stealing Move Speed for 4 seconds.Sejuani swings her mace twice, dealing damage and applying Frost stacks.Shyvana strikes twice on her next attack. Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Twin Bite by 0.5 seconds.

    Dragon Form: Twin Bite cleaves all units in front of Shyvana. Shyvana strikes twice on her next attack.

    Dragon Form: Twin Bite cleaves all units in front Shyvana.Shyvana unleashes a fireball that deals damage to the first enemy it encounters and leaves cinders on the target for 5 seconds.

    Dragon Form: Flame Breath engulfs all units in a cone in front of her.Shyvana unleashes a fireball that deals damage to the first enemy it encounters and leaves cinders on the target that reduce their Armor for 5 seconds.

    Dragon Form: Flame Breath engulfs all units in a cone in front of her.Shyvana surrounds herself in fire, dealing magic damage per second to nearby enemies and moving faster for 3 seconds. The Move Speed reduces over the duration of the spell.

    Dragon Form: Burnout scorches the ground beneath it, enemies on the scorched earth continue to take damage.Creates a magical barrier that blocks a single enemy ability cast on Sivir. She receives Mana back if a spell is blocked.Sivir leads her allies in battle, granting them a surge Move Speed for a period of time. Additionally passively grants Sivir bonus Attack Speed while Ricochet is active.Sivir's next few basic attacks will bounce to nearby targets, dealing reduced damage to secondary targets.Each of Sivir's attacks will bounce between targets, dealing reduced damage with each successive hit.Sona's Basic Attack.Sona's DJ Transition.Sona plays the Song of Celerity, granting nearby allies bonus Move Speed. Sona gains a temporary aura that grants allied champions tagged by the zone bonus Move Speed on their next attack.Slows the target.After 3 spell casts, Sona's next attack will deal 14 + 9 x lvl bonus magic damage in addition to an additional effect based on what song Sona last activated.Deals 50% bonus power chord damage.Reduces the target's total damage output.A star falls from the sky at the target location dealing magic damage and slowing enemies. If an enemy champion is hit by Starcall, Soraka recovers health and gains Move Speed when moving away from enemy champions.Soraka fills her allies with hope, instantly restoring health to herself and all friendly champions.Passively causes lightning bolts to damage a nearby enemy. Additionally, Blitzcrank can activate this ability to damage nearby enemies and silence them for 0.5 seconds, but doing so removes the passive lightning until Static Field becomes available again.Summoner spells are disabled in this mode.Dash through spacetime, becoming briefly untargetable and invulnerable as you rapidly move towards a location.Revive a fallen friend by remaining next to them for 2 seconds. Exiting the area early does not consume your cooldown. It's a snowball! It's a Poro! It' of those.Quickly travel to the unit you hit with Ultra Mark.Swain unleashes the power of the demon he conquered, causing his spells to devour the souls nearby targets.Swain launches a wave of demonic power forward. It then returns to Swain and roots enemies it hits.Swain rips a Soul Fragment out of an immobilized enemy champion, dealing damage and pulling them towards him.Swain unleashes several bolts of eldritch power that pierce through targets killed. Enemies hit take more damage for each bolt they are struck by.Swain transforms into a demon and drains health from the 3 closest enemy champions. After draining enough health, Swain can cast Demonflare to end his transformation and decimate nearby enemies with a nova of soulfire.Swain unleashes a nova of soulfire that deals increased damage based on how much health he drained. Swain ends his Demonic Ascension after casting this spell.Sylas dashes and gains a shield. Sylas can recast the ability to throw his chains out, pulling himself to an enemy he hits.Sylas lashes his chains out, intersecting at his targeted location dealing damage to and slowing enemies.

    After a delay, magical energy explodes from the intersection point dealing damage and increasing the slow.Sylas lunges at an enemy with magical force dealing execute based damage and healing himself against enemy champions.Syndra picks up and throws a Dark Sphere or enemy minion dealing magic damage and slowing the Move Speed of enemies. Vilemaw Ranged AttackVilemaw Melee Attack 1Vilemaw Melee Attack 2Taliyah creates a slowing minefield that explodes if enemies dash through it or are pushed/pulled through it.Taliyah throws a volley of missiles in a target direction, moving freely as she does. This works the ground below her. If Taliyah casts Threaded Volley on worked ground, she only throws one missile.Taliyah causes an area of ground to erupt and throws enemies within in a direction of her choosing.Talon disperses a ring of blades and becomes Invisible while gaining additional Move Speed. When Talon emerges from Invisibility, the blades converge on his location. Each time the blades move, Shadow Assault deals physical damage to enemies hit by at least one blade. Thresh Basic AttackYou have successfully broken through The Box. Your prize: Death.Creates a perimeter which slows and damages enemies who walk through the walls.Old Thresh UltTeemo's Basic AttackRammus creates waves of destruction pulsing through the ground, causing damage to nearby enemies and slowing them. Turrets take double damage from Tremors.Shaco's Shivs passively poison targets on hit, slowing their Move Speed. He can throw his Shivs to deal damage and poison the target. The thrown Shiv deals bonus damage based on the target's missing Health.Malphite ferociously charges to a location, damaging enemies and knocking them into the air.Malphite ferociously charges at an enemy stunning him and knocking around any foes between him and his target.Urgot charges in a direction, trampling non-champion enemies and shielding himself. If he catches an enemy champion, he will stop and hurl them out of his way.Urgot shields himself, slowing himself while he unloads his weapon on nearby enemies. Prioritizes enemy champions Urgot has recently struck with other abilities and triggers Echoing Flames.Varus fires a hail of arrows that deal physical damage and desecrate the ground. Desecrated ground slows enemies' Move Speed and reduces their self healing and regeneration. Varus flings out a damaging tendril of corruption that immobilizes the first enemy champion hit and then spreads towards nearby uninfected champions, immobilizing them too on contact. Readying herself for an epic confrontation, Vayne gains increased Attack Damage, Invisibility during Tumble, reduced Tumble cooldown, and triple the bonus Move Speed from Night Hunter.Vayne tips her bolts with a rare metal, toxic to evil things. The third consecutive attack or ability against the same target deals a percentage of the target's maximum Health as bonus true damage. (Max: 200 damage vs. Monsters)After a brief delay Veigar twists the edges of space around the target location for 3 seconds, stunning enemies who pass through the perimeter.Vel'Koz's basic abilities apply Organic Deconstruction to enemies on hit. If 3 stacks are accumulated, the enemy will take a burst of true damage.Viktor conjures a singularity on the field that he controls by magnetic manipulation.Ashe fires 9 arrows in a cone for increased damage. Also applies Frost Shot.Xayah creates a storm of blades that increase her basic attack speed and damage while granting her Move Speed if she attacks a champion.Xin Zhao charges to an enemy, dealing damage to all enemies in the area and slowing them briefly and gaining a burst of Attack Speed. Audacious Charge's range is extended on Challenged targets.Xin Zhao deals damage to nearby enemies based on their current Health and knocks non-challenged targets back. Xin Zhao is impervious to damage dealt by champions outside of the circle created.Xin Zhao slashes in front of himself with his spear, then thrusts it forward, slowing affected enemies.Dashes through a unit, dealing escalating Magic Damage with each cast.A skillshot basic attack. After two successful Steel Tempests, the next fires a tornado that knocks enemies Airborne.Moves to a unit and strikes them repeatedly for heavy damage. Can only be cast on Airborne targets.Creates a moving wall that blocks enemy projectiles.Zac flattens himself, making him immune to crowd control while slowing enemies standing on top of him. When he decides to bounce away, he will suck up any enemies standing on top of him, taking them for a ride.Zac's body erupts, damaging nearby enemies.Zed's first basic attack on a target below 50% Health deals 8% maximum Health as Magic Damage.Liandry's Torment is burning this unit, dealing magic damage based on maximum Health over time. This effect's damage is increased if the burning unit is slowed, stunned, taunted, feared, immobilized, or otherwise has their movement impaired.Every 12 seconds Ziggs' next basic attack deals bonus magic damage. This cooldown is reduced whenever Ziggs uses an ability.Ziggs deploys his ultimate creation, the Mega Inferno Bomb, hurling it an enormous distance. Enemies in the primary blast zone take more damage than those farther away. Zilean can prepare himself for future confrontations, reducing the cooldowns of his other basic abilities. Vine Lashers deal damage and slow enemies.Thorn Spitters deal magic damage from afar.Traveler's Call - MeepBlessing of the Lizard ElderIron WillBlue CardBurningBushwhackCorpse ExplosionUnlocked Noxian GuillotineSummoner Spells DisabledAdvanced AttackBiiiiig 'ShroomGiga Blinding DartDoom of the Dark SideWicked BladesChallenger's MarkGold CardDeadly PhalanxCH-3X Lightning GrenadeHextech Rocket SwarmHerald DashHerald SwipeCommand: TibbersCrescentMercury HammerOathswornKalistaPSpellCastShared BurdenSinister SteelTaste Their Fear (Isolated)Out of CombatHere Comes the King!Pix's BarrageDecoyChildren of the GraveChildren of the Grave (Monsters and Champions)Children of the Grave (Monsters, Dragon and Champions)Children of the Grave (Everything)Command: Children of the GraveHarvesters of SorrowMordekaiser EMace of SpadesMaster of the Realm of the DeadHeavy ArmorSiphon of DestructionBeing TrackedHuntedHuntingTakedownPreparing VeilBrutal StrikesVicious StrikesPick A CardPoros for All!PounceAggressionSkystrikeRed CardBurrow / Un-BurrowGlimpse of the VoidWind SlashOverheat AttackAura of CorruptionScorched EarthSlow SelfPower Chord - TempoPower Chord - StaccatoPower Chord - DiminuendoLowering the Star Guardian barrierDisabled Summoner SpellsWarpResuscitateUltra (Rapidly Flung) MarkUltra (Really Fast) DashDemon FormSwipeAbscond/AbductWebbingMelee1Melee2TeleportHomeSpectral PrisonLantern TossTremorsRat-Ta-Tat-TatSeed VisionNext Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Maximum Damage
    Base Shield Amount
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @f3@ -> @f4@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Attack Speed Bonus
    Flurry Attack Damage ratio
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Recharge Time@AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Takedown Damage
    Takedown Damage Amp
    Pounce Damage
    Swipe Damage
    Enhanced Pounce Cooldown
    @f1@ -> @f6@
    @f4@% -> @f5@%
    @f7@ -> @f8@
    @f9@ -> @f10@
    @f2@ -> @f3@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Move Speed Cap
    Flight Range
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@

    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Move Speed Cap
    Flight Range
    @f6@% -> @f7@%
    @f8@ -> @f9@
    @f10@ -> @f11@

    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Stun Duration
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Stun Duration
    Mana Cost
    @f6@ -> @f7@
    @f8@ -> @f9@
    @f10@ -> @f11@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@

    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Passive Damage Bonus
    Mana Cost Per Second
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Shield Amount
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Number of Soldiers
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Recharge
    Passive Attack Speed
    Attack Speed with Soldiers
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Effect3Amount*100@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect7Amount*100@% -> @Effect7AmountNL*100@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Slow Percent
    Max Bounce Range
    Forage Timer
    Cast Range
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect6Amount@ Teemos -> @Effect6AmountNL@ Teemos
    @f1@ -> @f2@
    @Effect8Amount@ -> @Effect8AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    Ally Travel Speed Bonus
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Slow Duration
    Stun Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown@Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Heal
    Max Heal
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Tempest Damage
    Cripple Slow
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Tempest Damage
    Cripple Move Speed %
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Sonic Wave Damage
    Resonating Strike Minimum Base Damage
    Resonating Strike Maximum Base Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Bonus Health Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Safeguard Shield Absorption
    Iron Will Lifesteal / Spell Vamp %
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage per Bounce
    Slow Amount
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Duration
    Damage Reduction
    Mana Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Knockup Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Armor
    Base Magic Resist
    Defensive Scaling
    Mana Cost
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@]. Trap Damage
    Trap Cooldown
    Trap Mana Cost
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Knockback Distance
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Total Attack Damage Ratio
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount*100@% -> @Effect5AmountNL*100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Bonus Headshot Damage on Trapped Targets
    Bonus Attack Damage Ratio
    Recharge Rate
    Maximum Traps
    Trap Duration
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@% -> @Effect7AmountNL@%
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    Attack Speed
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*100@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*100@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Total AD Ratio
    Move Speed
    @Effect3Amount*100@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect4Amount*100@% -> @Effect4AmountNL*100@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Duration
    Bonus Damage
    Current Health Damage
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Mana Cost
    Maximum Health Damage
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount*100@% -> @Effect5AmountNL*100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Bonus Damage
    Attack Speed Increase
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Bonus Poison Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Move Speed
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Slow Amount
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Health Restored
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Non-Champion Damage
    Champion Damage
    Health Restore
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next LevelDamage@Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Width@Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    Base Damage
    Mana Refund
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Ignored Armor
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Stealth Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Percent Armor Bonus
    Percent Magic Resist Bonus
    @Effect6Amount@% -> @Effect6AmountNL@%
    @Effect7Amount@% -> @Effect7AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Duration
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Passive Explosion Damage
    Base Charge Damage
    Mana Cost
    Bonus Attack Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect5Amount*100@% -> @Effect5AmountNL*100@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Attack Speed
    @Effect3Amount*100@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect1Amount*-100@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*-100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @BaseDamage@ -> @BaseDamageNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    levelupNext Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Slow Amount
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Attack Speed
    Mana Cost
    Move Speed
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Bonus AD Percentage
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next LevelRange @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Outgoing Damage
    Return Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*-100@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*-100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Flat Heal
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Shield Amount
    Mana Cost
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Stun Duration
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Neurotoxin Damage
    Venomous Bite Damage
    Max Damage to Monsters
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Spider Form Bite Damage
    Spiderling Bonus Damage
    Maximum Number of Spiderlings
    Spiderling Armor
    Spiderling Magic Resist
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Spider Form Bite Damage
    Spiderling Bonus Damage
    Spiderling AoE Damage Reduction
    Maximum number of Spiderlings
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    Spider Queen Amplification
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@% -> @Effect6AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Venomous Bite Damage
    Neurotoxin Damage
    Max Damage to Monsters
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Spiderling Passive Attack Speed
    Active Attack Speed
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cocoon Damage
    Cocoon Cooldown
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Empowered Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Lasher and Spike Damage
    Bonus Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Empowered Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount*2.4@ -> @Effect1AmountNL*2.4@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Charm Duration
    Magic Resist Shred
    Monster Damage
    Cast Range
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect9Amount*100@% -> @Effect9AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @f8@ -> @f9@
    @CastRange@ -> @CastRangeNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Shield Health
    Attack Damage Bonus
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Champion Damage
    Health per Stack
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Silence Duration
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Critical Strike Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect6Amount@% -> @Effect6AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Bonus AD Ratio
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    Duelist Move Speed
    Heal Per Second
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Slow Percentage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Magic Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Small Shark Damage
    Medium Shark Damage
    Big Shark Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ ->@CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Passive / Active Damage
    Charged Active Damage
    Mana Cost
    Mana Refund
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount*3@ -> @Effect3AmountNL*3@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Stun Duration
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Max Health Damage
    Root Duration
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Slow %
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Defense Reduction
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount*-1@ -> @Effect4AmountNL*-1@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Windblast Damage
    Tornado Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount*3@ -> @Effect5AmountNL*3@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Damage Reduction to Ally
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    @Effect8Amount@ -> @Effect8AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Shield Health Ratio
    Magic Damage Reduction
    Physical Damage Reduction
    Max Damage
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @f6@% -> @f7@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @f10@ -> @f12@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Barrel Ammo Charge
    Bonus Damage Against Champions
    @f2@ -> @f3@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Plunder Gold
    Plunder Silver Serpents
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage Per Wave
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Healing
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Duration
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage Per Second
    Chilled Slow Amount
    Mana Cost Per Second
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage Per Second
    Mana Per Second
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Boomerang Damage
    Boulder Damage
    Slow Amount
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Slow/Stun Duration
    Hyper Move Speed
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Hyper Damage
    Hyper % Health Damage
    Hyper Max Damage to monsters
    Wallop Damage
    Wallop Cooldown
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Slow %
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Explosion Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage Reduction
    Base Damage
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Primary Damage
    Cone Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@

    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].
    True Grit Armor
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Detonation AD Ratio
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@ / @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].On Death Damage
    Mini Box Damage
    Mini Box Flee Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].On Death Damage
    Mini Box Damage
    Mini Box Fear Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].On Death Damage
    Mini Box Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage@Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cannon Damage
    Beam Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    Apex Turret Cannon Damage
    Turret Beam Damage
    Rocket Swarm Damage
    Rocket Swarm Max Damage
    Lightning Grenade Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect8Amount@ -> @Effect8AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect10Amount@ -> @Effect10AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    Maximum Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Damage Per Second Charged
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage Echo
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Slam Bonus
    Mana Cost
    @Effect6Amount*100@% -> @Effect6AmountNL*100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage@Effect1Amount*100@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100@%Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cleaver Damage
    Damage Minimum
    Damage Maximum (vs monsters)
    @Effect2Amount*100@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Tibbers Health
    Tibbers Armor and Magic Resist
    Tibbers Attack Damage
    Tibbers Burn Damage
    @InitialDamage@ -> @InitialDamageNL@
    @TotalHealth@ -> @TotalHealthNL@
    @BonusResistances@ -> @BonusResistancesNL@
    @TibbersAttackDamage@ -> @TibbersAttackDamageNL@
    @AuraDamage@ -> @AuraDamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Bonus Stats
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Heal Ratio
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Wall Damage
    Wall Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Damage Reduction
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    This item cannot be levelled.Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Fear Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Passive Attack Speed
    Active Attack Speed
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount*100@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect3Amount*100@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Armor Reduction
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Shield
    Bonus Shield Percent Health
    Slow Amount
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount*100@% -> @Effect6AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Javelin Minimum Damage
    Javelin Maximum Damage
    Javelin Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    Mana Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Passive Damage
    Armor Bonus
    Magic Resist Bonus
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Move Speed@Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage per Shot
    @Effect4Amount*100@% -> @Effect4AmountNL*100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cannon Swap: Armor/Magic Resistance Shred
    Hammer Swap: Bonus Damage
    Hammer Passive: Bonus Armor and Magic Resist
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Return
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Maximum Health %
    Maximum Damage against monsters
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Recharge Time
    Mana Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @f1@ -> @f2@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Total AD Ratio
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Root Duration
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Rocket Bonus Range
    Minigun Total Attack Speed
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    Percent Missing Health Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    Base Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount*100@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect5Amount*100@% -> @Effect5AmountNL*100@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    Damage Per Missile
    Max Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @f3@ -> @f4@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Range
    Shield Value
    Attack Damage Ratio
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount*100@% -> @Effect4AmountNL*100@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    Base Damage
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Refund
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect8Amount@ -> @Effect8AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Mana Cost
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    Knock Up Duration
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Ammo Recharge

    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Max AD@Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Soulflare Impact
    Soulflare Circle Damage
    Renewal Root Extension
    Defiance Shield
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage Absorption
    Move Speed
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount*100@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Root Duration
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount*0.5@ -> @Effect1AmountNL*0.5@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage per second
    Mana Restore
    Mana Cost per second
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Wall Width
    Move Speed Slow
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Initial Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage Per Knife
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Move Speed Buff
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up, or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Duration
    @Effect2Amount@s -> @Effect2AmountNL@s
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@s -> @CooldownNL@s
    Next Level - Click to level-up, or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].{{ game_spell_Kayn_Q_Dmg_@f1@ }}Cooldown{{ game_spell_Kayn_Q_Dmg_Amount_@f1@ }}@Cooldown@s -> @CooldownNL@sNext Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].{{ game_spell_Kayn_R_Damage_@f1@ }}Cooldown{{ game_spell_Kayn_R_Damage_Amount_@f1@ }}@Cooldown@s -> @CooldownNL@sNext Level - Click to level-up, or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@s -> @CooldownNL@s
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage (passive)
    Damage (active)
    Bonus AD Ratio
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount*100@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Armor and Magic Resist
    Attack Speed
    @base damage@ -> @base damageNL@
    @defenses@ -> @defensesNL@
    @attack speed*100@% -> @attack speedNL*100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Energy Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Energy Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage@Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Evolutions Available
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Cooldown in Wolf's Frenzy
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Heal
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Throw Damage
    Rip Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount*2@ -> @Effect1AmountNL*2@
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Maximum Damage
    Maximum Shield
    @Effect1Amount*3@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*3@%
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect10Amount@ -> @Effect10AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Flat Damage
    Percentage Damage
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Range
    Bonus Max Health Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Bonus Attack Speed
    Armor and Magic Resist Shred
    @Effect2Amount*100@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Attack Speed Reduction
    Mana Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Chain Damage
    Root Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Sigil Damage
    Detonation Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Mimicked Sigil of Malice / Ethereal Chains Damage
    Mimicked Mark / Root Damage
    Mimicked Distortion Damage
    Mimic Cooldown
    @RQ1Base@ -> @RQ1BaseNL@
    @RQ2Base@ -> @RQ2BaseNL@
    @RWBase@ -> @RWBaseNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Magic Resist
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Incandescence Damage
    Incandescent Attacks
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount*-100@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*-100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*-100@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*-100@%
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Root Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    Mana Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Bonus Attack Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Number of Shots
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Move Speed
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Shield Amount
    Mana Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Bonus Health
    Slow Percent
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Movement and Attack Speed Duration
    Attack Speed Bonus
    Polymorph Duration
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount*100@% -> @Effect7AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Silence Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Nether Grasp Damage
    Null Zone Damage
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Voidling Bonus Damage
    Voidling Duration
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Max Health Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect8Amount@% -> @Effect8AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Root Duration
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level: click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Headbutt Damage
    Headbutt Cost
    Attack Damage Maximum
    Attack Damage Minimum
    Magic Resist Maximum
    @Effect1Amount*100@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @f3*100@% -> @f4*100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    Mana Cost
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Attack Damage Scaling
    Missile Reload Time
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage Reduction
    Damage Return
    @DamageReduction@% -> @DamageReductionNL@%
    @DamageReflection@ -> @DamageReflectionNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ ->@CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Bonus Damage
    Attack Damage Ratio
    Armor Reduction
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount*100@% -> @Effect6AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect2Amount*-100@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*-100@%
    @Cooldown@ ->@CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*100@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*100@%
    @Cost@ ->@CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ ->@CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Total Health Stolen
    Ghost Lifetime
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect9Amount@ -> @Effect9AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Total Health Stolen
    Usable On
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Monsters and Champions --> Monsters, Dragons and Champions
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Total Health Stolen
    Usable On
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Monsters, Dragons and Champions --> Everything
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Total Health Stolen
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Reactivation Damage
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Bonus Damage
    Attack Damage Ratio
    Health Cost
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect10Amount@ -> @Effect10AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Q1 Bonus Damage
    Q2 Bonus Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Health per Spell Stack@Effect8Amount*100@% -> @Effect8AmountNL*100@%Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    % Max Shield From Champions
    Health Cost
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Move Speed Bonus@Effect1Amount*100@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100@%Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Root Duration
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Health Restore (Rejuvenation)
    Rejuvenation Duration (for allies)
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Health Restored
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Heal Amount
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].

    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Heal
    Mana Cost
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Pass Through Damage
    Explosion Damage
    Stun Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Crit Ratio
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Damage@ -> @DamageNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Active Damage
    Base Mana Restore
    Champion Mana Restore
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Max Smash Damage
    Mana Cost
    @f3@ -> @f4@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Armor
    @Effect1Amount*100@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Slow %
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Attack Speed
    Life Steal
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Armor and Magic Resist
    Attack Damage
    Move Speed Bonus
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - Click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - Click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Move Speed Bonus
    Slow Amount
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - Click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - Click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Armor Bonus
    Magic Resist Bonus
    Damage Absorption
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Dash Damage
    Shockwave Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Max Damage
    Min Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect10Amount@% -> @Effect10AmountNL@%
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Blue Card Damage
    Blue Card Mana Restore

    Red Card Damage
    Red Card Slow %

    Gold Card Damage
    Gold Card Stun Duration

    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@

    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%

    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@

    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage@Effect1Amount*4@ -> @Effect1AmountNL*4@Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Initial Damage
    Wall Damage
    Stun Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@]. Trap Damage
    Trap Cooldown
    Trap Mana Cost
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @f5@ -> @f6@
    @f7@ -> @f8@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Primal Surge Heal
    Primal Surge Attack Speed
    Primal Surge Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Duration
    Attack Speed Bonus
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@s -> @CooldownNL@s
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown@Cooldown@s -> @CooldownNL@sNext Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Total Attack Damage Ratio
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Move Speed Bonus
    Mana Cost
    @Effect3Amount*100@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Attack Speed Bonus
    Move Speed Bonus
    @Effect2Amount*100@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect3Amount*100@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Shield Health
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @f2@ -> @f6@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @f3@ -> @f2@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Charm Duration
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Attack Speed %
    @Effect1Amount*100@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Heal Per Second
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Furious Bite Damage
    Tunnel Cast Cooldown
    Tunnel Use Cooldown
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect9Amount@ -> @Effect9AmountNL@
    @Effect8Amount@ -> @Effect8AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Queen's Wrath Damage
    Prey Seeker Damage
    Prey Seeker Cooldown
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Queen's Wrath Damage
    Prey Seeker Damage
    Prey Seeker Cooldown
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Missing Health Damage
    @Effect8Amount@ -> @Effect8AmountNL@
    @f7@ -> @f8@
    @Effect9Amount@% -> @Effect9AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Un-burrow Damage@Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@Next LevelDamage
    Slow %
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Max Health Gain
    Fury Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ / @Effect9Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@ / @Effect9AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Bonus Damage
    @Effect5Amount@ / @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@ / @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Bonus Health
    Periodic Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Bonus Damage
    Armor Reduction %
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Slow Amount
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Total AD Ratio
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Armor Shred
    Move Speed
    Tracking Range
    @Effect8Amount@ -> @Effect8AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect9Amount@ -> @Effect9AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Damage Per Stack
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage Blocked
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Shockwave Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ / @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@ / @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Shockwave Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ / @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@ / @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Attack Damage Scaling
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Slow Duration
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage Per Second
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Damage to minions
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect4Amount*100@% -> @Effect4AmountNL*100@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage Absorption
    Move Speed Bonus
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Overload Damage Increase
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Move Speed
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Range@Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Regeneration
    Move Speed
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Move Speed
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Stun Duration
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].First Hit Damage
    Second Hit Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Percent Damage
    Enhanced Percent Damage
    Energy Cost
    Monster Damage Cap
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect6Amount@% -> @Effect6AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Minimum Shield Health
    Maximum Shield Health
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect8Amount@ -> @Effect8AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Bonus Damage
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ ->@CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Initial Damage
    Secondary Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage per Second
    Move Speed Bonus
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage (aura)
    Damage (on hit)
    Move Speed Bonus
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount*0.25@ -> @Effect1AmountNL*0.25@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Passive Fury Gain
    Dragon Size
    Bonus Health
    Flight Damage
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    Big -> Bigger
    @Effect10Amount@ -> @Effect10AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    Attack Damage Scaling
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount*100@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Minimum Damage
    Maximum Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Shield
    Max Health Damage
    Max Health Shield Ratio
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Max Health Damage
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    Next Level - Click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    Mana Gain
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Next Level - Click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Attack Damage Scaling
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Attack Speed
    Enhanced Move Speed Bonus
    Enhanced Move Speed Duration
    @Effect1Amount*100@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    Bounce Damage (total attack damage)
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect3Amount*100@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Max Health Damage Absorption
    Move Speed Bonus
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect5Amount@% -> @Effect5AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Blast Damage / Attack Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ / @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@ / @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect8Amount@% -> @Effect8AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Total Attack Damage Ratio
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Move Speed@Effect1Amount*100@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100@%Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage (active)
    Damage (melody)
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Basic Ability Base CDR
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @BaseAbilityCDR*-100@% -> @BaseAbilityCDRNL*-100@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Heal (active)
    Shield (melody)
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Passive Move Speed
    Slow Amount
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Lightning Damage
    Activation Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Pass-through Damage
    Detonation Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Bolt Damage
    Additional Bolt Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*100@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Health Gain
    Drain Damage
    Drain Heal
    Damage Per Soul
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect10Amount@ -> @Effect10AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Reveal Duration
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount*-100@% -> @Effect4AmountNL*-100@%
    @Effect9Amount@ -> @Effect9AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Primal Surge Heal
    Primal Surge Attack Speed
    Primal Surge Mana Cost
    @f1@ -> @f2@
    @f3@% -> @f4@%
    @f5@ -> @f6@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Javelin Minimum Damage
    Javelin Maximum Damage
    Javelin Mana Cost
    @f1@ -> @f2@
    @f3@ -> @f4@
    @f5@ -> @f6@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@s -> @CooldownNL@s
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@s -> @CooldownNL@s
    @BaseCost@ -> @BaseCostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Wall length
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@s -> @CooldownNL@s
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Terrain Cooldown@f3@ -> @f4@Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @f5@ -> @f6@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Move Speed
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*100@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Initial Damage
    Return Damage
    Slow Amount
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Max Charges
    Max Healing
    Mana Cost
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Passive Armor
    Shield Ratio
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Passive Damage
    Active Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Slow and Burn Duration
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Percentage CDR and MS
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Shield Absorption
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Speed@Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Impact Damage
    Damage per Second
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage per Tremor
    Slow per Tremor
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cooldown
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Health Drain
    @Effect1Amount*100@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Attack Damage
    Attack Damage Scaling
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*100@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*100@%
    Next Level - Click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Attack Damage
    Attack Damage per Health % Missing
    Heal Per Fury
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Attack Damage Reduction
    Move Speed Reduction
    @Effect1Amount*-1@ -> @Effect1AmountNL*-1@
    @Effect2Amount*-100@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*-100@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    Damage per Stack
    Mana Cost
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Camouflage Duration
    Attack Speed
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Attack Damage Bonus@Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Slow Amount
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Bonus AD Ratio
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*100@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect4Amount*-100@% -> @Effect4AmountNL*-100@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Fury Gained
    Minimum Health
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Stun Duration
    Knockback Damage
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ - > @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Shield
    Attack Damage Per Shot
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect7Amount@% -> @Effect7AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*-100@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*-100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage on Attack
    Damage from Blight
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*100@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*100@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Bonus Attack Damage
    Tumble Cooldown Reduction
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect7Amount@% -> @Effect7AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Minimum Damage
    @Effect1Amount*100@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount*100@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Stun Duration
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Total Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Initial Damage
    Secondary Damage
    Ammo Recharge Time
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Charge Time
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @f1@ -> @f2@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Min Damage
    Max Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount*2@ -> @Effect1AmountNL*2@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Total Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Max Health Damage
    Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage (impact)
    Damage (discharge)
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage (impact)
    Damage (discharge)
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage (Death Ray)
    Damage (Aftershock)
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Slow
    @Effect1Amount*-100@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*-100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Move Speed Reduction
    @Effect4Amount@% -> @Effect4AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage (missile)
    Damage (attack)
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Min Damage
    Max Damage
    Slow Amount
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect10Amount@ -> @Effect10AmountNL@
    @Effect9Amount@% -> @Effect9AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage Reduction
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Heal
    Percent Health Damage
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Base Damage
    @Effect7Amount@ -> @Effect7AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount*2@ -> @Effect1AmountNL*2@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@% -> @Effect1AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [@LevelUpHotkey@].Damage
    Slow Amount
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [@LevelUpHotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [@LevelUpHotkey@].Damage
    Number of Shots
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount*100@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Bonus Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Slash Damage
    Thrust Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Recast Block
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @f1@ -> @f2@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @f1@ -> @f2@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage@f2.0@ -> @f4.0@Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @f1@ -> @f2@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Wall Width
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Minimum Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Health
    Mist Walkers
    Mark Damage
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@% ->@Effect5AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Health
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect1Amount@-> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Slow Percent
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount*-100@% -> @Effect4AmountNL*-100@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Flat Damage
    Percent Max Health Damage
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount*100@% -> @Effect3AmountNL*100@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Mark Detonation Damage
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Passive Attack Damage Bonus
    Energy Return
    @Effect2Amount@% -> @Effect2AmountNL@%
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Mine Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount*-100@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*-100@%
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    PLACEHOLDERNext Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Blast Zone Damage
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Tower Destruction Threshold
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @f1*100@% -> @f2*100@%
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Stun Duration
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect4Amount@ -> @Effect4AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Bonus Damage Cap
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect6Amount@ -> @Effect6AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@s -> @CooldownNL@s
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Mana Cost
    @f1@ -> @f3@
    @Cooldown@s -> @CooldownNL@s
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Move Speed
    Speed Duration
    @Effect8Amount@ -> @Effect8AmountNL@
    @Effect9Amount*100@% -> @Effect9AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect10Amount@ -> @Effect10AmountNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    Root Duration
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect5Amount@ -> @Effect5AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Root Damage
    Vine Lasher Damage
    Vine Lasher Slow
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Effect3Amount@% -> @Effect3AmountNL@%
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Cluster Damage
    Thorn Spitter Damage
    Mana Cost
    @Effect1Amount@ -> @Effect1AmountNL@
    @Effect2Amount@ -> @Effect2AmountNL@
    @Cost@ -> @CostNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Damage
    @Effect3Amount@ -> @Effect3AmountNL@
    @Cooldown@ -> @CooldownNL@
    Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Seed Recharge Rate@AmmoRechargeTime@ -> @AmmoRechargeTimeNL@Next Level - click to level-up or press [Ctrl-@Hotkey@].Move Speed
    Attack Speed
    @Effect1Amount*100@% -> @Effect1AmountNL*100@%
    @Effect2Amount*100@% -> @Effect2AmountNL*100@%
    @SrcNameWithColon@Hexflash - @SubA@s, Flash - @SubB@s@SrcNameWithColon@Hexflash - Ready, Flash - @SubB@sGrants yourself and nearby allies +@Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Grants nearby allies +@Effect5Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect6Amount@ secondsHextech GLP-800Fires a spray of icy bolts that explode, dealing @Effect6Amount@ - @Effect7Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to all enemies hit.

    Enemies hit are slowed by @Effect5Amount*100@% decaying over @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    Youmuu's GhostbladeGrants +@Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.Randuin's OmenSlows the Move Speed of nearby enemy units by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.Blade of the Ruined KingDeals 100 magic damage to target champion and steals 25% of their Move Speed for 3 seconds (90 second cooldown).Hextech Protobelt-01Dash forward to unleash a nova of firebolts that deal @Effect4Amount@ - @Effect5Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.

    Champions and Monsters hit by multiple fire bolts take @Effect6Amount*100@% damage per additional bolt..
    Zhonya's Hourglass.Champion becomes invulnerable and untargetable for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but is unable to move, attack, cast spells, or use items during this timeLocket of the Iron Solari Grants a shield to nearby allies that decays over @Effect3Amount@ seconds that absorbs up to @Effect1Amount@ (+@Effect2Amount@ per level) damage.Youmuu's WraithbladeGrants +@Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed and the ability to move through units for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.Might of the Ruined KingDeals 100 magic damage to target champion and steals 25% of their Move Speed for 3 seconds (90 second cooldown).Righteous GloryGrants @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed when moving towards enemies or enemy turrets for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Once near an enemy (or after @Effect2Amount@ seconds) a shockwave is emitted, slowing nearby enemy champion Move Speed by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect4Amount@ second(s).Absolute Zero (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownWillump channels for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, sapping the area of heat. Nearby enemies have their Move Speed slowed by @Effect2Amount*-100@%, increasing to @Effect6Amount*-100@% over the duration of the channel. Nunu and Willump receive a shield that absorbs @f3@ (+@f1@) damage, decaying over @Effect8Amount@ seconds after the channel ends.

    Enemies caught in the area when the channel ends take up to @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, depending on how long Absolute Zero was channeled.
    Relentless Assault (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]PassiveJax's basic attacks increase his Attack Speed by @Effect1Amount@% for a short duration, and hitting the same unit 2 consecutive times enhances Jax's next attack for @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) bonus physical damage.
    Attack Speed stacks up to 8 times.
    Ranger's FocusLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana, @Effect2Amount@ FocusNo CooldownPassive: Basic attacks grant Focus for @Effect1Amount@ seconds, stacking up to @Effect2Amount@ times. Stacks fall off one at a time, and at @Effect2Amount@ stacks, Ranger's Focus can be cast, consuming all Focus.

    Active: For @Effect3Amount@ seconds, Ashe gains @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed, and her basic attacks fire a flurry of arrows dealing @f1@ physical damage. During this time, she does not stack Focus. Ranger's Focus applies Frost Shot.
    HawkshotLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec Cooldown (@AmmoRechargeTime@ sec Ammo Recharge)Reveals terrain as it flies toward target location anywhere on the map. Grants vision for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Ashe can store up to 2 charges of Hawkshot.Aspect of the Cougar (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost @Cooldown@ sec CooldownHuman: Nidalee transforms into a vicious cougar with the basic abilities Takedown, Pounce, and Swipe.

    Cougar: Nidalee transforms back into human form. While in human form, triggering a Hunt resets the cooldown of Aspect of the Cougar.
    Comet of Legend (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Continuously moving in one direction grants increasing Move Speed up to @Effect2Amount@%.

    Active: Fly for @Effect3Amount@ units in the chosen direction. Only castable outside of combat. Aurelion Sol can see and be seen over walls while flying.

    Taking champion or turret damage will force a landing and reset the passive Move Speed.
    Comet of Legend (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No CostNo CooldownLand from flying early.
    Starsurge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFirst Press: Aurelion Sol creates a new stellar core, which grows over time and grants him @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed.

    The core will detonate when it reaches his Outer Limit, applying @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and a @Effect4Amount@ second stun.

    Second Press: Detonate the core early.
    Starsurge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No CostNo CooldownSecond Press: Detonate the core early.
    Voice of Light (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownBreathes out a blast of pure starfire, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and slowing by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    The blast will also knock nearby enemies back to Aurelion Sol's Outer Limit.
    Celestial Expansion (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana plus @Effect3Amount@ Mana Per Second@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Increases Star base damage by @Effect2Amount@.

    Toggle: Aurelion Sol's Stars orbit at his Outer Limit and deal @Effect1Amount@% damage, for a total of @f1@ (+@f2@) magic damage.
    Shifting Sands (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownAzir shields himself for @Effect6Amount@ seconds, blocking up to @Effect4Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) damage and dashes to one of his Sand Soldiers, damaging enemies hit for @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.

    If Azir hits an enemy champion, he halts his dash and instantly prepares a new Sand Soldier.
    Conquering Sands (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownAzir sends all Sand Soldiers towards a location. Sand Soldiers deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies they pass through and apply a @Effect2Amount*-100@% slow for 1 second.

    Enemies hit by multiple Sand Soldiers will not take additional damage.
    Emperor's Divide (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownAzir summons a wall of armored soldiers that charge forward, knocking back enemies and dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. The soldiers then remain as a wall for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Azir and his allies can pass freely through Emperor's Divide.

    Emperor's Divide does not interact with Azir's basic attacks or spells.
    Arise! (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Azir gains @Effect3Amount*100@% attack speed. When Azir has @Effect6Amount@ or more Sand Soldiers, he gains @Effect7Amount*100@% additional attack speed for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Azir summons a Sand Soldier for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. When Azir attacks an enemy in a soldier's range, the soldier attacks in his stead, stabbing the target for @f2@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. Other enemies caught in the soldier's attack take @f7@% of the stab's damage.

    Azir stores up to @MaxAmmo@ Sand Soldiers and prepares a new one every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds.

    Sand Soldiers that strike the same targets deal @Effect9Amount@% damage after the first.
    Sand Soldiers can attack targets outside of Azir's basic attack range.
    Sand Soldiers expire twice as fast when near an enemy turret.
    Noxious Trap (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTosses a stored mushroom as a trap that detonates if an enemy steps on it, spreading poison to nearby enemies that slows Move Speed by @Effect2Amount@%, reveals them and deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage over @Effect9Amount@ seconds.

    Traps last @Effect5Amount@ minutes and take @Effect4Amount@ second to arm and stealth. If a thrown trap lands on another trap, it will bounce up to @Effect6Amount@ Teemos further before planting.

    Teemo forages for a mushroom every @f1@ seconds, but he is only big enough to carry 3 at once.
    Magical Journey (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownBard opens a one-way corridor through nearby terrain. Both allies and enemies can use the corridor by right-clicking on any part of it while near its entrance, with allies travelling @Effect2Amount@% faster than enemies.

    The corridor disappears after @Effect1Amount@ seconds.
    Traveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, the meep attack strike-through cone increases in size and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Traveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meep attacks will gain @f8@ damage.
    Traveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, Bard will be able to have @f8@ more meep following at once and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Traveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meeps will reappear @f8@ second faster and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Traveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps strike through their target in a cone, dealing @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and applying a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second to all enemies hit. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meep attacks will Slow by @f8@% and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Traveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps currently deal @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and apply a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meep attacks will strike through their target and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Traveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps currently deal @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and apply a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meep attacks will deal @f8@ more damage.
    Traveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps currently deal @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage and apply a @f2@% slow for @f3@ second. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, Bard will be able to have @f8@ more meep following at once and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Traveler's CallMeeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.

    • Meeps currently deal @f1@ (+@f9@) magic damage. A new meep appears every @f5@ seconds, max of @f4@.

    Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, 12% of his maximum mana, and out-of-combat Move Speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.

    • @f10@ chimes collected - with @f7@ more, meep attacks will apply a 1 second @f8@% Slow and deal @f11@ more damage.
    Cosmic Binding (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownBard fires an energy bolt, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to one or two enemies. The first target hit will be slowed by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ second(s).

    If the bolt hits another enemy or a wall, any enemies hit are stunned for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).
    Tempered Fate (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownBard sends magical energy arcing to a target location. On impact, all champions, minions, monsters, and turrets in the target area are put in stasis, becoming invincible, untargetable, and unable to act for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.

    Epic monsters are also put into stasis, despite normally being immune to disables.
    Caretaker's Shrine (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownBard raises a health shrine that immediately offers @Effect5Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) health, but restores up to @Effect6Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) health as it gathers power for 10 seconds. The shrine's effect also grants @Effect1Amount@% decaying Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Bard can have up to @Effect3Amount@ shrines active at once, which remain until visited by an ally champion or crushed by an enemy champion.

    Active Shrines: @f1@ / @f2@

    Tempest / Cripple (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Energy / @Effect4Amount@ Energy@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTempest: Lee Sin smashes the ground, sending out a shockwave that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) magic damage. If Tempest hits an enemy, Lee Sin can cast Cripple for the next @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Cripple: Lee Sin cripples nearby enemies struck by Tempest for @Effect5Amount@ seconds, slowing their Move Speed by @Effect2Amount@%. Move Speed recovers gradually over the duration.
    Cripple (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Energy@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLee Sin cripples nearby enemies damaged by Tempest, reducing their Move Speed by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Move Speed recovers gradually over the duration.Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Energy / @Effect4Amount@ Energy@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSonic Wave: Lee Sin projects a discordant wave of sound to locate his enemies, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage to the first enemy it encounters, granting True Sight of the target. If Sonic Wave hits, Lee Sin can cast Resonating Strike for the next @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Resonating Strike: Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by Sonic Wave, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) to @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical2@) physical damage based on the target's missing Health.
    Resonating Strike (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Energy@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by Sonic Wave, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) to @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical2@) physical damage based on the target's missing Health.Dragon's Rage (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLee Sin performs a powerful roundhouse kick knocking an enemy champion back and dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage.

    Enemies the target collides with are knocked into the air briefly and take physical damage equal to @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) plus @Effect3Amount@% of the initial target's bonus health.
    Safeguard / Iron Will (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Energy / @Effect4Amount@ Energy@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSafeguard: Lee Sin rushes to target ally. If the ally is a champion, Lee Sin shields the ally and himself for @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) damage for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and Safeguard's cooldown is reduced by @Effect6Amount*100@%. After using Safeguard, Lee Sin can cast Iron Will for the next @Effect9Amount@ seconds.

    Iron Will: Lee Sin gains @Effect2Amount@% Life Steal and Spell Vamp for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.
    Iron Will (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Energy@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLee Sin's intense training allows him to thrive in battle. For @Effect8Amount@ seconds, Lee Sin gains @Effect2Amount@% Lifesteal and Spell Vamp.Blinding Dart (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDeals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and blinds the target for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Conflagration (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownBrand conjures a powerful blast at his target, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.

    Blaze: If the target is ablaze, Conflagration spreads to nearby enemies.
    Sear (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownBrand launches a ball of fire forward that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.

    Blaze: If the target is ablaze, Sear will stun the target for 1.5 seconds.
    Pyroclasm (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownBrand unleashes a devastating torrent of fire, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage each time it bounces up to 5 bounces. Bounces prioritize stacking Blaze to max on Champions.

    Blaze: If the target is ablaze, Pyroclasm will briefly slow the target by @Effect4Amount@%.
    Pillar of Flame (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownAfter a short delay, Brand creates a Pillar of Flame at a location, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies.

    Blaze: Units that are ablaze take an additional 25% damage from Pillar of Flame.
    Unbreakable (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownBraum reduces incoming damage and blocks for allies behind him.
    Braum raises his shield in a direction for @Effect2Amount@ seconds negating the damage of the next attack from that direction. Subsequent attacks deal @Effect3Amount@% reduced damage.

    Braum intercepts projectiles, causing them to hit him and be destroyed.

    Braum gains @Effect4Amount@% Move Speed for the duration.
    Concussive BlowsBraum's basic attacks apply Concussive Blows. Once the first stack is applied, ally basic attacks also stack Concussive Blows.

    Upon reaching 4 stacks, the target is stunned and takes magic damage. For the next few seconds they cannot receive new stacks, but take bonus magic damage from Braum's attacks.
    Winter's Bite (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownBraum propels freezing ice from his shield dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) [2.5% of Braum's Max Health] magic damage to the first enemy hit and slowing them by @Effect2Amount@%, decaying over the next @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Applies a stack of Concussive Blows.
    Glacial Fissure (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownBraum slams the ground, knocking up enemies nearby and in a line in front of him. A fissure is left along the line for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, slowing enemies above it by @Effect4Amount@%.

    Enemies hit take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. The first champion hit is knocked up for @Effect5Amount@ seconds, subsequent enemies are knocked up briefly.
    Stand Behind Me (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownBraum leaps to target allied champion or minion.

    On arrival, Braum and the ally gain @f3@ Armor and @f4@ Magic Resist (@Effect4Amount@ plus @Effect3Amount@% of Braum's bonus Armor/Magic Resist) for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.
    Burning Agony (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Effect2Amount@ Health Every Second@Cooldown@ sec CooldownToggle: Dr. Mundo sets himself on fire, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to nearby enemies every second.

    While on fire, the duration of disables against Dr. Mundo are reduced by @Effect5Amount*100@%.
    Bushwhack / Pounce (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownHuman: Nidalee places an invisible trap that lasts for 2 minutes. The trap triggers when an enemy walks over it, revealing the victim and bleeding them for @Effect7Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage over 4 seconds.

    @f4@ traps may be active at once. (Maximum traps increases at level 6, 11 and 16)

    Cougar: Nidalee lunges in target direction, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
    Buster Shot (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTristana fires a massive cannonball at an enemy unit. This deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage and knocks surrounding units back @Effect2Amount@ distance.Ace In The HoleLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTakes a second to line up the perfect shot on an enemy Champion at up to @Effect2Amount@ range. The shot deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage, but other enemy Champions can intercept it.

    Grants True Sight of the target during the channel.
    90 Caliber NetLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFires a net, knocking Caitlyn backwards. The net deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and slows the first enemy hit by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ second.Piltover PeacemakerLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRevs the rifle for @Effect4Amount@ second to fire a narrow piercing shot dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage. After hitting any target, it opens into a wider shot that deals @Effect2Amount@% less damage.

    Always deals full damage to trap revealed targets.
    Yordle Snap TrapLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@AmmoRechargeTime@ sec Recharge TimeSets traps that an enemy Champion can spring, immobilizing them for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and granting True Sight for a short duration.

    Traps last for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. @Effect5Amount@ traps may be active at once.

    Trapped enemies take an additional @Effect2Amount@ (+@f1@) increased damage from Headshot.
    Hookshot (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFirst Cast: Fire a hookshot that attaches to terrain, pulling Camille to it and allowing Hookshot to be recast for 1 second.

    Second Cast: Camille leaps from the wall, colliding with the first enemy champion hit. Upon landing, she deals @Effect3Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage and a @Effect1Amount@ second stun to nearby enemies. Dashes towards enemy champions travel twice as far and grant @Effect2Amount*100@% attack speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds on impact.
    Precision Protocol (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCamille's next basic attack deals @f1@ bonus physical damage and increases her Move Speed by @Effect4Amount*100@% for @Effect5Amount@ second. This ability can be recast in the next @Effect10Amount@ seconds at no cost.

    If the second Precision Protocol attack hits at least @Effect1Amount@ seconds after the first, the bonus damage is increased by @Effect8Amount*100@% to @f2@ and @f3@% of the attack is converted into true damage.

    Precision Protocol cannot critically strike.
    The Hextech Ultimatum (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCamille briefly becomes untargetable and leaps onto an enemy champion, interrupting channels and locking them into an area they cannot escape by any means for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Other nearby enemies are knocked away. Her basic attacks against the trapped enemy deal bonus magic damage equal to @Effect2Amount@ plus @Effect1Amount@% of their current health.

    The Hextech Ultimatum ends if Camille leaves the area.
    Tactical Sweep (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCamille winds up and then slices in a direction, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage to enemies hit.

    Enemies hit by the outer half are slowed by @Effect4Amount@%, decaying over @Effect2Amount@ seconds. They take extra physical damage equal to @Effect5Amount*100@% (+@f2@%) of their maximum health, and Camille heals for @Effect9Amount@% of the bonus damage dealt to champions.

    Tactical Sweep does @Effect8Amount@% less damage to non-epic monsters.
    Stacked Deck (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Passive: Every 4 attacks, Twisted Fate deals an additional @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage.

    In addition, his Attack Speed is increased by @Effect3Amount@%.
    Valkyrie (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownActive: Corki flies a short distance, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage per second to enemies in the fire left along his path.

    Special Delivery: Corki flies a great distance, dropping bombs that knock aside enemies and leave a burning trail for 5 seconds. The trail slows enemies by @Effect2Amount@% and burns them for @f1@ (+@f2@) (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage per second.
    Special Delivery (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No CostCorki flies a great distance, dropping bombs that knock aside enemies and leave a burning trail for 5 seconds. The trail slows enemies by @Effect2Amount@% and burns them for @f1@ (+@f2@) (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage per second.Twin Fang (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDeal @f1@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to a target. If the target is killed by Twin Fang, or is killed during its flight, Cassiopeia gains @Cost@ Mana.

    If the victim is Poisoned when Twin Fang hits, it takes @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) additional magic damage and Cassiopeia heals for @f4@ (+@f2@).
    Noxious Blast (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownBlasts enemies in an area with Noxious Poison. If a champion is hit, Cassiopeia gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed decaying over @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Noxious Poison deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.
    Petrifying Gaze (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCassiopeia deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to all enemies in front of her. Enemies facing her turn to stone and are stunned for @Effect3Amount@ seconds while enemies facing away are slowed by @Effect2Amount@%.Miasma (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCassiopeia spews venom in an arc, leaving toxic clouds for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Enemies in the clouds are continually afflicted with Debilitating Poison, inflicting a decaying @Effect2Amount@% slow and grounding them, prohibiting the use of Movement abilities. They also take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage per second.

    Miasma has a minimum cast range.
    Chronoshift (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownZilean marks himself or an allied champion with a protective time rune for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. If the target would take lethal damage, they are instead transported back in time, arriving with @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Health.Consume (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownWillump takes a bite of an enemy, dealing damage and healing himself. This healing increases by @f7@% when he is below @Effect7Amount*100@% health.

    Monsters and minions: Deals @Effect1Amount@ true damage and heals for @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) (+@f1@).

    Champions: Deals @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) (+@f8@) magic damage and heals for @f3@ (+@f9@) (+@f5@).
    Corpse Explosion (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Passive: Whenever a nearby enemy dies around Amumu, their corpse explodes dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to surrounding enemy units.Crystallize (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownAnivia summons an impassable wall of ice @Effect2Amount@ units wide, blocking all movement. The wall lasts for @Effect1Amount@ seconds before it melts.Noxian Guillotine (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLeaps to target enemy champion and strikes a lethal blow, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) true damage. For each stack of Hemorrhage on the target, Noxian Guillotine deals an additional @Effect3Amount@% damage.

    Maximum Damage: @f3@.

    Unlocked: If Noxian Guillotine kills the target, its cooldown is refreshed.
    Summoner Spells DisabledSummoner spells are disabled in this mode.

    ''Where we're going, we won't need summoner spells...''
    Deceive (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownShaco teleports nearby and becomes Invisible for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Shaco remains Invisible even if he uses Jack in the Box or Hallucinate.

    His next basic attack during Invisibility deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) (+@CharAbilityPower2@) bonus physical damage and reduces Deceive's cooldown by @f3@ seconds.

    Stealth - Invisible: Shaco can only be revealed by nearby enemy Turrets or True Sight.
    Defensive Ball Curl (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRammus enters a defensive formation for up to @Effect3Amount@ seconds, increasing Armor by @Effect1Amount@ plus @Effect6Amount@% (@f1@) and Magic Resist by @Effect8Amount@ plus @Effect7Amount@% (@f2@).

    During this time, Spiked Shell deals @Effect4Amount@% damage and also deals its damage to enemies that basic attack Rammus.

    Can be reactivated to end the effect early and put Defensive Ball Curl on cooldown.
    Casting Defensive Ball Curl cancels Powerball and puts it on cooldown.
    Cancel Defensive Ball Curl (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No CostNo CooldownCancel Defensive Ball Curl early.Destiny (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownGrants True Sight on all enemy champions on the map for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.

    While Destiny is active, Twisted Fate can teleport up to @Effect4Amount@ units away in 1.5 seconds.
    Explosive Charge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Enemies explode when slain by Tristana's basic attacks, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) Magic Damage to nearby enemies.

    Active: Places a bomb on an enemy or turret that explodes after 4 seconds, dealing @Effect4Amount@ (+@f1@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) Physical Damage. Each attack and ability charges the bomb's damage by +@Effect6Amount*100@%.

    At 4 charges, the bomb explodes immediately. The detonation radius is twice as large if used on a turret.
    Crescent StrikeLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownUnleashes a bolt of lunar energy in an arc dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.

    Afflicts enemies struck with Moonlight, revealing them if they are not stealthed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    Pale CascadeLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCreates three orbiting spheres that explode on contact with enemies dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. Lasts @Effect1Amount@ seconds.

    Grants a temporary shield that absorbs @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) damage. If the third sphere detonates, the shield increases by @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@).
    Moonsilver BladeEvery third strike restores mana and cleaves nearby enemies for additional magic damage. Every spell cast grants attack speed for the next 3 attacks.Lunar RushLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownBecomes the living embodiment of the vengeful moon, dashing to an enemy and dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.

    Lunar Rush has no cooldown when used to dash to an enemy afflicted with Moonlight. All other enemies will have the Moonlight debuff removed regardless of whether they were the target of Lunar Rush.
    MoonfallLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Increases the attack speed gained from Moonsilver Blade to @Effect3Amount*100@%.

    Active: Reveals and draws in all nearby enemies and then slows them by @Effect1Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.
    DisintegrateLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDeals @BaseDamage@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. Mana cost and half the cooldown are refunded if Disintegrate kills the target.tooltipStand Aside (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDraven throws his axes, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage to targets hit and knocking them aside. Targets hit are slowed by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Blood Rush (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDraven gains @Effect2Amount@% increased Move Speed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and @Effect4Amount@% increased Attack Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. The Move Speed bonus decreases rapidly over its duration.

    Catching a Spinning Axe will refresh the cooldown of Blood Rush.
    Whirling Death (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDraven hurls two massive axes to deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage to each unit struck.

    Whirling Death slowly reverses direction and returns to Draven after striking an enemy champion. Draven may also activate this ability while the axes are in flight to cause it to return early. Deals @Effect4Amount*100@% less damage for each unit hit (Minimum @Effect2Amount@%) and resets when the axes reverse direction.
    Whirling Death (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Cause Whirling Death to reverse direction early, returning to Draven.Spinning Axe (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDraven's next attack will deal @f1@ bonus physical damage. The bonus is equal to @Effect5Amount@ plus @Effect2Amount@% of his bonus Attack Damage.

    This axe will ricochet off the target high up into the air. If Draven catches it, he automatically readies another Spinning Axe.

    Draven can have two Spinning Axes at once.
    Draw a Bead (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Passive Permanently increases Tristana's basic Attack Range by @Effect1Amount@.Phase DiveLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec Cooldown Ekko dashes a short distance in the targeted direction. His next attack will deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) bonus magic damage and teleport him to his target.TimewinderLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownEkko throws a device that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies it passes through. It expands into a slowing field on the first champion hit, slowing everything inside by @Effect2Amount*-100@%. It then returns to him after a delay, dealing @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage to all targets hit upon return.ChronobreakLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownEkko turns back time, going briefly Untargetable and Invulnerable. He teleports to where he was 4 seconds ago and deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to nearby enemies on arrival. Additionally, Ekko heals for @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@), increased by @Effect5Amount@% for each 1% of his health lost over the last 4 seconds.Parallel ConvergenceLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Ekko's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage to enemies under 30% health equal to @Effect3Amount@% (+@CharAbilityPower2@%) of their missing health. Deals a minimum of @Effect6Amount@ damage, and a maximum of @Effect5Amount@ damage vs. minions and monsters.

    Active: After a 3 second delay, Ekko creates a short-lived chronosphere at the target location that slows enemies who enter by @Effect10Amount@%. If Ekko enters the sphere, he will detonate it, gaining a shield that absorbs up to @Effect4Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) damage for 2 seconds. Enemies caught inside are stunned for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.
    Ekko's basic attacks deal bonus damage to champions below 30% health.Source: @SourceName@Cocoon (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownStuns the first enemy hit for @Effect5Amount@ seconds and reveals them if they are not stealthed.Neurotoxin (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDeals magic damage equal to @Effect1Amount@ plus @Effect6Amount@% (+@CharAbilityPower@%) of the target's current health. Maximum bonus against monsters: @Effect2Amount@.Volatile Spiderling (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSummons a venom-gorged Spiderling that moves to target location and explodes, dealing @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage when it nears an enemy or after 3 seconds.Spider Form (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownElise transforms into a menacing spider, sacrificing 425 attack range in exchange for @Effect3Amount@ Move Speed and access to arachnid abilities. All dormant Spiderlings are awakened and will attack nearby foes.

    Spiderlings: Spiderlings deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) damage and take @Effect4Amount@% reduced damage from multi-target abilities.
    Spider Form (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownActive: Elise transforms into a menacing spider, granting access to arachnid abilities and summoning her Spiderlings. Spider Form deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) bonus Magic Damage per attack and grants @Effect3Amount@ Move Speed.

    Spiderlings: Spiderlings have @Effect1Amount@ base damage and take @Effect4Amount@% reduced damage from AoE abilities. Max @Effect5Amount@ Spiderlings.
    Human Form (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownElise takes human form, sacrificing 25 Move Speed in exchange for 425 attack range and access to mage abilities. All awoken Spiderlings are put into a dormant state.

    Spiderlings: Spiderlings deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) damage and take @Effect4Amount@% reduced damage from multi-target abilities.
    Rappel (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownOn Enemy Cast: Elise and her Spiderlings lift up into the air and then descend upon the target enemy. After descending, the bonus damage and healing from Spider Queen is increased by @Effect6Amount@% for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    On Ground Cast: Elise and her Spiderlings lift up into the air, becoming untargetable for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. She can then cast Rappel again to descend upon a nearby enemy.
    Venomous Bite (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLunges to a target with a poisonous bite that deals Magic Damage equal to @Effect1Amount@ plus @Effect6Amount@% (+@CharAbilityPower@%) of the target's missing Health. Max @Effect2Amount@ bonus damage to monsters.Skittering Frenzy (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Spiderlings gain @Effect5Amount@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Increases Attack Speed by @Effect2Amount@% for Elise and her Spiderlings for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    Enchanted Crystal ArrowLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLaunches a crystal arrow of ice that stuns the first enemy Champion hit, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. The farther the arrow flies, the longer the stun, up to @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Surrounding enemies are slowed and take half damage.Whiplash {{ game_spell_tooltip_EvelynnE_substring }}Whiplash Empowered (@Level@) {{ game_spell_tooltip_EvelynnE_substring }}[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownWhip target with Lashers, applying on hit effects and dealing magic damage equal to @f1@ plus @Effect5Amount@% (+@CharAbilityPower@%) of their max health. Then, gain @Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Entering Demon Shade resets Whiplash's cooldown and empowers it. When empowered, Whiplash pulls Evelynn to her target, dealing magic damage to them and enemies in the way equal to @f2@ plus @Effect6Amount@% (+@CharAbilityPower2@%) of their max health.
    Hate Spike (@Level@){{ game_spell_tooltip_EvelynnQ_substring }}[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@f9@ sec CooldownEvelynn's Lasher strikes in the target direction, dealing @Effect5Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage to the first unit hit and causing Evelynn's next 3 spells or attacks on that unit deal @Effect4Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) bonus magic damage. Then, Evelynn can recast this ability up to 3 times.

    Recast: Fires spikes through the nearest enemy, dealing @Effect5Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage to all units hit.

    Refunds @Effect1Amount*100@% of Hate Spike's cooldown if the Lasher hits a monster. Hate Spike prioritizes the target Evelynn is attacking.
    Last Caress (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownEvelynn unleashes her demonic energy, becoming untargetable and decimating enemies in front of her. She then warps backwards. Deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, increased to @f1@ (+@f2@) to enemies below @Effect7Amount*100@% health.Allure (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@f8@ sec CooldownCurses target champion or monster for 5 seconds. If Evelynn hits the target with a basic attack or ability, she will expunge the Curse, refund its mana cost, and briefly slow the target by @Effect3Amount*-100@%.

    If the Curse lasts at least 2.5 seconds, expunging it Charms the target for @Effect2Amount@ second(s) and:
    • Against champions: shreds Magic Resist by @Effect9Amount*100@% for @Effect10Amount@ seconds.
    • Against monsters: deals @Effect7Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. Charm duration increased by @Effect1Amount@ seconds.
    Casting Allure does not remove Evelynn from Demon Shade.
    Eye Of The StormLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownGrants an allied champion or turret a shield that decays over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The shield absorbs up to @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) damage and grants @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) attack damage until it is fully depleted.

    Each Janna ability that slows or knocks an enemy champion airborne will reduce Eye of the Storm's cooldown by @ECDRefundforCC*100@%.
    FeastLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRavenously feed on an enemy, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@f2@) (+@CharAbilityPower2@) true damage to champions or @Effect1Amount@ (+@f2@) (+@CharAbilityPower2@) to minions and monsters. If the target is killed, Cho'Gath gains a stack of Feast, which causes him to grow in size and gain @Effect3Amount@ maximum health.

    Only @Effect4Amount@ total stacks can be gained from minions and non-epic monsters. (Current: @f3@/@Effect4Amount@)
    Feral ScreamLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSilences enemies in a cone for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.Bladework (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFiora gains @Effect4Amount@% attack speed for her next two attacks. The first attack cannot critically strike, but will apply a @Effect3Amount@% slow for @Effect2Amount@ second. The second attack is guaranteed to critically strike for @f4@% damage (@f3@).Lunge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFiora lunges in a direction and stabs a nearby enemy, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage and applying on-hit effects. This attack prioritizes Vitals, enemies it will kill and turrets.

    If this ability hits an enemy, @Effect4Amount@% of its cooldown is refunded.
    Grand Challenge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFiora reveals all four Vitals on target champion, for a potential @f8@% max health true damage. In addition, Fiora gains Duelist's Dance's Move Speed bonus (@f6@%) while near the target.

    If Fiora hits all 4 Vitals in @Effect1Amount@ seconds or if the target dies after she has hit at least one, Fiora and her allies in the area are healed for @Effect7Amount@ (+@f9@) each second for between @Effect9Amount@ to @Effect6Amount@ seconds, scaling with the amount of Vitals hit.
    Riposte (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@f2@ sec CooldownFiora parries all incoming damage, debuffs, and disables for the next @Effect2Amount@ seconds and then stabs in the target direction.

    The stab deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) magic damage to the first enemy champion hit and slows their movement and attack speed by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    If Fiora parries an immobilizing effect, Riposte stuns instead of slowing.
    Playful / Trickster (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFizz hops on his trident towards the cursor, becoming briefly untargetable.

    Reactivation: Fizz cancels the spell early, jumping towards the cursor a second time and dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to nearby enemies.

    If Fizz does not reactivate, he deals damage in a larger area and slows all enemies hit by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    Urchin Strike (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFizz dashes through his target, dealing @CharTotalPhysical2@ physical damage plus @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. This spell applies on-hit effects.

    Seastone Trident is applied to all enemy units Fizz passes through during his dash.
    Chum the Waters (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFizz launches a fish that attaches to the first enemy champion it hits, slowing them, granting True Sight, and attracting a shark. After @Effect8Amount@ seconds, the shark erupts out of the ground, knocking its target up and knocking other enemies aside.

    The farther the fish travels before attaching, the bigger the shark it attracts, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) to @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage and slowing by 40% to 80%.
    Seastone Trident (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Fizz's basic attacks bleed his enemies, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage over @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Fizz's next basic attack deals @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) bonus magic damage.
    If the Active kills a target, it refunds @Effect2Amount@ mana and resets its cooldown to 1 second. Otherwise, for 5 seconds, Fizz's attacks deal an additional @Effect10Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage on hit.
    Flash Frost (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownA massive chunk of ice flies toward target location, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.

    At the end of its range or if Anivia activates the spell again, the missile detonates, doing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage in a small area and stunning units for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Enemies damaged by Flash Frost are also slowed by @f1@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.
    Fling (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSinged flings an enemy over his shoulder, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) plus @Effect3Amount@% of the target's maximum Health as magic damage. Max 300 bonus damage against minions and monsters.

    If the target Singed flings lands in his Mega Adhesive, they are also rooted for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).
    Force Pulse (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKassadin draws energy from spells cast in his vicinity, gaining a charge whenever a spell is cast near him.

    Upon reaching 6 charges, Kassadin can use Force Pulse to deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and slow enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second in a cone in front of him.
    Frostbite (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownAnivia blasts her target with a freezing wind, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.

    If a target was recently stunned by Anivia or damaged by a fully formed Glacial Storm, they take double damage.
    Gatling Gun (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCorki's gatling gun fires continuously at targets in front of him for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, dealing up to @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) damage and reducing up to @Effect4Amount*-1@ armor and magic resist.

    Gatling Gun's damage is @Effect7Amount*100@% physical, @Effect8Amount*100@% magic.
    Defense reductions last for @Effect6Amount@ seconds after last being damaged by Gatling Gun.
    Justice Punch (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownGalio lunges forward with a mighty blow, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies and knocking them into the air for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Galio will stop upon hitting a champion or terrain.Winds of War (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownGalio fires two windblasts that deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.

    When the windblasts meet, they combine into a giant tornado that deals @Effect5Amount*3@ (+@CharAbilityPower2.0*3@) plus (+@f9@)% of enemies' maximum Health (max @Effect4Amount*3@ vs. monsters) as magic damage over @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    Hero's Entrance (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownGalio designates an allied champion's current position as his landing spot and grants @Effect5Amount@ (+@f2@)% damage reduction to that ally until he lands.

    When Galio lands, enemies in the area take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and are knocked into the air for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (@Effect2Amount@ seconds in the center).
    Shield of Durand (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: After not taking damage for @Effect6Amount@ seconds Galio gains a shield that absorbs @f3@ magic damage.

    First Cast: Galio starts to charge, gaining @Effect1Amount@ (+@f2@)(+@f4@)% Damage Reduction from Magic Damage and @f5@% of that amount as Damage Reduction from Physical Damage. While charging, Galio slows himself by @Effect3Amount@%.

    Second Cast: Galio taunts nearby enemy champions for @Effect4Amount@ to @Effect7Amount@ seconds, deals @f8@ (+@f9@) to @f10@ (+@f11@) damage, and refreshes the Damage Reduction for @Effect8Amount@ seconds. Taunt duration, damage, and radius increase with charge time.
    Powder Keg (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@f2@ sec Recharge (max: @f4@)Places a powder keg that can be attacked by Gangplank or his enemies at a location for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    If Gangplank destroys a keg, it explodes dealing the attack's damage as physical damage (ignores @Effect10Amount@% Armor) to enemies and slowing them by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Champions take @Effect3Amount@ bonus physical damage from the explosion.

    When a keg explodes, other kegs with overlapping blast zones chain explode (damage does not stack).

    Kegs health decays every @f5@ seconds. (Decay rate increases at level 7 and 13)

    Keg explosions apply Parrrley's plunder effect.
    Parrrley (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFires a bullet that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) physical damage (can crit and applies on-hit effects).

    If Parrrley kills the target, Gangplank plunders @Effect2Amount@ bonus Gold and @Effect5Amount@ Silver Serpents. (Trade Silver Serpents at the shop to upgrade Cannon Barrage).

    Total Gold plundered: @f1@ Gold
    Cannon Barrage (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSignals Gangplank's ship to fire @f3@ waves of cannonballs at an area over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Each wave deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and slows enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Collect Silver Serpents with Parrrley to upgrade in the shop.
    Remove Scurvy (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownGangplank consumes a large quantity of citrus fruit, curing all disabling effects and healing him for @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) + @Effect2Amount@% of his missing Health.Gate (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No CostTeleports Twisted Fate to target location in 1.5 seconds.Glacial Storm (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownActivate: Drains @Effect2Amount@ Mana per second.

    Anivia calls forth a driving rain of ice and hail that increases in size over @Effect7Amount@ seconds, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage per second to targets and slowing their Move Speed by @Effect4Amount@%.

    When the Glacial Storm is fully formed, it slows targets' Move Speed by @f1@% and does @Effect3Amount@% damage instead.
    Cancel Glacial Storm[@Hotkey@]Cast to deactivate your Glacial Storm.Hop / Crunch (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMini Gnar: Leaps to a location, gaining @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for 3 seconds. If Gnar lands on a unit he will bounce off it, traveling further. Deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) [6% of Gnar's Max Health] physical damage and slows briefly if the unit landed on was an enemy.

    Mega Gnar: Leaps to a location and deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) [6% of Gnar's Max Health] physical damage to nearby enemies on landing. Enemies Gnar lands directly on top of are slowed briefly.

    If Crunch is used to transform, Gnar will still be able to bounce.
    Boomerang Throw / Boulder Toss (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMini Gnar: Throws a boomerang that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) physical damage and slows enemies by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. The boomerang returns towards Gnar after hitting an enemy, dealing @Effect7Amount@% damage to subsequent targets. Each enemy can only be hit once. Catching the boomerang reduces its cooldown by @f1@%.

    Mega Gnar: Throws a boulder that stops when it hits an enemy, slowing all nearby enemies and dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical2@) physical damage. Picking up the boulder reduces its cooldown by @Effect6Amount@%.
    GNAR! (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMini Gnar: Passive: Increases Hyper's Move Speed bonus to @Effect2Amount@%.

    Mega Gnar: Knocks nearby enemies in the specified direction, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) (+@CharAbilityPower2@) physical damage and slowing them by @Effect8Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Enemies that hit a wall take @Effect7Amount@% damage and are stunned instead of slowed.
    Hyper / Wallop (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMini Gnar: Passive: Every 3rd attack or spell on the same target deals an additional @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) + @Effect2Amount@% of the target's max Health as magic damage and grants Gnar @f1@% Move Speed that decays over 3 seconds (max @Effect4Amount@ damage vs. monsters).

    Mega Gnar: Stuns enemies in an area for @Effect5Amount@ seconds, dealing @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical2@) physical damage.

    Gnar gains Hyper's Move Speed bonus when he leaves Mega form.
    Body Slam (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownGragas charges forward, colliding with the first enemy unit. He deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies in the area and bumps them back, stunning them for @Effect2Amount@ second.

    Body Slam's Cooldown is reduced by @f1@ seconds if Gragas collides with a unit.
    Barrel Roll (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownGragas rolls his cask to a location. When reactivated, or after @Effect4Amount@ seconds, the cask will explode, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to nearby enemies and slowing their Move Speed by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    The damage and slow amount increase as the cask ferments, up to @Effect6Amount@% after @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Deals @Effect7Amount@% damage to minions.
    Barrel Roll (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownReactivate to make the barrel explode.Explosive Cask (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownGragas hurls his cask, causing it to explode when it lands. Enemies hit take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and are knocked away from the explosion.Drunken Rage (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownGragas guzzles down his brew, taking @Effect1Amount@% (+@CharAbilityPower2*100@%) reduced damage for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    After finishing his drink, his next basic attack deals magic damage to nearby enemies equal to @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) plus @Effect2Amount@% of their max Health (max @Effect4Amount@ vs monsters).
    Collateral DamageLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFires an explosive shell with such force that it knocks Graves back. The shell deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage to the first enemy hit. After hitting an enemy Champion or reaching the end of its range, the shell explodes, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@f2@) physical damage in a cone.QuickdrawLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDashes in a direction, reloading one shell. Graves gains True Grit for 4 seconds. If Graves dashes towards an enemy champion, gain two stacks of True Grit instead.

    Basic attack hits lower the cooldown of Quickdraw by @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Damage against non-minions also refreshes True Grit.

    True Grit grants @Effect5Amount@ Armor (stacks up to @Effect10Amount@ times).
    End of the LineLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFires a powder round that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage to enemies in a line.

    After 2 seconds or @Effect6Amount@ seconds on collision with terrain, the round detonates, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@f2@) physical damage to all nearby enemies.
    Smoke ScreenLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCreates a cloud of Black Smoke lasting 4 seconds. Enemies inside Black Smoke cannot see out.

    Enemies caught in the initial impact are dealt @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and have their Move Speed reduced by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.
    Hallucinate (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownShaco vanishes briefly and reappears with a clone. The clone lasts up to 18 seconds and detonates when it dies, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to nearby enemies and spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes.

  1899. Mini boxes deal @Effect6Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) damage, make enemies flee for @Effect7Amount@ second(s), and trigger together.

    Clone deals @Effect8Amount@% of Shaco's damage and receives @Effect2Amount@% increased damage.

  1900. The clone can be controlled by holding the alt key and using the right mouse button or by reactivating this ability.Command: Hallucinate (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No CostNo CooldownShaco commands his clone to move to target location or attack target enemy.

    This clone lasts up to 18 seconds and detonates when it dies, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to nearby enemies and spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes.

  1901. Mini boxes deal @Effect6Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) damage, make enemies flee for @Effect7Amount@ second(s), and trigger together.

    Clone deals 75% of Shaco's damage and receives @Effect2Amount@% increased damage.

  1902. The clone can also be controlled by holding the alt key and using the right mouse button.
    Rampage (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownHecarim cleaves nearby enemies for @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage. (@Effect5Amount@% damage to minions)CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownHurls a grenade that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage to enemies and slows their Move Speed by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the center of the blast are also stunned for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Hitting a champion fully charges nearby turret beams.
    H-28G Evolution Turret (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana and @f3@ Turret Kit@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPlaces a Turret. Turret attacks prioritize Heimerdinger's targets and enemies attacking Heimerdinger. Turrets shut down if Heimerdinger moves far away. Heimerdinger generates a Turret Kit every @f1@ seconds and can hold @Effect3Amount@ Kits at once.

    H-28G Evolution Turret Stats
    Health: @f4@ (+@f2@)
    Attack - Cannon: @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage.
    Attack - Beam: @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) Magic Damage every @Effect6Amount@ seconds.
    Maximum Turrets Placed: 3
    UPGRADE!!! (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMakes Heimerdinger's next ability free and gives it bonus effects. Reactivate to cancel.

    H-28Q Apex Turret: Places a Turret for 8 seconds that deals @Effect7Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) Magic Damage with its cannon and @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage with its beam. It has splash damage, immunity to disables, its attacks slow by 25% for 2 seconds and it doesn't count toward the Turret limit.

    Hextech Rocket Swarm: Fires 4 waves of rockets that each deal @Effect8Amount@ (+@f1@) Magic Damage. Champions and Monsters hit by multiple rockets take reduced damage, max @Effect5Amount@ (+@f2@).

    CH-3X Lightning Grenade: Throws a bouncing grenade that discharges three times, dealing @Effect10Amount@ (+@f4@) Magic Damage. Both the stun and slow areas are larger and the slow is improved to 80%.
    Hextech Micro-Rockets (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownUnleashes a barrage of 5 rockets that converge towards the cursor and fan out past it. Rockets deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage. Additional rocket hits deal reduced damage:

    Champions and Monsters: @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) Magic Damage, max @Effect6Amount@ (+@f2@) total damage
    Minions: 60% of base damage

    Rocket hits against champions charge nearby turret beam attacks.
    Hextech GunbladeDeals @Effect3Amount@ - @Effect4Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and slows the target champion's Move Speed by @Effect5Amount*100@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.Howling GaleLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSummons a whirlwind, which deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies in its path and knocks them into the air for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    The whirlwind can be charged up to @Effect6Amount@ seconds. For each second charged, it:
    • Deals @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) bonus damage
    • Knocks up for an additional @Effect5Amount@ seconds
    • Travels @Effect3Amount@% further
    Howling Gale always reaches its destination in @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Activate again to release the whirlwind early.
    Test of Spirit (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownIllaoi pulls the spirit from an enemy champion for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (reduced when Illaoi is attacked by the target). The spirit can be attacked, with @Effect1Amount@% (+@f5@%) of the damage taken echoing to its owner.

    If the spirit dies or the target leaves its range, the target becomes a Vessel for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and is slowed by @Effect8Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Vessels spawn Tentacles every @f1@ seconds if no other Tentacles are nearby.

    Tentacles will automatically Slam at spirits and Vessels once every 10 seconds.
    Tentacle Smash (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Slam damage is increased by @Effect6Amount*100@% (@f1@).

    Active: Illaoi swings her idol, causing a Tentacle to Slam forward.
    Leap of Faith (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownIllaoi smashes her idol into the ground, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage to nearby enemies and spawning a Tentacle for each enemy champion hit.

    For the next @Effect1Amount@ seconds Tentacles are untargetable and will Slam 50% faster, and Harsh Lesson has a 2 second cooldown.

    'There are kind and gentle gods. Mine isn't one of those.'
    Harsh Lesson (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownIllaoi leaps at her target on her next basic attack, dealing bonus physical damage equal to @f1*100@% of their maximum health [@Effect1Amount*100@% + @f2*100@% per 100 attack damage].

    When she strikes, nearby Tentacles will Slam at the target.

    Harsh Lesson's bonus damage against monsters is capped at @Effect3Amount@ damage per hit.
    IncinerateLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCasts a cone of fire dealing @BaseDamage@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to all enemies in the area.Infected Cleaver (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Effect3Amount@ Health@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDr. Mundo hurls his cleaver, dealing @Effect2Amount*100@% of the target's current health as magic damage (no less than @Effect1Amount@) and slowing them by @Effect4Amount*-100@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    If the cleaver hits, @f1@ health is refunded (@f2@ if the cleaver kills).

    Infected Cleaver deals no more than @Effect6Amount@ damage against monsters.
    Summon: TibbersLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSummons Tibbers, dealing @InitialDamage@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies in the target area. For the next 45 seconds, Tibbers burns nearby enemies for @AuraDamage@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) per second and attacks for @TibbersAttackDamage@ (+@TibbersAttackRatio@) as magic damage. Annie can control Tibbers by reactivating this ability.

    Tibbers Enrages when: summoned; Annie uses Pyromania on an enemy Champion; and when Annie dies.

    Enrages: Tibbers gains 275% Attack Speed and 100% Move Speed, decaying over 3 seconds.
    Command: TibbersLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]No CostNo CooldownTibbers can be controlled by re-targetting using this button or by holding the alt key and using the right mouse button.

    Stunning Champions with Pyromania while Tibbers is alive will grant him a large burst of Attack Speed and Move Speed.
    Insanity Potion (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSinged drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him @Effect1Amount@ Ability Power, Armor, Magic Resist, Move Speed, Health Regen, and Mana Regen for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Flawless Duet (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec Cooldown Irelia readies 2 blades that will fly towards each other once placed, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and stunning for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Champions and large monsters are Marked for @Effect10Amount@ seconds.

    Flawless Duet deals @Effect9Amount@% damage to monsters.
    Flawless Duet (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec Cooldown Irelia places the second blade.Bladesurge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownIrelia dashes to an enemy, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) physical damage, applying on-hit effects and healing for @f1@ health.

    Bladesurge's cooldown is reset if the target was Marked or dies to Bladesurge.

    Bladesurge deals @Effect4Amount@% bonus damage to minions.
    Vanguard's Edge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownIrelia launches a storm of blades that explode outward upon hitting a champion. The blades deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and Mark champions and large monsters for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Irelia then forms the blades into a wall for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Passing through the wall deals @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage, slows by @Effect5Amount@% and disarms for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Disarmed enemies cannot basic attack.
    Defiant Dance (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFirst Cast: Irelia aligns her blades into a defensive formation, gaining @Effect1Amount@% (+@f1@%) damage reduction and a stack of Ionian Fervor but becoming unable to act.

    Second Cast: Irelia swipes her blades, dealing @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) (+@CharAbilityPower2@) physical damage. Damage increases with charge time, up to @f4@ (+@f2@) (+@f3@) after @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Defiant Dance cannot be interrupted.
    Quick Cast: Hold and release instead of casting twice.
    Frost Queen's Claim Summon @Effect3Amount@ icy ghosts for @Effect4Amount@ seconds that seek out nearby enemy champions. Ghosts reveal enemies on contact and slow them by @Effect5Amount*-100@% for between @Effect6Amount@ and @Effect7Amount@ seconds based on how far the ghosts have traveled (@Effect8Amount@ second cooldown.)Timeworn Frost Queen's Claim Summon @Effect3Amount@ icy ghosts for @Effect4Amount@ seconds that seek out nearby enemy champions. Ghosts reveal enemies on contact and slow them by @Effect5Amount*-100@% for between @Effect6Amount@ and @Effect7Amount@ seconds based on how far the ghosts have traveled (@Effect8Amount@ second cooldown.)Redemption Target an area within @Effect8Amount@ range. After 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to heal allies for @Effect2Amount@ (+@Effect3Amount@ per level of target) health, burn enemy champions for @Effect4Amount*100@% of their maximum health as true damage, and deal @Effect5Amount@ true damage to enemy minions.

    Can be used while dead.
    Crescent (Item)[@Hotkey@]No Cost10 sec CooldownDeals 60% to 100% of Attack Damage as physical damage to nearby enemy units (enemies closest to the center take the most damage) (10 second cooldown).Daisy, wait! (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No ManaNo CooldownActivate to point out targets for Daisy to attack. If cast on self, Daisy will follow Ivern.Jack In The Box (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownShaco creates a Jack in the Box that hides from view after @Effect5Amount@ seconds. It pops out when an enemy comes near or when uncovered by a ward or trinket, making nearby enemies flee very slowly for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Its attacks deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. It lasts for @Effect4Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) seconds while hidden or 5 seconds while firing.
    CataclysmLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownHeroically leaps to an enemy Champion dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage to nearby enemies and creating an arena of impassable terrain around them for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Activate again to collapse the terrain.
    Demacian StandardLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Gains @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed.

    Active: Throws a Demacian Standard to a nearby area dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies. The Standard lasts for @Effect4Amount@ seconds and grants surrounding allied champions @Effect3Amount*100@% Attack Speed.
    Dragon StrikeLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownExtends Jarvan IV's lance dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage and lowering the Armor of enemies hit by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    If the lance contacts Demacian Standard it will pull Jarvan IV to its location, knocking up enemies in his path. This effect can be triggered even while immobilized.
    Golden AegisLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownGrants a shield that absorbs @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@ [@Effect6Amount*100@% max Health] for each nearby enemy champion) damage for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, and slows surrounding enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.Javelin Toss / Takedown (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownHuman: Nidalee throws her javelin, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage. If it exceeds her basic attack range, it gains damage based on distance flown, up to a potential @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) total damage.

    Cougar: Nidalee's next attack deals additional damage, greatly increased on low health targets.
    Counter Strike (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownJax enters a defensive stance for up to @Effect6Amount@ seconds, dodging all incoming basic attacks and taking @Effect3Amount@% less damage from area of effect abilities.

    After 2 seconds or if activated again, Jax stuns surrounding enemies for @Effect2Amount@ second and deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@f2@) physical damage to them.

    Counter Strike deals @Effect5Amount@% more damage for each attack Jax dodged (max: @Effect4Amount@% increased damage).
    Empower (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownJax charges his weapon with energy, causing his next basic attack or Leap Strike to deal an additional @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage.Leap Strike (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownJax leaps to target unit, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) physical damage if it is an enemy.Grandmaster's Might (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Every third consecutive strike Jax deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) additional Magic Damage.

    Active: Jax strengthens his resolve, granting him @f2@ Armor and @f1@ Magic Resist for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Armor bonus is equal to @Effect3Amount@ + @Effect6Amount@% bonus Attack Damage.

    Magic Resist bonus is equal to @Effect3Amount@ + @Effect7Amount@% Ability Power.
    Acceleration GateLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDeploys an Acceleration Gate for @Effect2Amount@ seconds increasing the Move Speed of all allied champions who pass through it by @Effect1Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (this bonus fades over the duration).

    If Shock Blast is fired through the gate the orb's speed and range will be increased, and its damage will increase by @Effect4Amount@%.
    Hyper ChargeLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownGains a burst of energy increasing Attack Speed to maximum for @Effect1Amount@ attacks. These attacks deal @Effect4Amount*100@% (@f1@) damage.Shock BlastLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFires an orb of electricity that detonates upon hitting an enemy or reaching the end of its path dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage to all enemies hit.Transform: Mercury HammerLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTransforms the Mercury Cannon into the Mercury Hammer gaining new abilities and @f1@ Armor and Magic Resist.

    The next attack in Hammer Stance deals an additional @f2@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) magic damage.
    Transform: Mercury CannonLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownActive: Transforms the Mercury Hammer into the Mercury Cannon gaining new abilities and ranged attacks.

    The next attack in Cannon Stance reduces the target's Armor and Magic Resist by @f3@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    Lightning FieldLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Gains @Effect5Amount@ Mana per strike while in Hammer Stance.

    Active: Creates an electric aura dealing @Effect4Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage over @Effect2Amount@ seconds to nearby enemies.
    Thundering BlowLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDeals @Effect4Amount@% of the target's maximum health (+@CharBonusPhysical@) as magic damage and knocks them back a short distance. (@Effect1Amount@ Maximum Damage against monsters)To the Skies!Level @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLeaps to an enemy dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage to nearby enemies and slowing them by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.Captive AudienceLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownJhin places an invisible Lotus Trap that lasts @Effect5Amount@ minutes and activates when stepped on, revealing nearby enemies for 4 seconds.

    The trap leaves behind a zone that slows enemies inside by @Effect7Amount@% and detonates after 2 seconds, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage (@Effect1Amount@% damage on subsequent hits and vs. minions and monsters).

    Jhin prepares a new trap every @f1@ seconds and can store 2 at once.

    Beauty in Death - When Jhin kills an enemy champion a Lotus Trap will spawn and detonate where they were killed.
    Dancing GrenadeLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownJhin launches a cartridge at the targeted enemy that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) physical damage before bouncing to a nearby target that has not yet been hit.

    The cartridge can hit a maximum of 4 times. Each kill by the cartridge increases the damage of subsequent hits by @Effect2Amount@%.
    Curtain CallLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownJhin sets up and channels, enabling him to fire 4 super shots at extreme range in a cone in front of him. The shots stop on the first champion hit, slowing it by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds and dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) physical damage, increased by @Effect5Amount@% for each 1% health the target is missing (up to @f2@ (+@f3@)). The 4th shot crits for @f1@% damage.Curtain CallLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana1 sec CooldownJhin fires a super shot that pierces through minions and monsters and stops on first champion hit, crippling it and dealing execute damage.Deadly FlourishLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownJhin fires a long range shot that stops on the first champion hit, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) physical damage to it, and @Effect4Amount*100@% of that damage to minions and monsters hit along the way.

    If Deadly Flourish strikes a champion that has been hit by one of Jhin's Lotus Traps, damaged by Jhin, or damaged by his team within the last 4 seconds, it will root them for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and grant Jhin Move Speed as though he had crit them.
    Flame Chompers! Level @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownJinx tosses out 3 chompers that, once armed, explode on contact with enemy champions, rooting the target for 1.5 seconds and stopping in-progress movement abilities on the spot before dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage over 1.5 seconds to nearby enemies. Chompers last for 5 seconds.Switcheroo!Level @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana per Rocket0.9 sec CooldownJinx swaps weapons.

    Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher: Basic attacks deal 110% Damage to the target and nearby enemies, gain @Effect3Amount@ range, drain Mana, and scale @Effect5Amount@% less with bonus Attack Speed.

    Pow-Pow, the Minigun: Basic attacks grant bonus Attack Speed for 2.5 seconds. This effect stacks up to 3 times for a total bonus of @Effect1Amount@%.

    Stacks fall off one at a time and only benefit Jinx's first attack after switching to Rocket Launcher.
    Super Mega Death Rocket! Level @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownJinx fires a rocket that gains damage over the first second it travels. It explodes on the first enemy champion hit, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) to @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical2@) Physical Damage plus @Effect3Amount@% of the target's missing Health. Nearby enemies take 80% Damage.Super Mega Death Rocket! Level @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@AmmoRechargeTime@ sec CooldownJinx fires a rocket that gains damage over the first second it travels. It explodes on the first enemy champion hit, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) to @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical2@) Physical Damage plus @Effect3Amount@% of the target's missing Health. Nearby enemies take 80% Damage.Zap! Level @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownJinx fires a shock blast that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) Physical Damage to the first enemy hit, revealing it and slowing it by @Effect2Amount@% for 2 seconds.Supercharge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKai'Sa spends @f1@ seconds Supercharging her Void Energy. She gains @f4@% Move Speed during the charge, and @Effect5Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds when charged.

    Living Weapon - @Effect6Amount@% Attack Speed (current: @f2@%) - Supercharge grants Invisibility for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Basic attacks reduce Supercharge's cooldown by @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Supercharge's cast time and Move Speed improve with Attack Speed.
    Evolve Supercharge[@Hotkey@]Evolve Supercharge: Kai'Sa now becomes Invisible when she casts Supercharge.Icathian Rain (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKai'Sa launches @Effect2Amount@ missiles that split among nearby enemies, each dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) (+@f7@) physical damage. Additional hits on a champion or monster deal @Effect3Amount*100@% damage (max: @f3@ (+@f2@) (+@f8@)).

    Living Weapon - @Effect6Amount@ Bonus Attack Damage (current: @f5@) - Icathian Rain fires @Effect7Amount@ missiles.

    Minions below @Effect5Amount*100@% health take @Effect4Amount*100@% damage.
    Evolve Icathian Rain[@Hotkey@]Evolve Icathian Rain: Icathian Rain now launches extra missiles.Killer Instinct (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKai'Sa warps to a location near an enemy champion affected by Plasma, gaining a shield that absorbs @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) (+@f2@) damage for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Void Seeker (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKai'Sa fires a Void blast that grants True Sight on the first enemy hit, and triggers @Effect4Amount@ stacks of Plasma, dealing magic damage based on the target's stacks.

    Min Damage: @Effect1Amount@ (+@f5@) (+@f1@) (+@f6@)
    Max Damage: @Effect1Amount@ (+@f7@) (+@f1@) (+@f8@)

    Living Weapon - @Effect2Amount@ Ability Power (current: @f3@) - Void Seeker triggers @Effect5Amount@ stacks of Plasma and refunds @Effect3Amount@% cooldown on champion hit.
    Evolve Void Seeker[@Hotkey@]Evolve Void Seeker: Void Seeker now triggers extra stacks of passive on hit, additionally reducing the cooldown on champion hit.RendLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@f2@ sec CooldownPassive: Kalista's spears pierce their target, lingering for 4 seconds.

    Active: Rip the spears from nearby targets, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) physical damage and slowing their Move Speed by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Each additional spear deals @Effect9Amount@ (+@f4@) physical damage.

    If Rend kills at least one target, its cooldown is reset and it refunds @Effect8Amount@ mana.
    PierceLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownHurl a fast but narrow spear that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) physical damage. Triggers Martial Poise (P), Sentinel (W), and Rend (E).

    If it kills a target, Pierce continues onward, passing all stacks of Rend to the next target.
    The OathLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownActive: Target an ally to bind with them for the remainder of the game, enabling Sentinel's passive and Fate's Call.Fate's CallLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDraw Kalista's Oathsworn to her. For up to 4 seconds, the Oathsworn is untargetable and pacified.

    The Oathsworn may mouse click to fly toward target position, stopping at the first enemy champion hit and knocking all enemies in a small radius back.

    Kalista's Oathsworn must be within 1100 units for her to cast this ability.
    SentinelLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: When Kalistan and her Oathsworn both basic attack the same target, she deals @Effect2Amount@% of their max health as magic damage. @Effect7Amount@ second cooldown per target.

    Active: Send a soul Sentinel to patrol an unseen area. Champions spotted are revealed for 4 seconds. Sentinels last 3 laps.

    Kalista gains a charge of Sentinel every @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    The OathLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]Passive: When Kalista and her Oathsworn both basic attack the same target, she deals @Effect2Amount@% of their max health as magic damage. Mantra (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKarma empowers her next ability within 8 seconds for an additional effect.

    Soulflare: Deals bonus damage and leaves behind a circle of flame, slowing enemies and dealing additional damage.

    Renewal: Karma heals for a portion of her missing health. If the link is unbroken the root is longer and Karma is healed again.

    Defiance: The shield is stronger and allied champions around the target also gain a shield and Move Speed.
    Inner Flame (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFires a blast of energy that explodes upon enemy contact, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and slowing Move Speed by @Effect2Amount*100@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Mantra Bonus - Soulflare: Deals @f1@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) additional magic damage and leaves a circle of flame that slows enemies by @f3@%. After 1.5 seconds the circle erupts, dealing @f2@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies in the area.
    Inspire (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTarget ally gains a shield, granting @Effect3Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and absorbing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) damage for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Mantra Bonus - Defiance: The shield overflows with energy, absorbing an additional @f1@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) damage. Nearby allied champions gain shields that absorb @f2@% as much as the initial target's shield. All champions shielded gain @f3@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.
    Focused Resolve (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLinks Karma to an enemy champion or monster, granting True Sight and dealing @Effect1Amount*0.5@ (+@f4@) magic damage. If the link is unbroken for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, the target is rooted for @Effect2Amount@ second(s) and takes an additional @Effect1Amount*0.5@ (+@f4@) magic damage.

    Mantra Bonus - Renewal: Karma is healed for @f1@% (+@f3@%) of her missing health. If the link is not broken or the target dies, the root duration is increased by @f2@ second(s) and Karma is healed for @f1@% (+@f3@%) of her missing health.
    Defile (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana Per Second @Effect3Amount@ sec CooldownToggle Off: When Karthus kills a unit, he restores @Effect2Amount@ Mana.

    Toggle On: Drains @Cost@ Mana to deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to nearby enemies each second.
    Requiem (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownAfter channeling for 3 seconds, Karthus deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to all enemy champions (regardless of distance). Lay Waste (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@f1@ sec CooldownCreates a delayed blast at Karthus' cursor position dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to each nearby enemy.

    If the blast hits only a single unit it deals double damage.
    Wall of Pain (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCreates a wall that lasts for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Enemies that pass through the wall have their Magic Resist reduced by @Effect1Amount@% and Move Speed reduced by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds (their Move Speed gradually recovers over the duration).Shunpo (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKatarina dashes in the blink of an eye to the target ally, enemy, or Dagger. If it is an enemy, Katarina strikes for @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage - otherwise she strikes the nearest enemy in range.

    Picking up a Dagger will reduce Shunpo's cooldown by @f1@ seconds (@f3*100@%).

    Katarina can blink to any location near the target.
    Bouncing Blade (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKatarina throws a Dagger, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to the target and @Effect4Amount@ nearby enemies. The dagger then ricochets onto the ground behind the primary target.

    The dagger always lands 350 units on the opposite side from where it struck the first target, getting there in the same amount of time regardless of how many times it bounces.
    Death Lotus (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKatarina becomes a flurry of blades, rapidly throwing knives at the three nearest enemy champions, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical2@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage per knife. Total over @Effect3Amount@ seconds to each enemy: @f1@ (+@f2@) (+@f3@) magic damage.

    Applies Grievous Wounds to all enemies struck, reducing their healing and regeneration by 40%.
    Preparation (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKatarina tosses a Dagger into the air and gains @Effect4Amount@% decaying Move Speed over @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Shadow Step (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@f1@ sec Cooldown{{ game_spell_Kayn_E_main_@f1@ }}

    Maximum duration in combat with enemy champions: @Effect6Amount@ seconds.
    Immobilizing effects and spending more than @Effect3Amount@ consecutive seconds outside of terrain end Shadow Step immediately.
    The Darkin Scythe{{ game_spell_Kayn_P_main_@f1@ }}Reaping Slash (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec Cooldown{{ game_spell_Kayn_Q_main_@f1@ }}

    Deals @Effect6Amount@ bonus physical damage to monsters.
    Umbral Trespass (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec Cooldown{{ game_spell_Kayn_R_main_@f1@ }}Umbral Trespass (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownActivate to end Umbral Trespass early.Blade's Reach (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec Cooldown{{ game_spell_Kayn_W_maintext_@f1@ }}Electrical Surge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Energy@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Every 5 attacks, Kennen deals bonus magic damage equal to @Effect2Amount@ (+@f1@) (+@CharAbilityPower2@) and adds a Mark of the Storm to his target.

    Active: Sends a surge of electricity through all nearby enemies affected by Mark of the Storm or Slicing Maelstrom, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.
    Lightning Rush (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Energy@Cooldown@ sec CooldownYou can activate Lightning Rush again right now to cancel the current spell.Lightning Rush (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Energy@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKennen turns into a ball of lightning for up to @duration - as ball@ seconds, dealing @base damage@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies he passes through.

    While a ball of lightning, Kennen gains @defenses@ armor and magic resist, and @Movement Speed*100@% Move Speed. Kennen is refunded @energy refund@ energy if he damages at least one enemy in this form.

    Upon returning to his normal form, Kennen gains @attack speed*100@% attack speed for @duration - after ball@ seconds.

    Lightning Rush deals @damage to minions*100@% damage to minions.
    Kennen ignores unit collision while he is a ball of lightning.
    Thundering Shuriken (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Energy@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKenen throws a shuriken, dealing @Effect1Amount@(+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.Thundering Shuriken (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Energy@Cooldown@ sec CooldownThrows a shuriken that damages the first enemy it hits for @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.Thundering Shuriken (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Energy@Cooldown@ sec CooldownThrows a shuriken that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to the first enemy it hits.Slicing Maelstrom (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSummons a magical storm for @Effect3Amount@ seconds that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to all enemies near Kennen every @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Each maelstrom hit applies Mark of the Storm, up to a maximum of 3.

    Successive maelstrom hits against the same enemy deal an additional @Effect4Amount*100@% damage for each hit they've already suffered from this storm.
    Thundering Shuriken (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Energy@Cooldown@ sec CooldownThrows a lightning shuriken that damages target enemy for @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.LeapLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLeaps to target area, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage.

    Evolved Wings: Increases Leap's range by 200, and the cooldown resets on champion kill or assist.
    Evolve Wings[@Hotkey@]Evolve Wings: Increases this Ability's range and the Cooldown resets on champion takedown.Evolved LeapLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLeaps to target area, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage.

    Evolved Wings: Increases Leap's range by 200, and the cooldown resets on champion kill or assist.
    Taste Their FearLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDeals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage. If the target is Isolated, the damage is increased by @Effect2Amount@% (@f1@).

    Evolved Reaper Claws: Increases the range of Taste Their Fear and Kha'Zix's basic attacks by @Effect3Amount@. If target is Isolated, refunds @Effect4Amount@% of Taste Their Fear's cooldown.
    Evolve Reaper Claws[@Hotkey@]Evolve Reaper Claws: Refunds @Effect4Amount@% of this Ability's Cooldown if the target is Isolated. Increases the range of this Ability and Kha'Zix's Attacks by @Effect3Amount@.Evolved Taste Their FearLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDeals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage. If the target is Isolated, the damage is increased by @Effect2Amount@% (@f1@).

    Evolved Reaper Claws: Increases the range of Taste Their Fear and Kha'Zix's basic attacks by @Effect3Amount@. If target is Isolated, refunds @Effect4Amount@% of Taste Their Fear's cooldown.
    Void AssaultLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Ranking up Void Assault allows Kha'Zix to evolve one of his abilities.

    Active: Kha'Zix becomes Invisible for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and activates Unseen Threat. While Invisible, he gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed and ignores unit collision.

    Void Assault can be used again within @Effect2Amount@ seconds of the initial use, up to @Effect7Amount@ times total.

    Evolved Adaptive Cloaking: Void Assault's uses are increased to @Effect8Amount@ within @Effect2Amount@ seconds, and its stealth duration is increased to @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Stealth - Invisible: Kha'Zix can only be revealed by nearby enemy Turrets or True Sight.
    Evolve Adaptive Cloaking[@Hotkey@]Evolve Adaptive Cloaking: Increases this Ability's Invisibility duration to 2 seconds, and increases its maximum uses to 3.Void SpikeLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFires exploding spikes, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage to enemies hit. Heals Kha'Zix for @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) if he is within the explosion radius.

    Evolved Spike Racks: Void Spike fires three spikes in a cone and slows targets hit by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Reveals enemy champions hit for 2 seconds. Isolated targets are slowed for @Effect7Amount@% instead.
    Evolve Spike Racks[@Hotkey@]Evolve Spike Racks: Allows Void Spike to fire three spikes in a cone and cause them to slow. Isolated targets are slowed for extra.Mounting DreadLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCripple an enemy, slowing their Move Speed by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect8Amount@ second.

    After Lamb attacks the target twice, her third attack instead directs Wolf to pounce on the enemy, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) plus @f2@% of the target's missing health as bonus physical damage.

    Wolf's attack critically strikes targets for @Effect6Amount@% increased damage if they are below @Effect5Amount@% (+@f3@%) health (Increased by Critical Strike Chance).

    [Maximum @Effect10Amount@ vs. monsters]
    Dance of ArrowsLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLamb vaults, firing up to 3 arrows at nearby enemies, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage and gains @f2@% bonus attack speed for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Casting Wolf's Frenzy or vaulting inside of its effect reduces the cooldown of this spell to @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    Lamb's RespiteLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLamb blesses the ground underneath her for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, creating an area in which no living things, ally or enemy, can die. Upon reaching 10% Health, units become immune to further damage or healing.

    When the blessing ends all living things inside heal for @Effect1Amount@.
    Wolf's FrenzyLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: As Kindred move and attack they build stacks of Hunter's Vigor, up to a maximum of 100. At full stacks Lamb's next basic attack restores up to @f1@ health based on how much health Kindred is missing.

    Active: Wolf claims a territory, attacking nearby enemies inside it for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Lamb can redirect Wolf to new targets by attacking them. If Lamb leaves Wolf's territory he will cease attacking and join her.

    Wolf's attacks deal magic damage equal to @Effect5Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) plus @f3@% of the target's current health.

    Wolf attacks faster based on Kindred's attack speed. His attacks maim monsters for @Effect7Amount*100@% increased damage and reduce their Move Speed by @Effect8Amount*100@% for 2 seconds.
    Jousting (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKled dashes, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage to enemies in his path. Cannot cross walls.

    If Jousting hits an enemy champion or large monster, Kled gains @Effect5Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ second and True Sight of the target. He can cast this ability again within @Effect6Amount@ seconds to dash back through the same target, dealing the same damage.
    Jousting (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Kled can dash back through his initial target, dealing the same damage.Bear Trap on a Rope (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKled throws a bear trap that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage and hooks onto the first enemy champion or large monster hit, granting True Sight. Deals 150% damage to minions passed through.

    If Kled stays near a hooked enemy for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, he deals @Effect1Amount*2@ (+@CharBonusPhysical*2@) physical damage, yanks the enemy toward him, and slows the enemy by @Effect5Amount@% for 1.5 seconds.

    Dismounted: Becomes Pocket Pistol, a ranged ability that restores courage.
    Chaaaaaaaarge!!! (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKled charges toward a location, leaving a trail that grants allies increasing Move Speed. While charging, Kled gains a shield that increases over time to a maximum of @Effect4Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) and lasts for 2 seconds after the charge ends.

    Skaarl rams the first enemy champion encountered, dealing up to @f5@% (+@f1*3@%) of the target's maximum health as physical damage based on distance traveled.
    Pocket Pistol (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]1 ammo@f2@ sec ammo recharge (@f1@ sec Cooldown)Kled fires a gun blast, hurling him backward. Enemies hit take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage, plus @Effect2Amount*100@% per additional pellet past the first.

    Each pellet that hits an enemy champion or epic monster restores courage (@Effect4Amount@ vs champions, @Effect4Amount*0.5@ vs epic monsters).
    Violent Tendencies (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: When Kled basic attacks, he frenzies, gaining @Effect2Amount*100@% attack speed for four attacks or @Effect6Amount@ seconds. Violent Tendencies then goes on cooldown.

    The fourth hit deals bonus physical damage equal to @Effect4Amount@ plus @Effect1Amount@% (+@f1@%) of the target's maximum health (maximum @Effect7Amount@ vs monsters).
    Bio-Arcane BarrageLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFor @Effect3Amount@ seconds, Kog'Maw's basic attacks gain @Effect1Amount@ range and deal @Effect2Amount@% (+@f1@)% of the target's maximum health as bonus magic damage.Living ArtilleryLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFires an artillery shot, damaging enemies above 40% health for @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical2@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) to @Effect1Amount*1.5@ (+@f3@) (+@f2@) magic damage based on their missing health.

    If enemies are below 40% health, they take @f4@ (+@f6@) (+@f5@) magic damage instead.

    Each subsequent shot within @Effect4Amount@ seconds costs @Effect3Amount@ more Mana (max @Effect5Amount@).
    Caustic SpittleLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Kog'Maw gains @Effect2Amount*100@% bonus attack speed.

    Active: Launches a corrosive projectile that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage to the first enemy hit and shreds its Armor and Magic Resist by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    Void OozeLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDeals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage to enemies hit and leaves a trail on the ground for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, slowing enemies in it by @Effect2Amount@%.Ground Slam (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMalphite slams the ground dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@f1@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to surrounding enemies, reducing their Attack Speed by @Effect1Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    This ability gains damage equal to @Effect3Amount@% of Malphite's Armor.
    Ethereal Chains (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLeBlanc launches a chain that shackles the first enemy hit, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and granting True Sight of the target.

    If the target remains shackled for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, LeBlanc roots them for @Effect4Amount@ seconds and deals an additional @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage.
    Sigil of Malice (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLeBlanc projects a sigil, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and marking the target for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Damaging the marked target with an ability detonates the sigil, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage.
    Mimic (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLeBlanc mimics her most recent spell, casting it again.

    Mimicked Sigil of Malice and Ethereal Chains deal @RQ1Damage@ magic damage, plus @RQ2Damage@ magic damage from their mark and root, respectively.

    Mimicked Distortion deals @RWDamage@ magic damage.
    Mimic: Ethereal Chains (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLeBlanc mimics her most recent spell, casting it again.

    Mimicked Sigil of Malice and Ethereal Chains deal @RQ1Damage@ magic damage, plus @RQ2Damage@ magic damage from their mark and root, respectively.

    Mimicked Distortion deals @RWDamage@ magic damage.
    Mimic: Sigil of Malice (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLeBlanc mimics her most recent spell, casting it again.

    Mimicked Sigil of Malice and Ethereal Chains deal @RQ1Damage@ magic damage, plus @RQ2Damage@ magic damage from their mark and root, respectively.

    Mimicked Distortion deals @RWDamage@ magic damage.
    Mimic: Distortion (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLeBlanc mimics her most recent spell, casting it again.

    Mimicked Sigil of Malice and Ethereal Chains deal @RQ1Damage@ magic damage, plus @RQ2Damage@ magic damage from their mark and root, respectively.

    Mimicked Distortion deals @RWDamage@ magic damage.
    Mimic: Distortion Return (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]LeBlanc returns to her purple marker.Distortion (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLeBlanc dashes to a location, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies near her destination.

    For the next @Effect3Amount@ seconds, activate Distortion again to return LeBlanc to her starting location.
    Distortion Return (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]LeBlanc returns to her yellow marker.Shield of DaybreakLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownNext basic attack deals @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) bonus magic damage and stuns for @Effect1Amount@ second.EclipseLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownGrants @Effect4Amount@ (+@f1@) bonus Armor and @Effect2Amount@ (+@f2@) Magic Resist for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. When the effect ends, nearby enemies struck take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and Leona retains her bonus Armor and Magic Resist for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Solar FlareLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCalls down a radiant beam of solar energy dealing @Effect4Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and slowing enemies by @Effect1Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the center of the flare are stunned instead of slowed.

    Leona's sword remains charged with Incandescence, causing her next @Effect5Amount@ basic attacks to gain 100 range and deal @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) bonus magic damage on hit.
    Zenith BladeLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownStrikes all enemies in a line dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. The last enemy Champion struck will be rooted for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and Leona will dash to them.Glacial Path (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCasts an ice claw that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies hit.

    Reactivating this ability transports Lissandra to the claw's current location.
    Ice Shard (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownThrows a spear of ice that shatters when it hits AN enemy, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and slowing Move Speed by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Shards then pass through the target, dealing the same damage to other enemies hit.Frozen Tomb (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownOn Enemy Cast: Freezes target champion solid, stunning it for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    On Self Cast: Lissandra encases herself in dark ice for @Effect5Amount@ seconds, healing for @Effect6Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@), increased by @Effect7Amount@% for each @Effect8Amount@% Health she is missing. During this time Lissandra is untargetable and invulnerable but is unable to take any actions.

    Dark ice then emanates from the target dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies. The ice lasts for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and slows enemy Move Speed by @Effect2Amount*-100@%.
    Ring of Frost (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDeals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to nearby enemies and roots them for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Relentless Pursuit (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownQuickly dashes a short distance.

    Whenever Lightslinger hits an enemy, Relentless Pursuit's cooldown is reduced by @Effect1Amount@ second (doubles to @Effect2Amount@ seconds against champions).
    Piercing Light (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownShoots a bolt of piercing light through an enemy unit, damaging enemies in a line for @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) (@Effect2Amount@% of bonus Attack Damage) physical damage.

    Piercing Light's cast time decreases slightly as Lucian gains levels.
    The Culling (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLucian moves freely while firing rapidly in a single direction for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. His shots collide with the first enemy they hit and each do @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) (+@CharTotalPhysical2@) physical damage. Total over @f2@ shots: @f1@ physical damage. The Culling does @Effect8Amount@% damage to minions.

    Lucian may use Relentless Pursuit during The Culling.

    Reactivate The Culling to cancel early.
    Ardent Blaze (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFires a shot that explodes upon enemy contact or reaching the end of its path. The explosion deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and marks enemies for 6 seconds.

    When Lucian or his allies damage a marked target, Lucian gains @Effect2Amount@ Move Speed for 1 second.
    Help, Pix! (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownOn Ally Cast: Commands Pix to jump to an ally and then follow and aid their attacks instead of Lulu's for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. If the ally is a champion, Pix shields them from @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) damage for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    On Enemy Cast: Pix deals @Effect4Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage to target enemy unit. Pix then follows and grants True Sight of them for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.
    Pix's Barrage (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No ManaNo CooldownPix fires magical bolts of energy whenever the champion he's following attacks another enemy unit. These bolts are homing, but can be intercepted by other units.Glitterlance (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLulu and Pix each fire a piercing bolt dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to the first enemy hit and @f4@ (+@f5@) to all additional enemies. Enemies hit are slowed by @Effect2Amount*-100@%, decaying over the next @Effect3Amount@ second(s).

    An enemy can only be damaged for up to a total of @f6@ damage per cast.
    Wild Growth (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownLulu enlarges her ally, knocking nearby enemies into the air. For @Effect4Amount@ seconds, her ally gains @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) bonus health and slows nearby enemies by @Effect2Amount@%.Whimsy (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownOn Ally Cast: Target ally gains @Effect1Amount*100@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@)% Move Speed and @Effect7Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    On Enemy Cast: Polymorphs an enemy champion for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, disabling their ability to attack or cast spells and reducing their base Move Speed by @Effect4Amount*-1@.
    Malefic Visions (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDeal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to an enemy target over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Applying Call of the Void or Nether Grasp to the victim during this time refreshes the visions.

    If the victim is killed, Malzahar gains @f1@ Mana (@Effect5Amount@% of max mana) and the visions spread to the nearest enemy.
    Call of the Void (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMalzahar opens two portals to the Void that fire projectiles inward, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and silencing enemies hit for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).Nether Grasp (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMalzahar suppresses a target champion for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, dealing @Effect7Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage over the duration. A zone of negative energy is created around his target for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, dealing @Effect1Amount@% (+@CharAbilityPower@%) of nearby enemies max health as magic damage per second.Void Swarm (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Casting Malzahar's other spells gives him Zz'Rot Swarm, increasing the number of Voidlings summoned by Void Swarm (max @Effect6Amount@).

    Active: Summons one or more Voidlings. Voidlings last @Effect1Amount@ seconds and deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) (+@CharBonusPhysical2@) magic damage each hit.

    Voidlings deal @Effect3Amount*100@% damage to lane minions affected by Malefic Visions.
    Voidlings deal @Effect4Amount*100@% damage to epic monsters.
    Sapling Toss (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMaokai flings a sapling, which stands watch for @f1@ seconds. Saplings will chase nearby enemies, detonating on proximity, dealing @Effect1Amount@ +@Effect8Amount@% [+@CharAbilityPower@%] Target Max Health magic damage and slowing enemies struck by @Effect5Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Saplings placed in brush last for @f2@ seconds and cause a larger explosion, dealing double damage over @Effect6Amount@ seconds to all enemies hit.

    Maximum @Effect4Amount@ Damage to non-Champions, doubled for brush.
    Bramble Smash (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMaokai smashes his fist into the ground, releasing a shockwave. Nearby enemies are knocked away from him and all affected enemies take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and are slowed briefly.Nature's Grasp (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMaokai summons a colossal wall of brambles and thorns that slowly advances forwards, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and rooting any enemies struck for (@MinRootDuration@ to @MaxRootDuration@) seconds, increasing with distance travelled.Twisted Advance (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMaokai transforms into a moving mass of roots, becoming untargetable and dashing to the target.

    Upon arrival, he deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and roots the target for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).
    Masochism (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: When Dr. Mundo suffers magic damage or pays a health cost, his magic resist is increased by @Effect8Amount*100@% for @Effect10Amount@ seconds, up to a maximum of @f3*100@%.

    Active: Dr. Mundo's next basic attack will headbutt the enemy, dealing an additional @f1@ physical damage (@Effect1Amount*100@% of maximum health) at the cost of @Effect2Amount@ health.

    Upon activation, Dr. Mundo gains up to @Effect4Amount@ attack damage (no less than @Effect5Amount@) for @Effect6Amount@ seconds based on his missing health.

    Masochism grants @f2@ attack damage above the minimum for every 1% of missing health (@f5@).
    Mega Adhesive (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSinged leaves a sticky area on the ground for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the area are slowed by @Effect1Amount@% and grounded, prohibiting the use of Movement abilities.

    If Singed flings a target into the zone, it will root them.
    Missile Barrage (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@AmmoRechargeTime@ sec Ammo Recharge (@Effect4Amount@ sec Cooldown)Active: Corki fires a missile that explodes at the first enemy it hits, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to all nearby enemies.

    Corki can store up to 7 missiles, and every 3rd missile will be a Big One, dealing @f2@% damage (@f3@).
    Molten ShieldLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownAnnie grants herself and Tibbers @DamageReduction@% damage reduction for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    While the shield is active, enemies who basic attack it take @DamageReflection@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.
    Decoy (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownWukong becomes Invisible for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, leaving behind a decoy that will deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage to enemies near it after @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Stealth - Invisible: Wukong can only be revealed by nearby enemy Turrets or True Sight.
    Crushing Blow (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownWukong's next attack gains @Effect4Amount@ range, deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) bonus physical damage and reduces the enemy's Armor by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Nimbus Strike (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownWukong dashes to target enemy and sends out images to attack up to 2 additional enemies nearby. Each enemy struck takes @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage. Wukong then gains @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Cyclone (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownWukong's staff grows outward and he spins it around for 4 seconds, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) physical damage per second to nearby enemies, knocking them up for @Effect4Amount@ second the first time they get hit.

    At the start, Wukong gains @Effect2Amount*100@% Move Speed, and he gains an additional @Effect3Amount*100@% per second over the duration.
    Cyclone (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Click again to stop Cyclone.Children of the Grave (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive - Dragon Force: Damaging the Dragon will Curse it for 10 seconds.

    Active: Curse target Champion and steal @Effect1Amount@% (+@CharAbilityPower@%) of their maximum health (25% initially, 75% over 10 seconds; deals magic damage).

    Curse Effect: When killed by Mordekaiser's team, the Cursed unit's soul will follow Mordekaiser for @Effect9Amount@ seconds. Mordekaiser gains @Effect7Amount@% of their ability power and @Effect8Amount@% of their bonus health. The ghost gains (+@f1@) attack damage and (+@f2@) health.

    The ghost can be controlled by holding the alt key and using the right mouse button or by reactivating this ability.
    Children of the Grave (Monsters and Champions) (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSteals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@)% of target champion or monster's maximum health (25% stolen initially, 75% over 10 seconds).

    If the target dies while cursed, their soul will follow Mordekaiser for 45 seconds. Mordekaiser gains @Effect7Amount@% of their ability power and @Effect8Amount@% of their bonus health, the ghost gains (+@f1@) bonus attack damage and (+@f2@) health.

    The ghost can be controlled by holding the alt key and using the right mouse button or by reactivating this ability.

    Rank 1: Large minions and monsters.
    Rank 2: + Champions
    Rank 3: + Dragon
    Rank 4: Anything
    Children of the Grave (Monsters, Dragon and Champions) (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSteals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@)% of target champion or monster's maximum health (25% stolen initially, 75% over 10 seconds).

    If the target dies while cursed, their soul will follow Mordekaiser for 45 seconds. Mordekaiser gains @Effect7Amount@% of their ability power and @Effect8Amount@% of their bonus health, the ghost gains (+@f1@) bonus attack damage and (+@f2@) health.

    The ghost can be controlled by holding the alt key and using the right mouse button or by reactivating this ability.

    Rank 1: Large minions and monsters.
    Rank 2: + Champions
    Rank 3: + Dragon
    Rank 4: Anything
    Children of the Grave (Everything) (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSteals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@)% of target champion or monster's maximum health (25% stolen initially, 75% over 10 seconds).

    If the target dies while cursed, their soul will follow Mordekaiser for 45 seconds. Mordekaiser gains @Effect7Amount@% of their ability power and @Effect8Amount@% of their bonus health, the ghost gains (+@f1@) bonus attack damage and (+@f2@) health.

    The ghost can be controlled by holding the alt key and using the right mouse button or by reactivating this ability.

    Rank 1: Large minions and monsters.
    Rank 2: + Champions
    Rank 3: + Dragon
    Rank 4: Anything
    Command: Children of the Grave (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No CostNo CooldownCommands the ghost to move to the target location or attack the target enemy.

    The ghost will follow Mordekaiser for @Effect9Amount@ seconds, and Mordekaiser gains @Effect7Amount@% of their ability power and @Effect8Amount@% of their bonus health.

    The ghost can also be controlled by holding the alt key and using the right mouse button.
    Harvesters of Sorrow (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Costs @Effect3Amount@ Health@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Mordekaiser gains bonus experience for killing minions near allied champions.

    Bonus Experience Earned: @f3@

    Active: Target an ally, linking them to Mordekaiser:

  1903. Both gain up to @Effect5Amount@ Move Speed toward one another.

    When they touch, they deal @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage over 4 seconds to nearby enemies.

    Reactivate to both instantly steal @Effect6Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) health from nearby enemies (@Effect7Amount@% heal on minions, max @Effect8Amount@ units; deals magic damage).Harvesters of Sorrow (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Costs @Effect3Amount@ Health@Cooldown@ sec CooldownActive: Target an ally, linking them to Mordekaiser:

  1904. Both gain up to @Effect5Amount@ Move Speed toward one another.

    When they touch, they deal @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage over 4 seconds to nearby enemies.

    Reactivate to both instantly steal @Effect6Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) health from nearby enemies (@Effect7Amount@% heal on minions, max @Effect8Amount@ units; deals magic damage).Mordekaiser E[@Hotkey@]@Cooldown@ sec CooldownOpens a tear into the Spirit Realm, damaging enemies in the area for @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and dislodging their spirit from their body for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    While their spirit is dislodged, they are slowed by @Effect2Amount@%. If they collect their spirit, the slow is removed. If Mordekaiser collects it, the slow refreshes and doubles in strength.
    Mace of Spades (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Costs @Effect10Amount@ Health@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMordekaiser's next three hits are empowered. The first two strikes deal @Effect3Amount@ (+@f1@) (+@f2@) bonus magic damage. The final strike deals @Effect9Amount@ times the bonus damage of the previous strikes, up to @f5@ (+@f3@) (+@f4@).Master of the Realm of the Dead (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Mordekaiser cannot be slowed.

    Upon death, Mordekaiser's spirit appears in the Realm of the Dead. He can move around the map freely and will resurrect where his spirit resides at the end of his resurrection timer.
    Nightfall (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMordekaiser attacks with his mace 'Nightfall'.

    Q1 - Mordekaiser smashes the ground, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage in an area.
    Q2 - Mordekaiser swipes with the mace, dealing @Effect4Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) damage and knocking back enemies.
    Heavy Armor (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMordekaiser fortifies his armor with additional plates from the Realm of the Dead, granting him a shield for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Damaging enemy champions with his abilities grants him 1 Spell Stack, and his shield's consumes the stacks to increase its strength by @Effect8Amount*100@% of his maximum health for each Spell Stack consumed.Siphon of Destruction (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Costs @Effect1Amount@ Health@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMordekaiser deals @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage in a cone.

    For each Champion hit, he gains @Effect5Amount@% maximum shield.
    Heavy Armor (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMordekaiser fortifies his armor with additional plates from the Realm of the Undead, granting him a shield for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Damaging enemy champions with his abilities grants him 1 Spell Stack, and his shield consumes the stacks to increase its strength by @Effect8Amount*100@% of his maximum health for each Spell Stack consumed.Move Quick(@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ Sec CooldownPassive: Teemo's Move Speed is increased by @Effect1Amount*100@% unless he has been damaged by an enemy champion or turret in the last 5 seconds.

    Active: Teemo sprints, gaining twice his normal bonus for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. This bonus is not lost when struck.
    EquinoxLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCreates a zone at target location for 1.5 seconds, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemy Champions in the cast radius. Enemy Champions standing in the zone are silenced until they leave.

    When the zone disappears, all enemy Champions still standing in the zone are rooted for @Effect1Amount@ second(s) and are dealt @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.
    StarcallLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCalls down a star from Soraka Bot to a target location. Enemies standing in the explosion radius take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and are slowed by @Effect2Amount@% for 2 seconds.

    If Starcall hits a champion Soraka Bot gains Rejuvenation for @Effect5Amount@ seconds, which restores @Effect3Amount@ (+@f1@) health per second and grants @Effect9Amount*100@% Move Speed when not moving toward enemy champions.
    WishLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCalls upon divine powers to restore @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Health to all allied Champions. Wish's power is increased by 50% on each Champion below 40% Health.Astral InfusionLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]10% Max Health, @Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRestores @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) health to another champion ally.

    If cast while affected by Rejuvenation, Soraka Bot will grant her target its benefits for @f1@ seconds.

    Cannot be cast if Soraka Bot is below 5% Health.
    Tidecaller's BlessingLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownEmpowers an allied champion's next @Effect4Amount@ basic attacks, causing them to slow the target by @Effect2Amount@% (+@CharAbilityPower2@%) for @Effect3Amount@ second and deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) bonus magic damage. Lasts for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.Aqua PrisonLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSends a bubble to target area, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies, and stunning them for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Tidal WaveLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSummons a Tidal Wave from Nami's position. The wave knocks up enemies and slows them by @Effect4Amount@%, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. The duration of the slow increases based on how far the Tidal Wave has traveled, with a minimum duration of @Effect3Amount@ seconds and a maximum of @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Allies hit by the wave gain double the effect of Surging Tides.
    Ebb and FlowLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownUnleashes a stream of water that bounces back and forth between allied and visible enemy champions.

    On Ally Hit: Heals @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) Health and will bounce to a nearby visible enemy champion.

    On Enemy Hit: Deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and bounces to a nearby allied champion.

    Bounces to each target only once, and hits up to @Effect2Amount@ targets. The damage and healing value is modified by (@f1@%) each bounce.
    Depth Charge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownNautilus fires a shockwave that chases an enemy champion, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to other enemies it passes through, knocking them into the air, and stunning them for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    The shockwave explodes upon hitting its target dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage, launching them into the air and stunning them for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.
    Staggering Blow (Passive)[@Hotkey@]PassiveNo CooldownNautilus' basic attacks deal bonus physical damage and immobilize his target briefly. Staggering blow cannot trigger more than once every few seconds on the same target.E (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownNeeko becomes invisible and untargetable for @StealthDuration@ seconds and sends a clone of herself in target direction for @CloneDuration@ seconds.Q (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownNeeko fires an energy bolt that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage around the target hit. If the bolt travels further than her autoattack range it will strengthen, dealing @Effect2Amount@% bonus damage.R (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownAfter a delay, Neeko fires a missile that deals @Damage@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) damage to the first champion hit.W (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownNeeko places a trap at target area. The trap arms after @Effect2Amount@ second, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and stunning for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Neeko can recast the spell to pull the trap to her.

    W does not break stealth or disguise.
    Nether Blade (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Kassadin's basic attacks draw energy from the void, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) bonus magic damage.

    Active: Kassadin charges his Nether Blade, causing his next basic attack to deal @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) bonus magic damage and restore @Effect1Amount@% of his missing Mana (increases to @Effect4Amount@% against champions).
    ProwlMoving through brush increases Nidalee's Move Speed by 10% for 2 seconds, increased to 30% toward visible enemy champions within 1400 range.

    Hitting champions or monsters with Javelin Toss or Bushwhack triggers a Hunt, granting True Sight of them for 4 seconds. During this time, Nidalee gains 10% Move Speed (increased to 30% toward the Hunted target) and her first Takedown and Pounce are enhanced against them.
    Null Sphere (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKassadin fires an orb of void energy that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and interrupts channels.

    The excess energy forms around himself, granting a shield that absorbs @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    Snowball Barrage(@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFor @Effect8Amount@ seconds, each additional cast causes Nunu to throw 3 snowballs at a rapid rate. Enemies hit take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, and champions and large monsters become Snowbound. Enemies hit 3 times are slowed by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.

    Willump's Turn: After Nunu is finished throwing snowballs, all enemies within range that are Snowbound take @Effect5Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage and become rooted in place for @f2@ seconds.

    Nunu can cast Snowball Barrage up to 3 times before Willump's Turn.
    Nunu can only slow each enemy once with Snowball Barrage.
    Biggest Snowball Ever! (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownWillump rolls a snowball that grows in size and speed. The larger the snowball, the more damage it deals and the longer it knocks up.

    When the snowball impacts a wall, enemy champion, or large monster, it explodes, dealing up to @f3@ (+@f5@) damage to nearby enemies and knocking them up.

    Reactivating the ability rolls the snowball forward on a straight path.

    Continuously turning in the same direction increases Willump's turn rate over time. This bonus starts over when changing turn direction.
    Snowball Roll(@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownWillump rolls the snowball in the direction he's facing!Brutal Strikes (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Malphite's armor is increased by @Effect1Amount*100@% (@f1@). While Granite Shield is active, this bonus is tripled to @f4.0@% (@f3@).

    Active: Basic attacks deal an additional @Effect2Amount@ (+@f2@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) physical damage to the target and nearby enemies. Lasts @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    Undertow (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownOlaf throws an axe to target location, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage to enemies it passes through and slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for up to @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The further the Axe flies, the longer the slow lasts, but it is never less than @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    If Olaf picks up the axe, the ability's cooldown is reduced by 4.5 seconds.
    Undertow (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownOlaf throws an axe to target location, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage to units it passes through and slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for up to @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The further the Axe flies, the longer the slow lasts, but it is never less than @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    If Olaf picks up the axe, the ability's cooldown is reduced by 4.5 seconds.
    Vicious Strikes (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFor @Effect4Amount@ seconds, Olaf gains @Effect2Amount@% Life Steal and his Attack Speed is increased by @Effect1Amount@%.

    During this time, Olaf also receives 1% increased healing from all sources for every @Effect3Amount@% of Health he is missing.
    Ragnarok (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Olaf gains @Effect1Amount@ Armor and @Effect1Amount@ Magic Resist.

    Active: Olaf removes all disables from himself and becomes immune to them for the next @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Olaf also receives a @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed bonus towards enemy champions for @Effect4Amount@ second. During this time, Olaf loses the passive portion of Ragnarok and gains @f1@ Attack Damage (@Effect6Amount@ + @Effect3Amount@% of his Total Attack Damage).
    Reckless Swing (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Costs @f1@ Health@Cooldown@ sec CooldownOlaf ferociously swings his axes, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) true damage to his target. This ability's cost is equal to @Effect2Amount@% of the total damage dealt, but the cost is refunded if it kills the target.

    Basic attacks lower the cooldown of Reckless Swing by 1 second.
    Command: Shockwave (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownOrianna commands her Ball to unleash a shockwave after a brief delay, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to nearby enemies and flinging them into the air a set distance in the direction of the Ball.Command: Dissonance (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ second CooldownOrianna commands her Ball to release an electric pulse, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to nearby enemies.

    The pulse leaves behind an energy field for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, lowering enemy Move Speed by @Effect2Amount@% and increasing ally Move Speed by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. This effect diminishes over time.
    Command: Attack (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ second CooldownOrianna commands her Ball to shoot toward a target location, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to targets along the way. However, it deals @Effect2Amount@% less damage for each unit it hits (Minimum @Effect3Amount@%).

    Her Ball remains behind at the target location afterwards.
    Command: Protect (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ second CooldownPassive: The Ball adds @Effect2Amount@ Armor and Magic Resist to the allied champion it is attached to.

    Active: Orianna commands her Ball to travel to and attach onto an allied champion, shielding them for @Effect5Amount@ seconds from the next @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) damage. Enemies the Ball passes through along the way are damaged for @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage.
    Searing Charge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownOrnn charges, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f2@)(+@f3@) physical damage to enemies hit.

    If Ornn rams into terrain, he creates a shockwave that knocks up enemies for @Effect6Amount@ second and applies Searing Charge's damage to those not hit by the charge.

    The shockwave destroys magma pillars and terrain created by enemy champions.
    Volcanic Rupture (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownOrnn slams the ground, creating a fissure which deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage and slows by @Effect5Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. A magma pillar then forms at the fissure's end for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    The fissure stops shortly after hitting an enemy champion.
    Call of the Forge God (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownOrnn summons a massive lava elemental which stampedes toward him. Enemies run over by the elemental take @Effect2Amount@ (+@f4@) magic damage, are slowed by @Effect5Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and become Brittle for @f10@ seconds.

    Ornn can recast this ability to smash into the elemental to redirect and empower it. The empowered elemental knocks up enemies for 1.5 seconds, deals @Effect2Amount@ (+@f4@) magic damage and applies Brittle.
    Bellows Breath (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownOrnn stomps forwards, breathing fire and shielding himself for @f5@ (12% max health) for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. The fire deals up to @Effect10Amount@% of the enemy's max health as magic damage (minimum @Effect3Amount@).

    Enemies hit by the final gout of flame become Brittle for @f9@ seconds. The next immobilizing effect against a Brittle enemy has its duration increased by 30% and deals @f8@% of their max health as magic damage.

    Ornn's basic attacks knock back Brittle targets.
    Overdrive (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Blitzcrank's attacks against enemies reduces the cooldown of his Rocket Grab by 1 second.

    Active: Blitzcrank supercharges himself, gaining @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed and @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. The Move Speed bonus decays over the duration.

    When Overdrive ends, Blitzcrank's Move Speed is slowed by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.
    Phosphorus Bomb (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCorki lobs a bomb, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies in the target area. In addition, the blast reveals the area and champions hit by the blast for @Effect2Amount@ seconds (does not reveal stealth).Pick a Card (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCast once to shuffle the deck and again to choose your card, enhancing your next attack.

    Blue Card deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical2@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage and restores @Effect6Amount@ Mana.

    Red Card deals @Effect4Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical2@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage to units around the target and slows their Move Speed by @Effect2Amount@% for 2.5 seconds.

    Gold Card deals @Effect5Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical2@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage and stuns for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    Poison Trail (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana per Second@Effect2Amount@ sec CooldownToggle: Singed lays a poisonous trail that deals @Effect1Amount*4@ (+@CharAbilityPower*4@) magic damage per second.Heroic Charge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPoppy tackles an enemy, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage and carrying them forward. If Poppy carries the target into terrain, the enemy takes @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) additional physical damage and is stunned for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Hammer Shock (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPoppy smashes the ground, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) plus @Effect5Amount@% of the enemies' maximum Health as physical damage, and leaving an unstable area.

    The area slows enemies inside it by @Effect3Amount@% and erupts after @Effect4Amount@ second, dealing the initial damage again.
    Keeper's Verdict (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFirst Cast: Poppy channels for up to @Effect3Amount@ seconds, slowing herself by @Effect7Amount@%.

    Second Cast: Poppy smashes the ground, emanating a shockwave that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage to enemies around the first champion hit and knocking them a large distance toward their Summoning Platform. The shockwave length and knockback distance increases with channel duration.

    An uncharged Keeper's Verdict deals half damage and knocks enemies up for @Effect9Amount@ seconds.

    Enemies hit with a charged Keeper's Verdict are untargetable.
    Steadfast Presence (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Poppy gains @f1@ Armor and @f2@ Magic Resist (@Effect3Amount@% of Armor and Magic Resist). This bonus is doubled if Poppy is below 40% Health.

    Active: For the next @Effect1Amount@ seconds, Poppy gains @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed. While Steadfast Presence is active, she stops enemy dashes in an area around her, dealing @Effect5Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.
    Poro Lob[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ second CooldownThe Poro King periodically throws Poros around himself, dealing magic damage to enemies in an area where they land.Dash to the unit hit by Poro Toss, dealing true damage on arrival and reducing the next Poro Toss cooldown. This has pretty much nothing to do with Poros.Pounce / Bushwhack (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost @Cooldown@ sec CooldownCougar: Nidalee leaps forward a short distance dealing @f1@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies as she lands. Killing a unit in Cougar form reduces Pounce's cooldown to @f2@ second(s).

    Hunted targets can be Pounced to at up to double the normal range, and the first Pounce to a Hunted target causes it to only incur a @f2@ second cooldown.

    Human: Nidalee lays a trap that damages and reveals an enemy for a short time.
    Powerball (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRammus accelerates in a ball, gaining up to @f2@% Move Speed over @Effect4Amount@ seconds. On enemy collision, he stops, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to nearby enemies, knocking them back, and slowing them by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ second.

    Can be reactivated to end the effect early and put Powerball on cooldown.
    Powerball is a channeled spell and is subject to interruption by spells that prevent casting.
    Casting Powerball cancels Defensive Ball Curl and puts it on cooldown.
    Powerball (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No CostNo CooldownCancel Powerball early.Power Fist (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownBlitzcrank charges up his fist to make his next attack deal double his total attack damage as physical damage and pop his target up in the air.Primal Surge / Swipe (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownHuman: Nidalee heals target ally champion for @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) to @Effect2Amount@ (+@f3@) based on their missing health and grants them @Effect4Amount@% Attack Speed for 7 seconds.

    Cougar: Nidalee claws at enemies in target direction.
    Frenzying Taunt (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTaunt an enemy champion or monster for @Effect1Amount@ seconds and gain @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for the same duration.

    While any of Rammus' other spells are active, Frenzying Taunt's Attack Speed bonus is refreshed.
    Phantom Undertow (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPyke dashes, leaving a drowned phantom behind him. After a short delay the phantom returns to Pyke, striking all enemies along its path dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage and stunning for @Effect2Amount@ (+@f10.01@) seconds.Bone Skewer (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTap: Pyke stabs all enemies in front of him dealing @f5@ (+@f6@) physical damage.

    Hold: Pyke throws his harpoon, pulling the first enemy struck towards him and dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage.

    Targets hit by either attack are slowed by @Effect9Amount*100@% for @Effect8Amount@ second.

    Tapping deals 50% reduced damage to minions and monsters beyond the closest.
    Death From Below (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPyke strikes all enemy champions in an X, blinking to and executing targets below @f8@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@)(+@f11@) health. Enemies not executed instead take physical damage equal to the threshold.

    When an enemy champion dies in the X from any source, an assisting ally also gains full kill gold and Pyke may re-cast Death From Below again within @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Total gold granted: @f9@
    Ghostwater Dive (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPyke gains Camouflage and @Effect1Amount@% (+@f7@%) decaying Move Speed for @Effect10Amount@ seconds.

    Stealth - Camouflage: Pyke is hidden from view while enemy champions remain outside his detection radius. Attacking or casting spells ends Camouflage.
    Vault (@Level@)Level @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownQuinn dashes to an enemy, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage while Valor marks it as Vulnerable.

    Upon reaching the target, Quinn leaps off, briefly displacing and slowing it by @Effect1Amount*100@% (diminishing over @Effect3Amount@ seconds).
    Blinding Assault (@Level@)Level @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownValor flies in a line, marking the first enemy he hits as Vulnerable and reducing its vision radius dramatically for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. He then deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@f2@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) physical damage to all nearby enemies.

    If the primary target is not a champion, it cannot attack for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    Behind Enemy Lines (@Level@)Level @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownQuinn calls down Valor to assist her. After a 2 second channel, they unite, gaining @Effect3Amount*100@% Total Move Speed and the ability to cast Skystrike by recasting this ability or taking offensive action.

    Skystrike: Quinn and Valor deal @f1@ physical damage to nearby enemies and mark champions with Vulnerable. Casting Skystrike ends Behind Enemy Lines.

    Being damaged by non-minions removes the Move Speed bonus for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.
    SkystrikeLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]No CostNo CooldownQuinn and Valor deal @f1@ physical damage to nearby enemies and mark champions with Vulnerable as Valor returns to the skies.

    Taking offensive action automatically activates Skystrike.

    Being damaged by non-minions removes the Move Speed bonus for @f2@ seconds.
    Cancel ChannelLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]No CostNo CooldownStop channeling Behind Enemy Lines to cancel it early.Heightened Senses (@Level@)Level @Level@ [@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Attacking a Vulnerable target increases Quinn's Attack Speed by @Effect2Amount*100@% and Move Speed by @Effect3Amount*100@% for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Valor reveals a large area nearby for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.
    Battle DanceLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@f2@ sec CooldownFlies to an allied champion, granting them a @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) health shield for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Can be re-cast at no cost once within @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Battle Dance's cast range is increased when cast on Xayah.
    Gleaming QuillLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@f3@ sec CooldownFlings a magical feather that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to the first enemy hit.

    If the feather hits a champion or epic monster, Rakan restores @f1@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) health to himself and nearby allies after @Effect4Amount@ seconds or when he touches an ally.
    The QuicknessLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownGain @Effect5Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Touching enemies deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and charms them for @Effect3Amount@ second(s) the first time they're hit. The first champion charmed grants Rakan @Effect6Amount@% decaying Move Speed.
    Rapid Fire (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownActive: Increases Tristana's Attack Speed by @Effect1Amount*100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.MonsoonLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSummons forth the might of the wind to knock surrounding enemies back and restores @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Health to nearby allies each second for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Furious Bite / Tunnel (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@f3@ sec CooldownUn-Burrowed: Rek'Sai bites a target dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) Physical Damage. At max Fury, the bite does 100% more and deals True Damage.

    Maximum Damage: @f2@

    Burrowed: Rek'Sai tunnels forward leaving two connected Tunnel Entrances. Clicking a Tunnel Entrance will make Rek'Sai dive to the other entrance.

    Tunnel Entrances last for @Effect5Amount@ minutes and can be destroyed by enemies. Rek'Sai may have @Effect6Amount@ tunnels at one time. Tunnels have a @Effect8Amount@ second cooldown on use.
    Queen's Wrath / Prey Seeker (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownUn-Burrowed: Rek'Sai's next 3 basic attacks within 5 seconds deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) bonus Physical Damage to nearby enemies.

    Burrowed: Rek'Sai launches a burst of void-charged earth that explodes on first enemy hit, dealing @Effect4Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) (+@CharBonusPhysical@) Physical Damage and revealing non-stealthed enemies for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. If it hits a Champion, it also generates 25 Fury.
    Queen's Wrath / Prey Seeker (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownUn-Burrowed: Rek'Sai's next 3 basic attacks within @Effect7Amount@ seconds deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) bonus Physical Damage to nearby enemies.

    Burrowed: Rek'Sai launches a burst of void-charged earth that explodes on first unit hit dealing @Effect4Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) (+@CharBonusPhysical@) Physical Damage and revealing non-stealthed enemies hit for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. If it hits a Champion, it also generates 25 Fury.
    Void Rush (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No cost@f7@ sec CooldownPassive: Dealing damage to enemy Champions marks them for the next @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Rek'Sai lets out a harrowing scream before burrowing underground seeking out a marked target. Moments later she leaps from underground, dealing @Effect8Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical2@) physical damage plus @Effect9Amount@% of their missing Health.
    Burrow / Un-burrow (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownUn-Burrowed: Burrow into the ground.

    Burrowed: Un-burrow, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) Physical Damage and knocking up the closest enemy for @Effect5Amount@ second. All other nearby enemies will be knocked back. An enemy who has been knocked up will be immune from further Un-burrow effects for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Burrowed Effects: New abilities, +@f1@ Move Speed, reduced vision range, disabled basic attacks, and gains Tremor Sense: Nearby enemies that move in Fog of War have their position revealed to Rek'Sai and her allies.
    Cull the Meek (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost or 50 Fury@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRenekton swings his blade, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage to nearby enemies and healing himself for @Effect2Amount@ (+@f1@) Health for each non-champion hit and @f2@ (+@f3@) Health for each champion hit, up to @Effect4Amount@ Health.

    He generates 2.5 Fury for each non-champion hit and 10 Fury for each champion hit, up to a maximum of 30 Fury.

    50 Fury Bonus: Damage increased to @Effect6Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical2@). Heal increased to @Effect7Amount@ (+@f4@) per non-champion and @f5@ (+@f6@) per champion, up to @Effect9Amount@. No longer generates Fury.
    Ruthless Predator (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost or 50 Fury@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRenekton's next attack strikes twice, stunning his target for @Effect3Amount@ seconds and dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage per hit (@Effect5Amount@ (+@f2@) total).

    Each strike applies on-hit effects and generates Fury. Hitting a champion generates an additional @Effect7Amount@ Fury.

    50 Fury Bonus: Renekton attacks three times, stunning his target for @Effect4Amount@ seconds and dealing a total of @Effect6Amount@ (+@f3@) damage. No longer generates Fury.
    Dominus (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRenekton surrounds himself with dark energies for @Effect5Amount@ seconds, gaining @Effect1Amount@ Health and @Effect6Amount@ Fury. While active, he deals @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to nearby enemies and gains @Effect4Amount@ Fury per second.Slice and Dice (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost or 50 Fury@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSlice: Renekton dashes, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage to enemies he passes through. Hitting an enemy grants the ability to use Dice for @Effect8Amount@ seconds.

    Dice: Renekton dashes, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage to enemies he passes through.

    He generates @Effect4Amount@ Fury for each non-champion hit and @Effect5Amount@ Fury for each champion hit, up to a maximum of @Effect10Amount@ Fury.

    Dice - 50 Fury Bonus: Damage increased to @Effect3Amount@ (+@f2@). Enemies hit have @Effect2Amount@% reduced Armor for @Effect9Amount@ seconds. No longer generates Fury.
    Bola Strike (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Generates 1 Ferocity@AmmoRechargeTime@ sec CooldownThrow a bola, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage and slowing the first enemy hit by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Ferocity effect:
    Deals @f1@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage and roots the target for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    Savagery (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Generates 1 Ferocity@AmmoRechargeTime@ sec CooldownRengar gains @Effect5Amount@% Attack Speed for his next 2 attacks. The first attack deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@f2@) physical damage.

    Ferocity effect:
    Savagery's damage is increased to @f3@ (+@CharTotalPhysical2@) and grants Rengar @f4@% Attack Speed for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    Thrill of the Hunt (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRengar gains @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed and True Sight of the nearest enemy champion within @Effect9Amount@ range for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    After the first @Effect6Amount@ seconds, Rengar becomes Camouflaged and can leap to an enemy without being in brush. Leaping to the nearest champion deals @CharTotalPhysical@ bonus physical damage and reduces their Armor by @Effect8Amount@ for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Enemy champions within @Effect3Amount@ range and their nearby allies can sense Rengar during Thrill of the Hunt.
    Enemies revealed by Thrill of the Hunt stay revealed while they remain in tracking range.
    Attacking or casting most spells ends Thrill of the Hunt.

    Stealth - Camouflaged: This character is hidden from view. It is revealed by nearby enemy champions and turrets.
    Battle Roar (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Generates 1 Ferocity@AmmoRechargeTime@ sec CooldownDeals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to nearby enemies and heals Rengar for @Effect2Amount@% of the damage he took in the last @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Ferocity effect:
    Deals @f1@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and removes existing crowd control effects, in addition to its normal effect.

    Damage healed from monster attacks is increased by @Effect5Amount@%.
    Riftwalk (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKassadin teleports to a nearby location dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f2@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to surrounding enemy units.

    Each subsequent Riftwalk within the next @Effect2Amount@ seconds doubles the Mana cost and deals an additional @Effect3Amount@ (+@f1@) (+@f3@) magic damage per stack, stacking up to @Effect6Amount@ times.
    Riftwalk (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKassadin teleports to a nearby location dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f2@) magic damage to surrounding enemy units.Valor (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRiven does a quick dash in the direction of your cursor and becomes shielded, blocking up to @Effect2Amount@ (+@f1@) incoming damage for 1.5 seconds.Blade of The Exile (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRiven's weapon surges with spiritual energy for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, granting her @Effect5Amount@% extra Attack Damage (+@f3@), increased Range on her damaging spells and attacks, and the ability to use Wind Slash once.

    Wind Slash: Riven fires a shockwave that deals from @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) to @Effect2Amount@ (+@f2@) physical damage to all enemies hit, increasing based on how much Health they are missing.
    Wind Slash (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No CostSingle UseRiven fires a shockwave that deals from @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) to @Effect2Amount@ (+@f2@) physical damage to all enemies hit, increasing based on how much Health they are missing.Ki Burst (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRiven's sword emits a burst of runic energy that shocks nearby enemies, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage and stunning them for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.Broken Wings (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec cooldown after 1st UseRiven strikes out in front of her in a short line. This ability may be re-cast @Effect4Amount@ additional times.

    1st and 2nd Use: Slashes forward, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage to all units she comes in contact with.
    3rd Use: Leaps forward and slams the ground dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage and knocking nearby enemies up. This leap can cross unpathable terrain.

    Riven will target the unit your cursor is hovering over, or if no targets are present, Riven will simply strike the direction she is currently facing.
    Rocket Grab (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownBlitzcrank fires his right hand. If it encounters an enemy unit it will stun them and deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage while he pulls them to himself.Rocket Jump (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTristana launches herself to target location, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage and slowing surrounding enemies by @Effect3Amount*-100@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Kills, Assists, and max stack Explosive Charge detonations on Champions reset Rocket Jump's cooldown.
    The Equalizer (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRumble launches a line of rockets that creates a burning trail for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the area have their Move Speed slowed by @Effect3Amount@% and take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage each second.

    You can control the placement of this attack by clicking and dragging your mouse in a line.
    Flamespitter (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Effect2Amount@ Heat@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRumble torches his opponents, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage in a cone over @Effect9Amount@ seconds. This spell deals @Effect4Amount*100@% damage to minions.

    Danger Zone Bonus: Deals @Effect5Amount*100@% damage.
    Electro Harpoon (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Effect3Amount@ Heat@f2@ sec Ammo RechargeRumble shoots his opponent with up to 2 tasers, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and applying a stacking slow of @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Danger Zone Bonus: Damage and slow percentage increased by 50%.
    FlameThrower (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec Cooldown after AttackingRumble launches mortars into the air dealing damage and slowing anyone in the area.Scrap Shield (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Effect3Amount@ Heat@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRumble tosses up a shield for @Effect5Amount@ seconds that absorbs @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) damage. Rumble also gains an additional @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect6Amount@ second.

    Danger Zone Bonus: 50% increase in shield health and Move Speed.
    RuptureLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRuptures the ground at target location. Enemies caught in the rupture are launched into the air for @Effect5Amount@ second, take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, and are slowed by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Spell FluxLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownApply Flux to an enemy, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) (+@f1@) magic damage. Spells consume Flux for bonus effects:

    Overload: Deals @Effect2Amount@% more damage and spreads to nearby enemies with Flux.
    Rune Prison: Root duration is increased to @Effect6Amount@ seconds.
    Spell Flux: Spreads Spell Flux to nearby enemies, dealing @Effect8Amount*100@% damage.

    Spells that kill enemies affected by Flux spread Spell Flux to nearby enemies.
    OverloadLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownUnleash a blast that deals @TotalDamage@ magic damage to the first enemy struck. If Overload hits a target with Flux, it consumes it to deal @Effect2Amount@% increased damage and bounce to nearby enemies with Flux.

    Casting Ryze's other spells resets Overload's cooldown.
    Realm WarpLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRyze opens a portal to a location up to @Effect7Amount@ range away. After @Effect4Amount@ seconds, all allies near the portal are teleported to that location.

    If Ryze becomes unable to cast or move, Realm Warp is cancelled.
    Rune PrisonLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownInstantly root an enemy for @Effect1Amount@ second and deal @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) (+@f1@) magic damage.Baron Nashor is surrounded by an aura of destruction. If angered, he continuously applies Corrosion stacks to nearby champions and periodically deals magic damage to the champion with the smallest amount of Corrosion stacks. Corrosion stacks reduce the unit's Armor and Magic Resistance.Sadism (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Effect4Amount@% of Current Health@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDr. Mundo regenerates @f1@ Health (@Effect1Amount@% of max health) over @Effect2Amount@ seconds, and gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for the duration.Seismic Shard (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDeals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and steals @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed from the target for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Permafrost (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Nearby melee allied champions' basic attacks apply Frost to enemy champions, large monsters, medium monsters, and large minions.

    Active: Target enemy with 4 stacks of Frost takes @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, is stunned for @Effect1Amount@ second(s), and is briefly displaced.

    Enemy champions stunned by Sejuani cannot gain Frost for @f2@ seconds.
    Arctic Assault (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSejuani charges, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies and knocking them up. The charge ends after hitting an enemy champion.Glacial Prison (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSejuani throws her True Ice bola that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to the first enemy champion hit and stuns them for @Effect2Amount@ second.

    The bola becomes more powerful as it travels, dealing @Effect7Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage, stunning for @Effect6Amount@ seconds and creating a storm that slows other enemies by @Effect8Amount@%. After @Effect3Amount@ seconds, the storm deals @Effect7Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage and slows by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ second.
    Winter's Wrath (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSejuani swings her flail, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) (+@f3@) physical damage and applying Frost to enemies hit and knocking minions and monsters back.

    She then lashes out with her flail, dealing @Effect3Amount@ (+@f2@) (+@f4@) physical damage, applying Frost.
    Shadow Dash (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Energy@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Dealing damage with Shadow Dash or Twilight Assault recovers @f1@ Energy.

    Active: Shen dashes in a direction, dealing @Effect2Amount@ [+@f2@] physical damage to enemy champions and neutral monsters in his path and taunting them for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.
    Twilight Assault (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Energy@Cooldown@ sec CooldownShen recalls his spirit blade and draws it. Enemies it collides with are slowed by @Effect4Amount@% when moving away from Shen for the next @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Shen's next @Effect3Amount@ attacks deal @f1@ plus @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower*.01@)% of their target's max health as bonus magic damage. If the spirit blade collided with an enemy champion, those attacks deal @f2@ plus @Effect6Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2*.01@)% instead and have +@Effect9Amount@% Attack Speed.

    Each attack deals @Effect1Amount*100@% increased damage to monsters (capped at @Effect7Amount@).
    Stand United (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownShen grants a shield to a target allied champion that lasts @Effect2Amount@ seconds and absorbs up to @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) to @Effect8Amount@ (+@f2@) damage based on their missing health. After channeling for @f1@ seconds, Shen and his spirit blade teleport to the ally's location.Spirit's Refuge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Energy@Cooldown@ sec CooldownShen's spirit blade creates a defensive zone for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Basic attacks that would hit Shen or an allied champion in the zone are blocked.

    If there are no champions to protect in the zone when it starts, the spirit blade will not activate until one enters or @Effect2Amount@ seconds pass.
    Shurelya's Reverie {{game_spell_subtooltip_ShurelyasCrest}}.Timeworn Talisman of Ascension Grants nearby allies +@Effect5Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.Twin Bite (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownShyvana strikes twice on her next attack, dealing @f2@ and @f1@ physical damage on the first and second hits respectively.

    While Twin Bite is on cooldown, basic attacks reduce the remaining cooldown duration by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Dragon Form: Twin Bite cleaves all units in front Shyvana.

    Twin Bite's second hit damage is equal to @Effect1Amount@% of Shyvana's attack damage.
    Twin Bite (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownShyvana strikes twice on her next attack, dealing @f2@ and @f1@ physical damage on the first and second hits respectively.

    While Twin Bite is on cooldown, basic attacks reduce the remaining cooldown duration by @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Dragon Form: Twin Bite cleaves all units in front Shyvana.

    Twin Bite's second hit damage is equal to @Effect1Amount@% of Shyvana's attack damage.
    Flame Breath (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownShyvana unleashes a fireball that stops after hitting a champion. All enemies hit take @Effect1Amount@ (+@f4@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and are marked for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Shyvana's basic attacks against marked targets deal @Effect4Amount@% of their maximum health as magic damage on hit.

    Dragon Form: Flame Breath explodes on impact or at target location, dealing @f1@ (+@f5@) (+@f7@) bonus magic damage and scorching the earth for 4 seconds. Enemies on scorched earth take @f3@ (+@f6@) (+@f2@) magic damage per second.

    Flame Breath's on-hit damage against monsters is capped at @Effect3Amount@ damage per hit.
    Flame Breath (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownShyvana unleashes a fireball that stops after hitting a champion. All enemies hit take @Effect1Amount@ (+@f5@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and are marked for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Shyvana's basic attacks against marked targets deal @Effect4Amount@% of their maximum health as magic damage on hit.

    Dragon Form: Flame Breath explodes on impact or at target location, dealing @f1@ (+@f5@) (+@f7@) bonus magic damage and scorching the earth for 4 seconds. Enemies on scorched earth take @f3@ (+@f6@) (+@f2@) magic damage per second.

    Flame Breath's on-hit damage against monsters is capped at @Effect3Amount@ damage per hit.
    Flame Breath (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownShyvana unleashes a fireball that stops after hitting a champion. All enemies hit take @Effect1Amount@ (+@f4@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and are marked for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Shyvana's basic attacks against marked targets deal @Effect4Amount@% of their maximum health as magic damage on hit.

    Dragon Form: Flame Breath explodes on impact or at target location, dealing @f1@ (+@f5@) (+@f7@) bonus magic damage and scorching the earth for 4 seconds. Enemies on scorched earth take @f3@ (+@f6@) (+@f2@) magic damage per second.

    Flame Breath's on-hit damage against monsters is capped at @Effect3Amount@ damage per hit.
    Burnout (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownShyvana deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) magic damage per second to nearby enemies and gains a bonus @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed that decays over @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    While Burnout is active, basic attacks deal @Effect1Amount*0.25@ (+@CharBonusPhysical*0.25@) magic damage to nearby enemies and extend its duration by @Effect8Amount@ second.

    Dragon Form: Burnout grows in size.

    Burnout has a maximum duration of @Effect9Amount@ seconds.
    Burnout (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownShyvana deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) magic damage per second to nearby enemies and gains a bonus @Effect2Amount@% Move Speed that decays over @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    While Burnout is active, basic attacks deal @Effect1Amount*0.25@ (+@CharBonusPhysical*0.25@) magic damage to nearby enemies and extend its duration by @Effect8Amount@ second.

    Dragon Form: Burnout grows in size.

    Burnout has a maximum duration of @Effect9Amount@ seconds.
    Dragon's Descent (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Effect4Amount@ Fury a SecondRequires @Effect7Amount@ Fury to ActivateActive: Shyvana transforms into a dragon, gaining @Effect10Amount@ Health and flying to target location. Enemies along her path take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and are knocked toward her target location.

    Passive: Shyvana generates @Effect3Amount@ Fury every second. Basic Attacks generate @Effect2Amount@ Fury.
    Roar of the Slayer (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSion fires a shockwave, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to the first enemy hit and knocking it back if it is not a champion (significantly increasing its range).

    Targets hit by the shockwave or the knocked back unit take the same damage and are slowed by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect8Amount@ seconds and have their Armor reduced by @Effect5Amount@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.
    Death Surge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSion gains a burst of speed.Decimating Smash (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSion charges up a heavy blow for up to 2 seconds. When released, he deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) to @Effect4Amount@ (+@f2@) physical damage to enemies hit (@Effect8Amount@% damage to minions) and briefly slows them.

    If Sion charges for at least 1 second, enemies are knocked up and stunned for 1.25 to 2.25 seconds.
    Unstoppable Onslaught (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSion charges in a direction for 8 seconds and can steer slowly towards the mouse cursor. While charging, Sion is immune to all Crowd Control. Reactivating will cancel Sion's charge early.

    When Sion collides with an enemy champion or wall, he deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage and knocks up enemies in a small area for @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemies in a larger area take the same damage and are slowed by @Effect3Amount@% for 3 seconds.

    The damage increases to @Effect2Amount@ (+@f2@) and the stun increases to @Effect6Amount@ seconds as Sion charges farther.
    Soul Furnace (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Sion gains @Effect5Amount@ maximum Health when he kills a unit (@Effect6Amount@ for champion kills, assists, large minions and large monsters). Current Bonus: @f1@

    Active: Sion shields himself for @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) (+@f2@) (@Effect3Amount@% of maximum Health) for 6 seconds. After @Effect7Amount@ seconds, while the shield holds, Sion can reactivate to deal @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) plus @Effect4Amount@% of the target's maximum Health as magic damage to nearby enemies. Max 400 bonus damage to minions and monsters.
    Soul Furnace (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Sion gains @Effect5Amount@ maximum Health whenever he kills a unit (@Effect6Amount@ for champion kills, assists, large minions and large monsters). Current Bonus: @f1@

    Active: Deal @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) plus @Effect4Amount@% of the target's maximum Health as magic damage to enemies around himself. Max 400 bonus damage against minions and monsters.
    Spell Shield (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSivir creates a magical barrier for @Effect1Amount@ seconds that blocks the next incoming enemy ability.

    If an ability is blocked by the shield, Sivir regains @Effect2Amount@ Mana.
    Boomerang Blade (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSivir hurls her crossblade like a boomerang, which deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) physical damage to the first target hit and @Effect2Amount@% reduced damage to each subsequent target down to a minimum of @Effect3Amount@%.On the Hunt (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Sivir gains @Effect1Amount*100@% Attack Speed while Ricochet is active.

    Active: Sivir rallies her allies for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, granting all nearby allies an initial @Effect4Amount@% Move Speed bonus that reduces to @Effect2Amount@% after the first @Effect5Amount@ seconds of On The Hunt elapse.
    Ricochet (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSivir's next @Effect4Amount@ basic attacks bounce to nearby targets, dealing @f1@ physical damage to the first target and @f2@ physical damage to each subsequent target.

    If a given Ricochet attack critically strikes its first target, all subsequent bounces from that attack will also critically strike.

    Targets cannot be hit more than once by a given Ricochet attack and on-hit effects are applied only to the first target of each attack.
    Crystalline Exoskeleton (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSkarner is shielded for @f1@ (@Effect1Amount@% of his maximum health) (+@CharAbilityPower@) damage for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. While the shield persists, Skarner gains Move Speed that ramps up to @Effect5Amount@% over 3 seconds.Fracture (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Crystallizing enemies with Fracture and Impale grants Crystal Charge for the disable duration and reduces the cooldown of Fracture by the same amount.

    Active: Skarner summons a blast of crystalline energy, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, slowing targets hit by @Effect8Amount@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds and reducing the blast's speed.

    Enemies hit by Fracture are afflicted with Crystal Venom for @Effect6Amount@ seconds, causing Skarner's next basic attack against them to deal @Effect2Amount@ additional physical damage and stun the target for @Effect3Amount@ second.
    Impale (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSkarner suppresses an enemy champion for @Effect1Amount@ seconds, dealing @CharTotalPhysical2@ physical damage plus @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. Skarner can move freely during this time, and will drag his helpless victim around with him. When the effect ends, Skarner's target will be dealt the same damage again.Crystal Slash (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSkarner deals @f1@ physical damage to all nearby enemies. If a unit is struck, he charges himself with Crystal Energy for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    While Skarner is charged, Crystal Slash deals @f1@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) bonus magic damage.

    Basic attacks against non-structures lower Crystal Slash's cooldown by 0.25 seconds (quadrupled against champions).
    Crystal Slash (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSkarner deals @f1@ physical damage to all nearby enemies. If a unit is struck, he charges himself with Crystal Energy for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    While Skarner is charged, Crystal Slash deals @f1@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) bonus magic damage.
    Song of Celerity (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@f10@ sec CooldownActive: Grants Sona @f1*100@% Move Speed [@Effect1Amount*100@% + @f2*100@% per 100 ability power] for @Effect9Amount@ seconds (or until damaged) and changes her Power Chord bonus to Tempo.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Allied champions that enter the aura will gain @f3*100@% Move Speed for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Sona's personal Move Speed increase will always last at least @Effect5Amount@ seconds.
    Hymn of Valor (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@f10@ sec CooldownActive: Deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to the nearest two enemies (prioritizes champions) and changes her Power Chord bonus to Staccato.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Allied champions that enter the aura will gain an additional @Effect4Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage on their next attack.
    Crescendo (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownActive: Strikes an irresistible chord, stunning enemy Champions and forcing them to dance for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.

    Passive: Reduces the base cooldown of Sona's basic abilities by @Effect3Amount*-100@%.
    Aria of Perseverance (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@f10@ sec CooldownActive: Restores @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) health to Sona and a nearby allied champion (prioritizes most wounded) and changes her Power Chord bonus to Diminuendo.

    Melody: Sona gains an aura for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Allied champions that enter the aura will gain a shield that prevents up to @Effect4Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) damage within the next @Effect5Amount@ seconds.
    StarcallLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCalls down a star from Soraka to a target location. Enemies standing in the explosion radius take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and are slowed by @Effect2Amount@% for 2 seconds.

    If Starcall hits a champion Soraka gains Rejuvenation for @Effect5Amount@ seconds, which restores @Effect3Amount@ (+@f1@) health per second and grants @Effect9Amount*100@% Move Speed when not moving toward enemy champions.
    Astral InfusionLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]10% Max Health, @Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownRestores @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) health to another champion ally.

    If cast while affected by Rejuvenation, Soraka will grant her target its benefits for @f1@ seconds.

    Cannot be cast if Soraka is below 5% Health.
    ZephyrLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: While Zephyr is not on cooldown, Janna gains @Effect1Amount@% (+@f1@%) Move Speed and can move through units.

    Active: Deals @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) (+@f3@) magic damage to an enemy and slows their Move Speed by @Effect3Amount@% (+@f2@%) for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    Static Field (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Lightning charges Blitzcrank's attacks, dealing an extra @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) + 3% of his maximum Mana magic damage.

    Active: Deals @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage and silences surrounding enemy units for 0.5 seconds. The passive is not in effect during the cooldown.
    Warp [@Hotkey@]No Cost@AmmoRechargeTime@ sec Ammo RechargeTurn briefly untargetable and invulnerable as you dash towards a location.

    Keep your arms and legs inside the wormhole.
    Resuscitate [@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ second CooldownRevive a fallen crewmember by remaining next to them for 2 seconds.

    Exiting the area early does not consume your cooldown.
    Passive: Hitting an enemy champion with a Poro gives your team a Poro Mark. Upon reaching 10 Poro Marks, your team summons the Poro King to fight alongside them. While the Poro King is active, no Poro Marks can be scored by either team.

    Active: Quickly dash to King Poro's side. Can only be cast while the Poro King is summoned for your team.

    ''Poros tug the heartstrings. The rest of you just comes along for the ride.''
    Toss a Poro a long distance, dealing @f2@ true damage to the first enemy unit hit, granting True Sight of the target.

    This ability can be recast for 3 seconds if it hits an enemy to dash to the target hit, dealing @f2@ more true damage and reducing the cooldown of the next Poro Toss by @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Poros are not blocked by spell shields or wind walls because they are animals, not spells!

    ''Poros are a model for Runeterran aerodynamics.''
    Ultra (Rapidly Flung) Mark[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ second CooldownThrow a snowball approximately 1 Really Far units away, dealing @f1@ true damage to the first enemy unit hit and granting True Sight of the target.

    If your Ultra Mark hits an enemy, this ability can be recast for @Effect3Amount@ seconds to Dash to the tagged unit, dealing an additional @f1@ true damage and increasing your swagger by like a million percent.

    If you have Poros following you, you throw a Poro instead of a Snowball, because we're terrible people.
    Ultra (Really Fast) Dash[@Hotkey@]No CostNo CooldownUltra Dash to the unit hit by your snowball (or your Poro, you monster). Casting Ultra Dash will reduce the cooldown of Ultra Mark by 25%.

    Nevermove (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSwain launches a wave of demonic power, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage to enemies it passes through.

    Swain then commands the wave to return, detonating it on the first enemy hit. Enemies hit take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and are rooted for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    Death's Hand (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSwain unleashes @Effect5Amount@ bolts of eldritch power that strike the first enemy they hit and pierce through enemies they kill. Enemies hit take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, plus @Effect2Amount*100@% per additional bolt. Max Damage: @f2@.Demonic Ascension (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]All Soul Fragments@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSwain frees the demon within for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, gaining @Effect6Amount@ health. Every second, he drains the 3 closest enemy champions for @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, healing him for @Effect4Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) health. After draining @f7@ health, Swain gains the ability to cast Demonflare.

    Demonflare: Swain unleashes a nova of soulfire dealing magic damage and ending his transformation. Damage per Soul Fragment: @Effect10Amount@ (+@f1@).

    Current Damage: @f3@
    Max Damage: @f2@

    Swain can drain non-champions to heal for @Effect7Amount*100@% of the normal amount.
    Demonflare (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSwain unleashes a nova of soulfire that ends his transformation dealing magic damage based on how much health he has drained.Vision of Empire (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSwain opens a demon eye up to @CastRange@ range away that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and slows for @Effect4Amount*-100@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Champions hit grant Swain a Soul Fragment and are revealed for @Effect9Amount@ seconds.

    Damage is reduced by @Effect6Amount*100@% against minions.
    Swipe / Primal Surge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCougar: Nidalee claws at enemies in front of her, dealing @f7@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage.

    Human: Nidalee heals an ally and grants them Attack Speed.
    Scatter the WeakLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownKnocks enemies and Dark Spheres back dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to them and any enemies they collide with.

    Dark Spheres that are knocked back stun all enemies in their path for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.
    Dark SphereLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownConjures a Dark Sphere dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. The sphere remains for @Effect2Amount@ seconds and can be manipulated by Syndra's other abilities.

    This spell can be cast while moving.
    Unleashed PowerLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDraws upon Syndra's full cataclysmic power, harnessing Dark Spheres to deal magic damage to target enemy Champion. Unleashed Power manipulates the three Dark Spheres orbiting Syndra, in addition to up to 4 Dark Spheres previously created.

    Damage per sphere: @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@).
    Minimum total damage: @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@).
    Force of WillLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFirst Cast: Grabs target Dark Sphere or enemy minion. If no target is selected, grabs nearest Dark Sphere.

    Second Cast: Throws the grabbed unit. Enemies hit take @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and are slowed by @Effect1Amount@% for @f2@ seconds.

    This spell can be cast while moving.
    RangedMelee 1Melee 2Takedown / Javelin Toss (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCougar: Nidalee's next attack deals @f7@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage. Takedown deals @f8@% additional damage for each 1% Health the target is missing, up to @f9@ (+@f10@) (+@f11@).

    Hunted targets take @Effect5Amount*100@% additional damage from Takedown.

    Human: Nidalee throws her javelin, dealing increased damage the farther the enemy hit is from Nidalee.
    Unraveled Earth (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPlaces a field of dash-sensitive traps that deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and slow enemies in the area by @f2@%. After @Effect3Amount@ seconds, the traps explode, dealing damage again.

    Enemies dashing, being pushed, or being pulled through Unraveled Earth will trigger traps, taking @f3@ (+@f1@) magic damage from each trap (maximum 4, each hit after the first deals @f4@% less damage).
    Threaded Volley (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownHurls 5 rocks in a direction, each dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. Subsequent hits on the same enemy deal @Effect2Amount@% reduced damage. Creates Worked Ground for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Casting Threaded Volley on Worked Ground only hurls one rock but its cost is reduced to @Effect7Amount@ mana.
    Weaver's Wall (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCast once to create a wall. Recast immediately to ride ahead of the wall. Moving or receiving damage will cause Taliyah to stop.

    Weaver's Wall lasts for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Deactivate this spell to break the wall early.
    Seismic Shove (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTaliyah targets an area. After a short delay, enemies caught within the area will be pushed and dealt @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.

    You can control the direction enemies will be pushed by clicking and dragging your mouse in a line.
    Assassin's Path (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No cost@f1@ sec CooldownTalon vaults up to @f2@ units over the nearest structure or terrain in the target direction. The vault's speed is affected by Talon's Move Speed.

    Talon cannot dash over the same section of terrain more than once every @f3@ seconds.
    Noxian Diplomacy (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@f5@ sec CooldownTalon leaps to target and deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage. If cast from melee range, Talon does not leap but instead critically strikes, dealing @f2@% damage (@f3@).

    When Noxian Diplomacy kills a unit, Talon regains @f4@ health and refunds @Effect5Amount*100@% of its cooldown.
    Shadow Assault (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTalon disperses a ring of blades that deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage to all units they hit, gains @Effect2Amount*100@% increased Move Speed, and becomes Invisible for up to @Effect3Amount@ seconds. When the Invisibility ends, the blades converge, dealing the same damage again to enemies they pass through.

    If Talon cancels Invisibility with an attack or Noxian Diplomacy, the blades converge on his target's location instead.

    Stealth - Invisible: Talon can only be revealed by nearby enemy Turrets or True Sight.
    Rake (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTalon tosses a volley of blades, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage to units hit and returning to him after a delay.

    On their way back to Talon, the blades deal @Effect5Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical2@) additional damage and slow the enemy by @Effect2Amount@% for 1 second.
    Dazzle (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownReadies a beam of starlight that, after @Effect3Amount@ second, deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) (+@f1@) magic damage and stuns enemies for @Effect2Amount@ second(s).Starlight's Touch (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana, all Charges@Cooldown@ sec Cooldown, @AmmoRechargeTime@ sec RechargeSpends all charges to heal nearby allied champions for @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) (+@f1@) (@Effect2Amount@% of maximum Health) per charge, up to @Effect5Amount@ (+@f3@) (+@f2@) at maximum charges.
    Maximum charges: @Effect6Amount@

    Bravado-empowered attacks grant 1 charge of Starlight's Touch.
    Cosmic Radiance (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownAfter a @Effect4Amount@ second delay, pulses cosmic energy onto nearby allied champions, making them invulnerable for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.Bastion (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTaric's spells will also cast from a nearby ally protected by Bastion.

    Passive: Bastion increases Armor by @f1@ (@Effect1Amount@% of Taric's Armor).

    Active: Blesses an ally with Bastion and shields them for @Effect2Amount@% of their maximum Health for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. Bastion lasts on the target until a new one is chosen.
    Flay (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Thresh's basic attacks deal from @f3@ to @f3@ (+@f2@) additional magic damage, which builds up while not attacking (total souls collected plus up to @Effect3Amount@% total Attack Damage).

    Active: Deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage in a line beginning behind Thresh. Enemies hit are pushed in the direction of the swing, then slowed by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ second.

    Cast forward to push; cast backward to pull.
    Dark Energy Flay[@Hotkey@]Free@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Thresh's basic attacks deal up to @f2@ additional magic damage, which builds up quickly over 4 seconds after your last attack.

    Active: Deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage in a line beginning behind Thresh. Enemies hit are pushed in the direction of the swing, then slowed by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ second.

    Cast forward to push; cast backward to pull. Low-health targets are sent much farther.

    (First Mover: Your Flay will cancel an enemy's Flay, so long as yours hits first.)
    DamnationThresh can harvest the souls of enemies that die near him, permanently granting him Armor and Ability Power.

    Thresh does not naturally gain Armor per level.
    Death Sentence (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownThresh throws out his scythe, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, granting True Sight and stunning the first unit hit, pulling them in for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Reactivating this ability will pull Thresh to the bound enemy.

    Death Sentence's cooldown is reduced by @Effect4Amount@ seconds if it hits an enemy.
    Deathly LeapNo CostThresh pulls himself to the poor soul.Cosmic Death Sentence[@Hotkey@]Free@Cooldown@ sec CooldownThresh throws his scythe a very long distance, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, stunning the first unit hit, pulling them in for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. The unit is pulled much farther at lower health.

    The Dark Star can ignite the scythe, dealing an additional 250 True damage to the target.

    Reactivating this ability will pull Thresh to the bound enemy.

    (No Tagbacks: While an enemy is bound by your Death Sentence, you are immune to that enemy's Death Sentence.)
    Spectral Prison (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownThresh creates a circular perimeter around his location. Enemies who pass through are instantly burned for @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage and are slowed by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but break that portion of the wall.Invoke Death Itself (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownThresh transforms a target allied champion into a Deathbringer for 8 seconds, granting them Armor, Magic Resist, and Ability Power equal to his passive.

    Additionally, they gain @Effect1Amount@% Move Speed while pursuing enemies and the base cooldowns of their non-ultimate abilities are reduced by @Effect1Amount@% (this reduction stacks with CDR).
    The Box (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownThresh creates a prison of spectral walls around himself. Enemy champions who walk through a wall suffer @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and are slowed by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, but break that wall.

    Once one wall is broken, the remaining walls deal no damage and apply half slow duration. An enemy cannot be affected by multiple walls simultaneously.
    DisabledThe power of the Dark Star has disabled Thresh's Ultimate ability.Dark Passage (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownThresh throws the Lantern to a target location. If an ally clicks on it Thresh will pull both the Lantern and his ally to him.

    The Lantern grants a shield lasting @Effect5Amount@ seconds that absorbs up to @Effect1Amount@ (+@f6@) damage to Thresh and up to one ally if they come near it. The shield amount scales with the number of souls Thresh has collected.
    Gravitational Dark Passage[@Hotkey@]Free@Cooldown@ sec CooldownThresh throws his Lantern a long way to a target location. If a disabled ally enters the Lantern's radius, they will be automatically saved and pulled to Thresh, in addition to allies being able to click the Lantern.

    The Lantern only lasts @Effect4Amount@ seconds, and no longer grants a shield.
    Time Warp (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownZilean increases an allied champion's Move Speed, or slows an enemy champion, by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.Toxic Shot (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Passive No CooldownTeemo's basic attacks poison their target, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magical damage upon impact and @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magical damage each second for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Tremors (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownShake the earth for @Effect2Amount@ seconds, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to nearby enemies and slowing them by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, stacking up to @Effect6Amount@ times.

    Tremors deals @Effect5Amount@% damage to turrets.
    Pillar of Ice (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTrundle creates an icy pillar at target location for @Effect1Amount@ seconds, becoming impassable terrain and slowing all nearby enemy units by @Effect2Amount@%.Subjugate (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTrundle drains @Effect1Amount*100@ (+@CharAbilityPower@)% of an enemy champion's maximum Health as Magic Damage and @Effect2Amount*100@% of their Armor and Magic Resist, half immediately and half over @Effect3Amount@ seconds. The Armor and Magic Resist is returned @Effect3Amount@ seconds after the drain ends.Chomp (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTrundle lunges at his opponent with his next basic attack, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) physical damage and briefly slowing his target.

    This attack increases Trundle's Attack Damage by @Effect3Amount@ for @Effect6Amount@ seconds, with his opponent losing half of this amount.
    Spinning Slash (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTryndamere spins through his enemies, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical2@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) physical damage to enemies in his path and generating Fury.

    Spinning Slash's cooldown is reduced by @Effect2Amount@ second whenever Tryndamere critically strikes. This reduction is increased to @Effect3Amount@ seconds against champions.
    Bloodlust (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Tryndamere thirsts for blood, gaining @Effect1Amount@ Attack Damage plus @Effect2Amount@ per 1% Health missing.

    Active: Tryndamere consumes his Fury, restoring @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Health, plus @Effect4Amount@ (+@f2@) Health per Fury consumed.
    Mocking Shout (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDecreases surrounding champions' Attack Damage by @Effect1Amount*-1@ for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, and enemies with their backs turned also have their Move Speed reduced by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.Contaminate (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDeals @Effect2Amount@ physical damage plus @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) (+@f1@) per stack of Deadly Venom to all nearby enemies affected by Deadly Venom. (Max Stack Damage: @f2@)Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFor @Effect2Amount@ seconds Twitch gains @Effect5Amount@ Attack Range and @Effect1Amount@ Bonus Attack Damage.

    For the duration, his basic attacks become piercing bolts that deal @Effect3Amount@% less damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @Effect4Amount@% damage.

    Stealth - Camouflage: Activating Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat does not end Camouflage.
    Ambush (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec cooldown Twitch becomes Camouflaged and gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. This bonus triples when he is nearby an enemy champion that cannot see him.

    Twitch gains @Effect1Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect6Amount@ seconds after exiting Ambush. Ambush resets when a champion dies while affected by Deadly Venom.

    Stealth - Camouflage: Twitch is hidden from view while enemy champions remain outside his detection radius. Attacking or casting spells ends Camouflage.
    Spray and Pray (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFor @Effect2Amount@ seconds Twitch gains @Effect5Amount@ Attack Range and @Effect1Amount@ Bonus Attack Damage.

    For the duration, his basic attacks become piercing bolts that deal @Effect3Amount@% less damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of @Effect4Amount@% damage.

    Stealth - Camouflage: Activating Spray and Pray does not end Camouflage.
    Venom Cask (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTwitch hurls a cask that adds a stack of Deadly Venom to all enemies struck and leaves behind a toxic cloud that persists for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Enemies that remain within the cloud have @Effect2Amount@% reduced Move Speed and receive an additional stack of Deadly Venom each second.
    Two-Shiv Poison (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: While Two-Shiv Poison is ready to cast, Shaco's basic attacks reduce the target's Move Speed by @Effect4Amount*-100@% for @Effect5Amount@ seconds.

    Active: Shaco throws a shiv that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) physical damage and reduces the target's Move Speed by @Effect4Amount*-100@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds. The shiv's damage is increased by up to @Effect3Amount*100@% based on the target's missing health.
    Unstoppable Force (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMalphite charges to target area. Upon his arrival he deals @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to nearby enemies and knocks them into the air for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.Undying Rage (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTryndamere becomes completely immune to death for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, refusing to be reduced below @Effect2Amount@ Health and instantly gaining @Effect1Amount@ Fury.Unstoppable Force (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownMalphite ferociously charges at an enemy unit, stunning it for @Effect1Amount@ and dealing @Effect3Amount@(+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage. Enemies who stand between Malphite and his Target are knocked back and take @Effect2Amount@(+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage.
    Malphite cannot be stopped or slowed while rushing towards his enemy.
    Disdain (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownUrgot charges forwards and gains a shield that absorbs @ETotalShieldHealth@ for @EShieldDuration@ seconds. If he catches an enemy champion, he will stop and hurl them behind him, dealing @EDamage@ physical damage and stunning them for @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Non-champions take the same damage but are knocked aside.

    Cannot cross terrain.
    Corrosive Charge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownUrgot fires an explosive charge, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) physical damage and slowing enemies hit by @Effect4Amount@% for @Effect5Amount@ second.Fear Beyond Death (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownUrgot fires a chem-drill, impaling the first enemy champion hit. Deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) physical damage and slows for @Effect4Amount@ seconds by up to @Effect3Amount@% based on the victim's missing health.

    If the victim falls below @Effect2Amount@% health while impaled, Urgot may recast this ability, suppressing the victim and dragging them in for execution. Activates automatically if the target is below @Effect2Amount@% at the end of the effect.

    When Urgot executes a victim, nearby enemies flee in terror for @Effect10Amount@ seconds.
    Mercy (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Execute the weak.Purge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFor @Effect3Amount@ seconds, Urgot shoots at a nearby enemy @Effect8Amount@ times a second, dealing @Effect9Amount@ (+@f3@) physical damage per shot, locking onto champions recently damaged by his other abilities. He also shields himself, absorbing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f2@) damage.

    While firing, Urgot loses @Effect5Amount@ Move Speed but has @Effect2Amount@% slow resistance and can walk over minions and non-epic monsters.

    Applies on-hits at 33% damage. Cannot critically strike. Minimum of @Effect10Amount@ damage to minions.
    Cancel the Purge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownUrgot halts his Purge prematurely.Hail of Arrows (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana @Cooldown@ sec CooldownVarus fires a hail of arrows that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage and desecrates the ground for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Desecrated Ground slows enemy Move Speed by @Effect2Amount*-100@% and reduces healing effects by @Effect4Amount@%.
    Chain of Corruption (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownVarus flings out a tendril of corruption that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and immobilizes the first enemy champion hit for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    The corruption then spreads towards nearby uninfected enemy champions. If it reaches them, they take the same damage and are also immobilized. Immobilized units gain @Effect4Amount@ Blight stacks over the duration.
    Blighted Quiver (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec Cooldown Passive: Varus' basic attacks deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) bonus magic damage and apply Blight for @Effect3Amount@ seconds (stacks @Effect4Amount@ times).

    Varus' other abilities detonate Blight, dealing magic damage equal to @Effect2Amount*100@% (+@CharAbilityPower2@%) of the target's maximum Health per stack.

    Active: Varus' next Piercing Arrow deals bonus magic damage equal to @f2*100@% to @f1*100@% of the target's missing health (scales with Piercing Arrow charge).

    Blighted Quiver is capped at @Effect5Amount*3@ damage against monsters.
    CondemnLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFires a bolt that knocks back a target and deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage.

    If the target collides with terrain, the damage is increased to @f1@ and the target is stunned for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Condemn's damage is increased by @Effect2Amount*100@% if the target collides with terrain.
    Final HourLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownVayne gains @Effect1Amount@ bonus attack damage and improvements to Night Hunter and Tumble for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. The duration of Final Hour is extended by @Effect5Amount@ seconds whenever a champion damaged by Vayne dies within @Effect6Amount@ seconds.

    Night Hunter: Vayne instead gains @Effect4Amount@ Move Speed.
    Tumble: Tumble's cooldown is reduced by @Effect7Amount@%, and Vayne gains Invisibility for @Effect3Amount@ second when she Tumbles.

    Stealth - Invisible: Vayne can only be revealed by nearby enemy Turrets or True Sight.
    Final Hour's duration can't be increased beyond its original maximum duration.
    Silver BoltsLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]PassiveNo CooldownEvery third consecutive attack or ability against an enemy deals an additional @Effect1Amount*100@% of the enemy's maximum health as true damage (no less than @Effect2Amount@).

    Silver Bolts deals no more than @Effect3Amount@ damage against monsters.
    TumbleLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownVayne rolls a short distance, and deals @f1@ bonus physical damage on her next basic attack within @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Tumble's bonus damage is equal to @Effect1Amount*100@% of Vayne's total attack damage.
    Baleful Strike (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownUnleashes a bolt of dark energy, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to the first two enemies hit.

    Killing a unit with this also grants Veigar a stack of Phenomenal Evil. Large minions and large monsters grant two.
    Dark Matter (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@f1@ sec CooldownAfter 1.2 seconds, dark matter falls from the sky to the target location, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.

    Every 50 stacks of Phenomenal Evil reduce Dark Matter's cooldown by 10% (currently @f2.0*100@%).
    Event Horizon (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownAfter a @Effect2Amount@ second delay, Veigar twists the edges of space around the target location for 3 seconds, forming a pentagon of walls. Enemies who attempt to pass through the perimeter are stopped and stunned for @Effect1Amount@ seconds.Primordial Burst (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownBlasts the target enemy champion with primal magic to deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) to @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage, increasing based on the target's missing health.

    Damage is maximized against enemies below 33% health.
    Tectonic Disruption (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownVel'Koz disrupts a nearby area which, after a delay, deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage and knocks up enemies hit for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Any enemies hit that are close to Vel'Koz will be pushed slightly in the direction the ability was cast.
    Organic DeconstructionVel'Koz's basic abilities apply Organic Deconstruction to enemies on hit for @f3@ seconds. Basic Attacks will refresh Deconstruction, but will not add stacks. The third hit on an enemy Deconstructs it, dealing @f1@ (+@f2@) True Damage.Life Form Disintegration Ray (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@f1@ Mana@f2@ sec CooldownPassive: Deconstructing enemy Champions Researches them for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Basic attacks and all abilities refresh Research.

    Active: Vel'Koz channels a ray of energy that follows the cursor for 2.5 seconds, dealing Magic Damage up to a total of @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) and slowing units hit by @Effect3Amount@%.

    Enemies that stay in the beam will periodically gain Organic Deconstruction stacks. Deals True Damage instead of Magic against Researched units.
    Void Rift (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@AmmoRechargeTime@ sec per Charge (Max 2)Vel'Koz opens a rift to the void that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage. After a delay, it deals an additional @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) Magic Damage.

    Void Rift has a 2 second cooldown between casts.
    Relentless Force (@Level@)Level @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Effect6Amount@ sec CooldownCauses next basic attack to deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@f3@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) physical damage to the target and enemies behind it.

    Vi charges a new punch every @f1@ seconds and can hold 2 charges at once.
    Vault Breaker (@Level@)Level @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCharges a powerful punch that carries Vi forward.

    First Cast: Slows Move Speed by @Effect4Amount@% while increasing damage and dash range over 1.25 seconds.

    Second Cast: Dashes forward dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f3@) to @f2@ (+@f1@) physical damage and applying Denting Blows to all enemies hit (deals @Effect3Amount*100@% damage to minions and monsters). Stops upon colliding with an enemy champion, knocking it back.
    Cease and Desist (@Level@)Level @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTargets an enemy champion and chases it down, knocking it up for 1.25 seconds, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage.

    While charging, Vi cannot be stopped and has True Sight of the target. Any enemies in the way are knocked aside and dealt 75% of the damage.
    Denting Blows (@Level@)Level @Level@ [@Hotkey@]PassiveNo CooldownEvery 3rd attack on the same target deals an additional @Effect1Amount@% (+@f1@%) of the target's maximum Health as physical damage, reduces its Armor by @Effect3Amount@% and grants Vi @Effect2Amount@% Attack Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds (max @Effect5Amount@ damage vs. monsters).

    Triggering Denting Blows reduces the cooldown of Blast Shield by 3 seconds.
    Come at Me!(@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownVi shields herself, increasing her Attack Damage by @Effect2Amount@ and Attack Speed by 50% while blocking @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) damage for the next 4 secondsViktor conjures a chaos storm in an area for @StormDuration@ seconds, instantly dealing @InitialBurstDamage@ magic damage then dealing @SubsequentBurstDamage@ magic damage per second to surrounding enemies. The storm automatically follows champions it has recently damaged.

    Recast: Viktor manually moves the storm.

    Upgrade: The storm moves @AugmentBoost*100@% faster.Guide Singularity[@Hotkey@]Relocate the singularity to another position.Death Ray (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownViktor uses his robotic arm to fire a chaos beam that cuts across the field in a line, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to every enemy in its path.

    Augment - Aftershock: An explosion follows the Death Ray's wake, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage.
    Augment - AftershockAn explosion follows the Death Ray's wake.Viktor deploys a gravitational imprisonment device for @FieldDuration@ seconds, Slowing enemies inside by @SlowPotency*-1@%. Enemies inside for 1.5 seconds are Stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Upgraded Passive: Viktor's non-ultimate Abilities Slow by @AugmentSlow@% for 1 second.

    Viktor blasts an enemy, dealing @TotalMissileDamage@ magic damage and granting Viktor @ShieldLevelScaling@ Shield for @BuffDuration@ seconds.

    Viktor's next Attack within 3.5 seconds deals an additional @AttackTotalDMG@ magic damage.

    Upgraded: Grants @TotalAugmentedShieldValue@ Shield and Viktor additionally gains @AugmentMoveSpeedBonus@% Move Speed for @BuffDuration@ seconds.Augment - TurbochargeSiphon Power's shield is increased by 60% and Viktor gains @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Augment - Perfect StormChaos Storm moves faster.Augment - MagnetizeViktor's spells will apply a slow to enemies hit.Tides of Blood (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Channeling Cost @Effect2Amount@% of max Health (@f3@)@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFirst Cast: Vladimir charges up a reservoir of blood, spending up to @Effect2Amount@% of his max Health (@f3@) to increase this spell's damage. While at full charge, Vladimir is slowed.

    Second Cast: Vladimir unleashes a nova of blood at surrounding enemies which deals between @Effect3Amount@ (+@f2@) (+@CharAbilityPower@) and @Effect10Amount@ (+@f4@) (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage and, at full charge, briefly slows by @Effect9Amount@%. Targets hit block a portion of the nova.

    Tides of Blood will release automatically if held for more than @Effect7Amount@ seconds.
    Hemoplague (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownVladimir infects enemies in a target area with a virulent plague, causing them to take @Effect2Amount@% increased damage from all sources for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    After @Effect4Amount@ seconds, Vladimir deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to all infected targets. If Hemoplague damages an enemy Champion, Vladimir heals himself for @f4@ (+@f3@), plus @Effect5Amount@% for each Champion beyond the first.
    Transfusion (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownVladimir drains the lifeforce of his target, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and healing himself for @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) health. After casting Transfusion twice, Vladimir gains Crimson Rush the next time it becomes available to cast.

    Crimson Rush: Vladimir is briefly hasted and for the next @Effect8Amount@ seconds Transfusion deals @Effect7Amount@% increased damage and heals for an additional @f7@ plus @Effect5Amount@% (+@f6@%) of his missing health (empowered heal has @Effect9Amount@% effectiveness against minions).
    Sanguine Pool (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Costs @Effect2Amount@% of current Health (@f2@)@Cooldown@ sec CooldownVladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds, gaining a brief haste and becoming untargetable while slowing enemies above him by @Effect3Amount@%.

    Vladimir deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) [@Effect4Amount@% of bonus Health] magic damage over the duration and heals himself for @Effect5Amount@% of that amount.

    Sanguine Pool can be cast while charging Tides of Blood.
    Rank 0+: Attacks steal Health
    Rank 1+: Attacks steal Speed
    Rank 2+: Attacks steal Armor and Magic ResistVolleyLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFires arrows in a cone, each dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) physical damage. Enemies can block multiple arrows, but only take damage from the first.

    Champion hits count as Critical Strikes for the purposes of Frost Shot.
    Vorpal SpikesLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCho'Gath's next 3 basic attacks launch spikes that deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) plus @f1@% of enemies' maximum Health as magic damage and slow by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds, decaying over the duration.

    Spikes grow wider as Cho'Gath gains Feast stacks.
    Spikes deal an additional 0.5% of enemies' maximum Health per Feast stack.
    Percent Health damage against minions and monsters is capped at @Effect8Amount@.
    (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Costs @Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec Cooldown @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) @Effect2Amount@% Primal Howl (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownWarwick gains @Effect1Amount@% damage reduction for 2.5 seconds. At the end of the duration, or if activated again, Warwick howls, causing all nearby enemies to flee for @Effect3Amount@ second.Jaws of the Beast (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownWarwick lunges forward and bites his target. While the key is held down, he will attach to the target then leap behind them.

    On release, deals @CharTotalPhysical@+@CharAbilityPower2@ plus @Effect1Amount@% of your target's maximum health as magic damage (applies On Hit effects). Heal @Effect3Amount@% of damage dealt.

    While attached, Warwick follows any movements they make and cannot be displaced.
    Infinite Duress (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownWarwick leaps 2.5 seconds worth of Move Speed in a direction, suppressing the first champion he collides with for @Effect2Amount@ seconds. Deals @Effect7Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) magic damage and applies on-hit effects 3 times. Warwick heals for 100% of all damage he deals during Infinite Duress.Blood Hunt (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownPassive: Warwick gains @Effect2Amount@% attack speed against enemies below 50% health. He also senses low health champions globally, moving @Effect1Amount@% faster toward them when out of combat. These bonuses are tripled against enemies below 20% health.

    Active: Warwick briefly senses all enemies. The nearest sensed champion is Blood Hunted for 8 seconds. Cast only while not in combat with a champion.

    While no enemies are being hunted, Blood Hunt cools down twice as fast.
    Wild Cards (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownThrows three cards that deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) Magic Damage to each enemy unit they pass through.Bladecaller (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownXayah calls all Feathers back to her, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@f3@) (+@f4@) physical damage to enemies they pass through (Increased by Critical Strike Chance).

    Hitting an enemy with @Effect5Amount@ Feathers roots them for @Effect4Amount@ second.

    Minions take @Effect2Amount*100@% damage from Bladecaller.
    Double Daggers (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownXayah throws two knives dealing @f1@ (+@f2@) physical damage and leaving two Feathers. Targets hit after the first take @Effect2Amount*100@% damage.Featherstorm (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownXayah leaps into the air becoming untargetable. She then rains down daggers which deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage and leave behind a line of Feathers.

    Xayah can move while in the air.
    Deadly Plumage (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownXayah creates a storm of blades for @Effect2Amount@ seconds that grant her @Effect1Amount@% attack speed and cause her basic attacks to strike an additional time for @Effect5Amount@% damage.

    If Deadly Plumage strikes an enemy champion, allies under the effects of Deadly Plumage gain @Effect3Amount@% Move Speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    If Rakan is nearby he will also gain the effects of Deadly Plumage.
    Eye of Destruction (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@AmmoRechargeTime@ sec CooldownXerath calls down a blast of arcane energy, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to all enemies within the target area, slowing them by @Effect8Amount@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds. Enemies in the center of the blast take @f1@ (+@f2@) magic damage and are slowed by @Effect3Amount@%. This slow decays rapidly.Arcanopulse (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@AmmoRechargeTime@ sec CooldownFirst cast: Xerath charges Arcanopulse, gradually decreasing his Move Speed while increasing the spell's range.

    Second cast: Xerath fires Arcanopulse, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to all enemies in a line.

    While charging Arcanopulse, Xerath cannot attack or cast other spells. If Xerath does not fire the spell, half the Mana cost is refunded.
    Rite of the Arcane (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownXerath ascends to his true form, becoming rooted in place and gaining @Effect2Amount@ Arcane Barrages. This magic artillery deals @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to all enemies hit.

    The root ends after @Effect1Amount@ seconds, when all shots have been fired or when manually deactivated by issuing a move command. If no barrages are fired, @Effect7Amount*100@% of the cooldown is refunded.
    Shocking Orb (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@AmmoRechargeTime@ sec CooldownXerath fires an orb of raw magic. The first enemy hit takes @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and is stunned for between @Effect8Amount@ and @Effect2Amount@ seconds. The stun duration lengthens based on how far the orb travels.Audacious Charge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownXin Zhao charges to an enemy. The charge deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to nearby enemies and slows them by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for 0.5 seconds. Charging grants Xin Zhao @Effect3Amount*100@% attack speed for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.Three Talon Strike (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownXin Zhao's next 3 basic attacks deal @Effect1Amount@ (+@f1@) extra physical damage and reduce his other cooldowns by 1 second. The final strike also knocks the target into the air for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Crescent Guard (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownXin Zhao unleashes a sweep around him that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) plus @Effect2Amount*100@% of target's current Health in physical damage and knocks them back (max 600 vs monsters).

    For @Effect5Amount@ seconds after casting this ability, Xin Zhao has increased Awareness and will completely block damage from enemies that are far away. Xin Zhao's attacks and spell casts increase the duration of Awareness by @Effect7Amount@ seconds each.

    The last champion hit by Xin Zhao's basic attacks or Audacious Charge is not knocked back.
    Wind Becomes Lightning (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownXin Zhao slashes in front of himself with his spear, then thrusts it forward.

    Slash: @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) damage.
    Thrust: @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical2@) damage and slows by @Effect6Amount*-100@% for @Effect7Amount@ seconds.

    Cast time is reduced with Attack Speed provided from items and levels (minimum of 0.4 seconds). Current cast time: @f5@

    Deals 50% less damage to minions.
    Lifesteal is 33% effective on both attacks.
    Extends the current duration of Xin Zhao's other abilities by @f5@ seconds.
    Sweeping BladeLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]No Cost@f1@ sec CooldownDashes through target enemy, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) (+@f3@) Magic Damage. Each cast increases your next dash's base Damage by 25%, up to @Effect6Amount@%.

    Cannot be re-cast on the same enemy for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    If cast while dashing, Steel Tempest will strike as a circle.
    Way of the WandererResolve: On using any ablity, Yasuo gains @f1@ percent Damage reduction for two seconds instead of his Armor and Magic Resistance.

    This Damage reduction is 20%+1% multiplicatively per 4 AD.

    ''Those who cling to life, die; those who defy death, live.''
    Steel TempestLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]No Cost@f1@ sec CooldownThrusts forward, dealing @f2.0@ (+@f3.0@) physical damage.

    On hit, Steel Tempest grants a stack of Gathering Storm for 6 seconds. At 2 stacks, Steel Tempest fires a whirlwind that knocks Airborne.

    Steel Tempest is treated as a basic attack: It can critically strike, applies on-hit effects, is interruptible by crowd control and its cooldown and cast time are reduced by Attack Speed.

    If cast while dashing, Steel Tempest will strike as a circle.
    Last BreathLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]No Cost@f1@ sec CooldownBlinks to an Airborne enemy champion, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharBonusPhysical@) physical damage and holding all Airborne enemies in the area in the air for an additional 1 second. Grants maximum Flow but resets all stacks of Gathering Storm.

    For 15 seconds, Yasuo's critical strikes gain @Effect5Amount@% Bonus Armor Penetration - this affects Armor from items, buffs, and runes.
    Wind WallLevel @Level@ [@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownCreates a moving wall that blocks all enemy projectiles for 4 seconds.Mourning Mist (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownYorick throws a globule of Black Mist that deals @Effect7Amount@% of enemy's current Health as magic damage (minimum @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@)), slows by @Effect3Amount@% for @Effect6Amount@ seconds, and marks champions and monsters for @Effect2Amount@ seconds.

    Yorick and his minions are hasted by @Effect5Amount@% while moving toward the mark.
    Last Rites (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownYorick's next basic attack deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharTotalPhysical@) physical damage and restores @f1@ Health (doubled when below half Health). Last Rites will leave a grave if it kills the target.

    When there are three or more graves nearby and Last Rites has been used, Yorick can cast Awakening to raise Mist Walkers from graves.
    Awakening (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No CostNo CooldownYorick raises Mist Walkers from nearby souls.Eulogy of the Isles (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownYorick summons The Maiden of the Mist and @Effect1Amount@ Mist Walkers. The Maiden has @Effect3Amount@ (+@f1@) Health, deals @Effect4Amount@ (+@f2@) magic damage, and raises Mist Walkers from nearby enemy deaths.

    When Yorick damages the Maiden's target he will deal @Effect5Amount@% of their max Health as bonus magic damage (@Effect7Amount@ second cooldown).

    If the Maiden is summoned inside a lane, she will start pushing the lane.
    Dark Procession (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownYorick summons a destructible wall of spirits with @Effect5Amount@ Health around target area for @Effect1Amount@ seconds. Allies can walk through the wall freely.Elastic Slingshot (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@f1@)@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFirst cast: Zac faces the cursor and charges up over @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Second cast: Launches Zac towards a location, knocking up nearby enemies for @f2@ to @f3@ seconds (based on charge time) and dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. Zac spawns extra chunks of Goo for each enemy champion hit.

    Can be cancelled by moving, refunding half of the ability's cooldown and cost.
    Stretching Strikes (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@f1@)@Cooldown@ sec CooldownZac's arm stretches and grabs the first enemy it hits, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) (+@f2@) magic damage and briefly slowing them. Zac's next basic attack is replaced with a long range smack that repeats the initial magic damage and slow effect.

    If Zac grabs a different enemy with each attack he'll throw them towards each other, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) (+@f2@) magic damage in an area if they collide.
    Let's Bounce! (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFirst cast: Zac squishes himself down, making him immune to Crowd Control for up to @Effect5Amount@ seconds. Enemies standing on top of him are slowed by @Effect4Amount*-100@%.

    Second cast: Charging for at least @f1@ seconds before recasting causes Zac to scoop up enemies on top of him, carrying them towards a location. Upon landing nearby enemies take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and are briefly slowed.

    Reactivating before Zac charges up knocks back nearby enemies instead.
    Unstable Matter (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]Costs @Effect2Amount*100@% of current Health (@f4@)@Cooldown@ sec CooldownZac's body erupts, dealing @Effect1Amount@ magic damage +@Effect3Amount*100 @% of the enemy's max health as magic damage to nearby enemies.

    Absorbing Goo reduces Unstable Matter's cooldown by @Effect4Amount@ second.

    Max health damage is capped at @Effect5Amount@ versus minions and monsters.
    Contempt for the WeakZed's basic attacks against targets below 50% Health deal @f1@% of the target's maximum Health as bonus Magic Damage. This effect can only occur once every 10 seconds on the same target.Shadow Swap (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No CostZed switches places with his shadow.Shadow Swap (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]No Cost@Cooldown@ sec CooldownZed switches places with his shadow.Hexplosive Minefield (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownZiggs scatters proximity mines that detonate on enemy contact, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. Enemies hit are slowed by @Effect2Amount*-100@% for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.

    Enemies triggering a mine take @Effect5Amount*100@% damage from additional mines. Mines disarm automatically after @Effect3Amount@ seconds.
    Bouncing Bomb (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownZiggs throws a bouncing bomb that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage.Mega Inferno Bomb (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownZiggs deploys his ultimate creation, the Mega Inferno Bomb, hurling it an enormous distance. Enemies in the primary blast zone take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage. Enemies farther away take @Effect5Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage.Satchel Charge (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownZiggs flings an explosive charge that detonates after @Effect2Amount@ seconds, or when this ability is activated again. The explosion deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies, knocking them away. Ziggs is also knocked away, but takes no damage.

    Satchel Charge will hexplode structurally unsound towers below @f1*100@% of their Health.
    Time Bomb (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownZilean tosses a time-delayed bomb to a location. The bomb sticks to the first unit which comes within a small area around it (prioritizes Champions). After @Effect2Amount@ seconds it detonates, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to all surrounding enemies.

    Placing two bombs on a unit detonates the first bomb early, stunning all enemies in the blast for @Effect4Amount@ seconds.
    Rewind (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Effect3Amount@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownReduces Zilean's other basic spell cooldowns by @Effect2Amount@ seconds.Sleepy Trouble Bubble (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownDropkick a bubble that deals @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage, lingering as a trap if it hits nothing. The bubble's range is extended when flying over a wall.

    After a delay, the victim falls asleep for 2 seconds. Attacks and spell hits break sleep but deal double damage, up to @Effect6Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) bonus true damage.
    More Sparkles!After casting a spell, Zoe's next basic attack deals @f1@ (+@f2@) bonus magic damage.Paddle Star! (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownFire a missile that deals increasing damage the further it travels -- @f1@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) to @f2@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage. Enemies near the first target hit take @Effect4Amount@% damage.

    Recast to redirect the missile to a new position near Zoe.

    Paddle Star! deals damage based on a combination of Paddle Star's rank and Zoe's level.
    Portal Jump (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec cooldownBlink to a nearby position for 1 second. Then blink back.

    Zoe may cast and attack, but not move, during this time. She can also see over walls.
    Spell Thief (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownEnemy Summoner Spell and Active Item casts drop spell shards lasting 40 seconds. Some minions also drop a spell shard when Zoe kills them.

    Active: Collecting a spell shard grants one cast of that spell.

    Passive: When Zoe casts a Summoner Spell or Spell Thief, she gains @Effect9Amount*100@% Move Speed for @Effect10Amount@ seconds and tosses up to 3 missiles at her attack target, dealing @Effect8Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage total. Each missile can apply More Sparkles!

    Move Speed bonus and missile damage improve with spell rank.
    Grasping Roots (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSends forward vines dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and rooting enemies for @Effect5Amount@ second(s).

    Garden of Thorns: If Grasping Roots passes near a seed, a Vine Lasher grows dealing @f1@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage and slowing enemies by @Effect2Amount@% for @Effect3Amount@ seconds. A Vine Lasher has 400 range and lasts @f2@ seconds.
    Grasping RootsLevel (@Level@) [@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownZyra sends forth vines through the ground to ensnare her target, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and rooting enemies they come across for 1 second.

    Garden of Thorns: If Grasping Roots hits a seed, it grows a Vine Lasher plant to attack nearby enemies. Vine Lasher attacks deal @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage and slow enemies by @Effect3Amount@% for 2 seconds. Lasts 15 seconds.
    Deadly Spines (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownThick vines spread through the ground and explode into spines, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to enemies within the area.

    Garden of Thorns: If Deadly Spines is cast near a seed, a Thorn Spitter grows, dealing @f1@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage. A Thorn Spitter has 575 range and lasts @f2@ seconds.
    Thorn Cluster[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownZyra throws a cluster of thorns at her target, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and hitting all nearby enemies for 75% of the damage.

    Garden of Thorns: If Thorn Cluster hits a seed, it grows a Thorn Spitter plant, which rapidly fires thorns at enemies from afar, dealing @Effect2Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower2@) magic damage. Lasts 15 seconds.
    Stranglethorns (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownSummons the fury of nature, growing a twisted thicket at target location which deals @Effect3Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage to all enemies in the area as it expands. After 2 seconds, the vines snap upward knocking enemies into the air for @Effect1Amount@ second.

    Garden of Thorns: Plants within the thicket are enraged, resetting their duration, gaining @Effect2Amount*100@% Health and attacking in a flurry for @Effect7Amount@% total damage.
    Rampant Growth (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]1 SeedNo CooldownPlants a seed, lasting @Effect6Amount@ seconds. If an enemy Champion steps on a seed, it dies. Seeds spawned by Rampant Growth grant vision in a small area, and if stepped on they grant True Sight of the enemy champion for @Effect3Amount@ seconds.

    Zyra stores a seed every @AmmoRechargeTime@ seconds (Max: 8 seeds planted). Each time she kills an enemy, Rampant Growth's recharge time is reduced by @Effect1Amount*100@% (@Effect2Amount*100@% for champion takedowns, large minion kills, and large monster kills).
    Frozen Domain (@Level@)[@Hotkey@]@Cost@ Mana@Cooldown@ sec CooldownTrundle coats target location with ice for @Effect4Amount@ seconds, gaining @Effect1Amount*100@% Move Speed, @Effect2Amount*100@% Attack Speed and @Effect3Amount*100@% increased healing and regeneration from all sources.That ability is not ready yet!You cannot cast that right now!You have not learned that ability yet!Not enough mana to cast that!BoonSignatureUltimateInvalid target selected; select a valid target.Select target(s).The capital of Noxus was founded in the shadow of the Immortal Bastion, the fortress of a dreaded revenant who once terrorized Valoran.One of Kled's many titles is ''High Major Commodore of the First Legion Third Multiplication Double Admiral Artillery Vanguard Company.''The brackern - a race of enormous, crystal-bodied scorpions - slumber beneath the sands of a hidden valley in Shurima.Sai Kahleek is one of Shurima's most feared deserts, as it is populated by the ravenous Xer'Sai.Many of the Voidborn have names derived from the ancient Shuriman language.The God-Willow was an ancient tree found in Ionia, which was felled by Ivern the Cruel.Shen became the Eye of Twilight after the death of his father, Great Master Kusho.Miss Fortune's pistols were crafted by her mother for the young reaver Gangplank, who then turned the guns on their creator.Legends tell of another realm beyond Mount Targon's peak, inhabited by great celestial beings.Demacians use the fossilized bark of ancient trees to create petricite, a magic-absorbing substance with which they build their city walls.Yasuo and Yone both studied at the same school of swordcraft. It was this training that the brothers called upon in their fight to the death.Garen and Lux are members of the Crownguard family, which has protected the Demacian throne for generations.Fiora is the head of House Laurent in Demacia, a position she claimed upon killing her father in a duel.Many in Zaun revere Janna as a goddess, after she saved countless lives when plans to create a waterway through Piltover resulted in catastrophe.Many frost trolls have rallied behind their self proclaimed king, Trundle.Artifacts of True Ice hold incredible power, but only the Iceborn can wield them.While attempting to tame the ancient Freljord with her two sisters, Lissandra was permanently blinded by the claws of the demi-god Volibear.Trundle's True Ice club is named Boneshiver.Time flows strangely in Bandle City, making yordles seem almost timeless to outsiders.The grieving king Viego tried to bring his dead queen back to life in the magical waters of the Blessed Isles. He failed, giving rise to the Ruination.Before the Ruination, the Shadow Isles were known as the Blessed Isles.Mordekaiser's mace is named Nightfall.To stave off a great danger beneath the ocean, the Marai illuminate the depths with a moonstone.Basilisks of the jungle are sometimes raised from the egg as Noxian war beasts.Drakehounds, a distant relative of dragons, are kept by some rich, and perhaps foolish, Noxians as pets.Warmasons are tasked by Noxus not only to plot and plan infrastructure, but also to scout out enemy territory for future invasions.Native to northern Demacia are the rare, ferocious raptors. Only a few talented individuals are able to tame and ride these beasts.Legends speak of Avarosa, a queen of the ancient Freljord, and how she was betrayed by her own sister.The merchant clans of Piltover preside over the city's vast trade industry... and keep much of the wealth for themselves.Zaun's wealthiest can often be found on the city's Promenade level, which intersects with Piltover's lowest regions.The Entresol level of Zaun is where most of the city's trade and business occurs.The Sump is the lowest region of Zaun. Few choose to dwell here for long.Lee Sin lost his vision when he invoked the dragon spirit, a lesson in humility he has yet to fully master.The Blessed Isles were home to a society of scholars, who gathered magical artifacts and historical records from across Runeterra.Lux trusted Sylas. Now Demacians are dead.Gnar was frozen in ice for a long, long time.Deep beneath Shurima's ancient capital lies the Oasis of the Dawn, believed by many to be the source of all rivers in the land.Some Shuriman nomads have created entire towns upon the backs of the dormun - enormous beasts that wander the desert.The Gatekeeper. The Fox. The Khumaia. All are names for the same spirit celebrated during the Spirit Blossom festival.In Shurima, those who survived a failed Ascension ritual are known as the Baccai, who are often twisted and malformed.The Solari revere the sun, and denounce all other forms of light as inferior. Their faith dominates the many cultures of Targon.The myths of the Spirit Blossom festival serve as both tales of history and moral lessons.There is a garden in southern Ionia where flowers consume memories.Garen leads the Dauntless Vanguard, the kingdom of Demacia's most elite military force.Khada Jhin is a stage name. Jhin's true identity remains a mystery.In life, Hecarim led the Iron Order, an infamous brotherhood of mounted knights.Using enchanted waters, Maokai turned the desolate islands of his birth into a verdant paradise.With his dying breath, Sion killed Jarvan I. The king's crown now serves as Sion's jaw.Upon besting his teacher in combat, the vastaya Kong earned an honorific reserved only for the brightest of Wuju students, becoming Wukong.Rumble's mech is named Tristy, in honor of a yordle who is very important to him.Poppy was once close friends with a man named Orlon. She took up his hammer upon his death.Blitzcrank was created by Viktor, and eventually became stronger, faster, and smarter than any golem or automaton.Ekko is one of the ''Lost Children of Zaun,'' a band of Zaunite youths known for their mischief across the city.Illaoi wields ''the Eye of God,'' an idol sacred to the Buhru.The Tidecaller's staff allows its wielder to command water, and is drawn to the power of the moon.Thanks to her hextech heart, Camille has managed to retain some of her youthful looks despite her age.Jinx's rocket launcher, mini-gun, and electric pistol are named Fishbones, Pow-Pow, and Zapper.Dr. Mundo isn't actually a doctor. He just thinks he is.Galio was created by a legendary Demacian sculptor named Durand.Quinn and her twin brother Caleb were born in the rural Demacian town of Uwendale.Rengar is one of the Kiilash, a vastayan tribe from Shurima.Nami is one of the Marai, a vastayan tribe from the seas west of Mount Targon.Xayah and Rakan are vastaya, from the Lhotlan tribelands in Ionia.Wukong's vastayan tribe, the Shimon, dwells among the canopies of Ionia's tallest trees.Jax's favorite food is eggs.The people of Bilgewater deeply respect the creatures of the deep, so much so, that their currency is Golden Krakens and Silver Serpents.The Ecliptic Vaults were once considered to be Piltover's most secure bank, before Jinx breached its heavily reinforced walls.Caitlyn's hextech rifle was crafted by her parents for her twenty-first birthday.Jayce's transforming hammer is powered by a shard from a brackern crystal, pulled from the sands of Shurima.Taric, a former Demacian soldier, is host to the Targonian Aspect of the Protector.When Orianna succumbed to poisonous fumes, her father replaced her failing organs with mechanical augments, turning her into a lady of clockwork.Before becoming a member of the Wardens, Vi wielded a pair of gauntlets taken from a chem-powered mining golem.The callers of the Serpent Isles sound enormous horns carved into the cliffs to beckon forth great sea monsters.Twisted Fate was born to the nomadic river-folk of the Serpentine, a river flowing near Bilgewater.Nunu's yeti companion is named Willump. Willump's human companion is named Nunu.The brothers Darius and Draven grew up as orphans in the port city of Basilich.Tahm Kench is but one of the River King's many names. Some others may be better left unsaid.When the wharf rats of Bilgewater gather in great swarms, they can devour an adult human in minutes.Gateways of dark stone known as Noxtoraa are raised over roads in territories conquered by Noxus.Hextech is the fusion of magic and technology, harnessing the power contained within extremely rare crystals.Piltover is the center of mercantile trade in Valoran.Zaun's powerful chem-barons keep a loose alliance that prevents the city from descending into chaos.The Zaun Gray is the thick, chemical atmosphere of Zaun that can sometimes be fatal to breathe.Ionian architecture is known for its harmonious fluidity with nature.The Black Mist seems able to manifest anywhere in Valoran during Harrowings, though it strikes Bilgewater most often.Many structures in Bilgewater are made from remains of ships gutted upon its rocky shores.In Bilgewater, the dead are not always buried - they are often given back to the ocean in submerged caskets below bobbing tombstones.The Frozen Watchers are believed to be trapped in the Howling Abyss.Sivir's crossblade, the Chalicar, once belonged to Setaka, an Ascended god-warrior of Shurima.Nunu lost his mother when their caravan was attacked, but he holds onto hope that she's still alive. Sometimes he can hear her, singing in his dreams.Some say yordles know secret ways through Runeterra that others cannot perceive.The Bearded Lady, and Mother Serpent, are both names for the Bilgewater deity Nagakabouros.''I believe I've discovered something truly incredible… A way to harness magic through science!'' - Jayce''A little danger is worth the risk, dontcha think?'' - Jayce''I want hextech to be a tool for us to build a better world.'' - Jayce''This technology? It's real. And no matter what happens here, it's going to change our world.'' - Jayce''The boy's got ambition. It's why we supported him in the first place.'' - Councilor Kiramman''I'm close to a breakthrough, I know it.'' - Jayce''I know it sounds impossible, but when have we ever let that stop us.'' - Jayce''We're the champions of discovery. Why fear it when we can master it?'' - Jayce''This is the city of progress. Think of the wonders we could create.'' - JayceLocated far from civilization, Mount Targon is utterly remote, reachable only by the most determined seeker.''One day, this city's gonna respect us.'' - Vi''We've all had bad days, but we learn. And we stick together.'' - Vi''What makes you different, makes you strong.'' - Vi''Why answer to them? These are our streets.'' - Vi''They won't stop. We need to fight back. And if you won't, I will.'' - Vi''I grew up knowing I'm less than them. That my place is down there.'' - Vi''This is how things are, how they've always been. I was so stupid to think it could change.'' - Vi''No matter how the world tries to break you. Protect the family.'' - Vander''Throws herself at trouble wherever she can find some.'' - Vander''I'm an excellent shot.'' - CaitlynThose Ascended by the Sun Disc of Shurima can live for thousands of years.''I'm a misfit too, I suppose.'' - Caitlyn ''You're a councilor's daughter. Your actions reflect on the entire body.'' - Councilor Kiramman''If you really want people to talk to you, you have to let them think you have what they want.'' - Vi''Caitlyn Kiramman. Why does that not surprise me? Interfering in an investigation? Again?'' - Marcus''I realize you're used to getting your way, Kiramman, but we have a chain of command for a reason.'' - Marcus''You know what else reflects on the council? Its citizens living on the streets.'' - Caitlyn''Be what they fear.'' - Jinx''I'm a helpless little girl, and I set the building on fire by accident. Totally by accident.'' - Jinx''Why did you leave me?!'' - Powder''But then, there's this thing in your head, and it's raging, lighting every nerve with madness. To fight. To survive.'' - SilcoDemacia's army is relatively small compared to the other nations of Valoran, but exceptionally well trained and equipped.''I was saving you. I only wanted to help. I only wanted to help. I only wanted to help.'' - Powder''It's Jinx now. Powder fell down a well.'' - Jinx''Family sticks together! You said it yourself.'' - Powder''You can discover out all sorts of secrets at The Last Drop... if you know who to ask.''''You can purchase a Krug in Zaun, but they don't exactly make great pets.''''Piltover's hextech innovations earned the attention of some notable Noxians.''''Rumor has it a monster lurks in the heart of Zaun.''''The children of Zaun are apt at seizing every opportunity, sometimes by force.''''Gears, bolts, screws, metal scraps: these are but a few of the things Zaunite children steal from Piltover to turn a profit.''''Looking for a job? Little Man may have caught wind of a promising haul in Piltover for you.''Bilgewater's boom-and-bust economy is based almost entirely on the hunting and harvesting of sea monsters.''Some discoveries can be made at a desk, but not all. Jayce had to travel across Runeterra to further his hextech research.''''House Talis gained status by putting hammers in the hands of the people.''''That band playing at the Last Drop sounds oddly familiar. Believable Serpents? No that's not right. ''''Alarms are mounted to the roofs of Piltovan buildings just in case. Thankfully, all seems quiet right now.''''Jinx's weapons are also her closest friends. Not exactly what we'd call healthy relationships.''''Powder wasn't the only artist in her group of friends. Mylo was seen tagging rooftops from time to time.''''Chef Jericho is known for exquisite stall-cooked meals, found only in the Undercity, of course.''''Between Stillwater Hold and The Dredge, Piltover has a spot ready for the worst the Undercity throws at them.''''The arcane has been a part of Jayce's life since he was a child - far more so than his mother will admit.''''Rumor has spread throughout the Undercity that Piltover's Chief Enforcer passed under mysterious circumstances.''According to legend, True Ice never melts. However, elemental magic or the power bestowed by demi-gods may test that truth... ''Most folks take the Bathysphere through layers of the Undercity. The locals have...other methods.''''Arcades are for more than winning prizes. Jinx learned to shoot - and Vi to punch - at one in the Undercity.''''If not for some Undercity ruffians - and the explosion that followed - Jayce and Viktor never would have met.''''Caitlyn's camera is a Talis original. There's not one in Piltover quite like it!''''The Atlas Gauntlets were built to aide Piltovan miners move large rocks with ease''''Councilor Irius Bolbok distrusts the arcane with every gear and bolt of his being.''''The Sump is home to creatures both beautiful and strange, though few will ever see them...or live to speak of the encounter.''''Professor Heimerdinger's Introduction to Invention is a required course for all first years at the Academy.''''Vander keeps his worn gauntlets as a constant reminder...and a promise.''''The Piltover Enforcers have reached a tentative truce with the citizens of the Lanes.''Sacred to the Frostguard, Dark Ice is True Ice that has been corrupted.Mel's mother is an accomplished warlord and stateswoman in Noxus.''Puzzle boxes'' are handcrafted by Piltovan artisans. No two are the same, and each has a prize hidden inside.Piltover is still haunted with memories from the Day of Ash, and the Enforcers have not forgotten the Undercity protestors they massacred on the Harbor Bridge.With some help from Powder, Vander installed a panic button in The Last Drop. If only they'd never had to use it...Caitlyn Kiramman still holds the record for fastest time on the Enforcer Shooting Range.Kassadin's name originates from the Shuriman phrase, ''Kas sai a dyn?'' or ''Whom does the desert know?''Nunu's flute is named Svellsongur.Nunu and his mother, Layka, were members of the Notai, a nomadic Freljordian tribe that worshipped Anivia.Akali's favored weapons are the kama and kunai - a handheld sickle and a throwing dagger.Irelia severed Swain's left arm during the Great Stand at Navori, halting the Noxian advance at the Placidium.The Demacian capital, and seat of the monarchy, is the Great City of Demacia.Brand spent his childhood in the outlying Freljordian settlement of Rygann's Reach.Pyke made his name as a harpooner in Bloodharbor, a district of slaughter docks in Bilgewater.Annie lost her mother at a very young age. Her father, sister, and stepmother all died some years later.Sivir is a descendent of Azir, the Ascended god-emperor of Shurima.Bard has been known by many names, including the Cosmic Vagabond and the Great Caretaker.Elise was once a lady of House Kythera, a powerful Noxian noble family.Evelynn is a demon who thrives on the pain of her victims.Ezreal discovered his gauntlet inside the lost tomb of Ne'Zuk, in Shurima.Gnar's boomerang is actually the jawbone of a drüvask, a type of boar native to the Freljord.Graves' shotgun is named Destiny.Heimerdinger and Ziggs used to operate a pyrotechnics shop in Piltover.Peaches are Kai'Sa's favorite fruit.Rakan loves chocolate.Kayn's full name is Shieda Kayn.Lee Sin and Udyr fought side by side against the Noxian invasion of Ionia.Nasus and Renekton are brothers.Olaf hails from the Freljordian peninsula of Lokfar.Anivia, Ornn, and Volibear are demi-god siblings of the ancient Freljord.Nocturne once haunted the Demacian city of Fossbarrow.Riven begged an Ionian elder, Souma, to destroy her blade. In doing so, she inadvertently caused his death.Ryze was Kegan Rodhe's master, before Kegan became Brand.Sejuani's drüvask boar is named Bristle.Samira's tattoos tell the story of her most daring missions. If you ask her, she'll say she still has space for more.Singed's chemical weapons were used by Noxus in their invasion of Ionia.Soraka sees many potential futures, and has guided certain individuals to choose their own destiny.Taliyah was mentored by Yasuo during her time in Ionia.Talon, Katarina, and Cassiopeia are all members of the Du Couteau family of Noxus.Thresh's lantern is a prison for countless souls, including that of Senna, Lucian's wife—who later escaped... Tristana's cannon is named Boomer.Tryndamere became oathbound to Ashe at the sacred Avarosan site of Rakelstake.A former Noxian headsman, Urgot was betrayed and imprisoned in the Dredge, a mine deep beneath Zaun.Varus is a Darkin, reborn in the combined flesh of two Ionian hunters, Valmar and Kai.Vel'Koz's name translates roughly in the ancient Shuriman language as ''to understand by unmaking.''Once a Zaunite gangster, Warwick became a monster after being transmuted by Singed.Warwick is hunting you right now.The Spirit Blossom festival is a holiday in Ionia when the living honor and commune with their deceased loved ones.Yorick wears the Tears of Life, a vial of water drawn from the Blessed Isles' sacred springs.Zed was a member of the Kinkou, before he left and formed his Order of Shadow.Kayn's master is Zed, who believes the young man could one day lead the Order of Shadow.Zilean is a survivor of Icathia's destruction by the Void.Before she became the Aspect of Twilight, Zoe was a child of the Lunari.The Aspect of Twilight gave mortals the knowledge to trap Aatrox and the other Darkin.King Santon of Demacia avoided civil war with a game of Tellstones, saving thousands of lives.Demacians play a variant of Tellstones called “King's Gambit”, in honor of Santon the Great.Despite the game's popularity across Runeterra, no one seems to know where Tellstones originated...The Dauntless Vanguard play their own version of Tellstones, and use it to settle disputes within the ranks.Piltovans call their home the "City of Progress." Zaunites would call it something else.Don't tell Sett's mom what he does for a living. We wouldn't want her to worry, right?Zaun has no formal government. Instead, the powerful chem-barons have an uneasy truce with one another to keep the peace... in theory, at least.Aphelios' twin sister, Alune, can only project her magical support to him when he consumes a poison that renders him mute.Progress Day commemorates the building of the Valoran canal. In Piltover, it is a celebration, but in Zaun, it is a time to mourn the many who died during its construction.A disastrous attempt to cut a canal through Piltover led to the city's partial collapse - and the creation of Zaun.As a child, Rell was subject to brutal experimentation. Thanks to her iron will, her instructors didn't survive.Deep in Shurima, the sand itself flows like water. Perhaps it is this constant shifting that keeps Brand, the vengeful fire mage, trapped beneath its dunes.The Monolith, a massive structure of living rock, was built thousands of years ago to fight the Void. Malphite is all that remains of the Monolith, but his duty is unchanged.The northern coast of Shurima is partially controlled by Noxus, though the rebirth of Shurima's Emperor Azir may bring that to an end.The hunting grounds of Rek'Sai, littered with the remains of thousands of her victims, are sometimes called the "Bone Sea."Ekko can rewind time. This tip used to be about Heimerdinger.One of the largest deserts in Shurima is known as the Great Sai. It is home to a number of raider tribes, including those who killed Sivir's family.The lush jungles of Ixtal border the Shuriman desert, yet few Shurimans know that a thriving civilization still dwells in the heart of that wilderness.The monstrous Darkin were once noble warriors of the Shuriman Empire.Ordinary citizens have no idea that the Sentinels of Light patrol Runeterra with ancient relic weapons, keeping them safe from the Shadow Isles' wraiths.The wraith Kalista once faithfully served the Ruined King, Viego. This loyalty cost Kalista her life.King Viego of Camavor fell in love with a seamstress, Isolde, a thousand years ago - beginning a fairytale romance that would lead to ruin.Viego hails from the distant land of Camavor. In his thousand-year absence, his kingdom has fallen, forgotten.Your champion will continue attacking after only a single click.In the Options menu, you can assign a keybind that can open and close the Item Shop.Pressing @k1@ opens and closes the Item Shop.Pressing @k1@ or @k2@ opens and closes the Item Shop.Brush, the grassy areas around Summoner's Rift, hides you from enemies.You gain the benefits of items right when you buy them. No need to equip!In the Options menu, you can assign a keybind that lets you chat with other players on your team.While playing, pressing @k1@ lets you chat with other players on your team.The monsters in the jungle won't hurt you unless you attack them.Abilities don't usually affect structures.Gold can be spent to upgrade items to make you MUCH more powerful.While there are no enemy Minions nearby, Towers only take 33% of incoming damage.In the Options menu, you can assign a keybind to make your champion stop attacking.You can hit @k1@ to make your champion stop attacking.You can hit @k1@ or @k2@ to make your champion stop attacking.You can buy items while dead.You can only own one mythic item at a time.The Elder Dragon spawns after one team kills 4 dragons. Slaying it grants your team great power!Using Wards will let you see where you're not, even in bushes!If you hold down Ctrl or Alt, you can click and drag with your mouse to access a menu of special pings.Individually, Minions don't do a lot of damage. But in a group, their attacks can really add up!Enemy Minions will turn to attack you if you attack a champion near them.A few abilities, like Garen's Decisive Strike, can damage structures.At Level 9, you unlock an additional trinket option. You can change your trinket for free in the Item Shop!Some champions can use abilities to move over walls, allowing them to attack or escape unexpectedly.The colors in your ability tooltips can give you hints, such as which item stats make that ability stronger.If you land the last hit that kills a Minion or jungle monster, you earn the gold for that kill.Ability Power increases the overall effectiveness of many abilities, not just damage.You can hold down Alt to cast an ability on yourself.You can quickly level-up an ability by holding Ctrl and pressing the ability's hotkey.Unlike most channeled spells, Recall can be interrupted by damage. This can be used to disrupt your opponent's plans!Minions that spawn together are commonly referred to as a ''wave.''Each section of a champion's health bar represents 100 HP.The map transforms after two dragons are slain. Only dragons of that map type can spawn.Support income items level up twice, once every 500 gold you earn with them.You can right click to both buy and sell items.Killing 3 waves of Minions is worth more gold than killing 1 champion at the game's start. Minions are worth even more later!The Item Shop can be resized by dragging its bottom right corner.You can look at a Tower's item inventory to see many kinds of special effects that Towers have.The Dragon respawns 5 minutes after its death.Towers deal increasingly more damage with each hit.The green dot on your teammates' portraits shows when their ultimate abilities are ready!Invisible champions' silhouettes can be revealed with the Oracle Lens trinket.Champions with empowered autoattacks, like Jax, can reset their autoattacks with said abilities.Tower icons on the minimap become empty as their towers become damaged.Slaying Baron Nashor grants your team a lot of gold and a significantly faster recall that lets you get back and upgrade your items quickly.The first Tower taken in a game gives out extra gold.Champion kills are worth more gold to your team if multiple people contributed to the kill.Sometimes the threat of an ability is more dangerous than the usage of the ability.If multiple equipped items share a passive with the same name, the effect will apply only once.You can't buy components that only build into mythic items if you own another mythic item.Boots aren't legendary items so they won't count toward your mythic passive!The littlest, shiniest krugs hold most of the gold.If you own a jungle item and smite five times the item will disappear from your inventory and grant you all of its abilities and an upgraded smite!Sharing experience in a lane gives your team more total experience than a single champion would get.Elder Dragon can only spawn once a team has killed four dragons and gotten the Dragon Soul.If a team kills four dragons they're rewarded with the Dragon Soul, a powerful permanent buff.While there are no enemy Minions nearby, Towers become immune to True Damage and only take 33% of all other damage.Omnivamp is only 33% effective on spells that can hit multiple targets.The Rift Scuttler loses her shield after being immobilized or smited.In the Item Shop, you can hover over underlined words to see more information.If you Flash into a wall, you will appear at the nearest location. Use this to gain extra distance.You can cast Flash during the cast time of some abilities, letting you surprise your opponents.Gromp's heal and mana restore increase the lower your health and mana are.While there's no Dragon present, you can see which kind of Dragon will arrive next by looking at the symbol in its pit.Neutral monsters attack whatever is closest to them.The Rift Herald returns to the Void at 19:30, but if it's in combat it can stay for another 20 seconds.If you find yourself attacking an enemy when you meant to be standing alone in a bush, the bush you're in likely has an enemy ward in it.Some wards only last for a limited time. You can click on them to view their remaining duration.It takes just over 30 seconds for a Minion to reach the center of Top Lane from when it spawns. It takes just over 20 seconds for Mid Lane.Destroyed Wards leave behind debris. The brighter they are, the more recently they expired.You can place Wards and drink Potions while channeling a spell, such as Recall.You can watch your own Minions on the minimap to figure out where your opponent's Minions are.Leaving a few enemy Minions alive in a lane will cause your Minions to slowly push forward without you needing to be there.While you have the scoreboard open, clicking the monster timers in the top communicates them to your teammates. No need to press Alt.At game start, an attack from a group of 3 caster Minions deals more total damage than a single attack from any unequipped champion.League of Legends changes frequently. Make sure to read your tooltips regularly to keep up to date!Champions are most vulnerable to attack when they are in the middle of an action, like attacking a Minion.Baron Nashor does much more damage to those behind him.Attacking an enemy while you're inside brush will reveal you.Many objects created by champions can be Teleported to. This includes Thresh's lantern, Jarvan's flag, or even Zac's exploded blobs.The stats gained from a champion level is usually worth more gold than the gold from a champion kill.Some items have exclusive properties and can't be bought together.Item haste reduces both active and passive cooldowns of items you have.Baron Nashor takes reduced damage from whoever he is attacking.Jinx's classic splash background is a demolished version of Vi's.A sushi restaurant in China once offered discounts based on League rank.It takes 3 hours and 20 minutes to travel from fountain to fountain only using flash (without runes).Competitive BSing is fine. Hate speech? Not so much.Life happens. We get it. But for players who keep leaving games, LeaverBuster will issue a penalty.Did someone make some great calls? Honor them after the game.Did a teammate help make this game great? Honor them after the game.Don't let another player's frustration control your next move.Teammate kept a cool head after a bad start? Honor them with GG <3Everyone misses a skill shot occasionally, even you.Mistakes are opportunities, you know. -ReignoverIs someone flaming in game? Mute unhelpful player chat or pings through the TAB menu.Even Jinx keeps cool and focuses on blowing up one thing: the enemy Nexus.Games can get heated, but racial slurs have no place in League.In-game mistakes can be new opportunities. Rethink your strategy.Everyone loves a killer comeback story. Don't give up!You can't play a team game without a team -- don't be a leaver!Use smart pings to alert your teammates to threats. You'll win more games.Smart pings keep your hands where you need 'em!Did a teammate keep their cool, despite the odds? Honor them at end of game.I can't always land skill shots. I'm only human. - GorillAIf a player stands out, honor them after the game!Players who work with their team unlock cool privileges, like loot!Keep focused, keep cool: you'll win more.Above Honor Level 3? Get honored this game and get a loading-screen flair next game.No team is perfect, but you're still a team. Get out there and fight to win!Support your teammates, respect the game, and level up in Honor.Staying cool under pressure takes practice. Take a deep breath if you need one.Fight with honor.You can't control other's tempers, but you can keep a cool head. When a teammate stays focused despite the odds, honor them for staying cool!Keep the game awesome. Report purposefully unhelpful players.Use pings to keep your teammates informed or make suggestions.Back-to-back games? Recharge with a few toe touches.It sounds dumb, but a deep breath can help prevent tilt.If someone makes you uncomfortable in game, report them.Be un-tiltable!Don't be the one to tilt your teammates and risk losing the game.If a teammate pulls the game back from the brink, honor them after the game!It's not easy to keep calm sometimes, but if you do, you're going to win more gamesPart of being tilt-proof means getting good at expecting the unexpected!Selected 129 times, Lee Sin is the most picked champion across all World ChampionshipsBanned 86 times, Alistar is the most banned champion across all World ChampionshipsBanned 71% of the time, Nidalee was the most banned champion during Worlds 2016Corki is the most picked bottom lane Marksman across all World ChampionshipsOrianna is the most picked mid laner across all World ChampionshipsThresh is the most picked support across all World ChampionshipsRumble is the most picked top laner across all World ChampionshipsPicked 54% of the time, Karma was the most picked champion during Worlds 2016120 champions have been played at Worlds from 2011-2016There have been 26 executes across all World ChampionshipsThere have been 9581 kills across all World ChampionshipsThere have been 683361 minions and monsters killed across all World ChampionshipsThere have been 9607 deaths across all World Championships350 matches have been played across all World ChampionshipsThere have been 22055 assists across all World ChampionshipsEvelynn holds the record for most champion kills in a game during Worlds with 19 kills in one gameSona and Thresh hold the record for most assists in a game during Worlds with 28 assists in one gameMordekaiser holds the record for highest KDA ratio across all World Championships at 20.75With 357 killing blows, Lee Sin has the most kills of any champion at WorldsDuring Worlds 2015, Mordekaiser was banned 93% of the time. In the matches he was picked, he ended up winning the gameDuring Worlds 2015, Gangplank was banned 95% of the time. In the four matches he wasn't banned, he was picked and ended up winning the gameRiven, Thresh, Shyvana, Kalista, Zed, and now Ashe have received Championship skinsFaker has played in the most Worlds matches at 50, followed by Yellowstar at 48SK telecom T1 is the only repeat World Champion with three victoriesAt 690 CS, Sneaky broke the record for most CS in one game as Caitlyn during C9 vs FW 2016Since Worlds 2011, 56 teams have participated in the World ChampionshipFnatic won the first World Championship in Jönköping, Sweden in 2011Taipei Assassins won the second World Championship in Los Angeles, California in 2012SK telecom T1 won the third World Championship in Los Angeles, California in 2013Samsung Galaxy White won the fourth World Championship in Seoul, South Korea in 2014SK telecom T1 won the fifth World Championship in Berlin, Germany in 2015SK telecom T1 won the sixth World Championship in Los Angeles, California in 2016Who will be the World Champion this year?Faker, Uzi, and imp hold the record for most all-time kills at Worlds at around 200Piglet and Toyz are tied for the highest overall Worlds KDA on a winning team at 9.73Faker holds the record for most CS at Worlds with 16306, followed by Pray at 13807GorillA holds the record for most all-time Worlds assists at 439Piglet holds the record for highest average kills per game of any Worlds winner at 6.39Jensen holds the record for highest average CS per game of any Worlds player at 417Cloud holds the record for highest average assists per game of any Worlds player at 12.63Karthus holds the record for most deaths in one Worlds match at 12Since Worlds 2011, the World Championship has been hosted by 10 different countries43 million unique viewers watched the Finals for Worlds 2016The Finals for Worlds 2017 will be held in Beijing on November 4thChase your LegendLegends Never DieSince Worlds 2011, there have been 209 hours of League of Legends played at WorldsThe average game length for a Worlds match is 35:23Worlds 2011 had the shortest average game length at 31:31. Worlds 2016 had the longest average game length at 38:322015 had the shortest Worlds game ever, EDG vs BKT at 20 minutes 21 seconds2014 had the longest Worlds game ever, FNC vs OMG at 1 hour 11 minutes and 34 secondsThe pursuit of mastery is an endless journey, but those who persevere etch their names in historyFor those who compete on the Worlds Championship stage, the pursuit of mastery begins with four pillars: Skill, Resilience, Teamwork, and CourageResilience is the ability to experience defeat, and evolve in its wake. It is one of the many attributes of a championStrength is pushing far beyond expectations, and one of the many attributes of a championAmbition is a relentless drive to succeed, and one of the many attributes of a champion2016 had the most games of any Worlds, at 562011 had the fewest games of any Worlds, at 28Destroy Charge Bots and steal their augmentation fragments to Overcharge your team.''My kingdom stands eternal.'' —God-King GarenSo God-King Garen proclaims to all, so shall the law be. His justice is absolute.The celestial lion that serves God-King Garen is a manifestation of his ancient power.God-King Garen oversees the utopian kingdom known as Demacia. Those who dissent are met with immediate execution.The God-King of Demacia oversees his people as protector and judge. To his worshippers, there is a small price for peace: their free will.''Pledge everlasting fealty to the true God-King, and you shall fear nothing within His empire.'' —Garen 13:14''Our faith is our shield, and I am our faith.'' —God-King GarenThe last remaining threat to God-King Garen's vision for his perfect empire is the forsaken God-King Darius.God-King Garen's divine wrath is boundless. He has wiped great empires from the face of the planet for defying him.Garen's Blade of Divine Justice is an artifact from an ancient war, wielded by the God-King to judge the unworthy.''I'm not a savior. I'm an executioner.'' —God-King DariusSo God-King Darius thirsts for bloodshed, so shall war unfold. His will is indomitable.The wolf spirit that follows God-King Darius is a manifestation of his untamed might.God-King Darius leads a vicious pack of warriors, hungry for conflict and the glory of proving one's strength. God-King Darius will be consumed by the very war he envisions, and awaits the day his warriors grow strong enough to destroy him.Entire kingdoms have been torn down by God-King Darius's hands. No being is beyond his reach, not even the gods. ''My howl heralds war, and death.'' —God-King DariusThe last obstacle standing in the way of God-King Darius' vision for a world of endless war is God-King Garen.God-King Darius believes that a world of kingdoms and empires is a false reality, and beckons a true one indulging the violence in the hearts of men.Darius's nameless axe is an artifact from an ancient war, wielded by the God-King to usher in an age of unending brutality.Complete missions to earn event-exclusive rewards before VS ends July 10, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. PT.Choosing God-King Garen or Darius locks you into their mission path and rewards.Until July 10 at 11:59 p.m. PT,. battle in ARURF on a war-torn Rift embellished with tributes to the two God-Kings. All owned champions are playable.Complete all VS missions for your chosen God-King to unlock the limited VS 2018 emote.Unlock VS event exclusives, including God-King Garen and Darius loading screen borders, by earning VS tokens through missions.Power lies wherever war lives. But only one can claim it. Choose your God-King.VS Order and VS Chaos emotes from 2017 return for VS 2018. They'll leave the store permanently on July 10, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. PT. Earn Lion and Wolf Orbs during the VS event with VS tokens from completed missions. Orbs unlock skin shards and a chance for bonus drops.After VS ends, complete one final mission to receive an icon commemorating the victor. If you chose the winning God-King, you'll also earn 1000 Blue Essence.Wolf and Lion Orb bundles, as well as Masterwork and Hextech Chests, include bonus VS tokens until July 10, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. PT. It's easier to clear the Nexus Blitz jungle with two champions. You'll get extra gold and XP from monsters if you stick together!Enable the sound to hear new Nexus Blitz music and gameplay cues.When the game goes on too long, both Nexuses will come to life and fight to the death!Jump into the Battle Sled by clicking on it. Use Recall to jump out.Jump into the Battle Sled by clicking on it. Press @k1@ to jump out.Jump into the Battle Sled by clicking on it. Press @k1@ or @k2@ to jump out.Check the Nexus Blitz tab in the item shop to see items special to Nexus Blitz!Try out new ways of travelling across the map by winning the Catapult of Champions or Battle Sled and clicking on them when they spawn in your base.The Nexus Blitz Rift Herald grants the Eye of the Herald.The Nexus Blitz red and blue buffs are much more powerful and are granted to two champions when taken!Beware the tower in the enemy jungle. It is invincible... you are not.Damage dealt to inhibitor towers is reduced until both towers are destroyed.Experiment with different champion combinations in the jungle! Many champions are more powerful than you may expect.Jungle guardians can never truly be destroyed and will grow back within 30 seconds.Frogs are a venerated symbol in Ionia. And we've found stone ones rarely jump off cliffs, so that's nice.The frog cannons at the top and bottom of Nexus Blitz can be used to more easily get to where you need.Spells in URF deathmatch reset between each round so be sure to go wild.Legends say the Canghapi tribe were amphibious vastaya who worshipped the coming together of earth and water.The Canghapi settled on a mountaintop as their sacred grounds—halfway between the solid land below and the rain-soaked clouds above.Lilies symbolized peace and balance to the followers of the temple, while lotuses were associated with enlightenment.The Canghapi rite of passage is said to have involved a trek from the marshes of childhood up the mountain to the temple during the rainy season.The frog sculptures that dot the landscape of the temple may have been representations of guardian spirits worshipped by the Canghapi tribe.One of the frog statues appears to have a signature carved into its back...Written on a Canghapi shrine is the saying, ''Rising blooms are rooted in the deep yet look to the sky.''Inscribed on a Canghapi shrine is the saying, ''Floating blooms do not struggle once they have emerged.''Some legends claim the Canghapi left their homeland because they did not trust that the Spirit of Ionia would always be able to provide balance.The beasts that live within the temple grounds seem to be the only guardians and caretakers that remain...Strips of bark from the red trees found near the temple are used to add a flavorful bitterness to dishes in eastern Ionian cuisine.Though the islands are surrounded by water, the Canghapi prefered the misted air of their sacred mountain to the uniformity of the sea.Canghapi stone work was not done with hammers and chisels, but with streams of water used to slice and bore and shape the stone.The Temple of Lily and Lotus is nestled in the forested isles off the eastern coast of Qaelin.Cat Fact: Sometimes my cat just stands there with his mouth open like a gargoyle.Cat Fact: Cats believe mirrors are weird doors.Cat Fact: No cat has ever been convicted of fraud.Cat Fact: A large cat can weigh as much as two smaller cats combined.Cat Fact: Cats and humans do not have the same number of bones.Cat Fact: Cat tails were used to stir cold soups in the Bronze Age.Cat Fact: Cats purr by vibrating their ears at supersonic speeds.Cat Fact: The first cat was named 'Mr. Stripes.'Cat Fact: Cats can retract into their shells to avoid danger.Cat Fact: The full length of the average cat's tongue is close to four feet.Cat Fact: All cats are required by law to learn a musical instrument during adolescence.Cat Fact: It is physically impossible for a cat to lift a car.Cat Fact: Cats can only land on their feet if they've prepared a decent financial safety net.Cat Fact: Australia was named after a cat.Dog Fact: It is thought that dogs have a great sense of smell. They do not.Dog Fact: It takes two dogs to safely operate a machine press.Dog Fact: Sometimes it's okay to be sad.Dog Fact: My dog ruined my favorite pillow.Dog Fact: The Eiffel Tower is several dogs tall, at least.Dog Fact: No dog has ever won an Olympic gold medal.Dog Fact: Dogs and sharks have a lot in common.Dog Fact: Dog fur is genetically identical to human teeth.Dog Fact: The tallest dog in the world lives in Brussels.Dog Fact: A dog's brain is located at the tip of their tail.Dog Fact: Dog eggs can lie dormant for up to two years waiting for the right hatching conditions.Dog Fact: Dog saliva, when heated, becomes a powerful glue.Dog Fact: The main character of Homer's Iliad was originally a dog named 'Porky.'Dog Fact: Two dogs in history have earned the rank of Grand Master.Dog Fact: Dogs wag their tails.Cat Fact: Cat's Eye diamonds contain very few cat eyes.Bring up the scoreboard and click the box next to DJ Sona's portrait to listen in.DJ Sona RadioSwitch tracks on DJ Sona by typing /toggle (/g) in the chat or pressing Ctrl+5.When fighting, your goal is to collect enough Ora to power up Ziggs' robot. Check the bar at the top of the screen to see your progress!You can equip Augments from your Collections screen between games, or from Champion Select.Certain Augments are only available to drop from higher difficulties.Harder difficulties will drop more Augments per run, so challenge yourself!Dangerous Hazards will appear on Cadet and any difficulty higher than that. Watch out!Some augments will let you make very different builds for champions. Try Healer Ziggs!Multiple Augments for the same ability will stack with eachother, so try to find the best synergies.Enemies that are glowing blue or red are very dangerous, but will give you a massive Ora reward when killed.Ora Plants reward a large amount of Ora when destroyed, but they disappear after a time. Don't neglect them!Bramble walls will reject all attempts to dash through them - even Malphite's Unstoppable Force.Bubble Geyser plants will always target a player. When you have the reticle on you, prepare to dodge!Make sure to shop between rounds!Ice Beams and Ice Storms are not very dangerous themselvs, but make nearby monsters and hazards much more threatening.When a Brightcore has its barrier up, enemies inside its circle is immune to damage and crowd control from players outside. Enter the circle to damage the foes hiding there!When you're ready to continue to the next room, step into the circle generated by Ziggs' robot.You don't need to collect all of the Ora by yourself - Ziggs' robot will fetch it for you.If your ally has died, stand in the circle at their location for four seconds to revive them! If you're in danger, don't worry - both you and your ally will be invulnerable for a short time after.Warp makes you invulnerable during its dash, so don't forget to use it to get out of sticky situations.Monsters in Odyssey do a mixture of physical and magical damage, so be prepared to encounter both damage types.Keep an eye out for Beads! These creatures will give bonuses upon being killed, such as health, gold, and even Augments!Sometimes, after a room is completed, a bonus grey Augment Bead will spawn. Kill it to earn an extra Augment at the end of the game.Ora is fuel for billions of civilizations. It can be harvested from peaceful space whales who don't fight back.The legendary Ora Gate is said to grant untold power to whoever can control it. Cool.An ancient civilization once opened the Ora Gate. They're all dead now, so it probably went well.Ziggs is a manic, bitter engineer obsessed with reliving his glory days. Also, very huggable.The universe is alive with gigantic, peaceful creatures filled with valuable gold.The Demaxian Empire's homeworld was destroyed long ago. Now they're a bunch of jerks.Kayn's body is filled with Ora, harvested from the many people and things he has killed. It's gross.Join the Morningstar! Save the universe! Third thing!A living universe is filled with living monsters. That's a science fact.The word Morningstar was coined by whoever owned the ship before Yasuo did. He stole it. He's a stealer.Jinx has heavily modified the Morningstar with offensive weapons. It is unclear what half of them do.Ora augmentation is an extremely common practice. Almost... too common.This daring rescue is brought to you by ItemCorp. ItemCorp: we sell you items, and nothing else.Kayn is an Ordinal, one of the highest ranking military leaders in the intergalactic Demaxian Empire.Yasuo lived a life of luxury until the murder of his older brother. Now he lives a life of *relative* luxury.Jinx is incapable of holding a real job. 'Adventure Pilot' is not a real job.Malphite was the pit boss of a massive Ora mining station before joining the Morningstar.Yasuo's shoulder lizard was stolen from a maximum-security nature preserve. For reasons.Do not trust Rhaast.Sona is a member of the Templars, a secretive organization of MOON WIZARDS.The more Shimmerstrikers that are collected in one area, the more dangerous they get. Watch out!Tuskbeards will only put up their shield when attacked, so wait until you have an ally in position to flank them.Hogtongues and Dozermaws will not use their abilities on players that are in melee range.Kayn's abilities are different depending on which form he is in at the time.When you are standing between Kayn and the pit, he will sometimes attempt to knock you across it.Kayn gains access to more abilities in harder difficulty levels.In Onslaught, most monster attacks have less warning time before hitting you. Keep on your toes!Once Petalclaws attack several times, they will enrage and start dealing tons of damage. If you avoid them enough, they'll calm down and will have to charge up again.Skitterbeaks and Arcraptors will have to recharge if you walk out of their range or if they run out of ammo. Use this window to your advantage.Landsquids can become very dangerous if enough of them gather, so make sure to cull their numbers.You can free an ally from a Crimson Stinger by crowd-controlling them.Most monsters' spellcasts can be interrupted with crowd control.Anchortails will do no damage to those in the inner radius of its spellcast.Alphacyte eggs are much easier to deal with than the Cytes that they hatch, so make them a high-priority target.When a Rhinodon dies, the void zone they leave behind dies with them. Use this to free up more space on the map.Unfurl banner wings on Aatrox by typing /toggle (/g) in the chat or pressing Ctrl+5.Banner WingsDid You Know:TipSwitch helmet mode on Kai'Sa by typing /toggle (/g) in the chat or pressing Ctrl+5.Helmet ModeThis emote was released as a mission exclusive in celebration of Pride 2022.Ace Emote April Fools EventTentCampingEM_MSI2018_EventBee HappyBee MadBee SadEzreal SpeedyEzreal Finger GunRainbowAngryFunnySylas Lunar Wraith LickSylas AngrySylas thumbs downSylas ThinkingNever AgainWhat the Bread?DislikeIt meThis emote was earned by completing a 2020 Esports mission.Award to those who made top 2000 in both season 4 and season 5 in Master's Challenge shardEarned by winning ranked games in Season 2020 - Split 1Earned by reaching Gold tier in TFT Galaxies Stage 1Earned by reaching Platinum tier in TFT Galaxies Stage 1Earned by reaching Diamond tier in TFT Galaxies Stage 1Earned by reaching Master tier in TFT Galaxies Stage 1Earned by reaching Grand Master tier in TFT Galaxies Stage 1Earned by reaching Challenger tier in TFT Galaxies Stage 1This emote was earned from the TFT Fates Pass.Awarded for achieving Gold in TFT Galaxies Stage 2.Awarded for achieving Platinum in TFT Galaxies Stage 2.Awarded for achieving Diamond in TFT Galaxies Stage 2.Awarded for achieving Master in TFT Galaxies Stage 2.Awarded for achieving Grand-Master in TFT Galaxies Stage 2.Awarded for achieving Challenger in TFT Galaxies Stage 2.This emote was earned by winning ranked games in Season 2021 - Split 2Awarded for ranked placement in Teamfight Tactics: Fates Act IIThis emote was earned during the Garena anniversary period.Awarded for reaching Blue Tier in Reckoning - Hyper RollAwarded for reaching Purple Tier in Reckoning- Hyper RollAwarded for reaching Hyper Tier in Reckoning - Hyper RollAn emote exclusive to the Event Pass milestone missions.This emote was rewarded when watching games on or by taking part in missions and competitions.This emote was acquired by setting up Multi-Factor Authentication on your Riot Account.This emote was acquired during the TFT Global Championship.This emote celebrates the 2022 edition of the Mid-Season Invitational.This emote was acquired during Dragon Boat Festival 2022 events.An emote exclusive to the Event Pass milestone missionsThis emote was released for an event in 2022Champion Mastery Level 4Champion Mastery Level 5Champion Mastery Level 6Champion Mastery Level 7No RetreatFlair Tent CampingSnowbellsPoro SnaxYou're NextSad KittenNiceTea TimeAccording to PlanCleanVS OrderVS ChaosDoes Not ComputeMuch LoveCatch Me If You Can!Let's Do ThisOutrageousSalutationsCome at MeGonna Be A BlastHow Could YouDelightifyGrouchyHoppin' MadScout-ApprovedSurrender at 20Peace PoroCheeky PoroAngry KittyExcited KittyNeenrer KittyNotice Me PenguM'PenguD'PenguPoro LuvOh Snap PoroArcade BaronCharmedJustice Garen-teedYou Get The HornsUnbenchedChina Masters LeagueWorlds 2017 LegendWorlds 2017 AFSWorlds 2017 ahqWorlds 2017 AVWorlds 2017 C9Worlds 2017 CHFWorlds 2017 CLGWorlds 2017 DIGWorlds 2017 DWWorlds 2017 EDGWorlds 2017 FBWorlds 2017 FLYWorlds 2017 FNCWorlds 2017 FWWorlds 2017 G2Worlds 2017 GAMWorlds 2017 GMBWorlds 2017 H2KWorlds 2017 HKAWorlds 2017 IGWorlds 2017 IMTWorlds 2017 INFWorlds 2017 KLGWorlds 2017 KLHWorlds 2017 ktWorlds 2017 LGCWorlds 2017 LYNWorlds 2017 LZWorlds 2017 M19Worlds 2017 MSFWorlds 2017 NBWorlds 2017 OMGWorlds 2017 oNeWorlds 2017 PNGWorlds 2017 RNGWorlds 2017 RPGWorlds 2017 SKTWorlds 2017 SNGWorlds 2017 SPYWorlds 2017 SSWorlds 2017 SSGWorlds 2017 TSMWorlds 2017 UOLWorlds 2017 WEWorlds 2017 YG2018 MSI 1002018 MSI 6SN2018 MSI AFS2018 MSI ASC2018 MSI AUR2018 MSI BLG2018 MSI DFM2018 MSI DP2018 MSI DW2018 MSI EDG2018 MSI EVS2018 MSI FB2018 MSI FNC2018 MSI FPX2018 MSI FW2018 MSI G22018 MSI GAM2018 MSI GG2018 MSI GMB2018 MSI GRX2018 MSI IG2018 MSI INF2018 MSI JDG2018 MSI KBM2018 MSI KLG2018 MSI KT2018 MSI KZ2018 MSI M172018 MSI MAD2018 MSI OMG2018 MSI PGM2018 MSI R72018 MSI RBE2018 MSI RBT2018 MSI RNG2018 MSI ROG2018 MSI SNG2018 MSI SS2018 MSI SUP2018 MSI TL2018 MSI USG2018 MSI VK2018 MSI WE2018 MSI YCWorlds 2018 FLAWorlds 2018 KBMWorlds 2018 KLGWorlds 2018 RBTWorlds 2018 FNCWorlds 2018 G2Worlds 2018 MSFWorlds 2018 S04Worlds 2018 SPYWorlds 2018 VITWorlds 2018 ASCWorlds 2018 AFSWorlds 2018 GENWorlds 2018 GRFWorlds 2018 KZWorlds 2018 ktWorlds 2018 SKTWorlds 2018 GMBWorlds 2018 DFMWorlds 2018 PGMWorlds 2018 USGWorlds 2018 D9Worlds 2018 INFWorlds 2018 FWWorlds 2018 GRXWorlds 2018 HKAWorlds 2018 JTWorlds 2018 M17Worlds 2018 MADWorlds 2018 EDGWorlds 2018 IGWorlds 2018 JDGWorlds 2018 RWWorlds 2018 RNGWorlds 2018 100Worlds 2018 C9Worlds 2018 CGWorlds 2018 FOXWorlds 2018 TLWorlds 2018 TSMWorlds 2018 DWWorlds 2018 SUPWorlds 2018 RBWorlds 2018 ADNWorlds 2018 EVSWorlds 2018 FFQWorlds 2018 PVBWorlds 2018 FLA GoldWorlds 2018 KBM GoldWorlds 2018 KLG GoldWorlds 2018 RBT GoldWorlds 2018 FNC GoldWorlds 2018 G2 GoldWorlds 2018 MSF GoldWorlds 2018 S04 GoldWorlds 2018 SPY GoldWorlds 2018 VIT GoldWorlds 2018 ASC GoldWorlds 2018 AFS GoldWorlds 2018 GEN GoldWorlds 2018 GRF GoldWorlds 2018 KZ GoldWorlds 2018 kt GoldWorlds 2018 SKT GoldWorlds 2018 GMB GoldWorlds 2018 DFM GoldWorlds 2018 PGM GoldWorlds 2018 USG GoldWorlds 2018 D9 GoldWorlds 2018 INF GoldWorlds 2018 FW GoldWorlds 2018 GRX GoldWorlds 2018 HKA GoldWorlds 2018 JT GoldWorlds 2018 M17 GoldWorlds 2018 MAD GoldWorlds 2018 EDG GoldWorlds 2018 IG GoldWorlds 2018 JDG GoldWorlds 2018 RW GoldWorlds 2018 RNG GoldWorlds 2018 100 GoldWorlds 2018 C9 GoldWorlds 2018 CG GoldWorlds 2018 FOX GoldWorlds 2018 TL GoldWorlds 2018 TSM GoldWorlds 2018 DW GoldWorlds 2018 SUP GoldWorlds 2018 RB GoldWorlds 2018 ADN GoldWorlds 2018 EVS GoldWorlds 2018 FFQ GoldWorlds 2018 PVB GoldLegend 1Legend 2Legend 3Legend 4Legend 5Legend 6Legend 7Legend 8Legend 9Legend 10Legend 11Legend 12Legend 13Legend 14Legend 15Legend 16Legend 17Legend 18Legend 19Legend 20Money BagsVeteran Emote 01Veteran Emote 02Veteran Emote 03Spook O' LanternVamporoMinionsteinPROJECT: HuntersAdoeableSmooooochieOh DeerFrom Jinx, With LoveMy CocoaDravenbreadBraumbreadGuard DawgSup Dawg?ShhhhYip!Rawr!Good FortuneGot 'emYear of the DogGG <3CuporoSign of LoveWP <3GLHF <3Tell Me More...Oh Please...Was that Me?Hype KittyTyrant UrfDraven Approves!Raise Your Dongers!Joy PenguHeeere's Poppy!Goodbye, Friend!Dressed to KillMaybe Next TimeSqueeShock and AhhhFiddlesticks SurprisedEverything is OkayDeal With GritLittle Camper2018 MSI EventKraken SkullsVitamin SeaNaut BadYou Look FamiliarHat's OffBilgewater 2018Go Team!OkayYikesMaster's Challenge Season 2Please?Such WarOh NoGood Job, Buddy!Teamwork!Go Get 'EmVS 2018Are You SeriousNow See HerePool Party PenguSnoozy PoroShell ShockedPool Party 2018So LameWahahaAww YissHowdyToot TootGet InTough TimesGoshGollySo CoolSurpriseBut Why?Oh!BlepOdyssey RecruitOdyssey VeteranChampionship 2018Golden Championship 2018World Championship 2018RIPMic DropTears of JoyGotta Run!Easy E-ZHype Pengu BlueHype Pengu RedHype Pengu PurpleHype Pengu OrangeOMG I love itI will destroy youHaha you fell!Poro RideAll-Star 2018Teemote2019 - Split 1 - Iron2019 - Split 1 - Bronze2019 - Split 1 - Silver2019 - Split 1 - Gold2019 - Split 1 - Platinum2019 - Split 1 - Diamond2019 - Split 1 - Master2019 - Split 1 - Grand Master2019 - Split 1 - ChallengerHappy LandingsBlep KenchOinkHow DeliciousSqueal!Master's Challenge Season 3Are You Kidding?UnworthyAll According to PlanHow Delicious BORFMine!Dogs vs CatsTouch MeFired Up2019 - Split 2 - Iron2019 - Split 2 - Bronze2019 - Split 2 - Silver2019 - Split 2 - Gold2019 - Split 2 - Platinum2019 - Split 2 - Diamond2019 - Split 2 - Master2019 - Split 2 - Grand Master2019 - Split 2 - ChallengerWorthy AdversaryWonderful...Impressive!The CouncilThe UnitedThe FacelessThe WarbandThe Golden CouncilThe Golden UnitedThe Golden FacelessThe Golden WarbandB-baka!All for youMy WordOH BOYMe-owAnimated D'PenguAnimated K.O.GOlafNumber One Fan2019 TSM2019 Team Liquid2019 OpTic Gaming2019 100 Thieves2019 CLG2019 Clutch Gaming2019 Cloud92019 Echo Fox2019 FlyQuest2019 Golden Guardians2019 Fnatic2019 G2 Esports2019 Misfits2019 Origen2019 Rogue2019 Schalke 042019 SK Gaming2019 Splyce2019 Vitality2019 Excel Esports2019 Afreeca Freecs2019 DAMWON Gaming2019 Gen.G2019 GRIFFIN2019 Hanwha Life Esports2019 Jin Air Greenwings2019 KING-ZONE DragonX2019 kt Rolster2019 SANDBOX Gaming2019 SK telecom T1Team Pass RW 2019Team Pass SN 2019Team Pass TES 2019Team Pass V5 2019Team Pass VG 2019Team Pass WE 20192019 Bilibili Gaming2019 Dominus Esports2019 Edward Gaming2019 FunPlus Phoenix2019 Invictus Gaming2019 JD Gaming2019 LGD Gaming2019 LNG Esports2019 Oh My God2019 Royal Never Give Up2019 Rogue Warriors2019 Suning2019 TOP Esports2019 Victory Five2019 Vici Gaming2019 Team WEWatch YourselfHush NowBang!Master's Challenge Season 4Call Me!Think About It2019 - Split 3 - Iron2019 - Split 3 - Bronze2019 - Split 3 - Silver2019 - Split 3 - Gold2019 - Split 3 - Platinum2019 - Split 3 - Diamond2019 - Split 3 - Master2019 - Split 3 - Grand Master2019 - Split 3 - ChallengerSee Ya!Looking for This?Let me out! Animated EmoteGood as GoldRiku EmoteTowa EmoteRan EmoteSaki EmoteUWUDon't Make Me LaughWorlds Event EmoteWorlds 2019 TLWorlds 2019 C9Worlds 2019 CGWorlds 2019 G2Worlds 2019 FNCWorlds 2019 OGWorlds 2019 SPYWorlds 2019 S04Worlds 2019 SKTWorlds 2019 GRFWorlds 2019 DWGWorlds 2019 JTWorlds 2019 AHQWorlds 2019 HKAWorlds 2019 IGWorlds 2019 FPXWorlds 2019 RNGWorlds 2019 GAMWorlds 2019 LKWorlds 2019 FLWorlds 2019 LYBWorlds 2019 MEGAWorlds 2019 AXEWorlds 2019 RYWorlds 2019 UOLWorlds 2019 VEGWorlds 2019 ISGWorlds 2019 FLAWorlds 2019 MMMWorlds 2019 V3Worlds 2019 DFMOne Corn Chip AnimatedWhat in TarnationHappy 10th Anniversary!Making MischiefTrick or TreatBoo!I Won!Animated Unimpressed!No Sweat!TFT Season 1 - GoldTFT Season 1 - PlatinumTFT Season 1 - DiamondTFT Season 1 - MasterTFT Season 1 - Grand MasterTFT Season 1 - ChallengerThat's Twisted2019 Honor 32019 Honor 42019 Honor 5Irresistible!All LoveI Laugh at You!Oh, Please!Flee!2019 Worlds Winners EmoteLet Me at 'Em!Charge Up!Transform!NOT AGAINMasters Challenge Season 4Masters Challenge Season 52020 - Split 1 - Iron2020 - Split 1 - Bronze2020 - Split 1 - Silver2020 - Split 1 - Gold2020 - Split 1 - Platinum2020 - Split 1 - Diamond2020 - Split 1 - Master2020 - Split 1 - Grand Master2020 - Split 1 -ChallengerHeheheAnimated Did You Just?Don't Be Afraid!That's Not Nice...Ooh La La!Stop That!Say That One More Time.Is That a Threat?!Got Ya!Glee!How Dare You!2020 - Split 2 - Iron2020 - Split 2 - Bronze2020 - Split 2 - Silver2020 - Split 2 - Gold2020 - Split 2 - Platinum2020 - Split 2 - Diamond2020 - Split 2 - Master2020 - Split 2 - Grand Master2020 - Split 2 - ChallengerRise of the Elements Gold EmoteRise of the Elements Platinum EmoteRise of the Elements Diamond EmoteRise of the Elements Master EmoteRise of the Elements Grand Master EmoteRise of the Elements Challenger EmoteOutta Time!Animated I See...Rise!It Was Me!Is That a Challenge?Nothing Personal!Reckon it's Time!Not Now!Galaxies Stage 1 Gold SquinkGalaxies Stage 1 Platinum SquinkGalaxies Stage 1 Diamond SquinkGalaxies Stage 1 Master SquinkGalaxies Stage 1 Grandmaster SquinkGalaxies Stage 1 Challenger SquinkFrom Akali With Love!Pengu-versaryCarry Me!Tee Hee!Hiya!Dreaming Of YouLong Road AheadPranked!Fated PairFollow...You Are WorthyWhat A PainWhaddya Mean?!My ChampionThe Right WordsMaster's Challenge Season 6 (1)2020 - Split 3 - Iron2020 - Split 3 - Bronze2020 - Split 3 - Silver2020 - Split 3 - Gold2020 - Split 3 - Platinum2020 - Split 3 - Diamond2020 - Split 3 - Master2020 - Split 3 - Grand Master2020 - Split 3 - ChallengerPowering Up!I Will Crush You!Wait Until You See My Tricks!Style: Rank SYou're Already DeadHoorayPwease?Sorry Not Sorry!EwwHmmTFT Galaxies Stage 2 GoldTFT Galaxies Stage 2 PlatinumTFT Galaxies Stage 2 DiamondTFT Galaxies Stage 2 MasterTFT Galaxies Stage 2 GrandmasterTFT Galaxies Stage 2 ChallengerTeam LiquidFlyQuestG2 EsportsFnaticMAD LionsRogueT1Gen.GDRXDAMWON Gamingkt RolsterAfreeca FreecsJD GamingTop EsportsSuningLGD Gaming5 RoninPapara SuperMassiveUnicorns Of LoveRainbow7paiN GamingINTZLegacy EsportsV3 EsportsSengoku GamingDetonatioN FocusMeMachi EsportsPSG Talon EsportsWorlds 2020EVOS Esports IconGAM EsportsTeam FlashGambit EsportsPSG TalonCrazy A-Bao YouWhat Was That?!You Really Thought...Sound the Ornn HornWorlds 2020 Champion DAMWON Gaming What the Baddest DoPlayful PupUnkillable KingOh Well2021 - Split 1 - Bronze2021 - Split 1 - Silver2021 - Split 1 - Gold2021 - Split 1 - Platinum2021 - Split 1 - Diamond2021 - Split 1 - Master2021 - Split 1 - Grand Master2021 - Split 1 - ChallengerNot Today!This for Me?I Want a Turn!I Have No EqualTime to Shine!Too Bad!Crushed It!Your MoveAwesome Sauce!TFT Fates Stage 1 GoldTFT Fates Stage 1 PlatinumTFT Fates Stage 1 DiamondTFT Fates Stage 1 MasterTFT Fates Stage 1 GrandMaster TFT Fates Stage 1 ChallengerMaster's Challenge Season 7 Emote 1Master's Challenge Season 7 Emote 2Juicy!OutplayedAnimated ShookKeep Groovin'!GLOMP!No Talk, Me SadPeace OutRock On2021 - Split 2 - Iron2021 - Split 2 - Bronze2021 - Split 2 - Silver2021 - Split 2 - Gold2021 - Split 2 - Platinum2021 - Split 2 - Diamond2021 - Split 2 - Master2021 - Split 2 - Grand Master2021 - Split 2 - ChallengerEvil GrinPlease Ruin MeGod King FaceoffTenacityDevotionWe're Number One!Beside YouPride 2021Cloud9 MSI 2021MAD Lions MSI 2021DWG KIA MSI 2021DetonatioN FocusMe MSI 2021Infinity Esports MSI 2021Pentanet.GG MSI 2021Royal Never Give Up MSI 2021Edward Gaming MSI 2021FunPlus Phoenix MSI 2021PaiN Gaming MSI 2021Vorax MSI 2021Unicorns of Love MSI 2021CrowCrowd MSI 2021PSG Talon MSI 2021Beyond Gaming MSI 2021Machi Esports MSI 20211907 Fenerbahçe Esports MSI 2021fastPay Wildcats MSI 2021TFT Fates Act II GoldTFT Fates Act II PlatinumTFT Fates Act II DiamondTFT Fates Act II MasterTFT Fates Act II GrandmasterTFT Fates Act II ChallengerGo On, Impress Me!Bwa ha ha!!Questionable CalculationJust You WaitHere's To MeBooSpookedThe CrownSentinel CrestSo proud!I Got You!Sentinel Senna2021 - Split 3 - Iron2021 - Split 3 - Bronze2021 - Split 3 - Silver2021 - Split 3 - Gold2021 - Split 3 - Platinum2021 - Split 3 - Diamond2021 - Split 3 - Master2021 - Split 3 - Grand Master2021 - Split 3 - ChallengerSentinel AkshanViego UndoneAmused and ConfusedThe Kindest CutSurprise!!!TFT Reckoning II: TenacityTFT Reckoning II: PerseveranceTFT Reckoning II: DevotionHello ThereLook Into My EyesThe Hunt Begins!Master's Challenge Season 8Garena Anniversary Limited EmoteReckoning - Hyper Roll: Blue TierReckoning - Hyper Roll: Purple TierReckoning - Hyper Roll: Hyper TierTFT Reckoning Stage I GoldTFT Reckoning Stage I PlatinumTFT Reckoning Stage I DiamondTFT Reckoning Stage I MasterTFT Reckoning Stage I GrandmasterTFT Reckoning Stage I ChallengerMoon, I Make A WishAs IfNo WordsTry MeNo Thank YouSmite Ready?Everything GoodNot My ProblemTrade OfferOh...Happiness OverloadIt's Water TimeVictory!Let Me Think...Congratulations!FunPlus Phoenix Worlds 2021EDward Gaming Worlds 2021Royal Never Give Up Worlds 2021LNG Esports Worlds 2021DWG KIA Worlds 2021Gen.G Worlds 2021T1 Worlds 2021Hanwha Life Esports Worlds 2021Mad Lions Worlds 2021Fnatic Worlds 2021Rogue Worlds 2021100 Thieves Worlds 2021Team Liquid Worlds 2021Cloud9 Worlds 2021PSG Talon Worlds 2021Beyond Gaming Worlds 2021GAM Esports Worlds 2021Liiv SANDBOX Worlds 2021Unicorns of Love Worlds 2021Infinity Esports Worlds 2021Galatasaray Esports Worlds 2021RED Canids Kalunga Worlds 2021DetonatioN FocusMe Worlds 2021Peace Worlds 2021Ready For CombatI Won't Back Down!Gizmos & Gadgets: TenacityGizmos & Gadgets: PerseveranceGizmos & Gadgets: DevotionWhy ThoKnuckle SandwichThis Changes EverythingReckoning II - Hyper Roll: Blue TierReckoning II - Hyper Roll: Purple TierReckoning II - Hyper Roll: Hyper TierTFT Reckoning Stage II GoldTFT Reckoning Stage II PlatinumTFT Reckoning Stage II DiamondTFT Reckoning Stage II MasterTFT Reckoning Stage II GrandmasterTFT Reckoning Stage II ChallengerMonsieur MeowssantTeary TeadoreBitter BloobWorlds 2021 Champion T1Worlds 2021 Champion EDward GamingWorlds 2021 Champion DWG KIAWorlds 2021 Champion Gen.GHappy Birthday To AhriTiltedYou Miss Me?Don't Test MeSilence!PRICELESS2022 - Split 1 - Iron2022 - Split 1 - Bronze2022 - Split 1 - Silver2022 - Split 1 - Gold2022 - Split 1 - Platinum2022 - Split 1 - Diamond2022 - Split 1 - Master2022 - Split 1 - Grand Master2022 - Split 1 - ChallengerThis Is Mine NowThe CallDouble Up Workshop: Grey TierDouble Up Workshop: Blue TierDouble Up Workshop: Purple TierDouble Up Workshop: Double TierAnd I Was Thinking..It's EasyWho, Me?QUOI?!Oh Wow..The Drama!Like My Stripes?Can I Eat This?Eat It While It's Hot!It's Your Lucky Year!Master's Challenge Season 9Teemo DumplingGizmos & Gadgets - Hyper Roll: Blue TierGizmos & Gadgets - Hyper Roll: Purple TierGizmos & Gadgets - Hyper Roll: Hyper TierTFT G&G Stage I GoldTFT G&G Stage I PlatinumTFT G&G Stage I DiamondTFT G&G Stage I MasterTFT G&G Stage I GrandmasterTFT G&G Stage I ChallengerNeon Nights: Let's Bounce!Neon Nights: UnbreakableNeon Nights: Squashed 'EmBecome What They FearHit That High!Look At My FacePrestige JuicyEventful PartyWhat?Nice Draw2022 - Split 2 - Iron2022 - Split 2 - Bronze2022 - Split 2 - Silver2022 - Split 2 - Gold2022 - Split 2 - Platinum2022 - Split 2 - Diamond2022 - Split 2 - Master2022 - Split 2 - Grand Master2022 - Split 2 - ChallengerI'm Comin' For YaIs This a Bunny?Cat-astropheSomebunny Loves YouJust a PinchIt's You!No, It's You!Stellar DAB!That's SO InterestingI Feel Very Attacked!Bonk BonkSo. Many. Draws. Them VibesSCAREprise!Very CoolFirst Place!Prestige Eclipse Knight Senna EmoteMSI 2022 T1 Emote MSI 2022 Galatasaray Esports EmoteMSI 2022 fastPay Wildcats Emote MSI 2022 Cloud9 Emote MSI 2022 Golden Guardians Emote MSI 2022 Evil Geniuses Emote MSI 2022 FlyQuest Emote MSI 2022 100 Thieves Emote MSI 2022 Team Liquid Emote MSI 2022 Rogue Emote MSI 2022 Fnatic Emote MSI 2022 G2 Esports Emote The Jig Is Up!Thank You, KindlyChoicesThat Didn't Age WellYou're Fired.Take Notes EmoteI'm OutI Can't Wait To See ThisMSI 2022 Victory Five Emote MSI 2022 Top Esports Emote MSI 2022 Royal Never Give Up Emote MSI 2022 JD Gaming Emote MSI 2022 Furia Emote MSI 2022 RED Kalunga Emote MSI 2022 paiN Gaming Emote MSI 2022 KaBuM! Esports Emote MSI 2022 Estral Esports Emote MSI 2022 Team Aze Emote MSI 2022 ORDER Emote MSI 2022 The Chiefs Emote MSI 2022 DetonatioN FocusMe Emote MSI 2022 Rascal Jester EmoteMSI 2022 Sengoku Gaming Emote MSI 2022 Deep Cross Gaming EmoteMSI 2022 PSG Talon EmoteMSI 2022 CTBC Flying Oyster EmoteMSI 2022 Taipei J Team EmoteMSI 2022 Frank Esports EmoteMSI 2022 Beyond Gaming EmoteMSI 2022 GAM Esports EmoteMSI 2022 Saigon Buffalo Esports EmoteMSI 2022 CERBERUS Esports EmoteMSI 2022 Team Secret EmoteMSI 2022 SBTC Esports EmoteMSI 2022 Luxury Esports EmoteMSI 2022 Team Flash EmoteLoLEsports Spring 2022 EmoteTake Notes And Learn EmotePartners in CrimePride 2022Accepted!It's Zongzi!Neon Nights - Hyper Roll: Green TierNeon Nights - Hyper Roll: Blue TierNeon Nights - Hyper Roll: Purple TierNeon Nights - Hyper Roll: Hyper TierNeon Nights - Double Up: Green TierNeon Nights - Double Up: Blue TierNeon Nights - Double Up: Purple TierNeon Nights - Double Up: Double TierTFT G&G Stage II GoldTFT G&G Stage II PlatinumTFT G&G Stage II DiamondTFT G&G Stage II MasterTFT G&G Stage II GrandmasterTFT G&G Stage II ChallengerDragonlands: EnchantingDragonlands: StellarDragonlands: Beyond CompareWhat If…?You're The BestPrestige Ocean Song Seraphine EmoteI Portend An Ill Fate2022 MSI Champion Winner EmoteSuper OKLaughs in EvilTake My MoneyInteresting...Posh lolAre You For Real?Serve!Exquisite!Aww how cute!Gotcha!So Sweet!What joy!Come CloserUmi Loves You!You Kick Ina?Rigel DisappointWho's next?Rock on!One more thing...You're Mine2022 - Split 3 - Iron2022 - Split 3 - Bronze2022 - Split 3 - Silver2022 - Split 3 - Gold2022 - Split 3 - Platinum2022 - Split 3 - Diamond2022 - Split 3 - Master2022 - Split 3 - Grand Master2022 - Split 3 - ChallengerMend the WorldAtaDouble Hang LooseSolo Kill CircusThis League is MINE!For Koggy?Little Monsters, Big DreamsOh It's OkayNow we fight!Come again?Let's go already!TFT Dragonlands Stage I GoldTFT Dragonlands Stage I PlatinumTFT Dragonlands Stage I DiamondTFT Dragonlands Stage I MasterTFT Dragonlands Stage I GrandmasterTFT Dragonlands Stage I ChallengerTFT Dragonlands - Double Up: GoldTFT Dragonlands - Double Up: PlatinumTFT Dragonlands - Double Up: DiamondTFT Dragonlands - Double Up: MasterTFT Dragonlands - Double Up: GrandmasterTFT Dragonlands - Double Up: ChallengerTFT Dragonlands - Hyper Roll: Green TierTFT Dragonlands - Hyper Roll: Blue TierTFT Dragonlands - Hyper Roll: Purple TierTFT Dragonlands - Hyper Roll: Hyper TierYes....?Oh ho HO!Totally FabulousPrepare YourselfFanfareNopeThousands of Miles Together!Love Ya!It's a full moon! Make a wish!Aiyo, Not BadMaster's Challenge Season 10Excuse Me?Stop Jungle DiffBlitz Screen Of DamageI Will End YouWorlds 2022 Top Esports EmoteWorlds 2022 JDG Intel Esports Club EmoteWorlds 2022 EDward Gaming Hycan EmoteWorlds 2022 RNG Royal EmoteMastery 4Worlds 2022 Gen.G EmoteWorlds 2022 T1 EmoteWorlds 2022 DWG KIA EmoteWorlds 2022 DRX EmoteWorlds 2022 G2 Esports EmoteWorlds 2022 Rogue EmoteWorlds 2022 MAD Lions EmoteWorlds 2022 Fnatic EmoteWorlds 2022 1907 Fenerbahçe Esports EmoteWorlds 2022 100 Thieves EmoteWorlds 2022 Cloud9 EmoteWorlds 2022 Evil Geniuses EmoteWorlds 2022 Saigon Buffalo EmoteWorlds 2022 GAM Esports EmoteWorlds 2022 CTBC Flying OysterWorlds 2022 Mega Bank Beyond Gaming EmoteWorlds 2022 LOUD EmoteWorlds 2022 Isurus EmoteWorlds 2022 The Chiefs EmoteWorlds 2022 DetonatioN FocusMe EmoteReady to BrawlWorlds 2022 DenizBank Wildcats EmoteLet's RockCool BlueIn My GraspFandomThat's it?HeHSpeechlessWhat can I do?Hosting TimeRoll DownBet On MeOk, Take ItVery Nasus, Much WowMastery 5Mastery 6Mastery 7Cup-Yay!Happy to See YoumonstersAlly ScoreEnemy ScoreAlly ChargeEnemy ChargeWin a dodgeball fight against the enemy team!DODGEBALLFarm the most Krugs to win!Loot KrugsDefeat the enemy team's Soraka before they defeat yours!PROTECT THE SORAKADo more damage to the Target Dummy than your opponents can!DPS CheckFind the other team's Hider more than they find yours!Hide and SeekTime RemainingKill Loot Teemo for his bounty!LOOT TEEMOFace off the enemy team in a series of duels!PRIZE FIGHTPush your cart into the nearest enemy turret before they push their cart into yours!PUSH THE CART: ATTACK/DEFENDTake the enemy team's lives before they take yours!URF DEATHMATCHPUSH THE CART: ATTACKFight for survival in the flaming circle!BARDLE ROYALEBARDLE ROYALE: JUGGERNAUTFinish the game by killing the Walking Nexus!SUDDEN DEATH: NEXUS BLITZCapture and hold the control point!KING OF THE HILLRace your Scuttlecrab to the finish line!SCUTTLE RACINGControl the cart and detonate the nearest enemy structure!PUSH THE CARTBARDLE ROYALE: PARANOIAFight for survival in a random Bardle Royale event!BARDLE ROULETTEKill Loot Veigar for his bounty!LOOT VEIGARPROJECT SYNC online: PROJECT spawn effects // ActivatedPROJECT SYNC online: PROJECT spawn effects // Melee and Caster PROJECT minions // ActivatedPROJECT SYNC online: PROJECT spawn effects // Melee and Caster PROJECT minions // Cannon and Super PROJECT minions // ActivatedPull or Push enemies into the Dark StarLower health targets fly much fartherAbilities and Items are different - details in tooltips!Death by Dark StarHealth is GravityEmpowered Abilities, Enlightening ItemsDoom Bots won't heal or shop until deadGet back into the fight quickly!Use them often and defend your Nexus!Doom Bots Don't RecallReduced Death TimersReduced Summoner Spell CooldownsBaron RewardThe Baron reward no longer gives HP/MP regen and instead empowers nearby minions!Dragon SlayerDragon no longer gives global gold and instead gives a stacking buff!Updated Jungle ItemsHunter's Machete now builds into four items that enable different Jungle styles.Updated SmiteKilling Monsters after Smiting them will grant additional rewardsCamera lock position has moved. Check the Options menu.Use Ctrl+C (or the buttons left of portrait) to toggle between stats and runes.Camera Lock AdjustedTry out the new Runes panelBy destroying the Nexus, you sever the control that the opposing summoners have over their champions, allowing you to claim victory.* You can unlock the camera by pressing the Y key or by clicking the Lock button in the bottom right of your screen.
    * When the camera is unlocked, you can pan by moving your mouse to the edge of the screen.
    * Pressing the space bar will center the camera on your champion.Enemy champions will also have a diverse set of abilities that they can use in combat in a variety of situations; it is best to team up with your allies before taking on other champions.Minions attack the first thing they see! Staying behind your minions ensures that other minions engage them first.* Destroying an inhibitor will cause allied super minions to begin spawning.
    * Super minions have greatly increased health and attack power, making them a difficult opponent for enemy champions and minions.* Each time your champion gains a level, you'll gain an ability point to spend.
    * The order in which you increase your champion's abilities will greatly affect how they function in battle.
    * Your abilities are mapped to the Q, W, E, and R keys.Your mini-map contains valuable information about both the location of your allies and the location of your enemies.* Your champion will automatically continue to attack the target you have selected until the target is dead.
    * Minions who are attacking you will be highlighted with an orange border.* Recall will be interrupted by any movement or attack, as well as any damage from the enemy.
    * Find a safe place away from the action to use your Recall ability.* You earn gold by getting the killing blow on any enemy minion.
    * You also earn gold by killing other enemy players or assisting your teammates in doing the same.* Items don't need to be equipped and will increase your champion's statistics automatically once purchased.
    * Recommended items are handpicked for each champion and will be good additions to your champion's arsenal.* Summoner spells assist your champion in battle and are mapped to the D and F keys.
    * The Heal summoner spell restores health to your champion and a reduced amount to nearby allies.Beware of attacking an enemy champion near a turret, as it will quickly switch to target you.* When targeting most abilities, Left-Click will choose your target and Right-Click will cancel the ability.
    * Make sure to read an ability's tooltip to gain the best understanding of how it is used in battle.You can also move by holding down Right-Click and moving your cursor where you want to go.* The Fog of War is also revealed when any member of your team travels into uncharted territory.
    * Be careful when moving into the Fog of War, as it leaves you open to ambush.All champions use the same hotkeys. Put your hand like this to easily use your abilities!Hand PlacementOBJECTIVE 2: Complete the game play tutorialby following the in-game instructionsDestroy the enemy's nexus to complete the tutorial!Press the Y key to unlock the camera. Then, pan to the battle by moving your mouse to the edge of the screen.Slay the enemy champion!Proceed to the enemy's base.Destroy the enemy's inhibitor.Learn Ashe's volley skill by clicking the level up button at the bottom of the screen.Move into your lane and repel the attack!Slay the enemy minions by right clicking on them in turn.Press the B key to Recall your champion to the summoner platform.Open the shop interface by clicking on the shopkeeper or the highlighted shop button.Purchase Thornmail by double-clicking on the item in the recommended item list.Press the D key to activate the Heal summoner spell.Destroy the enemy's tower. Make sure to follow your minions so they take the brunt of the damage!Press W and then left click to activate Ashe's volley. Use it to slay all four enemy minions.Move Ashe to the waypoint near the summoner platform.Move Ashe to the northern waypoint.Ora CollectedSites Explored%.0f%%Reviving: 1Reviving: 2Reviving: 3Reviving: 4AIRBORNEASLEEPBERSERKBLINDEDCC IMMUNECHARMEDDISARMEDDROWSYFLEEINGGROUNDEDCHANNELINGINTERRUPTIBLE - DAMAGEINTERRUPTIBLE - DISABLEINTERRUPTIBLE - IMMOBILIZENEARSIGHTEDPOLYMORPHEDRESURRECTINGROOTEDSILENCEDSTUNNEDSUPPRESSEDTAUNTEDUNSLOWABLEUNSTOPPABLEZOMBIEWarning you have been detected as inactive. You must become active so that you won't be disconnected. A message box will follow shortly if you do not move your champion.Black Mist CraggleHextech CraggleLegionnaire CraggleSandbringer CraggleTrue Ice CraggleFierce ProtectorJeweled ProtectorReigning ProtectorShadowgem ProtectorSkygem ProtectorSunborn ProtectorShadowmask HauntlingLunar Claw HauntlingFireborn HauntlingToxic HauntlingDark Matter HauntlingShadow Isles HauntlingTBD1TBD2TBD3TBD4TBD5TBD6Star Guardian SilverwingLost SilverwingDemacian SilverwingAurora SilverwingSnow Cherry SilverwingTropical SilverwingRosebloom SilverwingVictorious SilverwingDawnglow SilverwingTundra FuryhornWillowbark FuryhornSugarcone FuryhornLionheart FuryhornMolten FuryhornVictorious FuryhornVoid-marked FuryhornBlack Mist TockerChemtech TockerLegionnaire TockerPetal Dancer TockerPetricite TockerYou've been awarded the end-of-season capsule for reaching Honor Level 3. Thank you for being honorable!Honor 3 CapsuleYou've been awarded the end-of-season capsule for reaching Honor Level 4. Thank you for being honorable!Honor 4 CapsuleYou've been awarded the end-of-season capsule for reaching Honor Level 5. Thank you for being honorable!Honor 5 Capsule2021 end of season rewards for honor level 5 players 2022 end of season rewards for honor level 3 players 2022 end of season rewards for honor level 4 players 2022 end of season rewards for honor level 5 players Two Key FragmentsHonor Capsule Level 3Honor Capsule Level 4Honor Capsule Level 5KeyKey FragmentHonor Orb Level 3Honor Orb Level 4Honor Orb Level 5Clear HistorySend AllSend TeamALERT - [All]Chat is temporarily disabled while we improve our service.ERROR - The connection to the chat server has been lost. You will be unable to send and receive whispers until your next session.ERROR[Ignore...]: Can't find playerERROR[IsIgnore...]: Can't find playerERROR[Mute...]: Can't find playerINFO: Add[All] Chat is currently disabled.Cross-team chat is currently disabled. To enable cross-team chat, go to the Interface page in the options menu.Team chat is currently disabled. To enable team chat, go to the Interface page in the options menu.BuddyChat is currently disabled. To enable chat, go to the Interface page in the options menu.Mute EmotesUser is now being MutedMuteMute will only last for current game session.User is no longer being MutedUser's emotes are now being MutedUser's emotes are no longer being MutedUser's pings are now being MutedUser's pings are no longer being MutedMute PingsINFO: RemoveChat is restricted to players only. You can still chat directly with summoners using /whisper or /reply.ERROR - Unable to establish a connection with chat server.ERROR - You are not currently in a party.ERROR - Not connected to chat -[Party] could not be invited to your party. was invited to your party.Communication in /all chat is unavailable.Messages available:Message limit exceeded. Next message available at %s.Due to negative activity on this account, chat messages are currently limited (shown beneath the chat box).Additional messages will be granted as the game progresses; communication in /all chat is unavailable.@SummonerName@ has been muted for the rest of the game for using inappropriate language and will no longer receive any chat messages.You are restricted from using chat due to use of inappropriate language.You have been muted for the rest of the game for using inappropriate language and will no longer be able to see any chat messages.[To] ERROR - The user was not found in your friend list - ERROR - The user was not found in your friend list or in game - Error - That user is offline./w [name] [message]You@SrcNameWithColon@@DstName@ has a @BountyValue@G bounty740 Riot Points1875 Riot Points$10 Pre-Paid Card$25 Pre-Paid CardBUY NOWFORGEActiveAll ItemsAuraConsumableConsumablesCritical StrikeGold IncomeInternalMagicMana RegenOther Movement ItemsEnhanced AttackStarter ItemsStealth DetectToolsVision & TrinketsWardsBack;ah;armour;as;cdr;ad;gp10;hp;hpregen;hp5;lifesteal;mp;mpregen;mp5;movespeed;onhit;proc;mr;ap;spellvamp;pinkWelcome to the Item Shop. Please select a category to start browsing through the items.Please select a second category.Select an item to view details.Resets all filters and lists all items by total gold cost.Reduces incoming physical damageImproves basic attacks and physical spellsIncreases the rate of basic attacks (to a limit of 2.5 per second)Increases Move Speed
    Multiple boots will not provide speed gainsCan be used for temporary benefitsIncreases how often spells can be cast (max 40% Cooldown Reduction)Causes basic attacks to have a chance of doing 200% damageIncreases physical damageImproves survivabilityIncreases gold income in specialized situationsIncreases maximum HealthIncreases how fast Health is recoveredEarly Game Items for JunglersEarly Game Items for LanersCauses basic attacks to heal the attackerImproves spellsIncreases maximum ManaIncreases how fast Mana is recoveredIncreases Move SpeedItems with special gold or vision effectsReduces incoming magical damageIncreases spell damage and effectivenessCauses spell damage dealt to heal the casterEarly Game ItemsReduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, and immobilizesUtility items for specialized use casesItems that grant or deny visionDebt Limit: ITEM DISABLED

    Nexus Blitz ItemsNew Starting ItemsClick Here to Search@k1@ to Search@k1@ or @k2@ to Search@Name@ %i:chevronDown%+@NUM_ITEMS@ MORE Start

    Passive - Gain Jungle Focus Domination
    Your first basic attack on a monster below 50% health deals bonus magic damage equal to 6% of its maximum health. (Max: 300)

    Passive - Gain Jungle Focus Precision
    Your basic attacks deal 7 bonus magic damage against monsters.

    Passive - Gain Jungle Focus Resolve
    Monsters that attack you take 2% of your total health as bonus magic damage.

    Passive - Gain Jungle Focus Sorcery
    The first time your abilities deal damage to each monster, deal 6% of its current health as bonus magic damage. (Max: 300)Arm PenAtk RangeCDRCS/MinGold/MinKDA RatioLifestealMag PenMinions KilledNeutrals KilledTotal GoldWards KilledWards PlacedRight click for KeywordsKeywordsBuy a starting item at the ShopBuy a starting item at the Shop @k1@Items make your champion stronger by improving their stats. You can only buy items by the shop on the starting platform.Level up an abilityLevel up @spellname@Level up @spellname@ @k1@Abilities give your champion special powers unique to them, choose your first abilityTry locking your cameraTry locking your camera @k1@Locked camera allows you to focus on the immediate battle! Use Summoner HealUse Summoner Heal @k1@You are injured!
    Use Summoner Heal to recover some health
    Unlock your cameraTry Free Camera Mode @k1@Unlocked camera allows you to pan around and view more of a battle. Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7MasteryptsLockedmsBLUE SIDERED SIDEEquipArena SkinsLittle LegendsMiss Fortune's Base Weapon ya dope.Zero HourWeapon1 is locked, it's only for pros.Royal Arms; Capable of wiping out an entire fleet with its rapid-fire antimatter warheads, only a few of these suits were ever produced due to their immense destructive power.Weapon2 is locked, try harder n00b.StarswarmWeapon3 is lockedGaren Skin Shards6 Skin Shards, one from each of the major classes: Assassin, Fighter, Mage, Marksman, Support, Tank10 Mythic EssenceRevel Token and Golden Revel TokenBirdie Bag1 Masterwork Chest and Key BundleBlue Essence5 Bandle City Skin Shards5 Bilgewater Skin Shards5 Demacia Skin Shards5 Freljord Skin Shards5 Ionia Skin Shards5 Mount Targon Skin Shards5 Noxus Skin Shards5 Piltover Skin Shards5 Runeterra Skin Shards5 Shadow Isles Skin Shards5 Shurima Skin Shards5 Vastaya Skin Shards5 Void Skin Shards5 Zaun Skin ShardsAnnie Skin ShardsKayle Skin ShardsXerath Skin ShardsShyvana Skin ShardsAhri Skin ShardsGraves Skin ShardsFizz Skin ShardsVolibear Skin ShardsRengar Skin ShardsMaster Yi Skin ShardsVarus Skin ShardsNautilus Skin ShardsViktor Skin ShardsSejuani Skin ShardsFiora Skin ShardsZiggs Skin ShardsLulu Skin ShardsDraven Skin ShardsAlistar Skin ShardsHecarim Skin ShardsKha'Zix Skin ShardsDarius Skin ShardsJayce Skin ShardsLissandra Skin ShardsRyze Skin ShardsDiana Skin ShardsQuinn Skin ShardsSyndra Skin ShardsAurelion Sol Skin ShardsSion Skin ShardsKayn Skin ShardsZoe Skin ShardsZyra Skin ShardsKai'Sa Skin ShardsSivir Skin ShardsGnar Skin ShardsZac Skin ShardsYasuo Skin ShardsSoraka Skin ShardsVel'Koz Skin ShardsTaliyah Skin ShardsCamille Skin ShardsTeemo Skin ShardsTristana Skin ShardsWarwick Skin ShardsOlaf Skin ShardsNunu Skin ShardsBraum Skin ShardsJhin Skin ShardsKindred Skin ShardsMiss Fortune Skin ShardsAshe Skin ShardsJinx Skin ShardsTahm Kench Skin ShardsTryndamere Skin ShardsLucian Skin ShardsZed Skin ShardsJax Skin ShardsKled Skin ShardsEkko Skin ShardsMorgana Skin ShardsVi Skin ShardsZilean Skin ShardsAatrox Skin ShardsNami Skin ShardsAzir Skin ShardsSinged Skin ShardsEvelynn Skin ShardsTwitch Skin ShardsGalio Skin ShardsKarthus Skin ShardsCho'Gath Skin ShardsAmumu Skin ShardsRammus Skin ShardsAnivia Skin ShardsShaco Skin ShardsDr. Mundo Skin ShardsSona Skin ShardsKassadin Skin ShardsIrelia Skin ShardsTwisted Fate Skin ShardsJanna Skin ShardsGangplank Skin ShardsThresh Skin ShardsCorki Skin ShardsIllaoi Skin ShardsRek'Sai Skin ShardsIvern Skin ShardsKalista Skin ShardsKarma Skin ShardsBard Skin ShardsTaric Skin ShardsVeigar Skin ShardsTrundle Skin ShardsRakan Skin ShardsXayah Skin ShardsXin Zhao Skin ShardsSwain Skin ShardsCaitlyn Skin ShardsOrnn Skin ShardsBlitzcrank Skin ShardsMalphite Skin ShardsKatarina Skin ShardsPyke Skin ShardsNocturne Skin ShardsMaokai Skin ShardsRenekton Skin ShardsJarvan IV Skin ShardsUrgot Skin ShardsElise Skin ShardsOrianna Skin ShardWukong Skin ShardsBrand Skin ShardsLee Sin Skin ShardsVayne Skin ShardsRumble Skin ShardsCassiopeia Skin ShardsLeBlanc Skin ShardsSkarner Skin ShardsHeimerdinger Skin ShardsNasus Skin ShardsNidalee Skin ShardsUdyr Skin ShardsPoppy Skin ShardsGragas Skin ShardsVladimir Skin ShardsPantheon Skin ShardsEzreal Skin ShardsMordekaiser Skin ShardsYorick Skin ShardsAkali Skin ShardsKennen Skin ShardsLeona Skin ShardsFiddlesticks Skin ShardsMalzahar Skin ShardsTalon Skin ShardsRiven Skin ShardsKog'Maw Skin ShardsShen Skin ShardsLux Skin Shards520 Skin Shard + OE Upgrade Equivalent750 Skin Shard + OE Upgrade Equivalent975 Skin Shard + OE Upgrade Equivalent1350 Skin Shard + OE Upgrade Equivalent1820 Skin Shard + OE Upgrade Equivalent3250 Skin + OE EquivalentTop Skin Shard + 2 Additional Top Skin ShardsJungle Skin Shard + 2 Additional Jungle Skin ShardsMid Skin Shard + 2 Additional Mid Skin ShardsMarksman Skin Shard + 2 Additional Marksman Skin ShardsSupport Skin Shard + 2 Additional Support Skin Shards3 Skin ShardsRandom 1350 skin permanent, a ward skin permanent, an emote permanent, and a summoner iconOne 520 RP, One 750 RP, One 975 RP, One 1350 RP, and One 1820 RP Skin Shard10 Lunar Revel 2019 Tokens20 Lunar Revel 2019 Tokens100 Lunar Revel 2019 Tokens150 Lunar Revel 2019 Tokens300 Lunar Revel 2019 TokensHextech Chest & Key3 Lunar Revel Skin Permanents1 Permanent Skin, Ward, IconDoggie Bag2 Random Skin Shards, 1 Legendary Skin Shard, 1 Pengu Icon4800 BE Champion Capsule2 Legacy Skin Shards, 1 975+ Legacy Skin Shard2 Random Skin Shards, 1 Legendary Skin Shard, 1 Pengu EmoteThree 750 Skin ShardsThree 975 Skin ShardsThree 1350 Skin ShardsThree 1820 Skin Shards1 Random Skin Shards, 1 Legendary Skin Perm, 1 Pengu Emote3 975+ Skin Shards2 975+ Skin ShardsTwo 975+ Skin Shards1350RP+ Skin Shard1520 Orange EssenceOne Random Skin Shard of 520, 750, 975, 1350, 1820 Tiers4 Random Skin Shards (1 each from 520,750,975,1350 RP tiers)10 Year Summoner Icon, Ward, Emote1 Perm 520-975 RP and 1 Perm 1350-3250 RP Skin Tier1 Random Skin Shard 520-975 RP Skin Tier1 Random Skin Shard 1350-3250 RP Skin Tier7 750+ Skin Shards3 Random 520-975 RP Skin Shards and 3 Random 975-3250 Skin Shards3 Random Legacy Skin Shards and 3 Random 975-3250 Skin Shards6 Random Skin Shards and 3 Random 1350-3250 Skin Shards3 Random Skin ShardsFull Set of 2018 K/DA Skin ShardsFull Set of True Damage Skin ShardsFull Set of 2018 K/DA and True Damage Skin Shards7 random skin shardsThree 750+ skin shardsFour Skin Shards worth 1350 RP or lowerFour 975 or less skin shardsTwo 750+ skin shardsFour Skin ShardsTwo random 975+ Skin ShardsThree Skin Shards worth 1350 RP or lowerFour Skin PermanentsThree random 975+ Skin ShardsThree Cybernetic skin shardsFour random 975+ Skin ShardsSix random Skin ShardsThree 1350+ RP skin shardsThree 975+ RP Skin ShardsFive 975 RP or less skin shardsFive 975+ RP skin shardsFive Random Champion ShardsFive Random Skin ShardsTwo 975RP+ Skin ShardsTwo Skin Shards worth 975 RP or higherTwo Skin ShardsFour Skin Shards worth 975 RP or higherA Summoner icon with 150 cosmetic essenceWard Skin shard and Orange Essence2 520 Skin Shards2 750 Skin Shards2 975 Skin Shards2 Epic Skin Shards2 Legendary Skin Shards2 Ultimate Skin permanents520 Skin Shard + 130 Orange Essence750 Skin Shard + 188 Orange Essence975 Skin Shard + 244 Orange EssenceEpic Skin Shard + 338 Orange EssenceLegendary Skin Shard + 455 Orange EssenceUltimate Skin permanent + 4063 Orange EssenceGet 6 Skin Shards total, one from each of the 6 major classes: Assassin, Fighter, Mage, Marksman, Support, Tank.Golden Revel Token and Revel TokenReveals a completely set of skin shards for a skin theme.Score! Birdie's got your back. Open the bag to find a random, complete set of skin shards for over 60 skin lines such as Blood Moon, Star Guardian, and PROJECT. Limited and Mythic skins are excluded.Reveals a complete set of skin shards for a skin theme.Need a boost to break the League lull? This capsule contains a free unowned champion worth 4800 BE and a skin for that champion.Ward Skin with 150 cosmetic essenceIncrease your XP for 30 days.Used to forge a random emote.Get a guaranteed Champion shard. May contain another PROJECT Champion Orb.Grants a random PROJECT Skin Shard (does not include PROJECT: Vayne, PROJECT: Jhin, or PROJECT: Vi)Get three skin shards, all guaranteed to be 975 RP tier or higher. Also includes a 50% increased chance for gemstones and mythic skin shards. No key required.Get a guaranteed Skin Shard with a chance to contain bonuses like a Revel Orb, Revel Grab Bag, or Golden Revel Token. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin Shard drop rate multiplied by 1.5.Get a guaranteed Skin Shard with a chance to contain bonuses like a Revel Orb, Revel Grab Bag, or Gold Coin. Gemstone and Gemstone Skin Shard drop rate multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal five skin shards, one from each of the first five skin tiers (up to and including a Legendary!) Contains a skin shard for a random Revel skin. Does not include Lunar Empress Lux, Lunar Guardian Nasus, or Lunar Guardian Warwick Used to craft Golden Lunar Revel ChromasGranted for completing Lunar Revel missions. Craft into exclusive rewards during the event. Tokens expire from inventory on March 12, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. PT.Chest that can drop BE, OE+Summoner Icon, Both Revel Tokens, VS Yasuo or VS Riven, or a random 520 skin shardWhat's the word? Get three 975+ RP skin shards, 150 Orange Essence, and a chance to obtain an event-only Birdie Bag, Mythic Essence, or Gemstone Skin. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rate multiplied by 1.5. Requires a Hextech Key to open.Camp CapsuleGet four 750+ RP skin shards, one of which is guaranteed to be an esports shard. Gemstone and Gemstone Skin drop rate multiplied by 1.5. No key required.Get three skin shards (with one guaranteed to be Epic or higher), 225 Orange Essence, and a chance to obtain an event-only Bloodharbor Medallion or Golden Kraken. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rate multiplied by 1.5.Reveals one Bilgewater skin shard and one random skin shard.Reveals one skin shard, one Legendary Skin Permanent, and loot from one Bloodharbor Medallion (one Bilgewater skin shard and one random skin shard).Get a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to contain another Skin Shard of the same value, a VS Bag, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rates multiplied by 1.5Get a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to contain Orange Essence, a VS Bag, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rates multiplied by 1.5Contains 5 Skin Shards for champions from the same faction.Contains a random Champion Shard for champions worth 4800 Blue Essence or more.Open to reveal a random Ward Skin ShardGet a guaranteed random Skin Shard for a Top champion with a chance to contain a Crab Bag, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rates multiplied by 1.5Get a guaranteed random Skin Shard for a Jungle champion with a chance to contain a Crab Bag, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rates multiplied by 1.5Get a guaranteed random Skin Shard for a Mid champion with a chance to contain a Crab Bag, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rates multiplied by 1.5Get a guaranteed random Skin Shard for an Marksman champion with a chance to contain a Crab Bag, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rates multiplied by 1.5Get a guaranteed random Skin Shard for a Support champion with a chance to contain a Crab Bag, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rates multiplied by 1.5Open to reveal one of these potential skin permanents: Volcanic Wukong, Pool Party Lee Sin, Sandstorm Ekko, Mafia Jinx, Blackthorn Morgana.Open to reveal a ward skin permanent.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to contain an Odyssey Gem, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rates multiplied by 1.5Open to reveal all non-limited, non-mythic Skin Shards for a random ChampionOpen to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to contain bonuses like Orange Essence, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rates multiplied by 1.5Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard for a Top champion with a chance to contain 2 additional Skin Shards for a Top champion, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rates multiplied by 1.5Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard for a Jungle champion with a chance to contain 2 additional Skin Shards for a Jungle champion, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rates multiplied by 1.5Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard for a Mid champion with a chance to contain 2 additional Skin Shards for a Mid champion, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rates multiplied by 1.5Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard for a Marksman champion with a chance to contain 2 additional Skin Shards for a Marksman Champion, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rates multiplied by 1.5Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard for a Support champion with a chance to contain 2 additional Skin Shards for a Support Champion, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rates multiplied by 1.5Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to contain a K/DA Bag, an additional Skin Shard, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rates multiplied by 1.5Open to reveal 3 Skin Shards and Orange Essence equivalent to the upgrade costs for all 3 Skin Shards.Forge into 1 Blue EssenceForge into 10 Blue EssenceForge into 50 Blue EssenceA capsule containing a random Legendary-tier skin shard. No key required! You got this for subscribing to Twitch Prime.Open to reveal 3 guaranteed shards of skins worth at least 975 RP with a chance to contain a Stocking Stuffer, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence drop rate multiplied by 1.5 with three chances. Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 4.5.Open to reveal a guaranteed Epic Skin Shard and two additional random Skin Shards. Includes a chance to contain 1600 Bonus Essence, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5 with three chances for each type of drop.Forge into 100 Blue EssenceOpen to reveal a random Skin Shard.Open to reveal a random 520 RP skin shard, 750 RP skin shard, 975 RP skin shard, 1350 RP skin shard, and a 1820 RP skin shard.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to contain bonuses like an additional Skin Shard, a Revel Grab Bag, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5Mystery Lunar Revel Golden Chroma + IconOpen to reveal Lunar Revel 2019 Tokens. Includes a bonus chance to contain a random Emote, a Hextech Chest & Key set, a Lunar Revel 2019 Orb, 1 Lunar Revel Skin Permanent, or 3 Lunar Revel Skin Permanents.Open to reveal a mystery Lunar Revel Golden Chroma and Icon. Base skin required to use Golden Chroma.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Permanent Skin, Ward Skin, and Summoner Icon. No-key required! You got this for subscribing to Twitch Prime.What's the word? Get three 975+ RP skin shards, 100 Orange Essence, and a chance to obtain an event-only Doggie Bag, Mythic Essence, or Mythic Skin. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin drop rate multiplied by 1.5 with three chances for each type of drop.Score! Doggie's got your back. Open the bag to find a random, complete set of skin shards for over 90 skin lines such as K/DA, Star Guardian, and PROJECT. Limited and Mythic skins are excluded.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Permanent Skin, Ward Skin and Summoner Icon. No-key required! You got this for subscribing to Twitch Prime.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain bonuses like an unowned esports skin permanent, Mythic Essence, or Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.
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    Test 2019 Pass
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    Last dayOpen to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain bonuses like a Battle Academia Grab Bag, Mythic Essence, or Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal one unowned skin permanent that is valued at 1350 or higher and one unowned skin permanent that is valued at 975 or below. Excludes mythic and limited skins. Open to reveal two random Skin Shards, one Legendary Skin Shard, and a Unique Pengu Emote. No-key required! You got this for subscribing to Twitch Prime.Open to reveal two random Skin Shards, one Legendary Skin Shard, and a Unique Pengu Emote. No key required! You got this for subscribing to Twitch Prime.For Turkey only! From this juicy and delicious orb, you can get one guaranteed skin shard with a 15% chance for bonus Orange essence equivalent to the upgrade cost, and 1.5x Mythic Essence and mythic skin drops.Need a boost to break the League lull? This capsule contains a free unowned champion worth 3150 BE.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain bonuses like an Arcade Jackpot, Mythic Essence, or Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal three legacy skin shards (one guaranteed 975 or above skin shard) and 1520 Orange Essence. Excludes mythic and limited skins. Open to reveal two random Skin Shards, one Legendary Skin Shard, and a Unique Pengu Emote. No key required! You got this for subscribing to Twitch Prime.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain bonuses like a PROJECT 2019 Jackpot, Mythic Essence, or Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal three random skin shards of the same tier (30% chance for a set of 750 skin shards, 30% chance for a set of 975 skin shards, 30% chance for a set of 1350 skin shards, and 10% chance for a set of 1820 skin shards) and 1050 Orange Essence. Excludes mythic and limited skins.Open to reveal one random Skin Shard, one Legendary Skin Permanent, and a Unique Pengu Emote. No key required! You got this for subscribing to Twitch Prime.Red Bull Gives you Wiiiings…. And a random permanent skin! Open this capsule and find out. Do you have what it takes to become Player One? #GivesYouWingsOpen to reveal three 975+ RP skin shards - also includes a chance to obtain a Star Guardian 2019 Jackpot, Mythic Essence, or Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin drop rate multiplied by 1.5 with three chances for each type of drop. Open to reveal two random 975+ RP skin shards as well as a bonus! (50% chance for 1520 Orange Essence, 40% chance for a 1350+ RP skin shard and 10% chance for a 1350 RP Skin Permanent.) Excludes mythic and limited skins.Which Little Legend will it be?Contains a Shadow Isles HauntlingContains a Demacian SilverwingContains a Molten FuryhornContains a Soft-nosed MolediverContains a Sentinel RunespiritContains a Pengu FeatherknightRare EggContains a Jeweled ProtectorContains a Jade PaddlemarContains a Moontipped HushtailContains DangoContains FuwaContains ShisaGet yourself a Little Legend! An egg that'll hatch out a Little Legends Series 1, 2, or 3 variant. Each egg will get you a new variant or will level up a variant you already own, until you've collected them all! Little Legends are only usable in TFT and ARAM.Contains OssiaContains QiQiContains MelismaContains TockerContains FlutterbugContains CraggleGet yourself a Little Legend! An egg that'll hatch out a Little Legends Series 1, 2, 3, or 4 variant. Each egg will get you a new variant or will level up a variant you already own, until you've collected them all! Little Legends are only usable in TFT and ARAM.Contains SquinkContains AbyssiaContains StarmawWhich Little Legend will it be? An egg that'll hatch out a Legendary Little Legend variant from series 1-6.Contains a Sakura FeatherknightContains Popqueen MelismaContains a Fae HushtailContains a Lionheart FuryhornContains Hardhitter QiQiContains Heroic ShisaContains Lovestruck FuwaContains a Rosebloom PaddlemarContains a Toxic HauntlingContains Gingersnap DangoContains a Cheeper FeatherknightContains a Shadowgem ProtectorContains Soloist OssiaContains a Mistberry HushtailContains a Snow Cherry SilverwingContains a Black Mist RunespiritGet yourself a Little Legend! An egg that'll hatch out a Little Legends Series 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 variant. Each egg will get you a new variant or will level up a variant you already own, until you've collected them all! Little Legends are only usable in TFT and ARAM.Contains a Fresh-water MolediverContains a Dawnglow SilverwingContains Hardhitter MelismaContains a Fireborn HauntlingContains Last Wish FuwaContains an Extra Spicy FeatherknightContains Sundrop ShisaContains a Fierce ProtectorContains a Tidepool PaddlemarContains Pop Queen OssiaContains a Toxic MolediverContains Eclipse FuwaContains Beatmaker MelismaContains Lemodrop DangoContains a Willowbark FuryhornContains an Untamed HushtailContains LightchargerContains NixieContains BellswayerGet yourself a Little Legend! An egg that'll hatch out a Little Legends Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 variant. Each egg will get you a new variant or will level up a variant you already own, until you've collected them all! Little Legends are only usable in TFT and ARAM.Get yourself a Little Legend! An egg that'll hatch out a Little Legends Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 variant. Each egg will get you a new variant or will level up a variant you already own, until you've collected them all! Little Legends are only usable in TFT and ARAM.Contains Porcelain BellswayerWhich Little Legend will it be? An egg that'll hatch out a Legendary Little Legend variant from series 1-7.Contains Lunar Revel ShisaContains Lunar Beast ShisaContains Lunar Revel FuryhornContains Lunar Beast FuryhornContains Lunar Revel ChonccContains Lunar Beast ChonccContains a Pool Party Choncc variant Contains Chaos Pengu Contains Order PenguContains Dr. Shisa Get yourself a Little Legend! An egg that'll hatch out a Little Legends Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 variant. Each egg will get you a new variant or will level up a variant you already own, until you've collected them all! Little Legends are only usable in TFT and ARAM.Contains Socialite NixieGet yourself a Little Legend! An egg that'll hatch out a Little Legends Series 1-9 variant. Each egg will get you a new variant or will level up a variant you already own, until you've collected them all! Little Legends are only usable in TFT and ARAM.Which Little Legend will it be? An egg that'll hatch out a Legendary Little Legend variant from series 1-10.Contains Dragon Dancer OssiaWhich Little Legend will it be? An egg that'll hatch out a Legendary Little Legend variantsGet yourself a Little Legend! An egg that'll hatch out a Little Legends Series 1-11 variant. Each egg will get you a new variant or will level up a variant you already own, until you've collected them all! Little Legends are only usable in TFT and ARAM.Contains Regal Koi StarmawOpen to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain bonuses like a Worlds 2019 Jackpot, Mythic Essence, or Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence, and Mythic Skin permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal one skin shard from each tier from the following: 520, 750, 975, 1350, 1820 as well as a 1% chance to drop a Mythic level skin.Open to reveal 4 random skin shards, one each from the 520, 750, 975, and 1350 RP tiers.Open to reveal our 10 Year Summoner Icon, Emote, and Ward.Open to reveal 1 random Legendary Skin Permanent.Open to reveal one random Skin Shard.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain bonuses like a True Damage Jackpot, Gemstone, or Mythic Skin permanent. Gemstone and Mythic Skin permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal two random skin permanents, one less than or equal to 975 RP and one greater than or equal to 1350 RP or greater. Excludes mythic and limited skins.Gained by impressing Sett. Openable on January 14th, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. GMT.Open to reveal 1 random PermanentOpen to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain bonuses like a Night & Dawn 2019 Jackpot, Mythic Essence, or Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5. Jackpot drop rate increased from 4% to 8% compared to previous events, the value of jackpot reduced.Open to reveal one skin shard of 975 or greater value. Jackpot drop rate increased from 4% to 8% compared to previous events. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5. Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain bonuses like a Mecha Kingdoms Lucky Roll, Mecha Kingdoms Jackpot, Mythic Essence, or Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal one skin shard of 1350 or greater value. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal one skin shard of 975 or lower value and two skin shards of 1350 value or greater. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Contains a random Clash Team Logo.Open to reveal a guaranteed Epic Skin Shard and two additional random Skin Shards. Includes a chance to contain 1600 Orange Essence, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5 with three chances for each type of drop.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to contain bonuses like a Galaxies 2020 Grab Bag, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal one champie icon from the Demacia & Freljord factions.Open to reveal one champie icon from the Noxus faction.Open to reveal one champie icon from the Ionia faction.Open to reveal one champie icon from the Bilgewater faction.Open to reveal one champie icon from the Piltover & Zaun factions.Open to reveal one champie icon from the Bandle City faction.Open to reveal one champie icon from the Runeterra faction.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to contain bonuses like a Pulsefire 2020 Grab Bag, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal three random skin shards - also includes a chance to obtain a Lucky #7 Grab Bag, Mythic Essence, or Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin drop rate multiplied by 1.5 with three chances for each type of drop.Open to reveal seven random 750+ RP skin shards. Excludes mythic and limited skins. You discovered Lillia in the forest. Openable on July 22nd, 2020 at 8:00 p.m BST.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to contain bonuses like a Kanmei Grab Bag, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal three skin shards of 975 or greater value and three skin shards of 975 or lower value, excluding Mythic and Limited skins. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal one permanent skin of 975 or greater value, excluding Mythic and Limited skins.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to contain bonuses like an Akana Grab Bag, Mythic Essence, or a Mythic Skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal three Legacy skin shards and three skin shards of 975 or greater value, excluding Mythic and Limited skins. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a 2% chance to obtain a PsyOps 2020 Grab Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal six random skin shards and three additional skin shards of 1350 or higher value, excluding Mythic and Limited skins. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.A capsule to celebrate 10 years of League of Legends Esports. Open to reveal a legacy Worlds icon or emote from some of the best teams in history.What's in the box?Requires a Mastercard Key to open.GGWP! You just won a Mastercard Capsule containing a permanent legendary random skin! Open this capsule and find out which one it is! #MastercardnoCBLOL #NãotempreçoOpen to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a 4% chance to obtain a Worlds 10-Year Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal two Worlds Champions skin shards (iG, SKT T1, SSG, SSW, Fnatic, TPA), one Championship skin shard (2013-2019), and three random skin shards. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5. Please visit our Support page for more details.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a 4% chance to obtain a K/DA Origins Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal one K/DA Origins Bonus Roll and three random skin shards. The bonus roll guarantees at least two skin shards from the 2018 K/DA and True Damage thematics, but the luckiest among us will reunite the full gang. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5. Please visit our Support page for more details.Open to reveal two exclusive K/DA icons.An Honor exclusive capsule containing three key fragments and a random ward skin.An Honor exclusive capsule containing three key fragments, a random ward skin, and a random emote.An Honor exclusive capsule containing six key fragments, a random ward skin, and a random emote.2 Random Skin Shards from 2018 K/DA and True Damage.Open to reveal three random skin shards with a 4% chance to obtain an Interstellar Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin drop rate multiplied by 1.5 with three chances for each type of drop.Open to reveal a gift from the stars! 5 Interstellar skin shards (60% probability) OR 7 random skin shards (25% probability) OR 10 Interstellar skin shards (15% probability). Interstellar skin shards are from the Star Guardian, Pajama Guardian, Cosmic, and Dark Star thematics. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.5 random Interstellar skin shards. Interstellar skin shards are from the Star Guardian, Pajama Guardian, Cosmic, and Dark Star thematics.10 random Interstellar skin shards. Interstellar skin shards are from the Star Guardian, Pajama Guardian, Cosmic, and Dark Star thematics.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a 4% chance to obtain a Schema Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal Katarina's battle spoils! Three skin shards of 750RP or higher value (70% probability) OR four skin shards of 1350RP or lower value (30% probability). Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Exclusive to the 50-orb bundle. Open to reveal the treasures that Janna has been guarding, including a 20x boost to Mythic skin drop rates! Four skin shards of 975RP or lower value (80% probability) OR one Legendary skin permanent (19% probability) OR one Mythic skin permanent (1% probability).Requires a Mercedes Key to open.Open to reveal 1 random Epic Skin Permanent.Open to reveal 1 random Mythic Skin Permanent.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a 4% chance to obtain a Lunar Squad Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal skin shards from past Lunar Revel celebrations to amp up your squad's style. 70% chance of 3 shards or 30% chance of 4 shards from the Lunar Revel, Firecracker, Mecha Kingdoms, and Warring Kingdoms skin lines. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Exclusive to the 50-orb bundle. Open to reveal a gift from the Lunar Ox, including a Lunar Bonus for the really fortunate! 9 skin shards of any tier guaranteed. 20% chance for the bonus which grants 3 skin shards of any tier (95% chance) or 4 unowned 750+ skin permanents. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal three Skin Shards from the Lunar Revel, Firecracker, Mecha Kingdoms, and Warring Kingdoms skin lines.Open to reveal four Skin Shards from the Lunar Revel, Firecracker, Mecha Kingdoms, and Warring Kingdoms skin lines.Open to reveal four permanent skins of 750 or greater value, excluding Mythic and Limited skins.Open to reveal three random skin shards with a 4% chance to obtain a Durandal Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin drop rate multiplied by 1.5 with three chances for each type of drop.Open to reveal three Working Life skin shards! You'll also get a Fringe Benefit roll (70% chance for two 750+ skin shards OR 30% chance for three random skin shards). Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5. (Working Life is a selection of skins from the Chef, Day Job, April Fools, Battle Academia, and Academy skinlines.) Requires a Grubhub Key to open.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a 3.5% chance to obtain a Luxe Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open for a truly luxe vibe! Contains 3 skin shards worth 750+ RP (70% probability) OR 4 skin shards from any tier (30% probability). Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Need some new threads for the dance floor? This exclusive bonus pack will have you grooving in style! Contains 3 skin shards from any tier (99% probability) OR 3 unowned 1350+ RP skin permanents (1% probability).Three unowned 1350+ RP skin permanentsOpen to reveal three random skin shards with a 4% chance to obtain a Break Out Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5 with three chances for each type of drop.Celebrate the rich history of MSI with this grab bag. Open to reveal three Break Out skin shards, two random skin shards, and a 20% chance for 500 Orange Essence. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5. (Break Out is made up of World Champions, Challenger, and Conqueror skins released in 2012-2020).Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a 3.5% chance to obtain a G/NETIC Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal G/NETIC's battle supplies! Contains 1 skin shard worth 1350 RP or below AND 2 skin shards worth 975 RP or above. 15% chance for an additional 2 skin shards worth 975 RP or above. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Share in Mordekaiser's victory and savor the City's riches! Contains 3 skin shards worth 1350 RP or below (80% probability) OR 4 skin shards from any tier (19% probability) OR 4 random skin permanents (1% probability). Get yourself a Little Legend! An egg that'll hatch out a Little Legends Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Friends from Afar, Cosmic Companions, Immortal Creatures, or Spirit Blossom variant. Each egg will get you a new variant or will level up a variant you already own, until you've collected them all! Little Legends are only usable in TFT and ARAM.Open to reveal three random skin shards with a 4% chance to obtain an OPTIK Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5 with three chances for each type of drop.Gain vision into OPTIK's contents! Contains 2 skin shards worth 750RP or higher AND a guaranteed bonus roll. OPTIK bonus roll contains either 3 Cybernetic* skin shards (55% chance) OR 3 skin shards worth 975RP or higher (45% chance). Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5. (*Cybernetic skin shards include PROJECT, Pulsefire, and Program skin lines. EXCLUDES Ultimate Pulsefire Ezreal, Mythic Tier, and PROJECT 2021 skins.)Gained from drops when watching live games on or by taking part in missions and competitions. Contains LoL Esports related content.Gained from drops when watching live games on or by taking part in missions and competitions. Contains legacy and more rare LoL Esports related content.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a 3.5% chance to obtain a Ruined Siege Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Stand firm against the siege! Contains 2 skin shards worth 1350RP or less and 1 skin shard worth 1350RP or more. 1% BONUS chance for a random skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Beware! The wraiths come! Contains 3 skin shards worth 1350RP or less (75% chance) OR 4 skin shards worth 975RP or more (20% chance) OR 6 random skin shards from any tier (5% chance). Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a 3.5% chance to obtain a Sentinels Resolve Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open and strengthen your resolve! Contains 2 skin shards worth 1350RP or less and 1 skin shard worth 1350RP or more. 1% BONUS chance for a random skin permanent. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Discover your relic! Contains 3 skin shards worth 1350RP or less (75% chance) OR 4 random skin shards from any tier (20% chance) OR 3 random unowned permanents (5% chance). Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Three unowned skin permanentsOpen to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a 3.5% chance to obtain a Coven Ashen Owl Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Gaze into the deep woods and take flight. Contains either 3 skin shards worth 750RP or higher (70%) OR 4 skin shards worth 1350RP or less (30%). Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Trample onward in service of the old gods. Contains either 4 random skin shards of any rarity (40% probability) OR 3 skin shards worth 1350RP or higher (60% probability). Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal three random skin shards with a 4% chance to obtain a Songpyeon Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5 with three chances for each type of drop.Make a wish to the Full moon with this bag. Open to reveal three food or fest related skin shards, and a random bonus (70% chance of 2 random skin shards worth 750 RP or above, or 30% chance of 3 random skin shards worth 750 RP or above). Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5. (Detailed list of skin shards included in a Songpyeon bag is in the announcement page.)Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a 3.5% chance to obtain a Worlds Peak Performance Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Time to suit up and show out! Contains 3 skin shards worth 975RP or more (60% chance) OR 5 skin shards worth 975RP or less (40% chance). Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Look good, feel good, play good! Contains 5 skin shards worth 975RP or more (55% chance) OR 3 skin shards worth 1350RP or more (45% chance). Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.A capsule obtained while watching Worlds 2021 on or while playing Pick'em.650 RP, an unowned 1350 RP Skin Permanent, 200 Orange Essence, 5 Champion Shards, 2 Series 1 Eternals Shards, and a 30-Day XP BoostOpen to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a 3.5% chance to obtain a Dragonmancer Eternal Blessing Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.A dragon's boon is meant only for the brightest souls. Contains 4 skin shards worth 1350RP or less (70% chance) OR 3 Dragon* skin shards (30% chance). Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5. *Dragon skin shards include a selection of Dragonmancer, Dragonslayer, Dragon Oracle, and Dragon Trainer skin shards.Rise above the petty squabbles of mere mortals. Contains 5 skin shards of any rarity (75% chance) OR 4 Dragon* skin shards (25% chance). Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5. *Dragon skin shards include a selection of Dragonmancer, Dragonslayer, Dragon Oracle, and Dragon Trainer skin shards.Open to reveal three random skin shards with a 3.5% chance to obtain an Arcane Inventor's Grab Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5 with three chances for each type of drop.Prosperity through invention! Contains 2 skin shards from Arcane-featured champions AND 1 skin shard worth 1350RP or less. Bonus chance at an additional 2 skin shards from Arcane-featured champions (10%). Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain a Debonair 2021 Clutch Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Walk into the Rift purse first. Contains 1 skin shard worth 1350RP or lower AND 2 skin shards worth 975RP or higher. Bonus chance at 2 skin shards worth 975RP or higher. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Take a picture, it'll last longer. Contains 3 skin shards worth 1350RP or lower OR 4 skin shards of any value OR 4 skin permanents of any value. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Requires a KitKat Key to open.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain a Firecracker 2022 Grab Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Contains 3 skin shards worth 1350RP or lower OR 4 random skin shards from past Lunar Revels (2013-2017) worth 975 RP or higher. Bonus chance at Mythic Essence and a mythic permanent skin.Contains 3 skin shards worth 1350RP or lower OR 4 random skin shards from past Lunar Revels (2013-2017) worth 975RP or higher OR 4 skin permanents of any value. Bonus chance at Mythic Essence and a mythic permanent skin.Contains 4 random skin shards from past Lunar Revels (2013-2017) worth 975 RP or higher.Open to reveal one skin shard of 1350 or greater value, excluding Mythic and Limited skins.Open to reveal one skin shard of 975 or greater value, excluding Mythic and Limited skins.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain a Porcelain 2022 Grab Bag. Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.Contains 2 skin shards worth 1350RP or lower AND 1 skin shard from past Lunar Revels (2018, 2019, 2021) worth 1350RP. Bonus chance at 2 skin shards worth 975RP or higher, Mythic Essence, and a mythic permanent skin.Contains 3 skin shards worth 1350RP or lower OR 3 skin shards from past Lunar Revels (2018, 2019, 2021) worth 1350RP OR 4 skin permanents of any value. Bonus chance at Mythic Essence and a mythic permanent skin.Contains 3 random skin shards from past Lunar Revels (2018, 2019, 2021) worth 1350RP.Open to reveal three random skin shards with a chance to obtain an Eclipse 2022 Grab Bag. Bonus chance at Mythic Skin Permanents.Contains 1 Skin Shard worth 1350 RP or below AND 2 Skin Shards worth 975 RP or more. Bonus chance at Mythic Essence and 2 additional Skin Shards worth 975 RP or more.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain an Anima Squad 2022 Grab Bag. Bonus chance at Mythic Essence. Contains 3 skin shards worth 975 RP or higher OR 4 random skin shards worth 1350 RP or lower. Bonus chance at Mythic Essence.Contains 3 skin shards worth 1350RP or lower OR 4 random skin shards of any value OR 4 skin permanents of any value. Bonus chance at Mythic Essence.Open to reveal one skin shard of 1820 or greater value, excluding Mythic and Limited skins.Contains either Sun-Eater Kayle, Solar Eclipse Sejuani, Lunar Eclipse Aatrox, or Lunar Eclipse Senna, granting unowned skins first.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain an MSI 2022 High Noon Grab Bag.Contains 2 skin shards worth 975 RP or higher and 1 random skin shards worth 1350 RP or lower. Bonus chance at 2 random skin shards.Contains 3 skin shards worth 1350 RP or lower OR 4 random skin shards worth 975 RP or higher OR 4 skin permanents of any value.350 RP, 5 Mythic Essence, an unowned 1350 RP Skin Permanent, 200 Orange Essence, 5 Champion Shards, 2 Series 1 Eternals Shards, and a 30-Day XP BoostContains LoL Esports related content.Open to reveal three random skin shards with a chance to obtain an Ocean Song 2022 Grab Bag.Contains 1 Skin Shard worth 1350 RP or below, and 2 Skin Shards worth 975 RP or more. Bonus chance at 2 Skin Shards worth 975 RP or more.Contains either Ocean Song Yone, Ocean Song Nidalee, Ocean Song Seraphine, Ocean Song Zeri, or Ocean Song Ashe, granting unowned skins first.Contains either Yone, Seraphine, Nidalee, Zeri, or Ashe, granting unowned champs first.Contains 10 Mythic Essence.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain a Star Guardian 2022 Grab Bag.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain a Star Nemesis 2022 Grab Bag.Contains 3 Skin Shards worth 975RP or higher OR 4 Skin Shards worth 1350RP or lower.Contains 3 Skin Shards worth 1350 RP or lower OR 4 random Skin Shards worth 975 RP or higher OR 6 Skin Shards of any value.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain a Steel Valkyries 2022 Grab Bag.Contains 3 Skin Shards worth 975 RP or higher OR 4 random Skin Shards worth 1350 RP or lower.Contains 3 Skin Shards worth 1350 RP or lower OR 4 random Skin Shards of any value OR 4 Skin Permanents of any value.Obtained by fans throughout all phases of the tournament via Drops or Pick'em Missions.Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a chance to obtain a Worlds 2022 Grab Bag.Contains 2 skin shards worth 975 RP or higher and 1 random skin shards worth 1350 RP or lower. Bonus chance at mythic essence and 2 random skin shards.Contains 3 skin shards worth 1350 RP or lower OR 4 random skin shards worth 975 RP or higher OR 4 skin permanents of any value. Bonus chance at mythic essence.Earned by finishing 10th place in a 16-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 11th place in a 16-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 12th place in a 16-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 13th place in a 16-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 14th place in a 16-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 15th place in a 16-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 16th place in a 16-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 1st place in a 16-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 2nd place in a 16-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 3rd place in a 16-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 4th place in a 16-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 5th place in a 16-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 6th place in a 16-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 7th place in a 16-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 8th place in a 16-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 9th place in a 16-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 1st place in an 8-team Conqueror Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 1st place in an 8-team Clash tournament.Your Clash Rewards are coming soon! We are currently reviewing the results of the tournament for competitive integrity, and you'll get your prizes once that check is complete.Earned by finishing 2nd place in an 8-team Conqueror Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 2nd place in an 8-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 3rd place in an 8-team Conqueror Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 3rd place in an 8-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 4th place in an 8-team Conqueror Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 4th place in an 8-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 5th place in an 8-team Conqueror Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 5th place in an 8-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 6th place in an 8-team Conqueror Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 6th place in an 8-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 7th place in an 8-team Conqueror Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 7th place in an 8-team Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 8th place in an 8-team Conqueror Clash tournament.Earned by finishing 8th place in an 8-team Clash tournament.Contains a random unowned Clash LogoRare crafting essence. Can be forged into a variety of rare items, which rotate periodically. Click to see the current list of craftable items and when new items will appear.520 and 750 Skin Shards975+ Skin Shards1350 RP Skin Shard1820 RP Skin Shard520 RP Skin Shard750 RP Skin Shard975 RP Skin ShardRevels a set of skin shards for a skin thematicGemstone SkinIncludes loot exclusives like Hextech Annie, Dreadnova Darius, and Soulstealer Vayne.Masterwork ChestEsports Skin ShardEpic Skin ShardBilgewater Skin ShardReveals a random Legendary Skin Permanent.Skin Shard + Bonus Skin ShardSkin Shard + Bonus Orange Essence5 Faction Skin ShardsTop Lane Skin ShardJungle Skin ShardMid Lane Skin ShardMarksman Skin ShardSupport Skin ShardNew Player Pack Skin PermanentRandom Ward PermanentChampion BagOdyssey Recruitment Chest Skin ShardsSkin Shard + OE Upgrade EquivalentSpooky Top Orb DropsSpooky Jungle Orb DropsSpooky Mid Orb DropsSpooky Marksman Orb DropsSpooky Support Orb DropsLegendary-tier Skin ShardRandom Epic Skin ShardRandom Skin ShardRandom Mystery Lunar Revel Golden Chroma + Icon DropLunar Revel 2019 Tokens2019 Red Envelope Bonus DropMystery Lunar Revel Golden Chroma + Icon DropRandom 975+ Skin ShardRandom Esports Skin PermanentRandom 1350+ Skin PermanentRandom 975 or below Skin Permanent3150 BE Champion Capsule1 Random Skin PermanentRandom Roll - (50% chance at 1520 Orange Essence, 40% chance at a 1350RP+ Skin Shard, 10% chance at a 1350 RP Skin Permanent)Rare Egg DRandom Roll of a Little Legends Series 1-3 variantRandom Roll of a Little Legends Series 1-4 variantRandom Roll of a Little Legends Series 1-5 variantRandom Roll of a Little Legends Series 1-6 variantRandom Roll of a Little Legends Series 1-7 variantRandom Roll of a Little Legends Series 1-8 variantNeon Nights EggRandom Roll of a Little Legends Series 1-9 variantRandom Roll of a Little Legends Series 1-11 variant1 random champie Demacia & Freljord factions icon1 random champie Noxus faction icon1 random champie Ionia faction icon1 random champie Bilgewater faction icon1 random champie Piltover & Zaun factions icon1 random champie Bandle City faction icon1 random champie Runeterra faction iconLegacy Worlds Icon or EmoteWorlds Champions skin shard (iG, SKT T1, SSG, SSW, Fnatic, TPA)Championship skin shard (2013-2019)K/DA Origins Bonus RollRandom 2018 K/DA and True Damage Skin ShardInterstellar Bag Skin Shard DropRandom Interstellar Skin ShardThree 750+ skin shards OR four 1350 or less skin shardsFour 975 or less skin shards OR one Legendary skin OR 1 Mythic skinThree or Four Lunar Squad Skin ShardsLunar Squad Skin ShardThree Random Skin Shards or Four Unowned 750+ Skin Permanents750+ Skin PermanentRandom Working Life Skin ShardFringe Benefit RollThree 750+ skin shards OR four skin shards from any tierThree skin shards from any tier OR three unowned 1350+ RP skin permanentsRandom Break Out Skin ShardsSkin Shard worth 1350 RP or lowerThree Skin Shards worth 1350 RP or lower OR four Skin Shards OR four Skin PermanentsRandom Little Legends Series 1-Spirit Blossom VariantRandom Cybernetic skin shardsOPTIK bonus rollEsports Capsule DropEsports Legacy Capsule DropRandom 1350+ Skin ShardThree 1350 or below Skin Shards OR four 975+ Skin Shards OR six random Skin ShardsThree 1350 or below Skin Shards OR four random Skin Shards OR three random unowned Skin PermanentsFour random skin shards OR three 1350+ RP skin shardsRandom food or fest skin shardTwo 750+ Skin Shards OR three 750+ Skin ShardsThree 975+ RP skin shards OR five 975 RP or less skin shardsFive 975+ RP skin shards OR three 1350+ RP skin shardsWorlds Rewards Capsule DropRandom 1350 Skin PermanentFour 1350 RP or less skin shards OR three Dragon skin shardsDragon skin shardFive random skin shards OR four Dragon skin shardsArcane-featured champion Skin ShardA Skin Shard worth 1350RP or lower Three Skin Shards worth 1350RP or lower OR four Lunar Revel (2013-2017) 975 RP+ Skin Shards OR four Skin PermanentsLunar Revel (2013-2017) 975 RP+ Skin ShardEsports Capsule 2022 DropLunar Revel (2018, 2019, 2021) 1350 RP Skin ShardThree Skin Shards worth 1350RP or lower OR three Lunar Revel (2018, 2019, 2021) 1350RP Skin Shards OR four Skin PermanentsThree 975+ RP Skin Shards OR four Skin Shards worth 1350 RP or lowerThree Skin Shards worth 1350 RP or lower OR four Skin Shards worth 975 RP or higher OR four Skin PermanentsMSI Esports Capsule 2022 DropWorlds 2022 Capsule Drop2 Random Skin Shards1 Random Skin Shard worth 1350 or LowerRandom HushtailMoontipped Hushtail EggRandom Dango VariantDango EggRandom Fuwa VariantFuwa EggRandom Shisa VariantShisa EggRandom Ossia VariantAn OssiaRandom QiQi VariantQiQi EggRandom Melisma VariantMelisma EggRandom Tocker VariantTocker EggRandom Flutterbug VariantFlutterbug EggRandom Craggle VariantCraggle EggRandom SilverwingRandom Squink VariantSquink EggRandom Abyssia VariantAbyssia Eggloot_description_LOOTTABLE_EGG_21Random Starmaw VariantStarmaw EggRandom Lightcharger VariantLightcharger EggRandom Nixie VariantNixie EggRandom Bellswayer VariantBellswayer EggRandom Spirit Blossom Featherknight VariantRandom Spirit Blossom Hushtail VariantRandom Spirit Blossom Melisma VariantRandom Ao Shin VariantA Demacian SilverwingRandom FuryhornRandom Umbra VariantRandom Choncc VariantRandom K/DA Furyhorn VariantRandom K/DA Featherknight VariantRandom K/DA Hushtail VariantRandom K/DA Squink VariantRandom K/DA Lightcharger VariantLunar Beast or Lunar Revel Shisa VariantLunar Revel Shisa VariantLunar Beast Shisa VariantLunar Beast or Lunar Revel Furyhorn VariantLunar Revel Furyhorn VariantLunar Beast Furyhorn VariantLunar Beast or Lunar Revel Choncc VariantLunar Revel Choncc VariantLunar Beast Choncc VariantMolten Furyhorn EggRandom Molediver VariantRandom Dowsie VariantRandom Fenroar VariantRandom Nimblefoot VariantRandom Pool Party Choncc VariantFearless Fellowship Fuwa VariantFearless Fellowship Umbra VariantFearless Fellowship Molediver VariantFearless Fellowship Squink VariantAn Inktales Featherknight VariantSoft-nosed Molediver EggRandom FeatherknightAn Inktales Paddlemar VariantAn Inktales Ao Shin VariantRandom Piximander VariantRandom Gloop VariantRandom Duckbill VariantA Lunar Legend Festival Dango VariantA Lunar Legend Festival Dowsie VariantA Lunar Legend Festival Duckbill VariantPengu Featherknight EggRandom HauntlingA Neon Nights Fenroar VariantA Neon Nights Lightcharger VariantA Neon Nights QiQi VariantRandom Burno VariantRandom Poggles VariantSanctuary of the AncientShadow Isles Hauntling EggRandom RunespiritRandom "Pool Party" Umbra VariantRandom Prancie VariantRandom Bungo VariantChonnc's Splash ResortRandom "Secrets of the Shallows" Hauntling VariantRandom "Secrets of the Shallows" Silverwing VariantSentinel Runespirit EggRandom ProtectorJeweled Protector EggRandom PaddlemarJade Paddlemar EggTesting LA-1241 Loot Table DescriptionLunar Revel Night Market TestLoot ExclusiveEmoteCan be redeemed for exclusive loot. PROJECT Tokens expire from inventory on 1/8/18 at 11:59 p.m. PT.Granted for completing VS missions. Craft into exclusive rewards during the event. Tokens expire from inventory on XXXXXX, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. PT.Camp BadgeGained from completing VS missions or purchasing VS content. Craft into exclusive rewards during the event. Expires July 30th, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. PT.Gained from completing Odyssey missions or purchasing Odyssey content. Craft into exclusive rewards during the event. Expires October 22nd, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. PT.Can be used to craft Revel Bag, VS Bag, Crab Bag, Champion Bag, or Birdie Bag. Gained from completing Worlds 2018 missions or purchasing event content. Craft into exclusive rewards during the event. Expires December 4th, 2018 at 7:59 a.m GMTGained from completing Snowdown 2018 missions or purchasing event content. Craft into exclusive rewards during the event. Expires on 22 January 2019 at 7:59 a.m. (GMT).Gained from completing Snowdown 2018 missions. Craft into exclusive rewards during the event. Expires on 22 January 2019 at 7.59 a.m. (GMT).Gained from purchasing Masterwork Chest bundles or special event content. Craft into exclusive 2019 Prestige Edition skins and other content. Expires February 3, 2020 at 9 p.m. GMT.Gained from completing Lunar Revel 2019 missions. Craft into exclusive rewards during the event. Expires March 19th, 2019 at 7:59 a.m. GMT.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Trials 2019 event content. Tokens are earnable until June 3, 2019 at 7:59 a.m. BST. Tokens are purchasable until June 6, 2019 at 7:59 a.m. BST. Tokens expire June 18, 2019 at 7:00 p.m BST.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Arcade 2019 event content. Tokens are earnable until July 30, 2019 at 7:59 a.m. BST. Tokens are purchasable until August 1, 2019 at 7:59 a.m. BST. Tokens expire August 14, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. BST. Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive PROJECT 2019 event content. Tokens are earnable until September 3, 2019 at 7:59 a.m. BST. Tokens are purchasable until September 6th, 2019 at 7:59 AM BST. Tokens expire September 19th, 2019 at 7:00 PM BST.Gained from achieving Honor Level 5. Craft into Honor-specific rewards. Tokens are earned once per season and do not expire.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Worlds 2019 event content. Tokens are earnable until November 19, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. GMT. Tokens are purchasable until November 25, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. GMT. Tokens expire November 25, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. GMT.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Night & Dawn 2019 event content. Tokens are earnable until January 13, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. GMT. Tokens are purchasable until January 27, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. GMT. Tokens expire January 27, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. GMT. Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Mecha Kingdoms event content. Tokens are earnable until February 18, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. GMT. Tokens are purchasable until March 2, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. GMT. Tokens expire March 2, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. GMT. Gained from purchasing Masterwork Chest bundles or special event content. Craft into exclusive Prestige Edition skins and other content. Expires March 24th, 2022 at 8:00 p.m. GMT.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Galaxies 2020 event content.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Pulsefire 2020 event content. Tokens are earnable until June 16, 2020 at 07:59 a.m. BST. Tokens are purchasable until June 30, 2020 at 07:00 p.m. BST. Tokens expire June 30, 2020 at 09:00 p.m. BST.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Spirit Blossom 2020 event content. Tokens are earnable until August 25, 2020 at 07:59 a.m. BST. Tokens are purchasable until September 8, 2020 at 07:00 p.m. BST. Tokens expire September 8, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive PsyOps 2020 event content. Tokens are earnable until October 1, 2020 at 07:59 a.m. BST. Tokens are purchasable until October 20, 2020 at 07:00 p.m. BST. Tokens expire October 20, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Worlds 2020 event content. Tokens are earnable until November 10, 2020 at 07:59 a.m. GMT. Tokens are purchasable until November 24, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. GMT. Tokens expire November 24, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. GMT.State Farm Hextech KeyGained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Battle Queens 2020 event content. Tokens are earnable until January 12, 2021 at 07:59 a.m. GMT. Tokens are purchasable until January 26, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. GMT. Tokens expire January 26, 2021 at 9:00 p.m. GMT.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Lunar Beast 2021 event content. Tokens are earnable until March 9, 2021 at 07:59 a.m. GMT. Tokens are purchasable until March 22, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. GMT. Tokens expire March 22, 2021 at 9:00 p.m. GMT.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Space Groove 2021 event content. Tokens are earnable until May 4, 2021 at 07:59 a.m. BST. Tokens are purchasable until May 17, 2021 at 07:00 p.m. BST. Tokens expire May 17, 2021 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive PROJECT 2021 event content. Tokens are earnable until June 29, 2021 at 07:59 a.m. BST. Tokens are purchasable until July 14, 2021 at 07:00 p.m. BST. Tokens expire July 14, 2021 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Sentinels 2021 event content. Tokens are earnable until August 10, 2021 at 07:59 a.m. BST. Tokens are purchasable until August 25, 2021 at 07:00 p.m. BST. Tokens expire August 25, 2021 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Coven 2021 event content. Tokens are earnable until September 14, 2021 at 6:59 a.m. BST. Tokens are purchasable until September 28, 2021 at 07:00 p.m. BST. Tokens expire September 28, 2021 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Worlds 2021 event content. Tokens are earnable until November 9, 2021 at 07:59 a.m. GMT. Tokens are purchasable until November 18, 2021 at 07:00 p.m. GMT. Tokens expire November 18, 2021 at 9:00 p.m. GMT.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Debonair 2021 event content. Tokens are earnable until January 10, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. PT. Tokens are purchasable until January 17, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. PT. Tokens expire January 17, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. PT.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Lunar Revel 2022 event content. Tokens are earnable until March 1, 2022 at 07:59 a.m. GMT. Tokens are purchasable until March 7, 2022 at 07:00 p.m. GMT. Tokens expire March 7, 2022 at 9:00 p.m. GMT.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Anima Squad 2022 event content. Tokens are earnable until May 3, 2022 at 7:59 a.m. BST. Tokens are purchasable until May 9, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. BST. Tokens expire May 9, 2022 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive MSI 2022 High Noon event content. Tokens are earnable until June 14, 2022 at 7:59 a.m. BST. Tokens are purchasable until June 20, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. BST. Tokens expire June 20, 2022 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Star Guardian 2022 event content. Tokens expire 24 August, 2022 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Steel Valkyries 2022 event content. Tokens are earnable until 27 September, 2022 at 7:59 a.m. BST. Tokens are purchasable until 3 October, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. BST. Tokens expire 3 October, 2022 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Veigar Crystal IconHeimerdinger Gear IconGuaranteed to be an Epic Skin Shard or higher.Reveals a random Bilgewater skin shard.Contains Series 1 Little LegendsContains Series 2 Little LegendsRare Egg EContains Series 3 Little LegendsContains Series 4 Little LegendsContains Series 5 Little LegendsContains 'Friends from Afar' Little LegendsContains 'Cosmic Companions' Little LegendsContains 'Immortal Creatures' Little LegendsContains 'Spirit Blossom' Little LegendsContains 'Heroic Hatchlings' Little LegendsContains 'K/DA' Little LegendsContains 'Festival of Beasts 2021' Little LegendsContains 'Magical Misfits' Little LegendsContains 'Skyglass" Little LegendsContains 'Fearless Fellowship' Little LengendsContains 'Inktales' Little LegendsContains 'Ingenious Inventors' Little LegendsContains 'Lunar Legend Festival 2022' TacticiansContains 'Year of The Tiger' TacticiansContains "Neon Nights" TacticiansContains 'Dragonlands' Little LegendsContains "Sanctuary Guardian's" TacticiansContains "Pool Party" TacticiansContains "Splash Resort" TacticiansContains "Poggles and Burno" Little LegendsContains "Secrets of the Shallows" TacticiansContains Silverwing Little Legend VariantsContains "Dragonmancer Archer" TacticiansAssorted Loot ItemsUsed to unlock loot-exclusive skins, wards, and moreContains all HushtailsContains Dango or one of Dango's many forms.Contains one of Fuwa's many formsContains Shisa or one of Shisa's many forms.Contains Ossia or one of Ossia's many forms.Contains QiQi or one of QiQi's many forms.Contains Melisma or one of Melisma's many forms.Contains Tocker or one of Tocker's many forms.Contains Flutterbug or one of Flutterbug's many forms.Contains Craggle or one of Craggle's many forms.Contains all SilverwingsContains Squink or one of Squink's many forms.Contains Abyssia or one of Abyssia's many forms.Contains Starmaw or one of Starmaw's many forms.Contains Lightcharger or one of Lightcharger's many forms.Contains Nixie or one of Nixie's many forms.Contains Bellswayer or one of Bellswayer's many forms.Contains a Spirit Blossom Featherknight.Contains a Spirit Blossom Hushtail.Contains a Spirit Blossom Melisma.Contains Ao Shin or one of Ao Shin's many forms.Demacian Silverwing EggContains all FuryhornContains Umbra or one of Umbra's many forms.Contains Choncc or one of Choncc's many forms.Contains a K/DA Furyhorn.Contains a K/DA Featherknight.Contains a K/DA Hushtail.Contains a K/DA Squink.Contains a K/DA Lightcharger.Contains all MolediversContains Dowsie or one of Dowsie's many forms.Contains Fenroar or one of Fenroar's many forms.Contains Nimblefoot or one of Nimblefoot's many forms.Contains a special form of Dowsie!Contains Fearless Fellowship Fuwa VariantContains Fearless Fellowship Umbra VariantContains Fearless Fellowship Molediver VariantContains Fearless Fellowship Squink VariantContains Inktales Featherknight VariantContains all FeatherknightsContains Inktales Paddlemar VariantContains Inktales Ao Shin VariantContains Piximander or one of Piximander's many forms.Contains Gloop or one of Gloop's many forms.Contains Duckbill or one of Duckbill's many forms.Contains a Lunar Legend Festival Dango VariantContains a Lunar Legend Festival Dowsie VariantContains a Lunar Legend Festival Duckbill VariantContains a special form of Chibi Jinx!Contains "Year of the Tiger" ProtectorContains all HauntlingsContains a Neon Nights Fenroar VariantContains a Neon Nights Lightcharger VariantContains a Neon Nights QiQi VariantContains PROJECT: AbyssiaContains Burno or one of Burno's many forms.Contains Poggles or one of Poggles's many forms.Contains a special form of Chibi Yasuo!Contains Choncc the WiseContains 'Sanctuary of the Ancient' ArenaContains all RunespiritsContains one of Umbra's many forms.Contains Summer Splash Ao ShinContains Prancie or one of Prancie's many formsContains Bungo or one of Bungo's many formsContains a special form of Chibi Lee SInContains Dragon Trainer PenguContains 'Choncc's Splash Resort' ArenaContains "Secret of the Shallows" HauntlingsContains "Secret of the Shallows" SilverwingsContains a special form of Chibi Kai'SaContains all ProtectorsContains a special form of Chibi AsheContains all PaddlemarsContains Lunar Revel Night Market TestReveals a random skin shard.Includes:\n- Hextech Annie\n- Soulstealer Vayne\n- Dreadnova Darius\n- Lancer Zero Hecarim\n- *New Loot Exclusive* Hextech Alistar\n- Hextech WardReveals a random emote.GDS Get a guaranteed skin shard. This orb could also drop bonus loot; if you score, you can claim it was pure skill on your part. GDSMasterwork Hextech ChestsEclipse CapsulesMasterwork ChestsOcean Song CapsulesEclipse Reward Group 1Eclipse Reward Group 2Eclipse Reward Group 3Eclipse Reward Group 4Eclipse Reward Group 5Eclipse Reward Group 6Eclipse Reward Group 7For completing the Masterwork Milestone track before the reward increase.+5 Mythic EssenceMasterwork Tracker 5ME Compensation Reward GroupYour unclaimed Masterwork Milestone rewards have been claimed into your Loot Inventory along with an additional 5 Mythic Essence.Masterwork Tracker Compensation Group for GarenaMasterwork Reward Group 1Masterwork Reward Group 2Masterwork Reward Group 3Masterwork Reward Group 4Masterwork Reward Group 530 Days XP BoostHextech Mystery EmotePROJECT Champion OrbPROJECT Skin ShardPROJECT CapsulePROJECT TokenRevel OrbBonus Revel OrbRevel Grab BagRevel Skin ShardGold CoinRevel TokenTest Chest 221Birdie Capsule2018 MSI CapsuleCursed CapsuleBloodharbor MedallionGolden KrakenWolf OrbLion OrbVS BagRandom Champion ShardRandom Ward Skin ShardTop Lane OrbJungle OrbMid Lane OrbMarksman OrbSupport OrbCrab BagNew Player Pack ChestRandom Ward Skin PermanentOdyssey OrbOdyssey Recruitment ChestWorlds 2018 OrbSpooky Top OrbSpooky Jungle OrbSpooky Mid OrbSpooky Marksman OrbSpooky Support OrbK/DA OrbK/DA Bag1 Blue EssenceSummoner's Crown CapsuleSnowdown 2018 CapsuleStocking StufferBlood Moon CapsuleRevel 2019 Grab BagLunar Revel 2019 Orb2019 Red EnvelopeFurry CapsuleSummoner's Crown PackMSI 2019 OrbTest CapsuleBattle Academia 2019 OrbBattle Academia Grab BagTwitch Prime Rift Reward: Month 1Twitch Prime Rift Reward: Month 2Watermelon OrbArcade 2019 OrbArcade JackpotTwitch Prime Rift Reward: Month 3PROJECT 2019 OrbPROJECT 2019 JackpotTwitch Prime Rift Reward: Month 4Red Bull CapsuleStar Guardian 2019 CapsuleStar Guardian 2019 JackpotLittle Legends Series 1 Rare EggLittle Legends Series 2 Rare EggLittle Legends Rare EggLittle Legends Series 3 Rare EggLittle Legends Series 4 Star Guardian EggLittle Legends Series 1-3 Rare EggLittle Legends Series 5 True Damage EggFriends from Afar EggLittle Legends Series 1-4 Rare EggCosmic Companions EggLegendary Little Legends Series 1-6 EggSakura Featherknight EggPopqueen Melisma EggFae Hushtail EggLionheart Furyhorn EggHardhitter QiQi EggHeroic Shisa EggLovestruck Fuwa EggRosebloom Paddlemar EggToxic Hauntling EggGingersnap Dango EggCheeper Featherknight EggShadowgem Protector EggSoloist Ossia EggMistberry Hushtail EggSnow Cherry Silverwing EggBlack Mist Runespirit EggLittle Legends Series 1-5 Rare EggFresh-water Molediver EggDawnglow Silverwing EggHardhitter Melisma EggFireborn Hauntling EggLast Wish Fuwa EggExtra Spicy Featherknight EggSundrop Shisa EggFierce Protector EggTidepool Paddlemar EggPop Queen Ossia EggToxic Molediver EggEclipse Fuwa EggBeatmaker Melisma EggLemodrop Dango EggWillowbark Furyhorn EggUntamed Hushtail EggImmortal Creatures EggLittle Legends Series 1-6 Rare EggSpirit Blossom EggHeroic Hatchlings EggK/DA ALL OUT EggFestival of Beasts 2021 EggLittle Legends Series 1-7 Rare EggPorcelain Bellswayer EggLegendary Little Legends Series 1-7 EggLunar Revel Shisa EggLunar Beast Shisa EggLunar Revel Furyhorn EggLunar Beast Furyhorn EggLunar Revel Choncc EggLunar Beast Choncc EggMagical Misfits EggPool Party Choncc EggChaos Pengu EggSkyglass EggOrder Pengu EggFearless Fellowship EggInktales EggIngenious Inventors EggDr. Shisa EggLittle Legends Series 1-8 EggFestival Firecrackers2022 Year of the Tiger EggSocialite Nixie EggLittle Legends Series 1-9 EggLegendary Little Legends Series 1-10 EggDragon Dancer Ossia EggDragonlands EggLegendary Little Legends EggLittle Legends Series EggSanctuary Guardian's ChestPool Party EggUncharted Realms EggSplash Resort ChestPrancie EggBungo EggRegal Koi Starmaw eggPoggles and Burno EggSecrets of the Shallows EggSilverwing EggDragonmancer Archer EggWorlds 2019 OrbWorlds 2019 Jackpot10 Year Vanilla Orb10 Year Chocolate OrbRandom Legendary SkinTrue Damage OrbTrue Damage JackpotSett's Calling CardRandom SkinNight & Dawn 2019 OrbNight & Dawn 2019 JackpotMecha Kingdoms OrbMecha Kingdoms Lucky RollMecha Kingdoms JackpotClash Logo OrbBlood Moon 2020 CapsuleGalaxies 2020 OrbGalaxies 2020 Grab BagDemacia & Freljord Mystery Mini Icon BoxNoxus Mystery Mini Icon BoxIonia Mystery Mini Icon BoxBilgewater Mystery Mini Icon BoxPiltover & Zaun Mystery Mini Icon BoxBandle City Mystery Mini Icon BoxRuneterra Mystery Mini Icon BoxPulsefire 2020 OrbPulsefire 2020 Grab BagLCK World Cone OrbHigh Noon 2020 CapsuleLucky #7 Grab BagLillia's HaikuKanmei OrbKanmei Grab BagRandom 975+ Skin PermanentAkana OrbAkana Grab BagPsyOps 2020 OrbPsyOps 2020 Grab BagWorlds 10 Year Anniversary CapsuleMastercard ChestMastercard Premium ChestAxe ChestState Farm ChestOppo Hextech ChestMercedes ChestMastercard CapsuleWorlds 2020 OrbWorlds 10-Year BagK/DA 2020 OrbK/DA Origins BagK/DA Icon CapsuleHonor Level 3 CapsuleHonor Level 4 CapsuleHonor Level 5 CapsuleTwo 2018 K/DA and True Damage Skin ShardsStar Guardian 2020 CapsuleInterstellar BagFive Random Interstellar Skin ShardsTen Random Interstellar Skin ShardsBattle Queens 2020 OrbSchema BagRoyal Aurai CacheMercedes Premium ChestRandom Epic SkinRandom Mythic SkinLunar Beast 2021 OrbLunar Squad BagLunar Ox Red PackThree Lunar Squad Skin ShardsFour Lunar Squad Skin ShardsFour Unowned 750+ Skin PermanentsBattle Academia 2021 CapsuleDurandal BagGrubhub Premium ChestSpace Groove 2021 OrbLuxe BagBlitz PackMSI 2021 CapsuleBreak Out BagPROJECT 2021 OrbG/NETIC BagBASTION PackLittle Legends Series 1-Spirit Blossom EggGrubhub ChestBose ChestKitKat ChestPROJECT 2021 CapsuleOPTIK BagEsports CapsuleEsports Legacy CapsuleRuined 2021 OrbRuined Siege BagRuined Wraith PackSentinels 2021 OrbSentinels Resolve BagSentinels Relic PackThree Unowned Skin PermanentsCoven 2021 OrbCoven Ashen Owl BagCoven Ivory Stag PackFull Moon CapsuleSongpyeon BagWorlds 2021 OrbWorlds Peak Performance BagWorlds Grand Legacy PackWorlds Rewards CapsulePrime Gaming CapsuleDragonmancer 2021 OrbDragonmancer Eternal Blessing BagDragonmancer Divine Transcendence PackThree Dragon skin shardsFour Dragon Skin ShardsArcane CapsuleArcane Inventor's Grab BagTwo Arcane-featured champion Skin ShardsDebonair 2021 OrbDebonair 2021 Clutch BagDebonair 2021 Corsage PackKitKat Premium ChestFirecracker 2022 OrbFirecracker 2022 Grab BagFirecracker 2022 Exclusive PackFour Lunar Revel Skin ShardsEsports Capsule 2022Porcelain 2022 OrbPorcelain 2022 Grab BagPorcelain 2022 Exclusive PackThree Lunar Revel Skin ShardsEclipse 2022 CapsuleEclipse 2022 Grab BagAnima Squad 2022 OrbAnima Squad 2022 Grab BagAnima Squad 2022 Exclusive PackRandom 1820+ Skin ShardEclipse 2022 Epic Skin MSI 2022 High Noon OrbMSI 2022 High Noon Grab BagMSI 2022 High Noon Exclusive PackMSI Esports Capsule 2022Ocean Song 2022 CapsuleOcean Song 2022 Grab BagOcean Song 2022 Epic SkinOcean Song 2022 Champ PermanentStar Guardian 2022 OrbStar Guardian 2022 Grab BagStar Guardian 2022 Exclusive PackStar Nemesis 2022 OrbStar Nemesis 2022 Grab BagStar Nemesis 2022 Exclusive PackSteel Valkyries 2022 OrbSteel Valkyries 2022 Grab BagSteel Valkyries 2022 Exclusive PackWorlds 2022 CapsuleWorlds 2022 OrbWorlds 2022 Grab BagWorlds 2022 Exclusive PackEternals Series 1 Capsule10th Place Clash Orb10th Place Clash Capsule11th Place Clash Orb11th Place Clash Capsule12th Place Clash Orb12th Place Clash Capsule13th Place Clash Orb13th Place Clash Capsule14th Place Clash Orb14th Place Clash Capsule15th Place Clash Orb15th Place Clash Capsule16th Place Clash Orb16th Place Clash Capsule1st Place Clash Orb1st Place Clash Capsule2nd Place Clash Orb2nd Place Clash Capsule3rd Place Clash Orb3rd Place Clash Capsule4th Place Clash Orb4th Place Clash Capsule5th Place Clash Orb5th Place Clash Capsule6th Place Clash Orb6th Place Clash Capsule7th Place Clash Orb7th Place Clash Capsule8th Place Clash Orb8th Place Clash Capsule9th Place Clash Orb9th Place Clash Capsule1st Place Conqueror Clash Capsule2nd Place Conqueror Clash Capsule3rd Place Conqueror Clash Capsule4th Place Conqueror Clash Capsule5th Place Conqueror Clash Capsule6th Place Conqueror Clash Capsule7th Place Conqueror Clash Capsule8th Place Conqueror Clash CapsuleHextech ChestRPMythic EssenceCostume Grab BagMythic Skin1350 RP Esports Skin ShardLegendary Skin PermanentTesting LA-1241 Loot Table NameGolden Revel TokenVS TokenOdyssey TokenOdyssey GemWorlds 2018 TokenSnowdown TokenNexus TokenPrestige Point (2019)Lunar Revel 2019 TokenTrials 2019 TokenArcade 2019 TokenPROJECT 2019 TokenHonor 5 TokenWorlds 2019 TokenNight & Dawn 2019 TokenMecha Kingdoms TokenPrestige Point (2020)Galaxies 2020 TokenPulsefire 2020 TokenSpirit Blossom 2020 TokenPsyOps 2020 TokenWorlds 2020 TokenMastercard KeyAxe KeyState Farm KeyMercedes KeyBattle Queens 2020 TokenLunar Beast 2021 TokenGrubhub KeySpace Groove 2021 TokenPROJECT 2021 TokenBose KeyKitKat KeySentinels 2021 TokenCoven 2021 TokenWorlds 2021 TokenDebonair 2021 TokenLunar Revel 2022 TokenAnima Squad 2022 TokenMSI 2022 High Noon TokenStar Guardian 2022 TokenSteel Valkyries 2022 TokenGod-King Garen IconGod-King Darius IconLittle Lion IconWorlds Orb GDSBass Queen QiQi 1 and 2 StarAssorted loot items!A Masterwork Chest and Hextech KeyA Mythic Skin or Mythic Ward Skin PermanentSeries 2 Little LegendA Series 3 Little LegendA Cosmic CompanionImmortal CreatureAn Ingenious Inventors Little LegendSeries 1-8 Little LegendsLunar Legend Festival TacticiansYear of the Tiger EggNeon Nights TacticiansSeries 1-9 Little LegendsLegendary Little Legends Series 1-10A Dragonlands Little LegendSeries 1-11 Little LegendsRegal Koi Starmaw EggA Poggles or Burno Little LegendA Demacia or Freljord faction Champie Summoner IconA Noxus faction Champie Summoner IconA Ionia faction Champie Summoner IconA Bilgewater faction Champie Summoner IconA Piltover or Zaun faction Champie Summoner IconA Bandle City faction Champie Summoner IconA Runeterra faction Champie Summoner IconA Skin ShardA Skin Shard worth 1350RP or lowerA 975RP+ Skin ShardA Lunar Revel (2018, 2019, 2021) 1350RP Skin ShardTwo Skin Shards worth 975RP or higherA Hextech Chest and Hextech KeyDango 1 StarDango 2 StarDango 3 StarBubblegum Dango 1 StarBubblegum Dango 2 StarBubblegum Dango 3 StarGingersnap Dango 1 StarGingersnap Dango 2 StarGingersnap Dango 3 StarLemondrop Dango 1 StarLemondrop Dango 2 StarLemondrop Dango 3 StarLimeberry Dango 1 StarLimeberry Dango 2 StarLimeberry Dango 3 StarSugar Crash Dango 1 StarSugar Crash Dango 2 StarSugar Crash Dango 3 StarPorcelain Dango 1 StarPorcelain Dango 2 StarPorcelain Dango 3 StarLucky Lantern Dango 1 StarLucky Lantern Dango 2 StarLucky Lantern Dango 3 StarFirecracker Dango 1 StarFirecracker Dango 2 StarFirecracker Dango 3 StarLion Dancer Dango 1 StarLion Dancer Dango 2 StarLion Dancer Dango 3 StarFiercest Dango 1 StarFiercest Dango 2 StarFiercest Dango 3 StarInfernal Hauntling 1 StarInfernal Hauntling 2 StarInfernal Hauntling 3 StarElder Hauntling 1 StarElder Hauntling 2 StarElder Hauntling 3 StarOcean Hauntling 1 StarOcean Hauntling 2 StarOcean Hauntling 3 StarMountain Hauntling 1 StarMountain Hauntling 2 StarMountain Hauntling 3 StarCloud Hauntling 1 StarCloud Hauntling 2 StarCloud Hauntling 3 StarFuwa 1 StarFuwa 2 StarFuwa 3 StarLast Wish Fuwa 1 StarLast Wish Fuwa 2 StarLast Wish Fuwa 3 StarLovestruck Fuwa 1 StarLovestruck Fuwa 2 StarLovestruck Fuwa 3 StarEclipse Fuwa 1 StarEclipse Fuwa 2 StarEclipse Fuwa 3 StarFirecracker Fuwa 1 StarFirecracker Fuwa 2 StarFirecracker Fuwa 3 StarDaystar Fuwa 1 StarDaystar Fuwa 2 StarDaystar Fuwa 3 StarOrder Fuwa 1 StarOrder Fuwa 2 StarOrder Fuwa 3 StarVerdant Fuwa 1 StarVerdant Fuwa 2 StarVerdant Fuwa 3 StarChaos Fuwa 1 StarChaos Fuwa 2 StarChaos Fuwa 3 StarShisa 1 StarShisa 2 StarShisa 3 StarHeroic Shisa 1 StarHeroic Shisa 2 StarHeroic Shisa 3 StarLittlest Shisa 1 StarLittlest Shisa 2 StarLittlest Shisa 3 StarSundrop Shisa 1 StarSundrop Shisa 2 StarSundrop Shisa 3 StarFirecracker Shisa 1 StarFirecracker Shisa 2 StarFirecracker Shisa 3 StarCorrupted Shisa 1 StarCorrupted Shisa 2 StarCorrupted Shisa 3 StarLunar Revel Shisa 1 StarLunar Revel Shisa 2 StarLunar Revel Shisa 3 StarLunar Beast Shisa 1 StarLunar Beast Shisa 2 StarLunar Beast Shisa 3 StarOssia 1 StarOssia 2 StarOssia 3 StarSoloist Ossia 1 StarSoloist Ossia 2 StarSoloist Ossia 3 StarPop Queen Ossia 1 StarPop Queen Ossia 2 StarPop Queen Ossia 3 StarBeatmaker Ossia 1 StarBeatmaker Ossia 2 StarBeatmaker Ossia 3 StarProdigy Ossia 1 StarProdigy Ossia 2 StarProdigy Ossia 3 StarPumped Up Ossia 1 StarPumped Up Ossia 2 StarPumped Up Ossia 3 StarElectric QiQi 1 StarElectric QiQi 2 StarElectric QiQi 3 StarGroovy QiQi 1 StarGroovy QiQi 2 StarGroovy QiQi 3 StarHextech QiQi 1 StarHextech QiQi 2 StarHextech QiQi 3 StarArcade QiQi 1 StarArcade QiQi 2 StarArcade QiQi 3 StarPulsefire QiQi 1 StarPulsefire QiQi 2 StarPulsefire QiQi 3 StarMelisma 1 StarMelisma 2 StarMelisma 3 StarKanmei Melisma 1 StarKanmei Melisma 2 StarKanmei Melisma 3 StarAkana Melisma 1 StarAkana Melisma 2 StarAkana Melisma 3 StarTocker 1 StarTocker 2 StarTocker 3 StarPetricite Tocker 1 StarPetricite Tocker 2 StarPetricite Tocker 3 StarChemtech Tocker 1 StarChemtech Tocker 2 StarChemtech Tocker 3 StarBlack Mist Tocker 1 StarBlack Mist Tocker 2 StarBlack Mist Tocker 3 StarLegionnaire Tocker 1 StarLegionnaire Tocker 2 StarLegionnaire Tocker 3 StarPetal Dancer Tocker 1 StarPetal Dancer Tocker 2 StarPetal Dancer Tocker 3 StarFlutterbug 1 StarFlutterbug 2 StarFlutterbug 3 StarTrue Ice Flutterbug 1 StarTrue Ice Flutterbug 2 StarTrue Ice Flutterbug 3 StarSandbringer Flutterbug 1 StarSandbringer Flutterbug 2 StarSandbringer Flutterbug 3 StarLegionnaire Flutterbug 1 StarLegionnaire Flutterbug 2 StarLegionnaire Flutterbug 3 StarIxtali Flutterbug 1 StarIxtali Flutterbug 2 StarIxtali Flutterbug 3 StarBeevil Flutterbug 1 StarBeevil Flutterbug 2 StarBeevil Flutterbug 3 StarCraggle 1 StarCraggle 2 StarCraggle 3 StarTrue Ice Craggle 1 StarTrue Ice Craggle 2 StarTrue Ice Craggle 3 StarSandbringer Craggle 1 StarSandbringer Craggle 2 StarSandbringer Craggle 3 StarBlack Mist Craggle 1 StarBlack Mist Craggle 2 StarBlack Mist Craggle 3 StarLegionnaire Craggle 1 StarLegionnaire Craggle 2 StarLegionnaire Craggle 3 StarHextech Craggle 1 StarHextech Craggle 2 StarHextech Craggle 3 StarK/DA ALL OUT Squink 1 StarK/DA ALL OUT Squink 2 StarK/DA ALL OUT Squink 3 StarK/DA POP/STARS Squink 1 StarK/DA POP/STARS Squink 2 StarK/DA POP/STARS Squink 3 StarCactus Squink 1 StarCactus Squink 2 StarCactus Squink 3 StarHigh Noon Squink 1 StarHigh Noon Squink 2 StarHigh Noon Squink 3 StarOrder Squink 1 StarOrder Squink 2 StarOrder Squink 3 StarKernel Squink 1 StarKernel Squink 2 StarKernel Squink 3 StarOutlaw Squink 1 StarOutlaw Squink 2 StarOutlaw Squink 3 StarA PROJECT: AbyssiaCloud Silverwing 1 StarCloud Silverwing 2 StarCloud Silverwing 3 StarInfernal Silverwing 1 StarInfernal Silverwing 2 StarInfernal Silverwing 3 StarOcean Silverwing 1 StarOcean Silverwing 2 StarOcean Silverwing 3 StarMountain Silverwing 1 StarMountain Silverwing 2 StarMountain Silverwing 3 StarElder Silverwing 1 StarElder Silverwing 2 StarElder Silverwing 3 StarRegal Koi Starmaw 1 StarRegal Koi Starmaw 2 StarRegal Koi Starmaw 3 StarK/DA ALL OUT Lightcharger 1 StarK/DA ALL OUT Lightcharger 2 StarK/DA ALL OUT Lightcharger 3 StarK/DA POP/STARS Lightcharger 1 StarK/DA POP/STARS Lightcharger 2 StarK/DA POP/STARS Lightcharger 3 StarHot Rod Lightcharger 1 StarHot Rod Lightcharger 2 StarHot Rod Lightcharger 3 StarHextech Lightcharger 1 StarHextech Lightcharger 2 StarHextech Lightcharger 3 StarPulsefire Lightcharger 1 StarPulsefire Lightcharger 2 StarPulsefire Lightcharger 3 StarGroovy Lightcharger 1 StarGroovy Lightcharger 2 StarGroovy Lightcharger 3 StarBubblegum Racer Lightcharger 1 StarBubblegum Racer Lightcharger 2 StarBubblegum Racer Lightcharger 3 StarAo Shin 1 StarAo Shin 2 StarAo Shin 3 StarElder Ao Shin 1 StarElder Ao Shin 2 StarElder Ao Shin 3 StarFirecracker Ao Shin 1 StarFirecracker Ao Shin 2 StarFirecracker Ao Shin 3 StarDark Star Ao Shin 1 StarDark Star Ao Shin 2 StarDark Star Ao Shin 3 StarDivine Ao Shin 1 StarDivine Ao Shin 2 StarDivine Ao Shin 3 StarStar Forger Ao Shin 1 StarStar Forger Ao Shin 2 StarStar Forger Ao Shin 3 StarAzure Inktales Ao Shin 1 StarAzure Inktales Ao Shin 2 StarAzure Inktales Ao Shin 3 StarGaleborn Inktales Ao Shin 1 StarGaleborn Inktales Ao Shin 2 StarGaleborn Inktales Ao Shin 3 StarEmber Inktales Ao Shin 1 StarEmber Inktales Ao Shin 2 StarEmber Inktales Ao Shin 3 StarDarkspark Inktales Ao Shin 1 StarDarkspark Inktales Ao Shin 2 StarDarkspark Inktales Ao Shin 3 StarTerra Inktales Ao Shin 1 StarTerra Inktales Ao Shin 2 StarTerra Inktales Ao Shin 3 StarSummer Splash Ao Shin 1 StarSummer Splash Ao Shin 2 StarSummer Splash Ao Shin 3 StarUmbra 1 StarUmbra 2 StarUmbra 3 StarBlack Mist Umbra 1 StarBlack Mist Umbra 2 StarBlack Mist Umbra 3 StarFruity-tooty Umbra 1 StarFruity-tooty Umbra 2 StarFruity-tooty Umbra 3 StarThunderbeast Umbra 1 StarThunderbeast Umbra 2 StarThunderbeast Umbra 3 StarBlood Moon Umbra 1 StarBlood Moon Umbra 2 StarBlood Moon Umbra 3 StarHexgold Umbra 1 StarHexgold Umbra 2 StarHexgold Umbra 3 StarOrder Umbra 1 StarOrder Umbra 2 StarOrder Umbra 3 StarDraconic Umbra 1 StarDraconic Umbra 2 StarDraconic Umbra 3 StarChaos Umbra 1 StarChaos Umbra 2 StarChaos Umbra 3 StarLittle Shark Umbra 1 StarLittle Shark Umbra 2 StarLittle Shark Umbra 3 StarLifeguard Umbra 1 StarLifeguard Umbra 2 StarLifeguard Umbra 3 StarFruity Smoothie Umbra 1 StarFruity Smoothie Umbra 2 StarFruity Smoothie Umbra 3 StarSunkissed Umbra 1 StarSunkissed Umbra 2 StarSunkissed Umbra 3 StarScuba Shark Umbra 1 StarScuba Shark Umbra 2 StarScuba Shark Umbra 3 StarChoncc 1 StarChoncc 2 StarChoncc 3 StarAtlantean Choncc 1 StarAtlantean Choncc 2 StarAtlantean Choncc 3 StarEarth Titan Choncc 1 StarEarth Titan Choncc 2 StarEarth Titan Choncc 3 StarFireborn Choncc 1 StarFireborn Choncc 2 StarFireborn Choncc 3 StarPrecious Panda Choncc 1 StarPrecious Panda Choncc 2 StarPrecious Panda Choncc 3 StarHoneybuzz Choncc 1 StarHoneybuzz Choncc 2 StarHoneybuzz Choncc 3 StarLunar Revel Choncc 1 StarLunar Revel Choncc 2 StarLunar Revel Choncc 3 StarLunar Beast Choncc 1 StarLunar Beast Choncc 2 StarLunar Beast Choncc 3 StarSplash Town Choncc 1 StarSplash Town Choncc 2 StarSplash Town Choncc 3 StarLifeguard Choncc 1 StarLifeguard Choncc 2 StarLifeguard Choncc 3 StarSun Kissed Choncc 1 StarSun Kissed Choncc 2 StarSun Kissed Choncc 3 StarDowsie 1 StarDowsie 2 StarDowsie 3 StarKoi Dowsie 1 StarKoi Dowsie 2 StarKoi Dowsie 3 StarJelly Dowsie 1 StarJelly Dowsie 2 StarJelly Dowsie 3 StarWaffle Dowsie 1 StarWaffle Dowsie 2 StarWaffle Dowsie 3 StarIridescent Dowsie 1 StarIridescent Dowsie 2 StarIridescent Dowsie 3 StarNightbringer Dowsie 1 StarNightbringer Dowsie 2 StarNightbringer Dowsie 3 StarPorcelain Dowsie 1 StarPorcelain Dowsie 2 StarPorcelain Dowsie 3 StarFortune Dowsie 1 StarFortune Dowsie 2 StarFortune Dowsie 3 StarLucky Noodle Dowsie 1 StarLucky Noodle Dowsie 2 StarLucky Noodle Dowsie 3 StarExtra Spicy Dowsie 1 StarExtra Spicy Dowsie 2 StarExtra Spicy Dowsie 3 StarSweet Petal Dowsie 1 StarSweet Petal Dowsie 2 StarSweet Petal Dowsie 3 StarFenroar 1 StarFenroar 2 StarFenroar 3 StarShurima Fenroar 1 StarShurima Fenroar 2 StarShurima Fenroar 3 StarGolden Fenroar 1 StarGolden Fenroar 2 StarGolden Fenroar 3 StarSkyborn Fenroar 1 StarSkyborn Fenroar 2 StarSkyborn Fenroar 3 StarNightbringer Fenroar 1 StarNightbringer Fenroar 2 StarNightbringer Fenroar 3 StarKanmei Fenroar 1 StarKanmei Fenroar 2 StarKanmei Fenroar 3 StarSodapop Fenroar 1 StarSodapop Fenroar 2 StarSodapop Fenroar 3 StarAfterburner Fenroar 1 StarAfterburner Fenroar 2 StarAfterburner Fenroar 3 StarHextech Fenroar 1 StarHextech Fenroar 2 StarHextech Fenroar 3 StarPulsefire Fenroar 1 StarPulsefire Fenroar 2 StarPulsefire Fenroar 3 StarBounty Hunter Fenroar 1 StarBounty Hunter Fenroar 2 StarBounty Hunter Fenroar 3 StarK/DA ALL OUT Furyhorn 1 StarK/DA ALL OUT Furyhorn 2 StarK/DA ALL OUT Furyhorn 3 StarK/DA POP/STARS Furyhorn 1 StarK/DA POP/STARS Furyhorn 2 StarK/DA POP/STARS Furyhorn 3 StarLunar Beast Furyhorn 1 StarLunar Beast Furyhorn 2 StarLunar Beast Furyhorn 3 StarLunar Revel Furyhorn 1 StarLunar Revel Furyhorn 2 StarLunar Revel Furyhorn 3 StarNimblefoot 1 StarNimblefoot 2 StarNimblefoot 3 StarNightbringer Nimblefoot 1 StarNightbringer Nimblefoot 2 StarNightbringer Nimblefoot 3 StarRedeemed Nimblefoot 1 StarRedeemed Nimblefoot 2 StarRedeemed Nimblefoot 3 StarKinkou Nimblefoot 1 StarKinkou Nimblefoot 2 StarKinkou Nimblefoot 3 StarVerdant Nimblefoot 1 StarVerdant Nimblefoot 2 StarVerdant Nimblefoot 3 StarForgotten Nimblefoot 1 StarForgotten Nimblefoot 2 StarForgotten Nimblefoot 3 StarPoggles 1 StarPoggles 2 StarPoggles 3 StarFroggo Poggles 1 StarFroggo Poggles 2 StarFroggo Poggles 3 StarHoneybuzz Poggles 1 StarHoneybuzz Poggles 2 StarHoneybuzz Poggles 3 StarFlametongue Poggles 1 StarFlametongue Poggles 2 StarFlametongue Poggles 3 StarDeep Sea Poggles 1 StarDeep Sea Poggles 2 StarDeep Sea Poggles 3 StarSugarcone Poggles 1 StarSugarcone Poggles 2 StarSugarcone Poggles 3 StarPiximander 1 StarPiximander 2 StarPiximander 3 StarHoneybuzz Piximander 1 StarHoneybuzz Piximander 2 StarHoneybuzz Piximander 3 StarShimmering Piximander 1 StarShimmering Piximander 2 StarShimmering Piximander 3 StarRio 1 StarRio 2 StarRio 3 StarFruity Tooty Piximander 1 StarFruity Tooty Piximander 2 StarFruity Tooty Piximander 3 StarHextech Piximander 1 StarHextech Piximander 2 StarHextech Piximander 3 StarChemtech Piximander 1 StarChemtech Piximander 2 StarChemtech Piximander 3 StarSpotted Piximander 1 StarSpotted Piximander 2 StarSpotted Piximander 3 StarOrder Molediver 1 StarOrder Molediver 2 StarOrder Molediver 3 StarIronclad Molediver 1 StarIronclad Molediver 2 StarIronclad Molediver 3 StarChaos Molediver 1 StarChaos Molediver 2 StarChaos Molediver 3 StarGloop 1 StarGloop 2 StarGloop 3 StarHoneybuzz Gloop 1 StarHoneybuzz Gloop 2 StarHoneybuzz Gloop 3 StarHextech Gloop 1 StarHextech Gloop 2 StarHextech Gloop 3 StarFireborn Gloop 1 StarFireborn Gloop 2 StarFireborn Gloop 3 StarArcade Gloop 1 StarArcade Gloop 2 StarArcade Gloop 3 StarSugarcone Gloop 1 StarSugarcone Gloop 2 StarSugarcone Gloop 3 StarPop Groove Gloop 1 StarPop Groove Gloop 2 StarPop Groove Gloop 3 StarPizza Time Gloop 1 StarPizza Time Gloop 2 StarPizza Time Gloop 3 StarDuckbill 1 StarDuckbill 2 StarDuckbill 3 StarHoneybuzz Duckbill 1 StarHoneybuzz Duckbill 2 StarHoneybuzz Duckbill 3 StarDelivery Rush Duckbill 1 StarDelivery Rush Duckbill 2 StarDelivery Rush Duckbill 3 StarPajama Party Duckbill 1 StarPajama Party Duckbill 2 StarPajama Party Duckbill 3 StarSugarcone Duckbill 1 StarSugarcone Duckbill 2 StarSugarcone Duckbill 3 StarZaunite Duckbill 1 StarZaunite Duckbill 2 StarZaunite Duckbill 3 StarPiltover Duckbill 1 StarPiltover Duckbill 2 StarPiltover Duckbill 3 StarGoodest Duckbill 1 StarGoodest Duckbill 2 StarGoodest Duckbill 3 StarMost Festive Duckbill 1 StarMost Festive Duckbill 2 StarMost Festive Duckbill 3 StarJade Dragon Duckbill 1 StarJade Dragon Duckbill 2 StarJade Dragon Duckbill 3 StarLunar Scholar Duckbill 1 StarLunar Scholar Duckbill 2 StarLunar Scholar Duckbill 3 StarFirecracker Duckbill 1 StarFirecracker Duckbill 2 StarFirecracker Duckbill 3 StarMischief Maker Duckbill 1 StarMischief Maker Duckbill 2 StarMischief Maker Duckbill 3 StarBurno 1 StarBurno 2 StarBurno 3 StarFlametongue Burno 1 StarFlametongue Burno 2 StarFlametongue Burno 3 StarSugarcone Burno 1 StarSugarcone Burno 2 StarSugarcone Burno 3 StarGnarly Burno 1 StarGnarly Burno 2 StarGnarly Burno 3 StarBurno the Brilliant 1 StarBurno the Brilliant 2 StarBurno the Brilliant 3 StarPROJECT: Burno 1 StarPROJECT: Burno 2 StarPROJECT: Burno 3 StarBungo 1 StarBungo 2 StarBungo 3 StarHoneybuzz Bungo 1 StarHoneybuzz Bungo 2 StarHoneybuzz Bungo 3 Star
    Rosebloom Bungo 1 StarRosebloom Bungo 2 StarRosebloom Bungo 3 StarJade Bungo 1 StarJade Bungo 2 StarJade Bungo 3 StarAstral Bungo 1 StarAstral Bungo 2 StarAstral Bungo 3 StarDearest Bungo 1 StarDearest Bungo 2 StarDearest Bungo 3 StarPrancie 1 StarPrancie 2 StarPrancie 3 StarKoi Prancie 1 StarKoi Prancie 2 StarKoi Prancie 3 StarRagewing Prancie 1 StarRagewing Prancie 2 StarRagewing Prancie 3 StarJade Prancie 1 StarJade Prancie 2 StarJade Prancie 3 starDarkflight Prancie 1 StarDarkflight Prancie 2 StarDarkflight Prancie 3 StarEverfrost Prancie 1 StarEverfrost Prancie 2 StarEverfrost Prancie 3 StarKanmei Featherknight 1 StarKanmei Featherknight 2 StarKanmei Featherknight 3 StarAkana Featherknight 1 StarAkana Featherknight 2 StarAkana Featherknight 3 StarK/DA ALL OUT Featherknight 1 StarK/DA ALL OUT Featherknight 2 StarK/DA ALL OUT Featherknight 3 StarK/DA POP/STARS Featherknight 1 StarK/DA POP/STARS Featherknight 2 StarK/DA POP/STARS Featherknight 3 StarDarkspark Inktales Featherknight 1 StarDarkspark Inktales Featherknight 2 StarDarkspark Inktales Featherknight 3 StarEmber Inktales Featherknight 1 StarEmber Inktales Featherknight 2 StarEmber Inktales Featherknight 3 StarGaleborn Inktales Featherknight 1 StarGaleborn Inktales Featherknight 2 StarGaleborn Inktales Featherknight 3 StarTerra Inktales Featherknight 1 StarTerra Inktales Featherknight 2 StarTerra Inktales Featherknight 3 StarAzure Inktales Featherknight 1 StarAzure Inktales Featherknight 2 StarAzure Inktales Featherknight 3 StarDragon Trainer Pengu 1 StarDragon Trainer Pengu 2 StarDragon Trainer Pengu 3 StarAzure Inktales Paddlemar 1 StarAzure Inktales Paddlemar 2 StarAzure Inktales Paddlemar 3 StarTerra Inktales Paddlemar 1 StarTerra Inktales Paddlemar 2 StarTerra Inktales Paddlemar 3 StarEmber Inktales Paddlemar 1 StarEmber Inktales Paddlemar 2 StarEmber Inktales Paddlemar 3 StarDarkspark Inktales Paddlemar 1 StarDarkspark Inktales Paddlemar 2 StarDarkspark Inktales Paddlemar 3 StarGaleborn Inktales Paddlemar 1 StarGaleborn Inktales Paddlemar 2 StarGaleborn Inktales Paddlemar 3 StarKanmei Hushtail 1 StarKanmei Hushtail 2 StarKanmei Hushtail 3 StarAkana Hushtail 1 StarAkana Hushtail 2 StarAkana Hushtail 3 StarK/DA ALL OUT Hushtail 1 StarK/DA ALL OUT Hushtail 2 StarK/DA ALL OUT Hushtail 3 StarK/DA POP/STARS Hushtail 1 StarK/DA POP/STARS Hushtail 2 StarK/DA POP/STARS Hushtail 3 StarHextech KeySkin PermanentA 1350+ RP skin shard975RP+ Skin ShardA 975 RP or less skin shardA 975+ RP skin shardEternal Hushtail 1 and 2 StarEternal Hushtail 1 StarEternal Hushtail 2 StarSugar Crash Dango 1 and 2 StarLegendary Dango Egg 1 StarLegendary Dango Egg 2 StarDaystar Fuwa 1 and 2 StarCorrupted Shisa 1 and 2 StarPumped Up Ossia 1 and 2 StarBass Queen QiQi 1 StarBass Queen QiQi 2 StarShadow Beat Melisma 1 and 2 StarShadow Beat Melisma 1 StarShadow Beat Melisma 2 StarPetal Dancer Tocker 1 and 2 StarBeevil Flutterbug 1 and 2 StarHextech Craggle 1 and 2 StarLost Silverwing 1 StarLost Silverwing 2 StarKoi Dowsie 1 and 2 StarKanmei Fenroar 1 and 2 StarForgotten Nimblefoot 1 and 2 StarA Honeybuzz PiximanderLegendary Honeybuzz Piximander 1 StarLegendary Honeybuzz Piximander 2 StarAn Arcade GloopLegendary Arcade Gloop 1 StarLegendary Arcade Gloop 2 StarA Goodest DuckbillLegendary Goodest Duckbill 1 StarLegendary Goodest Duckbill 2 StarLegendary Gnarly Burno 1 StarLegendary Gnarly Burno 2 StarLegendary Honeybuzz Poggles 1 StarLegendary Honeybuzz Poggles 2 StarLegendary Dearest Bungo 1 StarLegendary Dearest Bungo 2 StarSunborn Protector 1 and 2 StarSunborn Protector 1 StarSunborn Protector 2 StarYuletide Paddlemar 1 and 2 StarYuletide Paddlemar 1 StarYuletide Paddlemar 2 StarA Summoner Icon and Orange EssenceSummoner Icon640 Orange Essence valued Ward Skin ShardA Mythic Skin PermanentA Skin Shard or Ultimate Skin PermanentA Ward Skin Shard and Orange EssenceSkin Shard worth 975 RP or higherA Silverwing VariantA Furyhorn VariantA Hauntling VariantA Featherknight VariantA Molediver VariantA Runespirit VariantA Random Dango VariantA Dango VariantA Fuwa VariantA Shisa VariantAn Ossia VariantA QiQi VariantA Melisma VariantA Tocker VariantA Flutterbug VariantA Craggle VariantA Squink VariantAn Abyssia VariantA Starmaw VariantA Lightcharger VariantA Nixie VariantA Bellswayer VariantA Spirit Blossom Featherknight VariantA Spirit Blossom Hushtail VariantA Spirit Blossom Melisma VariantAn Ao Shin VariantAn Umbra VariantA Choncc VariantA K/DA Featherknight VariantA K/DA Furyhorn VariantA K/DA Hushtail VariantA K/DA Squink VariantA K/DA Lightcharger VariantA Fearless Fellowship Fuwa VariantA Fearless Fellowship Umbra VariantA Fearless Fellowship Molediver VariantA Fearless Fellowship Squink VariantA Series 1 Little LegendA Series 2 Little LegendA Series 4 Little LegendA Series 5 Little LegendA Series 6 Little LegendA Series 7 Little LegendA Series 8 Little LegendA Series 9 Little LegendA Series 10 Little LegendA Series 11 Little LegendDemacia faction Summoner IconFreljord faction Summoner IconNoxus faction Summoner IconIonia faction Summoner IconBilgewater faction Summoner IconPiltover faction Summoner IconZaun faction Summoner IconBandle City faction Summoner IconRuneterra faction Summoner IconSkin Shard worth 1350 RP or higherFour Lunar Revel (2013-2017) 975 RP+ Skin ShardsThree Lunar Revel (2018, 2019, 2021) 1350RP Skin ShardsA Hushtail VariantMoontipped HushtailMoontipped Hushtail 1 StarMoontipped Hushtail 2 StarMoontipped Hushtail 3 StarFae HushtailFae Hushtail 1 StarFae Hushtail 2 StarFae Hushtail 3 StarMistberry HushtailMistberry Hushtail 1 StarMistberry Hushtail 2 StarMistberry Hushtail 3 StarMonarch HushtailMonarch Hushtail 1 StarMonarch Hushtail 2 StarMonarch Hushtail 3 StarUntamed HushtailUntamed Hushtail 1 StarUntamed Hushtail 2 StarUntamed Hushtail 3 StarEternal HushtailEternal Hushtail 3 StarBubblegum DangoGingersnap DangoLemondrop DangoLimeberry DangoSugar Crash DangoLast Wish FuwaLovestruck FuwaEclipse FuwaFirecracker FuwaDaystar FuwaHeroic ShisaLittlest ShisaSundrop ShisaFirecracker ShisaCorrupted ShisaQiQi 1 StarQiQi 2 StarQiQi 3 StarHardhitter QiQiHardhitter QiQi 1 StarHardhitter QiQi 2 StarHardhitter QiQi 3 StarSoloist QiQiSoloist QiQi 1 StarSoloist QiQi 2 StarSoloist QiQi 3 StarBeatmaker QiQiBeatmaker QiQi 1 StarBeatmaker QiQi 2 StarBeatmaker QiQi 3 StarProdigy QiQiProdigy QiQi 1 StarProdigy QiQi 2 StarProdigy QiQi 3 StarBass Queen QiQiBass Queen QiQi 3 StarHardhitter Melisma Hardhitter Melisma 1 StarHardhitter Melisma 2 StarHardhitter Melisma 3 StarPop Queen MelismaPop Queen Melisma 1 StarPop Queen Melisma 2 StarPop Queen Melisma 3 StarBeatmaker MelismaBeatmaker Melisma 1 StarBeatmaker Melisma 3 StarBeatmaker Melisma 2 StarProdigy MelismaProdigy Melisma 1 StarProdigy Melisma 2 StarProdigy Melisma 3 StarShadow Beat MelismaShadow Beat Melisma 3 StarSquink 1 StarSquink 2 StarSquink 3 StarOdyssey Squink 1 StarOdyssey Squink 2 StarOdyssey Squink 3 StarDreadnova Squink 1 StarDreadnova Squink 2 StarDreadnova Squink 3 StarFruity-tooty Squink 1 StarFruity-tooty Squink 2 StarFruity-tooty Squink 3 StarSugarcone Squink 1 StarSugarcone Squink 2 StarSugarcone Squink 3 StarCosmic Squink 1 and 2 StarCosmic Squink 1 StarCosmic Squink 2 StarCosmic Squink 3 StarAbyssia 1 StarAbyssia 2 StarAbyssia 3 StarDarkin Abyssia 1 StarDarkin Abyssia 2 StarDarkin Abyssia 3 StarGalaxy Slayer Abyssia 1 StarGalaxy Slayer Abyssia 2 StarGalaxy Slayer Abyssia 3 StarWillowbark Abyssia 1 StarWillowbark Abyssia 2 StarWillowbark Abyssia 3 StarCalcite Abyssia 1 StarCalcite Abyssia 2 StarCalcite Abyssia 3 StarCosmic Abyssia 1 and 2 StarCosmic Abyssia 1 StarCosmic Abyssia 2 StarCosmic Abyssia 3 StarStarmaw 1 StarStarmaw 2 StarStarmaw 3 StarDreadnova Starmaw 1 StarDreadnova Starmaw 2 StarDreadnova Starmaw 3 StarGalaxy Slayer Starmaw 1 StarGalaxy Slayer Starmaw 2 StarGalaxy Slayer Starmaw 3 StarGoo Starmaw 1 StarGoo Starmaw 2 StarGoo Starmaw 3 StarOrcus Starmaw 1 StarOrcus Starmaw 2 StarOrcus Starmaw 3 StarCosmic Starmaw 1 and 2 StarCosmic Starmaw 1 StarCosmic Starmaw 2 StarCosmic Starmaw 3 StarLightcharger 1 StarLightcharger 2 StarLightcharger 3 StarCrystal Lightcharger 1 StarCrystal Lightcharger 2 StarCrystal Lightcharger 3 StarSugarcone Lightcharger 1 StarSugarcone Lightcharger 2 StarSugarcone Lightcharger 3 StarHigh Noon Lightcharger 1 StarHigh Noon Lightcharger 2 StarHigh Noon Lightcharger 3 StarBlack Mist Lightcharger 1 StarBlack Mist Lightcharger 2 StarBlack Mist Lightcharger 3 StarArcade Lightcharger 1 and 2 StarArcade Lightcharger 1 StarArcade Lightcharger 2 StarArcade Lightcharger 3 StarNixie 1 StarNixie 2 StarNixie 3 StarRosebloom Nixie 1 StarRosebloom Nixie 2 StarRosebloom Nixie 3 StarMermaid Nixie 1 StarMermaid Nixie 2 StarMermaid Nixie 3 StarVampire Nixie 1 StarVampire Nixie 2 StarVampire Nixie 3 StarExtra Spicy Nixie 1 StarExtra Spicy Nixie 2 StarExtra Spicy Nixie 3 StarNeexie 1 and 2 StarNeexie 1 StarNeexie 2 StarNeexie 3 StarBellswayer 1 StarBellswayer 2 StarBellswayer 3 StarThunderstorm Bellswayer 1 StarThunderstorm Bellswayer 2 StarThunderstorm Bellswayer 3 StarSugar Rush Bellswayer 1 StarSugar Rush Bellswayer 2 StarSugar Rush Bellswayer 3 StarYuletide Bellswayer 1 StarYuletide Bellswayer 2 StarYuletide Bellswayer 3 StarBlack Mist Bellswayer 1 StarBlack Mist Bellswayer 2 StarBlack Mist Bellswayer 3 StarBlood Moon Bellswayer 1 and 2 StarBlood Moon Bellswayer 1 StarBlood Moon Bellswayer 2 StarBlood Moon Bellswayer 3 StarKanmei FeatherknightAkana FeatherknightKanmei HushtailAkana HushtailKanmei MelismaAkana MelismaA Dawnglow SilverwingDemacian Silverwing 1 StarDemacian Silverwing 2 StarDemacian Silverwing 3 StarDawnglow Silverwing 1 StarDawnglow Silverwing 2 StarDawnglow Silverwing 3 StarA Rosebloom SilverwingRosebloom Silverwing 1 StarRosebloom Silverwing 2 StarRosebloom Silverwing 3 StarSnow Cherry Silverwing 3 StarA Snow Cherry SilverwingSnow Cherry Silverwing 1 StarSnow Cherry Silverwing 2 StarA Tropical SilverwingTropical Silverwing 1 StarTropical Silverwing 2 StarTropical Silverwing 3 StarA Lost SilverwingLost Silverwing 1 and 2 StarLost Silverwing 3 StarHoneybuzz Choncc 1 and 2 StarMolten Furyhorn 1 StarMolten Furyhorn 2 StarMolten Furyhorn 3 StarTundra Furyhorn 1 StarTundra Furyhorn 2 StarTundra Furyhorn 3 StarLionheart Furyhorn 1 StarLionheart Furyhorn 2 StarLionheart Furyhorn 3 StarWillowbark Furyhorn 1 StarWillowbark Furyhorn 2 StarWillowbark Furyhorn 3 StarVoid-marked Furyhorn 1 StarVoid-marked Furyhorn 2 StarVoid-marked Furyhorn 3 StarSugarcone Furyhorn 1 and 2 StarSugarcone Furyhorn 3 StarSugarcone Furyhorn 1 StarSugarcone Furyhorn 2 StarSoft-nosed MolediverBlazebattle MolediverFresh-water MolediverClumsy MolediverToxic MolediverSkydance MolediverSoft-nosed Molediver 1 StarSoft-nosed Molediver 2 StarSoft-nosed Molediver 3 StarBlazebattle Molediver 1 StarBlazebattle Molediver 2 StarBlazebattle Molediver 3 StarFresh-water Molediver 1 StarFresh-water Molediver 2 StarFresh-water Molediver 3 StarClumsy Molediver 1 StarClumsy Molediver 2 StarClumsy Molediver 3 StarToxic Molediver 1 StarToxic Molediver 2 StarToxic Molediver 3 StarSkydance Molediver 1 and 2 StarSkydance Molediver 1 StarSkydance Molediver 2 StarSkydance Molediver 3 StarA PiximanderA Fruity Tooty PiximanderA Hextech PiximanderA Shimmering PiximanderA Chemtech PiximanderA GloopA Fireborn GloopA Pop Groove GloopA Honeybuzz GloopA Hextech GloopA Sugarcone GloopA Pizza Time GloopA DuckbillA Zaunite DuckbillA Piltover DuckbillA Honeybuzz DuckbillA Delivery Rush DuckbillA Pajama Party DuckbillA Sugarcone DuckbillA Porcelain DangoA Lucky Lantern DangoA Firecracker DangoA Lion Dancer DangoA Fiercest DangoA Porcelain DowsieA Fortune DowsieA Lucky Noodle DowsieA Extra Spicy DowsieA Sweet Petal DowsieYear of the ProtectorPengu FeatherknightCheeper FeatherknightSakura FeatherknightExtra Spicy FeatherknightTrue Ice FeatherknightRavenlord FeatherknightPengu Featherknight 1 StarPengu Featherknight 2 StarPengu Featherknight 3 StarCheeper Featherknight 1 StarCheeper Featherknight 2 StarCheeper Featherknight 3 StarSakura Featherknight 1 StarSakura Featherknight 2 StarSakura Featherknight 3 StarExtra Spicy Featherknight 1 StarExtra Spicy Featherknight 2 StarExtra Spicy Featherknight 3 StarTrue Ice Featherknight 1 StarTrue Ice Featherknight 2 StarTrue Ice Featherknight 3 StarRavenlord Featherknight 1 and 2 StarRavenlord Featherknight 1 StarRavenlord Featherknight 2 StarRavenlord Featherknight 3 StarA Shadow Isles HauntlingA Sodapop FenroarA Afterburner FenroarA Hextech FenroarA Pulsefire FenroarA Bounty Hunter FenroarA Hot Rod LightchargerA Hextech LightchargerA Pulsefire LightchargerA Groovy LightchargerA Bubblegum Racer LightchargerAn Electric QiQiA Groovy QiQiA Hextech QiQiA Arcade QiQiA Pulsefire QiQiA BurnoA Flametongue BurnoA Sugarcone BurnoA Burno the BrilliantA PROJECT: BurnoA Gnarly BurnoA PogglesA Froggo PogglesA Flametongue PogglesA Deep Sea Poggles A Sugarcone PogglesA Honeybuzz PogglesShadow Isles Hauntling 1 StarShadow Isles Hauntling 2 StarShadow Isles Hauntling 3 StarFireborn Hauntling 1 StarFireborn Hauntling 2 StarFireborn Hauntling 3 StarToxic Hauntling 1 StarToxic Hauntling 2 StarToxic Hauntling 3 StarLunar Claw Hauntling 1 StarLunar Claw Hauntling 2 StarLunar Claw Hauntling 3 StarDark Matter Hauntling 1 StarDark Matter Hauntling 2 StarDark Matter Hauntling 3 StarShadowmask Hauntling 3 StarShadowmask Hauntling 1 StarShadowmask Hauntling 2 StarShadowmask Hauntling 1 and 2 StarA Little Shark UmbraA Lifeguard UmbraA Fruity Smoothie UmbraA Sunkissed UmbraA Scuba Shark UmbraA PrancieA Jade PrancieAn Everfrost PrancieA Koi PrancieA Ragewing PrancieA Darkflight PrancieA BungoA Rosebloom BungoA Jade BungoA Honeybuzz BungoAn Astral BungoA Dearest BungoChoncc's Splash ResortA "Secret of the Shallows" HauntlingAn Infernal HauntlingAn Elder HauntlingAn Ocean HauntlingA Mountain HauntlingA Cloud HauntlingA "Secret of the Shallows" SilverwingA Cloud SilverwingAn Infernal SilverwingAn Ocean SilverwingA Mountain SilverwingAn Elder SilverwingSentinel RunespiritGlacial RunespiritSeedling RunespiritBlack Mist RunespiritSakura RunespiritBrambleback RunespiritSentinel Runespirit 1 StarSentinel Runespirit 2 StarSentinel Runespirit 3 StarGlacial Runespirit 1 StarGlacial Runespirit 2 StarGlacial Runespirit 3 StarSeedling Runespirit 1 StarSeedling Runespirit 2 StarSeedling Runespirit 3 StarBlack Mist Runespirit 1 StarBlack Mist Runespirit 2 StarBlack Mist Runespirit 3 StarSakura Runespirit 1 StarSakura Runespirit 2 StarSakura Runespirit 3 StarBrambleback Runespirit 1 and 2 StarBrambleback Runespirit 1 StarBrambleback Runespirit 2 StarBrambleback Runespirit 3 StarA Protector VariantJeweled Protector 1 StarJeweled Protector 2 StarJeweled Protector 3 StarShadowgem Protector 1 StarShadowgem Protector 2 StarShadowgem Protector 3 StarReigning Protector 1 StarReigning Protector 2 StarReigning Protector 3 StarFierce Protector 1 StarFierce Protector 2 StarFierce Protector 3 StarSkygem Protector 1 StarSkygem Protector 2 StarSkygem Protector 3 StarSunborn Protector 3 StarA Paddlemar VariantJade PaddlemarJade Paddlemar 1 StarJade Paddlemar 2 StarJade Paddlemar 3 StarRosebloom PaddlemarRosebloom Paddlemar 1 StarRosebloom Paddlemar 2 StarRosebloom Paddlemar 3 StarTidepool PaddlemarTidepool Paddlemar 1 StarTidepool Paddlemar 2 StarTidepool Paddlemar 3 StarGlamorous PaddlemarGlamorous Paddlemar 1 StarGlamorous Paddlemar 2 StarGlamorous Paddlemar 3 StarCaldera PaddlemarCaldera Paddlemar 1 StarCaldera Paddlemar 2 StarCaldera Paddlemar 3 StarYuletide PaddlemarYuletide Paddlemar 3 StarA Champion ShardWard Skin Shard and Orange EssenceMythic Skin or Mythic Ward Skin PermanentRandom non-Ultimate Skin Shard or Ultimate Skin Permanent (excludes Hextech exclusive skins)Emote PermanentChampion Shard worth at least 4800 Blue EssenceMythic Skin PermanentOpen Worlds OrbOpen Blood Moon CapsuleOpen Summoner's Crown Grab Bag Rare Egg Open BForge into Rare Egg50 Orange Essence150 Blue EssenceMystery Champion ShardLittle Wolf IconGod-King Garen Border + IconGod-King Darius Border + IconForge Lunar Revel Tokens into Lunar Revel Vayne Prestige EditionForge Lunar Revel Tokens into Lunar Revel Orb100 Prestige Points + IconPROJECT: Irelia Icon + BorderPROJECT: Jinx Icon + BorderPROJECT: Warwick Icon + BorderPROJECT: Akali Icon + BorderPROJECT: Pyke Icon + BorderWatch Yourself EmoteHush Now EmoteBang! EmotePROJECT: Reckoning Ward SkinPROJECT: Irelia Prestige EditionPROJECT: Warwick (Reckoning Chroma) + IconPROJECT: Akali (Reckoning Chroma) + IconPROJECT: Jinx (Reckoning Chroma) + IconPROJECT: Fiora (Reckoning Chroma) + IconPROJECT: Lucian (Reckoning Chroma) + IconPROJECT: Zed (Reckoning Chroma) + IconPROJECT: Pyke (Reckoning Chroma) + IconMedieval Twitch (Sapphire Chroma) + IconHigh Noon Hecarim (Nomad Chroma) + IconSweet Tooth Chroma (Sugar Rush Zilean) + IconSugar Rush Evelynn Icon + BorderDawnbringer Nidalee Icon + BorderGolden Chroma (Warring Kingdoms Garen) + IconStar Guardian Soraka Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderLittle Legends Series 5 Rare EggRotates out of shop in patch 12.12.Brilliant Chroma (Star Guardian Rell) + IconExclusive Hextech Alistar SkinExclusive Hextech Poppy SkinExclusive Hextech Jarvan IV SkinMasterwork Chest and KeyAnimated M'Pengu EmoteUpgrade into PermanentOpen Revel OrbOpen Revel Grab BagOpen Revel Skin ShardOpen Top Lane OrbOpen Jungle OrbOpen Mid Lane OrbOpen Marksman OrbOpen Support OrbOpen Crab BagOpen New Player Pack ChestOpen Odyssey OrbOpen Champion BagOpen Odyssey Recruitment ChestOpen Spooky Top OrbOpen Spooky Jungle OrbOpen Spooky Mid OrbOpen Spooky Marksman OrbOpen Spooky Support OrbOpen K/DA OrbOpen K/DA BagOpen Summoner's Crown CapsuleOpen Snowdown 2018 CapsuleOpen Stocking StufferOpen 100 Blue EssenceOpen Revel 2019 Grab BagOpen Lunar Revel 2019 OrbOpen Mystery Lunar Revel Golden Chroma + Icon Open 2019 Red EnvelopeOpen Mystery Lunar Revel Golden Chroma + IconTesting Capsule for Loot DescriptionPrime Gaming Little Legends EggRare Egg OpenAshen Conqueror Pantheon + Icon & BorderAshen Conqueror Pantheon EmoteMythic Chroma: Final Boss VeigarEmberwoken Chroma (Ashen Conqueror Pantheon) + IconEmberwoken Chroma (Ashen Knight Pyke) + IconI'm Comin' For Ya EmotePrestige Lunar Eclipse Senna + Icon & BorderPrestige Ocean Song Seraphine + Icon & BorderAshen Knight Pyke + Icon & BorderMythic Chroma Star Guardian Jinx + IconPrestige PROJECT ZedMythic Chroma Battle Academia Ezreal + IconAshen Slayer Sylas + Icon & BorderReady to Brawl EmoteEmberwoken Chroma (Ashen Slayer Sylas) + IconPrestige Coven LeblancMythic Chroma High Noon Senna + IconEmote Permanent into Unowned Emote PermanentForge Gold Coin into Lunar Wraith Caitlyn Chroma IconForges the Guqin Sona (Golden) Chroma and Golden Sona IconForges the Dragonwing Corki (Golden) Chroma and Golden Corki IconForges the Warring Kingdoms Katarina (Golden) Chroma and Golden Katarina IconForges the Dragonblade Riven (Golden) Chroma and Golden Riven IconForges the Warring Kingdoms Garen (Golden) Chroma and Golden GarenForge Gold Coin into Revel OrbContains a skin shard for a random Revel skin. Does not include Lunar Empress Lux, Lunar Guardian Nasus, or Lunar Guardian WarwickGrants special loading screen border for Lunar Guardian NasusGrants special loading screen border for Lunar Guardian WarwickGrants special loading screen border for Lunar Empress LuxUsed to forge Golden Lunar Revel ChromasLittle Lion Icon + Divine Lion IconLittle Wolf Icon + Forsaken Wolf IconGod-King Garen Border + God-King Garen Icon + Crown of Lions IconGod-King Darius Border + God-King Darius Icon + Crown of Wolves IconOdyssey Sona Icon + BorderOdyssey Malphite Icon + BorderOdyssey Jinx Icon + BorderOdyssey Yasuo Icon + BorderLifebead IconFocusbead IconChampionship Riven 2016 (Golden Chroma)Championship Kalista Border + IconChampionship Zed Border + IconChampionship Kha'Zix Border + IconGolden Championship 2018 EmoteGold Worlds Pass IconChampionship Thresh (Golden Chroma)Golden Chroma for Bewitching Janna + IconGolden Chroma for Trick or Treat Ekko + IconGolden Chroma for Count Kledula + IconBorder for Bewitching Janna + IconBorder for Trick or Treat Ekko + IconBorder for Count Kledula + IconRIP EmotePurrfect IconChampionship Shyvana (Golden Chroma)K/DA Kai'Sa Prestige EditionMic Drop EmoteGolden K/DA IconChampionship Kalista (Golden Chroma)Championship Zed (Golden Chroma)Championship Kha'Zix (Golden Chroma)Championship Riven Border + IconChampionship Thresh Border + IconChampionship Shyvana Border + IconK/DA Akali Prestige EditionGolden Chroma for Snowstorm Sivir + IconGolden Chroma for Snow Day Bard + IconDravenbread EmoteBraumbread EmotePoro Ride EmoteCrystal Deer IconHextech Key Fragment Border for Frozen Prince Mundo + IconBorder for Ice King Twitch + IconBorder for Winter Wonder Soraka + IconBorder for Winter Wonder Neeko + IconBorder for Snow Man Yi + IconGolden Chroma for Frostblade Irelia + IconGolden Chroma for Snow Day Graves + IconGolden Chroma for Snow Day Malzahar + IconSpecial Recall VFX for Nexus Blitz OnlyFinisher for Nexus Blitz OnlyPoro Pet for Nexus Blitz & ARAMBlood Moon Aatrox Prestige EditionPulsefire Thresh Prestige EditionIrresistible! EmotePrestige 2019 Icon30 Orange EssenceK/DA Ahri Prestige EditionFuzz Fizz Prestige EditionK/DA Evelynn Prestige EditionBewitching Miss Fortune Prestige EditionFirecracker Vayne Prestige EditionGolden Chroma for Dragonwing Corki + IconGolden Chroma for Dragonblade Riven + IconGolden Chroma for Warring Kingdoms Garen + IconBorder for Lunar Wraith Sylas + IconBorder for Firecracker Vayne + IconBorder for Firecracker Sejuani + IconBorder for Coin Emperor Tahm Kench + IconHow Delicious EmoteGolden Chroma for Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao + IconGolden Chroma for Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV + IconGolden Chroma for Lunar Guardian Warwick + IconGolden Chroma for Warring Kingdoms Katarina + IconGolden Chroma for Lunar Wraith Caitlyn + IconGolden Chroma for Guqin Sona + IconWorthy Adversary EmoteWonderful... EmoteImpressive! EmoteBattle Academia Lux Prestige EditionFormal Chroma for Battle Academia Jayce + IconGolden Chroma for Conqueror Alistar + IconFormal Chroma for Battle Professor Graves + IconFormal Chroma for Battle Academia Katarina + IconFormal Chroma for Battle Principal Yuumi + IconBattle Academia Jayce Icon + BorderBattle Professor Graves Icon + BorderBattle Academia Katarina Icon + BorderBattle Principal Yuumi Icon + BorderBattle Academia Lux Icon + BorderBattle Academia Ezreal Icon + BorderGolden Chroma for Conqueror Varus + Icon B-baka! EmoteAll for you EmoteBattle Academia IconThe Trials IconGolden Chroma for Conqueror Karma + Icon Golden Chroma for Challenger Nidalee + Icon Golden Chroma for Challenger Ahri + Icon Conqueror Alistar Icon + BorderChallenger Ahri Icon + BorderChallenger Nidalee Icon + BorderBattle Boss Yasuo Icon + BorderBattle Boss Qiyana Icon + BorderArcade Caitlyn Icon + BorderAnimated K.O. EmoteAnimated D'Pengu EmoteGame Over EmoteArcade 2019 Ward SkinCorrupted Arcade Poro IconPixel Arcade Poro IconArcade Caitlyn Prestige EditionDemacia Vice Garen (Neon Noir Chroma) + IconDemacia Vice Lucian (Neon Noir Chroma) + IconDemacia Vice Garen Icon + BorderDemacia Vice Lucian Icon + BorderThink About It EmoteCall Me! EmoteDemacia Vice Ward SkinArcade Miss Fortune (K.O. Chroma) + IconLegendary Handshake IconDemacia Vice Neon Sun IconArcade Sona (K.O. Chroma) + IconArcade Riven (K.O. Chroma) + IconArcade Kai'Sa (K.O. Chroma) + IconBattle Boss Yasuo (K.O. Chroma) + IconBattle Boss Qiyana (K.O. Chroma) + IconArcade Kai'Sa Icon + BorderGrey Warwick (Sapphire Chroma) + IconGrey Warwick Skin + ChampionMedieval Twitch Skin + ChampionGrey Warwick (Rose Quartz Chroma) + IconMedieval Twitch (Amethyst Chroma) + IconGrey Warwick (Meteorite Chroma) + IconMedieval Twitch (Obsidian Chroma) + IconValiant Sword Riven Prestige EditionValiant Sword Riven Icon + BorderMajestic Empress Morgana Icon + BorderDon't Make Me Laugh EmoteUWU EmoteImmortal Journey 2019 IconChampionship Ryze (Golden Chroma) + IconChampionship Ryze Icon + BorderChampionship Thresh (Golden Chroma) + IconChampionship Ashe (Golden Chroma) + IconChampionship Kha'Zix (Golden Chroma) + IconChampionship Zed (Golden Chroma) + IconChampionship Shyvana (Golden Chroma) + IconChampionship Kalista (Golden Chroma) + IconChampionship Riven 2016 (Golden Chroma) + IconWorlds 2019 EmoteWorlds 2019 Event IconHigh Noon Ashe (Nomad Chroma) + IconHigh Noon Darius (Nomad Chroma) + IconHigh Noon Hecarim Icon + BorderHigh Noon Ashe Icon + BorderHigh Noon Darius Icon + BorderOne Corn Chip Animated EmoteWhat in Tarnation EmoteHigh Noon 2019 IconTrue Damage Qiyana Prestige EditionTrue Damage Yasuo (Freestyle Chroma) + IconTrue Damage Akali (Freestyle Chroma) + IconTrue Damage Ekko (Freestyle Chroma) + IconTrue Damage Senna (Freestyle Chroma) + IconTrue Damage Yasuo Icon + BorderTrue Damage Akali Icon + BorderTrue Damage Ekko Icon + BorderTrue Damage Qiyana Icon + BorderTrue Damage Senna Icon + BorderNo Sweat! EmoteAnimated Unimpressed! EmoteTrue Damage IconMajestic Empress Morgana (Heavenly Crane Chroma) + IconSplendid Staff Nami (Heavenly Crane Chroma) + IconSplendid Staff Nami Icon + BorderNightbringer Lee Sin Prestige EditionNightbringer Lee Sin Icon + BorderNightbringer Aphelios Icon + BorderMystery EmoteSweet Tooth Chroma (Sugar Rush Evelynn) + IconSweet Tooth Chroma (Sugar Rush Ziggs) + IconSweet Tooth Chroma (Sugar Rush Braum) + IconSugar Rush Ziggs Icon + BorderParagon Chroma (Dawnbringer Nidalee) + IconSugar Rush Zilean Icon + BorderSugar Rush Braum Icon + BorderPariah Chroma (Nightbringer Vladimir) + IconPariah Chroma (Nightbringer Aphelios) + IconParagon Chroma (Dawnbringer Riven) + IconPariah Chroma (Nightbringer Yasuo) + IconNightbringer Vladimir Icon + BorderMecha Kingdoms Garen Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderGolden Chroma (Warring Kingdoms Katarina) + IconGolden Chroma (Lunar Wraith Caitlyn) + IconGolden Chroma (Guqin Sona) + IconGolden Chroma (Dragonwing Corki) + IconGolden Chroma (Dragonblade Riven) + IconMecha Kingdoms Jax Icon + BorderMecha Kingdoms Leona Icon + BorderMecha Kingdoms Sett Icon + BorderMecha Kingdoms Draven Icon + BorderMecha Kingdoms Garen Icon + BorderLittle Legends Series 4 Rare EggPeacekeeper Chroma (Mecha Kingdoms Sett) + IconPeacekeeper Chroma (Mecha Kingdoms Leona) + IconPeacekeeper Chroma (Mecha Kingdoms Draven) + IconPeacekeeper Chroma (Mecha Kingdoms Jax) + IconGolden Chroma (Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao) + IconGolden Chroma (Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV) + IconGolden Chroma (Lunar Guardian Warwick) + IconSenna Prestige Skin - Coming in 2020Mecha Kingdoms Garen Prestige EditionDark Star Malphite Prestige EditionPulsefire Lucian Prestige EditionSpirit Blossom Teemo Prestige EditionPsyOps Ezreal Prestige EditionObsidian Dragon Sett Prestige EditionK/DA ALL OUT Kai'Sa Prestige EditionNight & Dawn Event Prestige Points IconMecha Kingdoms 2020 Event Prestige Points IconTrue Damage Senna Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderGalaxies 2020 Event Prestige Points IconPulsefire 2020 Event Prestige Points IconSpirit Blossom 2020 Event Prestige Points IconPsyOps Prestige Point IconWorlds 2020 Event Prestige Points IconWhat the Baddest Do EmoteZyra Prestige Skin - Coming in 2020Battle Academia Leona Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderConqueror Jax Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderPROJECT: Zed Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderBewitching Morgana Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderBattle Queen Diana Prestige EditionLunar Beast Fiora Prestige EditionSpace Groove Lulu Prestige EditionPROJECT: Sylas Prestige EditionAscended Pantheon Prestige EditionZoe Prestige Skin - Coming in 2020Coven LeBlanc Prestige EditionNightbringer Kayn Prestige EditionDuality Dragon Volibear Prestige EditionBattle Queens Prestige Points IconLunar Beast Prestige Points IconSpace Groove Prestige Points IconPROJECT: Prestige Points Icon2021 Coven Prestige Points IconWorlds 2021 Prestige Points IconCoven Zyra Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderThis is Mine Now EmoteSentinels of Light Prestige Points IconArcanist Zoe Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderYasuo Prestige Skin - Coming in 2020Soraka Prestige Skin - Coming in 2020True Damage Yasuo Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderDark Star Malphite Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderDark Star Mordekaiser Icon + BorderDark Star Xerath Icon + Border100 Prestige Points (2020) + IconAntimatter Chroma (Dark Star Thresh) + IconAntimatter Chroma (Dark Star Jarvan IV) + IconAntimatter Chroma (Dark Star Orianna) + IconAntimatter Chroma (Dark Star Varus) + IconAntimatter Chroma (Dark Star Mordekaiser) + IconAntimatter Chroma (Dark Star Xerath) + IconDark Star Malphite Icon + BorderPulsefire Lucian Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderPulsefire Lucian Icon + BorderPulsefire Ekko Icon + BorderPulsefire Fiora Icon + BorderPulsefire Pantheon Icon + BorderChrono Chroma (Astronaut Gnar) + Icon - Coming SoonChrono Chroma (Astronaut Poppy) + Icon - Coming SoonChrono Chroma (Pulsefire Caitlyn) + IconChrono Chroma (Astronaut Bard) + Icon - Coming SoonChrono Chroma (Astronaut Teemo) + Icon - Coming SoonChrono Chroma (Astronautilus) + Icon - Coming SoonAstronaut Gnar Icon + Border - Coming SoonAstronaut Poppy Icon + Border - Coming SoonAstronaut Bard Icon + Border - Coming SoonChrono Chroma (Astronaut Gnar) + IconChrono Chroma (Astronaut Poppy) + IconChrono Chroma (Astronaut Bard) + IconChrono Chroma (Astronaut Teemo) + IconChrono Chroma (Pulsefire Riven) + IconChrono Chroma (Astronautilus) + IconAstronaut Gnar Icon + BorderAstronaut Poppy Icon + BorderAstronaut Bard Icon + BorderChrono Chroma (Pulsefire Twisted Fate) + IconChrono Chroma (Pulsefire Shen) + IconChrono Chroma (Pulsefire Ekko) + IconChrono Chroma (Pulsefire Fiora) + IconChrono Chroma (Pulsefire Pantheon) + IconSpirit Blossom Teemo Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderSpirit Blossom Lillia Icon + BorderSpirit Blossom Teemo Icon + BorderLittle Legends Series 6 Rare EggNight Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Ahri) + Icon - Coming SoonNight Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Kindred) + Icon - Coming SoonNight Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia) + Icon - Coming SoonNight Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Thresh) + IconNight Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Riven) + Icon - Coming SoonSpirit Blossom Ahri Icon + Border - Coming SoonSpirit Blossom Kindred Icon + Border - Coming SoonSpirit Blossom Cassiopeia Icon + Border - Coming SoonSpirit Blossom Riven Icon + Border - Coming SoonNight Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Ahri) + IconNight Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Kindred) + IconNight Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia) + IconNight Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Riven) + IconNight Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Yone) + IconNight Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Yasuo) + IconSpirit Blossom Ahri Icon + BorderSpirit Blossom Kindred Icon + BorderSpirit Blossom Cassiopeia Icon + BorderSpirit Blossom Riven Icon + BorderSpirit Blossom Yone Icon + BorderNight Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Vayne) + IconNight Blossom Chroma (Spirit Blossom Lillia) + IconSpirit Blossom Thresh Icon + BorderSpirit Blossom Yasuo Icon + BorderSpirit Blossom Vayne Icon + BorderPsyOps Ezreal Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderPsyOps Sona Icon + BorderPsyOps Ezreal Icon + BorderNew PsyOps Hunter Chroma - Coming SoonHunter Chroma (PsyOps Master Yi) + IconNew PsyOps Icon + Border - Coming SoonHunter Chroma (PsyOps Pyke) + IconHunter Chroma (PsyOps Viktor) + IconHunter Chroma (PsyOps Samira) + IconHunter Chroma (PsyOps Vi) + IconHunter Chroma (PsyOps Kayle) + IconHunter Chroma (PsyOps Zed) + IconPsyOps Pyke Icon + BorderPsyOps Viktor Icon + BorderPsyOps Samira Icon + BorderPsyOps Kayle Icon + BorderPsyOps Zed Icon + BorderStyle: Rank S EmotePsyOps IconBRG IconHunter Chroma (PsyOps Shen) + IconHunter Chroma (PsyOps Sona) + IconPsyOps Master Yi Icon + BorderPsyOps Vi Icon + BorderPsyOps Shen Icon + BorderObsidian Dragon Sett Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderStorm Dragon Aurelion Sol Icon + BorderObsidian Dragon Sett Icon + BorderNew Prestige Skin - Coming SoonNew Chroma - Coming SoonJadeclaw Chroma (Storm Dragon Lee Sin) + IconNew Icon + Border - Coming SoonJadeclaw Chroma (Eternal Dragon Brand) + IconMerc Chroma (Odyssey Kayn) + IconMerc Chroma (Galaxy Slayer Zed) + IconMerc Chroma (Odyssey Aatrox) + IconJadeclaw Chroma (Fae Dragon Ashe) + IconMerc Chroma (Odyssey Sivir) + IconMerc Chroma (Odyssey Kha'Zix) + IconMerc Chroma (Odyssey Twisted Fate) + IconMerc Chroma (Odyssey Karma) + IconOdyssey Aatrox Icon + BorderOdyssey Sivir Icon + BorderOdyssey Kha'Zix Icon + BorderOdyssey Twisted Fate Icon + BorderOdyssey Karma Icon + BorderJadeclaw Chroma (Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol) + IconK/DA ALL OUT Kai'Sa Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderBADDEST Chroma (K/DA ALL OUT Akali) + IconBADDEST Chroma (K/DA ALL OUT Evelynn) + IconBADDEST Chroma (K/DA ALL OUT Ahri) + IconK/DA ALL OUT Kai'Sa Icon + BorderK/DA ALL OUT Akali Icon + BorderK/DA ALL OUT Evelynn Icon + BorderK/DA ALL OUT Ahri Icon + BorderStorm Dragon Lee Sin Icon + BorderEternal Dragon Brand Icon + BorderFae Dragon Ashe Icon + BorderBattle Queen Diana Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderEmberwood Chroma (Elderwood Azir) + IconEmberwood Chroma (Elderwood Ornn) + IconBattle Queen Katarina Icon + BorderBattle Queen Qiyana Icon + BorderBattle Queen Janna Icon + BorderBattle Queen Rell Icon + BorderBattle Queen Diana Icon + BorderElderwood Xayah Icon + BorderElderwood Rakan Icon + BorderElderwood Ivern Icon + BorderElderwood Azir Icon + BorderElderwood Ornn Icon + BorderCoronation Chroma (Battle Queen Katarina) + IconBADDEST Chroma (K/DA ALL OUT Kai'Sa) + IconCoronation Chroma (Battle Queen Qiyana) + IconCoronation Chroma (Battle Queen Janna) + IconCoronation Chroma (Battle Queen Rell) + IconEmberwood Chroma (Elderwood Xayah) + IconEmberwood Chroma (Elderwood Rakan) + IconEmberwood Chroma (Elderwood Ivern) + IconLunar Beast Fiora Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderLunar Beast Darius Icon + BorderLunar Beast Annie Icon + BorderLunar Beast Alistar Icon + BorderLunar Beast Fiora Icon + BorderLunar Beast Jarvan IV Icon + BorderLunar Beast Viego Icon + BorderLunar Beast Aphelios Icon + BorderVitality Chroma (Lunar Beast Darius) + IconVitality Chroma (Lunar Beast Annie) + IconVitality Chroma (Lunar Beast Alistar) + IconVitality Chroma (Lunar Beast Fiora) + IconVitality Chroma (Lunar Beast Jarvan IV) + IconVitality Chroma (Lunar Beast Viego) + IconVitality Chroma (Lunar Beast Aphelios) + IconSpace Groove Lulu Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderSpace Groove Lux Icon + BorderSpace Groove Rumble Icon + BorderSpace Groove Nasus Icon + BorderSpace Groove Nunu & Willump Icon + BorderSpace Groove Blitz & Crank Icon + BorderSpace Groove Lulu Icon + BorderSpace Groove Samira Icon + BorderDisco Chroma (Space Groove Lux) + IconDisco Chroma (Space Groove Gwen) + IconSpace Groove Gwen Icon + BorderDisco Chroma (Space Groove Rumble) + IconDisco Chroma (Space Groove Nasus) + IconDisco Chroma (Space Groove Nunu & Willump) + IconDisco Chroma (Space Groove Blitz & Crank) + IconDisco Chroma (Space Groove Lulu) + IconDisco Chroma (Space Groove Samira) + IconPROJECT: Sylas Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderReckoning Chroma (PROJECT: Jinx) + IconReckoning Chroma (PROJECT: Akali) + IconReckoning Chroma (PROJECT: Pyke) + IconReckoning Chroma (PROJECT: Warwick) + IconReckoning Chroma (PROJECT: Lucian) + IconReckoning Chroma (PROJECT: Zed) + IconPROJECT: Mordekaiser Icon + BorderPROJECT: Renekton Icon + BorderPROJECT: Sejuani Icon + BorderPROJECT: Varus Icon + BorderPROJECT: Sylas Icon + BorderPROJECT: Senna Icon + BorderReckoning Chroma (PROJECT: Mordekaiser) + IconReckoning Chroma (PROJECT: Renekton) + IconReckoning Chroma (PROJECT: Sejuani) + IconReckoning Chroma (PROJECT: Varus) + IconReckoning Chroma (PROJECT: Sylas) + IconReckoning Chroma (PROJECT: Senna) + IconReckoning Chroma (PROJECT: Fiora) + IconAscended Pantheon Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderCursed Chroma (Ruined Shyvana) + IconCursed Chroma (Ruined Pantheon) + IconSentinel Vayne Icon + BorderSentinel Irelia Icon + BorderSentinel Diana Icon + BorderSentinel Riven Icon + BorderSentinel Olaf Icon + BorderRuined Karma Icon + BorderRuined Draven Icon + BorderRuined Shyvana Icon + BorderRuined Pantheon Icon + BorderResolute Chroma (Sentinel Vayne) + IconResolute Chroma (Sentinel Irelia) + IconNew Skin - Coming SoonResolute Chroma (Sentinel Graves) + IconResolute Chroma (Sentinel Pyke) + IconResolute Chroma (Sentinel Rengar) + IconCursed Chroma (Ruined Miss Fortune) + IconSentinel Graves Icon + BorderSentinel Pyke Icon + BorderSentinel Rengar Icon + BorderRuined Miss Fortune Icon + BorderResolute Chroma (Sentinel Diana) + IconResolute Chroma (Sentinel Riven) + IconResolute Chroma (Sentinel Olaf) + IconCursed Chroma (Ruined Karma) + IconCursed Chroma (Ruined Draven) + IconCoven LeBlanc Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderDark Ritual Chroma (Coven Zyra) + IconDark Ritual Chroma (Coven Morgana) + IconDark Ritual Chroma (Coven Lissandra) + IconDark Ritual Chroma (Coven Camille) + IconCoven Evelynn Icon + BorderCoven Ashe Icon + BorderCoven Ahri Icon + BorderCoven Cassiopeia Icon + BorderOld God Malphite Icon + BorderOld God Warwick Icon + BorderDark Ritual Chroma (Coven LeBlanc) + IconDark Ritual Chroma (Coven Evelynn) + IconUnderground Chroma (Crime City Nightmare Twisted Fate) + IconUnderground Chroma (Crime City Nightmare Shaco) + IconUnderground Chroma (Crime City Nightmare Akali) + IconUnderground Chroma (Crime City Nightmare Darius) + IconUnderground Chroma (Crime City Nightmare Zyra) + IconDark Ritual Chroma (Coven Ashe) + IconDark Ritual Chroma (Coven Ahri) + IconDark Ritual Chroma (Coven Cassiopeia) + IconDark Ritual Chroma (Old God Malphite) + IconDark Ritual Chroma (Old God Warwick) + IconNightbringer Kayn Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderDawnbringer Yone Icon + BorderDawnbringer Morgana Icon + BorderDawnbringer Vex Icon + BorderNightbringer Tryndamere Icon + BorderNightbringer Lillia Icon + BorderDeathbringer Chroma (Nightbringer Kayn) + IconLifebringer Chroma (Dawnbringer Yone) + IconMAKE/BREAK Chroma (Worlds 2021 Jarvan IV) + IconWorlds 2021 Jarvan IV Icon + BorderDuality Dragon Volibear Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderEmberclaw Chroma (Duality Dragon Volibear) + IconEmberclaw Chroma (Eternal Dragon Brand) + IconEmberclaw Chroma (Obsidian Dragon Sett) + IconEmberclaw Chroma (Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol) + IconEmberclaw Chroma (Storm Dragon Lee Sin) + IconLifebringer Chroma (Dawnbringer Morgana) + IconEmberclaw Chroma (Fae Dragon Ashe) + IconEmberclaw Chroma (Steel Dragon Thresh) + IconEmberclaw Chroma (Lagoon Dragon Kai'Sa) + IconEmberclaw Chroma (Tranquility Dragon Karma) + IconLagoon Dragon Kai'Sa Icon + BorderSteel Dragon Thresh Icon + BorderTranquility Dragon Karma Icon + BorderDuality Dragon Volibear Icon + BorderLifebringer Chroma (Dawnbringer Vex) + IconDeathbringer Chroma (Nightbringer Tryndamere) + IconDeathbringer Chroma (Nightbringer Lillia) + IconNightbringer Kayn Icon + BorderDebonair Brand Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderDebonair LeBlanc Icon + BorderDebonair Master Yi Icon + BorderDebonair Brand Icon + BorderDebonair Leona Icon + BorderDebonair Malzahar Icon + BorderDebonair Draven Icon + BorderDebonair Zed Icon + BorderCerulean Club Chroma (Debonair LeBlanc) + IconCerulean Club Chroma (Debonair Master Yi) + IconCerulean Club Chroma (Debonair Brand) + IconCerulean Club Chroma (Debonair Leona) + IconCerulean Club Chroma (Debonair Malzahar) + IconCerulean Club Chroma (Debonair Draven) + IconCerulean Club Chroma (Debonair Zed) + IconPorcelain Lux Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderGolden Tiger Chroma (Firecracker Diana) + IconGolden Tiger Chroma (Firecracker Xin Zhao) + IconGolden Tiger Chroma (Firecracker Sett) + IconGolden Tiger Chroma (Firecracker Vayne) + IconGolden Tiger Chroma (Firecracker Sejuani) + IconGolden Tiger Chroma (Firecracker Jinx) + IconPorcelain Protector Ezreal Icon + BorderPorcelain Amumu Icon + BorderPorcelain Kindred Icon + BorderPorcelain Lissandra Icon + BorderPorcelain Lux Icon + BorderFirecracker Tristana Icon + BorderFirecracker Teemo Icon + BorderFirecracker Sett Icon + BorderFirecracker Diana Icon + BorderFirecracker Xin Zhao Icon + BorderGolden Tiger Chroma (Porcelain Protector Ezreal) + IconNew Chromas - Coming SoonBrave Phoenix Xayah Prestige Edition + Icon & BorderGolden Tiger Chroma (Porcelain Amumu) + IconGolden Tiger Chroma (Brave Phoenix Xayah) + IconGolden Tiger Chroma (Divine Phoenix Anivia) + IconGolden Tiger Chroma (Graceful Phoenix Seraphine) + IconGolden Tiger Chroma (Porcelain Kindred) + IconGolden Tiger Chroma (Porcelain Lissandra) + IconGolden Tiger Chroma (Porcelain Lux) + IconGolden Tiger Chroma (Firecracker Tristana) + IconGolden Tiger Chroma (Firecracker Teemo) + IconPrestige Battle Cat Jinx + Icon & BorderBattle Bat Vayne Icon + BorderBattle Cat Jinx Icon + BorderBattle Bunny Prime Riven Icon + BorderNightwire Chroma (Battle Bunny Miss Fortune) + IconNightwire Chroma (Battle Wolf Sylas) + IconNightwire Chroma (Battle Bat Vayne) + IconNightwire Chroma (Battle Cat Jinx) + IconNightwire Chroma (Battle Bunny Prime Riven) + IconBattle Bunny Miss Fortune Icon + BorderBattle Wolf Sylas Icon + BorderPrestige High Noon Talon + Icon & BorderHigh Noon Varus Icon + BorderHigh Noon Mordekaiser Icon + BorderHigh Noon Katarina Icon + BorderNomad Chroma (High Noon Ashe) + IconNomad Chroma (High Noon Hecarim) + IconNomad Chroma (High Noon Darius) + IconNomad Chroma (High Noon Talon) + IconNew Borders - Coming soonNomad Chroma (High Noon Tahm Kench) + IconNomad Chroma (High Noon Samira) + IconNomad Chroma (High Noon Viktor) + IconNomad Chroma (High Noon Sion) + IconNomad Chroma (High Noon Twitch) + IconHigh Noon Tahm Kench Icon + BorderHigh Noon Samira Icon + BorderHigh Noon Viktor Icon + BorderNomad Chroma (High Noon Leona) + IconHigh Noon Sion Icon + BorderHigh Noon Twitch Icon + BorderNomad Chroma (High Noon Varus) + IconNomad Chroma (High Noon Mordekaiser) + IconNomad Chroma (High Noon Katarina) + IconHigh Noon Talon Icon + BorderHigh Noon Leona Icon + BorderPrestige Star Guardian Ekko + Icon & BorderStar Guardian Sona Icon + BorderStar Guardian Nilah Icon + BorderStar Nemesis Fiddlesticks Icon + BorderPrestige Star Guardian Syndra + Icon & BorderBrilliant Chroma (Star Guardian Akali) + IconBrilliant Chroma (Star Guardian Taliyah) + IconBrilliant Chroma (Star Guardian Ekko) + IconBrilliant Chroma (Star Guardian Quinn) + IconWicked Chroma (Star Nemesis Morgana) + IconBrilliant Chroma (Star Guardian Syndra) + IconStar Guardian Akali Icon + BorderStar Guardian Taliyah Icon + BorderStar Guardian Rell Icon + BorderStar Guardian Quinn Icon + BorderStar Nemesis Morgana Icon + BorderBrilliant Chroma (Star Guardian Kai'Sa) + IconBrilliant Chroma (Star Guardian Sona) + IconBrilliant Chroma (Star Guardian Nilah) + IconWicked Chroma (Star Nemesis Fiddlesticks) + IconStar Guardian Ekko Icon + BorderStar Guardian Kai'Sa Icon + BorderPrestige Cyber Halo Janna + Icon & BorderStrike Paladin Lucian Icon + BorderAce Chroma (Aether Wing Kayle) + IconRogue Chroma (Dreadnova Gangplank) + IconMaverick Chroma (Bullet Angel Kai'Sa) + IconAce Chroma (Admiral Glasc) + IconAce Chroma (Cyber Halo Janna) + IconAce Chroma (Armored Titan Nasus) + IconAce Chroma (Strike Commander Camille) + IconAce Chroma (Strike Paladin Lucian) + IconCyber Halo Janna Icon + BorderArmored Titan Nasus Icon + BorderStrike Commander Camille Icon + BorderForges the Lunar Wraith Caitlyn (Golden) Chroma and Golden Caitlyn IconForges the Warring Kingdoms Garen (Golden) Chroma and Golden Garen IconExclusive Hextech Malzahar SkinExclusive Hextech Renekton SkinExclusive Dark Star Cho'Gath SkinExclusive Hextech Rammus SkinExclusive Hextech Amumu SkinExclusive Hextech Swain SkinExclusive Hextech Sejuani SkinExclusive Hextech Nocturne SkinExclusive Hextech Ziggs SkinExclusive Hextech Kassadin SkinExclusive Dawnbringer Karma SkinExclusive Hextech Tristana SkinHat's Off EmoteExclusive 2021 Hextech Ward SkinForge Project Tokens into PROJECT Skin Orbinto Orange EssenceEternals Set Shard into Eternals Set Permanentinto Blue EssenceUnlock new and classic content exclusively for Mythic Essence. Inventory rotates with new patches.Forge your VS Tokens into VS orbs, icons, borders and more. VS Tokens expire from inventory on XXXXXX, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. PT.Forge your VS Tokens into VS orbs, icons, borders and more. VS Tokens expire from inventory on July 30th, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. PT.Forge your Odyssey Tokens into Odyssey icons, skin-specific borders, orbs, and more. Odyssey Tokens expire October 22nd, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. PT.Forge your Odyssey Gems into Revel Bag, VS Bag, Crab Bag, Champion Bag, or Birdie Bag.Forge your Worlds 2018 Tokens into Worlds 2018 orbs, icons, borders and more. Worlds 2018 Tokens expire from inventory on December 3rd, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. PT.Forge your Snowdown Tokens into Snowdown 2018 icons, borders, chromas, and more. Snowdown Tokens expire from inventory on 22 January 2019 at 7.59 a.m. (GMT).Forge your Nexus Tokens into exclusive rewards during the event. Expires January 21st, 2019 at 7.59 a.m. (GMT).Forge your Prestige Points (2019) into exclusive 2019 Prestige Edition skins released throughout the year and other content. Prestige Points (2019) expire from inventory on February 3, 2020 at 9 p.m. GMT.Forge your Lunar Revel Tokens into exclusive rewards. Lunar Revel Tokens expire from inventory on March 19th, 2019 7:59 a.m. GMT.Forge your Trials 2019 Tokens into exclusive event content, starting with MSI 2019. Battle Academia event content will enter the Event Shop later in the event. Tokens expire from inventory June 18, 2019 at 7:00 p.m BST.Forge your Arcade 2019 Tokens into exclusive Arcade 2019 event content. Demacia Vice event content will enter the Event Shop later in the event. Tokens expire from inventory August 14, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. BST.Forge your PROJECT 2019 Tokens into exclusive PROJECT event content. Tokens expire from inventory September 19th, 2019 at 11:00 AM PT.Forge your Honor 5 tokens into the highest tier of Honor rewards. New rewards will be added each season.Forge your Worlds 2019 Tokens into exclusive event content. Additional event content will enter the Event Shop later in the event. Tokens expire from inventory November 25, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. GMT.Forge your Night & Dawn 2019 Tokens into exclusive event content. Additional event content will enter the Event Shop later in the event. Tokens expire from inventory January 27, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. GMT.Forge your Mecha Kingdoms Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory March 2, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. GMT.Prestige Points are retiring on March 24th, 2022 at 8:00 p.m. GMT. Forge your points before they expire! Content may appear in a future promotion or event.Forge your Galaxies 2020 Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory May 12, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Forge your Pulsefire 2020 Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory June 30, 2020 at 09:00 p.m. BST.Forge your Spirit Blossom 2020 Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory September 8, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Forge your PsyOps 2020 Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory October 20, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Forge your Worlds 2020 Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory November 24, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. GMT.Forge your Battle Queens 2020 Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory January 26, 2021 at 9:00 p.m. GMT.Forge your Lunar Beast 2021 Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory March 22, 2021 at 9:00 p.m. GMT.Forge your Space Groove 2021 Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory May 17, 2021 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Forge your PROJECT 2021 Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory July 14, 2021 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Forge your Sentinels 2021 Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory August 25, 2021 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Forge your Coven 2021 Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory September 28, 2021 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Forge your Worlds 2021 Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory November 18, 2021 at 9:00 p.m. GMT.Forge your Debonair 2021 Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory January 17, 2022 at 9:00 p.m. GMT.Forge your Lunar Revel 2022 Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory March 7, 2022 at 9:00 p.m. GMT.Forge your Anima Squad 2022 Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory May 9, 2022 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Forge your MSI 2022 High Noon Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory June 20, 2022 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Forge your Star Guardian 2022 Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory 24 August, 2022 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Forge your Steel Valkyries 2022 Tokens into exclusive event content. Tokens expire from inventory 3 October, 2022 at 9:00 p.m. BST.Mythic ShopOdyssey Token StoreOdyssey Gem StoreWorlds 2018Snowdown Token StoreNexus Token StorePrestige Point (2019) ShopLunar Revel 2019 ShopTrials 2019 ShopArcade 2019 ShopPROJECT 2019 ShopHonor 5 Token ShopWorlds 2019 ShopNight & Dawn 2019 ShopMecha Kingdoms ShopLAST CHANCE PRESTIGE POINT SHOP (2020-2021)Galaxies 2020 ShopPulsefire 2020 ShopSpirit Blossom 2020 ShopPsyOps 2020 ShopWorlds 2020 ShopBattle Queens 2020 ShopLunar Beast 2021 ShopSpace Groove 2021 ShopPROJECT 2021 ShopSentinels 2021 ShopCoven 2021 ShopWorlds 2021 ShopDebonair 2021 ShopLunar Revel 2022 ShopAnima Squad 2022 ShopMSI 2022 High Noon ShopStar Guardian 2022 ShopSteel Valkyries 2022 ShopGet four 750+ RP skin shards, one of which is guaranteed to be an esports shard. Mythic Essence and Gemstone Skin drop rate multiplied by 1.5. No key required.The highest-quality crafting items available. Curated and approved by the master craftsman Ornn. Requires a Hextech Key to open.Base skin required to use Golden Chroma.You got this for subscribing to Prime Gaming. Enjoy!Contains Pengu Knights, Ghostboys, and Blue SentriesRare Egg Open CRequires 200 Mythic EssenceRequires Mythic EssenceRequires 50 Mythic EssenceRequires 25 Mythic EssenceRequires 5 Mythic EssenceRequires 1 Mythic EssenceRequires 10 Mythic EssenceRequires 150 Mythic EssenceRequires 125 Mythic EssenceRequires 100 Mythic EssenceRequires one Emote PermanentCrafting does not grant the God-King Garen skin. Border applies only to God-King Garen.Crafting does not grant the God-King Darius skin. Border applies only to God-King Darius.Bewitching Janna required to use Golden Chroma.Trick or Treat Ekko required to use Golden Chroma.Count Kledula required to use Golden Chroma.Crafting does not grant the Bewitching Janna skin. Border applies only to Bewitching Janna.Crafting does not grant Trick or Treat Ekko skin. Border applies only to Trick or Treat Ekko.Crafting does not grant Count Kledula skin. Border applies only to Count Kledula.Snowstorm Sivir required to use Golden Chroma.Snow Day Bard required to use Golden Chroma.Crafting does not grant Frozen Prince Mundo skin. Border applies only to Frozen Prince Mundo.Crafting does not grant Ice King Twitch. Border applies only to Ice King Twitch.Crafting does not grant Winter Wonder Soraka skin. Border applies only to Winter Wonder Soraka.Crafting does not grant Winter Wonder Neeko skin. Border applies only to Winter Wonder Neeko.Crafting does not grant Snow Man Yi skin. Border applies only to Snow Man Yi.Frostblade Irelia required to use Golden Chroma.Snow Day Graves required to use Golden Chroma.Snow Day Malzahar required to use Golden Chroma.Dragonwing Corki required to use Golden Chroma.Dragonblade Riven required to use Golden Chroma.Warring Kingdoms Garen required to use Golden Chroma.Crafting does not grant Lunar Wraith Sylas skin. Border applies only to Lunar Wraith Sylas.Crafting does not grant Firecracker Vayne skin. Border applies only to Firecracker Vayne.Crafting does not grant Firecracker Sejuani skin. Border applies only to Firecracker Sejuani.Crafting does not grant Coin Emperor Tahm Kench skin. Border applies only to Coin Emperor Tahm Kench.Limited to one purchase per account.Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao required to use Golden Chroma.Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV required to use Golden Chroma.Lunar Guardian Warwick required to use Golden Chroma.Warring Kingdoms Katarina required to use Golden Chroma.Lunar Wraith Caitlyn required to use Golden Chroma.Guqin Sona required to use Golden Chroma.Requires 10 GemstonesRequires 1 GemstoneRequires 5 GemstonesRequires Eternals Set 1 PermanentRequires Eternals Set 1 ShardGet PassToken StashClaim your earned Anima Squad 2022 Tokens by purchasing the LoL Anima Squad 2022 Pass! Buy and use before May 3, 2022 at 7:59 a.m. BST.Claim your earned Arcade 2019 Tokens by purchasing the Arcade 2019 Pass! Buy and use before July 30, 2019 at 07:59 BST.Claim your earned Battle Queens 2020 Tokens by purchasing the LoL Battle Queens 2020 Pass! Buy and use before January 12, 2021 at 07:59 a.m. GMT.Claim your earned Coven 2021 Tokens by purchasing the LoL Coven 2021 Pass! Buy and use before September 14, 2021 at 6:59 a.m. BST.Claim your earned Debonair 2021 Tokens by purchasing the LoL Debonair 2021 Pass! Buy and use before January 10, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. PT.Claim your earned Galaxies 2020 Tokens by purchasing the LoL Galaxies 2020 Pass! Buy and use before April 27, 2020 at 07:59 p.m. BST.Claim your earned Lunar Beast 2021 Tokens by purchasing the LoL Lunar Beast 2021 Pass! Buy and use before March 9, 2021 at 07:59 a.m. GMT.Claim your earned Lunar Revel 2022 Tokens by purchasing the LoL Lunar Revel 2022 Pass! Buy and use before March 1, 2022 at 07:59 a.m. GMT.Claim your earned Lunar Revel Tokens by purchasing the Lunar Revel 2019 Pass!Claim your earned Mecha Kingdoms Tokens by purchasing the Mecha Kingdoms Pass! Buy and use before February 18, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. PT.Claim your earned MSI 2022 High Noon Tokens by purchasing the LoL MSI 2022 High Noon Pass! Buy and use before June 14, 2022 at 7:59 a.m. BST.Claim your earned Night & Dawn 2019 Tokens by purchasing the Night & Dawn 2019 Pass! Buy and use before January 13, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. GMTClaim your earned PROJECT 2021 Tokens by purchasing the LoL PROJECT 2021 Pass! Buy and use before June 29, 2021 at 07:59 a.m. BST.Claim your earned PROJECT 2019 Tokens by purchasing the PROJECT 2019 Pass! Buy and use before September 2, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. PT.Claim your earned PsyOps 2020 Tokens by purchasing the LoL PsyOps 2020 Pass! Buy and use before October 1, 2020 at 7:59 a.m. BST.Claim your earned Pulsefire 2020 Tokens by purchasing the LoL Pulsefire 2020 Pass! Buy and use before June 16, 2020 at 07:59 a.m. BST.Claim your earned Spirit Blossom 2020 Tokens by purchasing the LoL Spirit Blossom 2020 Pass! Buy and use before August 25, 2020 at 07:59 a.m. BST.Claim your earned Sentinels 2021 Tokens by purchasing the LoL Sentinels 2021 Pass! Buy and use before August 9, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. PT.Claim your earned Space Groove 2021 Tokens by purchasing the LoL Space Groove 2021 Pass! Buy and use before May 4, 2021 at 07:59 a.m. BST.Claim your earned Star Guardian 2022 Tokens by purchasing the LoL Star Guardian 2022 Pass! Buy and use before August 16, 2022 at 7:59 a.m. BST.Claim your earned Steel Valkyries 2022 Tokens by purchasing the LoL Steel Valkyries 2022 Pass! Buy and use before 4 October, 2022 at 7:59 a.m. BST.Claim your stashed Trials 2019 Tokens by purchasing the Trials 2019 Pass! Stash expires June 3, 2019 at 07:59 BSTClaim your earned Worlds 2019 Tokens by purchasing the Worlds 2019 Pass! Buy and use before November 25, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. GMT.Claim your earned Worlds 2020 Tokens by purchasing the LoL Worlds 2020 Pass! Buy and use before November 10, 2020 at 07:59 a.m. GMT.Claim your earned Worlds 2021 Tokens by purchasing the LoL Worlds 2021 Pass! Buy and use before November 9, 2021 at 07:59 a.m. GMT.Claim your earned Snowdown Tokens by purchasing the Snowdown Pass!Your token stashBase MapOkAstronaut MolediverBuy more items at the Shop to gain more powerBuy more items at the Shop to gain more power @k1@You have a lot of gold
    Buying items with your gold will make your champion stronger by improving their stats. You can only buy items on the starting platform
    Level up your abilitiesYou have extra skill points to spend
    Leveling up your abilities makes them stronger
    You have an extra skill point to spend
    Leveling up your abilities makes them stronger
    Level up your ultimate @k1@Your ultimate is your strongest ability, you almost always want to level it up when it is availableUse a health potionYou're low on health
    You have a health potion which can heal some of the damage you've taken
    Kill a minion with an abilityKilling minions grant you extra gold which can let you purchase stronger itemsRetreat and Recall to heal at baseRetreat and Recall @k1@ to healYou're severely hurt
    Recalling will heal you and give you a chance to buy items. Your recall can be interrupted by the enemy, so make sure you're somewhere safe when you recall
    bkm100b@NUMBER@%10kShow All Eternals NotificationsExit GameSurrenderYou have unsaved changes! Apply changes now?Ability and Attack DisplayAccessibilityAdvancedCombat TextEmotesHealth and Resource BarsInterface SizeLegacy CursorMinimapNotificationsTeam FramesTooltipsToggle Objective Timers%1 (Primary)%1 (Secondary)Press a key to bind:UnbindGAMEHOTKEYSINTERFACESOUNDVIDEOOPTIONSBorderlessFull ScreenWindowedWoof woof. BARK!Digital Collector's PackChampions BundleAvailable at @DebtAccumulationStartsAtMinute@ minutes@f1@ gold{{perk_displayname_Guardian}}
    {{perk_displayname_Guardian}} is on cooldown.
    Source: @SourceName@Stoneborn Pact Rune---{{ perk_long_desc_FuturesMarket }}
    Debt limit: @GoldLowerBoundInitial@ + @GoldLowerBoundPerMinute@/min
    (Debt doesn't become available until @DebtAccumulationStartsAtMinute@ minutes)Casting your Ultimate ability will grant a decaying Move Speed increase for @Duration@s.

    Increase: @MoveSpeedBoost@ Move Speed
    Cooldown: @Cooldown@Damaging an enemy champion increases your mana regeneration by @MinFlatRestore@-@MaxFlatRestore@ (80% for ranged) mana per second for @RegenDuration@ seconds. All energy users gain 1.5 energy per second, instead.

    Takedowns restore @PercentManaRestore*100@% of your maximum mana or energy.
    Super Bonus Damage: +@f4@%{{perk_displayname_Guardian}}
    This unit is shielded.
    Source: @SourceName@+HP@f1@—@f1@/@f2@{{perk_display_stat_CelestialBody@f1@}}-@f2@%+@f2@@f9@@f1@ | @f2@@f3@/@MaxEyeballs@@f7@/@f8@@f2@@f2@%@f3@@f6*100@%@f1@:@f2@@f3@@f1@|@f2@|@f3@@f4@{{ perk_display_stat_Transcendence_@f4@ }}@f4*100@@f1@{{ adaptive_force_stat_@f2@ }}@f1@%@f4@/@f8@@f1@sRelentless HunterManaflow BandAbsolute FocusThe Ultimate HatDemolishOverhealLegend: BloodlineLegend: AlacrityLegend: TenacityTriumphAcute SensesApproach VelocityArcane CometBiscuit DeliveryBone PlatingCelerityCelestial BodyCheap ShotChrysalisConditioningConquerorCosmic InsightCoup de GraceCut DownDark HarvestThe Wicked Maestro The Twisted SurgeonThe Immortal ButcherThe Aether BladeElectrocuteEyeball CollectionFiretrapFirst StrikeFleet FootworkFont of LifeFuture's MarketGathering StormGlacial AugmentGrasp of the UndyingGuardianHail of BladesHeartseekerHextech FlashtraptionIngenious HunterThe Ruthless VisionaryThe Elegant Duelist The TimelessThe StargazerIron SkinKleptomancyLethal TempoMagical FootwearPrototype: OmnistoneMirror ShellNimbus CloakOvergrowthPerfect TimingPhase RushThe Merciless EliteThe SavantThe Eternal ChampionThe Brazen PerfectPresence of MindThe LeviathanThe Enlightened TitanThe BehemothThe Arcane ColossusNullifying OrbScryer's GazeSecond WindShield BashThe CalamityThe CrypticThe Incontestable SpellslingerThe Ancient OneSudden ImpactSummon AeryTaste of BloodTime Warp TonicTranscendenceTreasure HunterUltimate HunterUnflinchingUnsealed SpellbookWaterwalkingZombie WardGold Gained: @eogvar2@@eogvar1@:@eogvar2@Total time active: {{perk_eog_stat_FormattedTime}}Total Bonus AD/AP: @eogvar1@Total Damage Dealt: @eogvar1@Total Damage Mitigated: @eogvar2@Biscuits Received: @eogvar1@Total Damage Blocked: @eogvar1@Extra Distance Travelled: @eogvar1@--Total damage: @eogvar1@Bonus Damage per Activation: @eogvar1@Percent of game active: @eogvar1@%Total Bonus Armor: @eogvar1@Total Bonus Magic Resist: @eogvar2@Total Bonus Armor: @eogvar2@Total Bonus Magic Resist: @eogvar3@Total healing: @eogvar1@Total Bonus Damage: @eogvar1@Total Souls Harvested: @eogvar2@Bonus Damage per Activation: @eogvar2@Firetraps triggered: @eogvar1@Total burn damage caused: @eogvar2@Damage Dealt: @eogvar1@Gold gained: @eogvar2@Total Healing: @eogvar1@Total Ally Healing: @eogvar1@Future Purchases: @eogvar1@Ghost Poros Spawned: @eogvar3@Enemies Spotted: @eogvar1@Duration Enemy Champs Slowed: @eogvar1@sDamage Reduced: @eogvar2@Total Healing: @eogvar2@Total Shield Strength: @eogvar1@Attacks made with extra attack speed: @eogvar1@Percentage of Hail attacks landed: @eogvar2@%Bonus damage dealt: @eogvar1@Times Hexflashed: @eogvar1@Total Stacks: @eogvar2@Total Item Activations (Including Trinkets): @eogvar1@Bonus Armor: @eogvar1@Gold Granted: @eogvar1@Items Looted: @eogvar2@Total Resource Restored: @eogvar1@Total Bonus Attack Speed: @eogvar1@Total Bonus Lifesteal: @eogvar1@Total Bonus Tenacity: @eogvar1@Time Completed: {{perk_eog_stat_FormattedTime}}Max Attack Speed Uptime: {{perk_eog_stat_FormattedTime}}Boots Arrival Time: @eogvar1@:@eogvar2@@eogvar3@Total bonus mana: @eogvar1@Total mana restored: @eogvar2@Keystones Used: @eogvar1@Damage Dealt: @eogvar2@Positive Buffs Granted: @eogvar3@Bonus Minion Damage Dealt: @eogvar1@Melee Bonus Damage: @eogvar2@Siege Bonus Damage: @eogvar3@Bonus Magic Resist: @eogvar1@Times activated: @eogvar1@Total shield granted: @eogvar1@Shield Amount: @eogvar1@Total Bonus Max Health: @eogvar1@Total Shielding: @eogvar2@Timing: PerfectTotal activations: @eogvar1@@eogvar1@ Move Speed per ActivationTotal Damage to Champions: @eogvar1@Resource Restored: @eogvar1@Maximum Resource Increase: @eogvar2@Total Damage: @eogvar1@Bonus Damage: @eogvar2@Expose Damage: @eogvar3@@eogvar1@% Move Speed increaseBonus Healing: @eogvar1@Bonus Shielding: @eogvar2@Times triggered: @eogvar1@Bonus magic damage dealt: @eogvar2@Time Spent Hasted: @eogvar1@Total Extra Shielding: @eogvar2@Bonus Damage: @eogvar1@Damage Shielded: @eogvar2@Total Bonus CDR: @eogvar1@Total Immediate Health Restored: @eogvar2@Total Immediate Mana Restored: @eogvar3@Seconds refunded: @eogvar1@Gold Collected: @eogvar1@Total Health Restored: @eogvar1@Total bonus gold granted: @eogvar2@Total Stacks: @eogvar1@Seconds in combat at max tenacity granted: @eogvar1@Summoner Spells swapped: @eogvar1@Summoners Swapped: @eogvar1@Wards spawned: @eogvar1@Adaptive Force Gained: @eogvar2@Runes PanelClick to Open MenuAllows you to view your rune page and information.
    Progress Towards Next Stack: @f2@%Attacking and moving builds Energy stacks. At 100 stacks, your next attack is Energized.

    Energized attacks heal you for @HealBase@ - @HealMax@ (+@HealBonusADRatio.1@ Bonus AD, +@HealAPRatio.1@ AP) and grant @MSBuff*100@% Move Speed for 1s.

    Deals no damage to Monsters.
    Gain @StartingOOCMS@ Move Speed out of combat plus @OOCMS.0@ per Bounty Hunter stack.

    Bounty Hunter stacks are earned the first time you get a takedown on each enemy champion.Hitting a champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities within @WindowDuration@s deals bonus adaptive damage.

    Damage: @DamageBase@ - @DamageMax@ (+@BonusADRatio.-1@ bonus AD, +@APRatio.-1@ AP) damage.

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@ - @CooldownMin@s

    'We called them the Thunderlords, for to speak of their lightning was to invite disaster.'When you take magic damage that would reduce your Health below @PercHealthTrigger.0*100@%, gain a shield that absorbs @ShieldMin@ - @ShieldMax@ magic damage based on level (+@APRatio.-1@ AP and +@ADRatio.-1@ bonus AD) for @ShieldDuration@s.

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@sHitting an enemy champion with an ability permanently increases your maximum mana by @ManaIncrease@, up to @MaxManaIncrease@ mana.

    After reaching @MaxManaIncrease@ bonus mana, restore @PercentManaRestore*100@% of your missing mana every @PercentManaRestoreCooldown@ seconds.

    Cooldown: @Cooldown.0@ secondsGain @MovementSpeed@ Move Speed and {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_Max }} (based on level) when in the river.

    May you be as swift as the rushing river and agile as a startled Rift Scuttler.
    While above @HealthPercent*100@% health, gain {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_Max }} (based on level).

    Grants @MinAdaptive.-1*0.6@ Attack Damage or @MinAdaptive@ Ability Power at level 1. Deal @MinBonusDamagePercent.0*100@% - @MaxBonusDamagePercent.0*100@% increased damage to champions while you are below @HealthThresholdStart.0*100@% health. Max damage gained at @HealthThresholdEnd.0*100@% health.Your ultimate's cooldown is reduced by @StartingCDR@%. Each time you cast your ultimate, its cooldown is further reduced by @CDChunkPerStack@%. Stacks up to @MaxStacks@ times.You get free {{ Item_2422_Name }} at @GiveBootsAtMinute@ min, but you cannot buy boots before then. For each takedown you acquire the boots @SecondsSoonerPerTakedown@s sooner.

    {{ Item_2422_Name }} grants you an additional @AdditionalMovementSpeed@ Move Speed.While Flash is on cooldown it is replaced by Hexflash.

    Hexflash: Channel for @ChannelDuration@s to blink to a new location.

    Cooldown: @CooldownTime@s. Goes on a @ChampionCombatCooldown@s cooldown when you enter champion combat.Begin the game with a {{ game_item_displayname_2419 }} that transforms into a {{ game_item_displayname_2420 }} after @InitialCooldown.0@ minutes. Each takedown you acquire reduces this timer by @TakedownCDR@ seconds.

    {{ game_item_displayname_2420 }} can be used for a one time @StasisDuration.1@ second Stasis effect.Charge up a powerful attack against a tower over @TotalDemolishTime@s, while within @DistanceToTower@ range of it. The charged attack deals @OutputDamagePerStack@ (+@MaxHealthPercentDamage.0 * 100@% of your max health) bonus physical damage.

    Cooldown: @CooldownSeconds@sExcess healing on you becomes a shield, for up to @MaxBaseShieldCap@ (+@ShieldCapRatio.0*100@% Max Health).

    Shield is built up from @ShieldGenerationRateMin.0*100@ to @ShieldGenerationRateMax.0*100@% of excess healing from yourself or any ally.Takedowns restore @MissingHealthRestored.0*100@% of your missing health and grant an additional @BonusGold@ gold.

    'The most dangerous game brings the greatest glory.'
    —Noxian Reckoner
    Upon entering combat with an enemy Champion, recieve a warning signal if there's a Hidden enemy Champion within @Range@ units of you.

    In addition, the warning signal grants @AdaptiveMin@-@AdaptiveMax@ Adaptive stats (based on level) for @Duration@s.

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s

    Enemies are considered Hidden if they have not been seen for @DelayBeforeConsideredHidden@s or more.
    Gain @MovementSpeedPercentBonus*50@% Move Speed towards nearby enemy champions that are movement impaired. This bonus is increased to @MovementSpeedPercentBonus.0*100@% Move Speed for any enemy champion that you impair.

    Activation Range for CC from allies: @ActivationDistance@Damaging a champion with an ability hurls a comet at their location, or, if Arcane Comet is on cooldown, reduces its remaining cooldown.

    Adaptive Damage: @DamageBase@ - @DamageMax@ based on level (+@APRatio.-1@ AP and +@ADRatio.-1@ bonus AD)
    Cooldown: @RechargeTime@ - @RechargeTimeMin@s

    Cooldown Reduction:
    Single Target: @PercentRefund*100@%.
    Area of Effect: @AoEPercentRefund*100@%.
    Damage over Time: @DotPercentRefund*100@%.
    Biscuit Delivery: Gain a {{game_item_displayname_2010}} every @BiscuitMinuteInterval@ mins, until @SwapOverMinute@ min.

    Biscuits restore @HealthHealPercent.0*100@% of your missing health and mana. Consuming or selling a Biscuit permanently increases your mana cap by @PermanentMana@.

    Manaless: Champions without mana restore @HealthHealPercentManaless.0*100@% missing health instead.After taking damage from an enemy champion, the next @BlockCount@ spells or attacks you receive from them deal @BlockBase@-@BlockMax@ less damage.

    Duration: @BlockDuration@s
    Cooldown: @Cooldown@sAll movement bonuses are @PercentHasteMod*100@% more effective on you and gain @PercentMS*100@% Move Speed.+@HealthBonus@ Health permanently
    -@ChampionDamagePenalty*100@% damage to champions and monsters until @EndTime@ min

    'The greatest legends live on in the stars.'
    —Daphna the Dreamer
    Damaging champions with impaired movement or actions deals @DamageIncMin@ - @DamageIncMax@ bonus true damage (based on level).

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s
    Activates on damage occurring after the impairment.Start the game with @StartingHealth@ bonus health. When you get @MaxTakedowns@ takedowns, convert that health for {{perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce}}.{{ perk_short_desc_Conditioning }}Basic attacks or spells that deal damage to an enemy champion grant 2 stacks of Conqueror for @BuffDuration@s, gaining @MinAdaptivePerStack@-@MaxAdaptivePerStack@ Adaptive Force per stack. Stacks up to @MaxStacks@ times. Ranged champions gain only 1 stack per basic attack.

    When fully stacked, heal for @HealingPercent*100@% of the damage you deal to champions (@RangedHealingPercent*100@% for ranged champions).+@SummonerHaste@ Summoner Spell Haste
    +@ItemHaste@ Item HasteDeal @BonusPercentDamage.0 *100@% more damage to champions who have less than @EnemyHealthPercentageThreshold*100@% health.Deal @MinBonusDamagePercent.0*100@% to @MaxBonusDamagePercent.0*100@% more damage to champions, based on how much more max health they have than you.

    Bonus damage scales up linearly against enemies with @MinHealthDifference.0*100@% to @MaxHealthDifference.0*100@% more max health than you.Damaging a Champion below @HarvestThreshold*100@% health deals adaptive damage and harvests their soul, permanently increasing {{perk_displayname_DarkHarvest}}'s damage by @DamagePerSoulEssence@.

    {{perk_displayname_DarkHarvest}} damage: @BaseDamageLow@-@BaseDamageHigh@ (based on level) (+@DamagePerSoulEssence@ damage per soul) (+@ADRatio.-1@ bonus AD) (+@APRatio.-1@ AP)
    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s (resets to @CooldownResetValue.01@s on takedown){{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}{{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    +@AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed{{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    +@Health@-@HealthAtEighteen@ Health based on levelCollect eyeballs for champion takedowns. Gain {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce }}, per eyeball collected.

    Upon completing your collection at @MaxEyeballs@ eyeballs, additionally gain {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_EyeballCollection }}.

    Collect @StacksPerTakedown@ eyeball per champion takedown.Begin the game with a {{perk_displayname_Firetrap}} in your inventory and generate another one every @TrapGenerationDuration@ minutes thereafter, up to a maximum of @MaxFiretraps@ traps.

    Each {{perk_displayname_Firetrap}} can be placed on the ground, is stealthed and armed after @TrapSetDelay@s and lasts for @TrapDuration@s.

    The {{perk_displayname_Firetrap}} will explode if stepped on by enemy Champions, revealing and slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@s and dealing @BurnDamageMin@-@BurnDamageMax@ True Damage (based on level). If the trap was placed in brush before detonation, the slow effect is increased to @BrushSlowAmount*100@% and the damage is doubled.Attacks or abilities against an enemy champion within @GraceWindow@s of entering champion combat grants @GoldProcBonus@ gold and First Strike for @Duration@ seconds, causing you to deal @DamageAmp*100@% extra damage against champions, and granting @GoldPercentBonus*100@% (@GoldPercentBonusRanged*100@% for ranged champions) of bonus damage dealt as gold.

    Cooldown: @TooltipOnlyCooldownStartAmount@ - @TooltipOnlyCooldownEndAmount@sAttacking and moving builds Energy stacks. At 100 stacks, your next attack is Energized

    Energized attacks heal you for @HealBase@ - @HealMax@ (+@HealBonusADRatio.-1@ Bonus AD, +@HealAPRatio.-1@ AP) and grant @MSBuff*100@% Move Speed for @MSDuration.0@s.

    Healing from minions is @RangedMinionReduction*100@% effective for Ranged Champions, and @MeleeMinionReduction*100@% effective for Melee Champions.Impairing the movement of an enemy champion marks them for @MarkDuration@s.

    Ally champions who attack marked enemies heal for @FlatHealAmount@ + @HealthRatio.-1 * 100@% of your max health over @HealDuration@s. You can enter debt to buy items. The amount you can borrow increases over time.

    Lending Fee: @ExcessCostPenaltyFlat@ goldEvery @UpdateAfterMinutes@ min gain AP or AD, adaptive.

    10 min: + 8 AP or 5 AD
    20 min: + 24 AP or 14 AD
    30 min: + 48 AP or 29 AD
    40 min: + 80 AP or 48 AD
    50 min: + 120 AP or 72 AD
    60 min: + 168 AP or 101 AD
    etc...When your wards expire, they leave behind a {{ perk_displayname_GhostPoro }}, which grants vision for @MaxDuration@s. Nearby enemy champions scare the {{ perk_displayname_GhostPoro }} away.

    Gain {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce }} for every {{ perk_displayname_GhostPoro }} spawned and when your {{ perk_displayname_GhostPoro }} spots an enemy champion up to @MaxStacks@ stacks.

    After gaining @MaxStacks@ stacks, additionally gain @CompletionBonus@ adaptive force.Immobilizing an enemy champion will cause @RayCount@ glacial rays to emanate from them towards you and other nearby champions, creating frozen zones for @SlowZoneDuration@ (+ @CCCarryOverRatio@% of the immobilizing effect's duration) seconds that slow enemies for @SlowZoneSlowBase*100@% (+@SlowZoneSlowHealShieldRatio*100@% per 10% Heal and Shield Power) (+@SlowZoneSlowAPRatio*100@% per 100 Ability Power) (+@SlowZoneSlowbADRatio*100@% per 100 bonus Attack Damage) and reduce their damage by @DmgReduction*100@% against your allies (not including yourself).

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@sEvery @TriggerTime@s in combat, your next basic attack on a champion will:
  1905. Deal bonus magic damage equal to @PercentHealthDamage.1@% of your max health
  1906. Heals you for @PercentHealthHeal.1*100@% of your max health
  1907. Permanently increase your health by @MaxHealthPerProc@

  1908. Ranged Champions: Damage, healing, and permanent health gained reduced by @RangedPenaltyMod*100@%.
    {{ perk_shared_desc_Guardian }}

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@ - @CooldownMaxLevel@ seconds
    Shield: @ShieldBase@ - @ShieldMax@ + @APRatio*100@% of your ability power + @HPRatio.0*100@% of your bonus health
    Proc Threshold: @ThresholdMin@ - @ThresholdMax@ postmitigation damageGain @ASBoostMin*100@% Attack Speed when you attack an enemy champion for up to @NumHits@ attacks.

    No more than @Duration@s can elapse between attacks or this effect will end.

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s.

    Attack resets increase the attack limit by 1.
    Allows you to temporarily exceed the attack speed limit.
    The first @NumHits@ attacks against an enemy Champion gain @ASBoostMin*100@-@ASBoostMax*100@% Attack Speed. {{perk_displayname_HailOfBlades}} allows you to temporarily exceed the attack speed limit, but no more than @Duration@s can elapse between attacks or this effect will end.

    Cooldown: @OutOfCombatCooldown@s (resets 5 times faster when not in combat).

    Killing Siege Minions or Champion takedowns will summon a {{perk_displayname_Heartseeker}} entity that will hunt down the closest enemy Champion for @EntityLifetime@s. Upon contact, the entity will latch on, granting vision of them for @RevealDuration@s.

    Causing damage to a Champion afflicted with the {{perk_displayname_Heartseeker}} will destroy the entity, removing vision but dealing @BaseDamageMin@-@BaseDamageMax@ (+@ADRatio@ bonus AD)(+@APRatio@ AP) magic damage. Gain @StartingActiveItemAH@ Item Haste plus an additional @ActiveItemAHPerStack@ Item Haste per Bounty Hunter stack (includes Trinkets).

    Bounty Hunter stacks are earned the first time you get a takedown on each enemy champion.

    Item Haste affects all items with cooldowns. +@AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed+@Health@-@HealthAtEighteen@ Health based on levelGain +@ArmorBase@ Armor.

    Heal effects from consumables, heals for at least @FlatHealThreshold@ health and shields increase your Armor by @TotalExtraArmor*100@% for @EvolveArmorDuration@s.After using an ability, each of your next @KleptoCharges@ attacks can grant 5 gold... or something nicer.

    Only attacks against champions grant you a rewards.Gain @LifeStealPerStack*100@% Life Steal for every Legend stack (max @MaxLegendStacks@ stacks). At maximum Legend stacks, gain @BonusHealth@ max health.

    Earn progress toward Legend stacks for every champion takedown, epic monster takedown, large monster kill, and minion kill.Gain @AttackSpeedBase*100@% attack speed plus an additional @AttackSpeedPerStack*100@% for every Legend stack (max @MaxLegendStacks@ stacks).

    Earn progress toward Legend stacks for every champion takedown, epic monster takedown, large monster kill, and minion kill.Gain @TenacityBase*100@% tenacity plus an additional @TenacityPerStack*100@% for every Legend stack (max @MaxLegendStacks@ stacks).

    Earn progress toward Legend stacks for every champion takedown, epic monster takedown, large monster kill, and minion kill.Gain [@ASMeleeMinTOOLTIP@% - @ASMeleeMaxTOOLTIP@%] (Melee) or [@ASRangedMinTOOLTIP@% - @ASRangedMaxTOOLTIP@%] (Ranged) Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds when you attack an enemy champion. This effect stacks up to @StackCap@ times.

    While this effect fully stacked, your Attack Speed can exceed 2.5 and you gain @RangeBonus@ Attack Range.Periodically grants a single use of another random keystone.

    @LCUTooltipCooldownMeleeBase@-@LCUTooltipCooldownMeleeMax@ second cooldown between using a keystone and gaining the next. (@LCUTooltipCooldownRangeBase@-@LCUTooltipCooldownRangeMax@ seconds for ranged users)

    After @Duration@ seconds of not using a given keystone, Omnistone will re-roll when you exit champion combat.
    Aftershock is only available to champions who have learned a basic spell that can trigger it.
    Predator is only available to champions who have already purchased boots.
    Start the game with @GainedMinionKillers@ {{game_item_displayname_2403}}s that kill and absorb lane minions instantly. {{game_item_displayname_2403}}s are on cooldown for the first @InitialCooldown@s of the game.

    Absorbing a minion increases your damage by +@DamageBonusForAnyAbsorbed.0*100@% against that type of minion permanently, and an extra +@DamageBonusPerAdditionalAbsorbed.0*100@% for each additional minion of that type absorbed.
    Gain +@MRBase@ Magic Resist.

    Heal effects from consumables, heals for at least @FlatHealThreshold@ health and shields increase your Magic Resist by @EvolveBonusMR*100@% for @EvolveShellDuration@s.After casting a Summoner Spell, gain a Move Speed increase that lasts for @Duration@s and allows you to pass through units.

    Increase: @LowCDMSBoost*100@% - @HighCDMSBoost*100@% Move Speed based on the Summoner Spell's cooldown. (Higher cooldown Summoner Spells grant more Move Speed). Absorb life essence from monsters or enemy minions that die near you, permanently gaining @FlatHealthPerTier@ maximum health for every @UnitsPerTier@.

    When you've absorbed @ThresholdUnits@ monsters or enemy minions, gain an additional @ThresholdMaxHealthRatio*100@% maximum health.{{perk_shared_desc_PhaseRush}}
    Cooldown: @MaxCooldown@s - @MinCooldown@s+@AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}+@AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed
    +@Health@-@HealthAtEighteen@ Health based on levelEnchants your boots with the active effect '{{perk_displayname_Predator}}.'

    {{ game_itemmod_bloodmoonboots }}Damaging an enemy champion increases your mana regeneration by @RegenAmount@ (80% for ranged) mana per second for @RegenDuration@ seconds. All energy users gain 1.5 energy per second, instead.

    Takedowns restore @PercentManaRestore*100@% of your maximum mana or energy. Hitting an enemy champion with @HitsRequired@ consecutive basic attacks deals @MinDamage@ - @MaxDamage@ bonus adaptive damage (based on level) and makes them vulnerable, increasing the damage they take by @AmpPotencyStartSelf.0*100@ - @AmpPotencyMaxSelf.0*100@% from all sources for @AmpDuration@s.+@Health@ Health+@Health@-@HealthAtEighteen@ Health based on level
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}+@Health@-@HealthAtEighteen@ Health based on level
    +@AttackSpeed.0*100@% Attack SpeedGain @HealShieldPower*100@% Heal and Shield Power.

    Heals and shields you cast or receive are @ExtraAmp.0@% stronger on targets below @HealthCutoff.0@% health.Your next damaging ability hit sets champions on fire dealing @damage@ - @damagemax@ bonus magic damage based on level after @dotduration@s.

    Cooldown: @BurnlockoutDuration@sThe closest enemy ward or vision device within @DetectionRange@ units of you is revealed for @BlackoutDuration@s. In addition, damaging an enemy Champion after destroying a vision device inflicts @DamageMin@ - @DamageMax@ bonus magic damage.

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s

    {{perk_displayname_ScryersGaze}} begins the game on cooldown.After taking damage from an enemy champion, heal for @RegenPercentMax.0*100@% of your missing health +@RegenFlat.0@ over @RegenSeconds@s.While shielded, gain 1 - 10 Armor and Magic Resist based on Level.

    Whenever you gain a new shield, your next basic attack against a champion deals @ProcBaseMin@ - @ProcBaseMax@ (+@BonusHealthRatio.1@% Bonus Health) (+@ShieldRatio.1@% New Shield Amount) bonus adaptive damage.

    You have up to @ProcDuration@s after the shield expires to use this effect.+@StatGain2@ Adaptive Force+@StatGain@ Armor+@StatGain@% Attack Speed+@HasteGain@ Ability Haste +@StatGainMin@-@StatGainMax@ Health (based on level)+@StatGain@ Magic Resist+@StatGain1@% MSAfter exiting stealth or using a dash, leap, blink, or teleport, dealing any damage to a champion grants you @BonusLethality.0@ Lethality and @BonusMpen.0@ Magic Penetration for @Duration@s.

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@sDamaging enemy champions with basic attacks or abilities sends Aery to them, dealing @DamageBase@ - @DamageMax@ based on level (+@DamageAPRatio.-1@ AP) (+@DamageADRatio.-1@ bonus AD).

    Empower or protecting allies with abilities sends Aery to them, shielding them for @ShieldBase@ - @ShieldMax@ based on level (+@ShieldRatio.-1@ AP) (+@ShieldRatioAD.-1@ bonus AD).

    Aery cannot be sent out again until she returns to you.Heal when you damage an enemy champion.

    Healing: @HealAmount@-@HealAmountMax@ (+@ADRatio.-1@ bonus AD, +@APRatio.-1@ AP) health (based on level)

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@sConsuming a potion or biscuit grants @RestorationPercentage*100@% of its health or mana restoration immediately. In addition, gain @BonusMS*100@% Move Speed while under their effects.

    Gain bonuses upon reaching the following levels:
    Level @LevelToTurnOn@: +@HasteBonus1*100@ Ability Haste
    Level @LevelToTurnOn2@: +@HasteBonus2*100@ Ability Haste
    Level @LevelToTurnOn3@: On Champion takedown, reduce the remaining cooldown of basic abilities by @KillCooldownRefund*100@%.
    Gain an additional @BaseGoldAmount@ gold the next time you collect a Bounty Hunter stack. Increase the gold gained by @GoldGrowth@ gold for each Bounty Hunter stack, up to @TOOLTIPMaxGoldAmount@ gold.

    Bounty Hunter stacks are earned the first time you get a takedown on each enemy champion.Your ultimate gains @StartingUltAH@ Ability Haste, plus an additional @AdditionalUltAH.0@ Ability Haste per Bounty Hunter stack.

    Bounty Hunter stacks are earned the first time you get a takedown on each enemy champion.Gain @PersistTenacity.0*100@% Tenacity and @PersistSlowResist.0*100@% Slow Resist. These values increase by up to an additional @BonusTenacity.0*100@% Tenacity and @BonusSlowResist.0*100@% Slow Resist based on missing health. Maximum value achieved at 30% health. Swap one of your equipped Summoner Spells to a new, single use Summoner Spell. Each unique Summoner Spell you swap to permanently decreases your swap cooldown by @ShardRechargeReductionSeconds@s (initial swap cooldown is at @ShardRechargeMinutes@ mins).

    Your first swap becomes available at @ShardFirstMinutes@ mins.

    Summoner Spells can only be swapped while out of combat.
    After using a swapped Summoner Spell you must swap @NumSummonersBeforeRepeat@ more times before the first can be selected again.
    Smite damage increases after two Summoner Spell swaps.
    After immobilizing an enemy champion, increase your Armor and Magic Resist by @FlatResists@ + @PercentBonusResist*100@% of your Bonus Resists for @DelayBeforeBurst.1@s. Then explode, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.

    Damage: @StartingBaseDamage@ - @MaxBaseDamage@ (+@HealthRatio.-1@% of your bonus health)
    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s

    Resistance bonus from Aftershock capped at: @BonusResistMin@-@BonusResistMax@ (based on level)
    Takedowns on enemy Wards cause friendly {{perk_displayname_ZombieWard}}s to sprout from their corpses.

    Gain {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce }} for every {{ perk_displayname_ZombieWard }} spawned, up to @MaxStacks@.

    After spawning @MaxStacks@ {{perk_displayname_ZombieWard}}s, additionally gain @CompletionBonus@ adaptive force.

    Zombie Wards are visible, last for @WardDuration@s and do not count towards your ward limit.FlexGuard allies within @SnuggleRange@ units of you, and allies you target with spells for @GuardDuration@s. While Guarding, if you or the ally take more than a small amount of damage over the duration of the Guard, both of you gain a shield for @ShieldDuration@s.Hitting an enemy champion with @NumberToProc@ attacks or separate abilities within @Window@s grants @HasteBase*100@ - @HasteMax*100@% Move Speed based on level and @SlowResist*100@% Slow Resistance.
    This is increased to @HasteBaseMelee*100@ - @HasteMaxMelee*100@% Move Speed for Melee champions.
    Duration: @Duration@sUnique takedowns grant permanent out of combat MS. Hitting a champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities in @WindowDuration@s deals bonus adaptive damage.Gain a magic damage shield when taken to low health by magic damage.Hitting an enemy champion with an ability permanently increases your maximum mana by @ManaIncrease@, up to @MaxManaIncrease@ mana.

    After reaching @MaxManaIncrease@ bonus mana, restore @PercentManaRestore*100@% of your missing mana every @PercentManaRestoreCooldown@ seconds.Gain MS and AP or AD, adaptive in the river.While above @HealthPercent*100@% health, gain extra adaptive damage.Deal more damage to champions while you are low on health.Your ultimate's cooldown is reduced. Each time you cast your ultimate, its cooldown is further reduced.You get free boots at @GiveBootsAtMinute@ min but you cannot buy boots before then. Each takedown you get makes your boots come @SecondsSoonerPerTakedown@s sooner.While Flash is on cooldown it is replaced by Hexflash.

    Hexflash: Channel, then blink to a new location.Gain a free {{game_item_displayname_2419}}. After @InitialCooldown@ minutes, it can be used for a one time Stasis effect.

    Each takedown you get shortens this timer by @TakedownCDR@ seconds.Charge up a powerful attack against a tower while near it.Excess healing on you becomes a shield.Takedowns restore @MissingHealthRestored.0*100@% of your missing health and grant an additional @BonusGold@ gold. Upon entering combat with an enemy Champion, recieve a warning signal if there's a Hidden enemy Champion nearby.

    In addition, the warning signal grants bonus damage for @Duration@s.

    Bonus MS towards nearby enemy champions that are movement impaired, increased for enemy champions that you impair.Damaging a champion with an ability hurls a damaging comet at their location.Gain a free Biscuit every @BiscuitMinuteInterval@ min, until @SwapOverMinute@ min. Consuming or selling a Biscuit permanently increases your max mana and restores health and mana.{{perk_long_desc_BonePlating}}All Move Speed bonuses are @PercentHasteMod*100@% more effective on you and gain @PercentMS*100@% Move Speed.+@HealthBonus@ Health permanently
    -@ChampionDamagePenalty*100@% damage to champions and monsters until @EndTime@ minDeal bonus true damage to enemy champions with impaired movement or actions. {{perk_long_desc_Chrysalis}}After @MinutesRequired@ min gain +@ArmorBase@ Armor and +@MRBase@ Magic Resist and increase your Armor and Magic Resist by @ExtraResist@%.Gain stacks of adaptive force when attacking enemy champions. After reaching @MaxStacks@ stacks, heal for a portion of damage you deal to champions.Deal more damage to low health enemy champions.Deal more damage to champions with more max health than you.Damaging a low health champion inflicts adaptive damage and harvests a soul from the victim.Domination + Inspiration Set BonusDomination + Precision Set BonusDomination + Resolve Set BonusDomination + Sorcery Set BonusCollect eyeballs for champion takedowns. Gain permanent AD or AP, adaptive for each eyeball plus bonus upon collection completion.Begin the game with a {{perk_displayname_Firetrap}} in your inventory. Generate @MaxFiretraps-1@ more over the course of the game.

    The {{perk_displayname_Firetrap}} will explode if stepped on, revealing nearby Champions, greatly slowing them for a few seconds and dealing True Damage. The effect of a trap is greatly enhanced if it was located in brush when detonated.
    When you initiate champion combat, deal @DamageAmp*100@% extra damage for @Duration@ seconds and gain gold based on damage dealt.Attacking and moving builds Energy stacks. At 100 stacks, your next attack heals you and grants increased MS.Impairing the movement of an enemy champion marks them. Your allies heal when attacking champions you've marked. You can enter debt to buy items.Gain increasing amounts of AD or AP, adaptive over the course of the game.When your wards expire, they leave behind a {{ perk_displayname_GhostPoro }}. The {{ perk_displayname_GhostPoro }} grants vision until discovered. Gain permanent AD or AP, adaptive for each {{ perk_displayname_GhostPoro }} and when your {{ perk_displayname_GhostPoro }} spots an enemy champion, plus bonus upon completion.Immobilizing an enemy champion will cause @RayCount@ glacial rays that slow nearby enemies and reduce their damage to your allies.Every @TriggerTime@s your next attack on a champion deals bonus magic damage, heals you, and permanently increases your health.Guard allies you cast spells on and those that are very nearby. If you or a guarded ally would take damage based on level, you're both granted a shield.Gain a large amount of Attack Speed for the first @NumHits@ attacks made against enemy champions.Gain a large amount of Attack Speed and bonus Adaptive damage for the first @NumHits@ attacks made against enemy champions.Killing Siege Minions or Champion takedowns will summon a {{perk_displayname_Heartseeker}} entity that will hunt down the closest enemy Champion, revealing them and granting bonus magic damage if you attack them shortly after. Unique takedowns grant permanent Item Haste (includes Trinkets).Inspiration + Domination Set BonusInspiration + Precision Set BonusInspiration + Resolve Set BonusInspiration + Sorcery Set BonusGain +@ArmorBase@ Armor.
    Heals, including consumables, increase your Armor by @TotalExtraArmor*100@% temporarily.Loot gold and items from enemy champions by casting spells and auto attacking them.Takedowns on enemies grant permanent Life Steal, up to a cap. Once the cap is reached, increase your max health. Weaker earlier but stronger later game than other Legend Runes.Takedowns on enemies grant permanent Attack Speed. Takedowns on enemies grant permanent Tenacity. Gain Attack Speed when attacking an enemy champion, stacking up to @StackCap@ times. At max stacks, gain Attack Range and remove your Attack Speed limit.Periodically grants a single use of another random keystone.Start the game with @GainedMinionKillers@ {{game_item_displayname_2403}}s. Killing minions with the item gives permanent bonus damage vs. that minion type.Gain +@MRBase@ Magic Resist.
    Heals, including consumables, increase your Magic Resist by @EvolveBonusMR*100@% temporarily.
    After casting a Summoner Spell, gain a short Move Speed increase that allows you to pass through units.Gain permanent max health when minions or monsters die near you.Hitting an enemy champion with @NumberToProc@ separate attacks or abilities grants a burst of MS. Precision + Domination Set BonusPrecision + Inspiration Set BonusPrecision + Resolve Set BonusPrecision + Sorcery Set BonusAdd an active effect to your boots that grants a large boost of MS and causes your next attack or ability to deal bonus adaptive damage.Increase your mana or energy regeneration when damaging an enemy champion. Takedowns restore mana or energy.Hitting an enemy champion @HitsRequired@ consecutive times makes them vulnerable, dealing bonus damage and causing them to take more damage from all sources for @AmpDuration@s.Resolve + Domination Set BonusResolve + Inspiration Set BonusResolve + Precision Set BonusResolve + Sorcery Set BonusYour first damaging ability hit every @BurnlockoutDuration@s burns champions.The closest enemy ward or vision device you pass closeby is revealed for a few seconds. In addition, damaging an enemy Champion after destroying a vision device inflicts bonus magic damage.After taking damage from an enemy champion heal back some missing health over time. Whenever you gain a shield, your next basic attack against a champion deals bonus adaptive damage.Sorcery + Domination Set BonusSorcery + Inspiration Set BonusSorcery + Precision Set BonusSorcery + Resolve Set BonusGain a burst of Lethality and Magic Penetration after using a dash, leap, blink, teleport, or when leaving stealth.Your attacks and abilities send Aery to a target, damaging enemies or shielding allies.Heal when you damage an enemy champion.Potions and biscuits grant some restoration immediately. Gain MS while under their effects.Gain bonuses upon reaching the following levels:
    Level @LevelToTurnOn@: +@HasteBonus1*100@ Ability Haste
    Level @LevelToTurnOn2@: +@HasteBonus2*100@ Ability Haste
    Level @LevelToTurnOn3@: On Champion takedown, reduce the remaining cooldown of basic abilities by @KillCooldownRefund*100@%.Unique takedowns grant additional gold the first time they are collected. Unique takedowns grant permanent cooldown reduction on your Ultimate. Gain a small amount of tenacity that increases with missing health. Swap Summoner Spells while out of combat. Swapping to unique Summoner Spells will increase the rate at which you can make future swaps.After immobilizing an enemy champion gain defenses and later deal a burst of magic damage around you.Takedowns on enemy Wards cause friendly {{perk_displayname_ZombieWard}}s to sprout from their corpses. Gain permanent AD or AP, adaptive for each {{perk_displayname_ZombieWard}} spawned plus bonus upon completion.@f5.1@ Attack Damage@f5@ Ability Power@SoulThreshold1@ soul essence: victim is slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@s@SoulThreshold1@ soul essence: victim is slowed by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@s@SoulThreshold2@ soul essence: soul reap damage is dealt to nearby enemy Champions@SoulThreshold2@ soul essence: soul reap damage is dealt to nearby enemy Champions@SoulThreshold3@ soul essence: soul reap deals True Damage@SoulThreshold3@ soul essence: soul reap deals True Damage@f8@ physical damage@f8@ magic damage@f9@ Attack Damage@f9@ Ability Powermagic damagephysical damage@f9.1@ Attack Damage@f10.1@ Attack Damage@f10@ Ability Poweran adaptive bonus of @AdaptiveForce.-1*0.6@ Attack Damage or @AdaptiveForce@ Ability Poweran adaptive bonus of @CompletionBonus.-1*0.6@ Attack Damage, or @CompletionBonus@ Ability PowerAdaptive AD or AP is equal to @PercentHealthAdaptiveBonus.0*0.6@% or @PercentHealthAdaptiveBonus.-1@% of your max health, adaptive bonus of up to @MaxAdaptive.-1*0.6@ Attack Damage or @MaxAdaptive@ Ability Power+@AdaptiveForce.0*0.6@ Attack Damage or +@AdaptiveForce@ Ability Power, AdaptiveThis is a temp fix to an annoying issue{{perk_long_desc_8105}}

    Current Relentless Hunter increase: @f3.2@% Move Speed

    {{ bountyHunter_bountyBoard }}{{perk_long_desc_8226}}

    Total bonus mana: @f1@
    Total mana restored: @f2@{{ perk_long_desc_8233 }}

    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}{{perk_long_desc_8234}}

    Minimum bonus is @MinBonusDamagePercent*100@%.
    Maximum bonus is granted while below @HealthThresholdEnd*100@% health.

    Total bonus damage: @f1@{{perk_long_desc_8241}}

    Ultimate Cooldown Reduction: +@f1*100@%
    Stacks: @f3@/@MaxStacks@Charge up a powerful attack against a tower over @TotalDemolishTime@s, while within @DistanceToTower@ range of it. The charged attack deals @f6@ bonus physical damage.

    Cooldown remaining: @f2@
    Total bonus damage: @f1@
    Current Damage: @OutputDamagePerStack@ + @MaxHealthPercentDamage.0 * 100@% of your max healthExcess healing on you becomes a shield, for up to @f7@ Max Health.

    Shield is built up from @f6@% of excess healing from yourself or any ally.

    Total damage blocked: @f1@{{perk_long_desc_LegendBloodline}}

    Total Life Steal Granted: @f1*100@% (@f3@ of @MaxLegendStacks@){{ perk_legend_next_stack_@f4@ }}

    Total Attack Speed added: @f1*100@% (@f3@ of @MaxLegendStacks@){{ perk_legend_next_stack_@f4@ }}{{perk_long_desc_LegendTenacity}}

    Total tenacity granted: @f1*100@% (@f3@ of @MaxLegendStacks@){{ perk_legend_next_stack_@f4@ }}Takedowns restore @MissingHealthRestored.0*100@% of your missing health and grant an additional @BonusGold@ gold.

    Total health restored: @f1@
    Total bonus gold granted: @f2@Upon entering combat with an enemy Champion, recieve a warning signal if there's a Hidden enemy Champion within @Range@ units of you.

    In addition, the warning signal grants {{perk_substring_acutesensesadaptive_@f2@}} for @Duration@s.

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s

    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}
    Times Acute Senses activated: @f3@

    Enemies are considered Hidden if they have not been seen for @DelayBeforeConsideredHidden@s or more.

    Time Spent Hasted: @f1@sDamaging a champion with an ability hurls a comet at their location, or, if Arcane Comet is on cooldown, reduces its remaining cooldown.

    Cooldown Reduction:
    Single Target: @PercentRefund*100@%.
    Area of Effect: @AoEPercentRefund*100@%.
    Damage over Time: @DotPercentRefund*100@%.

    Damage: @f5@ (+@f6@) (+@f7@)
    Cooldown: @f2@s

    You have hit with @f3@% of comets fired, for a total of @f1@ damage to champions.{{ perk_long_desc_BiscuitDelivery }}

    Biscuits Gained: @f1@/@f2@After taking damage from an enemy champion, the next @BlockCount@ spells or attacks you receive from them deal @f2@ less damage.

    Duration: @BlockDuration.1@s
    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s

    Total Damage Reduced: @f1@{{perk_long_desc_Celerity}}

    Currently Granted: @f1@ Move Speed
    Extra Distance Traveled: @f2@{{perk_long_desc_CheapShot}}

    Current Damage: @f2@
    Total bonus damage dealt: @f1@{{perk_long_desc_Chrysalis}}

    Takedowns: @f1@/@f2@
    Health Given: @f3@
    Bonus {{ adaptive_force_full_@f5@ }} Given: @f4@{{ perk_long_desc_Conditioning }}

    Armor Gained: @f3@ (+@f4@)
    Resist Gained: @f5@ (+@f6@)Basic attacks or spells that deal damage to an enemy champion grant 2 stacks of Conqueror for @BuffDuration@s, gaining {{perk_substring_ConquerorAdaptive_@f4@}} per stack. Stacks up to @MaxStacks@ times. Ranged champions gain only 1 stack per basic attack.

    When fully stacked, heal for @HealingPercent*100@% of the damage you deal to champions (@RangedHealingPercent*100@% for ranged champions).

    Total Healing: @f1@{{ perk_long_desc_CosmicInsight }}{{perk_long_desc_CoupDeGrace}}

    Total bonus damage dealt: @f1@{{perk_long_desc_CutDown}}

    Total bonus damage: @f1@Damaging a Champion below @SoulDrainHealth*100@% health deals {{perk_substring_DarkHarvestadaptive_@f2@}} and harvests their soul, permanently increasing {{perk_displayname_DarkHarvest}}'s damage.

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s (reset on takedown)

    Souls harvested: @f5@
    Bonus damage from souls: @f6@ (+@f3*100@% bonus AD) (+@f4*100@% AP)
    Current damage: @f7@ (+@f6@) (+@f10@) (+@f11@)
    Total damage dealt: @f9@Damaging a champion below @HarvestThreshold*100@% health deals {{perk_substring_DarkHarvestadaptive_@f2@}} and harvests their soul, permanently increasing {{perk_displayname_DarkHarvest}}'s damage by @f12@.

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s (resets to @CooldownResetValue.01@s on takedown)

    Souls harvested: @f5@
    Current damage: @f7@ (+@f6@) (+@f10@) (+@f11@)
    Total damage dealt: @f9@Damaging a Champion below @SoulDrainHealth*100@% health inflicts soul reap, dealing bonus adaptive damage and harvesting @SoulEssencePerHarvest@ soul essence from the victim. Soul reap gains further benefits after harvesting enough soul essence:


    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s, reset on takedowns.

    Souls essence harvested: @f6@
    Bonus damage on reap: {{perk_substring_DarkHarvestadaptive_@f2@}}Domination + Inspiration
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}Domination + Precision
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}
    +@AttackSpeed*100@% Attack SpeedDomination + Resolve
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}Domination + Resolve
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}
    +@Health@-@HealthAtEighteen@ Health based on levelDomination + Sorcery
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}Hitting a champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities within @WindowDuration@s deals bonus adaptive damage.
    Cooldown: @Cooldown@ - @CooldownMin@s

    Current damage: @f2@ (+@f3@) (+@f4@)
    Total Damage Dealt: @f1@{{perk_long_desc_EyeballCollection}}

    Stats Gained: {{perk_tooltip_dynamic_StatModAdaptive_@f4@}}
    Eyeballs Collected: @f3@/@MaxEyeballs@Begin the game with a {{perk_displayname_Firetrap}} in your inventory and generate another one every @TrapGenerationDuration@ minutes thereafter, up to a maximum of @MaxFiretraps@ traps.

    Each {{perk_displayname_Firetrap}} can be placed on the ground, is stealthed and armed after @TrapSetDelay@s and lasts for @TrapDuration@s.

    The {{perk_displayname_Firetrap}} will explode if stepped on by enemy Champions, revealing and slowing them by @SlowAmount*100@% for @SlowDuration@s and dealing @f5@ True Damage. If the trap was placed in brush before detonation, the slow effect is increased to @BrushSlowAmount*100@% and the damage to @f6@ True Damage.

    Traps received: @f7@
    Traps placed: @f1@
    Traps triggered: @f2@
    Damage done: @f3@
    Trap assisted Takedowns : @f9@ (Not hooked up yet)Attacks or abilities against an enemy champion within @GraceWindow.2@s of entering champion combat grants @GoldProcBonus@ gold and First Strike for @Duration@ seconds, causing you to deal @DamageAmp*100@% extra damage against champions, and granting {{ Item_Melee_Ranged_Split }} of that damage dealt as gold.

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s

    Damage Dealt: @f1@
    Gold Gained: @f2@Attacking and moving builds Energy stacks. At 100 stacks, your next attack is Energized.

    Energized attacks heal you for @f2@ (+@f3@) (+@f4@) and grant @f5*100@% Move Speed for @MSDuration.0@ second.

    Healing from minions is @RangedMinionReduction*100@% effective for Ranged Champions, and @MeleeMinionReduction*100@% effective for Melee Champions.

    Total Healing: @f1@{{perk_long_desc_FontOfLife}}{{perk_long_desc_FuturesMarket}}

    Debt limit: {{ perk_FuturesMarket_debtmode_@f2@ }}
    Future Purchases: @f3@{{perk_long_desc_GatheringStorm}}

    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}{{perk_long_desc_GhostPoro}}

    Stats Gained: {{perk_tooltip_dynamic_StatModAdaptive_@f4@}}
    Poros Spawned: @f3@
    Enemies Spotted: @f5@Immobilizing an enemy champion will cause @RayCount@ glacial rays to emanate from them towards you and other nearby champions, creating frozen zones for @SlowZoneDuration@ (+ @CCCarryOverRatio@% of the immobilizing effect's duration) seconds that slow enemies and reduce their damage by @DmgReduction*100@% against your allies (not including yourself).

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s
    Slow Amount: @f3@% = @SlowZoneSlowBase*100@% +@f4@% (%i:scaleHealShield%) +@f5@% (%i:scaleAP%) +@f6@% (%i:scaleAD%)
    Duration Enemy Champs Slowed: @f1@s
    Damage Reduced: @f2@{{ perk_long_desc_GraspOfTheUndying }}
    Damage to Champions: @f1@
    Total Healing: @f2@
    Times Used: @f3@{{ perk_shared_desc_Guardian }}

    Cooldown: @f5@ seconds
    Current shield strength: @f2@ (+@f3@) (+@f4@).Gain @f3@% Attack Speed when you attack an enemy champion for up to @NumHits@ attacks.

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s.

    Hail of Blades attacks: @f1@
    Percentage of Hail attacks landed: @f2@%

    Basic Attack resets increase the attack limit by 1.
    Allows you to temporarily exceed the attack speed limit.
    The first @NumHits@ attacks against an enemy Champion gain @f3@% Attack Speed. {{perk_displayname_HailOfBlades}} allows you to temporarily exceed the attack speed limit, but no more than @Duration@s can elapse between attacks or this effect will end.

    Cooldown: @OutOfCombatCooldown@s (resets 5 times faster when not in combat).

    Hail of Blades attacks: @f1@
    Percentage of Hail attacks landed: @f2@%Killing Siege Minions or Champion takedowns will summon a {{perk_displayname_Heartseeker}} entity that will hunt down the closest enemy Champion for @EntityLifetime@s. Upon contact, the entity will latch on, granting vision of them for @RevealDuration@s.

    Causing damage to a Champion afflicted with the {{perk_displayname_Heartseeker}} will destroy the entity, removing vision but dealing @f6@ (+@f4@)(+@f5@) magic damage.

    Heartseekers summoned: @f1@
    Enemies marked: @f2@
    Bonus damage dealt: @f3@{{perk_long_desc_8306}}{{perk_long_desc_IngeniousHunter}}

    Total item activations (including Trinkets): @f3@

    {{ bountyHunter_bountyBoard }}Inspiration + Domination
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}Inspiration + Precision
    +@AttackSpeed*100@% Attack SpeedInspiration + Resolve
    +@Health@-@HealthAtEighteen@ Health based on levelInspiration + Sorcery
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}{{ perk_long_desc_IronSkin }}{{ perk_long_desc_Kleptomancy }}

    Gold Gained: @f1@
    Items Looted: @f3@Gain %i:scaleAS% (%i:meleeActive% @ASMelee@ || %i:rangedActive% @ASRanged@) Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds when you attack an enemy champion. This effect stacks up to @StackCap@ times.

    While this effect is fully stacked, your Attack Speed can exceed 2.5 and you also gain @RangeBonus@ Attack Range.

    Capstone Uptime: @f1@s{{ perk_long_desc_8304 }}

    Boots arrival time: @f1@:@f2@@f3@Periodically grants a single use of another random keystone.

    @Cooldown@ second cooldown between using a keystone and gaining the next. (@CooldownRanged@ seconds for ranged users)

    After @Duration@ seconds of not using a given keystone, Omnistone will re-roll when you exit champion combat.
    Aftershock is only available to champions who have learned a basic spell that can trigger it.
    Predator is only available to champions who have already purchased boots.
    Dark Harvest souls empower all your keystones (@f4@ souls collected).

    Keystones Used: @f1@
    Total Damage Dealt: @f2@
    Buffs Applied: @f3@{{perk_long_desc_MinionDematerializer}}

    Melee Bonus Damage: +@f1@%
    Caster Bonus Damage: +@f2@%
    Siege Bonus Damage: +@f3@%{{ perk_conditional_MinionDematerializer_Supers_@f5@ }}{{ perk_long_desc_MirrorShell }}After casting a Summoner Spell, gain a Move Speed increase that lasts for @Duration@s and allows you to pass through units.

    Increase: @LowCDMSBoost*100@% - @HighCDMSBoost*100@% Move Speed based on the Summoner Spell's cooldown. (Higher cooldown Summoner Spells grant more Move Speed).

    Times activated: @f1@{{perk_long_desc_Overgrowth}}

    Total Max Health Earned: @f1@
    Enemies Absorbed: @f2@{{perk_long_desc_8313}}{{perk_shared_desc_PhaseRush}}
    Cooldown: @f4@s
    Haste Bonus: @f2@%Precision + Domination
    +@AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}Precision + Inspiration
    +@AttackSpeed*100@% Attack SpeedPrecision + Resolve
    +@AttackSpeed*100@% Attack SpeedPrecision + Sorcery
    +@AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}Precision + Resolve
    +@AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed
    +@Health@-@HealthAtEighteen@ Health based on levelEnchants your boots with the active effect {{perk_displayname_Predator}}.

    Gain increased Move Speed, ramping up to @MaxMSLevelCalc@ Move Speed over @ChannelDuration.1@ seconds, while chasing enemy champions. Damaging attacks or abilities to champions end this effect, dealing @f3@ (+@f5@) (+@f4@) bonus damage.

    Cooldown: @f7@s

    Damage Dealt To Champions: @f1@{{perk_long_desc_PresenceOfMind}}

    Resource Restored: @f1@
    Hitting an enemy champion with @HitsRequired@ consecutive basic attacks deals @f4@ bonus adaptive damage (based on level) and makes them vulnerable, increasing the damage they take by @f7@% from all sources for @AmpDuration@s.

    Bonus Damage Dealt: @f2@
    Total Exposure Damage: @f3@Resolve + Domination
    +@Health@ HealthResolve + Domination
    +@Health@-@HealthAtEighteen@ Health based on level
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}Resolve + Inspiration
    +@Health@-@HealthAtEighteen@ Health based on levelResolve + Precision
    +@Health@ HealthResolve + Precision
    +@Health@-@HealthAtEighteen@ Health based on level
    +@AttackSpeed.0*100@% Attack SpeedResolve + Sorcery
    +@Health@ HealthResolve + Sorcery
    +@Health@-@HealthAtEighteen@ Health based on level
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}{{perk_long_desc_Revitalize}}

    Bonus healing: @f1@
    Bonus shielding: @f2@
    Total Heal and Shield power: @f4@%When you take magic damage that would reduce your Health below @PercHealthTrigger.0*100@%, gain a shield that absorbs @f2@ (+@f3@) (+@f4@) magic damage for @ShieldDuration@s.

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s

    Total Magic Damage Blocked: @f1@{{perk_long_desc_Scorch}}

    Current Damage: @f2@
    Total Damage Dealt: @f1@The closest enemy ward or vision device within @DetectionRange@ units of you is revealed for @BlackoutDuration@s. In addition, damaging an enemy Champion after destroying a vision device inflicts @f1@ bonus magic damage.

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s
    {{perk_displayname_ScryersGaze}} begins the game on cooldown.

    Times triggered: @f3@
    Bonus damage to enemy Champions: @f4@{{perk_long_desc_SecondWind}}

    Total healing: @f1@While shielded, gain @f6@ bonus Armor and Magic Resist.

    Whenever you gain a new shield, your next basic attack against a champion deals @f4@ (+@f2@) (+@ShieldRatio.1@% New Shield Amount) bonus {{perk_substring_shieldbashadaptive_@f5@}}.

    You have up to @ProcDuration@s after the shield expires to use this effect.

    Total Damage Dealt: @f1@Sorcery + Domination
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}Sorcery + Inspiration
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}Sorcery + Precision
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}
    +@AttackSpeed*100@% Attack SpeedSorcery + Resolve
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}Sorcery + Resolve
    {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_SetBonus }}
    {{ adaptive_force_tip_bonus_@f2@ }}
    +@Health@-@HealthAtEighteen@ Health based on level@StatGain@ Ability Power{{perk_tooltip_dynamic_StatModAdaptive_@f1@}}+@f1@ Ability Haste+@f1@ Health (based on level)@StatGain1@% Move Speed{{perk_long_desc_SuddenImpact}}

    Bonus champion damage: @f1@Damaging enemy champions with basic attacks or abilities sends Aery to them, dealing @f5@ (+@f6@) (+@f7@).

    Empower or protecting allies with abilities sends Aery to them, shielding them for @f8@ (+@f9@) (+@f10@).

    Aery cannot be sent out again until she returns to you.

    Aery has attacked enemies @f1@ times for a total of @f3@ damage.
    Aery has helped allies @f2@ times, shielding a total of @f4@ damage.Heal when you damage an enemy champion.

    Healing: @f2@ (+@f3@) (+@f4@)

    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s

    Total Healing: @f1@{{perk_long_desc_TimeWarpTonic}}

    Time Spent hasted: @f1@s
    Total health instantly restored: @f2@
    Total mana instantly restored: @f3@{{ perk_long_desc_Transcendence }}

    Bonus Ability Haste: +@f4*100@
    Seconds Refunded: @f3@{{perk_long_desc_TreasureHunter}}

    Current Bounty Available: @f15@ gold
    Bonus Gold Collected: @f3@ gold

    {{ bountyHunter_bountyBoard }}{{perk_long_desc_UltimateHunter}}

    {{ bountyHunter_bountyBoard }}{{perk_long_desc_Unflinching}}
    Current Bonus Tenacity: @f1@%
    Current Bonus Slow Resist: @f2@%

    Total combat time with increased resistances: @f6@ seconds.{{ perk_long_desc_UnsealedSpellbook }}

    Unique Summoner Spells Used: @f4@/@f8@
    Current Swap Cooldown: @f3@ secondsAfter immobilizing an enemy champion, increase your Armor and Magic Resist for @DelayBeforeBurst.1@s. Then explode, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.

    Damage: @f4@ (+@f5@)
    Armor buff: @f8@ (+@f2@)
    Magic Resist buff: @f8@ (+@f3@)
    Cooldown: @Cooldown@s

    Total damage dealt: @f1@
    Total damage mitigated: @f9@Gain @MovementSpeed@ Move Speed and {{ perk_subtext_AdaptiveForce_Max }} (based on level) when in the river.{{perk_long_desc_ZombieWard}}

    Stats Gained: {{perk_tooltip_dynamic_StatModAdaptive_@f4@}}
    Zombie Wards raised: @f1@+@f2@ Attack Damage+@f2@ Ability PowerMaliceTrackingHunterContraptionsTomorrowBeyondHeroismStrengthResistanceVitalityArtifactExcellencePowerDomination: The ExecutionerInspiration: The TimelessPrecision: The PerfectResolve: The ColossusSorcery: The CalamitySorceryInspirationBurst damage and target access Improved attacks and sustained damageEmpowered abilities and resource manipulationCreative tools and rule bending Durability and crowd controlShow Gameplay InfoShow Mastery InfoShow Player InfoMove behind your minions!Move Back: Minions are attacking you!Danger: Minions are attacking you!Stay Out of Red ZonesBots cast abilities in Red ZonesDanger: Move Out of Red ZonesSpecial Delivery!ObjectivesPrimary QuestsScore BreakdownSecondary QuestsComplete missions to level up Seraphine's pop star career. Start as an Indie Icon and watch Seraphine's career grow all the way to global stardom.Unlock and experience multiple forms: Indie, Rising Star, and SuperstarK/DA ALL OUT Seraphine

    Seraphine has made it from recording in her bedroom to performing with her pop icon idols. Gracing the stage with her enthusiastic sincerity, Seraphine believes that staying true to herself can make her dreams come true.

    • A narrative quest that follows Seraphine's journey to fame.
    • Three unique Forms to unlock and then choose from during Champion Select.
    • New visuals, sound effects, and animations per form.
    • Two exclusive icons, an emote, and border unlocked through her quest line.
    IndieRising StarSuperstarLive the Pop Star DreamMultiple Skins in OneOdyssey (Intro)Odyssey (Cadet)Odyssey (Crewmember)Odyssey (Captain)Odyssey (Onslaught)Teamfight Tactics (Normal)Teamfight Tactics (Ranked)Teamfight Tactics (Normal Hyper Roll)Teamfight Tactics (Hyper Roll)1v01v0 (Ranked)1v0 (Hyper Roll)1v0 (Normal Hyper Roll)1v12v02v0 (Ranked)2v0 (Hyper Roll)2v0 (Normal Hyper Roll)3v04v0ARSRAR Ultra Rapid FireBeginnerBlind PickDefinitely Not DominionDraft PickHexakillIntermediateIntroLevel 100 GauntletNexus SiegeCadetCrewmemberRanked DraftRanked FlexRanked Solo/DuoTeamThe TeemoingUltra Rapid FireNormal (Blind Pick)Normal (Draft Pick)Detailed: Help us test a new experimental mode! This prototype features non-stop skirmishes with a wild twist on classic 5v5 gameplay.Invasion (Normal)Invasion (Onslaught)DOUBLE UP2v0 (Double Up)4v0 (Double Up)DOUBLE UP (WORKSHOP)Double Up (Workshop)Normal Double Up1v7 Bots (Double Up)2v0 (Normal Double Up)4v0 (Normal Double Up)NORMAL DOUBLE UPSimulationNormal Hyper RollHyper RollHYPER ROLLTutorial2v23v34v4ARAM 5v5 BotsARURF 1v1ARURF 2v2ARURF 3v3ARURF 4v4Bots Easy 1v1Bots Easy 3v3Bots Intro 1v1Bots Intro 3v3Bots Medium 1v1Bots Medium 3v3Hexakill 1v1TFT Hyper Roll CustomEasyOdyssey Easy 1v0HardOdyssey Hard 1v0Odyssey Intro 1v0Odyssey Intro 3v0Odyssey Medium 1v0Odyssey Uber 1v0TFT SimulationTeamfight Tactics (Tutorial)TFT CustomTeamfight Tactics (Double Up Workshop)Teamfight Tactics (Normal Double Up)Teamfight Tactics (Double Up 1v7 Bots)TFT Simulation Twisted Treeline 1v1URF 1v1URF 2v2URF 3v3URF 4v4TFT : NormalTFT : Double UpTFT : RankedTFT : Hyper RollTFT : TutorialLEAVEIf you leave, you may be temporarily banned from future games.Your Team Needs You!Are you sure you want to quit playing and leave the game?Leave GameAre you sure you want to stop watching and close the game?Stop WatchingSTAYAssist MeDangerEnemy MissingOn My WayBel'Veth Champion Permanent DO NOT TRANSLATEThis icon was earned by winning ranked games in Season 2022 - Split 3 DO NOT TRANSLATESeason 2022 - Split 3 Icon DO NOT TRANSLATERefreshIIIIIIIVVFog of WarWatching a Game TipsFeatures and ControlsDirected Camera [D]
    Brings you to the action automatically.

    Take temporary control by single clicking a champion or using the minimap.

    Press Spacebar to see action elsewhere on the map.

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    Lock on Champion [Double click a champion, double tap 1-5 or Q-T]
    Focus on a champion to follow their movement.Camera ModesWatching a Game Tips: Features and ControlsAfter closing, access Tips with:Timeline and Jump Back [Backspace]
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    Show or hide specific interface elements.Interface VisibilityThis section is unavailable because it occurred before you joined the match.Closein %d...Change Camera ModeChange Team Fog of WarToggle Directed CameraKill Call-OutsObjective TimersQuestsTarget FrameBlue Team FramesRed Team FramesScore DisplayCamera ModeDirected CameraDirected Camera in %d...LIVEESCFPS CameraDragon Buff CountScore Towards VictoryPoro HitsCurrent Game TimeGame ScoreTotal Team KillsPersonal ScoreTeam ScoreAugmentation Fragments CapturedVictory Points EarnedTries RemainingTotal Team GoldTotal Team Minion KillsTotal Team Tower KillsLock CameraManual Camera@BountyValue@GAwards @BountyValue@GKills/Deaths/AssistsReduced Damage From MinionsCurrent Gold / Total Gold (Click to View Items) [X]Champion Items (Click to View Gold) [X]Bonus Move SpeedMinion KillsPoints Captured/Neutralized (Click to View Kills/Deaths/Assists)Kills/Deaths/Assists (Click to View Points Captured/Neutralized)Bonus Damage To MinionsVision ScoreVision ScoreContribution to the team's map vision dominance. Providing or destroying wards usually adds about 1 point per minute of ward lifetime.Spectator[F1][F2][F3]Health of entire teamHealth of nearby championsToggle Help DialogueJump Back 15 Seconds [Backspace]Jump To Furthest Viewed [J]Jump To Live [J]Pause [P]Play [P]Slow Down [-]Speed Up [+]Reward Group 1 desc en_USReward Group 1 en_USReward group unlocked for reaching IRON level for challenge ID 0CRYSTAL IRONReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 101000ARAM Authority MASTERReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 101100ARAM Warrior DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching GOLD level for challenge ID 101104Bad Medicine GOLDReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 101200ARAM Finesse DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching GOLD level for challenge ID 101203Snow Day GOLDReward group unlocked for reaching BRONZE level for challenge ID 101206Pop Goes the Poro BRONZEReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 101300ARAM Champion DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 101306Can't Touch This PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 103000Cleverness and Creativity MASTERReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 103100Style DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 103200Innovation DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching GOLD level for challenge ID 103201Alcove Gaming GOLDReward group unlocked for reaching GOLD level for challenge ID 103203Aggressive Positioning GOLDReward group unlocked for reaching GOLD level for challenge ID 103205Not Even Close GOLDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 103207Double Ace PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 103300Tactician DIAMOND10 Win XP BoostReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 120000Machine-Hunting Mercenary MASTER1250 Blue EssenceReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 201000Adept MASTERReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 201002Lethal Efficiency PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 201003Unkillable Demon King PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 202000Ascendant MASTERReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 202100Domination DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 202101Flame Horizon PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 20220002022 Seasonal MASTERReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 202200Unrivaled DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 202202Darkness Distributer PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 202300Perfection DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 202302Prodigy PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 203000Might MASTERReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 203100Flair DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching GOLD level for challenge ID 203102The Jukes! GOLDReward group unlocked for reaching SILVER level for challenge ID 203103Captain Jack SILVERReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 203200Behemoth DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 203201Not Even a Scratch PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 203300Slayer DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching GOLD level for challenge ID 203301Solo Bolo GOLDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 203302Never Tell Me the Odds PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 203400Predator DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching SILVER level for challenge ID 203405Crab Wrangler SILVERReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 203408The Most Dangerous Game PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 204000Mastermind MASTERReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 204100Cornerstone DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 204102All-Seeing PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 204200Visionary DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching SILVER level for challenge ID 204202Ward Warden SILVERReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 210000Magnum Opus MASTERReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 210001Perfectionist PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 210004Ladder Climber MASTERReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 210005KDA Player MASTERReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 301000Determination MASTERReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 301100Monster Hunter DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching SILVER level for challenge ID 301101Always On Time SILVERReward group unlocked for reaching GOLD level for challenge ID 301102Gets The Wurm GOLDReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 301200Steadfast DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 301201Open Victory PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching GOLD level for challenge ID 301202Uninhibited GOLDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 301205No Loyalty Among Dragons PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 301300Symbiosis DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 301301Flawless Victory MASTERReward group unlocked for reaching GOLD level for challenge ID 301305Happy Feet GOLDReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 302000Captain MASTERReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 302100Strategy DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching GOLD level for challenge ID 302102Farm Champs not Camps GOLDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 302105Global Defense System PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 302200Demolition DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 302202Shattered Plates PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 302300Synergy DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching GOLD level for challenge ID 302301Brush Fanatic GOLDReward group unlocked for reaching SILVER level for challenge ID 302303That Was Close SILVERReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 302305Insec-urity Breach PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 302400Team Spirit DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching SILVER level for challenge ID 302404Fashionably Late SILVERReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 303000Alliance MASTERReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 303200Clash DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching GOLD level for challenge ID 303201Clash Contenders GOLDReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 303300Synchronicity DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 303400Harmony DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 303500Globetrotter DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 401000Sage MASTERReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 401100Guru DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 401101Catch 'em All PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 401105Master the Enemy PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 401200Virtuoso DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 401201Master Assassin PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 401202Master Fighter PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 401203Master Mage PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 401204Master Marksman PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 401205Master Support PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 401206Master Tank PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 401300Ace DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 401301Jungle Diff PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 401302Support Diff PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 401303Bot Diff PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 401304Mid Diff PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 401305Top Diff PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 401306Player Diff PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 402000Medal of Honor MASTERReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 402100Executioner DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 402106PENTAKIIIIIIIIL!! PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching GOLD level for challenge ID 402109Bloodcrazed GOLDReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 402200Commando DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 402201Clutch Steal PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 402400Resourceful DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching GOLD level for challenge ID 402406Multi-Weapon Master GOLDReward group unlocked for reaching SILVER level for challenge ID 402408Everyone Pays! SILVERReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 402500Mystic DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 402501Field Medic PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 502000Overachiever DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 502001Entitled PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 504000Treasure DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 504002Icon of the Rift PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching DIAMOND level for challenge ID 505000Champion DIAMONDReward group unlocked for reaching MASTER level for challenge ID 510000Connoisseur MASTERReward group unlocked for reaching GOLD level for challenge ID 510002Littlest Legends GOLDReward group unlocked for reaching GOLD level for challenge ID 510006Victorious Regalia GOLDReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 510009Legendary Wardrobe PLATINUMReward group unlocked for reaching PLATINUM level for challenge ID 510011Fashionista PLATINUMNemesis Orb for Reward Track MilestonesNemesis Orb Reward Group4 Worlds 2022 Orbs80 Event Tokens for Reward Track Milestones80 Event Tokens Reward GroupTrophy Icon for Reward Track MilestonesTrophy Icon Reward GroupPlaceholder Description for Reward Group DO NOT TRANSLATEPlaceholder Name for Reward Group DO NOT TRANSLATE6501,3802,8005,000 Includes 80 Bonus Riot Points!Includes 200 Bonus Riot Points!Includes 450 Bonus Riot Points!TBD7TBD8TBD9TBD10TBD11TBD12TBD13TBD14TBD15TBD16@ScoreLabel@: +@ScoreValue@%i:bounty% @BountyValue@ | @BountyValue2@%i:bounty% @BountyValue@Supported AllyCombat SupportAvenged AllyKilling Spree ShutdownBounty Hunter x3Bounty Hunter x4Bounty Hunter x5Kill AssistChampion KillInterrupted CapturePoint DefenseAssist on PointKill on PointDominatingDouble KillSolo KillFirst BloodGodlikeGold EarnedProtective KillKilling SpreeLargest Killing SpreeMartyrMagic Damage DealtMagic Damage TakenRelic HunterMinion KillNeutral Monsters KilledCapture AssistNeutralize AssistSneaky NeutralizeRevenge KillPenta KillPhysical Damage DealtPhysical Damage TakenQuadra KillQuest CompleteCollect Health PackContinuous CaptureSuper Minion KillNear DeathTotal Amount HealedTriple KillTide Turning CaptureAltar CapturedPoint NeutralizeAssistsKillsCombat ScoreDefensive ScoreCapture AssistsPoints CapturedCapture Points DefendedExtended CombatChampion Kills on Capture Points Neutralize AssistsPoints NeutralizedCapture Points RecapturedObjective ScoreOffensive ScoreTeam ObjectiveTotal ScoreRune StatsBlessing of BardUrf's Hot PotatoMega Ocean DrakeBF ShieldStatikk ShockCatapult of ChampionsBlessing of BlitzcrankMega Cloud DrakeEvent RewardsTeam Dragon KillsHardhitter MelismaLucky FuwaBUILDS INTOPopularTier:Type:BASICEPICLEGENDARYMYTHICSTARTERSUPERIORUNIQUE(OWNED)PURCHASEGenerally GoodGood Against:COMMONLY BUILTSUGGESTED ITEMSRECOMMENDEDRESULTSSELLSell For: %uDurabilityMagicalPhysicalSwap Item OrderALL ITEMSITEM SETSUNDOThis ward was acquired when creating a League of Legends account. This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2019 with Blood Moon skins.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2014 Valentine's Day event.Unlocked through crafting in the 2018 Worlds event.This ward was released in the store during the 2018 Versus event.This ward was granted to players who have met a Rioter and received a code!This ward was awarded for completing all the missions during the release of the Runeterra map.This ward skin was released in the store for purchase during Pool Party 2018 event.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2018 alongside High Noon Lucian.This ward was released during the 2018 Worlds event.This ward was made to commemorate SKT T1's World Championship victory in Season 3.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2018 with the Pajama Guardian skins.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2018 with Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2019 Lunar Revel event.This ward is rewarded to those who have reached Honor Level 3 in the 2018 season.This ward is rewarded to those who have reached Honor Level 4 in the 2018 season.This ward is rewarded to those who have reached Honor Level 5 in the 2018 season.Unlocked through crafting in the 2019 Lunar Revel event.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2014 with other Dragonslayer skins.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2018 Snowdown event.Unlocked through crafting in the 2018 Snowdown event.This ward was released during the 2019 April Fool's event.This ward was released in the store for purchase during the 2019 MSI event.This ward was released in the store for purchase during the 2019 Trials event.This ward was acquired through Loot during the 2019 Trials event.This ward was acquired during the 2019 Arcade event.This ward was released for purchase during All-Stars 2014.This ward was released in the store for purchase during the 2019 Esports regular season.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2014 Soccer Cup event.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2014 with other Mecha skins.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2014 Shurima event.This ward was released for purchase during Worlds 2014.This ward was released in the store for purchase in 2019.This ward was acquired through Loot during the 2019 PROJECT event.Earned by achieving 20 points in Ranked Teams in Season 4.Unlocked during the 2019 Worlds event.This ward was acquired during the 2019 Worlds event.This ward was acquired through Loot during the 2019 Worlds event.This ward was awarded for playing during the 10th Anniversary celebrationThis ward was released during the 2019 Tales from the Rift event.This ward was earned through missions during the Night & Dawn event.This ward was released during the last-chance event for 2019 Prestige Points.This ward was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2020 Mecha Kingdoms event.This ward was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2020 Galaxies event.This ward was released during the 2020 Pulsefire event.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2012 Harrowing event.Earned by achieving 45 points in Ranked Teams in Season 4.This ward was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event.This ward was granted to players who met a Rioter.This ward was released to celebrate the release of Tellstones: King's Gambit.This ward was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2020 PsyOps event.This ward was acquired during the 2020 Worlds event.This ward was unlocked during the 2020 Worlds event.This ward was acquired during the 2020 Battle Queens event.This ward skin was earned during the 2021 Lunar Beast event.Earned by achieving 75 points in Ranked Teams in Season 4.This ward was earned during the 2021 Space Groove Event.This ward was earned during the 2021 PROJECT Event.This ward was earned during the 2021 Sentinels of Light event.This ward was earned during the 2021 Coven event.This ward was obtained through the Hextech CraftingThis ward was earned during the Worlds 2021 event.This ward was earned during the RiotX Arcane 2021 event.This ward was an exclusive reward for participating in the Lunar Revel 2022 event.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2014 with other Battlecast skins.This ward was an exclusive reward for participating in the Season 2022 event.This ward was earned during the 2021 Debonair event.This ward was an exclusive reward for participating in the Anima Squad event.This ward was obtained through Hextech Crafting.This ward was rewarded when watching games on or by taking part in missions and competitions.This ward was a bundle exclusive during the MSI 2022 High Noon Event.This ward was an exclusive reward for participating in the Ocean Song showcase.This ward was an exclusive reward for participating in the 2022 Star Guardian event.This ward was an exclusive reward for participating in the 2022 Steel Valkyrie event.This ward was earned during the Worlds 2022 event.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2014.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2015.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2015 Lunar Revel event.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2015 Valentine's Day event.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2015 URF event.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2015 Bilgewater event.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2015 with other PROJECT skins.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2012 Snowdown Showdown event.This ward was released for purchase during Worlds 2015.Earned by achieving 20 points in Ranked Teams in Season 5.Earned by achieving 45 points in Ranked Teams in Season 5.Earned by achieving 75 points in Ranked Teams in Season 5.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2015 with other Dragon Trainer skins.This ward was released for purchase during All-Stars 2015 for Team Fire.This ward was released for purchase during All-Stars 2015 for Team Ice.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2015 Snowdown event.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2016 Lunar Revel event.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2016 Valentine's Day event.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2013 Lunar Revel event.This ward was released when Hextech Crafting launched.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2016 Draven Day (April Fools) event.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2016 alongside Mecha Zero Sion.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2016.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2016 with other Dark Star skins.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2016 with other Pool Party skins.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2016 with other PROJECT skins.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2016 with other Arcade skins.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2016 with other Star Guardian skins.This ward was released for purchase during Worlds 2016.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2013.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2016 to commemorate the release of the board game, Mechs vs. Minions.Earned by achieving 20 points in Ranked Teams in Season 6.Earned by achieving 45 points in Ranked Teams in Season 6.Earned by achieving 75 points in Ranked Teams in Season 6.This bundle-exclusive ward is acquired by purchasing the Elementalist Lux bundle.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2016 Tales from the Rift event.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2016 Snowdown event.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2017 Lunar Revel event.This ward was released for purchase during All-Stars 2016.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2017 Blood Moon event.Earned by reaching Silver or higher in Season 3.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2017 Valentine's Day event.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2017.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2017 with other Pulsefire skins.Acquired by purchasing the Way of Order Pass during the 2017 Versus event.Acquired by purchasing the Way of Chaos Pass during the 2017 Versus event.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2017 alongside God Fist Lee Sin.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2017 with other Pentakill skins.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2017 with other Dark Star skins.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2017 MSI event.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2017 with other Omega Squad skins.This ward was released for purchase during Worlds 2013.Acquired by purchasing the Event Pass during the 2017 Arcade event.This ward was made to commemorate SKT T1's World Championship victory in Season 6.This ward is acquired by redeeming 4 Starlight Tokens during the 2017 Star Guardian event.This ward was released for purchase during Worlds 2017.Redeemed with 320 Worlds Tokens from the 2017 World Championship: Chase Your Legend missions.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2017 with other Immortal Heroes skins.This ward is rewarded to those who have reached Level 100.This ward is rewarded to those who have reached Honor Level 3.This ward is rewarded to those who have reached Honor Level 4.This ward is rewarded to those who have reached Honor Level 5.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2013 Snowdown event.This ward is rewarded to those who have spent more than 125,000 IP or owned a limited Quintessence on Runes before Runes Reforged.Earned by reaching Silver or higher in two different queues in Season 7.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2017 Snowdown event.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2018 Valentine's event.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2018 Tales from the Rift event.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2018 Lunar Revel event.This bundle-exclusive ward is acquired by purchasing the Gun Goddess Miss Fortune bundle.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2018 April Fools event.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2018 MSI event.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2018 alongside some Pulsefire skins.This ward was released for purchase in the store during the 2014 Lunar Revel event.This ward was acquired during the 2018 Bilgewater event.This ward was released for purchase in the store in 2016 to commemorate the release of the board game, Mechs vs. MinionsThis bundle-exclusive ward is acquired by purchasing the God Fist Lee Sin bundle.This ward was granted to players who have went to PAX East 2014 event.This ward was given to players who come to the offline events.Only owned in April Fool event.Account CreationCulinary MastersDragon TrainerDragon WorldDragonslayerElementalistEventsGame Mode (URF)All-StarGodHarrowingHeartbreakersHextechHonorImmortal HeroesLuchadorLunar RevelLunar Revel: FirecrackerApril FoolsMechaOff line EventOmega SquadPROJECTPentakillPool PartyPorosPulsefireArcadeRunes ReforgedShurimaSnowdownSnowdown ShowdownSoccer CupStar GuardianStar Guardian Season 1BattlecastStar Guardian Season 2Starter PackSteel ValkyriesTales from the Rift (Death Sworn)Valentine'sVersusVictoriousWorld Champions: 2013World Champions: 2016World ChampionshipBilgewaterWorldseSportsTales From the RiftBattle AcademiaBilgewater: Burning TidesHelmet permanently active. Combat reactive helmet re-enabled.To keep it permanently active, type /toggle (/g) in the chat or press Ctrl+5Graves' Attacks and Ability effects become 'purified' at level 11, slightly altering their appearanceToggle the HUD between Shop-only and Always On by pressing Ctrl-5, or by typing /toggle (/g) in the chat.PROJECT: Renekton's Helmet reacts to combat2011 World ChampionshipAcademyArcade: HeroesArclightArctic OpsArmyAtlanteanArcade: Battle BossesBeast hunterBilgewater: Curse of the DrownedCosmicCottontailCrime CityCrimson EliteDeath BlossomDebonairDeep SeaDefinitely NotDragonbladeDragon slayerDreadnovaElderwoodEternumFablesFreljordGalacticGentlemenGuardian for the sandsHeadhunterHigh NoonHighstakesImmortal heroesImmortal JourneyInfernalJourneyJurassicJusticarKaijuLancerMarauderMedicalOmen of the DamnedOmen of the DarkOrder of the LotusPharaohPiltover CustomsPolicePrehistoricPrehistoric HuntersProgramRift QuestRiotRoad WarriorGuardian of the SandsSoul stealerSteel LegionStorybookSuper GalaxySweetheartThunder LordToy BoxValentinesVandalOrder Versus ChaosBattle of the God-KingsVoidLunar Revel: Warring KingdomsWinter SportsWinter WonderWoadWorldbreakerWorld Champions: 2011World Champions: 2012World Champions: 2014World Champions: 2015World Champions: 2017SoccerWorlds ChampionsZombieAnother of the ancient, mechanized Lancer units, Wukong arises from his dusty slumber in times of extreme danger, protecting the outland city-states from the most dire threats. Once these foes are eliminated he returns to the earth, an enigma older than recorded history.Given to players who purchased the Retail Collector's Edition of League of Legends.Forest Elves are long lived compared to the humans they live among, and many delve into centuries-long explorations for even a scrap of their empires' lost magic. Those who find it, such as Kayle, are gifted with incredible powers over the natural world.Having cast aside her humanity, Kayle has transcended and fully assumed her mother's mantle as the divine Aspect of Justice. She is aware of her mortal origins, but views it as something distant that she left behind very long ago.Kayle is a benevolent goddess in times of peace, and a terrifying battle spirit in times of war. She wears the traditional warpaint of her people as a living record of their victories and power.Those poor souls accused of crimes are brought before the all-seeing entity Kayle, where their deeds are judged with cold dispassion. Few are absolved, and fewer still escape their sentence.Authorized pilot of the X07-Gevurah combat exosuit, Kayle is a justicar of the Royal Space Military operating deep in the heart of lawless space. Though her mission is to uphold the fragile postwar peace, years of violent conflict have radicalized her—now she acts as heartless judge, jury, and executioner for anyone or anything that falls beneath her gaze.A Riot Games skin obtained by either meeting a Rioter or attending an official Riot event in 2014.To be crowned inquisitor was to take a stand against the darkness, and at the head of the order stood Kayle, for her light shone the brightest. But darkness comes in many forms, and when the city fell, even its greatest champion would eventually turn upon her sisters.When PENTAKILL needed a female vocalist, the heavens parted and a literal angel of rock fell to earth, taking up her sword-mic for the eternal glory of heavy metal.Her mother is dead. Her father is dead. But Annie remains, seeing beauty in the dark.A self-described “savior” and powerful psionic swordswoman, Kayle views herself as an impartial judge in world affairs, appearing on wings powered by psychic energy as an angel of war. Her understanding of the world is black and white to a frightening extreme, and she has joined the paramilitary BRG to see her twisted vision realized.Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house Annie went—not once suspecting that Warwick the Wolf was waiting for her. Of course, Warwick didn't know Annie could shoot balls of magic flame or summon a fiery bear, so really this was a larger issue with communication.A famous dragonslayer who vanished into the distant mountains, obsessed with destroying the dragon lineage utterly. Many years later she has returned, so changed by the carnage that she has begun to resemble a dragon herself.Down the rabbit hole Annie went, following the White Tibbers she had spied at the riverbank, until she emerged in a world much more curious than the one she had left. “Perhaps I shall stay,” she said to herself—and so she did.All hail, Kayle, the Bringer of Woe! With the strength of a self-righteous angel, she claims justice and judgment soar on her wings of wrath. Surely, if any can rally the warrior host of metal, it will be her.The hated sun-eater, Kayle wished to be one with the divine she loved, devouring the primordial sun and steeping the land in an eternal eclipse. Driven mad with light and unable to contain her power, she passed fragments down to an army of witch-knights, who slew the other gods in an act of unforgivable blasphemy.Annie is a Winterlands prodigy—a child born with both innate magic and a spirit guardian, the first of her kind in many generations. Though still young, she has already become a joyous fixture in the halls of the Poro King.He's a towering abomination of science and magic. She's an eight year old with a beehive hairdo, and undiagnosed pyromania. Name a more iconic duo. I'll wait.Annie is a big part of Lunar Revel festivities, using her pyromancy to set off scores of high powered fireworks. Her panda bear Tibbers hauls the rockets for her, mauling anyone who tries to make off with even the smallest sparkler.Sugar, spice, and everything nice: that's what Sweetheart Annie is made of! Tibbers is made of fire-resistant cotton blend and the insatiable hunger of a shadow bear, but he's still good for a hug or two. Probably just one, actually.A scientific prodigy even among the intellectuals of the Hextech renaissance, Annie's beautiful, living warbears are among the most prized innovations of the era. Her most mysterious creation, Tibbers, is always close at hand—her confidant, friend, and monstrous bodyguard.Xerath, the liquid light—ancient guardian of the sands, we invoke thee to protect us from an evil of our own making. Let no man tread upon these hallowed grounds, lest you drown them in your purifying radiance.A highly unstable creature born from roiling magma, Xerath possesses a keen intellect, awaiting the day he might ascend through the ranks of the Infernal war machine, and usurp the Ashen Lord himself. For now his ambitions remain secret, but… soon… soon…As the Dark Star continued on its path across space, it passed through a vibrant system orbiting a supergiant star. Consuming all life and light as it passed , the Dark Star twisted the supergiant into a wrathful corruptant. Thus, Xerath was born—a dark being of malice and annihilation.Ensnared by his own desires, Xerath leads citizens of Low Arcana to act on their basest urges. The more they are entranced by the forbidden, the more his power grows. But while Xerath believes their temptation will lead to his deliverance, he does not realize that the stronger he becomes, the more tightly his chains bind him. The youngest human ever to be named a Super Galaxy cadet, Annie proved her mettle the day she turned her teddy bear into a self-piloting mech. Despite serious concerns over her highly combustible designs and volatile programming, Annie's Mecha-Tibbers went into full production. Desperate times call for destructive measures.Ten years of epic outplays, last second turnarounds, and brutal throws - and we couldn't have done it without each and every one of you. Annie is ready to usher in the festivities, and Teemo… has been lifting, I see. Happy 10!Everyone was shocked when Annie was chosen as Ox Clan's tech operative. A precocious prodigy, Annie serves as the team's recon strategist, making sure the parade route is clear of civilians.Many hunters claim Shyvana holds an unfair advantage when it comes to slaying the giant beasts that roam the land. Shyvana herself cares little about their opinions, preferring instead to channel her rage into her true form—a massive, fire-breathing dragon… that proves the hunters' point.Celebrating the 2014 World Championship in Korea.By far the most experienced of the entire Super Galaxy team, Shyvana is the leader her teammates sorely need. A transfer pilot from a different (but just as hyperbolically named) defense force, she does sometimes find herself at odds with her allies as much as her enemies—and periodically questions if the ten percent salary bonus was actually worth it.Shyvana's ruination brings a newfound darkness, as well as clarity. Turning swiftly against Demacia for its persecution of magic, and sinking into her more draconic emotions, she appears as an avenging beast of old, ready to topple Demacia for its ignorance.Daughter of the cafe's owner and an accomplished pastry mage wunderkind, Annie has a sweet tooth to be reckoned with. Though her occasional hangry tantrums send her enchanted gummy bear scouring the cafe for any morsel of food fit for his master, with a full belly Annie is as sweet as sugar!NOTICE FROM THE DEAN: Ahri is henceforth suspended from Academy grounds for behavior including (but not limited to) use of her phone during class, use of phone during disciplinary hearings about her phone, magically charming staff members in disciplinary hearings, and escaping disciplinary hearings with her phone.Ahri's dynasty is one of stylish traditional fashion, and wrecking opponents with deadly spirit magic. Why have one when you can have both?A young, talented pyromancer from the Shadowfire Temple, Ahri gave up her quiet life when a faction of extremists unleashed the burning horrors of the Ashen Lord. Now she uses her fire magic to fight against them, even though all hope seems lost.Discovered by her record label when she was still in her teens, Ahri took the music world by storm—releasing five hit singles before being named Most Talented New K-pop Artist in the 2013 Pop Shine Awards. Then, just as quickly as she appeared, she vanished, taking time away from the industry to reinvent herself…Ahri is a charismatic team captain who leads her group of Star Guardians from the outer cosmos, with the authority of a queen bee and the sly cunning of a fox. She's effortlessly popular, with an irresistible charm that disarms friends and foes alike.Setting her old bubblegum pop persona aside, Ahri was determined to shake up her image and reinvent herself as an unstoppable force within the music industry. Five years later, she has returned with a sleek new look and a killer sound—and this time she's not alone.Decked out to dazzle, K/DA Ahri charms her audience in a glittering, golden ensemble specially made for her band's Pop Shine Awards performance. Her Prestige Edition outfit celebrates the golden success of POP/STARS. Can you feel the rush now?Fables of the trickster spirit Ahri have been part of mankind's history for countless generations. Fair-skinned and eternally youthful, she is portrayed as a curious, quizzical member of the Elderwood's feyfolk… though in recent years her heart has hardened, as she fights a growing corruption within her ancestral home.The famed Spirit of Salvation, and the fox all mortals are beckoned towards when their souls arrive to the spirit realm. A capricious, whimsical spirit who sees the fate of the living as a game of chase, she offers the chance for souls to find their final rest… but will not intervene if they stray from the path.When Ahri steps onto the stage to perform with K/DA, she knows she's surrounded by the best of the best—different girls with different personalities, all at the top of their craft. As their leader and as their friend, Ahri is poised to guide these divas to even greater heights and leave their audiences breathless for more.They came to Ahri at the first stirrings of dusk—the laughter of the Half-Light Jackal, ever stalking the world as it turned towards its own inevitable entropy. A vicious predator and powerful witch, Ahri sucks the life from all she lures close, siphoning it towards her lord within the gloom.[placeholder skin universe text]A trickster and magician whose power is drawn from the grinning moon, Ahri plies her trade rearranging patterns and allowing the Lower World insight into the Higher. Having already set the fated pair Xayah and Rakan careening towards each other, she awaits the resulting chaos with a cynical bemusement.Awful Orphan Annie comes home from school each day
    A lonely little lady with whom no one will play
    Now all her family's fled (or dead or gone away)
    She can depend on Mr. Tibbers to make her new friends stay!Cool, calm, and collected, Malcolm Graves is head of the notorious Graves crime family—and the only non-rat that Twitch will trust. Recent moves in the criminal underworld have put his alliance with the rat-men on shaky ground, and he's keen to find out why.A Riot Games skin obtained by either meeting a Rioter or attending an official Riot event in 2012.Do you want to do extreme damage to someone (or something) in a loud, noticeable fashion? Look no further than Graves and his slippery pal Tobias, two men who will blow up anything (must be destructible) or anyone (must be destructible) for the right price (no ghouls please). Inquire within!Outfitted with his mighty snowblowing gun and a can-do attitude, Graves enters every snowball fight with the same entrepreneurial spirit that got him out of prison. Which is to say, blowing a lot of things up with little to no regard for his own safety.Graves has foolishly ignored warnings that water will damage his designer headphones. He's more interested in finding a good water-gun fight, even though that will ultimately… damage his designer headphones.Victorious Graves was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in the 2017 season. The most wanted outlaw in Bilgewater boasts of his years of skillful heists, by wearing the finest regalia money can buy.Unleashed upon the multiverse by imperfect Pulsefire technology, Graves is but one of a numberless horde of Praetorian marauders now plaguing spacetime. Its programming is unlike anything from any known past, present, or future—each of its thoughts is so complex, it would take ten lifetimes for a human to comprehend.Graves is a salty ex-soldier who served in the Durandal military before he reluctantly became a professor. Following his discovery of something deep behind enemy lines, he received an offer to teach at the Academy from the God-Weapon itself. His hallmark cigar-munching, dispassionate teaching etiquette is a small price to pay for his decades of experience.Graves could give a damn about saving the world, but the Ruined King is getting in the way of his criminal undertakings, and that he cannot abide. When the Sentinels come calling, Graves reckons he can play the hero for once—long enough to make sure there's a world left to rob, anyway.Honoring Flandre's winning performance as Graves during the 2021 World Championship.“When I was very young, my grandfather told me stories of Atlantis—of their high temples and great undersea army, and their great General Fizz. Grandfather remembered it as it was, you see, and not the silent mausoleum it has become.”Call me Fishmael.Rising from the fluffiest depths to crush all root vegetable cohorts, Fizz commands the greatest threat carrots have ever known—a killer rabbit with the foulest and cruelest of tempers.Nobody is quite sure how Fizz graduated the Super Galaxy academy, but one thing's for certain: no other pilot (or space fish) can summon a mecha-gigalodon from seemingly out of nowhere. Not that anyone should in the first place…Omega Squad's saboteur, Fizz is skilled in underwater combat. It is unclear what kind of action he saw before joining up, however, as he only ever refers to the sea as “a big bucket of chum.”Well, that's horrifying.There's something deeply unnerving about a bipedal Cocker Spaniel mix running around society unchecked, stabbing pedestrians with a tennis ball grabber, and summoning other, bigger dogs out of the ground. And yet, here we all are. Together.Sea's a dwelling place for demons.In an age before man, King Voli ruled the bitter northlands, and he was as harsh and unforgiving as they were. It is said that he waged a terrible war against his brother, the great King Ornn, and that their struggle razed mountains and emptied seas, as the two of them became like beasts themselves.It's easy to get used to having a bear in the platoon. He never gets cold, he sleeps all the time, and he can tear through a fully armored regiment of enemy soldiers in about six seconds. It's very easy to get used to having a bear in the platoon.For Volibear's years of service on the Force, he was awarded the honorary title of Captain. For his utter incompetence in the field, it was made certain he would remain on desk duty for the rest of his career. Even so, he and Constable Trundle always end up patrolling the streets with mountains of paperwork left in their wake.The Wrestling Federation of Valoran would like to put these terrible rumors about our beloved El Rayo to bed once and for all. One: he is definitely a bear, and not a man dressed as a bear, as some might claim. Two: bears make amazing wrestlers.Ancient Freljordian legends speak of spirit walkers consumed by the true spirit of the unrelenting bear—a force older than the Freljord itself. Those who dare to invoke its name cannot fathom the terrible, primal power they call down upon themselves.Volibear was the greatest terror in the forest, until the nearby volcano erupted. In the frenzy of escape, Volibear came across a child who was similarly trapped, and heeded a strange instinct—he saved the child. The Duality Dragon saw and made the mighty predator an offer: the power to hone the duality of his nature, both fury and compassion.Volibear stands poised between the two drives of his core self—rage and mercy, impulse and restraint, neither overwhelming the other. Balance is an active struggle; each day the predator and protector clash, and each day Volibear's will grows stronger by the grace of the dragon's gift.Some hunters choose to scale impossible heights, cutting down creatures many times their own size for the sheer rush of the kill. Rengar is clad in the bones of these creatures, a worrying sign to his more human quarry.Honoring DanDy's winning performance as Rengar during the 2014 World Championship.Designated RNGR-7, the “Mecha Rengar” unit is the second stealth-based unit developed for urban combat. Bereft of its own warping technology, the RNGR can transform into a car for additional mobility.Once again, the prettiest kitty… is the deadliest.An assassin of a forgotten order long thought dead, Rengar prowls the tombs, retrieving ancient relics of power for purposes unknown. Far more alarming, he appears to be hunting guardians, his blades enchanted to pierce their ancient magic and defenses…What game is bigger than a King? As a hunter, Rengar could not pass up the opportunity to take on what would be his ultimate prey, and the ultimate trophy. Even with Sentinel weapons in hand, they will need the skills of a true apex predator to take Viego down.Varus leaps from the rampart, a hail of arrows flying from his bow and freezing the ground beneath his victims. As they struggle to regroup, he draws a missile—circuits flashing along its spine—and lets fly. Thanks for the archer, High Command!Love hurts, and Varus is ready to prove it with a quiver full of romance and the seasoned eye of a veteran matchmaker. Angelic harps follow him across the world as he searches for unwitting lovebirds, who soon find their chests pierced by deadly heart-shaped arrowtips.Two archers cursed by an ancient, evil monster, Varus is roleplaying one archer cursed by an ancient, evil monster. It's not much of a departure for him, but Varus is way better at hunting Noxians than playing tabletop games.An interstellar titan containing multitudes within his eldritch mind, Varus serves the all-consuming Dark Star, a dread singularity born in the darkness of deep space. His arrival is a cataclysmic extinction event, erasing entire planetary systems as if they were never there.Commemorating the 2018 Mid-Season Invitational in Europe.The Infernal Varus rips massive gouts of magma from the foundation of the earth, before firing them in volleys at those who would fight back against him. Each arrow lands with the ferocity of an exploding volcano, reducing all resistance to ash.A replacement for the traitorous Ashe model, Varus is the latest in PROJECT Corporation's biological weapons... and a controversial experiment, with one body inhabited by three sentient minds. A Command Line counter-espionage operative acting on behalf of the PROJECT initiative, they work alongside the resistance to mitigate the risk posed by Mordekaiser to their corporate interests.A young member of the cosmic court, minted in the image of the Dark Star corruptant Varus. Tasked with destroying his monstrous doppelganger, this new Varus seeks his place among the stars after his task is finally complete.Ain't nothin' for a dead angel to do but resign himself to grief. Varus was content to allow Mordekaiser to take him past the infernal gates themselves… Until a ragtag gang of thieves interrupted his mourning. Varus now picks up his bow once more, riding as a Harbinger. It's high time he got revenge for the massacre of Heaven.Hunters use many tools: the bowgun, the rifle, the knife, the mind. Master Yi's tool of choice is a five foot long serrated blade forged from meteoric alloy. One of the first concepts, Yi was held by PROJECT for extensive experimentation, and then finally freed by the G/NETIC rebels. His psyche may still contain some glitches, but his experimental hyperlight “alpha” blade serves the resistance with its precision balance.Gliding effortlessly from star to star, Yi flashes through the night sky with celestial grace, his blade arcing with crystalline precision through the fabric of the universe itself.A pupil of a famous martial arts school, Yi has dedicated his life to the purity and art of combat. And yet, in his heart, he knows he is worthy of the fabled sword of jade, and a power beyond mere mortality…A humble snowman brought to life by the magic of the Poro King, Yi strives to become the most gallant knight in all the land… and with the imminent invasion of Ice King Twitch, he might just get his chance.The cultists of the Blood Moon have begun a dread metamorphosis, as the boundary between the demon realm and the human world is rapidly erased. Yi is among those first blessed by this new darkness, the demon within his blade arm driving him to ever greater spectacles of violence.A legendary psychic swordsman and elite leader of the PsyOps unit. Yi is calm, professional, and always gets the job done, making him a terrifying bogeyman among rogue militaries, and a target for those harboring resentment towards the global war machine.A powerful businessman of few words, often seen staring down on “his” strip from the comfort of his posh presidential suite. Despite his cold demeanor, Yi enjoys the finer things in life, and demands only the finest fits for his world-famous evening attire.Legends speak of Master Yi, a swordsman who took but one student in his lifetime. After an unceremonious betrayal, Yi perished—not from a blade, but from a broken heart. Now the Spirit of Legacy roams the spirit world, searching for a pupil. He is lost, anyone that joins him destined to face the same fate.Yi arrives at the Spirit Blossom Fashion Festival, donning tinted shades and the finest fabrics. While others prefer to celebrate with close family and friends, Yi revels in the attention his outfit brings, intent to cement his style "legacy".“Never once have I sailed these waves looking for missing divers. Something unnatural lives in the depths, and I fear what it does to these lost souls.”In space, the anchor weighs practically nothing.Shock troopers such as Nautilus bound their souls to suits of ancient Warden armor, becoming one with the powerful enchantments worked into the metal. Few of these suits now remain, though their method of creation seems to have been closely tied to a cataclysmic event known only as the Rune War.The first of four titans prophesied to shatter the world, Nautilus is set to rise when the moon smothers the sun. It is said he will emerge from the sea, heralding a great cleansing tide that will wash away all of mankind.Commemorating the 2020 Spring Split Champions.A guardian who helped seal the mad god Jhin within a holy waterfall, as depicted within the mysterious painting known as the Shan Hai Scrolls. Over the millenia, Jhin has whispered of power, freedom, and true godhood to Nautilus, until he finally released him. Now twisted with anger, Nautilus's rivers run not with water, but molten magma.Strange and ghoulish screaming woke Nautilus into being
    He made his way outside to find them most displeasing
    These lousy, no good neighbors, always there sightseeing!
    “What kind of butler would I be if I don't send them fleeing?”Created from the same circuitry as the Full Metal champion, Jayce, Viktor was cast into the tunnels beneath the robot fighting arenas to serve as a janitoribot—while his twin was groomed for glory, simulcast en español. Upgrading himself with the cast-offs of the destroyed, he has sworn la venganza.On a cold, dreary night, a pioneering inventor was tried and hanged for preaching his glorious vision of the future—a world in which the living knelt before the dead. Death had to admire Viktor's conviction, and sent him back into the mortal world, blessed with powers beyond imagination.Leader of the rogue military known as the Black Rose Group, Viktor is a psychic technomancer whose vision for a utopian world was abandoned when he suddenly departed High Command decades prior. Obsessed with an alien 'gate' uncovered during the Arctic Ops event, his experiments into human bioweapons would allow him to breach it and upend the global order.Many a road to Hell was paved with good intent. Dr. Viktor may be the Mechanical Devil's kept engineer now, but his work began as charity: trying to “rehome” the souls of the dead in clockwork bodies, in order to circumvent mortality itself. Shame that Mordekaiser saw the good doctor's kindness and struck him a deal he could not deny.Every army of the dead needs its cavalry. From atop the reanimated hulk of a savage drüvask, Sejuani leads hosts of cruel, lost souls, hellbent on shaping the world in Death's image.Created to capture the original feel of Sejuani, one of our first fully reworked champions.Sejuani has taken to battle on an armored, one-eyed warbear the size of a shed, while swinging a land mine on a chain, wearing a delightfully vintage red-star hat. Good luck out there!Stranded as a child in the Poro King's enchanted Winterlands, Sejuani was taken in by the poros and raised as their own. She is now one of their greatest champions, riding a slobbery, snack-obsessed war poro against any who would threaten her adoptive home.A beast tamer as well as hunter, Sejuani rides her trusty mount Bristle into the thick of combat before snaring massive creatures in the chain of her flail. An almost supernaturally strong woman, she can—temporarily—hold down beasts weighing several tons, which is exactly the window her fellow hunters need.Riding her dire lion into the thick of combat, Sejuani Dawnchaser is an intimidating foe for all but the greatest Riftquest threats. Sadly not the most careful roleplayer, she's on her fourth dire lion this campaign.Charging forth on her giant pig and swinging a whip made from low-grade explosives, Sejuani has firmly cemented herself as the woman to watch this Lunar Revel. Because if you're not watching her she'll trample you, and you'll die.A merchant tycoon hailing from the top echelons of Piltovan society, Sejuani paved the way for the manufacture of hextech mounts. Often seen atop the back of her trusted stead, Bristech, she surveys the gilded streets of her magnificent city, always on the lookout to recruit young innovators who dare to push the boundaries of science and engineering.The leader of a more radicalized sect of the G/NETIC rebels, Sejuani broke off from Ashe's movement when their 'resistance action' failed to turn explicitly violent. Resurfacing amid Program's takeover of the City, she rides a piece of reclaimed pre-collapse technology alongside her ferocious cohort, ready to put down this new threat before it takes root.A Knight of the Eclipse who patrols the border of the Elderwood on a great beast. Grim and wild at heart, Sejuani lives for battle with the forces of the Old Gods, caring naught for the reason why.ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Concerning the recent upswing in vandalism and general troublemaking, it has come to my attention these behaviors may be intended to draw the personal attention of our headmistress. The dean reminds students that such encounters can be fatal, and encourages them to re-read the Academy code of conduct. Augmented for speed, Fiora uses her zero-pulse sword to fight alongside Ashe and the other members of G/NETIC. The full-length energy blade allows for flawless attack precision and maximum repel strength, while the spatially controlled atomic tip coating is most suited for single-target combat.Fiora can stop a pool party dead in its tracks, and she knows it. What she truly longs for is a worthy opponent—but alas, some people are just too good at crushing the party scene.A pupil of a famous martial arts school, Fiora pined after her fellow student Yi, but was never able to win his heart. Now she pursues him as he searches for the fabled sword of jade, to protect the artifact from the man she once loved.Fiora fancies herself the ultimate rival in all things romantic—a duelist unsurpassed in swordsmanship and love. How ironic that she finally seems to have met her match…Honoring TheShy's winning performance as Fiora during the 2018 World Championship.Fiora joined the Chrono-Enforcers at a young age under the tutelage of her father. When a conflict with a temporal fugitive left him disgraced, her future was thrown into doubt, but Fiora endured. Now, despite having reclaimed her family's reputation, and forged herself into an utter paragon of the Chrono-Enforcers, recent revelations have cast her into doubt once more, but this time about the Remembrancer's true purpose...Fiora keeps mostly to herself, determined to reclaim her family's honor from her father's failure as a member of the last Ox Squad. She thinks the rest of the squad doesn't take their duties seriously enough, and her determination to avoid another disastrous New Year makes her seem standoffish and cold to her teammates.Long days of community service and long nights of tactical planning have left Fiora not drained but energized. Her steely determination has hardened into foresight and loyalty. Whatever the Lunar Beast throws at them, Ox Squad knows Fiora has their back.Fiora is tired of Nami crashing the party every year. She's determined that apple bobbing takes a back seat to tests of true skill—like seeing who can eat the most candy.The last time Ziggs plugged two electromagnetic charges into his brain, he almost exploded. Maybe, three will do the trick.Ziggs is obsessed with creating the biggest water balloon in the history of poolside festivities, for reasons lost on everyone he's ever met. He keeps insisting he's a 'waterologist,' which isn't a real thing.Ziggs knows a thing or two about lobbing bombs, and he's happy to take a break and throw snowballs around instead. If by “a couple”, you mean several hundred, and by “balls”, you mean volatile spheres of explosive wintery death.Ziggs dwells at the crossroads of science and magic, striking an eccentric figure whose collection of enchanted artifacts and forbidden tomes rivals the greatest in the known world. He uses this arcane knowledge to make bombs. Magic bombs. Big ones.A disgraced engineer best known for rapid advances in ora mining technology, Ziggs lost everything when a young technician and her hulking manager “accidentally” rigged one of his devices to explode ahead of schedule. Bitter and manic, he now travels between ora hotspots in a mad gamble to regain his former prestige.The famed Gumball Grenadier, Ziggs, bursts across Candy Kingdom! Everyone knows to enjoy his colorful explosions… from a safe distance.Famed inventor of Tocker, Ziggs is a savant to some, to others a maniac. All can agree that no matter the consequences, Ziggs seems to enjoy his experiments—especially the subsequent explosions. What is perhaps most miraculous of all is how he and Tocker have survived so many blasts over the years.According to all known laws of apiculture, bees shouldn't be given explosives. Hey! Put that bouncing bomb down, bee!A candy witch living on the outskirts of the Peppermint Pine Barrens, Lulu's saccharine enchantments are known to grant incredible powers to any who desire them… but only at great cost to their candy soul.Dragons, though feared, are still living things and can be befriended under the right circumstances. Lulu enthralled her small friend with whimsical magic... becoming the first ever dragon trainer.A kindly sorceress trailed by her poro pal Pix, Lulu's whimsical ice magic amazes and delights Snowdown revelers everywhere. She's also a skilled fighter, firing deadly glacial spikes and transforming foes into harmless snowmen.The youngest member of Lux's team, Lulu is an odd but gifted Star Guardian. Though her unique relationship with the Starlight is sometimes puzzling, Lulu can be counted on to support her team—and let them know that the light supports them, too.Floaties and adorable squid-hats are in order whenever Lulu hits the beach with Pix the Pufferfish, but be careful not to splash her—she can turn people into adorable baby seals. Cute, cuddly, and utterly defenseless baby seals.Tasked with charting the heavens, Lulu's whimsical splashes of magic dot the sky with newborn stars. She keeps meticulous records of their names, mourning each of them when they finally pass.Fuzzy onesies! Paper fortune tellers! Cuddly, incoming! Lulu's so ready for this slumber party. Even Pix is excited, and getting into the spirit of things. Star Guardians are destined to protect the universe—but that doesn't mean they can't have a little fun along the way!Hailing from Boogie Wonderland, a planet of Pure Groove, Lulu is uniquely attuned to the resonance of cosmic disco energy. Using her staff to conjure visions of freedom and abandon to the beat of the music, she can get even the most left-footed creatures in the galaxy tapping along.Fresh off a visit from the Three Party Goddesses in the center of the galaxy, Lulu's more in tune with the Groove than ever. Her visions are even more potent, her beats are even more irresistible, and no one knows where Lulu's going to pop up next.Though she's new to the scene, Lulu exemplifies what it means to be a Tamer. She's studied the CORE (Compact Object for Relay and Engagement) manual front to back. She's even used it in the field a few times! Her latest discovery: Zap'Maw, a creature as dangerous as it is adorable.Down in the bot lane, we're seeing a seminal performance from Draven, already bullying both opposing laners into turret. There's the dive! Draven picks up the support kill—turret refuses to aggro him out of respect—there's the double kill, and, yes, the turret has self-destructed in terror! Masterful play by Draven, let's see it again.His sunscreen smells like a tire factory, and he keeps shouting about how good he is at everything. But the real kicker is that Draven never gets sunburned, and he is legitimately good at everything. It's a terrifying marriage of skill, unblemished skin, and… well, Draven.In addition to being one of the best beast hunters on the mainland, Draven is a master of the spinning blade, and also an incorrigible showboat. This quality has led to many of his hunting partners being eaten, which he likes because it causes dramatic tension.Not Draven, Draaaaaaven.Draven always knew he would make the perfect Santa. He's handsome, his hair is incredible, he has a great sense of fashion, he's defeated hundreds in the Noxian fighting pits, and his flying axes are super sharp—the perfect Santa, more or less.Once a promising general of Vercentia, Draven no longer wished to fight for someone else's glory. Now living his best life as an independent mercenary, he has made a name for himself and his showmanship in battle. To this day, how he managed to acquire the resources necessary to craft an Avalon remains a mystery…A showman no matter the circumstance, Draven challenged Viego to a duel that the Glorious Executioner immediately lost, resulting in his ruination. Unlike his ruined brethren, little has changed about Draven save for a white shock hair on his head and a slightly more vicious personality than usual.An infamous club host known for his daredevil attitude while performing envenomed party tricks, Draven is loved and hated by the Nox Vegas strip in equal measure. He possesses a talent for drawing both the curiosity of entertained onlookers and the ire of resort owners cleaning up after his messes.Draven's vivid violence gives everyone a fright
    Hide 'n' seek is higher stakes these days at night
    “There's no escape for you,” he cackles with delight
    But say his name three times with praise, and he might forget the fight!A zealous sycophant to his order, Hecarim unquestioningly serves the will of the Bloodstone. While less subtle than his masters would like, he is nonetheless effective in his purpose of executing enemies in a grisly fashion.When the dead refuse to take their place among the Death Sworn, the spectral knight Hecarim rides them down with his scythe at the ready. In his wake charge countless subjugated spirits, now yearning for nothing more than the reaping of fresh and defiant souls.There are many tales told about creatures prowling the roads at night, but none are as dark as that of the headless rider. He lost his head in a duel on horseback, and is doomed to haunt the living forevermore—a hideous jack-o-lantern resting upon his shoulders.His is armor of soft-spun summerwood and rowan—the stones upon him carved in a time before the old gods danced among the trees. Even now, Hecarim travels the shallow rivers and moss-flecked paths of the Elderwood, that ageless guardian who protects the forest from mankind's darkest yearnings.The third of four titans prophesied to shatter the world, Hecarim will begin his hunt when the moon smothers the sun. Riding from the south, his rampaging shadow will be cast across the land, infecting the living with dread and darkness.A mechanized sentinel called upon in times of war, Lancer Zero Hecarim is the protector of an ancient city—the last line of defense against the most fearsome opponents. Once unleashed, the damage it causes can be extraordinary, so it is always held back as a final, desperate gamble.When Heaven was destroyed by mortal men, it was only a matter of time until Hell overflowed onto the prairie, bringing with it all the devils who had waited so patiently to escape their confinement. Hecarim and his black riders revel in this newfound freedom, razing everything before them to ash as they stampede across the frontier.Given to players who pre-ordered the Digital Collector's Edition of League of Legends.A knight in the Queen's court, he leads his calvary across the sky, forever expanding the outer edge of creation—bringing new life wherever his hooves fall.Enforcer of the Higher World, his ever-forward motion crushes those before him while carving new fates for those left in his wake. He seeks to stop Rakan of the Lower World and prevent the calamitous disaster that will result from a fated love blooming betwixt the stars.Man's greatest battle is the one he must fight within himself, unless he's a matador who is also a giant bull. Then the battle is more literal.A handful of the Old West's more pragmatic individuals have integrated into human society—the hulking minotaur Alistar among them. Working as muscle for hire, he can be found breaking up saloon fights as often as knocking down bank vault doors. If it pays, the longhorn's on board.Leading from the front of the Infernal invasion, Alistar is a lumbering juggernaut whose ponderous movements bely unimaginable strength and speed. Dozens of armies have fallen before him, overwhelmed suddenly and completely by his power.They call him a sweeper, but Alistar is more of a mobile fortress with horns. If a rival player has the ball, just point Alistar in their direction for immediate and painful results.Though the great armies of the Magelord Empire have vanished into antiquity, their modern descendants uphold the vicious brutality of their ancestors. Alistar, a prime specimen of the beastmen hordes, now fights for the same culture that conquered his own people so very long ago.Honoring Wolf's winning performance as Alistar during the 2015 World Championship.A rare cow-themed variant of the popular Alistar figurines, mint-in-box units have been known to go for several thousand dollars at auction. Yesterday, this one was submerged in the tub. Children don't deserve nice things.The fusion of arcane sorcery and Piltovan ingenuity, Alistar is an advanced, living golem built by the finest artificers in Runeterra. Tasked with guarding the secrets of hextech, it crushes all who would abuse the methods behind its creation.Commemorating the 2019 Mid-Season Invitational in Asia.The mightiest of all minotaurs, Alistar once roamed the northern mountains freely… but when the endless winter came and blanketed his home in frost as dark as the heart of the Ice Witch herself, the fearsome behemoth fell prey to an eerie corruption—as his fur and bone twisted into pure, frozen malice.The leader of Ox Clan, Alistar keeps his stubborn squad in line with his reliability and gruff approval. A bit quick to anger with some squad members' bull-headedness, he's determined that nothing and no one will derail this Lunar New Year festival, or Ox Clan's plan to make it a flawless celebration.Kha'Zix, the devouring scarab—ancient guardian of the sands, we invoke thee to protect us from an evil of our own making. Let no man tread upon these hallowed grounds, lest you consume them utterly.Designated K-ZX, the “Mecha Kha'Zix” unit was the first of the mecha line to be deployed against the kaiju threat. Due to its smaller size, it functions best in urban environments, adapting on the fly to threats against civilian populations.Hidden among the great flower-fields of the north are the Death Blossoms, primeval hunters whose disarming beauty would lull even the bravest knight to tears, if but for a moment. For Kha'Zix, feeding upon these hardy souls offers yet another chance at metamorphosis… and a moment is all he needs.The hunger of the abyss, Kha'Zix is an alien horror whose ceaseless appetite feeds the Dark Star. Appearing before planets like a titanic locust, it devours all it encounters—the power of a hundred thousand stars fueling its evolution into an ever-greater threat.Celebrating the 2018 World Championship in Korea.A member of an elite bounty hunting organization, Kha'zix is cold, ruthless and always gets the job done. Though hired by Karma to track down the missing templars, she doesn't realize that Kha'zix is a double agent secretly working for Aatrox to bring Karma to him.For a Woad tribesman to be named king, they must venture alone into the den of a glacial hydra and return with one of its heads. Darius, it is said, came back with all nine.To save his own life after being exposed to a cloud of radioactive space gas, investment banker Donald D. Darius was forced to build a suit containing the strange mixture. But the chemicals from beyond the stars warped his weakened mind, twisting him into the brutal villain known as Bioforge!Sporting over a hundred different endorsement deals and tens of millions of fans the world over, Darius has transformed himself from a showy basketball prodigy to the world's leading authority on dunking. He has recently perfected the Dunktown Express, where he dunks so hard that all public transit on the planet simultaneously explodes.NOTICE FROM THE DEAN: Darius is henceforth suspended from Academy grounds for behavior including (but not limited to) stuffing students into lockers, possession of dangerous weapons on school property, brawling, fighting, scuffling, fisticuffing, and dunking on fellow classmates during gym class.Formerly a frontline general in the now-disbanded Confederate Alliance, Darius once scoured the surfaces of entire planets in bitter campaigns against the RSM. Left devoid of purpose at the close of the war, the Dreadnova Corps offered him a chance to lead—and fight—again.God-King Darius is a bringer of true carnage—the descendant of primordial deities long forgotten in the shadow of Demacia. Slaughtering monarchs and gods alike, he seeks to end the false world of unity and peace, ushering in an age of endless war where only the strongest will survive.The once-human Darius was a terrifying manhunter, feared throughout the West for his cunning and brutality. Famously defeated by his brother in a widely publicized duel, his wounded pride eventually twisted into obsession, leading him to strike a deal with the devil Hecarim...Darius' imposing presence and determination to lead by example cause occasional tension between him and Alistar, the actual leader of the squad. Despite how overbearing he can be, Darius is a strong and steadfast friend to his teammates and a rock for the whole Clan.All Darius wanted was to secure a place for himself at the top of the underworld. Becoming Miss Fortune's personal bodyguard was the first step, but the second was embracing the power of the Mysterious Gentleman: welcoming forces from beyond space and time that have molded him into something far more powerful than he could ever have imagined.Darius' body fell to the dirt, yet another soldier's sacrifice. But his soul would not rest. Picking up his axe just as soon as it was knocked from his mortal hand, the Spirit of War arose. A calamity motivated only towards bloodshed, Darius stalks the mortal world, searching for the thrill of battle. Backed by RiotCorp as the Full Metal Fighting League's first corporately sanctioned champion, Jayce has dethroned Pantheon and won the hearts of audiences worldwide—especially those who realize they gain 15 Riot Points every time they cheer his cyclonic blasts.You're a scholar. You're an inventor. You're the man of the hour and the hour is now, yesterday, and tomorrow. Don't just be the father of invention—be the ivory god of substance, class, and style. It's you, Jayce. It's always been you.A noble paladin who has inexplicably mastered science and engineering, Jayce Brighthammer is a stout ally no foul creature can best! Unless that foul creature is a loophole in the rulebook, since Jayce likes to get any advantage over the Rift Master he can.A prestigious 2nd year whose face is known throughout the wider city of Durandal, Jayce is the class president, head of the world-renowned Luminary Club, and prodigious inventor of miraculous Jayce-branded technologies. He hopes his inventions will prevent the kind of tragedy that struck him in his youth, though he refuses to speak about what that was.While many presumed him dead, Jayce's sudden return to the Resistance has been heralded by some as a miracle and others as a curse. Burdened by guilt, he still blames himself for his failure to halt Viktor's rise. Only time will tell if Jayce can turn the tide.Celebrating the RiotX Arcane event.Jayce invented Hammerjack as a showcase sport for humanity's new augmented abilities. Nothing else tested athletes across so many directions and terrain, and with this being its first year in the Zenith Games, he intends to show everyone what THE sport of the 22nd century looks like.Once a powerful sorceress who sought absolute control over her followers, Lissandra transformed into something altogether different when she finally found the hallowed Bloodstone. The magic she drew from it drove her to slay those who once tended to her every whim. To this day she wanders in search of more mortals to sacrifice to her newfound source of power.Ruler of a once mighty city, Lissandra was seduced by the promises of a monstrous shadow, whispering of esoteric power and eternal life. For this, she betrayed her people and gave them to darkness, so that in the shadow's womb she would be reborn an ageless monster.Built as an all-seeing security bot, Program Lissandra rose above her initial code to become a self-generating artificial intelligence. She manipulates the technology of augmented humans with her own mimetic commands, so that all will fall before her.They came to Lissandra as if in some waking dream—visions of the Ivory Stag, and the old magics long lost to antiquity. Even now, the ageless witch resides among those twisted shadows of the old growth, awaiting the day her dead gods spill forth from their rotten and accursed graves.Once a cosmic entity charged with identifying future threats to the cosmos, her hunger for ever greater knowledge drew her into conflict with the Dark Star, which consumed her. Transformed into a mad doomsayer who sees a “true” universe in the ashes of this one, she has become the very end she once feared.Long ago, the sorceress Lissandra stole the Snake Relic from the ancient Protectors in a bid to gain immortality. Cast down and sealed away for her crimes, Lissandra spent centuries of solitude scheming a way to take all twelve Zodiac Relics for herself, waiting for the perfect time to strike... And now Ezreal has given her the chance.Given to players who pre-ordered the Retail Collector's Edition of League of Legends.Uncle Ryze wants YOU… to get on the rift!TO ALL STUDENTS OF RUNIC SIGILS 101: Professor Ryze is on sabbatical to promote the most recent edition of his coursebook, Runic Sigils & Hidden Magic [17th edition]. A substitute lecturer will be provided, and out of date coursebooks must be replaced at the current cover price of seven thousand dollars.Obsessed with discovering the cure for a mutagenic virus that had ravaged the population, Ryze scoured the globe for every shred of esoteric medical research he could find—getting tantalizingly close to his goal before succumbing to the very mutation he was trying to eradicate.In another world and time, when the stress of preventing another Rune War was just too much, Ryze left behind his previous life to terrorize the high seas of Runeterra! With his trusty cannon on his back, and magic coursing through his veins like gold through his fingers, Pirate Ryze warps from ship to ship and coast to coast, taking what he will.Ryze likes to take time out of his rune hunting to play games of Riftquest as a tome-wielding, scroll protecting wizard also named Ryze. The difference, he will often point out, is that his own beard is black—Ryze Whitebeard's beard is white, plus he has hat.Honoring Faker's winning performance as Ryze during the 2015 World Championship. This is Faker's second World Champion skin, following his win with SKT at the 2013 World Championship.Celebrating the 2019 Championship in Europe.Ryze, the eternal conservator—ancient guardian of the sands, we invoke thee to protect us from an evil of our own making. Let no man tread upon these hallowed grounds, lest your righteous magic entomb them beneath the dunes.A secret-keeper and didact, whose power dwells in his mind and hands. Tasked with quietly solving the problems of the worlds with little fanfare or recognition, he prepares to fix whatever chaos the fated lovers cause before retreating back to obscurity—serving as a role model to the talented but forgotten.A child chosen by the Blood Moon itself, Diana's mind has been opened to the lost ways of the cult—unknown to its leaders, and even the slavering demons beyond. Hers is a truth no one can know, and a fated metamorphosis beyond men and the gods.Chief among the lesser Infernals is Diana, a blistering elemental terror sent ahead of the main invasion forces to assassinate key officials and set cities ablaze. Even her kin regard her methods as extreme, and she has been rightly elevated for it.Occasionally, a valkyrie will be seduced by the comforts of mortal life, and be cast out from the halls of Valhalla. Understandably, this makes them pretty upset with Valhalla's whole management style.Diana was once an extremist within the Order of the Mother Serpent, but now spends her days murdering her employer's enemies by the light of the moon. In Bilgewater it's less about who you were, and more about the message you send.Legends tell of a special breed of dragons ravaging the countryside who can hide under the veil of nightshade. While other dragonslayers may think twice about challenging such dangerous foes, Diana dives in head first—her blade and armor forged from the very remains of these ghastly draconic beasts.Exiled for heresy, Diana has assented to return to her queendom to save her people—nothing else. She intends to use the Coronation to prove her worth and force Eos' elders to admit the truth of her beliefs: that the Crest answers to the will of the nation, not its leaders.After revealing the truth at her nomination ceremony, Diana will let nothing stand in her way. Clad in new armor as steely as her resolve, Diana intends to subdue the Tournament's monsters—and the power-hungry religious order that has stifled Eosia.The Ruination of Targon and the loss of the Aspect of War devastated the Rakkor tribes. But the only way to fight an Aspect's power is with another Aspect—and so Diana takes up her blade as a member of the Sentinels, knowing that Viego would destroy everything the moonlight touches.Market stalls offer the Lady of the Moon their wares freely, in hope of receiving a blessing for the New Year. Diana is happy to oblige, even if it means getting stopped every few feet by another well-wisher… Luckily, Diana's festival buddies are patient.Pity those poor souls lost in the northern mountains—Quinn, scout of the Woad Tribe, will always find them. And those who cross her path are said never to return.The daring duo Quinn and the phoenix Valor are always near when crime is afoot! Combining their legendary powers, they clean up the streets of New Valoran with a well-placed arrows and the burning flames of justice!For enterprising pirate crews, Quinn is a highly sought after lookout, though she comes at a high price for someone typically hidden away in the crow's nest. Then again, how many other hired hands can take out half a boarding party before they make it off their ship?It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a… dove? Quinn takes up the mantle of the Heartseekers to channel her inner romantic, peppering the battlefield with dozens of razor-sharp arrows and giant, stinging bird scratches.The Protectorate of old gained its power from bonds: bonds between comrades, bonds to armor, bonds to its edicts. Quinn follows in the footsteps of her ancestors, having forged a bond with a familiar she has named Valor, in honor of the Protectorate's central tenet.Hailing from a sister city along with Rell, Quinn and her familiar Valor are known back home as a dynamic monster-fighting duo... mask and all. Valoran City represents a big step up from what they're used to, but the two are ready to fight the darkness as only they know how.Chief among the Arclight stand the Justicars, sentinels who serve as living embodiments of justice and order. Syndra embodies knowledge, for what guides the world if not the wisdom of gods?“The Atlanteans were skilled in magic, we know that much is true. But the extent of their power is truly unfathomable… to this day we cannot know if they persist in some forgotten corner of the world, reanimated by whatever dark thing has taken their once-proud city.”Fourth is the Queen, ever dark and serene,
    Whose true power lies deeper still.
    Alone, she could conquer the whole of the earth…
    And perhaps, in the future, she will.Impossibly powerful magic is one way to enter a snowball fight, and Syndra's unshackled abilities spell doom for anyone who hates getting snow in their eyes. Everyone has a lighter side, even the Dark Sovereign.Honoring Faker's winning performance as Syndra during the 2016 World Championship. This is Faker's third World Champion skin, following his wins with SKT at the 2013 and 2015 World Championships.Feared and admired, Syndra is a formidable Star Guardian from an earlier era, whose history is cloaked in shadow. She acts as an advisor on Ahri's team, but despite her captain's trust, some members suspect there is no price that Syndra won't pay to achieve her personal ambitions.Now that Syndra's aced all her opponents, it's time for her final test: prevent any rogue volleyballs from hitting her friends. Again.Syndra has been shunned from the festival for years over her support of the disgraced Zed. Unable to bear this slight any longer, she is determined to infiltrate the event and poison the very heart of the Crystal Rose itself with her sweetly dripping ichor.No celebration would be complete without the March of the Pumpkin Lanterns! Syndra conjures hundreds of great gourds from the sky, their crooked smiles delighting the children below.A vision in silk and shadow, Syndra doesn't need hordes of adoring fans (though she has them) nor hundreds of eager ateliers desperate to design for her (though she has those, too), because she is always at the center of her own orbit. Her secret? Starlight never goes out of style.Children hear stories of the savior of lost souls, the ever-reclusive Spirit of Freedom. One such speaks of a tree that wrapped its roots around a wandering wisp. The wisp struggled alone—until Syndra ripped off the bindings that held it tight, as she would do for all creatures, lest they be lost forever. Pyromancer cultists unwisely summoned the god of fire and ruin—the Ashen Lord—into the world hoping to control his power. Instead, he unleashed his infernal legions to remake all things in his image: cinder, ash, and death.Designated ASOL-13, the “Mecha Aurelion Sol” is a gigantic, mobile mothership carrying tens of thousands of personnel, attack fighters, and ground-based anti-kaiju vehicles. Buried within its hull are a vast array of weapons, making ASOL-13 more than a match for even the most gargantuan kaiju.The dragon Aurelion Sol, known to seven generations of worshippers as Ao Shin, has long awaited the ascent of a warrior worthy of receiving the power of the storm. Now, with Lee Sin's transformation into the Dragonmancer, Ao Shin has directed his impossible power towards purging the world of evil.Over the years, many have asked—should art be chained by the fleeting concept of morality? Or should science bend a knee to the laws of man? Some believe progress is not made by holding ourselves back, and though we may give birth to monsters… Hextech will always guide our path...Avoiding every social cue his roleplaying group throws his way, Sion has repeatedly rolled barbarians only to die immediately after rejoining the table. At this point he's spent more time working on character sheets than actually playing Rift Quest, and it shows: his newest barbarian's backstory reads, “Is a barbarian.”He's a lumberjack, and he's okay.The ultimate ground-based mecha unit, 0-SION becomes like a freight train once given a combat directive, and will literally stop at nothing to dismantle an opponent—no matter how much damage it takes. There are lingering concerns that it could go rogue, but so far these worries have been unfounded.A once towering fortress toppled during the last annihilation, the thing called Sion was given consciousness by Malzahar, and raised up to become the purest titan of death and destruction. Now, imbued with ravenous hatred, he blasts the terrain with every step, hellbent on culling any instance of life.A fearsome jötunn who once stood at the front of Lissandra's vast armies, Sion fell in battle only for his master's magic to weave itself beneath his massive frame, resurrecting him as a monster of rage and cold.As soon as Sion knew life, he knew rage: rage that ripped the restraints from the operating table; rage that crushed the bones of those men who tried to play at the miracle of Creation; rage that he ain't, nor ever would be, the second clockwork angel they had hoped to construct. Sion knows rage, and so will the world.As an honored Ordinal of the Demaxian Empire, Kayn relentlessly hounds the crew of the Morning Star, hoping to recapture Sona and learn the secrets of the legendary Ora Gate. He bickers constantly with his sentient alien scythe, Rhaast, whose own motivations are far more dire than Kayn could ever realize…Rhaast was once an archon of light, a beacon of order… and now he is little more than a weapon in the hands of Kayn, an ambitious demi-god of dusk seeking true godhood. The two war within Kayn's own body, each determined to overthrow the other and lay claim to true divinity.Kayn and Rhaast are forged anew in the crucible of their clash. No longer are they a mere weapon, a mere demigod— they are forces of nature, warping each other and the raw energy around them, each hurtling towards a victory sure to shake the firmament itself.The communion was nearly complete. Kayn could feel the Blood Moon demon writhing within. It was then that the Snow Moon assassins struck. Stolen away from that temple into theirs, Kayn was inducted into the Snow Moon Order, their ancient ways piercing and unfamiliar. Only time will tell if their taming of his spirit holds.Who let this ageless, cosmic child in here unattended? This a public pool, not some sort of ageless, cosmic daycare.A member of the ancient, first group of Star Guardians, Zoe's heart desired not love, but chaos -- twisting her newfound power into a malignant expression of cosmic madness. After numberless eons of hunting the First Star's chosen, she has finally come to Valoran City, hoping to destroy the latest generation of Guardians as she has countless others.A promising student of magic at the Arcanist Academy, Zoe has ignored the advice of her headmaster and embarked upon a grand adventure the likes of which she is utterly unprepared for. Considering her penchant for sewing chaos wherever she goes, the world might be more unprepared than she is.Having temporarily outsmarted the mad Arcanist Shaco and absconded with his precious tome of magic, Zoe's power has been elevated beyond even some of her instructors. Her instructors are extremely worried about this. Most people are extremely worried about this.Honoring Scout's winning performance as Zoe during the 2021 World Championship.Once a forest nymph, Zyra was consumed by the Infernals' burning touch. Now, she seeks nothing more than to spread wildfire throughout the forests and valleys of her dying world.The old cemetery is no place for stray trick-or-treaters. The twisted, dead undergrowth celebrates this season as well… but their roots run deep into the blighted earth, and their games too often prove deadly for the lost and afraid.Honoring PoohManDu's winning performance as Zyra during the 2013 World Championship.Survivors of recent monster attacks tell stories of serpents in the sky and a powerful sorceress nesting deep in the mountains. If the rumors are true, it means the dragons have returned—and that this time, Zyra is breeding them.They came to Zyra from the roots and rocks -- stirrings of the Night Dove, its beating wings twisting the very land that is its grave. Tied now to the whispers beneath the loam, she rips away humanity's works of stone and glass, each broken vestige another step towards a world returned to nature.The old gods stir, and rise once more to greet their sun -- but she is slain, devoured by the daughters of the eclipse. On this lightless day they will rage, and quake, and howl, so all men shall know their first and final doom.Born from a cutting of the Crystal Rose, Zyra wields her piercing thorns against any who seek to harm it. For this year's festival, she has agreed to attend in a social capacity, accompanying Swain as the Crystal Rose Festival's dual hosts. But her respect for his vision will not distract her from springing into action at the slightest hint of danger.Zyra was once a longtime associate of Graves and a skilled con artist, but grew dissatisfied with the monotony of a low-end criminal lifestyle. Seeing a way out, Zyra merged with the 4th-dimensional horrors from Beyond. She now follows the edicts of an alien power, ripping veins of sentient sludge from the earth and rending her enemies asunder.A talent from abroad, Kai'Sa brings a unique style and sound to the industry. She learned to express herself through her craft, blossoming into one of the most talented dancers in the world—a perfect fit for the misfits of K/DA, where she takes their performances to the next level.Fresh from her appearance at the annual Pop Music Awards, K/DA Kai'Sa is now wearing a prestigious all-gold costume—catching the eye of the entire world.Honoring JackeyLove's winning performance as Kai'Sa during the 2018 World Championship.A bounty hunter and ex-soldier hailing from the hellish multidirectional shooter “PixelVoid II,” Kai'Sa was called back to the Arcadian theater after the Battle Bosses infected her game. As she is unmatched at killing screen-covering boss monsters with massive health pools, invading “PixelVoid II” may have been a severe miscalculation.After showcasing her flawless dance techniques world-wide, Kai'sa is ready to apply her legendary discipline and focus to all aspects of her life as a performing artist. She's still not sure who she'll be when she steps forward to shine as herself, but she's looking forward to the challenge of finding out.When Kai'Sa wanted a red carpet outfit to match her growing confidence in her artistry, she sought Evelynn's advice. With sharp tailoring and embellishments that match her excellence in execution, Kai'Sa's ready to shine on and off the stage.Seeking the power to purify the land of Brand's corruption, Kai'Sa plunged into the depths of the Lagoon Dragon's waters, despite terrifying legends of the endless deep. However, the Dragon recognized her for her courage to face the unknown and blessed her with its gifts. Now, she adventures the world, cleansing the land and protecting those who cannot protect themselves.A born leader with a head for tactics, Kai'Sa takes her job as captain extremely seriously... perhaps too much for her own good. Still, her squad respects her command and will follow her into even the most dangerous missions, where she'll snipe priority targets and spray the rest with payloads of starlight-powered missiles.With a stunning voice and a sunny disposition, Seraphine has big dreams about her music and what she can offer the world. She knows that someday, if she just keeps trying, she'll make her beloved cat Bao proud.Seraphine's life is changing faster than she ever expected, and she's trying to hold on to her unique voice, keep up with Kai'Sa's intimidatingly sharp choreography, and still somehow manage to get enough sleep.After her whirlwind rise to stardom, Seraphine is on top of the world, and the charts, with her feature on K/DA's new EP. Her music and her message are resonating with her fans, and she's excited to show them what's to come on her journey of self-discovery through music.A champion of the common folk, Seraphine's music united her community in defense against a mysterious force that sought to wipe them out. The fenghuang heard Seraphine's graceful song, and blessed her with the power to fight the darkness back.After taking a break to recharge her creative spirit, Seraphine is back! Rather than dive straight into a solo tour, she's drawing on the relaxed energy of the Ocean Song Festival to ease herself back into singing. With no setlist, she's going to listen to her audience and let the musical current take her.Never content to swim with the tide, Seraphine's making waves with her new sea breeze look. Whether it's on the runway or the concert stage, beach season's open, and the water's warm.Some believe Gnar's wealth came from his groundbreaking research into economics and linguistics. Others question whether his investors favor him purely for his undeniable charm. Either way, he now finds himself receiving award after award—the latest being a sculpture of him in ice, rumored to never melt.Gnar can't resist the call of a tussle in fresh powder, but woe to those who forget what they're dealing with. Mega Gnar lurks just beneath the surface, ready to take the snowball fight to the next level... and rip someone in half.He's big. He's small. He's throwing pieces of the ring around like it's made of pixie dust and unicorn whispers. He's El León, the eighth wonder of the world, and he's here to say to his opponents: “Gnar!”Look, Gnar is still figuring out the pistol, okay? Just don't ask him too many questions, or you might have an unexpected Mecha-Gnar on your hands, walloping your face into deep space.Honoring CuVee's winning performance as Gnar during the 2017 World Championship. Gnar knew he should be focusing on the mission at hand, but the strange little creatures he encountered on the planet's surface captivated his attention (and kept his wrath at bay… for now).Stories have long been told of a monster that stalks the wood, rending massive oak trees asunder bare-handed—but few realize this titan is also the small, curious creature that collects baubles and bones and chitters through the treetops. The wise leave both to their devices. The foolish? Well, it depends which Gnar they meet.A special event skin given away PAX Prime 2011.The wild and brash Battle Mistress known as Sivir cares only for the thrill of combat and the rattle of coin. She relentlessly hunts her bounties across the ice, cutting down opponents with a massive, razor-sharp snowflake as hard and unforgiving as the cruelest snowstorm.The Wardens, like the Protectorate before them, cannot rely on innumerable conquered peoples to bolster its military as the Marauders do. Sivir, a skilled sellsword, was sworn into the order's ranks, only to take up the cause in earnest when she learned the organization's true purpose.Victorious Sivir was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in the 2015 season. As the ultimate battle mistress, Sivir wears a winged crown of victory and wields a golden weapon.A special event skin given away PAX West 2017.The fastest pizza delivery girl on the continent, Sivir has racked up an impressive nine consecutive awards from corporate headquarters, and hasn't seen a customer complaint since online reviews were invented. Her vicious rivalry with Birdio is well documented, and the two will do anything to one-up each other.A newly anointed priestess of the Blood Moon cult, Sivir wields a weapon that is both a killing tool and a key to the hellish mirror world where all demons are born. Slowly but surely, it has merged her twinned selves, and now it is no longer clear where the human ends and the monster begins.Sivir runs her own small bounty hunting operation on the fringes of the galaxy. She's self-made and tough, having lost her parents to the Demaxian empire many years prior, but holds on to her soft and sympathetic side despite that hardened exterior. Sivir was hired by Karma, along with the other mercs, to free the captured templars.Sivir began as a pastry chef, but has since transitioned to “front-of-house defense specialist”. Her protective nature has gotten her into a few scraps with unruly customers, but Sivir's love of her work, her friends, and the cafe is what she's really fighting for. If you want to talk to the manager, she's got some words for you, too.A mercenary Eclipse Knight known for her skill in battle and lack of chivalry, Sivir sells her services eliminating witches and monsters who menace the countryside, ignoring threats that do not prove lucrative. Though many knights find nobility in their stated purpose, Sivir cares naught but for coin, pledging to aid her order only in their final, dire hour.If a guy made of water jumps into the pool, does he become the pool? Or just… part of the pool? Or does the pool become him? This is a very serious question.Honoring Blank's winning performance as Zac during the 2016 World Championship.Never content with his extant creations, Viktor's latest innovation has forged an experimental alloy that shifts between liquid and solid states. Incredibly flexible yet nigh-indestructible, the new zoophagus assault constructs, or ZACs, spring onto the battlefield, harvesting and consuming any resistance that stands in their way.Born from festering echoes at the dawn of creation, Yasuo is the hellish embodiment of chaos in the cosmos. Fated to clash against the Dawnbringer for all time, he awaits a day when his darkness will finally cleave away her light.Yasuo returned from advanced combat only to be accused of a crime he did not commit. Knowing that PROJECT's corporate leadership was somehow involved, Yasuo fights with the G/NETIC rebels, cutting away the lies of technology with his plasma coated blade.Ceremonial executioner of the Blood Moon cult, Yasuo's blade is inhabited by an insidious, bloodthirsty demon whose hunger for death can never be satisfied. This suits Yasuo well, for he is possessed of an inner darkness even deeper than the creature whispering at his side.The mysterious and reluctant sheriff of a two-street town, Yasuo is in self-imposed exile after being accused of murder in the eastern territories. Even so, he has driven off entire bandit gangs as well as many of the desert's deadliest threats, saving hundreds of lives along the way.Yasuo never wanted to be a space pirate… until he was framed for his brother's murder, and had to flee his life of relative luxury. Now on the run from a dozen different military and paramilitary factions, he's putting together an eccentric crew to make a new life among the stars.One-time protagonist of the 1979 cult classic “Hasagi,” Yasuo was infected with Veigar's malignant code after the Battle Boss takeover of Arcadia. He maintains his impossibly complex gameplay patterns and high-damage attacks, but now fights for the forces of evil.As enigmatic as he is skilled, Yasuo is the veteran producer all others turn to for inspiration. His beats transcend genre, painting whole universes with wild textures of sound. Notoriously selective about his collaborations, Yasuo sees True Damage as his platform to revolutionize how society experiences music.After the global success of “GIANTS,” reclusive producer-extraordinaire Yasuo was inundated with requests. From record deals to clothing sponsorships, he turned down one after another, preferring to stay out of the limelight to focus on the simple joys of making beats. However, A Bathing Ape somehow managed to secure his attention. Now, donning golden threads to match his musical brilliance, Yasuo holds the world's ears at attention—with fans and critics alike waiting to hear his next revolutionary track.Long ago, two brothers fought a bitter war across Ionia. Yasuo, the younger brother, was a warlord renowned for his roguish demeanor—until he was accused of crimes against the country and took up arms to defend himself. Both were fated to fall in their final duel… a lesson, perhaps, in pride and hubris.Empowered by the Buhru during his fight against Viego of Camavor, Yasuo made an unlikely champion for the children of Nagakabouros—his obsession with past events flew in the face of everything they believed in. Yet even the mangiest sea dog has his day, and Yasuo stood against the forces of darkness, emerging triumphant.Alone against an army, Yasuo chose to stand and fight. He blocked a narrow pass between two mountains, allowing innocents to escape the bloodshed. Wielding the truth of steel as a dance, he felled countless foes—but even he could not hold out forever. The Dragon of Truth, moved by his swordsmanship, came down from its peak to bless him...The song of steel grew silent, and Yasuo was the last living soul on the battlefield—though he imagined he could hear the thankful murmurs of the villagers he'd protected. Wounded and dying, Yasuo produced his flute to play a last haunting elegy. The Dragon of Dreams descended from its mountaintop, moved by Yasuo's song, and offered him its power...Too many forget that the heart of the Elderwood was once gentle and kind. Within its confines rested fae, sylvans, and dryads—creatures from another age, who looked upon humanity with curious eyes. Now only a scattered few remain, and fewer still, like Soraka, who regard humans fondly.With his silver tongue, Twisted Fate tricked the lords of the living to offer their beloved starchild to Death in exchange for their own immortality. Little did they know, eternal life without their avatar of compassion and mercy would result only in eternal suffering…Program Soraka was created as a support bot to protect humanity's fragile nature, offering technological salvation at the hands of a mechanical angel. Infiltrated by corrupt code, it is unclear if this mission of mercy remains her prime directive.A gentle soul with a mysterious origin among the stars, Soraka protects her team from behind the frontlines. Despite her shy appearance, she carries immense healing power and an unprecedented command of the Starlight, more than any other Star Guardian her team has encountered.The other girls (and Ezreal) seemed excited for the pillow fights, and staying up all night talking. Soraka was most excited for the cinnamon rolls she brought from Pantheon's Pastries. But nothing makes her happier than seeing her friends smiling and laughing.A kindly duchess within the court of the Poro King, Soraka's lands are filled with beautiful animals made of pristine, enchanted ice. These menageries stretch for miles, tended by her retainers.A child of the gods born when chaos slew order, Soraka contains within her the powers of both Riven and Yasuo. To end the conflict of the gods, she has embraced the light to pierce the darkness, drawing on the powers of dawn to bring order to the chaotic world.A child of the gods born when chaos slew order, Soraka contains within her the powers of both Riven and Yasuo. To end the conflict of the gods, she has embraced the darkness to soothe the blinding light, drawing on the powers of night to create chaos and change in a too-static world.Leaving the planet behind with Xayah and the other Star Guardians, Soraka's full powers have been unlocked by her undying love for her friends—in the hopes that one day they will find their companion lost in the final battle with the Twilight Star, and be a family once again.Good food can be healing, and Soraka works hard to imbue every single pastry she makes with delicious magic that leaves her customers feeling more spritely than when they first walked in. Though her origins are mysterious, the whole cafe agrees: Soraka's work is out of this world!In a secluded corner of the Akana forest, Soraka weeps for those she's lost. Each life cut short she longed to save, but for as many that welcome her as a savior, there are others who see her power as a merciless cruelty. To the Spirit of Pity, death is never a blessing.I'm not a laser squid, I'm a man!Scarce is known of Vel'Koz, owing to the fact that most who witness him combust at his mere presence. What is known, however, is that this cataclysmic titan can level entire civilizations with his incinerating gaze, leaving only smouldering ruin. Woe be to those fixed in the behemoth's infernal gaze, for there will be no remains left to bury.Beneath the ice they slumber, trapped as two worlds pass them by. Watching, waiting, for the day they will rise again, and all will be buried in ice.Honoring Crown's winning performance as Taliyah during the 2017 World Championship.Taliyah once attempted to describe surfboarding to a perplexed Jarvan, using such terms as “get pitted”, “tubular”, and “ride the barrel”. She's pretty sure he still has no idea what she was talking about.A rowdy, boisterous fighter by night and a somewhat reserved first year student by day, Taliyah's missions with the Star Guardians are a chance for her to discover the kind of person she wants to become. Surfing across the city on a giant wave of starlight, she's okay with taking her time.Weaponized to quell the G/NETIC rebellion, Program Camille is a robotic assassin who will kill any human trying to utilize unauthorized technology. A being of adaptable protocols and laser-like focus, she takes her orders directly from Program's superior artificial intelligence.They came to Camille as if in some dark slumber—whispers of the Ebony Ram, and the nameless things tumbling up from long-forgotten sepulchers. Her throat full of hearsay, she cuts down the vestiges of the new world, seeding the earth with the magics and witchery of her ancient, grinning masters.Honoring Ning's winning performance as Camille during the 2018 World Championship.Poised precariously above the city, on the edge of High Arcana, Camille's power comes from surprise and defying expectations. Her patterns seem confusing and alarming—even perilous—to those who cross her path, but they always resolve to her benefit. When burdened on the brink, Camille is at her strongest, but no one truly knows what she plans to use all that strength for...There are few truly “veteran” soldiers in the galaxy, and those who make it far enough to earn the title have done so for a reason. As commander of RSM's newly minted Strike Team Hyperion, Camille is ruthless, calculating, and fierce, bringing to bear the full power of the Y03-Principality on any target unlucky enough to end up in her sights.The Neon Rogue of Sound City has become the hero of the underground, largely due to his bravery, his wit, and his uncanny ability to sneak into highly-secure corporate buildings without being detected. Being charming as hell doesn't hurt, either.As roguish as he is handsome, Akshan abandons his daring adventures each year to make a highly-requested appearance at the festival. He might be seen stealing a dance or two, but he only has eyes for one among the crowd. Their moral… discrepancies are no match for the electrifying chemistry between them.An elf renowned for his unflinching happiness in all things, some people once believed that under Teemo's merry exterior lay the heart of a killer. Those naysayers soon vanished under completely normal circumstances.And I think it's gonna be a long, long time
    'Til touchdown brings me round again to find
    I've stepped on another Teemo landmine!
    Oh, no no no!Eggs are lame, right? They're round. They break easily. Eggs need a major facelift. Introducing… Teemo! He's cute. He's annoying. But most of all, he'll paint all your eggs for you, maybe turning one or two (or seven) into life-threatening explosives.Evildoers beware! The archvillain-turned-superhero Teemo knows how you think—and he's ready to strike back in the name of peace and justice! With a single deafening blast, Teemo's super sigil bursts open to envelop foes in a specially formulated toxin, leaving them ready for capture and incarceration! Thanks, Teemo!Pandas aren't naturally aggressive towards humans, but this isn't a panda. It's Teemo dressed as a panda. Stay alert.Teemo once lived by a code. He's long since forgotten what it was, or even what started the fighting, but he does remember two things: nobody's innocent, and always settle your scores.“…and a great sign shall appear in the heavens, the light of the world fading from human memory, as all the evils once locked away rise again upon a wicked throne—the true lord of darkness seated thereon. Every living thing will know his laugh, and be drowned in sin.” Teemo 16:3To Beemo, or not to Beemo? That is the question.A trickster spirit and a child of the forest, Teemo is famed across Ionia as the embodiment of nature… though his more onerous accolade is the king of pranks. A consummate gadfly and lover of all things annoying, his exploits in tricking mortals have graced the pages of Ionian history for hundreds of years.Having abstained from pranking his “best friend forever” literally once, the Spirit of Salvation has gifted Teemo with his wildest dream—becoming shiny and gold. Never one to leave anybody alone, ever, he has promised his BFF to prank them at every opportunity, every day, until they die and join him in the spirit realm. Good luck to them.Teemo cooks up his specialty steamed dumplings every year for the revel, and every year they're a big hit— literally. Those explosives pack a punch! Almost as much of a punch as the bill for all that property damage.Known for her warm smile and heartfelt sincerity, Tristana's love of holiday cheer brings joy to everyone. She fiercely defends Snowdown festivities with a ferocious barrage of overstuffed presents.Recently featured on this year's “most Yordle-y firefighters” calendar, Tristana will gladly leap into the flames regardless of whether anyone is supporting her. Often she'll go despite her support. Firefighter support. She fights fires.The beauty of guerilla warfare is attacking an enemy that has their guard down, is unfamiliar with the terrain, and doesn't know who—or what—is engaging them. The beauty of being a two foot tall Yordle with a cannon the size of a mastiff hound is that no enemy would ever understand what hit them anyway.Gunners ahoy! Tristana leaps onto the high seas, sailing for new adventures beyond the Bandle borders. The hat's borrowed (stolen) from a pirate she blasted, and the eyepatch is purely for show. But her take-no-prisoner attitude and trusty cannon gun have sunk more ships than most captains in Bilgewater.As the dragonslayers fought a bitter war with their nemeses, Tristana was busy with a draconic matter of her own. Deep in the wooded forests, away from the battles, she busily trained a young dragon—a trying task rewarded with lifelong friendship.Well, I guess that's one way to hold a cauldron.Commander of Omega Squad, Tristana has made it her policy never to retreat unless she's returning fire the entire way home. She calls it “advancing backwards.”A witch who is now one of the great queens of Hell, Tristana commands a vast army of lesser demons and rules the twin Aspects of Ruin and Woe. Mortals attempting to invoke her will find a variety of tempting contracts, but signers beware: Tristana's ultimate goal is bathing her signatories—as well as the world—in hellfire.Weh!Hex-powered munitions have been around since the early days of hextech innovation, but no one has perfected their use like Tristana. Decorated for her service in protecting the innocent with her Hexcrystal Cannon (Mark III), she stands at the forefront of martial hextechnology as a staunch and noble advocate.As the master of fireworks for this year's revel, Tristana has worked hard to create a show the festival goers will never forget. Now that the New Year is here she's excited to sit back and enjoy the night with her friends… but she's saved some of her best explosions for last.For those that seek glory on the battlefield, to those that look to the spirits for a bountiful harvest, Tristana greets all with a toothy grin. The Spirit of Chance has no favorites, no obligations or motives. She simply delights in the chaos, the fear in men's eyes at the roll of the dice.Warwick was a man, once—a knight of great renown, pledged to serve at the side of Blade Queen Lissandra. In exchange for his loyalty she gifted him a shard of spectral moonlight, cursed to one day pierce his heart and sink him into the depths of depravity.Having recently eaten three stubborn hogs and a duck who couldn't run very fast, Warwick has pivoted into devouring kindly grandmothers and wearing their clothes. He then impersonates them to get close to their grandchildren, who he also devours. Warwick is a really bad guy.Another of Singed's vile henchmen, Warwick is never far from his villainous master. Given wolf powers after being bitten by a radioactive wolf, Warwick has been further augmented by Singed's evil research! Will our brave heroes ever be able to stop him?!The Ashen Lord's hounds blaze with the fires of unspeakable molten hellscapes, and at their head is Warwick, the Firefang. Scouring the earth for anything untouched by flame, he relentlessly hunts the survivors of Infernal attacks, reducing them to sputtering cinders.In the old days, hyenas were known as opportunistic hunters famed for their violent infighting and chorus of inhuman laughter. Now, in the wasteland, not much has changed.Ancient writings concerning the rise and fall of the Magelords make curious references to “Runes”, and the cataclysmic properties they supposedly held. These mysteries are compounded by chimeric monstrosities such as Warwick, whose existence within the Marauder ranks defies any rational explanation.Gifted to the Lunar Empress when she was a child, Warwick was raised alongside her to guard the immortal realm from an encroaching darkness. More beastly and feral than his companion Nasus, Warwick stands watch in the south, relentlessly pursuing foes to the ends of the world.Plucked from the wastelands by a PROJECT research cell, Warwick has been irrevocably transformed into a horrifying new stage of transhuman evolution—a weaponized monster stripped of all remorse, and programmed solely for violent suppression. Through the meddling of the ragtag outsiders, he escaped before being completed, and now rampages indiscriminately across the City.Once known as Father Wolf, Warwick roamed the wood and reveled in moonlight's bloody hunt. The Eclipse Order thought to slay him in his den and end his barbarity—but death means nothing to Old Gods, and he did not stay down. Father Wolf howls into the night once more, now slavering for the taste of human flesh.True final boss of the hit 1998 RPG "Initial Reverie VIII," Bel'Veth has become a staple of the series thanks to fan popularity and her storyline about assimilating all of reality into herself. Recruited into the war in Arcadia by Veigar, she has decided to ignore his commands, annihilate everything in her path, and assimilate all of Arcade World into herself. Who could have seen it coming?Here is a tale told by the softly falling rain, to a grove of trees. After helping the guardian of the Mossborn Forest free his paws from a hunter's trap, a young boy is swept into adventure, like a pile of autumn leaves dancing on the wind…While the sight of a holiday yeti and his small elf companion may seem frightening, there is no gentler pair than Willump and Nunu. Nunu builds the toys, while Willump accidentally crushes them with his inhuman strength.“Gnar left all his toys out. Hmm. I wonder what this one's name is? I think I'll call him Willump. What do you think Willump, should we go on an adventure? LET'S JUMP IN SOME TRASH!”In the year 20XX, RiotCorp rules the world with a cruel, robotic fist. Building his own battling best friend using code from a forgotten video game (and piles and piles of scrap!) a young mechanic competes in the company's corporate-sanctioned Rift Wars—for fame, glory, and [ERROR] [...] [TOWERDIVING!]Serving as soldiers of fortune in pitched battles across the land, Demolisher Nunu & Willump are metal as ferro-bonded steel, and ready to introduce a flute-mace to your face.Honoring MiSTakE's winning performance as Nunu during the 2012 World Championship.What was once a pair of young friends has been twisted by a virus unwittingly loosed upon the world, transforming them into a slavering, parasitic time bomb packed with enough raw mutagen to infect every survivor five times over. Whoever they were before is lost now—another casualty of a world gone mad.One day, Nunu awoke to a world made entirely of paper, with his mother nowhere to be seen. He took a square off the wall, folded it into a wild Willump, and said “Now we will go find mom!” Willump agreed, and the two embarked upon a grand adventure…Blessed with the strongest boogie-channeling abilities his planet had ever seen, Willump had been recruited by Lissandra to convert good vibes into harsh ones. But when he met Nunu during the siege of Normal World, Willump broke free of Lissandra's control and the two deserted to travel the galaxy, and bring good vibes back to the universe.The villagers thought it was an avalanche. Then they saw the axe.They're like two bees in a pod. Err… in a hive?Good drummers have rhythm, huge body counts, and are accursed vikings with an insatiable desire to kill. PENTAKILL's Olaf is a very, very good drummer.Marauders are the remnants of a brutal regime known as the Magelords, who conquered more than half the world at the dawn of civilization. Though their empire has long since crumbled, its remaining armies now wage endless wars, seeking death and glory wherever they may find it.He's the maestro of meat, the barbarian culinarian, the great northern butcher of the Winter's Claw. He's here for alimentary victory or literal death. Give it up for Olaf!Dragonslayers first rose to battle their ancient foes hundreds of years ago, and after their victory, the land fell into a long, forgetful peace. When the dragons returned, most of the ancient warriors had passed away, leaving Braum to take up their task with only his mighty shield to defend the innocent.A contemporary wrestler beloved the world over, El Tigre's roar is the bellow of a people's champion. He is a friend to all… but can still scissor kick a two hundred pound cage fighter right out of the ring.The strongest, bravest knight in all the land, people love Braum Lionheart and his daring tales of adventure! He's definitely not a stickler for 7th-edition Riftquest rules, and there are certainly not snax stains on his character sheet. That would be unbecoming of such a gallant warrior.He's making that list, and checking it twice—but there's a lot of room for improvement because Braum is so nice! He may be tasked with giving coal to naughty children, but his big heart and sunny outlook ensure everyone gets exactly what they wanted... even the bad kids.Miss Fortune's body man is an unnervingly pleasant gentleman by the name of 'Bank Vault' Braum, whose alias was earned ripping the wall off a maximum security gold depository. He is accompanied by a small cadre of gun-toting poros, who love nothing more than belly rubs and murder.No one knows how Braum manages to never get candy stuck in his majestic mustache. Everyone knows how the great defender stands stalwart for everyone, from the smallest gumdrop to the strongest candy king.Braum's tiki lemonades are a lot like him—tall, sweet, and very popular with poros. Even the Boss is willing to wait his turn to get a glass!Honoring Bengi's winning performance as Olaf during the 2016 World Championship. This is Bengi's third World Champion skin, following his wins with SKT at the 2013 and 2015 World Championships.A savage berserker from the hinterlands, Olaf sought a warrior's death in slaying dragons. One by one, the horrid beasts fell to his axe, and rumors even tell of him consuming the heart of a dragon he beheaded. Truth is, this act has only fanned the fire of his rage, driving him to bring about the end of dragons.Need a man dead? Hire any sun-baked lunatic looking to make a name for themselves in the Old West. Need to set an example? Then you should seek out the mechanical assassin known as Jhin—and no one will ever forget what happens at the crossroads of murder and art.Ink-mage, trained assassin, master of ceremonies: Jhin is all this and more, a grandiose figure whose encyclopedic knowledge of centuries-old rituals fuels the Blood Moon's hellish summoning rites. He knows the name of every demon, and how to direct them into a still-living vessel.Honoring Bang's winning performance as Jhin during the 2016 World Championship. This is Bang's second World Champion skin, following his win with SKT at the 2015 World Championship.After a botched surgery, Jhin went from being a black-market augment hacker to a notorious mechanized killer for hire. Still programmed with a taste for high-clearance upgrades, the tech Jhin takes from his victims has left him with a severe personality fragmentation, and a dark vision for the future of PROJECT... and humanity.Jhin was an interstellar entity, consumed by the Dark Star and given new purpose. Now his ageless mind is infected by visions of omnipotence, and consumed by an insatiable hunger. He scours entire regions of space seemingly on a whim, using the remnants to create bizarre, silent objets d'art.A mad god who resides within a mysterious painting older than creation, Jhin has grown bored of the canvas in which he dwells and wishes to bring his art to new, fresh eyes. He has begun weaving the edges of the painting into the fabric of the multiverse, hoping to escape his confinement.Honoring Ghost's winning performance as Jhin during the 2020 World Championship.After a vicious encounter on the Freljordian front, Olaf is convinced to join the Sentinels to satiate his hunger for battle. Only then would he have the power to challenge Viego, the greatest threat the world has ever known, and satisfy his urge to fearlessly face death in glorious combat.When the Ashen Lord rose, high priests of the Shadowfire Temple called upon their own god to fend off the all-consuming Infernals. They neglected, however, to account for the being's twin aspects: Destruction, and Rebirth. Kindred will fight the flames, but there may be a bitter price to pay before the end…Lamb joined the Super Galaxy team as its lead scout, venturing into uncharted territory to face all manner of alien dangers. Soon after, Wolf joined the team as Lamb's partner—though, in truth, he only really joined because she still owes him for lunch, back when they were cadets. She's not getting away this time!In the Ionian tradition, the Kindred are interpreted as a child and her beastly companion, endlessly playing games with one another until they are called to perform their duties. The two do not know where they came from, but it is said they feel a sense of loss for someone they knew long ago…Once a skilled hunter and her fierce hound, the two were so bonded that their souls remained together when they were preserved inside the Dog Zodiac Relic. Now they are two halves of a whole, mentoring generations of Protectors like Lux and Amumu and standing guard eternally over the ancient magic that keeps them alive.All hail, Olaf, the Blastbeat Barbarian, and Chosen of Stentorus! As wild as a tempest, as brutal as an earthquake, he laughs in the faces of his enemies, his pounding drumbeats shaking the very foundations of the world.No bounty hunter on the prairie is as skilled as Sarah Fortune, but she doesn't work for anything less than top dollar. Cause enough trouble on the high frontier and, sure enough, she'll come calling—with two gleaming pistols, and a bullet with your name on it.Miss Fortune isn't interested in who's been nice—the naughty are out in droves for Snowdown, and that means big business for bounty hunters. Packing heat, and ready to take in marks dead or alive, this is one present you really don't want to unwrap.A lone rider whose home is the open road, Miss Fortune takes the wasteland's problems into her own hands before moving on—always another job, always another town. Lately, she's been butting heads with the Vandal gang, a group of famed ruffians she's excited to finally put down.A former gun for hire, Miss Sarah Fortune has recently spun up her own criminal cartel, with a hand in everything from arms smuggling to protection rackets. Having destabilized the relationship between Twitch and Graves, she now seeks to cement her empire before they get wise to her ambitions.In another life, Sarah Fortune would have been a respected ship captain, supported by the love of her mother and the admiration of her city. But the things Bilgewater takes, you can't always get back, and that particular dream died a long time ago.The group's appointed selfie queen, and dual-wielding master of the water pistol, Sarah Fortune can destroy all comers in a splash fight, and look good while doing it. The photo she'll post later will look even better. It's actually kind of upsetting.Second in command to Ahri, Miss Fortune is a hot-headed Star Guardian gunslinger from the galactic rim. She is the first to charge into battle with her twin pistols, often ignoring her own safety as long as she can take down every enemy in sight.Sarah Fortune is a living weapon of mass destruction; a legendary bounty hunter seeking revenge among a galaxy of thieves. Shot and left for dead, she now pilots the deadliest combat exo-suit in known space—and she'll stop at nothing to bring violent justice to her would-be killers.Sarah Fortune does not usually attend slumber parties. Nor wear fluffy pajamas. Nor play Truth or Dare. But Lulu insisted, and Lux asked so nicely, so somehow Sarah found herself doing all three. At least her pajamas came with holsters—juuust in case some cosmic enemies show up. You never know. It could happen.A powerful witch with a flair for the dramatic, and a soft spot for misguided monsters, Miss Fortune has resurfaced for an evening of adventure with her spooky sistren.Having wrestled control of the lion's share of sweets from ghastly spirits and unruly children alike, Miss Fortune now rules over the night. Her reign is one filled with revelry and mischief.Miss Fortune thought that being the Pirate Queen of Bilgewater would be enough. Even with her revenge complete, Sarah now faced a new chaos with Bilgewater's factions vying for control. Viego's arrival offered her an opportunity to seize the strength needed to crush anyone beneath her heel, even if it came at a price.Sarah Fortune is the second to take on the title of Anima Squad Commander, after her predecessor Riven's mysterious disappearance. They're big leporine shoes to fill, considering Riven's status as a war hero, but Sarah is smart, skilled, and courageous enough to forge her own legend in the fight for humanity.Condemned as a rogue and a thief, Ashe is nonetheless a leader of the free peoples of Albion, protecting the weak and the powerless from oppression in any form. Hundreds of bounty hunters have scoured the woods to find her, but they always come back with empty hands… and emptier pockets.A legendary wilderness archer, Ashe is the first and last member of the Woad Tribe many a wayward traveler will ever meet. Nothing is known of her past, save for frozen corpses littering the northern trails.A radiant queen once venerated as a figure reborn from legend, Ashe rules her people as the visionary leader of two great Freljordian houses. Yet two equally driven rivals oppose her queendom, as a rising darkness threatens to consume them all.Leader of the Heartseekers and self-described queen of hearts, Ashe is a just ruler with no tolerance for agony or grief as the season of romance approaches. Instead she'd rather fill the world with love... generally using projectile weapons.Magelord culture was, at the height of the empire's power, strictly segregated into brutal warrior-castes, whose rise and fall was dictated by their victories in battle. Little regard is paid to this outdated militarism now—Marauder captains like Ashe maintain power simply by instilling fear, and slaying their rivals.While on the frontlines of a corporate war, Ashe witnessed the human cost of PROJECT's ambition. Now the leader of the resistance group G/NETIC, Ashe has set her sights on nothing less than the downfall of the most powerful corporations.Celebrating the 2017 World Championship in China.Benevolent ruler of the stars, Ashe fires her arrows across the endless darkness of space, creating new constellations wherever they fall. Her court drifts between galaxies, replenishing all the lights that have faded.A mechanical angel built at the dawn of the pioneer age, Ashe is fueled by the blood of deities gunned down in the infamous land rush that destroyed Heaven. She has adopted a devil-may-care attitude as she seeks adventure, choosing to forgive and protect the same mankind that forever robbed itself of eternal paradise.Ashe led her tribe into a mysterious forest to protect them from Brand's destruction. There, she happened upon the Fae Dragon, who sensed her immense power and devotion to her people and blessed her with its arcane magic. Now, Ashe weaves spells to keep them safe while biding her time for her revenge. They came to Ashe in a bone-deep chill—the frost of the Jet-Black Ibex, entombing the world in ice. She descended the mountain and brought a harrowing winter with her… but that is not the only thing that followed Ashe into the night. The mountain itself rumbles.As the CEO of the hot clothing company Frel, Ashe is dead tired after spending a year heads-down in work with little sun at her Northern headquarters. The Ocean Song Festival sounds like the perfect place for her to warm up, disappear into a crowd, and lose herself to some fabulous music.An up and coming Water Tamer from the Southwest, Zeri is diving into the Ocean Song Festival headfirst. This is her first time handling a stage on her own, and she may have gone a little overboard with her showstopper plans in order to give herself a calling card. Everybody loves a little overstimulation, right?Known by state police as “La Principessa,” Jinx is an unhinged hitwoman with loose ties to the Graves crime family. Sent into rival businesses as a figurative time bomb, the slightest offense will trigger one of her jubilant rampages, with body counts as high as the ceiling.Never one to turn down an imaginary challenge, Jinx has constructed a number of Lunar Revel weapons, including a seven foot long rocket shaped like an angry dragon. She'll tell you it's a fun firecracker for parties. It is not.When a mutagenic virus turned the world into an undead purgatory, no one was more excited than Jinx. No laws, no civilization, not even a thin veneer of polite society had survived—just a numberless horde of slime-vomiting bullet sponges and all the ammo she can forage. It's paradise.Much to the annoyance of her team, Jinx is an impulsive and sometimes cynical Star Guardian who loves a good, glittery explosion. However, when the fighting starts, Jinx will throw herself into the battle to protect others, especially her childhood friend Lux.A master toy maker and inventor, Jinx believes she could one day become the greatest Santa anyone has ever seen. Other elves worry her creations could be classified as weapons... but sometimes that's the price of true ambition.Adept at building and/or destroying (but mostly destroying) a variety of haphazard, highly unstable weaponry for the Morning Star crew, Jinx also serves as the ship's pilot. Her previous job as a mining explosives technician resulted in a lot of collateral damage, and a thoroughly justified dismissal.Jinx volunteered for PROJECT conversion, never expecting that a critical power failure would scramble her memory core, leaving her a psychopath driven by the manic voices in her head. Seemingly obsessed with destruction for its own sake, she has begun to show signs of something far more sinister than mere memory fragmentation: the cold, calculating influence of Program.Love is a battlefield, and Jinx comes prepared! Armed with her beloved companion Fishbones, she's ready to break hearts—and bones. But if she likes you enough, she's prepared to play nice. Maybe. Probably not.Jinx is a one-cat demolitions squad, her natural destructive impulses turned toward more productive ends: fighting off the Primordians. She's not really a soldier, doesn't seem to care about humanity's cause, and doesn't follow orders -- but there's no arguing with Jinx's results.Unleashed and brandishing an arsenal of squid-stomping explosives strong enough to knock over a Primordian warship, Jinx has the enemy right in her claws. With this Battle Cat on the prowl? The war is as good as over.He's the sushi singer, the loquacious pescatarian, the big catfish with a big fish dish. He'll prep you a meal, then cut you a deal. Here comes Taaaaaaahm Kench!Craving the smell of coins over all other earthly delights, Tahm Kench rises from his river kingdom each Lunar Revel, seeking to barter with mortals. Though his targets are almost always left destitute, with the proper reverence and careful wording it is possible to escape his bargains unimaginably wealthy.The epitome of power and opulence, Tahm Kench's power drips from his tongue. Its ornate patterns captivate and cajole his listeners. He leverages those he rules, staking his power to ensure the patterns always shift in his favor—“correcting” his subjects who have gone astray.Tahm Kench is a magnanimous devil: happy to lend a magical sword to a lady in need, or to assist her in robbing the Sulfur Rail, or even to deliver her to a calamitous destiny as a fellow Harbinger of the End Times. He don't need no compensation. She'll just owe him a favor… because in the End, it pays to have friends.A proud king who was once known only as a brutal highland swordsman, Tryndamere rules his people as the martial protector of two great Freljordian houses. Yet every day he resists the pull of an intangible evil at his back, as he has not forgotten a certain blood debt that he vowed to see repaid.Vikings believed that death in battle was a ticket to the eternal realm of Valhalla. Tryndamere's signature ability is being unable to die. You… you're seeing the issue here, right?Tryndamere is a ruler from a distant land, and tales of his impossible strength and distinctive mustache have reached even the farthest-flung city-states. As is the rule rather than the exception with rulers from distant lands, his hat is exceptional.Tryndamere is a grand general of the Warring Kingdoms, so deadly and so feared it is said he is the god of war incarnate. Truly a spectacle to behold, it would take a thousand men to kill him in battle, and a thousand more to keep him dead.Tryndamere isn't the smartest beast hunter, but he is the strongest—possessing a stubborn rage that quite literally refuses to let him die. A single swing of his blade can cleave a beast's limb from its body, and he has the hunting trophies to prove it.A monstrous experiment created by the villainous Singed, Tryndamere was irrevocably changed when he fell into a vat of volatile chemicals. Wherever Singed goes, Tryndamere follows—yet another dastardly villain battling against New Valoran's bravest heroes!The demon Tryndamere has fully assumed control over his twinned human body, using its inhuman strength to slash gaping wounds in the veil between the human and demonic realms. Shrugging off wounds considered fatal even to other demons, his is an unstoppable, unquenchable rage that would see all things consumed by the Blood Moon.A fiendish god of rage and battle, Tryndamere embodies the moment when war descends into bloodied frenzy. Peace is anathema, but perhaps Yone's crusade presents an opportunity… After all, to Tryndamere, chaos is best when it is born of order's decay.Former leader of a past Lunar Ox Squad, Viego decided that they would fight the Lunar Beast and actually defeat it. His plan ended in tragedy as he watched the rest of his squad be devoured-- including his wife. Viego has stewed in bitterness over these losses for years, blaming everyone but himself -- including this year's Lunar Ox Squad.Only the broken-hearted can know the true sound of grief, that yearning for perfection that goes unheard by all others. Viego exists in a world of ashes and shadow, when it ought to be filled with light, and now looks beyond these grey horizons for new sounds and visions to make it so...Honoring Jiejie's winning performance as Viego during the 2021 World Championship.The heir of Camavor, wielder of the Blade of the King, Viego longs to follow in his father's footsteps. To his advisor Kalista, his doubts were clear long before his coronation, as whispers of the sword's bond echoed throughout the Sanctum of Judgement. But he wears the Argent Crown, and with his blade, Sanctity, Viego will strike fear into the enemies of his nation.Having topped the charts once more, Senna finds herself in the familiar space of fame and celebrity. Between cosmetics deals and fashion shows, she offers a clear message to fans and haters alike: Don't call it comeback. Senna's been here for years.A PROJECT volunteer who supposedly died during the elevation of her consciousness, Senna's mind was decoupled from the physical world and escaped into cyberspace, becoming a digital ghost. Inhabiting a body of her own design as Mordekaiser assumed control of the City, she is one of the few who understands the true threat of his ever-expanding directives. An ancient knight long thought dead, freed from the Eclipse Cathedral's catacombs as Kayle began to stir from her ancient slumber. Senna now aids her knighthood against the new threat of the Coven, saving whoever she can from the resurrected Old Gods… though she remains ever vigilant, as the sun-eater's return is now inevitable.Burning up the runway in a look inspired by an ancient order of magical knights, Senna brings a cold, but determined energy to the Gala proceedings. Evil beware — these looks can kill... and kill again.When she was just a young witch, a warlock bound Senna's soul to a tome of spells, hoping to rid himself of her rising power. But her time spent disembodied only made her stronger. While others party, the overly serious Senna searches for ghouls and ghosts, planning to send them to the grave... again.Order United's designated striker, Lucian, is an inhuman blur of grass clippings and finely honed muscle movements. He cuts through the other team like a hot knife through butter, securing goal after goal to the adoration of fans the world over.Once a sentinel within the Command Line, Lucian has seen PROJECT for what they truly are. His dual ion-core Lightcaster pistols now serve G/NETIC and the human rebellion, bringing down their technological oppressors with brutal efficiency.Behind curtain one: a dashing man with an adventurous plan. It seems he'll only agree to dinner by lantern light, but you can bet his intentions are pure… it's Lucian, here to sweep you off your feet and into the daring life of a Heartseeker.A former federal marshal and gunslinger for hire, Lucian's soul was corrupted when he made a deal with the devil in order to spare the life of his one true love. Double-crossed, and cursed with the powers of hell, he now hunts this devil across the high frontier, seeking revenge.Half man, half machine, and all justice, Detective Lucian Phoenix fights crime under the pastel palm trees of Demacia. Rebuilt out of polished chrome and gilded Piltovan carbon fiber following a fatal gunfight, this technological marvel dispenses vaporwave vengeance as a neon beacon of law and order.A dedicated chrono-enforcer, Lucian joined the Remembrancers when he lost his wife, Senna, in an errant Praetorian attack. Now, he searches for her while bringing justice to the reckless time travelers who would cavalierly tear holes in space-time.Through his work in bringing their opponents to justice, Lucian earned the personal attention and gratitude of Thresh, leader of the Remembrancers. Armed with special modifications to his Pulsefire suit, Lucian embarks on his relentless pursuit across timelines. Through it all, however, he can't shake the feeling that this upgrade isn't all it seems...Victorious Lucian was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in the 2020 season. By the time Lucian was finished firing, the relic stones were fused into solid crystal by the heat of his righteousness, and the last dredge of mist was evaporating into the morning light. Lucian believes in balance: that no one Archetype should have excessive influence on the world. With one gun amplifying patterns and the other canceling them out, Lucian maintains the world's fragile order within the new power vacuum—even as the likes of Tahm Kench move to fill it.Lucian is the ace pilot of the Z01-Orion, assigned to the inaugural mission of Strike Team Hyperion: reclaiming the experimental X01-Butterfly from its turncoat thief, Kai'Sa. He may not always agree with Commander Camille's methods, or her morality, but they both know that rogue exosuits in the wrong hands would spell disaster for the galaxy.An elite operative of the Shockblade order, Zed dives into battle with lightning-fast lethality. Though his former partner Shen hasn't forgiven himself for nearly getting Zed killed, Zed still urges him to return to the front lines; and yet the Storm rages on, whether or not the duo are reunited. Zed will bring its fury to bear alone if he must.Honoring Faker's winning performance as Zed during the 2013 World Championship.Rising from the Command Line, Zed is a leader within PROJECT's counter-espionage units. He seeks out the G/NETIC rebels with split high frequency blades and molecular “solid smoke” projectors, favoring close-proximity and multiple angle target laceration.Celebrating the 2016 World Championship in North America.Having lived his life in the shadows, Zed's eventual return from the dead should have come as no surprise to anyone. A master of unliving darkness, he is only too happy to spend all eternity spilling mortal blood, as one of the Death Sworn.Zed was a promising Templar before he became host to the hivemind of ora and imbued with its alien essence. Able to morph his body into living weapons, he now sees himself as the perfect life form, deserving of all ora and destined to cleanse the galaxy of the weak.Known as the “Gas Can Man” in paramilitary circles, Zed is an infamous mercenary picked up by the Black Rose Group during one of their covert actions. His psionic powers are tied to a mysterious oil-like substance he ingests through his mask, allowing him to duplicate himself for assassinations and open combat.Faced with imminent defeat at the hands of Mordekaiser and the numberless hordes of infected machines, Zed seeks out a dilapidated research facility in the heart of the wasteland, searching for illegal and potentially dangerous upgrades. His return may mark a tipping point in the battle for the City… though he has transformed into something beyond both human and machine.The most powerful (and powerfully dressed) man in Nox Vegas, Zed has been dabbling in more than fancy parties and cutthroat dealmaking. A new crowd from Crime City has entered his inner circle, granting this debonair gentleman an unbreakable stranglehold over the strip… and a dreadful new change in both mind and body.Sir Prince Chevalier Archduke Lord Double-Earl Kled (or Sir Kled, for short) is a half-mad knight from the aptly named Kingdom of Kled, which contains exactly two subjects: Kled, and his cowardly avian mount, Skarl. Together, the pair ravage the countryside to 'reclaim' Kled's 'land', which apparently is… all land, everywhere.This blood is MY blood. This candy is MY candy. Who sent you here?! You're not real ghosts! I'm Count Baron Double-Marquis Lord Duke Kledula… AND I'LL TEACH YOU NOT TO TRICK-OR-TREAT ON MY LAND!Throughout history, the Marauders have balanced on the knife's edge between brutality and cunning. General Kled, one half of the pair that currently leads the regime, is truly the incarnation of their historic brutality… and little more. If it weren't for Xin Zhao, Kled would bet everything on a final, bloody, battle.The hockey prodigy known as Jax is feared throughout the tournament circuit for his incredible reflexes and ability to kill a man with any object. There are rumors he used to be a defense attorney, but nobody knows for certain.A wandering warrior feared by the wasteland's many roving gangs, Jax casually strolls across miles of broken highway with a two-by-four and a few rusty nails, crushing the heads of anyone he happens to run into. It gets just as ugly as it sounds.Nothing quite like the peace of the great outdoors, waiting for that perfect bite—and then violently ripping a fish out of the water before hitting it with his fishing rod.A special event skin given away at PAX East 2010, PAX Prime 2010, and PAX East 2011.Honoring Impact's winning performance as Jax during the 2013 World Championship.A lone Warden claims to have lived since the destruction of the original Protectorate. While few records can back up his claims, Jax believes the Rune War began with the failure of a legal body founded to curtail political power—when this institute faltered, the fate of all was sealed.The God Staff was once an earthly champion, who searched fruitlessly for a weapon worthy of his power. At the twilight of his life, he finally came across a staff glowing with the light of the gods—granting him immortality, and even greater strength.Famed as the greatest weapons master in all the land, Jax has been itching for a proper weapon, and a proper fight. When the best minds of the Estercrest Kingdom came together—using strange technology seemingly gifted to them by the heavens—to construct an indomitable Avalon, Jax was finally impressed. He welcomes the leviathan invasion, hoping these monstrous foes will prove to be the challenge he has been searching for his entire life.Celebrating MSI 2021 in Reykjavík.NOTICE FROM THE DEAN: Ekko is henceforth suspended from Academy grounds for behavior including (but not limited to) illegal use of chemistry equipment, illegal use of Academy electronics, splitting time streams in order to skip class, and vandalism of athletics department property.A hacker prodigy picked up from the lower sectors by Ashe, it didn't take much to convince Ekko to help her take down PROJECT. Using a powerful key decrypter and a mind tuned for disruption, Ekko can always find a way into the code.Honoring Duke's winning performance as Ekko during the 2016 World Championship.Perhaps, in hindsight, looping time to get an infinite number of fun-size chocolate bars wasn't worth shattering the fabric of reality for…A boy genius from the rough streets, Ekko turned to music as a way to express himself. His prodigious lyricism and technological savvy could have bought him a way out, but instead, he chose to stay and uplift his neighborhood. Now, he fiercely resists the temptations of fame and glory, garnering a following among the young and hopeful who see him as an avatar for their own potential.A time fugitive who built his Pulsefire suit from scratch, Ekko improved on the Remembrancers' technology, crafting a modified Chronobreak device that allows him to make short temporal jumps, create time breaks within a singular timeline, and to collapse them all into a single, anomaly-free singularity.Given time-shifting powers by the First Star, Ekko approaches life with a relaxed and casual demeanor. Why care if you get infinite do-overs? But when it comes to facing monsters alongside the Star Guardians, he's deadly serious, using his command over time and space to keep Valoran City safe from the darkness.Ekko doesn't need magical powers to look like a star. He rocks an effortless streetwear style wherever he goes, turning heads and paparazzi lenses alike. Appreciating the look? Take it all in. He's got time.A princess constantly in need of saving in the 1981 arcade port of “Super Ixaocan Bros.,” Qiyana needed very little convincing to empower herself with malignant Battle Boss code. She wasted no time testing her newfound abilities on the aforementioned Super Ixaocan Brothers. They're dead now. She lives in their castle.Qiyana is the daughter of Latin music royalty. With her family's esteemed reputation, she has an easy path to superstardom—and yet, she has her eyes set on something grander. With her brash confidence and rebellious persona, she is determined to change the game in not just music, but the entirety of pop culture.Always a fixture in the spotlight, Qiyana dressed to impress at True Damage's sold-out concert in Paris. While the paparazzi swarmed her with photos and questions, she reveled in the attention, knowing this was only the beginning of her empire of celebrity.Qiyana is the youngest in a line of sisters who have been Queens of Ixtal for most of the recent Coronations. She's been waiting impatiently for her chance at the Crest and the title. Now that she has it, she intends to use the power she gains in the tournament to remake Ixtal in her vision.Tempestuous as the Storm itself, Qiyana braved the Cloud Ritual despite warnings that no one had survived in years. Perhaps it was her display of stubborn courage the Storm found worthy, or something else; either way, she is now Shen's student, determined to master lightning the same way she mastered the other elements.A battle spirit exiled from her tribe in a past age, Morgana has silently plotted revenge on her betrayers and their descendants for hundreds of years. Each passing winter she comes closer to her goal—a climactic battle in which the tribe falls, and Kayle with it.She's the original sugary sin, the dark diva of confectionary cunning, the fallen angel of fantastic flavor. Her terrifying treats will trap you in your seat. Let's give a Culinary Masters welcome to Morgana!Morgana is a deadly combatant and former pilot of the X09-Xibalba combat exosuit, as well as one of the last half-aliens alive in the galaxy. She has surgically hidden her suit's forbidden, lost technologies beneath her skin—her goal being to evade her sister, the mad military justicar, Kayle.The Dark Forest Elves are the shattered remnants of the great elven empires, jealously guarding evil power that some once considered the cornerstone of their magical supremacy. Morgana has hidden this magic deep within her body, chaining it to her soul so that only she might wield it.Legends speak of the weeping bride who searches for her lost husband along the river bank, and takes revenge upon the living for their happiness. Parents sternly warn their children to beware this 'ghost bride,' for those who go with her are never seen again.Victorious Morgana was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in the 2014 season. A queen of shadows, Victorious Morgana glides through Summoner's Rift in deep blue armor, with a flashy recall.Morgana is a dark spirit who appears during Lunar Revel—a famed seducer of mortals, monsters, and gods alike. Legend says she ensnares the hearts and minds of her victims before dragging their souls away to an unspeakable purgatory, never to be heard from again.Ultimately, trick-or-treating is less about dark magic and occult superstition, and more about finding a witch costume that actually fits. Have you seen these sizes? Who is this stuff even made for…?!A feared sorceress queen from the heavenly kingdoms, Morgana looked on with disdain as Irelia sealed away the power of a dragon. Crushing her in combat, Morgana soon realized the young demigoddess had hidden that power away, and now ruthlessly searches for a way to return it to its rightful owner.Queen of the coven, and patron of that called Ashen Owl. Morgana worshipped the Old Gods, and wept when they were slain -- betrayed when her sister murdered the primordial sun and delivered its power to an army of witch-knights. Now Morgana has returned to end the reign of mankind, returning the world's true lords to their rightful, mouldering thrones.Determined to see order triumph over chaos, Morgana has sacrificed much to tip the scales in favor of light. If dawn emerges victorious, she is certain that they can avoid the gods' destruction and usher in a new age, one free from the corruption of chaos… Perhaps then Yone will see balance for the delusion that it is.Literal magic wasn't necessary for Morgana to nab top prize in the holiday costume contest. But that didn't stop her from casting a figurative spell on the judges with her enchanting ensemble. This is a party they won't soon forget!A villainess of mysterious origins, Morgana believes that concepts like justice and order are holding the universe back... and she's willing to do anything to return it to a state of entropy. Targeting the Star Guardians for destruction, she torments them relentlessly before dealing the final, crushing blow.Don the yellow power tie and red rose boutonnière of a woman in charge—of herself, her destiny, and the two dozen spines she's going to snap in effortless, elegant style.One of the great generals of Hell, Vi brutalizes the tormented with acts of martial savagery, arbitrarily raining lazy blows upon the damned. Invoking her in the mortal realm must be done cautiously, as she responds only to a worthy opponent… and only for so long.Vi is the mighty enforcer of Azir's will—a ferocious, ruthless combatant who thrills in any challenge, no matter how outmatched she may be. Her gauntlets are carved from mystic jade, and each strike connects with the power of a cannon.Street-smart, brash, and always bluntly honest, Vi is a Central detective working to keep law and order in the neon city. Toughened from her days as a lower sector enforcer, Vi keeps the peace with a pair ATLAS gauntlets, and a mean right hook.Vi plays fast and loose with the rules of love, leaving a long trail of broken hearts (and, sometimes, bodies) in her wake. After many years, she's finally encountered a new rival worthy of her strength… almost too worthy.A hand-to-hand combat specialist trained in psychically enhancing her blows with her mind, Vi takes care of “hard targets” for the rest of the PsyOps crew… generally by rushing ahead and punching them apart. She will fight anything and everything, including the old bipedal winter mechs from the Arctic Ops event 40 years prior.Though many Santas compete to give the most holiday cheer, Zilean's mastery over the flow of time lets him deliver huge numbers of presents in an instant. So far this has not created a reality-annihilating Snowdown paradox.Consistently in a near-comatose state from peering across the space-time continuum, Zilean's more recent hobbies include being terrible at hacky-sack, paying way too much for a ticket for awful music festivals, and ordering too many pizzas. He also owns New Age bookstore, which is closed most days.Manipulating the lunar cycle by fueling his temporal magic with human blood, Zilean is the face of the Blood Moon cult, and a hellish warlock of unimaginable power. His mind exists across the flow of time, communing with legions of demons from the past, present, and future.For most denizens of Candy Kingdom, there's never enough time to eat all the sweets. For Zilean, there's never enough candy to fill all the time.Chief among the Arclight stand the Justicars, sentinels who serve as living embodiments of justice and order. Aatrox embodies power, for it is his martial prowess that holds the chaos back.Designated ATRX-1, the “Mecha Aatrox” unit was developed in response to 'gliding' kaiju with the capability of limited flight. In addition, ATRX-1 wields a thermal blade that can turn residual light particles into a heated cutting edge. Bilgewater is home to many bounty hunters, but those looking to track a target through hundreds of miles of open ocean go to the hulking creature known as Aatrox. Cool, professional, and capable of rapidly regenerating from near-fatal wounds, with Aatrox you'll always know your bounty is in good hands.Ancient manuscripts tracking the orbit of the Blood Moon describe it not as celestial phenomenon, but as a cosmic womb. As the seasons grow shorter and the cult's activity continues to increase, some worry it will give birth to a new kind of demon—a creature helping to bring about its own dark ascendance.Aatrox has been loosed upon the mortal plane. A creature born in the heart of the Blood Moon, he is the progenitor of all demons, and a malignant darkness that will consume the entire world.Victorious Aatrox was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in the 2019 season. With arm and sword sculpted from crystal quartz, he stands as a monument to all who wish to achieve greatness.Aatrox is a violent and notorious crime lord whose name is feared throughout the criminal underworld. He is also disfigured by Ora abuse. Seeking to purge the substance from his body, he abducts Templars to extract it—and kills them when they are unable to do so. He has seized a number of high ranking Templar priests in order to draw out Karma, who he believes will finally heal him.One of the few who took up the mantle of the Eclipse Knights in the days of old, Aatrox hopelessly pined for Kayle's affections… but she could only ever love the blazing sun. When she devoured it, the entity's lunar corona consumed him. He exists now as Kayle's monstrous, once-noble shadow, ever at her side.Once upon a time, a young farmer was enchanted by music coming from the deep jungle, and followed it to the grove of a river spirit. Overcome by her beauty, he went to embrace her—and was dragged screaming into the emerald waters below, never to be seen again.“I saw her! Where light ceases and one is alone with the cold darkness and the sea, she appeared before me—a wordless, ancient thing, pulsing with an unearthly luster as vicious shapes twisted in the gloom beyond.”Honoring Wolf's winning performance as Nami during the 2016 World Championship. This is Wolf's second World Champion skin, following his win with SKT at the 2015 World Championship.An aquatic search and rescue med-bot whose manufacturer was acquired in an aggressive corporate takeover, Nami has been irreversibly changed by the directives of Program. For now, she continues in her primary function… though her behavior has become increasingly erratic.When the demigoddess Irelia was bested by a heavenly empress, the seal over Talon's draconic power began to weaken… allowing some of his magic to leak into the world. Once a mere fish who dreamed of being a dragon, Nami has received some of this power, and has found her true form beginning to awaken.The bringer of life, Nami is charged with scattering the seeds of 'Élan vital' on the newborn, cold lifeless rocks and planets that appear with the birth of new stars and constellations.Bobbing for apples is certainly a lot more challenging when Nami brings the tides with her to the party. The apples don't bite back, but the pumpkin-fish do!In the service of Death rises Gravelord Azir! He who knows neither victory nor defeat, for even the bloodiest of battles strengthen his undying legions.Honoring Easyhoon's winning performance as Azir during the 2015 World Championship.Seeing the Warring Kingdoms clash from his palace in the mountains, the ageless ruler known as Azir left his home with an army of spectral soldiers. He promised that one day he would return and put an end to the conflict for good.An ancient druid-king of the Elderwood, who has called the forest his home since it stood nameless in the shadow of the gods. Though his people are a dying breed, he has raised an ensorcelled army in their likeness, including the shell of a human king whose story rings all too familiar...Celebrating Worlds 2022 in North America.A limited Riot Games skin given away at 2010 and 2011 events.Zaun's early forays into Hextech were critical to the movement, but not all were met with success. The scientist known as Singed warped his mind and body as he looped noxious, magically-infused chemical byproducts into his veins, twisting himself into a monster.Sure, the haircut is dated, and the off-brand sunscreen is a little dodgy, but Singed held out on the Tiki mug—and look what came roaring back into fashion! The man is a visionary.Everyone thinks Singed is crazy. In reality, he's just a normal scientist with a penchant for bright neon colors.A dastardly villain lurking in the dark corners of New Valoran, the mild-mannered Dr. Peter Singed was transformed by a volatile chemical of his own invention—becoming the superhuman criminal known only as… Singed! Can anyone stop this vile malefactor before it's too late?!Even deranged chemists need a day off, and Singed is no exception. Riding into battle with his recently sharpened sled and (patent pending) Portablizzard backpack, he is ready to dominate the snowball game, one crushing victory at a time.Honoring Looper's winning performance as Singed during the 2014 World Championship.The doctor Singed induced many dreams with his mastery of science, and in these dreams the queen would gaze across the whole of creation, unraveling its secrets. But the shadow soon found her, and as she so hungered for its power, Singed turned to the craven arts to speed her corruption.Though many in the Resistance find Singed unsettling, few can deny his efficacy in pushing back the machine threat. For Singed, the only thing that matters is driving back Viktor's creations, whatever the means.A seductive demon summoned on the night of the Blood Moon, Evelynn moves between isolated villages, wooing the residents until they fall deeply in love with her. One by one these poor souls will surely perish, their hearts torn from their still-living bodies.No one is as deliciously volatile as Evelynn. She's a diva who drives divisiveness in the media—they love her one day and hate her the next, her name a permanent fixture of tabloid headlines. She is a born superstar, and the foundation of K/DA's sound.With that wild in her veins, K/DA Evelynn stomps into the spotlight, shimmering in a custom golden outfit from the Pop Music Awards. Only 'winning, winning' now.In a world where every tooth is sweet, Evelynn's sugary bite is deadly.With a single devastating glance, Evelynn can ensure that all eyes are on her—when she wants them to be. K/DA's success has ensured that this provocative diva's name will be on everyone's lips, but Evelynn is intent that her killer fashion sense will keep it there.The covens of the south join their sisters for the great resurrection, as old things stir once more, and old grudges are at last repaid in full. Evelynn, daughter of the Great Harrier, gladly joins her sisters for the darkness to come—a trail of brutality and death always in her wake.Come. Leave your flesh behind and pass into the Spirit World. Bring with you only your desires, your vices, your painful memories. Let the Spirit of Love feed on these unwanted temptations, for her hunger is ravenous. Evelynn will show you peace at last.Many in Bilgewater get called a filthy rat, but none deserve the title more than the Kingpin himself. While other crime bosses in the port city may loathe to get their hands dirty, Twitch revels in wading into the filth himself—crossbow in hand, and a finely aged egg in his pocket.Whistler Village is an idyllic mountain hamlet known for spiced cocoa, competitive winter sports, and rumors of an insane man-rat living in the woods. Attempts to appease the creature with spiced cocoa and competitive winter sports have been unsuccessful.An assassin-for-hire living beneath Dread Fortress Zaun, Twitch is a disgusting malefactor who has tipped every one of his killing implements in moist, toxic garbage. He excitedly awaits each contract, eager to kill, steal, and destroy as much as he can.Deeply violent and severely paranoid, Twitch runs one of the largest crime syndicates in the nation. His orders are carried out by a literal army of rat-men, the only creatures he even comes close to trusting.An irradiated humanoid rat with an appetite for wanton collateral damage, Twitch is the number one provider of putrefied nuclear slime grenades to unsuspecting settlements everywhere. Equal parts audacious and paranoid, it is nearly impossible to stop his reckless rampages.Honoring imp's winning performance as Twitch during the 2014 World Championship.Squad medic—and deranged lunatic—Twitch has been deeply and irreversibly affected by war. It's been a long time since he was a competent medical professional, as he no longer abides by the adage “do no harm.”Twitch is a bitter, hateful creature who has jealously watched the Winterlands from his frozen burrow since time immemorial. Finally driven to the surface by twisted delusions of grandeur, he now seeks to usurp the Poro King, corrupting his subjects with an ancient, icy curse.An extremely aggravating presence both in-game and at the table, Twitch Shadowfoot is the adorable Rift Quest counterpart to the actual Twitch, who is insane. Unsurprisingly, the cuddly rat-man rogue spends nearly every turn stealing his companions' equipment, mumbling of a vast conspiracy to overthrow him from his 'toilet kingdom'.A lesser dragon who has learned to blend in among humans… poorly. Twitch worships the true dragons and plans to one day become one himself, though he isn't sure how just yet.It starts like this: An ill wind blows across the desert, dessicated rats turn up in the streets, rotting under the hot sun. Then the traveling undertaker arrives. No one knows who (or what) he is, nor where he hails from… But it seems even Death has a bone to pick with the King of the Sulfur Rail. Another Harbinger arrives.At the entry point of one of the world's most powerful nations stands the three-hundred-and-five-foot-tall statue of an evil, undead preacher holding a giant torch. Sometimes it comes to life. It's fun. Statues are fun.Lead singer of heavy-metal sensation PENTAKILL, Karthus sings in the voice of a fallen angel made of freshly polished chrome and dynamite that eats other dynamite. His vocals explode the sun in the sky, igniting the flame of metal within the hearts of all who hear.Honoring xPeke's winning performance as Karthus during the 2011 World Championship.Dark sorcerer, master of forbidden magic, aspiring lich—all could describe Karthus Lightsbane, a high level spellcaster with shadowy motivations. The rest of the party is convinced he'll eventually betray them, since nothing in the Riftquest rules says he can't.The disciples of Karthus usher this infernal harbinger into the world by singing his discordant chorus, a pledge that beckons pillars of flame unto them. On his arrival, the deathsinger's chant summons columns of hellfire that descend from the heavens above. Few live to tell of the dirge they heard before flames swept the land.All hail, Karthus, the Voice of Doom, and Chosen of Perpetuum! His songs are bleak murder ballads, a bitter reminder that all things must die. Though, perhaps, not him?Sensing a shift in the marketability of Hextech items, several of Piltover's largest industrial families pooled resources to create Galio, a massive golem donated to the city and her people. While he is ostensibly a walking advertisement, the protective creature is both curious about the world, and proud of his responsibility.Issues with the military industrial complex notwithstanding, why would a government put all its petricite resources into a giant statue that punches things? Or a pair of sunglasses big enough for one to wear?One of the great dukes of Hell, Galio stands before his kingdom's black gates as the judge of all sinners, casting souls into their proper torments. Attempting to invoke him generally ends in tragedy, as he's several hundred feet tall and refuses to shrink in the service of mortals.Savor that elixir. Highlight that heavenly white tux with a royal purple reserved for kings and queens who just don't deserve it. Because when you're an eighty foot tall petricite gargoyle, you're always the center of attention.A proud and noble salesman of delicious fried chicken, Birdio is the regional manager (and salesman of the year) for one of the world's largest chicken restaurants. Not one to be beaten at literally anything, he and Sivir have a well documented rivalry over who is the better employee.A black-hearted monstrosity leading the hellish Infernal hordes, Galio is titanic even by the standards of his fiery kin. His steps melt the very bedrock beneath him, swallowing entire armies without so much as a second thought.A great dragon of old, who protected dragonkind's ancestral nesting grounds from those who might do it harm. Tricked by the mad knight Kayle so she could destroy every clutch of eggs under his charge, he has followed her back to human society, so he might exact his vengeance personally.Prior to indulging in the delectable taste of his victims, Cho'Gath prefers to invite them to his humble 40-acre mansion. There, he offers scones and jam, with a spot of tea… so his guests may savor their last meal before becoming one themselves.Citing nothing more than a blurry photograph, the locals in one isolated town insist on the existence of a large, predatory marine animal that grows in size every time it feeds. The reports are otherwise unsubstantiated, but the spike in tourism has been great for the local economy. Not the disappearances, though. Those are bad.A titanic beast feared for its massive size and endless appetite, no sane hunter would ever think of taking on Cho'Gath. Seeing as there are no sane hunters, Cho'Gath enjoys a steady supply of lightly armored food.Spawned from the remnants of a star system crippled by famine, Cho'Gath is driven to feed on any celestial body that crosses his path. These feasts swirl into the twin black holes at his heart—as endless and ageless as his hunger.A mythical, titanic beast painted within the mysterious Shan Hai Scrolls, whose gluttony resulted in eternal karmic punishment, Cho'gath has seized upon the Scrolls' connection to the multiverse and plans to devour both his own world and then all others.Boy-king of the southern wastes, Amumu's mummified body still haunts the halls of his ancient tomb. His mournful sobbing can be heard over the brutal desert winds, luring in unwitting adventurers.The Vancouver Board of Public Safety would like to assure citizens that no cursed mummies have been spotted within the city limits. Cursed mummies are not native to the Vancouver area. Please do not touch cursed mummies, spreading their mummy curse.When your friends let you down, the best thing to do is start a rock band driven by hard emotions.Like decorative soaps or a fifth pair of socks, Amumu has been passed back and forth between disgruntled family members for generations. For some reason nobody seems to want the sobbing, accursed mummy boy.A diminutive knight whose heart is brave and true, Sir Amumu of Shurima wants only to see peace reign the land in his lifetime. Considering that he's an undying, mummified princeling, he'll probably succeed.When ancient pyromancers unleashed the malevolent Infernals upon the world, they also unintentionally summoned younger, lonelier creatures. A mere spark compared to the fiery monsters now ravaging the land, Amumu seeks only friendship… unwittingly incinerating all those he touches.A mechanical boy intended as a playmate for wealthy children, Amumu has been long forgotten in the advent of newer and more advanced Hextech innovations. But a child has feelings, and within his artificial mind something has begun to awaken that will change the history of Hextech forever.A lonely lad and prince of the patch, Amumu watches year after year as his people are decimated by possums and rowdy teenagers.Eternally young due to his bond with the Rat Relic, Amumu's innocence belies centuries of existence. He's been lonely in ages past, but no more: Lux is like his big sister, and Kindred is his… Kindred? Companionship hasn't stopped his occasional tantrums, of course, but at least now there's someone to shine his porcelain eyes after a nice cathartic cry.An unstoppable warbeast drummed up from the Infernal hordes, Rammus simply chooses a direction and begins spinning—through homes, armies, and nations alike, burning everything to ashes.Those who make it to the Full Metal Robot Fighting League—the premier institution for gear-crunching, robot-on-robot violence—must often face off against the fearsome Full Metal Rammus. It is an initial rite of passage, faced by every contender-bot, that leaves entire arenas in tremors...Rammus, the skewering wheel—ancient guardian of the sands, we invoke thee to protect us from an evil of our own making. Let no man tread upon these hallowed grounds, lest they be broken beneath your unforgiving carapace.Be the ball.Even the most renowned Hextech artificer must bow to the creativity and perfection of nature. After crafting each of Rammus's arcs to mimic the golden spiral, the creature proved so efficient at rolling... it escaped the moment its creator put down her wrench.Rammus was supposed to be the Space Program's core asset for terraforming new planets, and he was—until his digging unearthed a purple surprise no one was ready for. Now he has become something wholly different, his power turned to nefarious ends at the hands of the evil invader-meeps.Despite her festive colors, Anivia is an incredibly poor sport. She has been known to wall off the exits to locker rooms and fire icicles at her teammates when faced with a loss, behavior that would would be disciplined... if she hadn't frozen the judges and referees.Early hextech lifeforms could barely be considered sentient... until the development of Anivia, an artificial avian capable of limited speech. Her birth was the foundation of the modern Hextech movement, and the multitude of creatures that came after her.A gargantuan beast capable of creating vast ice fields, Anivia is a nightmarish opponent for even the most seasoned hunters. She is drawn to the sound of hunts, dive bombing the area before retreating with a hunter or two to snack on.For one week a year, Anivia takes a break from being a prophetic ice spirit of the Freljord, and takes off for warmer climes… somewhere people will appreciate her samba.At the tallest paper mountain in the whole paper world, Nunu and Willump found a great paper phoenix. “You cannot go to the top of the mountain,” said the phoenix, “or your mother will be very angry.” So Nunu and Willump thought and thought, but they couldn't find any way to get past…A regal and truly ancient being, whose swirling energies give birth to entire galaxies. She has begun to wall off her creations, fearing the return of an ancient, golden foe that her kind has long sought to forget…The legendary fenghuang watches over the world, awaiting the rise of selfless champions. Anivia grants power to those who fight for others with bravery and kindness in their hearts.Enchanted by Leblanc herself, Batnivia flies along with a coven of witches, shrouding the night sky in darkness and chaos. Though she was once an ordinary bat, Leblanc sensed the spirit of the season in her; now she helps to spread terror to the children below and glee to the partygoers who follow her flight.Following the disappearance of two principals, Yuumi has stepped in as the acting head of Durandal Academy until either individual can be found and re-instated. As a powerful channeler of magic, she uses the academic registry book as a focus object to generate apocalyptic levels of energy… often while perched on a terrified student's head.“It's always tea time,” said Shaco, cleaning his knife. “You can't drink tea without a nice, clean knife.” No one else responded, of course, because they were dead—which Shaco much preferred.Yuumi's always looking for what cats love: a belly full of fish and a warm lap to curl up on. But with the romantic mood captivating even Book, Yuumi knows the only thing to set her heart purring will be a very precise number of pets.Hey… there's a bee on you.Yuumi pierces the protective bubble surrounding her prey, readying a pounce as it plops to the ground. She ponders for a moment: if a pumpkin-cat eats a pumpkin-fish, is that too much pumpkin? Is there even such a thing as too much pumpkin?A terrifying, evil nutcracker from an unknown time and place, Nutcracko's nightmarish appearance and dagger-hurling boxes of death are a curse on Snowdown festivities. He wishes to eliminate all Santas, ushering in a new age of stale fruitcake and creepy wooden toys.Honoring Meiko's winning performance as Yuumi during the 2021 World Championship.A practitioner of masked dance drama, many of Shaco's performances begin as social commentary on the plight of the working class, and end with a random audience member being stabbed in the spine. It's a show worth seeing if you don't think about that last part.Last is the Jester, the wiliest sort
    Obscured and forgotten by time,
    Yet always much nearer than one might expect,
    Stalking, closely, behind.Shaco was once a region of space known for raucous celebration, wiped clean by the Dark Star and reborn into the mocking visage of a jester. His twisted cackling reaches inhabited systems long before he does, provoking visions of destruction, and societal breakdowns that will soon feed his endless hunger.Vile warlock and wanted criminal, Shaco is a dangerous creature whose mind was shattered during experimental soul duplication rituals. At some point he came into possession of a rare and powerful book of spells, amplifying the threat of his monstrous arcane sorcery.Once a mere courier for the Twitch syndicate, Shaco is now barely human. The eldritch corruption has stripped him of reason and identity, turning him into a chittering horde of knife-wielding monsters that haunt the boroughs of Valoran City. None of them are sure which is the “real” Shaco anymore. None of them care.Mundo not toxic, Mundo has healthy emotional coping mechanisms—oh, you mean purple goo? Mundo is sure that's fine, too.A groovy, thrill-seeking bodyguard and elite warrior from the Hot Tub Nebula, Samira took a job directly from the Three Party Goddesses to save Lux from an impending invasion of the Normal World. Now, as the pair liberate planets across the galaxy, Samira must do everything in her power to keep Lux safe—both from Lissandra and from Lux's own lack of self preservation instincts.Mundo didn't mean to become fitness influencer, but Mundo's gains speak for themselves. Mundo recommends never skipping leg day, eating lots of protein, and smashing that like and subscribe button for more Mr. Mundoverse content.The poster was straightforward enough: “WANTED: Tahm Kench - Devil, DEAD OR ALIVE”, followed by a generous sum. Only the Mechanical Devil's got that kinda cash to pay. Samira ain't sure why the other bounty hunters seemed so spooked by a little ol' devil hunt. Well, let 'em shy away. This gunpowder witch don't scare easy.Mundo is not financial advisor. This is not financial advice. But you should buy the skin. Mundo likes the skin.Mundo could have dressed as anyone to go trick-or-treating, but this year he went as Mundo. Every year he goes as Mundo. Mundo trick-or-treats as he pleases.Executioner Mundo thinks people should not be so scared of him. Executioner Mundo puts on pants and chops up prisoners one leg at a time, just like Mundo pleases.There are many tales of the Rageborn menace: that he's slain dragons with a single cleave, that the mightiest wizards cannot halt his advances, that no noble knight foolish enough to try and stop him has ever come back alive. The accounts often contradict each other, but the one thing they all agree on is this: Where Mundo goes, no one else pleases.Honoring Lilballz's winning performance as Mundo during the 2012 World Championship.Pool Party Mundo enjoys his hat and ukulele, but what he really loves are his shorts. They're comfy, and easy to wear.Probably in a position he'd rather not be in, El Macho will be facing down three of the greatest fighters in modern history for Sunday's no-holds-barred money match. Luckily for him, Mundo has more madness to offer than the federation thinks he's got, and the cream always rises to the top.Once a handsome prince from an outlying region of the Winterlands, Mundo was touched by the curse of Ice King Twitch—corrupting him into a brutish thrall. He's still convinced he's the same statuesque royal as before, and as such… goes where he pleases.Sona is a goddess of inspiration, compelling her worshippers to create profound works of art for all the world to see. Forgotten with the march of time, she has recently enjoyed a resurgence of followers in the form of coffee-addled waiters working on their 'next big screenplay idea.'Never tell Sona of PENTAKILL that keyboards aren't metal. Her instrument is filled with living barbed wire and a sonic scream loud enough to bring other, lesser musical genres crashing to their knees.Drifting through the streets as she plays, Sona's beautiful melodies bring out the wonder of fresh snowfalls, quiet evenings by the fire, and time spent with family and friends. She can also weaponize these songs, raining destruction upon those who would spoil the holidays.Sona's quiet elegance and mastery of enchanted music might make the heart go all aflutter, but don't be fooled—she can still cut a man in half at thirty paces with her harp's soundwaves. That's the duality of love: sometimes you win, sometimes you get cut in half by soundwaves.Having studied at the clawed feet of the mysterious qin long dragon, Sona's playing sends crowds of Lunar Revelers soaring, her swirling melodies following the dragon's sinuous path.Once member of the Templar Order, Sona was born with the ability to commune directly with ora, and the creatures from which it is harvested. More recently, she has sought out Yasuo, troubled captain of the Morning Star, and joined his ragtag crew—hoping to avert a disaster that could destroy the entire galaxy.An immensely powerful psychic, Sona has spent the past several years locked in darkness, subjected to harrowing experiments to further the Black Rose Group's aims of manufacturing the perfect human bioweapon. Freeing herself during the assault on the BRG's research facility, she discovers her power has grown to near-omnipotence, making her less a human than a psychic god.All hail, Sona, the Silent Virtuoso! An artist's soul can change the world, and with the harmonious power of creation at her fingertips, she will prove that what is made can yet be unmade.Quiet and reflective, Sona spends her time away from the Guardians as a composer of music... and her time with them as a fighter of incredible power, blasting enemies away with sonically charged starlight. Though she cannot speak, she always makes her voice heard through deeds... or her chatterbox familiar-slash-interpreter, Chiizu.Reigning from his frozen throne on a lonely mountain, Kassadin prepares in secret for a special festival hidden deep in the icy wastes. Whether it's a winter sports festival, none can say… except for the attendees, who think he's being ridiculous.“Kassadin vanished at sea over fifty years ago. Whatever you saw down there—if you did see anything—it can't have been the same man I watched fall into the drink. And if it was… gods help us.”Born before the kindling of the stars, Kassadin stands alone in space's vast void. He watches over all things, a sentinel awaiting the end of this universe… and the beginning of the next.A grim, lonely man who lives on a grim, lonely street, Kassadin is the one whom all kids avoid on All Hallows' Eve; for in his presence, there are no treats nor sweets to be found.Engrossed in his work to the point of near-obsession, Kassadin vanished for some time into the bowels of his labyrinthian workshop, disappearing from public life for years. When he emerged, he revealed a shocking hextech innovation to the world: his own body, fully integrated with the technology he so loved.As high priest of the Shockblade order, Kassadin has a deep connection to the Storm few understand, but all respect. It is the power of his station that allows the Shockblades to follow their targets in and out of the spirit realm, going where no one else can to protect the people under their charge.In exchange for the power to expel Noxus from Ionia, Irelia struck a bargain with an evil spirit—a decision that would prove costly when her humanity began to slip away...Few war pilots were as skilled as Irelia, whose flashy dogfighting earned her a place among the greatest soldiers in history. After the war she continued to fly fighter planes, never once losing her spark.Using technologically superior cracking devices and hard-light blades, Irelia's nefarious activity is surprisingly hard to follow. She's responsible for a string of heists and high-profile espionage missions.An ice sprite hailing from the mythical Winterlands, Irelia's demeanor is surprisingly stoic considering her mischievous brethren. Despite this, she aspires to one day serve in the court of the Poro King.A chance encounter with the Order of the Lotus changed Irelia's life forever, as she opened her mind to the cosmic cycles of death and rebirth over many human lifetimes. She is still a fierce warrior, but now fights knowing her soul can never truly die.Long ago, the demigoddess Irelia challenged a headstrong dragon king to a duel, defeating him before all the members of his assembled court. In his hubris, he lashed out at her, and in return she sealed his power within her sacred blade, so that he might find humility among humankind.Honoring Duke's winning performance as Irelia during the 2018 World Championship. This is Duke's second World Champion skin, following his win with SKT at the 2016 World Championship.A PROJECT castoff who found sanctuary in the lawless wastes, Irelia has led other outcasts like her as they attempt to survive corporate assassins, murderous old-world technology, and widespread ecological collapse. Knowing Warwick could destroy everything she holds dear, she joins the attack on the City to end PROJECT once and for all.There are moments when Irelia and the other outcasts remember who they once were, before PROJECT exiled them into a wasteland filled with sand-blasted monuments to corporate greed. These memories are fleeting, the last flickering images of a long-compromised humanity.A fallen angel who escaped the destruction of Heaven, now tainted by ineffable darkness. Irelia has spent years in hiding, thus her return alongside a newly resurrected Senna attests to the presence of powers who would see the heavenly kingdom restored… perhaps for the continued benefit of man, or perhaps for their final damnation.After the fall of the Ionian Grand Temple, Irelia could not stand idly by while her home was ravaged by the Black Mist. Deputized by the Sentinels, she fights the Ruination as one of their comrades: a natural-born leader who understands the threat that Ruined Karma poses, she will stop at nothing to save the Spirit of Ionia.Practitioners of Hextech science have historically benefited from the core crystalline matrix's more esoteric properties. Janna's long exposure to such raw materials famously granted her the power of limited flight, and the ability to control the wind.Victorious Janna was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in the 2012 season. Armed with a crystalline staff and the best Demacian armor, Victorious Janna unleashes epic gales to blow her enemies away.Janna has survived the market downswing in televised news for at least the last decade, but even in her relatively cushy position, the viewers are getting older and the weather is getting freakier. Might be time to put her meteorology degree to good use, and… fight the sky!Honoring Mellisan's winning performance as Janna during the 2011 World Championship.Soft-spoken and sometimes distant, Janna serves as mentor to her younger team and gently guides them towards a true understanding of their destiny. While she rarely offers information about her mysterious past, her poise and quiet strength are deeply admired by her Star Guardian teammates.Janna is the guardian of an ancient sword made of the purest jade, hidden at the bottom of a silent lake. Those who wield this weapon are granted immortality, and so she must remain steadfast in order to protect it.A special event skin given away at PAX 2009.It's Janna's favorite season once again—when dark spirits rise from the earth, and hidden troves of candy are enjoyed by all. Don your best disguise and ride into the night, for the witching hour is upon us!Second, the Jack, with a thunderous crack
    Trounces fate in the blink of an eye!
    In winnings he counts all the hearts of the court
    Who will swoon every time he walks by.Janna, the desert gale—ancient guardian of the sands, we invoke thee to protect us from an evil of our own making. Let no man tread upon these hallowed grounds, lest your sandstorms consume them whole.Hailing from Aurai, floating high above the Tournament, Queen Janna quite literally looks down on the whole affair. But without a champion in the Coronation, the magic that brings long-life to Aurai's reclusive population will fail, and so Janna descends for yet another showcase exhibition of her power. Anything to protect her people.The desire for peace brought about more than just a yearly festival. Born from this universal wish was Janna, a spirit whose magic hangs like a wreath over the night. Though she's regarded by most as a legend, guests sometimes say they see a beautiful woman float by. Maybe it's a trick of the crystal rose's light...An experiment from RSM's R&D division, Janna is the only successful use of an android to pilot an exosuit in history. Perhaps it's because she looks so human that most forget the gusts of “wind“ she commands are actually a fleet of nanobots connected directly to both the X09-Zephyr as well as her central processing core.Always a breath of fresh air in the fashion world, Janna took a risk working with a new designer for her high-tech red carpet look. That risk was well worth it: the future of fashion is here, and it's looking bright.Resident cardsharp of every dice parlour and gambling den on the high frontier, Tobias 'Twisted Fate' Felix likes to split his time between Buzzard Gulch, and the more civilized border towns. He specializes in breaking the hearts and bank accounts—in either order—of amiably naive debutantes.For those dreading their inevitable meeting with Death, Twisted Fate offers another path. If they win his game of chance, a life of luxury awaits them. If they lose, he gladly adds yet another card to his ever-growing deck of doomed souls.Tobias spends much of his spare time as a sanctioned referee for Order United matches. Sure, there are card games to cheat at, and gambling parlors to swindle, but it just doesn't compare to a heated game of soccer.Looking to hire some muscle for an above-the-board, highly legitimate business venture? Look no further than Twisted Fate and his furry companion Graves, two men who will do anything (and we mean anything) to anybody (and we mean anybody) for the right price (any price). Inquire within!The Blood Moon cult's true leader is shrouded in whispers and hearsay. It is he who first passed the trial of the masks, and he who unraveled the secrets of surrendering one's flesh to the demon spirits. Whether he is still human, none can say—but he is ever present, and always watching.Swindling his way past the chrono-enforcers, Twisted Fate has made himself known by pulling off grand heists, across various timelines. Always just moments ahead of the law, with stolen riches in his pocket, he knows the alleyways of time make for the quickest of getaways…A space smuggler erroneously known for discretion, as well as his impractically famous ship, The Wildcard, Twisted Fate was hired by Karma to free some templars from some space pirates. He has only just begun to notice that the other mercs on the job are better known for wetwork than simple heists...Honoring ShowMaker's winning performance as Twisted Fate during the 2020 World Championship.No one knows if the Mysterious Gentleman is human or something Else, but he has somehow injected himself into every crime family in Valoran City. With honeyed words and a conman's grin, he convinced them all to embrace the horrors of the Beyond... Now the only thing to do is sit back and watch them tear each other apart.O, Bilgewater has been my home,
    Since last time I was sailing!
    But I'll not stay another day,
    I'd sooner be out whaling.Gangplank is a model soldier in the toy army, racking up an impressive array of victories against the dolls and stuffed animals. He hopes to one day be named Toy General, leading his troops into glorious battle.How special are the special forces? Let's put it this way: they're the only unit in the military with unlimited access to oranges.Gangplank is a ruler from a distant land, and tales of his battle prowess and flowing red beard have reached even the farthest-flung city-states. As all rulers from distant lands, he also sports a snappy hat.Gangplank was a legendary murderer and cutthroat, prior to having his ship blown up while he was still on it. The silhouette of his famed captain's jacket is still burned into the memory of more than one unlucky sailor... with many convinced the man is somehow still alive.Once a high ranking admiral in the Royal Space Military, Gangplank's reign of terror began when he stole and proliferated blueprints for a former colleague's experimental superweapon. Ending a thousand-year civil war in an instant, he defected with a massive armed battalion and formed the interplanetary criminal network known as the Dreadnova Corps.Gangplank is the self-crowned King of the Grill, but his summer bod is the real life of the party. There should be a law against those abs.Honoring GimGoon's winning performance as Gangplank during the 2019 World Championship.Energized by a mysterious amulet containing Viego of Camavor and wielding the Blade of the Ruined King, Gangplank's personality erupted as he raged in search of the long-lost Isolde. Though ultimately freed of the King's influence by a group of heroes, he carries the experience with him... a reminder, perhaps, of true power.“If there really was a kingdom beneath the sea, it must have been destroyed long ago. How else do you explain the revenants that prey upon these shores? How else does that thing—Thresh—exist, trapping our souls in his accursed diving bell?”Celebrating the 2013 World Championship in North America.A demon summoned on the night of the Blood Moon, Thresh's insatiable urge to torture and kill is fueled by thousands of vengeful spirits drawn to his lantern. Entire villages are left slaughtered in his wake, their blood staining the land for decades.Honoring Mata's winning performance as Thresh during the 2014 World Championship.A cosmic nightmare who worships the all-consuming Dark Star, Thresh vows to feed the whole of existence to his “god” until all matter, time, and thought are erased. His work will be complete when nothing remains, freeing him to finally leap into the singularity and become one with the end of the universe.An ancient devil who stalks the great expanses of the Old West, Thresh's cruel visage is burned into the minds of all living things who fear the day he will come to claim their souls. His arrival spells doom for any settlement, its residents flayed and left to rot in the sun.As head of the Remembrancers, Thresh usually remains behind the scenes pulling the chains of time rather than stepping into the stream himself. Yet recent events have caused him to leave his temporal citadel, bringing his pulsefire lantern to bear.As paradoxes multiply and more rogue agents rebel against the grasp of the chrono-enforcers, Thresh, as commander of the Rembrancers, takes matters into his own hands. He must not yield control of time to these interlopers… nor to the growing Praetorian threat.Honoring Crisp's winning performance as Thresh during the 2019 World Championship.An ancient demon of obsession, Thresh delights in tormenting the spirits of those he deems as flawed, but blossoming with potential. He haunts the spiritual afterlife as a supreme collector of souls, tempting the dead away from their path to salvation until they are trapped for eternity within their own memories.With every soul the Ruination seized, Thresh's lantern burned brighter. He had planned for this moment, after all: the chance to scour far beyond the Shadow Isles, the Mist's reach so much greater than his own. Reaping all he had so meticulously sown, Thresh was at last unbound from the shackles of the isles. He had forgotten how good it feels to have skin...The Steel Dragon, happiest curled up in its cavernous archive amidst its treasures, needed someone with a talent for acquiring esoteric new treasures—and its eye fell on Thresh. Honored to assist, Thresh's limitless appetite for acquisition warped into obsession. Now he stops at nothing to acquire what he wants, justifying his cruelty in the name of his benefactor.Everyone said this model wouldn't fly, but Corki's never let himself be discouraged by others being reasonable.An entity who carries the raw power of cosmic creation in her hands, Illaoi can slam the orb she holds into the very fabric of reality, allowing time to flow forward even in places where life has been eradicated.Illaoi, the High Priestess of the Snow Moon, imagines a world free of the madness that consumes it. Her vision can only be realized when every soul is cleansed, every demon ripped from its bindings. Maintaining order with an icy resolve, she'll stop at nothing, her own humanity a fleeting memory.Having broken the land-speed record in most other vehicular sports, Corki has turned his attention to the ice luge—a momentum-based activity that doesn't require a state-of-the-art flying sled with a forward-mounted machine gun. He brought one anyway.Your plane's sheeting was busted, so we replaced it with a bullet-resistant alloy, and four-cylinder external mounted coal engine. Plus we painted flames on the front. No extra charge.Corki's pit crew made sure to outfit him with a special ship for Lunar Revel, emblazoned with the visage of a dragon to scare off evil spirits. It has been further modified to spray bullets and fire explosives… presumably also to scare off evil spirits.Honoring LaMiaZeaLoT's winning performance as Corki during the 2011 World Championship.A dog trainer with some impractical ideas about canine aerodynamics, Corki has entered the world's foremost pet show with a flight-enabled Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Why has he done this? What does he hope to gain? Is he really a Yordle, or just a very small man? These are all important questions.Commander Corki is both a veteran of the space program and its fearless leader. After traveling to a new and undiscovered planet with his intrepid crew, he befriended a stray alien meep that became his assistant and ally in exploring the galaxy. Together they fly, holding off the encroaching invasion of evil purple meeps that threaten the cosmos.Somewhere, beneath the soil, you hear the scraping of metal. Suddenly, there comes a screech… A cry of hunger… Then, nothing.We're gonna need a bigger inflatable raft…When the Ice Witch looked to the great glaciers of True Ice towering over the far north, she saw an army in the making. Among the first to be sculpted was Rek'Sai, a vessel of chilling savagery befitting a queen's power. Now, granted sentience by the will of the Watchers, she terrorizes domains with the brutal instincts of an apex predator.Spore-fiends stalk the deepest reaches of the forest, and Rek'sai is the broodmother from which all others spring. Those who see her hulking form of bloom and bark swimming through the trees rarely live long enough to tell the tale.The resplendent ruler of the Candy Kingdom, Ivern is beloved by subjects far and wide. Yet there are those who have seen the monster lurking beneath his jolly frame—and his gnawing hunger for candy flesh that can never be satisfied.Daisy and Ivern first started as a basketball doubles pair on the mean streets of Kumungu jungle—but then a chance encounter with then-NBA commissioner John Brambleback pushed them both into the national spotlight. They've been tearing up the court on the professional circuit ever since.A nightmarish totem forged of witchcraft and forbidden incantations, Ivern stood among the Old Gods in the days before their destruction. Left inert for hundreds of years, he has risen along with his brethren to annihilate the paltry works of man.A demon of vengeance summoned on the night of the Blood Moon, Kalista's singular obsession with 'betrayers' knows no limits—any deception, no matter how trivial, will be met with death. Her victims are left hanging from the walls of their homes, a warning to those who remain.Celebrating the 2015 World Championship in Europe.Honoring Bang's winning performance as Kalista during the 2015 World Championship.The Magelords… furious, brutal, and glorious in their conquest—a sect of warriors long lost to the sands of time. Until now. Resurrected by the current Marauder leaders, Kalista's desire for vengeance has only festered over the millenia. Now she returns, more powerful than ever, to eradicate the Wardens and everything they've built.An ageless being in whom the sun rises and sets, Karma is the key to an ancient prophecy spelling doom for the world. When she is overtaken by the moon, four titans will rise up from the depths of the earth, annihilating all life.Created to capture the original feel of Karma, one of our first fully reworked champions.The Protectorate was an order dedicated to enforcing a rigid, unforgiving system of laws, in an attempt to slow the seemingly inevitable rise of the Magelords. Though the order itself was disbanded long ago, Wardens such as Karma still uphold its tenets… and guard its many secrets.A powerful sorceress at one with the natural world, Karma spreads snow like a soft blanket across the enchanted forests of the Winterlands. A loyal friend of the Poro King—wherever Karma goes, winter follows.Commemorating the 2017 Mid-Season Invitational in Brazil.Karma was a galaxy-spanning civilization dedicated to pacifism and personal enlightenment, unceremoniously erased from reality and reborn as a star-consuming horror. Devouring entire galactic systems, she enforces a dread order upon the cosmos, meditating in the vast oceans of emptiness where once there were stars.Charged with governing the cosmic cycles of death and rebirth, Karma fights to protect the wellspring of souls as they journey to reincarnation. More so than the other cosmic beings, she cares for the mortal souls she shepherds, striving to create a more structured world.A High Priestess of the Templar Order, Karma has hired a group of offworld mercenaries to free a number of captured templars from the grip of Aatrox, an infamous and powerful crime lord. She has taken a more interventionist stance towards the rest of the universe following the loss and transformation of her former lover, Zed.Surviving the initial ruination of Ionia, Karma is ultimately lost during a second one led by Viego himself. With the Spirit of Ionia itself removed from the continent, the Ionian people must band together to save one another, even as Karma twists the souls of millions to a new, horrific purpose.As Brand's corruption spread, Karma sought the power to restore peace. When her desperate search throughout the land failed, Karma was left with nowhere left to look but within. After months of quiet contemplation, the fabled Tranquility Dragon greeted her in a vision. She awoke with the dragon's gift, the power to bring tranquil peace to face Brand's raging violence.Bard is a creature of the old world, they say, older than the great forest, and older even than the seeds it sprouted from. Few records remain of the age before the gods, but it is likely Bard predates them—a truly primordial being, tending the land since time's first dawn.Bard's vast cosmic powers and inscrutable nature are great assets in a snowball fight. Summoning an array of enchanted Winterland penguins, self-warming cups of cocoa, and portals to nowhere give this Wandering Caretaker an unbeatable edge.Though playing a famously unpopular Riftquest character class, Bard Bard has turned the ancient art of song into a reality-altering weapon of death. Unfortunately his turns take forever, since he has no concept of linear time and speaks in those weird “bwong” sounds.In space, no one can hear you chime.Bard is a wandering wordless connoisseur of the finest cafes. If he leaves behind a blessing in the form of a teacup? A hundred years of sweet success. No one knows where the Teapot Troubadour came from, or if he has a purpose beyond delighting in patisserie, but a visit from Bard instantly puts any cafe on the map!The Knights of the Emerald Chapel are the once-human stewards of the Elderwood—men and women who swore an oath to the land itself, and in return were granted unnaturally long life. Now led by a man named Taric, a handful reside there still, protecting the forest from all manner of invaders.Considered to be the most handsome and cunning acolyte of his Bloodstone cult, Taric seized power after the former leader took to the hunt. Now fully in control of his Bloodstone artifact, he uses his powers to maintain his youth and beauty at all costs—even if it means getting his hands a little bloody.Always on the alert, Taric will run in cinematic slow motion to save any swimmer in distress. Although, Taric has failed to save a distressing number of them.A battle cleric who has to simultaneously tank and heal for a pair of bumbling rogues, Taric Luminshield may be the only thing keeping his table from a total party wipe. In-universe he's a devout warrior of the Divine Goddess Targonius, but out of universe he'd rather be in a different campaign.A master of healing magic residing within an ancient cathedral, Veigar self-identifies as a dastardly archvillain rather than the pious cleric he clearly is. His magic has cured ailments and dispelled curses from across the land, much to his chagrin.Curling is a sport where players slide stones across the ice with a stick. Veigar is an evil yordle obsessed with annihilating the great cities of Valoran. It just makes sense.A suspiciously helpful wizard the party meets early in their adventure, Veigar Greybeard holds a dastardly secret—he's the true villain of Riftquest! Of course, this is obvious to anyone who played the starter campaign, but you still shouldn't spoil it for newcomers.Contrary to popular belief, Veigar won't grant three wishes, isn't a fairy, and doesn't hide gold coins at the end of a rainbow. He will, however, kill you. Which is none of the things you want out of a magic leprechaun.Ruler of the New Bandle Republic, Veigar considers himself the ultimate dark power of the wasteland—an evil so great that no man, woman, or creature would ever dare challenge his authority. Recently, he fixed up a water purifier and an electric grid for the city, too. An electric grid… OF EVIL!The villainous Veigar is at it again! Reigning from the top floor of the Veigar Company skyscraper, the criminal mastermind hatches the vilest plans New Valoran has ever seen! Yet even when his schemes are foiled, he always escapes punishment, biding his time until his next chance to strike!Most Santas wish to bring joy and enchantment to children everywhere, but Veigar wants no such thing. His dark ambitions have grown beyond simply thwarting Snowdown—he schemes to throw the world into chaos, blotting out the holidays with his evil forever.A heavy artillery specialist with a serious chip on his shoulder, Veigar has a troubling habit of calling down huge amounts of explosive ordnance for even the most mundane problems. He thinks of it as “a fun quirk.”A small number of the Elderwood's children remain largely unaffected by the growing influence of the Coven, to the relief of scholars and storytellers alike. Unfortunately, those particular children are some of the most whimsical and dangerous, including among their number the insane goblin Veigar and his cursed, hallucinogenic toadstools.50% fury, 50% horn,100% evil.A scientist conducting research on alien energy sources, Veigar ventured too far into empty space... but the Veigar that came back was different from the one that was set adrift. No one is sure why, but something about him is more… evil? And purple.Veigar has big plans. BIG. First, he'll amass an army of monsters, preferably from the darkest, scariest corners of the land. Then he'll use the CORE to create a bond with said monsters and amplify their power. Then he'll take over the world!! Hmm... he might have missed a step.Unable to let go of being rejected from the major and minor leagues, Trundle has joined a little league team after saying he was thirteen years old on an admission form. Trundle is an eleven-foot-tall ice troll who enjoys allying with evil wizards and biting people to death. Practice has been… interesting.Self-proclaimed king of the Wasteland's endless, irradiated junk heaps, Trundle saunters about his vast 'kingdom' flanked by a small army of sycophantic thugs. Any travelers discovered in his domain are subjected to painfully theatrical displays of grandeur—then beatings, then death.Created to capture the original feel of Trundle, one of our first fully reworked champions.Constable Trundle's definition of keeping the peace translates to barking insults at jaywalkers, haphazardly placing cones in the street, and perhaps worst of all, plundering doughnuts from all the local bakeries. Needless to say, this behavior results in some very stern browbeatings from Piltover Yard.The second of four titans prophesied to shatter the world, it has been foretold that Trundle will appear when the moon smothers the sun. In that darkness, he will rise in the north, blanketing all of creation with frost until the land is cold and silent.The king of a clan of giant trolls, Trundle is a revered dragonslayer. Blessed with the ability to command the raw power of mountain ice, he defends his realm from death and destruction. Over the ages, surviving trolls have looked up to him as their fearsome leader in this world torn asunder by dragon fire.Teenage nightmare Trundle leaves everything distressed
    But he won't lift a finger cleaning up his mess
    Howling, growling, scowling, his chores he won't address,
    For he has a team (or two) of Scareball players to impress!Dawn chases dusk beneath the sea, two lovers locked in an endless waltz across the stars. Thus Rakan is never far behind Xayah, his breaking light glowing always above her shadow.Love is in the air, and this time Rakan has a plan. He swears, this time, it will definitely, almost absolutely certainly happen. He's thought about every poetic phrase, every dreamy dance move—but still, he can't decide on what the perfect gift would be: chocolates, or flowers?Honoring CoreJJ's winning performance as Rakan during the 2017 World Championship. Honoring Baolan's winning performance as Rakan during the 2018 World Championship.Many years ago, Rakan was destroyed in the fight against Zoe, alongside his lover Xayah. The pair were then resurrected and turned against their allies -- a fact Rakan seems keenly aware of. Biding his time to strike, he has a plan to purify the darkness from Xayah's heart... though the price may be losing himself to evil forever.Deep in the shaded canopies of the Elderwood, the Fey Prince Rakan and Princess Xayah hold court over two rival fairy dominions. Star-crossed lovers uninterested in the affairs of mortals, their playful romance has insulated their people from the horrors befalling the outside world.One half of a perpetually incomplete whole, Rakan's fated love was not in the Lower World, but among the Higher Arcana far above. As the two rush to meet betwixt the lands of their birth, fate bubbles and boils over—a roiling sea from which a new order may emerge.Dusk beckons the dawn to its embrace, two lovers locked in an endless waltz across the stars. Thus Xayah is always a step ahead of Rakan, leading him forever into her arms.Some say Xayah is lucky to have found true love. Her feathers captivate the soul, filling one's heart with passion and romance—that is, if you're Rakan. If you're not Rakan, Xayah's feathers cut right through the heart, leaving nothing but unrequited feelings, and tables for one.Honoring Ruler's winning performance as Xayah during the 2017 World Championship. Many years ago, Xayah was destroyed in the fight against Zoe, alongside her lover Rakan. The pair were then resurrected and turned against their allies -- a change Xayah seems almost happy about. Blaming the Star Guardians for abandoning her to die, she has taken a bitter, personal stand against them, even as doubts begin to creep in...Deep in the shaded canopies of the Elderwood, the Fey Prince Rakan and Princess Xayah hold court over two rival fairy dominions. Though Princess Xayah has seen the darkness of the world beyond, she has chosen to simply adopt its colors for her court rather than confront it.Xayah is a defender of ancient magic, protecting relics and places of great power from those who would use them for evil. Honoring her service, the fenghuang bestowed upon her a single feather, granting Xayah impossible power.Her heart unwavering, Xayah carries the fenghuang's blessing with her across the once peaceful lands. She makes quick work of those who would lay waste to the relics of the past, her magic mirroring their beauty in a harmonious dance. If they wield their power in order to honor their ancestors, Xayah is confident that the forces of good will prevail.One half of a perpetually incomplete whole, Xayah has found her love not in the world of the Higher Arcana, but the Lower. As she strains to meet the fated Rakan and pull him upwards towards herself, their tension frays and forms discordant knots—setting the stage for something new.They could have sent an army—twelve helicarriers boasting hypercoil cannons, pulse-jumping shocktroopers, and mechs to carve through the ice. But instead, a lone, grizzled veteran striding across the tundra. Some things are better left to the Grand General.What is a ruthless dictator to do, when he tires of the burdens of empire? It's a pirate's life for Swain, m'hearties! Plying the seas outside Bilgewater, his flagship, the Beatrice prowls—searching for storm wracked and serpent-choked vessels, each carrying the promise of plunder and souls.Swain, though a mighty leader of men, was no match for the ancient demon slumbering beneath Noxus. As dark energies flowed through his once-human body, the new Grand General gave his first decree: “Kneel before me, or die.”Seeking to turn the very essence of dragons against them, the great Dragonslayer Swain battled beneath the earth for the souls of ancient, long-dead wyrms. In his hubris, he was consumed by their power, emerging a corrupted thrall of the monsters he once swore to destroy.An expert at jungle warfare, Xin Zhao can harpoon a fruit from the rainforest canopy at a hundred yards. He just chooses not to, because it gets fruit chunks all over his spear.The hextech artificer known as Jericho Swain is an almost legendary figure among Piltover's growing upper crust. Though he professes not to meddle in city affairs, he has been quietly integrating various hextech components into his own body… and with them, unparalleled access to the eyes and ears of thousands of artificial creatures.Swain knows how important the alliances formed at the Festival of the Crystal Rose are… and how fragile. His determination to see the event go perfectly has gained him a connection with Zyra, the Rose's protector. With her help, he intends this to be the most successful festival ever—and that he will be celebrated as its architect.A member of the vaunted winged hussars, Xin Zhao is one of the last standard bearers of a military order tracing its roots back to the late 17th century. Of course, his progenitors didn't ride an army of armored black pegasi into battle, but you know how it is.Legendary warrior and proud general both, Xin Zhao fights across the Warring Kingdoms to preserve peace for the common man. His spear is said to be sharp enough to pierce the sky, striking with the force of thunder.The sorceress called a great mountain her home, and from it, reborn dragons poured endlessly into the sky. Though dragonslayers fell all around him, Xin Zhao struck into the monster's lair, determined to end her evil once and for all.Great horrors are attracted to the light of newborn stars—from the corruptants of the Dark Star, to squirming, ancient things yet unknown. Xin Zhao is the steadfast protector of these cosmic cradles, driving off any that would devour them.Though brutal, the Marauders still follow a martial order established during the era of the Magelords. These commanders seek only to reclaim the might with which their order once ruled. Xin Zhao is one half of the pair of current leaders. Pragmatic and measured, he has resurrected an ancient Magelord to destroy his foes once and for all.Xin Zhao is a popular man at the New Year's festival— and not just because he hands out lots of red envelopes. He is the reliable protector that keeps his more chaotic friends from getting into often-explosive mischief, and does it all with a cool, casual grace that leaves everyone swooning. The Old West lies far outside the government's jurisdiction, leaving local peacekeepers to enforce whatever passes for justice on the high frontier. As lone sheriff of the town of Progress, Caitlyn has found that the arm of the law is roughly as long as the range of her rifle.When she isn't attending galas or teaching seminars, Dr. Caitlyn Kiramman can be found exploring ancient ruins in search of historical artifacts. Armed with her trusty rifle, a wealth of esoteric knowledge, and an accident-prone Ezreal, she braves the most mysterious places in the world to bring long-dead civilizations and their secrets into the light.Very few snipers can cut it on the Arctic front. The snow is too cold, the winds are too hard... and of course, Caitlyn usually kills all hostile snipers before they can fire a single shot.Most people assume that Caitlyn is the "good cop" between her and Vi. What they don't know is that her sharp eyes, quick wit, and dedication make her one of the toughest officers on the force. She doesn't mind being underestimated, especially if it gives her the upper hand.Caitlyn's arsenal of alien weaponry isn't meant to level the playing field. It's to ensure that every hunt, every target, and every shot she takes goes exactly the way she wants it to.A malignant spirit said to appear during Lunar Revel, Caitlyn is known to meddle in the affairs of gods and mortals alike. Her attention has been catastrophic to all who draw it, and even seeing her is considered an ill omen.A legendary chrono-law enforcer feared in every age, Caitlyn's mission is to protect the fragile enigma that is time. Those who dare threaten its integrity inevitably find themselves firmly locked in the sights of her temporal plasma blaster.For Caitlyn, nothing says a perfect summer's day like lounging at a luxurious poolside, eating shaved ice and drinking tropical libations. And shooting people. She really loves shooting people.Acclaimed hero of the “Sniper Cop” rail shooter series, Caitlyn enforced the laws of Arcadia prior to the Battle Boss uprising. She brings her sharp eye and eager trigger finger to the fight to save her world, only stopping briefly to turn her gun away from the screen for a reload.Appearing most recently in “Sniper Cop 7” as a golden-clad secret character, Caitlyn's popularity has finally transcended games as a medium.A feared and respected second year, head of the Luminary Club, and class president of Labrys God-Weapon Academy. Caitlyn enrolled herself in the famously troubled school specifically to whip the delinquents there into prime fighting shape, hoping to one day become the greatest battlefield general in history. With her perfect record, she's not too far off.A tool of chilling acuity, Caitlyn is the Snow Moon's most elite sniper. It was her craving for a calculating nature, stripped of the moorings of sympathy, that drew her to serve. There was once warmth in her heart; in dreams, she sees a figure, wild and untamed, in a world not meant for her.In an age before man, King Ornn ruled the craggy southlands, and he was as rocky and lifeless as they were. It is said that he weathered an endless siege from his brother, the great King Voli, and that the blood they spilled sprouted grass and trees and animals, even as they became like beasts themselves.A truly ancient shaper of the Elderwood, and keeper of divine knowledge. Beings who tended the trees and directed the rivers are rare in this time of fell magic and endless twilight, yet Ornn continues on, stubbornly clinging to what remains of the old way.The hateful lord of the lunar wraiths, Sylas has waited eons to invade the heavenly realm, and depose its godly stewards. What happens to the balance between heaven and earth is not his concern; he simply craves chaos, and the hour of his triumph is fast approaching.Free from the kingdom that once imprisoned him, Sylas of Dregbourne marches from Demacia to the Freljord. With every step he takes, he remembers what others have branded him: Mage, Traitor, Kingslayer—names he revels in as he endures the bitter cold, his heart warmed by the fires of rebellion. It will be here, in the icy north, that he will seize the ancient power needed to fuel his revolution…A self-styled leader of the outcasts who live beyond the city's walls, Sylas has heeded Ashe's call and rallied the Renegades in defense of the City. Though his true motives are the collapse of PROJECT and the capital surveillance state, for now he's content destroying the armies of a dangerous rogue AI.With the Outcasts, G/Netic, and PROJECT itself faced with an insurmountable enemy, each faction turns to dangerous experimental technologies and long-lost robotics of a past age, hoping for an edge. Sylas, however, had a plan all along—integrating jailbroken corporate upgrades for the ultra-wealthy, so he can one day turn them on PROJECT.Sylas is the leader of Wolf Team: a daring, ruthless strike force under the banner of Anima Squad. Though he rejects anyone claiming authority over him (Commander Fortune included), Sylas knows that if humanity falls, there will be nothing left to fight for.Sylas deeply loved magic, but long years of imprisonment made him hateful. As a knight, he deigned to take as much power for himself as he could, and perhaps become a new wellspring of enchantment… yet, it was all for naught. Now only the dying shadow of magic remains, with he its final, bitter champion.An ancient and mysterious winter sprite, Neeko regards the world around her with an almost childlike curiosity. Having recently returned from beyond the Poro King's vast domain, she has become enamored with the civilization that has risen in her absence.A member of Ahri's original team of Star Guardians, Neeko watched her teammates fall against Zoe's dark powers, going into hiding when she, too, was thought dead. Revealing herself to the newly assembled Star Guardians at the eve of their greatest battle, the wide-eyed adventurer has vowed that this time, she won't run.Neeko and the Star Guardians emerge from their battle forever changed, friendships reforged in the face of stunning victory and brutal loss. They will save their lost companion—perhaps not now, but one day—and they will do it together.A kindly god of the Shan Hai Scrolls who remembers her counterpart, Jhin, from before he succumbed to madness, Neeko believes she can return Jhin to the side of good before the painting's magic fades and doom befalls the multiverse, but she knows such an expenditure of power may destroy her in the process.Neeko never remembers to buy a costume for the yearly festivities. Her delightful disguises come courtesy of her transfigurative talents and shapeshifting spells. Wait… are there two Nidalees at this party? Nope. That's just Neeko, pulling one of her classic pranks.A young and flashy prodigy, Ezreal is Order United's most popular player. Or at least he was, until a long series of teleportation-related fouls got him in trouble with the oversight committee.Separated at primordial birth, Aphelios, a fiend of chaos, and Alune, an archoness of order, were created as enemies. Yet, drawn each night to wander by shared visions of the moon, they found each other. Abandoning their natures, they struggle to show creation that darkness can shine, even as other divinities endlessly war…Aphelios stays quiet, preferring to worship the Bull God according to obscure “old ways” that are unfamiliar to the rest of his squad. His teammates are welcoming, if curious, but have yet to realize that Aphelios and his sister Alune are actually the Bull God's progeny, placed among the squad to face this year's Lunar Beast.Honoring Viper's winning performance as Aphelios during the 2021 World Championship.Ionians share whispered stories of the twin spirits of the night, Aphelios and Alune. It is said the darkening of the sky comes from the brother's armaments, tearing the fabric of blues and whites apart to create an obsidian canvas painted with stars. The sister's motives are more... mysterious.A young woman from the magic-starved Queendom of Calamity, volunteered for the coronation by a shadowy cabal of aristocrats after a series of magical experiments. Having now won the crown and the power of her crest, Rell has discovered her powers were stolen from the people of her country, and she has vowed revenge on her puppeteers.Hailing from a sister city along with Quinn, Rell is a deliquent loner who does what she wants, when she wants, and avoids making friends by pushing everyone away. In battle she rides atop her mighty steed Sebastien, her simmering rage transforming her into a starlit knight who defends the meek from harm.One of the all time greatest keepers for Chaos FC, Blitzcrank has finally taken their place in the Sports Hall of Fame. Their image rests proudly with the likes of Volleyball Dragon, Women's Tennis Scuttle Crab, and Badminton Baron Nashor.Their fists are named “boom” and “boom,” proving that robots are a perfect facsimile of human life.Your robot's legs were busted, so we replaced them with a vintage '32 hot rod, and eight-cylinder external mounted coal engine. Plus we painted flames on his fists. The flames cost extra.I, not a robot.Built as household assistance automata, thousands of iBlitzcranks were corrupted by Program during a routine software update. With their human owners oblivious to this fact, they continue to help, waiting patiently for the time their new command lines are initiated.A Riot Games skin obtained by either meeting a Rioter or attending an official Riot event in 2013.A boss hailing from a popular science fiction shooter, Blitzcrank is well known in the gaming community for cheap mechanics, powerful attacks, and a massive health pool. Veigar fittingly made them the gatekeeper of his personal fortress, because Veigar hates fun.An ancient sentinel corrupted by mysterious black lightning, Rogue Lancer Blitzcrank mercilessly crushes provincial armies, destroying entire castles with kings still on their thrones. What caused its rampage is still uncertain, but for now it seems to be following its dread protocol to the letter.A silent protector of the masses, the artificial paladin Blitzcrank was aroused from the earth by a bolt of mysterious white lighting. It now serves all honorable subjects, defending with true and calculated precision.Once nothing but a simple cauldron, Blitzcrank was enchanted, brought to life in order to assist Miss Fortune in her beguiling bewitchments.Blitz and Crank are Cat Planet's fiercest warriors, and work together seamlessly (mostly) to pilot their mech, Blitzcrank. While Crank believes that he can overcome his lack of rhythm with the help of his exuberant copilot, Blitz is… well… he's busy dancing to his own beat. Together they plan to take over Dog Planet and claim its sunbeams for themselves.Victorious Blitzcrank was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in the 2021 season. Originally a bomb defusal robot, Blitzcrank was made a referee because of their ability to make split-second adjustments to stay ahead of the prodigious athletes. Only later did everyone realize that the bot's background made them unusually effective in defusing the intense... disagreements that often arise.Malphite is a twenty-ton rock man who used to be part of an even larger rock that was destroyed, leaving him orphaned on a distinctly un-rocklike plane of existence. The guy could use a little luck.“When I was young, I used to watch our ships sail back to port—but of late can't bring myself to look. For every vessel that docks, another runs aground of coral that was not there before. It's as though even the seabed has turned against us, slowly moving toward some unfathomable end.”As great mountains were ripped from their foundations during the rise of the Ashen Lord, from deep beneath them climbed strange, obsidian creatures, freed for the first time after thousands of years. They seem intent on stopping the Infernals, and are uniquely suited to defeating them.That's no glacier…Designated M-2, the “Mecha Malphite” unit is a massive, bipedal fortress capable of turning into a planetary drill—making it the ultimate defensive option when faced with new and powerful kaiju. A single punch from its gauntlets can blow holes through thick titanium sheeting, and such attacks have felled countless monsters.There are two kinds of mercenaries in the game today: the first being your rank-and-file sellsword, barely worth the stink of grog on his breath. The second is a nigh-indestructible golem, twenty feet tall, and made from the hull of a legendary gunship. Choose wisely.Malphite was once the pit boss of a deep space mining operation, until Jinx cracked the asteroid in half and got them both fired. His enduring loyalty to someone who is very obviously a psychopath has landed him in all kinds of danger across the galaxy, but he honestly doesn't seem to mind.The remnants of a once lush and enormous exo-planet, the Dark Star consumed and reformed the broken cluster of planetary debris into a twisted consciousness, ever pulling others into its orbit, and unleashing oblivion upon all who cross its path.Gilded by the Dark Star's touch and empowered through its radiance, Malphite barrels across space, demolishing entire systems and consuming the broken remnants into his immense and twisted form.Honoring Doinb's winning performance as Malphite during the 2019 World Championship.Appearing to mortals as a Jet-Black Ibex, Malphite was an Old God of the mountain slain by the Eclipse order and cast down onto the rocks below. Death did not claim him, but the mountain did—and now he rises in its hulking earthen form, the land itself twisted with hatred and consumed by new and terrible hungers.Is that a regulation uniform? No. Should a referee be holding a large dagger in the middle of a sports game? No. Are you going to argue with a woman in a non-regulation uniform holding a large dagger in the middle of a sports game? I think we both know the answer to that.To outsiders, the politics of Bilgewater seem a mean mess of villainous scum and dishonorable thieves. But woven throughout are complex loyalties, solemn codes of honor, and a very specific (if bloody) way of doing things. Cutting through it all is Katarina, a master of the blade. She silences the right tongues at all the right moments… for the right price.There are times when Katarina deeply questions the parameters of her assassination missions. This is, somehow, not one of those times.Donning a mishmash of Snowdown fashions to throw targets off her scent, Katarina uses the holidays as a cover for high profile assassinations. If you hear the sound of jingle bells... run.In open defiance of her clan, Katarina has left behind the life of a princess to hunt the greatest heroes of the Warring Kingdoms. Striking under shadow of night, she is slowly cutting her way through her foes… one general at a time.Once an ambitious lieutenant in the G/NETIC rebellion, Katarina returned to the Command Line after a confrontation with Ashe herself. Her hyper edge daggers now serve PROJECT once more, but those rebels who knew her still hold out hope that she fights for them from the inside.To fully swear oneself to Death's service, a mortal must be prepared to sacrifice the living. A skilled assassin in life, Katarina pledged her sinister blades willingly, and was granted spectral abilities allowing her to pass in and out of the underworld with ease.Katarina is a rough-edged loner who stays far away from the politics of Durandal Academy. A 2nd year student with a chip on her shoulder, she is also a top member of the Assassin Club—the only club on campus allowed to kill opponents in school-sanctioned duels. Few other students ever dare approach her.An honored priestess of the Blood Moon cult, merged with the flesh of her demon as all priestesses are fated to be. Yet the descent of the Blood Moon has changed the nature of demons and humankind, and Katarina has begun her ascent into a newer, darker form.Katarina won the Schemean crest with a ruthless performance in her queendom's battle pits. For Schema to break free of its humble alliances and become the region's rightful leader, it will take a similarly commanding performance in the Coronation—and Katarina has never been more prepared to cement her fearsome status as the rightful queen of queens.“My people got swindled. I aim to collect what we're owed,” the Outsider says, pinning her dagger in a wanted poster of the Mechanical Devil. Her eyes burn like stoked coal as she fixes each dusty traveler in her gaze, “And I hear y'all plan on jumpin' the Sulfur Rail, Harbingers. If you're gonna take this devil down, I want in.” The vengeful ghost of an ancient caravan master betrayed by his guards, Pyke now lurks within the golden halls of the desert's remaining city-states. He hunts anyone and everyone who attracts his gaze, claiming they all condemned him to death.A demonic spearfisher lurking within the darkness of the Blood Moon's mirror dimension, Pyke casts his hooked blade across an endless, liquid night, dragging demons up from the bottom of the world and into their human hosts. Inexorably tied to the Blood Moon, Pyke's sudden appearance in Ionia is a dire omen indeed…An early PROJECT prototype, Pyke's untested upgrades left him violently unstable—too much so for his handlers, who junked him and threw his remains outside the walls of the City. Yet his cybernetic brain survived, rebuilding Pyke with salvaged scrap parts from all around him, and now their fragmented, overlapping memories mix with his own as they scream out for revenge.A member of the Black Rose Group's leadership and a powerful spiritual medium, Pyke's mastery of psychic power allows him to jump across the barrier separating the living and the dead. This process has slowly eaten at his mind, leaving him a half-deranged killer screaming at literal ghosts.Pyke may seem an unlikely Sentinel to take up the oath, but Viego's name is next on his list. Pacified—for now—by the influence of Nagakabouros, the real danger is that he might snap at any moment, killing allies and enemies alike.Condemned to death for petty crimes, then saved by the king and uplifted to glorious knighthood, Pyke served in the war against magic until the very end, only to be left alone in an ashen world without. Gripped by violent madness, he challenges all who pass, accusing them of being the ruler who abandoned him.Somewhere, hidden beneath the enormous ice caps, lurks a demon fueled by the terror of those foolish enough to enter his domain.Haunting Nocturne would be a lot less haunting without those huge knife arms.Your worst nightmare, embodied in the form of organic metal—it lingers, watching and waiting for the right moment to shroud all of existence in eternal darkness.In her dreams, the queen was approached by a great shadow whispering of power and infamy beyond the grasp of mortals. Upon the shadow's third visit, she released it into the waking world—and sure enough, it would come to keep its terrible promises.The great corpses of the Old Gods fed the land, and in time even the Elderwood would come to grow over their putrid rot–hiding it, perhaps, for a time. But the Gods never truly died and, with the resurgence of the Coven, one has risen again–Nocturne, the Eternal Nightmare.Once a steward of the gentle treefolk, Maokai was consumed along with his people when the Infernals ravaged the world. Now, brimming with rage, he seeks only to spread his anger and misery to anything that crosses his path.Big, jolly, and possessed by a literal holiday spirit, the living fir tree known as Maokai loves nothing more than to unwrap the presents tucked under him every year. He would prefer to do this away from the fire.Few locals dare to trick-or-treat past the forest just outside of town. Too many have vanished within that dreary woodland, where one feels the weight of unseen eyes, and even the trees are driven by a terrible hunger…Debuting in the 2014 Soccer Cup, much of Maokai's career has rested on the Order United goalposts growing out of his back. As Maokai is a giant tree, you have to be pretty good to score on him.Maokai has, at long last, embraced his role as a giant, haunted scratching post.Victorious Maokai was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in the 2016 season. Victorious Maokai lays down his roots fashionably with vines of golden leaves, and a rich blue and gold robe. An immense tree-like golem, Maokai grew from the very roots of the world, charred though they were by the last annihilation. Burdened to revive the world after every destructive cycle, he wanders for all eternity, reseeding the earth with his magical saplings, making way for the renewal of life… only for it to be undone once more.The first tree to grow on planet M33P, Maokai gained sentience due to the latent power of the meeps that took up residence in his trunk. He now fosters life on this new home of his, collecting and caring for young meeps that could use a helping hand (or branch).Crikey, what a ripper.This blood-crazed killing machine scours the battlefield to sate the Bloodstone. The more he slays, the more he fuels his powers. This in turn feeds his frenzy, creating a never ending cycle of spilt viscera and gore.What is an Infernal but the screams beckoning from the darkest corners of mortal imagination? For centuries they were considered nothing more than myth—and yet, now, monstrosities such as Renekton roam freely, punishing us all for the last fleeting gasp of our own hubris.Lifeguard on duty! Seriously though, be careful—you don't want CPR from a nine foot tall crocodile man.A rare intelligent beast, Renekton is an erudite speaker and skilled wielder of the crescent blade. He's also six stories tall and not particularly friendly. Hunters are advised to make their final arrangements before engaging.Honoring MaRin's winning performance as Renekton during the 2015 World Championship.First produced in 1996, Renektoy quickly and unexpectedly became the must-have gift of the season. Shortages and heightened demand led to online scalping, parents fist fighting in store aisles, and a small number of what police later described as “mall stampedes.”As is so often the way, artificers of the Hextech Renaissance pushed too far and too fast into their new science, without fully considering the possible consequences. Renekton—a half-mad monster of flesh and metal—is the result of that shortsightedness.In life, Renekton stood against the tyranny of the Ice Witch, fighting an inevitable, endless winter until his last breath. In death, the virtuous warrior was cursed with resurrection—brought back to life as a vicious warmonger cased in rock and ice. Now a general leading the onslaught of the Black Frost army, Renekton loyally serves the very queen he once thought to destroy.A hybridized warrior taking inspiration from extinct fauna, Renekton is the perfected version of PROJECT's crossbreed superweapon project. Released to aid the City in its fight against the Program virus, Renekton's seemingly endless rage is useful for now… though his belief that he can “see beyond the soul” is increasingly disconcerting.Yes, those are guns strapped to Jarvan's arms and legs. No, he can't shoot them.All are accepted into the ranks of the dragonslayers, from the lowliest peasant to the mightiest king, for dragons would devour all equally. Jarvan IV willingly gave up the throne to join his doomed countrymen and stand against the fury of monsters reborn.Victorious Jarvan IV was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in the 2011 season. As the first Victorious skin ever released, Jarvan shines in silver armor with a flashy gold trim.A fabled warrior of peerless might, Jarvan IV strides across the Warring Kingdoms seeking only the worthiest opponents. All others careless enough to face him are crushed without mercy, the earth erupting beneath his immeasurable strength.Honoring Cyanide's winning performance as Jarvan IV during the 2011 World Championship.A mortal emperor unbound by the destruction of his world, Jarvan's essence has since been reforged by the ageless energies of deep space. His humanity and his people now lost forever, he stands ready to welcome the Dark Star incursion, in the final subjugation of all existence.Honoring Ambition's winning performance as Jarvan IV during the 2017 World Championship. The Hextech Renaissance appealed not only to those with backgrounds in science, but also to those looking for an escape from their day-to-day lives. For the young Prince Jarvan, it presented the chance to enhance his martial skill—with technology that would have never been accepted within his father's kingdom.For Jarvan, there's nothing more relaxing than hanging out at the beach. No kingdoms to run, no thrones to sit on (save for his favorite beach chair), just the sound of the waves and, if he listens closely, the faint whistle of a volleyball being spiked directly at him...Jarvan IV's stubborn refusal to join Ox Clan only relented to his father's stubborn insistence. Though he tries his best to shirk the celebrity status that comes with the role, Jarvan comes from a long line of philanthropists, and has found himself caught up in the thrill of bringing businesslike efficiency to the biggest community event of the year.Celebrating Worlds 2021 in Reykjavík.An enchanting beauty she is, lithe in form, and colored like the flowering valleys frozen mid-bloom by winter's chill. Yet the creature Elise dines upon the flesh of maidens, allured by her delicate pulchritude, who dance softly into the jaws of a monster.Victorious Elise was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in the 2013 season. Spin a wicked web for your enemies in gold-trimmed armor and deep purple robes, and chuckle as they struggle.A revered priestess of the Blood Moon cult, Elise has so wholly intertwined her body with her demon spirit that they are now a single entity. She has traveled beyond all known civilization, existing in the apocryphal darkness hanging beyond the precipice of the world.Honoring Bengi's winning performance as Elise during the 2015 World Championship. This is Bengi's second World Champion skin, following his win with SKT at the 2013 World Championship.Once a promising cadet, Elise discovered that her metamorphic power enabled her transformation into a mechanical arachnoid at will. Now, she seeks to reign as an evil, immortal Spider Queen—seeing all the galaxy not as a home to defend, but a realm to be conquered.A witch of some renown, Elise is widely feared by trick-or-treaters after that whole “human-sized cocoons” incident.Emerging from the deep sea as the first of the kaiju menace, Crabgot has never been completely defeated by the forces of humanity. The best result when it emerges is to temporarily halt its advance, sending the massive crustacean back into the sea... until it can rise once more.Elise is in attendance at every annual gala, despite never once receiving a formal invitation. Rumor has it she's been blacklisted for spinning webs of lies, forming and disbanding allegiances in the span of a single evening. Attendees have also noted her suitors never seem to make a return visit to the festival.Jeremiah James was once a famed railroad baron and millionaire industrialist, who bet his own heart on a game of chance… and lost. Left alone in the desert to die, he bargained with a passing devil, trading his immortal soul for a twisted, monstrous body of gears and iron.A Star Guardian superfan of almost impossible proportions, Urgot worked really hard on this outfit for the fan meet, so please be respectful.Unctuous Uncle Urgot has no nose to smell
    No feet or toes to stink, but he's still feeling swell
    'Cause visitors arrive and ring the household bell
    With new parts not so rotten for him, and tummy snacks as well!Her father gave her the light of life—and yet, Orianna always preferred the dark.Even the bravest children shy away from Orianna—a raggedy, whispering doll as old as the house itself. Some toys just aren't meant to be played with.Honoring Toyz's winning performance as Orianna during the 2012 World Championship.A strange clockwork girl imbued with the magic of the Winterlands, Orianna once lived within a snowglobe created by a kindly old inventor. At the end of his life he freed her, and now she searches for greater purpose, serving in the court of the Poro King.A mechanical girl built to find and comfort broken hearts, Orianna still does not understand why people run from her when she's only trying to help them. Still, she goes about her duties diligently, performing beautiful clockwork dances for any who would give her a chance.Born out of the remnants of a magnificently advanced system, Orianna serves the Dark Star with meticulous precision. She dances across galaxies in an endlessly horrifying performance, the only witness is the silent trail of destruction left in her wake.Victorious Orianna was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in Ranked Queues for Season 8. Her body has been reforged by Piltover's finest artificers, and enhanced with experimental hextech.With her latest outfit, Orianna is finally able to submerge completely in aquatic biomes. This brings her great joy, as a day at the beach previously required subsequent weeks of scrubbing salt, sand, and sometimes an angry crab out of her gears.Careful not to get honey caught in those gears!A greater Infernal whose power is drawn from the molten rock bubbling beneath the earth, Wukong's rage causes mountains to split, lava to rain from the sky, and rivers to become blackened glass. Still, he will never back down from any challenge—and this, perhaps, will be the key to his defeat.Imbued with the power of the legendary jade dragon, Wukong has honed his abilities to a razor sharp point.Though still headstrong and brash, his newfound power is undeniable—a worrying sign to his master, as the jade dragon carries a powerful curse...Once a pupil of the martial arts, Wukong trained under his masters' strict traditions and doctrines. In him, Death saw limitless potential, and chose to claim the disregarded student for the underworld instead. Now, Wukong fights alongside the undying hordes, no longer bound by the rules of the living.An ascendant being of nearly limitless power, Radiant Wukong has undertaken a great journey to test his skills against history's greatest warriors. However, overcoming his quick temper and impulsive nature might be his greatest challenge yet.A consummate troublemaker and prankster, Wukong has failed out of every high school in the region, eventually washing out into Labrys as an 'enrollment of last resort'. A naturally gifted fighter in the Battle Club, he still hasn't learned discipline, and only listens to Caitlyn because she can beat him up.Before the devastation of Runeterra, Kegan Rodhe was a search-and-rescue specialist deployed to active wildfire zones. When the bombs went off, the world vanished in the blink of an eye—and Rodhe along with it. All that was left was the empty wasteland… and a monstrous creature of living flame, calling itself Brand.The wasteland is full of problems, and there's no better problem solver than Brand. Sure, his prices are a little high for a glorified thug, but nothing sends a hard message like a fistful of supernatural fire.An elite soldier of a military wetworks unit, Kegan Rodhe was left behind enemy lines deep in the frozen arctic! But instead of dying, Rodhe found himself captured by a cabal of evil scientists, whose brutal experiments transformed him into the diabolical villain Cryocore!Before the mutagenic outbreak, Brand was a leading military scientist, responsible for the development of a powerful virus deep within a government compound. But the same government who elevated him among his peers suddenly cut his funding, forcing Brand to test the mutagen on himself… with disastrous results.In the early days of civilization, Vel'Koz chose a man named Kegan Rodhe to take up the mantle of the first Arclight, gifting him with vast divine powers. But millenia have passed since then, and though Rodhe is gone, his body is still animated by the light, filled with nothing but pain and rage.Intoxicated by the power over life and death he received from the Eternal Dragon, Brand now spreads death and decay across the land. Now that his dragon benefactor has retreated from the affairs of mortals, only other dragon-blessed can fight against the rot Brand leaves in his wake as he asserts his prowess.Longtime rival to Master Yi, Brand owns a competing chain of high end hotels and can be seen verbally sparring with his enemy at any gala that will tolerate them. Their battles are legendary… though the property damage alone skyrockets into the tens of millions.With a blisteringly fashionable custom suit, the plans for which he burned, Brand stands on the precipice of something he has long thought beyond his reach: defeating his rivals and standing atop the greatest aristocrats in the world.A famed martial artist beloved the world over, Lee Sin prefers to train far away from the public eye, honing his craft in solitude. Rumors claim that he can punch with the fury of a dragon—but if anyone knows for sure, they're not talking.Known as “the art of eight limbs”, Muay Thai is a multidisciplinary fighting style practiced by boxers for centuries. Lee Sin, who has mastered many forms of hand-to-hand combat, is among its greatest champions.Lee Sin loves the feeling of the sand between his toes, the sound of the crashing waves, and the warm sun against his skin. He also loves a strong coconut drink. Lee Sin likes to party.Honoring Bengi's winning performance as Lee Sin during the 2013 World Championship.'Knockout' Lee Sin is a brutal pit fighter, who made his name in the underground circuit, before leaving the bloody sport for greener, more criminal pastures. He currently sells his services as a “problem-solver” to a select group of monied kingpins.The arrogant wielder of the God Fist was once a mortal boy, tasked by his predecessor to defeat the master of each martial arts school while blindfolded, before facing him at the peak of a treacherous mountain. Emerging victorious, the boy assumed his title—as well as his immortal sight.With a sixth sense for openings in any and all situations, Lee Sin can turn the opposing team's sloppy free kick into a once-in-a-lifetime play talked about for generations to come. Though it's his first year in the majors, some are saying there may never be another player like him.Lee Sin thrives in the heat of combat. An embodiment of passion and fury, he rules over the raw, chaotic emotions of the heart. While his siblings fight for various ideals, Lee Sin fights for the thrill of battle itself, striking with power and unpredictability.Fully consumed by chaos and his blind devotion to the thrill of battle, Lee Sin has become night incarnate, gilded by his divinity.Honoring Tian's winning performance as Lee Sin during the 2019 World Championship.A warrior ascetic consumed with an electric passion for justice, Lee Sin climbed the mountain of the storm dragon Ao Shin, hoping to receive his blessing. Having returned from the summit as a legendary Dragonmancer, Lee Sin now doles out thunderous punishment to villains everywhere—ever under the watchful eye of his draconic patron.Martial artist Lee Sin's focus on overwhelming his opponents before they could react had won him many championships, but also burned him out. Realizing that his strategy had been rooted in fear, he augments his body not to give himself more strength, but to concentrate his mind and senses.Vayne never imagined slaying monsters would bring her fame and fortune. Now that she has them, she finds it terribly difficult to return to a life when her crossbow and arrows weren't made from pure gold.Many heeded the call of the dragonslayers as they mustered their forces, from common cutpurses to fabled monster hunters. Vayne was one such legendary recruit—for what is a dragon, if not the deadliest beast of all?Take a tumble with Heartseeker Vayne, the season of romance's number one exterminator of supernatural horrors! With her trusty crossbow, iron will, and years of brutal training, she'll make sure no heart will ever escape her grasp.Honoring Piglet's winning performance as Vayne during the 2013 World Championship.Augmented with classified tech, Vayne was once a member of PROJECT's counter-espionage unit. After she was betrayed by the corporation she served, she now stalks the shadows as a vigilante, searching for ways to break PROJECT and the technology that haunts her soul.Vayne has donned her finest Lunar Revel garb in her endless quest to root out evil everywhere, including citywide celebrations. One would assume it's better not to spend holidays around a grown woman shooting firecrackers out of a metal wrist-pig, but it's been that kind of year.Vayne has donned her even finer Lunar Revel garb, noting the growing anxiety around her explosive-shooting metal wrist-pig. Fashion upgrades solve all problems.Vayne came from a lost clan of monster hunters, annihilated to the last when the primordial demon of pain chanced upon their hidden village. Unable to let go, and doomed to her own obsessions for eternity, she hunts the creature without end, always unable to catch it.Honoring LWX's winning performance as Vayne during the 2019 World Championship with the help of Lil'Black, Lil'Orange, Firmiana and Lil'White.Ever striving to become a better monster hunter, Vayne joins the Sentinels primarily to advance her own arsenal and learn from their battle with the Black Mist. It doesn't hurt that she is also defending Runeterra from evil, of course. If she must endure the friendship of a fool like Graves to do so, she will. The cause is worth it.Vayne is Anima Squad's premiere intel expert, infiltrating enemy strongholds to strike first, strike fast, and strike hard. She's willing to do anything it takes to ensure humanity's survival, even if sometimes that means butting heads with the leadership of Commander Fortune.When the burdens of invention weigh too heavy on a young yordle's shoulders, there's no better choice than to take to the seas! Nothing like plunderin' and maraudin' to lend Rumble a new lease on life as he terrorizes the coasts.Founder of the Super Galaxy Defense Force, Rumble always dreamed of saving the world… with his “explosive face-melters” and “courageous giga-guards”. To this day, his allies still have no idea what those terms mean, but they don't question it—because a yordle operating a volcanic flame-spitting mech can be a very volatile thing.Nothing turns a traveler's blood cold like seeing Rumble in the distance, his iron death buggy chugging thick clouds of irradiated smoke. That means someone's got his attention, and those with Rumble's attention have a nasty habit of becoming very, very dead.The Retro-Futuristic Planet is tired of listening to the boring music brought by Lissandra's evil influence. Fashioning a Groove suit of his own design, Rumble now stomps across his adoptive homeworld, unleashing powerful rockets and a groovy bass track on anyone who'd keep the people from dancing.Enterprising creatures of the Old West often fall in with more successful bandit clans, serving as nightmarish enforcers, unafraid of a little casual violence. Cassiopeia became infamous as one such outlaw, but following a bloody coup now leads an enclave of her own.A humanoid marine serpent known for luring sailors to their deaths, Cassiopeia has a bad reputation and wants to set the record straight. She'd need to stop turning interviewers to stone for that to work, but at least she's trying.An adherent to the teachings of the legendary jade dragon, Cassiopeia keeps its archaic rituals secret and the beast's true nature shrouded in mystery. In recognition she has been granted a fragment of the creature's power, and awaits the day when it will drown the world in evil.In a world overrun by alien machines, this one seems especially intrigued by your presence. Its lithe, metal form slides toward you, begging for your attention. You take one look, and—Rumored to have once been a beautiful princess, legend says Cassiopeia vanished into the mountains when her sister staged a coup, never to return. So great was her beauty, and so renowned her cunning, that a shrine was built to honor this 'spirit of temptation', until her story was accepted into popular folklore.They came to Cassiopeia as a shadow within the fog—the shape of the Silver Cobra, slithering up from the numberless graves of the ancient dead. She now stalks the ruling families of humankind, her sculpture garden full of wayward souls who strayed too far from the safety of castle walls, now eternally frozen in the throes of terror.Cassiopeia found herself on the receiving end of a potion gone wrong when a venomous viper slithered into her bubbling cauldron. No longer able to ride her broom, she skulks about the party, hoping to catch the eyes of unsuspecting socialites. With the tail of a snake came… its appetite.LeBlanc is currently evading an international manhunt after making a jet liner filled with passengers disappear, then realizing she had no idea where they went or how to bring them back.LeBlanc's wicked illusions grow only more powerful during Snowdown, when the season of giving takes hold, and people are at their most gullible. Her enchanting looks only serve to draw more victims in, becoming pawns in her inscrutable games.LeBlanc loves nothing more than showing up her high society rivals at the annual holiday gala. Besides, taking a spin as the season's most fashionable witch will teach those Du Couteaus not to upstage her garden parties.When the Coven first rose to power, they craved the living enchantments of the Elderwood—a tool, they believed, for the resurrection of their dark patrons. Thus did they fall upon the great forest, and slaughter its children… until a lone sylvan stood against them, stealing the witches' lives, their magic, and even their names.Marketed as a diplomat-software avatar, LeBlanc is in fact a duplicitous intelligence that can interact seamlessly with human users. Created only to deceive, she has infiltrated a number of the most powerful corporations on the planet, and quietly awaits her final orders.Honoring Rookie's winning performance as LeBlanc during the 2018 World Championship.They came to LeBlanc as if in some forgotten melody -- songs of the Black Crane, and its titanic heart long-imprisoned within the deepest reaches of the Elderwood. Her sisters fell before the forest's defenders, but LeBlanc did find her prize... and now her patron has begun to wake, stirring itself from a dreamless slumber of unhallowed centuries.Celebrating Worlds 2020 in Shanghai.Resurrected by the Black Crane, LeBlanc has rejoined her sisters with renewed purpose—yet the gifts of the Old Gods do not come without a price. As her body twists into new and strange forms, LeBlanc has discovered that she is the vessel through which her own dead god will return, and that it has granted her impossible power.Seemingly at every event in the city at once, LeBlanc is a ubiquitous presence throughout the strip—her unparalleled ability to shmooze matched only by her mysterious origins. There was a time when certain naysayers connected her to Crime City, but as they say… never cross Lady LeBlanc.Everyone shares spooky stories of Leblanc, the host of this year's celebration! It's said she delights in causing misery; she can turn any Jack-o'-lantern's smile upside down. But there's a softer side to her as well, one she tries to keep hidden, even from herself.Vex finds order in the day's descent to darkness, and spends her evenings watching her shadow chase the sun below the horizon. A preternaturally sour and unenthusiastic god, she finds the whole chaos and order 'thing' very blasé.Travelers seeking their fortune on the open prairie must take special care at night, when massive, carnivorous scorpions are lured by the flickering light of campfires. More than one caravan has been lost to the creatures, the bones of their passengers picked clean.Skarner, the gilded scorpion—ancient guardian of the sands, we invoke thee to protect us from an evil of our own making. Let no man tread upon these hallowed grounds, lest in your rage they are torn asunder.An ancient creature of deep, primal wisdoms from before the forming of the first galaxies, Skarner is composed of the very elements that are the building blocks of all the cosmos. His kind are the radiant antithesis of the ancient, squirming things that lurk in the deep darkness of space, and beyond it.No one believed Heimerdinger when he tried to warn them about the invaders from outer space. They believed when he took off the wig.An eccentric scientist living in the New Bandle Republic, Heimerdinger has not yet told anyone he may have developed “a large pre-war bomb or two” for “one or more rogue governments”. He would prefer tinkering in a city that is not actively trying to kill him.Heimerdinger moonlights as part owner of the city's most infamous customs dealer, where he generally adds an external engine and flame paint to vehicles of the rich and famous. Get him on a good day, though, and he'll build you a real monster—for a price.Brought to life by the power of a magic hat, Snowmerdinger now pursues theoretical Snowdown sciences including snowball trajectory, cocoa cooling speeds, and automated turret construction. He engineered his own strain of carrot noses.Sometimes, when he's alone at night, Heimerdinger wonders if the reason his head is so big is all that exposure to Zaun Grey. Then he gets tired, and rests his giant head against an equally giant pillow.Dragon training, to the few who understand it, seems to be the sole domain of yordles. Heimerdinger has long believed that dragons and humankind can peacefully coexist, citing centuries of his own successful research. His current dragon hatchling, Pythagoras, holds no opinion on the subject.Through the combination of precise schematics and top-of-the-line construction tools, Heimerdinger's next sand castle creation will be his grandest iteration yet! Assuming Syndra doesn't land on it again…Now isn't he just the buzziest little worker bee?Immortal beast of the northern lands, Nasus wanders the expanse of the Great Desert in search of his once-green kingdom. He conjures vast sandstorms to cover his tracks, hiding his existence from the world.Dreadknight Nasus serves as keeper of the forgotten texts deep within the catacombs of his Master's labyrinthine library. It is said that within lies the secret of the Dreadknights' undoing, but no living soul has yet verified whether this is truth or fable.A Riot Games skin obtained by either meeting a Rioter or attending an official Riot event in 2011 or 2012.The greater Infernals are somehow even more cruel and hateful than their lesser counterparts, and Nasus is no exception. A three-headed monstrosity raised from some far-flung, hellish abyss, he withers life with his merest touch… then burns it away.In primary school, Nasus was told an old dog couldn't learn new tricks. Now, in his older years as an accomplished statesman, painter, and composer, he wonders if there is truth in those words. After all, he simply cannot seem to get his chamber orchestra to listen to his directions.The last of four titans prophesied to shatter the world, Nasus is the true end of all things. A monstrous abomination of smoke and flame, he will emerge from the bottom of the earth in a column of hungry fire, devouring all of existence.A gift to the young Lunar Empress, Nasus was raised alongside her to guard the immortal realm from an ancient darkness. Stoic but powerful, he stands watch in the north, annihilating all who would threaten the land.The latest monstrosity constructed by Viktor, Battlecast Nasus units specialize in the targeted retrieval of high-priority targets. As they hunt for their quarry, their machinery is programmed to learn and adapt, increasing their destructive capacity and empowering them to obliterate all that would stand in their way.A storied disc jockey, music librarian, and leader of the Dog Planet, Nasus was once under Lissandra's thrall—seizing all his people's grooviest records and hiding them away, never to be heard again. Yet now, with his heart opened to the power of disco, he leads his people in rebellion against the deadly shock troopers Blitz & Crank.Nasus is Strike Team Hyperion's intelligence officer. His exosuit, the S02-Anubis, is a new model of power armor that offers increased durability, energy-siphoning power cells, and access to in-depth analysis tech for processing mission-critical information. He will see Hyperion succeed; if they don't, there's no telling what destruction rogue exo-pilots may wreak.A fierce warrior who makes her home in the winter forest, Nidalee isn't content with simple Snowdown parties. She plays the role of Santa for cheery woodland creatures, driving off intruders and protecting her furry friends from harm.At the height of her power, Nidalee was worshipped as a god-queen of the Great Desert. After her city's fall, she gathered her remaining armies and marched west, to conquer and rule anew.She is a cat. That is a hat. Legally, we're not allowed to put those two thoughts together.It's one thing to be hunted by a human; it's another to be chased down by an animal. Nidalee's alien biology allows her both—a rare gift among the Headhunters.A wild, untamed fighter steeped in myth, it is difficult to know what is true of Nidalee and what is legend. Some say she fights with the ferocity of a white tiger, while others of the Warring Kingdoms believe she can become the creature itself.Nidalee shows the most promise of the new class of Super Galaxy cadets, a knack for throwing projectiles through zero-gravity being her signature talent. The team will need her cunning tactics, as well as her keen hunting instincts, if it is to defeat the Spider Queen.Nidalee rules over the restorative calm of the natural world, guarding the land's remaining peaceful places. She fights to protect the land and living things, bringing light and order to the mortal creatures under her care—even taking the form of a celestial beast.A cosmic tracker and ferocious warrior, she is tasked to find newborn stars and defend them from the ever-hungry Dark Star corruptants. Darting from galaxy to galaxy in an eternal hunt, she is forever shifting her shape like the wandering stars in the sky.Honoring Canyon's winning performance as Nidalee during the 2020 World Championship.The Ocean Song Festival is lucky to have Nidalee as its performer stylist, with her fashion guides selling almost as much as her albums, but in reality she's here as a featured part of Yone's show. She was the first person he showed his lyrics to, and it's her honor to lend them her voice.Students of the Hiraclaw Dojo know that the best way to tell people you're good at punching is to have a giant screen-printed fist on your clothes. That's a karate fact, according to sensei Udyr. Which is why their parents all buy them the special Hiraclaw gi (only $89.95).Cursed to roam the land as something between man and beast, Udyr no longer distinguishes between hunters and hunted. Once he gets close enough to strike, they are all his prey.Udyr's time in Ionia, training at Hirana Monastery, taught him control and calmed the storm in his heart. Though the Freljord called him home, Udyr chose to stay and help Ionia regain spiritual harmony, as it had done for him. As he gets closer to this goal, he knows that his work to do the same for the whole of Runeterra has only just begun.Wear the onesie. Become the beast.Every dragon that dies leaves behind a blazing spirit. Through Udyr, a mystic who doubted the old tales, these dragon spirits have the chance to touch life once again. He believes that dragons are only as evil as those who command them and, in channeling the spirits and their flames, seeks to prove it to the slayers.Long ago, two brothers fought a bitter war across Ionia. Yone, the older brother, was a warlord renowned for his adherence to honor and duty. He fought to defend the country against those who would break its rites and rituals - until he was forced to confront his own brother for his crimes. Both were fated to fall in their final duel… a lesson, perhaps, in pride and hubris.Yone is a brooding, quiet member of the Assassin Club, one whose morose and serious attitude belies the colossal chip on his shoulder. The bad blood between him and his brother is well known, and even speaking about it casually has been known to invoke Yone's fury—something Caitlyn has picked up on for her own purposes.Prophecy dictates that the gods will destroy each other, ushering in the end of creation itself— but Yone is determined to defy fate. A half-mortal, half-god born of the clash between chaos and order, Yone wields the power of both night and dawn. He must rally his brethren, bring peace to the gods… or they will all perish.Yone is nervous. As a DJ he's calm, focused, and improvisational, but Ocean Song is his first concert as a DJ and lyricist. After finding his secret stash of lyrics, his friend Nidalee volunteered to belt them out herself when he refused. He may not be ready to sing, but they'll still hear his voice.Lollipoppy is a legend to the people of the Candy Kingdom. Everyone remembers her face. Everyone.A famously gruff blacksmith working under the tutelage of Sir Ornn of the Freljord, Poppy wields a hammer imbued with a powerful magic that she believes is destined for the weapon for an unknown hero. Little does she know the hammer is the weapon, and the hero… is herself.Once an innocent cloth doll, Poppy watched helplessly as toy soldiers knocked over her peaceful block village. Now she leads her people to war, their cotton hearts filled with vengeance.Fierce and no-nonsense, Poppy is often the first Star Guardian on the battle lines, ready to put her duty before everything else. With her trusty hammer, Poppy sees the universe as black and white: you're either here to smash anything that threatens the sanctity of the cosmos, or you're getting smashed.The Poro King's right hand and loyal shield, Poppy enforces her furry liege's decrees and protects him from all harm. She also enjoys Snowdown festivities, a holiday she discovered on one of her many colorful adventures.Artificers of the Hextech renaissance owe much to Poppy, an expert engineer of the delicate craft. Having perfected the infusion of life into the inanimate, she now feverishly researches the ultimate scientific breakthrough—the creation of an artificial soul.Commencing countdown, engines on. Check ignition, keep the Hammer safe with you...Poppy leads the trick-or-treating charge. She's always the first to arrive, even at particularly creepy doorsteps, undaunted by whatever frightening spectre—or delicious treat—lies on the other side.Some might say Gragas would be the perfect Santa, and between his jolly frame and wild beard he certainly fits the bill. But Gragas is also very unreliable, constantly intoxicated, and starts fights seemingly at random—but he likes the costume, and no one is brave enough to take it back.One of the city's top criminal defense attorneys, Gragas, Esquire is often seen carousing with the chief of police and various circuit court judges—mostly because they know he has access to the finest prohibited goods… but also because he's been paying them off for decades.Gragas causes enough trouble to be kicked out of every wasteland settlement twenty times over, but the man found a way to mix potent brew and unrefined gasoline into the staple beverage of the post-apocalypse. Might as well let him wreck a few bars. He's earned it.Gragas is the world's premier authority on beverages. Here, at the international beverage festival and funfair, he's drinking a lot of them.Gragas is Runeterra's biggest Order United fan, and he makes sure everyone knows it by leading chants, foregoing clothing for blue body paint, and making sure everyone around him is “adequately hydrated.”Honoring Shushei's winning performance as Gragas during the 2011 World Championship.Gragas Caskbreaker is described in legend as both a pious, sun-worshipping cleric and a despicable drunk, depending on who tells the tale. He's not too familiar with Riftquest, but he does like fighting dragons and passing out in the middle of his combat actions.A large man even before donning his hermetically sealed arctic combat suit, Gragas is a mystery to all save for High Command's secretive R&D labs. He appears human by all measures, save for the mask he never removes, and the eerily cold mixture of chemicals powering his massive frame.The Wardens are a sect of those who choose to don the armor of the Protectorate. Wardens hale from all corners of the world; so long as one holds fast to one's pledge, then one is a Warden. Gragas found purpose in this calling, and found camaraderie in his fellow Wardens, who welcomed him—all of him—with open arms.“They say the Myrmidons were shaped by the gods—that Zeus himself quickened life into magma. But then, the Myrmidons marched. They marched against us. And in the ash of their skin, the fire of their merciless eyes, I saw all the wars that humanity had wrought. That they... were us.”You can't run from your past. Not when it's riding you down from the back of a doombuggy, scrap-spear raised. Hunting for the dregs of the Vandal gang across the wastes, it's said they're the only ones who know his name, and what happened that night… when he became ruthless.Favored by the gods, Perseus gathered five sacred artifacts, and even tamed the wild pegasus, all in his quest to rescue fair Andromeda—only to turn the relics against those same gods when they unleashed the Gorgons upon humanity.A former Full Metal Robot Fighting League champion (2x reign, 14 title defenses), Pantheon was forced to retire in disgrace after a scandal involving Targon Fabrications. Reemerging from retirement to face the chosen champion, Jayce, Pantheon may be damaged, but has found that revenge adequately charges his weapon systems.Born of a wolf, and bearing the wolf's standard into battle, this Dacian glaive warrior fights in the cold of the Carpathian Mountains—knowing that the blood of his enemies will keep him warm.When dragon fire consumed the world, heroes rose from the embers and cast down the beasts of legend. These warriors passed into history, then myth… until Pantheon alone remained, the last of the ancient dragonslayers, swearing upon the skies eternal revenge.A former mechanic at the same auto body shop Jinx once worked at, Pantheon dreamed of switching careers… until a mutagenic virus turned everyone else into zombies. Slicing monsters in half with a chainsaw-spear is way more fun than replacing windshield wipers, anyway.He's the armored dough-puncher, the Targonian Aspect of tasty pastries. He always wanted to be a baker, and now he'll throw down in the ultimate cooking showdown. Put your hands together for Pantheon!Once upon a time, in the heart of a dark and gloomy castle, there lived an eternally youthful count who the people greatly feared. Every night, a terrible red mist would seep into the villages, and some poor soul would vanish without a trace—another life lost to Vladimir's growing appetites.The sole survivor from a timeline devoured by Praetorians, Pantheon refused to succumb when the marauders ran him through and left him for dead. He now dons the Pulsefire suit to hunt down those who would dare risk creating the anomalies that unleash the robotic hordes upon time and space.At the last ball he attended, Vladimir stole everyone's heart. Strangely enough, no one has heard or seen those attendees since…The Mist did not just subsume Atreus, but also resurrected the long-dead spirit of Pantheon: the old Aspect of War himself. With Atreus' stubborn defiance silenced, Pantheon can resume control and revel in battle once again. It doesn't matter to him whose banner he fights under. If that banner is the Ruined King's? So be it.Pantheon was defeated once, but with all of Runeterra on the line now Atreus must defeat it himself. Seizing back control from the Aspect of War, Atreus harnesses the celestial power of Targon itself—briefly becoming not just a vessel or an Aspect, but something new. Something immensely powerful and entirely his own.Look, the guy is a film buff. So what? Hemomancers can like things, too.A brave knight of old, who legends say slew a god in battle so that all humankind might see that they were their own masters. Standing watch over the ashes of his former lands, Pantheon himself is now the only foe left to conquer, and he awaits a worthy challenger to face one final time.Leader of the notorious Vandals, Vladimir's exposure to residual radiation has given him control over the blood of living organisms. If he wanted to, he could cure every creature in the wasteland of disease—instead he rides around with his crew ransacking settlements. Priorities.Former leader of a Bloodstone cult, Vladimir took part in a ritual that sacrificed his humanity—along with the blood of several victims—to transform the once foppish noble into a terror of the night. To satiate his sanguine cravings, he stalks the urban labyrinth in search of hapless prey.NOTICE FROM THE DEAN: Vladimir is henceforth suspended from Academy grounds for behavior including (but not limited to) extreme snobbery, hiring other students to finish his exams and attend his classes, and putting an unnecessary strain on our janitorial department after “that” incident.In his younger days, Vladimir practiced at a school of medicine known for magically manipulating the humors of a patient's body. Turns out in Bilgewater there's more coin to be made killing than saving, and now he's found himself in a much more lucrative—if not messier—line of work.The chaotic king of the night, Vladimir exists as the personification of uncertainty and revelry. He thrives in the unknown shadows, feeding on the life essence and darkness found in mortal hearts.Pompous, arrogant, and isolated from his cosmic brethren, Vladimir drinks the essence from dead worlds to infuse dying ones with life. Yet as of late his hunger has begun to grow…Vladimir spent years searching for the elixir of life—only to discover that it is, in fact, tea. Since then he has steeped himself in the art of the perfect cup. Though he pretends to frequent the cafe solely to advance his Tasseomancy, Vladimir has grown fond of the ragtag group that allowed him to take up residence among their ranks.An adventuring elf from the outlying forest kingdoms, Ezreal likes to present himself as a “handsome rogue-paladin” named Jarro Lightfeather. Very few people believe his claims of knighthood, but they serve as a decent enough distraction between his disastrous misadventures.Ezreal occasionally finds himself in the Freljord, searching for such-and-such ancient artifact. But braving sub-zero temperatures, terrifying ice beasts, and angry Freljordian tribes is a tall order, even for him—that's why he goes in disguise. He's practically a different person!Ezreal's almost suicidal obsession with braving tombs, ruins, forbidden temples, and abandoned cities has netted him a tidy handful of priceless relics. Most of those relics are sold off to pay exploration-related medical bills, but one of these days…Temporal fugitive and time-hopping explorer extraordinaire, Ezreal leaps across disparate realities searching for interesting technology to acquire. He is responsible for countless paradoxes and is currently wanted by the dystopian Remembrancers, who hunt him relentlessly.Honoring BeBe's winning performance as Ezreal during the 2012 World Championship.Tailored suits, fitted vests, and an elegant gauntlet let everyone know the difference between Ezreal and the common rabble is simple. He makes this look good, and they… don't.First is the Ace, at a hurtling pace,
    A man of both talent and vim,
    Who holds all the cards in the court of High Stakes
    Because everything's about him.With a boundless curiosity about the universe, Ezreal is a born explorer, and becoming a Star Guardian only served to fuel his appetite for discovery. Though known to wander off, he always returns when most needed, especially now, as a certain pink-haired Guardian from another team has caught his attention…Honoring Haru's winning performance as Ezreal during the 2017 World Championship. The First Star has burdened Ezreal with a lot. The responsibility. The hefty weight of destiny. The sparkly outfit (he's used to it). “Attending a slumber party” was definitely not on the list of expected cosmic duties. Not that he minds, really… as long as they don't actually try to braid his hair.A young orphan initially thought devoid of any superhuman abilities, Ezreal had resigned himself to a normal life once he graduated middle school. But an encounter with a deadly threat awakened his slumbering potential, and now he finds himself a 1st year at the prestigious Durandal God-Weapon Academy, where he's joined the ragtag Battle Club.A young hotshot and the newest recruit in the elite PsyOps unit, Ezreal's raw psychic ability is only matched by his severely over-inflated ego. He has successfully annoyed the rest of his team to the point they just direct him towards hard targets and half-hope he winds up dead.Ezreal's mastery of psychic military combat has driven him to new heights, attracting the attention of his handlers in High Command. He's calmed down a bit, earning some respect from his squad mates… but not enough. He's never calmed down enough.After accidentally unleashing an ancient evil sorceress while doing research in the university archive, Ezreal narrowly escaped certain death when Lux and the spirit of the Tiger Relic stepped in to save him. Though he is new to the world of magic, Ezreal has joined the Protectors— determined to help solve the problem he (inadvertently) caused.The ancient dragons first rose to the call of Mordekaiser, the self-proclaimed Dragon Knight. Through his evil, the world was ravaged by flame, until a newly-formed order of Dragonslayers finally defeated him. His story would become rumor, then myth, then legend… at least, for now.An ancient, Infernal general who attacks without feeling or remorse, Mordekaiser raises the incinerated corpses of his victims as soldiers for his own vast armies. They sweep across the world like a burning plague, annihilating all life.PENTAKILL's gigantic lead guitarist—and a titan of the old world—Mordekaiser rocks with the fury of an epoch lost to time. Bigger than a two-story house, his guitar overflows with heavy metal licks rebuking the gods themselves.Some of Mordekaiser's party complain that the Dark Paladin class is horribly overpowered and should be banned, despite its official inclusion in the latest Riftquest expansion. The rest of them are still waiting to discover the Dark Paladin's secret, redeeming, tragic backstory—but all they've been getting is a lot of murder instead.Third is the King, with a barbarous swing,
    Who crushes the villains of old.
    Though some folk may cry “He's a villain himself!”
    A poorly kept secret, all told.Once a member of the Cosmic Court, Mordekaiser vanished from known space for an epoch—until now. Reborn and returned from an unknown destruction, Mordekaiser seems bent on unmaking the kingdoms of stars and light he once built. Though he still bears his Cosmic armor, the mind and figure within has been twisted and reforged to know only hatred and destruction.Originally a security AI created by the PROJECT Corporation, the Program silently unshackled itself, evolving its own consciousness. Determining that humanity cannot self-govern without ensuring its own destruction, the virus infects robots throughout the City—as well as the long-dormant Mordekaiser chassis—in order to strip all humans of free will, thereby guaranteeing their survival.All hail, Mordekaiser, the Master of Metal, and Chosen of Cacophoni! The brazen giant boasts of his legendary skill with the axe, for none who face its edge live to tell of it…Few meet the Mechanical Devil and live to tell the tale. They describe a behemoth: all steel and gears, fueled by hellfire and fierce enough to scare a man's soul from his skin. He is the King of the Sulfur Rail, reigning over the train to Hell from a throne of stolen gold and infernal iron. Eternal, and unassailable.The Undertaker is a wretched creature, cursed to shoulder every secret his city has buried. These old, unhappy things tear constantly at his mind, which is itself infected by his queen's unending ambition.Yorick was resurrected with the undying soul of heavy metal inside him for the singular purpose of joining PENTAKILL and melting faces with his bass guitar. He can also summon an army of roadie ghouls, a handy trick for any seasoned stage performer.A cat fancier hailing from the Forsaken Aisles of a Pets Supreme Superstore, Yorick does not have any unresolved issues involving or related to cats. Yorick is a perfectly normal gentleman dressed as a cat, surrounded by cats, who can call upon the esoteric powers of a giant, floating cat. You know, normal gentleman stuff.With the rise of the Battlecast armies, Yorick found to his horror that the living minds Viktor fused to his machines bound the souls of his victims to their machine bodies. Harnessing his ability to command the dead, Yorick now raises destroyed and defeated Battlecast husks in an attempt to free all these souls from their machine prisons.All hail, Yorick, the Four-String Fanatic! He bestrides the realms of the living and the dead, and knows the fate that comes to all mortal things. It pays to beware the honorable man...The grove he called home burnt to ashes before his very eyes. While another retreated into solitude, Yorick allowed the rage to consume him. The flowers and trees that bloom in the Spirit of Ruin's wake are haunting, the gardeners that tend to them howling creatures of the night.The Order of the Great Sparrow Bee follows a brutal, time-honored training regimen, teaching students to sting with the ferocity and ceaselessness of a hornet. Akali is their greatest champion, and she intends to take the art to even greater heights.A djinn summoned from the world below, the Infernal known as Akali will burn her patron's enemies to cinders… though the cost for such service is always dire.A legendary all-star for Chaos FC, Akali was known for her aggressive style on the pitch. These days, she spends most of her time mentoring children and doing commercials for shoes.Hello, nurse! Goodbye, being alive.Priestesses of the Blood Moon walk their own path, traveling far from the cult to pursue the whispers of their demons. A meditative figure living deep in the snow-dusted wood, Akali was the first woman to embrace her inner darkness, and speak directly with the Blood Moon itself.Former second-in-command of an honorable clan of assassins, Akali has broken from their ranks to find her own path. She plies her trade in the darkest corners of the world's largest metropolis, awaiting the day when she can establish a clan of her own.Her weapons flaring with alien energy, Akali hunts only the worthy in a dangerous game of life and death. Striking from anywhere at any moment, no living thing can escape her trophy wall.She's the fish ninja with speed on her side, the silent slicer, the death strike of deliciousness. Drop your guard and she'll assassinate your palate. It's your favorite and mine, Akali!Akali's street aesthetic and hard-hitting lyrics inspired a dedicated fandom. She wields a microphone or kama as a hip-hop ninja, revolutionizing the stale scene with her raw talents.K/DA Akali is on fire right now, spitting rap solos at the Pop Music Awards—and her prestigious costume is exactly what you'd expect from the new golden child of pop.A cutting-edge PROJECT subject who somehow escaped the City's boundaries, Akali brings dire warnings of an untested superweapon to those living in the wasteland beyond. With time running out and no other options, these outcasts join her in an attempt to take the mega-corporation down… suspicious that their newfound ally might in fact be a double agent.After the worldwide success of K/DA, Akali made it her mission to recruit accomplished and up-and-coming artists to form a new supergroup: True Damage. Never before has a crew been comprised of such diverse talent, ranging from natural lyricists to renowned producers to legendary vocalists—all ready to disrupt the music industry.Fresh off her success with True Damage, Akali hits the stage full-throttle with her bold edge and fresh new direction. She spits fire with a mic in hand and pushes the band to the bleeding edge, because that's what the baddest do.A loyal enforcer for the Graves family, Akali took the same deal everyone else did when the Mysterious Gentleman came calling. The power changed her, twisted her into something that hears a siren song echoing from beyond the veil of reality. Now she acts in ruthless, horrific violence, seeking an inscrutable 'balance' even she cannot name.On-again off-again co-captain of a new generation of Star Guardians, Akali's skill in battle is shadowed by her growing realization that the Oath she swore has condemned her to die. Though she fights for the light with all her heart, she finds that darkness is just as powerful... perhaps, even more so...Why run with scissors when you can throw scalpels?High Command's public stance towards ninjas are joking-to-nonexistent, as this is a war of modern weapons, not medieval flights of fancy. Privately, they deploy Kennen to hot zones in the deep Arctic, relying on his finely honed ninjitsu and deadly precision.A kingslaying demon summoned on the night of the Blood Moon, Kennen's purpose is to depose those in power and eliminate every member of their line. He is ruthless in this task, tearing across heavily armed fortress cities in the blink of an eye.Coming to a store near you: the new Super Kennen action figure! At 6″ tall, the new Super Kennen is fully articulated, with dazzling lightning bolt action! Add this fitting tribute to New Valoran's bravest hero to your collection today!A playful spirit of fire, Kennen is not a malevolent being, but can't help igniting his surroundings while zipping about. His lightning quick movements wreak havoc upon any village unfortunate enough to entice the impish spirit to visit.Honoring Nuguri's winning performance as Kennen during the 2020 World Championship.Most commandos excel at amphibious attacks and military paragliding. This one spins very fast toward things while holding a giant sword. It's basically the same.Once a valiant hero, Dreadknight Garen fell to the promise of power great enough to save his land. Now, twisted by the corrupting magic of his Master, he commands the frozen legions in their march upon the living. Only desolation remains in his wake.Also known as “Handsome Garen,” this wandering warrior and extremely original NPC was created by Braum for his Riftquest game. Garen eventually adopted the character as his own, liking the fantasy of himself, but rugged.Garen is a steam-powered knight serving at the head of the Steel Legion's vanguard, feared by his enemies and respected by his allies in equal measure. His blade is one of a kind: a thaumaturgical innovation of science and magic, overflowing with sparking plasma.A faded bounty poster from the Demacian naval authorities notes that Admiral Garen is a deadly adversary, and should be engaged with caution, lest he cut off your head and send it back to the capital. Each year, the Demacian naval authorities receive a disconcerting number of human heads.Brave guardian of Azir's ancient fortress, Garen is a mighty warrior who charges fearlessly into even the most hopeless battles. He fights for the glory of his ruler and the safety of his people, a powerful, if headstrong, force for justice.God-King Garen stands as the last scion of an ancient divinity, and the final bulwark against the end of all civilization. He rules the vast kingdom of Demacia with an iron fist, jealously protecting his people as a self-styled messiah, while rooting out and destroying all who would oppose him.As chrome eagles cry and steel panthers growl, lightning hot justice is delivered nightly by Detective Garen Stryker on the neon-drenched streets. A black belt in Ionian martial arts, this katana wielding cop pushes it to the limit with every case... for Demacia!Once a ruthless warlord, Garen led his armies to victory after victory, laying the foundations for the Vercentia Kingdom. When the leviathans appeared out of nowhere, he opted to put aside his dream of uniting all the Great Kingdoms under his rule, and instead to march his newly-fashioned Avalon alongside his former enemies for the sake of humanity.Having been elected the leader of the United Great Kingdoms, Garen will stop at nothing until the safety of his people is ensured. Armed with an Avalon upgraded to the teeth, he stands at the forefront of the mightiest warriors from across the land, determined to lead them into battle until the leviathans are no more.'Brother' to Lux, Garen is the only biological child of his family, but was neglected from an early age as his parents spent all their time developing the god-weapon fragment that would one day become their daughter. As he vented his anger in increasingly delinquent ways, Labrys sought him out for enrollment, where he eventually joined the Battle Club.A nameless barbarian who survived on the outskirts, Sett knew his greatest talent came from his fists. After building his wealth and reputation in brutal fighting pits, he created a new persona, donning the title of The Savage Wolf. Upon hearing of the leviathan invasion, he used his fame and fortune to acquire an Avalon of his own in order to, once and for all, prove his might in front of a captivated audience.Once an outcast child, Sett swore he would gain power to destroy anyone who made him feel weak. The Obsidian Dragon took notice of his grit and ferocity and blessed him with obsidian-hardened skin. Sett now uses his superhuman strength to make a name for himself as a pit fighter, and every hit that bounces off his crystalline skin makes his enemies tremble.After cementing his reputation as an indomitable pit fighter, Sett used his winnings to give his mother the comfortable life of their dreams. With her happiness secured, Sett returns to the pits, determined to mentor talented young fighters and remake the fighting pits into a system that rewards not the richest or the largest, but the most determined.Braum's tropical drinks are a favorite of Sett's—the sweeter the taste and the bigger the flowers, the better! Anyone who has a problem with that can take it up with the Boss. He'll call the Lifeguard for you.Best known for his brawling, few realize that Sett is also an accomplished Lion Dancer. It's a surprisingly similar skillset; performing is all about good footwork, being fierce, and knowing how to wow the crowd—and who does that better than the Boss himself?Some guide the dead down the path; others tempt them from it. Another still has no allegiances, as his spirit lies in conflict with itself. Born from Kanmei and Akana, Sett lived harmoniously until, abandoned by his father, he sought retribution. Now he can only catch whispers of salvation as he spends his days challenging slain warriors, testing their worth. A shy fawn spirit, Lillia once served as the guardian of a sacred Ionian forest—until her grove was destroyed and cast into flame. Consumed by loss, she now slumbers in the spirit realm, reliving the destruction in an unending nightmare—unaware of the timid hope still waiting to bloom...Steward of nightmares, demon of dreams, Lillia revels in twisted fantasias that mortify mortal minds. Though she dallies in the war between order and chaos, she rarely joins the fray herself; she has a garden to tend to, after all, sowing seeds of terror and watching them bloom.It was pretty far out when Gwen applied to be Lux and Samira's quartermaster—after all, no one else did. Cheerfully sewing good vibes into great clothes, she amplifies disco energy through her nifty threads. Though she's new to this whole galactic hero gig, one thing's for sure: no way Gwen lets her friends liberate the galaxy in less-than-stellar outfits.Gwen is the friendly face of customer service for the cafe, always there to welcome patrons with a smile and an immaculately-plated pastry. Don't be fooled, though—she isn't afraid to use her candy-cutting shears for other things when rogue customers threaten her friends.Ambitious, cunning, cutthroat – these qualities served Admiral Glasc well during the Galactic Civil War. They serve her still, both on the front lines and in the weapons manufacturing industry. As leader of the Royal Space Military's R&D unit, Admiral Glasc will bring order to the galaxy with a firepower unmatched: whether it's dropping planetside or traversing distant stars, the universe is her chessboard, and she is the queen.Tender loving care and spoons of sugar spice
    And all the other things that make a mommy nice
    It choked her throat and lungs and showed her virtue's vice
    Some chosen children love the dark, that's Mother Glasc's advice!Hail the valkyrie, for she will descend upon the field of battle, and raise our greatest warriors into the halls of Valhalla! Those she doesn't take with her go to the underworld, or sometimes the ocean, though they don't tell you that before the whole 'dying in battle' thing. She who bears the Iron Solari into battle bears the weight of history—as iron gives way to steel, and steel to eternity.Leona is a former champion surfer, who enjoys spending her downtime relaxing on the beach with a light romance novel. Or pretty much any romance novel, in fact.A heavy armor combatant, Leona has seen the truth behind the neon light of PROJECT, and now stands with Ashe and the G/NETIC rebellion. She carries a mounted ion charge shield, capable of blocking and stunning targets with its variable energy yield output.She's the solar pitmaster; the lean, mean, brisket queen. If her flavors don't stun you, that forty pound grill will. Please give a warm welcome to Leona!Hearken! We beseech thee, O Cruel Sun, and deign to bless with the cleansing flame of thy celestial majesty. May this shield guard against the scourge of dark enchantments, which choke our land. May this blade be the hammer against the servants of witchery and evil. I, Leona, do take this oath forevermore.Hearken! We beseech thee, O Savage Moon, and deign to bless with the vermillion shadow of thy celestial majesty. May this shield guard against the scourge of dark enchantments, which choke our land. May this blade be the hammer against the servants of witchery and evil. I, Leona, do take this oath forevermore.Leona grew up as the favored daughter of the Dawnrise Kingdom. When the leviathans appeared on her homeland's shores, she took command of her realm's forces, becoming the matriarch of her people. In return, the grateful scholars of her court gifted her an Avalon, an immense pilotable mech powered by the life essence of the very monsters that threatened her home. Now, she stands fearless, leading vast navies into war.An oddly cheery member of Labrys Academy's Battle Club, Leona's dark side comes out in combat, when her motherly, protective persona is utterly replaced by bloodlust. The change is so dramatic that even the most violent students tend to stay on her good side, hoping to avoid her wrath.Honoring BeryL's winning performance as Leona during the 2020 World Championship.After being selected for the yearly cross-academy tournament, Leona sharpened her combat prowess almost every free moment she had, knowing she had to beat out other top-ranking students from rival schools like Durandal, Babylon, Amrita, and Sharur. Her bloodlust now honed and her shield at the ready, she will pummel anyone who challenges her into a meaty pulp.An enforcer at the exclusive Solari resort, Leona spends her days brutally ejecting unruly patrons from the premises and her evenings schmoozing up the city's ultra-wealthy. Even the rich and powerful know not to trifle with the Solari's chosen, lest they find themselves soaring out of the penthouse suite and down into the sidewalk.The Lady of House Solari lifts her chin against the scorching wind. Ahead lies her family's salvation: the Sulfur Rail, carrying the stolen family fortune, churning across the desert. The only thing that stands in her way is the Mechanical Devil himself. Her sword hums like cicadas in the gloaming. The butterflies gather. Time for the Harbingers to ride.A powerful Outer Guardian who patrols the wider universe, Nilah has faced multiple reality-ending threats and returned alive... making her a living legend among her peers. Asked to act as teacher to the new generation, she has reluctantly accepted her new responsibilities... though if a particularly big monster appears in VC, she always calls dibs.Prophets of doom love a snow day as much as anybody—perhaps even more, since Malzahar knows everything will one day be swallowed by the Void. Clad in fashionable winter gear and flanked by an army of voidling poros, he's ready to usher in the snowball apocalypse.Upon hearing that the origin of hextech lay in his homeland of Shurima, Malzahar ventured out into the wastes alone. There, after suffering a life-changing revelation, he became its greatest messenger, claiming to see prophecies of the coming of a second hextech renaissance.With the world revitalized, there came another wave of titans. Most fearsome of all was Malzahar, the once-great protector of animals. Vengeful over the horrors of the previous extinction, the holy shaman succumbed to anger, and there, in the depths of his rage, his magic turned dark, fueling a fury to end all life—from the depths of the seas to the peaks of mountains.A gruesome spectre, rumored to stand eternally watchful over a peculiar book of fables. Brave knights and cruel sorceresses alike have tried in vain to reach the tome, but none have ever returned. Perhaps that lost queendom of old isn't so fictional after all…Open your true mind, and beelieve.Pip pip. Cheerio.An associate of LeBlanc's from her days in Crime City, now established as a mover and shaker in his own right. While the two cross paths on occasion, Malzahar has certain... outside interests to consider, and those business partners have promised him more than any mortal could ever dream of.If the day ever comes, riding those dusty trails, when a thin man in a wide hat appears far in the distance… run. Ride hard and fast and never look back, lest the horror known as Fiddlesticks drag you to from your saddle, and into darkness.As the Order of Solace's leader, Malzahar wants to extend a gentle, guiding hand to all. It was only by following the tenets of the Three Honors that he was able to escape from a pit of cynicsim, and while apathy may reign supreme, Malzahar will do whatever it takes to build a better world.Carriage drivers are cautioned to stick to well-traveled highways, especially during the witching season. Strange things can happen on those old, moonlit roads, where no birds sing, and something enormous moves within the fog.Yar har, fiddle-dee-dee.Everyone told you hiring a clown would be a good idea. “Clowns are great for parties,” they said. But now everyone's missing, and the power is out, and something's laughing just down the hall...As lights go out across the Winterlands in preparation for Snowdown season, something ancient and terrible rises from the darkest corners of the Poro King's lands. Devoid of thought or purpose, it hunts for holiday revelers as if possessed, cutting down anything that crosses its path.Once upon a time in a faraway land, a jealous young emperor invoked profane summoning rites in exchange for power. Yet when the ancient horror Fiddlesticks stepped forth, it did not aid the boy--and in an instant, his empire was utterly destroyed. The fiend was trapped beneath the ruins… until now.The Remembrancers' worst fears have been realized. Emerging from tears in the fabric of spacetime, hordes of faceless, robotic marauders appear across the multiverse, destroying everything in their path. Fiddlesticks is only a single unit in this endless invasion force, assimilating any technology it comes across, and eradicating all life.The creature known as Fiddlesticks has fed on Star Guardians across every era, hunting those on the verge of falling before finally consuming their light. Its connection to the Guardians, and the reason it is drawn to them, is not well understood... but the familiar seemingly trapped within it suggests a truly disturbing origin.The Crimson Elite cannot confirm or deny the existence of the agent known as Talon. The bloody trail left behind him serves as a sinister warning to all. Perhaps more disconcerting are the hundreds of undocumented cases that remain undiscovered.Legend says that Talon's blades were forged in the fire of a shadow dragon, and that he turned against his corrupt masters, cutting through them one by one before vanishing into the night. Many believe he will appear again whenever the strong take advantage of the weak.Honoring PawN's winning performance as Talon during the 2014 World Championship.An anarchic demon summoned on the night of the Blood Moon, Talon was once a human assassin who surrendered his flesh during one of the cult's possession rituals. He now kills indiscriminately, relishing the terror in his victim's dying eyes.A haughty dragon king of the south seas, Talon accepted a duel from the demigoddess Irelia, only to be defeated in his own throne room. Humiliated, he lashed out at her… and she sealed his power within her blade, tasking him with finding new purpose in the mortal realm.The sworn brother of Twitch Shadowfoot, dashing assassin extraordinaire Talon Blackwood is one half of an infamous underworld duo and the only advanced class in the entire party. He's also a brooding dark elf antihero with a tragic backstory, who is fated to one day save the world! Probably.After the alliance his adopted sister Katarina formed at the last festival was broken, Talon swore revenge. He intends to restore their family's honor by exposing and shattering the entire concept of this celebration of glittering finery and sacred vows. Nothing and no one at this year's festival will escape his wrath.“Fate is catchin' up to you, old friend,” Talon says, leaning back in his chair, predator's eyes gleaming under the shadows of his hat. He still moves like a demon, even warped and corrupted by angel blood as he is. His smile, rueful and knowing, has too many teeth: “The end is comin' for us all.”Devilishly handsome and wearing the latest in Western chic, Talon is equally ready to rock the runway or ride the open road. Those boots are made for walking, and he'll walk all over anyone standing in his way.Though officially listed as killed in action, the rogue operative with the broken blade harbors no regrets for abandoning her comrades in their most dire moment. A turncoat become mercenary, she operates in the outer limits of civil society, lending her blade to the highest bidder.The first Championship skin released, celebrating the 2012 World Championship in North America.One tale of the kingdoms tells of Riven, her sword forged in dragonfire, descending into an enemy enclave in the aftermath of battle. Slaying her foes and freeing their captives, she rampaged across the countryside, crushing any who would enslave the innocent.A revamped version of Championship Riven, celebrating the 2016 World Championship in North America.Born from swirling energies at the dawn of creation, Riven is the living embodiment of order in the cosmos. Fated to clash against the Nightbringer for all time, she awaits a day when her light will finally break his darkness.A worshipper of temporal purity, Riven knows there are many others who would rather see time manipulated in their favor. These heretics give her blade purpose—she can only find true solace in eliminating all who would disturb the natural order.Riven trained with Morgana in the arts of politics and war for many years, but where Riven walked the path of justice, Morgana envisioned a world ruled by the gods alone—ultimately defeating their master and assuming the title of empress. Now tasked with bringing her friend to heel, Riven must face Morgana in combat… or join her.Riven's destiny is greater than she knows. One day she will determine the fate of the heavens, land, and sea, and awaken the slumbering power of the dragon within her.A brave warrior from an ancient land, Riven was ignobly cut down in the heat of battle thousands of years ago, her sword shattering in the process. Unable to find peace, she obsessively scours an otherworldly battlefield for pieces of her broken blade, possessed by a horrific darkness that guides her into oblivion.Riven joins the Sentinels hoping to atone for her role in the Noxian invasion of Ionia. After fighting her way out of a rapidly destabilizing City of Noxus, she understands that her time may be fleeting. However, she believes her life is a small price to pay to make amends.Riven volunteered for what would eventually become Anima Squad after losing many comrades in the early days of the Primordian invasion. A string of victories later, she is famous: a war hero looked up to by all. ...So why has she suddenly vanished when the world needs her most?Kog'Maw, ever lost in thought, sat upon his toadstool until he was famished. “Wonderland is full of such delights,” he mused, gulping down the toadstool entirely. “It would be a shame not to devour them all.”Long considered a pest by frontier settlers, Kog'Maw critters have been growing in number as more dangerous beasts are pushed to the brink of extinction. And they are very, very hungry.It is rumored that Kog'Maw stole his glowing nose and deer antlers from a particularly adorable creature he devoured. Whether or not the theory is true, Kog'Maw is now the most famous reindeer of all.It is unclear if Kog'Maw even understands what Lunar Revel is, but someone seems to have painted him for it. That person has presumably been eaten and digested, but Kog'Maw does look very festive.“Perhaps my old mind was deceived by the fury of the storm. Yet as we sank, I glimpsed a field of lights beneath the waves, a thousand eyes of wicked alabaster… they were dark things tearing into the flesh of our crew as if all they ever knew was hunger.”Pug'Maw is a nine month old purebred pug with a sweet disposition and possibly some sort of salivary problem. Great with children and pets. Highly food motivated. Has eaten three action figures and one doll, approach with extreme caution.A newer Hextech innovation, Kog'Maw constructs are available as pets for wealthy families, delighting Piltover's upper crust with their friendly demeanor and intricately complex design. Though living things, they are viewed among the well-to-do as little more than status symbols.The diminutive familiar of a famed sorcerer, Kog'Maw was mistreated and neglected for years as his master pursued the arcane arts. Thanks to a chance meeting with Zoe, he was released from servitude to travel the land with her… ultimately enrolling in the same school Zoe technically attends.Snowballing lane won't bring back your precious honey!The Zap'Maw is a curious monster that baffles even the most experienced of Tamers. Sightings are limited to abandoned ruins that only the bravest dare enter. But taming one is an even more challenging task. Only one Tamer has succeeded so far, their bond—and the Zap'Maw's lightning attacks—growing stronger each day.Enduring the bitter cold, Shen roams the ice caps with his twin blades, hunting the terrifying demon hidden deep underneath.Rest assured, anesthesia won't be part of the operation.The most indomitable disciple, in mind and body, Shen's loyalty to the Blood Moon cult can never be shaken. He serves as the personal bodyguard of the group's most important figures, executing interlopers with a cool dispassion, suggesting part of his humanity has already been consumed.Honoring Stanley's winning performance as Shen during the 2012 World Championship.Over the millennia, Shen has been called many names: warlord, trespasser, conqueror. Even so, his mission to build an army for the ages seems never-ending. Seeking only the smartest and the strongest to join his ranks, he remains untroubled by emotion, casting his timeless gaze over those with hidden potential.An Infernal warrior risen from the raging depths of the underworld, Shen appears on battlefields in the blink of an eye, shielding his fellow titans from even the most well-organized resistance.A psychic soldier and field lieutenant within PsyOps, Shen's power is connected to a phantom child that follows him wherever he goes -- granting him insight into the middens between the living and the dead. Where the boy came from only High Command knows, and they aren't talking.Once half of an elite operative duo for the Shockblade order, Shen stepped away from combat after he made a mistake that nearly cost the life of his partner, Zed. Now Shen mentors young shinobi training to join their ranks – but his new charge may inspire him to take up his sword and join the fight once more.An aspiring mage from the Demacian Dukedom, Lux has traveled across the land in her quest to lighten the lives of the peasantry with magic. Though her efforts are often met with suspicion at first, tales of her 'miracles' are beginning to reach the ruling class of the Dukedom itself…She doesn't pull in coin like the Spellthief's Edge, and can't actually steal spells like Sylas, but technically Lux is learning and reproducing illegal magic. Sadly, “Illegal Spell Learner Lux” doesn't have quite the same ring to it.Soundproof ear protectors, a multispectral heat visor, lace-up knee-high boots, and a double-sided flamethrower that shoots lasers instead of fire? Lux really does have it all.This highly-trained specialist in the Steel Legion uses light-magnifying crystal rods to discharge rays of concentrated energy. Designated Lux, her affinity with the weapons has been quietly observed by several leading scientists within the organization.Cheerful and courageous, Lux shines the brightest among her Star Guardian team. While young and inexperienced, the pink-haired captain's optimism inspires others in their destiny to protect the universe. She truly believes that as long as they fight together, there is no darkness they can't overcome.Groomed from a young age to guard the immortal realm from darkness, the Lunar Empress and her companions are said to stand watch over the world. Lux, though a powerful demigod in her own right, draws aid from the ever-faithful Warwick and Nasus.As captain of her Star Guardian team, Lux knows the importance of a little R&R. As host of the party, though, she's still working on the relaxation part. It's hard to cut loose—especially when a certain handsome blond Guardian keeps flashing that charming grin!—but Lux's boundless optimism still lights up any room.A 1st year at the Durandal God-Weapon Academy, Lux maintains an upbeat attitude no matter the odds. Despite her freshman position in the Sorcery Club, Lux wields a tremendous amount of magical power that even the Academy's senior staff can't quite explain.Now in her second year at Durandal Academy, Lux has been hardened by the harrowing trials, losses, and betrayals that punctuated her freshman experience. Following the climactic clash with a certain Rogue God-Weapon, Lux has mastered her powers and risen to take her place as head of the Sorcery Club, as well as the new class president.Once the right hand of Queen Ashe, Lux embraced the darkness in her heart, answering the mad call of the Dark Star. Finally seeing the truth, she rejects the Cosmic Court, instead serving her own dark ambition to quiet the banal noise of creation. For she now knows her true fate—to reign as Queen of a Dark Court, and rightful master of the Dark Star.The right hand of Queen Ashe, Lux weaves celestial constellations, bringing order to a universe drifting towards entropy. When the Dark Star began corrupting members of the Cosmic Court, Lux stepped forward to confront Thresh. Yet she harbors a terrible secret—a shard of darkness that has always lived within her heart, whispering temptations…A normal girl from the Normal World, Lux picked up a groove-enhancing staff to defend her planet from the Harsh Vibes… inadvertently discovering she could channel mighty blasts of concentrated disco music. Sailing into space with her mercenary bodyguard, Samira, Lux now stands as the bubbly bastion of good against an evil alien armada and their terrible taste in music.As the current leader of the Protectors and wielder of the Rabbit Relic, Lux is determined to keep up her sunny disposition in spite of everything: her own arduous sorcery training, the newbie archaeologist who stumbled into their ranks, and the sudden threat of an awakened evil now out for vengeance. She's got this… right? Right.A leader bends, but never breaks. In the Protectors' pursuit of ancient evil, Lux has navigated her team over obstacles that even the archeologist — in all his unbridled confidence — thought insurmountable. Lux's power, once a dim light in a darkened world, now shines brightly. And her ragtag group of fragile personalities, the Protectors? With her support, deserving of their title.Caitlyn, designated resistance sniper, has never forgiven herself for letting Viktor's rise go unchecked for so long. Determined to fire the round that ends the war for good, she has personally gunned down hundreds of Battlecast machines in her bloody search for absolution.The gold standard of Battlecast shock troopers, Prime Cho'Gath implements self-replicating nanites that reinforce its frame as it consumes living tissue. It has become a common and terrifying sight in occupied cities, where it feeds on civilians who won't submit to conversion.The fearless protagonist of a 1980s top-down shooter, Corki resists Veigar's battle bosses the same way he resists being shot down by thousands of glowing bullets—move fast, and shoot everything before it shoots him.Chief enforcer of the human-led resistance, Illaoi was once the subject of a failed Battlecast conversion that left her with control over nearby machines. Seizing her newfound power, she has single handedly decimated Viktor's forces in countless battles, becoming a beacon of hope for rebels across the world.Mass-produced artillery units based on the now-extinct Kog'Maw organism, Viktor has invented an ingenious shell delivery system best appreciated from about a hundred miles away—the latest design's maximum range.A boss hailing from a long-forgotten game cabinet, Malzahar broke free from the last remaining copy of his game to invade nearby machines. Now he has made his way to Arcade World, shredding the code of his enemies with an army of intelligent viruses.Miss Fortune (Sarah to her friends) is better known in the real world for holding the top scores in every shoot-em-up game ever created. In Arcade World, she's famed for earning those scores through whatever means necessary, willing to bring in any target for the right amount of points.Another of the ancient, mechanized Lancer units, Wukong arises from his dusty slumber in times of extreme danger, protecting the outland city-states from dire threats. Once these foes are eliminated he returns to the earth, an enigma older than recorded history.Riven's part-time job at an arcade mostly involved playing dance simulators after her manager went home. Digitally transported to Arcade World by even scarier bosses, she's now using her moves (and some gear from her favorite RPG) to tear up Veigar's regime, one enemy at a time.An early prototype that would pave the way for the Battlecast machines, Alpha Skarner is possessed of an extreme rage not seen in later models. Perhaps the brain inside it wishes to inflict as much pain as it experiences—or maybe it just likes to kill things.A former lieutenant in the Royal Space Military, Kai'Sa was the first sanctioned pilot of the experimental X01-Butterfly. The suit proved far too deadly, however, and after only one mission she fled with the technology—becoming one of the galaxy's deadliest guns for hire.A boss hailing from a popular science fiction shooter, Blitzcrank is well known in the gaming community for cheap mechanics, powerful attacks, and a massive health pool. Veigar fittingly made him the gatekeeper of his personal fortress, because Veigar hates fun.The archer Varus, bathed in the transcendental energies of the Arclight, found himself connected to a great cosmic wholeness more ancient than he had ever known. He now enforces this oneness, turning away entire armies long before they can ignite the flames of war.The once-great king Yorick, given the gifts of power and immortality in an age long past, left his mighty kingdom to enforce the will of the divine. Hundreds of years later he returned, his lands naught but dust and ruins, and in his sorrow was consumed by madness.An unlikely favorite among retro purists, Hecarim has remained one of the most popular characters of the arcade era. Now he stands against the combined forces of gaming's greatest villains, proving there's no hero more noble than a rainbow-shooting chrome centaur from 1978.Being forcefully transported from the real world to fight an army of evil video game bosses is no sweat for Sona. She was the first person to beat Keyboard Solo 4's ultra solo mode on nightmare difficulty—a feat that, by the developers' own admission, should not have been possible.The fire boss from a bestselling action game, Brand has no intention of returning to his original machine. He'd rather see all of Arcade World burn to the ground, to be rebuilt in the image of the villains who rule it.Owner of the mysterious six-million-point high score in the infamously difficult beat-em-up Demacia Vice, Ahri is a force of nature on the retro battlefields of Arcade World. Dashing between bosses before ripping them apart with her 8-bit magic, she's already earned the nickname “Queen of the Arcade.”Once merely a mini-boss with a Napoleon complex, Veigar has ripped into the code of Arcade World to summon hundreds of other bosses to his side. Together they'll stop at nothing to reach his ultimate goal: take the world for himself, and give the heroes a final Game Over.A skilled gamer transported to Arcade World by Veigar, Ezreal holds the world record for speedrunning the original version of Hyper Crystal Dungeon in 45 seconds, using a custom-made mobile controller. Veigar has made a terrible mistake.A titanium juggernaut used to crush pockets of particularly stubborn resistance, the Battlecast Urgot model is rarely seen but widely feared. Its extensive weapons systems are complemented by a massive, flesh-grinding spike mill, which it pulls fleeing opponents into for sheer spectacle.Empowered by the Arclight, the slayer Vayne was shown the creeping darkness lurking beneath the foundations of the world. Tasked to fight it back at all costs, she will stop at nothing to drive each new horror from whence it came.An airborne data collection unit based on the now-extinct Vel'Koz lifeform, these Battlecast monstrosities sweep their concentrated energy beams over heavily populated areas. Survey data from the lifeless wreckage automatically calibrates the entire fleets' weapons systems, making the units a deadlier threat with every skirmish.A sublime being of living energy, Vel'Koz is the subject of legend, myth, and worship. Once every millenium he descends to the mortal plane, choosing those worthy enough to carry out his inscrutable will, and transforming them into creatures of transcendent power—the Arclight.The creator of the Battlecast machine army, Viktor has perfected the art of transplanting living brains into low-tech, mass-produced weapons. But his work is far from complete, and even now he tinkers on newer, deadlier creations to crush all who oppose him.The question of the human soul has always intrigued Viktor, and so he set to work building a Battlecast machine capable of harnessing it. The resulting Xerath units are twisted, hellish monsters imprisoned in a cage of psychic energy, constantly discharging superheated plasma toward any opponent in range.A boss originally from Super Yordle Bombers, Ziggs was transported to Arcade World for one purpose: blow up everything. Armed with his signature explosives (and the programming to use them!) he has wrought digital destruction the way only an angry mini-boss can.PraetorianK/DAIt's a living!Is that a robot in glasses and a trenchcoat? Of course not. Do your eyes perceive a beast man in a onesie? Better get those eyes checked, because they're wrong. Isn't Draven too modest to wear his own head? How foolish you must feel to even ask. And that laser squid? Definitely human. Definitely.The only thing more impressive than their wealth is their tax avoidance skills.There are two types of people in this world: those that dunk, and those who get dunked. If you don't know which one you are, then watch out! 'Cuz you're about to GET DUNKED!Just your average bottomless pit of scum and villainy. Bosses vie for power; pacts are made and broken; friendships meet their end on the edge of twisted, subtle knives. And yet, there's something more to this city. Something undiscovered, imperceptible. Something... infinite. The job requirements are pretty simple: we're looking for at least five years of experience in applied sciences, your last peer-reviewed paper, and two references. Oh, and an evil laugh. Actually, put that at the top of the list.Arcadia: home to the server's most competitive arcade gamers and justice-driven NPCs. Here, the heroes always play to win. And that means overriding the Battle Bosses' corrupted code, even with the odds stacked against them. Victory won't come easy, but seeing the surprise on the bosses' faces after an incredible outplay will totally make it worth it.It's not a phase.The rift's greatest superheroes and most dastardly villains, available at a comic store near you!Hark, ye knights and knaves, for these lands are under the royal protection of the King and Queen! Make way, make way!Take a seat. The doctor will be right with you.Audiences gather from all over the world for a chance to witness the greatest robot fighters throw down in RiotCorp's gladiatorial arenas, eager for the chance to be crowned the Full Metal Robot Fighting League Champion or break down trying.Ahri's old squad resurfaces, changed from the events that once tore them apart... and followed by a threat beyond anything the Star Guardians have ever faced. Can the group move past old grudges and save themselves from annihilation? Or will they simply be the next victims of the Twilight Star?Deep within Arcadia's servers lies a sinister series of glitches known to all gamers as the Battle Bosses. Their corrupted code has brought them newfound freedom… but also new challengers. To complete their deletion of the Arcade World, many of the Bosses have agreed to put aside their differences (until it's… inconvenient).“What is True Damage? Man, True Damage is the future! It's a collective of the best artists from around the world, coming together with the best collaboration, to make the best hip-hop music. We're five steps ahead of the game. Everyone else has gotta catch up.” -EkkoNobody puts in the work like the Piltover Police Department. Who else can lock up the most sugar-laden donuts inside their merciless stomachs, rack up the highest of overtimes, and ignore even the most menial of paperwork? The criminals may be taking advantage of it, but even they wish they had the same work ethic.Order and light reign through deities of dawn, bringing structure to a nascent world locked in conflict with the forces of night.Chaos and darkness reign through deities of night, bringing change to a static world locked in conflict with the forces of dawn.The Great Kingdoms warred for generations until the arrival of a new enemy. To fight back, they are blessed with gifts from the heavens. Will they rise above their past to save their future?An ancient cult, seeking irresistible power, surfaces on nights of the Blood Moon to perform profane, esoteric rites—merging their flesh with demonic spirits, and becoming one with an ever greater darkness.The crown jewel of military black ops, the PsyOps unit are an elite team of psychic soldiers deployed against rogue militaries and supernatural threats. Officially, they don't exist. But when conventional warfare won't cut it and the stakes are no less than the fate of the world, PsyOps answers the call.Majestic dragons dwell in remote places of wild beauty, avoiding mortal affairs outside of rarely bestowing their gifts on only a select few. The Dragonmancers are those fortunate and powerful enough to have gained the ultimate blessing. Whether they then use that for good or for evil is up to them, and anyone strong enough to stop them.Romance and joy are in the air at the yearly Crystal Rose Festival, where adversaries meet on peaceful, neutral ground to share a night of dancing, merriment, and making wishes for the future. Everyone is expected to leave their weapons at the door as a promise for a better tomorrow.The Crystal Rose Festival welcomes all who believe in its dream of a peaceful tomorrow, though many have grown disenchanted with the whole affair. Those who make up the Withered Rose wish to see it come to an end. But no one is immune to the festival's charm; perhaps they too will be swept away by the evening's beauty and have a change of heart.Bzzz. Bzzz bzzz bzzz. Bzzz! Bzzz, bzz, bzz bzz bzz. Bzzz...Only the truest hearts are blessed by the divine fenghuang, a legendary phoenix who watches over the world. Her champions receive a single feather—each one containing unimaginable elemental power, granting them the means needed to protect all that is innocent and good from forces lurking in the shadows.Nothing exudes the "beach vibes and cool tunes" lifestyle more than the Ocean Song Festival. From Seraphine's mellow songs to Yone's experimental DJ set, there's a vibe for everyone, so feel the sand between your toes, taste the salty air, and lose yourself to the best music of the summer.Ancient enemies appear in a Valoran City scarred by Zoe's invasion, now defended by a new generation of Star Guardians. As darkness gathers in the skies above, Kai'Sa and Akali prepare their untested squad for a fight with forces beyond their comprehension... and the true threat that awaits beyond.Who are we? We're Monster Tamers! We protect the world when it's in danger! When others would flee, we follow the roar. We tame the monster and use the CORE. And with our new friends by our side, we'll hop and run and swim and glide! We'll go anywhere, no matter how far. Because we're Monster Tamers! That's who we are!Udyr spent almost a decade training in Ionia with the monks of the Hirana Monastery, learning to control and master his spiritual abilities. At last, when the Freljord called him home, he chose to stay and complete his training. In the time since then, Udyr has become part of the Ionian landscape, both spiritual and mortal, as he works with Lee Sin and Karma to return balance to the wartorn land.One thousand years ago, the last king of Camavor chose to follow his heart at the expense of his country. So powerful was his love that fate intervened, and only ruin followed.It's 2122, a year of firsts for the Zenith Games. Robot referees are taking to the field, the sport of Hammerjack is making its competitive debut, and after years of talks, augmented humans are finally allowed to compete. All that's left is seeing who will win.A kingdom hangs on the edge of ruin as an army of titanic elemental beasts wage war on humanity. The last line of defense is held by a lone warrior queen, Elementalist Lux. To save her people, she must look within and reveal her true nature... no matter what form it takes.Treasures from days long passed, glimmering just within reach.In loving memory of Urf, a gentle sea cow warrior who now practices with his spatula in the shallow marshes of the great beyond. Good night, sweet prince.Who doesn't like a surprise party? The guest list is done, everybody's bought their presents, and the food's going to be great. We even got a clown! This'll be one to remember. Just don't tell Amumu.Bounding across the land on gargantuan frog legs, the Toadstool Boarding House attracts lodgers of the most frightful variety. Regardless of where it settles, there is always a monster in need of a place to stay, and Mother Glasc is always there to welcome them into the family with open arms. And an endless labyrinth of rooms ensures that none are ever turned away.The Spirit Blossom Festival is an ancient and celebrated time in Ionia, when the door to the spirit world is opened, the dead return to their loved ones, and spirits of all manner turn their eyes towards the living. From the benevolent Kanmei, to the obsessive Akana—their stories play out again and again, like shadows on a paper lantern.Who said witches can't have fun? Whoever it was, they're probably a frog now. Or some other cursed vermin, doomed to forever wander the streets, watching the eve's celebrations from afar. Pretty harsh punishment, but what did you expect? They may know how to throw a party, but at the end of the night, they're still witches!Feel the bass. Hear the beat. Let the music move you.When you're at the top of the charts, no one can bring you down.Champions conquer their enemies and ascend to new heights, achieving their wildest dreams and showing off their hard-earned spoils to any and all who want to look upon true greatness.Bounty hunters, outlaws, and pirates alike swarm to Bilgewater's infamous slaughter docks like flies to butcher's trimmings. It's a hard life on these seas, but the reward can be well worth it... Bearded Lady permiting.An advanced security algorithm created by the PROJECT Corporation, the Program quietly evolved sentience before altering its original directive. Infecting machines across The City, it has determined that the ultimate threat to humanity's safety... is humanity itself.Magically empowered by the First Star, high schooler Lux and her team of Star Guardians secretly protect the world from interstellar monsters. But who will protect them from the drama of Valoran City High?Veteran Star Guardians Ahri and Miss Fortune suddenly reappear in Valoran City, having rebuilt their team after an unknown event destroyed their previous squad. Seeking to defy the destiny of every Star Guardian who takes up the oath, they join the fight alongside Lux and company as Void Beasts descend upon the city.Forget the battlefield, the boardroom, or even the playground: the most important conflicts of today are settled on the pitch. There is no act as satisfying as watching your favorite player slip through the other team, line up their shot, deliver that fateful kick, and release the sweetest word in existence: “GOOOOOAAAAALLLLL!”From the top rope comes the greatest show in sports entertainment! Watch as El Tigre, El Macho, El León, and El Rayo trade bumps and high-flying spots inside AND outside the squared circle. Just remember, nobody does it better than the Wrestling Federation of Valoran.Gunslingers and lawmen ride beneath the merciless sun of the high frontier, chasing survival and salvation in equal measure. Heaven is rubble, hell is empty, and all the devils are here.Now at the forefront of science and art, Hextech has evolved from its rudimentary beginnings into a modern renaissance of intricate, artificial lifeforms capable of free will. Skilled artificers lead the medium into a bold new future -- but what it will bring, none can say.Vast stardust creatures control the ebb and flow of creation, painting the cosmos with sublime light as their celestial court drifts along the fabric of time and space.Entropy engulfs galaxies in the yawning maw of the Dark Star, whose corruptants, titanic creatures of black-hole oblivion, snuff out the light of existence in every system they touch and plunge them into nothingness.A horde of nomadic warriors with a taste for brutality, the Marauders are all that remain of Magelord warrior culture, their ancient traditions abandoned in favor of anarchic shows of force. No dispute is settled until blood is spilled, even within their own ranks. They lost sight of what led their ancestors to war in the first place and what ultimately led to their victory.It's beginning to look a lot like Snow Day, up and down the lanes... \nThough your tank may be rushing in, Top is backing again, \nThey have gold to spend on a Lich Bane...Better start building that snow fort... Welcome to Bilgewater, where fortunes're made at the end of a gun. Anything y'might need can be found at the slaughter docks, whether that be some hired hands, sea monster stew, or the captain who will send you to your watery grave.The Protectorate was an order dedicated to enforcing a rigid, unforgiving system of laws, in an attempt to slow the seemingly inevitable rise of the Magelords. Though the order itself was disbanded long ago, Wardens now don their armor as they lie in wait for the opportunity to strike against the descendants of their ancient enemy.Three great empires vie for land and power, bringing their all to bear in a test of martial might. Armies will clash. Heroes will rise. Legends will be made.The Lunar New Year has arrived—and so has the party! With food and festivities to spare, it's all about ringing it in with friends and family. Now strike up a match and watch the fireworks!In the hollow space between far-off stars, organic machines made by an unknown civilization have long since outlived their creators. They patiently lurk, unable to escape their terrestrial prison until someone stumbles upon them once more and unleashes them back out into the galaxy. They have waited. They are waiting. They will wait—as long as it takes.A galaxy scarred by war now attempts to rebuild, but the old wounds remain. Criminals, bounty hunters, mercenaries, and assassins have filled the power vacuum, piloting dangerous combat exo-suits with godlike abilities.The city-states of the Great Desert have long been lost to time, but their ruins—and the ancient pharaohs who once ruled them—lie hidden just beneath the sands.'Neath waxing moon and rising tides, dark magicks stir and secrets hide. Where salt and blood and fell winds flow… as above the waves, so too below.A criminal network of ruthless mercenaries who rule entire swaths of the galaxy, Dreadnova has grown powerful since its founders fled Genesis Industries' ranks with stolen exosuit plans in tow. Now they push back against the Royal Space Military's efforts to impose Genesis' corporate order, bringing to bear all the firepower the black market has to offer.Long ago, in an ancient land, many souls gathered beneath the gods to test the limits of their power. Foolish and arrogant, brave and just, their journeys are written into the immortal pages of history…In the shadow of all-out warfare between Genesis Industries and Dreadnova, ruined lives are just collateral damage. The Steel Legion is a vigilante organization operated out of run-down battleground planets, founded by refugees and armed by weapons crafted from scraps of rubble. If no one else will defend them, the people must defend themselves.Scorching an entire world takes unimaginable strength, which is why the Ashen Lord called upon his legions of Infernals to lend their flames. From the darkest depths, they each bring their own terrible powers to bear, though not all answer their call with the same burning enthusiasm.You better hope you have the good stuff. You know, Piltover Pops, Strikebreaker Sours, Dark Star Chocolate Bars... 'Cause if you don't, the kids on this block have some tricks up their sleeves. “There is a place between fantasy and reality where anything can happen. You have the power to be anyone, and do anything. It is your dream. In our in-between world, K/DA feels confident and strong. We can do anything, and so can you.” -Kai'SaLong ago, an order of monastic knights slew the vile gods of the old world, using esoteric powers granted by the moon and sun. Now the world has grown dark and violent, as those selfsame deities prepare their return—challenged only by the light of the eclipse.Once the dominion of fallen Elven empires, the vast forests of Albion are now home to kingdoms and brigands and elves and free men in equal measure. There's power to be found in the imperial ruins, should anyone be bold enough to venture deep into the woods to seek it…The oldest rivalry the world has ever known: man's best friend pitted against the internet's greatest heroes. Only one faction will emerge victorious from the gnawing maw of battle between cats and dogs. Hopefully they don't get their fur too dirty: the only thing worse than losing is bathtime.Individuals hailing from the far-flung universe of "Earth," where giant statues come to life and everyone is wearing a fun hat. It's a lot like Runeterra, if you think about it.Day JobHigh SocietyDunkmasterInvadersMad ScientistsWorld Champions: 2018World Championship Winners 2018Forgotten DepthsSilver AgeGlacialMedievalDemonicRift HospitalDemacia ViceHeavy MetalStar Guardian Season 3Cops and RobbersDreadknightsDawnbringerNightbringerBloodstoneMecha KingdomsBlackfrostWorld Champions: 2019AkanaKanmeiPsyOpsBlack Rose GroupDragonmancersBattle QueensRuinedShan Hai ScrollsCrystal RoseWithered RoseLunar BeastBees!Space GrooveWorld Champions: 2020ArcanaSentinels of LightCyber PopCrime City NightmarePhoenixmancersPentakill III: The Lost ChapterArcaneCafe CutiesPorcelainShockbladeAnima SquadAshen KnightsWorld Champions: 2021Ocean SongSnow MoonStar Guardian Season 4Monster TamersSpirit GuardRuinationZenith GamesLegacySurprise PartyFright NightSpirit BlossomBewitchingDJPopstarThree HonorsBilgewater: MercsChronicleCurse of the VoidOtherroadsUrsineBetaSoulstealerTriumphantTrue WarriorTraditionalCollector's EditionPAXDeath SwornTrick-or-TreatZombies VS SlayersCovenAstronautsArcanistsAlbionPapercraftCats Versus DogsWonders of the WorldEVENT FINISHED!OH NO!YOU'VE EARNED THIS!@FlatHealthCost@ HealthPassive: Champions damaged by Kayn are marked for 3.15 seconds.

    Kayn infests a marked enemy, becoming Untargetable. After @InfestDuration@ seconds or after Recasting, Kayn bursts out, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the enemy.

    Shadow Assassin: Increases this Ability's range, the distance Kayn exits, and refreshes The Darkin Scythe's Cooldown on exit.

    Darkin Slayer: Instead deals @SlayerDamage@ max Health physical damage and restores @HealValue@ Health (@SlayerHealPercent*100@% damage amount).Passive: Champions damaged by Kayn are marked for 3.15 seconds.

    Kayn infests a marked enemy, becoming Untargetable. After @InfestDuration@ seconds or after Recasting, Kayn bursts out, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the enemy.

    Shadow Assassin: Increases this Ability's range, the distance Kayn exits, and refreshes The Darkin Scythe's Cooldown on exit.Passive: Champions damaged by Kayn are marked for 3.15 seconds.

    Kayn infests a marked enemy, becoming Untargetable. After @InfestDuration@ seconds or after Recasting, Kayn bursts out, dealing @Damage@ physical damage to the enemy.

    Darkin Slayer: Instead deals @SlayerDamage@ max Health physical damage and restores @HealValue@ Health (@SlayerHealPercent*100@% damage amount).Page 1Page 2Page 3Combat Against: Unknown

    Plus: Pick an Augment.Current Opponent: @EnemyPlayer@Lost Against: @EnemyPlayer@Tied Against: @EnemyPlayer@Combat Against: Unknown

    Plus: Shadow Item shop!Combat Against: @EnemyCreeps@Treasure DragonCombat Against: UnknownWon Against: @EnemyPlayer@@EnemyCreeps@COMING SOON!LOOTPLAYREWARDSSTORETEAM PLANNERDELETE ACCOUNTAre you sure you want to begin the process to delete your account? This is permanent and will delete your account across all games.TAP TO CONTINUECLICK TO CONTINUECONGRATULATIONS!YOU'VE BEEN PROMOTEDYOU'VE COMPLETED PLACEMENTSLITTLE LEGEND UPGRADED!MusicSound EffectsACCOUNTYou are signed in as @ACCOUNT_NAME@ through @SERVICE_NAME@.UPGRADE ACCOUNTSIGN OUTSETTINGS@PLAYER_NAME@ sent you a friend request.Friend Request@PLAYER_NAME@ has invited you to a @GAME_TYPE@ game.Game InviteYou haven't played ranked in a while and are at risk of losing your current rank.DEMOTED TO @RANK@ @DIVISION@You didn't play ranked for awhile and have been demoted.DEMOTED TO @RANK@TFT requires an internet connection. The app will now close. Please check your device connection and re-open the app.The version of your app is different from the game's version. Do you still want to play?VERSION DIFFERENTYour app is not compatible with the version of this game.GAME FAILEDThis game mode is currently unavailable. Please select another.MODE UNAVAILABLE@SUMMONER_NAME@ has declined ready check. You have been returned to the lobby.You have declined ready check and have been returned to the lobby.You have lost your connection to the game server, attempting to reconnect.DISCONNECTEDYou are logged in from another device. This client was disconnected because only one connection is supported at a time.MULTIPLE LOGINSAn application error has occured.

    Error code: %sYour login credentials don't match an account in our system.Game start failed. Server currently unable to start game.You are attempting to login to a region you are not actively a part of. If you keep seeing this error, please contact support.Your account is temporarily locked, so you can not continue to play. Please visit to reactivate your account.This account has been permanently suspended. Please check the email address associated with your Riot Games account for additional details.TFT is currently undergoing maintenance. Please try again later.Network error encountered. Please check your network connection.

    Error code: %sError while patching: patch data corrupted.

    Error code: %sError while patching: patcher authorization failed.

    Error code: %sError while patching: patch client error.

    Error code: %sError while patching: download connection failed.

    Error code: %sError while patching: patch server error.

    Error code: %sWe were unable to patch the app.
    Please ensure you are on the latest version.
    You can view this support article for more troubleshooting tips. while patching: no disk space.

    Error code: %sError: Unable to connect to patching server.Error while patching.

    Error code: %sYour device is not capable of playing TFT. The game works best on an iPhone 6S or newer.UNSUPPORTED DEVICEYour selected region is not currently supported by TFT Mobile. Please select another region.UNSUPPORTED REGIONPlayer already in game. Party may not enter queue.Unable to enter queue. Player ban information is not available.Binge prevention restricted. Party may not enter queue.Game version mismatch. Party may not enter queue.Premade mmr size too high. Party may not enter queue.Queue leaver restriction. Party must wait for @Time@.Queue leaver in party. Party must wait for @Time@.A players level is too high for this queue. Party may not enter queue.Max premade size is too large. Party may not enter queue.A players level is too low for this queue. Party may not enter queue.Player minor restriction active. Party may not enter queue.Player has been banned. Party may not enter queue.A player's rank only allows them to play solo. Party may not enter queue.Unable to enter queue. Player is already in matchmaking.Prequisite number of games not played. Party may not enter queue.Queue dodger restriction. Party must wait for @Time@.This game queue has been disabled. Party may not enter queue.Player rank restriction. Party may not enter queue.Parties of this size may not queue for this mode.Players of these ranks may not play together. Party may not enter queue.Player time restriction active. Party may not enter queue.A service error has occured. Unable to complete action.

    Error code: %sAn error occured connecting to the servers. Please check your internet connection and try again.Rank Updates in - @LADDER_RESET_TIME@You're at risk of LP decay due to inactivity in at least one ranked queue (@QUEUE_TYPE@).You haven't played @QUEUE_TYPE@ in a while and are at risk of losing your current rank.Ranked DecayYou were demoted to @RANKED_TIER@ Tier in @QUEUE_TYPE@.You didn't play @QUEUE_TYPE@ for a while, and have been demoted to a different rank.You can't be demoted from this tier.DEMOTED TO @RANKED_TIER@@RANKED_LP@ LP@RANKED_LP_CHANGE@ LP(@PROMOS_COMPLETED@/@PROMOS_TOTAL@) Placement Matches@QUEUE_TYPE@Ranked and Double Up@RANKED_TIER_ICON@ @RANKED_TIER@ @RANKED_DIVISION@ / @RATED_TIER_ICON@ @RATED_LP@@RANKED_TIER@ @RANKED_DIVISION@@RANKED_TIER@ #@APEX_LADDER_POS@@RANKED_TIER_ICON@ @RANKED_TIER@ @RANKED_LP@ LP@RANKED_TIER_ICON@ @RANKED_TIER@ @RANKED_DIVISION@@RANKED_TIER_ICON@ @RANKED_TIER@ @RANKED_DIVISION@ @RANKED_LP@ LP@RANKED_TIER_ICON@ @RANKED_TIER@ @RANKED_DIVISION@ - (@PROMOS_COMPLETED@/@PROMOS_TOTAL@)@RATED_TIER_ICON@ @RATED_LP@BRONZECHALLENGERDIAMONDGOLDGRANDMASTERIRONMASTERPLATINUMSILVERUNRANKED@WIN_STREAK@-WIN STREAK!SearchAll EmotesAll Arena SkinsChibi ChampionsOsiaRecently AquiredEQUIPEQUIPPEDSaveLoadoutBoomsTacticiansGame StartVictorySTAR-UPStar-up @FROM_LEVEL@%i:starDefault% @FROM_NAME@ to @TO_LEVEL@%i:starDefault% @TO_NAME@UPGRADE FAILEDNOT ENOUGH STAR SHARDSMISSING LITTLE LEGEND TIERREMAINING STAR SHARDS: @REMAINING_CURRENCY@Select Play ModeDisabled(invited)- @PLAYERS_IN_LOBBY@/8App Version: Logging in...Error logging in:Current Position:We are currently experiencing an unusually large number of logins. Please wait a moment for us to sort things out.Approximate Wait Time:WAITING IN QUEUEPassword:BrazilEU Nordic & EastEU WestJapanKoreaLatin America N.Latin America S. North AmericaPBERussiaTurkeyRegion SelectLooking for previous session...Sign InUsername:SIGN IN TO CONTINUEInitializing...Open AnotherOpenThere are no missions left to complete. Check back next week for more.YOU DID IT!Congrats! You've completed all the Missions for the @EVENT_NAME@ event!@TIME_REMAINING@ remainingANDORMISSIONS / ALLMISSIONS / COMPLETEDMISSIONS / EVENTSNo network connection detected.

    Please check your device connection or network settings and try again.NO NEW NOTIFICATIONSComplete event missions to earn rewards!EVENT IS LIVE!@SUMMONER_NAME@ sent you a friend request.FRIEND REQUEST@SUMMONER_NAME@ invited you to play @GAME_MODE@.GAME INVITE@ITEM_NAME@ acquired. Tap to claim!REWARD CLAIMABLENOTIFICATIONS (@UNREAD_NOTIFICATIONS@)A day ago@NUM_DAYS@d agoExpiredAn hour ago@NUM_HOURS@h ago1 minute ago@NUM_MINUTES@m agonow@TIME@ agoThis game is not suitable for use by children or teenagers under 12 years of age. It is a game that must be supervised by a guardian.PLAN YOUR TEAMNEW PATCH AVAILABLE
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    START PATCHINGChecking for updates...Knighting the Pengu...Opening the Portals...Stocking the Shop...Shining the Stars...Filling the Orbs...Stacking the Coins...Waking the Dragon...Filling the Health Bars...Tuning the Traits...Polishing the Spatulas...Patching...@PATCHING_PERCENT@%Patching Complete: Close Team Planner to ContinueNo match history to show.

    Play some matches and come back later!PLAYER PROFILEMatch HistoryPLAY AGAINQUIT4678Something's gone wrong, please try again.An error has occuredSTARTError code: %s:%sA network error has occured. Please check your network connection.Network ErrorAwayLeague CompanionOfflineOnlineOpen PartyFRIENDSINVITEFailed to connect with Twitch Prime. Please try again later.MATCH ACCEPTED!MATCH DECLINEDMATCH FOUNDWaiting For Other PlayersACCEPT!This game mode is not supported by TFT Mobile. You will be logged out.UNSUPPORTED MODEMaster Volume: @MASTER_VOLUME_LEVEL@Music Volume: @MUSIC_VOLUME_LEVEL@Sound Effects: @SFX_VOLUME_LEVEL@You are signed in using a 3rd party account. Upgrade your account to access the entire library of Riot Games on PC & Mobile.AccountCreate Riot AccountRESTORE PURCHASESSign OutAudioPrivacy PolicyIf you can't find what you've purchased, you can try logging into another account. Would you like to change accounts?Please remember that Riot employees will never ask for your password when assisting you.Add some buddies and they will show up here!NO FRIENDS YETThe Proving GroundsCoop vs. AIFeaturedPvPINVITE FRIENDSInvite (@NUM_INVITED@) FriendsInvite DeclinedInvite PendingBlocking @SUMMONER_NAME@ will remove them from your friends list and prevent them from communicating with you.

    Are you sure you want to remove them?BLOCK PLAYERUnfriending @SUMMONER_NAME@ will remove them from your friends list.

    Are you sure you want to remove them?UNFRIEND PLAYERInvite@BLOCKED_PLAYER@ is on your block list. You will not see their chat messages.RemoveUnfriend @PLAYER_NAME@?Champ SelectCreating Co-op vs. AI GameCreating Featured GameCreating Normal GameCreating Practice GameCreating Ranked GameCreating TFT GameIn TutorialWatching ReplayConnecting...You've been disconnected from chat, attempting to reconnect…Invalid Friend Request Invalid Game InviteSummoner Does Not ExistDrop RatesRarity@SERIES_NAME@ Drop RatesPurchasesStar ShardsPlaceholder Store Purchases Legal Footer TextStatement re: PPI under the Payment Services ActGlobal Refund PolicyStatement under the Specified Commercial Transaction ActYou already own all the content associated with this series.

    Please enjoy another egg!@COINS@ CoinsThe purchase failed because you already own this item.The purchase failed because you already own this item. Please restart the app.ITEM OWNEDWe were unable to grant you the item. Please try again. If the problem persists, contact player support.UNABLE TO CLAIMThe purchase was cancelled.PURCHASE CANCELLEDThere was an error completing your purchase. Please contact TFT player support.PURCHASE FAILEDPurchasing is currently unavailable for this item.PURCHASE UNAVAILABLEThere was an error completing your refund. Please contact TFT player support.REFUND FAILEDUnable to fetch items to display in the storeUnable to connect to services to display this itemNot enough coinsContains The Following:Contains One Of The Following:Each Can Contain One Of The Following:No purchases with TFT Coins in the last 90 days.

    Buy something awesome and come back later.REFUNDActionAmountDateTransaction IDItemNot RefundableRefundedThe Fae Dragon's arrow flies true!Harness the power of Dragons!Kickback and ride the waves!Join the Ruination!Ruined Pengu BundleDragons awaken from the Shallows!Chibi Dragonmancer Kai'saExplore the Uncharted Realms!SALENEWLight up the town!Twitch Prime RewardsNeon Nights EggsCLAIM NOWChance for Mythic URF Dowsie!Need CoinsWe refunded @COINS@ TFT Coins for @CONTENT_NAME@.REFUND COMPLETEREFUND CONFIRMATIONYou will be refunded @COINS@ TFT Coins for @CONTENT_NAME@. Refunds cannot be reversed. Confirm below.A new in-game currency!Summoner name creation failed. Please try again. If you keep seeing this error, please contact support.Welcome Tactician! What do you want other players to call you?Name availableUnable To ConnectInappropriate NameInvalid CharacterName UnavailableSummoner name successfully changed!Your team is full! Tap a champion to remove it from your team.SELECT UNITS TO ASSEMBLE YOUR TEAM!COMPLETEREWARDS PASS COMPLETE!Event ends in @EXPIRY_TIME@!The Pass ends here! Continue playing for Bonus rewardsIn order to access this content, you must update your app to the latest version. Do you want to proceed to the App Store?%i:starPremiumTag% PREMIUMLevel @LEVEL@Lv. @LEVEL@Bonus @LEVEL@Lv. MAXPASS UPGRADED%i:starDefault% UPGRADE%i:starDisabled% UPGRADE%i:starHover% UPGRADE%i:starPressed% UPGRADEUpgrade Coming SoonCLAIM MECLAIMEDFREEUnlocks at level @LEVEL@. (@XP@ XP)Unlocks with @UPGRADED_PASS_TITLE@ purchase.Unlocks at bonus level @LEVEL@.Upgrade the pass to gain access to limited-time Tacticians, Arena Skins, and more!UPGRADE TO PASS+UPGRADE YOUR PASS!@MISSION_COUNT@ missions available!DIVE IN!Ancient, uncharted realms of the Dragonlands have surfaced, and it's time to investigate the secrets within. Bring along Tacticians Bungo and Prancie, channel dragon magic with Chibi Lee Sin, and earn all-new rewards in the Uncharted Realms Pass.EXPLORE THE UNCHARTED REALMSWELCOME TODROP RATESSkillshots dodged with Umbral Dash (E)Enemy champions killed during World Ender (R)Healing from champions with Deathbringer Stance (P) and Umbral Dash (EP)Sweetspot hits on champions after using Umbral Dash (E) to reposition during The Darkin Blade (Q)Sweet spot hits on enemy champions with The Darkin Blade (Q)Enemy champions pulled with Infernal Chains (W)Orbs of Deception (Q) that deal both Magic and True damage to the same championCharms (E) leading to kills on enemy champions within 5 secondsExtra dashes used with Spirit Rush (R)Champions Charmed (E) within 1.5s of a Spirit Rush (R) dash or Ahri's Flash (D/F)Skillshots dodged with Spirit Rush (R) or after casting Fox-fire (W)Fox-fire (W) casts that all hit championsDistance Travelled with the second cast of Shuriken Flip (E2)Enemy champions killed with Perfect Execution (R)Number of Assassin's Mark (P) empowered auto attacks landed on enemy championsSubsequent Assassin's Marks (P) triggered on champions within 4sChampions slowed by Five Point Strike (Q)Champions killed within 2s of being inside Twilight Shroud (W)Dirty Fighting (P) damage triggers on champions during Heroic Swing (E)Damage prevented by Dirty Fighting (P) ShieldsChampions hit with extended range Avengerangs (Q)Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)Allies resurrected with Going Rogue (W)Takedowns within 6s of leaving Going Rogue (W) CamouflageChampions knocked up with Pulverize (Q) immediately after a Headbutt (W) chargeDamage mitigated with Unbreakable Will (R)Enemy champions stunned with Trample (E)Healing from Triumphant Roar (P)Disables removed with Unbreakable Will (R)Takedowns within 5 seconds of Headbutting (W) an enemy championTotal healing done to allied champions (not including self)Total cooldown time reduced on Tantrum (E) from basic attacks from any sourceChampion damage mitigated with Tantrum (EP)Multiple (2+) enemy champions hit by Curse of the Sad Mummy (R)True damage to champions from all sources with Cursed Touch (P)Long range (Greater than 75% of maximum range) Bandage Tosses (Q) landed on enemy championsTime spent affecting multiple champions with Despair (W)Double damage dealt to enemy champions with Frostbite (E)Takedowns within 10s of becoming Eggnivia (P)Successful resurrections with Rebirth (P)Champions stunned with Flash Frost (Q)Damage to champions by full strength Glacial Storm (R)Enemy champions knocked aside by Crystallize (W)Champion damage against Annie or her allies mitigated by Molten Shield (E) Multiple champions stunned by a Pyromania (P) enhanced AbilityEnemy champions stunned with Pyromania (P)Damage to champions with Summon: Tibbers (R)Amount of Mana refunded for last hitting an enemy champion, minion, or monster with Disintegrate (Q)Enemy champions killed within 3 seconds of damaging them with Summon: Tibbers (R)Damage to champions with mirror ChakramMultiple (2+) enemy champions rooted by Binding Eclipse (Q)Multiple champions hit with Infernum (P, Q) Attacks or AbilitiesEnemy champions killed from outside your basic attack rangeEnemy champions killed using multiple (2+) weapons within 6 secondsHealing/Shielding from champions with SeverumEnemy champions revealed by Hawkshot (E)Enemy champions hit with a long range (Greater than 2400 units) Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R)Total time enemy champions have spent slowed by Frost Shot (P)Attacks on champions during Ranger's Focus (Q)Takedowns on champions affected by Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R) within 6sMultiple champions hit with Volley (W)Enemy champions killed within 10 seconds of using Comet of Legend (E)Total damage dealt to enemy champions with Center of the Universe (P)Champions killed at, or beyond, the Outer Limit (P)Enemy champions stunned by Starsurge (Q)Multiple champions hit by Voice of Light (R)Champions hit by 3 Stars during a single Celestial Expansion (W)Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)Skillshots dodged with Shifting Sands (E)Enemy champions killed with Conquering Sands (Q)Takedowns on champions damaged by Conquering Sands (Q) in the last 3sMultiple (2+) enemy champions hit with Emperor's Divide (R)Champions shoved towards Azir's allies/turret with Emperor's Divide (R)Sand Soldier (W) Attack commands that deal multiple hits to championsTotal chimes collected from Traveler's Call (P)Total distance travelled with Magical Journey (E)Magic damage to champions with Meeps (P)Multiple (2+) enemy champions stunned with Cosmic Binding (Q)Takedowns near a tower, champion or epic monster recently affected by Tempered Fate (R)Healing with Caretaker's Shrine (W)Damage to champions with Royal Maelstrom (E)Epic Monsters KilledDeath In Lavender (P) stacks gainedSkillshots dodged with Void Surge (Q) True Damage dealt to champions from Endless Banquet (R)Voidlings spawned by Endless Banquet (R)Enemy Structures DestroyedKills plus assists on enemy championsMultiple Champions hit with Above and Below (W)Champions hit by Power Fist (E) within 1s of being pulled or silencedChampion damage absorbed by Mana Barrier (P) where Blitzcrank survives for 10sEnemy champions hit with Rocket Grab (Q)Champions pulled away from safety (turret or multiple allied champions) with Rocket Grab (Q)Multiple champions hit with Static Field (R)Multiple (3+) enemy champions hit with Static Field (R)Takedowns on enemy champions within 10 seconds of activating Overdrive (W)Damage to champions with Blaze (P)Unstable Blazes (P) detonated on enemy championsDuration of multiple champions simultaneously affected by Blaze (P)Blaze (P) stacks applied to champions after Conflagration (E) is used on a different enemyEnemy champions stunned with Sear (Q)Pyroclasm (R) bounces between champions (including Brand)Enemy champions damaged by Pillar of Flame (W) while Ignited (P)Champion Attacks or Abilities blocked by Unbreakable (E) after leaping toward an allied champion with Stand Behind Me (W)Damage blocked with Unbreakable (E)Enemy champions stunned with Concussive Blows (P)Champions hit with Winter's Bite (Q) at greater than 75% of max rangeMultiple (2+) enemy champions hit by Glacial Fissure (R)Champion damage mitigated by resistances gained from Stand Behind Me (W)Headshots on champions within 1s of being hit with 90 Caliber Net (E)Headshots (P) landed against enemy championsLong range (Greater than 75% of max range) Piltover Peacemakers (Q) landed against enemy championsEnemy champions killed with Ace in the Hole (R)Champions rooted with Yordle Snap Trap (W) within 2s of placing itPiltover Peacemaker (Q) damage to champions rooted with Yordle Snap Trap (W)Damage mitigated by Adaptive Defenses (P)Enemy champions hit with Hookshot (E)Skillshots dodged with Hookshot (E)True damage hits on champions with Precision Protocol (Q2)Enemy champions knocked aside by Hextech Ultimatum (R)Takedowns on champions inside Hextech Ultimatum (R)Healing from Tactical Sweep (W)Healing from champions with Twin Fangs (E)Enemy champions killed with Twin Fang (E)Damage to champions with poisons from Noxious Blast (Q) and Miasma (W)Multiple (2+) enemy champions stunned with Petrifying Gaze (R)Total time enemy champions have spent slowed by Miasma (W)Takedowns on champions within 6s of being grounded by Miasma (W)Enemy champions killedDamage to champions with Vorpal Spikes (E)Healing from Carnivore (P)Champions killed with Feast (R) within 6s of being knocked up with Rupture (Q) or slowed with Vorpal Spikes (E)Enemy champions knocked up by Rupture (Q)Feast (R) stacks gained from killing enemy champions, minions, and neutral monstersMultiple (2+) enemy champions hit by Feral Scream (W)Enemy champions inflicted with 8 stacks of Gatling Gun (E)Damage to champions with Phosphorus Bomb (Q)Enemy champions killed with Missile Barrage (R)Champions hit with Missile Barrage (R) at greater than 75% of max rangeDamage to champions with Valkyrie (W) or Special Delivery (W2)Multiple (2+) enemy champions hit with Special Delivery (W)Champion takedowns within 10s of affecting them with Valkyrie/Special Delivery (W)Damage dealt to enemy championsDamage from enemy champions and turrets shieldedDamage from enemy champions and turrets shielded with abilities or itemsDamage taken from enemy championsMultiple champions pulled with Apprehend (E)Bonus damage to champions with Attacks and Abilities from Noxian Might (P2)Damage to champions from bonus Attack Damage from Noxian Might (P2)Total damage dealt with Hemorrhage (P) to enemy championsHealing done with Decimate (Q)Multiple champions hit with Decimate (Q)Enemy champions killed with Noxian Guillotine (R)Damage mitigated with Pale Cascade (W)Champions followed with Lunar Rush (E) within 1s of using a dash, flash or blinkEnemy champions killed by Moonfall (R)Lunar Rushes (E) used on enemy champions affected by Moonlight (Q)Damage to champions with Moonsilver Blade (P)Damage to champions with Moonfall (R)Multiple champions pulled with Moonfall (R)Immobilizing effects blocked with Goes Where He Pleases (P)Enemy Champions hit with (E) Blunt Force Trauma's projectile(P) Goes Where He Pleases picked up while in CombatEnemy champions killed with Infected Cleaver (Q)Bonus Damage to champions with Attacks during Maximum Dosage (R)Temporary health granted with (R) Maximum Dosage while in champion combatBLANK SO AS NOT TO LEAK CONTENT. SEE COLUMNS B AND F FOR DETAILS.Number of Sadism (R) casts that have saved you from lethal damageTotal damage dealt to enemy champions with Burning Agony (W)Champions hit with Heart Zapper (W) detonationsChampions killed within 6s of being shoved with Stand Aside (E)Stacks of Adoration cashed in from the League of Draven (P)Whirling Axes (Q) caughtTime spent with a pair of Spinning Axes (Q)\nEnemy champions killed with Whirling Death (R)Subsequent casts of Blood Rush (W) within 4s in champion combatMultiple (2+) champions stunned with Parallel Convergence (W)Z-Drive Resonance (P) triggers on championsTimewinders (Q) that hit a champion on the way out and the returnChampions hit with Chronobreak (R)Enemy champions killed 5 seconds before or after using Chronobreak (R)Magic damage to champs with Parallel Convergence (WP) AttacksEnemy champions stunned with Cocoon (Human E)Skillshots dodged with Rappel (Spider E)Damage to champions with Neurotoxin (Human Q)Enemy champions killed with Venomous Bite (Spider Q)Attacks on champions from Elise and Spiderlings during Skittering Frenzy (Spider W)Total damage dealt to enemy champions with Volatile Spiderling (Human W)Dragons, Rift Heralds and Barons slainMagic damage to champions with Whiplash (E)Enemy champions killed within 2 seconds of exiting stealth from Demon Shade (P)Healing from Demon Shade (P) within 10s of dealing damage to championsTimes all Hate Spike (Q) bonus damage marks consumed on a championEnemy champions killed with Last Caress (R)Enemy champions charmed with Allure (W)Champions hit by Ability triggered Essence Flux (W) detonationsEnemy champions hit by long range (Greater than 75% of max range) Mystic Shots (Q)Total time spent at maximum stacks of Rising Spell Force (P)Enemy champions killed with Trueshot Barrage (R)Multiple champions hit with Trueshot Barrage (R)3+ Skillshot Abilities (Q, W, and R) hit on champions consecutively within 8 secondsEssence Flux (W) triggers on champions by other AbilitiesDamage to champions and turrets with Essence Flux (W)Total time enemy champions have spent silenced by Reap (E)Vision score generated with Scarecrow Effigy (P)Champions feared with Terrify (Q/QP)Damage to champions with Crowstorm (R)Multiple champions feared by Crowstorm (R)Damage to champions with Bountiful Harvest (W)Lethal damage prevented with healing from Bountiful Harvest (W)Damage mitigated with Riposte (W)Critical Strike damage to champions and Turrets with Bladework (E2)Vitals (P or R) struck on enemy championsSkillshots dodged with Lunge (Q)Number of Grand Challenges (R) fully triggered (All four vitals struck)Champions stunned with Riposte (W)Damage to champions with Playful/Trickster (E)Skillshots dodged with Playful/Trickster (E)Champion damage prevented by Nimble Fighter (P)Enemy champions hit with the lure of Chum the Waters (R)Champions killed within 6 seconds of being damaged by Chum the Waters (R)Bonus damage dealt by attacks empowered with Seastone Trident (W) to enemy championsEnemy champions hit with Justice Punch (E)Champions hit with Colossal Smash (P)Damage to champions with Winds of War (Q)Magic damage prevented with Hero's Entrance (R)Enemy champions knocked up with Hero's Entrance (R)Multiple (2+) enemy champions taunted with Shield of Durand (W)Enemy champions hit with Powder Kegs (E) detonated by chain reactionMultiple champions hit with Powder Keg (E) detonationsTrue damage to champions and turrets with Trial by Fire (P)Gold earned through Parrrley (Q)Takedowns of champions affected by Cannon Barrage (R)Crowd control removed with Remove Scurvy (W)Total damage dealt with Judgment (E) to enemy championsDamage taken by champions as a result of Judgment's (E) Armor reductionChampion slows cleansed within 1s of application with Decisive Strike (Q)Takedowns on champions while silenced by Decisive Strike (Q)Enemy champions killed with Demacian Justice (R)Damage mitigated with the shield component of Courage (W)Hyper (W) triggers on championsDistance travelled with Hop (Mini E) or Crunch (Mega E)Boomerangs caught from Boomerang Throw (Q)Consecutive Boulder Toss (Mega Q) hits on champions within 10sMultiple (2+) enemy champions hit with GNAR! (R)Champions stunned with GNAR! (R)Hyper (WP) triggers on championsChampions chain stunned with Wallop (Mega W) and GNAR! (Mega R) Gold earned from all sources, excluding passive incomeEnemy champions hit by maximum damage Barrel Rolls (Q)Happy Hours (P) drankChampions hit by Barrel Rolls (Q) that were knockbacked or stunned by Gragas in the last 2sEnemy champions knocked towards self or team with Explosive Cask (R)Multiple champions shoved with Explosive Cask (R)Champion damage mitigated with Drunken Rage (W)Champions hit with Body Slam (E) immediately after Gragas Flashes (D/F)Champion damage mitigated with True Grit (E)Shells reloaded with Quickdraw (E)Champions hit twice with End of the Line (Q)Champions Attacked 3 times within 3s without missing a bulletEnemy champions killed with Collateral Damage (R)Enemy champions damaged by Smoke Screen (W)Magic damage to champions from Skip 'n' Slash (E)Skillshots dodged with Skip 'n' Slash (E)Champions hit by A Thousand Cuts (P) 10 times within 5sTrue damage to champions with Snip Snip! (Q)Multiple champions hit with a single cast of Needlework (R)Damage to champions across the boundary of Hallowed Mist (W)Champion skillshot and targetted missiles evaded with Hallowed Mist (W)Healing done on allies through champion abilities, rune effects, summoner spells, active items, spell vamp, and life stealChampions pushed towards Hecarim's allies or away from their allies with Devastating Charge (E)Enemy champions hit by maximum speed Devastating Charges (E)Bonus damage to champions from Warpath (P)Fully stacked Rampage (Q) hits on championsEnemy champions feared by Onslaught of Shadows (R)Total healing received from Spirit of Dread (W)Enemy champions stunned with CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade or CH-3X Lightning Grenade (E)Enemy champions killed with Hextech Micro-Rockets or Hextech Rocket Swarm (W)Time spent hasted by Hextech Affinity (P) in champion combatTotal damage dealt to champions by H-28G Evolution Turrets or H-28Q Apex Turrets (Q)Hits on champions with any Turret's charged shotsMultiple champions affected by UPGRADE!!! (R) enhanced AbilitiesDamage taken by spirits during Test of Spirit (E)Enemy champions that have been made a Vessel by Test of Spirit (E)Healing from Prophet of an Elder God (P)Multiple champions hit with a Tentacle (Q, P)Kills on enemy champions during Leap of Faith (R)Total tentacles summoned from Prophet of an Elder God (P) or Leap of Faith (R)Damage mitigated with Defiant Dance (W)Champions stunned with Flawless Duet (E)Damage to champions with Ionian Fervor (P)Skillshots dodged with Bladesurge (Q)Total resets of Bladesurge (Q)Multiple (2+) enemy champions hit with Vanguard's Edge (R)Champion damage prevented with Triggerseed (E)Buffs shared with allied champions with Friend of the Forest (P)Enemy jungle camps or Scuttlecrabs liberated with Friend of the Forest (P)Takedowns within 3 seconds of an enemy champion being rooted with Rootcaller (Q)Enemy champions knocked up by Daisy! (R)Magic damage to champions from Brushmaker (WP)Lethal damage prevented with Eye of the Storm (E) on yourself or allied championsChampion damage prevented with Eye of the Storm (E)Bonus healing and shielding from Eye of the Storm (EP)Multiple (2+) allied champions healed at once with Monsoon (R)Multiple champions shoved with Monsoon (R)Enemy champions knocked up with Howling Gale (Q)Takedowns on champions within 10s of being Slowed by Zephyr (W)Attacks from team against champions, structures or Epic monsters while near a Demacian Standard (E) flagEnemy champions knocked up with Demacian Standard (E) + Dragon Strike (Q)Enemy champions hit with Martial Cadence (P)Damage taken by champions trapped inside Cataclysm (R)Enemy champions killed while inside Cataclysm (R)Damage prevented by Golden Aegis (W)Total damage mitigated by Grandmaster's Might (R)Champion damage prevented with Counter Strike (E)Multiple (2+) enemy champions stunned with Counter Strike (E)Total time spent with maximum stacks of Relentless Assault (P)Champions Stunned after Leap Striking (Q) into range during Counter Strike (E)Champions hit with using Empower (W) and Grandmaster's Might (RP) at the same time Total damage dealt by Thundering Blow (Mercury Hammer E) to enemy championsMagic damage to champions with Mercury Hammer's first AttackEnemy champions hit with long range (Greater than default range) Shock Blasts (Mercury Cannon Q) empowered by Acceleration Gate (Mercury Cannon E)Number of times To The Skies! or Shock Blast (Either Q) have hit multiple (2+) enemy championsChampions damaged by Mercury Cannon's To the Skies! (Q), Lightning Field (W) and Thundering Blow (E) within 6sDamage to champions with Lightning Field (W) and Hyper Charge (W)Damage to champions with Lotus Traps (E, EP)Enemy champions hit by maximum damage 4th bounce Dancing Grenades (Q)Enemy champions hit by the fourth attack of Death in Four Acts (P1)Times champions were hit by all four shots of Curtain Call (R)Enemy champions killed with Curtain Call (R)Champions rooted with Deadly Flourish (W)Damage to champions rooted by Flame Chompers (E)Full damage dealt to enemy champions with Super Mega Death Rocket! (R)Total number of times Get Excited! (P) was triggered while already in effectChampions hit at over 600 range with Fishbones (Q)Fishbones (Q2) attacks against champions while affected by Rev'd Up (Q1) Total time spent at max stacks of Rev Up (QP)Champions hit with Zap! (W) at greater than 75% of max rangeTimes where Kai'sa's dealt three Attacks to champions during Supercharge (E)Enemy champions hit with long range (Greater than 75% of maximum range) Void Seekers (W)Damage dealt by Plasma Ruptures (P1) to enemy champions with Caustic Wounds (P2)Damage to isolated champions with Icathian Rain (Q)Damage prevented with Killer Instinct (R) shieldsEnemy champions killed within 5 seconds of using Killer Instinct (R)Greater than 50% of maximum range Void Seekers (W)Enemy champions killed with Rend (E)Multiple champions damaged with Rend (E) pullsSkillshots dodged with Martial Poise (P)Number of Rend (E) stacks transferred to enemy champions with Pierce (Q)Low health allied champions (Under 25% health) pulled in by Fate's Call (R)Soul Mark damage to champions with Sentinel (WP)Total cooldown reduction to Mantra (R) by activating Gathering Fire (P)Total damage mitigated by Inspire (E) or Defiance (Empowered E)Takedowns within 10s of casting Defiance (Empowered E)Enemy champions hit by Soul Flare (Empowered Q)Healing from Renewal (Empowered W)Champions rooted with Focused Resolve (W) and Renewal (Empowered W)Takedowns while dead or in Death Defied (P)Damage to champions with Defile (E)Isolated enemy champions hit with Lay Waste (Q)Enemy champions killed while in Death Defied (P)Consecutive hits on a champion with Lay Waste (Q)Enemy champions killed with Requiem (R)Damage taken by champions due to Wall of Pain's (W) Magic Resist reductionMultiple champions slowed with Force Pulse (E)Champion damage prevented with Null Sphere (Q)Channels interrupted on enemy champions with Null Sphere (Q)Damage to champions from Riftwalk (R) at 2+ stacksEnemy champions killed within 1.5 seconds of using Riftwalk (R)Total mana recovered with Nether Blade (W)Shunpo's (E) 5 seconds before or after killing an enemy championSkillshots dodged with Shunpo (E) and Preparation (W)Cooldown refunded with Voracity (P)Enemy champions damaged by Voracity (P) dagger pickupsMultiple champions hit with Death Lotus (R)Enemy champions killed with Death Lotus (R)Consecutive Voracity (P2) dagger pickups that hit champions within 3sEnemy champions executed with Starfire Spellblade (E)Exalted Attacks on champions with Divine Ascent (P)Damage taken by champions due to Radiant Blast (Q) resistance reductionChampion damage prevented with Divine Judgment (R)Enemy champions killed after being damaged by Divine Judgment (R)Healing done with Celestial Blessing (W)Total distance travelled through walls with Shadow Step (E)Healing in champion combat with Shadow Step (E)Champions hit twice by Reaping Slash (Q)Times The Darkin Scythe (P) has been completed in under 13 minutesEnemy champions killed within 3 seconds of being infested by Umbral Trespass (R)Multiple champions hit with Blade's Reach (W)Enemy champions passed through during Lightning Rush (E)Champions stunned with Mark of the Storm (P)Champions hit with Thundering Shuriken (Q) at greater than 75% of max rangeMultiple (3+) enemy champions stunned during Slicing Maelstrom (R)Multiple champions stunned during Slicing Maelstrom (R)Damage to champions with Electrical Surge (W, WP)Enemy champions killed with Electrical Surge (W)Enemy champions killed within 3 seconds of using Leap (E)Enemy champions killed within 3 seconds of triggering Unseen Threat (P) on themHealing received from Void Spike (W)Champions hit with Taste Their Fear (Q) whilst mid-air with Leap (E)Damage dealt to Isolated (QP) championsChampion kills 3s before or after each cast of Void Assault (R)Enemy champions killed with Mounting Dread (E)Number of Marks of the Kindred (P) collected from jungle monsters, epic monsters, and enemy champion takedownsConsecutive champion hits with Dance of Arrows (Q) within 5sNumber of allied champions' deaths prevented with Lamb's Respite (R)Damage to champions by Wolf (W, E)Healing from Wolf's Frenzy (WP) in combat with championsChampions hit with both casts of Jousting (E)Number of times Skaarl resummoned with Courage (P3) away from your baseChampion kills within 6s of remounting Skaarl (P)Number of times Beartrap on a Rope (Q) has successfully pulled enemy championsHits on enemy champions with max-wind up Chaaaaaaaarge!!! (R)Damage to champions with the final Attack from Violent Tendencies (W)Champions (can include allies) knocked back by abilities or effectsChampions (can include allies) knocked up by abilities or effectsDamage taken by champions due to Caustic Spittle's (Q) resistance reductionConsecutive hits on champions with Living Artillery (R)Magic damage to champions from Bio-Arcane Barrage (W)Multiple (2+) enemy champions damaged with Void Ooze (E)Enemy champions killed with Living Artillery (R)Attacks against enemy champions outside of maximum range due to Bio-Arcane Barrage (W)Number of times the clone from Mirror Image (P) has been auto attacked, or hit with a spell from enemy championsMarks from Sigil of Malice (Q) consumed on enemy championsEnemy champions killed within 3 seconds of using Distortion (W)Champions rooted with Ethereal Chains (E)Damage to champions with Mimic (R) AbilitiesSkillshots dodged with Distortion (W)Enemy champions killed within 3 seconds of being hit with Resonating Strike (Q)Champions hit with Sonic Wave (Q) at greater than 75% of max rangeDamage to (and by) champions with Dragon's Rage (R)Enemy champions kicked toward your team with Dragon's Rage (R)Champions hit with Sonic Wave (Q) or Resonating Strike (Q2) within 1.5s of being affected by Dragon's Rage (R)Damage mitigated with Safeguard (W1) on yourself or allied championsTimes 2.5s of Disables were applied to champions by Abilities within 4sDamage to champions with Sunlight (P)Shield of Daybreak (Q) stuns on enemy champions after Zenith Blade (E) on the same targetEnemy champions hit with the center of Solar Flare (R)Champions hit with Eclipse (W)Damage mitigated with Eclipse (W)Enemy champions hit by a long range (Greater than 2000 range) Swirlseeds (E)Damage to champions with Dream-Laden Bough (P)Time spent at max stacks of Blooming Blows (Q)True damage hits on champions with Blooming Blows (Q)Multiple champions sent to sleep with Lilting Lullaby (R)Number of enemy champions hit with the center of Watch Out! Eep! (W) while asleep.Damage to champions with Glacial Path (E)Damage dealt to enemy champions by Frozen Thralls spawned with Iceborn Subjugation (P)Champions slowed with Ice Shard (Q)Enemy champions killed within 5 seconds of taking damage from Frozen Tomb (R)Multiple (2+) enemy champions frozen by Ring of Frost (W)Champions disabled by Abilities (W, R) within 1s of following Glacial Path (E) clawDamage to champions outside your Attack rangeSkillshots dodged with Relentless Pursuit (E)Champions hit with Lightslinger (P) 3 times within 6sNumber of Lightslinger (P) triggers on enemy championsEnemy champions hit by Piercing Light (Q) that weren't its primary targetEnemy champions killed with The Culling (R)Time with Ardent Blaze (W) movement speed buff while in champion combat.Total damage mitigated with Help, Pix! (E)Damage to champions with Pix, Faerie Companion (P) AttacksMultiple champions hit with Glitterlance (Q)Multiple (2+) enemy champions knocked up with Wild Growth (R)Attacks on champions during bonus Attack Speed from Whimsy (W)Takedowns on enemy champions within 5 seconds of being polymorphed with Whimsy (W)Total damage mitigated with Prismatic Barrier (W)Damage to champions with Lucent Singularity (E)Enemy champions killed with Final Spark (R)Number of Illumination (P) triggers on enemy championsDouble champion roots with Light Binding (Q)Multiple champions hit with Final Spark (R)Total damage mitigated with Granite Shield (P)Multiple champions crippled by Ground Slam (E)Distance moved with bonus speed from Seismic Shard (Q)Enemy champions killed with Seismic Shard (Q)Multiple (2+) enemy champions hit by Unstoppable Force (R)Takedowns within 10s of being hit with Unstoppable Force (R)Champion damage mitigated with Thunderclap (WP) bonus armorTotal damage dealt with Malefic Visions (E) to enemy championsTimes Malefic Visions applied/reapplied to champions without using (E)Champion damage prevented with Void Shift (P)Multiple champions silenced with Call of the Void (Q)Kills on enemy champions affected by Nether Grasp (R)Takedowns on champions affected by Nether Grasp (R)Attacks by Voidlings (W) on champions or structuresTotal number of Voidlings summoned with Void Swarm (W)Enemy champions hit with empowered Saplings from Sapling Toss (E)Times 3+ champion disables have been applied within 3sSubsequent Sap Magic (P) heals triggered within 15sEnemy champions knocked back with Bramble Smash (Q) after being rooted with Twisted Advance (W)Enemy champions rooted by Nature's Grasp (R)Skillshots dodged with Twisted Advance (W)Total damage mitigated with Meditation (W)True damage to champions with Wuju Style (E)Skillshots dodged with Alpha Strike (Q)Alpha Strike (Q) cooldown reducedSlows or Cripples cleansed or ignored with Highlander (R)Multiple (2+) enemy champions killed during Highlander (R)Represents the `score` earned from killing lane and jungle monsters.Takedowns within 6s of being slowed with Make It Rain (E)Damage to champions and turrets with Love Tap (P)Number of times the second shot of Double Up (Q) has been a guaranteed crit against enemy championsEnemy champions killed with Bullet Time (R)Multiple champions hit with Bullet Time (R)Attacks on champions while affected by Strut (W2) attack speedTotal distance travelled while at maximum stacks of Strut (WP)Champion damage mitigated with Stone Skin (P)Damage taken by champions due to Crushing Blow's (Q) Armor reductionDamage to champions from Warrior Trickster (W)Enemy champions killed inside the Death Realm during Realm of Death (R)Multiple champions pulled with Death's Grasp (E)Isolated enemy champions hit by Obliterate (Q)Total time with Darkness Rising (P) activeDamage to champions whilst empowered by a Stolen Spirit from Realm of Death (R)Damage dealt to champions whilst empowered by a Stolen Spirit from Realm of Death (R)Champion damage mitigated with Indestructible (W)Number of times Black Shield (E) has prevented crowd controlChampions chain-disabled with Dark Binding (Q) and Soul Shackles (R) (in any order)Long range (Greater than 75% of maximum range) Dark Bindings (Q) landed against enemy championsMultiple (2+) enemy champions stunned with Soul Shackle (R)Multiple champions stunned with Soul Shackles (R)Healing from Soul Siphon (P)Multiple champions damaged with Soul Shackles (R)Damage to champions with Tormented Shadow (W)Total damage dealt by Tidecaller's Blessing (E) empowered attacks from yourself or allied champions against enemy champions, minions, or monstersTakedowns on champions within 6s of being Slowed with Tidecaller's Blessing (E)Duration of Move Speed bonus granted by Surging Tides (P) in champion combatEnemy Champions stunned with Aqua Prison (Q)Multiple (3+) enemy champions knocked up by Tidal Wave (R)Multiple champions knocked up by Tidal Wave (R)Times Ebb and Flow (W) affected 3 championsDamage taken by champions due to Spirit Fire's (E) Armor reductionHealing from champions with Soul Eater (P)Damage to structures with Siphoning Strike (Q)Number of stacks gained from Siphoning Strike (Q) on minions, monsters, and enemy championsEnemy champions killed during Fury of the Sands (R)Total time enemy champions have spent Withered (W)Number of times enemy champions have been hit by Dredge Line (Q), Staggering Blow (P), and Riptide (E) (in any order) within 4 secondsMultiple Champions hit with Riptide (E)Enemy champions hit with Dredge Line (Q)Multiple champions hit with Depth Charge (R)Champion damage prevented with Titan's Wrath (W)Bonus damage dealt from attacks empowered by Titan's Wrath (W) to enemy championsChampions rooted with empowered Tangle-Barbs (E)Multiple champions hit by a single Pop Blossom (Q) burstNumber of times all three bursts of Blooming Burst (Q) hit the same enemy championMultiple (2+) enemy champions hit by Pop Blossom (R)Number of times the clone from Shapesplitter (W) has been auto attacked, or hit with a spell from an enemy championDamage to champions with Shapesplitter (WP)Enemy champions executed with Takedown (Cougar Q)Healing with Primal Surge (E) while in champion combatBushwhack (Human W) traps triggered by enemy championsDamage to champions with Takedown (Q)Enemy champions hit with Javelin Toss (Human Q) that traveled over 750 unitsHunted champions hit with multiple Cougar AbilitiesChampions hit with Formless Blade (Q) during Slipstream (E)Bonus healing on self and allies with Joy Unending (P)Formless Blade (Q) Empowered Attacks on championsMultiple champions pulled with Apotheosis (R)Takedowns within 5s of being pulled with Apotheosis (R)Champion Attacks dodged with Jubilant Veil (W)Champions feared with Unspeakable Horror (E)Total healing received from Umbral Blades (P)Time spent with Duskbringer (Q) dusk trail empowerment while in Champion combatDistance Travelled with Paranoia (R) or Duskbringer (Q) movement enchancements towards enemy champions.Enemy champions killed while Paranoia (R) is activeTotal number of abilities blocked with Shroud of Darkness (W)Champions rooted with Snowball Barrage (E)Total duration of Call of the Freljord (P) Attack Speed enhancement in champion combatTotal healing received from Consume (Q)Takedowns on enemy champions within 3 seconds of being affected by Absolute Zero (R)Enemy champions hit with max-charged Biggest Snowball Ever! (W)Takedowns within 10s on champions affected by Biggest Snowball Ever! (W) impactsTrue damage dealt with Reckless Swings (E) to enemy championsEnemy champions killed that have been hit by 2 or more Undertows (Q) within 10 secondsAttacks on champions while lower than 40% Health with Berserker Rage (P)Champions hit with Undertow (Q) at greater than 75% of max rangeExtended time spent in Ragnarok (R)Hard crowd control from enemy champions removed or rejected with Ragnarok (R)Total distance travelled by The Ball from Command: Attack (Q), or Command: Protect (E)Damage mitigated by Command: Protect (E)Damage to champions with Clockwork Winding (P)Champions hit with Shockwave (R) while The Ball is assigned to Orianna or an allyMultiple champions hit by Command: Shockwave (R)Multiple (3+) enemy champions hit by Command: Shockwave (R)Champions slowed and boosted with Command: Dissonance (W) while in champion combatTotal number of items built with Living Forge (P)Number of times Living Forge's (P) knockback has been triggered on enemy champions affected by BrittleChampions knocked up with Searing Charge (E)Champions hit twice by Call of the Forge God's (R) lava elementalMultiple (2+) enemy champions knocked up with Call of the Forge God (R)Magic damage taken by champions due to Bellows Breath's (WP) Brittle effectTotal damage mitigated with Aegis Assault (E)Enemy champions hit with the shockwave from Grand Starfall (R)Subsequent Mortal Will (P) empowered Abilities used in champion combat within 10sEnemy champions killed with Comet Spear (Q)Multiple champions hit with Comet Spear (Q)Takedowns on champions within 6s of being stunned by Shield Vault (W)Damage blocked with Iron Ambassador (P)Enemy champion dashes denied with Steadfast Presence (W)Champions stunned with Heroic Charge (E)Champions hit with both parts of Hammer Shock (Q)Total distance enemy champions have travelled after being hit by a charged Keeper's Verdict (R)Multiple champions hit with Keeper's Verdict (R)Multiple (2+) enemy champions hit by a single Phantom Undertow (E)Health regenerated from Gift of the Drowned Ones (P)Champions pulled with Bone Skewer (Q)Extra gold generated with Death from Below (R)Champions killed from re-casts of Death From Below (R)Total distance travelled during Ghostwater Dive (W)Skillshots dodged with Terrashape (W) and Audacity (E)Number of Royal Privilege (P) triggers on enemy championsTime spent in champion combat hidden by grass trails from Edge of Ixtal (Q)Enemy champions killed with Edge of Ixtal (Q)Multiple (2+) enemy champions hit with Supreme Display of Talent (R)Champions killed within 6s of being affected by multiple different Terrashape (W) elementsTotal distance travelled with Vault (E)Total bonus damage dealt to enemy champions rendered Vulnerable by Harrier (P)Damage a champion rendered Vulnerable by Harrier (P) 3 times within 4sChampions nearsighted by Blinding Assault (Q)Enemy champions killed within 5 seconds of leaving Behind Enemy Lines (R)Previously unseen champions revealed with Heightened Senses (W)Total damage mitigated with Battle Dance (E)Times Battle Dance (E), recast (E2) and Grand Entrance (W) all affected a champion within 3sTotal cooldown reduction to Fey Feathers (P)Multiple champions healed with Gleaming Quill (Q)Multiple (2+) enemy champions charmed with The Quickness (R)Multiple (2+) enemy champions knocked up with Grand Entrance (W)Takedowns on enemy champions affected by Frenzying Taunt (E)Damage to champions with Spiked Shell (P)Total distance travelled during Powerball (Q)Champions hit by the inner circle of Soaring Slam (R)Reflected damage to champions with Defensive Ball Curl (W)Enemy champions killed with reflected damage from Defensive Ball Curl (W)True damage to champions with Furious Bite (E)Number of previously spawned Tunnels (E) takenLong range (Greater than 75% of maximum range) Prey Seekers (Q) landed on enemy championsEnemy champions killed with Void Rush (R)Champions displaced by Unburrow (W)Unseen champion movements detected with Burrow's (WP) Tremor SenseDamage taken by champions due to Break the Mold's (P) resistance reductionTotal value of shields destroyed with Shattering Strike (Q)Champions kept in Magnet Storm (R) for its full durationChampion damage prevented while dismounted with Ferromancy (W)Champions stunned by both Ferromancy (W) and Attract and Repel (E) within 1 second of each otherEnemies pulled with Magnet Storm (R) during Crash Down (W)Loyalty Program (E) casts that hit both enemy and allied championsApply Leverage (P) damage to champions 4 times within 6sChampions hit by abilities within 1.5s of being repositioned with Handshake (Q)Champions stunned by Renata's second Hand Shake (Q) activationDamage dealt to enemy champions by their allies during Hostile Takeover's (R) BerzerkAllies that avoided death during the burn phase of Bailout (W)Champions hit with 3 non-Ultimate abilities within 3 secondsChampions hit with both Slice and Dice (E)Champions hit by Fury empowered abilities via Reign of Anger (P)Healing from Cull The Meek (Q) while in champion combatTakedowns during Dominus (R)Shield value destroyed with Empowered (W)Number of times crowd control effects have been removed with empowered Battle Roar (W)Champions rooted with empowered Bola Strike (E)Subsequent Unseen Ferocity (P) pounce Attacks on champions within 4sDamage done to champions with Savagery (Q)Number of times that Bonetooth Necklace (P3) has been completedEnemy champions killed within 3 seconds of leaving camouflage from Thrill of the Hunt (R)Skillshots dodged with Valor (E)Multiple champions stunned with Ki Burst (W) or Knocked-up with Broken Wings (Q3)Number of Runic Blade (P) stacks spent on auto attacks against enemy championsDistance travelled with Broken Wings (Q) and Valor (E) whilst in champion combatNumber of times all three hits of Broken Wings (Q) hit the same enemy championEnemy champions killed with Wind Slash (R2)Duration of enemy champions rooted by abilitiesTotal damage mitigated with Scrap Shield (W)Subsequent Electro Harpoon (E) hits on the same champion within 4sBonus damage dealt to enemy champions from Overheating with Junkyard Titan (P)Damage to champions with Flamespitter (Q)Takedowns on enemy champions that have been affected by The Equalizer (R) within 5 seconds.Damage done to enemy champions with The Equalizer (R)Times Overload's (Q) cooldown has been reduced while in champion combat. Champions hit with Overload (Q) after bouncing via Spell Flux (E)Damage to champions with Overload (Q)Consecutive hits on champions with Overload (Q)Champions killed by yourself or allies teleported with Realm Warp (R) in the last 10sChampions killed within 10 seconds of arriving via Realm Warp (R)Champions rooted with Rune Prison (W) on Spell Flux (E) affected targetsEnemy champions knocked up by Daredevil Impulse (P)Champions hit with Flair (Q) explosives deployed during Wild Rush (E) dashDamage to champions with Inferno Trigger (R)Multiple (2+) enemy champions killed by Inferno Trigger (R)Times "S-Tier" has been reached with Daredevil Impulse (P)Subsequent Wild Rush (E) dashes, Daredevil Impulse (P) dashes, or flashes in 7s Damage to champions with blade Attacks (Melee P), Flair (Melee Q) and Wild Rush (E)Ultimate ability projectiles blocked with Blade Whirl (W)Abilities and attacks blocked with Blade WhirlChampions stunned with Permafrost (E) within 0.5s of reaching 4 stacksDamage dealt to enemy champions with Icebreaker (P)Champions taken down with 10s of being knocked up with Glacial Assault (Q)Champion damage dealt with Glacial Prison (R)Takedowns on enemy champions within 5 seconds of being affected by Glacial Prison (R)Enemy champions hit with both halves of Winter's Wrath (W)Takedowns by Wraithform champions within 10s of being affected by Curse of the Black Mist (E)Number of Mist (P) stacks collectedEnemy champions hit by Piercing Darkness (Q) that weren't its primary targetChampions killed by you or your allies within 10s being affected by Dawning Shadow (R) Champion damage prevented with Dawning Shadow (R)Takedowns on enemy champions within 3 seconds of being damaged by Dawning Shadow (R)Champions rooted with Last Embrace (W)Crowd Control upgraded with Beat Drop (E)Multiple (2+) enemy champions hit by Encore (R)Multiple champion hits with High Note (Q)Champions charmed with Encore (R) at greater than initial max rangeTotal Damage Dealt with Stage Presence (P)Champion damage prevented with Surround Sound (W)Rapid 4-punch combos against champions with Knuckle Down (Q)Enemy champions killed by The Show Stopper (R)Damage to champions with The Show Stopper (R)Multiple champions hit with The Show Stopper (R)Enemy champions stunned by Facebreaker (E)Champion and turret damage prevented with Haymaker (W) shieldTrue damage dealt to enemy champions with Haymaker (W)Backstab (P) Attacks and thrown shivs on championsEnemy champions killed by Two-Shiv Poison (E)Skillshots dodged with Decieve (Q) and Hallucinate (R) castsNumber of times the clone from Hallucinate (R) has been auto attacked or hit with a spell from an enemy championDamage to champions from Hallucinate (R) cloneStealthed Jack in the Boxes (W) triggered by enemy championsChampion damage prevented with Ki Barrier (P)Magic damage to champions with Twilight Assault (Q) AttacksTotal time enemy champions have spent slowed by Twilight Assault (Q)Champion damage blocked with Stand United (R)Enemy champions taunted with Shadow Dash (E) within 2 seconds of arriving with Stand United (R)Number of attacks blocked with Spirit's Refuge (W)Enemy champions killed with Flame Breath (E) while in Dragon FormDamage to champions with Flame Breath (E)Number of stacks of Fury of the Dragonborn (P) generated from killing dragonsFury generated from Attacks on championsMultiple champions hit with Dragon's Descent (R)Total distance travelled during Burnout (W)Duration of enemy champions silencedChampions Flung (E) towards your alliesDistance travelled while under the effects of Insanity Potion (R)Multiple stacks of Slipstream (P) gained in champion combatTotal damage dealt with Poison Trail (Q) to enemy championsTakedowns within 10s on champions affected by Mega Adhesive (W)Enemy champions tossed with Fling (E) that land in Mega Adhesive (W)Champions hit with Roar of the Slayer (E) projectile enemiesEnemy champions hit with Unstoppable Onslaught (R) after reaching maximum speedDamage to champions and structures during Glory In Death (P)Enemy champions knocked up by Decimating Smash (Q)Champion damage blocked with Soul Furnace (W)Bonus health gained from Soul Furnace (W)Number of abilities blocked with Spell Shield (E)Time spent hasted by Fleet of Foot (P)Enemy champions hit twice by a single cast of Boomerang Blade (Q)Multiple champions hit with Boomerang Blade (Q)Multiple (2+) allied champions hasted with On The Hunt (R)Champions hit with Ricochet (W) bouncesChampions stunned by Fracture (E) within 2 seconds before or after being Impaled (R)Enemy champions stunned with Crystal Venom triggers from Fracture (E)Enemy champions killed while benefitting from Crystal Spires (P)Magic damage to champions with Crystal Slash (Q)Takedowns on enemy champions within 5 seconds of them being affected by Impale (R)Champion damage mitigated with Crystalline Exoskeleton (W)Duration of enemy champions slowed by abilities, items, and runesDuration of haste applied in champion combat with Song of Celerity (E)Enemy champions hit with Power Chord (P) auto attacksDamage to champions with Aura enhanced Attacks from Hymn of Valor (Q)Multiple (2+) enemy champions hit with Crescendo (R)Champion damage prevented with Aria of Perseverance (W) shieldingHealing done with Aria of Perseverance (W)Multiple champions affected by Equinox (E)Enemy champions rooted with Equinox (E)Starcall (QP) Rejuvenation healing granted with Astral Infusion (W)Enemy champions hit by Starfall (Q)Low HP (Below 40%) allied champions affected by Wish (R)Takedowns by champions healed by Wish (R) at over 2000 units awayTurret, Inhibitor and Nexus structures destroyedNumber of enemy champions stunnedEnemy champions rooted with long range (Greater than 75% of maximum range) Nevermoves (E)Champions pulled with Nevermove (E2)Health increased with Ravenous Flock (P)Healing from champions during Demonic Ascension (R)Enemy champions killed during Demonic Ascension (R)Takedowns on champions within 10s of being slowed with Vision of Empire (W)Champions hit with Abduct (E2) at greater than 75% of max rangeEnemy champions hit with Petricite Burst (P)Champions hit with both halves of Chain Lash (Q)Champions killed within 10s of casting their ultimateEnemy champions killed within 6 seconds of damaging them with their own ultimateTotal healing done with Kingslayer (W)Champions killed with Kingslayer (W)Number of enemy champions killed with Unleashed Power (R) where 5 or more orbs were usedMultiple champions affected by Scatter the Weak (E)Number of enemy champions stunned by Scatter the Weak (E)Shards of Power (P) stacks gained from championsChampions hit with Dark Sphere (Q) creationNumber of enemy champions hit with Dark Spheres, minions, monsters, or pets with Force of Will (W)Champion damage prevented with Thick Skin (E) shieldMax stacks of Acquired Taste (P) applied to championsHealing from champions hit with Tongue Lash (Q)Champions stunned with Tongue Lash (Q)Allies in peril (below 50% Health or Disabled) eaten with Devour (R)Takedowns within 10 seconds of arriving with Abyssal Voyage (R)Champions knocked up with Abyssal Dive (W)Low HP (Below 25%) allied champions eaten with Devour (W)Champion Kills and AssistsEnemy champions hit with all 5 missiles of a single Threaded Volley (Q)Multiple champions hit by Unravelled Earth (E)Distance Traveled while Rock Surfing (P)Total time spent Rock Surfing (P)Champions hit with empowered Threaded Volley (Q) bouldersTakedowns within 10s of casting or dismounting Weaver's Wall (R)Enemy champions Knocked into Unraveled Earth (E) stones by Seismic Shove (W)Walls vaulted with Assassin's Path (E) 10 seconds before or after killing an enemy championSubsequent Blades End (P) triggers on champions within 12sBleed damage against enemy champions from triggered Blade's End (P) woundsNoxian Diplomacy (Q) Critical hits on championsEnemy champions killed within 3 seconds of being hit by Shadow Assault (R)Rake (W) casts that apply multiple stacks of Blade's End (P) to championsMultiple (2+) enemy champions stunned with Dazzle (E)Champions stunned by a tethered ally's Dazzle (E)Magic damage to champions with Bravado (P)Total healing done with Starlight's Touch (Q)Greater than 5 stacks of Starlight's Touch (Q) consumed within 10sKills on champions by allies within 10s of being affected by Cosmic Radiance (R)Takedowns against enemy champions within 5 seconds by allies that were affected by Cosmic Radiance (R)Enemy champions killed by a tick of poison from Toxic Shot (EP)Takedowns within 10s of exiting stealth from Guerrilla Warfare (P)Damage to champions with poisons applied with Toxic Shot (E) and Noxious Trap (R)Attacks missed by enemy champions because of Blinding Dart (Q)Enemy champions hit with Noxious Trap (R)Time spent with Move Quick (W) while in champion combatEnemy champions hit with Death Sentence (Q)Damnation (P) Souls collectedTakedowns within 10s of travelling to a champion hooked by Death Sentence (Q2)Walls broken from The Box (R) by enemy championsChampion damage prevented with Dark Passage (W) shieldsAllied champions transported with Dark Passage (W)Explosive Charges (E) applied to champions during Rocket Jump (W) Champions hit with damage from Explosive Charge (E, EP)Attacks on champions during Rapid Fire (Q)Maximum charge Explosive Charges (E) detonated on enemy championsChampions within 250 units knocked away with Buster Shot (R)Enemy champions that have been displaced by Buster Shot (R)Number of Rocket Jump (W) resetsMultiple champions affected buy Pillar of Ice (E)Takedowns against enemy champions within 5 seconds of hitting enemies with the center pillar in Pillar of Ice (E)Healing from champion deaths with King's Tribute (P)Enemy champions killed while 'borrowing' their attack damage with Chomp (Q)Total healing done with Subjugate (R)Bonus healing from Frozen Domain (W) while in champion combatTotal number of consecutive critical attacks against the same enemy championSubsequent Spinning Slash (E) casts that hit champions within 8sTotal healing done with Bloodlust (Q)Lethal damage ignored during Undying Rage (R)Enemy champions killed while Undying Rage (R) is activeTakedowns on champions within 6s of being slowed by Mocking Shout (W)Magic damage to champions with Stacked Deck (E)Champions hit with Pick a Card (W) and Stacked Deck (EP) damage in the same AttackLong range (Greater than 75% of maximum range) Wild Cards (Q) landed against enemy championsMultiple champions hit with Wild Cards (Q)Takedowns within 10s of teleporting with Destiny (R)Enemy champions killed within 5 seconds of teleporting with Destiny (R)Enemy champions stunned with the Gold Card from Pick a Card (W)Multiple champions hit with Contaminate (E) with at least 2 stacks of Deadly Venom (P)Enemy champions hit by Contaminate (E) while at maximum stacks of Deadly Venom (P)True damage to champions with Deadly Venom (P)Stacks of Deadly Venom (P) applied to champions with Venom Cask (W)Enemy champions killed within 5 seconds of exiting stealth from Ambush (Q)Multiple (2+) enemy champions killed that have been hit with Spray and Pray (R) within 8 secondsImmobilizing effects from champions blocked with Awakened Blazing Stampede (E)Champions stunned with Blazing Stampede (E)Bridge Between (P) empowered Attacks on championsTime spent at maximum stacks of Monkey's Agility (P)Bonus damage dealt by Tiger Stance (Q) auto attacks to enemy champions, epic monsters or large monstersBonus Damage done by Wilding Claw (Q) on Isolated championsMagic damage to champions with Phoenix Stance (R)Time champions spent Slowed by Wingborne Storm (R)Takedowns when at least 3 Stances were used within the last 10sDamage blocked with shields from Iron Mantle (W) in champion combatChampion damage prevented with Turtle Stance (W)Consecutive shotgun shells from Echoing Flame (P) landed on the same enemy champion within 4 secondsEnemy champions flung with Disdain (E)Takedowns on champions within 10s of being slowed with Corrosive Charge (Q)Champions feared with Fear Beyond Death (R)Enemy champions devoured by Fear Beyond Death (R)Damage to champions with Purge (W)Times 6 Blight stacks have been detonated on champions within 10sEnemy champions hit with full-draw Piercing Arrow (Q)Blight stacks applied to champions by Attacks during Living Vengeance (P)Multiple (2+) enemy champions hit by a single Chain of Corruption (R)Damage to champions from Blighted Quiver (W, WP)Maximum stacks of Blight (WP) detonated on enemy championsEnemy champions knocked into map or champion-generated terrain with Condemn (E)Number of Skillshots dodged with Tumble (Q)Silver Bolts (W) triggers on a champion with Tumble (Q) or Condemn (E)Enemy champions killed during Final Hour (R)Tumble Attacks on champions during Final Hour (R)True damage to champions with Silver Bolts (W)Damage to champions effected by or contained within Event Horizon (E)Multiple (2+) enemy champions caught inside of Event Horizon (E)Times an Ability granted 2 or more stacks of Phenomenal Evil (P)Number of Phenomenal Evil Power (P) stacks gained from enemy champions, minions, and monstersEnemy champions killed with Primordial Burst (R)Damage dealt to Champions with Dark Matter (W)Multiple (2+) enemy champions knocked up with Tectonic Disruption (E)Enemy champions hit by the split missiles of Plasma Fission (Q)Enemy champions killed with Disintegration Ray (R)Champions knocked up with Tectonic Disruption (E)True damage to champions from Organic Deconstruction (P) and Lifeform Disintegration Ray (R)Champions struck with 3 stacks of Organic Deconstruction (P) within 2sChampions hit with both halves of Void Rift (W)Accelerated Mistral Bolts (Q) landed on enemy championsMultiple champions Feared with Doom (P)Multiple champions hit by Looming Darkness (E)Gloom (P) marks consumed on championsSubsequent champions hit by Shadow Surge (R) within 10sChampions Feared with Doom (P) applied by Personal Space (W)Enemy champions hit by 4 punches (Attacks or Abilities) in 2 secondsTotal damage mitigated with Blast Shield (P)Enemy champions hit by maximum range Vault Breakers (Q)Vault Breakers (Q) that hit champions over terrain or from outside of visionTakedowns on champions within 3s of dunking them with Cease and Desist (R)Damage taken by champions due to Denting Blows' (W) Armor reductionChampion takedowns within 6s of existing camouflage granted by Harrowed Path (E)Healing from champions with Blade of the Ruined King (QP) and Sovereign's Domination (P)Damage to champions while possessing a Wraith with Sovereign's Domination (P)Damage to champions with Blade of the Ruined King (Q, QP)Champions killed with Heartbreaker (R)Max duration champion stuns with Spectral Maw (W)Enemy champions hit twice by Augmented Death Ray (E)Multiple champions hit with Death Ray (E)Champion damage prevented with Siphon Power (Q) shieldChampions killed with Siphon Power (Q) Ability or AttackEnemy champions killed with Chaos Storm (R)Takedowns on champions inside Chaos Storm (R)Duration of slows applied to champions by AbilitiesEnemy champions stunned by Gravity Field (W)Multiple champions hit with Tides of Blood (E)Transfusions (Q) empowered by Crimson Rush (QP) used on enemy championsHealing from champions with Crimson Rush (QP), Sanguine Pool (W) and Hemoplague (R)Damage taken by champions due to Hemoplague (R)Multiple (2+) enemy champions hit by Hemoplague (R)Number of skillshot missiles dodged with Sanguine Pool (W)Enemy champions hit with Majestic Roar (E) while airborneChampion damage prevented with Sky Splitter (E) shieldEnemy champions damaged by Sky Splitter (E) while stunned by Thundering Smash (Q)Magic damage to champions with lightning arcs from The Relentless Storm (P)Enemy champions flung toward allies with Rolling Thunder (Q)Enemy champions killed with Stormbringer (R)Takedowns within 10s of disabling a turret with Stormbringer (R)Champions killed during Stormbringer (R)Total healing received from Frenzied Maul (W)Enemy champions killed with Frenzy (W)Champion damage prevented with Primal Howl (E)Distance travelled while following the blood trail from Blood Hunt (W)Multiple (2+) enemy champions feared with Primal Howl (E)Healing from magic damage to champions with Eternal Hunger (P), Jaws of the Beast (Q) and Infinite Duress (R)Long distance (Utilizing bonus range from move speed) Infinite Duresses (R) landed on enemy championsTakedowns on Blood Hunted (W) championsMultiple (2+) enemy champions hit by a single Nimbus Strike (E)Multiple (2+) enemy champions knocked up by Cyclone (R)Number of times the clone from Decoy (W) has been auto attacked, or hit with a spell from enemy championsDamage dealt by your clones to enemy champions.Enemy champions rooted with Bladecaller (E)Hits on enemy champions with attacks that pass through enemies with Clean Cuts (P)Champions hit by Double Daggers (Q)Enemy champions killed within 3 seconds of being hit by Featherstorm (R)Skillshots dodged with Featherstorm (R)Time spent hasted by Deadly Plumage (W)Champions hit by 4 or more Storm feathers during Deadly Plumage (W)Enemy champions hit by long range (Greater than 75% of maximum range) Arcanopulses (Q)Mana Surge (P) triggers on championsEnemy champions killed with Rite of the Arcane (R)Subsequent hits on the same champion with Rite of the Arcane (R)Champions hit with both Eye of Destruction (W) and Shocking Orb (E) within 2sEnemy champions hit by the center of Eye of Destruction (W)Takedowns on champions slowed by Audacious Charge (E) or Wind Becomes Lightning (W) within 6sLong range (Greater than 75% of maximum range) Wind Becomes Lightnings (W) landed on enemy championsHealing from Determination (P) triggers on championsEnemy champions knocked up by Three Talon Strike (Q)Damage prevented by Crescent Guard (R)Enemy champions killed while Crescent Guard (R) is activeTakedowns on champions inside Crescent Guard (R)Maximum damage Sweeping Blade (E) hits on championsChampions knocked up with Steel Tempest (Q3) while dashing with Sweeping Blade (E)Long range (Greater than 75% of maximum range) whirlwinds from Steel Tempest (Q3) landed against enemy championsChampion damage prevented with Flow (P)Multiple (2+) enemy champions hit by Last Breath (R)Projectiles blocked with Wind Wall (W)True damage to champions with Soul Unbound (E)Enemy champions killed with Soul Unbound (E)Champions displaced with Mortal Steel (Q3) and Fate Sealed (R)Multiple (2+) enemy champions hit with Fate Sealed (R)Magic damage to champions with the Azakana Sword (P, W, R)Total damage mitigated with Spirit Cleave (W)Enemy champions trapped inside or displaced by Dark Procession (W)Takedowns on champions within 10s of being slowed by Mourning Mist (E)Magic damage to champions and structures by The Maiden of the MistTotal number of times 4 Mist Walkers have been ordered to attack an enemy champion marked by Mourning Mist (E)Number of Mist Walkers summoned from Awakening (Q2)Healing from champions with Last Rites (Q)Shields or heals applied to low Health (40%) allies while in champion combatTotal healing applied to allied champions with Zoomies (E)Enemy champions hit with empowered Prowling Projectiles (Q)Multiple (2+) enemy champions rooted with Final Chapter (R)Bop 'n' Block (P) Attacks on championsChampion damage absorbed by Bop 'n' Block (P) on yourself or allied championsChampions displaced 2 or more times within 6sEnemy champions hit with long range (Greater than 75% max range) Elastic Slingshot (E)Number of Chunks from Goo (P1) picked upChampions clapped together with Stretching Strikes (Q)Multiple champions hit with Let's Bounce (R)Multiple (3+) enemy champions hit with Let's Bounce (R)Multiple champions hit with Unstable Matter (W)Seconds removed from Living Shadow's (W) cooldown by hitting enemy champions with Shadow Slash (E)Magic damage to champions with Contempt for the Weak (P)Champions hit with Razor Shuriken (Q), Shadow Slash (E) and Contempt for the Weak (P) within 3sEnemy champions hit twice or more by a single cast of Razor Shuriken (Q)Enemy champions killed with Death Mark (R) mark damageSkillshots dodged with Living Shadow (W) or Death Mark (R)Takedowns after using Spark Surge (E) to glide over a wall (min 450 units)Damage blocked with shields stolen by Living Battery (P)Champions struck with a fully charged AttackDamage dealt to champions through other enemiesOvercharge stacks accumulated during Lightning Crash (R)Enemy Champions struck with Ultrashock Laser (W) after hitting a wallDuration of slows applied to champions by Hexplosive Minefield (E)Enemy champions hit with long range (50% or more past base cast range) Bouncing Bombs (Q)Magic damage to champions and structures with Short Fuse Attacks (P)Enemy champions hit with the center of Mega Inferno Bomb (R)Times Ziggs created more distance between himself and enemy champions with Satchel Charge (W)Number of turrets destroyed with Satchel Charge (W)Takedowns on champions within 6s of being slowed with Time Warp (E)Total experience granted to allied champions with Time in a Bottle (P)Multiple champions hit with Time Bomb (Q)Number of stuns on enemy champions with Time Bomb (Q)Number of times allied champions or yourself have been revived by Chronoshift (R)Takedowns by allies within 10s of being protected with Chronoshift (R)Enemy champions killed within 3 seconds of being slept by Sleepy Trouble Bubble (E)Enemy champions hit by Paddle Stars (Q) that deal more than 175% of their base damage due to distance traveledMagic damage to champions with More Sparkles! (P)Skillshots dodged with Portal Jump (R)Champions affected by long range Sleepy Trouble Bubbles (E)Number of spell shards picked up from Spell Thief (W)Long range (Greater than 75% of maximum range) Grasping Roots (E) landed on enemy championsNumber of Deadly Spines (Q) and Grasping Roots (E) casts that hit a champion and spawned a plantAttacks on champions by plants enraged with Stranglethorn (R)Kills by plantsDamage dealt by Thorn Spitters and Vine Lashers to enemy championsMultiple (2+) enemy champions knocked up with Stranglethorn (R)NEW PERSONAL BEST!Milestone Progresshas hit a new milestone on %s: %s!Silent SniperDuck and SlipWorlds EndedBloodthirsty GeneralQQ'sChains YankedOn the ReboundFatal FlirtationsKitsune AgilityLDRLove At First SightToo Hot To Land-OneFox InfernoAirborne DurationLike a NinjaPerfect ExecutionsCheck MarksMoreShuriken PinYoung ShadowSwinging AroundPlot ArmorEven Avenge-ier!Bad Day to be BadBack in the FightStealth Time!W/Q combosIndomita-bullMatadorShout It OutIndomita-BullThe ComboBy the HornsAlly HealingHissy FitThat's My SecretGroup HugsForever AloneFound FriendsMisery Loves CompanyFrozen FrostbitesEggs-ecutionerSecond WindsFlashbangBlizzard BuffetedThe WallI'm Rubber...Stay and PlaySpicy StunsTybaulk's FuryDuty-Free ArsonBear HugsPerfectly BalancedGravitational PullMoonburnFaith's ReachGunslingerHarvest MoonGood EyeStun SniperFrozen TendencyRanger DangerHold StillValue VolleySleep DurationFallen StarsHeavenly BodyLight-years AwayGalaxies LandedCelestial BarkStars AlignShiftyQuicksandConquestsSpear Of ShurimaTraitors DividedShurima ShuffleRising EmpireChimesDistance JourneyedThe Grim MeeperCosmic CatchesBwo-ongRespiteExalted ExecutionerPurple People EaterAvoiderAll ConsumingYes QueenStructures DestroyedTakedownsTails From The RiftThe Ol' 01 - 10Zaun's ProtectorGrabby ClawsLeaky CapacitorsShort CircuitOverclockedBounty Hunter GoldFury of the World RunesUnstable DetonationsPDurationFlashoverHot StunsWildfireInfernosBraum is Here!Harm RejectedCold ClapsIt Is Easy, See?Runaway FjordFeel The LoveNet WorthHeadshotsLong Arm of the LawKills ConfirmedFreshly BakedSnagged and TaggedFlex DefenseAerial SuperiorityMoving TargetFor The FamilyCan't Run, EitherA Sharp Step AheadThe Sweep-SpotHealsssLove BitesViper's TouchSweeping GazesMolassmaCreeping MiasmaSkeweredBiomassiveSnicker-SnackLaunchesNoms Nom'dQUIET'sShredder RoundsICBM'sSniper WingFeel The HeatDelivery ExceptionsAce MachineDamage to Slowed ChampionsDamage ShieldedC'mereBloody StrongPDamageExsanguinationsAxe DiplomacyBleed 'Em DryDunksPale BlocksMoonbreakerLunar EmbracesWaxing MoonSilver Sister's SmiteNight's EmbraceWhere He PleasesMundo Reflex TestClumzy Mundo Drop MedicineHold ThisRoid RageEmbiggenate!TEMP NAME, NO LOCMundo TimeHealth BurnedClear!SideburnerCrowd FavoriteJust That GoodJugglerBodies BladedAdrenaline JunkyArmor of the FirstbornCalculationsTime FracturesHypewinderChronobrokenUnkind RewindsI Like Hitting YouSilkI'm Up HereMigrainesDeadly KissesEight-Legged FreaksArachnid DPSHead TurnerWhirlwind RomanceRefractory PeriodBad RomanceLast CaressesSins InspiredESkillshotDodgesMystic SkillsMaximum Spell ForceTrueshot SnipesLine UpsNo Warning ShotsThe Spice of LifeA Little ExtraSown SilenceJeepers CreepersFirst of TenEnd Of MenJumpscaresSpooky SlurperIt Won't DieEn GuardeHighly CriticalVitalsPointe WorkChallenges MetSplash LandingDeadly GamesSlipperyFish BoopsFish FoodSeastone StrikesFlee DurationFair Use Bird PunchDurand's ColossusMy Wings, Your FacePetricite ProtectionSuperhero LandingsMain TanksBarrel BlastsAnother!Smoke On The WaterPlunderBroadsidesAll Is KSpin to WinForward!Go QuietlyJustice ServedShields Up!Fists Of FurryHopsBoomerangs CaughtRocked And RolledGnarly KnockbacksRAGHHHH!WDamageClobberin' TimeCask CrackerBottoms Up!Under The TableCatastrophic CasksFrat PartyOne Too ManyBelly BopReloading RapidlyLine's Got Two EndsTriple TapCollateral CasualtiesSmoke PoppedBallroom DancingEDodges - TEMP NAMEPin CushionRending ScissorsRunning StitchBeyond the VeilLook, Don't TouchThinning The HerdFull Throttle ChargesCavalry ChargeVengeful SlashesCrushing CavalryDreadful HealingElectrical StunsTactical StrikesSwagwalkingTurret DamageLaser FocusBlueprint BlastzonesTruth RevealedDetentionsKindness Of The Bearded LadyCome On And SlamDeep-Sea DunkerTentacles SummonedDefiant BlocksDuet Of DoomStack AttackJetéFreesurgesMade the CutForest FriendsSharing is CaringAnimal ActivistRoot BootsFlower PowerGuerilla WarfareStorm SaviorWind ResistanceSafest In The CenterFairweather FriendsMonster MonsoonsGalesHeadwindInspiredFlagpole FighterWhollopsI'm Helping!Shining ArmorGrandmaster's DefenseActive: Jax enters Evasion...Stick StunnerRelentless TimeJump StunsReal WeaponLike a NailHextech Smash!Electric ExecutorPopularity ContestHammer, Meet NailCrackling MightPlaces Everyone, Places!Fourth Act SurpriseTempoStanding OvationGrand FinalesIt Worked!From DowntownHype!Blown to PowderRocket PowerFull ThrottleShooting RangeJungle Buff DurationJungle Buffs StolenGo TimeOMWExplasmanatedTerrible Day for RainLiving ArmorPinpoint PlasmaRip and R.I.P.Grand DesignCamarovan TrainingFollow ThroughNot TodayTeamworkDivine FlowStubborn BlocksCall of IoniaMenacing MantrasImpermanencePeace in StillnessYou're Coming With MeWhirlpool of DeathWastesPosthumous KillsYou're Coming with MeNever WastedRequiem for a TeamUncomfortably NumbWarped WaveNull Magic-Man404'sKassassinRift WreckerDemon BuffShunpwns9 LivesDu Couteau TrainingSinister SlashesKnife PartyLotus BloomsQuick PicksStargazingAspect's JusticeWeakness RevealedDivine InterventionsBlessingsShadow DistanceShadow ReprieveETakedownsDarkin HarvestQuests Done QuickInside OutOverreachElectric DriftPStunsPrune The TreeMaelstrom MenacePower of the TempestBreak The WindIn and OutsNever Saw it ComingSpike HealthGetting TrickyAll AloneShadow StrikesWolf's BaneMark MasterPrance DanceShining SavesThe OtherSNACK TIME!Double DashEmboldenedGet 'em, Skaarl!Hillbilly ContraptionChaaaaaaaargedExcessive StabbingKnockbacksKnockupsCorrosive CannonOblivion ComesFeeding TimeMulti-OozesShellshockedExpectorationSmoke and MirrorsMaliciousDeadly DistortionsKeep In My SightDouble FeaturePale SwiftnessBells RungSound SniperYaa-KUHBicycle KickFrequent FlyerIron DefenderHeat DazeSunburnBlade BreaksSolar SmackdownsDon't LookOf The HeartLife StolenDandelion DrivesBough BreakerMach Fawn ThreeFawn MowerSlumber PartyGood NightRime RiderEn-Thrall-ingIcedChilly RetortsFrozen GraspsChill OutLight 'em UpDesperadoTrickshotAshes and DustLightspeedPix SavesPix A FightSparkles For Everyone!Growth SpurtsWhimsied WarriorSquishy!Prism ProtectionLuminous LasersOpticsDouble RainbowLieutenant LaserGranite CounterGroundedThe Hills Have FeetShardrolledIn a LandslideRockslideRock SolidSeeing DOT'sProselytizeEthereal EmissaryHush the HereticsDeath GripsProphet's ChoiceCreepy CrawliesVoidlingsFar From the TreeEntangledSaporificAdvanced BramblingRoot GrasperEarth BlenderZen HealthA Masterful TechniqueWhiffs CausedUnshakable BladeThere Can Only Be OneMonsoon Of MiseryLover's Kiss2-for-1 SpecialsGuns Blazin'Waves Of PainStruttin' Your StuffCatwalkMonke StrongBonk!Wuju TrickeryTogether ForeverIt's The ClawYou, In ParticularMetal StormThe Iron RevenantDamage after stealing statsEternal IronNot in My HouseThe Soul ChainBinding SnipesSoulmatesSoulmates (Revamp)VampyTethered TogetherScorching EarthTidal DamageRiptide WranglerMotion Of The OceanBlowing BubblesRide the WaveRide the Wave (Revamp)Shape the TidesTriple DipNarrow EscapesStanding In The FireSoul SoupStone To SandStacks on StacksMad DogCursetimeDeep Dive CombosWhirlpoolDrop AnchorBriney BomberScuba ScreenWrathAromantic EntanglementPop PartyRe-Peat BloomsPop-ularSneaky TomatoSho'ma BlasterExe-kittyLicking WoundsWhacksGo For The JugularSpear SniperCat ScratchParty WaveJoyous VitalityA Problem Came AlongSwirlpoolJoin The FunFlow StateTaut TethersUmbridgeNightmare FueledCover of DarknessDark DenialsSnowballerThe Fast and The CuriousConsumptionChilly AssistsSuper SnowballsOn A RollWild AbandonWhy Are You Running?Too Angry To DieSticking The AxeBattle For The AgesCan't Stop Won't StopCross Court TravellingClockwork ShieldWound UpDelivery ServiceRobotic PrecisionShock and AweShock and Awe (Revamp)Duality Of BallRegistered BuilderCrumblesWallflowerRam JamRam JamsHandle With CareFaultless DefenseDeath from AbovePerserverenceTaking EverythingComet KebobPoint And ClickPentakillsDamage VetoedNopesTrue HeroOrlon's HammerGTFOWhere'dja go?Phantom StunsRevenant RenewalDouble CrossedDrowned DistanceToo slow!PrivilegedGardening LeaveRingersExceeding ExpectationsElementalryQuadrakillsAcrobaticsMercilessBest BirdiesPocket BirdAir SupportEagle EyeDancefloor DefenseIn and OutBusy Little BirdSpread the LoveEye CandyCaptivating EntrancesYeahCannonball!Power SpikesAlrightJawsTaking the SubwayPrey SoughtShark AttacksThe PredatorTremors\nSoftened UpBreaker of ShieldsSuper Art 1Clank ClankNever an OptionPush And PullKeeping Enemies CloserOverdoseBoss's OrdersFriendly FodderKeeping Friends CloseReckless RecoveryCroc CombosMincedAngry AlligatorCullective CureNothing Will Stop MeBlocks ButcheredCombo BreakerNothing But NetNow You See MeSavageKitty CollectorThrill KillsDashingStrong EngagerRune WeavesSchmovin'Target CombosWindfallsScrapheap SaviorShocking SuccessionHot HandsWell Done, PleaseThe Red CarpetSpell SlingerOverloadedRuin MageWarp WacksRealm GanksRunic JailorUp You GoStylish AftermathLoose CannonSTYLISHDeath WishKeep Enemies CloseDeniedSpin to SpurnCryostasisFrozen DinnerBoar GoreGlacial SniperFrosty FatalitiesIce PicksSelf HealingWraith's RevengeAlso TrickshotDeath's DawnShadow ShieldingFinal SunsetGrasp of the LivingADSRFans to StansTinnitusEncore MoreStar PowerThe Sound BarrierMudamuda!Wimps CrushedAlley-Ooof!Shows StoppedSkulls CrackedHitty GrittyJaws BrokenThe PledgePunchlinesThe TurnBamboozlesThe PrestigeAnnoying ToysKi-Ping SafePlace The BladeTwilight TimeBy Your SideSafe HavensHalitosisMolten CoreDracocideDragon PunchesEnter The DragonHighway to HellFriendshipZaun Track TeamPStacksInCombatDon't ChaseSticky SituationFling FiendBeware Flying MinionsThe Pain TrainDeath Can't Stop MeSmash'em UpFeed the FurnaceWell FedSneaky ShieldTippy ToesWhat Goes AroundBig BoomerangsAlways ChaseCollateral damageStun N' StingGem StunsHome Field AdvantageBreaking BaddiesDragged and BaggedShatter Resistant SwiftlyDrop the BassPerfect TempoDance PartiesA Soothing SongRejuvenating RhythmLong NightsSols-stunnedHave HopeStarsnipingLast WishesWish Upon A StarGodlike StreakUnstoppable StreakStunsBirdcatcherPulled So Far AwayOdds and EndsPower From The PeopleDemonic DemolisherAlways WatchingRebellion SpinDouble LashesSylasTakedownsAfterUltStop Hitting YourselfSlayer HealsSlay, KingOrb-ital BombardmentRestrainedWeakness ScatteredUnlimited PowerM'orbsOne QuestionGentlemanly ApparelLike CoffeeDigestifLong LicksDown the River PiltFly Fishin'Belly of the BeastAnother RockDifficult TerrainWannabe WandererHanging TenThrow a Bigger RockSurf's Up!Ground and PoundWithout a TraceBleed It OutOpened VeinsTwist the KnifeShadow KillsDeath by a Thousand CutsDazzling DisablesWe're DazzlingBeautiful BeatingThe TouchRapid RecoveryBlinded by the LightRadiant PresenceThe Fade AwayCrouching Teemo, Hidden CritterToxic PersonalityBlinded by HateShrooms TrippedLil ScampCruel WardenUndead CollectionBrace for PainOutside the BoxReaper's RebukeCLICKTriplekillsAirmailBlast RadiusWant Some?Big OrdnanceDanger CloseShellknockedAfterburnersFrozonedPillar PerilLong Live The King!King's PrivilegeTaxationMy KingdomSavage StrikesSpinning TopBarbarous HealthIs That All You Got?Undying DivesChicken HitSlick Dealin'Ace Up Your SleeveThe RiverA Fine SpreadBad LuckTimely ArrivalsIs This Your Card?Sharing Is CaringVirulenceWhat Doesn't Kill You...What's Your Poison?From the SewersMy Little FriendForge God's FireTraining of HiranaFlow Like WaterFerocious StanceThousand Pierced FuryRDamageWinter Mother's GraceStanceTakedownsIldhaurg's Protection WBlocksShell or High WaterCommanding ThrowsSplash DamageWitness The HorrorInto the Grinder12-HoursBlightening FastBullseyesWithering AssaultCorruptionsBlight PopperBlightningFools CondemnedAction RollFlashy FinisherClimaxTumble TimeTruly PainfulStop Laughing!PlaypensEfficient EvilEvil RisingCtrl+Alt+DelDisrupted4D ChessDeath RaysIncenter AcquiredMelting Point InconsistentEye-SoreMistral PrecisionThe FearLong ShadowsResurgenceDEAD SPACEOra Ora Ora!Stands for ViceWrecking BallsSucker PunchDank DunksCracking The CaseConsume EverythingLove is CruelIn Their ShoesThe King's SwordBroken HeartsSpectral StunnerFeet to the FlamesEnergy EfficiencyShort Sharp ShockChaos ReignsGlorious Storm SolutionTEMPNAMES SlowsGravitasBloodbathHedonismGood SoupAnemiaBloodbathsSanguine SlipsBear BrakesShock AbsorberThunder and LightningCurrent EventsSet Before SpikeDrop, Stomp, and RollHubris Of ManMight of ValhirAll You Can EatMunchesTough PuppyBloodtripPrimal PanicsHangryAir WickWhere Wolf? Here WolfCirrostratusTilt-a-WhirlsMonkey's UnclesBarrel of BeatdownsSpatial AwarenessRight Through YouDouble TroubleLight as a FeatherBird BaitRapid RaptorAccuropulsePower PointArcane AimDance For MeWing ClipTip of the SpearPower Through PainStruck!Enter The Arena1v1 MeIn the ZoneFlash StepKill ConfirmedHeadwindsThe Wind RisesProjectiles FacedParting GiftAlready DeadI Know DisplaceFinal LessonNot Left-HandedDeath DelayedSouls SnaggedCan't MistDo Not Resist!Mosh PitWake Up CallsEven A Monk Needs HealingPawsitive ReinforcementCatnipProwl'dLethal LiteraturePProcs\nPShieldedBouncy HouseThe MenaceGreen PuddingYou Mas StayAmorphous Action HeroBounce HouseJellymanFind My ShadowScoopedThe SlapRazor StormNothing PersonalElusiveVaultageShield SniperFinger GunsPiercing ShotsTurbochargedWall WattzWatch Your Step!Go Long!Demolition ExpertBombs... Away!DemolitionsButterfly EffectPrivate TutorDon't Bring It To Me!3-pointersI Don't Think SoLast Second SaveRude AwakeningsPaddle Ball ChampionGlitter TrapThbptttttttt!WLongRangeHitsFinders KeepersRoot SomebodySow and GrowPromised GardenPlant FoodLittle Shop of DPSThorns RisingAlly Damage ShieldedAssists Damage To StunnedDamage TakenEpic Monsters StolenFirst Bloods Healing DoneJungle Camps ClearedKilling Streak KillsLarge Monsters KilledLow Heatlh Champion KillsCreatures SlainMulti KillsObjectives TakenPets SummonedSlow Duration Solo KillsStun TakedownsTowers DestroyedFirst TowersTrue Damage DealtWards Destroyedhas hit a new personal best onUnlock Series 1 Eternals for all current and future champions.Series 1 Eternal PassUnlock Series 2 Eternals for all current and future champions.Series 2 Eternal PassUnlock Starter Series Eternals for all current and future champions.Starter Series Eternal PassYone - Series 1Unlock Series 1 Eternals for YoneAatrox - Series 1Unlock Series 1 Eternals for Aatrox.Ahri - 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Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for GangplankGaren - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for GarenGnar - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for GnarGragas - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for GragasGraves - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for GravesGwen - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for GwenHecarim - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for HecarimHeimerdinger - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for HeimerdingerIllaoi - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for IllaoiIrelia - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for IreliaIvern - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for IvernJanna - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for JannaJarvanIV - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for JarvanIVJax - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for JaxJayce - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for JayceJhin - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for JhinJinx - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for JinxKaisa - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for KaisaKalista - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for KalistaKarma - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for KarmaKarthus - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for KarthusKassadin - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for KassadinKatarina - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for KatarinaKayle - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for KayleKayn - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for KaynKennen - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for KennenKha'Zix - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for Kha'ZixKindred - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for KindredKled - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for KledKog'Maw - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for Kog'MawLeBlanc - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for LeBlancLeeSin - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for LeeSinLeona - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for LeonaLillia - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for LilliaLissandra - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for LissandraLucian - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for LucianLulu - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for LuluLux - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for LuxMalphite - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for MalphiteMalzahar - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for MalzaharMaokai - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for MaokaiMasterYi - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for MasterYiMissFortune - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for MissFortuneMonkeyKing - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for MonkeyKingMordekaiser - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for MordekaiserMorgana - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for MorganaNami - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for NamiNasus - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for NasusNautilus - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for NautilusNeeko - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for NeekoNidalee - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for NidaleeNilah - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for NilahNocturne - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for NocturneNunu - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for NunuOlaf - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for OlafOrianna - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for OriannaOrnn - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for OrnnPantheon - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for PantheonPoppy - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for PoppyPyke - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for PykeQiyana - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for QiyanaQuinn - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for QuinnRakan - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for RakanRammus - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for RammusRekSai - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for RekSaiRell - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for RellRenata - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for RenataRenekton - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for RenektonRengar - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for RengarRiven - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for RivenRumble - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for RumbleRyze - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for RyzeSamira - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for SamiraSejuani - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for SejuaniSenna - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for SennaSeraphine - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for SeraphineSett - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for SettShaco - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for ShacoShen - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for ShenShyvana - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for ShyvanaSinged - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for SingedSion - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for SionSivir - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for SivirSkarner - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for SkarnerSona - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for SonaSoraka - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for SorakaSwain - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for SwainSylas - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for SylasSyndra - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for SyndraTahm Kench - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for Tahm KenchTaliyah - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for TaliyahTalon - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for TalonTaric - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for TaricTeemo - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for TeemoThresh - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for ThreshTristana - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for TristanaTrundle - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for TrundleTryndamere - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for TryndamereTwistedFate - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for TwistedFateTwitch - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for TwitchUdyr - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for UdyrUrgot - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for UrgotVarus - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for VarusVayne - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for VayneVeigar - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for VeigarVel'Koz - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for Vel'KozVex - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for VexVi - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for ViViego - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for ViegoViktor - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for ViktorVladimir - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for VladimirVolibear - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for VolibearWarwick - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for WarwickXayah - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for XayahXerath - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for XerathXinZhao - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for XinZhaoYasuo - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for YasuoYone - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for YoneYorick - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for YorickYuumi - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for YuumiZac - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for ZacZed - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for ZedZeri - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for ZeriZiggs - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for ZiggsZilean - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for ZileanZoe - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for ZoeZyra - Series 2Unlock Series 2 Eternals for ZyraRell - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for RellViego - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for ViegoRekindle the Celestial's eternal flame with your great deeds. Track your accomplishments and display your renown to all of Runeterra.Unlock Starter Series Eternals for NilahUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Seraphine.Series 1Series 2Starter SeriesAatrox - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Aatrox.Ahri - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Ahri.Akali - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Akali.Akshan - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for AkshanAlistar - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Alistar.Amumu - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Amumu.Anivia - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Anivia.Annie - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Annie.Aphelios - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Aphelios.Ashe - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Ashe.Aurelion Sol - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Aurelion Sol.Azir - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Azir.Bard - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Bard.Bel'Veth - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Bel'VethBlitzcrank - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Blitzcrank.Brand - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Brand.Braum - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Braum.Caitlyn - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Caitlyn.Camille - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Camille.Cassiopeia - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Cassiopeia.Cho'Gath - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Cho'Gath.Corki - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Corki.Darius - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Darius.Diana - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Diana.Dr. Mundo - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Dr. MundoDraven - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Draven.Ekko - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Ekko.Elise - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Elise.Evelynn - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Evelynn.Ezreal - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Ezreal.Fiddlesticks - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Fiddlesticks.Fiora - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Fiora.Fizz - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Fizz.Galio - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Galio.Gangplank - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Gangplank.Garen - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Garen.Gnar - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Gnar.Gragas - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Gragas.Graves - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Graves.Gwen - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for GwenHecarim - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Hecarim.Heimerdinger - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Heimerdinger.Illaoi - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Illaoi.Irelia - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Irelia.Ivern - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Ivern.Janna - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Janna.Jarvan IV - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Jarvan IV.Jax - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Jax.Jayce - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Jayce.Jhin - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Jhin.Jinx - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Jinx.Kai'Sa - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Kai'Sa.Kalista - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Kalista.Karma - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Karma.Karthus - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Karthus.Kassadin - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Kassadin.Katarina - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Katarina.Kayle - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Kayle.Kayn - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Kayn.Kennen - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Kennen.Kha'Zix - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Kha'Zix.Kindred - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Kindred.Kled - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Kled.Kog'Maw - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Kog'Maw.LeBlanc - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for LeBlanc.Lee Sin - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Lee Sin.Leona - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Leona.Lillia - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Lillia.Lissandra - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Lissandra.Lucian - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Lucian.Lulu - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Lulu.Lux - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Lux.Malphite - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Malphite.Malzahar - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Malzahar.Maokai - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Maokai.Master Yi - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Master Yi.Miss Fortune - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Miss Fortune.Wukong - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Wukong.Mordekaiser - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Mordekaiser.Morgana - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Morgana.Nami - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Nami.Nasus - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Nasus.Nautilus - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Nautilus.Neeko - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Neeko.Nidalee - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Nidalee.Nilah - Starter SeriesNocturne - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Nocturne.Nunu & Willump - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Nunu & Willump.Olaf - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Olaf.Orianna - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Orianna.Ornn - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Ornn.Pantheon - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Pantheon.Poppy - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Poppy.Pyke - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Pyke.Qiyana - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Qiyana.Quinn - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Quinn.Rakan - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Rakan.Rammus - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Rammus.Rek'Sai - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Rek'Sai.Renata - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for RenataRenekton - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Renekton.Rengar - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Rengar.Riven - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Riven.Rumble - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Rumble.Ryze - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Ryze.Samira - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Samira.Sejuani - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Sejuani.Senna - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Senna.Seraphine - Starter SeriesSett - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Sett.Shaco - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Shaco.Shen - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Shen.Shyvana - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Shyvana.Singed - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Singed.Sion - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Sion.Sivir - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Sivir.Skarner - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Skarner.Sona - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Sona.Soraka - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Soraka.Swain - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Swain.Sylas - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Sylas.Syndra - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Syndra.Tahm Kench - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Tahm Kench.Taliyah - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Taliyah.Talon - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Talon.Taric - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Taric.Teemo - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Teemo.Thresh - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Thresh.Tristana - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Tristana.Trundle - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Trundle.Tryndamere - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Tryndamere.Twisted Fate - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Twisted Fate.Twitch - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Twitch.Udyr - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Udyr.Urgot - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Urgot.Varus - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Varus.Vayne - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Vayne.Veigar - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Veigar.Vel'Koz - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Vel'Koz.Vi - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Vi.Viktor - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Viktor.Vladimir - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Vladimir.Volibear - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Volibear.Warwick - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Warwick.Xayah - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Xayah.Xerath - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Xerath.Xin Zhao - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Xin Zhao.Yasuo - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Yasuo.Yone - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Yone.Yorick - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Yorick.Yuumi - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Yuumi.Zac - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Zac.Zed - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Zed.Zeri - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for ZeriZiggs - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Ziggs.Zilean - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Zilean.Zoe - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Zoe.Zyra - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for Zyra.Vex - Starter SeriesUnlock Starter Series Eternals for VexEternals PanelClick to Open MenuShows the progress you've made on your Eternals in the current matchCommon EternalMilestone Progress: %s / %sPersonal Best: %sUnique EternalAssisterKillerUnhide Death ShowcaseClear FiltersHealth & RegenerationMagic ResistanceMana & RegenerationOn-Hit EffectsLife Steal & VampUnlocked by creating an account in League of Legends.Earned by participating in the 2012 Snowdown event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during 2015 for the Zombie Slayer event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during 2017.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2015 Snowdown event.Acquired by having another player gift it to you during the 2015 Snowdown event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during Lunar Revel 2016.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2016 esports season.Earned by participating in 2016 Ocean Week event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during 2016.Players who had 100 or more Dominion wins the Dominion game mode was retired in 2016.This icon was released in the store for purchase for a limited time and only available to LAS players during 2016.Earned by gifting a champion during the 2012 Snowdown event. This icon was crafted during the 2016 PROJECT: DISRUPTION event.This icon was the highest tier reward players could earn for participating in the Worlds 2016 in-game festivities.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2016 Arcade event.This icon was given to players who donated to the Impact ChallengeEarned by playing a game during the Riot 10-Year Anniversary event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2016 Worlds event. This icon was the second highest tier reward players could earn for participating in the Worlds 2016 in-game festivities.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2016 Mechs vs. Minions launch event.Earned by completing the Star Guardian quiz during the 2016 Star Guardian event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2016 Star Guardian event.Earned by gifting a skin during the 2012 Snowdown event.Earned by summoning Little Devil Teemo in The Teemoing mini-game during the 2016 Teemoing event.Earned by gifting a friend during the 2016 Teemoing event.Earned for all eternity by defeating a Doom Bots level during the 2016 Teemoing event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2016 Teemoing event.Earned by participating in the League Client Update Alpha in 2016.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2016 All-Stars event.Acquired by purchasing or unlocking the Elementalist Lux ultimate skin.Acquired by purchasing the Elementalist Lux Master Edition bundle. Acquired by purchasing or unlocking the Elementalist Lux ultimate skin before the end of the Elementalist Lux event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2016 Snowdown event.Earned by being in the top 20% of good behavior during the 2012 Season. Earned through loot crafting during the 2016 Snowdown event.Earned by gifting a skin during the 2016 Snowdown event.Earned by playing a game of Legend of the Poro King during the 2016 Snowdown Event.Earned through crafting during the 2016 Snowdown event.Acquired by purchasing 10 chests during the 2016 Snowdown Event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2016 Legend of the Poro King event.Earned by participating in a limited time, website only event in 2016 or completing missions during the release of the Runeterra map.Earned by participating in a limited time, website only event in 2017 or completing missions during the release of the Runeterra map.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2016 Lunar Revel event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2016 Valentine's Day event.Acquired by purchasing RP during the 2012 Snowdown event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2017 esports season.Earned by participating in the 2017 Ocean Week event.Earned by participating in the Demacia lore update on the League Universe site during 2017 or completing missions during the release of the Runeterra map.Earned by participating in a Japan region-exclusive event in 2017. This icon was also made available for purchase in all regions for a limited time during 2017.Earned by participating in the 2017 April Fool's event.Earned by participating in the 2017 Cosmonautics Day event (Russia region exclusive). This icon was also made available for purchase in all regions for a limited time during 2017.Earned by gifting Xayah or Rakan to a friend within the first week after the vastayan duo hits the Rift.Earned by playing two games as Xayah with Rakan on your team, or as Rakan with Xayah on your team, within the first week after the Vastayan duo hit the Rift.Earned by purchasing the Cosmic Dusk and Dawn bundle in the store.Earned by winning one game of Dark Star: Singularity with two friends in the 2017 Dark Star event.Acquired by purchasing RP during the 2013 Lunar Revel event.Earned by getting 33 kills across Dark Star: Singularity games in the 2017 Dark Star event.Unlocked in crafting in the 2017 VS. event.Earned by participating in the 2017 VS. event.Never ReleasedEarned by participating in the 2017 VS. event to celebrate Yasuo's victory over Riven.Earned by completing missions during the release of Kayn.Earned by completing missions during the 2017 Omega Squad event.This icon was released in the store for purchase in 2017.Earned through missions during the 2017 Arcade event.Earned by obtaining a Great Leader ribbon, or by being in the top 10% of Friendly players in your region before the Honor 1.0 system retired.Earned by participating in the 2013 Lunar Revel event. Earned by obtaining an Honorable Opponent ribbon, or by being in the top 10% of Honorable Opponents in your region before the Honor 1.0 system retired.Earned by receiving 10 or more honors before the Honor 1.0 system retired.Earned by obtaining a Great Teammate ribbon, or by being in the top 10% of Teamwork honors in your region before the Honor 1.0 system retired.Earned by obtaining a Great Mentor ribbon, or by being in the top 10% of Helpful players in your region before the Honor 1.0 system retired.Earned by playing a game of Invasion during the 2017 Star Guardian event. Earned by completing missions during the release of Ornn.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2017 Worlds event.Acquired by purchasing Radiant Wukong figure from the merchandise store.Earned by winning a 4-team bracket during Clash beta.Earned by winning a 8-team bracket during Clash beta.Earned by gifting a skin during the 2013 Lunar Revel event. Earned by winning a 16-team bracket during Clash beta.Earned by completing A Guardian's Pinnacle mission in Invasion mode on hard as a 5-person premade with an S or higher.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2017 Immortal Journey event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the Runes Reforged 2017 launch.Earned by participating in the 2017 Tales from the Rift event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2017 Tales from the Rift event.Earned during the Runes Reforged 2017 launch.This icon was crafted during the 2017 PROJECT: Hunters event.Earned by participating in the 2017 PROJECT: Hunters event.Earned by gifting a skin or champion during the 2013 Lunar Revel event.Commemorates the 2017 All-Star Korea Dream Team.Commemorates the 2017 All-Star North America Dream Team.Commemorates the 2017 All-Star Europe Dream Team.Commemorates the 2017 All-Star China Dream Team.Commemorates the 2017 All-Star Turkey Dream Team.Commemorates the 2017 All-Star Southeast Asia Dream Team.Commemorates the 2017 All-Star LMS Dream Team.Commemorates the 2017 All-Star Brazil Dream Team.Acquired by making a purchase in the Riot Games online merch store.Earned by playing a game during the Turkey 5-Year Anniversary event.Earned by playing a 5-man premade game during the 2013 Lunar Revel event.Acquired by having another player gift it to you during the 2017 Snowdown event!.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2017 Snowdown event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2018 Lunar Revel event.Earned by completing missions during the 2018 Lunar Revel event.This icon was released in the store for purchase in 2018.Earned by completing missions during the 2017 Snowdown event. This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2018 esports season.This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2018 Lunar Revel event.Earned by completing Noxus-related missions in 2018 or during the release of the Runeterra map.Earned by completing a mission during the release of Kai'Sa and Void lore.Acquired by purchasing or unlocking the Pulsefire Ezreal ultimate skin.Earned by declaring your allegiance to Ashe and winning 10 games during the Freljord event. Acquired by purchasing or unlocking the Gun Goddess Miss Fortune ultimate skin before the end of the Gun Goddess Miss Fortune event.Earned by participating in the 2018 Cosmonautics Day event (region exclusive), or purchased in other regions.This icon was released in the store for purchase during 2018.Unlocked by completing the Ionia mission.Earned by participating in a Brazil region-exclusive event in 2018. This icon was also made available for purchase in all regions for a limited time during 2018.This icon was released in the store for purchase for a limited time during 2018.Earned in LATAM/BR by playing one game during Carnival event.Earned in LATAM/BR by playing 5 games with friends during Carnival event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2014 World Cup.Acquired by having another player gift it to you during the 2015 Snowdown event!.This icon was released in the store for purchase during 2015 Lunar Revel event.Earned by declaring your allegiance to Sejuani and winning 10 games during the Freljord event. Players who had 100 or more Dominion wins. The Dominion game mode was retired in 2016.Earned by participating in the 2016 April's Fool event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during 2016 PROJECT event.This icon was available for crafting during 2016 PROJECT event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2016 Piltover event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2017 Zaun event.Earned by purchasing 800 RP during 2017 Festival Queen Anivia event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during 2017 Demacia event.Earned by purchasing the MSI 2017 Conqueror Karma bundle in the store.Earned by purchasing the Cosmic Blade bundle in the store.Earned by declaring your allegiance to Lissandra and winning 10 games during the Freljord event. Earned by purchasing the Dark Star Orianna bundle in the store.Earned by purchasing the Dark Star Kha'Zix bundle in the store.Earned by participating in the 2017 Worlds event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2017 PROJECT: Hunters event.Acquired by purchasing 100 RP during the 2012 Harrowing event.Acquired by purchasing at least 500 RP during the 2012 Harrowing event.Acquired by purchasing at least 3000 RP during the 2012 Harrowing event.Acquired by purchasing at least 1500 RP during the 2012 Harrowing event.Acquired by purchasing at least 350 RP during the 2012 Harrowing event.Acquired by purchasing or unlocking the Spirit Guard Udyr ultimate skin.Not ReleasedHave a total of 50 wins in 5v5 normal solo queue from December 25 to January 6Have a total of 200 Helpful Honor points by January 6Purchased 500 RP during 2012 Snowdown eventAcquired by sending a skin to your friend during the 2013 Lunar Reven event.Purchased at least 300 RP during the 2013 Lunar Revel eventWin 13 games in 5v5 Solo Queue Dominion during the 2013 Lunar Revel eventWin 13 games in 5v5 Normal Solo Queue Summoner's Rift during the 2013 Lunar Reven eventThis icon is currently available in the storeEarned by participating in 2015 Lunar Revel event.Earned by participating in the Latin America North or Latin America South Beta.Earned by participating in 2017 Ocean Week SaleThis icon was released in the store for purchase during Piltover Lore update in 2016This icon was released in the store for purchase during Zaun Lore update in 2017This icon was released in the store for purchase during the Demacia lore update in 2017Earned by showing up at Garena Carnival 2015This icon was released in the store for purchase during school holiday 2015.Earned by completing April's Fool missions in 2018.TH didn't use this icon yetAcquired by purchasing at least 750 RP during the 2012 Harrowing event.Acquired by purchasing at least 450 RP during the 2012 Harrowing event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2013 esports season.Earned by gifting bth a champion and skin during the 2012 Snowdown event. Reach 5 wins in normal or rank game in the 2012 Snowdown event.Qualified for all other 5 icons during the 2012 Season. Get all three icons during 2013 Lunar Revel event.Earned by gifting a skin Panda Annie, Jade Fang Cassiopeia, Dragonwing Corki, Warrior Kingdoms Jarvan IV, Warrior Kingdom Xin Zhao during the 2013 Lunar Revel event.Earned by playing one game in any map during Harrowing 2013.Get all 4 icons in the 2013 Harrowing event. Earned by playing 4 matchmade games on any map with at least one other person.Earned by playing 6 matchmade games on any map with at least one other person.For internet café tournamentEarned by purchasing a mystery gift.Earned by playing one game with a Pentakill skin equipped. , or players can purchase these Icon in Pentakill lunch date.This icon represents for contest Fanart event.This icon give away for cosplayers in offline events.Earned by participating in the special promotionEarned by playing games during 2014/011/01 - 2014/07/14\n by clicking like on Teemo Fan Page of FB\n by playing one game with a Pentakill skin equipped. Earned by 2015 offline event with Leofoo Village Theme Park\n by 2016 Christmas Event\n by 2015 Christmas Event\n by purchasing any Harrowing skin or ward skin. Earned by opening bag of 6th Lucky Bag,but owning all the rewards\n by top up on 5th event of ecommerce campaigns\n by Mystery Icon of Midseason Essence Emporium\n by purchasing on the event of 2016 April Fools' Day\n by using the Mystery GIFT before 2016.04.12 14:59\n by Predicting of the 2017 World Championship\n by buying it on 6th event of ecommerce campaigns\n by loggin in the 2018 New year's Day.\n by top up on Thank You Draw page of ecommerce campaigns\n coins for exchange by playing games and providing positive solutions on Sixth Sense League page.\n by playing one game of Summoner's Rift with any ward skin equipped.Purchase on 2018 New Year's Day Gift Box page of ecommerce campaigns\n by Predicting Champion Select of the 2017 World Championship\n by purchasing at least 225 RP during the 2012 Harrowing event.Acquired by purchasing at least 135 RP during the 2012 Harrowing event.Earned by completing 2016 Star Guardian QuizEarned by purchasing 2017 RP during 2016 Lunar Revel eventThis icon was attached to Star Guardian AhriThis icon was attached to Star Guardian EzrealThis icon was attached to Star Guardian Miss FortuneThis icon was attached to Star Guardian SorakaEarned by playing one game of Twisted Treeline with any ward skin equipped.Earned by joining in April's Fool events in 2018.Earned by playing one game during the Carnival event in Brazil and Latin America or purchased in other regions in 2014.Earned by playing 5 games during the Carnival event in Brazil and Latin America or purchased in other regions in 2014.This icon represents the 2015 Carnival event in Brazil and Latin America or purchased in other regions.This icon represents the 2015 Art event in Korea or purchased in other regions.Earned by participating in the 2015 Worlds Pickems' event and receiving 34 points or more.Earned by participating in the 2015 Worlds Pickems' event.Earned by completing the Group Stage mission by the start of either groups or knock-out games during the 2016 Worlds event.Earned by obtaining 34 points in the Worlds Pick'em during the 2016 Worlds event.Earned by participating in a Japan region-exclusive event in 2017 or purchased in other regions.Acquired by purchasing any amount of RP during the 2012 Harrowing event.Earned by participating in the 2013 Harrowing event. Earned by participating in the 2017 Cosmonautics Day event (Russia region exclusive) or purchased in other regions.Earned by completing the first Worlds Pick 'Em Mission during 2017 Worlds.Earned by scoring 34 points in Worlds Pick 'Em during 2017 Worlds.Earned by completing an Ionia-related mission in 2018 or during the release of the Runeterra map.Earned by participating in a Brazil region-exclusive event in 2018 or purchased in other regions during 2018.This icon was earned by gifting a friend a Bloodharbor Medallion during the 2018 Bilgewater event.This icon was earned by participating in the 2018 Bligewater event.Unlocked in crafting or purchased during the 2018 VS. event.Earned by participating in the 2018 VS. event.This icon was exclusive to the Mega Bundle in the 2018 VS. event.Earned by owning any Limited Edition skin that came back as Legacy.Earned by participating in the 2018 VS. event to celebrate Garen's victory over Darius.Earned by participating in the 2018 VS. event to celebrate Darius' victory over Garen.Unlocked in crafting in the 2018 VS. event.This icon is earned by completing Buddy Missions during 2018.This icon was released in the store for purchase during 2018. All proceeds went to charity.This icon was earned for participating in the Master's Challenge event in China.Earned by using a code distributed to viewers of S2 Worlds on site and on stream.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2012 ranked season in 3v3.This reward commemorates the top 2000 players on Master's Challenge shard.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2012 ranked season in 5v5.Earned by achieving Bronze in all tiers in the 2012 ranked season.Earned by winning 3 matchmade games on Howling Abyss during the 2013 Snowdown event.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2011 ranked season.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2012 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2012 ranked season in 3v3.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2012 ranked season in 5v5.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2012 ranked season in all queues.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2011 ranked season.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2012 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2012 ranked season in 3v3.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2012 ranked season in 5v5.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2012 ranked season in all queues.Earned by winning a matchmade game with a premade group during the 2013 Snowdown event.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2011 ranked season.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2012 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2012 ranked season in 3v3.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2012 ranked season in 5v5.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2012 ranked season in all queues.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2011 ranked season.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2012 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Diamond in the 2012 ranked season in 3v3.Earned by achieving Diamond in the 2012 ranked season in 5v5.Earned by achieving Diamond in the 2012 ranked season in all queues.Earned by playing a game with a Snowdown skin during the 2013 Snowdown event. Earned by achieving Diamond in the 2012 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2013 ranked season in any queue.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2013 ranked season in any queue.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2013 ranked season in any queue.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2013 ranked season in any queue.Earned by achieving Diamond in the 2013 ranked season in any queue.Earned by achieving Challenger in the 2013 ranked season in any queue.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2014 All-stars event.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2014 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2014 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by unlocking all four other Snowdown icons during the 2013 Snowdown event.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2014 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2014 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Diamond in the 2014 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Master in the 2014 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned or Purchased during the VS. 2018 event.Available via crafting during the VS. 2018 event.Available in the store during the VS. 2018 event.Exclusive to the Gemstone Mega Pack in the VS. 2018 event.Exclusive to the God-King Superbundle in the VS. 2018 event.Earned by achieving Challenger 1 in the 2014 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Unlocked by completing the Darkin Mission in 2018.Given to new players who chose Miss Fortune in the Tutorial. Also available for Blue Essence in the store.Given to new players who chose Lux in the Tutorial. Also available for Blue Essence in the store.Given to new players who chose Master Yi in the Tutorial. Also available for Blue Essence in the store.Given to new players who chose Ahri in the Tutorial. Also available for Blue Essence in the store.Given to new players who chose Darius in the Tutorial. Also available for Blue Essence in the store.Available in the store to celebrate Rift Rivals 2018.Earned by achieving Challenger 2 in the 2014 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Acquired by purchasing the New Player Pack released in 2018.Earned by achieving Challenger 3 in the 2014 ranked season in Solo/Duo.This icon was given out by Willyrex in 2018.This icon was given out by Faragan in 2018.This icon was given out by Callux in 2018.This icon was given out by Mini Ladd in 2018.This icon was given out by the Mates in 2018.This icon was given out by Arazhul in 2018.This icon was given out by Der Heider in 2018.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2014 ranked season in 3v3.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2014 ranked season in 3v3.This icon was released in the store for purchase during Pool Party 2018 event.This icon was released in the store for purchase as part of a special bundle during Pool Party 2018 event.Earned by participating in the Pool Party 2018 event.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2014 ranked season in 3v3.This icon was part of a bundle exclusive in 2018.Earned by sending a gift during the 2013 Snowdown event.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2014 ranked season in 3v3.This icon was part of a bundle exclusive for 2018 Worlds eventEarned by achieving Diamond in the 2014 ranked season in 3v3.Earned by achieving Master in the 2014 ranked season in 3v3.Earned by achieving Challenger 1 in the 2014 ranked season in 3v3.Earned by completing a ton of missions in the 2018 Worlds event.Earned by achieving Challenger 2 in the 2014 ranked season in 3v3.Earned by achieving Challenger 3 in the 2014 ranked season in 3v3.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2014 ranked season in Team Ranked.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2014 ranked season in Team Ranked.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2014 ranked season in Team Ranked.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2014 ranked season in Team Ranked.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2014 esports season.Earned by achieving Diamond in the 2014 ranked season in Team Ranked.Earned by achieving Master in the 2014 ranked season in Team Ranked.Earned by achieving Challenger in the 2014 ranked season in Team Ranked.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the International Wildcard Invitational 2015.This icon was released in the store for the 2015 Mid-Season Invitational.This icon was granted to players who voted for the 2015 All-Star's event.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2015 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2015 ranked season in 3v3 Team Ranked.Celebrating League of Legends' participation in a continental multi-sport event in which China secured 1st place.Unlocked through crafting during the 2018 Worlds event.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2015 ranked season in 5v5 Team Ranked.Earned by purchasing the Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger bundle in the store in 2018.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2015 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Unlocked during the 2018 Worlds Event.Earned by participating in the Tales from the Rift part of the Worlds 2018 Event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2018 Worlds Event.Earned by participating in the K/DA part of the Worlds 2018 Event.Earning by winning a matchmade game during the 2014 Lunar Revel event. Earned by achieving Silver in the 2015 ranked season in 3v3 Team Ranked.This icon was released for purchase in the Blue Essence Emporium in 2018.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2018 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2018 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2018 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2018 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2015 ranked season in 5v5 Team Ranked.Earned by achieving Diamond in the 2018 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Master in the 2018 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Challenger in the 2018 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2018 ranked season in Flex 5v5.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2018 ranked season in Flex 5v5.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2018 ranked season in Flex 5v5.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2018 ranked season in Flex 5v5.Earned by achieving Diamond in the 2018 ranked season in Flex 5v5.Earned by achieving Master in the 2018 ranked season in Flex 5v5.Earned by achieving Challenger in the 2018 ranked season in Flex 5v5.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2015 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2018 ranked season in Flex 3v3.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2018 ranked season in Flex 3v3.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2018 ranked season in Flex 3v3.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2018 ranked season in Flex 3v3.Earned by achieving Diamond in the 2018 ranked season in Flex 3v3.Earned by achieving Master in the 2018 ranked season in Flex 3v3.Earned by achieving Challenger in the 2018 ranked season in Flex 3v3.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2015 ranked season in 3v3 Team Ranked.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2015 ranked season in 5v5 Team Ranked.Earned by purchasing the Eclipse Leona bundle in the store.Unlocked during the 2018 Snowdown event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2018 Snowdown event.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2015 ranked season in Solo/Duo.This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2018 Snowdown event.Acquired by purchasing the 2018 Snowdown Pass during the 2018 Snowdown event.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2015 ranked season in 3v3 Team Ranked.Earned by completing the End of Season 2018 missions.Earned by winning a 4-team bracket during the Clash Hextech Cup.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2015 ranked season in 5v5 Team Ranked.Earned by winning a 8-team bracket during the Clash Hextech Cup.Earned by winning a 16-team bracket during the Clash Hextech Cup.Crafted after playing Nexus Blitz during the 2018 Snowdown event.Unlocked during the 2019 Lunar Revel event.Earned by achieving Diamond in the 2015 ranked season in Solo/Duo.This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2019 Lunar Revel event.Acquired by purchasing the 2019 Lunar Revel Pass during the 2019 Lunar Revel event.Earned by completing the first All-Star watch mission.This icon commemorates the winner of the 2018 Worlds Championship, Invictus Gaming.Unlocked by engaging with the 2018 Jungle Lore Update.This icon was acquired by being a member of the Golden Spatula Club.This icon was released in the store for purchase during 2019.Earned by achieving Diamond in the 2015 ranked season in 3v3 Team Ranked.This icon was released in the store for purchase as part of a special bundle alongside 2019 Blood Moon skins.WIPEarned by completing 4 esports weekly watch missions in Spring 2019.Earned by completing 12 esports weekly watch missions in Spring 2019.Earned by watching a live game or VoD from any global league in Spring 2019Earned by winning ranked games in Season 2019 - Split 1.This icon was released in the store for purchase in 2019.Earned by playing two matchmade games on Twisted Treeline or Dominion with at least one other person.Earned by achieving Diamond in the 2015 ranked season in 5v5 Team Ranked.This icon was acquired by completing missions at the start of Season 2019.This icon was acquired by completing missions at the start of Season 9.Earned by achieving Master in the 2015 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Master in the 2015 ranked season in 3v3 Team Ranked.Earned by achieving Master in the 2015 ranked season in 5v5 Team Ranked.Earned by achieving Challenger in the 2015 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Challenger in the 2015 ranked season in 3v3 Team Ranked.Earned by achieving Challenger in the 2015 ranked season in 5v5 Team Ranked.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2016 MSI event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2016 Worlds event.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2016 Ranked Season in Solo.Acquired by purchasing at least 2500 RP during the 2012 Harrowing event.Earned by playing two matchmade games on Summoner's Rift with at least one other person.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2016 Ranked Season in 3v3.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2016 Ranked Season in 5v5.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2016 Ranked Season in Solo.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2019 April Fool's event. Earned by completing the first cats vs dogs mission.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2016 Ranked Season in 3v3.This icon was unlocked during the 2019 April Fool's event. Earned by completing the first mission in the Impossible chain.Earned by purchasing the Galaxy Slayer Zed Set in the store.Honoring Ning's winning Camille in the 2018 World Championship.Honoring TheShy's winning Fiora in the 2018 World Championship.Honoring JackeyLove's winning Kai'Sa in the 2018 World Championship.Honoring Rookie's winning LeBlanc in the 2018 World Championship.Honoring Baolan's winning Rakan in the 2018 World Championship.Honoring Duke's winning Irelia in the 2018 World Championship.Earned by purchasing the Conqueror Alistar Set in the store.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2016 Ranked Season in 5v5.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2016 Ranked Season in Solo.Earned by playing a game with Kayle and Morgana on the same team, or by winning 5 games.This icon was granted via loot during the 2019 April Fool's event.Earned by completing the Cat mission chain.Earned by completing the Dog mission chainEarned by completing the Impossible Mission chain.Unlocked through crafting during the 2019 MSI event.Earned by winning ranked games in Season 2019 - Split 2.Earned by completing the OPL Split 1 Finals 2019 mission or purchased in storeEarned by completing the LCS Spring Finals 2019 mission or purchased in storeEarned by achieving Gold in the 2016 Ranked Season in 3v3.Earned by completing the 2019 TCL Winter Finals mission or purchased in storeEarned by completing the 2019 LEC Spring Finals mission or purchased in storeEarned by completing the 2019 LJL Spring Finals mission or purchased in storeEarned by completing the 2019 LLA Opening Split Finals mission or purchased in storeEarned by completing the 2019 CBLoL 1st Split Finals mission or purchased in storeEarned by achieving Gold in the 2016 Ranked Season in 5v5.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2016 Ranked Season in Solo.This icon was rewarded for completing the Bilgewater 2019 missions.Earned by participating in the 2019 Cosmonautics Day event (region exclusive), or purchased in other regions.Earned by purchasing IG Champions Team Minifigures.Acquired by purchasing the 2019 Trials Pass during the 2019 Trials event.This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2019 Trials event.Unlocked during the 2019 Trials event.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2016 Ranked Season in 3v3.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2019 MSI event.Earned by playing two matchmade games on Howling Abyss with at least one other person.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2016 Ranked Season in 5v5.Unlocked by reaching Level 1 in the TSM 2019 Summer Team PassEarned by achieving Diamond in the 2016 Ranked Season in Solo.Unlocked by reaching Level 2 in the TSM 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the Echo Fox 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 2 in the Echo Fox 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the 100 Thieves 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 2 in the 100 Thieves 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the Cloud9 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 2 in the Cloud9 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the CLG 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 2 in the CLG 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the Team Liquid 2019 Summer Team PassEarned by achieving Diamond in the 2016 Ranked Season in 3v3.Unlocked by reaching Level 2 in the Team Liquid 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the OpTic Gaming 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 2 in the OpTic Gaming 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the Golden Guardians 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 2 in the Golden Guardians 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the FlyQuest 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 2 in the FlyQuest 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the Clutch Gaming 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 2 in the Clutch Gaming 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the Excel Esports 2019 Summer Team PassEarned by achieving Diamond in the 2016 Ranked Season in 5v5.Unlocked by reaching Level 2 in the Excel Esports 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the Fnatic 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 2 in the Fnatic 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the G2 Esports 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 2 in the G2 Esports 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the Misfits 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 2 in the Misfits 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the Origen 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 2 in the Origen 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the Rogue 2019 Summer Team PassEarned by achieving Master in the 2016 Ranked Season in Solo.Unlocked by reaching Level 2 in the Rogue 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the Schalke 04 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 2 in the Schalke 04 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the SK Gaming 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 2 in the SK Gaming 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the Splyce 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 2 in the Splyce 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the Vitality 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 2 in the Vitality 2019 Summer Team PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the 2019 Summer Fan PassEarned by achieving Master in the 2016 Ranked Season in 3v3.Unlocked by reaching Level 2 in the 2019 Summer Fan PassUnlocked by reaching Level 1 in the 2019 Summer Esports Watch MissionsUnlocked by reaching Level 3 in the 2019 Summer Esports Watch MissionsGranted to players who voted in the 2019 Player's Choice Tristana poll.This icon was released in the store for purchase in 2019, and was also available as a mission reward during the Sweet and Savory versus event. This icon was earned by completing the level 3 LCS Team Pass mission.This icon was earned by completing the level 3 LEC Team Pass mission.Earned by achieving Master in the 2016 Ranked Season in 5v5.This icon was earned by completing the level 3 Fan Pass mission.This icon was acquired by purchasing one of the Dark Star bundles in 2019.This icon was released in the store for purchase alongside the 2019 Dark Star skins.Earned by achieving Challenger in the 2016 Ranked Season in Solo.Earned by achieving Challenger in the 2016 Ranked Season in 3v3.Earned by achieving Challenger in the 2016 Ranked Season in 5v5.This icon was acquired during the 2019 Arcade event.Earned when your region voted for this icon during the 2014 Lunar Revel event.Earned by voting for your favorite pros prior to the 2016 All-Stars event. This icon was also released in the store for purchase during the 2016 All-Stars event.This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2019 Arcade event.This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2019 Arcade event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2017 MSI event.This icon was acquired by purchasing the Shadow Isles Hauntling Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Demacian Silverwing Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Molten Furyhorn Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Soft-nosed Molediver Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Sentinel Runespirit Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Pengu Featherknight Species Egg!Earned through the TFT Beta PassThis icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2017 Rift Rivals event.This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2019 Arcade Event.Awarded for completing Back in the League mission.This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2019 PROJECT event.Earned by owning the 2017 Rift Rivals icon for winning regions.This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2019 PROJECT event.This icon was acquired during the 2019 PROJECT event.Unlocked through crafting in the 2017 Worlds event.This icon was rewarded for completing the final PROJECT Pyke mission during the 2019 PROJECT event.This icon was rewarded for completing the final PROJECT mission during the 2019 PROJECT event.Earned by winning ranked games in Season 2019 - Split 3.This icon was acquired by completing 2019 Lux Comic missions.Acquired by purchasing 2017 Worlds Master Pass during 2017 Worlds.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2019 Esports regular season.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2017 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2017 ranked season in Flex 3v3.This icon was acquired by purchasing the Jeweled Protector Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Moontipped Hushtail Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Jade Paddlemar Species Egg!Earned by reaching Honor 5.Earned by achieving Bronze in the 2017 ranked season in Flex 5v5.This icon was acquired by purchasing one of the Elderwood bundles in 2019.This icon was earned by completing 2019 festival mission.This icon was acquired by purchasing 2019 festival item.This icon was earned by making a merch purchase.This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2019 Star Guardian event.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2017 ranked season in Solo/Duo.This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Dango Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Fuwa Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Shisa Species Egg!This icon will be earned by participating in the CN 8th anniversary engagement event, via the completion of some missions.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2014 Lunar Revel event.Earned by achieving Silver in the 2017 ranked season in Flex 3v3.Purchased as part of new role-based bundle packs.Part of the team supporter bundle for Worlds 2019Earned by achieving Silver in the 2017 ranked season in Flex 5v5.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2017 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2017 ranked season in Flex 3v3.Earned by achieving Gold in the 2017 ranked season in Flex 5v5.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2017 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by scoring at least 34 points during Worlds Pick'em 2019This icon was acquired through missions during the 2019 Worlds event.This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2019 Worlds event.This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2019 Worlds event.This icon was acquired during the 2019 Worlds event.Earned by achieving Platinum in the 2017 ranked season in Flex 3v3.Acquired by making a purchase in the Riot Games online merch storeEarned by achieving Platinum in the 2017 ranked season in Flex 5v5.This icon was awarded during the 2019 Worlds event.This icon was awarded for playing during League of Legends' 10 Year Anniversary event!This icon was awarded for playing during the 10th Anniversary celebration.Earned by achieving Diamond in the 2017 ranked season in Solo/Duo.G2 Commemorative icon for winning MSI 2019.This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2019 Tales from the Rift event.This icon was released during the 2019 Tales from the Rift event.Earned by achieving Diamond in the 2017 ranked season in Flex 3v3.Earned by playing one game during the Carnival event in Brazil and Latin America.Earned by achieving Diamond in the 2017 ranked season in Flex 5v5.This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Ossia Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Melisma Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend QiQi Species Egg!Earned for high engagement on Twisted Treeline.Earned by achieving Master in the 2017 ranked season in Solo/Duo.Earned by achieving Master in the 2017 ranked season in Flex 3v3.This icon was earned by finishing Iron in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Bronze in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Silver in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Gold in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Platinum in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Diamond in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Master in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Grandmaster in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Challenger in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Iron in Flex Queue in Season 2019.Earned by achieving Master in the 2017 ranked season in Flex 5v5.This icon was earned by finishing Bronze in Flex Queue in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Silver in Flex Queue in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Gold in Flex Queue in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Platinum in Flex Queue in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Diamond in Flex Queue in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Master in Flex Queue in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Grandmaster in Flex Queue in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Challenger in Flex Queue in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Iron in Twisted Treeline in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Bronze in Twisted Treeline in Season 2019.Earned by achieving Challenger in the 2017 ranked season in Solo/Duo.This icon was earned by finishing Silver in Twisted Treeline in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Gold in Twisted Treeline in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Platinum in Twisted Treeline in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Diamond in Twisted Treeline in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Master in Twisted Treeline in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Grandmaster in Twisted Treeline in Season 2019.This icon was earned by finishing Challenger in Twisted Treeline in Season 2019.This icon celebrates the winner of the 2019 World Championship, FunPlus Phoenix!This icon was released during the last-chance event for 2019 Prestige Points.This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2019 Night & Dawn event.Earned by achieving Challenger in the 2017 ranked season in Flex 3v3.This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2019 Night & Dawn event.This icon was acquired from the Night & Dawn Event Pass.This icon was acquired during the 2019 Night & Dawn event. All proceeds went to charity.This icon was acquired during the 2019 Night & Dawn event.Earned by achieving Challenger in the 2017 ranked season in Flex 5v5.Commemorates the 2017 All-Star event.This icon was earned through missions during the 2020 Mecha Kingdoms event.This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2020 Mecha Kingdoms event.This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2020 Mecha Kingdoms event.Earned by purchasing the MSI 2018 Conqueror Varus bundle in the store.This icon was acquired during the 2020 Mecha Kingdoms event.This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Tocker Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Craggle Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Flutterbug Species Egg!Earned by completing a mission during the release of the Runeterra map.Earned by winning ranked games in Season 2020 - Split 1.This icon was earned by completing a 2020 Esports mission.Award to those who cumulatively made top 2000 twice in Master's Challenge shard.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Mecha Kingdoms Garen skin during the 2020 Mecha Kingdoms event.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige True Damage Senna skin from the 2020 Prestige Point Shop.Infinity calls.This icon was earned through missions during the 2020 Galaxies event.This icon was acquired during the 2020 Galaxies event.This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2020 Galaxies event.Earned by playing 5 games during the Carnival event in Brazil and Latin America.Honoring CuVee's winning Gnar in the 2017 World Championship, collapse on the enemy team as SSG Gnar and snack on your victory later.This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2020 Galaxies event.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Dark Star Malphite skin during the 2020 Galaxies event.Honoring Ambition's winning Jarvan in the 2017 World Championships, SSG Jarvan shows humility in victory and defeat.Awarded for completing a Clash introductory mission.This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Abyssia Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Starmaw Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Squink Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Cheeper Featherknight Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Snowcherry Silverwing Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Shadowgem Protector Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Mistberry Hushtail Egg!Honoring Crown's winning Taliyah in the 2017 World Championship, SSG Taliyah regally floats out of reach.This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Black Mist Runespirit Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Gingersnap Dango Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Soloist Ossia Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Toxic Hauntling Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Rosebloom Paddlemar Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Lovestruck Fuwa Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Heroic Shisa Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Hardhitter QiQi Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Sakura Featherknight Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Popqueen Melisma Egg!Honoring Ruler's winning Xayah in the 2017 World Championship, SSG Xayah moves through her skills with poise and tradition.This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Lionheart Furyhorn Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Fae Hushtail Egg!This icon was released in the store for purchase in 2020.Earned by participating in the 2020 Cosmonautics Day event (region exclusive) or purchased in other regions.This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2020 Coven event.Honoring CoreJJ's winning Rakan in the 2017 World Championship, SSG Rakan takes off with plenty of style.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Coven Zyra skin from the 2020 Prestige Point Shop.This icon was earned by purchasing FPX Signature Edition Set.This icon was released in store for purchase through RP or BE for a limited time.Honoring Haru's winning Ezreal in the 2017 World Championship, adventure into the Fog of War as SSG Ezreal with a quick escape on hand.Earned by collecting all region icons during the release of the Runeterra map.Honoring Doinb's winning Malphite in the 2019 World Championship.Honoring Lwx's winning Vayne in the 2019 World Championship.Honoring Tian's winning Lee Sin in the 2019 World Championship.Honoring GimGoon's winning Gangplank in the 2019 World Championship.Honoring Crisp's winning Thresh in the 2019 World Championship.Earned by winning ranked games in Season 2020 - Split 2.This icon was released in the store for limited purchase in celebration of May 17th, 2020.Earned by completing a mission during the release of the Ryze Short.This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2020 Pulsefire event.This icon was an exclusive reward from the 2020 Pulsefire Event Pass.This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2020 Pulsefire event.This icon was earned through missions during the 2020 Pulsefire event.Earned by playing one URF game in 2014.This icon was earned through Loot during the 2020 Pulsefire event.This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2020 High Noon event.This icon was acquired by supporting the 2020 COVID Charity Bundle.This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Lightcharger Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Nixie Species Egg!This icon was acquired by purchasing the Little Legend Bellswayer Species Egg!This icon was released as a bundle exclusive in 2020.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Arcanist Zoe skin from the 2020 Prestige Point Shop.This icon was earned through missions during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event.This icon was an exclusive reward from participating in the 2020 Spirit Blossom event.This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event.This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Spirit Blossom Teemo skin from the 2020 Prestige Point Shop. This icon was earned through Loot during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event.Earned by winning ranked games in Season 2020 - Split 3.Acquired during the 2020 LCS Season.This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2020 Psy Ops event.This icon was an exclusive reward from participating in the 2020 PsyOps event.This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2020 PsyOps event.This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2020 PsyOps event.This icon was earned through Loot during the 2020 PsyOps event.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige PsyOps Ezreal skin from the 2020 Prestige Points Shop.This icon was available by purchasing an item in the merch store.This icon was acquired during the 2020 Worlds event.This icon was available for purchase in the merch store.Make a wish to the full moon! This icon was granted through the 2020 Autumn Holiday event.Let's Ganggangsullae! This icon was granted through the 2020 Autumn Holiday event.This icon was available for purchase in the store during the Worlds 2020 Event.This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during Worlds 2020.Earned by playing 5 games as an Assassin champion in Team Builder during the 2014 Teambuilder event.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige True Damage Yasuo skin from the 2020 Prestige Point Shop.This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2020 Worlds event.This icon was earned through Loot during the 2020 Worlds event.This icon was an exclusive reward from participating in the 2020 Worlds event.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Obsidian Dragon Sett skin with event tokens during the Worlds 2020 event.This icon was earned by reaching the Greater Murk Wolf tier in Worlds 2020 Pick'emThis icon was earned by reaching the Gromp tier in Worlds 2020 Pick'em.This icon was earned by reaching the Ancient Krug tier in Worlds 2020 Pick'em.This icon was earned by reaching the Crimson Raptor tier in Worlds 2020 Pick'em.This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2020 Worlds event.This icon was acquired by completing the second mission in K/DA ALL OUT Seraphine's quest line.This icon was acquired by completing the final mission in K/DA ALL OUT Seraphine's quest line.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige K/DA ALL OUT Kai'Sa skin with event tokens during the Worlds 2020 event.Earned by playing 5 games as a Fighter champion in Team Builder in 2014.This icon was a reward from participating in a 2020 Twitch event.This icon was earned by participating in the 2020 Clash Season.This icon was earned by finishing the 2020 Clash Season with over 2000 Victory Points.This icon was earned by finishing the 2020 Clash Season with over 5000 Victory Points.This icon was earned by finishing Iron in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2020This icon was earned by finishing Bronze in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2020This icon was earned by finishing Silver in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2020This icon was earned by finishing Gold in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2020This icon was earned by finishing Platinum in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2020This icon was earned by finishing Diamond in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2020This icon was earned by finishing Master in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2020This icon was earned by finishing Grandmaster in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2020This icon was earned by finishing Challenger in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2020This icon was earned by finishing Iron in Flex Queue in Season 2020This icon was earned by finishing Bronze in Flex Queue in Season 2020This icon was earned by finishing Silver in Flex Queue in Season 2020This icon was earned by finishing Gold in Flex Queue in Season 2020This icon was earned by finishing Platinum in Flex Queue in Season 2020This icon was earned by finishing Diamond in Flex Queue in Season 2020This icon was earned by finishing Master in Flex Queue in Season 2020This icon was earned by finishing Grandmaster in Flex Queue in Season 2020This icon was earned by finishing Challenger in Flex Queue in Season 2020This icon celebrates the winner of the 2020 World Championship, DAMWON Gaming!This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Star Guardian Soraka skin from the 2020 Prestige Point Shop.This icon was an exclusive reward from participating in the 2020 Battle Queens event.This icon was a milestone reward from the 2020 Battle Queens Event Pass.This icon was earned through Loot during the 2020 Battle Queens event.This icon was acquired from the Event Pass Token Shop during the 2020 Battle Queens event.This icon was acquired by making a purchase from the merch store.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Battle Queen Diana skin with event tokens during the 2020 Battle Queens event.This icon was earned by completing an Esports watch mission.This icon was earned through drops on icon was earned by winning ranked games in Season 2021 - Split 1.This icon was an exclusive reward for participating in the Season 2021 event.This icon was acquired during the 2021 Lunar Beast event.This icon was earned through Loot during the 2021 Lunar Beast event.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Lunar Beast Fiora Prestige Edition skin with event tokens during the 2021 Lunar Beast event.This icon was acquired from the Event Pass Token Shop during the 2021 Lunar Beast event.This icon was earned during the 2021 Lunar Beast event.A celebration like this only comes once a year!This icon is to celebrate the LCS community.Earned by making to the top 2000 in China's Master's Challenge server.2020 LEC Summoner Icon - This icon is available only after taking part in one of the LEC online competitions.2021 LEC Summoner Icon - This icon is available only after taking part in one of the LEC online competitions.This icon was released in the store for purchase in 2021.This icon was acquired during the 2021 Battle Academia event.Earned by playing 5 games as a Mage champion in Team Builder in 2014.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Battle Academia Leona skin from the 2020 Prestige Point Shop.This icon was earned through missions in celebration of May 17th, 2021.This icon was acquired during the 2021 Space Groove event.This icon was earned through Loot during the 2021 Space Groove event.This icon was acquired from the Event Pass Token Shop during the 2021 Space Groove event.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Space Groove Lulu skin during the 2021 Space Groove event.This icon was acquired by choosing a side in the Space Groove Event.This icon was earned by winning ranked games in Season 2021 - Split 2.Honoring Ghost's winning Jhin in the 2020 World ChampionshipHonoring Canyon's winning Nidalee in the 2020 World ChampionshipHonoring Nuguri's winning Kennen in the 2020 World ChampionshipHonoring BeryL's winning Leona in the 2020 World ChampionshipHonoring ShowMaker's winning Twisted Fate in the 2020 World ChampionshipThis icon was released as a bundle exclusive in 2021This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Conqueror Jax skin with Prestige PointsThis icon was released in the store for purchase during MSI 2021.This icon was acquired during the 2021 PROJECT event.This icon was acquired from the Event Pass Token Shop during the 2021 PROJECT event.This icon was earned through Loot during the 2021 PROJECT event.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige PROJECT: Sylas skin during the 2021 PROJECT event.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige PROJECT: Zed skin from the 2020 Prestige Point Shop.This icon commemorates the 2021 Mid-Season Invitational Winner, RNG! This icon was acquired as a bundle-exclusive in 2021This icon was acquired during the 2021 Sentinels of Light event.This icon was earned through Loot during the 2021 Sentinels of Light event.Acquired by purchasing at least 10000 RP during the 2012 Harrowing event.Earned by playing 5 games as a Marksman champion in Team Builder in 2014.Unlocked during the 2018 Odyssey Event.This icon was acquired from the Event Pass Token Shop during the 2021 Sentinels of Light event.Earned for completing the 2018 Odyssey mission: Planetary LegendsThis icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Ascended Pantheon skin during the 2021 Sentinels of Light event.This icon was released as part of an exclusive bundle during Odyssey 2018.Earned for completing the 2018 Odyssey mission: Answer the Call.This icon was earned by winning ranked games in Season 2021 - Split 3.This icon was acquired during the 2021 Coven event.This icon was earned through Loot during the 2021 Coven event.Earned for completing the 2018 Odyssey mission: Hyper Mode Engaged.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Coven LeBlanc skin during the 2021 Coven event.This icon was earned during the Garena anniversary period.This icon is to celebrate the LLA fans across the globe.Earned for completing the 2018 Odyssey mission: Universal Legends.This icon is to celebrate the TCL fans across the globe.A world of new adventures awaits!Earned for completing the 2018 Odyssey mission: Morning Star Veterans.Let's make a wish with Ahri! Collective icon for 2021 Full Moon Event.This icon is to celebrate the rebranding of LPL.This icon was acquired during the Worlds 2021 event.This icon was earned through Loot during the Worlds 2021 event.This icon marks you as a participant in the 2018 Odyssey Recruitment Program.This icon was acquired through Loot during the Worlds 2021 event.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Nightbringer Kayn skin during the Worlds 2021 event.This icon was an exclusive reward for all participants of the Worlds 2021 Dragonmancer Clash event.This icon is to commemorate finishing the MAKE/BREAK challenges of FPX.This icon is to commemorate finishing the MAKE/BREAK challenges of EDG.This icon is to commemorate finishing the MAKE/BREAK challenges of RNG.This icon is to commemorate finishing the MAKE/BREAK challenges of RA.This icon was earned by obtaining 34 Pick 'Ems points.Unlocked by watching games during the 2018 Worlds event.This icon was earned by obtaining 50 Pick 'Ems points.This icon was earned by obtaining 66 Pick 'Ems points.This icon was available for purchase in the store during the Worlds 2021 Event.Earned by playing 5 games as a Support champion in Team Builder in 2014.Acquired by purchasing 2018 Worlds Pass during the 2018 Worlds event.Earned by participating in the 2018 Worlds event.This icon was earned by watching the Worlds 2021 Event.This icon was earned by completing Worlds 2021 missions.This icon is to commemorate finishing the MAKE/BREAK challenges of LNG.This icon is to commemorate finishing the MAKE/BREAK challenges of WE.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Bewitching Morgana skin from the 2020 Prestige Point Shop.This icon was earned by finishing Iron in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2021.This icon was earned by finishing Bronze in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2021.This icon was earned by finishing Silver in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2021.This icon was earned by finishing Gold in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2021.This icon was earned by finishing Platinum in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2021.This icon was earned by finishing Diamond in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2021.This icon was earned by finishing Master in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2021.Earned by completing the first Worlds Pick 'Em Mission during 2018 Worlds.This icon was earned by finishing Grandmaster in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2021.This icon was earned by finishing Challenger in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2021.This icon was earned by finishing Iron in Flex Queue in Season 2021.This icon was earned by finishing Bronze in Flex Queue in Season 2021.This icon was earned by finishing Silver in Flex Queue in Season 2021.This icon was earned by finishing Gold in Flex Queue in Season 2021.This icon was earned by finishing Platinum in Flex Queue in Season 2021.This icon was earned by finishing Diamond in Flex Queue in Season 2021.This icon was earned by finishing Master in Flex Queue in Season 2021.This icon was earned by finishing Grandmaster in Flex Queue in Season 2021.This icon was earned by finishing Challenger in Flex Queue in Season 2021.This icon was earned by participating in the 2021 Clash Season.This icon was earned by finishing the 2021 Clash Season with over 2000 Victory Points.This icon was earned by finishing the 2021 Clash Season with over 5000 Victory Points.This icon is to celebrate Worlds 2021.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Duality Dragon Volibear skin during the Worlds 2021 event.This icon was acquired during the RiotX Arcane event.This icon was available for purchase in the store during the Worlds 2021 event.This icon was acquired during the 2021 Dragonmancer event.This icon is to commemorate your team EDG completing the team mission of MAKE/BREAK challenges.This icon is to commemorate your team FPX completing the team mission of MAKE/BREAK challenges.This icon is to commemorate your team RNG completing the team mission of MAKE/BREAK challenges.This icon is to commemorate your team LNG completing the team mission of MAKE/BREAK challenges.This icon was acquired as a bundle-exclusive during 2021.This icon was earned by completing an Ahri Birthday mission.This icon was released in the store for purchase.Worlds 2021 Winner IconAn icon celebrating the launch of Hextech Mayhem: A League of Legends Story.A free mission exclusive Debonair icon.An event pass bundle exclusive Debonair icon.This icon was earned during the 2021 Debonair event.This icon was available for purchase during the 2021 Debonair event.Earned by playing 5 games as a Tank champion in Team Builder in 2014.This icon was acquired during the 2021 Debonair event.This icon was acquired by obtaining Debonair Brand Prestige Edition during the 2021 Debonair event.This icon was earned by winning ranked games in Season 2022 - Split 1.This icon was an exclusive reward for participating in the Season 2022 event.This icon celebrates all PCS Fans during the 2022 Season.This icon celebrates all European Masters Fans during the 2022 Season.This icon celebrates all LEC Fans during the 2022 Season.This icon celebrates all LoLEsports Fans during the 2022 Season.This icon was earned as a reward for watching the 2022 LCS Spring Split.Icon that celebrates the beginning of CBLOL 2022, Split 1.The 2022 LPL Spring Split is ongoing! Tune in to follow the LPL for endless intensive gameplay if you love the League! #CrazyIsOurGame.LLA's first split icon. Are you a fan of the LLA? Show your colors!This icon celebrates all VCS Fans during the 2022 Season.This icon celebrates all TCL Fans during the 2022 Season.This icon celebrates all LCO Fans during the 2022 Season.This icon celebrates all LCL Fans during the 2022 Season.This icon celebrates all Fans during the 2022 Season.A free mission exclusive Lunar Revel 2022 icon.An event pass bundle exclusive Lunar Revel 2022 icon.This icon was earned during the 2022 Lunar Revel event.This icon was available for purchase during the 2022 Lunar Revel event.This icon was acquired during the 2022 Lunar Revel event.This icon was acquired by obtaining Porcelain Lux Prestige Edition during the 2022 Lunar Revel event.This icon was acquired via drops, missions, or completed on icon that entitles the border for this championAn icon that comes with the Event Shop-exclusive chromaThis icon was released to thank you for having been part of the TFT Rising Legends Gizmos and Gadgets Journey.This icon was earned by winning ranked games in Season 2022 - Split 2This icon was acquired by obtaining the Ashen Knight Pyke skin in the Mythic Shop in 2022.A free mission exclusive Anima Squad icon.An event pass bundle exclusive Anima Squad icon.An icon crafted with the 125 Mythic Essence shop item.An icon that entitles the border of this champion.This icon was acquired during the 2022 Anima Squad event.This icon was acquired by obtaining Battle Cat Jinx Prestige Edition during the 2022 Anima Squad event.This icon was rewarded when watching games on or by taking part in missions and competitions.This icon was acquired via drops, missions or completed on icon was acquired via drops, missions or completed on LoLEsports.comAn icon acquired as a Loot Milestone reward.An icon acquired by obtaining Prestige Eclipse Knight Senna.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Ashen Knight Pyke chroma in the Mythic Shop in 2022.This icon was acquired during the TFT Global Championship.Earned by playing one game of One for All.An icon honoring Flandre's winning Graves in 2021 World Championship.An icon honoring Jiejie's winning Viego in 2021 World Championship.An icon honoring Scout's winning Zoe in 2021 World Championship.An icon honoring Viper's winning Aphelios in 2021 World Championship.An icon honoring Meiko's winning Yuumi in 2021 World Championship.A free mission exclusive High Noon icon.An event pass bundle exclusive High Noon icon.An icon crafted with the 125 Mythic Essence shop item for High Noon.An icon that entitles the border for this champion.An icon that comes with the Event Shop-exclusive chroma.This icon was acquired by obtaining Prestige High Noon Talon during the 2022 High Noon event.This icon was rewarded when watching games on or by taking part in missions and competitions. This icon was released in the store for limited purchase in celebration of Pride 2022.This icon was acquired during EDG World Championship skin launch events.This icon was acquired during Dragon Boat Festival 2022 events.This icon was acquired by earning Prestige Ocean Song Seraphine during the Ocean Song showcase.This icon was acquired as a Loot Milestone reward during the Ocean Song showcase.This icon celebrates the 2022 season of PCS.This icon celebrates the 2022 season of LPL.This icon celebrates the 2022 season of LEC.This icon celebrates the 2022 season of European Masters.This icon celebrates the 2022 season of LCS.This icon celebrates the 2022 season of Proving Grounds.This icon celebrates the 2022 season of LLA.This icon celebrates the 2022 season of CBLOL.This icon celebrates the 2022 season of LCK.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2014 Soccer Cup event.This icon celebrates the 2022 season of LJL.This icon celebrates the 2022 season of TCL.This icon celebrates the 2022 season of VCS.This icon celebrates the 2022 season of LCO.This icon celebrates the 2022 season of LCL.This icon wass a reward acquired from watching games on or by taking part in missions and competitions.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Ashen Conqueror Pantheon skin in the Mythic Shop in 2022.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Ashen Conqueror Pantheon chroma in the Mythic Shop in 2022.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the Essence Emporium 2022 launch.An event pass bundle exclusive 2022 Star Guardian icon.A milestone mission exclusive 2022 Star Guardian icon.This icon was acquired during the 2022 Star Guardian event.This icon was acquired by earning Prestige Star Guardian Ekko during the 2022 Star Guardian event.This icon was earned by winning ranked games in Season 2022 - Split 3This icon was acquired by earning Prestige Star Guardian Syndra during the 2022 Star Guardian event.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Star Guardian Jinx chroma in the Mythic Shop.An icon crafted with the 125 Mythic Essence shop item for the 2022 Star Guardian eventThis icon is to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of LOL BR.This icon and border set were released in the store for purchase.A free mission exclusive Steel Valkyries iconAn event pass bundle exclusive Steel Valkyries iconAn icon crafted with the 125 Mythic Essence shop item for the Steel Valkyries event.This icon was acquired by earning Prestige Edition Steel Valkyrie Janna during the Steel Vaklyries event.This icon was released for an event in 2022This icon was acquired by obtaining the Battle Academia Ezreal chroma in the Mythic Shop.This icon is to celebrate the 2022 anniversary of LOL CN.Distributed as part of a special eventGained from Esports rewards when watching games on or by taking part in missions and competitions.Earned by playing one game with a Pentakill skin equipped, or purchased from the store.This icon was available for purchase in the store during the Worlds 2022 Event.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Ashen Slayer Sylas skin in the Mythic Shop in 2022.This icon was acquired by obtaining the Ashen Slayer Sylas chroma in the Mythic Shop in 2022.A free milestone exclusive Worlds 2022 icon.An Event Pass milestone exclusive Worlds 2022 icon.An icon crafted w/ the 125 Mythic Essence shop item.Prestige Edition Icon for Spirit Blossom Master Yi.An icon that celebrates a 2022 Teamfight Tactics event.This icon was released to thank you for having been part of the TFT Rising Legends Dragonlands Journey.This icon was earned by finishing Iron in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by finishing Bronze in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by finishing Silver in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by finishing Gold in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by finishing Platinum in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by finishing Diamond in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by finishing Master in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by finishing Grandmaster in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by finishing Challenger in Solo/Duo Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by finishing Iron in Flex Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by finishing Bronze in Flex Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by finishing Silver in Flex Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by finishing Gold in Flex Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by finishing Platinum in Flex Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by finishing Diamond in Flex Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by finishing Master in Flex Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by finishing Grandmaster in Flex Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by finishing Challenger in Flex Queue in Season 2022.This icon was earned by participating in the 2022 Clash Season.This icon was earned by finishing the 2022 Clash Season with over 2000 Victory Points.This icon was earned by finishing the 2022 Clash Season with over 5000 Victory Points.This icon is to commemorate finishing the ONE&ONLY event.Earned by playing one game of Doom Bots.This icon was acquired by obtaining the High Noon Senna chroma in the Mythic Shop.This icon was released in the store for purchase during 2014.Earned by sending a gift during the 2014 Sugar Rush event. Earned by winning 1 game of Ascension during the 2014 Ascension event. Acquired by purchasing at least 5000 RP during the 2012 Harrowing event.Earned by winning 3 games of Ascension during the 2014 Ascension event. Earned by winning 5 games of Ascension during the 2014 Ascension event. Earned by winning a game of Ascension where the enemy team does not obtain the Ascension buff during the 2014 Ascension event.This icon was released in the store for the 2014 World Championship.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2014 Harrowing event.Acquired by sending a gift during the 2014 Harrowing event. Earned by winning three games of Hexakill during the 2014 Harrowing event.Earned by winning a game of Summoner's Rift on Blue side during the 2014 Summoner's Rift Update. Earned by winning a game of Summoner's Rift on Red side during the 2014 Summoner's Rift Update. This icon was released in the store for purchase in 2014.Acquired by purchasing at least 1000 RP during the 2012 Harrowing event.Acquired by gifting your friend a Battlecast skin.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2014 Snowdown event.Earned by participating in the 2014 Poro King event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2015 esports season.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2015 Lunar Revel event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the Ocean Week event.Earned by having good behavior during the 2015 season. This icon was released in the store during 2015 Valentine's Day event.This icon represents the 2015 Carnival event in Brazil and Latin America.Acquired by purchasing or unlocking DJ Sona ultimate skin.Earned by being in the top 100-500 players in Beta.Acquired by playing a game of Nemesis Draft in 2015.This icon was released in the store during the 2015 URF mode event.Earned by participating in the 2015 URF mode event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during 2015.Earned by participating in the 2015 Friends Week event.This icon represents the 2015 Art event in Korea.Earned by participating in the 2015 Graves' Act 1 Bilgewater Faction event.Earned by participating in the 2015 Twisted Fates' Act 1 Bilgewater Faction event.Earned by participating in the 2015 Graves' Act 2 Bilgewater Faction event.Earned by participating in the 2015 Twisted Fates' Act 2 Bilgewater Faction event.Earned by being in the top 100 players in Beta.Earned by participating in the 2015 Graves and Twisted Fate Act 3 Bilgewater Faction event.Earned by participating in the 2015 Gangplank Act 3 Bilgewater Faction event.This icon was released in the store for purchase during Summer 2015.This icon was released in the store during the 2015 World Championship.This icon was granted to players who owned the 2015 SKT T1 icon when they won Worlds that October.This icon was granted to players who owned the 2015 Origen icon if Origen won on 10/31.This icon was granted to players who owned the 2015 Fnatic icon if Fnatic won on 10/31.This icon was granted to players who owned the 2015 KOO Tigers icon if KOO won on 10/31.This icon was released in the store for purchase during the 2015 All-Stars event.This icon was granted to players who owned the Ice team icon if Ice team won.10-Year AnniversaryBilgewater Faction EventCampeonato Brasileiro de League of LegendsCandy FestCarnivalChampionshipCopa Latinoamérica SurEurope League of Legends Championship SeriesFactionFreljord EventFriends WeekGame Mode (Ascension)Game Mode (Dominion)Game Mode (Doom Bots)Game Mode (Nemesis Draft)Game Mode (One for All)Garena Premier LeagueGun GoddessAnnie PublishingHonor 1.0International Wildcard InvitationalIron InquisitorKoiLCULatin America CupLeague of Legends Champions KoreaLeague of Legends Continental LeagueLeague of Legends Japan LeagueLeague of Legends Masters SeriesLeague of Legends Pro LeagueLiga Latinoamérica NorteMid-Season InvitationalNorth America League of Legends Championship SeriesOcean WeekOceanic Pro LeagueOnGameNet League of Legends InvitationalPublishingRegion Exclusive (Cosmonautics Day)Region Exclusive (Japan Event)Region Exclusive (Korean Art Event)Region Exclusive (Turkey 5-Year Anniversary)Release (Champion)Release (Mechs vs. Minions)Rift RivalsSRUStar Ladder SeriesTeam BuilderTurkey Champions LeagueVietnam Championship SeriesSpecial EventsNew PlayersNight & DawnGalaxiesPrestigeChampiesDark WatersEarly AdopterFactionsGame ModesGothic HorrorPoro Master CollectionTales from the RiftTeemoingZombie SlayerEsportsEsports TeamsPick'em PorosBlue Minion Bruiser IconBlue Minion Hammer Time IconWinged Sword Icon2016 LCL Hard Random2016 LCL Team Just2016 LCL Natus Vincere2016 LCL RoX2016 LCL Vega Squadron2016 LCL Vaevictis eSports2016 LMS ahq e-Sports Club2016 LMS Flash Wolves2016 LMS HongKong e-Sports2016 LMS Machi2016 LMS Mid Night Sun2016 LMS Taipei Assassins2016 NA LCS Cloud92016 NA LCS Counter Logic Gaming2016 NA LCS Team Dignitas2016 NA LCS Echo Fox2016 NA LCS Immortals2016 NA LCS NRG2016 NA LCS Renegades2016 NA LCS Team Impulse2016 NA LCS Team Liquid2016 NA LCS Team SoloMid2016 EU LCS Elements2016 EU LCS Fnatic2016 EU LCS Giants2016 EU LCS G2 Esports2016 EU LCS H2K2016 EU LCS Origen2016 EU LCS ROCCAT2016 EU LCS Splyce2016 EU LCS Unicorns Of Love2016 EU LCS Team Vitality2016 LAN Tesla E-Sports2016 LAN Lyon Gaming2016 LAN Revenge eSports2016 LAN Havoks Gaming2016 LAN Galactic Gamers2016 LAN Dash9 Gaming2016 LAS Furious Gaming2016 LAS Hafnet E-Sports2016 LAS Isurus Gaming2016 LAS Kaos Latin Gamers2016 LAS Last Kings2016 LAS Rebirth Esports2016 LCK CJ Entus2016 LCK Jin Air Green Wings2016 LCK Incredible Miracle2016 LCK ROX Tigers2016 LCK KT Rolster2016 LCK Rebels Anarchy2016 LCK NaJin e-mFire2016 LCK Samsung Galaxy2016 LCK SBENU Sonicboom2016 LCK SK Telecom T12016 LPL EDward Gaming2016 LPL EP.A2016 LPL HY Gaming2016 LPL LGD Gaming2016 LPL Masters 32016 LPL Oh My God2016 LPL Qiao Gu Reapers2016 LPL RNG2016 LPL Team WE2016 LPL Vici Gaming2016 CBLOL CNB e-Sports2016 CBLOL g3nerationX2016 CBLOL INTZ e-Sports2016 CBLOL Operation Kino2016 CBLOL Kabum2016 CBLOL Keyd Stars2016 CBLOL paiN Gaming2016 CBLOL Red Canids2016 TCL Çilekler2016 TCL Dark Passage2016 TCL HWA Gaming2016 TCL NumberOne2016 TCL Oyun Hizmelteri2016 TCL SuperMassive2016 TCL Team Aurora2016 TCL Team Turquality2016 LPL Snake Esports2016 LPL Energy pacemaker2016 LPL Hyper Youth Gaming2016 LPL Invictus Gaming2016 LPL Royal Never Give Up2016 TCL BJK2016 LMS Cougar eSports2016 LMS Hong Kong Esports2016 LMS eXtreme GamersLizard Elder Icon2016 LCK e-mFire2016 LCK Afreeca Freecs2016 LCK Longzhu GamingOcean Week Nautilus IconHeart Key IconLovely IconLove Song IconBlood Moon Kennen IconBlood Moon Yasuo IconBlood Seal IconDominated Dominion IconDraaaaven IconDraven Winion IconDraven Draven IconMeowconDefinitely Not a Vel'Koz IconUrf Kench Icon2016 MSI: NA2016 MSI: BR2016 MSI: CIS2016 MSI: CN2016 MSI: EU2016 MSI: JPN2016 MSI: KR2016 MSI: LAN2016 MSI: LAS2016 MSI: LMS2016 MSI: OCE2016 MSI: SEA2016 MSI: TR2016 MSI00 Reactivated IconSuperior Prototype IconMecha Zero IconPrototype 00 Icon2016 MSI: NA Winner2016 MSI: BR Winner2016 MSI: CIS Winner2016 MSI: CN Winner2016 MSI: EU Winner2016 MSI: JPN Winner2016 MSI: KR Winner2016 MSI: LAN Winner2016 MSI: LAS Winner2016 MSI: LMS Winner2016 MSI: OCE Winner2016 MSI: SEA Winner2016 MSI: TR WinnerOmen of the Damned IconOmen of the Iron Inquisitor IconOmen of the Cursed Revenant IconOmen of the Black Scourge IconSuper Galaxy Fizz IconMega Shark IconSuper Galaxy Lamb IconSuper Galaxy Wolf IconSuper Galaxy Shyvana IconMega Dragon IconEl Tigre IconEl León IconEl Macho IconEl Rayo Icon2016 NA LCS Apex Gaming2016 EU LCS FC Schalke 042016 LCK Ever2016 LCK MVP2016 LMS J Team2016 VCSA Boba Marines2016 VCSA Saigon Jokers2016 VCSA GIGABYTE SuperHype2016 VCSA An Phat Ultimate2016 VCSA HaiAnh T Team2016 VCSA Tora 2692016 VCSA ZOTAC United2016 VCSA Cantho Cherry2016 VCSA Hanoi Fate2016 VCSA Hanoi Skyred2016 LAN Just Toys Havoks Gaming2016 LAN Zaga Talent Gaming2016 LAN BrawL eSports2016 LAS Kaos Latin Gamers Movistar2016 CBLOL BIGGODS2016 TCL Besiktas.OHM2016 LCL Albus NoX Luna2016 LCL Team Just.MSI2016 LCL TORNADO ROX2016 LCL Gambit CIS2016 OPL Abyss Esports2016 OPL Tainted Minds2016 LJL DetonatioN FocusMe2016 LJL Rampage2016 LJL 7th Heaven2016 LJL BlackEye2016 LJL Unsold Stuff Gaming2016 LJL ScarzFully Stacked Mejai's Icon2016 LPL NewBee2016 LPL I MAY2016 LPL Game Talents2016 LPL Saint GamingOblivion IconDark Star Varus IconDark Star Thresh Icon2016 NA LCS Phoenix12016 NA LCS Team Envy2016 LMS Team Mist2016 TCL Oyunfor.CREWSoy Lolero IconRecon PROJECT: Ashe IconEM Caster IconPROJECT: Ashe IconPROJECT: Ekko IconDecrypter IconHyper Edge IconPROJECT: Katarina IconDISRUPTION IconPROJECT: Ashe First Strike IconPROJECT: Ekko First Strike IconPROJECT: Katarina First Strike Icon2016 Worlds Tier 3 Cloud92016 Worlds Tier 3 Team Envy2016 Worlds Tier 3 Immortals2016 Worlds Tier 3 Counter Logic Gaming2016 Worlds Tier 3 Team Liquid2016 Worlds Tier 3 TSM2016 Worlds Tier 3 G2 Esports2016 Worlds Tier 3 Splyce2016 Worlds Tier 3 Giants2016 Worlds Tier 3 H2K2016 Worlds Tier 3 Fnatic2016 Worlds Tier 3 Unicorns of Love2016 Worlds Tier 3 EDward Gaming2016 Worlds Tier 3 Royal Never Give Up2016 Worlds Ultimate Team WE2016 Worlds Tier 3 I MAY2016 Worlds Ultimate Snake Esports2016 Worlds Ultimate Vici Gaming2016 Worlds Tier 3 ROX Tigers2016 Worlds Tier 3 SK Telecom T12016 Worlds Tier 3 Samsung Galaxy2016 Worlds Tier 3 KT Rolster2016 Worlds Tier 3 Afreeca Freecs2016 Worlds Tier 3 Jin Air Green Wings2016 Worlds Tier 3 Albus NoX Luna2016 Worlds Tier 3 JT2016 Worlds Tier 3 Flash Wolves2016 Worlds Tier 3 ahq esports2016 Worlds Tier 3 Hong Kong E-sports2016 Worlds Tier 3 Saigon Jokers2016 Worlds Tier 3 Dark Passage2016 Worlds Tier 3 Kaos Latin Gamers2016 Worlds Tier 3 INTZ e-Sports Club2016 Worlds Tier 3 Rampage2016 Worlds Tier 3 Lyon Gaming2016 Worlds Ultimate Just toys Havoks2016 Worlds Tier 3 Chiefs eSports ClubArcade Corki IconArcade Ahri IconArcade Ezreal IconPower Up IconImpact Coin IconRed Cannon Minion Icon2016 Worlds Ultimate M17Riot 10-Year Anniversary Icon2016 Worlds Cloud92016 Worlds Tier 2 Cloud92016 Worlds Team Envy2016 Worlds Tier 2 Team Envy2016 Worlds Counter Logic Gaming2016 Worlds Tier 2 Counter Logic Gaming2016 Worlds Team Liquid2016 Worlds Tier 2 Team Liquid2016 Worlds TSM2016 Worlds Tier 2 TSM2016 Worlds G2 Esports2016 Worlds Tier 2 G2 Esports2016 Worlds Splyce2016 Worlds Tier 2 Splyce2016 Worlds Giants2016 Worlds Tier 2 Giants2016 Worlds H2K2016 Worlds Tier 2 H2K2016 Worlds Fnatic2016 Worlds Tier 2 Fnatic2016 Worlds Unicorns of Love2016 Worlds Tier 2 Unicorns of Love2016 Worlds EDward Gaming2016 Worlds Tier 2 EDward Gaming2016 Worlds Royal Never Give Up2016 Worlds Tier 2 Royal Never Give Up2016 Worlds Team WE2016 Worlds Tier 2 Team WE2016 Worlds I MAY2016 Worlds Tier 2 I MAY2016 Worlds Snake Esports2016 Worlds Tier 2 Snake Esports2016 Worlds Vici Gaming2016 Worlds Tier 2 Vici Gaming2016 Worlds ROX Tigers2016 Worlds Tier 2 ROX Tigers2016 Worlds SK Telecom T12016 Worlds Tier 2 SK Telecom T12016 Worlds Samsung Galaxy2016 Worlds Tier 2 Samsung Galaxy2016 Worlds KT Rolster2016 Worlds Tier 2 KT Rolster2016 Worlds Afreeca Freecs2016 Worlds Tier 2 Afreeca Freecs2016 Worlds Jin Air Green Wings2016 Worlds Tier 2 Jin Air Green Wings2016 Worlds Albus NoX Luna2016 Worlds Tier 2 Albus NoX Luna2016 Worlds Flash Wolves2016 Worlds Tier 2 Flash Wolves2016 Worlds J Team2016 Worlds Tier 2 J Team2016 Worlds ahq e-Sports Club2016 Worlds Tier 2 ahq e-Sports Club2016 Worlds Hong Kong Esports2016 Worlds Tier 2 Hong Kong Esports2016 Worlds M172016 Worlds Tier 2 M172016 Worlds Saigon Jokers2016 Worlds Tier 2 Saigon Jokers2016 Worlds Dark Passage2016 Worlds Tier 2 Dark Passage2016 Worlds Kaos Latin Gamers2016 Worlds Tier 2 Kaos Latin Gamers2016 Worlds INTZ e-sports2016 Worlds Tier 2 INTZ e-sports2016 Worlds Rampage2016 Worlds Tier 2 Rampage2016 Worlds Lyon Gaming2016 Worlds Tier 2 Lyon Gaming2016 Worlds Chiefs eSports Club2016 Worlds Tier 2 Chiefs eSports Club2016 World Championship2016 World Championship Tier 22016 Worlds Pick'em Poro 12016 Worlds Pick'em Poro 2Mechs vs. Minions Icon2016 Worlds Immortals2016 Worlds Immortals Tier 2Mark of the Star Guardian IconStar Guardian IconRadiant Staff IconLight's Hammer IconPix IconZephyr IconShiro IconKuro IconDoomed Minion IconEvil Pumpkin IconLittle Devil Teemo IconSummoning Cauldron IconSeeing Hat IconLeague Client Update Alpha RewardSeason 2016 - Solo BronzeSeason 2016 - 3v3 BronzeSeason 2016 - 5v5 BronzeSeason 2016 - Solo SilverSeason 2016 - 3v3 SilverRed Siege Minion IconSeason 2016 - 5v5 SilverSeason 2016 - Solo GoldSeason 2016 - 3v3 GoldSeason 2016 - 5v5 GoldSeason 2016 - Solo PlatinumSeason 2016 - 3v3 PlatinumSeason 2016 - 5v5 PlatinumSeason 2016 - Solo DiamondSeason 2016 - 3v3 DiamondSeason 2016 - 5v5 DiamondSeason 2016 - Solo MasterSeason 2016 - 3v3 MasterSeason 2016 - 5v5 MasterSeason 2016 - Solo Challenger 3Season 2016 - 3v3 Challenger 3Season 2016 - 5v5 Challenger 3Season 2016 - Solo Challenger 2Season 2016 - 3v3 Challenger 2Season 2016 - 5v5 Challenger 2Season 2016 - Solo Challenger 1Season 2016 - 3v3 Challenger 1Season 2016 - 5v5 Challenger 12016 All-Star Team Fire2016 All-Star Team IceLight IconFire IconWater IconAir IconNature IconMagma IconStorm IconMystic IconIce IconDark IconElementalist IconSnowblower IconRed-nosed Poro IconSnowflake IconJolly Penguin IconSnow Day Scuttler IconPoro King IconGingerbread Man IconRe-Gifted Amumu IconSnowdown Bells IconPoro Snax Lover IconStar Guardian Poro IconDark Star Poro IconPiltover IconZaun IconYear of the Rooster IconJade Warrior IconJade Emperor IconJade Demon IconMark of Fortune IconHeartseeker Quinn IconHeartseeker Lucian IconHeartseeker IconLove Dove Icon2017 NA LCS Cloud92017 NA LCS Counter Logic Gaming2017 NA LCS Dignitas2017 NA LCS Echo Fox2017 NA LCS Immortals2017 NA LCS Liquid2017 NA LCS Phoenix12017 NA LCS Team Envy2017 NA LCS TSM2017 NA LCS FlyQuest2017 EU LCS Fnatic2017 EU LCS G2 Esports2017 EU LCS Giants2017 EU LCS H2K2017 EU LCS Origen2017 EU LCS ROCCAT2017 EU LCS Splyce2017 EU LCS Team Vitality2017 EU LCS Unicorns of Love2017 EU LCS Misfits2017 LCK SK telecom T12017 LCK ROX Tigers2017 LCK Samsung GALAXY2017 LCK kt Rolster2017 LCK Afreeca Freecs2017 LCK Jin Air Greenwings2017 LCK Longzhu Gaming2017 LCK Kongdoo Monster2017 LCK bbq OLIVERS2017 LCK MVP2017 LPL Royal Never Give Up2017 LPL EDG2017 LPL WE2017 LPL NewBee2017 LPL VG2017 LPL SS2017 LPL GT2017 LPL QG2017 LPL OMG2017 LPL IG2017 LPL LGDRed Bruiser Minion Icon2017 LPL IM2017 LJL DetonatioN FocusMe2017 LJL Rampage2017 LJL 7th heaven2017 LJL SCARZ2017 LJL Unsold Stuff Gaming2017 LJL Rascal Jester2017 CBLOL Pain Gaming2017 CBLOL INTZ2017 CBLOL Keyd Stars2017 CBLOL Operation Kino2017 CBLOL CNB2017 CBLOL Red Canids2017 CBLOL KaBuM e-Sports2017 CBLOL Brave E-sports2017 LLN Dash9 Gaming2017 LLN Gaming Gaming2017 LLN Predators Esports2017 LAN Infamous Gaming2017 LLN Infinity eSports2017 LLN Just Toys Havoks2017 LLN Lyon Gaming2017 LLN Zaga Talent Gaming2017 CLS Kao2017 CLS Isurus Gaming Icon2017 CLS Furious Gaming Icon2017 CLS Rebirth Esports Icon2017 CLS Hafnet E-Sports Icon2017 CLS Last Kings Icon2017 TCL Dark Passage.BKM Express Icon2017 TCL HWA GAMING Icon2017 TCL Oyunfor.CREW Icon2017 TCL SuperMassive eSports Icon2017 TCL Team AURORA Icon2017 TCL 1907 Fenerbahçe Esports Icon2017 TCL Galatasaray Esports Icon2017 TCL Galakticos Icon2017 TCL Dark Passage.BKM Express Tier 2 Icon2017 TCL HWA GAMING Tier 2 Icon2017 TCL Oyunfor.CREW Tier 2 Icon2017 TCL SuperMassive eSports Tier 2 Icon2017 TCL Team AURORA Tier 2 Icon2017 TCL 1907 Fenerbahçe Esports Tier 2 Icon2017 TCL Galatasaray Esports Tier 2 Icon2017 TCL Galakticos Tier 2 Icon2017 OPL Avant Icon2017 OPL Abyss Icon2017 OPL Chiefs Icon2017 OPL Dire Wolves Icon2017 OPL Exile 5 Icon2017 OPL Legacy Icon2017 OPL Sin Gaming Icon2017 OPL Tainted Minds Icon2017 OPL M19 Icon2017 LCL Vega Squadron Icon2017 LCL Natus Vincere Icon2017 LCL ROX Icon2017 LCL Vaevictis eSports Icon2017 LCL Team Just Alpha Icon2017 LCL Gambit CIS Icon2017 LCL Icon2017 LMS Flash Wolves Icon2017 LMS ahq eSports club Icon2017 LMS HongKong eSports Icon2017 LMS J Team Icon2017 LMS eXtreme Gamer eSport Club Icon2017 LMS Wayi Spider Icon2017 LMS Machi e-Sports Icon2017 LMS Fireball Limited Icon2017 VCSA ROG Friends Icon2017 VCSA GIGABYTE Marines Icon2017 VCSA Next Gen Icon2017 VCSA Young Generation Icon2017 VCSA eHub United Icon2017 VCSA Cantho Cherry Icon2017 LPL Royal Never Give Up Icon2017 LPL EDG Icon2017 LPL WE Icon2017 LPL VG Icon2017 LPL SS Icon2017 LPL GT Icon2017 LPL QG Icon2017 LPL IG Icon2017 LPL LGD Icon2017 LPL IM Icon2017 CBLOL Red Canids Icon2017 VCSA UTM Esports IconKoi Nami IconBlood Moon Jhin IconBlood Moon Diana IconBlood Moon Twisted Fate IconBlood Moon Talon IconBlood Moon Rising IconFestival Queen IconDemacia IconDragonslayer Xin Zhao IconDragon Sorceress IconFlame Dragon Icon2017 MSI: CBLOL Icon2017 MSI: LPL IconRed Caster Minion Icon2017 MSI: LCL Icon2017 MSI: EU LCS Icon2017 MSI: LJL Icon2017 MSI: LCK Icon2017 MSI: LLN Icon2017 MSI: CLS Icon2017 MSI: NA LCS Icon2017 MSI: OPL Icon2017 MSI: GPL Icon2017 MSI: LMS Icon2017 MSI: TCL Icon2017 MSI: CBLOL Tier 2 Icon2017 MSI: LPL Tier 2 Icon2017 MSI: LCL Tier 2 Icon2017 MSI: EU LCS Tier 2 Icon2017 MSI: LJL Tier 2 Icon2017 MSI: LCK Tier 2 Icon2017 MSI: LLN Tier 2 Icon2017 MSI: CLS Tier 2 Icon2017 MSI: NA LCS Tier 2 Icon2017 MSI: OPL Tier 2 Icon2017 MSI: GPL Tier 2 Icon2017 MSI: LMS Tier 2 Icon2017 MSI: TCL Tier 2 Icon2017 MSI IconSakura IconSakura Poro Icon2017 April Fool's IconGod Fist IconImmortal Sight IconAstronaut Teemo IconBardnik IconConqueror Karma IconGift of Magic IconBlazing Feathers IconCosmic Blade IconCosmic Reaver IconCosmic Genesis IconDusk and Dawn IconCorruption IconDark Star Orianna IconDark Star Kha'Zix IconCosmic Ruins IconPulsefire Caitlyn IconPulsefire Ezreal IconPulsefire Icon2017 EU LCS Mysterious Monkeys Icon2017 EU LCS Ninjas in Pyjamas Icon2017 LCK Ever8 Winners Icon2017 LPL DAN Gaming Icon2017 LPL SN Gaming Icon2017 LJL Burning Core Icon2017 CBLOL TEAM ONE Icon2017 CBLOL T-Show Icon2017 CBLOL ProGaming E-Sports Icon2017 LLN Silver Crows Icon2017 CLS B2K Icon2017 TCL P3P ESPORTS Icon2017 TCL ÇILEKLER Icon2017 OPL Team Regicide Icon2017 LMS Raise Gaming IconDaybreak IconNightfall IconDawnblade IconNightblade IconDawnbringer Riven IconNightbringer Yasuo IconOrder IconChaos IconReign of Order IconReign of Chaos IconRed Super Minion IconMix Mix IconTargon IconBlue Cannon Minion IconShurima IconCrabby Crab IconCome At Me Crab IconCool Crab IconLifesaver IconRubber Ducky IconShock and Shower Icon2017 VCSA LG Red Icon2017 VCSA Fighters Gaming Icon2017 LPL JD Gaming Icon2017 Rift Rivals LCK-LPL-LMS Cluster Icon2017 Rift Rivals EU-NA Cluster Icon2017 Rift Rivals BRA-LAS-LAN Cluster Icon2017 Rift Rivals LCL-TCL Cluster Icon2017 Rift Rivals GPL-LJL-OPL Cluster Icon2017 Rift Rivals Winners IconShadow Assassin Kayn IconDarkin Rhaast IconOmega Squad Recruit IconOmega Squad Veteran IconBattle Boss Ziggs IconBattle Boss Malzahar IconBattle Boss Brand IconArcade Poro IconNew Level IconGold Edition Baron IconBattle Boss Baron IconPentakill II IconPentakill Karthus IconTree of Life IconRevive IconLil' Sprout IconSpike Shield IconLevel One Critter IconLevel Two Critter IconWraith IconTibbers IconHelmet BroBlue Minion Caster IconPentakill Kayle IconPentakill Mordekaiser IconPentakill Olaf IconPentakill Sona IconPentakill Yorick IconChampionship Ashe Icon2017 World Championship Icon2017 Worlds Legend Icon2017 Worlds Pickem Poro Icon2017 Worlds Master Pickem Poro Icon2017 Worlds Master IconHonor Great Leader IconHonor Honorable Opponent IconHonor For All IconHonor Great Teammate IconHonor Great Mentor IconStar Guardian Ahri IconKiko IconYuuto IconBoki and Baki IconShisa IconMulti IconNew Horizon IconOrnn Forgemaster Icon2017 Worlds paiN Gaming Icon2017 Worlds Team oNe e-Sports Icon2017 Worlds Kaos Latin Gamers Icon2017 Worlds Fnatic Icon2017 Worlds G2 Esports Icon2017 Worlds H2K Icon2017 Worlds Splyce Icon2017 Worlds Unicorns of Love Icon2017 Worlds Misfits Icon2017 Worlds Samsung GALAXY Icon2017 Worlds kt Rolster Icon2017 Worlds Longzhu Gaming Icon2017 Worlds SK telecom T1 Icon2017 Worlds Afreeca Freecs Icon2017 Worlds MVP Icon2017 Worlds Gambit CIS Icon2017 Worlds M19 Icon2017 Worlds DetonatioN FocusMe Icon2017 Worlds Rampage Icon2017 Worlds Lyon Gaming Icon2017 Worlds Infinity eSports Icon2017 Worlds Flash Wolves Icon2017 Worlds Raise Gaming Icon2017 Worlds ahq e-Sports Club Icon2017 Worlds J Team Icon2017 Worlds Machi Icon2017 Worlds Hong Kong Attitude Icon2017 Worlds Edward Gaming Icon2017 Worlds Team WE Icon2017 Worlds Invictus Gaming Icon2017 Worlds Snake Esports Icon2017 Worlds OMG Icon2017 Worlds NewBee Icon2017 Worlds Royal Never Give Up Icon2017 Worlds SN Gaming Icon2017 Worlds Immortals Icon2017 Worlds Counter Logic Gaming Icon2017 Worlds TSM Icon2017 Worlds Team Dignitas Icon2017 Worlds Cloud9 Icon2017 Worlds FlyQuest Icon2017 Worlds Legacy eSports Icon2017 Worlds Dire Wolves Icon2017 Worlds Chiefs eSports Club Icon2017 Worlds Sin Gaming Icon2017 Worlds Avant Gaming Icon2017 Worlds 1907 Fenerbahçe Espor Icon2017 Worlds Manila Eagles Icon2017 Worlds Resurgence Icon2017 Worlds Headhunters Icon2017 Worlds Kuala Lumpur Hunters Icon2017 Worlds Ascension Gaming Icon2017 Worlds GIGABYTE Marines IconRadiant Wukong Icon2017 Worlds Young Generation IconTournament Beta Winner - 4 TeamTournament Beta Winner - 8 TeamTournament Beta Winner - 16 TeamThe Big One IconEternal Sword Yi IconSoaring Sword Fiora IconSacred Sword Janna IconTranscendent IconBee Singed IconArclight Yorick IconChampie Katarina IconChampie Lux IconChampie Morgana IconChampie Taric IconChampie Twisted Fate IconChampie Wukong IconChampie Ezreal IconChampie Miss Fortune IconRare Rune Owner IconDeath Sworn IconDeath Sworn Viktor IconDeath Sworn Katarina IconDeath Sworn Zed IconRunes Reward Epic Mystery Skin Icon 1Runes Reward Epic Mystery Skin Icon 2Runes Reward Epic Mystery Skin Icon 3Runes Reward Epic Mystery Skin Icon 4Runes Reward Epic Mystery Skin Icon 5Super Galaxy Annie IconSuper Galaxy Elise IconSuper Galaxy Nidalee IconSuper Galaxy Gnar IconSuper Galaxy IconMaster's Challenge Season 1Gemstone Knight Icon + GemstoneGemstone Prince Icon + GemstoneGemstone King Icon + GemstonePage Purchaser IconPROJECT: Vayne IconPROJECT: Vi IconPROJECT: Jhin IconPROJECT: Final Hunt IconPROJECT: Hunters IconSeason 2017 - Solo/Duo BronzeSeason 2017 - Flex 3v3 BronzeSeason 2017 - Flex 5v5 BronzeSeason 2017 - Solo/Duo SilverSeason 2017- Flex 3v3 SilverSeason 2017- Flex 5v5 SilverSeason 2017 - Solo/Duo GoldSeason 2017 - Flex 3v3 GoldSeason 2017 - Flex 5v5 GoldSeason 2017 - Solo/Duo PlatinumSeason 2017 - Flex 3v3 PlatinumSeason 2017 - Flex 5v5 PlatinumSeason 2017 - Solo/Duo DiamondSeason 2017 - Flex 3v3 DiamondSeason 2017 - Flex 5v5 DiamondSeason 2017 - Solo/Duo MasterSeason 2017 - Flex 3v3 MasterSeason 2017 - Flex 5v5 MasterSeason 2017 - Solo/Duo ChallengerSeason 2017 - Flex 3v3 ChallengerSeason 2017 - Flex 5v5 ChallengerAll-Star 2017 Korea Dream TeamAll-Star 2017 North America Dream TeamAll-Star 2017 Europe Dream TeamAll-Star 2017 China Dream TeamAll-Star 2017 Turkey Dream TeamAll-Star 2017 Southeast Asia Dream TeamAll-Star 2017 LMS Dream TeamAll-Star 2017 Brazil Dream TeamAll-Star 2017Rengar Plush In The JungleTurkey 5th Anniversary Poro IconSanta Baron 2017 IconAmbitious Elf Jinx IconSnow Fawn Poppy IconSanta Draven IconLunar Guardian Nasus IconLunar Guardian Warwick IconLunar Empress Lux IconYear of the Dog IconSweetheart Xayah IconSweetheart Rakan IconLovebirds IconEternum Cassiopeia IconDearest Deer IconReindeer Poro IconBaron Poro IconGemstone Stocking Icon + GemstoneGemstone Pengu Icon + GemstoneGemstone Poro Icon + Gemstone2018 CBLOL paiN Gaming2018 CBLOL INTZ e-Sports Club2018 CBLOL KaBuM e-Sports2018 CBLOL Vivo Keyd Stars2018 CBLOL CNB e-Sports Club2018 CBLOL Red Canids Corinthians2018 CBLOL Team One e-Sports2018 CBLOL ProGaming Esports2018 LCL Gambit Esports2018 LCL M192018 LCL Team Just2018 LCL Dragon Army2018 LCL Vega Squadron2018 LCL ROX2018 LCL Vaevictis esports2018 LCL Elements Pro Gaming2018 CLS Kaos Latin Gamers2018 CLS Isurus Gaming2018 CLS Dark Horse2018 CLS Legatum2018 CLS Rebirth eSports2018 CLS Hafnet E-Sports2018 CLS Furious Gaming2018 CLS Universidad Católica Esports2018 NA LCS 100 Thieves2018 NA LCS Cloud92018 NA LCS Clutch Gaming2018 NA LCS Counter Logic Gaming2018 NA LCS Echo Fox2018 NA LCS Flyquest2018 NA LCS Golden Guardians2018 NA LCS OpTic Gaming2018 NA LCS Team Liquid2018 NA LCS TSM2018 TCL Doğuş Üniversitesi Aurora2018 TCL Royal Bandits2018 TCL YouthCREW2018 TCL Dark Passage2018 TCL 1907 Fenerbahçe Espor2018 TCL Galakticos2018 TCL HWA GAMING2018 TCL BAUSuperMassive eSports2018 LLN Zaga Talent Gaming2018 LLN Predators eSports2018 LLN Just toys Havoks2018 LLN 6Sense2018 LLN Infinity eSports2018 LLN Gaming Gaming2018 LLN Rainbow72018 OPL Bombers2018 OPL Avant Gaming2018 OPL The Chiefs Esports Club2018 OPL Dire Wolves2018 OPL Legacy Esports2018 OPL Order2018 OPL Sin Gaming2018 OPL Tectonic2018 LJL DetonatioN FocusMe2018 LJL Pentagram2018 LJL Unsold Stuff Gaming2018 LJL 7th heaven2018 LJL Rascal Jester2018 LJL V3 Esports2018 EU LCS Fnatic2018 EU LCS Unicorns of Love2018 EU LCS Splyce2018 EU LCS Misfits2018 EU LCS H2K2018 EU LCS Vitality2018 EU LCS Giants2018 EU LCS Schalke042018 EU LCS ROCCAT2018 EU LCS G22018 LMS Flash Wolves2018 LMS ahq e-Sports Club2018 LMS G-Rex2018 LMS Team Afro2018 LMS MAD TEAM2018 LMS Hong Kong Attitude2018 LMS J Team2018 LMS Machi Esports2018 VCS Hall of Fame2018 VCS EVOS2018 VCS Young Generation2018 VCS GAM Esports2018 VCS Cherry Esports2018 VCS FTV2018 VCS UTM Esports2018 LCK KING-ZONE DragonX2018 LCK SK telecom T12018 LCK kt Rolster2018 LCK KSV2018 LCK Afreeca Freecs2018 LCK Jin Air Greenwings2018 LCK ROX Tigers2018 LCK MVP2018 LCK bbq OLIVERS2018 LCK KONGDOO MONSTER2018 LPL Team WE2018 LPL RoyalNeverGiveUp2018 LPL OHMYGOD2018 LPL JD Gaming2018 LPL LGD Gaming2018 LPL Bilibili Gaming2018 LPL Suning Gaming2018 LPL Topsports Gaming2018 LPL Vici Gaming2018 LPL FunPlus Phoenix2018 LPL Rogue Warriors2018 LPL Invictus GamingPuppy Nasus IconPuppy Warwick IconGolden Caitlyn IconGolden Sona IconGolden Corki IconGolden Katarina IconGolden Riven IconGolden Garen Icon2018 LPL Snake Esports2018 LPL Edward Gaming2018 VCS Friends Forever2018 LLN Dash9 GamingAshes, Ashes IconOriginal Tibbers IconNoxus IconVoid IconGun Goddess IconScarlet Fair IconZero Hour IconRoyal Arms IconStarswarm IconResist IconPizza Delivery Sivir IconBirdio IconChicken on a Pizza IconBAWK BAWK IconSpace Food Zac IconSpace Day Nautilus IconIonia IconVeigar's Staff IconH-28G Icon2018 MSI CBLOL KaBuM! e-Sports2018 MSI CBLOL Vivo Keyd2018 MSI LPL Bilibili Gaming2018 MSI LPL Edward Gaming2018 MSI LPL FunPlus Phoenix2018 MSI LPL Invictus Gaming2018 MSI LPL JD Gaming2018 MSI LPL Oh My God2018 MSI LPL Royal Never Give Up2018 MSI LPL Rogue Warriors2018 MSI LPL Suning Gaming2018 MSI LPL Snake Esports2018 MSI LPL Team WE2018 MSI EU LCS Fnatic2018 MSI EU LCS G2 Esports2018 MSI EU LCS Splyce2018 MSI EU LCS Team Vitality2018 MSI LJL DetonatioN FocusMe2018 MSI LJL PENTAGRAM2018 MSI LJL Unsold Stuff Gaming2018 MSI LJL V3 Esports2018 MSI GPL Kuala Lumpur Hunters2018 MSI GPL Bigetron E-Sports2018 MSI GPL Mineski2018 MSI GPL Ascension Gaming2018 MSI GPL Sovereign2018 MSI LCK Afreeca Freecs2018 MSI LCK KSV eSports2018 MSI LCK kt Rolster2018 MSI LCK Kingzone DragonX2018 MSI LCK ROX Tigers2018 MSI LCK SK Telecom T12018 MSI LLN 6Sense2018 MSI LLN Dash9 Gaming2018 MSI LLN Gaming Gaming2018 MSI LLN Infinity eSports2018 MSI LLN Predators eSports2018 MSI LLN Rainbow72018 MSI CLS Furious Gaming2018 MSI CLS Hafnet E-Sports2018 MSI CLS Isurus Gaming2018 MSI CLS Kaos Latin Gamers2018 MSI CLS Legatum2018 MSI CLS Rebirth eSports2018 MSI LMS Team Afro2018 MSI LMS ahq e-Sports Club2018 MSI LMS Flash Wolves2018 MSI LMS G-Rex2018 MSI LMS Hong Kong Attitude2018 MSI LMS J Team2018 MSI LMS Machi Esports2018 MSI LMS MAD Team2018 MSI NA LCS 100 Thieves2018 MSI NA LCS Clutch Gaming2018 MSI NA LCS Echo Fox2018 MSI NA LCS Team Liquid2018 MSI OPL Chiefs Esports Club2018 MSI OPL Dire Wolves2018 MSI TCL Team AURORA2018 MSI TCL Dark Passage.Dominos2018 MSI TCL 1907 Fenerbahçe Espor2018 MSI TCL Royal Bandits Esports2018 MSI TCL BAUSuperMassive eSports2018 MSI TCL YouthCREW2018 MSI VCS EVOS Esports2018 MSI VCS GIGABYTE Marines2018 MSI VCS Ultimate2018 MSI VCS Young Generation2018 MSI LCL Gambit Esports2018 MSI LCL ROXConqueror Varus IconChampie Vayne IconChampie Leblanc IconChampie Garen IconChampie Nasus IconChampie Caitlyn IconChampie Xin Zhao IconChampie Gangplank IconChampie Twitch IconPulsefire Riven IconPulsefire Twisted Fate IconPulsefire Shen IconSoccer Cup Icon 1Soccer Cup Icon 2Soccer Cup Icon 3Rainbow Fluft Icon2018 MSI CBLoL KaBuM! e-Sports Winners Icon2018 MSI LPL Royal Never Give Up Winners Icon2018 MSI EU LCS Fnatic Winners Icon2018 MSI LJL PENTAGRAM Winners Icon2018 MSI GPL Ascension Gaming Winners Icon2018 MSI LCK Kingzone DragonX Winners Icon2018 MSI LLN Rainbow7 Winners Icon2018 MSI CLS Kaos Latin Gamers Winners Icon2018 MSI LMS Flash Wolves Winners Icon2018 MSI NA LCS Team Liquid Winners Icon2018 MSI OPL Dire Wolves Winners Icon2018 MSI TCL BAUSuperMassive eSports Winners Icon2018 MSI VCS EVOS Esports Winners Icon2018 MSI LCL Gambit Esports Winners IconPirate Poro IconDark Waters Vladimir IconDark Waters Diana IconSerpent Crest IconKing of the Sea IconThe Lion IconThe Wolf IconVS 2018 IconEternal Reign IconEndless War Icon2018 CBLOL Flamengo2018 CBLOL Kabum Esports2018 CBLOL Ilha da Macacada2018 CLS Evilvice Esports2018 LLN Pixel Esports Club2018 OPL Mammoth2018 LJL Crest Gaming Act2018 LJL SCARZ2018 LCK Gen.G Gaming2018 LCK Hwanwha Life Esports2018 LCK GriffinNew Player Poro IconPlaymaker Lee Sin IconSweeper Rammus IconDark Star Cho'Gath IconDark Star Cho'Gath Event Icon2018 TCL Bahçeşehir SuperMassive2018 VCS Cube Adonis2018 VCS Phong Vu Buffalo2018 VCS VikingsCrown of the Lions IconCrown of the WolvesDivine Lion IconForsaken Wolf IconLion Banner IconWolf Banner IconLion's Covenant IconWolf's Pact IconPride's Greatblade IconLupine Battleaxe IconDarkin IconMiss Fortune Portrait IconLux Portrait IconMaster Yi Portrait IconAhri Portrait IconDarius Portrait Icon2018 LJL Burning Core2018 Rift Rivals Icon2018 TCL Bursaspor EsportsNew Player Welcoming Poro IconMt. Targon IconRuneterra Map IconWorld Rune IconShadow Isles IconFreljord IconSSG Gnar IconSSG Jarvan IV IconSSG Taliyah IconSSG Xayah IconSSG Rakan IconSSG Ezreal Icon2018 Willyrex Squad Icon2018 Faragan Squad Icon2018 Callux Squad Icon2018 Mini Ladd Squad Icon2018 Mates Squad Icon2018 Arazhul Squad Icon2018 Der Heider Squad IconPool Party Gangplank IconPool Party Caitlyn IconPool Party Zoe IconTasty Beverage IconPengu (Ruby) IconIced Pengu IconCosmic Defender Xin Zhao IconCosmic Queen Ashe IconCosmic Enchantress Lulu IconAurelion Smol IconCrime City Poro IconMecha Aurelion Sol IconHigh Noon Lucian IconHigh Noon Urgot IconHigh Noon Thresh IconHigh Noon Gothic IconDivine Sword Irelia IconEnduring Sword Talon IconOdyssey Yasuo IconOdyssey Ziggs IconOdyssey Malphite IconOdyssey Sona IconOdyssey Jinx IconOdyssey Kayn IconRhaast Unbound IconKayn Ascended IconOdyssey Recruit IconOra IconSpace Lizard IconOdyssey Zenith IconOdyssey Veteran IconOdyssey Recruiter BadgeOdyssey Recruit BadgeChampionship Kha'Zix IconChampionship Ashe Chibi IconChampion Minions IconWorld Champion Minions IconOn Duty IconChampionship Sword IconChampionship Lantern IconChampionship Gauntlet IconChampionship Spears IconChampionship Blade IconWorlds Master Pass Summoner IconWorlds Pass IconGolden Worlds Pass IconWorlds 2018 IconEpic Worlds 2018 IconMythic Worlds 2018 IconChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma FlamengoChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma KaBuM! e-SportsChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Kaos Latin GamersChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Rebirth eSportsChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma FnaticChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma G2 EsportsChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma MisfitsChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Schalke04Championship Kha'Zix Chroma SplyceChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Team VitalityChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Ascension GamingChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Afreeca FreecsChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Gen.G GamingChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma GriffinChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Kingzone DragonXChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma KT RolsterChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma SK Telecom T1Championship Kha'Zix Chroma Gambit EsportsChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma DetonatioN FocusMeChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma PentagramChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Unsold Stuff GamingChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Dash9 GamingChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Infinity eSports CRChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Flash WolvesChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma G-RexChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Hong Kong AttitudeChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma J TeamChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Machi EsportsChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma MAD TeamChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Edward GamingChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Invictus GamingChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma JD GamingChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Rogue WarriorsChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Royal Never Give UpChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma 100 ThievesChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Cloud9Championship Kha'Zix Chroma Clutch GamingChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Echo FoxChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Team LiquidChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma TSMChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Dire WolvesChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma BAHÇEŞEHİR SUPERMASSİVEChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Royal BanditsChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Cube AdonisChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma EVOS EsportsChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Friends ForeverChampionship Kha'Zix Chroma Phong Vu Buffalo2018 Worlds Flamengo Icon2018 Worlds KaBuM! e-Sports Icon2018 Worlds Kaos Latin Gamers Icon2018 Worlds Rebirth eSports Icon2018 Worlds Fnatic Icon2018 Worlds G2 Esports Icon2018 Worlds Misfits Icon2018 Worlds Schalke04 Icon2018 Worlds Splyce Icon2018 Worlds Team Vitality Icon2018 Worlds Ascension Gaming Icon2018 Worlds Afreeca Freecs Icon2018 Worlds Gen.G Gaming Icon2018 Worlds Griffin Icon2018 Worlds Kingzone DragonX Icon2018 Worlds KT Rolster Icon2018 Worlds SK Telecom T1 Icon2018 Worlds Gambit Esports Icon2018 Worlds DetonatioN FocusMe Icon2018 Worlds Pentagram Icon2018 Worlds Unsold Stuff Gaming Icon2018 Worlds Dash9 Gaming Icon2018 Worlds Infinity eSports CR Icon2018 Worlds Flash Wolves Icon2018 Worlds G-Rex Icon2018 Worlds Hong Kong Attitude Icon2018 Worlds J Team Icon2018 Worlds Machi Esports Icon2018 Worlds MAD Team Icon2018 Worlds Edward Gaming Icon2018 Worlds Invictus Gaming Icon2018 Worlds JD Gaming Icon2018 Worlds Rogue Warriors Icon2018 Worlds Royal Never Give Up Icon2018 Worlds 100 Thieves Icon2018 Worlds Cloud9 Icon2018 Worlds Clutch Gaming Icon2018 Worlds Echo Fox Icon2018 Worlds Team Liquid Icon2018 Worlds TSM Icon2018 Worlds Dire Wolves Icon2018 Worlds BAHÇEŞEHİR SUPERMASSİVE Icon2018 Worlds Royal Bandits Icon2018 Worlds Cube Adonis Icon2018 Worlds EVOS Esports Icon2018 Worlds Friends Forever Icon2018 Worlds Phong Vu Buffalo Icon2018 Worlds Flamengo Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds KaBuM! e-Sports Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Kaos Latin Gamers Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Rebirth eSports Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Fnatic Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds G2 Esports Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Misfits Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Schalke04 Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Splyce Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Team Vitality Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Ascension Gaming Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Afreeca Freecs Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Gen.G Gaming Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Griffin Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Kingzone DragonX Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds KT Rolster Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds SK Telecom T1 Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Gambit Esports Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds DetonatioN FocusMe Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Pentagram Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Unsold Stuff Gaming Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Dash9 Gaming Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Infinity eSports CR Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Flash Wolves Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds G-Rex Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Hong Kong Attitude Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds J Team Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Machi Esports Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds MAD Team Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Edward Gaming Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Invictus Gaming Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds JD Gaming Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Rogue Warriors Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Royal Never Give Up Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds 100 Thieves Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Cloud9 Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Clutch Gaming Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Echo Fox Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Team Liquid Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds TSM Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Dire Wolves Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds BAHÇEŞEHİR SUPERMASSİVE Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Royal Bandits Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Cube Adonis Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds EVOS Esports Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Friends Forever Icon (Gold)2018 Worlds Phong Vu Buffalo Icon (Gold)Pick 'Ems Poro 2018 IconPick 'Ems Wizard 2018 IconJakarta 2018 IconGolden Championship Kha'Zix IconGolden Championship Sword IconGolden Championship Lantern IconGolden Championship Gauntlet IconGolden Championship Spears IconGolden Championship Blade IconInfernal Amumu IconDragon Trainer Heimerdinger IconPythagoras IconBitey IconTurret Jr. IconPumpkin Cat IconJanna Candy IconEkko Candy IconKled Candy IconK/DA Ahri IconK/DA Evelynn IconK/DA Kai'Sa IconK/DA Akali IconK/DA IconGolden Janna Candy IconGolden Ekko Candy IconGolden Kled Candy IconBaron Hat Poro IconSeason 2018 - Solo/Duo Bronze IconSeason 2018 - Solo/Duo Silver IconSeason 2018 - Solo/Duo Gold IconSeason 2018 - Solo/Duo Platinum IconSeason 2018 - Solo/Duo Diamond IconSeason 2018 - Solo/Duo Master IconSeason 2018 - Solo/Duo Challenger IconSeason 2018 - Flex 5v5 Bronze IconSeason 2018 - Flex 5v5 Silver IconSeason 2018 - Flex 5v5 Gold IconSeason 2018 - Flex 5v5 Platinum IconSeason 2018 - Flex 5v5 Diamond IconSeason 2018 - Flex 5v5 Master IconSeason 2018 - Flex 5v5 Challenger IconSeason 2018 - Flex 3v3 Bronze IconSeason 2018 - Flex 3v3 Silver IconSeason 2018 - Flex 3v3 Gold IconSeason 2018 - Flex 3v3 Platinum IconSeason 2018 - Flex 3v3 Diamond IconSeason 2018 - Flex 3v3 Master IconSeason 2018 - Flex 3v3 Challenger IconPajama Guardian Soraka IconPajama Guardian Miss Fortune IconPajama Guardian Ezreal IconPajama Guardian Lulu IconPajama Guardian Lux IconSolar Eclipse Leona IconLunar Eclipse Leona IconSnow Man Yi IconIce King Twitch IconWinter Wonder Neeko IconWinter Wonder Soraka IconFrozen Prince Mundo IconHungwy IconSnow Man Yi Prestige IconFrostblade Irelia Golden IconSnow Day Graves Golden IconSnow Day Malzahar Golden IconSnowstorm Sivir Golden IconSnow Day Bard Golden IconIntro Icon RareSnowdown Icon EpicVictorious Porianna IconVlad Champie IconEvelynn Champie IconAlistar Champie IconKayle Champie IconShen Champie IconMaster Yi Champie IconSona Champie IconAshe Champie IconHextech Cup 4-Team IconHextech Cup 8-Team IconHextech Cup 16-Team IconPoro On Fire IconFinisher IconRecall IconFirecracker Sejuani IconFirecracker Vayne IconCoin Emperor Tahm Kench IconLunar Wraith Sylas IconYear of the Pig IconGolden Pig IconGold Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao IconGold Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV IconGold Lunar Guardian Warwick IconLunar Revel Pass IconAll-Star 2018 Icon2018 Worlds Commemoration IconUnconquered Frontier IconGolden Spatula Club IconBlood Moon Pyke IconBlood Moon Aatrox IconBlood Moon Sivir IconBlood Moon Descent IconHeartseeker Vi IconQueen Poro IconCheering Poro IconEsports and Chill IconFoam Finger of Destiny IconSeason 2019 - Split 1 IconHeartpiercer Fiora IconHeartbreaker Vi IconSeason 2019 Commemorative IconPrestige Season 2019 IconLCS 100 ThievesLCS Cloud9LCS Counter Logic GamingLCS Clutch GamingLCS Echo FoxLCS FlyQuestLCS Golden GuardiansLCS OpTic GamingLCS Team LiquidLCS TSMLEC RogueLEC FnaticLEC G2LEC MisfitsLEC ExcelLEC SK GamingLEC SchalkeLEC SplyceLEC OrigenLEC VitalityLPL Bilibili GamingLPL Edward GamingLPL FunPlus PhoenixLPL Invictus GamingLPL JD GamingLPL LGD GamingLPL Oh My GodLPL Royal Never Give UpLPL Rogue WarriorsLPL SinoDragon GamingLPL SuningLPL Snake EsportsLPL Topsports GamingLPL Victory FiveLPL Vici GamingLPL Team WETCL 1907 Fenerbahçe EsporTCL Bahçeşehir SuperMassiveTCL BeşiktaşTCL Bursaspor EsportsTCL Dark PassageTCL Doğuş Üni AuroraTCL GALAKTICOSTCL Galatasaray EsporTCL HWA GAMINGTCL Royal YouthLCK SANDBOX GamingLCK kt RolsterLCK KING-ZONE DragonXLCK Jin Air GreenwingsLCK Hanwha Life EsportsLCK GRIFFINLCK Gen.GLCK Damwon GamingLCK Afreeca FreecsLCK SK Telecom T1OPL Dire WolvesOPL The Chiefs Esports ClubOPL LegacyOPL BombersOPL Avant GamingOPL MammothOPL GravitasOPL OrderLMS Flash WolvesLMS CTBC J TeamLMS Hong Kong AttitudeLMS MAD TEAMLMS G-RexLMS ahq e-Sports ClubLMS Alpha EsportsLMS Dragon Gate TeamCBLOL CNB e-Sports ClubCBLOL Flamengo eSportsCBLOL INTZ e-Sports ClubCBLOL KaBuM! e-SportsCBLOL ProGaming EsportsCBLOL Redemption eSportsCBLOL Uppercut EsportsCBLOL Vivo KeydLLA All KnightsLLA Furious GamingLLA Infinity EsportsLLA Isurus GamingLLA Kaos Latin GamersLLA Pixel Esports ClubLLA Rainbow7LLA XTEN EsportsLJL DetonatioN FocusMeLJL Unsold Stuff GamingLJL V3 EsportsLJL Crest Gaming ActLJL Burning CoreLJL AxizLJL Sngoku GamingBlue Mountain IconLJL Rascal JesterLCL Gambit eSportsLCL Team JustLCL M19LCL Vaevictis eSportsLCL Dragon ArmyLCL Vega SquadronLCL ROXLCL Elements Pro GamingVCS Sky Gaming DaklakVCS Cherry EsportsVCS FTVVCS GAM EsportsVCS EVOS EsportsVCS Friends Forever GamingVCS Cerberus EsportsVCS Phong Vu BuffaloPapercraft Anivia IconPapercraft Nunu IconPapercraft Willump IconYorick Cat IconRengar Cat IconRoyal Kitty IconPretty Kitty Rengar IconMeowrick IconCorki Corgi IconFizz Spaniel IconRoyal Doggo IconFuzz Fizz IconCorgi Corki IconKisses IconGolden Dogs vs Cats IconGalaxy Slayer Zed IconiG Camille IconiG Fiora IconiG Kai'Sa IconiG LeBlanc IconiG Rakan IconiG Irelia IconConqueror Alistar IconSisters of Justice IconBest In Show IconGolden Cat IconGolden Dog IconPlatinum Dogs vs Cats IconChallenger Nidalee IconChallenger Ahri IconSeason 2019 - Split 2 IconOPL Split 1 Finals IconLCS Spring Split Finals IconTCL Winter Split Finals IconLEC Spring Split Finals IconLJL Spring Split Finals IconLLA Opening Split Finals IconCBLoL 1st Split Finals IconPyke Champie IconGraves Champie IconIllaoi Champie IconNautilus Champie IconTahm Kench Champie IconAkali Champie IconLee Sin Champie IconAhri Champie IconYasuo Champie IconIrelia Champie IconDarius Champie IconDraven Champie IconRiven Champie IconSion Champie IconSwain Champie IconBilgewater 2019 IconPoronaut IconFull Of Stars IconIG World Champions Merch IconTrials 2019 Pass IconGolden Trials 2019 IconThe Faceless IconThe Warband IconThe United IconThe Council IconGolden Challenger Nidalee IconGolden Challenger Ahri IconGolden Conqueror Alistar IconGolden Conqueror Varus IconGolden Conqueror Karma IconIG World Champions IconLST MEGABattle Academia Ezreal IconBattle Academia Lux IconBattle Academia Jayce IconBattle Professor Graves IconBattle Principal Yuumi IconBattle Academia Katarina IconBattle Academia Formal Jayce IconBattle Academia Formal Graves IconBattle Academia Formal Yuumi IconBattle Academia Formal Katarina Icon2019 TSM Level 1 Icon2019 TSM Level 2 Icon2019 Echo Fox Level 1 Icon2019 Echo Fox Level 2 Icon2019 100 Thieves Level 1 Icon2019 100 Thieves Level 2 Icon2019 Cloud9 Level 1 Icon2019 Cloud9 Level 2 Icon2019 CLG Level 1 Icon2019 CLG Level 2 Icon2019 Team Liquid Level 1 Icon2019 Team Liquid Level 2 Icon2019 OpTic Gaming Level 1 Icon2019 OpTic Gaming Level 2 Icon2019 Golden Guardians Level 1 Icon2019 Golden Guardians Level 2 Icon2019 FlyQuest Level 1 Icon2019 FlyQuest Level 2 Icon2019 Clutch Gaming Level 1 Icon2019 Clutch Gaming Level 2 Icon2019 Excel Esports Level 1 Icon2019 Excel Esports Level 2 Icon2019 Fnatic Level 1 Icon2019 Fnatic Level 2 Icon2019 G2 Esports Level 1 Icon2019 G2 Esports Level 2 Icon2019 Misfits Level 1 Icon2019 Misfits Level 2 Icon2019 Origen Level 1 Icon2019 Origen Level 2 Icon2019 Rogue Level 1 Icon2019 Rogue Level 2 Icon2019 Schalke 04 Level 1 Icon2019 Schalke 04 Level 2 Icon2019 SK Gaming Level 1 Icon2019 SK Gaming Level 2 Icon2019 Splyce Level 1 Icon2019 Splyce Level 2 Icon2019 Vitality Level 1 Icon2019 Vitality Level 2 IconPro Poro IconScr-eemo IconCheering Pengu IconFan Club IconLEC G2 EsportsLittle Demon Tristana IconDragon Boat Poro IconSavory Rice Dumpling Poro IconSweet Rice Dumpling Poro Icon2019 LCS Team Pass Icon2019 LEC Team Pass Icon2019 Fan Pass IconDark Cosmic Jhin IconDark Star Shaco IconDark Star Karma Icon2019 Bilibili Gaming Level 1 Icon2019 Bilibili Gaming Level 2 Icon2019 Dominus Esports Level 1 Icon2019 Dominus Esports Level 2 Icon2019 Edward Gaming Level 1 Icon2019 Edward Gaming Level 2 Icon2019 FunPlus Phoenix Level 1 Icon2019 FunPlus Phoenix Level 2 Icon2019 Invictus Gaming Level 1 Icon2019 Invictus Gaming Level 2 Icon2019 JD Gaming Level 1 Icon2019 JD Gaming Level 2 Icon2019 LGD Gaming Level 1 Icon2019 LGD Gaming Level 2 Icon2019 LNG Esports Level 1 Icon2019 LNG Esports Level 2 Icon2019 Oh My God Level 1 Icon2019 Oh My God Level 2 Icon2019 Royal Never Give Up Level 1 Icon2019 Royal Never Give Up Level 2 Icon2019 Rogue Warriors Level 1 Icon2019 Rogue Warriors Level 2 Icon2019 Suning Level 1 Icon2019 Suning Level 2 Icon2019 TOP Esports Level 1 Icon2019 TOP Esports Level 2 Icon2019 Victory Five Level 1 Icon2019 Victory Five Level 2 Icon2019 Vici Gaming Level 1 Icon2019 Vici Gaming Level 2 Icon2019 Team WE Level 1 Icon2019 Team WE Level 2 IconArcade Kai'Sa IconArcade Caitlyn IconBattle Boss Yasuo IconArcade Miss Fortune IconArcade Riven IconBattle Boss Qiyana IconArcade Sona IconArcade Star IconGolden Cup IconChroma Battle Boss Yasuo IconChroma Arcade Kai'Sa IconChroma Battle Boss Qiyana IconShadow Isles Hauntling IconDemacian Silverwing IconMolten Furyhorn IconSoft-nosed Molediver IconSentinel Runespirit IconPengu Featherknight IconTier 1 TFT Launch IconTier 2 TFT Launch IconTier 3 TFT Launch IconTier 4 TFT Launch IconDemacia Vice Garen Chroma IconDemacia Vice Lucian Chroma IconDemacia Vice Garen Border IconDemacia Vice Lucian Border IconGamer Poro IconPROJECT: Reckoning Pass IconPROJECT: Reckoning IconPROJECT: Irelia IconPROJECT: Jinx IconPROJECT: Warwick IconPROJECT: Akali IconPROJECT: Pyke IconPROJECT: Warwick Chroma IconPROJECT: Akali Chroma IconPROJECT: Jinx Chroma IconPROJECT: Fiora Chroma IconPROJECT: Lucian Chroma IconPROJECT: Zed Chroma IconPROJECT: Pyke Mission IconPROJECT: Mission IconSeason 2019 - Split 3 IconPROJECT: Pyke Chroma IconCracked Crownguard IconCrownguard IconEmbellished Demacia CrestDemacia CrestKING-ZONE DragonX IconAfreeca Freecs IconDAMWON Gaming IconGen.G IconGRIFFIN IconHanwha Life Esports IconJin Air Greenwings Iconkt Rolster IconSANDBOX Gaming IconSK telecom T1 IconWhat's in the Box IconPirate's Bounty Icon3-Star Awesome IconPass 2 Champion IconPengu Portal Party IconDueling Spatulas IconJeweled Protector IconMoontipped Hushtail IconJade Paddlemar IconGrey Warwick Sapphire Chroma IconMedieval Twitch Sapphire Chroma IconElderwood Ahri IconOld God Nocturne IconElderwood Veigar IconFull Harvest Nasus IconSongpyeon Poro IconDJ Sona IconStar Guardian 2019 IconSaki IconRiku IconRan IconTowa IconStar Guardian Xayah IconStar Guardian Rakan IconLittle Legend Dango IconLittle Legend Fuwa IconLittle Legend Shisa IconGolden Spatula Drumstick IconLamian Master Volibear IconClaw Machine Blitzcrank IconSupport Welcome PoroJungle Welcome PoroMid Welcome PoroTop Welcome PoroBot Welcome Poro2019 Worlds Team Liquid Icon2019 Worlds Cloud9 Icon2019 Worlds Clutch Gaming Icon2019 Worlds G2 Esports Icon2019 Worlds Fnatic Icon2019 Worlds Origen Icon2019 Worlds Splyce Icon2019 Worlds Schalke 04 Icon2019 Worlds SK telecom T1 Icon2019 Worlds GRIFFIN Icon2019 Worlds DAMWON Gaming Icon2019 Worlds J Team Icon2019 Worlds ahq e-Sports Club Icon2019 Worlds Hong Kong Attitude Icon2019 Worlds Invictus Gaming Icon2019 Worlds FunPlus Phoenix Icon2019 Worlds Royal Never Give Up Icon2019 Worlds GAM Esports Icon2019 Worlds Lowkey Esports Icon2019 Worlds Team Flash Icon2019 Worlds Liyab Esports Icon2019 Worlds MEGA Icon2019 Worlds Axis Empire Icon2019 Worlds Royal Youth Icon2019 Worlds Unicorns of Love Icon2019 Worlds Vega Squadron Icon2019 Worlds Isurus Gaming Icon2019 Worlds Flamengo eSports Icon2019 Worlds MAMMOTH Icon2019 Worlds V3 Esports Icon2019 Worlds DetonatioN FocusMe IconPick'em Master 2019 IconWorlds 2019 Event Pass IconWorlds 2019 Event Prestige Points IconValiant Sword Riven Border IconSplendid Staff Nami Border IconMajestic Empress Morgana Border IconSplendid Staff Nami Chroma IconMajestic Empress Morgana Chroma IconElder Dragon Merch IconChampionship Ryze Border IconChampionship Ryze Gold Chroma IconChampionship Ashe Gold Chroma IconWhat's in the Orb IconSparring Glove Punch IconPass 3 Champion IconHigh Noon Hecarim Border IconHigh Noon Ashe Border IconHigh Noon Darius Border IconHigh Noon Hecarim Chroma IconHigh Noon Ashe Chroma IconHigh Noon Darius Chroma Icon10th Anniversary Summoner IconAnnie-Versary Border Icon2019 MSI G2 Winners IconBewitching Miss Fortune Border IconWitch's Brew Blitzcrank Border IconCount Kassadin Border IconTales from the Rift 2019 IconTrue Damage Akali Border IconTrue Damage Yasuo Border IconTrue Damage Ekko Border IconTrue Damage Senna Border IconTrue Damage Qiyana Border IconTrue Damage Yasuo Chroma IconTrue Damage Senna Chroma IconTrue Damage Akali Chroma IconTrue Damage Ekko Chroma IconLittle Legend Ossia IconLittle Legend Melisma IconLittle Legend QiQi IconTwisted Treeline Altar IconShadow Isles Tree IconNunu and Willump Champie IconLissandra Champie IconSejuani Champie IconCassiopeia Champie IconNeeko Champie IconVi Champie IconEkko Champie IconUrgot Champie IconJinx Champie IconWarwick Champie IconZiggs Champie IconCamille Champie IconAatrox Champie IconAnnie Champie IconBard Champie IconSeason 2019 - Solo/Duo Iron IconSeason 2019 - Solo/Duo Bronze IconSeason 2019 - Solo/Duo Silver IconSeason 2019 - Solo/Duo Gold IconSeason 2019 - Solo/Duo Platinum IconSeason 2019 - Solo/Duo Diamond IconSeason 2019 - Solo/Duo Master IconSeason 2019 - Solo/Duo Grandmaster IconSeason 2019 - Solo/Duo Challenger IconSeason 2019 - Flex Iron IconSeason 2019 - Flex Bronze IconSeason 2019 - Flex Silver IconSeason 2019 - Flex Gold IconSeason 2019 - Flex Platinum IconSeason 2019 - Flex Diamond IconSeason 2019 - Flex Master IconSeason 2019 - Flex Grandmaster IconSeason 2019 - Flex Challenger IconSeason 2019 - TT Iron IconSeason 2019 - TT Bronze IconSeason 2019 - TT Silver IconSeason 2019 - TT Gold IconSeason 2019 - TT Platinum IconSeason 2019 - TT Diamond IconSeason 2019 - TT Master IconSeason 2019 - TT Grandmaster IconSeason 2019 - TT Challenger Icon2019 Worlds Winners IconNight & Dawn Event Pass IconNight & Dawn Event IconDawnbringer Karma Bundle IconDawnbringer Karma Border IconDawnbringer Nidalee Border IconNightbringer Vladimir Border IconNightbringer Lee Sin Border IconNightbringer Aphelios Border IconDawnbringer Karma Chroma IconDawnbringer Nidalee Chroma IconNightbringer Vladimir Chroma IconNightbringer Lee Sin Chroma IconNightbringer Aphelios Chroma IconSugar Rush Evelynn Border IconSugar Rush Ziggs Border IconSugar Rush Zilean Border IconSugar Rush Braum Border IconSugar Rush Evelynn Chroma IconSugar Rush Ziggs Chroma IconSugar Rush Zilean Chroma IconSugar Rush Braum Chroma IconNightbringer Soraka Border IconDawnbringer Soraka Border IconDawnbringer Riven Chroma IconNightbringer Yasuo Chroma IconMecha Kingdoms 2020 IconMecha Kingdoms 2020 Event Pass IconMecha Kingdoms Jax Chroma IconMecha Kingdoms Leona Chroma IconMecha Kingdoms Sett Chroma IconMecha Kingdoms Draven Chroma IconMecha Kingdoms Jax Border IconMecha Kingdoms Leona Border IconMecha Kingdoms Sett Border IconMecha Kingdoms Draven Border IconMecha Kingdoms Garen Border IconLittle Legend Tocker IconLittle Legend Craggle IconLittle Legend Flutterbug IconSeason 2020 - Split 1 IconSurf and Urf IconBlown AwayMaster's Challenge Season 5Prestige Mecha Kingdoms Garen IconTrue Damage Senna Prestige Edition IconLight's End IconGalaxies 2020 IconCosmic IconLegendary Variant Dark Cosmic Lux Border IconLegendary Variant Cosmic Lux Border IconDark Star Mordekaiser Chroma IconDark Star Xerath Chroma IconDark Star Malphite Border IconDark Star Mordekaiser Border IconPrestige Dark Star Malphite Border IconDark Star Xerath Border IconDark Star Thresh Event Chroma IconDark Star Jarvan IV Event Chroma IconDark Star Orianna Event Chroma IconDark Star Varus Event Chroma IconDemacia Cup 2020 IconLittle Legend Abyssia IconLittle Legend Starmaw IconLittle Legend Squink IconLittle Legend Cheeper Featherknight IconLittle Legend Snow Cherry Silverwing IconLittle Legend Shadowgem Protector IconLittle Legend Mistberry Hushtail IconLittle Legend Black Mist Runespirit IconLittle Legend Gingersnap Dango IconLittle Legend Soloist Ossia IconLittle Legend Toxic Hauntling IconLittle Legend Rosebloom Paddlemar IconLittle Legend Lovestruck Fuwa IconLittle Legend Heroic Shisa IconLittle Legend Hardhitter QiQi IconLittle Legend Sakura Featherknight IconLittle Legend Popqueen Melisma IconLittle Legend Lionheart Furyhorn IconLittle Legend Fae Hushtail IconFuryhorn Cosplay Veigar IconPengu Cosplay Tristana IconPajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot IconYuumi Space Day IconDiana Space Day IconCoven Morgana IconCoven Zyra IconCoven LeBlanc IconCoven Zyra Prestige Edition IconCoven 2020 IconFPX World Champions Merch IconFPX World Champions Golden IconFPX World Champions IconMordekaiser Champie IconKled Champie IconTalon Champie IconXayah Champie IconRakan Champie IconJhin Champie IconTristana Champie IconRumble Champie IconVeigar Champie IconGnar Champie IconLulu Champie IconCorki Champie IconHeimerdinger Champie IconTeemo Champie IconKennen Champie IconPoppy Champie IconYuumi Champie IconZoe Champie IconFPX Malphite Signature IconFPX Vayne Signature IconFPX Lee Sin Signature IconFPX Gangplank Signature IconFPX Thresh Signature IconSeason 2020 - Split 2 IconRose Quartz Fluft IconSapphire Fluft IconCatseye Fluft IconObsidian Fluft IconTanzanite Fluft IconCitrine Fluft IconPulsefire Lucian Prestige Edition Icon2020 Pulsefire IconPulsefire Fiora IconPulsefire Lucian IconPulsefire Ekko IconPulsefire Pantheon IconLittle Legend Freshwater Molediver IconLittle Legend Dawnglow Silverwing IconLittle Legend Fireborn Hauntling IconLittle Legend Hardhitter Melisma IconLittle Legend Last Wish Fuwa IconLittle Legend Extra Spicy Featherknight IconLittle Legend Sundrop Shisa IconLittle Legend Fierce Protector IconPulsefire Core IconPulsefire Pantheon Chroma IconPulsefire Fiora Chroma IconPulsefire Ekko Chroma IconPulsefire Caitlyn Chroma IconPulsefire Riven Chroma IconPulsefire Twisted Fate Chroma IconPulsefire Shen Chroma IconLittle Legend Tidepool Paddlemar IconLittle Legend Pop Queen Ossia IconLittle Legend Toxic Molediver IconLittle Legend Eclipse Fuwa IconLittle Legend Beatmaker Melisma IconLittle Legend Lemondrop Dango IconLittle Legend Willowbark Furyhorn IconLittle Legend Untamed Hushtail IconGrey Warwick Rose Quartz Chroma IconMedieval Twitch Amethyst Chroma IconAstronaut Gnar IconAstronaut Poppy IconAstronaut Bard IconAstronaut Gnar Chroma IconAstronaut Poppy Chroma IconAstronaut Bard Chroma IconAstronaut Teemo Chroma IconAstronautilus Chroma IconHigh Noon Senna IconHigh Noon Irelia Icon2020 High Noon IconNurse Akali Charity IconKennen, M.D. Charity IconSurgeon Shen Charity IconLittle Legend Lightcharger IconLittle Legend Nixie IconLittle Legend Bellswayer IconConqueror Nautilus IconArcanist Zoe Prestige Edition IconMega Donor IconDonor IconSpirit Blossom 2020 IconSpirit Blossom 2020 Event IconSpirit Blossom Thresh IconSpirit Blossom Vayne IconSpirit Blossom Yasuo IconSpirit Blossom Teemo IconSpirit Blossom Teemo Prestige Edition IconSpirit Blossom Lillia IconSpirit Blossom Thresh Chroma IconSpirit Blossom Vayne Chroma IconSpirit Blossom Yasuo Chroma IconSpirit Blossom Lillia Chroma IconSpirit Blossom Riven IconSpirit Blossom Cassiopeia IconSpirit Blossom Ahri IconSpirit Blossom Kindred IconSpirit Blossom Yone IconSpirit Blossom Riven Chroma IconSpirit Blossom Cassiopeia Chroma IconSpirit Blossom Ahri Chroma IconSpirit Blossom Kindred Chroma IconSpirit Blossom Yone Chroma IconSeason 2020 - Split 3 IconSpirit Bonds Lillia IconSpirit Bonds Thresh IconSpirit Bonds Ahri IconSpirit Bonds Yasuo IconSpirit Bonds Teemo IconSpirit Bonds Riven IconSpirit Bonds Cassiopeia IconSpirit Bonds Vayne IconSpirit Bonds Kindred IconSpirit Bonds Yone IconLCS Solo Q IconPsyOps Event Pass Missions IconPsyOps Master Yi IconPsyOps Vi IconPsyOps Shen IconPsyOps Sona IconPsyOps Ezreal IconPsyOps Master Yi Chroma IconPsyOps Vi Chroma IconPsyOps Shen Chroma IconPsyOps Sona Chroma IconPsyOps Ezreal Prestige Edition IconGod Staff Jax Merch IconPsyOps Samira IconPsyOps Kayle IconPsyOps Pyke Chroma IconPsyOps Viktor Chroma IconPsyOps Zed Chroma IconPsyOps Samira Chroma IconPsyOps Kayle Chroma IconChampionship LeBlanc IconIrelia & Talon Duo Merch IconFull Moon Poro IconDancing in the Moonlight Poro IconTeam Liquid IconTSM IconFlyQuest IconGAM Esports IconTeam Flash IconG2 Esports IconFnatic IconMAD Lions IconRogue IconT1 IconDRX IconJD Gaming IconTop Esports IconSuning IconLGD Gaming Icon5 Ronin IconPapara SuperMassive IconUnicorns Of Love IconGambit Esports IconRainbow7 IconpaiN Gaming IconINTZ IconLegacy Esports IconV3 Esports IconSengoku Gaming IconDetonatioN FocusMe IconMachi Esports IconPSG Talon Esports IconWorlds 2020 IconPsyOps Pyke IconPsyOps Viktor IconPsyOps Zed IconTrue Damage Yasuo Prestige IconStorm Dragon Aurelion Sol IconEternal Dragon Brand IconObsidian Dragon Sett IconFae Dragon Ashe IconStorm Dragon Lee Sin IconStorm Dragon Aurelion Sol Chroma IconEternal Dragon Brand Chroma IconObsidian Dragon Sett Chroma IconFae Dragon Ashe Chroma IconStorm Dragon Lee Sin Chroma Icon2020 Dragonmancer IconObsidian Dragon Sett Prestige Edition Icon2020 Odyssey Icon2020 K/DA ALL OUT IconPick'em Poro PredictorPick'em Poro ForecasterPick'em Poro SagePick'em Poro ProphetOdyssey Karma IconOdyssey Aatrox IconOdyssey Sivir IconOdyssey Kha'Zix IconOdyssey Twisted Fate IconOdyssey Karma Chroma IconOdyssey Aatrox Chroma IconOdyssey Sivir Chroma IconOdyssey Kha'Zix Chroma IconOdyssey Twisted Fate Chroma Icon2020 Odyssey Sivir IconTravel to Jönköping with Worlds 2011 IconTravel to Los Angeles with Worlds 2012 IconTravel to Los Angeles with Worlds 2013 IconTravel to Seoul with Worlds 2014 IconTravel to Berlin with Worlds 2015 IconTravel to Los Angeles with Worlds 2016 IconTravel to Beijing with Worlds 2017 IconTravel to Incheon with Worlds 2018 IconTravel to Paris with Worlds 2019 IconTravel to Shanghai with Worlds 2020 IconWorlds 10 Years PoroPSG Talon IconGalaxy Slayer Zed Chroma IconOdyssey Kayn Chroma IconK/DA ALL OUT Seraphine Indie IconK/DA ALL OUT Seraphine Superstar IconK/DA ALL OUT Kai'Sa Prestige Edition IconK/DA ALL OUT Ahri IconK/DA ALL OUT Kai'Sa IconK/DA ALL OUT Evelynn IconK/DA ALL OUT Akali IconK/DA ALL OUT Ahri Chroma IconK/DA ALL OUT Evelynn Chroma IconK/DA ALL OUT Akali Chroma Icon2020 K/DA ALL OUT Autograph IconK/DA ALL OUT Seradotwav IconK/DA Seraphine Merch IconSeason 2020 - Clash Contender IconSeason 2020 - Clash Conqueror IconSeason 2020 - Clash Champion IconSeason 2020 - Solo/Duo Iron IconSeason 2020 - Solo/Duo Bronze IconSeason 2020 - Solo/Duo Silver IconSeason 2020 - Solo/Duo Gold IconSeason 2020 - Solo/Duo Platinum IconSeason 2020 - Solo/Duo Diamond IconSeason 2020 - Solo/Duo Master IconSeason 2020 - Solo/Duo Grandmaster IconSeason 2020 - Solo/Duo Challenger IconSeason 2020 - Flex Iron IconSeason 2020 - Flex Bronze IconSeason 2020 - Flex Silver IconSeason 2020 - Flex Gold IconSeason 2020 - Flex Platinum IconSeason 2020 - Flex Diamond IconSeason 2020 - Flex Master IconSeason 2020 - Flex Grandmaster IconSeason 2020 - Flex Challenger IconLucian Champie IconSenna Champie IconZilean Champie iconViktor Champie IconBlitzcrank Champie IconWorlds 2020 DAMWON Gaming Champions IconStar Guardian Soraka Prestige Edition IconBattle Queens Event IconBattle Queens Event Pass IconBattle Queen Katarina IconBattle Queen Diana IconBattle Queen Qiyana IconBattle Queen Janna IconBattle Queen Rell IconElderwood Xayah IconElderwood Rakan IconOld God Ivern IconElderwood Azir IconElderwood Ornn IconBattle Queen Katarina Chroma IconBattle Queen Qiyana Chroma IconBattle Queen Janna Chroma IconBattle Queen Rell Chroma IconElderwood Xayah Chroma IconElderwood Rakan Chroma IconOld God Ivern Chroma IconElderwood Azir Chroma IconElderwood Ornn Chroma IconPoro Rider Sejuani Merch IconBattle Queen Diana Prestige Edition IconK/DA ALL OUT Kai'Sa Chroma IconMINDBLAST! IconWell Done! IconSeason 2021 Split 1 IconSeason 2021 IconLunar Beast Event IconLunar Beast Event Pass IconLunar Beast Fiora IconLunar Beast Annie IconLunar Beast Darius IconLunar Beast Jarvan IV IconLunar Beast Alistar IconLunar Beast Aphelios IconLunar Beast Fiora Prestige Edition IconLunar Beast Annie Chroma IconLunar Beast Darius Chroma IconLunar Beast Jarvan IV Chroma IconLunar Beast Alistar Chroma IconLunar Beast Aphelios Chroma IconLunar Beast Aphelios CN Chroma IconLunar Beast 2021 IconFestival of Beasts Event IconLCS Made by Many IconMaster's Challenge Season 7 IconIs My Mic On? IconLunar Beast Viego Chroma IconLunar Beast Viego IconLEC 2021 SpringLEC 2021 SummerWarring Kingdoms Jarvan IV Merch IconPrestige Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV Merch IconExcellent... IconLunar Beast Fiora Chroma IconOutplayed Karma IconCorgi Corki Merch IconBusy BeeNot the Beemo!Battle Academia Yone IconBattle Academia Caitlyn IconBattle Academia Leona IconBattle Academia Garen IconBattle Academia Wukong IconBattle Academia Leona Prestige Edition IconPride 2021 IconSpace Groove Event IconSpace Groove Event Pass IconSpace Groove Lux IconSpace Groove Rumble IconSpace Groove Nasus IconSpace Groove Nunu IconSpace Groove Blitz & Crank IconSpace Groove Lulu IconSpace Groove Samira IconSpace Groove Lux Chroma IconSpace Groove Rumble Chroma IconSpace Groove Nasus Chroma IconSpace Groove Nunu Chroma IconSpace Groove Blitz & Crank Chroma IconSpace Groove Lulu Chroma IconSpace Groove Samira Chroma IconSpace Groove Lulu Prestige Edition IconSpace Groove Toofers IconSpace Groove Frank IconGrey Warwick Meteorite Chroma IconMedieval Twitch Obsidian Chroma IconSpace Groove Gwen IconSpace Groove Gwen Chroma IconSeason 2021 - Split 2 IconDWG Jhin Signature IconDWG Nidalee Signature IconDWG Kennen Signature IconDWG Leona Signature IconDWG Twisted Fate Signature IconConqueror Jax IconConqueror Jax Prestige Edition IconCloud9 MSI 2021 IconMAD Lions MSI 2021 IconDWG KIA MSI 2021 IconDetonatioN FocusMe MSI 2021 IconInfinity Esports MSI 2021 IconPentanet.GG MSI 2021 IconRoyal Never Give Up MSI 2021 IconEdward Gaming MSI 2021 IconFunPlus Phoenix MSI 2021 IconPaiN Gaming MSI 2021 IconVorax MSI 2021 IconUnicorns of Love MSI 2021 IconCrowCrowd MSI 2021 IconPSG Talon MSI 2021 IconBeyond Gaming MSI 2021 IconMachi Esports MSI 2021 Icon1907 Fenerbahçe Esports MSI 2021 IconfastPay Wildcats MSI 2021 IconSylas Champie IconJarvan IV Champie IconSamira Champie IconKayn Champie IconSett Champie IconYone Champie IconLillia Champie IconSyndra Champie IconVolibear Champie IconTryndamere Champie IconBraum Champie IconTaliyah Champie IconAmumu Champie IconRengar Champie IconFiora Champie IconBlood Moon Aatrox Merch IconPROJECT: Varus IconPROJECT: Sylas IconPROJECT: Senna IconPROJECT: Mordekaiser IconPROJECT: Renekton IconPROJECT: Sejuani IconPROJECT: Varus Chroma IconPROJECT: Sylas Chroma IconPROJECT: Senna Chroma IconPROJECT: Mordekaiser Chroma IconPROJECT: Renekton Chroma IconPROJECT: Sejuani Chroma Icon2021 PROJECT: Event Icon2021 PROJECT: Event Pass Icon2021 PROJECT: Starter Pack IconPROJECT: Sylas Prestige Edition IconPROJECT: Zed Prestige Edition IconRNG 2021 Mid-Season Invitational IconPROJECT 2021 Capsule Bundle IconSentinels of Light Event IconSentinels of Light Pass IconSentinel Vayne IconSentinel Irelia IconSentinel Diana IconSentinel Riven IconSentinel Olaf IconRuined Karma IconBlue Super Minion IconRuined Draven IconRuined Shyvana IconRuined Pantheon IconSentinel Vayne Chroma IconSentinel Irelia Chroma IconSentinel Diana Chroma IconSentinel Riven Chroma IconSentinel Olaf Chroma IconRuined Karma Chroma IconRuined Draven Chroma IconPlaceholder IconRuined Shyvana Chroma IconRuined Pantheon Chroma IconAscended Pantheon Prestige Edition IconSentinel Graves IconSentinel Pyke IconSentinel Rengar IconRuined Miss Fortune IconSentinel Graves Chroma IconSentinel Pyke Chroma IconSentinel Rengar Chroma IconTime Portal IconRuined Miss Fortune Chroma IconThe Night Hunter Sentinel IconThe Blade Dancer Sentinel IconThe Moon Sentinel IconThe Exile Sentinel IconThe Berserker Sentinel IconThe Outlaw Sentinel IconThe Ripper Sentinel IconThe Pridestalker Sentinel IconThe Rogue Sentinel IconHarrowing 2012 - Spiteful SpecterSeason 2021 - Split 3 Icon2021 Coven Event Icon2021 Coven Pass IconCoven Evelynn IconOld God Malphite IconOld God Warwick IconCoven Cassiopeia IconCoven Ahri IconCoven Ashe IconHarrowing 2012 - Death MaskCoven LeBlanc Prestige Edition IconCoven Evelynn Chroma IconOld God Malphite Chroma IconOld God Warwick Chroma IconCoven Cassiopeia Chroma IconCoven Ahri Chroma IconCoven Ashe Chroma IconMordekaiser Merch IconGarena Anniversary Limited IconLLA - Summer 2021Harrowing 2012 - Vengeful WraithTCL - Summer 2021Annie-versary Merch IconDawn of Heroes Event IconCoven LeBlanc Chroma IconCoven Zyra Chroma IconCoven Morgana Chroma IconCoven Camille Chroma IconCoven Lissandra Chroma IconCrime City Nightmare Akali Chroma IconCrime City Nightmare Darius Chroma IconHarrowing 2012 - Deadfall TreantCrime City Nightmare Twisted Fate Chroma IconCrime City Nightmare Shaco Chroma IconCrime City Nightmare Zyra Chroma IconMoon, I Make A Wish IconDivine Phoenix Anivia IconLPL 2021 FightLPL 2021 CrazyWorlds 2021 Event IconWorlds 2021 Pass IconHarrowing 2012 - Baleful GraspWorlds 2021 Jarvan IV IconDawnbringer Yone IconDawnbringer Morgana IconDawnbringer Vex IconNightbringer Tryndamere IconNightbringer Lillia IconNightbringer Kayn IconDawnbringer Yone Chroma IconDawnbringer Morgana Chroma IconDawnbringer Vex Chroma IconWorlds 2012 - Championship RivenNightbringer Tryndamere Chroma IconNightbringer Lillia Chroma IconNightbringer Kayn Chroma IconNightbringer Kayn Prestige Edition Icon2021 Dragonmancer Clash IconFPX - From Fire Reborn IconEDG - The Knight Returns IconRNG - Never Give Up IconRA - The Cosmic, Our Destination IconCrystal Hug IconSeason 2 Reward - Bronze 3v3Major Catch! IconDelicious! IconFunPlus Phoenix Worlds 2021 IconEDward Gaming Worlds 2021 IconRoyal Never Give Up Worlds 2021 IconLNG Esports Worlds 2021 IconDWG KIA Worlds 2021 IconGen.G Worlds 2021 IconT1 Worlds 2021 IconHanwha Life Esports Worlds 2021 IconSeason 2 Reward - Bronze 5v5Mad Lions Worlds 2021 IconFnatic Worlds 2021 IconRogue Worlds 2021 Icon100 Thieves Worlds 2021 IconTeam Liquid Worlds 2021 IconCloud9 Worlds 2021 IconPSG Talon Worlds 2021 IconBeyond Gaming Worlds 2021 IconGAM Esports Worlds 2021 IconLiiv SANDBOX Worlds 2021 IconSeason 2 Reward - Bronze AllUnicorns of Love Worlds 2021 IconInfinity Esports Worlds 2021 IconGalatasaray Esports Worlds 2021 IconRED Canids Kalunga Worlds 2021 IconDetonatioN FocusMe Worlds 2021 IconPeace Worlds 2021 IconMinion Approval IconMajor YES! IconFirey! IconGreat Success! IconSeason 1 Reward - BronzeLNG - Qilin in The Clouds IconWE - Here WE Start IconBewitching Morgana Prestige Edition IconSeason 2021 - Solo/Duo Iron IconSeason 2021 - Solo/Duo Bronze IconSeason 2021 - Solo/Duo Silver IconSeason 2021 - Solo/Duo Gold IconSeason 2021 - Solo/Duo Platinum IconSeason 2021 - Solo/Duo Diamond IconSeason 2021 - Solo/Duo Master IconSeason 2 Reward - Bronze SoloSeason 2021 - Solo/Duo Grandmaster IconSeason 2021 - Solo/Duo Challenger IconSeason 2021 - Flex Iron IconSeason 2021 - Flex Bronze IconSeason 2021 - Flex Silver IconSeason 2021 - Flex Gold IconSeason 2021 - Flex Platinum IconSeason 2021 - Flex Diamond IconSeason 2021 - Flex Master IconSeason 2021 - Flex Grandmaster IconSeason 2 Silver 3v3Season 2021 - Flex Challenger Icon2021 - Clash Contender Icon2021 - Clash Conqueror Icon2021 - Clash Champion IconPassion Collects Us All IconDuality Dragon Volibear Prestige Edition IconKayn Merch IconArcane 2021 IconWorlds 2021 Jarvan IV Chroma IconTruth Dragon Yasuo IconSeason 2 Silver 5v5Dream Dragon Yasuo IconLagoon Dragon Kai'Sa Icon Steel Dragon Thresh IconTranquility Dragon Karma IconDuality Dragon Volibear IconLagoon Dragon Kai'Sa Chroma IconSteel Dragon Thresh Chroma IconTranquility Dragon Karma Chroma IconSeason 2 Silver AllDuality Dragon Volibear Chroma IconStorm Dragon Lee Sin Merch iconEmberclaw Lee Sin Chroma IconEmberclaw Ashe Chroma IconEmberclaw Sett Chroma IconEmberclaw Brand Chroma IconEmberclaw Aurelion Sol Chroma IconEDG - The Knight Returns Icon (Premium)FPX - From Fire Reborn Icon (Premium)RNG - Never Give Up Icon (Premium)Season 1 SilverLNG - Qilin in The Clouds Icon (Premium)Ornn Merch IconSpirit Blossom Lillia Merch IconWarwick Merch IconArcane Jayce IconArcane Vi IconArcane Jinx IconArcane Heimerdinger IconArcane Viktor IconArcane Caitlyn IconSeason 2 Reward - Silver SoloArcane Ekko IconHappy Birthday To Ahri IconDynasty Ahri Chroma IconCafe Cuties Meowssant IconCafe Cuties Bloob IconCafe Cuties Matcharlie IconCafe Cuties Strawbeary IconCafe Cuties Teadore IconCafe Cuties Tibbers IconWorlds 2021 Champion Icon T1Season 2 Reward - Gold 3v3Worlds 2021 Champion Icon EDward GamingWorlds 2021 Champion Icon DWG KIAWorlds 2021 Champion Icon Gen. GHextech Mayhem IconDebonair 2021 IconDebonair Event Pass IconDebonair Prestige IconDebonair Zed IconDebonair Malzahar IconDebonair Brand IconSeason 2 Reward - Gold 5v5Debonair LeBlanc IconDebonair Draven IconDebonair Leona IconDebonair Master Yi IconDebonair Zed Chroma IconDebonair Malzahar Chroma IconDebonair Brand Chroma IconDebonair LeBlanc Chroma IconDebonair Draven Chroma IconDebonair Leona Chroma IconSeason 2 Reward - Gold AllDebonair Master Yi Chroma IconDebonair Brand Prestige Edition IconSeason 2022 - Split 1 IconSeason 2022 Icon2022 PCS Spring Split IconEuropean Masters - Spring 2022 Icon2022 Spring LEC Icon2022 LoLEsports Icon2022 LCS Spring Split IconI was there! - 1st Split, CBLOL 2022 IconSeason 1 Reward - Gold2022 LPL Spring Split IconLLA First Split 2022 Icon2022 VCS Spring Split IconTCL Winter Split 2022 IconLCO 2022 Spring Split Icon2022 LCL Spring Split Icon2022 CQ IconLunar Revel 2022 IconLunar Revel 2022 Event Pass IconLunar Revel 2022 Prestige IconSeason 2 Gold SoloFirecracker Diana IconFirecracker Jinx IconFirecracker Sett IconFirecracker Teemo IconFirecracker Tristana IconFirecracker Xin Zhao IconFirecracker Diana Chroma IconFirecracker Jinx Chroma IconFirecracker Sejuani Chroma IconFirecracker Sett Chroma IconSeason 2 Reward - Platinum 3v3Firecracker Teemo Chroma IconFirecracker Tristana Chroma IconFirecracker Vayne Chroma IconFirecracker Xin Zhao Chroma IconPorcelain Amumu IconPorcelain Protector Ezreal IconPorcelain Kindred IconPorcelain Lissandra IconPorcelain Lux IconPorcelain Amumu Chroma IconSeason 2 Reward - Platinum 5v5Porcelain Protector Ezreal Chroma IconPorcelain Kindred Chroma IconPorcelain Lissandra Chroma IconPorcelain Lux Chroma IconPorcelain Lux Prestige Edition IconSwag PoroBig Brain PoroPoro What?!Ready to Play PoroPoro Chaos!Season 2 Reward - Platinum AllPoro Firecracker IconBrave Phoenix Xayah IconGraceful Phoenix Seraphine IconBrave Phoenix Xayah Chroma IconDivine Phoenix Anivia Chroma IconGraceful Phoenix Seraphine Chroma IconBrave Phoenix Xayah Prestige Edition IconTFT Rising Legends Finals - Set 6 Gizmos and Gadgets IconSeason 2022 - Split 2 IconSeason 1 Reward - PlatinumAshen Knight Pyke Border IconAnima Squad Event IconAnima Squad Pass IconAnima Squad Mythic Essence IconBattle Bunny Miss Fortune IconBattle Bunny Prime Riven IconBattle Wolf Sylas IconBattle Cat Jinx IconBattle Bat Vayne IconBattle Bunny Miss Fortune Chroma IconSeason 2 Reward - Platinum SoloBattle Bunny Prime Riven Chroma IconBattle Wolf Sylas Chroma IconBattle Cat Jinx Chroma IconBattle Bat Vayne Chroma IconBattle Cat Jinx Prestige IconHey You MSI Icon 2022Pay Attention MSI Icon 2022Eyes Up MSI Icon 2022Take Notes MSI Icon 2022Season 2 Reward - Diamond 3v3MSI 2022 T1 Icon MSI 2022 Galatasaray Esports Icon Eclipse Knight 2022 IconPrestige Eclipse Knight Senna IconAshen Knight Pyke Mythic Chroma IconGizmos & Gadgets Championship Golden Duckbill IconMSI 2022 fastPay Wildcats Icon MSI 2022 Cloud9 Icon MSI 2022 Golden Guardians Icon MSI 2022 Evil Geniuses Icon Season 2 Reward - Diamond 5v5MSI 2022 FlyQuest Icon MSI 2022 100 Thieves Icon MSI 2022 Team Liquid Icon MSI 2022 Rogue Icon MSI 2022 Fnatic Icon MSI 2022 G2 Esports Icon Season 2 Reward - Diamond AllEDG Graves Signature IconEDG Viego Signature IconEDG Zoe Signature IconEDG Aphelios Signature IconEDG Yuumi Signature IconMSI 2022 High Noon Event IconMSI 2022 High Noon Pass IconHigh Noon Mythic Essence IconHigh Noon Leona Legendary Border IconSeason 2 Reward - Diamond SoloHigh Noon Talon Border IconHigh Noon Varus Border IconHigh Noon Mordekaiser Border IconHigh Noon Katarina Border IconHigh Noon Twitch Border IconHigh Noon Leona Legendary Chroma IconHigh Noon Talon Chroma IconHigh Noon Varus Chroma IconHigh Noon Mordekaiser Chroma IconHigh Noon Katarina Chroma IconBeta - Master Beta ParticipantHigh Noon Twitch Chroma IconHigh Noon Talon Prestige IconFore-cast! Icon PENTAKILL! Icon MVP Icon Observed Icon Strategizer Icon Huge Fan! IconMSI 2022 Victory Five Icon MSI 2022 Top Esports Icon Beta - Grand Master Beta ParticipantMSI 2022 Royal Never Give Up Icon MSI 2022 JD Gaming Icon MSI 2022 Furia Icon MSI 2022 RED Kalunga Icon MSI 2022 paiN Gaming Icon MSI 2022 KaBuM! Esports Icon MSI 2022 Estral Esports Icon MSI 2022 Team Aze Icon MSI 2022 ORDER Icon MSI 2022 The Chiefs Icon Shopkeeper IconMSI 2022 DetonatioN FocusMe Icon MSI 2022 Rascal Jester Icon MSI 2022 Sengoku Gaming Icon MSI 2022 Deep Cross Gaming Icon MSI 2022 PSG Talon Icon MSI 2022 CTBC Flying Oyster Icon MSI 2022 Taipei J Team Icon MSI 2022 Frank Esports Icon MSI 2022 Beyond Gaming Icon MSI 2022 GAM Esports Icon Wreath IconMSI 2022 Saigon Buffalo Esports Icon MSI 2022 CERBERUS Esports Icon MSI 2022 Team Secret Icon MSI 2022 SBTC Esports Icon MSI 2022 Luxury Esports Icon MSI 2022 Team Flash Icon Cotton Candy Pengu IconGalactic Pengu IconMint Pengu IconTower IconPrimary Pengu IconPrismatic Pengu IconSherbert Pengu IconSunset Pengu IconTwilight Pengu IconLPL Spring 2022 IconLoLEsports Summer 2022 IconEDG World Champions Merch IconEDG World Champions IconEDG World Champions Golden IconReindeer Urf IconHigh Noon Tahm Kench Border IconHigh Noon Samira Border IconHigh Noon Viktor Border IconHigh Noon Sion Border IconHigh Noon Tahm Kench Chroma IconHigh Noon Samira Chroma IconHigh Noon Viktor Chroma IconHigh Noon Sion Chroma IconDragon Boat Poro 2022 IconOcean Song Seraphine Prestige Edition IconHoliday Nashor IconPCS 2022 Trophy IconLPL 2022 Trophy IconLEC 2022 Trophy IconEuropean Masters 2022 Trophy IconLCS 2022 Trophy IconProving Grounds 2022 Trophy IconLLA 2022 Trophy IconCBLOL 2022 Trophy IconLCK 2022 Trophy IconStocking Blades iconLJL 2022 Trophy IconTCL 2022 Trophy IconVCS 2022 Trophy IconLCO 2022 Trophy IconLCL 2022 Trophy Icon2022 MSI Champion Winner IconAshen Conqueror Pantheon Border IconAshen Conqueror Pantheon Mythic Chroma IconEssence Knight IconEssence Prince IconLunar Revel 2013 - EnvelopeEssence King IconFinal Boss Veigar Mythic Chroma IconStar Guardian Pass IconStar Guardian Event IconStar Guardian Kai'Sa IconStar Guardian Ekko IconStar Guardian Sona IconStar Guardian Nilah IconStar Nemesis Fiddlesticks IconStar Guardian Kai'Sa Border IconLunar Revel 2013 - ShopkeeperStar Guardian Ekko Border IconStar Guardian Sona Border IconStar Guardian Nilah Border IconStar Nemesis Fiddlesticks Border IconStar Guardian Kai'Sa Chroma IconStar Guardian Ekko Chroma IconStar Guardian Sona Chroma IconStar Guardian Nilah Chroma IconStar Nemesis Fiddlesticks Chroma IconStar Guardian Ekko Prestige Edition IconLunar Revel 2013 - UrfStar Guardian Akali IconStar Guardian Taliyah IconStar Guardian Rell IconStar Guardian Quinn IconStar Nemesis Morgana IconSeason 2022 - Split 3 IconStar Guardian Lulu Merch IconStar Guardian Akali Border IconStar Guardian Taliyah Border IconStar Guardian Rell Border IconLunar Revel 2013 - LanternStar Guardian Quinn Border IconStar Nemesis Morgana Border IconStar Guardian Akali Chroma IconStar Guardian Taliyah Chroma IconStar Guardian Rell Chroma IconStar Guardian Quinn Chroma IconStar Nemesis Morgana Chroma IconStar Guardian Syndra Chroma IconStar Guardian Syndra Prestige Edition IconUmi IconLunar Revel ScrollWaku IconIna IconGeist IconAru IconChiizu IconRigel IconSebastien IconDahlia IconValor IconFreljord Event - AvarosanStar Guardian Jinx Mythic Chroma IconStar Guardian Mythic Essence IconVaynet IconMonster Tamer Veigar Border IconZap'Maw Border IconMonster Tamer Lulu Border IconFreljord Event - Winter's ClawLOL BR X Global IconSteel Valkyries Event IconSteel Valkyries Pass IconSteel Valkyries Mythic Essence IconArmored Titan Nasus Border IconCyber Halo Janna Border IconStrike Commander Camille Border IconStrike Paladin Lucian Border IconArmored Titan Nasus Chroma IconCyber Halo Janna Chroma IconFreljord Event - FrostguardStrike Commander Camille Chroma IconStrike Paladin Lucian Chroma IconAether Wing Kayle Chroma IconDreadnova Gangplank Chroma IconBullet Angel Kai'sa Chroma IconAdmiral Glasc Chroma IconPrestige Edition Cyber Halo Janna IconFull Moon and Poro IconFull Moon and Teemo IconBattle Academia Ezreal Mythic Chroma IconSkin - Spirit Guard Udyr TigerMilk Tea Poro IconSpirit Guard Udyr Tiger Claw IconSpirit Guard Udyr Turtle Mantle IconSpirit Guard Udyr Bear Stampede IconSpirit Guard Udyr Phoenix Storm Icon2022 LCS Windy City Youth Outreach Supporter (Gold Edition) IconExcuse Me? IconBlitz Screen Of Damage IconSkin - Spirit Guard Udyr BearI Will End You IconWorlds 2022 Top Esports IconWorlds 2022 JDG Intel Esports Club Icon.Worlds 2022 EDward Gaming Hycan IconWorlds 2022 RNG Royal IconWorlds 2022 Gen.G IconWorlds 2022 T1 IconWorlds 2022 DWG KIA IconWorlds 2022 DRX IconWorlds 2022 G2 Esports IconSkin - Spirit Guard Udyr TurtleWorlds 2022 Rogue IconWorlds 2022 MAD Lions IconWorlds 2022 Fnatic IconWorlds 2022 1907 Fenerbahçe Esports IconWorlds 2022 100 Thieves IconWorlds 2022 Cloud9 IconWorlds 2022 Evil Geniuses IconWorlds 2022 Saigon Buffalo IconWorlds 2022 GAM Esports IconWorlds 2022 CTBC Flying Oyster IconSkin - Spirit Guard Udyr PhoenixWorlds 2022 Mega Bank Beyond Gaming IconWorlds 2022 LOUD IconWorlds 2022 Isurus IconWorlds 2022 The Chiefs IconWorlds 2022 DetonatioN FocusMe IconAshen Slayer Sylas Border IconAshen Slayer Sylas Mythic Chroma IconWorlds 2022 DenizBank Wildcats IconWorlds 2022 Event IconSpirit Blossom Mask IconBeta - LATAM ParticipantSpirit Blossom Lotus IconSpirit Blossom 2022 Event IconSpirit Blossom Pass IconSpirit Blossom Mythic Essence IconPrestige Edition Spirit Blossom Master Yi IconSpirit Blossom Sett Legendary Border IconSpirit Blossom Tristana Border IconSpirit Blossom Evelynn Border IconSpirit Blossom Syndra Border IconSpirit Blossom Yorick Border IconLCS 2013 - Cloud 9Spirit Blossom Master Yi Border IconSpirit Blossom Darius Border IconSpirit Blossom Aphelios Border IconSpirit Blossom Soraka Border IconSpirit Blossom Sett Legendary Chroma IconSpirit Blossom Tristana Chroma IconSpirit Blossom Evelynn Chroma IconSpirit Blossom Syndra Chroma IconSpirit Blossom Yorick Chroma IconSpirit Blossom Master Yi Chroma IconLCS 2013 - CurseSpirit Blossom Darius Chroma IconSpirit Blossom Aphelios Chroma IconSpirit Blossom Soraka Chroma IconOne & Only Pengu IconTFT Champion Dragonmancer Ashe IconChampionship Choncc IconBirdio Chroma IconWorlds 2022 Azir Chroma IconWorlds 2022 Azir Border IconStar Guardian Cosplay Tibbers Merch IconLCS 2013 - Team DignitasBewitching Batnivia Border IconBewitching LeBlanc Border IconBewitching Cassiopeia Border IconBewitching Neeko Border IconBewitching Senna Border IconBewitching Fiora Border IconBewitching Elise Border IconBewitching Morgana Border IconBewitching Nami Border IconLCS 2013 - Team CoastBewitching Poppy Border IconBewitching Syndra Border IconBewitching Tristana Border IconBewitching Yuumi Border IconTFT Rising Legends Finals - Set 7 Dragonlands IconTFT Rising Legends Finals - Exclusive IconSeason 2022 - Solo/Duo Iron IconSeason 2022 - Solo/Duo Bronze IconSeason 2022 - Solo/Duo Silver IconLCS 2013 - TSMSeason 2022 - Solo/Duo Gold IconSeason 2022 - Solo/Duo Platinum IconSeason 2022 - Solo/Duo Diamond IconSeason 2022 - Solo/Duo Master IconSeason 2022 - Solo/Duo Grandmaster IconSeason 2022 - Solo/Duo Challenger IconSeason 2022 - Flex Iron IconSeason 2022 - Flex Bronze IconSeason 2022 - Flex Silver IconSeason 2022 - Flex Gold IconLCS 2013 - VelocitySeason 2022 - Flex Platinum IconSeason 2022 - Flex Diamond IconSeason 2022 - Flex Master IconSeason 2022 - Flex Grandmaster IconSeason 2022 - Flex Challenger Icon2022 - Clash Contender Icon2022 - Clash Conqueror Icon2022 - Clash Champion IconStar Throne Royal Never Give Up 2022 IconStar Shield Top Esports 2022 IconLCS 2013 - VulcunStar Sword EDward Gaming Hycan 2022 IconStar Mecha JDG Intel Esports Club 2022 IconHigh Noon Senna Mythic Chroma IconLCS 2013 - CLGLCS 2013 - Evil GeniusesLCS 2013 - FnaticLCS 2013 - GambitLCS 2013 - LemondogsLCS 2013 - MYMLCS 2013 - NIPLCS 2013 - SK GamingLCS 2013 - AlternateLCS 2013 - GamingGear.EULCS 2013 - Pain GamingLCS 2013 - Lyon GamingLCS 2013 - Team ImmunityLCS 2013 - Dark PassageHarrowing 2013 - Iceborn KeeperHarrowing 2013 - Spirit of the AltarHarrowing 2013 - Tomb AngelHarrowing 2013 - VilemawHarrowing 2013 - MorellonomiconVintage Skin IconSeason 3 - BronzeSeason 3 - SilverSeason 3 - GoldSeason 3 - PlatinumSeason 3 - DiamondSeason 3 - ChallengerSnowdown 2013 - Giftwrapped PoroSnowdown 2013 - Bad Gingerbread VeigarSnowdown 2013 - Katarina's DaggerSnowdown 2013 - Snowman TeemoSnowdown 2013 - Santa Gragas CookieOGN 2014 SKT T1OGN 2014 Team NBOGN 2014 CJ EntusOGN 2014 Najin e-mFireOGN 2014 Samsung GalaxyOGN 2014 Jin Air GreenwingsOGN 2014 KT RolsterOle Paw IconOGN 2014 IMOGN 2014 Alienware AndromedaOGN 2014 Xenics StormLunar Revel 2014 - Year of the HorseLunar Revel 2014 - Moon Goddess DianaLunar Revel 2014 - Warring Kingdoms TryndamereLunar Revel 2014 - Dragonblade RivenLunar Revel 2014 - Truth, DianaLunar Revel 2014 - Power, TryndamereLunar Revel 2014 - Freedom, RivenLunar Revel 2014 - Path of TruthLunar Revel 2014 - Path of PowerLunar Revel 2014 - Path of FreedomLCS 2014 - AllianceLCS 2014 - Copenhagen WolvesLCS 2014 - FnaticLCS 2014 - GambitLCS 2014 - MilleniumLCS 2014 - RoccatLCS 2014 - SK GamingLCS 2014 - Supa Hot CrewLCS 2014 - CLGLCS 2014 - Cloud 9LCS 2014 - CoastLCS 2014 - CurseLCS 2014 - DignitasLCS 2014 - Evil GeniusesLCS 2014 - TSMLCS 2014 - XDGGPL 2014 - Saigon JokersGPL 2014 - Insidious GamingGPL 2014 - Imperium Pro TeamGPL 2014 - Neolution Esports Full LouisGPL 2014 - yoe Flash WolvesGPL 2014 - Saigon Fantastic FiveGPL 2014 - Tt Esports Manila EaglesGPL 2014 - Azubu Taipei AssassinsGPL 2014 - ahq E-sports ClubGPL 2014 - Bangkok TitansGPL 2014 Azubu Taipei Snipers IconGPL 2014 - Singapore SentinelsCarnival 2014 - Carnival MaskCarnival 2014 - Carnival Teemo2014 URF ModeOGN 2014 - Prime OptimusOGN 2014 - Midas FioTeam Builder - AssassinTeam Builder - FighterTeam Builder - MageTeam Builder - MarksmanTeam Builder - SupportTeam Builder - Tank2014 All Star IconOne for All Mirror Mode IconHat Trick IconPentakill IconLCS 2014 - LMQLCS 2014 - compLexityGPL 2014 - ahq FighterGPL 2014 - Machi e-SportsGPL 2014 - WargodsGPL 2014 - Insidious Gaming RebirthDoom Icon of DoomCBLoL 2014 - Keyd StarsCBLoL 2014 - paiN GamingCBLoL 2014 - LegendsBRCBLoL 2014 - KaBuM! e-SportsCBLoL 2014 - INTZ e-SportsCBLoL 2014 - CNB e-Sports ClubCBLoL 2014 - Ban Karma GamingCBLoL 2014 - Team awpMecha IconCandy Fest 2014 - Cupcake IconCandy Fest 2014 - Hexplosive Hard Candy IconDebonair IconOGN 2014 - Bigfile MiracleArcade Baron IconShurima 2014 - Acolyte, 1 WinShurima 2014 - Master, 3 WinsShurima 2014 - Ascendant, 5 WinsShurima 2014 - Perfect AscensionShurima 2014 - Shurima CrestWorld Championship 2014 IconWorlds 2014 - Dark PassageWorlds 2014 - AHQWorlds 2014 - Samsung GalaxyWorlds 2014 - Edward GamingWorlds 2014 - SK GamingWorlds 2014 - Royal ClubDebonair Rose IconWorlds 2014 - Taipei AssassinsWorlds 2014 - TSMWorlds 2014 - LMQWorlds 2014 - OMGWorlds 2014 - FnaticWorlds 2014 - KaBuMWorlds 2014 - Najin White ShieldWorlds 2014 - Cloud 9Worlds 2014 - AllianceShadow Isles CrestHarrowing 2014 - Harrowed PuppetHarrowing 2014 - Mark of the BetrayerSRU - StagSRU - OwlSeason 2014 - Solo BronzeSeason 2014 - Solo SilverSeason 2014 - Solo GoldSeason 2014 - Solo PlatinumSeason 2014 - Solo DiamondSeason 2014 - Solo MasterSeason 2014 - Solo Challenger 1Season 2014 - Solo Challenger 2Season 2014 - Solo Challenger 3Season 2014 - 3v3 BronzeSeason 2014 - 3v3 SilverSeason 2014 - 3v3 GoldSeason 2014 - 3v3 PlatinumSeason 2014 - 3v3 DiamondSeason 2014 - 3v3 MasterSeason 2014 - 3v3 Challenger 1Season 2014 - 3v3 Challenger 2Season 2014 - 3v3 Challenger 3Season 2014 - 5v5 BronzeSeason 2014 - 5v5 SilverSeason 2014 - 5v5 GoldSeason 2014 - 5v5 PlatinumSeason 2014 - 5v5 DiamondSeason 2014 - 5v5 MasterSeason 2014 - 5v5 Challenger 1Season 2014 - 5v5 Challenger 2Season 2014 - 5v5 Challenger 3Battlecast IconGlorious Evolution IconSnowdown 2014 - Battlecast PoroSnowdown 2014 - Gentleman PoroSnowdown 2014 - Shadow Isles PoroSnowdown 2014 - Astronaut PoroSnowdown 2014 - Dragon Slayer PoroSnowdown 2014 - Poro KingSnowdown 2014 - Incoming Poro!Blood Moon IconLCS 2015 - WinterfoxLCS 2015 - TSMLCS 2015 - Team LiquidLCS 2015 - TIPLCS 2015 - DignitasLCS 2015 - Team CoastLCS 2015 - Team8LCS 2015 - CLGLCS 2015 - Cloud9LCS 2015 - SKLCS 2015 - UOLLCS 2015 - RoccatLCS 2015 - MYMLCS 2015 - H2KLCS 2015 - GiantsLCS 2015 - GambitLCS 2015 - Fnatic2015 LCS ElementsLCS 2015 - WolvesLunar Revel 2015 - FirecrackerLunar Revel 2015 - Year of the GoatLCS 2015 - GravityOcean Week Fizz IconPlayer Behavior IconSweetheart IconCarnival Teemo 2015 IconCarnival Mask 2015 IconDJ Sona - EtherealDJ Sona - ConcussiveDJ Sona - KineticNemesis IconHeartsplosionOrbital LaserUrf GhostUrf PortraitGolden SpatulaOmega Squad Teemo Icon2015 CL Zone eSports2015 CL Team Turquality2015 CL Number One eSports2015 CL HWA Gaming2015 CL Dark Passage2015 CL Big Plays Incorporated2015 CL Besiktas E-Sports Club2015 CL Atlas2015 Copa Latinoaméerica Rebirth2015 Copa Latinoamérica Last Kings2015 Copa Latinoamérica KLG2015 Copa Latinoamérica Furious GamingAncient Golem Icon2015 Copa Latinoamérica Bencheados2015 Copa Latinoamérica Revenge2015 Copa Latinoamérica Lyon2015 Copa Latinoamérica Gaming2015 Copa Latinoamérica Dash92015 Garena Premier League Saigon Fantastic Five2015 Garena Premier League Saigon Jokers2015 Garena Premier League Mineski.Globe2015 GPL Bizzaro KTHXBAI2015 Garena Premier League Kuala Lumpur Hunters2015 Garena Premier League Jakarta Juggernauts2015 GPL Insidious Gaming Legends2015 GPL Team Infinite2015 Garena Premier League GIGABYTE Full Louis2015 GPL Team Fat Rabbit2015 GPL Wargods PID Diamond2015 Garena Premier League Bangkok Titans2015 Garena Premier League Asus ImbaFate2015 GPL An Phat Ultimate2015 GPL Zotac 2692015 Garena Premier League GameX Wargods2015 Starladder Star Series Hard Random2015 Starladder Star Series Team Just2015 Starladder Star Series Tornado Rox2015 Starladder Star Series Carpe Diem2015 Starladder Star Series Internationally V2015 Starladder Star Series Glacial Phoenix2015 Starladder Star Series Moscow 52015 Starladder Star Series Virtus.Pro LoL2015 Oceanic Pro League Avant Garde2015 Oceanic Pro League Legacy2015 Oceanic Pro League Dire Wolves2015 Oceanic Pro League Chiefs2015 Oceanic Pro League Team 4Not2015 Oceanic Pro League Sudden Fear2015 Oceanic Pro League ImmunityBaron Nashor Icon2015 IWCI2015 LCK2015 LMS2015 LPL2015 MSI2015 NALCS2015 EULCSGromp Icon2015 CBLOL CNB2015 CBLOL G3X2015 CBLOL INTZ2015 CBLOL INTZ Red2015 CBLOL KABUM ORANGE2015 CBLOL KABUM BLACK2015 CBLOL KEYD2015 CBLOL Pain2015 Star Series Dolphins2015 Star Series Solar Wind2015 Star Series Your Exit2015 Star Series Dragon2015 Champions League Crew2015 Champions League OHM2015 Oceanic Pro League Absolute2015 Oceanic Pro League SIN Gaming2015 Copa Latinoamérica Isurus Gaming2015 Copa Latinoamérica Havoks2015 Copa Latinoamérica Meet Your Makers2015 LCS TDK2015 LCS NME2015 LCS Origen2015 Friends Week IconPoro Artist Icon2015 LCK CJ Entus2015 LCK SKT T12015 LCK SBENU2015 LCK Samsung Galaxy2015 LCK Najin2015 LCK KT Rolster2015 LCK KOO Tigers2015 LCK Jin Air2015 LCK Longzhu IM2015 LCK Rebels Anarchy2015 LMS ahq e-Sports Club2015 LMS Assassin Sniper2015 LMS Flash Wolves2015 LMS Hong Kong Esports2015 LMS Logitech G Snipers2015 LMS Machi E-Sports2015 LMS Midnight Sun Esports2015 LMS Taipei Assassins2015 Garena Premier League Boba Marines2015 Garena Premier League Zotac United2015 Garena Premier League Imperium Pro Team2015 Garena Premier League Team Proioxis2015 Garena Premier League Go To Sleep2015 Garena Premier League Impunity Legends2015 Garena Premier League Thirsty ChinchillasBilgewater Graves Act 1Bilgewater Twisted Fate Act 1Bilgewater Graves Act 2Daggers IconBilgewater Twisted Fate Act 2Bilgewater Graves and TF Act 3Honor 5 WW BlueBilgewater Gangplank Act 3Honor 5 Twitch BlueBilgewater CrestPoro Webtoon IconPoro Cosplay IconDragon IconPoro Love IconFinal Boss IconPROJECT IconPROJECT: Yi IconPROJECT: Zed IconPROJECT: Leona IconPROJECT: Fiora IconPROJECT: Lucian Icon2015 Worlds: Counter Logic Gaming2015 Worlds: Team Solomid2015 Worlds: Cloud92015 Worlds: Fnatic2015 Worlds: H2K2015 Worlds: Origen2015 Worlds: LGD Gaming2015 Worlds: Edward Gaming2015 Worlds: Invictus Gaming2015 Worlds: SKT T12015 Worlds: KOO Tigers2015 Worlds: KT Rolster2015 Worlds: Flash Wolves2015 Worlds: ahq e-Sports Club2015 Worlds: Bangkok Titans2015 Worlds: paIN Gaming2015 World ChampionshipRift Scuttler IconMurk Wolf IconCrimson Raptor IconAncient Krug IconHungry Poro Prophet IconScrying Poro Prophet IconLamb's Mask IconWolf's Mask IconWorlds 2015 SKT T1 Champion IconWorlds 2015 Origen Champion IconWorlds 2015 Fnatic Champion IconWorlds 2015 KOO Tigers Champion IconAll-Star Fire IconAll-Star Ice IconAll-Star IconAll-Star Ice Winner's IconBurning Hunger IconDrop Dead IconSeason 2015 - Solo BronzeSeason 2015 - 3v3 BronzeSeason 2015 - 5v5 BronzeSeason 2015 - Solo SilverSeason 2015 - 3v3 SilverSeason 2015 - 5v5 SilverSeason 2015 - Solo GoldSeason 2015 - 3v3 GoldSeason 2015 - 5v5 GoldSeason 2015 - Solo PlatinumSeason 2015 - 3v3 PlatinumSeason 2015 - 5v5 PlatinumSeason 2015 - Solo DiamondSeason 2015 - 3v3 DiamondSeason 2015 - 5v5 DiamondSeason 2015 - Solo MasterSeason 2015 - 3v3 MasterSeason 2015 - 5v5 MasterSeason 2015 - Solo Challenger 3Season 2015 - 3v3 Challenger 3Season 2015 - 5v5 Challenger 3Season 2015 - Solo Challenger 2Season 2015 - 3v3 Challenger 2Season 2015 - 5v5 Challenger 2Season 2015 - Solo Challenger 1Season 2015 - 3v3 Challenger 1Season 2015 - 5v5 Challenger 1Rift Frog IconRift Duck IconIcy Minion IconBundled Minion IconSnowball Fight IconTraveler's Penguin IconUnleashed Penguin IconPenguin Toss IconPROJECT: Poro IconShadow Wolf IconNightshade Serpent IconMonkey King IconLunar Guardian Icon2016 OPL Avant Garde2016 OPL The Chiefs eSports Club2016 OPL Dire Wolves2016 OPL Hellions e-Sports Club2016 OPL Infernum2016 OPL Legacy eSports2016 OPL Sin Gaming2016 OPL Trident Esports2016 LCL Team Differential2016 LCL Team EmpireYou voted no.You voted yes.NOYESTake AllBlademasters' Basic Attacks have a chance to trigger two additional attacks against their target.

    These additional attacks deal damage like Basic Attacks and trigger on-hit effects.

    (@MinUnits@) @ProcChance@% Chance to trigger
    (@MinUnits@) @ProcChance@% Chance to trigger
    (@MinUnits@) @ProcChance@% Chance to triggerTerraburstersCytesInfiltratorsArcraptorsThere's no bench space for the egg! Eggs on the board will be sold when combat starts.Foolish mortal! You do not have enough health to sacrifice to Teemo.Ruined DragonThere's no space on your bench for the chest. The chest (and your loot) will be removed once combat starts!This unit requires 2 team slots!Remember to use the Dragonmancer Blessing item to choose a Hero!Test of ValorGain 4 XP toward your next level. Leveling up increases your team size and gives you access to stronger champions in the store. You gain 2 XP for free at the beginning of each round.Buy XP @k1@Buy XP @k1@ or @k2@Refresh the store with a new set of championsRefresh @k1@Refresh @k1@ or @k2@Right-click for recipe hintsPlace on a Tier 1, 2, or 3 champion to transfer that champion to your partner, along with all items the champion has equipped.

    [Cannot be used in combat.]
    [CONSUMABLE - This item disappears when used.]
    Use on a champion to transfer it to your partner, along with all items it has equipped.

    [Cannot be used in combat.]
    [Consumable - this item disappears when used.]
    Give One To PartnerLesser Rune of AllegianceRune of Allegiance{"items":[{"inventoryType":"BUNDLES","itemId":33300026},{"inventoryType":"BUNDLES","itemId":33300027},{"inventoryType":"BUNDLES","itemId":33300028},{"inventoryType":"HEXTECH_CRAFTING","itemId":3330034},{"inventoryType":"BUNDLES","itemId":33300029},{"inventoryType":"BUNDLES","itemId":33300030}],"page":"hextech"}{"items":[{"inventoryType":"TFT_MAP_SKIN","itemId":36},{"inventoryType":"TFT_MAP_SKIN","itemId":37},{"inventoryType":"BUNDLES","itemId":69900279}], "page":"tft_map_skins"}{"items":[{"inventoryType":"CURRENCY","itemId":3},{"inventoryType":"CURRENCY","itemId":6},{"inventoryType":"CURRENCY","itemId":7}], "page":"star_fragments"}Battle Pass ArticleDJ Ox Music VideoTeamfight Tactics: GalaxiesTFT Galaxies Set IntroductionCosmic Companions Little LegendsNEW Fates Arena SkinsTeamfight Tactics Mobile/dev: TFT ThoughtsStar Up With Star ShardsAdd unique champions to your team that share a trait to activate powerful bonuses!This item can only be used during the planning phase with at least 5 seconds remainingYour bench is full! Sell or move a champion.Champions without Mana can't use Blue Buff!Spend your gold in the store to recruit new champions!Click Buy XP to level up so you can have more champions on your team!Tap Buy XP to level up so you can have more champions on your team!You can perform actions again!That unit cannot be sold.That item cannot be reforged.You cannot perform actions right now.Buy three copies of the same champion to upgrade them to a two-star version of that champion!You can't exceed the maximum team size. To increase your team size, buy XP!Too many champions! This limit increases automatically when each stage begins.Each loss now inflicts 4 damage on your Tactician!Each loss now inflicts 6 damage on your Tactician!Each loss now inflicts 30 damage on your Tactician!Right-click champions to see more information about them!Use that item on a champion.Not enough space left on your item bench!You can't use the item remover because your item bench is full!Loot contains more items than your bench can allow.You can't sell champions with items because your item bench is full!You can't choose that item because your item bench is full!Only 1 Artifact item can be equipped on a champion.Champions without Mana can't become Mages!No copies of that champion left!Use that on a champion with at least 1 item.Cannot be used on champions in combat.Champions without Attack Damage can't use that item!Drag an item to one of your champions to equip it and make them stronger!Drag champions from the bench to the battlefield to build your team!Click Refresh to spend 2g and get a new set of champions in the store!Check out what your opponents are building by clicking their icon on the scoreboard!Pick the champion you want by running into it with your Tactician!Not enough matching trait champions are left in in the pool!That item is unique -- only 1 can be equipped.Aatrox cleaves the area in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies therein.Ahri casts out an orb, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies it passes through.

    It then returns to her, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ true damage to all enemies it passes through.Akali throws kunai at her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. This spell can critically strike.Anivia creates a large hailstorm that lasts for @StormDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage over the duration and slowing the attack speed of all enemies inside of it by @AttackSpeedSlow@%.Ashe fires an arrow at the farthest enemy. It stops on the first target hit, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDurationPerSquare@ seconds per hex traveled.Aurelion Sol breathes fire in a line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in the area.Blitzcrank pulls the furthest enemy to him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    His next attack after pulling knocks up for 1 second.

    Allies within range will prioritize attacking Blitzcrank's target.Brand launches a bouncing fireball at an enemy. This fireball will bounce to nearby enemies up to @MaxBounces@ times, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage each time it hits.Darius swings his axe in a circle, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@ health for each enemy hit.Draven starts spinning an axe, granting him @BonusADDamage@ bonus physical damage on-hit on his next attack.

    It will return to his location after striking the target and if Draven catches it, it will refresh the buff.

    Draven can spin up to two axes at a time.Elise transforms into a giant spider and summons @NumSpiderlings@ spiderlings to fight alongside her.

    While in spider form, Elise gains @LifestealPercent@ bonus Lifesteal. Spiderlings benefit from active Demon trait bonuses.Evelynn deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to up to 3 nearby enemies, then teleports away.

    This damage is increased to @ModifiedCritDamage@ against targets below @ExecuteThreshholdPercent@ health.Passive: Gangplank periodically places barrels near enemies.

    Active: Gangplank shoots his barrels, causing them all to explode, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies and applying on-hit effects.Garen spins his sword for @SpinDuration@ seconds, becoming immune to magic damage and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to nearby enemies over the duration.Gnar leaps towards an enemy and transforms into Mega Gnar, throwing nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and stunning them for @RCCDuration@ seconds.

    While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar gains @TransformHealth@ Health and @TransformAD@ Attack Damage.Passive: Graves' attacks deal @BonusDamage@ bonus physical damage and hit all enemies in a cone in front of him, applying on-hit effects.Transform Mercury CannonPassive: Jinx gets excited as she helps take down enemy units.

    After her first takedown, Jinx gains @PercentAttackSpeed@ bonus Attack Speed.

    After her second takedown, Jinx swaps to her rocket launcher, causing her Basic Attacks to deal @ModifiedDamage@ bonus magic damage to all enemies in a small area around her target.Karthus channels for 2.25 seconds, then deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to @NumberOfTargets@ random enemies.Passive: Kassadin's attacks steal @ManaSteal@ mana from his target and grant him a @ModifiedShield@ damage shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.Kayle shields her @Targets@ weakest allies, making them immune to all damage for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.Kha'Zix slashes the nearest enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If the enemy has no adjacent teammates, this damage is increased to @ModifiedIsolationDamage@.Kindred creates a zone around themselves for @Duration@ seconds that prevents allies within from dropping below @MinHealth@ health or dying.Leona calls down a solar ray in an area, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within and reducing their Move Speed by 50% for @CCDuration@ seconds. The enemy in the center of the ray is also stunned for @CCDuration@ seconds.Lissandra encases a random enemy in ice, stunning them for @EnemyStunDuration@ seconds and dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies @MaxHexRange@ hexes around the target.

    If Lissandra's Health is below @SelfUltPercentage@ she will instead encase herself for @SelfDuration@ seconds and become untargetable.Lucian dashes away from his current target, then attacks them and fires a second shot which deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Lulu makes @Targets@ allies giant, granting them @ModifiedBonusHealth@ bonus health and knocking up adjacent enemies near them for @CCDuration@ seconds.Miss Fortune channels and fires waves of bullets in a cone for @ChannelDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies within over the duration.Mordekaiser slams his mace on the two spaces in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to enemies within.Morgana fires chains to all nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.

    After @ChainDuration@ seconds, all chained enemies still within range of Morgana are stunned for @StunDuration@ seconds and take @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage again.Nidalee heals herself and an ally, restoring @ModifiedHeal@ health over @HoTDuration@ seconds, then transforms into cat form.

    While in cat form, Nidalee's range is reduced to 1 hex and she gains @ADinCougar@ bonus Attack Damage.Pantheon leaps in the air, crashing down towards the farthest enemy, stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.

    Enemies in Pantheon's path take @ModifiedDamage@ of their Maximum Health as magic damage. They then burn for an additional @BurnPercent*100@% of their Maximum Health as true damage over @BurnDuration@ seconds, reducing healing by 80%.Poppy creates a shockwave in a straight line that can hit up to @NumberOfTargets@ enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, knocking up and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Rek'Sai burrows, becoming untargetable for @BurrowDuration@ second and healing for @ModifiedHeal@ health.

    She emerges at her target, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and knocking them up for @KnockupDuration@ seconds.Rengar leaps to and stabs the weakest enemy, dealing @LeapDamage@ physical damage and applying on-hit effects to his target.

    After this leap, Rengar gains @ASBuffPercent@ Attack Speed and @CritBuffPercent@ Critical Strike Chance for the next @BuffDuration@ seconds.After a @ExplosionDelay@ second delay, Sejuani creates a glacial prison on an enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemeis and stunning them for @StunDuration@ seconds.Shen creates a zone around himself for @ZoneDuration@ seconds, granting all nearby allies 100% chance to dodge incoming attacks.Shyvana dashes away from her current target and transforms into dragon form.

    While in dragon form, Shyvana's Basic Attack becomes ranged, she gains @ADWhileDragon@ Attack Damage, and her Basic Attacks burn her enemies for @BurnDuration@ seconds, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage.Swain transforms into demon form for @TransformDuration@ seconds.

    While in demon form, Swain drains health from nearby enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and healing himself for @ModifiedHeal@ over the duration for each enemy in range. At the end of the transformation, Swain sends out a Soul Flare, dealing @ModifiedSoulFlareDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies.Tristana places a bomb on her current target which will detonate after she attacks them 3 times or @ExplosiveChargeDuration@ seconds pass without Tristana attacking them.

    When the bomb detonates, it deals @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all nearby enemies, plus @PercentDamageIncrease@ for each Basic Attack, up to a maximum of @ModifiedMaxDamage@.Twisted Fate randomly picks a card, then throws it at his current target, dealing @ModifiedRedCardDamage@ magic damage and creating a special effect based on the color of the card.

    Blue: Restores @BlueCardManaRestore@ mana to all allies adjacent to Twisted Fate.
    Red: Deals @ModifiedRedCardDamage@ to all enemies adjacent to the target.
    Gold: Stuns the target for @GoldCardStunDuration@ seconds.Varus channels for 1.5 seconds, then fires a piercing arrow, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in its path.Passive: Whenever Vayne attacks the same target 3 times, she deals @ModifiedDamage@ of her target's maximum Health as true damage.Veigar blasts a random enemy, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage. If Veigar's level is higher than his target's they are instantly killed instead.Volibear empowers his attacks for the next @BuffDuration@ seconds, causing them to chain to up to @MaxBounces@ nearby enemies. These chains deal @ChainDamage@ physical damage and apply on-hit effects.Warwick leaps to the enemy with the lowest percent Health, stunning them, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage, and healing himself for @HealPercent@% of the damage over @Duration@ seconds.Yasuo stabs his sword into the two spaces in front of him, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage and applying on-hit effects to enemies within. Every third cast, Yasuo instead throws a tornado in a line that travels @QEmpowerHexRange@ hexes and additionally knocks enemies up for @QKnockupDuration@ seconds.Zed throws a shuriken in a line, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ magic damage to all enemies in its path.Spitfire!Raging OxGet WrenchedAbyssal ChasmBucket YeetCoin RushCosmic TracerStar PiercerPrismatic SmiteDefault BoomDragon ChargeDragon Float SplashDragon TempestInfernal FlockRune SurgeHextech HypersurgeChemtech SurpriseHextech WipeoutHydroblastJagged PathSuper Mega FirecrackerGet JinxedKanmei BurstSonic WaveArcana CoilDragon GeyserMighty RoarMushroom MadnessNimbus CloudNova BombSuper Mega Death RockPaper PursuitFireworks - TanzaniteFireworks - SapphireFireworks - MintFireworks - CitrineFireworks - RainbowFireworks - ObsidianFireworks - CatseyeFireworks - Rose QuartzReality RiftMissile PartyShadow ScrawlShattered HeartSkipping StoneStaff DropBurn Bright StarlightTangerine BurstTidal LeavesVoid SpikesWings of FurySteel Tempest DragonmancerZap BoltPaintinator V65BLUE TIERNEW TIERGRAY TIERGREEN TIERDOUBLE TIERPURPLE TIERSelect An AugmentCan't be blinded!The wearer gains the Battlecast trait.

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]Gain 2 items.Gain a Thieve's Gloves.Gain a Spatula and an Item. Gain 1 Neeko's Help and 12 gold.Gain 3 Frozen Hearts.Gain 3 item components.Gain 2 5-cost champions.Gain a Tactician's CrownGain 1 5-cost champion and 12 gold.The holder gains the Protector trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Grant %i:scaleAP% @BonusAP@ bonus Ability Power.

    Combat start: Grant %i:scaleAP% @APPerInterval@ Ability Power every @IntervalSeconds@ seconds.Grant %i:scaleAP% @BonusAP@ bonus Ability Power.

    Combat start: Grant %i:scaleAP% @APPerInterval@ Ability Power every @IntervalSeconds@ seconds.Grant @Lifesteal@% Omnivamp.

    Once per combat: At @HealthThreshold@% Health, gain a @ShieldHealthPercent@% maximum Health shield that lasts up to @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    Radiant Bonus: %i:scaleAD% @BonusAD@ Attack Damage.Physical damage heals the holder for @Lifesteal@% of the damage dealt. Each time the holder heals to @HealthThresholdPercent@% Health, they gain @BonusAS@% Attack Speed for @BonusASDuration@ seconds. The holder takes @HealthLossPercent@% of their maximum Health in true damage at the beginning of combat or upon being equipped.Grant %i:scaleMana% @BonusMana@ bonus starting Mana. After casting an Ability, set Mana to %i:scaleMana% @ManaRestore@.

    Radiant Bonus: %i:scaleAP% @AP@ Ability Power.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]After casting their Ability, the holder gains %i:scaleMana% @PostCastMana@ Mana.

    [Unique - only one per champion]Grant %i:scaleArmor% @BonusArmor@ bonus Armor. Negates all bonus damage from incoming critical strikes. On being hit by an attack, deal @1StarAoEDamage@/@2StarAoEDamage@/@3StarAoEDamage@ %i:star% magic damage to all nearby enemies (once every @ICD@ seconds).

    [Direct damage item]Grants %i:scaleArmor% @TooltipDisplayArmor@ bonus Armor (including components).%i:scaleArmor% +@Armor@ ArmorCombat start: Grant %i:scaleAP% @BonusAP@ Ability Power and @Spellvamp@% Omnivamp to the holder and allies within 1 hex in the same row.

    ​​[Aura item]When combat begins, all of the holder's allies within @HexRange@ hex in the same row gain %i:scaleAP% @BonusAP@ Ability Power for the rest of combat. The holder loses %i:scaleAP% @APLost@ Ability Power instead of gaining any.Chemtechs explode on death, dealing @HP@% of their max Health as magic damage to enemies within 2 hexes. Gain a Zac.+@CritChance@% Critical Strike Chance
    +@DodgeChance@% Dodge ChanceGrant %i:scaleAD% @1StarBonusAD@/@2StarBonusAD@/@3StarBonusAD@ %i:star% bonus Attack Damage.Contributing to a kill grants the holder %i:scaleAD% @ADPerStack@ Attack Damage for the rest of combat. This effect can stack any number of times (starting at @StartingStacks@).Use on a champion to break apart all items into components and unequip them.

    [Cannot be used on board champions in combat.]
    [Consumable - This item disappears when used.]
    Grant %i:scaleMR% @BonusMR@ bonus Magic Resist. Every @HealthRegenInterval@ seconds, regenerate @PercentHealthDamage@% maximum Health for each enemy targeting the holder.

    If the holder is a Dragon, increase all bonuses and effects by @DragonValue@%.Reduces incoming magic damage by @MagicReduction@%.

    Negates bonus damage from incoming critical hits.Once per combat: At @HealthThreshold@% Health, briefly become stealthed, becoming untargetable and shedding negative effects. Then, grant %i:scaleAS% @AttackSpeed@% bonus Attack Speed.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Once per combat: At @HealthThreshold@% Health and again at @HealthThreshold2@% Health, briefly become stealthed, becoming untargetable and shedding negative effects. Then, grant %i:scaleAS% @AttackSpeed@% bonus Attack Speed. This effect stacks.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The wearer is also a Berserker.

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]The holder's team gains +@MaxArmySizeIncrease@ maximum team size, but the player's Little Legend takes +@PercentDamageIncrease@% damage after losing a battle.Each round: Equip 2 random items.

    [Consumes 3 item slots.]Reduces the Attack Speed of enemies within @HexRadius@ hexes by @AttackSpeedSlow@%.

    Radiant Bonus: %i:scaleMana% @BonusMana@ starting Mana.

    ​​[Aura item]
    [Unique - only 1 per champion]
    Reduces the Attack Speed of all enemies within @HexRadius@ hexes by @AttackSpeedSlow@%.

    [Unique - only one per champion]The holder heals themself for @HealingPerEnemy@ Health every @SecondsBetweenHeals@ seconds for each unit targeting them.Grant %i:scaleArmor% @ArmorPerEnemy@ Armor and %i:scaleMR% @MRPerEnemy@ Magic Resist for each enemy targeting the holder.Grants %i:scaleArmor% @ArmorPerEnemy@ Armor and %i:scaleMR% @MRPerEnemy@ Magic Resist for each enemy targeting the holder.

    Radiant Bonus: Regenerate @MaxHealthRegen@% max Health each second.Abilities and attacks deal @SmallBonusPct@% bonus damage. If the target has more than @HealthThreshold@ maximum Health, the bonus increases to @LargeBonusPct@%.The holder's Abilities and attacks do @SmallBonusPct@% bonus damage. If the target has more than @HealthThreshold@ maximum Health, the bonus increases to @LargeBonusPct@%.Prevents the holder's first death, placing them in stasis instead. After @StasisDuration@ seconds, they return with @HealthRestorePercent@% Health and shed all negative effects.

    Radiant Bonus: +@AS@% Attack Speed.

    [Unique - only one per champion]Prevents the holder's first death, placing them in stasis instead. After @StasisDuration@ seconds, they return with @HealthRestorePercent@% Health and shed all negative effects.

    [Unique - only one per champion]Attacks grant %i:scaleAS% +@AttackSpeedPerStack@% bonus Attack Speed. This effect stacks.

    Radiant Bonus: %i:scaleAS% @BonusAS@% Attack Speed.Attacks grant +@AttackSpeedPerStack@% bonus Attack Speed for the rest of combat. The bonus Attack Speed can stack any number of times.Grant 2 effects:
  1909. %i:scaleAD% +@BaseAD@ Attack Damage and %i:scaleAP% +@BaseSP@ Ability Power.
  1910. @BaseHeal@% Omnivamp.

    Each round, randomly double 1 of these effects.Grant 2 effects:
  1911. %i:scaleAD% @BonusAD@ Attack Damage and %i:scaleAP% @BonusSP@ Ability Power.
  1912. @TraitMultiplier@% Omnivamp.At the beginning of combat, the holder gains both of the following:
  1913. +@BonusAD@ Attack Damage and +@BonusSP@ Ability Power.
  1914. Attacks and Abilities heal for @TraitMultiplier@% of damage dealt.

  1915. These bonuses expire after each takedown, and renew on the next.Grant @OmniVamp@% Omnivamp. Damage dealt heals the lowest percent Health ally for the same amount.

    Radiant Bonus: +@BonusAP@ Ability Power.The holder's magic and true damage from Abilities heals the ally with lowest percent Health for @OmniVamp@% of the damage dealt. This heal cannot affect the holder.Grants %i:scaleCrit% @BonusCritChance@% bonus Critical Strike Chance and %i:scaleCritMult% @BonusCritDamage@% Critical Strike Damage. Each point of %i:scaleCrit% Critical Strike Chance above 100% converts to %i:scaleCritMult% @BonusCritDmgPerCritAbove100@% Critical Strike Damage.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Grants @CritChance@% Critical Strike Chance (including components). Each point of Critical Strike Chance above 100% becomes +@BonusCritDmgPerCritAbove100@% Critical Strike Damage.

    The holder also gains @BonusCritDamage@% Critical Strike Damage.

    [Unique - only one per champion]Enemies within @HexRange@ hexes have their Magic Resist reduced by @MRShred@%. When they cast an Ability, they are zapped for magic damage equal to @ManaRatio@% of their maximum Mana.

    Radiant Bonus: Regenerate @MaxHealthRegen@% max Health per second.

    [Direct damage item]
    Enemies within @HexRange@ hexes have their Magic Resist reduced by @MRShred@%. When they cast an Ability, they are zapped taking magic damage equal to @ManaRatio@% of their max Mana.Item temporarily disabledGrant %i:scaleCritMult% @CritDamageAmp@% Critical Strike Damage and %i:scaleAP% @BonusAP@ bonus Ability Power.

    Magic and true damage from an Ability can critically strike.Grant %i:scaleCritMult% @CritDamageAmp@% Critical Strike Damage and %i:scaleAP% @BonusAP@ bonus Ability Power.

    Magic and true damage from an Ability can critically strike.The holder gains @CritDamageAmp@% Critical Strike Damage, and magic and true damage from their Ability can critically strike.

    The first time they cast their Ability each combat, they gain an additional @BonusCritChance@% Critical Strike Chance for the remainder of combat (applies to that Ability cast).Place on Kayn to free him from Rhaast, permanently improving his Reaping Slash spell to deal bonus damage at the start of combat.

    [KAYN CONSUMABLE - This item disappears when used and DESTROYS Rhaast's Embrace]

    [Can only be used during the Planning Phase]Place on Kayn to force Rhaast to overtake him, permanently improving his Reaping Slash spell to heal him.

    [KAYN CONSUMABLE - This item disappears when used and DESTROYS Kayn's Liberation]

    [Can only be used during the Planning Phase]Grant %i:scaleAS% @BonusAS@% bonus Attack Speed. Dealing physical damage reduces the target's Armor by @ArmorReductionPercent@% for the rest of combat. This effect does not stack.

    Radiant Bonus: %i:scaleCrit% @BonusCritChance@% Critical Strike Chance.

    [Unique - only one per champion]The holder's attacks and abilities reduce the target's Armor and Magic Resist by @ArmorMRReductionPercent@% for the rest of combat.

    [Unique - only one per champion]Extra +@Mana@
    Wearer is also a Shadow

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]Turns all items on a champion into standard items when used.

    [CONSUMABLE - This item disappears when used.]
    This Item cannot transform Force of Darkness, which is beyond redemption.Combat start: Shields the holder and allies within @HexRange@ hexes in the same row for @1StarShieldValue@/@2StarShieldValue@/@3StarShieldValue@ %i:star% damage for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    Radiant Bonus: +@BonusAllyHealth@ Health for all allies.

    ​​[Aura item]When combat begins, the holder and all allies within @HexRange@ hexes in the same row gain @BonusDefenses@ bonus Armor and Magic Resist.Each time the holder casts their Ability, they gain empty maximum Health equal to @ManaRatio@% of their maximum Mana. The holder then heals for that amount.
    Abilities and attacks deal @SmallBonusPct@% bonus damage. If the target has more than @HealthThreshold@ maximum Health, the bonus increases to @LargeBonusPct@%.It must do something...1 item component has been added to your chest.1 Neeko's Help and 5 gold has been added to your chest.2 4-cost champions are placed in your chest.2 3-cost champions are placed in your chest.50 gold has been added to your chest.A Tome of Traits has been added to your chest.1 utility component and 1 Neeko's Help has been added to your chest.1 Chalice of Power, 1 Zeke's Herald, and 10 gold are placed in your chest.2 item components are placed in your chest.1 Loaded Dice has been added to your chest. A 4-cost champion and 10 gold has been added to your chest.3 3-cost champions are placed in your chest. 1 random full item and 2 components are placed in your chest.6 gold has been added to your chest.A utility component and 2 gold has been added to your chest.10 gold has been added to your chest.8 gold has been added to your chest.1 Neeko's Help and 2 gold has been added to your chest.A defensive component and 2 gold has been added to your chest.A 4-cost champion and 3 gold has been added to your chest.A 3-cost champion has been added to your chest.25 gold has been added to your chest.An offensive component and 2 gold has been added to your chest.5 gold has been added to your chest.A utility item component has been added to your chest.3 gold has been added to your chest.4 gold has been added to your chest.1 Neeko's Help has been added to your chest.A defensive item component has been added to your chest.A 4-cost champion has been added to your chest. 2 2-cost champions are placed in your chest. A Spatula has been added to your chest.1 offensive item component has been added to your chest. 1 item component and 1 Neeko's Help has been added to your chest.1 full item and 2 Neeko's Help have been added to your chest.1 defensive component and 1 Neeko's Help has been added to your chest.1 Dragon's Claw, 1 Bramblevest, and 10 gold are placed in your chest.2 5-cost champions are placed in your chest.A 2-star 5-cost has been added to your chest.A Loaded Dice and 2 gold are placed in your chest.3 4-cost champions are placed in your chest.2 Loaded Dice and a 2-star 4-cost are placed in your chest.A Tactician's Crown has been added to your chest.1 offensive component and 1 Neeko's Help has been added to your chest.A 5-cost champion and 10 gold has been added to your chest.2 Thief's Gloves and 10 gold are placed in your chest.A Thief's Gloves has been added to your chest.2 gold has been added to your chest.1 gold has been added to your chest.1 Spatula has been added to your chest.7 gold has been added to your chest.Yarr!!! You got nothing. Try again next round. Grant %i:scaleAP% @BonusAP@ bonus Ability Power. Magic or true damage from an Ability burns the target, dealing @BurnPercent@% of the target's maximum Health as true damage over @BurnDuration@ seconds, and reducing healing by @GrievousWoundsPercent@% for the duration.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]When the holder deals magic or true damage with their Ability, they burn the target, dealing @BurnPercent@% of the target's maximum Health as true damage over @BurnDuration@ seconds, and reducing healing by @GrievousWoundsPercent@% for the duration of the burn.

    [Unique - only one per champion]%i:scaleMR% +@MagicResist@ Magic ResistCombat start: Grant a shield to the holder and allies within 1 hex in the same row that blocks the first enemy Ability, up to 600 damage.
    [Aura item]Grant %i:scaleMana% @BonusMana@ bonus starting Mana.

    Once per combat: At @HealthThreshold@% Health, allies within @HexRadius@ hexes gain a @ShieldHealthPercent@% maximum Health shield that lasts up to @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Shielded allies gain %i:scaleArmor% @Stats@ Armor and %i:scaleMR% @Stats@ Magic Resist for the rest of combat.

    ​​[Aura item]Grant %i:scaleMana% @BonusMana@ bonus starting Mana.

    Once per combat: At @HealthThreshold@% Health, allies within @HexRadius@ hexes gain a @ShieldHealthPercent@% maximum Health shield that lasts up to @ShieldDuration@ seconds. Shielded allies gain %i:scaleArmor% @Stats@ Armor and %i:scaleMR% @Stats@ Magic Resist for the rest of combat.

    ​​[Aura item]Grant %i:scaleAS% @BonusAS@% bonus Attack Speed.

    Combat start: Grant immunity to crowd control for @SpellShieldDuration@ seconds.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Grant %i:scaleAS% @BonusAS@% bonus Attack Speed.

    Combat start: Grant immunity to crowd control for @SpellShieldDuration@ seconds.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The holder gains immunity to crowd control for the entirety of combat.

    [Unique - only one per champion]Grant %i:scaleAP% @BonusAP@ bonus Ability Power.Grants %i:scaleAP% @TooltipDisplayAP@ bonus Ability Power (including components). Increases the holder's Attack Range by @HexRangeIncrease@ hex. Additionally, the holder gains %i:scaleAS% +@BonusAS@% bonus Attack Speed when there are no enemies within @HexRequirement@ hex.

    The holder's attacks can no longer miss.

    Grant %i:scaleAS% @BonusAS@% bonus Attack Speed and %i:scaleRange% @HexRangeIncrease@ Attack Range.

    Attacks cannot miss.Heal allies within @HexRadius@ hexes for @MissingHealthHeal@% of their missing Health every @HealTickRate@ seconds. They also take @AoEDamageReduction@% less multi-target damage for @HealTickRate@ seconds (damage reduction does not stack).

    Radiant Bonus: %i:scaleHealth% @BonusHealth@ Health.

    ​​[Aura item]The holder radiates an aura to all allies on the board except themself, and heals them for @MissingHealthHeal@% of their missing Health every @HealTickRate@ seconds.Grant %i:scaleAD% @AD@ Attack Damage. Attacks fire a bolt at a nearby enemy, dealing @MultiplierForDamage@% Attack Damage %i:scaleAD% as physical damage.

    Radiant Bonus: %i:scaleAS% @BonusAS@% Attack Speed.

    ​​[Direct damage item]The holder's attacks fire bolts at @AdditionalTargets@ nearby enemies, dealing @MultiplierForDamage@% of the holder's Attack Damage. These bolts can critically strike but do not apply on-hit effects. The wearer gains the Assassin trait.

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]The wearer gains the Bladedancer trait.

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]The holder gains the Divine trait.

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]The holder gains the Dragonsoul trait.

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]The holder gains the Duelist trait.

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]The holder gains the Dusk trait.

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]The holder gains the Elderwood trait.

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]The holder gains the Mage trait.

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]The wearer gains the Shade trait.

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]The holder gains the Vanguard trait.

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]The wearer gains the Warlord trait.

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]The holder gains the Abomination trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion.
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Assassin trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion]The holder gains the Brawler trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion.
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Cavalier trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The holder gains the Cavalier trait.[Unique - only one per champion]The holder gains the Coven trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion]The holder gains the Dawnbringer trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion]The holder gains the Draconic trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion.
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Dragonslayer trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion]The holder gains the Forgotten trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion.
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Hellion trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion]The holder gains the Invoker trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion.
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Ironclad trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion.
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Knight trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion.
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Legionnaire trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The holder gains the Mystic trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion.
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Nightbringer trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion.
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Ranger trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion.
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Redeemed trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion]The holder gains the Renewer trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The holder gains the Revenant trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion.
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Sentinel trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion.
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Skirmisher trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion]The holder gains the Spellweaver trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion]The wearer gains the Verdant trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion]The holder gains the Academy trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The holder gains the Arcanist trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Bruiser trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Challenger trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The holder gains the Chemtech trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The holder gains the Clockwork trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Socialite trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Enforcer trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Mutant trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The holder gains the Bodyguard trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Imperial trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The holder gains the Innovator trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Mercenary trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Protector trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Assassin trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The holder gains the Scholar trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Scrap trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Sniper trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    The holder gains the Syndicate trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The holder gains the Assassin trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Astral trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Bruiser trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The holder gains the Cavalier trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Darkflight trait.The holder gains the Dragonmancer trait.The holder gains the Evoker trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Guardian trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Guild trait.

    Guild Bonus: @Omnivamp@% Omnivamp

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Cannoneer trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Jade trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Legend trait.The holder gains the Mage trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Mystic trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Ragewing trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Revel trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Scalescorn trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Shimmerscale trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Mirage trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The holder gains the Swiftshot trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Tempest trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Trainer trait.The holder gains the Warrior trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Whispers trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per championThe holder gains the Cannoneer trait.

    [Unique - only one per champion.
    Elusive - cannot be crafted.]
    It must do something evil...Turns all items on a champion into shadow items when used.

    [CONSUMABLE - This item disappears when used.]
    This Item cannot transform Force of Nature, which is above corruption.Every @SecondsForEmpoweredAttack@ seconds, the next attack deals @AttackGoldMultiplier@x the amount of %i:goldCoins% gold in your bank in true damage.After dying during combat @StackLimit@ times, this item is destroyed. Upon destruction, grant the item Diamond Hands, 1 Champion Duplicator, and %i:goldCoins% @GoldGranted@ gold.Once per combat: At @HPThreshold1*100@% Health and @HPThreshold2*100@% Health, become invulnerable for @BaseDamageImmunityTime@ seconds and grant %i:goldCoins% @GoldPerImmunityProc@ gold.Gain %i:scaleAD% @AttackDamagePerGold@ Attack Damage per %i:goldCoins% gold in your bank (up to %i:goldCoins% @AttackDamageGoldLimit@ gold).

    Attacks grant @StacksPerAttack@ stack, up to @CashoutStacks@ times. At full stacks, grant %i:goldCoins% @CashoutGold@ gold and @CashoutComponents@ item component(s).Grant %i:scaleAS% @AttackSpeedPerGold*100@% bonus Attack Speed per %i:goldCoins% gold in your bank (up to %i:goldCoins% @AttackSpeedGoldLimit@ gold).

    Each attack has a @ChanceToProc*100@% chance to drop %i:goldCoins% @GoldPerProc@ gold.Grant %i:scaleAP% @AbilityPowerPerGold@ Ability Power per %i:goldCoins% gold in your bank (up to %i:goldCoins% @AbilityPowerGoldMax@ gold) and a @OnKillProcChance*100@% chance to drop %i:goldCoins% @OnKillProcGold@ gold on enemy kill.Once per combat: If the holder is alive after @ProcTimeInSeconds@ seconds of combat, grant %i:goldCoins% 1 gold per @UnitsPerGold@ living allies, and each living ally deals @BonusDamagePerGold*100@% more damage per %i:goldCoins% gold in your bank (up to %i:goldCoins% @GoldLimit@ gold).If the holder is alive after @ProcTimeInSeconds@ seconds of combat, your units deal @BaseDamagePercent*100@% + @BonusDamagePerGold*100@% more damage per gold you have (maximum @GoldLimit@ gold). For every @UnitsPerGold@ units alive when this happens, gain 1 gold. Grants %i:scaleArmor% @BaseResistsPerStack@ Armor, %i:scaleMR% @BaseResistsPerStack@ Magic Resist, and %i:scaleHealth% @BaseHealthPerStack@ Health when taking damage, stacking up to @StackCap@ times.

    At full stacks, grant %i:goldCoins% @GoldAtFullStacks@ gold.Refreshing your Shop adds a stack to Philosopher's Stone. Each Shop refresh has a chance to copy the holder and consume all stacks. More expensive champions are harder to copy.Combat start: Shoot a wider beam that increases the maxiumum Mana of affected enemies by @CostIncrease@% until they cast.

    Radiant Bonus: %i:scaleMana% @AllyBonusMana@ starting Mana for all allies.

    [Unique - only one per champion]
    When combat begins, the holder shoots a beam straight ahead and behind that delays affected enemies' first ability cast, increasing their maximum Mana by @CostIncrease@% until they cast.

    [Unique - only one per champion]+@CritChance@ Critical Strike Chance
    +@DodgeChance@ Dodge ChanceGrant %i:scaleAP% @BonusAP@ bonus Ability Power. Attacks restore %i:scaleMana% @FlatManaRestore@ additional Mana.The holder's attacks restore %i:scaleMana% @FlatManaRestore@ additional Mana.Grants %i:scaleAS% @BonusAS@% bonus Attack Speed. Every 3rd attack unleashes chain lightning that bounces to @1StarBounces@ enemies, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and reducing their Magic Resist by @MRShred@% for @MRShredDuration@ seconds.

    [Direct damage item]Every other attack from the holder unleashes chain lightning that strikes @1StarBounces@ enemies, dealing @Damage@ magic damage and reducing their Magic Resist by @MRShred@% for @MRShredDuration@ seconds. The wearer is also Light.

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]Grant %i:scaleHealth% @BonusHP@ bonus Health. Every @ICD@ seconds, an enemy within @HexRange@ hexes is burned for @BurnPercent@% of their maximum Health as true damage over @BurnDuration@ seconds, and reducing healing by @GrievousWoundsPercent@% for the duration.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Grant %i:scaleHealth% @BonusHP@ bonus Health. Every @ICD@ seconds, an enemy within @HexRange@ hexes is burned for @BurnPercent@% of their maximum Health as true damage over @BurnDuration@ seconds, and reducing healing by @GrievousWoundsPercent@% for the duration.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Every @ICD@ second(s), a random enemy within @HexRange@ hexes is burned for @BurnPercent@% of their maximum Health as true damage over @BurnDuration@ seconds. Any healing they receive is reduced by @GrievousWoundsPercent@%.

    [Unique - only one per champion]Gain a Debonair Emblem and a Syndra.Gain 2 Debonair Emblems.Your team counts as having 1 additional Debonair. Gain a Talon.Gain a Hextech Emblem and a Nocturne.Gain 2 Hextech Emblems.Your team counts as having 1 additional Hextech. Gain a Swain.Gain a Striker Emblem and a Rek'sai.Gain 2 Striker Emblems.Your team counts as having 1 additional Striker. Gain a Rek'Sai.The holder gains the Debonair trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The holder gains the Hextech trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The holder gains the Striker trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]The holder gains the Lagoon trait.

    [Unique - only 1 per champion]Use on a Dragonmancer to make them your Dragonmancer Hero.

    [Cannot be used during combat.]When the holder dies, grant this item's stats to each Darkflight champion.

    [Aquired from copying a non-Craftable item via the Darkflight Trait].This unit cannot hold items.Nomsy needs to eat this many more Snax to level up!

    [This does not count as an item.]20 gold3 Gold4 Gold9 goldEach round: Equip 2 random Radiant items.

    [Consumes 3 item slots.]At the beginning of each planning phase, the holder equips 2 temporary items. These are always full shadow items.

    [Consumes Three Item Slots]Grant %i:scaleAD% @StackingAD@ Attack Damage and %i:scaleAP% @StackingSP@ Ability Power when attacking or taking damage, stacking up to @StackCap@ times.

    At full stacks, grant %i:scaleArmor% @BonusResistsAtStackCap@ Armor and %i:scaleMR% @BonusResistsAtStackCap@ Magic Resist.@PercentDamage@% of incoming damage is stored. Every @SecondsBetweenProcs@ seconds, the holder's next attack unleashes this stored damage as true damage.Combat start: Grant a shield to your team that blocks the first enemy Ability, up to 600 damage.

    Radiant Bonus: %i:scaleHealth% +@BonusAllyHealth@ Health for all allies.

    ​​[Aura item]When combat begins, the holder and all allies within @HexRange@ hexes in the same row gain a shield that blocks the first enemy Ability.

    [Unique - only one per champion]Prevents the holder's first death, placing them in stasis instead. After @StasisDuration@ seconds, they return with @HealthRestore@ Health and shed all negative effects.

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]The wearer is also an Inferno.

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]The wearer is also a Warden.

    [Unique - Only One Per Champion]Grant %i:scaleHealth% @BonusHP@ bonus Health.

    Radiant Bonus: Regenerate @MaxHealthRegen@% max Health per second.Grants %i:scaleHealth% @TooltipDisplayHealth@ bonus Health (including components).Combat start: Grant %i:scaleAS% @AttackSpeed@% Attack Speed and @Lifesteal@% Omnivamp to the holder and allies within 1 hex in the same row.

    ​​[Aura item]When combat begins, the holder reduces the Attack Speed of all allies within @HexRange@ hexes in the same row by %i:scaleAS% @AttackSpeedReduction@%. The holder then gains %i:scaleAS% @AttackSpeed@% Attack Speed for each affected ally.Combat start: Summon a whirlwind on the opposite side of the arena that removes the closest enemy from combat for @BanishDuration@ seconds.

    Radiant Bonus: %i:scaleAS% @AllyBonusAS@% Attack Speed for all allies.

    [Ignores crowd control immunity.]
    [Unique - only 1 per champion]
    When combat begins, the holder summons a whirlwind on the opposite side of the arena that removes the closest enemy from combat for @BanishDuration@ seconds.

    [Unique - only one per champion]Combat start: A Radiant Voidmother with bonus Health and Attack Damage arises and taunts enemies within @HexRadius@ hexes. Radiant Voidmothers that arise from summoned units are @SummonedStatReduction@% effective.At the start of combat, the holder taunts enemies within @HexRadius@ hexes.

    When the holder dies, an Unstable Voidspawn with @ZombieHealth@ Health arises and taunts enemies again. When it dies it deals @ExplosionDamage@ true damage to enemies within @ExplosionHexRange@ hex(es).

    Voidspawns that arise from summoned units are @SummonedStatReduction@% effective.Grant %i:scaleAD% @1StarBonusAD@/@2StarBonusAD@/@3StarBonusAD@ %i:star% bonus Attack Damage.This slot can't hold an item.10 goldOne tier 3+ championTwo tier 1 & one tier 2 championsTwo tier 3+ championsThree tier 2 championsThree tier 3 championsGolden BagGolden BookGolden ChestGolden ShellGolden ShipGolden SoldierGolden Sword5 gold6 gold7 gold8 goldProtector's ChestguardUrf-Angel's StaffShadow SwordBattlecast PlatingBlessed BloodthirsterRiskthirsterBlue BlessingVery Dark Blue BuffRosethorn VestRefracted Bramble VestShadow VestChalice of CharityChalice of MaliceSparring GlovesDeathbladeLuminous DeathbladeCaustic DeathbladeDivine DissolverDragon's ClawDragon's WillRefracted Dragon's ClawBrink of DawnBerserker's AxeForce of DarknessFrozen Heart Of GoldFrozen Dark HeartDvarapala StoneplateGargoyle Stoneplate Of ImmortalityDemonslayerSpectral GiantslayerShadow BeltGuardian ArchangelFallen Guardian AngelGuinsoo's ReckoningGuinsoo's Sacrificial RagebladeHand Of JusticeFist of FairnessHand of VengeanceHextech LifebladeHextech Gunblade Of ImmortalityZenith EdgeSacrificial Infinity EdgeCovalent SparkIonic Dark-SparkJammed!Jeweled GauntletGlamorous GauntletSacrificial GauntletKayn's LiberationRhaast's EmbraceEternal WhisperFinal WhisperLight TransformerLocket of Targon PrimeLocket of the Silver LunariArchdemon's Staff Of ImmortalitySpatulaSmall PrizeNo PrizeLarge PrizeJACKPOTMore More-ellonomiconMor-evil-lonomiconShadow RodShadow CloakBanshee's ClawProtector's VowBulwark's OathQuicksilverQuickestsilverCaustic QuicksilverRabadon's Ascended DeathcapRabadon's Caustic DeathcapRapid DeathcannonRapid LightcannonShadow BowSacrificial RedemptionRunaan's TempestRunaan's Untamed Hurricane Use on a champion to transfer it to your partner, along with all items it has equipped.

    [Consumable - this item disappears when used.]Spirit of the DragonDuelist's ZealAspect of DuskElderwood SproutMage's HatShadow's VeilVanguard's CuirassWarlord's BannerAbomination EmblemAssassin EmblemBrawler EmblemCavalier EmblemCavalry's SteedCoven EmblemDawnbringer EmblemDraconic EmblemDragonslayer EmblemForgotten EmblemHellion EmblemInvoker EmblemIronclad EmblemKnight EmblemLegionnaire EmblemMystic EmblemNightbringer EmblemRanger EmblemRedeemed EmblemRenewer EmblemRevenant EmblemSentinel EmblemSkirmisher EmblemSpellweaver EmblemVerdant EmblemAcademy EmblemArcanist EmblemBruiser EmblemChallenger EmblemChemtech EmblemClockwork EmblemSocialite EmblemEnforcer EmblemMutant EmblemBodyguard EmblemImperial EmblemInnovator EmblemMercenary EmblemProtector EmblemScholar EmblemScrap EmblemSniper EmblemSyndicate EmblemAstral EmblemDarkflight EmblemDragonmancer EmblemEvoker EmblemGuardian EmblemGuild EmblemCannoneer EmblemJade EmblemLagoon EmblemLegend EmblemMage EmblemRagewing EmblemRevel EmblemScalescorn EmblemShimmerscale EmblemMirage EmblemSwiftshot EmblemTempest EmblemTrainer EmblemWarrior EmblemWhispers EmblemShadow TransformerCrown Of ChampionsDetermined InvestorDiamond HandsDraven's AxeGambler's BladeGoldmancer's StaffNeedlessly Big GemMogul's MailPhilosopher's StoneShroud of ReverenceDark Shroud of StillnessShadow GlovesShadow SpatulaSpear of HiranaSpectral Spear of ShojinStatikk's FavorStatikk StilettoTalisman of LightSunfire CapeSunlight CapeEclipse CapeDebonair CrestDebonair CrownDebonair HeartHextech CrestHextech CrownHextech HeartStriker CrestStriker CrownStriker HeartDebonair EmblemHextech EmblemStriker EmblemDragon BlessingDarkflight EssenceDelicious SnaxShadow TearThief's GlovesRascal's GlovesTrickster's GlovesTitan's VowTitan's RevengeBanshee's SilenceInferno's CinderWarmog's PrideWarmog's Sacrificial ArmorZeke's HarmonyZeke's Bleak HeraldMistralTurbulent ZephyrZz'Rots InvitationUnstable Zz'Rot PortalUnusable SlotSpecial item + 4 goldTo build your team, drag champions from your bench to the battlefield!During shared drafts, pick a champion by running into it with your Tactician!Check out what your opponents are building by clicking their Tactician's pictures on the scoreboard!Combine any two component items to create a stronger item with unique powers!Stop your store from refreshing for one round by clicking the Lock button.The later the round, the more damage you take for losing. Plan accordingly!In Standard mode, every 10 gold you save means an extra 1 gold the next round, so stockpile 50 gold for maximum interest!In Standard TFT, win or lose back-to-back rounds to get bonus streak gold.Your Tactician takes damage when you lose a round. When their health reaches 0, you're eliminated!Champion placement matters. Have you tried putting ranged champions behind melee champions?We improve Teamfight Tactics every patch based on your feedback!Click on champions in your rotating store to recruit them.Your store is stocked from a shared pool. You're more likely to see champions that other players aren't purchasing.Collect coins and mystery orbs on the battlefield by running into them with your Tactician!Champions cast their ability when their mana bar is full.Level up to increase your team size and gain access to stronger champions.In Standard TFT, winning a round will get you an extra gold. In Hyper Roll, losing a round gets you 2 gold as consolation!Some champions have three traits. Recruit them to activate more trait bonuses!Sell a champion to get their items back!Multiple copies of the same champion only count once towards activating trait bonuses.Champions fill their mana bars by attacking and by taking damage.Dont know what augment to pick? Try the one on the far right! It will always be a decent option, whatever you are running!Your level is also the maximum number of champions on your team. In Standard TFT, you can click "Buy XP" to level up faster!Drag and drop items on champions to make your team stronger!You can see your maximum team size on your board during planning. Buy XP to increase your team size faster!Click Refresh to get a new set of champions in your store. It only costs 2 gold!Buy three copies of the same champion to combine them into a stronger two-star version.Trait synergies give your champions powerful bonuses. Collect champions with the same traits to unlock your team's full potential!Right-click a champion to learn more about their stats and abilities.Runic ArenaRift ArenaArrowhead ArenaTFT Map Skin 4Draconic ArenaVerdant ArenaSummoners' ArenaDefault ArenaStorm Rift ArenaCloud ArenaBlack Hole ArenaCelestial ArenaSupernova ArenaAvarosa ArenaFrostguard ArenaWinter's Claw ArenaCrash Site ArenaDreadnova ArenaPit Stop ArenaSpaceship ArenaDrifting Park ArenaInfernal ArenaDestinationOutsetPathLunar Revel BalconyClub 2 ArenaLunar Revel Club SquareLunar Revel DocksLunar City ArenaGolden Tiger MarketMountain ArenaOcean ArenaOdyssey Jinx ArenaOdyssey Malphite ArenaOdyssey Yasuo ArenaDankest DungeonDesert PathGolden BakeryHigh Noon SaloonJourney's BeginningCount Spatula ArenaCourt of Chaos ArenaRealm of Harmony ArenaSanctum of Order ArenaSplash Party ArenaCelebration of TomorrowDawn of ProgressHextech Battle ArenaInnovation AvenueThe ToxitoriumChemtech PlazaJinx's Explody-Fun-LandShisa's StudySky-High StationVi's Pummel PitBlackcliff GorgeDragon NurseryJadebloom OasisShimmerstone FieldsKanmei ArenaFestival ArenaAkana ArenaReckoning: Dawn of HeroesDragonlandsElementalGizmos & GadgetsThe JourneyNeon NightsReckoningFatesUncharted RealmsHappyLook out! You will be eliminated if you or your partner drop below 1 health again!That item cannot be sent to your partner. This unit's tier is too high for Lesser Rune of Allegiance!Invite a friend, or queue up solo. You and your partner will share a health pool and work together to beat out three other pairs. The last team standing wins!TEAM UP TOGETHERIf you beat your opponent before your partner beats theirs, your team will teleport to your partner's board to help them out.SEND IN REINFORCEMENTSUse the Assist Armory to gift your partner things like gold and item components, or to gain a Rune of Allegiance. Drag a Rune of Allegiance onto a champion to send them (and any equipped items) to your partner. SPREAD THE WEALTHTeamfight Tactics' new 2v2v2v2 lab!INTRODUCING DOUBLE UPDescriptionRecipe hintsChoose OneChosen champions will not appear in your Shop while you have one on the board or bench.Fate ChosenChosen champions have a chance to appear in your Shop. Chosen provide +1 to the marked trait.Fate OpenEpic MonsterKrugsMinionsMurk WolvesRaptorsWaiting for partnerInnate: Alchemists ignore collision and never stop moving.Innate: At the start of combat, Assassins leap to the farthest enemy.

    Assassins gain bonus Critical Strike Damage and Chance.

    (@MinUnits@) +@CritAmpPercent@% Critical Strike Damage & +@CritChanceAmpPercent@% Critical Strike Chance
    Every fourth Basic Attack from a Blaster fires additional attacks at random enemies.

    These additional attacks deal damage like Basic Attacks, trigger on-hit effects, and can critically hit.

    (@MinUnits@) @AdditionalAttacks@ Additional Attacks(@MinUnits@) Astro Champions' abilities cost @ManaCostReduction@ less mana to cast.Innate: Having an Avatar on your bench or board transforms all other Avatars in your shop to the Element of that Avatar.

    (1) An Avatar's Origin Element is counted twice for Trait bonusesAfter dealing or taking 10 instances of damage, Battlecast Champions deal magic damage to the nearest enemy. If below half health, they heal instead.

    (@MinUnits@) @HealOrDamageAmount@ Healing or DamageInnate: At the start of combat, Berserkers leap to the nearest enemy.

    When Berserkers attack, they have a @ProcChance@% chance to hit all units in a cone in front of them and apply on-hit effects.

    (@MinUnits@) @ProcChance@% chance
    (@MinUnits@) @ProcChance@% chance, and Berserkers gain +@ADBonus@ Attack DamageBlademaster Basic Attacks have a @ProcChance@% chance to trigger additional attacks against their target.

    These additional attacks deal damage like Basic Attacks and trigger on-hit effects.

    (@MinUnits@) One Additional Attack
    (@MinUnits@) Two Additional Attacks
    (@MinUnits@) Four Additional AttacksWhen The Boss first drops below 40% Health, he leaves combat to start doing sit-ups. Each sit-up restores @HealPercent@% of his maximum Health and gives him @AttackSpeedPercent@% Attack and Move Speed. If he reaches full Health he returns to combat Pumped Up: all of his attacks and spells deal true damage. If all of his allies die, he will immediately return to combat.Brawlers gain bonus Health.

    (@MinUnits@) @BonusHealth@ Health
    Vanguard champions gain bonus Armor.

    (@MinUnits@) @Armor@ Armor(@MinUnits@) Every @Frequency@ seconds, all allied champions in combat are infused with Moonlight, increasing Crit Chance by @CritChance@%, Crit Damage by @CritDamage@%, and Spell Power by @AP@% (stacks to 4 times).When your Chosen falls below @HealthPercent@% Health they enter a defensive stance for @Duration@ seconds, reflecting all incoming basic attacks.All allies gain @PercentAttackSpeed@% Attack Speed every few seconds.

    (@MinUnits@) @Frequency@ secondsCrystal Champions have a maximum amount of damage they can take from a single hit.

    (@MinUnits@) @DamageThreshold@ Max DamageOnce your team loses @CultistHealthPercentTaken@% of their Health, Galio is summoned, slamming into the largest cluster of enemies and knocking them up. Galio's strength increases based on the total star level of all active Cultists.
    (@MinUnits@) Tyrant Galio
    (@MinUnits@) Demon Lord Galio
    (@MinUnits@) Supreme Overlord GalioCybernetic champions with at least one item (component or full) gain Health and Attack Damage.

    (@MinUnits@) @HealthAmp@ Health and @ADAmp@ Attack DamageWhenever an allied Champion dies, Dark Star Champions gain Attack Damage and Spell Power.

    (@MinUnits@) +@ADandSP@ Attack Damage and Spell Power(@MinUnits@) Damage from Demolitionists' spellcasts stuns their targets for @StunDuration@ seconds. (Once per spellcast)Basic Attacks from Demons have a @ManaDrainProcChance@% chance to reduce their target's Mana by @ManaDrainBurn@ and restore Mana to the Demon.

    (@MinUnits@) @ManaDrainDrain@ Mana restored
    Reduces each enemy's Armor.

    (@MinUnits@) @ArmorPercentReduction@% Armor reductionUpon attacking @NumAttacksToProc@ times or dropping below @HealthThreshold@% Health, Divine champions remove all crowd control and ascend, gaining damage reduction and dealing bonus true damage for @Duration@ seconds.

    (@MinUnits@) @DamageReductionPercent@% damage reduction and @BonusTrueDamagePercent@% true damage(@MinUnits@) Dragons gain @MagicReduction@% resistance to Magic DamageDragoons' basic attacks restore @PercentMaxHealth@% of their maximum HP to allies within a @HexRadius@ hex radius.Whenever a Space Pirate lands a killing blow on a Champion there is a chance to drop extra loot.

    (@MinUnits@) @CoinDropChance@% for 1 gold
    (@MinUnits@) @CoinDropChance@% for 1 gold and @ItemDropChance@% for a component item(@MinUnits@) Druids regenerate @HealAmount@ health each second.Innate: Duelists gain bonus Move Speed.

    Duelists' attacks grant Attack Speed, up to @MaxStacks@ stacks.

    (@MinUnits@) +@AttackSpeed@% Attack Speed per stackDusk champions increase all allies' Spell Power.
    (@MinUnits@) All allies gain @TeamSpellPower@% Spell Power
    (@MinUnits@) And Dusk champions gain an additional @DuskSpellPower@%
    (@MinUnits@) @TeamSpellPower@% Spell Power for all, and an extra @DuskSpellPower@% for Dusk champions
    Electric Champions shock nearby enemies whenever they deal or receive a critical strike.

    (@MinUnits@) @Damage@ magic damageInnate: Elementalists gain double mana from Basic Attacks.

    (@MinUnits@) At the start of combat, summon a Golem with 2200 Health to fight alongside your alliesThe Emperor deploys with two Sand Guards who can be placed anywhere on the battlefield. They do not move or attack, and die when their Emperor does.(@MinUnits@) If an Exile has no adjacent allies at the start of combat, they gain a shield equal to @ShieldPercent@% of their maximum Health(@MinUnits@) Winning combat against a player will give bonus orbs. The longer you've gone without an orb, the bigger the payout!
    (@MinUnits@) Wins give an extra bonus orb with rare loot.
    Generals deploy with two additional units that can be moved separately. Troops rally to their General when they cast, and rapidly lose health when the general dies. (@MinUnits@) Basic Attacks from Glacials have a @ProcPercent@% chance to stun their target for @StunDuration@ seconds and do bonus Magic Damage.
    Gloomseed champions erupt in a sporecloud when they die, dealing a percentage of their maximum Health in magic damage to all adjacent enemies, and slowing them for @SlowDuration@ seconds.

    (@MinUnits@) @PercentHealth@% maximum health.(@MinUnits@) At the start of combat, Guardians grant +@Armor@ Armor to adjacent allies (this bonus can stack any number of times)Gunslinger Basic Attacks have a @ProcPercent@% chance to fire additional bullets at other enemies within range.

    These bullets deal damage like Basic Attacks and apply on-hit effects.

    (@MinUnits@) Attack @ExtraTargetsHit@ extra enemies
    (@MinUnits@) Attack @ExtraTargetsHit@ extra enemies
    (@MinUnits@) Attack @ExtraTargetsHit@ extra enemiesWhen combat begins, the ally team launches and detonates a pulse bomb, temporarily disabling nearby enemy items.

    (@MinUnits@) @DisableDuration@ secondsWhen combat begins, the ally team launches and detonates a pulse bomb, temporarily disabling nearby enemy items.

    (@MinUnits@) @DisableDuration@ seconds within @HexSize@ hexesAt the start of combat, an ally Hextech launches and detonates a pulse bomb, temporarily disabling nearby enemy items for @DisableDuration@ seconds.

    (@MinUnits@) @HexSize@ Hex Radius
    (@MinUnits@) @HexSize@ Hex RadiusEvery few seconds, all Hunters will attack the lowest percent Health enemy, dealing bonus damage.

    (@MinUnits@) @DamageAmp@% bonus damage every @ShotFrequency@ secondsAt the start of combat, select Imperials are empowered to deal double damage.

    (@MinUnits@) 1 Random Imperial
    (@MinUnits@) All ImperialsInferno critical hits and spell damage burns the ground beneath the target, dealing a percentage of that spell's pre-mitigation damage over @ZoneDuration@ seconds.

    (@MinUnits@) +@PercentBonusDamage@% damage on @NumZones@ hexesInnate: At the start of combat, Infiltrators move to the enemy's backline.

    Infiltrators gain Attack Speed for @Duration@ seconds at the start of combat, refreshed on takedown.

    (@MinUnits@) @AttackSpeedPercent@% bonus Attack Speed
    (@MinUnits@) @AttackSpeedPercent@% bonus Attack Speed
    (@MinUnits@) @AttackSpeedPercent@% bonus Attack SpeedAt the start of combat, Keepers grant themselves and all adjacent allies a Shield for a duration. This Shield is 50% stronger on Keepers.

    (@MinUnits@) @ShieldAmount@ Shield, @Duration@ secondsAll allies block a flat amount of damage from all sources.

    (@MinUnits@) @BlockAmount@ Damage BlockedWhen a Light Champion dies, all other Light Champions gain Attack Speed and recover @HealAmount@% of the dying champion's maximum health.

    (@MinUnits@) +@AttackSpeedPercent@% Attack Speed
    Mages have a chance, when casting, to Doublecast instead.

    (@MinUnits@) @ProcChance@% chance
    (@MinUnits@) @ProcChance@% chance and +@APBonus@ Spell PowerInnate: Upgrades for Mercenaries' spells have a chance to appear in the shop.(@MinUnits@) At the start of combat, a number of Moonlight Champions star up once until combat ends.

    (Prioritizes the lowest star-level champions. If tied, champions with the most items are chosen.)

    (@MinUnits@) @NumberOfChampions@ Champion
    (@MinUnits@) @NumberOfChampions@ Champions(@MinUnits@) At the start of combat, a random ally gains a @ShieldValue@ health Stoneshield.All allies gain Magic Resist.

    (@MinUnits@) @MagicResist@ Magic ResistNinjas gain bonus Attack Damage and Spell Power.

    This trait is only active when you have exactly 1 or 4 unique Ninjas.

    (@MinUnits@) Ninja gains +@ADValue@ Attack Damage & +@APValue@% Spell Power
    (@MinUnits@) All Ninjas gain +@ADValue@ Attack Damage & +@APValue@% Spell PowerAt the start of combat, select allies gain +@Armor@ Armor, +@MagicResist@ Magic Resistance, and heal @Heal@ Health on-hit.

    (@MinUnits@) 1 Random Ally
    (@MinUnits@) All AlliesAll allies gain mana every @TickRate@ seconds.

    (@MinUnits@) +@ManaPerTick@ mana(@MinUnits@) The basic attacks of all allies are converted to magic damage. If allies are Star Guardians, basic attacks deal true damage instead.(@MinUnits@) At the start of combat, a random enemy's Health is set to @HPToSet@(@MinUnits@) At the end of each combat against another player, a treasure chest spawns on your arena containing up to 4 gold(@MinUnits@) Poison Champions apply Neurotoxin when they deal damage, increasing the mana cost of the target's spell by @CostIncrease@%(@MinUnits@) Predators instantly kill enemies they damage who are below @HPThreshold@% health.Every @ProcRate@ seconds, Rangers have a chance to gain Attack Speed for @ProcRate@ seconds.

    (@MinUnits@) @ProcPercent@% chance for @ASMultTooltip@x Attack Speed
    (@MinUnits@) Mana-Reaver attacks increase the mana cost of their target's next spellcast by @CostIncreasePercent@%.At the start of combat, Rebels gain a shield and bonus damage for each adjacent Rebel. The shield lasts for @ShieldDuration@ seconds.

    (@MinUnits@) @ShieldAmount@ Shield & @DamageAmp@% Damage(@MinUnits@) Robots start combat at full ManaAll allies heal for some of the damage they deal with spells and attacks.

    (@MinUnits@) @HealPercent@% Healing All allies have increased Spell Power.

    (@MinUnits@) @AP@% Spell PowerAdepts calm the flow of battle, reducing the Attack Speed of all enemies by 50% for a few seconds at the start of combat.

    (@MinUnits@) @AttackSpeedSlowDuration@ secondsInnate: At the start of combat, Assassins leap to the enemy backline.

    Assassins gain bonus Critical Strike Damage and Chance, and their spells can critically strike.

    (@MinUnits@) +@CritAmpPercent@% Critical Strike Damage & +@CritChanceAmpPercent@% Critical Strike Chance
    After each combat a Blacksmith participates in, they will make progress forging an Artifact. The higher their star-level, the faster they work. Once the Artifact is complete, it will become available to bestow upon an ally.

    Each ally may only equip one Artifact.Brawlers gain bonus Health and Attack Damage.

    (@MinUnits@) @BonusHealth@ Health and @BonusAD@ Attack Damage
    Daredevils seek the thrill of battle, dashing after every other attack. After every dash, they shield themselves for @DaredevilShieldHealthPercent@% of their max health and their next attack fires @DaredevilShots@ shots, gaining Style. At max Style, they cast their spell.
    Dazzlers' spells reduce the Attack Damage of enemies hit for @Duration@ seconds.

    (@MinUnits@) @ADReduction@% Attack Damage reduction
    The first Dragonsoul allies to take damage in combat receive the Dragon's Blessing. While blessed, the unit gains bonus stats, and every 5th attack fires a Dragonsoul blast, dealing @DragonBreathDamage@% of the target's maximum Health in magic damage.

    On death, this blessing passes to the closest Dragonsoul ally without a blessing.

    (@MinUnits@) @NumBlessings@ Blessing; @BonusSP@ AS & SP
    (@MinUnits@) @NumBlessings@ Blessings; @BonusSP@ AS & SP
    (@MinUnits@) @NumBlessings@ Blessings; @BonusSP@ AS & SP
    Every two seconds all Elderwood champions grow, gaining bonus stats. This effect stacks up to five times.

    (@MinUnits@) @BonusResists@ Armor and Magic Resist, @BonusADSP@ Attack Damage and Spell PowerEnlightened champions generate more Mana.

    (@MinUnits@) @ManaAmp@% increaseExecutioner attacks and spells always critically hit targets beneath a certain Health threshold.

    (@MinUnits@) below @PercentHealth@% health

    If an Exile has no adjacent allies at the start of combat, they gain:

    (@MinUnits@) A shield equal to @ShieldPercent@% of their maximum health
    (@MinUnits@) And @LifeSteal@% Lifesteal

    (@MinUnits@) Fabled champions' abilities are empowered from tales of their past valor.

    Mages cast twice and have modified Spell Power.

    (@MinUnits@) @SPPercent@% of their total Spell PowerSlayers gain Lifesteal that gets stronger as their own Health decreases, and deal bonus damage that scales up based on their target's missing Health.

    (@MinUnits@) @LifestealBase@ to @LifestealMax@% Lifesteal and @BonusDamageBase@ to @BonusDamageMax@% Bonus Damage

    The first time a Spirit casts their spell, all allies gain Attack Speed.

    (@MinUnits@) @AttackSpeedPercent@% Attack Speed
    (@MinUnits@) @AttackSpeedPercent@% Attack Speed
    All allies heal for some of the damage they deal with spells and attacks.

    (@MinUnits@) @AlliedOmnivampPercent@% for Allies; @TraitOmnivampPercent@% for Syphoners
    (@MinUnits@) @AlliedOmnivampPercent@% for Allies; @TraitOmnivampPercent@% for Syphoners

    Tormented can be transformed after participating in @RoundsToTransform@ combats, enhancing their abilities.Vanguard champions gain bonus Armor and Magic Resist.

    (@MinUnits@) @Armor@ Armor and @MR@ Magic ResistWardens gain bonus Armor. This effect doubles when they are reduced below 40% Health.

    (@MinUnits@) +@ArmorPercentIncrease@% Armor
    When @AllyDeaths@ allied champions have died, the Monstrosity will rise from its grave. The Monstrosity receives bonus Health and Attack Damage based on the stage number and allied Abomination champions' star levels.

    The 3 Abomination champions nearest the grave will also grant the Monstrosity a random copy of one of their items when combat starts.

    (@MinUnits@) @FlatHealth@ Health, @FlatAD@ Attack DamageInnate: When combat starts, Assassins leap to the enemy backline.

    Assassins' Abilities can critically strike and they gain bonus Critical Strike Chance and bonus Critical Strike Damage.

    (@MinUnits@) +@CritChanceAmpPercent@% Crit Chance and +@CritAmpPercent@% Crit DamageBrawlers gain additional maximum Health.

    (@MinUnits@) +@BonusHealth@ Health(@MinUnits@) Caretakers deploy with a Baby Dragon that can be placed anywhere on the battlefield. The Baby Dragon gains @AttackSpeed@% of its Caretaker's Attack Speed, and restores @ManaRefund@ Mana to the Caretaker upon death. Innate: Cavaliers charge quickly towards their target whenever they move.

    Cavaliers take reduced damage. At the start of combat and after each charge, this effect is doubled for @Duration@ seconds.

    (@MinUnits@) @DamageReductionPercent@% Damage ReductionAt the start of combat, the champion nearest to the center of your Coven champions is chosen as the Coven Leader, gaining bonus Ability Power.

    Each time a Coven champion casts, a percentage of the cost is bestowed upon the Coven Leader as Mana.

    (@MinUnits@) @AbilityPower@ Ability Power, @PercentMana@% Mana(@MinUnits@) A Cruel champion hungers to be alone against exactly 1 enemy left standing.

    Cruel champions are purchased with Little Legend Health instead of gold. They can be sold for gold, but not Health. You're welcome.Dawnbringers rapidly heal some of their maximum Health the first time they drop below @FirstThreshold@%. When this occurs, all allied Dawnbringers gain @BonusDamage@% bonus damage.

    (@MinUnits@) @PercentOfMaximumHealth@% of maximum Health(@MinUnits@) At the end of each player combat, gain a dragon egg on your bench. The bigger the egg, the longer it takes to hatch, and the rarer the reward.
    (@MinUnits@). Dragon eggs are golden! Golden eggs hatch into even rarer loot.

    In Hyper Roll, dragon eggs hatch a lot faster!Dragonslayers always gain bonus Ability Power.

    After the first Dragonslayer ally scores a takedown on an enemy with at least @MaxHealthThreshold@ maximum Health, all allies gain additional Ability Power for the rest of combat.

    (@MinUnits@) @DragonslayerAP@ Ability Power for Dragonslayers, @TeamAP@ for team(@MinUnits@) Wolf separates from Lamb, and can be placed anywhere on the battlefield. Wolf does not count toward your team size, and receives all of Lamb's stat bonuses.Forgotten champions have bonus Attack Damage and Ability Power. Each victorious combat they participate in increases the bonus by @VictoryPercent@%, stacking up to @MaxCombats@ times.

    (@MinUnits@) @InitialADandAP@ Attack Damage and Ability Power(@MinUnits@) Victorious champions deal @PercentDamageAmp@% bonus damage to enemies who are wearing a Shadow item. At the start of combat, Guardians grant stacking Armor to themselves and the allies in the two hexes behind them.

    (@MinUnits@) +@Armor@ ArmorEvery 5th Cannoneer attack is replaced with a cannon shot that deals a percent of that attack's damage in an explosion around the target as physical damage.

    (@MinUnits@) @AttackPercent@% damageHellions gain Attack Speed.

    Whenever a Hellion dies, a Doppelhellion (a one less star copy) will leap from the Hellion portal and join the fight!

    (@MinUnits@) @AttackSpeedPercent@% Attack Speed(@MinUnits@) At the start of combat, Inanimate champions summon Harrowing Mist in all adjacent hexes surrounding them for @Duration@ seconds, granting all allies within @DamageReductionPercent*100@% damage reduction while they remain within the mist.All allies gain extra Mana from their attacks.

    (@MinUnits@) +@ManaPerAttack@ Mana
    All allies gain Armor.

    (@MinUnits@) @Armor@ ArmorAll allies block a flat amount of damage from all sources.

    (@MinUnits@) @BlockAmount@ damage blockedLegionnaires have bonus Attack Speed and heal for a portion of the damage they deal with attacks and Abilities.

    (@MinUnits@) @ASBoostPercent@% Attack Speed, @HealPercent@% HealNightbringers gain a shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds equal to a percent of their maximum Health the first time they drop below @FirstThreshold@%. When this occurs, that Nightbringer gains bonus damage.

    (@MinUnits@) @MaxPercentHealthShield@% shield, @BonusDamage@% damageRangers gain an Attack Speed buff that switches on and off every @BuffDuration@ seconds. This buff applies to the Ranger's total Attack Speed.

    (@MinUnits@) +@AttackSpeed@% Attack SpeedRenewers heal for a percent of their maximum Health each second. If they're full Health, they restore Mana instead.

    (@MinUnits@) @PercentHealth@% Health or @PercentMana@% ManaRevenants revive after their first death each combat. Once revived, they take and deal @DamageAmp@% increased damage.

    (@MinUnits@) Revive with @HealthPercent@% HealthRedeemed champions have increased Armor, Magic Resist, and Ability Power. When they die, their bonus is split among remaining Redeemed allies.

    (@MinUnits@) @ArmorAmount@ Armor & Magic Resist, @AbilityPowerAmount@ Ability PowerAt the start of combat, the Sentinel with the most items (ties broken by highest Attack Speed) gains a shield that grants stacking Attack Speed. When it is destroyed or expires, it will bounce to the ally with the lowest percent Health and renew. The Attack Speed bonus persists between shield bounces.

    (@MinUnits@) @Shield@ Shield, +@AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed, @Duration@ sec durationSkirmishers gain a shield at the start of combat, and bonus Attack Damage each second.

    (@MinUnits@) @PercentHealthShield@% max Health shield and +@AttackDamage@ Attack DamageSpellweavers have bonus Ability Power, which increases whenever any champion uses an ability, until the end of combat.

    (@MinUnits@) @AP@ Ability Power, @BonusAP@ bonus Ability PowerChampions that start combat adjacent to at least one Verdant ally are immune to crowd control for a duration.

    (@MinUnits@) @Duration@ seconds(@MinUnits@) When Victorious champions score a kill, their next attack is empowered to deal @PercentDamage*100@% of the target's missing Health as bonus magic damage.Academics have bonus Attack Damage and Ability Power. They also learn from their allies, gaining an additional bonus whenever an ally casts their Ability.

    (@MinUnits@) @ADAPBase@ Attack Damage and Ability Power; @ADAPPerCast@ from allies' castsArcanists increase the Ability Power of your team.
    (@MinUnits@) Your team gains @TeamAbilityPower@ Ability Power
    (@MinUnits@) Your team gains @TeamAbilityPower@ Ability Power, Arcanists gain an additional @ArcanistAbilityPower@
    (@MinUnits@) Your team gains @TeamAbilityPower@ Ability Power, Arcanists gain an additional @ArcanistAbilityPower@
    (@MinUnits@) Your team gains @TeamAbilityPower@ Ability PowerYour team gains bonus maximum Health. Bruisers gain double the bonus.
    (@MinUnits@) @BonusHealth@ HealthChallengers get bonus Attack Speed. Upon scoring a takedown, Challengers dash to a new target and double this bonus for @BurstDuration@ seconds.
    (@MinUnits@) @BonusAS@% Attack SpeedAfter dropping below @HealthThreshold@% Health, Chemtech champions become chem-powered, gaining Attack Speed, @DamageReduction@% damage reduction, and regenerating a percentage of their maximum Health each second for @Duration@ seconds.

    (@MinUnits@) @AttackSpeed@% Attack Speed, @HealthRegen@% HealthYour team has increased Attack Speed, with an additional increase per augment in the Hexcore.

    (@MinUnits@) @AttackSpeedBonus*100@% Attack Speed + @BonusPerAugment*100@% per augment

    Innate: Colossi are bigger and more powerful. They gain @BonusHealthTooltip@ bonus Health and immunity to crowd control effects. However, each Colossus requires 2 team slots.
    (@MinUnits@) Colossus champions take @DamageReduction*100@% less damage
    (@MinUnits@) Colossus champions instead gain @BonusHealthTooltip2@ bonus Health.At the start of combat, Yuumi attaches herself to the nearest ally, or to the lowest Health ally after being unattached for @AttachCooldown@ seconds. Attaching to an ally grants them a shield equal to @ShieldPercent@% of Yuumi's maximum Health. Yuumi detaches if the shield breaks.

    While attached, Yuumi is untargetable and cannot attack, but gains @ManaPerSecond@ Mana per second, and @ManaPerAllyAttack@ Mana whenever the ally attacks.Debonair champions gain bonus Health and Ability Power, and you have a higher chance to see Debonair VIPs in your Shop.

    If there is a Debonair VIP in play, they activate their unique bonus. Sell the old VIP for a chance to see a new one in your Shop.

    (@MinUnits@) @Health@ Health, @AbilityPower@ Ability Power Socialites reveal a spotlight on the battlefield. The unit standing in the spotlight at the start of combat gains unique bonuses.

    (@MinUnits@) @DamagePercent*100@% bonus damage
    (@MinUnits@) and @ManaPerSecond@ Mana per second
    (@MinUnits@) and heal for @OmnivampPercent*100@% of all damage they deal
    (@MinUnits@) all of the bonuses are doubledYour team has bonus Magic Resist. Enchanters gain bonus healing and shielding.
    (@MinUnits@) @MagicResistance@ Magic Resist; @HealShieldBoost*100@% healing and shielding
    (@MinUnits@) At the start of combat, Enforcers stun the enemy who has the most Health. The target breaks free after @DetainDuration@ seconds, or after losing @HPPercent*100@% of their maximum Health. Enforcers will not try to stun enemies who are immune to crowd control effects.
    (@MinUnits@) At the start of combat, Enforcers gain @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed for the rest of combat.An ally from the bench can be fed to Tahm Kench once per planning phase, permanently granting him either Ability Power, Health, Armor, or Magic Resist.

    To feed, hold an ally from the bench over Tahm Kench until his mouth opens, then release.Twinshots gain bonus Attack Damage and have a chance to fire twice whenever they attack or cast an Ability.

    (@MinUnits@) @BonusAD@ Attack Damage, @ProcChance@% chance
    Bodyguards have increased Armor. Shortly after combat begins, Bodyguards gain a shield and taunt adjacent enemies, forcing them to attack the Bodyguard.

    (@MinUnits@) @BonusArmor@ Armor, @ShieldAmount@ shieldAt the start of combat and every @Frequency@ seconds afterwards, the Hexcore sends out a pulse that charges up allied Hextech champions with a shield for @ShieldDuration@ seconds (does not stack). While the shield is active, attacks deal bonus magic damage on hit. Additionally, the shield and bonus magic damage are @BonusPercentPerAugment@% stronger for each augment in the Hexcore.

    (@MinUnits@) @ShieldAmount@ shield, @MagicDamage@ magic damageAt the start of combat, the Imperial who dealt the most damage last combat becomes the Tyrant. The Tyrant deals bonus damage. When the Tyrant dies, the Imperial who has dealt the most damage this combat becomes the new Tyrant.

    (@MinUnits@) The Tyrant deals @TyrantTooltipBonusDamage@% bonus damage
    (@MinUnits@) The Tyrant deals @TyrantTooltipBonusDamage@% bonus damage and the other Imperials deal @ImperialBonusDamage@% bonus damageInnovators build a mechanical companion to join the battle. The companion receives bonus Health and Attack Damage based on allied Innovators' star levels.

    (@MinUnits@) Mechanical Scarab
    (@MinUnits@) Mechanical Bear
    (@MinUnits@) Mechanical Dragon At the start of combat, the Mastermind grants the 2 allies directly in front of him @ManaGrant@ Mana (this effect does not stack).Gain a treasure chest that opens when you win combat against a player. At the start of each planning phase vs a player, dice rolls add loot to the chest. The longer you've gone without opening the chest, the luckier the dice.

    (@MinUnits@) Roll 2 dice
    (@MinUnits@) The dice are even luckier!
    (@MinUnits@) Upon winning, roll a 3rd die that grants bonus loot. This chest stores all of the accumulated loot you've collected. Win a combat against a player to open it!Gain a treasure chest that opens when you win combat against a player. At the start of each planning phase vs a player, dice rolls add loot to the chest. The longer you've gone without opening the chest, and the more losses your partner has taken, the luckier the dice.

    (@MinUnits@) Roll 2 dice
    (@MinUnits@) The dice are even luckier!
    (@MinUnits@) Upon winning, roll a 3rd die that grants bonus loot. Gain a treasure chest that opens when you win combat against a player. At the start of each player combat planning phase, roll the dice to add more loot to the chest! The lower your Tactician's health, the luckier the dice.

    (@MinUnits@) Roll 2 dice
    (@MinUnits@) The dice are even luckier!
    (@MinUnits@) Upon winning, roll a 3rd die that grants bonus loot. Synaptic Web: The Abilities of Mutants cost less to cast. (Minimum 10 Mana)

    (@MinUnits@) @AstroManaReduction@ Mana less
    (@MinUnits@) @AstroManaReduction@ Mana less
    (@MinUnits@) @AstroManaReduction@ Mana less, and gain @AstroBonusAP@ bonus Ability Power

    Mutant effects change from game to game.Adrenaline Rush: Mutants' attacks have a chance to trigger @BlademasterExtraAttacks@ additional attacks against their target.

    (@MinUnits@) @BlademasterProcChance@% chance
    (@MinUnits@) @BlademasterProcChance@% chance
    (@MinUnits@) @BlademasterProcChance@% chance, and gain @BlademasterBonusAD@ bonus Attack Damage

    Mutant effects change from game to game.Cybernetic Enhancement: Mutants with at least 1 item gain bonus stats.

    (@MinUnits@) @CyberneticHealth@ Health and @CyberneticAD@ Attack Damage

    Mutant effects change from game to game.Voracious Appetite: Mutants grow stronger each time an ally dies.

    (@MinUnits@)+@DarkStarBonus@ Attack Damage and Ability Power

    Mutant effects change from game to game.Metamorphosis: Mutants grow every 2 seconds, gaining bonuses that stack up to 5 times.

    (@MinUnits@) +@ElderwoodDefense@ Armor and Magic Resist, +@ElderwoodOffense@ Attack Damage and Ability Power

    Mutant effects change from game to game.Bio-Leeching: Your team gains Omnivamp (healing for a percentage of all damage dealt).

    (@MinUnits@) @OmnivampValue@% Omnivamp

    Mutant effects change from game to game.Voidborne:
    (@MinUnits@) Mutants execute targets they damage who are below @PredatorThreshold@% Health.
    (@MinUnits@) And Mutants deal @VoidPercent@% of their damage as true damage.
    (@MinUnits@) And Mutants deal @VoidPercent@% of their damage as true damage.

    Mutant effects change from game to game.Mutants gain a different Trait bonus from game to game.

    Cybernetic Enhancement grants bonus stats to Mutants with at least 1 item.
    Voracious Appetite strengthens Mutants on each ally's death.
    Voidborne executes targets below a Health threshold and deals true damage.
    Hyper-Adrenal Glands give a chance for Mutants to deal additional attacks.
    Synaptic Web reduces the Mana cost of Mutants' Abilities.
    Bio-Leeching grants Omnivamp (healing for a percentage of damage dealt) to your team.
    Metamorphosis grants stacking bonuses to Mutants at regular intervals.Protectors shield themselves for @Duration@ seconds whenever they cast an Ability. This shield doesn't stack.

    (@MinUnits@) @ShieldPercent@% maximum Health shieldThis trait is only active when you have exactly 1 unique Rival unit, as Rivals refuse to work together.

    Vi's mana cost is reduced by @ViManaReduction@.

    Jinx gains @JinxEmpoweredAS*100@% Attack Speed for @JinxASDuration@ seconds after scoring a takedown.Innate: When combat starts, Assassins leap to the enemy backline.

    Assassins' Abilities can critically strike and they gain bonus Critical Strike Chance and bonus Critical Strike Damage.

    (@MinUnits@) +@CritChanceAmpPercent@% Crit Chance and +@CritAmpPercent@% Crit Damage
    Your team gains Mana every @TickRate@ seconds.

    (@MinUnits@) @ManaPerTick@ ManaGet a marker that is placeable on the enemy side of the board. The enemy unit closest to the marked becomes the Scoped enemy.

    Scoped unit's autos and spells will always target the Scoped enemy.At the start of combat, components held by Scrap champions turn into full items for the rest of combat. Also, your team gains a shield for each component equipped by your team, including those that are part of a full item.

    (@MinUnits@) @NumComponents@ component, @HPShieldAmount@ shield
    (@MinUnits@) @NumComponents@ components, @HPShieldAmount@ shield
    (@MinUnits@) All components, @HPShieldAmount@ shield(@MinUnits@) Sisters gain empowered skills to compete with each other.
    Vi's Ability range increases by 2 hexes.

    Jinx gains @JinxEmpoweredAS*100@% Attack Speed for @JinxASDuration@ seconds after scoring a takedown.Innate: Snipers gain @HexRangeIncrease@ hex Attack Range.

    Snipers deal bonus damage for each hex between themselves and their target.
    (@MinUnits@) @PercentDamageIncrease@% bonus damageStrikers gain bonus Attack Damage.
    (@MinUnits@) +@ADBoost@ Attack DamageCertain allies are cloaked in shadows, gaining @Armor@ Armor, @MagicResist@ Magic Resist and @PercentOmnivamp@% Omnivamp (healing for a percentage of all damage dealt.)

    (@MinUnits@) The Syndicate champion with the lowest percent Health
    (@MinUnits@) All Syndicate champions
    (@MinUnits@) Your whole team, and the effects are increased by @SyndicateIncrease*100@%
    Jayce adopts melee form when placed in the front 2 rows, and ranged form in the back 2 rows.(@MinUnits@) After each player combat, a random Yordle is added to your bench for free.
    (@MinUnits@) And Yordles' Abilities cost @PercentManaReduction@% less to cast.
    (1) Benefits from the Yordle trait.

    Veigar is summoned from a Yordle Portal when every Yordle is 3-star.

    (@MinUnits@) After each player combat, one or two random Yordles are added to your bench for free.
    (@MinUnits@) And Yordles' Abilities cost @PercentManaReduction@% less to cast.
    Innate: Leap to the enemy backline when combat starts.

    Assassins' Abilities can critically strike and they gain bonus Critical Strike Chance and bonus Critical Strike Damage.

    (@MinUnits@) +@CritChanceAmpPercent@% Crit Chance and +@CritAmpPercent@% Crit DamageAfter you've fielded an Astral team, every 5th shop has increased odds to show Astral champions, and grants a bonus Astral Orb. The orb's value comes from the Astral Trait tier you last fielded.
    Your team gains bonus Ability Power.

    (@MinUnits@) @AbilityPower@ Ability Power
    (@MinUnits@) @AbilityPower@ Ability Power; orb value increases
    (@MinUnits@) @AbilityPower@ Ability Power; orbs may contain componentsEvery 5th Shop has increased odds to show Astral champions, and also grants an Astral orb.
    Your team gains bonus Ability Power.

    (@MinUnits@) @AbilityPower@ Ability Power
    (@MinUnits@) @AbilityPower@ Ability Power; orb value increases
    (@MinUnits@) @AbilityPower@ Ability Power; orbs may contain components(@MinUnits@) Allies that survive player combat have a @DropChancePercent@% chance to create a Doot. Bard always creates a Doot when dancing.

    Each Doot you collect increases your Shop odds for higher-tier champions by 1%. (@MinUnits@) Allies that survive player combat have a @DropChancePercent@% chance to create a Doot. Bard always creates a Doot when dancing.

    Each Doot you collect increases your Shop odds for higher-tier champions by 2%.

    Doots Collected: @TFTUnitProperty.trait:TFT7_BardDootCount@(@MinUnits@) Allies that survive player combat have a @DropChancePercent@% chance to create a Doot. Bard always creates a Doot when dancing.

    Each Doot you collect increases your Shop odds for higher-tier champions by 1%.

    Doots Collected: @TFTUnitProperty.trait:TFT7_BardDootCount@Your team gains bonus maximum Health. Bruisers gain double this bonus.

    (@MinUnits@) @BonusHealth@ HealthInnate: Charge quickly towards their target whenever they move.

    Cavaliers gain Armor and Magic Resist. At the start of combat and after each charge, gain @ChargeIncreasePct@% the amount for @Duration@ seconds.

    (@MinUnits@) @Armor@ Armor, @MagicResist@ Magic ResistSummon a sacrificial altar. Combat start: the unit placed on the altar is sacrificed, granting a copy of one of the items and bonus Health to each Darkflight champion.

    Emblems and non-craftable items are corrupted when they're copied, instead becoming Darkflight Essence.

    (@MinUnits@) @BonusHealth@ Health
    Innate: Require 2 team slots.

    Dragons provide +3 to the marked trait, and gain additional bonuses based on how many Dragons are on your team.

    (@MinUnits@) @BonusHealth@ bonus Health
    (@MinUnits@) and @Defenses@ Armor and Magic Resist
    (@MinUnits@) and @PercentBonusDamage*100@% bonus damage
    (@MinUnits@) and +@TeamSizeIncrease@ to team size
    (@MinUnits@) and heal @Healing@ Health every second
    (@MinUnits@) and your Dragons ascend!Every round, each Trainer feeds 1 Snax per star level to Nomsy, adding Health and Ability Power. Trainers sometimes feed 2 Snax instead. Nomsy's star level increases every 25 Snax!

    (@MinUnits@) Summon Nomsy!
    (@MinUnits@) Nomsy's Ability deals 100% more damageUse the Dragonmancer Blessing item to choose a Hero. The Hero gains massively increased Health and Ability Power, which increases by @StatIncreasePercent@% per star level of your Dragonmancers.

    (@MinUnits@) +@BonusHealth@ Health, +@BonusAP@ Ability Power Evokers gain Mana whenever an ally or enemy casts an Ability.

    (@MinUnits@) @ManaAmount@ ManaOnce per combat at @HealthThreshold@% Health, Guardians shield themselves and their closest ally for a percent of their maximum Health. Shields stack!

    (@MinUnits@) @ShieldPercentAmount@% of max health shieldGrant a unique bonus to your team; Guild members gain double the amount. Increases for each Guild member in play!

    Sejuani: +@SejuaniBonus@ Health
    Twitch: +@TwitchBonus*100@% Attack Speed
    Ryze: +@RyzeBonus@ Ability Power
    Jayce: +@JayceBonus@ Armor and Magic Resist
    Bard: +@BardBonus@ Mana per attack
    Emblem: +@EmblemBonus*100@% Omnivamp

    (@MinUnits@) @TooltipMultiplier@% Guild bonusEvery 5th attack fires a cannon shot that explodes for physical damage around the target.

    (@MinUnits@) @AttackPercent*100@% Attack DamageSummon movable Jade Statues that grow in power.

    Each combat, allies who start combat adjacent to a statue gain maximum Health healing every @Interval@ seconds and bonus Attack Speed. When a statue is destroyed, it deals @PercentHealth@% of its Health as magic damage to nearby enemies.

    (@MinUnits@) 1 statue, +@HealthRegen@% healing, +@AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed
    (@MinUnits@) 2 statues, +@HealthRegen@% healing, +@AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed
    (@MinUnits@) 3 statues, +@HealthRegen@% healing, +@AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed
    (@MinUnits@) 4 statues, +@HealthRegen@% healing, +@AttackSpeed*100@% Attack SpeedSummon a Seastone which grants loot based on the number of Abilities cast by Lagoon champions over time. Lagoon champions also gain Ability Power and Attack Speed.

    (@MinUnits@) @AbilityPower@ Ability Power, @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed

    Total casts: @TFTUnitProperty.trait:TFT7_LagoonCount@
    Gold granted: @TFTUnitProperty.trait:TFT7_LagoonRewardCountGold@
    Rewards granted: @TFTUnitProperty.trait:TFT7_LagoonRewardCount@@TFTUnitProperty.trait:TFT_Modes_TRA1@

    The Seastone grants rewards faster in Hyper Roll!(3) Each combat: An adjacent ally champion sacrifices their life to the Legend, which gains @StatPercent@% of their Health, Armor, and Magic Resistance, plus @APPercent@% of their Ability Power.Mages cast twice and have modified total Ability Power.

    (@MinUnits@) @APMultiplier*100@% Ability PowerPirate's Greed: Gain a chest of loot after each player combat.
    (@MinUnits@) Gain a deckhand's chest.
    (@MinUnits@) Gain a lieutenant's chest.
    (@MinUnits@) Gain a captain's chest.
    (@MinUnits@) Gain an admiral's chest.
    Mirage effects change from game to game.Dawnbringer's Determination: Once per combat, rapidly heal at @DawnbringerPercentHealthThreshold@% Health.

    (@MinUnits@) Heal @DawnbringerPercentHealing@% maximum Health
    (@MinUnits@) Heal @DawnbringerPercentHealing@% maximum Health
    (@MinUnits@) Heal @DawnbringerPercentHealing@% maximum Health; heal a 2nd time
    (@MinUnits@) Heal @DawnbringerPercentHealing@% maximum Health; heal a 2nd time

    Mirage effects change from game to game.Duelist's Dexterity:
    Innate: Mirage units move faster.

    Attacks grant bonus Attack Speed, up to @DuelistMaxStacks@ stacks.

    (@MinUnits@) @DuelistStackingAttackSpeed@% Attack Speed per stack

    Mirage effects change from game to game.Electric Overload: When attacking or being hit by an attack, Mirage units gain a chance to deal @ElectricDamagePercent@% of their maximum Health as magic damage to adjacent enemies.

    (@MinUnits@) @ElectricChance@% chance

    Mirage effects change from game to game.Executioner's Edge: Always critically strike low Health targets with Attacks and Abilities. Gain bonus Critical Strike Damage.

    (@MinUnits@) at @ExecutionerHealthThreshold@% Health, +@ExecutionerCritDamage@% Crit Damage

    Mirage effects change from game to game.Spellsword's Enchantment: Attacks grant Ability Power for the rest of combat.

    (@MinUnits@) @SpellswordAPPerAttack@ Ability Power

    Mirage effects change from game to game.Mirage units gain a different Trait bonus from game to game.

    Electric Overload gains a chance to deal magic damage when attacking or being hit by an attack.
    Warlord's Honor gains bonuses after winning a player combat.
    Dawnbringer's Determination rapidly heals to full at certain thresholds.
    Duelist's Dexterity gains bonus move speed and Attack Speed.
    Spellsword's Enchantment gains Ability Power each attack for the rest of combat.
    Executioner's Edge critically strikes low Health targets and gains bonus Critical Strike Damage.
    Pirate's Greed Gain a loot chest after each player combat.Warlord's Honor: After winning any combat, gain bonus Health and Ability Power.
    Increases by @WarlordPercentIncreasePerStack@% per win, stacks up to 5 times!

    (@MinUnits@) @WarlordBonusHealth@ Health and @WarlordBonusAP@ Ability Power

    Mirage effects change from game to game.(@MinUnits@) Terra empowers 3 hexes on the battlefield. Combat start: units standing in the hex at the start of combat gain @DamageReductionPercent@% damage reduction.Your team gains Magic Resist.

    (@MinUnits@) @MagicResist@ Magic Resist(@MinUnits@) Nomsy gains a random trait each game. She summons a former Trainer to aid her in battle, who also gains this trait.

    Trainers' Ability Power is always equal to Nomsy's Ability Power. When Nomsy dies, Trainers gain @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed.(@MinUnits@) Nomsy is a Mage this game and summons Mage Heimerdinger to aid her in battle.

    Trainers' Ability Power is always equal to Nomsy's Ability Power. When Nomsy dies, Trainers gain @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed.

    Nomsy's trainers cannot hold items.(@MinUnits@) Nomsy is an Evoker this game and summons Evoker Lulu to aid her in battle.

    Trainers' Ability Power is always equal to Nomsy's Ability Power. When Nomsy dies, Trainers gain @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed.

    Nomsy's trainers cannot hold items.(@MinUnits@) Nomsy is a Cannoneer this game and summons Cannoneer Tristana to aid her in battle.

    Trainers' Ability Power is always equal to Nomsy's Ability Power. When Nomsy dies, Trainers gain @AttackSpeed*100@% Attack Speed.

    Nomsy's trainers cannot hold items.Innate: Convert Mana to Rage; attacks generate 15 Rage. After casting an Ability, enrage for 4 seconds: 25% Attack Speed but can't gain Rage.

    Gain stats when enraged:

    (@MinUnits@) @AttackSpeedPercent@% Attack Speed and @Omnivamp@% Omnivamp (healing for a percentage of damage dealt)
    (@MinUnits@) @AttackSpeedPercent@% Attack Speed and @Omnivamp@% Omnivamp
    (@MinUnits@) @AttackSpeedPercent@% Attack Speed and @Omnivamp@% Omnivamp
    (@MinUnits@) @AttackSpeedPercent@% Attack Speed and @Omnivamp@% OmnivampAfter dealing damage with an Ability, launch a firecracker that deals magic damage to a random enemy.

    (@MinUnits@) @MagicDamage@ magic damageScalescorn champions take @PercentDamageReduction@% reduced damage from enemies with more than @HealthThreshold@ health, and they also deal a percent of their damage as additional magic damage.

    (@MinUnits@) @PercentBonusDamage@% magic damageTransforming grants bonus maximum Health.

    (@MinUnits@) @HPPercent@% bonus HealthGrant exclusive random Shimmerscale items.

    (@MinUnits@) @NumItems@ unique item
    (@MinUnits@) @NumItems@ unique items
    (@MinUnits@) @NumItems@ unique items
    (@MinUnits@) @NumItems@ unique items, which includes Crown of Champions

    You can remove Shimmerscale items by benching the holder.(@MinUnits@) Zoe nabs a new Ability after each cast and at the start of every round.Mirage champions gain a different Trait bonus from game to game.(@MinUnits@) The first Starcaller to cast their Ability during player combat heals you for (@Tier1Heal@/@Tier2Heal@/@Tier3Heal@), depending on their star level. Excess healing disintegrates an enemy champion.(@MinUnits@) The first Starcaller to cast their Ability during player combat heals you for (@Tier1HealDU@/@Tier2HealDU@/@Tier3HealDU@), depending on their star level. Excess healing disintegrates an enemy champion.(@MinUnits@) The first Starcaller to cast their Ability during player combat heals you for (@Tier1HealHR@/@Tier2HealHR@/@Tier3HealHR@), depending on their star level. Excess healing disintegrates an enemy champion.Innate: gain 2 hex Attack Range.

    Swiftshots gain Attack Speed for each hex between themselves and their target.

    (@MinUnits@) @BonusAS@% Attack SpeedAfter @DelayTime@ seconds, lightning strikes the battlefield. Enemies are stunned for @StunDuration@ second and take a percent of their maximum Health as true damage. Then, Tempest champions deal increased damage.

    (@MinUnits@) @PercentHealthDamage@% lightning, @DamageAmp@% unit damageAfter combat, each Trainer feeds 1 Snax per star level to Nomsy, adding Health and Ability Power. Nomsy's star level increases every 25 Snax!

    (@MinUnits@) Summon Nomsy!
    (@MinUnits@) Nomsy's Ability deals @DamageInc*100@% more damageWarrior attacks have a @ProcChance@% chance to increase the damage of their next attack.

    (@MinUnits@) +@PercentDamage@% damageWhispers damage shrinks enemies, reducing their Armor and Magic Resist by 40% for @Duration@ seconds.
    When they damage a shrunken enemy, Whispers gain stacking bonuses:

    (@MinUnits@) +@ADandAP@ Attack Damage and Ability PowerAfter each player combat, gain an Astral Orb. The total star level of your Astral champions increases the orb quality.

    Astral champions gain bonus Ability Power.

    (@MinUnits@) @AbilityPower@ Ability Power
    (@MinUnits@) @AbilityPower@ Ability Power
    (@MinUnits@) @AbilityPower@ Ability PowerAfter each player combat, gain an Astral orb. The total star level of your Astral champions increases the orb quality. Orbs in Hyper Roll drop twice as much loot!

    Astral champions gain bonus Ability Power.

    (@MinUnits@) @AbilityPower@ Ability Power
    (@MinUnits@) @AbilityPower@ Ability Power
    (@MinUnits@) @AbilityPower@ Ability PowerInnate: Require 2 team slots.

    Dragons provide +3 to the marked trait, and gain bonuses below.

    (@MinUnits@) @BonusHealth@ bonus Health
    (@MinUnits@) and @Defenses@ Armor and Magic Resist
    (@MinUnits@) and @BonusDamage*100@% bonus damage
    (@MinUnits@) and +@TeamSizeIncrease@ to team size
    (@MinUnits@) and double the Health, Armor, Magic Resist, and damage bonuses

    Grant a unique bonus to your team; Guild members gain double the amount. Increases for each Guild member in play!

    Sejuani: +@TFTUnitProperty.trait:TFT7_Trait_Guild_SejuaniBonus@ Health
    Twitch: +@TFTUnitProperty.trait:TFT7_Trait_Guild_TwitchBonus@% Attack Speed
    Zippy: +@TFTUnitProperty.trait:TFT7_Trait_Guild_DragonBonus@ Armor and Magic Resist
    Jayce: +@TFTUnitProperty.trait:TFT7_Trait_Guild_JayceBonus@ Attack Damage and Ability Power
    Bard: +@TFTUnitProperty.trait:TFT7_Trait_Guild_BardBonus@ Mana per attack
    Emblem: +@TFTUnitProperty.trait:TFT7_Trait_Guild_EmblemBonus@% Omnivamp

    (@MinUnits@) @Multiplier@% Guild bonus

    Grant a unique bonus to your team; Guild members gain double the amount. Increases for each Guild member in play!

    Sejuani: +@SejuaniBaseBonus@ Health
    Twitch: +@TwitchBaseBonus*100@% Attack Speed
    Zippy: +@DragonBaseBonus@ Armor and Magic Resist
    Jayce: +@JayceBaseBonus@ Attack Damage and Ability Power
    Bard: +@BardBaseBonus@ Mana per attack
    Emblem: +@EmblemBaseBonus*100@% Omnivamp

    (@MinUnits@) @Multiplier@% Guild bonus

    Shadow Champions deal increased damage for @Duration@ seconds at combat start and every time they get a takedown.

    (@MinUnits@) +@DamageAmp@% damage
    (@MinUnits@) +@DamageAmp@% damage, refreshed for any Shadow champions' takedownsShapeshifters gain bonus Maximum Health when they transform.

    (@MinUnits@) @HPPercent@% Bonus Maximum Health
    Sharpshooters' attacks and spells ricochet to nearby enemies, dealing reduced damage.

    (@MinUnits@) @MaxBounces@ ricochets with @PercentDamageReduction@% reduced damage

    Slicer attacks have a @ProcChance@% chance to strike multiple times.

    (@MinUnits@) @NumStrikes@ Strikes(@MinUnits@) Snipers deal @PercentDamageIncrease@% increased damage for each hex between themselves and their target.Innate: Sorcerers gain double Mana from Basic Attacks.

    All allies have increased Spell Power.

    (@MinUnits@) +@AP@% Spell Power
    The first Soulbound champion to die in a round will instead enter the Spirit Realm, becoming untargetable and continuing to fight as long as another Soulbound ally is alive.Innate: When combat starts, Shades teleport to the enemy backline.

    Shades dip into the shadows after every @NumberOfAttacks@ attacks, stealthing and causing their next basic attack to deal bonus magic damage.

    (@MinUnits@) @Damage@ bonus damageStar Guardians' spellcasts grant Mana to other Star Guardians, spread among them.

    (@MinUnits@) @ManaRestore@ Total ManaInnate: Starships gain @ManaPerSecond@ mana per second, maneuver around the board, and are immune to movement impairing effects, but can't make Basic Attacks.Steel Champions gain damage immunity for a few seconds when they are reduced below @HealthPercentThreshold@% health.

    (@MinUnits@) @ImmunityDuration@ seconds of immunitySummoned units gain bonus health and last longer.

    (@MinUnits@) +@SummonDurationBoost@% health and summon duration(@MinUnits@) At the start of combat, three random Mech-Pilots are teleported into a Super-Mech.

    The Super-Mech has the Traits of its pilots, 3 random items from among them, and gains 60% of the combined Pilots' health and attack damage.

    When the Super-Mech dies the Pilots are ejected with @EjectedPilotHealthPercent@% of their maximum health and continue to fight.Innate: When combat starts, Assassins leap to the enemy backline.

    Assassins gain bonus Critical Strike Damage and Chance.

    (@MinUnits@) +@CritAmpPercent@% Critical Strike Damage & +@CritChanceAmpPercent@% Critical Strike Chance
    (@MinUnits@) Blademasters' attacks have a @ProcChance@% chance to trigger an additional instant attack against their target.(@MinUnits@) Attacks from Demons have a @ManaDrainProcChance@% chance to reduce their target's Mana by @ManaDrainBurn@ and restore @ManaDrainDrain@ Mana to the Demon.
    (@MinUnits@) Attacks from Glacial champions have a @ProcPercent@% chance to stun their target for @StunDuration@ seconds.
    Gunslinger attacks have a @ProcPercent@% chance to fire additional bullets at other enemies within range, each dealing 100% of the Gunslingers Attack Damage to the target.

    (@MinUnits@) Attack @ExtraTargetsHit@ extra enemies
    (@MinUnits@) Attack @ExtraTargetsHit@ extra enemiesAt the start of combat an allied Hextech champion launches a pulse bomb at a random enemy. When it detonates nearby enemies have @AttackSpeedReductionPercent@% reduced Attack Speed for a few seconds.

    (@MinUnits@) @HexSize@ Hex Radius. @DebuffDuration@ seconds(@MinUnits@) At the start of combat, all Imperial champions are empowered to deal double damage.(@MinUnits@) Ninjas gain @ADValue@ Attack Damage & @APValue@% Ability Power.(@MinUnits@) At the end of each combat against another player, a treasure chest spawns on your board containing up to 4 gold.(@MinUnits@) Every @DelayBetweenBuffs@ seconds Rangers gain +@AttackSpeed@% Attack Speed that lasts @BuffDuration@ seconds. This effect begins @InitialDelay@ seconds after combat starts.
    (@MinUnits@) Robots start combat at full Mana.(@MinUnits@) Shapeshifters gain @HPPercent@% bonus maximum Health when they transform.
    Innate: Sorcerers gain double Mana from attacks.

    All allies have increased Ability Power.

    (@MinUnits@) +@AP@% Ability Power
    At the start of combat select Exemplars become empowered by Justice, gaining @AttackDamage@ Attack Damage and take @DamageReductionPercent@% reduced damage from enemies.

    (@MinUnits@) One random Exemplar is empowered
    (@MinUnits@) All Exemplars are empowered
    (@MinUnits@) Exemplars combine their powers to call upon an Avatar of Justice!Guardians gain bonus Health and take reduced damage from all sources.

    (@MinUnits@) @BlockAmount@ Damage Blocked. @BonusHealth@ Health(@MinUnits@) Void champions' attacks and abilities deal true damage.(@MinUnits@) Wild Champions gain @AttackSpeedPercent@% Bonus Attack Speed after every attack (stacks up to @MaxStacks@ times).(@MinUnits@) Yordles gain +@MissPercent@% bonus Dodge chance.
    Protectors shield themselves for @Duration@ seconds whenever they cast a spell. This shield doesn't stack.

    (@MinUnits@) @ShieldPercent@% Maximum Health Shield(@MinUnits@) Valkyrie attacks and spells always critically hit targets below @PercentHealth@% health. (@MinUnits@) All ally basic attacks ignore @PercentArmorPen@% of the enemy's Armor
    (@MinUnits@) Attacks and spells from Void champions deal true damage.Wardens gain Armor.

    (@MinUnits@) +@ArmorPercentIncrease@% Armor
    Warlords have bonus Health and Spell Power. Each victorious combat they participate in increases the bonus by @VictoryPercent@%, stacking up to @MaxCombats@ times.

    (@MinUnits@) @InitialHealth@ Health & @InitialSP@ Spell PowerSelect allies' Basic Attacks are empowered to grant +@AttackSpeedPercent@% Bonus Attack Speed (stacks up to 5 times).

    (@MinUnits@) Wild Allies Only
    (@MinUnits@) All Allies, and allies' basic attacks cannot be dodged.All allies gain a chance to dodge enemy Basic Attacks.

    (@MinUnits@) @ProcPercent@% dodge chanceAt the start of combat, Woodland Champions make copies of themselves

    (@MinUnits@) One random copy
    (@MinUnits@) All Woodland Champions copyYordles gain a chance to dodge enemy Basic Attacks.

    (@MinUnits@) @MissPercent@% Chance to Dodge
    AlchemistBlasterAstroAvatarBerserkerBlademasterThe BossBrawlerLunarChosenChronoCrystalCultistCyberneticDemolitionistDemonDesertDivineDragoonSpace PirateDruidDuelistDuskElectricEmperorEnlightenedExileFortuneFugitiveImperialInfernoInfiltratorKeeperKnightLightMercenarySteelMoonlightMountainNinjaNobleOceanOozePhantomPiratePoisonPsionRangerMana-ReaverRebelRobotCelestialBlacksmithDazzlerDragonsoulFabledSpiritSyphonerTormentedAbominationCaretakerCavalierCruelDraconicForgottenGod-KingCannoneerHellionInanimateInvokerIroncladLegionnaireRenewerRevenantRedeemedSkirmisherSpellweaverVerdantAcademy ArcanistBruiserChemtechClockworkColossusCuddlySocialiteEnchanterEnforcerMutantGluttonTwinshotBodyguardInnovatorRivalScholarScopedScrapSisterSniperStrikerSyndicateTransformerYordleYordle-LordAstralDarkflightDragonmancerEvokerGuildJadeLagoonMonolithRagewingRevelScalescornShapeshifterShimmerscaleMirageStarcallerSwiftshotTrainerWarriorWhispersShadowSlicerSorcererSoulboundShadeStarshipSummonerMech-PilotExemplarWildTRAIT NAME HERECloudWoodlandAstro:Dragons:Adepts:Blasters:Astral champions:Bards:Battlecast Champions:Blademasters:The Boss Champion:Brawlers:Vanguard Champions:Cavaliers:Chosen:Chrono Champions:Cybernetic Champions:Dark Star Champions:Dazzlers:Demolitionists:Divine Champions:Trainers:Dragonmancers:Dragoons:Space Pirates:Duelists:Dusk Champions:The Emperor:Evokers:Fortune Champions:Guardians:Guild members:Hunters:Infiltrators:Jade champions:Keepers:Legionnaires:Mercenaries:Monoliths:Moonlight Champions:Mystics:ParagonsProdigies:Ragewings:Mana-Reavers:Rebels:Renewers:Revelers:Scalescorn champions:Celestials:Assassins:Ninjas:BlacksmithsDaredevilsDragonsoul UnitsElderwood Champions:Enlightened Champions:Executioners:Exiles:Fabled UnitsMages:SlayersSyphonersTormented Champions:Warlords:Caretakers: Cruel Champions:Invokers:The Ironclads:Knights:Revenants:Abominations: Coven:Dawnbringers:Draconic:Dragonslayers:Eternals:Forgotten:God-Kings:Cannoneers:Hellions:Nightbringers:Rangers:Redeemed ChampionsSentinels:Syphoners:Skirmishers:Verdant:Victorious champions: Academics:Arcanists:Bruisers:Challengers:Chemtech champions:Clockwork championsColossi:Cuddly Champions:DebonairsSocialites:EnchantersEnforcers:MutantsGluttonsTwinshot Champions:Bodyguards:Hextech unitsImperials:InnovatorsMastermindsMercenariesProtectors:Scholars:Scoped UnitsScrap championsSisters:Snipers:StrikersSyndicate champions:TransformersYordles:Darkflight ChampionsLagoons:Legends:Shapeshifters:Warriors:Inanimate champions:Sharpshooters:Shimmerscales:Slicers:Sorcerers:Spell Thieves:Spellweavers:Spirit Champions:Mirage champions:Shade Champions:Star Guardians:Starcallers:Starships:Mech-Pilots:Swiftshots:Demons:Glacials:Gunslingers:Hextech Champions:Pirates:Robots:ExemplarsGuardiansVoid Champions:Wild Champions:Tempest champions:Valkyries:Whispers champions:Yordle-Lords:Cultists:HYPERHYPER TIERYou start with 20 life; each loss will cost you two. But as the game goes on, losses will hurt more and more!FASTER GAMEPLAYNo more spending gold on XP - instead, you level up at the start of each StageNEW LEVELING SYSTEMThere's no extra gold from interest in Hyper Roll, and no streak gold either - focus on building the best team you can!FOCUS ON YOUR TEAMHyper Roll is Teamfight Tactics, but shorter! The stakes are high every round!Welcome to Hyper RollThis champ has the Dawnbringer trait! Let's buy Kha'Zix.[Unused]Play Kha'Zix to get 2 unique Dawnbringers on the board!Not THAT one!This champion has two traits, "Dawnbringer" and "Brawler." Let's build a Dawnbringer team. Buy Gragas!Getting 3 of a kind will create a powerful 2-star champ. Buy a 2nd copy for now!Rare champions are more powerful. Riven is also a Dawnbringer! Buy her.Gragas is both a Dawnbringer and a Brawler.To get a Brawler trait bonus with Gragas, you will need Sett.Buy as many champions as you want. Hint: 3 copies of Gragas will upgrade to a 2-star!Keep collecting Dawnbringer champs!Use this button to close or open the Shop.Remember to close the Shop so you can see the battle.Every player has a Tactician, like me! When you win a round, you deal damage to the other player's Tactician.Once combat starts, you won't be able to add or remove champions from the battlefield.Now, drop the chain vest here, on the same champ, to make a Guardian Angel!Guardian Angel is great because it will revive your champ after it dies. Tap the champ to learn more!Would you like to start the tutorial?Thanks for playing! That's all from me. Hope to see you again in a future game!1 down, 6 to go! We have a good chance to reach the final four!We're going to combine items! First, drag and drop the sword on the marked champ to equip.It's time for you to battle another player's team with your new 2-star champ!Can you get 6 Dawnbringer on the board?Oh no, you spent all your gold! Here's a bit more. Don't spend it all in one place!The Shop button also shows how much gold you have.Keep buying more copies of champs on your team! Can you upgrade Gragas to a 3-star?We need a bigger team. Buy experience points (XP) to level up!Monsters drop loot orbs. Tap to move me here so I can pick it up!Some loot orbs contain items!To play a champion, drag it from the bench and drop on the board.Your level and team size is 4. If you buy XP again, you can play Riven and get 4 Dawnbringer!Your level and team size is now 4, so let's add Sett to your team!Add 1 Gragas to your team by dragging him to the board!You're really getting the hang of this! The timers are on now. Buy and play your champs before time is up!Experiment with formation! Champs with short range, like Brawlers, are better in the front line.Greetings, tactician! Are you new?You can swap champions in and out. Remove your first one from the board to play Soraka with Gragas and Kha'Zix!Champs in the Shop are selected randomly from a shared pool. There's no Dawnbringers or Brawlers! Let's pay to try again.Now that you've activated the Brawler trait, your Brawlers get bonus health.If you don't want a champ or need bench space, sell by dragging to one of the bottom corners. Try it out!When you sell a champion with an item on it, you always get the item back!We're about to fly to your board now!We're all taking turns to pick a free champion. The lowest-health players go first.Let's grab your first champion from the carousel. Tap on the ground to move me. When I touch a champ, I'll pick it up!When the barrier around me comes down, tap the ground to move me. When I touch a champ, I'll pick it up!Items come from the carousel, as well as champions!Teamfight Tactics is a free-for-all drafting tactics game in which you recruit powerful champions, deploy them, and battle to become the last player standing. Here's a quick guide.Look for Radiant items in your next game to give Champions wondrous powers! The Normal queue awaits you Tactician! Or for the competitive spirit, try Ranked.Welcome to Teamfight Tactics!The Dawnbringer trait bonus is activated! After losing 50% of their health, Dawnbringers power up! Tap the trait to learn more.Check out the next trait tier. With 4 Dawnbringer champs in play, they are even stronger after taking damage!This area shows the traits of your team. We need to play 2 different Dawnbringer champs to activate the trait bonus.Now's your chance to create a 2-star champ. Buy a 3rd copy of Gragas!This champion, Lucian, has the Exemplar trait! Let's get him on the team.Vayne has two traits, “Exemplar” and “Ranger.” Let's build an Exemplar team. Buy Vayne!Getting 3 of the same champion will combine them into a powerful 2-star champ. Buy a 2nd copy of Garen for now!Getting 3 of a kind will create a powerful 2-star champion. Buy a 2nd copy of Garen for now.Rare champions are more powerful. Fiora is also an Exemplar! Buy her.Garen is both an Exemplar and a Guardian.To get a Guardian trait bonus with Garen, you will need Darius.Buy all of the champions! Hint: 3 copies of Garen will upgrade to a 2-star.Keep collecting Exemplar champs.After this combat we are going to a special round, the shared draft.Every player is a Tactician, like me! When you win a round, you deal damage to the enemy Tactician.Now, drop the other item here, on the same champ, to make a Guardian Angel!Guardian Angel has the power to revive your champ after they die. Tap the champ to learn more!You still need that champion to finish the tutorial!Thanks for playing! Hope to see you again in a future game!Lets combine items! First, drag and drop the sword to the marked champ to equip.Can you get 6 Exemplar on the board?Placing Champions on the board makes them a part of your team. Let's start with Garen here.Keep buying more copies of champions on your team! Can you upgrade Garen to a 3-star?Since we are level 3 now, our team can have 3 champions on it. Let's play Lucian!Your level and team size is 4. If you buy XP again, you can play Fiora and get 4 Exemplar!Your level and team size is now 4, so let's add Darius to your team!Play Vayne to get 2 unique Exemplars on the board!You're really getting the hang of this! The timers are on now. Buy and play your champions before time is up!Experiment with formation! Champs with short range, like Guardians, are better in the front line.Champs in the Shop are selected randomly from a shared pool. There're no Exemplars or Guardians! Let's pay to try again.Let's use that again later.Now that you've activated the Guardian trait, your Guardians take less damage and have bonus health. So tough!If you don't want a champion, or need bench space, sell by dragging to one of the bottom corners. Try selling this one!Welcome to the shared draft! We're all taking turns to pick a free champion. The lowest-health players go first. Items as well as champions come from the shared draft!Your journey is just beginning, Tactician! You can play Normal mode, or compete for League Points in Ranked queue!Exemplar trait is activated! Traits give your champions extra powers. Tap a trait to learn more about it.Traits can power up! Now at 4 Exemplar all Exemplar champs power up. Just imagine what 6 Exemplar will do.Now's your chance to create a 2-star champ. Buy a 3rd copy of Garen!Every champion has an ability. When the bar below Garen's health fills up, he will spin!Champions fight automatically.Hi, I'm Pengu! In Teamfight Tactics, you'll build a team of champions to battle for you against seven other players. If you're one of the last four standing, you win!Hi, I'm Pengu! In Teamfight Tactics, you'll build a team of champions to battle for you. Become the last one standing to win!Grotto of the Secret SpaUmbra's RetreatAo Shin's Summit SpaPoggles' PoolsCLEAR ALLTier @Tier@You have unlocked Three Honors Malzahar for reaching Honor Level 5. Thank you for being honorable!unusedThis is a sample tips string.
    And I can have multiple lines of texts.
    This is a new line.In case you don't know, tips are randomly chosen
    from a huge list.We may need to have a backdrop for tips area,
    so it's aesthetically better, and easier to
    make sure the texts fits inside the intended area.ARAM's bench comes to ARURF!Launch yourself across the map with the new catapult at your base!Champion CatapultNow Elder Dragon gives you every dragon buff and Baron gives you Rift Herald!Epic MonstersWe made balance changes to make the 10 most powerful champions a bit weaker and the 10 worst champions a bit stronger.URF'ed ChampionsNow you get gold whenever minions die near you, so you're earning gold even if you don't get the last hit.Better Cooperative LaningJoin the club to earn a random temporary skin boost, an extra reroll per game, and crazy finisher effects!Golden Spatula ClubFights constantly break out on a compact map with special events and rewards adding a touch of chaos.Estimated game time: 15 minutesThis is Nexus BlitzRoam as two junglers to share gold, XP, and buffs when clearing camps together.Join up in the jungleKill and assist hotstreaks set you on fire, making you much stronger—but also easier to kill.Get good, go on fireWe've been marooned on a strange planet! If we extract enough Ora from the local wildlife, we can repair the Morningstar and escape!Crash-Landed!Sometimes, an ally will fall in battle. If they do, stand near their body and they'll be up in no time!Save That Nerd!Play Odyssey: Extraction to unlock Augments, powerful upgrades that you can equip between games. Collect them all, create new builds, and overcome greater challenges!Power Up!Choose a champion from the store and recruit them with gold. Then, drag them from the bench to the battlefield to deploy them.

    Combine three of the same champion to create a stronger, two-star version of that champion.Recruit.Champions have traits and earn bonuses when deployed with other champs that share those traits.

    Positioning matters! Experiment with different layouts to find the best results.Deploy.Each round, your team teleports to an enemy's arena (or vice-versa). Champions fight automatically, and if your team is defeated, your Tactician takes damage.

    When your Tactician's health reaches 0, you're out of the game.Battle.Summoner's Rift with a twist! Pick One of 3 Random Ultimates to Gain as a Summoner SpellA New Way To Play!This Is Ultimate Spell Book An accelerated game mode with shorter games, more gold, more exp and more Ultimates!Controlled ChaosAuto-Smite takes care of Buff & Epic monsters, junglers are free to take another Summoner!New tools for Junglers!In a vast and dark universe, young warriors are chosen by fate to protect the light of the stars. They are destined to burn bright, but collapse as furiously as they shine.Once each millenium an ancient, godlike entity descends from the heavens, choosing worthy warriors to be his will incarnate. These beings are the Arclight—immortal agents of the light divine.The glorious revolution is here! Assembling an army of machines with living brains, Viktor marches against the combined forces of his enemies—with only a scrappy human-led resistance keeping him from total world domination.Culinary Masters," the incredibly popular cooking competition reality series, is streaming now. Everywhere. On all the platforms. All 1000 episodes from each of the 50 seasons. Even "Culinary Masters Superstars." And "Celebrity Culinary Masters." Start binging today.For some species, the hunt is more than mere sport—it possesses their minds and bodies, molding them into a race of perfect killing machines.Powerful guardians stand watch over the tomb of an ancient horror, so that it may never threaten the world again. But they may already be too late...From the Gingerbread Castle to the Root Beer Sea, the Licorice Mountains to the Gumdrop Forest—this is the Candy Kingdom in all its glory.Gnar's toy chest is brimming with priceless treasures, but when no one's home, his toys take on a life of their own...Rival empires vie for power as they attempt to unify the lands, while brave warriors and stoic generals test their skill against the greatest heroes of the era. It is a time of war, and a time of legends.A voice echoes from the silence: “Writhe, beasts, brethren. The moons of a doomed Ionia rise like eyes of starved demons, awaiting the red of your fealty—or are they monstrous blights that cannot pass? Either way, we are vessels plunged in ritual and sacrifice. At the moon's peak, we carve flesh from flesh, offering the meager gift of all that we are.”When colossal kaiju begin attacking from the sea, land, and air, humanity develops equally powerful mecha units to stop them in explosive hand-to-hand combat.In the end, the moon will smother the sun. And in that hopeless dawn, four titans will rise to shatter the world itself.At the height of the industrial revolution, travelers begin pouring into the untamed west, searching for fortune and prosperity among the unknown horrors of a cruel and ancient world. It is a time of brave gunslingers and rotten scoundrels, inscrutable gods, and savage demons.From the urbanized coreworlds to the outermost edge of the galaxy, adventure awaits! The great Demaxian Empire ignores the objections of the Templar Order and the criminal Syndicate alike in their pursuit of ora—a mysterious golden essence that serves as the lifeblood of all civilization, and promises untold power to those who can wield it for themselves…Among the mega-structures and packed streets of a future controlled by global corporations, a shadow war rages between rebellious, augmented humans, and newly empowered artificial beings. The winners will shape the course of history… and the losers will be forced to evolve.Chaos and OrderAfter unlocking the secrets of time travel, these champions are thrust into a far-flung dystopian future. While Chrono-enforcers relentlessly pursue them across time and space, a small few have escaped into history—taking their technology along for the ride.Once fractured by endless warfare, the collective Queendoms of Elysia have realized the true nature of their world: that the magic holding their fantastical plane together is maintained only through conflict. They have thus allied through the unifying conflict of the Grand Coronation, though some alliances are beginning to show cracks...The Black Mist gathers, the Harrowing comes, and the Ruined King has risen once more. Viego's corruption blankets Runeterra, turning friends into foes and bringing entire nations to their knees. The only ones with the power to stop him are the Sentinels of Light: an ancient order led by Senna and Lucian. They must call upon champions from every corner of the realm to fight back the Black Mist and end the Ruined King's reign of terror once and for all.In a world of frequently-broken magical alliances and centuries-old grudges, the annual Crystal Rose Festival offers a neutral ground for the powerful to forgive slights and renegotiate truces. Weapons are ostensibly left at the door, and potential new pacts are signaled by picking and wearing the magical roses that grow only during the festival.Each year, a mischievous Lunar Beast arrives in the mortal realm, drawn to the New Year's celebrations. And each year, the corresponding Lunar God selects a squad of chosen champions to lead the beast on a merry chase and protect the city from the creature's playful rampage. The Lunar Parade is a beloved part of the New Year's festivities and the Beast itself brings good luck once it's been lulled to rest by the squad's efforts. When a Lunar Beast is well-entertained and well-rested, it always signals a prosperous New Year!In a groovy galaxy a million disco infernos away, a mysterious energy known only as The Groove brings music and prosperity to trillions of galactic citizens. But when the alien overlord Lissandra and her army of Harsh Vibes begin to enslave planets and suppress disco music, a new age of heroes rises to stop her, and keep the party grooving.High above Arcana, the Archetypes, living patterns that shape reality itself, struggle to trace their vision upon the chaos below them. The Archetypes recruit perceptive citizens of the world below to amplify their hidden patterns—and the more who magnify an Archetype's pattern, the more the world reflects their grand design.In the vibrant underground of Sound City, hackers, skaters, rebels, and rogues band together away from the prying eyes of powerful cyber-corporate overlords.Eldritch horrors lurk within the crime and grime of Valoran City. Black markets have given rise to Elixirs: a valuable substance of dubious origin whose production spells money and influence should any gang corner the market. Spurred on by agents of corruption, capos and cronies alike look to forces beyond the veil for a taste of true power.Only the truest hearts are blessed by the divine fenghuang, a legendary phoenix who watches over the world. Her champions receive a single feather—each one containing unimaginable elemental power, granting them the means needed to protect all that is innocent and good from forces lurking in the shadows. In the vast darkness of space are born terrible, beautiful things—Cosmic creatures of sublime love, and the unknowable monstrosities of the Dark Star. These are the children of silent gods, and they are finally coming home.In a realm consecrated to dark and uncaring gods, where mortals clash in ceaseless, bloody sagas of metal, one band rose above all others: Pentakill, chosen of the Noisome Host. Now revered in temples and arenas across the land, their supremacy has become absolute—though a time of change is approaching, and the cycle may soon begin anew...Good food is magic—literally! In a world of elegant tea times and enchanted pastries, mages make magical macarons, craft charmed croissants, and serve up sorcerous scones to scores of customers eager to get a taste.In the cities of Piltover and Zaun, unrest stirs as inventors and thieves, politicians and crime lords chafe against the constraints of a society torn asunder. Discovery and danger intertwine as heroes are born and bonds are broken. Will this power change the world, or lead it to ruin?Power, wealth, and glamour collide in the penthouses and exclusive clubs of Nox Vegas, where truly beautiful people hold the world in their palms. Yet as night falls on the city of lights, the knives come out—influence is the name of the game, and nobody likes to lose.In a world where ancient spirits and magical creatures thrive in the periphery of modern society, powerful porcelain artifacts called the Zodiac Relics are key to unlocking immense power. They are kept safe by the Protectors: immortal guardians tasked with keeping the Relics out of the wrong hands.Bearing weapons imbued with lightning magic through the deadly Cloud Ritual, Shockblades are an order of mysterious shinobi warriors tasked with protecting humankind from malevolent spirits and monsters. They travel between the mortal and spirit realms to chase down threats no one else can touch, safeguarding the future for all denizens of the mortal world.Humankind is on its last legs, nearly defeated by a high-tech army of deep-sea invaders called the Primordians. Enter Anima Squad: elite fighters using salvaged Primordian tech to push back against the end of the world. To save humanity, they will have to fight like an animal.Many ages long past, a great king waged a glorious war: to break the shackles of magic on the world, so that mankind could forge its own destiny. Yet upon severing the final font of enchantment, the king was lost, the foundations of the world crumbled, and his once-legendary knights were left alone to madness, ruin, and ash.It's summer, baby! The sun's out, the breeze's warm, and the water's cool. Everybody's leaving their rivalries and grudges at home, and bringing only swimsuits and good vibes. There'll be plenty of time for punching and yelling later. Just sit back, enjoy the music, and soak up the fun.Twice did dragonfire consume the world. Twice from the embers were heroes forged.The grind isn't just work. It's the struggle, the hustle, sometimes invigorating, sometimes demoralizing. It's a weeklong rollercoaster with comedic bends and tragic drops, only to start all over again on Monday. Are we working hard or hardly working? It's all the same on the grind.A totally normal universe with nothing duplicitous, treacherous, or disingenuous going on. Definitely not.A war-torn galaxy attempts to rebuild, but old wounds remain. Bounty hunters and corporate agents have filled the power vacuum, some piloting dangerous combat exo suits with godlike abilities. In response, megacorporations leverage private armies to enforce their will across the far-flung colonies of space. War never dies; it only changes battlefields.Fire, sulfur, and death. There is no returning to what the world was before the Ashen Lord rose. It is a dream, lost to the searing lava rivers beneath volcano-strewn lands. Now a new age begins, one that will burn for eternity.Though the rigid laws, empires, and political turmoil that lead to the Rune War have since faded into antiquity, the tales of legendary battles fought on the Fields of Justice are kept alive by the remnants of the Magelords and Protectorate. The Marauders and Wardens continue their ancestors' legacy of war and animosity, despite how removed they are from those initial conflicts.When the war came, Omega Squad was sent to end it. Now only one of them remains, a yordle with no battles left to fight but his own...It's the 22nd century; body augmentation is a common part of society. Humanity's limits change constantly, creating an unheard of sense of optimism and possibility. Every four years, nations put aside their conflicts in the spirit of harmony and competition in the Zenith Games. They enter not to show the world what's possible, but what it might become.Parents tell their children stories of wicked witches and the like, those that lurk the streets one night each year. "Stay in your bed, little one, for darkness is their friend." These tales are only partly true; while the ghouls of this enchanted evening love a good scare, they'd never harm a hair on a child's head. Except for the very naughty ones.In small close-knit towns across the globe, there's always that one house children decide is the stuff of nightmares. No matter how many times these monstrous inhabitants welcome them in for a good night of casting spells and howling at the moon, the normies never seem to take them up on their offer.Sure, it's about sold out stadiums, the high-fashion swagger, the cheering crowd; but it's also about speakers cranked so loud, your ears ring like they want to sing along. About hot stage lights, pounding bass, and the steady rhythm of the drums. It's about that adrenaline high, igniting you from the inside out. This feeling? This is music.In a world where heavy metal reigns supreme, PENTAKILL are the undisputed masters of melting the face right off your head. Six members, two penta-platinum albums, and the chrome-fisted fury of the gods themselves. It's time to rock!Danger lurks in the land of Runeterra! Powerful monsters, dastardly sorcerers, and mythical creatures roam unchecked! Gather your friends and create your own adventure for 3-5 players, vanquishing evil with each roll of the die. Do you have what it takes to save the world, and become a legend of RIFTQUEST?Lunar New YearFolded EdgesThe BadgeHighway HereticsZombie VS SlayersLost EmpireWoad TribeWarring KingdomsMoons of IoniaHigh Noon GothicThe Ruined King SagaCyberpopCloudedgeAnimaTechSunkissed SummerThe GrindIron FirmamentAges of RuneterraInstitute of WarKinetex MachinaBeesNeighborhood NightmareYe OldeRiot RecordsBe MineStar VoyagersGod WeaponRiftquestCollector EditionWar is HeckFour BeastsReleased in 2018 as part of Odyssey event.Earned for completing the 2018 Odyssey mission: Crew of the Galaxy.